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Oct. 11, 1855 P. 2, Manitowoc Tribune

ALVIN BACCHUS Mr. Alvin Bacchus of this county has removed to Sheboygan Falls and will reside there hereafter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2

LEROY L. BACCHUS Branch news: Leroy L. Bacchus, a former Branch boy, who has for some years been roaming in western wild, and for the past few months has been teaching school in Egg Harbor, was irresistibly attracted to the scenes of his boyhood's days, and made his appearance here on Saturday last. He was warmly welcomed by his numerous friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 4

LEONIE BACH The many friends of Miss Leonie Bach assembled at the residence of her parents on Wednesday evening to celebrate her birthday and prepare for the end of the world. Time passed pleasantly until midnight when the exspectations (sic) of those who were "going to join the angels" not being realized the company separated and departed for home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 1

MAGGIE BACH Peter Robinson was arrested this morning upon a warrant sworn out by Miss Maggie Bach, charging him with the use of abusive language. He pleaded "not guilty," and the hearing was set for this afternoon. Apr. 10, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

W. BACH, MRS. Mrs. Zabel from Milwaukee, as well as her 2 sisters, are visiting their mother, Mrs. W. Bach here. July 6, 1905, Der Nord Westen

WILLIAM BACH (NOTE: I have put the list in alphabetical order with surnames first to facilitate finding a certain surname) Old Settlers Club. At a meeting held pursuant to a notice published in the Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc County Chronicle, and the Nord-Western, at the Windiate House in the city of Manitowoc, on the 16th day of January A. D. 1879, for the purpose of organizing an Old Settlers Club, P. P. Smith was chosen chairman of the meeting and William Bach Secretary. Mr. Markham addressed the meeting and stated the object. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to appoint a committee of three, to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for said club and to confer with the commitee, appointed by a meeting held at Klingholtz hall, January 4th, for the same purpose, for consolidation both clubs. H. H. Smith, W. W. Waldo, and William Bach were appointed as such committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to consider all present members of the club, and to instruct the Secretary to take their names down with date and year of arrival in this country. The following are the names and dates as recorded by the Secretary: Anderson, James S. - 1852 Bach, Wm. - April 1848 Bock, Chas. - June 1852 Burmeister, W. - May 1844 Cooper, Geo. - May 1855 Edwards, Henry - 1837 Fellows, M. - Sept. 1848 Hall, John - March 1851 Hall, Sam. - 1851 Hubbard, H. - April 1837 Jones, A. D. - June 1837 Klingholz, R. - July 1847 Kostomlastky, F. - July 1857 Lennox, Jos. - 1839 Markham, J. D. - May 1856 Miller, J. - 1856 Mulholland, H. - 1852 Mulholland, P. - May 1850 Noble, W. H. - May 1855 O'Shea, P. - 1853 Patterson, James - Aug. 1848 Ross, Norris - 1841 Seeger, L. - May 1850 Sherman, E. - Spring 1850 Smith, Ave - April 1844 Trummel, F. - May 1844 Tyler, M. - July 1854 Waldo, W. W. - May 1850 White, Chr. W. - 1852 Windiate, Thos. - Nov 1854 Wood, S. A. - Oct. 1849 On motion of J. D. Markham it was resolved to appoint a committee of arrangements and to have a social of the 21st day of February next, the following were so appointed: H. H. Smith, Chas. Esslinger, A. Wittmann, Lyman Emerson, H. S. Pierpont, H. Edwards. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to meet again on the 15th day of Feb. next at 7 o’clock P. M. at the same place to hear the reports of committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to instruct the Secretary of the meeting to publish the proceedings in the newspapers of the County. On motion of J. D. Markham the meeting adjourned till the 15th day of Feb., 1879 at 7 o’clock P. M. at the same place. William Bach, Secretary Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Jan. 21, 1879

CARL BACHUS (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 11 Aug.) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bachus arrived here Fri. from Johannesburg, South Africa. He is the son of G. Bachus, former local resident who moved to Kansas a few weeks ago. He is also brother of Paul Bachus and Mrs. Siebenhorn in Two Rivers. This is his first visit to the States. After years in Germany he moved to London and shortly moved on to the Transvaal where he has lived for many years and operates a beer hall in Johannesburg. His journey here took 6 wks. He will go to visit his parents in Kansas, having been surprised that they were no longer here. Aug. 14, 1902, Der Nord Westen

CHARLES AND SOPHIA BACHUS LIVED HERE YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. C. Bachus Observe Golden Wedding Manitowoc friends were in attendance upon the festivities marking the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bachus, which event took place at Two Rivers yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Bachus, who were former residents of the city, were married in Berlin, April 9, 1854, and came here in the early sixties. Twenty years ago they removed to Two Rivers and have since resided there, being among the most highly respected citizens. They are parents of four children, all of who were present at the celebrations. The occasion was one of great enjoyment, participated in by fully 100 relatives and friends. (Note: Charles and Sophia on the 1900 census) Apr. 10, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MR. BACKUS Mr. Backus, of Manitowoc, sent us by the hand of a friend, a sample of the potatoes they raise up that way. We are obliged to Mr. Backus, albeit a stranger to us, and must say if the potatoes he sent us are a sample of those they raise up that way, that they raise the largest and finest we ever saw.-Kenosha Tribune. Oct. 11, 1855, Manitowoc Tribune

ALICE BACON Miss Alice Bacon is at present boarding at Mr. D.J. Mahoney's but expects to return soon to Chicago and attend the graduating exercises of the Hahnemann Med. College. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3

D. BACON Two Rivers news: Mr. and Mrs. E. Bacon of Kewaunee are at present sojourning with their son D. Bacon of this city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

O.R. BACON Mr. O.R. Bacon, druggist at Manitowoc, gave us a short call while in this village last Thursday. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 8, 1875

AUGUST BAENSCH Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.- Ebenezer H. Burgert and Richard W. Hurlbert ag't Gisborp Gutzloe, Maria Gutzloe, and August Baensch. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 31st day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgemnt, interest and costs, togeter with the expense of sale. All and singular the following described pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to wit: The north east quarter of the north west quarter of section number ten, (10) town number eighteen, (18) north of range number twenty three, (23) containing forty acres; also the east half of the southwest quarter of section number three (3) town eighteen, (18) north of range number twenty three, (23) containing eighty acres. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. E. Marinar, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

JUDGE EMIL BAENSCH Judge Emil Baensch of this city filed a statement showing expense of $3.62 in his campaign for election as delegate on the republican ticket. Mar. 14, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

BAETZ Baetz's new wagon shop is finished, painted and adds much to the appearance of that section of Main street. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), Aug. 27, 1872

ANDREW BAETZ (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 23 July) Andrew Baetz yesterday celebrated the 54th anniversary of his arrival in Two Rivers. He has lived here the entire time and is one of the most respected residents of the city. July 26, 1906, Der Nord Westen

ANDREW BAETZ TWO RIVERS MAN GIVES INSIDE STORY OF NAMING "MEXICO" In a communication to the Two Rivers Reporter, Andrew Baetz, a pioneer resident of that city, says that an erroneous idea prevails as how that part of Two Rivers called Mexico, got its name. He says it did not derive its name from the Indian chief, Mexico, who died in 1841 at Manitowoc Rapids. In 1862 a man by the name of Jos. Lenhart settled across the river in the southern part of the town. He came from Port Washington and was employed peeling bark for the tanneries here. This man who lived here several years, had served in the Mexican war, 1846-47, and often told about his experiences. It was through him and this fact that the South side was given the name Mexico. It is not generally known that for a time the northern part of our town in the early days, was called California. This was because a gold miner from California built himself a shanty there and resided there two or three years. His name was Farnam. This was in 1858. Farnam worked for Aldrich Smith & Co., being a relative of Aldrich's and owned stock in that company which then operated the pail factory. Farnam often opened his pocket book and showed the gold nuggets he had found in California. A few years later he again went west. The name California did not cling to the North side, but the name Mexico is still much in use. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 29, 1916 P.7

"GRANDMOTHER" BAETZ “Grandmother” Baetz of Two Rivers observed her 90th birthday Tues. last week with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren attending the party. She is active, sprightly and happy she can still take short walks despite her age. Aug. 19, 1897, Der Nord Westen

CONRAD BAETZ Conrad Baetz, who came to Two Rivers in 1849 as a 20-yr. old, will shortly resettle to Ann Arbor, Michigan. Regrettably the old gentleman lost an eye when a piece of coal flew into it. Apr. 9, 1903, Der Nord Westen

HENRY BAETZ Two Rivers news: Henry Baetz, son of Ex. Mayor Baetz, came home from Texas the other day on a visit. He intends to leave next week for Detroit, Mich. where he has secured employment from a Detroit machinery firm. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.3

