CAROLINE SOLBERG Miss Carrie Solberg died at Chicago on Sunday evening. Her remains arrived here for interment on Tuesday. She was at one time a resident of this city. She was a woman of kindly instincts and lofty character. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 8, 1898 pg. 3 ********* [Carrie/bur. 09-04-1898/cause: dilitation of the heart]

CHARLES SOLBERG Charles Solberg died of enlargement of the heart on Thursday last. He was a young man of 26, and enjoyed the respect of all. Sometime ago he was forced to discontinue work on account of his malady. But he was not taken seriously sick until the day before his death. His funeral took place on Sunday after- noon and was quite largely attended. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 16, 1880 ******** [cause: consumption]

CHRIST SOLBERG Charles Solberg, a former resident of Manitowoc, died Wed. last week at age 84 in Chicago where he had been living with his daughter for several years. The body was brought here for burial. Der Nord Westen, 15 June 1905 ******** Charles (sic) Solberg, a former Manitowoc resident, passed away at Chicago on Wednesday of last week at the home of his two daughters, Etta and Mamie. He was 84 years old. He is survived by three children, the two daughters in Chicago and one son, Thorval of Washington, D.C.; and a sister, Mrs. George Weaver of this city. The remains were brought here on Saturday for interment. The deceased removed from Manitowoc fifteen years ago. He was a man of worth. Manitowoc Pilot, June 15, 1905 ******** [cause: pneumonia]

HENRIETTA SOLBERG MISS SOLBERG DIES Miss Henrietta Solberg, 93-year-old retired Chicago schoolteacher, died at Biloxi Hospital at 10:50 p.m. Wednesday. She had been confined to the hospital for three weeks following a fall which resulted in a broken hip. She and her sister, Miss Maren, also a retired schoolteacher were staying at Hotel Tivoli and had wintered in Biloxi for the past three years. Miss Solberg taught school in Chicago for 50 years and originally was from Linden Hills, Covert, Mich. The body will be sent from O'Keefe Parlors to Chicago for burial. Biloxi Daily Herald Thursday Afternoon, November 27, 1952 pg. 5 ******** MISS SOLBERG FUNERAL Funeral services for Miss Henrietta Solberg, retired school teacher who died on Thursday, were held at the O'Keefe Parlors Saturday morning by Rev. Maynard Miller, Presbyterian minister. The remains were shipped to Chicago for interment. Biloxi Daily Herald Monday Afternoon, December 1, 1952 pg. 14 ******** [d. 12-01-1952 in Mississippi/age 93 yrs./bur. 10-19-1955 on Charles Solberg lot]

MAREN SOLBERG Funeral services for Miss Maren Solberg, 91, a former Manitowoc resident who died Aug. 6 at Alexandria, La., were at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Gervase Zanotti officiating. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. Manitowoc Herald Times Thursday, August 14, 1958 pg. T-5 ********* [d. 08-09-1958 at Pineville LA/age 90 yrs./bur. on Charles Solberg lot]

MARY SOLBERG Items From The Pilot Files - Twenty-Five Years Ago (1887) Mrs. Chas. Solberg of this city died on Thursday morning of last week. She was born in Christiana, Norway in 1827, and came to this country when quite young. She was married in Manitowoc in 1849 and became the mother of a most estimable family. Her funeral took place on last Sunday and was quite largely attended. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 18, 1912 pg. 1

NELSON SOLBERG Death on Wed. evening last week of Nelson Solberg in the local mental facility. The funeral was held Fri. Der Nord Westen, 05 Sep. 1901 ******** [cause: general debility]

ELMER SOLDAN Elmer Solden Birth • Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Records, 1812-1921 Name Elmer Solden Birth Date 7 Feb 1917 Birth County Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Records, 1812-1921" ***** Elmer Soldan Death • Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004 Name Elmer Soldan Death Date 22 Aug 1917 Death County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004" ***** [L-9-3]-[Elmer Soldan/bur. 11-24-1918/cause: pneumonia/removed from Newton]

GORDAN SOLDAN Gordon Soldan Birth • Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Records, 1812-1921 Name Gordon Soldan Birth Date 5 Mar 1918 Birth County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Records, 1812-1921" ***** Gordon Soldan Death • Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004 Name Gordon Soldan Death Date 6 Sep 1918 Death County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004" ***** [bur. 09-08-1918/cause: cholera infantum]

IDA B. SOLL Mrs. Ida Soll, 76, a native of Manitowoc, died Sunday at Milwaukee where she had resided many years. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday morning at the Church of the Redeemer with burial in Evergreen Cemetery at Manitowoc. Mrs. Soll, the former Ida Bruechert, was born May 10, 1878, at Manitowoc and was married at Milwaukee in 1904 to Joseph Soll. Survivors include three daughters, a son, brother, John Bruechert of Manitowoc, and a sister, Mrs. Alois Fischl of Manitowoc, and a brother, John Bruechert, the latter two of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 13, 1954 P.21 ******* [Ida F./d. 12-14-1954 at Milwaukee, WI/age 76 yrs./bur. on Alois Fischl lot]

JOSEPH H. E. SOLL The remains of Joseph E. Soll, who died at Milwaukee Sunday were shipped here today and escorted from the depot directly to Evergreen Cemetery, this afternoon for interment. His wife, the former Ida Bruechert of this city and four children survive him. He was but forty-five years of age when death, caused by a hemmorhage overtook him. Manitowoc Herald Times, Oct. 20, 1920 page 3 ******* [bur 10-19-1920/age 45 yrs/cause: pulmonary tuberculosis/bur. on Alois Fischl lot]

AMUND SOLVESON AMUND SILVERSON (sic), one of the old residents of the city, died on Saturday last after a short illness. About a week previous to his death he was stricken by paralysis while at work and never rallied from the effect of the shock. Manitowoc Pilot, October 14, 1885 P. 3

ANDREW SOLVESON PIONEER OF CITY DIES AT ADVANCE AGE Andrew Solverson (sic) Who Came Here in 1850, Was 87 Andrew Solverson, one of the city’s oldest residents, died at his home, 505 State street, early today at the advanced age of 87 years. Mr. Solverson had been confined to his bed only two days, having been taken ill Sunday morning. Old age, coupled with other causes, resulted in death. Mr. Solverson was born at Skien, Norway, July 22, 1827 and came to Manitowoc in 1850, having since resided here. He was engaged in various occupations up to twenty years ago when he retired. Mr. Solverson is survived by three children, Martin, Miss Mary and Henry, all residing in this city. The funeral will be held from the late home at 505 State street Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 9, 1914 P.4 ******* [Andrew Solveson/bur. 06-11-1914/cause: bronchial asthma/ buried on Henry Solveson lot]

ANNA EMILIE SOLVESON MRS. CHARLES SOLVESON DIES Funeral Services Not Arranged; Widower Survives Mrs. Charles Solveson, 68, nee ????? Christenson, died this morning at the Holy Family hospital a short time after she had been removed there from her home at 811 State street. Mrs. Solveson, who suffered a stroke three years ago, had been ailing for some time. Funeral services, which have not been arranged as yet, will be announced tomorrow. Born in Manitowoc January 10, 1868, the daughter of Peter and Margaret Christenson, Mrs. Solveson lived here most of her life. She went through local graded and high schools and attended a Milwaukee college. She was married to Charles Solveson on May 21, 1895. Mrs. Solveson was a member of the Eastern Star and the Ladies Aid society of the First Lutheran church. Survivors include the widower and one daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Primm of Chicago. A grandson, (Survivor omitted for privacy.), also survives. The body is at the Frazier mortuary. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, July 22, 1936 P.2 ******** Mrs. Charles Solveson, 69, nee Amelia Christensen (sic), died at the Holy Family hospital Wednesday morning. She suffered a stroke three years ago and had been ailing for sometime. The funeral will be held Saturday with services at the First Lutheran church at 2 o'clock. Survivors are the husband, a daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Primm, Chicago, and a grandson. Manitowoc Sun Messenger, Friday, July 24, 1936 P.2 ******* Solveson Rites To Be Held Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Charles Solveson, 68, who died Wednesday morning at the Holy Family hospital, will be held Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from the First Lutheran church, the Rev. D.G. Ristad officiating. Burial will be made in the Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Marguerite Primm, daughter of the deceased, arrived here yesterday from Chicago to attend the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, July 23, 1936 P.2 ******** [Mrs. Charles/bur. 7-25-1936/age 68 yrs/cause: coronary thrombosis/ bur. on Peter Christenson lot]

CHARLES ANTON SOLVESON C. A. SOLVESON SUCCUMBS AT THE AGE OF 73 Funeral Services For Retired Manufacturer To Be Held Saturday Charles A. Solveson, 73, retired Manitowoc manufacturer, died last night at the Holy Family hospital, where he has been a patient for six weeks. He was stricken with coronary thrombosis at his home, 811 State street, while reading a newspaper and was removed to the hospital. He failed to rally from this attack. Masonic Rites Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Frazer mortuary chapel, the Rev. Ernst Zoerb of the First Lutheran church officiating. There will be Masonic rites at the grave. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. For 35 years Mr Solveson was associated with the Manitowoc Building Supply company as an officer and stockholder, retiring in 1929. Mr. Solveson was born in Chicago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Solveson. When he was a child his parents came to this city for a few years and then returned to Chicago. He attended the public schools in Chicago and was baptized in Our Savior’s Lutheran church, one of the early day edifices in the Windy City. Mr. Solveson took a business course and became an office employe in the Dickson and Peterson Lumber company in Chicago. He married Emilie Christenson in 1894. Supervised Ship Work In 1895 he located in this city and became associated with John Schroeder in the Manitowoc Supply company, whose plant and offices were located at Fifth and York streets. This firm specialized in cabin work on boats, and had many contracts on the Goodrich company fleet, which wintered in Manitowoc. Mr. Solveson was in charge of the office, and supervised the shop work. He was an expert penman. His affiliation included membership in the Masonic order, where he served several terms as secretary, and in the First Lutheran church, which he joined in 1895. Eleven years ago he retired from active business to live a retired life. Although urged many times by residents of the city Mr. Solveson declined to become a candidate for any public office. Daughter Survives Mrs. Solveson died in 1936. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Primm of Oak Park, Ill.; grand son, John Kenton Primm, of Atlanta, Ga.; sister, Mrs. Mollie Brynaldson of Chicago; brother, Henry, of Phoenix, Ariz.; and a nephew, Charles E. Solveson of Phoenix. The body may be viewed at the funeral home, after 7 o’clock tonight. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 7, 1940 P.15 ******* Charles Solveson, age 73 years, of Manitowoc, Wis., Nov. 6, 1940, father of Mrs. Clarence J. Primm of Oak Park, Ill., brother of Mrs. Mollie Brynoldson of Chicago, and Henry Solveson of Phoenix, Ariz. Funeral services Saturday afternoon at Frazier Mortuary, Manitowoc, Wis. Chicago Tribune (IL), Date: November 08, 1940 ******** [d. 11-06-1940/age 72 yrs./cause: coronary thrombosis arterio sclerosis/ bur. on Peter Christenson lot]

EMMA SOLVESON SALVASON(sic), Miss Emma-Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Amund Salvason died Tuesday night at Sturgeon Bay. Born here in 1855 and left here to locate in Chicago in 1880. Removed to Sturgeon Bay in 1931 with her sister, Mrs. Ida M. Johnson who survives her. Remains to be brought here Saturday afternoon with sevices at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel in Evergreen cemetery. Interment in family lot. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, May 18, 1933 P. 13 ********* Miss Emma Salvason(sic) Dies At Sturgeon Bay News has been received here of the death Tuesday night at Sturgeon Bay of Miss Emma Salvason, aged 78 years. She was born and brought up here but left Manitowoc in 1880. The remains will arrive here on Saturday and services will be held at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel in Evergreen cemetery with interment in the family lot. The deceased, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Amund Salvason, who came here in 1847, was born here in 1855. In 1880 she left here to locate at Chicago. There she remained until 1931 when she went to Sturgeon Bay with her sister, Mrs. Ida M. Johnson. She was ill five weeks. The sister is the only survivor. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, May 18, 1933 P. 9 ******** [bur. 05-19-1933/died at Sturgeon Bay, WI/cause: carcinoma sigmoid colon/bur. on Kora Salverson lot]

HENRY SOLVESON Henry Solverson (sic), 68, of 505 State street, a painting contractor in Manitowoc for many years, died last night at the Holy Family hospital. He had been in failing health since early last year and was moved to the hospital August 4. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Frazier mortuary. The Rev. D. G. Ristad of the First Lutheran church will officiate. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Solverson, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Solverson, was born in this city in 1869 and always resided here. After completing his course in the common schools, he took up the painting trade. For years he, with his brother, Martin, engaged in the house painting and decorating business in a partnership. On the death of Martin, Henry continued the business alone. Survivors are a sister, Miss Mary Solverson, who made her home with her brother, and several cousins. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Friday noon until the hour of services Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 17, 1938 P.11 ******** [bur. 02-19-1938/age 68 yrs./cause: carcinoma of bladder]

KAREN SOLVESON THRO' VALLEY OF DEATH - SALVERSON(sic) Life's journey came to an end for Mrs. Karen Salverson, at one time a widely known resident of this city at Sturgeon Bay this morning a message to friends here conveying the sad intelligence. Death occurred at the home of her son-in-law Capt. E.N. Anderson and was due to general debility. Mrs. Salverson came here with her husband in 1840 and continued to reside here for nearly half a century. She was 86 years of age at the time of the final summons and while it was known that she had been growing very feeble, friends were pained and shocked to learn of her demise. The body will be brought here for burial, arriving on the Goodrich boat Saturday afternoon. The funeral will be held from the home of Andrew Hansen on Buffalo street at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon and services will be conducted at the Norwegian Lutheran church at 2:30 by the pastor Rev. Thorson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, July 20, 1900, Page 1 ********* From Der Nord Westen, 26 July 1900: Death in Sturgeon Bay Fri. of former local resident Mrs. Karen Salverson(sic) at age 86 of old age debility. Her body was brought here Sun. and buried in the city cemetery. ********* [cause: heart failure-old age]

MARTHA SOLVESON (d. 1908) Mrs. Martha Christina Salverson (sic), one of the older residents of the city, died at the family home 408 Chicago street Sunday, death resulting from age, the decedant having reached the advanced age of 78 years. Mrs. Salverson had been seriously ill only a few days and her death was unexpected and a shock to family and friends. She was a native of Norway and had lived here for a long time. A husband, Andrew and three children, Martin, Henry and Mary, survive. Mrs. Salverson was a member of the First Norwegian church. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 from the late home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, March 23, 1908 P. 4 ******** FAMILY MAY BE WIPED OUT Pneumonia Threatens to Lay Low Entire Salverson(sic) Family, Save Father With the mother dead and being buried today, one son on the verge of death and another with a well-developed case, the daughter taken to the Holy Family hospital with slight chance of recovery, all victims of pneumonia, this is a summary of circumstances that tell one of the saddest stories of the possible wiping out of the entire Salverson family on Chicago Street near the lake. The mother died on Monday and the daughter ill with the same disease was taken to the hospital about the same hour that registered the demise of her parent. The two sons are said to have but slight chance of recovery leaving only the aged father as the only one not afflicted with the disease. A sad condition indeed, obtains at the little home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 24, 1908 ******** [cause: bronchitis]

MARTIN SOLVESON The uncertainty of life was emphasized in the sudden death of Martin Solverson (sic), 505 State street who passed away yesterday following a stroke of paralysis which he suffered Friday evening. Mr. Solverson had retired in apparently the best of health Friday night and was stricken during the night and never regained consciousness, death following yesterday. Mr. Solverson was 59 years of age and unmarried. He is survived by one brother, Henry and a sister, Miss Martha. The funeral will be held from the late home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Byd officiating. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 5, 1916 P.4 ******** [Martin Solveson/bur. 06-06-1916/cause: apoplexy/bur. on Henry Solveson lot]

MARY SOLVESON Miss Mary Solverson(sic), about 65, a lifelong resident of the city, died last night at the home, 505 State street. She has failed in health since the death of her brother, Henry, in February. Funeral services will probably be held Monday afternoon from the Frazier mortuary. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Miss Solverson, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Solverson, was born in this city and always made her home here. She kept house for her brothers for many years. Survivors are several cousins. The body may be viewed at the Frazier mortuary. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, August 27, 1938 P.4 ******* [d. 08-27-1938/age 76 yrs./cause: myocarditis senility/bur. on Henry Solveson lot]

EDMUND SOMMERS Edmund Sommers, 89, of 813 Park St., Manitowoc, died Sunday at his home following a heart attack. Funeral services will be at 1:30 .m. Tuesday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Gervase Zanotti officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Sommers was born June 5, 1871, at Manitowoc, son of the late Henry and Josephine Reiss Sommers. He was a retired operator of a meat market at Manitowoc. He married Motie Felts Aug. 15, 1901, at Manitowoc. His wife preceded him in death in 1959. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Rollie Wilda, Mrs. Joseph Schroeder and Mrs. Ralph Paddock of Manitowoc; a niece, eight grandchildren and three great grand- children. Friends may call at the State Street entrance of the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 13, 1961 P. 13 ****** [d. 03-12-1961/age 89 yrs.]

