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The Store of Messrs. Aldrich, Smith & Co., at Two Rivers, was broken open on Tuesday 
night last and a quantity of Jewelry and about $300 in money taken. Suspicion rests 
upon a young German who calls himself Charles Ulig. Officers are in pursuit of him. 
Ulig is about 20 years of age, speaks English tolerably well, is rather good looking, 
light brown hair, blue eyes, thick set, with full chest. Had on when he left, black 
frock coat, check pants, and a panama hat. Two hundred dollar reward is offered for 
the thief and property, or one hundred dollars will be paid for the thief. This is 
the most extensive theft which has taken place in our county, and it is to be hoped 
that the guilty party may be detected and treated as the crime deserves.
Aug. 30, 1855 P. 7, Manitowoc Tribune
Charles Ulig, the supposed burglar of Aldrich, Smith & Co.'s store at Two Rivers, 
is yet at large. We learn that C. Gilbert, of this village is on his track, and 
he may yet be taken and delt with accordingly.
Sept. 13, 1855 P. 3, Manitowoc Tribune

AUGUST ULLMANN NOW WANTS TO LEAVE HIM. Gibson Woman Fails to Have Husband Adjudged Insane, Seeks Divorce. Papers in a suit for divorce have been filed by Mrs. August Ullmann the town of Gibson woman who early in the week made application to have her husband examined, alleging that he was insane. Domestic troubles which have disrupted the home, are responsible for the petition for separation which will be heard at the fall term of Circuit Court. After the refusal of Sheriff Pellett to take Ullmann into custody when he visited the farm and found him at work in the field, Mrs. Ullmann again visited the office of Probate court and made a second appeal to Judge Chloupek for the arrest and examination of the man and, failing to secure the order of the court, she immediately drafted the papers in the suit for divorce. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, July 29, 1904 P. 1

B. ULNESS Eaton news: Work on Mr. B. Ulness new house is progressing rapidly. It will be a nice, large, commodious building when completed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2

MARY ULNESS CRIME ON INCREASE Municipal Court Kept Busy Hearing Criminal Actions. ASSAULT CASES IN MAJORITY. One of the Worst Yet Tried to Come up Tomorrow-Ulness Bound Over on Criminal Charge-Other Cases. Ole Ulness was arraigned on a criminal complaint preferred against him by his divorced wife, Mrs. Mary Ulness and pleaded not guilty. Attorney Isaac Craite was retained to defend him and the hearing continued all morning. No outside witneses were introduced and the testimony of Ulness and his former wife was diametrically opposite. Judge Chloupek, presiding, bound him over to circuit court for trial and fixed his his bail at $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 20, 1903 P. 1

GUSTAVE ULRICH Valders news: Little Gustave Ulrich of Valders is at a Milwaukee hospital being treated for injuries caused by falling from a merry-go-round at the parochial school a mile from here. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, July 13, 1928 Page 14

AUGUST UMNUS Lost a Finger. August Umnus, and employee of the Manitowoc Seating Co. got his hand caught in the shaper this afternoon and received severe injuries. All of the fingers of the hand were badly cut, one being mangled so badly that amputation was deemed nicessary (sic) and it was taken off at the second joint. Nov. 1, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

C. UNDERHOLZ Took a Cold Bath. C. Underholz, a Bohemian laborer who works over on the west side took a cold bath in the river yesterday noon. The fact that the plunge was wholly involuntary did not rob it of any of its frigid features. He crossed the river on the ice early in the morning and did not start back until about noon. Meanwhile the tug Arctic had gone up the channel breaking the ice, so that when our friend started across on his return trip there was a stretch of open water in the middle of the river. He did not notice it at all, but calmly walked right in. In falling he was lucky enough to catch hold of a large piece of floating ice and to this he clung until help arrived and he was rescued from his uncomfortable berth. Dec. 3, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

REV. UPLEAGER The Rev. Upleager, formerly pastor of the Lutheran church at Newton, now head of the Lutheran high school at Milwaukee, has returned to Milwaukee after a week-end stay here where he was called to officiate at the burial of a former parishoner. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 13, 1916 P.3