CHAS. BAHR Chas. Bahr, our cheese maker, spent this week amid the scenes of his boyhood, at Newton. Nov. 11, 1884, Lakeshore Times ******* Branch news: Charlie Bahr and family who have been living in Newton since the close of the cheese making season have moved back to their residence in this place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1885 P.6

GOTTLIEB BAHR On Mon., the 46th birthday of Gottlieb Bahr was celebrated by friends and a detachment of the German Militia Co. Mar. 16, 1882, Der Nord Westen

GOTTLIEB (J.G.) BAHR J.G. Bahr and wife celebrated their silver wedding anniversary with numerous friends at their residence near the depot on Thanksgiving Eve. We hope that Gottlieb and his good wife may yet celebrate their golden one and be as hale and hearty as they now are. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1884 P.3

T.W. BAKER MARBLE QUARRY.-Mr. T.W. Baker, whose dam on the Manitowoc River, about 5 miles from here, was swept away last spring, has replaced it, and is about commencing the erection of a Mill for sawing a fine quality of Marble which abounds in the neighborhood. We are assured that good judges pronounce it equal, if not superior to the Vermont article. If this is so, a mine of wealth is at our doors, which cannot fail to be incalcualable advantage to Manitowoc, and a source of large profit to Mr. Baker. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, Sept. 16, 1859 P.3

H.S. BALCOM Business card: H.S. BALCOM, M.D.: Physician and Surgeon. Particular attention paid to the treatment of difficult and critical cases, and to consultation. Also, Examining Surgeon for Pension. Office in the building formerly occupied by Kuehn & Co., bankers. Orders left at T. & J. Robinson's Drug Store will be promptly attended to. Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 4, 1870

E.H. BALDWIN Niles news: Trappers and hunters will be glad to learn that E.H. Baldwin is paying cash for pelts and he takes anything from a deer mouse to an elephant. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 3, 1885 P.6

FRANK BANGNIET Mishicott news: Our town poor-house has been moved from its old position, furnished with new sills, and placed upon a good foundation. Frank Bangniet, our popular house-mover and builder, did the work and made a good job of it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 14, 1883 P. 4

MR. BANKERT Mr. Bankert, former resident in Collins, after 30 years in America has decided to return to Germany to make his residence. Apr. 6, 1899, Der Nord Westen

LAURA BANSCH Miss Laura Bansch has been re-engaged for the ensuing year as a teacher in the second district school of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 4, 1882 P. 1

MARIA BANZHAFF Mrs. Maria Banzhaff, who became completely blind in the course of a few days, has traveled to Milwaukee to consult an eye doctor there. Mar. 20, 1902, Der Nord Westen

WALLACE BARBER Wallace Barber, a resident of this city for many years, left this morning to make his home at Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Barber is the only survivor of his family of six, his wife and four children having been laid to rest at Evergreen cemetery during the course of the past few years. Mar. 23, 1920, Manitowoc Herald News

PATRICK BARDY Meeme news: Mr. Patrick Bardy, of Liberty, is quite seriously ill. His attending physician, Dr. Hayes, has hopes of his recovery. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 4

THELMA BARKER WOMAN GIVEN FREEDOM FROM MISSING MATE Mrs. Thelma Busselle, Two Rivers, Tells Court How Husband Lied About Past Life An unusual story was unfolded in circuit court yesterday when Mrs. Thelma Busselle, of Two Rivers, was granted annulment of marriage ties from Charles Busselle and given the privilege of having her maiden name, Thelma Barker, restored. Possibility of prosecution of Busselle, if his whereabouts become known appeared as result of the revelations made in the case. Although the marriage of Busselle and Miss Barker was preceded by an acquaintanceship of three years when it took place at Milwaukee, June 25, 1926 at the First Congregational church there, returning to Two Rivers to reside, Mrs. Busselle learned after the marriage that her husband had figured in two previous ventures in matrimony. Further, it was alleged, the divorce papers which Busselle submitted were found to have been ?doctored? probably in an attempt to quiet his wife?s complaint. Learns of Family. After the engagement of Miss Barker and Busselle had been announced to friends, the bride-to-be learned that Busselle had been married previously and when he was ? with this he readily admitted it but exhibited divorce papers apparently issued at Virginia, Minn. and which revealed that there was one child. Two months later when Busselle suddenly took French leave and deserted his bride, papers in his effects disclosed that there had been not only a wife and one child, but three children, in the former marriage. Communication by Mrs. Busselle with the former wife at Virginia brought a letter giving the information that there was another wife at Vinton, Oklahoma whom it was indicated Busselle had wedded after his marriage to the Minnesota wife. Following up the information Mrs. Busselle learned that Busselle had married in Oklahoma but that his wife there had secured a divorce June 6, 1926, which however, did not become effective until six months after the decree was ordered by the court under the Oklahoma law. She was advised by the Oklahoma woman that she should have no trouble in securing annulment of the Milwaukee marriage and that Busselle ?would not appear to contest it.? Admits He is ?Rotter? About this same time Mrs. Busselle received a letter from her husband at Waldron, Col., in which he confessed that he was a ?rotter? and unworthy. He admitted changing the divorce papers in the Virginia decree and suggested to Mrs. Busselle how to secure a divorce or annulment. After presentation of the evidence Judge Kirwan ordered that the marriage be annulled and that the maiden name of Mrs. Busselle be restored, that of Thelma Barker. Miss Busselle, now Thelma Barker, is employed in this city. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, February 17, 1928, Page 2

BESSIE BARNES Miss Bessie Barnes from Manitowoc left Tuesday for Germany to spend a year studying music in Berlin. Mrs. Julia Peet of Chicago, a daughter of John Dumke here, will accompany Miss Barnes. Mrs. Peet will study philosophy at Berlin University. Sep. 27, 1906, Der Nord Westen

CHAS. L. BARNES Chas. L. Barnes of this city captured one of the prizes at the rhetorical contest at Lawrence University. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.3

DR. BARNES Two Rivers news: Dr. Barnes was taken to Manitowoc last Friday morning quite dangerously sick. Shortly before his departure he fainted in the drug store. He had been feeling unwell for some time. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3

ELSIE BARNES Miss Barnes Does not Intend to Marry. The following from a Green Bay paper will be read with interest here: "A statement originating in Milwaukee and copied quite extensively, among other places here in Green Bay, to the effect that Miss Elsie Barnes, of Manitowoc, who was the affianced of Conductor Howie, who was burned in the Newhall House fire (Milwaukee) was to be married, turns out to be worse than a mistake. In making the statement, various papers have advertised to the effect that the deceased lover left her an insurance of $5,000, and that some one else was going to benefit of it, and other things of the same sort. As one means of stopping the cruel paragraphs that are going round, Mrs. Barnes, mother of the young lady, writes to Mr. John Robinson here, saying that the story of her reported intended marriage was utterly false; and asking that the denial be made in as public manner as the flippant allegation was. It is only justice to a young lady still in afflicton over loss, that it should be. Jan. 10, 1884, Waukesha Freeman

JOHN BARNES John Barnes, of Liberty, now occupies a desk as clerk in the office of Attorney G.G. Sedgwick. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 9, 1883 P. 1

JOHN BARNES ESQ. John Barnes will begin his school next Monday; his study of the law will be kept up. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1 ******** John Barnes, whose head is level in spite of the mischief that is in him, took his case in our red velvet easy chair last Saturday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 20, 1881 P. 1 ******** Two Rivers news: John Barnes, Liberty's intellectual giant, came down for a few days last week to gaze on the many attractions of our prosperous city, and to visit a few of his old friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4 ******** John Barnes Esq. who has been for a long time in the office of G.G. Sedgwick Esq. has gone to Rhinelander where he will hang out his shingle with Attorney at Law inscribed on it. John is a young man of good ability and attainments and we predict his success. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

HOSEA BARNS The Kenosha Courier now has an educational column, of which Hosea Barns, formerly principal of our High School, is editor. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

F.W. BARNSTEIN TWO FROM THIS CITY PASSED EXAM (By Associated Press.) MILWAUKEE, Wis., March 14. Among the list of candidates who successfully passed an examination before the state board of optometrists are F.W. Barnstein and Richard Urban, both of Manitowoc county. Mar. 14, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. BARRIE Mrs. Barrie, who has been spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. G. Miles, returned to Chicago last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1

ARIETTA BARRIE The concert last Friday, at the Turner Hall, given by Miss Arietta Barrie, assisted by her two young sisters and Miss Ida Patchen at the piano, was one of the pleasantest entertainments we have witnessed lately. The singing throughout was very good, almost too artistic sometimes to be natural, and the accompaniments and solo pieces performed on the piano were really perfect and showed a degree of study and practice seldom witnessed in an amateur piano player. The House was well filled with an intelligent and highly pleased audience and we sincerely hope, that the material success of Miss Barrie was as satisfactory to her as her artistic success was to the appreciating audience. Manitowoc Tribune, Mar. 21, 1872

