ALBERT ADAMS Albert Adams, 77, Worker Here During World War, is Dead Albert Adams, 77, a native of Kewaunee county, but who during the World War made his home in this city for three years, passed away at the home of his son, Principal L.M. Adams at Almond, Wis., on Thursday. Burial will take place on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 at Francis Creek, in charge of the Rev. Junek of the Melnik Presbyterian church. Services will be at the grave, the remains being brought direct from Almond. While located in this city Mr. Adams was employed at the ship yards here. He was married 45 years ago to Miss Emma Chloupek, a native of this city, who passed away in December, 1929. Besides the son at Almond, a daughter, Mrs. John Woracke of Eau Claire, a brother John of Kewaunee, three sisters, five grand children and one great grand child survive. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, May 22, 1931 P.23
EMMA ADAMS Mrs. Albert Adams, Former Kossuth Resident Dies at Almond, Wis. Mrs. Albert Adams, aged 65 years, formerly a native of this county having been born in the town of Kossuth and whose maiden name was Emma Chloupek, passed away on Sunday at the home of her son, LaFayette Adams, at Almond, Wis. The body has been brought to the home of a sister, Mrs. Meyer, at Francis Creek and funeral services, in charge of the Rev. Frank Junek, of the Melnik Presbyterian church, will be held Tuesday afternoon from the Meyer home, with burial in the National cemetery at Francis Creek. Mrs. Adams, nee Emma Chloupek, was born at Francis Creek on May 15, 1862 and lived in the county for many years. About 40 years ago, she married Albert Adams of Kewaunee, Wisconsin, and they made their home there until recently. Her husband, two children, Mrs. John Worachek of Menominie, Wisconsin, L.M. Adams, Almond, one sister, Mrs. Rose Meyer of Frncis Creek and five grandchildren survive. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, December 16, 1929 P. 2
JOSEPHINE BONIN Greenstreet: Mrs. Josephine Bonin, our beloved mother, died Tuesday morning Mar. 26, after a long illness. She is gone to her everlasting home, leaving husband and four children, two sons and two daughters. The oldest is a daughter of sixteen and the baby boy six years, besides an aged mother. Mrs. Bonin was the daughter of Thos. Yuranek who has resided in Greenstreet until his death Mar. 1, 1890. She was born July 2, 1861. The funeral took place Friday at Francis Creek and was largely attended. Manitowoc Pilot, April 4, 1901
HATTIE BUCKLEY Francis Creek: Hattie Buckley, aged 19, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley, Sunday afternoon. One brother William, and three sisters Emma, Rose and Fannie survive. The funeral took place Tuesday at the National Cemetery. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 31, 1904 pg. 8 ******** Hattie Buckley birth: December 1884 Kossuth death: 27 March 1904 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth residence: 1904 Kossuth father: John Buckley mother: Fannie Dolezal Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
ADOLF S. CHLOUPEK Death Tuesday after an illness of several months of Mishicott resident Adolph Chloupek at the age of 50. He leaves a widow and 5 children. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Der Nord Westen, 29 Mar. 1906 ******** Atty. Adolph S. Chloupek died on Tuesday at his home in the village of Mishicot, the cause of death being consumption, from which disease he had suffered for several months. He was about fifty years of age when the final summons came to him. Mr. Chloupek was formerly engaged in farming in the town of Kossuth. While conducting his farm there, he deveoted his spare time to the study of law for several years. He then took the state bar examination, passed that ordeal successfully, sold his farm, and removed to Mishicot, about ten years ago, where he had since been engaged in practicing law. Atty. Chloupek owned considerable real estate in and near Mishicot. He was well known in this city and county. He was a cousin of County Judge John Chloupek of this city. He leaves a wife, five children-two sons and three daughters-an aged mother and two married sisters to mourn his loss. The children are Victor, Edwin, Blanche, Olga and Lily, the first-mentioned being a student at the college of agriculture, Madison, and the lat-mentioned attending the teachers' training school here. The funeral will be held tomorrow, Friday, from the home in Mishicot. Manitowoc Pilot, March 29, 1906 P. 1 ********* (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 03 Apr.) A.S. CHLOUPEK died of T.B. last Tuesday afternoon in his home here. He had been a judge here for about 10 years and was a highly respected citizen. He leaves his wife, 2 sons, 3 daughters, his mother and 2 sisters. The funeral was held Friday morning from the funeral home with many people attending, with burial in Francis Creek where the family formerly resided. Der Nord Westen, 05 Apr. 1906 ******** (Order to Hear Petition for Administration). STATE OF WISCONSIN-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT-In probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Adolph S. Chloupek, deceased, intestate. On reading and filing the petition of Anna Chloupek of Mishicott (sic), in said county, representing among other things that Adolph S. Chloupek, an inhabitant of said county, on the 27th day of March, A.D. 1906, at town of Mishicott died intestae, leaving estate to be administered, and that the said petitioner is widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Anna Chloupek granted. It Is Ordered, that said petition be heard at a Special term of said County Court to be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of May, A.D. 1906, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Ordered Further, that notice of the time and place so appointed, be given to all persons interested, by publication hereof for three weeks successively, prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc City in said County. Dated at Manitowoc, the 6th day of April, A.D. 1906. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, April 26, 1906 P. 4 ******** Adolph S. Chlonpek birth: 11 November 1854 Francis Creek death: 27 March 1906 Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Francis Creek residence: 1906 Mishicot, Wis. father: Anton Chlonpek mother: Elisabeth spouse: Anna Chlonpek Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
ALZBETA CHLOUPEK ANOTHER OF EARLY DAY SETTLERS OF CO. IS CALLED TO REST Mrs. Elizabeth Chloupek, One of Best Known of Pioneer Residents, Dies at Home in Mishicott Today Another of the early settlers of Manitowoc county, on the the best known pioneer women, has been called to rest. Death ?????? Mrs. Elizabeth Chloupek, widow of the late Anton Chloupek, at her home at Mishicott ???? today. Mrs. Chloupek was ???? ?? and death was due to ?? (rest of column too light to read) of her death Mrs. Chloupek's health was good and she ...can't read.. During the past several weeks Mrs. Chloupek has failed rapidly and death was expected. Mrs. Chloupek wasa well known throughout the county in early days, coming in contact with many hundreds of people when her husband was at the head of a home brewing concern and (too light to read) Two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Meyer of Francis Creek and Mrs. Albert Adams of Kewaunee survive with 11 grand children and five great grandchildren. An aged sister, Mrs. Herman of Los Angeles also survives. The funeral will be held from the late home at Mishicott Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, December 13, 1916 p.7 ******** Notes from Mishicot Mrs. Elizabeth Chloupek, a pioneer settler of the county, died Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Adolph S. Chloupek. The deceased was born in Bohemia and when a young woman came to this country. She was 85 years of age. About six months after arriving here she was married to Anton Chloupek at Francis Creek. Her husband died thirty-six years ago and since then she had made her home with her son the late Atty. A.S. Chloupek. Her son has been dead for ten years. Mrs. Chloupek was known quite largely through-out the county for in the early days here, her husband and his brother, Joseph, who died recently, operated a brewery and grist mill at Francis Creek. They had ups and downs. Twice the dam went out and they sustained a heavy loss each time. After the dam went out a second time the property passed into other hands. Mrs. Chloupek was a good Christian and a loving wife and mother. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Albert Adams of Kewaunee and Mrs. Jos Meyer of Francis Creek, also eleven grandchildren and five great grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Herman in Los Angeles, Calif. The funeral will be held Saturday forenoon. Interment will be in the cemetery at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Pilot - Thus., Dec. 14, 1916 ******** OLD SETTLER DEAD Having attained the age of eighty-five years, sixty-two of which were spent in this county, Mrs. Elizabeth Chloupek passed away at her home in Mishicot, Wednesday. Mrs. Chloupek was born in Bohemia, November 14, 1831 and with her parents came to America in 1854. A year later she married Anton Chloupek at Kossuth, this county and had since resided here until Mr. Chloupek died 36 years ago and since that time she has made her home with her son and family at Mishicot. Although up to within a few months of her death, Mrs. Chloupek's health was good and she was active. Several years ago she suffered the affliction of blindness. Mrs. Chloupek was well known throughout the county in early days, coming in contact with many hundreds of people when her husband was at the head of a large brewing concern and grist mill at Francis Creek. Two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Meyer of Francis Creek and Mrs. Albert Adams of Kewaunee survive with eleven grandchildren. An aged sister, Mrs. Herman of Los Angeles also survive. The funeral will be held from the home at Mishicot Saturday morning at ten o'clock. The Reporter - Fri., Dec. 15, 1916 ******* State News Mrs. Anton Chloupek, an early settler of Manitowoc county is dead at Manitowoc at the age of eighty-five. She was born in Bohemia in 1831… Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, Friday, December 15, 1916 P. 8
ANNA CHLOUPEK (d. 1935) ATTORNEY'S WIDOW DIES Mrs. Anna Chloupek passes At Daughter's Home Mrs. Anna Chloupek, 73, widow of Adolph Chloupek, Mishicot attorney, died at 11 a.m. today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Blanche Cootway, Manitowoc, Route 6. She had been in poor health for several years. Funeral Friday The funeral will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Cootway residence on the Town Line road, where she had made her home since 1930. Burial will be at the Bohemian National cemetery at Francis Creek where four generations of her family are buried. The services will be in chrge of the J.C.D. lodge of which the deceased was a charter member. Mrs. Chloupek would have been 74 years old on Nov. 24. Her maiden name was Annie Tesarik. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tesarik and was born at Francis Creek. She was married to Atty. Adolph Choupek in 1880 at Francis Creek where the couple made their home until 1895. They moved to Mishicot where Mr. Chloupek set up a law office. He died 29 years ago but Mrs. Chloupek resided at Mishicot until 1930. Three Children Survive Six children were born to the couple. One child died in infancy, Miss Olga died at the age of 19 in 1911 and Victor, the oldest son, died in 1930. Three children survive, Mrs. Louis Cootway; Mrs. George Schmidt, Two Rivers Route 2, who for seven years was county superintendent of schools; and Edwin Chloupek, Manitowoc. One sister Miss Tillie Tesarik, city, and three grandchildren, also survive. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, November 12, 1935 P. 2
ANTON CHLOUPEK From Der Nord Westen, 07 Oct. 1880: Death of Anton Chloupeck on Sat. of last week in Francis Creek. He was a resident of the county since 1852 and was formerly a merchant in Kossuth involved with a mill, farming and a brewery. He had recently lost both feet by amputation. Burial took place on Sun. ******* Washed away. Information reached the city on Monday morning that the house and buildings of Anton Chloupek at French Creek were washed away on Sunday and all his stock drowned. The cause of disaster was the giving away of the dam. A man got into the barn to attempt to remove some stock but before he could get out himself, the barn was being carried down stream; the barn being caught by some trees the man saved himself by clinging to the branches. Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, April 22, 1880 P. 2 ******** Anton Chloupek of Kossuth, died on Sunday last. He has for some time been troubled with a sore foot, and having caught cold three weeks ago, it so aggravated the sore that the leg began to slough off. On Friday the physicians amputated the leg although feeling satisfied that even this remedy gave only the faintest hope of saving his life. On Sunday morning following he died. Mr. Chloupek has been quite a prominent citizen of Kossuth. He owned a brewery there and for some time ran a flour mill. He has quite a number of relatives in this county all well to do respectable people. His funeral took place on Tuesday of this week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 7, 1880 JOSEF CHLOUPEK
