The following entries are from the court index microfilm at the Manitowoc Library, The records pertaining to these are at the Area Research Center in Green Bay. You may be able to order the record here: Cofrin Library request forms

[ BR ]


Braasch (Zesh vs)
yr. 1855; #224; CF 2

BRAASCH, ANTON Farwell, John V. et al; Chas. B. Farwell; Willis D. Farwell; John K. Hamm? & Benjamin F. Ray; vs Braasch, Fred et al; Anton Braasch; Adam Sechrist; Sophia C.M. Braasch wf of Frederick yr. 1870; #61; CF22

BRAASCH, ANTON (First publication Jan. 10, 1882.) IN PROBATE.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Anton Braasch, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Frederick Braasch, Jr., administrator, of the estate of said deceased, representing among other things that he has fully administered said estate, and praying that a time and place be fixed for examining and allowing his account of his administration filed in this court and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled thereto; It is ordered that said account be examined and petition heard by this court on Tuesday, the 7th day of February, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said county. Dated at the city and county of Manitowoc, the 10th day of January, A.D., 1882. By the court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 17, 1882 P. 4

BRAASCH, ANTON 10-In re estate of Anton Braasch deceased:-Fred Braasch petitions for settlement of administrator's account and assignment of the residue of the estate. Final hearing set for Feb. 7. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4

BRAASCH, ANTON COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 21-In re estate of Anton Braasch, deceased; final account of administrator allowed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

BRAASCH, CASPER Also have Casper Brasch Braasch, Casper (Braasch, Fritz vs) yr. 1887; #2176; CF 49

BRAASCH, CASPER Braasch, Fritz & Jennie Dawley vs Braasch, Casper yr. 1887; #2176; CF 49

BRAASCH, FRANK Braasch, Frank vs Simon, G.H. Financial dispute yr. 1896; #3336; CF 55

BRAASCH, FRANK Braasch, Frank vs Bredl, Joseph yr. 1893; #2189; CF 49

BRAASCH, FRANK Braasch, Frank vs Lyons, John D.; Murphy, Bernard & Lyons, Michael yr. 1883; #1350; CF 39

BRAASCH, FRANK PTF - Braasch, Frank DFT - Kapitan, John; Helwig, William Foreclosure mortgage yr. 1882; #1309; CF 38

BRAASCH, FRED Braasch, Fred etal (Farwell, John V. vs) yr. 1870; #61; CF 22

BRAASCH, FRED Farwell, John V. et al; Chas. B. Farwell; Willis D. Farwell; John K. Hamm? & Benjamin F. Ray; vs Braasch, Fred et al; Anton Braasch; Adam Sechrist; Sophia C.M. Braasch wf of Frederick yr. 1870; #61; CF22

BRAASCH, FRED 10-In re estate of Anton Braasch deceased:-Fred Braasch petitions for settlement of administrator's account and assignment of the residue of the estate. Final hearing set for Feb. 7. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4

BRAASCH, FRIEDRICH Braasch, Fritz Fritz Braasch son of Friedrich and Sophia Braasch of Mishicot township Friedrich Braasch died November 10, 1886 Daughter of Friedrich & Sophia and sister of Fritz is Jennie Dawley Request to cancel bond of maintenance and mortgage yr. 1890; #1993; CF47

BRAASCH, FRITZ Braasch, Casper (Braasch, Fritz vs) yr. 1887; #2176; CF 49

BRAASCH, FRITZ Braasch, Fritz Fritz Braasch son of Friedrich and Sophia Braasch of Mishicot township Friedrich Braasch died November 10, 1886 Daughter of Friedrich & Sophia and sister of Fritz is Jennie Dawley Request to cancel bond of maintenance and mortgage yr. 1890; #1993; CF47

BRAASCH, FRITZ Braasch, Fritz & Jennie Dawley vs Braasch, Casper yr. 1887; #2176; CF 49

BRAASCH, HATTIE Braasch, Hattie vs Salzmann, Elias etal Salzmann, Eliza see also #165 2 cases yr. 1872; #165; CF 23

BRAASCH, HENRY Aldrich, William; Smith, Hezekiah Plaintiffs Braasch, Henry; Lindstedt, Fred; Lindstedt, Christian Defendants Plntfs seek to collect on a mortgage $125.00 on lot 1 & 2 block 53 Village of Two Rivers yr. 1858; #2090; Box CF 16 FLB

BRAASCH, SOPHIA Braasch, Fritz Fritz Braasch son of Friedrich and Sophia Braasch of Mishicot township Friedrich Braasch died November 10, 1886 Daughter of Friedrich & Sophia and sister of Fritz is Jennie Dawley Request to cancel bond of maintenance and mortgage yr. 1890; #1993; CF47

BRAASCH, SOPHIA C.M. Farwell, John V. et al; Chas. B. Farwell; Willis D. Farwell; John K. Hamm? & Benjamin F. Ray; vs Braasch, Fred et al; Anton Braasch; Adam Sechrist; Sophia C.M. Braasch wf of Frederick yr. 1870; #61; CF22

BRAATZ, JOHN Braatz, John (William Zahn vs) yr. 1870; #21; CF 22

BRACHMANN, Nicholas J. Brachmann, Nicholas J. (George Pankratz etal vs) Pl wishes to collect debt yr. 1893; #2245; CF 50

