HABAN, PATRICK Chase, Perley S. vs Harlan, Patrick; Harlan, Hannah his wife or Haban, Patrick Promissory note yr.1873; #218; CF24; EJK
HABECK, CARL Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 15th. Carl Habeck et.al. vs. John Dobrycseck, foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff for $237.22 and $25 attorney fees.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.
HABERTY, JOHN Berkner, Charles Plaintiff - Haberty, John Defendant Dfndt is charges(sic) with trespass in that he drove over pltf's land when road was blocked by snow. Plntf had a contract with George Tauer allowing Tauer to pass over plntf's land when private road was blocked by snow. Dfndt was an employee of Tauer and argued that rights to Tauer passed to employee. Case settled with plaintiff paying court costs. yr. 1873; #2130; Box CF 16 FLB
HAECKER, KARL From the Clerk's Minutes we glean the following: Aug. Muller v. Karl Haecker; judgment of foreclosure. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 30, 1883 P. 1
HAENIG, JOHN Bull, Carl Sr. witness in State of Wisc vs Haenig, John yr. 1874-75; Case 375; CF 26 Haerthel Sebastian Keppler, Wm.(Haerthel, Sebastian vs) yr. 1875; #606; CF 28
HAGE, JOHN COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. Fe. 18-In re guardianship of heirs of John Hage, deceased; bond of guardian, Wm. C. Maertz, examined and approved and letter of guardianship issued to him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
HAGEN, GEORGE (First publication September 29, 1887.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. C. Gelbke and Charles Gelbke, plaintiffs, vs. George Hagen, defendant. By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court in and for the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action, upon leave duly granted and to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon the following described real estate and all the right, title and interest which the above named defendant, George Hagen, had in and to the same on the 21st day of September, 1887, or has since acquired, to-wit: Lots one (1), eighteen (18), nineteen (19) and twenty (20) in block forty-seven (47), all in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat of said city which said desribed (sic) real estate I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs, at public auction at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, on the 12th day of November, 1887, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day to satisfy said execution and costs. Dated, September 21, 1887. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. By Fred Krueger, Under Sheriff. G.G. Sedgwick, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, October 13, 1887 P. 2
HAGER, ELSIE O. IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. William G.Lueps, Plaintiff, vs. Minnie Clauder, Elsie O. Hager, Cornelius Madson as General Guardian of Elsie Schroeder, a minor, Defendants. By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action, at a general term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, said judgment being dated the 4th day of February, 1913, and which judgment was docketed with the Clerk of said court on the 4th day of February, 1913 at 5 o'clock P.M., I shall offer for sale, and sell to the highest and best bidder at the sheriff's office in the County Jail Building in the City and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 31st day of March, 1914, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate and property, situated in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff, for principal and interest and costs, to-wit: The West One Hundred (100 ft.) feet of Lot Two (2), in Block One Hundred Sixty-one (161) in the City of Manitowoc, according to the recorded plat of said city. Dated February 6th, 1914. Herman C. Schuette, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Markham & Markham, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, February 12, 1914 P. 4 ****** IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. William G. Lueps, Plaintiff, vs. Minnie Clauder, Elsie O. Hager, Cornelius Madson as General Guardian of Elsie Schroeder, a minor, Defendants. By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action, at a general term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc, Wisconsin said judgment being dated the 4th day of February, 1913, and which judgment was docketed with the Clerk of said court on the 4th day of February, 1913 at 5 o'clock P.M., I shall offer for sale, and sell to the highest and best bidder at the sheriff's office in the County Jail Building in the City and County of Manitowoc Wisconsin, on the 31st day of March, 1914, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate and property, situated in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff, for principal and interest and costs, to-wit: The West One Hundred (100 ft.) feet of Lot Two (2), in Block One Hundred Sixty-one (161) in the City of Manitowoc, according to the recorded plat of said city. Dated February 6th, 1914. Herman C. Schuette, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Markham & Markham, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, February 26, 1914 P. 4
HAGERTY, DENNIS Dennis Haggerty Again Some men become conspicuous by greatness, some by littleness and others by innate cussedness. The latter is the way Dennis Haggerty became so well known. Latterly he has spent his time in getting drunk and going to jail. About a week ago, when he came out of jail, he went straight for a gin mill, laid in enough forty rods to raise his courage sufficiently to try to whip his wife; he then took one more drunk and concluded it would be more chivalrous to shot her; so he bought a small pistol and started for his home, having arrived there and being fully satisfied that she was unprotected he proceeded to do his shooting, the ball from the pistol of the murderous villain sped on its way but happily missed the intended victim. He then tried to shoot himself and unfortunately he again missed, the ball entering he side of his neck and coming out behind. This all happened on Thursday last. Dr. O'Connell was called and feared the brute may recover under his treatment. Of course, Doctor has some professional pride, but it is a damage to the community in this case. Haggarty was brought to jail on Saturday night. Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., July 31, 1879 ***** The End of Haggerty Dennis Haggerty was brought up before the Circuit Court on Friday afternoon under indictment for an assault with intent to commit murder, his wife had also commenced proceedings for a divorce. Haggerty pled guilty to the charge and was sentenced to the state prison at Waupun for one year, the court also granted a decree of divorce, giving to his wife, 40 acres of land and all his personal property, leaving 20 acres of land for Haggerty to pay his debts. Thus Manitowoc County will be rid of a nuisance for a year at least. Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., Aug. 14, 1879
HAGERTY, THOS. CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3
HAGGERTY, THOMAS (First publication March 17, 1887.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. P.J. Hauch, plaintiff, vs. Thomas Haggerty defendant. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, dated on the 12th day of January, A.D., 1886, and rendered at a general term of the circuit court for Manitowoc county, held at the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wis., I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the sheriff's office in the court house in said city and county, on the 7th day of May, A.D., 1887, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, viz.: The North-east quarter (1/4) of the South-east quarter (1/4) of Section No. One (1) in the Township of Maple Grove in the aforesaid county and state, being Township No. Twenty, (20) North of Range No. Twenty-one (21) East, there being forty acres of land more or less according to public survey. Dated, March 16, 1887. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. G.A. Forrest, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, May 5, 1887 P. 1
HAGGERTY, THOMAS Barnes, Mary F. vs Haggerty, Thomas & Hauck, Peter J. Promissory notes yr. 1886; #1567; CF 42
HAHN, DR. Eisert, Jos. (State of Wisc. vs.) Also mentioned: Eisert, Conrad; Tragersen, Katharine; Traggersen, John; Nisemann, Dr.; Hahn, Dr.; Brown, Dr.; Scinout, Dr.; Batcone, Dr.; Eisert, Margaret; Eisert, Regina; Ziebert, Ferdinand; Groh, Peter; Herr, Margaret; Adolphs, Regina yr. 1865; CX2702; CF20
HAHNBADR, ROBERT Kabke, Christain (Hahnbadr, Robert vs) yr. 1868; #1408; CF no number
HAIN, WILLIAM First publication Jan. 4, 1900. In Probate.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of William Hain, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Mahnke, executor of the estate of said deceased for the adjustment and allowance of his administration account (and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same): It is ordered, that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a regular term of said court, to be held at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February, A.D. 1900. It is further ordered, that upon the adjustment and allowance of such account by this court as aforesaid, the residue of said estate be, by the further order and judgment of this court, assigned to such persons as are by law entitled to the same. It is further ordered, that notice of the time and place of examination and allowance of such account, and of the assignment of the residue of said estate, be given to all persons interest, by publication of this order for three successive weeks, before said day, in the Manitowoc Post, a weekly newspaper printed and published at the city of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Dated January 3, 1900. By the court, J.S. Anderson, County Judge. Baensch & Chloupek, Attys. Manitowoc Post, Thursday, January 18, 1900 P. 8
HAKER, FREDERICK Brown, Aries N.; Nallow, William; Nallow, Lisselle Wife Defendants Dutcher, George; LeFever, John A. Plaintiffs Nallow and wife mortgage 15 acres of land on the lakeshore to guarantee payment of 500/yr rent for VanValkenburgh mill. Water levels on the river were too low to float logs therefore dfndts couldn't pay the rent and the land was foreclosed. Other creditors of the dfndts were Elizabeth Adams, Elizabeth Norris both of Vermont; Frederick Haker and Mathias Hug. yr. 1863; #2165; Box CF 16 FLB
HAKER, FREDERICK Dutcher, John A.; LeFever, George Plaintiffs Brown, Ariel N.; Nallow, William; Nallow, Lisselle Wife Defendants Suit to foreclose on 15 acres of land on the Lakeshore south of Manitowoc. Mortgage given so that dfndts could guaratee (sic) payment of 300. per yr rent for the VanValkenburgh Mill on Manitowoc. Water levels were too low to float logs to the mill therefore dfndts couldn't pay the rent and the land was foreclosed other creditors of the dfndts were Elizabeth Adams, Elizabeth Nottis of Vermont; Frederick Haker and Mathias Hug. yr. 1863; #2185; CF16
HALDERSON, EMMA Breach of Promise Case-Miss Emma Halderson, of Cato, files papers with Circuit Court Clerk McMahaon, in an action of breach of promise, to recover $5000 from John Tually of the same place. Manitowoc Pilot, October 10, 1901 P. 5
HALE, G. Frederich Borcherdt (G. Hale vs) yr. 1858; X1546; CF 12 Hale Geo. W. Baker, Albert H. etal Defendant - Salisbury, Samantha Plaintiff Suit to collect mortgage secured by notes to Jos. Symes dated Mar 10 1869. amt 375.00 Interest 7%. Notes purchased by plaintiff. Et al defendants are Aaron Roberts; Argolus W Stark; Geo. W. Hale; Geo. Towsley; who are involved because of claims against defendants property. Baker has moved to South Bend Ind. and has not answered the summonses. Decision for Plaintiff yr.1864; #1837; Box CF 14 FLB
HALE, GEORGE W. Baker, Albert W. - (Hale, George W. vs) yr. 1859; X669; CF 5
HALE, GEORGE W. Daniels, William & Maria (George W. Hale vs) yr. 1859; X1588; CF13
HALE, GEORGE W. SHERIFF'S SALE STATE of Wisconsin, Circuit Court; Manitowoc county. George W. Hale and George N. Townlee plff's against Frederick Borcherdt and Wilhelmena Borcherdt dfs Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. In virtue of and pursuent to a judgement rendered in said Court in the above entitled action dated April 29th 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, on Monday, the 27th day of December 1858, at the hour of (hour missing) o'clock A.M. of that day the following discribed mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interests and costs, together with expenses of sale to wit: All those pieces parcels or lots of land known and described as follows to wit: The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section number eleven (11) in township number ninteen (19) north of Range number twenty four (24) east. Also the north east quarter of the north east quarter of section number (10) in township number nineteen (19) north of range number twenty four (24) east, also lot number two (2) in said section number ten (10) in town number ninteen (19) north of range number twenty four (24) east, containing, thirty five and twenty one hundreth acres of land, also the southwest quarter of section number twenty eight (28) in township number twenty (20) north of range number twenty four (24) east, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, also the west half of the north west quarter of section number twentyseven (27) in township number twenty (20) north of range number twenty four (24) east, containing eighty acres of land, all in the County of Manitowoc in the State of Wisconsin containing in all three hundred and ninety five and twenty one hundredths acres of land. Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc, June 22d 1858. T.A.H. EDWARDS Sheriff Manitowoc Co. Wis. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 4, 1859 P. 4
HALE, GEO. W. SUMMONS. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Lewis Sherman, against Albert N. Baker, Aaron Roberts, Argalus W. Starks, Geo. W. Hale, and Geo. N. Towslee, defendants. The State of Wisconsin to the above named defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, county of Manitowoc, at his office in the Village and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in the Village and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within ninety days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, March 1893. J.D. Markham. The said complaint was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the said county of Manitowoc, March 19th, 1863. J.D. Markham, Plff's Atty. Manitowoc Semi Weekly Tribune, Tuesday, April 7, 1863 P. 3
HALE, SAMUEL SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Samuel F. Pratt, Pascal P. Pratt, and Edwin Beals, Plaintiffs, vs Obadiah H. Platt, Geo. Rice, Samuel Hale, John V. Ayer, Joseph J. Whiting, Obarics W. Galloupe, James W. Bless, Albert T. Whiting, Otis H. Price, J??nes McKenna, Albert J. Sanborn, August L. Sanborn, Gideon B. Collins, and Jacob Halverson, Defendants. BY virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April, A.D. 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county on Saturday the 21st day of June, A.D. 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described property or so much thereof as will raise the amount of said Judgment and costs, to-wit: Lot number fourteen (14), in block number one hundred and seventeen (117), in the village and county of Manitowoc; also all defendants (Obediah H. Platt,) interest in the north west quarter of section number twenty-eight (28) in township number twenty (20), north of range number twenty-two (22), east; containing one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. J.D. MARKHAM, Att'y, for Pltff's. Dated Sheriff's Office, May 8th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HALEB, JOSEPH Cirmac, Joseph (Joseph Haleb vs) no complaint yr. 1873; #283; CF25
HALEY, PATRICK (snip from larger article) Joseph Miller, administrator in the estate of the late Adam Herwig, filed an inventory of the real estate and personal property. He says the value of the estate is $1213.20. A final decree was entered in the estate of the late Patrick H. Haley. The will of C.H. Blumenstein, deceased, was allowed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 25, 1899 P.1
HALL, (NO NAME) Deleglease, Morris et al (Canfield - Hall vs) yr. 1856; X381; CF3
HALL, ABRAM Dickey, Lucy A. wid of Albert Dickey, Racine d. 23 Act 1880 vs Hall, Abram et al suit over non payment for goods yr. 1884; #1434; CF40
HALL, JOHN Ames, Silas Plaintiff - Hall, John; Van Vranken; Jackson Defendants Ames purchased a note by defendants from Gates and Wild a store and saloon, note in amount 14.74. Justice decided for defendants when it was shown that a part of the purchases covered by the note was liquor yr. 1859; #1771; Box CF 14 FLB
HALL, JOHN IN PROBATE, Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the Guardianship of the minor heirs of Robert Carr. Deceased, intestate. On reading and filing the petition of John Hall, Guardian of said minors, representing among other things that they the said wards are seized of certain real estate in said County of Manitowoc, and that it is necessary that all of the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same; and it appearing to the Court, from said petition that it is necessary to the support of the minors to sell said real estate, it is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said wards, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before me, on Monday the 25th day of November A.D. 1872 at ten o'clock A.M. at the Probate Office in said County, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune, a weekly newspaper printed at Manitowoc in said County. Dated at Manitowoc, the 22d day of October, A.D. 1872. W.W. Waldo, Co. Judge. Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, October 31, 1872 P. 4 ********** (1860 Cato census: Robert Carr age 27, merchant; Mary 29; Mary Anne 6; Ester 3; Rebecca 70) (1870 Cato census: Rebicka Carr age 9 living with the Orlando Classon family) (Note: There is a Robert Carr d. 1862 at age 31 in Evergreen cem. Manitowoc, possibly the same Robert Carr)
HALL, JOHN PTF - Brown, Henry; DFT - Hall, John Land dispute yr. 1883; #1315; CF 38
HALL, SAMUEL Danahy, Ellen vs. (Hall, Samuel et al. Mary Doolan) yr. 1899; #3646; CF58
HALLARAN, JOHN H. Barnes, John W. vs Hallaran, John H. & Sarah his wife etal Vol 15 mtgs. p 276 Mortgage/financial dispute yr. 1886; #1534; CF 42
HALLARAN, JOHN H. Kendall, C. vs Hallaran, John H. Collect on note yr. 1886; #1554; CF 42
HALLARAN, SARAH Barnes, John W. vs Hallaran, John H. & Sarah his wife etal Vol 15 mtgs. p 276 Mortgage/financial dispute yr. 1886; #1534; CF 42
HALLOMAN, MIKE Birdsall Co., The New vs Matt Reddin & Mike Halloman yr. 1899; 3663; CF 55
HALO, SAMUEL SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HALVERSON, JACOB Brown, Oliver L. Plaintiff Collins, Gideon B.; Halverson, Jacob; Wellington, Benjamin Defendants Plntf seeks to stop a sieze order for plntfs property instituted by defndts who contend that plntf intends to dispose of his property to defraud defndts, his debtors. yr. 1861; #1744; Box CF 14 FLB
HALVERSON, JACOB Collins, Gideon B.; Halverson, Jacob; Platt, O.H. defendants Stedman, George S. Plaintiff. Collins & Halverson, DBA Collins & CO sold a note by O.H. Platt amt 121.95 collectible at office of Rattleboro & CO Albany are sued when Platt, who is not a resident of the state defaults on payment. yr. 1860; #2055; Box CF15
HALVERSON, JACOB United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6
HALVERSON, JACOB NOTICE. All persons interested will please take notice of the following order of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Manitowoc. H.S. PIERPONT, Receiver. Dated July 23, 1862. CIRCUIT COURT---MANITOWOC COUNTY. SPECIAL TERM. Theron R. Butler, and others, vs. Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson, Benjamin Wellington, Henry W. Wellington, others. On reading and filing notice of motion for a Receiver and pleadings in this action, and after hearing George Reed, Attorney for the Plaintiffs, and Finch, Lynde & Miller, Attorneys for Henry W. Wellington, and William M. Nichols, Attorney for Collins, Halverson and Benjamin Wellington, and no one appearing for George Rice and other defendants in this action. It is Ordered that Henry S. Pierpont of the county of Manitowoc, be and he hereby is appointed, Receiver of all the property, rights, credis, money, choses in action and effects of the defendant, Obadiah H. Platt, in the hands of the defendants, or either of them, as mentioned in the complaint in this action; that said Receiver on giving and filing bond in the some of five thousand dollars with one or more sureties, who shall duly justify that they are worth that sum in property not exempt by law from execution, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such Receiver, shall be vested with all his rights and powers as such Receiver, without the further order of this Court; that on giving and filing such bond the said Receiver shall take, receive and hold all the personal property and effects, notes, accounts, things in action, mortgages, certificates, and rights and credits transferred to the defendant Rice, by the said Platt, as set forth in said complaint, and all the property and effects, notes accounts, things in action, mortgages, bonds and securities, and credits transferred by him, the said Platt, to the defendants Gideon B. Collins and Jacob Halverson, as mentioned and set forth in said complaint, and in the hands or under the control of the said Collins and Halverson, and Benjamin Wellington, or either of them at the time of the service of garnishee process upon them, mentioned in said complaint, and the property and effects which came into the hands of the defendant, Henry W. Wellington, and the other defendants for whom he acted as Agent, belonging to the said Platt and which came into his or their hands after the issuing of the said writs of attachment as mentioned in said complaint, except that the said Henry W. Wellington and the other said defendants for whom he so acted as Agent as mentioned in said complaint, shall execute and deliver to the said Receiver a good and sufficient bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with sufficient resident sureties to be approved by said Receiver, to account for and pay over to him all the proceeds arising from the sale of said property and effects as herein ordered. And it is Ordered, That the said Rice deliver over to the said Receiver the possession of the real estate, all the property and effects, notes, accounts, things in action, mortgages; certificates, and rights and credits of said Platt so transferred to him as set forth in said complaint; that the said Collins, Halverson and Benjamin Wellington deliver over to the said Receiver all the property and effects transferred to them by the said Platt, and remaining in their hands at the time of the service of the garnishee process upon them as mentioned in said complaint, and all the money or property which they may have received for and in exchange of said property, or any portion thereof, since the time of the service of said garnishee notice; that said Henry W. Wellington and the other said defendants, for whom he acts a Agent, as stated in said complaint, deliver over said property and effects, and the money or other thing received on the sale of or in exchange for any portion thereof since the same came into his or their hands as stated in said complaint, or enter into and deliver to said Receiver the bond for the sum and upon the conditions above stated. And it is Ordered, That the said Rice, Collins, Halverson and Benjamin Wellington deliver to the said Receiver inventories of the said property and effects which they and each of them are herein required to deliver to said Receiver, and that the said Benjamin Wellington, Agent of the said Henry W. Wellington, deliver to said Receiver an inventory of the property and effects which came into the hands of the said Henry W. Wellington and the other said defendants, for whom he so acted as Agent, as mentioned in said complaint; that such inventories be each verified by the oath of the party signing and delivering the same, as above ordered, that the same are correct and true. And it is also Orderd, That the Receiver shall have power and authority to sue for and collect any of the said debts, demands and rents belonging to the said defandant, Platt, which may come into his hands or may be delivered to him by the said defendants, or either of them, and to compromise and settle such as are unsafe or of a doubtful character, with the consent of the parties interested in the funds in his hands, and the tenants of such real estate of the defendant, Platt, as was transferred to the said Rice, as mentioned and set forth in said complaint, are to attorney of such tenants attorney and pay rents to him; and such Receiver is hereby permitted to make leases from time to time, as may be necessary, of any such real estate for a term not exeeding one year. And it is Ordered, That all persons indebted on any note, bond, mortgage, account or other security given to the said Platt, and so transferred by him to the said Rice, Collins and Halverson or either of them, pay the same to the said Receiver; and that every person having in his hands or under his control any of the said personal property or effects, notes, bonds, mortgages, so transferred and assigned to them, or either of them, by and so belonging to the said Platt, as stated in said complaint, deliver over the same to the said Receiver. And it is Ordered, That the said Receiver may retain out of the moneys in his hands a sufficient amount to pay all necessary and proper disbursements made in and about the management of the matters pertaining to his Receivership, and shall keep and hold the property and effects, and moneys which shall come into his hands and under his control, subject to the order and control of this Court, and may be compelled to account at any time, under the rules and practice of this Court. An it is further Ordered, That the injunction in this case heretofore allowed, be continued as to the said defendants in full force, except as to the said defendant, Henry W. Wellington, and as to him the same is so modified that the said defendant, on entering into a good and sufficient bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, to be approved by H.S. Pierpont, County Judge of said County, conditioned to pay to the said Receiver all moneys which have or may come into his hands as stated in said complaint, and fully and truly account for the same, he may sell and dispose of said property and effects at the value thereof. Dated July 10th, 1862 BY THE COURT, DAVID TAYLOR, JUDGE GEOR. REED, Plaintiffs' Attorney. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4
HALVERSON, JACOB SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Samuel F. Pratt, Pascal P. Pratt, and Edwin Beals, Plaintiffs, vs Obadiah H. Platt, Geo. Rice, Samuel Hale, John V. Ayer, Joseph J. Whiting, Obarics W. Galloupe, James W. Bless, Albert T. Whiting, Otis H. Price, J??nes McKenna, Albert J. Sanborn, August L. Sanborn, Gideon B. Collins, and Jacob Halverson, Defendants. BY virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April, A.D. 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county on Saturday the 21st day of June, A.D. 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described property or so much thereof as will raise the amount of said Judgment and costs, to-wit: Lot number fourteen (14), in block number one hundred and seventeen (117), in the village and county of Manitowoc; also all defendants (Obediah H. Platt,) interest in the north west quarter of section number twenty-eight (28) in township number twenty (20), north of range number twenty-two (22), east; containing one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. J.D. MARKHAM, Att'y, for Pltff's. Dated Sheriff's Office, May 8th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HALVERSON, K. In Municipal court K. Halverson of Rickland (Rockland?) paid a fine of $5 and costs, amounting to $28, for assault. Halverson has been in trouble frequently. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 28, 1904 P. 1 ******* (Note: Not on court index, from newspaper)
HALWEY, HENRY Bertler Andrew; Halwey Henry; Duhmke A.L.D. First National Bank yr. 1879; No. 699; Box C.F. 30
HAMACHECK, JULIUS Bohn Manufacturing Company, a foreign corporation vs Reif, Anton E.; Reif, Lewis C.; Kiel, Henry; Stamback, Mathas(sic) & Nikolai, Peter; Hamacheck, Julius To recover balance of payment on promissory note (went to Supreme Court) re lumber & purchase of a mill - Mellen, Wis. Plummer, Wis. - inventory p. 107 (117?)-n4(n9?) Bills of sale #932a & 1051 are included in the documents & various spellings (other side of card) Cross references made Reif Lumber & Mfg Co; Rogan, John R.; Seeger, John A.; Krainik, John; Munch, Emil C.; Bohn, Gebhardt; Bohn, George W. (Jury) Daleiden, Peter; Cummings, Wm.; Connell, James; Martens, Henry; Sullivan, James; Stephani, Charles; Schreihart, J.P.; Duecker, C.A.; Judge, John; Gustaveson, Herman; Bagignich(?), Fred
HAMILTON, HENRY C. Egan, Thomas W. vs Henry C. Hamilton yr. 1855; X286; CF3
HAMILTON, PHILIPP Eaton, Rufus vs Philipp Hamilton yr. 1875; #561; CF28
STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County, Circuit Court. SS. Rufus P. Eaton, against Philip Hamilton. To Philip Hamilton Defendant. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc, at the City of Manitowoc in said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in hs (sic) dwelling house in said city within twenty days after service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time afore said, the plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of Four hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents with interest at ten per cent from the 2nd day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, besides the costs of this action. Dated October 6th, 1875. R.P. Eaton,Plaintiff. Said complaint has been filed in said office this 12th day of October, 1875. R.P. Eaton, Plff. Manitowoc Pilot, October 14, 1875 P. 2 ***** STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County, Circuit Court. ss. Rufus P. Eaton, against Philip Hamilton. To Philip Hamilton Defendant. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, county of Manitowoc, at the City of Manitowoc in said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in hs (sic) dwelling house in said city within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of Four hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents with interest at ten per cent from the 2nd day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, besides the cost of this action. Dated October 6th, 1875. R.P. Eaton, Plaintiff. Said complaint has been filed in said office this 12th day of October, 1875. R. P. Eaton, Plff. Manitowoc Pilot, November 11, 1875 P. 2
