[ Home]

LEO RAATZ Kewaunee Co. news: Leo Raatz formerly of this city removed to Ahnapee and will go into the agricultural implement business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4

R. RABENHORST WINS TWO PRIZES IN MILK CONTEST R. Rabenhorst is Awarded 1st and 3rd at County Fair Awards in the milk contest held at the county fair last week, in connection with the exhibit of stock at the fair, have been announced and R. Rabenhorst secured first and third markings with L.P. Wiegand and Sons of Cleveland second. Mr. Rabenhorst who resides on a rural route out of this city, secured first place with 84.29 points in the tests made while Mr. Wiegand's marking was 79.12 for second place. The third prize was won by Rabenhorst with 77.79. Cows entered by more than a dozen exhibitors at the fair competed in the contest. Aug. 31, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MICHAEL RACKL Michael Rackl was in court to answer for a Saturday night "jag" and paid a fine of $1 and costs a total of $5.49. Probate Judge Chloupek presided in the absence of Judge Schenian. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, August 17, 1903 P. 2

JOS. RADCINSKI Jos. Radcinski has returned to his duties with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway company at Farmington, Minn., after a month's visit with his parents at Two Rivers. Feb. 5, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN RADEY, SR. A surprise party was given upon Mr. and Mrs. John Radey, Sr., at their home at Taus, last Sunday when about 25 couples gathered in the event of the couple's fifieth wedding anniversary. The evening was pleasantly spent at games until midnight when a spread was served after which several of the members of the party furnished music. Some one suggested dancing and the idea was so well received that the affair continued in the form of a leap year party until far into the morning. A feature of the dancing was the performing of several of the old fashioned quadrilles and square dances. Joseph Rathsack of this city was one of the guests. Feb. 11, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

DOROTHY RADINZ Mrs. Dorothy Radinz, aged 50 was committed to the Northern Hospital for Insane in probate court today. The woman had resided on South Eleventh street with her husband. Aug. 25, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN RADIS IN COUNTY COURT. A notice was issued by Judge Anderson to creditors in the estate of the late John Radis. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 1

ED. RADL Ed. Radl met with an accident yesterday that will cripple him for life. While making a coupling in the Northwestern yards, two fingers were caught in the bumpers and crushed so that amputation became necessary. Drs. Pitchard and Roberts performed the operation and the patient is resting easy. Apr. 1, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOSEPH RADL Joseph Radl, of this city, and Miss Emma Metzler, of Oshkosh, were married at Oshkosh yesterday. The young couple arrived in the city last evening and will make it their future home. Numerous friends will extend congratulations. June 24, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ARNOLD RAETHER Municipal Judge A.H. Schmidt and Reporter Arnold Raether are at Two Rivers today for the regular municipal court session there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 24, 1916 P.3

JULIUS RAETHER Julius Raether has returned to Elkhart after a short visit in the city with his parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.3

A.E. RAEUBER A.E. Raeuber departed for Hartford where he will visit his son who resides there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.3

ARTHUR RAHN, MRS. SHE SAVES HER CHILD Mother Rescues her Babe from Drowning by Prompt Action LITTLE ONE NEAR TO DEATH Three-Year Old Daughter of Mrs. Arthur Rahn Falls in River - Unconscious when Taken from Water. The heroism, born of a mother's inherent love for her child, coupled with a rare presence of mind on the part of Mrs. Arthur Rahn this morning saved her three-year old daughter from death by drowning. The accident, which came so near to proving fatal to the little life, happened in the vicinity of the home on South Seventh Street and the rescue was made under circumstances that would daunt the courage of many a man. With other children of the neighborhood the little girl was playing near a creek through adjoining land into the lake, and which contained water to the depth of some five feet. In approaching the stream along the bank, the child slipped and fell into the water, and unable to save herself, and her companions being too young to appreciate the danger which threatened or to lend assistance, the little one seemed doomed to death. The shouts of the children and the excitement attracted the attention of Mrs. Rahn, who apprehending some danger, rushed to the scene and taking in the situation at a glance, unhesitatingly plunged into the water and bore the child to the bank. The babe was unconscious and although a physician was at once summoned, it was fully an hour before resuscitation was accomplished. Some fear is entertained that pneumonia may follow as a result of the icy immersion which the child was subjected to. Mrs. Rahn experienced discomfiture from her action in entering the water, and is very nervous from the agonizing suspense which she labored under during the time the child was in danger. (Note: This family lived in Calumet co., New Holstein twp in 1900/I can't find them in any Manitowoc directory) Mar. 28, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald

HENRY RAHN Henry Rahn and wife, residing on the Neshota road, are parents of a son. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 14, 1904 P. 2

HUGO RAHN REEDSVILLE HAS WORST FIRE IN ITS HISTORY, LOSS $20,000 General Merchandise Store of Hugo Rahn Destroyed Saturday Night and Loss is Large One One of the worst fires in the history of the village of Reedsville occurred at midnight Saturday night when the general merchandise store and warehouses of Hugo Rahn were almost completely destroyed, entailing a loss estimated at from $12,000 to $20,000. The loss is practically covered by insurance. The fire was discovered at 11:30 by Engineer Birkholz of the municipal lighting and water plant who aroused Mr. Rahn and his family who occupied rooms in the second story of the store building and the family escaped from the burning building and saved their personal effects though it was impossible to remove much of the furniture. A general alarm was sounded and the entire village turned out to assist in fighting the flames which, however, were not gotten under control until three hours later. Firemen worked until 4 o'clock before it was safe to leave the ruins. Mr. Rahn had just received a large stock of fall and winter goods, said to represent an investment of nearly $5,000 which will be practically a complete loss. The goods had not been unpacked, being in the warehouse at the time of the fire. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. Rahn was in the store during the early evening while business was being conducted and everything was all right when he closed the place for the night. It is expected the buildings will be replaced. Aug. 13, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald

BLANCHE RAHR Miss Blanche Rahr takes her departure in a week or two for Europe. She will study music and painting for a time in Germany, and visit points of interest before returning to America. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

MARIE RAHR From the minutes of the June, 1916 Council meeting. Mayor notified the council of his appointment of Miss Marie Rahr, 702 North Eighth street, as member of the Library board to fill the unexpired term of Miss Johanna Lueps. Moved and unamimously carried to confirm appointment. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 12, 1916 P.2

MAYOR RAHR Mayor Rahr has secured a couple of rare birds in the shape of a pair of white crows. They are great curiosities and attract a great deal of attention. They were caught by a farmer near Kellnersville. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3

MAX RAHR Max Rahr, son of former Mayor Wm. Rahr, left yesterday morning for Redlands, Calif., where he plans an extended stay. 24 Mar. 1904, Der Nord Westen

MOLLIE RAHR MISS RAHR NOT TO LOSE EYE AS WAS REPORTED Reports Unfounded, and Herald-News Glad To Give Real Facts of Accident Many friends of Miss Mollie Rahr will be glad to learn that the injury which she received during the play. Smiles at the Capitol theater is not as serious as first thought and that no injury to the eye was sustained. Reports today were that she had lost sight in one eye. Miss Rahr, while taking the part of the cashier at the movie when a band of cowboys came in boisterously, received the full charge of one of the blank cartridges discharged by one of the amateur actors. The latter with the rest, was supposed to shoot the weapon into the air as he had been drilled in practice, but instead discharged prematurely and the blast of powder hit Miss Rahr glancingly on the side of the face near the left eye. A physician was called and took out all the powder so that there will be little disfiguration if any and reports that Miss Rahr will lose her eye, the Herald-News is glad to report, are entirely unfounded. Of course there is no question but that the wound might have been a dangerous one. Had the charge been received full in the face the wadding of the blank pistol would have torn away part of the flesh and destroyed the optic. Miss Rahr is resting easy today and with precautions taken at once, with injection of anti-toxin and care of the physician for several hours, will come out of it nicely a fact that many will be glad to learn. Manitowoc Herald News | Tuesday, July 03, 1928 | Page 1

WILHELM RAHR Wilhelm Rahr celebrated his 43rd birthday Thurs. last week. 23 Sept. 1897, Der Nord Westen

WM. RAHR Miss Mollie Mcdonald, an electro-magnetic maiden from Ahnapee, will manipulate the telegraph machine in Manitowoc hereafter, Mr. Wm. Rahr having resigned. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875

WM. RAHR The Wm. Rahr Sons Co. are putting in an electric light plant for use in the various departments of their establishment. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

WM. RAHR Former mayor Wm. Rahr celebrated his 51 st birthday on Sunday. 21 Sep. 1905, Der Nord Westen

M. RAICK Fred Broer, who is attending the Oshkosh Normal school and M. Raick and F. Koch, students at the Lutheran University at Watertown, Wis., are home for the holidays. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Dec. 28, 1886

WENZEL RAMASH Larrabee news: Smallpox and mumps are both going through this town. The homes of Joe Hronek, Louis Sedlachek, Wenzel Ramash of this vicinity are quarantined, also many other homes in neighboring districts. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 24, 1916 P.4

CAPT. RAND Capt. Rand is actively employed in repairing and replacing the belfrey on the North Ward School House. We will warrant it will not be blown off this time. July 22, 1859, Manitowoc Pilot

ED RAND, MRS. Mr. J. Roemer of Fond du Lac, is here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Rand, North Sixth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 23, 1916 P.3

E.K. RAND Mr. E.K. Rand had his finger quite seriously injured while assisting in the unloading of a barrel of oil yesterday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 1

E.K. RAND Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Rand took their departure to-day for Pasadena, Cal., where they will make their future home. Mr. Rand is the founder of the firm of Rand & Roemer, hardware merchants, and has been in business in this city for over twenty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Rand carry with them the best wishes of many friends for thier(sic) future. Nov. 17, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

E.K. AND E.H. RAND E.K. & E. H. Rand of Manitowoc are the sole agents of this county for the celebrated Seneca Falls Pumps manufactured by Ramsey & Co. This pump is adapted for cisterns or deep wells and is guaranteed to give entire satis- faction. They will be sold by the above named firm at manufacturer prices. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875 Manitowoc Business Notice

MRS.GREEN RAND Mrs. Green Rand is reported to be sick at Savannah, Ga., whither she went a few weeks ago with the family of Dr. Simon. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1

MR. RANDOLPH Mr. Randolph, of Chicago, father of Sam, is in the city, to enjoy our cooling lake breezes. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.1 ******* (This is probably Sam'l Randolph who d. in 1912 and is buried in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc)

ALEX RANK, JR. Alex Rank Jr., was elected marshal of the Junior St. Boniface society at the meeting held yesterday. Apr. 17, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ALOIS RANK Alois Rank celebrated his 44th birthday Wed. of last week. 03 Dec. 1891, Der Nord Westen

ALOIS RANK Alois Rank celebrated his 52nd birthday on Sat. 30 Nov. 1899, Der Nord Westen

ALOIS RANK Mr. and Mrs. Alois Rank celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sat. It was also his birthday. (Long article with details of the party.) 30 Nov. 1893, Der Nord Westen

MRS. ALOIS RANK Mrs. Alois Rank celebrated her 48th birthday last Thurs. with friends, and next Mon. Mr. Rank will celebrate his 50th. 21 Nov. 1895, Der Nord Westen

FRANK RANK PIONEER BRILLION SALOON MAN HAD IDEAS OF OWN ABOUT THE SALOON-CLOSED PLACE AT 7 Frank Rank, who For 30 Years, Closed His Saloon at 7 in the Evening, Is to Retire from Business July 1 By the retirement of Frank Rank, Sr., from the saloon business, the number of thirst parlors in Brillion will be reduced from ten to nine and will never be ten again unless the Baker law is amended as proposed in the Stemper bill now before the legislature, says the Brillion News. Mr. Rank has conducted this saloon over thirty years and many old timers will miss the genial group that usually sat under the fine large box elder tree during the summer months and discussed crops, politics and pioneering. Mr. Rank always hated a disorderly customer and would not tolerate roughhouse and loud profanity in his place. Daily at 7 o'clock pm he closed his place of business and took his mode of rest or recreation twiddling his thumbs under his pet shade tree, puttering in his garden, or doing a little reading. He had old fashioned ideas. But they were good ones. Of late his health has been of the best. Mr. Rank is custodian of the municipal funds which will help him pass the time when calls for foaming lager have ceased. June 28, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ROBERT RANK FOUR IN CLASS OF 131 Manitowoc Had Graduates in Milwaukee Normal Class of 1904. Largest class in its history was graduated from the Milwaukee Normal School at the exercises which took place Wednesday evening and among the graduates were four students from this city, John Lonsdorf, Edward McMahon, Robert Rank and Ottmar Falge, all in the English course at the school. In all 131 sutdents received diplomas. Commencement exercises where held at the Grand Avenue Congregational Church in Milwaukee and the address was delivered by President Richard C. Hughes of the Ripon college whose subject was "Age of Education, a Public School Problem." The four Manitowoc students of the class are all graduates of the South Side High school in this city and during their course at the Normal have been prominent in all work of the school, especially in literary. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 22, 1904 P. 5

