ALBERS: Frieda/1884-1940 Tombstone, ossw: Henry/Dec. 2, 1888/Aug. 28, 1967 TombstoneALLHISER: Children/of H. & S. Allhiser/born & died/Dec. 31, 1921 Tombstone
ARNSDORF: Henrietta Arnsdorf/Geb 16 Marz 1826/Gest. 13 Juni 1903 Tombstone see ROESLER
BAETTCHER: Wilhelmine Baettcher/Geb. im. jahre 1846/Gest. 18 Aug. 1897/kinder of W. & T./Baettcher Tombstone
BEHNKE: Edward/son of/E. & H. Behnke/1902-1929 Tombstone, next to: Edward/Father/1867-1931 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Lena/Mother/1872-1942 Tombstone + Photo Lilly toch. von/O.H. und A. Behnke/Geb. 30 Juni 1915/Gest. 3 Juli 1915 Tombstone Louise/1896-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Oscar/1896-1955 Tombstone Paul Behnke/1837-1920 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmine Behnke/1843-1907 Tombstone Sylvia/Feb. 6, 1915/Feb. 25, 1997 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Elmer E./Dec. 20, 1915/Aug. 7, 1976 Tombstone + Photo Rodney E. Behnke/June 24, 1938/Aug. 23, 1988/SN US Navy Tombstone, ossw: Mary Ann Behnke/Nov. 8, 1946/Sept. 22, 2006 Tombstone + Photo Henry O. Behnke/1910-1981 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Myrtle M. Behnke/1914-2003 Tombstone + Photo Nancy E. Behnke/May 4, 1940/Apr 9, 2019 Photo
BLECK: David Bleck/Geb./9 Dez. 1821/Gest./9 Mai 1898 Tombstone, next to: Evarosina/Geb. KNUTH/gattin von/David Bleck/Geb. 26 Sept. 1826/Gest. 18 Feb. 1909 Tombstone see POLLACK
BOETTCHER: Lenhard/adoptut von/W. und E./Boettcher/Geb. 4 Jan. 1910/Gest. 6 Okt. 1910 Tombstone Wilhelm Boettcher/Geb. 13 Marz/1871/Gest. 24 Apr. 1915 Tombstone Bertha C.L./gattin von/J. Boettcher/Geb./29 Juni 1884 Gest./7 Jan. 1914 Tombstone
BRATZ: Ernestine/Feb. 3, 1877/Mar. 13, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Richard/Apr. 13, 1877/Apr. 17, 1956 Tombstone Gloria Bratz/1942-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Ronald Herman Bratz/Oct. 19, 1938/Mar. 5, 2012 Tombstone/Obituary Keith Bratz/Feb. 24, 1967/Apr. 19, 1995 Tombstone
BREHMER: Bertha/Mar. 17, 1857/Oct. 9, 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Albert/Apr. 4, 1855/Apr. 25, 1936 Tombstone Helen/Apr. 15, 1900/Feb. 10, 1974 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Herman/May 7, 1900/Dec. 28, 1969 Tombstone + Photo Otto Brehmer/Aug. 8, 1885/Mar. 24, 1958 Tombstone
BRICK: Carl C./1897-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Esther E./1899-1971 Tombstone Stephanie Ann Brick/1951 Tombstone
BROECKEL: Hattie Broeckel/Mother/1870-1925 Tombstone
BUEHLMAN: Hilda/April 20, 1907/June 9, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: Walter/Apr. 30, 1902/Sept. 13, 1969 Tombstone
BUSSE: Father/Carl/1877-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Mother/Lydia/1881-1930 Tombstone, next to: Georgianna HOLDORF/1920-1920 Tombstone, next to: Minna/1888-1894 Tombstone, ossw: Hedwig/1894-1894 Tombstone, ossw: Sophie/1854-1906 Tombstone, ossw: Johann/1851/1917 Tombstone, next to: Footstone, completely buried in ground. Edwin A. Busse/July 6, 1914/Apr. 30, 1986 Tombstone
DAMM: Herman C./July 11, 1897/July 16, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: Hertha M./July 17, 1904/June 30, 1975 Tombstone Ida/Apr. 30, 1898/Mar. 10, 1973 Photo, ossw: Fred/1893-1954 Photo Mathilda A./Sept. 14, 1867/Mar. 26, 1950, ossw: John A./Sept. 1, 1863/Feb. 1, 1946 Allen J. Damm/Dec. 5, 1921/Sept. 4, 1946 Tombstone Ernest Damm/1890-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Ferdinand Damm/1900-1988 Tombstone
DIETRICH: Adahila E. Dietrich/Apr. 8, 1920/Apr. 30, 2003 Tombstone + Photo Joseph H./Mar. 31, 1918/Apr. 21, 2007 Tombstone + Photo
DRAEGER: Ida/July 25, 1874/Oct. 19, 1938 Tombstone, ossw: August/Feb. 23, 1865/June 12, 1954 Tombstone Selvera toch. von/A. und I. Draeger/Geb. 26, Mai 1916/Gest. 8 Apr. 1919 Tombstone see DREGER