H. B. SOMMERS Appleton, Wis. - May 27 (Special) Dr. Sommers Killed by a Passenger Train at Appleton H. G. Sommers(sic), a corn doctor, aged 60 years fell asleep on the edge of the railroad track on the outskirts of this city Saturday night and was struck by a northbound passenger. He was dragged 600 feet. Every bone in his body was broken and his head crushed. Little is known of him here, except that he had a wife and two sons in Kaukauna with whom he had not lived for some time. Milwaukee Weekly Wisconsin, Sat., June 1, 1895 page 6 ********* [H.B. Sommers/cause: killed by train]

JOSEPHINE SOMMERS MRS. SOMMERS DEAD, 71 Pioneer Resident of City Passes Away After Lingering Illness Death came to end weary months of pain and suffering for Mrs. Josephine Sommers, a pioneer resident of the city, Friday, her demise occurring at the home of her son Edward Sommers, Park Street, with whom she had made her home of late years. Mrs. Sommers, who was a native of Germany, born in 1829, came to America with her parents as a child of seven, the family locating at Kenosha and later removing to this city, which was a small settlement, and Mrs. Sommers has witnessed the growth of the town to become a metropolitan city, in her residence here. She was twice married, becoming the wife of Mr. Otto in her early residence here, three sons of the first marriage, Oscar of Pittsburg, Hugo, Washington and Arthur of Pilsen surviving. Of three children born to her second marriage with P.H. Sommers, one survives, Edward Sommers who conducts a meat market on Park street. Two brothers also survive. Mrs. Sommers was a kindly woman who was beloved by her friends to whom the announcement of her death will bring sorrow. The funeral will be held from the home of Edward Sommers Monday afternoon, Rev. Sheppley conducting the services. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 3, 1910 P.1 ******* [bur. 12-05-1910/cause: old age]

MOTIE SOMMERS Mrs. Edmund Sommers, 85, of 813 Park St., Manitowoc, wife of a retired meat market operator, died early Saturday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, after a short illness. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Gervase Zanotti will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. The former Motie Felts was born at Rushville, Ind., Jan 8, 1874, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Felts. She was married at Manitowoc to Edmund Sommers Aug. 15, 1901. Mrs. Sommers was a member of the Ladies Society of First Presbyterian Church. She is survived by the husband, three daughters, Mrs. Raleigh Wilda, Mrs. Joseph Schroeder and Mrs. Ralph Paddock of Manitowoc; a sister, Mrs. E. C. Banta of Evanston, Ill., eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 28, 1959 P.9 ******* [d. 11-28-1959/age 85/wife of Edmund Sommers]

RICHARD SONNEMANN Private funeral services for Richard Sonneman, 70, of 934A S. 12th St., Manitowoc, who died Friday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, were at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Theodore D. Crusius officiating. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Sonneman was born April 13, 1893, at Sheboygan and married Miss Meda Mueller there in 1914. He was in the National Guard during World War I, a member of Company C. He was an interior decorator. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. George Kalk, of Cleveland, and a grandchild. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 9, 1964 P.7

ANNA M. SONNENBURG Mrs. Anna M. Sonnenburg, 86, who resided with a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stecker, of Rt 4, Manitowoc, died Monday morning at Holy Family Hospital Extended Care Facility. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Glenn Unke will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Sonnenburg, nee Anna M. Lutzke, was born April 30, 1890, in the Town of Liberty, Manitowoc County, daughter of the late William and Wilhelmine Luebke Lutzke. She was married to Emil K. Sonnenburg Jan. 28, 1913, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Town of Liberty. The couple had operated a cheese factory at Cato until Mr. Sonnenburg's death Feb. 9, 1945, when she resided with her daughter. She was a member of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Eugene and Lucille Stecker, of Rt. 4, Manitowoc, three grandsons, (private), of Manitowoc and (private), of Sheboygan and a granddaughter, (private), of Cleveland. Two brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday until noon Wednesday, when the casket will be moved to the church, where the body will lie in state until the time of service Herald Times Reporter, Monday, December 27, 1976 ******** [d. 12-27-1976/age 86 yrs./widow of Emil Sonnenburg] (13 Apr 1890/Dec 1976/SSDI)

ELDORA A. SONNENBURG Eldora A. Sonnenburg, age 90, of Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc, formerly of 1102 Green St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening, June 26, 2002 at Shady Lane Nursing Care Center. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 29, 2002 at First German Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Rev. Bruce Bitter and the Rev. Waldimar Loescher will officiate. Burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Eldora was born Aug. 11, 1911, in the town of Liberty, Manitowoc County, daughter of the late Otto and Augusta Selle Leider. She married Walter H. Sonnenburg on Nov. 19, 1927 at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, in the town of Liberty. He preceded her in death Oct. 27, 1997. Eldora was a member of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church and a former member of the Ladies Aid of the church. Survivors include three sons and one daughter-in-law: Walter Sonnenburg Jr., Green Bay; Robert and Joy Sonnenburg, Two Rivers; Joel Sonnenburg, Two Rivers; one daughter: Karen Rank, Manitowoc; two grandchildren: David (Ann) Rank and Susan Rank; two great-grandchildren: Brandon and Chelsea Rank; two sisters: Minnie Roedig, Crivitz; and Ilena Franz, Manitowoc. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter in 1997; a son: Richard; a son-in-law: Paul Rank; and a granddaughter: Julie. Friends may call at First German Evangelical Lutheran Church on Saturday from 9 a.m. until the time of services at 10 a.m. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Cremation Center, 628 N. Water St., Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, June 28, 2002 P. A3

EMIL K. SONNENBURG Sonnenburg, 52, Cheese Maker, Dies Suddenly Emil K. Sonnenburg, 52, of 1111 North 18th street, Cato, cheese maker who won scores of awards for high quality cheese at national, state, and county conventions and exhibits, died suddenly this morning at his home. Although making his home in this city the past four years, Mr. Sonnenburg continued to operate the cheese factory in Cato. Although not in good health he continued operations at the factory. His death was due to a sudden heart attack. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Imrnanuel Evangelical Lutheran church, the Rev. Theo. Uetzmann officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Sonnenburg was born in Newton in 1892, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sonnenburg. He learned cheesemaking at an early age and was engaged in this business in Liberty and then three ago(?) at Francis Creek, before establishing the Cato Cheese factory in 1919. He started exhibiting at national and state shows and soon the quality of his product won recognition from the judges. His cheese secured top rankings at numerous national dairy shows, notably at Waterloo, Iowa and Portland, Ore. At his Cato factory he produced on a average of nearly 300,00(sic) pounds of cheese a year. Year after year at the state fair in Milwaukee, Sonnenburg's cheese scored among the highest. He has been active for years in the Wisconsin Cheesmakers association and the Manitowoc County Cheesmakers association. Since January, 1941, Mr. Sonnenburg has made his home in this city. In 1913 he married Miss Anna Lutzke. She survives with a daughter, Mrs. Eugene Stecker, of Rt. 5, Manitowoc: mother, Mrs. Augusta Sonnenburg, of this city; three step-brothers, Walter Sonnenburg of this city, Helmuth and Marvin of Newton; two sisters, Mrs. Martin Hacker of Liberty, Mrs. Ernst Rusch of this city, a step-sister, Mrs. George Dummer. The body may be viewed at the Pfeffer funeral home, from 10 a.m. Sunday until 10 a.m Monday, when it will be moved to the church to lie in state until the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald-Times, Friday, February 9, 1945 ******* [d. 02-09-1945/age 52 yrs./cause: coronary thrombosis]

RICHARD SONNENBURG Infant Son Dies At Hospital Here Today Richard H. Sonnenburg, 4-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sonnenburg, 1018 S. 17th street, died at the Holy Family hospital this morning. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The little boy was born May 17 of this year. He is survived by his parents. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 29, 1933 P.1 ******* [bur. 09-30-1933/age 4 mos./cause: diarrhea and enteritis/ bur. on Walter Sonnenburg lot] (Richard Herman Sonnenburg/d. 09/29/1933/bur. 09/30/1933/from records of St. Johns Evang. Luth. Ch.)

WALTER H. SONNENBURG Walter H. Sonnenburg, age 95, a resident of Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc, and formerly of 1102 Green St., Manitowoc, died Monday, October 27, 1997, at the nursing center. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, October 29, 1997, at First German Ev. Lutheran Church, Manitowoc. Rev. Bruce Bitter will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Walter was born July 22, 1902, in the town of Newton, son of the late Herman and Augusta Haselow Sonnenburg. On November 19, 1927, he married Eldora Leider at Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church in the town of Liberty. During World War II he worked for the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company as a mechanic. His next employer was the Hamacheck Company where he also was a mechanic for 26 years. Finally, in 1971, he started his own auto mechanic business which he operated until his retirement. Walter was a member of First German Ev. Lutheran Church and the Manitowoc Sportsman Club. Survivors include his wife, Eldora; three sons, Walter Sonnenburg Jr., Green Bay, Robert (Joy) Sonnenburg and Joel Sonnenburg, all of Two Rivers; a daughter, Karen Rank, Manitowoc; a sister, Sadie Dummer, Manitowoc; two grandchildren, David (Ann) Rank, Susan Rank; two great-grandchildren, Brandon and Chelsea Rank; also other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a son, Richard; two brothers; two half-sisters; a half-brother; and a son-in-law, Paul Rank. Friends may call at First German Ev. Lutheran Church, from 9 a.m. Wednesday until the time of service at 11 a.m. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc, assisted the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, October 28, 1997 P. A2

KATHRYN WULLNER SONNTAG Mrs. Victor Sonntag, 26, nee Kathryn Wullner, of 2100 Madison street, died today at the Two Rivers hospital, where she had been a patient for two weeks. Death was attributed to heart trouble. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 8:30 from the Shimek and Schwartz funeral home and at nine o’clock from the Sacred Heart church, the Rev. William Grace officiating. Burial will be in the Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Sonntag was born in Manitowoc May 1, 1911, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wullner. She attended grade and high school here. On June 12th, 1937, less than a year ago, she was married to Victor Sonntag, Two Rivers. She was a member of the Daughters of Isabella. Survivors include the husband and one brother, Harry Wullner, city. Her father died a little over a year ago and her mother died several months ago. The body will lie at the funeral home from Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock until the time of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 8, 1938 P.12 ******* [bur. 02-11-1938/age 26 yrs./cause: malignant hypertension/ bur. on Henry Wullner Estate lot] ******* The wedding of Miss Kathryn Wullner, daughter of Mrs. Henry Wullner and the late Mr. Wullner, 401 North Sixth street, Manitowoc, and Victor Sonntag, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Sonntag, 1419-21st street, Two Rivers was solemnized in the parsonage of the Sacred Heart church this morning at 11 o'clock. Simply attired was the bride in a tea rose tailored lace frock with short puffed sleeves and a white crepe crown-less turban with matching accessories and a corsage of tea roses, sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Miss Olive Sonntag, the bride's only attendant, wore a navy blue tailored lace frock with white accessories and a spray of gardenias. George Jurgens of Two Rivers was the best man. Late this afternoon the couple left for Chicago. After July 1, they will be at home at 841 North 11th street. The groom is employed at the Hamilton Mfg. company at Two Rivers. His bride was graduated from the Lincoln high school with the class of 1929 and attended the Manitowoc Business college. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 12, 1937 P. 20

HARRY MORTON SONSTHAGEN A child of Mr. Sonstagen (sic) died on Saturday last. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 24, 1889 P. 3 ******** [age 3 mo./cause: general weakness]

HENRIETTA SONSTHAGEN Following a several weeks' illness Miss Etta Sonsthagen, 61, of 732 North Tenth street, died Sunday afternoon at the Holy Family hospital. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Miss Sonsthagen, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sonsthagen, pioneer Manitowoc residents, was born in this city in 1883(sic), and attended the north side schools. She was graduated from the North Side high school in 1900 and enrolled in the Moose Business college here for an office course. When the Manitowoc Gas company was established in the city she became office manager for the utility, remaining in that position many years. In more recent years she has been employed in the offices of the Eastman Manufacturing company. Miss Sonsthagen was an active worker in the Manitowoc Business and Professioonal Women's club, serving as its president in 1936, and in 1940 she was elected a director of the Wisconsin Federation at the state convention in Madison. She was a member of the First Lutheran church and the Laudi society. Survivors are five sisters, Mrs. Harry Hogan of Rhinelander, Mrs. Frank Knierem, of Davenport, Iowa, Mrs. Frank Kenna of Ashland, Mrs. William Clark of this city and Mrs. John Sawtelle, of Oshkosh. Manitowoc Herald Times, August 28, 1944 P. 2 ******* [Miss/cause: metastatic carcinoma/bur. on Otto Sonsthagen lot-her father]

LYDIA SONSTHAGEN Mrs. Bjorn Sonsthagen died unexpectedly Thurs. last week from heart trouble following an earlier illness which had confined her to Holy Family Hospital for 6 weeks. The deceased, a daughter of our well-known local resident Henry Vits, was improving after release from the hospital and was staying with her parents. She appeared to be well on the way to recovery and had paid another visit to the hospital on Wed. That evening she felt ill, spent a sleepless night and died Thurs. morning at 5 a.m. Mrs. Sonsthagen was born 22 June 1875 here in Manitowoc and was married in 1900. In addition to her husband she leaves her parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. The funeral was held Sun. afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 07 Dec. 1905 ****** As Henry Vits returned Sun. afternoon from the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. Sonsthagen, he received a telegram that his sister, Mrs. Meyer, was on her deathbed at her home in Bayleville, Kansas. Mr. Vits left Mon. morning on the long road to Kansas. Der Nord Westen, 07 Dec. 1905 ********* Mrs. Bjorn Sonsthagen, nee Lydia Vits, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vits, died at five o’clock last Thursday morning at the home of her parents at South Fourteenth street. The immediate cause of her demise was heart failure, which resulted from stomach trouble, from which she had suffered for several weeks. The decedent was thirty years old. She was married about five years ago. Besides her grief-stricken husband and parents, three brothers and two sisters survive to mourn her untimely summons from earth. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vits, Rev. Thorsen officiating. Mrs. Sonsthagen was held in high esteem by numerous acquaintances. The mourners have the sympathy of the community. Manitowoc Pilot, December 7, 1905 ********* [Lydia Sonsthagen/bur. 12-01-1905/age 30 yrs./cause: poisoning]

MATHILDA SONSTHAGEN Mrs. O. Bjorn Sonsthagen, of 904 St. Clair St., Manitowoc, a pioneer resident, died Thursday at her home, following a several months illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the First Lutheran church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Roland Schwandt will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The deceased was the former Mathilda Kunz. She was born in Manitowoc, daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. George Kunz. She was married to Mr. Sonsthagen in 1908. He died 30 years ago. Survivors are a niece, Mrs. James W. Alder of Wilmette, Ill., and a nephew, Kerwin Kunz of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the Mittnacht Fuenral Home, Manitowoc, until 11 a.m. Saturday when the casket will be moved to the church to lie in state until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 23, 1951 P.2 ******* [bur. 11-24-1951/age 81 yrs./bur. on O.B. Sonsthagen lot] ******* Miss Matilda(sic) Kunz and Bjron Sonsthagen executed a surprise on friends Wednesday when they were quietly wedded and left the city on a honeymoon before the marriage became public. Both are prominent young people whose popularity is confined only by the extent of their acquaintanceship. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thurs., June 11, 1908

O.B. SONSTHAGEN O. B. SONSTAGEN DIES SUDDENLY TODAY IN MICHIGAN LOCAL MAN IS STRICKEN ON AUTO TOUR HOME Suffers Fatal Heart Attack at Ypsilanti While in Car O.B. Sonsthagen, well known Manitowoc business man, died suddenly at Ypsilanti, Mich., early today while enroute by automobile from Mount Clemens. Mrs. Sonsthagen was with her husband at the time of his death which was due to heart failure and occurred in the automobile while the party was enroute. News of the death of Mr. Sonsthagen was received in a telegram to relatives this morning and is a terrible shock to the community in which he has always made his home. No other details were given by the message. Hugo Vits and Louis Kunz departed for Ypsilanti at noon today to company Mrs. Sonsthagen here with the body. Had Been at Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Sonsthagen had been at Mount Clemens for a few weeks where Mr. Sonsthagen was taking a needed rest. His health had not been seriously impaired and he had arranged to return home this week and decided to make the trip by automobile, advising the Anderson Auto Company of this city to send his car to Mount Clemens. In accordance with this, Leroy Anderson, who was to visit Detroit, drove the car to the Michigan city for Mr. Sonsthagen and was to have returned there from Detroit to accompany the Sonsthagens back. Roland Keune, of this city, accompanied Mr. Sonsthagen on the trip to Mount Clemens to drive the Sonsthagen car if needed and is presumed to have been with Mr. and Mrs. Sonsthagen when the former was stricken. Whether Mr. Sonsthagen’s death occurred in Ypsilanti or on the road near there, is not known. Relatives and friends here are apprehensive for the health of Mrs. Sonsthagen as result of the terrible shock and are anxiously awaiting word from Ypsilanti in response to messages dispatched there making inquiry as to her condition. Was Widely Known Otto Bjorn Sonsthagen was one of the best known business men of the city and had an extensive acquaintance throughout the county and state. For years he had been associated with the O. Torrison Company, having entered the employ of the company upon completion of his studies as a young man and had been with the company continuously since. Mr. Sonstahagen was born in Norway fifty-three years ago, and was the only son of Mr. O. Sonsthagen and the oldest member of the family of eight children. With his parents he came to America as a babe and the family later located here where other children were born. Mr. Sonsthagen attended the local schools and became associated with the O. Torrison Company soon after leaving his studies. Decedent was a member of the Elks, the Knights of Pythias and other organizations and had taken an active interest in business and social affairs. He was a lover of outdoor life and annually enjoyed outings with friends on hunting trips. Mr. Sonsthagen was for years prominent in the Wisconsin Gun Club and attended the tournaments of the club throughout the state. Mr. Sonsthagen is survived by his wife, nee Mathilda Kunz, his mother, Mrs. O. Sonsthagen and seven sisters, Mrs. Harry Hogan, of Chicago; Mrs. Frank Knieren, Davenport, Iowa; Mrs. William Sawtell, Oshkhosh; Mrs. Frank Keena, Ashland; Mrs. William Clark, Mishicot; Mrs. Edward Sixta and Miss Etta Sonsthagen of this city. No Funeral Arrangements It is not known at this time when the body will reach here and what funeral arrangements will be. Mr. Vits and Mr. Kunsz who left for Ypsilanti at noon today are expected to reach there tomorrow morning and the body may arrive here Friday. In this case the funeral will probably be held Sunday. Manitowoc Herald News, May 24, 1922 P.1 ******** SONSTHAGEN BODY TO REACH CITY TOMORROW Messages received from Hugo Vits from Ypsilanti, Mich., this morning, by the Sonsthagen family, said that the remains of the late O.B. Sonsthagen would arrive in the city tomorrow morning at 7:30 over the Northwestern. The message said that Mr. Sonsthagen suffered a stroke of apoplexy while in the automobile in which he was enroute from Mount Clemens to his home here. Mrs. Sonsthagen will accompany Mr. Vits and the body from Ypsilanti. Manitowoc Herald News, May 25, 1922 P.4 ******** [cause: mitral insufficiency] ******** Miss Matilda(sic) Kunz and Bjron Sonsthagen executed a surprise on friends Wednesday when they were quietly wedded and left the city on a honeymoon before the marriage became public. Both are prominent young people whose popularity is confined only by the extent of their acquaintanceship. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thurs., June 11, 1908

OTTO SONSTHAGEN Otto Sonsthagen, father of Bjorn Sonsthagen of this city was operated upon for appendicitis at Fergus Minn. Mrs. Sonsthagen, wife of the patient and Bjorn departed for there today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, January 19, 1911 P. 1 ****** DIED: The death of Otto B. Sonsthagen was announced Tuesday from Fergus Falls, Minn. His death followed an operation for appendicitis. He was 64 years old and was a well known resident of this city. He had been a salesman for years for Koelher & Hinrichs of St. Paul, and while making his regular trip through Minnesota last week he suffered an attack of appendicitis. Mr. Sonsthagen was a native of Norway. He came to this country when he was a young man and had been a resident of this city for nearly 40 years. Besides his wife Mr. Sonsthagen is survived by one son and six daughters, Bjorn of this city, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. H. Hogen, Chicago, Mrs. T. Kenna, Ashland, Mrs. Will Clark, Mishicot, and Misses Etta and Inez of this city. The body was brought here for burial. The funeral will be held today. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 26, 1911 pg. 1 ****** DEATH TAKES O.B. SONSTHAGEN Well Known Resident of City Dies in Hospital at Fergus Falls DEATH DAY AFTER HIS 64TH BIRTHDAY An operation to which he submitted a week ago proved unavailing to save the life of Otto B. Sonsthagen, one of the city's best known residents whose death occurred at Fergus Falls, Minn., Monday night, messages being received here this morning conveying the sad intelligence. Mr. Sonsthagen's death occurred the day following the sixty-fourth anniversary of his birth and comes as a shock to a host of friends. The body will be brought here for burial Wednesday. Mr. Sonsthagen, who for years had been a salesman for the Koehler-Hinrichs Company of St. Paul, was stricken with an attack of appendicitus at Fergus Falls, Minn., and relatives here were summoned to that city Monday, January 16, for an operation to which Mr. Sonsthagen submitted. The operation was successful but the patient failed to survive the shock and death came Monday night, just a week after the operation. Mr. Sonsthagen was a native of Norway and his early life was passed there. He came to America after his marriage forty years ago and had been a resident here for much of the time since. He had been o the road as a traveling salesman for the St. Paul Company for years and was well and favorably known. A widow and seven children, one son and six daughters, being Bjorn of this city, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. H. Hogen, Chicago, Mrs. T. Kenna, Ashland, Mrs. Will Clark, Mishicott, Misses Etta and Inez of this city. Mr. Sonsthagen was a man of strong character who won and retained friends and his death will be sincerely mourned by many who knew him best. Mrs. Sonsthagen and son, Bjorn, were at Fergus Falls with Mr. Sonsthagen at the time of his death and will accompany the body to this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tues., Jan. 24, 1911 ****** [cause: intestinal]