(1790 - 1871) STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY ss. Probate office, December 29th A.D. 1874. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of Joseph Chloupek, sen. deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Joseph Chloupek, sen. deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc has been filed in this office, and whereas application has been made by Joseph Chloupek Jr. praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on Monday the 25th day of January A.D. 1875, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said Will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, December 31, 1874 P. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
VICTOR A. CHLOUPEK LONG ILLNESS ENDS LIFE OF V. CHLOUPEK Although a long-time sufferer from lung trouble, the death shortly after 11 o'clock this morning of Victor Chloupek, 48 year old town of Mishicot farmer proved a shock to relatives and friends. The death came suddenly with members of his family not being aware of its nearness. He was a life-long resident of the county, being born on December 2, 1882. He never married and made his home with his mother, Mrs. Anna Chloupek who with a brother, Edwin of this city and two sisters, Mrs. George Schmidt and Mrs. Louis Cootway of this county survive. Mr. Chloupek attended the schools of the county, graduating at Mishicot and he later was a student at the University of Wisconsin, graduating from the short course in the College of Agriculture. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon from the family home at Mishicot and will be in charge of the Z.C.B.J. society, the deceased being a member of the Melnick branch. Burial will be at the Chloupek cemetery at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. June 6, 1930 P. 2 (Note: His tombstone as b. 1881)
MATILDA (SKARIEVODA) DOUBEK BRIDE OF YEAR GIVES UP LIFE FOR HER CHILD A bride of a year, Mrs. Joseph Doubeck, of Kossuth, gave up her life for her babe at the hospital in this city today, death following that of the babe a few days ago. Mrs. Doubeck was 24 years of age and was married fifteen months ago. Deceased is survived by her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Skarivoda of Kossuth. The body will be taken to Francis Creek where the burial will be held Sunday morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 7, 1913 p.1 ******** MELNIK Mrs. Joseph Doubek of this place gave up her life for her babe at the hospital in Manitowoc, Wednesday night following that of the babe about a week ago. Mrs. Doubek was about 24 years of age and was married about 15 months ago. She was born and reared in this locality and her many friends were all very sorry to hear of her death. Deceased is survived by her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Skarivoda, two sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held last Sunday from the late home and interment was held at the Francis Creek National Cemetery. We extend our sympathy to the family in their bereavement. The Reporter - Sat., Aug. 16, 1913 ******** A pretty wedding was celebrated at Francis Creek for Miss Mathilda Skariwoda and Joseph Doubek at the home of the bride. The home was prettily decorated, the bridal pair standing under an arch of evergreens and flowers while the benediction was spoken. The bride's gown was of white embroidery and she was attended by Misses Emma Shariwoda and Emma Kozinek while Edward Doubek and Edward Swetlik were groomsmen. A celebration was held in honor of the event and many guests were present. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Skarewoda and one of the popular girls of Francis Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Doubek will reside at Greenstreet where the groom is a prosperous farmer. The Menchalville band was in attendance at the wedding. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Sat., Nov. 25, 1911 ******* (The other stone with this one is probably the child. Her husband Joseph is in #29 with a second wife)
ANNA DRASNER Mrs. Anton Drasner, 77, died last night on the farm home in Kossuth, now operated by a son, Henry. She had been ill a year. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Husar funeral home, Kellnersville, the Rev. Yaroslav Vrany officiating. Burial will be in the Francis Creek National cemetery. Born Anna Bohachek in Gibson in 1868 she was married to Anton Drasner in 1890 and they located on the Kossuth farm. He died 42 years ago. Survivors are a son, Henry, of Kossuth; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body may be viewed after 6 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, March 2, 1946 P. 2
ANTON DRASNER Death in Town Kossuth on Fri. of 34-yr. old Anton Dreschner (sic) of kidney disease, leaving his widow and 3 children. The funeral was Monday. Der Nord Westen, 07 July 1904 (Note: The surname Dreschner is in none of the cemeteries. In the microfiche death index it shows Anton Drasner d. Jul. 01, 1904.
JOSEF DRASNER Joseph Drasner, 86, resident of county and city for more than four score years, died last night at the home, 624 York street, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Burial will be in the Kossuth National cemetery. Mr. Drasner was born in Bohemia in 1854 and when a child accompanied his parents to the United States. The family located in Kossuth. Fifty- three years ago he married Mary Tesarik and they purchased a farm in Kossuth. She died 34 years ago. Fifteen years ago Mr. Drasner disposed of the farm to his son, Fred, and moved to this city, where he has since resided. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Charles Holsen and Mrs. Louis Reindl, both of this city; son, Fred, of Kossuth, and six grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Wednesday noon until the hour of the service Thurs day. Manitowoc Herald-Times, 25 Mar 1941
MARIE DRASNER Death in Town Kossuth on Friday of 42-year old Mrs. Joseph Drasner. The deceased, whose death was totally unexpected, is survived by her husband and several children. Der Nord Westen, 02 May 1907 ******** DIED: Mrs. Joseph Drasner died last Friday morning at her home in the town of Kossuth, after a short illness. She was bout forty-two years of age. A family survives. The funeral was held Monday morning. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 2, 1907 pg. 1 ******* Francis Creek Last Sunday the remains of Mrs. Marie Drashner were buried here. She leaves a family of six children and a husband. She was 42 ½ years old and spent all her life here. The Reporter - Sat., May 11, 1907 ******** Mary Tesarik Drasner birth: 1865 Kossuth death: 26 April 1907 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1907 Kossuth father: John Fesarik mother: Anna Tesarik spouse: Joseph Drasner Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
TEREZIE DRASNER Theresia Prachar Drashner birth: 1833 Bohemia death: 29 August 1899 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth residence: 1899 Kossuth, Manitowoc spouse: John Drashner Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
ANTON DVORNY Anton Dvorny, 87, of Maribel, died Sudnay afternoon at Manitowoc County Hospital following a brief illness. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, with the Rev. Richard Schmitz officiating and with burial in Francis Creek National Cemetery. Mr. Dvorny was born in Bohemia Aug. 12, 1870, son of the late John and Elizabeth Taicher Dvorny, and came to the United States when 13 with his parents, who settled near Francis Creek. In 1899 he married Emma Podrabsky and the couple farmed near Francis Creek and later in the Town of Gibson. After retiring in 1934 the couple moved to Maribel, and Mrs. Dvorny died in February of 1956. Mr. Dvorny is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Holly of Tisch Mills and Mrs. Edwin Graunke of Valders, seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 6:30 o'clock this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, October 28, 1957 P. 15
EMMA DVORNY Mrs. Anton Dvorny, 83, of Maribel, died Sunday at the home in the village. Private funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville. The Rev. Sherwood Roach will officiate and burial will be in the Bohemian Evangelical Cemetery at Francis Creek. She was born Emma Podrabsky in Kossuth Jan. 8(?), 1873, and Nov. 23, 1898, was married to Anton Dvorny. They located on a farm in Gibson and in 1934 moved to Maribel. Surviving are her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Wencel Chvala Sr., of Rosecrans, Mrs. Milfred Holly of Tisch Mills, Mrs. Edwin Krounke? of Valders; two step- brothers, Emil Podrabsky of Melnik and Adolph Podrabsky of Kossuth; seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home until Tuesday noon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, February 6, 1956 P. 15
JOHN DVORNY Francis Creek: At twelve o'clock last Wednesday night, John Dovorny (sic), aged 64 years, passed away at his home. Heart disease was the cause of his very sudden death. The funeral was held here on Saturday last. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 7, 1901 pg. 8 ******** John Dvorney birth: 1836 Bohemia, Europe death: 30 January 1901 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth spouse: Elizabeth Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
MARY FIERST MRS. FIERST DIES, 76 YEARS Francis Creek Resident To Be Buried Wednesday Mrs. Mary Fierst, 76, resident of Francis Creek for many years, died at the family home there Sunday afternoon. She was ill only one week. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m., Wednesday at the residence of Frank Fierst, Francis Creek, son of the deceased. The Rev. Frank Junek of Melnik will officiate and burial will be in National Cemetery, Francis Creek. The body will be removed from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei Funeral home to the residence Tuesday morning. Mrs. Fierst, who was formerly Mary Albrecht, was born at Cooperstown in September, 1856. She was married there in 1875 to Emanuel Fierst. After their marriage they took up residence on a farm at Francis Creek. Mr. Fierst died in 1887. Mrs. Fierst continued to maintain the family home and in later years the farm was operated by a son, Frank. Mrs. Fierst is survived by four sons, Charles and Emanuel of Brockville, Frank and Anton of Francis Creek; one sister, Mrs. Francis Koukalik of Tisch Mills and one brother, Anton Albrecht of Maribel. There are also nine grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, January 23, 1933 P.2
JOSEPH HROUDA (First publication February 21, 1884.) No. 16 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-MANITOWOC COUNTY-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, Feb. 16th, A.D., 1884. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Joseph Hrouda, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Joseph Hrouda, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Joseph Maresh, who is named in said will as one of the executors thereof, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon as provided bylaw. Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me, at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 18th day of March, A.D., 1884, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Estabrook & Walker, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 20, 1884, P. 2
ALBERT JELINEK Albert Jelinek, 86, of 1119 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc, died Monday morning at Family Heritage Nursing Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Immanual Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Glenn Unke will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County. Mr. Jelinek was born Dec. 18, 1884, in Lincoln County, Wis., son of the late Albert and Tatheine Robinson Jelinek. He married Emily Meyer Dec. 24, 1913, at Manitowoc. She preceded him in death in 1959. Survivors include a son, Leo, of Rt. 1, Stanley, Wis., a daughter, Miss Verna Jelinek of Manitowoc and six grandchildren. A son preceded her in death. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, (Ninth Street entrance) after 4:30 p.m. Tuesday until 11:30 a.m. Wednesday and then at the church until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 12, 1971
EMILY JELINEK Mrs. Albert Jelinek, 75, of 1119 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc, died unexpectedly at her home Thursday afternoon. She had a heart attack. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with burial in Francis Creek Cemetery. The former Emily Meyer was born at Branch Feb. 4, 1883, daughter of the late Joseph and Rose Chloupek Meyer. She was married to Albert Jelinek at Francis Creek Sept. 24, 1913, and the couple resided in the State of Virginia 5 ½ years before returning to Francis Creek, residing there two years and then coming to Manitowoc. Mrs. Jelinek is survived by the husband, two sons, Elton of St. Nazianz and Leo of Stanley, Wis.; a daughter, Verna at home; two brothers, John and Victor of Francis Creek and five grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times Friday, May 29, 1959 – Page 17 ******** Francis Creek One of the prettiest weddings of the season took place at the home of Mr. Joe Meyer of Francis Creek when his daughter, Miss Emily was given in marriage to Mr. Jelinek of Sunnyside, Va. The marriage took place at high noon. The bride was gowned in a beautiful cream satin and carried a large bouquet of cream roses. the attending couple were Mr. Victor Meyer, a brother of the groom and Miss Jennie Robinson, a cousin of the groom. The bridesmaid wore a white messaline sik and carried white roses, while the groom wore the conventional black. The groom is a prominent young man of sterling quality and owns a large tract of land in Va., where the couple will make their home. A sumptuous wedding dinner was served to friends and relatives. Immediately after the couple left on a short trip to Merrill, Wausau, Antigo, Dudley and Parish and upon their return will soon leave for the South. Their many friends wish much happiness as they journey together down the pathway of life. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Fri., Sept. 26, 1913
