MRS. DABBERT Mrs. Dabbert, wife of one of Rapid's oldest settlers, was seriously injured by a runaway on Sunday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1JENNIE DAEKE TIMOTHY MAN WANTED MARRIAGE LICENSE, DIDN’T SAY SO AND GOT HUNTING LICENSE. HURRIES BACK Albert Stock, a Timothy man, wanted a license and applied to Miss Rose Wanish, assistant at the county clerk’s office for the paper. Stock neglected to designate the kind of license he wanted and Miss Wanish, who had been kept busy for a week issuing hunting licenses, presumed that the Timothy man was to join the hunters and provided him with a permit. Stock departed with the license but a few minutes later returned, and explained that a mistake had been made in the license. He confided to Miss Wanish that he was a candidate for matrimony and wouldn’t have time to hunt this season and the hunting license was no good to him. Miss Wanish issued a marriage license and Stock departed satisfied and with the statement that hereafter he would say what he wanted. Mr. Stock is to wed Miss Jennie Daeke of this city. Miss Daeke has been employed as a bookkeeper at the offices of the Guse Lumber Co. the couple will reside at Timothy. Sept. 04, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
J.M. DAECKER J.M. Daecker of Kiel, in this county, has been operating a cider press this fall and squeezed out 275 barrels of apple juice with it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1884 P.3
WILLIAM DAHLMAN Wm. Dahlman Came Near Driving In the River Last Night. William Dahlman took a drive last night and that he is alive to-day is due more to the interference of bystanders than to any care of his own. About eight o'clock last night the Eighth street bridge was open to allow a boat to pass and during the time Donelson (sic) came driving down the street at a terrific pace. Although pedestrians called to him to check his speed, he paid no attention to the warning and but for the timely interference of two young men who happened to be near the bridge, he would certainly have driven in the river and another fatality would have been added to the already large list. It is claimed that Dahlman had imbibed more fully of the "joyful" than was expedient and this accounts for the reckless manner in which he handled the reins. He was locked up at Sheriff Lehrman's hotel over night and this morning he appeared before Justice Markham and paid the fine and costs, amounting to $7.07, imposed upon him by the court. Jan. 23, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOS. DAHM Jos. Dahm of Two Rivers had a leg broken between the knee and the ankle Wednesday while rolling logs at the Eggers Veneer Seating company. Besides a bad break the injured member was badly bruised. Mr. Dahm was standing between two logs when another rolled against him. The injury will lay him up for two or three months. Jan. 21, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
SON OF NIC. DAHM In Two Rivers two boys, a son of A. Cayo and one of Nic. Dahm, somehow got hold of some gun powder. They loaded a sheet metal canon and took it to the lake to fire it, but the gunpowder burst before the boys expected it and burned the little Cayo boy so badly in the face that he will probably lose his eyesight. The other boy fared better but not without painful burns. 03 May 1900, Der Nord Westen
J. DALEY J. Daley is confined in the county jail awaiting trial on a charge of larceny. The complainant is Matt. Muhowski, who alleges that Daley stole his dog. Constable Streich went to Sheboygan yesterday evening to serve the warrant. He returned with his man and the case will come up for trial tomorrow or Friday. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******** The case of J. Daley, charged with stealing a dog from Matt Muhowsky(sic), came up in the municipal court yesterday. Daley was found guilty and fined $5.00 and cost or 15 days in jail. He chose the latter alternative and is now doing time at the county Bastile. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JERE DALEY Jere Daley has sold the Wisconsin House to John Bolen, and will go West, for the benefit of his health, which has not been good for some time. Mr. Bolen possesses all the qualities that go to make up an accommodating and hence, a popular landlord. Te many friends of Mr. Daley will hope that health and happiness will be his wherever he may go. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 6, 1883 P. 1
JERRE DALEY A son of Jerre Daley narrowly escaped drowning last Saturday while skating on the river. The ice being too thin under main street bridge, gave away and he went into the water. Fortunately help was on hand and he was rescued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 1
TOM. DAILEY Master Tom. Dailey played cavalryman on Saturday, and now walks carefully around, with the aid of a pair of crutches. The horse shyed, and rid itself of Tommy in a very forcible manner. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 1, 1882 P. 1
GEORGE DALWIG Geo. Dalwig one of the brainy farmers at the Branch, called on us and stated that he wanted the TIMES regularly every week. Tis well. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1
GEORGE DALWIG Branch news: George Dalwig has been building an addition to his house, raising up and otherwise improving the appearance of the old building, so that it is now quite a pretty residence. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 1, 1882 P. 4
RICHARD DALTON Richard Dalton, of Portage City, is in the city on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. Dalton was a former resident of the city but removed to Portage fifteen years ago and this is his first visit back since that time. He says he sees many changes and is much surprised at the development of the city. He is a contractor and is prospering. Jan. 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MR. DAMLER County Treasurer Damler has been a sufferer from inflamed eyes for the past few weeks. We are glad to state that he is improving and will soon be able to attend to his duties. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1
MR. AND MRS. DAMLER Mrs. Rowenkamp is in the city from Oshkosh on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Damler, Hancock street. Apr. 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
AUG. DAMLER Aug. Damler now walks with a cane, his foot having been hurt while at work on the dredge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 1
FRED DAMLER J.P. Taughar, who used to write those interesting, letters for the Times from Kellnersville, has placed himself under the tutorship of Fred Damler, at Barnes' store, and will learn to master book-keeping. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
G. DAMLER We have noticed considerable activity about the brick yard of G. Damler of late. Judging from appearances we should say that work was to be resumed there soon. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 22, 1875 ******* The steam brick machine of G. Damler is now in full blast. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875 ******** Mr. G. Damler lost upwards of 10,000 brick, which were nearly ready for the kiln, by the heavy rain last Sunday. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875
MRS. G. DAMLER Mrs. William Dugan, of Eau Claire, is visiting in the city at the home of Mrs. F.J. Guse, Jr. Mrs. Dugan, who is a former Manitowoc girl, nee Van Nostrand, is here for the funeral of the late Mrs. G. Damler. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 11, 1916 P.3
MR. DAMON MISHICOTT In company of Mr. Fischbein, of the Badger State Manufacturing Co., we took a drive into the country last Wednesday, directing our first to the village of Mishicott, where he made a short stop, and then proceeded to the beautiful and fertile farming region which lies to the north and east of that busy little burg. The farms located along the road which we traveled are said to equal any in the county in point of soil; and the tidy appearance of the barns and farm houses which we passed certainly indicated thrift and prosperity on the part of the farmers. We saw several fields of winter wheat during one drive which looked exceedingly fine. Most of the spring wheat which was up also looked flourishing. The village of Mishicott is a handsome little town, and deserves a more extended notice than we are able to give it at present; but we shall endeavor to do it justice at some future time. It has a good water-power, a flour-mill, a blacksmith shop, two churches, and a fine large school house. Hitching our horse at the hotel of which Mr. Damon is the popular landlord, we gave that gentleman a short call. Afterwards we called on Mr. Heyroth, who is doing a large mercantile business there; on Selk & Son, who have a large store and are doing a splendid business, and on Mr. John Terens, who also has a large store and deals in hardware. We looked wistfully over the river where J. Linstedt's large brewery looms up, but were unable to visit the vaults as we would like to have done had we had time. Mr. Linstedt has the reputation of making excellent beer, and from the sample we got at A.C. Terens' we should say that he deserves it. Mr. F. Zander, owns a hotel in the village which is quite a popular resort, but for want of time we failed to give him a call, as was also the case with Mr. Braasch, who keeps a hotel and saloon on the southern outskirts of the village. We noticed several new buildings, going up, which indicate that the village is neither dead nor sleeping, but full of life and activity. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875
CARL DAMROW Thieves Caught. Six or seven weeks ago we chronicled several cases of thieving as having occurred one Sunday in the early part of the month of November. Among the sufferers was B. Reinken, who has a store and cigar factory, corner of 8th and Quay streets. Last Monday Mr. Reinken having obtained what he thought sufficient evidence for the purpose, swore out a warrant against two hoble-de-hoys, named respectively Aug. Owert and Carl Damrow. The two boys were arrested and brought before Justice Zinns. When brought up they both plead guilty to the charge of burglary. The manner in which they gained access to the premises was by breaking out a glass in the cellar window, removing the fastenings and entering the house. The boys in talking with their companions bragged of their exploit, and so the matter leaked out, leading to their detection. The amount stolen was about $12.50 first cost, and being within the jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, Mr. Zinns sent the boys to jail for three months. They are about 17 and 19 years old respectively. It is to be hoped that other parties having committed depredations can be caught and punished. Dec. 24, 1874, Manitowoc Tribune
