CASPER MESMER Death of Caspar Messmer(sic), an old settler, on Monday afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 29 Apr. 1875

In the matter of the estate of Caspar (sic) Mesmer deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Jno. F. Zinns of Manitowoc representing among other things that Caspar Mesmer late of Manitowoc, on the 26th day of April A.D., 1875, at Manitowoc died intestate, leaving goods, chattels, within this State of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is a relative of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Edward F. Zinns granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 28th day of June A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County.
Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot a Weekly Newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county.
T.G. Olmsted, County Judge.
Dated Manitowoc the 31st day of May, A.D., 1875.
Manitowoc Pilot, June 3, 1875 P. 2
[Casper Mesmer/bur. 04-28-1875]

C.H.V MESMER Catherine Victorine Zinnsz Birth • France, Bas-Rhin, Parish and Civil Registration, 1525-1912 Name Catherine Victorine Zinnsz Sex Female Birth Date 1828 Father's Name Chrétien Zinnsz Father's Sex Male Mother's Name Françoise Catherine Heinrich Mother's Sex Female Event Type Birth Registration Event Date 11 Mar 1828 Event Place Bas-Rhin, France "France, Bas-Rhin, Parish and Civil Registration, 1525-1912" ***** Catharina Victoria Zintz Mentioned in the Record of Kasparum Messmer (Catharina Victoria Zintz's Husband) Vital • New York Marriages, 1686-1980 Name Kasparum Messmer Sex Male Father's Name Francisci Antonii Father's Sex Male Mother's Name Franciscae Sauer Mother's Sex Female Spouse's Name Catharina Victoria Zintz Spouse's Sex Female Spouse's Father's Name Christiani Zintz Spouse's Father's Sex Male Spouse's Mother's Name Catharinae Heinrich Event Type Marriage Event Date 30 Apr 1850 Event Place Buffalo, Erie, New York, United States "New York Marriages, 1686-1980" ***** [burial register has buried Misses Mesmar, $2.50] (Note: The stone was there in the 1970s, but gone now)

VICTOR MESMER From the Files of the Pilot - Forty-Four Years ago 1874 The LOST FOUND It will be remembered that about the middle of last December, the young son of Mrs. Mesmer, a lad of about 14 years, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared and although the most earnest efforts were put forth in order to gain some knowledge of the lost one, nothing whatever could be learned to relieve the mother of her anxiety. Many reasons were at first given to account for his disappearance, but at last it came to be generally believed that he had fallen into the river somewhere near the dry dock and was drowned. Last Sunday a body was discovered in the river back of the engine house, slowly floating out towards the lake, which when taken from the water proved to be that of the lost boy. One side of the body was covered with clay, which indicated that it had been lying at the bottom of the river for some time and it is probably that the launch of the large schooner on Saturday, loosened it so that it rose and floated down to where it was discovered. A coroner's inquest was held on Monday which resulted in a verdict of "accidental drowning" after which the body was buried. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., March 21, 1918 ******** [Victor Mesmer, Jr./bur. 03-16-1874]

GEORGE MESSMAN G. MEESSMANN(sic) PASSES AWAY AT AGE OF 79 Well Known Insurance Man of City Asks That Cherished Medals Be Buried With Him One of the oft expressed desires of George Meessmann, a veteran of the Franco- Prussian war of 1870, that his medals, including an Iron Cross decoration from the Kaiser, be buried with him, will be complied with by his widow. Mr. Meessmann, stricken on Friday, after he completed the day's work in the insurance business which he conducted, passed away at midnight Saturday evening at the family home, 809 South Sixteenth street. Mr. Meessmann, who reached his seventy-ninth birthday on August 31, has been a resident of Manitowoc for close to forty years. In that time he followed the insurance business which he continued up to the very end. Although he was weakened two weeks ago by a heart attack he insisted on making his daily rounds about the city, but on Saturday he was unable to leave his room and failed rapidly until the end came at midnight. Wounded in Franco-Prussian War Born in Germany in 1850 the deceased spent his early manhood there. He was an officer in the German army, when the war between France and Germany broke out and went to the front with his unit. He served in the cavalry and in one of the battles he was shot from his horse by a rain of shot and shell from French batteries and lay wounded in the hospital for weeks. Years afterwards, when he came to Manitowoc these wounds, in the ankle and thigh, gave Mr. Meessmann much troube. For his bravery in the Franco-Prussian war Mr. Meessmann was decorated with the Iron Cross by the Kaiser and also received other medals which he proudly cherished and which will be buried with him, at the funeral services, which will be held from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment at Evergreen Cemetery. After locating in Manitowoc, Mr. Meessmann was affiliated with the German Krueger Verein, an organization of German war veterans in Wisconsin. Mr. Meessmann was married, here in 1893 to Mrs. Bertha Schroeder of this city, who survives him, together with a widowed sister living in Germany. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. November 11, 1929 P. 1 ******* [cause: myocarditis/bur. on Hans Christensen lot]

BERTHA MESSMANN Mrs. George Messmann, 83, widow of a former Manitowoc insurance agent, died Sunday at the Holy Family hospital. She resided at 809 South 16th street. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Frazier mortuary chapel, the Rev. Paul Blaufuss officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Born Bertha Leudtke in this city in 1862, she always resided here. She was married to Mr. Messmann in 1911. He died 15 years ago. Survivors are a brother, Arthur Rosinsky of this city, four nieces and two nephews. The body may be viewed at the morturary after 7 p.m. tonight. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 29, 1946 P. 2 ******* [bur. on Hans Christensen lot]

