CHRIST. IHLENFELD The following took out their citizen papers last week: Herman Horstmann, Christ. Ihlenfeld, John Kuhlhaneck, Peter Dinnor. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
FRANK IMLER Two Rivers news: F. Imler the popular hotel keeper of Two Creeks, is making arrangements at present, for a grand ball to take place in his hall, some time in the near future. A good time is guaranteed to all who desire to attend. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1 ******** Two Rivers news: After taking considerable testimony in the horse trading case, which was tried here a week ago, an amicable settlement was effected by the parties interested. A.J. Schmitz appeared for the prosecution, and Frank Imler for the defense. The settlement dispoesd (sic) of the opportunity which might otherwise have presented itself for the two attorneys to measure swords. We have not the slightest doubts, however, that the time will eventually arrive when Frank will have no reason to quail before the great legal giants of the county. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1 ********* Two Rivers news: F. Imler, of Two Creeks, got back from his Ohio trip on Monday of last week. He reports having found the many friends of his youth all comfortably settled in the "Buckeye State," and says that the trip afforded him the pleasantest experience that he has had since he came to the "land of the free." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 4 ******** Frank Imler, of Two Creeks, played havoc among our cigars on Saturday and now the devil looks in vain for even a stub. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1
FLORENCE INGRISCH Florence, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. V. Ingrisch is seriously ill. Jan. 26, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HUGO INGRISH EACH SCHOOL HAS SEVEN. Graduates of South and West Side, the Same in Number Graduation exercies at the South Side High School will take place June 17, a class of seven being granted diplomas, Madge Brennan, Louise Barnstein, Bert Rockhoff, Joseph Kelley, Michael Linnane, Raymond Scheuer and Emmons Kiehl. The dates for class day, receptions and other functions of commencement week have not been fixed. At the West Side school the class of the year also numbers seven, and exercises will be held June 21. Graduates are Lizzie Handl, Evelyn Fehring, Isabelle Woods, Hugo Ingrish, Arnold Mueller, Walter Gielow and Joe Mueller. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 27, 1904 P. 1
DR. AND MRS. HUGO INGRISCH Dr. and Mrs. Hugo Ingrisch were here from Milwaukee to spend Memorial day with relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1916 P.2
I. IVERSON BUILD NEW VILLAGE Manitowoc County Men Colonize at Berwick, N.D. Berwick, a little village in North Dakota, is now the home of a colony of Manitowoc county people who are investing considerable capital in the upbuilding of the place. One of the latest recruits to the Wisconsin company is T.N. Fylken, for years a well known farmer of the town of Liberty, who has disposed of his interests here and is one of the organizers of the first bank to be established in Berwick. He is also to engage in the livery business there. Martin Oppen, until recently a leading farmer of Eaton, is another Manitowoc man at Berwick and has invested in real estate. Martin Evenson, Ed Nelson and I. Iverson, who are among the leading business men of Berwick are also former Manitowoc residents. May 05, 1902, Manitowoc Daily Herald
[ J ]
HIRAM JACKSON Hiram Jackson celebrated his sixtieth birthday last Sunday. About fifty friends were present to assist the old gentleman in making the event one long to be remembered. Games were played and the occasion was one of rare enjoyment to all participants. Mar. 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HIRAM JACKSON Mrs. S.V. Ramsey, of Seattle, Wash., is in the city on a visit to her sister, Mrs. N.E. Stephenson. Mrs. Ramsey will remain for an indefinite stay and will spend considerable time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Jackson. May 11, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. J. JACKSON Mrs. J. Jackson of Chicago is here for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Jackson was formerly a resident of this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 14, 1916 P.3
MARY B. JACKSON Order for Proof of Will. (First Publication June 16th, 1885) STATE OF WISCONSIN-MANITOWOC COUNTY, ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, June 12th. A.D. 1885. In the matter of the proof and Probate of the last will and testament of Mary R. Jackson, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Mary B. Jackson deceased late of the County of Manitowoc has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Charles Luling praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore it is ordered; that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 14th day of July A.D. 1885 at ten o'clock, A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Lake Shore Times, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.4
JOHN JACOBS Two Creeks news: Mathias Krouss, who was so brutally stabbed by Ernest Land a year ago, has rented his farm at this place to his brother in law John Jacobs, and removed with his wife to Sheboygan, where he has received a position in the chair factory. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 4 ******** Two Creeks news: Another sale of a farm and all the personal property thereon has been made by John Jacobs for $1,105 to Wenzel Kucera who immigrated from Bohemia to this place about a month ago. Jacobs has been appointed to fill the position of manager of G. Phister's farm at this place which has been vacated by the removal of Thos. Nickelson to Chilton, where he has received a more desirable position. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4
