FRIEDA NOACK Mrs. Otto Noack, 36, a Former Resident, Dies at Sheboygan Mrs. Otto Noack, for four years a resident of this city, but who removed with her husband to Sheboygan two years ago passed away there this morning. Burial will take place Wednesday morning at 10:30 from the Kroos funeral home with burial there. Mr. and Mrs. Noack came here from Germany six years ago and resided her for four years. Besides the husband her mother and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Schumerfeldt of Two Rivers and a brother, Eris Bugs, of this city survive. Manitowoc Herald News, February 2, 1931 P. 14 ******* (Note: Her stone is in Evergreen) [bur. 2-4-1931/died at Sheboygan, WI/cause: syphilis of nervous system/ bur. on Erich Bugs lot]
OTTO NOACK OTTO NOACK, 40, DIES IN CRASH AT PLYMOUTH Tailor Who Formerly Lived In This City Never Regained His Consciousness Otto Noack, 40, formerly a tailor in this city who left here to work at Sheboygan, was fatally injured late Saturday night when the car he was driving was struck broadside by another machine at the intersection of Highway 57 and County Trunk J a short distance north of Plymouth. Noack, who sustained a fractured skull, never regained consciousness and died shortly before noon today in a Plymouth hospital. Al Gmach, 708 North Eight street, Sheboygan, a passenger in the Noack car, has skull and face lacerations but his condition is not serious. According to a report of the accident made by Sheriff Joseph Dreps, Sheboygan, Noack drove his car out on the intersection without stopping for the arterial and was struck by a car driven by William Houmes, Sheboygan Falls. Neither Houmes nor his wife and mother-in-law, who were riding with him, were injured. The injured man was taken to the Plymouth hospital. Native of Germany Sheboygan officials have made no decision on whether an inquest will be called. Otto Noack was a native of Germany and learned the tailoring trade in that country. During the World war he served in the German army. Following the war he was married in Germany to Miss Freda Bugs. They came to Manitowoc where Mr. Noack was employed as a tailor by the Seibel Clothing company. Six years ago he moved to Sheboygan and was employed by the Kress-Hertel company. His wife died four years ago. He boarded at 402 Wisconsin avenue in Sheboygan. Survivors are the mother and a number of brothers and sisters, all living in Germany. No funeral arrangements have been made although it is possible burial may be in Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. July 22, 1935 P. 2 ******* Otto Noack Rites Are To Be Held Wednesday Funeral services for Otto Noack, 40, fatally injured in an automobile accident north of Plymouth Saturday night, will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. from the Kroos funeral home in Sheboygan. The body of the former Manitowoc tailor will be brought to this city for burial immediately after the services. Interment will take place at Evergreen cemetery beside the body of his deceased wife. Mr. Noack while a resident here was a member of the Freier Saengerbund. He came here shortly after the close of the World war. He served in the German army and was wounded in action. Sheboygan reports today stated officials are undetermined as to whether an inquest will be called in Noack’s death. His car was struck at an intersection by one driven by William Houmes of Sheboygan Falls. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 23, 1935 P. 2 ******* [d. at Plymouth, WI/age 46 yrs./cause: skull fracture]
GEORGE H. NOAH George Noah, 48, died unexpectedly Monday morning of a heart attack at Two Harbors, Minn., where he had resided recently. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Paul Blaufuss officiating, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Noah was born Nov. 3, 1907, in Park County, Wis., and later lived at Loyal, Wis. On Sept. 14, 1933, he married the former Ione Grosnick and the couple moved to Milwaukee. In April of 1954 they went to Two Harbors, where Mr. Noah was employed as a steel worker. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, a son (Survivors omitted for privacy.); two brothers, William of Oshkosh and Ruby of Milwaukee, two sisters, Mrs. Everett Nelson of Gardenia, Calif., and Mrs. Lee Cory of Greenwood, Wis., and a granddaughter. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, November 17, 1955 P.23 ******** [George Herman Noah/d. 11-13-1955 at Two Harbors, MN/age 48 yrs./ bur. on Robert D. Pankratz lot]
LAVONNE M. NOAH LaVonne Noah, born March 13, 1935, ended her two year "journey" with lung cancer on July 27, 2009. Survived by her son, Michael (Donna) Pankratz, daughter, Terri (Brian) Reisner, grandson, Justin (Rachel) Knapp, granddaughter, Danielle (fiance Dan Dethloff) Reisner, sister-in-law, Shirley (Noah) and life long best friend, Judy Gander. Special thanks to Dr. Muhammed, Dr. Turgut Zia, the caring staff of 3rd Floor Kindred Hospital, especially Gregg and VNA Nicole. Visitation at the Max A. Sass, Mission Hills Chapel on Thursday, July 30, from 2-4 pm. Memorial service at 4 pm. If desired, memorials to Kindred Hospital appreciated. Online obituary - Max A. Sass and Sons Funeral Home July, 2009
AUGUSTE NOBLE Mrs. William H. Noble, 93, (photo) of 1118 Madison St., Manitowoc, died at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, Wednesday afternoon following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the First German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. L.H. Koeninger officiating, and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. The former Auguste Bessert was born in Germany May 26, 1880, and came to the United States with her parents in 1869. The family settled in Rockland and with the exception of five years which she spent at Milwaukee, Mrs. Noble always resided in Manitowoc County. She was married in 1885 and the couple lived at Reedsville where the husband operated a lumber yard and woodworking shop. He died in 1894. In 1905 Mrs. Noble came to Manitowoc and lived with a son, James. She was a member of the Ladies Aid of the Lutheran Church. Survivors are three sons, James of Manitowoc, Harrison R. of Stevens Point and LeRoy Henry of Elkhorn; five grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, until 10 a.m. Friday when the casket will be moved to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, May 28, 1953 P.15 ******** [d. 05-27-1953/age 93 yrs./bur. on William H. Noble lot]
GRACE M. NOBLE Grace Noble, age 96, formerly of 1334 N. 9th St. Manitowoc, died Friday, March 11, 1994, at St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc. Memorial Services will be held Monday, March 14, 1994, at 1:30 p.m. at the Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Rev. William Plank will offiicate with burial to take place in Evergreen Cemetery. She was born September 15, 1897, in Superior, Wis., daughter of the late George and Tina Foreman McLaughlin. She attended schools in Superior and graduated from Carroll College. She married James Noble in Duluth, Minn. returning to Manitowoc to make their home. Survivor include a brother and sister-in-law, John and Carole McLaughlin, Duluth, Minn.; three nieces, Kay Markvart, Manitowoc, Bonnie Pappin, Plymouth, Minn., Diane Armetna, Apple Valley, Minn.; two nepehws, Michael McLaughlin, Shore View, Minn., George B. McLaughlin, Duluth, Minn. She was preceded in death by her husband, James and three brothers. Friends may greet the family at the Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 12:30 p.m. Monday until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, March 13, 1994 P. A2 ******** [widow of James W. Noble]
JAMES W. NOBLE JAMES NOBLE DEAD AT 81 James W. Noble, 81, retired officer of the Aluminum Specialty Co., died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital here. Since retiring in 1957 he spent the winters at Fort Myers, Fla., and the summers at Manitowoc, residing at 1334 N. Ninth St. Noble was born June 8, 1888, at Reedsville, son of the late William H. and Augusta Bessert Noble and came to Manitowoc in 1905 where he attended the old west side high school. He began work with Aluminum Specialty Co. in an office capacity in 1917 after serving overseas in World War I. Prior to that time he was employed by the Chicago and North Western Railroad and American Seating Co. From the position of traffic manager with the Specialty firm, he was promoted to secretary-treasurer in 1940 and vice president in 1951. He was elected to the board of directors in 1940 and served until 1957. He was a member-at-large of the Manitowoc Industrial Safety Council and had served the group as director, program chairman and as a member of the advisory committee. He also was a member of the Izaak Walton League, Drews-Bleser Post No. 88 of the American Legion and the Lutheran Men's Club of the First German Evangelical Lutheran Church. He married Mrs. Grace McLaughlin Barnet April 16, 1955, at Duluth, Minn., and she survives with two brothers, Harrison of Stevens Point, and Henry of Lauderdale Lake, Wis., and nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at First German Evangelical Lutheran Church here with the Rev. N.W. Kock officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei funeral Home after 5 p.m. Thursday until 9:30 a.m. Friday and then at the church until time of services. Donations to charities may be made by friends. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 21, 1970 ********* [d. 01-20-1970/age 80 yrs.] (08 Jun 1888/Jan 1970/SSDI)
JANE NOBLE (d. 1878) DIED. NOBLE—On the afternoon of Nov. 18, 1878, Mrs. Jane Noble, widow of the late William Noble at her residence in the Town of Kossuth Manitowoc County. At the time of her death deceased was aged 66 years and 5 months. Thus after an illness of several months has passed away one who has well fulfilled all the duties of life. The deceased was an earnest devoted Christian, not loud or ostentatious in the practice of her religious duties, but one who constantly aimed to associate her religion with the commonest duties of every day life. Her constant aim was to do right and be right in the sight of God and the word. She has raised up and trained a large family of sons and daughters in the precepts and practice of truth and honesty. She lived long enough to see them all grown up to manhood and womanhood; filling useful stations in life, respected and honored wherever known, for their sterling worth, for their practice in daily life of the same strict virtue and integrity which characterized her. “Her children arise up, and call her blessed.” Manitowoc Pilot, November 21, 1878 P. 3 ******** [Mrs. Jane MCCOY Noble]
JEAN ANDERSON NOBLE DIED - In her home in Reedsville, Manitowoc County, in the 38th year of her age on Thursday last, Jeanie McLean Noble, wife of W. H. Noble and sister of the editor of this paper. The deceased was born November 29, 1846 in one of those beautiful little hamlets which at that time surrounded the city of Glasgow, Scotland and have since been absorbed into the city. She came with her parents and family to America in 1852 arriving in Manitowoc in September of that year and has resided in this county ever since. On June 12, 1867, she was united in marriage to Wm. H. Noble, Esq. they were in every way fitted for each other. The fruit of this union was two boys, now left motherless. Mrs. Noble was a rare woman. In all the varied offices of womanhood, her life was a grand success. As a daughter, her filial regard for her father and her affection and devotion to an invalid mother were unwearied. As a sister, her kind offices and loving words were unceasing. As a wife, her wise counsels, her unwearied assistance to her husband, her love and sympathy with all his undertakings, were all in all to him. As a mother, she guided her boys in the paths of rectitude and trained them up to the highest standard of manhood. Her life was filled with good works. She fed the hungry. She clothed the naked. The homeless wanderer found shelter beneath her roof. She was not blessed with large wealth and though often sorely tried, her charity never failed. She was not ostentatious. Few beyond her immediate family knew the extent of her charities. About year ago a dread message came to her. "Remember that I may be the next, To come in at the door; To call you from your busy work, For evermore. As you work your heart must watch, for the door is on the latch; In your room, For unto you is given To Watch for the coming of his feet, who is the glory of our blessed Heaven. The work and watching will be very sweet, Even in an earthly home And in such an hour you think not, He will come." She had been stricken with an incurable and mysterious disease and was warned that life might pass from her at any moment. Yet she abated not a jot of her accustomed cheerfulness, of her thoughts and plans for the present and future happiness of others. For herself she had no fear of the future. For her husband and her boys, she desired she might live. And so, she waited and watched. As her disease progressed she suffered much but was ever patient, ever gentle, ever thoughtful for those around her. Mrs. Noble never made a public profession of religion, but her conversation was ever full of deep religious thought and feeling. The great fundamental truths of religion took deep root in her heart and blossomed in her actions. Her whole life was an exposition of high religious character. To do right because it was right was her constant aim. "She had done what she could." And so the Lord of the Reapers called her. She passed away about the midnight bearing her sheaves with her. In a pure life, an unfaltering trust in the Divine Goodness, constant self sacrifice avail aught on this life, it is well with her. To her family there is left only a beautiful memory and a hope; to all a noble example. Her funeral was largely attended and many beautiful floral tributes attested the love and respect she had won. Those who had known her came from long distances to see the last sad rights. The most touching of all and the highest tribute to her worth were the tears of mourning of the poor and lowly who gathered around her door when it was known she had passed away. "Gone home, Gone home, the door through which she vanished. Closed with ajar and left us here along, We stand without in tears, Forlorn and banished. Longing to follow where one loved has gone." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tues., Aug. 26, 1884 page 3 ******** Death of Mrs. Jenny(sic) Noble in Reedsville. She was the wife of Mr. W.H. Noble, and sister of Mr. James F. Anderson, Editor of "The Times". The deceased was 38 years old and was married for 17 years. Der Nord Westen, Aug. 28, 1884 ******** [Mrs. Jean Nobel/bur. 08-23-1884/age 42 yrs./bur. on William H. Noble lot]
MATHILDA NOBLE aka Lillian Mrs. James E. Noble, 78, native of Manitowoc, died Tuesday at Pueblo, Colo., after a lingering illness. The former Lillian Willert was born in Manitowoc Nov. 29, 1875, and was married to James Noble in 1907. The couple moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, and later Denver, Colo., before settling in Pueblo. They operated restaurants in these cities. Her husband died 10 years ago. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include two brothers, Fred Willert of Chicago and Edward Willert of Manitowoc; and four sisters, Mrs. Harry Brandenburg, Mrs. Walter Todl, Mrs. Willima Uek and Mrs. Arthur Wiegen of Manitowoc. Funeral arrangements will be announced Thursday by the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, August 5, 1953 P.21 ********* Funeral services for Mrs. James Noble, 78, former Manitowoc resident who died Tuesday at Pueblo, Colo., will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. A.C. Fischer will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, August 6, 1953 P.27 ********* [d. 08-02-1953 at Pueblo, CO/age 80 yrs./bur. on August C. Willert lot/ listed on cem. computer printout as Lillian with Mathilda in parenthesis]
WILLIAM H. NOBLE (d. 1894) From the Files of the Pilot – Twenty-Five Years Ago – (1894) William H. Noble of Reedsville, died last Sunday evening. Had he lived until Feb. 6 next, he would have reached his fifty-eighth year. He was born in Ogdensburg, N.Y. Of that staunch Scotch-Irish stock that has given to this country so many splendid examples of strong manhood and good citizenship. He came to Manitowoc with his parents in the early fifties and shared in the hardship and privations of pioneer life, common to the settlers of that period. When the war began, like thousands of the patriotic young men of that time, he obeyed the call of duty and went to the front. He enlisted as a member of Co. K, 21st regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers. He leaves a wife and five sons. The community sympathizes with them in their great bereavement. It shares their loss for Manitowoc county has lost a good and useful citizen. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs, Oct. 23, 1919 ********* Death on Sun. evening in Reedsville of 58 yr. old W.H. Noble. The deceased leaves a widow and 7 children of whom 2 are from his first marriage. Mr. Nobel enjoyed great affection in Reedsville and served his town during his lifetime as Village President. The funeral took place yesterday in the local cemetery under the auspices of the G.A.R. Der Nord Westen, 25 Oct. 1894 ******** IN MEMORIAM. WILLIAM HENRY NOBLE. It was with a deep sense of loss, surprise and great sorrow that our community received the announcement that W. H. Noble of Reedsville had died the evening of Sunday last. Had he lived until Feb. 6th next he would have reached his 58th year. William Henry Noble was born in Ogdenburg, New York, of that staunch Scotch-Irish stock that has given to this country so many splendid examples of strong manhood and good citizenship. He came to Manitowoc with his parents in the early fifties and shared in the hardships and privations of pioneer life, common to the settlers of that period. When the war began, like thousands of the patriotic young men of that time, he obeyed the call of duty and went to the front. He enlisted as a member of Co. K. 21st regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. He was present at the battle of Perryville where exposure brought on a disease which incapacitated him from further active service, and he was transferred to the veteran reserve corps in which he served on detached duty until the end of the war. He was selected as one of the sergeants to act as pall bearer at the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln and as such escorted the body from Washington to Springfield, Ill. For this service he received a medal commemorative of the event from congress. After his return from the army he resided for a time in this city and became widely known as a skillful mechanic and mill builder. About twenty-two years ago he removed to Reedsville in this county and engaged in manufacturing and he has ever since been identified with the interests of that locality. He lived to see it grow from a straggling hamlet of a few houses to a handsome and prosperous village. In every measure looking to the improvement of the place he was a leading spirit. It was largely through his influence the village was incorporated, the streets improved and public buildings erected. The splendid school building in that village stands as a witness to his interest in popular education. He was public spirited, broad minded and liberal in his views, charitable to a fault. No poor worth person of good cause ever appealed to him in vain. He took a deep interest in political matters and was a staunch republican but always refused to become a candidate for any office, except local offices when his services were given freely. At the time of his death he was village president, a position he has held continuously since the incorporation of the village. He was a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic, having been a member of the Horace M. Walker Post of this city ever since its organization. He was an Odd Fellow, having been a member of Chickerming lodge in this city for more than a quarter of a century. He leaves a widow and five sons. The community sympathizes with them in their great bereavement. It shares their loss. For Manitowoc county has lost a good and useful citizen. Manitowoc Pilot, October 25, 1894 P. 3 ******** Death of James Noble(sic) The news of the death of James Noble at his home in Reedsville on Monday last, was a great shock to his friends in this vicinity who had been hoping against hope that his difficulty might not prove mortal. He was stricken with paralysis a short time ago which made his case hopeless. