ANDERLE: see NAIDLANDRES: Edward Andres/Mar. 24, 1912/Jan. 2, 1929 Tombstone, next to: Joseph/1887-1975Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1889-1972 Tombstone Elisabetha Andres/Geb. 19 Nov. 1854/Gest. 19 Marz 1917 Tombstone Jacob Andres/Geb./25 Dec. 1851/Gest. 4 April 1907 Tombstone Joseph Andres/Geb. in/Buch. Preus./18 Oct. 1826/Gest./12 Juli 1870 Tombstone
BAESL: Joseph Baesl/Vater/Geb. 27 Juni 1832/Gest. 24 Dez 1881 Tombstone John Baesl/Geb./4 Aug. 1877/Gest. 19 Nov. 1881 Tombstone Iron cross, no inscriptions, between Anna Blazek and Joseph Baesl.
BAROUN: Bernard/1900-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes/1902-1963 Tombstone
BARTA: Anton Barta/narozen/15 Srpna 1894/zemrel/1 Srpna 1898 Tombstone John Barta/1885-1926 Tombstone, next to: Frank Barta/1853-1925 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Barta/1856-1939 Tombstone
BAUMAN: Michael/sohnien G. u. B. Bauman/Geb. 14 Mar. 1866/Gest. 28 Mai 1866 Tombstone, ossw: Johann/sohnien G. & B./Bauman/Geb. 3 Febr. 1872/Gest. 14 Nov. 1873 Tombstone Johann/sohnein G. u. B. Bauman/geboren 5 April 1876/gestorben 7 Mai 1876, next to: Iron cross, no remaining inscriptions, next to: Johann/sohnein G. u. B. Bauman/geboren 3 Juli 1878/gestorben 14 Aug. 1878 Tombstone
BAUMANN: Georg Baumann/Geb. 8 Apr. 1840/Gest. 24 Aug. 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara Baumann/Geb. 28 Sept. 1847/Gest. 1 Juni 1929 Tombstone Julia/Dau. of/J. & F. Baumann/born & died May 29, 1914, next to: J.Baumann/May 16, 1903, next to: Harvey/son of J. & F. Baumann/born & died July 8, 1917 Michael Baumann/Geb. 2 Mar. 1812/Gest. 1 Apr./1889 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara Baumann/Geb. 10 Dec. 1830/Gest. 27 Sept. 1906 Tombstone Kenneth Baumann/Jan 28, 1947-Aug 7, 2015 Photo
BLAHNIK: Clara Blahnik/Mar. 24, 1971 Tombstone, next to: Doris V. Blahnik/June 16, 1916/Dec. 26, 1927 (stone gone as of 6/17/2000) Tombstone
BLAZEK: Anna Blazek/narozena/roku 1809/zemrela/roku 1883 see BAESL
BOEHM: Louis Boehm/1874-1923 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Boehm/May 21, 1885/Sept. 22, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Boehm/1906-1976 Tombstone Mary M. Boehm/born June 1, 1847/died Apr. 8, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Max Boehm/born May 1, 1839/died Oct. 6, 1924 Tombstone, next to: Joseph/1868-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Christina/1868-1939 Tombstone Tombstone
BRAUNREITER: Frank/Father/1848-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/Mother/1849-1936 Tombstone, next to: Rose/dau. of Fr. & A. Braunreiter/born/Jan. 11, 1908/died/May 20, 1915
BRAUNRFUTER: Franz Braunrfuter/Geb. 1807/Gest. 8 Aug. 1890, The above on iron cross.