JULIUS JACOBSEN Valders news: The Farmers’ institute held here last Thursday and Friday was very well attended. Quite a number of ladies also attended Miss Maxwell’s cooking school which was held at Jonas’ hall. The following are some of those who received prizes at the institute: Fred Kieselhorst for the heaviest man attending; Mrs. F. Kieselhorst for the heaviest woman; Miss Mabel Hougen for the tallest lady; Henry Harvey for the lightest farmer; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halvorson for heaviest married couple; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knutson for lightest married couple; Christian Reinartson for the best team of drivers; Hy Hougen for the best team of draft horses; for guessing the nearest number of peas in a bottle, Louis Horstman, Jr.; oldest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuschel; for buying the most merchandise at L. Commings store, John Luebke; for the largest load of people, Wm. Busse; for the best sample of barley raised in 1914; first prize Julius Jacobsen, second Otto I. Berge; tallest man attending the institute was a tie between Alfred Christianson and Thos. O. Thompson; walking furthest to institute also resulted in a tie between Isaac Hanson and Ole Ellestad. Jan. 30, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
LOUISA JACQUES Marriage licenses have been issued to George Kirsch of Port Washington and Louisa Jacques of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 9, 1916 P.3
MATHILDA JACQUES Arthur Fanslau and Miss Mathilda Jacques were married at Two Rivers and will make their home there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 10, 1916 P.3
CHARLES JAEGER Charles Jaeger, an employe of the Seating Co. had his hand caught in a saw and two fingers cut while at work. Physicians will be able to save both fingers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 23, 1914 p.8
GEORGE JAGERMANN Rapids news: George Jagermann departed for Pittsburgh Tuesday morning where he has accepted a position with the Westinghouse Electrical company in their munition plant. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.4
(NO NAME) JAGODINSKI Three new diphtheria cases were reported from our city's West Side on Friday in the families of 21st Street resident Robert Murphy, 19th Street resident D. Miller, and in yet another family. Also, a fourth child in the Jagodinski family is severely stricken with the disease. The disease also exists in the A. Tatek and Ira Smith families on Chicago Street, and in the Schroeder family on the North Side. So far Health Officer Dr. Meany does not fear an epidemic. 22 Oct. 1908, Der Nord Westen
ROSE JAGODNISKI Celebration of the marriage ties for Miss Rose Jagodniski (sic) and John Zogvanik (sic), a well known south side couple, took place at St. Mary's Polish Catholic church this morning. The couple will reside on Thirteenth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 21, 1904 P. 2
JOHN JAGODINSKY OFFICER MAY FILE CHARGES AGAINST BY-STANDERS WHO REFUSED HIS APPEAL FOR AID That charges may be filed by Officer Bull of the police department against bystanders who refused to heed his appeal for aid when he feared an attack while making an arrest on the Hill last night, is ????red today but no action has been taken. John Jagodinsky, who was taken into custody by Officer Bull, who found it necessary to handcuff the prisoner, was in court late thisafternoon (sic) on a charge of using abusive langauge (sic) to an officer of the law. Jagodinsky was arrested following an altercation which he had with the patrolman at a South side dance hall where Jagodinsky had attended a "clay pipe smoker,". Whenthe (sic) man left the hall he engaged in a wordy conflict with Officer Bull and was placed under arrest but resisted, it is said. The officer handcuffed the man and it was said that Jagodinsky was slapped and that this threatened trouble for Bull who threatened to draw his gun for protection. Jagodinsky was taken to jail in the police patrol. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 4, 1916 P.1 (To get an idea of what "clay pipe smoker" is, put it in google and you can find an explanation) ******* ABUSED COP, GETS FINE OF $5 AND COSTS John Jagodinsky in Court Admits His Guilt and Pays John Jagodinsky, arrested by Officer Bull Wednesday night and charged with using abusive language, was in court late yesterday and pleaded guilty to the charge. Jagodinsky was assessed a fine of $5 and costs, totaling $10.73 and settled. No charges have been filed by Officer Bull against persons who refused to lend assistance when he called upon them during the fight with Jagodinsky. It is not known whether any action will be taken. Bull denies slapping Jagodinsky after the man was handcuffed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 5, 1916 P.5