CHAS. URAYNOK THEY NEVER SPEAK. But No Telling What Will Happen When Uraynok Gets Out of Jail. Ninety-days in the county jail. This was the sentence Judge Craite imposed Chas. Uraynok when he was informed that he couldn't pay a fine of $10 and costs, amounting in all to $48.47. Uraynok was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Meany at Rockland yesterday of a charge of assult and battery, preferred by Frank Shitska. Last Sunday it seems that Uraynok, Shitska and a man named Krause visited Reedsville. While there they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and celebrated Easter in a manner well pleasing to themselves. They indulged freely in the "joyful" and before evening an altercation arose. It is claimed that Uraynok and Krause attacked Shitska and pounded him so unmercifully that even his relatives did'nt (sic) recognize him. He swore out a warrant for both, and Uraynok pleaded guilty in Municipal court yesterday and the result is given above. Krause was discharged as there was no evidence against him. Apr. 8, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

RICHARD URBAN Richard Urban is at Milwaukee where he will take the examination given by the state board there for the degree as graduate optometrist. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, Feb. 28, 1916 P.3 ******* TWO FROM THIS CITY PASSED EXAM (By Associated Press.) MILWAUKEE, Wis., March 14. Among the list of candidates who successfully passed an examination before the state board of optometrists are F.W. Barnstein and Richard Urban, both of Manitowoc county. Mar. 14, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

W.C. URBANEK W.C. Urbanek has sold his house on St. Claire street. Wenzel seems to be very happy over the deal but refuses to reveal the consideration or the name of the purchaser. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 4

WENZEL URBANEK Wenzel Urbanek was at Milwaukee yesterday to accompany home his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lydia Hrabik, who has been at a sanitarium at Oconomowoc. Mar. 22, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

WM. UTECH Last Sun. in Cooperstown, as farmer Wm. Utech and his mother were coming home from church in their buggy, they encountered some people setting off fireworks. The noise frightened the horse who reacted in such a way that the wagon occupants were thrown out. Utech lost an ear and his mother broke a rib. 30 July 1885, Der Nord Westen

MR. UTKE Cato news: Last Thsurday (sic) we had a severe thunder storm accompanied with hail stones. In some parts the hail stones were large enough to do considerable damage to grain. The barn and stable of a Mr. Udke(sic) living near Reedsville was struck by lightning and burned. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

[ V ]

ANTON VALENTA Zander news: The following farmers from around Zander have purchased new cars: Knut Knudson, a Reo; Anton Valenta, a Ford; Jos. Yanda and Martin Paider, each an Oakland, and Krema brothers, each a Jeffry; Louis Kotche, a Pullman. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.4

VALINSKI, MARY THOUGTH THEY WERE MARRIED. A year and a half ago Frank Zivatkowski and Mary Valinski, two Russians, residing in this city, appeared before the county judge and secured a special dispensation to wed. Neither of the parties are very well acquainted with the English language and upon receiving their permit thought they heard the judge say "I pronounce you man and wife." The couple lived together only a short time when they agreed to disagree and much quarreling was the result. The young man also accuses the mother-in-law of having "butted in" and adding to their troubles. She was "wise" to the fact that her daughter was never legally wedded to the young man and the special permit was in her possession. Zivatkowski after being annoyed and nagged until he could stand it no longer, finally decided to call on the judge to determine whether or not his marriage was binding. After the records had been looked up he was informed that he was never legally married to the girl and that there was nothing that bound him to her. When he left the judge's office he was happier than he was the day he secured the special permit and resolved that hereafter he will know whether he is married or not.-Two Rivers Chronicle. Manitowoc Pilot, September 24, 1908 P. 1

MR. VANCAMP We are glad to notice that Mr. VanCamp has started a laundry and a good one too. It is something we long needed in this city. Bachelors and people in general can now feel confident of getting their washing done up in fine style. The gentleman who starts this venture needs no introduction or recommendation. He is well known as a man of energy and enterprise, and we predict a flourishing business for him. Give him a trial and you will not go away dissatiffed (sic). Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

W.H. VANDEGRIFT W.H. Vandegrift has been incapacitated for duty by the grip. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 4

CARL VANDERBLOEMEN Peter Winkel and Carl Vanderbloemen, two young men of Two Rivers aged 17 and 18 respectively, disappeared last week without a trace. The fact that they raised a little money before disappearing leads to the belief that they may have gone to the West. 22 Aug. 1901, Der Nord Westen

