Schleswig Township, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

Location: 0.5 miles south of the junction of Lax Chapel Road & Ucker Point Creek Road
on Lax Chapel Road. The cemetery is on the west side of the road, behind the church.
Indexed & typed by Rosemary Vogel, Sept. 16, 1975. The oldest stone is 1881.
Updated by the Manitowoc Genealogy Society May 2007. Added to this site Jan. 2011.

Views of the Cemetery and Church

The photos were contributed by Terri and her husband John



BOELDT: Edna/Jan. 25, 1907/Apr. 28, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: Helmuth/Apr. 14, 1900/June 28, 1988 Tombstone


BORIS: Lincoln Boris/Oct 18, 2020/Oct 26, 2022 Tombstone + Photo


BRATZ: Bertha/July 1, 1880/Aug. 14, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: Otto/Aug. 18, 1869/Apr. 12, 1950 Tombstone Dorothea/Gattin von/M. Bratz/Geb. 23 Feb. 1829/Gest. 7 Juli 1912 Tombstone Michael/1871-1931 Tombstone Milfred/son of A. & E. Bratz/Born & Died/Apr. 14, 1926 Tombstone Hilda/Daughter of O. & B. Bratz/June 1, 1911/Aug. 15, 1922 Tombstone Walter Bratz/-1910- Tombstone Henry Bratz/Mar. 26, 1859/Apr. 29, 1947 Tombstone Emma/1901-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Arthur/1897-1968 Tombstone Frank/Jan. 11, 1864/Sept. 22, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mar. 15, 1870/Dec. 26, 1938 Tombstone Philip/Jan. 31, 1874/May 2, 1937 Tombstone William Michel Bratz/Geb. 27 Juni 1824/Gest. 17 Mar. 1905 Tombstone Mabel/1908-1998/nee KARSTAEDT Tombstone, ossw: Herbert/1909-1981 Tombstone Kenneth Bratz/1931-2001 Tombstone Joyce Bratz/February 26, 1936/January 14, 2011 Tombstone


BUTLER: Ruth Butler/1941-2002 Tombstone

CONRAD: Dorothy K./1924-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Valentine J./1925-1982/CPL US MARINE CORPS WORLD WAR II Tombstone

DEDERING: Elsa L./1896-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Henry T./1894-1980 Tombstone Florence/Feb. 6, 1904/2000 Tombstone, ossw: Arnold/July 12, 1902/Oct. 18, 1968 Tombstone

DEGAN: Christian F. Degan/Geboren d 10 Aug. 1809/Gest. d 8 Aug. 1890 Tombstone

DICKRELL: Luella F./1917-1969 Tombstone Luella, ossw: Clarence J./1916-1964 Tombstone Clarence Tombstone Luella/Clarence


FELDT: Friedrich W. Feldt/Geb. 1 Mai 1821/Gest. 6 Juli 1918 Tombstone Daniel Feldt/Geb. 31 Jan. 1827/Gest. 23 Juni 1904 Tombstone Friedericke/Gattin von D. Feldt/Geb. 3 Dez. 1836/Gest. 24 Nov. 1905 Tombstone

FISCHER: Maria/Geb. BUNGE/Gattin von C. Fischer/Geb. 14 Sept. 1823/Gest. 19 Marz 1899 Tombstone Christian Fischer/Geboren d 6 Marz 1822/Gest. d 12 Apr. 1887 Tombstone Carl F. Fischer/Geb. 19 Mai 1882/Gest. 27 April 1925 Tombstone Christian R.A. Fischer/12 Oct. 1886/15 Nov. 1908 Tombstone Ella A.M./tochter von/A. u A. Fischer/Geb. d 9 Juni 1893/Gest. d 5 Aug. 1894 Tombstone Arthur Daniel/sohn von Daniel u. Louise Fischer/Geb. d 22 Dec. 1886/Gest. d 11 Dec. 1888 Tombstone Justine L. Fischer/Geboren den 3 Dez. 1864/Gestorben den 13 Mai 1881 Tombstone See RUH

GIERKE: Helmuth/1897-1980, ossw: Meta/1895-1947 Tombstone Helmuth/Meta Walter R. Gierke/1905-1961 Tombstone Mary/1877-1951 Tombstone Mary, ossw: August/1872-1938 Tombstone August Tombstone Mary/August Otto H.G. Gierke/Geb. 24 Juli 1900/Gest. 6 Nov. 1921 Tombstone, ossw: Lila H./Feb. 10, 1929/Oct. 7, 1999, ossw: Raymond F./Feb. 21, 1923-2007 Tombstone Lila/Raymond Photo

HAUSER: Adalbert E.W./sohn von/C. & A. Hauser/Geb. 4 Dec. 1914/Gest. 15 Feb. 1915 Tombstone

