[ Home]

ED GAEDKE Ed. Gaedke, who is to leave the city to accept a position at Detroit, Mich, tendered his friends a stag party at the Ed. Endries hotel and cafe Sunday night. A duck diner was served at 10 o'clock. Mr. Gaedke is to be employed by the Packard auto concern in the testing department. His friends all wish him success in his new venture. Feb. 15, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JABEZ GAGE Jabez Gage shot and killed his mother-in-law and was indicted for murder. Feb. 9, 1860, Manitowoc Herald

JOE GAGNON Two Rivers news: Joe Gagnon, a lad employed in the sash factory, on Friday last received a wound in the side from a knife in the hands of a companion and fellow-workerman with whom he was playfully scuffling. The young fellow bled quite profusely from the wound, and it was at first thought that the accident might result fatally, but he has now so far recovered as to be past all danger. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4

JOE GAGNON Two Rivers news: Last Thursday evening Joe Gagnon and Henry Hittner two lads about fifteen years of age, being dissatisfied with life at this place, picked up their duds and left for parts unknown. As Hittner has as (sic) a uncle in Cincinnati, it is supposed they directed their course to that city whither James Hittner started Saturday morning to capture the fugitives if possible. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

JOSEPH GAGNON Two Rivers news: Joseph Gagnon one of our city aldermen and John Lafond Sr. moved their families to Sheboygan last Saturday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.2

JOHN GAGNON (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 11 Apr.) 3 young men from here, John Gagnon, Wm. Waskow, and Ole Olson have taken positions with the lifesaving station in Chicago, and moved there recently. 13 Apr. 1905, Der Nord Westen

PAUL GAGNON Two Rivers Section: GAGNON BOY RUN DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE Darting out from the sidewalk while at play in front of his home on Thirteenth street near Hawthorne avenue early last evening, the seven year old son of Paul Gagnon, 20?? Thirteenth street was run over by a car owned and driven by Willard Merrill, 2200 Twelfth street. The Gagnon boy was run over by one wheel of the Chrysler car, his head and neck being injured and he was carried into his home nearby and physicians summoned. They at once rushed the lad to the hospital at Manitowoc where an X-ray examination was made to determine how serious the lad's hurts were. Witnesses of the accident hold that Merrill was not to blame as the Gagnon boy rushed out from the curb before the driver could stop the car. Paul Gagnon, father of the injured boy is employed as an elevator operator at Plant No. 4 of the Goods Co. here, having suffered the loss of an arm in the Goods plant a number of years ago. Manitowoc Herald News | Wednesday, June 27, 1928 | Page 11

PETER GAGNON Two Rivers news: Peter Gagnon, engineer of the tug M.A. Gagnon, came here from Sheboygan on Friday evening, where the tug is now engaged in towing dump scowes for the Government dredge, to spend a few days with his family. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1

PETER GAGNON Two Rivers news: Peter Gagnon of this place was called to Chicago on Wednesday last to attend the funeral of a relative who died in that city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

PETER GAGNON Peter Gagnon Esq. was elected city treasurer by the Common Council, last week to fill the place vacated by John Ottow, deceased. He is well worthy of the office. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.2

PETER GAGNON, SON OF A son of Dr. Hittner and a son of Peter Gagnon, both of Two Rivers, were found to have run away to Cincinnati last Thurs. morning. Young Hittner has relatives there and the two 15-old boys wanted to visit them, leaving their parents somewhat anxious. Later, both boys were brought back. 15 Apr. 1886, Der Nord Westen

URBAIN GAGNON Two Rivers news: Urbain Gagnon of this city, left a short time ago to engage as clerk, in Schuette's store, in Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4

URBAIN GAGNON Urbain Gagnon who has been spending the time since the explosion in Ledyard taking care of his brother was in town Saturday. He reports his brother improving, though yet in a critical condition. He returned Saturday p.m. to Ledyard. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4

WM. GALE Our old friend Wm. Gale has sent us a circular with the information that he has gone into business in Sandwich, Ills. His many friends wish him success where ever he may go. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3

ED. GALLAGHER Ed. Gallagher of Meeme, was in the city to-day with a large load of hogs. He says pork brings a good price now. Oct. 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN GALLAGHER Close Call.- One week ago last Monday, John Gallagher, one of our young townsmen, while in the lumber woods, near Green Bay, had a very narrow escape from instant death. While he was chopping, a limb some 15 feet long and over three inches in thickness struck him on the top of his head, knocking him down and a large hole in his head. He was brought home and is now under medical treatment, improving rapidly. Feb. 1, 1872, Manitowoc Tribune

MICHAEL GALLAGHER On Monday, Michael Gallagher, the well-known Liberty farmer, left for Chicago, in answer to a telegram announcing the death of his step brother, in that city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.1

THOMAS GALLAHER Want news of John Gallaher, of the Parish of O'Gonoloe; when last heard from was in Lookout, Missouri. Information will be thankfully received by his brother Thomas, Cooperstown, Manitowoc Co. Wis. 18 July 1857 From classified information wanted ads in The Irish-American-published weekly in New York City. The ads were used to try to locate relatives who entered America in 1849 during the exodus from Ireland. There are microfilmed copies of the original newspapers available at the New York State Library and the New York Public Library.

JAMES GAMMEL James Gammel stabbed a man (John Higgins) in the heart on 8th st. Oct. 17, 1857, Manitowoc Herald ******** James Gammel indicted for murder. Nov. 7, 1857, Manitowoc Herald

AUG. GANZ JR. Aug. Ganz Jr., one of Franklin's prominent men, dropped in to see us on Monday and deposited the usual fee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1

AUGUST GANZ August Ganz, of Franklin, and George Goldie, Sr. of the town of Newton, are now American citizens, having been granted full rights of citizenship, Judge Kirwan to-day. June 27, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN GAREY John Garey, a former Liberty man, who is a member of the fire department at Chicago and a lieutenant, rescued three children from the third floor of a burning house on Jackson boulevard in that city. Lieut. Garey mounted a ladder and climbed into the smoke filled room and carried the children to safety down the ladder. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 13, 1916 P.3

CAPT. HANK GARFIELD Capt. Hank Garfield, a resident of Manitowoc in old pioneer days and a Capt. in the 6th Wisconsin in war times is now residing at Shawano. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

MRS. G.G. GARRY Meeme news: Mrs. G.G. Garry, of Liberty, who has been visiting friends and viewing the exposition in the metropolis of the west, returned home recently. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 4

OLE GARTHUS Gibson news: Ole Garthus sold his small farm for $800 and intends to visit the old country in the near future. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

WILLIAM GATERMANN LOCAL MAN GIVEN $10,000 IN DEATH BED WILL OF ROOMER Beneficiary by the death bed will made by Robert A. Wilson, formerly head of the finishing department of the Invincible Metal Furniture company of this city, William Gatermann, Washington street, will receive $10,000 from the estate of the dead man. The will, which was drawn a few hours before Mr. Wilson's death at the Deaconess hospital at Milwaukee, provided a bequest of $1,000 to the hospital and that the residue of the estate, valued at $10,000 go to Mr. Gatermann, this city. Mr. Wilson came here from Monroe, Wis., with the Invincible company and while here had rooms at the Gatermann home. When he became ill at Milwaukee and physicians said that there was no hope of his surviving he sent for Mr. Gatermann who remained with him until the end and took charge of the funeral held at Monroe. The decedent was formerly a resident of Virginia and separated from his wife some years ago. He said he made a settlement of $40,000 on her when they separated. One daughter resides at Mt. Vernon, Ia., and he has a son at the Boston Conservatory of Music but is said to have been estranged from his children. Mr. Gaterman is a well known business man of the city and is an officer of the Wisconsin Aluminum company. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Mar. 13, 1915, Page 1

AUGUSTA GATES Miss Augusta Gates departed for Milwaukee this morning where she has accepted a position and will make her future home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 17, 1916 P.3

WILL GATES Mr. Will Gates one of the Cato cheese millionaires visited Sheboygan last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.4

MINNIE GAUGER Cooperstown news: Mrs. Lena Kohn has returned from Greenstreet where she spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Gauger. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 15, 1916 P.4

HENRY GAUKHOFF Henry Gaukhoff left us on Thursday last. He goes to Colman, Ala., where he owns some real estate. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4

