CARL T. SCHNEIDER Carl Schneider, 59, of 1952 Roosevelt Avenue, Two Rivers, died suddenly of a heart attack as he reported for work this morning at the Hamilton Manufacturing compnay. He was born in Kewaunee in 1890 and when a young man moved to Two Rivers, to be employed at the Hamilton company. He served overseas in World War I. He married Miss Hattie Koch 30 years ago. She died in 1944. Survivors include a daughter, Phyllis of DePere; son, Earl of Los Angeles; sister, Minta Schneider of Two Rivers. He was a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Funeral plans will be announced Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, May 24, 1950 P.2 ********* Mr. Carl Schneider and Miss Hattie Koch, well known young people of this city, were married on Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch and the groom is a son of Mr. Henry Schneider, city sexton. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Sept. 25, 1919

ESTHER K. SCHNEIDER Seriously ill for five weeks, Mrs. Raymond Schneider, 45, Two Rivers clubwoman and member of two municipal boards, died late Monday in the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago. Funeral arrangements were not completed today. The body was brought here this afternoon and will lie at the Beduhn funeral home. Mrs. Schneider, nee Esther Kaufman, was born in Two Rivers May 8, 1893, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaufman. She was graduated from the Two Rivers high school in 1910 and entered Milwaukee Downer college, from which she was graduated three years later. She taught at the old Hamilton school for several years and then returned to Milwaukee where she completed a course in Miss Brown’s Business school. In October, 1920, she was married to Raymond Schneider. Mrs. Schneider years ago was a teacher in the Sunday school at the Grace Congregational church. Like her father, she was a lover of outdoor life and spent a great deal of her leisure hours in the game preserve of her father, which is to become a part of the new state park. An honorary member of the Junior Service league of Two Rivers and Manitowoc, Mrs. Schneider was its first secretary. Two years later she became its president. Since the creation of the recreation board at Two Rivers more than 10 years ago, Mrs. Schneider has been a member. Her membership on the Joseph Mann Library board also marked many years of active interest and she served for the past few years as its secretary. Mrs. Schneider was also prominent in affairs of the Ladies of the Round Table, and was also a member of the Two Rivers Charitable association. Besides her husband, she is survived by her parents. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 17, 1938 P. 2 ******* Private funeral services for Mrs. Raymond Schneider, who died Monday at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago will be held from the residence, 907 17th street, at 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Rev. C. V. Hugo will officiate and interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 18, 1938 P. 2 ******* One of Two River's foremost young businessmen and a young lady high in popular esteem in the city were married last Saturday when Rev. Father Hugo said the ceremony uniting Raymond Schneider and Miss Esther Kaufman, at St.Luke's parsonage. Mark Hammel, a cousin of the bride and Miss Leona Schneider, sister of the groom were the attending couple. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride following the ceremony to near relatives and friends, after which the couple departed on a honeymoon sojourn north. Upon their return, they will make their home in the cozy lakeside cottage which Mr. Schneider recently purchased on the Eastside. The groom is the son of Mrs. S.J. Schneider and conducts the clothing and men's furnishing business of Schneiders Inc., succeeding his late father, S.J. Schneider and has a reputation for astute business ability. The bride is the daughter of Supt. and Mrs. Frank Kaufman. Like the groom she is a graduate of the local high school and she also graduated from Downer College, Milwaukee. The Reporter unites with a wide circle of friends in good wishes and congratulations. The Reporter, Thurs., Oct. 28, 1920

GOTTLIEB SCHNEIDER Mr. Gottlieb Schneider passed away Sunday at his home four miles north of here. He was 87 years of age having been born in Brandenberg, Baden, Germany. He came to this country in the summer of 1852 and shortly thereafter settled on a 40 acre farm near Four Corners on the Green Bay road. He also lived in the Town of Cato 3 years and at Manitowoc a short time. Then after living three years on a farm near Howards Grove, he bought his farm where he died, in what is known as the school section just north of this city. His wife died seven years ago and since then he and his sons have lived alone together. He was feeble and bed ridden for most of the past year. He was a veteran of the civil war having served in the U.S. Calvary in which he enlisted at Chicago. He is survived by two sons, Otto and Herman. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Weihing officiating. The Reporter, Sat., Oct. 10, 1914

HATTIE SCHNEIDER (d. 1944) Mrs. Carl Schneider, 54, of 1952 Roosevelt avenue, Two Rivers, died early today at the Holy Family hospital. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. from the Beduhn funeral home in Two Rivers and at two o'clock from the St. Johns Lutheran church. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Mrs. Schneider, nee Hattie Koch, was born in Two Rivers in 1890, daughter of the late Frederick Kochs (sic). She was married to Carl Schneider on September 20, 1919. He survives with a daughter, Phyllis, at home; a son, Cpl. Earl Schneider in England; a sister Mrs. Lena Naidl of Two Rivers, and four brothers, Fred and Henry Koch of Two Rivers, Edward of Manitowoc and William in Connecticut. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. until the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 5, 1944 P.3 ********* Mr. Carl Schneider and Miss Hattie Koch, well known young people of this city, were married on Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch and the groom is a son of Mr. Henry Schneider, city sexton. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Sept. 25, 1919

HENRY SCHNEIDER SEXTON DIES AS HE DIGS GRAVE AT TWO RIVERS Henry Schneider Victim of Stroke of Paralysis at 10 A.M. TWO RIVERS, Jan. 18.-Death came to Henry Schneider, sexton at Pioneers' Rest cemetery at 10 o'clock this morning while he was preparing a grave. The man collapsed and was dead before aid could be summoned. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis. No date has been set for the funeral but announcement will be made tomorrow. No inquest will be held as the death was due to natural causes. Mr. Schneider, who has held the positon of sexton for the last dozen years or more and established an enviable reputation as a caretaker of the cemetery, was about as usual early this morning and had not complained about feeling ill. The fatal attack came without warning and news of the death came as a shock to the community. Born at West Kewaunee January 12, 1867, Mr. Schneider had just passed his fifty-ninth birthday. He was married at West Kewaunee December 31, 1889 to Miss Minnie Lietz who with one daughter and one son, Minta and Carl, and a grandchild, survives to mourn his death. The family came to Two Rivers to make their home in 1906 and during the twenty years have made a wide circle of friends. Mr. Schneider was a member of the Modern Woodmen and Moose lodges. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, January 18, 1926 P.5

Death Comes to City Sexton While at Work
The messenger of Death came to Henry Schneider, city sexton, at 10 o'clock Monday morning while he was engaged at his work. Mr. Schneider, not feeling well, went to a nearby home and asked that a physician be called as he was feeling quite ill. He then resumed his work at the cemetery but collapsed in a chair in his office in a short time and had passed away when the physician arrived. Death was due to apoplexy.
The sudden death of Mr. Schneider who had been in apparent good health and active as ever, was a great shock to his many friends as well as a revelation to the uncertainty of life even when all seems well. He had been as usual up to a few minutes before the end came. Mr. Schneider has held the position of sexton for a dozen years or more. He was an obliging, efficient and dependable man at his work and the beauty of the well kept cemeteries was the source of great pride to him. As a member of the M.W.A. and Moose Lodge, he lived according to the high levels of these orders to a greater extent probably then many.
Born at West Kewaunee, Jan. 12, 1867, Mr. Schneider had just passed his fifty-ninth birthday. He was married at West Kewaunee Dec. 31, 1889 to Miss Minnie Lietz who with one daughter and one son, Minta and Carl and a grandchild survive to mourn his death. The family came to Two Rivers to make their home in 1906 and during the twenty years have made a wide circle of friends.  The funeral was held from the home Thursday afternoon, with services at the Congregational Church, Rev. T.A. Hawkes, officiating. Interment was at Pioneer's Rest.
Two Rivers Reporter - Fri., Jan. 22, 1926   
Card of Thanks
We extend our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends for sympathy and kindness extended us in our bereavement due to the death of our beloved husband and father. We are very grateful for the use of cars, for the beautiful floral tributes, to Rev. T.A. Hawkes who officiated at the funeral and Beduhn and Goetz, the funeral directors.
Mrs. Minnie Schneider and Family
Two Rivers Reporter - Fri., Jan. 29, 1926

JOHN SCHNEIDER …Schneider Death Sudden Taken ill suddenly, John Schneider, 62, who has been connected with the Suettinger Hardware company for 33 years, died of a heart attack at his home at 1408 15th street at 4:20 this morning. Mr. Schneider had been in only fair health in recent months, and a cold which he suffered in the last week weakened his heart. He played with his two grand- children, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. August Cochenet, during the early part of the evening and retired to bed in apparently usual health. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Services will be held from the Beduhn funeral home, where the body will lie in state. Born in Appleton, a son of the late John and Emalia Scneider, he spent his early youth in that city. When a young man he became a partner in the Hauert and Schneider general store at Black Creek, near Appleton. Thirty-three years ago he took a position as salesman in the Suettinger hardware store here and had been active in the firm up to his death. Two Mason Degrees Mr. Schneider was married at Black Creek about 35 years ago to Mattie Stutzman. She died here nearly 10 years ago. Mr. Schneider had taken winter vacations in Miami, Florida for the last few years, usually with the late Charles E. Mueller. He was about to complete his work in Masonry, having received two degrees. Surviving are his daughter, Mrs. August Cochenet at home, two sisters, Miss Catherine of Appleton and Miss Mildred Schneider, principal of the Menomonie, Wis., high school, and four brothers, William and Andrew at the family home in Appleton, Frank, also of Appleton, and George Schneider of Chicago. There are also two grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 15, 1937 P. 15

MATTIE (BURDICK) SCHNEIDER OPERATION FAILS, DIES AT THE HOSPITAL Two Rivers residents were sadly shocked today to learn of the death, at the Holy Family hospital in Manitowoc last night, of Mrs. John Schneider, for years one of the best known residents of the city. Although she has been in failing health for a time, her condition did not become serious until a week ago, when it was found that a goiter operation would be necessary. This was performed but in her weakened condition she was unable to survive the shock. The deceased, in company with Miss Loretta LeClair, has operated for a number of years the Variety Store on Washington street in the city and up until a few days ago she has attended to her duties there. Mrs. Schneider was 53 years of age and is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. August Cochenet, this city, one sister, Mrs. Wm. Stutzmann of Appleton, and one brother, Ben Burdick of Laural, Miss. Funeral arrangements have not been completed as yet but will be held from the family home, at 1408 Fifteenth street. The time will be announced tomorrow. Manitowoc Herald News, July 21, 1927 P. 12 ******** FUNERAL TO BE Sunday The funeral of the late Mrs. John Schneider, who died at the Holy Family hospital at Manitowoc, following an operation will take place on Sunday afternoon, at 1:30 from the late home and at ???? o'clock from the Congregational church. The Rev. Weber of Manitowoc, will officiate. Manitowoc Herald News, July 22, 1927 P. 9 ******** A victim of goitre from which she had suffered a long time, Mrs. John Schneider passed away at Holy Family hospital on Wednesday night, July 20. Her condition became serious two weeks ago and it was found necessary to perform an operation which owing to complications, she failed to survive. Deceased has been a resident here for the past twenty years during which time she endeared herself to many by her fine womanly traits and her passing has brought regret and sorrow to many friends as well as her immediate family. She placed home ahead of all else and her passing will leave a deep void, especially for her husband, who with one daughter, Mrs. August Cochenet of this city survives her. Mrs. Schneider was fifty-three years of age. Mrs. Schneider has for the past few years conducted the Variety Store with Miss Loretta LeClaire. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the home with services at Grace Congregational Church, Rev. Weber of Manitowoc officiating. Among those here to attend the funeral were a sister, Mrs. Wm. Stutzman of Appleton and a brother, Ben Burdick of Laurel, Miss. Two Rivers Reporter Chronicle - July 28, 1927

MINNIE SCHNEIDER (d. 1947) Mrs. Minnie Schneider, 81, of 1817 12th street, Two Rivers, died Sunday afternoon at the Two Rivers Municipal hospital. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Emanuel Evangelical church, Two Rivers, with burial in Pioneers Rest cemetery. Born Minnie Lietz at Kewaunee in 1866, she was the daughter of Theodore and Mary Bauer Lietz. She was married to Henry Schneider in Kewaunee 58 years ago. Mr. Schneider who was for many years sexton at Pioneer’s Rest cemetery, died in 1926. The survivors include two children, Carl and Minta both of Two Rivers and two grandchildren, Earl and Phillys Schneider. The body may be viewed at the Beduhn funeral home, Two Rivers, until 10 a.m. Wednesday when it will be moved to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 2, 1947 P. 2

MINTA SCHNEIDER Miss Minta Schneider, 63, of 1817-12th St., Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Tuesday afternoon while visiting at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Karl F. Koch officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Miss Schneider was born Nov. 7, 1901, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Henry and Minnie Lietz Schneider. She attended the Two Rivers public schools and high school. She was employed at Two Rivers Motor Co. for a number of years and for the past 31 years was employed at Mirro Aluminum Co., Two Rivers. Surviving are a nephew, Earl Schneider, of Pewaukee, and a niece, Mrs. Louis Knott, of San Bernardino, Calif. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, after 6 o’clock this Wednesday evening until noon Thursday when the casket will be taken to the church to lie in state until the time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 14, 1965 P. 28

RAYMOND S. SCHNEIDER Ray Schneider Dies Suddenly at Two Rivers TWO RIVERS—Raymond Schneider, 63, operator of the clothing establishment of Schneider, Inc., at 1600 Washington St., the city’s second oldest mercantile enterprise, for the past 35 years, died unexpectedly of a heart attack on his 40-acre woodland tract adjoining Point Beach State Forest, at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Mr. Schneider, an overseas veteran of World War I, had driven his jeep into his property along the Lake Michigan shore with a long-time friend, William Hill of Sheboygan, also an ardent out of town enthusiast. The former clothier was stricken after walking some distance from the vehicle in the vicinity of Molash Creek. Dr. Theodore Teitgen, county coroner, who was summoned pronounced Mr. Schneider’s death as a result of a heart attack. The latter had been in poor health for the past few years. Funeral Wednesday Funeral services for Mr. Schneider will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels here and at 10 a.m. at St. Luke Catholic Church, the Rev. Patrick McMahon officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery here. Mr. Schneider was born in Sheboygan on April 1, 1892, a son of the late Simon J. and Josephine Schragge Schneider. In 1901 he was brought to Two Rivers by the family when his father took over the downtown Two Rivers establishment which had been operated for a number of years by the latter’s brother, William Schneider. Attending the St. Luke Parochial School and graduating from Two Rivers High School with class of 1911, Raymond Schneider assisted his father in the operation of the store until he entered the Army in 1917. While he was serving with the Army of Occupation in Germany his father died here in February of 1919. In the meantime for a period of several months, until Mr. Schneider’s return, the establishment was operated by a sister, Marie, now Mrs. Kenneth J. Conant Sr., of Boston, Mass. In 1920, Mr. Schneider married a former Two Rivers high school schoolmate, Esther Kaufman. She died on May 16, 1938. Leaves Two Sisters Besides Mrs. Conant, Mr. Schneider leaves another sister, Mrs. J. Hewitt (Leona) Watson of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who has been personally operating a law book publishing company in that city; and two nephews, Kenneth J. Conant Jr., of Two Rivers, and John S. Conant of Cambridge, Mass. Friends may call at the funeral home until the time of services and from there the Rosary will be recited at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 1, 1955 P. 23 ********** Raymond Schneider has arrived home from Germany where he served in the army of occupation. Owing to the death of his father, he was discharged early and he will conduct the clothing store here. He participated in the battle of the Argonne Forest. The Reporter, Thurs., Apr. 17, 1919 ********** One of Two River's foremost young businessmen and a young lady high in popular esteem in the city were married last Saturday when Rev. Father Hugo said the ceremony uniting Raymond Schneider and Miss Esther Kaufman, at St.Luke's parsonage. Mark Hammel, a cousin of the bride and Miss Leona Schneider, sister of the groom were the attending couple. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride following the ceremony to near relatives and friends, after which the couple departed on a honeymoon sojourn north. Upon their return, they will make their home in the cozy lakeside cottage which Mr. Schneider recently purchased on the Eastside. The groom is the son of Mrs. S.J. Schneider and conducts the clothing and men's furnishing business of Schneiders Inc., succeeding his late father, S.J. Schneider and has a reputation for astute business ability. The bride is the daughter of Supt. and Mrs. Frank Kaufman. Like the groom she is a graduate of the local high school and she also graduated from Downer College, Milwaukee. The Reporter unites with a wide circle of friends in good wishes and congratulations. The Reporter, Thurs., Oct. 28, 1920

WILHELMINE SCHNEIDER Death Friday after an illness of many years of Mrs. Gottlieb Schneider in Eastwin, near Two Rivers, at age 65. The deceased is survived by her husband and 3 sons. Der Nord Westen, 09 Jan. 1908 ********* Last Friday morning, Mrs. Gottlieb Schneider was called away from a world of suffering to the great beyond where all is joy and sorrow is not known. Deceased has been an invalid for years and last Friday morning was relieved. Twenty-five years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Schneider moved into this neighborhood where she leaves 3 sons and her husband to mourn her loss. She was 65 years old and beloved by all who knew her. Her remains were interred at the public cemetery at Two Rivers and a large number of friends attended the last sad rites. The Chronicle, Tues., Jan. 7, 1908

MYRTLE RAETHER SCHNEIDEWEND Myrtle A. Schneidewend, 79, of 2001 24th Street, Two Rivers, died Friday, April 8, 1988 at her residence. Christian Science Service will be 1:30 pm Monday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers. William Mueller will officiate with burial at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schneiderwend was born November 24, 1908 at Two Rivers, daughter of the late George and Martha Miller Althen. She married Earl Raether on October 25, 1927 at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death September 28, 1965. She then married Lawrence Schneidewend on March 6, 1968 at Florida. He preceded her in death in July of 1976. Mrs. Schneidewend was a secretary for Gloe Insurance Agency for many years. She was a past matron of the Manitowoc Chapter Number 196 of O.E.S. and was active in the Christian Science Society. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Marlene and Roddy Jebavy of Two Rivers, grandchildren include Richard Jebavy and his wife, Peggy of Memphis, Tennessee, Sharon Schmitt and her husband, Jeff of Two Rivers and Terry Jebavy of Two Rivers; great grandchildren include Matthew Schmitt and Bryan Jebavy. She was preceded in death by a brother, Arthur. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, 5 pm to 8 pm Sunday. O.E.S. Memorial Service will be held at 7 pm Sunday. Memorials would be appreciated to Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. Manitowoc Herald Times, Sun., Apr. 10, 1988 page 22 ******** (Myrtle A Schneidewend/24 Nov 1908/08 Apr 1988/SSDI) (Buried with Raether)

FRED J. SCHNORR F.J. Schnorr, Last Survivor of Old Ball Team, Dies Fred J. Schnorr, 90, last survivor of Two Rivers first baseball team, the Centennials, died last night of a heart ailment, while enroute to the Two Rivers municipal hospital. Mr. Schnorr who resided in the business block at 1610 Washington street which he built in 1913, has been active until a few days ago. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Beduhn funeral home, Two Rivers, with burial in Pioneers Rest cemetery. The body may be viewed at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Saturday. Mr. Schnorr, a lather by trade, who aided in the construction of many Two Rivers residences and most of the city's larger buildings, was known to early sports fans of the community as an outstanding pitcher on the first Centennial baseball club of 1876. (Photo) His teammates on that orginal team included the late U.S. Senator Thomas J. Walsh, J.E. Hamilton, Henry Walsh, Max Fishbein, Will P. Hayes, William F. Ahearn, Louis Mische, Fred Beth and Wenzel Cisler. He was born in London, England in 1856 and came here in 1873 and followed his trade at the Mann pail factory. He left Two Rivers and returned several times before locating there permanently in 1895. One of his trips away from the city took him to Colorado while he returned to England for two years on another occasion. He retired from active work when 70 years of age, only to resume his occupation for several years. Even during recent years he helped in the maintenance of the Schnorr block. In 1901 he married the former Miss Mary Hartung of Two Rivers who died in 1905. On April 25, 1908 he married the former Miss Lulu Hartung, who survives him, with an only son, Thomas, of Two Rivers, former city editor of the Reporter. One grandchild also survives. Three brothers, George and William Schnorr of Sheboygan, and Michael of Green Bay, also survive. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. February 7, 1947 P. 2 ********* [bur. 02-10-1947/age 90 yrs.] ********* Two Rivers news: Fred Schnorr of Chicago, a former Two Rivers base-ballist, and one of the jolliest boys, has come to town to spend a few days with friends of former times. He returns to the "wicked city," this morning. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4 ********** On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Fred J. Schnorr and Miss Lulu Hartung were united in marriage, Rev. C. F. Doehler officiating. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Hartung and was a quiet but pretty home wedding. The guests were confined to relatives and intimate friends. After the wedding a sumptuous repast was served and then the united couple departed on a wedding tour which will include visits to Green Bay, Appleton, Milwaukee and other cities. They will be at home to their friends after June 1st at their future residence on Pine Street. Mr. and Mrs. Schnorr are well and favorably known in this city where they have spent the principal portion of their lives and many friends united in wishing them a pleasant journey through life. The Reporter, Sat., May 2, 1908

LULU SCHNORR Mrs. Fred J. Schnorr, 80, 1610 Washington street, Two Rivers, widely known as a leader of Christian Endeavor groups in Two Rivers when a young woman, died at Two Rivers Municipal hospital shortly before midnight Monday, where she had been a patient for six weeks. She had been failing in health for more than a year. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in St. John's Lutheran church, Two Rivers, the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schnorr, nee Miss Lulu Hartung, was born in 1870 at Menominee, Michigan, a daughter of the late Louis and Wilhelmina Roichard Hartung. When she was five years old the family brought her to Two Rivers where she had resided since. In 1908 she was married to Fred J. Schnorr, a member of Two Rivers' first baseball team, the Centennials, who built the Schnorr building on downtown Washington street. He preceded her in death in 1947. Surviving Mrs. Schnorr are a son, Thomas, Two Rivers, a brother, Alfred Hartung of Chicago, and three grandchildren. Friends may call at the Beduhn, Deja & Martin, Inc. funeral home, Two Rivers, from the noon hour Thursday until hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, September 4, 1951 P.2 ******* On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Fred J. Schnorr and Miss Lulu Hartung were united in marriage, Rev. C. F. Doehler officiating. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Hartung and was a quiet but pretty home wedding. The guests were confined to relatives and intimate friends. After the wedding a sumptuous repast was served and then the united couple departed on a wedding tour which will include visits to Green Bay, Appleton, Milwaukee and other cities. They will be at home to their friends after June 1st at their future residence on Pine Street. Mr. and Mrs. Schnorr are well and favorably known in this city where they have spent the principal portion of their lives and many friends united in wishing them a pleasant journey through life. The Reporter, Sat., May 2, 1908

MARY SCHNORR (d. 1874) DIED: In Two Rivers, April 2d, 1874, of consumption, MARY, the beloved wife of Philip Schnorr, aged 37 years. She said I can no longer stay, As death has called, I must away; I am the second among you all, And must attend the solemn call; My troubles here will soon be o'er, "I'm going home to die no more." Adieu, dear friends, for I must go, To leave you for a while below; Weep not for me when I am dead, I shall be with my heavenly head; My troubles here will soon be o'er, "I'm going home to die no more." Manitowoc County Chronicle, Wis., Tuesday, April 14, 1874 pg. 3 ***** *NOTE: She was placed here because her son, Fred, is here.

MARY (HARTUNG) SCHNORR (d. 1904) Mrs. Fred Schnorr of Two Rivers died Thurs. last week in a Manitowoc hospital from a combination of brain and nerve diseases. Mrs. Schnorr was born in Two Rivers 43 yrs. ago, and her maiden name was Mary A. Hartung. She is survived by her husband but no children. The funeral was held Sun. afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 08 Dec. 1904 ********* DEATH OF MRS. F. SCHNORR Last Thursday, Mrs. Fred Schnorr of this city died at the hospital in Manitowoc where she had been taken a few days previous to be treated for a complication of brain and nerve trouble. The illness, which resulted in her death, only began a few weeks ago and was not considered of a serious nature until a few days previous to her death. Mrs. Schnorr was born in this city 43 years ago and her whole life was spent here. Her maiden name was Mary A. Hartung and she was a daughter of Henry C. Hartung, an old and well known resident of the city. She was the twin sister of Robert Hartung, now of Chicago. Mrs. Schnorr was a woman of splendid mental and moral qualities and was greatly beloved by a large circle of friends. She left no children, but her husband, to whom she was devotedly attached, has the sympathy in his bereavement, of all who knew and loved the dear woman whom death has taken from him. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at the home in which she had spent her entire life. It was a very large funeral and many were the floral tributes of sorrowing friends. Rev. W. Blakeslee conducted the funeral ceremonies. Besides many other friends and relatives from abroad, there were present her four brothers, Capt. Chas Hartung and daughter of Green Bay, August Hartung and his wife and daughter of Chicago, her twin brother, Robert Hartung, also of Chicago with his wife and daughter, Fred C. Hartung of Appleton; her sisters, Mrs. W. Schuetz and family of Manitowoc and Mrs. John Stelzer and family of Mishicot. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., Dec. 6, 1904 ********* Mary Hartung Schnor birth: 30 September 1861 Two Rivers death: 11 December 1904 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers residence: 1904 Two Rivers father: Hartung spouse: Fred Schnor

THOMAS W. SCHNORR Thomas W. Schnorr, 67, of 2512 Washington St., Two Rivers, died Monday at the Two Rives Community Hospital. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Klein and Stangel Funeral Home, Two Rivers. The Rev Robert Rhyner will officiate with burial in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schnorr was born March 24, 1909, in Two Rivers, son of the late Frederick and Lulu Hartung Schnorr. He married Kathleen Voshardt, Nov. 25, 1939 at Two Rivers. Mr. Schnorr was a purchasing agent for Hamilton Industries and Paragon Electric Co., Inc., Two Rivers, before his retirement. He was past exalted ruler of Elks Club No. 1380 and past president of the library board of Two Rivers. Survivors include his wife, a son, John O. Schnorr, of Milwaukee and two daughters, Kathleen J. Michel, of Milwaukee and Peggy M. Wright, of Madison. Memorials may be made to the Joseph Mann Library, Two Rivers. There will be no visitation. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 7, 1976 P. 3 ******** [Thomas Will./bur. 12-08-1976/age 67 yrs.] (24 Mar 1909/Dec 1976/SSDI)

AUGUSTA AHLGRIM SCHOENBORN Mrs. Augusta Ahlgrim is Dead in Milwaukee Mrs. Augusta Ahlgrim, widow of Charles Ahlgrim, died at the family home at Milwaukee Thursday and the body will be brought here tomorrow, Saturday morning and will be taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herman Johansen, 1808 Wollmer St., from where the funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30, the Rev. Karl Machmiller officiating. Burial will be at Two Rivers. Mrs. Ahlgrim was sixty-seven years old and was twice married, both husbands, preceding her in death. She made her home in this city until ten years ago when she removed to Milwaukee. She is survived by eleven children, but only the one daughter, Mrs. Johansen, still resides here. Manitowoc Herald News, June 7, 1927 page 2 ******** (Note: Augusta Schoenborn is on the same lot with Charles Ahlgrim. Apparently her second husband was Schoenborn because she is on the cemetery list as Schoenborn)

AMELIA SCHRAMM Mrs. Amelia Schram (sic), former resident of Two Rivers, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Erwin Baerwaldt, Stevens Point, at the age of seventy- seven. She is survived by seven daughters, Mrs. Erwin Baerwaldt, Stevens Point; Mrs. Otto Haberman, Town of Eaton; Mrs. William Hinzie, Brillion; Mrs. Herman Stegeman, Mrs. Emil Rhode, Mrs. Richard Rhode and Mrs. Fred Burmeister, Two Rivers. The funeral will be held at Stevens Point Thursday afternoon. Manitowoc Herald News, January 10, 1923 P. 4 ********* Mrs. Amelia Schramm, an old resident of the Town of Two Rivers, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Irvin Baerwaldt of Stevens Point, Monday morning at the age of seventy-six years. She had made her home with her daughter since the death of her husband thirty-one years ago and went with the family when the Baerwaldts left her two years ago. Mrs. Schramm, who before her marriage was Amelia Wenzel, is a native of Prentzlaff, Germany and came to America with her parents in 1868. The family settled in Two Rivers and the following year she became the bride of Julius Schramm and they acquired a farm a short distance north of this city where they lived happily and prosperously and reared a family of seven daughters and one son. The father died in 1892 and the son also passed away. The seven daughters still survive. They are Mrs. Irwin Baerwaldt, Mrs. otto Haberman of Eaton, Mrs. William Hinz of Brillion and Mrs. Herman Stegeman, Mrs. Emil Rhode, Mrs. Richard Rhode and Mrs. Burmeister of this city. There is also one brother, 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the Evangelical church with which she was closely affiliated during her long residence in the vicinity, Rev. Siewert officiated. The Reporter, Fri., Jan. 12, 1923 ********** Card of Thanks The undersigned hereby wish to extend their gratitude to their friends for kindness and sympathy shown in their late bereavement. We extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to those who participated in the funeral service to those who donated the use of their automobiles and for the beautiful floral tributes. The Schramm Daughters and their families The Reporter, Fri., Jan. 19, 1923

ANNA SCHRAMM (d. 1923) DEATH CLAIMS MISS SCHRAMM, ILL LONG TIME Death came to Miss Anna Schramm this morning after many months of a losing battle against tuberculosis with which she became afflicted and which had made such inroads before its discovery that there was little hope for recovery of the patient. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the home on the Plank road and burial will probably be at Two Rivers. Miss Schramm is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schramm, was born at Two Creeks and was twenty-seven years of age. The family has made its home on the Plank road for a number of years. Besides the parents she is survived by a sister and brother, Mrs. Lonise (sic) Klein and John Schramm of this city, and one brother, William Jr., on the old home farm at Two Creeks. Manitowoc Herald News, July 18, 1923 P. 4

ANNA SCHRAMM (d. 1956) Mrs. Anna Schramm, 80, of 808 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc, died early Wednesday morning at the Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, where she has been a patient for the past nine weeks. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Klein & Stangel, Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schramm, nee Anna Ruether, was born in the Town of Two Rivers on Aug. 1, 1875, a daughter of the late Henry and Caroline Schwartz Ruether and in ____ was married to William Schramm. They lived on a farm in the Town of Two Creeks until 34 years ago when they retired and took up their residence in Manitowoc. Mr. Schramm died in 1946. Surviving Mrs. Schramm are a daughter, Mrs. Albert Lallinger of San Bernadino, Calif.; two sons, William on the home farm, and Hans Schramm of Shakopee, Minn.; a brother, Charles Ruether of Maplewood; 10 grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 31, 1956 P. 25

BERNARD J. SCHRAMM Bernard Schramm, 62, of 2218 13th St., Two Rivers, died at the Two Rivers Municipal Hospital where he had been a patient for the past two weeks. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Frederick Marks officiating. Interment will be Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schramm was born in the Town of Mishicot on Nov. 24, 1892, a son of the late Herman and Anna Moeller Schramm. On July 21, 1947, he married the former Elizabeth Dreier at Two Rivers. For the past 32 years Mr. Schramm was an employe in the shipping dept. of the Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co., Plant No. 1, Two Rivers. He also served as treasurer of the Aluminum Workers Union for many years and was affiliated with the 25-Year Club of the Aluminum firm. Besides his wife he leaves two sisters, Mrs. Otto Kasten of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, and Mrs. Reuben Jorgenson of Rosholt, Wis.; and six brothers, William, Louis and Fred Schramm of Two Rivers, Walter of Manitowoc, Gust of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, and Herman Schramm of Rt. 1, Mishicot. Friends may call at the Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home,, Two Rivers, until 11 a.m. Tuesday, when the casket will be taken to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 28, 1955 P. 15

ELIZABETH SCHRAMM Mrs. Elizabeth Schramm, 68, of 2218 13th St., Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Monday evening. Funeral services will be at 1 pm Thursday at Klein and Stangel Inc. Funeral home and at 1:30 pm at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. T.F. Stern officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Schramm, nee Elizabeth Drier, was born July ??, 1897, in the Town of Two Rivers, daughter of the late John and Hulda Oestreich Drier. She was married July 21, 1917 at St. John Church to Bernard Schramm. He died March 27, 1955. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. William Schramm of Two Rivers and Mrs. Fred Raeck, of Rt. 1, Unity; two brothers, Harry of Two Rivers and John of Green Bay. Two sisters and a brother preceded her in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 pm Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tues., April 5, 1966 page M13

ESTHER I. SCHRAMM Mrs. Esther Schramm, 75, of 2620-10th St., Two Rivers, died Tuesday evening, August 28, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Martin Scheele will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schramm, nee Esther Drier, was born April 23, 1904, in the Town of Two Rivers, daughter of the late John and Hulda Strauss Drier. She was married to William Schramm July 7, 1923, at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death Oct. 11, 1975. Mrs. Schramm was a member of St. John Afternoon Ladies Group, Senior Citizens of Two Rivers and VFW Auxiliary. Survivors include two sons, Earl of Portland, Ore., and Melvin of Two Rivers; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Tadych, and a brother, Harry Drier of Two Rivers, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, after 5 p.m. Thursday and at the church after 9 a.m. Friday until the time of service. A Senior Citizens memorial service will be at 6 p.m. Thursday. Herald Times Reporter, August 29, 1979 P. 3 ******** (Esther Schramm/23 Apr 1904/Aug 1979/SSDI) ******** Marriage of William/Esther Schramm Friends and relatives gathered at St. John's Lutheran Church at two o'clock Saturday afternoon to witness the marriage of Miss Esther Drier, daughter of John Drier of this city and William Schramm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schramm of Mishicot. Rev. W.G. Haase performed the ceremony uniting the pair. The attending couple was John Drier, a brother of the bride and Miss Amanda Schramm, sister of the groom. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride, 910 Twentieth Street and the festivities closed with a dance at Armory Hall in the evening. Both bride and groom are held in high estimation by a large circle of friends with whom the Reporter unites in happy felicitations. The Reporter, Fri., July 13, 1923

WILLIAM SCHRAMM (d. 1946) Funeral services for William Schramm, 81, who died at his home, 1308 Menasha avenue, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Klein and Stangel Inc., funeral home, Two Rivers. Burial will be in the Two Rivers cemetery. Mr. Schramm had been in failing health for a year. He was born in Germany in 1865 and came to this country 62 years ago. He lived on a farm in Two Creeks until 24 year ago when he moved to this city. Survivors are his wife, two sons, William of Two Creeks and Hans of Shakopee, Minn.; daughter, Mrs. Al Lalinger of Crystal Lake, Ill.; brother, Herman, of Mishicot and eight grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 9, 1946 P. 2

WILLIAM J. SCHRAMM (d. 1975) William J. Schramm, 74, of 2620-10th St., Two Rivers, died Saturday night at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Martin Scheele will officiate with burial in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schramm was born Nov. 16, 1900, in the Town of Mishicot, son of the late Herman and Anna Moeller Schramm. He married Esther Drier July 7, 1923 at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. He was employed as street commissioner for the City of Two Rivers, retiring in 1965. He was a member of Senior Citizens and Lutheran Men’s Club. Survivors include his wife, two sons, Melvin, of Two Rivers and Earl of Portland, Ore.; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Tadych, of Two Rivers; four brothers, Fritz and Herman, of Two Rivers, Walter, of King, Wis., and Gust, of Francis Creek; a sister, Mrs. Caroline Kasten, of Rosholt, Wis.; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers after 3 o’clock this Monday afternoon, where members of Senior Citizens will meet at 6 o’clock. Herald Times Reporter, October 13, 1975 P. 3 ******** (William Schramm/16 Nov 1900/Oct 1975/SSDI) ******** Marriage of William/Esther Schramm Friends and relatives gathered at St. John's Lutheran Church at two o'clock Saturday afternoon to witness the marriage of Miss Esther Drier, daughter of John Drier of this city and William Schramm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schramm of Mishicot. Rev. W.G. Haase performed the ceremony uniting the pair. The attending couple was John Drier, a brother of the bride and Miss Amanda Schramm, sister of the groom. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride, 910 Twentieth Street and the festivities closed with a dance at Armory Hall in the evening. Both bride and groom are held in high estimation by a large circle of friends with whom the Reporter unites in happy felicitations. The Reporter, Fri., July 13, 1923

