The following entries are from the court index microfilm at the Manitowoc Library, The records pertaining to these are at the Area Research Center in Green Bay. You may be able to order the record here: Cofrin Library request forms

[ D ]

DABERT, FRIEDRICH Dabert, Friedrich vs Karstmann, Johann & Christine Promissory Note yr. 1859; X674; CF5

DABRY, ANNA Dabry, John D.; Dabry, Anna his wif (sic) Manson, Adolph, Pl. yr. 1874; #66; CF22

DABRY, JOHN D. Dabry, John D.; Dabry, Anna his wif (sic) Manson, Adolph, Pl. yr. 1874; #66; CF22

DAEKE, CHRISTIAN Caroll, James (Daeke, Christian (State of Wis) vs) Intent to defraud yr. 1880; CX 2241; CF 17

DAENDINGER, FRANK Daendinger, Mary Derler & Frank, her husband see #170, John Adam Derler

DAENDINGER, MAGDALENA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DAENDINGER, MARY Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DAENDINGER, MARY DERLER Daendinger, Mary Derler & Frank, her husband see #170, John Adam Derler

DAGENHARDT, HENRY Dagenhardt, Henry and Maria E. vs Zinkel, Carl and Margareth Yr. 1883; #1390; CF39

DAGENHARDT, MARIA E. Dagenhardt, Henry and Maria E. vs Zinkel, Carl and Margareth Yr. 1883; #1390; CF39

DAGGETT, HENRY L. Daggett, Henry L.; Daggett, Henry L. Jr. Plaintiffs Thornton, John Defendant Plaintiffs, doing business and H.L. Daggett & Co of Boston, seek to collect on two note totaling $489.15 with interest at 10% per annum after maturity. yr. 1875; #1734; CF14

DAGGETT, HENRY L. JR. Daggett, Henry L.; Daggett, Henry L. Jr. Plaintiffs Thornton, John Defendant Plaintiffs, doing business and H.L. Daggett & Co of Boston, seek to collect on two note totaling $489.15 with interest at 10% per annum after maturity. yr. 1875; #1734; CF14

DAHLMAN, (NO NAME) Dahlman; Belitz; Jensen; Johnson; Marsch; McCully; Stein; Strover; Weise; yr. 1877; #746; CF30

DAHLMAN, (NO NAME) CF 30 746 Belitz Dahlman 1877 704 Johnson 1877

DAHLMAN, (NO NAME) Bredns - Dahlman 1876 CF29 664

DAHLMAN, ANTHONY Barnes, John W. vs Knapp, Arthur D. etal; Daniel B. Knapp; Hannah Knapp (Daniel's wife); Anthony Dahlman Promissory note yr. 1876; #459; CF 27

DAHLMAN, ANTHONY Belitz Henry Deft. - Dahlman Anthony Pltf Forecloser & Mortgage. Weise, Adolph; Strover, Henry; Striver, Adolph; Stein, Charles; Stein, Jouis(sic); McColly, William; Johnson, Allen yr. 1877; No. 746; Box CF 30

DAHLMAN, ANTHONY Bredna, Catherine Deft. Dahlman, Anthony Pltf. Promissary Note. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1876; Case No. 664; Box No. C.F. 29

DAHLMAN, ANTHONY Dahlman, Anthony vs Bredns, Catherine Promissary Note. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1876; #664; CF29

DAHLMANN, ANTHONY Dahlmann, Anthony vs Schmidt, Wm. et al yr. 1880; #1125; CF36

(First publication Feb. 2, 1882.)
Anthony Dahlman, plaintiff, against William Schmidt, and Mina Schmidt, his wife, defendants.
By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action, on the 17th day of January, A.D., 1881, in the above named court, at a general term thereof, begun and held at the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 10th day of January, A.D., 1881; I shall on the 18th day of March, A.D., 1882, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Sheriff's Office in the court house,in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to-wit: Lots number four (4) and five (5), of block number seven (7), in the village of Neshoto, of the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat of said village.
Dated January 27th, A.D., 1882.
M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis.
Johnson, Reitbrock & Halsey, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Manitowoc Pilot, February 23, 1882 P. 2

DAHM, ALBERTINE Dahm, John; Dahm, Albertine vs desertion for divorce cause yr. 1879; #971; CF33 (First publication Jan. 23, 1879.) No. 110 CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Albertina Dahm, plaintiff, vs. John Dahm, defendant. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. E.B. Treat, Plaintiff's Atty. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 6, 1879 P. 2

DAHM, JOHN Dahm, John; Dahm, Albertine vs desertion for divorce cause yr. 1879; #971; CF33 (First publication Jan. 23, 1879.) No. 110 CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Albertina Dahm, plaintiff, vs. John Dahm, defendant. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. E.B. Treat, Plaintiff's Atty. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 6, 1879 P. 2

DAHM, JULUM Dahm, Julum vs Dietrich, John Assault with pistol State of Wis. yr. 1902; #350; CF72

DAHN, JULUM Dietrich, John (Dahn, Julum) State of Wis. Assult with pistol yr. 1902; #550; CF72

DALEIBERN, JOHN COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of John Daleibern, deceased: Final decree entered. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4

DALEIDEN, PETER Daleiden, Peter (jury member) see Bohn Manufacturing Co. yr. 1901-1903 & 1905; #3770; HCF67

DALEIDEN, PETER Bohn Manufacturing Company, a foreign corporation vs Reif, Anton E.; Reif, Lewis C.; Kiel, Henry; Stamback, Mathas(sic) & Nikolai, Peter; Hamacheck, Julius To recover balance of payment on promissory note (went to Supreme Court) re lumber & purchase of a mill - Mellen, Wis. Plummer, Wis. - inventory p. 107 (117?)-n4(n9?) Bills of sale #932a & 1051 are included in the documents & various spellings (other side of card) Cross references made Reif Lumber & Mfg Co; Rogan, John R.; Seeger, John A.; Krainik, John; Munch, Emil C.; Bohn, Gebhardt; Bohn, George W. (Jury) Daleiden, Peter; Cummings, Wm.; Connell, James; Martens, Henry; Sullivan, James; Stephani, Charles; Schreihart, J.P.; Duecker, C.A.; Judge, John; Gustaveson, Herman; Bagignich(?), Fred; Dalezal, Frank (mentioned in) yr. 1882; #1130; CF36

DALLMANN, ANTHONY Dallmann, Anthony vs Knapp, David Promissory note yr. 1874; #355; CF25

DALLMANN, WILLIAM Dallmann, William (J. Glover vs) yr. 1869; X1251; CF10

DALTON, WILLIAM F. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. William S. Mudgett, William F. Dalton, and Henry S. Kimball agt William Aldrich, Hezekiah H. Smith, Martin B. Medbury, John W. Medbury, and James F. Aldrich. The State of Wisconsin to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was on the 12th day of January, 1860, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, at Manitowoc, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and one cent, with interest from the 19th day of April, 1859, besides the costs of this action. Witness, Hon. David Taylor, Judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit, at Manitowoc, this 12th day of January, 1860. Wm. M. Nichols, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, February 3, 1860 P. 4

DALY, MARY Daly, Mary see Whalen, Margaret yr. 1890-1891; #1997; CF47

DAMLER, (NO NAME) Damler (Guardianship) yr. 1881; #1721; CF43

DAMLER, (NO NAME) Damler - Eaton yr. 1877; #738; CF30

DAMLER, (NO NAME) CF30 684 Eaton Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc county 1875 738 Damler 1877 Wickert

DAMLER, CHRISTIANA Damler, Christiana (Peppard, John; Peppard, Ellen; Kolwey, August; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry; Mulholland, Henry Jr.) yr. 1891; #2107; CF48 (First publication Feb. 9 1893.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Christiane Damler, Plaintiff vs. John Peppard, Ellen Peppard his wife, August Kolwey, John W. Barnes, Henry Mendlik and Henry Mulholland, Jr., Defendant. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled cause, at a general term of the above named court, which judgement bears date of the 29th day of January A.D. 1892, I shall expose for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, at the sheriff's office in the Court House, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 25th day of March A.D., 1893, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day all of the hereinafter described real estate directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal interest and cost, to-wit: The East half (E. 1/2) of the North West quarter (N.W. 1/4) of Section No. Three (3) in Township No. Seventeen (17) North of Range No. Twenty-two (22) East in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Dated Feb. 7th, 1893. Wm. Stephani, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Nash & Nash, Plffs. Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, March 23, 1893 P. 2

