[ Home]


H.C. Yakey has located in the city and opened offices in the Teitgen
block to engage in the insurance business. Mr. Yakey is agent for 
health and accident insurance companies.
Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 8, 1916 P.3

JOS. YANDA Zander news: Jos. Yanda had his neighbors helping him raise a granary and shed on Monday. Louis Mueller did the carpenter work. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.4

JOS. YANDA Zander news: The following farmers from around Zander have purchased new cars: Knut Knudson, a Reo; Anton Valenta, a Ford; Jos. Yanda and Martin Paider, each an Oakland, and Krema brothers, each a Jeffry; Louis Kotche, a Pullman. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.4

I.L.V. YATES I.L.V. Yates will celebrate his golden wedding this evening at his home in Ahnapee. Mr. Yates was a resident of this city early in the '50's and his many friends here congratulate him on the event. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 P.2

MRS. J.L.V. YATES Kewaunee co. news: Mrs. J.L.V. Yates a resident of Manitowoc in pioneer days is seriously ill at the house of her daughter at Stony Creek. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

FRANK YINDRA Frank Yindra, who has been enjoying a vacation, has returned to his position with the Brandt Printing & Binding Co. June 6, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

PETER YORE Withdrawal of Reward. In March, 1854, the undersigned were shot and badly wounded by the discharge of a gun in the hands of one Patrick Hunter, who fled and escaped the penalty of the law, and we offered a Reward of $100 for his arrest. This is to give notice to all concerned, that we do hereby withdraw said offer of Reward, and that we will not consider ourselves bound hereafter to pay it. PETER YORE, MICHAEL BRADLEY. Cooperstown, Manitowoc Co., Dec. 21, 1859. Friday, December 30, 1859 P. 3, The Manitowoc Pilot

MRS. E.H. YOUNG Mrs. E. H. Young and daughter Bessie of Sheboygan spent last Tuesday in this city. They were former residents of this city but Sheboygan has been their home for more than 20 years. They expressed themselves as being much surprised at the grown and progress of our city in recent years. Their mission here was to look after the graves of Mrs. Young’s parents and her husband who are buried in the public cemetery here. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conine. (NOTE: I don't show a Conine in any cemeteries) 30 Aug. 1904, The Chronicle

LOUIS YOUNG Two Rivers news: Louis Young, who came home a few weeks ago to spent (sic) the holidays, returned to Chicago, to day, to secure work on one of the tugs in that city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4

LOUIS & JOE YOUNG Two Rivers news: Louis and Joe Young, of Chicago, were called home the other day on account of the serious illness of their sister, who now is in a very precarious condition, and her death is hourly expected. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 4

W.W. YOUNG Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.-Michael Mahoney against George Rice, Albert Journey, Benjamin Symes, W.W. Young, A.C. Gibson, and Marshall Morse. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virture of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 3d day of November, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale. All the following described premises situate in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, to wit: Lot number six, (6) in block number one hundred and sixty six, (166). Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1850. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3

K. YOUNGS Mr. K. Youngs living on the road from this village to Mishicott, has a new dwelling house well under way. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 22, 1875

MRS. FRANK YOURA Stangleville news: Mrs. Frank Youra and children of Larabee visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kraynik last week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.4

JOHN YUNK FARMER BOY IS GIVEN 5 MONTHS Assault and Battery Plus 50-cent Theft, Hard for Franklin Youth The grabbing of a young girl, by the arm and later stealing 50 cents from her when she dropped her purse near Mishicott Sunday resulted in the sentencing of a Franklin farmer youth to serve five months in the county jail on the first charge and the paying of $5 and costs or thirty days for the theft. His name is John Yunk and he is 24 years old. There were two counts against Yunk, that of assault and battery and the stealing of money both misdemeanors, from Martha Hoffman who was the complainant. He pleaded guilty. Yunk was sleeping off a jag in the woods near Mishicott and awakened as the little girl was passing. He then walked with her and grabbed her by the arm and when the girl dropped her purse he quietly picked it up and put the purse and money in his pocket refusing to give it up. Testimony in municipal court before Judge Schmidt, this morning showed that the defendant had used improper language to the girl. Sheriff Pellett and Dist Atty Healy investigated the case. According to his own story which Yunk told the court, he is a sort of bad actor. He was sent away from home by his father five years ago, that he drinks and has had trouble, although never before in court. Although 24 years old, Yunk appears to be much younger not unusually intelligent. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, August 21, 1911 Page 3

