Rockland Township, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

Location, 1.1 miles south of County Trunk JJ on Collins Road, cemetery located on east side of Collins Road.
Copied by Alloy Mc Cully, Marcie Baer, Virginia Posny and Hilary and Ruth Vanderbloemen of the MCOCS, on June 4, 1978.
Typed & proofread by Hilary J. Vanderbloemen.
Maintained in good condition. Earliest remaining stone 1864.
Updated by the Manitowoc Genealogy Society Aug. 2009. Added to this site Jan. 2011.


Frieda/1884-1940 Tombstone, ossw:
Henry/Dec. 2, 1888/Aug. 28, 1967 Tombstone

ALLHISER: Children/of H. & S. Allhiser/born & died/Dec. 31, 1921 Tombstone

ARNSDORF: Henrietta Arnsdorf/Geb 16 Marz 1826/Gest. 13 Juni 1903 Tombstone see ROESLER

BAETTCHER: Wilhelmine Baettcher/Geb. im. jahre 1846/Gest. 18 Aug. 1897/kinder of W. & T./Baettcher Tombstone

BEHNKE: Edward/son of/E. & H. Behnke/1902-1929 Tombstone, next to: Edward/Father/1867-1931 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Lena/Mother/1872-1942 Tombstone + Photo Lilly toch. von/O.H. und A. Behnke/Geb. 30 Juni 1915/Gest. 3 Juli 1915 Tombstone Louise/1896-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Oscar/1896-1955 Tombstone Paul Behnke/1837-1920 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmine Behnke/1843-1907 Tombstone Sylvia/Feb. 6, 1915/Feb. 25, 1997 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Elmer E./Dec. 20, 1915/Aug. 7, 1976 Tombstone + Photo Rodney E. Behnke/June 24, 1938/Aug. 23, 1988/SN US Navy Tombstone, ossw: Mary Ann Behnke/Nov. 8, 1946/Sept. 22, 2006 Tombstone + Photo Henry O. Behnke/1910-1981 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Myrtle M. Behnke/1914-2003 Tombstone + Photo Nancy E. Behnke/May 4, 1940/Apr 9, 2019 Photo

BLECK: David Bleck/Geb./9 Dez. 1821/Gest./9 Mai 1898 Tombstone, next to: Evarosina/Geb. KNUTH/gattin von/David Bleck/Geb. 26 Sept. 1826/Gest. 18 Feb. 1909 Tombstone see POLLACK

BOETTCHER: Lenhard/adoptut von/W. und E./Boettcher/Geb. 4 Jan. 1910/Gest. 6 Okt. 1910 Tombstone Wilhelm Boettcher/Geb. 13 Marz/1871/Gest. 24 Apr. 1915 Tombstone Bertha C.L./gattin von/J. Boettcher/Geb./29 Juni 1884 Gest./7 Jan. 1914 Tombstone

BRATZ: Ernestine/Feb. 3, 1877/Mar. 13, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Richard/Apr. 13, 1877/Apr. 17, 1956 Tombstone Gloria Bratz/1942-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Ronald Herman Bratz/Oct. 19, 1938/Mar. 5, 2012 Tombstone/Obituary Keith Bratz/Feb. 24, 1967/Apr. 19, 1995 Tombstone

BREHMER: Bertha/Mar. 17, 1857/Oct. 9, 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Albert/Apr. 4, 1855/Apr. 25, 1936 Tombstone Helen/Apr. 15, 1900/Feb. 10, 1974 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Herman/May 7, 1900/Dec. 28, 1969 Tombstone + Photo Otto Brehmer/Aug. 8, 1885/Mar. 24, 1958 Tombstone

BRICK: Carl C./1897-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Esther E./1899-1971 Tombstone Stephanie Ann Brick/1951 Tombstone

BROECKEL: Hattie Broeckel/Mother/1870-1925 Tombstone

BUEHLMAN: Hilda/April 20, 1907/June 9, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: Walter/Apr. 30, 1902/Sept. 13, 1969 Tombstone

BUSSE: Father/Carl/1877-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Mother/Lydia/1881-1930 Tombstone, next to: Georgianna HOLDORF/1920-1920 Tombstone, next to: Minna/1888-1894 Tombstone, ossw: Hedwig/1894-1894 Tombstone, ossw: Sophie/1854-1906 Tombstone, ossw: Johann/1851/1917 Tombstone, next to: Footstone, completely buried in ground. Edwin A. Busse/July 6, 1914/Apr. 30, 1986 Tombstone

DAMM: Herman C./July 11, 1897/July 16, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: Hertha M./July 17, 1904/June 30, 1975 Tombstone Ida/Apr. 30, 1898/Mar. 10, 1973 Photo, ossw: Fred/1893-1954 Photo Mathilda A./Sept. 14, 1867/Mar. 26, 1950, ossw: John A./Sept. 1, 1863/Feb. 1, 1946 Allen J. Damm/Dec. 5, 1921/Sept. 4, 1946 Tombstone Ernest Damm/1890-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Ferdinand Damm/1900-1988 Tombstone

DIETRICH: Adahila E. Dietrich/Apr. 8, 1920/Apr. 30, 2003 Tombstone + Photo Joseph H./Mar. 31, 1918/Apr. 21, 2007 Tombstone + Photo

DRAEGER: Ida/July 25, 1874/Oct. 19, 1938 Tombstone, ossw: August/Feb. 23, 1865/June 12, 1954 Tombstone Selvera toch. von/A. und I. Draeger/Geb. 26, Mai 1916/Gest. 8 Apr. 1919 Tombstone see DREGER