DAMLER, CHRISTIANA Barnes, John W. - (Damler, Christiana) yr. 1891; 2107; CF 48

DAMLER, GOTTLIEB Damler, Gottlieb County Treasurer see Baetz, Emma #1246

DAMLER, GOTTLIEB Damler, Gottlieb (County Treasurer) see Seidl, Frank #1241

DAMLER, GOTTLIEB Damler, Gottlieb (County Treasurer) see Bonin, Frank #1242

DAMLER, GOTTLIEB Damler, Gottlieb Damler Tina (Damler, Tina) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; #194; CF21

DAMM, H.F. (First publication Feb. 21, 1895.) IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles W. Sweeting (sic), plaintiff vs. H.F. Damm, defendant. By virtue of and in pursuance to an execution issued out of and under the seal of the above named court on the 18th day of February A.D. 1895, to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest of the said defendant in and to the hereinafter described real estate which I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs at the sheriff's office in the city and county of Manitowoc, state of Wisconsin, on the 6th day of April, A.D., 1895 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter (S.S. 1/4) of the north east quarter (N.E. 1/4) of section number seventeen (17), township number twenty (20), north of range number twenty-four (24) east; thence running on a line due east eight (8) rods thence due north five (5) rods: thence due west eight (8) rods; thence due south five (5) rods to the place of beginning, all in Manitowoc county, state of Wisconsin. Dated February 18th, 1895. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. Baensch & Chloupek, Plaintiff' (sic) attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, April 4, 1895 P. 4

DAMON, ALMEDA Damon, Lauriston; Damon, Almeda; Finklen, William Defendants Smith, Alfred; Smith, Ira administrators for estate of Smith, Daniel Plaintiffs Foreclosure of mortgage on lots #9 & 10 village of Mishicott yr. 1861; #1983; CF15

DAMON, ALMEDA Sheriff's Sale. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Alfred Smith and Ira P. Smith, Administrators of the estate of Daniel Smith, deceased, against Lauriston Damon, Almeda E. Damon, his wife, and William Finkler. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court in the above entitled action dated October 30th, 1861, I shall expose for sale and sell as (sic) public auction, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on Saturday, the 16th day of February, 1862, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest, costs, together with the expenses of sale to-wit: Lots number nine and ten in block number nine in the village of Mishicott, in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. Dated, Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, Nov. 11, 1861. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Geo. N. Woodin, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, December 20, 1861 P. 3

DAMON, L. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In re estate of L. Damon, deceased; will presented for probate; order entered for proof of will. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1

DAMON, LAURISTON Damon, Lauriston; Damon, Almeda; Finklen, William Defendants Smith, Alfred; Smith, Ira administrators for estate of Smith, Daniel Plaintiffs Foreclosure of mortgage on lots #9 & 10 village of Mishicott yr. 1861; #1983; CF15

DAMON, LAURISTON Sheriff's Sale. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Alfred Smith and Ira P. Smith, Administrators of the estate of Daniel Smith, deceased, against Lauriston Damon, Almeda E. Damon, his wife, and William Finkler. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court in the above entitled action dated October 30th, 1861, I shall expose for sale and sell as (sic) public auction, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on Saturday, the 16th day of February, 1862, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest, costs, together with the expenses of sale to-wit: Lots number nine and ten in block number nine in the village of Mishicott, in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. Dated, Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, Nov. 11, 1861. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Geo. N. Woodin, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, December 20, 1861 P. 3

DAMROW, HENRY Damrow, Henry vs Damrow, Wilhelmine et al Divorce md 1849 lived in State of Wis. 7 children William - age 12; Ida - age 14; other old enough to care for selves yr. 1883; #1240; CF37

DAMROW, HENRY Damrow, Wilhelmine et al (Damrow, Henry vs) Divorce - countersuit filed md 1849 live in State of Wis 7 children William - age 12; Ida - age 14 others old enougt (sic) to care for selves yr. 1883; #1240; CF37

DAMROW, IDA Damrow, Ida (Engel, Wilhelm State of Wis vs) Abusive language yr. 1884; #49; CF68

DAMROW, JOHN Damrow, John see Damrow, Henry #1240

DAMROW, WILHELMINE Damrow, Henry vs Damrow, Wilhelmine et al Divorce md 1849 lived in State of Wis. 7 children William - age 12; Ida - age 14; other old enough to care for selves yr. 1883; #1240; CF37

DAMROW, WILHELMINE Damrow, Wilhelmine et al (Damrow, Henry vs) Divorce - countersuit filed md 1849 live in State of Wis 7 children William - age 12; Ida - age 14 others old enougt (sic) to care for selves yr. 1883; #1240; CF37

DANA, LUTHER Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

DANA, LUTHER Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

DANAHY, ELLEN Danahy, Ellen vs. (Hall, Samuel et al. Mary Doolan) yr. 1899; #3646; CF58

DANAHY, ELLEN (Doolan, Mary) Danahy, Ellen yr. 1899; #3646; CF58

DANAHY, PATRICK C. IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County court In the matter of the estate of Patrick C. Danahy, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mrs. Mary Danahy, of Manitowoc in said county, representing among other things that Patrick C. Danahy, late of said county, on the 9th day of April A.D. 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is widow of said deceased, and praying that license be to Michael Dooling granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court on Wednesday the 16th day of March A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, Feb. 23d, 1870 ******** (Note: He died when a ship went down off Waukegan)

DANFORT, JAMES H. United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6

DANFORTH, ISAAC Bonnell, James; Shepard, Clarence Danforth, Sias & Co. Plaintiffs Smith, Hezekiah Defendant Suit to collect $4,238. Danforth, Sias & Co is composed of Isaac Danforth, Benjamin Sias, James N. Danforth and Charens I. Davis yr. 1856; #1991; Box CF 15 FLB

DANFORTH, JAMES N. Bonnell, James; Shepard, Clarence Danforth, Sias & Co. Plaintiffs Smith, Hezekiah Defendant Suit to collect $4,238. Danforth, Sias & Co is composed of Isaac Danforth, Benjamin Sias, James N. Danforth and Charens I. Davis yr. 1856; #1991; Box CF 15 FLB

DANFORTH, WILLIAM Danforth, William; Jenkins, Thomas G.; Jenkins, Lucetta L. Defendants Meserve, John G. Plaintiff Action to foreclose on land and sawmill of defendants. mortagage to plaintiff in amount $404.00 pluss (sic) 12% interest. mortgage dated Feb 27, 1857 yr. 1859; #1896; CF14

DANFORTH, WILLIAM Danforth, William etal (& wife) Williams, Sanford vs) foreclosure yr. 1864 X2427 CF18

DANFORTH, WILLIAM (First publication March 27, 1883) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of William Danforth deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Letters testamentary on said estate of William Danforth, deceased, late of the Town of Meeme, having been issued to Zebina Holden and Q.A. Danforth on the 20th day of March A.D., 1883, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesday, of May, June, and on the 25th day of September A.D. 1883, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated March 20th, 1883. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 4

DANIELS, MARIA Daniels, William & Maria (George W. Hale vs) yr. 1859; X1588; CF13

DANIELS, MARION Daniels, Marion (State of Wisconsin, vs) yr. 1856 CX2723 CF20

DANIELS, MARION Daniels, Marion (J. Whitcomb vs) yr. 1856; X364; CF3

DANIELS, NAHUM Daniels, Nahum (Ludington, Lewis et al vs.) yr. 1854; X1369; CF11

DANIELS, NATHAN H. United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6

DANIELS, WILLIAM Daniels, William & Maria (George W. Hale vs) yr. 1859; X1588; CF13

DANIELSON, ELIZABETH Danielson, Elizabeth (Scove) Application to sell Realestate (sic). yr. 1894; #3066; CF51

DANN, HENRY Dann, Henry see Ulman, Nathan R. X2359

DANN, JOHN Dann, John vs Catherine Knopwurst et al yr. 1873; X1728; CF13

DANN, JOHN Knopwurst, F. et al (John Dann vs) yr. 1873; X1728; CF13

DANN, LUTHER Dann, Luther vs Wollmer, Nicholas et al yr. 1860; X1726; CF13

DANOVAN, FRANZ Danovan, Franz yr. 1877; #691; CF30

DARBLEY, ELIZ. State of Wis vs Bunn, Eva Proof of marrage(sic) of Joseph Caya & Eliz. Darbley yr. 1889; No. 1859; CF 45