BRACHT, Henry Bracht, Henry (George Cole vs) yr. 1870; #20; CF 22

BRACHVOGEL, Otto Brachvogel, Otto Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Defendant is accused of firing a shotgun at Peter Mensquad with intent to kill. Incident occurred in the Town of Schleswig. yr. 1872; #2045; Box CF 15 FLB

BRADELL, JOSEPH GUARDIAN SALE. IN PROBATE:-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the Joseph Bradell, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an Order of License, made in said matter, on the 3d day of May, A.D. 1869, by the county court of said county, the undersigned Mathias Kumbalek, Guardian of the minor heirs of Joseph Bradell deceased, will, on Monday the 24th day of May, A.D. 1869, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale, at Public Vendue, the following described lands, to wit: The Se 1-4 of Sw 1-4 of Sec. 34 T 2 0 R 24 in the county of Manitowoc. The terms of sale cash. Mathias Kumbalek, Guardian. Dated at Manitowoc, the 3d of May A.D. 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, May 21, 1869 P. 2

BRADL, Frank Bradl, Frank Last will - testament Administrator George Witmann Will contested by Joseph Bradl Sisters were Theresa Nuezer; Mary Bauman & Anna Engeldiner(sic) yr. June 1902; No 3852; Box H C.F. 60

BRADL, Joseph Bradl, Frank Last will - testament Administrator George Witmann Will contested by Joseph Bradl Sisters were Theresa Nuezer; Mary Bauman & Anna Engeldiner(sic) yr. June 1902; No 3852; Box H C.F. 60

BRADLEY, Henry Bradley, Henry vs David Smoke yr. 1870; #33; CF 22

BRADLEY, Michael Bradley, Michael Proof of claim yr. 1893; #131, #295, #141; CF 65

BRADLEY, Michael Jr. Bradley, Michael Jr. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #294; CF 65

BRADLEY, Susan H. Bradley, Susan H. yr. 1890; #1976; CF 46

BRADY, Kathryn Brady, Kathryn vs School District #9 Town of Newton, Mtwc Co. Maiden name: Kathryn McNulty yr. 1904; #3995; CF 64

BRAKER, John Braker, John (Chloupek, Adolph S.) Destroyed 50 hills of corn. State of Wis. yr. 1902; Case No. 352; Box No. C.F. 72

BRAMER, Allie Allie Bramer (Horn, Henry G.) yr. 1891; 2082; CF 48

BRANAGAN, Peter J. Peter J. Branagan (Frederick W. Huebner vs) yr. 1849; X35; CF 1

BRANDEIS, J.L. Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 28th. J.L. Brandeis vs Wm. Robinson, Certiorari. Court taken case under consideration.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.

BRANDEIS, J.S. Brandeis, J.S. vs Furke, Michael Jury list Furke res. Mishicott with Joseph Silvester son Nelson Furke, lives in Mishicott father supported by son. son married "2 yrs. last July" no children Suit for money owed. yr. 1879; #1026; CF 34

BRANDEIS, Jacob Brandeis, Jacob vs Petersen, Thomas non-payment on note yr. 1881; 1180; CF 36

BRANDEL, Joseph Brandel, Joseph (Elvira S. Loomis vs) land dispute yr. 1873; #307; CF 25

BRANDERS, Anna Branders, Anna (Pankratz, Michael) (State of Wis) vs) Destruction of property yr. 1886; #57; CF 68

BRANDES, Fritz Brandes, Fritz etal vs Winke, Annie etal Financial & property dispute yr. 1896; #3322; CF 55

BRANDES, Fritz Brandes, Fritz vs Piper, George W. & Mary Piper (St. Wis) Assault & beat yr. 1878; CX2511; CF 18

BRANDIES, Anna Brandies, Anna (see Brandies vs Pankratz) dau. of Fritz Brandies, age 15 yrs. yr. 1884; #1421; CF 40

BRANDIES, Anna Brandies, Anna (State of Wis vs) yr. 1888; Cr 305 #85; HCF 69

BRANDIES, Annie Brandies, Annie (State of Wis vs) yr. 1887; Cri 310 #92; HCF 69

BRANDIES, Fritz Brandies, Anna (see Brandies vs Pankratz) dau. of Fritz Brandies, age 15 yrs. yr. 1884; #1421; CF 40

BRANDIES, Fritz Brandies, Fritz vs McCallister, Chas.; McCallister, Frank; Dill, Melvin Charges defendants with assault yr. 1873; #244; CF 24

BRANDIES, Fritz Brandies, Fritz vs Pankratz, Michael refers to case in which St. of Wis. was ptf vs Anna Brandies Anna daughter of Ptf. Fritz Brandies Fritz resides S2 Tn Cato Anna age 15 yrs. Pankratz cattle invaded Brandies land. yr. 1884; #1421; CF 40

BRANDIES, Fritz Brandies, Fritz (St Wis) vs McAllister, Charles etal; Melvin Dill; Frank McAllister; Mary McAllister; Hiram McAllister Assault & battery yr. 1871; CX2638; CF 19

BRANDIES, Fritz Brandies, Fritz Proof of claim yr. 1893; #26, #236, #161; CF 65

BRANDIES, Fritz Dill, Melvin (Fritz Brandies vs) yr. 1873; #244; CF24

BRANDIES, J.L. Brandies, J.L. (Farwell, John V. etal vs) yr. 1878; X1372; CF 2 or 3

BRANDIES, J.L. Farwell, John V. et al; John V. Farwell; Chas. B. Farwell; Simeon Farwell; William D. Farwell; John K. Herman; vs Brandies, J.L. yr. 1878; X1372; CF11