ERNST MESSMANN CHEATED STATE PRISON Messmann makes a full Confession of his Crime to the Sheriff. MESSMANN HANGS HIMSELF. Confessed that he Killed Mr. Bahls With an Axe, and Mrs. Bahls with a Large Stone.-Robbery the Motive. Ernst Messman (sic), who murdered Mr. and Mrs. Bahls at Mishicott Saturday night, Nov. 5, after protesting his innocence of the crime for a week, made a confession to Sheriff Muth, and yesterday hanged himself in his cell in the jail. Fear of being lynched, it is believed, was the cause of his act, as people of Mishicott had sworn that should he be proven guilty at his hearing, which had been set for Nov. 21, they would come here and kill him. He had been warned by the sheriff several times of this, and was told that in case he ever heard any noise and his name was called out, unless he was sure it was the sheriff or a deputy, he should make no response, as no one knew in which cell he was conficonned (sic). MADE A CONFESSION LAST SATURDAY. Messman (sic) made a full confession to sheriff Muth on Saturday last. This was undoubtedly caused by the refusal of the sheriff to allow his sister-in-law, to whose house he went after committing the crime, to see him. He was very careful in giving the time of his arrival at his brothers' house at Two Creeks on Nov. 5, and also in describing his actions while there. Messmann knew his brother and wife did not know what story he had told, and on the refusal of the sheriff to let his sister-in-law see him, when he undoubtedly would have related the same story to her, probably hinges the case of his confession. It seems that he reached his brother's house late that Saturday night without being seen or heard by them, and his arrival was not known until 3:30 o'clock Sunday morning, when one of his nephews, who had been at a dance, returned and found him in his bed. Sheriff Muth tells of the confession made to him as follows: Saturday night about 8 o'clock I went to Messmenn's (sic) cell to see if he was all right, and spoke to him saying, "Well, Ernst, your time and that of your sister-in-law, as to when you reached her house at Two Creeks, do not agree.' Messmann replied: 'I don't know what you mean,' whereupon I said: "I mean the time you say you reached your brother's house on Saturday evening." "Messmann then replied: "I think that I am caught. "Well, Ernst, whom did you kill first,' I asked. "What do you mean, he replied. "I then said: 'Old man Bahls and wife?" "He thereupon made a full confession to me, talking in a cool and composed manner." HIS STORY OF THE CRIME. Sheriff Muth then repeated Messman's (sic) confession to him. It is substantially as follows: "About 6 o'clock that Saturday evening I asked the old man to take me to the barn to sleep. As we reached the barn Mr. Bahl's walked in first and was probably five or six feet ahead of me. I noticed an axe standing in a corner, which I grabbed and hit him alongside of the head. He fell backward on the barn floor. I hit him several times afterwards with the axe as he lay on the floor. I then went back into the house and asked the old lady to come into the bedroom, that I wished to speak to her. As soon as she entered the room I picked up a large stone which was laying on the floor, which was used by them to keep the door open, and struck her on the head several times, killing her instantly. "After I had killed both the old people, which I did for robbery, knowing thay had a lots of money, I went through the house, prying open the bureau drawers, but owing to a large crowd of people being at Mishicot that night, on account of a political meeting being held there, who were marching back and forth, I became frightened and ran out of the back door, crossed several lots and struck the main road and went to my brother's house at Two Creeks, where you found me." "After making his confession," says the sheriff," he was very pale and seemed to be resigned to the fate which he knew would be in store for him." FOUND DEAD IN HIS CELL. The last time Messmann was seen alive was at about 9 o'clock Sunday morning, when Frank Muth, the sheriff's son, called to see if he was all right. He was then sitting on his bed smoking his pipe and seemed to be in good spirits. At 12 o'clock, when Frank Muth called to Messmann's dinner, upon opening the outer cell door he was horrified to see Messmann hanging on the grated door on the inside, dead, with eyes wide open. Upon searching his cell it was learned that this was not his first attempt at suicide. A box of matches had been left with him, so that he could light his pipe. He had eaten all the sulphur off them, and had also attempted to take a rope off the windows, but was unsuccessful. A long towel was used by him which he fastened at the top of the inner door by standing on an iron bucket and then kicked the bucket from under him. Nearly all the food taken to him since his arrest was found under his bed tick, indicating that he had eaten but little. FARMERS FEARED HIM. Farmers who knew Messmann feared him, as he was regarded as a dangerous man. He was a nervous disposition and very quick-tempered. While in these moods he made several attempts to do great harm to those who angered him. Some years ago he attempted to run a pitchfork through a man at Two Rivers. He served a short sentence in the county jail here for that offence. Messmann's crime was one of the most atrocious ever committed in the state. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bahls had befriended him. They had employed him to work about their place, had given him lodging frequently and treated him as one of the family. Suspicion at once centered on him as the murderer and when he was arrested there were many threats of lynching. But his persistent denial of the crime, while it was not generally believed, raised an element of doubt in the minds of some. He minutely described all of his movements on the day preceding and the night of the murder. He insisted on his innocence and told his story in a straight-forward manner and without hesitation. Yet it was a lie in all its essential parts. He had carefully made it up. If he could have had an opportunity to see his relatives and if he could have induced them to verify it, it might have been difficult to convict him. He was not allowed, however, to see his brother or sister-in-law and they told a different story. He had not come to their house Saturday afternoon as he had claimed and his story therfore broke down. The sheriff told him this and the man weakened and confessed. The following statement of Messmann made to our reporter shows that he had planned to prove an alibi. In relating his movements the two weeks previous to the murder he said: I called on Mr. and Mrs. Bahls about ten days before their murder, and had a pleasant visit, the old gentleman and I going to a neighboring saloon and drinking a glass of beer, after which I went to a tavern in the village and slept there during the night, the next morning going to my brother's house at Two Creeks, where I remained up to the Thursday previous to the murder. After leaving my brother's house on Thursday I went around among the farmers looking for work and arrived at the Bahls home on Friday evening about 5 o'clock. I slept there during Friday night, but not in the barn, as has been claimed. I slept with Mr. Bahls that night. In the bedroom were a single and double bed. Mr. Bahls and I slept in the double bed and Mrs. Bahls in the other. On Saturday I stayed indoors reading the papers until about 2:30 p.m. I would have gone to my brother's before only it rained. On leaving the Bahls I bid them good-bye and we were on the best of terms. "This is the last time I saw them. I went directly to my brother's house in Two Creeks and reached there about 6:30 Saturday evening, just in time to eat supper with my brother, who soon after I came reached home from his day's work. We spent a pleasant evening at my brother's house during the evening before retiring for the night. I slept that night with my nephew John, who is about 18 years old. On Sunday I did not leave the house until Sheriff Muth arrived and arrested me for the murder of the old couple. "During my walk to my brother's I met or spoke to no one. I saw a buggy and wagon on a cross road, but could not say who was in it as it was getting dark." When asked why, in his opinion, he was suspected of committing the crime, he said: "I suppose because I was there Friday night and Saturday and was the last person seen with them. If I had wanted to kill them I could have done it long ago, but Mr. Bahls and his wife were so good to me that I could not do such a thing, and if Mr. Bahls could speak now he would say that I was not the man who killed him. I never had any quarrels with them and they thought more of me than any hired man they ever had and always treated me like one of the family, as my brothers can testify." Messmen's (sic) body was taken to Fraziers' undertaking establishment last night. No date has been set for the burial. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, November 14, 1898 P. 1 ******** Ernst Messman (sic) was buried this afternoon in Potters Field at the Evergreen cemetery by the undertakers C. & W. Frazier. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, November 15, 1898 P. 4 ******** Ernst Messmer (sic) birth: 1842 Manitowoc Co., Wisc. death: 13 November 1898 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Manitowoc, Wisc. residence: 1898 Manitowoc, Wisc. Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******** [cause: suicide] Ernst was accused of murdering a couple in Mishicot surname Bahls in 1898

