GURLEY ABBOTT Gurley Abbott is our duly authorized Agent for the Daily and Weekly Tribune in the village. He will canvass the village every Monday morning, for subscribers, and collect pay in advance. Terms, for one week, 12 1/2 cents; for one month, 50 Cents; for one years, $5.00. June 9, 1858 P. 3 The Daily TribuneNEWMAN C. ABBOTT Newman C. Abbott Member of 7th Missouri Regiment, and son of E.L. Abbott, died in Missouri. Jan. 21, 1862, Manitowoc Herald
EDWIN ABEL Edwin Abel, a son of Wm. Abel, has entered the U.S. Navy as a machinist. July 19, 1906, Der Nord Westen
EDWIN ABEL Edwin Abel, a son of Wm. Abel who was former captain of the local militia company, who has served 10 months as a 2nd Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy, has just been promoted to 1st Petty Officer. May 2, 1907, Der Nord Westen
JACK ADAMS "Jack" Adams and wife arrived in the city from Douglas, Ariz., yesterday to spend the summer here, Mr. Adams again assuming charge of the Lakeside Country club for the season. Mr. Adams says that he the witnessed some stirring scenes on the border when the "war" fever had its run and that there was considerable apprehension at Douglas and other border cities over possibility of attacks from Mexicans. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 20, 1916 P.2
PAUL ADAMSKI Six Granted Citizenship Only six were granted final citizenship papers by Judge Kirwan yesterday, two of the applications being continued for further study and one failing to appear, Jeanne Zense of France, Paul Adamski and George Mushel of Poland, Henry Ashenbrenner of Russia and John Vukelich and his wife Mrs. Anna Vukelich of Austria are the newly made Americans. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, June 3, 1925 P.1
ELIAS. ADDLEMAN St. Nazianz news: Elias. Addleman, of Liberty, is building a large frame barn. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1885 P.3
GUSTAVE ADOLPH Gustave Adolph and family departed from the city this morning to take up a home in the far West and will located in the state of Oregon. For more than thirty years Mr. Adolph has been a farmer in the town of Two Rivers and having recently disposed of his property leaves the state. The family consists of wife, three sons and one daughter. Friends will wish them success. Apr. 22, 1902, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. WILLIAM AHEARN The 77th birthday of Mrs. William Ahearn was celebrated at her home at 1511 19th street Sunday evening. Only members of the immediate family were present at the dinner, given in her honor. Mrs. Ahearn, despite her years is in good health and daily takes care of her garden which is regarded as one of the showplaces of the city. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, June 26, 1934 P. 2
PETER AHL, SON In Town Liberty last week a 3-yr. old child of Peter Ahl was with his parents in the field, but when they started back to the house for a meal the child was missing and could not be found over 2 days and nights. Finally, the little traveler was found in a vegetable patch contentedly eating vegetables. Aug. 12, 1897, Der Nord Westen
CHAS. AHLGRIM Mishicott news: Mr. Chas. Ahlgrim went to Shawano, Wis. last week to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. August Ahlgrim. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 14, 1883 P. 4
CHAS. AHLGRIM The Gemuethlichkeit society and a number of friends visited the home of Chas. Ahlgrim last evening, intending to surprise him, but they were obliged to visit him at the lighthouse where his duties called him until late. Yesterday was Mr. Ahlgrim's birthday and the guests present last evening made it one long to be remembered. Owing to the storm they were obliged to remain late, but the enjoyment of the affair was not lessened. July 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
AHRENS, GRANDFATHER Grandfather Ahrens in Neshoto celebrated his 71st birthday last week Wed. and the Neshoto chorus serenaded him. Mar. 9, 1899, Der Nord Westen
CHAS. AHRENS CRIME ON INCREASE Municipal Court Kept Busy Hearing Criminal Actions. ASSAULT CASES IN MAJORITY. One of the Worst Yet Tried to Come up Tomorrow-Ulness Bound Over on Criminal Charge-Other Cases. Yesterday William Wilke, a town of Two Rivers man, was arraigned on a statutory charge and pleaded not guilty. He was released on furnishing bail in the sum of $600 to appear for trial in Municipal Court May 26. He was represented by Isaac Craite as attorney. Wilke is a married man and the charge is preferred against him by Chas. Ahrens. The crime is alledged to have been committed in the town of Two Rivers May 16. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 20, 1903 P. 1
W.J. AHRENS Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Ahrens are at Milwaukee to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ahren's sister, Mrs. John Hunholtz. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 5, 1916 P.3 ***** Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Ahrens are at Milwaukee to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ahrens' sister here (sic). Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 6, 1916 P.3
MR. ALBERS Liberty news: Mr. and Mrs. Albers took part in the Easter festivities of Liberty. They seem to be as happy and contented a couple as the sun ever cast his golden light upon and why not. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1
ED. AIGELTINGER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 08 Dec.) Mr. Ed. Aigeltinger of San Francisco was here on a visit last week. He is a former resident of Saxonburg in Town Mishicott where his father had a business. He hadn’t seen his home town for 23 yrs. He had pictures taken with his old school mates, Messrs. Fred Jonas, John Stelzer, Emil Kunze, August Schroeder, L. Heyroth, John Benzinger, Fritz Witte, A. Drews, And Jens Halberg. Dec. 11, 1902, Der Nord Westen
FREDRICK ALBEE ALMOST DROWNED.-Edward Sharp, well known to our citizens, came near being drowned, on Friday evening last. In company with one or two other boys, he went to bathe in the river near the saw mill of B. JONES & C., and before he knew, got out into the deep water, and being unable to swim, sank three times and was about to sink again when Fredrick Albee rescued him. Fred. deserves to be put on record for his manly courage. June 28, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune
GEORGE ALBEE Punctured His Collar Bone A young man named George Albee while riding on horseback on his father's farm about 12 miles from this city, on Tuesday last, was thrown from his horse and fractured his collar bone. He was brought to the city and placed under the care of Dr. Easton. Aug. 10, 1871, Manitowoc Pilot ***** We have received from our former townsman Geo. Albee a copy of No. 1 Vol. 1 of the Ninnescah, (Kan.) Herald. In it we notice a liberal "ad." from Carman and Albee both of whom are former Manitowoc Co. citizens. Manitowoc sends out as many colonists as old England. It will be noted in history as a good place to go from. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2
JOHN ALBEE He was thrown from buggy by a runaway mule. Aug. 2, 1860, Manitowoc Herald
MATHILDE ALBERS (From the correspondent in Centerville, 17 Mar.) Mrs. Mathilde Albers celebrated her 35th birthday on Thurs. last week, and the same day Gottlieb Mill observed his 60th birthday. Mar. 19, 1896, Der Nord Westen
CAPT. W.T. ALBERS Capt. W. T. Albers, deputy internal revenue collector for this district, has disposed of his property at Cleveland and will move to Sheboygan, having made an exchange for property there. Jan. 4, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald ************* Albers Goes To Waupun. Capt. W.T. Albers, of Clevland, this county, has been shaking the plum tree with good results. He has received notice from Col. Anderson, the governor's private secretary, that he has been appointed to a good position in the state prison. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 1
W.T. ALBERS W.T. Albers, of Centerville, Notary Public, Justice of Peace, Town Clerk. Agent for safes and a good fellow generally, beamed upon us Saturday and wanted the TIMES' regularly to read to his young and amiable wife. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1
W.T. ALBERS W.T. Albers and John Hussey former residents and school teachers of this county are "stumping" for Cleveland and Hendricks in the neighborhood of Ledyard. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
ADOLPH ALBRECHT, SON The 2-yr. old son of Wollmer St. resident Adolph Albrecht was playing with a loaded "children's pistol" on Tues., when it fell from his hand and fired. A piece of the shot badly wounded the child in the face close to an eye. (Editorial comment regarding parents who provide such dangerous toys to small children.) Oct. 2, 1902, Der Nord Westen
GEO. ALBRECHT Geo. Albrecht left last Friday for Chicago where he intends to pass the winter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 1
W. ALBRECHT A member of the family of W. Albrecht of Town Line Road, north of Town Manitowoc, has been stricken with the so-called “black diphtheria”, the most serious strain. Quarantine regulations were quickly enforced and it is hoped that the fearsome disease can be contained. Jan. 10, 1907, Der Nord Westen
HENRY ALBRIGHT A champion skater, Henry Albright, said to be eight years old, but we rather guess that like the traditional "old maid" he don't consider himself under bonds to tell the whole truth, gave an exhibition of fancy skating at Lenerville Bros. rink Wednesday evening. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 P.6
MR. ALCKMANN School Hill news: Mr. Alckmann the cheese maker of Schleswig in charge of L.C. Senglaub on account of having bad luck with the cheese closed his factory last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2
MR. A.C. ALDRICH Cooperstown news: Mr. A.C. Aldrich left last Monday morning for Ledyard where he has found employment in one of the machine shops. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 1, 1886 P.1
MRS. V.M. ALDRICH Cooperstown news: Mrs. M. Demmer of New Denmark spent last Sabbath with her mother Mrs. V.M. Aldrich. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1
ARNOLD ALEXANDER In Circuit court Tuesday afternoon Attorney Albert Schmidt presented the names of Victor Pierrelee(?) and Arnold Alexander for admittance to Manitowoc County bar, and the practice was favored. The young men are both graduates of the law school school of the University and have been recently established themselves here. They are destined to attain prominence in their chosen profession. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1901, p. 2
G.A. ALEXANDER LEAVES HOTEL AFTER FIVE YEARS G.A. Alexander Retires from Management of Williams House After five years, G.A. Alexander today retires from the management of the Williams House and will be succeeded by J.D. Giles of Marshfield, who has been engaged to conduct the house for the estate of Mrs. Anna Williams. Mr. Giles was until recently proprietor of the Blodgett at Marshfield and is a hotel man of excellent repute. There will be no changes in employees. Mr. Alexander, who came here five years ago from Hurley, has been very successful in his management of the Williams and enjoys a reputation as a first class hotel man. He will remain a resident of the city and has leased a home on N. Tenth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, April 11, 1902, Page 1
MARY ALGER CLAIMS CHILD SHE LEFT HERE 7 YEARS AGO Coming here to claim her daughter, who for seven years had made her home with Mrs. Mary Alger, Mrs. Ida Las Binder, remembered her as Ida Gordon, an actress who appeared at the Crystal when stock was running there, encountered some trouble because of objection of Mrs. Alger to surrender the child and it is said was accompanied to the railway station by the sheriff because she feared an attempt might be made by the girl to leave her. Mrs. Las Binder, then Miss Gordon left her two children, a boy and a girl, with the Algers seven years ago but claimed the boy last fall and returned today to get the girl. The Las Binders now reside on a farm at Bismark, N.D. Mrs. Alger had become much attached to the children, particularly the girl, who has had a pleasant home and was not inclined to leave it. June 15, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HENRY ALLEN HAD'NT (sic) SEEN ANY. In the soldier department of the Sunday Telegraph we find following yarn: Among the recruits that were sent down from Wisconsin to fill up the decimated ranks in 1864 was young Henry Allen, of Manitowoc. The boys filled him full of the terrors of the battle field, and the spring campaign commenced. The first dose came at the Wilderness. Johnnies were on the right, left, front and rear. Time and again the regiment asaulted, were driven back and again advanced, only to suffer the punishment of disaster and defeat. Hundreds had fallen. Allen was still in the ranks and except somewhat begrimed with smoke and powder was untouched. One of his mates said to him as the regiment was reforming for another attempt: "Well, Henry what do you think of this sort of fighting?" His reply paid off all old scores, and he was a tender foot no longer. "What fighting do you mean, I haven't seen any-when will it begin? I don't want no more of your foolishness!" Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 26, 1886 P.3