RAYMOND JAGODINSKY ALBERT PIERSON IS IN 44, RAYMOND IS IN 43A QUICK ACTION BY YOUTH SAVES BOY FROM RIVER West Side Lad Rescued By Albert Pierson From River At Tenth Street Albert Pierson, fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pierson, 1114 Washington street saved Raymond Jagonsky(sic), nine year old west side boy from drowning in the river this morning at 11 o’clock near Tenth street bridge, when he pulled the boy out by the arm as he was sinking for the second time. Lad Falls From Boat. Young Jagodinsky and another small boy were playing about the Tuisl boat, at the south end of Tenth street bridge. In some manner he toppled off the end of the boat into the river. Just at that time young Pierson, in company with Lawrence Sheridan was coming to the dock in a small row boat. Seeing that something was wrong, young Pierson jumped up on the dock, over onto the fish boat and reaching over just as Jagodinsky rose to the surface grabbed the youth by the hand as he was sinking from sight. The lad was hauled up on the boat and although having swallowed considerable water was soon recovered sufficiently so that he could remove his clothing and dry his garments. Later he proceeded to his home. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, July 21, 1928 Page 4
MRS. JANASHEK The Milwaukee Sentinel reports Mrs. Janashek of Two Creeks as having been fined $75.00 in the United States Court for illicit distilling. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4
MRS. WALTER JANCE Mrs. Walter Jance visited with relatives at Sheboygan and has returned. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1916 P.2
BERNARD JANSEN A case of diphtheria has developed at the home of Bernard Jansen on South Main street. Nov. 7, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
VICTOR JANSKY Tisch Mills news: Victor Jansky of Shoto spent several days with his parents last week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 19, 1916 P.3
JOHN JARCHOW Mr. John Jarchow had the misfortune to sustain a fracture of the leg Monday evening. He was getting out of a carriage when he slipped on the wet grund. Medical assistance was summoned, the fracture reduced and the patient is now doing as nicely as could be expected. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN JARR John Jarr is a loyal Democrat, but he is determined to keep the best local paper in the county and hence subscribed for the TIMES. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1
HERMAN JASCHOB An unfortunate accident occurred last week in Kiel. Herman Jaschob, worker in the store of Simon Hollensteiner, was busy there loading apple barrels onto a wagon to carry them from the Hollensteiner warehouse to the railroad. As he worked the plank broke on which the barrels were being rolled onto the wagon, and the heavy barrel fell directly on the man's chest, breaking 4 ribs. He was placed under medical care and his condition is reasonably good under the circumstances. Jaschob is the 20-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jaschob in Kiel. 20 Sep. 1906, Der Nord Westen
MRS. JEAKINS The Meeme Correspondent of The Manitowoc Tribune, says: "People in the southern part of Meeme came to the conclusion that it was hard telling when or how the damage caused by rabid dogs will end. Mrs. Jeakins has had the misfortune to loose(sic) another cow. It is reported a third has symptoms of going mad. Mr. Jermain has lost two swine, bitten some time ago by a mad dog." Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
FRANK JELINEK MURDER IN THE COUNTY JAIL Herman Bluttig was killed in the county jail on Tuesday by a fellow prisoner named Frank Jelinek, during a quarrel, in a very peculiar manner. The fatal blow was struck with a little stick, scarcely more than a splinter, which Jelinek had previously used to light his pipe. The splinter entered the back of the neck and then to the lungs. Bluttig died on Tuesday evening of internal hemorrhage, the chest being filled with blood. The fatal blow was struck in the morning. Both men were awaiting trial for burglary. Jelinek was one of the men implicated in breaking into Blesch's store some months ago. At least the stolen goods were found in his house. He is miserably poor and a sort of worthless fellow. Last winter he sought aid from the city and was then almost in a starving condition. He is rather a weak looking man, and it is difficult to understand how he could have struck with sufficient force to kill a man with a splinter of wood not much over one foot in length and one inch in width. Bluttig was arrested for breaking into the house of a man named Schroeder, a resident of Kiel. He was a kind of tramp and not of very strong mind. Some time ago he stood trial on a charge of having set fire to the property of Peter Hoffman of Centerville. The two men were inclined to quarrel at various times, though they never before came to blows. On this occasion Bluttig called Jelinek a vile name and approached him in a threatening manner. Jelinek claims that Bluttig was about to draw a knife and he struck in self-defense. It is certain he had no intention of killing the other. Tuesday was the day fixed for his trial for burglary. The case was in progress when Bluttig died. He was quite certain of conviction but the district attorney asked that a verdict of guilty of receiving stolen goods be rendered so that the prisoner might be kept in custody here. Bluttig was sitting up a short time before his death, and even walked about a little. His slayer is very much depressed and sits by himself the very picture of dispair. His trial for manslaughter will possibly not take place until the January term. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 16, 1891
OSCAR JENSEN Oscar Jensen, while on his motorcycle yesterday, struck a rut in the roadway and was thrown from the machine, sustaining the fracture of a small bone in the ankle. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 10, 1916 P.1
JOSEPH JEREBEK Marriage licenses have been issued by County Clerk Auton to the following: Joseph Jerebek of Rockland and Mary Chezek of Franklin. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 2, 1916 P.3
MR. LOUIS JERMAN School Hill news: Mr. Louis Jerman who was teaching at St. Nazianz closed his school last Thursday.