VICTORIA MESSMER From Der Nord Westen, 28 Oct. 1875: Death of Mrs. Victoria Messmer (nee Zins) on 21 Oct. following an operation in “Frauen-Hospital” in Chicago. Her body was brought home and was buried on Sunday. Attending the burial was Mr. John F. Zinns of Milwaukee, as well as sons of the deceased – one from Buffalo, the other from Waupaca. Mrs. Messmer was 52 years old.

GLENDON METOXEN Glen Metoxen Death • Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004 Name Glen Metoxen Death Date 19 Oct 1925 Death County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004"

LAWRENCE METSKER Larry H. Metsker, 28, of 770 E. Albert Dr., Manitowoc, died Wednesday morning as a result of an auto accident while on duty with Manitowoc Police Department. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Schneider-Mittnacht Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic chruch, Manitowoc. The Rev. Leo J. Schmitt will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Military graveside rites will be accorded Mr. Metsker. Mr. Metsker was born Aug. 22, 1947, at Oklahoma City, Okla., son of Harold and Shirley Whitwell Metsker. He was graduated from Lake Forest High School, Lake Forest, Ill., and attended Conners State University, Conners, Okla.; Tulsa, Okla., Police Academy, Sheboygan Police Academy, and was currently attending Lakeshore Technical Institute, Cleveland, as a student of police science. He married Mary Ann Seralo June 15, 1968, at Milwaukee. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1965 to 1975, in the Milwaukee area, Sheboygan and Michigan. He had been stationed on the Coast Guard cutter Mesquite and on the ship Lantana out of Ownsboro, Ky. Since March of 1975 he had been employed with Manitowoc Police Dept. and was a member of Manitowoc Police Protection Assn. Survivors include his wife and two daughers (Private); his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Metsker, and a sister, Lynda Metsker, of Sand Springs, Okla.; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Marvel Metsker, of Joplin, Mo., and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Fern Whitwell, of Oklahoma City. Friends may call at Schneider-Mittnacht Funeral Home from 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, where a prayer service will be at 7 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, Wednesday, February 25, 1976 P. 3 ******* [bur. on Mrs.Mary Ann Metsker lot]

ELIZABETH ELSIE METTLER Elizabeth Elsie Mettler, 66, mother of Mrs. Alan Jaeckel, passed away Christmas Day at the Jaeckel home. Formerly of Two Rivers, she was a resident of Milwaukee since 1951. She is survived also by Mrs. Leroy L. Vondruska, Two Rivers, a daughter; two brothers, Edward of Manitowoc and Ralph of Waukesha; a sister, Miss Helen Halverson of Milwaukee, with whom she made her home; a long time friend, Alfred Maki and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held December 27 at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. (1-8-1976 handwritten on the obituary-no newspaper named) ******* [Elizabeth Mettler/d. 12-25-1975/age 66 yrs./bur. on Edward Halverson lot]

CARRIE ANN METZ Carrie Ann Metz Death • Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004 Name Carrie Ann Metz Death Date 7 Jan 1976 Death County Brown, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004"

GILBERT METZ Gilbert J. Metz, of 1210 N. 23rd St., Manitowoc, entered eternal life late Saturday evening, Sept. 18, 2010, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Private memorial services for the family will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010, at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home. Officiating will be Rev. Daniel Felton with burial of the cremains to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Gilbert is survived by his wife: June; nieces, nephews and one brother along with other relatives and friends. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Crematory, North 11th and St. Clair streets, Manitowoc, is assiting the family with funeral arrangements. Online condolences can be made at www.harriganparksidefuneralhome.com. Herald Times Reporter, Sept, 20, 2010

ADOLPH METZGER Adolph Metzger, 83, (photo) of 1105 Philippen St. Manitowoc, died Sunday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at First Reformed United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. The Rev. Theodore P. Cruisius will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was born May 28, 1884, at Manitowoc, son of the late Erhardt and Catherine Doehler Metzger. He attended Manitowoc schools and married Emma Kreie June 15, 1907, at Manitowoc, the couple residing in the city since. Mr. Metzger was a steamfitter by trade and was employed at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc., and G.H. Kallies co., Manitowoc. Mr. and Mrs. Metzger observed their 60th wedding anniversary in June, 1967. He was honored in 1960 as a 50-year member of the Steamfitter's Local 445 and the oldest living member. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons, Howard and Harley, of Manitowoc and Ruhl, of Charleviox, Mich.; a daughter, Mrs. Paul (LaVerne) Franke, of Neenah; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Radandt, of Manitowoc and Mrs. Hattie Johnson, of Livingston, Mont.; and 10 grandchildren. Two sons, two sisters and five brothers preceded him in death. Friends may call at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, until 11 a.m. Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, December 11, 1967 P.16