MARGARET ALLEN Order to Hear Petition for Final Settlement (First publication Aug. 12, 1884.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of James Allen deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Margaret Allen administrator of the estate of said deceased for the adjustment and allowance of her administration account and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same. It is ordered, that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a special term of said court to be held at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 16th day of September, A.D., 1884. It is further orderd that upon the adjustment and allowance of such account by this Court as aforesaid, the residue of said estate be by the further order and judgement of this cout, assigned to such persons as are by law entitled to the same. It is further ordered that notice of the time and place of the examination and allowance of such account and of the assignment of the residue of said estate be given to all persons interested, by publication of this order for three successive weeks, before said day, in the Lake Shore Times a weekly newspaper printed and published at the City of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. Dated Aug. 9th, A.D. 1884. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1884 P.4
SAM ALLEN Rapids news: A private letter from Idaho states that Sam Allen a Rapids boy and his partner was a suit with the owners of the Elkhorn mine, by which they received a verdict of fifty four thousand dollars. We are glad to hear of Sam's luck and hope he may always do as well. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 25, 1885 P.4
WM. ALLEN Mr. Wm. Allen, a member of Co. H. who has been sick at Charleston, is spending his furlough with his brother in this city. October 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. ALLIE Mrs. Allie, widow of the late Jno. V. Allie, called at the Chronicle office, last week, and requested us to make acknowledgment of the receipt, by her, of the whole amount due on the policy which her deceased husband held in the Northwestern Life Insurance company, of Milwaukee. She tenders her thanks to the company and to their very efficient agent at Two Rivers, G. Damler, for the promptness with which the amount of the policy has been paid, and gratefully recommends this company to the favorable consideration of the public generally. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 21, 1872 pg. 3
EUGENE ALLIE Two Rivers news: Eugene and Nelson Allie have recently purchased a house and lot located on the "Canada side," and formerly owned by Geor. Kessler. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4
EUGENE ALLIE The big gasoline fish boat owned by Eugene Allie, of Two Rivers, was disabled by the breaking of a shaft through striking a heavy piece of ice while going into the lake and the boat had to have assistance to get back to port. Repairs the (sic) being made. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 29, 1916 P.3
J. ALLIE Two Rivers news: E. Lamere, for some time past an efficient member of the Life Saving Station at this place, now proposes to go railroading. J. Allie filled the vacancy. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
NELSON ALLIE Two Rivers news: Eugene and Nelson Allie have recently purchased a house and lot located on the "Canada side," and formerly owned by Geor. Kessler. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4
CHAS. ALLWARDT Chas. Allwardt, an employe of the C. & N.W. Co., met with a painful accident at the yards to-day noon. While repairing a draft iron his hand was caught and badly crushed. It cannot be ascertained how serious the injury is, but it is to be hoped an amputation may not be necessary. February 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. ALTER Miss Vera Culver has returned to her home at Ludington after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Alter at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.3
OSCAR ALTER Manitowoc at Chicago. What some of our boys are doing in that city. Frank Murphy, Emil Fischel and Oscar Alter form a trio of representatives at the College of Pharmacy. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1 ******** "Home, Sweet Home." news: Oscar Alter is attending the Chicago Pharmaceutical College. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1 ***** C.F. Whelan intends to put in his vacation to some purpose, and for that reason has entered the City Drug Store where Oscar Alter will initiate him into the mysterious of the druggist's profession. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1 ******** If Oscar Alter were not saying so much about himself and the nice things he has in the papers now a days, we would mention that his drug store is a very popular place for our local artists to exhibit their art work. A few weeks ago Frank Bressier showed a very natural looking picture of a boy with a ragged hat, and there was'nt (sic) a boy in Manitowoc who did'nt (sic) wonder how that painter got hold of his hat to copy. Just now Miss Elsie Barnes has a pretty head on exhibition and Miss Jennie Barnes some fancy articles. Oscar takes pains to put such things in good light and give information about them, and people have fallen in the habit of looking at his window for art exhibits. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 23, 1884 P.3
