Personal Property Taxes   Back to ledgers

Page 1 - Anton Cloida, Assessor
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
John Rathe 1 1 Lot No.1 of N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 2 21 24 22 17 4916.25 1408 6324 4916 1408 6324
John Rathe 1 1 N.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 2 21 24 47 60

Henry Mathteson 1 1 Lot No.2 of N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 2 21 24 62 20

Henry Mathteson 1 1 Part of Lot No.3 of N.E.1/4 2 21 24 1
4864 2070 6934 4864 2070 6934
Henry Mathteson 1 1 N.E.Part of Lot No.3 2 21 24 3

Peter Mathteson 1 1 N.1/4 Part of Lot No.3 2 21 24 26 65

4853 1380 6233
Peter Mathteson 1 1 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 2 21 24 40
4853 1380 6233

Mike Mickleson 1 1 S.1/2 of Lot No.3 2 21 24 31 65

Mike Mickleson 1 1 M.1/3 of Lot No.4 of S.E.1/4 2 21 24 23 30 5755 2760 8515 5755 2760 8515
Mike Mickleson 1 1 N.1/3 of Lot No.4 of S.E.1/4 2 21 24 22 31

Richard Mathteson 1 1 S.1/3 of Lot No.4 of S.E.1/4 2 21 24 22 33 1667
1667 1667
Mike Mickleson 1 1 N.1/3 of S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 13 30

Mike Mickleson 1 1 M.1/3 of S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 13 30 1840
1848 1840
Richard Mathteson 1 1 S.1/3 of S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 13 30 948
948 948
August Mattek 1 1 E.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 20
1391 1391
Chas Schmook 1 1 W.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 20
1460 1150 1460 1460
John Stangle 1 1 N.?. 1.4 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 40
3013 977 3990 3013 977 3990
Henry Mathteson 1 1 N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 2 21 24 20

Henry Mathteson 1 1 S.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 2 21 24 40
4381 4381
Wenzel Krall 1 1 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 2 21 24 20
1380 1380
Thomas Johanek 1 1 N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 2 21 24 75 20 4805 1725 6530 4805 1725 6530

557 71

41,273 10320 51593

Page 2
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Ignatz Wojta Sr 1 1 N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 3 21 24 38 79 2630
2630 2630
Wenzel Krall 1 1 S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2380 1495 4080 2580 1495 4075
Helmuth Krase 1 1 N.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2860 1725 4585 2860 1725 4585
Charles Schmoock 1 1 S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2955 1495 4450 2955 1495 4450
August Mattek 1 1 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2920 2920
John Stangle 1 1 N.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2955 2955
Wenzel Prucha 1 1 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 3 21 24 80
5705 2415 8120 5705 2415 8120
John Kozelka 1 1 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 3 21 24 40
2645 2645
Helmuth Krase 1 1 N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 3 21 24 40
2645 2645
Wenzel Blaehnik 1 1 S.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 3 21 24 40
2655 2655
Wenzel Blaehnik 1 1 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2930 1380 4310 2930 1380 4310
Wm Kracht 1 1 N.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 3 21 24 40
2930 1380 4310 2930 1380 4310
Wm Kracht 1 1 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 3 21 24 40
2760 2760
Joseph Johanek 1 1 N.1/2 of N.W.1/4 3 21 24 82
5785 1840 7625 5785 1840 7625