ADOLPH GAUTHIER Adolph Gauthier celebrated his 47th birthday on Thursday in the company of relatives and acquaintances at a party with plenty of music, food and beverages. 11 June 1908, Der Nord Westen

ANTON GAUTHIER Some kids in Two Rivers found a gold coin in the Indian burial ground with the inscription “Carlos Dei Gratia 1783”. Anton Gauthier of the life rescue station bought it from them. 09 Sept. 1897, Der Nord Westen

D. GAUTHIER D. Gauthier has been appointed keeper for the Two Rivers harbor light. He has been assistant at the light house on Two Rivers' Point. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1

FRANK GAUTHIER Calls The Coast Guard To Halt Boys In Boat Wilbur Thompson and Earl Spaeth, both 13, were on a little hiking trip to Two Rivers Saturday afternoon. They were proceeding along the beach and when a little more than half way the trip became wearysome. They spied a small skiff drawn on the shore with oars handy. It belonged to Frank Gauthier, of the Moonlight Inn. The pair shoved off and headed for the Two Rivers piers. But Mr. Gauthier scanning the horizon with his trusty binoculars spied the boys but was more concerned about his boat. He telephoned the coast guard at Two Rivers. Capt Staal and his men responded and soon came up with the boys. The boat was returned to its resting place on the beach. Gauthier gave the boys a lecture on the benefits of walking and the boys were sent back to their homes here with orders to finish their hikes on foot in the future. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, April 14, 1930 P.13

MABEL GAUTHIER Marriage licenses have been issued by County Clerk Auton to the following: John Hennes and Mabel Gauthier, both of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 2, 1916 P.3

MARY GAVIN Mary was shot by hunter near Appleton. 14 Oct 1858, Manitowoc Herald

LOUIS GAY Fred Plocekelman, a Gibson man is in court today as defendant to two charges of assault and battery, the complaining witnesses being Ed. Wilson and Louis Gay. The three men were members of a threshing crew and Ploeckelman and Gay had trouble which Wilson sought to settle. The case is being heard by a jury with three attorneys appearing, Sedgwick, and Adolph Chloupek for the plaintiff and Craits for the defense. The hearing will be finished today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, October 21, 1903 P. 2 ******** In Municipal court the jury hearing the Ploeckelman case Saturday evening returned a verdict holding the defendant guilty of the assault on Ed Wilson. An appeal of the case has been taken. This was the second action against Ploekelman, he having been discharged on the first count in the case brought by Louis Gay. All parties are residents of Gibson. The court's sentence in the last case was a fine of $10 and costs which amounted to a considerable sum, there having been a large number of witnesses. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, October 26, 1903 P. 2

MIKE GEBHARDT Louis Zander and August Weilep have both made extensive additions to their stable room. Found it necessary to accommodate their rapidly increasing customers. Also our old time friend, Mike Gebhardt has built a large stable on Jefferson Street; and Christ. BERGER, not to be behind in this age of improvement, has partitioned off Washington Hall, and can now accommodate twenty or thirty more boarders. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), Aug. 27, 1872

MIKE GEBHARDT (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 18 May) Mike Gebhart, an old and well-known resident of Two Rivers, is celebrating his 81st birthday today. 21 May 1903, Der Nord Westen ******** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 22 May) Mike Gebhardt, a pioneer settler here and a widower for many years, celebrated his 82nd birthday on 18 May in Lake House. 32 friends helped him celebrate and there was plenty of music…. 25 May 1905, Der Nord Westen

HENRY GEBHART Two Rivers news: Henry Gebhart has put up a new awning in front of his drugstore to the great relief, no doubt, of the numerous loungers who make this place their headquarters. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

HELEN GEER Miss Helen Geer is home from the university at Madison for a viist (sic) with her parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1916 P.2

ARTHUR GEERDTZ Arthur Geerdtz, who conducts a confectionery store at Fifteenth and Clark streets is to branch out and has taken over the former Heidemann store on Washington street and will operate both stands. Mr. Geerdtz and family will make their home at the Washington street store. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 4, 1916 P.3

FRANK GEHBE Ed. Jewel has bought Frank Gehbe's residence on Jay street, and will soon move into it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1

FRANK GEHBE Clarks Mills news: Mr. Frank Gehbe of Cato was busy putting up a good supply of ice the past week which is a certain sign that the high license will not prevent there being at least 3 saloons in the town of Cato as Mr. F. Willinger as well as Mrs. E. Ohde have also put up ice. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

FRANK GEHBE Next Saturday there will be a grand ball at Frank Gehbe's who is now located at Cato. C.E. Feiker recently sold him a fine organ and this together with VanCamp's band, will "discourse sweet music," on the occasion above referred to. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1

G. GEHLINGS G. Gehlings, of St. Nazians (sic) is establishing quite a reputation as manufacturer of Holland Cheese. He brings from 150 to 200 pounds to the city every week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1

GOTTLIEB GEHRKE Gottlieb Gehrke, formerly of the firm of Keil & Gehrke of this city, has gone to Germany to visit old scenes and renew old associations. It is currently rumored that he will not return alone. Mr. Gehrke sailed for New York yesterday. Nov. 16, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

FRANK GEIMERY Gibson news: The cheese factory in the Burtt neighborhood has been sold to Frank Geimery Cooperstown, who will run it next season. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

IDA GEISLER Miss Ida Geisler celebrated her 15th birthday at her home on South Thirteenth street. An enjoyable afternoon was passed and the lady was the recipient of many gifts. Feb. 14, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CHARLES GELBKE Mr. Charles Gelbke observed his 65th birthday on Mon. and received good wishes from his many friends. 27 Aug. 1903, Der Nord Westen

CHRIS GELBKE Chris Gelbke, who takes an especial interest in the matter of the finding of the anchor of the wrecked schooner Magellan, off Two Rivers recently, because he was a member of the committee of the county board which 46 years ago had charge of burial of the dead from the wreck, offers a suggestion that is timely and should be brought here and used to mark the grave of the one survivor of the wreck buried at Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Gelbke believes that the county board would be willing to place an ornamental guard or fence about the anchor and provide for lettering so that the history of the anchor would be preserved and known to coming generations. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, June 21, 1923 P. 2

JOHN GEORGE His horses drowned off the north pier. 07 Aug 1862, Manitowoc Herald

MERVIN GERALDSON The following estates were admitted to probate during the month of February, 1916: Joseph Drill; Isaac Halverson; Jacob Tossen; Morgan Connell; Mervin Geraldson; Ernst Vogelsang; Joseph Holly; Torger K. Hougen; Sidona Boettger; Mary F. Seidl; Simon Stok; Dorothea Schmidt; Rankchild Anderson; Joseph Thalhammer; Catherine Lenerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.5

FRED GERBINSKI Workman Has His Ankle Crushed Between Cakes of Frozen Water A painful accident befell Fred Gerbinski, an employee of the Schreihart Brewing Company Friday afternoon. He is stationed in the washhouse and was unloading ice when the unfortunate happening occurred. The ice was being slid down an inclined plane and just as one piece had reached the bottom, Mr. Gerbinski placed his foot above it not noticing that another piece had commenced the descent. The latter crashed into his ankle with fearful force and the man was held prisoner until the other workman ran to his assistance. These removed the upper cake of ice and the injured man was carried into Dr. Barnstein's office. Upon examination it was found that although the injury was serious, no bones were broken and Gerbinski was then removed to his home. It is not thought that he will be back at work for several weeks. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, August 04, 1900, Page 1

MRS. JOHN GERKE Mrs. John Gerke departed for Milwaukee this morning where she will join her husband who has accepted a position in that city, and the couple will probably make their future home there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 16, 1916 P.3

FRANK GERL Mrs. Theodore Fricke departed for Green Bay this morning where she will visit her brother, Frank Gerl, who is in the hospital there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 3, 1916 P.2

ABBIE GERPHEIDE Mrs. Henry Gerpheide and daughter, Miss Abbie, leave for Chicago, tomorrow morning, and will make that city their future home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1899 P.2

AUGUST GERPHEIDE August Gerpheide left this morning for New York city where he intends to remain during the winter, and take a full course of instruction in the tailor's art, at the Cutter's Academy. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 9, 1883 P. 1

MRS. HENRY GERPHEIDE Mrs. Henry Gerpheide and daughter, Miss Abbie, leave for Chicago, tomorrow morning, and will make that city their future home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1899 P.2