[ Z ]

AUG. H. ZABEL Aug. H. Zabel has leased the cheese factory at Francis Creek and will run it this season. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4

FERDINAND ZABEL HIS FACE SCALDED. Ferdinand Zabel Meets With an Accident at the Supply Co. Ferdinand Zabel, an employe at the Manitowoc Supply Company's plant, was injured this morning. A plug in the steam pipe blew out and struck him in the face just over the eye. The hot steam came out and scalded the entire left side of his face. He was immediately taken to his home on North Sixth street. The injuries are not as serious as was at first supposed and it is thought he will be out again in a few weeks. Feb. 1, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MRS. ZABEL Mrs. Zabel from Milwaukee, as well as her 2 sisters, are visiting their mother, Mrs. W. Bach here. 06 July 1905, Der Nord Westen

ANDY ZACHEK Andy Zachek and family, fomerly residents of this city but for the past year making their home at Two Rivers, have gone to Wausau, where they will make their future place of abode, Mr. Zachek being engaged in the meat market business. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, September 29, 1903 P. 2

WM. ZAHN Director Roth's band, of Reedsville, tendered a fine serenade to Wm. Zahn Esq., one evening last week, it being the occasion of that gentleman's silver wedding. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 1

JAMES ZAHORIK Kossuth news: James Zahorik of Whitelaw was here one day putting up lightning rods on one of the buildings owned by W. Sperl. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 5, 1916 P.2

JOSEPH ZAHORIK Joseph Zahorik returned from Taus this morning where he spent the weekend with relatives. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 29, 1916 P.2

MRS. JOSEPH ZAHORIK, JR. Miss Mellie Malone was here from Milwaukee for a visit to her sister, [Mrs.] Joseph Zahorik, Jr. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1916 P.3

MIKE ZALAWSKI REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON TUBERCULAR PATIENTS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report to all proceedings and hearings in relating to tubercular patients had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13, 1918 up to and including this 13th day of May, 1919. John Chloupek, County Judge. Mike Zalawski, single, aged 21, resident of Manitowoc, Wis., committed to Maple Crest Sanatorium January 20th, 1919; Dr. C.L.R. MacCollum examining physician. Manitowoc Herald News, July 2, 1919 p.5

A.H. ZANDER Mr. I. Craite, John Roemer Jr., A. H. Zander, Henry Thompson and John Laudt took a fishing trip up to Shay's Lake one day last week. The number of fish they caught seemed to have been countless. Manitowoc Pilot, March 8, 1894

ARNOLD ZANDER Arnold Zander and his family have moved to Pakwaukee. 12 May 1904, Der Nord Westen

COUNTY CLERK ZANDER County Clerk Zander was at Brillion last evening to see his brother, Otto. Nov. 3, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

EDWARD ZANDER Edward Zander celebrated his 72nd birthday last Thurs. 09 Mar. 1899, Der Nord Westen

F. ZANDER Mishicott news: Mr. F. Zander has bought the old Damon place of T.K. Rea, paying $2000 therefor. Mr. Zander has now one of the best business stands in the village of Mishicott. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 16, 1883 P. 2

F. ZANDER Mishicott news: Mr. William Mueller has purchased all of Mr. F. Zander's property lying on the West side of Brockway street, and will begin to build at once. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 16, 1883 P. 2

