K?LNAY, HEARY Alston John vs Duhake, P.A.; Horton, Calvin J.; Kiel, Edward; & Alston, David. Cooper, George vs K?lnay, Heary; Dunke, August F.; Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas W.; Jones, Benjamin,; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; case no. 675; case no. 660; case no. 661; Box no. CF 29
KABAT, ALBERT Kabat, Charles vs Kabat, Albert; Kabat, Joseph A matter of a bend. mortgage between said party 10 Nov. 1879;#3773;BCP60
KABAT, ANNIE Kabat, Joseph; Annie his wife Defendant Pierpont, Henry S. Plntf receiver for the estate of Obediah Platt yr. 1863; #1881; CF 14 FLB
KABAT, CHARLES Kabat, Charles vs Kabat, Albert; Kabat, Joseph A matter of a bend. mortgage between said party 10 Nov. 1879;#3773;BCP60
KABAT, JOSEPH Kabat, Charles vs Kabat, Albert; Kaba, ,, t, Joseph A matter of a bend. mortgage between said party 10 Nov. 1879;#3773;BCP60
KABAT, JOSEPH Kabat, Joseph; Annie his wife Defendant Pierpont, Henry S. Plntf receiver for the estate of Obediah Platt yr. 1863; #1881; CF 14 FLB
KABATT, THOMAS Elliot, William vs Thomas Kabatt Unlawful detention of property yr. 1880; #1032; CF34
KABKE, CHRISTAIN Kabke, Christain (Hahnbadr, Robert vs) yr. 1868; #1408; CF no number
KABOT, FRANK Cronin, Dan J. Kabot, Frank Mortgage yr. 1884; #1792; CF44
KABOT, WENZEL Bornefieldt, Herman; Kabot, Wenzel (Vondrachek, Joseph) Forged Promissory Note State of Wis. yr. 1902; Case No 530; Box No. C.F. 72
KACHLER, CHARLES Kachler, Charles (Wilson, Alaima vs) yr. 1850; #56; CF 1
KADERABEK, CAROLINE (First publicaton Feb. 119, 1891.) No. 15 IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Caroline Kaderabek, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Anton Kotick, of Cooperstown, representing among other things that Caroline Kaderabek, late of Manitowoc, on the 8th day of February, A.D., 1891, at Manitowoc, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that said petitioner is a son of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to said petitioner granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this court, on Tuesday the 17th day of March, A.D., 1891, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitwooc Pilot a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 16th day of February A.D., 1891. Emil Baensch, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, March 12, 1891, P. 4
KADERABEK, FRANK Kaderabek, Frank PTF vs Hartman, Frederick DFT Land dispute yr. 1883; #1326; CF 38
KADLETZ, JOSEPH Kadletz, Joseph vs Kadletz, Maria yr. 1860; #1255; CF 10
KADLETZ, MARIA Kadletz, Joseph vs Kadletz, Maria yr. 1860; #1255; CF 10
KADOW, EDWARD Kadow, Edward (Lups, Jacob vs) Larceny yr. 1872; #2690; CF 19
KADOW, STEPHAN Kadow, Stephan (D) vs Szezpanski, Stephan (P) Assault charge dismissed yr. 1899 #3670; CF 58
KAEHLER, CHARLES Kaehler, Charles (Neinhaus, Edward vs) yr. 1857; #120; CF 1
KAEHLER, CHARLES Kaehler, Charles Defendant; Seivers, Frederick Plaintiff Suing to forclose on lot 2 block 5 village of Centerville yr. 1860; #1982; CF 15 FLB
KAEHLER, CHARLES Kaehler, Julius; Kaehler, Charles Defendants William N. Shafter & Co. of Sheboygan Plaintiffs Suit to collect $658.66 on a note yr. 1858; #1981; CF 15 FLB
KAEHLER, JOHN H. Kaehler, John H. (Neinhaus, Edw vs) yr. 1859; #120; CF 1
KAEHLER, JULIUS Kaehler, Julius; Kaehler, Charles Defendants William N. Shafter & Co. of Sheboygan Plaintiffs Suit to collect $658.66 on a note yr. 1858; #1981; CF 15 FLB
KAEHLER, JULIUS Kaehler, Julius (Koch, Oscar vs) yr. 1859; #667; CF 65
KAEMS, AMELIA Kaems, Emilie vs Kaems, Lewis; divorce md. 28 Feb, 1866, City of Manitowoc, Wi by Rev. Pastor Kaehler one child born but child died Amelia Kaems, sister-in-law of plaintiff testified on her behalf. She is 36 yrs. old. Signed Emilie yr. 1871; #100; CF 22
KAEMS, EMILIE Dunker, Ferdinand - Kaemes (Kaems), Emilie (vs) yr. 1881; #1131; CF36 (First publication August 3, 1882.) SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Emilie Kaems, plaintiff, versus Andreas Mrotek and Magdalena Mrotek, his wife, and Ferdinand Dunker, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 13th day of June, A.D., 1881, in the above named court, at a general term thereof begun and held at the court house in the city of Manitowoc, in said Manitowoc county, on the 7th day of June, 1881, and docketed on the 9th day of July, 1881, in the office of the clerk of the court in said county of Manitowoc, I shall, on the 15th day of September, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to-wit: the south thirty (30) feet of lot eleven (11) and also the north thirty (30) feet of lot No. fourteen (14) all in block No. two hundred and sixty-six (266), according to the recorded plat of the city of Manitowoc, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Dated August 2nd, A.D., 1882. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. A.J. Schmitz, Plaintiff's Atty. Manitowoc Pilot, September 14, 1882 P.2
KAEMS, EMILIE Kaems, Emilie vs Kaems, Lewis yr. 1871; #100; CF 22
KAEMS, EMILIE Kaems, Emilie vs Kaems, Lewis; divorce md. 28 Feb, 1866, City of Manitowoc, Wi by Rev. Pastor Kaehler one child born but child died Amelia Kaems, sister-in-law of plaintiff testified on her behalf. She is 36 yrs. old. Signed Emilie yr. 1871; #100; CF 22
KAEMS, EMILIE Kaems, Emilie vs Mrotek, Andrew yr. 1881; #1131; CF 36
KAEMS, LEWIS Kaems, Emilie vs Kaems, Lewis yr. 1871; #100; CF 22
KAEMS, LEWIS Kaems, Emilie vs Kaems, Lewis; divorce md. 28 Feb, 1866, City of Manitowoc, Wi by Rev. Pastor Kaehler one child born but child died Amelia Kaems, sister-in-law of plaintiff testified on her behalf. She is 36 yrs. old. Signed Emilie yr. 1871; #100; CF 22
KAEMS, WILLIAM Kaemes, William (mentioned in) yr. 1881; #1131; CF 36
KAEMES, EMILIE Dunker, Ferdinand - Kaemes (Kaems), Emilie (vs) yr. 1881; #1131; CF36
KAESER, (NO NAME) Kaeser (Real Estate) yr. 1880; #1728; CF 43
KAESSEN, GT Kaessen, GT (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1859; #2715; CF 20
KAESSEN, JOHN G. Kaessen, John G. (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1854; #2797; CF 20
KAFKA, (NO NAME) Ptf: Boettger, H. Ptf: Boettger, H. J. Ptf: Boettger, J.E. Def. Kafka; Kasminski, Adam & Ana yr. 1903; 3932; CF 68
KAFKA, JACOB L. Kafka, Jacob L. (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1863; #2737; CF 20
KAFKA, MARGARET Kafka, Margaret; Libal, Joseph; Shimonek, Wenzel & Herman, Peter, Hodlicka, Anna Sr.; Hodlicka, Anna Jr.; Hodlicka, Anton,; Hodlicka, Emma,; Hodlicka, Frank,; Hodlicka, Charles,; Hodlicka, James,; Hodlicka, Annie Kries, Charles as guardian of the minor heirs of Hodlicka, Wenzel, deceased. Walterbach, Peter, Steiner, Mrs. Rosa, the trustees of the Kossuth Mutual Fire company (Catherine Holdlicka) yr. 1883; #1339; CF 39
KAFKA, MARGARET DFT - Kafka, Margaret; Pelisek, Frank; Mach, Frank; Hodlicka, Anna, Anton, Frank, Emma, Charles Shimonek, Wenzel; Libal, Joseph; Polack, John PTF-Walterbach, Peter yr. 1889; #1324; CF 38
KAFKA, VALENTINE Kafka, Valentine pl. vs Novak, Martin def yr. 1892; #2122; CF 49
KAHLENBERG, ALBERT Kahlenberg, Albert vs Phillip, James yr. 1879; #1082; CF 9
KAHLENBERG, EMMA (Kahlenberg, Emma) T. C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1872; #56; CF 21
KAHLER, (NO NAME) Kahler vs Crentzberg yr. 1868; X946; CF 8 MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. John A. Kahler, plaintiff, against Louis Cruetzberg (sic), Susanna Cruetzberg, Ezrom Knapp and Mark Holbrook, defendants. The state of Wisconsin. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment of said court in the above entitled action, rendered and dated on the 22d day of December, 1868, I shall expose for sale, and sell, at public auction, at the court house in the village of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday, the 13th day of February, 1869, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the the (sic) amount due to the plaintiff, for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale. The following is a description of the mortgaged premises, to wit: all of lot number twelve (12) in block number three (3) in the town plat of Clark's Mills, on the south side of the Manitowoc river, in the town of Cato, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. R.T. Blake, Sheriff. Henry Sibree, Att'y for Plaintiff. Manitowoc, Dec. 29, 1868. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, January 22, 1869 P. 4.