DARBY, CLARK Darby, Clark Defendant Mintzlaff, Charles; Behernes, Christian Plaintiffs Plnts, of Ozaukee County signed a bond of surety for def in re a trusteeship ofr (sic) Thomas Byrnes, son of deceased William Byrnes. Def didn't fulfill obligations and plnts were required to pay $300. to cover his defect. They are suing for $457.67. yr. 1863; #1968 CF15

DARLING, CLARA Darling, Clara (Deceased) see O'Connel, Richard S. #3998

Darling, (no name) Darling, Krause Co see Krause & Darling (Company) yr. 1890-1891; #2017; CF47

DARLING, NELSON Darling, Nelson (Deceased) O'Connel, Richard S. Correction of deed yr. 1904; #3998; CF64

DARLING, NELSON COUNTY COURT PRECEEDIGNS. Smart, J. March 2. In re estate of Louis Amsden, deceased; W.H. Killen and Nelson Darling appointed appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P.4

DARNOSKI, EVA Darnoski, Paul, widow Eva see Gocke, Friederick #3689 Darnoski Paul Darnoski, Paul, widow Eva see Gocke, Friederick #3689 Darreck John Darreck, John vs Buchanans, Neil Suit about money owed yr. 1854; #258; CF2

DASKAM, EDWARD Behnke, Paul - (Edward Daskam vs) Promissory note yr. 1874; #395; CF 26

Daskam, Edward Daskam, Edward vs Sohrweid, Albert Promissory note yr. 1879; #1031; CF34

DASSLER, ALMA Dassler, Alma, infant, by Ernst Dassler, her guardian vs Gosse, Fritz Pltff is 20 yrs old, Ernst Dassler is her father They li Tn of Centreville (sic) Pltff states def has accused her of adultery with Herman Schmidt, a married man. She was a servant in his home in Town of Mosel, Sheboygan Co. yr. 1900; #3711 E1; CF59

DASSLER, ERNEST Borcherdt, Frederick; Havenstein, George; Dassler, Ernest Mortgage yr. 1867; No 1762; Box C.F. 44

DASSLER, ERNST Dassler, Ernst; Borcherdt, Frederick; Hauenstein, George yr. 1866; #1763; CF44

DASSLER, ERNST Dassler, Ernst &, Hoffman, Peter (Saisselin, Christina vs) land dispute yr. Nov. 1901; #3849; CF60

DASSLER, ERNST Dassler, Alma, infant, by Ernst Dassler, her guardian vs Gosse, Fritz Pltff is 20 yrs old, Ernst Dassler is her father They li Tn of Centreville (sic) Pltff states def has accused her of adultery with Herman Schmidt, a married man. She was a servant in his home in Town of Mosel, Sheboygan Co. yr. 1900; #3711 E1; CF59

DAUFFENBACH, CHRISTIAN Dauffenbach, Christian vs Milwaukee Graphite Co. Writ of attachment yr. 1885; #1522A; CF42

DAVEGO, PETER Davego, Peter, In the matter of Application of discharge of mortgage. LaPlant, Phelix & LaPlant, Margaret yr. 1888; #1681 CF43

DAVIDSON, GILBERT C. Jones, Benjamin; Smith Perry T. defendants DBA B. Jones & Co. Corning, Erastus; Corning, Erastus, Jr.; Winslow, George B. Davidson, Gilbert C. Plaintiffs Dfndts gave a promissory note to plntfs for $266 and haven't paid it off yr. 1866; #2166; Cf 16

DAVIDSON, GILBERT C. Davidson, Gilbert C. vs Lorenz, Fredrich yr. 1860; X1619; CF13

DAVIDSON, GILBERT C. Davidson, Gilbert C. (James C. Barnes vs) yr. 1861; X1634; CF13

DAVIS, (NO NAME) Faube, Caroline named in divorce Davis vs Davis living ? defendant at Royalton, Marathon Cty. as husband & wife yr. 1878/79; #942; CF33

DAVIS, BENJAMIN Davis, Benjamin (St. of Wis. vs.) In case of Evans, R. et al yr. 1859; CX2696; CF20

DAVIS, BENJAMIN Evans, R. et al. (Def.) (St. of Wis. vs.) (Richard Evans; Sam S. Norwood; James Smith; Benjamin Davis; Henry B. Marks; George Hope; Henry Hope; Joseph Symes) yr. 1859; CX2696; CF20

DAVIS, BENJAMIN F. Davis, Benjamin F. (Smith, Charles S. St. Wis vs) Break and enter private property & steal 500 pine trees yr. 1859; CX2675; CF19

DAVIS, C.A. Davis, C.A. (Cadwell, Henry vs) yr. 1858; X1656; CF13

DAVIS, CHARENS I. Bonnell, James; Shepard, Clarence Danforth, Sias & Co. Plaintiffs Smith, Hezekiah Defendant Suit to collect $4,238. Danforth, Sias & Co is composed of Isaac Danforth, Benjamin Sias, James N. Danforth and Charens I. Davis yr. 1856; #1991; Box CF 15 FLB

DAVIS, ELIZABETH Davis, Elizabeth (Sorge, Francis St. Wis vs) Stealing yr. 1865; CX2673; CF19

DAVIS, HENRY (Order to Hear Petition for Administration.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT, In Probate. In the matter of the Estate of Henry Davis, Deceased. Intestate. On reading and filing the petition of Benjamin Davis, of Meeme, in said county, representing among other things that Henry Davis an inhabitant of said county, on the 27th day of July, A.D. at Meeme died intestate, leaving estate to be administered, and that the said petitioner is a son of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him granted. It is Ordered, that said petition be heard at a special term of said County Court, to be held on Tuesday the 30th day of March A.D. 1909, at 10 o'clock A.M. at the office of the County Judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said County. Ordered Further, that notice of the time and place so appointed, be given to all persons interested, by publication hereof for three weeks successively, prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. Dated Manitowoc the 27th day of February, 1909. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. E.L. Kelley, Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, March 4, 1909 P. 4

DAVIS, JANE A. Davis, Jane A. vs Smoke, David et al yr. 1858; X637; CF5

DAVIS, JOHN Davis, John (Luik, Rosa State of Wis vs) 2 Assaults yr. 1884; #48; CF68

DAVIS, LOTTIE Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie, his wife et al (Albert C. Dittmar vs) To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DAVIS, LOTTIE Dittmar, Albert C. vs Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie his wife et al son of Nicholas & Caroline C. Dittmar Emily Stevenson is dtr of Nicholas & Caroline To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DAVIS, MARY Davis, Orasmus Davis, Mary vs divorce - adultry/desertion yr. 1878/79; #942; CF33

DAVIS, O.S. Davis, O.S. - 53 yrs old Member of state legislature Acting justice of the peace see Emma J. Sutton #234

Davis, Orasmus Davis, Orasmus Davis, Mary vs divorce - adultry/desertion yr. 1878/79; #942; CF33

DAVIS, R.F. Behm Max. vs St. Patricks Catholic Church & R.F. Davis Money settelment(sic) yr. 1877; No. 743; Box CF 30

DAVIS, R.T. Davis, R.T. et al (Guyles, Lydia A. vs) Non payment of bill for lumber for repairing church yr. 1877; #780; CF31

DAVIS, SALOMON Fred Borcherdt (Salomon Davis vs) yr. 1853; X137; CF 1

DAVIS, SALOMON Davis, Salomon vs H.H. Smith et al & Fred Borcherdt yr. 1853; X137; CF1

DAVIS, SAMUEL C. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

DAVIS, THOMAS J. Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie, his wife et al (Albert C. Dittmar vs) To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DAVIS, THOMAS J. Dittmar, Albert C. vs Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie his wife et al son of Nicholas & Caroline C. Dittmar Emily Stevenson is dtr of Nicholas & Caroline To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DAVISON, WILLIAM Davison, William vs Lovely, Horace Promissory note yr. 1874; #300; CF25

DAWLEY, JENNIE Dawley, Jennie See Braasch, Fritz yr. 1890; #1993; CF47

DAWLEY, JENNIE Braasch, Fritz Fritz Braasch son of Friedrich and Sophia Braasch of Mishicot township Friedrich Braasch died November 10, 1886 Daughter of Friedrich & Sophia and sister of Fritz is Jennie Dawley Request to cancel bond of maintenance and mortgage yr. 1890; #1993; CF47

DAWLEY, JENNIE Braasch, Fritz & Jennie Dawley vs Braasch, Casper yr. 1887; #2176; CF 49

