GEORGE E. CADY George E. Cady, who has been the C. & N.W. agent at Two Rivers for several years, has been transferred to New London. Friends tendered Mr. and Mrs. Cady a farewell reception Monday evening. Both are well known in this city. June 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily HeraldJAMES CAHILL ACCIDENT AT SOO MAY COST MAN HIS HAND James Cahill Has Fingers Crushed by Apron Lever James Cahill, employed at the yards of the Soo line had three fingers and the thumb of his right hand badly crushed early today while operating a switch at the carferry apron and it is feared Cahill may lose his fingers. Cahill lost the third finger of the hand sometime ago and today the other fingers were crushed. The accident was due to reaction of the lift lever when the switch was thrown. August 17, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ANNA AND MARY CAHOOT Misses Anna and Mary Cahoot, of Chicago, are here on a visit to their parents. June 29, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
CHARLES CAIN Charles Cain was quite a prominent builder (brick mason) for some 20 years, after which he went into the lumber business, and subsequently, some where along in the sixties, removed to Manitowoc county, where he died a few years ago. He was a man of fair business abilities, but not of executive. Published 1884 Page 230, "Pioneer History of Milwaukee" by James Smith Buck
MICHAEL CAIN Liberty news: Mr. Michael Cain, accompanied by a genuine lumbering crowd started for Wausau on Thursday last, where they intend to remain the coming winter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 7, 1882 P.1
CHARLES CAMP Those indebted to the undersigned, either by Note or Book acct. will please call at his late stand on Commercial St. and settle the same at an early day, as he is desirous of closing his business. CHARLES CAMP. Manitowoc, Feb. 7th 1855. February 7, 1855 P. 3, Manitowoc Tribune
P. CAMP The schooner Hunting Boy left here last Friday morning for Frankfort, Mich., carrying the nets of Mr. P. Camp and his party and of Mr. St. Peter and Mr. Lafond, who also propose fishing on the east shore during the coming summer. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875
CAPT. CAMPBELL Two Rivers news: The family of Capt. Campbell has arrived in this city. The captain will soon move his household effects here with a view of making it his home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, November 3, 1885 P.4
JOHN CAMPBELL Five dollars was the price John Campbell had to pay for a drunk last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1
FRANK CANRIGHT MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Frank Canright occasionally is seen in Milwaukee. He is the popular clerk of the propeller City of Ludington, and if he sticks to the business, will some day turn up a steamboat monopli?t, or something of that kind. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)
FRANK CANRIGHT Frank Canright was in the city last week. He was called here by the prostration of his mother who has been an invalid for a long time. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3
M. CAPPES M. Cappes observed his 58th quietly last Thurs. Der Nord Westen, 01 June 1899
JOE CAPRON "Joe." Capron, who will be remembered by many as the genial and handsome editor of the Pilot, when that paper was owned by the late Judge Olmstead, writes us from Ord. Nebraska, that he wants the TIMES. He is now publishing the Valley County Journal at that place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 1
HELEN CARNEY Grimms news: Miss Helen Carney returned from Green Bay Wednesday to spend the summer with her parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 12, 1916 P.2
S.W. CARPENTER S.W. Carpenter, formerly a resident of this place, has resigned his position as a member of the Police Detective of Dubuque. The papers of that city speak in glowing terms of his skill, and efficiency, and express the hope that suitable inducements will be offered to secure a continuance of his services. July 15, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune
FRANCES CARR Maple Grove news: Miss Frances Carr is at Milwaukee to attend the marriage of her sister, Catherine. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 23, 1916 P.5
DR. E. CARRENS (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 01 Feb.) There were many local birthdays on Tues. last week ? Dr. E. Carrens, his 30th. 04 Feb. 1897, Der Nord Westen
JOHN CARROLL TOUCHED FOR EIGHTY. John Carroll, a Well Known Young Man of Collins, a Victim of Footpads. MADE A TARGET FOR BULLETS. ???? ????sing Home from this City and Is Held Up by Two Men Near Clarks Mills. Touched for $80.00, a target for bullets and alive to tell the tale. It sounds "fishy" and is certainly a little out of the ordinary, but this is the story told by John Carroll, a popular and well known young man of Collins. Mr. Carroll came to this city Wednesday with a load of porkers which he disposed of to local parties and for which he received the snug little sum of $80.00. He remained in the city until late in the afternoon and started on his homeward trip in a happy frame of mind. He jogged along at a moderate pace, paying little attention to his surroundings and thinking, no doubt, of anything but porkers, when he was awakened from his reverie in a most startling manner-a pistol shot rang out on the stillness of the air and a bullet penetrated his clothing in close proximity to his heart. At the same time a voice of thunder commanded him to halt and two men appeared on the scene. He was obliged to get down from his seat and while one of the footpads held the horses, the other at the muzzle of a revolver, went through Mr. Carrol (sic) in the most approved manner. When fully satisfied that they had relieved him of all his valuables, they told the young man to get a move on himself and drive home. To further emphasize their meaning they fired a parting salute after him and disappered in the woods. The victim hurried home and yesterday Mr. Carroll, Sr., came to town to notify the authorities. District attorney Schmitz has the affair in charge and will probe the matter to the bottom. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 1 ******* John Carroll, one of our old settlers, is doing a rushing mercantile business in Boyne City, Mich. He was in town last week, looking like a half millionaire. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1
JOHN CARROLL John Carroll, now of Boyne Falls, Michigan, was in the city last week, and returned to his new home on Friday, accompanied by his two daughters, who have been attending the school of the Sisters of St. Francis, located here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.1
ELLA CARSTENS Miss Ella Carstens is numbered among the sick. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 4
E.M. CARSTENS E.M. Carstens establishment is soon to be illuminated by a private gas plant. The system used is one controlled by the Detroit Heating and Lighting Co. Otto Merke, of Green Bay, is agent for this district and the work will be done by Otto Junick, under the direction of the agent. October 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
E.M. CARSTENS The Colonial theatre, which was recently taken over by E.M. Carstens and is to be managed by Frank Plopper, is to re-open this evening, the house having been closed for several days while repairs and improvements were being made. Mr. Plopper announced today that the theatre would open every evening and would offer 5 reel feature daily, in addition to music which will be featured. Mar. 22, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ED CARUS "Home, Sweet Home." news: Ed. Carus is steadily advancing in the confidence of the Goodrich Transportation Company. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1
FRED CARUS And The Cop Took Fred Carus Under His Care. Fred Carus was arrested by officer Sniffins Monday night and landed in jail. Fredrick had taken aboard an extra supply of red-eye and it converted him into a regular "fire-eater". He was looking for trouble and he didn't care where he found it. He was wild and wooley and was ready to scrap anybody. "Come on boys." The officer requested him to behave himself and told him he would take him in charge. Fred thought different however, and he would be only to glad to have a "go" with the cop. When patience ceased to be a virtue the Policeman took him in charge and landed him in jail. He was taken before Justice Markham late yesterday afternoon, pleaded guilty to the charge of being drunk and disorderly and was fined $7.35. This he promised to pay to-day and he was given his liberty. March 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
FRED CARUS Fred Carus was the first one to perceive the fire at Platt's store, and gave the alarm, and as a reward, he received "a frog in his throat." That's the way his voice sounds now. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 4, 1882 P. 1
MR. CARY Dr. Hoyt, inspector for the state board of health was at Rockland to investigate smallpox in the town, there being several cases reported. Health officer Cary of Reedsville accompanied him and quarantine was established. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.3