BREI: Johann/sohn von/G. & A. Brei/geboren/Juni 24, 1869/gestorben/Febr. 15, 1874
BREY: Anna/1898-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Michael J./Oct. 29, 1897/May 21, 1975 Tombstone
BURISH: Frank J. Burish/born July 30, 1890/died Feb. 2, 1919 Tombstone
CARROLL: Barney Carroll/died Apr. 12, 1905/aged/78 years Tombstone, ossw: Mary Carroll/died Oct. 26, 1883/aged/46 years Tombstone Bernard Carroll/died Dec. 19, 1916, ossw: Margaret Carroll/died May 17, 1917
CENEFELS: Marie/dcera J. u M. Cenefels/narozena 14 Kvetna 1870/zemrela 13 Rijna 1886 Tombstone
CHERNEY: Wencel/1894-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1900-1981 Tombstone
CHRISTIANSEN: Donald D. Christiansen/Mar 26, 1932/Sep 18, 2022 Photo Dorothy A. Christiansen/nee NAIDL/Dec 9, 1932/Oct 11, 2022 PhotoCISLER: Annie/1875-1913 Tombstone, ossw: Charles/1875-1953 Tombstone Joseph H./son of/C. and A. Cisler/born May 30, 1902/died Mar. 19, 1903
DECKER: Anna K./Mother/1883-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Mathias M./Father/1877-1954 Tombstone Anne/1914-1967, ossw: George/1916-1999
DUGAN: Geraldine J. Dugan/Feb 16, 1924/Dec 25, 2009 Tombstone + Photo
DVORAK: Florence/dau. of J. & I. Dvorak/born Jan. 10/died Feb. 15, 1920 Tombstone (Daughter of John C. and Ida J. (Huinker) Dvorak)
FETZER: Frank Fetzer/1850-1929 Tombstone, next to: Frank Fetzer/May 2, 1892/Sept. 23, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Fetzer/1853-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Franz Fetzer/1859-1929 Tombstone, ossw: Nora Fetzer/Oct. 20, 1898-Jan. 26, 1989 Tombstone (Franz Fetzer/d. 11 Feb. 1888/may be Franz below?) Franz Fetzer/geboren/22 Feb. 1812/19 Feb. 1887/und seine gattin Tombstone, ossw: Elisabeth Fetzer/geboren 19 Mar. 1819/gestorben 19 Nov. 1893 Tombstone Gottfried Fetzer/geboren 8 Juni 1815/gestorben 26 Dez. 1886 Tombstone, ossw: Rosa/gattin des G. Fetzer/geborene WEGNER/12 Marz 1819/gestorben 30 Mai 1873
FITZMAURICE: Michael/husband of Bridget Fitzmaurice/died Sept. 21, 1883, aged 69 yrs., next to: Footstone: Mary (no stone remains 6-17-2000)
FOGELTANZ: John Fogeltanz/Father/1862-1950 Tombstone Tombstone, next to: Baldwin/son of/J. & A. Fogeltanz/Mar. 22, 1902/Nov. 18, 1922 Tombstone Melvin Fogeltanz/Mar. 18, 1927/Jan. 14, 1928 Tombstone
FREIDENBERGER: Charles H./1923-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Ann/1931-1960 Tombstone
GEIGEL: Timothy Geigel/1987-2013 Tombstone