DRAHEIM: Betty/daugh. of/L. & Allan Draheim/1951 Tombstone Ella/gatten von/Fred Draheim/Geb. 30 Dez 1891/Gest. 24 Juli 1914 Tombstone, next to: Fred Draheim/Geb. 7 Okt 1891/Gest. 20 Juni 1919 Tombstone Sohn von/W. und H./Draheim/Geb. und Gest./21 Dec. 1908 Tombstone, next to: Lydia M.A./toch von/W. und H. Draheim/Geb. 9 Marz 1900/Gest. 21 Sept. 1904 Tombstone Gottfried/1892-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Christina/1892-1963 Tombstone Hulda/May 23, 1890/June 8, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: Henry/Sept. 13, 1882/Nov. 4, 1953 Tombstone Harold F.W./sohn von/F. und E. Draheim/Geb. 19 Sept. 1912/Gest. 20 Sept. 1912 Tombstone, next to: Reuben/sohn von/W. und H. Draheim/Geb. 2 Marz 1910/Gest. 7 Marz 1910 Tombstone Wilhelm Draheim/Vater/Geb. 3 Jan. 1866/Gest. 16 Mar. 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Hulda/Mutter/gattin von/Wilhelm Draheim/Geb. 8 Nov. 1868/Gest. 11 Sept. 1922 Tombstone Dau. of/O. & F./Draheim/-1939- Tombstone Johann Draheim/Geb. 7 April 1850/Gest. 28 Aug. 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Draheim/Geb. 23 April 1953/Gest. 6 April 1934 Tombstone, next to: Amanda/gattin von/Heinrich Draheim/gebne OLM/Geb. 25 Mai 1883/Gest. 25 Aug. 1914 Tombstone, next to: Johann Draheim/Sept. 5, 1819/Nov. 18, 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Eva Draheim/Nov. 16, 1822/Aug. 11, 1910 Tombstone Friedrich/Geb. d. 11 Feb./1877/Gest. d. 11 Juni 1881 Tombstone, ossw: Wunda/Geb. d. 26 Feb./1880/Gest. d. 30 Mai/1881 Tombstone, ossw: Johan/Geb. d. 30 Marz/1875/Gest; d. 28 Mai 1881 Tombstone, ossw: August/Geb. 24 Aug./1873/Gest. d. 1 Juni/1881/Kinder von J. & B. Draheim Tombstone Martin W./sohn von/J. und B./Draheim/Geb./30 Nov. 1805/Gest./1 Dez/1895 Tombstone Elmer A. Draheim/1918-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Anita D. Draheim/Jun 6, 1920/Jul 5, 2019 Tombstone
DREGER: Selvera toch. von/A. und I. Draeger/Geb. 26, Mai 1916/Gest. 8 Apr. 1919, (Picture on stone) Tombstone, next to: August Dreger/Geb. 5 Juni 1827/Gest. 15 Dez 1913 Tombstone, next to: Henriette Dreger/Geb. 26 Juli 1830/Gest. 22 Apr. 1906 Tombstone Caroline/toch. von/A. und H. Dreger/Geb. 9 Jan. 1867/Gest. 1 Marz 1874 Tombstone, ossw: Sohnlien von/A. und H. Dreger Tombstone
DUCHOW: Harvey Duchow/Feb. 9, 1927/Nov. 3, 1940 Tombstone Henry/son of/B. & A. Duchow/born & died/Feb. 25, 1927 Tombstone Alice/daughter of/B. & A. Duchow/Mar. 12, 1917/Jan. 23 1925 Tombstone Robert H./son of/B. & A. Duchow/Dec. 21, 1922/Dec. 26, 1922 Tombstone Katie/Apr. 16, 1889/Oct. 7, 1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Adolph R./Mar. 30, 1875/May 7, 1967 Tombstone Thomas Emil Duchow/Apr 2, 1948/Aug 16, 2006/SP4 US Army-Vietnam Tombstone + Photo Willard J. Duchow/June 27, 1921/May 15, 2008 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Sylvia A. Duchow/Feb. 3, 1921/May 5, 2009 Tombstone + Photo Adolph H. Duchow/Nov. 15, 1917/Oct. 7, 2007/married Oct. 25, 1944 Photo, ossw: Eleanor A. Duchow/July 15, 1919/Mar. 1, 2008 Photo (Infant) G. and J. Duchow/-May 3, 1990- Tombstone Herman Duchow/Dec. 20, 1928/Dec. 24, 2015 Tombstone + Photo Julianne Rose Duchow/Nov. 14, 1960/Feb. 23, 2010 Tombstone Emil W. Duchow/Dec 9, 1923/Aug 18, 2020 Photo, ossw: Lorraine H. Duchow/Sept. 19, 1924/Oct. 1, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
FISCHER: Alloyeus W. Fischer/Mar 4, 1937/Dec 1, 2020 Tombstone + Photo Shirley M. Fischer/Nov. 16, 1934/Apr. 7, 2014 Tombstone
FRISH: Nora B./1920-1996 Tombstone, ossw: James W./1917-1972 Tombstone Donald Frish/Mar. 31, 1940/Mar. 1, 2010 Tombstone
FRITZ: Martin Fritz/-Mar. 4, 1905- Tombstone
GEHRKE: Sarah B.L./toch. E & B./Gehrke/Geb. 28 Okt 1904/Gest. 3 Marz 1905 Tombstone
GLASOW: Anna Glasow/4 Apr. 1852/8 Mar. 1923 Tombstone (Robert Glasow/d. Jan. 1914/from obituary/no stone) Robert/1884-1954 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Margaret/July 6, 1895/Feb. 18, 1972 Tombstone + Photo Theodore/1883-1951, ossw: Ida W./1887-1973 (29 Oct 1887/Oct 1973/SSDI)
GOLDEBECK: Hilda/toch. von/A. & B. Goldbeck/9 Aug. 1912/27 Feb. 1918 (Picture on stone.) Tombstone
GOLDSCHMIDT: Violet M. Goldschmidt/Feb. 21-Feb. 26, 1932 Tombstone
GOTHER: Charles Gother/Dec. 15, 1864/Jan. 15, 1944 Tombstone Emma Gother/July 4, 1870/Feb. 2, 1934 Tombstone, next to: Friedericke/gattin von/A. Gother/Geb. 27 Juni 1838/Gest. 25 Nov. 1914 Tombstone, next to: Andreas Gother/starb 12 Sept. 1890/im alter von 67 jahre Tombstone