HENRY GERPHEIDE Henry Gerpheide of Belen, New Mexico, a brother of Fritz Gerpheide, made the long trip here to attend the funeral of his father-in-law Bernhard Reinken and is staying in our city for several more days. 27 Aug. 1908, Der Nord Westen

HENRY J. GERPHEIDE To-day is the forty-sixth birthday of Henry J. Gerpheide. He is celebrating in a very quiet manner at home, owing to his delicate health. May 5, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. AUGUST GERPHEIDE William Wetenkamp, a former resident of our city, was getting aboard a streetcar in Chicago recently, fell and fractured his skull. His condition is quite critical. It is amazing that a brother and a sister of his have also suffered accidents recently. Last week Charles Wetenkamp broke his leg in an accident in the locomotive shed and Mrs. August Gerpheide broke her leg a few weeks ago when she fell entering her kitchen. 17 Jan. 1901, Der Nord Westen

MRS. HENRY GERPHEIDE Judge Geo. Perkins, of Fond du Lac, is in the city on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Henry Gerpheide. Apr. 14, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

EDGAR GESELL NAMES OF TWO RIVERS BOYS IN DAY’S CASUALTY Two names of Two Rivers boys are in the casualty lists of the war department today. William Albert Kocian, of that city, being named among the “missing in action” while the name of Edgar Gesell is listed among the number of those wounded severely in action. Both men were probably engaged in the closing battles of the war as the lists issued today are for a period covering late October or early November and Gen. Pershing reported that the last of the casualties would be forwarded by December 20 to 27. Kocian, reported missing, resides near Two Rivers while Gesell, wounded is a native of the city. The latter is about 19 years of age. Dec. 21, 1918, Manitowoc Herald News

A.C. GIBSON Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.-Michael Mahoney against George Rice, Albert Journey, Benjamin Symes, W.W. Young, A.C. Gibson, and Marshall Morse. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 3d day of November, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale. All the following described premises situate in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, to wit: Lot number six, (6) in block number one hundred and sixty six, (166). Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1850. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

MRS. GIBSON Miss Gibson, sister of Geo. Gibson left for Kansas yesterday morning. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1

MRS. GIBSON Branch news: Mrs. Gibson of Dacota (sic), who for the past month has been visiting relatives in the county, is unable to return on account of the railroad blockades. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 6, 1883 P. 1

CHRIS GIELOW City treasurer, Chris Gielow, is the proud possessor of a mounted white squirrel. He shot the animal last November about nine miles north of the city. White squirrels are so very rare that Mr. Gielow had this one stuffed. It is on exhibition at the Delmonico saloon. Feb. 2, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

C.A. GIELOW, MRS. Mrs. C.A. Gielow celebrated her 37th birthday on Mon. with friends and acquaintances. 27 June 1895, Der Nord Westen

WALTER GIELOW EACH SCHOOL HAS SEVEN. Graduates of South and West Side, the Same in Number Graduation exercies at the South Side High School will take place June 17, a class of seven being granted diplomas, Madge Brennan, Louise Barnstein, Bert Rockhoff, Joseph Kelley, Michael Linnane, Raymond Scheuer and Emmons Kiehl. The dates for class day, receptions and other functions of commencement week have not been fixed. At the West Side school the class of the year also numbers seven, and exercises will be held June 21. Graduates are Lizzie Handl, Evelyn Fehring, Isabelle Woods, Hugo Ingrish, Arnold Mueller, Walter Gielow and Joe Mueller. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 27, 1904 P. 1

JOHN GIERKE, MRS. (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 14 Aug.) Mrs. John Gierke celebrated her 54th birthday last Sun., 11 Aug., with a musical party with neighbors and friends. 15 Aug. 1895, Der Nord Westen

CARRIE GIGSTAD Eaton news: Miss Carrie Gigstad has gone to visit her sister at Wittenberg, Wis. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2

OLE O. GIKSTAD Eaton news: Ole O. Gikstad has purchased a lot of timber and is now ready to erect a new cheese factory. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

ANDREW GILBERTSON Liberty news: Andrew Gilbertson, a student at the Oshkosh Normal, is at home on a vacation of about two weeks. He speaks well of life at the old Normal. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1

ANDREW GILBERTSON Manitowoc County has sixteen students in the Normal School at Oshkosh, being excelled in number only by Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Kenosha and Winnebago counties. The names of the students from this county are: Martin McMahon, Osman; Oscar F. Huhn, St. Wendel; Fred W. Broer and Louis A. Kahlenberg, Two Rivers; Andrew Gilbertson, Rube; Henry Wernecke, Chas. Groth, Henry Groth, Newtonburg; J.E. Hewitt, Greenstreet; Wm. M Degenhart, Manitowoc; Lewis A. Schmitz, Herman A. Schmitz, Nordheim; Mary Brenman, Cato, Clara Wigen, Clarks Mills; Michael Mulcahey, Maple Grove; Pauline E. Heins, Kiel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3

HARRY GILBERTSON Harry Gilbertson, one of those good natured young Norwegians, whom it is always a pleasure to meet, was in town last week, and of course did not neglect to subscribe for the TIMES. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1 ******** Harry Gilbertson has become the owner of a full blooded registered Jersey male calf. We believe it is the only registered animal of that breed in the county, and will be raised for breeding purposes. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 28, 1886 P.4

ELIZABETH GILBRAITH Mrs. J. Hamacheck has returned to Two Rivers after a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbraith. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.3

H.T. GILLETT We have received a copy of the Beatrice Neb. Democrat which contains the following notice of a former Manitowoc resident: BEATRICE PORK PACKING HOUSE. H.T. Gillett the proprietor of this pork packing establishment, has had an experience at the business that covers a period of twenty-five years. He has been located in this city six months, formerly being in Wisconsin. This is an establishment which deserves copious mention at our hands. It is a good thing for the city and should be encouraged not only in words but should be patronized and sustain. This gentleman kills, cures and packs, and persons can rely upon getting pork that is free from disease, and that is perfectly pure and sweet. He also makes a specialty of sugar cured hams, bacon, picnic hams, and choice kettle rendered lard. Mr. Gillett is well pleased with the success he has had thus far, and in the near future will increase his facilities for doing busines. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4 ________________ Our readers will regret to learn that our townsman H.T. Gillett has decided to remove from the city. He will locate at Beatrice, Nebraska and go into the packing business. Beatrice gains a worthy and enterprising citizen and Manitowoc loses one. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1885 P.3

F.C. GISCH, MRS. Mrs. F.C. Gisch departed for Milwaukee where she will attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, J. Porter, which is held there today. Mrs. Gisch will remain in Milwaukee a few days before returning here. Feb. 15, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

B. GLADE, MRS. Mrs. B. Glade and her daughter, who have been visiting here a long while, left Tues. to return to their home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mrs. Glade is the daughter of Mr. Anton Vogt here and a sister-in-law of Bruno Mueller, our Registrar. One of Mrs. Mueller's daughters went along to Grand Rapids. 06 Sep. 1900, Der Nord Westen

ROSE GLANDER A large delegation of over thirty people from this city attended the Two Rivers junior prom at Two Rivers last night, a special car returning from that city at one o'clock. Most of the young people who made the journey were local high school students. E.C. Patzer and Miss Rose Glander gave a demonstration of modern and fancy dancing during an intermission, which was very favorably received. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 20, 1916 P.2

WIDOW L. GLANDT (Two Rivers corresp. 24 Jan) Widow L. Glandt underwent an operation on Friday by Dr. Greiner, assisted by other doctors. It is reported that all went well and that the patient should fully recover. 27 Jan. 1898, Der Nord Westen

MISS GLEASON Last Sunday evening about 7 o'clock smoke was seen issuing from Miss Gleason's dress making establishment and on investagation an oil stove on fire was discovered to be the cause, with rare presence of mind the persons present wrapped the stove in a carpet and carried it into the street and there the conflagration ended in smoke. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.4

MISSES GLEASON The Misses Gleason have decided to close their dress making business in this city and will remove this week to Chicago. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 1, 1886 P.1

MR. & MRS. PATRICK GLEASON Referee's Sale. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc.-Peleg Glover against Patrick Gleason and Anna Gleason. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 29th day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgement, shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cost, together with the expense of sale:-all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and descirbed as follows, to wit: The south half of the south east quarter of section number thriteen, (13) in township number twenty, (20) north of range number twenty two, (22) east. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plff's Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