VERNA E. JELINEK Verna E. Jelinek, age 84, of 1115 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc, died Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center. Verna was born Aug. 23, 1922, in Manitowoc, a daughter of the late Albert and Emily Meyer Jelinek. She grew up in Manitowoc and worked for many years, retiring from the Holiday House. She was a member of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of Manitowoc. Verna loved to have a garden and enjoyed cooking, but truly loved writing to her many pen pals and receiving letters from them. Verna also enjoyed the Manitowoc Senior Center, especially playing bingo and working puzzles. Survivors include two sisters-in-law: Emma Jelinek of Stanley; Dolores Jelinek of St. Nazianz; five nephews and one niece: Joshua (Linda) Jelinek,; Eli (Sabina) Jelinek; Rene (Judy) Jelinek, all of Kiel; Gary (Karen) Jelinek of Pleasant Prairie; John (Nancy) Jelinek of Las Vegas, Nev.; Joan Jelinek of Sacramento, Calif. She was preceded in death by her parents; an infant sister: Rose; two brothers: Elton and Leo; and a lifelong friend: William Nething. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 2, 2006, at the Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home of Manitowoc. The Rev. Paul Schossow will officiate with burial to follow at Kossuth No. 1 Cemetery in the town of Kossuth. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. A memorial fund has been established in her name for Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church. Manitowoc Herald Times Nov. 2006
ANTONIN JOURA WELL KNOWN KOSSUTH PIONEER CALLED BY DEATH Anton Youra (sic), 77, Had Made Home Here for Years, Passes Away Anton Youra, a pioneer resident of Kossuth, was buried at Francis Creek yesterday. Mr. Youra's death having occurred Saturday. He was 77 years of age and death was due to infirmities incident to his advanced years. For many years he was one of the best known farmers of Kossuth. Mr. Youra is survived by seven children, as follows: Anton and Henry, Mrs. Wenzel Yindra, Kossuth; Mrs. John Strouf, Montana; Mrs. Herman Kitzerow, Kewaunee; Mrs. F. Kretche and Mrs. W. Weise, this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald Tuesday, December 12, 1916 pg. 8 ******** The reaper whose name is Death, has visited us and removed from our midst one of our few surviving pioneers, when early Saturday morning, Dec. 9th, Mr. Anton Youra Sr., passed way at the home of his son, Henry. Mr. Youra was stricken with paralysis and suffered only three weeks. He was born in Bohemia in 1840 and came to America with his parents at the age of 17, settling in Wisconsin. He got married to Mrs. Pech. His wife was laid to rest 23 years ago. He then resided with his son, Henry, until his death. He was the father of eight children and seven of whom are left to mourn his death, namely, Mrs. Weise and Mrs. Pech of Manitowoc, Mrs. John Strouf of Montana, Mrs. Kitzrou of Kewaunee, Mrs. Jim Jinra, Anton and Henry of this locality. He was a kind and charitable old friend, a good Christian and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. The funeral was held Monday morning from the late hoe with interment in the Francis Creek Evangelical Cemetery. May his soul rest in peace. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Dec. 14, 1916 ******** Notes from Fischerville Mr. and Mrs. John Strouf of Stanford, Montana, were here for an extended visit with relatives and old time friends. They also attended the funeral of Mrs. Strouf's father, Mr. Anton Youra Sr. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Dec. 14, 1916
MARIE JOURA 65-yr. old Mrs. Anton Youra died in Town Kossuth. Her funeral was yesterday. Der Nord Westen, 24 Mar. 1904 ******** Mrs. Anton Youra (sic), Sr., aged 60, of Kossuth died Monday. She suffered a stroke of paralysis about a year ago. The funeral took place yesterday. A husband, two sons and three daughters survive. One daughter, Mrs. Frank Kretche, resides in this city. Manitowoc Pilot, March 24, 1904
VACLAV JOURA Death on Mon. of Town Kossuth resident, 90-yr. old Henry Wonra (sic) (best guess, last 3 characters in the name unclear), of old age debility. The deceased came from Bohemia in 1850 and has lived in Town Kossuth since that time. He leaves 6 children. The funeral was yesterday morning in Francis Creek. From Der Nord Westen, 03 Apr. 1902 ******** Wenzel Jonra birth: 1812 Bohemia, Europe death: 31 March 1902 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth residence: 1902 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
ROSA JURANEK Mrs. Rosie Juranek, a resident of Manitowoc county for more than sixty years and the last surviving member of a group of three girls who came here to make their home sixty four years ago, died at the home of her son-in-law, Max Bonin, in the town of Manitowoc Rapids this morning. She had reached the advanced age of 90 years and has no living relatives except the son in law. All of her own kith and kin have preceded her in death. For many years the family made their home in this city on Green street and the husband died 24 years ago. She has made her home with Mr. Bonin for the past thirty years. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from the Urbanek & Wattawa undertaking parlors and interment will be at the National cemetery at Francis Creek. Services will be held at the cemetery chapel. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, September 25, 1919 Page 1
EMMA KNUTH DENMARK LADY TAKEN SUDDENLY IN BAY HOSPITAL Word was brought to this city today of the death of Mrs. Emma Knuth, wife of William C. Knuth, at Green Bay, yesterday, where she had been confined to the St. Vincent’s hospital for less than a week. News of the death comes as a shock for it was not known that her condition was serious. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock and the body will be taken to Francis Creek for burial. Mrs. Knuth, who was Emma Skarivoda before her marriage, was 29 years of age, and was born in Kossuth. She is survived by her parents, a sister, Mrs. Lilly Hlinak, of Melnik, and two brothers, Fred of Mishicot, and Edward of Cato. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, November 11, 1927 P. 2 ******* Notes from Cooperstown A large number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. William Knuth at Denmark Sunday afternoon. Burial was at the Francis Creek Cemetery. The funeral was one of the largest witnessed in Denmark. Only about half of the people could enter the church. Mrs. Knuth, nee Skarivoda, was thirty-five years old at the time of her death. She was ill only three days. She is survived by her husband, two brothers, one sister and her parents. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Nov. 17, 1927 ******* (Note: The 1920 Brown co. census shows a William Knuth age 29 and spouse Emma Knuth age 29 living at Denmark/it appears the newspaper has the wrong age for Emma.) ******** Emma Knuth birth: 25 June 1896 Cooperstown, Wis. death: 21 August 1898 Cooperstown, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Cooperstown, Wis. residence: 1898 Cooperstown, Wis. father: Frank Knuth mother: Terrsa Peffer Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
JOSEF KOCI Joseph Kotchi (sic), a well known Kossuth pioneer, died at his home there, aged 78. Mr. Kotchi had been in feeble health for some time. A widow, four sons and three daughters survive. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Nov. 26, 1912 - page 3
EMMA KOTCHE Gibson news: The Gibson Red Cross auxiliary had their last meeting at the home of…The ladies of the auxiliary extend great sympathy to the sadly bereaved children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kotche who were both buried within a month. Mrs. Kotche was elected treasurer of our Red Cross auxiliary when we organized last summer and held her office until Zanders had organized their own auxiliary after which she resigned. Mrs. Kotche was a devoted Red Cross worker… Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, January 20, 1919 P. 4
LOUIS KOTCHE Zanders news: Our local cheesemaker, Louis Kotche, died after a short illness of pneumonia resulting from the Spanish influenza Monday, Dec. 23. He was buried Friday Dec. 27 at Francis Creek. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Kotche, and three small children. He was a kind husband, father and neighbor, and his death will surely be felt among all his friends and neighbors. His wife Mrs. Kotche is very low with pneumonia, but we all hope she will recover soon. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, January 4, 1919
VACLAV KRAJNIK Fist Publication Aug. 19, '24 NOTIC TO PROVE WILL AND NOTICE TO CRIDITORS STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT MANITOWOC--IN PROBATE In ReEstate of Wenzel Krajnik, signing Waclav Krajnik, deceased. Notice is Hereby Given, That at the Special Term of said Court to be held on the third Tuesday (being the 16th day) of September, A.D. 1924, at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, there will be heard and considered the application of Charles Rezba to admit to probate the last Will and Testament of Wenzel Karajnik, signing as Waclav Krajnik late of the Town of Mishicot, in said County, deceased, and for the appointment of an executor. Notice is Hereby Further Given, That at the Special Term of said Court to be held at said Court House on the fourth Tuesday, (being the 23rd day) of December, A.D. 1924, there will be heard, considered and adjusted, all claims against said Wenzel Krajnik, deceased; And Notice Is Hereby Further Given, That all such claims for examination and allowance must be presented to said County Court at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc, in said County and State, on or before the 22nd day of December, A.D. 1924, or be barred. Dated August 18, 1924 By the Court, JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge A.P. Schenian, Attorney. Manitowoc Herald News Tuesday, August 19, 1924 pg. 8
INFANT LEPICH Private funeral services were held at Francis Creek today for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lepich of 616 North Sixth street, born Friday. Attending the rites were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bohacek, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lepich, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bernhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bohacek. Manitowoc Herald Times Monday, April 18, 1949 pg. 2
GEORGE V. LEPICH George V. Lepich, age 80, of 1607 Nagle Ave., died Thursday evening, Nov. 7, 2002 after a lengthy illness. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 11, 2002, at the First Presbyterian Church, 502 N. Eighth St. Manitowoc. The Rev. William Plank will officiate, with burial to follow at Kossuth No. 1 Cemetery in the Town of Kossuth. Military graveside services will be accorded by VFW Post #7753 of Mishicot. George was born April 22, 1922 at Manitowoc, son of the late Otto and Libbie Strouf Lepich. He grew up in the Melnik area attending local schools. On May 23, 1945 George entered the U.S. Army, serving until November 1946. He was a Tech 5 serving in the 4245 Quartermaster Service Corps in Germany. On May 1, 1948 George was married to the former Mildred M. Bohacek at First Presbyterian Church in Manitowoc. The couple celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary this year. George worked as a carpenter for many years, retiring from Hamann Construction Co. in 1984. He spent his retirement enjoying his grandchildren’s activities and helping his son on the farm. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church and served in the past as an usher, for over 50 years he was a member of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 0731, Kempen-Staudinger-Terens VFW Post #7753 of Mishicot, and a longtime member of the Lakeshore Snowmobile Club. Survivors include his wife: Mildred of Manitowoc; one son and daughter in law: James T. (Jane) Lepich of Manitowoc; one daughter and son in law: Barbara (Charles) Vogel of Manitowoc; nine grandchildren: Nancy (Todd) Boden of Richfield, WI; Mark, Randy, Greg, John and James Lepich of Manitowoc; Brett, Todd and Lisa Vogel of Manitowoc; one sister: Dorothy Bernhardt of Two Rivers; one sister in law: Rita Bohacek of Manitowoc. Nieces, nephews other relatives and friends survive. He was preceded in death by an infant son; two brothers in law: Earl Bernhardt and Victor Bohacek. Relatives and friends may call at the Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home in Manitowoc on Sunday from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m., and on Monday at the First Presbyterian Church from 10 a.m. until the time of services at 11 a.m. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Saturday, November 9, 2002 pg. A3