CAL CARY Tunis C. Cary has returned to Philadelphia after and Easter visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Cary. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.3
ERWIN CARY Edwards news: We learn from a reliable source that Erwin Cary, one of the most voluble (sic) and successful lightning-rod men that ever bore the epithet of "Oily Gammon," is now dealing out goods for a mercantile firm in Cincinnati. He intends to return to Meeme next spring, more eloquent and persuasive than ever, to "rod" all whose lives may be in peril by the treats of the elements. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4
NELLIE CARY {Want-Ad Section) LOST-Two notes, one for $200 and one for $100, both drawn in favor of Miss Nellie Cary. Return to this office. Mar. 29, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. P. CASE Mrs. P. Case has returned to Fayette, Mich., after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Louis M. Shipper, at Two Rivers. Feb. 7, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MR. CASPER Steinthal news: Mr. Casper has put a new roof on his grist mill. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 17, 1885 P.4
FRANK CASSON Frank Casson left for Chicago this morning to enter upon his duties in the office of the Chicago Telephone company. Apr. 15, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN CASSON John Casson took his departure for Chicago this morning, where he will make his future home. John has been an employe of Liebenow & Son for some time past, but his mother recently removed to Chicago and he has secured a position there. May 27, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ANTONIA CASTRIOINCI SAYS HEAD SHOWS MARKS Important Testimony in Sapeinza Murder Case in Court DR. FALGE TELLS OF POST MORTEM That the body of Antonia Castrioinci, the Italian killed at Grimms three weeks ago, bears the marks of two terrible blows on the head and not only one as testified at the coroner's inquest, was the important testimony at the preliminary hearing in the case of Cono Sapeina, the alleged murderer in municipal court this morning and which resulted in the court bounding Sapeinza over for trial in circuit court in June. Coroner Louis Falge gave the testimony which is considered a strong point for the State. Three witnesses testified in the hearing, two to evidence given at the inquest while Dr. Falge's testimony had to do with the post mortem examination conducted later at the Milwaukee morgue under orders of the district attorney. Dr. Falge said that at the examination at Grimms there was testimony of only one blow but the post mortem revealed discoloration of the brain and evidence of at least two blows having been death the dead man. Nothing further new in the case developed at the hearing which occupied about two hours before Judge Schmidt. The defense offered no testimony but conducted cross examination of the State's witnesses but failed to reveal its plan of defense. An interpreter was necessary for some of the witnesses in the case. No testimony was offered by the defense and Atty E.L. Kelley for the prisoner offered no objection when District Atty Healy asked the court to bind Sapeinza over for trial in circuit court. The prisoner was returned to jail without bail and the case will come up at the June term of circuit court before Judge Kerwin. Sapeinza was in court but could not understand the proceedings being unable to speak or understand English. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 15, 1910
AL CAVANAUGH Grimms news: Al Cavanaugh came home Friday evening from Manitowoc to spend Sudnay with his parents at Maple Grove. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 12, 1916 P.2
SON OF A. CAYO In Two Rivers two boys, a son of A. Cayo and one of Nic. Dahm, somehow got hold of some gun powder. They loaded a sheet metal canon and took it to the lake to fire it, but the gunpowder burst before the boys expected it and burned the little Cayo boy so badly in the face that he will probably lose his eyesight. The other boy fared better but not without painful burns. 3 May 1900, Der Nord Westen
ANTON CAYO Mishicott news: One of the most enjoyable affairs of the season, was the party at the residence of Mr. Anton Cayo on last Monday evening. The party was given in honor of the sons of Mr. Cayo, who were here on a visit to their parents. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4
ED & PAT CAYO Mishicott news: The Cayo boys, Pat and Ed. who were here to attend the funeral of their father, returned to their home in Oconto last Wednesday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1
JOSEPH CAYO Two Rivers news: Last Friday morning Joseph Cayo stumbled near the end of Walnut street bridge and fractured the knee-pan (sic) of his left leg. He will be laid up sometime. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P.5
LOUIS CAYO Mishicott news: Louis Cayo, another Mishicott boy, returned from Oconto a few days ago. He is buying cows to take back with him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4
MRS. TENNIS CAYO Mrs. Tennis (sic) Cayo and children of Two Rivers returned last evening from a visit with relatives at Niagara, Wis. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, August 10, 1923 P.3
(NO NAME) CECH (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 13 June) Today your correspondent visited master saddler Cech at his shop because he is observing his 49th birthday. 16 June 1904, Der Nord Westen
WENZEL CENEFELDT Murder At Kellnersville At about noon at last Sunday Kellnersville, this county, one of the most foul attempts was made to murder a girl by the name of Mary Wachet. She was driving some stock to pasture when some unknown party fired either a gun or pistol at her, the instrument was so close that parts of her underclothing were blackened by the burnt powder. She was shot in the abdomen from the front, and the bullet lodged and is still near the spine. Parties came to this city for aid and Sheriff Bolen, Deputy Sheriff Kruger, Dist. Atty. Schmitz and Dr. Luhman went to the scene of the crime and after making a thorough investigation arrested one Wenzel Cenefelt, of Kossuth, who was brought to this city yesterday after- noon and taken before Justice White. On request of the Dist. Atty. the hearing was adjourned to Friday May 25th at 10 o'clock A.M. The Justice fixed bail at $4000, the person not being able to find same was remandd to jail. Wenzel Cenefelt is a young man about 22 years of age, and does not look like one who would commit such a horrible crime as the one with which he is charged. He is about 5 feet 9 inches tall, slight build, gray eyes, dark hair, has a straight cut mouth with thin lips, a prominent nose and high forehead. He was not very nervous when before the Justice and did not seem to realize his horrible position. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, May 22, 1888 p.5 ******** It is reported that Mary Wachtel, the Kossuth girl who was recently shot, and for whose attempted murder young Cenefeldt has been lying in jail awaiting the result of her wound, has made a confession to her priest to the effect that she shot herself because she had been seduced by a young man of the name of Joseph Decker. This alleged confession, if true, will clear up the mystery that has surrounded her case so long and will set at liberty the young man who has for weeks been confined to jail charged with committing the deed. The girl's recovery is now pronounced certain. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), July 10, 1888
A. CERULL CITY NOT LIABLE FOR CERULL CLAIM AND DISALLOWS IT-N.W. HELD LIABLE ON NELSON CLAIM Based upon an opinion of the city attorney that the city is not liable, the council last night disallowed the $249 calim (sic) filed by A. Cerull for loss of stock and trade by reason of his bakery being quarantined by the health officer. The city attorney said that while Mr. Cerull's loss might be deplored the council had no right to hand over the taxpayer's money to make up his loss. On the claim of $1,500 filed by A. Nelson for injuries when he fell on the Northwestern tracks near the Elks club, the city shifted responsiblilty upon the Northwestern and sent the claim to the company for payment. Feb. 24, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
CAROLINE CHAJIKOVISKI Mrs. Caroline Chajikoviski and daughter, Mrs. Lenn Lemke, are at Milwaukee to spend a few days with relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 25, 1916 P.3
A. CHANDLER A. Chandler, now located at the beautiful city of Sturgeon Bay, was in the city a short time last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1
DAVID C. CHAPMAN (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 18 July) After a long search, baker David C. Chapman, who disappeared so mysteriously from here several weeks ago, has been found in a hospital in the state of Missouri. He indicates that he was temporarily mentally disturbed. 20 July 1905, Der Nord Westen
JOHN CHAPMAN John Chapman, who was formerly a member of the firm of Chapman Bros., conducting a bakery on Buffalo street here, is in the city from Indiana for a brief visit with friends. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 6, 1916 P.2
F. CHARNEP Cooperstown news: Mr. F. Charnep has sold his farm and intends moving to Kansas. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1