DRAHEIM: Betty/daugh. of/L. & Allan Draheim/1951 Tombstone Ella/gatten von/Fred Draheim/Geb. 30 Dez 1891/Gest. 24 Juli 1914 Tombstone, next to: Fred Draheim/Geb. 7 Okt 1891/Gest. 20 Juni 1919 Tombstone Sohn von/W. und H./Draheim/Geb. und Gest./21 Dec. 1908 Tombstone, next to: Lydia M.A./toch von/W. und H. Draheim/Geb. 9 Marz 1900/Gest. 21 Sept. 1904 Tombstone Gottfried/1892-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Christina/1892-1963 Tombstone Hulda/May 23, 1890/June 8, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: Henry/Sept. 13, 1882/Nov. 4, 1953 Tombstone Harold F.W./sohn von/F. und E. Draheim/Geb. 19 Sept. 1912/Gest. 20 Sept. 1912 Tombstone, next to: Reuben/sohn von/W. und H. Draheim/Geb. 2 Marz 1910/Gest. 7 Marz 1910 Tombstone Wilhelm Draheim/Vater/Geb. 3 Jan. 1866/Gest. 16 Mar. 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Hulda/Mutter/gattin von/Wilhelm Draheim/Geb. 8 Nov. 1868/Gest. 11 Sept. 1922 Tombstone Dau. of/O. & F./Draheim/-1939- Tombstone Johann Draheim/Geb. 7 April 1850/Gest. 28 Aug. 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Draheim/Geb. 23 April 1953/Gest. 6 April 1934 Tombstone, next to: Amanda/gattin von/Heinrich Draheim/gebne OLM/Geb. 25 Mai 1883/Gest. 25 Aug. 1914 Tombstone, next to: Johann Draheim/Sept. 5, 1819/Nov. 18, 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Eva Draheim/Nov. 16, 1822/Aug. 11, 1910 Tombstone Friedrich/Geb. d. 11 Feb./1877/Gest. d. 11 Juni 1881 Tombstone, ossw: Wunda/Geb. d. 26 Feb./1880/Gest. d. 30 Mai/1881 Tombstone, ossw: Johan/Geb. d. 30 Marz/1875/Gest; d. 28 Mai 1881 Tombstone, ossw: August/Geb. 24 Aug./1873/Gest. d. 1 Juni/1881/Kinder von J. & B. Draheim Tombstone Martin W./sohn von/J. und B./Draheim/Geb./30 Nov. 1805/Gest./1 Dez/1895 Tombstone Elmer A. Draheim/1918-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Anita D. Draheim/Jun 6, 1920/Jul 5, 2019 Tombstone

DREGER: Selvera toch. von/A. und I. Draeger/Geb. 26, Mai 1916/Gest. 8 Apr. 1919, (Picture on stone) Tombstone, next to: August Dreger/Geb. 5 Juni 1827/Gest. 15 Dez 1913 Tombstone, next to: Henriette Dreger/Geb. 26 Juli 1830/Gest. 22 Apr. 1906 Tombstone Caroline/toch. von/A. und H. Dreger/Geb. 9 Jan. 1867/Gest. 1 Marz 1874 Tombstone, ossw: Sohnlien von/A. und H. Dreger Tombstone

DUCHOW: Harvey Duchow/Feb. 9, 1927/Nov. 3, 1940 Tombstone Henry/son of/B. & A. Duchow/born & died/Feb. 25, 1927 Tombstone Alice/daughter of/B. & A. Duchow/Mar. 12, 1917/Jan. 23 1925 Tombstone Robert H./son of/B. & A. Duchow/Dec. 21, 1922/Dec. 26, 1922 Tombstone Katie/Apr. 16, 1889/Oct. 7, 1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Adolph R./Mar. 30, 1875/May 7, 1967 Tombstone Thomas Emil Duchow/Apr 2, 1948/Aug 16, 2006/SP4 US Army-Vietnam Tombstone + Photo Willard J. Duchow/June 27, 1921/May 15, 2008 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Sylvia A. Duchow/Feb. 3, 1921/May 5, 2009 Tombstone + Photo Adolph H. Duchow/Nov. 15, 1917/Oct. 7, 2007/married Oct. 25, 1944 Photo, ossw: Eleanor A. Duchow/July 15, 1919/Mar. 1, 2008 Photo (Infant) G. and J. Duchow/-May 3, 1990- Tombstone Herman Duchow/Dec. 20, 1928/Dec. 24, 2015 Tombstone + Photo Julianne Rose Duchow/Nov. 14, 1960/Feb. 23, 2010 Tombstone Emil W. Duchow/Dec 9, 1923/Aug 18, 2020 Photo, ossw: Lorraine H. Duchow/Sept. 19, 1924/Oct. 1, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

FISCHER: Alloyeus W. Fischer/Mar 4, 1937/Dec 1, 2020 Tombstone + Photo Shirley M. Fischer/Nov. 16, 1934/Apr. 7, 2014 Tombstone

FRISH: Nora B./1920-1996 Tombstone, ossw: James W./1917-1972 Tombstone Donald Frish/Mar. 31, 1940/Mar. 1, 2010 Tombstone

FRITZ: Martin Fritz/-Mar. 4, 1905- Tombstone

GEHRKE: Sarah B.L./toch. E & B./Gehrke/Geb. 28 Okt 1904/Gest. 3 Marz 1905 Tombstone

GLASOW: Anna Glasow/4 Apr. 1852/8 Mar. 1923 Tombstone (Robert Glasow/d. Jan. 1914/from obituary/no stone) Robert/1884-1954 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Margaret/July 6, 1895/Feb. 18, 1972 Tombstone + Photo Theodore/1883-1951, ossw: Ida W./1887-1973 (29 Oct 1887/Oct 1973/SSDI)