GRAF: Harold/son of/W. & E. Graf/born & died/Dec. 19, 1937 Tombstone Waldo/Mar. 19, 1894/Apr. 23, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: Erma/1893-1963 Tombstone
HABERMANN: Augusta/Nov. 23, 1859/May 2, 1955 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: August/Jan. 12, 1857/Aug. 11, 1944 Tombstone + Photo William/Father/1881-1947 Photo, ossw: Ernstine/Mother/1882-1961 Photo August/1888-1969 Tombstone/Not in this cemetery Anna/1893-1955 Tombstone + Photo Judith Habermann/1939-1941 Tombstone, next to: Toch. von August/und/Augusta Habermann Tombstone
HAESE: Glenvar Haese/-1932- Tombstone Hilda/1911-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Roland/1907-1971 Tombstone
HAHN: Helmuth J./Aug. 18, 1896/June 28, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: Lorena B./Sept. 24, 1897/July 10, 1974 Tombstone Robert Hahn/father/1861-1941 Tombstone
HALVERSON: Herbert E.H./son of H. & M./Halverson/Oct. 8, 1907/Feb. 17, 1909 (Picture on stone.) Tombstone
HAMMEL: Caroline/Mother/his wife/1864-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Louis F.L./1853-1923 Tombstone Walter Hammel/Sept. 6, 1893/July 14, 1905 Tombstone Lydia/June 15, 1906/June 7, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: Herbert/July 5, 1899/May 13, 1972 Tombstone
HEBERER: Sarah/gattin von/Louis Heberer/tochter v. Herrn u. frau Pastor Wm. SCHLEI/Geb. 10 Aug. 1892/ Ges. 29 Oct. 1918 Tombstone + Photo
HEIMKE: Anna M. Heimke/Geb./27 Juni 1876/starb/19 Nov. 1880/tochter von/G. & J. Heimke Tombstone, next to: Emilie O. Heimke/Geb./2 Marz 1880/6 Oct. 1882/tochter von/G. & J. Heimke Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmine D. Heimke/Geb./25 Oct. 1884/starb/5 Oct. 1886/tochter von/G. & J. Heimke Tombstone, next to: 1 base next to LOUISE LEMKE and ANNA HEIMKE stone.
HOLDORF: William/1879-1942 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Annie/1879-1968/married/June 15, 1905 Tombstone + Photo Georgianna Holdorf/1920-1920 Tombstone, next to Busse see BUSSE
JANDREY: Victor/1930-1994 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Vivian/1930-1969 Tombstone + Photo
JANKE: Sohn von/J.F. und A./Janke/Geb. und Gest./18 Okt. 1901 _____Janke Martin/born & died/Mar. 4, 1905, ossw: Aaron/born/July 9, 1901/died/Mar. 20, 1902, (Between Emma SCHWANKE & sohn von J.F. & A. JANKE)
JOHNSON: Marie M./1925-1999 Tombstone, ossw: W. Robert/1918-1971 Tombstone, next to: Wilson R. Johnson/Wisconsin/Tec 3 3120 Ord Sup Co/World War II/Oct. 2, 1918-Jan. 1, 1971 Tombstone
JUNO: Tochter von/Mr. & Mrs./Dave Juno/Geb. & Gest./14 Okt. 1895
KANTER: Louise/gattin von/Aug. Kanter/Geb./21 Juli 1865/Gest./25 Marz 1907 Tombstone
KAPPING: Ludwig Kapping/Geb. 1 Dez. 1824/Gest. 16 Aug. 1906 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Maria/seine gattin/Geb. 3 Juni 1827/Gest. 3 Sept. 1909 Tombstone + Photo
KENNEKE: Jimmy J. Kenneke/1959-1999 Tombstone
KNUTH: Anna/Nov. 11, 1859/May 26, 1942 Tombstone, next to: Michael/Aug. 28, 1856/May 19, 1932 Tombstone Edmund/Jan. 11, 1891/Nov. 26, 1933 Tombstone see BLECK
KORSTAD: Judith Korstad/Aug. 18, 1945/Dec. 14, 2014 Tombstone Bonita Korstad/Mar. 9, 1947/June 9, 2014 Tombstone
KOSMOSKY: John/sohn von/J. & L./Kosmosky/Geb. 23, Mai 1905/Gest. 21 Okt. 1905 Tombstone Harry/sohn von/J. & L./Kosmosky/Geb. 13, Juli 1896/Gest. 10 Aug. 1896 Tombstone
KREPLIEN: Louis Kreplien/1885-1939 Tombstone
KREPLIN: Lillian/toch von/E. und 0. Kreplin/Geb. 16 April 1917/Gest. 17 Sept. 1920 Tombstone Richard A.G./sohn von/ L. u. J. Kreplin/26 Sept. 1893/Gest. 10 Sept. 1894 Tombstone Magdalena M.L.H./gattin von Hy. Kreplin/Geb. 10 Nov. 1895/Gest. 28 Dez. 1914 Tombstone, next to: Hulda/gattin von Louis Kreplin/Geb. 11 Apr. 1858/Gest. 23 Apr. 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Louis Kreplin/Geb. 28 Oct. 1858/Gest. 22 Feb. 1946 Tombstone