DAWSON, JOHN Administratrix Sale. IN PROBATE, MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of John Dawson, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of License, made in said matter, on the 22d day of December, A.D. 1873, by the County Court of said county, the undersigned Administratrix of Estate of John Bawson (sic), deceased, will, on Monday the 2nd day of February, A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the Village of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for Sale, at Public Vendue, the following described Lands, to-wit: The undevided (sic) half part of the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section seventeen (17), Township twenty-two (22) East, county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The Terms of Sale Cash. Margaret Dawson, Administratrix. Dated at Manitowoc, the 22d day of December, A.D. 1873. The above sale is hereby adjourned till Monday the 9th day of February, A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge in the City of Manitowoc in said County. Margaret Dawson Administratrix. Dated at Manitowoc, the 2d day of February A.D. 1874. The above sale is hereby adjourned till Monday, the 23d day of March, A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge in the City of Manitowoc in said County. Margaret Dawson, Administratrix. Dated at Manitowoc the 11th day of February, A.D. 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, March 12, 1874 P. 1

DAY, (NO NAME) Day vs Van Valkenburgh yr. 1855; #221; CF2

DAY, DAVID S. Day, David S. See John Bibinger #806

(First publication Dec. 14, 1882)
Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the money secured by a certain mortgage, bearing date the 11th day of November, 1881, execued by Lewis S. Lawrence, mortgagor, to John Bibinger and David S. Day, mortgagees, all of the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, which said mortgage was duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the said county of Manitowoc in the state of Wisconsin, on the 11th day of November, A.D., 1881, at 4 o'clock P.M., in volume 14 of Mortgages, on page 266; and whereas the said mortgage, together with the notes which said mortgage was given to secure, was on the 6th day of December, A.D., 1882, sold, assigned and transferred to Van Brunt & Davis Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Wisconsin, which said assignment was duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of said Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, on the 12th day of December, A.D., 1882, at 1 1/2 o'clock P.M., in Volume 8 of Mortgages, on page 285; and whereas there is now due on said notes and mortgage at the date of this the sum of two hundred seventy-five dollars, principal and twenty-four 86-100 dollars interest, making the sum now due two hundred ninety-nine 86-100 dollars. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale, at public auciton, to the highest bidder, of the mortgaged premises therein described, under and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, at the front door of the court house in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on the 3rd day of February, A.D., 1883, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by the sheriff, under sheriff or deputy sheriff of said county of Manitowoc. The said premises are described in said mortgage as follows, to-wit: Lots No. one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), and eight (80) in Block Q in the city of Manitowoc, according to the recorded plat thereof.
Dated December 13, 1882.
Van Brunt & Davis Company, A Corporation, Assignee.
Estabrook & Walker, Attorney for Assignee, Manitowoc, Wis.
Manitowoc Pilot, December 28, 1882 P. 2

DAY, DAVID S. Day, David S. See Chamberlin, George #1207 Day David S. Day, David S. See Manitowoc Savings Bank yr. 1890; #2020; CF47

DAY, DAVID S. Bibinger, John & Day, David S. vs Runge, John J. yr. 1882; Case #1379; Box# C.F.39

DEAFORTH, LOUISE Deaforth, Louise vs Deaforth, Peter md 1 Oct 1867 Manitowoc Co li Tn of Schleswig no issue yr. 1868; X1621; CF13

DEAFORTH, PETER Deaforth, Louise vs Deaforth, Peter md 1 Oct 1867 Manitowoc Co li Tn of Schleswig no issue yr. 1868; X1621; CF13

DEAR, (NO NAME) Dear - Junk yr. 1887; #1652; CF43

DEAR, MATHIAS Dear, Mathias vs Junk, John Promisary Note. S. of W. yr. 1888; #1652; CF43; A.A.B

DEAR, MATHIAS Junk John Deft. Dear, Mathias Pltf. Promissary Note yr. 1889; #1652; CF 43

DEARY, JOHANNA Deary, Johanna (St Wis) vs McGavin, Catherine Assault yr. 1876; CX2564; CF19

DEBON, JOHN DeBon, John vs Benj. Jones et al yr. 1858; X1598; CF13

DECKER, CHAS. S. Decker, Chas. S. et al vs Klingholz, Chas. et al yr. 1858; X1724; CF13

DECKER, DAVID Decker, Edward & Decker, David In the matter of of the voluntary assignment Doing business as Bank of Two Rivers yr. 1893; #2266; CF50

DECKER, EDWARD Decker, Edward & Decker, David In the matter of of the voluntary assignment Doing business as Bank of Two Rivers yr. 1893; #2266; CF50

DECKER, JOHN Kerch, Nicholas et al (John Decker vs.) Money owed yr. 1881; #1167; CF 36

DECKER, JOS. Decker, Jos. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #709; CP65

DECKER, JOSEPH Decker, Joseph see Town of Franklin #522 #524

DECKER, MATTES JR. Decker, Mattes Jr.; Kocian, Mattes Jr.; Novacek, Frank; & Knop Mike (Stedl, Lawrence) State of Wis. Fight in Menchl Saloon Menchlville yr. 1902; #556; CF72

DED, FRANK Kohant, Johan - Ded, Frank vs. Promissary Note yr. 1875; #472; CF27

DEECKE, CHARLES L. Deecke, Charles L. (Edw. Newhaus vs) yr. 1857; X120; CF1

DEEG, C. John G. Barthel - (C. Deeg vs) yr. 1856; X377; CF 3

DEERING, WILLIAM Deering, William & Co vs Levenhagen, Henry Jr. & Levenhagen, H.C. Promissary Note yr. 1889; #1854; CF45

DEERING, WM. Deering, Wm. & Co. et al (Rathke, August vs.) Sheriff's sale to satisfy mtg. yr(?) 1986; #1947; CF46

DEERSCHMIDT, BARBARA Deerschmidt, Barbara (Rath, Mary see 1877; #829; CF31)

DEFANT, JAMES A. Defant, James A. (Van Valkenburge, David H. et al vs) Promissory note yr. 1857; X2358; CF17

DEFFKA, GOTFRIED Deffka, Gotfried (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1872; CX2730; CF20

DEFFKA, LOUISA Deffka, Louisa (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1872; CX2730; CF20

DEFFKA, MARTIN Deffka, Martin (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1872; CX2730; CF20

DEFFKE, M. Deffke, M. See S.H. Conover #1431

DEFKE, MARTIN Defke, Martin (Jance, John vs) yr. 1876; #545; CF28

DEGUIRE, ARSINE DeGuire, Arsine (Glove, George S. St. Wis vs) Cut down trees w/o authority yr. 1858; CX2684; CF19

DEGUIRE, ARSINE DeGuire, Arsine (G. Glover vs) yr. 1858; X1091; CF9

DEGUIRE, FELIX DeGuire, Felix (Lenaville, Edward St. Wis vs) Stealing a horse (greyish gelding) yr. 1858; CX2674; CF19

DEGUIRE, LOUIS Deguire, Louis vs Dobry, John Sr. yr. 1873; #198; CF23 (Also have Louis Dequire)

DEGUIRE, LOUIS DeGuire, Louis et al (McDonald, William vs) yr. 1863; X648; CF5 (also have Lewis Dequire)

DEGUIRE, LOUIS Dobry, John (Deguire, Louis vs.) yr. 1872; #188; CF23

DEHIK, VICTOR Dehik, Victor (McCarty C.) Forged a promissary note. yr. 1900; #XP341; CF72

DEHLING, CHARLES Dehling, Charles (Charles L. Kreivert et al vs) Promissory note yr. 1893; #2276; CF50

DEHLING, CHARLES Dehling, Charles See Manitowoc Savings Bank #2267

DEHLING, CHARLES L. Dehling, Charles L. see Joseph R. Button #2274

DEHN, (NO NAME) Carroll - Dehn/Doehn 1875 CF30 #694

DEHN, MATH (Dehn, Math) T.C. Stove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; #176; CF21

DEIBLE, E.D. Deible, E.D. see Luetzke, Charles et al yr. 1903-1906; #3964 E255; HCF67

DEIDERICH, MARY Classon, Lottie State of Wis vs Deiderich, Mary (Dietridge) Pointing a gun yr. 1883; #46; CF68; NL

DEITGEN, HENRY Deitgen, Henry (Juror) see Simon, G.H. yr. 1890-1891; #2017; CF47

DEITL, EDWARD Deitl, Edward (Perry, Angelina B. vs) Order for security for costs yr. 1881; X2384; CF17