OTTO ALTER Otto Alter recently from Denver, Col. has settled down to business in the store of Schuette Bros. He finds it rather containing after the free out of door life of the far West. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 28, 1885 P.3 ***** Mrs. Otto Alter has returned from Oconomowoc where she visited her sister, Mrs. Lydia Hrabik. Mrs. Hrabik, who suffered a nervous break-down, is very much improved and will return to this city in a short time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P.3
HARLEY ALTHEN TWO RIVERS BOY, SON OF FRED ALTHEN, HAS CLOSE CALL WHEN HE PLAYS INDIAN ABOUT FIRE. Harley Althen, aged four, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Althen of Two Rivers, narrowly escaped being fatally burned. With other children he went into the wood shed where they played Indian. Harley had on an Indian suit and they danced around a fire which they built there, having obtained matches somewhere. The boy got too close and his clothing caught on fire and he ran into the house where his father grabbed him and threw him into a pan of water. A doctor was called and was found that one leg was severely burned. Quick action had saved the child from fatal burns. Althen then rushed into the woodshed and put out the fire which would have been a serious blaze in a few minutes more. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 19, 1916 P.7
REINHARD W. ALTMANN Reinhard W. Altmann, who has been traveling in the west on a honeymoon trip, has decided to established a plant nursery in Ogden, Utah. Feb. 16, 1905, Der Nord Westen
MISS L. ALTMEYER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 27 Jan.) Miss L. Altmeyer of Sheboygan Falls was here this week visiting her sisters, Mrs. Chas. Kurtz and Mrs. W. Boldus. Jan. 30, 1908, Der Nord Westen
PETER ALTMEYER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 14 Aug.) Tavern keeper Peter Altmeyer, who had gone to Escanaba last week because his mother there was ill, has returned. Aug. 17, 1905, Der Nord Westen
PETER ALTMEYER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 14 May) Peter Altmeyer of Sheboygan Falls, who has two married daughters residing here –Mrs. Charles Kurtz and Mrs. Guy Hurst –is visiting in our city. He is a former local resident who moved to Sheboygan Falls several months ago to establish a business along with a boarding house. May 17, 1906, Der Nord Westen
UNKNOWN ALVORD The stomach of the girl-Alvord, who died quite suddenly in this city some weeks ago, was sent to Milwaukee to have its contents analyzed. The analysis showed that there was a sufficient quantity of arsenious acid unabsorbed to cause death. It is now quite generally believed that the girl took poison because of the fear of being forced into a marriage distasteful to her. Manitowoc Pilot, October 16, 1890 P. 3
A.R. AMES Two Rivers news: A.R. Ames has started out as traveling saleman (sic) for Ed. Hamilton's wood type. We doubt not that Ames is competent to build up for the manufacturer a lucrative business, if such a thing is among the possibilities. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4
MR. AMES The pupils of Mr. Ames' department give a public exhibition on Thursday afternoon. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875 ******* Mr. Ames, principal of our village school, intends spending a portion of his summer vacation in Washington, visiting his friends there. Mr. Ames has been exceedingly successful in the performance of his school duties during the past year, and should conclude to teach another year, we are of the opinion that the school board cannot do better than to engage him. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875
NORMA AND VERA AMMANN It is reported from Kiel that 13-yr. old Wilhelm Reseburg there, a son of the late Wm. C. Reseburg, recently became a hero by saving the lives of three other children. Norma Ammann, also 13, her sister Vera age 9, and little Lester Meiselwitz age 3, were playing in a skiff in the river. The river there runs by the residence of the two girls' father. The skiff broke loose and before the children noticed, was going down the middle of the river. At that point the children started to cry for help. 13-year old Wilhelm, who was in the area, leaped over two fences into the river, swam to the skiff and towed it to the bank, thus saving the children…. July 12, 1906, Der Nord Westen
FREDERICK AMMERMAN Accident caused by the explosion of a rifle. He blew off his thumb in Kossuth, his hand was amputated. Jan. 12, 1856, Manitowoc Herald
FRIEDRICH AMMERMANN The demented Friedrich Ammermann of Town Kossuth has been missing since Wed. of last week, and his family is afraid something may have happened to him. Everyone is asked to be on the lookout for him. He is without a left hand. Dec. 18, 1890, Der Nord Westen
BOYER AMUNDS Boyer Amunds, one of our county fathers, was in town a few days last week, awaiting the arrival of one of his daughters from Minnesota. During his stay he honored our sanctum with a pleasant call. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1
CHAS. ANDERSON Mr. Chas. Anderson, of Manitowoc has been appointed light-houge(sic) keeper at that place, Mr. Wm. Conine having resigned. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
CHRIST. ANDERSON Christ. Anderson our rotund lighthouse keeper celebrated the 40th anniversary of his arrival in Manitowoc yesterday. Mr. Anderson was the first Norwegian settler in Manitowoc county and it was through him many of our thriving citizens of that nationality were induced to settle in this county. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3
J.S. ANDERSON J.S. Anderson will remove his law office to the rooms over the City Drug Store. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P.1
J.S. ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Mills Anderson are here from Burlington, guests of J.S. Anderson and family. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, December 28, 1903 P. 1
J.S. ANDERSON, MRS. J. Milton Mills, Esq. of Gunnison Colorado was in the city this week visiting his sister Mrs. J.S. Anderson. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 28, 1885 P.3 ******** Hon. J.T. Mills of Lancaster, Wis. is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J.S. Anderson. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.3