THORA BIORN SONSTHAGEN Seriously ill the past few weeks, Mrs. Otto Sonsthagen, 86, a resident of the city for 65 years, died early today at the Holy Family hospital. In recent years Mrs. Sonsthagen made her home with a daughter, Etta, 735 North Tenth street. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. from the First Lutheran church. The Rev. Boral Biorn, Chicago, grandson of the Rev. L. M. Biorn, a Norwegian Lutheran pastor here over 60 years and a brother of Mrs. Sonsthagen, will officiate. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Sonsthagen, nee Thora Biorn, was born in 1852 at Nidaros, Norway, a daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Nels A. Biorn. She was married to Otto Sonsthagen in 1868 and four years later they came to the United States locating in this city. For years Mr. Sonsthagen was a salesman for a St. Paul wholesale firm. He died in 1911. Mrs. Sonsthagen was a member of the First Lutheran church and was active in the congregation and its societies. She continued her interest in church affairs until taken seriously ill a few weeks ago. Survivors are seven daughters, Mrs. Edward Sixta, Mrs. William Clark and Miss Etta Sonsthagen, all of this city, Mrs. Harry Hogan, Chicago, Mrs. Frank Knierem, Davenport, Iowa, Mrs. John Sawtell, Oshkosh, Mrs. Frank Keena, Ashland, Wis.; 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the Frazier mortuary. It will be moved to the First Lutheran church Monday at 11 a.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 30, 1938 P.4 ******* [cause: senility/bur. on Otto Sonsthagen lot]

GUDRUN L. SORENSEN Mrs. Harold C. (Gudrun L.) Sorensen, age 72, 1844 Cleveland Avenue, Beloit, Wis., formerly of Manitowoc, died Friday afternoon, February 5, 1993, at Beloit Convalescent Center, after a long illness. Funeral Services will be held Monday, Febraury 8, 1993, at the Reinbold Pfeffer Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert Simenson officiating with burial at the Evergreen Cemetery. She was born November 20, 1920, in Iola, Wis., daughter of the late Gullick and Annette Greenwald Grotbeck, who came here from Norway raising three girls and five boys. Moving to Manitowoc, Gudrun graduated from Lincoln High School in 1937. She was employed with Mirro Aluminum for several years. She was married to Harold C. Sorensen December 20, 1941, at Manitowoc. In 1950 they moved to Beloit where she was employed with Besly Wells Corporation retiring in 1978. Gudrun was baptized, confirmed and a long time member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Manitowoc. Survivors include her hsuband, Harold, Beloit; a sister and brother-in-law, Mabel and Harold E. Nickels, Manitowoc; also survived by neices (sic), nephews, other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by a sister, Lillian, five brothers, Godfrey, Melvin, Gordon, Morry, and Alf. Friends may call the Reinbold Pfeffer Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home from 4 p.m. on Monday until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, February 7, 1993 P. A2 ******* [d. at Beloit WI]

CAPT. PETER J. SORENSEN Capt. Sorensen Dies of a Heart Attack Sunday Captain Peter J. Sorensen, 50, of 1013 North 17th street, who was to have taken his ship, the John A. Kling, out today on the first trip of the season, dropped dead of a heart attack in the bathroom of his home late Sunday afternoon. Captain Sorensen, who has been active in supervising sailing operations of the Kling for the past few days, was about as usual during the day. Funeral plans are incomplete, awaiting word from a brother, Captain Nels Sorensen, sailing out of Salisbury?, Ma. Captain Sorenson had been sailing on the ocean and the Great Lakes since he was a boy of 14 years. He served in ___navy on the Atlantic ocean in World War I. (Remainder of obituary (several paragraphs) is underinked and unreadable). Manitowoc Herald Times, April 7, 1947 P.2 ******** Funeral services for Capt. Peter J. Sorensen, 50, of 1013 North 17th street, who died suddenly at his home Sunday, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Masonic Temple. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The body may be viewed at the Frazier mortuary, and will be moved to the Masonic Temple at 10 a.m. Wednesday to lie in state until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 8, 1947 P.2 ******** [d. 04-06-1947/age 50 yrs/bur. on Mrs. Barbara Sorensen lot]

CLARABELL SORENSON Clarabell (Claire) Sorenson, age 94, went to be with her heavenly father on Saturday, April 20, 2013, to be united with her son, Miles, daughter, Joy Ann and her husband, Orvin Sorenson. She was born on April 4, 1919 in Manitowoc, daughter of the late Herman and Lizzy (Mahnke) Kreie. Claire was a graduate of Manitowoc Lincoln High School with the Class of 1936. Survivors include one daughter and son-in-law, Bonnie and Dennis Ullman, Manitowoc; seven grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; one daughter-in-law, Sally Sorenson, Wausau; one special little friend, Kaylee. Nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends also survive. She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Joy Sorenson; one son, Miles Sorenson, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Cremation has occurred at All Care Cremation Center, Manitowoc and a celebration of her life will be held at a later date. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the Harmony caregivers, the 3rd Floor nurses at Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers and Dr. Binard for all the love and care shown towards Claire and her family. Herald Times Reporter, April 23, 2013

ETHEL SORENSON Mrs. Ethel Sorenson, 64, formerly of 711 Madison St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning at Park Lawn Home, Manitowoc, where she had been a patient for three years. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Paul H. Blaufuss will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Sorenson, nee Ethel Hansel, was born Nov. 25, 1907, at Medford, Wis., daughter of the late John and Emma Hansel. She was married to Joel Sorenson in 1946 at Manitowoc. Her husband preceded her in death in 1959. She was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Otto Oas Post 659. Survivors include two sons and a daughter (Survivors omitted for privacy.); three brothers, Frank of Fla. and Ernest and Joseph, of Two Rivers; a sister of Calif.; 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Two brothers preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 9 p.m. Monday until the time of service on Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 1, 1972 ********* [03-03-1969 amputated right leg below knee-bur. on Joel Sorenson lot] [d. 04-01-1972/age 64 yrs./widow of Joel Sorenson] (26 Nov 1907/01 Apr 1972/SSDI)

JOEL G. SORENSON Joel Sorenson, 51, of 711 Madison St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at St. John Evangelical and Reformed Church, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Paul Blaufuss officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, with graveside services by the American Legion. Mr. Sorenson was born Dec. 8, 1907, at Valders, son of the late Peter Sorenson and Martha Gilbertson Sorenson. He attended public school at Valders and was a veteran of World War II. Mr. Sorenson was stationed at Biloxi, Miss., with the Transportation Corps. He married the former Ethel Hansel Dec. 12, 1946, at Manitowoc, where he was employed by the city of Manitowoc for 19 years. Mr. Sorenson became head operator at the sewage Disposal Plant during his 15 years of employment there and worked the remainder of the time with the city Park Department. He was a member of the American Legion, the Brotherhood of St. John Evangelical and Reformed Church and also was a member of the church. Surviving with the wife and mother are two step-sons, Daniel and David Brault of Manitowoc; a step-daughter, Mrs. Charles Denor of Manitowoc; two brothers, Clarence and Henry of Manitowoc; five sisters, Mrs. Donald Edwards, Mrs. Hugo Vetter and Mrs. Elmer Hecker of Manitowoc, Mrs. Theodore Skattabo of Valders and Mrs. Arthur Guetschow of Two Rivers and seven step-children. Friends may call at the Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, after 2 p.m. Sunday until 10:30 a.m. Monday when the casket will he removed to the church where the body will lie in state until the hour of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 21, 1959 P.9

NATHAN DANIEL SORENSON Nathan Daniel Sorenson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sorenson of 88 W. Albert Dr., Manitowoc, died Monday morning, February 9, at home. Family services were held this Wednesday afternoon at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home. The Rev. Richard E. Lind officiated and burial was in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Nathan was born July 12, 1980, at Two Rivers, son of Donald and JoAnne Shelby Sorenson Jr. Survivors include his parents, a brother, Donald III and a sister, Tammy at home; his paternal grandfather, Donald Sorenson Sr. of Elroy, Wis., and paternal grandmother, Arlene Sorenson of Elroy; maternal grandparents, Harry and JoAn Shelby of Two Rivers; paternal great grandmother, Flossy Pliner of Union Center, Wis., and Jennie Sorenson of Elroy; maternal great grandparents, Harold and Ada Schneider of Wonewoc, Wis., aunts, uncles and cousins. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, February 11, 1981 p.3 ******** [d. 9 Feb 1981/age 6 mon.]

ORVIN A. SORENSON Orvin Sorenson, 58, of Rt. 3, Two Rivers, died Tuesday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Herbert Kesting will officiate with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Sorenson was born June 23, 1913, at Oconto, Wis., son of the late Albert and Mary Johnson Sorenson. He was educated in Two Rivers schools and married Clarabell Kreie? May 14, 1938?, at Manitowoc. Mr. Sorenson served in the U.S. Army in 1945 and had been employed as a security guard at Hamilton Industries the past several years. He was a member of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Survivors include his wife, a son and daughter-in-law, Miles and Sally Sorenson, of Sauk City, Wis., a daughter and son-in-law, Bonnie and Dennis Ullman, of Mishicot; three brothers, Earl, of Two Rivers, Allerd, of St. Paul, Minn., and Ernie, of Green Bay; four sisters, Mrs. Frank (Gladys) Wessley, of Oconto Falls, Mrs. Arthur (Ruby) Schroeder, of Hollywood, Fla., Mrs. Melvin (Lucille) Maurer, of Green Bay and Mrs. Cliff (Inez) Bangle of Milwaukee; seven grandchildren, nieces and nephews and other relatives. An infant daughter, Joy, preceded him in death. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home from noon Friday until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, June 1, 1977 P.21

AGNES C. SORGE Agnes C. Sorge, age 85, of Park Lawn Home, formerly of 862 N. 11th St, Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening, November 9, 1994, at Park Lawn Home, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held 10 a.m. Saturday, November 12, 1994, at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Rev. Gerald Foley will officiate at the Mass of Christian Burial with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Agnes was born April 13, 109, in Whitelaw, daughter of the late Leopold A. and Mary Brunner Pritzl. On April 21, 1945, she married Raleigh C. Sorge. Mr. Sorge preceded her in death on August 4, 1985. She owned and operated the Hotel Manitowoc Beauty Salon for many years. She was a member of Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Elks Club Ladies Auxiliary, American Legion Auxiliary and the Lakeshore Humane Society. Survivors include three sisters-in-law, Marion Sorge, Manitowoc, Rosette Savorgnan, Mexico, Cecilia Pritzl, Manitowoc; nieces and nephews, Corrine (Richard) Beitzel, Manitowoc, Claude (Joan) Barta, Manitowoc, Kenneth (Bea) Geiger, Brillion, Lenor (Romy) Endries, Manitowoc, Gloria (Bill) Ingalls, Combined Locks, Sally Geiger, Manitowoc, Sondro and Rodie Savorgnan, California; close friends, Jim and Paula Rohrer and family, Manitowoc. She was preceded in death by her husband, Raleigh Sorge, three sisters, Mary Barta, Frances Nemetz and Sophia Geiger, one brother, Frank Pritzl and one nephew, Leroy Geiger. Friends may all at Holy Innocents Catholic Church on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until the time of the Mass at 10 a.m. Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc, is in charge of the arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, November 11, 1994 P. A2 ********* [widow of Raleigh Sorge]

ANNA SORGE Mrs. Anna Sorge, 72, of Green Bay, died Saturday afternoon at the Bellin hospital in Green Bay where she was taken Friday evening. Mrs. Sorge is a former resident of Manitowoc, having been born on August 1, 1871 in the town of Franklin and later moving to Manitowoc. In 1902 she moved to Green Bay. The survivors are three sons, Reinhardt, Winfred and Clyde of Green Bay, 3 daughters, Mrs. John Rycraft, Denver, Col., Mrs. A. A. Ingaly and Vivian of Green Bay. A brother, John Ulovitz and a sister, Mrs. Frank Stueber, both of Manitowoc, and five grandchildren also survive. The body is at the Findeisen-Greiser funeral home in Green Bay until Tuesday noon. Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist church at 2 p.m. Tuesday with interment in the Evergreen cemetery in this city at about 4 o’clock. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 22, 1943 P.2 ******* [d. at Green Bay, WI/wife of Fred Sorge]

ARTHUR H. SORGE Arthur H. Sorge, 86, of 508 S. 26th St., Manitowoc, died early Friday morning, January 29, at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Chruch, Manitowoc. The Rev. William Plank will officiate, cremation will follow and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Sorge was born Nov. 12, 1895, at Manitowoc, son of the late Frank and Katie Giefer Sorge. He attended schools in Manitowoc and married Linda E. Horstman May 21, 1916, at Manitowoc. The couple resided here all their lives. He had been shop foreman for Rahr-Nash Automobile Company for 15 years and later was employed with Manitowoc Cemetery and Parks Department as a foreman at Evergreen Cemetery for 26 years, retiring in 1962. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, former member of Eagles Aerie 706 and past president of Manitowoc Municipal Employees Credit Union. Mrs. Sorge preceded him in death in 1974. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Warren A. and Betty Sorge and William R. and Kathleen Sorge, and a daughter and son-in-law, Carmen and Allan Bentley of Manitowoc, nine grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. A brother and two sisters preceded him in death. Friends may call at Jens Funeral Home and Crematory, Manitowoc, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday and at the church from 10 a.m. Monday until the time of service. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church. Herald Times Reporter, January 29, 1982 P. 3 ******** [cremains] ******** 1ST SUNDAY WEDDING CELEBRATED IN CITY, HORSTMAN-SORGE NUPTIALS A SURPRISE TO FRIENDS YESTERDAY A Sunday wedding, rather unusual event, was celebrated in the city yesterday, the principals being Miss Linda Horstman and Arthur Sorge, Rev. J.C. Smith officiating at the ceremony. The couple departed for Milwaukee yesterday afternoon. Announcement had been made by the couple that they were to wed on Tuesday but they stole a march on friends by having the ceremony performed two days in advance. Mr. Sorge is employed at the Olson & Pauly garage. His bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Horstman. The wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kummer and witnesses were W.H. Rohr and Miss Flora Frosch. The wedding is believed to be the first celebrated in this city, on Sunday in years. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 22, 1916 P.5 ********* Marriage - Sorge & Horstman Married - Miss Linda Horstman and Mr. Arthur Sorge were married Sunday afternoon, the Rev. J. O. Smith, pastor of St. Pauls M.E. Church officiated. The attendants were Miss Flora Frosch and Mr. Wm H. Rohr. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Sorge left on a wedding trip to Milwaukee. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Horstman. For the past three years she has been a compositor on the Pilot. She is a worthy young lady of a sunny disposition and had a large circle of friends. Mr. Sorge is a young man of good qualities. He is employed at the Olson and Pauly Garage. The Pilot, together with their many friends tender congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., May 25, 1916 ********* FELL INTO THE RIVER. Disobeying Parents Almost Caused Death of Little Arthur Sorge. The enjoyment of a forbidden pleasure almost cost little seven year old Arthur Sorge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorge, Commercial street, his life Sunday morning. The lad had been told not to go fishing, but disobeyed his parents and accidentally slipped and fell into the river while fishing from the pile driver at the foot of north Ninth street. one of his little companions had the presence of mind to hand the little fellow the end of the fish pole to hold on to and the rescue was made by John Bach who happened to be near with a row boat at the time of the accident. The lad is none the worse for his experience. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 18, 1903, P.1

CLARA SORGE (d. 1898) City and County: A child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sorge, aged eight months died on Sunday last. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 10, 1898 pg. 3 ******** [Hazel Sorge/bur. 03-06-1898/age 7 mo.]

EDY (EDWARD) SORGE A child of Frank Sorge died of diphtheria on Sunday last. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 24, 1880 ******* [cause: diptheria]

FRANK SORGE (d. 1916) Manitowoc contributed three to the large total of deaths of the country during the terrific heat wave of Saturday and Sunday, the dead being:… FRANK SORGE, 54, overcome Saturday and died two hours later… Frank Sorge, for years engaged in business as a blacksmith and of late years employed at the plant of the Smalley Company, was the first victim of the heat and succumbed Saturday at his home on North Eighth street shortly after having been overcome at the Kibler blacksmith shop on Commercial street. The Smalley company did not work Saturday afternoon and Mr. Sorge___ __ the Kibler shop and had ___ ___ with the work there. He was overcome by the heat and left the shop, returning to his home. Mrs. Sorge, who was absent, returned home and found her husband in a ___ ___ condition and summoned a physician who ministered to the stricken man who was not thought to be in danger. An hour later, however, when the physician returned, he found Mr. Sorge’s condition alarming and death followed in a short time. Mr. Sorge was 54 years of age, having been born at Racine March 26, 1862. He came here in youth and had resided in the city most of his life. A widow and three children survive; one son, Arthur, this city, and two daughters, Mrs. Warren Hansen, of Green Bay and Mrs. John Hill, this city. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 from the late home. The Maccabees, of which Mrs. Sorge was a member, will attend the services. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 31, 1916 P.1 ******* THREE DEATHS FROM THE HEAT AT MANITOWOC All heat records of the city during the sixty years of the existence of a government weather observer, were broken Sunday when the thermometer rose to 100 1/2 degrees. Three deaths resulted from the heat. Frank Sorge, 54, blacksmith, overcome while at work and died two hours later. Mrs. Wilhelmina Hemschmeyer, 81, aged widow, crazed by heat and found dying in a closet in her home. The condition of the rugs, furniture and other things in the house indicate that she had been made insane by the heat. She had no relatives save one step-daughter. Charles Kollath(sic), 47, overcome in boarding house. Died in ambulance on way to hospital. Sheboygan Press - Monday, July 31, 1916 page 6 ******* [bur. 08-01-1916/cause: excessive heat/bur. on FC Sorge lot]

FRANK C. SORGE (d. 1897) Death on Mon. of Frank C. Sorge, Sr. of Manitowoc, from a heart attack. He was born 04 May 1837 in Saxony and came to Manitowoc in 1858 where he established a wagon factory which still operates under the name of “Sorge Wagon Co.”. He leaves 3 sons, 2 of whom operate the above mentioned wagon company, whereas the 3rd is employed in St. Louis. A daughter also survives, Mrs. Ottelien in Reedsville. The funeral took place yesterday at the city cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 28 Jan. 1897 ********* [cause: heart disease]

GERALD ARTHUR SORGE Gerald "Muxie" Sorge, age 63, Conover, died on Thursday, May 24, 2007, at Aspirus Wausau Hospital, Wausau. He was born on Dec. 21, 1943, in Manitowoc, the son of Warren and Betty (Cox) Sorge. Gerry was raised and attended schools in Manitowoc. In 1978 he moved to Three Lakes, where he owned and operated Spirit Lakeside. He moved to Conover in 1999. Gerry was an avid outdoorsman and enjoyed fishing. He is survived by two sons: Scott (Carie) Sorge of Three Lakes and Brian (Carol) Sorge of Roscholt; two daughters: Stacy (Paul) Homer of Virginia Beach, Va. and Rebecca (Terry Bingham) Martinson, Eagle River; sister: Linda (Dick) Schneider of Appleton; brother: Steve (Bonnie) Sorge of Scottsdale, Ariz.; nieces, nephews and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents and sister: Karen Ramirez. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday (TODAY), May 30, 2007, at 2 p.m. at the Gaffney-Busha Funeral Home in Eagle River. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc. Herald Times Reporter, May 30, 2007