FRANK GLEICH "Home, Sweet Home." news: Frank Gleich, who has been working at his trade in the northen part of the State, is seen on our streets once more. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

MARGARET GLESNER SMALLPOX AT TWO RIVERS,ONE CASE REPORTED Miss Glesner, Who Is Teacher in Schools of this City, Victim Two Rivers reports the illness, from smallpox, of Miss Margaret Glesner, of that city, a teacher in the Madison school in this city, Miss Glesner being in quarantine at her home in Two Rivers. Health department authorities there are taking every precaution to prevent a spread of the disease, Two Rivers having escaped the epidemic which swept this city. Miss Glesner was taken ill several days ago and the local school board and health authorities immediately took steps to fumigate the room of which she was in charge and to safeguard pupils. The case is said to be a mild type. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 19, 1916 P.7

ALMA GLOE SEEKS RELATIVES LOST TO HER FOR TWENTY-FOUR YEARS Mrs. Wm. Gloe, Two Rivers, Asks Aid of Chicago Paper to Locate Brother and Sister Long Missing In hope of locating a brother and sister from whom she was separated as a child 25 years ago and has never heard from, Mrs. Alma Bryant Gloe, of Two Rivers, has appealed to the Chicago papers for assistance, believing that one or both of her relatives may be in that city. Mrs. Gloe is the wife of William Gloe, an employe of the Hamilton Manufacturing company of Two Rivers. Twenty-four years ago, in 1892, when a girl of four or five, Mrs. Gloe was adopted by a family at Two Rivers when her home was broken up by death of her parents. Her brother, Chester Bryant, she believes, was adopted at Chicago and her sister, Florence, at Racine. Though Mrs. Gloe has for several years made an effort to locate her relatives by corresponding with officials of Chicago and Racine, she has been unable to gain any trace of them and at the suggestion of friends, has appealed to the newspapers for aid. The fact that she believes her brother located at Chicago led her to appeal to the Tribune of that city and the paper today contained her appeal. Mrs. Gloe is in hope that if either her brother or sister is located they may be able to tell the whereabouts of the other. Feb. 25, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ARCHIE GLOE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 10 Sep.) As we reported last week, Archie Gloe traveled to Milwaukee with his father and underwent an appendectomy. Word is that it was successful, and although he must remain in hospital for a while, he will be able to come home soon. The English language press reported that he was operated on in Oshkosh, which is incorrect. 13 Sep. 1906, Der Nord Westen ******** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 01 Oct.) Archie Gloe, who recently underwent an operation in Milwaukee, returned here last week. He said he must take it easy for another couple of months but is permitted, since he is a musician, to blow his trumpet. 04 Oct. 1906, Der Nord Westen

AUGUST GLOE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 21 Dec.) August Gloe celebrated his 48th birthday Sun. in the company of relatives and friends. 24 Dec. 1903, Der Nord Westen

DAU. OF AUGUST GLOE A small daughter of August Gloe in Two Rivers, who has been suffering with whooping cough for a long time, was recently taken to Milwaukee for x-rays. 22 Oct. 1903, Der Nord Westen

HARRY GLOE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 21 Apr.) A young lad named Harry Gloe, son of August Gloe, ran away recently and no one knows where he is. His trail was followed as far as Cooperstown where he spent the night at a farmers but has since been lost. 24 Apr. 1902, Der Nord Westen

TWINS OF AUGUST GLOE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 07 Sep.) A surprise party was held last Fri. in the residence of August Gloe for the 16th birthday of his twin sons. Mr. Gloe is a musician, as are his boys. One plays the coronet, the other the violin. Actually, Mr. Gloe has 4 sons and a daughter, all of whom are musicians. For the celebration 60 young people were invited to a dance held in Washington House. 10 Sep. 1903, Der Nord Westen

WILLIAM GLOE TWO RIVERS IS SCENE OF COSTLY BENZINE BLAST (Special to Press/Telegram) Two Rivers - A benzine explosion in the No. 1 plant of the Aluminum Goods company at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening did serious damage in the plant and burned three employees. The injured: John Bornesky - burns about face and eyes. James Teche - face, hair and hands burned. William Gloe - slightly burned. Benzine is employed in cleaning aluminum. Fortunately the amount on hand on the floor was relatively small or the damage would have been serious, probably fatal to many of the 45 employes in the room. The force of the explosion can be seen by the fact that the steel window frames in the room were blown out and twisted. The room measures 60 x 120 feet and windows on all sides were affected. 14 Feb. 1923, Sheboygan Press-Telegram

WILLIE GLOE (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 07 Jan.) Willie Gloe celebrated his 19th birthday on Sun. 10 Jan. 1901, Der Nord Westen

MRS. FRANK GLOMSKI Silver Lake news: Mrs. Frank Glomski spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Kodet. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, February 26, 1916 P.4

ALICE GLOVER Mrs. Alice Glover arrived in the city this morning. She is a sister of Mrs. H.F. Hubbard. July 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

COL. GLOVER Mr. David Warren is Master builder of Col. Glover's new building of which we have before spoken, and which is nearly ready for the roofing. The walls are a sufficient evidence of his skill as a competent workman, and those who desire to get work of this kind, will do well to examine them. Sept. 27, 1855, Manitowoc Tribune

GEORGE S. GLOVER Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.-George S. Glover against Willowby Liskum, Mary Liskum, Daniel D. Hammond, and Theodore C. Shove. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgement rendered in said court, in the above entilted action, dated the 31st day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale.-All those certain pieces of parcels of land lying and being situate in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and known and described as follows, to wit: The sourth west quarter of the north east quarter of section number twenty nine, (29) in town nineteen, (19) range twenty one (21) east, and the north west quarter of the north east quarter of section twenty nine, (29) in town nineteen, (19) range twenty, (21) east; also the east half of the north west quarter of section number thrityone, (31) town nineteen, (19) range twenty two, (22) east. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

JAMES GLOVER In Justice court, Manitowoc County-Town of Manitowoc. TO F.M. BOUCHER-You are hereby notified, that a warrant of attachment has been issued against you, and your property attached to satisfy the demand of James P. Glover, amounting to seventy nine 13-100 dollars. Now unless you shall appear before George N. Woodin, a Justice of the Peace, in and for said county, at his office in said town, on the 29th day of August, A.D., 1859, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Judgment will be rendered against you, and your property sold to pay the debt. Dated this 23th day of July, A.D. 1859 James P. Glover, Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3 ******** Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.-James P. Glover ag't William Morgan and Elizabeth Morgan. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 29th day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auciton, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the follwoing described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale. All that cetain piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and described as follows, to wit: The north half of the east half of the north east quarter of section number thirty two, (32) in township number nineteen, (19) north of range number twenty two, (22) east, containing forty acres of land, more or less. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3 ******** Referee's Sale. Circuit court, County of Manitowoc.- James P. Glover ag't Martin McKeough. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 29th day of October, 1859, I, Bartholomew J. Van Valkenburge, Referee appointed in said judgement, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cost, together with the expense of sale. All that certain portion, parcel, or tract of land lying and being in the town of Manitowoc Rapids, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and described as follows, to wit: All of that part of the north east quarter of section number fourteen, (14) in township nineteen, (19) north of range number twenty three (23) east, which lies north of the road commonly called the Manitowoc and Menasha Plank Road. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. B.J. Van Valkenburgh, Referee. Wm. N. Nichols, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

PELEG GLOVER In Justice Court. Manitowoc county-Town of Manitowoc. TO F.M. BOUCHER-You are hereby notified that a warrant of attachment has been issued against you, and your property attached to satisfy the demand of Peleg Glover, amounting to forty six 89-100 dollars. Now unless you shall appear before George N. Woodin, a Justice of the Peace, in and for said county, at his office in said town, on the 29th day of August, A.D. 1859, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, judgement will be rendered against you and your property sold to pay the debt. Dated this 28th day of July, A.D., 1859. Peleg Glover, Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3 ******** Referee's Sale. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc.-Peleg Glover against Patrick Gleason and Anna Gleason. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 29th day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgement, shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cost, together with the expense of sale:-all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and descirbed as follows, to wit: The south half of the south east quarter of section number thriteen, (13) in township number twenty, (20) north of range number twenty two, (22) east. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plff's Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