DEJA, ANDREW Deja, Anna; Deja, Anna; Deja, Andrew Defendants Schroeder, Carl Plaintiff Carl Schmidt desires to foreclose on a mortgage for land that he sold John Deja husband of Anna. John died after purchase. Court refused foreclosure when it was shown that Anna Deja was keepin (sic) up the terms of the agreement. I believe that the second Anna and the Andrew listed as defendants were children of John and Anna Deja. yr. 1878; #1848; CF14

DEJA, ANNA Deja, Anna; Deja, Anna; Deja, Andrew Defendants Schroeder, Carl Plaintiff Carl Schmidt desires to foreclose on a mortgage for land that he sold John Deja husband of Anna. John died after purchase. Court refused foreclosure when it was shown that Anna Deja was keepin (sic) up the terms of the agreement. I believe that the second Anna and the Andrew listed as defendants were children of John and Anna Deja. yr. 1878; #1848; CF14

DEKARSKI, CHARLES Dekarski, Charles vs Dickmann, Otto Financial dispute yr. 1903; #3981; CF64

DEKERSEN, JOSEPH Dekersen, Joseph vs (State of Wis) yr. 1890; CRI366 #153; HCF69 Joesph on card

DELEGLEASE, MORRIS Deleglease, Morris et al (Canfield - Hall vs) yr. 1856; X381; CF3

DELEGLISE, A.F. Deleglise, A.F. et al, Deleglise, Maria, his wife (Wm. Blair et al vs) defendant is son of Joseph Deleglise dispute involving a mortgage from 1857 yr. 1879; #995; CF34

DELEGLISE, FRANCIS Deleglise, Francis; Deleglise, Maurice Plaintiffs Deslarges, Benjamin; Gag, Joseph Defnedants (sic) Plaintiffs seek to collect on a note for $300.00 pluss (sic) interest note dated Mar. 5 1856. yr. 1858; #1736; C14

DELEGLISE, FRANCIS Deslagges, Benjamin; Gag, Joseph Defendants. Deleglise, Francis; Deleglise, Maurice Plaintffs Plntfs seek to collect on a note for $300.00 plus interest dated Mar 5 1856. yr. 1858; #1736; CF14

DELEGLISE, JOSEPH Deleglise, A.F. et al, Deleglise, Maria, his wife (Wm. Blair et al vs) defendant is son of Joseph Deleglise dispute involving a mortgage from 1857 yr. 1879; #995; CF34

DELEGLISE, MARIA Deleglise, A.F. et al, Deleglise, Maria, his wife (Wm. Blair et al vs) defendant is son of Joseph Deleglise dispute involving a mortgage from 1857 yr. 1879; #995; CF34

DELEGLISE, MARY Deleglise, Mary et al (Honzic/Honzik, Mary vs) Dispute over property in Antigo yr. 1886; #1447 EXA; CF40

DELEGLISE, MAURICE Deleglise, Francis; Deleglise, Maurice Plaintiffs Deslarges, Benjamin; Gag, Joseph Defnedants (sic) Plaintiffs seek to collect on a note for $300.00 pluss (sic) interest note dated Mar. 5 1856. yr. 1858; #1736; C14

DELEGLISE, MAURICE Deslagges, Benjamin; Gag, Joseph Defendants. Deleglise, Francis; Deleglise, Maurice Plaintffs Plntfs seek to collect on a note for $300.00 plus interest dated Mar 5 1856. yr. 1858; #1736; CF14

DELIGLISE, (NO NAME) Deliglise & Hutchinson see Barnes, John W. yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47

DELIGLISE, A.F. Blair, Wm. etal vs Deleglise, A.F. etal Deleglise, Maria his wife dispute involving a mortgage from 1857 yr. 1879; #995; CF 34

DELIGLISE, F.A. Deliglise, F.A. et al (Barnes, John W. et al vs) yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47

DELIGLISE, F.A. Barnes, John W. and Sedgwick, George G. vs Deliglise, F.A. and Hutchinson, W.W. Mortgages, non-payment ? of notes Costs disagreement went to Supreme Court yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF 47

DELIGLISE, MARIA Blair, Wm. etal vs Deleglise, A.F. etal Deleglise, Maria his wife dispute involving a mortgage from 1857 yr. 1879; #995; CF 34

DELIGLISE, MARY Deliglise, Mary (wife of F.A. Deliglise) see Barnes, John W. yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47

DELILLE, ROSANNA DeLille, Theo. vs Delille, Rosanna md 15 Dec 1882 ch: son b April 1883 He li Tn of Two Creeks He md her to avoid bastardy proceeding yr. 1884; #1446 4(?); CF40

DELILLE, THEO. DeLille, Theo. vs Delille, Rosanna md 15 Dec 1882 ch: son b April 1883 He li Tn of Two Creeks He md her to avoid bastardy proceeding yr. 1884; #1446 4(?); CF40

DELLEBECK, ANDREW Oleson Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18

DELLEBECK, GUDMAN Olson Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18

DELLEBECK, GUDMAN Olson Dellebeck, Gudman Olson shot & killed by mob of 21 men see Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson CX2445

DELSMAN, B. (Delsman B.) T.C. Shove Banking Co Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; #78; CF21

DELSMAN, BERNARD JR. Delsman, Bernard Jr. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #403; CF65

DELSMAN, LOUIS Delsman, Louis T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; #136; CF21

DELSMANN J. BERNARD Delsmann, J. Bernard vs A.C. Robinson yr. 1851; X1629; CF13

DELSMANN, J. BERNARD Delsmann, J. Bernard vs Christopher Robinson yr. 1851; X1629; CF13

DELWICH, TENA Delwich, Victor resident 39 yrs Mtwc Co 40-45 yrs-time of marriage son from previous marriage Frank 16 yrs. vs Delwich, Tena 18 1/2 yrs. time of marriage Divorce md 16 Apr 1895 at Twon of Mishicot, Mtwc, WI Resident of Mtwc Co, WI 3rd marriage (No issue this marriage) yr. 1897l #3376A; CF55

DELWICH, VICTOR Delwich, Victor resident 39 yrs Mtwc Co 40-45 yrs-time of marriage son from previous marriage Frank 16 yrs. vs Delwich, Tena 18 1/2 yrs. time of marriage Divorce md 16 Apr 1895 at Twon of Mishicot, Mtwc, WI Resident of Mtwc Co, WI 3rd marriage (No issue this marriage) yr. 1897l #3376A; CF55

DEMERATH, AGNES Bacon, Joshua E. vs Demerath, Michael & Demerath, Agnes His wife & Bruss, Gottlieb & Zander, Helmuth Promissory note yr. 1886; 1513; CF 42

DEMERATH, AGNES Demerath, Michael & Agnes, his wife (Bacon, Joshua E. vs.) Promisory note yr. 1886; #1513; CF42

DEMERATH, MICHAEL Bacon, Joshua E. vs Demerath, Michael & Demerath, Agnes His wife & Bruss, Gottlieb & Zander, Helmuth Promissory note yr. 1886; 1513; CF 42

DEMERATH, MICHAEL Demerath, Michael vs John Johnson Suit to compel Johnson to deliver certain books & papers to Demerath. yr. 1878; #801; CF31

DEMERATH, MICHAEL Demerath, Michael & Agnes, his wife (Bacon, Joshua E. vs.) Promisory note yr. 1886; #1513; CF42

DEMPSEY, JAMES Dempsey, James (St Wis) vs Marx, Mathias (Marks, Mandice) Selling whiskey w/o license yr. 1858; CX2654; CF19

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John (see Ryan, Chas. J. et al) Promissory note yr. 1858; #X2298; CF17

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John et al See Ryan, Chas. J. X2300

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John (See Ryan, Chas J. #2301) yr. 1858; X2301; CF17

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John (see Ryan, Chas. J. #2302) yr. 1858; X2302; CF17

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John (See Ryan, Chas. J.) Promissory note yr. 1858; X2303; CF17

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John (see Ryan, Charles J.) yr. 1858; X2305; CF17

DEMPSEY, JOHN Dempsey, John et al Partners (arrows drawn to Dempsey & Ryan) see Ryan, Charles J. et al X2331; X2332; X2333; X2330; X2335

DEMPSEY, THOMAS State of Wis. vs. Dempsey, Thomas by Andrew Weblen Killing yr. 1895; #280; CF71

DEMPSTER, DANIEL Dempster, Daniel (Wheeler Kitchen vs) yr. 1855; X267; CF3

DEMROW, HY. The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: Hy. Demrow vs John Demrow; verdict in favor of plaintiff and his damages assessed at $16.00. Motion for new trial denied. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