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at the church in Reedsville and the interment afterward occurred in Manitowoc, a special train having been chartered by the Odd Fellows Lodge of which body the deceased was a member, a large number of whom from this village and Reedsville accompanied the remains to their last resting place. In the death of Mr. Noble, not only does Reedsville lose its most prominent citizen, but the most valued friends. Mr. Noble was a man of wide acquaintance and was everywhere respected and admired for the uprightness of his character and the affability and kindness of his disposition. Mr. Noble was 53 years age and had been a resident of Reedsville for the past twenty-five years. He leaves a wife and five sons to mourn his loss. Deceased was president of the thriving village of Reedsville and to him, to a great extent, is due the prosperity of that village. He was a highly respected member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also of the Grand Army Post of Manitowoc which bodies were largely represented at the last sad rites. Among those from this village accompanying the remains to Manitowoc were: Dr. I.N. McComb, John Wosch, Otto Reuther and Wm Pettey, while Chas Bruss, Rob't Wittke, John Chaykowski, S.T. Barnard and John Hall were present at the ceremonies in Reedsville. Every businessman of Reedsville and a large number of other, numbering upwards of 300 accompanied the remains to Manitowoc. Brillion News, Fri., Oct. 26, 1894 ******** (Note: This apparently belongs to William Noble. The newspaper had the wrong name) ******** Rev. Mr. McFarlane of Evansville was in Reedsville last week, having been called there by the death of his nephew, W.H. Noble. Manitowoc Pilot, November 1, 1894 P. 3 ******** A CARD. The undersigned hereby take occasion to express our gratitude to the large circle of acquaintances and friends of the late W.H. Noble for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during the last illness, and the funeral services of the deseased (sic). They did much to lighten the heavy burden of affliction laid upon us. Augusta Noble and Family. John H. Noble. William J. Noble. Manitowoc Pilot, November 1, 1894 P. 3 ******** [W.H. Noble/cause: pneumonia]
WILLIAM NOBLE (d. 1877) Died. Noble -On Thursday, January 18th, 1877, at his residence in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County, of congestion of the lungs, William Noble, in the 66th year of his age. Ogensburg, N.Y. papers please copy. The deceased came to this county in the autumn of 1855 from Ogdensburg, N.Y. Though not ostentations or assuming but rather of a retiring disposition, he had won the respect and warm regard of a large circle of acquaintances by his strict integrity. This widow thus bereft of the companion of many years, and the large family of grown up sons and daughters, have the sympathies of all their many friends. The illness of the deceased was short, his death unexpected; but he was of those who so live that they are "always ready." Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 25, 1877 P. 3
ELIZABETH NOCKER Mrs. Nicholas Nocker, 70, lifelong resident of the county, died early today at the home, 813 North Tenth street. She had been ill three months. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek & Schlei funeral home and at 2 o'clock from the Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran church, the Rev. T.F. Uetzmann officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Nocker, nee Elizabeth Blum, daughter of William and Doris Blum, was born in the town of Mishicot in 1868 and was married in 1888 to Mr. Nocker. They located in Mishicot. He was proprietor of the Badger State Hotel. Twenty years ago they moved to this city. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last fall. Survivors are the widower; three daughters, Lydia and Mrs. Wencil Zima, city; Mrs. W.J. Moegenburg, Algoma; four sisters, Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Milwaukee; Mrs. William Redeker, Mrs. Otto Schmidt, Mrs. Henry Thielbar, all of Mishicot; brother, William, Mishicot; four grandchildren, (private). The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Thursday noon until the hour of the services Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, January 25, 1939 p.2 ******* [d. 01-25-1939/age 70 yrs./cause: myocarditis/bur. on Nicholas Nocker lot] (Elizabeth Margaretha Blum/b. 03 Dec 1868/d. 25 Jan 1939/daughter of Wilhelm and Dorothy (Wulf) Blum)
LYDIA DOROTHY NOCKER Lydia Nocker, 71, of 803 N. 10th St., Manitowoc, died at Noon Friday at the home of her sister Mrs. Viola Zima, of 722A S. 22nd St., Manitowoc after a several months illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. Theophil Uetzmann officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Miss Nocker was born Sept. 14, 1889, at Mishicot, daughter of the late Nicholas and Elizabeth Blum Nocker. She was graduated from Mishicot public schools and was self employed as a seamstress until her retirement a year ago. Survivors include two sisters; a nephew, and three nieces. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 2 p.m. Monday until 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and at the church until time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, 30 Dec. 1960 *********** [d. 12-30-1960/age 71 yrs./bur. on Nicholas Nocker lot] (Lydia Dorothy Nocker/b. 14 Sep 1889/d. 30 Dec 1960/SSDI)
NICHOLAS NOCKER Striken with a sudden heart attack Sunday morning at his home, Nicholas F. Nocker, 80, (Photo) of 813 North 10th street, retired farmer and hotel operator, died shortly after the arrival of a physician. Up to last Thursday Mr. Nocker had been active in his garden. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home, the Rev. Theo. Uetzmann officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Nocker was born at Franklin, Kewaunee county, in 1861 and when a boy his parents moved to Mishicot. He married Miss Elizabeth Blum in this city in 1888 and they located on a farm. In 1900 they purchased a farm near Larrabee and three years later moved to the village of Mishicot where Mr. Nocker purchased the Badger Hotel. In 1910 he disposed of the hotel and engaged in the painting business. In 1917 the Nockers located in this city, where Mr. Nocker was employed at the Aluminum Goods Company until retiring a few years ago. The couple observed their golden wedding anniversary in 1938. Mrs. Nocker died three years ago. Survivors are three daughters, Lydia, Mrs. Wenzel Zima of this city, Mrs. Werner Moeg?nburg, of Algoma; two brothers, John, of Two Rivers, Henry of Denmark; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Quistorf and Mrs. Rose Beyer of Mishicot; and four grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from 7 o'clock this evening until the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 18, 1942 P.12 ******* [cause: apoplexy/Nickolas Franklin Nocker/30 Jun 1861/17 May 1942]
ADOLPH "BUD" NOHLECHEK DEATH SUDDEN AS IT COMES TO 'BUD' NOHLECHEK Well Known Horseman Stricken By Heart Attack At Hotel Which He Operated Alfred "Bud" Nohlechek(sic), 56, for years a familiar figure at county fair races in Wisconsin and who, with his wife, conducted the Northwestern House, at Franklin and South Fourteenth street, died suddenly of a heart attack shortly after ten o'clock last night in his room at the hotel as he was preparing to retire. He will be buried on Thursday afternoon from the Pfeffer funeral home. While Mr. Nohlechek has been in failing health for the past year or more he has been able to be up and about. He has been taking medical treatment at the Holy Family hospital here and returned from the hospital after one of these treatments last evening. Shortly before ten o'clock he conversed with his wife and said he felt tired and would go to his room for the night. Mrs. Nohlechek did not hear any further sound from his room and hurrying there found him slumped over the bed. Physicians were summoned but he died before they arrived, a victim of a heart attack. Familiar Race Track Man The passing of Mr. Nohlechek removes from Wisconsin race tracks one who has followed the harness racing game nearly his entire life. Much of the time he was associated with his brother Frank Nohlechek, Fond du Lac, in conducting a horse racing stable. The later recently underwent a serious operation in a Fond du Lac hospital and only last week was removed to his home, where he is now convalescing. The news of the death of his brother here last night resulted in Frank Nohlechek at Fond du Lac suffering another relapse. "Bud" Nohlechek, as he was more familiarly known was born at Menominee, Mich., November 17, 1875. He received his early education there and with his brother took up harness horse racing. He was the owner of many race horses and in his early life drove his own horses in the county race events and also in many grand circuit race cards. He came to Manitowoc about 25 years ago and coninued to make his home here ever since. At the present time Mr. Nohlechek was the owner of Freson Bond, Actor and Happy Border horses which have been appearing in race cards at fairs in northeastern Wisconsin. For years "Bud" Nohlechk and his brother Frank always raced their strings at the Manitowoc county fairs. Conducted Northwestern House On July 17, 1918 Mr. Nohlechek was married to Mrs. Laura Gehbe of this city and together they conducted the Northwestern House on South Fourteenth street. Besides his widow he is survived by three brothers, Frank at Fond du Lac, William and Arthur of Iron River, Mich., three sisters located in California and two sisters living in Chicago. The remains may be viewed at the Pfeffer funeral home on So. 14th street up to the time of the funeral, which will be held from there at two on Thursday afternoon in charge of Rev. Hood of the St. James church. Interment will be at Evergreen cemetery. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. December 1, 1931 P. 1 ******** [Bud Nohlechek/bur. 12-3-1931/age 56 yrs/cause: myocarditis pulmary edema ascites and liver enlargement/ bur. on Adolph Nohlechek lot]
LAURA NOHLECHEK Mrs. Laura Nohlechek, 82 (photo above) of 934 South 14th St., Manitowoc, who retired in 1947 after operating the Northwestern House for a 40 year span, died Saturday afternoon at the Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a brief illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Paul Blaufuss will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Nohlechek was born Laura Schuette in Chicago in 1870 and a few years later her parents moved to Manitowoc. In 1916 she was married to Adolph (Bud) Nohlechek, who owned a string of race horses which he operated on the fair circuits for many years. He died in 1931. Mrs. Nohlechek took over the Northwestern House at Franklin and South 14th Streets 46 years ago from her father, the late William Schuette. The place soon became known for bountiful meals served. It was the headquarters for years of railroad men employed by the North Western Railroad, when the main depot was located only a block from her place. Mrs. Nohlecheck, in later years recalled the old days when dinner would be had for 25 cents, and a special Sunday chicken dinner cost only 50 cents. Assisting her in the operation of the combination rooming house and eating place for many years was her sister, Mrs. Chester Couey. Following her retirement in 1947 Mrs. Nohlechek continued to operate the rooming house, leasing out the tavern part. She was always charitable to many wayfarers who came to her place without cash to pay for food. She never turned them away hungry. Survivors are three sisters, Mrs. Chester Couey of Manitowoc, and Mrs. Dorothy Wilson and Mrs. Hazel Coates of Chicago; and a brother, Martin of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. May 18, 1953 P. 17 ******** NOHLECHEK - Mrs. Laura, 82, of 934 South 14th street, died Saturday afternoon at the Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, after a short illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Paul H. Blaufuss officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Friends may call this evening and until time of services Tuesday afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. May 18, 1953 P. 18 ********* [Adolph Nohlechek lot 11/17/1925 - Lot 8 purchased by Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Nohlechek, 14th & Franklin St., $85] [bur. on Adolph Nohlechek lot]
MARY NOHR Mrs. Mary Nohr, 93, for many years a resident of Wayside, Brown county, died Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Peer, at East Troy, Wisconsin. Funeral services will be held from the Shimek and Schwartz funeral home here at 2 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Ernst Zoerb officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Nohr, nee Mary Bouda, was born in Bohemia and came to the United States when 24 years old. Following her marriage to Fred Nohr the couple lived at Wayside for 32 years. In recent years she made her home with her daguhter at East Troy. Survivors are the daughter, Mrs. John Peer of East Troy; three grand- children; and several nieces and nephews. The body will lie in state at the funeral home from 4 p.m. Tuesday to the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, August 23, 1943 P.2 ******* [d. 08-22-1943 at East Troy, MI/age 83 yrs./bur. on Mrs. Wenzel Hodik lot]
CHESTER G. NOLL Chester G. Noll, 57, of 1208 N. 12th St., Manitowoc, died at home Thursday morning after a coronary attack. He had been making his home with his mother, Mrs. George Noll, at that address. Funeral services will be at 9 a.m. Saturday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, and at 9:30 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church. The Rev. E. A. Radey will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Noll was born July 18, 1906, at Duluth, Minn., son of the late George and Jessie Hagarty Noll. In 1929, he married Stella O'Donnell at Virginia, Minn., and later the couple moved to Santa Anna, Calif., where he was a grocer and a salesman for Eastman Mfg. Co. Mrs. Noll died in 1952. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. R. V. Alterhauser, of Hubert, N.C., a son, George T. Noll, of Santa Anna, his mother, Mrs. George Noll, of Manitowoc and seven grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Two Rivers Reporter, August 22, 1963 P. T-3 ******* [d. 08-22-1963/age 57 yrs./bur. on Mrs. George Noll lot]
JESSIE M. NOLL Mrs. George (Jessie) Noll, 88, of 204 N. Eighth St., Manitowoc Motor Hotel, Manitowoc, died Thursday evening at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a brief illness. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home and at 11 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Leo Schmitt will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Noll was born May 4, 1885, at Eau Claire. She was married to George W. Noll Aug. 2, 1905, at Duluth, Minn. Her husband preceded her in death Oct. 24, 1954. Survivors include five sisters, Mrs. Rosella Pokorney and Mrs. Myrtle Robitaelle, of Duluth, Mrs. Lillian Burke, of Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Geraldine DeBoer, of San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. Hazel Berns, of Manitowoc; two grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. A son, Chester preceded her in death in 1963. A brother and three sisters also preceded her in death. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home from 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday, where a Wake service will be held at 8 p.m. Memorials may be made to Holy Innocents Catholic church or the Heart Fund. Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc-Two Rivers, Wis. June 16, 1973 ******** [d. 06-14-1973/age 88 yrs./widow of George Noll/bur. on Mrs. George Noll lot]
LAWRENCE NONNEMACHER Lawrence Nonnemacher, 67, of 914 S. 19th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon in Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 a.m. in St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Theodore J. Hendricks will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Nonnemacher was born April 24, 1911, in Phlox, Wis., son of the late Joseph and Anna Andrea Nonnemacher. He married Martha Mucha June 23, 1937, in St. Mary Catholic Church, Antigo. In 1945 they moved to Manitowoc to reside. Prior to his retirement in 1976, Mr. Nonnemacher was employed with Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc. for 25 years. Survivors include his wife, Martha, a son and daughter-in-law, Dennis and Susan Nonnemacher of Green Bay; a daughter and son-in-law, Louise and Robert Raduenz of Manitowoc; five brothers, Joseph, LaVern, Elmer and Richard of Manitowoc and Ervin of Antigo; a sister, Mrs. Mable Tillman of Manitowoc, seven grandchildren and nieces and nephews. Two brothers and a sister preceded him in death. Friends may call in Pfeffer Funeral Home 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, where a prayer service will be at 7:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, March 19, 1979 P. 3
MARTHA A. NONNEMACHER Martha Ann Nonnemacher, 68, of 914 South 19th Street, Manitowoc, died Wednesday, January 9, at North Ridge Care Center, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 11 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Dan Felton and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Nonnemacher, nee Martha Ann Mucha, was born November 20, 1916, at Antigo, Wisconsin, daughter of the late John and Louise Mucha. She married Lawrence F. Nonnemacher on June 23, 1937, at Antigo. The couple moved to Manitowoc after marriage. He preceded her in death on March 18, 1979. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher of Green Bay; a daughter and son-in-law, Louise and Robert Raduenz of Manitowoc; a brother, Edward J. Mucha of Antigo and nine grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother and two sisters. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday afternoon where a prayer service will be at 7 p.m. by Deacon Paul Kieffer. Herald Times Reporter, January 9, 1985 P. 3 ******* [widow of Lawrence Nonnemacher]