GRAFF: Eric J Graff/Feb. 8, 1985/May 3, 1985 (Stone closely between stones for Helen STELZER and Lawrence and Verna STELZER)
HAVLINEK: Frantiska Havlinek/narozena/9 Brez 1814/zemrela/19 Cer. 1907 Tombstone Tombstone, next to: Jacob Havlinek/born/May 1, 1819/died/Jan. 8, 1896 Tombstone
HAVLOVIC: Anna Havlovic/narozena 27 List 1827/zemrela 9 Rijna 1917, ossw: Petr Havlovic/narozen 8 Pros. 1829/zemrel 27 Pros 1885 Ema/dcera/M. & A. Havlovic/narozena 26 Unora 1894/zemrela 3 Rijna 1894 Tombstone Willie Havlovic/29 Lec. 1897 Tombstone
HAVLOVITZ: Agnes/1916-1975 Tombstone, ossw: John/1902-1980 Tombstone Charles/Sept. 12, 1905/Dec. 7, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Ludmila/1911-1999 Tombstone, next to: Kenneth/Mar. 5, 1950/April 17, 1998 Tombstone Frank/1895-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Allen/Oct. 10, 1936/Sept. 17, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/1895/1978 (9 June 1895/Aug. 1978/SSDI) Tombstone Lester/son of F. & E. Havlovitz/born Apr. 17, 1925/died Apr. 29, 1925 Tombstone Matt/Father/1856-1947, ossw: Elizabeth/Mother/1866-1955, next to: Joseph F./1891-1959 Tombstone Doris A. Havlovitz/1934-1934 Tombstone
HERAN: John J. Heran/Nov. 27, 1940-March 3, 2014/from obit
HERDINA: Florence E./1914-1969, ossw: Wenzel P./1908-1971
HERMANN: Luke Hermann/born/Oct. 8, 1811/died Mar. 30, 1876 Tombstone, ossw: Carolina Hermann/born Apr. 15, 1820/died Dec. 21, 1915 Tombstone
HEROLD: Josef Herold/1843-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Josefina Herold/1846-1890 Tombstone
HERRMANN: August Herrmann/Geb. 28 Aug. 1844/Gest. 2 Sept. 1904 Tombstone, ossw: Margeretha Herrmann/Geb. 6 Mai 1844/Gest. 9 Mai 1924 Tombstone Charles/1883-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1887-1976 Tombstone, next to: Joseph N./1918-1990 Tombstone Christian/Father/May 8, 1854/Nov. 17, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Margaret/Mother/Sept. 3, 1862/May 14, 1945 Tombstone Lena/Mother/1884-1972 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1882-1950 Tombstone, next to: Arthur Herrmann/1908-1935 Tombstone Melvin C. Herrmann/Jan. 8, 1919/Sept. 11, 1920 Baby Herrmann/Geb. und Gest./6 Mai 1908 Fred E./1914-2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Lillian T./1918-2002 Tombstone
HOUSNER: Jan Housner/narozen 10 Rij. 1834/zemrel 15 Rij. 1885, ossw: Marketa Housner/narozena 15 Srp. 1841/zemrela 14 List 1914, next to: Ema/&/Eva (No other information.) Mary & Joe (No other information.), next to: Two metal crosses, stone on other side Josef Polivka.