STANISLAUS DAMSKI Joseph Budnik was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out by Stanislaus Damski charging him with assault and battery. He was arraigned in Municipal court and entered a plea of not guilty, and by consent of attorneys in the matter the case was postponed until Monday, April 10. The assault, it is alleged, was made April 3. Apr. 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********* Joseph Budwick(sic) was assessed a fine of $10 and costs, amounting to $19.95, in municipal court yesterday. He was committed on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Stanislaus Damski. Apr. 13, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
M.P. DANIELSON Two Rivers news: M.P. Danielson, of Evanston, Ill., supercedes Capt. Easson, as keeper of the North Point Light House. Mr. Danielson has already entered upon the discharge of his duties. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1
MRS. N. DARLING Cato news: Mrs. Dr. Mott is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. Killen and Mrs. N. Darling. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.4
SEYMOUR DARLING Cato news: Seymour Darling is visiting his home and host of friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
JOHN DARON LOSES PART OF THUMB, PICKS IT UP FROM FLOOR John Daron Has Part of His Thumb Torn Off in Cog Wheel John Daron, employed in erecting a new elevator lift for the Schrelhart Brewing company, had an unusual experience today, that of picking up a part of his own body from the shaft after it had been injured. Daron had his thumb caught in a cog wheel and ripped off and later picked up the piece of the member in the shaft where it had fallen. Jan. 04, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. LOUISE DASSLER (From the correspondent in Centerville, 17 Feb.) Mrs. Louise Dassler celebrated her 27th birthday on Sun. 18 Feb. 1897, Der Nord Westen
H.L. DAVIS Cato news: H.L. Davis has been at home sick for the past three weeks. Strained the muscles of his right arm while discharging his duties as fireman on one of the trains. An abscess formed and the Doctors were obliged to lance it to the bone. He is rapidly recovering and soon hopes to be able to resume his work. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 30, 1883 P. 1
HENRY DAVIS Nelt Harris and Henry Davis, of Cato, will remove with their families to Florida. The well wishes of numerous friends throughout the county accompany them to their new home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P.1
MR. & MRS. ED DAY Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Day of Greenleaf came down to spend Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Howarth. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 10, 1885 P.3
CHAUNCEY DEBAR ONE MAN WILL LOSE LEG AND ANOTHER MAY LOSE EYE AS RESULT OF INJURIES IN QUARRY BLAST Two men may be maimed for life, if they recover from injuries which they suffered today in an explosion at the Grimms quarry of the Union Lime company, shortly before noon. The injured are: Michael Logan, leg broken and bones splintered, back injured, may have been internally hurt. Chauncey Debar, head badly cut and body bruised. One eye injured and sight may be lost. The two men were placing a blast at the quarry when in some manner the explosion occurred and they were unable to make their escape. One report is that the men struck a previous blast that had been placed in the ground and being unaware of it, were caught by the explosion. Another report is that the blast was one which the men were placing and that the explosion was premature. The explosion was terrific and the two men were hurled a considerable distance and were picked up unconscious by fellow laborers a short time later. Logan was the most seriously injured, the bones of the leg being splintered and the man suffering from other injuries which it is said may make his recovery doubtful. Dr. Kelley of Cato and Dr. Cary of Reedsville were summoned and hurried to the scene and gave attention to the injured men. Later at 1 o’clock today, the two men were brought to this city and removed to the hospital in the police ambulance. Both men are said to be married and to have been employed by the Union Lime company time. It was said this afternoon that it would be necessary to amputate one of Logan’s legs. The man’s hip was shattered. He is 45 years and unmarried. Jan. 15, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald
J.J. DECKER Kellnersville news: J.J. Decker, who spent three years at the Oshkosh Normal School, will attend Spencer's College in Milwaukee this coming year. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1885 P.3
JOSEPH DECKER Kellnersville news: While Joseph Decker was returning from Cato on Saturday evening he was attacked by a person who demanded "money or life" but Joe has been taking lessons in boxing in the Gymnasium at the Oshkosh "Normal" and proved to be the best boy, and made his escape. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1884 P.2 ******* Kellnersville news: Joseph Decker returned home from the Oshkosh Normal School on Saturday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1884 P.2
JOSEPH DECKER It is reported that Mary Wachtel, the Kossuth girl who was recently shot, and for whose attempted murder young Cenefeldt has been lying in jail awaiting the result of her wound, has made a confession to her priest to the effect that she shot herself because she had been seduced by a young man of the name of Joseph Decker. This alleged confession, if true, will clear up the mystery that has surrounded her case so long and will set at liberty the young man who has for weeks been confined to jail charged with committing the deed. The girl's recovery is now pronounced certain. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), July 10, 1888
NICK DEDRICKS It is reported here that Nick Dedricks has sold his patent right in his type machine to an English firm in England for the sum of $32,500. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MINTA DEFORD Miss Minta Deford of Milton will spend the winter with her brother-Rev. A. Deford. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3
REV. MR. DEFORD Rev. Mr. Deford of Gibson, in order to aid himself in obtaining an advanced education is canvassing in this city with several small articles useful to housekeepers. We understand the ladies who have purchased from him are generally satisfied. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3
JOSEPH DEGENARDT Joseph Degenardt has accepted a position at the Merchants and Manufacturers Printing Works, as press feeder. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, December 18, 1903 P. 1
WM. M DEGENHART Manitowoc County has sixteen students in the Normal School at Oshkosh, being excelled in number only by Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Kenosha and Winnebago counties. The names of the students from this county are: Martin McMahon, Osman; Oscar F. Huhn, St. Wendel; Fred W. Broer and Louis A. Kahlenberg, Two Rivers; Andrew Gilbertson, Rube; Henry Wernecke, Chas. Groth, Henry Groth, Newtonburg; J.E. Hewitt, Greenstreet; Wm. M Degenhart, Manitowoc; Lewis A. Schmitz, Herman A. Schmitz, Nordheim; Mary Brenman, Cato, Clara Wigen, Clarks Mills; Michael Mulcahey, Maple Grove; Pauline E. Heins, Kiel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3
PETER DEGLER Peter Degler, a resident on the So. side of Two Rivers, celebrated his 88th birthday Wed. last week. 22 Oct. 1903, Der Nord Westen
JOSEPH DEGUIRE Joseph Deguire was breaking in a new Chevrolet the other evening near the cemetery grounds, and the unruly little pest insisted upon knocking down a tomb stone before it was subdued. Joseph gave the episode away that same evening by inquiring at a stone cutter's establishment to make the necessary repairs. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 29, 1918 p.2
T. DEINOR Clarks Mills news: Mr. T. Deinor is now employed in the store of Mr. R. Burke. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.2
LORENA DELANO A very delightful children's party was given this afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Delano on Fifth street, the occasion being the celebration of the seventh birthday of their daughter Lorena. The guests numbered nine and the hours from three to six were thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Refreshments were served. Mar. 6, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
W. DELANO'S DAUGHTER A little girl belonging to the family of Mr. W. Delano was run over by a team this morning and seriously injured. The act is said by those who witnessed it to have been the result of gross carelessness. The driver of the team never stopped to investigate the matter but drove right on. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 26, 1886 P.3
WILL DELANO Will Delano shot 13 deer while up north on his hunting expedition. He seems to be a better hand at shooting deer than glass balls. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1
J. DELILLE Two Rivers news: We understand W.H. Smith, who has been superintendent of Hintze's sash door and blind factory at this place for a few years has been given the superintendency of the firm's shop in Chicago. J. Delille and O. Nelson have been giving Mr. Smith's position here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
JOHNNY DELILLE Two Rivers news: Johnny Delille, one of our most enterprising and industrious young men has recently made a purchase of the residence near the Catholic Church formerly owned by Mr. Hempke. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
DELORD, MISS PATHETIC CASE OF YOUNG GIRL WIFE, WEDDED YEAR AGO, TODAY COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Wedded little over a year ago, applicant for a divorce at the last term of circuit court and today and inmate of the state hospital at Oshkosh, the story of Mrs. John Schweitzer, Jr., is a pathetic one. Mrs. Schweitzer was adjudged insane by physicians following an inquiry in probate court yesterday. Mrs. Schweitzer, nee Miss DeLord, was married a year ago to John Schweitzer, Jr., a barber and in January filed suit for divorce alleging that Schweitzer failed to support her and her child. A previous complaint had been filed but was withdrawn. In the examination yesterday it was said that the girl mother had recently during a temporary fit of violent insanity, attempted the life of her child. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 10, 1915 Page 5
DELVIS, JOSEPH Joseph Delvis of Mishicott (sic) was sentenced to one year and six months imprisonment at Waupan (sic) yesterday by Judge Seaman. Delvis last summer purchased some small money orders at the post office here and raised the amounts. He was arrested last fall and has been in jail ever since. He is only 18 years of age and in consideration of his youth, Judge Seaman imposed the minimum sentence. Manitowoc Pilot, February 14, 1894 P. 2
DELVIS, VICTOR NOTES FROM MISHCOTT (sic). Lightning struck the barn of Mr. Victor Delvis last Saturday morning and it was buned to the ground. Mr. Delvis had threshed the day previous and so his grain was saved. There was some insurance. Manitowoc Pilot, September 19, 1895 P. 2.
