ALBRECHT: Frances/1856-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1850-1931 Tombstone Frank Albrecht/Father/1850-1931 Tombstone Joseph/1889-1968, ossw: Mary/1891-1981 Anton/Father/1861-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth/Mother/1862-1953 TombstoneANDERLE: Jan/Lyn V. u. B./Anderle/narozen 21 List 1880/zemrel 3 Kvet 1895 Tombstone
AUGUSTINE: Anna/1879-1963 Photo, ossw: John J./1878-1927 Paul P./1912-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Kathryn/1918-2010 Tombstone
BARTA: John Barta/1937-2005 Tombstone, ossw: Myrtis Barta/1929-2004 Tombstone Lucille Barta/1909-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Sylvester Barta/1909-1996 Tombstone
BASKA: Vaclav Baska/narozen 19 Brez 1857/zemre. 14 Cerv 1893 Tombstone
BAUMANN / BAUMAN: Anton/1914-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes/1923-2017 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Hubert/1919-1962 Tombstone, next to: Hubert J. Bauman/Wisconsin/Pfc Hq. Co. OM Sec Base 7/World War II/ July 9, 1919 - Dec. 26, 1962 (note diff. spelling) Tombstone Joseph/1879-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1884-1971 Tombstone Joseph Baumann/Baby/born & died/Mar. 15, 1941 Quiren/1908-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Evelyn/1917-1994 Tombstone See PECH
BAXA: Catherine Baxa (no other information) Joseph Baxa (no other information) Frances Baxa/Mother/1856-1929 Frank Baxa/Apr. 2, 1887/May 10, 1977 John Baxa/Oct. 5, 1882/Apr. 30, 1952 James Baxa/1880-1943 (Wenzel Baxa/d. July 1893/from obit)
BERGER: Frank/1883-1974, ossw: Anna/1889-1964 Joseph/1873-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1880-1946 Tombstone
BIELY: Angeline/Mother/1907-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Judith Ann/Daughter/1944-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Charles/Father/1902-1973 Tombstone Daniel Biely/Son/1907-1924, ossw: Anna/Mother/1878-1931 George Biely/1887-1957
BILY: Josef Bily/narozen 14 Brez. 1877/zemrel 9 Zari 1907
BLAHA: Joseph/1878-1951, ossw: Barbara/1883-1954
BLAHNIK: Clarence/1909-1974 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Julia/1912-1998 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Kenneth/1938-1962 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Kenneth C. Blahnik/Wisconsin/Pfc US Marine Corps Res/Aug. 13, 1938 - July 11, 1962 Tombstone + Photo Lester/1918-1965 Photo, ossw: Margaret/1926-___, next to: Lester W. Blahnik/Wisconsin/Sgt. Hq Co 6 Armored/World War II/Aug. 11, 1918 - Oct. 28, 1965 Photo Joshua Blahnik/Jul 8, 1983-Sep 23, 1983 Tombstone + Photo
BONK: Ronald J. Bonk/Aug. 28, 1934/Sept. 29, 1934/son
BOUBIN: John Boubin/d. 25 Oct. 1878
BRANDL: Theresa/wife of Jos. Brandl/born Oct. 27, 1834/died Aug. 25, 1919 Joseph Brandl/died Dec. 23, 1909/88 yrs.
BRANTLE: Jos. Brantle/Jan. 23, 1875/July 30, 1919 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Rosy/his wife/Aug. 23, 1885- Tombstone + Photo
BRAUN: Reverend William Braun/born Aug. 24, 1884/ordained June 5, 1908/died Oct. 4, 1918 Tombstone
BREY: Michael/Father/1870-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta/Mother/1875-1947 Tombstone Anna/Mother/1838-1920 Tombstone, ossw: George/Father/1832-1917 Tombstone John Brey/1902-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Brey/1892-1979 Tombstone Quirin Brey/1909-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Brey/1912-1979 Tombstone
BREZINSKI: Joan Marie Brezinski/Sept. 2, 1949-Dec. 5, 2013 Tombstone + Photo
BRIES: Kelly Marie/Oct. 31, 1988/Dec. 5, 2001
BRUNNER: Rev. Georg Brunner/priester/Geb. 4 Mar. 1847/Gest. 7 Apr. 1902 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Michael Brunner/Geb. in Maxberag Bohem/28 Jan. 1825/Gest. 1 Mai 1895/und seine gattin/ Tombstone + Photo Anna Maria/Geb. in Stachesried Europa/5 Mar. 1842/Gest. 15 Feb. 1899 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Martin Brunner/Geb. in Maxbera Bohmen/25 Mar. 1800/Gest. 16 Mai 1884 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara Brunner/Geb 7 Oct 1827/Gest 14 April 1908 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1866-1922 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1864-1953 Tombstone
BURESH: Emma Buresh/died Apr. 10, 1904/aged 6 years
BURISH: Joseph Burish/1885-1969 Anton Burish/1857-1933, ossw: Catherine Burish/1857-1936 Louis J. Burish/Nov. 3, 1892/Oct. 7, 1968 Gordon F./Jan. 21, 1915/Feb. 4, 2006/SGT US Army A.F. WWII Emily A. Burish/July 23, 1914-July 26, 2014
CARROLL: Bridget Carroll/Feb 1, 1864-Aug 31, 1890
CERNY: Josef/sin/J.M. Cerny/stari 6 roku/zemrel v./roku 1883, ossw: Amalie/dcera/J. & M. Cerny/stari 2 Mesica/zemrela v./roku 1892, next to: Iron cross, no inscription visible.
CHARNEY: Emil/Father/1878-1948, ossw: Agnes/Mother/1890-1949 Victor/1917-1973, ossw: Evelyn/1917-1992
CHASENSKY: Ray/1921-1985, ossw: Ann/1923-1965
CHERNEY: Jerome W./Father/1914-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Jean P./Mother/1930-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Audrey A./Daughter/1948-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Richard J./Son/1951-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Helen M./Mother/1923-1952 Tombstone Jozef Cherney/Otec/Zem. 20 Cervna 1869/stari 62 roku Tombstone + Photo Mary Rose/daugh. of Jean & Jerome Cherney/April 21, 1955/July 21, 1955 Tombstone Paul/Father/1864-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1873-1949 Tombstone (Lilly Cherney/Jul 22, 1905-Aug 24, 1905/from record) John Cherney/1896-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Cherney/1901-1986 Tombstone, ossw: George HAVLOVITZ/1868-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Frances HAVLOVITZ/1879-1972 Tombstone Charles A. Cherney/1880-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Rose Cherney SHIMEK/1884-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Charles J. SHIMEK/1886-1944 Tombstone, next to: La June Cherney/1933-1934 Tombstone Zde odods juau/pgnu zesruit/John u. Anna Cherney Joseph Cherney/1846-1928 Tombstone Mary Cherney/1864-1936 Tombstone + Photo Lester Cherney/May 23, 1933/Feb. 25, 2007 Tombstone + Photo Doris M. Cherney/Aug 20, 1932-Nov 28, 2016 Photo See HEIER
CHIZEK: Frank/1891-1954, ossw: Celia/1891-1968, ossw: Joseph/Father/1869-1937, ossw: Katherine/Mother/1872-1941 Louis A./1916-1974 Photo, ossw: Marcella A./1917-2011
CHUPITA: Joseph/1876-1923, ossw: Catherine Chupita/1874-1960 Julius/1903-1983, ossw: Blanche/1904-1993 John E. Chupita/June 19, 1933/June 28, 2004 Katharina Chupita/d. Nov. 14, 1926/from obit (Joseph Chupita/d. May 1909)
CHVALA: Wencel J./Father/1887-1963, next to: Emma/Mother/1891-1936 Wencel/1917-1995 Photo, ossw: Marie/1916-1969 Caroll Chvala/Dec. 3, 1930-June 29, 2014 Photo Allen W. Chvala/Oct 24, 1943-Jun 17, 2018 Photo
CIGLER: Charles/Father/1897-1955, ossw: Anna/Mother/1901-1985
CISLER: Marie/Manzettia J. Cisler/zemrela 22 Zari 1889/v. stari 64 roku See JANDA
CIZEK: Jan Cizek/narozen 24 Brez 1829/zemrel 2 Cerv. 1881 Tombstone, ossw: Katerina Cizek/narozena roku 1841/zemrela 11th Srpna 1923 Tombstone Vaclav Cizek/v stari 11 Let a/i/mesice
COOKLE: Dean Edward Cookle/Jan. 2, 1954/Feb. 12, 1954 Tombstone
CREJCAREK: Katerina/wife of F. Crejcarek/died 2 Mar. 1881/aged 26 years
CUPITA: Arnost Cupita/uarodil st. u zemrel/23 Brezna 1899 Otec, Jan Cupita/Nar. 9 Kvetna 1833/Zem. 20 Dubna 1910, ossw: Katerina Cupita/Nar. 27 Unora 1842/Zem. 14 Lis. 1924 Jan Cupita/Narozen 11 Riina 1874/zemrel 11 Srpna 1890
CYPRIAN: Rudolph Cyprian/d. Nov 1, 1957/from obit
DECKER: Alzbeta Decker/narozen 2 Cerv'ce 1894/zemrel 5 Unora 1895 Edward F./1892-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Emily M./1895-1966 Tombstone Edward Decker/narozen 5, Ledna 1904/zemrel 24 Kvetan 1906 Tombstone Joseph/Father/1864-1948, ossw: Anna/Mother/1868-1943, next to: Footstones: Frank Decker, Matt Decker Rev. James W. Decker/In pious memory of /born in Kellnersville, Wis./ February 12, 1890/ordained to the priesthood/April 14, 1916/died June 27, 1935 John/1883-1962, ossw: Mary/1886-1966 Martin Decker/Nar. 29 Cerv 1866/Zem. 7 Dub 1917 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Mary Decker/Nar. 12 Pros 1875/Zem. 29 Vet 1946 Tombstone + Photo Sorny Decker/Oct. 7, 1896-Oct. 21, 1896/no stone/from record Mathias/Father/Mar. 8, 1861/Dec. 17, 1942, ossw: Barbara/Mother/Oct. 17, 1868/Feb. 14, 1921, next to: Josef Decker/narozen dne 19 Unora roku 1831/zemrel dne 21 Zari roku 1897, ossw: Marie Decker/marozilla/3 List 1833/zemrela 14 Brezna 1905 Anna Decker/1845-1933 Tombstone, next to: Margareta Deckrova/zemrela 13 Cerv. 1880/stari 45 roku Tombstone Joseph Decker/1916-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Mayme Decker/1922-2002 Tombstone William G. Decker/1913-2005 Florence E. Decker/Aug 23, 1921-Feb 25, 2016 Photo See DECKROVA
DECKROVA: See DECKER (Note: the following information provided by William Novachek, Matt Decker buried over Margareta Deckrova.)