DEMROW, JOHN The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: Hy. Demrow vs John Demrow; verdict in favor of plaintiff and his damages assessed at $16.00. Motion for new trial denied. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

DEMUSIL, CATHERINE DeMusil, Catherine; DeMusil, Theodore Plaintiffs Riplinger, Michael Defendant An action requesting the (sic) court to appoint John P. Pitch as guardian Ad Litem to represent the children of Franz DeMusil Namely Catherine age 18, theodore (sic) age 17, Anna Gollen mother of Frank DeMusil age 13, Mathias age 12, Peter age 10, John age 8. Franz DeMusil died Jan 12 1869 but before death he turned over certain real estate in town of Newton to defendant to be used for his children. def refuses to relaease (sic) same. Guardian is to prosecute this trust. yr. 1876; #1952; CF15

DEMUSIL, FRANZ DeMusil, Catherine; DeMusil, Theodore Plaintiffs Riplinger, Michael Defendant An action requesting the (sic) court to appoint John P. Pitch as guardian Ad Litem to represent the children of Franz DeMusil Namely Catherine age 18, theodore (sic) age 17, Anna Gollen mother of Frank DeMusil age 13, Mathias age 12, Peter age 10, John age 8. Franz DeMusil died Jan 12 1869 but before death he turned over certain real estate in town of Newton to defendant to be used for his children. def refuses to relaease (sic) same. Guardian is to prosecute this trust. yr. 1876; #1952; CF15

DEMUSIL, THEODORE DeMusil, Catherine; DeMusil, Theodore Plaintiffs Riplinger, Michael Defendant An action requesting the (sic) court to appoint John P. Pitch as guardian Ad Litem to represent the children of Franz DeMusil Namely Catherine age 18, theodore (sic) age 17, Anna Gollen mother of Frank DeMusil age 13, Mathias age 12, Peter age 10, John age 8. Franz DeMusil died Jan 12 1869 but before death he turned over certain real estate in town of Newton to defendant to be used for his children. def refuses to relaease (sic) same. Guardian is to prosecute this trust. yr. 1876; #1952; CF15 (De Musiel in cemetery)

DENK, DOROTHEA Denk, Dorothea Husband Henry Denk vs Schultz, John Injury to reputation Manitowoc, Co yr. 1877; #748; CF30

DENK, HENRY Denk, Dorothea Husband Henry Denk vs Schultz, John Injury to reputation Manitowoc, Co yr. 1877; #748; CF30

DENKS, (NO NAME) Denks - Schultz yr. 1876; #748; CF30

DENO, FREDRIC Deunow ? Deno, Fredric vs Schindler, Edward; Schmidt, Henry & Schloeter?, Anton Money settelment.(sic) yr. 1878; #716; CF30

DENSMORE, ELEAZER W. Armsby, Fayette Plaintiff - Harris, Erwin; Harris, Emily Defendant Plntf seeks to foreclose on a mortgage for $400.00 on 6 1/2 acres in town of Cato. Defendants have left the State Other dfndts listed are Parmenud A. Camp, Frederick A. Marshall, Hiram A. Barrett; Charles A Canwright; Franklin D Grey; Eleazer W. Densmore; George H. Phelps. Only Canwright of the above is still in the State of Wis. yr. 1858; #1770; Box CF 14 FLB

DENSOW, PAULINE Densow, Pauline vs Wimmer, Anton et al Promissary note & land dispute yr. 1879; #1003; CF34

DENWAY, JOHN Denway, John; Pautz, Carl & Pautz, Gottlieb (Theodore C. Shove & Fred Harris) >yr. 1883; #1352; CF39; SJB

DENWAY, JOHN Denway, John; Pautz, Carl & Pautz, Gottlieb (Theo C. Shove & Fred H. Harris) yr. 1883; #1358; CF39

DE PINTO, J.B. de Pinto, J.B (sic). vs William O. Hoffman yr. 1849; X38; CF1

DE PONS, HENRY G. (First publication Aug. 31, 1882.) No. 82 IN PROBATE,-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Henry G. De Pons, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Henry J. De Pons, of the city of Manitowoc, in said county, representing among other things that Henry G. De Pons, late of said city and county, on the 25th day of August, A.D., 1882, at the town of Two Rivers, in said county, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is a son of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Joseph L. Miller granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this court, on Tuesday, the 26th day of September, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 29th day of August, A.D., 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. G G Sedgwick, Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, September 14, 1882 P. 2

DEPORS, HENRY COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. March 14-In re guardianship of Henry DePors; letter of guardianship issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4

DEQUIRE, LEWIS Dequire, Lewis vs McDonald, W.H. yr. 1865; X1725; CF13 (Also have Louis DeGuire)

DEQUIRE, LOUIS Dequire, Louis vs. Dobry, John yr. 1872; #188; CF23

DERLER, AGATHA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERLER, CONRAD Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERLER, GREGOR Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERLER, JOHN ADAM Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERLER, KATHARINA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERLER, MAGDALENA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERLER, ROSA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

DERN, ELISHA B. Dern, Elisha B. (J.S. Cogswell vs) yr. 1860; X1663; CF13

DERNROW, HENRY Dernrow, John - DFT Dernrow, Henry - PLT yr. 1882; #1273; CF38

DERNROW, JOHN Dernrow, John - DFT Dernrow, Henry - PLT yr. 1882; #1273; CF38

DERWIN, JOHN Barnes, Calvin C. vs John Derwin yr. 1861; X1632; CF 13

DESLAGGES, BENJAMIN Deslagges, Benjamin; Gag, Joseph Defendants. Deleglise, Francis; Deleglise, Maurice Plaintffs Plntfs seek to collect on a note for $300.00 plus interest dated Mar 5 1856. yr. 1858; #1736; CF14

DESLARGES, BENJAMIN Deleglise, Francis; Deleglise, Maurice Plaintiffs Deslarges, Benjamin; Gag, Joseph Defnedants (sic) Plaintiffs seek to collect on a note for $300.00 pluss (sic) interest note dated Mar. 5 1856. yr. 1858; #1736; C14

DETLING, F.J. Detling, F.J. vs Fielitz, William Conflict between manufacturer and consumer yr. 1877; #217; CF24

DETTBRENNER, AMALIA (Dettbrenner, Amalia & Frederick) Stelling, Fritz F. & Reinhard yr. 1894; #3006; CF51

DETTBRENNER, FREDERICK (Dettbrenner, Amalia & Frederick) Stelling, Fritz F. & Reinhard yr. 1894; #3006; CF51

DEUNOW, FREDRIC Deunow ? Deno, Fredric vs Schindler, Edward; Schmidt, Henry & Schloeter?, Anton Money settelment.(sic) yr. 1878; #716; CF30

DEVAN, ANDREW Devan, Andrew, Hogan, Thos & Michael Murphy (Thos. Hogan vs) yr. 1891; #2095; CF48

Devand, Mary Maire Devand, nee Mary Maire (sic) Manion Co. Waupaca, Wi Mines, Catherine, A minor City of Sheboygan, Wis. Mines, John, Deceased, Died (26, Sept. 1884) Mother McKay, nee Margaret Mines. Father Neal Mines Deceased. Special guardian. Willis Henry. Sale of Real Estate. S. of W. yr. 1884; #1716; CF43

DEVELLE, HELEN M. Develle, Helen M. see Helen M. Fraser #422 Devine Francis Devine, Francis Devine, William (Mahoney, Michael vs) yr. 1872; #182; CF23

DEVINE, FRANCIS Devine, William & Devine, Francis (Holmes, Mead vs) yr. 1873; #174; CF23

DEVINE, WILLIAM Devine, Francis Devine, William (Mahoney, Michael vs) yr. 1872; #182; CF23

DEVINE, WILLIAM Devine, William & Devine, Francis (Holmes, Mead vs) yr. 1873; #174; CF23

DEWAUNE, JAMES The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: James Dewaune vs The Town of Franklin; Judgment by default. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

DEWEY, E.C. Dewey, E.C. (see King, Hy) yr. 1884; X1312; CF11

DEWILDE, G.A. Dewilde, G.A. see Joseph Keller #1422

DEWILDE, H. DeWilde, H. Plaintiff Wilhelm, Adam Defendant Plaintiff, a dealer in wines and spirits, from Illinois seeks to collect balance of $12.50 from previous business. Defendants of St Cloud Wis. seeks removal of case to another court citing irregularities in proceedings due to adjournments. yr. 1879; #1735; CF14