F. ZANDER (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 12 Sep.) Mr. and Mrs. E. Angell are spending several days visiting the family of F. Zander, Mrs. Angell’s parents. The couple will be returning to their home in Madison where Prof. Angell has a position at the University of Wisconsin. 14 Sep. 1905, Der Nord Westen

F. ZANDER MISHICOTT In company of Mr. Fischbein, of the Badger State Manufacturing Co., we took a drive into the country last Wednesday, directing our first to the village of Mishicott, where he made a short stop, and then proceeded to the beautiful and fertile farming region which lies to the north and east of that busy little burg. The farms located along the road which we traveled are said to equal any in the county in point of soil; and the tidy appearance of the barns and farm houses which we passed certainly indicated thrift and prosperity on the part of the farmers. We saw several fields of winter wheat during one drive which looked exceedingly fine. Most of the spring wheat which was up also looked flourishing. The village of Mishicott is a handsome little town, and deserves a more extended notice than we are able to give it at present; but we shall endeavor to do it justice at some future time. It has a good water-power, a flour-mill, a blacksmith shop, two churches, and a fine large school house. Hitching our horse at the hotel of which Mr. Damon is the popular landlord, we gave that gentleman a short call. Afterwards we called on Mr. Heyroth, who is doing a large mercantile business there; on Selk & Son, who have a large store and are doing a splendid business, and on Mr. John Terens, who also has a large store and deals in hardware. We looked wistfully over the river where J. Linstedt's large brewery looms up, but were unable to visit the vaults as we would like to have done had we had time. Mr. Linstedt has the reputation of making excellent beer, and from the sample we got at A.C. Terens' we should say that he deserves it. Mr. F. Zander, owns a hotel in the village which is quite a popular resort, but for want of time we failed to give him a call, as was also the case with Mr. Braasch, who keeps a hotel and saloon on the southern outskirts of the village. We noticed several new buildings, going up, which indicate that the village is neither dead nor sleeping, but full of life and activity. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875

MRS. F. ZANDER (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 26 Apr.) Mrs. F. Zander celebrated her 60th birthday on Mon. in the company of many friends. 28 Apr. 1904, Der Nord Westen

FRED ZANDER Mishicott news: Mr. Fred Zander left for Milwaukee on Saturday last. He goes as delegate from Tusico Lodge, No. 32, to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Sons of Herman. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4

LOUIS ZANDER Louis Zander and August Weilep have both made extensive additions to their stable room. Found it necessary to accommodate their rapidly increasing customers. Also our old time friend, Mike Gebhardt has built a large stable on Jefferson Street; and Christ. Berger, not to be behind in this age of improvement, has partitioned off Washington Hall, and can now accommodate twenty or thirty more boarders. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), Aug. 27, 1872

LOUIS ZANDER Louis Last week 3 gentlemen, whose combined years total 246, paid a visit to Wm. Zander in Eastwin. They are Louis Zander and Boy Soenksen of Mishicott, and L. Heyroth of Manitowoc, each of whom is 82 yrs. old, still active and healthy. 16 Nov. 1905, Der Nord Westen

LOUIS ZANDER Louis Zander is visiting here. Following the death of his brother in Mishicott, with whom he had lived the last few years, he moved in with his brother Wilhelm in Eastwin. 30 May 1907, Der Nord Westen

MRS. WILHELM ZANDER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 22 Apr.) On Wed. last week Mrs. Wilhelm Zander celebrated her 29th birthday. 25 Apr. 1901, Der Nord Westen

WM. ZANDER (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 22 July) A surprise party was held Wed. evening last week for Wm. Zander, Postmaster of Eastwin. It was his 57th birthday, but unfortunately he was sick abed. The guests kept him amused, especially since they had brought along the Twin Rivers Band. 25 July 1901, Der Nord Westen

WM. ZANDER Last week 3 gentlemen, whose combined years total 246, paid a visit to Wm. Zander in Eastwin. They are Louis Zander and Boy Soenksen of Mishicott, and L. Heyroth of Manitowoc, each of whom is 82 yrs. old, still active and healthy. 16 Nov. 1905, Der Nord Westen