LIBBIE A. LEPICH Mrs. Libbie Lepich, 89, a resident of Family Heritage Nursing Home, Manitowoc since January of 1979, formerly of Route 1, Mishicot, died Monday morning, May 10, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Melnik Presbyterian Church, Melnik. The Rev. James Thomson will officiate and burial will be in Kossuth Cemetery No. One. Mrs. Lepich was born Jan. 31, 1893, in the Town of Kossuth, daughter of the late Frank and Bessie Maresh Strouf. She was married to Otto Lepich, July 14, 1921, at Manitowoc. He preceded her in death in October of 1962. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, George and Mildred Lepich of Manitowoc; a daughter and son-in-law, Dorothy and Earl Bernhardt of Route 1, Mishicot; two brothers, Otto Strouf of Manitowoc and Norman Strouf of Kellnersville; six grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother and two sisters. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, after 4 p.m. Wendeday. Herald Times Reporter, May 11, 1982 P. 3
OTTO T. LEPICH Otto T. Lepich, 68, of Rt. 1, Mishicot, died Tuesday at Veterans Hospital, Wood, Wis., following an illness of eight months. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Melnik Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Milos Struple officiating. Burial will be in Kossuth Cemetery No. 1. He was born Dec. 5, 1893, in Czechoslovakia, son of Thomas and Anna Lydrich Lepich. He came to the United States in 1911 and settled at Manitowoc where he was employed in the carpenter trade. He served in the United States Army, Co. B, 340th Infantry, during World War I. He entered the service in September of 1917 and was discharged in 1919. June 14, 1921, he married Libbie Strouf at Manitowoc. The couple lived for a time at Manitowoc, moved to Melnik and then finally to the residence at Rt. 1, Mishicot. He was a member of VFW Post 7753 at Mishicot. Among survivors are his wife; a son, (private); a daughter, (private); a brother, Stanislav, and a sister, Mrs. Frank Kunc, of Czechoslovakia; and six grandchildren. A brother and a sister preceded him in death. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Thursday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, until 12:30 p.m. Friday when the casket will be moved to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, October 17, 1962 P. 19
CLARA MALY Mrs. Stephen Maly, 75, of Larrabee, Rt. 2, Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Thursday morning at home. She had been in ill health the past year. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, the Rev. Dr. Milos Strupl officiating. Burial will be in Francis Creek National Cemetery. Mrs. Maly was born Clara Kliment March 23, 1890, in the Town of Kossuth, daughter of the late Joseph and Frances Graycarek Kliment. She was married to Stephen Maly Oct. 6, 1914, and the couple resided at Melnik, moving a few years later to Rockwood. In 1927, they moved to a farm in the Town of Gibson, which they operated until 1950 when they retired. She was a charter member of Larabee Home Maker’s Club, which she helped organize in 1939. Survivors include a son, Milton, on the home farm, a daughter Mrs. George (Ruby) Skarda, of Mishicot, six brothers, Joseph, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, Fred and John, of Manitowoc, Frank, of Larrabee, Henry, of Rt. 1, Whitelaw, and Charles, of Rt. 1, Maribel, a sister, Mrs. Fred Swetlik, of Rt. 1, Whitelaw, and seven grandchildren. Her husband preceded her in death in 1961. Also preceding her in death were a brother, a sister and a son, Irving, who died in infancy. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, April 22, 1965 P. 10 ******* Notes From Melnik. Mr. Stephen Maly and Miss Clara Kliment were married at the office of probate court Tuesday Oct. 6, Judge Chloupek officiating. The attendants were Frank Kliment and Miss Martha Salta. The bridal party made the trip to Manitowoc in a decorated automobile that attracted much attention. Both are well known young people of this place, and on their return from a wedding trip to Chicago will make their home in this vicinity. The correspondent and the people of this section at large, extend the usual congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, October 15, 1914 P. 8
ERVING MALY Notes from Melnik-Brockville The six months old son of Mr. and Mfrs. Stephan Maly died at the home Sunday evening. A private funeral was held Monday afternoon with interment at Czech National Cemetery near Francis Creek. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Nov. 21, 1918
MARIE MALY Mrs. Jacob Maly, a pioneer resident of Gibson, died at her home there yesterday, aged 71 years. Besides her husband, decedent is survived by three sons and two daughters. The funeral will be held Sunday st the home, with interment at the National cemetery at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, June 23, 1920 ******** Melnik-Brockville Notes One by one the pioneer settlers are leaving for the Great Beyond and the last one to answer the roll call is Mrs. Wencel Maly, who died at the late family home on Monday night from diseases incident to old age. Born in Czecho-Slovakia seventy-two years ago and at an early age immigrated with her parents to this country. Like all pioneer settlers she went through many difficulties. Later deceased married Wencel Maly, who with three sons and two daughters survive her. The deceased was known for her good qualities being industrious and painstaking and will be missed by all her many friends. The funeral was held from the late home on Sunday at 10 o'clock am and interment was at the Czecho-Slovakia National Cemetery near Francis Creek. This correspondent joins with the many friends in extending sympathy to the surviving members of the family. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., July 1, 1920 ******** (NOTE: It appears the newspaper had her husbands name incorrect. I can find no Jacob Maly on the 1880, 1900, 1910 census, but do find Wenzel and an older Wenzel who may be his father. It's possible they called the younger Wenzel by the name Jacob. The d. date in this obit matches the tombstone, so I believe this is the correct Mary. I'll leave it for the researcher to determine.)
STEPHEN MALY Stephen Maly, 79, of Larrabee, Rt. 2, Two Rivers, died early Thursday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where he had been a patient one week. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, the Rev. Dr. Henry E. Stammer, pastor of Melnik Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Francis Creek National Cemetery. Mr. Maly was born Jan. 7, 1882, in the Town of Gibson, Manitowoc County, son of the late Wencel and Mary Yanda Maly. He married Clara Kliment Oct. 6, 1914, and they resided for the next few years at Melnik where he worked at the mason trade. They then moved to Rockwood where he was employed four years by Rockwell Lime Co. In 1927 they moved to a farm in the Town of Gibson which he operated until his retirement in 1959. He was a member of the American Sokol Club of Melnik for many years. Two sisters preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Mrs. George Skarda, of Maribel; a son, Milton, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, operating the home farm; two brothers, Emil of Beaverton, Oregon, and Edward of Francis Creek; a sister, Mrs. Fayne __anes of Portland, Oregon, and seven grandchildren. Friends may call after 2 p.m. Friday at the funeral home until the time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, July 20, 1961 P. 19 ******** Notes from Melnik Mr. Stephen Maly and Miss Clara Kliment were married at the office of probate court, Tuesday, Oct. 6, Judge Chloupek officiating. The attendants were Frank Kliment and Miss Martha Salta. The bridal party made the trip to Manitowoc in a decorated automobile that attracted much attention. Both are well known young people of this place and on their return from a wedding trip to Chicago, will make their home in this vicinity. The correspondent and the people of this section at large, extend the usual congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Oct. 15, 1914 ******* Notes From Melnik. Mr. Stephen Maly and Miss Clara Kliment were married at the office of probate court Tuesday Oct. 6, Judge Chloupek officiating. The attendants were Frank Kliment and Miss Martha Salta. The bridal party made the trip to Manitowoc in a decorated automobile that attracted much attention. Both are well known young people of this place, and on their return from a wedding trip to Chicago will make their home in this vicinity. The correspondent and the people of this section at large, extend the usual congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, October 15, 1914 P. 8
VACLAV MALY (d. 1935) WENCIL(sic) MALY DIES TUESDAY Melnik Man, Age 93, Will Be Buried On Friday Wencil Maly, 93, did at his home at Melnik last night after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held on Friday at 1:30 p.m. from the home. Burial will take place in Francis Creek National cemetery. Mr. Maly was born at Tremah, Bohemia in 1842. He came to this country at the age of 10. At the age of 22, he married and settled on the farm at Melnik where he lived ever since. His wife died 15 years ago. Survivors are three sons, Edward, at home, Stephen, Larabee, Emil, Tigare, Ore.; one daughter, Mrs. Oscar Wallace, Portland, Ore.; seven grandchildren; one great grandchild. The body will be removed from the Shimek and Schwartz funeral home to the home at Melnik Thursday morning. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, July 10, 1935 p.2
ZDENEK MARES Hynek Maris birth: 4 June 1897 Francis Creek death: 30 August 1897 Francis Creek, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Francis Creek residence: 1897 Francis Creek father: Jindrich Maris mother: Erna Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
BLANCHE MARESH (d. 1937) Mrs. Walter Maresh, 25, Francis Creek, died Saturday at the Wisconsin General hospital, Madison, of pneumonia, after a two weeks illness. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the farm home with interment in the Francis Creek National cemetery. Mrs. Maresh, whose maiden name was Blanche Skwor, was born at Cooperstown in 1912 and was married to Walter Maresh in 1931. They located on a farm on the outskirts of Francis Creek. Survivors are the widower; father, Wencel Skwor, Cooperstown, two brothers, Theodore and Harvey, Maribel, a half-brother, William Trochil, city; two sisters, Evelyn and Florence Skwor, Maribel. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 10, 1937 P. 2 ******** Notes from Melnik A number from here attended the wedding dance at the Maribel Opera Hall Wednesday evening complimentary to Miss Blanche Skivor and Walter Maresh, well known young people of this section. They were married at the court house at Manitowoc Wednesday at 9:30 am by Judge John Chloupek. The young couple will make their home on a farm near Francis Creek. The correspondent wishes them good luck on their pathway of life together. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., July 2, 1931
EMMA MARESH INVALID FOR 20 YEARS, MRS. H. MARESH DIES AT FRANCIS CREEK An invalid for twenty years, Mrs. Henry Maresh, 58, Francis Creek, passed away this morning at the family home. The deceased, whose maiden name was Emma Stastny, was born in Manitowoc Rapids and was married to Henry Maresh in 1895. Besides the husband, three sons, Otto, Walter and Joseph, all at home, an aged mother, Mrs. Stastny, Francis Creek, one sister, Mrs. Anton Cizek, Richmond, Va., and three brothers, Joseph of Wyoming, Frank of Francis Creek and Louis of Chicago, survive. Burial will be at Francis Creek and funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at two o’clock from the home in charge of the J.C.C. society, of which the deceased was a member. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, January 12, 1931 P. 14
HENRY MARESH Henry Maresh, 75, lifelong resident of the town of Kossuth, died Wednesday night at the Holy Family hospital. He had been a patient there since April 15, when he suffered a stroke. Funeral services will be held at the Maresh home, near Francis Creek at 2 p.m. Saturday with interment in the Francis Creek National cemetery. He was born in Kossuth in 1871 and 52 years ago married Miss Emma Stastny and they located on the homestead farm near Francis Creek. Mrs. Maresh died 15 years ago. Mr. Maresh was a member of the Melnik Z.C.B.J. lodge. Survivors are three sons, Otto and Walter on the home farm, Joseph of Two Rivers; sister, Mrs. Libbie Frye of Francis Creek. The body was moved to the Maresh home this afternoon from the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, July 5, 1946 P. 2
OTTO MARESH Otto F. Maresh, 81, of Route 1, Whitelaw, died Friday morning, April 3, at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Monday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville. The Rev. Paul H. Blaufuss will officiate and burial will be in the Town of Kossuth Cemetery No. 1, Francis Creek. Mr. Maresh was born Oct. 10, 1899 in the Town of Kossuth, son of the late Henry and Emma Stastny Maresh. He farmed with his brother Walter on the Maresh Homestead Farm, Town of Kossuth. Mr. Maresh was sexton of the Town of Kossuth Cemetery No. 1 for many years. He was a member of Kellnersville unit of the Manitowoc County fish and game. Survivors include two brothers and sisters-in-law, Walter and Gladys Maresh of Route 1, Whitelaw and Joseph and Helen Maresh of Route 2, Two Rivers; nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two infant brothers. Friends may call at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday and Monday after 10 a.m. until the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, April 4, 1981 P. 3