44955 11730 56685

Page 3
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
August Mattek 1 1 N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 16 21 24 40
2850 2300 5150 2850 2300 5150
John Last 1 1 S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 16 21 24 40
2930 1840 4770 2930 1840 4770
Willie Lehrmann 1 1 S.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 16 21 24 40
2645 2645
Willie Lehrmann 1 1 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 16 21 24 40
2930 690 3620 2930 690 3620
Mr. Frank Blaha 1 1 S.E.Corner of N.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 16 21 24
50 200 800
660 200 460 660
Ignatz Blaha 1 1 N.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 16 21 24 38 75 2870 3450 6320 2870 3450 6320
Wm. Schroeder 1 1 S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 16 21 24 40 75 2940 1610 4550 2940 1610 4550
Charles ????ter 1 1 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 16 21 24 41 50 3010 1380 4390 3010 1380 4390
John Englebrecht 1 1 N.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 16 21 24 38 50 2875 1550 4425 2875 1550 4425
John Englebrecht 1 1 N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 16 21 24 37 50 2530
2530 2530
Ignatz Blaha 1 1 S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 16 21 24 42 50 2995
2995 2995
John Sharer/Sparer 1 1 S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 16 21 24 43
3110 2285 5395 3110 2285 5395
Charles ????ter 1 1 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 16 21 24 36 25 2455
2455 2455
Herman Englebrecht 1 1 S.1/2 of N.W.1/4 16 21 24 80
5565 2470 8035 5565 2470 8035
Wenzel Chalupsky 1 1 N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 16 21 24 40
2760 1230 3990 2760 1230 3990
John Last 1 1 N.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 16 21 24 40
2830 2830

639 25

45495 19265 64760

Page 4
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Richard Mathties 1 1 Lot No.1 of N.E.1/4 11 21 24 64
4785 2760 7545 4785 2760 7545
Ignatz Wojta Sr. 1 1 Part of Lot No.2 West
of Lake Shore Road
11 21 24 46
3435 690 4125 3435 690 4125
Mr H. Lehrmann 1 1 E. Part of Lot No.2 East
ofLake Shore Road
11 21 24 18
1225 1225
Mr H. Lehrmann 1 1 Lot No.1 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 1 50 105
105 105
Wm. Krase 1 1 Lot No.3 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 4 60 275 2070 2345 275 2070 2345
Randall Cox 1 1 Lot No.2 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 2 50 255 2070 2325 255 2070 2325
G. E. Kuetstmeyer 1 1 Lot No.4 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 7 72 605 1840 2445 605 1840 2445
Mrs. H. Lehrmann 1 1 Lot No.5 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 8 46 600
600 600
John Johnson 1 1 Lot No.6 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 4
275 755 1030 275 755 1030
Ignatz Wojta Sr. 1 1 Lot No.7 of Government
Lot No.3
11 21 24 1 20 90
90 90
Mr. H. Lehrmann 1 1 Lot No.4 of S.E.1/4 11 21 24 35
2530 2530
Mr. H. Lehrmann 1 1 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 11 21 24 80
4855 1380 6235 4855 1380 6235
Wenzel Kopetsky 1 1 N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 11 21 24 40
2645 2645
Charles Zierzow 1 1 S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 11 21 24 40
2815 2815
Wenzel Kopetsky 1 1 S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 11 21 24 39
2915 1265 4180 2915 1265 4180
Ignatz Blaha 1 1 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 11 21 24 39
2875 2875
Joseph Urbanek 1 1 S.W. Corner of
N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4
11 21 24 1
805 2300 3105 805 2300 3105
Wm. Brats ?? ???? 1 1 N.W. Corner of
S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4
11 21 24 1
345 2300 2645 345 2300 2645
Ignatz U. Woita 1 1 S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 11 21 24 39
5475 3680 9155 5475 3680 9155
Ignatz U. Woita 1 1 S.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 11 21 24 80

551 98

36910 21110 58020

Page 5
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Ignatz Woita Sr 1 1 N.1/2 of N.W.1/4 11 21 24 80
5620 1840 7460 5620 1840 7460
Ben Urbanek 1 1 E. of S.W. corner of N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 11 21 24
25 230 1150 1380 230 1150 1380


5850 2990 8840

Page 6
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Charles Zierzow 1 2 N.1/2 of N.1/2 of Lot No.1 13 21 24 2 50 165
165 165
John Gierke 1 2 S.1/2 of N.1/2 of Lot No.1 13 21 24 2 50 165
165 165
Robert Schroeder 1 2 S.1/2 of Lot No.1 13 21 24 19 50 1390
1390 1390
Schroeders Bros. Co. 1 2 Lot No.2 13 21 24 35
1410 1410
Schroeders Bros. Co. 1 2 Lot No.3 13 21 24 40
2645 460 3105 2645 460 3105