HAMINICK, ADOLPH (First publication June 20, 1882.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the Estate of Adolph Haminick, deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:-Letters of administration on said estate of Adolph Haminick having been issued to Joseph Hejda on the 13th day of June, A.D. 1882, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance notice, is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of each month and on the 19th day of December, A.D. 1882, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said county receive, examine and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated, June 13th, 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Estabrook & Walker, Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4
HAMLIN, FREDERICKA N. Knapwurst, Catherine et al (Fredericka N. Hamlin et al vs) Promissory note yr. 1873; #243; CF24
HAMLIN, WILLIAM Jones, Ben et al (Hamlin, William vs.) yr. 1860; #1599; CF 13
HAMM?, JOHN K. Farwell, John V. et al; Chas. B. Farwell; Willis D. Farwell; John K. Hamm? & Benjamin F. Ray; vs Braasch, Fred et al; Anton Braasch; Adam Sechrist; Sophia C.M. Braasch wf of Frederick yr. 1870; #61; CF22
HAMMEL, ERNST Bohn, Charles; Bohn, Henry E.; Bohn, Regina; Bohn, John; Bohn, Tillie; Bohn, Augusta; Bohn, Adeline; Oswald, Emma W.C.; Krueger Mary Pltf. Hammel Ernst Administrator of Estate S. OF W. Also Mortgage yr. 1889; Case No. 1665; Box C.F. 43
HAMMOND, DANIEL D. Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.- George S. Glover against Willowby Liskum, Mary Liskum, Daniel D. Hammond, and Theodore C. Shove. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said court, in the above entitled action, dated the 31st day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cost, together with the expense of sale.- All those certain pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and known and describes as follows, to wit: The south west quarter of the north east quarter of section number twenty nine, (29) in town nineteen, (19) range twenty one (21) east, and the north west quarter of the north east quarter of section twenty nine, (29) in town nineteen, (19) range twenty one (21) east; also the east half of the north east quarter of section Number thirty one, (31) town nineteen, (19) range twenty two, (22) east. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, January 27, 1860 P. 4
HAMONECK, ADOLPH COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of Adolph Hamoneck, deceased; Warrant to appraisers, notice to creditors and order as to claims issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4
HAMONICK, ADOLPH COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In re estate of Adolph Hamonick, deceased; order to hear petition for administration. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1
HANSEL, EISEBINS IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County court. In the matter of the estate of Eisebins Hensel, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles Eigledinger, of said county, representing among other things that Eisebins Hensel, late of said county, on the 20th day of February, A.D. 1870, at said county, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is next of kin of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before judge of this court, on Monday, the 21st day of March A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, Feb. 24th, 1870
HANSEN, ANDREW (Brennan, William) Hansen, Andrew yr. 1899; 3655; CF 58
HANSEN, EMILLIA (First publication April 30, '91.) STATE OF WISCONSIN. IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles Hartwig, plaintiff, vs. Harry C. Hansen, Emillia Hansen, his wife, C. Aultman & Co., a foreign corporation, The Ohio Rake Co., a foreign corporation, and Jacob Fliegler, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and order of sale rendered and entered in the above entitled action and bearing date of the 23rd of January, A.D., 1890, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest best bidder for cash at the sheriff?s office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, in the state of Wisconsin, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 13th day of June, A.D., 1891, all the following described land and premises directed by said judgment to be sold, to pay and satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and cost, to-wit: Lots numbered eighteen, (18), nineteen, (19), twenty, (20), twenty one, (21), twenty two, (22), twenty three, (23), twenty four, (24), twenty five, (25), twenty six, (26), in subdivision of the south west quarter, (1/4), of section number twenty five, (25), in township No. nineteen north of range No. Twenty three, (23), east, as the same is laid down on the plat of said subdivision recorded in the registers office of said county. Dated April 29th 1891. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. G.A. Forrest Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, June 4, 1891 P. 5
HANSEN, FREDERICK Kemper, Louis vs Hansen, Mary L. of estate of Frederick Hansen, Dec yr. 1875; #589-A; CF 28
HANSEN, HANS C. Appleton Man'f Co. vs Hans C. Hansen Money owed yr. 1881; 1159; CF 36
HANSEN, HANS C. Emerson, Lyman vs. Hansen, Hans C. Money award yr. 1881; #1162; CF36
HANSEN, HARRY C. (First publication April 30, '91.) STATE OF WISCONSIN. IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles Hartwig, plaintiff, vs. Harry C. Hansen, Emillia Hansen, his wife, C. Aultman & Co., a foreign corporation, The Ohio Rake Co., a foreign corporation, and Jacob Fliegler, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and order of sale rendered and entered in the above entitled action and bearing date of the 23rd of January, A.D., 1890, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest best bidder for cash at the sheriff?s office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, in the state of Wisconsin, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 13th day of June, A.D., 1891, all the following described land and premises directed by said judgment to be sold, to pay and satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and cost, to-wit: Lots numbered eighteen, (18), nineteen, (19), twenty, (20), twenty one, (21), twenty two, (22), twenty three, (23), twenty four, (24), twenty five, (25), twenty six, (26), in subdivision of the south west quarter, (1/4), of section number twenty five, (25), in township No. nineteen north of range No. Twenty three, (23), east, as the same is laid down on the plat of said subdivision recorded in the registers office of said county. Dated April 29th 1891. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. G.A. Forrest Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, June 4, 1891 P. 5
HANSEN, MARY L. Kemper, Louis vs Hansen, Mary L. of estate of Frederick Hansen, Dec yr. 1875; #589-A; CF 28
HANSEN, OLE Knutson, Christian (Ole Hansen vs) hasn't fulfilled contract yr. 1874; #303; CF25
HANSON, (NO NAME) Connel - Hanson yr. 1887; #1660; CF43
HANSON, MRS. A. 7-In re guardianship of minor heirs of Robt. Carr, deceased:-Receipts of Mrs. R. Bergmann, Mrs. E. Kenyon and Mrs. A. Hanson filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
HANSON, ANDREW Connel, John Deft. Hauson (sic), Andrew Pltf. Promissary Note S. of W. yr. 1887; #1660; CF43
HANSON, ANDREW Dunn, Robert et al (Hanson, Andrew vs) Financial dispute yr. 1896; #3329; CF55
HANSON, ANNA Sheriff's Sale. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY.-Betsey Gordmanson, Almey Erickson, Robbey Knute Knuteson Yomer, Anna Hanson and Mary Knuteson Yomer, Plaintiffs, against Rose Knuteson, defendant. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale in the above entitled cause; dated June 28, 1871. I shall expose for sale, at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc, and county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, on the 18th day of May, 1872 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises, or as much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, and costs of such sale, as follows, to wit: All the following real estate lying and being in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, viz: The south west 1/4 of the south west 1/4 of section number twenty-seven (27, Town number nineteen, (19), Range number Twenty-two (22) east, containing forty acres of land according to the official survey. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., March 18th, 1872. Albert Wittenberg, Sheriff. J.D. Markham, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Manitowoc Pilot, April 11, 1872 P. 4
HANSON, CHRISTENA (First publication March 5, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN:-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Thomas E. Torrison and Oscar M. Torrison, as executors of the last will and testament of Oeuld (sic) Torrison, deceased, plaintiffs, vs. Marget Stenson (alias Mary Stenson), individually and as administratrix of the estate of Aanen Stenson (alias Onend Stensin), deceased; Anna Stenson, Christena Hanson, Mary Stenson, Cornelius Stenson, Mollie Stenson, Gina Stenson, Martin Stenson, Olga Stenson, Amanda M.O. Stenson and T.M. Thompson, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 13th day of February, 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc County Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the County Jail Building at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Thursday the twenty-third (23rd) day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiffs for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and described in said judgment as follows, to wit: The south-west quarter of the north-west quarter (S. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4) of section sixteen (16), containing forty acres more or less; and government lot No. seven (7), in section seventeen (17) containing forty-six and 90-100 (46 90-100) acres more or less, all situated in township No. nineteen (19) north of range No. twenty-three (23), east. Dated March 4, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiffs' Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2
HANSON, EMILIA Aultman, C., Co., a foreign corporation vs Hanson, Hans C.; Hanson, Emilia, wife of Hans C.; Breier, William; Fliegler, Jacob; Westphal, H.C.; Hartwig, Charles; Ohio Rake Company; Pitts Agricultural Works; Wallich, Charlotte Mortgage Foreclosure cross reference Schallowitz, Theresa; Radtke, August; Ganger, Carl Jr. contains mortgage # 17993 yr. 1890-1891; #2000; CF 47
HANSON, HANS C. Aultman, C., Co., a foreign corporation vs Hanson, Hans C.; Hanson, Emilia, wife of Hans C.; Breier, William; Fliegler, Jacob; Westphal, H.C.; Hartwig, Charles; Ohio Rake Company; Pitts Agricultural Works; Wallich, Charlotte Mortgage Foreclosure cross reference Schallowitz, Theresa; Radtke, August; Ganger, Carl Jr. contains mortgage # 17993 yr. 1890-1891; #2000; CF 47
HANSON, JASPER Birdsall, C. vs Hanson, Jasper Financial payment for materials yr. 1883; #1229; CF 37
HANSON, JASPER Eldred, Elisha (Hanson, Jasper vs) Business dispute yr. 1883; #1254; CF37
HANSON, LUDWIG G. Beck, Frederick Christian vs Hanson, Ludwig G. execution to sell land at public sale yr. 1876; #417; CF 26
HANSON, LUDWIG G. Jones, Benjamin vs. Beck, Frederick C.; Hanson, Ludwig G. & Hanson, William property dispute yr. 1875; #412; CF 26
HANSON, PETER J. IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY- Peter J. Hanson, Plaintiff, vs. Lucy A. Hanson, Defendant. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN-TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid: and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. G.A. Forrest, Plaintiff's Atorney (sic). P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, September 24, 1914 P. 4
HANSON, WILLIAM Jones, Benjamin vs. Beck, Frederick C.; Hanson, Ludwig G. & Hanson, William property dispute yr. 1875; #412; CF 26
HAPPLE, JOHN B. Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40
HAPPLE, KAROLINA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40
HARBRECHT, DORTHEA Kelb, August (Dorthea Harbrecht vs) yr. 1900; #3660; CF 58
HARLAN, HANNAH Chase, Perley S. vs Harlan, Patrick; Harlan, Hannah his wife or Haban, Patrick Promissory note yr.1873; #218; CF24; EJK
HARLAN, PATRICK Chase, Perley S. vs Harlan, Patrick; Harlan, Hannah his wife or Haban, Patrick Promissory note yr.1873; #218; CF24; EJK
HARLING, CARL Bear, Frank A. - Harling, Carl vs Money owed yr. 1881; 1157; CF 36
HARMON, ISAAC W. G. Kidder (Isaac W. Harmon & Co. vs) yr. 1852; X 21; CF 1
HARRINGTON, LYMAN SHERIFF'S SALE, State of Wisconsin, in Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Lyman Harrington & Josiah N. Cheney against James Fenlason and Jane Fenlason. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. In verture of and pursuant to a Judgement rendered in said court in the above entiled action April 29th A.D. 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the court house in the Village of Manitowoc on Saturday the 5th day of February A.D. 1859 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described morgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interests and costs, together with expenses of sale, to-wit: The north east quarter of the northwest quarter of section number twenty one (21) in township number (19) north of range number twenty two (22) east lying and being situated in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc December 17th 1858. T.A.H. EDWARDS, Sheriff By W.F. ELDRIDGE, Deputy. J.D. MARKHAM, Pl'ffs Att'y The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 4, 1859 P. 3 The above sale is further postponed until June 25th 1859, at the same hour and, place. T.H.H. EDWARDS, Sheriff. By W.F.ELDRIDGE, Deputy. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, April 30, 1859 P. 4
HARRINGTON, TIMOTHY Cahier, Edward vs Smith H.H. (Caya) in inside Louis Fields & Simmons; Cyrus Whitcomb; Antoine Caya; Francis Langrain(Langreau); Lewis Flures; Timothy Harrington? late of Tn T.R. d. ca 28 Sep 1854 acting J.P. for Mtw Co. heard original case judgment against Dft dispute over oats sold to H.H. Smith yr. 1854; X242; CF 2
HARRIS MANUFACTURING CO. (First publication December 28, 1882.) SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT MANITOWOC COUNTY, ss. Harris Manufacturing Co., Plaintiff vs. Joseph Morrisey, Dependent. By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action, against the personal and real property of Joseph Morrisey to me directed and delivered, I have seized and taken the following described real estate, and all the right, title and interest which the said defendant, Joseph Morrisey, had in and to said real estate at the day of docketing of said judgment, to wit: On the 15th day of December, 1882, or have since acquired, viz: The North-east quarter of the North-west quarter of Section Number Eighteen (18) and the South-east quarter of the South-west quarter of Section Number Seven (7) all in Town ship Number Twenty (20) North of Range Number Twenty-two (22) east, in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, of which land I shall sell a quantity sufficient to pay the amount of the judgment in the above entitled action, interest, costs and expenses of sale all of which right, title and interest in the same as aforesaid, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, as by law directed, on Saturday the 10th day of February, A.D. 1883 at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M., at the front door of the court house in the city of Manitowoc in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Dated December 26, 1892. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. G.G. Sedgwick, Plaintiff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, December 28, 1882 P. 3
HARRIS, EMILY Armsby, Fayette Plaintiff - Harris, Erwin; Harris, Emily Defendant Plntf seeks to foreclose on a mortgage for $400.00 on 6 1/2 acres in town of Cato. Defendants have left the State Other dfndts listed are Parmenud A. Camp, Frederick A. Marshall, Hiram A. Barrett; Charles A Canwright; Franklin D Grey; Eleazer W. Densmore; George H. Phelps. Only Canwright of the above is still in the State of Wis. yr. 1858; #1770; Box CF 14 FLB
HARRIS, ERVIN C. Camp, Parmenus A. vs Harris, Ervin C. etal yr. 1857; X1671; CF 13
HARRIS, ERWIN Armsby, Fayette Plaintiff - Harris, Erwin; Harris, Emily Defendant Plntf seeks to foreclose on a mortgage for $400.00 on 6 1/2 acres in town of Cato. Defendants have left the State Other dfndts listed are Parmenud A. Camp, Frederick A. Marshall, Hiram A. Barrett; Charles A Canwright; Franklin D Grey; Eleazer W. Densmore; George H. Phelps. Only Canwright of the above is still in the State of Wis. yr. 1858; #1770; Box CF 14 FLB
HARRIS, FRED Clark, John Defendant Harris, Fred State of Wisconsin Plaintiffs Dfndt is accused of obtaining money under false pretenses by using a forged token. yr. 1877; #2086; Box CF16
HARRIS, FRED Denway, John; Pautz, Carl & Pautz, Gottlieb (Theodore C. Shove & Fred Harris) >yr. 1883; #1352; CF39; SJB
HARRIS, FRED H. Denway, John; Pautz, Carl & Pautz, Gottlieb (Theo C. Shove & Fred H. Harris) yr. 1883; #1358; CF39
HARRIS, J.E. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. Feb. 14-In re estate of Lois D. Amsden, deceased; R.S. O'Connell, J.E. Harris and Dan F. Robinson appointed executors; their bonds filed and approved. Letters testamentary issued to above named executors. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
HARRIS, JOHN E. Bibinger, John; Shove, Charles J.; Harris, John E.; (Piening Adolph) About a promissory note yr. 1894; Case No. 3031; Box No. C.F. 51
HARRIS, WALTER Ahlers, Albert (Walter Harris Co vs) Claim they threshed his clover & want to be paid. He claims negligent threshing. yr 1885; #1465; CF 40
HARST, JOHN Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. John Harst agt. Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt, and George Rice. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN:-To Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt and George Rice, Defendants.-You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of John Harst, Plaintiff, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and a copy of which was filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, at Manitowoc, this, July 8th, 1859, and serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber, at Manitowoc, Wis, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for One Hundred and Ninety Three Dollars and ten cents, and interest on two hundred and sixty eight dollars and ten cents, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, from the 21st day of December, 1857, to the 19th day of May, 1859, and interest on one hundred and ninety three dollars and ten cents, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, from the 19th day of May, 1850 (sic), besides the costs of this action. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ff. Att'y. Manitowoc, July 8th, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4
HARST, JOHN Circuit Court-Manitowoc county John Harst agt. Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt, and George Rice. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN;-To Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt and George Rice, Defendants-You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of John Harst, Plaintiff, a copy of which is hereto annexed; and a copy of which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Manitowoc, this July 8th, 1859, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber, at Manitowoc, Wis., within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for One Hundred and Ninety Three Dollars and ten cents, and interest on two hundred and sixty eight dollars and ten cents, at the rate of ten percent per annum, from the 21st day of December, 1857, to the 19th day of May, 1859; and interest on one hundred and ninety three dollars and ten cents; at the rate of ten percent per annum, from the 19th day of May, 1858, besides the costs of this action. Wm. M. Nichols, Ptff. Att'y. Manitowoc, July 8th, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3
HART, JOHN Blackwell, W.M. - (John Hart vs) yr. 1862; X1594; CF 13
HARTER, LOUISE FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Peter Scharm, Plaintiff. vs. Louise Harter, Defendant. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 27th day of July, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County Wisconsin, held at the court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the said city of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action together with the interest, costs and expenses, to-wit: The South East quarter (1/4) of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number twelve (12) in Township number seventeen (17), north of Range number twenty-one (21), east in said Manitowoc County in the State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 6th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg (sic), Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Peter Scharm, Plaintiff. vs. Louise Harter, Defendant. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 27th day of July, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of Circuit Court for Manitowoc County Wisconsin, held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the said city of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action together with the interest, costs and expenses, to wit: The South East quarter (1/4), of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number twelve (12), in Township number seventeen (17), north of Range number twenty-one (21), east in said Manitowoc County in the State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 6th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2
HARTLAUB, PETER ORDER FOR PROOF OF WILL. First publication Sept. 16th 1886. State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc County. ss Probate Office, Manitowoc, September 14th, A.D. 1886. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of Peter Hartlaub, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter Hartlaub deaeased (sic), late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Henry Backhaus, who is named in said Will as the Executor thereof, praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon as provided by law: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 1?th day of October, A.D. 1886, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication of a copy of this order in the Nord-Westen, a newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, Carl H. Schmidt, County Jugde (sic). Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, September 16, 1886 P. 5
HARTLAUB, PETER NOTICE TO CREDITORS. First Publication Oct. 14th 1886. State of Wisconsin, County Court for Manitowoc County-In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Hartlaub, deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Letters testamntary (sic) on said Estate of Peter Hartlaub, deceased, having been issued to Henry Backhaus on the 12th day of October, A.D. 1886, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that said Court will, at regular terms thereof, to be held on the 1st Tuesdays of December 1886, and February and May 1887, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, receive, examine, and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated October 12th, 1886. By the Court, Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, October 14, 1886 P. 5
HARTMAN, FREDERICK Kaderabek, Frank PTF vs Hartman, Frederick DFT Land dispute yr. 1883; #1326; CF 38
HARTMANN, JACOB/PAULINA (First publication Aug. 31, 1882.) CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles Wolf, plaintiff, versus Jacob Hartmann, Paulina Hartmann, his wife, Berthat Gilbert, Anna Jantz, Christian Jantz, her husband, and George Ranck, defendatns. The State of Wisconsin, to the said defendants and each of then: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Schmitz & Kirwan and Nash & Nash, Plaintiff Attorneys. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. To the above named defendants, Jacob Hartmann and Paulina Hartmann, his wife: Take notice, that the summons, of which the foregoing is a true copy, and the complaint in this action have been filed in the office of the clerk of the above named court at the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan and Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Adress, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, September 14, 1882 P. 2
HARTMANN, JACOB & PAULINA (First publication June 26, 1884.) IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Ernst W. Schlichting, plaintiff, vs. Jacob Hartmann, Pauline Hartmann his wife, Barbara Gilbert (called Bertha Gilbert in the summons in this action), Charles Wolf, Anna Jantz, Christian Jantz her husband and George Ranck, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action by the above named court at the January, A.D., 1883, general term of said court for Manitowoc county, and dated on the 18th day of June, A.D., 1883, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on Saturday, the 9th day of August, A.D. 1884, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to raise the amount due to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, to-wit: The south-east quarter of the north-west quarter, and the east twenty and 34-100 acres of the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter, all in section No. thirty-one in township No. twenty, north of range No. twenty-two east, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin; also the south-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section No. thirty-one in township No. twenty, north, of range No. twenty-two east, in said county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Date, Manitowoc, Wis. June 23, 1884. John Bibinger, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. Schmitz & Kirwan and Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, July 3, 1884 P. 2
HARTUNG, FRED Arnold, Anna - (Guardian Zander, Louis) Hartung, Fred (sale of land) T.R. - S. of W. yr. 1883; case no. 1697; Box no. C.F. 43
HARTUNG, JULIA E. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
HARTWIG, AUGUST IN PROBATE.-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of August Hartwig, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John R. Weber, of Manitowoc county representing among other things that August Hartwig, late of Manitowoc County died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State and that the said petitioner is a creditor of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 23d day of February, A.D., 1874, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot a Weekly Newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Dated Manitowoc the 4th day of February A.D. 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, March 12, 1874 P. 1
HARTWIG, CHARLES Aultman, C., Co., a foreign corporation vs Hanson, Hans C.; Hanson, Emilia, wife of Hans C.; Breier, William; Fliegler, Jacob; Westphal, H.C.; Hartwig, Charles; Ohio Rake Company; Pitts Agricultural Works; Wallich, Charlotte Mortgage Foreclosure cross reference Schallowitz, Theresa; Radtke, August; Ganger, Carl Jr. contains mortgage # 17993 yr. 1890-1891; #2000; CF 47
HARTWIG, CHARLES (First publication April 30, '91.) STATE OF WISCONSIN. IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles Hartwig, plaintiff, vs. Harry C. Hansen, Emillia Hansen, his wife, C. Aultman & Co., a foreign corporation, The Ohio Rake Co., a foreign corporation, and Jacob Fliegler, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and order of sale rendered and entered in the above entitled action and bearing date of the 23rd of January, A.D., 1890, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest best bidder for cash at the sheriff?s office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, in the state of Wisconsin, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 13th day of June, A.D., 1891, all the following described land and premises directed by said judgment to be sold, to pay and satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and cost, to-wit: Lots numbered eighteen, (18), nineteen, (19), twenty, (20), twenty one, (21), twenty two, (22), twenty three, (23), twenty four, (24), twenty five, (25), twenty six, (26), in subdivision of the south west quarter, (1/4), of section number twenty five, (25), in township No. nineteen north of range No. Twenty three, (23), east, as the same is laid down on the plat of said subdivision recorded in the registers office of said county. Dated April 29th 1891. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. G.A. Forrest Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, June 4, 1891 P. 5
HARVEY, DAVID Baird, Henry S. of Brown County, Trustee for creditors of Robt. M. Ebbets Plaintiff Smoke David Defendant David Harvey, Joseph Jones, Lewis Bold, & the Kenosha, Rockford and Rock Island Railroad Co-defendants Suit to collect on a mortgage on 200 acres of land in section 13 Town of Cooperstown. yr. 1860; #2121; Box CF 16 FLB
HARVEY, ROBERT Jones, Benj. (Harvey, Robert et al vs) yr. 1858; #1518; CF 13
HASBROUCK, ISAAC A. Baldwin, Herman - Hasbrouck, Isaac A. vs Non-payment of mort. yr. 1878/79; Case 977; CF 33
HASBROUCK, ISAAC A. Jones, Benjamin et al & Jones, Alonzo(son); Jones, Emma his wife Hasbrouck, Issac A. vs. loan payment of mort. money owed $3,000 plus interest yr. 1878/79; #977; Cf 33
HASEMER, MARTIN State of Wis vs Birdsall, John E. (????) Jacob Hessel vs John E. Birdsall; Benj. Birdsall; Willis Gillett assault in Tn. Kossuth subpoenea to: Margaretha Ewe; Anna Maria Hessel Sr.; John Hessel; Martin Hasemer; Anna Maria Hessel wife of John Hessel; John Fetzer; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of Jacob Hessel; Caspar Ewe; Henry Ma?? 7 wit. fees pd to Judgment of "guilty for dfts" $50. + costs remanded to Sheboygan jail till paid (more on back of card) yr. 1854; #253; CF 2 (back of card) wit. for prosecution Jacob Hessel; Chas. Mueller; Anna Maria Hessel; John H(can't read); Caspar Ewe; Margaretha Ewe; Martin Hassemer; Anna Maria Hessel, Mother of Jacob Hessel; John Herschman; wit. for dft. D. ?. Westgate; Lorenz Peterson; Caspar Ewe brother-in-law of Jacob Hessel; ??? U.S.A. 8 yrs.; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of John Hessel test. her husb a "bro. of Jacob" Hessel family man, wife & 3 chr ages 9, 8 & 9 mos. Ewe family - man, wife, mother of wife, 5 ch & Martin Hassemer Hessel shot, broken arm, may need amputation.