MARY GOCKEY A marriage license was issued today to H.J. Host of Two Rivers and Miss Mary Gockey of the same place. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, July 24, 1900 P. 2

IRVIN GOEL (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 15 May) 2 boys, August Biel and Irvin Goel, have disappeared from here and no one knows where they are. August tried the life of a tramp once before, and possibly he persuaded Irvin to go with him this time. They took no money with them. 18 May 1905, Der Nord Westen

ADDIE GOEDJEN Miss Addie Goedjen is home from Milwaukee to spend a few days. She is attending school in the Cream city. Feb. 11, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

HENRY GOEDJEN Cooperstown news: Hon. Henry Goedjen was unanimously re-elected Chairman of the County Board. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 24, 1892

HETTIE GOEDJEN (Shortly after midnight on Sunday, 21 July, the passenger liner S.S. Columbia was struck by another ship in the fog several miles off Shelton Cove, California, and sank with considerable loss of life. It was on its way from San Francisco to Portland. Three public school teachers from Manitowoc County were aboard – Miss Hettie Goedjen, daughter of Henry Goedjen, and Miss Julia Matek, daughter of Mrs. K. Matek, both of Manitowoc, and Miss Frances Schroeder, daughter of Peter Joseph Schroeder of Two Rivers. They had gone to Los Angeles on 01 July to attend a national teacher’s convention and had joined many others in the postconvention cruise. This and subsequent editions of Der Nord Westen carry news that Misses Goedjen and Matek had been saved, but that Miss Schroeder was missing and that her brother Peter had departed for San Francisco to investigate. (She was never found.) 25 July 1907, Der Nord Westen

CHARLES GOESSEL A calf having six fully developed legs was born on the farm of Chas. Goessel of Gibson last week and lived three days. The calf was like other calves except that it had four hind legs, two of them being the reverse of the natural shape. Mr. Goessel tried to raise the calf but it did not seem to care to go through life on six legs. It was brought to Two Rivers and Mr. C. Pahlkoetter of that city, a skilled taxidermist, will stuff its skin. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 1 ************* A 6-legged calf was born on the farm of Charles Goessel in Town Gibson last week, but it only lived 3 days. 04 Apr. 1901, Der Nord Westen

SON OF JOHN GOETHGE On Wed. evening last week a 9-yr. son of farmer John Goethge in Town Liberty was leading one of his father's horses to drink when the young animal started thrashing to and fro. Regrettably, a hoof struck the boy in the face, breaking his cheekbone and inflicting deep wounds in the forehead. The boy fell to the ground unconscious and was promptly brought to Manitowoc for medical attention. 02 Mar. 1899, Der Nord Westen

MARIAN GOETZ Miss Marian Goetz has returned from Milwaukee where she has been employed in a wholesale milinery establishment for several months. Miss Goetz spent a week at Chicago before returning to this city where she has been engaged as trimmer at the Tauscheck Milinery for the season. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.3 ******** Miss Marian Goetz is at Chicago to attend the mid-summer millinery opening at the wholesale houses in those cities, in the interests of the Taushek millinery. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 9, 1916 P.3

FRANCIS GOETZLER His two horses fell of the pier and drowned. 02 Sep 1854, Manitowoc Herald

MRS. GOETZLER Mrs. Goetzler, sister of Mr. Carl Esslinger, last week had the misfortune of falling and breaking an arm. The break is not complex, but is made so by the fact that the lady has reached the advanced age of 87 yrs., an age when any break heals slowly and must be considered dangerous. 19 Dec. 1889, Der Nord Westen

VALENTIN GOETZLER A joyous family gathering was held on Thurs. last week in the home of our wellknown building contractor, Valentin Goetzler. It was his 80th birthday, so the entire family attended - children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Even the far-off daughters were there: Mrs. Thekla Buegler of New York, Mrs. Helena Germanshausen of Milwaukee, and Sister Dolorosa, who used to work in the operating room of Holy Family Hospital here but is now at a hospital in Zanesville, Ohio. Four generations of the Goetzler family were represented. 18 May 1905, Der Nord Westen

VALENTINE GOETZLER The contract for building the new Catholic church in this city has been let to Messrs. Pat Kelley and Valentine Goetzler of this city and Mr. Hoffman of Appleton. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4 ******** Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Germersheusen (sic) are here from Milwaukee to spend a week at the home of Mr. Germershausen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Goetzler. Mrs. Goetzler celebrated her ninethieth birthday anniversay last Saturday and several friends and relatives gathered to congratulate her. In spite of her advanced age, Mrs. Goetzler retains the use of all her faculties and assists in the housework at the home. Mr. Goetzler is also in good health, having recently made a trip to New York, unaccompanied. Friends extend wishes for a continuation of the couple's hale good health. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 18, 1916 P.3

MRS. THOMAS GOGGINS Mrs. Thomas Goggins hung herself in Franklin but the suicide attempt failed. 22 Nov 1860, Manitowoc Herald

GEORGE GOLDIE, SR. August Ganz, of Franklin, and George Goldie, Sr. of the town of Newton, are now American citizens, having been granted full rights of citizenship, Judge Kirwan to-day. June 27, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. JOHN GOLDIE Mrs. John Goldie and daughter, Caroline are at Sheboygan to spend a few days with relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.3

ABEGAIL AND HATTIE GOLDING The Misses Abegail and Hattie Golding, of Chicago, are spending a few days with their parents here. Nov. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

LADDIE GONIA Laddie Gonia, of Two Rivers, a young man 17 years of age, about a month ago discovered that the sight of one eye was failing, but before anything could be done the sight of that eye was entirely gone. Desirous of retaining the sight of the other eye, he sought the services of a specialist, but although everything was done the news has just reached his parents that the sight of the remaining eye is also gone. June 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********* Laddie Gonia, 18-yr. old resident of Two Rivers who lost the sight in one eye and went to Milwaukee to consult with a specialist, is now also blind in the other eye 06 July 1899, Der Nord Westen

JOHN GOOS John Goos celebrated his 30th birthday on Tuesday. 07 Nov. 1895, Der Nord Westen

GORDON, MRS. WANTED: Competent girl for general housework, good wages to right party; Mrs. Gordon, corner of State and Fifth streets. Mar. 29, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

J.P. GORDON John Gordon, father of J. P. Gordon, formerly of this city, died very suddenly at Buffalo Wednesday evening of heart failure. Mr. Gordon was for many years manager of the Hill Steamboat Interest and also employed in service of the Goodrich Transportation Company. He was well known to marine men and had visited Manitowoc on several occasions. His son is now a resident of Vancouvar, B.C. Jan. 4, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald

WILLIAM R. GORSLINE William R. Gorsline (Judge) left for gold fields. 27 Sep 1860, Manitowoc Herald

MR. GRABO Messrs. Guttemann & Grabo, of Manitowoc, have their new tannery so nearly completed as to be able to resume work. The building, which is located on the site of the one burned last fall, is larger and much more convenient than the old one. Guttemann & Grabo are enterprising business men, and it is to become that their future prosperity will more than make up for their past losses. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 22, 1875

ALBERT GRABO Lt. Albert Grabo of the U.S. Army, is visiting his mother here, Mrs. H. Grabo. 18 May 1905, Der Nord Westen

JOSEPH GRAEF (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 24 Aug.) A “Hunsrueck” birthday was observed here Sat. as Joseph Graef observed his 69th with over 100 guests from the surrounding area. The healthy widower, who lives with his son-in-law Charles Sayer, enjoyed the party with music, food, and drink. 27 Aug. 1896, Der Nord Westen ******* (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 30 Aug.) Mr. Joseph Graef, a 70 yr. old widower, celebrated his Hunsruecker birthday on Sat. Many of his friends in town and surrounding area, brought him their best wishes. Despite his age, Mr. Graef is quite healthy and was able to swing his dancing leg as in his youth. 02 Sept. 1897, Der Nord Westen

KATHERINE GRAHAM HARVEY GRAHAM, GENERAL AND MRS. Mrs. C. Culbertson, nee Katherine Graham, is in the city from Piper City, Ill., on a visit at the home of her parents, General and Mrs. Harvey Graham. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1901, p. 2