MR. CHARNLEY Many friends in this city will regret to hear that Mr. Charnley's health is so poor that he has taken a month's vacation and started yesterday for the Hot Springs, Ark. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 28, 1884 P. 1
MR. CHARVAT Gibson news: Mr. Charvat of this place will build a ware house this spring for the purpose of selling farm machinery. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 16, 1886 P.3
GENEVIEVE CHARVAT Grimms news: Miss Genevieve Charvat spent a few days here last week to bid goodby to her friends. Miss Charvat left for Valparaiso Monday where she will meet Ernst Barger and become his bride March 4. She was accompanied by her sister Mrs. Wanish. Miss Charvat is well known here and in Manitowoc where she has made her home with Mrs. J. Wanish the past year. She met Mr. Barger while attending school at the Valparaiso University. They will make their home at Valperaiso. Friends join with the correspondent, and will send their congratulations to the happy couple. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 3, 1916 P.5
MRS. EMROY CHASE Gibson news: Mrs. Chase, wife of Emroy Chase is seriously ill with a lung difficulty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 29, 1886 P.3
SON OF EMORY CHASE A son of Emory Chase of Town Gibson, working in the forests of Northern Michigan, accidentally struck himself in the foot with an axe. The wound healed but then broke open again, making it necessary for the young man to come home to his parents. 21 Feb. 1889, Der Nord Westen
G.W. CHASE CLAIM ATTEMPT WAS MADE TO STEAL CHILD Manitowoc Man Receives Warning That His Little Girl is to Be Kidnapped Manitowoc, Wis., Nov. 14 (Special) Police officials are investigating a reported attempt to kidnap the 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Chase. A few days ago, Mr. Chase received an anonymous letter warning him that an attempt would be made to abduct the child and Wednesday a woman, a stranger to the family, appeared at the house and sought to induce the mother to permit her to take the child for a walk. This was refused and the matter reported to Police. Nothing has resulted from the investigation thus far and an effort was made to keep the affair a secret, but it leaked out yesterday. Chase recently came here from Appleton and is employed as a conductor on the Manitowoc & Northern Traction Company's lines. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., Nov. 18, 1902 ***** G.W. Chase has resigned his position with the Manitowoc & Northern Traction Company to take the Manitowoc-Two Rivers route for the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, of New York. He will take orders and deliver goods every two days. Mr. Chase has been a conductor with the M.&N.T.Co. since its lines were first operated. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 1, 1904 P. 1
GEORGE CHATTERTON Gibson news: George Chatterton and family who have been absent for the last year in Neb. have again taken possession of their farm. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4
MRS. JOHN CHATTERTON Gibson news: Mrs. John Chatterton celebrated her 80th birthday on the 26th of Dec. The venerable lady is one of the pioneers, having settled here in 1851. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 26, 1886 P.3
J.T. CHENOWETH We are informed that Judge Olmsted has succeeded in securing the services of Mr. J.T. Chenoweth of Appleton, to conduct the local department of his paper, the Pilot. Mr. Chenoweth has had considerable experience as a newspaper man, is a racy writer, a practical printer, and just the man for the position. We shall be down some day, J.T. and show you that we have not forgotten the old Phoenix grip. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875
ANTON CHERNEY Anton Cherney, a former Manitowoc boy, is here from Chicago to spend his year's vacation and is at his old home at Kellnersville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 4, 1904 P. 2
VENCIL CHERNEY Kellnersville news: Mr. Vencil Cherney is here from Lincoln, Ill., visiting relatives. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 4, 1885 P.1
REV. CHESWOLD Liberty news: The Rev. Mr. Cheswold who married Miss Julia Goeter has been living in the State of Georgia for some time. He has come back to our sweet land of Liberty and will make his home here. They will live in Mr. Andrews Torrison's house. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 4, 1884 P. 3
MARY CHEZEK Marriage licenses have been issued by County Clerk Auton to the following: Joseph Jerebek of Rockland and Mary Chezek of Franklin. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 2, 1916 P.3
JOS. CHIZEK Polifka's Corners news: Ed Husar of Kellnersville, the mason contracter, finished the concrete foundation at Jos. Chizek's Tuesday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 1, 1916 P.2
ADOLPH CHLOUPEK Adolph Chloupek, one of the best known residents of Kossuth, has been engaged as traveling salesman by a nursery firm of Sheboygan Falls. The firm could not have chosen a more reliable and enterprising man than Adolph. His territory consists of the northern portion of our county. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1
ADOLPH CHLOUPEK Mishicott news: Mr. Adolph Chloupek, of Kossuth, has been here during the week just ended, delivering fruit trees, of which he sold large quantities last fall. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4
EDMUND CHLOUPEK Edmund Chloupek now jumps the counters at Barnes, Mendlik & Mulholland's store. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1
MR. AND MRS. EUGENE CHLOUPEK Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chloupek now located at Evanston, Ill., will leave on April 14 for a trip to Europe. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, April 5, 1928 P.2
EUGENE CHLOUPEK Eugene Chloupek who was here for several days visit with his parents returned to Milwaukee this morning. He will start for Montrose, Colorado on Wednesday where he will locate. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 1, 1909 p.1
EUGENE CHLOUPEK Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chloupek are here from Chicago to spend Easter with their parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 20, 1916 P. 3
IRWIN AND JOHN CHLOUPEK Mr. Irwin Chloupek, of Co. M. Oconto, who has been visiting his brother John Chloupek, returned to his home to-day. Oct. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHNY CHLOUPEK Two Rivers news: Johny Chloupek, one of the rising young school teacher of the county, greeted his numerous friends in this city on Saturday last. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 4
MR. CHOWAT Gibson news: Mr. Chowat is laying the foundation for his new barn, which will be a convenient structure. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 29, 1886 P.3
MRS. A. CHRAPIKOWSKI SEES SON IN FILM PRODUCTION; "GEETING VILLA", LAST NIGHT Mrs. Chrapikowski Experiences Thrill at Opera House When She Sees Son, Lieut. Barzynski in Pictures Mrs. A. Chrapikowski was one of the interested spectators at the opera house last evening when the "Getting Villa" pictures were staged under auspices of the Herald and experienced a thrill when she saw her son, Lieut. Barzynski in the pictures giving orders to a bunch of his dusky warriors. Lieut. Barzynski is with the Twenty fourth infantry, U.S.A., a colored regiment, and has been on the border since the raid at Columbus. For the past four weeks Lieut. Barzynski has been some place in Mexico. His letter indicate no location and bear no postmark. In the pictures Lieut. Barzynski appeared in the fourth reel showing the break-up of the camp at Columbus when the troops were ordered to cross the border into Mexico. There was a banner indicating the Twenty-fourth, Co. 8, to which the lieutenant is attached. The pictures were witnessed by a small crowd and the Herald today cancelled the second production. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 5, 1916 P.8
MR. AND MRS. NICHOLAS CHRISTEL Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Christel departed for Milwaukee this morning where they will spend a few days before proceeding to Kokomo, Ind., where they will make their home in the future. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 10, 1916 P.3
RICHARD CHRISTEL (From the correspondent in St. Nazianz, 30 Apr.) Mrs. Andrew Madson lies very ill here at her parents, Richard Christel. 02 May 1907, Der Nord Westen
CHRIST CHRISTENSON Christ. Christenson, for many years in the employ of H. Hanson, has left for Chicago, where he intends to locate permanently. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1
HANS CHRISTENSEN On Sun., 26 Mar., Mr. Hans Christensen and Mrs. Louis Kunz, celebrated their joint birthdays in Mr. Christensen?s home on 8th Street. The place was filled so full with friends and family that there was no room for the orchestra, so everyone moved to Klingholz Hall for ?wine, dance, and music?. 30 Mar. 1882, Der Nord Westen
HANS CHRISTENSEN Hans Christensen has put in one of those new fangled fountains. The only one in the state out side of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1
LENA CHRISTENSON Niles news: Mrs. Lena Christenson (Olson) of Tigerton formely (sic) of Eaton, is very ill with consumption. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4 ******* She is also in cemetery X.