VINCENT MARESH Vincent Maresh, 70, died suddenly Monday afternoon at his home, 850 N. Ninth St., Manitowoc. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the chapel of the Frazier Mortuary, Manitowoc, Dr. C. H. Phipps officiating. Burial will be in the Francis Creek Cemetery. Mr. Maresh was born in 1881 in the town of Kossuth. Before his retirement in 1946 he was employed by the city of Manitowoc for 20 years. He also worked for the Manitowoc Ship Building Company and the Stark Dredge and Dock Company. In 1914 he married Blanche Benishek who died 10 years ago. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Harold Fetzer of Madison; son, Robert of Madison; sister, Mrs. Emma Sabel of Manitowoc; two half sisters, Mrs. Thomas Cigler and Mrs. Charles Sindelar of Manitowoc; and three grandchildren. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Odd Fellows Lodge of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the Frazier Mortuary after 2 p.m. Wednesday until time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, December 18, 1951 P. 2
WALTER MARESH Walter H. Maresh, 84, of 9405 Cty. Tk. R, Whitelaw, died Sunday afternoon, January 17, 1988 at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 1:30 pm Wednesday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville. Rev. Ronald Helgerson will officiate and burial will be in Kossuth No. 1 Cemetery. Mr. Maresh was born November 7, 1903 in the Town of Kossuth, son of the late Henry and Emma Stastney Maresh. He married the former Blanche Skwor on June 24, 1931. She preceded him in death in 1937. On September 22, 1943 he married the former Gladys Worel. The couple farmed on the homestead farm where Mr. Maresh lived all his life. He was a 50 year member of WFLA Lodge No. 20, Melnik. Survivors include his wife, Gladys; to sons and daughters-in-law, Ronald and Margaret on the home farm, Thomas and Marilyn of 9406 Diamond Road, Whitelaw; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Helen Maresh of Two Rivers; six grandchildren, Carrie, Christy, David, Jeffrey, Rebecca and Nathan; other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his first wife, two brothers, Otto and Joseph and two infant brothers. Friends may call at Saur Funeral Home, 4 pm to 9 pm Tuesday and on Wednesday from 10 am to the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times - Mon., Jan. 18, 1988 - page 14
CHARLES MOSS Charles Moss, 75, of Herman Road, Manitowoc, died unexpectedly Monday evening at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, after a heart attack. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Paul H. Blaufuss officiating. Burial will be in Kossuth Cemetery No. 1. Mr. Moss was the son of the late Charles and Mary Shedivy Moss. He was a farmer and mason by trade. He never married. Survivors include a brother, John, of Kingsbridge and several nieces and nephews. Two brothers and three sisters preceded him in death. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Two Rivers Reporter, April 30, 1963 P. M-11
ADOLPH NETHING Adolph Netting, 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Netting, died yesterday of influenza at the home in the town of Manitowoc. Two more of the children are ill from the same cause. Burial will take place at Francis Creek Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, October 28, 1918, Page 2 ****** (NOTE: This is the only cem. in Kossuth twp. with this surname)
EMIL NEY Funeral Services for Emil F. Ney, 67, of R. 2, Manitowoc, a former resident of the town of Herman, who died at his home early Wednesday morning following a lingering illness, were held at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Chapel in Manitowoc. The Rev. A. C. Fischer officiated and burial was in Kossuth National Cemetery. Pallbearers were William Kappelmann, Reinert Zipperer, Louis Reimiker, Harvey Kimmes, Charles Lawrentz, and Adolph Witak. Mr. Ney was born Jan. 6, 1889, at Hillsdale, Ill, coming to the town of Herman as a youth. On Sept. 20, 1921, he married the former Waleska Stecker. Following their marriage, they made their home in the town of Herman until 1937 when they moved to their present home at R. 2, Manitowoc. He was a World War I veteran. Survivors include his wife; three daughters, (private); five sons, (private); four brothers, William of Elmhurst, Ill., Henry of Erma, Wis., Gustave of Merrill, Wis., and John of Cleveland; three sisters, Mrs. William Wilde of Elmhurst, Ill., Mrs. Martin Weege of Merrill, and Mrs. Herman Marquardt of Wausau; and eight grandchildren. Sheboygan Press, Tuesday, March 20, 1956 P. 12
WALESKA H. NEY Mrs. Waleska Ney, 66, widow of Emil, of the Town of Kossuth (Manitowoc County), died Thursday afternoon in Manitowoc Memorial Hospital. The former Waleska Stecker, she was born Feb. 6, 1901, in the Town of Schleswig, a daughter of the late Louis and Helena Moser Stecker. On Sept. 20, 1921, she was married to Mr. Ney in the Town of Herman where the couple farmed until moving to a farm near Francis Creek in 1937. Her husband died in 1956. Surviving are five sons, (private); three daughters, (private); 23 grandchildren, and a sister, Miss Edna Stecker, who lived with Mrs. Ney. Services will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home in Manitowoc, with the Rev. Newton Barrett, pastor of First United Church of Christ, Manitowoc, officiating. Burial will be in Kossuth National Cemetery No. 1. Friends may call at the funeral home after 5 p.m. today. Sheboygan Press, July 14, 1967 P. 14
ADOLPH PECH Manitowoc news: With her husband awaiting burial Saturday, following his death Thursday, Mrs. Ad. Pech, of Francis Creek, passed away at the hospital in this city Saturday morning, husband and wife having both been victims of flu-pneumonia. The little daughter of the couple, orphaned by the dread disease, is also seriously ill and may not survive, leaving only an infant son as survivor of a happy family of four. Tri-County Record, Kiel Thursday, December 26, 1918 pg. 4 ******** Notes from Francis Creek Adolph Pech, proprietor of a meat market here, died last Thursday. He was 36 years of age and is survived by his wife and two children. Mr. Pech was a victim of influenza. The funeral was held Saturday. On the day of the funeral his wife died from pneumonia and the little daughter is ill with influenza. Mrs. Pech was 33 years of age. The funeral was held Monday. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Dec. 26, 1918
EMMA PECH Manitowoc news: With her husband awaiting burial Saturday, following his death Thursday, Mrs. Ad. Pech, of Francis Creek, passed away at the hospital in this city Saturday morning, husband and wife having both been victims of flu-pneumonia. The little daughter of the couple, orphaned by the dread disease, is also seriously ill and may not survive, leaving only an infant son as survivor of a happy family of four. Tri-County Record, Kiel Thursday, December 26, 1918 pg. 4
HENRY PECH Henry Pech, 73, died early Thursday at the Fair Hills Convalescent Home in Rosecrans after a lingering illness. He had been a patient at the home for the past three weeks. Funeral services will be held at the Saur Funeral Home in Kellnersville at 9 a.m. Saturday, and burial will be in the Francis Creek National Cemetery. Mr. Pech, who lived in the town of Kossuth most of his life, was born there in 1879. He never married and was employed as a farm hand in both the towns of Kossuth and Franklin, where he made his home in recent years. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Rose Soukup of Manitowoc, and several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Saur Funeral Home after 7 p.m. Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, November 18, 1952 P. 3
IGNATZ PECH AGED FATHER OF JAMES PECH DIES SUDDENLY Ignatz Pech, father of James Pech died at the family home at Francis Creek Sunday morning, the second death to occur in the Pech family within a week. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning from the home with Rev. Topsel of the Melnik church officiating at the service. Ignatz Pech was born in Bohemia seventy-seven years ago and married there coming to this country a few years later. The family settled at Francis Creek where they have lived for fifty years. Ten years ago the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary and five years ago Mrs. Pech passed to her reward. Eight sons and one daughter survive the father. They are Anton, Joseph, Jerry, Charles, Emil, Henry, Fred and James and Mrs. Rose Sokup, all living on farms in the vicinity of Francis Creek with the exception of James who makes his home in this city. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, March 14, 1922, P. 4
JOSEPH M. PECH Joseph M. Pech, 82, (photo) of Kossuth, for years a prominent farmer and musician of the county, died early today at the farm home near Francis Creek where he spent his entire life. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Husar funeral home, Kellnersville, with burial in the Kossuth National Cemetery. The Rev. Yaroslav Vrany of the Melnik Presbyteran church will officiate. Mr. Pech was born in Kossuth in 1864 and in 1890 married Miss Mary Drashner. He organized the Kossuth band, which he headed for years and then with his sons formed the Pech brothers band, which played for dances, weddings and other celebrations in the northern part of the county. In recent years, he had lived a retired life on the farm now operated by his sons, Joseph and Robert. He was a member of the Z.C.B.J. lodge of Melnik. Mrs. Pech died in 1901. Survivors are four sons, Albin of this city, Joseph, Boldy and Robert all of Francis Creek; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Stransky of Francis Creek; four grandchildren and five great grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from 6 o’clock tonight until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, May 6, 1947 P. 2
MARY PECH Death Sun. of Mrs. Joseph Pech of Kossuth in the state mental facility in Oshkosh. The deceased, who in addition to her husband is survived by 4 children, was in the facility for the past year. The body was brought to Kossuth for burial. Der Nord Westen, 21 Feb. 1901 ***** FRANCIS CREEK: The sad tidings of the death of Mrs. Jos. Pech reached here last Saturday. Her death occurred at the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh, to which place deceased had been taken two years ago. Her age was about thirty. She leaves a husband and four small children to which mourn her loss. The deepest sympathy of many friends is extended the family in their bereavement. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 21, 1901 pg. 8
ROBERT PECH Robert W. Pech, 67, of Rt. 1, Whitelaw, died Friday at home of a heart attack. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville. The Rev. Paul Blaufuss will officiate and burial will be in Francis Creek National Cemetery. Mr. Pech was born May 22, 1898, in the Town of Kossuth, son of the late Joseph and Mary Drashner Pech. He farmed on the Pech homestead all his life. He and his late brothers, Joseph, Boldy and Albin, formed the Pech Brothers brass band, and he also was a musician with the Paul Gosz orchestra for many years. Survivors are two sisters-in-law, two nieces and two nephews. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, January 22, 1966 P. 14
STEPAN PECH STEPHEN(sic) PECH, FOUR CORNERS, FIRST OF HIS FAMILY OF TWELVE TO BE CALLED BY DEATH Well Known Four Corners Man Dies After Brief Illness— Was 28 Years of Age and a Native of the County Death made its first visitation in the family of Ignatz Pech, Kossuth, today, when Stephen Pech, a son, and brother of James Pech, of this city, died at four Corners. Of the family of parents and ten children Mr. Pech is the first to be claimed by death. Mr. Pech was engaged in business as a cheesemaker and operated the four corners creamery and a factory on the Town Line road. He had not been seriously ill, though suffering from a cold, and news of his death was a great shock. He was 25 years of age and unmarried. Mr. Pech was born in the town of Kossuth where his parents still reside. One brother, James Pech, resides in this city, being engaged in the livery business. Funeral services for Mr. Pech will be held from the old homestead at Kossuth Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 24, 1913 P. 8 ******** FUNERAL OF STEPHEN PECK ONE OF LARGEST EVER KNOWN IN COUNTY One of the largest funeral ever known to Manitowoc county was that for the late Stephen Peck held from the old homestead in the town of Kossuth yesterday. Hundreds of friends who had known Mr. Peck in life were present and a wealth of floral offerings testified to the high regard in which he was held. The funeral cortege which followed the remains to the cemetery numbers 300(?-dark) teams. Mr. Peck was the first of a family of ?????? to be called by death, being survived by his parents and nine brothers and sisters. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 27, 1913 p.8