ANNA NORBO DIED. On the 28th ult., Anna M. wife of Lawrence Norboe (sic), age 52 years. Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, August 1, 1867 P. 4 ******** STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County. Probate Office, July 31st, A.D. 1867. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last will and tesament of Anna M. Norboe (sic) deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an insteument (sic) in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Anna M. Norbeo deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc has been filed at this office; and whereas, application has been made by Amond Oleson praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the Village of Manitowoc in said County, on the 26th day of August, A.D. 1867, at ten o'clock a.m. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Tribune a newspapper printed in said County for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, August 22, 1867 P. 2 ******** (1860 Manitowoc Rapids twp. census: Louis Norbough age 45; Hannah 45; John E. 15; Magnus 12; Henry 9; Laura 4; Caroline 4)
EDWARD NORMAN EDW. NORMAN PASSES AWAY Father of Mrs. Ariel Brandt Dies On Monday Edward Norman, 67, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ariel Brandt, LaFollette avenue, Monday afternoon at 3:40 following a brief illness. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Shimek and Schwartz funeral home. Burial will be made in Evergreen cemetery. The body will lie at the funeral home from 10 a.m. Wednesday until the time of services Thursday. Born in Chicago May 28, 1868, Mr. Brandt came to Manitowoc a year ago. He has lived with his daughter here for the past year. Mrs. Norman passed away five years ago. Survivors include a son, George, of Loman, Minn.; two daughters, Mrs. Brandt and Virginia, both of Manitowoc; three sisters, Miss Anne Norman, Mrs. Forrest Keller and Mrs. Frank Brown, all of Chicago; and a brother, Robert, also of Chicago. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. October 15, 1935 P. 2 ******* [cause: hypostatic pneumonia/bur. on Mrs. A.A. Brandt lot] ******* (Edward Norman/d. age 67 yrs., 4 mo. 16 da./from burial records of St. John's United Church of Christ) ******* Ed Norman and family had a narrow escape from death last night. Gas escaped from the coal stove in such quantities that the family were seriously affected. Mr. Norman waked up in the early morning and dimly conscious that his head was not feeling normal. Shaking off the lethargy, which held him, he arose and started to investigate. He soon found that the sleeping apartments were all full of gas that his wife and children were breathing very heavily. He ventilated the rooms and aroused the family. All were under the influence of the deadly vapors but soon recovered. This morning the children were suffering from nausea but will be all right in a short time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 8, 1898 page 4
LOUISE NORMAN MRS. E. NORMAN, AGED 60, PASSES AWAY IN CITY Death came to Mrs. Edward Norman at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Aerial Brandt, LaFollette avenue, late yesterday, the demise being due to a second stroke of paralysis which she suffered. Mrs. Norman sustained the first stroke four years ago and since that time has made her home with her daughter here, coming from Burlington, Vt., where the family had resided. Mrs. Norman, nee Louise Moss was a native of this city but left here after marriage and for years made her home in the east. Deceased was 60 years old, born April 2, 1879. She is survived by three children, George of Flint, Mich., Virginia of Gary, Indiana and Mrs A.A. Brandt, this city. Four sisters, Mrs. W.F. Brandt, this city, Mrs. Chris Guetschow, Newton, Mrs. Henry Frosch, Duluth and Mrs. D.J. Worth, Maywood, Ill., and five brothers, Fred and Louis, International Falls, Minn., Henry, Michigan City, John Moss of this city and Charles of Alberta, Canada, also survive. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at two from the Shimek and Schwartz mortuary where the body will be until the funeral. The parlors will be open until 9 this evening so friends may view the remains. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. Octobere 15, 1930 P. 2 ******* [cause: apoplexy/bur. on Mrs. A.A. Brandt lot] ******* (Mrs. Louise Norman nee Maas/d. Oct. 14, 1930/age 60 yrs. 6mo. 12 da./from burial records of St. John's United Church of Christ)
ALEX NORRIS Alexander Norris, 81, who had been residing with his daughter, Mrs. Adele Connors, of 1516 Columbus St., Manitowoc, died Thursday morning at Manitowoc County Hospital. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. D.L. Wandschneider of St. Paul Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Norris was born Sept. 7, 1881, at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, son of the late William and Elizabeth Clayborn Norris. He came to Manitowoc in 1909 where he married Edith Smale Dec. 22, 1909. He was employed at the old Boilermaker Shop at Manitowoc, retiring in 1946. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Adele Conors, of Manitowoc; a brother, John J., of Manitowoc; and three grandsons (private). His wife, a brother and three sisters preceded him in death. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. December 21, 1962 P. 21 ******* [Alexander/d. 12-20-1962/age 81 yrs.](07 Oct 1881/Dec 1962/SSDI)
ALVIN NORRIS Alvin Norris, 65, 1410 South 12th street, who operated the Norris Spring shop on west 21st street for many years, died this noon at the Holy Family hospital. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the First German Evangelical Lutheran church, the Rev. L.H. Koeninger officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Norris was born in Manitowoc Rapids in 1878 and lived in the city and county his entire life. He was a machinist and inventor and established the Norris Spring works on the west side. In recent months he was employed at the Aluminum Specialty company. In 1901 Mr. Norris married Miss Mary Lutzke. She survives with a daughter, Violet at home; two sons, Howard, Grand Rapids, Mich., Lester, Parkridge, Ill.; two brothers, George of Chicago, Gust, of Helena, Mont.; sister, Mrs. Jennie Wiegen of Polson, Mont.; and three grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the Pfeffer funeral home from Tuesday noon until Wednesday at 10 a.m. when it will be moved to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. July 26, 1943 P. 2 ******** [cause: pulmonary edema] ******** (The following obituary is for his son) Lester Norris, 59, of Niles, Ill., a native of Manitowoc, died of a heart attack Friday at Chicago. Funeral services will be Monday afternoon at Chicago with burial there. Norris was born March 14, 1904, at Manitowoc, son of the late Alvin Norris and Mrs. Mary Norris. He attended Washington High School, moving to Chicago in 1924, where he attended night school. He married the former Myrtle Larsen in 1940 at Chicago. He was a consulting engineer for Deluew-Cather, Chicago. Surviving are his wife, a son, Randy, in the U.S. Navy, his mother, a brother, Howard Norris, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and a sister, Mrs. Gustave Reisner, of Manitowoc. Two Rivers Reporter, November 16, 1963
EDITH NORRIS Funeral services for Mrs. Alex Norris, 57, of 938 North Tenth street, who died early this week, took place Thursday afternoon from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Norris, nee Edith Smale, was born in Ontario, in 1886 and in 1909 came to Manitowoc where she was married to Mr. Norris. Survivors are the widower, a daughter, Mrs. Ray Connors of this city, and a brother and two sister, in Canada. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. February 20, 1943 P. 2 ******** [d. 02-15-1943/age 57 yrs./cause: cardiac decompensation/ wife of Alexander Norris]
EMILY NORRIS PIONEER OF RAPIDS DIES AT AGE OF 82 Mrs. Emily Norris a Resident of County Since 1850 Mrs. Emily Norris, nee Geraldson, widow of John Norris, who passed away in 1919, died at the family home in the town of Manitowoc Rapids Saturday at the advanced age of eighty-two. The funeral will be held at the chapel at Evergreen tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Norris was born in Norway and came to America with her parents in 1850, the family settling in this county. At the age of twenty-four she was married to John Norris and the couple moved to Iowa where they experienced all the early hardships including the prairie fire, grasshopper and high winds and later decided that Wisconsin was the best home, returning to Manitowoc Rapids where they again took up their home. Here the family made a wide circle of friends and Mrs. Norris, through her sterling qualities, was beloved by all her neighbors and warmly esteemed as a friend. Surviving her are four children, Mrs. Jennie Wigen, Polson, Montana; Alvin Norris of this city, George M. Norris of Chicago, and G.A. Norris of Helena, Montana. There are eight grandchildren, three in this city, one at Chicago and four at Polson, Montana. Manitowoc Herald News, May 24, 1926 P. 2
ESTHER NORRIS Mrs. John J. Norris, 81, of 946 N. Sixth St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning after home allowing a brief illness. Christian Science services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Mittnacht Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Norris was born April 23, 1877, at Belfast, Ireland, daughter of the late John and Mary Campbell Bourdot. As a young girl she moved with her family to Toronto Canada. She was married to John J. Norris April 22, 1903, at Toronto, where the couple lived for five years before moving to Wisconsin where it made its home in Manitowoc and Ellison Bay, Door County. Mr. Norris was employed for 36 years as superintendent of the boiler works plant of Manitowoc Shipbuilding, Inc., retiring from the that position in 1944. The couple celebrated its 50th wedding anniversary April 22, 1953. Survivors include her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Einar Tangen, Mrs. Aloyois C. Fischl Jr., Mrs. Wendell F. MacEacharn and Mrs. Carl T. Geisler of Manitowoc; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 7, 1959 P. 9 ******** [d. 03-07-1959/age 81 yrs./wife of John J. Norris]
JOHN NORRIS (d. 1919) VETERAN DIES Manitowoc, Wis. July 17 - John Norris, 87, civil war veteran and pioneer resident of Manitowoc County, died at the Soldier's Home at Waupaca, the body being brought to this city for burial. He was born in Norway and came to this county when 14. LaCrosse Tribune and Leader Press, Thursday, July 17, 1919 page 7 ******** John Norris, a civil war veteran and an old resident of Manitowoc County, died at Waupaca where he had made his home for the last four years at the Soldier’s Home. The body was brought here for burial. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Born in Norway 87 years of age, Mr. Norris came to America as a lad of fourteen and settled in this county having made his home at Rapids for many years. When the civil war broke out, Mr. Norris was a member of the first company which went to the front from Manitowoc County and served throughout the war. Besides his aged wife, he is survived by four children, three sons and one daughter: George at Waupaca, Gust at Camp Grant, where he is awaiting discharge from service, Alvin of this city and Mrs. Andrew Wiegen of Valders. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., July 17, 1919 ******** [John Norris/bur. 07-16-1919/age 87 yrs/cause: acute endocarditis]
JOHN J. NORRIS (d. 1968) John J. (Jack) Norris, 90, of 946 N. Sixth St., Manitowoc, died Thursday evening at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where he had been a patient the past several weeks. Private funeral services will be conducted Saturday at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Dr. Krist Caune of St. Paul Methodist Church will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Norris was born Nov. 16, 1877, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, the son of the late William C. and Elizabeth Claibourne Norris. He was educated in Toronto, served in the Royal Canadian Grenadiers and was associated with the Canada Foundry before coming to this county. He married the former Esther Isobel Bourdot April 22, 1903, in Toronto and in 1908 the couple moved to Manitowoc where Mr. Norris became associated with the boiler works of Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc. He was named foreman and then superintendent of the plant, a title he held until his retirement. Mr. Norris and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in April, 1953. She died in 1959. Mr. Norris was a member of the Manitowoc Elks Lodge and the Manitowoc Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Einar (Helen) Tange, Mrs. A.C. (Margaret) Fischl Jr., Mrs. W.E. (Esther) MacEachran, and Mrs. Carl T. (Katherine) Geisler, all of Manitowoc; eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. A daughter, three sisters and two brothers preceded him in death. Memorials may be sent to the YMCA at Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 26, 1968 P. T6 ******** [d. 01-25-1968/age 90 yrs.] (b. 16 Nov. 1877/d. Jan. 1968/SSDI)
MARY NORRIS (d. 1965) Mrs. Mary Norris, 88, formerly of 1410 S. 12th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday at Manitowoc County Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. L.H. Koeninger officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Norris, the former Mary Lutzke, was born Dec. 20, 1876, in the Town of Liberty, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutzke. She was a charter member of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church. She was married to Alvin Norris in March, 1901, and the couple resided in the city. He died in 1943. Surviving are a son, Howard, of Grand Rapids, Mich., a daughtger, Mrs. Gus (Violet) Reisner, of Manitowoc; a brother, Robert, of School Hill; three sisters, Mrs. Lena Prochnow, of St. Nazianz, Mrs. Hattie Ibe, of Rt. 1, Valders, and Mrs. Fred Cummings, of East Troy, Wis.; four grandchildren and three great grand- children. A son, Lester, preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. October 18, 1965 P. 9 ******** [widow of Alvin Norris]
LOUIS H. NORTEMAN (d. 2005) Louis H. Norteman, age 89, of 1450 Hazelwood Drive, Manitowoc, died Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005, at Aurora Medical Center of Manitowoc County. Private family services were held on Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005, at the Jens Family Funeral Home. The Rev. Janis Callahan officiated and burial followed at Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc. Louis was born Oct. 26, 1915, in Manitowoc, son of the late Louis W. and Olive Dueno Norteman. He attended schools in Manitowoc, graduating from Lincoln High School and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He served in the U.S. Army and was discharged as a Major. Louis worked for the City of Manitowoc and retired as the Superintendent of the Cemetery and Parks Department. He was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church Manitowoc, Manitowoc Chapter #138 Izaak Walton League of America Inc., Manitowoc Elks Lodge #687 and a former trustee, served on the City Planning Commission, and Family Service Board for eight years. Survivors include his wife Kathleen of Manitowoc; special nephew, Jon and Brooke Nortemann, Beloit; special niece, Sue Ellen Nortemann, Houston, Tex.; one sister- in-law, Hazel Nortemann, Two Rivers. Many other wonderful nieces and nephews, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, other relatives and friends also survive. Besides his parents, Louis was preceded in death by one brother, William Nortemann; one nephew, Paul C. Nortemann. Jens Family Funeral Home and Crematory is assisting the family. Herald Times Reporter, February 2005
LOUIS W. NORTEMAN (d. 1953) Louis W. Norteman, 71, (photo) of 844 North Ninth St., Manitowoc, retired lake captain, died early Monday at the Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. He suffered a stroke Friday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Mittnacht Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. John Walker will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Norteman was born in 1882 in Norway. As a young man he came to the United States and was a seaman on ocean going tankers of the Standard Oil Company. In 1905 he came to the Great Lakes and in 1908 married Miss Olive Dueno in Milwaukee. The couple spent a year in Norway and then located in Manitowoc. He became a captain on freighters of the Interlake Steamship Company in 1923 and served with that company until his retirement in 1941. His last cammand was the freighter William MacLaughlan, an ore carrier. Captain Norteman was a member of Manitowoc lodge No. 65, R. and A.M., Great Lakers Shipmasters Association, Izaak Walton league, and the Christian Stewards of the Wesley Methodist Church, Manitowoc. Survivors are his wife; two sons, William A. of Two Rivers, Louis H., superintendent of cemetery and parks in Manitowoc; sister, Mrs. Nanny Kaarstad of Norway; and three grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. May 4, 1953, P. 17 ******* [d. 05-04-1953/age 71 yrs.] ******* A Bride at Milwaukee Olive Dueno, This City Weds Louis Norteman in that city Letters from Milwaukee to relatives here bring the news of the marriage in that city on Saturday of Miss Olive Dueno, this city and Louis Norteman, first mate of the Str. Luzon. The marriage was performed at the home of the bride's sister and is a surprise to friends. Miss Dueno is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Dueno and is a young lady popular with her friends. The wedding culminates a friendship of a year. Miss Dueno left Friday to meet Mr. Norteman at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mon., Nov. 16, 1908
OLIVE C. NORTEMAN Mrs. Louis Norteman, 81, of Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc, formerly of 844 N. Ninth St., Manitowoc, died Sunday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. D.T. Stannard will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Norteman, nee Olive Dueno, was born Feb. 8, 1888, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late August and Elizabeth Kuecker Dueno. She attended Manitowoc schools, was married Nov. 3, 1908, at Milwaukee and lived most of her life at Manitowoc. Her husband died in 1953. Mrs. Norteman was active in affairs of Wesley Methodist Church and a member of Esther Circle and Order of Eastern Star No. 196. Survivors include a son, Louis H., of Manitowoc; two sisters, Mrs. H.D. Kuentz, of Dunedin, Fla., and Mrs. R.H. Steehm, of Madison; three brothers, Fred, of Marathon Shores, Fla., August, of Glenview, Ill., and Henry, of Skokie, Ill.; and three grandchildren. A son and three brothers preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 21, 1969 P. 3 ******* [d. 04-20-1969/age 81 yrs./widow of Louis W. Norteman] ******* A Bride at Milwaukee Olive Dueno, This City Weds Louis Norteman in that city Letters from Milwaukee to relatives here bring the news of the marriage in that city on Saturday of Miss Olive Dueno, this city and Louis Norteman, first mate of the Str. Luzon. The marriage was performed at the home of the bride's sister and is a surprise to friends. Miss Dueno is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Dueno and is a young lady popular with her friends. The wedding culminates a friendship of a year. Miss Dueno left Friday to meet Mr. Norteman at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mon., Nov. 16, 1908