SON OF MR. BARRIE Today a small son of Mr. Barrie tried to jump onto a passing wagon but slipped and fell under the wheels. One wheel went over the boy's head and broke the cheekbone in two places. May 9, 1889, Der Nord Westen

CLARENCE BARRY Clarence Barry, a former local boy, who is with the Allis-Chalmers company at Milwaukee, was in the city on business for his firm. Mr. Barry said that he had made a strike by investing Bethlehem steel stocks some time ago when he purchased a $30 stock that is now quoted at $600 a share. Mar. 29, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JAS. BARRY Jas. Barry, who has been in the employ of O. Torrison for nearly ten years has been compelled to take a vacation on account of a sprain he received while loading peas. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 1

ALBERT BARTA Albert Barta of Two Creeks, who has served 8 yrs in the U.S. Army, has had enough and will not reenlist. Nov. 8, 1906, Der Nord Westen

FRANK BARTA Two Creeks news: Frank Barta who has been engaged as harness maker in one of the Ahnapee shops, during the past summer, returned to his parental home at this place last week, where he spent a few days and then left for Mishicott, where he will work at his trade in Mr. Herian's harness shop. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4

N. BARTELL N. Bartell, until recently a resident of this city but now a resident of Sheboygan, came here last Saturday evening to spend the Sabbath. He was accompanied by his son Victor. Dec. 28, 1886, Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers)

N. BARTELL Mr. and Mrs. Otto Busch of Two Creeks left yesterday for Toledo, Ohio, being called there by a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. Busch's father, Mr. N. Bartell, a former resident of Two Rivers. Mar. 22, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

GEORGE BARTELME Kellnersville news: George Bartelme of Cooperstown cut his foot while chopping wood. George is doing well with the aid of Dr. Shallern. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, April 22, 1884 p. 4

GEORGE BARTELME COOPERSTOWN - Relatives have been informed here of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartelme of Manitowoc having been taken to the sanatorium at Whitelaw to be treated for tuberculosis. Apr. 01, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN BARTELME John Bartelme, the well known stock buyer, of Cooperstown was in town to-day. Mr. Bartelme recently shipped 210 head of cattle and 11 calves to the Chicago market, it requiring seven cars to transport the shipment. It is one of the largest shipments that has ever left the county at one time.' Nov. 3, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MATTIE BARTELME Mattie Bartelme of Two Rivers, who enlisted in the U.S. Navy a while ago and was assigned to the battleship "Kentucky", was discharged because of an abscess in one ear from which it is feared he may develop deafness. Nov. 8, 1900, Der Nord Westen

CHRISTOPH AND MICHAEL BARTELME Michael and Christopher Bartleme were born on the same day, eighty years ago, Apr. 3. They have arranged to celebrate the eightieth anniversary together and invitations for the affair will be issued shortly. High mass will be celebrated after the services at St. Boniface church and later a reception will be held at the home of Walter Pellett, on the Rapids road. Mar. 16, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********* Sat. was the birthday of twins Christoph and Michael Bartelme. The brothers were born 1840 in the Rhineland. The double birthday was celebrated at the home of Mrs. Walter Pellett, Michael Bartelme’s daughter. Apr. 6, 1899, Der Nord Westen

CHRISTIAN BARTELS Christian Bartels of Town Newton celebrated his 88th birthday Fri. Nov. 2, 1899, Der Nord Westen

JOHN BARTH From our correspondent at Schleswig, we learn that "the Supervisors of this town have appointed Charles Zieke, Chairman, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John Barth, member of assembly. Manitowoc Pilot, Feb. 3, 1870

JOHN BARTH, JR. John Barth, Jr., who disappeared 18 yrs. ago, has let us hear from him from Arizona. He has spent 12 yrs. in the regular army. He sent to his father in Kiel a Christmas present of a beaver hat and gloves. Dec. 30, 1897, Der Nord Westen

MRS. LOUIS BARTHELS (From the correspondent in Town Mishicott, 27 Oct.) Mrs. Louis Barthels celebrated her 63rd birthday last Sunday. Oct. 28, 1897, Der Nord Westen

MRS. C. BARTLETT Mrs. Wenzel of Minneapolis who is well remembered by many friends as Cappie Raymond has been spending a few days with Mrs. C. Bartlett. She is visiting her parents at Neshoto. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

CHARLEY BARTLETT Charley Bartlett, who is getting along smoothly as an employe of the M.L.S. & Western R.R., is enjoying the holidays in this city with his numerous friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

MRS. JOSEPH BARTOFF (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 30 May) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Massmann traveled to Two Creeks where Mrs. Massmann’s mother, Mrs. Joseph Bartoff, has suddenly fallen ill. June 1, 1905, Der Nord Westen

MRS. BARYENBRUCH English Lake news: Mrs. Baryenbruch was visiting at Collins for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Gustave Vallisky, Jr. She returned home Monday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 24, 1916 P.4

JOSEPH BARZYNSKI SOLDIER BOY HOME FROM 3 YEARS IN ARMY Lieut. Joseph Barzynski Visits Here After Serving In Philippines Lieut. Joseph Barzynski, of the Eighth United States infantry, whose regiment returned from the Philippines a few weeks ago, is visiting in the city with his mother, Mrs. A. Chrapikowski and his sister, Mrs. Harry F. Kelley. The regiment is at San Francisco and Lieut Barzynski expects to be ordered to the Mexican border shortly, having been transferred to the regiment just a short time ago. Lieut. Barzynski has been in the Philippines for three years and this is his first visit to Manitowoc in seven or eight years. He has a large circle of friends here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, December 09, 1915, Page 1 ********** SEES SON IN FILM PRODUCTION; "GEETING VILLA", LAST NIGHT Mrs. Chrapikowski Experiences Thrill at Opera House When She Sees Son, Lieut. Barzynski in Pictures Mrs. A. Chrapikowski was one of the interested spectators at the opera house last evening when the "Getting Villa" pictures were staged under auspices of the Herald and experienced a thrill when she saw her son, Lieut. Barzynski in the pictures giving orders to a bunch of his dusky warriors. Lieut. Barzynski is with the Twenty fourth infantry, U.S.A., a colored regiment, and has been on the border since the raid at Columbus. For the past four weeks Lieut. Barzynski has been some place in Mexico. His letter indicate no location and bear no postmark. In the pictures Lieut. Barzynski appeared in the fourth reel showing the break-up of the camp at Columbus when the troops were ordered to cross the border into Mexico. There was a banner indicating the Twenty-fourth, Co. 8, to which the lieutenant is attached. The pictures were witnessed by a small crowd and the Herald today cancelled the second production. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 5, 1916 P.8

MR. E. BASKEN (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 22 Mar.) Mr. E. Basken, about whom we reported as having been ill with pneumonia several weeks ago, suffered a relapse last week and had to undergo an operation performed by Dr. Currens of Two Rivers and Dr. Karnopp from here. The operation is over and the patient is quite weak. Mar. 24, 1904, Der Nord Westen

DR. AND MRS. M.L. BAST Dr. and Mrs. M.L. Bast, South Eighth street, are parents of a baby boy. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1916 P.2

TOM BATES Mr. Tom. Bates, an old-time Manitowoc boy, who has made a fortune out west, is registered at the Windiate House. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1

W.W. BATES W.W. Bates, one of the genial Knights of the Punch, in the employ of the C. & N.W. road, is smoking good cigars and indulging in other pleasant pastimes at the expense of a number of his friends. This is how it happened. The party were discussing the hazardous position of the men who are at work on the top of the new elevator, and one of the men ventured the assertion that none of the party possessed sufficient nerve to climb to the pinicle of the big building and stand up. Bates promptly accepted a wager to that effect, and proceeded to win it with equal promptness, by climbing to the top, standing erect in full view of his friends and making an orthodox Chesterfieldian bow. He is now looking for more bets. Oct. 27, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

PETER BAUER Edwards news: Peter Bauer, a young blacksmith residing at St. Nazians (sic), yesterday purchased the blacksmith shop, former residence and two acres of land, of Henry Eckhart, who lately removed to his new quarters on the old Bredemyer estate. The shop is in a good central location, the present owner a skilled workman, and a courteous gentleman who will command a large patronage by regular attention to busines. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4

MRS. ELI BAUGNIET Brockville news: Joseph S. Zeman visited his sister Mrs. Eli Baugniet at Manitowoc last Tuesday at the Holy Family Hospital where she has undergone an operation for appendicitis. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 25, 1916 P.4