WILLIAM ZANDER Gibson news: The recent snow storm has made business rather lively again. Mr. William Zander has been receiving a large number of logs at his saw mill. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

JOHN ZBORALSKI, SR. John Zboralski, Sr., one evening last week, went to visit a sick friend and in the darkness fell over a wire fence on the corner of 17th and Marshall Streets. The streetlight on that corner had burned out. He suffered facial injuries, the worst to an eye, such that there is concern that he'll lose the sight of it, or possibly of both eyes. Zboralski is an elderly man who works for W. Rahr Sons Co. 30 Sep. 1909, Der Nord Westen

CORNELIUS ZECHEL Cornelius Zechel has accepted a position as assistant druggist in a Beloit drugstore and just recently moved there. 03 Sep. 1903, Der Nord Westen

FRANCIS ZECHEL Miss Francis Zechel has accepted a position as assistant at the office of Dr. Kapitan, the dentist. Mar. 23, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

MR. F. ZEDDIES Cooperstown news: Mr. F. Zeddies is storing away a large supply of ice. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

FRANK ZEMAN Frank Zeman has again assumed the control and management of the Star Hotel. He is refurnishing the house throughout and is determined to put it in first-class shape. Frank was always a genial and popular host and will, no doubt, regain all of his old patrons. Oct. 19, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JOSEPH ZEMAN Miss Katie L. Hucek, of Chicago, who was awarded $1100 against Joseph Zeman for breach of promise in circuit court last week, is visiting relatives in Cooperstown. June 28, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

S. ZENDELLA Suit has been filed by S. Zendella, a bridge contractor, aaginst(sic) the county of Manitowoc and town of Centerville for collection of $900 for a bridge built in Centerville. The bridge is known as the Freis bridge and it is said has sunk about thirteen inches at one end and the county and town declined to pay until repairs were made. A settlement may be made, it is said. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 20, 1916 P.3

CALVIN ZENK Calvin Zenk, attending Franklin college is home for the Easter vacation. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 2, 1901, p. 1

GUSTAVE ZENK, REV. Rev. Gustave Zenk and wife, of LaCrosse, are visiting Mr. Zenk's parents in this city. May 12, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

JEANNE ZENSE Six Granted Citizenship Only six were granted final citizenship papers by Judge Kirwan yesterday, two of the applications being continued for further study and one failing to appear, Jeanne Zense of France, Paul Adamski and George Mushel of Poland, Henry Ashenbrenner of Russia and John Vukelich and his wife Mrs. Anna Vukelich of Austria are the newly made Americans. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, June 3, 1925 P.1

F.T. ZENTNER F.T. Zentner, cashier of the National bank, is host to friends whom he may meet today because of the passing of his forty-ninth birth anniversary. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, August 15, 1904 P. 1

FRED ZENTNER, SR Fred Zentner, Sr., of Oshkosh, who has been here for a visit to his son, returned to his home Friday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 24, 1903 P. 3

SELMA ZERMUEHLEN (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 02 Dec.) A local young lady, Miss Selma Zermuehlen, will soon have been missing a full week. She is employed at the local knitwear factory, worked the day before her disappearance, and was last seen that evening in the local opera house. Since then there has been no trace of her. 05 Dec. 1907, Der Nord Westen

ZIBBLE The jury in the case of Zibble vs. the Railroad Company, after being out one hour brought in the verdict for the plaintiff for $3,500. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.1

CHARLES ZIEKE From our correspondent at Schleswig, we learn that "the Supervisors of this town have appointed Charles Zieke, Chairman, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John Barth, member of assembly. Manitowoc Pilot, Feb. 3, 1870