ALICE NORTON DEATH ENDS A TROUBLED LIFE Mrs. Henry Norton is Called to Rest. Meeme Girl Dead. Death came as a messenger of peace from months of illness and trouble to Mrs. Henry Norton, a North Side resident Thursday, Mrs. Norton’s death being due to consumption from which she had been a sufferer for a year past. Mrs. Norton was 38 years and her life of late years has been one of trouble. A husband and family of seven children survive. The funeral will be held from Sacred Heart church Saturday morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, April 15, 1910 P. 1 ******* [bur. 04-16-1910/cause: tuberculosis]
NINA G. NORTON Mrs. William Norton, 87, of 1040 N. 12th St., Manitowoc, died Monday afternoon at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. D.L. Wandschneider officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Norton, the former Nina Westbrook, was born June 16, 1887, at Traer, Iowa, daughter of the late Lyman and Viletta Packard Westbrook. She was married to Mr. Norton in 1889 at Hudson, Wis., and the couple came to Manitowoc in 1939. Mr. Norton died in 1944. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Lynalie Johnson, of St. Paul, Minn. Two brothers and a sister preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home, Ninth Street entrance after 4 p.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, February 16, 1965 P.5 ******** [d. 02-15-1965/age 87 yrs./widow of William Norton]
WILLIAM NORTON William Norton, 65, chief engineer at the plant of the Manitowoc Portland Cement company here for 15 years, who left here in 1938 for York, Pa., died at his home in that city Wednesday according to messages received here. He had been ill only a few days. The body is to be brought to this city for burial Saturday afternoon. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Frazier mortuary chapel, in charge of the Chickerming lodge of Odd Fellows. The Rev. C.H. Phipps of the First Presby- terian church will officiate and internment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Norton was born in Yorkshire, England, and when a young man came to the United States. He became a chief engineer for the Medusa Portland company and came to Manitowoc from upper Michigan in December, 1923, to become chief engineer of the plant here. He left in 1938 to take a similar post with the Medusa's plant at York. During the years he lived here Mr. Norton was prominent in Odd Fellow circles. Survivors are his wife, Nina G., a brother, Walter, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Stahl of Spokane, Wash. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, March 30, 1944 P.2 ******** [d. 03-28-1944 at York, PA/age 65 yrs./cause: coronary occlusion/husband of Nina Horton]
ANNA M. NORWALD Mrs. Anna M. Norwald, 88, formerly of 1308 Hamilton Street, Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28, at Park Lawn Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Gerald Prusakowski O.F.M. and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Norwald, nee Anna M. Tadych, was born Sept. 11, 1896, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Joseph and Anna Monka Tadych. She married Nels O. Norwald on May 15, 1918, in Illinois. He preceded her in death on April 13, 1953. Mrs. Norwald was employed at Lakeside Packing Company for 23 years and had also performed domestic housework in Manitowoc. Survivors include a brother, William Tadych of Fond du Lac; six sisters, Mrs. Julia T. Wade, Mrs. Victoria Wellner and Mrs. Sophie Riebe of Manitowoc, Mrs. Katherine Bashaw of Milwaukee, Mrs. Steve Kakuk of Stephenson, Michigan, and Mrs. John Strefling of Michigan City, Indiana, and nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by seven brothers and five sisters. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Tuesday evening where a prayer service will be at 7 o'clock. Herald Times Reporter, October 30, 1984 P. 3 ********* [widow of Nels Olson Norwald]
NELS O. NORWALD Nels Olson Norwold(sic), 65, of 914 Wilson St., Manitowoc, died Monday morning, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Myron Swanson will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Norwold was born in Oslo, Norway, in 1887 and when 19 years of age came to this country. He served in World War I in the Coast Guard on the U.S.S. Hyacinth and U.S.S. Marigold. In 1918 he married Miss Anna Tadych at Waukegan, Ill. After two years residence in Milwaukee they moved to Manitowoc. He was a sailor and painter and member of the Seamen's union. Survivors are his wife; two brothers, Albert of St. Paul and Thron in Norway; sister, Anna in Norway. Friends may call at the funeral home after Wednesday noon until hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, April 13, 1953 P. 2 ******** [Nels Olson Norwald/d. 13 Apr 1953/age 65 yrs]
ADA R. NOTTAGE Word has been received in Manitowoc of the death of Mrs. Ada B. Nottage, 86, Monday morning a St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton after a several months illness. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning in Appleton, and the body will be brought to Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc for interment. Mrs. Nottage, widow of David Nottage, lived in Manitowoc for a time and frequently returned here for visits with friends and relatives. She was born in Whitby, England, Dec. 18, 1866, and lived in Appleton for 40 years. She is survived by a step-daughter, Mrs. Joseph Eggers of Two Rivers; a brother, Matthew Simonson of Whitby, Eng.; three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 18, 1952 P. 2 ******* [age 86 yrs./bur. on Joseph Willott lot]
ANNA NOTTAGE Death in Two Rivers Sat. of Mrs. Anna Selma Nottage, an old settler of Two Rivers who had moved to Neenah two years ago. Mrs. Nottage was born 09 Apr. 1849 in Oldbury, England, as the daughter of Joseph Wollett, who is currently a resident of Manitowoc. She married David Nottage on 04 Nov. 1868 and remained a resident of Two Rivers until the move to Neenah. After she became ill a short time ago she was brought back to Two Rivers to die in the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Joseph Eggers, an event which has now transpired. She is survived by her husband, a son and a daughter. The body was brought to Manitowoc for burial. Der Nord Westen, 14 July 1904 ********* DIED Nottage - In this city at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Jos. Eggers, July 9, 1904, Ann Nottage, wife of David Nottage, aged 55 years. Deceased was born in Oldbury, England, April 9, 1849, her maiden name being Ann Selena Willott. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Willott Sr., well known residents of Manitowoc and came to America with them when a young girl. She was married to David Nottage November 4, 1868 and bore him one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Jos. Eggers of this city and one son, Willott. Thirty years of her married life were spent in this city where she won a wide circle of friends by her kindly and womanly traits and became greatly attached to this city and its people, so much so that it was her wish that she be brought here to die, when she knew that her life was soon to end. Two years ago she went to Neenah to reside where her husband had established a manufacturing business. She was devoted to her home, her husband and her children but was ever an esteemed friend and neighbor. The funeral took place this afternoon, the services being held at the home of her daughter and the body was taken to the Evergreen Cemetery at Manitowoc for burial, the burial party being taken there in the interurban cars, chartered for the purpose. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., July 12, 1904 ********* Ann S. Willet Nottage birth: 7 April 1849 England death: 9 July 1904 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1904 Menasha father: Joseph Willet mother: A. spouse: David Nottage Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ********* (Anna Selina Willott Nottage/d. 9 July 1904/from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) [cause: obstruction of the bowels]
DAVID NOTTAGE WIDOW ILL IN SOUTH; BURIAL IS POSTPONED Funeral Services For Late David Nottage Not To Be Held Here on Monday Illness of the widow of David Nottage, 90, who died at Quinton, Okla., this week will force postponement of the funeral of the former Manitowoc and Two Rivers resident until a later date, according to telegrams received here today from the Oklahoma city. The funeral was orginally scheduled to be held from the Masonic Temple in this city on Monday afternoon. The funeral arrangements are in charge of a brother-in-law Joseph Willot Jr. of this city. Mr. Nottage was a native of England and came to America when a boy settling at St. Louis. He came to Two Rivers to become head machinist of the Two Rivers Mfg. Co., operating the tub and pail factory there. He later became master mechanic at the Hamilton plant. He became interested in several blocks of Two Rivers property which he platted into lots. Thirty years ago he located at Appleton where he operated a knitting mill for years and 20 years ago located in Oklahoma where he became interested in oil wells. He visited here and at Two Rivers last year. Mr. Nottage was married at Manitowoc some 60 years ago to Miss Ann S. Willott a member of one of the city's earliest families. She passed away 20 years ago. He was married a second time at Appleton and his widow survives with one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Eggers of Two Rivers. Founder of Masonic Order The deceased was one of the founders of the Masonic Order in Two Rivers and was also one of the leaders in the Yukon gold expedition from Two Rivers some thirty years ago. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. March 19, 1932 P. 2 ********* FUNERAL OF DAVID NOTTAGE TO TAKE PLACE THURSDAY Funeral services for the late David Nottage, 90, who died at Quinton, Okla., last Friday, will be held from the Masonic Temple here tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. The Masonic lodge of Two Rivers of which deceased was a charter member, will be in charge. Funeral arrangements were postponed on Monday owing to the sudden illness of Mrs. Nottage, who was stricken with pleurisy following her husband's death. Mrs. Nottage has now recovered sufficiently to accompany the body of Mr. Nottage to Manitowoc. Mr. Nottage was a leading manufacturer on the lake shore in the early days and also for a time ran a factory at Appleton. He was born in England. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. March 23, 1932 P. 15 ******* [cause: heart failure/bur. on Joseph Willott lot/died at Quinton, OK] ******* NOTTAGE LOSES FINGER Proprietor of Fox River Knitting Works Has Bad Accident David Nottage, proprietor of the Fox River Valley Knitting Works, a company in which Manitowoc capital was interested until recently, met with an accident that necessitated the amputation of three fingers of his right hand. Mr. Nottage went to inspect the plant and taking the cover off a swiftly revolving fan that is used on the dryer had his hand sucked into it and the fingers ground to a pulp in a second. In addition, the little finger broken in two places. Nottage was taken to the office of a physician in an automobile. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Fri., May 14, 1909
WILLIAM NOTTAGE WILL NOTTAGE DIES SUDDENLY, QUINTON, OKLA. Body Being Returned for Burial. Funeral tomorrow. William W. Nottage, well known Appleton business man, died suddenly at Quinton, Oklahoma, where he was visiting, Saturday, the demise being due to complications. The death was unexpected although Mr. Nottage had been ill for the past four years and had retired from business two years ago. He left Milwaukee where he had been staying for a short time a week ago to visit in Oklahoma. The body will be brought to Manitowoc tonight and will be taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Eggers, from where the funeral service will be held tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. M.S. Weber officiating. Burial will be at Evergreen at Manitowoc. William Nottage was born in Two Rivers in 1885 and was forty-one years of age. He left the city in 1902 to take up his home at Appleton and was engaged in business in that city, operating the Fox River Valley Knitting company until two years ago when he disposed of his interests and retired. He returned to this city to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Eggers. Besides the sister he is survived by his father, David Nottage. He was a member of the Elks and Lions club at Appleton. Manitowoc Herald News, October 4, 1926 P. 12
KATHRYN PHYLLIS NOTZ Kathryn P. Notz, age 81, of 2904 S. 19th St., Manitowoc, died Tuesday, November 3, 1998, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center. Funeral Services will be held at 11:30 a.m., Friday, at the Jens Family Funeral Home. Officiating the services will be reader, Wiliam Mueller. She was born January 31, 1917, in South Haven, Michigan, daughter of the late Joseph and Mathilda Schwake LeMere. Kathryn graduated with the class of 1934 from Washington High School, Two Rivers. She was a member of First Church of Christ Scientist, Heber Springs, Tampa, Florida. She is survived by her husband, Kenneth E. Notz, Manitowoc; six sons and five daughters-in- law, Michael and Charlotte Notz, Colgate, Wis., Thomas and Cynthia Notz, Appleton, Phillip and Eleanor Notz, Sugar Land Texas, Dean and Bonnie Notz, Manitowoc, Steven Notz, Manitowoc, Kevin and Rose Notz, Ozark, Mo.; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Sharon and Allan Kupsch, Manitowoc, Dawn and Russell LaMaide, Mesa, Ariz., Cathy Notz, Manitowoc; 24 grandchildren, Vicki (Mark) Szerbat, Jay (Denise) Notz, Amy Notz, Troy (Nicole) Notz, Shauna Lee (Dennis) Scharenbroch, Travis Notz, Shana (Travis) Uhlenbrack, Jennifer Notz, Ryan Notz, Timothy Notz, Dena (Dallas) Petri, Jesse (Joanette) Notz, Isaac Notz, Jonathan Notz, Michah Notz, Cavilena Notz, Kimberly Notz, Andrew Notz, James (Brenda) Kupsch, David Kupsch, Susan (Brian) Siehr, Andrea LaMaide, Angela LaMaide, Amanda LaMaide; 12 great-grandchildren, Cassandra, Meaghan, Allison, Stephanie, Zachary Siehr, Selah, Adrielle Szerbat, Tyler, Brittany, Zachery, Ashleigh Notz, Anastasia Scharenbroch; three brothers in law and three sisters-in-law, Howard Richmond, Pensacola, Florida, Walter Franke, Sheboygan, Robert and Mary Notz, Belleville, Ill., Lois Daffner, Two Rivers, Rosamond Notz, Two Rivers; 18 nieces and nephews, other relatives and many friends also survive. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Ellsworth and Roland LeMere; one sister, Winifred Richmond; one grandchild, Debra Kupsch; four sisters-in- law, Lorraine Franke, Nolalee DeRosier, Rose LeMere and Grace Notz; two brothers-in-law, Larry Daffner and Richard DeRosier. Relatives and friends may at the Jens Family Funeral Home from 9:30 a.m. Friday until the time of service at 11:30 a.m. FAMILY How precious are our children, Lord am I deserving of this great award? Six sons and two daughters were our guests, angels who blessed our earthly nest. To add to that grandchildren, 25, Cavilena was one to join our tribe, reflecting wisdom from above, she's only one we definitely watch and love. Twelve great-grandchildren now are here, they truly join what we hold dear, and we like a challenge, don't you seen, which was why, Cathy Mary came to be. Adopted her in 1971, she truly was both work and fun, and now, twenty six years later, how do I rate on earth's generator? Written by Kathryn Notz Herald Times Reporter, November 5, 1998 P. A2 ******** [cremation]
KENNETH E. NOTZ Kenneth E. Notz, age 86, of 2904 S. 19th St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2002 at his residence. Funeral services will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9, 2002 at the Jens Family Funeral Home & Crematory. Officiating will be Kevin Notz. Burial of his cremated remains will take place at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Kenneth was born March 30, 1916 in Manitowoc, son of the late Edward and Mabel Neff Notz. He married the former Kathryn LeMere, July 2, 1940 in Tampa, Fla. She preceded him in death Nov. 3, 1998. Kenneth was employed at the Manitowoc Shipyards as a general foreman for 45 years until his retirement in March 1982. Survivors include six sons and five daughters-in-law: Michael and Charlotte Notz, Colgate, Wis.; Thomas and Cynthia Notz, Appleton; Phillip and Eleanore Notz, Sugar Land, Texas; Dean and Bonnie Notz, Manitowoc; Steven Notz, Manitowoc; Kevin and Kimberly Notz, Rogersville, Mo.; three daughters and two sons-in-law: Sharon and Allan Kupsch, Manitowoc; Dawn and Russell LaMaide, Mesa, Ariz.; Cathy Notz, Manitowoc; 26 grandchildren: Vicki (Mark) Szergat; Jay (Denise) Notz; Amy (Matt) Vosters; Roy (Nicole) Notz; Shauna Lee (Dennis) Scharenbroch; Travis (Laurie) Notz; Shana (Travis) Uhlenbrack; Jennifer (Mark) Richardson; Ryan (Charlotte) Notz; Timothy Notz; Dena (Dallas) Petri; Jesse (Joanette) Notz; Isaac Notz; Jonathan Notz; Micah Notz; Cavilena Notz; Kimberly (Jesse) Marshall; Andrew Notz; James (Brenda) Kupsch; David Kupsch; Susan (Brian) Siehr; Andrea LaMaide; Angela LaMaide; Amanda LaMaide; Jamie Smith; Daly Smith; 22 great-grandchildren: Cassandra, Megan, Allison, Stephanie, Zachary Siehr; Selah, Adrielle and Eden Szerbat; Tyler and Olivia Notz; Brittany Redenius; Zachery and Ashleigh Notz; Anastasia and Athena Scharenbroch; Dawson and Sedona Petri; Damian Sellers; Landon Vosters; Chloe Notz; Ezekiel Notz, Jacob Notz; one brother and sister-in-law: Robert and Mary Notz, Belleville, Ill.; two sisters: Lois Daffner, Two Rivers; and Rosamond Notz, Two Rivers; and one brother- in-law: Howard Richmond, Pensacola, Fla. Other relatives and friends also survive. Kenneth was preceded in death by to sisters: Lorraine Franke and Nolalee DeRosier; and one grandchild: Debra Kupsch. Relatives and friends may call on Friday, Aug. 9, 2002 at Jens Family Funeral Home & Crematory from 3 p.m. until the time of service at 6 pm. E-mail letters of condolence may be sent in care of the Notz family at . The family of Kenneth E. Notz would like to thank the Aurora Hospice and especially Edie, Laurie and Melanie, for their compassion and care of their father. Herald Times Reporter, August 8, 2002 P. A3 ******** [cremation]
EDWARD NOVACHEK Edward Novachek, 64, of Rt. 2, Manitowoc, died Wednesday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church. The Rev. E.A. Radey will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novachek was born Oct. 3, 1895, in the Town of Franklin, Manitowoc County, son of Joseph and the late Rose Rezba Novachek. He married the former Mary Yanda Feb. 10, 1915, at Tisch Mills. The past several years he was employe in the automotive department of J.J. Stangel Hardware Co., Manitowoc. Survivors include the wife, father, a daughter, Mrs. Earl Gates of Two Rivers; a brother, Joseph of Larrabee; five sisters, Mrs. Otto Stouf, Mrs. Wenzel Kanera and Mrs. Harold Karbon of Manitowc, Mrs. Alber Mueller of Larrabee and Mrs. Ed Kane of Green Bay, and three grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Friday where the Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. November 12, 1959 P. 21 ******** [d. 11-11-1959/age 64 yrs.]