JOE. RANKIN Hon. Joe. Rankin had another attack of his kidney trouble last week. He hopes soon to be able to be around again. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885, P.4

JOS. RANKIN Jos. Rankin came home last week to prepare for the muster in of the new military company. It is so long since he has had anything to do with military matters, that he has found it necessary to practice every day, striking attitudes of the most imposing character. He has also renewed his practice of the manual of arms. Smart, with manual, in hand, gives the commands, Estabrook represents the enemy, while Rankin formes (sic) the main guard, with Walker in the rear, at a safe distance. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 1

HON. JOS. RANKIN Hon. Jos. Rankin was suddenly called East yesterday by a telegram announcing the death of his mother, an aged lady of eighty one years. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1

JOSEPH RANKIN Mr. Joseph Rankin and R.D. Smart, of Manitowoc, were in town yesterday afternoon. They pretended to have come down here to get some fresh fish for breakfast, but the fact is they came here to see Johnnie Read off, as they failed to do it when he was in Manitowoc. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875

J.F. RAPPEL J.F. Rappel has returned to Sheboygan after spending several days with his son in this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 29, 1916 P.3

JOE RAPPLE Quarry news: Joe Rapple sold his cheese factory to Otto Benke for $2,000. Mr. Benke held a meeting at the factory Saturday evening. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, January 29, 1916 P.5

BARBARA RASCHEK Monday evening Barbara Raschek, a servant girl in the family of Mr. Janacek, of the town of Two Creeks, while engaged in building a fire in the kitchen stove, in some way set fire to her dress. The girl is said to be weak-minded and the sight of her dress in flames so frightened her that she rushed screaming out of the house and into the barn, then back into the house again where she was caught with great difficulty and the flames extinguished. She was terribly burned and Dr. Currens of this city who was sent for says that there are doubts of her recovery.-Chronicle. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 7, 1882 P.1

MR. W. RASH (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 25 Feb.) Mr. W. Rash has celebrated his 48th birthday. 28 Feb. 1895, Der Nord Westen

MR. RASHER Mr. Rasher of Mishicott was seriously kicked by a horse, and is supposed fatally injured. His daughter was summoned by telegraph from Sheboygan. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P.3

HERMANN RASINSKY Hermann Rasinsky had his hand badly cut up in Rahr's elevator last Wednesday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1

LOUIS RASMUSSEN Louis Rasmussen, formerly a foreman in the Case company foundry plant at Racine, has arrived here to accept a similar position with the Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry company and will have charge of the big foundry plant of the company at Sixteenth and Franklin streets. Work on the new addition to the plant is being rushed and it will be ready for occupancy May 15, it is expected. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.3

OLE RASMUSSEN Ole M. Rasmussen, formerly cutter at the O. Torrison company here and whose wife is a Manitowoc girl is one of the incorporators of the Renfranz Tailoring Estabilshment of South Bend, Ind., in whose employ Mr. Rasmussen has been since leaving Manitowoc. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 23, 1916 P.3

GOTTLIEB RATHS Ruinous Rain Storm. Friday night a terrible rain storm visited our city and surrounding county. In the city itself no material damage was done, but from the county several accidents are reported. A horse belonging to Gottlieb Raths, a farmer living near Neshoto, was instantly killed by lightning. The lightning entered the barn through a small hole in the roof, striking one of the two hroses standing together. The horse was insured in one of Mr. Kemper's companies. The barn of John Krueger, being on the Neshoto road, was considerably damaged by the wind. The grainary of Hy. Hoefner, in the town of Liberty, was struck by lightning. The smell of sulphur awoke the owner who found the building on fire; with the aid of his neighbors it was soon extinguished and no further damages done. Several sheep belonging to a farmer in Eaton were sent to the happy hunting grounds by the electric fluid. Other damages by the wind and freaks of lightning are reported from nearly all portions of the county, but nothing reliable can be ascertained as yet. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1

CHARLES RATHSACK Mr. Chas. Rathsack, an elderly gentleman residing on Washington street, slipped and fell on a freshly painted step this morning and sustained a serious fracture of the leg. Dr. Paine was called to reduce the injury and the sufferer is now doing as well as could be expected. Nov. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CHARLES RATHSACK Charles Rathsack and Attorney Isaac Craite, who represents Mr. Rathsack, in a breach of promise suit to which he has been made defendant, are at Milwaukee today in connection with the case which will be heard here at the June term of circuit court. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 30, 1916 P. 3

MR. RATZ Fred Cook, of Gibson, sold his farm last week to Mr. Ratz, of Coopertown (sic), for $2,700. Mr. Cook and family will leave for Dakota in the spring. He has lived here over twenty five years. His friends and neighbors regret that he is to leave, but unite in wishing him success in his new home, wherever it may be. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4

JOHN RAU Two Rivers' People Satisfied That John Rau, Long Missing, is Alive. IDENTITY IS ESTABLISHED San Francisco Claimant to the Name Rehearses Story of Life and Responds to All Questions. Satisfactory answers to questions submitted on the part of Mrs. Peter Rau and family to one claiming the relationship of a son, long absent from home, established beyond doubt that John Rau, who fifteen years ago departed from Two Rivers, still lives and in a few days will return to his boyhood home. When a letter was received from San Francisco recently and the writer made claim to being the boy who left Two Rivers on the stormy November night in 1885, relatives were not inclined to credit the story and immediately set about to investigate the claim made. A suspicious circumstance in connection with the case was that the writer applied for financial assistance to make the journey east. Several letters were written and money was at last forwarded to a bank at San Francisco, together with a list of questions, which the Two Rivers people insisted should be answered before the money was paid. The questions were of a character demanding personal knowledge of the early life of Rau and could be answered only by one acquainted with the circumstances surrounding his boyhood. When the test was put in operation, upon the writer of the letters applying for the money, the replies given were such as to establish his identity as Rau and he was given the money. It is expected that he is now enroute home and his coming is anxiously awaited by mother and brothers. Mar. 29, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********** John Rau, Missing Two Rivers Boy, Apparantly (sic) In No Haste To Return HE HAS AGAIN DISAPPEARED. Obtains Money Forwarded at San Fransisco and No More is Heard of Him - Where is He? Fifteen years absence has evidently not brought to John Rau that longing for home and its kindred associations that he would have his relatives believe, for despite the assistance given him and the assurance of welcome, by lingers away and is apparently loath to return to Two Rivers, the scene of his early childhood. Since he claimed the money forwarded him at San Francisco, no word has been received from Rau and he has disappeared as completely as he did fifteen years ago. Relatives are confident that the claim to the identity of the missing son is genuine and are at a loss to explain the actions that now characterize his movements. There is no means of locating his whereabouts and the belief is gradually gaining ground at Two Rivers that Rau has no intention of returning at the time he made known the fact of his existence. While this may not be the case, indications point to the truth of it and many accept it. It is barely possible that circumstances have delayed the journey and upon this relatives still build a hope that the missing one will return. Apr. 12, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald ********** GREED LEADS TO DISCOVERY Fraud Perpetrated on Rau Family of Two Rivers Is Revealed A greed that was not satisfied with a harvest of easy money secured in successful operation of a confidence game, may lead to the arrest of a San Francisco man, who clothed in the identity of one whom is believed long been dead, imposed upon the Rau family of Two Rivers. Several months ago a letter was received by the Rau family, purporting to have been written by John Rau, who, sixteen years ago disappeared from his home in Two Rivers. The writer told of his life as a sailor in foreign lands and of his service in the navy and expressed a desire to return to the scene of his childhood home providing he was given money to make the journey and assured of a welcome. The conditions were supplied and the visit of the long absent one anxiously awaited. Time passed, and brought - not the relative, but another request for funds, which aroused suspicion and led to an investigation being made into the claims of the writer of the letters. The result was satisfactory as the party was thoroughly acquainted with the early life of the one who he represented himself to be. The second remittance was forwarded and again the anxious waiting was gone through. A third request or money convinced the Two Rivers family that the representations made were false and the aid of the San Francisco police was invoked to discover the identity of the operator of the scheme, which was evidently a game to secure money. The report of the police investigation is that the party claiming to be John Rau, was known by another name in San Francisco - a name that is recognized by Two Rivers people as that of a former schoolmate of Rau's, who has been absent for years. The man could not be located, having evidently decided that his safety would be secure only by flight, since suspicion had been aroused. Had the third request for money, not been made, it is probable that there would have been no investigation. The sum secured by the game was $75, $50 having been sent at the first request and $25 on the second. The name of the San Francisco man is withheld from the public in consideration of the feelings of relatives, residents of both Manitowoc and Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 29, 1901, p. 1

MRS. P. RAU (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 06 Mar.) Mrs. E. Oswald was here last week visiting her ill mother Mrs. P. Rau. We hear that the lady is recovering. 08 Mar. 1906, Der Nord Westen

PETER RAU Conine & Fischbein have appointed the following sub-agents for the Mutual Hail Insurance Co: Manitowoc County Peter Rau John Shimonek Morris Mann Kewaunee County Chas. Tisch Fred. Werner Hermann Pautz Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 15, 1875

PETER RAU: We received a call last Saturday from Peter Rau of Mishicott. Almost everybody in the count—everybody in Manitowoc and Two Rivers—is well acquainted with Peter, the genial host, warm friend, liberal-minded citizen, capable town officer, even-tempered justice, and one of the "oldest inhabitants" who has held forth so long at Mishicott. We are informed that he proposes to add to his other accomplishments that of farming, having purchased of A. Manson the Honey farm of 120 acres for this purpose, at a cost of $5,000. May his shadow never grow less. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 28, 1872 pg. 3

PETER RAU Two Rivers news: The Lake House in this city, which has been managed so long and efficiently by Mrs. Bohn, was sold to Peter Rau, of Mishicott, the other day. Six thousand dollars is, we understand, the consideration which will make Mr. Rau the lanndlord (sic) of the best hotel in town. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4

PETER RAU Mishicot News: Mr. Peter Rau has pruchased the Lake House in Two Rivers, formerly owned by Mrs. J.C. Bohn and will remove there soon. He has sold his village property, including water-power, to B. Soenksen. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 4

PETER RAU (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 29 Apr.) Peter Rau celebrated his 24th birthday Sat. He is manager of the Lake House Hotel. 02 May 1901, Der Nord Westen

WILLIAM RAUCH William Rauch of Eaton, who is taking the pre-medical course at the Milwaukee Normal has returned for the summer vacation. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 10, 1916 P.3

CAPPIE RAYMOND Mrs. Wenzel of Minneapolis who is well remembered by many friends as Cappie Raymond has been spending a few days with Mrs. C. Bartlett. She is visiting her parents at Neshoto. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

MR. REA Gibson news: Mr. Rea has sold his farm and gone to Texas. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4

REA FAMILY The Rea family which lately removed from Mishicott to Texas has been visited by a sad calamity. The house of one of the sons accidentally caught fire, was burned to the ground and Mrs. Rea the old lady, unable to escape was burned to death. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

G.T. REA Mr. G.T. Rea of Mishicott was detained in this city by the storm last week. Mr. Rea writes interesting letters for several papers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 17, 1885 P.2

PETER REA Liberty and Vicinity: The 19th. inst, was made a holiday to some of the young folks, by their being invited to celebrate the anniversary of Miss Mary Finkelson's birthday. It was a very pleasant affair. So says Peter Rea. He was the only gentleman present, and as he is a man of strong will and commanding presence, he stood unrivalled on that, to him, eventful day. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 1, 1882 P. 4

T.K. REA Mishicott news: Mr. F. Zander has bought the old Damon place of T.K. Rea, paying $2000 therefor. Mr. Zander has now one of the best business stands in the village of Mishicott. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 16, 1883 P. 2