KAHLER, JOHANN A. Kahler, Johann A. vs Korten, Charles Promissary Note yr. 1894; #360; CF 25
KAIN, ALICE Kain, Alice See Weiner, Michael #1257
KAIN, BERNARD Kain, Bernard (Weiner, Michael vs) Financial dispute #1257; CF 37
KAISER, CONRAD Kaiser, Conrad vs Rosenthal, Thomas claim for money due for blacksmithing case 950; CF 33
KAISER, FLORENTINE Kaiser, Florentine vs Kaiser, Gottlieb md 1845 at Cologne in Prussia - immig 1853 - liv TR Ch: Caroline, 23, Emmial, 21, Charles, 18, Emma, 15, Pauline, 12, Bertha, 9, Johanna, 6 yr. 1870; #75; CF 22
KAISER, GOTTLIEB Kaiser, Florentine vs Kaiser, Gottlieb md 1845 at Cologne in Prussia - immig 1853 - liv TR Ch: Caroline, 23, Emmial, 21, Charles, 18, Emma, 15, Pauline, 12, Bertha, 9, Johanna, 6 yr. 1870; #75; CF 22
KAISER, JULIA Kaiser, Julia vs Kaiser, Lawrence md 11 February, 1867 in city of Mtwc one ch: Maria, age 2 yr. 1870; #73; CF 22
KAISER, L. John Boor (L. Kaiser vs) yr. 1869; X1062; CF 9
KAISER, LAWRENCE Kaiser, Julia vs Kaiser, Lawrence md 11 February, 1867 in city of Mtwc one ch: Maria, age 2 yr. 1870; #73; CF 22
KAISER, LOUIS Kaiser, Louis vs Boor, John yr. 1869; X1062; CF 9
KAITNER, VANDA State of Wis. v.s. Bonk, Pauline (Mayefsky, Joseph) renter Bonk, Martin owner Werner, Mary; Kaitner, Vanda; Zeplefski, Pauline Damage to home yr. 1895; No. 378; Box C.F. 71
KAKASH, MATHIAS Cizek, Wencel (Pl) vs John Vlaida, Mary Boretzky, Jacob Sedlacek, and Mathias Kakash (Def) yr. 1892; #2213; CF49
KAKASH, MATHIAS John Kloida, Mary Baretzky, Jacob Sedlacek & Mathias Kakash (Def.) Wencel Cizek (Pl.) yr. 1892; #2213; CF49
KALB, JOSEPH Kalb, Joseph et al Urich, Eleanora Foreclosure yr. 1860; X2364; CF 17
KALB, JOSEPH Kalb, Joseph et al (Vincent, Bethnel B. et al vs) Property Dispute yr. 1860; #2213; CF 17
KALB, JOSEPH Kalb, Joseph et al (Welk, Rodman H. vs) Promissary note yr. 1864; X2402; CF 17
KALB, JOSEPH Kalb, Mary wife of Joseph Kalb see Urich, Eleanora X2364
KALB, JOSEPH Sheriff's Sale. Circuit Court Manitowoc County.-William Blair, Claudius B. Nelson, Oliver W. Beldon, agt (sic) Joseph Kalb and Robert Settenger. BY virtue of an execution issued from said court, in the above entitled action, to me directed and delivered against the personal and real property of above named defendants, Joseph Kalb and Robert Settenger, I have seized and levied upon the following described real estate, and all the right, title and interest the said defendants or either of them had in and to the same on the 22d of October, A.D. 1860, or which they or either of them have since acquired thereto, to wit; Lot three-3- in block no. three-3; lots one, two, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve-1,2,5,6,7,8,10,11 and 12-in block no. thirty one-31; lots one, two five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve-, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in block no. thirty-three-33; lots seven and eight- 7 and 8-in block no. thirty-four-34; lots ten and eleven-10 and 11-in block no. forty five-45; lot three-3-in block no. forty-40; all of which are situated in the village of Two Rivers, county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Also the west half of the southwest quarter-W 1/2 sw 1/4-of section eleven-11-town twenty one,-21-range twenty three-23-situated in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Also the west half-w 1/2-of the south east quarter-se 1/4-of section no. thirtysix (sic)-36-township no. twenty-20-range, twenty four-24- ???, situated in the county of Manitowoc and State. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Wm. M. Nicholas, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, December 20, 1861 P. 3
KALB, MARY Kalb, Mary wife of Joseph Kalb see Urich, Eleanora X2364
KALECK, BARBARA Kaleck, Barbara see Trainor, M. (St Wis)(Dep Sheriff) CX2485
KALECK, GEORGE Kaleck, George see Trainor, M. (St Wis)(Dep Sheriff) CX2485
KALKREUTLE, MAX Kalkreutle, Max (Koch, Oscar vs) yr. 1863; X1317; CF 11
KALKREUTLE, MAX Koch, Oscar vs Kalkreutle, Max yr. 1863; X1317; CF11
KALMBACH, MARTIN IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. IN the MATTER of the Guardianship of Martin Kalmbach, insane. On reading and filing the petition of Christian Nack, Guardian of said insane, representing among other things, that he, the said ward, is seized of certain real estate in the town of Centerville, in said county, and that it is necessary that the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same: and it appearing to the Court, from said petition, that is is necessary to sell said real estate it is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said ward, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before me, on Tuesday, the 30th day of August, A.D., 1892, at ten o'clock A.M., at the Probate Office in said County, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Post a weekly newspaper printed at Manitowoc, in said County. Dated at Manitowoc, the 21st day of July, A.D., 1892. Emil Baensch, County Judge Manitowoc Post, Thursday, August 11, 1892 P. 8
KAMINSKI, ADAM Ptf: Boettger, H. Ptf: Boettger, H. J. Ptf: Boettger, J.E. Def. Kafka; Kasminski, Adam & Ana yr. 1903; 3932; CF 68
KAMINSKI, ANA Ptf: Boettger, H. Ptf: Boettger, H. J. Ptf: Boettger, J.E. Def. Kafka; Kasminski, Adam & Ana yr. 1903; 3932; CF 68
KAMINSKI, GEORGE Andrashi, Martin; Sadowski, Fr.; Budnik, Joe; Kaminski, George State of Wis by Arndt, John A fight yr. 1896; no. 286; Box C F 71
KAMM, DELLA (First publication March 1st, 1900.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Della Kamm, plaintiff vs. Andrew J. Kamm defendant. The State of Wisconsin to the said defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid: in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, plaintiff's attorneys. P.O. address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, March 15, 1900 P. 6
KAMMERSCHMIDT, JACOB Kammerschmidt, Jacob vs Weiss, Valentin Divorce his wife yr. 1853; X114; CF 1 Kamptz August Kamptz, Augusta 44 yrs vs Kamptz, August 49 yrs Divorce md 24 Jan 1882 in Dayton Ohio lived in Ohio until 1887 Since 1884 lived in Schleswig, Mtwc, Wi. children Erwin Kamptz 7 yrs living with mother Augusta in Kiel, Mtwc, Wi yr. 1904; #4000; CF 64
KAMPTZ, AUGUSTA Kamptz, Augusta 44 yrs vs Kamptz, August 49 yrs Divorce md 24 Jan 1882 in Dayton Ohio lived in Ohio until 1887 Since 1884 lived in Schleswig, Mtwc, Wi. children Erwin Kamptz 7 yrs living with mother Augusta in Kiel, Mtwc, Wi yr. 1904; #4000; CF 64
KANE, THOMAS PTF - Kane, Thomas DFT - Neilan, Patrick; Neilan, Ellen Hoyer, Charles; Hoyer, Joseph; Knapp, Esrom yr. 1883; # 1330; CF 38