5775 460 6235

Page 7
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Charles Zierow 1 2 N.1/2 of N.1/2 of N.E.1/4 14 21 24 40
2815 2185 5000 2815 2185 5000
John Gierke 1 2 S.1/2 of N.1/2 of N.E.1/4 14 21 24 40
2850 1610 4460 2850 1610 4460
Charles Krase 1 2 W. part of N.1/2 of S.1/2 of N.E.1/4 14 21 24 34 50 2335
2335 2335
Robert Schroeder 1 2 E. part of N.1/2 of S.1/2 of N.E.1/4 14 21 24 5 50

Robert Schroeder 1 2 E.1/2 of S.1/2 of N.E.1/4 14 21 24 40
2985 1955 4940 2985 1955 4940
Albert Schroeder 1 2 W.1/2 of S.E.1/4 14 21 24 80
5775 1380 7155 5775 1380 7155
John Dahl 1 2 S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 14 21 24 40
2645 2645
Walter Ihlenfeldt 1 2 S.W.1/4 of S.E. 1/4 14 21 24 40
2645 1150 3795 2645 1150 3795
John Kopetsky Jr. 1 2 E.1/2 of S.W.1/4 14 21 24 80
5290 5290
Walter Ihlenfeldt 1 2 S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 14 21 24 40

Walter Ihlenfeldt 1 2 S.1/2 of N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 14 21 24 20
4210 1955 6165 4210 1955 6165
John Kopetsky 1 2 N.1/2 of N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 14 21 24 20
1320 1955 3275 1320 1955 3275
Charles Krase 1 2 S.1/2 of N.W.1/4 14 21 24 80
5635 1725 7360 5635 1725 7360
Wm J. Schroeder 1 2 N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 14 21 24 40
1905 1905
Charles Zierow 1 2 N.1.2 of N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 14 21 24 20
1320 1320
John Gierke 1 2 S.1/2 of N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 14 21 24 20
1320 1320

640 0

43050 13915 56965

Page 8
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Peter Barta 1 2 N.1/2 of N.E.1/4 15 21 24 80
5775 3220 8995 5775 3220 8995
Fred Schimmel 1 2 S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 15 21 24 40
2665 1495 4160 2665 1495 4160
George Deya 1 2 S.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 15 21 24 40
2930 1495 4425 2930 1495 4425
Charles Ihlenfeldt 1 2 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 15 21 24 80

Charles Ihlenfeldt 1 2 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 15 21 24 40
8625 2070 10695 8625 2078 10695
Walter Ihlenfeldt 1 2 S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 15 21 24 40
2885 2885
August Pultz 1 2 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 15 21 24 80
5775 2185 7960 5775 2185 7960
Frank Barta 1 2 N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 15 21 24 80
5635 2185 7820 5635 2185 7820
Wenzel Hallada 1 2 S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 15 21 24 40
4495 2185 6680 4495 2185 6680
Wenzel Hallada 1 2 S.1/2 of N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 15 21 24 20

John Sporer 1 2 N.1/2 of N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 15 21 24 20
1425 1425
George Deya 1 2 S.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 15 21 24 40

George Deya 1 2 E.1/2 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 15 21 24 20
4210 4210
Wenzel Hallada 1 2 N.1/2 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 15 21 24 20
1380 1380