CAPT. CHARLES CHRISTIANSEN Yesterday was the birthday anniversary of Capt. Charles Christiansen and friends who remembered the date surprised him at his home on North Sixth street and had a supper party in his honor. An enjoyable evening was had. Feb. 24, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald ************** Mrs. Chas. Christiansen and Mrs. Wm. Knudson are sick with the grip. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, January 23, 1899 P. 4
M. CHRISTIANSEN M. Christiansen celebrated his 45th birthday among friends on Sunday. 23 Nov. 1893, Der Nord Westen
PETER CHRISTIANSEN Two Creeks news: Peter Christiansen, the well known horse dealer of King's Bridge, has again been seen parading one of his usual fine span of steeds around in this town on a business trip, the nature of which we dare not state here, since we know that Pete is a mighty strong fellow; but we will run the risk of saying that "she" is at present stopping at Chicago and will be home on or about Christmas, and Pete then intends to make a contract with her, in which he solemnly promises to cherish and protect her through all the rest of her life. And now if Pete wants to dare us on the field of honor for saying this, we-well, we wont go. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4
ALFRED CHRISTIANSON Valders News: The Farmers? institute held here last Thursday and Friday was very well attended. Quite a number of ladies also attended Miss Maxwell?s cooking school which was held at Jonas? hall. The following are some of those who received prizes at the institute: Fred Kieselhorst for the heaviest man attending; Mrs. F. Kieselhorst for the heaviest woman; Miss Mabel Hougen for the tallest lady; Henry Harvey for the lightest farmer; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halvorson for heaviest married couple; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knutson for lightest married couple; Christian Reinartson for the best team of drivers; Hy Hougen for the best team of draft horses; for guessing the nearest number of peas in a bottle, Louis Horstman, Jr.; oldest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuschel; for buying the most merchandise at L. Commings store, John Luebke; for the largest load of people, Wm. Busse; for the best sample of barley raised in 1914; first prize Julius Jacobsen, second Otto I. Berge; tallest man attending the institute was a tie between Alfred Christianson and Thos. O. Thompson; walking furthest to institute also resulted in a tie between Isaac Hanson and Ole Ellestad. Jan. 30, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
FRED CHRISTIANSON Two Rivers news: Fred. Christianson returned from quite an extended trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota, last week. Fred will again take charge of the Tannery school the coming year. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
HANS CHRISTIANSON Hans Christianson will soon open his saloon in the Franz's building. When all the arrangements are completed his place will compare favorably with any outside of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
RICHARD CHRISTIE St. Nazians (sic) news: Richard Christie a well to do farmer of Eaton has built a large frame barn this summer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
JOHN P. CHRISTMANN John P. Christmann of Eaton has brought suit against Charles Packard of the same town for shooting two of his horses. The men are neighbors and Christmann's horses were trespassing upon Packard's farm. The horses were found with gunshot wounds in their legs and Packard is charged with having done the deed. The case will be heard before Judge Craite on the 13th of next month. 29 June 1899, Manitowoc Pilot
GEORGE CHRISTOF 17-year old George Christof, who lives on South 12th Street here, was severely wounded in the back by a revolver shot on July 4th. A simple minded playmate held the presumably unloaded revolver against Christof's back and pulled the trigger. 12 July 1906, Der Nord Westen
MARY CICHANTEK Mary Cichantek has been missing for several weeks. Her parents, who live on 23rd Street here, have done everything possible to find her and so far have found no trace. 13 June 1907, Der Nord Westen
ROBERT CIZEK GETS PATENT FOR SIGNALING DEVICE ON CAR Pending for three years a patent has just been granted to Robert Cizek of Francis Creek on a safety signaling device for automobiles to be placed on the left front fender. The lamp is of unusual design on a special bracket which holds it rigidly in position and is double view, giving both the oncoming and the driver following the sign of the turn. It is controlled from the drivers seat and indicates the left or right turn. Mr. Cizek is a life long resident of the county, operated a truck farm near Francis Creek, is a cheesemaker and has operated a factory for a number of years and in addition is known for his skills as a taxidermist. He has served as a member of the town board and was re-elected at the spring election. He said he has taken no steps to either dispose of his patent or to manufacture and market it but feels that it would be an aid to safety in driving. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, May 03, 1928 Page 2
TOM CLANCY Frank Trost, clerk at the Williams House, is confined to his bed with appendictus. Tom Clancy, who was clerk for Mr. Alexander at Hurley, has taken his place. Dr. Thurtell has charge of the patient. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN CLAQUE John Clague had his leg broken at the Mill of Francis Leniville, on Saturday Morning last. We learn that his foot slipped through a hole in the floor and the sudden wrench broke both bones of the leg below the knee. Doct. Zelley was called and is now attending him. Mar. 22, 1855 P. 3, Manitowoc Tribune
A.J. CLARK A.J. CLARK TO OPEN STORE SO. 10TH STREET A.J. Clark, who for years was with the Schuette Bros. company, is to engage in business for himself and has arranged for opening of his store at 1020 South Tenth street Saturday. Mr. Clark is to engage in the grocery and flour and feed business. Mr. Clark is well and favorably known and is experienced in the business he is to engage in. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 23, 1916 P.5
MRS. A.J. CLARK VISIT HOME AFTER 17 YEARS Return of Former Teachers of County is Surprise to Family Arriving here unannounced after and absence of seventeen years, Mrs. Will O'Connor and Mrs. George Pollard, of Malmo Neb., surprised their sister Mrs. A.J. Clark Thursday. The two who are now guests at the Clark home, are natives of Maple Grove where their parents still reside. Seventeen years ago both were engaged in teaching school in the county, but, believing opportunities of the west to be great, departed for Nebraska where they made a home and later married. Mesdames O'Connor and Pollard have never returned here until the present time and their coming now as unheralded being planned as a surprise to the family. The reunion between the sisters was most happy and will be overshadowed only by the reuniting of children and parents. The ladies will remain for an extended visit in the county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 12, 1904 P. 1
ANTHONY CLARK Mr. Clark a son of Anthony Clark, one of our farmer pioneers, has been visiting relatives and friends the past two weeks. He now resides in Iowa, where his industry and intelligence have built up for him quite an extensive business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1
E.S. CLARK Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Clark departed yesterday for Milwaukee for a few days visit with relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 26, 1916 P.3
J. CLARK J. Clark has moved from Sixth street into the house he recently purchased on N. Eighth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 4
MRS. WILLIAM CLARK Mrs. William Clark is a Victim of Unusual Mishap at Her Home Mrs. William Clark, Sr., was the victim of an unusual accident at her home on Park street Saturday and is suffering from a fracture of the hip as result of the accident. Mrs. Clark was on the steps at her home when a storm door, which was unlatched, swung about from the high wind and striking Mrs. Clark, threw her from the step, her hip being broken by the fall. Mrs. Clark's condition is favorable. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 10, 1916 P.1
CLARKE, MRS. The residence of Mrs. Clarke, in this village, is undergoing repairs at present. When completed it will be as neat and cozy a home as there is in a town. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875
MRS. JOB CLARK Dale Andrews Sr., of Brillion, is visiting in the city at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Job Clark, on North Eighth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 2, 1916 P.3
MISS CLARK Kewaunee news: Miss Clark of Manitowoc is visiting her brother Chris. Roberts, in Kewaunee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 3, 1885 P.3
LILLY CLARK The adverse examination of John Polifka in the case of Clark vs. Polifka, et. al., was heard in Judge Anderson's court this morning. Mr. Clark seeks to recover damages from Polifka for damages sustained by his daughter Lilly when she was run over by Polifka's team Sept. 29, '98. The case is to be tried in this term of Circuit court. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, January 23, 1899 P. 4
O.F. CLARK Parlor and Cabinet Organs Mr. O.F. Clark, of this village, has recently been appointed agent for this locality for the sale of the Burdett Organ, Smith's American Organ, the Standard Organ, manufactured by Peloubot, Pelton & Co. and for the celebrated Simmons, Clough & Co's organ. All organs manufactured by any of the above named firms are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and persons contemplating purchasing an insturment will do well to call on Mr. Clarke at the Two Rivers Manufacturing Co.'s store and learn his prices before buying elsewhere. Mr. Clarke is also prepared to furnish sheet music to all parties desiring the same. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
THOMAS CLARK Thomas Clark, who has been spending several weeks at home, has accepted a position at Grand Rapids, and left for there Monday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 2, 1901, p. 1