VICTOR DELVISH Mishicott news: Victor Delvish, came home from the north last week, and brought a young wife with him. His friends tender congratulations. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4
MRS. M. DEMMER Cooperstown news: Mrs. M. Demmer of New Denmark spent last Sabbath with her mother Mrs. V.M. Aldrich. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1
DEMPSEY Among the out-of-town guests who Wednesday attended the Dempsey-Meany wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Barden, Mrs. Griffith, R. Williams and Mrs. Kate E. Dover, Chicago; Miss Ceal Meany, Wauswatoosa (sic). Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 20, 1901 P. 3
ANNA DEMPSEY Miss Anna Dempsey has been enjoying a siege of the grip. Feb. 9, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
BEN DEMPSEY Ben Dempsey was here from Waukesha for a Sunday visit with relatives and friends. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 15, 1916 P.3
EDWARD DEMPSEY Edward Dempsey and company, the Manitwooc fishermen who are operating in the vicinity of the Sherwood Point lighthouse, got two hundred pounds of whitefish from their lift on last Thursday and sold it for seven cents per pound.-Door Co. Advocate Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 P.6
JENNIE DEMPSEY Misses Jennie Dempsey and Georgia Munger will celebrate their seventeenth birthdays with a party at the home of Capt. Munger on Fifth street this evening. Feb. 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MARGARET DEMPSEY Miss Margaret Dempsey of the Schuette Bros. Co. millinery department, departed for Chicago yesterday for study of spring styles. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 6, 1916 P.2
MICHAEL DEMPSEY Mr. Michael Dempsey has been quite ill at his home on State street, but is improving. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 4
MIKE H. DEMPSEY M.H. Dempsey, the genial proprietor of the National, has returned from his visit to Michigan and is again serving his patrons at the popular cafe. Mike is looking well and says he feels fine. Feb. 20, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JULIA DENSMORE School Hill news: The distict school was opened last Monday under the care of Miss Julia Densmore. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1
JOHN DENWAY Mr. John Denway has decided to sell out his stock of lace goods, hosiery, yarns, etc., at cost. The increasing business of the Manitowoc Woolen Mills, in which he is interested, demands his whole attention. For a good bargain call on him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 1
CONRAD DERLER (FIRST PUBLICATION July, ??th, 1883.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT In the matter of the estate of Conrad Derler, deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONERN: Letters of administration on said estate having been issued to Magdalena Derler on the 22nd day of July, A.D., 1884, and ???? ???? ???? and after said day being allowed ???? limited for creditors to present their ???? for examination and allow ???? will, on the 3rd Tuesday of August, October, and Decmeber, 1884, at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all person against said deceased. Dated July 22nd, 1884. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Estabrook, Walker & Baensch Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 23, 1884 P.3
H. DETERS H. Deters of Centerville in company with R.H. Miller of this city took a moonlight stroll late on Saturday evening all the way to Two Rivers. A good way to overcome the fatigues of the day. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 26, 1885 P.4
MRS. H. DETJEN (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 24 Sep.) Mrs. H. Detjen celebrated her 29th birthday and Mr. Detjen was 30 on Sun. 26 Sep. 1901, Der Nord Westen
HENRY DETJEN CHICKEN THIEVES RAID HEN ROOST OF HENRY DETJEN AND CARRY AWAY VALUABLE FOWL Henry Detjen, assistant cashier at the Manitowoc Savings bank, is a chicken fancier and until Sunday night he was the owner of a roost of fancy fowl of considerable value. Today, Mr. Detjen is seeking to locate his birds and the police have been asked to aid him. At 2 o'clock Monday morning neighbors of Mr. Detjen who had planned early rising and were about, heard a disturbance in Mr. Ketjen's yard and upon looking out saw two men carrying a basket, hurrying away from the henroost in the neighboring yard. Following Mr. Detjen's discovery, the police were told of the robbery. Mr. Detjen is an officer of the Manitowoc County Feathered Stock association and had contributed to the development of poultry raising in the county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 13, 1916 P.6
JOHN DEWANE MARIBEL MAN BORN UNDER A LUCKY STAR—HAD $4,000, LOST IT AND THEN GOT IT BACK AGAIN John DeWane, a Maribel man, must have been born under a lucky star. First he carried $4,000 about with him and then when he lost the purse with its contents, he was fortunate enough to have the receptacle fall into honest hands and have it returned to him. Mr. DeWane was in the city Tuesday on business and while at the Addison House waiting for his train, purchased a paper from a Herald newsboy. He paid for the paper from a purse in which there was $75 cash and a note for $4,000. During the transaction DeWane heard his train pull in and hurriedly leaving the Addison House he left the purse on a table. The attention of Joseph Panosh, clerk at the hotel, was attracted when a stranger started to pick up the purse and Panosh headed off the move by taking charge of the pocketbook himself. Discovery of the loss was not made by Mr. DeWane until his train was well underway to Maribel but he had the conductor stop and let him off and he hiked back to the city to make search for his missing wallet, which was returned by Mr. Panosh when the Maribel man proved his property. Panosh was rewarded. Feb. 11, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
VERNA DEWANE KOSSUTH GIRL IS WINNER GOLD MEDAL, FOR CO. SCHOOLS First Miss Eleanor Frye, Kossuth No.1. Second Miss Verna DeWane, Cooperstown, No.5 Kossuth and Cooperstown schools won the honors of the year for district schools of the county. Miss Frye of Kossuth being awarded the gold medal for the highest diplama standing and Miss DeWane, a silver medal for second high at the fourteenth annual graduation exercises held today at the Orpheum theatre. A class of 216 received diplomas in the presence of a crowd that packed the hall this afternoon, following an interesting and pleasing musical program given by students. The annual contests were held this morning at the court house and the list of prize winners will be published Monday. There was a question of fourth and fifth prizes in the written spelling contest which was not settled until late this afternoon. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 3, 1916 P.5
MR. DICKBRENNA Reedsville news: Mr. Dickbrenna while assisting in sawing wood for Mr. Reineman got his hand too near the circular saw and lost part of one finger. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 3, 1885 P.6
MR. W. DICKE Mr. W. Dicke celebrated his 34th birthday last Sun. among friends. 03 Sept. 1891, Der Nord Westen
WILLIAM DICKE William Dicke of this city has been commissioned by Governor Rusk as Quartermaster of the Second Regiment Wis. State Militia, with the rank of First Lieutenant. A well deserved compliment. Will. will make a capable and effiecient officer one who looks out for the wants of the command in case of necessity. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 17, 1885 P.2
BOB DICKERSON Kellnersville news: Bob Dickerson will work on a grist mill in Reedsville this summer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.2
MRS. A.B. DICKSON HAND CAUGHT IN WRINGER, MAY LOSE TWO FINGERS Mrs. A.B. Dickson may lose one or two fingers of her hand as the result of an accident which happened yesterday when her hand was caught in an electric wringer which she was instructing a girl at the hotel how to use. The power was turned on and in adjusting the wringer Mrs. Dickson had her hand caught and two fingers badly crushed. She was taken to the hospital where it is feared amputation may be necessary. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, September 4, 1918 p.4 ********* (From the 1900 census Manitowoc ward 1: Gilbert H. Dickson head age 52; wife Anna B. age 40; Alice B. dau. age 19; Grace H. dau. age 13; Doris A. dau. age 10/the wife may be the Mrs. A.B. Dickson in the article)
H.S. DICKSON H.S. Dickson of Two Rivers is at Verisco, Mich., where he was called by the death of his brother. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 24, 1916 P.2
MRS. EDUARD DIEBL Mrs. Eduard Mrs. Diebl, wife of 7th Ward resident Eduard Diebl, celebrated her 49th birthday last week among friends and relatives. 28 May 1896, Der Nord Westen
EDWARD DIEDL Edward Diedl celebrated his 51st birthday Sun. with friends. 16 July 1896, Der Nord Westen
MRS. E. DIEDL Mrs. E. Diedl celebrated her 47th birthday on Tuesday. 23 May 1895, Der Nord Westen
FRANK DIEDL Mr. Frank Diedl, the Washington street butcher, cut a finger badly a week or so ago, and put a spider-web on it to stop the bleeding. A portion of the web got in the wound and poisioned it so badly that the hand is now frightfully swollen,and the doctor thinks it will have to be amputated. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1
HENRY DIETMANN Henry An article describes the remarkable recovery of Henry Dietmann who had suffered near blindness from a 4th of July cannon blast. He is now able to read a newspaper. 26 July 1900, Der Nord Westen
MR. A. DIETZ Mr. A. Dietz of Two Rivers, who has had an eye illness for years, is now completely blind. 17 June 1897, Der Nord Westen
MRS. A. DIETZ Mrs. A. Dietz in Two Rivers, an elderly lady, recently fell and broke her hip. It is feared that she will be crippled for life. 29 Oct. 1908, Der Nord Westen