HRDINA: Anna Hrdina/Sept. 20, 1871/Oct. 14, 1918 Tombstone, ossw: John Hrdina/Oct. 15, 1865/Apr. 6, 1933 Tombstone, next to: Mary Hrdina/1895/1973 Tombstone, next to: Emma A. Hrdina/1903-1959 Tombstone Dorota Hrdina/narozena 19 Brez 1862/zemerla 16 Srp. 1878 (Dorothea Hrdina/dau. of John and Margaretha Hrdina/b. Kossuth/d. 16 Aug. 1878, Kossuth) next to: Iron cross between above and Masmann stone.
HUSSEY: Francis Hussey/1858-1883 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Hussey/1866-1883 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Hussey/1864-1882 Tombstone, ossw: Michael Hussey/1827-1910, ossw: Ellen Hussey/1827-1921, ossw: Daniel Hussey/1854-1896
JANA: Frank/born Sept. 14, 1877/died July 22, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Dora Jana/born Feb. 15, 1850/died Oct. 24, 1922 Tombstone
JUNK: Valarian/1919-2017 Photo, ossw: Kathleen/1941-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Mayme/1921-2001 Tombstone
KABAT: Anton Kabat/narozen/15 List 1873/zemrel/27 Cervce 1910 Antonin Kabat/Nar. 25 List 1845/Zem. 12 Kvet 1920, ossw: Marketa Kabat/Nar. 6 Ledna/1846/Zem. 30 List 1917 Tombstone
KALCIK: Jiri Kalcik/narozen/9 Kvet 1834/zemrel/9 Pros 1881 Tombstone, next to: Barbara Kalcik/narozena/27 Zari 1838/zemrela/9 Unora 1918 Tombstone, next to: Footstones: Vaclav/Kalcik, Joseph/Kalcik
KARBAN: Peter Karban/narozen 23 Cervna 1825/zemrel 11 Maye 1909 Photo (Anna Karban/1830-Jan 31, 1916)
KARBON: Elizabeth/Mother/June 8, 1858/Sept. 19, 1931 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/Father/May 15, 1848/Oct. 30, 1937 Tombstone Peter Karbon Jr./1882-1944 Tombstone
KIRT: Lucy/1900-1988, ossw: Adolph/1897-1990, next to: Evelyn R. Kirt/Daughter/1926-1946 Peter Kirt/born Oct. 18, 1838/died Apr. 1, 1908/age 89 yrs. 5 mo. 14 ds. Tombstone, ossw: Catharine Kirt/born Dec. 25, 1840 Tombstone Simon Kirt/narozena 28 Una 1865/zemrela 25 Mar. 1944, next to: Joe Kirt/narozen 30 Kvet 1895/zemrel 21 Cervna 1918 Tombstone, next to: Anna Kirt/Matka/narozena 28 Zari 1871/zemrela 23 Brez 1920 Tombstone, next to: Mary Kirt/born Jan. 28, 1892/died Apr. 23, 1914 Tombstone
KOCHAN: Agnes/1894-1984 Tombstone, next to: Joseph/Father/1857-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Theresia/Mother/1865-1965 Tombstone, next to: Carl/1896-1978 Tombstone F. Kochan/Geb. u. Gest./20 Oct. 1904 Franciskus/sohn von/A. & A. Kochan/Geb. 9 May 1898/Gest. 8 Jan. 1899 Joseph H./sohn von/J. & T. Kochan/Geb. 5 Juli 1899/Gest. 14 Sept. 1901 Julianna Kochan/Geb. 16 Feb. 1831/Gest. 21 Apr. 1879 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Kochan/Geb. 23 Dec. 1824/Gest. 13 Juni 1908 Tombstone
KOHLBECK: Herbert L. Kohlbeck/Jun 13, 1925/Jan 19, 2022 Photo Marie B. Kohlbeck/nee STROUF/Mar 3, 1933/Jan 23, 2022 PhotoKOPITLANCKY: Marie Kopitlancky/stari/73 roku Tombstone
KORINEK: Emily/dau. of L. & A. Korinek/born Dec. 5, 1916/died Dec. 6, 1918 Louis/Mar. 5, 1886/June 2, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1887-1954 Tombstone
KOSTECHKA: Thomas/Oct. 25, 1894/July 14, 1974 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma/Jan. 12, 1897-May 17, 1989 Tombstone
KOUKOL: Regina A./Mother/1896-1924
KRIZEK: Frank J./1931-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Louella/1932-1956 Tombstone Donald/1933-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1888-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/1896-1990 Tombstone John Krizek/Nar. 19 Kvet 1855/Zem. 25 Brez 1923 Tombstone, ossw: Marketa Krizek/Nar. 27 Zari 1861/Zem. 4 Led. 1949 Tombstone, next to: Charles J. Krizek/June 28, 1902/Feb. 9, 1969 Tombstone
KRT: Vaclav/syn of J. & A. Krt/narozen/25 List 1899/zemrel/25 Sept. 1900
KUTIL: Baby/dau. of/Geo. & Dorothy/Kutil/born & died/1888 Michael Kutil (No other inscriptions.) Eva Kutil/narozena/14 Dubna 1863/zemrela/14 Listopadu 1911 (Joseph Kutil/d. Dec 15, 1927/from obit) Katerina Kutil/zemrela/16 Kvetna 1910/stari/91 roku Julia Kutil/1884-1932 Tombstone
LAKATOS: Erwin J. Lakatos/1895-1922 Tombstone, next to: Mary Lakatos/Mother/1869-1927 Tombstone, next to: Michael Lakatos/Father/1870-1928 Tombstone Tillie/1909-1989 Tombstone, ossw: Elsie/1900-1986 Tombstone
LANDA: Joseph F. Landa/March 10, 1918-Aug. 28, 2003/from obit
LEITERMANN: Joseph/1884-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Amelia/1890-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Loretta/1913-1991 Tombstone
LINZMYER: Maria Linzmyer/Gest./4 Aug. 1881/alt 19 jahre Tombstone Mary/wife of/Joseph Linsmeyer/died/Sept. 18, 1911/ aged 77 yrs., ossw: Joseph Linsmeyer/died/Nov. 25, 1912/aged 89 yrs.
MANZA: Anna Manza/narozena/12 Listop 1864/zemrela/27 Kvetna 1885 Tombstone Two iron crosses between Anna Manza and Matous Osvald.