GEORGE READ Still another loss to the school fund arose from the repeated violation of the laws prohibiting the sale of forfeited lands at less than their original sale price. The case of George Read, of Manitowoc County, affords an instance. In 1854 he forfeited fifty-two lots and later repurchased them at $50 each. Some of these lots had originally cost him $60. A great fraud was perpetrated on the general public and on the school fund by the many violations of the law of 1855 providing that no person should at any sale of such lands purchase more than 160 acres of school or university lands. This violation was accomplished in many cases by the use of fictitious names, the subsequent forfeiture of bids, and then purchase by application, which was allowable in cases of forfeited lands. The law was also openly violated. Another way of circumventing the law was by offering the forfeited lands at auction so early the next morning that bona-fide purchasers had no opportunity to bid. published 1908 Page 60 "The Financial History of Wisconsin" by Raymond Vincent Phelan

JAMES READY Kellnersville news: James Ready's new brick house is one of the finest in the county. His son will enjoy life in the handsome dwelling with his young wife. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1884 P.4

JERRY REARDEN Jerry Rearden, the well-known one-armed veteran, was working Saturday in the Presbyterian Church, where he is the maintenance man, making repairs in the chancel. He slipped and fell and twisted a knee quite badly. Because Mr. Rearden is extremely elderly, it is feared that his injury will give him great difficulty. 14 May 1908, Der Nord Westen

MRS. RECHEYGL Adolph Herman, formerly a resident of Kossuth, is in the city, visiting his aunt, Mrs. Recheygl. He now resides in Nebraska and is at present employed as traveling salesman for some dry goods house. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1

ANNA RECHCYGL Miss Anna Rechcygl returned, last week from Nebraska where she has been spending several weeks. She has resumed her place with Barnes, Mendlik & Mulholland. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1

DENNIS REDDIN Dennis Reddin has sold his farm, and has gone to St. Croix county to look the land over before making a purchase there. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4

GEORGE REED Order to Hear Petition for Final Settlement. (First Publication Nov. 11, 1884.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of George Reed, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Juliet S. Reed administratrix of the estate of said deceased for the adjustment and allowance of his administration account and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same: It is ordered that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a regular term of said court to be held at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc in said County, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of December, A.D., 1884. It is further ordered, that upon the adjustment and allowance of such account by this Court as aforesaid, the residue of said estate be, by the further order and judgment of this Court, assigned to such persons as are by law entitled to the same. It is further ordered, that notice of the time and place of the examination and allowance of such account, and of the assignment of the residue of said estate be given to all persons interested, by publication of this order for three successive weeks before said day, in the Lake Shore Times a weekly newspaper printed and published at the city of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Oct. 29th A.D. 1884. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 11, 1884 P.2

JUDGE REED SIDE WALKS.-We have some excellent side walks in our village, but not all that our own personal convenience requires.-We wish walks to be extended along 7th and 8th streets, from York to Park streets, and as we have no property on these streets, we are safe in urging the village authorities to levy a sufficient tax for the purpose. -Will J.E. Platt and Judge Reed object? Though they would have to pay the greatest amount of the expense, whe hope they will not refuse, after knowing our wishes in the premises. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

JUDGE REED Judge Reed of Manitowoc has begun a suit against the Wisconsin Central Railroad Co. for $800,000. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 8, 1875

JUDGE REED Judge Reed, wife and daughter were registered at the Newhall House last Friday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1

WILLIAM REED William Reed, better known about town as "Scotty," is chasing himself in an endeavor to steer clear of Chief Pierce and his officers. Reed got a "jag" this morning and while in McCully's saloon, got a little excited. He got tangled up and was ejected from the place by William Post. As a little revenge and just for the fun Reed threw a four pound rock through the window, completely demolishing it and creating havoc inside of the room. He then made his escape and has not yet been apprehended. The damage is $10.00. May 20, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JULIUS REHBEIN Gibson news: Julius Rehbein has just completed a cheese factory on Kind's Corners. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4

GEORGE REHRAUR Two Rivers news: Mr. George Rehraur and wife moved to Sheboygan last Tuesday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

JOE REHRAUER Two Rivers news: Joe. Rehrauer, who runs the store, of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Co., in the vicinity of their lumbering camp in New Denmark returned home on Friday to spend the holidays. Joe looks as though that scourage of modern society, the tonsorial artist, has not yet formed the acquaint ance of the inhabitants of the pineries of Brown Co. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 20, 1881 P. 4

MR. REHRAUER Mr. Rehrauer, of this village is building a new frame house on Pine street, next to the Turner Hall. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 15, 1875

MRS. REICHEN MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Herman Schmidt is of the firm of Menges & Schmidt, and is making money rapidly in the restaurant business. It is one of the best and most frequented restaurants in the metropolis of our State. Hermann (sic) enjoys the same popularity there that he did here. His residence is on Tirteenth street, where his amiable wife, nee Agnes Riechen, makes home a coveted retreat for rest and comfort. His mother in law, Mrs. Reichen also makes her home with them. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

ARTHUR REICHERT The latest word from City clerk Arthur Reichert who is at the Passavant Memorial Hospital at Chicago receiving treatment for his foot, is that he is doing nicely and expects to be home at the end of four weeks. He is able to be up this week. Rumor has it that when he returns to Manitowoc he will be accompanied by his bride. Good boy, Arthur. Jan. 25, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ED REICHERT, MRS. Mrs. Ed. Reichert departed for Chicago this morning where she will spend a few days with relatives and friends before continuing to Cleveland. O., where she will make her home for the summer. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.3

GEORGE REICHERT George Reichert and George Pitz have departed for Cleveland where they will reship on one of the big steel boats from that port after spending the winter at home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 19, 1916 P.3

MISS REICHERT It is said that Matthias Mueller of Kiel, will shortly marry Miss Reichert of Town Rhine. 15 June 1893, Der Nord Westen

LOUIS REIF, MRS. Mrs. Louis Reif and children have gone to Cody, Wyo., to join Mr. Reif and the family will make their future home there. They formerly resided at Reif's Mills. Apr. 14, 1902, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. PETER REIF Kossuth news: Mr. Joseph Kelser, of Kansas is visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter Reif of this town. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1

MR. REIMER Gibson news: A team belonging to Mr. Reimer became frightened one day last week and ran away throwing Mr. Reimer and a friend of his out of the sled but they escaped with slight bruises. The horses ran a mile before being stopped. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3

CARL, OTTO, AND WILLIE REIMER Larrabee News: Otto and Willie Reimer of Milwaukee were home to see their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reimer, who were sick. Feb. 5, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CHRISTIAN REINARTSON Valders News: The Farmers' institute held here last Thursday and Friday was very well attended. Quite a number of ladies also attended Miss Maxwell's cooking school which was held at Jonas' hall. The following are some of those who received prizes at the institute: Fred Kieselhorst for the heaviest man attending; Mrs. F. Kieselhorst for the heaviest woman; Miss Mabel Hougen for the tallest lady; Henry Harvey for the lightest farmer; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halvorson for heaviest married couple; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knutson for lightest married couple; Christian Reinartson for the best team of drivers; Hy Hougen for the best team of draft horses; for guessing the nearest number of peas in a bottle, Louis Horstman, Jr.; oldest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuschel; for buying the most merchandise at L. Commings store, John Luebke; for the largest load of people, Wm. Busse; for the best sample of barley raised in 1914; first prize Julius Jacobsen, second Otto I. Berge; tallest man attending the institute was a tie between Alfred Christianson and Thos. O. Thompson; walking furthest to institute also resulted in a tie between Isaac Hanson and Ole Ellestad. Jan. 30, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ED REINDL Two Men Near Death As Car Is Turned Over CAR LEAVES ROAD ON 141, IS OVERTURNED Ed. Reindl and Paul Prowl Have Miraculous Escape From Death Two Manitowoc men, thrown out of an overturned car on Highway 141, about one half mile south of the junction of highways 31 and 141 at about 8 o'clock last night are under care of physicians today following a most miraculous escape from death or far more serious injuries than they received. Thumb Torn Off. Paul Prowl, 2610 Meadow Lane, passenger in the machine which overturned had the thumb of his right hand torn off and two other fingers are so severely lacerated that it may be necessary to amputate in order to save the hand. His back is also injured and he has severe bruises but it is believed that he escaped internal injuries. He is still confined to the hospital. Ed. Reindl, 936 North Fifteenth street meat market proprietor, driver and owner of the car, is expected to be able to retain his left ear following its being sewed in place after it was nearly severed from his head. When he arrived at the office of his attending physician, the ear was hanging by little more than a shred. A deep gash in his left cheek exposed the bone of the left jaw and he was otherwise seriously bruised. Suffer Blood Loss. Both men were in extremely weakened condition because of excessive loss of blood but this is expected to have no serious results. Both are resting easily today, Reindl at his home where he was taken this morning. Accident Theory. One of the theories of the accident is that Prowl seated next to Reindl, grabbed the steering wheel in the belief that Reindl was in danger of going into the ditch when a passing car or truck crowded them on the side of the road. The machine, a late model Willys-Knight touring car was steered across the highway to the left side of the road, went into a five foot ditch and skimmed along that for a distance before it struck a fence post and it overturned. The machine was badly damaged. The two men were reported to have been at Sheboygan and were on their way to Manitowoc at the time of the mishap. Prowl employed on the night shift of the cement plant, was to have been at work at 11 o'clock last night and it was for that purpose that the men were returning. Herbert Zannacker, one of the first to reach the scene of the accident, found Prowl a considerable distance from the car in a field, almost overcome by exhaustion, the man, in his maddening pain having started to run from the scene. Mr. Zannacker drove to a nearby telephone and summoned Dr. F.W. Hammond to care for Prowl while Reindl was brought to the city by another car. Manitowoc Herald News | Saturday, September 01, 1928 | Page 3

JOHN REINDL BULLET IN HEAD John Reindl Tries Suicide at Two Rivers But Fails in Attempt Family troubles, coupled with the effect of a debauch, led John Reindl, a Two Rivers man, to attempt suicide Saturday by bring (sic) a bullet into his head, but the deed has not yet accomplished its purpose as Reindl is still alive. The affair happened early Saturday morning, following a quarrel which Reindl had with his wife the night previous, and early reports gave rise to a story that the case was an attempt at murder. Dist. Atty. Hougen, who investigated the matter, however, expresses the opinion that the wound was self inflected by Reindl, who has been brought to the hospital here. It is thought that he will live. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, February 20, 1905 P. 1

JOSEPH REINDL CUPID TIED THE KNOT. Joseph Reindl, of Chicago, and Theresa Bohman, Married at Appleton. Cards have been received in this city announcing the marriage of Joseph Reindl, to Miss Theresa Bohman of Appleton, which event was soleminized at Sacred Heart church, Appleton, yesterday, Rev. Kastens officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Ida Friedl, of this city, and John Reindl acted as groomsman. Both young people are well known in this city and formerly resided here. The groom is the son of John Reindl, the grain buyer, and is a druggist. He holds a lucrative position in the Windy city, where the couple will reside. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. A. Bohman, a former Manitowoc resident, and has visited here frequently since the family removed to Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. Reindl arrived in this city last evening and are guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Reindl on North Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. Reindl will be at home to their friends after March 1 at the Lexington hotel, Chicago. The HERALD joins with numerous friends in extending congratulations. Feb. 22, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MR. REINHARDT A man by the name of Reinhardt living on the Calumet road last week, attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. His failure was due to the want of knowledge of anatomy as he cut an ugly gash on the back of his neck which if it had been placed over the jugular vein would undoubtedly have ended his life. Depression on account of financial difficulties is said to be the reason he desires to escape this world. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4

MELVIN REINHARDT ALL IN A DAY'S WORK SAYS LIFE GUARD RESCUER Second Boy Saved From Drowning At North Side Beach By Reinhardt Declaring that it was "only in connection with the work I am hired to do," Melvin Reinhardt, youthful life guard, employed by the city at the northside bathing beach, refused to give any details regarding a rescue he made at the beach yesterday. A nine year old boy, playing on the pier contrary to signs posted, fell into the lake and had gone down twice when the life guard went to his rescue and dove into the water to pull him to safety. One Rescue Previously. Like an occasion last week when Reinhardt and a companion went out into the harbor basin to rescue two young boys who were drifting out into the lake on a raft, details regarding the rescue were refused. The life guard declared there wasn't any reason for a fuss and it sounded like bragging. Parents Make It Hard. Superintendent of Parks Edward Pasewalk said that beach conditions here were made more difficult because children refused to obey regulations and said that demands that they be enforced on the part of the lifeguards had resulted in parents berating guards at the beaches. The regulations are made for the safety of the youngsters and will be carried out, Pasewalk declared. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, August 10, 1928 Page 1

R. REINHOLD Two Creeks news: Mr. R. Reinhold, manager of G. Phister's store at this place, left to day for Sauk City, his former place of residence, to spend a few days with his friends and relatives, and to look after a farm which he still owns near that city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4

