DOBBERSTEIN, JOSEPH Dobberstein, Joseph - Pankratz, Ignatz vs money owed yr. 1882; #1197; CF36
DOBBERT, CHARLES Dobbert, Charles (Anton Heinzen vs) wants payment for work, labor & services performed yr. 1874; #253; CF24
DOBRI, ANNA Dobri, Anna, wife of John Dobri see Adolphus Hudson #285
DOBRI, JOHN Dobri, Anna, wife of John Dobri see Adolphus Hudson #285
DOBRI, JOHN Dobri, John et al (Adolphus Hudson as executor of estate of Felix Rabordy, deceased vs) Promissory note yr. 1873; #285 & #284; CF25
DOBRY, ANNA Dobry, John Dobry, Anna et al (John Arnold vs) yr. 1873; #421; CF26
DOBRY, ANNE Arnold, John vs Dobry, John; Dobry, Anne; Everson, Mathiason; Everson, Ingebor Promissory note yr. 1873; #421; CF 26
DOBRY, J. Dobry, J. & wife - D. Manson, Adolph Pl. yr. 1870; #67; CF22
DOBRY, JOHN Dobry, John (M. Fechter vs) yr. 1866; X1163; CF9
DOBRY, JOHN Arnold, John vs Dobry, John; Dobry, Anne; Everson, Mathiason; Everson, Ingebor Promissory note yr. 1873; #421; CF 26
DOBRY, JOHN Dobry, John (Deguire, Louis vs.) yr. 1872; #188; CF23
DOBRY, JOHN Dequire, Louis vs. Dobry, John yr. 1872; #188; CF23
DOBRY, JOHN Dobry, John Dobry, Anna et al (John Arnold vs) yr. 1873; #421; CF26
FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, County of Manitowoc, Circuit Court. SS. John Arnold vs. John Dobry and Anna Dobry his wife. BY virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 22 day of July, A.D., 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court, for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the city and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City and county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, on the 2nd day of October, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all of the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, in said action, together with the interest and costs, and expenses of sale, to-wit: The north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, and the east half of the north-west quarter of Section No. one (1) Township No. twenty one (21) north of Range No. twenty three (53) (sic) east, all in said Manitowoc county. Dated Sheriff's Office Manitowoc Wis., this 18th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. J.D. Markham, Plaintiff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORCLOSURE (sic) SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, County of Manitowoc, Circuit Court. ss. John Arnold vs. John Dobry and Anna Dobry his wife and Mathias Mathieson. BY virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 22 day of July, A.D., 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court, for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the city and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City and County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, on the 2nd day of October, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all of the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, in said action, together with the interest and costs, and expenses of sale, to-wit: The north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, and the east half of the north-west quarter of Section No. one (1), Township No. Twenty one (21) north of Range No. twenty three (53) (sic) east, all in said Manitowoc county. Dated Sheriff's Office Manitowoc Wis., this 18th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. J.D. Markham, Plaintiff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2
DOBRY, JOHN SR. Deguire, Louis vs Dobry, John Sr. yr. 1873; #198; CF23
DODD, DANIEL Dodd, Daniel & Martha (Dodd, David & Tina) vs. yr. 1871; #110; CF22
DODD, DAVID Dodd, Daniel & Martha (Dodd, David & Tina) vs. yr. 1871; #110; CF22
DODD, MARTHA Dodd, Daniel & Martha (Dodd, David & Tina) vs. yr. 1871; #110; CF22
DODD, TINA Dodd, Daniel & Martha (Dodd, David & Tina) vs. yr. 1871; #110; CF22
DODGE, G. Dodge, G. & P. see Erskine, Phelps #402
DODGE, LYDIA E. Dodge, Lydia E. (E. Trent vs) yr. 1866; X1459; CF12
DODGE, P. Dodge, G. & P. see Erskine, Phelps #402
DOE, RICHARD Doe, Richard see Kuehn, Charles (St of Wis) CX2469
DOEHN, (NO NAME) Carroll - Dehn/Doehn 1875 CF30 #694
DOEHN, LOUIS Carroll, James Deft. Doehn, Louis Pltf. Land settelment(sic) S. of W. yr. 1877; #594; CF 30
DOEHN, LOUIS Doehn, Louis vs Carroll, James Land Settelment. (sic) S. of W. yr. 1877; #694; CF30; A.A.B.
DOERFER, (NO NAME) Doerfer/Doerferin - Sink yr. 1875; #630; CF29
DOERFER, PETER Doerfer, Peter - Shove, Don A. vs Promissory note yr. 1879; #984A; CF33
DOERFERID, PETER Doerferid, Peter Def. & Shove, Don A. Frank Sink Pltf. Land settelment (sic) Homesteded (sic) by family of Bartholum Hilburt Manitowoc Co. yr. 1875; #630; CF29
DOERFERIN, (NO NAME) Doerfer/Doerferin - Sink yr. 1875; #630; CF29
DOERFLER, (NO NAME) Doerfler - Shove yr. 1876; #676; CF29
DOERFLER, FRANK Doerfler, Frank Deft. Shove, F.C. Pltf. Sale of land. yr. 1876; #676; CF29
DOERSCHNER, CARL Doerschner, Louisa & Doerschner, Carl her husband (she mother of Sachse children see Albert Sachse #1971
DOERSCHNER, LOUISA Doerschner, Louisa & Doerschner, Carl her husband (she mother of Sachse children see Albert Sachse #1971
DOGGETT, WILLIAM E. Doggett, William E. et al vs Henry A. Shove yr. 1861; X1727; CF13
DOHMAN, F. Altman, C - (F. Dohman etal) yr. 1874; X1731; CF13
DOLAN, JOHN Carroll, William; Flin Michael; Mullins, John; Mullins, William; Shea, Dennis; Shea, Daniel; Roland, Michael Jr.; Dolan, John; Farby, Patrick; Cummings, Robert; DEFENDANTS State of Wisconsin on complaint of James Long PLAINTIFF Dfndts are accused of gang attacking James Long during a logging operation in the Town of Maple Grove. Cummings, Flin, John Mullis, Dennis Shea and Wm Carroll were found guilty and ordered to pay fines of $5.00 plus costs. yr. 1860; #2074; CF 15 FLB (second part)
DOLAN, MICHAEL Dolan, Michael (John Landry vs) yr. 1857; X1146; CF9
DOLAND, MICHAEL Doland, Michael (Lantz, John vs) yr. n.d.; X630; CF5
DOLEZAL, FRANK Kohauh, John (Dolezal, Frank) yr. 1883; #1348; CF 39
DOLEZAL, MATIAS Chizak, Wenzel vs Dolezal, Matias Promissary note yr. 1875; #526; CF27
DOLLMAN, ERNSTINE Dollman, William vs Dollman, Ernstine Devorce (sic) yr. 1894; #3025; CF51
DOLLMAN, WILLIAM Dollman, William vs Dollman, Ernstine Devorce (sic) yr. 1894; #3025; CF51
DOLLY, ALONSON Dolly, Alonson Mentioned in St. of Wisc. vs. Mundoff, Robert yr. 1850; CX2695; CF20
DONAHOE, (NO NAME) Donahoe - McMahon yr. 1887; #1647; CF43
DONAHOE, MARY Donahoe, Thomas vs McMahon, Patrick Administrator for estate. Donahoe, Mary wife of Donahoe, Thomas Jr.; Donahoe, Mary Ellen Dau of Donahoe, Thomas Jr. and Donahoe, Mary. S. of W. yr. 1888; #1647; CF43
DONAHOE, MARY ELLEN Donahoe, Thomas vs McMahon, Patrick Administrator for estate. Donahoe, Mary wife of Donahoe, Thomas Jr.; Donahoe, Mary Ellen Dau of Donahoe, Thomas Jr. and Donahoe, Mary. S. of W. yr. 1888; #1647; CF43
DONAHOE, THOMAS Donahoe, Thomas vs McMahon, Patrick Administrator for estate. Donahoe, Mary wife of Donahoe, Thomas Jr.; Donahoe, Mary Ellen Dau of Donahoe, Thomas Jr. and Donahoe, Mary. S. of W. yr. 1888; #1647; CF43
DONAHOE, THOMAS JR. Donahoe, Thomas vs McMahon, Patrick Administrator for estate. Donahoe, Mary wife of Donahoe, Thomas Jr.; Donahoe, Mary Ellen Dau of Donahoe, Thomas Jr. and Donahoe, Mary. S. of W. yr. 1888; #1647; CF43
DONAHOO, (NO NAME) Donahoo (Taugher vs) yr. 1855; #256; CF2
DONAHUE, JERE (JERRE) Donahue, Jere (Jerre) vs Thompson, Halvor Property dispute yr. 1882; #1255; CF37
DONAHUE, MICHAEL Dixon, James vs Donahue, Michael et al yr. 1858; X1618; CF13
DONAHUE, MICHAEL Donahue, Michael (W. Glover vs) yr. 1860; X1241; CF10
DONAHUE, MICHAEL Donahue, Michael (A. Madison vs) yr. 1861; X766; CF7
DONAHUE, PATRICK Burns, Jane vs Donahue, Patrick St. Wis Assault & battery yr. 1859; CX2679; CF 19
DONAHUE, PATRICK Donahue, Patrick (W. Richmond vs) yr. 1855; X1492; CF12
DONAHUGH, MICHAEL Donahugh, Michael (J. Glover vs) yr. 1859; X1245; CF10
DONALLY, DENNIS Donally, Dennis vs Sazwoski, John et al yr. 1864; X1729; CF13
DONASKI, (NO NAME) Burgynski (Donaski vs) yr. 1869; X968; CF 8
DONASKI, (NO NAME) Donaski vs Burgynski yr. 1869; X986; CF8
DONAVAN, (NO NAME) Donavan - Franz yr. 1877; #691; CF30
DONAVAN, JAMES Donavan, James vs H. Newcomb yr. 1860; X1732; CF13
DONAVIN, JOHN Donavin, John Dft. Franz Pltf. Land & lumber dispute yr. 1877; #691; CF30
DONEHU, JEREWICH Donehu, Jerewich (To discahrge mortgage) yr. 180; #80; CF22
DONEK, (NO NAME) Buchanan (Donek vs) yr. 1854; #258; CF 2
DONENBURG, FREDERICK Bing, August (could be Binz) - (Donenburg, Frederick vs) yr. 1860; X1723; CF 13
DONEVAN, RICHARD Donevan, Richard Mortgage yr. 1881; #1775; CF44
DONIHOO, GIBBON S. Donihoo, Gibbon S. (Hennessy, John vs) yr. 1855; X1405; CF11
DONIHUE, G.S. Donihue, G.S. (J.L. Edwards vs) yr. 1858; X1569; CF12
DONNELLY, HENRY Donnelly, Henry (P. Glover vs) yr. 1859; X1268; CF10
DONNELLY, M. Donnelly, M. (Koslowsky, Jos. vs.) yr. 1858; X1300; CF11
DONOHOE, THOMAS Donohoe, Thomas Proof of claim yr. 1893; #374; CF65
DONOLY, DENNIS Donoly, Dennis vs John Sayneska et al yr. 1857; X1624; CF13