HASSEMAR, GEORGE Katzemier, Lorentz vs Hassemar, George Promissary Note yr. 1886; #1589; CF 42
HASTINGS, SAMUEL D. Ellis, E.H. & Hastings, Samuel D. vs Heubner, Julietta & Heubner, Frederick Plffs are attorneys and are owed money by defs for services yr. 1873; #257; CF24
HATHAWAY, JOSHUA NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned Commissioners appointed by the Hon. Timothy O. Howe, Judge of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, for the purpose of appraising damage, sustained by the owners of certain lands in said Manitowoc county and hereinafter described, taken by the Manitowoc and Mississippi Rail Road company for the use and construction of said Road, will meet at the office of Geo. L. Lee, in the village of Manitowoc, on Saturday, the 25th day of November inst., at 11 o'clock, a.m., for the purpose of assessing damages sustained by the following person, viz., Benj. Jones, Geo. Reed, Hinckley & Allen, Benj. W. Porter, Edmund W. Blim, H.H. Smith. J.E. Platt, O.H. Platt, Joshua Hathaway, and all other persons concerned, owning any interest in the following described lands and premises, lying and being in the village and county of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, to wit: block no. 170, block no. 171, block no. 172, block no. 183, block no. 185, block no. 186, block no. 187, bl'k no. 212, block no. 213, block no. 214, block no. 242, block no. 243; at which time and place the said owners can appear before the said commissioners and be heard in their behalf. James Bennett, M. Fellows, H. McAllister, Commissioners. Dated Nov. 7th, 1854 Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, November 18, 1854 P. 3
HAUCH, P. Killen, Wm. H. VS Reddin, Matt & his wf Anna Reddin; P. Hauch; J.P. Watt; John Gliner; Wencel Kellson; Wm. Rahr Sons Co.; John J. Muhau yr. 1899; #634; CF 58
HAULY, BERNARD STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County. ss Anton Walterbach, Plaintiff. against Bernard Hauly, Defendant. To the Defendant above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of two hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-eight cents, besides the cost of this action. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Plaintiff's Atty's. Dated August 7th, 1875. The complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county on the 19th day of February A.D. 1875. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Plaintiff's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, March 18, 1875 P. 2 ***** STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County. ss Anton Walterbach, Plaintiff, against Bernard Hauly, Defendant. To the Defendant above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of two hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-eight cents, besides the cost of this action. H.G & W.J. Turner, Plaintiff's Atty's. Dated August 7th, 1875. The complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court for said county on the 19th day of February A.D. 1875. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Plaintiff's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, March 25, 1875 P. 2 ***** STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County ss Anton Walterbach, Plaintiff, against Bernard Hauly, Defendant. To the Defendant above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of two hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-eight cents, besides the cost of this action. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Plaintiff's Att's. Dated August 7th, 1875. The complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county on the 19th day of February A.D. 1875. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Plaintiff's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, April 15, 1875 P. 2
HAUCH, P.J. (First publication March 17, 1887.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. P.J. Hauch, plaintiff, vs. Thomas Haggerty defendant. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, dated on the 12th day of January, A.D., 1886, and rendered at a general term of the circuit court for Manitowoc county, held at the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wis., I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the sheriff's office in the court house in said city and county, on the 7th day of May, A.D., 1887, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, viz.: The North-east quarter (1/4) of the South-east quarter (1/4) of Section No. One (1) in the Township of Maple Grove in the aforesaid county and state, being Township No. Twenty, (20) North of Range No. Twenty-one (21) East, there being forty acres of land more or less according to public survey. Dated, March 16, 1887. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. G.A. Forrest, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, May 5, 1887 P. 1
HAUNCH, P.J. CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3
HAUCK, PETER J. Barnes, Mary F. vs Haggerty, Thomas & Hauck, Peter J. Promissory notes yr. 1886; #1567; CF 42
HAUENSTEIN, GEORGE Dassler, Ernst; Borcherdt, Frederick; Hauenstein, George yr. 1866; #1763; CF44
HAUNGS, MATHIAS Breu, Joseph (Mathias Haungs vs) Promissory note yr. 1899; #1611; CF 42
HAUNGS, MATHIAS Dow, Benjamin F. - Haungs, Mathias vs Money owed for land yr. 1881; #1190; CF36
FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY- Mathias Haungs, plaintiff, vs Killian Grossbaier, Maria Anna Grossbaier, his wife, Benjamin F. Dow, Luman F. Dow, and J.W. Howe, defentants. In virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action, in and by said court (at a general term thereof in Manitowoc county) on the 30th day of June, 1881, (Perfected October 3d, 1881,) I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue on Saturday, the 9th day of December, 1882, at ten o'clock, A.M., at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, viz: all the following tract of land situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section number thirty-four (34) and the west half of the north west quarter of section number thirty-five (35) all in township number eighteen (18), range number twenty-one (21) east, containing one hundred twenty (120) acres of land more or less. Dated at Sheriff's Office, October 23rd, 1882. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. A.J. Schmitz, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 16, 1882 P. 2
HAUNGS, MATHIAS Dow, Luman F. - Haungs, Mathias vs Money owed for land yr. 1881; #1190; CF36
FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY- Mathias Haungs, plaintiff, vs Killian Grossbaier, Maria Anna Grossbaier, his wife, Benjamin F. Dow, Luman F. Dow, and J.W. Howe, defentants. In virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action, in and by said court (at a general term thereof in Manitowoc county) on the 30th day of June, 1881, (Perfected October 3d, 1881,) I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue on Saturday, the 9th day of December, 1882, at ten o'clock, A.M., at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, viz: all the following tract of land situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section number thirty-four (34) and the west half of the north west quarter of section number thirty-five (35) all in township number eighteen (18), range number twenty-one (21) east, containing one hundred twenty (120) acres of land more or less. Dated at Sheriff's Office, October 23rd, 1882. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. A.J. Schmitz, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 16, 1882 P. 2
(First publication May 29, 1890.) CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. John W. Barnes, plaintiff, vs. John P. Christman, Elizabeth Christman, his wife; Susanna Christman, Joseph Gilsdorf, Joseph Breu, Mathias Haungs, Henry Goeres and E. Nelleson, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action at a general term of the Circuit Court for the county of Manitowoc, held at the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and dated the 30th day of June, A.D., 1887, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 12th day of July, A.D., 1890 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to wit: all the following described tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and being situated in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, to-wit: The northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the southwest quarter (SW1/4) and the northwest quarter (NW1/4) of the southeast quarter (SE1/4) and the southeast quarter (SE1/4) of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the southeast quarter (SE1/4) all in section No. sixteen (16) township No. eighteen (18) north of range twenty-one (21) east in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, containing 160 acres of land more or less according to government survey. Dated May 26th., 1890. Frank Zeman, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Walker & Brown, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 19, 1890 P. 2 also in: Manitowoc Pilot, July 3, 1890 P. 2
HAUPT, HENRY CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3
HAUPT, LUDWIG COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of Ludwig Haupt, deceased: Wilhelmine Haupt appointed guardian of minors. Order entered to hear petition to sell lands of minors. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4
HAUPT, WILHELMINE COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of Ludwig Haupt, deceased: Wilhelmine Haupt appointed guardian of minors. Order entered to hear petition to sell lands of minors. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4
HAVEL, (NO NAME) Doubek - Havel yr. 1876; #673; CF29
HAVEL, JOSEPH Doubek, Wentzel Deft. Havel, Joseph Pltf. Promisary Note. (no yr.); #673; CF29 also as Hovel
HAVENSTEIN, GEORGE Borcherdt, Frederick; Havenstein, George; Dassler, Ernest Mortgage yr. 1867; No 1762; Box C.F. 44
HAWS, M.D. DFT - Boalt, C.G. - PTF - Haws, M.D. Delinquent Account yr. 1883; #1323; CF 38
HAWS, M.D. DFT - Boget, C.G. (could be Boak)(sic) PTF - Haws, M.D. Delinquent account yr. 1883; #1323; CF 38
HAYNES, E.N. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
HAYSSEN, (NO NAME) Blum Fred & McGovern (Kohler - Hayssen - Stahn) yr. 1886; No 1819; Box C.F. 44
HEALY, MICHAEL H. Crojser, Thos. (Michael H. Healy vs) yr. 1857; X1586; CF13
HEAP, HENRY Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HEATH, AURILLA CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3
HEATH, CH. CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3
HEATH, H. Kendall, Catherina vs Heath, H. Cath. administrator of estate of Seth Kendall, dec Tn Cato Michael Murphy wit for ptf Seth death date 18 Mar 1877 Suit to recover money owed deceased by his heir. yr. 1877; #796; CF 31
HEATH, JOHN Eveland, Abram D. (John Heath vs) yr. 1858; X1403; CF11
HEBERT, CHARLES Bruce, Wm. H. (Hebert, Charles vs) yr. 1852; X1392; CF 11
HECKER, ERNST 20 (First publication March 27, 1883.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Christine Boldt, deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Letters of administration on said estate of Christine Boldt having been issued to Ernst Hecker on the 27th day of March, A.D. 1883, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for exmination (sic) and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the First Tuesdays of the months of May, June, September and on 2nd day of October, A.D., 1883, at the Probate Office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated March 27th, 1883. R.E. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 4
HECKMAN, MICHAEL Alderman, Wilhelmina vs Heckman, Michael year 1871; #123; CF 23
HEEP, H. Endringer, Nicholas (H. Heep vs) yr. 1865; X809; CF7
HEINDL, ANDRE Benkner, Charles - (Heindl, Andre vs) yr. 1871; Case 94; CF 22
HEINE, ANDREW Berkner, Carl Defendant - State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Dfndt is accused of striking and injuring one Andrew Heine on Dec 29 1870. Dfndt is further accused of perjury in that his statements to the grand jury pere(sic) proven false by other witnesses. yr. 1871; #2093; Box CF 16 FLB
HEINEMAN, F. Feldschmidt, Sebastian Jr. vs. (Hoefner, F.W. et al) [Heineman, F.] [Fose, John] [Zuehlke, Otto] yr. 1898; #3650; CF58
HEINKE, CARL Bucher, Elizabeth (dau. Carl Heinke & Dorthea Heinke) mentioned in Heinke vs Heinke yr. 1881; 1155; CF 36
HEINKE, DORTHEA Bucher, Elizabeth (dau. Carl Heinke & Dorthea Heinke) mentioned in Heinke vs Heinke yr. 1881; 1155; CF 36
HEINRICHS, JOHN P. FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County, Circuit Court. ss. Peter Weber as administrator of the estate of John R. Weber deceased, Plaintiff. vs. John P. Heinrichs, C.J. Sackett, Chas Trost, Chas W. White as administrator of the estate of John A. Horn and Otto Troemel Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 1st day of July A.D. 1875, at a general term of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County and estate on the 22d day of June A.D. 1875 I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the City of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following mortgaged premises or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, together with the interests, costs and expenses to wit: The East one-half (1/2), of the North one-half (1/2), of the West one-half (1/2), of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number thwenty-four (sic) (24), in Township number nineteen (19), Range number twenty-three (23), in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc this 10th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. White & Forrest, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2
HEINS, CHARLES (First publication January 24, 1882.) IN PROBATE.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heirs of Dorothea Heins. On reading and filing the petition of Charles Heins, guardian of said minors, representing among other things, that the said wards, are seized of certain real estate in Calumet county, Wis., and that it is for the interest of said wards that the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same; and it appearing to the court, from said petition, that it is for the interest of said minors for the said guardian to sell said real estate it is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said wards, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before me, on Tuesday the 28th day of February, A.D, 1882, at ten o'clock A.M., at the Probate Office in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there be), why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper printed at Manitowoc, in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 21st day of January, A.D. 1882. R.D. Smart, county Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
HEINS, DOROTHEA (First publication January 24, 1882.) IN PROBATE.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heirs of Dorothea Heins. On reading and filing the petition of Charles Heins, guardian of said minors, representing among other things, that the said wards, are seized of certain real estate in Calumet county, Wis., and that it is for the interest of said wards that the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same; and it appearing to the court, from said petition, that it is for the interest of said minors for the said guardian to sell said real estate it is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said wards, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before me, on Tuesday the 28th day of February, A.D, 1882, at ten o'clock A.M., at the Probate Office in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there be), why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper printed at Manitowoc, in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 21st day of January, A.D. 1882. R.D. Smart, county Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
HEINS, DOROTHEA 21-In re estate of Dorothea Heins to sell lands of minors. Hearing set for Feb. 28. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
HEINSTEAD, HENRY SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. William M. Wright plaintiff, against Henry Neinstead defendant. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. In virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said court, in the above entitled action, dated April 29th, 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court Hourse, in the Village of Manitowoc, on Monday the 21st, day of June 1858, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of that day the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land, situated, laying, and being, in that County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, and described as the undivided half of the north west quarter of the south west quarter of section number thirty five (35) in township number (20), north of range number twenty four (24), east, containing forty aces of land more or less. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, 6th day of May, 1858. T.A.H. EDWARDS. Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. By WM. F. ELDRIDGE, Deputy, J.D. MARKHAM, Pltff's Att'y The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, May 31, 1858 P. 3
HEINZ, HERMAN Plaintiff Beers, Charles - Defendant Mtwc. Northern Traction Co. Jury list - Joseph Menne; George Grimm; Joseph Miller; Herman Heinz; August Schulz; Ferd Heyroth; M. O'Connor; Math T?ingen; Frank Link; John Pinger; Math Tischler; Chas Voelker yr. 1903; 3952; CF 63
HEINZ, P. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. Fe. 20-In re estate of George Loose, deceased; bond of guardian, P. Heinz, approved. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
HEINZ, PETER COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 23-In re estate of George Loose, Jr., deceased; letter of guardianship issued to Peter Heinz. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
HEINZEN, ANTON Dobbert, Charles (Anton Heinzen vs) wants payment for work, labor & services performed yr. 1874; #253; CF24
HELFRISH, JOSEPH Boettcher, Charles & Christina (Joseph Helfrish vs) Promissory Note yr. 1886; #1527; CF 42
HELLMUTH, HELEN In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Helen Hellmuth, alleged Feeble-minded. Hearing had December 7, 1918, and said Helen Hellmuth adjudged insane and committed to the Home of Feeble-Minded. Costs Physicians, J.E. Meany $4.20; C.M. Gleason, $4.20. Sheriff Thomas Brennan. Committed to Hospital, $58.63. Manitowoc Herald News, July 2, 1919 p.5
HELWIG, WILLIAM PTF - Braasch, Frank DFT - Kapitan, John; Helwig, William Foreclosure mortgage yr. 1882; #1309; CF 38
HEMLEBEN, MARGARETHA Arndt, John; Arndt, Peter; Hemleben, Margaretha heirs of Nicholas Arndt, d. 27 Jan. 1870 yr. 1873; #288; CF 25
HEMSCHEMEYER, WILLIAM (First publication March 27, 1890.) STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles E. Spindler, Plaintiff, vs. Dietrich Roepke, Anna Roepke his wife, Carl Friederichs, A.J. Endries, Wenzel Smazel, The Rand & Roemer Hardware Company a domestic corporation, William Meyer, Philip Schrage, C.A. Gielow, and William Hemschemeyer, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered in the above entitled action at a general term of said court for said county held in the court house in the city of Manitowoc in said county commencing on the 4th day of June 1890, the undersigned as sheriff of said county, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the sheriff's office in the court house, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on Saturday the 10th day of May A.D., 1890 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to pay the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest taxes and costs, all the premises described in said judgment, as follows to-wit: all that part of the west half of the south-east quarter, of section thirty-four in township nineteen north of range twenty-three east, in the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin bounded as follows: Beginning at the south east corner of said tract and running thence north on the 1-16 line to a certain point or stake in the center line of the so called Green Bay Road on a true variation 4 degrees 15 minutes east, a distance of 9 85-100 chains, thence running on a true variation south 50 degrees west on the center line of said road to a certain stake therein, a distance of 4 50-100 chains, thence running on a true variation of north 77 degrees west to the bank of the millpond, a distance of 6 30-100 chains, thence across said mill pond on same variation a distance of two 70-100 chains, thence running on same variation a distance of 50-100 chains to a certain stake, thence running on a true variation of south 4 degrees 30 minutes west to bank of the mill pond, a distance of one 20-100 chains, thence running same variation across the mill pond a distance of 55-100 chains, thence running on same variation a distance of 50-100 chains to an iron post, thence running on a true variation of south 77 degrees west to a post a distance of one 75-100 chains thence running on a true variation of south .05 degrees east to a certain stake on the town line 4 50-100 chains east of the south quarter post of said section No. thirty-four a distance of one 55-100 chains, thence running on a true variation of 4 degrees 15 minutes east on said town line to the place of beginning a distance of fifteen 50-100 chains containing eleven 50-100 acres of land, and another tract of land beginning at a certain point or stake in the town line 5 98-100 chains east of the north quarter post of Section No. three (3) in township No. eighteen (18) north of Range No. twenty-three (23) east in said county and state, and running thence on a true variation of south 5 degrees east to a certain point or stake a distance of two 50-100 chains thence running east parallel to said town line to a certain stake a distance of 14 2-100 chains, thence running north on a true variation 4 degrees 15 minutes east to a certain stake one 48-100 chains east of the place of the beginning of the land first herein before described a distance of 2 50-100 chains and west on said town line to the place of beginning, a distance of 14 2-100 chains containing three 50-100 acres of land, in all fifteen acres of land, on which said described tracts of land the so called Roepke's Flour mill, Saw mill, a small Dwelling and a Granary are situated, with all the tools and machinery belonging to said mills. And all that part of the south-west quarter and that part of the east half of the south-east quarter of said section thirty-four (34) which is covered by the water of the so called Silver Lake and Silver Creek from shore to shore at high water mark, including the whole of said Silver Lake with the island therein and said Silver Creek with the right to keep and maintain a mill dam across Silver Creek at its present highth of 12 feet head, together with all other water privileges and franchises thereunto belonging, including the right and privilege of fishing on said lake, and boating thereon, subject only to the privileges granted on said Silver Lake and Creek to the owner, occupant or mortgagee of the west half of the north half of the north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of said section. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., March 19, 1890. Frank Zeman, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wis. Schmitz & Kirwan, Pltiff's Atty. Manitowoc Pilot, April 17, 1890 P. 1