DEETS: John E. "Jack" Deets/Jun 21, 1929-Aug 20, 2019 Photo
DEKR: Josef Dekr/narozen 11 Unora 1888/zemrel 3 Prost 1894 Tombstone
DENOBLE: Harry Denoble/1910-1986
DENOR: Annie Denor/Geb. 6 Okt. 1893/Gest. 21 Juli 1894, ossw: Eddie Denor/Geb. 17 Nov. 1894/Gest. 30 Marz 1895 Frank/son of J. & M. Denor/born Aug. 1, 1920/died Aug. 8, 1920 Tombstone Clarence Denor/died Dec. 12, 1922/age 40's Tombstone Robert Denor/Nov. 27, 1934/Jan. 5, 1935 Tombstone, next to: (note: small stone placed flat over old stone.) Dau. of A.O. HUSAR/born June 23, 1916/died Mar. 15, 1919 Joseph/Sept. 8, 1884-Feb. 18, 1974,ossw: Mary/1891-1983 Peter/Father/1881-1959, ossw: Catherine/Mother/1880-1933, next to: Joseph Denor/Son/1908-1953, next to: David/son of H. & R. Denor/May 1946 Catherine Denor/Mother/1860-1937, next to: Peter Denor/Father/1854-1926, next to: John Denor/1886-1966 Irene A. Denor/Jan. 22, 1927-March 13, 2013/from obit
DEWANE: Robert Dewane/1931-2001 Tombstone, ossw: Janette E. Dewane/July 10, 1928-Nov. 10, 2012 Tombstone
DE YOUNG: Anna De Young/1879-1964 Tombstone
DOHNAL: Edwin Dohnal/1906-1995 Photo Viola Dohnal/1908-1995 Photo
DRASNER: Henry/1898-1965, ossw: Olive/1896-1978
DUFEK: Tomas Dufek/Nar. 12 Srp. 1835/Zem. 17 Unora 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Katerina Dufek/Nar. 24 Cer. 1840/Zem. 17 Led. 1919 Tombstone Elizabeth Dufek/1872-Mar. 1934/from obit/no stone See SUSTA
EBENHOE: Edward/1917-1964 Photo, ossw: Charlotte/1921-1991 Photo Howard L. Ebenhoe/Mar 26, 1959-Jul 6, 2018 Photo Lorraine A. Ebenhoe/Dec 9, 1945-Sep 5, 2018 Photo
EBERT: Elizabeth Anne Ebert/-July 13, 1995- Tombstone John J. Ebert/1937-2001 Terrance R. Ebert /1983-2007/from obit Russell E. Ebert/Oct 23, 1945/Dec 5, 2017 Tombstone + Photo
ELMER: Henry A./1885-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/1888-1982 Tombstone Alvin F. Elmer/Oct. 22, 1914/Dec. 4, 1996/US Navy WWII
ERTL: Maria Ertl/Gest. 7 Sept. 1903/alter 67 jahre
FAJFRDLIK: Vit Fajfrdlik/Nar. 7 Ruun 1827/Zem. 19 Vimo 1907 Tombstone, ossw: Marie Fajfrdlik/Nar. 15 Sijma 1831/Zem 23 Unora 1915 Tombstone
FAJT: Anna Fajt/narozena 22 Pros. 1866/zemrela 7 Led. 1870 Tombstone Jan Fajt/Zem. 1 Pros. 1917/stari 99 roku, ossw: Katarina Fajt/Zem. 16 Dub. 1900/stari 80 roku John/1862-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1865-1961 Tombstone, next to: Edvarda Fajt/narozen 25 Dub. 1891/zemrel 19 Cou 1907
FEIT: John E./Sept. 13, 1890/Aug. 7, 1958 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/Dec. 12, 1892/Dec. 20, 1989 Tombstone John Feit/1862-1944/from obit Mary Feit/1865-1961/from obit Frank A./Apr. 20, 1900/Feb. 13, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara C./June 22, 1904/July 8, 1958 Tombstone
FIDLER: Clarence W./1924-1977, ossw: Helen/1920-1996 William/1891-1925 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1896-1974 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Joseph/1892-1978 Tombstone, next to: Joseph J. KUBSH/Pvt US Army/WW I/July 21, 1892/Feb. 19, 1978 Tombstone Leo J. Fidler/June 18, 1922/Mar. 7, 2004 Marion L. Fidler/Nov. 26, 1927-Aug. 22, 2012 Photo
FILIP: John/Father/1863-1950, ossw: Mary/Mother/1869-1945
FISCHER: Dora Fischer/Mother/1870-1952 Herman Fischer/1905-1989 Tombstone Edwin Fischer/1895-1988
FISHER: Reuben R. Fisher/Wis Pfc 3614 Suc Comd. Unit/WW II/Nov. 5, 1909 - Aug. 5, 1956
FOGELTANZ: Edward L./1909-1970 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1907-2002 Tombstone Henry J./1902-1954 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Henry J. FOGLETANZ/Wisconsin/Pfc US Army/World War II/March 22, 1902/Feb. 28, 1954 Tombstone + Photo Mildred A. Fogeltanz/1906-2000 Tombstone + Photo Leo E./Dec. 20, 1930/Dec. 31, 1998/married Apr. 19, 1952 Marjorie C. Fogeltanz/Nov. 22, 1931-Dec. 25, 2013/from obit John Fogeltanz/1899-1990 Photo Monica Fogeltanz/1914-1991 Photo
FRANK: David A. Frank/1958-1979
FREIMUTH: Charles/1896-1969 (15 Oct. 1896/Oct. 1969/SSDI), ossw: Emma/1896-1980 Wencil/Father/1862-1936 Photo, next to: Dora/Mother/1864-1950 David/July 24, 1956 George Freimuth/1916-1999 Leona Freimuth/1920-1997 June S. Freimuth/April 11, 1930-Feb. 6, 2014/from obit Paul J. Freimuth/June 21, 1932-Jan. 10, 2011/from obit
FRELICH: Edward Frelich/1910-1990 Florence Frelich/1911-1980 Bernard J. Frelich/Oct 18, 1929/Aug 18, 2020
FRISH: Josef Frish/Nar. 6 Brez 1865/Zem. 4 Brez 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Frish/1867-1954 Tombstone Mary/1891-1978, ossw: Wencil/1887-1976, ossw: Anna/1881-1919
FROLICK: Celestine Frolick/1924-1925
FROLIKOVA: Marije Frolikova/Zde odpociua nase/draha deeruska/narobila se uroce 1895/ 31 Kuerna zemrela/Uroce 1895 27 Ha/srpng spi drabe dyte/odpoedwj sladce
GENEFELS: Tomas Genefels/narozen 17 Srpna 1870/zemrel 2 Cervce 1894 Tombstone, ossw: Tomas/1yr T. u. M. Genefels/narozen 20 List 1894/zemrel 12 Cerv'ce 1895 Vaclav Genefels/narozen 6 Cervce 1865/zemrel 16 List. 1888
GERL: Frank A./1884-1959, next to: Frank Gerl/born Feb. 2, 1845/died Jan. 20, 1914 Tombstone (Anna Gerl/1859-d. Jun 29, 1931/from obit) Jacob Gerl/born Apr. 18, 1900/died Apr. 23, 1900 Marja Gerl/Geb. 1821/Gest. 6 Nov. 1908/alter 87 jah. 7 mo., ossw: Franz Gerl/Geb. 1819/Gest. 8 Mai 1899/alter 79 jah. 8 mo. Jacob Gerl/Nar. 22 Jan. 1826/Zem. 10 July 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara J. Gerl/Geb. 5 Sept. 1826/Gest. 25 April 1904 Mary/1879-1966/see STRANSKY-have obit
GILBERTSON: Diane K. Sauer Gilbertson/Sept. 5, 1943/July 13, 1992
GRALL: Evelyn/WANEK/Grall/1918-1937 Carrie Grall/nee Tisler/Dec. 18, 1877-July 7, 2011 Photo
GREENE: Harold Greene/Dec 7, 1950-Jul 26, 2011 Tombstone + Photo
GRIMM: Perry Grimm/Apr. 16, 1955/Nov. 20, 2000
GRUBER: Jiri Gruber/narozen/v roku 1804/????? 20 Cervna 1901/stari 4? roku Tombstone M or Nase matka/Katerina Gruber/narozena/v roku 1818/v Bvrieiel v Cecbuch/v zemrela 6 Ritna/1880, next to: Two iron crosses, no inscriptions visible.
GRUSZCZYNSKI: James Sr./1905-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Sylvia/1909-1993 Tombstone
GUDMUNDSEN: Josephine (Neidl) Gudmundsen/1892-1918 Tombstone, ossw: NEIDL See NEIDL
GUPITA: Frantisek Gupita/narozen/6 Srp. 1871/zemrel 6, Kvet 1909
HAAS: Florence A. Haas/July 11, 1919/July 13, 1920 Tombstone Joseph Haas/born Nov. 18, 1851/died Jan. 31, 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Haas/born Mar. 24, 1850/died Jan. 12, 1937, next to: Joseph/1878-1967, ossw: Mary/1887-1927 Micheal/sohn von J. und M. Haas/Geb. 11 Nov. 1881/Gest. 7 Nov. 1884, ossw: (Michael spelled like so on transcription) Mathias/sohn von J. und M. Haas/Geb. u. Gest. 31 Juni 1891 Edward Haas/1908-1989 Photo Joseph Haas/1916-1987 Photo Evelyn Haas/1918-1987 Photo Mayme A. Haas/1908-2007 Photo Robert E. Haas/1937-2010 Elaine L. Haas/Oct 21, 1942-Jan 11, 2018 Photo
HABERLE: Mary Haberle/born June 8, 1860/died Dec. 3, 1932 (picture on stone) Tombstone, next to: William Haberle/born March 12, 1858/died Oct. 29, 1939 (picture missing) Tombstone
HAMERNIK: Anton/1904-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian/1905-1958 Tombstone Audrey M. Hamernik/Oct 20, 1934-Jan 10, 2019 Photo
HANSEN: Audrey A. Hansen/L.P.N./1948-1976
HARMACEK: Jacob/1875-1943, ossw: Mary/1881-1983 Jacob Harmacek/1828-June 16, 1907 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Harmacek/1832-1911 Tombstone
HAUSAR: Emma/1885-1918/HUSAR Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Edward/(HUSAR)/1885-1964 Tombstone, next to: Pavel J. Hausar/narozen 7 Zar 1918/zemrel 28 Rijna 1918
HAUSCHULTZ: Kay Ellis Hauschultz/1953-1978/next to Wm. J. Stedl
HAVLICEK: Antonin Havlicek/narozen 5 Zari 1897/zemrel 11 Brezia 1898 Emma Havlicek/narozena 9 Kvetna 1891/zemrela 17 Kvetna 1891 Tombstone, next to: Adolf Havlicek/narozen 18 Dubna 1890/zemrel 27 Dubna 1890 Anna Havlicek/narozena 7 List 1887/zemrela List 1887, ossw: (no death day on transcription) Marie Havlicek/narozena 9 Zari 1888/zemrela 28 Zari 1888, next to: Emile HAVLICHEK/1909-1910
HAVLOVEC: Katerina Havlovec/zemrela 7 Cerv 1910/stari 82 roku Tombstone Jozef Havlovec/narozen 15 Cerv 1897/zemrel 28 Zari 1897
HAVLOVIC: Josef Havlovic/narozen 20 Kvet 1895/zemrel 22 Cervna 1915, next to: Mathes Havlovic/1866-1935, next to: Elizabeth Havlovic/1874-1951
HAVLOVITZ: George HAVLOVITZ/1868-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Frances HAVLOVITZ/1879-1972 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: CHERNEY/John/Mary Joseph Havlovitz/July 13, 1898-Sept. 28, 1898/no stone/from record See CHERNEY
HEIER: Agnes Heier/1918 Frances Heier/1887-1928 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew Heier/1883-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph CHERNEY/1846-1928 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Mary CHERNEY/1854-1936 Tombstone + Photo
HEPHNER: Rosemary A. Hephner/1947-1991 Tombstone
HERLIK: Jiri Herlik/Bord. zoe Dopociva/zemrel 1906/v stari 86 roku, next to: Maria Herlik/1823-1910, next to: George Herlik/1820-1906
HEROLD: Janice May Herold/Sept. 6, 1935/Jan. 20, 1936
HERRICK: Wenzel Herrick/Father/Sept. 16, 1871/Jan. 12, 1923 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Herrick/Mother/Apr. 26, 1873/June 4, 1924 Tombstone Anna Herrick/1888-1980