DEWING, (NO NAME) Dewing - Godfrey yr. 1879; #653; CF29

DEWING, EDGAR S. Dewing, Edgar S.; Wilme, James H.; Windate, Thomas & wife Corneila; Ross, Christian; Shott, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Brooks, Horrace J.; Field, Walker K.; Freeman, Godfrey vs Thornton, John Mortgage signing yr. 1876; #653; CF29

DEWING, EDGAR S. Brooks, Horrace J.(sic); Fiel, Walker K.; Dewing, Edgar S.; Willme, James H.; Windiate, Thomas & wife Cordelia; Sho?t, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Ross, Christian; Freeman, Geodfrey vs Thornton, John Signing of a mortgage yr. 1876; Case No. 653; Box No. CF 29

DEWOLFE, C.E. DeWolfe, C.E. & D.K vs Gust Richter yr. 1851; X1534; CF12

DEWOLFE, D.K. DeWolfe, C.E. & D.K vs Gust Richter yr. 1851; X1534; CF12

DEX, (NO NAME) Dex (Real Estate) yr. 1880; #1700; CF43

DEX, JOHN Dex, John (Guardian of Dex, Kathina) heir of Faler, Peter Sale of land. yr. 1880; #1700; C43

DEX, KATHINA Dex, John (Guardian of Dex, Kathina) heir of Faler, Peter Sale of land. yr. 1880; #1700; C43

DICK, ALONZO Dick, Alonzo; Modlin, Henry, Defnedants (sic) Webster, Bradley Plaintiff Plaintiff seeks a change of venue from Calumet County to Manitowoc, County because of popularity of defendants. Plaintiff contends that defendants built a dam on the Manitowoc River down stream from plntfs dam and higher thus rendering plntfs dam usleless for waterpower. yr. 1857; #1813; CF14

DICKA, BERTHA Dicka, Bertha & Wagner, Ernst Jr. vs Wagner, Ida & Wagner, Ernst Sr. Estate yr. 1894; #3019; CF51

DICKE, W.F. (First publication May 7, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Martin Schmidt, plaintiff, vs. August Goethke and Mary Goethke, his wife, Christian H. Goethke, J.C. Lehmkuhl, W.F. Dicke, August Schmidt, Albert Michal and Henry Goethke, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 17th day of April, A.D. 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the county jail building, at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Wednesday the 24th day of June, 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiff for principal, interest and cost, together with the expenses of said judgment, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and describe in said judgment as follows to-wit: The east half (E. 1/2) of the south east quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section No. Thirteen (13) Township No. Eighteen (18), North of Range No. Twenty two (22) East, containing Eighty (80) acres of land more or less. Dated May 7, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff, of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Baensch & Chloupek, plaintiff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 18, 1896 P. 2

DICKE, WILLIAM Dicke, William; Lehurkuhl, J.G. - PTF Howe Machine Co - DFT. yr. 1883; #1329; CF38

DICKENSON, K. Chapman, B.A. (K. Dickenson et al vs) yr. 1855; #336; CF3

DICKENSON, KILIAN Dickenson, Kilian et al vs B.A. Chapman yr. 1855; X330; CF3

DICKERSCHEIL, JOHN IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY court. In the matter of the estate of John Dickerscheil, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles Dickerscheil, of said county, representing, among other things, that John Dickerscheil, late of said county, on the 22d day of November, A.D., 1862, at said county, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is grandson of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Melchior Kleinbruk granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court, on Monday, the 8th day of February, A.D., 1869, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said county. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc the 11th day of January 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, January 22, 1869 P. 4 ***** IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY court. In the matter of the estate of Johh (sic) Dickerscheil, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 22d day of March, A.D. 1869, by the county court of said county, the undersigned administrator of the estate of John Dickerscheil, deceased, will, on Monday, the 12th day of April A.D. 1869, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the county judge, in the village of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale, at public vendue, the following described lands, to wit: The east half of the east half of the north-west quarter of section number fourteen (14) of township number twenty (20) north, of range number twenty-three (23) east. The terms of sale will be one-half cash, and the balance in one and two years with interest. Melchior Kleinbruk, Administrator. Manitowoc, March 22d, 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, April 2, 1869 P. 4

DICKERT, HENRY Dickert, Henry (juror) see Simon, G.H. yr. 1890-1891; #2017; CF47

DICKEY, ALBERT Dickey, Lucy A. wid of Albert Dickey, Racine d. 23 Act 1880 vs Hall, Abram et al suit over non payment for goods yr. 1884; #1434; CF40

DICKEY, LUCY A. Dickey, Lucy A. wid of Albert Dickey, Racine d. 23 Act 1880 vs Hall, Abram et al suit over non payment for goods yr. 1884; #1434; CF40

DICKINSON, THOMAS Dickinson, Thomas see Heath, John X1403 Dickman K. Bock, Joseph (K. Dickman vs) yr. 1857; X1617; CF 13

DICKMAN, KILLIAN Dickman, Killian et al vs Velton, Jacob et al yr. 1857; X1617; CF13

DICKMAN, KILLIAN Dickman, Killian et al vs Frederich Langenfeldt yr. 1857; X1626; CF13

Dickman, Killian Dickman, Killian et al vs. A.G. Lindemann yr. 1857; X1627; CF13

DICKMANN, OTTO Dekarski, Charles vs Dickmann, Otto Financial dispute yr. 1903; #3981; CF64

DIEDRICHS, JOHN Diedrichs, John Proof of claim yr. 1893; #525; CF65

DIEHR, MATT Diehr, Matt Proof of claim yr. 1893; #275; CF65

DIESELHORST, FREDRICK Dieselhorst, Fredrick yr. 1870; #69; CF22

DIETL, FRANZ Brandies, Jonas L. (Dietl, Rosalia wife of deceased husband Franz) Settlement of note yr. 1878; #774; CF 31

DIETL, FRANZ Dietl, Rosalia widow of Franz, deceased vs Oestreich, Wilhelm et al & Ernestina his wife & Brandies, Jonas L. Settlement of note. yr. 1878; #774; CF31

DIETL, ROSALIA Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 24th. Rosalie Dietl vs. W. Oestreich, Ernestine Oestreich his wife and Jonas L. Brandeis. Judgment by default.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.

DIETL, ROSALIA Brandies, Jonas L. (Dietl, Rosalia wife of deceased husband Franz) Settlement of note yr. 1878; #774; CF 31

DIETL, ROSALIA Dietl, Rosalia widow of Franz, deceased vs Oestreich, Wilhelm et al & Ernestina his wife & Brandies, Jonas L. Settlement of note. yr. 1878; #774; CF31

DIETRICH, JOHN Dahm, Julum vs Dietrich, John Assault with pistol State of Wis. yr. 1902; #350; CF72

DIETRICH, JOHN Dietrich, John (Dahn, Julum) State of Wis. Assult with pistol yr. 1902; #550; CF72

DIETRICH, KATHERINE Dietrich, William In the matter of sale of real estate died in 1878. Left surviving him his widow, Katherine Dietrich & 3 minor children. Anna Klein, 19 as of May, 1887; Katie Dietrich, 17 yrs as of May, 1887; William Dietrich, 12 yrs as of May, 1887 Henry Klein is their guardian yr. 1887; #1632; CF42

DIETRICH, KATIE Dietrich, William In the matter of sale of real estate died in 1878. Left surviving him his widow, Katherine Dietrich & 3 minor children. Anna Klein, 19 as of May, 1887; Katie Dietrich, 17 yrs as of May, 1887; William Dietrich, 12 yrs as of May, 1887 Henry Klein is their guardian yr. 1887; #1632; CF42

DIETRICH, WILLIAM Klein, Anna see William Dietrich #1632

Deitrich, William Klein, Henry see William Deitrich #1632

DIETRICH, WILLIAM Dietrich, William In the matter of sale of real estate died in 1878. Left surviving him his widow, Katherine Dietrich & 3 minor children. Anna Klein, 19 as of May, 1887; Katie Dietrich, 17 yrs as of May, 1887; William Dietrich, 12 yrs as of May, 1887 Henry Klein is their guardian yr. 1887; #1632; CF42

DIETRICK, VINCENT Dietrick, Vincent T.C. Shoves Banking Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; #28; CF21

DIETRIDGE, MARY Classon, Lottie State of Wis vs Deiderich, Mary (Dietridge) Pointing a gun yr. 1883; #46; CF68; NL