MARY NOVACHEK Mrs. Mary Novachek, 74, of 1826-22nd St., Two Rivers, died early Friday evening at the Two Rivers Municipal Hospital Extended Care Unit where she had been a patient the past six weeks. Funeral services will be at 8:30 a.m. Monday at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels and at 9 a.m. at St. Luke Catholic Church, the Rev. Earl Brouchoud officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc. Mrs. Novachek was born Nov. 19, 1893, in the Town of Gibson, a daughter of the late Joe and Catherine Walesh Yanda. She attended district schools. On Feb. 10, 1915, she married Edward Novachek at Tisch Mills. The couple farmed in the Gibson area until 1959 when Mr. Novachek died. She then moved to Two Rivers. She was a member of the St. Luke Altar Society. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Earl Gates, of Two Rivers; a sister, Mrs. Jack Worachek, of Denmark; two brothers, Joseph of Francis Creek and James Yanda of Kewaunee and three great grandchildren. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home where memorial services will be held at 7 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. November 16, 1968 P. 5 ********* [d. 11-15-1968/age 74 yrs./widow of Edward Novachek]
JOHN J. NOVACK John J. Novack, age 79, formerly of 925 S. 26th Street, Manitowoc, died Monday evening, September 12, 2011, at Manitowoc Health & Rehabilitation Center, Manitowoc. He was born on June 1, 1932, in Manitowoc, son of the late Matthew and Hildegard (Tauschek) Novack. John was a graduate of Manitowoc Lincoln High School, Class of 1950. He was a Veteran of the United States Army serving during the Korean Conflict, earning a Bronze Star. On June 7, 1958, he married the former Marjorie Vieweger in Manitowoc. She preceded him in death on November 26, 2004. John was employed with Manitowoc Engineering Company as a Pattern Maker, retiring on June 1, 1987. He was a member of the Pattern Makers' League of North America. John enjoyed spending time with family and friends, members of St. John's United Church of Christ, and pigeon club buddies. Survivors include two daughters: Kathryn Vannieuwenhoven, De Pere; Jean Novack, Lakewood, Colorado; three sons: Thomas Novack; Steven Novack, Houston, Texas; Andrew Novack, Maryland Heights, Missouri; five grandchildren: Erin, Lisa & Amy Vannieuwenhoven; Emily & Kyle Novack; two sisters and brothers-in-law: Laverne and Dick Schleis, Kiel; Lorraine & Leroy Trochil, Manitowoc; and special friend: Darlene Tech, Manitowoc. He was preceded in death by a brother: Leonard Novack and three sisters: Charlotte Reimer, Ann Novack, and Marguerite Felber. It is with regret that John's wish to donate his body to medical science could not be granted. He will be cremated and buried at Evergreen Cemetary. Private services for the immediate family will be held at a later date with the Rev. James Klein officiating. Pfeffer Funeral Home & All-Care Cremation Center, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. John will be remembered for his hearty laugh, thriftiness, strong work ethic, self-reliance, and servant's heart. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, Sept. 15, 2011
MARJORIE ALICE (VIEWAGER) NOVACK Marjorie A. Novack, age 72, of 925 S. 26th St., Manitowoc, died Friday morning, Nov. 26, 2004, at her residence. Marjorie was born Dec. 1, 1931, in Manitowoc, daughter of the late Roland and Emily (Reindl) Vieweger. She was a graduate of Manitowoc Lincoln High School, class of 1950. On June 7, 1958, she married John J. Novack. Survivors include her husband: John Novack, Manitowoc; three sons: Thomas Novack, Manitowoc; Steven Novack, Houston, Texas; and Andrew Novack, Maryland Heights, Mo.; two daughters and a son-in-law: Jean Novack, Lakewood, Colo.; and Kathryn and Glen Vannieuwenhoven, De Pere; five grandchildren: Erin, Lisa and Amy Vannieuwenhoven, De Pere; and Emily and Kyle Novack, town of Two Rivers. Nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends also survive. She was preceded in death by two brothers: Kenneth and Howard Vieweger; and one sister: Dorothy Vieweger. Private family services were held Monday, Nov. 29, 2004, at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service was the Rev. Jim Klein with burial at Evergreen Cemetery. Marjorie will be remembered most for her sense of humor and acts of service toward others. Herald Times Reporter, November 2004
ALVIN NOVAK Alvin H. Novak, 68, of 1617 New York Ave., Manitowoc, died early Sunday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Dale Tutje will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novak was born Aug. 29, 1908, at Manitowoc, son of the late Joseph and Emma Novak. He was reared in the Town of Gibson and married Mary Krajnek June 23, 1931, at Melnik Presbyterian Church, moving to Manitowoc after their marriage. He worked at Pauly and Pauly Cheese Co. as a truck driver for 17 years and was financial secretary-treasurer of Manitowoc Teamsters and Chauffers Union Local 619 from 1943 until his retirement in January of 1968. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church and past elder of the church and a member of Isaak Walton League and Manitowoc Senior Citizens. Survivors include his wife, Mary, two sons, Donald A., of Hammond, La., and Richard E., of Manitowoc; a brother, Lawrence, of Manitowoc; six grandchildren; a great grand-daughter and nieces and nephews. A grandchild preceded him in death. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, State Street Chapel, Manitowoc, from 5 to 9 o’clock this Monday evening and Tuesday at the church from noon until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, November 29, 1976 P.3
ANNA NOVAK (d. 1963) Mrs. Anton Novak (nee Anna Wattawa) died Thursday at home at Ewen, Mich. Funeral services will be at 9:45 a.m. Tuesday at Reedsville Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Reedsville with the Rev. William Koutnik officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Monday at the funeral home where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Two Rivers Reporter, March 8, 1963 P. M-13 ******** [d. at Wakefield Gogebic MI/wife of Anton J. Novak/bur. on Joseph Wattawa lot]
ANTON J. NOVAK Anton Novak Sr., 86, Ewen, died at Ontonagon Memorial Hospital Wednesday morning. Born Feb. 28, 1887 in Czechoslovakia, he came to the United States in 1905 and married the former Anna Wattawa Feb. 16, 1909 at Reedsville, Wis. In 1918 they moved to the Ewen area where he lived since. Mrs. Novak died March 8, 1963. The deceased was a retired farmer. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Ewen. Surviving are three sons, Anton Jr. and James, Ewen and Edward, Reedsville; one daughter, Miss Eleaner at home; five grandchildren; three great grandchildren and one sister in Czechoslovakia. The Brown Funeral Home, Bruce Crossing, will open for visitation at 5 (EDT) today. The parish rosary will be recited at 8 tonight. Funeral services will be held Friday at 8:30 am (EDT) at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Rev. Louis Wren officiating. Immediately following services the remains will be taken to Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, for burial. Ironwood Daily Globe, Thursday, May 31, 1973 page 4 ******* [d. at Ontonagon MI/bur. on Joseph V. Wattawa lot]
BABY NOVAK Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.(private) Novak, of 2118 Rankin St., Manitowoc, who died Tuesday. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. November 14, 1951 P. 2 ******** [bur. 11-14-1951/stillborn/space #278]
CINDY L. NOVAK Cindy L. Novak, 16, of 940 S. Seventh St., Manitowoc, died Friday evening as the result of a car accident. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. John Hephner will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Miss Novak was born July 18, 1956, at Two Rivers, daughter of (private) Novak. She attended St. Boniface Grade School and was a junior at Lincoln High School. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Friends may call at the funeral home from 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and Monday until the time of service. A Memorial service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. November 4, 1972 ******* [bur. on Floyd L. Novak lot-father]
DENOR NOVAK Davis(sic), only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nowak, 311 N. Ninth Street, died Wednesday, one day previous to the day which would have marked the first anniversary of his birth. The child suffered from bronchial trouble. The funeral was held at Sacred Heart Church with interment at Evergreen this morning. Friends will extend sympathy to the bereaved parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Fri., Nov. 4, 1910
EDWARD F. NOVAK Edward F. Novak, 68, of 627 S. 31st St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday, September 10, at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Parkside Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by the Rev. Philip Hoffmann and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novak was born Sept. 16, 1911, at Reedsville, son of the late Anton and Barbara Jerbeck Novak. He was a journeyman painter in Manitowoc and Milwaukee areas, retiring in 1974. He married Evie Schenian Oct. 4, 1946, at Manitowoc. Mr. Novak was a member of Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Unions Locals 449 and 781 and St. Paul Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Evie, a daughter, Jane Klackner of Manitowoc; four brothers and three sisters-in-law, Paul and Stella Novak and Ervin and Helen Novak of Milwuakee and George and Josephine Novak and Tony Novak Jr. of Manitowoc; five sisters and four brothers-in-law, Regina Svacina of Grimms, Blanche and Jerry Scanlon of Green Bay, Mary and Lester Tisler of Reedsville, Millie and Joe Wisner of Menchalville and Betty and Frank Badzinski of Milwaukee, a granddaughter (private) and other relatives and friends. Friends may call at Parkside Funeral Home 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, where a prayer service will be at 7 p.m. by Deacon William Klein. Herald Times Reporter, September 11, 1980 P.3 ************ Funeral services for Edward F. Novak, 68, of 627 S. 31st, Manitowoc, who died Wednesday at Holy Family Hosptial, will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Parkside Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic church, Manitowoc. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by the Rev. Philip Hoffmann and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novak was a veteran serving with the 5th Infantry in the Panama Canal Zone and was a member of Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, Paper Hangers Union Locals 449 and 781. Survivors inadvertently omitted from Thursday's obituary include a brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Victor and Emma Schenian of Route 2, Cato, and a brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Rudy and Geri Hartlaub of Manitowoc. Friends may call at Parkside Funeral Home 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Friday afternoon, where a prayer service will be 7 o'clock by Deacon William Klein. Herald Times Reporter, September 12, 1980 P.3 ********** [husband of Evangeline R. Novak]
ELEANORE L. NOVAK Miss Eleanore Novak, 63, died Sunday morning at Grand View Hospital, where she was admitted Saturday. Born at Reedsville, Wis., Sept. 28, 1914, she came to Ewen as a child with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Anton Novak Sr. She was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Ewen. Surviving are three brothers, Anton Jr. and James, Ewen and Edward, Reedsville. Brown Funeral Home, Bruce Crossing, will open for visitation at 5 pm (EDT) Tuesday and parish prayers will be offered there at 8 pm Tuesday. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 am (EDT) at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with the Rev. David Harris officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Ironwood Daily Globe, Mon., May 15, 1978 page 2 ******** [d. Bessemer, MI/bur. on Joseph V. Wattawa lot]
EMMA NOVAK Mrs. Joseph Novak, 86, of Shady Lane Home, formerly of 844 N. 11th St., Manitwooc, died Monday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gervase Zanotti will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Novak, nee Emma Najemnik, was born Jan. 20, 1884, in Town of Gibson, Manitowoc county, daughter of the late Vaclav and Anna Benda Najemnik. She was married to Joseph Novak Nov. 26, 1907, at Manitowoc. The couple farmed in the Town of Gibson, until 1943, retiring and moving to Manitowoc. Her husband preceded her in death Dec. 28, 1953. Mrs. Novak was a member of the West Minister Circle of the First Presbyterian Church. Survivors include two sons, Alvin H. and Lawrence J. of Manitowoc; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Olson and Mrs. Ann Hanson of Manitowoc; five grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Two sisters and a great grandchild preceded her in death. Friends may call at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, after 4 p.m. Tuesday until noon Wednesday and then at the church until 2 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, October 5, 1970 P.21 ******** [d. 10-05-1970/age 86 yrs./widow of Joseph Novak]
FLOYD L. NOVAK Floyd L. Novak, 51, of 200 Dix Ave., Ormand Beach, Florida, died Tuesday, April 12, 1988 at his home. Funeral services will be 11:30 am Saturday at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Justin Pierce will officiate at the Mass of Christian Burial and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novak was born January 23, 1937 at Mishicot, son of John Novak and the late Marcella Hronek Novak. He grew up and was educated in Manitowoc and for 23 years owned and operated The Manitowoc Checker Cab Company, moving to Florida in 1983. He married Shirley A. Kornely, October 30, 1954 at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Mr. Novak was a member of St. Brendan's Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Shirley, three sons and a daughter-in-law, Rodney and Sue Novak, Brian and Terry Novak, all of Ormand Beach, Florida; his father, John Novak of Manitowoc; his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Louis and Violet Kornely of Mishicot; a brother and sister-in-law, Norbert and Paulette Novak of Manitowoc; a sister and brother-in-law, Alice and Clarence Kusch of Portland, Oregon; three grandchildren, Stacie, Rodney Jr., and Melissa; brothers-in-law; sisters-in-law; nieces; nephews; other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his mother in 1985 and a daughter, Cindy in 1972. Friends may call at Reinbold Pfeffer Urbanek and Schlei Fuenral Home, Manitowoc, 4 pm to 8 pm Friday, where a prayer service will be 7:30 pm by Rev. Justin Pierce. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., Apr. 14, 1988 page 19 ********* [d. at Ormond Beach FL]
FRANK NOVAK S. 20th St. resident Frank Novak has disappeared and police are seeking news of his whereabouts. Der Nord Westen, 11 Dec. 1902 ******* A body has been found in the river and has been identified as that of Joseph(sic) Novak, missing since December last year. Der Nord Westen, 16 Apr. 1903 ******* BELIEVE IT TO BE NOVAK. Relatives of Man Missing Since December Claim Body Taken from River Monday. One shoe and a stocking, the only clothing on the body that was taken from the river Monday, may establish the identity of the dead man. Relatives of Frank Novak, who disappeared from his home last December believe the remains to be those of the missing man, the stocking being of the same as worn by Novak when he disappeared. The general description of the body also corresponds and there seems to be little doubt but that Novak is the unfortunate victim. The condition of the corpse makes it almost impossible to identify it but the family is reasonably certain and will claim the body. Nothing has been heard of Novak since his departure. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 14, 1903 P. 1 ******** From Evergreen cemetery office: The burial register has Frank Novak, age 27, born in Poland, cause of death: drowning, buried 4/16/1903. He is buried in Pottersfield so he's not next to any family members. He is, however, buried next to a Joseph Chapman who also died of drowning & was buried 5/12/1903. Perhaps the newspaper mixed up the names. ******* [cause: drowning]
HELEN NOVAK Mrs. Helen Novak, 59, died Sunday at 4:30 a.m. at the Holy Family hospital. She had been in ill health for the past year. Funeral services will be held at the Pfeffer funeral home Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock with the Rev. W.G. Haase of St. John's Lutheran church of Two Rivers officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Novak, nee Helen Fanslau, was born in Kewaunee county on Nov. 30, 1899. Thirty-seven years ago she married Steve Novak. For the past two years she had made her home in this city. Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Gerhard Glandt, Kewaunee route 1: mother Mrs. August Fanslau, Sr., of Two Rivers; six brothers, Henry, and Reinhold Fanslau of this city, Arthur, Edward, August, Jr., and Albert of Two Rivers; and two grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home to the time of the services Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, September 14, 1942 P. 2 ******** [d. 09-13-1942/age 59 yrs./cause: cerebral hemorrhage]
JOSEPH NOVAK (d. 1953) Joseph Novak, 70, of 844 New York Ave., Manitowoc, died unexpectedly Sunday night, while attending a family reunion and dinner at the home of his son, Alvin, of 1617 New York Ave., Manitwooc. He and his wife had gone to the son's home earlier in the evening and he was playing cards when he complained of feeling ill. He died an hour and a half later of a heart attack. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. Dr. C.H. Phipps will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born in Czechoslovakia in 1883, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jan Novak, and accompanied his parents to Manitowoc. In 1907 he married Miss Emma Najemnik. After residing in Manitowoc for three and half years they moved to the homestead farm in Gibson. The returned to Manitowoc 11 years ago, since which time he was employed by the Eddy Paper Corporation. Survivors are his wife, two sons, Alvin and Lawrence of Manitowoc; two brothers, James and John of Manitowoc; and five grandchildren. Friends may call at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, after 3 p.m. Tuesday. The casket will be moved to the church at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, December 28, 1953 P.23 ********* [d. 12-28-1953/age 70 yrs.]
JOSEPH E. NOVAK (d. 1975) Joseph E. Novak, 78, of 1121 S. 17th St., Manitowoc, died Friday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gerald Schrankler will officiate with burial in Evergeen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Military graveside services will be accorded Mr. Novak by American Legion Drews-Bleser Post No. 88 of Manitowoc. Mr. Novak was born Feb. 4, 1897, at Rockland, son of the late John and Katherine Strouf Novak. He married Rosetta Fischer Aug. 19, 1919, at Reedsville, settling at Manitowoc. Mrs. Novak preceded him in death March 31, 1936. He was employed as a millwright at Red Arrow Grain Elevator from 1920 to 1947 and at Froedtert Malt Corp. of Milwaukee from 1948 until his retirement in 1961. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of Brewery Worker's Union Local No. 9. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Leo (Edith) Kraemer and Mrs. George (Elaine) Woytal, of Manitowoc and Mrs. Donald (Delphine) Bourne, of Minneapolis, Minn.; two brothers, Ralph, of Milwaukee and Anton, of Whitelaw; seven sisters, Mrs. Mary Kaudelka, of Milwaukee, Mrs. Henry Fossbender, of Crandon, Mrs. Rose Boyle, of Deerbrook, Mrs. Julia Stangel, of Antigo and Mrs. Louise Burch, Mrs. Emma Kohout and Mrs. Josephine Kubale, of Reedsville; six grandchildren and four great grand- children. Eight brothers and three sisters preceded him in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Herald Times Reporter, Friday, April 4, 1975 P.12 ******* [d. 04-04-1975/age 78 yrs.]