KREPLINE: Alice M. Krepline/July 4, 1942/Jan. 6, 1943 Tombstone Anna/1898-1951, ossw: Henry/1891-1969 Chad James Krepline/-Dec. 29, 1976- Tombstone Leland/1931-2015 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1937-1972 Tombstone Robert/1881-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1883-1960 Tombstone Roland/son of/T. and L./Krepline/May 13, 1929/Aug. 24, 1929 Tombstone Shirley M. Krepline/Dec 15, 1935/Mar 17, 2013 Tombstone, ossw: Roland R. Krepline/Mar. 2, 1936/Apr. 11, 1999/SP3 US Army Tombstone Loretta M. Krepline/1923-2007/married Sept. 23, 1944 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Arthur L. Krepline/1923-1984 Tombstone + Photo Steven Lee Krepline/Nov. 14, 1967/Mar. 18, 1989 Tombstone Linda J. Krepline/1958-1990/married Sept. 10,1977 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Gerald J. Krepline/1956-2000 Tombstone + Photo Theodore Krepline/1903-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Lilly Krepline/1907-1990 Tombstone Sandra Lee Krepline/Oct. 14, 1963/Nov. 6, 2004 Tombstone + Photo
KRESSER: Theresa/1916-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Elaine-1920- Tombstone, ossw: Victor/-1920- Tombstone
KRUEGER: Anna/June 19, 1883/Apr. 26, 1966 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Theodore/Sept. 23, 1877/Feb. 21, 1945 Tombstone + Photo Beatrice/Aug. 17, 1924/May 18, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Marne/May 18, 1921/Feb. 23, 1968 Tombstone + Photo Otto B./sohn von/T. and A. Krueger/Geb. 29 Sept. 1901/Gest. 28 Oct. 1902 Tombstone Carl/July 5, 1869/Sept. 20, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Mathilda/Jan. 18, 1869/Apr. 27, 1952 Tombstone, next to: Mathilda Krueger/Sept. 1, 1902/Mar. 18, 1974 Tombstone Frida B.H./toch von/C. und M./Krueger/Geb. 1 Sept. 1902/Gest. 19 Sept. 1902 Tombstone Alwin/Geb. 1 Sept. 1911/Gest. 19 Feb. 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Alfred/Geb. 1 Sept. 1911/Gest. 23 Feb. 1914/kinder von T. und A. Krueger Tombstone, next to: Leroy son of/H. & M. Krueger/Dec. 26, 1945 Tombstone Christ Krueger/Geb. 28 Dez. 1834/Gest. 19 Dez. 1901 Tombstone, next to: Footstone: E.K. Tombstone Gottfried Krueger/Geb. 11 Dez 1821/Gest. 26 Jun 1900 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmine/gattin von/Gottfried Krueger/Geb. 5 Apr. 1826/Gest. 15 Apr. 1906 Tombstone
LEFKY: Mildred D./dau. of/F. and E. Lefky/born Jan. 3, 1907/died Nov. 5, 1908 Tombstone
LEMKE: Louis/Father/1874-1947, ossw: Mathilda/Mother/1882-1966 (31 May 1882/Jan 1966/SSDI) Friedericke Lemke/Geb. 15 Juni 1835/Gest. 16 Apr. 1926 Tombstone, next to: Christian Lemke/Geb. 22 Feb. 1829/Gest. 29 Mai 1907 (Civil War vet) Tombstone, next to: Clara F.W. Lemke/Geb. 24 Jan./1876/Gest. 7 Nov./1880 Tombstone, next to: August G. Lemke/Geb. 17 Juli 1870/Gest. 5 Nov. 1880 Tombstone, next to: Louise gattin von/C.H. Lemke/Geb. 27 Feb. 1832/Gest. 11 Aug. 1871 Tombstone see HEIMKE
LIEBERT: Gustav H./sohn von/F. u. W. Liebert/Geb. 7 Juli 1871/Gest. 21 Juli 1881 Tombstone
LIERMANN: Baby Liermann/-1950- Tombstone Milton Liermann/1919-1983 Tombstone Marcella Liermann/1920-2014 Tombstone
MAHLOCH: John/1865-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1862-1938 Tombstone Linda/1897-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Edmund/1888-1974 Tombstone
MARKS: Wilhelmine/gattin von/Mich. Marks/Geb. 27 Aug. 1858/Gest. 26 Marz 1911 Tombstone, next to: Michel Marks/Geb. 29 Sept. 1861/Gest. 11 Dec. 1907 Tombstone, next to: Ludwig Marks/Geb./21 Juli 1823/Gest./23 April 1889 Tombstone, next to: Gustina/gattin von/L. Marks/Geb. 8 Marz 1829/Gest./28 Marz 1881 Tombstone Bertha E./tochter von/L. & G. Marks/starb/24 Juli 1880/alter/20 jahre/3 mo./11 tag. Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm A./sohn von/L. & G. Marks geboren 19 May 1870 starb/9 Febr. 1874 Tombstone
MATTES: Frieda/1903-1990, ossw: Roland W./Mar. 15, 1901/Apr. 1, 1976 Kenneth/1928-2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Beatrice/1931-1963 Tombstone + Photo John W. Mattes/July 30, 1916/Sept. 8, 1980 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ida L. Mattes/1913-1997/TE4 US Army WWII Tombstone + Photo