ERNEST DIGBY Ernest Digby, who has been employed by the Goodrich Transportation Co., in this city, has severed his connection with the company, and took his departure for New Orleans Saturday. Apr. 17, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. DILL Mrs. Dill, a lady 82 years old, while walking upon Washington street this morning fainted away and for a time it was thought that she was dead. Dr. Luhman was called and the lady was soon able to be taken home. July 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
BARTHOLOMEW DILLON Steinthal news: Bartholomew Dillon arrived in Liberty last week from Texas, after an absence of eight years. He will endeavor to effect a settlement of the estate of his deceased parents. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 13, 1885 P.2
PETER DINNOR The following took out their citizen papers last week: Herman Horstmann, Christ. Ihlenfeld, John Kuhlhaneck, Peter Dinnor. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
ROSE DIRKMAN Miss Rose Dirkman, who was employed at Madison and Milwaukee has returned to her home at Rockwell. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 23, 1916 P.3
VALENTINE DIRKMAN Kossuth news: Jos. L. Baumann purchased a horse from Valentine Dirkman for $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 27, 1916 P.5
HERMAN DISCHER WE WILL LAY DOWN. Are Willing to Accept Statements in Regard to Porto Rico as "Gospel Truth." IS ONE TOO MANY FOR US. Herman Discher to Mix Prescriptions For Dusky Residents-Ex-Member of Co. H, 2nd. W.V. Ever since the return of the soldier boys from Porto Rico and the mustering out of Co. H, stories of the wonderful resources of the new country and of its advantages in the mercantile line, have been rife, but until the present we have been unwilling to accept these statements and were more than willing to believe that they were but the jokes of the boys or else creations of a disordered mind. Now, however, we are willing to admit we were mistaken and stand ready to accept any statement regarding the island as "gospel truth." When a popular young man, safe in the possession of a good paying situation announces his intention of taking up his abode there, knowing all about the country as he does, then we "lay down." The attractions must be great and if success should attend him, we will be the first to advise a general emigration to the far away land. Herman Discher, the gentlemanly and accommodating prescription clerk at Groffman's drug store is the young man in question and he has positively stated to a HERALD man, that he is going. He has already taken up the study of the Spanish language and is putting in all his spare moments in becoming acquainted with the "jargon" of our recent adversaries. Mr. Discher was a member of the local militia and when the call to arms was issued by President McKinley he enlisted in the service of Uncle Sam as a musician. He followed the fortunes of the company and while in Porto Rico was a member of the regimental band. He was so favorably impressed with the island that he was loath to return, but necessity demanded that he should, and since that time he has been considering the advisability of returning and has at last reached the conclusion that the move is a good one. He has not determined upon the exact date, but hopes to be able to leave in a short time. Mr. Discher has been engaged in the drug business about two years and is a young man of ability. His many friends will learn of his expected departure with regret, but will wish him success in his new home. Feb. 2, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
CHRIST DIX The families of Fritz Lorfeld and Christ Dix of Cleveland have moved to Colby in Clark County. 22 Oct. 1903, Der Nord Westen
JOSEPH DOBERSTIEN Two Creeks news: Joseph Doberstien has rented his farm at this place to Wenzel Rubay, who has just immigrated from Bohemia and contemplates making his home at this place. Doberstien will remove to Milwaukee with his family, where he has secured a position in the Central freight depot. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 4
MR. DODD FIRE.-The house of Mr. Dodd, on the East Branch of the Twin River, was totally destroyed by fire Saturday morning during the temporary absence of the family. Nothing was saved and the family are entirely destitute. June 21, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune
CHRIST. DOEHLER Mrs. Charles Kurtz and daughter, Miss Catherine, of Milwaukee, are here to spend a few days with friends in the city and with Mrs. Kurtz's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Christ. Doehler of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 23, 1916 P.3
MRS. FRED DOESCHER Mrs. Fred Doescher celebrated the 65th anniversay of her birth at her home, 1106 South Eleventh street Sunday. Many friends called to congratulate the estimable lady and the day was one of pleasure for her. Feb. 14, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN DOLE A Narrow Escape. John Dole, who was examined before Judge Anderson Wednesday and sent to St. Mary's hospital for treatment, escaped from the hospital shortly after he was brought there, and was not seen again until last evening, when he was found by Sheriff Muth and son Frank in a barn about two miles from the hospital. He had no coat or hat on and had eaten nothing, except snow, for two days. He must have suffered from the exposure, for he had scarcely any protection. He showed no disposition to ask for food or shelter and would doubtless, have perished had he not been discovered in time. He was taken to the State Asylum at Oshkosh this morning by Sheriff Muth. Dec. 3, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOSEPH DOLESCH (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 14 May) Frank Stangel of Peoria, visited here last week with local relatives – Frank Hascheck and Joseph Dolesch. Mr. Stangel is a Bohemian by birth. 17 May 1906, Der Nord Westen
ALICE DOLPHIN Mrs. Alice Dolphin has arrived in the city from Chicago to take up her home again. Miss Dolphin was formerly Miss Alice Richards. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, July 22, 1904 P. 2
P.W. DONAHOE, ESQ. Meeme news: P.W. Donahoe, Esq., a former pedagogue living in this locality, who has furnished more items for local scribes than any other personage we know of, is spending a few days with his relatives. He is now a properous resident of Chicago, and is entirely disgusted with rural life. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 4
MR. DONAHUE The Third ward school takes the cake, in fact the whole baker shop, in the number of children attending school from one family. Mr. John D. Meyer, sends nine children to school, the oldest of which is fifteen years. Then, Mr. Donahue sends eight, and quite a number of families send seven. If any of the other schools in the city can do better we would like to hear from them. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 1
CON DONAHUE Con. Donahue shot a deer near Wausau, which weighed 150 pounds. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1
MICHAEL DONARSKI Last week, when we mentioned the fact that our columns would today contain the evidence given in a scandal case of huge proportions, we are assured that the trial, already commenced would be vigorously prosecuted by the complainant and the whole truth of the matter ascertained. We almost regret to say that the affair has been hushed up but the facts in the case remain about as follows: Simon Wickorsky, Polish pastor of a church in Newton, had a parishoner named Michael Donarski arrested for stealing a note for $900. The defendant admits having the note but claims it was given him by the Reverend father as collateral security for the payment of a note for $200, bearing date Dec. 19, 1876. The latter note was given by Wickorsky to Donarski in the hope of hushing up a scandal very damagiing to the Reverand gentleman. It appears that the evidence taken before Justice W.H. Glover, that defendant's sister, Kate, had up to April last, been working in the house of the priest, maintaining very intimate relatioins with her spiritual adviser. Last April she became the mother of a child and notified her priest. That said priest at first made light of the matter, treatiing it as a matter of course. Some weeks since, the girl, her father and the defendant, her brother, sought legal advice upon the subject and notice was sent to Father Wickorsky to come and settle or suit would be commenced against him. Thereupon he gave this note for $200 which he does not deny and paid $60 on it. Wichorsky claims, we believe, that the note was given to get some one else out of a scrape but it looks rather “thin” and the impression prevails that he is guilty of the crime with which he is charged. Had the case been fully investigate there would undoubtedly have been some rich deveopments. It is bad enough as it is. Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., Jan. 11, 1877
M.L. DONEHUE A young man by the name of M.L. Donehue, cousin to J. Douehue (sic), was quite seriously, if not fatally hurt by a railroad accident near Wausaw (sic), being squeezed between two cars while making a coupling. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1
JAMES DONNELLY Mr. and Mrs. James Donnelly have arrived in the city from Waukesha to make their home. Mr. Donnelly is a W. C. engineer. Mar. 21, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HELEN DONOHUE Archie Lill has returned to Milwaukee where he is employed after attending the funeral of the late Miss Helen Donohue here Monday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 19, 1916 P.3 ******** Mrs. E.W. Hollister has returned to Oshkosh after being called here by the death of her sister, Helen Donohue. Mrs. Hollister was accompanied by Mae Donohue who will spend some time visiting at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, April 21, 1916 P.3
J.G. DONOHUE J.G. Donohue of this city left for Oshkosh today to attend the funeral Monday, his daughter being the wife of Col. Hollister's son, R.M. Hollister. Feb. 19, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
P. DONOHUE Two Rivers news: P. Donohue will move his family to Antigo this week, we learn. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1 ************ Two Rivers news: P. Donohue moved his family to Antigo last Saturday. Some of Patsy's intimate friends wanted to knwo why he was going off. He quickly rejoined, "Begorrah, I have to go when they call me." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, November 3, 1885 P.4