LAWRENCE J. NOVAK Lawrence J. Novak, age 79, of 1710 Meadowbrook Drive, Manitowoc, died unexpectedly Monday afternoon, August 17, 1998, at his residence. Funeral Services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, August 20, 1998, at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. Roman Zbieranski, O.F.M. with burial to follow in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born March 18, 1919, in the town of Gibson, Manitowoc County, son of the late Joseph and Emma Naejemnik Novak. On May 14, 1940, he married the former Rosemary A. Kanugh, at St. Luke Catholic Church, Two Rivers. The couple celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1990. Lawrence was employed as a foreman by Whitehouse Milk Company for 25 years after which he worked at Manitowoc Engineering until 1982 when he retired. He was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church and was an avid card player. Survivors include his wife, Rosemary, Manitowoc; three daughters and sons-in- law, Jeanette (Jan) and Robert Bently, Whitelaw, Joyce and Robert Ohlhues, Green Bay, Judy and Dennis Kellenbenz, Manitowoc; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary (Alvin) Novak, Manitowoc, nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He is further survived by three brothers-in-law, Gerald Kanugh, Arizona, Joseph and his wife LaVerne Kanugh, Manitowoc, Raymond and his wife Jean Kanugh, Two Rivers; and a sister-in-law, Dolores and her husband Don Finney, Arizona. He was preceded in death by a brother, Alvin and a great-grandson, Craig Dean Ohlhues. Friends may call at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc from 9 a.m. Thursday until the time of service at 10 a.m. There will be no Wednesday evening visitation. The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, August 19, 1998 P. 2
MARY ANN (KRAJNEK) NOVAK Mary A. Novak, age 93, formerly of 1617 New York Ave., Manitowoc, and a resident of Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, died Wednesday evening, Jan. 7, 2004 at Shady Lane. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004 at the First Presbyterian Church, 502 N. Eighth St., Manitowoc. The Rev. Christopher Schwab will officiate with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery. The former Mary Krajnek was born Dec. 20, 1910 in the town of Gibson, Manitowoc County, daughter of the late Edward and Mary Kouba Krajnek. On June 23, 1931, Mary was married to Alvin H. Novak at Melnik Presbyterian Church, Melnik. The couple then moved to Manitowoc and made their home on New York Avenue. Alvin preceded her in death on Nov. 28, 1976. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Manitowoc and a past member of the Board of Deacons of First Presbyterian Church. Mom was a homemaker who enjoyed spoiling her family with her Bohemian baking and cooking skills. She enjoyed her family gatherings, expecially the annual Krajnek family reunion and all holidays when usually a spirited game of sheepshead was enjoyed by all. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law: Donald and Dorothy Novak of Hammond, La.; Richard and Beverly Novak of Manitowoc; one special niece that Mom considered her daughter: Janice Zich of Manitowoc; nine grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; three sisters: Lillian Malach of Green Bay; Libby Taicher of Green Bay; Marcella Krall of Manitowoc; one brother and sister-in-law: Joseph and Olive Krajnek of Maribel; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends survive. She was preceded in death by one grandson: Todd Novak; three sisters: Josephine Lodl; Agnes Pech; Emma Schroeder; one brother: Edward Krajnek; one sister-in-law: Agnes Krajnek; six brothers-in- law: Walter Malach; Benjamin Lodl; Ralph Schroeder; Robert Taicher; Alois Krall; and Quirin Pech. Relatives and frineds may call at the First Presbyterian Chruch on Saturday from 9 a.m. until the time of services at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials would be appreciated for the First Presbyterian Church. The Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home of Manitowoc is serving the Novak family. Mary's family would like to thank Shady Lane Nursing Care Center and all the staff who took such good care of her during her final years. Thank you to all for stopping to visit and keeping Grandma in your prayers. Herald Times Reporter, Jan. 9, 2004
MYRON S. NOVAK The funeral of Myron Novak, five months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak, 1106 South Fourteenth street was held from the home this afternoon (Remainder of article missing.) Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, October 30, 1922 P.8 ******** [bur 10-30-1922/cause: encephalitis]
ROSEMARY A. NOVAK Rosemary A. Novak, 81, a resident of St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc, died Thursday afternoon, Nov. 21, 2002, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. She was born July 4, 1921, in the Town of Two Rivers, Manitowoc County, daughter of the late Joseph and Agnes Adam Kanugh. Rosemary graduated with the Class of 1939 from Washington High School, Two Rivers, where she was a member of the National Honor Society. On May 14, 1940, she married Lawrence J. Novak at St. Luke Catholic Church, Two Rivers. The couple settled in Manitowoc in 1950. He preceded her in death August 17, 1998. Rosemary enjoyed playing cards, loved doing crossword books and was an avid reader. She always looked forward to her daughters and sons-in-law visits along with her grandchildren and greatgrand- children. Survivors include three daughters and sons-in-law, Jeanette (Jan) and Robert Bentley,Clermont, Fla./Whitelaw, Wis.; Joyce and Robert Ohlhues, Green Bay; Judy and Dennis Kellenbenz, Manitowoc; two brothers and a sister-in-law, Gerald Kanugh, Sun Lakes, Ariz.; Joseph and LaVerne Kanugh, Manitowoc; and a sister and brother- in-law, Dolores and Donald Finney, Cottonwood, Ariz. Also surviving are two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Raymond (Jean) Kanugh, Two Rivers; Mrs. Alvin (Mary) Novak, Manitowoc; nine grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. She was also preceded in death by two sisters, Agnes and Adeline; a brother, Raymond; a brother-in-law, Alvin Novak; a sister-in-law, Mary Kanugh; and a great-grandson, Craig Dean Ohlhues. The family will greet relatives and friends at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc, from 9:30 a.m. Monday until the time of service. Funeral Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 25, 2002, at St. Mary Catholic Church, 1114 S. 21st Street, Manitowoc. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be the Rev. Tom Wojciechowski O.F.M. with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The Pfeffer Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Rosemary's family would like to express their gratitude for the special loving care given to their mother. Manitowoc Herald Times Saturday, November 23, 2002 pg. 3
ROSETTA NOVAK NOVAK, Mrs. Joseph-aged 34, Nee Rosetta Fischer. Died at home, 1318 South 10th street, Tuesday afternoon following a lingering illness. Born April 7, 1901 in town of Rockland. Married Joseph Novak in 1919. Survived by widower, three daughters, mother, a brother and a sister. Funeral services Friday 1:30 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home, 2 p.m. from First German Evangelical Lutheran church. Burial in Evergreen. Body at funeral home tonight and until time of services Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, April 1, 1936 P.13 ******* [bur. 4-3-1936/age 34 yrs/cause: chronic nephritis & hypertension/ bur. on Otto C. Kollath lot]
SHIRLEY A. NOVAK Shirley A. Novak, age 76, formerly of Manitowoc, died Sunday Morning, July 13, 2014 at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center in Ormond Beach, FL. The former Shirley A. Kornely was born on June 25, 1938 in Mishicot, daughter of the late Louis and Violet (Reinke) Kornely. She grew up in Mishicot and on October 30, 1954, Shirley was married to Floyd L. Novak at Holy Cross Church in Mishicot. Floyd preceded Shirley in death on April 12, 1988. Shirley worked for many years with Floyd as the Co-Owner of the Manitowoc Checker Cab Co. Shirley enjoyed cooking, baking, going to garage sales and auctions. She especially enjoyed boating and having fun with her family and friends. Survivors include two sons: Brian J. (Teri) Novak, Paris, IL; Terry L. (Linda) Novak, Grand Marsh, WI; one daughter-in-law: Sue Novak, Ormond Beach, FL: five grandchildren: Rodney (Sam) Novak Jr.; Stacie (Kelly) Acrin; Melissa (DW) Smith; Michael (Nancy) Vail; Michele (Jeremy) Huffman; six great grandchildren: Ashlie, Samantha, Taylor, Carter, Trisha, and Trinity; three sisters: Diane, Mickey and Sue; one brother: Ronnie; and a long time friend: Vernon Reed. She was preceded in death by her parents: Louis and Violet Kornely; her husband: Floyd L. Novak; one son: Rodney L. Novak Sr.; and one daughter: Cindy L. Novak. A celebration of Shirley's life will be held at 11:00 a.m., Monday, July 21, 2014 at Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home, 818 State Street, Manitowoc. Rev. William Brunner will officiate with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home on Monday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of service at 11:00 a.m. Online condolences may be expressed at In lieu of flowers the family has asked for memorials to assist with burial. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, July 18, July 20, 2014
TODD MICHAEL NOVAK Todd M. Novak, four-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Novak of 1716 N. Eighth St., Sheboygan, died Sunday morning at the home. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Nickles Funeral Home, Sheboygan. The Rev. Elden Bode will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The youngster was born June 4, 1959. Survivors include the parents, two brothers; a sister (Survivors omitted for privacy.) at home; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt Stanzel of Manitowoc; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Novak of Manitowoc; the paternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krajnik of Cooperstown and Mrs. Joseph Novak of Manitowoc, and the maternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreie of Manitowoc and Mrs. Tille Revolinski of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 o'clock this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 12, 1959 P.15 ******* [d. at Sheboygan WI/bur. on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Novak lot] (son of Richard and Sandra Novak)
FRANK A. NOVITSKI Frank A. Novitski, 91, of 1134 N. 16th Street, Manitowoc, died Tuesday at Holy Family Medical Center. Funeral services will be 10:00 a.m. Thursday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Presiding at the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. Leo J. Schmitt and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. He was born May 14, 1899, in the town of Eaton, Brown County, son of the late Stanley and Elizabeth Krupa Novitski. He married the former Gertrude Mary Zachek January 3, 1931, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The couple celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary in 1991. He attended the Sts. Cyril and Methodius(sic) Parochial and Henrysville rural schools. He was a graduate of the Sevenson Training School, Marinette, Wis., Class of 1917. Also of the Oshkosh State Teachers College Class of 1928 with a degree of B.S. in Education. Also of the Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., with a degree of M.S. Class of 1936. He taught in rural schools in Marinette and Brown counties. He was also a Principle of the State Graded School, Burnett, Wis. He came to Manitowoc in September, 1929, and taught at the Madison Jr. High, Lincoln High School from 1963-1964, and he also taught in the Parochial School Systems at Manitowoc, Holy Innocents Catholic School, St. Paul Catholic School, St. Boniface Catholic School. He also taught at the Silver Lake College. He was a member of the Pi Kappa Delta and the Kappa Delta Pi Fraternities. He was a member of the Holy Innocents Catholic Church where he served as a Mass Server and Usher for many years. He was a member of the 3rd Degree and 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, Manitowoc. He was a past President of the Manitowoc Teachers Association, past President of the Northeastern Wisconsin Teachers Association and the past Faithful Navigator of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. He also served on the Manitowoc Board of Health. Survivors include his wife, Gertrude; a son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Frank and Joan Novitski of Green Bay; two granddaughters, Kathy of Appleton and Paula of White Bear Lake, Minn.; a grandson, Frank of Park City, Utah; two great granddaughters, Rachel and Allison, and one great grandson, Scott; a brother, Frank Nowicki (sic) of Green Bay; five sisters, Rose Contney of Milwaukee, Verna Jung of Chicago, Helen Pravachek of Mishicot, Pauline Rank of Green Bay, Lorraine Sevcik of Kewaunee. He was preceded in death by three brothers, John, Rufus and Andrew, a sister, Mae Polasik. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home from 4-8 p.m. on Wednesday with a prayer service Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. by Deacon Don Gigure. Herald Times Reporter, April 17, 1991 P. B8 ********** [husband of Gertrude Novitski]
GERTRUDE M. NOVITSKI Gertrude M. Novitski, age 88, a St. Mary's Home resident, died Saturday evening, December 25, 1993, at St. Mary's Home. Private Family funeral services were held 7 p.m. Monday, December 27, 1993, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service was Rev. David Ruby with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. A Memorial Mass will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, January 8, 1994, at Holy Innocents Religious Education Center Chapel, Manitowoc. She was born February 24, 1905, at Ladysmith, Wis., daughter of the late Frank and Louise Haasl Zachek. She was a graduate of Eau Claire State Teachers College. She married Frank A. Novitski January 3, 1931, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Manitowoc. He preceded her in death April 16, 1991. Mrs. Novitski was an elementary teacher in both the public and parochial school system for many years until her retirement. She was a member of Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Holy Innocents Altar Society, Catholic Women's Club and the NEA. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Frank and Joan Novitski, Green Bay; two granddaughters, Kathy, Appleton, Paula, Pine Spring, Minn.; one grandson, Frank, Park City, Utah; two great granddaughters, Rachel, Appleton, Allison, Pine Spring, Minn.; one great grandson, Scott, Pine Spring, Minn.; one sister, Vera Stangel, N. Fort Myers, Fla. She was also preceded in death by one sister, Billie Napp. Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with arrangements. A special "Thank You" to the St. Mary's Home for their care. Herald Times Reporter, December 28, 1993 P. A2
JOSEPH NOVOTNY (b. 1880) Joseph Novotny, 85, of 527 N. 10th St., Manitowoc, died Monday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a short illness. Funeral services will be 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc and 9 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Claude LeClair officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novotny was born in Czechoslovakia and came to the U.S. as a youth. He farmed in Manitowoc County until about 15 years ago, when he became a resident of Manitowoc. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, Ninth Street entrance. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 13, 1964 P. 13 ******** [d. Jan. 13, 1964/age 83 yrs./bur. on Mrs. Marion Novotny lot] (b. 30 Aug. 1880/d. Jan. 1964/SSDI)
JOSEPH E. NOVOTNY (b. 1914) Joseph E. Novotny, 50, of 434 N. 10th St., Manitowoc, died at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc., Saturday evening after suffering a heart attack. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. Claude LeClair officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novotny was born July 24, 1914, at Grimms, son of the late Louis and Anna Mangin Novotny. He moved to Manitowoc in his youth and was a machinist at the shipyards. He married Marion Duchon May 2, 1942, at Manitowoc. Surviving are the wife, two sons, Pvt. Joseph R. Novotny, of Fort Knox, Ky., and Leroy, at home, two daughters, Jeanne and Christine, at home, a brother, Paul, of Phoenix, Ariz., and three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Bryzinski, of West Allis, and Mrs. Ray Wilda and Miss Mary Novotny, of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home where the Rosary will be recited at 8 o’clock this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 23, 1964 P. 10
LEROY NOVOTNY LeRoy P. Novotny, age 65, of Manitowoc, died unexpectedly on Wednesday, March 23, 2011, at Holy Family Memorial Medical center. LeRoy was born on May 31, 1945, in Manitowoc, son of the late Joseph E. and Marion (Duchon) Novotny. He served in the U.S. Army. He attended schools in Manitowoc and gradated with the class of 1964 from Lincoln High School. LeRoy was employed at Manitowoc Engineering as a machinist for many years until his retirement. He especially enjoyed fishing and attending his grandchildren’s sporting events and school activities. (Survivors omitted for privacy) He was preceded in death by his parents. A service of comfort will be held at 11:15 a.m. on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, at the Reinbold and Pfeffer Family Funeral Home, 818 State St., Manitowoc. The Rev. Robert Kujawski will officiate. Burial will take place at a later date at Evergreen Cemetery. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday from 9 a.m. until the time of service at 11:15 a.m. Online condolences may be sent to Herald Times Reporter, March 26, 2011
MARION NOVOTNY Marion Novotny, age 91, of 434 N. 10th St., Manitowoc, passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009, at her residence. Marion was born on Sept. 29, 1918, in the Town of Kossuth, daughter of the late Frank and Mary (Pech) Duchon. She married Joseph E. Novotny on May 2, 1942, at St. Boniface Catholic Church. He preceded her in death on Nov. 21, 1964. She and her husband owned and operated Novotny's Bait and Tackle Shop. Marion worked and retired from Mirro after 18 years. She was a loving mother and homemaker. Marion enjoyed gardening, canning, cooking, bird watching, and spending time with her family. She will be sadly missed by her children. Survivors include her four children: Joseph R. (Deanna) Novotny, Two Rivers; LeRoy P. Novotny, Manitowoc; Jeanne M. Brown, Manitowoc; Christine M. (Louis) Colombarini, Dowelltown, Tenn.; five grandchildren: William (Allison) Brown, Moncks Corner, S.C.; Mark (Julie) Novotny, Whitelaw; Christopher Novotny, Milwaukee; John Novotny and his fiancée, Lisa, Two Rivers; Josiah Novotny, Two Rivers; six great-grandchildren: (private). Nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends also survive. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joseph; one granddaughter; four sisters and three brothers. A memorial service will be held at 11:15 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 11, 2009, at the Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Home, 818 State St., Manitowoc. The Rev. Richard Klingeisen will officiate. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home from 9 a.m. until the time of service at 11:15 a.m. Burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery. A special heartfelt thank you to Holy Family Memorial Hospice for their kindness and compassion during this difficult time. Also, grateful thanks to her family and many friends for their thoughts, prayers, and never ending support. Herald Times Reporter, Dec. 7, 2009
WENDY ANN NOVOTNY Private funeral services for Wendy Ann Novotny, infant daughter of (private) Novotny, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, who was born Saturday and died Sunday afternoon at Two Rivers Community Hospital, will be Tuesday afternoon at Schneider- Mittnacht Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Cletus Kramer will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Survivors include her parents, paternal grandmother (private), of Manitowoc and maternal grandparents, (private), of Shawano. Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc, Wis. March 3, 1975 P. 3 ******** [age 21 hours/dau. of (private) Novotny/space #396]