MATZNICK: Arland Matznick/Feb. 19, 1922/Feb. 25, 1939 Tombstone Carl Matznick/Vater/Geb. 11 Feb. 1826/Gest. 1 Juni 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelmine/Mutter/Seine gattin/Geb. 25 Marz 1825/Gest. 26 Okt. 1907 Tombstone Ferdinand/1896-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian/1897-1969 Tombstone Wilhelmina/Mother/1857-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Ferdinand/Father/1853-1941 Tombstone Carl F./July 11, 1878/Oct. 4, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha A./July 12, 1884/Oct. 4, 1956 Tombstone William F./Sept. 2, 1884/Mar. 25, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Clara Matznick/June 13, 1891/June 23, 1982 Tombstone Paul/1887-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1887-1961 Tombstone Harvey/Sept. 15, 1918/May 4, 1960 Tombstone + Photo Mildred M. Matznick/Oct 21, 1921/Dec 12, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
MC CABE: Cecil R. Mc Cabe/1904-1937 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Ida E. Mc Cabe/nee Gierke/1906-1994 Tombstone + Photo
MEYER: Edward Meyer/1934-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Beverly B. Meyer/1939-1997/US Army-Korea Tombstone
MILLER: Nora M./Jan. 31, 1908/Aug. 1995 Tombstone, ossw: Lester C./Mar. 4, 1910-Mar. 20, 1971 Tombstone
OAKLEY: Raymond Oakley/Mar. 14, 1941/Apr. 27, 2014 Tombstone + Photo
OLM: Bertha/Dec. 26, 1881/June 4, 1969 No Tombstone, ossw: Otto/1881-1948 Tombstone Klara E./toch. von/H. und L. Olm/Geb. 8 Juli 1888/Gest. 27 Marz 1897 Tombstone, next to: Footstone: K.E.O. Lillie/Apr. 25, 1892/Apr. 8, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: Walter F./Sept. 20, 1886/Aug. 23, 1962 Tombstone Jonathan/Jan. 10, 1897/Nov. 28, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/July 11, 1897/Nov. 22, 1984 Tombstone Ruth Olm/July 14, 1920/Aug. 21, 1940 Tombstone Herman A./Father/Mar. 3, 1859/Nov. 5, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: Laura/Mother/Mar. 12, 1860/May 28, 1938 Tombstone Karl Olm/Jan. 11, 1916/Jan. 26, 1997 Tombstone see DRAHEIM
OLP: Bobby/son of/A. & V. Olp/Jan. 11-Jan. 12/1927 Tombstone
PHIPPS: Louise Phipps/1877-1957 Tombstone
PISCHKE: Earl Donald Pischke/Oct. 14, 1932/Jan. 8, 1933 Tombstone
POLLACK: Edward/sohn von/F. & G. Pollack/geboren 18 Marz, 1888/gestorben 11 Oktob. 1869 Carl Heinrich/sohn von/F. & G. Pollack/geboren 2 Oktob. 1873/gestorben 6 Oktob. 1878 Tombstone Mathilda/tochter von/F.J. Pollack/Geb. 17 Juli 1878/Gest. 1 Sept. 1878 Tombstone Johann Pollack/geboren 180?, (Stone broken.) Dorothea/gattin von/J. Pollack/Geb. KLEMM/Geb. 1803/Gest. 14 Jan. 1888 Tombstone Leonhard/sohn von/E. u. L./Pollack/Geb. 29 Jun./Gest. 15 Juni/1904 Tombstone Louise/Mother/1876-1942 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1870-1946 Tombstone Sohnlein und/Tochterlein von/W. und E./Pollack/Geb.und Gest. 22 Nov. 1920 Tombstone Gustav G.A./sohn von F.J. Pollack/Geb. 16 Oct. 1874/Gest. 11 ____ 1881, (Stone broken in half) Justine W. Pollack/geborne BLECK/Geb. 14 Marz 1851/Gest. 18 Mai 1881 Tombstone Georg A./sohn von/F. & M. Pollack/Geb. 18 Marz 1890/Gest. 21 Nov. 1893 Tombstone
RABE: Alvin Rabe Jr./Feb 18, 1942/Aug 15, 2021 Photo
REESE: Harvey John William/son of R. & E. Reese/Feb. 16-Mar. 7 1927 Tombstone
REICHARD: Robert H. Reichard/son of R. & U/Jan. 24 Mar. 28, 1937 Tombstone
REINKE: Dale Edward Reinke/Sept. 29, 1966/Feb. 25, 1967 Tombstone, next to: Kenneth Lee Reinke/March 21, 1959 Tombstone Raymond Reinke/1918-1951 Tombstone, next to: Bertha A./1896-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Bernard H./1890-1970 Tombstone
RIEMER: Ronald M. Riemer/Jun 25, 1949/Sep 30, 2020 Photo, ossw: Dayna Lou Riemer/Sept. 27, 1950/Aug. 3, 2013 Tombstone
ROESELER: Gustav/1885-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1890-1968 Tombstone Henrietta ARNSDORF/Geb 16 Marz 1826/Gest. 13 Juni 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Roesler/Geb. 13 Mai 1892/Gest. 2 Okt. 1896 Tombstone, next to: Ernestina Roeseler/19 Apr. 1859/23 Sept. 1915/Gattin von/ Tombstone, ossw: August Roeseler/13 Mar. 1856/30 Oct. 1945 Tombstone
RUSCH: Agnes Rusch/born Jan. 13, 1905/died Sep. 23, 1905
SCHAEFER: Dorothy Schaefer/Feb. 6, 1911/Jan. 11, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: Elroy Schaefer/Feb. 3, 1912/0ct. 14, 1971 Tombstone Florella W.H./toch von/J und L Schaefer/Geb 16 Juni 1914/Gest 8 Aug 1914 Tombstone John/Mar. 30, 1884/Feb. 4, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Louise/1877-1978 Tombstone