JAMES ANDERSON (NOTE: I have put the list in alphabetical order with surnames first to facilitate finding a certain surname) Old Settlers Club. At a meeting held pursuant to a notice published in the Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc County Chronicle, and the Nord-Western, at the Windiate House in the city of Manitowoc, on the 16th day of January A. D. 1879, for the purpose of organizing an Old Settlers Club, P. P. Smith was chosen chairman of the meeting and William Bach Secretary. Mr. Markham addressed the meeting and stated the object. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to appoint a committee of three, to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for said club and to confer with the commitee, appointed by a meeting held at Klingholtz hall, January 4th, for the same purpose, for consolidation both clubs. H. H. Smith, W. W. Waldo, and William Bach were appointed as such committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to consider all present members of the club, and to instruct the Secretary to take their names down with date and year of arrival in this country. The following are the names and dates as recorded by the Secretary: Anderson, James S. - 1852 Bach, Wm. - April 1848 Bock, Chas. - June 1852 Bormeister, W. - May 1844 Cooper, Geo. - May 1855 Edwards, Henry - 1837 Fellows, M. - Sept. 1848 Hall, John - March 1851 Hall, Sam. - 1851 Hubbard, H. - April 1837 Jones, A. D. - June 1837 Klingholz, R. - July 1847 Kostomlastky, F. - July 1857 Lennox, Jos. - 1839 Markham, J. D. - May 1856 Miller, J. - 1856 Mulholland, H. - 1852 Mulholland, P. - May 1850 Noble, W. H. - May 1855 O'Shea, P. - 1853 Patterson, James - Aug. 1848 Ross, Norris - 1841 Seeger, L. - May 1850 Sherman, E. - Spring 1850 Smith, Ave - April 1844 Trummel, F. - May 1844 Tyler, M. - July 1854 Waldo, W. W. - May 1850 White, Chr. W. - 1852 Windiate, Thos. - Nov 1854 Wood, S. A. - Oct. 1849 On motion of J. D. Markham it was resolved to appoint a committee of arrangements and to have a social of the 21st day of February next, the following were so appointed: H. H. Smith, Chas. Esslinger, A. Wittmann, Lyman Emerson, H. S. Pierpont, H. Edwards. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to meet again on the 15th day of Feb. next at 7 o’clock P. M. at the same place to hear the reports of committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to instruct the Secretary of the meeting to publish the proceedings in the newspapers of the County. On motion of J. D. Markham the meeting adjourned till the 15th day of Feb., 1879 at 7 o’clock P. M. at the same place. William Bach, Secretary Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Jan. 21, 1879
JAMES ANDERSON Mr. E. Hoeft, of Oshkosh, has resigned his position as engineer at the Water Works pump house, and will return to Oshkosh tomorrow. James Anderson of this city has been engaged in his place. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 4
COUNTY JUDGE ANDERSON County Judge Anderson celebrated his 54th birthday on Christmas Day. Dec. 31, 1896, Der Nord Westen
County Judge Anderson County Judge Anderson celebrated his 58th on Christmas Day. Dec. 28, 1899, Der Nord Westen
JUDGE ANDERSON A SPRAINED ANKLE. Judge Anderson Will Be Laid Up for Several Days. Judge Anderson met with a serious accident last night that may keep him from his duties in the County court for several days. He was going down to the basement at his home to fix the fire in the furnace when he slipped in some manner and fell, spraining his ankle. His physician says that he will not be able to be out for three or four days and that he will be compelled to use crutches for a least a month. His son Miles Anderson, who has been employed in the engineering department of the Wisconsin Central, has come home to help in his father's office during the latter's illness. Jan. 30, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JEANIE ANDERSON Miss Jeanie Anderson, who is teaching at Menasha, is visiting her parents. Nov. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JEANNETTE ANDERSON Miss Jeannette Anderson will arrive in the city from Menasha this evening to spend a few days with her parents, Judge and Mrs. J.S. Anderson. Miss Anderson has been teaching school at Menasha. Apr. 14, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
J.S. ANDERSON Mr. Geo. Mills, of Ouray, Col. is visiting his sister, Mr. J.S. Anderson. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 16, 1886 P.3
KNUD ANDERSON Knud Anderson, who worked for Carl Pangburn several years, can now be found at Geo. Bond's new and elegant barber shop, in the basement below the express office. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1
MARTIN ANDERSON Martin Anderson is home once more. He has sold out his business interests at Seymour, Outagamie Co. and for the present can be found at Plumb & Nelson's south side store. Martin has a host of friends here, who will be glad to see him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1
M.T. ANDERSEN M.T. Andersen, a former Manitowoc boy, is now located at Lake Preston, D.T. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 29, 1883 P.1
RANKCHILD ANDERSON The following estates were admitted to probate during the month of February, 1916: Joseph Drill; Isaac Halverson; Jacob Tossen; Morgan Connell; Mervin Geraldson; Ernst Vogelsang; Joseph Holly; Torger K. Hougen; Sidona Boettger; Mary F. Seidl; Simon Stok; Dorothea Schmidt; Rankchild Anderson; Joseph Thalhammer; Catherine Lenerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.5
ABRAHAM ANDREWS Mr. Abraham Andrews, Mr. Robinson and another gentleman are talking about starting a woolen factory either at Brillion or on the site of Vilas old Factory. Mr. Robison (sic) use to be foreman, of Vilas' woolen mill, and is well posted in the manufacturing line. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1
WILL ANDREWS Will Andrews left for Madison on Saturday. He will attend the law department of the State Univeersity. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1
WILL. ANDREWS Will. Andrews is the catcher of the State University nine and Geo. Waldo occupies the third base. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
WILL ANDREWS Will Andrews left for Colorado on Saturday. He intends to locate in some growing town of the Centennial State and afterwards represent the latter in the U.S. Senate. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