GOLDEBECK: Hilda/toch. von/A. & B. Goldbeck/9 Aug. 1912/27 Feb. 1918 (Picture on stone.) Tombstone

GOLDSCHMIDT: Violet M. Goldschmidt/Feb. 21-Feb. 26, 1932 Tombstone

GOTHER: Charles Gother/Dec. 15, 1864/Jan. 15, 1944 Tombstone Emma Gother/July 4, 1870/Feb. 2, 1934 Tombstone, next to: Friedericke/gattin von/A. Gother/Geb. 27 Juni 1838/Gest. 25 Nov. 1914 Tombstone, next to: Andreas Gother/starb 12 Sept. 1890/im alter von 67 jahre Tombstone

GRAF: Harold/son of/W. & E. Graf/born & died/Dec. 19, 1937 Tombstone Waldo/Mar. 19, 1894/Apr. 23, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: Erma/1893-1963 Tombstone

HABERMANN: Augusta/Nov. 23, 1859/May 2, 1955 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: August/Jan. 12, 1857/Aug. 11, 1944 Tombstone + Photo William/Father/1881-1947 Photo, ossw: Ernstine/Mother/1882-1961 Photo August/1888-1969 Tombstone/Not in this cemetery Anna/1893-1955 Tombstone + Photo Judith Habermann/1939-1941 Tombstone, next to: Toch. von August/und/Augusta Habermann Tombstone

HAESE: Glenvar Haese/-1932- Tombstone Hilda/1911-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Roland/1907-1971 Tombstone

HAHN: Helmuth J./Aug. 18, 1896/June 28, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: Lorena B./Sept. 24, 1897/July 10, 1974 Tombstone Robert Hahn/father/1861-1941 Tombstone

HALVERSON: Herbert E.H./son of H. & M./Halverson/Oct. 8, 1907/Feb. 17, 1909 (Picture on stone.) Tombstone

HAMMEL: Caroline/Mother/his wife/1864-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Louis F.L./1853-1923 Tombstone Walter Hammel/Sept. 6, 1893/July 14, 1905 Tombstone Lydia/June 15, 1906/June 7, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: Herbert/July 5, 1899/May 13, 1972 Tombstone

HEBERER: Sarah/gattin von/Louis Heberer/tochter v. Herrn u. frau Pastor Wm. SCHLEI/Geb. 10 Aug. 1892/ Ges. 29 Oct. 1918 Tombstone + Photo

HEIMKE: Anna M. Heimke/Geb./27 Juni 1876/starb/19 Nov. 1880/tochter von/G. & J. Heimke Tombstone, next to: Emilie O. Heimke/Geb./2 Marz 1880/6 Oct. 1882/tochter von/G. & J. Heimke Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmine D. Heimke/Geb./25 Oct. 1884/starb/5 Oct. 1886/tochter von/G. & J. Heimke Tombstone, next to: 1 base next to LOUISE LEMKE and ANNA HEIMKE stone.

HOLDORF: William/1879-1942 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Annie/1879-1968/married/June 15, 1905 Tombstone + Photo Georgianna Holdorf/1920-1920 Tombstone, next to Busse see BUSSE

JANDREY: Victor/1930-1994 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Vivian/1930-1969 Tombstone + Photo

JANKE: Sohn von/J.F. und A./Janke/Geb. und Gest./18 Okt. 1901 _____Janke Martin/born & died/Mar. 4, 1905, ossw: Aaron/born/July 9, 1901/died/Mar. 20, 1902, (Between Emma SCHWANKE & sohn von J.F. & A. JANKE)

JOHNSON: Marie M./1925-1999 Tombstone, ossw: W. Robert/1918-1971 Tombstone, next to: Wilson R. Johnson/Wisconsin/Tec 3 3120 Ord Sup Co/World War II/Oct. 2, 1918-Jan. 1, 1971 Tombstone

JUNO: Tochter von/Mr. & Mrs./Dave Juno/Geb. & Gest./14 Okt. 1895

KANTER: Louise/gattin von/Aug. Kanter/Geb./21 Juli 1865/Gest./25 Marz 1907 Tombstone

KAPPING: Ludwig Kapping/Geb. 1 Dez. 1824/Gest. 16 Aug. 1906 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Maria/seine gattin/Geb. 3 Juni 1827/Gest. 3 Sept. 1909 Tombstone + Photo

KENNEKE: Jimmy J. Kenneke/1959-1999 Tombstone


KNUTH: Anna/Nov. 11, 1859/May 26, 1942 Tombstone, next to: Michael/Aug. 28, 1856/May 19, 1932 Tombstone Edmund/Jan. 11, 1891/Nov. 26, 1933 Tombstone see BLECK

KORSTAD: Judith Korstad/Aug. 18, 1945/Dec. 14, 2014 Tombstone Bonita Korstad/Mar. 9, 1947/June 9, 2014 Tombstone

KOSMOSKY: John/sohn von/J. & L./Kosmosky/Geb. 23, Mai 1905/Gest. 21 Okt. 1905 Tombstone Harry/sohn von/J. & L./Kosmosky/Geb. 13, Juli 1896/Gest. 10 Aug. 1896 Tombstone

KREPLIEN: Louis Kreplien/1885-1939 Tombstone

KREPLIN: Lillian/toch von/E. und 0. Kreplin/Geb. 16 April 1917/Gest. 17 Sept. 1920 Tombstone Richard A.G./sohn von/ L. u. J. Kreplin/26 Sept. 1893/Gest. 10 Sept. 1894 Tombstone Magdalena M.L.H./gattin von Hy. Kreplin/Geb. 10 Nov. 1895/Gest. 28 Dez. 1914 Tombstone, next to: Hulda/gattin von Louis Kreplin/Geb. 11 Apr. 1858/Gest. 23 Apr. 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Louis Kreplin/Geb. 28 Oct. 1858/Gest. 22 Feb. 1946 Tombstone