45800 14835 60635

Page 9
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
August Lehrmann 2 2 N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 22 21 24 40
2885 1955 4840 2885 1955 4840
Joseph Benish 2 2 S.1/4 of N.E.1/4 22 21 24 80
5635 1955 7590 5635 1955 7590
August Pultz 2 2 N.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 22 21 24 40
2885 2885
Fred Messmann 2 2 E.1/2 of S.E.1/4 22 21 24 79
5730 2300 8030 5730 2300 8030
Fred Messmann 2 2 N.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 22 21 24 40
2765 2765
August Last 2 2 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 22 21 24 40
2885 1725 4610 2885 1725 4610
Wm. Schumann 2 2 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 22 21 24 80
5705 2300 8005 5705 2300 8005
Joseph Hallada 2 2 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 22 21 24 40
2645 1610 4255 2645 1610 4255
Joseph Hallada 2 2 S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 22 21 24 40
2760 2760
Robert Messmann 2 2 N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 22 21 24 40
2920 2920
Robert Messmann 2 2 W.1/2 of N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 22 21 24 20
1080 1080
Wm. Schumann 2 2 E.1/2 of N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 22 21 24 20
1285 1285
Robert Wesemann 2 2 S.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 22 21 24 40
2805 1495 4300 2805 1495 4300
Mary Cloudia 2 2 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 22 21 24 40
2930 1265 4195 2930 1265 4195
Wenzel Zlab 2 2 S.E. Corner of S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 22 21 24 1
345 1150 1495 345 1150 1495


45260 15755 61015

Page 10
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
John Dahl 2 2 N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 40
2575 1725 4300 2575 1725 4300
Detleff Geerdts 2 2 S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 40
2885 1840 4725 2885 1840 4725
Detleff Geerdts 2 2 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 20
1425 1425
Wm. Prestien 2 2 N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 20
1425 1425
Wm. Prestien 2 2 N.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 23 21 24 40
2885 1495 4380 2885 1495 4380
Stanislaus Poprosky 2 2 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 23 21 24 80
5775 2070 7845 5775 2070 7845
John Kraus 2 2 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 23 21 24 20
1425 2645 4070 1425 2645 4070
John Kraus 2 2 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 23 21 24 40
2920 2920
Frank Klinder 2 2 E.1/2 of S.W.1/4 23 21 24 80
5770 1610 7380 5770 1610 7380
August Last 2 2 N.1/2 of S.W. of S.W.1/4 23 21 24 20
1220 1220
Fred Messmann 2 2 S.1/2 of S.W. of S.W.1/4 23 21 24 20
1355 1355
Fred Schimmel 2 2 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 23 21 24 40
2780 2780
August Lehrmann 2 2 S.1/2 of S.W. of N.W.1/4 23 21 24 20
1425 1425
Charles Messmann 2 2 N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 23 21 24 20
1425 1425
Charles Messmann 2 2 N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 23 21 24 40
2885 2070 4955 2885 2070 4955
August Lehrmann 2 2 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 23 21 24 40
2885 2885
August Lehrmann 2 2 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 20
1425 1425
August Lehrmann 2 2 W.1/2 of S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 10
645 645
Wm. Prestien 2 2 E.1/2 of S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 23 21 24 10
700 700
Frank Retzlaff 2 2 S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 23 21 24 20
1410 1410


45240 13455 58695

Page 11
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Schroeder Bros. Co. 2 2 S.E. part of Lot No.1 24 21 24 5
300 300
Schroeder Bros Co 2 2 S.E. part of Lot No.1 24 21 24 57
4260 200 4460 4260 200 4460
Schroeder Bros. Co. 2 2 S.E. part of Lot No.2 24 21 24 43
2765 2765
Schroeder Bros. Co. 2 2 S.E. part of Lot No.3 24 21 24 58
3645 2760 6405 3645 2760 6405
Charles Schroeder 2 2 S.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 24 21 24 38
2570 1725 4295 2570 1725 4295
John Kraus 2 2 W.1/2 of S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 24 21 24 40
2770 2770
Frank Redtzloff 2 2 W.1/2 of S.1/2 of S.W. of S.W.1/4 24 21 24 10
745 745
Wm Redtzlaff 2 2 E.1/2 of S.1/2 of S.W.of S.W.1/4 24 21 24 10
745 745
Wm Redtzlaff 2 2 S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 24 21 24 20
1460 1955 3415 1460 1955 3415
Schroeder Bros. Co. 2 2 N.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 24 21 24 40
2125 2125
Schroeder Bros. Co. 2 2 S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 24 21 24 40
2070 2070