MR. BAUM MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Mr. J. Fisher, who owned a store on the North Side several years ago, is associated with his son in law, Mr. Baum in business, occupying with his family, a handsome residence residence on Jefferson St. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

GUSTAV BAUM Two Rivers news: Gus Baum leaves this week for California for the benefit of his health. He intends to be gone all winter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1 ************ Gustav Baum, a former resident of Two Rivers who has been living in Calif. for the past 14 years as manager of the farm of famous actress Modjiska, is here on a visit to his old hometown. Sep. 6, 1900, Der Nord Westen

OSCAR BAUM (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 18 May) Oscar Baum is celebrating his 61st birthday today in the company of relatives and friends. He is a veteran of the Civil War, drawing a pension of $12 a month. May 21, 1903, Der Nord Westen

MRS. GEORGE BAUMANN (From the correspondent in Centerville, 15 Apr.) Mrs. George Baumann celebrated her 54th birthday yesterday among friends. Apr. 16, 1896, Der Nord Westen

JOS. L. BAUMANN Kossuth news: Jos. L. Baumann purchased a horse from Valentine Dirkman for $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 27, 1916 P.5

J.P. BEACH Liberty news: Mrs. I.P. Beach and Mrs. Eli Attridge from Clarks Mills were in our neighborhood visiting friends this week. Mr. Beach made his wife a present of a beautiful piano Wednesday evening, it was a pleasant surprise. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1884 P.3 (NOTE: It is J.P. Beach on the 1880 census for Cato twp. His wife is Ella Beach)

JOHN BEACH John Beach, a former teacher in our county, is employed in a railroad office at Lincoln,Neb. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1

SAMUEL E. BEACH Mr. Samuel E. Beach, formerly a resident of Manitowoc, is now an officer in the Detroit Custom House. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

FRED BEAN Fred Bean lies extremely ill with appendicitis. An operation was planned but now the doctors fear that continuing with the operation might not be advisable. Nov. 1, 1900, Der Nord Westen

GEORGE BEAN Geo. W. Bean wishes to announce that on Thursdays his bath rooms will be open to ladies only. Bath rooms under Chas. Beers' saloon at south end of 8th St. bridge. Entrance between Fred Eggert' shoe store and Beers' saloon. Lakeshore Times, May 29, 1888

ORVILLE BEATLEY BOY AT MCKINLEY SCHOOL FALLS FROM CHAIR, STRIKES HEAD ON RADIATOR AND CUTS GASH IN SCALP Orville Beatley, a boy at the McKinley school, met with a painful injury that might have been much more serious yesterday when in some manner he fell from a chair at the school and struck his head on a radiator. A deep gash was cut in the lad's scalp and he had to be taken to the office of a physician to have the wound closed. Had the boy struck on his temple he might have been killed in the accident. His injuries, while painful, are not serious. The lad's twin brother, who is also a student at the school, was the first to reach his side after the mishap. Feb. 12, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. BEAU Mrs. Beau has rented her commodious house on Washington street and expects to make Chicago her home for the future. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 17, 1885 P.2

C. BECK Mr. C. Beck has his large new store on Eighth street completely filled with a fine, fresh stock of spring goods, and invites the ladies to call and look at his splendid assortment of dress goods, linen suits, summer shawls, etc. His stock of ready-made clothing is new and extensive, and he is confident of being able to satisfy the wants of his customers. In addition to his stock of dry goods he keeps a complete line of groceries, crockery, glassware, boots and shoes, which he is ready to sell at prices that will defy competition. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875

CHAS. BECK MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Chas. Beck, once the traveling agent for the Manitowoc Journal, when Fred Heinemann was editor, now gives great stisfaction in a similar positon with the firm of Hoeger & Son. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

HENRY BECK Henry Beck, a farmer living in the western portion of the town of Two Rivers, is putting up a large frame barn, with stone foundation, this season. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 15, 1875

BECKER, MRS. Mrs. Bibinger and children together with her sister Mrs. Becker and children, have been spending a week with their mother Mrs. Teitgen. The families have been enjoying a grand reunion. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3

ALFRED BECKER Alfred Becker and Fred Schultz have received their commissions from Gov. Rusk as First and Second lieutenants in Capt. Becker's company. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 23, 1884 P.3

AUGUST BECKER August Becker has accepted a postion with the Wm. Rahrs' Sons Co. Jan. 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CAPT. BECKER Yesterday Capt. Becker celebrated his 60th birthday. Mar. 30, 1882, Der Nord Westen

MRS. AUGUST BECKER Mrs. August Becker celebrated her 29th birthday on Mon. with friends and acquaintances. Aug. 1, 1895, Der Nord Westen ******* Mrs. August Becker celebrated her 30th birthday yesterday with friends. July 30, 1896, Der Nord Westen

FRANK BECKER FRANK BECKER, TWO RIVERS MAN, MAKES DARING RESCUE OF BOY WHOSE BOAT CAPSIZES ON RIVER Frank Becker, the Two Rivers foundry man, earned a hero medal when he saved the life of a lad named Mizers. The boy, who was paddling his way up the river in a small skiff, fell into the river when the same capsized at Still Bend. Mr. Becker saw the accident and plunged into the water and swam to the lad who had already gone down. The boy clung so tightly to Mr. Becker's neck that he nearly drowned and he was forced to strike the lad several times before he would release his hold. When Mr. Becker reached the shore he was exhausted, but he and the boy were soon revived. Those who saw the accident say that it was the most heroic act and that both luckily escaped with their lives. Parties on shore reached out with a rake and helped Mr. Becker ashore. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 03, 1915, Page 1

FRED BECKER, JR. Fred Becker, Jr., has nearly completed his residence on 11th street, opposite Washington Park. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1 ******** F. Becker, Jr., has left the employ of Wager, Rand & Co., and will return to his old profession-that of a grain buyer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1

MRS. FRED BECKER Mrs. Fred Becker of this city visited with her sister Mrs. Dr. Demper at Kewaunee last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 23, 1884 P. 2

HERMINA BECKER Miss Hermina Becker, of Milwaukee sister of Fred. Becker, Jr. came up to see relatives and friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

JOE BECKER Joe Becker, foreman of Teitgen's tin shop, got the middle finger of his right hand caught in the squaring machine this morning and the upper part of the finger was completely severed from the hand. It was a painful accident for Joe, but might have been worse. Oct. 24, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN BECKER Mr. John Becker, a citizen of New Mexico, and brother in law of townsman, Mr. B. Reinkin, is in our city, talking a needed rest from business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 20, 1881 P. 1

OSCAR BECKER The fire department was called out yesterday afternoon by an alarm from the home of Oscar Becker at 1315 S. Eleventh street, where a chimney fire caused some alarm. No damage resulted. Feb. 23, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

THEODOR BECKER Theodor Becker who resides near Mishicott, was robbed of $50 in cash by unknown burglars last Saturday night. A pane of glass had been deftly cut and removed and entrance made through the window. The local authorities are are (sic) at work on the case and think they know the culprits, although no clue was left by the robbers. Oct. 24, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

WILLIAM BEDUHN William Beduhn, who has been employed with the C. & W. Frazier company for eleven years past, will remain with the new firm of C. Frazier & Son, it is announced by the firm. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P. 3

MR. BEER The lower part of Mrs. Beer's house on York street has been changed into a residence, and a very neat front put into it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 1, 1883 P.1

CHAS. BEERS Chas. Beers purchased from Hinckley & Allen the lot lying between his house and that of Mr. Hoyer. Knowing Charley's enterprise, we would not be surprised if a substantial building will fill the now vacant place, as soon as possible. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

MRS. HENRY BEERS Miss Gertrude Taicher of Maribel is visiting at the home of Henry Beers. Mrs. Beers being Mrs. (sic) sister. Jan. 31, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******* Miss Edith Taicher of Maribel is here for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Henry Beers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 13, 1916 P.3 ******* Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Taicher have returned to their home at Green Bay after spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Henry Beers at the hospital here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 10, 1916 P.3 ******* Miss Gertrude Taicher has returned to Milwaukee after visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Beers, who recently underwent an aperation (sic) for appendicitis at the hospital here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 10, 1916 P.3

WILLIAM BEHM William Behm departed for Milwaukee yesterday where he will ship on one of the boats of the Anchor line fleet, after spending the winter at his home here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.3

ARTHUR E. BEHNKE Arthur E. Behnke left for Lake Mills this morning to attend the wedding of his brother Charles which take palce there today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 22, 1904 P. 2

MR. BEHNKE Mr. Behnke has nearly completed his building on Washington Street. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1