MARIA C.D. SCHRIEVER Horrible Murder in Two Rivers A Young Woman Killed Instantly! The Murderer Unknown! The Whole Affair a Mystery! Coroner's Inquest on the Body! Verdict of the Jury! A little after one o'clock on Sunday afternoon last, the good people of the quiet and orderly village of Two Rivers were astounded by the report that a girl, named Mary Shreeve (sic), had died very suddenly, and under circumstances which might need an investigation. Accordingly, Geo. W. Barker, Esq., of this village, was called by Deputy Sheriff Linstedt with his usual promptness, to hold an inquest, and he went to Two Rivers for that purpose on Monday morning. On arriving there it was found that the deceased had met with a violent and cruel death at the hands of some fiend, who had sent--as far as known--an innocent and unoffending being into the presence of her Maker without a moment's preparation. We have no inclination for words in relation to the horrible affair. It is so shocking that nature itself revolts against the mention of the most brutal of murders which ever occurred in this or any other state, and which is more aggravated from the fact that the murderous devil is not only unknown, but unsuspected. Our Reporter, who was present at the Inquest, gives below a correct statement of the whole of the testimony given before the Jury, and to that evidence we refer the reader for a full statement of the damning deed as far as known. We will only add that the unfortunate victim was a girl under 16 years of age, of good character and virtuous. The circumstances, the cause, and the author of the villainous act are shrouded in a complete mystery. Mr. Kalb, in whose residence she was murdered, is now, and had been for a year or two, a Sailor in the army, We now proceed to give our Reporter's statement of the testimony taken before the CORONER'S INQUEST. TESTIMONY OF HENRY ZILLMAN. I was at home last Sunday in the afternoon, except when I went with my father to Mr. Kalb's to buy a calf; this was from one to two o'clock in the afternoon. While on our way to Mr. Kalb's we passed Mrs. Kunz; she and the children ran to us when eighteen or twenty rods from Mr. Kalb's, and said "That girl, she has died" "Mrs. Kunz," I said to her, "I won't believe it;" we all came to the house of Mrs. Kalb together; the door was shut; I don't know who went into the house first; I think my father did; I saw the girl lying on the floor about four or five feet from the door, with her head towards the sink, and her feet towards the door of the bedroom where she slept; I took hold of the girl's left arm to see if the blood circulated; this was done before she was moved; I felt a movement of the pulse; the breast was swollen, and the head was very hot; I think she had been lying there ten or twelve minutes; the bedroom door before referred to was shut when we discovered the body; I noticed no movement of the hands, or feet, or eyes; her eyes were open, but did not look as though she was dead; I thought she was in a fit, and I opened her clothes; she was lying on the right side, with her head bent down over her right shoulder, just as she did when I felt her pulse; I saw a mark on her left side about the size of a two dollar piece; she was lying on the right side, and I think this mark was on the left side; the breast was blue and all swelled up, and I saw no other mark; there was no blood on any part of her dress; took a towel, wiped the blood from her nose and mouth, and carried her and laid her on a bed in the kitchen bedroom; I carried her alone to the bed, and Mrs. Kunz helped me to lift her on to it; the body was warm, particularly the head, when I carried it; the body was not stiff; my father directed me to carry the body into the bedroom; Joseph Farrell came into the house one or five minutes after I laid the body on the bed; can't tell exactly how long; I was in the bedroom when he came in I believe Mrs. Kunz was there; I can't swear that Mrs. Kunz was there in the bedroom all the time after the body was laid on the bed till Joseph Farrel arrived; when I started to lay her on the bed my father stated to go for the doctor; my father was not there when we lifted her on to the bed; Joseph Farrell and several others who came in before the doctor arrived, felt of the girl, and said she was dead; I think it was between two and three o'clock in the afternoon when Dr. Oswald arrived; after Farrell and others felt of the body and pronounced her dead, I felt of her and doubted if she was dead, as the feet only were cold, and the rest of the body warm and limber; I looked into the room while the doctor was there; it was two or three minutes after my father directed me to put her on the bed, that I did so; helped Henry Harmell carry the body upstairs--this was about four or half past four; had nothing to do with the body after we carried it upstairs, but went up very often; was not acquainted with this girl; have seen her before; was at Kalb's almost every day; her name was Mary Shreeve; had known her about a fortnight; had seen her about every day; Mrs. Kalb was not at home at the time we discovered the body; she came in after Mr. Farrell; think Mrs. Kalb came in about ten minutes after Mr. Farrell; might have seen her before the fortnight alluded to, but can't say; the last time I saw her before she was discovered lying on the floor Sunday afternoon, was about ten o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, from my window, as she was passing on another street to church; I did not go to church; had nothing to do with Mr. Kalb's matters in his absence--my father attended to them; made it my home at Kalb's almost as much as at my father's; frequently eat at Kalb's, but have not lodged there; came from Marietta to this town five or six weeks ago; was here at the time Kalb came home with the body of H.C. Hamilton; at that time was sick and did not visit Mr. Kalb's at all--did not leave my house; had Dr. Simon to see me; was in bed part of the time; am a widower; lost my wife over fifteen months ago; Mr. Kalb saw me at my father's house, and wanted me to rent the farm, but I would not; my father and I work the field south of the house, and have half we raise; my father and myself work together by the job in fixing up fences on farm; never talked with deceased about marrying; was away from Two Rivers about three or three and a half months just previous to my return five or six weeks ago; Mary Shreeve was not working for Mr. Kalb at the time I left Two Rivers last fall or winter; don't know where her parents live; did not know Sunday when the body was first discovered that Mrs. Kalb was not at home; was not out of my father's house after eating dinner, which was between twelve and one o'clock, until I started with my father to get the calf, and from that time till we met Mrs. Kunz we were constantly together; have seen the body of Mary Shreeve today--saw just the face; don't know whether any one was with me or not; should have known her except for the loss of color. (The witness, in the presence of the jury examined the appearance of the corpse, and on his return said that she looks natural, except the loss of color.) Henry Zillman, re-called.--Says when I came to the deceased, did not believe she had been murdered, but died of herself; have not expressed to any one the opinion that she was not killed; have no knowledge of any young men waiting on the deceased during her life time, at the house of Mrs. Kalb, to pay her attention and solicit her in marriage; must believe after hearing the testimony of the doctors that she was murdered; have no suspicions as to who committed the deed; saw the blood on the floor after deceased was moved to the bed- -I supposed it was from her nose and mouth; have no knowledge of any person, except members of the family, being on or about the premises of Mr. Kalb Sunday afternoon just previous to finding the body as stated; was not on the premises Sunday till I went for the calf. TESTIMONY OF DOCTOR FRANZ SIMON. I found the body of the girl lying where it now does, Monday, the 2d of May, 1864. Found a wound on the left side between the fifth and sixth ribs, one and one-half inches distant from the breast bone. The wound itself was nearly round, except the right and lower side, which made it a little angular in shape. By the use of the probe, I discovered that the wound was made from the left, right in the direction towards the right, through the breast bone or cartilage connecting the ribs to the breast bone. When we opened her chest, we found the sack of the heart perfectly filled up with coagulated blood. After removing this blood from the sack, we found a wound in the apex of the heart, in the right ventricle. After removing the lungs we followed the direction of the wound and found on the right side of the vertebrae sugulation of blood, which we followed until we found the wound again between the eighth and ninth ribs on the right and back sides. Followed that wound with the probe and could penetrate only about half an inch in the fleshy part of the right side and back of the deceased, so we turned the body around and made incisions from the outside to the end of the probe, entering from the inside, and found sugulation of blood there, too, and we proved that this was the extent of the wound and must have been made by stabbing with some instrument. In my judgment, the instrument must have been nearly round. The wound was such that it must, in my judgment, have produced almost instantaneous death. It could not have been done by the deceased, and the instrument disposed of before dying; it could not have been a shot wound for the reason that the clothes worn by the deceased at the time of her death are perforated undoubtedly by the same instrument, and if a shot or bullet, the same could be found on examination. The raveling of the dress would also have followed the direction of the wound, which was not the case here. (The Doctor then exhibited to the jury the heart of the deceased, and swore that it was as found at the post mortem examination.) TESTIMONY OF DOCTOR JOHN OSWALD. Corroborates the testimony of Dr. Simon, and further says; That the wound had the appearance of one made by one tine of a barn or manure fork. There was no appearance of disease that would have produced death instantly. I was called to see the deceased about twenty minutes after two P.M., Sunday, the 1st day of May, 1864. Was called by the elder Zillman. First examined her pulse and the pulsation at the side of her heart, but they had ceased. Found her eyes contracted, which I discovered by pushing back the lids; also, by opening the mouth I found her tongue a little white, a little loose, and cold. From these indications I came to the conclusion that something had happened to the lungs. Discovered the wound on her left breast at this first visit, but it did not bleed; and from answers received from Mrs. Kalb and marks of old sores on her right breast, I was led to believe that the one on left breast was an old sore. TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL ZILLMAN. I was at home in the village of Two Rivers all the forenoon of Sunday last. A little after one o'clock in the afternoon I came to return newspapers borrowed of Mrs. Kalb, and my son and myself came together to buy a calf of Mrs. Kalb. Mrs. Kunz and her children met us this side of Turner Hall, and told us Mrs. Kalb's girl is dead. They did not tell us how she died. The door was shut when we came to the house. I believe my son Henry opened the door first--either my son or Mrs. Kunz' little girl went into the door first. When I came in I found the girl lying on the floor on her right side, bleeding at her mouth and nose. My son Henry was at home with me from twelve o'clock noon, Sunday, until we went together to Mr. Kalb's to return papers and buy calf. I intend to swear positively that my son did not pass out of my sight during that time. TESTIMONY OF MRS. JOSEPH KALB. Left home last Sunday to visit my father and mother about a quarter past one o'clock in the afternoon. Was there about fifteen minutes, when Mr. Zillman, the elder, came and informed me that my servant girl was dead. I came from my father's alone. Was so much frightened that I can't say if the door was open or shut. There was a great many in the room--can recollect some, but not all. There was no one in the bedroom with the girl when I came, but a number went in with me. Stopped nowhere on the way to my father's. It commence raining and I hurried along. The body was taken upstairs in about a quarter of an hour. Saw no one about the premises at the time I left home to go to my father's. The girl appeared in perfectly good health when I left. She had been living two months with me. She was of feeble health, but not sick abed. She was a good girl. Sunday evenings was sometimes out, but not during the week. She attended a dance in town, and two young men came home with her and two other girls, according to my girl's statement. I think there was no one paying her particular attention while she was living with me. She was not quite sixteen years old. I know of no circumstances pointing to any person who may have taken her life, nor any cause for such a deed. TESTIMONY OF MRS. MICHAEL ZILLMAN. My husband, Michael Zillman, and son, Henry Zillman, were both at home from twelve o'clock at noon last Sunday till after one, when they started together to go to Mr. Kalb's. Can say positively that they did not leave the house, or either of them, till they stated to go for the calf. They started about half past one o'clock. TESTIMONY OF AUGUSTA KUNZ. Am eleven years old, and live in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Came with my little sister Matilda to Mr. Kalb's to see Mary. Bumped on the door and when it was not opened looked in at the window and saw her lying on the floor. Thought she was playing with the children. Opened the door and went in. Found blood from her nose and mouth. There was no person around the house except Seth Smoke, Jack Smoke and a French boy, in a boat on the river, who heard me call Mary, and I was afraid. They had a gun and they came to the shore and put some powder in the gun and I was afraid and ran home and told my mother. Did not see Mary move when I first went into the house.--Saw no knife or anything of the sort lying near Mary. After my mother came the two Zillmans came together, and the elder one directed his son to put Mary on the bed, and he went for the doctor. The boys said nothing to me. TESTIMONY OF MRS. HENRIETTA KUNZ. Live in Two Rivers--in this neighborhood. Was at home Sunday afternoon. First heard of the death of Mary at my house--my girl told me, but I could not believe it. Ran over to Mrs. Kalb's and found the girl lying on the kitchen floor. This was about a quarter to two. Don't know if she was alive. Had a baby in my arms, and shook Mary with my foot and my little girls said her head moved. Saw no knife or other weapon near Mary when I first came. Henry Zillman moved the body from the floor to the bed. Before moving the body he opened the dress in front. Could not see the girl's breast when the clothes were loosened. Her flesh was just a little warm. When Mr. Zillman moved the body it was not stiff. I saw no one about the premises. Did not see the Smoke boys or any one else about the premises that day until after Mary was dead. Have told all I know about the case. I have no knowledge from which to form an opinion as to how this girl came to her death. VERDICT OF THE CORONER'S JURY. An inquisition taken at the house of Joseph Kalb, in the town of Two Rivers, county of Manitowoc, on the 3d day of May, 1864, before Geo. W. Barker, one of the Justices of the Peace of the said county, upon the view of the body of Mary Shreeve, there dead, by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed, who being duly sworn to inquire in behalf of the people of this state, when, in what manner, and by what means, the said Mary Shreeve came to her death, upon their oaths do say "the jury are unanimous in their belief that Mary Shreeve's death was occasioned by a wound found in her left breast and that that wound was inflicted by an instrument to the jury unknown, and in the hand of a person or persons to the jury now unknown. In Testimony Whereof the said Justice of the Peace, and the jurors of this inquest, have hereunto set their hand the day and year aforesaid. Geo.W. Barker, Justice of the Peace. H.B. Pierpont, Forman John A. Millis, G. Berger, C. Endress, Andrew Baetz, L.F. Woodard, Jurors. Manitowoc Pilot Friday, May 6, 1864 pg. 1 ********** WEATHER BEATEN SLAB MARKS GRAVE; RECALLS A MURDER OLD INHABITANTS AT TWO RIVERS RECALL MURDER OF MARY SCHRIBER, MYSTERY OF WHICH WAS NEVER CLEARED UP A little north of the Vernon monument and a few steps southwest of the Voshardt mausoleum at the public cemetery at Two Rivers, is a shrunken grave that would, no doubt, long since have been forgotten but for the old, weather beaten marble slab at its head. The sunken spot with its memorial slab is not different than the other graves with modest head stones that tell of persons remembered only by the oldest inhabitants. Were it not for the odd and unusual inscription it would not be worthy of special notice. The slab which has stood for over fifty years, bears in German the inscription, "Murdered. Mary Schriber(sic)." A further reading shows that she was a young girl, not yet out of her teens. The tragedy which the words on the tombstone suggest is left to the imagination of the reader who may ponder long over the mystery. The oldest inhabitants say that Mary Schriber was murdered on a Sunday afternoon when the family with whom she made her home was away on a visit. A friend coming to call found her prostrate body on the floor and the ghastly surroundings gave evidence of foul murder. An old musket lay near and the ramrod from it had been shot, by some cowardly assassin, through Mary Schriber's heart. The deed was done in a house now gone and within a few hundred feet of where her remains rest. Indictments were found against suspects but no one was ever convicted of the crime and the murderer of Mary Schriber and the motive which inspired the deed remains a mystery that will never be solved. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, August 28, 1915, Page 1 ******** (NOTE: [ermedetden is close to ermordet which is murdered in German]

ALBERT SCHROEDER Albert Schroeder, 63, life long resident of Manitowoc county, died at the homestead home in the town of Two Creeks at 9:30 Monday night. He had been in ill health for nearly three years. Funeral services will be held from the Klein and Stangel Inc., funeral home Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. T. F. Uetzman of Manitowoc, will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. Albert Schroeder was born on the homestead farm on October 3, 1879 and spent his entire life there. He was married to Mathilda Mathiesen on December 23, 1902. She survives with four daughters, a son, two sisters, two brothers and five grandchildren. The daughters are Mrs. George Aulik of Two Creeks, Mrs. Ray Wilson of Gibson, Mrs. Ben F. Hanstedt of Two Rivers and Mrs. Roy Schmidt of Manitowoc. The surviving son is Arthur Schroeder of this city. Mrs. Freida Krase of Two Rivers and Mrs. George ___ of Milwaukee are the sisters who survive and Robert Schroeder of Two Creeks and Charles Schroeder of Two Creeks are the brothers who survive. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 6, 1942 P. 2

AUGUSTA SCHROEDER Mrs. Augusta Schroeder, 69, former Two Rivers resident, died Friday morning at the Fair Hills Rest Home, Maribel, where she had resided for two and a half years, following a long illness. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at St. John Lutheran Church, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating, and burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Schroeder was born in Germany Feb. 5, 1883, and came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Biel, to Two Rivers when she was five. She was married to Charles Gloe in 1903 and after his death two years later was married to Bernard Schroeder in 1906. Mr. Schroeder died 14 years ago. Survivors include two sons, Lorin Gloe and Elmer Schroeder of Two Rivers; two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Pagels of Sturgeon Bay and Mrs. Victor Zunker of Manitowoc; a brother, Herman Gloe of Two Rivers; a sister, Mrs. Dewey Sattler of Manitowoc; eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Beduhn, Deja and Martin Funeral Home, Two Rivers, after noon Sunday until 11 a.m. Monday when the body will be removed to the church to lie in state until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 25, 1952 P. 2

BERNARD SCHROEDER Bernard Schroeder, 74, a resident of Two Rivers for years, died at his home in that city early this morning after a serious illness of three weeks. He had been in ill health for a year. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 1:30 from the home and at 2 o’clock from St. John’s Lutheran church with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. Mr. Schroeder was born at Athens, Wis., in March, 1864. He moved to Two Rivers 33 years ago and one year later he married Gustie Biel Gloe. He was a veteran employe of Plant 4 of the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing company. Survivors are the widow, two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Pagels, Two Rivers, Mrs. Victor Zunker, Manitowoc; two sons, Elmer Schroeder and Lorrin Gloe, Two Rivers; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Summers, Sheboygan; and five grandchildren. The body will lie at the Jansky funeral home until late Monday afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 27, 1938 P.2

BERTHA SCHROEDER (d. 1957) Mrs. John Schroeder, 87, of Rt. 2, Manitowoc, died late Sunday morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Oscar Franz of Rt. 2, Manitowoc, where she had been making her home for the past five months. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Theodore Stern officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schreoder, nee Bertha Fanslau, was born in West Prussia on Dec. 3, 1869, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fanslau. When she was 14 years old the family brought her to the Town of Carlton, Kewaunee County, where she resided until she was married to John Schroeder at Manitowoc on October 13, 1894. The couple settled in Two Rivers and in 1910 moved to a farm on Route 2, Manitowoc. For many years she and her husband, who died in April of 1952, operated a milk route in Two Rivers. Surviving Mrs. Schroeder is another daughter, Mrs. Lydia Burmeister of Rt. 2, Manitowoc; three grandchildren and ? great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, after 7 o'clock this Monday evening until 11 am Wednesday when the casket will be taken to the church, where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mon., May 13, 1957 page M13

ELMER SCHROEDER Elmer Schroeder, 69, of 1726-24th St., Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Saturday evening, September 20, at University Hospitals, Madison. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Calvary Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Richard Bidwell will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Mr. Schroeder was born Sept. 24, 1910, at Two Rivers, son of the late Bernard and Augusta Biel Schroeder. He attended St. John Parochial School and married Evelyn Henrickson Sept. 5, 1936, at Two Rivers. He had been employed with Mirro Corporation for many years, retiring four years ago. Survivors include his wife, Evelyn, a son, Jim of Two Rivers; two daughters, Mrs. LeRoy (Ann) Peters of Middleton, Wis., and Mrs. Lee (Jane) Nebel of Two Rivers; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Zunker of Two Rivers and Mrs. Catherine Pagels of Sturgeon Bay and 12 grandchildren. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Monday evening and Tuesday morning until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, September 22, 1980 P.3 ****** (24 Sep 1910/Sep 1980/SSDI)

EMMA SCHROEDER Mrs. Henry Schroeder, 93, of 1212 S. 15th St., Manitowoc, died early Friday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at First German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc, with the Rev. L. H. Koeninger officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schroeder was born Emma Schmidt June 10, 1869, in the Town of Mishicot; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt. She was married Oct. 26, 1893, to Henry Schmidt and the couple moved to Manitowoc to make its home. Her husband preceded her in death in 1956. Among survivors are a son, Lester, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; two daughters, Mrs. Edna Franke and Mrs. Walter J. Clark, of Manitowoc; three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, until 1 p.m. Monday when the casket will be moved to the church and the body will lie in state until time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, August 3, 1962 P. 17

EVA MARIA SCHROEDER (d. 1906) Mrs. Eva Maria Schroeter(sic) in Two Rivers, where she had moved from Kewaunee two years ago, died Monday morning at age 80. The funeral services were Wednesday. Der Nord Westen, 15 Feb. 1906 ******* Eva Macht Schroeder birth: 13 June 1906 Germany death: 12 February 1906 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1906 Two Rivers, Wis. father: Godlieb Macht mother: Fredereka spouse: Charles Schroeder Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******** (Note: The death year has also been put in the birth year. She has a spouse so it can't be right)

EVA SCHROEDER (d. 1995) Eva M. Schroeder, age 98, a resident of North Ridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center, died Sunday morning, May 7, 1995, at the center. According to her wishes there will be no services held. Private burial will take place at Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. She was born October 14, 1896, in Coleman, Wis., daughter of the late Dan and Hattie Brazeau Gardner. She attended grade school at Coleman. On April 22, 1922, she married Harold Schroeder, in Manitowoc. He preceded her in death in 1970. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Don and Marie Schroeder, St. Louis, Mo. She was preceded in death by a daughter. Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels assisted the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, May 8, 1995 P. A2 ******** (14 Oct. 1896/7 May 1995/SSDI)

EVELYN SCHROEDER Mrs. Evelyn Schroeder, 69, of 1726-24th St. Two Rivers, died Thursday evening, Jan. 15, at St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels and 10 a.m. at St. Luke Catholic Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Robert Rhyner will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schroeder was born Dec. 27, 1911, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Hugo R. and Johanna Ammerman Henrickson. She was married to Elmer Schroeder Sept 5, 1936, at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death Sept. 20, 1980. Mrs. Schroeder was a member of Ladies of St. Luke. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Janice Schroeder of Two Rivers; two daughters and sons-in-law, Ann and LeRoy Peters of Middleton, Wis., and Jane and Lee Nebel of Two Rivers, and 12 grandchildren. A brother, Ihler, preceded her in death. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday where a memorial service will be at 7 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, January 16, 1981 p.3 ******** (27 Dec 1911/Jan 1981/SSDI)

FRIEDERIKA SCHROEDER Death in Town Two Rivers last week, of 60 yr. old Mrs. John Schroeder, of kidney disease. The burial took place Sun. afternoon in Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 10 Sept. 1896 ******* Rike Schroeder birth: 1832 Meckelburg, Germany death: 1896 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers father: Nichols spouse: John Schroeder Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

HAROLD T. SCHROEDER Harold T. Schroeder, 67, of Jensen Beach, Fla., a former Two Rivers resident, and retired Milwaukee tool and die making firm head, died Sunday afternoon at St. Luke Hopital, Phoenix, Ariz. Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, is in charge of arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. June 29, 1970 ******** Funeral services for Harold T. Schroeder, 67, of Jensen Beach, Fla., a former Two Rivers resident and retired head of a Milwaukee tool and die making firm, who died Sunday afternoon at St. Luke Hospital, Phoenix, Ariz., will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Klein and Stangel, Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. Karl F. Koch officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schoreder was born in the Town of Two Creeks Feb. 18, 1903, a son of the late Charles and Dora Cook Schroeder. He married the former Eva Gardner at Manitowoc April 22, 1922 at Manitowoc. He was a tool and die maker at Mirro Aluminum Co. at Two Rivers for many years. For a number of years until his retirement eight years ago he operated a tool and die shop at Milwaukee, and had been a resident of Jensen Beach for several years. He was a member of Lake Lodge F. and A.M. at Milwaukee. Besides his wife, he leaves a son, two sisters, Miss Frances Schoreder of Two Rivers and Mrs. Charles (Gladys) Kornely of Mishicot; and a brother, Ivan of Two Rivers, and six grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home where Masonic memorial services will be conducted by Two Rivers Lodge No. 200, F. and A.M. at 7:30 o'clock this Tuesday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. June 30, 1970 ******* (18 Feb 1903/Jun 1970/SSDI)

HENRY SCHROEDER (d. 1935) DEATH CLAIMS H. SCHROEDER Eggers Plant Employe Dies Sunday at Municipal Hospital Henry Schroeder, 75, 1407-15th street, a resident of the city for that last 10 years, died in the Municipal hospital at 8:30 Sunday morning, where he had been a patient for nearly a week. He had been in ill health for several months. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the C.J. Janskey funeral home, with the Rev. W.G. Hasse, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church officiating. Interment will be in Forest View cemetery. The body can be viewed at the funeral home. The deceased, a widower, was born in Chicago, May 20, 1860, where he resided up to 10 years ago. He was an employe of the Eggers Veneer Seating company here for the last seven years. Mr. Schroeder leaves a brother, Bernard of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. Louis Wittmar and Mrs. Bertha Sommers, both of Sheboygan. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 10, 1935 P.11

HENRY SCHROEDER (d. 1956) Henry Schroeder, 88, of 1213 S. 15th? St., Manitowoc, died at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where he had been removed after falling and breaking his left hip Sunday. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the First German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. L. H. Koeninger will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schroeder, who had been employed at the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc., until his retirement 18 years ago, was born Dec. 27, 1869, in the Town of Mishicot. He married the former Emma Schmidt Oct. 26, 1893, and 37 years ago the couple came to Manitowoc. In 1955 the Schroeders observed the 62nd anniversary of their wedding. He is survived by his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Edna Franke and Mrs. Walter J. Clark of Manitowoc; a son, Lester of Grand Rapids, Mich.; three brothers, Herman of Two Rivers, Louis of Manitowoc and Ernst of the Town of Mishicot; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Landt of Mishicot and Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt of Two Rivers; three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home, Manitowoc, after 3 p.m. Wednesday until 10 a.m. Thursday when the casket will be moved to the church where the body will be in state until the hour of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 26, 1956 P. 15

IDA SCHROEDER Mrs. Ida Schroeder, 81, widow of the late Peter J. Schroeder, founder of the Schroeder Bros. department store at Two Rivers, died at a Manitowoc hospital late Friday night. She had been a resident of Shady Lane Home at Manitowoc for the past 10 years. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Monday at the Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schroeder, nee Ida Schwantes, was born in the Town of Two Rivers on June 20, 1875, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Schwantes Sr. In her earlier years she was engaged in the area as a practical nurse. She was married to Mr. Schroeder about 33 years ago in Two Rivers. Her husband preceded her in death nearly three years ago. For many years, Mrs. Schroeder was active in the affairs of Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church at Two Rivers and was also affiliated with the Ladies Aid Society of the church. Her only survivors are a number of nieces and nephews, three sisters-in-law, Mrs. Ernest Schwantes of Two Rivers, Mrs. Julius Schwantes of Milwaukee and Mrs. William Schwantes of Manitowoc and a brother-in-law, Frank Schroeder of Two Rivers. Friends may call at the funeral chapel after 2 pm Sunday until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Sat., Nov. 17, 1956 page M13 ********* EX-MAYOR SCHROEDER TAKES BRIDE United in Marriage to Miss Ida Schwantes Wednesday Afternoon Ex-mayor, Peter J. Schroeder, the president of the Two Rivers Savings Bank and Miss Ida Schwantes of the Town of Two Rivers, were married Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of St. Luke's Church, Rev. Father Geissler officiating. The attending couple was Fred Beth Jr. and Miss Johanna Schwantes. The wedding was a quiet one. The groom is one of the city's most prominent men. He is a president of the Two Rivers Savings Bank and extensively interested in Schroeder Bros. Company. Mr. Schroeder is president of the Water and Light commission. He enjoys the confidence of many friends and patrons for his sound business judgement and astute management of affairs. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schwantes of the Town of Two Rivers, is a lady of fine womanly qualities beloved by her many friends. The Reporter unites with a host of friends of the couple in hearty best wishes for their happiness and prosperity. The Reporter, Thurs., Nov. 25, 1920

JACQUELINE SCHROEDER Jacqueline Schroeder, 15, formerly of Two Rivers and now of Milwaukee, died suddenly of a heart attack Monday night, while stepping from a bus in Milwaukee. Miss Schroeder, who was to enter North Division high school as a sophomore this week, attend West Bend high school, before her parents moved to Milwaukee. Funeral services will be held at Grace Congregational church at 2 p.m. Thursday, with the Rev. Donald Milles officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The body is at the Frank Zwaska and Son funeral home in Milwaukee and will be brought to the Klein and Stangel, Inc. at Two Rivers, Wednesday. It may be viewed from noon, Wednesday until the time of services. Survivors are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schroeder; one brother (Survivor omitted for privacy.) of Milwaukee; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder of Two Rivers and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Hattie Gardner of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, September 3, 1946 P. 2

JOHANN SCHROEDER (d. 1904) Death Sun. in Town Manitowoc, after a long illness, of John Schroeder. The deceased, who was born 13 July 1824 in Germany, came to America in 1852 and settled in Town Two Rivers. He leaves 5 children, his wife having preceded him in death many years ago. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon in Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 11 Aug. 1904 ********* John Schroeder, one of the pioneer settlers of the Town of Manitowoc, was buried in the public cemetery at this place last Wednesday. He was upwards of 80 years of age and his death was due to the infirmities of age. He was a resident of the Town of Manitowoc for more than 50 years. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., Aug. 16, 1904 ********* John Schroeder birth: 13 June 1827 Germany death: 7 August 1904 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, Wis. residence: 1904 Manitowoc father: Carl Schroeder spouse: Fredricka Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ********* (Johann Schroeder/b. June 13, 1827 in Molzahn, Deuchland/d. Aug. 7, 1904 in Two Rivers. He is buried in Two Rivers and survived by seven children/from burial records of St. John's United Church of Christ) (from co. death index: John Schroeder/d. Aug. 7, 1904 v.7 p.256)

JOHANN SCHROEDER (d.1905) Death Wed. last week of 74-yr. old John Schroeder, a former resident of Town Two Rivers, who has lived the past few years with his son-in-law Chas. Alwardt in Manitowoc. The funeral was held Sat. afternoon from the Lutheran Church in Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 30 Mar. 1905 ********* John Schroeder(sic), a pioneer resident of the county, who until three years ago was an inhabitant of Two Rivers, passed away on Wednesday of last week at the home of Charles Alwart, 1232 South North street, this city. He was 74 years of age. The funeral was held on Saturday from the Lutheran church at Two Rivers. Interment taking place at that city. Manitowoc Pilot, March 30, 1905

JOHN SCHROEDER (d. 1901) Johann Schroeder, one of the early settlers of this city and for many years an employee of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Co., died at St. Francis Asylum at Manitowoc, last Wednesday of old age. He never was married and he had no relatives living in this country. For several years past he was supported by the city. The Chronicle, Tues., Dec. 24, 1901 *********** John Schroeder birth: 1831 Germany death: 19 December 1901 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, Wis. residence: 1901 Two Rivers, Wis. Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

JOHN SCHROEDER (d. 1952) John F. Schroeder, 82, retired Two Rivers milk dealer and farmer, who resided on Route 2, Manitowoc, died at his home early Tuesday. He had been in failing health for the past two years. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Beduhn, Deja and Martin, Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. E.G. Flagstad, Fond du Lac officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. He was born in 1869 on the homestead farm, a son of the late Frederick and Johanna Schroeder. In 1894 he married Miss Bertha Fanslau of Two Rivers. The couple took up their home in Two Rivers for 13 years, where he was employed at the Eggers Veneer Seating Company and later at the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. He returned to the homestead farm and operated a milk route in Two Rivers for 10 years. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lydia Burmeister of Manitowoc and Mrs. Oscar Franz, Route 2, Manitowoc. There are three grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 p.m. Thursday until time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, April 8, 1952 P. 14 ********* Funeral services for John F. Schroeder, 82 (photo), retired Two Rivers milk dealer and farmer, who resided on Route 2, Manitowoc, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Beduhn, Deja & Martin, Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. E.G. Flagstad officiating. Mr. Schroeder died at his home early Tuesday. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 p.m. Thursday until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, April 9, 1952 P. 18

MATHILDA SCHROEDER Mrs. Mathilda Schroeder, 73, Rt. 1, Two Rivers, died at a Manitowoc hospital Friday afternoon, where she had been a patient for more than a year. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schroeder, nee Mathilda Mathiesen, was born in the town of Two Creeks in 1880, a daughter of the late Matthias and Dora Dahl Mathiesen. In 1902 she was married at Two Rivers to Albert Schroeder, who died in 1942. Mrs. Schroeder leaves two daughters, Mrs. Roy Schmidt of Manitowoc, and Mrs. George Aulik on the home farm, and a son, Arthur Schroeder of Manitowoc. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Charles Tess of Edgar, and two brothers, Charles and Peter Mathiesen, also of Edgar. There are eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren . Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 p.m. Sunday until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 19, 1953 P. 17

PAUL SCHROEDER (d. 1895) Paul Henry Johann Schroeder birth: 2 January 1896 Two Rivers, Wis. death: 2 January 1896 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers father: Henry Schroeder mother: Emma Schmidt Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******* (Note: Year off by 1)

PETER SCHROEDER Peter Schroeder, Retired Merchant-Banker, Dies TR Civic Leader, Ex-Mayor was 93 Dies in His Sleep at Shady Lane Home TWO RIVERS—Peter Schroeder, 93, retired merchant and banker who at one time served as the city’s mayor and contributed much to Two Rivers’ community progress for more than half a century, died in his sleep early Thursday at the Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc. Eldest of the four Schroeder brothers, he pioneered the Schroeder Brothers Department Store. Despite his advanced age, Mr. Schroeder was a familiar figure about the large mercantile establishment until his retirement two years ago. Since then he, with Mrs. Schroeder, took residence at Shady Lane. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Luke Catholic Church, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. V. Hugo officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery here. Born on a Farm Mr. Schroeder was born in 1861 on a farm in the town of Two Creeks, son of the late Peter Joseph and Angeline Rollinger Schroeder, who were among the first settlers in that area, immigrating from Germany. He remained on the farm in his youth, assisting his father until young manhood when he received his initial background in the mercantile field by working at a Manitowoc general store. Three years later in 1891 he returned to Two Rivers to establish his own business. The enterprise which he thus founded formed the nucleus of the big department store which was conducted under the name of Schroeder Brothers Company. Several years later Mr. Schroeder, with his father and late brother, Joseph S. Schroeder, established the institution which is now known as the Two Rivers Savings Bank, serving earlier as cashier and for years later as president. Began in 1893 Despite his varied responsibilities, Mr. Schroeder entered public service, having been elected alderman and supervisor of the Second ward in 1893. He was re-elected the following year, serving until 1894. In 1896 he was elected school commissioner for a year-year term and was re-elected for a like term in 1900. In 1901 he was chosen mayor of Two Rivers, serving two terms. While serving as the city’s chief administrator Schroeder became a member of the city’s first Water and Light Commission in 1901, and remained a commissioner until 1905. He was reappointed to the commission by the late Mayor J. R. Currens in 1915 and continued until 1924. When the city manager form of government was established in 1925 he was elected to membership in the first councilmanic body, serving two terms, ending in 1929, when he retired from public life. Twenty-five years ago he married the former Ida Schwantes of the town of Two Rivers. Of the three other Schroeder Brothers including Joseph and John, only Frank Schroeder survives and serves as president of the early mercantile institution. Belonged to C.O.F. Besides his wife and brother, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Al Lunak of Chicago, and a sister, Sister Mary Hubert of St. Joseph Convent at Dubuque, Iowa. For many years Mr. Schroeder had been affiliated with the St. Luke Court, Catholic Order of Foresters of Two Rivers. Friends may call at the Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home after 7 p.m. Friday. The Rosary will be recited at the funeral home at 7:45 p.m. Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 8, 1954 P. 1 ********** EX-MAYOR SCHROEDER TAKES BRIDE United in Marriage to Miss Ida Schwantes Wednesday Afternoon Ex-mayor, Peter J. Schroeder, the president of the Two Rivers Savings Bank and Miss Ida Schwantes of the Town of Two Rivers, were married Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of St. Luke's Church, Rev. Father Geissler officiating. The attending couple was Fred Beth Jr. and Miss Johanna Schwantes. The wedding was a quiet one. The groom is one of the city's most prominent men. He is a president of the Two Rivers Savings Bank and extensively interested in Schroeder Bros. Company. Mr. Schroeder is president of the Water and Light commission. He enjoys the confidence of many friends and patrons for his sound business judgement and astute management of affairs. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schwantes of the Town of Two Rivers, is a lady of fine womanly qualities beloved by her many friends. The Reporter unites with a host of friends of the couple in hearty best wishes for their happiness and prosperity. The Reporter, Thurs., Nov. 25, 1920

SOPHIA SCHROEDER From Der Nord Westen, 23 Apr. 1896: Suicide by hanging Tues. morning, of Sophia Schroeder, an unmarried lady of about 60. She resided in the house of her brother John Schroeder who works in the pail factory in Two Rivers. She had come to American only 6 yrs. ago, and it is conjectured that she was very homesick.

BALTHASAR SCHUBERT Balthauser Schubert, an old resident of this city was buried last Sunday. His death was caused by a stroke of apoplexy, which occurred only a few days previous. He was born in Wurtzburg, Bavaria on June 29, 1842. He leaves a wife, two daughters and six sons. His funeral was in charge of the Sons of Herman, to which order he belonged. Mr. C. Pahlcotter delivered the funeral address. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Nov. 29, 1892 ***** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 28 Nov.) Death of Mr. B. Schubert on Thurs. of last week. A musician by profession, he worked his last years in the chair factory. Burial was Sun. Der Nord Westen, 01 Dec. 1892

MAX SCHUBERT DEATH CLAIMS MAX SCHUBERT Life Long Resident Found Dead Tuesday at 9pm Max Schubert, 58, life-long resident of the city, was found dead in his bed in the home in which he was born at 1617 20th street shortly after 9 o’clock Tuesday night. Mr. Schubert had been confined to bed with illness for the last week. His brother, Edward, with whom he lived, visited his room at 9:20 last night and found his brother dead. Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in the CJ Jansky funeral home, with the Very Rev. Dean C.V. Hugo officiating. Interment will be in Pioneer’s Rest cemetery. The remains are at the Jansky funeral home. The deceased was born in Two Rivers, Sept. 12, 1877, a son of the late Balthazar and Genevieve Schubert, who immigrated from Germany and who were among the city’s earliest settlers. He never married. For many years he was employed in the yards of the Boehringer Oil and Fuel company and later years was engaged as a roofer. Schubert was an ardent baseball fan. While he rarely attended games in the vicinity in recent years, he always kept in touch with the activities of the major leagues and had been known to have memorized the batting averages of most of the big league players. The deceased is survived by two sisters, Mrs. John Luther of Manitowoc, and Mrs. Henry Rehbein of this city and three brothers, George of Sheboygan, John of Manitowoc and Edward Schubert at home. Manitowoc Herald Times November 13, 1935 p. 13

ALBERTINE C. SCHULTZ The funeral of the late Mrs. Albertena Schultz, aged resident of Two Rivers, was held in that city yesterday. Mrs. Schultz was 70 years of age and had resided at Two Rivers since the early 70’s. She is survived by six sons and three daughters. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, July 02, 1919 Page 2 ******** Notes from Two Rivers: Mrs. Albertina Schultz, aged 70 years, died Saturday after a three week's illness. She is survived by nine children, Henry, John, August, Charles, Fred, Walter, Mrs. Henry Hanson, Mrs. Archie Loring and Mrs. Newman E. Nash. The funeral was held from the St. John's Lutheran Church Tuesday afternoon. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., July 3, 1919 ******** Mrs. Albertina Schultz died at her home on the Southside Saturday after a few days illness attributed to the effects of an operation some time before, from which she seemed to have recovered. Deceased was an old and respected resident of this city, born in Germany in 1849. Her husband passed away three years ago. She leaves six sons, Henry, John, August, Carl, Fred and Walter, three daughters, Mrs. Henry Hanson and Mrs. Newman Nash of this city and Mrs. Archie Lohring of Eastwood, New York, also two sisters, Mrs. Louis Sell and Mrs. William Stockwell and two brothers, William and Ferdinand Grade. The funeral was from St. John's Lutheran Church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C.F. Doehler, officiating. The Reporter, Thurs., July 3, 1919

ALVIN SCHULTZ (d. 1967) Alvin G. Schultz, 64 of 1412 Hawthorne Ave., Two Rivers, an employe at Mirro Aluminum Co. Plant No. 1 for more than 45 years, died at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital Sunday morning. He had been in failing health for several weeks. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Klein and Stangel Inc. Funeral Home and at 2 p.m. at Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Two Rivers, the Rev. Karl F. Koch officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery Two Rivers. Mr. Schultz was born Aug. 21, 1903, at Two Rivers, son of the late August and Emma Schmidt Schultz. He married the former Janet Rohde at Emanuel Church April 25, 1942. He was a member of the Mirro 25-Year Club. Besides his wife he leaves two sisters, Mrs. Julius Althen of Two Rivers and Mrs. Karl Kluth, of Altadena, Calif., and a brother, Arthur, of Detroit, Mich. A brother preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 11, 1967 P. 10

ANNA K. SCHULTZ (d. 1963) Mrs. Anna Schultz, 69, of 2307 Jefferson St., Two Rivers, widow of John Schultz, superintendent of the old Two Rivers Coal Co., predecessor of C. Reiss Coal Co., Two Rivers, died at home early Sunday morning. She had been in failing health for several months. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Burial will be in the family plot in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz, nee Anna Blaha, was born Sept. 9, 1873, in the Town of Two Creeks, daughter of the late Frank and Anna Ciha Blaha, early settlers in the area. In 1896, she was married at Two Rivers to John Schultz, Two Rivers businessman. He died in 1940. Surviving Mrs. Schultz are four daughters, Mrs. William Hill of Sheboygan, Miss Ruth at home, Mrs. Edwin MacNicoll of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. William Crouse of Livia, Ky.; four sons, Monroe, Edgar, Ewald and John J. Schultz of Two Rivers, nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 11, 1963 P. 7

AUGUST SCHULTZ (d. 1906) August Schultz birth: 26 April 1833 Germany death: 27 February 1906 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin father: Schultz Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

AUGUST SCHULTZ (d. 1935) SCHOOL CLERK FOR 25 YEARS DIES, AGED 71 August Schultz, Town of Two Rivers, Expires At 8:25 Today; Ill Over a Year Early residents of the rural districts as well as pioneers of Two Rivers today mourned the death at 8:25 this morning of August Schultz, 71, lifelong resident of the town of Two Rivers whose parents immigrated from Germany more than 80 years ago and acquired government land four miles north of the city. Mr. Schultz, who had served School District No. 6 as clerk for more than 25 years, had been in ill health for more than a year. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 1:15 from the home and at 2 o’clock in St. John’s Lutheran church here, with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. The body will be taken to the home from the Klein and Stangel, Inc., funeral home Saturday afternoon, where it can be viewed. The deceased was born in the town of Two Rivers, in the vicinity of the Tannery, Jan. 28, 1864, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schultz, one of the first families to settle on a farm in the county. Four years later his parents purchased a 160-acre tract of land on the Range Line, five miles north of the city, where Mr. Schultz remained since. His brother, Fred Jr., who died a number of years ago, for many years was a prominent liveryman here, as well as another brother, Charles, who was also a paving contractor, but now resides in the town of Two Rivers. William J. Schultz, the eldest of the brothers, lives on 17th street, retiring many years ago as an employe of the old Mann Brothers pail factory as a teamster. John Schultz, the youngest brother, who years ago was superintendent of the Two Rivers Coal company, also survives. Mr. Schultz was married on June 28, 1900 to Miss Bertha Messman of the town of Two Rivers, who survives him, with two daughters, Mrs. Wiliam Engelland of this city and Miss Alma at home, and two sons, Lester, on the homestead farm, and Louis, a local parcel post carrier. He also leaves three brothers, William of this city, Charles of the town of two Rivers, and John of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. Peter Barta of the town of Two Creeks and Miss Minnie Schultz of Appleton. There are three grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 5, 1935 P. 17

AUGUST F. SCHULTZ (d. 1933) AUG. SCHULTZ DIES AT 56 AT HOSPITAL HERE Aluminum Goods Foreman At Plant No. 1 For The Last 24 Years Suffering with complications of diseases for the past six weeeks, August Schultz, 56, well known southside resident and for more than 25 years a foreman in the Aluminum Goods Company, Plant No. 1, died in Two Rivers municipal hospital at 7 o'clock Wednesday night. He had been a patient at the institute for 15 days. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the home at 1437 Hawthorne avenue and at 2 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church with the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Interment will be at Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The remains will be taken to the residence from the Beduhn & Goetz funeral home Friday afternoon. Mr. Schultz was born in Two Rivers on June 1, 1877, a son of the late Carl and Albertine Schultz, early settlers in the city. He was married to Miss Emma Schmidt of the town of Two Rivers in this city on May 15, 1901. On July 1 of this year Mr. Schultz completed 33 years of employment with the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing company. For more than 25 years he was superintendent of the buffing department. Surviving Mr. Schultz are his widow, and two daughters, Mrs. Julius Althen of this city, and Maebelle at home, and three sons, Alvin, Arthur and Hilbert, all at home. He also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Tina Nash of this city, Mrs. Archie Loring of Milwaukee and Mrs. Henry Hansen of South Gate, California, and four brothers, John of this city, Charles of Manitowoc, and Fred and Walter, both of this city. There is also one grandchild Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, July 13, 1933

BERTHA SCHULTZ (d. 1947) Mrs. August Schutz, 73, died suddenly this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Engelland, of 2006 Emmet street, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be held ta 2 p.m. Saturday at St. John’s Lutheran church, Two Rivers, with burial in Pioneers Rest cemetery. Born Bertha Messman on her parents farm in the town of Two Rivers in 1873, she was married to Mr. Schultz in 1900. Following their marriage the couple settled on the Schultz homestead, four miles north of Two Rivers and remained there until Mr. Schultz’ death in 1935. Mrs. Schultz moved to Two Rivers in 1939 and has maintained her own home there since that time. Surviving are two sons, Lester, on the home farm and Louis of Two Rivers, two daughters, Mrs. Alfred Messmann of route 1 Two Rivers, and Mrs. Engelland; 11 grandchildren; two brothers, William and August Messmann of Two Rivers; two sisters, Mrs. Steve Stanull of Two Rivers, and Mrs. Caroline Reiss of Mishicot. The body may be viewed at the Klein and Stangel Inc. funeral home, Two Rivers, after 7 p.m. Thursday and will be moved to the church at 10 a.m. Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 8, 1947 P. 2

CHARLES F. SCHULTZ (d. 1943) Charles F. Schultz, 89, (photo), co-owner of an early day livery in Two Rivers, died Saturday night at his home, 2709 Clark street, in this city. Although not in good health for sometime death was due to pneumonia contracted last week. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the St. John's Lutheran church, Two Rivers. Burial will be in Pioneer Rest cemetery. Mr. Schultz was born in the town of Two Rivers in 1854 and when a young man assisted his father in operation of a farm. In 1882 he married Miss Emma Lauroesch and they moved to Two Rivers where Mr. Schultz became a teamster for the Mann Bros. company. In 1887 he and his brother, the late Frederick Schultz, purchased a livery and two years later he became the sole owner. In 1890 in company with another brother, John, he organized a coal company which was later sold to the Two Rivers Coal company. In connection with his business acitivity in Two Rivers Mr. Schultz operated a farm in the town of Two Rivers. He moved there in 1925 and in 1936 located in this city. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Schultz observed the 60th anniversary of their marriage. Besides the widow survivors are two daughters, three sons, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The daughters are Mrs. Clara Schuette of Manitowoc, Mrs. Walter Berg of the town of Manitowoc; the sons are George Schultz and John Schultz of Manitowoc and Ralph Schultz of Two Rivers. The body may be viewed at the Klein and Stangel, Inc. funeral home in Two Rivers until Tuesday at 11 a.m. when it will be moved to the church, to lie in state until the hour of the services. Friends are asked to please omit flowers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, December 13, 1943 P.3

CHARLES W. SCHULTZ (d. 1916) Notes from Two Rivers: Last Thursday afternoon at his home on Madison Street, Carl(sic) Schultz, aged 68 years, died after a lingering illness. He was born in Prussia. In 1889 (?), he was married to Albertine Grade and in 1872 they came to America. The funeral was held from St. John’s Lutheran Church Sunday afternoon. The deceased is survived by a wife and six sons and three daughters, who are as follows: Henry, August, John, Charles, Frank, Walter, Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mrs. Archie Loring of Eastwood, N.Y., and Mrs. Newman E. Nash of this city. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Sept. 14, 1916 ********** The funeral of Carl Frederick Wilhelm Schultz of the Southside took place Sunday afternoon from St. John's Lutheran Churcch. Mr. Schultz passed away on Thursday afternoon from the effects of a stroke of paralysis although he had been in ill health. He was born in Regenwalde, Pommerania, Germany, June 17, 1848. He served in the Franco Prussia war and came to America shortly after its close in 1872, settling in this city where he married Olga Tina Grade who survives him. Deceased is also survived by six sons, John, Henry, Chalres, Fred, Walter, August and three daughters, Mrs. Neuman Nash, Mrs. Henry Hansen Jr., of this city and Mrs. Archie Loring of Syracuse,, N.Y. The Reporter, Fri., Sept. 15, 1916

CHRISTINA SCHULTZ Two Creeks Items Died - Mrs. C. Schultz, after a long illness, she was buried at the cemetery at Two Rivers on Saturday. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Nov. 3 1891

DORATHA SCHULTZ (d. 1905) The death of Mrs. Henry Schultz, a woman upwards of 70 years of age and an old resident of the city revealed a shocking case of squalor and neglect. She lived with her husband and a paralytic grandson in a house they owned on Jefferson Street, the upper portion of which was rented. They also owned a house on Pine Street which brought good rental and it is reported that they had money loaned out. But it was reported that their home was uncomfortable, unclean and repulsive to an almost incredible degree. The bed the woman died on was foul and offensive from her excrement and the only attention she received was that of her aged, feeble husband. There was no excuse, we are informed, for such neglect and wretchedness. The family possessed means to live in comfort and cleanliness. They neither invited nor permitted the visit of neighbors and those who by chance entered their home was not apt to repeat the visit. The woman died last week. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., Mar. 7, 1905 ************ Dorathea Schultz (sic) birth: 11 June 1829 Germany death: 21 February 1905 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers residence: 1905 Two Rivers spouse: Henry Schultz Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

EDGAR A. SCHULTZ (d. 1991) Edgar A. Schultz, 91, of Middleton, Wis., died Saturday, July 20, 1991, at a Waunakee Nursing Home. He was born on February 7, 1900, in Two Rivers, Wis., and was a retired Mink rancher. Edgar was a lifetime 50 year member of the Manitowoc Masonic Lodge. He is survived by his son, Robert (Elaine) of Middleton; two grandsons, John and Daniel; two brothers in Two Rivers and a sister in Texas. He was preceded in death by his wife, Teresa. Graveside services will be held at a later date at the Pioneer Rest Cemetery in Two Rivers. Gruber-Gunderson Funeral Home, 7432 Elmwood Avenue, Middleton, is serving the family. Herald Times Reporter, July 23, 1991 P. B6 ***** The marriage of Miss Theresa Pilon and Edgar Schultz took place at Waukegan Saturday. Miss Pilon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pilon, Harbor Street. She is a graduate of Two Rivers High School and was employed in the offices of the Auto Service Co., as an accountant. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, Jefferson Street. He is employed as a machinist at the Aluminum Goods. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will make their home in this city. Two Rivers Reporter-Chronicle - Dec. 1, 1927

ELIZABETH SCHULTZ (d. 1902) Mrs. Schultz, a resident of Two Rivers, while visiting her son Wilhelm Schultz in Sheboygan, died there suddenly. On Thurs. afternoon, immediately following a fine midday meal and while the family members were having a conversation, she suddenly suffered a heart attack and shortly died. The body was brought to Two Rivers on Sat. Der Nord Westen, 23 Oct. 1902 ********* DIED Schultz - At the home of her son, Wm, Schultz in Sheboygan, October 16, 1902, Elizabeth Schultz, aged 76 years. Deceased was born Aug. 10, 1826 in Saxonia Province in the village of Roeba, her maiden name being Elizabeth Thiede. At the age of 20 years she married Frederick Schultz in her native village and in 1855 she came with her husband and family to America, settling upon a tract of wild land in the Town of Two Rivers where she continued to reside until the death of her husband, some two years ago. She was the mother of eleven children, four of whom are dead. Those living, 5 sons and 2 daughters, were all present at her funeral which took place from the Evangelical church in this city last Sunday afternoon. Her death was very sudden, being due to an apoplectic stroke while visiting her son in Sheboygan. She was a noble wife and mother, a devoted Christian and a most estimable neighbor. Card of Thanks The sons and daughters of the late Elizabeth Schultz unite in extending their most sincere thanks for the sympathy and assistance extended to them by so many neighbors and friends at the funeral of their beloved mother. The Chronicle, Tues., Oct. 21, 1902

ELIZABETH SCHULTZ (d. 1912) Funeral services for Mrs. Fred Schultz of Two Rivers were held in that city Saturday and attended by friends from this city. Mrs. Schultz was the wife of Fred Schultz, a prominent liveryman at Two Rivers and one of the best known ladies of the city. She was 62 years of age and is survived by her husband and three children. Manitowoc Daily Herald Monday, December 30, 1912 pg. 3 ******** [bur. 1912/age 62 yrs.]