DONOVAN, DANIEL Brooks, David (Donovan, Daniel) yr. 1878; X1730; CF 13
DONOVAN, JOHN Donovan, John - (Donovan, Timothy) yr. 1891; #2105; CF48
DONOVAN, RICHARD Donovan, Richard et al; Hoenig, Frederick; Sandt, Frederick; Hoenig, John vs. Frederick Hoenig-highway overseer Removal of fence blocking highway right-of-way. case dismissed yr. 1874-76; #384; CF26
DONOVAN, MRS. THOMAS (MARY) Abbitz, Gottfred vs Donovan, Mrs. Thomas (Mary) Financial Dispute yr 1898; #3320; CF 55
DONOVAN, TIM Donovan, Tim see Abbitz, Gottfred #3320
DONOVAN, TIMOTHY Donovan, John - (Donovan, Timothy) yr. 1891; #2105; CF48
DONOVAN, TIMOTHY Donovan, Timothy (state of Wisconsin, vs) yr. 1874; CX2739; CSF20
DONUHUE, MARY Dixon, James vs Michael Donuhue & Mary yr. 1860; X1628; CF13
DONUHUE, MICHAEL Dixon, James vs Michael Donuhue & Mary yr. 1860; X1628; CF13
DOOLAN, (NO NAME) Doolan - City of Manitowoc yr. 1881; #717; CF30
DOOLAN, JOHN Doolan, Mary age 38 vs Doolan, John age 40 m. Town of Maple Grove 2-24-1879 live on 1/2 acre of land & home. Total value $700 3 children: Mary age 11; Ellen age 10; Michael age 6; he deserted her on 9-26-1888 was shoemaker by trade Divorce granted 1-29-1892 yr. 1892; #2103; CF48
DOOLAN, KATHARINE (MRS.) Doolan, Katharine (Mrs.) Proof of claim. yr. 1893; #155, #292; CF65
DOOLAN, MARY Danahy, Ellen vs. (Hall, Samuel et al. Mary Doolan) yr. 1899; #3646; CF58
DOOLAN, MARY Doolan, Mary age 38 vs Doolan, John age 40 m. Town of Maple Grove 2-24-1879 live on 1/2 acre of land & home. Total value $700 3 children: Mary age 11; Ellen age 10; Michael age 6; he deserted her on 9-26-1888 was shoemaker by trade Divorce granted 1-29-1892 yr. 1892; #2103; CF48
DOOLAN, MARY (Doolan, Mary) Danahy, Ellen yr. 1899; #3646; CF58
DOOLAN, MRS. MARY Doolan, Mrs. Mary Proof of claim. yr. 1893; #553; CF63
DOOLAN, MICHAEL Judge, Dennis & Margaret his wife In the matter of the ????? executed by the above to Mary & James Mullane in 1865 Michael Doolan admin. of Mary Mullane yr. 1900; #3703; CF 59
DOOLAN, MICHAEL Doolan, Michael Admin of Mary Mullane yr. 1900; #3703; CF59
DOOLAN, MICHAEL Doolan, Michael Proof of Claim. yr. 1893; #736; CF65
DOOLAN, MICHAEL Doolan, Michael vs City of Manitowoc Night Watchman Money yr. 1877 or 1879; #?17; CF30
DOOLING, JOHN IN PROBATE-Manitowoc County Court. Probate Office, July 22d, A.D. 1874. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of John Dooling deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc Wis. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of John Dooling deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, Wis., has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Michael Dooling praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate office in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on the 17th day of August A.D. 1874 at 10 o'clohk (sic). And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper printed in said city for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, August 6, 1874 P. 1
DORNASKI, EVA Dornaski, Eva (Town of Centerville vs) Garnishee Summons yr. 1901; Between #'s 3719 & 3720; CF49
DORNASKI, EVA Dornaski, Eva see Goeke, Friederick #3689
DORNASKI, EVA Dornaski, Micheal (Michael) deceased wife Eva see Goeke, Friederick #3689
DORNASKI, MICHAEL Dornaski, Micheal (Michael) deceased wife Eva see Goeke, Friederick #3689
DORNASKY, EVA Dornasky, Eva wife of Paul (see Kove vs Dornasky) yr. 1885; #1458; CF40
DORNASKY, EVA Dornasky, Paul et al Dornasky, Eva, his wife (Kreie, William vs) Land-promissory note dispute yr. 1884; #1454; CF40
First publication December 11, 1884. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. William Kreie, plaintiff, vs. Paul Dornasky and Eva Dornasky his wife, Adam Weber and Sabina D. Weber his wife, Ludwig Groelle, Catharina Weber, and Hans Lavesson, defendants. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Att'ys. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co. Wis. To the above named defendant, Hans Lavesson: Take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the clerk of said circuit court at the city of Manitowoc in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, on the 11th day of December, 1884. Dated December 11th, 1884. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff' Att'ys. Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, December 11, 1884 P. 2
DORNASKY, PAUL Dornasky, Eva wife of Paul (see Kove vs Dornasky) yr. 1885; #1458; CF40
DORNASKY, PAUL Dornasky, Paul et al Dornasky, Eva, his wife (Kreie, William vs) Land-promissory note dispute yr. 1884; #1454; CF40
First publication December 11, 1884. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. William Kreie, plaintiff, vs. Paul Dornasky and Eva Dornasky his wife, Adam Weber and Sabina D. Weber his wife, Ludwig Groelle, Catharina Weber, and Hans Lavesson, defendants. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Att'ys. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co. Wis. To the above named defendant, Hans Lavesson: Take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the clerk of said circuit court at the city of Manitowoc in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, on the 11th day of December, 1884. Dated December 11th, 1884. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff' Att'ys. Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, December 11, 1884 P. 2
DORNOSKY, PAUL Paul Dornosky (?? Kove vs Dornosky) yr. 1885 CF40 #1458
DORO, JOHN Doro, John et al vs Kretsch, Mathias et al Financial dispute yr. 1897; #3368; CF55
DORO, WILLIAM Doro, William see State of Wis #3398
DORSEY, ELLEN Dorsey, Ellen (Mrs.) Proof of claim. yr. 1893; #224 & #225; CF65
DOTY, C. Doty, C. et al (George Reed vs Ben Jones vs) yr. 1851; X62; CF1
DOTY, C. Jones, Ben & C. Doty et al (George Reed vs.) yr. 1851; #62; CF 1
DOTY C. Farrish, John L. (George Reed vs Ben Jones & C. Doty et al) yr. 1851; X62; CF1
DOTY, CHARLES Doty, Charles see Reed, George vs, Jones, Benjamin #2215
DOTY, CHARLES Doty, Charles (See Reed, George vs Jones, Ben) yr. 1859; X2271; CF17
DOTY, CHARLES Doty, Charles see Roberts, Alonzo X2326
DOTY, JAMES D. Doty, James D. (P. Glover vs) yr. 1859; X1263; CF10
DOUBEK, (NO NAME) Doubek - Havel yr. 1876; #673; CF29
DOUBEK, ELIZABETH Doubek, Elizabeth wife of Wenzel Doubek see Doubek, Wenzel #474
DOUBEK, ELIZABETH Doubek, Wenzel et al & Elizabeth Doubek vs Hovel, Joseph et al Anna Hovel Warranty deed yr. 1874; #474; CF27
DOUBEK, WENTZEL Doubek, Wentzel Deft. Havel, Joseph Pltf. Promisary Note. (no yr.); #673; CF29
DOUBEK, WENZEL Doubek, Elizabeth wife of Wenzel Doubek see Doubek, Wenzel #474
DOUBEK, WENZEL Doubek, Wenzel et al & Elizabeth Doubek vs Hovel, Joseph et al Anna Hovel Warranty deed yr. 1874; #474; CF27
DOUD, JAMES Cummings, Robert Defendant State of Wisconsin on complaint of James Doud Plaintiff. Dfndt, walking on a road in Franklin Township saw some boys rough-housing, dfndts son was on the ground. Dfndt then chased the other boys. He caught Doud and struck him in the face. Jury found dfndt guilty. Doud was 15 years old. yr. 1869; #2074; CF15
DOUD, PATRICK (First Publication Dec. 14, 1882.) No. 102 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY OF MANITOWOC.-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, December, 9, A.D. 1882. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Patrick Doud (sic) deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Patrick Doud, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by R.F. Connell, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me, at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January, A.D., 1883, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by the publication of a copy of this order in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the court, R.D. Smar, County Judge. Nash & Nash, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, December 28, 1882 P. 3
DOUGLAS, GEORGE Douglas, George (Mayer, William T. St. Wis. vs) Larceny Stealing a horse yr. 1872; CX2676; CF19
DOUGLAS, REBECCA Cadwill, Anthony vs Douglas, Rebecca St Wis Stealing property of Alice Brewer in home of Anthony Cadwill yr. 1874; CX2677; CF 19
DOUGLAS, SARAH Douglas, Sarah 2nd wife of John S. Dunkin see State of Wis vs Dunkin, John S. CX2683
DOUGLAS, SARAH Dunkin (Duncan), John S. (State of Wis vs) 1st Wife Emily Goehee m-22 Nov 1835 Town of Bombay, Franklin, N.Y. 2nd Wife Sarah Douglas m-15 Sep 1871 Town of Cato, MTWC, WI Bigamy yr. 1873; CX2683; CF19
DOVER, KATIE State of Wis vs Dover, Thorval Deserted his wife Katie yr. 1895; #276; CF71
DOVER, THORVAL State of Wis vs Dover, Thorval Deserted his wife Katie yr. 1895; #276; CF71
DOW, BENJAMIN F. Dow, Benjamin F. et al vs Driscoll, Michael et al Promissary note. yr. 1877; #767; CF31
DOW, BENJAMIN F. Dow, Benjamin F. et al vs Driscoll, Michael Promissory note yr. 1877; #766; CF31
DOW, BENJAMIN F. Dow, Benjamin F. - Haungs, Mathias vs Money owed for land yr. 1881; #1190; CF36
FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY- Mathias Haungs, plaintiff, vs Killian Grossbaier, Maria Anna Grossbaier, his wife, Benjamin F. Dow, Luman F. Dow, and J.W. Howe, defentants. In virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action, in and by said court (at a general term thereof in Manitowoc county) on the 30th day of June, 1881, (Perfected October 3d, 1881,) I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue on Saturday, the 9th day of December, 1882, at ten o'clock, A.M., at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, viz: all the following tract of land situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section number thirty-four (34) and the west half of the north west quarter of section number thirty-five (35) all in township number eighteen (18), range number twenty-one (21) east, containing one hundred twenty (120) acres of land more or less. Dated at Sheriff's Office, October 23rd, 1882. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. A.J. Schmitz, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 16, 1882 P. 2
DOW, LUMAN F. Dow, Luman F. see Benjamin F. Dow #766
DOW, LUMAN F. Dow, Luman F. see Benjamin F. Dow #767
DOW, LUMAN F. Dow, Luman F. - Haungs, Mathias vs Money owed for land yr. 1881; #1190; CF36
DOWA, JOHN IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the Estate of John Dowa, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Johanna Dowa, of Manitowoc County, representing among other things that John Dowa late of Manitowoc County, on the 14th day of December, A.D. 1873, at the town of Centerville, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to William Kerp, granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 16th day of February, A.D., 1874, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a Weekly Newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said County. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Dated Manitowoc, the 26th day of January, A.D. 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, January 29, 1874 P. 1
DOYLE, AGNES Doyle, Agnes (Dec) Husband Terrance Doyle Died 4 Jul 1896 see Doyle, Catherine #3344
DOYLE, AGNES Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, ANNIE Doyle, Annie Terrance Doyle her father see Doyle, Catherine #3344
DOYLE, ANNIE Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, CATHERINE Doyle, Catherine vs Doyle, John et al Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55 ***** Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, DELIA Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, DELIA Doyle, Delia Terrance Doyle her father see Doyle, Catherine #3344
DOYLE, JAMES Doyle, James (Tendler, Elizabeth vs) bonds/financial yr. 1874; #255; CF24
DOYLE, JOHN Doyle, Catherine vs Doyle, John et al Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55 ***** Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, MARY Doyle, Mary Mother of Terrance Doyle see Grady, Dennis #3325
DOYLE, MARY Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, MICHAEL IN PROBATE.-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the Estate of Michael Doyle, Deceased. ? ????? is hereby given of the application of ?????? Doyle for administration upon the Estate of Michael Doyle, deceased, whereupon it is ordered that the same be heard before the Judge of this Court, at his office in the village of Manitowoc, on Monday the fifth day of March next, at 10 o'clock A.M. and that a copy of this order be published for three "successive weeks before that day in the Manitowoc Tribune." GEO. L. LEE, county Judge. Manitowoc. Feb. 19, 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, February 28, 1855 P. 5 ******** DOYLE, MICHAEL IN PROBATE, MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the Estate of Michael Doyle, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Honora Doyle, administratix &c. (etc.), praying that license be to her granted to sell said Real Estate, and it appearing by said petition that there is no personal estate and that it is ??????? to sell said real estate, in order to pay the debts and expenses of administration, it is therefore ordered that all persons intersted in said estate appear before the Judge of this Court, on Monday the 29th day of October next at 10 o'clock, A.M. at this office in the village of Manitowoc, in the said County, then and there to show cause why license should not be granted to sell said real estate, according to the prayer of petition. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune, a weekly newspaper, published at said village of Manitowoc. Geor. L. Lee, Co. Judge. Dated Aug. 22, 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, August 23, 1855 P. 5
DOYLE, NELLIE Doyle, Nellie (Barnes, John W. vs.) Non payment of Mtg & Lien yr. 1890; #1944; CF46
DOYLE, PATRICK Doyle, Patrick vs O'Brien, John W. Jr. Fist fight J.W. O'Brien, Jr.- assessed #14.63 damages and a $25- fine. yr. 1884-1885; #1412; CF39
DOYLE, TERRANCE Doyle, Agnes (Dec) Husband Terrance Doyle Died 4 Jul 1896 see Doyle, Catherine #3344
DOYLE, TERRANCE Doyle, Annie Terrance Doyle her father see Doyle, Catherine #3344
DOYLE, TERRANCE Doyle, Delia Terrance Doyle her father see Doyle, Catherine #3344
DOYLE, TERRANCE Doyle, Mary Mother of Terrance Doyle see Grady, Dennis #3325
DOYLE, TERRANCE Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
DOYLE, TERRANCE Doyle, Terrance (Grady, Dennis vs) Mortgage satisfaction Mother Mary Doyle yr. 1896; #3325; CF55
DOYLE, NELLIE Barnes, J.W. vs Hogan, Patrick & Margaret, his wife; & Doyle, Nellie Non-payment of mtg. yr. 1890; #1944; CF 46
DRAHEIM, JOHN Kautz, Wilhelmina, deceased see John Draheim #231
DRAHEIM, JOHN Draheim, John adminstrator of the Estate of Wilhelmina Kautz deceased. vs Kautz, John Accuses def of unlawfully entering premises yr. 1873; #231; CF24
DRAHEIM, JOHN Draheim, John father of Caroline Rusch Rusch vs Rusch yr. 1879; #939; CF33
DRAKE, RICHARD Altmann, Carl F. etal - (Richard Drake etal vs) Promissory note yr. 1874; #425; CF26
DRAPER, CHARLES Aldrich, James F. (Charles Draper etal vs) yr. 1858; X1625; CF 13
DRAPER, CHARLES T. Draper, Charles T. et al vs William, Aldrich et al yr. 1858; X1625; CF13
DRAPER, CLARK Draper, Clark et al vs Elijah C. Emerson yr. 1862; X784
DRAPER, CLARK Emerson, Elijah (Draper, Clark vs) yr. 1862; X784; CF7
DREHER, (NO NAME) Dreher - Goers yr. 1877; #708; CF30
DREHER, CARL Dreher, Carl vs Dimler, Johanna; Dimler, Anna Elisa; Reichert, Adam yr. 1872; #164; CF23
DREHER, CARL Dimler, Johanna; Dimler, Anna Elisa (Carl Dreher vs) yr. 1872; #164
DREHER, JOHN Dreher, John vs Kerch, Nicolas et al (Mesch, Adolph Mueller, Mathias; Fischer, Frank) Money owed yr. 1881; #1167; CF36
DREHER, RICHARD Dreher, Richard & Beurlen, Frederick of Milwaukee vs Altman, Carl F. & Simon, Frank Promissory note yr. 1874; #425; CF26
DREHOR, CARL Drehor, Carl Deft. - Goeres Pltf. Collect pay for painting. Town of Eaton yr. 1877; #708; CF30
DREKER, CARL Dreker, Carl (estate)(Deceased) see Schroeder, John P. Personal items dispute (Unlawful keeping) yr. 1882; #1219; CF37
DREKER, CARL Bartl, Friederike - (Schroeder, John P. vs) (Estate of Carl Dreker)(deceased) Personal items dispute (unlawful keeping) yr. 1882; #1219; CF 37
DREWS, (NO NAME) Drews vs Mulcahy no yr. listed X963; CF8
DREWS, AUGUST Drews, Richard (State of Wis)Brother August Drews vs Smith, James Assault yr. 1885; #61; CF68
DREWS, RICHARD Drews, Richard (State of Wis)Brother August Drews vs Smith, James Assault yr. 1885; #61; CF68
DREWS, RICHARD Allie, Moses; Allie, Lizzie, his wife - (Richard Drews vs) Land Dispute yr. 1899; #3700; CF 59
DRICKS, FERDINAND Dricks, Frank; Dricks, Ferdinand vs Woodin, George N. Money owed yr. 1874-75; #378; CF26
DRICKS, FRANK Dricks, Frank; Dricks, Ferdinand vs Woodin, George N. Money owed yr. 1874-75; #378; CF26
DRIER, JOHN Drier, John (Saubert, Fred. vs) slander yr. 1874; X1352; CF11
DRISCOLE, JERRE Driscole, Jerre (Forrest, C.A. Plaintiff) yr. 1886; #1843; CF45
DRISCOLL, CORNELIUS Driscoll, Cornelius Mentioned in Driscoll vs Cummings (testified) yr. 1881-82; #1201; CF36
DRISCOLL, JAMES Driscoll, James Wm. (son Margaret) Mentioned in Driscoll vs Driscol yr. 1882; #1176; CF36
DRISCOLL, JERRY Driscoll, Mary & Jerry (Mary) D. 15 March 1886 (Engelbrecht, John F. vs) Suit for payment of goods yr. 1886; #1544; CF42
DRISCOLL, MARGARET (MARY) Driscoll, Margaret (Mary) vs. Driscoll, Michael Non-compliance & Maintenance agreement yr. 1882; #1176; CF36
DRISCOLL, MARGARET Driscoll, Margaret (McCarty, Dennis St. Wis) Complainant Daniel O'Conner Larceny yr. 1873; CX2678l; CF19
DRISCOLL, MARGARET Cummings, Michael - Driscoll, Margaret vs. Suit for return of property. Brother & sister yr. 1881-1882; #1201; CF36