HERRMANN: Mary Ann/dau. of Mr.-Mrs. V. Herrmann/1946 Reinhart/1912-1989, ossw: Olive/1911-1993 (Olive H./22 Jun 1911/Nov 1993/SSDI) Victor F. Herrmann/1909-2001 Tillie J. Herrmann/1907-1988
HILL: Jean M. Hill/Sep 15, 1948-May 10, 2018 Photo
HINEK: Simon Hinek/rov? zeiny 8 Srnna 1835/zemrel 12 Riyra 1895 Tombstone, ossw: Katerina Hinek/narozena 23 Ceruna 1839/zemrela 27 Riyra 1911 Tombstone
HOCHMAN: Anton/1873-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/1883-1959 Tombstone Anton E. Hochman/1911-1994 Rose Hochman/1919-2010/from obit
HODIK: Charles/1900-1994 Joseph/1868-1958, ossw: Mary/1879-1966
HOFF: Edward Hoff/1897-1954
HORAL: Tomas Horal/zemrel 6 Dubna 1891/v. stari 68 roku, ossw: Anna Horal/zemrela 23 Rijna 1906/stari 90 roku
HORANY: Rita Horany/Feb. 8, 1931-Dec. 28, 2012/from obit
HRABIK: Frantisek Hrabik/22 Riina 1907/stari 42 roku Tombstone
HRUSKA: Anna Hruska/narozena 10 Kvet. 1834/zemrela 7 Pro. 1886 Anna Hruska/narozena 19 Kuetng 1892/zemrela 5 Rijna 1917 Tombstone Joseph/1890-1957 Anna/manzelka A. HRUSKY/Narozena 29 Cerv. 1824/zemrela 7 Pros. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: Anton Hruska/narozen 25 List. 1820/zemrel 27 Dubna 1898 Tombstone
HUCEK: Marie Hucek/???? 20 Ledna 1877 (balance of inscription illegible) Mary Hucek/b. Bohemia/d. 19 Jan. 1878 Thomas Hucek/b. Bohemia/d. 7 Aug. 1878 Tomas Hucek/zemrel/23 Srpen 1877/stari 77 roku (stone broken off from base.) Tombstone, next to: Frantisek (only top half of stone remaining)
HUNT: Rose B. Hunt/Mother/1879-1941
HURKA: Mary/1891-1977, ossw: Joseph/1888-1962, ossw: Joseph/1863-1944, ossw: Anna/1866-1932
HURKOVA: Marie Hurkova/zemurela 28 Srpna 1900/v. stari 71 roku 6 mesica
HUSAR: Anton/1891-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Dorthy/1893-1964 Tombstone Charles/1900-1957, next to: Mayme/1903-1988, next to: Emil C. Husar/Wis/Cpl Co. F 39 Infantry/Apri 24, 1889 - Aug. 20, 1966 Willette/1905-1981, ossw: Fred/1897-1976, ossw: Frank/1848-1939 Photo, ossw: Mary Husar/1855-1935 Emma Husar/nee Feit/1885-1918 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Edward Husar/1885-1964 Tombstone, next to: Pavel J. Husar/narozen 7 Zar 1918/zemrel 28 Rijna 1918 Tombstone See DENOR See HAUSAR See PECH
HUTTERER: Kathleen M. Hutterer /1950-2007/from obit
HYNEK: Simon Hynek/d. 17 Apr. 1877/age 79 yrs. (Married to Anna Keunesch Hynek-information from family researcher, see contributors page) Anna/zemrela 4 Rijna 1881/stari 42 roku Anna Hynek/zemrela 2 Unora 1905/stari 39 roku Tombstone Frank J./1898-1982, ossw: Christine/1904-1998 Jozef Hynek/zemrel 9 Kvet 1909/stari 79 roku Tombstone (Josepha Hynek/dau. of Simon and Catherine Hynek/d. 9 Sept. 1878, Franklin/no stone) (Mary Hynek/dau. of Jos. and Anna Hynek/b. Franklin/d. 31 July 1877/no stone) (Margaretha Hynek/b. Bohemia/d. 19 Mar. 1878, Franklin/no stone) Lester Hynek/1919-1992 Violet Hynek/1917-2005 Simon Hynek/Aug 8, 1835-Jun 12, 1895 Katerina Hynek/Jun 23, 1839-Oct 27, 1911
HYNKA: Anna/manzelka/J.A. Hynka/zemrela 2 Unora 1888/stara 59 roku Tombstone
ILECKI: Florian Ilecki/1920-2004 Helen J. Ilecki/Jan. 6, 1922-Feb. 13, 2015/from obit Paul Joseph Ilecki/June 16, 1950-June 9, 2014 Tombstone + Photo
JANDA: Josephine Janda (no dates, located next to the large Cisler stone) Albert Janda/Nar. 29 Ledna 1877/Zem. 16 Unora 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Mary SKARVAN/Nar. 7 Spren 1880/Zem. 18 Listopad 1955 Tombstone
JERABEK: Joseph Jerabek/Pvt. U.S. Army/WW I/Jan. 15, 1893-Apr. 3, 1977,ossw: Frank Jerabek/1866-1938, ossw: Barbara/1873-1937, ossw: Frank/1898-1985
JIRA: Jan Jira/Nar. 17 Pros. 1883/Zem. 9 Ledna 1920 Tombstone
JIROVETZ: Grace E. Jirovetz/May 21, 1921-Oct 17, 2018 Photo
JOHANEK: Anna/dau of Jakub & Dordta Johanek/Nov. 14, 1871/Jan. 15, 1898 Tombstone See YOHANEK
JORDE: Joseph Jorde/1869-1956
KABELA: Tomas o Marie/Kabela/litc?re ori smrt od sebc necd/oucila/oba zenreli v/1 ed nom dau a/sicc dnc/19 ho Brezna 1911/a polir beni oba/do jednoho hrobu/Tomas Kabela by 1/stair 7 toku jela/manzella 66 roho (Mary Kabela/b. Dec. 7, 1883/d. 1972/from obit) Joseph W. Kabela/1911-1982
KADILE: Kristian Kadile/Jan. 18, 1973/June 18, 1995 Genia M. Kadile/Jan. 20, 1944-May 26, 2012 Photo
KANAK: Anna Kanak/Zem. 3 Zari 1903/94 roku Vaclav Kanak/narozen 16 Kuema 1843/zemrel 22 Rijna 1908 Tombstone
KARBON: Mary Lou Karbon/dau. of/R. & G. Karbon/1952
KASPER: Gerald T. Kasper/1963-2010/from obit
KEEHAN: Edward Keehan/1894-1974, next to: James W./1889-1939, next to: Matthew/1859-1919, next to: Hanorah/1863-1939, next to: John M. Keehan/Wisconsin/Pfc Co E 101 Infantry/World War I/Oct. 26, 1892/July 16, 1958 Martin Keehan/born Jan. 17, 1896/died Jan. 22, 1896 Lizebeth Keehan/born Mar. 13, 1898/died Aug. 21, 1898 Raymond Keehan/1905-1965 Michael J./Father/1867-1940, ossw: Margaret E./1867-1948 (Martin Keehan/d. July 6, 1914/from obit) E.D. (located between Lizabeth Keehan & Terezie Simkova) Robert Keehan/1911-1996/Army
KELLNER: Catherine/1890-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/1885-1968 Tombstone, next to: William E. Kellner/Sept. 14, 1920/Mar. 31, 1921 John/1919-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Bessie/1920-1958 Tombstone John F. Kellner/Wisconsin/A.O.M. 3 USNR/World War II/July 23, 1919 - Feb. 2, 1974 Tombstone Katharina Kellner/Gest. 15 Nov. 1889/alter 52 jahre Tombstone Frank C./1887-1978, ossw: Mary/1890-1976 Michael Kellner/geboren Nov. 16, 1823/starb Sept. 22, 1890, next to: Mary Kellner/1832-1918/Mother Tombstone, next to: Michael Kellner/1823-1890/Father Tombstone, next to: Michael J. Kellner/born Feb. 20, 1858/died June 10, 1924, next to: Rosa/wife of M.J. Kellner/born Mar. 11, 1862/died Dec. 12, 1911, next to: Rosa/born June 17, 1894/died July 17, 1894, ossw: Hilda/born Sept. 15, 1892/died June 15, 1893 Ignace Kellner/d. June 5, 1929/from obit Dr. Victor V. Kellner/1891-1928, next to: Mae WANISH Kellner/1898-1932, next to: Bessie KIRT Kellner/1892-1920 Joseph Kellner/d. July 4, 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine Kellner/Born Dec 22, 1854/Died July 27, 1931 Tombstone, ossw: WOERFEL/Anna/Adolph Sr./Adolph Jr John/1874-1953, ossw: Joseph J./1881-1964, ossw: Bertha/1887-1964, ossw: Marcella/1918 Mary Kellner/1877-1972 Olive M. Kellner/1915-1991 See WOERFEL
KEPL: Lidmila Kepl/zemrela 14 Ledna 1899/stari 80 roku Tombstone, ossw: Anton Kepl/zemrela 5 Srpna 1890/stari 82 roku Tombstone
KIEL: Norman Kiel/1911-1984 Mildred Kiel/1913-2003
KIRT: Barbora Kirt/zemrela 22 Zari 1916/stari 64 roku See KELLNER
KLIMENT: Barbora Kliment/narozena 17 Prasince 1811/zemrela 11 Cervna 1897 Tombstone Charles/1903-1986, ossw: Rose/1905-2004 Frantisek Kliment/narozen 13 Brezna 1806/zemrel 10 Dubna 1882 Tombstone
KLIMENTA: Marie/mazelka F. Klimenta/zemrela 4 Cervna 1885/stara 40 roku (Iron cross between Anna Swetlik & Marie Klimenta
KOCIAN: Anna Kocian/zemrela dne 10, teho Brezna 1882/u stari 15, Let. Tombstone Julia/Mother/1867-1930, ossw: Albert/Father/1863-1929, next to: Anna Kocian/narozena 8 Cervce 1829/zemrela 20 Kvet 1912 Tombstone Clarence/1908-2002, ossw: Agnes Kocian/1911-2007, ossw: Joseph T./1906-1990, ossw: Rose/1912-1983 Jan Kocian/zemrel dne 21 teho Duben 1875/v stari 50 Let. Tombstone John/Father/1884-1939, ossw: Mary/Mother/1894-1957 Mathias Kocian/1854-1922 Tombstone, ossw: Margaret Kocian/1856-1943 Tombstone Louis Kocian/1913-1979
KOHLBECK: Anton Kohlbeck/1890-1963, next to: Barbara Kohlbeck/born Dec. 4, 1878/died Nov. 27, 1919 Tombstone Max Kohlbeck/Geb. 5 Aug. 1873/Gest. 23 Marz 1897 Alois Kohlbeck/1845-Feb 4, 1906/from obit Anna Kohlbeck/Apr 24, 1855-May 20, 1900/from record Louis Kohlbeck/Apr 6, 1845-Feb 4, 1906/from record
KONOP: Charles/Father/1887-1942, ossw: Emma/Mother/1892-1982 Jakus Konop/narozen 9 Brezna 1836/zemrel ? Brezna 1890 (Petronela Konop/d. Jul 1, 1904/from obit) Jiri/sya Jock Konop John/Father/1892-1971, ossw: Anna/Mother/1892-1984 Josef Konop/Nar. 4 Dubna 1851/Zem. 19 Rijna 1914, ossw: Katerina Konop/Nar. 11 Lis. 1857/Zem. 1 Brez 1932, ossw: Maria Konop/decer/Josefa a. Katerine Konop/narozena 3 Prosinea 1884/ zesnula v. panu dne 1 Listopadu 1895, next to: Joseph J. Konop/1879-1928 Josef Konop/narozena 25 Zari 1875/zemrel 27 Cerv 1878 Tombstone, ossw: Marie Konop/narozena 8 Pros 1877/zemrela 13 Cervce 1878 Tombstone Large stone reads: KONOP/MLEZIVA Tombstone, next to: Jakub/Otec/1858-1934 Charles J. Konop/May 15, 1914/Feb. 25, 1994 Mamie V. Konop/Feb. 15, 1919/July 2, 1999 See MLEZIVA
KOPIDLANSKA: Anna Kopidlanska/zemrela dne 14 Ledna/roku 1893 Tombstone
KOPIDLANSKY: Albert Sr./1891-1974, ossw: Mary A./1897-1987 Mary Kopidlansky/1882-1965 Frank Kopidlansky/1889-1922 David Kopidlansky/1948-1965 Frank/1863-1903, ossw: Margaret/1863-1909 James Allen Kopidlansky/Apr 25, 1955-Oct 15, 2016 Photo Annie Kopidlansky/May 9, 1896-Jan. 17, 1898/no stone/from record Joseph/1886-1965, ossw: Anna/1887-1970 Majdalena Kopidlansky/Nar. 14 Brezna 1864/Zem. 24 Cervence 1924, ossw: John Kopidlansky/Nar. 5 Kvet 1870/Zem. 21 Cerv 1946 Vaclav Kopidlansky/zemrel roku 1895 Tombstone Albert J. Kopidlansky/1924-1996 Mary E. Kopidlansky/1927-2013 Frank J./July 30, 1920/Sept. 13, 1994/married Oct. 10, 1946 Photo Margaret E./Feb. 11, 1927/Sept. 25, 1994 Photo Michael J. Kopidlansky/1959-2010/from obit See NOVACEK