ELIZABETH SCHULTZ (d. 1917) Mrs. Elizabeth Schultz, aged 74, passed away Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Shambeau Of the town of Two Rivers, after an illness of one week. The funeral will be held Sunday from the St. John’s Lutheran church at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, February 10, 1917, Page 3 ******** Mrs. Elizabeth Schultz, aged 74, passed away Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Shambeau, of the town of Two Rivers. Decedent, nee Elizabeth Ganz?, was a native of Magdeburg, Germany, coming to this country many years ago. She had been in excellent health up to a week ago when she took to her bed. Mrs. Schultz is survived by three sisters, two in Chicago and one in Kansas City and three grandchildren, beside her daughter, Mrs. Shambeau. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the home to St. John's Lutheran Church and interment will be in the cemetery at Two Rivers. The Reporter, Fri., Feb. 9 1917 ********* With the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Schultz (whose obituary appeared in the Reporter last week) a good and useful life is ended. Deceased was apparently enjoying the best of health until a week before her death but no one thought her seriously ill and her sudden demise was a shock to relatives and friends who held her in high esteem. Funeral services were held at St. John's Lutheran Church in Two Rivers last Sunday afternoon. Altho the weather was severe a large cortege of relatives and friends followed her remains to her last resting place from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Shambeau. Those from away who attended the funeral were Messrs. Henry Bach, Henry Miller and Otto Schmidt form Chicago and her grandson, Walter Shambeau from Madison. The Reporter, Fri., Feb. 16, 1917

ELNORA SCHULTZ (d. 1913) TWO RIVERS GIRL ILL FEW DAYS IS DEAD Funeral services were held at Two Rivers today for Miss Nora Schultz(sic), aged 24, whose death resulted from a brief illness due to heart trouble. Miss Schultz was the only daughter of Fred Schultz, liveryman, who has been doubly bereaved in a few months, his wife having died at Christmas. Miss Schultz is survived by her father and two brothers, Alderman Schultz and Ernest Schultz. The funeral was held from St. Luke's Church, Rev. Hugo officiating. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 20, 1913 page 8 ********* Tuesday evening after about one weeks’ illness, Nora Schultz(sic), daughter of Fred Schultz was called to rest. She had been in somewhat frail health for about a year. About ten days ago her ailment took a serious turn and she hovered between life and death for several days, sometimes showing temporary signs of recovery and reviving the hope of relatives and friends that she might regain her health. She was 26 years of age and was Mr. Schultz’s only daughter. Her mother died about six months ago leaving her to assume the women’s part of the household and be his remaining solace and comfort. She was an industrious girl and proved herself well qualified to fill the place left vacant by her mother’s death. Nora Schultz graduated from the Two Rivers High School in 1904. Since then she has been occupied with home duties. The funeral was held from St. Luke’s Church yesterday. Besides her father, she leaves two brothers, Wm and Edward and her fiancée to mourn her untimely death. Among those from out of town present at the funeral were: Mr. Otto Wiegand, Shawano; Miss Blanche Lutz, Appleton; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith and daughter of Appleton; Miss Minnie Schultz, Fond du Lac; Mr. and Mrs. John Schuette, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schultz, Kewaunee and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Smith of Manitowoc. The Reporter, Sat., June 21, 1913

EMMA SCHULTZ (d. 1956) Mrs. Emma Schultz, 79, of 1437 Hawthorne Ave., Two Rivers, widow of August Schultz, one of the earliest department heads of Plant No. 1 of the Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co., Two Rivers, died Wednesday night at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Julius Althen, Edgewood Place, Two Rivers, where she had been living since she was stricken ill. She had been in failing health the past year and a half. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz, nee Emma Schmidt, was born at Shoto, Town of Two Rivers, on Aug. 30, 1876, a daughter of the late William and Wilhelmina Poetzold Schmidt. She resided on the farm until her marriage in Two Rivers on May 15, 1901, to August Schultz. He preceded her in death nearly 23 years ago. Surviving are another daughter, Mrs. Carl Kluth of Altadena, Calif., three sons, Alvin and Hilbert Schultz of Two Rivers and Arthur Schultz of Detroit, Mich.; three grandchildren and one great grandchild. Friends may call at the Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels after 3 p.m. Friday. The casket will be taken to the church at 11 a.m. Friday where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 22, 1956 P. 31

EMMA B. SCHULTZ (d. 1967) Mrs. Robert A. Schultz, 74, of the Town of Charlestown, died Monday at Calumet Memorial Hospital, Chilton, of an apparent heart attack. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at St. Martin Lutheran Church, Chilton. The Rev. Robert Novotney will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz, the former Emma Buchholz, was born March 19, 1893, at Forestville, Door County, daughter of the late Rudolph and Ida Bernhart Buchholz. She was graduated from the Two Rivers High School and Oshkosh State Normal School and was a teacher at Brillion High School before her marriage Dec. 26, 1916, to Mr. Schultz, at Chicago. Survivors include the husband; a son, Ivor, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Bruno (Ida Mae) Zuccollo, of Chilton; a brother, John, of Pickett, Wis.; three grand- children and two great grandchildren. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Chilton, after 3 p.m. Thursday and at the church after Friday noon until time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, August 8, 1967 p.5 ******* [Emma Marie Schultz]

ERMA L. SCHULTZ (d. 1974) Mrs. Erma L. Schultz, 87, died Monday evening at St. Agnes Hospital, Fond du Lac. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, where church services will also be conducted by the Rev. Elmer Flagstad of Fond du Lac. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz was born May 19, 1887, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late John and Minnie Zoerb. She was graduated from Washington High school, Two Rivers, in 1906. In 1910, she was married to Herbert Schultz. The couple moved to Sogges Corners in 1912, to Manitowoc in 1936 and to Fond du Lac in 1955. Her husband preceded her in death in 1959. Mrs. Schultz was a piano teacher and organist at Fond du Lac Gospel Tabernacle. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Daniel Liebelt, of Rockford, Ill., a niece of Fond du Lac, two grandchildren and one great grandchild. A brother, Ben Zoerb, preceded her in death. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Herald Times Reporter, February 5, 1974 P. 10 ******** (19 May 1887/Feb 1974/SSDI)

EUNICE SCHULTZ (d. 1962) Miss Eunice Schultz, 52, of 2307 Jefferson S.t, Two Rivers, manager of the Two Rivers office of the Custom Collection Agency in the Schroeder Building for a number of years, died unexpectedly shortly before midnight Tuesday at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital where she was taken at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Klein and Stangel Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery. Miss Schultz was born at Two Rivers Sept. 18, 1909, daughter of the late John and Mrs. Anna Blaha Schultz. She attended the former H.P. Hamilton Grade School, Two Rivers, and was graduated with the class of 1929 from Two Rivers Washington High School. Surviving besides her mother are four sisters, Mrs. William Hill of Sheboygan, Miss Ruth at home, Mrs. Edwin MacNicoll of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. William Crouse of Livia, Ky., and four brothers, Monroe, Edgar, Ewald and John J. Schultz of Two Rivers. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 27, 1962 P. 19 ********* Funeral services for Miss Eunice Schultz, 52, of 2307 Jefferson St., Two Rivers, who died Tuesday at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital, were at 2pm Friday at Klein and Stangel, Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. M.J. Roehrdanz officiating. Burial was in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Pallbearers were Joseph Jacobsen, Joseph Blaha, Leo Kanzelberger, Norbert McDonald, Charles Mixa and Roland Gonia. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, June 30, 1962 p.M-9

FRED SCHULTZ (d. 1918) Notes from Two Rivers: Fred Schultz, the pioneer liveryman, died, aged 71 years. The deceased was born in Riba-Salzwedel, Prussia, Maddgeburg Provence. He came to this country from Germany with his parents in 1855 when he was seven years old and resided in Two Rivers ever since. In 1872 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Schmidt, who died a few years ago. He is survived by two sons, Edward and William. The funeral was held from the home Wednesday afternoon. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Sept. 26, 1918 ******** The many friends and neighbors of Fred Schultz were shocked Sunday afternoon to learn that he has passed away at noon, a victim of apoplexy. Having been confined to the home with rheumatism, he had lately recovered sufficiently to go driving daily and even on the day of his death, he was early in the livery barn, which he and his son, William have conducted for years to feed poultry. He was conscious up to within a minute of his death although he was ill for a couple of hours. He spoke rationally to his sons, Ed and William and then became unconscious in the presence of his physician and passed away. Deceased was a resident of this city 53 years, having come here when 17 years of age. He was born in Germany in 1848 and when 7 years of age came to America with his parents and they lived at Racine at first. For the past 31 years he has successfully conducted a livery business in this city. He leaves two sons, Ed, who conducts the City Bottling Works and William who was associated with his father in business. He is also survived by four brothers, William, Charles, August and John of Two Rivers and two sisters, Mrs. Peter Barta and Miss Minnie Schultz of LaCrosse. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the home, Rev. A.D. Grey officiating. The Reporter, Thurs., Sept. 26, 1918 ******** Wills and administrations admitted o (sic) probate during the month of September, 1918: Wills-John Braheim, Soprie (sic) Barthels, Albert Klug, Emma Staudt, Marianne Herrmann, Thomas Gretz, John Kopetsky, Sr., and Fred Schultz. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, October 1, 1918 P. 3 ******* Frank Gottsacker, postmaster at Sheboygan, was here yesterday and went to Two Rivers to attend the funeral of the late Fred Schultz, an old time friend. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, September 27, 1918 P. 3 ******* [Fred Schultz/bur. 1918/age 71 yrs.]

FRED SCHULTZ (d. 1950) Frederick Schultz, 68, of 1107 Madison street, Two Rivers, died Sunday. He had been in failing health for eight years. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. John Lutheran church, Two Rivers, with burial in Pioneers Rest cemetery. He was born in Two Rivers in 1881 and in 1913 married Miss Louis Born. She died in 1935. In 1937 he married Frieda Miller in Brillion. He was employed for 30 years by the Aluminum Goods company in Two Rivers. Survivors besides his wife, Frieda, include three brothers, Charles of Manitowoc and Walter and John both of Two Rivers; and three sisters, Mrs. Henry Hansen and Mrs. Tina Nash both of Two Rivers and Mrs. Archie Loring of Milwaukee. Friends may call at the Beduhn, Deja and Martin funeral home in Two Rivers after 3 p.m. Tuesday. The casket will be moved to the church at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 6, 1950 P. 2 ******** [Frederick C. Schultz]

FRIEDRICH SCHULTZ (d. 1900) (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 05 Nov.) The father of lifesaving station members Fritz and Charles Schultz has died. He had lived on Range Line and leaves a widow, 5 sons and 2 daughters. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from the Evangelical Church. Der Nord Westen, 08 Nov. 1900 ******* ANOTHER PIONEER GONE Last Sunday Morning, Frederick Schultz one of the pioneers of the Town of Two Rivers, died after a few months' illness at the age of 82 years. He was well known and well-to-do and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. The illness which resulted in his death was due principally to old age. Mr. Schultz was born Sept. 27, 1818 in Germany. He came to this country in 1855 and ultimately settled in the Town of Two Rivers upon a tract of land which in the course of years he developed into a valuable and attractive farm. Of the 11 children who were born to him, seven are now living, all of whom are grown up - 5 sons and 2 daughters, 3 sons and one daughter being dead. He was an upright man, a dutiful and loving husband and parent. As a citizen he was exemplary, as a neighbor and as a friend, he was estimable. He was honorable and trustworthy in all things and was possessed of many admirable and loveable qualities of mind and heart. By a life of industry and frugality he accumulated a modest competency and from the wilderness he carved a farm which is the equal of any in this portion of the county. His wife is still living and in excellent health though far advanced in years. The funeral took place this afternoon from the Evangelical Church. The Chronicle, Tues., Nov.6, 1900 *********** Card of Thanks The family of the late Frederick Schultz of the Town of Two Rivers return their most sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends who extended their sympathy and so kindly assisted at his funeral. The Chronicle, Tues., Nov. 13, 1900 ******* [Frederick Schultz] (Frederick Schultz/d. 4 Nov. 1900/pre-1907 death index)

FRIEDA SCHULTZ Mrs. Frieda Schultz, 79, of 1107 Madison St., Two Rivers, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at her home Sunday afternoon. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Edward Stelter officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Schultz, nee Frieda Augusta Mueller, was born May 7, 1889, at Reedsville, a daughter of the late Albert and Clara Kluege Mueller. Prior to her marriage, she was engaged for many years as a practicl nurse at Milwaukee. She was married in 1937 to Fred Schultz of Two Rivers. He preceded her in death March 5, 1950. She was a member of the Ladies Society of St. John Congregation. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Ernest Streu of Two Rivers; a brother, Edgar Mueller of Reedsville, and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, after 4 p.m. Tuesday until 10 a.m. Wednesday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 5, 1969 P. 3

GOTLLICH SCHULTZ Gottlieb Schultz(sic), a sweeper at the Hamilton factories, aged 65, passed away at the home of his son, Adolph in Mishicot, where he took sick while on a visit. The funeral was Saturday, Rev. H.G. Koten officiating. Deceased leaves several daughters and sons. The Reporter, Thurs., Nov. 11, 1920

HEINRICH SCHULTZ (d. 1897) Death in Two Rivers on Thurs. last week of 28 yr. old Heinrich Schultz, of consumption. The deceased, who is survived by his parents and 2 sisters, was buried Sun. in the Lutheran Church. The members of the Workers Union, to which the deceased belonged, as well as many other mourners attended the funeral. Der Nord Westen, 22 Apr. 1897

HEINRICH P. SCHULTZ (d. 1909) Died – Mr. Henry Schultz, an old resident of this city has been called to his eternal home, he died Monday afternoon at 4:45. Affirmities of old age brought on his demise, being really sick only two days before his death. In his dying hour the only relative that was present was his grandchild, Wm A. Schultz. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon; services were held at the house and at the St. John's church where Rev. C. F. Doehler delivered a very appropriate funeral oration. The pallbearers were Wm Johannes, Emil Schmelchel, Chas. Johannes, Fred Zermuehlen, Julius Pelke and Christ Herring. The decedent was born in Riebau, Province Saxony, Germany in 1825 and in 1863 he emigrated to this country. One daughter, Miss Fredrieka and five grandchildren survive him to mourn his departure. The Reporter, Fri., Oct. 8, 1909

HENRY SCHULTZ (d. 1930) Two Rivers Section: H. SCHULTZ, 60, DIES OF HEART ATTACK IN HOME Death claimed Henry Schultz, 60, a resident of the city for nearly his entire life at his home 1003 School Street. He was a victim of a heart attack shortly after he retired at 11 o'clock. Funeral services will be held from his home Tuesday afternoon in charge of the Moose Lodge. The deceased was born in Germany in 1870 and came to this country with his parents when about three years old. At the age of twenty-three years he was married to Mollie Whitcomb, who survives him. Besides his widow, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Marineau, Mrs. Ben Nehring and Mrs. John Meneau of the city and two step-daughters, Mrs. Edith Hempton of this city and Mrs. Anton Malchek of Kewaunee. There are also seven grandchildren. Mr. Schultz is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Henry Hansen of Los Angeles, Mrs. Archie Loring of Milwaukee, Mrs. Tina Nash of this city and five brothers, August, John and Walter of this city and Carl of Manitowoc. In his early years, Mr. Schultz was employed in the planing mill of the Mann Bros. Saw mill and later became a foreman. For the past nineteen years he was employed in the polishing department of the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing Co. Plant No. 1. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, Dec. 13, 1930 page 11

IRMA SCHULTZ (d. 1973) Mrs. Monroe Schultz, 69, of 2602 Lincoln Ave., Two Rivers, a bookkeeper at Malley Printing Co., Two Rivers, more than 40 years, died Saturday afternoon at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Emanual United Methodist Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Karl F. Koch officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz, nee Irma Laubenstein, was born Feb. 26, 1904, at Algoma, daughter of the late Charles and Katherine Schiesser Laubenstein. She was married Aug. 3, 1926, to Monroe Schultz at Two Rivers. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Friends may call at Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, after 3 o'clock this Monday afternoon and after 10 a.m. Tuesday at the church. Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc, Wisconsin December 17, 1973 ******* Monroe L. Schultz and Miss Irma Laubenstein were married Tuesday afternoon at the Evangelical Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F.J. Siewert in a small gathering of relatives and friends. The couple were attended by Mabel and Edgar Schultz, brother and sister of the groom. They left after the ceremony for a week's honeymoon. Mrs. Schultz was formerly bookkeeper in the Chronicle office. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laubenstein. Mr. Schultz is manager of the Streich Oil Company, Two Rivers station. Both bride and groom are well known and popular here. Two Rivers Reporter - Fri., Aug. 6, 1926 ********* (Irma Schultz/28 Feb 1904/Dec 1973/SSDI)

JANET SCHULTZ KRUEGER (d. 1996) Janet Krueger, age 84, of the Hamilton Memorial Home, Two Rivers, formerly of Reedsville, died Tuesday, December 10, 1996, at the Hamilton Memorial Home, Two Rivers. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, December 13, 1996, at Zion United Methodist Church, Reedsville. Rev. Juan Falcon will officiate with burial in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. She was born March 11, 1912, in Two Rivers, daughter of the late Richard and Martha (Schramm) Rohde. She married Alvin Schultz in Two Rivers. He preceded her in death in 1967. She then married Milan Krueger. He preceded her in death in 1991. She was a member of Zion United Methodist Church, Reedsville. Survivors include one sister-in-law, Arline Rohde, Two Rivers; three nephews, Doug Rohde, Manitowoc, Greg Rohde, Sturgeon Bay, Guy Rohde, Green Bay. She is further surived (sic) by Milan Krueger's three sons, John, Noel and Gregory Krueger. She is preceded in death by her parents, her husbands and one brother, Paul Rohde. Friends may call at the church on Friday from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service. The Wieting Funeral Home, Reedsville, assisted the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, December 12, 1996 P. A2 ********* (Note: 1st spouse was Schultz; 2nd spouse was Krueger; she was buried with Schultz)

JOHANN SCHULTZ (d. 1899) Death of 50 yr. old John Schulz of Two Rivers on Tues. The burial will take place today. Der Nord Westen, 07 Nov. 1889

JOHANN F.C. SCHULTZ (d. 1912) John F.C. Schultz for many years, a resident of the South Side, died at the Asylum in Manitowoc, last Monday morning. The deceased was 63 years of age. He is survived by a wife and two sons, William and Herbert of this city and Mrs. J.F. Neinstedt of Black Hawk, Wis. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, June 18, 1912 ********* SOUTHSIDER DEAD John F. C. Schultz of the Southside died at the Sanitarium at Manitowoc last Monday morning. The body was brought to his home on corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 10th Street. On Wednesday he was buried, Rev. Stuempfig delivered the funeral sermon. The decedent is 68 years of age. He is survived by a devoted wife and two sons, Wm A.J. And Herbert R. of this city and Mrs. J. F. Nientedt of Black Hawk, Wis. The Reporter, Sat., June 15, 1912

John Schultz, Two Rivers, Wanted Roosevelt to Take Him
John Schultz, a Two Rivers man, aged 57, objected to being returned to Oshkosh asylum for insane unless Pres. Roosevelt was sent to take him into custody and because of trouble which he caused Sheriff Eggert, it was necessary to put him in irons. Schultz was committed in 1901 but has been on parole for some time. Lately, he has caused trouble and the family, wife and son, became alarmed and asked for commitment a second time. Schultz first insisted on seeing a uniformed officer but later declined to go under any condition and he was then handcuffed. He will be taken to Oshkosh tomorrow.
Manitowoc Daily Herald - Thurs.,Oct. 18, 1906 

JOHN A. SCHULTZ (d. 1963) John A. (Jack) Schultz, 75, son of a late pioneer Two Rivers liveryman and road building contractor, an overseas veteran of World War I, who had been residing for the past two years at Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc, died early Monday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. He had been in failing health for a number of months. Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers. The Rev. T. F. Stern will officiate with burial in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. John Schultz was born May 12, 1888 at Two Rivers, a son of the late Charles F. and Emma Lauroesch Schulz. He attended St. John parochial School and in his youth he was employed at the livery operated by his father, now the site of the Blue Ribbon Café on Washington Street. He worked for a short period at Plant No. 1 of the Mirro Aluminum Co., Two Rivers, before entering World War I, serving 11 months in France as a private first class in Co. D, 53rd Infantry. After the war he was employed at the U.S. Veterans hospitals at Wood, Wis., and Downey, Ill., for a number of years. In retirement he returned to Two Rivers and for the past several years had been living at Manitowoc. He was a member of the Eleven Gold Star Post 1248, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Two Rivers, and also of the Robert E. Burns Post 165, American Legion, Two Rivers. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. John Schuette, of Engelwood, Colo., and Mrs. Walter Berg of Manitowoc; a brother, George, of Manitowoc; a niece and a number of nephews. A brother, Ralph, preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home, Two Rivers, after 3 p.m. Tuesday. Two Rivers Reporter, June 24, 1963 P. M-15

JOHN H. SCHULTZ (d. 1940) John H. Schultz, 68, founder of the old Two Rivers Coal company which later was taken over by the C. Reiss company, died at his home, 2307 Jefferson street at Two Rivers yesterday afternoon after a short illness. Since retireing from the coal business about 14 years ago Mr. Schultz had been engaged in hauling mail for the Two Rivers post office. He was at his job until early last week, but had not been in the best of health for about three months previous. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be Masonic rites at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home at which the Rev. T.A. Hawkes will officiate. Interment will be in the family plot in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Mr. Schultz was a lifelong resident of Manitowoc county, having been born in the town of Two Rivers Aug. 11, 1871, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schultz. Shortly before the turn of the century Mr. Schultz with several other local residents established the first coal dock in Two Rivers, the firm being known as the Two Rivers coal company. J.E. Hamilton was the first president of the firm and other officers were the late Walter Mann and the late Charles Mueller. Several years later the dock and equipment were remodeled and modernized and in 1909 the C. Reiss coal company, which furnished this firm its coal, took the firm over. Mr. Schultz continued as manager for the Reiss company until about 1926. Last Feb. 16, Mr. Schultz and his wife, the former Anna Blaha, celebrated the 45th anniversary of their marriage. The widow survives with five daughters, Mrs. William Hill of Sheboygan, Ruth of Two Rivers, Mrs. Edward MacNicoll of Two Rivers, Mrs. William Crause of Chicago and Eunice of Two Rivers; four sons, Monroe, Edgar, Ewald and John, Jr., all of Two Rivers; two sisters, Mrs. Peter Barta of the town of Two Creeks, and Miss Minnie Schultz of Appleton; one brother, Charles of Manitwooc; and four grandchildren. The body was taken to the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home where it may be viewed until the time of the funeral services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, March 11, 1940 P.2

JOHN J. SCHULTZ (d. 2000) John J. Schultz, age 85, of 2318 Washington St., Two Rivers, died Saturday, Nov. 11, 2000, at Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2000, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Two Rivers. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. William O'Brien. Burial will follow at Calvary Cemetery, Two Rivers. John was born on Oct. 19, 1915, in Two Rivers, the youngest of nine children of John H. and Anna Blaha Schultz. He attended Two Rivers schools. He played semi- professional football for the Two Rivers Ramblers and was employed by Hamilton Manufacturing prior to his enlistment in the U.S. Army in 1941. He served his country from 1941 until 1945 with the 2nd Armored Division in Africa and Italy. He was captured in Italy and interned as a prisoner of war. After the fall of Mussolini, he escaped and made his way back to allied lines. After his military service, John was employed by Mirro Aluminum for 36 years in the shipping department, retiring in 1980. He was a Green Bay Packer season ticket holder for many years. John was also a member of the Two Rivers Veterans of Foreign Wars. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Margaret Heiser Schultz; three daughters and one son-in-law, Kay Schultz of Chicago Ill.; two grandchildren, Anna and Grace Selby. He is further survived by other relatives and friends. John was preceded in death by three brothers and five sisters. Friends may call at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Two Rivers, on Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 1030 a.m. The Klein and Stangel Funeral Home of Two Rivers is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, November 13, 2000 P. A2 ******** (19 Oct 1915/11 Nov 2000/SSDI)

LAURA SCHULTZ (d. 1936) NONAGENARIAN GETS SUMMONS Mrs. Laura Schultz Dies At Home in Town of Two Rivers TWO RIVERS (Special)—Mrs. Laura Charlotte Schultz, 94 years old, one of the oldest residents in the county and a resident of this city for many years, died at the home of her son Herbert, in the town of Two Rivers at 2 o’clock this morning. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 from the Beduhn & Goetz chapel and at 2 o’clock at the Emanuel Evangelical church with the Rev. Franklin E. Schlueter officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery. The body can be viewed at the funeral home until the hour of service. Mrs. Schultz, nee Laura Zack, was born in Leopoldhagen, Germany, August 6, 1841. She was married in Germany to John Schultz who died here 24 years ago. In 1881, the family came to this country from Relzow, Pozen, Germany, settling on the southside at the corner of Hawthorne street and Roosevelt avenue. Upon the death of her husband in 1912, she took up her residence with her son, Herbert, on a farm four miles west of the city, with whom she had resided since. Mrs. Schultz is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Eliza Nienstedt of Jefferson, Wis., and two sons, William A.J. of 13th street, southside, and Herbert of route 2, Manitowoc. She is also survived by six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, February 26, 1936

LOUIS SCHULTZ Death of Louis Schultz, brother of Charles and Fritz Schultz, on Sat. afternoon at age 26. He was married but had no children. He will be buried Tues. at the Lutheran Church. He was a fine man and leaves many friends. Der Nord Westen, 20 Jan. 1898 ********** DIED- Schultz – At the home of his brother, John Schultz of this city Saturday, January 15, 1898, Louis E. Schultz, aged 32 years. Deceased was born on farm in the Town of Two Rivers where his parents yet reside, on the first day of Nov., 1865 but for the past few years he made this city his home. About six months ago he was taken down with typhoid fever and his death was caused by complications following that disease. He was a young man of five presence, genial manners and upright conduct and was beloved by a large circle of friends who deeply regret his early death. About a year ago, he started in the business of an undertaker after having qualified himself therefor but taking a course at an embalming school in Chicago. He was unmarried but had plighted his troth to an estimable young lady of this city who has been his faithful attendant during his long sickness and now mourns his death in deepest sorrow. His funeral takes place this afternoon from the Evangelical Church. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Jan. 18, 1898

LOUISE SCHULTZ DEATH CLAIMS MRS. F. SCHULTZ Native of Newton Dies At Home In City Tuesday Afternoon Mrs. Fred C. Schultz, 50, a native of town of Newton and a resident of the southside ___ __ _____, died at her home at 11?7 Madison street Tuesday after- noon after a long illness. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 from the Beduhn & Goetz funeral home and at 2 o’clock from St. John’s Lutheran church, with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. The body can be viewed at the funeral home from 3 to 9 p.m. Thursday and on Friday until the hour of services. Mrs. Schultz, nee Louise Born, was born in the town of Newton, April 22, 1884. The family moved to the town of Centerville in 1895 at which place she was married on Nov. 15, 1913 to Fred C. Schultz of this city, who survives her. Immediately after their marriage they took up their residence in this city. Besides her husband, Mrs. Schultz is survived by a sister, Mrs. William Fischer of the town of Centerville, and two brothers, Edwin Born of Sheboygan and Otto Born of the village of Cleveland. For many years the deceased was a member of the Ladies’ Aid society of St. John’s church. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 6, 1935 P. 7

MARY SCHULTZ (d. 1933) Two Rivers News Among the out of town relatives here for the funeral of Mrs. Henry Schultz Thursday afternoon include Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. San McKenna and Mrs. Frank P?? of Manitowoc, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills and family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Balmer of Grimms, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Malchek, Mr. and Mrs. William Mertens, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mertons of Kewaunee, Mr. and Mrs. William Krueger of Algoma, Mr. Joseph Gruhman and Mrs. Ed Erb of Shawano. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 12, 1933 page 13 ******** (Note: Could find no obituary)

MINNIE SCHULTZ (d. 1943) Word received at Two Rivers revealed the death early today of Miss Minnie Schultz, 86, Appleton, a native of the town of Two Rivers. Miss Schultz, daughter of the late Frederick and Elizabeth Schultz, one of Two Rivers’ early families, died at the home of her niece, Miss Edna Weigand, dean of women at Lawrence college in Appleton. Funeral services wil be held at Appleton at 1 o’clock Monday afternoon and burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery at Two Rivers at approximately 3:30 o’clock. The Rev. William C. F. Hayes, pastor of the Emanuel Evangelical church, will officiate at the grave. Miss Schultz left Two Rivers when a young woman and operated millinery stores at Clintonville and Fond du Lac for many years. Several years ago she moved to Appleton to make her home with her niece. She was born in the town of Two Rivers on November 21, 1856. Charles Schultz of Manitowoc, a brother, is the only immediate survivor. Several nephews and nieces residing in this city and Two Rivers also survive. Manitowoc Herald Times, August 7, 1943 P. 2

MINNIE SCHULTZ (d. 1953) In failing health for more than 20 years, Mrs. Wilhelmina (sic) Schultz, 82, long time resident of Two Rivers’ south side, died at 1:30 a.m. Friday at the Shady Lane Home at Manitowoc where she had been a resident for the past year. Funeral services will be held at Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church, Two Rivers, at 2 p.m. Monday, the Rev. M. J. Roehrdanz officiating. Interment will be in Pioneer’s Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz, nee Wilhelmina Fredericka Kohls, was born in Two Rivers in 1870, a daughter of the late Albert A. and Fredericka Grade Kohls. In 1895 she was married to William A. J. Schultz, who preceded her in death in 1948. The couple had one daughter, Nathalie, who was married to Fay Doty of Pecatonica, Ill. She died in 1945. For many years, Mrs. Schultz was active in the affairs of Emanuel Church and was a member of the choir in her earlier years. She was also affiliated with the Ladies’ Guild of Emanuel Church. Surviving are a brother, Alfred A. Kohls of this city, seven grandchildren, the children of the late Mrs. Doty, and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, from 7 p.m. Saturday until 10:30 a.m. Monday when the casket will be taken to the church where it will lie in state until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 20, 1953 P. 12 ********* [Fredericka Schultz/bur. 02-23-1953/age 82 yrs.]