HENRIETTE SORGE The Wife of Mr. Frank Sorge died last week. She had been sick for a long time and death was to her relief. Peace to her ashes. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, January 31, 1882 P.1 ******** [burial register says buried the wife of G.(should be F.) Sorge, $2.75] (Note: There is no G. Sorge on the 1880 Manitowoc census. This should be Frank Sorge, husband of Henriette/ From death index: Henriette Sorge/Jan. 28, 1882/v.3 p.64)

KATIE SORGE Mrs. Katie Sorge, 78, died early this morning in Mukwonago where she had been living with her daughters for the last four years. She had been ill a long time. The body was brought to the Pfeffer funeral home where it may be viewed from Tuesday noon until Wednesday at 2 p.m. when funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. C. H. Phipps of the First Presbyterian church. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Sorge, nee Katie Giefer, was born in Two Rivers, November 12, 1864. She was married to Frank Sorge on October 24, 1885. He died in 1916. Survivors include her daughters, Mrs. Warner Hansen and Mrs. John Hill of Mukwonago; a son, Arthur of Manitowoc; one brother, Jake Giefer of Racine, three grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 18, 1943 P.2 ******** [d. 10-18-1943 at Mukwonago, Waukesha Co., WI/age 78 yrs./ cause: arterio sclerosis/widow of Frank Sorge/bur. on F.C. Sorge lot]

LINDA SORGE Mrs. Arthur E. Sorge, 75, of 508 S. 26th St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. Mrs. Sorge, nee Linda Horstman, was born May 17, 1898, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late John and Carolina Michael Horstman. Following graduation from the old West Side High School of Manitowoc she was employed at the Pilot Printing Co. for five years. She was married to Arthur Sorge May 21, 1916, at Manitowoc, residing at Manitowoc. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church and a former member of the Lois Society of the church. Survivors include her husband, two sons, Warren A. and William R., of Manitowoc, a daughter, Mrs. Allan (Carmen) Bentley, of Milwaukee, nine grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren and five step-grandchildren. Two brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Friends may call at Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday until noon Friday and then at the church until the time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 16, 1974 P. 23 ******* [d. 01-16-1974/age 75 yrs./cremains/wife of Arthur F. Sorge] (b. 17 May 1897/d. Jan. 1974/SSDI) ******* Marriage - Sorge & Horstman Married - Miss Linda Horstman and Mr. Arthur Sorge were married Sunday afternoon, the Rev. J. O. Smith, pastor of St. Pauls M.E. Church officiated. The attendants were Miss Flora Frosch and Mr. Wm H. Rohr. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Sorge left on a wedding trip to Milwaukee. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Horstman. For the past three years she has been a compositor on the Pilot. She is a worthy young lady of a sunny disposition and had a large circle of friends. Mr. Sorge is a young man of good qualities. He is employed at the Olson and Pauly Garage. The Pilot, together with their many friends tender congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., May 25, 1916

MARIAN T. (TORRISON) SORGE Marian T. Sorge, age 96, of 1501 Viebahn St., Manitowoc, died Saturday afternoon, Dec. 10, 2005, at the Aurora Medical Center of Manitowoc County. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, at St. James Episcopal Church, 434 N. Eighth St., Manitowoc. Pastor Nancy Krueger will officiate, with burial of her cremated remains at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The former Marian Torrison was born July 28, 1909 in Elmhurst, Pa., and grew up in White Mills, Pa., where her family was associated with the Dorflinger Cut Glass Works. Her family moved to Manitowoc in the 1920s and she graduated from Lincoln High School in 1926. After high school, she became a legal secretary for Attorney Edward Meyer, then the Manitowoc city attorney, and later for A.L. Nash of Nash and Nash, now known as Nash Spindler Grimstad & McCracken LLP. In 1935, she moved to Milwaukee and became a private legal secretary for Attorney J. Gilbert Hardgrove, a senior member of the firm Miller Mack and Fairchild. After 10 years with that firm, she returned to Manitowoc to marry Rolland H. Sorge, president of the Sorge Ice Cream and Dairy Company and later of the Sorge Charcoal House. The couple was married on April 21, 1945 in Milwaukee. Rolland preceded her in death Jan. 18, 1994. She became active in civic organizations of the city of Manitowoc, primarily the Girl Scouts of America, Lakeshore Humane Society and the Red Cross. She was a member of St. James Episcopal Church and St. James Faith Guild. Survivors include her special friends: James (Karen) Nicholson and their three sons; Tommy (Joanne) Boyson and sons; Eddie Hamburg; and many cherished friends. Relatives and friends may call at St. James Episcopal Church on Saturday at the time of service. The Jens Family Funeral Home and Crematory of Manitowoc, is serving the Sorge family. Memorial donations would be appreciated for the St. James Episcopal Church, the Lakeshore Humane Society or the charity of your choice. Herald Times Reporter, December 2005

MICHAEL G. SORGE Michael G. Sorge, nine months, infant son of Gregory and Catherine Mueller Sorge, of 622 S. 27th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday at St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay. Private funeral services were at 1 o'clock this Tuesday afternoon at Pfeffer Funeral home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Duane Dionne officiated and burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. Survivors include his parents, a brother, Shannon Lee, at home; paternal grandfather, William Sorge, maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Mueller, paternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sorge and maternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Mueller of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tues., May 22, 1973 page 3 ******** [d. 05-30-1973 at Green Bay WI/age 9 months/space #391]

RALEIGH C. SORGE Raleigh C. Sorge, of 862 North 11th Street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, age 78, died unexpectedly Sunday afternoon, August 4, at his Fremont home. Mr. Sorge was born September 6, 1906, in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. He was the son of Albert and Lucinda Wheeler Sorge. He married Agnes Pritzl on April 21, 1945. Mr. Sorge was a member of the Manitowoc Kiwanis Club, the Lions Club and the Elks Club. He was an Air Corps veteran and a member of the Freemont American Legion Post 391. He was a member of the Fremont Ducks Unlimited and the Tustin Fire Department. He was the Secretary-Treasurer of Sorge Ice Cream & Dairy Company of Manitowoc, retiring in 1968. He attended Carroll College and the University of Wisconsin. Survivors include his wife, Agnes; a twin brother and sister-in-law, Rolland H. and Marian Sorge of Manitowoc; and a sister, Rosetta Savorgnan of Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Funeral services will be held at 7 p.m. this Tuesday evening at the Lewin Funeral Home in Fremont. Visitation will be at the funeral home from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Services will be conducted by Father Anthony Fischer of Marshfield. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. A memorial fund is being established. Herald Times Reporter, August 6, 1985 P. 3 ********** [d. at Fremont, WI/cremains/husband of Agnes Sorge]

ROLLAND SORGE Rolland H. Sorge, age 87, of 1501 Viebahn St., Manitowoc, died Tuesday, January 18, 1994, at the Holy Family Memorial Medical Center. He was born September 6, 1906, in Reedsburg, Wis., son of the late Albert and Lucinda Sorge. He attended Carroll College and the University of Wisconsin. He married Marian Torrison April 21, 1945, in Milwaukee. He came to Manitowoc in 1929, where he started the dairy business and became president of Sorge Ice Cream and Dairy Company until 1968. He then purchased and was the owner of Sorge Charcoal House for many years. He also was a member of Ducks Unlimited. Survivors include his wife, Marian, Manitowoc; a sister-in-law, Agnes Sorge, Manitowoc; a sister, Rosetle Savorgnan, Puerta Vallarta, Mexico; two nephews (sic), Sandra Savorgnan, Roderic Savorgnan. He was preceded in death by his twin brother, Raliegh in 1986. Memorials may be made to the Lakeshore Humane Society or the charity of your choice. Cremation will have taken place and there will be no services. The Jens Funeral Home assisted the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, January 19, 1994 P. A2

ROSE M. SORGE Mrs. William R. Sorge, 53, of 3117A Mero St., Manitowoc, died Thursday morning at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Thaddeus J. Koszarek will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Sorge, nee Rose M. Lawler, was born Jan. 23, 1919, in Oconto County, daughter of the late Harley Lawler and Anna Vanderbush Lawler. She was married to William Sorge June 5, 1948, at Manitowoc. Survivors include her husband, her mother, Mrs. Anna Lawler, of Two Rivers, five sons and a daughter (Survivors omitted for privacy.); four brothers, Robert, Dan, Floyd and John Lawler, of Two Rivers; four sisters, Mrs. Helen Walter, of Manitowoc, Miss Gladys McKenna, of Two Rivers and Miss Betty and Miss Ruth Lawler, of Two Rivers, and 11 grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 9 p.m. Friday where a Wake service will be held at 7 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. October 26, 1972 ******* [d. 10-26-1972/age 53 yrs./wife of William R. Sorge]

WILHELM SORGE (d. 1883) Wm. Sorge, the twenty three year old son of F.C. Sorge, died of consumption on Thursday last. He was a member of Fire Company No. 1. He was buried on Sunday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 25, 1883 P.1 ******* [William, Jr./bur. 12-30-1883]

WILLIAM R. SORGE SR. (d. 1998) William R. Sorge, Sr., age 76, a resident of the Manitowoc Health Care Center, died Sunday afternoon, October 25, 1998, at the center. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, October 28, 1998, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be Deacon Robert Drobka with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born February 4, 1922, in Manitowoc, son of the late Arthur and Linda Horstman Sorge. William was a Veteran of the United States Army during World War II serving overseas in the Pacific Theatre. On June 5, 1948, he married the former Rose Lawler in Manitowoc. The couple settled in Manitowoc after their marriage. She preceded him in death on October 26, 1972. Mr. Sorge had been employed by the city of Manitowoc Parks and Cemetery Department for many years retiring in 1984. He was a member of the American Legion Drews Bleser Post #88. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Gregory and Catherine Sorge, Manitowoc, William R. and Tracey Sorge, Jr., Brillion; five grandchildren, Shannon (Rebecca) Sorge, Jason Sorge, Ryan (Heidi) Sorge, Levon Sorge, Brandon Sorge; one great-grandson, Ethan; one sister, Carmen Bently, State of Tennessee. Also surviving are nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a grandson, Michael; and a brother, Warren Sorge. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 10 a.m. Wednesday until the time of service at 11 a.m. Herald Times Reporter, October 27, 1998 P. A2

FLORENCE SORRELL Mrs. John Sorrell, 38, of 833 North 6th street, wife of the well known hockey player, died this morning at the Holy Family hospital after an illness of a few days. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock from the Pfeffer funeral home and at 9 o'clock from Sacred Heart Catholic church with the Rev. Louis Schorn officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Sorrell, nee Florence Einberger, was born Feb. 9, 1905 in the town of Rockland. She graduated with the first class to graduate from Lincoln high school here In 1927 she was married to the hockey star in Canada. Survivors are the widower; one daughter, Mary; one son, John, Jr.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Einberger of this city; one brother, Clarence of Reedsville; and two sisters, Mrs. Max Pankratz and Mrs. Bernard Pankratz, both of Valders. The body will lie in state at the funeral home from 7 o'clock Saturday evening to the time of the services. The rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, August 26, 1943 P. 2 ******** [d. 08-26-1943/age 38 yrs./cause: peritonitis/wife of John A. Sorrell]

JOHN SORRELL Hockey Star John Sorrell dead at 80 Indianapolis - John A. Sorrell, a former hockey star with the championship Detroit Red Wings of 1936-37 has died at the age of 80. Sorrell, known as the "Frail Falcon", in Detroit because of his slight build, 6 feet, 150 lbs., and ability to score against larger opponents, died Friday. He began his 13 year hockey career in 1931 and scored 127 goals and 119 assists for 246 points while playing with Detroit and the New York Americans. On three occasions Sorrell scored 16 goals in a season. As a player and coach, he led the former Indianapolis Capitols to an American Hockey League Championship. He also coached the Indianapolis Chiefs of the International Hockey League. A native of Ontario, Canada, Sorrell lived in Indianapolis 40 years. Survivors include his wife, Maxine; two sons and two daughters. Services were scheduled for Monday. Lowell Sun (Massachusetts), Dec. 3, 1984 page 22

ADOLPH SOUKUP Adolph Soukup, 57, a retired farmer, died Saturday afternoon at the St. Vincent hospital in Green Bay after a short illness. Mr. Soukup and his wife, the former Olga Zeman, moved to this city about a month ago and were making their home at 1218 New York avenue. Preceding that time they lived for one and a half years at Francis Creek after retiring from the farm they operated. He was born June 17, 1885 in the town of Gibson. Survivors are the widow, three daughters, Mrs. Erwin Baumann, Manitowoc route 5, Mrs. Gilbert Reedy, Maribel and Miss Lydia at home and four grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. Annie Wasschek, Milwaukee; Mrs. Olaf Boen, Seattle and Mrs. Alvina Baryenbruch, Chicago. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home by the Rev. Yaroslav Vrnay of the Melnik Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The body will lie in state at the funeral home from this evening until the time of the funeral. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 20, 1943 P.2 ******* [d. 12-18-1943 at Green Bay, WI/age 53 yrs./cause: heart failure]

CAROL E. SOUKUP Mrs. Milton (Carol E.) Soukup, age 77, of 1346 Hubbard Circle, Manitowoc, entered eternal life late on Monday evening, June 30, 2008, at Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers. Carol was born on May 19, 1931, in Manitowoc. She was the daughter of the late Frank and Laurine (Christensen) Johnson. Carol was a graduate of Lincoln High School, Manitowoc, with the class of 1949. She had been employed as the office manager at K & N Auto Body for 10 years. On Sept. 2, 1951, she married Milton J. Soukup at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. She was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. Carol enjoyed spending time playing bingo with her family and friends. She also enjoyed the time spent with her family, especially her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Carol was preceded in death by one brother: Wayne Johnson; and one sister: Shirley Heim. Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 3, 2008, at St. Francis of Assisi on Waldo. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by the Rev. Daniel Schuster, with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Relatives and friends may call at St. Francis of Assisi on Waldo on Thursday from 1 p.m. until the time of service at 2 p.m. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Crematory, North 11th and St. Clair streets, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, July 2, 2008

CEIL MILDRED SOUKUP Mrs. Ceil M. Soukup, 85, of 1717 Wisconsin Avenue, Manitowoc, died Saturday afternoon, February 16, at her home. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Parkside Funeral Home and 11:30 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Daniel J. Felton with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Soukup was born November 9, 1899, at Maple Grove, Wisconsin, daughter of the late Daniel and Catherine Morrissey Cavanaugh. She was educated at St. Patrick Catholic School, Maple Grove. She continued her education at Teachers Training School in Manitowoc. Mrs. Soukup completed her education at Milwaukee Normal in Milwaukee. She held a life teachers certificate in State of Wisconsin. She then taught for 12 years prior to her marriage to Edwin J. Soukup on October 6, 1926, at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Maple Grove. Prior to her retirement, Mrs. Soukup was employed at Borndahls Park Drug in Manitowoc. Her husband, Edwin J. Soukup, preceded her in death December 3, 1976. Mrs. Soukup was a charter member of Holy Innocents Catholic Church, a member of Holy Innocents Parish Christian Women, very active in the Renew Program of Holy Innocents Church and a member of Friends of the Library. Survivors include a son and a daughter-in-law, Milton and Carol Soukup of Manitowoc; three brothers and two sisters-in-law, Ted and Veronica Cavanaugh of Alamo, Texas, Woodrow and Ruth Cavanaugh of Manitowoc and Dan C. Cavanaugh of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Wanish, Miss Fran Cavanaugh and Mrs. Irene Kruck, all of Manitowoc; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Loretta Cavanaugh of Manitowoc; four grandchildren and their spouses, David and Kathy Soukup of Manitowoc, Sharon and Mike Stuebs of Blythe, California, Gail and Dale Luchsinger of Manitowoc and Miss Nancy Soukup of Manitowoc; five great grandchildren, Michael and Patrick Stuebs of Blythe, California, Jessica and John Soukup of Manitowoc and Larry Lee Luchsinger of Manitowoc; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends also survived. She was preceded in death by three brothers and two sisters. Friends may call at Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 6 o'clock to 8:30 o'clock this Monday evening. A prayer service will be held at 7:30 o'clock this Monday evening led by Deacon Candidate Donald Schneider. Memorials would be appreciated to Manitowoc County Respite Care Program or American Cancer Society. Herald Times Reporter, February 18, 1985 P. 3 ******* [widow of Edwin J. Soukup] ******* Notes from Reedsville: The marriage of Miss Cecil (Ceil) Cavanaugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cavanaugh of Maple Grove and Edwin Soukup of Melnik took place at St. Patrick's Church at Maple Grove Wednesday, Oct. 8. Father Casey performed the ceremony. Miss Irene Cavanaugh, a sister of the bride was maid of honor and the Misses Vlasta Zeman and Irene O'Connell were bridesmaids. Reuben Schenian and William Soukoup were the attendants of the groom. Dinner and supper were served at the Cavanaugh home to fifty guests and more than 400 attended a wedding dance at the Melnik Opera House in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Soukoup will make their home at Manitowoc. The bride was employed at Fechter's Book store at Manitowoc the past few years and the groom is a carpenter in that city. Out of town guests at the wedding were Dr. Cavanaugh of Milwaukee, Mrs. J.J. Mullen of Green Bay, Ed Malloy of Green Bay, Mrs. John Sheridan and Mrs. Herbert Anderson of Chicago and the Misses Nell O'Neil and Nell Cavanaugh of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. James Peck and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kutil of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 14, 1926

DELPHINE SOUKUP In the "Melnik" news section: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Soukup, which was born last Friday, died Saturday. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, September 13, 1929 P.11 ****** [cause: atelectasis/died at Gibson, WI]

EDWIN SOUKUP Edwin J. Soukup, 72, 1717 Wisconsin Ave., Manitowoc, died Friday at a Manitowoc hospital. He was born May 18, 1904 at Melnik, son of the late Joseph F. and Rose Pech Soukup. Surviving are his wife, Ceil, a son and daughter-in-law, Milton and Carol Soukup of Manitowoc; a brother, William and two sisters, Mrs. Stanley (Mildred) Zagrodnik and Mrs. Adolph (Viola) Witak of Manitowoc; a grandson, David Soukup and three granddaughters, Sharon Stuebs Gail Luchsinger and Nancy Soukup and two great grandchildren, Michael Stuebs Jr. and Jessica Soukup of Manitowoc. Two sisters preceded him in death. The funeral was Monday at Holy Innocents Church, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Leo J. Schmitt. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. Denmark Press, Thurs., Dec. 9, 1976 page 6 ********* THANK YOU Thank you neighbors, relatives and friends for your kindness during the loss of our dear husband, father and grandfather, Edwin J. Soukup. Thanks to Father Schmitt, the servers, organist pallbearers, donors of cars, flowers, memorials and food and to the ladies who served the meal. Thanks to the Rescue Squad, Police, Chaplains, Doctors and Nurses at Holy Family Hospital and to all who offered sympathy. Family of Edwin Soukup Manitowoc Herald Times, Dec. 22, 1976 ********* (married Oct. 6, 1926) ********* Notes from Reedsville: The marriage of Miss Cecil (Ceil) Cavanaugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cavanaugh of Maple Grove and Edwin Soukup of Melnik took place at St. Patrick's Church at Maple Grove Wednesday, Oct. 8. Father Casey performed the ceremony. Miss Irene Cavanaugh, a sister of the bride was maid of honor and the Misses Vlasta Zeman and Irene O'Connell were bridesmaids. Reuben Schenian and William Soukoup were the attendants of the groom. Dinner and supper were served at the Cavanaugh home to fifty guests and more than 400 attended a wedding dance at the Melnik Opera House in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Soukoup will make their home at Manitowoc. The bride was employed at Fechter's Book store at Manitowoc the past few years and the groom is a carpenter in that city. Out of town guests at the wedding were Dr. Cavanaugh of Milwaukee, Mrs. J.J. Mullen of Green Bay, Ed Malloy of Green Bay, Mrs. John Sheridan and Mrs. Herbert Anderson of Chicago and the Misses Nell O'Neil and Nell Cavanaugh of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. James Peck and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kutil of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 14, 1926