KANNENBERG, MRS. W. Kannenberg, Mrs. W (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1888; cr.325#113; HFC 69
KANTER, AUGUST Birdsell Manufacturing Co vs Kanter, August & Fred yr. 1892; 2182; CF 49
KANTER, AUGUST Kanter, August & Fred (Horn, John A. vs) yr. 1892; #2171; CF 49
KANTER, AUGUST Kanter, August & Fred (Minnesota Thresher Co.) yr. 1892; #2157; CF 49
KANTER, FRED Birdsell Manufacturing Co vs Kanter, August & Fred yr. 1892; 2182; CF 49
KANTER, FRED Kanter, August & Fred (Horn, John A. vs) yr. 1892; #2171; CF 49
KANTER, FRED Kanter, August & Fred (Minnesota Thresher Co.) yr. 1892; #2157; CF 49
KANTER, WILHELM H. Behnke, Carl etal vs Kanter, Wilhelm H. Land dispute yr. 1885; #1450; CF 40
KANTER, WILHELM Kanter, Wilhelm (Carl Behnke et al vs) Land dispute yr. 1885; #1450; CF 40
KANTER, WILHELM Kanter, Wilhelm (Complainant) (State of Wis. vs. John Streckert) yr. 1888; cr. 335#123; HCF 69
KANTROWITZ, GUSTAV A. Kantrowitz, Gustav A. vs see Joseph Scharding #1533
KAODELA. MATHIAS Dwarak, Wencel Plaintiff Borecke, Joseph; Kaodela, Mathias Defendants Dfndts gave plntf a 1 yr 12% note for for (sic) 310.00 in Michicott (sic). Mary Borecke is wife of Joseph. yr. 1869; #2175; CF16
KAPAR, FRANCIS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 24-In re estate of Francis Kapar, deceased; order entered to hear petition for administration. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KAPAR, FRANZIS (First publication Feb. 28, 1882.) IN PROBATE. Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Franzis (sic) Kapar, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Magdelene Kaper (sic) of the Town of Kossuth, in said county, representing among other things that Franzis Kaper, late of the Town of Kossuth, in said Manitowoc county, on the 30th day of August, A.D., 1880, at the Town of Kossuth, died intestate, leaying (sic) goods, chattels, and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Winzel Cezek granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Tuesday the 28th day of March, A.D. 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc city, in said county. R.D. SMART, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc the 24th day of Febuary (sic) A.D. 1882. C.W. White, Atty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4 ******** (1880 Kossuth twp. census: Frank Kaper age 70; wife Mary age 70)
KAPITAN, ELIZABETH Benda, Joseph Plntf - Kapitan, John; Kapitan, Elizabeth Defendant Plntf seeks to foreclose on land in Town of Manitowoc Rapids. Case dismiss by motion of plntf's atty. yr. 1873; #1763; Box CF 14 FLB
KAPITAN, JOHN PTF - Braasch, Frank DFT - Kapitan, John; Helwig, William Foreclosure mortgage yr. 1882; #1309; CF 38
KAPITAN, JOHN Benda, Joseph Plntf - Kapitan, John; Kapitan, Elizabeth Defendant Plntf seeks to foreclose on land in Town of Manitowoc Rapids. Case dismiss by motion of plntf's atty. yr. 1873; #1763; Box CF 14 FLB
KAPTAIN, JOHN Kapitan, John see James Ready yr. 1885; #1468; CF 40
KAPPEL, AUGUSTA Boecher, Magdalena vs estate of Augusta Kappel deceased has son Julius wanted to be paid for washing yr. 1899; #3627; CF 59
KAPPELMAN, W. Kappelman W. T.C. Shove Banking Co., Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1872; #127; Box CF 21
KAPPELMAN, WILLIAM Koch, John (Kappelman, William) Dispute over land yr. 1894; #3059; CF51
KAPPELMAN, WILLIAM Kappelman, William V.S. Koch, John Dispute over land yr. 1884; #3058; Box No. CF 51
KAPPLER, JOHN Jors, Anton & Peck, Anton vs. Kappler John collect pay for working with thresh machine yr. 1887; #1664; CF 43
KAPPLER, JOSEPH Kappler, Joseph Deft. Jora, Anton & Pech, Anton Pltf. Collect money for working with thrashmachine yr. 1887; #1664; CF 43
KAPR, JOSEPH Kapr, Joseph (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1889; Cri.336#124; HCF 69
KARBARSCH, HERMAN Eickmeier, Laura and Meta Eickmeier and Eickmeier, Adelheid In the matter of the application for sale of the real estate of Gustav Eickmeier, deceased. Spoentgen, Henry-guardian Karbarsch, Herman-party of the third part yr. 1899; #3665; CF58
KARCHERT, JOHN Karchert, John plt. vs Zdislaw Luceffski def. yr. 1893; #2212; CF 49
KARL, FREDERICK Karl, Frederick (St Wis) vs Nir, Joseph Assault with intent to kill yr. 1862; CX2490; CF 18
KARLSTAD, MARTIN Karlstad, Martin see Luetzke, Charles et al yr. 1903-1906 #3964 E255; HCF 67
KARNIK, JOSEPH Karnik, Joseph (juror) see Scheele, Henry yr. 1889-1890; #1990; CF 47
KARNOFSKY, ANTON Karnofsky, Anton (see Rankin, Amelia S. vs.) Son of Benedeck (dec) and Evelina Karnofsky. Married Isabelle. yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63
KARNOFSKY, BENEDECK Karnofsky, children (see Rankin, Amelia S.) Children of Benedeck and Evelina Karnofsky: Anton, Antoinette, August, Albert, John, Hannah, Bernhard, Lena, Otto, Max Hannah & Max lv. with Otto Mozewirth (Masuhr) an uncle living in Milwaukee; Lena, Otto & Max under 14; Bernhard & John over 14 yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63
KARNOFSKY, BENEDECK Karnofsky, Benedeck (Rankin, Amelia S. vs.) husb. of Evelina, now Schroeder d. 10 Sep. 1896 intest; left widow, Evelina Schroeder & children: Anton, Antoinette, August, Albert, John, Hannah, Bernhard, Lena, Otto, Max 2 Oct 1895 land WD to Benedeck Karnofsky yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63
KARNOFSKY, CHILDREN Karnofsky, children (see Rankin, Amelia S.) Bernhard, now 16, living with Henry Willhelmy, Mtwc. Co. John now 19, living with Frank Glumski, Mtwc. Co. Albert living in Laona, Forest Co. WI. Hannah now 18, lv. with uncle, Otto Masuhr, Milw. Max, age 7, also lv. Milw. with uncle Otto Masuhr, Lena, 11, & Otto, 8, with mother. yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63
KARNOFSKY, CHILDREN Karnofsky, children (see Rankin, Amelia S.) Children of Benedeck and Evelina Karnofsky: Anton, Antoinette, August, Albert, John, Hannah, Bernhard, Lena, Otto, Max Hannah & Max lv. with Otto Mozewirth (Masuhr) an uncle living in Milwaukee; Lena, Otto & Max under 14; Bernhard & John over 14 yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63
KARNOFSKY, EVELINA Karnofsky, children (see Rankin, Amelia S.) Children of Benedeck and Evelina Karnofsky: Anton, Antoinette, August, Albert, John, Hannah, Bernhard, Lena, Otto, Max Hannah & Max lv. with Otto Mozewirth (Masuhr) an uncle living in Milwaukee; Lena, Otto & Max under 14; Bernhard & John over 14 yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63
KARNOPP, HELENA (Karnopp, Helena) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; #242; Box CF 21
KARSTAEDT, L. Karstaedt, L. vs Vitts, Wm. et al yr. 1858; X1064; CF 9
KARSTBAUM, JOHANN Karstbaum, Johann (J. Ehrenreich vs.) yr. 1857; X1577: CF 12