VANDREUIL, E.J. PROMINENT BUSINESSMAN LEAVES Yesterday E.J. Vaudreuil and family bade their friends farewell and left for their home in Black River Falls. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vaudreuil were born in this city and have resided here nearly all of their lives. They are highly esteemed by all who know them and their departure is regretted by all. Mr. Vaudreuil was one of the city's most progressive and prosperous businessmen. He began his career singlehanded and by hard and constant work succeeded in establishing one of the leading industries of its kind in the county. Although a young man, he is one of the pioneers in the canning business in the state. He built up a repulation for the product of his plant and it was on this account that a corporation was organized to control the business. About a year ago, he sold out his interests in the canning plant to the Wisconsin Pea Canners Company and immediately purchased a large tract of land near Black River Falls and in company with Chicago parties will build one of the largest and most modern plants for the canning of peas and beans in the country. Mr. Vaudreuil's ability has won success for him in all the business ventures. His many friends and neighbors in this city sincerely hope that his success will continue and that he and his family will be happy and prosperous in their new home. The Chronicle - Thurs., June 29, 1909

HENRY VANDERVILLE REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON TUBERCULAR PATIENTS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report to all proceedings and hearings in relating to tubercular patients had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13, 1918 up to and including this 13th day of May, 1919. John Chloupek, County Judge. Henry Vanderville, married, age 25, resident of Green Bay, Wis., committed to Maple Crest Sanatorium on March 26th, 1919; Dr. J.M. Kelley examining physician. Manitowoc Herald News, July 2, 1919 p.5

LULU VAN NOSTRAND Miss Emma Van Nostrand, of Neilsville, who has been a guest of her sister, Miss Lulu, here, has returned home. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, September 3, 1903 P. 1

RUBEN VAN NOSTRAND Ruben Van Nostrand, son of Wm. Van Nostrand in Milwaukee, is here visiting his uncle Silas Van Nostrand. The visitor was born and raised here. 10 Sept. 1908, Der Nord Westen

ADDA VAN VLECK Miss Addie Van Vleck began her duties as teacher of a school near Niles, yesterday. This is the second year she has been employed in this district. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1 ******** "Home, Sweet Home." news: Miss Adda Van Vleck is the popular teacher of the Niles school, in this Co. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 1

LUCILE VAN ZON Rapids news: Quite a number from here attended the declamatory contest held at the court house Saturday. Lucile Van Zon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Van Zon, of the grammar grade, captured honors. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.4

VECHAR, EMIL MARRIAGE LICENSE USELESS. On Tuesday Emil Vechar of Maple Grove secured a license to wed Emma Wagner of Reedsville, aged 12 years. He was accompanied by the girl's father who gave his consent. This is the girl whose uncle was sent to Waupun for fourteen years a short time ago for mistreating her. When the village officers of Reedsville learned that a license had been granted they came to the city and made application to the probate court to have the girl taken from her father and sent to some institution where she would be given proper care. The matter was up before Judge Chloupek today. Just before going to press we learn that the judge has ordered that the girl be sent temporarily to St. Vincent's Maternity Home at Milwaukee and later to the Home of the Good Shepherd. The girl's mother is at the Northern hospital for insane. Manitowoc Pilot, May 26, 1910 P. 1

HERMAN VECKER St. Nazianz news: Miss Sarah Crowe raffled a log cabin quilt in the Weinkoetz hall last Saturday night and a dance followed. The spacious hall was filled with boys and girls and an amusing time resulted. Con. Sullivan and Herman Vecker discoursed excellent music. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1

LEONHARD VEDER Thursday night the house of Leonhard Veder, in the Town of Rapids, was burnt. Mr. Veder was off threshing for some neighbors, and his wife and children were alone in the house. Nothing was saved. Whether there was any insurance on the property we have been unable to ascertain. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1

MRS. C. VEHRING Mrs. C. Vehring of Two Rivers departed for Milwaukee to visit friends and relatives over Sunday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 3, 1916 P.2

FERDINAND VEITH Ferdinand Veith celebrated his 36th birthday on Tuesday. 30 May 1895, Der Nord Westen