ANTON METZGER Anton Metzger, 84, (photo), 1415 Philippen St., Manitowoc, died Saturday afternoon at Holy family Hospital following a short illness. Services will be held at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home and at 9 a.m. at St. Andrew Catholic Church, the Rev. Henry Letz officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born in 1867 in Branch and moved to Manitowoc with his parents when he was a boy. He was a ships carpenter by trade and had been employed at the old Goodrich dock in Manitowoc, the Burger Boat Company and the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company. He had been retired for many years. In 1889 he married Martha Krueger and she died 25 years ago. Survivors are eight daughters, Mrs. Elmer Schroeder, Mrs. Walter Boehm, Mrs. Edna LeClair, Mrs. Elmer Meyer and Mrs. Clarence Mauer of Manitowoc, Mrs. Peter J. Beitzel of Two Rivers, Mrs. George Felhofer of Sturgeon Bay, and Mrs. Ethel Erdman of Sheboygan; three sons, William A., George W., and Roland O. of Manitowoc; two brothers, Adolph and Otto of Manitowoc; four sisters, Mrs. Fred Radandt, Mrs. Frank Ploedrel of Manitowoc, and Mrs. James Johnson and Mrs. John Johnson of Malta, Mont.; 19 grand- children and 27 great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, November 5, 1951 P.16 ******** [bur. 11-06-1951/age 84 yrs.]

BABY METZGER (d. 1901) Metzger birth: 1900 death: 31 January 1901 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ****** [age 1 yrs./cause: tuberculosis]

BABY METZGER (d. 1904) Metzger birth: 26 August 1904 City death: 26 August 1904 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1904 City father: Edward Metzger mother: Albertina Tesch Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ****** [stillborn]

BONITA REECE METZGER Bonita F. Metzger, age 94, of 2005 Division St., Manitowoc, died Friday, Dec. 2, 2005 at St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2005 at 2 pm at the Jens Family Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Richard Runge will officiate. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Bonita was born Dec. 1, 1911 in Mount Vernon, Ill., daughter of the late O.D. and Elmina Willison Reece. Bonita attended school in Manitowoc and graduated with the first class from Lincoln High School. She then received a teaching degree from Oshkosh Normal. On June 28, 1932, Bonita married Howard W. Metzger at Woodstock, Ill. He preceded her in death on Nov. 20, 1993. Bonita was an elementary school teacher in Manitowoc County for many years. She was an active member of First Reformed United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. Survivors include one sister, Lavonne Jones, Manitowoc; one niece, Ann and Ron Demark, Manitowoc; one nephew, John and Cheryl Jones, Wausau; two sisters-in-law and one brother-in-law, LaVern and Paul Franke, Menasha; Mildred Metzger, Manitowoc; other nieces and nephews also survive. Bonita was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Howard; one brother and sister-in-law, Harvey and Irene Reece; two sisters and three brothers-in-law, Gwendolyn and John Perrar, Arlyce and Ing Vegoe and John Jones. Relatives and friends may call on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2005 from 1 pm until the time of service at 2 pm at the Jens Family Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Dec. 4, 2005 ********** Bonita F. Metzger, age 94, of 2005 Division St., Manitowoc, died Friday, Dec. 2, 2005 at St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2005 at 2 p.m. at the Jens Family Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Richard Runge will officiate. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Relatives and friends may call on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2005 from 1 p.m. until the time of service at 2 p.m. at the Jens Family Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Herald Times Reporter, Dec. 5, 2005

CATHERINE METZGER Card of Thanks We desire to express our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses and the sympathy in our recent bereavement, the death and burial of our wife and mother. We are gratified for flowers sent and for the kindly assistance of friends who sought to mitigate our bereavement. Gerhardt Metzger and Family Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wed., Oct. 29, 1913 page 3 ******** [bur. 10-27-1913/cause: paralytic stroke/bur. on Otto Metzger lot]

ELSIE METZGER Death Thurs. last week of the 2-yr. old daughter of local resident Anton Metzger of pneumonia. The funeral was held Sun. afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 07 Feb. 1901 ******** (Else Katharine Metzger daughter of Anton M. and Martha Metzger/b. Apr. 1899/ d. Jan. 31, 1901/from burial records of St. John's United Church of Christ)

EMIL METZGER Emil Metzger, 58, former resident of this city who died in Detroit, Mich., Tuesday, will be buried here Saturday. Services will be held at 2 p.m., from the Frazier mortuary. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Metzger was born in Manitowoc in 1880 and resided here until 16 years ago, when he moved to Detroit. After completing school he learned the steam fitters' trade and was employed by G.H. Kallies for a number of years before leaving here. His wife died in Detroit last December. There are no children. Survivors are five brothers, Anton, Adolph and Otto, city, Frank, San Jose, Calif., William, Livingston, Mont.; five sisters, Mrs. Joseph Petersen, Mrs. Fred Radant, and Mrs. Frank Ploederl, city, Mrs. James Johnson and Mrs. John Johnson, Malta, Mont. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Friday noon until the hour of the services Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, May 26, 1938 P.2 ******** [bur. 05-28-1938/d. at Detroit, MI/cause: hyperthyroid prostate/ bur. on Otto Metzer lot]

EMMA L. METZGER Mrs. Emma Metzger, 92, formerly of 1105 Philippen St., Manitowoc, died Tuesday evening, December 9, at Family Heritage Nursing Home at Neenah. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at First Reformed United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. The Rev. Arthur Wille will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Metzger, nee Emma Kreie, was born Feb. 4, 1888, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late John and Louisa Schmitz Kreie. She attended schools in the Newton area and was married to Adolph Metzger June 15, 1907, at Manitowoc. The couple resided in Manitowoc all their lives. He preceded her in death in 1967. Mrs. Metzger was a member of First Reformed United Church of Christ and Ladies Aid Society of the church. Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Howard and Bonnie Metzger and Harley and Mildred Metzger of Manitowoc and Ruhl and Norma Metzger of Charlevoix, Mich.; a daughter and son-in-law, LaVerne and Paul Franke of Menasha; a brother, Robert Kreie of Indianapolis, Ind.; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Emma Radandt of Manitowoc, 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A grandchild, five brothers and four sisters preceded her in death. Friends may call at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and at the church from 9 a.m. Friday until the time of service. Memorials may be made to First Reformed United Church of Christ. Herald Times Reporter, December 10, 1980 P.3 ******* [widow of Adolph Metzger]