THOS. CLARK Thos. Clark came up from Manitowoc the other day and purchased Chris. Roberts' handsome mare. He also took Wm. Trudell's trotter "Billy Bar," with him on his return home, and will give both horses a thorough training preparatory to the races at our coming fair.-Kewaunee Enterprise. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1 ************ Thos. Clark came home from Marinette to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. Nov. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
WARREN CLARK Warren Clark is here from Oshkosh to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. Will Clark, who is confined to her home because of injuries received in a recent fall. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 24, 1916 P.3
MRS. J.W. CLASON Mrs. J.W. Clason and children have arrived in the city from Wauwatosa and will make Manitowoc their future home. Mr. Clason is traveling salesman for the Hirsch Bros. buggy works, of Milwaukee. July 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ANNA CLASSON Liberty news: A.W. Johnson, marble dealer of Green Bay, was in our town a few days ago taking orders and erecting monuments. We understand he is to turn Benedict on New Years day. The object of his affections is Miss Anna C. Classon. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.2
CARLOTTA CLASSON Miss Carlotta Classon left last week for Ingalls, Mich. where she will probably teach. She is the second of the last graduating class to start out. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.3
MARGARET CLASSON Cato news: Mr. A. Forbes, Mrs. Margeret Classon and Mrs. H.A. Fulton have moved to Alexandria, Minn. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4
MR. CLAUSON We learn that a fire broke out in the dwelling house of W. Murphy, Manitowoc Rapids, on the morning of the 11th inst., and the house of Mr. Clauson, in Maple Grove also caught fire, but both were saved without serious damage. Mar. 20, 1856, Manitowoc Tribune
ERNST CLAUSSEN A three year old child of Ernst Claussen of Two Rivers had its finger crushed in the wringing machine on Wednesday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4
J. CLAUSSEN (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 11 Oct.) Mr. J. Claussen, with his daughter Dora, will leave Thurs. on a trip to Calif. to visit his brother and sister who live there. He will spend the winter and return in the spring. His daughter is thinking of remaining there if she likes it and can find suitable work. 13 Oct. 1904, Der Nord Westen
MR. & MRS. CLAWSON W. P. Clawson and bride have arrived in the city from their wedding tour and will take up their home here. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Clawson will remain at the Windiate house. Manitowoc Daily Herald Thursday, Jan. 7, 1901, p. 2
PETER CLEMENS (From the correspondent in St. Nazianz, 06 July) Peter Clemens and family left yesterday for their new home in Elkhart Lake. 08 July 1909, Der Nord Westen
ERNST CLENKEY There is a new proprietor at Cooperstown in Ernst Clenkey's place. The substitute is Bill Krumdick. Mr. Clenkey has rented the Maribel Cave hotel and saloon for the ensuing year. He took charge of the same the first of February and will conduct the Maribel Caves as long as business is prosperous. Nick Wegner, the former proprietor of the Cave Hotel, will operate the pop shop adjoining it. Feb. 8, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
AUGUST CLOE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 21 Dec.) Congratulations to August Cloe on his 26th birthday. 24 Dec. 1891, Der Nord Westen
JACOB CLOOS Jacob Cloos had a double celebration on Mon.?his 36th birthday and the 14th anniversary of his landing in America. 05 Mar. 1891, Der Nord Westen
MR. CLOUPEK The rumor is current that Cloupek's mill, in Kossuth, was burned one night this week. Manitowoc Tribune, Dec. 17, 1874
DR. COAKLEY Dr. Coakley has left our city, and will make Manitowoc the field of his professional operations in the future. The Dr. is a skillful physician and we heartily commend him to our neighbors on the Lake Shore. --Appleton Post Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 25, 1872
NICOLAUS COCHEMS (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 01 Mar.) John Cochems has gone to Calif. for about 8 wks to visit his brother Nicolaus, who resides there. 03 Mar. 1892, Der Nord Westen
JAMES CODY James Cody has returned from Antigo where he visited his sister, Mrs. A. Thompson. Feb. 8, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ROSE M. CODY Two Rivers news: Miss Rose M. Cody gave a public reading before a fair sized audience in the school building on Wednesday of last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1
FRED COEPPLER Eaton news: Fred. Coeppler cheese man at Eaton gave a dance last Saturday Eve in the factory. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 2, 1884 P.3
E.H. COFFIN E.H. Coffin left for Wausau this morning. He has accepted a position as day operator for the C. & N.W. at that place and will remove his family there in the near future. Jan. 30, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. E.H. COFFIN Mrs. E.H. Coffin and children took their departure to-day for Fowler, Wis. Mr. Coffin was formerly employed at the F. & P.M., office in this city but was transferred to Fowler, where the family will make their home. Mar. 23, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
PAT COHEN Maple Grove news: Pat Cohen is now learning the art of cheese making, at the Maple Grove Factory. Pat is an apt scholar and will soon learn to "cheese it." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.4
MRS. COLBECK In 1889 Wm. Weiss of Cato left his home apparently for Appleton. He was soon after followed by Mr.[sic] Colbeck of the same town who took one of her children, a little girl with her. It was learned soon after that the couple had eloped. They settled in Minneapolis where they have since lived together. Mrs. Colbeck soon after quitting home regretted leaving her action, but her husband had in the meanwhile secured a divorce and so reconciliation was made impossible. Weiss left a wife and three children whom the town of Cato has been since supporting. Some time ago P.J. Cooney, chairman of Cato, had a warrant sworn out for the arrest of Weiss. Sheriff Stephani secured requisition papers and proceeded to Minneapolis where he arrested Weiss and brought him to this city. Cato has already paid out over $450 for the support of Weiss's family. The Colbecks are quite respectable people, industrious and intelligent. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 15, 1894
MR. COLE THE BADGER STATE MANUFACTURING COMPANY We were quite surprised, the other day, on taking a look through the extensive sash, door and blind factory of the Badger State Manufacturing Co., to behold the extent of the business of this company, and the facilities they have for carrying it on. Of course the immense structure which this company occupies is indicative, in a measure, of the amount of work that is going on within, but one can only fullycomprehend its extent by going through the establishment, as we did, and noting the number of men employed and the number of machines in operation. The internal arrangements of the factory are superb, every machine is of the most approved kind, and each seemed placed in exactly the most proper and convenient position. Mr. Murrey is the ruling spirit within the establishment, and to his care and oversight all the order and regularity which prevails is due. He will permit none but first class work to leave the factory, and for this reason the goods of the Badger State Manufacturing Co. find a ready sale in any part of the country. Indeed, the Company find it difficult to fill all their orders as fast as they come in. Mr. Cole, one of the firm, is the business manager, and the ability with which he has managed the business of the establishment has already made its success a certainty. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 8, 1875
ELMER COLE Allan Burt came home from Grand Rapids, Mich. last Friday, and Elmer Cole returned from Oconto the same day. Mar. 4, 1884, The Lakeshore Times
GIDEON COLE Gibson news: Mr. Gideon Cole has moved to Oconto county. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4 ******** Gibson news: Mr. Gideon Cole, formerly of Oconto has moved his family to this place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 29, 1886 P.3
W.A. COLE Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Cole have gone to Lake Mills to spend the winter with their daughter Mrs. R.W. Cole. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3
JERE COLLINS Jere Collins who is certainly one of the most popular station agents on the line, took his Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Kestley in Ledyard. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P.5
HARRY COLLINS Pete Mancosky and Harry Collins left for Montana to seek their fortune. Mar. 28, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ISAAC COLLINS FARMER IS BADLY HURT, RUNAWAY, MAY NOT LIVE Isaac Collins, a farmer living two miles north of Shoto on the Mishicot road, lies at the Holy Family hospital in this city suffering from two broken shoulder blades and a broken back, sustained as result of a runaway accident on Saturday. Mr. Collins had hitched up a young horse in a buggy for the purpose of exercising the animal which he was breaking to harness work. The horse became frightened and dashed through the yard, Collins was thrown from his seat in the buggy to a stone pile. Members of the family came to his assistance and he was found to be severely injured. A phone message to this city brought Dr. A.E. Stueck(?) who had the man removed to the hospital in this city as soon as the extent of the patient's injuries were learned. It is reported that Mr. Collins has a chance for recovery. Collins is married, is 50 years old and has a family of six children. His condition today was still favorable and there is promise that he will recover from his injury. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, May 23, 1921 p.1
JOHN COMER Mr. John Comer leaves for Chicago this week, where he has many relatives residing. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 29, 1883 P.1