KARSTBAUM, JOHANN Ehrenreich, Johann vs Johann Karstbaum yr. 1857; X1577; CF12
KARSTEN, FRED Karsten, Fred Proof of claim yr. 1893; #387; CF 65
KARSTEN, HENRY Kohlwei, William vs. Kohlwei, Sophia age 31 (1866) lives Tn of Meeme mar. 23 December 1862 Town of Bremen in the state of Ohio one ch. a girl ?? 3 years old in 1866 she is a sister-in-law of Henry Karsten Town of Newton yr. 1866; #1076; CF 9 Karsten John Karsten, Sophia vs Karsten, John md 16 November 1882 at city of Manitowoc, Wi 2 ch - one died in infancy the other, a son, Earnest 14 months lv/w/father defendant has children by a former wife (189) yr. 1887; #1681; CF42
KARSTEN, SOPHIA Karsten, Sophia vs Karsten, John md 16 November 1882 at city of Manitowoc, Wi 2 ch - one died in infancy the other, a son, Earnest 14 months lv/w/father defendant has children by a former wife (189) yr. 1887; #1681; CF42
KARSTEN, THEODORE Johuke (Yohuka); Krueger, Christian Deft Karsten, Theodore, Pltf Asked for a new trial Manitowoc Co. yr. 1876; #640; Cf 29
KARSTMANN, CHRISTINE Dabert, Friedrich vs Karstmann, Johann & Christine Promissory Note yr. 1859; X674; CF5
KARSTMANN, JOHANN Dabert, Friedrich vs Karstmann, Johann & Christine Promissory Note yr. 1859; X674; CF5
KARTETZ, J. Kartetz, Marie - nee Keebawla (J Kartetz vs) md 21 Feb 1859 in Town of Kossuth yr. 1868; X1066; CF 9
KARTETZ, JOSEPH Kartetz, Joseph vs Kartetz, Marie yr. 1863; X1066; CF 9
KARTETZ, MARIE Kartetz, Joseph vs Kartetz, Marie yr. 1863; X1066; CF 9
KARTETZ, MARIE Kartetz, Marie - nee Keebawla (J Kartetz vs) md 21 Feb 1859 in Town of Kossuth yr. 1868; X1066; CF 9
KASBAUM, LIZETTE Kasbaum, Louis vs Kasbaum, Lizette Divorce April 1, 1901; #3807; Box CF 60
KASBAUM, LOUIS Kasbaum, Louis vs Kasbaum, Lizette Divorce April 1, 1901; #3807; Box CF 60 Kasch Heinrich Kasch, Heinrich (St Wis) vs Riesland, Heinrich & Charles Stechmesser, John Franz, Frederick W. Riesland Libel yr. 1869; CX2530; CF 18
KASCH, JOHN Basken, John vs Kasch, John Payment for damage to fence yr. Oct. 1901; No.3839; Box H C.F. 60 Kasch John Basken, John vs Kasch, John Claim - counterclaim because of a fight. yr. Dec. 1901; No. 3841; Box H C.F. 60 Kasoh Henry State of Wis vs Brecker Hanna by (Kasoh Henry) yr. 1900; No. 335; Box C.F. 71 Henry Kasch?
KASDA, ANTON Kasda, Anton see Skalivoda, Mary #1029
KASDA, JOSEPH Kasda, Joseph Defendant Mueller, Andrew,; Mueller, James,; Catlin, Charles, Plaintiffs of Milwaukee Plntfs seek a writ of attachment on defndts property for 447.96 yr. 1882; X1963; Box CF 15
KAST, WILHELMINA Kast, Wilhelmina (Complainant) (State of Wis. vs. John P. Schroeder) yr. 1891; Cri.376#163; HCF 69
KASTEN, ALBERT Kasten, Albert Proof of claim yr. 1893; #740; CF 65
KASTEN, HELENA Kasten, John vs Kasten, Helena see Koston, John vs Koston, Helena Kasten Helena DFT - Kasten, Helena PLT - Kasten, John Divorce yr. 1882; #1276; CF 38
KASTEN, JOHN Kasten, John vs Kasten, Helena see Koston, John vs Koston, Helena Kasten John DFT - Kasten, Helena PLT - Kasten, John Divorce yr. 1882; #1276; CF 38
KASTON, FRED Kaston, Fred see Scheele, Henry yr. 1889-1890; #1990; CF 47
KASTOROSKY, MARY Armsby, Fayette vs Kastorosky, Phillip & Kastorosky, Mary his wife & Knowles, George P., Trustee Promissory note yr. 1887; #1626; CF 42
KASTOROSKY, PHILLIP Armsby, Fayette vs Kastorosky, Phillip & Kastorosky, Mary his wife & Knowles, George P., Trustee Promissory note yr. 1887; #1626; CF 42
KATZDA, JOHN Katzda, John (State of Wisconsin vs.) yr. 1886; Cri. 304#81; HFC 69
KATZEMIER, LORENTZ Katzemier, Lorentz vs Hassemar, George Promissary Note yr. 1886; #1589; CF 42
KATZENMEYER, ANNA Katzenmeyer, Anna vs Katzenmeyer, Carl Divorce MD 15 may 1874 in Town Liberty, Mtwc, WI. lived in Mtwc County, WI No Children Carl Luebke Brother of Anna Katzenmeyer yr. 1874; #516; CF 27
KATZENMEYER, CARL Katzenmeyer, Anna vs Katzenmeyer, Carl Divorce MD 15 may 1874 in Town Liberty, Mtwc, WI. lived in Mtwc County, WI No Children Carl Luebke Brother of Anna Katzenmeyer yr. 1874; #516; CF 27
KATZMEYER, LAWRENCE Katzmeyer, Lawrence (Fischer, Frank et al vs) Financial dispute yr. 1875; #488; CF 28
KAUEN, WILHELMINA Kauen, Wilhelmina vs Kautz, Louise & John yr. 1884; #1377; CF 39
KAUEN, WILHELMINA Kauen, Wilhelmina vs Pautz (?), Louise & John yr. 1884; #1377; CF 28
KAUFMAN, ALEXANDER Kaufman, Alexander & Kaufman, John, Father Valentine Kaufman 2 sons Peter & Thomas Kaufman Discharge of records of a certain mortgage yr. 1896; Case No. 3026; Box No. CF 51
KAUFMAN, BARTHOLEMEW Kaufman, Bartholemew Deft. Poth, Mathias Pltf. Collect pay for labor yr. 1877; #726; CF 30
KAUFMAN, CHARLES State of Wis. vs Charles Kaufman (Kaufmann)& Frank Sadowsky 30 Sept 1894 theft from Joseph Kowjawsky Chas. Kaufman resides Wash + 23rd sts. yr. 1894; #263; CF 70
KAUFMAN, CHARLES FAMILY TAKEN FROM KAUFMAN. Charles Kaufman, a seventh ward man, recently released from a six months' sentence in jail for being implicated in the C. & N.W. car robberies, lost his family, wife and six children Saturday when Judge Chloupek, in probate court, issued an order committing five of the children to St. Mary's Catholic Orphanage at Green Bay and the wife was provided with a home at St. Mary's hospital here. The St. Boniface Ladies Aid society lodged the complaint against Kaufman and it was charge that he neglected his family and failed to provide support. Mrs. Kaufman, who is in ill health, will be cared for by the ladie (sic), at the hospital. The youngest child aged two years, will remain with the mother. The oldest child is thirteen years. Manitowoc Pilot, April 29, 1909 P. 1
KAUFMAN, F Kaufman, F. (Herve Machine Co. vs) yr. 1874; #576; CF 28
KAUFMAN, JOHN Kaufman, Alexander & Kaufman, John, Father Valentine Kaufman 2 sons Peter & Thomas Kaufman Discharge of records of a certain mortgage yr. 1896; Case No. 3026; Box No. CF 51
KAUFMAN, PETER Kaufman, Peter vs Schrorr, Franz Seizure or bricks for debt yr. 1879; Case 970; CF 33
KAUFMAN, PETER Kaufman, Alexander & Kaufman, John, Father Valentine Kaufman 2 sons Peter & Thomas Kaufman Discharge of records of a certain mortgage yr. 1896; Case No. 3026; Box No. CF 51
KAUFMAN, PETER The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: Peter Kaufman vs George Peltin: Jury drawn; trial; verdict returned for the plaintiff and his damages assessed at the sum of thirty dollars. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4
KAUFMAN, THOMAS Kaufman, Alexander & Kaufman, John, Father Valentine Kaufman 2 sons Peter & Thomas Kaufman Discharge of records of a certain mortgage yr. 1896; Case No. 3026; Box No. CF 51
KAUFMAN, V. Charles S. Cauright (V. Kaufman vs) yr. 1858; X1065; CF 9 Canright?