ERHARDT METZGER PIONEER COBBLER OF CITY IS DEAD Gerhardt Metzger a Life Long Resident Dies, Aged 83 Gerhardt Metzger, who has resided in the city practically all his life and who was one of the early day cobblers of the city and in later years a gardener, died at his home, 1015 Phillippin street late yesterday at the advanced age of 73 years, death being due to infirmities of age. The funeral will be held Monday from St. Boniface church, with interment at Evergreen. Mr. Metzger was well known throughout the city, having for years been a familiar figure. He is survived by twelve children, seven sons and five daughters, being: Peter, of Livington, Mont., William, Chicago, Edward, Springfield, Ill., Anton, Adolph, Emil and Otto, this city, and Mrs. Clara Johnson, Billings, Mont., Mrs. Hattie Johnson, Livington, Mont., Mrs. Carrie Peterson, Mrs. Emma Raddantz, Mrs. Mathilda Ploederl, this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 05, 191, Page 8 ********* [bur. 7 June 1915/cause: cancer on side of face/ bur. on Otto Metzger lot]

GEORGE W. METZGER George (Nippy) Metzger, 81, of 926 S. 12th St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening at Family Heritage Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gerald Schrankler will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was born Nov. 9, 1892, at Manitowoc, son of the late Anton and Martha Krueger Metzger. He had been manager of the City News and also employed at the Arcade Bar and Cape Cod Inn prior to retirement in 1956. His wife, the former Pearle Manney, preceded him in death Nov. 21, 1973. Mr. Metzer was a member of the Oldtimers Baseball Club. Survivors include a step-son, Lew Ensign, of Decatur, Ill, a step- daughter, Mrs. Allen (Gwendolyn) Berger, of Hillsboro, Ore; two brothers, William and Roland, of Manitowoc; five sisters, Mrs. Walter Boehm and Mrs. Clarence Mauer, of Manitowoc, Mrs. Peter Beitzel, of Two Rivers, Mrs. George Felhofer, of Sturgeon Bay and Mrs. Ethel Erdman, of Sheboygan. Four sisters preceded him in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday prior to the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, Thursday, December 6, 1973 P.23

GERALDINE M. METZGER Car-Train Crash Claims Third Life Metzger Girl, 18 Is Victim The tragic car-train crash that shocked this lakeshore community Monday claimed a third victim Tuesday evening. Geraldine Metzger, 18 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metzger of 713 S. 24th St., died at 8:10 p.m. at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay of severe head injuries received in the accident. Miss Metzger had been removed to the Green Bay hospital later Monday for brain surgery. Additional surgery was performed Tuesday evening. Dr. Theodore Teitgen, county coroner, listed the cause of death as a cerebral hemorrhage resulting from a skull fracture and brain damage… (Turn to Page 2-M, Col. 6) Car-Train (Continued from Page 1)… The 72 car freight train with a double engine unit was getting ready to pull out of the industrial and switching yard complex when the crash occurred. The crossing had warning signs but was not equipped with automatic warning signals. Doctor Teitgen indicated that in view of the circumstances an inquest probably would not be held. Investigation revealed, he said, that the young people had been to the Manitowoc Public Library earlier in the evening and were traveling from the north side to Late’s Bar-B-Q stand on South Ninth Street at the time. Active in School Geraldine Mary Metzger was born April 11, 1950, at Manitowoc, daughter of Paul E. and Luella D. Zahn Metzger. Like her classmates, Miss Terp and Miss Fischer, Geraldine was active in school, church and YMCA activities. She had been a member of the Pep Club, GAA, Orchesis and American Field Service her sophomore and junior years, was a member of the Runners Club this year, Tri Hi Y, Youth in Government, in her sophomore year, Teachers Memorial Assn. and Senior Girls’ Club. She was an active volunteer in YMCA activities and Youth in Government. She worked part-time in the Copps Department store bakery. Survivors include the parents, three sisters, Mrs. Paul Simonar, of Two Rivers, Lois and Cathi Lu, at home; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Metzger Sr., and the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Alice Zahn, of Manitowoc. Funeral Friday Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and at 10 .m. at St. Paul Catholic Church. The Very Rev. Clement P. Kern will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Thursday where at 8:15 p.m. the Rosary will be recited. The casket will remain closed… Manitowoc Herald Times, May 1, 1968 P. 12 ******** [d. Green Bay, WI/bur. on Paul E. and Luella D. Metzger lot]

HAROLD METZGER A small child of Division Street resident Adolph Metzger died Saturday and was buried Monday. Der Nord Westen, 29 July 1909 ******* [cause: septic infection]

HARLEY METZGER Harley J. Metzger, 74, of 1234 S. 25th Street, Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening, June 14, 1989 at Holy Family Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 11 am Saturday at First Reformed United Church of Christ. Rev. Steve Schuette will officiate with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was born December 12, 1914 at Manitowoc, son of the late Adolph and Emma Kreie Metzger. He grew up and was educated at Manitowoc all his life. Mr. Metzger worked at Manitowoc Engineering Company for 45 years, retiring in 1962. He also had Harley Metzger Orchestra for many years, which was still in practice. He conducted the Seagull Band, played with the American Legion Band and was retired from the Manitowoc Marine Band. He married the former Mildred G. Gill on May 21, 1938 at Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was a member of First Reformed United Church of Christ, honorary member of Manitowoc Musicians Association, 50 year member of Machinist Union, member of Manitowoc Philatelic Society and Manitowoc Senior Citizens. Survivors include his wife, Mildred; two sons, Gary Metzger of Menominie Falls, Wisconsin, David Metzger of Racine, Wisconsin; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Howard and Bonnie Metzger of Manitowoc, Ruhl and Norma Metzger of Charlevoix, Michigan; a sister and brother-in-law, Laverne and Paul Franke of Menasha; nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends survive. He was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Kathleen Mary and two infant brothers. Friends may call at Reinbold Pfeffer Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, 5 pm to 8 pm Friday and Saturday at the church from 10 am until the hour of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., June 15, 1989 page B5