BRANDIES, Jonas Jonas Brandies (W. Glover vs) yr. 1863; X1239; CF 10

BRANDIES, Jonas L. Brandies, Jonas L. (Dietl, Rosalia wife of deceased husband Franz) Settlement of note yr. 1878; #774; CF 31

BRANDIES, Jonas L. Brandies, Jonas L. (Robinson, Wm. vs) Promissory note yr. 1879; #781; CF 31

BRANDIES, Jonas L. Dietl, Rosalia widow of Franz, deceased vs Oestreich, Wilhelm et al & Ernestina his wife & Brandies, Jonas L. Settlement of note. yr. 1878; #774; CF31

BRANDL, (no name) Brandl - Hoefner 1888 CF43 1695

BRANDL, Barbara Brandl Barbara Deft. Hoefner Frederick Pltf. Mortgage yr. 1888; Case No. 1695; Box No. C.F. 43

BRANDL, John State of Wis vs Brandl, John by Meyer, Otto A fight in a bar yr. 1897; No. 215; Box C.F. 81

BRANDL, Joseph Brendel, John v.s. Brandl, Joseph Farm settelment(sic) yr. 1894; Case No. 3062; Box No. C.F. 51

BRANDL, Joseph Brandl, Joseph vs Vogel, Alois cross referenced witnesses Olsen, Riley; Vogel, Anton; Pankratz, Theresia; Brandl, Katharina; Zipperer, Alois; Miller, John; Bachmeyer, Joseph; ? Otten, John (Otten, John crossed out) Damaged reputation & costs due to false accusation and arrest yr. 1890; #1991; CF 47

BRANDL, Joseph Sr. State of Wis vs Joseph Brandl Sr. Perjury in case where G.A. Forrest was Ptf. Wife Theresia Brandl farm Tn. Cato Had 2 boys from 2nd wife had 3 boys from 1st wife Gave 2nd wife and boys all the property 2nd wife lives on prop. with their son John age 20 yrs. Anton in Germany - 36 yrs. Joseph is in Lake Superior - age 34 yrs. Wolfgang farmer in Cato - age 30 yrs - bought land from Jos. Sr. ca. 16 yrs. ago Joseph age 16 now in Tn. Newton Joseph Brandl unable to speak English - speaks Bavarian dialect of German (I believe the following is on the back of this card as its next on the film and there is nothing else written on it) John Brandl test - has sister m. to Becker livs in Branch. yr. 1891/1894; #262; CF 70

BRANDL, Katharina Brandl, Joseph vs Vogel, Alois cross referenced witnesses Olsen, Riley; Vogel, Anton; Pankratz, Theresia; Brandl, Katharina; Zipperer, Alois; Miller, John; Bachmeyer, Joseph; ? Otten, John (Otten, John crossed out) Damaged reputation & costs due to false accusation and arrest yr. 1890; #1991; CF 47

BRANDL, Theresia State of Wis vs Joseph Brandl Sr. Perjury in case where G.A. Forrest was Ptf. Wife Theresia Brandl farm Tn. Cato Had 2 boys from 2nd wife had 3 boys from 1st wife Gave 2nd wife and boys all the property 2nd wife lives on prop. with their son John age 20 yrs. Anton in Germany - 36 yrs. Joseph is in Lake Superior - age 34 yrs. Wolfgang farmer in Cato - age 30 yrs - bought land from Jos. Sr. ca. 16 yrs. ago Joseph age 16 now in Tn. Newton Joseph Brandl unable to speak English - speaks Bavarian dialect of German (I believe the following is on the back of this card as its next on the film and there is nothing else written on it) John Brandl test - has sister m. to Becker livs in Branch. yr. 1891/1894; #262; CF 70

BRANDT, Anna R. Brandt, Carl, 28 yrs old vs Brandt, Anna R., 24 yrs. old Divorce Plaintiff lives Black Hawk County, Iowa defendant lives Copenhagen, Denmark formerly lived in Mtwc. M?? Spring 1871 Copenhagen, Denmark no children file contains a translated letter from Anna. She signs it Anna Rogina Brandt born Christopherson yr. 1874; #352; CF 25

BRANDT, Carl Brandt, Carl, 28 yrs old vs Brandt, Anna R., 24 yrs. old Divorce Plaintiff lives Black Hawk County, Iowa defendant lives Copenhagen, Denmark formerly lived in Mtwc. M?? Spring 1871 Copenhagen, Denmark no children file contains a translated letter from Anna. She signs it Anna Rogina Brandt born Christopherson yr. 1874; #352; CF 25 SUMMONS. STATE OF WISCONSIN Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Carl L.M. Brandt Plaintiff, against Anna R. Brandt Defendant. Summons for Relief (Complaint served.) To the Defendant above Named:-You are hereby Summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, at Manitowoc in said County, and state on the 24th day of August A.D. 1874 and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the suscribers (sic) at their office, in said City of Manitowoc, in said County, within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, Manitowoc, Aug. 24th 1874 White & Forrest, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Manitowoc Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, August 27, 1874 P. 1 ***** SUMMONS. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT, Manitowoc County. Carl L.M. Brandt plaintiff, against Anna R. Brandt Defendent (sic), Summons for Relief (Complaint served.) To the Defendant above Named:-You are hereby Summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, at Manitowoc in said County, and state on the 24th day of August A.D. 1874 and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, in said City of Manitowoc, in said County, within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, Manitowoc, Aug. 24th 1874 White & Forrest, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Manitowoc Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, September 3, 1874 P. 1 ***** SUMMONS. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Carl L.M. Brandt plaintiff, against Anna R. Brandt Defendant, Summons for Relief (Complaint served.) To the Defendant above Named:-You are hereby Summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filedin (sic) the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, at Manitowoc in said County, and state on the 24th day August A.D. 1874 and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the suscribers (sic) at their office, in said City of Manitowoc, in said County, within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, Manitowoc, Aug. 24th 1874. White & Forrest, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Manitowoc Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, September 17, 1874 P. 1