DANIEL VERUS Although local news are as "scarce as hen's teeth" in this village, I have succeeded in getting you an item. A serious accident happened this morning to Daniel Verus, who is about ten years of age. He was playing near the steam pile driver, on the north harbor pier, when he was caught between the platform and a piece of timber as the driver swung around. No bones were broken, but it is feared the boy has sustained internal injuries. Aug. 12th, 1871, Manitowoc Tribune

MYRA VETTER GIRL IS STRUCK AS SHE CROSSED VALDERS STREET Carl R. Berg of Manitowoc Driver of Car in Accident MISJUDGED DISTANCE Reports Indicate Driver Wrecked Car Trying to Save Girl Myra Vetter, 12 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vetter, Valders, is in a serious condition at Holy Family hospital with a possible skull fracture and grave internal injuries as a result of being struck by an automobile driven by Carl R. Berg, Manitowoc contractor in the village of Valders at 8:30 am today. It is probable, attending physicians said, that the skull is fractured and there are internal injuries. The girl has been unconscious since the accident it was stated early this afternoon. She is suffering from severe lacerations about the body and her condition is extremely serious. An ex-ray picture taken at the hospital this morning had not been developed up to 2 pm today and a definite statement of the injuries was not available. The car which Mr. Berg was driving, a light truck, was wrecked when it left the road and struck a telephone pole after hitting the Vetter girl. Mr. Berg escaped serious injury. The accident occurred as the little girl crossed Highway 31 after alighting from her father's car. Mr. Vetter had taken his daughter to school. Girl Misjudged. Reports of the accident said that Mr. Berg was driving into Valders and that the little girl emerged from behind her father's car and ran across the road. She apparently had misjudged the distance between the point at which she stood and the Berg car and the speed of the oncoming auto. Mr. Berg tried desperately to avoid hitting the girl, swerving his car so far that it left the road and collided with a telephone pole. The machine was badly damaged. Dr. Rauch of Valders was summoned to the scene of the accident. He directed the removal of the girl to the Holy Family hospital. Dr. J.L. Shaw was called into consultation. Manitowoc Times, Tuesday, October 23, 1928, Page 2 ********** VALDERS GIRL SHOWS SIGNS OF IMPROVING Although attending physicians do not believe she is out of danger as yet, Myra Vetter, Valders girl who was seriously injured when she was struck by an automobile driven by Carl Berg, Manitowoc, Tuesday morning, has shown some improvement at Holy Family hospital. The girl has recovered consciousness at times and during those brief periods has recognized members of her family. Her skull was fractured in the accident. Manitowoc Times, Thursday, October 25, 1928, Page 3

ALBERT VETTING Albert Vetting has returned from a month's visit with friends and relatives at Detroit. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 8, 1916 P.3

FRED VETTING Responding to a call from the North side, the fire department found the home of Fred Vetting, on Fourth street, between Park and State streets, ablaze from a defective chimney. The fire was soon extinguished with the chemical apparatus, but it was found necessary to remove the roof. Chief Kratz declared that he would take steps to condemn the.(sic) The call was entered at 12 o'clock, both the North and South side apparatus being called out. The actual damage was small, chemicals exclusively being used. Mar. 17, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOHN VICK (DAUGHTER) A daughter of John Vick was celebrating communion at the Kiel Church on Wed. last week when her veil caught fire and, in a moment, the girl was engulfed in flames. It is amazing to report that she suffered only slight burns on her face and neck. 09 July 1896, Der Nord Westen

C. VIEBAHN Prof. C. Viebahn, of Manitowoc, is one of the Board of examiners of applicants for State teachers' certificates this year. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 22, 1875

C.F. VIEBAHN Mr. C.F. Viebahn, now Superintendent and Principal of the Watertown schools, has been elected President of the State Teachers' Association. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1 ********* (1880 Manitowoc wards 1 and 3 census: C.F. Viebahn age 39, civil officer; wife Ap. age 34; Gustav age 10.) This couple and child were on the 1870 Sauk co. Prairie du Sac census/ Charles Viebahn age 29 teacher; wife Appolonia age 24; Gustav age 6/12)

J.S. VILAS J.S. Vilas is up at Algoma looking after the interests of the new Canning Company which is to be started there. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOSEPH VILAS Joseph Vilas has gone to Kaukauna and for the present will make his home with his son there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, January 19, 1901, p. 4