A.F. REINKEN CHARLES REINKEN Charles Reinken of Texas has returned after a brief visit in the city with his brother, A.F. Reinken. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1916 P.3

B. REINKEN Thieves Caught. Six or seven weeks ago we chronicled several cases of thieving as having occurred one Sunday in the early part of the month of November. Among the sufferers was B. Reinken, who has a store and cigar factory, corner of 8th and Quay streets. Last Monday Mr. Reinken having obtained what he thought sufficient evidence for the purpose, swore out a warrant against two hoble-de-hoys, named respectively Aug. Owert and Carl Damrow. The two boys were arrested and brought before Justice Zinns. When brought up they both plead guilty to the charge of burglary. The manner in which they gained access to the premises was by breaking out a glass in the cellar window, removing the fastenings and entering the house. The boys in talking with their companions bragged of their exploit, and so the matter leaked out, leading to their detection. The amount stolen was about $12.50 first cost, and being within the jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, Mr. Zinns sent the boys to jail for three months. They are about 17 and 19 years old respectively. It is to be hoped that other parties having committed depredations can be caught and punished. Dec. 24, 1874, Manitowoc Tribune

HENRY REINKEN Mr. Henry Reinken left for Chicago last week, where he has secured a lucrative position in a large tobacco house. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 2, 1883 P. 1

HENRY REINKIN Henry Reinkin of this city who travels for a Chicago Tobacco House spent Thanksgiving with his father B. Reinkin Esq. and was a caller at the Times office. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P.5

JOS. REIS (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 31 July) Jos. Reis celebrated his 52nd birthday yesterday with friends and relatives and the wine and beer flowed freely. 03 Aug. 1899, Der Nord Westen

MR. REIS (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 11 Apr.) Also, Mr. Reis has sold his farm to his son George and will move here to our village when he can find a place to live. 13 Apr. 1905, Der Nord Westen

MRS. J. REIS (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 21 Nov.) Mrs. J. Reis celebrated her 55th birthday on 15 Nov. in the company of many relatives and friends. 23 Nov. 1905, Der Nord Westen

MRS. JOS. REIS (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 21 Nov.) Mrs. Jos. Reis celebrated her 49th birthday on Wed. in company of a large number of friends. 23 Nov. 1899, Der Nord Westen

JOS. REITHMEIER Deputy Willinger to-day brought to the city Jos. Reithmeier, of the town of Franklin, who was arrested on a warrant sworn out sometime ago by Max Boehm, charging assault. Reithmeier was tried before Judge Craite and fined $10 and costs amounting to $28.50. Rather a costly lesson in pugilism. Mar. 29, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN REITMEYER Mr. and Mrs. John Reitmeyer of McAllister, Wis., are in the city for a brief visit with Mr. Reitmeyer's mother on South Seventh street. Mar. 17, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

WILLIAM REITMEYER BELT TORE ARM OFF Kellnersville Man Victim of Terrible Accident Saturday William Reitmeyer, a Kellnersville man fell victim to a terrible accident Saturday and is minus an arm as the result of having it caught in a belt on the threshing machine, which he was assisting in operating. While working about the belt and in close contact with it, Reitmeyer's arm was in some manner caught and was almost torn from the socket. The bones were broken and the flesh terribly lacerated, making amputation necessary. The entire arm from the hand above the elbow was crushed, the bones protruding through the flesh. The victim suffered greatly from the pain before the services of a physician could be secured and then the arm was amputated near the shoulder. Reitmeyer is 30 years of age, a farmer and married. He is well known in the city. Sept. 15, 1902, Manitowoc Daily Herald

AUGUSTA REITZ ALL FOUR OF HER SONS ARE NOW DOCTORS With the graduation at Rush Medical College, Chicago, two weeks ago of Walter Reitz, of this city, the fourth son of the family of Mrs. Augusta Reitz has entered the profession of medicine, it being a peculiar coincidence that all four boys of the family have selected that profession. In addition to the four sons, Mrs. Reitz's son in law, the husband of her only daughter, is also a physician. With his graduation, Dr. Walter Reitz entered the Polyclinic Institute ? and is attached to the staff there. ?G. Reitz, another son is ? as a surgeon. July 1, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN REMER John Remer was arrested yesterday on complaint of Mrs. Mary Kister, charged with beating and abusing her two children, Rosa and Tilda. It seems the young man has lost his temper over some remark the girls had made and had struck them. The case was settled before it came to trial by Remer paying the costs, amounting to $6.40. Apr. 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

FRANK REMIKER FRANKLIN GIRL, JILTED, ASKS FOR $5000 HEART BALM MARY WILHELM, 27, SUES FRANK REMIKER, 45, FOR BREACH OF PROMISE TO MARRY Five thousand dollars is the valuation which Mary Wilhelm a town of Franklin girl, places upon her affections in a suit instituted today against Frank Remiker, a wealthy farmer of the same town who is alleged by the girl to have failed to fulfill a promise made to wed her. Papers in the action, alleging breach of promise, were filed in circuit court and the case will come up at the June term next week. In her complaint Miss Wilhelm, who is 27, says that she was engaged to Remiker, but that the wedding date was deferred from time to time by the defendant and that he has now refused to marry her and she asks the court to award her judgment in the sum of $5000 for her blighted hopes. Remiker is a prominent farmer of Franklin and a bachelor, aged 43. It is alleged by the plaintiff that she became engaged to him nearly three years ago and fully expected to be his wife and had prepared for the marriage but that Remiker postponed the event from time to time until last fall when following the birth of a child, he refused to fulfill his alleged promise and has continued in that refusal. The action is the first breach of promise suit instituted in the Manitowoc county courts in several years and will attract considerable interest, both parties being well known in the section in which they reside. The plaintiff is the daughter of a well known farmer of the town. Atty. A. P. Schenlan appears for Miss Wilhelm and Atty. Isaac Craite for the defendant. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 27, 1915, Page 1

MR. RESEBURG Kiel news: Mr. Reseburg's saw mill caught fire and would have been destroyed had not some one discovered the flames before much damage was done. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885 P.4

WILHELM RESEBURG It is reported from Kiel that 13-yr. old Wilhelm Reseburg there, a son of the late Wm. C. Reseburg, recently became a hero by saving the lives of three other children. Norma Ammann, also 13, her sister Vera age 9, and little Lester Meiselwitz age 3, were playing in a skiff in the river. The river there runs by the residence of the two girls' father. The skiff broke loose and before the children noticed, was going down the middle of the river. At that point the children started to cry for help. 13-year old Wilhelm, who was in the area, leaped over two fences into the river, swam to the skiff and towed it to the bank, thus saving the children…. 12 July 1906, Der Nord Westen

WM. RESEBURG Yesterday, Mr. Wm. Reseburg, owner of the Hobel Mill, caught the back of his right hand in the circular saw. Two fingers were severely injured but it is hoped their function can be saved. He is being treated by Drs. Stoelting and Martin. 19 July 1883, Der Nord Westen

B.F. RECHTER Two Rivers news: The fishing property and cooper tools, belonging to F. Oswald, deceased, will be sold at public auction in this city, on Saturday, May 6, Mr. B.F. Rechter will act as auctioneer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4

HENRY RETHEL School Hill news: Mr. Henry Rethel, cheesemaker of this place, receives about 4,700 pounds of milk daily. Henry is a good cheese maker and ought to be well paatronized. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2

MRS. CARL RETZLOF There was a bad accident last Sat. in Two Creeks as Mrs. Carl Retzlof was helping her husband hitch up a pair of young horses. The horses broke loose, throwing her to the ground and dragging the wagon wheels over her face, breaking her cheekbone terribly. Dr. Pritchard has her in his care. 05 Mar. 1896, Der Nord Westen

LEDIVIND REUBEN Kellnersville news: Messrs. Ledivind Reuben and Swetlik will go to Minnesota this week with a view to purchasing land. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 4, 1885 P.1

ANTON REUSER Anton Reuser, a farmer from Kossuth bought a self-binder, but the machine wasn't loaded onto his wagon properly. The horses became frightened, the wagon turned over, Reuser was thrown out and a piece of the machinery fell on his chest. Dr. Frazer is taking care of the unfortunate man and describes the injuries as terrible, but not terminal. Reuser is in the hospital. 04 Aug. 1887, Der Nord Westen

HON. PETER REUTER The aged father of Hon. Peter Reuter who formerly resided at Two Rivers and Centerville in this county, died at Brillion last week at the advanced age of 82 years. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4

GEORGE REUTHER Peter Reuther, of Brillion, is visiting in the city as a guest of his son George Reuther. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 24, 1899 P.2

MRS. GEORGE REUTHER About thirty friends gathered at the home of Mrs. George Reuther on South Fourteenth Street yesterday afternoon to assist that estimable lady in celebrating the twenty-ninth anniversary of her birth. The time was pleasantly passed in a variety of ways and Mrs. Reuther was the recipient of numerous gifts. Appetizing refreshments were served and the party was an enjoyable affair. Those present were: Mesdames Ph. Pitz, Bleh Klingholz, Chas. Flint, Geor. Bean, Frank Herzog, E. Schaffland, Henry Crocker, Emil Seitz, Pete Weber, John Ptiz, Anton Vogt, Royal Sniffen, Aug. Schmidt, Chris. Schroeder, Wm. Stephani, Henry Herzog, A.D. Smith, Geo. Houghton, Joe Wilda, John Herzog, J.W. Cooper. A. Otto, Ray Flint, John Drum and Fred Obermann. In the evening Mrs. Reuther entertained the H.H. club and their gentlemen friends and refreshments were served. Feb. 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

PETER REUTHER Peter Reuther, of Brillion, is visiting in the city as a guest of his son George Reuther. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 24, 1899 P.2

JOSEPH REVOLINSKI Alderman Joseph Revolinski is the latest member of the city council to meet with misfortune. While at work at the Reiss docks Ald. Revolinski had a long wooden sliver driven into his leg and physicians say that he will be laid up for ten days or two weeks, though the injury is not serious. Alderman Charles Schroeder has been confined to his home for several weeks by rheumiatism. Two members of the council have passed away the past six weeks. Feb. 23, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

LEO REVOLINSKI The Revolinski case is drawing to a close in Circuit court, the arguments of attorneys being heard today. The Schuette damage suit against the C.& N.W. R'y Co., will probably be argued next. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 29, 1904 P. 1 ******** Revolinski is Declared to Be Guilty by Jury In the last jury case of the term, concluded Wednesday evening, that of the State vs. Revolinski, the jury returned a verdict of guilty after less than a half hour of deliberation on the question. Application was immediately made for a new trial of the case and this held up the judgment of the court. It is considered highly improbable that another hearing will be granted. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 30, 1904 P. 1

JOHN REYNOLDS A fine large Bear was killed on Thursday last by John Reynolds and John Smith of the town of Kossuth. The meat when dressed weighted 166 lbs and the skin was brought to town sold to a gentleman for $5. Quite a number have been killed during the past season, and hunters have had rare sport. Dec. 20, 1855, Manitowoc Tribune

JOHN REZBA Grimms news: Ed. Kraynik purchased John Rezba's farm. Consideration $9250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 3, 1916 P.5

JOHN REZBA Larrabee news: John Rezba and family moved into their new home in this district last week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 1, 1916 P.2

EDWARD REZNICHEK Mrs. Wencel Reznichek, and son, Edward left for Manitowoc where Edward underwent an operation on his eye. It is feared he might lose his eyesight. While attending school the boy was struck by one of the school boys breaking his glasses and causing a piece of the glass to lodge in his eye. This should be a lesson for those who have children attending school and to warn them to be more careful. Jan. 30, 1917, Manitowoc Daily Herald

AUGUST RHODE August Rhode, of Mishicot, was injured while running a lath machine in his mill at that place yesterday. A lath got caught in the saw and in trying to remove it Mr. Rhode was struck in the abdomen. His injuries are not serious and he will be able to be out in a few days. Nov. 16, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

B. RHODE Mrs. Smith, of Waukesha, is here on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Rhode. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 4

BERNHARD RHODE Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Smith of Waukesha, are visitng in the city, the guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs Bernhard Rhode. Nov. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

EDWARD RHODE THIS IS SOME WELL ON RHODE FARM; NEWTON Depth of 268 Feet and Flow of Water 30 Feet Above Surface There is "some" well on the Edward Rhode farm in the town of Newton, just completed by Andrew Phillips and the William Kenie Co., of Cleveland, drillers. The well is a depth of 268 feed (sic) and the water shot thirty feet above the surface, threatening to flood the entire farm. The Cleveland contractors experienced some trouble with the well which is on the lake shore but when water was finally struck, the flow was terrific. The well is considered of unusual depth in connection with its location near the lake shore. Jan. 29, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