KOPITLANCKY: Vaclav Kopitlancky/stari 82 roku
KORINEK: James J./1922-1969, ossw: Jeanette/1924-2017 Photo Josef/Otec/1862-1936, ossw: Maria/Matka/1865-1941 Josef Korinek/Nar. 2 Zari 1890/Zem. 29 List. 1918, next to: Frank Korinek/1847-1929, ossw: Annie/His wife/1854-1930 Joseph/1891-1977, ossw: Catherine/1899-1931, next to: Edward F. Korinek/1922-1976 Joseph/1920-1977, ossw: Elizabeth/1924-1975 William L./1911-1957, ossw: Molly A. Korinek /1919-2007 Frank/1890-1965, ossw: Caroline/1892-1983
KRAJNEK: Joseph Krajnek/Mar 15, 1922-May 31, 2016 Photo Olive E. Krajnek/Jul 7, 1922-Jun 7, 2017 Photo
KRAL: Joseph/lyn ntam/Kral/narozen 24 Srp.1858/zemrel 13 Led. 1870
KRALL: Charles/1890-1970, ossw: Rose/1894-1972, ossw: Viola/1914 Clara Krall/narozena/12 List 1897/zemrela 24 List 1897 Emma Krall/Nar. 20 Unora, 1882/Zem. 2 Rijen 1918, ossw: Jacob Krall/Nar. 10 Brez 1854/Zem. 18 Unora 1924, ossw: Anna Krall/Nar. 24 Rijna 1854/Zem. 18 Brez. 1936, next to: Footstones: Matke, Otec, Dcera Martin Krall/narozen roku 1812/zemrel 28 Zari 1895, ossw: Margareta Krall/zemrela dne/9 Unora 1904/stari 76 roku
KREJCAREK: Emil/1890-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/1894-1984 Tombstone
KRESL: Eva/1-Zar. 1844/2-Ceru 1932, ossw: Peter/zemrel 20 Ryna 1916/96 roku Tombstone Mary Kresl/1876-1962
KRISH: Edward/1903-1989, ossw: Molly/1902-2005 Frank/1895-1991, ossw: Violet/1902-1983
KRUMEL: Helen Krumel/Baby/born Nov. 27/died Dec. 22, 1904 Tombstone Josef Krumel/zemrel 4 Kvetna 1898/stari 60 roku Tombstone, ossw: Mari Kruml/Zem. 17 Listopadu ve stari 86 Let
KRUMMEL: Joseph/1879-1959, ossw: Barbara/1884-1975, ossw: Louis/1915-1926 Raymond/1905-1970, ossw: Marie/1905-1997 Joseph A. Krummel/1918-1988 Dorothy J. Krummel/1926-1989 Clarence J. Krummel/Jan 15, 1907-Nov 11, 1998 Bernard L. Krummel/Sept. 4, 1926/Aug. 28, 2003 Tombstone Frank Krummel/1924-1989 Veronica Krummel/1920-1999 Victor V. Krummel/1922-2009/from obit Anne M. Krummel/1923-2012 Tombstone Kathleen KRUMMEL Duggan/Dec. 29, 1949/July 25, 1997 Tombstone + Photo
KRUTINA: Andrese/1842-1935, next to: Katherine/1848-1932
KUBS: Jacob/1854-1931, ossw: Vaclav/1861-1952 Jakub Kubs/zemrel dne 8 Cervna 1897/stari 74 roku Tombstone Mari Kubs/narozema 8 Cervna 1882/zemrela 2 Brezna 1897 (narozena spelled as such)
KUBSCH: Peter/Father/1869-1944 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Rose/Mother/1893-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Peter Kubsch Jr./1918-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/1920-2011 Tombstone George/1907-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes Ann/1910-1970 Tombstone Norman/1916-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Marie/1918-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Kevin/1958-1974 Tombstone George J. Kubsch/1922-2006 Tombstone
KUBSH: Frank/Father/1897-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/Mother/1899-1954 Tombstone Frank Kubsh Jr./June 9, 1927/Jan. 6, 2010 Tombstone Marie/Matka/Nar. r. 1841 Tombstone, ossw: Jiri/Otec/Nar. r. 1837/Zem. r. 1923 Tombstone Mary/1896-1974 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Joseph J. Kubsh/Pvt US Army/WW I/July 21, 1892/Feb. 19, 1978 Tombstone See FIDLER
KUGEL: Andrew/1855-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Julia/1864-1938 Tombstone, next to: Mary Kugel/1886-1957 Tombstone, next to: Anna Kugel/1885-1980 Tombstone
KUKL: Alois Kukl/narozen 27 Zuni 1894/zemrel 4 Rijna 1894 Katerina Kukl/zemrela rouku 1870/v stari 12 roku Matej Kukl/narozen 1813/zemrel 20 Dubne 1899, ossw: Anna Kukl/narozena/1823/zemrela 10 Brezna 1902
KUKLOVA: Anna Kuklova/narozena 11 Listopoda 1820/zemrela 29 Ledna 1902 Tombstone
KUPSCH: Mike/1898-1990 Photo, ossw: Anna/1899-1974 Photo, ossw: Janet/1938-1939, ossw: Joey/1926
KUPSH: Charles/1910-1928 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1868-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Kupsh/1873-1952 Tombstone Joseph M./Husband/1894-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian A./Wife/1895-1975 (buried in Evergreen/FELLNER) Joseph M. Kupsh/Wis./Sgt 27 RCT Co Gen Svc Ine/World War I/Mar. 8, 1894/Nov. 2, 1957 Tombstone Michael Jr./Mar. 15, 1931/Jan. 30, 2011 Tombstone + Photo Carol M. Kupsh/Mar 8, 1933-Sep 2, 2019 Photo Randy Kupsh/Dec. 29, 1959-Nov. 29, 2013 Photo Dolores E. Kupsh/Jul 8, 1928/Aug 18, 2020 Photo Robert M. Kupsh/1960-1978 (Sauer Funeral Home marker) John M. Kupsh/Sept. 2, 1950-April 11, 2014 Tombstone + Photo
KURTZ: Eva/tochter von J. u. A. Kurtz/Geb. 15 Marz 1899/Gest. 12 Mai 1899, next to: Iron cross, no information visible Joseph Kurtz/6 Jan. 1858/7 Jan. 1929, ossw: Anna Kurtz/25 Apr. 1864/23 Dec. 1930 Joseph/son of J. & A. Kurtz/Geb. 20 Apr. 1909/Gest. 28 Feb. 1910 Rosa/toch. von J. & A. Kurtz/Geb. 9 Juli 1906/Gest. 15 Juli 1906 Juliana/toch von J. & A. Kurtz/Geb. 16 Mai 1900/24 Mai 1900 Anton/sohn von J. und A. Kurtz/Geb. 30 Jan. 1902/Gest. 6 Feb. 1902 Louis/sohn von J. und A. Kurtz/Geb. 12 Marz 1898/Gest. 19 Marz 1898 Maria/toch von J. und A. Kurtz/Geb. 25 Okt. 1896/Gest. 28 Okt. 1896
KUST: Francis/1914-1983, ossw: Bernice/1921-1973 George/1884-1968, ossw: Mary/1886-1968 Clarence P. Kust/Feb. 24, 1924-June 22, 2011 Dorothy M. Kust/Nov. 26, 1921/Nov. 15, 2002
KVITEK: Frank/1899-1983, ossw: Tillie/1901-1976 Randolph Kvitek/Son/1952-1952 Wm. V. Kvitek/b. Dec. 23, 1899/d. April 1972/from obit, ossw: Edna/1905-1992 Charles H. Kvitek/1909-1982 Viola B./1917-1992 Donald F. Kvitek/1938-1978
KWITEK: Francis John Kwitek/1922-1922
LAKATOS: Ervin J. Lakatos/1923-1990 Betty J. Lakatos/1923-1999
LAMBERT: Louis/Father/1859-1942, ossw: Mary/Mother/1867-1952 Kenneth C. Lambert/April 17, 1928-April 7, 2014 Photo
LANGER: Job Thomas Langer/-Aug 2, 2018-
LEBERAK: Geraldine M./1935-1985 Tombstone + Photo
LEDVINA: Antonin Ledvina/narozen 13 Cerv 1869/zemrel 11 Kvet 1896 Tombstone Edward J./1883-1970 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa S./1886-1962 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Anna Olive Ledvina/Sept. 27 - Sept. 28-1918 Edward L./1910-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Viola M./1909-1994 Tombstone Donald A. Ledvina/Jan. 30, 1931-July 13, 2012 Photo Lawrence W. Ledvina/Ensign U.S. Navy/1880-1932 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Michael J./Son/1886-1913 Tombstone, next to: Joseph P./Son/1887-1957 Tombstone, next to: Catherine A./Mother/1857-1941 Tombstone, next to: Lawrence S./Father/1853-1928 Tombstone, next to: Edwin A./Adella A./Eugene F. Frances Ledvina/Dec. 27, 1899-Dec. 28, 1899/no stone/from record Matt/1902-1973, ossw: Anna/1903-1982 Vaclav Ledvina/narozen 25 Kvetna 1825/zemrel 9 Kvetna 1903, ossw: Maria Ledvina/narozena 6 Zari 1829/zemrela 20 Unora 1902 Mary Anne Ledvina/1931-1998
LEMENS: Laura Jean Lemens/May 2, 1962-June 4, 2015 Photo
LENCMEYER: Barbara Lencmeyer/died Dec. 13, 1913/aged 97 years, next to: Mathias LENCMYER/Gest. 29 Apr. 1895 Tombstone
LENSMEYER: Frank/1883-1958, ossw: Theresa/1889-1964 John/Feb. 2, 1856/May 2, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Wife/Apr. 3, 1858/Dec. 20, 1931 Tombstone Joseph M./1887-1946, ossw: Frances J./1895-1982 Leonard/1914-1966 Photo, ossw: Catherine/1916-2006 Photo Christine A./Feb. 15, 1971/May 18,1996 Frank Jr./1921-1995 Margaret/1925-2003 James L./Jan. 22, 1949/July 19, 2009 Photo Janice Lensmeyer/July 16, 1927-June 30, 2014 Photo
LENSMIRE: Matthias/1866-1939, ossw: Katherine/1867-1953 Richard J. Lensmire/July 18, 1930/July 21, 1930
LIVAR: Jan Livar/narozen 2 Zari 1871/pohrben/22 Kvet 1898 Tombstone
LUKASIK: Antone J./Feb. 19, 1917-Feb. 4, 2005/married Sept. 27, 1947 Delores M. Lukasik/Nov. 8, 1925-May 28, 2012
LYNCH: Mary Lynch/1852-1921
MANCOSKE: John/1877-1958, ossw: Rosa/1883-1957 Photo
MAREK: Jan Marek/zemrel 24 Pros. 1883/stari 65 roku Katerina Marek/zemrela 3 Ledna 1897/u stari 67 roku
MARITA: Edward Marita/1891-1970
MASTNY: Frederick/1865-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/1855-1941 Tombstone Charles Mastny/1889-1981
MAYER: Jerry R. Mayer/1858-1976 Francis F. Mayer/1927-1998 Photo
MAZANEC: Anna Mazanec/Zem. 27 Duli 1902/52 roku (d. Apr. 28, 1902) Joseph/1879-1929, ossw: Margaret/1877-1975, ossw: Joseph J./1904-1981, ossw: Anna/1907-1993 Mates Mazanec/zemrel 19 Lul 1890/stari 48 roku Theresia Mazanec Katerina Mazanec/zemrela 2 ho Brezna/v roku 1904 Tombstone, ossw: Matheas Mazanec/zemrel 9 ho Brezna/v roku 1899 Tombstone
MCCARTY: William McCarty/1885-1928, next to: George McCarty/1900-1975, next to: James/son of Ed. and E. McCarty/born June 9, 1900/died Aug. 3, 1909 Edward McCarty/1857-1930/from obit
MCNELLIS: Infant children of Mr. & Mrs. John McNellis/Feb. 15, 1952/and/Dec. 3, 1952
MEISSNER: Andrew J. Meissner/1957-1975
MENCHAL: Joseph/1883-1958, ossw: Mary/1890-1974 Photo
MIENCH: Antone Miench/Gest. 14 Marz 1886/alter 76 jahre
MILBAUER: Frank/Father/1898-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/Mother/1898-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Rev. Florian/1926-1969 Tombstone George Muehlbauer/Father/1863-1940, ossw: Madeline Muehlbauer/Mother/1866-1941 Frank Milbauer, Jr./1929-1993 Tombstone See AUGUSTINE