MONROE SCHULTZ (d. 1930) The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Schultz, 1015 Nineteenth street, passed away shortly before nine o’clock last night at the family home. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 1:30 at the home. Manitowoc Herald News, January 24, 1930 P. 13

MONROE SCHULTZ (d. 1983) Monroe L. Schultz, 85, of 2602 Lincoln Ave., Two Rivers, died Sunday morning, Sept. 11, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Private funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers. The Rev. Frederik Schulz will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schultz was born Oct. 4, 1896 (sic), at Two Rivers, son of the late John and Anna Blaha Schultz. He married Irma Laubenstein Aug. 3, 1926, at Emanuel United Methodist Church, Two Rivers. She preceded him in death Dec., 1973. He was employed at Hamilton Industries, retiring several years ago. Survivors include three brothers, Ewald Schultz and John Schultz of Two Rivers and Edgar Schultz of Madison, Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Marie McNicols of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Minnie Crouse of Owensboro, Ky.; 3 sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. There will be no Monday night visitation. Herald Times Reporter, September 12, 1983 P. 3 ******* Monroe L. Schultz and Miss Irma Laubenstein were married Tuesday afternoon at the Evangelical Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F.J. Siewert in a small gathering of relatives and friends. The couple were attended by Mabel and Edgar Schultz, brother and sister of the groom. They left after the ceremony for a week's honeymoon. Mrs. Schultz was formerly bookkeeper in the Chronicle office. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laubenstein. Mr. Schultz is manager of the Streich Oil Company, Two Rivers station. Both bride and groom are well known and popular here. Two Rivers Reporter - Fri., Aug. 6, 1926 ******** (b. 4 Oct. 1897/d. Sept.1983/SSDI)

ROBERT A. SCHULTZ (d. 1968) Robert A. Schultz, 89, of the Town of Charlestown, Rt. 4, Chilton, died Wednesday at Calumet Memorial Hospital, Chilton, after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Chilton. The Rev. Quentin Moeschberger will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schultz was born May 23, 1879, at Maple Grove, son of the late Gustave and Karoline Marhonne Schultz. He owned and operated a garage at Brillion from 1913 until 1926. He then farmed at Charlestown. He married Emma Marie Buchholz Dec. 26, 1916, at Chicago. She died Aug. 7, 1967. Survivors include a son, Ivor, of the homestead at Chilton; a daughter, Mrs. Bruno (Ida Mae) Zucollo, of Chilton; three grandchildren and two great grand- children. Friends may call at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 18, 1968 P. 7 ******* (23 May 1879/Jul 1968/SSDI)

RUTH SCHULTZ Ruth Schultz, 67, who had resided at St. Mary Home, Manitowoc, died Sunday at the home. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers. The Rev. Robert Sawall will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Miss Schultz was born March 5, 1906, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late John and Ann Blaha Schultz. She was a liflong resident of Two Rivers and a retired bookkeeper at Schneider Clothing. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Two sisters preceded her in death. There will be no visitation. Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc-Two Rivers, Wis. April 3, 1973 ******* (Ruth Schultz/05 Mar 1906/Apr 1973/SSDI)

TERESA L. SCHULTZ (d. 1989) Teresa L. Schultz, 86, of Middleton, Wisconsin, formerly of Two Rivers, died Tuesday, October 31, 1989 at Madison, after a short illness. Funeral services will be 1:30 pm Saturday at Gruber-Gunderson Funeral Home, Middleton. Rev. Gary Simpson will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz was born November 25, 1902 at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Joseph and Anna Wallo Pilon. She married Edgar A. Schultz on November 26, 1927. Survivors include her husband, Edgar; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert E. and Elaine (Kruger) Schultz of Middleton; two grandson, John and Daniel Schultz; a brother, Ray (Cleo) Pilon of California. She was preceded in death by three brothers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., Nov. 2, 1989 page B7 *********** Teresa L. Schultz, 86, of Middleton, Wisconsin, formerly of Two Rivers, died Tuesday, October 31, 1989 at Madison, after a short illness. Funeral services will be 1:30 pm Saturday at Gruber-Gunderson Funeral Home, Middleton. Rev. Gary Simpson will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schultz was born November 25, 1902 at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Joseph and Anna Wallo Pilon. She married Edgar A. Schultz on November 26, 1927. Survivors include her husband, Edgar; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert E. and Elaine (Kruger) Schultz of Middleton; two grandsons, John and Daniel Schultz; a brother, Ray (Cleo) Pilon of California. She was preceded in death by three brothers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., Nov. 2, 1989 page B7 ****** The marriage of Miss Theresa Pilon and Edgar Schultz took place at Waukegan Saturday. Miss Pilon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pilon, Harbor Street. She is a graduate of Two Rivers High School and was employed in the offices of the Auto Service Co., as an accountant. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, Jefferson Street. He is employed as a machinist at the Aluminum Goods. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will make their home in this city. Two Rivers Reporter-Chronicle - Dec. 1, 1927 ********** [cremated] (25 Nov 1902/31 Oct 1989/SSDI)

WILLIAM SCHULTZ (d. 1945) William A. Schultz, 58, lifelong resident of Two Rivers, died suddenly of a heart attack this morning while employed in the case department of the Hamilton Manufacturing company there. He had just returned to his bench after eating lunch. Born in Two Rivers, Mr. Schultz has been employed at the Hamilton company since 1913. He roomed at the Waverly hotel. Only survivors are two cousins, Mrs. Oscar Wiesner of Manitowoc Rapids and Frank Kirsch of Milwaukee. The body is at the Beduhn funeral home, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 19, 1945 P.2

WILLIAM A.J. SCHULTZ (d. 1948) William A. J. Schultz, 78, of 2001 13h street, Two Rivers, died last night at the Two Rivers Municipal hospital, where he had been a patient eight months. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren church with burial in Pioneers Rest cemetery. He was born in Germany in 1869 and when he was 11 years old his parents located in Two Rivers. He learned the painters trade and for 14 years was employed by Harry Brandenburg in this city. In 1936 he entered the employ of the Hamilton company in Two Rivers, retiring in 1942. While pursuing the painters trade his entire life, oil painting of landscapes was a hobby of Mr. Schultz. He was also deeply interested in music and for many years was a member of the choir of Emanuel church. In 1895 Mr. Schultz married Minnie Kohls, who survives him and is presently a patient at the Municipal hospital. A daughter, Nathalie, who became Mrs. Fay Doty of Pecatonica, Ill., was born to the union. She died at Pecatonica two years ago, where before her marriage she was music teacher in the high school there. Mr. Schultz also leaves a sister, Mrs. John Nienstedt of Milwaukee, wife of a retired Evangelical minister, and a brother, Herbert Schultz of this city. There are also eight grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the Klein and Stangel Inc., funeral home, Two Rivers, from Thursday evening until 10:30 a.m. Friday, when it will be moved to the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 21, 1948 P. 2

AUGUST SCHUMACHER August Schumacher, 67, veteran employe in the shipping department of the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing company at Two Rivers died at the Municipal hospital in that city at 2 a.m. today. He had been a patient at the hospital for the past five months. Funeral services will be held at Two Rivers Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home and at 2 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Born in Gellmersdorf, Germany, Sept. 8, 1873, Mr. Schumacher came to this country with his parents when he was eight years of age. The family settled in Manitowoc and lived here for many years. As a young man August Schumacher worked on farms, but since his marriage to Bertha Retzlaff in 1902 he had resided in Two Rivers. Survivors are one son, Hilbert, Two Rivers; his stepmother, Louise Schumacher, Milwaukee; three brothers, Chris of Phelps, William of Manitowoc, and Godfrey of Manitowoc Rapids; and nine sisters, Mrs. Harry Belonger, of Milwaukee, Mrs. William Oetzel, Sr., of Sheboygan, Mrs. Edward Naumann of Manitowoc Rapids, Mrs. Tony Lugg__ of Phelps, Mrs. Albert Vaclavik of Antigo route 3, Mrs. August Yeager of Clintonville route 3, Mrs. Joseph Kornely of Antigo route 3, Mrs. William Lueck of Marshfield and Miss Erma Frase of Milwaukee. The body was removed to the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home where it may be viewed from Tuesday afternoon until the time of the funeral services. Manitowoc Herald Times, April 21, 1941 P. 2

BERTHA SCHUMACHER Mrs. August Schumacher, 53, passed away Sunday at the home on Hawthorne avenue. Her maiden name was Bertha Retzlaff and she was married to Mr. Schumacher here in 190?. Besides her husband she is survived by one son Herbert, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Retzlaff of Two Creeks, two brothers and one sister. Burial will take place on Wednesday afternoon from the St. John's church. Manitowoc Herald News, February 17, 1930 P. 11

ELLEN SCHUMACHER Mrs. Hilbert Schumacher, 77, of 1316 Hawthorne Avenue, Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Firday (sic) noon at home. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Monday in St. John Evangelical Luthern (sic) Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Martin Scheele will officiate and burial will be in Poineer (sic) Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schumacher was born Feburary (sic) 5, 1900, in the town of Gibson daughter of the late Antone & Margret Rebechek Mathiesen. She attended Normal of Manitowoc County and district schools. She taught in various county schools for a number of years. In September of 1924 she was married to John Kellner nee Ellen Mathiesen (sic), who preceeded (sic) her in death 1936. In 1942 she was married to Hilbert Schumacher of Two Rivers. She was a member of the Ladies Society of St. John Catholic (sic) Church. Survivors include her husband, Hilbert, a son, John Kellner of Two Rivers, a sister Mrs. Leila Annis of Boston, Mass., five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapel, in Two Rivers, 4-9 Sunday and after 11 a.m. Monday at the church until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, October 29, 1977 P. 3 ******** (Ellen Schumacher 05 Feb 1900 Oct 1977/SSDI)

HILBERT SCHUMACHER Hilbert Schumacher, 75, of 1316 Hawthorne Ave., Two Rivers, died early Monday morning in Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thursday in St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Edward Stelter will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schumacher was born July 9, 1903, in Two Rivers, son of the late August and Bertha Retzlaff Schumacher. He attended St. John Parochial School and Two Rivers High School. In 1942, he married Ellen Mathiesen Kellner. She preceded him in death in October, 1977. Mr. Schumacher was a machinist with Hamilton Industries for 40 years. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, John and Victoria Kellner of Two Rivers, four grandchildren, Mrs. Terry (Jeanne) Bartels of Milwaukee, Mrs. Jeff (Mary) Schultz and Jeffry, Daniel and Randal Kellner of Two Rivers and four great grandchildren. Due to the Fourth of July holiday, friends may call in Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and in the church after 11 a.m. Thursday until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, July 2, 1979 P. 3

CARRIE SCHURR Mrs. Caroline Schurr, 87, formerly of 1413 Wentker Ct., Two Rivers, died late Thursday afternoon at Hamilton Memorial Home where she had resided the past one and one half years. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Edward Stelter will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schurr, nee Caroline Tessmer, was born May 29, 1887, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Carl and Caroline Schultz Tessmer. She attended parochial schools. She was married to Herman Schurr July 14, 1914, at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death Nov. 29, 1933. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Wilbert (Grace) Luebke, of Two Rivers, Mrs. Carlos (Dorothy) Froemming, of Menasha and Mrs. Art (L?la) Kromer, of Kaukauna; a sister, Mrs. Eleanore Stelzer, of Van Nuys, Calif.; nine grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday and at the church after 10:30 a.m. Monday. Herald Times Reporter, September 20, 1974 P. 18 ******* [Caroline Schurr] (Caroline Schurr/29 May 1887/Sep 1974/SSDI) ******* SCHURR-TESNER The wedding of Miss Carrie Tesner of Two Rivers and Herman Schurr of this city occurred at Two Rivers this afternoon at the parsonage of Rev. Doehler of the German Lutheran congregation. The bride is a well known Two Rivers young lady who has many friends here to wish her happiness. The groom is an employe of the Aluminum Goods company as a machinist. The couple will live here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 14, 1914 P. 4

HERMAN SCHURR HEART ATTACK PROVES FATAL Herman Schurr, 51, Dies At Two Rivers Wednesday A heart attack proved fatal to Herman Schurr, 51, a well known resident of this city for the past 12 years, at his home at 1413 Wendtker Court early Wednesday night. Mr. Schurr was apparently in good health and had eaten supper without any complaint of illness Wednesday night. He died suddenly from a heart stroke at 8 o'clock. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:40 o'clock from the home and at 2 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church, with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest cemetery. The remains were brought to the home this afternoon. Mr. Schurr was a life long resident of the county and was born at Manitowoc, August 15, 1882, where he resided up to 12 years ago. Nineteen years ago, July 14, he was married in Two Rivers to Miss Caroline Tessmer, and they took up their residence at Manitowoc. Besides his widow he leaves three daughters, Grace, Dorothy and Leila Schurr, all at home, and two sisters, Mrs. Martha Brown and Miss Edna Schurr, both of Manitowoc, and one brother, Edward Schurr, also of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, December 1, 1933 P. 2 ******** SCHURR-TESNER The wedding of Miss Carrie Tesner of Two Rivers and Herman Schurr of this city occurred at Two Rivers this afternoon at the parsonage of Rev. Doehler of the German Lutheran congregation. The bride is a well known Two Rivers young lady who has many friends here to wish her happiness. The groom is an employe of the Aluminum Goods company as a machinist. The couple will live here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 14, 1914 P. 4

BERTHA SCHUSTER Died Schuster - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Saubert, June 23, 1896 Mrs. Bertha Schuster, widow of Robert Schuster, deceased, at the age of 72 years. Mrs. Bertha Schuster was born in Schlasien, July 6, ??, her maiden name being Bertha Strausz. She was married to Robert Schuster in 1846 and came with her husband to this country in 1858. Most of the time she resided in Two Rivers. Her funeral will take place from the Lutheran Church next Thursday. Manitowoc County Chronicle - June 23, 1896

CATHERINE SCHUSTER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 13 Sept.) Death Fri. of Mrs. Robert Schuster (nee Boldus) at age 43 yrs. 2 mos. 4 days. She is survived by her husband and 3 children. The burial will take place today, Mon., at the Catholic Church. Der Nord Westen, 16 Sept. 1897 ******** DIED- Schuster - At her home in this city, September 10th, 1897, Catherine, wife of Robert Schuster, aged 43 years, 2 months and 4 days. Deceased was born in this city, her maiden name being Catherine Boldus and her life was spent here where three of her brothers still reside. She leaves a husband, two daughters and one son to mourn for her. The funeral took place yesterday morning from the Catholic church. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Sept. 14, 1897 ******* (Note: The obituary says the Catholic church but her stone was found in Pioneers Rest, the Protestant cemetery. ******** Katherine Boldus Schuster birth: 14 June 1854 Two Rivers, Wis. death: 10 September 1897 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers residence: 1897 Two Rivers father: Sebastian Boldus mother: Katherine spouse: Carl Robert Schuster Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******** [bur. 1897/age 43 yrs.]

ROBERT SCHUSTER (d. 1881) R. Schuster, Sen., died in this city on Wednesday morning last. Mr. Schuster was one of our oldest and most estimable citizens, and there are many here who will remember him as a kind and charitable neighbor and friend. Mr. Schuster was at one time in company with his son in law, Mr. Saubert, proprietor of the Union house in this city, but failing health induced him to quit the hotel business about a year ago. His funeral took place under the auspices of the Odd Fellows Society on Friday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1 ****** Robert Schuster died in Two Rivers on 2 Nov., leaving a wife, one son and one daughter. Der Nord Westen, 10 Nov. 1881

ROBERT C. SCHUSTER (d. 1923) Mrs. William Huppenbauer of Two Rivers has been called to Chicago because of the death of her father, Robert Schuster of that city. Manitowoc Herald News, Feb. 5, 1923 page 4 ******* [bur. 02-03-1923/age 73 yrs.] ******* OLD RESIDENT ANSWER THE LAST SUMMONS Fritz Dettmann and Robert Schuster Here 50 & 69 Years Respectively Death called Robert G. Schuster, aged 74 years at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Ammermann, Sixteenth St., Wednesday morning. He had been ill a long time and although an inmate of the county hospital for the past nine years, he was nearly rational and he spent the last few days when he was seriously ill with his daughter. Death was due to heart trouble. He came to this country from Germany with his parents when a lad of five years, the trip on the water requiring seven weeks and they settled in Two Rivers. Deceased was an industrious worker and a good citizen, always of a very friendly disposition and popular with his acquaintances. Mr. Schuster's wife, who was in her time, one of the most popular young ladies in the city, nee Miss Katherine Boldus, died 24 years ago. Deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John Ammermann and Mrs. William Huppenbauer of Melrose Park, Ill., and one son, Robert C. of Milwaukee. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Mrs. Ammermann's home with services at Grace Church, Rev. Mercer officiating. The Reporter, Fri., Feb. 2, 1923 ******* News article: Robert Schuster of this city, whose wife was buried two weeks ago was on Saturday last, adjudged insane and taken to Oshkosh for treatment Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Sept. 28, 1897.

CARRIE SCHWAB DIES AT APPLETON Mrs. Max Schwab, former resident of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johannes, who resides on 20th street, died at her home at Appleton Saturday morning after several weeks' illness. She is survived by her husband and one daughter Wilma. The body will be brought to this city for burial on Tuesday, the funeral taking place Wednesday morning. Manitowoc Herald News, August 6, 1928 P. 11 ******** The funeral of Mrs. Max Schwab was held from the Johannes home at 2:30 this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, August 08, 1928 Page 9 ***** The death of a former resident of this city occurred at Appleton on Saturday when Mrs. Max Schwab of that city passed away after an illness of several weeks. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Johannes of this city and was born in Two Rivers forty-three years ago. Besides her husband, she leaves one daughter, Wilma. The body was brought to this city for interment and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Two Rivers Reporter-Chronicle - Aug. 9, 1928

CATHERINE SCHWAB Mrs. Catherine Schwab, a former resident of Two Rivers, died at Minneapolis and the body was brought to Two Rivers for burial Tuesday. Mrs. Schwab was 74 years of age and was one of the earliest of German settlers of Manitowoc county. A son, Joseph Schwab of Chicago, accompanied by his wife, was here for the funeral. Manitowoc Daily Herald, October 9, 1912 P. 2

HASKELL SCHWAB From Der Nord Westen, 10 Oct. 1895: Death in Two Rivers last Wed. of a little son of Joseph Schwab. The child, who was 13 mos. old, suffered from a chronic brain illness.

JOSEPH SCHWAB Mr. Joseph Schwab, Sen., died last Saturday. He was about sixty five years of age, and was one of the earliest settlers of this place. He kept a general merchandise store until within a few years ago when he was forced to retire from business on account of rheumatism. One of his limbs was almost powerless at times. About a year ago he felt as though he was able to walk about when he fell and dislocated his hip; the greater part of the time since then he has been confined to his room. He leaves a wife and two children, Mrs. H. G. Fishbein and Josie Schwab of St. Paul to mourn his loss. His funeral took place on Monday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, November 30, 1886 P. 2

MARIE S. SCHWAHERT Death deprived Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schwahart(sic), 1115 16th Street of their little two months old daughter, Sylvia(sic), last week Thursday. The funeral was Friday from the home conducted by Rev. T.T. Holway. The Reporter, Thurs., Feb. 10, 1921

ALICE SCHWAKE The funeral of Alice Ella, aged two years and nine months, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Schwake, of the Town of Mishicot was held Saturday from the St. John's Lutheran Church here. The child was a victim of appendicitis from which she died at Holy Family Hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 16. She endured much suffering before death came to her relief. Little Alice's early departure is mourned by a brother and sister besides her parents. The Reporter, Thurs., Feb. 24, 1921

ALVINA SCHWAKE MRS. SCHWAKE DIED TODAY AT CITY HOSPITAL Resident of City for Many Years Dies at age 84 After Injury Mrs. Alvina Schwake, 84, one of the city's pioneer residents, died shortly after 1 p.m. today at the Two Rivers municipal hospital. Death was due to complications attendant upon old age. Mrs. Schwake had been in fair health until recently. She had broken a hip early this spring but was able to be up and about after the break had mended. She was born in Germany on March 12, 1853, and came to this country with her parents when she was a young girl. She came directly to this city where she had resided ever since. She was married to Christ Schwake in 1862. He preceded her in death 18 years ago. Three children survive, one son, Henry, local banker, and two daughters, one of Two Rivers, with whom she had been living, and one of Chicago. One brother, Carl Frens, and one sister, Mrs. Augusta Matthies, both of Cooperstown also survive with 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The body was taken to the Beduhn Funeral Home. Arrangements for the funeral are as yet uncompleted, but it is expected services will be held Saturday from St. John's Lutheran Church. Two Rivers Reporter, Aug. 11, 1937 ******** TWO RIVERS, (Special)-Funeral services for Mrs. Alvina Schwake, 84, pioneer resident of Two Rivers, who died at the municipal hospital yesterday afternoon, will be held here Saturday afternoon. The body was taken to the Beduhn Funeral Home yesterday and will remain there until the time of the funeral. Short services will be held from the funeral home at 1:30 p.m. Saturday and will be followed by services at St. John's Lutheran church at 2 p.m. The Rev. W.G. Haase will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer's Rest cemetery. Mrs. Schwake was the mother of Henry Schwake, local banker, and of Mrs. Fred LeMere of this city. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, August 12, 1937 P.2

AUGUST W. SCHWAKE August William Schwake, 77, of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Tuesday afternoon at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital where he had been a patient the past week. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at St. John' Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Burial will be at the Pioneers Rest Cemetery. He was born May 3, 1877 in West Phalen, Germany, the son of the late Henry and Dorothy Wuellner Schwake. At the age of four he came to the United States with his parents, settling in Two Rivers. He attended school in Two Rivers and later moved to the homestead farm. In 1902 he married the former Josephine Bouda of Two Rivers. The couple settled on the homestead farm where they lived until 1929 when they moved to their present home on Rt. 1, Two Rivers. Surviving are his wife, a son, Arthur of Rt. 1, Two Rivers; a daughter, Mrs. Walter Nocker of Two Rivers; brother, Henry Schwake of Sioux Falls, S. D.; two sisters, Mrs. John Goedjen of Two Rivers and Mrs. Charles Stechmesser of the Town of Mishicot; six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Beduhn, Deja & Martin Funeral Home from 3 p.m. Thursday until 11 a.m. Friday when the casket will be taken to church to lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 1, 1954 P. 23

CARL SCHWAKE (d. 1937 Tumor Develops from Brain Injury And Farmer Dies Two Rivers - A brain injury resulting in a tumor caused the death of Carl Schwake 62, of the Town of Mishicot in the municipal hospital here Thursday morning. Mr. Schwake was injured in a fall at his farm recently. The funeral will be held at the home at 1:30 o'clock and at 2 o'clock at St. John's Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Sheboygan Press, Fri., Feb. 5, 1937 page 9

CHRIST SCHWAKE Notes from Two Rivers: Christian Schwake, aged 78, who was born at Baden, Westphalia, Germany, died at his home in this city on May 30th after an illness of several years' duration. He is survived by one son Henry, assistant cashier of the Bank of Two Rivers; two daughters, Mrs. Burton of Chicago and Mrs. LeMere of this city. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from St. John's Lutheran Church, Rev. Zell officiating. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., June 6, 1918 ********* GRIM REAPER HAS BUSY WEEK Castor Seibel and Christian Schwake, Old Settlers Are Called After 76 years of useful life of which fifty were spent in this city, Christian Schwake died at his home on Adams Street Thursday, May 30. For the past four years deceased suffered from a nervous affliction which made him quite helpless and death was a kindly visitor in taking him away. He was born in Westphalia, Germany and emigrated to America when a boy of 16. He was twice married, his first wife dying early and leaving him one son, Henry, who is assistant cashier of the Bank of Two Rivers. In 1875 he was united in marriage to Alvina Frenz who survives him with two daughters, Mrs. Alvina Barton of Chicago and Mrs. Fred Lemere of this city. He also leaves a brother of Manitowoc and a sister, Mrs. Christian Johannes Sr., of the Town of Two Rivers. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from St. John's Lutheran Church with which he was affiliated from the beginning and to which he was always faithful. The Reporter, Thurs., June 6, 1918 ********* [Christian Schwake]

DOROTHY SCHWAKE SCHWAKE FUNERAL WILL BE FRIDAY The funeral of Mrs. Dorothy Schwake who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Stechmesser, yesterday afternoon will be held from the St. John's Lutheran church on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Burial will be at the Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The body will be taken to the home from the C. J. Jansky Funeral Home tomorrow afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 27, 1932 P. 9

HELEN SCHWAKE Mrs. Helen Schwake, 70, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, a lifelong resident of the town of Mishicot, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at her home at 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schwake, nee Helen Wilke, was born in 1883 on the same farm upon which she resided her entire life, a daughter of the late Bernhard and Regina Barthels Wilke. In 1905 she was married in Two Rivers to Carl Schwake, who died 17 years ago. Surviving Mrs. Schwake are two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Vertz, wife of a Lutheran minister at Owosso, Mich., and Mrs. Wilton Specht of Racine; an two sons, Bernhard on the homestead and Charles of Two Rivers; and four grandchildren. She was a member of the Ladies Aid Society of St. John Church for many years. Friends may call at the Specht Funeral Home at Mishicot from 9 a.m. Monday until 10 a.m. Tuesday when the casket will be taken to St. John Church where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 20, 1954 P.15

HENRY SCHWAKE WELL KNOWN TWO RIVERS MAN IS DEAD Henry Schwake Lives To Ripe Old Age of 80 Death claimed Henry William Schwake Tuesday night at the age of eighty years, at his home on Monroe street at Two Rivers. He had been confined to bed several weeks. Deceased was a well known citizen of this county where he has resided for the past forty years, came here from his native country, Westphalia, Germany and after being employed for a short time in the manufacturing industries at Two Rivers, he took up farming in the town of Two Rivers. Possessed of a happy and sociable disposition as well as essential good qualities of manhood he was popular with all who knew him and successful at farming which he followed almost continuously until he and Mrs. Schwake came back to Two Rivers to reside five years ago, retiring permanently from a period of thirty seven years on the farm. Came to Land of Promise Mr. Schwake came from Germany in the prime of manhood feeling that this was a land of promise and opportunity where hard work would win its reward and he found it as he expected and always proved himself worthy of the citizenship he acquired in America. In his native land he saw active service in two great wars, namely the Prussian-Austrian war of 1866 and the Franco-Prussian war of 1871. Decedent leaves his widow, one sister, Mrs. Caroline Johannes of the town of Two Rivers, also four sons, William of Two Rivers, Henry of South Dakota, Carl and August of the town of Mishicot and four daughters, Mrs. Louise Zemik of Chicago, Mrs. Louis Schmidt and Mrs. Charles Stechmesser of the town of Two Rivers and Mrs. John Goedjen of Two Rivers. The funeral was held this afternoon at 1:30 p.m. from the house and at 2 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church, Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Manitowoc Herald News, August 18, 1922 P. 4

IDA SCHWAKE Mrs. William Schwake, 66, the daughter of Charles Meyer, one of the first freight agents in Two Rivers, died at the municipal hospital in that city late Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Schwake, nee Ida Meyer, was born in Two Rivers March 7, 1872 and lived there all her life. She had been seriously ill during most of the last six months. Funeral services are to be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Jansky funeral home and at 2 o'clock from the St. John's Lutheran church with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Survivors are the widower; one son, Walter of Milwaukee; two grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Tomaschefsky, Two Rivers, and Mrs. August Baerwald, Sheboygan. The body was taken to the Jansky funeral home where it may be viewed until the time of the funeral on Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 31, 1938 P. 2

JOSEPHINE SCHWAKE Mrs. Josephine Schwake, 91, formerly of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, died late Tuesday morning at Manitowoc Health Care Center. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church with the Rev. Richard Weber officiating. Burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Schwake, nee Josephine Bouda, was born April 30, 1882, in the Town of Carlton, Brown County, daughter of the late Joseph and Barbara Kubec Bouda. She was married May 30, 1902, to August Schwake in Two Rivers. He preceded her in death Aug. 31, 1954. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Walter Nocker, of Two Rivers, a son, Arthur, of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, a brother Fred, of Gables, Mich., six grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren. A daughter preceded her in death. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, from 6 to 9 o'clock this Wednesday evening and until 11 a.m. Thursday when the casket will be removed to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, March 13, 1974 P. 23 ******** (b. 30 Apr. 1882/d. Mar. 1974/SSDI)

MINNIE SCHWAKE (d. 1892) Fatally Scalded Minnie Schwake, a girl 12 years of age and a daughter of Mr. Christian Schwake of this city was terribly scalded about her feet and lower extremities last Thursday evening while getting a pail of hot water from the cistern at the pail factory which received the condensed steam from the pipes by which the factory is heated. The cistern is a large wooden vat sunk into the ground and water is dipped there from pails. In some way, while dipping water from it last Thursday evening, she slipped and her feet and portions of her legs went into the scalding hot water. She caught hold of the top of the cistern in her fall and saved her entire body from being immersed and though she pulled herself out again in an instant, her feet and limbs were so terribly scalded that the skin came off when her stockings were removed. A physician was immediately summoned and her limbs properly attended to, but she suffered intense agony for many hours and died Saturday morning at 7 o'clock. She was buried yesterday afternoon from the Lutheran Church. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Feb. 23, 1892 ***** Minnie Schwake, a girl 14 years of age, a daughter of Christian Schwake, of Two Rivers, was terribly scalded about her feet and lower limbs while getting a pail of hot water from the cistern of the pail factory. Wood County Reporter, February 25, 1892 P. 3

WILLIAM SCHWAKE Manitowoc Diver Recovers Body of Two Rivers Man (Picture on Page 4) Frank De Faut, a diver for the McMullen and Pitz Construction company of this city, this morning located the body of William Schwake, 79, in the river at Two Rivers, near the spot where his cap and coat were found, following his disappearance a week ago. De Faut, engaged by Walter Schwake of Milwaukee, a son of the missing man, dropped into the West Twin river near the railroad bridge shortly after 9 o'clock this morning from a tug. He found the body in an upright position between the crib and submerged piling. It was only five minutes from the time the diver entered the water until the body, clad in blue overalls, and without shoes, was raised to the surface. De Faut said that the piling near the body and the numerous pieces of junk, auto seat springs and other discarded parts of automobiles cluttering the river bottom, prevented the recovery of the body by dragging. Contrary to reports, no large amount of money was found on the body. Dr. Arthur Teitgen, acting coroner, who was summoned, announced there would be no inquest. Schwake disappeared from his home in Two Rivers last Saturday night. He was last seen by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ney, who occupy the upstairs flat in the home owned by Mr. Schwake at 1714 13th street. They saw him leave the house shortly after 10 o'clock. Funeral services, in charge of the Odd Fellows lodge, will be held at the Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral home, Two Rivers, at 2 p.m. Monday. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest cemetery. Born in Germany in 1866, Mr. Schwake came to Two Rivers when 12 years of age. On Feb. 17, 1890, he began work at the Hamilton Manufacturing company, continuing there as a machine operator in the manufacture of type cases, for 50 years until his retirement, July 1, 1941. He was a member of the Hamilton Thirty Year club. About 51? years ago he married Miss Ida Meyer of Two Rivers. Mrs. Schwake died eight years ago. He is survived by one son, Walter of Milwaukee. There are two brothers, August Schwake of the town of Mishicot and Henry of Sioux Falls, S.D.; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Stechmesser of the town of Two Rivers, and Mrs. John Goedjen of Two Rivers, and two grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 15, 1946 P. 2 ******** Drag River For Two Rivers Man Coast guard crews continued to drag the West Twin river near the North Western road bridge in Two Rivers, where a search is under way for the body of William Schwake, 79, who police believe jumped off the trestle into the river some time late Saturday night. Police Chief Edward Pazdera said a coat and hat identified as belonging to Mr. Schwake, was noticed on the trestle at 11 p.m. Saturday by John Schimmel, night watchman at the Paragon Electric company, who later reported his find to the police. Papers in the coat disclosed the garment belonged to the missing man, a 50 year employe of the Hamilton company at Two Rivers, who retired in 1941. The coast guard dragged the river Sunday without result and returned to the task this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ney, who occupy the upstairs apartment in the house owned by Mr. Schwake, said they had visited with their aged neighbor in his lower flat until about 10 o’clock Saturday night when they left to retire. “We did not see him after that,” Mrs. Ney said this morning, “and did not hear him leave the house.” An only son, Walter, came to Two Rivers Friday, planning to take his father to his home in Milwaukee to attend the wedding of his granddaughter on Saturday. However, the elder Mr. Schwake’s health prohibited the trip and the son returned alone. He was informed of his father’s disappearance Sunday morning and returned immediately. A physician attended Mr. Schwake at his home Saturday and planned to move him to the Two Rivers municipal hospital this week, relatives said. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 10, 1946 P. 3 ******* Dragging Goes on For Missing Two Rivers Man The coast guard at Two Rivers continued ragging operations near the railroad bridge in an effort to locate the body of William Schwake, 79, missing since Saturday night. His coat and hat were found on the trestle by Two Rivers police. The coast guard crews are encountering difficulty with obstructions on the river bottom. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 11, 1946 P. 2 ******* Reward is Offered in Schwake Disappearance A liberal cash reward for information leading to the whereabouts of 79-year-old William Schwake, who disappeared from his home in Two Rivers last Saturday night was posted today by his son, Walter. “Although I feel certain that my father will eventually be recovered from the river, I do not want to overlook the possibility that he may be found elsewhere,” Mr. Schwake said this morning. “It is still likely that the body is wedged between piling near the railroad trestle, and may take some time to rise by its own accord,” he pointed out. The coast guard power boat was used to church up the water in the vicinity of the bridge Wednesday evening where the elder Mr. Schwake’s coat and cap were found Saturday night. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 13, 1946 P. 2

EMMA SCHWANTES Mrs. William Schwantes, nee Emma Kortens of the Town of Two Rivers, answered the summons of death at her home west of this city Friday afternoon after long suffering from dropsy. Deceased was born in Hellem Province of Brounschweig, Germany on March 14, 1846 and immigrated to this country in 1965. She settled with her parents in Manitowoc County where she has since resided. In 1867 she was married to William Schwantes who passed away several years ago. They were among our most successful farmers. She leaves three sons and three daughters. They are: Johanna Schwantes, William Schwantes of Manitowoc, Julius Schwantes of Milwaukee, Mrs. Peter Schroeder of this city, Ernest Schwantes who resides on the old homestead and Mrs. Emma Tanner of Hernest, California. She is also survived by nine grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday with services at the Evangelical Church, Rev. L.J. Siewert officiating. The Reporter, Fri., Oct. 5, 1923

JOHANNA SCHWANTES After a lingering illness, Miss Johanna Schwantes, 59, who since the death of her father last fall, has been making her home with her sister, Mrs. Peter Schroeder, 1600 22nd Street, this city, passed away early this morning. Before removing here she resided in the Schwantes homestead west of her on Temporary 17. Besides her sister, Mrs. Schroeder, one other sister, Mrs. Emma Tanner, California, now here for a stay and three brothers, William, Manitowoc contractor, Julius, Milwaukee and Ernst living on the homestead survive. The deceased was a member of the South Side Evangelical Church and a worker in the Ladies Aid Society of that congregation. The funeral arrangements have not been completed as yet but will take place from the Beduhn and Goetz Mortuary to the Evangelical Church, Rev. Siewert officiating. Announcements of the time will be made Monday. Manitowoc Herald News, Sat., Oct. 1, 1927 page 12 ******** The funeral of Miss Johanna Schwantes who passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Peter Schroeder Saturday, took place this afternoon at 1:30 from the Beduhn and Goetz Chapel and at 2 o'clock from the Evangelical Church, with interment at Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Manitowoc Herald News, Mon., Oct. 3, 1927 page 12

SOPHIA SCHWANTES Sophia Schwantes, aged 79, died Friday at the home of her brother, William Schwantes in the Town of Two Rivers. Deceased was born at Regenwald, Germany. She came to America with her parents in 1856 at the age of 12 years and all her life has resided on the farm where she passed away. She is also survived by a brother, Ernst of Oshkosh, Wis. The funeral was held Monday afternoon with services at the Evangelical Church, Rev. F.J. Siewert officiating and interment was at Pioneer's Rest. The Reporter, Fri., Nov. 9, 1923

WILLIAM SCHWANTES WM. SCHWANTES ONE OF FEW OLD VETS, IS DEAD Passes Away at Family Home on Farm Near Two Rivers William J. Schwantes, father of William C. Schwantes of this city and one of the few surviving Civil War veterans of the county, passed away at the family home on the farm in the town of Two Rivers early this morning, his demise being due to ailments incident to advancing age. The funeral will be held from the home Saturday morning with services at St. Mark's church at Two Rivers and burial in that city. William Schwantes was born in German Prussia March 5, 1843 and would have been eighty-four at his next birthday. He came to this country as a boy, settling in Michigan. When the Civil War broke he enlisted with Co. I 23rd Regiment, Michigan Infantry and saw two years and eight months of active services. After the war he located in this county and was married here November 21, 1867 of Emma Korens who preceded him in death four years ago. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1917. Surviving Mr. Schwantes are three sons and three daughters, William C., of this city, Julius of Milwaukee and Ernest on the farm, Johanna at home, Mrs. Peter Schroeder of Two Rivers and Mrs. Glenn Tanner of California. Ten grandchildren also survive him. He was the last member of his own family, all of his brothers and sisters having preceded him in death. Manitowoc Herald News, January 20, 1927 P. 2 *********** (The following is his daughter's obituary): Notes from Two Rivers: Mrs. Emma Tanner, nee Schwantes, died Friday night at the home of her sister, Mrs. Peter Schroeder. She was a sister of Johanna Schwantes who died about two weeks ago. Her death was due to cancer. Mrs. Tanner was born in the Town of Two Rivers and was 43 years of age. She is survived by one daughter, Louise, eleven years of age, one sister, Mrs. Peter Schroeder of this city and three brothers, William Schwantes of Manitowoc, Ernest of the Town of Two Rivers and Julius Schwantes of Milwaukee. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Rev. F.J. Siewert officiating. Following the service the body was shipped to Milwaukee for cremation. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 13, 1927 ********* (1900 Town of Two Rivers Census William Schwantes, age 57; Emma, age 42, Julius, age 20; Earnest, age 18; Emma, age 15; sister Sophia, age 55)

ANNA SCHWARTZ Mrs. Robert Schwartz Dies at Hospital at Manitowoc Saturday Mrs. Robert Schwartz, a life-long resident of the county, died at the Holy Family hospital at 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon, her demise being due to complications following an operation for gall stones which she underwent. The funeral will be held from the home at Mishicot Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, the Rev. M.S. Weber of Manitowoc officiating, with services at 2 o'clock at the Congregational church in this city and burial at Pioneers Rest. Mrs. Schwartz, nee Kracht, was born at Mishicot March 14, 1867, and was married to Mr. Schwartz thirty-six years ago. The family made its home on a farm until five years ago, when they moved to Mishicot. She is survived by her husband, four children and three grandchildren. The children are Mrs. Arthur Abrahams and Mrs. Anton Beeckman of Sheboygan, Mrs. Ernestine Wilsman of this city and Rollo Schwartz, also of this city. One brother, John Kracht, of Mishicot, and a sister, Mrs. August Last, of Two Creeks, also survive her. Manitowoc Herald News, July 11, 1927 P. 12

ROBERT P. SCHWARTZ Robert Schwartz, 80, route 1, Two Rivers, retired farmer, died late Monday afternoon at the Two Rivers municipal hospital, following a three years illness. He was moved to the hospital three weeks ago from the home of his son, Rolla, Two Creeks, where he made his home. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the Klein and Stangel, Inc., funeral home, in Two Rivers. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest cemetery. Robert Schwartz was born on the Atlantic Ocean, two days before his parents landed in New York from Germany. He was the son of the late Fred and Hanna Sonnenburg Schwartz. The family moved to Two Creeks after residing in New York for two years settling on a farm. When a young man Robert Schwartz operated farms in the western states and returned to the county where he continued farming. In 1891 he married Anna Kracht at Mishicot and the couple moved to Iowa where they operated farms for ten years before returning to take over the homestead farm in the town of Mishicot. He operated that farm until retiring some years ago. Mrs. Schwartz died 17 years ago. Survivors are a son, Rolla (sic), Two Creeks; two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Abrahams, Sheboygan, and Mrs. Anton Boeckmann, Plymouth; a sister, Mrs. Emma Luckow, Milwaukee and a brother John Schwartz of Shell Lake. A daughter, Minnie, preceded him in death. Her child, now Mrs. John Trowbridge, Plymouth, was reared by the grandparents. Eight other grandchildren also survive. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Wednesday at 8 p.m. until the hour of the services. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 7, 1944 P. 2

CAROLINA SCHWARZ Death Saturday in Two Rivers of Mrs. Caroline Schwartz. The deceased, who leaves 2 children, was born in Pomerania and many years ago came with her late husband to Town Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 26 Mar. 1908 (Rest of article cut off by microfilmer) ********* On March 21st., Mrs. Carolina Schwartz who since the death of her husband in 1904 has resided with her son-in-law, Mr. August Hendries, died at the age of 81 years from illness incident to old age. She was born at Beggerow, Pomerania, Germany. In 1856 she was married to Henry Schwartz who for many years was a resident of this city and was one of the pioneers of the Town of Two Rivers. She bore him two children, Mrs. August Hendries and Rudolph, now of Escanaba. The funeral took place from St. John's Church Tuesday afternoon. The Reporter, Sat., Mar. 28, 1908

FRIEDRICH SCHWARZ On Tuesday of this week one of the oldest settlers of these parts passed beyond the Stygian River. Fred Schwarz, the departed one, for the past months was confined to the bed, death came as a welcome angel. Fred Schwarz lived a useful life; he knew he was entitled to the peace that death brings to one who lived an upright life. Mr. Schwarz passed the golden age of three score and ten. The decedent came here in the fifty's and settled on a farm in the Town of Two Rivers, where he became popular as a good citizen. He was elected to several town offices. In the ninties he moved to this city. In 1896 he was elected a member of the County Board from the Second Ward of this city. Mr. Schwarz served in the Civil War and was discharged with honors. He was one of the mainstays of the local grand army post (Jos. Rankin Post) – he held the position of adjutant. He also belonged to the benevolent order of Odd Fells. The funeral was held under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. No. 66, Two Rivers Friday afternoon, the members of the G.A.R. accompanied the body to the place of interment. A family of grown up children are mourning for dear old father. The Odd Fellows lodge has draped his charter for their beloved departed brother. The Reporter, Sat., May 18, 1912 *********** Card of Thanks The undersigned herewith express their sincere thanks to all the neighbors and friends for their kind assistance during our recent bereavement. We especially wish to thank the G.A.R. and Odd Fellows lodge and Rev. Jos. Morris for their services rendered us during the sickness of our father and on the day of interment. Mrs. Fred Schwarz and family The Reporter, Sat., May 25, 1912

FRIEDRICKA SCHWARZ Notes from Two Rivers: Mrs. Fredericka Charlotte Schwartz(sic), widow of the late Fred Schwartz, died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Wegner in this city. Her death was due to pneumonia. The deceased was 73 years of age and is survived by the following children, a son, residing at Minneapolis and Mrs. William Grade, Mrs. John Wegner, Mrs. Charles Hindt, Mrs. Henry Menges of this city and Mrs. Charles Wacholz of Calif. The funeral will be held from St. John's Church Thursday afternoon. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 24, 1918 ********* PNEUMONIA TAKES HEAVY TOLL Pneumonia claimed Mrs. Fredericka Schwartz(sic), nee Stechmesser, who died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Wegener on 23rd street. Deceased was born in Germany in 1845. She is mourned by one son, Henry of Minneapolis and five daughters, Mrs. John Wegener, Mrs. Chas Hindt, Mrs. Wm Grade and Mrs. Henry Menges of this city and Mrs. Chas Wachholz of California. Mrs. Schwartz's husband died about seven years ago. The funeral was held this afternoon from St. John's Lutheran Church. Mrs. Schwartz's daughter, Mrs. Henry Menges is also very ill with pneumonia. The Reporter, Thurs., Oct. 24, 1918

HEINRICH SCHWARZ (d. 1904) Henry Schwartz (sic), aged 70, died Tuesday at his home in Two Rivers. Two children, Mrs. August Hendricks, of Two Rivers and Rudolph Schwartz, of Escanaba, Mich., survive. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 26, 1904 pg. 8 ******** Henry Schwartz(sic), an old man about 70 years of age and an old resident of this city, died this morning at his home in the northern part of this city. He was the father of Mrs. Aug. Hendricks of this city and of Rudolph Schwartz, now of Escanaba. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., May 24, 1904

HENRY A. SCHWARZ Henry A. Schwarz, 81, a native of the Town of Two Rivers, who made his home at the Capitol Hotel, Manitowoc the past two years, died at 2? a.m. Wednesday at the Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, where he had been a patient 10 days. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Deja & Martin Chapels, Two Rivers, the Rev. Carl Ipsen officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Schwarz was born in the Town of Two Rivers March 6, 1873, son of the late Frederick and Fredericka Stechmesser Schwarz. He attended schools in the Town of Two Rivers and in his young manhood he moved to Minneapolis, Minn., where late in life he married a widow, a Mrs. Love, at Minneapolis, who preceded him in death 10 years ago. In 1955 Mr. Schwarz returned to Manitowoc. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Charles Wacholz of Santa Clara, Calif., and Mrs. Henry Menges Sr., of the Town of Two Rivers, and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the funeral chapel after 2 p.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 29, 1957 P.11 ******** [Henry A. Schwartz/bur. 05-31-1957/age 81 yrs.]

AGNES SCOTT The body of Miss Mary Agnes Scott, former resident of Two Rivers, who died at Hinsdale, Ill., was buried at Two Rivers yesterday. Miss Scott left Two Rivers twenty-five years ago with her family for Chicago. The body was accompanied to Two Rivers by sisters of the decedent, Cora and Ella and by Dr. and Mrs. Scott. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 16, 1917, Page 3 ******** The body of Miss Agnes Scott was brought to this city from Chicago for burial Monday afternoon. The corpse was on the afternoon train at 4:26 and was taken direct to the cemetery where after a short service, Rev. Grey officiating, the remains were laid to rest. The Scott family formerly lived here having been residents of the Southside. Deceased was born in this city 55 years ago. She taught in the city schools and resided here until the family left in the 80's. The flag on the city school was lowered to half mast in her honor the day of the funeral. Two sisters survive, Miss Cora and Mrs. Ernst Scott of Hinsdale, Ill. The Scott family settled in Two Rivers before the Civil War. The Reporter, Fri., May 18, 1917

CORA SCOTT BURY ASHES OF FORMER TWO RIVERS GIRL IN GRAVE OF MOTHER IN COMPLIANCE WITH REQUEST In compliance with the dying request of Cora Scott, a former resident of Two Rivers, whose death occurred at Chicago, Sept. 24, her body will be cremated and her ashes will be brought to Two Rivers and buried in the grave with her mother, whose body has rested in the cemetery there for years. Miss Scott made this as her last request to relatives and friends attending her in her last illness. Miss Scott’s death was due to an operation. A sister of the decedent, Miss Agnes Scott, died at Chicago last spring and her body was brought to Two Rivers for burial. The family resided at Two Rivers some years ago. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 13, 1917, Page 1 ********** From 1880 Census Two Rivers township: 19 25 169 187 Mary Scott F 45 -- -- X Keeping house New York N.Y. N.Y. 19 26 169 187 Cora Scott F 20 daughter S -- at home Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y. 19 27 169 187 Agnes Scott F 18 daughter S -- at home Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y. 19 28 169 187 Mary Scott F 16 daughter S -- at school Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y. 19 29 169 187 Ella Scott F 14 daughter S -- at school Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y.