FERN RHODE Miss Fern Rhode, who is completing her course at Milwaukee Normal, returned there after spending Easter with her parents at her home on Michigan avenue. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 24, 1916 P.3

LOUISA RHODE Mrs. Louisa Rhode, who worked several years here at the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, has decided to move to the new State of Washington to seek her opportunities. 02 Oct. 1890, Der Nord Westen

SELMA RHODE Four little girls, Myrtle and Jennie Everts, Selma Rhode and Mable Frick all of them beautiful skaters, skated a race at Lenerville Bros. skating rink, Saturday evening. The first prize was awarded to Myrtle Everts and the second to Selma Rhode. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1885 P.4

H. RHUBY H. Rhuby and Louis Lawrence have engaged to go with J.H. Keith & Co., to work for them on their Iowa job. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, January 20, 1899 P. 4

CAMILE RIBORDY (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 29 Dec.) Mr. Camile Ribordy of Clifton, Illinois, along with his wife and 3 children, is visiting his father-in-law Isaac Craite. 31 Dec. 1891, Der Nord Westen

STEVE RIBORDY Steve Ribordy is making preparations to put up a new house next summer. Mar. 4, 1884, The Lakeshore Times

GEORGE RICE Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.-Michael Mahoney against George Rice, Albert Journey, Benjamin Symes, W.W. Young, A.C. Gibson, and Marshall Morse. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 3d day of November, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale. All the following described premises situate in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, to wit: Lot number six, (6) in block number one hundred and sixty six, (166). Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1850. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

ALICE RICHARDS Miss Alice Richards has started a movement to raise a relief fund for the sufferers by the northern forest fires. Contributions of food, clothing or cash will be thankfully received and forwarded to the places where relief is most urgently needed. Donations will be received at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Miss Richards is an enthusiastic worker for any charitable cause and surely the present object is a worthy one. Add your mite to swell the relief fund. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CHAS. J. RICHARDS Chas. J. Richards has accepted a position in South Milwaukee and left for that place this morning. Mar. 27, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald ******* Chas. J. Richards, who has been holding a position in Milwaukee, has returned to the city. Mr. Richards has not been in the best of health for some time and physicians advised him to take a rest. July 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CHARLES RICHARDS Charles Richards, a former Manitowoc boy now making his home in Alabama, is wed to Miss May Shepard, of Delevan, this state, Sept. 15. The couple will come here for a honeymoon visit. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, September 10, 1903 P. 1

H.C. RICHARDS On a second honeymoon trip, their plan for celebrating the silver wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Richards are at Mackinac for a stay. The anniversary occurred Sunday and was observed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, July 26, 1904 P. 1

HARRY RICHARDS JOYS FRIENDS KNEW NAUGHT OF Harry Richards Weds Dakota Bride And Keeps Marriage A Secret A desire to marry without the fuss and flummery incident to the fulfillment of the obligations imposed upon the benedict by society, led to the surprise which was sprung upon friends of Harry W. Richards yesterday, when he arrive in the city accompanied by a bride. For several months Mr. Richards has been a student at Dixon College, Dixon, Ill., and it was here that the event, which has just been announced was consumated(sic). There is a tinge of romance to the marriage of the popular Manitowoc youth, which took place at Dixon, November 2, 1900. The bride Miss Mabel E. Alexander, of Fargo, N.D. was also a student at the college. Mr. Richards attended and a mutual admiration awakened upon first meeting was engendered to love by the associatious of school life and as was natural, the young people yielded to the dictate of the little God, and started on the roadway of ??????? bliss. The affair was kept a profound secret and not until Tuesday was friends made aware of ??. The young couple arrived in the city at noon Tuesday and are guests at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richards, Seventh and Park streets. They will take up their residence here, where Mr. Richards will be employed in the office of Richards Iron Works. Though chagrined at the neat manner in which they have been fooled, friends of the young man will extend a cordial welcome to his bride and unite in wishing them all happiness. The bride chosen by Mr. Richards is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Alexander, of Fargo, N. D. and is an accomplished young lady of great personal beauty who will be given a warm welcome to social circles of the city. She is a graduate of the Chicago Conservatory of Music and was later a student at Dixon, where she met her husband. The groom has always resided in Manitowoc and is a young man who the Gods have favored. He is popular with young and old and his success in life is now the chief desire of his friends. Jan. 16, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald

J. RICHARDS DESTRUCTIVE FIRE at TWO RIVERS! LOSS ABOUT $20,000 We learn from Mr. J. Richards, that a destructive fire occurred at Two Rivers yesterday afternoon. Mr. Harvey's saw mill, and one dwelling house, were burned to the ground, and another dwelling was torn down to arrest the progress of the flames. The fire originated in the engine room in the saw mill, and was too far advanced, when discovered, to be put down by the buckets. The loss is estimated at $20,000. No insurance. July 22, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune

LEON RICHARDS Leon Richards is home from Milwaukee to spend Easter at the home of his father, James Richards, N. 6th street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.3

A.B. RICHARDSON Mr. A. B. Richardson while out hunting on Little Manitowoc River, one day last week, shot at a duck, and in some way ignited the powder in his powder flask which exploded, tearing off all the clothes on his right arm, and burning it badly. Aug. 10, 1871, Manitowoc Pilot

MRS. T.A. RICHARDSON Mrs. T.A. Richardson and children took their departure for Wabeno to-day. Mr. Richardson has been there some time, being employed by Rusch brothers, and the family will make that place their home. Mar. 17, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ARTHUR RICHTER Mr. Arthur Richter is at home from St. Paul for a brief vacation. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3

B.F. RICHTER Two Rivers news: B.F. Richter has been appointed Chief and Chris. Johannes Asst. Engineer of the new fire department. At a citizen's meeting held on last Tuesday evening a sufficient number of competent men signified their willingness to join the new organization, and there is no good reason why we should not have as effective a fire company as any other city of equal size in the state. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1

LINA RICHTER "Home, Sweet Home." news: Miss Lina Richter is fast establishing a reputation as efficient teacher of music in Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1 ******** Miss Lena Richter left for Milwaukee yesterday morning, to resume her duties as teacher of music. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1 ******** MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Miss Lina Richter, well known in musical circles here, and who completed her already excellent education in Germany, is one of the most successful music teacher in the Craam (sic) City. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

MAX RICHTER Juul & Sixta, local architects, have prepared plans for a new house for Max Richter to be built this spring. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 31, 1916 P.3

JOSEPH RICK Gibson news: The school in Zander district has begun its summer term of four months having from seventy five to eighty pupils enrolled. It is taught by Joseph Rick. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

O.M. RICK Kellnersville news: O.M. Rick is home from Milwaukee. He will return to the Cream City in September. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3

RICKABY The Rickaby boys who went from this county to Door Co. seem to be prospering if we may judge from the items in the Sturgeon Bay Expositor. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 2, 1886 P.3

G.M. RICKABY Door co. news: G.M. Rickaby a former Manitowoc Co. citizen was elected Justice of the Peace at Clay Banks. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

ROBT. E. RICKABY From the Door County Advocate we clip the following personals: Robt. E. Rickaby and family have removed here from Manitowoc and now occupy the Philips place, recently purchased by Mr. R. They are a valuable acquisition to the population of this town and county, and a hearty welcome is extended to them. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1

AUGUST RIETZ August Rietz celebrated his 53rd birthday Sat. with many friends in Schreihart's Hall. 02 Mar. 1899, Der Nord Westen

DR. H.C. RIETZ Dr. H. C. Rietz, attending Rush Medical College, and home for Easter, has returned to his studies. Dr. Rietz contemplates taing examination for the U. S. army in the near future. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 9, 1901, p. 1 ************** Dr. H.C. Rietz, a son of our city, has received appointment as a military dentist in the Philippines and will leave for Manila after paying a goodbye visit to his parents here. 02 May 1901, Der Nord Westen

LOUISE RIPPEL Lyman Nash, of the Two Rivers Chronicle, who has been at Brooklyn, N.Y., for several weeks to take a course in the Mergenthaler Linotype school, returned yesterday and will take charge of the machines in the Chronicle office. Miss Louise Rippel, who has been employed there as operator, has resigned and it is said will soon wed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.3

MRS. RISCH Larrabee news: Henry Loeh and Mrs. L. Kind were called to Manitowoc when their sister, Mrs. Risch suffered a stroke of paralysis. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P.5

JESSIE RITCHIE JUNIOR PROM FRIDAY STARTS COMMENCEMENT Senior Class Names Its Officers-Miss Jorgenson Is Valedictorian With Junior prom this week, the high school starts upon the finale of the school year which will witness the graduation of a class of 72 members, the largest in the history of Manitowoc schools in one wear (sic). The commencement exercises open with the class day exercises and play on June 21, followed by commencement on June 22, the last named ceremonies being limited to a class song, address and awarding of diplomas. Miss Margaret Jorgenson has been named valedictorian of the class this year as the high honor student of the school. Officers of the senior class are: President, Roy Murphy; vice-president, Miss Jessie Ritchie; secretary, Miss Margaret Jorgenson; treasurer, William Just. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P.1

FLORENCE ROACH Miss Florence Roach departed for Council Bluffs, Ia., this morning where she will make her home, Miss Roach having accepted a position in that city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 27, 1916 P.3

ALONZO ROBERTS ACCIDENT TO A HORSE.-On Saturday last, a valuable horse, belonging to Mr. Alonzo Roberts, had one of his legs broken, while crossing a "corduroy" bridge, about eight miles from town. He was a fine family horse, and a great favorite with Mr. R. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, Aug. 12, 1859 P.3

C.W. ROBERTS C.W. Roberts left for Racine this morning to attend the funeral of his mother. Mar. 21, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. J.A. ROBERTS Mrs. B.R. White is in the city on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J.A. Roberts. July 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MR. ROBINSON Mr. Abraham Andrews, Mr. Robinson and another gentleman are talking about starting a woolen factory either at Brillion or on the site of Vilas old Factory. Mr. Robison (sic) use to be foreman, of Vilas' woolen mill, and is well posted in the manufacturing line. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1

ARTHUR C. ROBINSON FOR SALE. The Farm of 'Glena,' comprising the North East and South East qrs. of Section 22, and South half of Section 23, containing 640 acres, Said land being in township No. 19, North of Range 22 East, in the town of Maple Grove, lying on both sides of the Manitowoc river, for one mile, on which, there is a good water power, and about three hundred thousand of pine, of the first quality, in the centre (sic) of one of the best sections of farming land in the County, all settled by a class of improving farmers. There is a large frame dwelling house, two stories high, with a cellar 16 by 54 feet, having in it a good well 22 ft. deep always full of water, closed in yard with stabling for 30 herd of cattle, a garden with a quantity of grafted fruit trees, 7 acres seeded with timothy and clover, and about 80 acres in different stages of improvement. Said farm will be sold in any quantities to suit purchasers, as the subscriber intends to return to Europe in the spring. Application to be made to Arthur C. Robinson. Manitowoc, Jan. 17, 1855. Jan. 17, 1855 P. 3, Manitowoc Tribune

MRS. DAN ROBINSON Cato news: Mrs. Dan. Robinson of Ledyard, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jno. Killen. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P.4

D.F. ROBINSON The first of the month D.F. Robinson took a flying trip to Elgin Ill., for the purpose of investing in Holstein blood with the intention of improving the grade of cattle here. Has purchased a fine animal. (Oak Hill.) Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

JENNIE ROBINSON THROWN FROM HORSE, GIRL IS SERIOUSLY INJURED, CRAWLS TO HOME AND COLLAPSES ON STEP Thrown from a horse which she was riding, Miss Jennie Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson residing on Rural Route 7 out of this city, was seriously injured yesterday and is under the care of physicians at her home. Miss Robinson had visited the pasture where the horse was grazing and had started to ride the animal to the stables when the horse became unmanageable and she was thrown to the ground. She was unconscious for some time and when she regained consciousness found she was unable to walk. Weak and faint, her cries for aid were not heard and after several attempts she dragged herself across the field to the house where she collapsed on the doorstep. Members of the family carried Miss Robinson into the house and while she was being revived, a physician was hurriedly summoned. Though it is not thought that Miss Robison suffered internal injuries, she was seriously bruised and will be unable to leave her bed for some time. Miss Robinson is well known in the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 05, 1915, Page 1