WILL H. ANDREWS Will H. Andrews was admitted to the bar yesterday morning, after passing a rigid examination at the hands of the committee, Messrs. Sibree, Forest and W.J. Turner. Will has studied long and hard and well deserves this distinciton. He will probably attend some law school to finish his legal education. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 1
MR. AND MRS. E. ANGELL (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 12 Sep.) Mr. and Mrs. E. Angell are spending several days visiting the family of F. Zander, Mrs. Angell’s parents. The couple will be returning to their home in Madison where Prof. Angell has a position at the University of Wisconsin. Sep. 14, 1905, Der Nord Westen
AUGUST ANHOLT Steinthal news: August Anholt is collecting material for the erection of a new house. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 9, 1886 P.3
WILLIAM ANHOLT REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON TUBERCULAR PATIENTS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report to all proceedings and hearings in relating to tubercular patients had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13, 1918 up to and including this 13th day of May, 1919. John Chloupek, County Judge. William Anholt, married, aged 30, resident of Town of Cato, committed to Maple Crest Sanatorium on April 17th, 1919; Dr. J.M. Kelley examining physician. Manitowoc Herald News, July 2, 1919 p.5
MRS. A. ARENS Mrs. A. Arens who went sometime ago to her farm in Juneau Co. for her health is much better than on leaving here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 1, 1886 P.1
FRED ARENS Fred Arens left this morning to accept a position in a book bindery at Lansing, Mich. Fred is an efficient workman and friends here wish him success in his new field. Feb. 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MR. ARMSBY Mr. Armsby, of Manitowoc, has been employed by the Town Board of Two Rivers to survey some of the roads in the town, as in many cases the old stakes are lost, and the lines have been changed. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
FRED ARNDT On Sat. Fred Arndt, son of Range Line Road resident Christ Arndt, tried to pull a cartridge from his Winchester and it exploded. He suffered powder burns in the face, but fortunately his eyes were spared. Apr. 18, 1889, Der Nord Westen
JOHN ARNDT MOUTH CAUSES HIM TROUBLE. John Arndt Finds He Can't Play Horse With G.W. Kennedy. John Arndt, the drayman, has about decided that no one can gainsay the old saying "Silence is golden" and he is kicking himself to-day for having failed to remember all about it. Someone told John that such was the case, in fact it was confidentially whispered in his ear, but then he had no desire to consider expences(sic) and as a natural consequence, he simply got it where "the chicken got the axe." He is perfectly satisfied to let well enough alone and the next time he is out looking for trouble, he will no doubt "turn tail" and run. It seems that Arndt has a young son who is not very choice in the language he uses to his superiors. Yesterday the son got gay and G.W. Kennedy, the contractor called him to account. Good, sound advice didn't suit young Arndt and his temper got the best of prudence. Mr. Kennedy allowed himself to be abused until "patience ceased to be a virtue" and he turned loose. He chastised the young man in a rather severe manner and sent him home in a condition that it was almost impossible for his own mother to identify her dutiful son. When Arndt, Sr., returned home in the evening he was much incensed at what he considered the brutal treatment of his son, and without a thought as to the result, he loaded the boy into his wagon and drove to the home of Mr. Kennedy. He demanded admittance and was refused. This "riled" him all the more and he proceeded to relieve himself of a surplus of profanity that had accummulated during the day. He wanted to fight and he was willing to "scrap" at the drop of the hat. Mr. Kennedy endeavored to reason with him and even assured the belligerent John that he would give him satisfaction to-day or any other time, but not in the presence of his own family. This wouldn't go down, no, John wanted blood and he was simply not going to wait for it. He was warned not to approach the house, and when he made a move in that direction Mrs. Kennedy became frightened and slipped out of the rear door to notify an officer. Arndt was taken in charge and locked up over night. This morning a warrant was sworn out by Mr. Kennedy charging him with the use of abusive language. He paid $5.00 and costs, amounting to $10.81, and after a severe reprimand from Judge Craite, he departed sadder but wiser. May 5, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MAX ARNDT MAN WHO SAYS WIFE BEAT HIM, GETS DIVORCE Max Arndt, 30?, who says his wife treated him cruelly and had on occasions beaten him, was granted a decree of divorce by Judge Kirwan, in circuit court today. The couple have one child, and formerly resided in Gibson. Arndt said that his wife had handled him roughly on several occasions. Court had in adjourn at noon today owing to the fact that no cases were ready for hearing but will reconvene tomorrow morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald July 13, 1916 p.5 ******* (1910 Manitowoc Ward 3 census: Max Arndt age 25; wife Emma age 23; no children)
AUGUST ARNEMANN Two Rivers news: August Arnemann raised the frame of a large barn on his farm north of here one day last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4
ERNST ARNEMAN Ernst Arneman is making preparations to put up a building on Washington street, near his residence, this summer. The building is to be used by him as a shop and shoe store when completed. May 18, 1875, Manitowoc Chronicle
AUGUST ARNEMANN (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 27 Jan.) H. Arnemann and Mrs. August Arnemann went to Chicago to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Leader, who died there Thursday and was buried Sunday. The deceased was a daughter of Town Two Rivers resident August Arnemann. Jan. 30, 1908, Der Nord Westen
A.C. ARNOLD, MRS. (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 24 Dec.) Mrs. L. Koehnke also left Sat. for Milwaukee to spend the winter with her daughter there Mrs. A.C. Arnold. Jan. 2, 1902, Der Nord Westen