BRANDT, John Brandt, John Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff dfndt accused of firing a pistol with intent to do bodily harm to William Herzog on Oct 12 1874 in Manitowoc. yr. 1874; #2017; Box CF 15 FLB

BRANDT, SOPHIA (from newspaper/not court index) NOT MENTIONED IN WILL. And (sic) Aged Woman Released Bond that Provided Her a Home. Examination to determine the mental capacity of Mrs. Sophia Brandt an aged Newton woman, was had in Probate court Tuesday on application of a daughter who petitioned for the appointment of a guardian. Mrs. Brandt's husband died last August and in the will no provision is made for the widow, now 78 years of age. It is claimed that previous to the death of the husband the couple had a bond of maintenance on a mortgage given by a son, but that bond has been released by the mother, without evidence of consideration and this fact leaves the aged woman with no home and absolutely penniless. The purpose of the examination now is to have a guardian named to learn if possible in what manner the bond was released and what has become of the property or money received in consideration. The case was adjourned one week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 27, 1904 P. 1 ******** (Note: On the co. death index there is a Mrs. Sophie Brandt/d. June 22, 1905/v.7 p.353 also John Brandt/d. Oct. 14, 1903/v.7 p.213) ******** 1880 Franklin twp census: John Brant age 52; Sophia age 55; Rikea age 20; Lena age 18; William age 16; Charls age 11 ******** There are obits for a John Brandt and Sophia Brandt in cemetery X

BRANDT, W.F. Stanard Paper Co. v.s. Brandt W.F. Collect money due for merchandise. yr. 1894; Case No. 3045; Box No. C.F. 51

BRANIGAN, Chester Branigan, Chester Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff dfndt is accused of striking Ole Tostensen on the side of the head with a thrown rock. Eight days later the victim died. dfndt accused of murder. yr. 1857; #2039; Box CF 15 FLB

BRASCH, (no name) Brasch vs Lerman yr. 1868; X955; CF 8

BRASCH, Casper Also have Casper Braasch Brasch, Casper vs Salsman, Elias & Salsman, Eliza 2 cases yr. 1872; #165; CF 23

BRASCH, Casper Brasch, Casper vs Eliza Salsman etal & Elias Salsman her husband 20 Sept 1878 Defendant Elias S. states he lives in Chicago now w/unmarried son, Arthur, who will be 26 on 27 Dec 1878. He has been there since last May. His wife is there too. Lived in Sheboygan for 2 yrs prior to that & Manitowoc before Sheboygan. Has son-in-law in Brown Co., also plaintiff lives there. yr. 1878; X1693; CF 13

BRASCH, JOHANNA CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Johanna Brasch, plaintiff, against Frederich Tierman (sic) and Johanna Tierman, defendants. Notice of sale on judgment in foreclosure. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale rendered by said court in the above entitled action on the 23d day of December, 1868, I shall, on the 5th day of April, 1869, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court house, in t he village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, expose for sale and sell at public vendue the mortgaged premises described in said judgment, or as much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgment, amounting to the sum of five hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety-nine cents ($528 99) with interest from the 23d day of December, 1868, and the costs and expenses of the sale. The said premises mention in said judgment are described as follows, to wit: Lot No. seven (7) in block No. two hundred and seventy (270) in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Peter Mulholland, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Manitowoc, January 4, 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1869 P. 4

BRATZ, August Bratz, August etal (Bratz, John vs) yr. 1881; X1688; CF 13

BRATZ, John Bratz, August etal (Bratz, John vs) yr. 1881; X1688; CF 13

BRATZ, John Bratz, John (Fred Lawrence vs) estate details yr. 1874; #335; CF 25

BRATZ, John Bratz, John Defendant State of Wisconsin plaintiff Dfndt is accused of incestuous fornication in that he had sexual intercourse with his daughter Theresa. Jury found dfndt not guilty. yr. 1859? typed over; #2038; Box CF 15 FLB

BRATZ, John Bratz, John (State of Wis vs) Fornication Found "not guilty" yr. 1881; #23; CF 68

BRATZ, John Bratz, John (State of Wis vs) Injuring a horse yr. 1882; #32; CF 68

BRATZ, John Bratz, John Defendant - Pierpont, Henry S. Receiver for Obed. Platt Suit to collect on three notes of $50.00 ea dated Oct. 31 1860 Due dates 7 months, 15 months 17 months 27 months after issue. yr. 1883; #1884; Box CF 14 FLB