EDWARD JAMES SCOTT DIED: At Two Rivers, Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, EDWARD JAMES, only son of James and Mary Ann Scott, aged 15 years, 6 months and 10 days. With many others we remember well how proudly our townsman, James Scott, hailed the birth of a son something over fifteen years ago. And later, when Eddie was a wee twaddling infant, who of us does not recollect how inseparable, during moments of leisure, were father and son, -a companionship that has been noticeable even down to the last days of Eddie's short life? Alas! That a life of so much promise should so soon end in the night of death! Alas! That parents who have been there before called to mourn the early death of loyal ones, should now be bereaved of this only son at a time when in school, at home and abroad he was constantly doing something to bind their affections in still closer bonds. Such consolation is theirs as may be felt in the thought that their loss is his infinite gain, and that in this sad bereavement they have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, -attested by one of the largest and most impressive funerals we have ever witnessed in Two Rivers. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Wis., Tuesday, February 25, 1873 pg. 3

E.J. SCOTT (d. 1942) E.J. Scott, 73, retired veteran Wisconsin newspaperman, died at his home at Two Rivers at 10:30 last night. He had been in poor health for the past two years. For 27 years Mr. Scott was the editor and publisher of the Shawano Advocate, a weekly paper at Shawano in which he sold his interests in 1930 and then moved to Two Rivers. The paper was sold to the Leader and the two papers became the Shawano Evening Leader, now a daily. Mr. Scott started his newspaper career in South Dakota after attending Brookings college in South Dakota. From there he went to Hayward, Wis., where he continued in the journalism field and in 1903 purchased the Shawano advocate. He served several terms as treasurer of the Wisconsin Press Association. Masonic funeral services will be held at Two Rivers Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Beduhn funeral home. The Rev. T. A. Hawkes of Grace Congregational church will officiate and interment will be in Two Rivers. Born in Vassar, Mich., on May 9, 1868, E. J. Scott spent his youth there and as a young man went to South Dakota. On Oct. 19, 1892, he married Miss Margaret Ross at Neillsville, Wis. At Shawano he was one of the leaders in forming the Rotary club and was a charter member of that organization. He was also a member of the Masons and of the Odd Fellows. Survivors are the widow; one daughter, Miss Mary Scott, Two Rivers, and one sister, Miss Dorothy Scott of Los Angeles, Calif. The body was removed to the Beduhn funeral home and may be viewed there until the hour of services Monday. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 17, 1942 P. 4 ******** [Ellsworth J. Scott]

ELLA BERTHA SCOTT MRS. SCOTT IS BURIED IN THE FAMILY PLOT Member of Prominent Family of Early Two Rivers Is Dead At Age 63 Mrs. Ella Scott, 63, of Hinsdale, Ill., wife of Dr. Ernest Scott of that city, who died there Thursday morning and whose family was closely identified with the early history of Two Rivers, was laid to rest here this morning beside the grave of her parents. Remains of Mrs. Scott, which were brought here from Hinsdale early this morning were removed to the Klein and Stangel funeral home, and at nine o’clock this morning brief services were held at the family lot in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery, with the Rev. Thomas A. Hawkes, pastor of Grace Congregational church, offering the prayer. Mrs. Scott was born in Two Rivers 63 years ago, a daughter of the late Captain James Scott and Mary Scott. Her father was one of Two Rivers’ most prominent citizens and was engaged as a marine shipper for many years. Went West A schooner named after the late captain, which plied between ports on the east and west shores of Lake Michigan for years, was wrecked midway between this city and Manitowoc. The hull of the craft protruded from the water on the beach for many years. Retiring from the shipping business Captain Scott joined his friend, J.E. Hamilton on an expedition to the Black Hills of South Dakota in the gold rush of the early seventies, where he died. His remains were brought back to this city for burial. Mrs. Ella Scott’s mother, it is recalled, was a sister of the late Mrs. Brothers, wife of the prominent Judge David Brothers of Chicago superior court. She died in that city a few years ago. After graduating from Two Rivers high school, Mrs. Scott taught school at Mishicot and later was a teacher in the public schools in this city. Went To Chicago Upon the death of the father the widow and daughter took up their residence in Chicago, where the latter met and married Dr. Ernest Scott, who had just completed the study of medicine. Since their marriage they lived in Hinsdale, near Chicago. A few months ago Mrs. Scott became ill and her death Thursday resulted from an acute heart ailment. Besides her husband, Mrs. Scott leaves a daughter, Mrs. Claude Wayne Thomason, who with her husband made their home with her parents in Hinsdale. The family which arrived here Friday are visiting at the Weilep home at 20th and Washington streets. Here to attend the services besides Dr. Scott, his daughter and son-in-law, was Miss Tot Scott of Osseola, Ia., a sister of the former. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 13, 1934 P. 11

ERNEST SCOTT IS INTERRED BESIDE WIFE Body of Dr. E. N. Scott Is Buried In Pioneer's Rest The body of Dr. Ernest N. Scott, 59, husband of the late Ella Scott, a native of this city, who died at his home in Hinsdale, Ill., Saturday as a result of a heart attack, was buried beside that of his wife in Pioneer's Rest cemetery at 10 o'clock this morning following a brief service conducted by the Rev. Thomas A. Hawkes pastor of Grace Congregational church. The body was brought here from Hinsdale early Tuesday night and the body lay in state at the Klein & Stangel, Inc. funeral home. Dr. Scott was born in Osceola, Iowa, 59 years ago and he resided there for many years. He was graduated from the Rush Medical college and practiced medicine in Hinsdale. He was married nearly 30 years ago to Ella Scott, a native of this city and a daughter of the late Captain Scott, pioneer lake captain and shipper, killed in the Black Hills during the gold rush. The family lived in Hinsdale for many years. Dr. Scott is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mary Tomlinson of Hinsdale, three sisters, Mrs. A. W. Rarick, Mrs. W. E. Dalby and Miss Tot Scott, all of Osceola, Iowa, and a brother, A. C. Scott of Independence, Kansas. There is one grandchild. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 4, 1935 P. 9

JAMES SCOTT The Black Hills correspondent of the New York Sun, writing from Red Cloud Agency, under date of April 6th, says the rush of emigrants to the Black Hills is unabated; and to show that they hail from all parts of the country, gives a list of those in a coach which had just arrived, among whom we find Mr. James Scott, Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, April 26, 1877 P. 2 ********** The telegraph announced the news of the death of James Scott, of Two Rivers, at Deadwood, Black Hills, last week. His body is on the way home now. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 24, 1878 P. 3 ********** The hearse of R. Klingholz made a disastrous trip to Two Rivers on Sunday last, to attend the funeral of Mr. James Scott. When the bearers were removing the coffin, a farmer's wagon passed so close in front of the hearse team as to make them back up, tilting the hearse on one side, and throwing one corner of the coffin through the glass plate in the side of the hearse. The glass is half an inch thich (sic), and a new plate, put in, will cost in the vicinity of one hundred dollars. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 31, 1878 P. 2 ********* DEATH OF JAMES SCOTT.-A telegram was received by Mrs. Jas. Scott, on Wednesday evening, announcing the serious illness of her husband in the Black Hills. On Thursday morning this dispatch was followed by another containing the sad intelligence that Mr. Scott was no more, death having taken place during the night. The Odd Fellows,-of which order Mr. Scott was a member-in the Black Hills took charge of the remains, which left there for Two Rivers last Sunday, and it is expected that they will arrive here by Saturday. Mr. Scott was 47 years of age; he was a native of the state of New York, which state he left in the year 1850, and settled at this place. Mr. Scott was a man of many sterling qualities, and had many warm friends wherever he was known. He leaves a wife and four young daughters to mourn his death._Chronicle. Manitowoc Tribune, January 24, 1878 P. 2 ******* The remains of Mr. Jas. Scott arrived at this place last Friday after having been six days on the route. The body was enclosed in an air tight zinc case and when this was opened Sunday morning, the body was found to be in an excellent state of preservation, every feature being perfect and looking more as though in quiet slumber than in death. The funeral which took place Sunday afternoon was very largely attended. The Chronicle Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., Jan. 31, 1878

MARGARET SCOTT (d. 1959) Mrs. Margaret Scott, 91, of 1805 21st Street, Two Rivers, widow of Ellsworth Scott, longtime publisher of a former Shawano weekly newspaper, died late Friday afternoon at a Manitowoc hospital where she had been a patient for seven weeks. Funeral services will be at 2 pm Monday at Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, the Rev. Richard Trump officiating. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery, Two Rivers(sic). Mrs. Scott, nee Margaret Ross, was born August 20, 1868 at St. Mary Parish, Quebec, Canada, daughter of the late John and Jane Johnstone Ross. When she was two years old the family brought her to this country where they settled in Neillsville, Wis., where she attended school. She was married Oct. 19, 1892 to Ellsworth J. Scott at Neillsville. After residing at Hayward and Richmond for a number of years, the family moved to Shawano where Mr. Scott published and edited the Shawano County Advocate for more than 25 years. In 1929 the family came to Two Rivers where Mr. Scott died in 1942. Mrs. Scott was a member of the Grace Congregational Church, Sunshine Circle and Fellowship Circle of the church and the Two Rivers Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. She leaves a daughter, Miss Mary, a teacher at Washington School, Two Rivers and a number of nieces. Friends may call at the funeral chapels after 3 pm Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Sat., Oct. 3, 1959 page 9 ******* (Note: Obituary states Calvary cemetery Two Rivers, but the cemetery record indicates Pioneers Rest and that is where the stone is located)

MARY SCOTT (d. 1892) Mrs. James Scott formerly of Two Rivers died at Engelwood, Ill, on Thursday last. Her remains were brought to Two Rivers for interment on Saturday last. Her husband died in the Black Hills several years ago. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, October 13, 1892 P. 3

MARY STUART SCOTT (d. 1987) Miss Mary S. Scott, 88, of 1805 21st St., Two Rivers, died Friday afternoon, May 29, 1987 at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Memorial services will be Friday, June 5th, at pm at Grace Congregational Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Daniel Wright will officiate. Miss Scott was born September 20, 1898 at New Richmond, Wisconsin, daughter of the late Ellsworth and Margaret Ross Scott. She was educated in the Shawano Elementary and Public School System and later attended Oshkosh State Teachers College. Upon graduation she was employed with the Two Rivers Public School System from 1923 to 1964. Miss Scott was a member of the Palatiers and the Eastern Star. She was a 1947 charter member of the Teachers Quarter Century Club and its longest living member. Miss Scott was a member of Grace Congregational Womens Fellowship and The Lydia Circle. Survivors include cousins, Richard and Katherine Amel of Green Bay and Dorothy Ubel of St. Paul, Minnesota. Deja and Martin Funeral chapels, Two Rivers, are in charge of funeral arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mon., June 1, 1987 page 15 ********* [bur. 06-08-1987/age 88 yrs.(cremated)] (Mary Scott/20 Sep 1898/May 1987/SSDI)

JAC. SECHREST JACOB SECHRIST(sic) BACK FOR VISIT Former Resident Spends Day With Old Friends In His Old Town Jacob Sechrist, a pioneer of this county, and also the state, and who spent most of his life in the Town of Two Rivers, dropped into the city on Tuesday afternoon, and visited the barber shop of Alex. LaFleur on the East side. After leaving his old homestead in the Town of Two Rivers he made his home for a short time with a son at Angelica, Shawano county, but has been making his home with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Trossen, just north of the city on Highway 71, for the past year or more. He does visit the city very often, and spends most of his time reading. His mind is clear and he loves good books. Mr. Sechrist is well known through the county and he will have reached the age of 94 in February 1929. Manitowoc Times, Wednesday, November 28, 1928, Page 1 ********** J. SECHRIST (sic), 93, PIONEER OF THE FIFTIES, DIES Resident of Town of Two Rivers For 75 Years Passes Away Firday Afternoon One of the oldest residents of Manitowoc county, Jacob Sechrist, 93 years, died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Peter Trossen, in the town of Two Rivers Friday noon. He had been enjoying good health up to a few days ago. The deceased was born in Germany in 1836 and came to America with his parents who located at Quebec, Canada, in 1839 and in 1854 settled at what was known as the Tannery sector in the town of Two Rivers. He was married in 1859 to Martha Magee who died 44 years ago. The deceased although a lifelong Democrat switched over to the G.O.P. ticket at the last presidential election. He was a giant in stature and thought nothing of a hike to Shawano, seventy miles, for a visit with his children there. Took Part In Plays He was a great admirer of Shakespeare, memorized parts of many of his plays, and in his earlier life, before locating in this county, took part in plays in Canada. He engaged in farming practically all his life. He retired about twenty years ago and for a time made his home with his son, John Sechrist at Wellhaven, Wis. Surviving him are four daughters and one son. They are Mrs. Susanna Grover of Kenosha, Mrs. Peter Trossen, Two Rivers; Mrs. William McKenna, Milwaukee and Mrs. William Stanton, Los Angeles, Calif., and John Sechrist, Shawano, Wis. Funeral services will be held from the funeral home of Beduhn and Goetz Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. F.E. Schlueter of Emmanuel Evangelical church officiating. Interment will be at Pioneer's Rest cemetery. Manitwooc Herald News, Saturday, July 13, 1929 P.12

MARTHA SECHREST Death of Mrs. Sechrist(sic), wife of farmer Jakob Sechrist, who lives a few miles north of Two Rivers. She was busy Fri. doing housework, which prompted her to climb up on a chest where she was stricken with vertigo and fell to the floor, breaking her neck. Death followed in less than a minute. Der Nord Westen, 29 Nov. 1888 ******** Mrs. Jacob Sechrist (sic) of Two Rivers met with a fatal accident on Friday of last week. She was standing on a box doing some work about a window when she fell, dislocating her neck so that death resulted instantly. Her funeral took place on Monday and was very largely attended. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, November 29, 1888 P. 3

IRENE SEEFELDT Irene Seefeldt, 83, of 1710 24th Street, Two Rivers, died Tuesday evening, July 12, 1988 at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 2 pm Friday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Rev. Edward Stelter will officiate with burial at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Seefeldt was born March 12, 1905 at Two Rivers, daughter of the late August and Hulda Bartz Luebke. She attended St. John Parochial School and Two Rivers Washington High School. Mrs. Seefeldt was a graduate of Wisconsin Conservatory of Music of Milwaukee and played piano at Old Rivoli Theatre and also a Milwaukee Radio Station. She also taught piano lessons for many years. She married Lawrence Seefeldt at Two Rivers and he preceded her in death in 1948. Mrs. Seefeldt was a member of The Ladies Society of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Laureen and Ronald Thorstad of Madison; three grandchildren, Tom and JaeEllen, both of Madison and Jim of Boston and two cousins, Doris Howe of Minneapolis and Russell Luebke of Phoenix. She was preceded in death by three sisters and a brother. Friends may call at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, from 1 pm Friday and until the hour of service. Memorials may be made to St. John Evangelical Lutheran church. There will be no visitation at Deja and Martin Funeral Home, Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wed., Jul. 13, 1988 page 9 ******** The marriage of Miss Irene E. Luebke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Luebke and Lawrence Seefeldt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seefeldt of Clintonville took place at St. John's Lutheran Church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Haase officiating at the ceremony. Miss Evelyn Pufahl and Miss Leona Gesell attended the bride. Fred Seefeldt and Arthur Franz attended the groom. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to immediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Seefeldt left on a trip to Chicago and West Bend, Ind. They will be at home to friends at 1023 Madison Street after July 25. Among the out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and family of Clintonville, Ferdinand Seefeldt and A. Smith of South Bend, Ind., Miss Evelyn Pufahl of Sheboygan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pech of Manitowoc. Both the bride, who is an accomplished pianist and the groom are well known and highly esteemed young people in their community and the Reporter joins with a host of friends in congratulations and best wishes. Two Rivers Reporter - Fri.,June 25, 1926 ******** [bur. 07-15-1988/age 83 yrs.] (12 Mar 1905/12 Jul 1988/SSDI)

LAWRENCE W. SEEFELDT Lawrence W. Seefeldt, 45, of 1710 24th street, Two Rivers, died this morning at the Two Rivers municipal hospital. He suffered a stroke Friday night. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at St. John Lutheran church, Two Rivers, with burial in Forest View cemetery there (sic). He was born near Clintonville in 1903 and moved to Two Rivers at the age of 17 years. He became a mechanic at the plant No. 4 of the Aluminum Goods company and completed 25 years service in June. He was a member of the Lutheran church. Mr. Seefeldt advanced to be a master mechanic at the Goods plant and later was named to the engineering department of the company here. In 1926 he married Miss Irene Luebke, who survives with his mother, Mrs. William Seefeldt of Clintonville; daughter, Laureen at home; two brothers, Henry of Peoria, Ill.,; and a sister, Mrs. Clara Smith of Clintonville. The body may be viewed at the Beduhn funeral home, Two Rivers, and will be moved to the church at 10 a.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 28, 1948 P. 2 ******** The marriage of Miss Irene E. Luebke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Luebke and Lawrence Seefeldt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seefeldt of Clintonville took place at St. John's Lutheran Church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Haase officiating at the ceremony. Miss Evelyn Pufahl and Miss Leona Gesell attended the bride. Fred Seefeldt and Arthur Franz attended the groom. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to immediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Seefeldt left on a trip to Chicago and West Bend, Ind. They will be at home to friends at 1023 Madison Street after July 25. Among the out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and family of Clintonville, Ferdinand Seefeldt and A. Smith of South Bend, Ind., Miss Evelyn Pufahl of Sheboygan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pech of Manitowoc. Both the bride, who is an accomplished pianist and the groom are well known and highly esteemed young people in their community and the Reporter joins with a host of friends in congratulations and best wishes. Two Rivers Reporter - Fri.,June 25, 1926 ******* (Note: Cemetery record and his stone have him in Pioneers Rest.)

CAROLINA SELK 2 RIVERS WOMAN DIES SUDDENLY AT CUDAHY WIS. The body of Mrs. Carrie Selk, of Two Rivers, who died suddenly at Cudahy while visiting relatives in that city, was buried at Two Rivers yesterday. Mrs. Selk's death was due to apoplexy. She was a native of Two Rivers, a daughter of the late John Miller of that city, and was 42 years of age. Mrs. R. Dumas, of Cudahy, a sister, accompanied the remains from that city. Mrs. Selk made her home with a sister at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald News, June 8, 1921 P. 1 ******** The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Selk, 1413 23rd Street, took place Tuesday, Rev. T.T. Holway officiating. Deceased was a native of this city, being a daughter of the late John Miller. Death took place at Cudahy and was caused by a stroke of apoplexy from which she suffered while there on a visit with relatives. Mrs. R. Dumas, a sister, accompanied the remains here. Deceased was 49 years of age. She resided with her sister, Minnie who is left to mourn her death besides two brothers who reside at distant points and the sister who accompanied the remains. The Reporter, Thurs., June 9, 1921

CARL SELL Notes from Two Rivers: John Sell(sic), aged 75, died at his home on the South side after an illness of several months. He was a native of Germany and came to this country in 1870. He was married the same year to Wilhelmina Grade. He is survived by three sons, Louis, Fred and Reuben and two daughters, Mrs. Wm Plantico and Mrs. Albert Peterke. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the home, Rev. Koten officiating. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Feb. 21, 1918 ******** A well known and esteemed resident of the Southside passed away Saturday when John Charles Frederick Sell(sic) died at his home on 14th Street. Mr. Sell had been suffering for the past few months from diabetes but was able to be about until the last few weeks. Deceased was born April 23 1843 having attained the age of seventy-four at his death. His native home was Leuenhagen, Germany which he left when a young man coming to America and settling in this ?. A short time later he was married to Wilhelmina Grade who survives him. He is also survived by three sons, Louis and Reuben of this city and Fred of Withee, Wis., and two daughters, Mrs. Wm Plantiko and Mrs. Albert Peterke of this city, also a sister, Mrs. A. Borchhard of Marshfield. Deceased had always been a faithful member of the Evangelical Church and the funeral was held from there Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Koten officiating. The Reporter, Thurs., Feb. 21, 1918 ******** (From 1910 Two Rivers census: Charles Sell age 67; wife Minnie 62; Ruben 21; Fred 18) (One other Sell family on the 1910 Two Rivers census is Louis Sell and family)

ELVIRA E. SELL Leaving behind her a husband and three little children, after four days illness of pneumonia, Mrs. Reuben Sell, of the Town of Two Rivers, passed away at her home Friday morning, January 15th. Deceased was born in the Town of Two Rivers in 1896 and lived there her entire life. In 1916 she was married to Reuben Sell and for the past 6 years the couple resided near Shoto. Mrs. Sell is survived by her husband and three sons, Kenneth, 9 years, Raymond, 6 years and Bobby, 16 months. She is also survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rausch of the Town of Two Rivers and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Koldoff and Mrs. Louis Baum of Two Rivers and one brother, Herbert, at home. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the home. Burial was at Pioneer's Rest, Rev Zill conducting the services. Two Rivers Reporter - Fri., Jan. 22, 1926

WILHELMINA SELL Octogenarian Dies Home of Daughter Mrs. Wilhelmina Sell, a widow, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Peterke, School street, yesterday, the demise being due to cancer from which she had been a sufferer for a number of years. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon with services in charge of Rev. Siewert and burial will be at Pioneers Rest. Born in Germany eighty years ago, December 24, 1846, Mrs. Sell, who was Wilhelmina Grade before her marriage, came to this country and Wisconsin in 1870 and was married the same year. Her husband died a number of years ago and she is survived by five children, fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. The children are Mrs. Albert Peterke of this city, Mrs. William Plantico of Stevens Point, Louis Sell of Stevens point, Reuben and Fred Sell of Shoto. Two brothers, William and Ferdinand Grade, and a sister, Mrs. William Stockwell, all of this city also survive her. Manitowoc Herald News, October 26, 1926 P. 10

BABY DAUGHTER SHAMBEAU (d. 1900) Shambeau birth: 10 March 1900 Two Rivers death: 10 March 1900 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin father: Louis Shambeau mother: Rica Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

CHRISTINA SHAMBEAU Mrs. Jos. Shambeau, a well esteemed lady and settler of the town of Two Rivers received a paralytic stroke last Saturday. On Sunday she died from the effects of it. Mrs. Shambeau has reared a large family of grown up children who have been all very successful in life. She leaves mother earth with the assurance that her children are enjoying happiness and comfort. The Reporter, Tues., Aug. 23, 1910 page 1 ********** Mrs. Joseph Shambeau died Sunday night, Aug. 21 from a paralytic attack which came over her about 8 o'clock that morning. The deceased was born in Germany, Oct. 18, 1847 and came with her parents to the United States when she was but three years. For fifteen years the family lived in Schleswigville, Wis., when they came to Two Rivers. December 12, 1865, Christina Kau became the wife of Joseph Shambeau and together they have reared a large family, all of whom are living and all were able to attend the funeral except Joseph P. of San Jose, Calif., and the youngest son, John of Duluth, who because of the suddenness of the mother's death were unable to reach here in time for the last service. Mrs. Shambeau was a kind Christian woman, a good neighbor and unselfishly devoted to her family. Her many relatives and friends will miss her. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Father Geissler, of St. Luke's church, for many years, her pastor conducted the final services. She leaves to mourn her loss, an aged husband, seven sons, Lafayette of Sturgeon Bay, William of Oshkosh, Joseph of San Jose, John of Duluth, Robert, Edward and Louis of Two Rivers and four daughters, Mrs. Henry Thuss of Marshfield, Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of Sheboygan and Mesdames Chas. Johannes and J. B. Lafond of this city. The following were in attendance at the funeral, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Schmidt and daughters, Tena, Ella and Sida of Sheboygan, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thuss of Marshfield,, Wis.; Mrs. J. P. Shambeau and daughters, Rose and Helen of San Jose, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. William Shambeau and son, Willie of Oshkosh, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Shambeau of Sturgeon Bay and sister, Mrs. barney Aleff and husband of Sheboygan and brothers, Jake Kau of Milwaukee and John Kau and wife of Sheboygan. The Reporter, Tues., Aug. 30, 1910 page 1 ******** Misses Christina, Ella and Elizabeth Schmidt attended the funeral of Mrs. Shambeau at Two Rivers, who died suddenly Monday, having been ill but one day. Sheboygan Daily Press, Thursday, Aug. 25, 1910 page 11

EDWARD SHAMBEAU Edward Shambeau, 73, who resided on the Sandy Bay road north of Two Rivers, died Thursday night at Municipal hospital in that city where he had been taken Tuesday. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Klein and Stangel funeral home, Two Rivers, with the Rev. Melvin J. Roehrdanz officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Mr. Shambeau, for the last five years a manufacturer of wooden boxes for the packing and shipping of fish, was born in the town of Two Rivers in 1875, a son of the late Joseph and Christina Kaw Shambeau. He had farmed in various sections of the township until becoming engaged in his most recent occupation. In 1927 he married the former Laura Van Ess of Two Rivers, who survives him along with a daughter, Mrs. David Swoboda of Two Rivers, and a brother, John, of Duluth, Minn. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from 7 o'clock this evening until the time of services Monday afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 4, 1949 P. 2

JOSEPH SHAMBEAU TWO RIVERS PIONEER, JOSEPH SHAMBEAU, HAS PASSED AWAY FUNERAL HELD AT TWO RIVERS IS ATTENDED BY BIG CONCOURSE OF FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Joseph Shambeau, a pioneer resident of the town of Two Rivers, passed away at the home of his son, Edward, April 10th, and was buried on April 14th. The Rev. Father Hugo of St. Luke’s church officiating. Deceased was born in Montreal, Canada, Dec. 10th, 1828 and came to this country at the age of 18 years. His first marriage was with Miss Jase LeMere who died ten years later leaving a family of five children. Later he married Miss Christina Kan, six children being born to them. The latter passed away Aug. 21, 1910. All of the children are living except William. Those of the children living to mourn his loss are: Lafayette of Sturgeon Bay, Mrs. Henry Thusn? of Marshfield, Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of Sheboygan, Joseph of San Jose, Cal., Robert of Chicago, John of Duluth, Mrs. Chas. Jahonnes, Mrs. Joe Lafond, Louis and Edward of Two Rivers. Joseph Shambeau has always been greatly esteemed and highly respected by all who knew him for his honesty, ability and integrity. He was a good, kind, devoted and provident father and husband. Out of town attendants at the funeral besides the children were Ernst Schmidt and daughters Tess and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Aleff, John Kan, and Mrs. Ed Shambeau of Sheboygan, Mrs. Wm. Shambeau and son, Will Shambeau, Jr., of Oshkosh and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Huber of Marshfield, Wis. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 20, 1915, Page 4 ********** Death has claimed another of Manitowoc County pioneers and one of our esteemed neighbors. Mr. Joseph Shambeau welcomed the beck of Divine Providence last Saturday evening at the home of his son, Edward, with whom he has made his home the past 16 years. He was born in Montreal, Canada December 10, 1828 and came here when a boy of 18. When quite a young man, he was married to Jane Lemere and settled on a farm. Five children were born of this union who are Lafayette of Sturgeon Bay, Wm. of Oshkosh, who preceded him to the grave a year ago, Mrs. Henry Thuss of Marshfield, Mrs. Chas. Johannes and Mrs. Jos. Lafond of Two Rivers. His wife died when the children were small and he married the second time, his wife's maiden name being Christina Kan, who bore him six children who are all living. They are: Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of Sheboygan, Jos. of San Jose, Cal., Robert of Chicago, John of Duluth and Louis and Ed who reside here. Deceased has been a farmer mostly all his life and owned one of the best farms in the vicinity. Ever since he retired from actual labor his son, Ed, has taken possession of the farm and his parents spent their declining years with him. His mother died four years ago. Mr. Shambeau has a large circle of friends who have always known him as a good father and husband and best of neighbors. The funeral took place Wednesday morning from St. Luke's Church of Two Rivers. The Reporter, Fri., Apr. 16, 1915 ********** (By request of the relatives of the deceased who felt that some things were omitted in our previous notice, which they would lie mentioned, we publish a further obituary of Mr. Shambeau) Mr. Joseph Shambeau, a pioneer resident of the Town of Two Rivers, passed away at the home of his son, Edward, April tenth and was buried April fourteenth, Rev. Hugo officiating. He was born in Montreal, Canada, December 10, 1828 and came to this country at the age of eighteen years. His first marriage was with Miss Jane Lemere who died ten years later leaving a family of five children. Later he married Miss Christina Kau with whom six children were born and who passed away August 21, 1910. All of the children are living except William of the first wife who died a year ago last September. Those of the children living to mourn his loss are: Lafayette of Sturgeon Bay, Mrs. Henry Thuss of Marshfield, Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of Sheboygan, Joseph of San Jose, Cal., Robert of Chicago, John of Duluth, Mrs. Chas. Johannes, Mrs. Jos. Lafond and Louis and Edward of Two Rivers. Mr. Joseph Shambeau has always been greatly esteemed and highly respected by all who knew him for his honesty, ability and integrity. He was a good, kind, devoted and provident father and husband and a good neighbor. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends. Those from out of town attending the funeral besides the children were: Mr. Ernst Schmidt and daughters, Tena and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Aleff, Mr. John Kau and Mrs. Ed. Shambeau of Sheboygan, Mrs. William Shambeau and son, William Jr. of Oshkosh and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Huber of Marshfield, Wis. The Reporter, Fri., Apr. 23, 1915

LOUIS SHAMBEAU Louis Shambeau, 73, member of one of the pioneer families of the town of Two Rivers, died at 3:30 a.m. today at the Municipal hospital at Two Rivers. He had been in failing health for the past year and was seriously ill for the past two weeks. His father, the late Joseph Shambeau, was one of the first super- intendents at the tannery of the Wisconsin Leather company under Cyrus Whitcomb. Louis was born at the homestead near the tannery on May 11, 1868. After his marriage in 1896 to Ricka Schultz he moved to a farm about a half mile north of the old homestead. For nearly 30 years he was treasurer of School District No. 2. Funeral services will be held at Two Rivers Thursday morning, at 8:30 o'clock from the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home, and at 9 o'clock from St. Luke's Catholic church with the Very Rev. Dean C.V. Hugo officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. With the exception of about six years during his youth when he worked in the lumber woods in the northern part of the state Mr. Shambeau spent all his life in Manitowoc county. Until about six years ago he operated the farm on route 2 and for the last six years he resided at Two Rivers. Survivors are two sons, Walter on the homestead and Ervin of Rochester, Minn.; one daughter, Mrs. Hilda Bunk; two brothers, Edward of the town of Two Rivers and John of Duluth; one half- sister, Mrs. Joseph LaFond, Two Rivers, and eight grandchildren. The body was removed to the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home and may be viewed there until the time of the funeral. The rosary will be recited there Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, January 19, 1942 P.2

RICA SHAMBEAU Mrs. Louis Shambeau, 64, lifelong resident of Manitowoc county and a resident of Two Rivers for the past two years, died at her home early Sunday morning. She had been in ill health for the past three years. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 from the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home at Two Rivers and at 2 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church with the Rev. Walter G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Born at the Tannery north of Two Rivers June 4, 1874, Mrs. Shambeau spent all of her life there until two years ago when her husband retired from farming. Mrs. Shambeau, before her marriage June 6, 1896, was Frederica Wilimena Schultz, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz. Survivors are the widower and three children, Walter of the town of Two Rivers, Erwin of Milwaukee and Mrs. Neck Buhk of Two Rivers. Eight grandchildren also survive. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 25, 1938 P. 2

ROBERT SHAMBEAU Robert Shambeau, a former well known resident of Two Rivers, died at his home at Chicago Tuesday, a victim of pneumonia. Deceased was born in the town of Two Rivers in 1874 (sic), graduated from the Two Rivers High school and for a number of years represented the Zulu Knitting Mills as a traveling salesman. He is survived by his widow, five brothers and three sisters. The body arrived at Two Rivers last night and the funeral was held this afternoon from the old homestead, now occupied by his sister, Mrs. Ernest Schmidt. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, February 4, 1922 P. 3 ******** Notes from Two Rivers: Robert Shambeau, aged 48, after suffering a short time with pneumonia, died at his home in Chicago on Tuesday of last week. Besides his wife, he is survived by five brothers, Louis and Edward of Two Rivers, Joseph of California, Lafayette of Sturgeon Bay, John of Duluth, Minn., and three sisters, Mrs. Ernst Schmidt, Mrs. Joseph B. LaFond and Mrs. Charles Johannes of this city. The remains were brought here and the funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from the old homestead which is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Schmidt. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Feb. 9, 1922 ********* DEATH CALLS ROBERT SHAMBEAU Robert Shambeau, well known in this city and vicinity, being a native of the Town of Two Rivers, passed away at the home in Chicago Tuesday morning, a victim of pneumonia. Deceased was born in the Town of Two Rivers, locally known as the Tannery in 1874 where he grew to manhood and then set out to win his way in the world, assuming the occupation of sales manager. He started as traveling salesman for the Zulu Knitting Mill. He was a graduate of the local high school, a member of the class of 1891. His brother, also a member of that class, was at his bedside when death came, being here from his home in California on business. Robert Shambeau was a conscientious, successful salesman, a man of intellectual bent and high ideals who had a strong faith in the goods he had to sell. In his high school days, as well as throughout his career, he was an ardent student and upright in character. He leaves a widow, five brothers, Louis and Edward of Two Rivers, Joseph of California, Lafayette of Sturgeon Bay and John of Duluth and three sisters, Mrs. Ernst Schmidt, Mrs. Jos. B. Lafond and Mrs. Charles Johannes. The remains will arrive here this evening and the funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon from the old homestead now occupied by his sister, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Schmidt. The Reporter, Thurs., Feb. 2, 1922

ADA SHAMRAK Mrs. Ada Shamrak, 75, of 2342 S. Chase Ave., Milwaukee, a former Two Rivers resident, died at St. Luke Hospital, Milwaukee, early Sunday morning. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Klein and Stangel, Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, and at 2 p.m. at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Shamrak, nee Ada Mertens, was born Oct. 4, 1894, at Two Rivers, a daughter of the late John and Mathilda Ramin Mertens. She received her elementary education at St. John Parochial School at Two Rivers. She was married in 1913 at Two Rivers to Anton Gauthier, who died in 1933. On Nov. 7, 1934, she was married at Manitowoc to Ignatz Shamrak. He preceded her in death in 1957. Survivors include two sons, Kenneth and Harold Gauthier of Milwaukee; a sister, Mrs. Earl Raatz of Rt. 2, Manitowoc; two brothers, Randolph of Rt. 2, Manitowoc, and Harold Mertens of Two Rivers; a grandson and a great grandchild. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, December 1, 1969 P. 14 ******** [Ada Gauthier Shamrak] ******** On Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, the marriage of Miss Ada Mertens and Mr. Anton Gauthier was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. C.F. Doehler officiating. The couple were attended by Miss Elsie Mertens as maid of honor and Mr. Erwin Beeck as best man. The other attending couple was Irene Gauthier and Grover Gauthier. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served after which a large number of friends and relatives of the couple enjoyed a dancing party which was given at the Opera House. Mr. and Mrs. Gauthier have a large number of friends who unite on wishing them a pleasant journey through life. The Reporter, Fri., May 7, 1915

EMMA SHEARER The body of Mrs. Emma O. Shearer, 70, of Chicago, former resident of Two Rivers, will be brought to Two Rivers for burial in Pioneers' Rest cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Shearer, who died in Chicago on Sunday, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oswald, among the earliest settlers in Two Rivers. When she was 22 years old she left that city and moved to Chicago where she had since resided. Mrs. Shearer leaves two brothers, Frank and William Oswald, both of Chicago. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 27, 1939 P. 10

ADELINE SHEBESTA Notes from Two Rivers: Adeline Shebesta, aged 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shebesta, died on Sunday from scarlet fever. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Dec. 18, 1919

FRANK SHEBESTA Frank Shebesta, 54, an employe of the Aluminum Goods plant 1 at Two Rivers for almost 20 years, died yesterday afternoon at the home of his son-in- law, Walter Hennrichs at Milwaukee. He had been in ill health for the past two years, but had gone to Milwaukee only about a week ago. Funeral services will be held from the residence at Two Rivers at 10:30 Friday morning with the Rev. T.A. Hawkes of Grace Congregational church officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The body will be brought to the home from Milwaukee at 4:30 Thursday afternoon. Mr. Shebesta was born Feb. 13, 1874 in Tisch Mills and resided there until 20 years ago when he moved to Two Rivers. Thirty-eight years ago he married Miss Matilda Karkow of Tisch Mills. Mr. Shebesta was one of the early members of the Z.C.B.J. lodge in Two Rivers. Survivors are the widow; a son, Edward, Manitowoc; a daughter, Mrs. Walter Henrichs(sic), Milwaukee; three sisters, Mrs. Albert Skubal, Milwaukee, Mrs. Otilla Malachek, Tisch Mills and Miss Emily Shebesta, Davenport, Ia.; and two grandchildren,. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, March 23, 1938 p.2 ******** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON PATIENTS COMMITTED TO WISCONSIN GENERAL HOSPITAL FOR TREATMENT TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to patients committed to the Wisconsin General Hospital for treatment since the filing of my last report up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Frank Shebesta, resident of the City of Two Rivers. Committed to Wisconsin General Hospital on the 27th day of October, 1936. Examining physician, Dr. L.J. Moriarty. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18 (Note: They sent seriously ill people here to be treated. The hospital was in Madison)

MATHILDA SHEBESTA Funeral services for Mrs. Mathilda Shebesta, 68, who died at the Municipal hospital in Two Rivers early Monday morning, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Jansky funeral home in Two Rivers. The Rev. Thomas A. Hawkes of the Grace Congregational church will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery there. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until the time of the services. Mrs. Shebesta, a resident of Two Rivers for 26 years, was born Mathilda Karkow in the town of Mishicot on April 6, 1875 and was a lifelong resident of Manitowoc county. She married Frank Shebesta nearly 45 years ago. He died in 1938. Survivors are a son, Edward, of Two Rivers; a daughter, Mrs. Walter Hinnirichs of Milwaukee; and a brother Albert Karkow of Racine. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 30, 1943 P. 4

ANNA M. SHEDAL Anna M. Shedal, 84, of 1957 Roosevelt Avenue, Two Rivers, died Saturday morning, February 2, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers. Robert Rainer will officiate with burial to follow at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Shedal was born April 21, 1900, at Kewaunee County, daughter of the late Joseph and Anna Sladky. She married Anton Nehring in June of 1923. He preceded her in death. She then married Peter Shedal in December of 1933 in Manitowoc County. He preceded her in death. Mrs. Shedal was engaged in farming at Route 1, Mishicot for many years. Survivors include two sons, La Vern Shedal and Bernard Shedal, both of Route 1, Mishicot; six daughters, Violet Hurst of Anniston, Alabama, Vivian Schmidt of Appleton, Leona Siebert of Two Rivers, Bernice Wentdrof of Two Rivers, Beatrice Novak of Cooperstown and Rosanna Kovarik of Whitelaw, 27 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren also survived. She was preceded in death by a son, Robert Nehring and a daughter at birth. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday evening. Herald Times Reporter, February 3, 1985 P. 3 ******** [1984/age 84] (21 Apr 1900/Feb 1985/SSDI)

JACQUELINE HAMILTON SHILLER Mrs. Blaire Schiller, 52, of Key Biscayne, Fla., died Sunday afternoon in Arlington, Va. Family memorial services will be held in Arlington. Mrs. Schiller, nee Jacqueline Hamilton, was the daughter of Edward P. Hamilton and the late Katherine Fletcher Hamilton. Survivors include her husband, two sons, Frederick of San Francisco, Calif., and Fletcher of Key Biscayne, Fla.; her father, Edward P. Hamilton Sr.; a brother, Edward P. Hamilton Jr. of Two Rivers and two sisters, Mrs. J.M. (Diantha) McDowell of Arlington, Va. and Mrs. Donald (Nancy) Egelle of New Haven, Conn. Memorials may be sent to the Arthritic Institution in care of the National Orthopedic Rehabilitation Hospital, 2455 Army-Navy Dr., Arlington, Va., 22206. Herald Times Reporter, July 11, 1977 P. 3 ******** Stone is on the Hamilton lot

ALBERT J. SHIMON Albert J. Shimon, 88, of 9133 Polifka Road, Whitelaw, died unexpectedly Saturday morning, July 22, 1989 at his residence. Funeral services were held at 2 pm this Monday at Rockwood Lutheran Church. Rev. Herbert Kesting officiated with burial at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Shimon was born November 21, 1900 in the Town of Manitowoc Rapids, son of the late Wencel and Rose Valible Shimon. Mr. Shimon served in the United States Navy from 1919 to 1922 serving in the Philippine Islands. He married the former Viola Blattler on October 5, 1923 at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The couple resided at their present residence since 1936 where they farmed. Mr. Shimon was also a carpenter by trade. He was present caretaker at Kossuth National Cemetery, former assessor for the town of Kossuth and past member and treasurer of Kellnersville Fire Department. The couple celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary in October of 1988. Mr. Shimon was a member of Rockwood Lutheran Church. Survivors include his wife, Viola; a son and daughter-in-law, John and Joan Shimon of Highway 147, Two Rivers; two grandsons, James and John Shimon, two brothers, John Shimon of Branch, Edward Shimon of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. Ann Christman of Manitowoc, Mrs. Harry (Helen) Wicihowski of Manitowoc, Mrs. Viola Petska of Two Rivers and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by an infant daughter, his parents and several brothers and sisters. Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, assisted the family with arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mon., July 24, 1989 page B6 ********* [bur. 07-24-1989/age 88 yrs.] ********* WEDDING BELLS RING OUT AT TWO RIVERS TWO RIVERS, Oct. 6.-Miss Viola Blatter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blatter, 2402 Washington street and Albert Shimon, both of this city were quietly married last night, the Rev. Haase of St. John's Lutheran church officiating at the wedding ceremony. The couple were attended by Miss Mary Shimon and John Wilson and a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Shimon will take up their home in this city. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, October 6, 1923 P. 2 ******** (21 Nov 1900/22 Jul 1989/SSDI)

JOYCE SHIMON Babe Dies Joyce Marie, six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shimon, died at the family home at 2406 Adams street, this morning, death being due to a kidney affection. The funeral will be held Monday fro the home, the Rev. Haase officiating at the services, and burial will be at Pioneers' Rest. Manitowoc Herald News, February 6, 1926 P. 16 ******* [Joyce Marie Shimon]

VIOLA I. SHIMON Viola Shimon, age 91, of 9133 Polifka Road, Whitelaw, died Thursday, March 9, 1995, peacefully in her sleep at home. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 11, 1995, at Rockwood Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rockwood. Rev. Rodney Rixe will officiate with burial at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. She was born April 23, 1903, in Two Rivers, daughter of the late John and Anna Mahnke Blattler. On October 5, 1923, she married Albert J. Shimon at St. John's Lutheran Chruch (sic), Two Rivers. They celebrated 65 years of marriage in 1988. He preceded her in death July, 1989. Viola was an active member of the Senior Citizens of Maribel and Kellnersville. Vi's spirited attitude and the caring assistance of her family enabled her to live independently in her country home. She enjoyed baking, gardening, and playing cards with her many friends until her death. She was a member of St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, until she and Albert moved to their farm early in their marriage and became members of Rockwood Ev. Lutheran Church. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, John (Jack) and Joan Shimon, Two Rivers; two grandchildren, John Shimon and his partner, Julie Lindemann, Manitowoc, James Shimon, Milwaukee; three sisters-in-law, Ann Christman, Viola Petska, Helen Wicihowski and her husband, Harry; three brothers-in-law, Edward Shimon, John Shimon, John Wilson and his wife, Erma. Also surviving are nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by three sisters, two brothers and an infant daughter. Relatives and friends may call at Rockwood Ev. Lutheran Church, Rockwood on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service. Memorials would be appreciated to the Rockwood Ev. Lutheran Church. Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, is serving the family. Herald Times Reporter, March 10, 1995 P. A2 ********* (23 Apr 1903/Mar 1995/SSDI)

ANNE SIBENHORN Mrs. Carl L. Sibenhorn, 75, (photo) of 2922 Memorial Dr., Two Rivers, whose late father operated the first dry cleaning establishment at Manitowoc, died at Holy Family Hospital at Manitowoc, Saturday morning. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Calvary Lutheran Church, the Rev. Paul W. Funk officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Sibenhorn, nee Anne Bode, was born Nov. 18, 1891, at Weinburg, Germany, a daughter of the late Henry and Louise Petrie Bode. When she was two the family brought her to Two Rivers. A short while later the family moved to Manitowoc where Mr. Bode established the community's first dry cleaning plant on Washington Street. She was married July 17, 1912, to Carl L. Sibenhorn at Manitowoc. Her husband, long a master mechanic, retired as superintendent of Manitowoc Gases Inc., five years ago, after supervising manufacturing firms at Milwaukee, Sturgeon Bay, and later as general superintendent of Metal Ware Corp. at Two Rivers. Mrs. Sibenhorn was a member of Calvary Lutheran congregation. Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Sverre (Louise) Torseth, of Wauwatosa; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Fox and Mrs. Elsa Lande, both of Milwaukee, and a granddaughter (Survivor omitted for privacy.) Friends may call at Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, after 2 p.m. Sunday until 10:30 a.m. Monday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, February 4, 1967 P.2 ******** Miss Anne Bode and Charles Siebenhorn were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. George Grethers of the Reformed church officiated at ceremonies. The wedding was a quiet affair, only intimate friends and relatives being present. Mrs. Siebenhorn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bode, 820 Washington Street and is a young lady of charming personality, having a host of friends who joined in extending their best wishes. Mr. Siebenhorn by trade is a machinist, being employed by the Kahlenberg Bros. Of Two Rivers. After the ceremony the couple departed on their honeymoon trip stopping at Milwaukee, Chicago and other points of interest. Upon their return they will make their home at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily News The Reporter, Sat., July 20, 1912

CARL SIBENHORN (d. 1921) C.D. SIBENHORN DIES SUDDENLY AT TWO RIVERS Carl D. Sibenhorn died at his home at Two Rivers Friday afternoon following an illness of several months due to liver trouble. The end came peacefully and without warning. Mr. Sibenhorn having spoken to members of the family only a few minutes before and the (sic) apparently fallen asleep but the sleep proved that endless sleep which knows no awakening. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the home, the Rev. Haase officiating and burial will be made at the city cemetery. Carl D. Sibenhorn was born at Augburg, Bavaria, in 1859, and at the age of 26 came to America to make his home and seek his fortune. He was employed at Philadelphia for a year and there met and married Hattie Buchholz, the wife who with eight children survive him. In 1888 Mr. Sibenhorn came to Two Rivers to make his home and secured employent at the plant of the Hamilton Manufacturing company as a ?hilb?? ??????. He was an inventive genius and was responsible for many improvements and for new patents brought out by that company. Lately Mr. Sibenhorn has been employed by the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing company. Mr. Sibenhorn was of reti??? nature, a man who loved his home and made for himself a wide circle of friends. He took a keen interest in all civic affairs but was never active in politics and never ?????d public office. Three sons and five daughters, only one of whom remains at home, survive him besides the widow and there are also four grandsons and two granddaughters. The children are Carl, Jr., of Milwaukee, Daniel and Paul, of Two Rivers, Mrs. V.R. Beduhn, Mrs. E.M. Doprey, Mrs. A.N. Nischke, Two Rivers, Miss Cora, at home, and Mrs. W.R. Caldwell of Milan, Ill. Carl of Milwaukee and his sister, Mrs. Caldwell of Milan, Ill., have arrived at Two Rivers to attend the funeral of their father. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, November 19, 1921 P.5 ******** [Charles/bur. 1921/age 62 yrs.]]