HEMSCHEMEYER, WILLIAM H. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. State of Wisconsin Manitowoc County Circuit Court. William H. Hemschemeyer against Fredrick Lawrence. IN pursuance and by virtue of a judgement made by the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County, on the 16th day of February 1869, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the village and County of Manitowoc, on Saturday the 18th day of September 1869, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described property or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgement, to wit: the North West quarter of the North West quarter of Section No. 35 and East half of South East quarter of Section No. 27, Township No. 20, Range No. 21, lying and being in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Peter Mulholland, Sheriff. Henry Sibree, Pl'ffs Att'y. Dated at Manitowoc, July 23d, 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, July 30, 1869 P. 4 also in: Manitowoc Pilot, August 6, 1869 P. 3
HEMSCHMYER, C.H. STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF MANITOWOC. ss Probate office, July 12d A.D. 1877. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of C.H. Hemschemyer, deceashd (sic), late of the county of Manitowoc: Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of C.H. Hemschemyer, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by W.H. Hemschemyer praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on the 20thday of August, A.D. 1877, at 10 o'clock. And it is further ordered, that notice thereof shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court: T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, August 9, 1877 P. 2
HENDEL, ANDREAS Cummings, Frederick vs Hendel, Andreas et al Financial dispute yr. 1882; #1238; CF37
HENNING, CHARLES ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE First publication Dec. 20, 1894. No. 82 IN COUNTY COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Charles F. Henning, deceased. Notice is hereby given that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 18th day of December, A.D., 1894, by the county court of said county, the undersigned, Frederick T. Grimm as administrator of the estate of Charles F. Henning late of the town of Maple Grove, in said county, deceased, will on Saturday, the 12th day of January, A.D., 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the county judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale at public vendue the following described lands, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the north-west quarter of Section No. thirty-four (34) in Township No. twenty (20) in Range No. twenty-one, (21) east in said county; also the north-west quarter of the north-west quarter of the same section, also that part of the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter of the same section which lies north of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company's railroad running through said section, free and clear of the real estate mortgage existing thereon. The term of sale to be paid down at the time of sach (sic) sale. Frederick T. Grimm, Administrator. Dated at Manitowoc the 20th day of November, A.D., 1894. G.A. Forrest, Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, November 29, 1894 P. 1
******** ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. First publication Dec. 20, 1894. No. 82 IN COUNTY COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Charles F. Henning, deceased. Notice is hereby given that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 18th day of December, A.D. 1894, by the county court of said county, the undersigned, Frederick T. Grimm as administrator of the estate of Charles F. Henning late of the town of Maple Grove, in said county, deceased, will on Saturday, the 12th day of January, A.D., 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the county judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale at public vendue the following described lands, to-wit: The North Half (1/2) of the north-west quarter of Section No. thirty-four (34) in Township No. twenty (20) in Range No. twenty-one (21) east in said county; also all that part of the south-west quarter (1/4) of the north-west quarter of the same section which lies north of the Chicago & Northwester Railway Company's railroad running through said section, including the interest of the mortgagee in said premises. The terms of sale cash to be paid down at the time of such sale. Frederick T. Grimm, Administrator. Dated at Manitowoc the 18th day of December, A.D., 1894. G.A. Forrest, Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, December 20, 1894 P. 2 ******** Name: Charles Henning Death Date: 16 Jan 1893 Death Place: Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA Volume: 02 Page Number: 0353 Reel: 049 Image: 2319 Index Volume: 01 Sequence Number: 154899 "Wisconsin, Death Index, 1820-1907" ******** 1893 Jan 16/HENNING/Charles "Manitowoc County Pre-1907 Death Index"
HENNING, FREDERICK IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County court In the matter of the estate of Frederick Henning, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Frederick Henning, of Manitowoc in said county, representing among other things that Frederick Henning, late of said county, on the 9th day of April A.D. 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving no goods, or chattels and no estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is father of said deceased, and praying that administration be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court on Friday the 25th day of March A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, March 3d, 1870 ******* (Note: He died when a ship went down off Waukegan)
HENRICKS, CARL Barnes, Norman vs Henricks, Carl yr.1856; X1633; CF 13
HENRY, WILLIS Devand, nee Mary Maire (sic) Manion Co. Waupaca, Wi Mines, Catherine, A minor City of Sheboygan, Wis. Mines, John, Deceased, Died (26, Sept. 1884) Mother McKay, nee Margaret Mines. Father Neal Mines Deceased. Special guardian. Willis Henry. Sale of Real Estate. S. of W. yr. 1884; #1716; CF43
HENSEL, ERNST Blockl, Johan vs Fink, Henry (St. Wis) Fraudulently obtaining a warranty deed from Ernst & Sophia Hensel Property of Johan Blockl yr. 1869; CX2603; CF 19
HENSEL, SOPHIA Blockl, Johan vs Fink, Henry (St. Wis) Fraudulently obtaining a warranty deed from Ernst & Sophia Hensel Property of Johan Blockl yr. 1869; CX2603; CF 19
HENSEL, SOPHIA Block, John vs Hensel, Sophia etal yr. 1869; X1712; CF 13
HENTRICH, CHRISTOF Duntke, [?], E.O. see Hentrich, Christof yr. 1890; #1994; CF47
HENTRICHS, CHRISTOFE (First publication October 20, 1887.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catharina Mertens, plaintiff, vs. William Ledderbaum, Louisa Ledderbaum, Christophe Hentrichs, Henry Goeres and Bertha Goeres, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, duly made and entered in the above entitled action on the 5th day of October, A.D., 1886, I, the undersigned sheriff of the county of Manitowoc, in the state aforesaid, will as such sheriff, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the office of said sheriff, in the court house, in the city of Manitowoc, in the county and state aforesaid, on Saturday, the third (3rd) day of December, A.D., 1887, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiff, for principal, interest, costs and taxes, together with the expenses of sale thereof, the premises described in said judgment as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the south-east corner of the north one-third (n 1/3) of the west two-thirds (w 2/3) of the south-east quarter of the north-west quarter, (se 1/4 of nw 1/4), of section thirty, (30), town seventeen, (17), north, of range twenty-one (21), east, in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, thence running west one hundred and ninety-five (195) feet, thence north five hundred and forty-five (545) feet, thence in a south-easterly direction along the line of the Sheboygan and Calumet Plank Road, two hundred and eighty-three (283) feet, thence south three hundred and sixty-five (365) feet, to the point of beginning, containing two (2) acres and twenty-two (22) square rods, and being a part of the said north 1/3 of west 2/3 of the se 1/4 of nw 1/4 of section 30 town 17, range 21, aforesaid; or so much thereof as may be sufficient to raise the amount due to said plaintiff for said principal, interest and costs, together with said taxes and costs of sale. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., October 19, A.D., 1887. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wis. J.E. McMullen, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 3, 1887 P. 3
HERBER, MICHAEL IN PROBATE, MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Michael Herber, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Martin Herber, of Centerville, representing among other things that Michael Herber, late of Centerville, in said county, on the 4th day of July, A.D. 1873 at Centreville (sic), in said county, died intestate leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is the son of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Lena Herber granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the first day of September, A.D. 1873, at 10 o'clock A.M. at my office in said Co. ORDERED FURTHER, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. W.W. Waldo, County Judge. Dated Monday, the ?th day of August, A.D. 1873. Manitowoc Pilot, August 21, 1873 P. 1 ******** IN: DECLARATION OF INTENT LIST HERBER Michael Prussia 1809 New York 1862 Aug 1872 Oct 29
HERBST, M. Louis Kemper (M. Herbst vs) yr. 1866; X 1228; CF 10
HERKERT, LORENZ Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Ernst Schroeder against Lorenz Herkert. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgement rendered in this action on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit: All that part of the west half of Lot number eight in block number two hundred and thirty seven, in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin.- Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3
HERKERT, LORENZ Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc county Circuit Court, Ernst Schroeder against Lorenz Herkert IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as maybe necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit: All that part of the west half of Lot number eight in block number two hundred and thirty seven, in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 4, 1859 P.4
HERMAN, ATHANASIUS Bacon, John - (Herman, Athanasius vs) yr. 1869; X1404; CF 11
HERMAN, AUGUST Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an Execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County in the State of Wisconsin, and to me directed and delivered, against the goods, chattels and real estate of August Herman, I have levied upon and shall expose for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 28th day of January, A.D. 1856, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of Warren & Parrish, in the village of Manitowoc, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot eight (8) in block No. three hundred and fifteen, (315) in the village of Manitowoc, with the appurtenances, according to the recorded plat of said village, to satisfy said execution, costs and interest. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff. Dated at Manitwooc, this 11th day of December, 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, December 13, 1855 P. 3
HERMAN, BENEDICT DFT - Bentley, Dorothe; Herman, Benedict & Caroline; Hoffman, Adolph PLT - Dusold, Mathias Land sale to pay debts yr. 1882; #1287; CF 38
HERMAN, CAROLINE DFT - Bentley, Dorothe; Herman, Benedict & Caroline; Hoffman, Adolph PLT - Dusold, Mathias Land sale to pay debts yr. 1882; #1287; CF 38
HERMAN, ISAAC D. Blakely, Thos. (Isaac D. Herman & Co. vs) yr. 1850; X1604; CF 13
HERMAN, JAS. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4
HERMAN, JAS. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HERMAN, JOHN Klingholz, Charles; Herman, John; Stobacky, John Defendants Wagner, Robert Plaintiff Wagner seeks $1,700.00 due him for the construction of a building for defendants. Defendants claim $500.00 for goods merchandise and wares charged to plaintiff. yr. 1858; #1807; CF14
HERMAN, JOHN Klingholz, Richard vs Herman, John yr. 1857; X1089; CF9
HERMAN, JOHN Klingholz, Charles; Herman, John Defendants McAllister, Hiram Plaintiff Plaintiff seeks to collect on promissory note for $500.00 plus interest at 10% until paid. Judgement of $586.60 against defendants. yr. 1857; #1895; CF14
HERMAN (HERRIMAN)(HERIMAN), NATE Achenbach, Elizabeth vs Herman, Nate (Herriman)(Heriman) paternity of ch of Eliz b. 15 Aug 1854 (son) Eliz resides Tn Newton Herriman of vill. of Mtwc Eliz was working for Heriman when child begotten child born at Henry Burners house in the woods year 1855; #252; CF 2
HERMAN, JOHN K. Farwell, John V. et al; John V. Farwell; Chas. B. Farwell; Simeon Farwell; William D. Farwell; John K. Herman; vs Brandies, J.L. yr. 1878; X1372; CF11
HERMAN, PETER Kafka, Margaret; Libal, Joseph; Shimonek, Wenzel & Herman, Peter, Hodlicka, Anna Sr.; Hodlicka, Anna Jr.; Hodlicka, Anton,; Hodlicka, Emma,; Hodlicka, Frank,; Hodlicka, Charles,; Hodlicka, James,; Hodlicka, Annie Kries, Charles as guardian of the minor heirs of Hodlicka, Wenzel, deceased. Walterbach, Peter, Steiner, Mrs. Rosa, the trustees of the Kossuth Mutual Fire company (Catherine Holdlicka) yr. 1883; #1339; CF 39
HERMAN, PETER 7-In re estate of Gottfried Kunz, deceased:-Bond of guardian of minor children approved. Letter of guardianship issued to Peter Herman. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
HERMANN, ARTHUR Cole, John (Arthur Hermann) Forged a check from J.H. Bertrand State of Wis. yr. 1905; #556; CF72
HERMANN, HENRY Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
HERMANN, OTTO SHERIFF SALE. BY virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circut (sic) Court, of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, upon a judgment rendered on the 11th day of March A.D. 1874, at the regular (adjourned) term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County. Said judgment being duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, on the 16th day of March 1874, of in and to the following described property, to wit: Lots No. ten and eleven block No. one in South-east quarter of North-east quarter, Section No. five, Township No. Nineteen, Range No. twenty-three, East; being in the branch (sic) village, or plat as the same is recorded and known as Leneville's plat of said village, and where said Defendant has his blacksmith shop, which I will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the city of Manitowoc on the 11th day of July, 1874 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc Wisconsin, this 25th day of May 1874. R.D. Smart. Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, June 25, 1874 P. 1
HERMANSON, LOUIS Koehler, John A. vs Hermanson, Louis money owed yr. 1881; #1182; CF 36
HERMANSON, LOUIS/ABALONIA CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Frederica Nelson, Palintiff, vs. Louis Hermanson and Abalonia Hermanson his wife, Defendants. BY virture of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entiled action on the 19th day of October, A.D. 1875, at a specail term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County Wisconsin, held at the Court House in the City and County of Fond du Lac. I shall expose for sale, and sell, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the said city of Manitowoc on the 11th day of December, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action together with the interest, costs and expenses, to wit: Lot No. eight, (8), in Block No. forty-five (45), as said down in the recorded plat of the City of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 27th day of October, A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Maniotwoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 11, 1875 P. 2 ***** CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Frederica Nelson, Plaintiff. vs. Louis Hermanson and Abalonia Hermanson his wife, Defendants. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 19th day of October, A.D. 1875, at a special term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County Wisconsin, held at the Court House in the City and County of Fond du Lac. I shall expose for sale, and sell, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the said city of Manitowoc on the 1?th day of December, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action together with the interest, costs and expenses, to-wit: Lot No. eight (8), in Block No. forty-five (45), as said down in the recorded plat of the City of Manitowoc, in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 27th day of October A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 18, 1875 P. 2
HERR, MARGARET Eisert, Jos. (State of Wisc. vs.) Also mentioned: Eisert, Conrad; Tragersen, Katharine; Traggersen, John; Nisemann, Dr.; Hahn, Dr.; Brown, Dr.; Scinout, Dr.; Batcone, Dr.; Eisert, Margaret; Eisert, Regina; Ziebert, Ferdinand; Groh, Peter; Herr, Margaret; Adolphs, Regina yr. 1865; CX2702; CF20
HERSCH, F. William Bach - (F. Hersch vs) yr. 1871; X867; CF 7
HERSCHMAN, JOHN State of Wis vs Birdsall, John E. (????) Jacob Hessel vs John E. Birdsall; Benj. Birdsall; Willis Gillett assault in Tn. Kossuth subpoenea to: Margaretha Ewe; Anna Maria Hessel Sr.; John Hessel; Martin Hasemer; Anna Maria Hessel wife of John Hessel; John Fetzer; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of Jacob Hessel; Caspar Ewe; Henry Ma?? 7 wit. fees pd to Judgment of "guilty for dfts" $50. + costs remanded to Sheboygan jail till paid (more on back of card) yr. 1854; #253; CF 2 (back of card) wit. for prosecution Jacob Hessel; Chas. Mueller; Anna Maria Hessel; John H(can't read); Caspar Ewe; Margaretha Ewe; Martin Hassemer; Anna Maria Hessel, Mother of Jacob Hessel; John Herschman; wit. for dft. D. ?. Westgate; Lorenz Peterson; Caspar Ewe brother-in-law of Jacob Hessel; ??? U.S.A. 8 yrs.; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of John Hessel test. her husb a "bro. of Jacob" Hessel family man, wife & 3 chr ages 9, 8 & 9 mos. Ewe family - man, wife, mother of wife, 5 ch & Martin Hassemer Hessel shot, broken arm, may need amputation.
HERSBERG, CHRISTIAN In Probate. State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc County, ss. Probate office, Manitowoc, May 23, 1867. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Christain (sic) Hersberg, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. WHEREAS, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Cristian Hersberg, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas, application has been made by Charles Kruuse (sic) praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in Manitowoc, in said county, on the first day of July, A.D., 1867, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, June 28, 1867 P. 4
HERTEL, JOHN T. First publication Nov. 11, 1897. State of Wisconsin,-Manitowoc County Court,-In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Frederick E. Bodenstab, deceased, intestate. On reading and filing the petition of John T. Hertel, of Meeme in said county, representing among other things that Frederick E. Boedenstab an inhabitant of said county, on the 10th day of July, A.D., 1897 at Pesotum, Ill., died intestate, leaving estate to be administered, and that the said petitioner is an uncle of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him or some other suitable person granted. It is ordered, that said petition be heard at a regular term of said county court to be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of December, A.D., 1897, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Ordered further, that notice of the time and place so appointed, be given to all persons interested, by pubblication (sic) hereof for three weeks successively, prior to said day of hearing in the Manitowoc Post, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Date at Manitowoc, the 10th day of November, A.D., 1897, By the Court, J.S. Anderson, County Judge. Manitowoc Post, Thursday, November 11, 1897 P. 15
HERVE MACHINE CO. Kaufman, F. (Herve Machine Co. vs) yr. 1874; #576; CF 28
HERZOG, W.A. Cribb Carriage co. vs. Herzog, W.A. et al yr. 1898; #3613; CF58
HERZOG, WILLIAM Brandt, John Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff dfndt accused of firing a pistol with intent to do bodily harm to William Herzog on Oct 12 1874 in Manitowoc. yr. 1874; #2017; Box CF 15 FLB
HESS, FRANK Emerson, Lyman vs Hess, Frank et al; Hess, Mary yr. 1876; #608; CF28 Hess Mary Emerson, Lyman vs Hess, Frank et al; Hess, Mary yr. 1876; #608; CF28
HESSEL, ANNA MARIA State of Wis vs Birdsall, John E. (????) Jacob Hessel vs John E. Birdsall; Benj. Birdsall; Willis Gillett assault in Tn. Kossuth subpoenea to: Margaretha Ewe; Anna Maria Hessel Sr.; John Hessel; Martin Hasemer; Anna Maria Hessel wife of John Hessel; John Fetzer; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of Jacob Hessel; Caspar Ewe; Henry Ma?? 7 wit. fees pd to Judgment of "guilty for dfts" $50. + costs remanded to Sheboygan jail till paid (more on back of card) yr. 1854; #253; CF 2 (back of card) wit. for prosecution Jacob Hessel; Chas. Mueller; Anna Maria Hessel; John H(can't read); Caspar Ewe; Margaretha Ewe; Martin Hassemer; Anna Maria Hessel, Mother of Jacob Hessel; John Herschman; wit. for dft. D. ?. Westgate; Lorenz Peterson; Caspar Ewe brother-in-law of Jacob Hessel; ??? U.S.A. 8 yrs.; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of John Hessel test. her husb a "bro. of Jacob" Hessel family man, wife & 3 chr ages 9, 8 & 9 mos. Ewe family - man, wife, mother of wife, 5 ch & Martin Hassemer Hessel shot, broken arm, may need amputation.
HESSEL, ANNA MARIA SR. State of Wis vs Birdsall, John E. (????) Jacob Hessel vs John E. Birdsall; Benj. Birdsall; Willis Gillett assault in Tn. Kossuth subpoenea to: Margaretha Ewe; Anna Maria Hessel Sr.; John Hessel; Martin Hasemer; Anna Maria Hessel wife of John Hessel; John Fetzer; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of Jacob Hessel; Caspar Ewe; Henry Ma?? 7 wit. fees pd to Judgment of "guilty for dfts" $50. + costs remanded to Sheboygan jail till paid (more on back of card) yr. 1854; #253; CF 2 (back of card) wit. for prosecution Jacob Hessel; Chas. Mueller; Anna Maria Hessel; John H(can't read); Caspar Ewe; Margaretha Ewe; Martin Hassemer; Anna Maria Hessel, Mother of Jacob Hessel; John Herschman; wit. for dft. D. ?. Westgate; Lorenz Peterson; Caspar Ewe brother-in-law of Jacob Hessel; ??? U.S.A. 8 yrs.; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of John Hessel test. her husb a "bro. of Jacob" Hessel family man, wife & 3 chr ages 9, 8 & 9 mos. Ewe family - man, wife, mother of wife, 5 ch & Martin Hassemer Hessel shot, broken arm, may need amputation.
HESSEL, FRANK Bartleme, John M. Hessel, Frank (State of Wis) vs Obtaining money under false pretenses fraud yr. 1885; #60; CF 68
HESSEL, JACOB State of Wis vs Birdsall, John E. (????) Jacob Hessel vs John E. Birdsall; Benj. Birdsall; Willis Gillett assault in Tn. Kossuth subpoenea to: Margaretha Ewe; Anna Maria Hessel Sr.; John Hessel; Martin Hasemer; Anna Maria Hessel wife of John Hessel; John Fetzer; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of Jacob Hessel; Caspar Ewe; Henry Ma?? 7 wit. fees pd to Judgment of "guilty for dfts" $50. + costs remanded to Sheboygan jail till paid (more on back of card) yr. 1854; #253; CF 2 (back of card) wit. for prosecution Jacob Hessel; Chas. Mueller; Anna Maria Hessel; John H(can't read); Caspar Ewe; Margaretha Ewe; Martin Hassemer; Anna Maria Hessel, Mother of Jacob Hessel; John Herschman; wit. for dft. D. ?. Westgate; Lorenz Peterson; Caspar Ewe brother-in-law of Jacob Hessel; ??? U.S.A. 8 yrs.; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of John Hessel test. her husb a "bro. of Jacob" Hessel family man, wife & 3 chr ages 9, 8 & 9 mos. Ewe family - man, wife, mother of wife, 5 ch & Martin Hassemer Hessel shot, broken arm, may need amputation.