BRATZ, JOHN SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN-IN CIRCUIT Court Manitowoc County-ss. Henry S. Pierpont, as Receiver of O.H. Platt, plaintiff, against John Bratz, defendant. By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, state of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action, against the personal and real property of the above named defendant, to me directed and delivered, I have seized and taken the following described real estate and all the right, title and interest which the said defendant above named had in and to said real estate at the day of docketing of said judgment, to-wit: on the 5th day of March, A.D., 1879, or has since acquired, viz, all the following described real estate, to-wit: The north west quarter of the southeast quarter of section number two (2) in township number nineteen (19) north of range number twenty-one (21) east, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, which said described lands and all the right, title and interest of the said defendant therein, I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of five hundred and seven and 60-100 dollars and interest from March 5th, 1879, together with costs and expenses of sale, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, on Saturday the 31st day of July, A.D., 1880, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated June 15th, 1880. P.J. Pierce, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. E.B. Treat, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, July 1, 1880 P. 3

BRATZ, John Bratz, William See State of Wis vs John Bratz #32

BRATZ, JOHN From the Clerk's Minutes we glean the following: State of Wisconsin vs. John Bratz; malicious injury to animals; jury returned verdict of not guilty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 30, 1883 P. 1

BRATZ, John F. Bigalke, John - (John F. Bratz vs) Slander suit yr. 1887; #1629; CF 42

BRATZ, Theresa Bratz, John Defendant State of Wisconsin plaintiff Dfndt is accused of incestuous fornication in that he had sexual intercourse with his daughter Theresa. Jury found dfndt not guilty. yr. 1859? typed over; #2038; Box CF 15 FLB

BRATZ, William Bratz, William See State of Wis vs John Bratz #32

BRAUBARGER, Christ (Braubarger Christ) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. Yr. 1872; No 64; Box C.F. 21

BRAUN, John Braun, John Proof of debt. yr. 1893; #101; CF 65

BRAUNEGGER, Crisansia Braunegger, Ignatius vs Chrisansia Braunegger June 1836 Md at Baden Baden, Germany li here 6 yrs. No issue mentioned she left state - see un?? li separately past 5 yrs. yr. 1871; #86; CF 22

BRAUNEGGER, Ignatius Braunegger, Ignatius vs Chrisansia Braunegger June 1836 Md at Baden Baden, Germany li here 6 yrs. No issue mentioned she left state - see un?? li separately past 5 yrs. yr. 1871; #86; CF 22

BRAUNSDORF, Christian Braunsdorf, Christian & Braunsdorf, Johanna demands payment for services rendered yr. 1890; #1982; CF 46

BRAUNSDORF, Johanna Braunsdorf, Christian & Braunsdorf, Johanna demands payment for services rendered yr. 1890; #1982; CF 46

BRECKER, Hanna State of Wis vs Brecker Hanna by (Kasoh Henry) yr. 1900; No. 335; Box C.F. 71

BREDL, Joseph Braasch, Frank vs Bredl, Joseph yr. 1893; #2189; CF 49

BREDNA, Catherine Bredna, Catherine Deft. Dahlman, Anthony Pltf. Promissary Note. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1876; Case No. 664; Box No. C.F. 29

BREDNS, (no name) Bredns - Dahlman 1876 CF29 664

BREDNS, Catherine Dahlman, Anthony vs Bredns, Catherine Promissary Note. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1876; #664; CF29

BREDSCHNEIDER, Alfonse Bredschneider Alfonse & Hulea (John Franz) Paid up mortgage. yr. 1894; Case No. 3049; Box. No. C.F. 51

BREDSCHNEIDER, Alfons Bredschneider, Louis etal (Mueller, Fred P. Guardian vs) Louis & Mathilda Bredschneider promissory note & Alfons Bredschneider (Tn. T.R.) 16 Oct. 1884 Matilda mother of Julius Bredschneider, ???,(guardian J.P. Mueller) Mtg on NE/4 NW/4 64 T20 R24 (40 acres) (20 Mtg/88) yr. 1889; #1625; CF 46

BREDSCHNEIDER, Hulea Bredschneider Alfonse & Hulea (John Franz) Paid up mortgage. yr. 1894; Case No. 3049; Box. No. C.F. 51

BREDSCHNEIDER, Julius Bredschneider, Louis etal (Mueller, Fred P. Guardian vs) Louis & Mathilda Bredschneider promissory note & Alfons Bredschneider (Tn. T.R.) 16 Oct. 1884 Matilda mother of Julius Bredschneider, ???,(guardian J.P. Mueller) Mtg on NE/4 NW/4 64 T20 R24 (40 acres) (20 Mtg/88) yr. 1889; #1625; CF 46

BREDSCHNEIDER, Louis Bredschneider, Louis etal (Mueller, Fred P. Guardian vs) Louis & Mathilda Bredschneider promissory note & Alfons Bredschneider (Tn. T.R.) 16 Oct. 1884 Matilda mother of Julius Bredschneider, ???,(guardian J.P. Mueller) Mtg on NE/4 NW/4 64 T20 R24 (40 acres) (20 Mtg/88) yr. 1889; #1625; CF 46

BREDSCHNEIDER, Louis Bredschneider, Louis (Charles Flentze vs) wife Matilda mentioned collection on note lots of testimony. yr. 1886; #9478; CF 40

BREDSCHNEIDER, Mathilda Bredschneider, Louis etal (Mueller, Fred P. Guardian vs) Louis & Mathilda Bredschneider promissory note & Alfons Bredschneider (Tn. T.R.) 16 Oct. 1884 Matilda mother of Julius Bredschneider, ???,(guardian J.P. Mueller) Mtg on NE/4 NW/4 64 T20 R24 (40 acres) (20 Mtg/88) yr. 1889; #1625; CF 46