MASMANN: Marie/tochter von P. & M./Masmann/Geb./20 Juli 1867/Gest. 22 Aug. 1869 Peter Masmann/Geb./31 Aug. 1824/Gest. 21 Nov. 1876 see HRDINA
MATEJOVETZ: Jan Matejovetz/narozen/9 Rijna 1868/zemrel/31 Prosince 1909 Josef Matejovetz/zemrel/24 Cervna 1915/stari 83 Let./manzelka, ossw: Elizabeth Matejovetz/zemrela/3 Cervna 1915/stari/83 Let
MCKEOUGH: George McKeough/Nov. 14, 1880-May 20, 1920, next to: Michael McKeough/1843-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Rose McKeough/1846-1939 Tombstone Mary McKeough/d. 1921 Patrick McKeough/1840-1904 Tombstone, next to: John M. McKeough/Husband/1863-1922 Tombstone Wm. McKeough/Company C/14th Wisc. Infantry/1827-1870 Tombstone (Info. from WI Vet. Museum, submitted by relative, he served in Co. E/14th under name Wm. McKough.) John McKeough/1795-1869 (newer stone) Tombstone next to: Anna McKeough/1802-1867 (newer stone) Tombstone Edwin McKeough/d. 25 Mar. 1890/age 21/from obit/no stone
MEIDL: Mary/Meidl
MEIER: Johann Meier/d. 16 Nov. 1893/from obit-no stone
MENZA: John Menza/narozen/10 Zari 1861./zemrel/17 Pros. 1910, next to: Margretha Menza/narozena/12 List 1825/zemrela/15 Duben 1899, next to: Jan Menza/narozen/1 List 1826/zemrel/28 Srpen. 1904 Marie Menza/1833-1887 Tombstone Martha/1911-2001 Photo, ossw: Joseph/1902-1962 Photo, next to: Victor Menza/Son/1910-1934, next to: Anna Menza/Mother/1877-1936
MEYER: John Meyer/1810-1892 Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude Meyer/1806-1888 See Meier
NAIDL: Robert G. Naidl/Sep 9 1943/Jan 11 1999 Tombstone, ossw: Lily Ann F. Naidl /Aug 17 1942/Jul 25, 2007 Tombstone George C. Naidl/1917-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Marion R. Naidl/1920-2000 Tombstone, next to: Marian A. Naidl/1932-2015, next to: Melvin J. Naidl/Jan 7, 1932/Feb 16, 1993/PFC US Army/Korea, next to: George E. Naidl/Apr 16, 1928/Nov 6, 2019, next to: Donald G. Naidl/1926-2007, next to: Erwin J. Naidl/Jan 9, 1924/Jul 8, 2024 Edward J. Naidl/1894-1968, ossw: Elizabeth Naidl/1896-1965 Mary Naidl/Mother/1867-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Naidl/Father/1859-1947 Tombstone Agnes Neidl/Jul 11, 1906/Oct 30, 1906/no stone/from record Jan Naidl/1862-1915 Tombstone, ossw: Frances Naidl/1871-1962 Tombstone, next to: Footstone/Baby Irene Naidl Joseph Naidl/Oct 18, 1900/Nov 4, 1900/no stone/from record Joseph Naidl/1892-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Rose Naidl/1891-1938 Tombstone, next to: John Naidl/Son/1916-1937 Tombstone Jiri Naidl/narozen/13 List 1830/umrel/1 Cervenec 1914 Tombstone, next to: Maria ANDERLE/manzellia/Jiri Naidl/narozena/24 List 1831/zemrela/1 Kvetna 1910 Tombstone, next to: Maria Naidl/narozena/1808/zemrela/23 Dubna 1891 Marie Naidl/1900-1990
NEDVECKI: Kathryn/1896-1974
NEIDL: George Neidl (No other inscriptions.) (John Neidl/d. Dec. 1915/from obit/no stone)
NESPER: Frank Jr./1909-1909, ossw: Frank/1872-1957 Photo, ossw: Anna/1884-1966 Tombstone + Photo
NEUSER: Anton Neuser/Vater/24 Juni 1836/24 Apr. 1922 Tombstone, next to: Kathrine Neuser/Mutter/8 Mai 1846/17 Apr. 1929 Tombstone Baby Neuser/Toche von H & M Neuser/Geb 22 Juni 1906/Gest 10 Juli 1906 Tombstone, next to: Footstone: Baby - Located between NEUSER & POLIFKA stones. Rosanna/tochter von ?? ? ??/Neuser/geboren/22 Nov. 1877/gestorben/30 Juni 1883 Baby Neuser/Geb. u. Gest./9 Sept. 1901, next to: Footstone: P.K.