DRISCOLL, MARGARET Fehmling, Fred. (for permit to sell lands) of 770 N. Halstead St., Chicago, Ill. John McCarty, then resident of Mtwc. Co. d. intest. many years ago. Surv. by widow, Mary McCarty. Ch: Nora McCarty, Mary Fehmling nee McCarty formerly petitioner's wife, John McCarty, Dennis McCarty, Joseph McCarty, Bridget Bertchey nee McCarty, Margaret Driscoll nee McCarty, Catherine Lynch nee McCarty now dec., Ellen Goeden nee McCarty, (1901) Fred Fehmling now resides at Berrien Springs, Berrien Co., Mich. Wm. Fehmling, one of ch., res @ Barrien Spgs and was 21 on 22 June 1901. Fred. Fehmling, son, d. 10 May 1891 ca. age 14 Mary MCarty (sic) d. 30 Mar. 1898 yr. 1889; #1933; CF46
DRISCOLL, MARY Driscoll, Mary & Jerry (Mary) D. 15 March 1886 (Engelbrecht, John F. vs) Suit for payment of goods yr. 1886; #1544; CF42
DRISCOLL, MICHAEL Dow, Benjamin F. et al vs Driscoll, Michael et al Promissary note. yr. 1877; #767; CF31
DRISCOLL, MICHAEL Dow, Benjamin F. et al vs Driscoll, Michael Promissory note yr. 1877; #766; CF31
DRISCOLL, MICHAEL Driscoll, Margaret (Mary) vs. Driscoll, Michael Non-compliance & Maintenance agreement yr. 1882; #1176; CF36
DRISCOLL, MICHAEL Driscoll, Michael see Laps, Wilhelm (St of Wis) CX2474 Driscoll Michael Driscoll, Michael Promissory note yr. 1877; #766; CF31
DRISCOLL, MICHAEL Driscoll, Michael (Def) (St. of Wis. vs.) in case of Murphy, Patrick et al. yr. 1856; CX2697; CF20
DRISCOLL, MURTAUGH Driscoll, Murtaugh estate of vs Fagan, Thomas yr. 1879; #605; CF28
DRISCOLL, MURTAUGH IN PROBATE:-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Murtough (sic) Driscoll, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Michael Mahony of said county, representing among other things, that Murtough Driscoll, late of said county, on or about the 1st day of February, A.D. 1872, at Cooperstown in said county, as he verily believes, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that said petitioner is one of the creditors of said deceased. That said deceased has been dead more than thirty days, and that no administration has ever been had on said estate as he verily believes, and praying that administration of said estate be to Lyman J. Nash, Esq., granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 15th day of February, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated, Manitowoc, Wis., the 20th day of January A.D. 1875. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, February 4, 1875 P. 2 ***** IN PROBATE-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Murtough Driscoll deceased. On reading and filing the petition of L.J. Nash, administrator of said estate setting forth the amount of personal estate that has come to his hands, and the disposition thereof the amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, and a description of all the real estate of which said deceased died seized, and the condition and value of the respective portions thereof: and praying that license be to him granted to sell the north-east quarter (1/4), of the north-west quarter (1/4), of Section number eight(8) in Township number twenty-one (21) north of Range number twenty-two (22) east in said Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and it appearing by said petition, that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administrator to pay said debts, and that it is necessary in order to pay the same, to sell all of said real estate; it is therefore ordered the all persons interested in said estate appear before the Judge of this Court, on Monday the 4th day of October A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted to said L.J. Nash, as such administrator, to sell said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said county, and personally served on all persons interested in said estate, residing in said county, at least fourteen days before said day of hearing. By the Court. Date at Manitowoc the 18th day of August A.D. 1875. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2 ***** IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Murtough Driscoll deceased. On reading and filing the petition of L.J. Nash, administrator of said estate setting forth the amount of personal estate that has come to his hands, and the disposition thereof the amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, and a description of all the real estate of which said deceased died seized, and the condition and value of the respective portions thereof; and praying that license be to him granted to sell the north-east quarter (1/4), of the north-west quarter (1/4), of Section number eight (8), in township number twenty-one (21), north of Range number twenty-two (22), east in said Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and it appearing by said petition, that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administrator to pay said debts, and that it its necessary in order pay the same, to sell all of the said real estate; it is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before the Judge of this Court, on Monday the 4th day of October A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted to said L.J. Nash, as such administrator, to sell said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be publised (sic) for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said county, and personally served on all persons interested in said estate, residing in said county, at least fourteen days before said day of hearing. By the Court. Dated at Manitowoc the 18th day of August A.D. 1875. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, August 26, 1875 P. 2
DRISCOLL, PATRICK Driscoll, Patrick Proof of claim yr. 1893; #279; CF65
DRISHAUS, RICHARD Drishaus, Richard et al Franz H. Arens, ptf. vs Leonard, Fred. et al Wihelmine Lenhard(sic) his wife & Elisabeth Klein as adm. of est. of Matheus Klein dec., deft. Promissory note. yr. 1877; #1015; CF34
DROSSEL, MARTIN Drossel, Martin vs Martell, Michael yr. 1857; X1622; CF13
DRUCKS, F. Drucks, F. (Blumenstein, Wilhelmina St. Wis vs) Defraud yr. 1871; CX2682; CF19
DRUCKS, F. Blumenstein, Wilhelmina vs Drucks, F. & Charles Walker St. Wis. Defraud yr. 1871; CX2682; CF 19
DRUCKS, FERD. Cole, Nathan (St. Wis.) vs Drucks, Ferd. Stealing timber yr. 1871; CX2685; CF19 see Dunks
DRUCKS, FRANK Dirkman, Frank (Drucks, Frank vs.) yr. 1872; #147; CF23
DRUCKS, FRANK Drucks, Frank Zipperer, Martin; Zipperer, Barbara Defendant Case dropped by plaintiff, court costs assessed against plaintiff yr. 1874; #1733; CF14
DRUCKS, FRANK Drucks, Frank vs. J.L. Zinns yr. 1872; #145; CF23
DRUCKS, FRANK Drucks or Druecks, Frank (Osuld Torrison vs) suit over sale of timber and condition of same yr. 1873; #271; CF25
DRUCKS, FRANZ Drucks, Franz vs Michael Mahoney & Catherine yr. 1873; #1623; CF13
DRUECKS, FRANK Drucks or Druecks, Frank (Osuld Torrison vs) suit over sale of timber and condition of same yr. 1873; #271; CF25
DRUM, (NO NAME) Drum (Real Estate) yr. 1880; #1702; CF43
DRUM, ERNESTINE Drum, George (Pautz, Gottlieb vs) Estate of Ernestine Drum deceased John Drum; George Drum Jr. yr. 1894; #1506; CF42
DRUM, FREDERICK Drum, Frederick T.C. Shoves Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; #10; CF21
DRUM, GEORGE Drum, George (Pautz, Gottlieb vs) Estate of Ernestine Drum deceased John Drum; George Drum Jr. yr. 1894; #1506; CF42
DRUM, GEORGE Drum George & Drum, Johnne Minors. Guardian (Walker, W.A.) Sale of land. (Pautz, Guttlieb (sic)) yr. 1880; #1702; CF45
DRUM, GEORGE JR. Drum, George (Pautz, Gottlieb vs) Estate of Ernestine Drum deceased John Drum; George Drum Jr. yr. 1894; #1506; CF42
DRUM, JOHN Drum, George (Pautz, Gottlieb vs) Estate of Ernestine Drum deceased John Drum; George Drum Jr. yr. 1894; #1506; CF42
DRUM, JOHNNE Drum George & Drum, Johnne Minors. Guardian (Walker, W.A.) Sale of land. (Pautz, Guttlieb (sic) yr. 1880; #1702; CF45
DRUM, P. Benesh, Frank (Wis. State vs exRel P. Drum) Tn. Rockland - judgment in suit by Frank Benesh vs P. Drum flawed yr. 1886; #1602; CF 42
DRUMM, GEORGE Drumm, George, et al (Potratz, Maria vs) Premises sold at public auction yr. 1880; #1044; CF34
DRUMM, GEORGE JR. Drumm, George, Jr. (Potratz, Maria vs) Geo. Drumm Sr. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1880; #1044; CF34
DRUMM, GEO. SR. Drumm, George, Jr. (Potratz, Maria vs) Geo. Drumm Sr. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1880; #1044; CF34
DRUMM, GEO. SR. Drumm, John (Potratz, Maria, vs) Geo. Drumm Sr. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1880; #1044; CF34
DRUMM, JOHN Drumm, John (Potratz, Maria, vs) Geo. Drumm Sr. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1880; #1044; CF34
DRUMM, JOHN (Drumm, John)(& Fred Lohe) Lange, Carl yr. 1899; #3648; CF58
DRUMM, LYDIA M. Drumm, Lydia M. T.C. Shoves Banking Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; #104; CF21
DRURY, ERASTUS H.H. Champlain (E.W. Durgin vs)(Erastus Drury) yr. 1853; X136; CF1
DRUX, FERDINAND Drux, Frank vs Ferdinand Horn yr. 1867; X859; CF7
DRUX, FRANK Drux, Frank Resides in Vancovers, Washington Territory Forrest, G.A.; Whik, C.W. vs Law partners in Manitowoc Money owed for services between May, 1872 & March, 1874 ($88.30) yr. 1879; #976; CF33
DRUX, FRANK Drux, Frank vs Ferdinand Horn yr. 1867; X859; CF7
DUBETSKY, JULIA Dubetsky, Julia Proof of claim yr. 1893; #567, #611; CF65