FRANK GRALL Threw Gasoline Into Fire, Burned Burns which at first were thought to have been serious, were sustained by Frank Grall of Whitelaw early today when an explosion occurred as Grall threw a mixture of gasoline and kerosene in a fire which he had started. Grall without thinking of the serious consequences threw the inflammables into the fire and the flames shot into his face which was burned but the burns are not of serious character. Grall was brought into the city and taken to the hospital where his injuries were attended to by a physician. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, April 28, 1921 p.9

G.F. GRAVES G.F. Graves formerly a conductor on the Lake Shore railroad, but now engaged in a saw mill up the line says that they cut over 3,000,000 feet of lumber this season. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.3

MRS. B.W. GRAY Mrs. B.W. Gray, who took one of her daughters to Milwaukee to consult an ear specialist, returned here Tues. evening. The child underwent several operations and is greatly improved. 07 May 1903, Der Nord Westen

ROBERT GRAY GOES TO JAIL TO AWAIT TRIAL. Aged Two Rivers Man Held to Answer to Circuit Court. Robert Gray, the aged Two Rivers man who is accused of robbing Albert Koeppen, a roommate at a lodging house in that city, of $28.58, must stand trial at the October term of Circuit Court, having been bound over as the result of the hearing in the case Saturday. In default of $800 bonds, Gray is in jail. The evidence against the prisoner is purely circumstancial, none of the money having been recovered. Gray attempted to conduct his own defense at the hearing but made a poor showing. But two witnesses were introduced, the bits of torn envelope which had contained the money being the chief factor in the case. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, August 10, 1903 P. 1

MRS. S.R. GRAY Mrs. S.R. Gray, wife of the rector of St. James' church, met with an unfortunate accident Sunday afternoon. She fell and sprained her knee so badly that she was confined to her bed. Apr. 4, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

T.W. GRAY T.W. Gray, of the Water Works company, is at Stevens Point. He is looking after interest of the company at that place and will return Saturday. Apr. 21, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JAY GREELEY Jay Greeley, who was here to spend Easter with his mother, has returned to Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 25, 1916 P. 3

FERDINAND GREEN J. Ferdinand Green has lately removed back to the Branch. He will have charge of the saw mill. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.2 *********** Mr. Ferdinand Green, who is putting up a saw mill in Wood county spent the Sabbath with his family. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3 *********** Branch news: The family of Ferdinand Green left last week for Wood Co. where Mr. Green has secured work for the winter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 P.2

MR. GREENMAN A DISAGREEABLE VISIT.-On Saturday night, the residence of Mr. Greenman, about fourteen miles west of here, was visited by a huge bear, who deliberately placed his fore paws on the window sill of Mr. G's bed-room, awaking him from his slumbers. Supposing the animal to be a cow, Mr. Greenman went to his door to drive it away, when he again met Bruin, and having no other weapon than a jack plane, he threw it at him. The bear apparently decamped, but the loss of three fine shoats in the morning assured Mr. G. that his pig-pen had also been examined by his visitor. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.3

FELIX GREENWOOD Two Rivers news: A number of our fishermen have got their nets this fall in the vicinity of Clay Banks and have had remarkably fair success, a number of large hauls having been made of late. Felix Greenwood and the Safford boys both came in, despite the rough weather of the past week, with their boats well loaded. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1

HARRY GREENWOOD Celebration of the "Glorious Fourth" has left some results. Harry Greenwood has one hand in a bandage from holding an exploding firecracker. 11 July, 1901, Der Nord Westen

MOSE GREENWOOD Mishicott news: Mose Greenwood purchased Mrs. La Plant's place last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1

MOSES GREENWOOD Mishicott news: Moses Greenwood, who has spent the winter in the lumber camps of Oconto, came home on Thursday last. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4 ***** Mishicott news: Moses Greenwood struck a big bonanza a few days since. He captured four young foxes. He is undecided whether he had better kill them, for the bounty for which the State so generously offers, or make an effort to dispose of them alive. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4

WILLIAM GREENWOOD, MRS. MAY COST HER LIFE. Mrs. William Greenwood, Mishicot injured in Runaway Accident. Fatal injuries may have been inflicted upon Mrs. William Greenwood, wife of a well-known farmer of Mishicot, as the result of a runaway accident Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood had been in the village and while on their way home the team became frightened and ran away. The woman was thrown from the wagon and was picked up unconscious, badly bruised and with injuries of a serious nature to the head. Upon being removed home and on examination it was found that the injuries sustained are most severe and gravest fears are now entertained for her recovery. Misfortunes have piled upon the family in rapid succession of late years. The husband is a cripple, injured several years ago, and is unable to attend to the farm work, much of which has devolved upon the wife. Mrs. Greenwood is 55 years of age and is known in the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 18, 1901, p. 1

HERMAN GREINKE Herman Drefke and Herman Greinke departed for Cleveland, O., this morning, where they have accepted positions with the large Kunz Manufacturing concern there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P. 3

THOMAS GRETZ Thomas Gretz, foreman of the J.G. Johnson company, was painfully injured yesterday while unloading ice at the Cudahy icehouse on Washington street. In attmepting to move a heavy chopping table which was in the way, the heavy block slipped from the supports which were defective and dropped upon Mr. Gretz's foot, crushing three toes. He was removed to his home where the injured foot was dressed and he will be laid up for several days. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 13, 1916 P.6

MR. GREVE A NEW MANUFACTURING FIRM. Messrs. Greve and Falge have formed a copartnership and are building a sash and blind factory on Commercial street at the river bank, North side. The main building will be two stories high and have a floor area of 30 by 70. There will be an engine room 21 by 30 ft. The machinery which is in Mr. Greve's present factory will be removed to the new building and important additions are to be made there too. The building will be pushed with energy and will be ready for use by the first of October. The enterprise is in experienced hands and will be a success. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.3

CARL GREVE Carl Greve, of Chicago, visited his parents in this city last week. He seems to be enjoying health and prosperity. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 30, 1883 P. 1

CARL GREVE Kiel news: Mr. Carl Greve left to take charge of a school in Brothertown. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.2

HENRY GREVE Dr. Schweichler wishes to inform the public that he will be ready hereafter to receive patients at his new office and residence, corner 8th and Washington Sts., opposite the Court House. Having lately purchased the place from Mr. Henry Greve. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4

HENRY GREVE Next Sat., 29 Feb., Hubert Falge will celebrate his 15th birthday, and Henry Greve his 17th. Both must wait until 1900 for another! (Leap year) 27 Feb. 1896, Der Nord Westen

J. GREVE Kiel news: Mr. J. Greve and Mr. R. Heins started to the "far west" to make their fortunes. We hope they will meet with success in all their undertakings. Apr. 28, 1885, Manitowoc Lake Shore Times

DOC GRIDLEY Doc. Gridley returned from his hunting trip Friday night. He left the deer behind him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1

HUGO GRIEBLING Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Griebling departed for Algoma this morning to spend a few days with friends fand relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 6, 1916 P.3

ANTON GRIM FARMER STRUCK BY BIT OF IRON MAY LOSE AN EYE Anton Grim, a young farmer residing in the Town of Maple Grove, was brought to the Holy Family hospital at noon today suffering from an injury to his eye as the result of being struck by a piece of flying steel at the Koudelka blacksmith shop at Reedsville. The accident occured this morning while Grim was having some repair work done at the shop and may cost the young farmer the sight of one eye. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, August 20, 1921 p.1

AUGUST GRIMM Mr. Jos. Miller moved out of the "Miller House" last week and Mr. August Grimm of Two Rivers took possession. The hostelry has been very popular under Mr. Miller's management. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 9, 1886 P.3

JOE GRIMM Joe. Grimm, whose illness we chronicled last week succumbed to the grim spectre, death, last Wednesday and was interred in the Catholic Cemetery on Saturday. Joe was about thirty years old at the time of his death and had lived in Manitowoc since early childhood. He was one of those modest men who make little noise in this world but do their allotted share of the work quietly and contentedly. Peace to his ashes. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 1

MARGARET GRIMM Miss Margaret Grimm celebrated her birthday with a party at her home on South Twenty-fifth street Saturday evening. Appetizing refreshments were served and the occasion was one of unalloyed pleasure. Jan. 30, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

AUGUST GRIMMER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 18 Dec.) August Grimmer celebrated his 49th birthday Sat. with relatives and friends in splendid style, including music and other amusements. 21 Dec. 1905, Der Nord Westen