HENNING: Christian Henning/Geb. 13 Sept. 1829/Gest. 6 Mai 1914 Tombstone Louise Henning/Geb. 7 Aug. 1836/Gest. 19 Jan. 1921 Tombstone Rudolph/Mar. 22, 1873/Jan. 19, 1945 Tombstone, ossw: Helena/Jan. 5, 1877/Jan. 26, 1938 Tombstone Evelyn/Daughter of O. & N. Henning/Aug. 19, 1922/Jan. 18, 1923 Tombstone Norma R./Dec. 9, 1896/Feb. 4, 1975, ossw: Otto A./Jan. 31, 1895/Jan. 11, 1963 Tombstone Otto/Norma Tombstone Otto Tombstone Norma Norma/1898-1974, ossw: Edgar/1898-1976 Tombstone Norma/Edgar Christian/-Sep 20, 1996-/Triplet son of Kerry & Barb Tombstone Christian, ossw: Everett E. Henning/Mar 29, 1932/May 12, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Jellane M. Henning/nee RABE/Apr 23, 1933/Aug 16, 1992 Tombstone + Photo

HENSCHEL: Kenneth W. Henschel/Aug 27, 1931/Jul 20, 2020 Photo Michael N. Henschel/Apr 19, 1994/Oct 17, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

KAPERNICK: Chas. Kapernick/Geb. 10 Feb. 1823/Gest. 5 Apr. 1912 Tombstone

KAPLICK: Christian Kaplick/Geb. 9 Juli 1826/Gest. 8 Sept. 1912 Tombstone Christine/Gattin von Chr. Kaplick/Geb. 11 Nov. 1822/Gest. 12 Sept. 1910 Tombstone Ida/tochter von F. und L. Kaplick/Geb. 14 Apr. 1887/Gest. 10 Sept. 1892 Tombstone

KARSTAEDT: Charles/1877-1945 Tombstone Tombstone Amalia/Sept. 26, 1878/May 18, 1945 Tombstone Tombstone Wilhelm H. Karstaedt/Geb. 30 Okt. 1875/Gest. 12 Marz 1912 Tombstone Otto Karstaedt/Geb. 12 Feb. 1872/Gest. 20 Marz 1912 Tombstone Clara B./Geb. SCHNELL/Gattin von C. Karstaedt/Geb. 14 Aug. 1884/Gest. 29 Marz 1912 Tombstone Elizabeth/1875-1961 Tombstone Arno W. Karstaedt/1911-1982 Tombstone see BRATZ


LORENZ: Norma A./toch. von H. und M. Lorenz/Geb. 3 Nov. 1904/Gest. 27 Sep. 1908 Tombstone

LUELLOFF: Arthur F./sohn von F. und M. Luelloff/Geb. 2 Sept. 1920/Gest. 15 Sept. 1920 Tombstone

LUELOFF: Emelia A. Lueloff/Jan. 27, 1868/Dec. 27, 1944 Tombstone

MAYER: William J. Mayer/Dec. 31, 1950/Nov. 5, 2009 Tombstone

MEISELWITZ: Walter R. Meiselvitz/Oct 24, 1933/Oct 23, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: Carol J. Meiselvitz/nee WRIEDT/Jul 19, 1933/May 15, 2021 Photo Dennis Vernon Meiselvitz/Sep 12, 1961/May 30, 1988 Tombstone

MEYER: Alma/May 15, 1886/Oct. 22, 1953 ossw: August A./Nov. 26, 1881/May 9, 1949 Tombstone Alma/August See NEUMANN

NEILS: Jean/1943-1970, ossw: Jerome/1940-____ Tombstone Jean/Jerome

NEUMANN: Wilhelm Neumann/Geboren 20 Feb 1818/Gest 14 Aug 1897 Tombstone Caroline/Geborene MEYER/Gattin von Wm. Neumann/Geboren d 16 Aug 1822/Gest d 23 Feb 1890 Tombstone Anna/Jun 3, 1868/Feb 15, 1943 Tombstone, ossw: William/Jul 25, 1857/May 29, 1936 Tombstone Katherina/Gattin von W. Neumann/Geb d 28 Oct 1860/Gest d 5 Mai 1895 Tombstone Wilhelm F./sohn von Wm u. K Neumann/Geb 14 Sep 1892/Gest 23 Feb 1900 Tombstone Emma/tochter von W & K Neumann/Geb 22 Jan 1894/Gest 18 Sep 1894 Tombstone Ida H./Aug 2, 1902/Apr 10, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: Oscar O./Feb 27, 1898/10 Nov 1994 Tombstone Adolph/Jul 11, 1902/Jul 18, 1976 Tombstone See MEYER