KREPLINE: Alice M. Krepline/July 4, 1942/Jan. 6, 1943 Tombstone Anna/1898-1951, ossw: Henry/1891-1969 Chad James Krepline/-Dec. 29, 1976- Tombstone Leland/1931-2015 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1937-1972 Tombstone Robert/1881-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1883-1960 Tombstone Roland/son of/T. and L./Krepline/May 13, 1929/Aug. 24, 1929 Tombstone Shirley M. Krepline/Dec 15, 1935/Mar 17, 2013 Tombstone, ossw: Roland R. Krepline/Mar. 2, 1936/Apr. 11, 1999/SP3 US Army Tombstone Loretta M. Krepline/1923-2007/married Sept. 23, 1944 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Arthur L. Krepline/1923-1984 Tombstone + Photo Steven Lee Krepline/Nov. 14, 1967/Mar. 18, 1989 Tombstone Linda J. Krepline/1958-1990/married Sept. 10,1977 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Gerald J. Krepline/1956-2000 Tombstone + Photo Theodore Krepline/1903-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Lilly Krepline/1907-1990 Tombstone Sandra Lee Krepline/Oct. 14, 1963/Nov. 6, 2004 Tombstone + Photo

KRESSER: Theresa/1916-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Elaine-1920- Tombstone, ossw: Victor/-1920- Tombstone

KRUEGER: Anna/June 19, 1883/Apr. 26, 1966 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Theodore/Sept. 23, 1877/Feb. 21, 1945 Tombstone + Photo Beatrice/Aug. 17, 1924/May 18, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Marne/May 18, 1921/Feb. 23, 1968 Tombstone + Photo Otto B./sohn von/T. and A. Krueger/Geb. 29 Sept. 1901/Gest. 28 Oct. 1902 Tombstone Carl/July 5, 1869/Sept. 20, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Mathilda/Jan. 18, 1869/Apr. 27, 1952 Tombstone, next to: Mathilda Krueger/Sept. 1, 1902/Mar. 18, 1974 Tombstone Frida B.H./toch von/C. und M./Krueger/Geb. 1 Sept. 1902/Gest. 19 Sept. 1902 Tombstone Alwin/Geb. 1 Sept. 1911/Gest. 19 Feb. 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Alfred/Geb. 1 Sept. 1911/Gest. 23 Feb. 1914/kinder von T. und A. Krueger Tombstone, next to: Leroy son of/H. & M. Krueger/Dec. 26, 1945 Tombstone Christ Krueger/Geb. 28 Dez. 1834/Gest. 19 Dez. 1901 Tombstone, next to: Footstone: E.K. Tombstone Gottfried Krueger/Geb. 11 Dez 1821/Gest. 26 Jun 1900 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmine/gattin von/Gottfried Krueger/Geb. 5 Apr. 1826/Gest. 15 Apr. 1906 Tombstone


LEFKY: Mildred D./dau. of/F. and E. Lefky/born Jan. 3, 1907/died Nov. 5, 1908 Tombstone

LEMKE: Louis/Father/1874-1947, ossw: Mathilda/Mother/1882-1966 (31 May 1882/Jan 1966/SSDI) Friedericke Lemke/Geb. 15 Juni 1835/Gest. 16 Apr. 1926 Tombstone, next to: Christian Lemke/Geb. 22 Feb. 1829/Gest. 29 Mai 1907 (Civil War vet) Tombstone, next to: Clara F.W. Lemke/Geb. 24 Jan./1876/Gest. 7 Nov./1880 Tombstone, next to: August G. Lemke/Geb. 17 Juli 1870/Gest. 5 Nov. 1880 Tombstone, next to: Louise gattin von/C.H. Lemke/Geb. 27 Feb. 1832/Gest. 11 Aug. 1871 Tombstone see HEIMKE

LIEBERT: Gustav H./sohn von/F. u. W. Liebert/Geb. 7 Juli 1871/Gest. 21 Juli 1881 Tombstone

LIERMANN: Baby Liermann/-1950- Tombstone Milton Liermann/1919-1983 Tombstone Marcella Liermann/1920-2014 Tombstone

MAHLOCH: John/1865-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1862-1938 Tombstone Linda/1897-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Edmund/1888-1974 Tombstone

MARKS: Wilhelmine/gattin von/Mich. Marks/Geb. 27 Aug. 1858/Gest. 26 Marz 1911 Tombstone, next to: Michel Marks/Geb. 29 Sept. 1861/Gest. 11 Dec. 1907 Tombstone, next to: Ludwig Marks/Geb./21 Juli 1823/Gest./23 April 1889 Tombstone, next to: Gustina/gattin von/L. Marks/Geb. 8 Marz 1829/Gest./28 Marz 1881 Tombstone Bertha E./tochter von/L. & G. Marks/starb/24 Juli 1880/alter/20 jahre/3 mo./11 tag. Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm A./sohn von/L. & G. Marks geboren 19 May 1870 starb/9 Febr. 1874 Tombstone

MATTES: Frieda/1903-1990, ossw: Roland W./Mar. 15, 1901/Apr. 1, 1976 Kenneth/1928-2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Beatrice/1931-1963 Tombstone + Photo John W. Mattes/July 30, 1916/Sept. 8, 1980 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ida L. Mattes/1913-1997/TE4 US Army WWII Tombstone + Photo