THOMAS COMER The three Comer brothers, sons of Mr. Tom. Comer, of Manitowoc Rapids, surprised their relatives and friends by their sudden appearance on Thursday. They have been at work in central Illinois. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 26, 1882 P. 1 ****** Thomas Comer is in St. Joseph cemetery, Alverno #47
MR. & MRS. FRANK COMTE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Comte have returned to their home at Gary, Ind., after spending a few days at Mrs. Comte's former home here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 19, 1916 P.3
ELA CONE Ela Cone's family went to Sheboygan to spend the Fourth. They will remove there to live in about a fortnight. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3
JOHN CONE A Sad Accident A little daughter of Mr. John Cone met with a sad accident last Sunday afternoon. While walking along the raised walk on the north harbor piers leading out to the light house she fell off, and striking the stones below, a distance of about eighteen feet, broke the bones of her lower jaw, and seriously injured her hip. Medical aid was summoned and the little sufferer made as comfortable as possible. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, September 11, 1883 p.1 ******* (1880 Manitowoc 1 and 3 ward census: John Cone age 39 conductor of RR.; wife Cordelie age 40; Charlotte age 12; Lillie age 9; Birtha age 6; Ida age 4)
JOHN CONE Cap. W. McDonald of Ahnapee visited his relatives John and Ela Cone while his schooner, the Contest lay in the harbor last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885 P.4
JOHN CONE'S DAUGHTER A Sad Accident A little daughter of Mr. John Cone met with a sad accident last Sunday afternoon. While walking along the raised walk on the north harbor piers leading out to the light house she fell off, striking the stones below, a distance of about eighteen feet, broke the bones in her lower jaw, and seriously injured her hip. Medical aid was summoned and the little sufferer made as comfortable as possible. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, September 11, 1883 p.1
MR. CONFELT Mr. Confelt of Liberty sold his farm of 120 acres and all his personal property at auction last tuesday. Peter Latiskonskie bought the farm. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4
WM. CONINE Mr. Wm. Conine, who recently resigned his position as light-house keeper at Manitowoc, contemplates going to Oregon. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
D.S. CONLEY Mr. Ole Benson has leased, for a term of three years, the farm of Mr. D.S. Conley, as well as the rights and immunities of the toll road owned by that gentleman. We are glad to welcome Mr. Benson back again, and hope he will now quit his wanderings to Chicago and settle down in our county for good. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.1
D.S. CONLEY Mr. D. S. Conley left on Saturday for a fortnight's visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1884 P.3
MRS. CONLEY MRS. CONLEY PASSES EIGHTY-SEVENTH MILESTONE OF LIFE Passing another milestone-the eighty-seventh, in the life of Mrs. Conley was made the basis of a fitting celebration at the Smalley home, corner of Park and North Fifth street, yesterday, congratulations in form of messages and floral tributes from hosts of friends contributing to the joy of the occasion. When the age of three score and ten is passed in the life of any resident each recurring birthday anniversary is worthy of mention and the Herald trusts the estimable lady will be able to celebrate birthdays after even the four score and ten period has passed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 10, 1916 P.5
DANIEL CONNELL St. Nazianz news: Daniel Connell left on Monday last to take charge of the school at Louis Corners. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
J.P. CONNELL St. Nazianz news: J.P. Connell will have next week to complete his course of study in the Chicago Medical College. During his vacation he has practices medicine with remarkable success. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
MORGAN CONNELL The following estates were admitted to probate during the month of February, 1916: Joseph Drill; Isaac Halverson; Jacob Tossen; Morgan Connell; Mervin Geraldson; Ernst Vogelsang; Joseph Holly; Torger K. Hougen; Sidona Boettger; Mary F. Seidl; Simon Stok; Dorothea Schmidt; Rankchild Anderson; Joseph Thalhammer; Catherine Lenerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.5
WILLIAM CONNELL St. Nazianz news: John Dunbar a practical farmer of Liberty sold a young mare last week for $110, and William Connell bought a two year old filly from Jim Ryan for $140. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1
CHRIS CONNOR A singular circumstance occurred in Liberty a couple of weeks ago. Four quarters of beef, well dressed and apparently in first class c ondition were found in a field on the farm of Chris Connor. No one claimed it and no one offered any explanation of how it came there. It was allowed to remain until the dogs of the neighborhood devoured it. As none of the dogs died the conclusion is that the meat was good. Thought the matter has been neighborhood talk for some time no explanation of the mystery has been offered. Mar. 1, 1894, Manitowoc Pilot
CHRISTIE CONNOR The health officer will soon have to buy the beef that was left in Christie Connor's field or else have it vaccinated. Mar. 8, 1894, Manitowoc Pilot
EDWARD CONWAY Business card: FANNING MILLS FOR SALE. E.P. DICKEY'S AMERICAN SIFTER the best and most reliable Fanning Mill now in use, warranted superior to any in the market, with new improvements for 1866. For sale at low figures by Edward Conway Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 4, 1870 ******* EDWARD CONWAY COMMISSION MERCHANT GRAIN AND PRODUCE DEALER Office, corner of Eighth and Buffalo streets. Warehouse, corner of Sixth and Commercial streets, Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 4, 1870
MRS. ED CONWAY Hon. Ed. Koegh of Milwaukee has been visiting his sister Mrs. Ed. Conway. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.4
JAS. CONWAY Dr. Seeger says he has never had such a brave patient as Mr. Jas. Conway, of Meeme. He never flinched when the nerve of a tooth was struck. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 1
FRED COOK Fred Cook, of Gibson, sold his farm last week to Mr. Ratz, of Coopertown (sic), for $2,700. Mr. Cook and family will leave for Dakota in the spring. He has lived here over twenty-five years. His friends and neighbors regret that he is to leave, but unite in wishing him success in his new home, wherever it may be. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4
JIM COOK Steinthal news: Jim Cook has begun digging a hole through the crust of the earth with the hope of striking a basin of water descending from a great height that will throw the water as high as the fountain head and form an artesian well. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3 ******* Steinthal news: John O'Shea lately completed a well for Jim Cook and is now digging one for Ed. Dunbar in Liberty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2
DENNIS COONAN Mr. Dennis Coonan, who has resided here for some years, and has had the superintendance of Judge Bell's valuable property, left us this week to take up his residence in Michigan. Manitowoc has lost, by this change, a good citizen and sound democrat. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 21, 1859 P.3
BILLY COOPER Billy Cooper, the genial conductor of the Lake Shore road, and his wife, departed for Fond du Lac Saturday morning to spend the holidays. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1
GEO. COOPER The pilot says that Mr. Geo. Cooper and wife, of Manitowoc, and Mr. John Robinson and wife, of Green Bay will take a trip to Europe about the 1st of July. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875 ******* From the Manitowoc Tribune we learn that Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooper, of Manitowoc and Mr. And Mrs. John Robinson, of Green Bay, start to-day for New York, from whence they will sail for Europe on the 14th of July. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875
GEO. COOPER (NOTE: I have put the list in alphabetical order with surnames first to facilitate finding a certain surname) Old Settlers Club. At a meeting held pursuant to a notice published in the Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc County Chronicle, and the Nord-Western, at the Windiate House in the city of Manitowoc, on the 16th day of January A. D. 1879, for the purpose of organizing an Old Settlers Club, P. P. Smith was chosen chairman of the meeting and William Bach Secretary. Mr. Markham addressed the meeting and stated the object. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to appoint a committee of three, to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for said club and to confer with the commitee, appointed by a meeting held at Klingholtz hall, January 4th, for the same purpose, for consolidation both clubs. H. H. Smith, W. W. Waldo, and William Bach were appointed as such committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to consider all present members of the club, and to instruct the Secretary to take their names down with date and year of arrival in this country. The following are the names and dates as recorded by the Secretary: Anderson, James S. - 1852 Bach, Wm. - April 1848 Bock, Chas. - June 1852 Burmeister, W. - May 1844 Cooper, Geo. - May 1855 Edwards, Henry - 1837 Fellows, M. - Sept. 1848 Hall, John - March 1851 Hall, Sam. - 1851 Hubbard, H. - April 1837 Jones, A. D. - June 1837 Klingholz, R. - July 1847 Kostomlastky, F. - July 1857 Lennox, Jos. - 1839 Markham, J. D. - May 1856 Miller, J. - 1856 Mulholland, H. - 1852 Mulholland, P. - May 1850 Noble, W. H. - May 1855 O'Shea, P. - 1853 Patterson, James - Aug. 1848 Ross, Norris - 1841 Seeger, L. - May 1850 Sherman, E. - Spring 1850 Smith, Ave - April 1844 Trummel, F. - May 1844 Tyler, M. - July 1854 Waldo, W. W. - May 1850 White, Chr. W. - 1852 Windiate, Thos. - Nov 1854 Wood, S. A. - Oct. 1849 On motion of J. D. Markham it was resolved to appoint a committee of arrangements and to have a social of the 21st day of February next, the following were so appointed: H. H. Smith, Chas. Esslinger, A. Wittmann, Lyman Emerson, H. S. Pierpont, H. Edwards. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to meet again on the 15th day of Feb. next at 7 o?clock P. M. at the same place to hear the reports of committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to instruct the Secretary of the meeting to publish the proceedings in the newspapers of the County. On motion of J. D. Markham the meeting adjourned till the 15th day of Feb., 1879 at 7 o?clock P. M. at the same place. William Bach, Secretary Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Jan. 21, 1879