SCHLEI: Caroline/1867-1941 Tombstone, ossw: Rev. William/1864-1940 Tombstone Lydia El./toch. von/Wm. und L. Schlei/Geb. u. Gest. 27 Jan. 1891 Tombstone Esther E.A./toch. von/W. und L. Schlei/Geb. 7 Sept. 1894/Gest. 28 Jan. 1906 Tombstone see HEBERER
SCHMAHL: Maria/Mother/1871-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Frederick/Father/1865-1943 Tombstone Oscar G./Apr. 7, 1900/Aug. 29, 1957 Tombstone John/Son of F. & M. Schmahl/1897-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Christena/Dau. of F. & M. Schmahl/1903-1909 Tombstone John/Christena
SCHMIDT: Esther A. Schmidt/1915-1979 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: William C. Schmidt/1912-2002 Tombstone + Photo
SCHNEIDER: Henry/Aug. 3, 1891/Jan. 7, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: Lilly/May 19, 1900/Mar. 5, 2000 Tombstone Clarmont/Apr. 7, 1924/Mar. 10, 1966 Tombstone Kermit A. Schneider/Wisconsin/PFC 437 Trp Carr GP AAF/WWII/Dec 23, 1909/Oct 25, 1969 Emelia/1880-1946, ossw: Fred W./1875-1952 Helmuth/Dec. 18, 1903/July 30, 1941 Tombstone Lila/dau. of H. & L./Schneider/Aug. 13, 1932/Sept. 10, 1937 Tombstone, next to: Orville/son of H. & L. Shneider/May 8-June 7, 1930 Tombstone Helena/1883-1916 Tombstone, ossw: August/1874-1950 Tombstone Wilhelmine/21 Okt. 1852/21 Dez. 1933 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm C./20 Juli 1846/28 Nov. 1925 Tombstone Maria/gattin von/Gotte Schneider/2 Aug. 1823/18 Dez. 1892 Tombstone, next to: Maria/gattin von/Wm. Schneider/22 Jan. 1854/4 Mar. 1876 Tombstone, next to: Gottfried Schneider/29 Juli, 1816/23 Apr. 1905 Tombstone, ossw: Friedericka Schneider/29 Apr. 1817/29 Sept. 1879 Tombstone Wilfred Schneider/1913-1961 Ellwood F. Schneider/Oct. 30, 1925/June 10, 2008/SP3 US Army-Korea Tombstone Roma Schneider/1905-1981 Tombstone
SCHROEDER: Anna/Mar. 8, 1878/Dec. 24, 1956, ossw: William D./Oct. 13, 1875/Aug. 16, 1945 Louisa/1889-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Albert/Jan. 15, 1881/June 15, 1968 Tombstone Hertha A. Schroeder/Feb 8, 1923/Jan 5, 2013 Tombstone Mathilda/1866-1937, ossw: Michael/1861-1943 Bertha A./toch. von/C. u. W. Schroeder/Geb. 21 April 1877/Gest. 11 Feb. 1881, (Top of stone broken off.) Tombstone, next to: (Top of this stone broken off) Gestorben 29 Juli 1880/alter 61 jahre/10 monate Tombstone Gustav A. Schroeder/1887-1930 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Charles G./1852-1936 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Wilhelmine/1853-1937 Tombstone Gustave/1856-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1863-1939 Tombstone Harvey/son of Alb. & L. Schroeder/1919-1923 Tombstone Bertha/wife of/Louis R. Schroeder/1892-1921 Tombstone Ludwig O./sohn von/W. & A. Schroeder/20 Sept. 1904/6 Marz 1905 Louis R./1887-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Ida/1899-1974 Tombstone Henry/Nov. 27, 1889/Mar. 24, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: Louise/Mar. 21, 1895/Apr. 26, 1968 Tombstone Hattie/1895-1969 Tombstone, ossw: John/1891-1961 Tombstone
SCHUKNECHT: Infant girl Schuknecht/-Oct. 26, 1967- Tombstone
SCHWALBE: Emilie/Mother/1855-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Fred/Father/1845-1905 Tombstone, next to: Fred C./son of/F. & E. Schwalbe/born Feb. 6, 1875/died at Chickamauga,GA/July 27, 1898 Tombstone, ossw: F.C. Schwalbe/Co. H 2nd Wis. Vol./Soldier of Spanish American War/1898 Tombstone, next to: Emilie A./tochter von/F. & E. Schwalbe/geboren 11 Marz 1880/starb 26 Sept. 1880 Tombstone Ferdinand/Aug. 16, 1881/Aug. 9, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Alvina/Dec. 18, 1888/Apr. 28, 1977 Tombstone Friedrich Schwalbe/Geb. d. 21 Nov. 1810, Gest. d. 21 Jan. 1896 Tombstone, ossw: Elisa Schwalbe/Geb. d. 26 Marz 1814, Gest. d. 4 Sept. 1894 Tombstone Wilhelm F.E./sohn von/F. & L. Schwalbe/Gest. 9 Juni 1864/? 