SYLVIA SOUKUP Mrs. William (Sylvia) Soukup, 78, of 3802 Shepherd Lane, Manitowoc, and former Melnik resident, died Friday evening, June 5, 1987 at St. Mary Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 9:30 am Tuesday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville. Rev. Galen Luebke will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The former Sylvia Huletz was born September 11, 1908 in the Town of Gibson, daughter of the late Steven and Louise Vitek Huletz. She married William Soukup on September 23, 1930 at Waukegan, Illinois. The couple operated a farm in the Town of Gibson until retiring in 1969 when they moved to their present home in Manitowoc. Survivors include her husband, William; a son and daughter-in-law, Allen J. and Mary Patricia Soukup of Green Bay; sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, Evelyn Huletz of Maribel, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zagrodnik, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wilak and George Schmidt, all of Manitowoc. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Clarence Huletz, two sisters, Lillian Basken and Emma Bonin and several brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Friends may call at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, 5 pm to 8 pm Monday and Tuesday to the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Sun., June 7, 1987 page 21 ********* [wife of William J. Soukup]

WILLIAM J. SOUKUP William J. Soukup, age 87, a resident of Shady Lane Home, formerly of 3802 Shepard Lane, Manitowoc, died Thursday, July 8, 1993, at Shady Lane Home. Funeral Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday, July 10, 1993, at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home. Officiating will be Rev. William Plank with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born July 25, 1905 in the Town of Gibson, Manitowoc County, son of the late Joseph and Rose Pech Soukup. He married Sylvia Huletz on September 23, 1930, Waukegan, Ill. He farmed on the home farm until he retired in 1969, at which time he and his wife then moved to Manitowoc. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Allen and Patty Soukup, Green Bay; one sister and brother-in-law, Mildred and Stanley Zagrodnik, Manitowoc; nieces, nephews, along with other relatives and friends surviving. Preceding him in death is his wife Sylvia in 1987, three sisters and one brother. Friends may call at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home from 5-7 p.m on Friday and on Saturday from Noon until the time of services at 1 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, July 9, 1993 P. A2 ********** [widower of Sylvia Soukup]

HENRY O. SOVEY Henry O. Sovey, 60, of 1623 Iris Dr., Manitowoc, died unexpectedly early Sunday morning at home. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Mr. John Viste will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Sovey was born Aug. 28, 1914, at Escanaba, Mich., son of the late Fred J. Sovey and Mrs. Elizabeth Sovey Cota. He was educated in Escanaba schools and was graduated from Escanaba High School in 1932. He married Lydia Danielson Bishop July 25, 1970, at Menominee, Mich. He was a Manitowoc resident since 1964. He was employed at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc., and was a member of Boilermakers Union Local 443. Survivors include his wife, twin sons, Leroy and Leon Sovey, of Escanaba, a daughter, Mrs. John (Bonnie) Winick, of Bark River, Mich.; four step-sons, Robert Bishop, of Westminster, Colo., Glen Bishop, of West Allis and Paul and Gerald Bishop, of Manitowoc; his mother, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth) Cota, and two brothers, Alex and Earl, of Escanaba; four sisters, Mrs. Harold (Ruby) Tarleton and Mrs. Robert (Ruth) West, of Dearborn, Mich., Mrs. Joseph (Lucille) Blanchette and Mrs. Robert (Betty) Bloomstrom, of Escanaba and 15 grandchlidren. An infant brother proceeded him in death. Friends may call at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, State Street Chapel, after 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, January 13, 1975 P. 3 ******* [bur. on Mrs. Lydia C. Sovey lot-his wife]

LYDIA CAROLINE (DANIELSON) SOVEY EAST TROY, Wis. - Lydia C. (Danielson) Sovey, 82, died Friday, March 19, 2004. She was born to Oscar and Lila Danielson on April 16, 1921, in Drummond Island, Mich. The beloved mother of Robert Bishop of Gardiner, Mont., Glen Bishop of East Troy, Wis., and Gerald Bishop of Waukesha, Wis. is the special grandmother Jane Bishop and Jill (Jon) Ellingston of Montana; caring great-grandmother of Callie Ellingston of Montana; cherished aunt of Diane Leonard of Shelby, Mich., and had other relatives and many friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husbands, Robert Bishop and Henry Sovey; a son, Paul; a sister, Linda; and a brother, Paul. Services were held Monday, March 22, with a visitation prior to the service at the funeral home. Interment took place Wednesday at Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc, Wis. The Legacy Funeral Services of East Troy, Wis., assisted the family. No newspaper cited, March 2004 ******** Funeral services for Lydia C. Sovey (nee Danielson), age 82, who died Friday, March 19, 2004, were held Monday, March 22, 2004. Interment was held Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. She was born on April 16, 1921, the daughter of Oscar and Lila Danielson in Drummond Island, Mich. She was the beloved mother of Robert Bishop, Gardiner, Mont.; Glen Bishop, East Troy; and Gerald Bishop, Waukesha; special grandmother of Jan Bishop and Jill (Jon) Ellingston of Montana; caring great-grandmother of Callie Ellingson, Montana; cherished aunt of Diane Leonard, Shelby, Mich.; other relatives and many friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husbands, Robert Bishop and Henry Sovey; a son, Paul; a sister, Linda; and a brother, Paul. Legacy Funeral Services, East Troy, assisted the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, March 2004

ELLEN SOVINE Mrs. Oliver Sovine, 90, of Branch, died Friday evening after suffering a heart attack at the home of her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Sovine, at Branch. She was taken to Holy Family Hospital by car after being stricken but was pronounced dead on arrival. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home with the Rev. Allen McCaul officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Sovine was born Ellen Wild in the Town of Kossuth June 7, 1865, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wild. Her father was a cook on the freighter Andrew Johnson. In 1902 she was married to Mr. Sovine and they located in Manitowoc. She had resided with her son since her husband’s death in 1934. Surviving are the one son, Luke, of Branch, two grandchildren and 12 great grand- children. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 25, 1956 P.11 ******* [d. 02-24-1956/age 90 yrs./bur. on Luke Sovine lot]

HARRIETT SOVINE Mrs. Luke Sovine, 83, of 1228 S. 13th St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning at home. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Krisaps Caune will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Sovine, nee Harriett A. Warner, was born Dec. 19, 1901, at Sheboygan Falls, daughter of the late Edwin and Grace Waxenfelder Warner. She was married to Luke V. Sovine May 11, 1933, at Manitowoc. She was a member of Ladies Home League of Salvation Army. Survivors include her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Block and Mrs. Dorothy Kozaczuk, of Manitowoc; four brothers, Charles and Hollis, of Milwaukee, Milton, of Fredonia and Robert, of Watertown; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Polifka, of Whitelaw and Mrs. David Rasmussen, of Hartland; 12 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. A brother, Frank, and two sisters, Anna and Mabel preceded her in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday and Monday until the time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 4, 1975 P. 3

LUKE V. SOVINE Luke V. Sovine, age 94, a resident of North Ridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center, Manitowoc, died Wednesday, October 21, 1998, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, October 23, 1998, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be Rev. Jim Barnes with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born January 1, 1904, in Manitowoc, son of the late Oliver and Ellen Wild Sovine. On May 11, 1933, he married the former Harriett Warner in Manitowoc. She preceded him in death on January 4, 1975. Luke was employed at the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company, retiring in 1968. Survivors include one daughter, Dorothy Young, Manitowoc; 12 grandchildren, Josephine Block, Manitowoc, Mary Eggert, St. Nazianz, Marge Buller, Homeland, Calif., Walter Block Jr., Homeland, Calif, Judi (Jim) Britain, Milwaukee, Tom Block, Milwaukee, James (Sue) Block, West Allis, Jean (Harold) Kittell, Valders, Marilyn Block, Manitowoc, Diane Block, Manitowoc, Robert (Marge) Kozaczuk, Manitowoc, Donald (Barb) Kozaczuk, West Bend; 17 great-grandchildren; and also great-great-grandchildren. Also surviving are two brothers-in-law, Hollis Warner, Pewaukee, Bob Warner, Watertown. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Margaret A. Block; two grandchildren; one great-granddaughter and one great- great-granddaughter. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 11:30 a.m. Friday (TODAY) until the time of service at 1:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, October 23, 1998 P. A2

OLIVER SOVINE We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our many friends for their sympathy and kindly services during our recent bereavement, the death of our husband and father. We wish to also thank Rev. Lewis, the pallbearers and those who sent flowers or consoling messages or offered to assist us in any way. Mrs. Ella Sovine and Luke Sovine Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, Oct. 2, 1924 page 5 ******* [bur 09-29-1924/cause: pulmonary tuberculosis/bur. on Ella Sovine lot]

EUGENE C. SPACEK Eugene (Gene) Spacek, 62, of 339 7th Street, Manistee, Michigan, a former Manitowoc resident, died Wednesday morning, January 27, 1988 at Park Lawn Nursing Home, after a short illness. Funeral services will be 9:30 am Saturday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 am at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Richard Klingeisen will officiate at the Mass of Christian Burial and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Spacek was born April 26, 1925 at Manitowoc, son of the late Frank and Katherine Kulpa Spacek Sr. He married Kathleen Krupkat in 1957 at Manitowoc. Mr. Spacek attended Manitowoc Schools and was a graduate from the Cooking and Baking School at Sheepshead Bay, New York, while serving in the Merchant Marines during World War II. He also served in the Korean Conflict from 1950-1952 in the United States Army with the 45th Quarter Master as a Sergeant 1st Class. Prior to his retirement two years ago, he retired as Assistant Train Master after 43 years with the Chese Railroad System. Mr. Spacek was a member of Benevolent Protective Order of Eagles in Michigan. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Marie Spacek of Baltimore; a daughter, Marquerite Spacek of Baltimore; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Frank and Magdeline Spacek of Manitowoc and Sylvester and Dorris Spacek of Seminole, Florida; a sister and brother-in-law, Shirley and Charlie Oswald of Rockwood, Manitowoc county; nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts and many cousins and a dear friend, Arlene Luskin of Ludington, Michigan. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral home, Manitowoc, 8:30 am Saturday until the time of services. There will be no Friday evening visitation at the Funeral Home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri. Jan. 29, 1988 page 14 ******** [d. 01-28-1988/age 62 yrs.]

FRANK SPACEK SR. Frank Spacek, Sr., 78, of 3710 Rasher St., Manitowoc, died Saturday evening at Maple Crest Sanitorium, Whitelaw, where he had been a patient eight months. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Landowski will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Spacek was born Feb. 5, 1889, in Kewaunee County, son of the late Wenzel and Mary Zlob Spacek. He married the former Katherine Kulpa Feb. 16, 1915, at Oshkosh. The couple farmed in Manitowoc County for many years before his retirement. He was also a master painter by trade. He was a member of the Golden Agers Club, Manitowoc. He is survived by his wife; three sons, Frank Jr. and Eugene C., of Manitowoc and Sylvester A., of Norfolk, Va.; a daughter, Mrs. Charles Oswald Jr., of Rt. 4, Manitowoc; a brother, Joseph, of Kewaunee; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Weisner, of Manitowoc and Mrs. Anton Koss, of Kewaunee and five grandchildren. A brother, Wenzel, preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home where the Rosary will be recited at 7:30 o’clock this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 3, 1967 P.11

KATHERINE SPACEK Mrs. Katherine Spacek, 85, of Manitowoc, who resided at Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening, February 24, at Holy Family Hospital. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Harold Berryman will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Spacek, nee Katherine Kulpa, was born Dec. 22, 1896, at Krakow, Austria, daughter of the late Frank and Anna Joniec Kulpa Sr. She came to the United States with her parents in 1900 to Philadelphia, Pa., later moving to Wisconsin. She was married to Frank Spacek Sr. Feb. 16, 1915, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Oshkosh, moving to Manitowoc following their marriage. He preceded her in death April 1, 1967. She was a member of Rosary and Altar Society of St. Mary Church, VFW Auxiliary of Manitowoc, Germania Society and Manitowoc Senior Citizens. Survivors include three sons, Frank Jr. of Manitowoc, Sylvester of Seminole, Fla., and Eugene of Ludington, Mich.; a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Shirley Ann) Oswald of Rockwood; a brother, Frank Kulpa of Two Rivers; three sisters, Mrs. Frances Jasniecki, Mrs. John (Anne) Schuster and Mrs. Cecelia Kuklinski of Two Rivers; five grandchildren, Mrs. Glenn (Janice) Schramm, Michael Spacek, Marguerite Spacek, Thomas Oswald and Susan Oswald and two great grandsons, Greg and Jamie Schramm. Five brothers and three sisters preceded her in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home at 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. A Rosary service will be at 3:30 p.m. by the Rosary and Altar Society of St. Mary Church. A prayer service will be at 7:30 p.m. by relatives and friends. Herald Times Reporter, Feb. 25, 1982 P. 3 ******** [widow of Frank Spacek]

BERNARD SPAETH Bernard F. "Bernie" Spaeth, age 88, a Manitowoc resident, died Friday morning, January 17, 2014 at Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc, after a long illness. He was born on December 6, 1925 in New Denmark, Wisconsin, son of the late John and Clara (Kohlbeck) Spaeth. Bernie married Delores Dupras in August 24, 1956 in Dubuque, IA. They had two sons, Michael and Steven. He attended Catholic and Public schools in Manitowoc. Bernie served in the U.S. Navy during WWII. He was a member of the Local 400 of the Steamfitters Local 443 Boiler Makers and American Legion Post #88. Bernie enjoyed fishing, woodworking and relaxing with a can of beer and a story. Survivors include: a sister Rose Metzger; a brother-in-law and sister-in-law: Robert & Theresa Dupras; a special nephew: Richard (Jeanne) Metzger; his godchildren: Dale & Dean Levenduski; along with other nieces and nephews. Bernie is further survived by his son Steven's partner Patrick Kuntz and his brother Mark Kuntz who became a part of the family. He was preceded in death by his wife: Delores on September 22, 2004; two sons: Michael and Steven; two sisters: Mary Ann Kubsh and Loretta Truettner; and a brother: Leroy. Funeral Services will be held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the Service will be Deacon Alan Boeldt. Cremation will occur after the service at All-Care Cremation Center, Manitowoc, and Bernie will be laid to rest at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, at a later date. The family will greet relatives and friends at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 21, 2014 until 5:15 p.m. The family would like to extend a special thank you to Shady Lane Nursing Care Center and Aurora VNA for all their care and compassion extended to Bernard. In lieu of flowers, memorials would be appreciated to the Lakeshore Humane Society. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to the family by visiting www.pfefferfuneralhome.com The Pfeffer Funeral Home & All-Care Cremation Center, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. The family would like to extend a special thank you to Shady Lane Nursing Care Center and Aurora VNA for all their care and compassion extended to Bernard. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, Jan. 18 and Jan. 20, 2014

CATHERN SPAETH Mrs. Joseph (Catherine) Spaeth(sic), 69, of 1313A Washington Street, Manitowoc, died Tuesday afternoon, October 7, 1986 at Holy Family Medical Center, Manitowoc. Private family funeral services will be held Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Rev. Gerald Schrankler will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Spaeth, nee Catherine Mott was born June 25, 1917 at Cecil, Wisconsin, daughter of the late Oliver and Elizabeth Verhagen Mott. She resided in Cecil, Wisconsin and later resided in Two Rivers and then Manitowoc. She married Joseph L. Spaeth on February 28, 1941 at Manitowoc. Survivors include her husband, Joseph L.; two sons and daughters-in-law, Robert and Lael Spaeth of Syracuse, Nebraska, and Gerald and Sandy Spaeth of Mishicot; three daughters and a son-in-law, Carole and Charles Pick, Cheryl Duvall and Joanne Spaeth, all of Manitowoc; two brothers and a sister-in-law, Orville Mott of Manitowoc and Richard and Donna Mott of Two Rivers; a sister and brother-in- law, Lois and Richard Brunner of Houma, Louisiana and eight grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a sister, Dorothy Karnitz of Plymouth and a sister-in- law, Florence Mott. There will be no Thursday evening visitation at Pfeffer Funeral Home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wed., Oct. 8, 1986 page 19

CHESTER G. SPAETH Chester Spaeth, 67 of 1226 S. 11th St., Manitowoc, died Tuesday evening in Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 9:30 am Friday in Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Howard Kayser will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Military graveside rites will be accorded Mr. Spaeth by American Legion Drews-Bleser Post No. 88 of Manitowoc. Mr. Spaeth was born April 25, 1911 in Manitowoc, son of the late Joseph and Christine Halvorson Spaeth. He was educated in Manitowoc area schools and served in the United States Army during World War II. He married Louise M. McMullen July 2, 1955 in Manitowoc. Mrs. Spaeth preceded him in death Oct. 31, 1978. Mr. Spaeth sailed with the Great Lakes Car Ferries the past 35 yars and was a member of Seafarers International. He was a member of St. James Episcopal Church. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Susan Jahn of Green Bay. Friends may call in Parkside Funeral Home 4 pm to 9 pm Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wed., Dec. 6, 1978 page 3 ******** [widower of Louise Spaeth] ******** A little son of Joseph Spaeth, N. Sixth St., had a narrow escape from death when the boards covering a cistern gave way and the little fellow was precipitated into the cistern which contained a foot or more of water. The mother, hearing the cries of the child rushed to his assistance and succeeded in rescuing the child. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 17, 1914 page 3 ******** (1920 Manitowoc census North 5th st.: Joseph Spaeth age 36; wife Christine 35; Chester 8) (Note: This is probably Chester in the article. Chester was b. 1911 which would have made him 3 yrs. old in 1914)

CHRISTINE M. SPAETH Mrs. Christine Spaeth, 79, of 504 Buffalo St., Manitowoc, died Saturday morning after a short illness. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. Edmund Olson officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The former Christine Halvorsen was born August 2, 1884, in Manitowoc County, daughter of the late Andreas and Hanna Petronelle Salvorsen. She was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary and of St. Paul Church Ladies Aid Society. Surviving are a son, Chester of Manitowoc; and two sisters, Mrs. Inez Johnson of Manitowoc and Mrs. Nora Ward of Louisville, Ky. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Sunday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, 9th St. entrance, until 10 a.m. Monday, when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the hour of services. Two Rivers Reporter, November 30, 1963 P. M-9 ********* [bur. on Mrs. Frank Jahn lot]

CLARA K. SPAETH Mrs. John (Clare) Spaeth(sic), 74, formerly of 1110 S. 15th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday in Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Private family funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday in Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. William Harvey will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Spaeth was born October 29, 1903 in Cato and was married to John Spaeth in 1923 at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. She was a Manitowoc resident all her life. Survivors include her husband; two sons and daughters-in-law, Bernard and Delores Spaeth and LeRoy and Dorothy Spaeth; three daughters and sons-in-law, Loretta and Fred Truettner, Rose and William Metzger and Mary and Herbert Kubsh; three brothers; three sisters; 22 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. A brother, Frank and a grandson, Michael, preceded her in death. There will be no visitation. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 15, 1978 page 3 ********* [wife of John J. Spaeth]