****** Order to Hear Petition For Administration. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Manitowoc County Court.-In Probate. In the matter of the Estate of Stephen (sic) Pech, deceased, intestate. On reading and filing the petition of Joseph Pech, of Kossuth, in said county representing among other things that Stephen Pech, an inhabitant of said county, on the 24th day of December, A.D., 1913, at Manitowoc Rapids, died intestate, leaving estate to be administered, and that the said petitioner is a brother of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Joseph Pech granted. IT IS ORDERED, that said petition be heard at a special term of said County Court to be held on Tuesday, the 27th day of January, A.D., 1914, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge, in the City of Manitowoc, in said County. ORDERED FURTHER, that notice of the time and place so appointed, be given to all persons interested, by publication hereof for three weeks successively, prior to said day of hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. Dated at Manitowoc, the 29th day of December, A.D, 1913. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Kelley & Levina, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, January 8, 1914 P. 4
ANTONIA PODRABSKY MRS. PODRABSKY, AGED 81, DIES Was Resident of Manitowoc County More than 75 Years. Mrs. Joseph Podrabsky, 81, a resident of the county for more than 75 years, died this noon at the home of her son, Emil, at Melnik. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Emil Podrabsky home. Burial will be in the Bohemian National cemetery at Francis Creek. Mrs. Podrabsky was born in Bohemia and accompanied her parents to this county when a child of five. The family settled at Melnik. He (sic) was married to Joseph Molach. He died and she was married to Joseph Podrabsky. They located on a farm near Melnik. Mr. Podrabsky died a few years ago. Survivors are three sons, Emil Podrabsky, Melnik, Adolph Podrabsky, Francis Creek, Joseph Molach, Maribel; two step-daughters, Mrs. Emma Dvarny, Maribel and Mrs. Vlasta Pech, city; a brother Albert Hodik, Westboro, Wis.; 17 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The body will be removed to the Emil Podrabsky home Monday from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, April 17, 1937 P. 4 ******** Notes form Melnik Mrs. Antonia Podrabsky, 72 years of age and a resident of Melnik was run down Sunday morning by a car driven by Peter Brouchard of Mishicot. According to the store of witnesses, Mrs. Podrabsky was walking along the road at about 8 o'clock when she stepped from the side of the road to avoid an oncoming car and stepped directly in front of another car driven by Mr. Brouchard and was badly injured. It was necessary to remove her to the hospital at Manitowoc where it was found necessary to amputate her left arm, the limb having sustained a compound fracture. The nerve was severed, making it impossible to save the arm. She also suffered a fractured pelvis and fractured nose and severe lacerations and bruises. The latest report is that Mrs. Podrabsky withstood the operation well and that she is expected to live which is the wish of her many friends here. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., July 14, 1927
FRANTISEK PODRABSKY Notes From Melnik: Mr. Frank Podrabsky, until recently a resident of this place but now of Larrabee, died at the hospital in Manitowoc last Friday morning after a lingering illness. Decedent was born in Bohemia and was about sixty-six years of age. He came to this country in the early ?, locating in the town of Kossuth where he later purchased a farm. After much toil he made this farm one of the choicest and most comfortable of home, where the family lived until about two years ago when they sold out, and since lived a retired life. Besides an aged widow one son, Adolph survives him. The funeral was held last Sunday from the late home in Larrabee. Interment was in the Bohemian National cemetery in Francis Creek. Our sympathy goes out to the family in their sad bereavement. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 16, 1913 pg. 8 ******** Notes From Larrabee: Frank Podrabsky, a pioneer settler of Kossuth, died last Friday morning in the hospital at Manitowoc after a brief illness. Mr. Podrabsky has resided at Larrabee about six months previous to his illness. His wife and one son survive him. The funeral was held Sunday. Interment was in the Francis Creek cemetery. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 16, 1913 pg. 8 ******** IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Podrabsky, Deceased. Notice to Creditors: Letters testamentary on said Estate having been issued to Adolph S. Podrabsky on the 31st day of May, A.D. 1913 and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims of which notice is hereby given, and further that the undersigned will, on the third Tuesday, of December, being the 16th day of December, 1913, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, examine and adjust all such claims and demands so presented and filed. Dated June 10, 1913. John Chloupek, County Judge. Kelley & Ledvina, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 12, 1913 P. 4
JOSEPH PODRABSKY (d. 1925) Gibson Man Pioneer Dies At Age of 82 Joseph Podrabsky, one of the county’s pioneer settlers, died at the family home in the town of Gibson last night, aged eighty-two. He was born September 20, 1842 in Bohemia and came to this country as a young man. He leaves surviving him several children. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 o’clock from the home at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Herald News, May 23, 1925 P. 2 ******** *Note: Newspaper and stone birth and death years are off by one year.
MARIE PODRABSKY On Saturday morning at 1 o’clock Mrs. A. Podrobsky was called to rest by the death angel, after an illness of about three weeks duration. She was buried at Francis Creek the following Monday. The deceased is survived by two brothers, Messrs. Wenzel of Tisch Mills and Joseph of Branch and one sister, Mrs. M. Cenefelt of Cooperstown. A large number from here attended the funeral. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 23, 1917, Page 4
VACLAV POLIVKA Death Thurs. last week of 78-yr. old Wenzel Palivka, Sr., an old resident of Town Kossuth, in the home of his son Wenzel. The funeral was held Sun. at the Union Cemetery in Francis Creek. Der Nord Westen, 10 Nov. 1904 ******** Kellnersville News Wencel Polivka Sr., aged 73 died suddenly at the home of his son, Wencel last Thursday. Deceased was long a resident of the Town of Kossuth. The funeral took place Saturday from the home, interment being at Union Cemetery at Francis Creek. Two Rivers Chronicle - Tues., Nov. 8, 1904 ******** Wencle Polefka birth: February 1833 Bohemia death: 13 October 1904 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Francis Creek residence: 1904 Kossuth father: Polefka spouse: Mary Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
ADOLF SIPEK From Der Nord Westen, 30 May 1889: Death of Adolph Sipcke(sic), former resident of Antigo, in the house of his father-in-law John Stastny in Kossuth. The deceased was 24 yrs. old and died of consumption. He was buried yesterday in Francis Creek. (Note: his wife buried in Va. after she remarried. This information according to Mr. Walter Maresh, a nephew.)
ADOLPH SKARIEVODA Adolph Skarvoda, 77, died at 9 a.m. today at the farm home in the town of Kossuth. He had been stricken with pneumonia and was seriously ill only one day. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Husar funeral home in Kellnersville with the Rev. Y.A. Vrany of the Melnik Presbyterian church officiating. Interment will be in the Francis Creek National cemetery. Mr. Skarvoda was born Jan. 17, 1866 in the town of Kossuth. He was married to Anna Zeman on June 3, 1889. He was a member of the ZCBJ Lodge, had been secretary of the Kossuth Fire insurance Company for some years and for 25 years was a member of the Kossuth Joint 1 school district school board. Survivors are the widow; one daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Hlinak of Maribel; two sons, Fred of Two Rivers and Edwin on the homestead; and one sister, Mrs. ?? of Antigo. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Friday, December 17, 1943 pg. 2
ANNA SKARIEVODA Mrs. Anna Skarvoda of Kossuth, died this morning of a heart attack at the home of her daughter Mrs. Frank Hlinak of Gibson. ?? she had been suffering the past few weeks. Her death (under inked) Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Husar funeral home in Kellnersville. Burial will be in the Kossuth National cemetery at Francis Creek. Mrs. Skarvoda, nee Anna Zeman, was a lifelong resident of the town of Kossuth, born there on June 16, 1869. She was married to Adolph Skarvoda on June 3, 1889 her husband preceding her in death on December 15, 1943. Surviving Mrs. Skarvoda are a daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Hlinak, town of Gibson and two sons, Fred of Two Rivers and Edwin Skarvoda on the homestead farm Kossuth, two sisters. Mrs. ??? of Milwaukee and Mrs. Baugniet of Mishicot; two brothers, Stephen Zeman of Kossuth and John Zeman of Milwaukee. A brother Frank Zeman died recently. (remainder illegible) Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Friday, June 16, 1944 pg. 2
ALZBETA SKARYVODA From Der Nord Westen, 05 Sep. 1901: Death in Francis Creek on Thurs. of Mrs. Anna Skalevoda following a long illness with stomach cancer. She was born in Bohemia in 1839 and is survived by her husband and 6 children. The funeral was Sat. ******** Elizabeth Kredche Skarivoda birth: 19 November 1841 Bohemia death: 29 August 1901 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth residence: 1901 Kossuth father: Kredche spouse: Anton Skarivoda Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******** Elizabeth Kredche Skarivoda Wisconsin, Death Records Name Elizabeth Kredche Skarivoda Event Type Death Event Date 1901 Event Place Kossuth, Wisconsin Residence Place Kossuth, Gender Female Age 62 Marital Status Married Race W Occupation Farmer Birth Date 19 Nov 1841 Birth Year (Estimated) 1839 Birthplace Bohemia Burial Place Kossuth, Father's Name Kredche Father's Birthplace Bohemia Mother's Birthplace Bohemia Spouse's Name Anton Skarivoda "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907"
ANTONIN SKARYVODA Anton Skalivoda, a resident of Francis Creek, died at the Holy Family Hospital Wednesday evening after a short illness. Deceased was 65 years of age and had lived in this county for thirty years. Four daughters and one son survive him. His remains will be removed to Francis Creek for burial. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 9, 1903 P.1 ******** Anton Skarwoda birth: Bohemia death: 9 April 1903 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth residence: 1903 Kossuth, Wis. Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******** Anton Skarwoda Wisconsin, Death Records Name Anton Skarwoda Event Type Death Event Date 1903 Event Place Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Residence Place Kossuth, Wis. Gender Male Marital Status Widowed Race W Occupation Farmer Burial Place Kossuth, Father's Birthplace Bohemia Mother's Birthplace Bohemia "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907"
JOHN STASTNY JOHN STATSNY DIES John Statsny, pioneer resident of the county and founder of Statsny's Garden Park at Frances Creek, one of the best known picnic and outing resorts of the county, died at Francis Creek last night, aged 75 years. Mr. Statsny had been failing since last December. For fifteen years he conducted the Francis Creek place, retiring twenty-five years ago when his son Frank Statsny assumed charge and since that time decedent had made his home with his son. He is survived by five children, Joseph, of Wyoming; Mrs. Anna Chizek, of Virginia; Frank and Mrs. Emma Maresch at Francis Creek and Louis Statsny of Chicago. Funeral services will be held from the home at Francis Creek Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Manitowoc Herald News Friday, May 6, 1921 pg. 1
BOZENA STROUF Mrs. Frank Strouf, 77, of Mishicot, died at her home there at 5 o’clock this morning following a lingering illness. She was a lifelong resident of the county. Funeral services will be held from the Specht funeral home in Mishicot at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon. The Rev. Yaroslav Vraney of the Presbyterian church of Melnik will officiate. Burial will be in the Francis Creek National cemetery. Mrs. Strouf, nee Bozena Maresh, was born in Francis Creek on August 4, 1867. She was married to Frank Strouf on October 19, 1889, and until four years ago the couple operated a farm in Melnik. They moved to Mishicot in 1940. Survivors are the husband, three daughters, Mrs. Libby Lepich, route 1, Mishicot; Mrs. Julia Ramensh of Larabee, Mrs. Helen Lambert of Mishicot; three sons, Otto of Larabee, Norman of Kellnersville and Ladislav of Glenville, Minn.; a sister, Mrs. Libby Frye of Francis Creek and one brother, Henry Maresh, also of Francis Creek. Other survivors are 16 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, August 31, 1944 P. 19
FRANK STROUF Frank Strouf, 81, retired Gibson farmer and brother of Assemblyman Adolph Strouf, died Friday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Otto Lepich, of Gibson following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Specht funeral home in Mishicot, with interment in the Kossuth National cemetery. Mr. Strouf was born in Gibson in 1867 and in 1888 married Miss Bozena Maresk and they located on the farm now operated by his son, Otto. His wife died four years ago. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen. He is survived by three sons, Ladimir of Glenville, Minn., Otto of Gibson and Norman of Kellnersville; three daughters, Mrs. Joseph Lepich and Mrs. Joseph Ramesh of Gibson and Mrs. Jess Lambert of Mishicot; brother, Adolph of Gibson; five sisters, Mrs. Carrie DeWane of Cooperstown, Mrs. John Novak of Reedsville, Mrs. Mary Youra of Two Rivers, Mrs. Frank Benishek of Branch and Mrs. Rose Pfingsten of Mishicot. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Monday, January 3, 1949 pg. 2 *Note: Tombstone and newspaper death year do not match.