MRS. GRIMMER Mrs. Grimmer and son Walter made brief stop here last week while on their way to visit Miss Laura at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 7, 1884 P. 1

WALTER GRIMMER Mrs. Grimmer and son Walter made brief stop here last week while on their way to visit Miss Laura at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 7, 1884 P. 1

MRS. CHARLES GRIPPE Mrs. Charles Grippe of Two Rivers celebrated her 40th birthday Thurs. with friends. 01 July 1897, Der Nord Westen

ALBERT GRITT Reedsville news: Albert Gritt who has been spending some years in northern Montana returned home on Wednesday last, on a visit to parents. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 18, 1884 P.3

MR. GROELLE Branch news: Mr. Groelle who was engaged in the manufacture of cheese at this place, but sold out his factory last fall, is preparing to move to Unity on the Central, where he has purchased a farm, also some village property. Being a straight forward, honest man he will do well wherever he goes. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 6, 1883 P. 1

CHIEF GROFFMAN Chief of Police Groffman is at Appleton today to inspect the ambulance attachment for the patrol at that city, and will make a report to the council as to the value of the same in addition to the auto patrol to be purchased here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 3, 1916 P.3

JOHN GROHMANN (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 01 Feb.) There were many local birthdays last week – on Sat. John Grohmann observed his 55th. 04 Feb. 1897, Der Nord Westen

LOUIS GROLL LETTER FROM HIS BOY William Groll Receives the Message Written By Son in The Philippines SOLDIER REPORTED DEAD Explains Mistake Made in Identity of Comrade Bearing Same Name- Enjoying Excellent Health-Happiness The happiness that came to the home of William Groll some few days ago in the announcement that his son, L. Anthony Groll, serving with Uncle Sam's boys in the Philippines; who was reported dead, was alive, has received a joyous confirmation in a letter written by the soldier boy himself, and setting forth a detailed explanation of the manner in which the report was sent out. The error in supposition on the part of the informant of the original report, the death was natural as the young man killed bore the name of Groll. The muster rolls of the Forty-fifth Infantry, in which regiment the Manitowoc boy is serving shows the name of Louis Groll appearing twice, the only difference in enrollment being that one is Louis A. and the other Louis. The local boy was christened Anthony Louis, but in entering the army he took the second name only transposing the initial letter and thus giving rise to the similarity of names, confusing his identity with that of the comrade bearing the same name. The report of the killing of Louis Groll was in accordance with the facts in exception that it was not the Wisconsin boy who in his letter deplores the misunderstanding and expresses sorrow over the worry caused his relatives. He reports his enjoyment of the best of health and is well satisfied and happy in the service. The letter was written early in November, immediately upon his learning of the report of his death which was in circulation. This sets at rest any doubt existing as to the young man being alive and many friends will rejoice with the father in the confirmation of the glad tidings. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, December 01, 1900, Page 1

RUDOLPH GROLL Wenzel Frisch has awarded to Rudolph Groll a contract for the construction of a $1500 residence on 14th street. The plans were drawn by Architect Tegen and call for a $1500 building. Oct. 22, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN GROSS John Gross has purchased the saloon and hall of Matt Zingsheim. The Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, July 25, 1901, p. 2

ALBERT AND ANNIE GROSSHUESCH An exciting runaway occurred on South Ninth street this morning and two persons narrowly escaped serious injury. They were Albert and Annie Grosshuesch of Newton. They were driving with their cousin Albert Neuhaus of Harmon. The animal became frightened at the noise on the street and Mr. Neuhaus jumped out to hold him. He was not quick enough and the horse turned suddenly throwing the other occupants of the carriage out. Neither was hurt. The horse ran several blocks and the carriage was badly damaged. May 22, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ANNA AND OTTO GROSSHUSCH Otto Grosshusch and his cousin Anna Grosshusch, both from Newton, were in love and decided to get married. Anna's father took the position that she was too young, barely 16, so the young pair ran away. Anna came to Manitowoc where her lover works at the box factory and the two intended to head for Chicago. However, Anna's father got wind of it and stopped them. Dec. 14, 1899, Der Nord Westen

CHARLES AND A.H. GROSSPIETSCH (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 27 July) Brothers Charles and A.H. Grosspietsch from Milwaukee, accompanied by their wives, are visiting here this week and are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bohte. The visitors were born and raised here. 30 July 1908, Der Nord Westen

LAURA GROSSTUECK Miss Laura Grosstueck agreeably entertained a number of friends at her home, Sixteenth and Clark street, Saturday evening in honor of her birthday. About twelve couples were present and progressive cinch was the feature of the evening's entertainment. Mr. Herman Discher succeeded in capturing the head prize, a fancy ink stand, and the consolation trophy, a miniature cup and saucer, was awarded to Miss Linda Gerpheide. The guests departed at a seasonable hour with many well wishes for the future welfare of the charming hostess. Jan. 23, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******** Teachers of the Third and Fifth Ward schools will be entertained at the home of Miss Laura Grossteuck this evening at a farewell by the Misses Grossteuck and Laura Pitz, who are soon to sever their relations as teachers to take up studies at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago as trained nurses. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 18, 1904 P. 3

WALTER GROSSTUECK Walter Grosstueck, son of August Grosstueck, formerly employed in the drugstore of Mr. Henrichs, has accepted a position with a drugstore in Burlington, Iowa and will leave for there in a few days. 09 Mar. 1899, Der Nord Westen

AUG. GROSTUECK Aug. Grostueck (sic) opened his saloon in Klingholtz Hall Saturday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1

CHAS. GROTH Manitowoc County has sixteen students in the Normal School at Oshkosh, being excelled in number only by Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Kenosha and Winnebago counties. The names of the students from this county are: Martin McMahon, Osman; Oscar F. Huhn, St. Wendel; Fred W. Broer and Louis A. Kahlenberg, Two Rivers; Andrew Gilbertson, Rube; Henry Wernecke, Chas. Groth, Henry Groth, Newtonburg; J.E. Hewitt, Greenstreet; Wm. M Degenhart, Manitowoc; Lewis A. Schmitz, Herman A. Schmitz, Nordheim; Mary Brenman, Cato, Clara Wigen, Clarks Mills; Michael Mulcahey, Maple Grove; Pauline E. Heins, Kiel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3

HENRY GROTH Manitowoc County has sixteen students in the Normal School at Oshkosh, being excelled in number only by Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Kenosha and Winnebago counties. The names of the students from this county are: Martin McMahon, Osman; Oscar F. Huhn, St. Wendel; Fred W. Broer and Louis A. Kahlenberg, Two Rivers; Andrew Gilbertson, Rube; Henry Wernecke, Chas. Groth, Henry Groth, Newtonburg; J.E. Hewitt, Greenstreet; Wm. M Degenhart, Manitowoc; Lewis A. Schmitz, Herman A. Schmitz, Nordheim; Mary Brenman, Cato, Clara Wigen, Clarks Mills; Michael Mulcahey, Maple Grove; Pauline E. Heins, Kiel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3

HENRY GROTH Henry Groth has been obliged to give up his didactic duties in Joint district, No. 4, in this city, on account of ill health. He is now confined to his room suffering from typhoid fever. (Note: Didactic = instructing) Nov. 16, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

DAVID GROVER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 18 Dec.) David Grover celebrated his 48th birthday Wed. evening and had a large group of friends help him with the observation, filling his large house. 3 of the Gloe brothers, with their sons, provided the music. 21 Dec. 1905, Der Nord Westen

CHARLES GRUHLE Charles Gruhle has filed with the registered of deeds a plat of a new subdivision of lots that will extend from Twelfth to Fourteenth street, south of city. The plat consists of four blocks, made up of twenty four lots. The lots have been put on the market. Carl Hanson being the local agent. Grand Avenue runs through the plat. The Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, July 25, 1901, p. 2

DANIEL GRUMDICK Kossuth news: In spite of hard times a number of buildings are being put up hereabouts. John Steiner is building a large stone stable; Joe Vrany and John Heran are each building a stable and Daniel Grumdick is building an addition to his hall and otherwise improving his place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1

WILLIAM GRUN, MRS. Miss C. Hagenstein has returned to her home at Boston after spending some time here visiting her sister, Mrs. William Grun. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.3