MR. JERMAIN The Meeme Correspondent of The Manitowoc Tribune, says: "People in the southern part of Meeme came to the conclusion that it was hard telling when or how the damage caused by rabid dogs will end. Mrs. Jeakins has had the misfortune to loose(sic) another cow. It is reported a third has symptoms of going mad. Mr. Jermain has lost two swine, bitten some time ago by a mad dog." Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
ED JEWEL Ed. Jewel has bought Frank Gehbe's residence on Jay street, and will soon move into it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1
JOSEPH JIRIKOWIC Jos. Jirikowic has accepted a position in the bindery of the Brandt Printing & Binding Co. Joe has had considerable experience in his line of work in binderies in Appleton and Chicago and we can guarantee that work done by him will give perfert satisfation. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, January 20, 1899 P. 4 ******** Joseph Jirikowic is able to resume his duties in the bindery department of the Brandt, Printing & Binding company, after a siege of the grip. Feb. 10, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******** MAKE START IN LIFE ELSEWHERE Manitowoc Young Man Launches New Enterprise at Stevens Point The advancement and success of Manitowoc sons is always a gratification to friends and best wishes will attend Joseph Jirikowic in a venture which he is about to launch at Stevens Point. Mr. Jirikowic will establish a book bindery in that city and expects to engage in business March 1. For several years he was in charge of the bindery of the Brandt Printing and Binding Co. here and gained recognition as a capable and thorough workman. This reputation together with industrious habits and business qualifications he possesses will insure a good start on the road to independence and success. Mr. Jirikowic is spending a few days in the city and will shortly leave for Stevens Point to complete the work of fitting out the plant. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1902, Page 1 ******** MANITOWOC MAN NAMED MAYOR AT SUERING (sic), N. DAK. Dr. Jos. Jirikowic, Who Located There Ten Years Ago, Is Honored Dr. Joseph Jirikowic, a Manitowoc man, son of Jos. Jirikowic, a South side resident, has been elected mayor of the city of Seuring, N.D., the election having been held a few days ago and Dr. Jirikowic being named by a large majority. Dr. Jirikowic has been located at Seuring for ten years or more and has taken a prominent part in public affairs. Previous to thet (sic) time he entered Chicago colleges to study, Mr. Jirikowic was employed by the Brandt Printing company as a book binder. Friends here will be pleased to note his progress. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.1
MR. JOHANNES Another fire occurred at the pail factory dry houses last Saturday. It was quickly subdued by the factory foremen with only the loss of a few staves. A fire in the dry houses no longer is allowed to interrupt work in the factory. Mr. Johannes, the overseer, selects such men as he wants and goes quietly and systematically to work to quench the flames. Few workmen in the factory ever know that there has been a fire unless they should happen to hear of it afterwards. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Mar. 2, 1886
CHRIS. JOHANNES Two Rivers news: B.F. Richter has been appointed Chief and Chris. Johannes Asst. Engineer of the new fire department. At a citizen's meeting held on last Tuesday evening a sufficient number of competent men signified their willingness to join the new organization, and there is no good reason why we should not have as effective a fire company as any other city of equal size in the state. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
MRS. GEORGE JOHN School Hill news: Mrs. George John who was accidentally run over by a pair of horses belonging to Peter Mallmann, while walking on the street, is now on a fair way to recover, she has been very seriously ill caused mostly by fright. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.3
WILLIAM G. JOHN Mr. and Mrs. William G. John left for Springfield, Wis., this morning to be present at the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mrs. John's grandparents. They will spend Thanksgiving with friends in Milwaukee and will return the latter part of the week. Nov. 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
ELLEN JOHNS Clarks Mills news: Miss Ellen Johns who was a short time ago bereft of both husband and child gave birth to a bright baby girl, Tuesday June 8th. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1
J. JOHNS Clarks Mills news: A mistake was made in our last weeks news either by the editor or correspondent refering to that law suit between J. Johns Plaintiff and Wenzel Finghurst Defendant it being a horse instead of a dog case. (Not the editor.) Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.2
JAY JOHNS Jay Johns has removed his family from Clark's Mills to Kewaunee and will make his home at that place hereafter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 P.2
SARAH JOHNS SARAH JOHNS IN CUSTODY OF THE COURT Made Escape from Co. Asylum; to Be Examined Sarah Johns is again in court. An examination will be held in probate court this afternoon and the woman may be committed to the Oshkosh asylum. Orders for detention of Miss Johns were made today. Several months ago the woman was committed to the county asylum but made her escape sometime ago and was not taken into custody again. Recently however, she has resorted to her old tactics of writing letters to the city and county officials and physicians have declared that she is insane. After escape from the asylum the woman returned to her home on North Seventh street where she has since been. Jan. 28, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald
A.J. JOHNSON Branch news: Mr. A.J. Johnson of Manitowoc, accompanied by his nephew, Hans Bernard, a former Branch boy but now of Wausau, enjoyed themselves with their many friends in this vicinity on Sunday last. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.2
JOHNSON BROS. Niles notes: Johnson Bros. have a new clerk. Their old clerk Mr. Williefutz, we understand, is going to Menominee next week, where he is already engaged as clerk. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4
ANTON JOHNSON Branch news: Anton Johnson has about completed his saloon building, and is in Chicago laying in a stock of the "ardent." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4
ANTON JOHNSON Branch news: Mr. Anton Johnson is at present in Chicago, purchasing his summer stock. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 1, 1883 P.4
MR. & MRS. CHARLES JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and daughter have arrived from Milwaukee to spend Easter with relatives here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, April 21, 1916 P.3
ELI JOHNSON CRIME ON INCREASE Municipal Court Kept Busy Hearing Criminal Actions. ASSAULT CASES IN MAJORITY. One of the Worst Yet Tried to Come up Tomorrow-Ulness Bound Over on Criminal Charge-Other Cases. John Peterik and Eli Johnson were arrested on assault and battery charges. Johnson pleaded guilty and paid a fine and costs amounting to $4.50 in court this afternoon. Peterik's case will be heard late today. The warrants were issued on complaint of James. W. Pech. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 20, 1903 P. 1
J.G. JOHNSON J.G. Johnson moved into the old Spindler residence on Park St. Nov. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
JOHN JOHNSON Mr. John Johnson, Chairman of the town of Gibson, is putting up a fine dwelling house on his premises in that town. As Mr. Johnson is a bachelor, this "fixing up 'round" looks rather suspicious. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 22, 1875
JOHN JOHNSON In Municipal Court a jury returned a verdict of guilty against Knut Nelson, charged with assault on John Johnson, and a fine of $10 and costs was emposed and paid. The parties reside at Eaton. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, October 20, 1903 P. 2
KNUD JOHNSON Eaton news: Knud Johnson, who returned from California a short time ago, will take charge of his father's farm. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KNUD JOHNSON During the storm of Saturday eve, lightning struck a barn belonging to Knud Johnson, about a mile west of this place, killing a valuable horse and destroying the barn with its contents. It was insured in the Norwegian Farmers Fire Ins. Co., but for how much we were unable to learn. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P. 4
N.K. JOHNSON Niles news: Mr. and Mrs. N.K. Johnson have gone to Michigan to visit their son S.E. Johnson and numerous other friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 25, 1884 P.3
OLE JOHNSON Liberty news: Ole Johnson sold his farm to Andrew Tostenson for $2,400. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 3, 1885 P.6
OLE B. JOHNSON Clarks Mills news: Mr. Andrew Tostenson bought the 40 acre farm of Ole B. Johnson. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 3, 1885 P.6 Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 28, 1885 P.3
OSCAR JOHNSON DRY DOCK CO. EMPLOYE WAS MEMBER OF CREW OF TITANIC Oscar Johnson, who was a member of the crew of the illfated oceanliner Titanic when the big boat was sunk after striking an ice burg two years ago with a ??? of over 1?00 lives, is employed at ??? yards of the Manitowoc Shipbuilding & Dry Dock company in this city. Mr. Johnson was a member of the crew on the Titanic and was rescued after having been in the water for more than two hours following the sinking of the big liner. Memory of the horror of the terrible experience and scenes through which he passed is so vivid that Mr. Johnson says he dislikes to recall them by discussion. He came here shortly after reaching the United States after being rescued and at that time his presence was known through repairs which he had made to a watch, found filled with salt of the ocean. Johnson left here again but recently returned and secured work at the Dry Dock Company yards. He is reticent about discussing his experience in the Titanic wreck but admitted that he was a member of the crew. Mar. 20, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
WALTER A. JOHNSON Eaton news: Walter A. Johnson is around again convasing for some marbel works, dealing in grave stone etc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
WILL JOHNSTON MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Will Johnston, who sometime ago started to work in the office of the Goodrich Transportation Co., now holds the responsible position of billing clerk. He looks healthy and happy, and may he ever continue so is the wish of his numerous friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)
A.D. JOHNSTON NOTICE. All persons who are indebted to me are requested to pay their indebtedness within a week after the date of this notice, and all persons having claims against me will please present the same at once for adjustment and settlement, as I have retired from the management of the Williams House, having disposed of my interest therein to A.D. Johnston who will conduct the same hereafter. A.D. Smith. Manitowoc, Nov. 17th. 1884. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1884 P.3