GEORGE COOPER The fine residence lot, opposite Geo. Cooper's has been purchased by Henry Esch who will build there. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 28, 1886 P.4
GEORGE COOPER Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper take possession of their new home on 10th street to-day. Oct. 24, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN COOTWAY Broke His Leg. John Cootway, a young fellow who handles the reins on one of Herzog's hack teams, met with a serious accident last night about 12 o'clock. He was driving the hack and, from some cause not given, lost his balance and fell from his seat to the ground, breaking his leg in striking the ground. The accident occurred near Hermann's establishment on south Main street. The injured man was taken to St. Francis hospital, where Drs. Pritchard and Kemper attended to his injuries. The team ran to Franklin street before being caught. Nov. 1, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
BRIGITTE COPF IN COUNTY COURT. A notice was issued by Judge Anderson Hearing of claims in the estate of Brigitte Copf. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 1
PETER CORNELIUS The house and contents belonging to Mr. Peter Cornalius (sic), in the town of Kossuth were destroyed by fire last Thursday afternoon. A defective chimney is thought to have been the cause. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
H. COURCHAINE Two Rivers news: H. Courchaine's new ice-house at the foot of Pine street, on the east river, is fast approaching completion, and will when finished, be one of the largest and most substantial building of the kind in the city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 4
LUCY COURCHAINE Two Rivers news: Miss Lucy Courchaine is at present visiting friends and relatives in Chicago. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1
CATHERINE COX Mrs. Catherine Cox better know to many of our old settlers as "Grandma Cox" celebrated her 78th birthday last week. A number of the ladies of our city dropped in, quite by accident of course and assisted the aged pioneer in celebrating the event. Mrs. Cox is one of our oldest settlers having come to the shores of Lake Michigan as early as 1847. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 22, 1885 P. 3
GEORGE COX Mr. Geo. Cox, of Watertown, D.T., is visiting his brother Jere Cox, of this city. Mr. Cox was a resident of this city for thirty years, being one of the early settlers. He is an old soldier and is now a member of Herman Post G.A.R., of Watertown, D.T. He says he came down to see his mother and to be here at her 80th birthday, Dec. 15, 1887. Mr. Cox will remain here about two months. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1887 P. 7 ******* (Note: I show none in any cem, but: (The 1850 Manitowoc census has George Cox age 19.) The 1860 Manitowoc census shows Catherine Cox age 53 and children Joseph age 18; William age 16; Jeremiah age 15. The 1870 Manitowoc census shows a Catherine Cox age 62. I believe this is the mother of George also)
JERE COX INFERNAL INCENDIARISM. The Worst Case of All. For some time, the incendiary seems to have taken a rest, but last Wednesday evening he managed to get in his work again. This time the object of his malicious hatred was Jere Cox, as inoffensive and good hearted a man as ever walked the earth. Several weeks ago Mr. Cox found a note placed under the door of his store, containing threats. These threats showed no personal hatred of him, but were made on account of his connection with a prominent business man, for whom he occasionally bought hay and other produce and who lost some of his property last fall through an incendiary fire. But Mr. Cox paid no attention to these threats and pursued the "even tenor of his way." Last Wednesday night, Mrs. Cox, who has been and still is ill, awoke and thought she saw a fire in the store. Arousing her husband he saw immediately that her fears were well founded and rushing out, he extinguished the fire with the aid of some of his neighbors. A window in the store had been broken, and through this the incendiary seems to have made his way and carefully built a fire near the kerosene tank. Before doing his, however, he appropriated to himself some fine cut and plug tobacco, and then skipped, without being detected. While the building itself was not materially injured, Mr. Cox suffers considerable loss on his stock of goods, which are nearly all spoiled. Mr. Cox's residence is outside the city limits, and no blame can be placed on the North side watchman, as the spiteful hostler would like to do. This case, more than any of the previous ones, shows beyond a doubt, that we harbor a most rascally incendiary in our midst, and the authorities ought to take some action in the matter. All persons should be protected in the peaceful enjoyment of their property; that is the object of government. Arson is one of the worst and meanest crimes and the cowardly cur guilty of it, should be fereted out by all means. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
ALFRED COZEY Alfred Cozey has returned from Chicago where he has been to consult a specialist in regard to his eyes. Mar. 9, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. J.A. CRAIG Mr. and Mrs. Westcott of Fond du Lac Co. are spending the holidays with their daughter Mrs. J.A. Craig. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3
REV. J.M. CRAIG Rev. J.M. Craig left Wednesday for Boston. His family will remain here until September. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3
ESOP CRAITE Mishicott news: Esop Craite, who has passed the winter at Jacksonport, Wis. came home last Thursday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1
EUSEBE CRAITE Eusebe Croite (Craite) had a narrow escape from serious injury one day last week. He was driving a young horse attached to a sulky when the animal took fright and ran away. Mr. Croite was thrown from his seat, his clothing caught in one of the wheels, and he was dragged some distance. He received a few cuts and bruises upon his head and body but he was all right again in a few days. 15 Apr. 1884, The Lakeshore Times
GEO. CRAITE Geo. Craite, of Co. A. 14 Minnesota, vol. Inf., a brother of Judge Craite, is expected home from the hospital at Chickamauga on Monday. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******** Mr. Geo. Craite, lately of the 14 Minn., vol. Inf. is visiting his brother Judge Craite. He was mustered out of the service and came here to recuperate. Nov. 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
I. CRAITE Mr. I. Craite, John Roemer Jr., A. H. Zander, Henry Thompson and John Laudt took a fishing trip up to Shay's Lake one day last week. The number of fish they caught seemed to have been countless. Manitowoc Pilot, March 8, 1894
ISAAC CRAITE Last Sunday afternoon about thirty members of the newly organized Cleveland Club of Mishicott marched out to Hans Boyers' superb ranch, headed by a bugler and the Star Spangled Banner. Each man was disguised in a white plug hat and heavily armed with a stout walking stick. They captured the ranch by one bold assault and then swore in Boyer as commissary. He had to tap about half a dozen of his best cream cheeses to wash down the beer that they had ordered sent out from the village. It was really wonderful to see how much bread and cheese and beer some of those thick waisted burghers could hold. John Terens and the Elder Levenhagen took the prize for abdominal capacity but Isaac Craite would have been awarded first prize if it had not been suspected that he had not fed fair. It was asserted, and with a show of truth, that he had not the room to hold as much as Levenhagen or Terens and therefore it was impossible for him to have consumed as much. But "pshaw!" he said, "a man don't eat with his belly, he eats with his mouth and I have a bigger mouth than either of "em." Still he was ruled out by the committee and he consoled himself with more bread and cheese and beer. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), July 3, 1888
ISAAC CRAITE A few Nimrods of this place went up to Gibson lately, where they were joined by Mike Smith, to hunt the savage coon. They spent a very pleasant evening and brought home a number of coons. Isaac Craite has great faith in the medicinal properties of coon oil, and he anoints himself from head to foot several times a year with this fragrant grease. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), July, 1888
JUDGE I. CRAITE Capt. N. Craite, of Kewaunee, brother to Judge I. Craite, of this city, has engaged in the knitting mills business at his home city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 24, 1903 P. 3
ISAAC CRAITE Charles Rathsack and Attorney Isaac Craite, who represents Mr. Rathsack, in a breach of promise suit to which he has been made defendant, are at Milwaukee today in connection with the case which will be heard here at the June term of circuit court. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 30, 1916 P. 3
ISAAC CRAITE, SON (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 29 Dec.) Mr. Camile Ribordy of Clifton, Illinois, along with his wife and 3 children, is visiting his father-in-law Isaac Craite. 31 Dec. 1891, (no newspaper cited)
JOE CRAITE Joe Craite started for Sturgeon Bay Monday where he again enters the employ of Tifft & Hay in their branch hardware store at that place. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Feb. 15, 1887
JOSEPHINE CRAITE Misses Rose Seitz, Viola Miller, Josephine Craite, Helen Hess and Rose Teitgen have returned to Milwaukee to resume their studies at Normal school after spending Easter at their home here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 24, 1916 P.3