HOWARD W. METZGER Howard W. Metzger, age 82, of 501 S. 32nd St., Manitowoc, died Saturday at the Park Lawn Nursing Home, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 23, 1993, at The First Reform United Church of Christ. The Rev. Stephen Schuette will officiate and burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery. He was born June 5, 1911, in Manitowoc, son of the late Adolph and Emma Kreie Metzger. He attended schools in Manitowoc and graduated in 1929. He then attended the University of Wisconson (sic), Madison. He married Bonita Reece, June 28, 1932, at Woodstock, Ill. The couple returned to Manitowoc to make their home. He was employed for a time at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company. He was then employed as a salesmen for Brulin and Company, retiring in 1987. He was a member of the Manitowoc Lodge Odd Fellows #55, and of the First Reform United Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Bonita; a sister and brother-in-law, LaVern and Paul Franke, Menasha; a brother and four sisters-in-law, Ruhl and Norma, Charlevoix, Mich., Mildred Metzger of Manitowoc, Arlyce and husband Eng Vegoe of Black Creek, Wis., Lavonne and husband Jack Johnes of Horicon, WI; nieces, nephews and many friends also survive. He was preceded in death by one brother, Harley and three infant brothers. Friends may call at the church Tuesday from 10 a.m. until the time of service. There will be no Monday evening visitation at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the First Reform United Church of Christ. The Jens Funeral Home assisted the family with the arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, November 22, 1993 P. A2 ********* [husband of Bonita Metzger]

KATHLEEN M. METZGER Private funeral services were held Saturday morning at the Pfeffer funeral home, Manitowoc, for Kathleen Mary Metzger, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley J. Metzger of 1313 Columbus street, Manitowoc. She was born May 29 and died Friday, June 1, at Holy Family hospital. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. Survivors are the parents; two brothers (Survivors omitted for privacy.); grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Metzger and Mr. and Mrs. William Gill. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, June 2, 1951 P.2 ******* [d. 06-01-1951/age 3 unknown/bur. on Mr. and Mrs. Harley Metzger lot]

LILAH METZGER Mrs. Lilah Metzger, 73, of 814 S. 15th St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where she had been a patient 18 days. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. William Harvey officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Metzger was born in 1882 at Manitowoc, daughter of the late Frank and Elizabeth Burns Herzog. She was a lifelong resident of Manitowoc. She is survived by a nephew. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, where the casket will remain until 10:30 a.m. Tuesday when it is taken to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, October 2, 1965 P.14 ******** Miss Lelia Herzog(sic) and George Metzger were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon at St. James Church, Rev. Keicher officiating. The attending couple were James Dorey and Miss Calia Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Metzger will make their home in this city at 1602 S. Tenth St. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Nov. 30, 1916

LUELLA METZGER Luella D. Metzger, age 80, of 2475 S. 18th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday morning, May 24, 2009, at Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers. She was born on June 28, 1928, in Merrill, daughter of the late Ernest and Alice (Woller) Zahn. Luella graduated from Manitowoc Lincoln High School with the class of 1946. On April 19, 1947, she married Paul Metzger in Manitowoc. He preceded her in death on July 30, 2003. Luella enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, crocheting, reading and spending time with her grandchildren. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) She also was preceded in death by one daughter: Geraldine Metzger; three brothers: Stanley, Gerald and Alfred Zahn; four sisters and one brother-in-law: Lorraine Hoefle, Lucretta and John Koepke, Maxine Zahn, Ardina Zahn; and one sister-in-law: Joan Zahn. Funeral services will be held at noon on Thursday, May 28, 2009, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home and All-Care Cremation Center, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Daniel Schuster with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The family will greet relatives and friends from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2009, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home and also from 11 a.m. until the time of the service at 12 p.m. Thursday, May 28, 2009. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the wonderful care Mom received at Aurora Medical Center, both by the ER staff and the entire staff in ICU. Their wonderful care made Mom's journey home much easier for her. Also, we will never forget the exceptional care Mom has received from her doctors and their staff over the last three years. These wonderful doctors are Drs. (private). They have been caring, compassionate, patient and, most of all, they treated Mom like she was special, making her laugh and truly taking the time she needed with them. She was a fighter and they truly inspired that in her. Thank you from her and from her family. Herald Times Reporter, May 26, 2009

MARTHA METZGER Mrs. Anton Metzger died Saturday night at the hospital where she had been a patient, having undergone an operation for gallstones. Mrs. Metzger, nee Martha Krueger, was born in Rockland, September 18, 1870 and married in 1890, having made her home here for many years. She is survived by twelve children, Mrs. Elmer Schroeder, Mrs. Walter Boehm, Mrs. Terrance LeClaire of this city; Mrs. Peter Beitzel, Two Rivers; Lola, Ethel, Alma, Grace and William, George and Roland Metzger, all of this city. Four brothers, William Krueger, Glenmore, Frank, city, Charles, Reedsville; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Goldenstead and Mrs. Bertha Stehula, this city also survive. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Aug. 12, 1926

MARY A. METZGER Mrs. William Metzger Sr., 83, formerly of 2510 Washington St., Manitowoc, died Thursday evening at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Leander Schneider, S.D.S., will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Metzger, nee Mary A. Gleixner, was born Jan. 23, 1888, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Maresch Gleixner. She was married to William Metzger Aug. 10, 1916, at Manitowoc. The couple celebrated its golden wedding anniversary in 1966. Survivors include her husband, two sons, Paul and William Jr., of Manitowoc; two daughters, Mrs. Toby (Marge) Kaminski of Manitowoc and Mrs. Richard (Doris) Myers of Two Rivers; a brother, Lyman of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. Melvin Hogenson and Mrs. John Rose of Racine and Mrs. Edward Litel of Manitowoc; 11 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. A granddaughter, (name omitted for privacy), two sisters and three brothers preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home from 3 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. August 20, 1971 ******* [d. 08-19-1971/age 83 yrs./wife of William A. Metzger]