ANNA SYKORA Anna Krajnik Syhora birth: August 1838 Bohemia death: 22 December 1898 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Francis Creek residence: 1898 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co. father: Joseph Krajnik mother: Marie spouse: Anton Syhora Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
ADOLPH TESARIK (d. 1954) Adolph Tesarik, 64, widely known retired tavern operator and supervisor of the Town of Mishicot, died unexpectedly at his home on Denmark Star Route, Town of Mishicot, Friday night. He had been stricken with a heart attack. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Interment will be in the Bohemian National Cemetery at Francis Creek. Mr. Tesarik was born in the Town of Kossuth on Nov. 7, 1890, a son of the late Joseph and Mary Zeman Tesarik. He married the former Emilie Witt at Manitowoc in 1917, who survives him. As a young man, he pursued the trade of a carpenter and for 11 years was engaged in farming. For 18 years up to his retirement four years ago he owned and operated a tavern and dance hall at Stangel’s Corners, in the Town of Mishicot. Up to the time of his death he held the post of secretary of the Bohemian Evangelical Cemetery Association and supervisor of the Town of Mishicot. Previously, he was a director of the Kossuth Mutual Fire Insurance Company and held offices in the old Progressive Farmers of America organization on his home area. He also served as a deputy sheriff for 12 years. Fraternally, Mr. Tesarik was affiliated with Lodge No. 142, Z.C.B.J. of Two Rivers, the Manitowoc Aerie of Eagles and the Modern Woodmen of America. Besides his wife he leaves a daughter, (private), a son, (private); a sister, Mrs. Anton Rozum of the Town of Gibson; a brother, Edward Tesarik of Mishicot, and five grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, December 4, 1954 P. 13 ******** Notes from Melnik-Brockville Mrs. Emily Witt of this place and Adolph Tesarik of Francis Creek, were united in marriage at the county judge's office Tuesday morning, January 9, by Judge John Chloupek. The attending couple were Mrs. Alvina Witt and Edwin Chloupek. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Witt of this place and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tesarik of Francis Creek and is employed in the carpenter trade. They are both well and favorably known in this section of the county. After the wedding ceremony the young couple departed on a wedding trip to Milwaukee, Chicago and points in Michigan and upon their return will make their home in Francis Creek. Your correspondent joins their many friends in extending congratulations. Manitowoc pilot - Thurs., Jan. 18, 1917
EMILIE TESARIK Mrs. Emilie Tesarik, 63, of Star Route, Denmark, died early Thursday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where she had been a patient the past four months. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Interment will be in the Bohemian Evangelical Cemetery at Francis Cemetery at Francis Creek. Mrs. Tesarik, nee Emilie Witt, was born Jan. 30, 1895, at Melnik, a daughter of the late Frank and Mary Johanek Witt. She was married in 1917 at Manitowoc to Adolph Tesarik. He died in 1954. Mrs. Tesarik was a member of the Modern Woodmen, AZBJ, Unity of Bohemian Ladies, and the Auxiliary of the Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, of Mishicot. Surviving Mrs. Tesarik are a son, Erwin of Denmark, two sisters, Mrs. Edward Krish of Rt. 1, Maribel, and Mrs. Edward Kozlovsky of Denmark; three brothers, Anton of Four Corners, Fred and Frank of Rt. 1, Maribel, and six grandchildren. A son, Adolph Tesarik, a World War II veteran, died in 1950, and a sister, Mrs. Arthur Kind, died a month ago. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Friday. No newspaper cited. Handwritten date of May 7th ’58 ?? ******** Notes from Melnik-Brockville Mrs. Emily Witt of this place and Adolph Tesarik of Francis Creek, were united in marriage at the county judge's office Tuesday morning, January 9, by Judge John Chloupek. The attending couple were Mrs. Alvina Witt and Edwin Chloupek. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Witt of this place and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tesarik of Francis Creek and is employed in the carpenter trade. They are both well and favorably known in this section of the county. After the wedding ceremony the young couple departed on a wedding trip to Milwaukee, Chicago and points in Michigan and upon their return will make their home in Francis Creek. Your correspondent joins their many friends in extending congratulations. Manitowoc pilot - Thurs., Jan. 18, 1917
JANICE G. TESARIK Janice G. Tesarik age 73, of 9729 Cty Rd. R, Whitelaw, died Sunday, August 11, 2013 at the Aurora Baycare Medical Center in Green Bay. Janice was born on March 7, 1940 in Ironwood, MI, daughter of the late Fritz and Alice (Eliason) Carlson. She attended Ironwood schools and graduated from Luther L. Wright High School in 1958. She attended Gogebic Community College and graduated in 1962 from Wisconsin State College of Superior with a B.S. degree in elementary education. Janice then moved to Manitowoc to teach in the public schools and taught at Garfield and McKinley schools. On August 22, 1964 Janice was married to Kenneth H. Tesarik at Salem Ev. Lutheran Church in Ironwood, MI. The couple farmed the In-Lane Farms in the town of Kossuth for 44 years until Ken's death on March 5, 2009. Janice was a substitute teacher in area schools for many years. She was an active member of Rockwood Ev. Lutheran Church where she taught Sunday school for many years. Janice was also a member of Rockwood Ev. Lutheran Ladies Bible Hour, Manitowoc County Farm Bureau and WFLA Lodge No. 20 of Melnik. Janice enjoyed spending time with her family and friends especially with her grandchildren. She enjoyed reading, and traveling especially in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Survivors include her three children: Steve (Carrie) Tesarik, rural Whitelaw; Susan Tesarik, Madison; Michael (Dana) Tesarik, rural Whitelaw; she was a proud grandma to six grandchildren: Sheila, Alex, Kyle, Kora, Kolton and Kaden Tesarik; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends survive. Janice was preceded in death by her parents: Fritz and Alice Carlson; her husband: Kenneth Tesarik; a stillborn daughter; her father-in-law and mother-in-law: Henry and Emily Tesarik; two sisters-in-law: Blanche Leist and Josephine Stock. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Friday, August 16, 2013 at the Rockwood Ev. Lutheran Church. The Rev. Carl Klein will officiate with burial to follow at Kossuth No. 1 Cemetery in the town of Kossuth. Relatives and friends may call at the church on Friday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of service at 11:00 a.m. The Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home of Kellnersville is serving the Tesarik family. Online condolences may be expressed at Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter from August 14, 2013
KENNETH H. TESARIK Kenneth H. Tesarik, age 75, of 9729 County Road R, Whitelaw, died on Thursday evening, March 5, 2009, at his home, surrounded by his loving family, after a long courageous battle with prostate cancer. Ken was born on Sept. 22, 1933, in the town of Kossuth, son of the late Henry and Emily (Pivonka) Tesarik. He attended grade school in Francis Creek, and graduated from Mishicot High School with the class of 1951. On Aug. 22, 1964, he married the former Janice Carlson in Ironwood, Mich. Ken farmed the Tesarik homestead farm in the town of Kossuth since 1953. He was active in many farm organizations over the years, especially Lake to Lake and Land of Lakes Cooperatives. Most recently, he served on the Country Horizon Co-op Board of Directors, retiring as chairman in 2006. He also served on the Bank First National Advisory Board in Francis Creek. Ken was a lifelong member of Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge 20 of Melnik. Ken was a faithful member of Rockwood Lutheran Church, serving as elder and chairman of the church council. Ken liked farming, going to meetings, John Deere machinery, Bluegrass music and spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. Survivors include his wife: Janice Tesarik, Whitelaw; two sons and daughters-in-law: Steve (Carrie) Tesarik, Whitelaw, and Mike (Dana) Tesarik, Whitelaw; one daughter: Susan Tesarik, Madison; and proud grandpa of Sheila, Alex, Kyle, Kora, Kolton and Kaden. Nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends also survivie. He was preceded in death by his parents: Henry and Emily Tesairk; two sisters and brothers-in-law: Blanche (Paul) Leist; and Josephine (William) Stock; a stillborn daughter; and his father-in-law and mother-in-law: Fritz and Alice Carlson. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, March 9, 2009, at the Rockwood Evangelical Lutheran Church, 5815 County Road R, Rockwood. The Rev. Burgess Huehn will officiate, with burial to follow at Kossuth No. 1 cemetery in the town of Kossuth. Relatives and friends may call at the Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home of Kellnersville from 4 to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 8, 2009, and on Monday, March 9, 2009, at church from 9:30 until 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials would be appreciated for the Rockwood Evangelical Lutheran Church. A special thank you to Dr. Campbell and the fifth floor nursing staff of Holy Family Memorial Medical Center and Holy Family Hospice for the care and concern shown to Ken during his illness. Herald Times Reporter, March 7, 2009
ALZBETA TITERA MRS. W. TITERA, FRANCIS CREEK, PASSES AWAY Death ended the suffering of Mrs. Wencil Titera, aged 60, early this morning at the family home at Francis Creek after an illness that had troubled her for the last ten years or more. Mrs. Titera was born on a lake steamer on the way to Kewaunee until (sic) at the age of 19 she was married to Wencil Titera and the couple moved to Francis Creek where they have lived since. The deceased is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Carbon of Branch and three sons, Henry of Francis Creek, Frank at home and Ladimir of this city. She is also survived by five grand- children. Funeral services will be held from the home in Francis Creek at one o’clock Sunday afternoon burial taking place in the National cemetery at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, December 11, 1925 P. 2
VACLAV TITERA Wencil Titera, 77, lifelong resident of the town of Kossuth, died last night at 7:30 at the Two Rivers municipal hospital, where he had been a patient since last Friday. Death was the result of a heart attack. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Burial will be in the National cemetery at Francis Creek. The body will lie at the funeral home from this evening until the time of the services on Thursday. Mr. Titera was born May 10, 1860 north of the present homestead near Francis Creek. When he was four years of age he moved with his parents to the old Andrews homestead, the place on which the late Job Clark was born. In 1884 Mr. Titera was married to Elizabeth Dworak, who died in 1925. The couple farmed the old Andrews place until Mrs. Titera's death when a son, Frank, took over the farm. Mr. Titera, however, was active up to the time of his death. Some years ago Mr. Titera served as town supervisor and as a director on the school board. He was a member of the Z.C.B.J. Survivors include three sons, Frank on the homestead and Henry and Ladimir of Manitowoc; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Carbon of Branch; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Hurdka, city, Mrs. Pauline Mendlik, Lawton, Okla., and Mrs. Emily Shara, Portland Oregon; and seven grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. August 17, 1937 P. 2
ADELA TROCIL FRANCIS CREEK WOMAN DIES AFTER ILLNESS OF TWO DAYS DURATION Mrs. Frank Trochill, of Francis Creek, died early this morning after an illness of but two days duration. Mrs. Trochill was taken ill Tuesday and her condition became rapidly worse and serious yesterday, death following this morning. She was 30 years of age and is survived by a husband and two children. The funeral will be held Sunday at 10 o’clock at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 29, 1915, Page 1 ******** Notes from Melnik Mrs. Frank Trochil died at her home near here last Wednesday night after a long illness, the last two days of which was known to be critical. Mrs.Trochil was a devoted wife and affectionate other, a kind neighbor and a true friends and the bereaved family have the sympathy of their many friends in their great affliction. Mrs. Trochil was born in this locality in the year 1880 and consequently was in her 35th year. She was the daughter of Anton Skarievoda. She lived here all her life and was married to Frank Trochil about 10 years ago, who with two daughters, survive her. The funeral was held Sunday May 2, 1915 from the late home and interment was at the Czech National Cemetery near Francis Creek. A large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., May 6, 1915