WILLIAM BEHRENDT William Behrendt, of Milwaukee, took advantage of the excursion on Sunday and came down to see friends and relatives. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 1

ALBERT F. BEHRENS REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON TUBERCULAR PATIENTS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report to all proceedings and hearings in relating to tubercular patients had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13, 1918 up to and including this 13th day of May, 1919. John Chloupek, County Judge. Albert F. Behrens, married, aged ??, resident of Two Rivers, Wis., committed to Maple Crest Sanatorium on March 17th, 1919; Dr. A.M. Farrell examining physician. Manitowoc Herald News, July 2, 1919 p.5

A.H. BEHRENS A proceeding was held in the County Court for A.H. Behrens of Town Schleswig, where he was an early settler. He was recently found in pitiful circumstances and was brought here for appointment of a guardian. Behrens is 70 yrs. old and was thought to be mentally ill. This the doctors deny, but also find that he is incapable of caring for himself. Temporarily, he is being kept in the local mental facility. Mar. 16, 1905, Der Nord Westen

BEHRINGER When Postmaster Behringer's son broke his arm the other day the news was broken to the mother in advance of the boy's arrival at home and his little sister overheard the message. As soon as the messenger had gone she turned to her mother and demanded to know whether she would be permitted to see the pieces. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, December 9, 1922 p.3

R. BEHRINGER Mr. R. Behringer, of the Union House, has a new barn in course of erection. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 2, 1883 P. 1

G. BEILING Business card: G. BEILING: PROFESSOR of Music, &c., will give lessons in vocal and instrumental music in the villages of Manitowoc and Two Rivers. Residence on Eighth street, near the court house.

DAU. OF WILHELM BELITZ The 18-mo. old daughter of Wilhelm Belitz in Cleveland ran against a pot filled with boiling water last Thurs. and was badly burned on her face and body. Mar. 15, 1900, Der Nord Westen

R.L. BELL The genuine kindness displayed by so many of my friends on a recent occasion of trial calls for more than ordinary gratitude. I have no means of expressing my appreciation of the same but embrace this opportuntiy to express my thanks and also my fervent wishes that in the time of trial those whose friendship was so well displayed may find assistance as faithful as that which they so freely rendered on the occasion alluded to. R.L. BELL. Manitowoc, Aug. 26th 1854 Sept. 2, 1854, Manitowoc Tribune

HARRY BEMIS (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 23 July) Harry Bemis, a young lawyer in Milwaukee, was here recently visiting his parents and sisters, as well as his grandmother Oswald. The young man, who was born and raised here, works in the office of well-known Milwaukee attorney Turner. July 26, 1906, Der Nord Westen

MRS. J. BENCINGER TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, the undersigned, do hereby retract any and all statements by me made in reference to the sickness of Hattie Nooker of the town of Mishicott; that same were only heresay and since making said remarks have learned that they were false and untrue. Dated Dec. 20, 1915. MRS. J. BENCINGER. Jan. 5, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JACOB BENDER KIEL MAN, CRAZED BY DRINK MAKES MURDEROUS ATTACK UPON OFFICER IN VILLAGE JAIL MARSHAL ASCHENBACH NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH FROM HANDS OF PRISONER WITH WHOM HE IS FORCED TO BATTLE FOR NEARLY AN HOUR IN EFFORT TO SUBDUE HIM. JAIL IS COMPLETELY WRECKED Crazed by drink after an all-day debauch which ended with his commitment to the village jail, Jacob Bender, a Kiel farmer, last night wracked the building and when Village Marshal August Aschenbach attempted to subdue the man, he was attacked and for more than an hour battled with the insane prisoner, narrowly escaping death, having twice been assaulted with a club and an aze wielded by Bender. After a prolonged struggle in which Bender was felled by Aschenbach no less than half dozen times only to return to the attack, the prisoner was finally placed in irons and was brought here late this afternoon and will be arraigned in court. Bender, who is said to be a well-to-do farmer, visited Kiel yesterday and proceeded to take on a Christmas load and late in the afternoon was taken into custody by Marshal Aschenbach and locked up. The man, using an axe, which was in the station, wrecked the interior of the jail, reducing the bunks, chairs and furnishings to kindling wood and then started to cut his way out by smashing the door, but Aschenbach, hearing the noise, appeared on the scene and entered the place with intention of subduing Bender. The crazed man made a rush for Aschenbach, wielding a piece of the broken timber of one of the bunks and Aschenbach was forced to fight to defend himself. Twice Bender's attacks were repulsed and the man felled to the floor only to return to the assault. In his frenzy the crazed man put up a terrific battle and the officer was near death several times when struck by the club wielded by the man. In a final attack Bender grasped the axe with which he had performed deadly execution on the furniture and rushed upon Aschenbach whose hat was knocked from his head by the blow, the axe grazing his scalp. Realizing his danger, the marshal renewed his efforts and by a fortunate blow felled Bender who in falling struck his head on some of the timber from broken bunks and was stunned and the prisoner was placed in irons. Bender was in irons during the night and Marshal Aschenbach left Kiel for this city this morning, arriving here at 3:47 this afternoon. It is not known what charge will be proffered against Bender. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, December 23, 1915, Page 1

FRANK BENESH Reedsville news: On Saturday Frank Benesh while at supper had his money drawer robbed of its contents which were but about $2.50. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 18, 1884 P.3

JOHN BENESCH Mr. John Benesch, who sold his farm some time ago, left us last week. He goes to Minnesota and will make that state his future home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4

OTTO BENKE Quarry news: Joe Rapple sold his cheese factory to Otto Benke for $2,000. Mr. Benke held a meeting at the factory Saturday evening. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, January 29, 1916 P.5

JAMES BENNET Some contemptible fellow stole a watch and some money from James Bennet last week. While the loss of the money does not make Uncle Bennet grieve very much, yet the loss of the watch does. It was highly valued by him, not on account of its intrinsic worth, but on account of the interesting memories connected with it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 1

GUNDER BENSON Gunder Benson and daughter left for Chicago this morning. Mr. Benson will make that city his future home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1903 P. 1 ******** Policeman Gunder Benson, whose wife died recently and who has indicated that he intends to spend the rest of his days with his son in Chicago, has been suspended from city police duty. Dec. 17, 1903, Der Nord Westen

OLE BENSON Ole Benson, as true a friend as any man can wish for, called on us Saturday and placed his name on our subcription list. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1

OLE BENSON Farm For Sale The undersigned wishes to sell his farm, situated in Section 10, T. 17, R. 23, in the Town of Manitowoc Rapids. It contains fifty acres, forty of which are cleared. One of the best stone quarries in the county is also located on this farm. The buildings, consisting of one house and one barn, are all in first-rate condition. Terms easy and made known on application. Ole Benson, Manitowoc, Wis. For further particulars enquire (sic) at the office of the Lake Shore Times. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 4

OLE BENSON Mr. Ole Benson has leased, for a term of three years, the farm of Mr. D.S. Conley, as well as the rights and immunities of the toll road owned by that gentleman. We are glad to welcome Mr. Benson back again, and hope he will now quit his wanderings to Chicago and settle down in our county for good. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.1

JULIA AND JENNIE BENT THE CONCERT.-The Bent Family concert on Thursday evening did not give us general satisfaction as the preceeding ones, but it must be attributed to various causes, among which the non-appearance of Miss Jennie is prominent, as this lady has been an invaluable assistant to Miss Julia, giving confidence to the other members of the family, and variety and interest to the concerts. Mr. Bieling displayed excellent skill in his performance on the piano forte, as far as we could judge from accompainments only; and had he acceded to the wishes of the audience for a solo, we think it would have proved to his credit as a musician. Apr. 30, 1859 P. 3, The Daily Tribune

FRIEDOLIN BENZINGER On Fri., 08 June, Friedolin Benzinger of Sachenburg, Town Mishicott, while shearing sheep, broke his leg when he was knocked to the ground by one of the animals. Dr. Hittner is caring for Benzinger, who a short while ago broke that same leg in another place. June 14, 1883, Der Nord Westen

MICHAEL BENZSCHAWEL FRANKNESS OF SALOON MAN IMPRESSES COURT Escapes Fine on Charge of Keeping Place Open After Twelve. Frankness of Michael Benzschawel, a saloon man on Eighth and Quay street when he was arrested on a charge of having his saloon open after 12 o'clock Sunday night, so impressed the court and city attorney that Benzschawel escaped payment of a fine, though he expressed his willingness to settle. Benzschawel attended the Eagles' outing Sunday and told his bartender to close at 12. When the defense was presented in municipal court today City Attorney Kelley dismissed the complaint and had a warrant issued for Ora Dewey, the bartender who when called in, said that at 11 he had turned the place over to one Reno, a vaudeville actor, who, it developed, was the responsible party. Reno has left the town however. He is expected to return and the authorities decided to await his coming, though Benzschawel said he would pay as the man was the agent through the bartender. The case is held open. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 13, 1916 P.6