NIESPODZIANY: Paulin/Matka/1842 (remainder buried) Tombstone, next to: Josef/1888 (remainder buried)
NIKOLAI: Anna Maria/gattin von/Jac. Nikolai/Geb./27 Mai 1827/Gest./23 Dec. 1903 Tombstone
OSVALD: Vilem/Osvald/narozen/18 Led. 1898/zemrel/22 Cer. 1907 Tombstone Jindrich Osvald/narozen/17 Led. 1816/zemrel/10 Unora 1898 Tombstone, ossw: Marie/JINDRICHA/manzelka/Osvalda/narozena/1 List 1812/zemrela/13 Pros. 1893 Tombstone Matous Osvald/narozen/4 Brez 1824/zemrel/9 Brez 1911 Tombstone, next to: Katerina/manzelka/M. Osvalda/zemrela/13 Pros. 1883/ v. stari/43 roku Tombstone see MANZA
OSWALD: Joseph P./1914-1988, ossw: Irene K./1915-2006 Charles/1903-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Sept. 28, 1906/Dec. 27, 1975 Tombstone Frank/Father/1883-1951 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1891-1977 Tombstone Georgea Oswald/Our darling/born Apr. 6, 1917/died Dec. 23, 1918 Jiri Oswald/narozena/8 Kvetna 1849/zemrel/12 Kvetina 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Marie Oswald/narozena/20 List 1850/zemrela/20 Rij. 1921 Tombstone, next to: Frank Oswald/Aug. 17, 1855/Feb. 4, 1937 Tombstone, ossw: Rose Oswald/Apr. 4, 1861/Feb. 20, 1927 Tombstone Frank/Rose John Oswald/1867-1929 Tombstone, ossw: Annie Oswald/1873-1936 Tombstone Joseph Oswald/born Aug. 22, 1863/died Jan. 11, 1896 Tombstone Katerina Oswald/narozena/24 Pros 1828/zemrela/27 Pros 1903 Tombstone Vaclav Oswald/Jan. 3, 1821-June 19, 1909 Tombstone Lester/son of F. & A. Oswald/born Sept. 2, 1915/died Dec. 28, 1915 Marcella Oswald/Oct. 17, 1922/Jan. 12, 1923 Tombstone Theresa Anne/June 19-Aug. 4, 1962 Tombstone, next to: Edwin/1917-2013 Photo + Tombstone, ossw: Jeanette/1924-2017 Photo Vernon G. Oswald/Jan 11, 1937-Oct 28, 2015 Photo Shirley Oswald/Dec. 24, 1939/Dec. 3, 2007 Tombstone
PECKA: Jan/Pecka/narozen/21 Kvet 1821/zemerel/26 Uno 1880 Tombstone
PEKARSKE: Harry/1898-1971, ossw: Agnes/1899-1973
PFEFFER: Theresa/Mother/1842-1926, ossw: Mathias/Father/1840-1929, next to: Johann Pfeffer/1872-1896
POLIFKA: Ervin/1932-2013, ossw: Carol/1935-2013 Anton/syn/S. u A. Polifka/30 Rijna 1909/9 Dubna 1909 Frank/1907-1981, ossw: Anita/1909-1994 John/Father/1891-1940, next to: Footstone: Our Baby, next to: Johnny Martin Polifka/Oct 17, 1928/Dec. 21, 1928, next to: Maggie/born Oct. 13, 1856/died Oct. 14, 1926, next to: John/1859-1942, next to: Rose/1891-1962 Katherine Polifka/1850-1935/from obit Josef Polivka/narozen/1 Brez. 1892/zemrel/23 Pros. 1905, next to: Anton Polifka/narozen/9 Cervc. 1866/zemrel/15 Cervc. 1906 Jan Polivka/narozen/14 Unora 1832/zemrel/4 Pros. 1898 Tombstone Marie Polifka/narozena/25 Leden 1835/zemrela/9 List. 1910 see NEUSER
POLIVKA: Francis Polivka/Apr. 24, 1863/Aug. 12, 1924, next to: Anna/1870-1969 Josef Polivka/narozen/18 Dub. 1887/zemeral/28 Cerv. 1889, next to: Mates Polivka/narozen/4 Zari 1894/zemrel/26 Cervina/1900 see HOUSER see POLIFKA
PRESTON: Wash/1881-1943, ossw: Viola/1892-1976
RADEJ: John/1862-1937, ossw: Rosa/1861-1937
RADEY: John Radey/born May 16, 1840/died Dec. 5, 1921 Tombstone (died in town Franklin/b. Bohemia/father: Matt Radey, b. Bohemia/cause of death: Hemplegia), ossw: Barbara his wife/born Dec. 4, 1837/died Dec. 9, 1917
REIF: Catharina/gattin von/N. Reif/Geb. 13 Juli 1822/Gest. 20 Jan. 1887 Tombstone, ossw: Nickolaus Reif/Geb. 3 Apr. 1816/Gest. 8 Dec. 1897 Tombstone Peter Reif/Geb. 7 Feb. 1818/Gest. 15 Jan. 1882 Tombstone, ossw: Susanna/gattin von/Peter Reif/Geb. 6 Dec. 1833/Gest. 8 Apr. 1911 Tombstone Johann Reif/Geb. 22 Juni, 1834/Gest. 7 Oct. 1905, next to: Coleta Reif/Geb. 3 Apr. 1845/Gest. 31 Aug. 1931 Tombstone Child of Peter Reif/d. 17 Feb. 1890/age 10 months Peter Reif/bur. 4 April 1893/from obit-no stone
SAFROVA: Marie/Safrova/narozena/3 Zari 1876/zemrela/10 Dub. 1880, next to: Two iron crosses, no remaining inscriptions.