KAUFMAN, VALENTINE Kaufman, Valentine vs Cauright, Charles S. yr. 1858; X1068; CF 9
KAUFMAN, VALENTINE Kaufman, Alexander & Kaufman, John, Father Valentine Kaufman 2 sons Peter & Thomas Kaufman Discharge of records of a certain mortgage yr. 1896; Case No. 3026; Box No. CF 51
KAUFMANN, (NO NAME) Kaufmann - Hewley yr. 1877; #706; CF 30
KAUFMANN, (NO NAME) Kaufmann - Poth yr. 1877; #714; CF 30
KAUFMANN, B. (Barthel) Christophel, Jacob & Kaufmann, B.(Barthel) & Kaufmann, Marie, his wife (John Franz as administrator of the estate of Anna Katharina Friedericka Feldsien, deceased) yr. 1883; #1360; CF39
KAUFMANN, FRANZ Kaufmann, Franz (State of Wis) vs Lehan, Henry Stole money from Henry Warning $25.00 yr. 1870; CX2453; CF 18
KAUFMANN, FRED Kaufmann, Fred et al Infant (Son)(Kaufmann, Mary vs)(mother) Family Property Settlement yr. 1897; #3403; CF 55
KAUFMANN, FRED Kaufmann, Mary (mother) vs Kaufmann, Fred (son)et al (all children of plaintiff) Family property settlement husband Peter Kaufmann 31 Jul 1890 (died)conveyered all property to wife Mary Children: Fred, George, John, 20 yrs, Andrew, 18 yrs, Bernard, 15 yrs, Charlie, Peter, Frank Mary Houghton: released all interest in deceased real estate. yr.1897; #3473; CF 55
KAUFMANN, MARIE Christophel, Jacob & Kaufmann, B.(Barthel) & Kaufmann, Marie, his wife (John Franz as administrator of the estate of Anna Katharina Friedericka Feldsien, deceased) yr. 1883; #1360; CF39
KAUFMANN, MARY Kaufmann, Fred et al Infant (Son)(Kaufmann, Mary vs)(mother) Family Property Settlement yr. 1897; #3403; CF 55
KAUFMANN, MARY Kaufmann, Mary (mother) vs Kaufmann, Fred (son)et al (all children of plaintiff) Family property settlement husband Peter Kaufmann 31 Jul 1890 (died)conveyered all property to wife Mary Children: Fred, George, John, 20 yrs, Andrew, 18 yrs, Bernard, 15 yrs, Charlie, Peter, Frank Mary Houghton: released all interest in deceased real estate. yr.1897; #3473; CF 55
KAUFMANN, PETER IN Probate, Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the Guardianship of the minor heirs of Peter Kaufmann, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Ferdinand Veith, guardian of said minors, representing among other things that the said wards are seized of certain real estate in the City and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, and that it is necessary that the same should be sold, and praying for cicencs (sic) to sell the same; and it appearing to the Court, from said petition that it is necessary to the said minors to sell said real estate, it is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said wards, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before me, on Monday, the 26th day of Aguust A.D. 1872, at ten o'clock A.M., at the Probate Office in said County, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the "Manitowoc Tribrune" a weekly newspaper printed an (sic) Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 29th day of July A.D. 1872. W.W. Waldo, County Jugge (sic). Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, Aguust 1, 1872 P. 1
KAUFMANN, PETER Bertler, Andrew vs Kaufmann, Peter Non payment for "bricks" furnished by plaintiff yr. 1880; #1039; CF 34
KAUFMANN, PETER Kaufmann, Peter vs Pelky, George Property dispute yr. 1882; #1253; CF 39
KAUFMANN, PETER Kaufmann, Mary (mother) vs Kaufmann, Fred (son)et al (all children of plaintiff) Family property settlement husband Peter Kaufmann 31 Jul 1890 (died)conveyered all property to wife Mary Children: Fred, George, John, 20 yrs, Andrew, 18 yrs, Bernard, 15 yrs, Charlie, Peter, Frank Mary Houghton: released all interest in deceased real estate. yr.1897; #3473; CF 55
KAUFMANN, VALENTINE Baucknecht, Henry vs Kaufmann, Valentine yr. 1890; #2094; CF 1
KAUKAUNA, CITY OF City of Kaukauna (Badger Paper Co. vs) Property tax dispute yr. 1896; #3332; CF 55
KAUKAUNA, CITY OF City of Kaukauna et al (Brokaw Pulp Co. vs) Property tax dispute yr. 1896; #3330; CF 55
KAUKAUNA, CITY OF City of Kaukauna (Thilmany, Oscar vs) Thilmany pulp & paper mills yr. 1896; #3337; CF 55
KAUKAUNA, CITY OF Kaukauna Water Power Co vs City of Kaukauna et al Property tax dispute yr. 1896; #3333; CF 55
KAUKAUNA WATER POWER CO. Kaukauna Water Power Co vs City of Kaukauna et al Property tax dispute yr. 1896; #3333; CF 55
KAULZER, EDWARD (Kaulzer, Edward) State of Wis. vs Prohcow, Gustave Assault yr. 1897; #302; CF 71
KAUPT, B.F. Kaupt, B. F. Mortgage yr. 1867; #1763; Box CF 44
KAUTSKY, FRANK IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY WISCONSIN Annie Fricke, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Kautsky, Louisa Kautsky his wife, and Fredericka Kautsky, Defendants. By virtue of a judgement of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action, in the Court aforesaid, on the 26th day of February, 1913, and duly perfected and docketed at Two o'clock P.M., February 26th, 1913, I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder at public vendue at the east front door of the Court House in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 11th day of April, 1914, at Ten o'clock A.M. all of the following described mortgaged premises or so much so as shall be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment, interest, solicitor's fees, costs of foreclosure and costs of sale, situate in the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and described as follows, to wit:- Lot No. Twelve (12) in Block No. One Hundred Sixty-five (165) in the city of Manitowoc, according to the recorded plat thereof. Dated Feb. 26th, 1914. Herman C. Schuette, Sheriff for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Isaac Craite, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, February 26, 1914 P. 4
KAUTZ, JOHN Draheim, John adminstrator of the Estate of Wilhelmina Kautz deceased. vs Kautz, John Accuses def of unlawfully entering premises yr. 1873; #231; CF24
KAUTZ, JOHN Kauen, Wilhelmina vs Kautz, Louise & John yr. 1884; #1377; CF 39 see Pautz
KAUTZ, LOUISE Kauen, Wilhelmina vs Kautz, Louise & John yr. 1884; #1377; CF 39 see Pautz
KAUTZ, WILHELMINA Kautz, Wilhelmina, deceased see John Draheim #231 IN PROBATE:-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Wilhelmina Kautz, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an Order of License, made in said matter, on the 23d day of June, A.D. 1874 by the county Court of said county, the undersigned Administrator of said deceased, will, on Monday the 21st day of September, A.D. 1874 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the City of Manitowoc in said County, offer for sale, at public vendue, the following described lands to-wit: The North-west quarter of the North-west quarter of Section No. five (5) Town 18, Range 21 East, and also the North-east quarter of the South-east quarter of Section No. six (6) Town No.(18) Range (21) and also the north-west quarter of the South-east quarter of Section No. (31) in Town No. (19) North of Range (21) East, all situated in said county. Terms of Sale will be made known at the time and place of sale. Dated at Manitowoc, the 24th day of August A.D. 1874. John Draheim. Manitowoc Pilot, August 27, 1874 P. 1
KAUTZ, WILHELMINA IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY Court. In the matter of the estate of Wilhelmina Koutz (sic), deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Koutz, of Eaton, in said county, representing among other things that Wilhelmina Koutz, late of said town of Eaton, on the 23d day of April, A.D., 1872, at her residence, in said town, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner was the husband of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 29th day of July, A.D., 1872, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 6th day of July, A.D. 1872. W.W. Waldo, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, July 25, 1872 P. 3
KAUTZ, WILHELMINA Draheim, John adminstrator of the Estate of Wilhelmina Kautz deceased. vs Kautz, John Accuses def of unlawfully entering premises yr. 1873; #231; CF24
KAUTZA, MATHIAS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. First publication Dec. 30th 1886. IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Mathias Kautza, deceased. To All Whom It May Concern:-Letter of administration on said Estate of Mathias Kautza, deceased, having been issued to Frank Novoratzky on the 28th day of December, A.D., 1886, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of the months of February, April, June and July, A.D., 1887, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, receive, examine, and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated December 28th, 1886. Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorney. Der Nord Westen, Thursday, January 13, 1887 P. 5