BREDSCHNEIDER, Mathilda Bredschneider, Louis (Charles Flentze vs) wife Matilda mentioned collection on note lots of testimony. yr. 1886; #9478; CF 40

BREGGERT, John John Breggert (J. Brey vs) yr. 1867; X883; CF 7

BREHMER, Dietrich Brehmer, Dietrich (Winkelmann, F. vs) yr. 1875; #604; CF 28

BREI, Jacob (Brei, Jacob) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 73; Box C.F. 21

BREI, Jacob Jr. Brei, Jacob Jr. discharge of record: Jacob Sr. & Mary yr. 1891; 2117; CF 48

BREI, Jacob Sr. Brei, Jacob Jr. discharge of record: Jacob Sr. & Mary yr. 1891; 2117; CF 48

BREI, Mary Brei, Jacob Jr. discharge of record: Jacob Sr. & Mary yr. 1891; 2117; CF 48

BREIDER, John Breider, John (Mahler, Charles; Mahler, Jacob; Abeles, Fred) yr. 1891; 2100; CF 48

BREIER, William Breier, William etal see C. Aultman Co. #1977

BREIER, William Aultman, C., Co., a foreign corporation vs Hanson, Hans C.; Hanson, Emilia, wife of Hans C.; Breier, William; Fliegler, Jacob; Westphal, H.C.; Hartwig, Charles; Ohio Rake Company; Pitts Agricultural Works; Wallich, Charlotte Mortgage Foreclosure cross reference Schallowitz, Theresa; Radtke, August; Ganger, Carl Jr. contains mortgage # 17993 yr. 1890-1891; #2000; CF 47

BREIER, WILLIAM & FRDEDERICKE Breier, William (Godfred Krueger vs) Promissory note yr. 1893; #2263; CF 50 (Firt (sic) publication March 5, 1896) STATE OF WISCONSIN,-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Gottfried Krueger, plaintiff, vs. William Breier and Fredericke Breier, his wife, and John Reinke, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court in the above entitled action, and dated on the 13th day of February, 1895, and which judgment has been duly sold and assigned by said plaintiff to Otto Krueger, I, the undersigned sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the county jail building, at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday, the 18th day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay to amount adjudged to said plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and described in said judgment as follows, to-wit: the south-west quarter of the south-east quarter (S. W. 1/4 of S. E. 1/4), of section three (3), and the north half of the north half of the north-east quarter (N. 1/2 of N. 1/2 of N.E. 1/4), of section ten (10), all in township nineteen (19), north, of range twenty two (22), east, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, containing eighty acres, more or less according to government survey. Dated March 4, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys for assignee of judgment. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2

BREITIGAM, JOSEPH IN PROBATE. State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc county. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Breitigam deceased. ON reading and filing the petition of Albertina Vollbrecht of the town of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, representing among other things that Joseph Breitigam late of the village of Manitowoc, on the fifth day of May A.D. 1859, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be granted unto her the said Albertina Vollbrecht. It is ordered that said application be heard before me, at my office in the village of Manitowoc, on the 11th day of April A.D. 1862 at 10 o'clock A.M. and it is further ordered that notice of said application and hearing be given by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, once in each week prior to said hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county. Henry S. Pierpont, Co. Judge. Dated March 20th, 1862 Manitowoc Pilot, April 25, 1862 P. 4

BREIVOGEL, Caroline Breivogel, Caroline vs Breivogel, Peter md 12 April 1884 at Two Rivers w/both married previously; Plaintiff had 5 children by previous husband; defendant had five(?) children by former wife. They had one child - Walter John Breivogel now 3 yrs old - lives with plaintiff yr. 1891; #2036; CF 49

BREIVOGEL, Peter Breivogel, Caroline vs Breivogel, Peter md 12 April 1884 at Two Rivers w/both married previously; Plaintiff had 5 children by previous husband; defendant had five(?) children by former wife. They had one child - Walter John Breivogel now 3 yrs old - lives with plaintiff yr. 1891; #2036; CF 49

BREIVOGEL, Walter John Breivogel, Caroline vs Breivogel, Peter md 12 April 1884 at Two Rivers w/both married previously; Plaintiff had 5 children by previous husband; defendant had five(?) children by former wife. They had one child - Walter John Breivogel now 3 yrs old - lives with plaintiff yr. 1891; #2036; CF 49

BREMAN, Bernard Breman, Bernard Proof of claim yr. 1893; #404 & 680; CF 65

BRENDEL, John Brendel, John v.s. Brandl, Joseph Farm settelment(sic) yr. 1894; Case No. 3062; Box No. C.F. 51

BRENEN, Bridget Brenen, Bridget vs Classon, Agnes etal (State of Wis) assault & beat yr. 1866; CX #2255; CF 17