JOHN ROBINSON We are happy to learn that Mr. John Robinson is slowly recovering from his late severe indisposition. John has many friends in the County who will be glad to see him around in his usual good health. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, Sept. 9, 1859 P.3

JOHN ROBINSON Business card: VETERINARY SURGEON And Cattle Doctor. JOHN G. ROBINSON, Veterinary Surgeon and Cattle Doctor, (Member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland,) is perfectly acquainted with every complaint in which Horses and Cattle are subject, and has over 40 years' practice. Resides one mile from Manitowoc, on the M.& M. Plank Road. To be found at T.J. Robinsons' Drug store from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 4, 1870

JOHN G. ROBINSON REMEMBERING THE PRINTER.- Mr. W.H. Crocker will please accept our thanks for a basket full of the fine Citrons left with us a few days since. We also tender our acknowledgments to Mr. John G. Robinson for a mammoth Pumpkin. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 14, 1859 P.3

JOHN ROBINSON, MRS. A HAPPY DAY FOR HER Friends of Mrs. John Robinson Celebrate Her Eightieth Anniversary. The completion of eighty years of earthly existence by Mrs. John Robinson, was made the occasion of great happiness Saturday, when friends and neighbors in large number, gathered at her home on North Ninth street to offer congratulations and celebrate the event. The esteemable (sic) recipient of the homage of the guests was made to feel the high regard in which she is held, and the happiness of the day was indeed great. Although four score years of age, Mrs. Robinson is still blessed with good health and entered into the pleasure of the festivities with all the enjoyment of her more youthful life. The ladies came prepared to serve luncheon and during the afternoon, the spread was laid and partaken of. The occasion was one of great felicity. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, Jan. 21, 1901, p. 1

PETER ROBINSON Peter Robinson was arrested this morning upon a warrant sworn out by Miss Maggie Bach, charging him with the use of abusive language. He pleaded "not guilty," and the hearing was set for this afternoon. Apr. 10, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. T. ROBINSON John Robinson and wife came down from Green Bay to spend the Christmas time with their sister Mrs. T. Robinson and other friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3

WILLIAM H. ROBINSON FARMER THROWN FROM WAGON MAY BE FATALLY HURT WILLIAM ROBINSON, ROUTE 7, NEAR DEATH'S DOOR AS RESULT OF INJURIES IN RUNAWAY ACCIDENT SATURDAY NIGHT Thrown from his wagon when his team became unmanageable and ran away Saturday night, William H. Robinson, a prominent farmer residing on Rural route No. 7 from this city, sustained injuries from which he may not recover. While Mr. Robinson today showed some improvement he is in a precarious condition. Mr. Robinson sustained the fracture of two ribs, had his leg broken and his body severely bruised in the accident which happened while he was en route to the city with a load of grain. The team, which was a young one, took fright and in a mad dash became unmanageable and Mr. Robinson was thrown from the wagon into the roadway. He was picked up unconscious and taken to his home. Owing to the fact that the team in its flight collided with a telephone pole, breaking the wires it was impossible to get into communication with the city from the Robinson farm and a call was dispatched to Mishicot for a physician. Mr. Robinson was made as easy as possible in the meantime but was suffering greatly. His injuries were attended by the physician and reports today say that his condition is as favorable as could be expected but that he is not out of danger. It is said that Mr. Robinson did not sustain internal injuries aside from the fractured ribs. Mr. Robinson is 55 years of age and is well known in the city and county. He is a cousin to Thomas Robinson of this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, November 16, 1915, Page 1 ******** Mr. and Mrs. William H. Robinson departed for Endeavor this morning to visit their daughter who teaches school there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 11, 1916 P.3

CARL ROBLE Liberty news: Carl Roble has gone back to Manitowoc to resume his position as clerk in Schuette's store. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1

K.K. ROBLE K.K. Roble returned last week from Dane County, where he has been on a visit to his sick brother. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 1

CHAS. ROBLEE Chas. Roblee, of Cato, R.E. Mueller Jr., of Two Rivers, are the latest acquisitions to Schuette's force of clerks. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

K.K. ROBLEY Another testament entered for probate was that of K. K. Robley, of cato (sic). Mr. Robley was one of the oldest settlers of the county. The estate is valued at $5,000. Jan. 11, 1901, Manitowoc Daily Herald

PETER ROCKEY Peter Rockey To Remain at Green Bay Reformatory Until He is 21. For a term of three years and nine months, Peter Rockey, self confessed criminal, who admitted to Circuit Court that he had been a party to a burglary at the premises of Peter Terkleson in Valders, last February, will remain an inmate of the Green Bay reformatory. This was the sentence which Judge Kirwan today imposed upon the youthful prisoner and he entered upon the penalty at noon. Rockey is but 17 years of age, but in the past few months has been associated in the commission of many crimes that have landed him behind prison walls. The sentence imposed completely unnerved the prisoner. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, 1

WM. ROCKHOFF Beigel & Seitz have secured the contract for the plumbing work on Wm. Ellisman's new residence on Marshal street, and also Wm. Rockhoff's new residence on S. Eighth street. Oct. 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

LOUIS ROD WILL TAKE A REST. Louis Rod Gets Sixty Days In County Jail For a Jag. Louis Rod, who makes his home with the family of John Espen on Franklin street, will spend sixty days at the county jail in payment as the result of a little misunderstanding he had Tuesday evening. Louis is of a happy-go-lucky disposition and when he gets on the outside of a few beers it is almost impossible for him to restrain his joy. Tuesday evening he was about town with the boys and he went just a "few." He returned to his boarding place rather late in the evening and became quite hilarious. He danced, sang and in fact did most everything that could be imagined. The songs he warbled didn't suit Mr. Espen and he requested him to "dry up." This was more than Louis could stand and he made a pass at John, and a fight was the result. A warrant was sworn out for his arrest on a charge of asault and battery and he was brought before Judge Craite yesterday afternoon, found guilty and in default of money to pay a fine, he was sentenced to "do" sixty days time. Mar. 9, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

WILHELMINA ROEBER Application has been made to have Mrs. Wilhelmina Roeber cared for. The aged woman has been of unsound mind for a number of years. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, September 15, 1903 P. 1 ******* (Note: There is a Wilhelmina Roeber in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc)

ADELE ROEFFS Mr. and Mrs. Lonsdorf of Escanaba, Mich., have been spending a few days in Manitowoc. Mrs. Lonsdorf will be better remembered as Miss Adele Roeffs. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.2

HENRY ROEHR Henry Roehr, who went out as orderly sergeant of Co. A, Fifth Wis. Vols., and was afewards (sic) promoted to second lieutenant, now lives in St. Johns, Kansas. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1

J. ROEMER, MRS. Mr. J. Roemer of Fond du Lac, is here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Rand, North Sixth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 23, 1916 P.3

CLARA ROEMER Clarks Mills news: Miss Clara Roemer, of Manitowoc is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Klann. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 24, 1916 P.4

JOHN ROEMER, JR. Mr. I. Craite, John Roemer Jr., A. H. Zander, Henry Thompson and John Laudt took a fishing trip up to Shay's Lake one day last week. The number of fish they caught seemed to have been countless. Manitowoc Pilot, March 8, 1894

JOSIE ROEMER (From correspondent in Mishicott, 20 Jan.) Josie Roemer, 14 yr. son of John Roemer here, has been given a position as a page (messenger) in the Senate. Jan. 22, 1891, Der Nord Westen

MRS. ROEPKE Mrs. Roepke, of Birnamwood is in the city for a visit with relatives, a guest of her sisters, Mrs. Teitgen and Mrs. Lippert. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 13, 1916 P.3

CARL ROESER, SR. The following taken from the Sunday Telegraph of last week, will be interesting reading for many of our citizens: Carl Roeser, Sr. went to Wisconsin in 1850; was engaged in editing a Free Soil paper, the Anzeiger, (Advertiser) published at Oshkosh until late in 1853. Early in 1854 he went to Manitowoc and there began publishing and editing the Wisconsin Democrat, a German paper, in support of the Free Soil party. In July, 1854, Mr. Roeser participated in the State Mass Convention at Madison in which the Republican party was born and baptized, and his paper thenceforth advocated the principles of the new party, it being the first German paper in the Union to do so. In 1855 he was the Rpublican nominee for state treasurer. Mr. Roeser has been here since 1861, most of the time employed in the third auditor's office, where he is now located. For several years past he has been the editor of a German Republican weekly, published in Washington, called the Volks Tribune. His Washington home is at 2313 M street, N.W. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

HENRY ROETHEL School Hill news: Mr. Herman Kleman is the assistant of Henry Roethel in the cheese factory in this vicinity in order to learn the business more perfectly. After a few weeks he will take charge of the factory of his parents place, in Schleswig. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 28, 1885 P.3

HENRY ROETHEL School Hill news: Mr. Henry Roethel has purchased a tract of land containing 20 acres for $1,000 of Aug. Keuster adjoining the village plat. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 5, 1885 P.6

MRS. A. ROHDE (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 14 Feb.) Mrs. A. Rohde celebrated her 50th birthday on Thurs. last week in the company of many friends and relatives, while her mother, Mrs. Runge, arrived at her 86th birthday. 23 Feb. 1905, Der Nord Westen

THOMAS ROHDE A ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohde met with a serious accident on south Twentieth street at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The boy was playing with a twenty-five cent revolver, put in some B B shot on top of a 22 caliber blank cartridge and while trying with the "pop" shot himself just above the knee of the left leg. The injured one was taken to the doctor's office and the shot extracted. It is feared that the results may be serious. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 1, 1901 p.2 ********* (Note: The only Rohde on the 1900 census with a son who would be 10 yrs. old in 1901 is Martin Rohde of Newton. The son was Thomas age 9. John Rohde was 26 yrs. and his only son was age 6/12)

MRS. MICHAEL ROLAND Kellnersville news: Mrs. Michael Roland of Franklin is at present writing dangerously ill, and Dr. O'Connel says, can not recover. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.2

MICHAEL ROLLAND TOWN FRANKLIN FARMER SENT TO THE HOSPITAL Michael Rolland has had Frequent Attacks and is Insane Michael Rolland, a town of Franklin farmer, was committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh today in probate court, physicians finding the man demented. Rolland is 32 years old and it is said has had frequent lapses that have alarmed his relatives. He has been at the hospital in this city on several occasions but no permanent relief has been afforded him. Rolland is an only son and is a nephew of John Rolland, who was the victim of a murder in Franklin a few years ago. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 17, 1916 P.5

F. ROM?R ACCIDENT.- Mr. F. Rom?r (Romer?) caught his foot between two bunches of shingles, in attempting to spring from his wagon, yesterday, and fractured the tibla and fibula of the right leg. He was attended by Dr. Preston and Deming, and is doing well. Oct. 25, 1855, Manitowoc Tribune

MATTHIAS RONEK FARMER MEETS A HEAVY LOSS. Matthias Ronek, Town of Two Creeks, Burned Out of House and Home. Fire which visited the farm premises of Matthias Ronek in the town of Two Creeks, five miles north of Two Rivers, this morning destroyed the house, barn, granary and other buildings on the farm and entailed a loss of nearly $5,000, on which but small insurance was carried. Little of the contents of any of the buildings was saved, the flames spreading rapidly and burning fiercely. The origin of the fire is unknown, although it is thought to have started from coal ashes which had been dumped near an outbuilding. Neighbors who saw the flames from a distance, hastened to lend assistance but the means at hand was in effectual to combat the flames, and the heavy loss was accomplished in very short time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, 1

MRS. ROOT Mrs. Wolf, of Chicago, and Mrs. Root, of Minneapolis, are passing the summer months in this city, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nollau. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 14, 1883 P. 1

JOHN ROPKE John Ropke was stabbed in Newton. 10 Nov 1855, Manitowoc Herald

ROSBERG, MR. Mr. Rosberg formally opened the St. Charles Hotel last Saturday evening. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1