NINMER: Elsie/Geb. SCHNUELLE/Gattin von Heinrich Ninmer/ Geb. 17 Feb. 1887/Gest. 5 Nov. 1911 Tombstone Raymond Ninmer/Feb. 21, 1917/Feb. 28, 1917 Tombstone Theodore Ninmer/Geb. 10 Nov. 1876/Gest. 29 Sept. 1908 Tombstone Alvina/May 8, 1893/Mar. 29, 1988, ossw: Edwin/Sep. 28, 1890/Feb. 1, 1982 Tombstone Alvina/Edwin Arlene Ninmer/1920-2003 Clarence Ninmer/August 11, 1918/May 5, 2012/from obit DuWayne T. Ninmer/Mar 28, 1941/Jul 29, 2022 Tombstone + Photo Doris Mae Ninmer/nee HENNING/Nov 11, 1930/Sep 3, 2024 Tombstone + Photo

PRUETER: Herman Prueter/April 6, 1887 Tombstone

QUADE: Tracey Marie/Dau. of D. & M. Quade/Feb. 13, 1972 Tombstone

RABE: Everett A. Rabe/Jan 23, 1931/Sep 28, 2018 Photo, ossw: Dolores E. Rabe/Nov 30, 1928/Jun 20, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

RADDER: Johann Radder/Geboren d 22 Dec 1835/Gest d 26 Juli 1891 Tombstone Dorathea E.J. Radder/Geb. BOJE/Gattin von Joh. Radder/Geb 4 Dez 1835/Gest 22 Okt 1911 Tombstone Photo Alma Radder/1893-1966, ossw: Arthur Radder/1892-1966 Tombstone Alma/Arthur Otto W. Radder/Feb 19, 1899/Aug 13, 1958 Tombstone Friederike Radder/Jul 18, 1869/Jan 30, 1957, ossw: William Radder/Feb 22, 1865/Apr 12, 1929 Tombstone Friederike/William Heinrich Radder/Dec 10, 1859/Nov 20, 1922 Tombstone Wilhelmina Radder/Sep 9, 1862/Dec 10, 1945 Tombstone Elfrieda Radder/1893/1986 Bertha H. Radder/Oct 2 1918/Jan 18, 2009 ossw: Fred W. Radder/Nov 15, 1921/Jun 3, 1988 Tombstone Bertha/Fred Robert F. Radder/Apr 28, 1949/Oct 13, 2023 Photo Whitney Kaye Radder/Aug 2, 1990/Apr 20, 2010 Tombstone + Photo See SCHNELL See WRIEDT

REICHWALDT: Carl Reichwaldt/Geb. d 27 Dec. 1822/Gest. d 15 Sept. 1894 Carolina/Geb. SCHWUCHOW/Gattin von C. Reichwaldt/Geb. d 4 Aug. 1823/Gest. d 22 Nov. 1907 Maria/Sept. 10, 1862/Dec. 18, 1943, ossw: John/Feb. 21, 1860/Sept. 11, 1939 Tombstone Maria/John Anna M./Jan. 4, 1887/Feb. 25, 1971, ossw: Helmuth C./Nov. 14, 1885/July 16, 1949 Photo Albertine/Feb. 28, 1862/Feb. 12, 1949, ossw: Carl/June 10, 1857/Nov. 26, 1926 Tombstone Albertine/Carl Eunice R./Daughter of H. & V. Reichwaldt/Apr. 19, 1922/May 6, 1922 Tombstone Meta/1887-1963, ossw: Erwin J./1885-1975 Tombstone Meta/Erwin Myron H./1926-1996 Tombstone Myrtle C./1904-1981, ossw: William R./1899-1980 Tombstone Myrtle/William Allen A. Reichwaldt/Dec 23, 1938/Nov 8, 2020 Photo

ROEHL: Christian/Father/1857-1946, ossw: Anna/Mother/1858-1932 Tombstone Christian/Anna August/sohn von/C. u A. Roehl/Geb. d 30 Jan. 1891/Gest. d 15 Mai 1892 Tombstone Albert/sohn von/C. u A. Roehl/Geb. d 30 Jan. 1891/Gest. d 8 Sept. 1891 Tombstone Agnes/tochter von/C. u A. Roehl/Geboren d 7 Feb. 1880/Gest. d 29 Apr. 1892 Tombstone

ROESLER: Louise/Geb. ERBERT/Gattin von/L. Roesler/Geb. d 2 Marz 1831/Gest. d. 29 Aug. 1894, ossw: Ludwig Roesler/Geb. d 7 Feb. 1829/Gest. d 17 Mai 1927 Tombstone Louise