MLEZIVA: Anna/1860-1941 Tombstone, next to: Josef/Otec/1856-1937, next to: Anton A. Mleziva/Wis/Pvt Co B Dev Bn/World War I/June 10, 1893 - March 14, 1970 Tombstone Clarence/1912-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Alice/1907-1996 Tombstone Jean Marie/dau. of Ad. & O. Mleziva/Apr. 28, 1957 Tombstone Rudolph A./1919-2008 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Helen E./1919-2005 Tombstone + Photo Adolph Mleziva/Apr. 14, 1914/July 16, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Olive Mleziva/Sept. 24, 1914/May 4, 1984 Tombstone + Photo Ione Mleziva/June 16, 1943/July 17, 1997 Tombstone Louis S. Mleziva/1916-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian T. Mleziva/1921-1990 Tombstone Joseph/Father 1884-1951 Tombstone, next to: Anna/Mother/1888-1980 Tombstone Robert Mleziva/July 23, 1925-March 22, 2015/from obit See KONOP
MUCHOWSKI: Judy Muchowski/Jul 21, 1934/Feb 21, 2019 Photo
MUENCH: Charles/Son/1885-1941, ossw: Charles/Father/1857-1923, ossw: Anna/Mother/1858-1943 Frank /Mar. 7, 1866/Apr. 20, 1947 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara /Mar. 26, 1870/Sept. 27, 1930 Tombstone Frank/1901-1963 Photo, ossw: Eleanor/1905-1993 Photo George A./1885-1970, ossw: Mary R./1886-1977, next to: Ludmila Muench/1930, next to: Kenneth Muench/Our baby/June 1963 Libbie/dau. of Ch. and A. Muench/born 14 Mar. 1881/died 27 Sept. 1887 Tombstone, next to: Anton/sohn von G. und T. Muench/Geb. 4 Juni 1896/Gest. 16 Jan. 1898 Tombstone Margaret Muench/1863-1962 Photo, next to: Alois Muench/died Oct. 14, 1909/aged 89 yrs., ossw: Katherine/wife of A. Muench/died Sept. 28, 1908/aged 82 yrs., next to: Joseph Muench/1854-1934 Theresia/wife of Carl Muench/born Apr. 4, 1865/died Apr. 5, 1905 Tombstone, ossw: Carl Muench/born Sept. 29, 1858/died Sept. 23, 1935 Charles/Son/1898-1939 Tombstone Jacob Muench/1905-1957 Tombstone Helena Muench/born Apr. 10, 1826/died Oct. 21, 1914 Tombstone, next to: Annie/wife of F. WILLIAMS/born April 13, 1859/died Jan. 3, 1891 Tombstone Clara Muench/1883-1984 George J. Muench/1922-2002 Vivian M. Muench/1932-1994 Joshua Muench/-Apr. 19, 1990-
MUHLBAUER: George Muhlbauer/Geb. 24 Apr. 1819/Gest. 22 Apr. 1899 Tombstone, ossw: Theresia Muhlbauer/Geb. 18 Apr. 1825/Gest. 8 Mai 1917 Tombstone
MUNCH: Michael MUNCE/Gest. 26 Jan. 1883/65 jahre alt. Iron Cross Wolfgang Munch/Gest. 2 Mai 1889/in alter von 74 jahren Tombstone, ossw: Katharine Munch/Gest. 27 Jan. 1895/in alter von 76 jahre Tombstone
NAIDL: Helen Naidl/1920-2006 Photo Leo F. Naidl/1933-2010/from obit Raymond F. Naidl/July 31, 1921-Oct. 27, 2011 Photo See PETSKA
NASH: James Nash/died April 1, 1889/aged 30 years 24 ds., ossw: Thomas Nash/died Aug. 24, 1887/aged 91 years Tombstone, ossw: Catharina/died March 16, 1886/aged 69 years Tombstone, ossw: Michael/died Febr. 21, 1887/aged 31 years Tombstone
NEIDL: Josephine/Mother/1861-1906 Tombstone, ossw: George/Father/1857-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine (Neidl) Gudmundsen/1892-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1883-1901 Tombstone, ossw: George/1890-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Ella/1898-1911 Tombstone, ossw: Anna N./1888-1956/KNUDSON Tombstone
NEMECEK: Antone/1916-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Marie/1914-1967 Tombstone Antone L. Nemecek/Wisconsin/P.V.T. Co. D. 30 Infantry June 20, 1916 - July 25, 1962 Tombstone
NESPER: Anton J. Nesper/1883-1950
NEUSER: Suzanne E. Neuser/1953-1967 Theodore J. Neuser/1904-1982 Photo Ione K. Neuser/1911-1989 Photo
NEWMAN: Sylvester/1902-1939 Photo, ossw: Mary/1893-1977
NOVA: Anna Nova/zemrela 12 Cervence 1899/stari 93 roku Tombstone
NOVACEK: Jan Novacek/narozen 20 Pros. 1819/zemrel 18 Unora 1909 Tombstone (The following information supplied by Wm. Novachek) Mary KOPIDLANSKY, wife of Jan Novachek, no inscription, but buried here. (Feb 8, 1837-Apr 30, 1920) Photo
NOVACHEK: Frank/Father/1879-1910 Tombstone Wencil/1873-1956 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Mary/1889-1971 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Emil Novachek/born June 23, 1920/died May 2, 1926 Tombstone William/1905-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian/1912-1990 Tombstone
NOVEJ: Josef Novej/narozen 29 Cervna 1840/u zivonine okres/Melnik/zemrel 31 Brezna 1901, ossw: Maria Novej/narozena 4 Cervna 1844/zemrela 4 Ledna 1919
NOVEY / NOVY: (Both names appear on the stone) Jan Novy/narazen 5 Cerenre 1875/zemrel 16 Cercra 1880 Joseph Novy/Father/1869-1934 Tombstone Catherine Novy/Mother/1869-1951 Tombstone Julia Novy/narozena 12 Srpna 1888/zemrela 2 Riyna 1888 Victor/1907-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Laura/1910-2004 Tombstone, next to: Marion Novy/1934-1934 Tombstone, next to: Dennis LYONS/Dec. 15, 1953/Mar. 5, 1954 Tombstone Andrew Joseph Novy/-Nov. 9, 2004- Tombstone Donald E. Novy/1930-1998 Tombstone
OHEARN: Robert Ohearn/died Apr. 28, 1932/aged 4 months Tombstone
OPICHKA: Darrel/son of Q. & M. Opichka/Oct. 11, 1942/Mar. 8, 1943 Edward/1893-1962, ossw: Anna/1897-1983 Frank/Father/1868-1945, ossw: Barbara/Mother/1870-1956 Josef/Otec/1866-1936, ossw: Maria/Matka/1867-1937 Joseph/1885-1969, ossw: Emma A./1893-1964, next to: Footstone/M.E. Quirin F. Opichka/1918-1998 Molly M. Opichka/March 23, 1922-Feb. 20, 2013 Victor F. Opichka/June 15, 1917/Feb. 18, 2009 Martha C. Opichka/Aug. 8, 1917/April 5, 2002
OSWALD: Daniel/1941-2016 Photo, ossw: Dawn/1943-__, ossw: Dixie Ann/1963-1972 Tombstone Frank W./1889-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Anna C./1893-1989 Tombstone Wencil/1897-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Raymond/1909-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Martha Oswald/1912-2007 Tombstone, ossw: John/1900-1976 Tombstone
PANOCH: (Catherine Panoch/1856-1944/from obit) Jan Panoch/zemrel 18 List 1914/stari 62 roku Tombstone, next to: Stephen/1884-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Ludmila/1895-1976 Tombstone Josef Panoch/zemrel 1 List 1895/u stari 8 roku
PECEVAL: Barbora Peceval (no other information)
PECH: Alvin/1911-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Eleanor/1918-1990 Tombstone Doreta Pech/zemzella 7 Srpna 1904/stari 90 roku Frank Pech/d. Oct. 17, 1927 Frantisek/syn F. a D. Pech/narozen 6 Srpna 1878/zemrel 18 Unora 1899 Frank Pech Jr./Aug. 6, 1878-Feb. 18, 1899/no stone/from record Julia Pech/d. Sept. 8, 1903/from obit Anton Pech/Feb. 19, 1887-Sept. 18, 1903/from record Joseph Pech/narozen 6 Rijna 1872/zemrel 1 Rijna 1901 Tombstone Nntonin(Antonin?)Pech/narozen/18 Rij. 1869/zemrel 6 Led. 1880, ossw: Frantisek Pech/narozen 18 List 1867/zemrel 17 Pros. 1879 John Pech/born Nov. 25, 1883/died June 7, 1915 Tombstone, next to: Emma Pech/HUSAR/born July 1, 1888/died July 31, 1938 Tombstone, next to: Twins of Mr. & Mrs. A.E. BAUMANN/1930
PEGEVAL: Franstisek Pegeval (no other information)
PEISAR: Vaclav Peisar/Nar. 26 Srp. 1904/Zem. 27 Zon 1907
PEROUTKA: Anton Peroutka/May 14, 1898/Nov. 6, 1944 Irena M. Peroutka/narozena 21 Cer. 1904/zemrela 3 Cerv. 1905 John Peroutka/Father/June 3, 1842/Feb. 8, 1927, ossw: Mary Peroutka/Mother/1849-1934 Wencil/1868-1946, ossw: Barbara/1872-1937 Jos. Peroutka/Co. I/34th Wis. Inf. [d. August 10, 1870/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Vaclav Peroutka/zemrel 24 Cervna 1878/star 83 roku Tombstone, ossw: Marie Peroutka/zemrela 22 Kvetna 1878/age 71 yrs. Tombstone (bottom of stone cemented in base.)
PETSKA: Raymond/1923-1969 Photo, ossw: Viola/1930-__, next to: Raymond F. Petska/Wisconsin/Cm 3 US Navy/World War II/May 13, 1923 - Oct. 13, 1969 (Both names on stone, PETSKA/NAIDL, as follows): Robert/1895-1975 Photo, ossw: Tillie/1898-1976, ossw: Raymond/1921, ossw: Helen Naidl/1920-2006, ossw: Beatrice/1923-1924, ossw: Francis/1943-1943 Clara Petska/1895-1981 Allen R. Petska/1954-2010/from obit
PIESCHEL: Paul D. Pieschel/May 4, 1952/May 2, 2017 Photo Joshua Paul Pieschel/no dates available
PILGER: Kaspar Pilger/1 Ledna 1827/19 Dubna 1890 See SLADKY
PINGER: Karel/narozen 13 Srpna 1841/zemrel 26 Cervna 1906/ v. stari 64 roku 10 miesieu 13 dni, ossw: Katrina Pinger/1847-1937, next to: John C./1880-1960, ossw: Catherine/1882-1961 Katerina Pinger/zemrela 23 List 1882/u stari 76 roku ?arel/Nar. 27 List 1871/zemrel 13 Cervna 1871, ossw: Vaclav/Nar. 16 Srp. 1872, ossw: Marie/Nar. 16 Brez 1870/zemreli 18 Cervna 1878/ditky Karla a K?teriny Karel/zemrel 28 Brez 1888/star 9 roku 8 mesieu, ossw: Rozalie/zemrela 10 Brez 1888/stara 9 mesieu Catharine Pinger/b. Franklin/d. 19 May 1878, Franklin/age 10 yrs./no stone Wencel Pinger/b. Franklin/d. 18 Mar. 1878, Franklin/age about 5 yrs./no stone (From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Two Rivers, Tuesday, June 25, 1878/ Kellnersville and Vicinity): The diptheria has begun its work in our village; it first appeared in the family of Mr. Charles Pinger, and in less than two weeks, four of his children were borne from beneath the parental roof to their final resting place.