AMALIE TROCIL Notes from Melnik Many from here attended the funeral of Amelia, the 9 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trocil near Francis Creek. Interment was Tuesday at the Czech National Cemetery, near Francis Creek. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Nov. 5, 1914 pg. 4
ANNA TROCIL MRS. TROCHIL DIES, AGED 85 Was Resident Of County For More Than 50 Years Mrs. Anna Trochil, 85, a resident of the county for more than 50 years, died Monday at the homestead in Kossuth, where she made her home with her son, Frank Jr. She had been seriously ill less than a week. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Husar and Wachal funeral home, Kellnersville, in charge of the ZCBJ lodge, of which she was a member. Burial will be in the Kossuth National cemetery. Grandsons of Mrs. Trochil will be pallbearers. Born In Bohemia Mrs. Trochil, whose maiden name was Anna Truhlar, was born in Bohemia in 1851. She was married there 57 years ago to Frank Trochil. A few years later they came to this county and located on a farm in Kossuth. Mr. Trochil died four years ago. Survivors are two sons, Frank and Wencil, both of Kossuth; two daughters, Mrs. Emil Panosh and Mrs. Albert Quaram, both of this city; several brothers and sisters in Bohemia; and a number of grand children and great grand children. A daughter, Mrs. Wencil Skwor, Mishicot, died four months ago. Manitowoc Herald Times Tuesday, February 23, 1937 pg. 2
FRANTISEK TROCIL FRANK TROCHIL DIES, KOSSUTH Veteran of County Will Be Buried On Sunday Frank "Grandpa" Trochil Sr., age 79, a resident of Kossuth since early life, died last night at the home of his son Frank at Melnik. The deceased was born in Bohemia in 1853 and came to Wisconsin in 1885 locating at Melnik. He was married in Bohemia in 1880 to Miss Ann Truhlar who survives him, with two sons, Frank Jr. and Wenzel of Kossuth, three daughters, Mrs. Wencil Skwor, and Mrs. Anna Quaram, city, twenty-two grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Several brothers and sisters in Bohemia also survive. The funeral services will be from the Husar undertaking parlors at Kellnersville Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with grandsons of the deceased acting as pallbearers. The services will be in charge of M. Dushek, of the ZCBJ lodge, of which Mr. Trochil was a member. Interment will be in the National Cemetery at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Herald Times Friday, August 5, 1932 pg. 13
ANNA WARM Anna Slatach Warm birth: 1830 Germany death: 3 August 1899 Kossuth, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Kossuth residence: 1899 Kossuth father: Michail Slatach spouse: Adam Warm Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
STEPHAN WILDA Maple Grove Steve Wildow of Franklin, died last week and was buried at Francis Creek last Sunday. He had been a member of the Franklin band for over ten years and his last request was that the band should play at his funeral and they did. Brillion News - Fri., Nov. 27, 1896 ******** (Proof of Will) STATE OF WISCONSIN-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Stephan Wilda, deceased. An instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Stephan Wilda of town of Franklin, in said county, having been delivered into said court: And Mary Wilda of said town in said county, having presented to said court her petition in writing duly verified representing, among other things that said Stephen (sic) Wilda died testate, at town of Franklin, in said county, on the 19th day of November, 1896; that said instrument is the last will of said deceased and praying that said instrument be proven and admitted to Probate and that letters testamentary with will annexed be thereon issued to Mary Wilda. It is ordered: That said petition and the matters therein be heard, and proofs of said Last Will and Testament be taken, at a special term of said county court, to be held at the Probate office in the city of Manitowoc, on Tuesday, the 27th day of October, 1903, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered: That notice of the time and place of said hearing be given by publication hereof for three successive weeks, once each week, previous to the time of said hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper published in said Manitowoc county. Dated Sept. 29, 1903. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, October 1, 1903 P. 8
JOSEPH YOURA Joseph Joura (sic) of Kossuth was quite seriously injured on Saturday last by a falling tree. It is feared he has sustained internal injuries which may prove fatal. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 1, 1888 ******** Joseph Joura(sic) of Kossuth died here in Manitowoc last Thurs. He had been severely injured by a falling tree. Der Nord Westen, 08 Mar. 1888 ******** Joura (sic), the Kossuth man who was hurt by a falling tree, died last week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 8, 1888 ******** (First publication June 28, 1888.) No. 37 IN PROBATE,-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Youra, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary Youra, of said county, represetning among other things that Joseph Youra, late of said county, on the 1st day of March, A.D., 1888, at said county, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said decease, and praying that administration of said estate be to Adolph Cizek granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this court, on Tuesday, the 24th day of July, A.D., 1888, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 26th day of June, A.D., 1888. Emil Baensch, County Judge. Nash & Nash, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 19, 1888 P. 3
MARY YOURA Mrs. Mary Youra, 91, of 1115 – 24th St., Two Rivers, a lifelong resident of Manitowoc County and a resident of Two Rivers for the past 30 years, died at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital early Wednesday morning where she had been a patient since Tuesday afternoon. She suffered a stroke while working in the garden at her home. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m., Saturday at the Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, the Rev. Sherwood W. Rosch officiating. Interment will be in the Kossuth National [Bohemian] Cemetery. Mrs. Youra, nee Mary Strouf, was born in the Town of Gibson on Jan. 24, 1866, a daughter of the late John and Anna Musil Strouf. In 1885 she was married to Joseph Youra, who died in 1888. She made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Julia Gruber, who died in 1926. [unreadable line] her son, Frank Youra, in Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald-Times, Wed. 5 Sep 1956
ADOLPH ZEMAN Adolph Zeman, 75, retired county farmer, died early today at the Holy Family hospital following a two weeks illness. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Interment will be in the Kossuth National cemetery at Francis Creek. Mr. Zeman was born in Kossuth in 1867 and always resided there. In 1888 he married Miss Annie Skarievoda and they located on the homestead farm, now operated by his son, Joseph. Mrs. Zeman died 20 years ago. He was a member of the Z.C.B.J. lodge of Francis Creek. Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Stephan Mleziva of Gibson, Mrs. Emanual Fierst of Kossuth, Mrs. Louis Baedlacek of Larrabee, Mrs. Clarence Wensel of Brillion; three sons, Joseph, on the home farm, William of Milwaukee, Anton of this city; three brothers, Frank of this city; Stephan of Kossuth, John of Milwaukee; three sisters, Mrs. Adolph Skarievoda, of Kossuth, Mrs. Joseph Pudil of Milwaukee, Mrs. Eli Baugnet of Mishicot; 19? grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The body may be viewed after Wednesday afternoon at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1942 P. 9
ANNA ZEMAN (d. 1917) Miss Anna Zeman, daughter of Wencil Zeman, of this place, died Friday noon after a prolonged illness. The funeral was held Sunday morning with interment at the International cemetery at Francis Creek. Miss Zeman was 18 years of age, having been born Nov. 3, 1898. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wencil Zeman who survive her, together with two brothers, Henry of Sheboygan and Wencil of this place and four sisters, Mrs. Wencil Trocil and Mrs. Adolph Soukoup, both of Melnik and Miss Marie and Antionette of this place. The pallbearers were Adolph Spert, Edwin Popelars, Henry Vacek, Ed Skarivoda, Joe and Willie Zeman. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 14, 1917, Page 4 ******** Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zeman of Sheboygan were here to attend the funeral of Mr. Zeman's sister. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Wed., Mar. 14, 1917 - page 4 ******** A number from here attended the funeral of the late Miss Anna Zeman, Sunday, March 11. Interment was at the Czek National cemetery near Francis Creek. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 21, 1917, Page 4
ANNIE ZEMAN (d. 1922) Melnik - Brockville Notes Mrs. Adolph Zeman who had been reported to be critically ill died at the late home early Monday morning, aged about 60 years. Interment will be Thursday at 10 am at the Czecho-Slovak National Cemetery near Francis Creek. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Apr. 27, 1922 ******** CARD OF THANKS To our many friends, relatives and neighbors who were so kind and solicitous during our recent bereavement, we desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation. We are grateful to Reb. Teply, to the ACBJ Lodge, to donors of flowers, to those who sang at the funeral services and to friends who sent messages of sympathy in any form. ADOLPH ZEMAN AND FAMILY. Maribel. Manitowoc Herald News Saturday, April 29, 1922 pg. 4
JAN ZEMAN The following sent in by a family researcher, see contributors page. From the Manitowoc Pilot newspaper dated Jan. 21 1915. Notes From Melnik Death came to John Zeman, a pioneer resident of this place while he was entertaining neighbors and was seated at a table engaged in a friendly game of cards. Mr. Zeman suffered two strokes within a few minutes and died almost instantly, the first stroke having affected his left side and the second and fatal one reaching his heart. Mr.Zeman who was about 76 years of age died at the home of his son Stephen on the farm which had been the Zeman homestead for nearly half a century, the late John Zeman having located on the farm when he came to Manitowoc county in 1866 at which time he took up a 40 acre timber tract which he cleared and added to until now the farm of 140 acres is one of the best improved farms in the county. Mr. Zeman was born in Bohemia and with his wife came here about 50 years ago. Mrs. Zeman died about 5 months ago. The couple celebrated their golden wedding April 30 1910. Ten children survive Mr. Zeman whose six sons officiated as pall bearers at the funeral Tuesday as they did at the burial of their mother a few months ago. The funeral was held from the late home last Tuesday forenoon with interment at the Czech National cemetery near Francis Creek. Our sympathy goes out to the offlicted family in their sad bereavement. Note: All words are spelled as shown in original text. John A. Zeman.
JOSEFA ZEMAN The following sent in by a family researcher, see contributors page: From the Manitowoc Pilot newspaper dated June 11 1914 Notes From Melnik Mrs. Zeman, aged 74 years, died Friday evening at her home here. She was born in Bohemia and came to this country in her youth, and with her husband located on a farm where they remained ever since although for the past several years they led a retired life. She is survived by her husband, six sons and four daughters, all well to do. The funeral was held Tuesday with intermint at the Bohemian National cemetery near Francis Creek. The correspondent and the many friends extend sympathy to the afflicted family.
MARIJE ZEMAN Mrs. W. Zerman (sic) Dies. Mrs. W. Zerman who has been in the Insane Asylum at Oshkosh, died there last Monday. The remains were taken to our National Cemetery for burial Wednesday last. Manitowoc Pilot, December 17, 1902 pg. 8 ******* (1900 Kossuth census: Wencle Zeman age 36; wife Mary 30 had 5 children, 4 living; Emma 11; Olga 9; Henry 7; Annie 1)