DUCHAC, JOSEPH Duchac, Joseph see Barnes, John W. yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47
DUCHAC, JOSEPH Duchac, Joseph (Paine, R.K. vs.) Non-payment of promisary note and interest. yr. 1879; #1416; CF39
DUCHAC, JOSEPH Duchac, Mary C. (wife of Joseph) See Barnes, John W. yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47
DUCHAC, MARY C. Duchac, Mary C. (wife of Joseph) See Barnes, John W. yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47
DUDLEY, HENRY Clarke, Samuel D. (Henry Dudley vs Ira Clark et al) yr. 1850; #8; CF1
DUDLEY, HENRY Clark, Ira et al (Henry Dudley vs) yr. 1850; #8; CF1
DUDLEY, SAMUEL A. Dudley, Samuel A. (Jesse Crowley vs) yr. 1866; X1700; CF13
DUEBNER, ERNST Duebner, Ernst vs Sueble, William yr. 1892; #2183; CF49
DUECKER, C.A. Bohn Manufacturing Company, a foreign corporation vs Reif, Anton E.; Reif, Lewis C.; Kiel, Henry; Stamback, Mathas(sic) & Nikolai, Peter; Hamacheck, Julius To recover balance of payment on promissory note (went to Supreme Court) re lumber & purchase of a mill - Mellen, Wis. Plummer, Wis. - inventory p. 107 (117?)-n4(n9?) Bills of sale #932a & 1051 are included in the documents & various spellings (other side of card) Cross references made Reif Lumber & Mfg Co; Rogan, John R.; Seeger, John A.; Krainik, John; Munch, Emil C.; Bohn, Gebhardt; Bohn, George W. (Jury) Daleiden, Peter; Cummings, Wm.; Connell, James; Martens, Henry; Sullivan, James; Stephani, Charles; Schreihart, J.P.; Duecker, C.A.; Judge, John; Gustaveson, Herman; Bagignich(?), Fred
DUECKER, ELSIE Duecker, Elsie see Frank Stark #3717
DUECKER, FRED Duecker, Fred & Mesch, Adolph (Kugler, Adolph vs) yr. 1892; #2181; CF49
DUECKER, FREDERICK Duecker, Frederick (Reseburg, W.C.) Collect money owed yr. 1887; #1865; CF45
DUECKER, FREDERICK Chapin, L.C; Lawrence, W.S. -PLT Duecker, John; Duecker, Frederick -DFT yr. 1883; #1283; CF38
DUECKER, G.A. Duecker, G.A. (jury member) see Boln Manufacturing Co. yr. 1901-1903 & 1905; #3770; HCF67
DUECKER, JOHN Duecker, John see Simon, G.H. yr. 1890-1891; #2017; CF47
DUECKER, JOHN Chapin, L.C; Lawrence, W.S. -PLT Duecker, John; Duecker, Frederick -DFT yr. 1883; #1283; CF38
DUECKER, JOHN M. Duecker, John M. petition incorporation of village of Kiel yr. 1892; #2162; CF?9
DUEHIKE, A.F. Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, George W.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Barnes, John W.; Muehallane, Henry; Mendlik, Henry; Cooper, George vs. Duehike, A.F. & Kolway, Henry First National Bank Manitowoc Collection money from building material yr. 1877; #660; CF 29
DUENO, (NO NAME) Duenow (vs) Schindler; Schloeter; Schmidt yr. 1878; #716; CF30
DUENO, AUG. Dueno, Aug. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #590; CF65
DUENO, AUGUST State of Wisconsin vs Behm John Burned down a building leased by Schuartz, Abrahm & Balkansky, David Complaintant(sic) Dueno August yr. 1901; No 338; Box CF 71
DUENO, EMIL STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT, FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Emil Dueno, Plaintiff, vs. Emily J. Colby, Adeline J. Blake, Frank E. Jones and Benjiman (sic) W. Jones, Defendants. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service and defend the above entitled action in the Court aforesaid, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Schmitz, Burke & Craite, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 30, 1901 P. 7
DUENO, EMILY Celly, Emily J.; Blake, Adeline J.; Jones, Frank E.; Jones, Benjamin W. (Dueno, Emily vs) Estate Settelment(sic) yr. May 1901; #3817; CF 60
DUENO, EMILY Jones, Frank E. & Jones, Benjamin W. Celty, Emily J., Blake, Adeline J. (Dueno, Emily vs) Land Settlement Father Fred Dueno yr. May 1901; #3817; CF 60
DUENO, EMILY STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT, FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Emil Dueno, Plaintiff, vs. Emily J. Colby, Adeline J. Blake, Frank E. Jones and Benjiman (sic) W. Jones, Defendants. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service and defend the above entitled action in the Court aforesaid, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Schmitz, Burke & Craite, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 30, 1901 P. 7
DUENO, FRED Jones, Frank E. & Jones, Benjamin W. Celty, Emily J., Blake, Adeline J. (Dueno, Emily vs) Land Settlement Father Fred Dueno yr. May 1901; #3817; CF 60
DUENO, FREDERICK Dueno, Mary vs Dueno, Frederick Support money 5 children of previous marrage (sic) yr. 1889; #1862; CF45
DUENO, MARY Dueno, Mary vs Dueno, Frederick Support money 5 children of previous marrage (sic) yr. 1889; #1862; CF45
DUENOU, F. Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 25th. F. Duenou vs. Henry Schmidt, Julia Schmidt his wife, Edward Schindler and Anton Schloether. Judgment for plaintiff for $200.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.
DUGAN, JOHN Dugan, John vs Commercial Fire Ins, Fire insurance settelment. yr. Feb 1902; #3851; CF60
DUGGAN, JEREMIAH Duggan, Jeremiah To discharge a mortgage yr. 1887; #1635; CF42
DUHAKE, P.A. Alston John vs Duhake, P.A.; Horton, Calvin J.; Kiel, Edward; & Alston, David. Cooper, George vs K?lnay, Heary; Dunke, August F.; Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas W.; Jones, Benjamin,; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; case no. 675; case no. 660; case no. 661; Box no. CF 29
DUHMKE, NO NAME Keir Barnes; Duhmke/Dumke; Jones; Laughlin; Mendlik; Mulholland yr. 1876; #661; CF 29
DUHMKE, (NO NAME) CF30 733 Bertler Bender 1877 699 Duhmke/Dumke 1879 732 Hubbard 1877 699 Kolwey 1879
DUHMKE, (NO NAME) CF29 #661 Colin Barnes 1876 Dumke/Duhmke Jones Laughlin Mendlik Mulholland
DUHMKE, (NO NAME) Cooper - Dumke/Duhmke - Kolwey yr. 1875; #660; CF29
DUHMKE, (NO NAME) CF29 661 Duhmke Alston 1876 CF30 669 Bertler 1879 CF29 661 Colin 1876 660 Cooper 1875 661 Keir 1876 675 Mendlik 1876 CF30 699 White 1879
DUHMKE, A.F. Barnes, J.W. & Co. vs Duhmke, A.F. yr. 1878; #585; CF 28
DUHMKE, A.F. Jones, Thomas et al vs. Duhmke, A.F. yr. 1876; #611; CF 28
DUHMKE, A.L.D. Bertler Andrew; Halwey Henry; Duhmke A.L.D. First National Bank yr. 1879; No. 699; Box C.F. 30
DUHMKE, F.A. Duhmke, F.A; Calvin, Horton J.; Kiel, Edward; Alton, David Deft. Alton, John Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendkik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; #675, #660, #661; CF29
DUHMKE, P.A. Calvin Horton J.; Kiel, Edward; Alston, David; Duhmke P.A., Deft. Alston, John Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Barnes, John W.; Muehalland, Henry; Mendlik, Henry. Collect money from building materials. yr. 1872; #660, #661; Box C.F. 29
DUHNEKACKE, L. Duhnekacke, L. Newton Meyer, Henry vs Trespass & destruction of property yr. 1879; #957; CF33
DUHNKE, REINHOLD E. Duhnke, Reinhold E. an incompetant person sister, Laura A. Wakefield of Lake Co, Ill. petition to dismiss Carl H. Paulus as guardian of Duhnke & to appoint Henry Wernecke as guardian suspects Paulus has embezzled funds Paulus was found incompetent yr. 1899; #3683; CF59 ****** DUHNKE, REINHOLD E. RENEWS EFFORT TO DITCH GUARDIAN Reinhardt Duhnke Claims Appointment was Illegal. Another action in courts has been instituted by Reinhardt Duhnke in his effort to rid himself of a guardian, the petition being based upon the grounds that the original proceedings in the case were irregular and not legal for the reason that the petition for a guardian was not made by a member of the family. Arguments in the case were heard Saturday before Probate Judge Kreis, of Sheboygan county who was called to preside and the decision is under advisement. Duhnke recently withdrew a petition for the removal of the guardian in which he claimed to be competent to manage his affairs and the other case was immediately commenced. Henry Wernecke is the guardian appointed by the Court. Duhnke is possessed of considerable property. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, December 29, 1902 P. 1
DUHNKE, REINHOLD E. Duhnke, Reinhold E. (incompetent) Estate & Guardianship vs Wernecke, Henry Probate sister Laura E. Wakefield of Lake County, Il Son-in-law William Esch, of city of MTWC appointed new guardian Wernecke, Henry dismissed as guardian yr. 1904; #3992; CF64
DUKELOW, JOHN Dukelow, John vs Oliver Purdy yr. 1857; X382; CF3
DUMAS, JOSEPH Dumas, Joseph (see Wis. State vs. Frank Benesch) Subpoenaed for trial. Dumas Minna Dumas, Minna (Plumb & Nelson Co. vs) Seeking payment of debt. yr. 1901; #3797; CF60