PIVONKA: Tomas Pivonka/zemrel 10 Brez 1904/78 roku
PONTZLOFF: Marvin J. Pontzloff/Dec 21, 1927/Sep 13, 2010 Photo Mary R. Pontzloff/July 23, 1910-Sept. 14, 2005
POPELAR: Edwin/1895-1979 , ossw: Emma/1898-1983 Eugene/1918-1997 Photo, ossw: Agnes/1918-2002 Jan Popelar/narozen 25 Pros 1824/zesnul 25 Ledna 1882 Tombstone
POTUCEK: Joseph/1830-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1835-1917 Tombstone, ossw: Bohumil/1870-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara/1879-1959 Tombstone
RABAS: Otmar J. Rabas/1930-2005/married Aug. 25, 1954, ossw: Dorothy M. Rabas/1934-1991
RADEJ/RADEY: Anna Radej/zemrela 19 Srnna/1898/stari 25 roku Tombstone Anna Radej/napdzena 15 Dubna 1848/zemrela/27 Brezna 1912, ossw: Peter Radej/1847-1929 (d. October 09, 1929), next to: Anna RADEY/1848-1912 (b. April 15, 1848/d. March 27, 1912), next to: Footstone: Peter Radey Baby Boy Radej/Aug. 15, 1898-Aug. 15, 1898/no stone/from record Frank Radej/Jan. 23, 1899-Jan. 23, 1899/no stone/from record William Radej/Jan. 23, 1899-Jan. 23, 1899/no stone/from record The following Radej names were found in the Manitowoc County Death Records when I looked them up, they were found to be buried in this cem: Annie Radej/d. 7 June 1890 Joseph Radej/d. 3 June 1890
RAMEKER: Edwin J./1906-1974 Joseph J./1875-1956, ossw: Anna/1887-1967 Victor S. Rameker/1908-1987 Rose A. Rameker/1914-2005
RAMIKER: Joseph M./1881-1963 Photo, ossw: Mary/1885-1978 Agnes Ramiker/aged 2 months (this small stone next to small stones of SIMEK)
RATHSACK: Anton/1869-1953, ossw: Julia/1872-1951 Charles/1912-1957 Photo, ossw: Alice/1906-1983 (20 Sep 1906/May 1983/SSDI) Photo Frank H. Rathsack/1872-1954, next to: Kathern Rathsack/1886-1926 Walter/1893-1974, ossw: Martha/1901-1989 Richard J. "Dick"/Oct. 27, 1959/Nov. 10, 2001 John Rathsack/1937-1987 Photo Arleen/1939-1980 Photo Robin D. Rathsack/Dec. 9, 1979-Jan. 2, 2015/from obit
REBACHEK: Ignac Rebachek/1839-1925, ossw: Marta Rebachek/1842-1930 George Rebachek/1874-1943/from obit
REBECHEK: Baby/Rebechek/Feb. 13, 1947 William J./1878-1953, ossw: Mary A./1876-1962
REEDY: Dennis/1890-1972, ossw: Nora/1891-1970 Timothy W. Reedy/Oct 21, 1960-Sep 29, 2011 Photo
REINDL: Annie Reindl/died Sept. 21, 1911/aged 88 years Tombstone, ossw: Stephen Reindl/died Apr. 16, 1909/aged 85 years Tombstone Charles/Father/1875-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara/Mother/1881-1947 Tombstone Emil Reindl/zemrel/v roku 1892/stari 9 roku Tombstone Joseph Reindl/1873-1961 Tombstone, next to: Joseph/1878-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Katherine/1886-1976 Tombstone Mates Reindl/zemrel 19 Prosince/u roku 1897 Tombstone, ossw: Marketa Reindl/zemrela 29 Prosince/u roku 1896 Tombstone Francis Reindl/Baby/born & died May 29, 1942 Simon Reindl/narozen 4 Srpna 1849/zemrel 28 Cervna 1904 Tombstone Stephan Reindl/born 1883/died 1920 Tombstone Steven & Margaret Reindl Tombstone Rose Reindl/Nov. 26, 1872/Feb. 2, 1887 Tombstone Vaclav Reindl/zemrel 28 Maje 1901/v. stari 57 roku Tombstone, ossw: Katerine Reindl/zemrela 24 Brez 1917/v. stari 72 roku Tombstone (Catherine Reindl/b. Franklin/d. 3 July 1878/age 4 yrs. 6 mo./no stone) (Joseph Reindl/son of Joseph Reindl and Mary Mazanec/b. Franklin/d. 15 July 1877/no stone) (Mary Reindl/dau. of Joseph R81288615klin/d. 17 June 1877/no stone) (New gravesite N.W. of Reindl stone - no marker)
REINDLE: Katerina Reindle/Nar. 5 Brez 1847/Zem. 4 Zari 1922 Tombstone, ossw: Jan Reindle/Nar. Cerv 1850/Zem. 12 Unora 1923 Tombstone
REITMEIER: Alois Reitmeier/son of Alexander and Mary Reitmeier/d. 24 Aug. 1877/age 3 mo. 11 da./no stone
REMAKER: Martin/1873-1958, ossw: Mary/1883-1962 Daniel/son of M. & M. Remaker/born Oct. 5, 1909/died May 5, 1911
REMIKER: John M./1889-1973 (Mar 20, 1889/Jan 1973/SSDI), ossw: Julia/1895-1959 Martin Remiker/born Feb. 10, 1846/died Jan. 25, 1911, ossw: Mary Remiker/born Jan. 27, 1859/died Aug. 31, 1920
RESCH: Louis J. Resch/Wisconsin/P.F.C. U.S. Army/World War II/Sept. 17, 1921 - Nov. 28, 1973 Dorothy C. Resch/Dec. 25, 1924/July 18, 1999 Photo
REZACH: Mother/Anna Rezach/Oct. 16, 1855/July 6, 1933
ROSINSKY: Gordon/1894-1973, ossw: Anna/1893-1980
ROTT: Jaqualine Ann Rott/May 3, May 4, 1938 Tombstone Margaret Rott/1931 Tombstone
ROUBAL: Jozef Roubal/narozen/dne 3 ne Dubna roue/1892/zemrel roku 1895, 15 ne Rigna
ROUS: Vaclav Rous/narozen 16 Pros. 1848/zemerl 10 Aug. 1923, ossw: Anna/manzellia V. Rous/narozena 16 Runa 1849/zemrela 7 Ledna 1909
ROZUM: Edward J./1909-1991 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Viola T./1912-2008 Tombstone + Photo Ronald G. Rozum/June 8, 1938/July 8, 2010 Tombstone + Photo
RYAN: James Ryan/born Dec. 7, 1844/died July 14, 1892 Tombstone
SANDA: Katerina Sanda/narozena 1849/zemrela 8 Rijna 1878 Tombstone Jan Sanda/narozen 10 Srpna 1814/zemrel 17 Zari 1894 Tombstone
SAUER: Andrew/Father/1858-1938, ossw: Katherine/Mother/1860-1942 James F. Sauer/1905-1956 Louis/Father/1889-1935 Marie/1881-1906, ossw: Wencel/1874-1963 Sylvia/1924-2016 Photo, ossw: Frank/1893-1954, ossw: Clara/1896-1991 Wencel M./Father/1885-1957 Photo, ossw: Theresa B./Mother/1885-1985 Emma Sauer/1893-1981 Edwin J. Sauer/July 13, 1918/April 4, 2007 Photo Lioba K. Sauer/1916-1998 Photo Randal Lee Sauer/Dec. 17, 1975/Sept. 20, 1985 Raymond J. Sauer/Nov. 20, 1910-Nov. 22, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes M. Sauer/Sept. 8, 1914-Jan. 8, 2013 Tombstone John E. Sauer/Sept. 10, 1954-March 31, 2008/from obit Gary L. Sauer/Sept. 20, 1948-Aug. 7, 2015 Leonard J. Sauer/Aug 15, 1919/Jun 25, 2020 Photo Helen L. Sauer/Mar 16, 1923/Dec 1, 2011 Photo See Gilbertson
SAUR: Edward J. Saur/1917-1998 Photo Veronica Saur/1924-2000
SCHARDA: Katharina Scharda/wife of Mathias Scharda/d. 18 Oct. 1877, Franklin/no stone
SCHENIAN: Reuben/1904-1974 (04 Jun 1904/Jul 1974/SSDI), ossw: Vlasta/1904-1980 Ryan Michael/July 1, 1982/July 15, 2002
SCHIESL: Nicholas/1909-1969, ossw: Hilda/1911-1997
SCHIMEK: Emma Schimek/Nar. 1 Ledna 1881/Zem. 28 Ledna 1904 Tombstone John Schimek/Nar. 7 Brez 1877/Zem. 22 Brez 1937
SCHLEGEL: Anna Schlegel/zemrela/28 Riuna 1916/stari 71 roku Tombstone
SCHLEIS: Anna/Mother/1899-1991, ossw: Anton/Father/1895-1947, next to: Diane/Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schleis/1964-1969 Leonard Schleis/1924-2012 Luella (Lolly) Schleis/Mar. 15, 1929/Nov. 1, 2006
SCHLIES: Joseph/Father/1871-1939, ossw: Rose/Mother/1876-1951
SCHUBER: Jos. Schuber/born/Feb. 5, 1886/died Oct. 9, 1895
SCHULTZ: Anna B. Schultz/1885-July 21, 1938 Ronald F. Schultz/Mar 1, 1934-May 31, 2019 Photo
SCHUSTER: Anna Schuster/dau. of Frank and May Schuster/b. Kossuth/d. 17 Dec. 1878/no stone
SEBESTA: Elizabet Sebesta/zemurela 23 Dub. 1885/stari 42 roku Joseph/Father/1869-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/Mother/1869-1945 Tombstone Michael Sebesta/b. Bohemia/d. 3 Nov. 1877/age 80 yr./no stone
SEIDL: John/1866-1958, ossw: Theresa/1875-1957, next to: Anna Seidl/Geb. 5 Mai 1834/starb 28 Feb. 1906, ossw: Frank Seidl/Geb. 22 Mai 1835/starb 29 Juni 1921, next to: Frances/1873-1966, ossw: Ida/1898-1989 Maria Seidl/narozena 21 Unora 1822/zemrela 26 Rijna 1909 Tombstone Wolfgang Seidl/geboren im jahre 1819/gestorben 19 Juni 1896
SERWE: Mary Serwe/1899-1990
SHANDA-SHANDY: Mary Tisler Shanda/1885-1970 Tombstone, ossw: Albert TISLER/1884-1929 Tombstone See SHANDY
SHANDY-SHANDA (Both Shanda and Shandy are inscribed on this stone) Elizabeth/manzelha/Jana Shandy/narozena 19 List 1819/zemrela 16 Cervence 1905 Tombstone
SHAVLIK: Anna Shavlik/umrala 27 Brasna 1911/stra 52 roku Joseph/1883-1964, ossw: Barbara/1890-1983, ossw: Anna/1921-__, ossw: Charles/1924-___ Ondrej Shavlik/1850-1924 Tombstone, next to: Rosalia Shavlik/1857-1932 Tombstone Adeline A. Shavlik/1927-1979 Joseph E. Shavlik/1913-1989
SHEBESTA: James J./1902-1981, ossw: Catherine/1904-1970 Michael/1875-1962, ossw: Anna/1880-1963 Photo
SHIMEK: Anna Shimek/Mother/1876-1948 Edwin/1903-1971, ossw: Alvina/1907-2006 Joseph/1875-1933, ossw: Elizabeth/1879-1956 Rev. Ignatius Emil Shimek/born Feb. 1, 1887/ordained June 7, 1919/died June 22, 1946 Leonard/1905-1971, ossw: Genevieve/1906-1990 Frank/Father/1866-1942, next to: Anna /Mother/1882-1957 Mildred/1928-2008 Photo, ossw: Floyd/1928-2006 Photo, ossw: Daryl/1955-1972 Norman/1926-2009 Photo, ossw: Amelia Shimek/March 3, 1930/Feb. 10, 2008 Photo, ossw: Glenn/1950-1969 Victor/July 27, 1910/Oct. 26, 1980, ossw: Evelyn/Feb. 18, 1913/Jan. 12, 1996 Louis Shimek/1907-1985 Mary Ellen Shimek/1931-1998 Photo Louise A. Shimek/1961-1979/Daughter Brett Lee Shimek/May 18, 1985/May 19, 1985 Todd A. Shimek/Jan. 30, 1963-Oct. 29, 2013/from obit Rose Cherney Shimek/1884-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Charles J. Shimek/1886-1944 Tombstone, ossw: CHERNEY Rodney L. Shimek/Jul 9, 1932/Mar 28, 2013 Photo Todd A. Shimek/Jan 30, 1963/Oct 29, 2013 Photo See CHERNEY See SIMEK
SHIMON: Bernard Shimon/Aug 20, 1922/Nov 3, 2017 Photo Grace C. Shimon /1922-2007 Tombstone
SHOULAK: Adolph/1881-1968, ossw: Mary/1882-1941
SHUSTA: Joseph E./Father/1889-1969, ossw: Kathryn/Mother/1891-1956, ossw: Eman/1865-1918, ossw: Mary/1863-1918 Quirin/1909-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1873-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1882-1959 Tombstone Victor/1913-1966 Photo, ossw: Evelyn/1919-2011 Photo
SIMEK: Aol?un/Nar. 24 List, 1903/Zem. 2 Pros 1906 Josef Shimek/Venuje/1885 Tombstone, ossw: Marie Simek (large stone with an iron cross on top, no other information) Tombstone Mates Simek/Nar. 24 Unora 1835/Zem. 21 Zari 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Simek/Nar. Rovui 1844/Zem. 21 Kvetna 1922 Tombstone, next to: Mathias/1868-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1869-1940 Tombstone, next to: Mary/Mother/1869-1940, next to: Wm. SHIMEK/Feb. 4, 1894-Apr. 16, 1954 Tombstone Ahezka Simek/narozena/10 Dubna 1911/zemrela 13 Dubna 1911 Tombstone Victor Simek/narozen 4 Brez 1907/zemrel 3 Rij 1907 Edward Simek/narozen 18 Brez 1912/zemrel 21 Brez 1912 See RAMIKER