BRENNAN, Andrew Brennan, Andrew Defendant State of Wis. Plaintiff Dfndt is accused of interfering with constable James Barry in the performance of his duty, namely the arrest of John Brennan for larceny in the village of Cato. yr. 1868; #2035; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNAN, Andrew Jr. Brennan, John; Brennan, Michael; Brennan, James; Brennan, Andrew Jr. Defendants State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Dfndts are accused of throwing stones at Flora Clawson when he walked thru Andrew Brennan's Sr. pasture on his way home. Ages of defendants John 14, Michael 12, James 9, Andrew 6. James and Andrew are excused because of their age, John and Michael are found guilty and fined $2.00 each plus court costs. event took place near RR track in town of Cato. yr. 1870; #CX 2009; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNAN, James Brennan, John; Brennan, Michael; Brennan, James; Brennan, Andrew Jr. Defendants State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Dfndts are accused of throwing stones at Flora Clawson when he walked thru Andrew Brennan's Sr. pasture on his way home. Ages of defendants John 14, Michael 12, James 9, Andrew 6. James and Andrew are excused because of their age, John and Michael are found guilty and fined $2.00 each plus court costs. event took place near RR track in town of Cato. yr. 1870; #CX 2009; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNAN, Joe Brennan, Joe Proof of claim yr. 1893; #578; CF 65

BRENNAN, John Brennan, Andrew Defendant State of Wis. Plaintiff Dfndt is accused of interfering with constable James Barry in the performance of his duty, namely the arrest of John Brennan for larceny in the village of Cato. yr. 1868; #2035; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNAN, John Brennan, John; Brennan, Michael; Brennan, James; Brennan, Andrew Jr. Defendants State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Dfndts are accused of throwing stones at Flora Clawson when he walked thru Andrew Brennan's Sr. pasture on his way home. Ages of defendants John 14, Michael 12, James 9, Andrew 6. James and Andrew are excused because of their age, John and Michael are found guilty and fined $2.00 each plus court costs. event took place near RR track in town of Cato. yr. 1870; #CX 2009; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNAN, Mary Brennan, Miss Mary Proof of claim yr. 1893; #637; CF 65

BRENNAN, Michael Brennan, John; Brennan, Michael; Brennan, James; Brennan, Andrew Jr. Defendants State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Dfndts are accused of throwing stones at Flora Clawson when he walked thru Andrew Brennan's Sr. pasture on his way home. Ages of defendants John 14, Michael 12, James 9, Andrew 6. James and Andrew are excused because of their age, John and Michael are found guilty and fined $2.00 each plus court costs. event took place near RR track in town of Cato. yr. 1870; #CX 2009; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNAN, William (Brennan, William) Hansen, Andrew yr. 1899; 3655; CF 58

BRENNEN, William (Brennen, William) State of Wis. vs Stolze, Henry Sr. Threatened with gun yr. 1875; No. 273; Box CF 71

BRENNET, Edward Brennet, Edward, Defendant Horn, Wm. H. Plaintiff Brennet is accussed(sic) of stealing a team of horses and harness in the Town of Manitowoc Rapids yr. 1868; #2043; Box CF 15 FLB

BRENNIG, August Brennig, August City Assessor (State of Wis. vs) Falsifing records yr. 1880; #19B; CF 68

BRESLAUER, Abraham Englebrecht, John F. (Abraham Breslauer, Joseph Breslauer & Simon Jung) yr. 1884; #1410; CF39

BRESLAUER, Joseph Englebrecht, John F. (Abraham Breslauer, Joseph Breslauer & Simon Jung) yr. 1884; #1410; CF39

BRESLAVER, Abraham Breslaver, Abraham, Breslaver, Joseph, & Jung, Simon vs Englebrecht, John F. yr. 1884; Case #1410; Box CF 39

BRESLAVER, Abraham Breslaver, Abraham; Ready, James; Baumback, Charles V.; Baumback, Ernst V.; Rosenthal, Ferdinand; Schettels, Benjamin; Sherman, Louis; Sherman, Eugene; Bruss Rosoli v.s. Engelbright J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box C.F. 45

BRESLAVER, Joseph Breslaver, Abraham, Breslaver, Joseph, & Jung, Simon vs Englebrecht, John F. yr. 1884; Case #1410; Box CF 39

BRESSLER, Charles Bressler, Charles (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Financial dispute yr. 1882; #1232; CF 37

BRESSLER, Chas. Bressler, Chas. (mentioned in) yr. 1882; 1130; CF 36

BRETCHER, Charles Juno, David (Bretcher, Charles) Assault and Beating (State of Wisconsin) yr. 1901; #340; CF 72

BRETSCHNEIDER CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3

BRETZEL, Henry Bretzel Henry Defendant State of Wisconsin A summons to Peter Mathaus to appear for the State as a witness in the trial of defendant. yr. 1867; #2020; Box CF 15 FLB

BRETZEL, Julius Bretzel, Julius Defendant State of Wisconsin dfndt is accused of stealing a horse, harness and wagon valued at $265 belonging to John G. Weiliss of Village of Manitowoc yr. 1867; #2022; Box CF 15 FLB

BREU, George Breu, George (Tillson, P.S. & Schmidt, W.) 11 Nov. 1885 Promissory note by Breu. yr. 1885; #1499; CF 42

BREU, Joseph Breu, Joseph (Mathias Haungs vs) Promissory note yr. 1899; #1611; CF 42

BREU, Joseph Breu, Joseph (Alois Goetz vs) Promissory note dispute yr. 1886; #1378; CF 42