AGNES DOOLAN Maple Grove news: Miss Catherine Doolan, teacher at Cleveland, and Miss Agnes, who teaches at Shirley, Brown county, spent their Easter vacation at the home of their brother, John E. Doolan. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 25, 1916 P.4
CATHERINE DOOLAN Maple Grove news: Miss Catherine Doolan, teacher at Cleveland, and Miss Agnes, who teaches at Shirley, Brown county, spent their Easter vacation at the home of their brother, John E. Doolan. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 25, 1916 P.4
JOHN E. DOOLAN Maple Grove news: Miss Catherine Doolan, teacher at Cleveland, and Miss Agnes, who teaches at Shirley, Brown county, spent their Easter vacation at the home of their brother, John E. Doolan. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 25, 1916 P.4
MRS. JOHN DOOLAN, SR Mrs. G. Eggers of Two Rivers spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. John Doolan, Sr., of this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 6, 1916 P.2
KATHERINE DOOLAN Miss Katherine Doolan, of Penirogers Sanitariun (sic), Waukesha, was in the city yesterday to attend the funeral of her grandmother. Oct. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
EARL DOREY Earl Dorey, one of the truck drivers for the O. Torrison Co. sustained a painful injury yesterday afternoon, when in attempting to push his machine a trifle closer to the curb, his hand slipped and was thrust through one of the rear panes of the machines, severing an artery. The wound was dressed immediately and is not serious. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 8, 1916 P.2
CASH DOUCETT Branch news: Cash Doucett, a former Branch boy but now of Kansas smiled on his friends here one day last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3
R.C. DOUGLAS R.C. Douglas has been recalled to Eau Claire, from where he recently returned, by the serious condition of his mother, who has been ill for some time. Jan. 25, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ANITA DOVER Miss Anita Dover is home from Appleton where she attends Lawrence college to spend the week-end. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, June 2, 1916 P.2
OTTO DOVER Otto Dover, of Liberty, is spending the day with his sister, Mrs. Hougen. Oct. 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
T.O. DOVER Liberty news: Mr. T.O. Dover has returned from Upper Michigan, where he has been acting in the capacity of commission merchant for a wholesale house in Chicago. He has done a good winter's work he justly feels happy over his success. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1
JOSEPH DOVRACK Joseph Dovrack, of the Town of Kossuth, who was arrested on the charge of having set fire to the barn of a neighbor, had his examination before Judge Smart yesterday, and was discharged. The evidence was not sufficient to cause the court to believe the defendant guilty of the offense charged. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 1
JOHN DOYLE ESCAPED FROM CUSTODY. John Doyle Uses His Liberty To Get Drunk. John Doyle one of Sheriff Lehrman's boarders found jail life a little too severe for his constitution and Friday afternoon decided that the weather was becoming too nice to stay indoors any longer. Doyle was left in the woodshed sawing wood to keep him out of mischief. The temptation to enjoy liberty and a drink of whiskey was too strong for him and he yielded. When his absence was discovered a search was at once commenced. An hour later Sheriff Lehrman found him down town indulging in a grand celebration and too tipsy to remember that he had escaped from the county bastile. Doyle was sentenced last month to four months for stealing an overcoat. His time would have expired in about twenty days. Mar. 11, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MATHEW DOYLE Notice Is hereby given, that my wife, (formerly the widow of Michael O'Conner,) has left my bed and board without cause or provocation. All persons are forbid trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contraction. MATHEW DOYLE. Mar. 18, 1854, Manitowoc County Herald
CHARLES M. DOWNER The $50 reward money for finding the body of Edward J. Morgan was awarded Saturday to Charles M. Downer and John Smith. 22 Mar. 1906, Der Nord Westen
HERMAN DREFKE Herman Drefke and Herman Greinke departed for Cleveland, O., this morning, where they have accepted positions with the large Kunz Manufacturing concern there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P. 3
DANIEL DREGER D. Dreger who has been in the employe of the Northern Grain company in the capacity of engineer at elevator B since it was built, has been engaged to take charge of the powerhouse of the new Hamilton factory at Two Rivers,and has removed there with his family. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, August 26, 1903 P. 1
FREDERICK DREWS During the hoary storm of lightning and thunder on Tuesday last, the dwelling house of Frederick Drews, near Mishicott, was struck by the subtle fluid, a two year old child of Mr. Drews being instantly killed, another one was somewhat injured, and most of the family more or less prostrated. A barn a short distance from the dwelling, was also struck by lightning, and caught fire, and consumed. We have not learned the amount of loss, or whether there was any insurance. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), Oct. 1, 1872 JOHN DREWS Series of articles about Fire at the Star Hotel FIRE WAS WORK OF INCENDIARY Star Hotel Barn Together With Horse, Pigs and Chickens Destroyed Incendiarism is believed to have been responsible for fire which destroyed the barn on the premises of the Star Hotel, Buffalo and Tenth Street, owned by County Treasurer, Frank Zeman, shortly after midnight Thursday. The fire loss included the structure, half of which remains standing, a valuable horse, the property of Dr. Burke, some chickens and three pigs, the last named being owned by Alex Dufrese, the proprietor of the hotel who had the hostelry under lease since the first of July last. The loss will be about $1000, the insurance of the barn being $500. Discovery of the blaze was made by Charles Reithmeyer, a neighbor and Herman Rosinsky, the latter seeing the fire as he was returning from a party and turned in the alarm to the department. From the nature of the fire, it was apparent that it was the work of an incendiary, the origin being at the northwest corner where there was nothing to start it. The belief is strengthened from the fact that last Sunday, a fire was started in an outhouse adjoining the barn but was put out before the blaze ignited the barn. The horse which was kept in the barn on the ground floor could not be sved for the reason that the fire was too hot to permit of an entrance by the firemen. Froom the indication, the poor animal made a frantic effort to save himself, the head showing bruises evidently received in effort to break loose. The carcasses of the pigs were found roasted in their pen in the basement of the structure while there was no vestige left of the chickens. Manitowoc Daily Herald – Sept. 21, 1906 ******** ARRESTED ON A CHARGE OF ARSON John Drew in Jail; Suspected of Having Started Star Hotel Fire Arrested on suspicion of being implicated and having knowledge, if not being the real author, of the fire which destroyed a barn on the Star Hotel premises Thursday night, John Drew, claiming to hail from Pittsburg, is in jail to await a hearing. Drew's arrest was made on the complaint of Frank Dufrese who based his suspicion on the charge that the man visited the Northwestern Depot before the fire alarm was sent in and informed the men there and also a patrolman of the local force, of the blaze. A specific charge of arson is registered against Drew who pleaded no guilty and the case is adjourned until Friday, Sept. 28. Drew, until today, was a boarder at the Star Hotel together with his mother and one reason why suspicion has been fastened upon him is the act that on Sunday last when the first fire was discovered at that place there had been difficulty between the proprietor and the man. It is claimed by Dufrese that Drew retired Thursday evening but did not remain in bed having been seen to leave the hotel a short time before the fire occurred. It is possible that an insanity examination may be had, it being thought that Drews may be mentally unbalanced. His actions are said to have been peculiar. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Sept. 21, 1906 ******** MAY CLAIM THAT OTHERS SET FIRE Defense in Drews' Arson Case Suggests That This Will be Aim in Trial HEARING IS UNDER WAY Lines of Questioning of Drew's Attorney Indicates Unexpected Defense – Drews Pleads Innocence Suggestions that an attempt will be made to fasten the crime on some person other than the defendant were apparent in the line of defense offered in the hearing of the case in which John Drews is arraigned in municipal court today on a charge of arson, accused of setting fire to the barn on the Star Hotel premises Friday night and while nothing definite was outlined, the proceedings in the case indicate that Drews will plead innocent and at the same time will seek to implicate someone else in the crime for which he is held. The hearing opened before Judge Schmidt this morning and was continued throughout the day. The court has authority only to hold the prisoner for trial in circuit court in event that the case is not dismissed for lack of evidence. Unless Drews should plead guilty, the court has no authority to pass sentence. Drews, who was arrested Saturday, has retained Judge Isaac Craite as his attorney and entered a plea of not guilty when brought into court. Two witnesses were introduced for the state during the morning, Alex DeFraene, proprietor of the hotel, who testified to the presence of Drews at the hotel and trouble which had occurred. There were sharp clashes between Attorney Craite and Attorney Chas. Brady, who appeared for the state in the absence of District