JUDGE CRAITE When a man has nothing else to do he generally shaves off his mustache. Ask Judge Craite about it. June 1, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ANTONE CRETTON Antone Cretton, a well known farmer of Mishicott, was in the city to-day. Mr. Cretton recently sold his farm to Lawrence Abrel. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 4
SON OF F. CRETTON (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 06 Mar.) A little son of Mr. F. Cretton is quite ill. 08 Mar. 1906, Der Nord Westen
LOUIS CRETTON Mishicott news: Louis Cretton, of Gibson, is quite sick with typhoid fever. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, May 22, 1888 p. 5
ARTHUR CROCKER Miss Gladys Crocker has returned to Hartland where she teaches school, after visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crocker. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 25, 1916 P.3 ***** Mrs. Arthur Crocker is seriously ill at her home on North Fifth street, physicians being in constant attendance. Friends hope for her early recovery. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 9, 1916 P.3
LITA CROCKER Miss Lita Crocker, who is studying at the Milwaukee Infant Hospital, is home for a few days stay, called here by the illness of her mother. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 9, 1916 P.3
MR. CROCKER RUNAWAY ACCIDENT.- A horse, attached to a light wagon, became frightened night before last and started off on his own hook, throwing the occupants out of the wagon. One of them, Mr. Crocker, struck on his feet and was not injured. His boy, the driver, next fell out carrying the lines with him, they becoming entangled in the wheel, the horse ran into a pile of wood, breaking the wagon, injuring the animal and throwing Mrs. Crocker under his feet. Her escape from death is almost miraculous but she escaped without serious injury, and, so far as we can learn, the boy was not badly hurt. The horse of Mr. Turpin also ran away a few minutes afterward at the same place breaking the wagon but doing no other damage. July 23, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune
GLADYS CROCKER Miss Gladys Crocker is home from Hartland where she teaches school, to spend the Easter vacation. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 17, 1916 P. 3
W.H. CROCKER REMEMBERING THE PRINTER.- Mr. W.H. Crocker will please accept our thanks for a basket full of the fine Citrons left with us a few days since. We also tender our acknowledgments to Mr. John G. Robinson for a mammoth Pumpkin. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 14, 1859 P.3
MRS. CROELL Mrs. Croell and son, Leon, left to-day for Waukesha. They will join Mr. Croell, who has been there some time and will reside in the Spring City. Mr. Croell was formerly an employe of the Wisconsin Central in this city and the family resided at the corner of Buffalo and Seventh streets. Mar. 23, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. J.C. CROISSANT Mrs. J.C. Croissant, a well-known resident of Clarks Mills, has decided to make her home in Stockbridge henceforth. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1
MARY CROISSANT Mrs. Mary Croissant of Stockbridge who formerly lived near Cato, was married on the 1st of July to Mr. Howard of Amherst. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2
WM. CROLL Ex-Assemblyman Wm. Croll is seriously ill at the home of his son on Park street. Apr. 18, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOSEPH CRONES WED IN THE WEST. Miss Sadie O'Hara Surprises Friends with Announcement of Marriage. Announcement cards have been received here from Miss Sadie U. O'Hara, telling of her marriage to Joseph Crones, of St. Raphael, California, the wedding having been celebrated on Dec. 28, and the news comes as a complete surprise. The bride is a daughter of Judge John O'Hara of this city, one of the oldest justices here and is popular with friends, having spent her school days in this city. The couple will make their home at St. Raphael where Mr. Crones is in business. Many friends will tender congratulations. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 19, 1910 P. 1
JOHN E. CRONIN That turkey presented to us last week by John E. Cronin, Esq., the whole-souled young merchant of Maple Grove, was about the nicest thing that we ever had played on. Thanks John. We have grown fat off of that twelve pounder. Draw on us when you get hungry for anything. Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 20, 1870
JOHN CROSBY John Crosby, aged nine years, was the victim of a peculiar accident at the home of his parents in Grimms Sunday. He fell from a beam in the barn and upon a nail which penetrated his shoulder blade. The boy is receiving treatment at the Holy Family hospital in this city and his injuries are considered dangerous. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Apr. 29, 1902, Page 2
THOS. CROSS Kossuth news: Thos. Cross Esq. a veteran, who did his level best to make Hood retreat from Nashville, will put up a large building the coming summer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2
E.S. CROWE Steinthal news: School opened last Monday with E.S. Crowe as teacher. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 13, 1885 P.2
MAGGIE CROWE St. Nazianz news: Maggie Crowe completed her summer term of school in the Berge District last Tuesday. Katie Egan closed school on the same day in the Tracy Dist. They are both good teachers and gave universal satisfation. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.2
N.A. CROWE N.A. Crowe formerly a teacher, now a first class farmer of Liberty was in Steinthal last Friday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 P.6
SARAH CROWE St. Nazianz news: Miss Sarah Crowe raffled a log cabin quilt in the Weinkoetz hall last Saturday night and a dance followed. The spacious hall was filled with boys and girls and an amusing time resulted. Con. Sullivan and Herman Vecker discoursed excellent music. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
W.A. CROWE St. Nazianz news: W.A. Crowe purchased Jacob Hecker's farm of 80 acres in Liberty for $3000. W.A. formerly taught school but of late years has devoted his attention energetically to agriculture. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.2
CROWLEY TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Within the last week, nearly half a dozen "little ones" bearing the name Crowley have been added to the population of Manitowoc. They will, of course, need some of the good things of life, and we will be happy to receive from our subscribers in payment for the Pilot, any quantity of flour, wheat, pork, beef, butter, eggs, potatoes, chickens, wood, and all other articles necessary for the support of a family. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, Sept. 9, 1859 P.3 (Note: Checking the 1860 census, I could find 3 that were born in 1859..possibly some were twins who didn't survive?)
HENRY CROWLEY Manitowoc at Chicago. What some of our boys are doing in that city. Henry Crowley, the "peacemaker" of our school days, is now the efficient book- keeper at Montgomery Ward & Co. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1
JENIE CROWLEY BIT TONGUE ALMOST IN TWO Little Child Meets With Most Peculiar Accident A peculiar accident befell the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crowley this morning through which the girl suffered great pain and required the services of a physician. The child who is five years old, was playing about the house stumbled and fell. In so doing her tongue was caught between her teeth and nearly severed. The pain was almost more than the little one could bear, and frightened the mother greatly. Dr. F.S. Luhman was called and found it necessary to sew the tongue. The child is recovering from her fright and is resting easily. Mr. and Mrs. Crowley reside on Washington street near Fifteenth. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, October 10, 1900, Page 1 (NOTE: The Crowley on Washington street on the 1900 census is J. Matt Crowley. The child that is 5 is Jenie.)
JERE. CROWLEY DEPUTY MARSHAL AT MANITOWOC. Jehu H. Lewis has appointed Jere. Crowley, of the Manitowoc Pilot, one of his deputies. A good appointment.-Milwaukee news. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3
C. CULBERTSON, MRS. Mrs. C. Culbertson, nee Katherine Graham, is in the city from Piper City, Ill., on a visit at the home of her parents, General and Mrs. Harvey Graham. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1901, p. 2
AUG. CULWAY Two Rivers news: Aug. Culway, of Meeme is at present visiting friends in this city. He will also go to Kewaunee shortly. He is rusticating in these parts while his father's flour mill is undergoing needed repairs. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
MRS. JAMES CUMBERLEDGE Mrs. James Cumberledge left for Ahnapee last week, to visit her husband, who is at work in that village. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 6, 1882 P. 1
SETH CUMMINGS HOLD MAPLE GROVE MAN IN $400 BONDS Wife Alleges That He Threatened Her With Gun Seth Cummings, a Maple Grove farmer, was held in $400 bonds for hearing July 9 today, when he was arraigned in municipal court upon a charge of assault with intent. It is alleged that Cummings threatened the life of his wife with a revolver. Deputy Sheriff Zimmerman of Maple Grove made the arrest and Cummings was in court today and secured an adjournment of the case. He had not furnished bail this afternoon. Cummings is a tenant on the Morrison farm in Maple Grove and is a man of 45 years. It is said at the time of the alleged threats Cummings was under the influence of liquor. July 01, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
WILL CUMMINGS Niles news: Mr. Will Cummings of Bay City, Mich. is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
PETER CURTCHON Mishicott news: Peter Curtchon, of Gibson, brought a young cub bear from Chippewa Falls a few days ago. The boys caught three cubs and killed the mother of them. They now wish to sell this one, and offer a splendid bargain to any one who wants a pet of this description. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4