A. ZIEMER Last week A. Ziemer in St. Nazianz milked his cow while his 4-yr. old daughter kept him company. He finished and went into the house, unaware of his daughter’s whereabouts. The family did not miss her, everyone assuming that she was with the neighbors. When she had not appeared by 8 p.m. they established that she had not been at the neighbors and the entire neighborhood began searching for her without results. Early the following morning, Ziemer went to the barn to saddle his horse to continue the search. He heard a rustling in the hay, investigated, and found his daughter nestled in the hay sound asleep. She had stayed there playing in the hay ever since her father finished the milking and fell asleep. 25 Apr. 1901, Der Nord Westen

JOHN ZIERER (From the correspondent in St. Nazianz, no date) Mrs. Hodge of New York is here visiting her brother, John Zierer. 12 Aug. 1909, Der Nord Westen

THEODORE ZIGMAN (ZIGMUNT/ZIGMUND?) YOUNG MAN IS BADLY HURT ON CIRCULAR SAW Theodore Zigman, 18, a young lad, assisting Adolph Podrabsky, on the latter's farm in the town of Kossuth, two miles west of Francis Creek was caught in a circular saw, shortly after two o'clock this afternoone and was brought to the hospital here in a precarious condition. Zigman was assisting in cutting limbs on the farm, and while operating the saw he was caught by one of the limbs and dragged into the saw, being cut about the neck and head, before other workers could stop the saw. Dr. Kelley, Cato, was called and rushed Zigman to the hospital at once. The injured young man operates a farm near the Podrabsky place and was assisting in the operations on the latter farm when the accident took place. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, April 26, 1928 P.1 ******** (Note: This is probably Zigmunt. There is a Teodore Zigmunt age 9 on the 1920 Manitowoc Ward 3 in the household of Joseph Zigmunt. There is also a Theodore Zigmund in cemetery #32 who died in 2000)

MIKE ZIGRANCK Mike Zigranck is serving twenty days in the county bastile for taking more cigars than he was willing to pay for at Weinschenks saloon Saturday evening. Oct. 25, 1898, Manitowoc Daily Herald

FRED ZILLMAN Edwards news (Meeme): Fred Zillman, who for the last year has been the domestic servant of Jacob Beirsch, last Tuesday obtained an honorable discharge, and since that time has beeu (sic) enjoying himself immensely at Martin's. He soon intends to wend his way toward Rockville, the home of his much cherished friends, and the residence of his many admirers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4

ERWIN ZIMA BOY PARALYZED WHEN HIT BY FALLING PIECE TIMBER Mishicott Boy of 8 Victim of Accident at Home There Erwin Zima, aged eight, is at the hospital in this city suffering from paralysis resulting from an accident which he met with at his home on a farm near Mishicot. The boy was struck by a falling timber of an old building which was being torn down and though at first not thought to have been seriously injured, a few hours later was found to be paralyzed and was brought to the city. The timber struck the lad in the back just below the shoulders and physicians believe that a blood clot formed. The paralysis has not affected the arms and upper portion of the body and the lad is able to walk and to eat. His condition has shown little improvement. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, July 27, 1917, Page 5

WENZEL ZIMA Mishicot news: Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Zima of Manitowoc visited with Mrs. Zima's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nocker and family. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P.4

ERNST ZIMMERMANN (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 25 Jan.) Ernst Zimmermann observed his 25th birthday at a surprise party Sat. evening. 28 Jan. 1897, Der Nord Westen ******* (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 21 Jan.) Ernst Zimmermann celebrated his 29th birthday Fri. with friends and acquaintances, including members of the National Band of which he is a member. 24 Jan. 1901, Der Nord Westen

P.J. ZIMMERS City Supt. P.J. Zimmers of this city and Supt. W.J. Hamilton of Two Rivers are at Detroit to attend the national convention of school superintendents which is in session there this week. Supt. Hamilton was accompanied by his wife and they plan to visit relatives at Walkerville, Can., before returning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 23, 1916 P.3