RUH: Katharine/Geb. BOTH/Gattin von Rud. Ruh/Geb. 8 Nov. 1857/Gest. 23 Apr. 1913 Tombstone Auguste/Geb. KRAUSE/Gattin von/R. Ruh/Geb. 1 Juli 1845/Gest. 7 Juli 1901 Friedrich A.H./sohn von/Rudolph u Maria Ruh/Geboren d 20 Sept. 1885/Gest. d 22 Juli 1886 Tombstone Maria/Geborene FISCHER/Gattin von Rudolph Ruh/Geboren d 12 Apr. 1859/Gest. d 18 Oct. 1885 Tombstone Alma/Jul. 15, 1900/Oct. 8, 1989, ossw: Harry J./Aug. 7, 1897/Jul. 12, 1984 Tombstone Alma/Harry Photo See SCHNELL

SCHMIDT: Corey Schmidt/1983-2001 Tombstone

SCHNELL: Henry A. Schnell/Sept. 4, 1853/Dec. 8, 1934 Tombstone (Note: Henry took many of the photos of the Kaping family that are in marriages) Fred Schnell/22 Jan. 1855/22 Nov. 1922 Tombstone Flora/Gattin von F. Schnell/Geb. 1 Apr. 1855/Gest. 10 Juli 1911 Tombstone Emma/Gebe RADDER/Gattin von H.A. Schnell/Geb. 24 Sept. 1862/Gest. 23 Juli 1908 Tombstone Emma/1883-1966 Photos, ossw: William/1880-1960 Tombstone Sue Ellen/July 6, 1952/June 29, 1966 Tombstone Floria/remainder unreadable Tombstone Anita K./1921-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Lester O./1914/1976 Tombstone Thomas W. Schnell/Nov 11, 1955/Mar 4, 2020 Tombstone + Photo Elnora/1917/1990 Tombstone Roger W. Schnell/Oct. 14, 1941/Dec. 3, 2006 Tombstone Evelyn A. Schnell/Aug 22, 1921/Dec 24, 2019 Photo, ossw: John Schnell/1917-2003 Tombstone Dennis R. Schnell/June 27, 1960/Nov. 1, 2017 Tombstone/Obituary See KARSTAEDT

SCHNUELLE: Hilda/tochter von/A. & L. Schnuelle/2 Juni 1897/25 Jan. 1906 Tombstone See NINMER

SCHREIBER: Elfrieda L./Mar. 24, 1899/Nov. 26, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: Paul A./May 27, 1894/Jan. 10, 1975 Tombstone Lucille/nee Koppelmann/Feb. 12, 1926/June 18, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: Melvin/1921/Apr. 30, 2001/married Oct. 27, 1945 Tombstone Ronald/Nov. 5, 1946/2018 Tombstone/Obituary, ossw: Derek/Jan. 13, 1983/Nov. 13, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: Joyce/Feb. 27, 1960/March 4, 2002 Tombstone


SHEETS: Dr. Erica C. Sheets/Sep 16, 1977/Jan 20, 2017 Photo

VALLESKEY: Norma F./1895-1968, ossw: William R./1894-1963 Tombstone Norma/William Tombstone William Tombstone Norma

VOSS: Ernst/Aug. 20, 1838/May 19, 1921, ossw: Friedericka/Mar. 20, 1847/Sept. 23, 1929 Tombstone Ernst/Friedericka Wilhelm Voss/Geb. d 22 Marz, 1837/Gest. d. 18 April 1894 Tombstone

WAGNER: Verona/Sept. 19, 1910/June 1, 2000 Photo, ossw: Edgar/July 31, 1909/Nov 19, 1986 Photo Tombstone Edgar/Verona

WILKE: Wilhelmine/Gattin von/Gottf. Wilke/Geb. 16 Juni 1841/Gest. 18 Aug. 1917 Tombstone Gottfried Wilke/Geb. 19 Okt. 1840/Gest. 10 Feb. 1918 (US War vet symbol)Tombstone [Gottfried Wilke/16th WI Infantry, Company D/32nd WI Infantry, Company H/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable]

WINKEL: Christian Winkel/Co. B/6th Wis. Inf./Geb. 29 Dec. 1821/Gest. 15 Sep. 1893 Tombstone

WRIEDT: Minnie Wriedt/Mar. 6, 1910/Aug. 19, 1910 Tombstone Clara J. Wriedt/Geb. d 12 Feb. 1891/Gest. d 12 Feb. 1902 Tombstone Henry/1859-1938 Tombstone Tombstone Mary/Geb. RADDER/Gattin von Hy. Wriedt/11 Marz 1868/8 Marz 1910 Tombstone Alvina A./1904-1988, ossw: August A./1901-1974 Tombstone Alvina/August Myron/July 29, 1928/December 12, 2013, ossw: Jeanette/July 26, 1930/____, ossw: Brian/July 11, 1961/Oct. 6, 1985

The following is a list of footstones with just the initials enscribed on them. . F.R./M.R./E.N./G.R./L.R./J.L.F./G.R./A.R./L.R./Mutter/A.R./A.R./A.J.F.