WILL JOHNSTON Will Johnston of Chicago is visiting at his old home in Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 26, 1886 P.3
A.K. JOMEN Liberty news: Mr. A.K. Jomen, experienced quite an accident on Saturday last; while going to Manitowoc, his horse, suddenly dropped to the ground, help had to be summoned immediately and the poor beast taken to the nearest neighbor where it has since remained. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
AUGUST JONAS August Jonas, a well-to-do farmer living about three miles northeast of Mishicott, is engaged, at present in building a handsome brick residence on his farm. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875
CHARLES JONAS, MRS. Mrs. Charles Jonas of Chicago is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Eichmann. 24 Mar. 1904, Der Nord Westen
A.D. JONES (NOTE: I have put the list in alphabetical order with surnames first to facilitate finding a certain surname) Old Settlers Club. At a meeting held pursuant to a notice published in the Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc County Chronicle, and the Nord-Western, at the Windiate House in the city of Manitowoc, on the 16th day of January A. D. 1879, for the purpose of organizing an Old Settlers Club, P. P. Smith was chosen chairman of the meeting and William Bach Secretary. Mr. Markham addressed the meeting and stated the object. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to appoint a committee of three, to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for said club and to confer with the commitee, appointed by a meeting held at Klingholtz hall, January 4th, for the same purpose, for consolidation both clubs. H. H. Smith, W. W. Waldo, and William Bach were appointed as such committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to consider all present members of the club, and to instruct the Secretary to take their names down with date and year of arrival in this country. The following are the names and dates as recorded by the Secretary: Anderson, James S. - 1852 Bach, Wm. - April 1848 Bock, Chas. - June 1852 Burmeister, W. - May 1844 Cooper, Geo. - May 1855 Edwards, Henry - 1837 Fellows, M. - Sept. 1848 Hall, John - March 1851 Hall, Sam. - 1851 Hubbard, H. - April 1837 Jones, A. D. - June 1837 Klingholz, R. - July 1847 Kostomlastky, F. - July 1857 Lennox, Jos. - 1839 Markham, J. D. - May 1856 Miller, J. - 1856 Mulholland, H. - 1852 Mulholland, P. - May 1850 Noble, W. H. - May 1855 O'Shea, P. - 1853 Patterson, James - Aug. 1848 Ross, Norris - 1841 Seeger, L. - May 1850 Sherman, E. - Spring 1850 Smith, Ave - April 1844 Trummel, F. - May 1844 Tyler, M. - July 1854 Waldo, W. W. - May 1850 White, Chr. W. - 1852 Windiate, Thos. - Nov 1854 Wood, S. A. - Oct. 1849 On motion of J. D. Markham it was resolved to appoint a committee of arrangements and to have a social of the 21st day of February next, the following were so appointed: H. H. Smith, Chas. Esslinger, A. Wittmann, Lyman Emerson, H. S. Pierpont, H. Edwards. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to meet again on the 15th day of Feb. next at 7 o’clock P. M. at the same place to hear the reports of committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to instruct the Secretary of the meeting to publish the proceedings in the newspapers of the County. On motion of J. D. Markham the meeting adjourned till the 15th day of Feb., 1879 at 7 o’clock P. M. at the same place. William Bach, Secretary Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Jan. 21, 1879
CHAS. JONES Chas. Jones and family took their departure to-day for Bradford, Canada, where they will make their future home. Mr. Jones has been in the employ of Biegel & Guse and will engage in the machine business in his new home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1899 P.1
FRANK P. JONES Mr. Frank P. Jones left on Saturday for a few weeks visit to Fox Lake, the former home of Mr. Jones. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1
GEORGE JONES Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Jones and son George, went to Milwaukee this morning to witness the foot ball game between Madison and Beloit. Their son Ted is substitute on the Madison team. Oct. 22, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
HARRY JONES MINNEAPOLIS MAN CLAIMS A BRIDE IN CITY Harry Jones and Miss Clara Knop Wedded Here on Thursday Wedded at the home of the bride's mother on Green street yesterday afternoon, Miss Clara Knop, this city, and Harry Jones, of Minneapolis, departed today for Rochester, N.Y., on their honeymoon and will visit relatives of Mr. Jones in that city. Later they will take up their home at Minneapolis. The marriage was a quiet one at which Justice H. Falge officiated and the attendants were Miss Gretchen Knop and Wm. Schnorr. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. F. Knop and has a large circle of friends with whom she is popular. For three years she has made her home in Minneapolis. Mr. Jones is buyer for a large clothing house at Minneapolis. The Misses Ruth Morgan and J. Ryan of Minneapolis, were guests at the wedding. Apr. 7, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
L.W. JONES L.W. Jones returned from Port Washington last evening. He has been in the employ of the Pennsylvania & Ohio Fuel Co. Nov. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
NELLIE JONES Miss Nellie Jones, trained nurse, who has been making her home in the city for the past year, departed for Chicago this morning where she will visit friends for a few days and then continue to her home at Rushville, Ind., where she will remain for a short visit. Mar. 22, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald
NEWTON JONES The Sheboygan Telegram of Saturday says: The case against Joseph G. Mallmann, charged with taking a sum of money from Newton Jones of Manitowoc, who was here on a glorious drunk about ten days ago, was called in the municipal court this morning. The complainant did not put in an appearance and the case was dismissed and costs taxed against the complainant. It looks very much as though the charge was one that should not have been made. The probability is that Jones spent the money he missed when he became sober, for he threw it around with unexampled liberality while he was "on the turf" here. It may be said for Mr. Mallmann that no one who knows him has believed for one moment that the charge had any foundation in fact. June 26, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
THOS. JONES Two Rivers news: Thos. Jones, Esz., of the former firm of Cooper & Jones, was in this city one day last week. Mr. Jones is a thorough business man, and has, since departure from this county, built up a thriving lumber trade in Racine. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4
WILLIAM JONES William Jones fell off a tug and is presumed drowned. 07 May 1861, Manitowoc Herald
WILLIAM JONES The body of William Jones is found. 30 May 1861, Manitowoc Herald
MARGARET JORGENSON JUNIOR PROM FRIDAY STARTS COMMENCEMENT Senior Class Names Its Officers-Miss Jorgenson Is Valedictorian With Junior prom this week, the high school starts upon the finale of the school year which will witness the graduation of a class of 72 members, the largest in the history of Manitowoc schools in one wear (sic). The commencement exercises open with the class day exercises and play on June 21, followed by commencement on June 22, the last named ceremonies being limited to a class song, address and awarding of diplomas. Miss Margaret Jorgenson has been named valedictorian of the class this year as the high honor student of the school. Officers of the senior class are: President, Roy Murphy; vice-president, Miss Jessie Ritchie; secretary, Miss Margaret Jorgenson; treasurer, William Just. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.1
EDDIE JORSCH HURT BY A DOG. Eddie Jorsch Has His Face Badly Marked By a Dogs Teeth. Eddie Jorsch and the large St. Bernard, which boards at the Williams House came in contact with each other yesterday evening and the boy got the worst of it. Just how it happened seems impossible to determine as there are so many stories in circulation in regard to the matter. At any rate the dog's teeth made a bad impression on the lad's face. There was a cut over one eye and several other scratches on the face but nothing of a very serious nature. The boy was taken into Buerstatte's drug store where his wounds were attended to It is thought that the dog suddenly threw his head around and accidentally struck the child in the face. The animal is not in the least of a vicious nature and is a great favorite about the hotel. He has also on different occasions displayed a remarkable degree of intelligence. His friends are loath to believe that he would maliciously attack the child. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 1
MATHIAS JORSCH Notice is hereby given that whereas Mathias Jorsch of the 1st ward of the city of Manitowoc, by excessive drinking of intoxicating liquor misspends, wastes or lessens his estate so as to expose the said city of Manitowoc to liability for the support of himself or family. Therefore all persons are hereby forbidden to sell or give away to said Mathias Jorsch any ardent, spiritous or intoxicating liquors or drinks, for the space of one year from this date. Dated at Manitowoc, this 25th day of May A.D., 1899. MAX RICHTER, CARL HANSEN, Aldermen 1st ward. City of Manitowoc, Wis. P.J. Pierce, Chief of Police. May 27, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
OSCAR JORSCH Oscar Jorsch, a former Manitowoc boy, now located at Manistee, Mich., is in the city on a visit to relatives. He is a member of the firm of Smith & Jorsch, dredge workers. Nov. 18, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald
MRS. THEODORE JORSCH AT 81 LOCAL WOMAN TO MAKE TRIP OVERSEAS Eighty-one, still hale, hearty and active, Mrs. Theodore Jorsch is making preparations for a tour of Europe and a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Mohr, in Germany. Passports are being secured and Mrs. Jorsch will be ready as soon as passage can be booked and will leave shortly for New York from where she will sail. She will make an extended stay in Germany and after visiting other points of interest in Europe will return late next fall to resume her home here. Mrs. Henry Schmidt was one of the persons who made affidavits for Mrs. Jorsch and as the two walked to the office of the East Wisconsin Trustee company to prepare papers Mrs. Jorsch recalled to Mrs. Schmidt, who is herself an octogenarian, that it was Mrs. Schmidt's father who officiated at her wedding ceremony over sixty years ago. She was twice married and has been a widow for a number of years. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, June 25, 1927 p.2
ALBERT JOURNEY Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.-Michael Mahoney against George Rice, Albert Journey, Benjamin Symes, W.W. Young, A.C. Gibson, and Marshall Morse. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 3d day of November, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale. All the following described premises situate in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, to wit: Lot number six, (6) in block number one hundred and sixty six, (166). Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1850. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3