JOSIE VILAS Little Josie Vilas had his face badly burned with powder while firing off a small cannon on the Fourth. It was feared at one time that his eyesight would be entirely impaired, but we are happy to state that such is not the case. July 6, 1871, Manitowoc Pilot

MRS. GEO. VITS (From the correspondent in St. Nazianz, 09 Oct.) Elderly Lorenz Stiefvater fell quite ill with peritonitis. His daughter, Mrs. Adoline Proell and her daughter Mrs. Geo. Vits of Manitowoc hastened to his bedside. He is expected to get better. 11 Oct. 1906, Der Nord Westen

MRS. JOHN VITSCH WILLIAM VITSCH, JR Mrs. John Vitsh and son, William Vitsh, Jr., departed for Sheboygan for a visit with relatives there. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 29, 1916 P.3

HENRY VITS Henry Vits is celebrating the anniversary of his birth to-day and friends will visit him this evening upon invitation. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 4

MRS. FRED VITT Mrs. Fred Vitt has returned to Haven after a visit with relatives here the past few days. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 17, 1916 P.3

HENRY VITZ The tannery of Henery (sic) Vitz is receiving a new roof. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1

JOHN VITZ Clarks Mills news: Two young men while intoxicated stopped a span of horses belonging to Mr. John Vitz driven by his 12 year old son, took the reins from him and drove them at a rapid gait for a mile or more, besides striking and abusing the child. The father had them arrested. The parties settled the same paying the costs and fine amounting to $15. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 9, 1886 P.3

MRS. JOSEPH VOBORIL Rapids news: Mrs. Joseph Voboril was called to Two Rivers last Tuesday by the death of her grandfather. Mar. 28, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

F. VOELCHERT The removal into his new residence gives Mr. F. Voelchert the entire second floor of his building on Eighth street, which he will utilize for storing furniture. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 23, 1883 P. 1

F. VOELCHERT F. Voelchert, our well-known fellow citizen, celebrated his 72nd birthday on Sat. 27 July 1905, Der Nord Westen

FRITZ VOELCHERT Fritz Voelchert celebrated his 63rd birthday yesterday with friends. 23 July 1896, Der Nord Westen ******** Fritz Voelchert celebrated his 68th birthday on Mon. 25 July 1901, Der Nord Westen

FRITZ VOELCHERT On Thursday last week, Wilhelm Hacker celebrated the 40th anniversary of the beginning of his employment in Fritz Voelchert's leather business here. It is a rare event locally for a person to have worked for someone for 40 years. 17 May 1906, Der Nord Westen

CHARLES VOELCKER NOTE: In the "Mishicott" news section. Mishicott news: Mr. Charles Voelcker (sic) is erecting a new dwelling house. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4

MR. VOELKER Branch news: The Branch has enjoyed a boom in the barn-raising business. Messrs. Schneider, Mausnest, Lorenzon, Smotz and Voelker raised large barns on their farms, and Messrs. Squirrel and Eatough raised horse barns, all within two weeks. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 29, 1883 P.4

MRS. AUG. VOELKER Branch news: Mrs. Schemps, of Milwaukee, is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Aug. Voelker. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3

MRS. LOUIS VOELKER Branch news: Mrs. Williams of Milwaukee, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Louis Voelker of this place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.2

ARTHUR VOGEL Arthur Vogel in Newton celebrated his 40th birthday on Sat., plus his 13th wedding anniversary. His neighbors gave him a party for the double observance. 29 Apr. 1897, Der Nord Westen

MRS. ARTHUR VOGEL Drs. Paine and Patchen successfully performed a delicate operation upon Mrs. Arthur Vogel, who resides on Washington street. The patient is improving. Mar. 22, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

CHARLES VOGEL Charles Vogel, son of Anton Vogel in Whitelaw, who has served in the U.S. Navy for the past 4 yrs. and is currently on the cruiser "Detroit", has written that as soon as his tour is finished he'll come home. 16 Nov. 1905, Der Nord Westen

EUGEN VOGEL Eugen Vogel, a son of Principal D. Vogel of the local Lutheran School, traveled Monday to Ogden in far off Utah where he will take a position with florist Reinhold Altmann, son of C.F. Altmann here. 19 Apr. 1905, Der Nord Westen