Attorney Hougan, objection being made frequently to the evidence which the state sought to introduce. De Fraene testified to many interesting facts, telling of trouble which is said to have occurred and which the state contends is a motive that prompted Drews to the alleged act. On cross examination by Attorney Craite, DeFraene became somewhat muddled and the defense secured admissions that are looked upon as material. Al. McKoegh, an employe of the W.C. Freight house who gave the alarm, was the second witness and there was another squabble on the part of the attorneys over admission of certain testimony. McKeough testified that he was notified of the fire by someone, presumably Drews, having rapped on the window of the freight house while he, other employes and Officer Menge were in the building and he telephoned an alarm to the North Side fire station. The fight of the attorneys resulted over the efforts of Atty Brady to have McKoegh testify as to whether the fire could have been seen from Tenth St. bridge. It was stated by the state's attorney that evidence would be brought in to show that Drews had declared that he first noticed the fire while crossing Tenth St. bridge. McKoegh testified that the flames were confined to the basement at the time he was notified of the fire by the rap on the window but he later said that the fire could have been seen had there been a building between the barn and his position in the freight house, this latter being made much of as a point for the defense. The defense appeared to direct the energies to the cross examination of deFraene and it was here that the suggestion offered itself that an attempt would be made to show a motive for some other person having been responsible for the blaze. The purpose was but thinly veiled and was centered upon securing testimony from the witness relative to trouble that had resulted and the ill feeling that could have been engendered. The examination of deFraene occuppied two hours of time. Victor Scott was the first witness this afternoon and the case will probably not be completed today. It is not known whether or not the defendant will take the stand, this depending on the state's case, according to Atty. Craite. The evidence in the case is circumstantial and the state is seeking to fasten the crime upon Drews through his own act and alleged statements. The prisoner is in court and appears to be little worried. His aged mother occupies a seat in the court also. Manitowoc Daily Herald – Sept. 28, 1906 ******** DREWS HELD FOR TRIAL In Jail in Default of $1200 Bond to Face Arson Charge Held on bonds of $1200, John Drews is in jail in default of bail to await trial at the January term of circuit court on a charge of arson. The preliminary hearing in the case occupied a day and a half and was ended at noon with the decision of municipal court holding the defendant to trail. Drews was on the stand in his own behalf and denied all circumstances upon which the state based its case and in telling his story intimated that he was the victim of a conspiracy on the part of others who sought to fasten the crime upon him in revenge for trouble in the past. Drews was on the witness stand for two hours and denied in emphatic, if inelegant terms, any connection with the fire. When the court's decision to hold him for trial was announced, Drews asked why, if considered guilty, sentence could not be imposed so that he could start to serve his term. Drews claims to hail from the East and was employed as a bridge worker for the C & NW on the Bay extension. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Sept. 29, 1906
OTTO DREWS Otto Drews, superintendent of the county asylum, has departed for Watertown where he will attend the state convention of Holstein breeders. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 2, 1916 P. 3
RICHARD DREWS Mishicott news: Richard Drews has been offered a position as engineer in a large lumber mill at Medford, Wis., and will leave in a few weeks for the scene of his labors. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 4
RUDOLPH DREWS Mishicott news: Rudoph Drews is home from Medford, Wis., on a visit to his parents and friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 4
J. DREWSEN Two Rivers news: J. Drewsen, a pauper who has been a public charge here for a number of years, will be removed by the committee on poor to St. Nazians to-day, where it is expected he will receive proper care, which it is impossible for him to receive here on account of the want of suitable accomodations. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 20, 1881 P. 4
JOHN DRIER In county court yesterday-The will of the late John Drier was presented for probate. Apr. 14, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOSEPH DRILL The following estates were admitted to probate during the month of February, 1916: Joseph Drill; Isaac Halverson; Jacob Tossen; Morgan Connell; Mervin Geraldson; Ernst Vogelsang; Joseph Holly; Torger K. Hougen; Sidona Boettger; Mary F. Seidl; Simon Stok; Dorothea Schmidt; Rankchild Anderson; Joseph Thalhammer; Catherine Lenerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.5
GILES F. DRISCOLL Giles F. Driscoll, who enlisted in the service at Des Moines, Iowa, returned to the home of his parents here Saturday with his honorable discharge. Priv. Driscoll was one of the ????nate soldiers, having served through the entire war with Co. K. 168th infantry, 42nd division and with twenty months of overseas service to his credit and a part in every big offensive in which his division was in. He returns home without a single scratch. He said that it came close many, many times but a miss is as good as a mile anyway and besides he is home now so he should worry. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, May 19, 1919 P.2
MICHAEL DRISCOL He was thrown by a pulley in a mill. 05 Jan. 1860, Manitowoc Herald
MRS. ADOLPH DROBKA ROBERT DROBKA Mrs. Adolph Drobka and son Robert have returned from Oshkosh where they attended the funeral of the former's uncle, Theo. Wagner. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, May 11, 1934 P.2
MAX DROST Max Drost, of the firm of H. Drost & Son, is confined to his home on Jay street by illness. Mr. Drost has been ill for some time but is now improving. He is suffering from appendicitus. June 6, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
CHARLES DRUMM Charles, the four-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drumm was seriously injured in an accident yesterday. He fell down stairs and broke an arm. A physician was summoned who reduced the fracture. May 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN DRUMM Adam Drum, of Muskegon, Mich., is the guest of his son John Drumm in this city. Mar. 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HERMAN DRYER Tisch Mills news: Herman Dryer announces an auction to be given at his premises Saturday. Mr. Dryer recently purchased a new farm in Saxonburg. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.4
MRS. C. DUBBERT A very pleasant party was given Monday afternoon and evening by Mrs. C. Dubbert at her home on the corner of Washington and Nineteenth streets. A large number of guests were present and all were entertained in a charming manner. A delicious supper was served. Apr. 4, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOE DUCHAC Joe Duchac, whom many of our citizens will remember as the good-natured clerk in Rand's hardware store several years ago, was in the city last week. He purchased the boiler and engine of the Neshoto saw mills and will put them in his own saw mill at Deerbrook, near Antigo. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1
G. DUECKER Kiel news: Mr. G. Duecker is very ill with the Typhoid fever. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1884 P.3
AUG. DUENO It was rumored that a bear was making things lively back of Rapids, and some of our Nimrods went out, but nary a bear could they find. LATER. Aug. Dueno said he shot the bear. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1
AUGUST DUENO August Dueno, our Fire Marshall, celebrated is 47th birthday on Tuesday. 12 Sept. 1895, Der Nord Westen ******** August Dueno, our fire chief, celebrated his 48th birthday Thurs. last week. 17 Sept. 1896, Der Nord Westen
AUGUST DUENO August Dueno says "olt." He has no desire to play ball and it all happened this way: In years gone by August was quite a ball player, in fact he could be ranked with the professional tosser, but of late he has paid little attention to the sport. While strolling down the street one evening recently he noticed some youngsters playing in the street, and it brought back memories of the past. He couldn't stand the temptation and was given an opportunity to exhibit his prowess as a batter. The first time he struck the ball it soared far and crashed through an upstairs window in a dwelling house. August simply walked over, settled the bill and passed up the "memories" for all future time. May 10, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ERNST DUENO Ernst Dueno celebrated his 30th birthday on New Year’s Day with friends. 03 Jan. 1895, Der Nord Westen ******* Ernst Dueno of Manitowoc, celebrated his 32nd birthday on Fri. 01 Jan. 07 Jan. 1897, Der Nord Westen
FRANK DUENO Celebration of the "Glorious Fourth" has left some results. Frank Dueno, son of our fire chief, burned himself badly while shooting off a rocket. 11 July, 1901, Der Nord Westen
FRED DUENO Fred Dueno has returned to Kiel where he teaches after spending Easter in the city with his parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 24, 1916 P.3
JOHN DUENO Suffers Injury To Eye, Taken To Milwaukee Today John Dueno, a brother of Capt. Dueno of the police department was taken to Milwaukee this morning to have an injury to his eye given attention. Dueno was injured Friday while at his work as a chipper at the ship yards and it was believed to be only a minor hurt but grew steadily worse and this morning he was taken to consult a specialist at Milwaukee. It is feared he may lose the sight of the injured member. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, February 21, 1928, Page 1