MATZNICK: Arland Matznick/Feb. 19, 1922/Feb. 25, 1939 Tombstone Carl Matznick/Vater/Geb. 11 Feb. 1826/Gest. 1 Juni 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelmine/Mutter/Seine gattin/Geb. 25 Marz 1825/Gest. 26 Okt. 1907 Tombstone Ferdinand/1896-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian/1897-1969 Tombstone Wilhelmina/Mother/1857-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Ferdinand/Father/1853-1941 Tombstone Carl F./July 11, 1878/Oct. 4, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha A./July 12, 1884/Oct. 4, 1956 Tombstone William F./Sept. 2, 1884/Mar. 25, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Clara Matznick/June 13, 1891/June 23, 1982 Tombstone Paul/1887-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1887-1961 Tombstone Harvey/Sept. 15, 1918/May 4, 1960 Tombstone + Photo Mildred M. Matznick/Oct 21, 1921/Dec 12, 2019 Tombstone + Photo

MC CABE: Cecil R. Mc Cabe/1904-1937 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Ida E. Mc Cabe/nee Gierke/1906-1994 Tombstone + Photo

MEYER: Edward Meyer/1934-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Beverly B. Meyer/1939-1997/US Army-Korea Tombstone

MILLER: Nora M./Jan. 31, 1908/Aug. 1995 Tombstone, ossw: Lester C./Mar. 4, 1910-Mar. 20, 1971 Tombstone

OAKLEY: Raymond Oakley/Mar. 14, 1941/Apr. 27, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

OLM: Bertha/Dec. 26, 1881/June 4, 1969 No Tombstone, ossw: Otto/1881-1948 Tombstone Klara E./toch. von/H. und L. Olm/Geb. 8 Juli 1888/Gest. 27 Marz 1897 Tombstone, next to: Footstone: K.E.O. Lillie/Apr. 25, 1892/Apr. 8, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: Walter F./Sept. 20, 1886/Aug. 23, 1962 Tombstone Jonathan/Jan. 10, 1897/Nov. 28, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/July 11, 1897/Nov. 22, 1984 Tombstone Ruth Olm/July 14, 1920/Aug. 21, 1940 Tombstone Herman A./Father/Mar. 3, 1859/Nov. 5, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: Laura/Mother/Mar. 12, 1860/May 28, 1938 Tombstone Karl Olm/Jan. 11, 1916/Jan. 26, 1997 Tombstone see DRAHEIM

OLP: Bobby/son of/A. & V. Olp/Jan. 11-Jan. 12/1927 Tombstone

PHIPPS: Louise Phipps/1877-1957 Tombstone

PISCHKE: Earl Donald Pischke/Oct. 14, 1932/Jan. 8, 1933 Tombstone

POLLACK: Edward/sohn von/F. & G. Pollack/geboren 18 Marz, 1888/gestorben 11 Oktob. 1869 Carl Heinrich/sohn von/F. & G. Pollack/geboren 2 Oktob. 1873/gestorben 6 Oktob. 1878 Tombstone Mathilda/tochter von/F.J. Pollack/Geb. 17 Juli 1878/Gest. 1 Sept. 1878 Tombstone Johann Pollack/geboren 180?, (Stone broken.) Dorothea/gattin von/J. Pollack/Geb. KLEMM/Geb. 1803/Gest. 14 Jan. 1888 Tombstone Leonhard/sohn von/E. u. L./Pollack/Geb. 29 Jun./Gest. 15 Juni/1904 Tombstone Louise/Mother/1876-1942 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1870-1946 Tombstone Sohnlein und/Tochterlein von/W. und E./Pollack/Geb.und Gest. 22 Nov. 1920 Tombstone Gustav G.A./sohn von F.J. Pollack/Geb. 16 Oct. 1874/Gest. 11 ____ 1881, (Stone broken in half) Justine W. Pollack/geborne BLECK/Geb. 14 Marz 1851/Gest. 18 Mai 1881 Tombstone Georg A./sohn von/F. & M. Pollack/Geb. 18 Marz 1890/Gest. 21 Nov. 1893 Tombstone


RABE: Alvin Rabe Jr./Feb 18, 1942/Aug 15, 2021 Photo

REESE: Harvey John William/son of R. & E. Reese/Feb. 16-Mar. 7 1927 Tombstone

REICHARD: Robert H. Reichard/son of R. & U/Jan. 24 Mar. 28, 1937 Tombstone

REINKE: Dale Edward Reinke/Sept. 29, 1966/Feb. 25, 1967 Tombstone, next to: Kenneth Lee Reinke/March 21, 1959 Tombstone Raymond Reinke/1918-1951 Tombstone, next to: Bertha A./1896-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Bernard H./1890-1970 Tombstone

RIEMER: Ronald M. Riemer/Jun 25, 1949/Sep 30, 2020 Photo, ossw: Dayna Lou Riemer/Sept. 27, 1950/Aug. 3, 2013 Tombstone

ROESELER: Gustav/1885-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1890-1968 Tombstone Henrietta ARNSDORF/Geb 16 Marz 1826/Gest. 13 Juni 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Roesler/Geb. 13 Mai 1892/Gest. 2 Okt. 1896 Tombstone, next to: Ernestina Roeseler/19 Apr. 1859/23 Sept. 1915/Gattin von/ Tombstone, ossw: August Roeseler/13 Mar. 1856/30 Oct. 1945 Tombstone