CARL L. SIBENHORN (d. 1978) Carl Sibenhorn, 89, formerly if 2922 Memorial Dr., Two Rivers, died Friday morning in Lutheran Manor, Milwaukee, where he had resided the past nine years. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Monday in Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Richard Bidwell will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Sibenhorn was born Jan. 19, 1889, in Milwaukee, son of the late Carl and Hedwig Backus Sibernhorn. He moved with his family to Two Rivers as a child where he attended St. John Parochial School. He had been employed with Economy Lamp Company of Sturgeon Bay, Northern Gases of Manitowoc and also with The Metal Ware Corp. of Two Rivers for 15 years. His wife, the former Anne Bode, preceded him in death in 1967. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Sverre (Louise) Torseth of Milwaukee; a brother, Daniel of Two Rivers; four sisters, Mrs. Margaret Beduhn of Manitowoc and Mrs. Hattie Nischke, Mrs. Martha Boprey and Mrs. Louis (Cora) Dufano of Two Rivers; a granddaughter, (private) of Wauwatosa and two great grandchildren. Friends may call in Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday. Herald Times Reporter, Fri., 6 Oct. 1978, page 3 ********* Miss Anne Bode and Charles Siebenhorn were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. George Grethers of the Reformed church officiated at ceremonies. The wedding was a quiet affair, only intimate friends and relatives being present. Mrs. Siebenhorn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bode, 820 Washington Street and is a young lady of charming personality, having a host of friends who joined in extending their best wishes. Mr. Siebenhorn by trade is a machinist, being employed by the Kahlenberg Bros. Of Two Rivers. After the ceremony the couple departed on their honeymoon trip stopping at Milwaukee, Chicago and other points of interest. Upon their return they will make their home at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily News The Reporter, Sat., July 20, 1912

DANIEL SIBENHORN Daniel Sibenhorn, 82, of 1727 29th St., Two Rivers, died Friday evening, Dec. 30, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services were held 11:30 o'clock this Tuesday morning at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. David Scherbarth officiated and burial was in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Siebenhorn was born Nov. 22, 1901, at Two Rivers, son of the late Carl and Hedwig Backus Sibenhorn. He attended St. John Parochial School and was later employed at Mirro Aluminum Company as a Superintendent of the Tool and Die departments, retiring in 1966. He married Sadie Wilson, April 28, 1927, at Two Rivers. Mr. Sibenhorn was a member of the Silver K Club. Survivors include his wife, two daughters and sons-in-law, Diana and Hugo Drumm of Santa Ana, Calif.; and Joyce and Burlyn Stuewe of Manitowoc; two sisters and a brother-in-law, Mrs. Hattie Nischke and Cora and Louis Dufano of Two Rivers and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers and six sisters. Memorials may be made to St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, were in charge of funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, January 3, 1984 P. 3 ******** Sibenhorn-Wilson Miss Sadie Wilson became the bride of Daniel Sibenhorn of this city at the Evangelical Lutheran Church Thursday evening April 28. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by Rev. Haase in the presence of relatives and friends. Miss Wilson had as her matron of honor, Mrs. Paul Sibenhorn and her bridesmaid was Miss Stella Zentner of Merrill. Mr. Sibenhorn's attendants were Edward Lahey and Paul Sibenhorn. A dinner and informed reception followed at the Ed Bopry residence where covers were laid for seventy-five guests. Mr. and Mrs. Sibenhorn left Friday for a trip to Omaha, Neb., and after May 14 will be at home at 1606 Eighteenth St. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mrs. S.L. Wilson, mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Wilson, all of Eugene, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. arnette Ganz, Portland, Ore.; Miss Ida Wilson of Eugene, Ore., and Miss Stell Zentner of Merrill, Wis. Two Rivers Reporter-Chronicle - May 7, 1927 ********* [bur. 01-04-1984/age 82 yrs.] (22 Nov 1901/Dec 1983/SSDI)

ELSIE SIBENHORN Little Elsie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Siebenhorn Sr., died on Monday morning, aged seven.The cause of her death was enlargement of the brain following a case of measles. She was sick about ten days. The funeral occurred Wednesday from St. John's Lutheran church, Rev. Doehler officiating. The family has the sympathy of many friends. The Reporter, Sat., Apr. 18, 1914 ********* [bur. 1914/age 7 yrs.]

HEDWIG SIBENHORN Aged Resdient Dies Suddenly (photo) One of Two Rivers' oldest and best loved residents, Mrs. Hedwig (Grandma) Sibenhorn, died suddenly late Wednesday night at her home at 1509 10th street. Mrs. Sibenhorn, who was 88, had been in good health. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the St. John Lutheran church, Two Rivers, with Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Born in Berlin, Germany, in 1862, Mrs. Sibenhorn came to the United States with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bachus, when she was 16. She lived in New York for a short time before moving to Philadelphia, where she was married to the late Carl Sibenhorn 65 years ago. They moved to Two Rivers in 1893. Mr. Sibenhorn died in 1921. A member of the St. John congregation since coming to Two Rivers, Mrs. Sibenhorn had been active in the Ladies Aid society work for many years. Surviving are three sons, Carl of Sturgeon Bay and Daniel and Paul both of Two Rivers; five daughters, Mrs. Walter Beduhn, Mrs. Ed Hoprey, Mrs. Arthur Nischke, Mrs. William Caldwell and Mrs. Louis Dufano all of Two Rivers; 17 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Beduhn, Deja and Martin Inc., funeral home after 7 p.m. Thrusday. The casket will be moved to the church at 11 a.m. Saturday there to lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, October 12, 1950 P.22 ******** [bur. 10-14-1950/age 88 yrs.]

NORA SIBENHORN Nora Sibenhorn, age 96, formerly of 1520 26th St., Two Rivers, now residing at the Hamilton Memorial Home, died early Friday morning, June 27, 1997, at the home. Memorial Services will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 29, 1997, at Calvary Ev. Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Officiating at the service will be Rev. Robert Sullivan with burial in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. She was born December 22, 1900, in Two Rivers, daughter of the late George and Anna Wentorf Rudebeck. She attended schools in Two Rivers. On December 10, 1921, she was married to Paul Sibenhorn, in Milwaukee. He preceded her in death April 25, 1971, Nora was a charter member of Calvary Lutheran Church. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Donald and Audrey Sibenhorn, Menomonee Falls, Wis.; one daughter, Shirley Page, Salt Lake City, Utah and North Hero, Vt.; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; one sister-in-law, Cora Dufano, Two Rivers. There will be no visitation. Memorials may be made to Calvary Lutheran Chruch. Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, June 28, 1997 P. A2 ******** (22 Dec 1900/27 Jun 1997/SSDI) ******** Marriage of Paul Sibenhorn & Nora Rudebeck Paul J. Sibenhorn and Miss Nora C. Rudebeck plighted their troth on Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church, Milwaukee. The couple was attended by Miss Alice Skorch and John Mezera. Relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony and afterwards celebrated the event. The couple are popular in this city where they were born and reared. The groom is employed as a machinist in Plant 4 of the Aluminum Goods Co. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Anna Rudebeck. The Reporter, Thurs., Dec. 15, 1921

PAUL H. SIBENHORN (d. 1933) LOCAL YOUTH DIES AT HOME Small Son Was Ill For Only Few Hours Here Paul Howard, three years and 11 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sibenhorn, 1520 Twenty-sixth street, died suddenly at the home at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, having been seriously ill only a few hours. Little Paul Howard had been playing as usual about the home up to the noon hour, although he had complained of a sore throat at 3:30 o'clock in the morning, which necessitated a call from the family physician. Later in the afternoon the youngster became ill, as the streptococcic sore throat developed a bloodstream infection. This produced a condition causing a heart attack. The affliction is regarded by physicians as very rare. Funeral services will be held from the home at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, with the Rev. W. G. Haase, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The remains were taken to the home from the Beduhn & Goetz funeral home at two o'clock this afternoon. Besides the grieving parents he is survived by a sister, Shirley, seven years old. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 19, 1933 P. 11 ******** [bur. 1933/age 4 yrs.]

PAUL J. SIBENHORN (d. 1971) Paul J. Sibenhorn, 71, of 1520-26th St., Two Rivers, retired superintendent of Mirro Aluminum Co., Plant No. 4 and a leader in Elks activities, died at 10 a.m. Sunday at home. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, The Rev. Ralph Backman officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Sibenhorn was born Dec. 15, 1899, a son of the late Carl and Edwig Backus Sibenhorn. When he was a young man he began employment at the old Standard Aluminum Co., later Plant No. 4 of the Mirro firm. He learned the tool and die making trade there and later became superintendent of the plant, serving from 1945 until his retirement in 1966. He was a past exalted ruler of the Two Rivers Elks Lodge No. 1380 and had been its chaplain since. He was also a grand lodge officer. An early member of the former Meitersinger Guild Male Chorus, he was its president in the 1930s. He had been a longtime member of Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church. He married Nora Rudebeck at Milwaukee Dec. 10, 1921. She survives him with a daughter, a son, five sisters, Mrs. Margaret Beduhn, Mrs. Martha Boprey, Mrs. Arthur (Hattie) Nischke, Mrs. Anna Caldwell and Mrs. Louis (Cora) Dufano, of Two Rivers; two brothers, Carl, of Milwaukee and Daniel, of Two Rivers; and six grandchildren. (Survivors edited for privacy) Friends may call at Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Monday evening where Elks memorial services will be at 7 o'clock and the Lions Club service at 7:30 o'clock. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 26, 1971 ******* [bur. 04-27-1971/age 71 yrs.] (b. 15 Dec. 1899/SSDI) ******* Marriage of Paul Sibenhorn & Nora Rudebeck Paul J. Sibenhorn and Miss Nora C. Rudebeck plighted their troth on Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church, Milwaukee. The couple was attended by Miss Alice Skorch and John Mezera. Relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony and afterwards celebrated the event. The couple are popular in this city where they were born and reared. The groom is employed as a machinist in Plant 4 of the Aluminum Goods Co. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Anna Rudebeck. The Reporter, Thurs., Dec. 15, 1921

SADIE H. SIBENHORN Mrs. Sadie Sibenhorn, 79, of 1727-29th Street, Two Rivers, died Wednesday morning, October 31, at her residence. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church. Rev. David Scherbarth will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Sibenhorn was born May 6, 1905, at Sheridan, Nebraska, daughter of the late Samuel and Anna Maxwell Wilson. She married Daniel Sibenhorn on April 28, 1927, at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death on Dec. 30, 1983. Survivors include two daughters and sons-in-law, Diana and Hugo Drumm of Santa Anna, California, and Joyce and Burlyn Stuewe of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. Millie Barger and Mrs. Nina Gano of Eugene, Oregon, and Mrs. Oscar Stelzer of Salem, Oregon; and three grandchildren and a great grandchild. She was preceded in death by three brothers and a sister. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and after 9 a.m. on Saturday at the church. Memorials may be made to St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church. Herald Times Reporter, November 1, 1984 P. 3 ******** Sibenhorn-Wilson Miss Sadie Wilson became the bride of Daniel Sibenhorn of this city at the Evangelical Lutheran Church Thursday evening April 28. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by Rev. Haase in the presence of relatives and friends. Miss Wilson had as her matron of honor, Mrs. Paul Sibenhorn and her bridesmaid was Miss Stella Zentner of Merrill. Mr. Sibenhorn's attendants were Edward Lahey and Paul Sibenhorn. A dinner and informed reception followed at the Ed Bopry residence where covers were laid for seventy-five guests. Mr. and Mrs. Sibenhorn left Friday for a trip to Omaha, Neb., and after May 14 will be at home at 1606 Eighteenth St. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mrs. S.L. Wilson, mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Wilson, all of Eugene, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. arnette Ganz, Portland, Ore.; Miss Ida Wilson of Eugene, Ore., and Miss Stell Zentner of Merrill, Wis. Two Rivers Reporter-Chronicle - May 7, 1927 ********* [bur. 11-03-1984/age 79 yrs.] (06 May 1905/Oct 1984/SSDI)

SOPHIA SIBENHORN (d. 1894) (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 19 Mar.) Death of the 2-yr. old daughter of Charles Ziebenharn(sic), with burial Friday. Der Nord Westen, 22 Mar. 1894

CAROLINE SIMONIS Mrs. Otto N. Simonis, 64, of 2317 Washington street, Two Rivers died at Municipal hospital there at 4 a.m. today. She had been in failing health for the past year. Funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the St. John Lutheran church, Two Rivers, with the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Burial is to be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. Mrs. Simonis, nee Caroline Vertz, was born in the town of Gibson in 1885, daughter of the late Solomon and Minnie Luedtke Vertz. She was married in Two Rivers to Gilbert Ellingboe in 1907. He passed away in 1911. In 1923 she married Otto N. Simonis of Two Rivers. Mrs. Simonis is survived by her husband; a daughter, Miss Leone Ellingboe of Two Rivers; a step daughter, Mrs. C. A. Grant of Madison; a step son, Dr. W. O. Simonis of Two Rivers; three brothers, Walter of Two Rivers, and John and William, both of Mishicot, and nine grandchildren. She was an active member of the Ladies aId society of St. John parish. Friends may call at the Beduhn, Deja and Martin funeral home from 3 p.m. Sunday until 11 a.m. Monday when the body will be moved to the church to lie in state until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 3, 1950 P. 2 ******** Marriage of Otto/Caroline Simonis O.J.N. Simonis, shipping clerk at Aluminum Goods Plant No. 1, and Mrs. Caroline Ellingboe inform their friends that they were married on August 23 at Crown Point, Ind. Both are well known in this city, the news at this comparatively late date created quite a sensation among their friends with whom the Reporter joins in best wishes and congratulations. The Reporter, Fri., Oct. 12, 1923

LILLIAN M. SIMONIS Lillian M. Simonis, age 95, a resident of Wisteria Haus, 2741 45th St., Two Rivers, died early Tuesday morning, May 13, 2003 at her residence. Private family services will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2003 at the Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers. The Rev. Edward Stelter will officiate at the service, with burial to follow in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Lillian was born Jan. 16, 1908 in Iowa, to the late William and Clara Holste. On Aug. 29, 1930, she married Dr. Wesley Simonis at Mt. Prospect, Ill. He preceded her in death June 30, 1984. Lillian worked as a secretary for her husband at the Simonis Dental Office for many years. She was a member of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, and the Dorcas Society. She was also a longtime member of the Ladies Round Table. She enjoyed weaving, sewing and playing bridge with the Lady Elks. She is survived by five daughters and sons-in-law: Marlene (Jerry) Wendorf, Carmel, Ind.; Elaine (Paul) Verwey, Bonita Springs, Fla.; Eileen (Tom) Schuette Rider, Estero, Fla.; Dianne (Ray) Brown, Pittsford, N.Y.; and June (Jerry) Ertenberg, Hartford; one sister: Viola Seidel, Arlington Heights, Ill.; 15 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, is assisting the Simonis family with funeral arrangements. The family extends a special thank you to the entire staff of the Wisteria Haus for their loving care and kindness given to their mother in her final years. Herald Times Reporter, May 2003 *********** (16 Jan 1908/13 May 2003/SSDI)

OTTO J.N. SIMONIS Otto Simonis Dies Tuesday TWO RIVERS-Otto J. N. Simonis, 80, widely known retired foreman of the Shipping Department at Plant No. 1 of the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing Company here, and a member of one of Two Rivers' earliest families, died at 7;15 a.m. Tuesday at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Mr. Simonis was stricken with a heart condition two weeks ago and had been a patient at the hospital since. Funeral services will be held at the Beduhn, Deja & Martin Inc., Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thursday, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery. Mr. Simonis was born in Two Rivers in 1873, a son of the late Nicholas and Catherine Petri Simonis. He attended the local public schools and was graduated from Two Rivers High School with the class of 1891. That same year he entered the employ of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company and worked in the plant's type shop. In 1903 he took employment at the old Aluminum Manufacturing Company, predecessor of the Aluminum Manufacturing Company. He was a foreman in the plant's shipping department for nearly 30 years and retired in December, 1941. He was affiliated with the "25-Year Club" of the aluminum firm. Mr. SImonis was regarded as one of the outstanding growers of tulips in this area. In 1900 Mr. Simonis married the former Mary Landree in Two Rivers, who died in 1915. In 1923 he married Mrs. Caroline Vertz Ellingboe, who preceded him in death four years ago. Surviving Mr. Simonis are a daughter, Mrs. C. A. Grant of Madison; a son, Dr. Wesley O. Simonis, local dentist; stepdaughter, Miss Leona Ellingboe of Two Rivers; three sisters, Mrs. Frank Becker, Mr. W. G. Ahearn and Mrs. Peter Karl of Two Rivers; two brothers, Albert and Ernst Simonis of Milwaukee, nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home from 3 p.m. Wednesday until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 30, 1954 P. 17 ******* [Otto John Simonis] ******* Marriage of Otto/Caroline Simonis O.J.N. Simonis, shipping clerk at Aluminum Goods Plant No. 1, and Mrs. Caroline Ellingboe inform their friends that they were married on August 23 at Crown Point, Ind. Both are well known in this city, the news at this comparatively late date created quite a sensation among their friends with whom the Reporter joins in best wishes and congratulations. The Reporter, Fri., Oct. 12, 1923

WESLEY O. SIMONIS DDS Dr. Wesley O. Simonis, 82, of 3030 Adams St., Two Rivers, died Saturday evening, June 30, at North Ridge Health Care Center, Manitowoc. Private funeral services for the immediate family will be held and interment will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Dr. Simonis was born May 23, 1902, at Two Rivers, son of the late Otto and Mary Landree Simonis. He was a graduate of North Western University Dental School in 1926. He married the former Lillian Holste on August 29, 1930, at Mount Prospect, Illinois. Dr. Simonis practiced dentistry in the Chicago area and came to Two Rivers in January, 1933, where he practiced dentistry for 40 years. Dr. Simonis was a member of William J. Kahlenberg Lodge No. 220 F. and A.M. and he was also a member of the Two Rivers Elks Club. Survivors include his wife, Lillian; five daughters and sons-in-law, Marlene and Jerry Wendorf of Indianapolis, Indiana, Elaine and Paul Verwey of Miami, Florida, Eileen Schutte of Manitowoc, Dianne and Newman Brown of Pittsford, New York, and June and Jerome Ertenberg of Hartford, Wisconsin; 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister, Edna Grand and a step-sister, Leone Ulrich. There will be no visitation. Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, is in charge of funeral arrangements. Memorials may be made to the cancer fund or Shriners Hospital. Herald Times Reporter, July 2, 1984 P. 3 ******** [cremated 07-03-1984/age 82 yrs.] (23 May 1902/Jun 1984/SSDI)

ETHEL SIMONS Ethel M. Simons, age 90, a resident of Northridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center, Manitowoc, died Thursday afternoon, January 22, 1998, at the center. Funeral Services will be at 7 p.m. Monday, January 26, 1998, at the Klein & Stangel Funeral Home, Two Rivers. Rev. Roberta Thomson will officiate at the service. Ethel was born May 25, 1907, in Two Rivers, daughter of the late Arthur and Lillian Peterke Krueger. She was a graduate of Washington High School. On February 7, 1931, she married Harold C. Simons in Waukegan, Ill. He preceded her in death in 1970. Survivors include two sons and one daughter-in-law, Donald and Dorothy Simons, Oshkosh, Neil Simons, Manawa; one daughter and son-in-law, Jan and Wayne Smith, Waupaca; one sister, Mrs. Anton (Janet) Stehula, Manitowoc; 10 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Friends may call Monday evening at Klein & Stangel Funeral Home from 6 p.m. until the time of service at 7 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, Janaury 24, 1998 P. 2 ******* (25 May 1907/22 Jan 1998/SSDI)

HAROLD C. SIMONS DEATHS Harold Simons, 62, Ogdensburg Appleton Post Crescent, Fri., Dec. 18, 1970 page 19 ******* (25 Dec 1907/Dec 1970/SSDI)

ARTHUR J. SINCOULAR Arthur J. Sincoular Sr., 64, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, a retired Plant No. 1, Mirro Aluminum Co. employe and an overseas veteran of World War II, died early Wednesday morning at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at Klein and Stangel, Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. Herbert Kesting, pastor of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot, officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Sincoular was born Dec. 31, 1905, at Mishicot, a son of the late Phillip and Louisa Schwartz Sincoular. He served from 1942 to 1945 in World War II with the 462nd Medical Collection Co., U.S. Army, as a driver in the European Theater of Operations. He retired in April of 1969 after more than 40 years with Mirro Aluminum Co. Survivors include two daughters, a son, a sister, Mrs. Erwin Eggert of Shoto, and a brother, Oscar Sincoular of Two Rivers. (Survivors edited for privacy) Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Thursday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. February 18, 1970

ESTHER SINCOULAR MISS SINCOULAR, MAPLE CREST PATIENT, DIES TWO RIVERS, Dec. 17-Miss Esther Sincoular, who was a patient at the Maple Crest Sanitarium at Whitelaw, for the past few weeks, died there last night. She had been in ill health for the past six months. Deceased is survived by her parents and also two brothers and one sister. Funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed. Manitowoc Herald News, December 17, 1923 P. 14 ********* Death removed a young lady in the flower of young womanhood, when Sunday evening, Miss Esther Sincoular passed away at Whitelaw Sanitarium. Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sincoular of this city where she was born January 29, 1901. After residing here for several months she moved with her parents to Mishicot where she resided up to two years ago. Miss Sincoular was greatly beloved by her family and many friends. She was a graduate of the Manitowoc County Training School. For a year she was teacher of the Jambo Creek district school and her death is sadly mourned by all who knew her in that vicinity. A year ago her health failed and she was forced to give up teaching. For the past three months she has been an inmate at Maple Crest Sanitarium. The funeral was held from St. John's Lutheran Church Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. The Reporter, Fri., Dec. 21, 1923

FLORENCE SINCOULAR Florence R. Sincoular, age 99, a lifetime resident of Two Rivers, died Friday evening, Jan. 5, 2007, at the Wisteria Haus in Two Rivers. Florence was born on June 25, 1907, in Two Rivers, a daughter of the late Mathias and Anna Schrimpf Haag, and attended local schools. On Aug. 29, 1925, she married Oscar L. Sincoular, and he preceded her in death on Sept. 11, 1989. Florence was a longtime member of Grace Congregational United Church of Christ and the Two Rivers Senior Center. She was a great cook and baker, and enjoyed sewing, knitting, and time spent with her family. She is survived by her three daughters: Shirley Suettinger and Ann Suettinger, both of Two Rivers, Audrey (Donald) Wilker, Fox River Grove, Ill.; one son, Donald (Joyce) Sincoular, Green Bay; thirteen grandchildren, 29 great-grand- children, and three great-great-grandchildren. She is further survived by one sister, Carol Boeder, Manitowoc; one sister-in-law, Florence Eggert, Two Rivers, and several nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by three sons-in-law, one brother and one sister. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday (TODAY), Jan. 7, 2007, at Grace Congregational United Church of Christ, 2801 Garfield St., Two Rivers. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Kim Henning. The family will greet relatives and friends at Grace Congregational Church, after 1 p.m. (TODAY) until the time of service at 2:00 p.m. Memorials may be made to Grace Congregational Church or the Two Rivers Senior Center. Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, 1506 18th St., Two Rivers, is assisting the Sincoular family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, Jan. 7, 2007

LOUISE SINCOULAR OLD RESIDENT DIES AT HOME Mrs. Louisa (sic) Sincoular To Be Buried Monday Suffering with heart trouble for several weeks, Mrs. Louisa Sincoular, 60, a life long resident of the county, died at her home at 2320 Forest avenue at two o'clock this morning. Funeral services will be held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Beduhn and Goetz chapel and at two o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church. The Rev. W.G. Haase will officiate. Mrs. Sincoular, nee Louisa Schwartz, was born in the town of Two Rivers October 6, 1872, where she made her home until early womanhood. On August 9, 1898 she was married to Philip Sincoular and the couple took up their residnece in the town of Mishicot. Thirteen years ago they came to this city from Mishicot, where her husband died on June 19, 1926. Mrs. Sincoular is survived by a daughter, Florence, and two sons, Oscar and Arthur Sincoular, all of this city. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Charles Hindt of this city, Mrs. Henry Menges of the town of Two Rivers nd Mrs. Charles Wacholz of Santa Clara, California and a brother, Henry Schwartz of Minneapolis, Minn. There are also five grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, February 24, 1933 P.13

OSCAR SINCOULAR Oscar L. Sincoular, 86, of 1904 Garfield Street, Two Rivers, died Monday evening, September 11, 1989 at the Hamilton Memorial Home, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be 2 pm Wednesday at Grace Congregational Church, Two Rivers. Rev. Kim Henning will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Sincoular was born August 30, 1903 at Mishicot, son of the late Phillip and Louise Schwarz Sincoular. He attended Mishicot Public School and Washington High School, Two Rivers. He married Florence Haag on August 29, 1925. Mr. Sincoular was employed at Paragon Electric Co., as a Press Operator, retiring in 1968. Survivors include his wife, Florence; a son, Donald of Green Bay; three daughters, Mrs. Shirley Suettinger and Mrs. John (Ann) Suettinger of Two Rivers and Mrs. Audrey Wilker of Sandwich, Illinois; a sister, Mrs. Florence Eggert of Two Rivers; 13 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Friends may call at Grace Congregational Church from 12 noon Wednesday to the time of services. There will be no visitation at Deja and Martin Funeral chapel, Two Rivers. Memorials would be appreciated to Grace Congregational Church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tues., Sept. 12, 1989 page B6

PHILIP SINCOULAR Death Ends Long Illness Ill for more than three years death came as a release from suffering for Philip Sincoular who died at the family home, 2320 Monroe Avenue, this morning. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial will be at Pioneer's Rest. Deceased was born at Two Creek March 6, 1871 and was married August, 1898, to Louise Schwartz who with three children, Florence, Oscar and Arthur, all of this city, survive him. Two brothers, Frank of this city and Edward of the town of Mishicot and two sisters, Mrs. F. Bartels of Two Creeks and Mrs. August Benegar of Port Washington, also survive him. The Sincoular family came to this city about six years ago and Mr. Sincoular was employed at the Aluminum Goods plant. The funeral will be under the auspices of the Woodmen of which he was a member. Manitowoc Herald News, June 28, 1926 P. 5

FRANCIS SINGER Death Sat. in Two Rivers of Mrs. Frances Singer, wife of Jacob Singer. The deceased was born in Town Kossuth 38 yrs. ago and married Mr. Singer 20 yrs. ago. In addition to her husband, she leaves 8 children. A heart attack caused her early death. The funeral was held Tues. afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 27 Aug. 1903 ********** Mrs. Jacob Singer of Two Rivers died Saturday of blood poisoning, leaving a husband and seven children to mourn her loss. The family formerly resided at Manitowoc, Mrs. Singer being a sister of Albert Worel. The funeral took place Monday at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Pilot, August 27, 1903

JOHN SLAVIK John Slavik, a Two Rivers man, aged 23, has made application in county court for admission to the new county sanitorium, Maple Crest at Whitelaw. Slavik is married. Manitowoc Daily Herald, February 21, 1913 P.3 ******* Two Rivers news: John Slavoik (sic) aged 25, died last Thursday at the county sanitorium at Whitelaw. He was afflicted with tuberculosis for many months and went to the sanitorium for relief. He was the first patient at the new sanitorium. The deceased was a resident of this city for the past five years, having moved here from Forestville. He is survived by a wife and two children. The funeral took place on Sunday, Rev. Morris Officiating. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, March 27, 1913 P. 8 ******* (From 1910 Two Rivers census: John Slavik age 22; wife Mary age 17) ******* JOINED IN MATRIMONIAL BLISS Mayme Gauthier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gauthier of the Eastside, was united in marriage to John Slavik last Tuesday. Justice Jos. F. Schroeder tied the nuptial knot. The young couple went on a short wedding trip. The Reporter, Tues., Apr. 5, 1910 ******** (Note: John died in 1913, Mayme is mentioned in the obituary of a brother Lawrence Gauthier (d.1980 Holy Cross cem. Two Rivers) as Mayme Slavik in Sturgeon Bay and in the obituary of another brother Eli Gauther (d.1960 Holy Cross cem. Two Rivers as Mrs. Vincent Slavik of Sturgeon Bay.)

JAMES W. SMEJKAL James W. Smejkal, 89, a resident of Hamilton Memorial Home, Two Rivers, died Tuesday afternoon, October 4, 1988, at Hamilton Memorial Home. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Grace Congregational Church, Two Rivers. Rev. Kim Henning will officiate with burial at Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Mr. Smejkal was born July 13, 1899, at Manitowoc, son of the late Frank and Mary Koutnik Smejkal. He married the former Lucy Boretsky on August 10, 1920, in Two Rivers. Mr. Smejkal owned and operated his own plumbing business in Two Rivers for 25 years, retiring in 1968. He was past master of William J. Kahlenberg Lodge Number 200 F&AM, past commander of Manitowoc Chapter Number 45 Commandrie, Past High Priest of Manitowoc Barney G. Lyman Chapter R&AM, Thrice Past Patron of Two Rivers Eastern Star, life member of Tripoli Shrine Temple, Thrice Illustrious Master of the Manitowoc Number 18 Council, Holder of the Knights York Cross of Honor and for many years was active in square dance calling and teaching. Survivors include his wife, Lucy; a son and daughter-in-law, James and Mary Helen Smejkal of Green Bay; a daughter and son-in-law Jeanette and Michael Morris of Two Rivers; four sisters and two brothers-in-law, Jessie Heise of Tarpon Springs, Florida, Violet and Norman Tegan of Iowa, Emma Dethlefsen of Manitowoc and Irene and Clarence Karbon of Nebraska; five grandchildren and ten great grandchildren also survive. He was preceded in death by a brother, Frank. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. this Wednesday. Masonic Service will be held at 7 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, October 5, 1988 ******* (James W Smejkal/13 Jul 1899/04 Oct 1988/SSDI)

LUCY SMEJKAL Lucy M. Smejkal, 89, a former resident of Village Green East, Two Rivers, died Thursday evening, July 27, 1989 at Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10:30 am Monday at Grace Congregational Church, Two Rivers. Rev. Kim Henning will officiate and burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Smejkal was born September 29, 1899 at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Anton and Antonia Hlavachek Boretsky. She married James W. Smejkal on August 10, 1920 at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death in 1988. Mrs. Smejkal was a past Matron of the Order of Eastern Star, Two Rivers. She was also a member of Grace Congregational Church, Two Rivers. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Jeanette and Michael Morris of Two Rivers; a son and daughter-in-law, James and Mary Helen Smejkal of Green Bay; a brother and sister-in-law, Benjamin and Frances Boretsky of Milwaukee; five grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, 5 pm to 8 pm Sunday and from 9:30 am to the time of services on Monday at the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri., July 28, 1989 page B9 ******** (Lucy Smejkal/29 Sep 1899/27 Jul 1989/SSDI)

ANDREW SMITH Andrew Smith, 84, Two Rivers hardware merchant for 24 years, died early today at the Two Rivers Municipal hospital, where he had been a patient three weeks. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Beduhn funeral home, Two Rivers, in charge of the Odd Fellows lodge. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest cemetery there. Mr. Smith was born on a farm in Mishicot in 1860 and in 1886 left for Milwaukee to be employed by the E. P. Allis company. He returned to Two Rivers in 1891 and married Miss Lionee Henry and they located in Milwaukee. In 1901 he returned to form a partnership in the Smith and Selk hardware firm on 19th street in Two Rivers. Two years later, Mr. Smith bought the interest of his partner and continued to operate the business alone until 1925 when he disposed of it and retired. Mrs. Smith died March 3, 1932. Joining the Odd Fellows lodge 40 years ago Mr. Smith was named treasurer a year later and served in that capacity for many years. Two sisters and a brother preceded him in death and he is survived by two daughters, Katherine and Edna Smith, both of Two Rivers. The body may be viewed at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 14, 1945 P. 2

ANNA SMITH Mrs. Fred Smith, 71, of 1319 16th street, Two Rivers, died Thursday night at the Two Rivers Municipal hospital. She had been in failing health since last November. Funeral services will be held in the chapel of the Beduhn, Deja & Martin funeral home, Two Rivers, at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon, the Rev. W. G. Haase, pastor of St. John Lutheran church, Two Rivers, officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. Mrs. Smith, nee Anna Wolff, was born in Milwaukee in 1879. She resided in that city until 1915 when she came to Two Rivers. A year later she was married to Henry Nischke of Algoma. After his death in Algoma she married William Benthein of Two Rivers two years later. He passed away in 1920. In 1925 she was married to Fred Smith in Two Rivers. Besides her husband she leaves a sister, Mrs. Agnes Williamson of Amber, Wis., and two brothers, Charles and Otto Wolff, both of Wausaukee, Wis. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 o’clock Friday night. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 15, 1950 P. 2 ******** Notes from Two Rivers: The marriage of Mr. Fred Smith and Mrs. Anna Benthien, took place in Milwaukee on Saturday. The couple returned to this city to make their home Monday night. Mr. Smith has for many years held an important position in the Hamilton plant. The couple has a large circle of friends who extend congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Mar. 10, 1927

BRADFORD SMITH Death of Bradford Smith on Thursday evening in the arms of his partner during a waltz. He was the son of H.H. Smith of Two Rivers and was foreman in the Two Rivers factory. He leaves a wife with 2 children. Der Nord Westen, 10 Feb. 1876

DIANTHA HAILE SMITH In Two Rivers, on the 23d inst., after a lingering illness of seven years. Mrs. Diantha, wife of H.H.Smith, aged sixty-three years. Naturally of a kind and amiable disposition, she won the affection of all who knew her. Her funeral was largely attended by her many friends, amongst whom she had lived for the last twenty years, who came to pay their last tribute of respect to one who was ever kind and faithful. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, June 29, 1866 P. 4 ******** *Note: The following is her daughter's obituary: Mrs. L.A. Clark, oldest daughter of the late Deacon H.H. Smith, one of the first settlers of Two Rivers, died at the home of her son in Chicago last Saturday. Her surviving sister, Mrs. Diantha Hamilton, the mother of J.E. and H.P. Hamilton of this city was with her at the time of her death. J.E. Hamilton and wife and H.P. Hamilton went to Chicago yesterday morning to be present at the funeral. Mrs. Clark was for many years a resident of this city but about 17 years ago went to Chicago to live with her sons who were in business in that city. Manitowoc County Chronicle - June 9, 1896 ******** (1870 Two Rivers Census: Laura Clark, age 48-Oscar, age 18-Frank, age 13-Walter, age 9)

EDNA A. SMITH (d. 1978) Miss Edna Smith, 89, of 1519 27th St., Two Rivers, died early Tuesday morning in Hamilton Memorial Home, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be 1:30 pm Thursday in Grace Congregational United Church of Christ, Two Rivers. The Rev. David Hansen will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Miss Smith was born June 6, 1889 in Two Riers, daughter of the late John and Mathilda Bohm Smith. She attended Two Rivers public schools and the Library School in Madison. Miss Smith was associated with Two Rivers Public School System for 35 years, retiring in 1954. She was a 60 year member of Order of Eastern Star of which she was past worthy matron and also a member of White Shrine. Surviving is a brother, Frank of Two Rivers. Friends may call in Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, 6 pm to 9 pm Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1978 page 3 ******** (06 Jun 1889/Jul 1978/SSDI)

EDNA MARGARET SMITH (d. 1991) Miss Edna M. Smith, 90, of 1702-29th Street, Two Rivers, died Monday morning at her residence. No funeral services will be held, but burial will be in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Miss Smith was born in Milwaukee on December 25, 1900, daughter of the late Andrew and Lionne Henry Smith. The family moved to Two Rivers when she was a child. She attended Two Rivers Schools and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She was employed in Chicago for many years before retiring to Two Rivers to make her home with her sister, Katherine, who died in 1984. She was a member of the Two Rivers Historical Society. Survivors are distant cousins. Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels are in charge of funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, February 11, 1991 P. B8 ******** (25 Dec 1900/09 Feb 1991/SSDI)