SCHERMETZLER: Norbert/May 18, 1918-March 15, 1999 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Anna/1920-2010 Tombstone + Photo, next to: John & James Schermetzler/April 17, 1950 Tombstone John/James, next to: Jacob/Father/1876-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1890-1977 Tombstone (Infant Granddaughter Meyer/-Nov 4, 1956-/from obit) Melvin Schermetzler/d. Jan. 22, 1924 Lena Schermetzler/d. Dec. 1889/from obit
SCHOERMETZLER: Andreas Schoermetzler/Geb. 30 Dez. 1816, (balance uncut.) Tombstone, ossw: Louisa/gattin von A. Schoermetzler/Geb. 12 Aug. 1818/Gest. 15 Dez. 1894 Tombstone Lena/tochter von P. & K. Schoermetzler/geboren 5 Mai, 1883/gestorben 26 Dez. 1886
SCHULTZ: Emma/1891-1979 Tombstone, ossw: John/1881-1964 Tombstone
SEIBEL: John/1864-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1865-1933 Tombstone
SEIBERT: Maria Seibert/Geb 10 April 1867/Gest 29 Jan. 1891 Tombstone
SHANDA: Mary/1870-1913 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1875-1954 Tombstone
SHAVLIK: George J. Shavlik Jr./Nov 24, 1937/Nov 3, 2023 Photo, ossw: Beverly A. Shavlik/nee NAIDL/Dec 24, 1939/Jun 14, 2020 Tombstone + PhotoSHIMEK: Blanch/1892-1921 Tombstone, ossw: Hugo/1884-1966 Tombstone
SHIMON: John Shimon/Wis/Bglr 2 Regt Fa Rep/Draft/WWI Dec 10, 1887 June 25, 1963, next to: Mary I. Shimon/Mar 18, 1878/Jan 23, 1965
SHUBER: Marie Shuber/1847-1921 Tombstone
SIMON: John Simon/born Dec. 19, 1847/died Oct. 5, 1927 Tombstone, ossw: Marie Simon/born Aug. 15, 1864/died Nov. 29, 1920 Tombstone
SPERL: Agnes/1896-1940 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph W./Feb. 4, 1890/Sept. 5, 1966 Tombstone Jiri/Sperl/narozen/12 Kvet 1815/zemrel/24 Srp. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: Alzbeta/Sperl/narozena/6 Brezna 1821/zemrela/1 Dubna 1896 Wenzel Sperl/Dec. 23, 1854/Oct. 20, 1921 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine Sperl/Sept. 6, 1862/July 11, 1946 Tombstone Adolph Sperl/Wisconsin/Cook Co. B 340 Infantry/World War I/ Sept. 18, 1894/April 2, 1970
SPODZIANY: Nie Spodziany/1916, next to. Matka/Pauline/urad. sie/d 8 go Grud r. 1842/umarta/d. 2 go Stucz r. 1918, next to: Tu spoczylua S.P. Jozef/urod. sie/7 go Utego 1888/umarta/25 go Kwiec 1919
STEEBER: John/1889-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Barbara/1889-1960 Tombstone Martin/Father/1859-1929 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1858-1936 Tombstone, next to: Bernard J. Steeber/1920-1936 Tombstone
STEFL: Odpociva v Panu/Jakuf Stefl/star 37 roku, Tombstone
STELZER: Helen A. Stelzer/1942-1966 Tombstone, next to: Lawrence H./1920-2001 Tombstone, ossw: Verna A./1920-1993 Tombstone
STENZEL: David L. Stenzel/Aug. 15, 1931/Feb. 11, 1992/TSGT US Air Force/Korea Tombstone
STRADL: Anna Stradl/d. 5 Oct. 1876, Kossuth/no stone
STUBER: Joseph Stuber/Geb./24 Dec. 1891/Gest./21 Feb. 1904 Tombstone Theresia Stuber/narozen/12 Okt. 1821/gestorben/30 Aug. 1907, ossw: Johann Stuber/geboren/17 Marz 1813/gestorben/23 Juli 1891 Theresia/tochter des/J. & T. Stuber/geboren/20 Juni 1853/gestorben/9 Nov. 1867
SVACINA: Josephina/Svacina cera/Jakuba Svacini/zemrela/12 ho Srpna/1888/stara 12 roku Tombstone Panu/zesnula Marie/Svacina/manzelka/Jakuba/Svacini/zesnula dne 25/no Listopadu/1881/ve stari/28 roku Tombstone Jan Svacina/sin Jakuba/Svacina/zemrel/dne 4 ho Kvetna/1895/stari 17 Let.