KAUTZER, HENRY Kautzer, Henry see Loetzer, Charles et al yr. 1903-1906; #3964 E255; HCF 67
KAVENAUGH, MATHEW Kavenaugh, Mathew see Margaret A Rand #3749
KAVANAUGH, NELLIE Doyle, Terrance (DEC) wife Doyle, Agnes Children: Catherine Doyle; Delia Doyle; Mary Doyle (D-31 Mar 1890) 21 yrs Chgo, IL; Margaret Long D-2 Aug 1890; Annie Doyle; John Doyle; Terrance Doyle; Nellie Kavanaugh; Margaret Long Family real estate division yr. 1897; #3344; CF55
(First publication Oct. 29, 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catherine Doyle, Plaintiff, vs John Doyle, Terrance Doyle and Agnes Doyle, his wife, Delia Doyle, Annie Doyle, Nellie Kavanaugh, Patrik (sic) Long, and _____Long, his wife, (her given name being unknown), Mary Lorigan, Bridget Cone, Margaret Long, Thomas Long, an infant, Katherine Ryan, and the unknown owners of the following described real estate lying and being situate in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and particularly described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirteen in township No. Twenty North of range No. Twenty-one East, containing forty acres of land more or less. Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P.O. Address: Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, November 5, 1896 P. 4
KAVENAGH, MATH. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
KAVENAUGH, CATHERINE Hattie Bacon vs Stern, Christian L. & Anna; Stern, Ernestina & Louisa; Kavenaugh, Catherine; Mullens, James; Russell & Co.; Bergman, Adolph & Bergman, Henrietta & Stenn, A. Julius yr. 1890; No 1813; Box C.F. 44
KAZDA, BARBARA Kazda, Martin vs Kazda, Barbara md 2 Nov 1868 in Town of Kossuth no issues yr. 1870; #25; CF 22
KAZDA, MARTIN Kazda, Martin vs Kazda, Barbara md 2 Nov 1868 in Town of Kossuth no issues yr. 1870; #25; CF 22
KAZDA, WENZEL Kazda, Wenzel vs Smalley, Edmund J. & Ellen H. his wife judgement forclosing & machines lien yr. 1891; #1943; CF 46
KAZELKA, ANNA Kazelka, Anna (Complainant) (State of Wus. vs. Heinrich Pentzen) #CF 69
KAZKA, JOHN Kazka, John Mullen, Andrew & Catlin, Charles Mullen Bro. Co. Owed money for merchandise yr. 1889; No. 1840; Box CF 45
KAZKA, JOHN Catlin, Charles & Muller, Andrew vs Kazka, John Owed money for merchandise (Muller Bros. Co) yr. 1889; #1840; CF 45
KEATING, DELIA Keating, Wm., Delia & Margaret (see Connell, John D.) Margaret Sullivan grandmother to Delia & Margaret When their mother died they were taken to St. Rose Orphan Asylum in Milwaukee. Father came and took them to State of Wash. Cannot be found in Wis. now. yr. 1914; #3935; CF 63
KEATING, DELIA Connell, John D. vs. Sullivan, Margaret et al et al=John Sullivan; Thos. Sullivan; Wm., Delia, & Margaret Keating could not be found in State of Wis.Test. Daniel Murray, brother of John Sullivan. John res. Fairburn, Custer Co. S. Dak. last 12 yrs. lists sisters & brothers & res. Ptk. & Marg. Sullivan to St. Naz. Relig. Assn. yr. 1914; $3935; CF63
KEATING, MARGARET Keating, Wm., Delia & Margaret (see Connell, John D.) Margaret Sullivan grandmother to Delia & Margaret When their mother died they were taken to St. Rose Orphan Asylum in Milwaukee. Father came and took them to State of Wash. Cannot be found in Wis. now. yr. 1914; #3935; CF 63
KEATING, MARGARET Connell, John D. vs. Sullivan, Margaret et al et al=John Sullivan; Thos. Sullivan; Wm., Delia, & Margaret Keating could not be found in State of Wis.Test. Daniel Murray, brother of John Sullivan. John res. Fairburn, Custer Co. S. Dak. last 12 yrs. lists sisters & brothers & res. Ptk. & Marg. Sullivan to St. Naz. Relig. Assn. yr. 1914; $3935; CF63
KEATING, WM. Keating, Wm., Delia & Margaret (see Connell, John D.) Margaret Sullivan grandmother to Delia & Margaret When their mother died they were taken to St. Rose Orphan Asylum in Milwaukee. Father came and took them to State of Wash. Cannot be found in Wis. now. yr. 1914; #3935; CF 63
KEATING, WM. Connell, John D. vs. Sullivan, Margaret et al et al=John Sullivan; Thos. Sullivan; Wm., Delia, & Margaret Keating could not be found in State of Wis.Test. Daniel Murray, brother of John Sullivan. John res. Fairburn, Custer Co. S. Dak. last 12 yrs. lists sisters & brothers & res. Ptk. & Marg. Sullivan to St. Naz. Relig. Assn. yr. 1914; $3935; CF63
KEBAT, WENZEL E. Gottfried, Bubolz P vs Wenzel E. Kebat D yr. 1894; 3638; CF 58
KEBAT, WENZEL E. Bubolz, Herman vs Wenzel E. Kebat yr. May 18, 1899; 3639; CF 58
KEBERNIK, JOHANNA (First publication March 14.) No. 5 IN PROBATE. Manitowoc county court. In the matter of the estate of Johanna Kebernik (sic) deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Ferdinand Mayer, of Meeme, representing among other things that Johanna Kebernik, late of Meeme in said County, on the 21st day of January, A.D. 1878, at Meeme in said county, died intestate, leaving goods chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitoner is a legatee of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate with the will annexed be to Peter Werner granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this court, on Monday the 8th day of April, A.D. 1878, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said County, Michael Kirwan, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc, the 11th day of March. A.D. 1878. Manitowoc Pilot, March 14, 1878 P. 2 ***** (First publication March 23, 1882) No. 30. STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY.-IN PROBATE. In the matter of the estate of Johanna Kebernick (sic), deceased. On reading and filing the verified petition of Peter Werner, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Johanna Kebernick, deceased, setting forth the amount of personal estate that has come to his hands, and the disposition thereof-the amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, and a description of all the real estate of which said deceased died seized, and the condition and value thereof, and the names of the heirs of said deceased designating those that are minors; and praying that license be to him granted to sell all of said real estate, to-wit: The se1/4 of the sw1/4 section 21, township 17, range 22, in said county, that said real estate constituted the homestead of said deceased and that the whole of said real estae was at the time of the death of said deceased, and now is, subject to a mortgage to secure the sum of one hundred dollars, and it appearing to the court by said petition, that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administrator to pay said debts, mortgage indebtedness and expenses of administering said estate, and that it is necessary in order to pay the same, to sell the whole of said real estae; it is therfore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before this court, on Tueday the 25th day of April, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted to said administrator to sell said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said county, and that a copy thereof be personally served on all persons interested in said estate, residing in said county, at least twenty days before said day of hearing. Dated at Manitowoc the 23rd day of March, A.D., 1882. By the court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 23, 1882 P. 2 ***** (First publication July 6, 1882.) No. 65 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY.-IN PROBATE. In the matter of the estate of Johanna Kebernik, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 17th day of May, A.D., 1882, by the county court of said county, the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Johanna Kebernik, late of the town of Meem, in said county, deceased, will, on Monday, the 31st day of July, A.D., 1882, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the county judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale, at public vendue, the following described lands, to-wit: The south-east quarter of the south-west quarter (SE 1/4 of SW 1/4) of section No. twenty-one (21) township seventeen (17) north, of range twenty-two (22), east, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. The terms of sale will be made known at the time and place of sale. Peter Werner, Administrator of said Estate. Dated at Manitowoc, the fifth day of July, A.D. 1882. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, July 20, 1882 P. 2
KEEBAWLA, MARIE Kartetz, Marie - nee Keebawla (J Kartetz vs) md 21 Feb 1859 in Town of Kossuth yr. 1868; X1066; CF 9
KEEHAN, TIMOTHY (Keehan, Timothy) Testified State of Wis. vs. O'Brien, Mike Fielding, Timothy was killed yr. 1897; No. 297; Box CF 71
KEENAN, MATHEW Mathew Keenan vs. R.H. Stewart & Co. yr. 1851; X 80; CF 1