DUMASS, JOSEPH Dumass, Joseph - Reedsville, WI Creditors Jacob Meyer Bros-Chgo, IL; Merrick Thread Co.-Chgo, IL; Cream City Hat Co-Milw, WI; Butler Bros-Chgo, IL; Woolson Spice Co-Toledo, OH; Wiese-Holman Co-Green Bay, WI; Michael Birkholz; J.C. Murphy; Joseph Schluck; Fred Kighl; Julius Bornefeldt; Rudolph Mueller; Louise Kanter; Charles F. Rusch; Charles Nenahlo; Louis Rusch; C.L. Buss; Wm. Boetcher; next card over (arrow) (card 2) Creditors - cont. Louis Hammel; Fred Pape; Otto Ghnert; F.C. Gish; John Paul; Mary Schuck; John Kirch; Charles Kirch; Frank Waychar; Fred Bergman; Herman Fraedrich; Plumb & Nelson; M. Simon; John Nagle; MTWC Land & Salt Co; Schuette Bros; D.M. Ferry & Co; The Pflughardt Co; J.H. Rice & Friedmann Co; Wellaner & Hoffman Co; R. Ackermann; Beals Torry & Co.; Abeles & Mahler; Cream City Hat Co; A.S. Goodrich & Co; Standard Oil Co; J.A. Shakman & Co; Weise Hollman Co; Jacob Meyers & Bros; Rick River Cotton Co; Butler Bros.; Wodson Spice Co; Merrick Thread Co; W.P. Hewitt & Co; J.J. Huzschuh; Jennison Bros Co; Schmidt Bros Trunk Co; Bonner Tokins Co; Cooper Mills & Co; Corbin May & Co; H. Stern Jr Bro & Co yr. 1895; (no #), CF66
DUMBROSKI, JOSEPH Dumbroski, Joseph vs John Sigglekow et al yr. 1870; X1692; CF13
DUMKE, NO NAME Keir Barnes; Duhmke/Dumke; Jones; Laughlin; Mendlik; Mulholland yr. 1876; #661; CF 29
DUMKE, (NO NAME) CF30 733 Bertler Bender 1877 699 Duhmke/Dumke 1879 732 Hubbard 1877 699 Kolwey 1879
DUMKE, (NO NAME) CF29 #661 Colin Barnes 1876 Dumke/Duhmke Jones Laughlin Mendlik Mulholland
DUMKE, (NO NAME) Cooper - Dumke/Duhmke - Kolwey yr. 1875; #660; CF29
DUMKE, (NO NAME) Dumke vs Stetson No yr list; X975; CF8
DUMKE, (NO NAME) CASE Same as (no name) Duhmke CF29 661
DUMKE, A.F. Barnes, John W.; Mulholland, Henry (Jr.) &; Mendlik, Henry vs Rand, G.S.; Burger, Henry; Rusch, Louis; Dumke, A.F. Promissory note yr. 1875; #443; CF 26
DUMKE, A.F. Dumke, A.F. (Charles Pierce et al vs) yr. 1875; #414
DUMKE, A.F. Dumke, A.F. (Charles Pierce et al vs) Promissory note yr. 1875; #414; CF26
DUMKE, AUGUST F. Dumke, August F. et al & Wilhelmine his wife (Clara M. Fechter vs) Promissory note yr. 1886; #1427; CF40
DUMKE, CAROLINE Dumke, Charles F. & Dumke, Caroline his wife (Luling, Charles vs) yr. 1873; #288; CF25
DUMKE, CHARLES F. Dumke, Charles F. & Dumke, Caroline his wife (Luling, Charles vs) yr. 1873; #288; CF25
DUMKE, FRANZ Dumke, Franz (J. Fitzgerald vs) yr. 1863; X1165; CF9
DUMKE, FRIEDRICH Dumke, Friedrich; Dumke, Mathilda, his wife (Luling, Charles vs) yr. 1873; #288; CF25
DUMKE, IDA Dumke, Ida yr. 1897; #3409; CF65
DUMKE, JOHN F. IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN. Joseph Hostak, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Mlada, widow of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Erwin Mlada, heir-at-law of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Olga Mlada Colyar, minor heir of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Belle Mlada, minor heir of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Manitowoc Building and Loan Association, a Wisconsin Corporation, John Boldt, Lizzie Stephany, Michael Sobel, as administrator de bonis non of the estate of Adolph Cizek, deceased, A.J. Shimek, Wencel Cizek, William M. Willinger, as administrator of the estate of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Gustav Tomaschefsky, and Ida Tomaschefsky his wife, John F. Dumke and Edward Colyar, Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered in the above entitled action on the 5th day of April, A.D. 1913, the undersigned referee, appointed by said judgment for that purpose, will sell, at the east entrance of the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county and state, on Saturday, the 23rd day of May, A.D. 1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: Lot Eighteen (18) in Block One hundred and sixteen (116), Lot Eighteen (18) in Block One hundred and seventeen (117) and Lots three (3) and four (4) in Block One hundred and fifty-sixty (sic) (156), in the city of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Terms of sale, cash. Dated April 8th, A.D. 1914. William W. Willinger, Referee. A.P. Schenian, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, May 7, 1914 P. 4
DUMKE, MATHILDA Dumke, Friedrich; Dumke, Mathilda, his wife (Luling, Charles vs) yr. 1873; #288; CF25
DUMKE, WILHELMINE Dumke, August F. et al & Wilhelmine his wife (Clara M. Fechter vs) Promissory note yr. 1886; #1427; CF40
DUNAVON, JOSEPH Barry, Cornelius Defendant State of Wisconsin plaintiff dfndt accused of threatening bodily harm to Joseph Dunavon as a result of a previous lawsuit. yr. 1867; #2016; Box CF15
DUNBAR, EDWARD Dunbar, Edward & Sara Mortgage yr. 1874; #1785; CF44
DUNBAR, SAMUEL Dunbar, Samuel & Ramsay, Eveline A. Philadelphia, Pa) vs Ryder, Charles L. Promissory note yr. 1875; #445; CF26
DUNBAR, SARA Dunbar, Edward & Sara Mortgage yr. 1874; #1785; CF44
DUNCAN, JOHN Duncan, John see William S. Taylor #393
DUNCAN, JOHN S. Dunkin (Duncan), John S. (State of Wis vs) 1st Wife Emily Goehee m-22 Nov 1835 Town of Bombay, Franklin, N.Y. 2nd Wife Sarah Douglas m-15 Sep 1871 Town of Cato, MTWC, WI Bigamy yr. 1873; CX2683; CF19
DUNHAM, ESTER Dunham, Lindsey W. Plaintiff - Dunham, Ester A. Defendant A Divorce action. Couple were married April 1 1844 in Town of Verona Oneida county New York State. They move to Manitowoc County in April 1851 and lived in the Town of Cato. Dfndt left plntf Sept 1, 1856 and is reported to be living in Dubuque Iowa. Divorce granted to plntf on grounds of desertion. yr. 1861; #2189; CF16
DUNHAM, LINDSEY W. Dunham, Lindsey W. Plaintiff - Dunham, Ester A. Defendant A Divorce action. Couple were married April 1 1844 in Town of Verona Oneida county New York State. They move to Manitowoc County in April 1851 and lived in the Town of Cato. Dfndt left plntf Sept 1, 1856 and is reported to be living in Dubuque Iowa. Divorce granted to plntf on grounds of desertion. yr. 1861; #2189; CF16
DUNHAM, LINDSEY W. Jonas C. Burns (Lindsey W. Dunham vs) yr. 1850; X52; CF 1
DUNHAM, LINDSEY W. Dunham, Lindsey W. et al (Whipple, Rodney M.) Notice of trial yr. 1865; X2312; CF17
DUNHAM, LINDSEY W. Dunham, Lindsey W. (F. Gage vs) yr. 1860; X1253; CF10
DUNHAM, WILLIAM F. Dunham, William F. (State of Wisconsin) yr. 1865; CX2794; CF20
DUNHAM, WILLIAM F. Dunham, William F. (State of Wisconsin) (Testimony) yr. 1865; CX2706; CF20
DUNKA, JAMES Dunka, James et al (Kirby, James vs) yr. 1859; X1313: CF11
DUNKE, AUGUST F. Alston John vs Duhake, P.A.; Horton, Calvin J.; Kiel, Edward; & Alston, David. Cooper, George vs K?lnay, Heary; Dunke, August F.; Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas W.; Jones, Benjamin,; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; case no. 675; case no. 660; case no. 661; Box no. CF 29
DUNKE, F. August Kolway, Henry, Dunke, F. August First National Bank of Manitowoc, Wis. Deft. Cooper, George Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehallano, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; #660, #661 & #675; CF 29
DUNKEL, ANNA Dunkel, Anna vs John Dunkel md 20 Dec 1853 at Tn of Newton He a native of Switzerland li Tn of Newton yr. 1856; X376
DUNKEL, JOHN Dunkel, Anna vs John Dunkel md 20 Dec 1853 at Tn of Newton He a native of Switzerland li Tn of Newton yr. 1856; X376
DUNKER, FERDINAND Dunker, Ferdinand - Kaemes (Kaems), Emilie (vs) yr. 1881; #1131; CF36
DUNKER, FERDINAND (First publication November 3, 1881.) FORECLOSURE SALE. IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY Ferdinand Dunker vs. Ferdinand Rank, Anna Rank, his wife, Andrew Anderson, Henry Foeste, Louis Reiff, Herman Witmann, Michael Herman and Ferdinand Gruen, defendants. By virtue and prusuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 4th day of October, A.D. 1880, in the above name court at a special term thereof, held at the court house in the city and county of Sheboygan, State of Wisconsin. I sahll on the 24th day of December, A.D. 1881, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the sheriff's office in the court house, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, for principal, interest and costs to-wit: The east twenty (20) acres of the n 1/2 of the nw1/? of section No. Thirty-two (32) in township No. twenty (20) north of range No. twenty-three (23) east, excepting a strip of land twelve (12) feet wide heretofore conveyed to Joseph Cisler, et al., also the following tract commencing at the quarter post on the north side of said section thirty-two (32) running thence east three (3) chains sixty-six links, thence south ten (10) degrees east, five (5) chains fifty (50) links, thence north ten (10) chains to the place of beginning with all the mill property and fixtures thereunto belonging, all in Manitowoc county, State of Wisconsin. Dated November 3d, 1881. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff Manitowoc Co. A.J. Schmitz, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, January 5, 1882 P. 2
DUNKIN, JOHN S. Dunkin (Duncan), John S. (State of Wis vs) 1st Wife Emily Goehee m-22 Nov 1835 Town of Bombay, Franklin, N.Y. 2nd Wife Sarah Douglas m-15 Sep 1871 Town of Cato, MTWC, WI Bigamy yr. 1873; CX2683; CF19
DUNKIN, JOHN S. Douglas, Sarah 2nd wife of John S. Dunkin see State of Wis vs Dunkin, John S. CX2683
DUNKLE, ANNA Dunkle, Anna vs Chancey Gilbert yr. 1856; X383; CF3
DUNKLE, JOHN Dunkle, John (State of WI) yr. 1855; CX2722; CF20
DUNKS, FRANZ Cole, Nathan Plaintiff Dunks, Franz, Defendant Case declared no suit and plntif ordered to pay dfndt's expenses yr. 1871; #2179; CF16 See Drucks