EDWARD HAILE SMITH Workman Unearth Remains of Cholera Victim Here A view of men engaged in construction work, while excavating, unearthed the skeleton of a man in a rough box, on Monday at the Hamilton plant. Old settlers believe the remains to be those of one of the many victims of cholera which was prevalent in Two Rivers in the early days. During the epidemic several bodies were buried in the section of the city where the skeleton was unearthed. When Two Rivers was young, it had a disastrous experience with cholera. The summer of 1850 is said to have been hot and one morning in August of that year an excited Indian came hurrying into town as excited as stoical Indians ever get with the news that the night previous a dozen Indians had died in their camps along the beach north of here. Cholera had appeared the year previous in New Orleans and was then in Chicago and Milwaukee but no cased has been here. Someone jumped to the conclusion that the Indians had cholera. This news spread quickly through the little sawmill settlement which Two Rivers then was and caused a cessation of work at once. Investigation proved it was cholera with which the Indians were suffering and the next day more of them died. These Indians had been having a celebration and had been in town in unusually large numbers for several days before the disease broke out among them. Soon several cases appeared among the white people in two Rivers and this made the panic among the few hundred inhabitants complete. There were no doctors here and the community looked to Deacon Smith for guidance in the calamity that was threatening. the Deacon had a few years previous to this taken over the sawmill which he was then operating and this was the only good sized industry here. The Deacon was a man of great versatility and his rudimentary knowledge of medicine enabled him to greatly assist in aiding the suffering. He took personal charge of the situation, laboring among the people until finally he took down himself with the disease but recovered quickly. He lost one son in the epidemic. Inn all, more than fifty people died out of a population of three hundred. Many took fright and those who insisted in going, the Deacon supplied with funds. By steamboat was the only way to travel then and to the pier the frightened ones went. The boat's arrival was delayed for a day and so anxious were some that they would not leave the pier. Most of those ho left here went only as far as Sheboygan. By September the epidemic had ceased and after that no more cases occurred but Two Rivers had received a serious blow from which it suffered for several years. Two Rivers Reporter - Fri., Apr. 8, 1927

FRED SMITH Fred (Smitty) Smith, 82, long-time Two Rivers resident and the oldest retired employe of the Hamilton Mfg. Co., Two Rivers, died Friday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. He had been a resident of Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc, a number of years. Masonic funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, under the auspices of the Two Rivers Lodge No. 200, F. & A.M. with which Mr. Smith had been affiliated for more than 56 years. The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. R. J. Wichlei while the Masonic rites at the funeral home and at the graveside at Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers, will be directed by Heber Clayton, past master of the Masonic lodge. Fred Smith was born in Two Rivers April 15, 1875, son of the late John and Tiena Berger Smith. He entered the employ of the Hamilton Mfg. Co. as a boy and retired when he was 75 with 62 years of service with the company. In his earlier years he was one of the city’s boating enthusiasts, owning the pleasure launch Alma which named for his first cousin, Mrs. George (Alma) Berger), ___ of Two Rivers. He was a member of the Hamilton 30-Year-Club and the Hamilton Goodfellowship Club. In 1925, Mr. Smith married the former Anna Benthien in Two Rivers. She died in 1950. Survivors are a half-sister, Mrs. Ellen Friedrich, of Sheboygan and six cousins. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 8, 1958 P. 9 ********* Notes from Two Rivers: The marriage of Mr. Fred Smith and Mrs. Anna Benthien, took place in Milwaukee on Saturday. The couple returned to this city to make their home Monday night. Mr. Smith has for many years held an important position in the Hamilton plant. The couple has a large circle of friends who extend congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Mar. 10, 1927

JOHN SMITH JOHN SMITH DIES SUDDENLY THIS MORNING With Hamilton Company Forty-three Years-Death a Shock to Community John Smith, an employe of the Hamilton Manufacturing company for forty-three years and known to all the residents of the city, died suddenly at 10 o'clock this morning at the family home, his demise being due to a complication of troubles. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon from the home and will be in charge of the Masonic order of which he was a member. Burial will be at Pioneers Rest. Born in this city sixty-two years ago, John Smith received his early education in the public schools, grew to manhood and married Tillie Bonn and continued to make his home here. He became identified with the Hamilton company forty-three years ago, at the age of nineteen and has for many years been foreman of the shipping department. He is rated at the oldest empoye of the concern. Surviving are the widow and three children, Rena of Oak Park, Ill., Edna at home, and Frank of Milwaukee. Two brothers, Andrew of DePere and Michael of this city, and a sister, Mrs. Jacob Gelber, of this city, also survive him. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, July 9, 1927 P.12

Summoned to that unknown realm from whose bourne no traveler returns, John Smith was laid to rest Monday afternoon by his Masonic brethren with whom he had been affiliated for nearly thirty years and with a beautiful ritual and farewell tribute to mark the burial of all that was earthly of an exemplary and useful citizen, husband and father, he now sleeps in the city of the dead, his grave heaped with floral tributes of esteem and love.
Mr. Smith passed away at his home on Twenty-Seventh Street, Saturday morning at 10:30 after four weeks' illness. He was a resident of this city all his life, having been born here on March 5, 1865. After an education in the city schools, he took a position with J.E. Hamilton at the age of nineteen when the great wood type and printer's wood goods industry was in its infancy. This was 43 years ago and he has been continuously identified with that business, helping by careful and conscientious service to develop it, having charge of the shipping department. 
Deceased was affiliated with the Elks, Modern Woodmen, the Masonic fraternity and Grace Congregational Brotherhood. He was in good health and active as ever in his position when stricken with the illness which claimed his life. He is survived by his widow to whom he was married 39 years ago and who was Miss Matilda Bohn before her marriage. Two daughters, Miss Edna Smith of Two Rivers and Miss Rena Smith, Illinois and one son, Frank Smith of Milwaukee also survive.  He also leaves two brothers, Michael of Two Rivers and Andrew of Manitowoc and one sister, Mrs. J.A. Geimer of this city who is critically ill at her home.
Two Rivers Reporter Chronicle - July 14, 1927     

KATHERINE LIONNE SMITH Katherine Smith, 90, of 1702 29th Street, Two Rivers, died Thursday evening, May 24, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Tuesday at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels. The Rev. Daniel Wright will officiate. Katherine Smith was born September 14, 1893, at Milwaukee, daughter of the late Andrew and Lionne Henry Smith. As a child she moved to Two Rivers, attending Two Rivers Public Schools and graduating from Two Rivers High School. She was also a graduate of the Wisconsin Library School in Madison. She was employed as a libarian(sic) at Viroqua, Wisconsin and South Milwaukee. She also substituted as a libarian(sic) at Joseph Mann Library in Two Rivers. Survivors include a sister, Miss Edna Smith of Two Rivers. There will be no visitation at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers. Herald Times Reporter, May 25, 1984 P. 3 ******* (14 Sep 1893/May 1984/SSDI)

LETITIA SMITH Mrs. Losetta (sic) Smith, 56, former Two Rivers resident, died at the home of her son, Pvt. Ray in Lansing, Ill. The body is being brought to Two Rivers for burial with funeral services at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest cemetery. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from Sunday afternoon until time of services. Born Letitia Palmer in Montana in 1889, Mrs. Smith was the daughter of Thomas and Minnie Kalbus Palmer. When five years of age she moved with her family to Two Rivers where her father was the telegraph agent at the North Western station. She was married to Ray Smith in 1907 and lived there until moving to Chicago in 1915, where she resided until five years ago when she went to live with her son in Lansing. Surviving is her son, one brother, Charles Palmer of Fargo, N.D. and one sister, Mrs. Henry Koch, of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald Times, November 10, 1945 P. 2 ******** Marriage of Ray/Letitia Smith Miss Letitia Palmer and Mr. Ray Smith, two well known young people of this city were married at Manitowoc on Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22nd by Rev. O.C. Johnson. The wedding was a quiet affair and it was not generally known here until several days later. Their many friends unite in wishing them a long and happy life. The Chronicle, Tues., Mar. 10, 1908 ******** (Ray is not in the cemetery)

LIONNE HENRY SMITH MRS. ANDREW SMITH DIES AT HOME SATURDAY Mrs. Lionne Smith, 70, wife of Andrew Smith, retired hardware merchant of the city, died Saturday night at the home, Nineteenth and Jefferson Streets. She has been ill of complications for the year past. Burial will take place Tuesday afternoon at two from the home in charge of Rev. Hawkes, with interment at Pioneer Rest. Mrs. Smith, the daughter of the late Captain and Mrs. William Smith(sic), the father a civil war veteran and prominent contractor in the city's early history, was born in Two Rivers, February 4, 1862. On November 26, 1893, she was married to Andrew Smith, who survives her. After their marriage the couple moved to Chicago where they remained for only a short time. Besides her husband, Mrs. Smith is survived by two daughters, Katherine at home and Edna Smith, an instructor in the public schools in Chicago. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Sarah Krause, who also resides at the Smith home. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, Mar. 7, 1932 page 9 ******** (Note: Her name on the stone is Lionne Henry Smith.)

MARY SMITH (d. 1874) The funeral of Mrs. H.H. Smith, which took place last Sunday at 2 p.m. from the residence of the afflicted husband, on Smith avenue, attracted to our village the largest concourse of people we ever saw gathered on any one occasion. The coffin, a hansome (sic) rosewood, silver-mounted, metallic case, was elaborately and most beautifully trimmed with flowers. Owing to the rapid and advanced state of decomposition, their lid was fastened down early Saturday evening, and consequently there was no opportunity for the many friends to take a last look at the familiar features of the sleeping dead. To those, the impressions of those features as beheld in life will be cherished by memory with no painful distortments of death and decay. The Rev. Mr. Stevens of Manitowoc, one of the officiating clergymen, arrived at a little after 2 o'clock p.m. and a selection hastily made by the choir of the "Deacon's church" as it is called, entitled "Sorrowful Mourner," was effectively rendered. It was a beautiful piece, selected from the "Coronation," and if we are to believe those who were in position to hear and are supposed to be competent judges, in singing this and other pieces, particularly "Sweet By and By," at the grave, the choir did themselves considerable credit. In this opinion, so far as regards all the parts except bass, we decidedly concur. Rev. Mr. Stevens and Mr. Herb, pastor of the Evangelical church, Two Rivers, made short, impressive addresses at the Lutheran church, Two Rivers, at the grave. Mr. Stevens' remarks, a finished specimen of pulpit oratory, were listened to with unflagging interest and attention throughout, and are universally commended by all who heard them, so far as we have learned. The other two addressed the gatherings in German. So far as our observation permitted us to judge by the attention shown by those who understood them, these reverend gentlemen, our own citizens, acquitted themselves well. Some idea may be formed of the number in attendance, from the fact that there were eighty carriages filled to overflowing and both sides of the street filled with pedestrians. Among those from Manitowoc, we noticed Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. George S. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Plait and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fellows, Mr. and Mrs. Windiate, Hon. Jos. Vilas, Hon. A. D. Jones, C.C. Barnes and Chas A. Luhog. Some of those are among the oldest settlers of Manitowoc county, and it must have done our old friend's soul good to meet so many pioneers who had come to sympathize with a fellow pioneer in this, his hour of deep affliction.-Chronicle. Manitowoc Pilot, August 13, 1874 P. 1 ******** SMITH: Hezekiah Huntington b: 2 Dec. 1798 at Windham, Conn. d. 9 Mar. 1886, at Grand Rapids, MI p: Minor and Submit (Huntington) Smith m: Diantha Haile of Gouverneur, New York. Mother of all his children (d. 1866) children: Five, including Mrs. Diantha Hamilton (Two Rivers) 2nd Marriage: Mary Hendrickson (d. 1874) 3rd Marriage: Rachel Wright (d. 1911) m: 21 Jan. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.90)

MATHILDA SMITH MRS. J. SMITH, CLUBWOMAN, IS DEAD, AGED 66 Daughter of First Hotelman In Two Rivers Dies Tuesday, Ill Six Weeks Mrs. John Smith, 66, prominent clubwoman and daughter of the late John Bohn, operator of the city’s first hotel, the Lake House, died at her home at 1519 27th street at 9130 Tuesday night. She had been seriously ill for the last six weeks and had been in ill health for several months. The body is at the Beduhn & Goetz funeral home and may be viewed from 7 to 9 o’clock tonight and from 10 o’clock tomorrow morning until the hour of the funeral. Services will be conducted Thursday at 2:15 p.m. at the funeral home by the Rev. T. A. Hawkes, pastor of Grace Congregational church. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest. Mrs. Smith, nee Mathilda Bohn, daughter of the late John and Mathilda Bohn was born in the Lake House in Two Rivers on November 2, 1869. She spent her entire life in Two Rivers. On Aug. 6, 1888, she was married to John Smith, a pioneer of the city and prominent in fraternal and club circles, who preceded her in death eight years. He was a veteran employe of the Hamilton Manufacturing company and served as shipping clerk for many years. For many years Mrs. Smith was affiliated with the Order of Eastern Star, Ladies Aid of Grace church, the Elks auxillary, and the Gemuetlich club. Mrs. Smith is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edna, textbook librarian at Washington high school, and Miss Rena, an instructor in the public schools in Oak Park, Ill., and a son, Frank Smith, representative of a Milwaukee paper company, and two brothers, John L. Bohn, Milwaukee alderman, and Charles C. Bohn of Casper, Wyoming. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 8, 1935 P. 9

RENA O. SMITH Miss Rena Smith, 76, of 1519 27th St., Two Rivers, a retired longtime Oak Park, Ill. Public school teacher, died at the home Friday morning. She had been in failing health for several months. Funeral services will be at 2 pm Monday at Deja and Martin Funeral chapels, Two Rivers, the Rev. Reed Forbush of Sheboygan officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Miss Smith was born March 26, 1894 at Two Rivers, a daughter of the late John and Mathilda Bohn Smith. A niece of a late Milwaukee mayor, John L. Bohn, she attended Two Rivers public schools and was graduated from Two Rivers High School with the class of 1912. For 40 years she taught in the Oak Park public school system under the late Supt. W. J. Hamilton, a former Two Rivers man. She retired to Two Rivers 10 years ago. She was a member of Two Rivers Chapter N. 129, Order of Eastern Star. She was also a member of Grace Congregation United Church of Christ. Survivors include a sister, Miss Edna A. Smith, with whom she resided; and a brother, Frank M. Smith of Milwaukee. Friends may call at the funeral chapels from 6 pm to 9 pm Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri., July 31, 1970 page M18 ******** (26 Mar. 1894/15 July 1970/SSDI)

ROBERT L. SMITH Robert L. Smith, age 64, of 1704 24th St. Two Rivers, died Saturday morning, March 6, 1993, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 1993, at the Grace Congregational United Church of Christ. The Rev. Kim Henning officiating, with burial in the Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. He was born December 15, 1928, in Dunn County, Wis., son of Alice King Smith and the late Floyd Smith. He attended Dunn County Schools, Dunn County School of Agriculture and the Commercial Trades Institute of Evanston, IL. On October 9, 1948, he was married to Barbara Winn, at Menominee, Mich. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy above the Aircraft Carrie USS Philippean Sea, and was aboard the Carrier during Admiral Richard Byrds expedition to Antartica in 1947. He had been employed at the Two Rivers Auto Service, and more recently Mirro Aluminum Co. Survivors include his wife; two sons and daughter-in-law, Dale and Pat Smith, Two Rivers, Scott Smith, Milwaukee; two daughters and sons-in-law, Christine and Frank Bauknecht, Two Rivers, Marcia and Ron Bergene, Manitowoc; his mother, Mrs. Alice Smith, Menomonie, Wis.; two brothers and one sister-in-law, Howard and Marge Smith and Frank Smith, Menomonie, Wis.; a sister and brother-in-law, Linda and John Sheehan, Montgomery, Minn.; a sister-in-law, Yvonne Smith, Medford, Wis.; a sister- in-law and brother-in-law, Betty and Harold Evard Columbus, Ohio; three grandsons, Kim and Chad Bauknecht and Mathew Smith, all of Two Rivers; four granddaughters, Nicole Bauknecht and Andra Smith, both of Two Rivers, Amanda and Danielle Bergene, all of Manitowoc; 13 nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father; a brother, Neil Smith; one niece and two nephews. Friends may call at the Grace Congregational United Church of Christ after 9 a.m. on Tuesday until the time of services. The Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, are assisting the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, March 8, 1993 P. A2

VIVIAN H. SNYDER Vivian H. Snyder, age 85, a resident of North Ridge Medical & Rehabilitation Center, Manitowoc, and a former Two Rivers resident, died Thursday morning, Sept. 20, 2001 at North Ridge. In accordance with Vivian's wishes her cremated remains were interred at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers, following a private graveside service. Vivian was born Jan. 2, 1916, in Two Rivers, the daughter of the late Walter and Sophie Konieczka Gauthier. On March 15, 1947 she married Donald I. Snyder and he preceded her in death on March 16, 1974. She was employed at Illinois Bell telephone Co. for many years, prior to her retirement. Vivian had no immediate survivors other than cousins, including Bill and Sharon Glandt of Two Rivers, and many friends. The Klein & Stangel Funeral Home and Cremation Care Center assisted the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, October 5, 2001 P. A6 ******** (02 Jan 1916/20 Sep 2001/SSDI)

ESTHER M. SOGGE Esther M. Sogge, age 95, a resident of Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc, died Monday evening, April 4, 1994, at the home. She was born April 10, 1898, in Frankfort, Mich., daughter of the late George E. and Hilda Hansen Sogge. She moved with her family to Two Rivers in 1901, where her father was the captain of the Coast Guard in the early 1920's. She later moved to Oak Park, Ill., where she worked in the school system for 50 years, retiring in 1958, at which time she returned to Two Rivers. She was an active member of the Grace Congregational United Church of Christ. Survivors include nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a number of brothers and sisters. Burial has taken place in Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. A memorial service will be scheduled some time in May, the date and time to be announced later by the Klein and Stangel Funeral Home, Two Rivers. Herald Times Reporter, April 6, 1994 P. A2 ******** (10 Apr 1898/04 Apr 1994/SSDI) ********* Prof. and Mrs. W.J. Hamilton of Oak Park, Ill, returned to their home after being present at the funeral of Mrs. George Sogge. Miss Esther Sogge is secretary for Prof. Hamilton. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, July 30, 1925 P. 5

GEORGE SOGGE (d. 1905) The two months old infant son of Capt. and Mrs. Geo. Sogge of the Life Saving Station, died from convulsions last Saturday. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., July 4, 1905

GEORGE E. SOGGE FORMER COAST GUARD HEAD DIES OF STROKE Capt. G.E. Sogge, 73, Passes Away This Afternoon at Two Rivers Hospital After suffering a stroke of apoplexy last Friday, when he was removed to the municipal hospital at Two Rivers, Captain George E. Sogge, 73, veteran coast guard captain, passed away there this afternoon at one o'clock. His condition grew rapidly worse the past few days and due to his old age he failed to rally. For seventeen years the deceased was in charge of the coast guard station at Two Rivers. He was transferred to that station in 1903 from Frankfort and continued in charge until 1920, when he retired, being succeeded by Capt. Staal. Since leaving active duty with the life saving crew Mr. Sogge has been living a retired life at his home there. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, word being awaited from a son Gilbert, in New Mexico. Burial will probably be in Two Rivers. Was Born in Norway The deceased was born in Norway and came to this country at an early age. He followed the water and in early life enlisted with the coast guard service in Michigan. He rose from the ranks of surfman to captain, and was transferred from the Michigan station at Frankfort, to Two Rivers in 1903. The deceased is survived by three sons, Eilert of Route 7, Manitowoc, Gilbert of Valley Ranch, N.M. and George Jr. in Two Rivers and three daughters, Esther, a teacher at Oak Park, Ill. now traveling in Europe, Emma, Beloit, Wis. and Mrs. Austin Jorgenson, at Two Rivers. His wife passed away five years ago. Capt. Sogge was a member of the Two Rivers lodge of Odd Fellows and the Cocobola Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, who will attend the funeral in a body. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, June 13, 1930 P. 1 ******** FUNERAL OF CAPT. SOGGE IS HELD TODAY Funeral services for the late Capt. George Sogge, veteran Two Rivers coast guard captain who died Friday at the hospital following a stroke suffered a week ago, took place this afternoon at two o'clock from the Beduhn and Goetz chapel. They were under the auspices of the Odd Fellows lodge, of which the deceased was a member. Later, services were held at 2:30 from the Grace Congregational church, with Rev. Hawks, officiating. In recognition of the service of the deceased with the naval service during the war the American Legion firing squad fired a salute at the grave. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, June 16, 1930 P.11 ******** HE SAVED THE JOHNSONS Herman and John Johnson had a fortunate adventure last Saturday night in trying to make a landing at the Coast Guard Station dock, with a small duck boat. Their boat capsized and the two Johnsons found themselves in the water. Capt. Sogge sitting in front of the station saw their predicament and observed their clumsy actions. He was out on the dock when their boat went under. Secured a good grip on Herman Johnson first he landed him and then looking for John saw that he was going down very helplessly. Capt. Sogge just reached his finger tips as he held up his hand and he was pulled to safety. At this place of accident there is from 16 to 18 feet of water and it appeared this would be the last drink for John but the timely rescue saved him. The Reporter, Thurs., June 26, 1919 ********* HONORABLY RETIRED FROM SERVICE Captain G.E. Sogge Leaves Active Service as Warrant Officer of Coast Guard SERVED 32 YEARS Has Reached Age Limit, Will Receive Pay as Retired Officer After thirty-two years of faithful and efficient service in the U.S. Life Saving and Coast Guard Service, Captain G.E. Sogge, being within a short time of the age limit in the service, namely 64 years, was retired by an order from the head of the Coast Guard Service at the close of last week, at his own request. The Captain retired on three quarter pay the balance of his life. Captain Sogge went into the Coast Guard Service at Frankfort, Mich., where he worked his way up and served until he came to the Two Rivers Station 17 years ago as Captain of the Life Saving Service here. When the department came under the navy bureau, he was designated the warrant officer in charge of the local Coast Guard. True to the modesty characteristic of most good sea-faring men, the Captain had little to say about his record, but the department records credit him with excellent service rendered. He is accredited with saving and assisting in saving 1089 lives and vessels and property valued at $1,253, 291. The Reporter, Thurs., Mar. 18, 1920

GERBER SOGGE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 24 Dec.) Death Thursday last week of the 3-mo. old little son of Capt. Sogge of the local Life Saving Station. Der Nord Westen, 27 Dec. 1906 ******* Gerrher Sogge (sic) Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 birth: 16 February 1906 Two Rivers death: 20 December 1906 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1906 Two Rivers father: George Sogge mother: Hilda

HILDA SOGGE Death of Mrs. George Sogge The sudden death of Mrs. George Sogge, wife of a former captain of the U.S. Coast Guards of this city, now on pension, occurred this morning at 1 a.m. at her home at 1617 Twenty-fourth street, of apoplexy which she suffered Saturday afternoon. She was fifty-three years of age and came to this country from Norway thirty years ago. She married George Sogge at Manistee, Mich. twenty-eight years ago and came to this city in 1903. He maiden name was Hilda Hansen. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Esther of Oak Park, Ill., Louise and Emma at home and one son, George, who is also at home and two stepsons, Elert of Manitowoc and Gilbert of Berkely, Cal., and one brother, Ole Hansen of Newberry, Mich. On account of Capt. Sogge, who is traveling to the coast with his daughter, Esther, no funeral arrangement can be made but will be announced later, they were reached by telegraph this morning at Seattle, Wash. and will start for home immediately. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, July 20, 1925 P. 6 ******** The funeral of Mrs. Sogge which was held Saturday afternoon, was very largely attended. The funeral of Mrs. Sogge was delayed on account of Capt. Sogge and daughter Esther being on a trip to the coast. They were reached by wire at Seattle, and arrived home Friday evening. Rev. T.A. Hawkes officiated at the services. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, July 27, 1925 P. 5

EDWARD JAMES SOIK DEATH OF DR. SOIK SHOCKS CITY OF TWO RIVERS HEART ATTACK PROVES FATAL TO LOCAL MAN Prominent Dentist Succumbs At 5 A.M., Today After Sudden Attack Two Rivers was startled today by the sudden death of Dr. E.J. Soik, who succombed to a sudden heart attack at his home this morning at 5 o'clock. Dr. Soik, leading dentist and prominent in civic affairs for more than 30 years, was 58 years old. Dr. Soik was apparently in good health early last evening. He dropped in for a time at the home of Dr. A.V. Delmore, where a meeting of the county dentists was held to discuss plans for the new charitable children's dental clinic, opened this week, expressing regret that he could not stay longer. After that he went to a bridge party at the home of Ralph Scheuer, which did not break up until nearly 1 o'clock in the morning. (Photo) Upon returning home Dr. Soik complained of a pain in his arm which grew more intense, preventing him from sleeping, and finally early today asked Mrs. Soik to send for Dr. Alfred Zlatnik. In the meantime he had left his bed, and was seated in the living room when he complained of dizziness, and collapsed in his cair. Dr. Zlatnik arrived a few minutes later to find him beyond medical aid. Funeral arrangements are as yet incomplete. Born at Berlin Dr. Edward J. Soik was born in Berlin, Wis., Feb. 26, 1875, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soik, both of whom preceded him in death. He was educated in the city schools of Berlin, graduating from Berlin high school in 1893. Thereafter he entered the dental school of Northwestern University, graduating with the class of 1898, and establishing his practice in Two Rivers the following year. Dr. Soik married Miss Mabel Graves of Berlin, a clssmate at high school, in 1899, and together they founded a home in this city, which became a center of social life and activity. Dr. Soik rapidly developed a substantial practice, and identified himself actively with the affairs of the community. Dr. Soik was a leader in busines as well as community affairs. He was one of the founders, with H.C. Gowran, of the American Cabinet company, now a part of the Hamilton Mfg. Co. Dr. Soik aided in perfecting the orginal dental cabinet designs for the company, which were first purchased from the Hamilton plant before the company was taken over by the latter company as a subsidiary. Founder of Company Dr. Soik was also founder and first president of the Aluminum Sign Company, now the Leyse Aluminum Co. of Kewaunee. In this he was associated with Albert Leyse, now head of the Kewaunee company. The concern was removed to Kewaunee 25 years ago, after a three year existence in Two Rivers. He was also president of the Art Glass company. Actively interested in community affairs as well as his own personal concerns, Dr. Soik played a considerable part in the development of the Two Rivers school system. He was a member of the school board from 1915 to 1917, and again between 1923 and 1925. He was also much interested in the Municipal hospital, and went on the hospital board last spring. Monday night of this week he attended the council meeting to support the hospital budget when the city's fiscal plans for the coming year were discussed. Dr. Soik had state-wide recognition as a leader of his profession. He kept up with all modern developments of science, was a wide reader and close student of dentistry. He attended regularly the professional clinics at which new developments are demonstrated, and incorportated them in his practice. Although a general practitioner, he developed a specialist's skill in such new dental specialties as orthodontics, and kept his equipment and methods completely modern. Loved Out-of-Doors Dr. Soik loved the out-of-doors. He was a student of nature, and delighted in long vacation automobile trips, camping and picnicking, although not a devotee of any particular outdoor sport. To his intimates Dr. Soik was noted for his wide reading and broad intellectual interests. He was of an independent and inquiring turn of mind, delighting in political, economic or philosophic discussion, and possessed of a keen wit which made him a redoubtable antagonist in argument. He was particularly fond of children, and scores of them looked forward to visiting his dental office, where his companionable and understanding ways took all the fear out of dental treatment. Dr. Soik was a member of the Two Rivers Masonic lodge, a 32nd degree Mason, and belonged to the more advanced Masonic organizations in Mantiwooc. He was also a noble of the Mystic Shrine, a member of Tripoli Temple at Milwaukee. He was prominent in the Elks and Rotary organizations of the city. Helped Many He was deeply interested in the progress of Two Rivers, always to be counted upon to lend his weight and work to any enterprise for the good of the community. His professional services were freely at the disposal of charitable organizations. He was noted in the community for his particular interest in new buildings in the town. It was said of him that he never missed a day, during the construction of the Hamilton Community house, in going over the work that was being done, and he displayed a similar interest in other buildings in the city during their construction. Besides his widow, Dr. Soik is survived by a son and daughter, Mrs. Elton Laird of Waverly, Ia., and Edward Soik, a newspaper man of Auburn, N.Y. Both are now on their way to Two Rivers for the funeral, with Dr. Soik's sister, Miss Matta Soik of Milwaukke and his brother Leonard Soik, of Berlin. One grandchild, a daughter of Mrs. Laird, also survives. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, December 8, 1932 P. 11

from Berlin Evening Journal
One of the happiest social events that ever occurred in Berlin was the wedding of Dr. Edward Soik and Miss Mabel Graves at 1 pm today at the home of the bride's parents, Geo. W. Graves and wife, No. 719 Spring Street. 
The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. Merrill of Trinity church in the presence of about two score of friends and acquaintances of the pair. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers.  The parlor, where the ceremony was held was  in green and white with pink flowers interspersed on the mantle. The dining room was also pink and green. The ceremony was performed under a floral umbrella of ferns and daisies. At the appointed hour the piano sounded the wedding march by Miss Minnie Engelbracht. The bridal party led by the reverend gentleman officiating, composed the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Graves, parents of the bride, Miss Nellie Graves, sister of the bride and Mr. Leonard Soik, brother of the groom and petite Annette Bowle of Chicago, a little friends of the bride. The bride wore a handsome dress of white muslin de soi and carried white bride's roses. The groom wore the customary black as did the best man while the bridesmaid wore white organdie and carried pink roses. 
The bride is also a Berlin girl, who was born and who has grown to womanhood here. She has for years been known to nearly every person in Berlin as one of our most charming young ladies and as the daughter of one of ourmost genial, jovial and respected citizens, Lt. Geo. W. Graves, commander of Graves Post G.A.R., and agent of the U.S. Express.
Berlin Evening Journal
Dr. Soik and bride arrived here last Friday and will for the present occupy rooms in the building in which the Doctor's office is located which he has had handsomely furnished.
Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., June 13, 1899

MABEL SOIK Widow Follows Dr. Soik In Death On Sunday GRIEF, FAILING HEALTH CAUSE OF HER DEATH Dies Few Days After That of Her Husband; Did Not Regain Consciousness Mrs. Mabel Soik, whose husband, Dr. E.J. Soik, died suddenly last week, followed him in death Sunday afternoon, shortly after a stroke of paralysis which induced a coma. Mrs. Soik passed away quietly about 2 o'clock, without regaining consciousness. Her death was laid to the shock and grief caused by the sudden death of her husband, although Mrs. Soik had borne up bravely (photo) during the funeral Saturday, and seemed fairly cheerful on Sunday morning as she discussed plans for the future with her children and friends. She had been in failing health, however, for a year previously, and was unable to withstand the blow of Dr. Soik's death. Her death immediately following that of her husband recalled to family and friends the wish often expressed by Dr. and Mrs. Soik, that neither might survive the other. They were noted for the closeness and harmony of their lives together, and Mrs. Soik's grieving friends today found a bit of consolation in the fact that she had been re-untied with her husband. Suffered No Pain Shortly after noon yesterday her daughter, Mrs. R. Eldon Laird, heard Mrs. Soik sobbing. She went downstairs at once to comfort her, and assisted her to a davenport, noting that her mother seemed to be losing control of her limbs on the left side, and to be having difficulty in speech. Mrs. Soik faded gradually into unconsciousness, from which the doctor was unable to revive her. She suffered no pain or shock. Funeral services will be held privately at the home, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, it was announced. Only members of the family and close friends will attend. The family requested that no flowers be sent. Sing Same Songs At the services, which will be conducted by Rev. T.A. Hawkes, Mrs. H.C. Gowran and Mrs. Charles F. Krause will sing the same songs which they rendered at the funeral of Dr. Soik on Saturday. Mrs. Soik was born in Berlin, Wis., December 25, 1876. Her maiden name was Mabel Graves, her parents being George and Harriet Graves of Berlin. Educated in the Berlin schools, she married her schoolmate, Dr. Soik, on June 6, 1899, the year in which he established his practice in Two Rivers. Her home had been here continuously since that time, and she became a social leader and well-known club worker in the community. Her home was always a center of social activity for a group of intimate friends of whom Dr. and Mrs. Soik were the leaders. Mrs. Soik was the last of her own family, her only sister having died two years ago. She leaves two children to mourn her death, Mrs. R. Eldon Laird of Waverly, and Edward G. Soik, of Auburn, N.Y. There are two grandchild, the children of Mrs. Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Laird and Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Soik, here for Dr. Soik's funeral, were with their mother when she passed away. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, December 12, 1932 P. 11

from Berlin Evening Journal
One of the happiest social events that ever occurred in Berlin was the wedding of Dr. Edward Soik and Miss Mabel Graves at 1 pm today at the home of the bride's parents, Geo. W. Graves and wife, No. 719 Spring Street. 
The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. Merrill of Trinity church in the presence of about two score of friends and acquaintances of the pair. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers.  The parlor, where the ceremony was held was  in green and white with pink flowers interspersed on the mantle. The dining room was also pink and green. The ceremony was performed under a floral umbrella of ferns and daisies. At the appointed hour the piano sounded the wedding march by Miss Minnie Engelbracht. The bridal party led by the reverend gentleman officiating, composed the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Graves, parents of the bride, Miss Nellie Graves, sister of the bride and Mr. Leonard Soik, brother of the groom and petite Annette Bowle of Chicago, a little friends of the bride. The bride wore a handsome dress of white muslin de soi and carried white bride's roses. The groom wore the customary black as did the best man while the bridesmaid wore white organdie and carried pink roses. 
The bride is also a Berlin girl, who was born and who has grown to womanhood here. She has for years been known to nearly every person in Berlin as one of our most charming young ladies and as the daughter of one of ourmost genial, jovial and respected citizens, Lt. Geo. W. Graves, commander of Graves Post G.A.R., and agent of the U.S. Express.
Berlin Evening Journal
Dr. Soik and bride arrived here last Friday and will for the present occupy rooms in the building in which the Doctor's office is located which he has had handsomely furnished.
Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., June 13, 1899

FRANCES M. SOIT Frances M. Soit, age 81, a former resident of Two Rivers, died Sunday afternoon, April 16, 2006, in Kenosha. Frances was born Feb. 26, 1925, in Two Rivers, the daughter of the late Joseph W. and Mary (Belau) Soit. She was a graduate of Washington High School, Two Rivers, class of 1943, and earned her Bachelor of Science degree in art from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1947. Following her graduation, Frances spent one year teaching art in Twin Falls, Idaho. After spending a short time in Chicago, she served as a Service Club hostess for two years in Germany. Following her return from Germany, she continued her education in Milwaukee, receiving her teaching certification. She then taught for several years in Sheboygan and then overseas with the Department of Air Force Civilians, spending a year in England and another year in Seville, Spain, and five years in Germany. Following her return to the United States, she taught in Kenosha for several years, retiring in 1980 and returning to her home in Two Rivers. Survivors include cousins and many friends in the United States, Austria and other countries. She was also preceded in death by a brother: Richard Soit, in 1999. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, April 21, 2006, at the Klein & Stangel Funeral Home, Two Rivers. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Kim Henning with burial at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Friends may call from 10 a.m. Friday until the time of service at 11 a.m. at the Klein & Stangel Funeral Home. Herald Times Reporter, April 2006 *********** (26 Feb 1925/16 Apr 2006/SSDI)

JOSEPH W. SOIT Joseph Soit, Civic Leader, Is Dead at 78 TWO RIVERS—Joseph W. Soit, 78, of 2611 Adams St., a Point Beach State forest promoter, long active in civic and fraternal circles and who operated a tailoring business here for more than 45 years, died early Tuesday morning at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. He had been in failing health in recent weeks. A native of Austria where he learned the tailoring trade, Soit had long served as chairman of the parks and forests committee of the Two Rivers Chamber of Commerce after he had led a movement which resulted in the establishment of Point Beach State Forest. In 1952, the former Wisconsin Conservation Dept. recognized him for his contributions in the field of conservation. Active in Elks Soit was active for years in the Two Rivers Elks Lodge No. 1380, serving in the mid-1930s as exalted ruler and later was its treasurer. In the 1930s, he served as president of the Two Rivers Community Club, predecessor of the Chamber, at a time when a movement got underway to establish the state forest north of Two Rivers. Born at Karten, Austria, son of the late Lorenz and Ursula Soit, he attended public schools there for seven years and learned the tailoring trade in 30-1/2 years at a trade school at Villach, Austria. As a journeyman tailor, he went to Klagenfurt, Austria, and then to Gratz, where he attended a clothing designing school. In 1913, he immigrated to the United States, settling at Milwaukee where he attended night school to learn the English language. In 1915, he came to Two Rivers to become tailor for the late Simon Schneider, operator of a clothing store at 16th and Washington streets, now Scheurell’s. He established his own tailoring business in 1927 and had been in semi-retirement in recent years. In 1958, he made an extended visit to his homeland. A golfer, Soit had served as president of the Two Rivers Golf Assn. A longtime member of Grace Congregational Church, he was a former president of the Men’s Brotherhood and also served on the church board of deacons for six years. In the tailoring field he had been affiliated with the National Merchant Tailors Assn. as a member of the Milwaukee chapter. For more than 15 years he was a member of the Izaak Walton League of America, and served on the state board of directors for two years. Survivors Besides his wife, the former Mary K. Belau, whom he married at Two Rivers Jan. 23, 1922, he leaves a daughter, Miss Frances, a school teacher at Kenosha and a son Richard, an automation engineer with Goodyear Atomic Corp. of Waverly, Ohio, who resides at nearby Portsmouth. Six brothers and two sisters preceded him in death. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Grace Congregational Church, the Rev. Reed Forbush officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home after 5 p.m. Thursday where memorial services will be conducted by the Elks Lodge at 7 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, August 28, 1968 P. 12 ******* (10 Mar 1890/Aug 1968/SSDI) ******* Marriage of Joseph/Mary Soit The marriage of Jos. Soit and Miss Mary Belau, popular young people of this city occurred Monday, the ceremony being performed by Judge Chloupek at the Court House, Manitowoc. The couple immediately took the train south on a honeymoon sojourn. Mr. Soit has charge of the tailoring department of the Schneider Clothing Store. He is an affable and accommodating gentleman and his bride a lady of refinement and many good qualities. For a number of years she was employed in the dental office of Dr. Eggers. The Reporter, Thurs., Jan. 26, 1922

MARY K. SOIT Mary K. Soit, 94, of 2611 Adams St., Two Rivers, died Thursday evening, December 29, 1988, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers. Rev. Kim Henning will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Soit was born October 6, 1894, at Odessa, Russia, daughter of the late Ferdinand and Anna Knapp Belau. She married Joseph W. Soit in 1922 at Two Rivers. He preceded her in death in 1968. Mrs. Soit came to Two Rivers in 1918 and worked for Dr. Eggers before her marriage. She was Chairwoman of Red Cross Knitting during World War II. Mrs. Soit was a member of Grace Congregational Church and Two Rivers Senior Citizens. Survivors include a son, Richard Soit of Portsmouth, Ohio and a daughter, Frances Soit of Two Rivers. She was preceded in death by two brothers. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home 9 a.m. Tuesday until the hour of service. Herald Times Reporter, December 31, 1988 P. B8 ****** (06 Oct 1894/29 Dec 1988/SSDI) ****** Marriage of Joseph/Mary Soit The marriage of Jos. Soit and Miss Mary Belau, popular young people of this city occurred Monday, the ceremony being performed by Judge Chloupek at the Court House, Manitowoc. The couple immediately took the train south on a honeymoon sojourn. Mr. Soit has charge of the tailoring department of the Schneider Clothing Store. He is an affable and accommodating gentleman and his bride a lady of refinement and many good qualities. For a number of years she was employed in the dental office of Dr. Eggers. The Reporter, Thurs., Jan. 26, 1922

RICHARD H. SOIT Richard H. Soit, age 76, of 3224 Simpson St., Portsmouth, Ohio, died Monday, May 17, 1999, at Kings Daughters Medical Center, Ashland, Ky. Graveside Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 26, 1999, at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Rev. Kim Henning, will officiate at the service. Richard was born September 17, 1922, in Manitowoc, son of the late Joseph W. and Mary Belau Soit. He was a graduate of Washington High School, with the class of 1940. Richard graduated from U.W. Madison in 1944 with a degree in Chemical Engineering. He was employed at Martin-Marietta Energy Systems Inc., at Portsmouth, for 40 years until his retirement. He was a volunteer for the Portsmouth Theatre Productions. Survivors include one sister, Frances Soit, Two Rivers; cousins and many friends also survive. Klein & Stangel Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Two Rivers, is assisting the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, May 24, 1999 p.A2 ******** (17 Sep 1922/17 May 1999/SSDI)

CAROLINA ZELLMANN SONNENWALD Death in Two Rivers on Sat. of Mrs. Caroline Eillmann. The lady was born 04 Aug. 1818 in West Prussia. For the last year she has resided with her daughter in Two Rivers, Mrs. August Fanslau. Der Nord Westen, 13 Feb. 1902 ***** 1902 Feb 08/CELLMAN Carolina 1902 Feb 08/CELLMAN Caroline/v.7 p.53 "Manitowoc County Pre-1907 Death Index" ***** Name: Carolina Sonnenwaldt Ellman Event Type: Death Event Date: 1902 Event Place: Two Rivers, Wisconsin Residence Place: Two Rivers, Wis. Gender: Female Age: 84 Marital Status: Widowed Race: W Birth Date: 04 Aug 1818 Birth Year (Estimated): 1818 Birthplace: Germany Burial Place: Two Rivers, Wis. Cemetery: Public Cemetery Father's Name: Paul Sonnenwaldt Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's Name: Gundie Sonnenwaldt Mother's Birthplace: Germany Spouse's Name: Paul Ellman "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907" ***** Name: Carolina Sonnenwaldt Ellman Event Type: Burial Event Place: Wisconsin, United States Event Place (Original): Two Rivers, Wis Residence Place: Two Rivers, Wis. Gender: Female Age: 84 Marital Status: Widowed Ethnicity: American Race: W Birth Date: 4 Aug 1818 Birthplace: Germany Death Date: 8 Feb 1902 Death Place: Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Cemetery: Public Father's Name: Paul Sonnenwaldt Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's Name: Gundie Mother's Birthplace: Germany Spouse's Name: Paul Ellman Spouse's Gender: Male "Wisconsin Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968"

MARTIN SONNENWALD ?? Sonnewald(sic), aged 87 years died last Thursday at the home of his son, Michael, residing at the home of his son, Michael on the Range Line, Town of Two Rivers. The burial of the departed one took place yesterday afternoon from the Lutheran Church, Rev. C. F. Doehler officiating. The deceased is survived by a sister, a son and one daughter, Mrs. August Fanslau of this city. The Reporter, Tues., Nov. 30, 1909 ******** [Martin Sonnenwald]

MINNIE SONNENWALD DEATH CLAIMS OLD RESIDENT Mrs. Michael Sonnenwald, Native of Manitowoc, Dies Mrs. Michael Sonnenwald, 73, a native of the town of Manitowoc, and a resident of Two Rivers for 20 years, died at 1:40 at her home at 904 23rd street Tuesday afternoon. Death was attributed to a heart attack. She had been in good health up to the Tuesday noon, later suffering a stroke. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. Johns' Lutheran church with the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The body will remain until the funeral at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home. Mrs. Sonnenwald, nee Wilhelmina Schroeder, was born in the town of Manitowoc March 7, 1862, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder, Sr., who were among the earliest residents in the township. On October 15, 1892, she was married in this city to Michael Sonnenwald of town of Two Rivers, the family resided on the farm on the Range Line road six miles north of the city for 23 years. Upon retirement of Mr. Sonnenwald, the couple moved to this city 20 years ago where they resided since. Besides her widower, the deceased leaves a daughter, Mrs. Emma Tomchek of Green Bay, a brother, John Schroeder, Jr. of the town of Manitowoc and 11 grand- children. Two brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, November 7, 1935 P. 13

AUGUSTA SONNEWALD DIED - Mrs. Aug. Sonnenwald(sic), age 85 died at the home of her son Mike in the Town of Two Rivers, on Monday. She is survived by one daughter Mrs. August Fanslau and one son, Mike. The funeral will take place from St. John's Lutheran. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, June 18, 1912 ********* Mrs. Sonnenwald, age eighty-eight years, a resident of the Town of Two Rivers, passed to her reward last week. The funeral was held under the auspices of the St. John's Lutheran Church. The Reporter, Sat. June 29, 1912 ********* (Note: She is Sonnewald on her inscription on the stone, and the main surname on the stone is Sonnenwald.)