KEENAN, NICHOLAS IN PROBATE-Manitowoc County Court, In re guardianship of Nicholas Keenan, an incompetent Notice To Creditors: Letters of Guardianship on said guardianship having been issued to Ed. S. Schmitz on the 5th day of July, A.D. 1911 and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims, of which notice is hereby given, and further that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of August and November at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, examine and adjust all such claims and demands so presented and filed. Dated April 26, 1912. John Chloupek, County Judge. E.S. Schmitz, Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, May 16, 1912 P. 4
KEHR, ALEXANDER Kehr, Alexander See Jacob Wellauer #1625 See Jacob Wellauer #1623
KEIFER, JOHN 25-In re estate of John Keifer, deceased:-General inventory filed. Order entered to hear claims and notice issued to creditors. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KEIFER, JOHN JR. (First publication Jan. 31, 1882) IIN (sic) PROBATE. Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Keifer (sic), Jr., deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Letters testamentary on said estate having been issued to Paul Keifer on the 17th day of December, A.D. 1881, and six months from and after this day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of the months of May, June and July next, at 10 o'clock A.M. of each day at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated January 25th, 1882. R. D. Smart, County Judge. H.G. & W.J. Turner Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 4 (Note: There is a John Kiefer in cem. #16 who d. in 1881)
KEIFER, JOHN JR. (First publication Jan. 31, 1882) IN PROBATE.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Keifer, Jr., deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:-Letters testamentary on said estate having been issued to Paul Keifer on the 17th day of December, A.D. 1881, and six months from and after this day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of the months of May, June and July next, at 10 o'clock A.M ??? ??? day at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated January 25th. 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. H.G. & W.J. Turner Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KEIFER, PAUL (First publication Jan. 31, 1882) IN PROBATE.-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Keifer, Jr., deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:-Letters testamentary on said estate having been issued to Paul Keifer on the 17th day of December, A.D. 1881, and six months from and after this day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of the months of May, June and July next, at 10 o'clock A.M ??? ??? day at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated January 25th. 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. H.G. & W.J. Turner Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KEIL, CHARLES Keil, Charles See Wolfe, Daniel X 2339
KEIL, CHRISTIAN Keil, Christian See Wolfe, Daniel X 2339
KEIL, MARTY Keil, Marty Complaintant State of Wis Plaintiff Brinkman, August Defendant Dfndt is accused of blocking a properly laid out public road in the northwest corner of the town of Manitowoc by building a fence across it and piling logs and debris on it. yr. 1872; #2092; Box CF 16
KEIL, MARTY Brinkman, August Defendant Keil, Marty Complaintant State of Wis. plaintiff Dfndt is accused of blocking a properly laid out public road in the northwest corner of the town of Manitowoc, by building a fence across it and piling logs and debris on the road. yr. 1872; #2092; Box CF 16 FLB
KEIL, WILLIAM Keil, William vs. Glover, James P. yr. 1869;X 1810;CF 11
KEIR, (NO NAME) Keir Barnes; Duhmke/Dumke; Jones; Laughlin; Mendlik; Mulholland yr. 1876; #661; CF 29
KEIR, (NO NAME) CF29 661 Barnes - Alston 1876 CF30 686 Bruss 1876 CF29 661 Colin Keir 675 Mendlik 1876 CF43 1670 Noble 1887
KEISER, JOHN Keiser, John 44yrs. Inquest - accidental drowning 2 brothers living in town of Newton Mother-in-law Anna Charlotte Neitzel He was married and had 4 children yr. 1881; #25; CF 68
KEITH, R. Geo. W. Baker - (R. Keith vs) yr. 1869; X1095; CF 9
KEITH, R. Jones, Benjamin (Keith, R. vs) yr. 1864; #1107; CF 9
KEITH, R.R. R.R. Keith vs. Geo. W. Baker et al yr. 1869; X 1095;CF 9
KEITH, ROSWELL R. Roswell R. Keith vs Benjamin Jones yr. 1864; X 1107; CF 9
KELB, (NO NAME) Boldus vs Kelb yr. no yr listed; X1018; CF 8
KELB, AUGUST Kelb, August (Dorthea Harbrecht vs) yr. 1900; #3660; CF 58
KELL, AUGUST Kell, August (Voss, William vs.) yr. 1900; #2661; CF 58
KELLER, JOSEPH Keller, Joseph vs Wilhelm, Adam et al Promissary note dispute yr. 1885; #1422; CF 40
KELLEY, (NO NAME) Kelley Greene yr. 1876; #681; CF 30
KELLEY, ANTHONY Kelley, Anthony Proof of claim yr. 1893; #339; CF 6
KELLEY, SAMUEL Samuel Kelley vs Henry McLaughlin yr. 1861; X 1057; CF 9
KELLEY, MRS. W. Kelley, Mrs. W., heir of John Eggers lives Hanford, Kings Co., CA See John Rozynek #3746
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, Michael see John Kellner #2047
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, John; Kellner Michael (Kellner, William vs.) Execution of a will 25 June 1901; No. 3784; Box B.C.F. 60
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, William vs. Kellner John; Kellner, Michael Execution of a will 25 June 1901; No. 3704; Box H.C.F. 60
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, John admin of Estate of George Pankratz, deceased yr. 1899; #379; CF 59
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, John guardian for Martin George Kellner yr. 1893; #456; CF 65
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, John Proof of claim yr. 1893; #340; CF 65
KELLNER, JOHN (Kellner, John) The Shove Banking Co., Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 72; Box CF 21
KELLNER, JOHN Kellner, John et al vs Lynch, John writ of attachment yr. 1891; #2047; CF 47
KELLNER, M & SON Kellner, M. & Son see Sherman, Eugene S. yr. 1890-1891; #2030; CF 47
KELLNER, MARTIN GEORGE Kellner, John guardian for Martin George Kellner yr. 1893; #456; CF 65
KELLNER, MICHAEL Kellner, Michael see Town of Franklin #522
KELLNER, MICHAEL Kellner, Michael see John Kellner #2047
KELLNER, MICHAEL Kellner, John; Kellner Michael (Kellner, William vs.) Execution of a will 25 June 1901; No. 3784; Box B.C.F. 60
KELLNER, MICHAEL Kellner, William vs. Kellner John; Kellner, Michael Execution of a will 25 June 1901; No. 3704; Box H.C.F. 60
KELLNER, MICHAEL Kellner, Michael vs. Mazaneck, Mathias Libal yr. 1880; #1041; CF 34
KELLNER, WILLIAM Kellner, John; Kellner Michael (Kellner, William vs.) Execution of a will 25 June 1901; No. 3784; Box B.C.F. 60
KELLNER, WILLIAM Kellner, William vs. Kellner John; Kellner, Michael Execution of a will 25 June 1901; No. 3704; Box H.C.F. 60
KELLNER, WILLIAM Kellner, William (complainant) yr. 1889; Cfi 352 #139; Hcf 69
KELLOGG, A. S. Kellogg, A. S. et al vs Landreth, Albert Promissary Note yr. 1885; #1497; CF 42
KELLSON, WENCEL Killen, Wm. H. VS Reddin, Matt & his wf Anna Reddin; P. Hauch; J.P. Watt; John Gliner; Wencel Kellson; Wm. Rahr Sons Co.; John J. Muhau yr. 1899; #634; CF 58
KELLY, ANTHONY Kelly, Anthony vs T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 315; Box CF21
KELLY, ELIZABETH (Kelly, Elizabeth) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. Yr. 1892; No. 162; Box CF 21
KELLY, JOSEPH (Kelly, Joseph) State of Wis. By Willert, Theodore Stole money yr. 1900; No. 223; Box CF 71
KELLY, MARY ANN (Kelly, Mary Ann) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1899; No. 161; Box CF 67
KELLY, PAT Kelly, Pat mentioned in yr. 1882; #1630; CF 36
KELLY, PATRICK Kelly, Patrick Greene, L. vs Santry, John Money settlement. Manitowoc, co, Wis. yr. 1876; No. 681; Box CF 30
KELLY, PATRICK (Kelly, Patrick) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 90; Box CF 21
KELLY, WILLIAM (Kelly, William) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 156; Box CF 21
KELLY, WILLIAM (Kelly, William) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 160; Box CF 21
KEMB, FRED (Kemb, Fred) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 149; Box CF 21
KEMPER, HERMAN G.C. Adler, E.H Plaintiff Kemper, Louis Defendant Plntf seeks to collect on a personal note for 275.00 given to Herman G.C. Kemper and purchased by Adler. yr 1858; #2144; Box CF 16 FLB
KEMPER, L. Kemper, L. et al vs. Lenhardt, David Isurance payment dispute yr. 1887; #3390; CF 55
KEMPER, L. Kemper, L. see Sherman, Eugene S. yr. 1890-1891; #2030; CF 49
KEMPER, LOUIS Louis Kemper vs Frank Zumenacek yr. 1881; X 1056; CF 9