MR. BERAKLAW Zander news: Mr. and Mrs. Beraklaw, who have resided here the past 15 years, moved to Mishicot where they bought a house. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.4

KENNETH BERGE VALDERS BOY LOSES EYE IN A PECULIAR WAY The old fashioned button buzzer or button on a string, familiar to every boy and girl was responsible for the loss of an eye sustained by Kenneth Berge a Valders youth employed at the home of Mrs. Gustave Torrison. The boy was playing with the buzzer when the force of the centrified action caused the button to burst in small pieces one of which penetrated the eye, cutting open the eye ball. It was necessary to remove the optic in order to save the other one. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, March 21, 1919 Page 8

MARY BERGE Liberty news: Miss Mary Berge has returned from Chicago, where she has spent the past year. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1

O. BERGE JR. Liberty news: O. O. (sic) Berge Jr. spent Easter with his relatives in Liberty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1

OLE BERGE Gulik Haugen and Ole Berge left for Alaska today in search of gold. May 17, 1900, Der Nord Westen ******** On Tues. Ole Berge returned from his trip to Cape Nome, Alaska. Aug. 23, 1900, Der Nord Westen

OTTO I. BERGE VALDERS The Farmers’ institute held here last Thursday and Friday was very well attended. Quite a number of ladies also attended Miss Maxwell’s cooking school which was held at Jonas’ hall. The following are some of those who received prizes at the institute: Fred Kieselhorst for the heaviest man attending; Mrs. F. Kieselhorst for the heaviest woman; Miss Mabel Hougen for the tallest lady; Henry Harvey for the lightest farmer; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halvorson for heaviest married couple; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knutson for lightest married couple; Christian Reinartson for the best team of drivers; Hy Hougen for the best team of draft horses; for guessing the nearest number of peas in a bottle, Louis Horstman, Jr.; oldest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuschel; for buying the most merchandise at L. Commings store, John Luebke; for the largest load of people, Wm. Busse; for the best sample of barley raised in 1914; first prize Julius Jacobsen, second Otto I. Berge; tallest man attending the institute was a tie between Alfred Christianson and Thos. O. Thompson; walking furthest to institute also resulted in a tie between Isaac Hanson and Ole Ellestad. Jan. 30, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CASPER BERGER NOTICE. MY Wife Bappi Berger having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons are forbidden to harbor or trust her, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Caspar Berger. Cooperstown, Mar. 29, 1856. Apr. 3, 1856, Manitowoc Tribune

CHRIST. BERGER Louis Zander and August Weilep have both made extensive additions to their stable room. Found it necessary to accommodate their rapidly increasing customers. Also our old time friend, Mike Gebhardt has built a large stable on Jefferson Street; and Christ. Berger, not to be behind in this age of improvement, has partitioned off Washington Hall, and can now accommodate twenty or thirty more boarders. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), Aug. 27, 1872

CHRISTIAN BERGER Stabbing Case. We learn that Christian Berger was stabbed at Two Rivers on Sunday evening last by a man named Gentry, who has since fled, and at last accounts had not been taken. Berger was lying in a critical situation with slight chance for his recovery. We did not learn the particulars, but it is doubtles another warning against the criminal practice of carrying concealed weapons. June 21, 1855 P. 7, Manitowoc Tribune ******* CHRISTIAN BERGHER He was stabbed in Two Rivers. June 23, 1855, Manitowoc Herald

CHRISTIAN BERGER On 16 July Christian Berger of Two Rivers celebrated his 66th birthday. July 21, 1881, Der Nord Westen

G. BERGER Mr. G. Berger is making some extensive repairs on his hotel, the Atlantic House, in this village. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 15, 1875

MRS. GOTTLIEB BERGER Mrs. Gottlieb Berger, the oldest resident of the city, who celebrated her ninety-fifth anniversary, having been a resident of the city 67 years. Oct. 10, 1924 P. 2, Manitowoc Herald News

MARY BERHAM Kellnersville news: Miss Mary Berham of Manitowoc, teacher in district number two, Cooperstown, is spending the Holidays at her home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.2

ANNA BERMKE Miss Anna Bermke departed for Newton this morning where she will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Kielsmeyer, who resides there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 10, 1916 P.3

WILLIAM BERMKE Friends and relatives of William Bermke surprised him at his home on Clark street, in the event of his birthday anniversay last night. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bermke, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Kielsmeier of Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz of Sheboygan. The surprise was genuine and a very pleasant evening was spent. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 23, 1916 P.3

HANS BERNARD Branch news: Mr. A.J. Johnson of Manitowoc, accompanied by his nephew, Hans Bernard, a former Branch boy but now of Wausau, enjoyed themselves with their many friends in this vicinity on Sunday last. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.2

AUG. BERNER A New Engine and its reception by the Torrent Company The new Engine, ordered by the Village authorities, for Torrent Engine Company No. 2, was landed on the North Pier on Saturday morning, by the Propeller Mandota. It is a fine looking Machine, with Hose Carriage attached, somewhat similar to the one now in charge of the Badger company, manufactured by the same firm, Button & Co., Watertown, N.Y. In the afternoon the Company turned out in full dress, and with a band of Music, marched to the pier, took formal possession of their Engine, and had a grand parade through the principal streets to their head quarters. They were dressed in blue jackets and caps, trimmed with red, a uniform which every one pronounced becoming appropriate and tasteful. This Company is well officered and the interest shown in it by several of our leading men of property, is an indication of its future usefulness. The names of the officers are as flollows: Michael Kuhl, Foreman; John Horst, 1st asst. Foreman; Aug. Berner 2d Asst. Forman; H. Berner, Hose Captain; J. Leykom, Assit. Captain; Carl H. Schmidt, Secretary; Geo. Dusold, Treasurer Manitowoc Herald, Wednesday, December 7, 1859 P.3

H. BERNER A New Engine and its reception by the Torrent Company The new Engine, ordered by the Village authorities, for Torrent Engine Company No. 2, was landed on the North Pier on Saturday morning, by the Propeller Mandota. It is a fine looking Machine, with Hose Carriage attached, somewhat similar to the one now in charge of the Badger company, manufactured by the same firm, Button & Co., Watertown, N.Y. In the afternoon the Company turned out in full dress, and with a band of Music, marched to the pier, took formal possession of their Engine, and had a grand parade through the principal streets to their head quarters. They were dressed in blue jackets and caps, trimmed with red, a uniform which every one pronounced becoming appropriate and tasteful. This Company is well officered and the interest shown in it by several of our leading men of property, is an indication of its future usefulness. The names of the officers are as flollows: Michael Kuhl, Foreman; John Horst, 1st asst. Foreman; Aug. Berner 2d Asst. Forman; H. Berner, Hose Captain; J. Leykom, Assit. Captain; Carl H. Schmidt, Secretary; Geo. Dusold, Treasurer Manitowoc Herald, Wednesday, December 7, 1859 P.3

HENRY BERNER DESTRUCTIVE FIRE-INCENDIARISM THE CAUSE. On Saturday last, about 8 o'clock, the Barn (sic) of Mr. Henry Berner, just outside the village limits, was burned to the ground. It contained a large quanity of hay, and was stored with farming utensils, &c. The whole was consumed, resulting in a loss to Mr. B. of at least $600. There is no doubt that it was the act of some scoundrel, as no fire had been around the Barn for some days. The authorof (sic) such an inhuman act shouldbe (sic) well punished, and we hope our authorities will ferret out the miscreant. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.3

HENRY BERNER FLOUR AND FEED STORE.-Henry Berner has opened a Flour and Feed Store on the South side of the river, and is doing a thriving business. Berner is an honorable dealer, and customers will find him ready at all times to do the "fair thing." Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

HENRY BERNER Mr. Henry Berner has purchased a place in Antigo, and will open a store there. Mar. 4, 1884, The Lakeshore Times

ANDREAS BERTLER Andreas Bertler celebrated his 73rd birthday on Fri. amid a large group of friends and relatives, including the membership of the Concordia Chorus, of which he is the eldest member. Sept. 14, 1893, Der Nord Westen

CONRAD BERTLESON Mrs. Ed. Bertleson is here from Chicago for a visit at the home of Conrad Bertleson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 4, 1904 P. 2

ADOLPH BERTRAM Adolph Bertram of Falls City, Nebraska, is here with his family visiting his sister, Mrs. H. Guttmann. Another sister, Mrs. Most of Goffs, Kansas, is with them. Mr. Bertram is a former resident of our city who went to Nebraska 38 yrs. ago and had not been back until now. Dec. 31, 1903, Der Nord Westen