JOSEPH DUFEK HOT PIECE OF IRON LODGES IN MAN'S EYE A hot piece of iron, the size of a five cent piece, which became imbedded in the right eye of Joseph Dufek, Mishicot blacksmith, is not expected to result in the loss of the eyesight, Dr. Skwor of Mishicot said this afternoon. Every expectation that the sight will be saved was held by the doctor. According to information from Mishicot, Dufek was pounding a hot piece of iron on the anvil when the chip flew off and imbedded itself in his upper right eyelid before it could be extracted by the doctor. Dufek suffered terrible pain while the iron piece was imbedded but was reported as fairly comfortable this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, August 06, 1928 Page 5
IRENE DUFFY REPORT OF DEATH OF MISS DUFFY AT MILWAUKEE UNTRUE IS RECOVERING AT HOSPITAL Exaggeration of Report of Illness of Girl Led to Statement of Her Death---Friends Here Happy to Learn Report Not True Friends in this city will be happy to learn that reports of the death of Miss Irene Duffy, a former local girl at Milwaukee, published Tuesday, are untrue. Manitowoc people at Milwaukee yesterday learning that Miss Duffy, who is a patient at a hospital there, though seriously ill, is improving and is expected by physicians to fully recover. The report reached newspapers here Tuesday and owing to the fact that wires to Milwaukee were down could not be confirmed there. However, the Hearld learned that Mrs. T. Meany, whose daughter is a nurse at a Milwuakee hospital, had received a letter saying that Miss Duffy was seriously ill. Persons, who professed to have the information, said that the report confirmed the death of Miss Duffy but Mrs. Meany said that she had no further information and had not received messages from the Duffy family, whom she did now known. Mr. E.T. Teitgen, who visited Milwaukee yesterday, was told by Mrs. Duffy's brother that his sister was a patient at the hosptial but was improving and her condition satisfactory. The publication of the report by the Herald of Miss Duffy's death is deeply regretted. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 9, 1916 P.8
MRS. WILLIAM DUGAN Mrs. William Dugan, of Eau Claire, is visiting in the city at the home of Mrs. F.J. Guse, Jr. Mrs. Dugan, who is a former Manitowoc girl, nee Van Nostrand, is here for the funeral of the late Mrs. G. Damler. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 11, 1916 P.3
LAURA A. DUHNKE Cards have been received in the city announcing the marriage of Miss Laura A. Duhnke to Mr. L.W. Wakefield, of Gurnee, Ill., which was solemnized at that place last Wednesday. Miss Duhnke formerly resided here and has many friends here who will be pleased to learn of her new found happiness. Jan. 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
WILSON DUITR(?) Accidents - At Neshoto on the Fourth while a number of men were engaged in celebrating by firing off a large pinton one of their number named Wilson Duitr(?) while touching it off with a slow match did not get away in time and one of the plugs struck him in the sholder badly lacerating it. His face was also blown full of powder. July 6, 1871, Manitowoc Pilot
ANTON AND JOHN DUKE Anton and John Duke have returned to Montana after being called here by the serious illness of their mother some time ago. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 9, 1916 P.3
LOTTIE DULIK Mrs. Anton Dulik and her brother, Emil Albrecht, have returned from Kewaunee where they were to attend the funeral of their father, Frank Albrecht, a pioneer resident of that county. Mar. 20, 1920, Manitowoc Herald News
MINNIE DUMAS Reedsville News: Message Tells of Death A message from Foley, Alabama carries the sad news of the untimely death of Emma, third daughter of Mrs. Minnie Dumas, former Reedsville residents, who twenty years ago left our village for Foley, Alabama, where they have since resided. The family have lost three members by death since leaving Reedsville, Minnie and Julia having passed away. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, October 12, 1926 p.12
JOSEPH DUMASS Reedsville news: J.T. Pape and Joseph Dumass have formed a partnership and purchased the Rusch saw mill in which they have put a new large planer and matcher, which they claim will do as good work as any in the county. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 9, 1885 P.3
CARRIE DUMKE A newspaper clipping received here has informed J.F. Dumke that his daughter Carrie got married several months ago in Denver, Colorado. 12 May 1904, Der Nord Westen
EZEKLAL DUMKE Considerable excitement was caused at the North Side high school one day last week by the explosion of some chemical in the laboratory. Ezeklal Dumke a student was working in the room and some preparation which he had been using was thrown into a jar when a terrific explosion which shook the entire building occurred. It is presumed that the jar contained the explosive. No damage was done. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, February 29, 1904 P. 2
J.F. DUMKE Mr. J.F. Dumke has lowered his store to a level with the side-walk. It is quite an improvement. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 14, 1883 P. 1
JOHN DUMKE Miss Bessie Barnes from Manitowoc left Tuesday for Germany to spend a year studying music in Berlin. Mrs. Julia Peet of Chicago, a daughter of John Dumke here, will accompany Miss Barnes. Mrs. Peet will study philosophy at Berlin University. 27 Sep. 1906, Der Nord Westen
ED. DUNBAR Steinthal news: John O'Shea lately completed a well for Jim Cook and is now digging one for Ed. Dunbar in Liberty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2
EDWARD AND WILLIAM DUNBAR St. Nazianz news: William and Edward Dunbar left a few weeks ago to settle down on their land, in Lacqul (sic) Parle county, Minnesota. They are quiet, modest and intelligent young men, and will make active and valuable settlers in the west. May 12, 1885, Manitowoc Lake Shore Times
F.P. DUNBAR, MRS. Mrs. F.P. Dunbar, daughter Lulu and son Robert, of Minneapolis, are in the city on a visit to friends and relatives, guests at the home of Capt. Munger. Mrs. Dunbar will visit Denver, but the children will remain here for an extended visit. June 3, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN DUNBAR Liberty news: Mr. John Dunbar closed his school in Newton some days ago, and now contemplates a journey to the west, where he will seek his fortune, and farm if possible. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1
JOHN DUNBAR John Dunbar has sold his cheese factory in Liberty to Peter Eimmerman of Rhine, Sheboygan county. Pete is well known in that quarter as he made cheese for the past two years and is classed as one of the best cheese makers of the county. His accession to the ownership of the factory will very much please the patrons. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 P.6
JOHN DUNBAR John Dunbar of St. Nazians (sic) made us a call yesterday. John has made up his mind to "go west" and will leave soon. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 9, 1885 P.3
JOHN DUNBAR St. Nazians (sic) news: John Dunbar an excellent farmer of Liberty sold a fine horse lately to Mr. Mallmas for $150. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2
JOHN DUNBAR St. Nazianz news: John Dunbar a practical farmer of Liberty sold a young mare last week for $110, and William Connell bought a two year old filly from Jim Ryan for $140. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1
JOHN DUNBAR John Dunbar of Liberty was a caller at the Times office last week. Like most of the other good farmers of this this (sic) county his face wears a smile when you inquire concerning crops this year. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
JOHN DUNBAR JR. Steinthal news: John Dunbar Jr. has purchased the Dillon farm in Liberty for $3,000. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 17, 1885 P.4
WILLIAM DUNBAR Liberty news: Mr. William Dunbar recently sold his span of iron-gray colts to a gentleman from Waupaca for the neat sum of $332. The team is coming three years old and is a marvel of beauty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 7, 1882 P.1
WILLIAM AND EDWARD DUNBAR St. Nazianz news: William and Edward Dunbar left a few weeks ago to settle down on their land, in Lacqul (sic) Parle county, Minnesota. They are quiet, modest and intelligent young men, and will make active and valuable settlers in the west. May 12, 1885, Manitowoc Lake Shore Times
WILLIAM DUNBAR Steinthal news: William Dunbar and Pete Eimerman of Liberty were in our city on Saturday looking the place over with a view to settling here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3 ********** Steinthal news: William Dunbar closed his term of school in Liberty on Friday last and will return to his farm in Minnesota. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 9, 1886 P.3
JAMES DUNN THANKSGIVING DINNER.-Master James Dunn, son of our esteemed friend, Hon. J.B. Dunn, has our warmest thanks for the present of two fine chickens, which he brought a distance of six miles in order that the boys in the Pilot office should not entirely fast on Thanksgiving. We hope to vote for him for President yet. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 25, 1859 P.3
GEORGE DURBANT IN MUNICIPAL COURT: The city's new speed cop, George Durbant, obeyed the behest "go get 'em," last week Friday. Victim No. 1 for the season was George Eisenbeiss of Two Rivers. He told the judge that the Ford which he customarily drives tells him by its rattle when it goes over the limit and that he forgot he was driving a Moline Knight. If this tale was designed to placate the court it failed miserably. Ten dollars and costs. Manitowoc Pilot, April 13, 1922 p.1
MRS. A.H. DUREY Branch news: Mrs. A.H. Durey returned to her home in Iowa on Wednesday last, after remaining with her parents about six week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.2