SIMKOVA: Marie R. Simkova/narozena/7 Zu?ri 1898/zemrela/15 Kii?na 1898 Marie Simkova/narodila se a zemrela/21 Pros. 1900 Terezie Simkova/narozena 5 Pros. 1895/zemrela 31 Pros. 1895 See KEEHAN
SIMON: John Simon/narozen/v. roku/1819/a zemrel dne. 18 Unora 1899
SKARDA: Dora/1849-1934, ossw: Frank/1880-1978, ossw: John/1844-1923, ossw: Mary/1882-1967, next to: Charles Skarda/Feb. 27, 1926/May 1, 1931, next to: Dora Skarda/Mother/Feb. 6, 1849 - Mar. 4, 1934, next to: John Skarda/Father/June 24, 1844/Apr. 29, 1923 Wenzel Skarda/Oct. 3, 1895-Oct. 5, 1895/from record Marie Skarda/narozena/12 Kvet/1878/zemrela 30 Pros. 1890 Robert/son/1944-1948 R.S. Skarda/1944-1948 Frank Skarda/1912-1980 Photo Florence Skarda/1917-2003 Photo George Skarda/1921-1993 Tombstone Ruby Skarda/1919-1999 Tombstone + Photo Olive R. Skarda/Feb. 28, 1920-April 28, 2011 Photo Leonard J. Skarda/1917-1988 Tombstone Leonard J. Skarda/Dec. 6, 1940/May 11, 2013 Tombstone
SKARVAN: Emma Skarvan/Nar. 21 Unora 1881/Zem. 1 Kvet 1922, ossw: John Skarvan/Nar. 14 Srpen 1874/Zem. 3 Rijen 1945, next to: Frank Skarvan/1903-1956 Harlan V. Skarvan/S Sgt US Air Force/Vietnam/Aug. 6, 1933 - Feb. 9, 1977, ossw: Shigeko A./1935-2012, next to: Thomas/1853-1903, ossw: Mary/1849-1930 Vaclav Skarvan/narozen 6 Dub. 1812/zemrel 11 Unora 1910, ossw: Marie SKARVANOVA/narozena v roku 1813/zemrela dne 20 Zar. 1897/stari 84 roku Mary Skarvan/Nar. 7 Spren 1880/Zem. 18 Listopad 1955 See JANDA
SLADKY: Frank/1868-1961, ossw: Mary/1874-1949 Sladky family stone George Sladky/Father/June 24, 1850/Feb. 7, 1924 Tombstone, next to: Anna Sladky/Mother/July 26, 1854/June 4, 1926 Tombstone Karel/son of Sladky/narozen 15 Unora 1890/zemrel 1 Muje 1890 Tombstone, next to: M. Sladky Tombstone Tomas Sladky/narozen 3 Unora 1901/zemrel 9 Cervna 1902 Tombstone Tomas Sladky/narozen 18 Cerv. 1826/zemrel 7 Pros. 1891, next to: Marie Sladky/narozena 1 Unora 1826/zemrela 1 Unora 1904 D. Sladky (this stone next to Kasper Pilger) Tombstone
SLAGER: Emil/Father/1881-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara/Mother/1881-1950 Tombstone Emma D./1884-1952, ossw: Anna K./1878-1948 Robert J. Slager/March 7, 1920-June 23, 2014 Photo
SLEGEL: Marie Slegel/narozena 11 Kvei 1837/zemrel 19 Led. 1883 Tombstone
SLEGER: Michael/Father/1902-1977, ossw: Anna/Mother/1907-1952 Helen R./1918-1987, ossw: Viola M./1920-2005 Frank J./Father/1883-1952, ossw: Anna S./Mother/1885-1973 Frank/1892-1971, ossw: Blanch/1890-1960 Jiri Sleger/narozena 15 List 1875/zemrel 27 Ledna 1910, next to: Anna/manzella J. Sleger/narozena 28 Dubna 1878/zemrel/6 Brezna 1908 John/1894-1966, ossw: Anna/1901-1985, next to: John E. Sleger/Wisconsin/Pvt. Btry. B 9 TM Bn./World War I/Aug. 21, 1894 - Dec. 16, 1966 Josef Sleger/narozen 30 Dubna 1879/zemrel 2 Prosince 1899 Tombstone Matthew/Father/1854-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara/Mother/1858-1934 Tombstone John Sleger/d. Feb. 19, 1923/from obit Stepan Sleger/zemrel 9 List 1895/stari 32 roku Tombstone Vojtech Sleger/zemrel/31 Brez 1885/stari 36 roku Tombstone Anna Sleger/1896-1995/nee Menchal, ossw: Jacob Sleger/1888-1979 Louis Sleger/1912-1994 James P. Sleger/1925-1979 Helen E. Sleger/1915-2010/from obit Louise A. Sleger/Aug 21, 1935-Feb 22, 2016 Photo
SMITH: Katherina Smith/1876-1951
SNYDER: Shane Allen/June 3, 1986/Sept. 13, 1986
SOMMER: Gloria Catherine Sommer/nee Zander/b. 24 Sept. 1928/d. 19 Jan. 2006 in Milwaukee/cremains Tombstone, ossw: Kenneth Sommer/Feb 23, 1926/Mar 24, 2013 Tombstone (stone not cut yet)
SOUKUP: Josef Soukup/narozen/23 Kvetna 1832/zemrel 8 Cervna 1878 Tombstone
SOUR: Doretta Sour/Zem. 8 Zari 1918/stari 84 Rok Tombstone Joseph/1887-1952, ossw: Emma/1892-1971, ossw: Julia/1922-__, ossw: Joseph/1924-__ Michal Sour/narozen 14 Unora 1902/zemrel 19 Brez 1903 Peta Sour/zemrel 11 Unora 1897/u stari 64 roku
SPURNEY: Edward/1907-2000, ossw: Katherine/1910-1973 Joseph/1875-1962, ossw: Anna/1878-1957 Maria Spurney/Nar. 25 Srpna 1851/Zem. 8 Pros. 1918, ossw: Frank Spurney/Nar. 14 Zari 1849/Zem. 8 Pros. 1929
SPURNY: Josefa Spurny/Nar. 19, Brezna 1876/Zem. 15, Brezna 1902
STEBER: Katerina/Nar. 19 List 1862/Zem. 21 Pros 1918 Tombstone
STEDL: Edwin/1905-1957, ossw: Marie/1910-__ John L. Stedl/Wisconsin/Pfc 465 Medical Coll Co/World War II/ July 4, 1919 - June 3, 1960 George Stedl/born Feb. 2, 1866/died Mar. 24, 1912 Tombstone George/Son/1894-1961, ossw: Josephine/Mother/1870-1947 James/1936-1957 Joseph/1890-1985 Photo, ossw: Anna/1896-1973 Walter L. "Buddy" Stedl, Jr./May 12, 1940-Nov 4, 2019 Joseph Stedl/Beloved son/Dec. 21, 1966/Mar. 8, 1967 Lawrence Stedl/1860-1944/from obit Matthew/1882-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Ambrose/1921-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Annie/1888-1973 Tombstone SP. 4/William J. Stedl/1949-1969 Tombstone Joseph J. Stedl/Aug. 23, 1918/Oct. 16, 1990 Daniel J. Stedl/1911-1992 Photo Margaret R. Stedl/1916-2001 Photo Raymond (Butch) Stedl/1922-1998 Photo Anastasia Stedl/1919-2009 Photo Walter Stedl/1914-1987 Photo Dolores Stedl/1916-2008 Jolene Ann Stedl/July 11, 1965/May 21, 1999 Baby Max Stedl/-May 21, 1999 Catherine M. Stedl/June 15, 1921/May 21, 1999 (Margaret Stedl/May 1820-Aug 6, 1904/from record)
STEDLL: Maggie Stedll/born Mar. 5, 1885/died Nov. 23, 1891
STEEBER: Anton F./1884-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Kristina/1893-1971 Tombstone Michael C./Father/1894-1953, ossw: Anna L./Mother/1901-1999 Photo Leo C./1925-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Esther Ann/1926-1977 Tombstone Edward C./1900-1952, ossw: Blanche/1901-1970 Anton J./Apr. 5, 1922/Apr. 14, 2001 Tombstone Richard M. Steeber/Sept. 18, 1925-April 29, 2012 Photo Mildred Steeber/Sept. 29, 1933-May 4, 2015
STEFL: Dora Stefl/zemrela 21 Srpna 1895/u stari/7 let 6 mes. Joseph/1848-1909, ossw: Catherine/1854-1936, ossw: Stephen/1886-1916 Joseph F./1873-1947, ossw: Anna/1876-1948 Anna Stefl/narozena 22 Zari 1901/zemrel 29 Cerv. 1907 Joseph/1877-1960, ossw: Catherine/1883-1959 Infant Stefl/d. March 30, 1905/from obit Theresa Stefl/Feb. 27, 1905-March 28, 1905/no stone/from record
STERBA: John/1860-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Katharine/1862-1921 Tombstone
STETSON: Arlin Stetson/1930-1988 Tombstone Michael Stetson/1958-1981 Tombstone
STIBR: Meri Stibr/zemrela 24 Zari 1898/stari 67 roku Tombstone
STOKES: Mollie Stokes/born Mar. 27, 1890/died Jan. 15, 1891 Tombstone Vincent Stokes/born Sept. 14, 1859/died Dec. 23, 1869 Tombstone, ossw: Matilda SEIDEL/born Aug. 13, 1869/died Nov. 6, 1872 Tombstone, ossw: John Stokes/born May 17, 1854/died Nov. 5, 1872 Tombstone
STRADAL: Adema Anna Stradal/otei 70 roku, ossw: (Adam)/Strari/zemrel/dhe 2 ho Dubna v roie 1911 Josef Stradal/narozen roku 1865/zemrel 8 Cervence roku 1921 Marie Stradal/narozena 18 Zari 1874/zemrela 20 Cerv. 1891 Tombstone Peter Stradal/1835-1930, ossw: Marie/manzelha/P. Stradal/zemrela 27 List. 1893/v stari 51 roku Vaclav Stradal/narozen 5 Rijna 1883/stari 7 roku, ossw: Karoline Stradal/narozen/12 Brezna 1886/stari 10 roku, ossw: Zemi 11 oba jcden den/21 Ledna 1890 Vaglav Stradal/narozen 23 Femence 1896/zemrel 26 Ledna 1901 Peter/Father/1866-1929, next to: Peter/Son/1898-1916, next to: Mary/Mother/1876-1950, next to: Cecilia ZIPPERER/1905-1940 Tombstone Joseph J. Stradal/1902-1979 Marcella Stradal/1906-1995 Frank G. Stradal/1908-1994 Tombstone + Photo Maureen R. Stradal/1917-2006 Tombstone + Photo James J. Stradal, Sr./Feb. 28, 1924-March 10, 2014 Photo Ruth "Boots" Stradal/May 19, 1926-Dec. 8, 2012 Photo Joseph M. Stradal/Oct. 13, 1929-Feb. 13, 2013 Photo See STRADL
STRADL: Dean Stradl/Aug. 19-Sept. 3, 1955 Petr Stradl/Nar. 23 Unora 1836, ossw: Marie Stradl/Nar. 25 Brez. 1838/Zem. 22 Cer. 1914 Marie STRADAL/narozena/2 Unora 1885/zemrela 4 Brezna 1915 Tombstone, next to: George Stradl/Nar. 17 Srpen 1874/Zem. 5 Cerv 1941 Tombstone, next to: Francis/son of G. & M. Stradl/born & died/Sept. 26, 1934
STRANSKY: Fred/1878-1921 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1879-1966 Tombstone
STRNAD: Bedrich Strnad/narozen 1846/zemrel 4 Brez 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Katerina Strnad/narozen 1845/zemrel 13 Srp. 1919 Tombstone Jiri Strnad/zemrel dne 16, Brezna 1898/v stari 76 roku Tombstone, ossw: Marie Strnad/zemrel 27 Kvet 1908/stari 85 roku Tombstone
STROUF: Norman/1909-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1915-2002 Tombstone Denver Strouf/Sept. 4, 1939/Jan. 30, 2010 Tombstone
STRUKA: Margaretha Anna Struka/b. Bohemia/d. 19 Mar. 1878/no stone
STURM: Frank E./1904-1984, ossw; Emma B./1909-1977
SUBR: Jan Subr/star byl 29 roku/zemrel 22 Ledna 1882 Iron Cross Josef Subr/narozen/29 Cerv. 1808/zemeral 29 Cerv. 1888 Josef Subr/narozen/5 Pros. 1860/zemrel 24 Pros. 1886 Mathias Subr/narozen 14 Rijna 1822/zemrel 2 Kvetna 1904, next to: Anna Subr/narozena 12 Pros. 1823/zemrela 30 List. 1904 The following stone has the following spelling of last name:SUBR and SUBRA. Barbora/manzelka/Josefa Subra/narozena 13 Ledna 1859/zemrela 12 List. 1893 Tombstone
SUCHOMEL: Frank G./Wis. Amm 2 USNR/WW II/Apr. 10, 1914-Sept. 7, 1963 Joseph/1901-1977, ossw: Gladys/1910-1997 Photo
SULCOVA: Maria Sulcova/zemrela 18 Ledna 1888/stari 64 roku
SUSTA: Tomas Susta/zemrel/6 Cervce 1882/u stari 62 roku Tombstone Anna Susta/Nar. 24 Cerv. 1832/Zem. 1 Kvet 1912 Tombstone, next to: Elizabeth DUFEK/Sister/Jan. 14, 1873/Mar. 21, 1934