PAUL BERTSCHKE Paul Bertschke of this city, formerly of Sheboygan Falls, is at Sheboygan today where the estate of his mother will be settled in probate court there. Jan. 18, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ADELINE BESSERT RIGHT ARM IS CAUGHT WHEN CUTTING CORN Accident Occurs On Farm of Parents Near Reedsville; Was Aiding Father Adeline Bessert, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bessert residing on a farm four miles southwest of the village of Reedsville is a patient at the Holy Family hospital here with her right arm amputated at the elbow as the result of an accident suffered on the farm late Friday afternoon when she sought to aid her father in corn cutting operations. Returning from school yesterday afternoon the Bessert girl who was always ambitious to help her father with the farm chores rushed to the barn, against the orders of her mother. She reached there just as Mr. Bessert was about to shut down the engine operating the feed cutter. In reaching in to pull some corn from between the knives her right arm was caught and drawn in up to the elbow. The girl was rushed to the office of a Brillion physician and later she was brought to the hospital here. The arm was so badly mangled by the knives that it was found necessary to amputate it at the elbow. Unless complications develop the patient is expected to recover. She is one of a family of four children. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, December 16, 1933 p.4

CHARLES BESSERT Reedsville news: On Wednesday last Charles Bessert was working around a stump machine, the wheel ran over his foot crushing it badly. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 18, 1884 P.3

MRS. J. BEST Mrs. J. Best, of Milwaukee is visiting with relatives in the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, December 18, 1903 P. 1

LOUIS BETERMICHEL STABBING AFFRAY. Night before last a crowd of young people went for a surprise party to the residence of Peter Holsen about four miles out of the city on what is called the Herman road between the town line and plank roads. At the close of the entertainment the boys were chipping in to pay for the expenses and called on Louis Betermichel to pay his share. He replied that he had already paid and would not give any more. In the dispute which followed Betermichel drew a knife and stabbed Peter Holsen of this city, slashing him across the face and stabbing him in the shoulder, breast and arm. Jim Hall of the town line road then took a hand in and knocking Betermichel down, but he jumped up thrust his knife in Hall's arm inflicting an ugly flesh wound, and then made his escape. He was followed by some of the party but eluded prusuit. In the morning however he was overtaken by Conrad Meyer who assuming the airs of a person in authority told Betermichel he was the person he was looking for that he was under arrest and must come with him. Meyer brought him into town and held him until the proper legal steps were taken. He is now lodged in jail where he will probably have time to find out this is not exactly a free country. Dr. Frazer was called out to care for the wounded and says that Holsen is seriously wounded but will probably recover, the most dangerous cut being the one in the shoulder. Hall's wound is not serious. Betermichel is a new comer having been this country but a few months. He was arraigned this morning before Justice H.E. Markham on the charge of assault with intent to murder. Bail was put at $1200, in default of which he was remanded to jail. Examination was deferred until Saturday when it is expected the effect of his attack on Holsen can be more clearly determined. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 1, 1886 P.1

HENRY BETTS From the Door County Advocate we clip the following personals: Henry Betts, formerly of the town of Cato, Manitowoc county, has purchased Halver Oleson's farm and he will reside in this town permanently. Mr. Oleson is negotiating for the purchase of Alonzo Holliday's place, and the later, is reported, will remove to the western part of the state. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1

MATHIAS BEUMIER Leonard Miller of Kiel has purchased the Hotel property of Mathias Beumier of Forest Junction and will open out May 1st, next. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 28, 1885 P.3

EMMA BEYER Misses Emma Beyer, Clara Terens, and Sophia Fisch who have spent the winter attending school at Silver Lake, came home yesterday to enjoy the Easter holidays with their parents. Miss Terens will return to school in a couple of weeks, but the others remain here. Apr. 15, 1884, Lakeshore Times

MRS. HANS BEYER Mishicott news: Birthday parties have been thicker than hair on a dog this week. The numerous lady friends of Mrs. Hans Beyer gathered at her residence on Thursday last to celebrate her forty-fourth birthday, and Mrs. Henry Quistorf and Miss Pauline Braasch both entertained their friends at birthday parties on Friday. Mr. John N. Wagner celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday on the fourth of May, and should he live another year he will celebrate his golden wedding. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4

MRS. WENZEL BHURIG Mrs. Wenzel Bhurig in Cooperstown suddenly became suicidal Sun. evening and had to be kept under watch in the Cooperstown City Hall. Sep. 24, 1903, Der Nord Westen

BIBINGER, MRS. Mrs. Bibinger and children together with her sister Mrs. Becker and children, have been spending a week with their mother Mrs. Teitgen. The families have been enjoying a grand reunion. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3

JACOB BIBINGER We have heard that Jacob Bibinger, employed in Smalleys factory, had the bad luck last Thurs. of having the first three fingers of his left hand cut off. Mar. 1, 1888, Der Nord Westen

JOHN BIBINGER John Bibinger now sports a splendid sulky-like carriage, the exact scientific name of which we have forpotten (sic). It's a beauty at any rate, and would come very handy for the use of a sheriff. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1 ***** John Bibinger is likely to be the next Sheriff. Mr. Bibinger is able and industrious and will make a first class officer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

GEORGE BICKE, MRS. Two Rivers Reporter, Mrs. George Bicke left Wednesday for Milwaukee where she was called by the illness of her daughter, Nora, who is employed there. It is thought Miss Nora may be suffering from typhoid which is now epidemic at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 3, 1916 P.3

CHARLES BIEBERITZ Charles Bieberitz was home for a Sunday visit with his parents and returned to Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 24, 1916 P.3

AUGUST BIEL (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 15 May) 2 boys, August Biel and Irvin Goel, have disappeared from here and no one knows where they are. August tried the life of a tramp once before, and possibly he persuaded Irvin to go with him this time. They took no money with them. May 18, 1905, Der Nord Westen

MR. BIELING THE CONCERT.-The Bent Family concert on Thursday evening did not give us general satisfaction as the preceeding ones, but it must be attributed to various causes, among which the non-appearance of Miss Jennie is prominent, as this lady has been an invaluible assistant to Miss Julia, giving confidence to the other members of the family, and variety and interest to the concerts. Mr. Bieling displayed excellent skill in his performance on the piano forte, as far as we could judge from accompainments only; and had he acceded to the wishes of the audience for a solo, we think it would have proved to his credit as a musician. Apr. 30, 1859 P. 3, The Daily Tribune

WILLIAM BIERMAN William Bierman has returned from Chicago where he was called by the sudden illness of his sister, Miss Maud, who teaches school there. Feb. 17, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MINNA BIGEL Miss Minna Bigel, now residing in Chicago, passed a few weeks in this city her former home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 9, 1883 P. 1

A.C. AND GEORGE BILLINGS A.C. Billings and George, his son, former residents of this village, with their wives, paid Two Rivers a visit last Saturday. George and his wife returned to Milwaukee, where they reside, the same day, his father and mother remaining to look over the improvements made since he left in 1863, returning to his home in Waukesha, - the Saratoga of the West - this morning. Mr. B., who is the same old shilling sixpence that he was in 1855 when he first landed in Two Rivers, expressed astonishment at the rapid strides made in this village, where everything was at its lowest when he left. It seems like old times to see our genial friends on the street and listen to his quaint descriptions of scenes and events which had transpired here within the writer's observation in former years. Success to him and his is the sincere wish of all who know him. June 15, 1875, Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers)

BEN. BIRDSALL Gibson news: Ben. Birdsall's farm is sold and the family has gone to Nebraska. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

G.A. BIRGE, MRS. Mrs. G.A. Birge has returned to her home at Fond du Lac after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Kirchoff, of this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 9, 1916 P.3

H. BIRNBAUM Frank Junk, of Cleveland, has sold his 10 acres farm to H. Birnbaum, of Sheboygan county, the consideratin being $3,700. Mr. Junk will remove to Athens, Marathon county, where he has bought a 40-acre farm with the buildings, sir (sic) cows, three horses and all new machinery, the total price being $4,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, June 2, 1916 P.2

CHARLES BIRR TWO RIVERS MAN FILES A CLAIM OF $500 FOR INJURIES ON ICY WALK IN THAT CITY One claim for damages, with prostect of a second, filed with the Two Rivers city council by persons injured by falls on icy walks, has stirred the council there to action and rigid enforcement of an ordinance requiring the cleaning of walks is to be taken. Charles Birr has filed claim for $500 for a broken arm which he sustained in falling on an icy walk and William Hopkins, who also fractured an arm, is expected to submit a claim. This city has a claim of $1,500 filed by one Hansen who suffered a fracture of his lef (sic) in a fall at Eighth and Quay streets. The claim has been shifted to the Northwestern road on whose tracks Mr. Hansen fell. Mar. 24, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