BERNARD ZINGSHEIM Bernard Zingsheim, of Green Bay, who has been here on a visit to his brother Matt Zingsheim, returned home this morning. Feb. 20, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ELEANOR ZINGSHEIM ELOPEMENT IS NIPPED IN BUD Papa's Presence at N.W.Station Parts Loving Couple Presence of an irate father at the C. & N.W. railway station Monday evening halted the elopement of Eleanor Zingsheim, a 16 year old south side girl and Herman Prowk, a Waukesha youth who has been here for some time. The girl was taken home by her father while Prowk, possibly fearing results, boarded the train and left town. Prowk and the girl planned the elopement Sunday and Miss Zinsheim was aided by her lover in removing her personal belongings from the home Sunday night when the girl packed a suit case and threw it out from her window to the waiting youth. Mr. Zingsheim became suspicious Monday and asked police to watch the couple. The couple met at the N.W. station at 5:30 to depart on the 5:50 but Papa Zingsheim was on the job and broke up the little party. Mr. Zingsheim is said to have objected to attentions Prowk paid to his daughter because of the girl's youth. Prowk had been employed here as a molder. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, November 07, 1911 Page 1

MATT ZINGSHEIM John Gross has purchased the saloon and hall of Matt Zingsheim. The Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, July 25, 1901, p. 2

ALBERT ZINNS MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Albert Zinns is a M.D., and a good one, too. He lives on Winnebago street, and enjoys the largest practice in his quarter of the city. This is but the natural result of years of hard study and close application to the profession he loves so well. His wife, nee Kostomlatzky, while justly proud of her husband's success, feels a more happy pride in her handsome baby boy. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

ED. ZINNS Mr. Ed. Zinns and family, of Milwaukee, are visiting relatives and friends in our city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 14, 1883 P. 1

ED. F. ZINNS MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Ed. F. Zinns, favorably known to all our business men, has married, and now believes that "there's no place like home." He is the "right bower" of the firm of Wellauer Bros., wholesale grocers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

MRS. JNO. ZINNS Mrs. Jno. Zinns is in the city on a few weeks visit to relatives and friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 1

JNO. F. ZINNS MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Jno. F. Zinns, who many years ago owned a mill in Meeme, and afterwards a store in this city, has retired from business, and now lives with his family in quiet and contentment, on Sycamore street. His many friends throughout the county will be glad to learn that Mr. Zinns is enjoying good Health. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

JNO. F. ZINNS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bodden, of Milwaukee, return home this morning, after a week’s visit at the residence of Mr. Henry Schmidt. Mrs. Bodden is a daughter of our esteemed ex-fellow citizen, Jno. F. Zinns, and passed the years of her childhood in our city. Aug. 23, 1883, Lakeshore Times

W.H. ZINNS W.H. Zinns, of Milwaukee, made a flying trip to this city, his former home, on Sunday. His many friends regret that he could not stay longer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 1, 1882 P. 1

WILL H. ZINNS MANITOWOC AT MILWAUKEE. SOME OF THE CLIPPERS WHO NOW RESIDE IN CREAM CITY. Roaming around Milwaukee one afternoon of last week, we came across many whose faces where familiar; and thinking their fortunes might be of interest to our readers, we jotted down the names of some: Will H. Zinns, the yougnest of the family, of the male persuasion, now has an interest in the flourishing firm of Zinns and Ellinghausen, and is getting along finely, as he deserves. If the world were full of such fellows as "Uncle," peace and happiness would reign supreme. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.4 (Note: There were many named so the article has been posted with each one named)

MATT ZINSHEIM Notice. I, Robert Wiesmann, hereby retract all statements made by me, in regard to Matt Zinsheim's cheating me out of $5, and I acknowledge that all such statements where wholly untrue and made by me, if made at all, thoughtlessly and through malice. ROBERT WIESMANN. Apr. 7, 1899, Manitowoc Daily Herald