W.C. JOYCE John J. Haley has arrived in the city from Chicago and has formed a partnership with W.C. Joyce, in the practice of law. The firm occupies rooms in the Metropolitan block. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 24, 1899 P.2
WALTER JOYCE William C. Joyce, of Ledgerville, is here on a visit to his brother, Attorney Walter Joyce. Nov. 10, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald
SAM JUNEAU Meeme News: And now comes Sam Juneau, with no regard for the advice of those capable of giving it, and intimates that he will marry the girl he loves dearly, in the near future. Sam is a model man, and his will be wife is a pretty lass. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1887 P. 3 ******* (Note: There is a Sam Juno marrige in marriage pages)
CHARLES JUNG Charles Jung, is visiting at his uncle's, Mr. E. Krumheuer. Charles left us many years ago for Milwaukee, where he learned the printer's trade. Now he is one of the editors and proprietors of a German paper in Nebraska City, Neb. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1
CLAUS JUNGE Claus Junge, of the 5th Ward of Manitowoc, celebrated his 35th birthday among friends last Thursday. 09 Nov. 1893, Der Nord Westen
FRANK JUNK Frank Junk, of Cleveland, has sold his 10 acres farm to H. Birnbaum, of Sheboygan county, the consideratin being $3,700. Mr. Junk will remove to Athens, Marathon county, where he has bought a 40-acre farm with the buildings, sir (sic) cows, three horses and all new machinery, the total price being $4,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, June 2, 1916 P.2
JOHN JUNK While John Junk of Memee was on his way to Manitowoc he fell from his wagon in such a way as to break his leg at the ankle. The fall was caused by the lurching of the wagon in a deep hole in the road. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4
MATT JUNK Mrs. Nic Peters of Sturegeon Bay is visiting her brother Matt Junk. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, August 29, 1904 P. 1
W.M. JUNK Another marriage of the week is that Tuesday of Miss Anna Schmidt of this city, and W.M. Junk of Athens, Marathon county at which Rev. Father Peil was the officiating clergyman. The groom secured two licenses before the ceremony, the first permit having expired before the young people completed their arrangements. They will reside at Athens were Mr. Junk is in charge of mercantile establishment. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 7, 1902 P.1
E. JUNL & SON John G. Rugowsky in fitting up the store formerly occupied by E . Junl & Son and will open a picture framing establishment about September 1st. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, July 30, 1901, p. 2
MRS. JURSE Mrs. Jurse, an adopted daughter of Mrs. Jarr, of the Rapids, died in Chicago, last Friday, of asthma, aged 35 years. The deceased was well known in this county, and many are the friends who mourn her death, and extend sincere sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1
JOHN JUST Mishicot news: John Just is riding around in a new Ford now. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 19, 1916 P.3
WILLIAM JUST JUNIOR PROM FRIDAY STARTS COMMENCEMENT Senior Class Names Its Officers-Miss Jorgenson Is Valedictorian With Junior prom this week, the high school starts upon the finale of the school year which will witness the graduation of a class of 72 members, the largest in the history of Manitowoc schools in one wear (sic). The commencement exercises open with the class day exercises and play on June 21, followed by commencement on June 22, the last named ceremonies being limited to a class song, address and awarding of diplomas. Miss Margaret Jorgenson has been named valedictorian of the class this year as the high honor student of the school. Officers of the senior class are: President, Roy Murphy; vice-president, Miss Jessie Ritchie; secretary, Miss Margaret Jorgenson; treasurer, William Just. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.1
DELORES JUUL SKIN GRAFTING RESORTED TO IN CASE OF LITTLE DOLORES JUUL, BURNED MONTH AGO AT SCHOOL Sister of Injured Girl Submits To Operation Today And Gives Skin to Cover Wounds Which Failed To Heal Skin grafting was resorted to today by physicians attending Dolores Juul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Juul, who four weeks ago sustained severe burns to her body when she collided with and upset a pail of hot water intended for scrubbing. The accident happened at the high school and the little girl was badly burned about the lower limbs. The wounds failed to heal and physicians decided that skin grafting was necessary and today Viola Juul, sister of the injured girl, submitted to an operation and several inches of skin from her body was removed and grafted upon the leg of her sister. The operation was performed at the Holy Family hospital where the child has been a patient and was witnessed by several local physicians. It is believed that the operation will be successful and that the child will recover. The accident to the Juul child happened while the girl was hurrying from one room to another for rehearsal of a school program. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, November 10, 1915, Page 1
LYNDA JUUL Miss Lynda Juul has returned from a five-day visit with her brother, Edward, at Sheboygan. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 24, 1916 P.2