CHARLES ROSE Under Sheriff Edwards arrested Chas. H. Rose charged with robbing the letters and till of the Post office in this village, of which he has been Distributing Clerk. He was yesterday examined before Justice Waldo and held to bail in the sum of $2,000. July 10, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune ********* THE POST OFFICE ROBBERY. We mentioned in Saturday's paper the arrest of a clerk in the Manitowoc Post Office on a charge of robbing the letters which passed through the office. Mr. Wittman has furnished us with the following statement in reference to the affair, which we publish for the information of those interested. It seems that only registered letters were robbed, unless there were some other means of ascertaining that money was sent in them, another proof that the present system of registering is merely a nice little plan for showing a thief where to find the money. It seems that Mr. Wittman, P.M. having occasion to make out his report to the Department, on Saturday July 3d, was in the act of throwing the concept into the stove, when he discovered two packages of the New York Staats Zeitung ready to be consumed. Mr. W. attributed this act to carelessness, or want of inclination or time to distribute them on the part of Rose, and discharged him forthwith. But immediately upon his discharge, Mr. Jacob Stephani, who lives six or seven miles in the country, heard of it, and hurried to town to find Mr. Wittman, to whom he related the following facts: On the 15th of December, Mr. S. had mailed a registered letter containing $11, to Wolf River, Kewaunee Co., which Rose entered on the Register book as usual. Mr. S. shortly after received a letter from Wolf River saying, that his letter had not been received and immediately went to Rose, who said the letter had certainly been sent, but he would write on to the P.M. at Wolf River and see about it, although he had no business to conduct any correspondence connected with the Post Office business, and contrary to Mr. Wittman's repeated instructions, who alone attends to the correspondence. Mr. S. again called on Rose, and this time told him he should see Mr. W. in relation to his letter and money. Rose objected to this, and told Mr. S. that he (Wittman) would be angry, &c., and finally said he would pay him the money out of his own pocket, and on the next Sunday, did pay him $6.00 of it. On examining the books, Mr. W. Found that Rose had marked an "R" on the margin, indicating that the letter had been "received," at its destination, although the letter never left this place, as the postmaster at Wolf Rivers says he never received it, and other circumstances prove his statement. This is only one case in many. A poor woman, whose husband is in Milwaukee, laboring by the day, and has been in the habit of sending home three dollars a week to support his family, is among the sufferers, the letters being deprived of part of the contents in this post-office. Mr. Richter, wishing to send home the daguerrotype of his family, over a year ago, gave them to Rose to forward them to Germany. Rose stopped the correspondence between Mr. Richter and his father, averring all the time that the daguerrotypes had been sent, but finally handed them back to Mr. R. a week or two ago in the same condition they were in when given to him to forward to Germany. Mr. Wittman showed us several statements, of different persons who had lost money and drafts, which were sent in registered letters, and which were undoubtedly abstracted by Rose. The amount stolen is not known although several of our citizens are losers by his dishonesty. Rose will be taken to Milwaukee, and tried before a Commissioner appointed by the Department for that purpose. The Daily Tribune, Tuesday, July 13, 1858 P. 2 ******** UNITED STATES versus CARL ROSE.- Carl Rose, a German, recently a clerk in the Post Office at Manitowoc, was this morning examined before Judge Miller, on a charge of destroying a package of newspapers, and embezzling letters containing money. After hearing the testimony, the judge bound him over in the sum of $2,000 to appear at the January term of the U.S. District Court. Hon. Isaac H. Parrish, of the firm of Parrish & Bradley, appeared as counsel for the prisoner.-Wisconsin, 14th. July 19, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune ********* Deputy Marsahl B.J. VanValkenburgh returned on Sunday evening with Rose in custody and a commitment from Judge Miller ordering his confinement in the Manitowoc Co. jail, in default of the required bail, until the January term of the U.S. District Court. July 20, 1858 P. 3, The Daily Tribune

FRANK ROSE Frank Rose, baggage man for F. Herzog met with an accident last evening. While in the discharge of his duties he let a trunk slip and it alighted on his foot, crushing two toes. It was painful but upon examination it was found no bones were broken. The accident will not incapacitate him for his duties, as he returned to work this morning. Mar. 29, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN ROSE He was injured at Jones & Co. Mill, his leg had to be amputated. 26 May 1859, Manitowoc Herald

FLORA ROSENFELD Mrs. Edward Rosenfeld, nee Flora Harris, of Boston, Mass., is here for an extended stay with her mother and other relatives and friends. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, September 18, 1903 P. 1

ADOLPH ROSINSKI Stephen Schmidt Pays $18.05 for a Little Sport. Stephen Schmidt, of the town of Newton, will think twice before he gets in a wrangle with a friend, after this. On Sunday evening in company with Adolph Rosinski he attended a dance given in Kuffle's hall at Newton and during the evening they became engaged in a war of words over some trival matter and blows were the result. Rosinski swore out a warrant for the arrest of Schmidt, charging him with assault and battery and he was taken before Police Justice Craite this morning, found guilty of the charge and paid $5.00 and costs, amounting to $18.05, which he paid. Nov. 16, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

D. ROSS Mishicott news: Miss D. Ross is visiting relatives in Elmira, N.Y. and will be absent all winter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 4

M.M. ROSS M.M. Ross and wife, of Antigo are enjoying the holidays among friends and relatives in this city, their former home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 26, 1882 P. 1

NORRIS ROSS (NOTE: I have put the list in alphabetical order with surnames first to facilitate finding a certain surname) Old Settlers Club. At a meeting held pursuant to a notice published in the Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc County Chronicle, and the Nord-Western, at the Windiate House in the city of Manitowoc, on the 16th day of January A. D. 1879, for the purpose of organizing an Old Settlers Club, P. P. Smith was chosen chairman of the meeting and William Bach Secretary. Mr. Markham addressed the meeting and stated the object. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to appoint a committee of three, to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for said club and to confer with the commitee, appointed by a meeting held at Klingholtz hall, January 4th, for the same purpose, for consolidation both clubs. H. H. Smith, W. W. Waldo, and William Bach were appointed as such committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to consider all present members of the club, and to instruct the Secretary to take their names down with date and year of arrival in this country. The following are the names and dates as recorded by the Secretary: Anderson, James S. - 1852 Bach, Wm. - April 1848 Bock, Chas. - June 1852 Burmeister, W. - May 1844 Cooper, Geo. - May 1855 Edwards, Henry - 1837 Fellows, M. - Sept. 1848 Hall, John - March 1851 Hall, Sam. - 1851 Hubbard, H. - April 1837 Jones, A. D. - June 1837 Klingholz, R. - July 1847 Kostomlastky, F. - July 1857 Lennox, Jos. - 1839 Markham, J. D. - May 1856 Miller, J. - 1856 Mulholland, H. - 1852 Mulholland, P. - May 1850 Noble, W. H. - May 1855 O'Shea, P. - 1853 Patterson, James - Aug. 1848 Ross, Norris - 1841 Seeger, L. - May 1850 Sherman, E. - Spring 1850 Smith, Ave - April 1844 Trummel, F. - May 1844 Tyler, M. - July 1854 Waldo, W. W. - May 1850 White, Chr. W. - 1852 Windiate, Thos. - Nov 1854 Wood, S. A. - Oct. 1849 On motion of J. D. Markham it was resolved to appoint a committee of arrangements and to have a social of the 21st day of February next, the following were so appointed: H. H. Smith, Chas. Esslinger, A. Wittmann, Lyman Emerson, H. S. Pierpont, H. Edwards. On motion of Chas. W. White it was resolved to meet again on the 15th day of Feb. next at 7 o'clock P. M. at the same place to hear the reports of committee. On motion of J. S. Anderson it was resolved to instruct the Secretary of the meeting to publish the proceedings in the newspapers of the County. On motion of J. D. Markham the meeting adjourned till the 15th day of Feb., 1879 at 7 o'clock P. M. at the same place. William Bach, Secretary Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Jan. 21, 1879

WILHAM ROSS Mishicott news: The house of Mr. Wilham Ross of Gibson, had a narrow escape, from destruction by fire, on Wednesday last. While the family were at dinner the crackling of flames was heard, and investigation developed, that the roof of the house was on fire. The fire was, with difficulty, extinguished, but not until one half of the roof was destroyed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4

MR. ROSSBERG Liberty news: Mr. Mell Halverson purchased a fine cutter from Mr. Rossberg of Manitowoc. Mell says there is only one thing more and his happiness will be complete. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.2

MORITZ ROSSBERG Edwards news: Wm. Wilke, of Eaton, Moritz Rossberg, of Centerville, and Martin Stolzman, of Meeme, will at different times during the next few weeks, sell their personal property at public auction. Anton Schad, the celebrated auctioneer of Schleswig, who last year earned $280 as auctioneer, will sell on all these occasions. In the spring Mr. Wilkes will go to Nebraska, Mr. Stoltzman will follow Mr. Bohne to Iowa, and Mr. Rossberg will cross the sea to again view Germany, the land of his birth. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 10

MORITZ ROSSBERG Moritz Rossberg has sold out his St. Charles Hotel and gone to St. Paul Minn. where he will make his future home. Moritz has lived here since 1846 and we dislike to lose such old and good citizens. Good luck to him. May 12, 1885, Manitowoc Lake Shore Times

JAMES ROUBAL SAID TO HAVE KEPT BOY IN THE BASEMENT James Roubal May Be Brought In Municipal Court On a Charge of Cruelty City authorities this morning declared that charges would be filed later in the day against James Roubal, South Water street man who has been in court on several occasions, after police last night had released an eight year old son from a basement where he was confined. According to police records the boy was held there without anything to eat and with a dog as his only companion. Police who were called to the home reported that it was necessary for them to go through a basement window in order to effect the release of the boy. The youngster was then taken to the isolation hospital where he would be given proper treatment upon orders issued by Health Commissioner Dr. Max Staehle. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, July 26, 1928 Page 5

JOS. ROULLIES The dwelling house of Jos. Roullies of Gibson, together with all his farm produce was destroyed by fire one day last week. This is a hard loss for Mr. Roullies as there was not a dollar of insurance. We understand several of his neighbors are raising money by subscription to erect him a new dwelling. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 20, 1881 P. 4

CARL ROWENKAMP Carl Rowenkamp, of Oshkosh, is in the city on a visit to relatives and friends. Apr. 15, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

REINHARDT ROZENSKY Reinhardt Rozensky was arrested yesterday upon a warrant sworn out by Jay Hall charging him with the theft of grain from the Northern Grain Co. When arraigned in Municipal court he pleaded guilty to the charge and was assessed a fine of $15 and cost amounting to $22.00, which was paid. Mar. 9, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

EDWARD ROZINSKY Edward Rozinsky who has been taking a course at Northwestern University, Watertown, has been compelled to return home on account of an attack of illness. He arrived last evening accompanied by John Guse a friend and a fellow student. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

W. ROZINSKY Refund of $6.20 has been made by the Council to W. Rozinsky who claimed an overcharge on taxes. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 21, 1904 P. 6

MR. S. ROUILLER (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 07 Feb.) Mr. S. Rouiller, who has a store on Two Rivers Road about 2 miles from here, has sold it and, with his family, will move into our village as soon as he can find a residence. 09 Feb. 1905, Der Nord Westen

ISADORE ROUSSE Two Rivers section: FIREMEN UNEARTH 100 GALLON STILL AT SOUTH SIDE FIRE BASEMENT OF ROUSSE HOME A DISTILLERY Owner Frantically Working to Put Out Flames As Firemen Arrive- Faces Prosecution When firemen responded to a south side call Sunday morning at nine o'clock at the home of Isadore Rousse, 2504 Thirteenth street, they found Rousse working frantically in a secret compartment of his basement, trying to extinguish a fire that started from a defective 100 gallon still and which he hoped to prevent the firemen from unearthing. In so doing, he was quite badly burned about the face, arms and chest and is under the care of a physician today. Police Chief Schroeder and his men as a result of the fire discovered one of the largest whiskey stills that they have dug up since the Volsteadt law went into effect and also gathered in some 13 gallons of liquor. However one ten gallon keg disappeared. While they were loading the liquor on to a truck of the street commission following the putting out of the fire, some thirsty bystanders made way with a ten galllon keg and a further search of the vicinity failed to locate it. To Prosecute Rousse. Rousse, who in addition to suffering severe burns, also had a badly sprained ankle, will be prosecuted on a charge of manufacturing moonshine. He may be brought up late today or if his burns are too severe he will be allowed to remain at home until it is possible for him to appear before Justice Larkin. The still was removed from the basement together with all the coils and the other apparatus and brought to the basement of the fire station for evidence. The ten gallon keg as well as three gallon glass containers, all filled, were brought in the police station and locked up. The alarm of fire was sent in by neighbors shortly after nine o'clock Sunday morning, when they noticed smoke pouring from the Rousse home. The still was located in a secret basement compartment with but one entrance by a cleverly concealed window let down by a secret trap from the inside. This trap was sprung by means of a rope concealed in a corner and the location of which was known only to Rousse. It was a certainty that no federal agent would have discovered the location of the still. Denies Selling Stuff. The still proper was shaped like a small cheese vat and was made of copper. It was so constructed that it could not be cleaned and so the brand of moonshine would hardly be of the best. When questioned by the police Rousse denied having sold any of the liquor as yet. He said that this was the third batch he had made. He heated the still by means of a five burner gasoline stove. Both Rousse and his wife work during the week. They have four children. Sunday he works at his still. Earlier in the morning he had gone to the basement and started the still operating and then gone upstairs for breakfast. During this time the woodwork caught fire and when Rousse went back to work he found the flames beyond his control. The neighbors summoned the firemen and when they got there they found Rousse making a valiant effort to put out the fire before they arrived. He realized that his secret would be discovered as soon as the firemen entered the secret basement compartment. Police Are Called. When the flames were controlled the police were summoned and took charge of the still and the moonshine stored in the basement. It was while moving it to the police station that one of the two ten gallon casks mysteriously disappeared. It is probably stored in some south side cellar by this time. The still in the basement of the fire station was the magnet that attracted large crowds to view the contraption. Rousse insisted that he had not sold any of the manufactured liquor. The fire loss Sunday was small. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, April 16, 1928 Page 11