GEORGE ZIPPERER IN MUNICIPAL COURT: Six months ago George Zipperer of Whitelaw was sentenced to pay a fine of $300 for moonshining. He was given a week to pay it in as he pleaded poverty. He hadn't paid the first installment up to last week and he was brought in to explain. He was under suspicion of being up to his old tricks again, but this he emphatically denied and said he hadn't taken a drink in six months. The court appointed the attending officer as official breath smeller and he approached George, sniffed sagaciously with expert nose and reported to the court that the defendant had quite recently been regaling himself on double strength white mule, all of which was duly made a matter of court record. George went to jail in default of paying the old fine. Later - He paid the fine Monday and went home. The bill amounted to $313.38. Manitowoc Pilot, April 13, 1922 p.1

LOUIS ZIPPERER Louis Zipperer, of Whitelaw was the first in this county taking advantage of the new law, chapter 25 of the laws of 1915 to have his farm placed on the record in the register of deeds’ office. He registered it under the name of Wild Rose Stock and Dairy Farm. Apr. 28, 1915, Manitowoc Daily Herald

ZIVATKOWSKI, FRANK THOUGTH THEY WERE MARRIED. A year and a half ago Frank Zivatkowski and Mary Valinski, two Russians, residing in this city, appeared before the county judge and secured a special dispensation to wed. Neither of the parties are very well acquainted with the English language and upon receiving their permit thought they heard the judge say "I pronounce you man and wife." The couple lived together only a short time when they agreed to disagree and much quarreling was the result. The young man also accuses the mother-in-law of having "butted in" and adding to their troubles. She was "wise" to the fact that her daughter was never legally wedded to the young man and the special permit was in her possession. Zivatkowski after being annoyed and nagged until he could stand it no longer, finally decided to call on the judge to determine whether or not his marriage was binding. After the records had been looked up he was informed that he was never legally married to the girl and that there was nothing that bound him to her. When he left the judge's office he was happier than he was the day he secured the special permit and resolved that hereafter he will know whether he is married or not.-Two Rivers Chronicle. Manitowoc Pilot, September 24, 1908 P. 1

ZLATNIK Edward Schaffland and W.E. Seibel and families were participants at a large party at Two Rivers Sunday, a reunion of the Stockmeyer and Zlatnik families at which more than sixty guests attended. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, October 26, 1903 P. 2

JOHN ZOGVANIK Celebration of the marriage ties for Miss Rose Jagodniski (sic) and John Zogvanik (sic), a well known south side couple, took place at St. Mary's Polish Catholic church this morning. The couple will reside on Thirteenth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 21, 1904 P. 2

MICHAEL ZUR FIND MOONSHINE AND MASH, GIVE OWNER $100 FINE Michael Zur's home at Two Rivers was found to contain twenty-five gallons of mash, one full quart bottle of "moonshine" and three other partly filled bottles of the same liquid when Chief of Police Schroeder searched the place and in court this morning Zur pleaded guilty to a possession charge. He was fined $100 and costs which he paid. A short time ago a brother of Zur's was in court as result of liquor being found in the possession of two young men at a dance. They said they had made the purchase of Zur and he was brought into court. In court he said he had given the liquor away but the plea did not save him. Judge Chloupek presided at the trial in the absence of Judge Schmidt. May 6, 1922 P. 1, Manitowoc Herald News

MICHAEL ZUTZ Niles news: Bertha Murray and Mr. Adolph Zutz is visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zutz. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 13, 1885 P.4

JOSEPH ZYGMUND Joseph Zygmund, employed at the plant of the American Seating Works may be crippled for life as result of an accident of which he was the victim Friday afternoon. Zygmund, who is a South Side man, came in contact with a band saw, striking the saw with his leg, and cutting a deep gash that laid open the knee cap and joint. Zygmund was taken to the hospital where he is bein cared for. Zygmund's leg is badly lacerated and there is danger that the knee can become stiffened from the ???? though physicians are hopeful of saving the knee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 5, 1912 p.1