HESSEL, JACOB Birdsell (sic, John E. etal* - (Hessel, Jacob vs) yr. 1855; X1381; CF# (no number)
HESSEL, JOHN State of Wis vs Birdsall, John E. (????) Jacob Hessel vs John E. Birdsall; Benj. Birdsall; Willis Gillett assault in Tn. Kossuth subpoenea to: Margaretha Ewe; Anna Maria Hessel Sr.; John Hessel; Martin Hasemer; Anna Maria Hessel wife of John Hessel; John Fetzer; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of Jacob Hessel; Caspar Ewe; Henry Ma?? 7 wit. fees pd to Judgment of "guilty for dfts" $50. + costs remanded to Sheboygan jail till paid (more on back of card) yr. 1854; #253; CF 2 (back of card) wit. for prosecution Jacob Hessel; Chas. Mueller; Anna Maria Hessel; John H(can't read); Caspar Ewe; Margaretha Ewe; Martin Hassemer; Anna Maria Hessel, Mother of Jacob Hessel; John Herschman; wit. for dft. D. ?. Westgate; Lorenz Peterson; Caspar Ewe brother-in-law of Jacob Hessel; ??? U.S.A. 8 yrs.; Anna Maria Hessel, wife of John Hessel test. her husb a "bro. of Jacob" Hessel family man, wife & 3 chr ages 9, 8 & 9 mos. Ewe family - man, wife, mother of wife, 5 ch & Martin Hassemer Hessel shot, broken arm, may need amputation.
HEUBNER, FREDERICK Ellis, E.H. & Hastings, Samuel D. vs Heubner, Julietta & Heubner, Frederick Plffs are attorneys and are owed money by defs for services yr. 1873; #257; CF24
HEUBNER, FREDERICK W. State of Wisconsin Circuit Court for Manitowoc County. By virture of an Execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, and to me directed and delivered against the goods, chattels and real estate of John C. Johnson and Frederick W. Heubner, I have levied upon and shall expose for sale, and sell to the highest bidder on Monday the 2?th. day of August 1855 at the Office of L.T. Warren Esqr., in the village of Manitowoc at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day all the right title and interest of the said Frederick W. Heubner in the following described tracts or parcels of land, to wit: The south half of the east half of the north east quarter and the east half of the south east quarter of Section five (5) Township nineteen (19) north of Range twenty-four (24) east containing one hundred and twenty acres more or less according to Government survey, to satisfy said exectuion, costs and interest. Dated at Manitowoc this 2nd day of July A.D. 1855. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, July 12, 1855 P. 1
HEUBNER, JULIETTA Ellis, E.H. & Hastings, Samuel D. vs Heubner, Julietta & Heubner, Frederick Plffs are attorneys and are owed money by defs for services yr. 1873; #257; CF24
HEWITT, GIDEN Koebke, Christian vs. Hewitt, Giden(sic) yr. 1864; #1601; CF 13
HEWITT, H. George W. Barker - (H. Hewitt vs) (no more information) yr. 1859; X1551; CF 12
HEWITT, JOHANNA SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT. Osuld Torrison Plaintiff. vs. Martin Hewitt, Johanna Hewitt his wife, Knud G. Johnson and Michael Fitzmorris. Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action dated February 4th. A.D. 1876, directed to me. I shall expose for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on Saturday the 1th (sic) day of April, A.D. 1876, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the costs of sale, said mortgaged premises are known and described as follows to wit: The south thirty-five feet of Lot No. thirteen (13) in block No. one hundred and nineteen (119) accordind (sic) to the recorded plat of the City of Manitowoc, Wis. on record in the office of the Register of Deeds, of said Manitowoc County. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 15th day of February, A.D. 1876. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff. J.D. Markham Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 24, 1876 P. 2
HEWITT, MARTIN SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT. Osuld Torrison Plaintiff. vs. Martin Hewitt, Johanna Hewitt his wife, Knud G. Johnson and Michael Fitzmorris. Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action dated February 4th. A.D. 1876, directed to me. I shall expose for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on Saturday the 1th (sic) day of April, A.D. 1876, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the costs of sale, said mortgaged premises are known and described as follows to wit: The south thirty-five feet of Lot No. thirteen (13) in block No. one hundred and nineteen (119) accordind (sic) to the recorded plat of the City of Manitowoc, Wis. on record in the office of the Register of Deeds, of said Manitowoc County. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 15th day of February, A.D. 1876. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff. J.D. Markham Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 24, 1876 P. 2
HEWLEY, (NO NAME) Kaufmann Hewley yr. 1877; #706; CF 30
HEYDRICH, AUG. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of John Leverenz, deceased; letter of guardianship for John Leverenz, Jr., issued to Aug. Heydrich. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4
HEYROTH, FERD Plaintiff Beers, Charles - Defendant Mtwc. Northern Traction Co. Jury list - Joseph Menne; George Grimm; Joseph Miller; Herman Heinz; August Schulz; Ferd Heyroth; M. O'Connor; Math T?ingen; Frank Link; John Pinger; Math Tischler; Chas Voelker yr. 1903; 3952; CF 63
HEYROTH, LOUIS COUNTY COURT PRECEEDIGNS. Smart, J. March 2. In re estate of John Stelzer, deceased; Louis Heyroth, John Terens, and Philip Reda appointed appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P.4
HEYWOOD, MARTIN Jones, Benjamin & wife vs Heywood, Martin Correct description of lot in Manitowoc owned by deceased Frits & Doris Rudolph Parents of adopted son William yr. Aug 1890; #3840; CF 60
HICKMANN, PHILIP (First publication September 18.) No. 65 IN PROBATE,-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Philip Hickmann, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Hickmann, of Sheboygan city, Wisconsin, representing among other things that Philip Hickmann, late of the town of Meeme, on the 27th day of August, A.D., 1884, at said town of Meeme, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is the father of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Therise Hickman (sic), granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this court, on Tuesday, the 14th day of October, A.D., 1884, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 15th day of Sept. A.D., 1884. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, October 16, 1884 P. 2
HICKOK, ALANSON Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Julius Henry Kimball against Floyd Johnson, William Goff, Josiah Johnson, Henry B. Towslec, Daniel Knapp, Henry Howard, Alanson Hickok, Lindsey W. Dunham. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action, on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: The south half of the north-east quarter, and the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section number two, township number nineteen, north of range number twenty two east, containing 120 acres of land, more or less, together with the steam saw mill and its appurtenances created on or near said premises by the said Goff and Josiah Johnson.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. J.I. Pittit, Plaintiff's Attorney, of Kenosha city. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3
HILBURT, BARTHOLUM Doerferid, Peter Def. & Shove, Don A. Frank Sink Pltf. Land settelment (sic) Homesteded (sic) by family of Bartholum Hilburt Manitowoc Co. yr. 1875; #630; CF29
HILL, HOMER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage executed by Homer Hill to William H. Horn, dated April 30th, 1868, and recorded in the Collector's office, at the port of Milwaukee, in liber "E" of mortgages, at page 767, etc., on the 4th day of January 1869, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction of the property mortgaged thereby, vis?? The one-fourth part of the schooner Ebenezer, her boats, anchors, chains, cables, tackle, apparel, and furniture, at the place where said vessel lies, in the Milwaukee river, in the city of Milwaukee, and State of Wisconsin, on the 21st day of March next at 10 o'clock a.m. The amount unpaid on said mortgage and secured thereby is $1,000, and on which nothing has been paid. Dated Manitowoc, March 10th, 1870 Wm. H. Horn, Mortgagee, E.B. Treat, Attorney for Mortgagee.
HILL, JOSEPH Durham, Uzziel (Irish, John vs) A mortgage on govertment (sic) lot once owned by Martin Raube, Mary Ann (&) Joseph Hill yr. 1901; #3781; CF60
HILL, MARY ANN Durham, Uzziel (Irish, John vs) A mortgage on govertment (sic) lot once owned by Martin Raube, Mary Ann (&) Joseph Hill yr. 1901; #3781; CF60
HILL, ROBERT Boldus Catherine Deft. Storm, Charles & Hill, Robert Pltf. Manitowoc, Wis. Conceled(sic) property with intent to defraud yr. 1876; Case No. 668; Box No. C.F. 29
HIMROD, D. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HIMROD, DAVID SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC CO. John W. Perigo, Wedward B. Bulkley (sic), George L. Bulkley and John G. Plimpton against Obadiah H. Platt. Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, and Simon B. Carey against Obadiah H. Platt. Henry A. Huntington, Philip Wadsworth and Calvin C. Parks Jr., against Obediah H. Platt. Samuel C. Davis, Charles B. Sawyer and Nathan W. Perkins, against Obadiah H. Platt. Bethuel B. Vincent, John II. Vincent, William Himrod, David Himrod and David Shirk, against Obadiah H. Platt. BY VIRTUE of executions issued from said Court in the several above entitled actions, to me directed and delivered against the real property of the above named defendant, I shall on the executions issued in the two first above named actions, as therein directed, sell all the right, Title and interest which the said defendants had on the 21st day of October 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Ne qr of ne qr Sec 31, and se qr of the ne qr of Sec 25, and the nw qr of the nw qr of Sec 22, in T. 20, R. 22. Ne qr of the nw qr Sec 25, and the s1/2 of the n1/2 of Sec 28, and the ne qr of the nw qr Sec 30 all in T. 19, R. 22. Ne qr of ne qr Sec 11, and the w1/2 nw qr Sec 30, and the ne qr sec 31, all in T. 19, R.21. N1/2 of nw qr of sw qr sec 4, and the s1/2 of ne qr sec 4, and the w1/2 of se qr Sec 4, and the se qr of the ne qr of sec 18, T.19, R. 23. Nw qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23; ne qr of swe qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23: ne qr of sw gr sec 13, T. 20, R. 21; sw qr of ne qr of sec 25, T. 20, R. 22; e1/2 of sw qr and se qr of nw qr sec 19, T. 20, R. 24; swe qr sec 33, T. 18, R. 21; e1/2 of se qr and nw qr of se qr of sec. 33, T. 17, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr sec 7, T. 20, R. 24; ne qr of nw qr sec 10, T. 18, R. 23; also, undivided in a fractional qr of sec 1, T. 17, R 23, containing 19 85-100 acres; also, the undivided seven-eights and the undivided half of ne qr sec 11, T. 17, R. 23; se qr of ne qr sec 18, T. 19, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr and nw gr of ne gr and se qr of se qr of se 10, T. 20, R. 22. Lots 5 and 6 in Bl D, of Reed's Addition to the village of Manitowoc. Lots 12 e1/2 lot 3, all of 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 e1/2 of lot 18 bl 107; w 21 ft lot 2 e 37 ft bl 118, in village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 and 6 bl 181; lot 5 b 175; lot 1 b 176; lot 10, b 155; lot 11 b 115; lot 7 b 177, in the village and county of Manitowoc. And also on the two said executions sell all the right, title and interest the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Lots 6 7 10 B 40, lots 8 11 B 42, lots 9 10 11 B 63, lots 1 4 5 B 105. lot 2 B 140, lots 1 2 3 B 64, lots 3 4 B 214, lots 3 4 B 215, lots 16 18 B 242, lots 9 10 11 B 241, lots 12 1 7 B 243, lot 2 B 268, lots 1 2 7 8 B 152, lot 1 B 170, lots 4 5 B 171, lots 4 5 6 B 173, in the village and county of Manitowoc. Lot 9 subdivision s1/2 ne q sec 10, T. 19, R. 24, five acres in village of Manitowoc. Lot 7 B 138, lot 7 b 193, lot 22 B 199, lots 7 10 B1?, lot 16 B 202, lot 4 B 258, lots 10 11 B 295, lots 6 7 B 344, in the village of Manitowoc. Swq nwq sec 20, s1/2 seq of neq sec 19, T. 10, R 21, 60 ne., in Manitowoc county. Lot 14 B 117, village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 B 158, lot 3 B 161, e1/2 lot 4 B 230, s1/2 lot 2 B 270, lot 6 B 271, lot 10 B 56, lot 8 B 58, lot 8 B 110, lot 11 B 154, lot 2 B 160, lot 6 B 155, lot 2 B 114, lots 1 2 10 11 12 B 173, n1/2 lot 6 B 156, all in Manitowoc village. Lot 5 B 180, lots 7 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 B 265, lots 7 10 11 14 15 20 21 22 B 264, lots 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 B 266, lots 7 10 11 24 26 25 B 292, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 293, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 310, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 311, lots 5 14 6 15 18 19 24 B 312, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 330, lost 1 2 3 8 9 12 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 331, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 332, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 B 340, lots 4 5 6 7 9 14 15 16 B 350, lots 1 2 3 8 9 14 15 16 B 351, all in village Manitowoc. Lots 1 B 18, in village Manitowoc Rapids. Lots 1 2 B 10, in village of Two Rivers. Nwq sec 28, neq sec 27, e 1/2 of the e1/2 and the e1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 and the e 1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 of swq sec. 23, all in T. 20, R. 22, and in county of Manitowoc, 380 acres. And also on the three other executions issued in the three last above named actions, as therein direceted, shall sell all the right, title and interest which the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the whole of the above and forgoing described real property. That said real property, and the right title and interest the above named defendant had in and to the same on the days herein before stated, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction or Vendue, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on the 31st day of July A.D. 1862, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at that. Dated the 29th day of May A.D. 1862 WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. GEO. REED, Plt'ffs' Att'y. The above sale is hereby postponed until the 28th day of August, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. GEO. REED, Pl'tff' Att'y. Dated July 31, 1862. The above sale is further postponed until Wednesday, the 24th day of September, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, the 11th day of October, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, November 1st, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4
HIMROD, DAVID Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN.-Benjamin Gallender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Shecheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. Troe, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to coinc(?) in under this decree in this case, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horacio Truman, David H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George Le Fevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTURE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell in public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complaint of this action or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense and cost of sale, to wits-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145,) Lot No. seven (7) to Block No. one hundred forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the heredi?arments and appertenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 19th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff Isaac H. Famrish, Pt'iffs Att'y The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4
HIMROD, DAVID Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jodah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiffs; AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Freeman, David H. VanValkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action; or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit; -All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145), Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the here editaments and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3
HIMROD, DAVID Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Be?hiac. B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent. Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E.Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiff's, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Trueman, Daive H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall, expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit:-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145) Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereonto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4
HIMROD, WILLIAM SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC CO. John W. Perigo, Wedward B. Bulkley (sic), George L. Bulkley and John G. Plimpton against Obadiah H. Platt. Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, and Simon B. Carey against Obadiah H. Platt. Henry A. Huntington, Philip Wadsworth and Calvin C. Parks Jr., against Obediah H. Platt. Samuel C. Davis, Charles B. Sawyer and Nathan W. Perkins, against Obadiah H. Platt. Bethuel B. Vincent, John II. Vincent, William Himrod, David Himrod and David Shirk, against Obadiah H. Platt. BY VIRTUE of executions issued from said Court in the several above entitled actions, to me directed and delivered against the real property of the above named defendant, I shall on the executions issued in the two first above named actions, as therein directed, sell all the right, Title and interest which the said defendants had on the 21st day of October 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Ne qr of ne qr Sec 31, and se qr of the ne qr of Sec 25, and the nw qr of the nw qr of Sec 22, in T. 20, R. 22. Ne qr of the nw qr Sec 25, and the s1/2 of the n1/2 of Sec 28, and the ne qr of the nw qr Sec 30 all in T. 19, R. 22. Ne qr of ne qr Sec 11, and the w1/2 nw qr Sec 30, and the ne qr sec 31, all in T. 19, R.21. N1/2 of nw qr of sw qr sec 4, and the s1/2 of ne qr sec 4, and the w1/2 of se qr Sec 4, and the se qr of the ne qr of sec 18, T.19, R. 23. Nw qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23; ne qr of swe qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23: ne qr of sw gr sec 13, T. 20, R. 21; sw qr of ne qr of sec 25, T. 20, R. 22; e1/2 of sw qr and se qr of nw qr sec 19, T. 20, R. 24; swe qr sec 33, T. 18, R. 21; e1/2 of se qr and nw qr of se qr of sec. 33, T. 17, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr sec 7, T. 20, R. 24; ne qr of nw qr sec 10, T. 18, R. 23; also, undivided in a fractional qr of sec 1, T. 17, R 23, containing 19 85-100 acres; also, the undivided seven-eights and the undivided half of ne qr sec 11, T. 17, R. 23; se qr of ne qr sec 18, T. 19, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr and nw gr of ne gr and se qr of se qr of se 10, T. 20, R. 22. Lots 5 and 6 in Bl D, of Reed's Addition to the village of Manitowoc. Lots 12 e1/2 lot 3, all of 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 e1/2 of lot 18 bl 107; w 21 ft lot 2 e 37 ft bl 118, in village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 and 6 bl 181; lot 5 b 175; lot 1 b 176; lot 10, b 155; lot 11 b 115; lot 7 b 177, in the village and county of Manitowoc. And also on the two said executions sell all the right, title and interest the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Lots 6 7 10 B 40, lots 8 11 B 42, lots 9 10 11 B 63, lots 1 4 5 B 105. lot 2 B 140, lots 1 2 3 B 64, lots 3 4 B 214, lots 3 4 B 215, lots 16 18 B 242, lots 9 10 11 B 241, lots 12 1 7 B 243, lot 2 B 268, lots 1 2 7 8 B 152, lot 1 B 170, lots 4 5 B 171, lots 4 5 6 B 173, in the village and county of Manitowoc. Lot 9 subdivision s1/2 ne q sec 10, T. 19, R. 24, five acres in village of Manitowoc. Lot 7 B 138, lot 7 b 193, lot 22 B 199, lots 7 10 B1?, lot 16 B 202, lot 4 B 258, lots 10 11 B 295, lots 6 7 B 344, in the village of Manitowoc. Swq nwq sec 20, s1/2 seq of neq sec 19, T. 10, R 21, 60 ne., in Manitowoc county. Lot 14 B 117, village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 B 158, lot 3 B 161, e1/2 lot 4 B 230, s1/2 lot 2 B 270, lot 6 B 271, lot 10 B 56, lot 8 B 58, lot 8 B 110, lot 11 B 154, lot 2 B 160, lot 6 B 155, lot 2 B 114, lots 1 2 10 11 12 B 173, n1/2 lot 6 B 156, all in Manitowoc village. Lot 5 B 180, lots 7 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 B 265, lots 7 10 11 14 15 20 21 22 B 264, lots 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 B 266, lots 7 10 11 24 26 25 B 292, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 293, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 310, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 311, lots 5 14 6 15 18 19 24 B 312, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 330, lost 1 2 3 8 9 12 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 331, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 332, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 B 340, lots 4 5 6 7 9 14 15 16 B 350, lots 1 2 3 8 9 14 15 16 B 351, all in village Manitowoc. Lots 1 B 18, in village Manitowoc Rapids. Lots 1 2 B 10, in village of Two Rivers. Nwq sec 28, neq sec 27, e 1/2 of the e1/2 and the e1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 and the e 1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 of swq sec. 23, all in T. 20, R. 22, and in county of Manitowoc, 380 acres. And also on the three other executions issued in the three last above named actions, as therein direceted, shall sell all the right, title and interest which the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the whole of the above and forgoing described real property. That said real property, and the right title and interest the above named defendant had in and to the same on the days herein before stated, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction or Vendue, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on the 31st day of July A.D. 1862, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at that. Dated the 29th day of May A.D. 1862 WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. GEO. REED, Plt'ffs' Att'y. The above sale is hereby postponed until the 28th day of August, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. GEO. REED, Pl'tff' Att'y. Dated July 31, 1862. The above sale is further postponed until Wednesday, the 24th day of September, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, the 11th day of October, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, November 1st, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4
HIMROD, WILLIAM SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HIMROD, WM. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN.-Benjamin Gallender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Shecheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. Troe, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to coinc(?) in under this decree in this case, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horacio Truman, David H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George Le Fevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTURE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell in public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complaint of this action or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense and cost of sale, to wits-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145,) Lot No. seven (7) to Block No. one hundred forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the heredi?arments and appertenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 19th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff Isaac H. Famrish, Pt'iffs Att'y The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4
HIMROD, WM. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jodah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiffs; AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Freeman, David H. VanValkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action; or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit; -All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145), Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the here editaments and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3
HIMROD, WM. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Be?hiac. B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent. Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E.Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiff's, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Trueman, Daive H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall, expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit:-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145) Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereonto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4
HINEMAN, FRED COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of William Phipps, deceased; Fred Hineman and Max Stauss appointed appraisers. Inventory filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4
HINEK, JACOB IN PROBATE-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Hinek deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Simon Hinek of the town of Franklin in said county, representing among other things, that Jacob Hinek late of the town of Franklin in the month of Nov., A.D. 1875, at the town of Franklin died intestate, leaving goods, chattels, and estate within this State and that the said petitioner is the Father of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Adam Hinek granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 2nd day of August, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc in said county. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Dated, Manitowoc, the 7th day of July A.D. 1875. Manitowoc Pilot, July 8, 1875 P. 2
HINTON, FRANCIS Cooper, George; Truman, Horatio; Hinton, Francis (Piening, Adolf as assignee T.C. Shove Banking Company vs) yr. 1892; #2149; CF48
HINTZ, ALBERT IN CIRCUIT COURT MANITOWOC COUNTY WISCONSIN. C.H. Sedgwick and Helen F. Sedgwick, Plaintiffs, vs. Albert Hintz, Richard Hintz, Amanda Zenk, Lydia Strodhoff, Walter Hintz, Lillian Schmidt and Adaline Hintz, Defendants. By virtue of a judgement of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action, in the court aforesaid, on the 13th day of February, 1912, and duly perfected and docketed on the same day, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, at public vendue at the East front door of the Court House, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 29th day of March, 1913, at Ten o'clock A.M. all the following described mortgaged premises or so much as shall be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment, interest, solicitor's fees, costs of foreclosure and costs of sale, situate in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, to-wit:- Lots Number Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in block Number One Hundred and Six (106) and also the north half (N 1/2) of Lot Number Seven (7) in Block Number One Hundred seventy-eight (178) according to the recorded plat of the City of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Dated this 13th day of Feb. 1913. Herman Schuette, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. Isaac Craite, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, March 20, 1913 P. 4
HIRSCH, FANNY FROM THE JULY 6, 1871 ISSUE OF THE MANITOWOC PILOT Judgment on Foreclosure and Sale, State of Wisconsin - Circuit Court - Manitowoc county, Fanny Hirsch, Pl'ff, against William Bach, Fransiska Bach, his wife, Oscar Koch and Wilhelmine Friedericka von Minneger?ile, Def'ts. In virtue of and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said court in the above entitled action, dated June 30th, 1871, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the court house in the city of Manitowoc, on Tuesday, the 25th day of August, A.D. 1871, at the hour of ten a.m. of that day the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to-wit; All those certain places or parcels of land situated, lying and being situated in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, to-wit: The west half of the northeast quarter of (19), north of range number twenty-four (24), containing eighty- one and 85-100 acres of land; also lot number two (2) of section number eleven (11) in same town and range, containing fifty-six (56) acres of land, and lot number six (6) in block number two hundred and seventy-four (274) in the village of Manitowoc in said county and state. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, July 15, A.D. 1871. Albert Wittenberg, Sheriff. Smith and Solomon, Atty's for Pl'ff.