EMMA ARNOLD (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 10 Feb.) Albert Mueller and family, who have been visiting here since October, departed yesterday for their home in the state of Washington. Traveling with them is Ira Levenhagen and family, Miss Leona Linstedt and Miss Emma Arnold of Manitowoc, with the purpose of exploring the West. We wish them a happy trip and a good return. Feb. 12, 1891, Der Nord Westen
JOHN P. ARNOLD The New Billard Saloon.-By the new advertisement in another column, it will be seen that Charley Brause has change his quarters,and is now located in the brick building, adjoining the National. Charley has also taken a new partner, in the person of John P. Arnold, and if both Charley Brause and Johnny Arnold cannot keep an establishment worthy of the patronage of those who love good billiards, good eating, and good so-and-so, nobody else need try. Their room is large and comfortable, and their accommodations of the first class. Dec. 30, 1859 P. 3, The Manitowoc Pilot
MRS. M. ARNOLD (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 07 Aug.) Mrs. M. Arnold from Milwaukee was here for a visit and stayed at the Waverly Hotel. Mrs. Arnold was first married to Christian Selk who operated a store in Mishicott. After Mr. Selk’s death she married Mr. Arnold, a countryman of your correspondent, and they moved to Milwaukee. Mr. Arnold is with the firm of Arnold & Quistorf there…and went to Colorado several weeks ago for reasons of health. During his absence Mrs. Arnold will be visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Koehnke in Mishicott. Aug. 10, 1905, Der Nord Westen
AUGUST ASCHENBACH KIEL MAN, CRAZED BY DRINK MAKES MURDEROUS ATTACK UPON OFFICER IN VILLAGE JAIL MARSHAL ASCHENBACH NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH FROM HANDS OF PRISONER WITH WHOM HE IS FORCED TO BATTLE FOR NEARLY AN HOUR IN EFFORT TO SUBDUE HIM. JAIL IS COMPLETELY WRECKED Crazed by drink after an all-day debauch which ended with his commitment to the village jail, Jacob Bender, a Kiel farmer, last night wracked the building and when Village Marshal August Aschenbach attempted to subdue the man, he was attacked and for more than an hour battled with the insane prisoner, narrowly escaping death, having twice been assaulted with a club and an aze wielded by Bender. After a prolonged struggle in which Bender was felled by Aschenbach no less than half dozen times only to return to the attack, the prisoner was finally placed in irons and was brought here late this afternoon and will be arraigned in court. Bender, who is said to be a well-to-do farmer, visited Kiel yesterday and proceeded to take on a Christmas load and late in the afternoon was taken into custody by Marshal Aschenbach and locked up. The man, using an axe, which was in the station, wrecked the interior of the jail, reducing the bunks, chairs and furnishings to kindling wood and then started to cut his way out by smashing the door, but Aschenbach, hearing the noise, appeared on the scene and entered the place with intention of subduing Bender. The crazed man made a rush for Aschenbach, wielding a piece of the broken timber of one of the bunks and Aschenbach was forced to fight to defend himself. Twice Bender's attacks were repulsed and the man felled to the floor only to return to the assault. In his frenzy the crazed man put up a terrific battle and the officer was near death several times when struck by the club wielded by the man. In a final attack Bender grasped the axe with which he had performed deadly execution on the furniture and rushed upon Aschenbach whose hat was knocked from his head by the blow, the axe grazing his scalp. Realizing his danger, the marshal renewed his efforts and by a fortunate blow felled Bender who in falling struck his head on some of the timber from broken bunks and was stunned and the prisoner was placed in irons. Bender was in irons during the night and Marshal Aschenbach left Kiel for this city this morning, arriving here at 3:47 this afternoon. It is not known what charge will be proffered against Bender. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, December 23, 1915, Page 1
H. ASCHENBRENNER H. Aschenbrenner, of Milwaukee, was in the city yesterday greeting old friends. Mr. Aschenbrenner is a musician of ability and will locate here in the fall. May 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HENRY ASHENBRENNER Six Granted Citizenship Only six were granted final citizenship papers by Judge Kirwan yesterday, two of the applications being continued for further study and one failing to appear, Jeanne Zense of France, Paul Adamski and George Mushel of Poland, Henry Ashenbrenner of Russia and John Vukelich and his wife Mrs. Anna Vukelich of Austria are the newly made Americans. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, June 3, 1925 P.1
A. ASLAKSON The building committee of the Norwegian Lutheran church, corner Eighth and State streets, purchased the stained glass windows for the edifice last evening. Five representatives from as many firms were here to effect a sale. The committee consists of Thos. Torrison, H. Halverson, A. Aslakson, H. Meyer and A. Hanson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 17, 1899 P.2
MR. ASLACKSON Lucus and Aslackson, a couple of thieves who were serving a term in the county jail dug out and escaped last week. They burrowed under the walls of the jail like rats. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), July 3, 1888
WILLIAM ASMANN Mishicot news: William Asmann of Athens, Wis., was visiting his brother here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P.4
ELI ATTRIDGE Clark's Mills news: Eli Attridge is having his house painted the Bros. Green are doing the job. What is the use of our saying it is being done well when everybody knows it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 4
ELI ATTRIDGE, MRS. Liberty news: Mrs. I.P. Beach and Mrs. Eli Attridge from Clarks Mills were in our neighborhood visiting friends this week. Mr. Beach made his wife a present of a beautiful piano Wednesday evening, it was a pleasant surprise. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1884 P.3 (NOTE: This would be Alice Attridge per 1880 census for Cato twp.)