DELORES H. (DUPRAS) SPAETH Delores H. Spaeth, age 75, of 1510 Johnston Drive, Manitowoc, died Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004, at Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers. She was born March 9, 1929, in Manitowoc, daughter of the late Julius and Caroline (Schmitt) Dupras. On Aug. 24, 1956, she married Bernard F. Spaeth in Dubuque, Iowa. Survivors include her husband: Bernard F. Spaeth, Manitowoc; a son: Steven B. Spaeth and his special friend and companion, Patrick M. Kuntz, De Pere; one brother and three sisters-in-law: Robert and Theresa Dupras, Manitowoc; Loretta Truettner, Manitowoc; Rose Metzger, Manitowoc; one brother-in-law: LeRoy Spaeth, Manitowoc; nieces and nephews: Rob and (Pandora) Dupras, Ohio; Cheryl and (Bob) Isacson and their daughter: Ashley, Cedarburg; Jean and (Kevin) Sadowski and their children: Ryan, Jason and Hailey, Manitowoc; Lori and (Mike) Nellis and their children: Shayna and Shelby, Appleton; she is also survived by additional nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Delores is also preceded in death by one son: Michael; a brother: Edward; an aunt: Helen; and a sister-in-law: Mary Kubsch. The family will greet relatives and friends at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, 2004, until the time of service at 11:30 a.m. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, 2004, at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Dave Hoffman with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Herald Times Reporter, September 2004

ERWIN J. SPAETH Erwin Spaeth, 78, of the Town of Liberty, Manitowoc County, died Thursday evening, Oct. 2. at the Manitowoc Health Care Center, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Harold Berryman will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Spaeth was born Feb. 27, 1902, in the Town of Newton, Manitowoc county, son of the late Anton and Sophia Ebert Spaeth. He was engaged in farming in the Town of Liberty with his brother Ernest. Survivors include a brother and sister-in-law, Ernest and Anna Spaeth of the Town of Liberty; a sister, Mrs. Flora Scott of Two Rivers, and nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Charles and Anton, and four sister, Rosie, Mary, Sophia and Amanda. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home from 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Friday evening, and Saturday until the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, October 3, 1980 P.3 ****** [d. 2 Oct 1980/age 79 yrs]

JOHN J. SPAETH John J. Spaeth, 75, formerly of 110 S. 15th St., Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon, September 7, at St. Mary Home for the Aged, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. William Harvey will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Spaeth was born Nov. 1, 1904, at Manitowoc, and married Clara Kohlbeck in 1923 at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. She preceded him in death May 14, 1978. Mr. Spaeth had been employed as a carpenter with Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc. until his retirement in 1966. He was a member of Carpenters Union Local 849. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Bernard and Delores Spaeth of Manitowoc and Leroy and Dorothy Spaeth of Janesville; three daughters and sons- in-law, Loretta and Fred Truettner and Rose and William Metzger of Manitowoc and Mary and Herbert Kubsh of Francis Creek; a brother and sister-in-law, Joseph and Catherine Spaeth and a sister and brother-in-law, Elsie and Clifford Mc Dougall of Manitowoc, 22 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home Tuesday morning until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, September 8, 1980 P.3

JOSEPH SPAETH (d. 1935) JOS. SPAETH DEATH TODAY Ann Arbor Employe Will Be Buried On Thursday Joseph Spaeth, 51, for 23 years a clerk at the Ann Arbor offices in this city, died this morning at the home, 422 North Ninth street. Although not in the best of health for several months, he continued at his duties until New Year’s day. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 9 a.m. from the Sacred Heart church. Interment will be at Evergreen cemetery. The deceased was born in Two Rivers 51 years ago and 30 years ago came to this city. He was married to Miss Christine Halverson at Two Rivers, October 19, 1904. Mr. Spaeth entered the employ of the Ann Arbor railroad here nearly 24 years ago, and has been with that company ever since. Survivors are his widow, a son Chester; a brother August, Two Rivers; two sisters, Mrs. James Van Sleet, Two River and Mrs. Anna Bachman, Los Angeles, Calif.; and a mother, Mrs. Joseph Wolf, also of Los Angeles. The body may be viewed at the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home from Tuesday until the hour of the funeral. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 21, 1935 P.2

JOSEPH L. SPAETH (d. 1996) Joseph L. Spaeth, age 83, a resident of Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc, died Wednesday, March 13, 1996, at Shady Lane Home. Graveside Services were hedl (sic) privately for the family at Evergreen Cemetery, Friday morning, March 15, 1996. Joseph was born May 8, 1912, son the (sic) late Carl and Minnie Luebke Spaeth. He attended Manitowoc Schools and at the age of 18 entered the United States Army. After his tour of duty with the military he returned to Manitowoc where he became employed with Manitowoc Shipbuilding for many years. He married Cathern Mott February 28, 1942, in Manitowoc. She preceded him in death October 7, 1986. Joseph was a long time member of the Teamster Local Union #619. He played baseball in the Manitowoc/Two Rivers Old Timers Baseball Association for a number of years which he greatly enjoyed along with fishing at his cottage on Wilke Lake. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Robert L. and Lael Spaeth, Syracuse, Neb.; two daughters and one son-in-law, Carole and Charles Pick, Manitowoc, JoAnne Spaeth, Manitowoc; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Elsie McDougall, Manitowoc; along with other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Cathern, one son, Gerald, one brother, John Spaeth. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home assisted the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, March 15, 1996 P. A2 ******** [widower of Cathern Spaeth]

M. LOUISE SPAETH Mrs. Chester (Louise) Spaeth, 70, of 1226 S. 11th St., Manitowoc, died late Tuesday afternoon in Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Private family funeral services will be 9:30 am Friday in Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Duane Mills will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Spaeth, nee Louise McMullen, was born June 25, 1908 in Manistee, Mich., daughter of the late Rev. Robert and Clara Ataberry McMullen. She was graduated from high school from the Wayland Academy and attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She was married to Chester G. Spaeth July 2, 1955 in Manitowoc. She was a member of St. James Episcopal Church. Survivors include her husband, Chester and a son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Susan Spaeth of Green Bay. Friends may call in Parkside Funeral Home 4 pm to 9 pm Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wed., Nov. 1, 1978 page 3 ******** [wife of Chester Spaeth]

MICHAEL LEE SPAETH Michael Lee Spaeth, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Spaeth, of 1024 S. 15th St., Manitowoc, died Monday morning at Southern Wisconsin Colony, Union Grove, where he had been a patient seven months. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Alfred Pritzl will officiate at the Mass of Angels and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Michael was born at Manitowoc Aug. 22, 1957. His mother is the former Dolores H. Dupras. Surviving are his parents, a brother (private), paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Spaeth, and maternal grandfather, Julius Dupras, of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 o'clock this Tuesday afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, October 5, 1965 P.16 ******** [d. 10-04-1965 at Union Grove WI/age 8 yrs./son of Bernard F. and Delores Spaeth]

STEVEN SPAETH Steven B. Spaeth, age 49, of Oneida died unexpectedly as the result of an automobile accident on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009. He was born on Dec. 13, 1959, in Manitowoc to Bernard and Delores Spaeth. Steve graduated from Roncalli High School in Manitowoc in 1978. In 2000, he received an associate degree in marketing and graphic communications from NWTC after going to school part time while working full time. Steve was currently working for Flexo Imaging in Kaukauna as a prepress computer artist. A special thanks to Denny and Jason for their faith in Steve. He previously worked at Printron in Neenah, the Green Bay Press-Gazette and Wisconsin Label in Algoma. Steve's sense of humor and need to be the life of the party will be missed by all. Steve had a way of touching the lives and hearts of his friends and coworkers. He was a very compassionate dog lover and had a green thumb when it came to planting flowers around the house. Steve enjoyed music and is a previous member of the Manitowoc Lakeshore Wind Ensemble and the Two Rivers Municipal Band where he played the saxophone. He also liked to sing in church choirs from time to time. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Steve was preceded in death by his mother: Delores Spaeth, whom he missed very much, and a brother: Michael. The visitation will be held at Cotter Funeral Home, at 860 N. Webster Avenue, De Pere, Wis., 54115, on Sunday Oct. 18, 2009, from 2 until 5 p.m. There will be sharing of memories and stories at 4 p.m. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc at a later date. Online condolences may be expressed to the family at www.cotterfuneralhome .com. Herald Times Reporter, Oct. 16, 2009

WILHELMINA SPAETH Mrs. Wilhelmina Spaeth, 88, a former resident of the City of Manitowoc, died at 8:30 a.m. Friday at Manitowoc County Hospital, Manitowoc, after an illness of four years. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, the Rev. Gervase Zanotti officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Spaeth was born Wilhelmina Luebke April 20, 1872 in the Town of Newtonburg, Manitowoc County, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. August Luebke. She was married to Carl Spaeth in 1899 and she resided in Manitowoc County since. Mr. Spaeth preceded her in death in 1919. Survivors include two sons, John and Joseph of Manitowoc; a daughter, Mrs. Clifford McDougall of Manitowoc; two brothers, Fred of Waupaca and William of Detroit; a sister, Mrs. Emma Sanheimer of Milwaukee; 12 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 10, 1961 P.13 ******** [d. 02-10-1961/age 88 yrs./bur. on Henry and Anita Glihsman lot]

MARY C. SPALY Mary C. Spaly, 85, of St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc, for the past six years, died early Wednesday morning, April 29, 1992, at St. Mary's Home. Private funeral services for the family will be 2 p.m. Friday. Rev. Hugh Anderson will officiate with burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. She was born February 14, 1907, at Eagerville, Ill., daughter of the late John and Erminia Dona Arnoldi. She was employed with United Airlines in Chicago, Ill, until her retirement in 1969 at which time she moved to Manitowoc to be near her daughter and family. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Ruth and Lester Kaderabek of Manitowoc; a granddaughter, Marianne (James) Quinn of Manitowoc; a grandson, Larry Kaderabek of Manitowoc; three great grandchildren, Adam, Karen and Shawn Quinn; a brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Pauline Arnoldi of Jerseyville, Ill.; a sister-in- law, Florence Arnoldi of Shorewood, Ill.; five nieces, two nephews and other relatives and friends survive. She was preceded in death by three brothers, William, Frank and Joseph Arnoldi, and a grandson, William Kaderabek. Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, April 29, 1992 P. B12

ANDREW SPARR DROWNED. On Monday night Andrew Sparr of Ludington, Mich., was drowned in the river near the railroad bridge in this city. He in company with two other lumbermen, Joyce and Anderson were on their way home from the lumber woods in Northern Michigan. They intended to take the boat at this place for Ludington. They kept track of the stations, having railroad time cards with them and knew after the Branch was passed that the next station was Manitowoc. The train stopped on the railroad bridge to take on water for the locomotive from the tank. The three persons naturally inferred that the Manitowoc was reached and started to leave the train. Sparr was the first and stepped into the river. He shouted for help but the current was strong and bore him away. The bell cord of the train was torn off and thrown to him. His shouts for help were heard until he was abreast of the glue factory. People with lanters patrolled the banks of the river but the body was not washed ashore. The drowned man was a Swede, who had been only two years in this country. He was a young fellow of good education and had been an organist in a church at Ludington. Manitowoc Pilot, April 10, 1890 P. 3 ********* The body of Andrew Spaar (sic), the man drowned in the river from the railroad bridge on April 7th, was found on Friday last. The body was floating when discovered. It had evidently caught on some obstruction near the river bank as the face showed signs of having been exposed to the sun and air. A coroner’s jury was empaneled and the verdict censures the railroad company for permitting trains to stop on the bridge without giving passengers notice that the depot has not been reached. The body was interred at this place as decomposition had so far advanced as to make difficult the forwarding it to friends. Manitowoc Pilot, May 1, 1890 P. 3 ******** [cause: drowning]

ARNOLD SPATCHEK Arnold (Arnie) S. Spatcheck(sic), age 76, of 1838 Rankin St., Manitowoc, died unexpectedly late Wednesday afternoon, May 10, 1995, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 13, 1995, at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc, and 10 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church. The Mass of Chrisitan Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Gerald Foley. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery. Arnie was born December 25, 1918, in Maple Grove, Wis., son of the late Steve and Josephine Bethke Spatcheck. He was employed for 45 years at Mirro Aluminum Company, Manitowoc, retiring in 1984. He married the former Lorraine Peik on February 21, 1939, in Hilbert. He was a member of Holy Innocents Cathoic Church, he was also a 49 year member of the Eagles Aerie #706. Survivors include his wife, Lorraine; four daughters and sons-in-law, Shirley and Paul Kieffer, Caroline and Skip Luchterhand, Mary Jane and Wayne Sittman, Darlene and Steve Roepke, all of Manitowoc; one brother, Marvin Spatcheck and his special friend, Carol Gorzlanzyk, Manitowoc; one sister and brother-in-law, LaVerne and Lem Behnke, Manitowoc; six grandchildren, Randy (Chris) Kieffer, Linda (Kent) Kopetsky, Debbie (Jerry) Christel, Scott (Jane) Lucterhand (sic), Brenda Fischer, Torry Sittman; six great-grandchildren, Nathan and Megan Kieffer, Tyler and Nicholas Kopetsky, John and Joe Christel. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Elroy and Raymond Spatcheck. Friends may call at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home from 5-8 p.m. on Friday. A prayer service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday evening led by Deacon Paul Kieffer, son-in-law. Arnie was affectionately known as the "Can Man" as he made his rounds at Citizen Park during baseball season. He'd collect all the cans to be crushed and recycled the next day. He loved feeding the birds, rabbits, and squirrels that made his back yard their home. His first love was playing sheepshead!! Dad, we hope you find your card playing buddies up there. We love you and will miss you. Herald Times Reporter, May 11, 1995 P. A2 ********* [husband of Lorraine Spatchek]

LORRAINE SPATCHEK Lorraine Spatchek, age 86, of Manitowoc, entered eternal life on Tuesday morning, April 1, 2008, at her residence. Lorraine was born on Dec. 9, 1921, in Chilton. She was the daughter of the late Fred and Ida (Behlow) Peik. In past years, Lorraine had been employed with White House Milk Company, Penguin Restaurant and Bud Willman's Restaurant. On Feb. 21, 1939, she married Arnold S. Spatchek in Hilbert. He preceded her in death on May 10, 1995. Lorraine was a member of St. Francis of Assisi. For many years she was well known for her Christmas decorating of her home during the Christmas holidays. She loved her family reunions and also doing crafts with her daughter. She is survived by three daughters and four sons-in-law, six grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, nieces; nephews. Many friends also survive. She was preceded in death by her husband: Arnold on May 10, 1995; one daughter: Mary Jane Sittman on Sept. 14, 2002; and two sisters. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 3, 2008, at St. Francis of Assisi on Grand. The Rev. Gerald Foley will celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial. Burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery with committal prayers being lead by her son-in-law. Relatives and friends may call at St. Francis of Assisi on Grand on Thursday from 9 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Crematory, North 11th and St. Clair streets, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, April 2, 2008 (Survivors edited for privacy)

ROSE SPATCHEK Mrs. John Spatchek, 67, of Rt. 2, Brillion, died Tuesday in St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 10:15 a.m. Friday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Alfred Pritzl will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. She was born Rose Mull in Kossuth in 1886, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mull and in 1916 was married in Milwaukee to Mr. Spatchek. They located on a farm in Maple Grove. Surviving are the husband; two brothers, Herman of Maribel and William of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Zhiler of Manitowoc, Mrs. Ida Zimmerman of Reedsville and Mrs. Amanda Keuther of Two Rivers. Friends may call at the funeral home after Thursday noon. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 20, 1954 P.23 ******* [d. 01-19-1954 at Green Bay, WI/age 67 yrs.]

REV. ALVIN AUGUST SPAUDE The Rev. Alvin A. Spaude, age 72, was received to eternal life on Wednesday morning, Aug. 29, 2001, after a short stay at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Appleton. He was born in New Ulm, Minn., on Jan. 8, 1929, son of the late August and Ella (Biermann) Spaude of Gibbon, Minn. He was received into Christ's kingdom through Holy Baptism at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Gibbon, Minn., on Feb. 3, 1929 and confirmed in the faith, April 18, 1943. On June 17, 1960, he was united in marriage to Carolyn Bathke Vetter. He attended the public school in Gibbon, Minn., for two years. The next six years he attended Immanuel Lutheran School, Gibbon, Minn. He attended high school at Dr. Martin Luther High School, New Ulm, Minn. After graduation from high school he attended Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis., graduating in 1951. A 1954 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., he served as a tutor at Dr. Martin Luther High School, New Ulm, Minn., from 1954 to 1957 and was ordained into the ministry at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Withrow, Wash., in 1957. He also served as an instructor at Manitowoc Lutheran High School from 1958 to 1967; and as a pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Mt. Calvary, Wis., from 1967 to 1980; and Christus Lutheran Church, Richmond, Wis., before retiring from the ministry in 1982 due to ill health. From 1968 to 1972 he served as secretary/treasurer of the Kettle Moraine Circuit, Winnebago Conference. In 1957, he was a delegate to the Wisconsin Synod convention at Northwestern College, Watertown. Survivors include his wife: Carolyn, who is a patient at St. Elizabeth Hospital; five stepchildren: David (Peggy) Vetter of Goleta, Calif.; Mary Beth (George) Hausauer of Appleton; Thomas Vetter of North Fond du Lac; Joel Vetter of North Fond du Lac; and Mark Vetter of Fond du Lac. He is also survived by five stepgrandchildren: Scott Hausauer and Jennifer Hausauer of Appleton; Christy (John) Pochop of San Jose, Calif.; Tony (Sharome) Cabral of San Diego, Calif.; and David Cabral of Goleta, Cali.; two stepgreat-grandchildren: David John and Ashlyn Rae Pochop of San Jose, Calif. He is further survived by one brother: Burton (Nancy) Spaude of Gibbon, Minn., several uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held on Saturday, Sept. 1, 2001, from 10 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Hospital Chapel, 1506 S. Oneida St., Appleton, with the Rev. Donald Ninmer of Bethel Lutheran Church officiating. Burial service will be held at Evergreen Cemetery in Manitowoc, following the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Bethel Lutheran Church, 829 Appleton Road, Menasha, Wis., or Fox Valley Lutheran High School, Appleton, Wis. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.-Rev. 2:10 Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by they name; thou art mine.-Is. 43:1 Herald Times Reporter, August 31, 2001 P. A5

CAROLYN M. SPAUDE Carolyn M. Spaude, age 83, was received to eternal life on Jan. 5, 2009. She was born on Dec. 13, 1925, in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, the only child of the late Otto H. and Elsie M. (Krueger) Bathke. Carolyn was received into Christ's kingdom through Holy Baptism at First German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Manitowoc on Dec. 30, 1925. She attended all eight grades at First German Evangelical Lutheran School and was confirmed in the faith on April 2, 1939. Carolyn attended high school and college at Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn. After college, she taught parochial school at the following locations in Wisconsin: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran School in rural Valders; St. John Evangelical Lutheran School in rural Manitowoc; First German Evangelical Lutheran School in Manitowoc; St. John Evangelical Lutheran School in Two Rivers; and St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran School in Mt. Calvary. Carolyn was also an accomplished pianist and organist. On June 15, 1947, Carolyn was united in marriage to Elroy Edmund Vetter. Together they had five children. He preceded her in death on July 2, 1958. She then married the Rev. Alvin August Spaude, on June 17, 1960. He also preceded her in death on August 29, 2001. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Carolyn was also preceded in death by a daughter-in-law: Peggy Vetter; and a grandson: John Pochop. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 12, 2009, at Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 829 Appleton Road, Menasha, with the Rev. Samuel Degner officiating. Interment will take place in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Visitation will be held from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at the church. Martens-Laemmrich Funeral Home, Menasha, (920) 722-8252. Light a candle in memory of Carolyn at: www.martens-laemm richfuneralhome.com Carolyn's confirmation verse was Matthew 28:20, "Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." How true those words are! She always enjoyed teaching and had 22 years to tell children all about the love of Jesus, their Savior. Herald Times Reporter, Jan. 9, 2009

CHARLES SPECHT Charles Specht, 77, of Rt. 5, Manitowoc, died Monday at the farm home following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 130 p.m. Wednesday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Harvey Rakow will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Specht was born in the town of Manitowoc Feb 2, 1875, and in 1899 married Miss Minnie Rohrbach. They settled on a farm in Manitowoc Rapids. His wife died in 1944. He was secretary of the progressive Dairy Farmers Association for some years and an honorary deacon of the First Baptist Church. For years he pursued the vocation of rug weaving with a primitive loom, which at one time was part of the old Specht homestead on Rt. 2, Two Rivers. He followed this vocation when his farm work did not keep him busy. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. George Anthold and Mrs. Herman Palfenier of Rt. 5, Manitowoc; Mrs. Donald Liesche of Green Bay, a son, Harvey of Rt. 5, Manitowoc; five brothers, Herman of Green Bay, William of Milwaukee, Henry of Rt. 5, Manitowoc, George of Rt. 2, Manitowoc; Richard of Manitowoc; six sisters, Mrs. Emma Rohrbach of Rt. 2, Manitowoc, Mrs. Helen Widder and Mrs. Martha Schielke of Milwaukee, Mrs. Anna Schaus of Manitowoc, Mrs. Orville Hampton of California and Mrs. Frank Beniditz of Wausau; 12 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after Tuesday noon. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 19, 1953 P. 2 ******* [d. 01-18-1953/age 77 yrs.]