ALVINA S. NOVY Alvina Novy, age 108, died Tuesday morning, December 7, 1993 at the North Ridge Care Center, Manitowoc but previously resided with her son Bernard Novy at 1021 N. 16th St., Manitowoc until June, 1993. Funeral Services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home. The Rev. David Ruby will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. She was born December 29, 1884, in Kellnersville, daughter to the late Thomas and Mary Herlik Skarvan. She married Anton Novy on June 11, 1907. He preceded her in death January 18, 1966. She was a member of Holy Innocents Catholic Church. She was a very avid gardener and enjoyed playing the organ up until just three years ago. Survivors include two sons and one daughter-in-law, Bernard Novy, Manitowoc, Anton G. and Molly Novy, Woodstock, Ill.; one daughter and son-in-law, Alvina and Harry Yelvington, Milwaukee; six grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren; along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends surviving. She is also preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters. Friends may call at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home from 10 a.m. Thursday until the time of services at 11 a.m. Herald Times Reporter, December 7, 1993 P. A2 ******** [widow of Anton F. Novy]
ANTON F. NOVY Anton F. Novy Is Dead at 81 Anton F. Novy, Sr., 81, of 1021 No. 16th St., a crusader for conservation for almost half a century, died Tuesday at Holy Family Hospital after a brief illness. Mr. Novy was the first committeeman to serve Manitowoc County on the initial Wisconsin Conservation Congress. He was a member for 16 years. A charter member of Manitowoc Chapter of Izaak Walton League, Mr. Novy was also a member of Manitowoc County Fish and Game Protective Assn. for 48 years. He served as president of both groups as well as serving on committees and holding other offices. He had been a member of the City of Manitowoc Zoological Board. Pioneered Project The Fish and Game group had planned to honor Mr. Novy at a meeting Thursday night at Muench Hall, Alverno. They will assemble instead at the funeral home at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Novy was born Feb. 27, 1884, in the Town of Kossuth, son of the late Joseph and Marie Schultz Novy, and was educated in Manitowoc County. He married Alvina Skarvan at Milwaukee June 11, 19007, and the couple came to Manitowoc in 1915. They observed in the golden anniversary of their wedding in 1957. Mr. Novy was employed 24 years as a garage foreman for Wisconsin Public Service Corp., retiring July 1, 1952. After this he devoted considerable time to conservation projects, appearing at Madison during hearings on conservation bills. In 1953, he pioneered a wood duck house project in Wisconsin for Izaak Walton. He was a deputy sheriff for many years and a member of Manitowoc County Sheriff and Deputies Assn. Funeral Friday Survivors include his wife, two sons, Bernard of Manitowoc and Anton G. Jr., of Woodstock, Ill., a daughter, Mrs. Alvina Yelvington, of Milwaukee, six grand- children and six great grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, the Rev. E. A. Radey officiating, and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Thursday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home where the Rosary will be prayed at 7:30 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 19, 1966 P. 18
BERNARD F. NOVY Bernard F. Novy, age 99, of 1511 Dewey St., Manitowoc, died on Friday, Aug. 29, 2008, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Bernard was born on Aug. 18, 1909, in Milwaukee, son of the late Anton and Alvina (Skravan) Novy. He was a graduate of Lincoln High School in Manitowoc and attended University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. In 1946, he married the former Elsie Eisner, and she preceded him in death on June 12, 1955. He then married the former Dorothy Tomczyk of Green Bay, and she also preceded him in death on April 17, 1988. Bernard was a sheet metal worker at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company, retiring in 1980. He was a member of Northeast Wisconsin Archaeology Society and Manitowoc County Historical Society. Bernard was a leader in the archery movement and served many years as a recreation department instructor in the sport and organized the first archery club in Manitowoc. He was one of the first archery fisherman and an avid scuba diver. Bernard was the moving force on the old Whitewater Races in the Manitowoc River for many years. Survivors include a brother: Anton Novy, Woodstock, Ill. Nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends also survive. He was preceded in death by a sister and brother-in-law: Alvina and Harry Velvington; and a sister-in-law: Molly Novy. A family service will be held at 1 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 8, 2008, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Manitowoc, with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The family will greet relatives and friends at The Pfeffer Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Manitowoc, from noon on Monday, Sept. 8, 2008, until the time of the family service at 1 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, Sept. 5, 2008
DANIEL J. NOVY Daniel J. Novy, 46, of 931 N. 12th St., Manitowoc, died Saturday at Theda Clark Hospital, Neenah. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Leo Schmitt will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novy was born Oct. 14, 1924, at Manitowoc, son of the late Henry Novy and Mrs. Helen Zahorik Novy. He married Geraldine Bauer Oct. 24, 1946, at Manitowoc. He had been employed as a welder for the Combustion Engineers Inc., of Windsor, Conn. Mr. Novy was a member of Local No. 107 of Milwaukee and the ZCBJ Lodge of Manitowoc. Survivors include his wife, a son, a daughter (Survivors omitted for privacy.), his mother, Mrs. Henry Novy, of Manitowoc and a sister, Mrs. Curtis Lemke, of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Monday afternoon where a Memorial service will be held at 8 o'clock. The casket will remain closed. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. June 28, 1971 ******* [d. 06-26-1971 at Neenah WI/age 46 yrs./husband of Geraldine Novy] (14 Oct 1924/Jun 1971/SSDI)
DELILA NOVY Delila M. Novy, 85, Mt. Carmel, died June 3, 1996 at Wabash General Hospital. She was born April 8, in Maud, Okla., the daughter of Dave Crockett and Rosa Ozella (Ashby) Clements. She was married to the late Emanuel Novy. Mrs. Novy was a member of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Eastern Star. Survivors include a brother, Raymond Clements of Oklahoma City, Okla., a sister, Louis Stence of Mt. Carmel; several nieces and nephews, including Glenda and Leon Raber of Albion and Reuben and Gracie Stence of Ft. Branch, Ind. Services will be held at 7 pm tomorrow (Wednesday) from the Chapel of Short Funeral Home with burial in Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc, Wisc. Daily Republican Register, Mt. Carmel, IL Tues., June 4, 1996 page 8 ******** [d. at Mt. Carmel IL/widow of Emanuel Novy]
ELLA M. NOVY Mrs. Frank Novy, 44, of 322 North 14th street, died Monday afternoon at the Holy Family hospital, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home, and at 9 o’clock from the Holy Innocents church, the Rev. E.A. Radey officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Novy, nee Ella Shimon, was born in Cooperstown in 1897 and in 1920 was married to Frank Novy. They located in Franklin, where Mr. Novy operated a cheese factory. In 1927 they came to this city. Survivors are the widower; daughter, Janice, of this city; son, Lester of this city; father, Wencel Shimon of Manitowoc Rapids; five brothers, Albert, George, John, Edward, and Victor; seven sisters, Mrs. Viola Petska, Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs. Blanche Herman, Mrs. Anna Chrisman, Mrs. Yarmilla Fuller, Mrs. Helen Wichouske, Miss Vlasta Shimon. Mrs. Novy was a member of the Rosary society of the congregation. The members will meet at the funeral home tonight at 6:30 to recite the rosary. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 23, 1941 P. 2 ******* Mrs. Frank Novy, 44, 922 N. 14th St., died Monday, December 22 at the Holy Family hospital and funeral services were held last Friday morning at Holy Innocents church. She is survived by her husband, daughter, son, father, Wencil Shimon, Rapids, five brothers and seven sisters. Manitowoc Sun Messenger, Wednesday, December 31, 1941 P.6 ******* [d. 12-24-1941/age 44 yrs./cause: cardiac decompensation/ bur. on Frank Novy lot]
ELSIE NOVY Mrs. Bernard Novy, 49, of 1511 Dewey St., Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a short illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Mittnacht Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Vernon Anderson officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Novy, the former Elsie Eisner, was born June 1, 1917, at Sheboygan, daughter of Robert Sr., and Elsie Meyer Eisner. In 1920 she moved to Manitowoc with the family. She attended Madison School and Woodrow Wilson Junior High School and was graduated in 1935 from Lincoln High School, Manitowoc. She was also graduated from the Infant Nursing School of Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. She was employed at Chicago for four years before being employed at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co. and later Manitowoc Engineering Co. where she worked until her recent illness. She was married to Bernard Novy Dec. 15, 1944, and the couple resided at Manitowoc. She was a member of First Lutheran Church. Survivors are the husband, parents, two brothers, Robert Eisner Jr. and William Eisner, and two nieces and three nephews of Manitowoc. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. The casket will remain closed. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 13, 1966 P. 11 ******** [d. 6-12-1966/age 49 yrs/wife of Bernard F. Novy]
EMANUEL F. NOVY Emanuel F. Novy, 60, a former Manitowoc resident, died Thursday at LaPlace, La., following a brief illness. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gervase Zanotti will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novy was born Oct. 8, 1912, at Manitowoc, son of the late John and Emma Simanek Novy. He was employed at Wuellner Advertising, Manitowoc, prior to his marriage to Delila M. Clements in 1943 at Manitowoc. He was also employed in Texas and Oklahoma in the oil fields and also worked in California for the Shell Oil Company. Following his employment in California he was transferred to LaPlace, La., where he was No. 1 Mechanic. Mr. Novy was a member of the Z.C.B.J. Lodge since 1935. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc-Two Rivers, Wis. July 14, 1973 ********** [d. 07-12-1973 at Metairie LA/age 60 yrs.]
EMMA NOVY (d. 1937) NOVY, Mrs. Emma—Age 48, Died Tuesday morning at home, 214 North Sixth street. Born Emma Simanek Nov. 16, 1888, in Gibson. Husband, John Novy, died in 1916. Survived by daughter, three sons, father and sister. Funeral Thursday 2 p.m. Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Burial Evergreen. Body at funeral Manitowoc Herald Times, January 14, 1937 P. 11 ******** [bur. 01-14-1937/age 52 yrs./cause: lobar pneumonia/bur. on Emanuel Novy lot] ******** MRS NOVY GETS AWARD Mrs. Novy, widow of the late John Novy, has been given an award of $3000 against the local Gas Company because of the death of her husband while in the employ of the Company. The circumstances of his death caused a lot of comment last September. A minute piece of steel, thought to have been a splinter from a blacksmith hammer pierced his abdomen and the fact was unknown to him for a half hour. He then fainted and died after two operations. He was about his employer's business when injured and a good case was apparent under the Workmen's Act but the Liability Company in which the Gas Co. is insured contested the matter. Hearings were held before the Industrial Commission in January. The award gives Mrs. Novy $1431 cash and $40.50 per month until all payments total $3000. Hougen and Brady were the attorney for Mrs. Novy and Nash & Nash for the Gas Company. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Mar. 8, 1917
EMMA NOVY (d. 1961) Miss Emma Novy, 82, of 1514 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc, died early Friday morning, died early Friday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, after a lingering illness. She had been a patient at the hospital since June 4, 1959. Funeral services will be at 8:15 a.m. Monday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, and at 9 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. E.A. Radey officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Miss Novy was born Dec. 8, 1878, in the Town of Kossuth, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Schultz Novy. She attended St. Joseph Catholic School, Kellners- ville, and was a seamstress in her earlier years. In 1924 she came to Manitowoc and was employed as a housekeeper for Mrs. Walter Hamilton until her retirement in 1958. She then resided with a nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Kliment, until her hospitalization. She was a member of the Rosary Society of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Survivors include a brother, Anton F. of Manitowoc; a sister, Mrs. Katherine Rockey of Culver City, Calif., and several nephews and nieces. Three sisters and three brothers preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday where the Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 27, 1961 P. 17 ******** [d. 10-27-1961/age 82 yrs.]
FRANK E. NOVY Funeral services for Frank E. Novy, 71, of 851 S. 26th St., Manitowoc, who died Friday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Very Rev. Clement Kern will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Novy was born March 18, 1897, in the Town of Franklin, Manitowoc County, son of the late Joseph and Catherine Oswald Novy. He married Ella Shimon April 20, 1920, and she died Dec. 22, 1941. He married Hattie Langer Feb. 19, 1944, and she died Nov. 9, 1963. On July 16, 1964, he married Viola Bottoni. Mr. Novy worked in the shipping department of the J.J. Stangel Hardware Co., Manitowoc, retiring in 1961. He belonged to the Senior Citizens and the Over 60 Group of Manitowoc. Survivors include the wife; a son, Lester, of Manitowoc; a daughter, Mrs. Jule Zipperer of Rt. 2, Manitowoc; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Dennis DeWane of Waukesha; three stepsons, Paul Bottoni of Rock Island, Ill., and Phillip and Lloyd of Manitowoc; three brothers, Joseph and Arthur of California, and Victor of Branch; four sisters, Mrs. James Shebesta of California, Mrs. Robert Petska of Kellnersville, Mrs. Emma Sauer of Manitowoc and Mrs. Adolph Schenian of Francis Creek; 10 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. A sister preceded him ni death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday where at 7 p.m. the Rosary will be recited. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 18, 1968 P. 8
GERALDINE A. NOVY Geraldine D. Novy, 65, of 931 N. 12th Street, Manitowoc, died Monday, October 31, 1988, at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Milwaukee. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Pfeffer Fumeral Home and 10 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Jeff VandenHuevel with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Novy was born January 8, 1923, at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, daughter of the late John and Clara Bauer. She married Daniel Novy on October 24, 1946, in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. He preceded her in death June 26, 1971. Mrs. Novy was employed at Holy Family Medical Center. She was a member of Holy Innocents Parish, Christian women of Holy Innocents, Wisconsin Bowling Association, WIBC and the WBA 606 Club. Survivors include a son, Thomas Novy of Texas; a daughter, Barbara Novy of Milwaukee, a sister and brother-in-law, Thelma and Quirin Lensmire of Manitowoc; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Rosemary Lemke of Green Bay; her mother-in-law, Helen Novy of Manitowoc; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends survive. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday. Prayer Service will be held at 7 p.m. led by Deacon Paul Kieffer. ******** [d. at Milwaukee WI/widow of Daniel Novy]
HATTIE NOVY Mrs. Frank Novy, 57, of 1118 N. 12th St., Manitowoc, died early Saturday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where she had been a patient for the last two days. Funeral services will be 9 a.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, and 9:30 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, the Rev. E. A. Radey officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Novy was born Hattie Langer Oct. 31, 1906 , in the Town of Carlton, Kewaunee County, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Chermak Lange and the late Frank Langer Sr. She was married to Frank Novy Feb. 19, 1944, at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The couple settled at Manitowoc. She was a member of Christian Mothers Altar Society of Holy Innocents Catholic Church and the Golden Agers. Survivors include her husband, mother and a son Lester Novy of Manitowoc; a daughter, Mrs. Jule Zipperer of Rt. 2, Manitowoc; a sister, Mrs. Charles Bouril of Manitowoc; five brothers, Frank and Edward of Two Rivers, Joseph of Tucson, Ariz., William of Norman and Raymond of Manitowoc and three grandchildren. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home where the Rosary will be recited at 4:30 p.m. by members of the parish, Christian Mothers Altar Society, and Knights of Columbus Council. Two Rivers Reporter, November 9, 1963 P. M-11 ******** [d. 11-09-1963/age 57 yrs./wife (2) of Frank Novy]