HIRSH, JACOB Elson, Herman (Hirsh, Jacob & Hirsh, Soloman) Settelmant of property. yr. 1894; #3047; CF51
HIRSH, SOLOMAN Elson, Herman (Hirsh, Jacob & Hirsh, Soloman) Settelmant of property. yr. 1894; #3047; CF51
HIRSCHFELD, AUGUST PROBATE OFFICE, February 21st A.D. 1870 In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of August Hirshfeld, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of August Hirshfeld, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office, and wheras application has been made by Christina Hirshfeld, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the law of this state. Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the probate office in the village of Manitowoc in said county, on the 14th day of March, A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publcation in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the court. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 17, 1870 issue
HIRSHFELDT, AUG. COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Aug. Hirshfeldt, deceased: proof of publication of notice, proof of will, and certificate of proof of will filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1
HIRSHFELDT, AUGUST 10-In re estate of August Hirshfeldt, deceased:-Last will and testament presented for probate, by Christiana Hirshfeldt. Order entered for proof of will. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4 *****
STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County SS. Probate office, Manitowoc, Wis., May 31th (sic), A.D., 1875. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of August Hirshfeld (sic) deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of August Hirshfeld deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Christiana Hirshfeld praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate office in the city of Manitowoc in said County, on the 28th day of June A.D. 1875 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said Will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper printed in said County for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, June 17, 1875 P. 2 ***** (First publication Jan. 12, 1882.) No. 3. STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY OF MANITOWOC-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, January 10th, A.D., 1882. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of August Hirschfeldt, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of August Hirschfeldt, deceased, late of the town of Two Creeks, in the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Christiana Hirschfeldt, widow of said deceased, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this State, and that John Franz of said county, be appointed administrator of the estate of said deceased with said will annexed; there being no person named in said will as executor thereof: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 7th day of February, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock, A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, January 19, 1882 P. 2
HIRSCHFELDT, CHRISTINA Clarks Mills news: Order for Proof of Will (First Publication Feb. 24, 1885.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY Probate Office, Manitowoc, February 20th A.d. 1885. In the matter of the proof and Probate of the last will and testament of Christina Hirschfeldt, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Christina Hirschfeldt deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Erwin Hirschfeldt who is named in said will as the executor thereof praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State, and that letters testamentry be issued thereon as provided by law. Therefore it is ordered; that said applilcation be heard before me at the Probate Office in the city of Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 24th day of March A.D. 1885 at ten o'clock, A.M. And it is futher ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Lake Shore Times, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 24, 1885 P.1
HIRSHFELDT, CHRISTIANA 10-In re estate of August Hirshfeldt, deceased:-Last will and testament presented for probate, by Christiana Hirshfeldt. Order entered for proof of will. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
HITTNER, H.M. Ewald, Carl & Wife (H.M. Hittner, M.D. vs.) yr. 1883; #1388; CF39
HLWACEK, JOHN SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an Alias execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County upon a judgment rendered in said county on the 16th day of February A.D. 1874 before Jno. F. Zinus a Justice of the Peace in and for the city and county of Manitowoc, said judgment in favor of John Hlawacek Plaintiff and against Frederick Will Defendant a transcript of which said judgment was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc county and said judgment duly docketed in said office on the 25th day of February A.D. 1874, I have levied upon all the right, title and interest which the said Frederick Will had on the 26th day of February A.D. 1874 or at any time thereafter, of, in and to the following described property to wit: The East half of the Southwest quarter, and the West half of the Southeast quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec. No. twenty-two (22) town No. nineteen (19) North of range No. twenty-one (21) East, situated in the town of Rockland and county of Manitowoc Wis. which described property I will sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the city of Manitowoc on the 4th day of September 1874 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, Wis., this 22d day, of July, 1874. R.W. Smart, Sheriff, P.J. Pierce, under Sheriff. P.J. Smalley Plffs. Attornerney (sic). Manitowoc Pilot, August 27, 1874 P. 1
HO(?)NG, GERTRUDE SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Washington Goodenow, vs Gertrude Ho(?)ng. BY virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 20th day of April, A.D. 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House, in the Village of Manitowoc, in said County, on Saturday the 21st day of June A.D. 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described property, or so much thereof as will raise the amount of said Judgment and costs, to-wit: The following described tract or lot of land situated in the Village and County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, commencing at a point twenty-five feet north of the south west corner of lot No. 6. to block no. 164 in the aforesaid Village of Manitowoc, from thence running due east fifty feet to the east line of said lot six (6) from thence running due north 20 feet, from thence running due west fifty feet to the west line of said lot six (6), from thence due south 20 feet to the place of beginning, in all a strip of land Twenty foot in width, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, all in the Village and County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, J.D. MARKHAM, Att'y for Pltff. Dated Sheriff's Office, May 6th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HOCH, GOTTFRIED Aultman, Charles Fred etal - (Gottfried Hoch vs) indebted for goods & services yr. 1875; #424; CF 26
HODGES, JAMES SHERIFF'S SALE-State of Wisconsin Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. John C. Starkweather ag'st William Bach, Peter Johnson, James Hodges and Junins Judson. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale In virture of and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court in the above entitled action, dated November 1st, 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc on Tuesday the 24th day of May, 1859, at the hour of 10 a.m. of that day the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to-wit; Lot number one (1) and two (2) and north half (1/2) of north west quarter (1/4) all in section two (2) town seventeen Range twenty one (21) the south half (1/2) of north east quarter (1/4) and north half of south east quarter (1/4) and north half (1/2) of south west quarter (1/4) all in section (3) town seventeen (17) range twentyone (21) being six hundred and forty (640) acres or the same more or less all situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, Wis. November 20th, 1858. G.A. & J.C. STARKWEATHER, Pltf Atty's T.A.H. EDWARDS. Sheriff. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 4, 1859 P. 4
HODGES, JAMES A. Johnston, Peter et al* *Hodges, James A. vs Bach, Wm. yr. 1857; #1326; CF 11
HOEFNER, (NO NAME) Brandl - Hoefner 1888 CF43 1695
HOEFNER, F.W. Feldschmidt, Sebastian Jr. vs. (Hoefner, F.W. et al) [Heineman, F.] [Fose, John] [Zuehlke, Otto] yr. 1898; #3650; CF58
HOEFNER, FREDERICK Brandl Barbara Deft. Hoefner Frederick Pltf. Mortgage yr. 1888; Case No. 1695; Box No. C.F. 43
HOENCK, H.F. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of H.F. Hoenck, deceased: Order entered to hear proof of will. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4
HOENIG, FREDERICK Donovan, Richard et al; Hoenig, Frederick; Sandt, Frederick; Hoenig, John vs. Frederick Hoenig-highway overseer Removal of fence blocking highway right-of-way. case dismissed yr. 1874-76; #384; CF26
HOENIG, JOHN Donovan, Richard et al; Hoenig, Frederick; Sandt, Frederick; Hoenig, John vs. Frederick Hoenig-highway overseer Removal of fence blocking highway right-of-way. case dismissed yr. 1874-76; #384; CF26
HOENIG, JOHN Eisner, John Witness in State of Wis vs. Hoenig, John yr. 1874-75; #375; CF26
HOEPNER, GOTTFREID Jones, Kiler K. - Hoepner, Gottfreid vs yr 1857; #634; CF 5
HOES, RICHARD H. SUMMONS.- Circuit Court, Manitowoc County, the State of Wisconsin, to Benjamin Jones, George W. Baker, Richard H. Hoes, Otis W. Eaton, George Barker, Nicholas Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Peter Rowe, George D. Woodruff, Jacob Cartar, John A. Dutcher, Kellogg Sexton, John R. Goodrich, Theodore Strong, James B. Adreance, Stephen B. Strong, Samuel H. Thurber, William B. Hill, George M. Groves, William B. Northrop, Heram McAllister, Ole Torrison, Charles S. Erett, Thomas Turton, John Sercomb, Robert Haney, John DeBou, Joseph Larson, Benjamin W. Porter, George W. Hale, and George N. Towslee, defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Zeuas Wood, plaintiff, which has this day been filed to the office of the clerk, of the circuit court, of the Count of Manitowoc, and to serve a copy of your answer on me at my office in the village of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, within twenty days, after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, And if you fail to answer the complaint as herby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated February 22nd, 1859. J.D. MARKHAM, Pltff's Att'y. Manitowoc, Wis. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, April 30, 1859 P. 4
HOFFMAN, ADOLPH DFT - Bentley, Dorothe; Herman, Benedict & Caroline; Hoffman, Adolph PLT - Dusold, Mathias Land sale to pay debts yr. 1882; #1287; CF 38
HOFFMAN, PETER Barndt, Abner S. vs Hoffman Peter, etal Financial dispate(sic) yr. 1898; #3369; CF 55
HOFFMAN, PETER Button, Joseph R. vs Hoffman, Peter; Mill, Gottleb; Kraus, Simon; The Centerville Brewing Co. Settelment(sic) of Dept.(sic) yr. 1894; #3009; Box No. H C.F. 51
HOFFMAN, PETER Dassler, Ernst &, Hoffman, Peter (Saisselin, Christina vs) land dispute yr. Nov. 1901; #3849; CF60
HOFFMAN, PHILIP Bischoff, Rudolph Plaintiff - Hoffman, Philip Defendant dfndt's answer to a charge of slander by plntff wherein dfndt claims he can prove the statements he made. Events took place in the town of Two Rivers. yr. 1880; #2140; CF 16 FLB
HOFFMAN, WILLIAM O. de Pinto, J.B. vs William O. Hoffman yr. 1849; X38; CF1
HOFFMANN, ANNA Becker, Wendell Plaintiff Hoffmann, Johann Nicolaus; Hoffmann, Anna His Wife Defendants Foreclosure on lot 5 block 326 village of Manitowoc yr. 1866; #2137; Box CF 16 FLB
HOFFMANN, JOHANN Nicolaus Becker, Wendell Plaintiff Hoffmann, Johann Nicolaus; Hoffmann, Anna His Wife Defendants Foreclosure on lot 5 block 326 village of Manitowoc yr. 1866; #2137; Box CF 16 FLB
HOFFMANN, MATHIAS STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Probate Office, Manitowoc, July 5th, A.D. 1877. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Mathias Hoffmann, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc: Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Mathias Hoffmann, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Mary Hoffmann praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on the 6th day of Aug., A.D. 1877, at 10 o'clock, a.m. And it is further ordered, that notice thereof shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court: T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, July 26, 1877 P. 2
HOFFMANN, MATHIAS (First publication Sept. 7, 1882.) No. 84 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY OF MANITOWOC.-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, September, 4th, A.D., 1882. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Mathias Hoffmann, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Mathias Hoffmann, deceased,late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Mary Reide praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me, at the probate office in Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 3d day of October, A.D., 1882, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. G G Sedgwick, Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, September 14, 1882 P. 2
HOFFMANN, PETER First publication Feb. 27, 1896. STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. A.D. Barndt, plaintiff vs August Knoll and Maria Knoll, his wife, George Baumann and Theresa Baumann, his wife, Christ Ehrhardt and Henrietta Ehrhardt, his wife, Alois Kraus and Sophia Kraus, his wife, Gustave Scheibe, the Centerville brewing Company a domestic corporation, Gottlieb Mill, Peter Hoffmann, Frank Boermke, The State Bank of Manitowoc, Froedert Brothers Grain and Malt Company, William Rahr, Reinhardt Rahr, Max Rahr, Charles L. Kiewert, Charles Koss, J.R. Button and August F. Backhaus, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, made and entered in the above entitled action on the 12th day of February, A.D., 1895, the undersigned as sheriff of the county of Manitowoc, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the sheriff's office in the sheriff's residence and jail building in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on Saturday, the 11th day of April, A.D., 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to pay the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action for principal, interest, taxes, and costs, the premises described in said judgment, as follows, to-wit: Lots number six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block one (1), in the village of Centerville, in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat of said village, together with all the buildings and brewery plant thereon, and the boiler, engine and all machinery and apparatus in said buildings used in the brewing of beer and manufacturing of malt. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, February 26, A.D., 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff, of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, plaintiff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2
HOFMEISTER, FREDERIKE Dittmar, Nicholas vs Hofmeister, Henry & Hofmeister, Frederike, his wife Promissory note yr. 1875; #438; CF26
HOFMEISTER, HENRY Bruss, August; Rhee, Ferdinand; Hofmeister, Henry Defendants State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Dfnts are accused of interfering with a deputy sheriff Earom Knapp in the performance of his duty. Tried in justice court Town of Cato dfndt remanded to circuit court. yr. 1870; #2011; Box CF 15 FLB
HOFMEISTER, HENRY Dittmar, Nicholas vs Hofmeister, Henry & Hofmeister, Frederike, his wife Promissory note yr. 1875; #438; CF26
HOGAN, JOHN NOTICE, OF THE APPLICATION FOR THE PARDON OF JOHN HOGAN. Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of September, A.D. 1882, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, I shall apply to the Hon. J.M. Rusk, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, at his office in the Capitol, in the city of Madison, Wisconsin, for the pardon of John Hogan, convicted of murder in the second degree, on the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1874, at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, by and before the Circuit Court then and there held, and thereupon, and therefor, sentenced to imprisonment in the State Prison at Waupun, Wisconsin, for the term and period of his natural life, and now serving out his said term of imprisonment. Geo. E. Sutherland, Att'y for John Hogan. Dated, August 23rd, 1882. Manitowoc Pilot, August 31, 1882 P. 2 ******** Circuit Court. Court convened on Tuesday, March 3d at 10 o'clock A.M. The case of the State, against John Hogan was the first one called. Tuesday and Wednesday were occupied in getting a jury as most of the people in the county had heard of the case.-On Saturday morning the jury after being out all night, returned a verdict of murder in the second degree. Manitowoc Pilot, March 12, 1874 P. 4 ******** Sheriff Smart will start to-morrow (sic) for Waupun, taking with him John Hogan who was sentenced the second the time, on Monday last, to imprisonment for life, for the murder of his brother, Martin Hogan, and also Jacob Tomah who was sentenced for the term of one year. Manitowoc Pilot, March 12, 1874 P. 4 ******** Circuit Court. The Circuit Court convened on Tuesday morning, his Hon. Campbell McLean, presiding, for the trial of John Hogan, for the murder of Martin Hogan in May 1868. It will be remembered that the deed was committed in Cooperstown, in this County, and that Hogan was tried in June 1870 and found guilty and sentenced to State Prison for life. A new trial was granted by the Supreme Court on the ground that Jury did not define the degree of murder of which the defendant was guilty. All of Tuesday and Wednesday was occupied in drawing a jury. At the time of going to press. Mr. F. Armsby the first witness for prosecution was still being examined. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1874 P. 4
HOGAN, MARTIN IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY Court. In the matter of the estate of Martin Hogan, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary Hogan, of said county, representing, among other things, that Martin Hogan, late of said county, on the 23d day of May, A.D. 1868, at Cooperstown, in said county, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate with this State, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to her granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the the (sic) Judge of this court, on Monday, the 22d day of June, A.D. 1868, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered, further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc, the 30th day of May, A.D. 1868. Manitowoc Pilot, June 19, 1868 P. 3 ***** IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY court. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heirs of Martin Hogan, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Martin McNamara, guardian of said minors representing, among other things, that the said wards were seized of certain real estate in Manitowoc county, Wis., and that it is necessary that the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same; and it appearing to the court, from said petition, that it is necessary in order to maintain-the said wards-to sell said real estate it is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said wards, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before me, on Monday, the 8th day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the Probate office in said county, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, according to the prayer of said petition. Ordered further, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper printed at Manitowoc in the said county. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Manitowoc, Feb. 15, 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1869 P. 4 ***** GUARDIAN SALE, IN PROBATE- Manitowoc county court. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heirs of Martin Hogan, deceased. Notic (sic) is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter on the eighth day of March, A.D. 1869, by the county court of said county, the undersigned, Martin McNamara, guardian of the minor heirs of Martin Hogan, late of said county deceased, will, on Monday, the fifth day of April, A.D, 1869, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the county judge in the village of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale, at public vendue, the following described lands to wit: The east half of the south east quarter of section No. seven (7) in township No. twenty-one (21) north of range No. twenty-two (22) east, all situated in said county, on which there is a dwelling house, barns, and about fifty acres (sic) cleared. The terms of sale will be made known at the time and place of said sale. Martin McNamara, Guardian. Manitowoc, March 8th, 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, March 19, 1869 P. 4
HOGAN, MARY Cain, Charles vs Patrick Hogan etal(Mary his wife) yr. 1869; X1610; CF 13
HOGAN, MARGARET Barnes, J.W. vs Hogan, Patrick & Margaret, his wife; & Doyle, Nellie Non-payment of mtg. yr. 1890; #1944; CF 46
HOGAN, PATRICK Barnes, J.W. vs Hogan, Patrick & Margaret, his wife; & Doyle, Nellie Non-payment of mtg. yr. 1890; #1944; CF 46
HOGAN, PATRICK Cain, Charles vs Patrick Hogan etal(Mary his wife) yr. 1869; X1610; CF 13
HOGAN, PATRICK Joyce, Thomas (complainant) State of Wis. vs. Patrick Hogan yr. 1889; #144; CF 69
HOGAN, S.B. Johnston, Peter (Hogan, S.B. vs) yr. 1866; #1561; CF 12