DUNLEA, JAMES Dunlea, James (Small, Simon A. vs) yr. 1859; X653; CF5
Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Simeon N. Small agt. James Dunlea. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action, on the 31st day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on Saturday, the 11th day of February, A.D. 1860, at 9 o'clock A.M., the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of said judgment, and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: the east half of the north-west quarter of section thirty, town twenty, north of range twenty-two,in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin.-Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, November 11, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, January 13, 1860 P. 4
DUNLEA, JAMES Dunlea, James (Kirby, James St. Wis. vs) Assault with stones yr. 1860; CX2669; CF19
DUNLEA, JAMES Dunlea, James vs Kirby, James yr. 1859; X1620; CF13
DUNLEA, JAMES Kirby, James vs Dunlea, James et al* *Parrish, Isaac M. yr. 1859; X1313; CF11
DUNN, ARTHUR Dunn, Arthur (Strauch, Henry St. Wis vs) Tramp yr. 1883; CX2672; CF19
DUNN, ROBERT Dunn, Robert et al (Hanson, Andrew vs) Financial dispute yr. 1896; #3329; CF55
DUNTKE, E.O. Duntke, [?], E.O. see Hentrich, Christof yr. 1890; #1994; CF47
DURGEN, (NO NAME) Albrecht vs Durgen & Truman yr. 18--; #230; CF2
DURGEN, (NO NAME) Bonestad vs Durgen yr. 1854; #202; CF 2
DURGEN, (NO NAME) Coleman vs Durgen yr. 1854; #201; CF2
DURGEN, (NO NAME) Durgen (Stewart vs) yr. 1857; #1984; CF2
DURGEN, (NO NAME) Durgen (Stuart vs) yr. 1855 #193; CF2
DURGEN, (NO NAME) Durgen (Welsh vs) yr. 1854; #192; CF2
DURGENS, (NO NAME) Durgens (Durgin vs) yr. 1854; #212; CF2
DURGEN, E. Francis W. Adams (E. Durgen etal vs) year 1859; #X305; CF 3
DURGEN, E. Callender, Benj. etal vs E. Durgen etal yr. 1859; X1609; CF 13
DURGIN, (NO NAME) Durgens (Durgin vs) yr. 1854; #212; CF2
DURGIN, (NO NAME) Durgin (Robinson vs) yr. 1855; #162; CF2
DURGIN, (NO NAME) Durgin & Truman vs See Lee? yr. 1855; #218; CF2
DURGIN, E. Durgin E. (Callender, Benj vs) yr. 1859; X1609; CF13
DURGIN, E. Durgin E. et al vs Wm Hume et al yr. 1859; X324; CF3
DURGIN, E. Durgin E. (M. Lester vs) yr. 1856; X309; CF3
DURGIN, E. Durgin E. et al (John Lester et al vs) yr. 1858; X1134; CF9
DURGIN, E. Stephan Bates - (E. Durgin etal) yr. 1856; X291; CF 3
DURGIN, E. Stephan Bates - (E. Durgin etal vs) yr. 1855; X290; CF 3
DURGIN, E.W. H.H. Champlain (E.W. Durgin (Erastus Drury) vs) yr. 1853; X136; CF1
DURGIN, EZRA MANITOWOC COUNTY, Circuit Court, In Equity. Ezra Durgin, Complainant, vs. Geo. W. Durgin, Defendant. It, satisfactorily appearing to the ????? suppoena to answer was duly ??? ???? of, and under the seal of this County, in the above entitled cause on the seventh day of December, A.D. 1854, and that said suboena has been returned by the Sheriff of Manitowoc County, with a return thereon endorsed, that the Defendant, George W. Durgin, was not to be found in said County; and it further appearing from the affidavit of L.T. Warren, the Complainant's Solicitor, that the said Defendant is not a resident of the State of Wisconsin. Therefore, on motion of L.T. Warren of Counsel for the Complainant it is ordered that the said Defendant, George W. Durgin, appear in our said County, and plead answer or demur to the Bill of Complaint, on file in this cause on the 24th day of March, A.D. 1855; and that in default thereof, the said Bill be taken as confessed by the said Defendant. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be served personally, on said Defendant, within twenty days, or that a copy thereof be published in the "Manitowoc Tribune," a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said County of Manitowoc for six weeks successively, the first publication to commence within twenty days from the date of this order. L.T. WARREN, Solicitor, and of Counsel for Compl't. S.A. WOOD, C't. Com. for Manitowoc Co. Wisconsin Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, January 17, 1855 P. 3
DURGIN, EZRA CHANCERY SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Manitowoc County Circuit Court. In Equity. Ezra Durgin, Complainant vs George W. Durgin Defendant. In pursuance and by virtue of a decretal order made the 29. day of March A.D. 1855 in the above entitled cause, I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue at the Office of L.T. Warren in the village of Manitowoc in the County aforesaid on Monday the 21st day of May A.D. 1855 at ten o'clock in the forenoon the following described mortgaged premises, to wit; Lot number one (1) Block number eighteen (18) in the village of Manitowoc Rapids, according to the recorded Plat thereof, together with the appurtenances. Dated at Manitowoc, April 3, 1855. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff. E.T.WARREN, Complt. Solicitor. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, April 5, 1855 P. 3
DURGIN, EZRA SHERIFF'S SALE. Manitowoc County, ss. JOHN N. ?ONESTEEL vs. EZRA DURGIN.-By virtue of an execution, to me directed and delivered out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court, for Manitowoc Co. I have this day levied upon the West half of the North East quarter of Section twenty eight (28) in Township eighteen, (18) North of Range twenty one, (21) containing eighty (80) acres, all in the County of Manitowoc, the property of Ezra Durgin, which I shall expose for sale as by law directed, to the highest bidder, at the Office of L.T. Warren, on Wednesday the 21st day of March, A.D. 1855 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to satisfy said execution; costs and interest. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff. Manitowoc, Feb. 5th 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, February 14, 1855 P. 5
DURGIN, EZRA Coleman, John vs Ezra Durgin et al yr. 1859; X1607; CF13
DURGIN, EZRA Cunningham, Thomas Defendant deceased Durgin, Ezra; Truman, Horatio DBA Durgin & Co plaintiffs acting for David Vanvalkenburg, Edgar Beardsley; William Waldo; Robert L Bell DBA Vanvalkenburg & Co. yr. 1859; #2157; CF16
DURGIN, EZRA Durgin, Ezra et al vs Francis W. Adams yr. 1859; X305; CF3
DURGIN, EZRA Durgin, Ezra (J. Lester vs) yr. 1857; X277; CF3
DURGIN, EZRA Durgin, Ezra et al vs Edwin W. Packard yr. 1856; X289; CF3
DURGIN, GEORGE W. Cross, William M. vs George W. Durgin yr. 1850; X54; CF1
DURGIN, GEORGE W. MANITOWOC COUNTY, Circuit Court, In Equity. Ezra Durgin, Complainant, vs. Geo. W. Durgin, Defendant. It, satisfactorily appearing to the ????? suppoena to answer was duly ??? ???? of, and under the seal of this County, in the above entitled cause on the seventh day of December, A.D. 1854, and that said suboena has been returned by the Sheriff of Manitowoc County, with a return thereon endorsed, that the Defendant, George W. Durgin, was not to be found in said County; and it further appearing from the affidavit of L.T. Warren, the Complainant's Solicitor, that the said Defendant is not a resident of the State of Wisconsin. Therefore, on motion of L.T. Warren of Counsel for the Complainant it is ordered that the said Defendant, George W. Durgin, appear in our said County, and plead answer or demur to the Bill of Complaint, on file in this cause on the 24th day of March, A.D. 1855; and that in default thereof, the said Bill be taken as confessed by the said Defendant. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be served personally, on said Defendant, within twenty days, or that a copy thereof be published in the "Manitowoc Tribune," a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said County of Manitowoc for six weeks successively, the first publication to commence within twenty days from the date of this order. L.T. WARREN, Solicitor, and of Counsel for Compl't. S.A. WOOD, C't. Com. for Manitowoc Co. Wisconsin Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, January 17, 1855 P. 3
DURGIN, GEORGE W. CHANCERY SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Manitowoc County Circuit Court. In Equity. Ezra Durgin, Complainant vs George W. Durgin Defendant. In pursuance and by virtue of a decretal order made the 29. day of March A.D. 1855 in the above entitled cause, I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue at the Office of L.T. Warren in the village of Manitowoc in the County aforesaid on Monday the 21st day of May A.D. 1855 at ten o'clock in the forenoon the following described mortgaged premises, to wit; Lot number one (1) Block number eighteen (18) in the village of Manitowoc Rapids, according to the recorded Plat thereof, together with the appurtenances. Dated at Manitowoc, April 3, 1855. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff. E.T.WARREN, Complt. Solicitor. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, April 5, 1855 P. 3
DURGIN, GEORGE W. Durgin, George W. (Charles Klingholtz vs) yr. 1852; X100; CF1
DURHAM, UZZIEL Durham, Uzziel (Irish, John vs) A mortgage on govertment (sic) lot once owned by Martin Raube, Mary Ann (&) Joseph Hill yr. 1901; #3781; CF60