MRS. LEO VOGEL Mrs. Leo Vogel is here from Algoma to spend a few days with her sister, Miss Anna Rudebeck at her home on Huron street. Feb. 9, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ARNOLD VOGELSANG Arnold Vogelsang, who has been taking a short course in undertaking at Marquette college, is home from Milwaukee to spend Sunday with his parents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 3, 1916 P.2

ERNST VOGELSANG The following estates were admitted to probate during the month of February, 1916: Joseph Drill; Isaac Halverson; Jacob Tossen; Morgan Connell; Mervin Geraldson; Ernst Vogelsang; Joseph Holly; Torger K. Hougen; Sidona Boettger; Mary F. Seidl; Simon Stok; Dorothea Schmidt; Rankchild Anderson; Joseph Thalhammer; Catherine Lenerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P.5

FRED VOGELSANG John Murphy has disposed of his interest in the Vogelsang & Murphy store to Fred Vogelsang. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 6, 1916 P.3

FRITZ VOGELSANG Fritz Vogelsang observed his 31st birthday on Christmas Day. 02 Jan. 1896, Der Nord Westen

FRITZ VOGELSANG Fritz Vogelsang will observe his 32nd birthday tomorrow, Christmas Day. Der Nord Westen, 24 Dec. 1896

ANTON VOGT The cabin of the new schooner John V. Jones is the most completely and elegantly furnished of any vessel that has left the Manitowoc harbor for some time. We understand that Anton Vogt manufactured the furniture and fixtures. Anton has already won a high reputation for the manufacture of elegant furniture, but this last job of his has shoved it up another notch. June 22, 1875, Manitowoc Co. Chronicle ********* Anton Vogt has made up his mind to sell 1000 cradles before he leaves this mundane sphere. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1

ANTON VOGT Mr. Anton Vogt was lavish with good cigars last week. He's a grandfather now, and has become dignified. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 1

ANTON VOGT Anton Vogt is enjoying a week's vacation with relatives in Elgin, Ill. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1882 P. 1

LOUIS VOIGT Collins news: Damage in the fire of last week here has been estimated to amount to approximately $30,000. The furniture store and residence of Louis T. Voigt, which was totally destroyed, was only recently remodeled and just a few days before a shipment of furniture valued at about $3,000 had been received and stored in the building. The implement shop owned by August Born was totally destroyed, but the actual loss was not very great. Rebuilding of the ruined section, it is believed, will be begun in the near future. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, May 04, 1928 Page 3

ANITA VOLAND JUDGE LYNCH AFTER HIM Prisoner Brought Here Today Narrowly Escaped Vengeance of Villagers KIEL POSSE ON HIS TRACK Sheboygan Man Held in $1000 to Answer Charge of Heinous Crime at Kiel-8 Year Old Girl Victim After narrowly escaping the vengeance of a posse of incensed villagers at Kiel who pursued him for miles with intent to mete out justice according to the laws of Judge Lynch, John Spindler, Jr., a Sheboygan man, was brought here Thursday in charge of Deputy Sheriff C. R. Zorn of Schleswig, and arraigned in Municipal Court to answer to the charge of a heinous crime-that of assault, the victim being an eight year old girl. Little Anita Voland, the eight year old daughter of Alfred Voland, a prominent resident of Kiel, is the victim of the crime alleged against Spindler and the condition of the child is precarious. Wednesday afternoon, accompanied by her sister, six years old, the child was returning home on the road between Wilhelm and Kiel when accosted. The older girl was treated in shameful a manner and terribly abused by the assailant, reaching home in a pitiable condition. Physicians attending the child report her injuries are serious. A posse was organized and armed and search immediately instituted for the miscreant, a good description of the assailant having been given by the younger child. Spindler was found in hiding by Deputy Sheriff Zorn, who, recognizing the danger to the prisoner in event of his falling into the hands of the villagers, made his escape and started for the city. Spindler was taken late Wednesday evening and offered no resistance. Spindler is the son of a well-to-do farmer of Sheboygan county near the Manitowoc county line. He is 21 years of age and has heretofore borne a good reputation. The preliminary hearing in the case has been continued until June 26, the prisoner furnishing bonds in the amount of $1000. It is expected that the victim of the assault will then be able to be in court to identify the defendant. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, June 20, 1902, Page 1