HOGAN, THOS. Devan, Andrew, Hogan, Thos. & Michael Murphy (Thos. Hogan vs) yr. 1891; #2095; CF48
HOLBROOK, JOEL E. United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6
HOLDEN, ZEBINA (First publication March 27, 1883) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of William Danforth deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Letters testamentary on said estate of William Danforth, deceased, late of the Town of Meeme, having been issued to Zebina Holden and Q.A. Danforth on the 20th day of March A.D., 1883, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesday, of May, June, and on the 25th day of September A.D. 1883, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated March 20th, 1883. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 3, 1883 P. 4
HOLDICKA, CATHERINE Kafka, Margaret; Libal, Joseph; Shimonek, Wenzel & Herman, Peter, Hodlicka, Anna Sr.; Hodlicka, Anna Jr.; Hodlicka, Anton,; Hodlicka, Emma,; Hodlicka, Frank,; Hodlicka, Charles,; Hodlicka, James,; Hodlicka, Annie Kries, Charles as guardian of the minor heirs of Hodlicka, Wenzel, deceased. Walterbach, Peter, Steiner, Mrs. Rosa, the trustees of the Kossuth Mutual Fire company (Catherine Holdlicka) yr. 1883; #1339; CF 39
HOLDICKA, WENZEL Kafka, Margaret; Libal, Joseph; Shimonek, Wenzel & Herman, Peter, Hodlicka, Anna Sr.; Hodlicka, Anna Jr.; Hodlicka, Anton,; Hodlicka, Emma,; Hodlicka, Frank,; Hodlicka, Charles,; Hodlicka, James,; Hodlicka, Annie Kries, Charles as guardian of the minor heirs of Hodlicka, Wenzel, deceased. Walterbach, Peter, Steiner, Mrs. Rosa, the trustees of the Kossuth Mutual Fire company (Catherine Holdlicka) yr. 1883; #1339; CF 39
HOLLAN, WILLIAM Bailey, True M. Plaintiff - Hollan, William Defendant Dfndt signed a promissory note for $20.25 interest at 12% 1 day yr. 1860; #2124; Box CF 16 FLB
HOLLANDER, EMMANUEL Beck, Jacob; Hollander Emmanuel; Velton, Jacob Defendants Blote & Bischoff, Wine dealers of New York Plaintiffs Plntfs seek to collect $49.87 for wine and spirits delivered to dfndts. during 1853 yr. 1858; #1859; Box CF 14 FLB
HOLLENBECK, WILLIAM Knudson, Torger vs Hollenbeck, William yr. 1867; X873; CF7
HOLLENDER, (NO NAME) Blocte vs Hollender yr. 1864; X1031; CF 8
HOLMES, MEAD Devine, William & Devine, Francis (Holmes, Mead vs) yr. 1873; #174; CF23
HOLSEN, ADOLPH Bleser, Adam Plaintiff Holsen, Anton; Holsen, Adolph Defendants Dfndts signed notes totaling $500.00 for merchandise delivered by plntf. Dfndts prove that merchandise, namely a team of horses, were not as represented by plntf. Case withdrawn by plntf. yr. 1861; #1757; Box CF 14 FLB
HOLSEN, ANTON Bleser, Adam Plaintiff Holsen, Anton; Holsen, Adolph Defendants Dfndts signed notes totaling $500.00 for merchandise delivered by plntf. Dfndts prove that merchandise, namely a team of horses, were not as represented by plntf. Case withdrawn by plntf. yr. 1861; #1757; Box CF 14 FLB
HOLTZER, ALOIS Klotzin, Barbara vs Holtzer, Alois et al Financial dispute yr. 1898; #3350; CF55
HOLUB, FRANK (First publication Aug. 24, 1882.) No. 80 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY.-IN PROBATE. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Frank Holub, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Frank Holub, late of the town of Mishicott, in said county, deceased, has been filed in this court; and whereas application has been made by John Holub, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this State, and that letters testamentary thereon be issued to said John Holub and Frank Fick, who are the persons named in said will as executors thereof: Therefore, it is orered that said application be heard by this court at a specail term thereof to be held at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 19th day of September, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock, A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication of a copy of this order in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. Dated August 14, 1882. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, August 24, 1882 P. 2
HOLVERSON, JACOB Collins, Gideon B.; Holverson, Jacob; Wellington, Benjamin Plaintiffs DBA Collins & Co. Brown, Oliver S. Defendant Dfndt purchased goods from Plntf for resale over a period of time. Dfndt repaid part of debt by sawing logs. Plntf would like the balance of 453.09. yr. 1861; #2168; Box CF16
HONEY, ALZADA M. Craite, Isaac vs Honey, Alzada M. et al Honey, Frank; Honey, Si W.B.D. Honey also mentioned but is deceased To foreclose a mortgage defendant lives in Burnside, Hancock Co., IL yr. 1893; #2275; CF50
HONEY, FRANK Craite, Isaac vs Honey, Alzada M. et al Honey, Frank; Honey, Si W.B.D. Honey also mentioned but is deceased To foreclose a mortgage defendant lives in Burnside, Hancock Co., IL yr. 1893; #2275; CF50
HONEY, SI Craite, Isaac vs Honey, Alzada M. et al Honey, Frank; Honey, Si W.B.D. Honey also mentioned but is deceased To foreclose a mortgage defendant lives in Burnside, Hancock Co., IL yr. 1893; #2275; CF50
HONEY, W.B.D. Craite, Isaac vs Honey, Alzada M. et al Honey, Frank; Honey, Si W.B.D. Honey also mentioned but is deceased To foreclose a mortgage defendant lives in Burnside, Hancock Co., IL yr. 1893; #2275; CF50
HONZIC, MARY Deleglise, Mary et al (Honzic/Honzik, Mary vs) Dispute over property in Antigo yr. 1886; #1447 EXA; CF40
HONZIK, MARY Deleglise, Mary et al (Honzic/Honzik, Mary vs) Dispute over property in Antigo yr. 1886; #1447 EXA; CF40
HOPE, (NO NAME) Booglen or Boogden vs Hope yr. 1865; X1035; CF 8
HOPE, GEORGE Evans, R. et al. (Def.) (St. of Wis. vs.) (Richard Evans; Sam S. Norwood; James Smith; Benjamin Davis; Henry B. Marks; George Hope; Henry Hope; Joseph Symes) yr. 1859; CX2696; CF20
HOPE, HENRY Evans, R. et al. (Def.) (St. of Wis. vs.) (Richard Evans; Sam S. Norwood; James Smith; Benjamin Davis; Henry B. Marks; George Hope; Henry Hope; Joseph Symes) yr. 1859; CX2696; CF20
HOPP, HENRY Koehler, Charles vs Hopp, Henry NE 1/4 NW 1/4 S4 T16 R24 yr. 1870; #24; CF 22
HOPPE, ELIZABETH (First Publication June 23rd. 1885.) COUNTY COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Hoppe, deceased. Notice is hereby given that at a regular term of said county court to be held in and for said County, at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m. of the 4th day of August 1885, The application of Christopher Hoppe for a judgment of this court determining the descent of the following described real estate situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin to-wit: Lot No. twelve (12) in block No. three hundred and seventeen (317) in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Whereof Elizabeth Hoppe late of the town of Manitowoc in said county, deceased intestate, died seized and adjudging that Christian Hoppe, Christopher Hoppe and William Schroeder are the only heirs at law of said deceased and entitled to all the right title and interest of said deceased in and to said real estate. Dated this 22nd day of June 1885, By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.4 ************ Notice of Application for Proof of Heirship. (First Publication June 23rd. 1885.) COUNTY COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY, in Probate. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Hoppe (sic), deceased. Notice is hereby given that at a regular term of said county court to be held in and for said County, at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., of the 4th day of August 1885, The application of Christopher Hoppe for a judgement of this court determining the descent of the following described real estate situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin to-wit: Lot No. twelve (12) in block No. three hundred and seventeen (317), in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Where of Elizabeth Hoppe late of the town of Manitowoc in said county, deceased intestate, died seized and adjudging that Christian Hoppe, Christopher Hoppe and William Schroeder are the only heirs at law of said deceased and entitled to all the right title and interest of said deceased in and to said real estate. Dated this 29nd. (sic) day of June 1885. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.5 *********** Guardian Sale. (First publication November 17, 1864,) IN COUNTY COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY IN PROBATE. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Hoppe, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virture and in pursuance of an Order of License, made in said matter, on the 10th day of Nov. A.D., 1885, by the County Court of said County, the undersigned, Carl Schroeder as guardian of the minor Grand Child to-wit: William Schroeder, of said deceased will, on Tuesday the 15th day of December A.D., 1885, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of County judge, in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for sale at public vendue the following described lands, to-wit: Lot number twelve (12) in Block number three hundred and seventeen (317) in the city of Manitowoc County of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Terms of sale cash on delivery of Deed R.L. Schroeder Guardian, Dated at the 19th day of November A.D. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 p. 4
HOPPE, GUS Wm. Bertleson, arrested for assault on complaint of Gus Hoppe, also secured an adjurnment until that time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 9, 1904 P. 3
HOPPER, JOHN (First publication Sept. 26, 1889.) No. 64 STATE OF WISCONSIN-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of John Hopper deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 24th day of September A.D., 1889, by the county court of said county, the undersigned, as executor of the estate and of the last will and testament of John Hopper, late of the town of Eaton, in said county, deceased testate will, on Saturday the 19th day of October, A.D., 1889, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the homestead of said deceased situated on the N.W. 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 of section 17, in the town of Eaton, in said county, offer for sale, at public vendue the following described lands, situated in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: The East Half of the North East quarter, (E. 1/2 of N.E 1/4), and the North East quarter of the North-West quarter, (N.E. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4) all in section seventeen, (17), of township eighteen, (18), North of Range Twenty-one, (21), east, containing about one hundred and twenty acres of land, more or less, according to government survey, being land whereof said deceased died seized. The terms of sale will be made known at the time and place of sale. Dated at Manitowoc, the 24th day of September, A.D. 1889. Thomas Hopper. Executor of the estate and of the last will and testament of said John Hopper, deceased. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, October 10, 1889 P. 2
HOREN, BRIDGET Barnes, John W. vs Horen, Michael; Horen, Ellen his wife; & Horen, Bridget Promissory note yr. 1890; #1969; CF 46
HOREN, BRIDGET COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In re insanity of Bridget Horen; judgment of insanity and order of commitment. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1
HOREN, ELLEN Barnes, John W. vs Horen, Michael; Horen, Ellen his wife; & Horen, Bridget Promissory note yr. 1890; #1969; CF 46
HOREN, MICHAEL Barnes, John W. vs Horen, Michael; Horen, Ellen his wife; & Horen, Bridget Promissory note yr. 1890; #1969; CF 46
HORN, FRED Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 25th. Fred Horn vs. J.E. Garry and J.P. Wickert, as County clerk, Injunction. continued.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.
HORN, HENRY C. Kirby, James (Henry C. Horn vs) yr. 1892; #2139; CF48
HORN, HENRY C. Bede, A. etal - (Henry C. Horn vs) Promissory note yr. 1890; #1988; CF 46
HORN, HENRY G. Beck, Wilhelmina; Beck, Abraham (Horn, Henry G) yr. 1891; 2882; CF 48
HORN, HENRY G. Allie Bramer (Horn, Henry G.) yr. 1891; 2082; CF 48
HORN, J. Classon, A. (J. Horn vs) yr. 1858; X1560; CF12
HORN, JOHN A. Kanter, August & Fred (Horn, John A. vs) yr. 1892; #2171; CF 49
HORN, WILLIAM Birdsall, John - (Horn, William vs) yr. 1871; Case 89; CF 22
HORN, WILLIAM (First publication January 24, 1884.) No. 7 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-MANITOWOC COUNTY-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, Jan. 21, A.D., 1884. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of William Horn, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of William Horn, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been accidentally lost; and whereas application has been made by Michael Horn, a son of said deceased, no person being named in said will as executor thereof, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon as provided by law. Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me, at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 19th day of February, A.D., 1884, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Estabrook & Walker, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, January 24, 1884 P. 2
HORN, WILLIAM H. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage executed by Homer Hill to William H. Horn, dated April 30th, 1868, and recorded in the Collector's office, at the port of Milwaukee, in liber "E" of mortgages, at page 767, etc., on the 4th day of January 1869, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction of the property mortgaged thereby, vis?? The one-fourth part of the schooner Ebenezer, her boats, anchors, chains, cables, tackle, apparel, and furniture, at the place where said vessel lies, in the Milwaukee river, in the city of Milwaukee, and State of Wisconsin, on the 21st day of March next at 10 o'clock a.m. The amount unpaid on said mortgage and secured thereby is $1,000, and on which nothing has been paid. Dated Manitowoc, March 10th, 1870 Wm. H. Horn, Mortgagee, E.B. Treat, Attorney for Mortgagee.
HORN, WILLIAM H. Knapp, David B. (Horn, William H vs) Owes a balancd of $10 on tree bought for $20.62 yr. 1870-71; #60; CF22
HORN, WILLIAM H. Johnston, Peter vs. Horn, William H. yr. 1864; #1323; CF 11
HORN, WM. H. Brennet, Edward, Defendant Horn, Wm. H. Plaintiff Brennet is accussed(sic) of stealing a team of horses and harness in the Town of Manitowoc Rapids yr. 1868; #2043; Box CF 15 FLB
HORN, WM. H. Birdsall, J.C. - (Horn, Wm. H. vs) yr. 1871; #120; CF 23
HORSTMAN, JOHN Arnold, John H. Plaintiff - Horstman, John Defendant A summons to appear in court in Sheboygan to answer a complaint by Arnold yr. 1866; #1787; CF 14 FLB
HORSTMAN, HM. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
HORSTMAN, JOHN Becker, Joseph F. Plaintiff - Horstman, John; Purhn, Theodore A request that the court enforce a previous judgment and collect from dfndts personal or real property to satisfy said judgment yr. 1860; #1765; Box CF 14 FLB
HORTON, CALVIN J. Alston John vs Duhake, P.A.; Horton, Calvin J.; Kiel, Edward; & Alston, David. Cooper, George vs K?lnay, Heary; Dunke, August F.; Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas W.; Jones, Benjamin,; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; case no. 675; case no. 660; case no. 661; Box no. CF 29
HORTON, CALVIN J. Calvin Horton J.; Kiel, Edward; Alston, David; Duhmke P.A., Deft. Alston, John Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Barnes, John W.; Muehalland, Henry; Mendlik, Henry. Collect money from building materials. yr. 1872; #660, #661; Box C.F. 29
HORTON, CALVIN J. Duhmke, F.A; Calvin Horton J.; Kiel, Edward; Alton, David Deft. Alton, John Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendkik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; #675, #660, #661; CF29
HOSTAK, JOSEPH IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN. Joseph Hostak, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Mlada, widow of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Erwin Mlada, heir-at-law of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Olga Mlada Colyar, minor heir of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Belle Mlada, minor heir of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Manitowoc Building and Loan Association, a Wisconsin Corporation, John Boldt, Lizzie Stephany, Michael Sobel, as administrator de bonis non of the estate of Adolph Cizek, deceased, A.J. Shimek, Wencel Cizek, William M. Willinger, as administrator of the estate of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Gustav Tomaschefsky, and Ida Tomaschefsky his wife, John F. Dumke and Edward Colyar, Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered in the above entitled action on the 5th day of April, A.D. 1913, the undersigned referee, appointed by said judgment for that purpose, will sell, at the east entrance of the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county and state, on Saturday, the 23rd day of May, A.D. 1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: Lot Eighteen (18) in Block One hundred and sixteen (116), Lot Eighteen (18) in Block One hundred and seventeen (117) and Lots three (3) and four (4) in Block One hundred and fifty-sixty (sic) (156), in the city of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Terms of sale, cash. Dated April 8th, A.D. 1914. William W. Willinger, Referee. A.P. Schenian, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, May 7, 1914 P. 4
HOSTAK, WENZEL Benesch, Joseph - (Hostak, Wenzel vs.) Jury trial - (horse misrepresented) found for dft. yr. 1903; #3938; CF 63
HOSTAK, WENCEL/CATHARIAN FORECLOSURE SALE. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court.-Manitowoc County. Johan Hucek, Plaintiff, vs. Wencel Hostak & Catharian Hostak his wife. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action, on the 25th day of June, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, held at the Court House in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day all the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action, together with the interest, costs and expenses to-wit:-A strip of land on the East side of the so called Green Bay road, being a part of the South East Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the North East Quarter (N E 1/4) of Section No. twenty-five (25) in township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range, No. Twenty-two (22) east; and also the east half quarter (S W 1/4) of section No. Nineteen (19), in Township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range No. Twenty-three (23) east, all in said Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc, Wis., this 6th day of August, A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. State of Wisconsin, Circuirt Court.-Manitowoc County. Johan Hucek, Plaintiff, vs Wencel Hostak & Catharian Hostak his wife. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgement order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action, on the 25th day of June, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, held at the Court House in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day all the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action, together with the interest, costs and expenses to-wit:-A strip of land on the East side of the so called Green Bay road, being a part of the South East Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the North East Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section No. twenty-five (25) in township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range, No. Twenty-two (22) east:-and also the east half (E 1/2) of the west half (W 1/2), of the south-west quarter (SW 1/4) of section No. Nineteen (19), in Township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range No. Twenty-three (23) east, all in said Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office Manitowoc, Wis., this 6th day of August, A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2
HOTTELMAN, CHARLES Christiansen, Christian vs Frederich Saloman, Charles Hottelman, Lina Hottelman, Peter Jordens, Richard Klingholz, Frederick Carus, G.C.P. Malmrose, & William Logier yr. 1852; X128; CFI
HOTTELMAN, LINA Christiansen, Christian vs Frederich Saloman, Charles Hottelman, Lina Hottelman, Peter Jordens, Richard Klingholz, Frederick Carus, G.C.P. Malmrose, & William Logier yr. 1852; X128; CFI
HOTTERMAN, CHAS. Koeppel A. vs. Hotterman, Chas. yr. 1859; #1073; CF 9
HOTTLEMAN, C. Gottfried Knoedler (C. Hottleman vs) yr. 1859; X1554; CF12
HOTTLEMAN, CHARLES Button, Edward L. Plaintiff Hottleman, Charles Defendant Plntf seek payment of a note in amount $127.85 with interest at 12% until paid note date 25 Sept. 1858 yr. 1858; #1741; Box CF 14 FLB
HOTTLEMAN, CHARLES Klingholz, Richard Hottleman, Charles Dfndts Mahler, Jacob Wendt, Charles E. Plaintiffs DBA Mahler & Wendt Suit to collect $252.92 Int 12% Term 90 days a note. yr. 1858; #2054; CF15
HOTTLEMAN, CHAS. Allen, Silas W.; Hottleman, Chas. Summons to appear in court yr. 1858; #1798; Box CF 14 FLB
HOUGEN, KNUD Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18
HOUGEN, OLE K. Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18
HOUGHTON, ELIJAH Jones, Kiler K. vs. Smith, Edward et al * *Houghton Elijah yr 1857; #1328; CF 11;
HOUGHTON, MARY Kaufmann, Mary (mother) vs Kaufmann, Fred (son)et al (all children of plaintiff) Family property settlement husband Peter Kaufmann 31 Jul 1890 (died)conveyered all property to wife Mary Children: Fred, George, John, 20 yrs, Andrew, 18 yrs, Bernard, 15 yrs, Charlie, Peter, Frank Mary Houghton: released all interest in deceased real estate. yr.1897; #3473; CF 55
HOUSE, L.S. Sidney Shepard ag. L.S. House et al. Forclosre. J.D. Markham Pltt's Atty. Judgement signed. CIRCUIT COURT for MANITOWOC COUNTY. JUDGE TAYLOR PRESIDING. April 28, 1859.