HENRY GUELSDORF Henry Guelsdorf celebrated his 38th birthday last Sun. with friends. 20 July 1899, Der Nord Westen

MRS. ADAM GUENTER Clarks Mills news: Mrs. Adama (sic) Guenter is at Milwaukee called there by the death of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Heirb. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, November 7, 1916 P. 4

ADAM GUENTHER AGED CATO MAN HUNTED RABBITS ON VILLAGE STREETS, RESIDENTS FEARFUL OF RESULTS OF PRACTICE Adam Guenther, an aged Cato man, hunted rabbits in the village streets, though there have been no rabbits loose in Cato for years say residents of the village. Guenther’s promiscuous handling of a loaded shotgun and threats which he is said to have made against his neighbors and wife, led to his examination in probate court yesterday for sanity and his commitment to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for insane. Guenther, who is 70 years of age, is one of the older residents of Cato and for years has been sexton of the cemetery at Clarks Mills. He lives with his aged wife and for some time it is said has exhibited signs of failing mentality and Mrs. Guenther, because of his threats to do her violence, had become fearful that he might carry out the threats. The man has been supported by his son at Clarks Mills. Apr. 08, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

FRANK GUES Frank Gues is having a steam apparatus put into his residence. Beigel and Seitz are doing the work. Oct. 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN H. GUHIN Kellnersville news: John H. Guhin formerly of Maple Grove but now of Freeport, Ill. was married at Rock Island on Thanksgiving day. He afterwards paid a short visit to his parents and friends in this place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1884 P.4

STEVE GUHIN Reedsville Reporter, Steve Guhin, who has spent the past six weeks visiting his brother in Salt Lake City, Utah, returned to his home in Maple Grove Thursday. Steve says Utah is all right but "Old Wisconsin" is good enough for him. He assured his friends that the Mormons had not captivated him. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 11, 1916 P.8

CHAS. A. GUHR Chas. A. Guhr, of Nordheim has removed to Menominee, Mich., where he will reside hereafter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2

MAGGIE GUIDINGER St. Nazianz news: Maggie Guidinger is home from Oshkosh Normal School. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.2 ******** St. Nazianz news: Maggie Guidinger returned to the Oshkosh Normal School last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1

PETER GULICK Mr. Peter Gulick, now of Chicago was in the city during the week, visiting friends and relatives. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 1

HELGE GULLECKSON Helge Gulleckson lost his thumb in accident. 07 Aug 1862, Manitowoc Herald

MRS. A.W. GUMBIER Mrs. A.W. Gumbier is here from Chicago to visit her sister, Mrs. Edward Harris, and will spend several days at the Harris home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 20, 1916 P.6

GUSTAVE GUNDERSON Gustave Gunderson, a lad 18 years of age, residing on the Torrison farm at the town line road was the victim of an accident Saturday whereby he lost the middle finger of his left hand. While cleaning a muzzle load gun and unaware there was a load in it, the weapon exploded shattering the knuckle joint of the finger and making amputation necessary. He is at the hospital. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 04, 1900, Page 1

CHAS. GUNIE Two Rivers news: Chas Gunie, who was a resident of this place in the good old time, but now of La Crosse, and who has not been here for a number of years is at present visiting with is numerous friends and acquaintance of by gone days. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4

MRS. F.J. GUSE, JR. Mrs. William Dugan, of Eau Claire, is visiting in the city at the home of Mrs. F.J. Guse, Jr. Mrs. Dugan, who is a former Manitowoc girl, nee Van Nostrand, is here for the funeral of the late Mrs. G. Damler. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 11, 1916 P.3

JOHN GUSTAFSON JOHN GUSTAFSON, TWO RIVERS MAN KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT SUNDAY JOHN GUSTAFSON, 45, DEAD UNDER MACHINE WHEN AUTO COLLIDES WITH BUGGY LAST NIGHT ON STREET IN THAT CITY COMPANION IN MACHINE IS REPORTED MISSING Thrown through the windshield and caught under the fender of his machine, when the car was turned completely over as result of a collision with a buggy at Two Rivers last night, John Gustafson, a former Milwaukee man, who has resided at Two Rivers for a year, was killed. The accident, which is the third fatality due to motor vehicle accidents in the county the past three months, happened at 10:30 last night, near the city cemetery at Two Rivers. Gustafson, driving a Ford car, was en route north toward Mishicot, and collided with a buggy driven by Ernest Landt. The force of the collision, which tore a wheel from the Landt buggy turned the automobile completely over, the car being turned upright after the accident. Gustafson with his head cut and injured, ? skull was found under the fender of the car, dead. Landt was uninjured. According to reports, Gustafson had turned out to avoid the buggy and in turning back into the road struck one of the rear wheels which was torn from the buggy. The automobile was thrown completely about and it is believed turned a summersault, hurling Gustafson through the windshield to have the man caught by the fender. Report of the accident was made to the local authorities and to Coroner Falge and District Attorney Schmitz, who are at Two Rivers this afternoon and will probably call an inquest to investigate the matter. Gustafson was 45 years old and came to Two Rivers from Milwaukee some months ago, being employed at the plant of the Two Rivers Plating Works. He was unmarried and made his home at 1414 Wentker court, in that city. The dead man had operated a jitney in this city during fair week and was prosecuted for violation of the speed laws last Friday, when he was fined $10 and costs in municipal court. Police officials at Two Rivers are searching for a companion who was with Gustafson in the automobile and who is said to have disappeared after the accident. The man's cap was found near the machine and may aid in identifying him. Why the man fled from the scene is not known but will be a subject of official inquiry. Gustafson was the owner of a Ford machine and it said that complaint had been made against him for reckless driving on previous occasions. Landt, who was driving the buggy with which the Gustafson machine collided is a well known young man of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, Aug. 30, 1915, Page 1

CAPT. GUSTAVSON Capt. Gustavson, of Rapids, enlisted in the TIMES ranks last Wednesday. When we come to the history of the Fifteenth regiment, we expect considerable help from the brave veteran and are pretty sure not to be disappointed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1

CHAS. GUSTAVESON, CAPT. Capt. Chas. Gustaveson in full army uniform with his badge of service in the Mexican War with Grant on his breast, at the head of the guard of honor was one of the note worthy incidents of the procession last Sabath. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3

MR. GUTTEMANN Messrs. Guttemann & Grabo, of Manitowoc, have their new tannery so nearly completed as to be able to resume work. The building, which is located on the site of the one burned last fall, is larger and much more convenient than the old one. Guttemann & Grabo are enterprising business men, and it is to become that their future prosperity will more than make up for their past losses. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 22, 1875

GUTTMAN, MISS The Misses Guttman and Piening have gone to Frankfort, Mich. to spend a few weeks at the home of the latter's sister. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 28, 1885 P.3

MR. GUTTMAN A FLAGMAN NEEDED. Last evening as Messrs. Guttman and Bresler were taking a drive they reached the hill by Mr. Truman's around which the railroad track curves. Seeing the track clear and hearing no noise of engines they trotted down the hill. Just as they came upon the track a hand car ran into the horse breaking two of his legs. The occupants of the buggy were thrown out but not injured. This point on the track is always a dangerous one when approached from the west as the hill conceals the track from the occupants of a vehicle on the road. A flagman is kept there at the time of trains, but this accident shows a guard should be constantly stationed there. The horse was a valuable one and belonged to Cootway and Herzog. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 29, 1886 P.3

ALBERT GUTTMAN Contracts were awarded yesterday for a new home to be erected by Albert Guttman at Seventh and Park streets, the Schwantes company being awarded the contract. The new home will be brick veneered, 36 by 50. Plans were drawn by Architect Miller. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 3, 1916 P.2

MR. & MRS. GISBORP GUTZLOE Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.- Ebenezer H. Burgert and Richard W. Hurlbert ag't Gisborp Gutzloe, Maria Gutzloe, and August Baensch. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 31st day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgemnt, interest and costs, togeter with the expense of sale. All and singular the following described pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to wit: The north east quarter of the north west quarter of section number ten, (10) town number eighteen, (18) north of range number twenty three, (23) containing forty acres; also the east half of the southwest quarter of section number three (3) town eighteen, (18) north of range number twenty three, (23) containing eighty acres. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. E. Marinar, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

JAY GUYLES Jay Guyles is now to be found at the First National Bank. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 26, 1882 P. 1