DILL, DAVID Killen, John; Dill, David; Dill, John; Dill, George; Dill, Nelson (Dill, Osenns State of Wis.) Land Settelment yr. 1889; #1870; CF 45

DILL, DAVID Dill, Melvin; George; David; John Orsini; Nelson, Ann; Forrent, Eliza; Smith, Charles S. - DFT White, W.F. - PTF Foreclosure of tax certif. yr. 1882; #1305; CF38

Dill, David Dill, Osenns State of Wis vs Dill, Nelson; Dill, George; Dill, John; Dill, David; Killen, John Land Settlement yr. 1889; #1870; CF45

DILL, GEORGE Killen, John; Dill, David; Dill, John; Dill, George; Dill, Nelson (Dill, Osenns State of Wis.) Land Settelment yr. 1889; #1870; CF 45

DILL, GEORGE Dill, Melvin; George; David; John Orsini; Nelson, Ann; Forrent, Eliza; Smith, Charles S. - DFT White, W.F. - PTF Foreclosure of tax certif. yr. 1882; #1305; CF38

DILL, GEORGE Dill, Osenns State of Wis vs Dill, Nelson; Dill, George; Dill, John; Dill, David; Killen, John Land Settlement yr. 1889; #1870; CF45

DILL, JOHN Killen, John; Dill, David; Dill, John; Dill, George; Dill, Nelson (Dill, Osenns State of Wis.) Land Settelment yr. 1889; #1870; CF 45

DILL, JOHN Dill, Osenns State of Wis vs Dill, Nelson; Dill, George; Dill, John; Dill, David; Killen, John Land Settlement yr. 1889; #1870; CF45

DILL, MELVIN Brandies, Fritz vs McCallister, Chas.; McCallister, Frank; Dill, Melvin Charges defendants with assault yr. 1873; #244; CF 24

DILL, MELVIN Brandies, Fritz (St Wis) vs McAllister, Charles etal; Melvin Dill; Frank McAllister; Mary McAllister; Hiram McAllister Assault & battery yr. 1871; CX2638; CF 19

DILL, MELVIN Dill, Melvin (Fritz Brandies vs) yr. 1873; #244; CF24

DILL, MELVIN Dill, Melvin; George; David; John Orsini; Nelson, Ann; Forrent, Eliza; Smith, Charles S. - DFT White, W.F. - PTF Foreclosure of tax certif. yr. 1882; #1305; CF38

DILL, MELVIN Dill, Melvin see Rady, Mathias (St Wis) CX2644

DILL, NELSON Dill, Nelson see Rady, Mathias (st Wis) CX2644

DILL, NELSON Killen, John; Dill, David; Dill, John; Dill, George; Dill, Nelson (Dill, Osenns State of Wis.) Land Settelment yr. 1889; #1870; CF 45

DILL, NELSON Dill, Osenns State of Wis vs Dill, Nelson; Dill, George; Dill, John; Dill, David; Killen, John Land Settlement yr. 1889; #1870; CF45

DILL OSENNS Killen, John; Dill, David; Dill, John; Dill, George; Dill, Nelson (Dill, Osenns State of Wis.) Land Settelment yr. 1889; #1870; CF 45

DILL, OSENNS Dill, Osenns State of Wis vs Dill, Nelson; Dill, George; Dill, John; Dill, David; Killen, John Land Settlement yr. 1889; #1870; CF45

DILLON, JOHN Dillon, John (P. Glover vs) yr. 1859; X1269; CF10

DILLON, JOHN Dillon, John (Mosher, Almon St. Wis vs) Assault yr. 1868; CX2681; CF19

DILLON, THOMAS Dillon, Timothy & Thomas Barlholuum, John Father Mother Mary 9 children Catherine, Daniel, Anna, John, James & Mary twins Remarried Mulcahey, David yr. 1885; #1747; CF44

DILLON, TIMOTHY Dillon, Timothy & Thomas Barlholuum, John Father Mother Mary 9 children Catherine, Daniel, Anna, John, James & Mary twins Remarried Mulcahey, David yr. 1885; #1747; CF44

DIMEROTH, MICHAEL Dimeroth, Michael vs Grinner, Peter & Persons Unknown Quiet a Title goes back to 1852 yr. 1879; #999; CF34

DIMLER, ANNA ELISA Dimler, Johanna; Dimler, Anna Elisa (Carl Dreher vs) yr. 1872; #164

DIMLER, ANNA ELISA Dreher, Carl vs Dimler, Johanna; Dimler, Anna Elisa; Reichert, Adam yr. 1872; #164; CF23

DIMLER, JOHANNA Dimler, Johanna; Dimler, Anna Elisa (Carl Dreher vs) yr. 1872; #164

DIMLER, JOHANNA Dreher, Carl vs Dimler, Johanna; Dimler, Anna Elisa; Reichert, Adam yr. 1872; #164; CF23

DIRKMAN, (NO NAME) Bach vs Dirkman yr. 1855; #219; CF 2

DIRKMAN, FRANCIS Dirkman, Francis vs Arthur C. Robinson yr. 1851; X83; CF1

DIRKMAN, FRANK Dirkman, Frank (Drucks, Frank vs.) yr. 1872; #147; CF25

DIR L? RICHS, JOHN H. (Dir l? richs, John H.) T.C. Shoves Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; #241; CF21

DISMANN, HENRY Dismann, Henry (Hug, Christina St. Wi. vs) Bastardy yr. 1870; CX2670; CF19

DITMAR, NICHOLAS Bennevis, Henry - (Ditmar, Nicholas vs) yr. 1867; X1351; CF 11

DITTMAN, CHRISTIAN Dittman, Christian vs Dittman, Christine md 1 Jan 1868 Tn of Centerville no issue yr. 1689; #73; CF22

DITTMAN, CHRISTINE Dittman, Christian vs Dittman, Christine md 1 Jan 1868 Tn of Centerville no issue yr. 1689; #73; CF22

DITTMAR, A. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1

DITTMAR, ALB. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1

DITTMAR, ALBERT C. Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie, his wife et al (Albert C. Dittmar vs) To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DITTMAR, ALBERT C. Dittmar, Albert C. vs Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie his wife et al son of Nicholas & Caroline C. Dittmar Emily Stevenson is dtr of Nicholas & Caroline To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DITTMAR, CAROLINE Dittmar, Albert C. vs Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie his wife et al son of Nicholas & Caroline C. Dittmar Emily Stevenson is dtr of Nicholas & Caroline To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

Dittmar, Caroline Dittmar, Nicholas Died 19 Jan. 1892 Dittmar, Caroline C. his wife d 20 Jan. 1892 See Albert C. Dittmar #2287 To foreclose a mortgage

DITTMAR, NICHOLAS Dittmar, Nicholas vs Hofmeister, Henry & Hofmeister, Frederike, his wife Promissory note yr. 1875; #438; CF26

DITTMAR, NICHOLAS Jones, William; Jones, Anna; Wollensleive, H.; Neindorf; Newhouse, Edward; Olm, Frederick; Dittmar, Nicholas Defendants McDougall, William Plaintiff Foreclosure action on 80 acres in town of Meeme owned by William and Anna Jones. Other defendants are creditors of Jones. yr. 1858; #2936?, Cf 18

DITTMAR, NICHOLAS Dittmar, Albert C. vs Davis, Thomas J.; Davis, Lottie his wife et al son of Nicholas & Caroline C. Dittmar Emily Stevenson is dtr of Nicholas & Caroline To foreclose a mortgage yr. 1893; #2287; CF50

DITTMAR, NICHOLAS Dittmar, Nicholas Died 19 Jan. 1892 Dittmar, Caroline C. his wife d 20 Jan. 1892 See Albert C. Dittmar #2287 To foreclose a mortgage

DIX, JOHN P. Dix, John P. (St. Wis.) (Dep. Sheriff) vs Moser, Johann et al & Joseph Moser; Paul Moser Resisting arrest yr. 1861; CX2572; CF19

DIX, JOHN P. Dix, John P. Defendant Weyhe, John S. Plaintiff Plaintiff seeks to recover on 4 notes dated 1 month apart total amount $120 plus interst (sic). yr. 1860; #1819; CF14

DIXON, JAMES Dixon, James vs Michael Donuhue & Mary yr. 1860; X1628; CF13

DIXON, JAMES Dixon, James vs Donahue, Michael et al yr. 1858; X1618; CF13

DIXON, JAMES Dixon, James vs George Wilson et al yr. 1858; X1630; CF13