CARL ROWEKAMP Carl Rowekamp a clerk in the employ of Schuette Bros. came near being drowned at the mouth of the river on Tuesday evening. Owing to some unexpected movement of the sail of the boat in which he and a young companion were riding he was knocked into the water. The other boy by great presence of mind and a plunge in the water helped Carl back to the boat, and both soon after reached the dock in safety. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2

WENZEL RUBAY Two Creeks news: Joseph Doberstien has rented his farm at this place to Wenzel Rubay, who has just immigrated from Bohemia and contemplates making his home at this place. Doberstien will remove to Milwaukee with his family, where he has secured a position in the Central freight depot. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 4

ANNA RUDEBECK Mrs. Leo Vogel is here from Algoma to spend a few days with her sister, Miss Anna Rudebeck at her home on Huron street. Feb. 9, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ANNA RUDEBEK Miss Anna Rudebek has returned from a visit with relatives at Algoma. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, June 2, 1916 P.2

FRITZ RUDOLPH Fritz Rudolph celebrated his 80th birthday yesterday. 09 Mar. 1893, Der Nord Westen ******* Mr. Fritz Rudolph, a pioneer German resident sound in mind and body, observed his 86th birthday yesterday, 08 Mar. and is looking forward to his 87th year being able to work in his garden. 09 Mar. 1899, Der Nord Westen

GOTTLIEB RUDOLPH ACCIDENT.- On Saturday last, as Mr. Gottlieb Rudolph was driving Sheriff Kemper's horse and wagon, with a load of provisions across the Little Manitowoc bridge, the horse took fright and backed off into the stream, wagon and all. Mr. Rudolph jumped from the wagon as it was going over, and thus saved himself. The horse must have drowned but the great exertions of Mr. Rudolph, assisted by Mr. Robt. McGavin and others. We would suggest to the Plank Road Co. the propriety of putting a substantial railing on that bridge, as it might prevent the loss of life, property, &c. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.3

GOTTLOB RUDOLPH Gottlob Rudolph celebrated his 78th birthday on Friday. 04 Feb. 1897, Der Nord Westen ******** Our old friend and wartime comrade Gottlob Rudolph celebrated his 80th birthday on Sun. 02 Feb. 1899, Der Nord Westen ******** Gottlob Rudolph celebrated his 82nd birthday Tues. evening. 31 Jan. 1901, Der Nord Westen ******** Gottlob Rudolph celebrated his 86th birthday here on Sun. Despite his advanced age, which few attain, Mr. Rudolph still enjoys good health. 02 Feb. 1905, Der Nord Westen

RICHARD RUDOLPH Richard Rudolph celebrated his 28th birthday on Saturday. 08 July 1897, Der Nord Westen

RICHARD RUDOLPH Richard Rudolph will erect a new residence on his Marshall street property. The cost of the home will be about $2,000 and Levenhagen and Brachmann are the contractors. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 5, 1899

RICHARD RUDOLPH Letter carrier, Richard Rudolph, is taking his annual vacation, and will spend a week hunting in the western part of the state. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 24, 1899 P.2

WILLIE RUDOLPH Rudolph Hottleman and Willie Rudolph came up from their heated homes in the South, and are enjoying the cool breezes of old Lake Michigan, that fanned their cheeks in the days of childhood. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1

MRS. RUEDIGER Mrs. Ruediger returned last week from a month's visit with son and daughter at Chicago. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

MRS. RUEDIGER Mrs. Ruediger who has done so much to improve the young people of this city in needlework was deservedly delighted with the specimens of her pupils work exhibited at the County Fair. Several of them took premiums. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2

MRS. RUEDIGER Mrs. Ruediger now of Chicago has returned to this city to settle up some business matters and visit her friends. She brought two of Mrs. Fleischer's children with her. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P.5

JOS. RUESS Mishicott news: Mr. Knudson of this place commenced work on a new barn, this week. Jos. Ruess has charge of the carpenter work. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4

MRS. RUESS Mishicott news: Miss Frances Silbersack is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Ruess. She goes back to Green Bay in a few days. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 4

JAMES H. RUGGIE/MARY JANE BRICKLIFLE Justice Fey yesterday united in the holy bonds of matrimony, James H. Ruggie, of Manitowoc, Wis., to Mary Jane Bricklifle, of this city. Saginaw Herald. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1

JOHN G. RUGOWSKY John G. Rugowsky in fitting up the store formerly occupied by E . Junl & Son and will open a picture framing establishment about September 1st. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, July 30, 1901, p. 2

HENRY RUMLOW Two Rivers news: On Wednesday last another accident occurred at the pail factory. While Henry Rumlow was hooping a tub in the tub machine, the staves flew violently in all directions and one of them struck him on the lower jaw disfiguring his face somewhat. Fortunately no bones were broken. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1885 P.3

J.A. RUMMELE J.A. Rummele suffered a painful injury to his left hand last evening when he had it caught in a trap door in the sidewalk. The injury will incapacitate the hand for a week or ten days. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, December 9, 1922 p.3

MARION RUMMELE Miss Marion Rummele has returned to Appleton where she attends Lawrence college, after spending a few days in the city with her parents. She was accompanied by Miss Helen Rose of Emmett, Ida., who has been her guest in the city the past few days and who also attends Lawrence. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 29, 1916 P.3

H. RUMPF H. Rumpf of Kossuth had the bad luck a few days ago to break a leg. 25 Apr. 1889, Der Nord Westen

JOSEPH RUMPF (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 26 Nov.) Joseph Rassach and his family from Milwaukee are here visiting Joseph Rumpf, a farmer living near our city. Mrs. Rassach is Mr. Rumpf's daughter. During the summer Mr. Rassach was at work putting in cement sidewalks in Milwaukee. 29 Nov. 1906, Der Nord Westen

CHRIS RUNGE A piece of copper ore, nearly pure, was found on the farm of Chris Runge, two miles north of this village, one day last week. The specimen, which weighed eight pounds, was turned up by the man who works the farm, while plowing, and there are some indications of there being considerable more in the vicinity. May 18, 1875, Manitowoc Co. Chronicle

F. RUNGE F. Runge, who was born in Rapids and brought up in Manitowoc, and whom many of our young people will remember as their playmate, is now coining money as a dentist in Sheboygan. He is a brother of Carl Runge, one of the well known graduates of our high school. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

DR. F.C. RUNGE Dr. F.C. Runge, a former Rapids boy, is doing a rushing busines as dentist in Sheboygan. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1 ******** Dr. F.C. Runge and wife, of Sheboygan, passed New Years with friends here. Fred has changed so much since he left home, that his old friends hardly recognized him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1

JOHN RUNGE John Runge - Convicted before the circuit court for Manitowoc county on the 20th day of June, 1879, of forgery, and sentenced to state prison for a term of one year and six months. Pardoned October 8. Senate 1881 Copyright Page 179 "Journal of Proceedings" By Wisconsin Legislature.

MRS. RUNGE (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 12 Feb.) On Sat. Mrs. A. Rohde gave a "coffee" for her mother Mrs. Runge in celebration of the latter's 85th birthday. 14 Feb. 1901, Der Nord Westen

MRS. JULIUS RUNKE Mr. and Mrs. Werner Ellendorf and son, Milton, of Two Rivers and Mrs. Orlando Cole of Kaukauna spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Julius Runke on Huron street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 7, 1916 P.3

AUGUST RUSCH Reedsville news: August Rusch attained the age of nineteen last week, and in honor of the event, invited his many friends to a very pleasant party at his mother's residence. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 4

MRS. WM. RUSCH Liberty news: Mrs. Wm. Rusch, met with quite an accident on Saturday. While assisting in cutting feed, her hand caught in the gearing of the cutting machine while trying to remove some straw, and crushed it so badly that amputation was necessary. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4

CHAS. RUSH GUARDIAN SALE. (First Publication Sept. 26, 1882.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of the minor heirs of Chas. Rush, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue and inpursuance of an Order of License, made in said matter, on the 19th day of Sept. A.D., 1882, by the County Court of said County, the undersigned, as general Guardian of the minor heirs of Charles Rush late of Reedsville Manitowoc County deceased, will, on the 19th day of October, A.D. 1882, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for sale at public vendue, the following described lands, to wit: The North half of lot nubmer one (1) in block number (54) fifty-four in the village of Reedsville, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. The terms of sale will be made known at the time and place of sale. EMELIA EBERT, Guardian Dated at Manitwooc, the 19th day of Sept., A.D., 1882. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 4 ********** (Note: There is a Carl Rusch d. 1877 and also an Amelia Ebert in cemetery #75.)

C. RUSSELL Mr. C. Russell, who has been employed in this city, has accepted a position with the John Moor & Sons Co., of Chicago, and will leave for that place this evening. Apr. 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

PERRY RUTHEFORD Mr. Perry Rutheford had a finger crushed at the Manitowoc Seating Co., yesterday. Oct. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOSEPH RUZEK Marriage licenses have been issued to Joseph Ruzek and Marie Klipera, both of Kossuth. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 9, 1916 P.3

JAMES RYAN James Ryan, of Meeme, was kicked by a horse last night and severely injured. The steel shod hoofs struck him in the abdomen, cutting a terrible gash. Notwithstanding the severe nature of his injuries it is thought he will soon recover. Nov. 12, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JAS. RYAN Jas. Ryan of Maple Grove, appeared in municipal court this morning and pled guilty to the charge of being drunk and disorerly, and was fined five dollars and cost, amounting to $6.85. Ryan drove his team off the trestle of the Wisconsin Central Saturday afternoon. Nov. 7, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JIM RYAN St. Nazianz news: John Dunbar a practical farmer of Liberty sold a young mare last week for $110, and William Connell bought a two year old filly from Jim Ryan for $140. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1

JOHN RYAN A fire started in the house occupied by John Ryan on corner of Buffalo and 6th St. last Saturday afternoon. Several of the neighbors tried to call the fire department but the alarm failed to work. After a hard fight the flames were put out, and very little damage was done. Dec. 12, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

L. RYAN A barn belonging to L. Ryan, at King's Bridge, was totally destroyed by fire at eleven o'clock last night. A boy was doing some chores in the barn when he accidently dropped the lantern he was carrying. In striking, the lantern fell to pieces, the oil taking fire and rapidly spreading the blaze through the inflammable material with which the barn was filled. A few chickens and hogs were lost, together with grain and hay. The boy was slightly injured in attempting to extinguish the blaze. Nov. 12, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

PETER RYBYSK Peter Rybysk, who lodged with Ignaz Stenzel, suffered a stroke on Wed. of last week. He is a veteran of the Civil War, 14th Regiment. He was carried to his permanent home in Town Newton where he lies very ill and unable to speak. 08 Sept. 1892, Der Nord Westen

C.L. RYDER MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: C.L. Ryder, whose familiar face so many of our citizens miss, is now engaged at the general offices of the M.L.S. & W.R.R. and will undoubtedly make his mark in railroad circles, before he "shuffles off this mortal coil." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

C.L. RYDER District Attorney Walker, in company with C.L. Ryder and several other railroad men, enjoyed last week at Pelican Lake, fishing. They caught 133 pounds in two days, Snyder hauling in a muscalong, weighting twenty-four pounds. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 25, 1882 P.1

G.L. RYDER Mr. G.L. Ryder has been promoted to a position in the general freight office of the M.L.S.W. at Milwaukee. It is a promotion founded on the principle of efficiency and careful attention to business, and will make Mr. Ryder's numerous friends rejoice. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 1