GEORGE J. SPECHT George J. Specht, 74, a former resident of Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening at Deaconess Hospital, Milwaukee, following a brief illness. Graveside funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Saturday by Odd Fellow Lodge 55 at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Specht was born March 30, 1885, at Mishicot. He married the former Mattie Lawrence in 1905 and she preceded him in death in 1951. He was a member of Odd Fellows Lodge 55. Survivors include a son, Lewis of Milwaukee; a daughter, Mrs. Boyd Joy of Milwaukee; four grandchildren and a brother and sister at Los Angeles. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 5, 1959 P. 24 ******* [d. 03-04-1959 at Milwaukee WI/age 73 yrs.]

KENDALL C. SPECHT A 4-month old son in the family of Geo. J. Specht here died Tuesday and will be buried this afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 14 Oct. 1909 ****** The funeral of little Kenneth (sic) Specht was held this afternoon with interment at Evergreen cemetery. Manitowoc Daily Tribune, Thursday, October 14, 1909 P. 8 ****** (Kendall Claudius Specht/d. 12 Oct. 1909/age 5 mo./from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) [bur. 10-14-1909/cause: acute nephritis]

MATTIE B. SPECHT Mrs. George B. Specht, 64, of 2867 North 21st street, Milwaukee, died Monday morning at her home following a short illness. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday at the Pfeffer funeral home, Manitowoc, the Rev. F. C. St. Clair of the St. James Episcopal church, Manitowoc, officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Specht, nee Mattie Lawrence, was born in Manitowoc in 1886 and was married to George Specht in 1904. They lived in Manitowoc until moving to Milwaukee in 1925. Survivors are the husband; daughter, Mrs. Boyd Joy of Milwaukee; son, Louis of Milwaukee; two brothers, William J. Lawrence of Manitowoc and Curtis Lawrence of Milwaukee; three sisters, Mrs. Louis Gunnea of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. Louis McNamara of West Allis, and Mrs. Adaa Kolanchek of Manitowoc and four grand- children. Mrs. Specht was a member of the Rebekah lodge and members will conduct special services at 7 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 p.m. Thursday until time of services on Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 10, 1951 P.2 ******* [Mattie Bell/d. 01-08-1951 at Milwaukee, WI/age 64 yrs./ bur. on George J. Specht lot]

MINNIE SPECHT Mrs. Charles Specht, 68, lifelong resident of the county, died late Thursday afternoon at the home. She suffered a stroke Wednesday. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home, the Rev. Lawrence Wegner officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Specht, nee Minnie Rohrbach, was born in the town of Manitowoc in 1876 and in 1899 was married to Mr. Specht. They located on a farm in the town of Kossuth. Survivors are the husband; three daughters, Mrs. George Athold and Mrs. Donald Liesch of route 5, Manitowoc, Mrs. Herman Palfenier of Philadelphia; son Harvey of route 2, Two Rivers; brother, Benjamin of Milwaukee; two sisters, Mrs. Herman Specht of Coleman, Mrs. Rose Ahlswede of route 2, Manitowoc; and seven grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 6, 1945 P.2 ******** [d. 04-05-1945/age 68 yrs./wife of Chas. Specht]

RAMONA E. SPECHT Mrs. Richard Specht, 76, of 1120 New York Ave., Manitowoc, died Saturday in Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Memorial services will be 7:30 p.m. Monday in First Baptist Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Bruce Huffer will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Specht, nee Romona Bertolaet, was born Oct. 24, 1902, in Milwaukee, daughter of the late William G. and Emma Rohrbach Bertolaet. She attended schools in the Town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County. She was married to Richard Specht June 25, 1924, in the Town of Kossuth. They resided in Manitowoc all their lives. Mrs. Specht was a member of First Baptist Church, the Ladies Aid, and church organist for many years. Survivors include her husband, Richard; two sons and daughters-in-law, Marvin and Beverly Specht of Hawaii, and Reginald and Madeline Specht of Dallas, Tex.; and two grandsons. A brother preceded her in death. Friends may call in the church after 4 p.m. Monday until the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, August 19, 1979 P. 3 ********* [wife of Richard Specht]

RICHARD SPECHT Richard Specht, 84, of 1120 New York Ave., Manitowoc, died Sunday, Decmeber 21, at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Memorial services will be 7:30 o'clock this Monday evening at First Baptist Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Bruce Huffer will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Specht was born Oct. 8, 1896, in the Town of Kossuth, son of the late Mathias and Marie Anthold Specht. He attended Schools in the Town of Kossuth and married Ramona Bertolaet June 25, 1924, in the Town of Kossuth. The couple made their home in Manitowoc. Mrs. Specht preceded him in death in 1979. Mr. Specht had been an auto mechanic with Huppert Ford and Erdman Motor Company. He was a member of First Baptist Church and was very active in church affairs. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Marvin and Beverly Specht of Hawaii and Reginald and Madeline Specht of Dallas, Texas, and two grandsons. Friends may call at First Baptist Church after 4 o'clock this Monday afternoon until the time of service. Memorials may be made to First Baptist Church. Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, is in charge of arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, December 22, 1980 P.3 ********* [widower of Romona Specht]

CHARLES SPEERING Charles Speering, 57??, of 1120 Philippen St., Manitowoc, died at noon Monday at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the St. John Evangelical and Reformed Church, Manitowoc, the Rev. Paul Blaufuss officiating. Masonic graveside services will be held. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Speering was born Oct. 27, 1899, in the Town of Grover, Marinette County, son of the late Carl and Elizabeth Dieleno Speering. On Oct. 6, 1924, he married Ellen North at Winona, Minn. The couple took up residence in Manitowoc where Mr. Speering worked as a machinist at the Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co., and later at the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc. and Manitowoc Engineering Corp. More recently he continued to live in Manitowoc but was employed at the General Electric plant in Milwaukee. Due to his illness he was unable to work the past few years. He was a member of the St. John Church and the church Brotherhood, a member of the Masonic order, a 25 year member of the American Legion and a member of the X-Ray Level Club of General Electric. He served as an infantryman in World War I and was a deputy sheriff in Manitowoc during the team of Sheriff Max Hiller. Survivors include his wife; daughter, Muriel of Manitowoc; five brothers, William and Gustave of Black River Falls, John of Shawano, Albert of Three Lakes and Edward of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Laab and Mrs. Mary Olson of Black River Falls and Mrs. Minnie Betz of Dallas, Wis., and a number of nieces and nephews. His parents and two brothers preceded him in death. Friends may call at the Frazier Mortuary, Manitowoc, after 4 p.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 13, 1956 P.15 ******** [d. 11-12-1956/age 57 yrs./cause: acute coronary thrombosis]

ELLEN J. SPEERING Ellen J. Speering, age 88, formerly of 4557 Harvest Circle, and Shady Lane Home, died Monday, January 31, 1994, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center. Funeral Services will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 3, 1994, at the St. John's United Church of Christ, Manitowoc. Revs. Robert Meyer and Bruce Hoffer will officiate with burial at Evergreen Cemetery. She was born March 15, 1905, in Downing, Wis., daughter of the late Gustave and Julia Hermanson North. She attended schools in Downing, and graduated from Eau Claire Business School. She married Charles Speering, October 6, 1924, in Winona, Minn. The couple came to Manitowoc in the 1930's. She was a sixty year member of the St. John's United Church of Christ where she taught Sunday School and visited families of newborn infants and was past president of the Women's Guild. Survivors incldue a daughter and son-in-law, Muriel and Dale Wernecke, Manitowoc; two grandchildren, Rev. David and Karen Wernecke, Shaebona, Ill., Naomi and Rev. Jeffery Dube, Brush, Colo.; four great-grandchildren, Richard Charles Wernecke, Illinois, Jeremiah, David and Rachel Ellen Dube, Brush, Colo. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles, in 1956, two brothers, George and Oden North, a sister, Esther North Wilcox. Friends may pay their respects from 5:30 p.m. Thursday, until the time of services at the church. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the Elmhurst College or the Salvation Army. The Jens Funeral Home assisted the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, February 2, 1994 P. A2 ********** [widow of Charles Speering]

MARY SPEHAR Mary (Schuh) Spehar, age 88, a resident of St. Mary's Home for the Aged, Manitowoc, died early Monday morning, February 2, 1998, at St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held 10 a.m. Wednesday, February 4, 1998, at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. Roman Zbieranski, O.F.M. with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. She was born July 23, 1909, in Grimms, daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Mailubuach Schuh. On May 4, 1949, she married Peter Spehar at Eagle Rivers. He preceded her in death in 1972. Mary was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, William and Joan Otto, Rochester, Minn; a daughter and son-in-law, Janet and Donald Mahlik, Two Rivers; two sisters, Rose Deubler and Georgianna Barbier, both of Manitowoc. also surviving are 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandson. She was preceded in death by eight brothers. Friends may call at St. Mary Catholic Church from 8:30 a.m. Wednesday until the time of service at 10 a.m. The Pfeffer Funeral Home is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, February 2, 1998 P. 2

PETER J. SPEHAR Peter Spehar, 82, of Eagle River, Wis., died Thursday at Eagle River Municipal Hospital. Burial services will be at 1 p.m. Monday at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. The Rev. Michael Koch of St. Mark Catholic Church, Two Rivers, will officiate. Mr. Spehar was a former Manitowoc resident and charter member of the Seagulls. Friends may call at Eagle River Funeral Home from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. August 18, 1972 ******* [d. 08-17-1972 at Eagle River WI/age 81 yrs.] (06 Jan 1891/Aug 1972/SSDI)

CALVIN SPENCER Calvin Spencer, 89, of 847 North 15th street, died this morning at the Holy Family hospital of injuries received in a fall at home on July 22. Funeral services are incomplete pending word from a son in Houston, Texas. Mr. Spencer was born in Marseilles, Ill., in 1858 (sic). He married Viola Brumbach in 1893 and they lived in Marsielles (sic) until coming to Manitowoc two years ago. Mrs. Spencer died two months ago. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. James Magill of Manitowoc, son, William of Houston, Texas; three grandchildren (private); one great granddaughter (private). The body is at the Urbanek and Schlei funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, August 9, 1947 P.2 ******** [d. 08-09-1947/age 89 yrs.]

CLARISSA SPENCER IN PROBATE.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estae of Clarissa Spencer, deceased. On reading and filing the betition (sic) of John Spencer, of Kossuth, representing among other things that Clarissa Spencer late of Kossuth, on the 20th day of February, A.D. 1877, at Kossuth, died intestae, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is the surviving husband of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him, granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 30th day of July, A.D. 1877, at 10 o'clock, A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated Manitowoc, the 2d day of July, A.D., 1877. T. G. Olmsted, County Judge Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 26, 1877 P. 2 ********** [Clarisa Mrs. John Spencer]

ELAINE SPENCER 5 Manitowoc Persons Die in Auto Crashes Four Killed When Train Hits Automobile at Denmark Crossing; 83-Year-Old Woman Victim When Car Overturns on Highway 141 Near St. Wendel Five Manitowoc people lost their lives and a sixth person was seriously injured in automobile accidents Sunday to bring the county's 1937 violent death total to 29, three above the entire year of 1936. Four of the five accident victims were killed early Sunday morning in the village of Denmark when their car was hit by a train and the fifth was killed when a car in which she was riding overturned north of St. Wendel on Highway 141 last night. List of Dead The dead: August Schaefer, 23, 1622 16th street, Two Rivers, instantly killed when his car was hit by a North Western train at Denmark. Marvin Roberts, 22, Manitowoc, formerly of Calumet, Mich., passenger in the Schaefer car, instantly killed. Irene Smith, 23, 307 North 5th street, passenger in the Schaefer car, died on the operating table of a Green Bay hospital as doctors prepared to amputate both legs two hours after the accident, suffered crushed legs and a skull fracture. Elaine Spencer, 20, 427 North 5th, passenger in the Schaefer car, died on the way to the hospital; suffered a broken neck. Mrs. Augusta Franke, 83, 1119 Columbus street, passenger in a car driven by her son, A.H. Franke, 1334 South 15th street, killed by shock when car overturned on Highway 141, 2 miles north of St. Wendel. 4 Killed at Crossing Occupants of the Schaefer car were killed as they were returning to Manitowoc from a dance at Green Bay at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. They were headed east through the village of Denmark when they reached the railroad tracks just as the southbound train of the Chicago and North Western railroad, No. 112, due in Manitowoc at 2:20 a.m., was crossing the intersection. The train hit the roadster next to the driver's seat and carried it over a quarter of a mile up the track before it was able to stop. The car was taken from the front of the train opposite the Pet Milk company condensery. Schaefer was thrown out of the car onto the cow-catcher of the train, between the car and the engine. The other three occupants of the roadster were jammed inside the machine. Schaefer was crushed almost beyond recognition. The other three were badly mangled. It took almost an hour to take Schaefer's body from the cow-catcher of the train. It was some time after the accident before the bodies were identified. Schaefer, whose name was traced through the license number of the car, was the first to be identified. William Spencer, father of Elaine called Sheriff Norman Berdedal here early Sunday morning when his daughter had not returned from the dance, and asked if there had been any accidents in the county. Continued on Page 9, Col. 2) FIVE MANITOWOC PERSONS KILLED (Continued from Page 1) Sheriff Berkedal told him there had been no serious accidents. At about 8 o'clock Mr. Spencer heard that there had been an accident near Green Bay and called Sheriff Berkedal again. The sheriff telephoned Green Bay, found that the accident involved four young people, and then drove Mr. Spencer to Green Bay to identify his daughter. Two Rivers Notified Green Bay authorities called the Two Rivers police when Schaefer had been identified and officers there notified Schaefer's family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bebeau, Roberts was identified through the Bebeau family as both he and Schaefer were employed at the Hotel Manitowoc as bus boys. The Schaefer car was damaged beyond repair. The entire left side of the car was crushed in, the side was bent back over the roadster seat where it is believed the four were riding. The rumble seat was bent all out of shape. The car, pushed off the railroad tracks, was viewed by crowds of people throughout the day. .......article split for the various deaths and put with the obit.... Graduate of Lincoln High Elaine Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer, 427 North Fifth street, was born in this city, March 12, 1917. She attended the north side schools and was graduated from Lincoln high school with the class of 1935. She has been employed as a clerk in the grocery department of Schuette Bros. company. Miss Spencer's death was the second in the family in less than a month. Charles Clauder, a brother of Mrs. Spencer who made his home with his sister, died suddenly of a heart attack July 3. Survivors are the parents, and a sister, Edith. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Presbyterian church, the Rev. C.H. Phipps officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The body may be viewed tonight at the Shimek and Schwartz funeral home and will be taken to the church Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Miss Spencer was a member of Job's Daughters, who will attend the funeral in a body Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, August 2, 1937 P.1 & 9 ******* [bur. 08-03-1937/d. Denmark, WI/cause: skull fracture broken neck and internal injuries/bur. on William C. Spenser lot]

ELIZA SPENCER (d. 1893) Mrs. Henry Spencer of Sturgeon Bay died on Sunday last aged 78. She was at one time a resident of Kossuth but of late years resided with her daughter, Mrs. Hay of Sturgeon Bay. The Manitowoc Pilot, November 9, 1893 ********* C. B. Tifft of Ahnapee was in the city on Wednesday of this week, having come here to be present at the funeral of Mrs. Henry Spencer. The Manitowoc Pilot, November 9, 1893 ********* John Spencer and J. S. Hay of Sturgeon Bay and Henry Spencer of Menominee were in the city yesterday, being called here to be present at the funeral of their mother. The Manitowoc Pilot, November 9, 1893 ********* [Mrs. H. Spencer/bur. 11-05-1893/cause: old age] ********* (1860 Kossuth twp. census: Henry Spencer 44; wife Eliza 44; Susannah 14; John 12; Margaret 9; Ellen 9; Clarrissa 8; Emma 5; Henry 3) ******** (1870 Kossuth twp. census: Henry Spencer age 52; wife Elize 52; Susanah 25; John 23; Ellen 21; Clarisa 18; Emma 15; Henry 13)

ELSIE SPENCER Mrs. Elsie Spencer, 91, died Thursday morning in Park Lawn Nursing Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be held 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. John M. Deason will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Spencer, nee Elsie Clauder, was born March 14, 1888, in Manitowoc, daughter of the late William and Minnie Dallmann Clauder. She attended schools in Manitowoc. She was married to William Spencer Sept. 26, 1912, in Ludington, Mich. The couple returned to Manitowoc to make their home. Her husband preceded her in death in 1959. Mrs. Spencer was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. Survivors included a daughter and son-in-law, Edith and Earl Meisnest of Manitowoc; a grandson; nieces, nephews and cousins. A daughter, three brothers and three sisters preceded her in death. Friends may call in Jens Funeral Home, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and until the time of services on Saturday. Memorials may be made to the church. Herald Times Reporter, May 31, 1979 P. 3 ********* [widow of William C. Spencer]

EMMA SPENCER (d. 1944) Mrs. John H. Spencer, 89, pioneer resident of city and county, died Friday afternoon at the Holy Family hosptial following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday at the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home, the Rev. C.H. Phipps of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Spencer, nee Emma F. Robinson, was born in Kossuth in 1855 and in 1877 was married to Mr. Spencer. Three years later they moved to this city and except for six years spent at Sturgeon Bay lived here. Mr. Spencer died in 1927. Survivors are three sons, Guy E. and William C. of this city, Roy of Pontiac, Mich.; brother, Lyman Robinson of Lake Crystal, Minn.; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from 1 p.m. Sunday until the hour of the sevices. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, November 25, 1944 P. 2 ******* [cause: cerebral hemorrhage/bur. on Mrs. H. Spencer lot]