RUSCH: Agnes Rusch/born Jan. 13, 1905/died Sep. 23, 1905

SCHAEFER: Dorothy Schaefer/Feb. 6, 1911/Jan. 11, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: Elroy Schaefer/Feb. 3, 1912/0ct. 14, 1971 Tombstone Florella W.H./toch von/J und L Schaefer/Geb 16 Juni 1914/Gest 8 Aug 1914 Tombstone John/Mar. 30, 1884/Feb. 4, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Louise/1877-1978 Tombstone

SCHLEI: Caroline/1867-1941 Tombstone, ossw: Rev. William/1864-1940 Tombstone Lydia El./toch. von/Wm. und L. Schlei/Geb. u. Gest. 27 Jan. 1891 Tombstone Esther E.A./toch. von/W. und L. Schlei/Geb. 7 Sept. 1894/Gest. 28 Jan. 1906 Tombstone see HEBERER

SCHMAHL: Maria/Mother/1871-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Frederick/Father/1865-1943 Tombstone Oscar G./Apr. 7, 1900/Aug. 29, 1957 Tombstone John/Son of F. & M. Schmahl/1897-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Christena/Dau. of F. & M. Schmahl/1903-1909 Tombstone John/Christena

SCHMIDT: Esther A. Schmidt/1915-1979 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: William C. Schmidt/1912-2002 Tombstone + Photo

SCHNEIDER: Henry/Aug. 3, 1891/Jan. 7, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: Lilly/May 19, 1900/Mar. 5, 2000 Tombstone Clarmont/Apr. 7, 1924/Mar. 10, 1966 Tombstone Kermit A. Schneider/Wisconsin/PFC 437 Trp Carr GP AAF/WWII/Dec 23, 1909/Oct 25, 1969 Emelia/1880-1946, ossw: Fred W./1875-1952 Helmuth/Dec. 18, 1903/July 30, 1941 Tombstone Lila/dau. of H. & L./Schneider/Aug. 13, 1932/Sept. 10, 1937 Tombstone, next to: Orville/son of H. & L. Shneider/May 8-June 7, 1930 Tombstone Helena/1883-1916 Tombstone, ossw: August/1874-1950 Tombstone Wilhelmine/21 Okt. 1852/21 Dez. 1933 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm C./20 Juli 1846/28 Nov. 1925 Tombstone Maria/gattin von/Gotte Schneider/2 Aug. 1823/18 Dez. 1892 Tombstone, next to: Maria/gattin von/Wm. Schneider/22 Jan. 1854/4 Mar. 1876 Tombstone, next to: Gottfried Schneider/29 Juli, 1816/23 Apr. 1905 Tombstone, ossw: Friedericka Schneider/29 Apr. 1817/29 Sept. 1879 Tombstone Wilfred Schneider/1913-1961 Ellwood F. Schneider/Oct. 30, 1925/June 10, 2008/SP3 US Army-Korea Tombstone Roma Schneider/1905-1981 Tombstone

SCHROEDER: Anna/Mar. 8, 1878/Dec. 24, 1956, ossw: William D./Oct. 13, 1875/Aug. 16, 1945 Louisa/1889-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Albert/Jan. 15, 1881/June 15, 1968 Tombstone Hertha A. Schroeder/Feb 8, 1923/Jan 5, 2013 Tombstone Mathilda/1866-1937, ossw: Michael/1861-1943 Bertha A./toch. von/C. u. W. Schroeder/Geb. 21 April 1877/Gest. 11 Feb. 1881, (Top of stone broken off.) Tombstone, next to: (Top of this stone broken off) Gestorben 29 Juli 1880/alter 61 jahre/10 monate Tombstone Gustav A. Schroeder/1887-1930 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Charles G./1852-1936 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Wilhelmine/1853-1937 Tombstone Gustave/1856-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1863-1939 Tombstone Harvey/son of Alb. & L. Schroeder/1919-1923 Tombstone Bertha/wife of/Louis R. Schroeder/1892-1921 Tombstone Ludwig O./sohn von/W. & A. Schroeder/20 Sept. 1904/6 Marz 1905 Louis R./1887-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Ida/1899-1974 Tombstone Henry/Nov. 27, 1889/Mar. 24, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: Louise/Mar. 21, 1895/Apr. 26, 1968 Tombstone Hattie/1895-1969 Tombstone, ossw: John/1891-1961 Tombstone

SCHUKNECHT: Infant girl Schuknecht/-Oct. 26, 1967- Tombstone

SCHWALBE: Emilie/Mother/1855-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Fred/Father/1845-1905 Tombstone, next to: Fred C./son of/F. & E. Schwalbe/born Feb. 6, 1875/died at Chickamauga,GA/July 27, 1898 Tombstone, ossw: F.C. Schwalbe/Co. H 2nd Wis. Vol./Soldier of Spanish American War/1898 Tombstone, next to: Emilie A./tochter von/F. & E. Schwalbe/geboren 11 Marz 1880/starb 26 Sept. 1880 Tombstone Ferdinand/Aug. 16, 1881/Aug. 9, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Alvina/Dec. 18, 1888/Apr. 28, 1977 Tombstone Friedrich Schwalbe/Geb. d. 21 Nov. 1810, Gest. d. 21 Jan. 1896 Tombstone, ossw: Elisa Schwalbe/Geb. d. 26 Marz 1814, Gest. d. 4 Sept. 1894 Tombstone Wilhelm F.E./sohn von/F. & L. Schwalbe/Gest. 9 Juni 1864/? 15 jahre 5 mos 26 tage Tombstone Sohn von/Aug. & A. Schwalbe, (No dates) Tombstone William/sohn von/T. & E. Schwalbe/Geb. 27 Okt. 1921/Gest. 31 Marz 1922 Tombstone Theodore W./1897-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Elsa D./1896-1990 Tombstone August/Nov. 21, 1854/July 1, 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mar. 4, 1859/Nov. 28, 1951 Tombstone Emilie ZUTZ/gattin des/Friedrich Schwalbe/Geb. 16 Juli 1849/Gest. 14 Juli 1880 Tombstone, next to: Bertha W.O./tochter des/F. & E. Schwalbe/geboren 27 Febr. 1877/starb 3 Jan. 1879 Tombstone, next to: Hatty A.K./tochter von/F. & E. Schwalbe/Geb. 7 Febr. 1871/Gest. 1 Febr. 1874 Tombstone Elroy Schwalbe/Nov. 13, 1917/May 5, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Loretta E. Schwalbe/Aug 25, 1922/Jul 29, 2014 Tombstone Bertha Schwalbe/toch. von/P. & A./Wegner/gattin von/ Ernst Schwalbe/Geb. 7 Feb. 1871/Gest. 1 Jan. 1896 (On Wegner lot) Tombstone + Photo see ZUTZ