BREU, Joseph

(First publication May 29, 1890.)
John W. Barnes, plaintiff, vs. John P. Christman, Elizabeth Christman, his wife; Susanna Christman, Joseph Gilsdorf, Joseph Breu, Mathias Haungs, Henry Goeres and E. Nelleson, defendants.
By virtue of and pursuant to a  judgment of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action at a general term of the Circuit Court for the county of Manitowoc, held at the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and dated the 30th day of June, A.D., 1887, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 12th day of July, A.D., 1890 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to wit: all the following described tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and being situated in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, to-wit: The northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the southwest quarter (SW1/4) and the northwest quarter (NW1/4) of the southeast quarter (SE1/4) and the southeast quarter (SE1/4) of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the southeast quarter (SE1/4) all in section No. sixteen (16) township No. eighteen (18) north of range twenty-one (21) east in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, containing 160 acres of land more or less according to government survey.
Dated May 26th., 1890.
Frank Zeman, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.
Walker & Brown, Attorneys.
Manitowoc Pilot, June 19, 1890 P. 2
also in:
Manitowoc Pilot, July 3, 1890 P. 2

BREUNIG, FRED COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 23-In re estate of George Veith, deceased; Fred Breunig and Valentine Goetzler appointed appraisers and inventory filed. Order entered to sell personal estate. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

BREUNIG, Marie Breunig, Marie Proof of claim yr. 1893; #124; CF 65

BREUNIG, Mary Breunig, Mrs. Mary Proof of claim yr. 1893; #540; CF 65

BREWER, M. M. Brewer Will of William R. Glover yr. 1871; #104; CF 22

BREY, Annie Brey, Annie (see Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal) Widow of Henry Brey yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Annie Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal Ida Brey & Lucy infants and heirs at law of Henry Brey & Annie Brey Order for naming Guardian ad Letem Charles Brey, general guardian of said infants Henry Brey J. 3 Dec. 1886 intestate heirs Annie Brey, his widow Ida & Lucy - under age 14 Charles Brey, guardian promissory note by Henry to ptf. lot 5 block 147 city Mtw. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Aug. Brey, Aug. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #152; CF 65

BREY, Aug. Brey, Aug. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #523; CF 65

BREY, August Brey, Annie (see Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal) Widow of Henry Brey yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, August Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal Ida Brey & Lucy infants and heirs at law of Henry Brey & Annie Brey Order for naming Guardian ad Letem Charles Brey, general guardian of said infants Henry Brey J. 3 Dec. 1886 intestate heirs Annie Brey, his widow Ida & Lucy - under age 14 Charles Brey, guardian promissory note by Henry to ptf. lot 5 block 147 city Mtw. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Charles Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal Ida Brey & Lucy infants and heirs at law of Henry Brey & Annie Brey Order for naming Guardian ad Letem Charles Brey, general guardian of said infants Henry Brey J. 3 Dec. 1886 intestate heirs Annie Brey, his widow Ida & Lucy - under age 14 Charles Brey, guardian promissory note by Henry to ptf. lot 5 block 147 city Mtw. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Charles Brey, Charles (see Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal) Guardian of Lucy & Ida Brey yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Ed Brey, Ed Proof of claim yr. 1893; #655; CF 65

BREY, Henry Brey, Annie (see Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal) Widow of Henry Brey yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Henry Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal Ida Brey & Lucy infants and heirs at law of Henry Brey & Annie Brey Order for naming Guardian ad Letem Charles Brey, general guardian of said infants Henry Brey J. 3 Dec. 1886 intestate heirs Annie Brey, his widow Ida & Lucy - under age 14 Charles Brey, guardian promissory note by Henry to ptf. lot 5 block 147 city Mtw. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Henry Brey, Henry (see Brey, Aug. vs Brey, Lucy etal) Henry dec. intestate 3 Dec. 1886 surv. widow Annie Brey & children Ida & Lucy - under 14 yrs. guardian Charles Brey promissory note by Henry & Annie to August. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Ida Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal Ida Brey & Lucy infants and heirs at law of Henry Brey & Annie Brey Order for naming Guardian ad Letem Charles Brey, general guardian of said infants Henry Brey J. 3 Dec. 1886 intestate heirs Annie Brey, his widow Ida & Lucy - under age 14 Charles Brey, guardian promissory note by Henry to ptf. lot 5 block 147 city Mtw. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Ida Brey, Ida (see Brey, Aug. vs Brey, Lucy etal) yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, J. John Breggert (J. Brey vs) yr. 1867; X883; CF 7

BREY, JOSEPH NEED NOT TELL Cato Farmers Not Compelled by Court to Reveal Assets. In Probate court a decision has been handed down in the machinery case in which the A.W. Stevens Co., of Marinette, brought suit to compel Louis Gerl and Joseph Brey, Cato farmers, to reveal their property so as to secure on a judgdment (sic) for machinery sold the defendants. The court decides that the defendants cannot be compelled to answer because the Stevens Co. helds (sic) a chattel mortgage on the machinery and can sell it for the judgment and until this action is taken there is no legality in the proceedings brought. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 9, 1904 P. 4

BREY, Lucy Brey, Annie (see Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal) Widow of Henry Brey yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Lucy Brey, August vs Brey, Lucy etal Ida Brey & Lucy infants and heirs at law of Henry Brey & Annie Brey Order for naming Guardian ad Letem Charles Brey, general guardian of said infants Henry Brey J. 3 Dec. 1886 intestate heirs Annie Brey, his widow Ida & Lucy - under age 14 Charles Brey, guardian promissory note by Henry to ptf. lot 5 block 147 city Mtw. yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42

BREY, Lucy Brey, Lucy etal (Brey, August vs) promissory note & mtg by Henry Brey, late dec. intestate & Annie Brey (his widow) Lucy & Ida Brey infants, heirs of dec. Henry Brey yr. 1887; #1607; CF 42