23455 6640 30095

Page 12
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Wm. Redtzlaff Jr. 2
N.E. part of Lot No.1 25 21 24 5
200 200
Anton Halda 2
N.E. part of Lot No.1 of N.E.1/4 25 21 24 52
3420 3420
Anton Halda 2
N.E. part of Lot No.2 of N.E.1/4 25 21 24 32
2045 2185 4230 2045 2185 4230
Albert Geerdtz 2
S.W. part of Lot No.2 25 21 24 1
55 55
Albert Geerdtz 2
S.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 25 21 24 40
2300 2185 4485 2300 2185 4485
John Koch 2 " N.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 25 21 24 40
2885 1610 4495 2885 1610 4495
Fred Strutz 2 " S.E.1/4 of S.E.1/4 25 21 24 41
2885 1380 4265 2995 1380 4375
Henry Taylor 2 " W.1/2 of S.E.1/4 25 21 24 80
5290 1610 6900 5290 1610 6900
George Taylor 2 " N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 25 21 24 80
5405 5405
George Taylor 2 " S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 25 21 24 80
5750 2300 8050 5750 2300 8050
Albert Geerdtz 2 " S.1/2 of N.W.1/4 25 21 24 80
4600 4600
Charles Schroeder 2 " N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 25 21 24 40
2885 2885
Wm. Redtzlaff Jr. 2 " N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 25 21 24 40
2930 2930


40760 11270 52030

Page 13
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Frank Redtzlaff 2 3 N.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 26 21 24 40
2920 2300 5220 2920 2300 5220
Herman Meyer 2 3 S.E.1/4 of N.E.1/4 26 21 24 40
2645 2645
Fred Jonas 2 3 N.1/2 of N.E.1/4 26 21 24 79
5145 1610 6755 5145 1610 6755
Herman Meyer 2 3 S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 26 21 24 80
5705 1955 7660 5705 1955 7660
Adolph Grimm 2 3 W.1/2 of S.E.1/4 26 21 24 80
5635 230 5865 5635 230 5865
Adolph Grimm 2 3 E.1/2 of E.1/2 of S.W.1/4 26 21 24 40
2700 2070 4770 2700 2070 4770
Ernest Duveneck 2 3 W.1/2 of S.W.1/4 26 21 24 80
5175 5175
Ernest Duveneck 2 3 W.1/2 of E.1/2 of S.W.1/4 26 21 24 40
2555 2185 4740 2555 2185 4740
Wm. Schmoock 2 3 W.1/2 of N.W.1/4 26 21 24 80
5775 1610 7385 5775 1610 7385
Arthur Zirzow 2 3 E.1/2 of N.W.1/4 26 21 24 80
5705 805 6510 5705 805 6510


43960 12765 56725

Page 14
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Albert Wadwasheck 2 3 E.1/2 of N.E.1/4 27 21 24 80
5290 1150 6440 5290 1150 6440
Martin Komorofsky 2 3 W.1/2 of N.E.1/4 27 21 24 80
5290 5290
Martin Komorofsky 2 3 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 27 21 24 80
4640 1955 6595 4640 1955 6595
August Klinder 2 3 S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 27 21 24 80
5290 2185 7475 5290 2185 7475
Martin Komorofsky 2 3 N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
1840 1840
Joseph Krizek 2 3 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
2530 2530
Joseph Krizek 2 3 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 20
1425 1610 3035 1425 1610 3035
Anton Krizek 2 3 N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 20
1425 1265 2690 1425 1265 2690
Anton Krizek 2 3 S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
2645 2645
August Last 2 3 N.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
2645 2645
Wm Schimann 2 3 N.W1/4 of N.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
2645 2645
John Komorofsky 2 3 S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
1840 1840
Martin Komorofsky 2 3 N.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 27 21 24 40
1840 1840