SCHWANKE: Adline J./toch von/A und M Schwanke/Geb 26 Apr 1909/Gest 26 Sept 1909 Tombstone Alwine F.A./toch von/A. & M. Schwanke/Geb 17 Dez 1904/Gest 30 Aug 1905 Tombstone August Schwanke/Geb/20 Marz 1877/Gest 21 Marz 1910 Tombstone, next to: Emma/Geb PROCHNOW/gattin von/August Schwanke/Geb 29 Aug 1679/Gest/8 Okt 1912 Tombstone see JANKE

SCHWANTES: Carl W. Schwantes/Apr. 2, 1934/Oct. 29, 2015 Tombstone

SEEHAUER: Melvin/sohn von/H. & W. Seehauer/Geb. 17 Dez. 1905/Gest. 17 Feb. 1906 Tombstone

SEEHAWER: Erwin Seehawer/Geb./29 Juni 1904/Gest./3 Okt. 1904 Tombstone


SONNABEND: Louis/sohn von/G. und I. Sonnabend/Geb. und Gest. 3 Sept. 1919 Tombstone Norbert/1913-2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Alice/1913-2002 Tombstone + Photo Carl/Jan. 1, 1884/Dec. 3, 1971 Photo, ossw: Ida/1889-1986, ossw: Dorothy/1928-____

STARFELDT: Bonita Starfeldt/1920-1953 Tombstone

STECHER: Lenhart/sohn von/R. u. B. Stecher/Geb. 29 Jan. 1903/Gest. 26 Apr. 1903

STECKER: Edna Stecker/Sept. 20, 1903/Oct. 6, 1938 Tombstone Herman A. Stecker/Mar. 3, 1859/Nov. 5, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: Laura Stecker/Mar. 12, 1860/May 26, 1938 Tombstone

SY: Ernest F. Sy/1911-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Myrnabelle Sy/1914-2005 Tombstone Janice H. Sy/Mar 2, 1938/Jul 14, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

THEEL: Timothy J. Theel/Nov. 4, 1972/Apr. 6, 1973 Tombstone

VALEFSKE: Gusta/Mother/1863-1950 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Carl/Father/1855-1943 Tombstone + Photo

VALLEFSKE: Ernest/Father/1882-1967 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Amelia/Mother/1886-1940 Tombstone Bertha/1881-1949 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Richard/1884-1961 Tombstone + Photo Minnie Vallefske/Mar. 29/Oct. 27/1899 Tombstone, next to: Dau. of/E. & A. Vallefske/1908 Tombstone

VALLESKEY: Arthur/July 11, 1887/Feb. 6, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Louisa/Aug. 4, 1887/Mar. 22, 1959 Tombstone Charles/Father/1884-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Helena/Mother/1876-1938 Tombstone Valleskey/Feb. 9, 1948 Tombstone Donald/son of G. & C. Valleskey/1931-1932 Tombstone Sohlein/von/A. und L. Valleskey/Geb. und Gest. 23 Nov. 1925 Tombstone Gust W./1890-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Clara H./1893-1974 Tombstone, next to: Gustave/1850-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Friedericke/1855-1937 Tombstone, next to: Quentin E./sohn von/M. und A. Valleskey/Geb. 15 Nov. 1908/Gest. 14 Apr. 1909 Tombstone

VERGIELS: Emilie/gattin von Ferd. Vergiels/Geb. 10 Jan. 1858/Gest. 26 Juni 1918 Tombstone

VOSS: Leroy/sohn von/G. und M. Voss/Geb. 22 Apr. 1922/Gest. 22 Mai 1922 Tombstone

WAGNER: Alma/Sept. 10, 1905/June 12, 1977 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ferdinand/1893-1965/married Nov. 1, 1922 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Ferdinand Wagner/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co B 162 Infantry/World War I/May 10, 1893/May 1, 1965 Tombstone + Photo Amanda/wife of/A. Wagner/born Nov. 26, 1886/died Apr. 22, 1914 Tombstone + Photo Carolina Wagner/Geb. 4 Sep. 1854/Gest. 7 Aug. 1923 Tombstone + Photo, next to: Johann Wagner/Geb. 12 Feb. 1839/Gest. 28 Okt. 1920 Tombstone + Photo Anna/Oct. 7, 1883/Apr. 10, 1945 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ernest/Mar. 17, 1875/Sept. 19, 1962 Tombstone + Photo Charlie/1888-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Hattie/1892-1957 Tombstone Martin Wagner/Gest. 4 Feb. 1868/alter 60 jahre 11 mon. 27 tage Tombstone (Eva Rosina Wagner/1809-???/spouse of Martin-no stone) Tocherlein von/daughter of/G. & A. Wagner/Aug. 20,1920, (Date recut.) Tombstone Albert Wagner/Geb. 15 Dez. 1872/Gest. 8 Nov. 1919, (Picture on stone.) Tombstone + Photo Kind von/C. und H. Wagner/Geb. und Gest. 1922 Tombstone, next to: Edwin/sohn von/C. & H. Wagner/Geb. 28 Apr. 1921/Gest. 10 Sept./1921 Tombstone, next to: Carl/sohn von/C. und H. Wagner/Geb. 19 Marz 1919/Gest. 28 Marz 1919 Tombstone, next to: Merna/toch von/C. und H. Wagner/Geb. 27 Jan. 1917/Gest. 6 Feb. 1917 Tombstone Harold W.A. Wagner/Geb. 19 Apr. 1908/Gest. 16 Mai 1920 Tombstone