ARTHUR SONNTAG Arthur W. Sonntag, age 78, of 1410-21st St., Two Rivers, died Tuesday morning, February 6, 1996, at North Ridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, February 8, 1996, at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Officiating at the service will be Rev. David Scherbarth with burial to follow at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Arthur was born September 9, 1917, in Two Rivers, son of the late Ernst and Emma Hering Sonntag. Arthur was a graduate of Washington High School with the class of 1936. He served in the United States Army during World War II. On June 11, 1947, he married the former Lorraine Preles in Two Rivers. Art was employed with Schwartz Mfg. Company, of Two Rivers, for 32 years, until his retirement in 1981. Survivors include his wife, Lorraine Sontag, Two Rivers; one daughter and son-in- law, Kay and Paul Wilson, Ephraim, Wis.; one son and daughter-in-law, Steven and Ann Sonntag, Two Rivers; four grandchildren, Brian and Kristin Wilson, Geoff and Stefanie Sonntag. Other relatives and many friends also survive. He was preceded in death by one brother, Marvin Sonntag. Friends may call at St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church from 10 a.m. Thursday until the time of service at 11:30 a.m. The Klein and Stangel Funeral Home, Two Rivers, assisted the family with the funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, February 6, 1996 P. A2

AUGUST SONNTAG Former chief of Police Dies Two Rivers, (Special)- August Sonntag, 76, former police chief and active in lodge circles for 40 years, died early today at his home, 1417 21st street. He retired six years ago after 25 years of sevice at Plant No. 1 of the Aluminum Goods company. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home with the Rev. Donald Mills officiating and interment will be at Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The Odd Fellow lodge will have the commitment service. The body may be viwed at the funeral home after 2 o'clock Sunday after- noon until the hour of the services. Born in this city in 1869, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sonntag the deceased attended the local schools and then secured employment here. He was married to Miss Ella Reis in 1899 and last September 21 the couple celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary. He served as the chief of police, taking the office Nov. 6, 1901, and continued on the job for two years. A club which he used is now the property of Ben Hanstedt, acting chief. For a number of years he operated a tavern, the Joe Beitzel place, and then returned to the pail factory and later to the Wisconsin Textile company, going from there to the Goods company. Surviving are the widow, six sons, two daughters, three brothers, two sisters and six grandchildren. The sons are Walter, Wood, Wis., where he is employed at the veterans hospital, Milton, East Orange, N.J., Harvey, a policeman at Whitefish Bay, Roy, Norman and Alvin, all of this city; the daughter (sic) Mrs. George Chizek and Mrs. Harry Leiker, also of this city; the brothers Ernst and William of this city and Louis of Charles City, Ia., and the sister, Mrs. Marvin Steinhauer, city, and Mrs. Louis Gruman, Cavour. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, May 5, 1945 P.9

CAROLINE E. SONNTAG Mrs. Louis Sonntag, 64, a former resident of Two Rivers, died at her home at Charles City, Iowa, Saturday after a short illness. She was before her marriage Lena Vietz of Two Rivers. Funeral services will be held at Two Rivers Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home. Mrs. Sonntag was born in Two Rivers May 15, 1875. She was married to Louis Sonntag, a brother of Street Commissioner Ernst Sonntag, in 1895. The couple moved to Iowa about 20 years ago. Survivors are the widower; two sons, Lester of South Bend, Ind., and Rupert at home; two sisters, Mrs. George Miller of Milwaukee and Mrs. Philip Vanderbloemen of Ludington, Mich.; and one granchild. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 15, 1939 P.2

EDNA SONNTAG A 4-yr. old daughter of August Sonntag in Two Rivers died Mon. following an illness of several weeks. The funeral will be held today from the Lutheran Church. Der Nord Westen, 20 June 1901 ****** Edna Sontag birth: 14 April 1897 Two Rivers death: 5 June 1901 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers residence: 1901 Two Rivers father: Aug. Sontag mother: Ella Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

ELDON SONNTAG Eldon Sonntag, 76, of 1434 Hawthorne Av., Two Rivers, died Monday morning in Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday in St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. The Rev. Edward Stelter will officiate and burial will be in Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mr. Sonntag was born March 20, 1901 in Two Rivers, son of the late William and Emma Kubel Sonntag. He attended St. John Parochial School and Two Rivers High School. He married Frieda Kopischke Aug. 28, 1929 in Two Rivers. Mr. Sonntag had been employed with Hamilton Industries for 50 years from 1916 to 1966, retiring as office manager. He was a violinist with Empire Movie Theater Orchestra for a number of years. Mrs. Sonntag preceded him in death Feb. 2, 1969. Survivors include a brother, Leo and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry V. (Erna) Slater of Two Rivers and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends may call in Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and in the church after 9 a.m. Wednesday until the time of service. Memorials may be made to Manitowoc Lutheran High School. Herald Times Reporter, November 28, 1977 P. 3

ELLA SONNTAG Mrs. August Sonntag, 77, nee Ella Reis of Two Rivers, died this morning at the Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. She had been ill 18 months. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday at the Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, with burial in Pioneers Rest Cemetery. The body may be viewed after 1 pm Tuesday. She was born on her parent's farm in the Town of Mishicot in 1870 and when a girl of 14 moved to Two Rivers. She was married to Mr. Sonntag in 1899. her husband was police chief there for several years. Mrs. Sonntag was an active member of Auxiliaries of both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts and gave freely of her time in serving and other work for the American Red Cross during the recent war. Two of her sons served in the Armed Forces during World War I and one during World War II. Surviving are six sons, Alvin, Norman and Roy of Two Rivers, Walter of Wood, Wis., Milton of East Orange, New Jersey and Harvey of Whitefish Bay; two daughters, Mrs. George Chizek and Mrs. Harry Leiker, both of Two Rivers; a brother, Edward Reis of Mishicot and a sister, Mrs. Mary Harmueller of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mon., Mar. 31, 1947 page 2 ****** [bur. Apr. 2, 1947]

EMMA SONNTAG (d. 1935) MRS. W. SONNTAG DIES; FUNERAL ON THURSDAY Prominent Member of Ladies Aid of Lutheran Church Is Claimed By Death. Mrs. William Sonntag, 63, twice president of the Ladies’ Aid society of St. John’s Lutheran church, died early this afternoon at her home, 1417 19th street. She had been in ill health for some time. Mrs. Sonntag was a charter member of the organization which she served twice as president. The body will be removed from the Beduhn & Goetz funeral home to the residence late Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. from the residence and at 2 o’clock at St. John’s Lutheran church. The Rev. W. G. Haase will officiate. Mrs. Sonntag, whose maiden name was Emma Kubel, was born in Chicago Sept. 6, 1871. The family moved to Two Creeks when she was a child. At the age of 21 she came to Two Rivers. She was married to Mr. Sonntag Oct. 15, 1892. The survivors are the widower, five children, Mrs. Ed. Bunke, Mrs. Joseph Strong, Mrs. Fred Carpenter, Eldon and Leo Sonntag, all of Two Rivers; two brothers, William Kubel of Two Rivers and Fred Jubel of Muskegon, Mich.; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Mertens, Mrs. Sophia Mosuch and Mrs. Ed. Robinson, all of Two RIvers; and four grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, May 6, 1935 P. 13

EMMA SONNTAG (d. 1954) Mrs. Emma Sonntag, 72, of 1410 21st St., Two Rivers, wife of Ernest Sonntag, retired Two Rivers street commissioner, died at her home Saturday afternoon. She had been in failing health for several months. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Mrs. Sonntag, nee Emma Herring, was born in Germany, on Aug. 10, 1881, a daughter of the late Christian and Mary Grant Herring. When she was two years old the family brought her to this country, settling in Two Rivers, where she had resided since. She was married to Ernest Sonntag on Sept. 28, 1901, at Two Rivers. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Marvin of Milwaukee and Arthur Sonntag of Two Rivers; a sister, Mrs. John Zabel of Manitowoc, and two grandchildren. For many years Mrs. Sonntag was affiliated with the Ladies Aid Scoiety of St. John church. Friends may call at the Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, until 10 a.m. Tuesday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, August 9, 1954 P. 15

ERNST SONNTAG (d. 1969) Former City Street Head Sonntag Dies TWO RIVERS—A former longtime city department head, who in his time was regarded as one of the city’s most industrious employes and whose hours frequently stretched from 6 a.m. until early evening, is dead. He was Ernst Sonntag, 91, of 1410-21st St., city superintendent of streets for 25 years until his retirement in 1945 and a member of one of the area’s earliest German families. Mr. Sonntag died early Sunday at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital where he had been a patient since Friday. He had been in general good health up to several months ago. Service to Community. During the depression years of the 1930’s when the municipality was forced to cut expenditures, including city employe salaries, City Council members strongly opposed trimming his salary, citing the vlue of his service to the community in terms of his long hours on the job. Mr. Sonntag was born at Two Rivers April 1, 1877, a son of the late Frederick and Josephine Musel Sonntag. He attended the Two Rivers public schools. For six years he was employed at the old Mann Brothers Pail Factory here and then he spent a winter at the Stratford camp of the Connor Lumber Co. of Laona. In 1898 Mr. Sonntag took part in the memorable Klondike gold rush, remaining in Alaska until 1899. His second visit to Alaska lasted from April of 1900 to the fall of that year after which he spent several months traveling throughout the states west of the Mississippi. Since that time he had made his home here. In the spring of 1901 he entered into a partnership as a home building carpenter with his brother-in-law, the late John Grumann, and later worked as a cabinet maker for the Hamilton Mfg. Co. Mr. Sonntag then went into the construction field with the former W. W. Oeflein Co. of Milwaukee when the firm was engaged in erecting plans for the Eggers Plywood Co. and Mirro Aluminum Co. here and a 100-unit home housing project at Manitowoc. On Sept. 1, 1920, Mr. Sonntag was appointed city superintendent of streets by the late Mayor H.C. Gowran. As street superintendent, he was instrumental in modernizing many of the facilities in street maintenance, frequently drawing praise from city officials for his work. Snow Discovery It was a city crew working under his supervision which discovered snow in crevices on the 14th Street playground that sultry July day in 1936–a discovery which resulted in the annual city Snow Festival. Mr. Sonntag frequently recalled as a member of the old Two Rivers Volunteer Fire Dept. that salaries of the entire 13-man force did not exceed $60 per year. Mr. Sonntag married the former Emma Hering Sept. 28, 1901, at St. John Lutheran Church here. She died in 1954. The couple had observed its golden wedding anniversary in 1951. Surviving are two sons, Marvin of Milwaukee and Arthur W. of Two Rivers; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Steinhauer of Two Rivers, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels here, the Ref. Karl F. Koch officating. Burial will be in the family plot in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral chapels. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 17, 1969 P.12 ******** [Ernst Arthur Sonntag] (b. 1 Apr. 1877/d. Mar. 1969/SSDI) ********* POWDER IN FIRE; BOYS BURNED Two Rivers Lads Have Close Call from Explosion in Bonfire Explosion of a package of gun powder which by mistake had been included with a bundle of rubbish which was to be burned when the premises were being cleaned caused severe injuries to the two little sons of Ernst Sonntag of Two Rivers, both being burned about the face and hands when the powder exploded. Fortunately the burns are not fatal and the two boys are now on the road to recovery though there is danger that the injuries may leave their mark and disfigure the boys for life. A fortunate circumstance is that there was a large quantity of the power and that the explosion occurred in the open air, else the lads might have sustained even more serious injuries. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wed., May 11, 1910

FREIDA SONNTAG Mrs. Eldon Sonntag, 63, of 1434 Hawthorne Ave., Two Rivers, died unexpectedly of a heart attack in her sleep early Sunday morning. She had been in failing health for a number of years. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Edward Stelter officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Sonntag, the former Frieda (sic) Kopischke, was born June 3, 1905, at La Salle, Ill., a daughter of the late Carl and Mathilda Zielke Kopischke. When she was a child, her family brought her to Tigerton, Wis. In 1920 the family moved to Two Rivers. She was a graduate of Two Rivers Washington High School with the class of 1923. She was a member of the St. John Ladies Society. She was married Aug. 20, 1929, to Eldon Sonntag at Two Rivers. Besides her husband, she leaves a sister, Mrs. Harry V. (Erna) Slater of Two Rivers. Friends may call at the Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels until 10:30 a.m. Tuesday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of services. The family has requested that memorials be sent to St. John Church. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 3, 1969 P.7

GERTRUDE SONNTAG From Der Nord Westen, 12 Oct. 1899: Death Thurs of a small child of Louis Sonntag in Two Rivers. The funeral was held Sat. from the Catholic Church. ******* Gertrude Sonntag birth: 15 May 1899 Two Rivers, Wis. death: 5 October 1899 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, Wis. residence: 1899 Two Rivers father: Louis Sonntag mother: Lina Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

GLADYS (ALLEN) SONNTAG Mrs. Jane G. Sonntag, 81, of 2400 Wilson St., Two Rivers, a member of a pioneer Two Rivers family, died Sunday afternoon at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, the Rev. Karl F. Koch officiating, substituting for the Rev. Richard H. Trump, pastor of Grace Congregational Church, of which Mrs. Sonntag was a member. Burial will be in Pioneeers' Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Sonntag, nee Jane Gladys Allen, was born April 7, 1885, at the Twin River (Rawley) Point Light Station, daughter of the late Andrew and Henrietta Elliott Allen. Her father was one of the early keepers of the station at Point Beach State Forest. She was married in 1939 to Albert Sonntag at Two Rivers. He died in 1946. She was a member of the Golden Agers and the Sunshine Circle of Grace Congregational Church. For a number of years until her retirement she was an employe of Schwartz Mfg. Co., Two Rivers. Surviving are three nieces, Mrs. Charles Parsells, of Manitowoc, Mrs. Arthur Grenier, of Two Rivers and Mrs. Marvin Wilson, of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, and a nephew Melvin Allen, of Green Bay. Friends may call at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 23, 1966 P.6 ******* [Gladys Jane Sonntag/bur. 05-24-1966/age 81 yrs.]

LORRAINE E. SONNTAG Lorrraine E. Sonntag, age 80, of 1410 21st St., Two Rivers, died Thursday morning, Sept. 19, 2002 at Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Edward Stelter. Burial will follow at Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Lorraine was born July 2, 1922 in Two Rivers, daughter of the late Frank and Anna Stegemann Preles. She attended Washington High School, graduating with the class of 1940. On June 11, 1947, Lorraine married Arthur W. Sonntag. He preceded her in death on Feb. 6, 1996. Lorraine was employed at Hamilton Industries in the accounting department for 38 years prior to her retirement. She was a member and past treasurer of the Homemakers, a board member of the Two Rivers Lioness, a member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church and an active member of the Two Rivers Senior Center where she volunteered for the grade school eye screening and Energy Assistance Program. Lorraine was also an avid bingo and card player. Survivors include one daughter and son-in-law: Kay and Paul Wilson, Ephraim; one son and daughter-in-law: Steven and Ann Sonntag, Two Rivers; four grandchildren: Brian Wilson, Milwaukee; Kristin Wilson, Madison; Geoff Sonntag, Green Bay; and Stefanie Sonntag, Madison; one sister: Ardel Tome, Two Rivers; and a nephew:Chuck Tome and his family, Two Rivers. Other relatives and many friends also survive. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by two brothers- in-law and one-sister-in-law: Melvin Tome and Marvin and Mina Sonntag. The family will greet relatives and friends on Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. Memorials may be made to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Visiting Nurse Association of Wisconsin Hospice (Manitowoc Office), or the donor's choice. The Klein & Stangel Funeral Home and Cremation Care Center is assisting the family with arrangements. Lorraine thoroughly enjoyed her time with family and friends and was especially proud of her four grandchildren. The family wishes to thank Dr. Fahl, the staff of Aurora Medical Center, River's Bend and Hospice for their care and compassion. Herald Times Reporter, September 21, 2002 P. A3

LOUIS SONNTAG (d. 1955) Louis Sonntag, 80, a former Two Rivers resident, died Monday afternoon at Des Moines, Iowa, after a short illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, the Rev. W. G. Haase officiating. Interment will be in Pioneers’ Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. Louis Sonntag was born in Two Rivers on March 8, 1875, a son of Fred and Josephine Mussel Sonntag. After being employed at the old Mann Bros. Pail Factory and later at the Hamilton Mfg. Co. at Two Rivers, he left in 1910 for Charles City, Iowa, where he worked at a furniture manufacturing concern for many years. The family later removed to Oscaloosa, Iowa, and three years ago went to Des Moines. Mr. Sonntag married the former Caroline Veitz of Two Rivers who preceded him in death 16 yars ago. Surviving Mr. Sonntag are two sons, Lester H. and Rupert Sonntag of Des Moines; two sisters, Mrs. John Grumann and Mrs. Joseph Steinhauer of the Town of Two Rivers, and a brother, Ernest Sonntag of Two Rivers. There are three grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, August 16, 1955 P. 13

RALPH SONNTAG Death in Two Rivers last week of a little son of Mr. August Sonntag, of child cholera. Der Nord Westen, 27 Sept. 1894

WALTER SONNTAG (d. 1949) Walter Sonntag, 57, Two Rivers meat cutter, who fell while at work at the Veterans hospital, Woods, Wis., a week ago, died early today without regaining consciousness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Klein and Stangel Inc., funeral home, Two Rivers, the Rev. Richard Wichlei officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers Rest cemetery there. Mr. Sonntag was born in Two Rivers in 1891 and when a young man learned the butcher trade. He was employed in markets in Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wausau, Chicago and Milwaukee. For the past eight years he had been employed at the Veterans hospital. He was a veteran of World War I and unmarried. Surviving Mr. Sonntag are two sisters, Mrs. George Chizek and Mrs. Olive Leiker of Two Rivers and five brothers, Milton of East Orange, New Jersey, Roy of Two Rivers, Police Officer Harvey of Whitefish Bay, Wis., and Norman and Alvin Sonntag of Two Rivers. The body may be viewed starting Sunday evening at the Two Rivers funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 8, 1949 P. 2

WILLIAM SONNTAG (d. 1951) William Sonntag, 80, former employe of the Hamilton Manufacturing company, died at 11 a.m. Friday at Two Rivers Municipal hospital following a lingering illness. A resident of 2905 Jackson street, Two Rivers, where he made his home with a daughter, Mrs. Fred Carpenter, for a number of years. Mr. Sonntag had been hospitalized since Tuesday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the St. John Lutheran church, Two Rivers, with the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery. The body is at the Klein and Stangel funeral home. Born in Two Rivers in 1871, the deceased was a son of the late Fred and Josephine Dvorak Sonntag. He spent his entire life in Two Rivers, working at the Hamilton plant for some 30 years until ill health forced his retirement. Mr. Sonntag was for many years a member of the Two Rivers hook and ladder volunteer fire department. His wife, the former Emma Kubel of Two Rivers, died in 1935. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Edward Bunke Sr., Mrs. Joseph Strong and Mrs. Fred Carpenter, all of Two Rivers; two sons, Eldon and Leo Sonntag of Two Rivers; two brothers, Louis Sonntag of Oskaloosa, Iowa and Ernest, former Two Rivers street commission; two sisters, Mrs. John Gruman and Mrs. Minnie Steinhauer of Two Rivers; two step brothers, Frank and Richard Hesa of Two Rivers; nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, April 6, 1951 P. 2 ********* Sonntag Funeral services for William Sonntag, 81(sic), lifelong Two Rivers resident and member of the old Two Rivers volunteer fire department, who died at Two Rivers Municipal hospital Friday, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Klein & Stangel Inc., funeral home and at 2 o'clock in St. John Lutheran church. The Rev. W.G. Haase will officiate and interment will be in Pioneers' Rest cemetery, Two Rivers. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 o'clock Saturday night until hour of services. It was incorrectly reported in Friday's obituary that the mother of Mr. Sonntag was the former Josephine Dvorak. It should have been Josephine Musil. Besides the survivors reported in the obituary Mr. Sonntag had a step-sister, Mrs. Edward Lynn of Kellogg, Ida. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, April 7, 1951 P. 2

CLARA SONTAG (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 06 Jan.) Burial Sun. afternoon of the 38-yr. old daughter of Fritz Sonntag who had been crippled since childhood and never improved despite all efforts of the medical arts. Der Nord Westen, 09 Jan. 1902 ********* A BORN PARALYTIC PASSES AWAY. On the 22nd of April 1864 there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sontag of this city a girl baby that came into the world a paralytic and remained a paralytic until its death, which took place last Thursday, after nearly 38 years of helpless, unconscious existence. Although it grew to be about the size of an eight year old child it never was anything more than an infant. In fact it was regarded and treated as an infant all its life and as an infant it was buried in a white coffin. Aside from a very slight movement of its head and of its hands, that were kept folded upon its breast, it was incapable of muscular movement. There was apparently never any mental development, although it gave forth a strange cry when in need of attention. Its whole life was spent in a cradle and it required the same attention and care that are given to infants. These were given it, though it never realized the sad burden it was upon its parents. But as the years rolled by there was no remitting of the care and solicitude of the parents and their affection for the unfortunate being never wavered. Indeed, when the mother died five years ago her only solicitude was for the care of the child that with her had always been ”the baby” and the sorrow of the father was as deep as it would have been were it one of his other children who had passed away. Few people in this city, outside of neighbors, knew of the existence of this strange being and it is much to the credit of Mr. and Mrs. Sontag that they cared for it as they did, when they could have legally been relieved of its care. The Chronicle, Tues. 7 Jan. 1902 ******* Clara Sontag birth: 22 April 1864 Two Rivers, Wis. death: 2 January 1902 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, Wis. residence: 1902 Two Rivers, Wis. father: Fred Sontag mother: Josephine Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

FREDERICK SONTAG FREDERICK SONTAG PASSES AWAY Frederick Sontag, one of the pioneer residents of the city, passed away at his home on 19th street last Thursday after an illness of only three weeks duration. Only a month ago he was hale and hearty and was employed in the Hamilton plant. The deceased was 67 years of age. He was born in Saxon Persia,(sic) Germany. At the age of five years he came to this country with his parents who settled in Milwaukee. In 1854 he came to this city where he has since resided. In 1863 he was married to Josephine Musil at Kossuth. In 1865 he enlisted and served one year as a private in the Civil War. The deceased was a charter member of the Fire Department which was organized forty years ago. For thirteen years he held the position of engineer of the steamer. Frederick Sontag was an honest and industrial man. Nearly all of his life he toiled in the shops of the city. He was the father of a family of six sons and three daughters. His first wife died in 1898. In 1902 he was married to Mrs. F. Hess who survives him. He is also survived by six sons and three daughters, thirty-one grandchildren and three great- grand-children. The funeral took place on Sunday from the residence, Rev. Stuempfig officiating. The Liederkranz sang at the funeral. The members of the fire department and the G.A.R. attended the funeral in a body. Those who came here to attend his funeral were Louis and family of Charles City, Iowa; Fred and Albert and family, August and Laura Hess and Jos. Benzinger of Milwaukee; and Mr. and Mrs. John Grumann, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Grumann, Jr. of Laona. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tuesday, July 2, 1912 ********* Old Veteran Passes Away Another well known resident answered the all of the Angel of Death this week when Mr. Fred Sonntag(sic), aged 67, died Thursday. Mr. Sonntag had been confined to his bed chamber for a month because of kidney and kindred troubles, death came as a relief of one who cheerfully bore it all. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the residence of the deceased. Rev. Stuempfig will officiate at the interment. The decedent was born in Saxony, Germany in 1850; he emigrated to this country with his parents. For four years he lived at Milwaukee and in 1854 he located here. He began work in the pail factory which was then owned by Aldrich Smith. He worked in this factory all his life except the last five years during which time he worked at the Hamilton Factory. In 1865 he enlisted in the army, joining Company D, commanded by Capt. Wittmann, recruited from this city and Manitowoc. He served in the army for over a year and at the close of the war he was honorably discharged. Mr. Sonntag was one of the chartered members of the first fire department “The Volunteer Company” of this city, those were the days of hand pumps for extinguishing fires. For twenty years he served – illegible – the city steamer. Jos Rankin Post GAR of this city under whose auspices the funeral will be held. Mr. Sonntag is survived by a family of nine grown up children, the sons are Fred and Albert of Milwaukee, Louis of Charles City, Iowa, August, William and Ernst of this city. The daughters, who mourns for a dear father are Mesdames John Greemann of Laona, Wis., Herman Fanslau and Jos. Steinbauer of this city. The Reporter, Sat., June 29, 1912 ********** Card of Thanks The undersigned desire to express their gratitude for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown them during the recent bereavement. To fellow employes, member of the G.A.R. and Liederkranz, who tendered floral tributes and assisted in the funeral ceremonies, we feel especially grateful. Mrs. F. Sonntag The Reporter, Sat. July 7, 1912

JOSEPHINE SONTAG Mrs. F. Sontag, wife of a well known resident of this city died on Wednesday last after an illness of months' duration and was buried on Saturday from the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Sontag was born in Bohemia, March 15, 1844 and was married to her husband, who survives her, 33 years ago. To him she bore thirteen children, ten of whom are still living, the youngest being a lad of about 10 years of age. She was a devoted wife and mother and was beloved by a large circle of friends and neighbors. Her funeral was a very large one. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Nov. 10, 1896 ***** Card of Thanks The undersigned wish to express their most heartfelt thanks for the kind sympathy and assistance tendered them so freely over the loss and at the funeral of their beloved wife and mother. F. Sontag and family Manitowoc County Chronicle - Nov. 10, 1896 ******** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 09 Nov.) Death on Wed. last week here in Two Rivers, of 52 yr. old Mrs. Fritz Sonntag. She leaves a husband and 10 children. Burial was Sat. at the Lutheran Church. Der Nord Westen, 12 Nov. 1896

RUTH H. SPAETH Ruth H. Spaeth, age 80, of 816 A Redfin Court, Manitowoc, died Friday, April 4, 1997, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, April 7, 1997, at Calvary Assemblies of God Church, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be Rev. Steven D. Miles with burial to follow on Tuesday at Pioneer Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers. She was born October 11, 1916, in Two Rivers, daughter of the late Henry and Anna Zahorik Mertens. She married Norbert Spaeth July 6, 1940, in Black Creek, Wis. She was a member of Calvary Assemblies of God Church and a member of the Manitowoc Senior Center. Survivors include her husband, Norbert Spaeth, Manitowoc; two sons and daughters- in-law, Michael and Janet Spaeth, Muskogee, Okla., Timothy and Dorothy Spaeth, Everett, Wash.; one daughter and son-in-law, Lynne and Carlos Munoz, Gladewater, Texas; one sister, Alice Strong, Pueblo, W. Colo.; one half-sister, Ethel Gosz, Francis Creek; one half-sister-in-law, Ethel Havlinek, Two Rivers; 11 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Phillip; and one half-brother, Emmet Bucky Mertens. Friends may call at the Calvary Assemblies of God Church from 9 a.m. Monday until the time of service. In lieu of flowers a memorial has been established in her name. The Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, April 6, 1997 P. A2 ******** (Ruth H Spaeth/11 Oct 1916/04 Apr 1997/SSDI)

ELIZABETH SPAHN C.E. Patzer of Milwaukee was here to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Spahn of Two Rivers, an aunt. Prof. Patzer is a former Manitowoc man and was head of the State Teachers' association last year. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, November 18, 1914 P.3 ******** Miss Elizabeth Spahn, aged 89, died at her home in this city last Sunday morning. The deceased was born in Germany and came to this country when quite young. For many years she and her daughter lived alone in their little home on Monroe Street. The funeral was held from St. John's Lutheran Church. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Nov. 19, 1914 ******** OLD RESIDENT DEAD After being confined to her bed for three and one half years, Mrs. Elizabeth Spahn passed away at the home on Monroe Street early Sunday morning. She was passed 89. Three and a half years ago she fell and fractured her hip. During her long confinement, she was ever patient and cheerful and only two months ago she enjoyed the company of many friends who had gathered to help celebrate her 89th birthday. Mrs. Spahn was born in Stockhausen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. Forty-five years ago she came to Two Rivers with her husband and only daughter, Gretchen, who survives her. Her husband has been dead 37 years. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from St. John's church of which she has always been a devoted member. Besides her daughter, she is survived by one brother, Andrew Baetz of this city and Mrs. G. Karnofsky of Manitowoc. The Reporter, Sat., Nov. 21, 1914

JOHN SPAHN From The Chronicle: John Spahn, of this village, died late Wednesday morning of consumption. The Odd Fellows, Sons of Herman, and Fire Department attended the funeral, which took place on Friday, deceased being a member of those societies. A number of the Manitowoc Lodge were also in attendance. Manitowoc Pilot, November 1, 1877 P. 3

MARGARETHA SPAHN Two Rivers news: MISS SPAHN, CITY PIONEER, HEART ATTACK VICTIM After suffering a heart attack ten days ago Miss Margaret Spahn 74, one of the pioneer residents of Two Rivers passed away Christmas day at the hospital here. The deceased, who was a niece of the late Mayor Andrew Baetz, had been in failing health for several weeks. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon from the St. John's Lutheran church. Born in Germany on January 14, 18?? she immigrated to Two Rivers with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Johann Spahn in 1866? ??? the Civil war. Her father who preceded her in death forty(?)-five years ago was one of the (the rest is too light to read) Manitowoc Herald News, December 26, 1929 p.10 ******* Funeral services for Miss Gretchen Spahn, a resident of this city for many years who passed away at the municipal hospital Wednesday night, were held this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald News, December 28, 1929 P. 10 ******* Conrad Patzer, a supervisor of the Milwaukee State Teachers’ college attended the funeral of Miss Gretchen Spahn in this city this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald News, December 28, 1929 P. 10 ******* [bur. Dec. 28] ******* (Note: The Two Rivers census for 1880, 1900, 1910 all show: Elizabeth Spahn living with a daughter Gretchen (var. sp.) but no Margaretha Spahn. No other persons in the household. The only place I can find Margaretha is on the tombstone for her, and in the obit. of Dec. 26, 1929)

MARIA SPIEGEL Mrs. Mary Spiegel of Two Rivers died last evening at the Holy Family hospital. She was 74 years of age and had been ill but a short time. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the Lutheran church at Two Rivers. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. August Sampe; Mrs. Carl Fischer, Manitowoc Rapids, and one son, the latter at Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, March 04, 1920, Page 5 ******** Mrs. Maria Spiegel, the widow of W. Spiegel deceased, passed away at Holy Family Hospital, March 3rd. Mrs. Spiegel was a native of Muliendorf, Schwerin, Germany. The day of her birth was the 26th of June, 1846. When a child she came with her parents, whose name was Hacker, to this country, the family settling at the town of Newton. In 1865 she was joined in wedlock to Wm Spiegel. For many years the family lived at Manitowoc, later they lived on a farm in the Town of Mishicot. When old age approached, father and mother Speigel removed to this city. Mrs. Spiegel, at the time of her death had attained the age of 73 years, 8 months and 7 days. She is survived by one son, Mr. Wm A. Spiegel of the town of Mishicot and two daughters, Mrs. Carl Fischer of the Town of Newton and Mrs. August Sampe of the Town of Manitowoc Rapids. The funeral was Sunday, Rev. C. F. Doehler officiating. The Reporter, Thurs., Mar. 11, 1920

WILHELM SPIEGEL PIONEER OF COUNTY PASSES AWAY AT TWO RIVERS, AGED 77 William Spiegel, a pioneer resident of the county, died at Two Rivers at the advanced age of 77 years. The burial was held there. Decedent was born in Germany in 1840 and came here in 1854, locating in this city. He later removed to Rapids and then to Mishicot and of late years resided at Two Rivers. He is survived by a widow, one son and two daughters. Harry Spiegel of this city is a grandson of the decedent. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, December 05, 1917, Page 5 ******** Having been in ill health for several years, William Spiegel passed away at his home on Monroe Street Friday morning. Deceased was born in Germany 77 years ago and when fourteen years of age he emigrated to America with relatives. He resided for a time in Manitowoc, Manitowoc Rapids and Mishicot before coming to this city to reside about fifteen years ago. He was a farmer and a successful one. He is survived by his widow, one son, William of Mishicot and two daughters, Mrs. Chas Fischer and Mrs. August Samp of Mishicot. The funeral was held Monday from St. John's Lutheran Church of which he was a sincere and devout member. The Reporter, Thurs., Dec. 6, 1917 ******** Notice to Prove Will and Notice to Creditors. State of Wisconsin, County Court, Manitowoc County-in Probate. In Re. Estate of Wilhelm Spiegel, deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given, That at the special term of said court to be held on the fourth Tuesday (being the 29th day) of January A.D. 1918, at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, there will be heard and considered the application of Maria Spiegel, to admit to probate the last will and testament of Wilhelm Spiegel, late of the city of Two Rivers, in said County, deceased, and for the appointment of an executrix. Notice Is Hereby Further Given, That at the special term of said court to be held at said court house, on the 5th Tuesday, (being the 30th day) of April A.D. 1918, there will be heard, considered and adjusted, all claims against said Wilhelm Spiegel, deceased. And Notice is Hereby Further Given, That all such claims for examination and allowance must be presented to said county court at the court house, in the city of Manitowoc in said county and state, on or before the 28th day of April, A.D. 1918, or be barred. Dated December 28th 1917. By the Court. John Chloupek, County Judge Manitowoc Post, Thursday, January 31, 1918 P. 16

AUGUSTA SPIERING Mrs. Augusta Spiering, 82, of 1817-14th St. Two Rivers, died Friday night at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Klein and Stangel, Inc., Two Rivers, and at 2 p.m. at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Rev. Edward Stelter officiating. Burial will be in Pioneers' Rest Cemetery. Mrs. Spiering, nee Augusta Hedtke, was born Jan. 20, 1888, at Winthrop, Minn., a daughter of the late Adolph and Bertha Jacobs Hedtke. She was married in Minnesota in 1912 to Frank J. Spiering, longtime general superintendent for the Walter Oeflein Construction Co. of Milwaukee. The family moved to Two Rivers late in World War I when Mr. Spiering supervised construction of one of the Mirro Aluminum Co. plant additions being built by the Magestic Construction Co. of Milwaukee. Her husband died at Two Rivers in 1939. She was a member of the Ladies Society of St. John church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Edwin Holdorff of Manitowoc; two sons, Lyle and Norman of Two Rivers; three brothers, Paul and Roy of Minneapolis, Minn., and Ernest Hedtke of Superior, 6 grandchildren and 12 great grand- children. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, May 2, 1970 P.7 ******** The following is for her husband who is buried in Minnesota: Frank L. Spiering, 57, building construction superintendent who had charge of erection of several of the largest buildings in the state during the past 25 years, died at his home at Two Rivers Saturday evening. Spiering supervised the construction of most of the larger buildings at Two Rivers and Manitowoc in the past several years and also supervised the building of the Schroeder Hotel in Milwaukee, the Northland at Green Bay and the Wausau at Wausau. He was connected with the Walter Oeflein Construction company of Milwaukee for 13 years, while in recent years he was connected with the Hamman Construction company of Manitowoc. Seven weeks ago Spiering broke his right leg in a fall while at work on the addition to the White House Milk company plant here and was confined to his home. He was recuperating from this injury when heart disease set in about a week ago. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock from the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home at Two Rivers and at 9:30 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church with the Rev. W.G. Haase officiating. The body will then be taken to Winthrop, Minnesota, where there will be short services from the home of Mr. Spiering's brother, William, and interment will be in the Winthrop cemetery. Mr. Spiering was born at Winthrop, Minn., Sept. 12, 1882. He attended the schools there and remained in that city until he went to Milwaukee several years after his graduation. Twenty-five years ago, shortly before coming to Milwaukee Mr. Spiering married Miss Augusta Hedtke of Gaylord, Minnesota. The couple remained in Milwaukee for some months and then came to Two Rivers where they have lived since. His first job at Two Rivers was the western portion of Plant 1 of the Aluminum Goods company when he was connected with the Majestic Construction company. Scores of other buildings in Two Rivers and Manitowoc, including the Hotel Manitowoc, were built under his super- vision. He supervised building of most of the AGM plants and also supervised buildings of the new Plymouth city hall. His biggest jobs were those for the Oeflein Construction company. He began working for this firm in 1918 and continued with it until 1934. Since then he worked for several other large firms and in the past few years had been connected with the Hammon company of Manitowoc. Survivors are the widow; two sons, Lyle, Two Rivers and Norman at home; one daughter, Joyce, at home; two brothers, seven sisters and one grandchild. The body was taken to the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home where it may be viewed until the time of the funeral. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, October 16, 1939 P.2 ********* Frank L. Spiering, 57, building constuction superintendent, died at his home at Two Rivers Saturday evening and funeral services were held Tuesday morning after which the body was taken to Winthrop, Minn. The widow, two sons and a daughter survive him. Manitowoc Sun Messenger, Friday, October 20, 1939 P.6

NOEL SPIERING Frank Noel Jr.(sic), three months old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spiering, 14th St., died Friday last. The funeral was held on Sunday from the residence, Rev. W. G. Haase, officiating. The Reporter, Thurs., Jan. 26, 1922

ROBERT A. SPIERING Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spiering are mourning the death of a two months old son who died at the home, 1817 Fourteenth Street, this morning. The funeral will be held from the home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Haase officiating. Manitowoc Herald News, Nov. 23, 1926 page 14

CHRISTIAN SPRENGER Death Monday of Christian Sprenger, an old settler of Two Rivers, of old age debility. Mr. Sprenger was born 07 January 1830 in the Province of Brandenburg and came to America in 1856. He is survived by 4 sons and one daughter. The funeral will be held this afternoon. Der Nord Westen, 13 Dec. 1906 ******** Died At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Zoerb, on the southside, Christian Sprenger, an old and respected resident of this city passed away in death last Monday at the advanced age of nearly 77 years. Christian Sprenger, born January 7, 1830 at Luetzlow, Brandenburg, Germany, married 1854 to Louise Schulzen, came to America in 1856, resided a short time at Sheboygan Falls and then located permanently at Two Rivers. His wife died 9 years ago. Surviving are the following children: Fred, merchant at Hartford, Wis., Christ, a merchant at Milwaukee, Ernst, dentist at Chicago, Rudolph manager of a large store at Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Henry Zoerb of this city. The deceased was an upright citizen, a devout and faithful Christian and highly respected by all that knew him. The funeral took place last Thursday afternoon from the Evangelical Church, Rev. Huebner officiating. Two Rivers Reporter, Sat., Dec. 15, 1906 ******** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 17 Dec.) A large funeral was held Thursday as 77-year old Christian Sprenger was carried to his final rest. He had been ill for a long time and leaves 4 sons and a daughter, all married. His wife died 10 years ago. Sprenger was a fine man and true member of the local Evangelical Church whose minister, Pastor Huebner, conducted the funeral. Der Nord Westen, 20 Dec. 1906 ********* Christian Sprueger (sic) birth: 7 January 1830 Germany death: 10 December 1906 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1906 Two Rivers father: Christian Sprueger mother: Mary Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

LOUISA SPRENGER Died Sprenger - At her home in this city of Bright's disease on Sunday, Oct. 3, 1897, Mrs. Christ Sprenger, aged 67. Deceased was one of the old residents of this city having come here with her husband, who survives her, in 1856 and has resided here ever since. Besides her husband, she leaves four sons and one daughter, all of whom are grown up. Her funeral will take place tomorrow from the Evangelical church to which she belonged. She was a devout Christian, a loving wife and mother and was highly esteemed by a large circle of neighbors and friends. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Oct. 5, 1897 ********* Death in Two Rivers on Sun. of 67 yr. old Mrs. Christian Sprenger of Bright's disease. The deceased, who was a resident of Two Rivers since 1856, is survived by her husband and 5 grown children. The funeral took place yesterday morning at the Evangelical Church. Der Nord Westen, 07 Oct. 1897 ******* Mrs. Christian Sprengers birth: 1830 Germany death: 3 October 1897 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1897 Two Rivers, Wis. spouse: Christian Sprengers Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968