OLE AUBEL CONNUBIAL FELICITY For Fifty Years Mr. and Mrs. Ole Aubel Have Enjoyed It The passing of the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage day was made a memorable occasion for Mr. and Mrs. Ole Aubel, when at the farm home in the town of Cato today they were the victims of a pleasant surprise planned and executed by their seven children, who, in the belief that an event of so great importance, should not pass without suitable recognition had completed the arrangements for a day of rejoicing. Twenty-five invitations to intimate friends of the family had been issued and early in the day the party gathered to offer congratulations and add to the pleasure of the bridge and groom of fifty years. March 12, 1850, the vows were exchanged and although old Father Time has sapped the vigor of their vitality and silvered their locks with the frost of the winter of life, Mr. and Mrs. Aubel are to-day as young in spirit as on the day of their union. Both the bride and groom of half a century are the same age, each three milestones past the number allotted mankind by the prophet. Since 1848 they have been residents of Manitowoc county and in a wide acquaintance are universally loved and respected. They are the parents of eight children and the only cloud which casts a shadow on the horizon of their happiness to-day is the absence of one who has responded to the call of the silent messenger. That Mr. and Mrs. Aubel may enjoy many more years of happiness is the wish of hosts of friends. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 12, 1900, Page 1 (NOTE: They are not in the marriage pages)
MR. AUBOL Liberty news: Frank Boettcher sold his cream colored horse to Mr. Aubol for a good price. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
MR. A. AUBOL Liberty new: Mr. N. Knutson, our very prominent town clerk, has purchased the farm from Mr. A. Aubol, on the Calumet road. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4
OTTO AUBOL Otto Aubol, of Eaton, suffered a stroke of paralysis the forepart of the week and is in a critical condition. Mr. Aubol is the proprietor of a general store in that village. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, January 20, 1899 P. 4
MRS. CHARLES AUCLAIR Mrs. Charles Auclair and children of Two Rivers, departed for Antigo this morning where they will spend Easter with relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 20, 1916 P.3
ANNA AUERMILLER Miss Anna Auermiller was at Green Bay to spend Memorial day with her brother, George Auermiller and family. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1916 P.2
JOS. AUERMILLER JOS. AUERMILLER RECALLS DAY OF ARRIVAL HERE 48 YEARS AGO It was forty-eight years ago yesterday when Jos. Auermiller, the popular landlord of the Railroad restaurant, corner Thirteenth and Franklin streets, arrived in this city fresh from the highlands of the “Boehmerwald,” being but nineteen years old at the time. He was asked to come here by relatives promising him a lucrative position, he being a musical prodigy in the line of a cornetist. He found, however, that he could fare better at that time following the trade of blacksmith which he had learned in his father’s shop in the old country. When the ship he was on neared New York harbor on the evening of July third, he was amazed at the grand display of fire works in the city, and enquiring the captain of the ship, whose graces he had won on the journey through his musical talent, the why and wherefore, that gent sedately informed him that New York had heard of his (Joe’s) coming and that the pyrotechnical display was all in his honor. Mr. Auermiller is one of the best known residents of this city, and tells this story with much gusto. July 15, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. M.J. AUERMILLER Joseph Pratt, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. M.J. Auermiller, of this city, has returned to his home at Milwaukee. Mar. 20, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MIKE AUERMILLER Someone played a joke on Mike Auermiller yesterday and the neighborhood is still chuckling over it. Mr. Auermiller who conducts a café at 13th and Franklin streets, has two hanging glass signs on his window “Mike’s Inn.” Some wag posted a piece of paper on the sign bearing the inscription “put him out.” “Mike” was a little inclined to take issue with the fellow but is said to have been unable to discover who perpetrated the act. May 10, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOSEPH AUERMUELLER Joseph Auermueller observed his 49th birthday Tues. last week. July 8, 1897, Der Nord Westen
MARION AUGUSTINE Miss Marion Augustine of Mishicott left for Chicago this morning for an extended stay after visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ruben Kleman, North Seventh street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 16, 1916 P.3
CHARLES AUMANN Charles Aumann and his family have traveled to Seattle, Washington, where they are planning to make their home. June 10, 1909, Der Nord Westen
F.H. AUMANN, MRS. Mrs. F.H. Aumann celebrated her 56th birthday with her friends on Thurs. last week. May 25, 1899, Der Nord Westen
GUSTAV AUMANN Gustav Aumann, who was working at the construction of the new 3rd Ward schoolhouse the other day fell from a height of 33 feet and received unspecified injuries. We have not yet been made aware of the injured man's condition. Feb. 11, 1892, Der Nord Westen
(NO NAME) AUSTEN An insane man, flourishing a revolver and making profuse threats of shooting everybody within his range of vision, created a flurry of excitement at Tisch Mills yesterday. The man's name is Austen and his insanity is of recent origin. Constable Drews, by the use of a little strategy, succeeded in arresting the man and to-day he was taken to Kewaunee. Nov. 10, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
GEORGE AUSTIN Drowned when a canoe paddle accidentally struck his head while he was swimming. Jul. 21, 1855, Manitowoc Herald
KATIE AUTON Miss Katie Auton has been obliged to give up her duties as stenographer for Schenian & Kelley, owing to failing eyesight. Mar. 29, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
KATIE AUTON Miss Katie Auton left for Milwaukee last evening to consult Dr. Snyder, an eminent eye specialist, and to receive treatment. For sometime Miss Auton's eyesight has been failing and she was obliged to resign her positon as stenographer for Schenian & Kelly. It is to be hoped she may receive permanent relief. May 31, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
KATHERINE AUTON Miss Katherine Auton, who has been visiting friends in Chicago, returned home Saturday evening to spend a few days with her mother, before leaving for Homstad, Mont., where she has accepted a position as stenographer. Miss Auton will leave Chicago Tuesday evening and will be accompanied by Mrs. W.S. Sherman, of that city, whose husband is Secretary of the company with which Miss Auton has accepted a positon. Many friends will sadly miss her but all will unite in wishing her success and happiness. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, Nov. 13, 1899 P.2