WEGNER: Bertha/1880-1963 Photo, ossw: Adolph G./1878-1959 Photo Helena B.O. Wegner/Geb. 10. Oct. 1889/Gest. 29 Jan. 1910 Tombstone + Photo Amelia Wegner/Geb. 1881/Gest. 1881/alter 20 tage Tombstone Christine/gattin des/Johan Wegner/gestorben/10 Juli 1879/alter 35 jahre/4 mon 22 tage Tombstone + Photo Roger A. Wegner/May 23-May 27/1936 Tombstone, next to: Doris B. Wegner/June 30-Aug. 9/1935 Tombstone, next to: Verona A. Wegner/Geb. 23 Oct. 1909/Gest. 10 Dec. 1909, Tombstone next to: Mathilda/gattin von/Daniel Wegner Geb./16 Aug. 1864/Gest./8 Oct. 1, 1911 Tombstone, next to: Daniel Wegner/Geb./6 Marz 1844/Gest. 12 Apr. 1907 Tombstone + Photo Wilhelm K./sohn des/P. & A. Wegner/Geb. 15 Mai 1881/Gest. 17 Oct. 1881, Tombstone Stone broken off base. Paul/Dec. 4, 1837/Apr. 20, 1902 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Auguste/Aug. 2, 1846/Apr. 11, 1929 Tombstone + Photo Rueben A. Wegner/1916-2007 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Clara F. Wegner/1915-1987 Tombstone + Photo Arthur Wegner, Sr./1911-1988 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Agnes B. Wegner/1913-2001 Tombstone + Photo

WENZEL: Elwood Wenzel/Oct 2, 1924/Oct 23, 2014 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Lucille Wenzel/July 28, 1927/June 1, 2015 Photo

WOODCOCK: Wayne Dexter Woodcock/Feb 24, 1935/May 12, 2011 Tombstone

WUNSCH: Edwin A.W./sohn Von G. und K. Wunsch/Geb. 4 Nov. 1896/Gest. 27 Jun. 1897 Tombstone, next to: Rudolph L.W./sohn von/G. und K. Wunsch/Geb. 2 Jan. 1898/Gest. ?. Mar. 1898 Tombstone, next to: Carl/Father/1865-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Carolina/Mother/1874-1947 Tombstone + Photo Fred/Feb. 12, 1902/Dec. 31, 1981 Photo, ossw: Linda/July 1, 1908/July 24, 1949 Arlene Wunsch/May 15, 1930/Dec. 29, 2006 Tombstone + Photo Eldor A. Wunsch/Dec 14, 1927/Mar 28, 2013 Tombsonte + Photo

ZAHN: Carl Zahn/Geb./20 Okt. 1844/Gest./11 Juni 1869 Tombstone

ZARNOTH: Alberta Zarnoth/Gest./2 Juni 1909/alter/34 jahre 3 mo. Tombstone Friedrich Zarnoth/Geb. 28 Jan. 1838/Gest. 2 Juni 1914/seine gattin/ Tombstone, ossw: Albertine Zarnoth/Geb. 14 Juni 1840/Gest. 30 Jan. 1928 Tombstone

ZERNOTH: Ferdinand Zernoth/Father/1868-1915 Tombstone

ZUTZ: John C./Nov. 20, 1913/Apr. 15, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Gladys C./1916-2013 Tombstone Charles/1878-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta/Aug. 22, 1888/Aug. 7 1976 Tombstone Ferdinand/Mar. 24, 1882/Nov. 4, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: Paulina/Jan. 23, 1891/0ct. 29 Tombstone, 1957 Martha/his wife/1885-1924 Tombstone, ossw: William/1874-1949 Tombstone Bernice/1916-2007 Tombstone, ossw: Hilary/1910-1957 Tombstone Fred Zutz/July 14, 1871/July 22, 1952 Tombstone, next to: Heinrich/sohn von/J. & L. Zutz/Geb. d. 10 Aug. 1869/Gest. d. 1 Marz 1874, next to: Louise/Geb. SCHWALBE/gattin von Joh. Zutz/Geb. 14 Nov. 1847/Gest. 29 Dez. 1920 Tombstone, next to: Johann Zutz/Geb. 28 Jan. 1840/Gest. 27 Juni 1913 Tombstone, next to: Christine/Geb. SCHULZ/gattin von/Michael Zutz/Geb. 12 Mai 1820/Gest. 16 Okt. 1906 Tombstone, next to: Michael Zutz/Geb. 12 Juli 1812/Gest. 13 Juli 1883 Tombstone + Photo Hilary J. Zutz/May 30, 1947/Oct. 30, 2008 Tombstone Ralph Zutz/Nov. 10, 1915/May 16, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: Elda Zutz/Oct. 22, 1922/Dec. 5, 2003 Tombstone see SCHWALBE

Footstones located in section of childrens burials: L.B. E.H.H.