JOHN NOVY (d. 1916) JOHN NOVY, GAS CO. EMPLOYEE VICTIM OF UNUSUAL ACCIDENT THAT NEARLY COSTS HIM HIS LIFE Piece of Steel From Hammer Penetrates Abdomen and Severs Blood Vessel and Half Hour Later is Overcome—Rushed to Hospital For operation and Life May Be Saved. A victim of one of the most unusual accidents of which medical men of the city have any record, Joseph Novy, employed as a teamster by the Manitowoc Gas company, is at the hospital with fair chances for recovery, though at one time his life was despaired of. A blood vessel in the abdomen was severed by a small piece of steel which was thrown from a hammer and though Novy experienced a sharp pain when the steel penetrated his body, he did not know that he had been injured until some time later when he was overcome by faintness. He was rushed to the hospital where physicians found that a blood vessel one half inch from the stomach had been severed and the man was bleeding internally. An operation was immediately undertaken and reports today are that Novy will survive. Novy had visited the offices of Dr. Rank on Jay street to have a sick horse cared for and while there had entered the blacksmith shop to inquire for the veterinarian. While Novy was engaged in conversation with the blacksmith who was using a heavy hammer, Novy experienced a sharp pain in the abdomen but it was only for an instant and he paid no heed to it. After his mission had been completed Novy drove away with his horse and was on York street when he was overcome by faintness and had to be taken to the offices of Dr. Gleason. Examination by the physician revealed a small perforation in the skin of the abdomen and it was found that the man was bleeding internally. He was rushed to the hospital and when physicians probed the wound it was found that a blood vessel had been severed. An operation was performed and it was said by physicians that unless infection set in Novy would recover. There was no indication of the injury on Novy’s body, the perforation being small and having bled but little externally. Novy was unable to explain how he suffered the injury but remarked about the pain he had experienced while at the Rank shop and investigation there showed that a small bit of steel had been chipped from the hammer and it was this that had entered the abdomen and severed the blood vessel. The steel had cut through Novy’s clothing and flesh and imbedded itself far into the body. Fortunately the steel did not strike the wall of the stomach. Novy is 35 years of age and has been employed by the gas company for some time as a teamster. He is married and resides on N. Eleventh street. It is not believed that his injury will prove serious. A question as to liability for the incident may arise, however. The gas company carries insurance on all its employes and Novy was engaged in work for the company at the ______ receive compensation with ____ Whether..(remaining 3-4 lines too dark to read)… Manitowoc Daily Herald, September 6, 1916 P. 1 ******* FIND BIT OF STEEL AS BIG AS HALF PEA IN NOVY’S INTESTINES Drs. Gleason and Patchen Complete Post Mortem on Body of Man who Was Victim of Peculiar Accident That the death of John Novy was caused by a bit of steel chipped from a hammer was definitely established today when Drs. C. M. Gleason and C. W. Patchen completed a post mortem examination on the body at the hospital. A piece of steel, the size of half a pea, was found imbedded in one of the intestines. Several x-ray photographs had to be taken before the death-dealing bit of metal was located. The unusual feature in the case is that though the steel was imbedded in the intestine, the organ had not been broken and no peritonitis had been seen which was a condition to have been expected under the circumstances. The steel had entered the body in the abdomen and was not found at the time of the original operation. A number of other physicians attended the post mortem. Manitowoc Daily Herald, September 13, 1916 P. 1 ******** John Novy, whose peculiar accident was reported last week, died late Monday night at the Holy Family Hospital. Novy was injured by a small splinter of steel from a blacksmith's hammer penetrating his abdomen. He did not know he was injured for some time after the accident. Later the same day, he was operated upon and the report given out that he could soon be about, in the absence of infection. He grew steadily worse, however, and a second operation was performed Monday night. He died shortly after being removed to his bed from the table. Mr. Novy was born at Kellnersville 35 years ago. He had been employed in the city since he was a boy. He is survived by his wife and five small children. He is also survived by an aged mother and three brothers, Joseph, Wenzel and Anton, all of this city and also five sisters, Mrs. W.M. Sladkey of this city, Mrs. Frank Pfeffer of Wayside, Mrs. Joseph Kliment of Melnik, Mrs. Stephen Rockey of this city and Miss Emma Novy of Melnik. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Frank Shimonek, 424 North Tenth Street. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Sept. 14, 1916 ******** NOVY FUNERAL TO BE HELD FROM THE FRANK SIMANEK HOME The funeral of the late John Novy, whose death occurred at the hospital Monday night as result of an accident, will be held from the home of Frank Simanek, 424 North Tenth street, tomorrow afternoon, instead of from the Novy home as announced. The body was removed to the Simanek home today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, September 13, 1916 P. 1 ********* [bur. 09-14-1916/cause: embolism of heart/bur. on Frank Simonek lot] ********* MRS NOVY GETS AWARD Mrs. Novy, widow of the late John Novy, has been given an award of $3000 against the local Gas Company because of the death of her husband while in the employ of the Company. The circumstances of his death caused a lot of comment last September. A minute piece of steel, thought to have been a splinter from a blacksmith hammer pierced his abdomen and the fact was unknown to him for a half hour. He then fainted and died after two operations. He was about his employer's business when injured and a good case was apparent under the Workmen's Act but the Liability Company in which the Gas Co. is insured contested the matter. Hearings were held before the Industrial Commission in January. The award gives Mrs. Novy $1431 cash and $40.50 per month until all payments total $3000. Hougen and Brady were the attorney for Mrs. Novy and Nash & Nash for the Gas Company. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Mar. 8, 1917
JOHN NOVY JR. (d. 1930) PNEUMONIA IS FATAL TO YOUNG STUDENT HERE A cold contracted about two weeks ago and later developing into pneumonia yesterday afternoon at the Holy Family hospital claimed the life of John Novy, Jr., 14 year old Madison school student. The youth was taken to the hospital last Friday after he had been forced to withdraw from his classes on the previous day. Born in Manitowoc on August 2, 1916, the youth spent his entire life in Manitowoc. When he was five weeks of age his father died and his immediate survivors are his mother, Mrs. Emma Novy, two brothers, Reuben and Emanuel, a half-brother, Ernest Graycarek, all of this city, and a half-sister, Mrs. Henry Carrall of Milwaukee. The body is at the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei mortuary and will be in state after a (sic) o'clock tomorrow afternoon so that friends may view it up until the time of the funeral. Funeral services will be held fro mtime (sic) mortuary at 2 o'clock. The Madison school glee club will present several numbers at the funeral on Saturday afternoon with Rev. Phipps officiating. Interment will take place at Evergreen. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, October 23, 1930 P.2 ********** [bur. 10-25-1930/age 14 yrs/cause: pneumonia/ bur. on Mrs. John Marek lot]
LESTER E. NOVY Lester E. Novy, age 69, formerly of 2714 Clark St., Manitowoc, who currently was residing at Little Sturgeon Bay, Wis., died Saturday morning, August 21, 1993, at his residence. Funeral Services will be 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, August 24, 1993, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. Ronald Reimer with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born October 8, 1923, at Polifka Corners, Manitowoc County, son of the late Frank and Ella Shimon Novy. He graduated with the Class of 1942 from Lincoln High School, Manitowoc. Mr. Novy served with the United States Army during World War II. He married the former Mary Ann Barbeau June 29, 1946, at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. She preceded him in death February 26, 1980. Mr. Novy lived in Manitowoc until 1968 when he moved to Apopka, Fla., for winters and Little Sturgeon Bay, Wis., for summers. He had been employed by Hamilton Industries of two Rivers and also by the City of Manitowoc Board of Education until his retirement in 1986. He was a member of Manitowoc Eagles Aerie No. 706. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Steven and Debbie Novy, rural Manitowoc; a daughter and son-in-law, Christine and William Boeder, Manitowoc; three grandchildren, Chad and Seth Boeder, and Jon Hack; a sister and brother-in-law, Janice and Jule Zipperer, Branch, and a special friend, Joyce Werner, Hartford, Wis. He was also preceded in death by two grandchildren. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home from 5-8 p.m. this Monday where a prayer service will be held at 7:30 p.m. by Deacon William Klein. Herald Times Reporter, August 23, 1993 P. A2 ********* [d. at Gardner WI/widower of Mary Ann Novy]
MARY NOVY Mrs. Lester (Mary Ann) Novy, 53, of 2714 Clark St., Manitowoc, died late Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 26, at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 11 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Philip Hoffmann will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Novy, nee Mary Ann Barbeau, was born June 26, 1926, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late John and Eilizabeth (sic) Richmond Barbeau. She resided at Manitowoc all her life, attended St. Boniface Parochial School and was graduated from Lincoln High School with the Class of 1944. She was married to Lester E. Novy June 29, 1946, at St. Boniface Church. She had been employed with Manitowoc Board of Education as a secretary at Woodrow Wilson Jr. High School for 14 years and was a member of Manitowoc-Two Rivers Business and Professional Women's Club, Masquers and St. Paul Church Choir. Survivors include her husband, Lester E., a son, Steven at home and a daughter and son-in-law, Christine and William Boeder of Manitowoc; two brothers, Mark of Milbrae, Calif., and Robert of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. John (Lila) Spjut of Ypsilanti, Mich., and Mrs. Warren (Elizabeth) Gamble and Mrs. Max (Maxine) Mrotek of Manitowoc and two grandchildren (private). Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, where a prayer service will be at 8 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, February 27, 1980 P.3 ******** [wife of Lester E. Novy]
RUBEN NOVY Ruben Novy, 48, of Torrence, Calif, died in that city Thursday following a short illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Gervase Zanotti officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Novy was born Dec. 1, 1914, at Manitowoc, son of the late John and Emma Simanek Novy. He was employed at Columbia Steel Co. at Torrance and prior to then was on the steamship Charles C. West out of Manitowoc. Survivors include a brother, Emanuel, of Torrance and a half-brother, Ernst Graycarek, and a niece and two nephews of Manitowoc. A brother, John and a sister, Lucille, preceded him in death. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home Ninth Street entrance. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 2, 1963 P. 14 ******* [d. 02-01-1963 at Torrance L.A. CA/age 48 yrs./bur. on Emanuel Novy lot]
VIOLA BOTTONI NOVY Viola Bottoni Novy, 87, a Manitowoc resident, died Friday morning, Oct. 28, at Park Lawn Nursing Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Philip Hoffmann will officiate at the Mass of Christian Burial and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Novy, nee Viola Zimmer, was born June 28, 1896(sic), in the Town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County, daughter of the late George and Louise Wagner Zimmer. She moved to Manitowoc in 1948 residing here since. Mrs. Novy was a charter member of Manitowoc Senior Citizens. She was married to Andrew Bottoni, Feb. 1, 1913, at Manitowoc County. He preceded her in death June 29, 1958. She then married Frank Novy, July 16, 1964, at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc. He preceded her in death May 18, 1969. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Paul and Helen Bottoni of Rock Island, Ill. and Lloyd and Lorraine Bottoni of Manitowoc; a daughter, Beatrice Dewane of Waukesha; a stepson, Lester Novy of Manitowoc; a daughter-in-law, Ethel Bottoni of Manitowoc; three brothers, Elmer, Erwin and Raymond Zimmer all of Two Rivers, a sister, Mrs. Ione Ballard of Tisch Mills; six grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren and a great great grandchild. She was preceded in death by a son, Philip, three brothers, three sisters, a daughter and a grandaughter, Frances Bottoni. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, where a prayer service will be at 8 p.m. by Deacon William Klein. Herald Times Reporter, October 28, 1983 P. 3
HUGH S. NULL Hugh Null, 73, of 7941 Birchdale Ave., Elmwood Park, Ill., died Wednesday morning at his home. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Alfred Nimz officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Null was born Aug. 3, 1886, at Bates City, Mo., son of the late Samuel and Virginia West Null. He married the former Ella Engel Dec. 10, 1910, at Minneapolis, Minn. The couple moved to Elmwood Park 20 years ago where Mr. Null was employed as a supervisor and instructor for the Western Union Telegraph Co. He was a member of Austin Masonic Lodge No. 850. Survivors include his wife, a son, Hugh of Elmwood Park; two brothers, Leslie and Elmo; two sisters, Katherine Riley and Virgle Hook and two grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Thursday. Members of the Manitowoc Masonic Temple will conduct a service at 8 p.m. and graveside rites. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, September 16, 1959 P.17 ******** [d. 09-16-1959 at Elmwood Park IL/age 73 yrs./cause: cerebral hemorrhage/bur. on Otto H. Engel lot]
ARTHUR A. NUMMELIN Wheelsman Found Dead on Ship; Had $2,614 on Person Arthur Alexander Nummelin, 53, a wheelsman on the Texaco company tanker, Maine, moored below Eighth street bridge, was found dead in his bunk on the boat Thursday by a fellow crew member. A search of his room disclosed $2,614 in war bonds, postal savings certificates and cash. His only address listed was "Union Hall, Chicago, Ill., Coroner Theodore Teitgen, who was summoned, announced that Nummelin had died of a heart attack and that there will be no inquest. Nummelin, who has told crew members that he has no relatives in the United States, had been about as usual in the three days the Maine has been in port. When he did not report for a meal yesterday a crew member visited his room and found him dead. County Judge Jerome Ledvina named the East Wisconsin Trustee company as special administrator and Rolf Ristad took charge of the personal effects of the sailor and sought to contact someone who might know if Nummelin had any relatives in his native Finland. He has been a wheelsman on the Maine the past year and before that was a member of the crew of the Mercury, which is also wintering here. An envelope found in Nummelin's room contained $2,000 in war bonds, $400 in postal savings certificates and $214 in cash. He was born in Finland in 1890 and papers indicated that he sailed on a number of ocean freighters before coming to the Great Lakes several years ago. He became an American citizen at New Orleans Sept. 5. 1935, when he gave his address a 322 Royal street, that city. Also found in his effects were the addresses of two or three Chicago person, who Mr. Ristad is seeking to contact. The body is at the Shimek and Schwartz funeral home and if no word is received burial will be in Evergeen cemetery here. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, December 15, 1944 P.1 ******** [Arthur Alexander/d. 12-14-1944/age 54 yrs./cause: acute alcoholism]
GUSTAV NYHAGEN G.A. NYHAGEN DIES TODAY AT ROCHESTER Well Known Business Man of City Passes Away-Body To Be Brought Here Gustave A. Nyhagen, well-known business man of the city, formerly associated in the First National Bank as assistant cashier, for years with the Manitowoc Shipbuilding corporation and during the past several years with the Eggers Veneer Company at Two Rivers, passed away today at Rochester, Minn. Messages announcing the death were received this afternoon. The body will be brought here tomorrow. Mr. Nyhagen had been at Rochester for several weeks, and although his condition was known to be serious, family and friends had been hopeful for the best. Mrs. Nyhagen and his sister were with him at the end. Mr. Nyhagen was 58 years of age and is survived by his wife and two sons, Paul and Robert, the latter associated with the Manitowoc Finance corporation. Paul has been in the east and is en route home for the funeral. He is accompanied by the Rev. Thomas Windiate, and uncle who was advised at Washington, D.C., of the death. Mr. Nyhagen was a member of the Elks and affiliated with other fraternal and civic organizations. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, November 25, 1931 P.1 ******** GUSTAVE NYHAGEN DEAD The body of Gustave A. Nyhagen whose death occurred at Rochester, Minn., Wednesday, arrived in the city, accompanied by Mrs. Nyhagen and a sister of the decedent Thursday afternoon. Pneumonia, which developed while Mr. Nyhagen was undergoing treatment for hardening of the arteries at Rochester was the immediate cause of death. Mr. Nyhagen was a lifelong resident of Manitowoc and was active in its business and civic activities for many years. He was born in this city on February 17, 1873 and spent his entire life here. For many years he was affiliated with the Natiional Bank as assistant cashier, later was in the Treasurer's Department of the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corporation and in recent years had been the chief accountant at the Eggers Veneer Company at Two Rivers. Mr. Nyhagen was held in esteem and respected by all who knew him. About 25 years ago, Mr. Nyhagen was married to Miss Belle Windiate who with two sons, Paul and Robert, both of this city survive him. He also leaves six brothers, Richard and Reuben, Chicago; Norman and Arthur, Stoughton, Wis.; Aaron, St. Louis and Lewis, Maplewood, N.J., and two sisters, Mrs. George Aeurmiller, Minneapolis and Mrs. John MIller, Manitowoc. With him at the time of his death was his wife, a son, Robert being in Manitowoc, while Paul, the older son, was enroute to this city from Washington D.C. The deceased's brother-in-law, Rev. Thomas D. Windiate, the rector of Christ's Church at Kensington, a suburb, was on his way to Manitowoc and arrived here a short time after the news of the death of Mr. Nyhagen was received in Manitowoc. Mr. Nyhagen was a member of the Masonic Order, the Manitowoc Lodge of Elks and was an active Kiwanian for many years. Funeral services were held from the home, 858 N. Eighth Street on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Hood and Rev. Ristad, officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Dec. 3, 1931 ******** [G.A. Nyhagen/bur. 11-28-1931/age 57 yrs/died at Rochester, MN/ cause: hypertension/bur. on Thomas Windiate lot]
KNUT NYHAGEN From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday July 27, 1899: Knut G. Nyhagen of this city died on Sunday morning of last week of typhoid fever which he contracted about two weeks before. He was engaged in superintending work on the Christopher Columbus which was not completed when she left and he went on her to Chicago where he was taken sick. His case was not considered serious until near the last as the fever was not violent. His stomach was not strong and after the fever quit him he was unable to retain food. Mr. Nyhagen was born in Valders, Norway, March 3, 1846. He came to this country in 1867 and soon after located at Manitowoc where he learned his trade. He was a skilled mechanic and always commanded a large salary. His services were always sought for any particularly fine work in the better class of residences, and the finer class of work in the cabins of the Goodrich boats was always done under his supervision. He was recognized everywhere as pre-eminent in his line of business. He was interested at various times in vessel property and had interests in other lines of business. He was married 27 years ago to Miss Mary Olson whom he leaves a widow. There are nine children. Mr. Nyhagen was a man whom it was always a pleasure to meet. He had the cheerfulness of a strong, resolute man and the honesty of an industrious man. He was a genial companion and always saw the good in human nature. He was liberal in his views, public spirited and a gentleman by virtue of his manhood which was cast in a generous mould. His strong, rugged face was an index to his character and always won that confidence which every act of his justified. His funeral took place on Tuesday. Burger & Burger closed their ship yard for the day in respect for the memory of the man whom they knew so well and honored because they did know him. ******** [cause: typhoid fever]
MARY NYHAGEN From Der Nord Westen, 20 Mar. 1902: Death Thurs. of Mrs. Mary Nyhagen after an illness of several weeks. She was born in Manitowoc 30 Sep. 1852, and in 1872 married Knut Nyhagen who died 3 yrs. ago. She leaves 9 children. The funeral was held Sunday. ******* [cause: tuberculosis]
PAUL T. NYHAGEN Paul T. Nyhagen, 67, died Sunday at Manitowoc county Hospital. Graveside rites will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday at Evergeen Cemetery, Manitowoc, by the Rev. William Harvey of St. James Episcopal Church. Mr. Hyhagen was born Sept. 6, 1901, at Manitowoc, son of the late Gustave and Belle Windiate Hyhagen. There are no survivors. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, February 10, 1969 P.7 ********* [bur. on Thomas Windiate lot]
ROBERT WINDIATE NYHAGEN Robert Windiate Nyhagen, 32, died Saturday evening after a lingering illness. Death was ????? intestinal hemmorhages. He had been a patient in the Mendota hospial, Madison, following a nervous breakdown. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the St. James Episcopal church. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Nyhagen, a son of G.A. and Belle Nyhagen, was born in this city in 1905 and after graduation from the high school here enrolled at the University of Wisconsin from where he was graduated. He was a member of Phi Kappa Sigman. Locating in Manitowoc Mr. Nyhagen became manager of the Manitwooc Finance company which position he held until taken ill. Survivors are a mother, Mrs. Belle Nyhagen, and a brother, Paul, city. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, August 9, 1937 P.2 ***** [d. at Waupun, WI/cause: tuberculosis of intestines]