DICK BISHOP E. Sogge, a former Two Rivers man, now located at Kewaunee, who recently purchased the Dick Bishop dance hall and saloon on the Shoto road, will take possession of the place Friday. It is said the consideration was $7,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 8, 1916 P.3

MR. BLAKE A Crash And Narrow Escape.-The lumber slide at the Steam Mill of Messrs. B. Jones & Co., in this village, gave way on Tuesday last, and fell in with a heavy crash. A team had just been driven from under it, and Mr. Blake, who is employed in the Mill had just stepped inside the door beneath, when the whole weight came down upon the spot which he had just vacated. Apr. 17, 1856, Manitowoc Tribune *********** Steinthal news: Mr. Blake has fitted out a room in his hall and will furnish it with a pool table in a few days. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 17, 1885 P.4

CHARLES BLAKE Manitowoc at Chicago. What some of our boys are doing in that city. Charley Blake, one of our High School graduates, is with the wholesale boot and shoe house of C.A. Fargo & Co. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1 ******** "Home, Sweet Home." news: Chas. Blake has been promoted to the head of the most important department of the wholesale boot and shoe firm of C.H. Fargo & Co. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

H. BLANKE Kellnersville news: Kellner's cheese factory will open about the first of May. H. Blanke has been engaged to manufacture cheese. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 28, 1885 P.3

HENRY BLANKE Kellnersville news: A few of the young men of the village are talking of organizing a base ball club. Will Kellner is going to do all the batting. Henry Blanke will act as pitcher. Dr. Keehan will take charge of first base, Joe Kellner promises to fill the others, while Lawrence Ledwina and Anton Wit will pick up the ball. Our "Chaplain" (John Kellner) who has as many rules and regulations about him as an Orthodox minister will settle all disputes; while we may be allowed to enter the field and see that Wenzel Feit umpires right. Mike Kellner is president and will ask nothing for his trouble which he will certainly get. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 P.6

HENRY BLANKE Kellnersville news: Our Cheese maker Henry Blanke is becoming quite popular as a cheese buyer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 4, 1885 P.1

MRS. M. BLEE Mrs. M. Blee of Chicago is here for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Edward Harris, South Twelfth street. Mrs. Blee is well known here, Mr. Blee having formerly been manager of the Orpheum theatre in this city. Feb. 4, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ADAM BLESER Sheriff's Sale. Manitowoc County, Circuit Court. Adam Bleser against Pat. Stevens. Execution. BY virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc county in favor of Adam Bleser against Pat. Stevens, I have levied upon the south west quarter of the south west quarter of section thirty two in township nineteen, north of range twenty three east, which said real estate I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court house in the Village and County of Manitowoc on the 20th day January A D 1860 at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. to satisfy said execution and costs. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Dated, Sheriff's office Manitowoc County, December 5th 1859. Manitowoc Herald, Wednesday, December 7, 1859 P.2

DAN BLESER Mr. Kettenhofen has sold his barn to Dan. Bleser, and is building a new and substantial one of brick on his grounds fronting Ninth street. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 16, 1883 P. 1 ***** Kettenhofen's old stable is undergoing extensive repairs and rebuilding. Dan. Bleser owns it now and is intending to use it for farm machinery. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 23, 1883 P. 1

DANIEL B. BLESER KEEP US DODGING Automobiles, Street Cars and Fast Horses on City Streets Between dodging automobiles, keeping out of the way of street cars and fast driving horses the Manitowoc citizen will be kept on the move in the future. The automobile promises to be numerous within the course of a short time, the purchase of several being contemplated, and two machines having already come into the possession of Manitowoc people. Daniel B. Bleser, head of the Kunz & Bleser Brewing Co., will be among the first to drive an auto, a machine purchased now being enroute from New York for his use. The automobile of Alderman Plumb was received today and is now being tested. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 21, 1902, Page 1

IDA BLESER A WEDDING. To-morrow (sic) evening unless the trains fail to connect there will be a wedding at Detroit City, Minn. in which Manitowoc people have some interest. At that time Frank Miller recently appointed clerk at the Indian Agency at White Earth will be joined in marriage to Miss Ida Bleser in the Catholic church of that city. The young couple will then return to the agency where they will make their home. Their many friends in this county where they were born and brought up will join with this paper in wishing them prosperity and long life together. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, November 3, 1885 P.4

RIC. BLESER Ric. Bleser and his family from Millbanks, So. Dakota, are here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bleser. Aug. 1, 1889, Der Nord Westen

JULIUS BLOCK Julius Block of Manitowoc, celebrated his 66th birthday last Friday. Feb. 26, 1891, Der Nord Westen

MRS. J. BLOCK Mrs. J. Block here observed her 81st last Fri. June 1, 1899, Der Nord Westen

PHILIP BLOCK Philip Block, an old time Manitowoc boy, has been visiting relatives and friends here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

RICHARD BLOCK PHALEN AND BLOCK MIX IT ON JAY STREET Plumber Objects To Language Man Uses To Women BIFF! CRACK! BANG! AND SCRAP WAS ON Richard Block and John Phalen mixed it in a free for all fight on Jay street this morning when a difference arose over some language the former used to some women on the premises. It seems that Block occupies a small cottage near the Schmidtman wholesale house and was served with notice to vacate. New tenants arrived this morning to take up their abode in the cottage but found Block still living there. A dispute between the people who were about to move in and Block the latter using, it is said, abusive language which Phalen who was standing near, objected to. "If I was that woman's husband, I'd knock your block off," said Phalen. "If you were her husband or not, you wouldn't be able to do any such thing," replied Block. Biff! Phalen swung on Block's jaw. Crack! countered Block on Phalen's neck and the scrap was on. To add spice to the occasion, Block's wife rushed out in time to see her spouse at the bottom of the heap and crying "Blucher has arrived" hit the plumber over the head with a shovel. By-standers separated the belligerents and so the police were on the scene. The affair may come up in the courts, a call for an officer having been sent in bringing Officer Christensen on a run. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 5, 1914 p.8

FRED BLOCKMANN Fred Blockmann, a farmer near Mishicott, recently broke his leg while trying to load a heavy stone into his wagon. Unfortunately, the break shattered his knee, and the injured man is over 80 yrs. old. June 27, 1889, Der Nord Westen

MR. BLOQUELLE Mr. Wedig of Sheboygan, and Mr. Bloquelle, of this city, made the best shots at the Schuetzenfest held at Klingholz's park last Sunday. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875

C.H. BLUMSTEIN In County court. Depositions in the estate of C.H. Blumstein were received and filed yesterday. The will was made and the depostion taken at Minneapolis Minn. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 1

MINNIE BLUMENSTEIN Miss Minnie Blumenstein of St. Nazians (sic) spent a few days of last week with her sister Mrs. A. Kolwey of this place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3

HERMAN BLUTTIG MURDER IN THE COUNTY JAIL Herman Bluttig was killed in the county jail on Tuesday by a fellow prisoner named Frank Jelinek, during a quarrel, in a very peculiar manner. The fatal blow was struck with a little stick, scarcely more than a splinter, which Jelinek had previously used to light his pipe. The splinter entered the back of the neck and then to the lungs. Bluttig died on Tuesday evening of internal hemorrhage, the chest being filled with blood. The fatal blow was struck in the morning. Both men were awaiting trial for burglary. Jelinek was one of the men implicated in breaking into Blesch's store some months ago. At least the stolen goods were found in his house. He is miserably poor and a sort of worthless fellow. Last winter he sought aid from the city and was then almost in a starving condition. He is rather a weak looking man, and it is difficult to understand how he could have struck with sufficient force to kill a man with a splinter of wood not much over one foot in length and one inch in width. Bluttig was arrested for breaking into the house of a man named Schroeder, a resident of Kiel. He was a kind of tramp and not of very strong mind. Some time ago he stood trial on a charge of having set fire to the property of Peter Hoffman of Centerville. The two men were inclined to quarrel at various times, though they never before came to blows. On this occasion Bluttig called Jelinek a vile name and approached him in a threatening manner. Jelinek claims that Bluttig was about to draw a knife and he struck in self-defense. It is certain he had no intention of killing the other. Tuesday was the day fixed for his trial for burglary. The case was in progress when Bluttig died. He was quite certain of conviction but the district attorney asked that a verdict of guilty of receiving stolen goods be rendered so that the prisoner might be kept in custody here. Bluttig was sitting up a short time before his death, and even walked about a little. His slayer is very much depressed and sits by himself the very picture of dispair. His trial for manslaughter will possibly not take place until the January term. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 16, 1891