OTTO METZGER Otto Metzger, 79, of 1015 Philippen St., Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a two week's illness. Metzger, who was foreman for H.G. Kallies Heating Co. for more than 30 of the 57 years he worked for the firm, supervised installation of heating units in many Manitowoc schools and industrial firms. He retired in 1960. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at First Reformed United Church of Christ. The Rev. Theodore P. Crusius will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was born Mar. 15, 1888, at Manitowoc, son of the late Erhardt and Catherine Boehler Metzger, and lived all his life on the homestead where he was born. He attended Manitowoc's old District School and in his earlier days operated a large radish farm, marketing the product door-to-door. He married the former Sarah Herman April 14, 1915, at First Reformed Church and the couple celebrated its 50th wedding anniversary in 1965. Surviving are his wife; a brother, Adolph, of Manitowoc, two sisters, Mrs. Emma Radant, of Manitowoc and Mrs. Hattie Johnson, of Livingston, Mont. Five brothers and four sisters preceded him death. Friends may call at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, until 11 a.m. Tuesday when the casket will be moved to the church where the body will lie in state until the hour of service. Memeorials may be made to First Reformed United Church of Christ. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 12, 1967 P.11

PEARL METZGER Mrs. George Metzger, 76, of 926 S. 12th St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 pm Saturday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gerald Schrankler will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Metzger, nee Pearl Manney, was born Dec. 17, 1897 at Royalton, Wis., daughter of the late Charles and Martha Levendusky Manney. She resided at Shawano and Sheboygan prior to moving to Manitowoc, where she married George (Nippy) Metzger. She had been employed at the Cape Cod Inn, retiring in 1964. She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary Post No. 659 of Manitowoc. Survivors include her husband; a son, Lew Ensign of Decatur, Ill.; a daughter, Mrs. Allen (Gwendolyn) Berger of Hillsboro, Ore.; three brothers, Ralph and Ernest of Manitowoc and Myron of Plymouth; two grandchildren, a great grandchild and nieces and nephews. Two brothers and a sister preceded her in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home from 5 to 9 o'clock this Friday afternoon, where the VFW Auxiliary will meet in a body at 6:30 o'clock. Memorials may be made to the Heart Fund. Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri., Nov. 23, 1973 page 3

ROLAND O. METZGER Roland (Fritz) Metzger, 83, of 1020 S. 12th Street, Manitowoc, died Friday morning, March 23, 1990, at Manitowoc Health Care Center. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Monday at St. John United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. Rev. Charles Morkin will officiate with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was born March 6, 1907, in Manitowoc, son of the late Anton and Martha Krueger Metzger. He was employed locally as an Electrician for Rahr Malting and Lakeside Machine Shop, retiring in 1972. He married the former Violette Neils on June 28, 1927, at St. John's Church, Manitowoc. He was a member of The Electricians Local Union of which he was past president, member of Electrical Examining Board, St. John United Church of Christ where he served as church council president for three separate terms and was active in various other capacities of the church. Friends may call at Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday and at the church on Monday from 10 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter ********** [husband of Violet Metzger/bur. on Carl Ladwig lot]

SARAH METZGER Mrs. Otto Metzger, 82, formerly of 1015 Philippen St., Manitowoc, died Sunday at the Manitowoc County Hospital. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at First Reformed United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. The Rev. William Schultz will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Metzger, nee Sarah Herman, was born Oct. 28, 1888, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late Otto and Louise Bauknecht Herman. She attended schools in Manitowoc. She was married to Otto Metzger April 15, 1915, at Manitowoc. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1965. Her husband preceded her in death in 1967. Mrs. Metzger was a member of First Reformed United Church of Christ. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Josephine Corull of Manitowoc and neices and nephews. A sister and three brothers preceded her in death. Friends may call at the Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, after 5 o'clock this Monday afternoon until 11 a.m. Tuesday and then at the church from noon until the time of service. Memorials may be made to the First Reformed United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. July 12, 1971 ******** [d. 07-11-1971/age 82 yrs./widow of Otto Metzger]

VIOLETTE METZGER Mrs. Violette B. Metzger, age 84, of Shady Lane Home, formerly of 1020 S. 12th St., Manitowoc, died late Saturday evening, April 3, 1993, at the Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, 1993, at St. John's United Church of Christ. The Rev. Robert Meyer will officiate with burial in the Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. She was born April 3, 1909, daughter of the late Frank and Mathilda Ladwig Sliger. She was a graduate of Lincoln High School in 1926. For many years she was employed as a receptionist at the Manitowoc Clinic. She married Roland "Fritz" Metzger on June 28, 1927, at St. John's United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. He preceded her death on March 23, 1990. She was a member of St. John's United Church of Christ and the Ladies Guild of the church for many years. Survivors include two daughters and sons-in-law, Joan and Virgil Brull, Manitowoc, Shari and William Tech, Manitowoc; seven grandchildren; and eighteen great grandchildren, along with other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home on Tuesday from 4-8 p.m. and then at the church on Wednesday from 12 noon until the time of services at 1 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, April 5, 1993 P. A2 ******** [widow of Roland Metzger/bur. on Carl Ladwig lot]

WILLIAM A. METZGER SR. (d. 1982) William (Stoney) Metzger Sr., 91, formerly of 940 S. 36th St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning, Jan. 9, at Skilled Nursing Care Unit of Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gerald Schrankler will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger, was born Aug. 24, 1890 (sic), at Manitowoc, son of the late Anton and Elsie Kreuger Metzger. He married Mary A. Gleixner, Aug. 10, 1916, at Manitowoc. She preceded him in death Aug. 19, 1971. Mr. Metzger was employed at Burger Boat Company for 25 years and Rahr Malting Company for 10 years retiring in 1965. He was a member of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, William (Nippy) and Rosie Metzger and Paul (Nippy) and Luella Metzger both of Manitowoc; two daughters and sons-in-law, Margaret and Florian (Toby) Kaminski of Manitowoc and Doris and Richard Myers of Two Rivers; a brother, Roland Metzger of Manitowoc; five sisters, Mrs. George (Dolly) Felhofer of Sturgeon Bay, Mrs. Esther Beitzel of Two Rivers, Mrs. Ethel Erdman of Sheboygan, Mrs. Viola Boehn and Mrs. Clarence (Grace) Maurer of Manitowoc; 12 grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandson. He was preceded in death by a brother, George, three sisters, Betty, Honey and Emma and one granddaughter, Geraldine Metzger. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Sunday afternoon and Monday prior to the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, January 10, 1982 P. 3