JANE DURGIN ACCIDENT AT JANESVILLE.- We regret to learn that Miss Jane Durgin, daughter of Col. E. Durgin, of this village, was thrown from her horse while contesting for the prize at the Rock County Fair, a few days ago. She was taken up insensible, but we are glad to learn that her injuries were not serious. It was, we believe, generally conceded that she would have gained the prize, but for her unlucky fall; and her reputation as a good horse woman, would alone justify the supposition. Oct. 4, 1855, Manitowoc Tribune
ALBERT DURY Branch news: Mr. Albert Dury and wife of Manchester, Iowa, are visiting their relatives at the Branch, Mr. Squirrel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 6, 1883 P. 1
W. DUSCHEK, MRS. Clark's Mills news: A daughter of Mr. H. Hacker is dangerously ill with lung fever also Mrs. W. Duschek is suffering with the fatal disease consumption. Lakeshore Times, Feb. 23, 1886
ALEX DUSOLD Alex Dusold observed his 34th birthday on Monday. 21 Mar. 1895, Der Nord Westen
MRS. ED DUSOLD Mrs. Daniel Toomy entertained lady friends at her home on Franklin street Saturday afternoon, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Ed Dusold, who is soon to leave the city. About fifteen guests were present and the time was passed in playing that time honored favorite-cinch. Mrs. Thos. Dorey captured first prize. Refreshments were served and the affair proved highly enjoyable. May 22, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
GEO. DUSOLD A New Engine and its reception by the Torrent Company The new Engine, ordered by the Village authorities, for Torrent Engine Company No. 2, was landed on the North Pier on Saturday morning, by the Propeller Mandota. It is a fine looking Machine, with Hose Carriage attached, somewhat similar to the one now in charge of the Badger company, manufactured by the same firm, Button & Co., Watertown, N.Y. In the afternoon the Company turned out in full dress, and with a band of Music, marched to the pier, took formal possession of their Engine, and had a grand parade through the principal streets to their head quarters. They were dressed in blue jackets and caps, trimmed with red, a uniform which every one pronounced becoming appropriate and tasteful. This Company is well officered and the interest shown in it by several of our leading men of property, is an indication of its future usefulness. The names of the officers are as flollows: Michael Kuhl, Foreman; John Horst, 1st asst. Foreman; Aug. Berner 2d Asst. Forman; H. Berner, Hose Captain; J. Leykom, Assit. Captain; Carl H. Schmidt, Secretary; Geo. Dusold, Treasurer Manitowoc Herald, Wednesday, December 7, 1859 P.3
GEO. DUSOLD Geo. Dusold, one of the oldest German settlers in our city, celebrated his 80th birthday with many friends Wed. last week. 28 Jan. 1897, Der Nord Westen ******* Geo. Dusold, one of the oldest German citizens of Manitowoc, celebrated his 86th birthday on Tuesday. 22 Jan. 1903, Der Nord Westen
OLIVER DUSOLD Oliver Dusold employed by the Manitowoc Pickling Company fell from one of the company's wagons last evening and was run over, causing a dislocated shoulder. The injury though a painful one will not prove serious. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, July 22, 1904 P. 2
BERTHA J. DUVENICK Miss Bertha J. Duvenick of Clover has departed for Milwaukee and Waukesha where she will also visit with her sister, Mrs. August Pitsch, who resides there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 25, 1916 P.3
MRS. JOHN DUVENEK Friends and relatives tendered congratulations to Mrs. John Duvenek at her home on South 16th street, Friday, St. Patrick's day, the occasion being her 27th birthday anniversary. Schafskopf was played, and supper served at 6 o'clock. All had a most enjoyable time. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Aug. Duvanek, Walt. Regowski, Geo. Beck, Julius Stupecky, Fred Steffen and William Steffen. Mar. 20, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOS. DVORAK (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 13 Nov.) Jos. Dvorak traveled to Los Angeles, California, last week where he will spend the winter with his daughter Mrs. F. Hoffmann. 15 Nov. 1906, Der Nord Westen
MRS. JOS. DVORAK (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 20 Mar.) Mrs. M. Fencel of Antigo, Wisconsin, along with her children, recently visited with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dvorak. 22 Mar. 1906, Der Nord Westen
GEORGE DWYER The New Grist Mill of Mr. George Dwyer is enclosed, and the Machinery is being set up. It will be in running order within 30 days. June 2, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune ******** NEW FLOUR.-Mr. Dwyer, at his Clipper City Mills, has manufactured into flour, the first new wheat brought to this market. The wheat was of excellent quality, and being run through Dwyer's Mills, of course it made the best quality of flour. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 12, 1859 P.3 ******** CLIPPER CITY MILLS.- This Mill is doing an immense business under the management of Geo. Dwyer. It runs all the time, and scores of teams may be seen there at almost any hour of the day. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, Sept. 9, 1859 P.3 ******** ACCIDENT.- On Sunday evening last, a son of Mr. Geo. Dwyer, aged four or five years, received a severe wound in his face from the kick of a horse. The little fellow suffered a great deal, but is almost well now. He bore the injury like a "major." Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 21, 1859 P.3 (From 1860 Manitowoc ward 2 census: George G. Dwyer age 28; wife Bridget Dwyer age 28; George Dwyer age 5; Kate Dwyer age 3; Michael Dwyer age 6/12/the son kicked would be George age 5)
JOHN DWYER THE TEMPLE OF JUSTICE. District attorney Schmitz appeared in court and withdrew the charged of rape preferred against John Fritsch and John Dwyer. The prisoners are held on two distinct counts, one for rape and the other for attempted rape. They have agreed to plead guilty to the last named charge and will be brought before the court to-morrow morning. The crime was committed in the town of Newton last May and the defendants have been confined in county Jail since that time. Jan. 23, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******** TWO YEARS AT WAUPUN. John Fritsch and John Dwyer Plead Quilty in Circuit Court. John Dwyer and John Fritsch, the two persons charged with attempted rape, were brought before Judge Kirwan this morning and plead guilty to the charge. The Judge sentenced them to two years each at Waupun, ????? to commence at noon today. The Herald was in error yesterday, the crime for which they were held was committed in Calumet county and not at Newton as stated in yesterday's adition (sic).(Remainder is unreadable.) Jan. 24, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********* TAKEN TO THE PEN. Sheriff Lehrman and Deputies Leave With Dwyer and Fritsch in Charge. John Dwyer and John Fritsch, who pleaded guilty to a criminal charge in circuit court yesterday and were sentenced to two years in the penitentiary, are now well on their way to Waupun. Sheriff Lehrman and deputies J.C. Miller and Chas. Gruhly left with them in charge at noon to-day. The men have been confined in the county bastile since last May and when they saw that there was no escape, they asked for a chance to plead guilty. The sentence they were given is not a heavy one and both men seem satisfied. A touching scene was enacted at the jail this morning when the aged parents of the prisoners visited them. The mother of Dwyer requested that her son be allowed to have his photograph taken. The request was granted and Deputy Sheriff Meany accompanied the two men to Melenday & Packard's gallery. In bidding their parents goodbye, both of the condemned men expressed much feeling and the parting was tearful and pathetic. Jan. 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********* TRIES TO COMMIT SUICIDE. John Dwyer, a Maple Grove man aged 28 years, made four attempts at committing suicide last Friday. He was picked up in an exhausted condition in a school yard two miles west of Clarks Mills, and was taken to the city by Wm. Kiel. Dwyer first struck his head with a stone. Next he used a piece of wood. Then he tried to sever his radial arteries with a dull knife. Finally he broke a window light of the school house and, picking up a piece of glass from the shattered pane, he attempted to complete the work of putting an end to his existence. But he lost consciousness, and thus failed to accomplish his design. He was found by childen who were walking past the school yard. Help was summoned and the unfortunate man was taken to the county jail. Dwyer served a short term in Waupun several years ago. He was convicted of assault and sentenced to the the state's prison for two years. But, after having served for about a year, he was pardoned by Gov. Schofield.Dwyer said that he desired to end his life because of ill health. After being examined at the jail by a physician, he was removed to the Holy Family hospital. He is expected to recover. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 24, 1906 P. 1
(NO NAME) DYACK ACCIDENT.- A young man named Dyack was knocked down on Sunday last by a pair of runnaway (sic) horses and one of them stepped on his face inflicting an ugly wound. He was attended by Dr. Zielley and we learn is doing well. May 15, 1856, Manitowoc Tribune
MAT DZWINNEL FORMER TWO RIVERS WOMAN IS ORDERED BY COURT TO GIVE UP CHILDREN TAKEN FROM ORPHANAGE Milwaukee courts yesterday granted an order directing Stella Dzwinnel, a former Two Rivers woman, to surrender the custody of her two children, aged 4 and 3, to her husband. Mat Dzwinnel and the children were brought here last night and are with their father at Two Rivers. The petition for custody of the children alleged that the mother was not a proper person to have charge of them. Mrs. Dzwinnel recently instituted action for divorce and after the father had placed the children in an orphanage, the mother secured a court order for their possession and removed them. Dzwinnel, learning of the woman's action, filed a petition with the court for custody of the children. Attorney L.W. Ledvina represented the father in the proceedings and accompanied the children from Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 30, 1915, Page 1