THEISEN: Anton/1871-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1885-1962 Tombstone Grosz-vater/Peter/Theisen, next to: Grosz-mutter/Elizabetha/Theisen, next to: 2 iron crosses, no remaining information. Peter/Theisen/Gest. 15 mon., next to: Joseph/Theisen/alter/7 jah., next to: Heinrich/Theisen/alter/3-1/2 jah. Peter Theisen/born Mar. 29, 1838/died Feb. 20, 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Eleanora Theisen/born Feb. 17, 1842/died Oct. 2, 1927 Tombstone Peter/Eleanora
TISLER: Kenneth J. Sr./1939-1997, ossw: Diane L./1945-____ Daniel F./Father/1922-1949 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Mary/1886-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1884-1962 Tombstone
VIZNER: Anna/Vizner/narozena ???? zari ????
VOGELTANZ: Louis Vogeltanz/narozen/7 Cev. 1906/zemrel/8 Kvet. 1907
VOGLTANZ: Josef Vogltanz/nar. 5 Cervence 1838/zem. 4 Kvetna 1928, next to: Dorota Vogltanz/nar. 23 Brez. 1843/zem. 27 Cervna 1915 Tombstone
VONDRACHEK: James Vondrachek/Jun 12, 1939-Mar 23, 2016 Photo
VRANEY: Joseph/Sept. 4, 1915/Apr. 9, 2007 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Clara Vraney/Jan. 1, 1917/Dec. 4, 2007 Tombstone + Photo Anna Vraney/Mother/born Oct. 5, 1825/died/Oct. 1, 1872 Tombstone, next to: Marie/di?era, (Bottom half of stone missing, no last name.) Joseph/1878-1951 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Julia/1882-1969 Tombstone + Photo Mary Vraney/1874-1946 Tombstone, next to: Emil Vraney/1875-1937 Tombstone Vaclav Vrany/zemrel/12 Cervce 1899/v. stari/46 roku Tombstone, ossw: Anna Vraney/zemrela/30 Srpna 1942/v. stari/89 roku Tombstone
VRANY: next to: VACLAV VRANY above: Wenzel/Father/, next to: Anna/Mother see VRANEY
WEBER: Eugene J. Weber/1931-____, ossw: Linda J. Weber/Jun-Sep 1954, ossw: Geraldine J. Weber/1933-1969 Frances Weber/Mother/1866-1950 Tombstone Johann Weber/Geb 1 Oct 1894/Gest 5 Dec 1896
WILHELM: David F. Wilhelm/1955-1973 (Picture on stone) Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Dolores A. Wilhelm/nee LAKATOS/Aug 20, 1934/Jun 17, 2022 Photo, ossw: Donald F. Wilhelm/Jun 1, 1931/Jan 31, 2008 Tombstone Marie Wilhelma/manzelka Martina Wilhelma/29 Rina 1871 narozena/6 Zari 1898 zemrela
WOTAWA: Jakub Wotawa/zemrel/17 Unora 1902/77 roku
YOHANEK: Charles Yohanek/1887-1929 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Yohanek/1889-1952 Tombstone
ZAHORIK: Anton Zahorik/1892-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Zahorik/1903-1981 Tombstone, next to: Dorothy J. Zahorik/1928-1988 Tombstone George Zahorik/Father/1855-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine Zahorik/Mother/1859-1941 Tombstone, next to: George Zahorik/Wis/Cook Btry 69 Arty CAC/WWI/Nov 5, 1886/Jan 6, 1968 Tombstone John G. Zahorik/1885-1965 Tombstone, next to: John Zahorik/Jun 24, 1859/Aug 2, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth Zahorik/Apr 5, 1863/Jan 19, 1948 Tombstone
ZIMMERMAN: Brianna Marie Zimmerman/-Mar 24, 2015-/from obit