JOSEPH VOLKER Joseph Volker in Town Meeme celebrated his 78th birthday on Sat. with his children, neighbors, and friends. He is still vigorous. 14 Sep. 1899, Der Nord Westen

MRS. VOLLENDORF Mrs. Vollendorf returned from the Oshkosh Insane Asylum last Thursday thoroughly cured. She had been an inmate of the institution for the past year and a half. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1

EMIL VOLLENDORF Street commissioner Emil Vollendorf, who won out for re-election last night in the council, was named by the mayor as commissioner of noxious weeds. The position pays $20 per annum. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P. 3

MARTIN VOLLENDORF Martin Vollendorf has celebrated his 68th birthday. 21 Oct. 1897, Der Nord Westen

MARTIN VOLLENDORF Mr. Martin Vollendorf was taken to a hospital at Milwaukee this morning to have an operation performed to remove a cancer. Nov. 21, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

OTTO VOLLENDORF Mr. Otto Vollendorf who for some time has been a resident of Sanborn, Iowa has recently returned to make this city his home. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 17, 1885 P.2

THERESE VOLLENDORF Sunday morning Mrs. Therese Vollendorf, the milliner, was found near death in her bed by her daughter. She had been overcome by coal gas from a coal stove. She was quickly taken outdoors into fresh air and a doctor was called who put her on the road to recovery. 26 Nov. 1908, Der Nord Westen

ELSIE VOLLHEIM Miss Elsie Vollheim departed this morning for West Allis where she will make her home in the future, having secured a position at Milwaukee. Feb. 10, 1916, Manitowoc Daily Herald

VICTOR VOLLMER, MRS. Mrs. Victor Vollmer and Miss Vollmer have returned to Milwaukee after spending several days here with relatives and friends. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 14, 1916 P.3

FRANK VOSHARDT Two Rivers news: Frank Voshardt, an employee in the office of the Chiiton (sic) Times, who has been home visiting his parents for the past few days, returned to the scene of his labors this morning. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

HEINRICH VOSHARDT (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 27 Aug.) Heinrich Voshardt here will travel to Chicago October 1st for a visit. His son Hermann works for a factory there. 30 Aug. 1906, Der Nord Westen

HENRY VOSHARDT Two Rivers news: Henry Voshardt has bills out announcing that a grand ball will take place in his hall on Thanksgiving eve. Mr. Voshardt has of late enlarged and otherwise improved the appearance of his hall, and every one who contemplates partaking of his hospitality on Wednesday evening, may be assured of having a good time. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4

JOHN VOSS Kiel news: John Voss the unterrified has sued the New Holstein Mutual Insurance Co. for the loss of two colts destroyed by lightning the animals were blooded stock and insured for the sum of $575. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.1 ************ John Voss of Kiel is reported by the Sheboygan papers as feeling good over the premiums won by his horses. John has some first class stock. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.3 ************ John Voss of Kiel the well known stock raiser has had a very severe attack of pneumonia but is recovering slowly. He has been very low and weak. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, November 3, 1885 P.4

PETER VOSS A party of land seekers have returned from their trip west. Peter Voss remained, and bought a farm of 320 acres in Lincoln Co. which he is now plowing. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 23, 1884 P. 1

CHARLIE VRADENBURGH Branch news: Charlie Vradenburgh, of Michigan, is spending a few weeks with his cousin Edgar Hallenbeck of this place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 1, 1886 P.1

F. VRANEY Mr. and Mrs. F. Vraney, who have made their home at 825 North Tenth street, have removed to a farm on Route 5, out of this city. Mr. Vraney is not related to Frank Vraney, the insurance agent. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.3

JOE VRANEY Kossuth news: In spite of hard times a number of buildings are being put up hereabouts. John Steiner is building a large stone stable; Joe Vrany and John Heran are each building a stable and Daniel Grumdick is building an addition to his hall and otherwise improving his place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P.1

JOHN VUKELICH Six Granted Citizenship Only six were granted final citizenship papers by Judge Kirwan yesterday, two of the applications being continued for further study and one failing to appear, Jeanne Zense of France, Paul Adamski and George Mushel of Poland, Henry Ashenbrenner of Russia and John Vukelich and his wife Mrs. Anna Vukelich of Austria are the newly made Americans. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, June 3, 1925 P.1