GUY E. SPENCER Guy E. Spencer, 73, retired grocery salesman, of 301 Riverview Drive, Manitowoc, died Wednesday morning at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, following a short illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Spencer was born Sept. 1, 1881, at Manitowoc where he always lived with the exception of a number of years at Sturgeon Bay. He was a wholesale grocery salesman for 40 years for the Plumb and Nelson Company of Manitowoc, retiring two years ago. In 1910 he married Dora Edstrom who died in 1928. In 1929 he married Mrs. Nora Johnson who survives along with two step-sons, Lloyd E. and Maurice L. Johnson of Manitowoc; two brothers, William of Manitowoc and Roy of Pontiac, Mich.; and two grandchildren. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, the Masonic Lodge and the United Commercial Travelers branch of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 27, 1954 P.27 ******** [bur. on Mrs. H. Spencer lot]

HENRY SPENCER (d. 1892) Henry Spencer of Kossuth died at Sturgeon Bay on Friday of last week, aged 75. His remains were brought to this city for interment and his funeral took place on Sunday. He was born in England and immigrated to this country when a young man. After working in a factory in the east for some time he started for the west and settled in Kossuth in 1847. He was one of the first settlers of that town and did his share toward making it the garden of the county. He leaves two sons, John Spencer of Sturgeon Bay, Henry Spencer of Menominee, and three daughters, Mrs. Tifft of Ahnapee, Mrs. Hay of Sturgeon Bay and Mrs. Howard of California. The Manitowoc Pilot, February 18, 1892 ********** John Spencer of Sturgeon Bay spent Sunday and Saturday in the city. He came here with the body of his father who died at Sturgeon Bay on Friday last. The Manitowoc Pilot, February 18, 1892 ********** [bur. 02-14-1892/age 72 yrs.] ********** (1860 Kossuth twp. census: Henry Spencer 44; wife Eliza 44; Susannah 14; John 12; Margaret 9; Ellen 9; Clarrissa 8; Emma 5; Henry 3) ********** (1870 Kossuth twp. census: Henry Spencer age 52; wife Elize 52; Susanah 25; John 23; Ellen 21; Clarisa 18; Emma 15; Henry 13)

HENRY SPENCER JR. (d. 1928) Former Resident Here Died Yesterday At Menominee Henry Spencer, a former resident of this city many years ago, passed away yesterday morning at the hospital at Menominee, Mich., following an illness of six years when he suffered a severe stroke. Early yesterday morning Mr. Spencer suffered another attack and succumbed shortly after. Mr. Spencer was born in the town of Kossuth seventy-two years ago and spent his boyhood in and near this city. He left many years ago to locate at Sturgeon Bay where he conducted a livery stable for some time later removing to Menominee where he established an agency for farm implements in which he had continued. He was married forty-seven years ago to Miss Sarah Riley of this city who with two daughters and two sisters survive. The daughters are Mrs. Maude Jelick of Spokane, Washington and Mrs. Mable Boyd of Crown Point, Ind. Mrs. M. Tisst and Mrs. Nellie Horath both of California are the sisters. Funeral arrangements have not been completed due to the failure to locate Mrs. Boyd who is on a motor tour, but the body will be brought here for burial. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, August 04, 1928 Page 13 ********* [bur. 8-6-1928/age 71 yr/died at Menominee, MI/ cause: cerebral hemorrhage/bur. on Mrs. H. Spencer lot]

JOHN SPENCER (d. 1905) LONG LIFE JOURNEY ENDED John Spencer, Pioneer of County, Called by Death A life pilgrimage of eighty-four years was ended with the summons by death of John Spencer, a pioneer of the county, whose demise occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. H. Rand, N. Eighth street Saturday, due to old age. Decedent came to Wisconsin in 1848 and for many years resided on a farm in Kossuth, removing from there about twenty years ago, since which time he has made his home with his children. He was born in England April 11, 1819 and came to America in 1842, soon after removing to this county. Mr. Spencer was a man of high integrity and excellent character whose friends were limited only to acquaintances. He was known throughout the county and was universally respected for his worthiness. Six children survive, Mrs. E. Rand, city; Mrs. G. Albee, Grand Rapids; Mrs. J. S. Collison, Janesport, Mo.; Mrs. Bell Carmen, St. Louis, Mrs. Geo Fulton, Kaukauna and W. H. Spencer, Kossuth. The funeral was held from the home this afternoon. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 29, 1905, P. 2 ********** Death Sat., of old age debility, of John Spencer, an old settler of our county, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.H. Rand here. The deceased, who was born 11 Apr. 1819 in England, came to America in 1842 and settled in Town Kossuth in 1848. He leaves 5 daughters and a son. The funeral was held Mon. afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 01 June 1905 ******* Notes From Kingsbridge: Friends and relatives are much grieved over the death of Mr. John Spencer, Sr., which occurred at Manitowoc Saturday afternoon. Interment took place at Evergreen cemetery on Monday. Mr. Spencer made this vicinity his home for many years. He was born in Cletharoe, England, in the year 1819. He came to this country in 1842 and was married to a Miss Woodfield who died many years ago. Nine children were born to them, six surviving, Mrs. E. H. Rand of Manitowoc, Mrs. Carmen of St. Louis, Wm. H. Spencer of Kossuth, Mrs. John Collison of Mo., Mrs. Geo. Albee of Grand Rapids, Wis., and Mrs. Geo. Fulton of Kaukauna, Wis. Later on he was married to Mrs. Hindel who is also dead. The funeral was held from the home of Mrs. E. Rand Monday at 2 p.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, June 1, 1905 ******* John Spencer birth: 11 April 1819 England death: 27 May 1905 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1905 Manitowoc father: John mother: Margaret Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ****** [cause: general debility]

JOHN SPENCER (d. 1927) JOHN SPENCER, PIONEER, DIES AT SON'S HOME Death Occurs Suddenly at Home of His Son, William Spencer, Here John Spencer, a pioneer of the county for more than a quarter of a century a resident of this city, died suddenly this morning at the home of his son, William Spencer, 427 North Fifth street. The end came almost without warning and was a shock to members of the family and friends. The funeral arrangements had not been completed at 2 o'clock this afternoon and will be announced tomorrow. Born In Rhode Island Born at North Providence, R.I., January 15, 1847 Mr. Spencer would have been eighty years old next Saturday. The family came to Wisconsin in 1847 settling on a farm in the town of Kossuth where Mr. Spencer married Miss Emma Robinson April 17, 1877. Twenty-seven years ago the family came to this city and Mr. Spencer secured employment with the American Seating company, remaining with that company until two years ago when he retired. Surviving are the widow, three sons, William and Guy of this city and Roy of Pontiac, Mich., six grandchildren, one brother, Henry of Menominee, Mich., and two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Howarth of California and Mrs. Emma Tift of Chicago. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, January 10, 1927 P.2 ********* [cause: endocarditis/bur. on Mrs. H. Spencer lot]

NORA SPENCER Mrs. Guy E. Spencer, 78, of 301 Riverview Dr., Manitowoc, died early Wednesday morning at the home after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Gervase Zanotti officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The former Nora Wangberg was born in Norway Nov. 15, 1879, and came to the United States in 18?4, settling at Marinette. She was married there in 1897 to Emil A. Johnson. The couple moved to Chicago where the husband died Sept. 27, 1914. Mrs. Johnson came to Manitowoc in 1922 where in 192? she was married to Mr. Spencer. He died in 1954. Mrs. Spencer was a member of the Eastern Star and the Ladies Society of First Presbyterian Church of Manitowoc. She is survived by two sons, Lloyd E. Johnson and Maurice L. Johnson of Manitowoc; five sisters, Mrs. Anna Ludgate of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Mrs. Richard Beckstreen? and Mrs. Gailord Omer? of Manitowoc, Mrs. Jennie Ayers of San Francisco and Mrs. William Garland of Kenosha,… (1-1/2 lines underinked and unreadable)..two grandchildren and a great grandchild. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 11, 1957 P.22 ******* [wife of Guy E. Spencer/bur. on Mrs. H. Spencer lot]

SARAH SPENCER (d. 1930) EX-RESIDENT OF CITY DIES AT CROWN POINT Messages received here today by relatives announced the death at Crown Point, Indiana, of Mrs. Henry Spencer, nee Sarah Riley, a former Manitowoc resident, who left here with her husband about twenty years ago. Mrs. Spencer was a sister of Mrs. Hattie Robinson, 824 North Eleventh street. Death followed a serious illness which resulted from an abscess of the heart and brain and occurred at the home of a daughter where she had gone to spend the winter. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Maud Jelik, Spokane, Washington, and Mrs. A.J. Boye, Crown Point, Indiana; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Westgate of Crown Point and Mrs. Hattie Robinson, this city; two brothers John and James Riley, and four grandchildren. Her husband preceded her in death at Menominee, Michigan about a year ago. Funeral services will be held here at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon from the Presbyterian church with burial taking place at Evergreen cemetery, the body being enroute from Crown Point for interment in this city. Manitowoc Herald News, January 23, 1930 P.14 ******* James Riley, of Menominee, was here to attend the burial of his sister, Mrs. Henry Spencer, whose body was brought here from Indiana where her death occurred midweek last week. Mr. Riley was a resident here fifty years ago when he learned the butcher trade at the old Rowley market. Later he located in the peninsula where for 17 years he was employed with the Diamond Match Co. crews and then removed to Milwaukee where he resided for 23 years, later going to Menominee to take up his residence. He said that he had visited Manitowoc but semi-occasionally though he spent two years here a few years ago, but noted much progress for the city. He left for Fond du Lac Sunday to visit and will later return here before going to his home at Menominee. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, January 27, 1930 P.3 ******** [bur. 1-25-1930/age 71 yrs/died at Crown Point, IN/cause: cerebral embolism/ bur. on Mrs. H. Spencer lot]

SARAH E. SPENCER (d. 1940) Mrs. William H. Spencer, 82, (photo) lifelong resident of the county, died Sunday at the homestead farm in Kossuth. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m., from the Frazier mortuary chapel, the Rev. Victor Nearhoof of the St. Paul's M.E. church officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Spencer, nee Sarah Emma Fulton, was born in Kossuth in 1858 and in 1878 was married to William H. Spencer. They took up their residence on the present homestead, the Meadowbrook farm, where Mr. Spencer in addition to operating the farm, helped organize and manage a rural phone line, the Francis Creek bank, practiced as a veterinary, was a school director and town chairman. In December, 1938, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer observed the 60th anniversary of their marriage. Survivors are the widower; son, William J. Spencer of Saginaw, Mich.; daughter, Mrs. G.W. Hay of Green Bay; and a grandson. The body may be viewed at the Frazier mortuary from Tuesday at ? p.m. until the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, April 8, 1940 P.11 ******** [Emma/d. 04-07-1940/age 82 yrs./cause: bronchopneumonia/bur. on W.S. Spencer lot]

VERNON SPENCER From Der Nord Westen, 26 Jan. 1888 Death of 3 year old Vernon Spencer, son of W. G. Spencer, of the croup. Burial on 22 Jan. in Evergreen Cemetery. ******* [bur. 01-22-1888/age 3 yrs./cause: croup]

VIOLA SPENCER Mrs. Calvin Spencer, 84, of 845 North 15th street, who came here with her husband two years ago from Illinois, died last night. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Urbanek and Schlei funeral home, the Rev. C. H. Phipps officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until the hour of services. Mrs. Spencer, nee Viola Brumbach, was born in 1863 near Marseilles, Ill. In 1894 she was married to Mr. Spencer. He survives with a daughter. Mrs. James G. Magill of this city; son, William of Houston, Tex.; brother, Merz Brumbach of Chicago; sister, Mrs. Forrest Makeever of Houston; three grandchildren, Kathleen Magill and Mrs. Robert Brown of this city, Madge Spencer of Houston and a great- grandchild, Barbara Brown of this city. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 9, 1947 P.2 ******** [died 06-08-1947/age 84 yrs/bur. on Calvin Spencer lot]

WILLIAM SPENCER (d. 1941) William H. Spencer, 86, (photo) lifelong resident of Meadowbrook Farm in the town of Kossuth, about eight miles north of Manitowoc, died this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G.W. Hay, in Green Bay. Mr. Spencer had been with his daughter for several months, going there a short time after Mrs. Spencer's death last spring. The body has been brought to Manitowoc, and funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Frazier Mortuary Chapel, the Rev. V.T. Nearhoof of St Paul's Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The body will lie in state at the funeral home after 1 p.m. on Wednesday. Mr. Spencer, who served in public office as chairman of the town of Kossuth, justice of the peace, school director, director of the State Bank of Francis Creek and president of the Manitowoc and Northern Telephone Company, was a farmer and veterinary surgeon. He helped in the organization of the State Bank of Francis Creek and continued as a director for a number of years. His period of service as town chairman extended over 12 years, and for more than 30 years he was president of the telephone company. Born on the Meadowbrook Farm, he lived there all his life, until going to Green Bay a few months ago. He was born on January 5, 1855. His wife, Sarah Emma Fulton Spencer, was born on a neighboring farm. The couple were married in December, 1878 and continued residence on the Meadowbrook Farm. Mrs. Spencer died in April, 1940. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1928 and their 60th anniversay in 1938. Surviving Mr. Spencer, are one daughter, Mrs. Hay of Green Bay, a son, William J. Spencer of Saginaw, Mich., one grandson and two sisters, Mrs. George T. Fulton of Kaukauna and Mrs. George Albee of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, January 28, 1941 P.2 ********** [d. 28 Jan. 1941 at Green Bay, WI/age 86 yrs./bur. on W.S. Spencer lot]

WILLIAM SPENCER (d. 1959) William C. Spencer, 63, of 423 N. Fifth St., Manitowoc, died Saturday evening at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, following a three months illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Gervase J. Zanotti officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mr. Spencer was born Oct. 1, 1895, at Sturgeon Bay, son of the late John and Emiley Robinson Spencer. After he was graduated from school at Sturgeon Bay he married the former Elsie Clauder Sept. 26, 1912, at Ludington, Mich. The couple then moved to Manitowoc where he was employed as a printer for more than 45 years. Mr. Spencer was employed at The Herald-Times, Pratt Printing Co., and for the past 25 years at Maresch Printing Co. He was a member of the Isaac Walton League and the Presbyterian Church. A daughter, Elaine, preceded him in death. Survivors include the wife, a daughter, Mrs. Earl Meisnest of Manitowoc, a brother, Roy of Pontiac, Mich., and a grandson, Spencer Meisnest of Manitowoc. Friends may call at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 9, 1959 P.13 ******* [d. 02-07-1959/age 63 yrs.]

DOROTHY (CARBON) SPERL MRS. SPERL, 77, DIES AT HOME Death Comes This Morning; To Be Buried Wednesday Mrs. Dorothy Sperl, 77, died suddenly of a heart attack this morning at the home, 909 Huron street. She was stricken soon after partaking of the morning meal at 8:30 a.m. George Sperl, husband of the deceased, died in January. Since then a sister, Mrs. Anna Vraney, has been making her home with Mrs. Sperl. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home in charge of the Rev. C.H. Phipps. Interment will be at Evergreen cemetery. The deceased, whose maiden name was Dorothy Karbon, was born in Bohemia in 1856. She came to America with her parents at an early age. The family located on a farm in the town of Kossuth. She was married to George Sperl and they purchased a farm in Kossuth which they continued to operate until 14 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sperl moved to this city to live a retired life. Mr. Sperl died six months ago. Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Anna Williams and Mrs. Rose Desotell, both of Milwaukee, Mrs. Adolph Steiner, Michicot, Mrs. Alfred Boeckman, city; one son, James, Los Angeles, Calif., a sister, Mrs. Anna Vraney, city; a brother, Peter Karbon, Kossuth; six grandchildren and one great- grandchild. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until the hour of the funeral. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, July 1, 1935 P.2 ******* [cause: heart failure old age/bur. on George Sperl lot]

GEORGE SPERL GEORGE SPERL DIES AT HOME Retired Farmer Was 86; Rites Are To Be On Thursday George Sperl, 86, retired farmer, died early today at the home, 909 Huron street. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Wattawa, Uranek and Schlei funeral home and interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. The deceased was born in Bohemia and came to this country with his parents when a boy. The family located on a farm in the town of Kossuth. Sixty-five years ago he was married to Miss Dorothy Carbon and they took up their home on a Kossuth farm. This they continued to operate for nearly 50 years. Leaving the farm, they located at Branch, and then came to Manitowoc 17 years ago to retire. Survivors are the widow; one son, Wencel, Los Angeles, Calif., four daughters, Mrs. Anna Williams and Mrs. Rose Desotell, Milwaukee, Mrs. Adolph Steiner, town of Two Rivers and Mrs. Alfred Boeckman, city; six grandchildren and one great grandchild. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Wednesday noon until the hour of the funeral. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 15, 1935 P.2 ******* [cause: apoplexy]

JOSEPH L. SPERL Joseph L. Sperl, age 84, a resident of the Villas at Felician Village, entered eternal life on Sunday, June 2, 2013 at St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc. Joe was born February 1, 1929 in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County. He was the son of the late Joseph W. and Agnes Stedl Sperl. Joe attended Mishicot High School and graduated with the class of 1946. In 1951 he entered the United States Army serving stateside for 2 years. Joe had been employed with National Tinsel Company, the Manitowoc Post Office and Imperial Eastman Corporation from where he retired in 1991. On December 26, 1953 he married Rose A. Zucchi at St. Anne's Catholic Church, Francis Creek, Wisconsin. She preceded him in death on July 11, 2009. Joe was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and the American Legion Drews Bleser Post #88 for over 30 years. (Survivors omitted for privacy) He was preceded in death by his parents: Joseph W. and Agnes Sperl; wife: Rose. Funeral services will be held 11:00 a.m. Monday, June 10, 2013 at St. Francis of Assisi on Grand. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Dave Pleier. Military rites will provided at the church by the American Legion Drews Bleser Post #88 following the funeral. Burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Following the services at the church there will be a luncheon for relatives and friends at the Harrigan Parkside Gathering Center located on the south property of the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home. Relatives and friends may call at St. Francis of Assisi on Grand on Monday from 10:00 a.m. until the time of services at 11:00 a.m. Online condolences to the family may be sent to www.harriganparksidefuneralhome.com. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Crematory, North 11th and St. Clair streets, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, June 5, 2013

ROSE A. SPERL Mrs. Joseph (Rose A.) Sperl, age 78, of 3400 Yorkshire Lane, Manitowoc, entered eternal life late Saturday evening, July 11, 2009, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Rose was born on July 15, 1930, at Rockwood, Wis. She was the daughter of the late Antonio and Mary Balzan Zucchi. She attended Lincoln High School and graduated with the class of 1948. Rose had been employed with Copps Food Store for 23 years, retiring in 2002. On Dec. 26, 1953, she married Joseph Sperl at St. Anne's Catholic Church, Francis Creek. Rose was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) She was preceded in death by her sister-in-law, Barbara Zucchi on Dec. 20, 1987. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. on Friday, July 17, 2009, at St. Francis of Assisi on Grand Avenue. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Daniel Felton, with burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Relatives and friends may call at the church on Friday from 10 a.m. until the time of services at 11 a.m. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Crematory, North 11th and St. Clair streets, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, July 13, 2009