39345 8165 47510

Page 15
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Edward Guetchow 2 8 E.1/2 of N.E.1/4 34 21 24 80
5290 2530 7820 5290 2530 7820
Adolph Grimm 2 8 N.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 34 21 24 40
2300 2300
Frank Kritzky 2 8 S.W.1/4 of N.E.1/4 34 21 24 40
2070 2070
Frank Kritzky 2 8 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 34 21 24 80
5750 1610 7360 5750 1610 7360
Mrs. Jacob Funk 2 8 S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 34 21 24 40
2070 2070
Wm. Schmidt 2 3 S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 34 21 24 40
2070 2070
Emil Putah 2 3 S.1/2 of N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 34 21 24 40
1840 1840
August Putah 2 3 N.1/2 of N.1/2 of S.W.1/4 34 21 24 40
1955 1955
Ambrus Meyer 2 3 W.1/2 of N.W.1/4 34 21 24 80
4140 4140
John Benzinger 2 3 E.1/2 of N.W.1/4 34 21 24 80
4600 4600
Joe Zik 2 3 S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 34 21 24 80
5770 2300 8070 5770 2300 8070


37855 6440 44295

Page 16
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Gust Eggert 2 3 E.1/2 of N.E.1/4 35 21 24 80
5770 1955 7725 5770 1955 7725
Frank Bartel 2 3 W.1/2 of N.E.1/4 35 21 24 80
5570 2300 7870 5570 2300 7870
Charles Redtzlaff 2 3 E.1/2 of S.E.1/4 35 21 24 80
5175 2300 7475 5175 2300 7475
Emil Redtzlaff 2 3 W.1/2 of S.E.1/4 35 21 24 80
5740 2185 7925 5740 2185 7925
John Kritzky 2 3 N.1/2 Of S.W.1/4 35 21 24 80
5635 690 6325 5635 690 6325
George Sheppert 2 3 S.1/2 of S.W.1/4 35 21 24 80
5635 2185 7820 5635 2185 7820
John Komorofsky 2 3 W.1/2 of N.W.1/4 35 21 24 80
5635 2300 7935 5635 2300 7935
Peter Wishnifsky 2 3 E.1/2 of N.W.1/4 35 21 24 80
5565 2300 7865 5565 2300 7865


44725 16215 60940

Page 17
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Louis Frasch 2 3 N.1/2 of N.E.1/4 36 21 24 80
5290 1955 7245 5290 1955 7245
George Gokey 2 3 S.1/2 of N.E.1/4 36 21 24 80
4685 1380 6065 4685 1380 6065
Peter Dose 2 3 N.1/2 of S.E.1/4 36 21 24 80
4945 1380 6325 4945 1380 6325
Charles La Clair 2 3 S.1/2 of S.E.1/4 36 21 24 80
3795 2530 6325 3795 2530 6325
Charles La Clair 2 3 S.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 36 21 24 40
2645 2645
Joseph Gokey 2 3 W.1/2 of S.W.1/4 36 21 24 80
5335 1955 7290 5335 1955 7290
Peter Dose 2 3 N.E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 36 21 24 40
1840 1380 1840 1840
Henry Taylor 2 3 S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 36 21 24 40
2255 2255
Edward Ringmeier 2 3 E.1/2 of N.W.1/4 36 21 24 80
5775 2070 7845 5775 2070 7845
Gust Eggert 2 3 N.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4 36 21 24 40
2885 2885


39450 11270 50720

Page 18
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
John Koch 2 3 N. part of Lot No.3 30 21 25 5
230 230
Charles La Clair 2 3 S. part of Lot No.3 30 21 25 27 50 1150 1150 2240 1090 1150 2240
La Clair & Son Harry

S.E. p of S.W.

50 150


1320 1150 2470

Page 19
Name of Owner School Dist. No. Road Dist. No. Description Section Town Range No. of Acres Hundreds
Value Fixed
by Assessor
Value Fixed by
Board of Review

Excl. Improve. Improve. Total Excl. Improve. Improve. Total
Charles La Clair 2 3 Lot No.1 31 21 25 32

Charles La Clair 2 3 Lot No.2 31 21 25 35 80

Charles La Clair 2 3 Lot No.3 31 21 25 38 80 730 400 1130 730 400 1130
Charles La Clair 2 3 N.W.1/4 of S.E.1/4 31 21 25 40

Joseph La Fond 2 3 Lot No.4 31 21 25 47
235 235
Charles La Clair 2 3 S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4 31 21 25 40
200 200

233 60

1165 400 1565