15 jahre 5 mos 26 tage Tombstone Sohn von/Aug. & A. Schwalbe, (No dates) Tombstone William/sohn von/T. & E. Schwalbe/Geb. 27 Okt. 1921/Gest. 31 Marz 1922 Tombstone Theodore W./1897-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Elsa D./1896-1990 Tombstone August/Nov. 21, 1854/July 1, 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mar. 4, 1859/Nov. 28, 1951 Tombstone Emilie ZUTZ/gattin des/Friedrich Schwalbe/Geb. 16 Juli 1849/Gest. 14 Juli 1880 Tombstone, next to: Bertha W.O./tochter des/F. & E. Schwalbe/geboren 27 Febr. 1877/starb 3 Jan. 1879 Tombstone, next to: Hatty A.K./tochter von/F. & E. Schwalbe/Geb. 7 Febr. 1871/Gest. 1 Febr. 1874 Tombstone Elroy Schwalbe/Nov. 13, 1917/May 5, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Loretta E. Schwalbe/Aug 25, 1922/Jul 29, 2014 Tombstone Bertha Schwalbe/toch. von/P. & A./Wegner/gattin von/ Ernst Schwalbe/Geb. 7 Feb. 1871/Gest. 1 Jan. 1896 (On Wegner lot) Tombstone + Photo see ZUTZ
SCHWANKE: Adline J./toch von/A und M Schwanke/Geb 26 Apr 1909/Gest 26 Sept 1909 Tombstone Alwine F.A./toch von/A. & M. Schwanke/Geb 17 Dez 1904/Gest 30 Aug 1905 Tombstone August Schwanke/Geb/20 Marz 1877/Gest 21 Marz 1910 Tombstone, next to: Emma/Geb PROCHNOW/gattin von/August Schwanke/Geb 29 Aug 1679/Gest/8 Okt 1912 Tombstone see JANKE
SCHWANTES: Carl W. Schwantes/Apr. 2, 1934/Oct. 29, 2015 Tombstone
SEEHAUER: Melvin/sohn von/H. & W. Seehauer/Geb. 17 Dez. 1905/Gest. 17 Feb. 1906 Tombstone
SEEHAWER: Erwin Seehawer/Geb./29 Juni 1904/Gest./3 Okt. 1904 Tombstone
SONNABEND: Louis/sohn von/G. und I. Sonnabend/Geb. und Gest. 3 Sept. 1919 Tombstone Norbert/1913-2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Alice/1913-2002 Tombstone + Photo Carl/Jan. 1, 1884/Dec. 3, 1971 Photo, ossw: Ida/1889-1986, ossw: Dorothy/1928-____
STARFELDT: Bonita Starfeldt/1920-1953 Tombstone
STECHER: Lenhart/sohn von/R. u. B. Stecher/Geb. 29 Jan. 1903/Gest. 26 Apr. 1903
STECKER: Edna Stecker/Sept. 20, 1903/Oct. 6, 1938 Tombstone Herman A. Stecker/Mar. 3, 1859/Nov. 5, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: Laura Stecker/Mar. 12, 1860/May 26, 1938 Tombstone
SY: Ernest F. Sy/1911-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Myrnabelle Sy/1914-2005 Tombstone Janice H. Sy/Mar 2, 1938/Jul 14, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
THEEL: Timothy J. Theel/Nov. 4, 1972/Apr. 6, 1973 Tombstone
VALEFSKE: Gusta/Mother/1863-1950 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Carl/Father/1855-1943 Tombstone + Photo
VALLEFSKE: Ernest/Father/1882-1967 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Amelia/Mother/1886-1940 Tombstone Bertha/1881-1949 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Richard/1884-1961 Tombstone + Photo Minnie Vallefske/Mar. 29/Oct. 27/1899 Tombstone, next to: Dau. of/E. & A. Vallefske/1908 Tombstone
VALLESKEY: Arthur/July 11, 1887/Feb. 6, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Louisa/Aug. 4, 1887/Mar. 22, 1959 Tombstone Charles/Father/1884-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Helena/Mother/1876-1938 Tombstone Valleskey/Feb. 9, 1948 Tombstone Donald/son of G. & C. Valleskey/1931-1932 Tombstone Sohlein/von/A. und L. Valleskey/Geb. und Gest. 23 Nov. 1925 Tombstone Gust W./1890-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Clara H./1893-1974 Tombstone, next to: Gustave/1850-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Friedericke/1855-1937 Tombstone, next to: Quentin E./sohn von/M. und A. Valleskey/Geb. 15 Nov. 1908/Gest. 14 Apr. 1909 Tombstone
VERGIELS: Emilie/gattin von Ferd. Vergiels/Geb. 10 Jan. 1858/Gest. 26 Juni 1918 Tombstone
VOSS: Leroy/sohn von/G. und M. Voss/Geb. 22 Apr. 1922/Gest. 22 Mai 1922 Tombstone
WAGNER: Alma/Sept. 10, 1905/June 12, 1977 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ferdinand/1893-1965/married Nov. 1, 1922 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Ferdinand Wagner/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co B 162 Infantry/World War I/May 10, 1893/May 1, 1965 Tombstone + Photo Amanda/wife of/A. Wagner/born Nov. 26, 1886/died Apr. 22, 1914 Tombstone + Photo Carolina Wagner/Geb. 4 Sep. 1854/Gest. 7 Aug. 1923 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Johann Wagner/Geb. 12 Feb. 1839/Gest. 28 Okt. 1920 Tombstone + Photo Anna/Oct. 7, 1883/Apr. 10, 1945 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ernest/Mar. 17, 1875/Sept. 19, 1962 Tombstone + Photo Charlie/1888-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Hattie/1892-1957 Tombstone Martin Wagner/Gest. 4 Feb. 1868/alter 60 jahre 11 mon. 27 tage Tombstone (Eva Rosina Wagner/1809-???