DUSING, ALBERT Dusing, Albert (Kuester, Ida) Paternity case. yr. 1905; #382; CF72
DUSOLD, ANNA Dusold, Anna (St Wis) vs Fenelson, Freeman Assault & rape. yr. 1859; CX2617; CF19
DUSOLD, GEORGE Baker, Nicholas Plaintiff - Dusold, George Defendant Plaintiff charges trespass. Plntf withdraws complaint and pays court costs. yr. 1856; #2126; Box CF 16 FLB
DUSOLD, GEORGE Dusold, George Defendant - McMillen, Alexander Plaintiff Collision on the bridge in Two Rivers. McMillens horse was being led across the bridge when Dusold lost control of his horse which was pulling a buggy. McMillens horse was injured by Dusolds buggy. McMillen was awarded $27.00 damages, in addition Dusold was assessed $6.75 in court costs. Dusold appealed. yr. 1857; #1906; CF14
DUSOLD, MARY Dusold, Mary 26 vs Dusold, Oliver J. 28 md 12 May 1894 C & C of Mtwc ch.: Edwin - 5 yrs; Oliver, b June 10, 1898, d Feb 14, 1899 (no date, case #, box)
DUSOLD, MATHIAS DFT - Bentley, Dorothe; Herman, Benedict & Caroline; Hoffman, Adolph PLT - Dusold, Mathias Land sale to pay debts yr. 1882; #287; CF 38
DUSOLD, OLIVER Dusold, Mary 26 vs Dusold, Oliver J. 28 md 12 May 1894 C & C of Mtwc ch.: Edwin - 5 yrs; Oliver, b June 10, 1898, d Feb 14, 1899 (no date, case #, box)
DUTCHER, GEORGE Dutcher, George (State of Wis. vs.) yr.1857; CX2807; CF20
DUTCHER, GEORGE Brown, Aries N.; Nallow, William; Nallow, Lisselle Wife Defendants Dutcher, George; LeFever, John A. Plaintiffs Nallow and wife mortgage 15 acres of land on the lakeshore to guarantee payment of 500/yr rent for VanValkenburgh mill. Water levels on the river were too low to float logs therefore dfndts couldn't pay the rent and the land was foreclosed. Other creditors of the dfndts were Elizabeth Adams, Elizabeth Norris both of Vermont; Frederick Haker and Mathias Hug. yr. 1863; #2165; Box CF 16 FLB
DUTCHER, JOHN Dutcher, John Surviving Trustee vs VanValkenburgh, Elizabeth C. et al; Jacob VanValkenburgh; Edgar D. Beardsley; Sophia W. Beardsley Note & property dispute yr. 1875; #517; CF27
STATE OF WISCONSIN-Circuit Court Manitowoc County. John A. Dutcher surviving trustee. Plaintiff. Against. Elizabeth C. VanValkenburgh, Edgar D. Beardsley, Sophia M. Beardsley, his wife,and Jacob Van Valkenburgh, Defendants. State of Wisconsin. To the above named Defendants, and each of them. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, county of Manitowoc, at his office in Manitowoc, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their offices in Library Building, Milwaukee, Wis. within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., May 12th, 1875. Finches, Lynde & Miller, Plaintiffs Att'y. Milwaukee, Wis. To the defendants above named: Take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County of Manitowoc, at the city of Manitowoc in the State of Wisconsin, on the first day of July, A.D., 1875. Dated July 22d, 1875. Finches, Lynde & Miller, Plaintiffs Att'y. Milwaukee, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, August 5, 1875 P. 2 ***** STATE OF WISCONSIN-Circuit Court Manitowoc County. John A. Dutcher surviving trustee, Plaintiff. Against. Elizabeth C. VanValkenburgh, Edgar D. Beardsley, Sophia M. Beardsley, his wife, and Jacob VanValkenburgh, Defendants. State of Wisconsin. To the above named Defendants, and each of them. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court, county Of Manitowoc, at his office in Manitowoc, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their offices in Library Building, Milwaukee, Wis. within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., May 12th, 1875. Finches, Lynde & Miller, Plaintiffs Att'y. Milwaukee, Wis. To the defendants above named: Take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County of Manitowoc, at the city of Manitowoc in the State of Wisconsin, on the first day of July, A.D., 1875. Dated July 22d. 1875. Finches, Lynde & Miller, Plaintiff's Att'y. Milwaukee, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A. see Green, Thomas (St Wis) CX2571
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A. see Green, Thomas (St Wis) vs Schley, Charles CX2598
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A. see Frederick Gage #323
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A. (Callenden, Benj vs) yr. 1859; X1609, CF13
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A.; LeFever, George Plaintiffs Brown, Ariel N.; Nallow, William; Nallow, Lisselle Wife Defendants Suit to foreclose on 15 acres of land on the Lakeshore south of Manitowoc. Mortgage given so that dfndts could guaratee (sic) payment of 300. per yr rent for the VanValkenburgh Mill on Manitowoc. Water levels were too low to float logs to the mill therefore dfndts couldn't pay the rent and the land was foreclosed other creditors of the dfndts were Elizabeth Adams, Elizabeth Nottis of Vermont; Frederick Haker and Mathias Hug. yr. 1863; #2185; CF16
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A. (Pl) vs. Smoke, David (D) yr. 1870; #44; CF22
DUTCHER, JOHN A. Dutcher, John A. et al vs D.G. Westgate yr. 1856; X292; CF3
DUTTON, GEORGE S. Dutton, George S. Plaintiff Glover, George S.; Glover, William H. Defendants Dfnts borrowed 396.03 on a 1 yr 10% note from plntf but didn't repay. yr. 1863; #2193; CF16
DUVILLE, MITCHELL Duville, Mitchell (Smith & Glover vs) yr. 1852; X92; CF1
DVORAK, KATHERINE (First publication Dec. 21st, 1893.) No. 79 STATE OF WISCONSIN-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Katherine Dvorak, deceased. An instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Katherine Dvorak, of the town of Kossuth, in said county, having been delivered into said court: And Adolph S. Chloupek, of Kossuth in said county, having presented to said court his petition in writing duly verified, representing among other things that said Katherine Dvorak died testate at Kossuth in said county, on the 15th day of December, 1893; that said instrument is the last will of said deceased an that Adolph S. Chloupek is named therein as executor, and praying that said instrument be proven and admitted to probate and that letters testamentary be thereon issued to Adolph S. Chloupek. It is ordered, that said petition and the matters therein be heard, and proofs of said last will and testament be taken, at a special term of said county court, to be held at the probate office in the city and county of Manitowoc, on Tuesday, the 16th day of January 1894, at 10 O'clock A.M. And it is furthered (sic) ordered, that notice of the time and place of said hearing be given by publication hereof for three successive weeks, once each week, previous to the time of said hearing in The Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper published in said Manitowoc county. Dated December 18, 1893. By the Court, Emil Baensch, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, December 28, 1893 P. 1
DWARAK, WENCEL Dwarak, Wencel Plaintiff Borecke, Joseph; Kaodela, Mathias Defendants Dfndts gave plntf a 1 yr 12% note for for (sic) 310.00 in Michicott (sic). Mary Borecke is wife of Joseph. yr. 1869; #2175; CF16
DWARAK, WENCEL Borecke, Joseph; Kozdela, Mathias Defendants Dwarak, Wencel Plaintiff Dfndts gave plntf a 1 yr 12% note for $10. in Michicott Mary Borecke is wife of Joseph yr. 1869; #2175; Box CF 6 FLB
DWORAK, ANNA Dworak, Franz vs Dworak, John & Dworak, Anna Land dispute yr. 1881-1876; #1016 1/2; CF34
DWORAK, FRANK Dworak, Frank see Anna Tesnick #1006A
DWORAK, FRANZ Dworak, Franz vs Dworak, John & Dworak, Anna Land dispute yr. 1881-1876; #1016 1/2; CF34
DWORAK, JOHN Dworak, Franz vs Dworak, John & Dworak, Anna Land dispute yr. 1881-1876; #1016 1/2; CF34
DWORAK, JOHN Dworak, John (Petitioner, for writ of Habeas Corpus) yr. 1879; CX2726; CF20
DWORAK, WENZEL Dworak, Wenzel (St Wis) vs Fricks, Anton Assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill. yr. 1869; CX2593; CF19
DWORAK, ANNA Dworzak, John & Anna vs Suchan, Martin Pl states that def defamed him & his wife in front of witnesses. Bohemian words used & their translation are in the case. yr. 1881; #1523A; CF42
DWORZAK, FRANCIS Dworzak, Francis (Franz) vs Peleg, Glover et al yr. 1867; X858l; CF7
DWORZAK, FRANZ Dworzak, Francis (Franz) vs Peleg, Glover et al yr. 1867; X858l; CF7
DWORAK, JOHN Dworzak, John & Anna vs Suchan, Martin Pl states that def defamed him & his wife in front of witnesses. Bohemian words used & their translation are in the case. yr. 1881; #1523A; CF42
DWYER, GEORGE F. Baker, Charles W. Plaintiff - Dwyer, George F. Defendant Suit to collect on a promissory note for 169.25 yr. 1860; #2127; Box CF 16 FLB
DWYER, MICHAEL Dwyer, Michael (complaint) (State of Wis vs John Fahning) yr. 1888; Cri 329 #117; HCF69
DWYER, MICHAEL Fahning, John (Complainant) (State of Wis. vs Michael Dwyer) yr. 1888; Cri 221, #119; HCF69
DWYER, MICHAEL Dwyer, Michael (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1888; Cri 331 #119; HCF69
DWYRE, JOHN State of Wis vs Dwyre, John Rape yr. 1898; #308; CF71