SVACINA: Katie Svacina/1883-1937
SVATEK: Rev. Frank J. Svatek/born Sept. 4, 1906/ordained Mar. 18, 1932/died June 7, 1958 Tombstone
SVETLIK: Anna Svetlik/narozena/27 Cerv 1877/zemrela 14 Pros. 1885 Tombstone Frantisek V. Svetlik/narozen 7 Cerv. 1908/zemrel 12 Cerv. 1908 Vavrinec Svetlik/narozen 11 Sruna 1817/zemrel 18 Bicz 1896, ossw: Mary Svetlik/1818-1910
SVOBODA: Majdalena Svoboda/zemrela 24 Cervna 1900/stari 72 roku Thomas Svoboda/1818-1880
SWETLIK: Andrew/Father/1852-1941, ossw: Antoinette/Mother/1863-1939, next to: Alvin Swetlik/1903-1915, next to: Anna Swetlik/1882-1894 See KLIMENTA Anna/1847-1926, ossw: John/1841-1921, ossw: Frank/1881-1956, ossw: Anna/1887-1918 Byron/Son/1939-1944, ossw: Barbra/Daughter/1947-1947 Quirin/1911-1990 Photo, ossw: Eleanor/1913-2005 Photo Clara V. Swetlik/1914-1970 , next to: John/Father/1875-1954, ossw: Mary/Mother//1885-1954 Victor/1910-1933, ossw: Stephen/1886-1963 Photo, ossw: Katherine/1889-1976 Virginia/1918-1971 Photo, ossw: Mary/1886-1925, ossw: Wencel/1884-1960 Mates/1865-1908, ossw: Anna/1873-1945, next to: Anna Swetlik MATHEWS/1899-1943 Ludwig Swetlik/1918-1994 Lucille K. Swetlik/1925-2007/from obit
SWOBODA: Katerina Swoboda/zemrela 31 Kvetna 1902/stair 32 roku Tombstone, ossw: Emma Swoboda/1882-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Matt Swoboda/1868-1952 Tombstone
TADISCH: Inf. son/John Tadisch/May 30, 1958
TADYCH: Alois Tadych/1925-2005 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Rose Tadych/Dec 31, 1922/Jan 24, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
TISLER: Amalije Tisler/narozena 24 Rijna 1901/zemrela 11 List. 1901 Ed. Tisler/narozen 11 Unora 1895/zemrel 26 Unora 1901, next to: Wojtech Tisler/narodilse uroce/1893 19 ho Rijna/zemrel uroce 1895/15 ho Rijna Tombstone Anna Tisler/born Mar. 9, 1908/died Apr. 29, 1918 Catherine Tisler/1844-1927 Tombstone Jacob/1857-1941 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Teresa/1857-1944 Tombstone James/1891-1971 Tombstone,ossw: Emma/1893-1975 Tombstone Frank/Father/1873-1931 Tombstone, next to: Mary/Mother/1874-1942 Tombstone Joseph M./1886-1968 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Anna/1890-1963 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Grace Anna/1916-1919 Joseph/Father/1866-1948 Tombstone, next to: Infant Tisler/May 31, 1971 Tombstone, next to: Mary/Mother/1869-1936 Tombstone Josef Tisler/narozen 19 Ledna 1905/zemrel 30 Ledna 1905 Josef Tisler/zemrel 26 Zari 1881/stari 66 roku Vaclav Tisler/Nar. 1863/Zem. 15 Cerv. 1928, next to: Anna Tisler/Nar. 27 Cerv. 1868/Zem. 30 Kvet 1938 Lester Tisler/1914-1986 Tombstone Mary J. Tisler/1915-2009 Tombstone John L. (Jack) Tisler/1933-1995 Tombstone + Photo Victor T. Tisler/Brother/1920-1982 Tombstone Joseph R. Tisler/Jan. 13, 1922/Mar. 14, 1981/Army stone Photo Infant Tisler/d. May, 1918/no stone Martha B. Tisler/1927-2010 Tombstone Kenneth Tisler/1947-2011 Tombstone See SHANDA
TROCHIL: Raymond/1919-1964, ossw: Lucille/1925-__
TROST: Frederick Trost/1948-1997 Clarence Trost/1915-2001 Marcella Trost/1914-2012/from obit
TRUDEAU: Abraham/1874-1955, ossw: Elizabeta/1873-1939
ULOVEC: Jan Ulovec/1833-1893 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine Ulovec/Wife, ossw: Jan Ulovec/zemrel 20 Cervence/stari 60 roku im./26 dni
VALENTA: Albert J./1907-1966 Photo, ossw: Rose/1908-2003 (d. 12 July 2003) Edwin V./1943, ossw: Patricia/1943, ossw: Gary Allen/1972-1973 Albert E. Valenta, Jr./Dec. 19, 1938-Sept. 24, 2013 Photo Sharon M. Valenta/Sept. 4, 1943/Aug. 23, 2005/married Sept. 25, 1964 Photo
VALIBEL: Adolph Valibel/born Oct. 3, 1892/died Feb. 10, 1916
VANDERBLOOMEN: Thomas/Nov. 24, 1948/Dec. 18, 1988/married Feb. 19, 1971
VANIS: Anna/10 Unora LP. 1888/16 Kveina 1889, next to: Wilem/narozen 21 Cervna 1891/zemrel 16 Zari 1891, next to: Father/(Frank Wanish)/1865-1950, ossw: Mother/(Mary Wanish)/1868-1958, next to: Edward Vanis/Nar. 13 List L.P. 1892/zemrel 9 Brez 1909 Frantisek Vanis/narozen 1824/zemrel Kvetna 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Terezie Vanis/narozena 15 Zuri 1824/zemerela 24 Unora 1901
VODWASKA: John Vodwaska/1869-1951
VOREL: Frantisek Vorel/narozen 17 Pros. 1819/zemerl 11 Kveten 1877
VORL: Katerina/manzelka F. Vorl/narozena 21 Rijna 1828/zemrela 23 Cervce 1893
WACEK: Jozef Wacek/zemrel dne 24th Dubna roku 1878/stari 41 roki Tombstone
WACHAL: Mary Wachal/Dec. 2, 1885/Nov. 28, 1961, next to: Josef Wachal/narozen 9 Srpna 1877/zemrel 8 Cervna 1912, next to: Josef Wachal/narozen 3 Srpna 1823/zemrel 23 Unora 1909, next to: Katherina Wachal/zemrela 30 Cerv. 1917/stari 76 roku
WAGNER: Catherine/born June 15, 1844/died June 13, 1919 Tombstone
WANEK: Anna Wanek/Mother/Dec. 1, 1853/Jan. 19, 1926 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Picture inset, no data, next to: John Wanek/Father/May 9, 1850/Jan. 3, 1929 Tombstone Frank/Father/May 6, 1884/May 18, 1956 Tombstone, ossw: Rosie/Mother/Nov. 21, 1885/Nov. 29, 1951 Tombstone + Photo Leo Wanek/Son/Jan. 31, 1911/Jan. 31, 1932 Tombstone + Photo John/Father/1880-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Emelia/Mother/1882-1936 Tombstone See GRALL
WANISH: Frank W./Nov. 29, 1890/Sept. 29, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: Mary L./1895-1985 Tombstone John Wanish/Father/1860-1933, next to: Margaret Wanish/Mother/1866-1947, next to: John Wanish/Son/1891-1958 Victor I. Wanish/May 21, 1935/Sept. 2, 1999 See KELLNER
WARM: Louis C./1888-1969, ossw: Anna M./1884-1969
WARREN: Emily C. Warren /Wisconsin/Tec 5 WAC/World War II/Oct. 10, 1920 - Jan. 12, 1952
WEBER: Donald G. Weber/Jun 16, 1934/Apr 15, 2018 Photo, ossw: Patricia/1936-__, ossw: Jerald/1957-1975 Tombstone Mary/Mother/Mar. 18, 1863/Nov. 27, 1943 Tombstone, next to: George/Sept. 30, 1858/May 26, 1949 Tombstone, next to: George C. Weber/Nar. 14, List. 1891/Zem. 11 Srpna 1916 Tombstone + Photo John/1888-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1891-1964 Tombstone Joseph/1899-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Evangeline/1906-1990 Tombstone Wencel/1903-1981 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Rose/1912-2001 Tombstone + Photo Infant of F. & A. Weber/born & died/Mar. 13, 1927 Tombstone Quirin Weber/1908-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille Weber/1913-2005 Tombstone Edwin Weber/Apr. 11, 1905/May 11, 1982/Son Tombstone
WELLNER: Maria Wellner/Gest. 25 Jan. 1899/alter 78 jahre Tombstone, next to: John Wellner Tombstone, ossw: Mary Wellner Tombstone Margaretha/gattin von M. Wellner/Gest. 30 Jan. 1899/alter 33 jahre Tombstone, next to: Michael/Father/1864-1923 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara/Mother/1867-1932 Tombstone
WILDA: Emilie Wilda/narozena 7 Ceruna 1876/zemrela 11 Brezna 1880 Tombstone
WILLMAN: Carl S. (Bud) Willman/1927-1988 Ruth D. Willman/Feb 23, 1932/Mar 9, 2018 Photo Randall C./Nov. 1, 1957/Aug. 19, 2003 Photo
WISNER: Joseph/1852-1934, ossw: Katherine/1859-1940, ossw: George/1884-1976 Joseph/1887-1967, ossw: Emma/1892-1984
WOERFEL: Anna/wife of Adolph Woerfel/born Aug. 27, 1878/died Dec. 29, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Adolph Woerfel Jr./born Dec. 29, 1914/died Jan. 6, 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph KELLNER Sr./born Nov. 14, 1847/died July 4, 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine KELLNER/born Dec. 22, 1854/died July 27, 1931 Tombstone, ossw: Adolph H. Woerfel/born Mar. 9, 1882/died Sept. 24, 1947 Tombstone, next to: Footstones: Adolph, Anna, Father, Father, Mother
YANDA: Edward J./son of J. and M. Yanda/born Mar. 13, 1909/died Apr. 1, 1909 Tombstone Frantisek Yanda/narozen 8 Ledna 1897/zemrel 11 Ledna 1897
YINDRA: Anton J./1883-1963, ossw: Frances E./1890-1974 Michael/1890-1974, ossw: Julia/1893-1967 Quiren Yindra/1915-1985 Amelia Yindra/1918-1998 Roger M. Yindra/Sept. 19, 1937/May 9, 2004 In Loving Memory of the Infants of Frank & Mary (Neidl) Yindra, ossw: Albert/Feb 14, 1907/Oct 13, 1907 Tombstone, ossw: Daughter/-May 7, 1910-, ossw: Josephine/Apr 21, 1911/May 14, 1912, ossw: Dorothy/Aug 23, 1915/June 26 1916, ossw: Son/-Dec 24, 1916-
YOHANEK: Agnes Yohanek/Mother/1884-1955 Tombstone, next to: Katherine Yohanek/Mother/1850-1931 Tombstone, next to: Albert Yohanek/1857-1949 Tombstone Edward/1896-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Julia/1898-1979 Tombstone Joseph A./1916-2001, ossw: Iris/1917-1967 Victor A./1909-1977/married July 10, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: Marcella B./1911-2004 Henry Yohanek/1892-1982 Tombstone Henry Yohanek/1892-Aug. 14, 1982/Army plaque Tombstone Helen Yohanek/1924-2005 John A. Yohanek/Sept. 13, 1920/May 30, 2006 Tombstone Florence E. Yohanek/Oct. 12, 1920-Sept. 9, 2008 Tombstone Both of these names appear on the heading of stone. JOHANEK-YOHANEK Jakub Yohanek/Nar. 8 Brez 1832/Zem. 10 Cerv 1902 Tombstone, ossw: Dorota Yohanek/Nar. 26 Rijna 1839/Zem. 6 Srpna 1914 Tombstone
YOUNG: Jiri Young/zemrel 13 Duben 1901/stara 6 Let 8 mesicu
ZAHORIK: Anna Zahorik/zemrela 5 Dubna 1873/start 9 mesicu Tombstone
ZANDER: Bess R. (nee Sterba)/Apr. 24, 1894/Apr. 7, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: Gerald S./July 12, 1894/Sept. 20, 1985 Tombstone
ZANKLE: Johann Zankle/geboren 12 Juni 1822/gestorben 9 Mai 1886 (Barbara Zankle/d. Oct 1911/from obit) Lillian Zankle/10 Dec. 1897/25 Sep. 1898
ZEMAN: Charles A./Father/1882-1975 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma/Mother/1888-1941 Tombstone + Photo
ZIPPERER: Lester Zipperer/1914-1996 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Sylvia Zipperer/1921-1992 Tombstone + Photo See STRADAL