WILLIAM G. METZGER (d. 1986) Mr. William G. Metzger, 65, of 313 Riverview Drive, Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening, February 26, at Holy Family Medical Center, Manitowoc. Private family services will be 1:30 pm Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Rev. Harold Berryman will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger was born July 26, 1920 at Manitowoc, son of the late William and Mary Glexnier Metzger. Mr. Metzger was a veteran of World War II, serving with 101st Air Borne Division in the European Theatre and had participated in the D-Day Operations. He married the former Rose M. Spaeth on February 2, 1946 at St. James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc. Mr. Metzger had been employed by Burger Boat Company for 43 years and was a member of the Boilermakers Local 443. Survivors include his wife, Rose of Manitowoc; two sons and daughters-in-law, Richard and Jeanne Metzger of Manitowoc and Steven and Rita Metzger of Manitowoc; a daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Craig Grapentine of Manitowoc; a brother and sister-in-law, Paul and Louella Metzger of Manitowoc; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Margaret and Florian Kaminski of Manitowoc and Doris and Dick Myers of Two Rivers and nine grandchildren. There will be no Thursday evening visitation at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., Feb. 27, 1986 page 21

EMMA MEURER Mrs. John Meurer, 82, of 1013 S. 16th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday evening at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krainik. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Paul H. Blaufuss officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. She was born Emma Hackman Feb. 16, 1881, in Germany. She came to the United States with her parents at the age of four years and the family settled in the Two Rivers area. She was married to John Meurer June 15, 1908, at Manitowoc and the couple settled at Manitowoc. Her husband died in 1951. Among survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Alex Schuh and Mr. Alvin Krainik, of Manitowoc; four brothers, Gustave, Theodore, William and Albert, of Two Rivers and three grandchildren. A brother and a sister preceded her in death. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Two Rivers Reporter, March 11, 1963 P. T-9 ********* [d. 03-11-1963/age 82 yrs./widow of John Meurer] ********* John Meuer(sic), this city and Miss Emma Hachman(sic) of Two Rivers were married at the residence of Henry Walschlaeger Monday night, Rev. Huppert officiating. The wedding was a quiet one and a surprise to friends of the couple. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tues., June 16, 1908

JOHN MEURER John Meurer, 72, of 1013 S. 16th St., Manitowoc, died early Monday morning at his home following a lingering illness. Born in 1879 at the village of Manitowoc Rapids, Mr. Meurer came to Manitowoc in 1891. In 1908 he married Emma Hachman. He was a switchman for the North Western railroad 23 years and was employed by the Aluminum Specialty Company at Manitowoc 20 years prior to his retirement in 1944. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen AFL. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, Rev. Paul Blaufuss officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Survivors are his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Alex Schuh and Mrs. Alvin Klainik (sic), both of Manitowoc; two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Koecen and Mrs. Ernst Harthun, both of Milwaukee, and three grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 p.m. Tuesday until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 12, 1951 P.2 ******* [bur. 11-14-1951/age 72 yrs.] ******* John Meuer(sic), this city and Miss Emma Hachman(sic) of Two Rivers were married at the residence of Henry Walschlaeger Monday night, Rev. Huppert officiating. The wedding was a quiet one and a surprise to friends of the couple. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tues., June 16, 1908

JOSEPH MEURER DIES FROM INJURIES Joseph Meurer, Who Fell From Bridge Was Fatally Hurt Injuries which he suffered in falling from a bridge on the new railway extension of the C. & N.W. at Devil's Creek, near Rosecrans, last week, caused the death of Joseph Meurer, his demise occurring at the hospital this morning. The accident resulted in internal injuries but it was thought the Meurer had a chance for life and he was apparently improving. Mr. Meurer was a native of Rapids where he was born 45 years ago. The family, consisting of wife and three children, resides on So. Fourteenth street. Two brothers and four sisters also survive. The funeral will be held Sunday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, January 26, 1906 P.1 ****** Joseph Maurer (sic), a carpenter whose home was on South Fourteenth street, died shortly before noon last Friday at the Holy Family hospital from injuries he had suffered in a fall from a trestle near Rosecrans on Jan. 19. The decedent was 45 years of age. He leaves a wife and three children. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the home. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 1, 1906 pg. 1 ******* Joseph Meuer(sic), whose fall from a railroad bridge we reported last week, died of his injuries Friday morning in Holy Family Hospital. The deceased was born 45 years ago in Manitowoc Rapids and resided on 14th Street here. He is survived by a widow and 3 children as well as 2 brothers and 4 sisters. Der Nord Westen, 01 Feb. 1906 ******* Joseph Meurer birth: 6 April 1856 Manitowoc Rapids death: 26 January 1906 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Manitowoc residence: 1906 Manitowoc father: Peter Maurer mother: Catherine spouse: Laura Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******* [cause: injury of head]

LOUISA MEURER WALLSCHLAEGER Mrs. Henry Wallschlaeger, 85, widow of a ???? Washington street hardware merchant, died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ?????? Hermann of 913 South 19th street, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Pfeffer funeral home, the Rev. Carl Hagen officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Wallschlaeger, nee Louisa Westphal, was born at 1405 Washington street in this city in 1862 and always resided here. She was married in 1884 to Joseph Meuer(sic). He died 41 years ago. In 1907 she was married to Henry Wallschlaeger. The latter died 18 years ago. She was a member of the Wesley Methodist church and a charter member of the Ladies Aid society of the congregation. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Hermann and Mrs. Henry Fanslau of this city; son Fred, of Milwaukee; two brothers, Charles and Louis Westphal of this city; two grandchildren and two great grandchildren The body may be viewed at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, February 26, 1947 P. 2