HOUSE, L.S. Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HOUSE, LEMUEL S. Barrows, Randall K. Plaintiff House, Lemuel S. Defendant House entered into a contract with Walter King to provide a quantity of hemlock and pine logs to be delivered to the House Fa?? lot below the tannery at Two Rivers. Barrows of Milwaukee was assigned Kings contract. Dispute is about the quantity of logs delivered. yr. 1860; #2125; Box CF 16 FLB
HOVEL, ANNA Doubek, Wenzel et al & Elizabeth Doubek vs Hovel, Joseph et al Anna Hovel Warranty deed yr. 1874; #474; CF27 Also as Havel
HOVEL, JOSEPH Doubek, Wenzel et al & Elizabeth Doubek vs Hovel, Joseph et al Anna Hovel Warranty deed yr. 1874; #474; CF27 Also as Havel
HOWARD, HENRY Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Julius Henry Kimball against Floyd Johnson, William Goff, Josiah Johnson, Henry B. Towslec, Daniel Knapp, Henry Howard, Alanson Hickok, Lindsey W. Dunham. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action, on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: The south half of the north-east quarter, and the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section number two, township number nineteen, north of range number twenty two east, containing 120 acres of land, more or less, together with the steam saw mill and its appurtenances created on or near said premises by the said Goff and Josiah Johnson.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. J.I. Pittit, Plaintiff's Attorney, of Kenosha city. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3
HOWARD, JAMES Henry Aldrich vs James Howard etal yr. 1866; X849; CF 7
HOWARD, SWOENEY COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. March 13-In re estate of Frederick Luehr, deceased; final account of administrator, Swoeney Howard, filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4
HOWE, J.W. yr. 1881; #1190; CF36 FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY- Mathias Haungs, plaintiff, vs Killian Grossbaier, Maria Anna Grossbaier, his wife, Benjamin F. Dow, Luman F. Dow, and J.W. Howe, defentants. In virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action, in and by said court (at a general term thereof in Manitowoc county) on the 30th day of June, 1881, (Perfected October 3d, 1881,) I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue on Saturday, the 9th day of December, 1882, at ten o'clock, A.M., at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, viz: all the following tract of land situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section number thirty-four (34) and the west half of the north west quarter of section number thirty-five (35) all in township number eighteen (18), range number twenty-one (21) east, containing one hundred twenty (120) acres of land more or less. Dated at Sheriff's Office, October 23rd, 1882. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. A.J. Schmitz, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, November 16, 1882 P. 2
HOWLEY, MARTIN (First publication Nov. 11, 1886.) No. 29 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Martin Howley, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Bridget Taugher of the town of Newton, county of Manitowoc and state aforesaid, representing among other things that Martin Howley, late of said county in the month of September, A.D., 1882 at Manzanillo, Mexico, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate which are now in possession of Anthony Taugher of said county as special administrator of said deceased and that the said petitioner is a sister of said deceased, and praying that general administration of said estate be to Anthony Taugher granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this court, on Tuesday, the 7th day of December, A.D., 1886, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in the city of Manitowoc in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 8th day of November, A.D., 1886. By the court, Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, December 2, 1886 P. 2
HOYER, JOHN Belitz, Henry etal; Hoyer, John Stein, Marcus etal; Stein, Charles; Stein, Louis Belitz & Hoyer do business in Kiel seizure of property for money owed yr. 1874; Case 376; CF 26
HOYER, CHARLES PTF - Kane, Thomas DFT - Neilan, Patrick; Neilan, Ellen Hoyer, Charles; Hoyer, Joseph; Knapp, Esrom yr. 1883; # 1330; CF 38
HOYER, JOSEPH PTF - Kane, Thomas DFT - Neilan, Patrick; Neilan, Ellen Hoyer, Charles; Hoyer, Joseph; Knapp, Esrom yr. 1883; # 1330; CF 38
HOYER, T. Edward Boutor(?) (T. Hoyer vs) yr. 1858; X1558; CF 12
HUBBARD, (NO NAME) CF30 733 Bertler Bender 1877 699 Duhmke/Dumke 1879 732 Hubbard 1877 699 Kolwey 1879
HUBBARD, (NO NAME) Jones - Hubbard yr. 1876; #669; CF 29
HUBBARD, NO NAME Klingholz (Hubbard vs) yr. 1855; #177; CF2
HUBBARD, EDW. F. H.S. Balcom vs Edw. F. Hubbard yr. 1865; X838; CF 7
HUBBARD, GILES A. Bacon Winchel D. Plaintiff - Hubbard, Giles A. Defendant Dfndt owed plntf $144 with interest at 10% on a personal note. Plntf lives in Waukesha yr. 1863; #2142; Box CF 16 FLB
HUBBARD, H.F. Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HUBBARD, HARVEY F. Klingholz, H.C. (Hubbard, Harvey F. vs) yr. 1863; X1380; CF11
HUBBARD, HARVEY F. IN CIRCUIT COURT-WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Harvey F. Hubbard, plaintiff vs. T.C. Shove defendant. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court for Winnebago county on the 13th day of November, 1895 subscribed by the attorney for the above named plaintiff upon a judgment rendered in said court on the 19th day of October, 1895 in favor of the above named defendant T.C. Shove, a certified transcript of which said judgment was filed and said judgment duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in and for Manitowoc county, Wisconsin on the 9th day of November, 1895 at 10 o'clock a.m. for the sum of eight thousand five hundred and seventy dollars and ninety cents ($8570.90) which said execution is to me directed and delivered: -I have levied upon and seized all of the right title and interest which the said defendant, T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 13th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit: The East ten and ninety one-hundreds (10-90-100) acres in the southwest quarter of the north-west quarter and Government Lots No. three (3) and five (5) in Section No. twenty-four (24) Town nineteen (19) north, Range No. twenty-three (23) east; and also the following lots in the village of Manitowoc Rapids: Lot five (5) Block four (4); Lots ten (10), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), Block eight (8); Lot twelve (12), Block eleven (11), Lots nine (9) and ten (10), Block nineteen (19); lots one (1), two (2) and six (6), Block twenty-three (23); Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block twenty-five (25); lot seven (7) in Block twenty-seven (27); Lot twelve (12) in Block thirty-seven (37); also the following lots in the city of Manitowoc, to-wit: Lot No. one (1) in Block two hundred and twenty-seven (227); also lots four (4) and five (5) in Block one hundred and ten (110) and lots seven (7) and eight (8) in block one hundred and fifteen (115). I have also levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest which the said defendant T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 18th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit. The south half of Lot No. five (5) and lots six (6) and seven (7) and the north three-fourths (3/4) of Lot eight (8) in Block No. three hundred and twenty-one (321) of the city of Manitowoc, all said lots and parcels of land being in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin,, which I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc in the state of Wisconsin on Friday the 17th day of January, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin this 27th day of November, 1895. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, January 9, 1896 P. 4 ***** (First publication Feb. 27th 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT-WINNEGAGO COUNTY. Harvey F. Hubbard, plaintiff vs. T.C. Shove defendant. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court for Winnebago county on the 13th day of November, 1895 subscribed by the attorney for the above named plaintiff upon a judgment rendered in said court on the 19th day of October, 1895 in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant, T.C. Shove, a certified transcript of which said judgment was filed and said judgment duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in and for Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, on the 9th day of November, 1895 at 10 o'clock a.m. for the sum of eight thousand five hundred and seventy dollars and ninety cents ($8570.90) which said execution is to me directed and delivered: I have levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest which the said defendant T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 13th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit: The East ten and ninety one hundreds (10-90-100) acres in the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and Government lots No. three (3) and five (5) in Section No. Twenty-four (24) Town nineteen (19) north, Range No. twenty-three (23) east; and also the following lots in the village of Manitowoc Rapids: Lot five (5), Block four (4); Lots ten (10), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) Block eight (8); Lot twelve (12), Block eleven (11); Lots nine (9), and ten (10), Block nineteen (19), Lots one (1), two (2) and six (6), Block twenty-three (23); Lots one (1), two (2) and six (6), Block Twenty-three (23); Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block twenty-five (25); Lot seven (7) in Block twenty-seven (27); Lot twelve (12) in Block thirty-seven (37); also the following lots in the city of Manitowoc, to-wit: Lot No. one (1) in Block two hundred and twenty-seven (227); also lots four (4) and five (5) in Block one hundred and ten (110) and Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in Block one hundred and fifteen (115). I have also levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest which the said defendant T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 18th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit: The south half of Lot No. five (5) and Lots (6) and seven (7) and the north three-fourths (3/4) of Lot eight (8) in Block No three hundred and twenty-one (321) of the city of Manitowoc, all said lots and parcels of land being in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, which I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc in the state of Wisconsin on Friday the 11th day of April, 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin; this 21st day of February, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. J.S. Anderson, Plaintiff's Attorney Manitowoc Pilot, March 12, 1896 P. 4
HUBBARD, MARY ANN Jones, Benjamin Deft. Hubbard, Mary Ann Pltf Owed Money, Manitowoc Wis yr. 1876; #669; CF 29
HUBBARD, S. Joseph Brownreiter (S. Hubbard vs) yr. 1867; X840; CF 7
HUBBARD, STEPHEN Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4
HUBBARD, STEPHEN Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HUBBARD, THOMAS H. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Manitowoc County Circuit Court. In Equity. Bill for partition of Real Estate. Benj. Jones vs Levi Beardsley, Philo Gridley, Samuel Stocking, Eliha Phinney, Thomas H. Hubbard, Charles A. Mann, Peter Van Vechten, Charles D. Gould, Robert M. Seymour, Bradford R. Wood and Oliver O. Morse, are now residents of the State of Wisconsin, and that there are certain other persons whose names and places of residence are unknown, who have or claim to have some interest in the lands of which partition is sought by the Bill in this cause, and that no appearance has been entered in this cause by said defendants last above named, or any of them or by any other person or persons as defendants in this cause. On motion of Lee & Walker solicitors for the complainant it is ordered that said defendants Levi Beardsley, Philo Gridley, Samuel Stocking, Eliha Phinney, Thos. H. Hubbard, Charles A. Mann, Rob. M. Seymour, Bradford R. Wood, Oliver A. Morse and all other person, who have or claim to have any interest in the said premises do appear and plead answer or demur to the complainents Bill of Complaint on file in this cause, by the second day of July next, and that in default thereof said Bill will be taken as confessed by them and each and every of them. The said premises above mentioned, the partition of which is sought by the Bill in this cause are described as follows to wit: "The west half of Section No. thirty (30) in Township No. nineteen (19) north of Range No. twenty four (24) east in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, containing three hundred and twenty (320) acres of Land according to Government survey thereof. It is further ordered that the complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Manitowoc Tribune a newspaper published in said Manitowoc County, for six weeks successively prior to said second day of July A.D. 1855. Dated March 22nd. 1855 Lee & Walker Sols. for Complt. By the Court, W.R. Go?sline, Judge. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, April 5, 1855 P. 3
HUBBARD, W.W. Brownmeister, Joseph Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff dfndt accused of cutting down two oak trees and removing the timber from the land of W.W. Hubbard. yr. 1867; #CX 2010; Box CF 15 FLB
HUCEK, JOHAN FORECLOSURE SALE. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court.-Manitowoc County. Johan Hucek, Plaintiff, vs. Wencel Hostak & Catharian Hostak his wife. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action, on the 25th day of June, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, held at the Court House in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day all the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action, together with the interest, costs and expenses to-wit:-A strip of land on the East side of the so called Green Bay road, being a part of the South East Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the North East Quarter (N E 1/4) of Section No. twenty-five (25) in township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range, No. Twenty-two (22) east; and also the east half quarter (S W 1/4) of section No. Nineteen (19), in Township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range No. Twenty-three (23) east, all in said Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc, Wis., this 6th day of August, A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. State of Wisconsin, Circuirt Court.-Manitowoc County. Johan Hucek, Plaintiff, vs Wencel Hostak & Catharian Hostak his wife. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgement order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action, on the 25th day of June, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, held at the Court House in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day all the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action, together with the interest, costs and expenses to-wit:-A strip of land on the East side of the so called Green Bay road, being a part of the South East Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the North East Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section No. twenty-five (25) in township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range, No. Twenty-two (22) east:-and also the east half (E 1/2) of the west half (W 1/2), of the south-west quarter (SW 1/4) of section No. Nineteen (19), in Township No. Twenty-one (21) north of range No. Twenty-three (23) east, all in said Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office Manitowoc, Wis., this 6th day of August, A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2
HUDGES, JAMES H. Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HUDSON, ADOLPH Brien Thomas O. vs Brien Daniel O.; Hudson Adolph Land dispute, Manitowoc, Co. yr. 1876; No. 690; Box CF 30 Put these under O'Brien also
HUDSON, ADOLPHUS Dobri, John et al (Adolphus Hudson as executor of estate of Felix Rabordy, deceased vs) Promissory note yr. 1873; #285 & #284; CF25
HUEBNER, (NO NAME) Klein (Huebner vs) yr. 1854; #176; CF2
HUEBNER, F.W. Allis & Allis vs F.W. Huebner yr. 1851; CF 1
HUEBNER, FREDERIC Koebke, Christian & wife Bertha; Huebner, Frederic & wife Julian and; Mench, Charles, defendants Plaintiff: Ready, James Promissary Note yr. 1878; #724; CF 30
HUEBNER, FREDERICK W. Bently, John A. Plaintiff Huebner, Frederick W. Defendant Plntf, an attorney from Sheboygan, seeks payment of $50.00 for work and advice given to defndt. yr. 1861; #1762; Box CF 14 FLB
HUEBNER, FREDERICK W. Peter J. Branagan (Frederick W. Huebner vs) yr. 1849; X35; CF 1
HUEBNER, JULIAN Koebke, Christian & wife Bertha; Huebner, Frederic & wife Julian and; Mench, Charles, defendants Plaintiff: Ready, James Promissary Note yr. 1878; #724; CF 30
HUEBNER JULIANA John Behringer etal vs Juliana Huebner yr. 1867; X878; CF 7
HUEBNER, JULIANA Koebka, Christian - Huebner, Juliana yr. 1878; #491; CF 27
HUEBNER, JULIANNA Barnes, John W. vs Huebner, Julianna etal yr. 1881; 1137; CF 36
HUEBNER, JULIANNA Koebke, Christian vs. Huebner, Julianna two cases yr. 1878; #543; CF 28
HUEBNER, JULIANNE FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, In Circuit Court. Manitowoc County. Julianne Huebner, Plaintiff, against Ira P. Smith, Minnie Smith his wife, Christian Koebke and Bertha Koebke his wife and James Rody, Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action, on the 2d day of July A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc county, and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder at the Sheriffs office in the city and County of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, on the 16th day of October, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, together with interest and cost to-wit: The south eight feet of lot No. seven (7) in block No. one hundred and sixty five (165), laying and being situated in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin according to the recorded plot of said city. Dated the 30th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. White & Forrest, Pllf's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, September 2, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN. IN CIRCUIT COURT. MANITOWOC COUNTY. Julianne Huebner, Plaintiff, against Ira P. Smith, Minnie Smith his wife, Christian Koebke and Bertha Koebke his wife and James Rody, Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action, on the 2d day of July A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc county, and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder at the Sheriffs office in the city and County of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, on the 16th day of October, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much as the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, together with the interest and costs to-wit: The south eighty feet of lot No. seven (7) in block No. one hundred and sixty-five (165), lying and being situated in the City of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin according to the recorded plot of said city. Dated this 30th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. White & Forrest, Plff's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2
HUG, CHRISTINA Dismann, Henry (Hug, Christina St. Wi. vs) Bastardy yr. 1870; CX2670; CF19
HUG, MATHIAS Brown, Aries N.; Nallow, William; Nallow, Lisselle Wife Defendants Dutcher, George; LeFever, John A. Plaintiffs Nallow and wife mortgage 15 acres of land on the lakeshore to guarantee payment of 500/yr rent for VanValkenburgh mill. Water levels on the river were too low to float logs therefore dfndts couldn't pay the rent and the land was foreclosed. Other creditors of the dfndts were Elizabeth Adams, Elizabeth Norris both of Vermont; Frederick Haker and Mathias Hug. yr. 1863; #2165; Box CF 16 FLB
HUG, MATHIAS Dutcher, John A.; LeFever, George Plaintiffs Brown, Ariel N.; Nallow, William; Nallow, Lisselle Wife Defendants Suit to foreclose on 15 acres of land on the Lakeshore south of Manitowoc. Mortgage given so that dfndts could guaratee (sic) payment of 300. per yr rent for the VanValkenburgh Mill on Manitowoc. Water levels were too low to float logs to the mill therefore dfndts couldn't pay the rent and the land was foreclosed other creditors of the dfndts were Elizabeth Adams, Elizabeth Nottis of Vermont; Frederick Haker and Mathias Hug. yr. 1863; #2185; CF16
HUILICKA, MATHIAS STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF Manitowoc, ss.-In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Mathias Huilicka, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Mathias Huilicka, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office, and whereas application has been made by Elizabeth Huilicka praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this State, and that John Ticher be named as executor of the last will and testament of said deceased; therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on the 2d day of October, A.D. 1871, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court. W.W. Waldo, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 21, 1871 P. 3
HULL, A. James Benson - (A. Hull vs) yr. 1860; X1219; CF 10
HULL, A.D. James Benson - (A.D. Hull vs) yr. 1860; X1563; CF 12
HULL, ABRAM D. SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Abram D. Hull, Plaintiff, against Nicholas Sharp and Eliza A. Sharp, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclousre and Sale. In virtue of and pursuant to Judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, date April 29th 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction, at the Court House, in the Village of Manitowoc, on Monday, the 21st day of June, 1858, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of sale judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Manitowoc, and described as flollows, to wit: The East half of the south east quarter of Section number thirty-six (36) in township number twenty (20) of range number twenty-two (22) containing Eighty acres of land, according to public survey. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, 5th day of May, A.D. 1858. T.A.H. EDWARDS. Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Wis. By WM. F. ELDRIDGE, Deputy. J.D. MARKHAM, Pltff's Atty. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, May 31, 1858 P. 4
HULL, ABRAM D. FORECLOSURE SALE. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Abram D. Hull, Pl'ff. Against Sarah Parkhurst, Sarah E. Phillips and Susan M. Phillips heirs of William Phillips deceased, by T.C. Shove, their Guardian Defenodnnts (sic). Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of and pursuant to a judgment rendered in the above entitled action, dated November 1st, 1862, I shall expose for Sale and sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, County and State aforesaid, on Monday the 16th day of February, A.D., 1863, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment interest and costs together with the expenses of sale to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land described as follows, viz: The East Half of the North West quarter, and the North East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Number Six (6) in Township Nineteen (19) North of Range Number Twenty-Two (22) East, containing one hundred and twenty acres of land in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. Dated at Sheriff's office, Nov. 10, 1862. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff. By R.T. Blaze, Under Sheriff. J.D. Markham, Att'y for Pl'ff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Wednesday, March 18, 1863 P. 4
HULL, J. Jones, Benj. (Hull, J. vs) yr. 1859; #1216; CF 10
HULT, ISAAC CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Isaac L. Hult, Plaintiff. VS, George Reed, Defendant. BY virtue of an execution, to me directed and delivered, out of and under the Seal of the Circuit Court, for Manitowoc county, I have this day levied on the following described Personal Property, to wit: One Steam Engine and fixtures thereto; two seam boilers; one crank shaft, three pieces of line shaft and couplings; one balnace wheel; a lot of steam pipe; one cast iron foundation for engine; one furnace mouth and lot of grates, a lot of cable chain; one spider; one two-horse wagon; one vise; one blacksmith's bellows; one mill saw and two circular saws, in the Town of Maple Grove, all in the county of Manitowoc, the property of George Reed, which I shall expose for sale, as by law directed, to the last and highest bidder at the place where the property now lies, on Thursday, the 9th day of February, A.D. 1855 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to satisfy said execution, costs and interest. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Jan. 12th, 1855 Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, January 17, 1855 P. 3 ******** CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Isaac L. Hult, Plaintiff. VS, George Reed, Defendant. BY virtue of an execution, to me directed and delivered, out of and under the Seal of the Circuit Court, for Manitowoc county, I have this day levied on the following described Personal Property, to wit: One Steam Engine and fixtures thereto; two seam boilers; one crank shaft, three pieces of line shaft and couplings; one balnace wheel; a lot of steam pipe; one cast iron foundation for engine; one furnace mouth and lot of grates, a lot of cable chain; one spider; one two-horse wagon; one vise; one blacksmith's bellows; one mill saw and two circular saws, in the Town of Maple Grove, all in the county of Manitowoc, the property of George Reed, which I shall expose for sale, as by law directed, to the last and highest bidder at the place where the property now lies, on Thursday, the 9th day of February, A.D. 1855 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to satisfy said execution, costs and interest. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Jan. 12th, 1855 POSTPONEMENT.-The above sale is postponed until Thursday, the 8th day of March, 1855, at the same hour and place. F.W. ADAMS, Sheriff. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, February 14, 1855 P. 5
HUME, WM. Durgin E. et al vs Wm. Hume et al yr. 1859; X324; CF3
HUNT, ANDREW State of Wis By Henry Corder vs (Hunt, Andrew) Robery yr. 1901; #337; CF71
HUNT, EDWIA Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HUNT, EDWIN Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4
HUNTINGTON, HENRY A. SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC CO. John W. Perigo, Wedward B. Bulkley (sic), George L. Bulkley and John G. Plimpton against Obadiah H. Platt. Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, and Simon B. Carey against Obadiah H. Platt. Henry A. Huntington, Philip Wadsworth and Calvin C. Parks Jr., against Obediah H. Platt. Samuel C. Davis, Charles B. Sawyer and Nathan W. Perkins, against Obadiah H. Platt. Bethuel B. Vincent, John II. Vincent, William Himrod, David Himrod and David Shirk, against Obadiah H. Platt. BY VIRTUE of executions issued from said Court in the several above entitled actions, to me directed and delivered against the real property of the above named defendant, I shall on the executions issued in the two first above named actions, as therein directed, sell all the right, Title and interest which the said defendants had on the 21st day of October 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Ne qr of ne qr Sec 31, and se qr of the ne qr of Sec 25, and the nw qr of the nw qr of Sec 22, in T. 20, R. 22. Ne qr of the nw qr Sec 25, and the s1/2 of the n1/2 of Sec 28, and the ne qr of the nw qr Sec 30 all in T. 19, R. 22. Ne qr of ne qr Sec 11, and the w1/2 nw qr Sec 30, and the ne qr sec 31, all in T. 19, R.21. N1/2 of nw qr of sw qr sec 4, and the s1/2 of ne qr sec 4, and the w1/2 of se qr Sec 4, and the se qr of the ne qr of sec 18, T.19, R. 23. Nw qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23; ne qr of swe qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23: ne qr of sw gr sec 13, T. 20, R. 21; sw qr of ne qr of sec 25, T. 20, R. 22; e1/2 of sw qr and se qr of nw qr sec 19, T. 20, R. 24; swe qr sec 33, T. 18, R. 21; e1/2 of se qr and nw qr of se qr of sec. 33, T. 17, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr sec 7, T. 20, R. 24; ne qr of nw qr sec 10, T. 18, R. 23; also, undivided in a fractional qr of sec 1, T. 17, R 23, containing 19 85-100 acres; also, the undivided seven-eights and the undivided half of ne qr sec 11, T. 17, R. 23; se qr of ne qr sec 18, T. 19, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr and nw gr of ne gr and se qr of se qr of se 10, T. 20, R. 22. Lots 5 and 6 in Bl D, of Reed's Addition to the village of Manitowoc. Lots 12 e1/2 lot 3, all of 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 e1/2 of lot 18 bl 107; w 21 ft lot 2 e 37 ft bl 118, in village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 and 6 bl 181; lot 5 b 175; lot 1 b 176; lot 10, b 155; lot 11 b 115; lot 7 b 177, in the village and county of Manitowoc. And also on the two said executions sell all the right, title and interest the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Lots 6 7 10 B 40, lots 8 11 B 42, lots 9 10 11 B 63, lots 1 4 5 B 105. lot 2 B 140, lots 1 2 3 B 64, lots 3 4 B 214, lots 3 4 B 215, lots 16 18 B 242, lots 9 10 11 B 241, lots 12 1 7 B 243, lot 2 B 268, lots 1 2 7 8 B 152, lot 1 B 170, lots 4 5 B 171, lots 4 5 6 B 173, in the village and county of Manitowoc. Lot 9 subdivision s1/2 ne q sec 10, T. 19, R. 24, five acres in village of Manitowoc. Lot 7 B 138, lot 7 b 193, lot 22 B 199, lots 7 10 B1?, lot 16 B 202, lot 4 B 258, lots 10 11 B 295, lots 6 7 B 344, in the village of Manitowoc. Swq nwq sec 20, s1/2 seq of neq sec 19, T. 10, R 21, 60 ne., in Manitowoc county. Lot 14 B 117, village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 B 158, lot 3 B 161, e1/2 lot 4 B 230, s1/2 lot 2 B 270, lot 6 B 271, lot 10 B 56, lot 8 B 58, lot 8 B 110, lot 11 B 154, lot 2 B 160, lot 6 B 155, lot 2 B 114, lots 1 2 10 11 12 B 173, n1/2 lot 6 B 156, all in Manitowoc village. Lot 5 B 180, lots 7 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 B 265, lots 7 10 11 14 15 20 21 22 B 264, lots 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 B 266, lots 7 10 11 24 26 25 B 292, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 293, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 310, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 311, lots 5 14 6 15 18 19 24 B 312, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 330, lost 1 2 3 8 9 12 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 331, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 332, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 B 340, lots 4 5 6 7 9 14 15 16 B 350, lots 1 2 3 8 9 14 15 16 B 351, all in village Manitowoc. Lots 1 B 18, in village Manitowoc Rapids. Lots 1 2 B 10, in village of Two Rivers. Nwq sec 28, neq sec 27, e 1/2 of the e1/2 and the e1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 and the e 1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 of swq sec. 23, all in T. 20, R. 22, and in county of Manitowoc, 380 acres. And also on the three other executions issued in the three last above named actions, as therein direceted, shall sell all the right, title and interest which the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the whole of the above and forgoing described real property. That said real property, and the right title and interest the above named defendant had in and to the same on the days herein before stated, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction or Vendue, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on the 31st day of July A.D. 1862, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at that. Dated the 29th day of May A.D. 1862 WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. GEO. REED, Plt'ffs' Att'y. The above sale is hereby postponed until the 28th day of August, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. GEO. REED, Pl'tff' Att'y. Dated July 31, 1862. The above sale is further postponed until Wednesday, the 24th day of September, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, the 11th day of October, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, November 1st, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4
HUNTINGTON, HENRY A. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
HURLBUT, RICHARD C. Burger, Ebenezer; Hurlbut, Richard C. Plaintiffs Gutzloe, Gisbert; Gutzloe, Maria; Baensch, August Defendants Plntfs, doing business as Burger & Hurlbut of New York and Chicago. foreclose on a mortgage they bought from August Baensch. Mortgage dated 1855 for $800. plus interest at 10% Amount due at time of foreclosure $1,141.80 Burger, being highest bidder at sherif's (sic) sale got the land for $350.00 Land was 120 acres in the Kasbaum Lake area Town of Newton. yr. 1860; #1746; Box CF 14 FLB
***** Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.--Ebenezer H. Burgert (sic) and Richard W. Hurlbert (sic) ag't Gisborp Gutzloe, Maria Gutzloe, and August Baensch. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 31st day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense of sale. All and singular the following described pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to wit: The north east quarter of the north west quarter of section number ten, (10) town number eighteen, (18) north of range number twenty three, (23) containing forty acres; also the east half of the southwest quarter of section number three, (3) town eighteen, (18) north of range number twenty three, (23) containing eighty acres. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. E. Marinar, Pl'ff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, January 13, 1860 P. 4 Also in: Manitowoc Pilot, January 27, 1860 P. 4
HUSS, EMILIE COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of Emilie Huss; Report of guardian William Voigt examined. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4
HUSS, EMMA COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re guardianship of Emma Huss: Guardian discharged. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4
HUTCHINSONM (NO NAME) Deliglise & Hutchinson see Barnes, John W. yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF47
HUTCHINSON, SAMUEL Blesch, Peter J. -(Hutchinson, Samuel vs) yr. 1861; X1596; CF 13
Hutchinson, W.W. Barnes, John W. and Sedgwick, George G. vs Deliglise, F.A. and Hutchinson, W.W. Mortgages, non-payment ? of notes Costs disagreement went to Supreme Court yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF 47