/spouse of Martin-no stone) Tocherlein von/daughter of/G. & A. Wagner/Aug. 20,1920, (Date recut.) Tombstone Albert Wagner/Geb. 15 Dez. 1872/Gest. 8 Nov. 1919, (Picture on stone.) Tombstone + Photo Kind von/C. und H. Wagner/Geb. und Gest. 1922 Tombstone, next to: Edwin/sohn von/C. & H. Wagner/Geb. 28 Apr. 1921/Gest. 10 Sept./1921 Tombstone, next to: Carl/sohn von/C. und H. Wagner/Geb. 19 Marz 1919/Gest. 28 Marz 1919 Tombstone, next to: Merna/toch von/C. und H. Wagner/Geb. 27 Jan. 1917/Gest. 6 Feb. 1917 Tombstone Harold W.A. Wagner/Geb. 19 Apr. 1908/Gest. 16 Mai 1920 Tombstone
WEGNER: Bertha/1880-1963 Photo, ossw: Adolph G./1878-1959 Photo Helena B.O. Wegner/Geb. 10. Oct. 1889/Gest. 29 Jan. 1910 Tombstone + Photo Amelia Wegner/Geb. 1881/Gest. 1881/alter 20 tage Tombstone Christine/gattin des/Johan Wegner/gestorben/10 Juli 1879/alter 35 jahre/4 mon 22 tage Tombstone + Photo Roger A. Wegner/May 23-May 27/1936 Tombstone, next to: Doris B. Wegner/June 30-Aug. 9/1935 Tombstone, next to: Verona A. Wegner/Geb. 23 Oct. 1909/Gest. 10 Dec. 1909, Tombstone next to: Mathilda/gattin von/Daniel Wegner Geb./16 Aug. 1864/Gest./8 Oct. 1, 1911 Tombstone, next to: Daniel Wegner/Geb./6 Marz 1844/Gest. 12 Apr. 1907 Tombstone + Photo Wilhelm K./sohn des/P. & A. Wegner/Geb. 15 Mai 1881/Gest. 17 Oct. 1881, Tombstone Stone broken off base. Paul/Dec. 4, 1837/Apr. 20, 1902 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Auguste/Aug. 2, 1846/Apr. 11, 1929 Tombstone + Photo Rueben A. Wegner/1916-2007 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Clara F. Wegner/1915-1987 Tombstone + Photo Arthur Wegner, Sr./1911-1988 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Agnes B. Wegner/1913-2001 Tombstone + Photo
WENZEL: Elwood Wenzel/Oct 2, 1924/Oct 23, 2014 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Lucille Wenzel/July 28, 1927/June 1, 2015 Photo
WOODCOCK: Wayne Dexter Woodcock/Feb 24, 1935/May 12, 2011 TombstoneWUNSCH: Edwin A.W./sohn Von G. und K. Wunsch/Geb. 4 Nov. 1896/Gest. 27 Jun. 1897 Tombstone, next to: Rudolph L.W./sohn von/G. und K. Wunsch/Geb. 2 Jan. 1898/Gest. ?. Mar. 1898 Tombstone, next to: Carl/Father/1865-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Carolina/Mother/1874-1947 Tombstone + Photo Fred/Feb. 12, 1902/Dec. 31, 1981 Photo, ossw: Linda/July 1, 1908/July 24, 1949 Arlene Wunsch/May 15, 1930/Dec. 29, 2006 Tombstone + Photo Eldor A. Wunsch/Dec 14, 1927/Mar 28, 2013 Tombsonte + Photo
ZAHN: Carl Zahn/Geb./20 Okt. 1844/Gest./11 Juni 1869 Tombstone
ZARNOTH: Alberta Zarnoth/Gest./2 Juni 1909/alter/34 jahre 3 mo. Tombstone Friedrich Zarnoth/Geb. 28 Jan. 1838/Gest. 2 Juni 1914/seine gattin/ Tombstone, ossw: Albertine Zarnoth/Geb. 14 Juni 1840/Gest. 30 Jan. 1928 Tombstone
ZERNOTH: Ferdinand Zernoth/Father/1868-1915 Tombstone
ZUTZ: John C./Nov. 20, 1913/Apr. 15, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Gladys C./1916-2013 Tombstone Charles/1878-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta/Aug. 22, 1888/Aug. 7 1976 Tombstone Ferdinand/Mar. 24, 1882/Nov. 4, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: Paulina/Jan. 23, 1891/0ct. 29 Tombstone, 1957 Martha/his wife/1885-1924 Tombstone, ossw: William/1874-1949 Tombstone Bernice/1916-2007 Tombstone, ossw: Hilary/1910-1957 Tombstone Fred Zutz/July 14, 1871/July 22, 1952 Tombstone, next to: Heinrich/sohn von/J. & L. Zutz/Geb. d. 10 Aug. 1869/Gest. d. 1 Marz 1874, next to: Louise/Geb. SCHWALBE/gattin von Joh. Zutz/Geb. 14 Nov. 1847/Gest. 29 Dez. 1920 Tombstone, next to: Johann Zutz/Geb. 28 Jan. 1840/Gest. 27 Juni 1913 Tombstone, next to: Christine/Geb. SCHULZ/gattin von/Michael Zutz/Geb. 12 Mai 1820/Gest. 16 Okt. 1906 Tombstone, next to: Michael Zutz/Geb. 12 Juli 1812/Gest. 13 Juli 1883 Tombstone + Photo Hilary J. Zutz/May 30, 1947/Oct. 30, 2008 Tombstone Ralph Zutz/Nov. 10, 1915/May 16, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: Elda Zutz/Oct. 22, 1922/Dec. 5, 2003 Tombstone see SCHWALBE
Footstones located in section of childrens burials: L.B. E.H.H.