KEMPER, L. Kemper, L. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #24; CF 65
KEMPER, LOUIS Kemper, Louis vs Hansen, Mary L. of estate of Frederick Hansen, Dec yr. 1875; #589-A; CF 28
KEMPER, LOUIS Louis Kemper (M. Herbst vs) yr. 1866; X 1228; CF 10
KEMPER, LOUIS Louis Kemper (C. Luling vs) yr. 1866; X 1121; CF 9
KEMPER, LOUIS Kemper, Louis & Kuehn, Charles (Dec) (co partners) (Spiering, Charles vs) note due yr. 1865; X 2395; CF 17
KEMPER, LOUIS Louis Kemper et al(State of Wis. vs) yr. 1864; X 829; CF 7
KEMPER, LOUIS Louis Kemper (W. Glover vs) yr. 1863; X 1096; CF 9
KEMPER, LOUIS Louis Kemper (J. Bowen vs) yr. 1867; X 890; CF 7
KEMPER, LOUIS Kemper, Louis Defendant Adler, E.M. Plaintiff Plntf seeks to collect on personal note Fro 275.00 given to Herman C. G. Kemper and purchased by Adler yr. 1858; #2144; BOX CF 16
KEMPER, LOUIS Adler, E.H Plaintiff Kemper, Louis Defendant Plntf seeks to collect on a personal note for 275.00 given to Herman G.C. Kemper and purchased by Adler. yr 1858; #2144; Box CF 16 FLB
KEMPER, LOUIS James H. Bowen vs Louis Kemper yr. 1867; X890; CF 7
KEMPER, LOUIS FORECLOSURE SALE. (First publication June 23, 1887.) STATE OF WISCONSIN,-CIRCUIT COURT. MANITOWOC COUNTY. Elizabeth Chloupek, Plt'ff, vs. Franz Jentsch, Annie Jentsch, his wife, Louis Kemper, Frank Zeman & John Krainik, Defendants. By virture of a judgment of foreclosure and sale in the above entitled action dated the 12th day of June, A.D., 1886, and docketed in the office of the clerk of said court, June 22, 1886, I shall at public auction sell the premises describe in said judgment and hereinafer (sic) described, at the Sheriff's office in the Court House in the city of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, on the 6th day of August, A.D., 1887, at 10 o'clock A.M., of that day, to satisfy said judgment with interest and costs of sale. The premises to be sold are described in said judgment as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point 1.10 chains N. 5 1/2 degrees E. from the south-east corner of section No. 10, township No. 20, north of range 23 E., thence north 6 degrees east, 4.40 chains, thence north 27 degrees, west 2.60 chains to a point 30 feet south-west of dwelling, thence 52 degrees west, 2.50 chains to three small elm trees, thence north 28 degrees west 1.65 chains, thence south 56 degrees west 2.00 chains, thence south 39 1/2 degrees east 3.28 chains, thence south 10 1/4 degrees west 6.28 chains to center of pine stump, thence north 88 1/4 degrees east 4.22 chains to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres of land, with brewery situated thereon and being part of the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section number ten (10) and part of the south-west quarter of the south-west quarter of section number eleven (11) township number twenty (20), north of range number twenty-three (23) east, in Manitowoc county and State of Wisconsin. Dated June 23, 1887. John Bolen, Sheriff of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. W.A. Walker, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, June 30, 1887 P. 2
KEMPF, CHAS. W. Kempf, Chas. W. see Luling, Chas. yr. 1872; #153; CF 23
KEMPFERT, WILHELMINA Kempfert, Wilhelmina (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1868; CX 2799; CF 20
KEMPFH, CHARLES W. Kempfh, Charles W. (see Julius M. Kimmes) X 1315
KEMPTON, WM. Kempton, Wm. Proof of Claim yr. 1893; #690; CF 63
KENDALL, C. Kendall, C. vs Hallaran, John H. Collect on note yr. 1886; #1554; CF 42
KENDALL, CATHERINA Kendall, Catherina vs Heath, H. Cath. administrator of estate of Seth Kendall, dec Tn Cato Michael Murphy wit for ptf Seth death date 18 Mar 1877 Suit to recover money owed deceased by his heir. yr. 1877; #796; CF 31
KENDALL, J. Eugene Alton - (J. Kendall vs) yr. 1859; X1058; CF 9
KENDALL, J.C. J.C. Kendall vs Eugene Alter yr. 1859; X 1058; CF 9
KENDALL, SETH Kendall, Catherina vs Heath, H. Cath. administrator of estate of Seth Kendall, dec Tn Cato Michael Murphy wit for ptf Seth death date 18 Mar 1877 Suit to recover money owed deceased by his heir. yr. 1877; #796; CF 31
KENN, JOHN Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
KENNA, JOHN P. Kenna, John P. vs Lindemann, August yr. 1856; X 1721; CF 31
KENNEDY, (NO NAME) Kennedy (deceased) post mort. exam performed by Dr. J.S. Patchaed on 20 Nov. 1877 case 919; CF 33
KENNEDY, GEORGE W. Kennedy, George W. vs Boll, George setteling a dispute between two contractors No. 3804; Box CF 60
KENNEDY, GEORGE W. Boll, George (Kennedy, George W. vs) Setteling(sic) a dispute between two contractors. no yr.; No. 3804; Box H. C.F. 60
KENNEDY, MICHAEL Kennedy, Michael (Newhouse, Edward vs) Financial dispute yr. 1896; #3323; CF 55
KENNEDY, MICHAEL Michael Kennedy vs Daniel Ward yr. 1867; X 891; CF 7 SUMMONS-Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. The State of Wisconsin. To Daniel Ward, defendant. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Michael Kenedy (sic), plaintiff of which a copy is hereto annexed, and to serve a copy of your answer on me at my office in the Village and County of Manitowoc Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summon, exclusive of the day of service; And if you fail to answer the complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. J.D. Markham, Plaintiff's Attorney. The complaint in the above entitled action was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the circuit court in Manitowoc County on the 26th day of March 1867. J.D. Markham, Attorney for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Tribune, March 28, 1867 P. 1 ******** REFEREE'S SALE. In Circuit court Manitowoc County. Michael Kenedy (sic) against Daniel Ward. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale in the above entitled cause dated June 24th 1867, I shall expose for sale at the Court House in the Village and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, on the 26th day of August, 1867, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day all the following described mortgaged premises or as much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment interest and costs and costs of sale as follows, to wit: All the following real estate lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, viz: The north west quarter of the south east quarter of section number twenty-two (22) in township number eighteen (18) north of range number twenty-two (22) east, containing forty acres of land more or less. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., July 10, 1867. David E. Markham, Referee. J.D. Markham, Aty. for Plff. Manitowoc Tribune, August 1, 1867 P. 1
KENNEDY, THOMAS SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. William H. Glover vs. Thomas Kennedy. BY virtue of an execution issued from said Court, to me directed and delivered, against the personal and real property of the above named defendant, Thomas Kennedy, I have this day seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest which the said defendant had in and to Lots twelve 12, and five 5, in the town plot of Lenaville, in the town of Manitowoc Rapids county of Manitowoc, state of Wisconsin, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, on the 9th day of May, A.D. 1862, or he may have since acquired thereto, which said right, title and interest of said defendant, I shall expose for sale and sell at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on the 6th day of September, A.D. 1862, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to satisfy said execution together with the expenses of sale. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, July 16, 1862. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'tff's Att'y. The above sale is adjourned to the 20th day of September, 1862, at the same hour and place. Dated Sept. 6, 1862. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. by R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'ff's Att'y. The above sale is further adjourned until October 4th, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. by R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. Dated September 17th, 1862. The above sale is further adjourned until October 18th, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. by R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4
KENNELLY, ELLEN Kennelly, Ellen Proof of debt yr. 1893; #765; CF 65
KENNEY, MARTIN Kenney, Martin see Kinney
KENOSHA CO. BANK Kenosha Co. Banks vs William H. Glover et al yr. 1862; X 1103; CF 9
KENOSHA CO. BANK Kenosha Co. Banks vs Norris Ross et al yr. 1861; X 1061; CF 9
KENOSHA ROCKFORD & ROCK ISLAND R.R. CO. Kenosha Rockford & Rock Island R.R. Co. vs David Smolce yr. 1859; X 1104; CF 9 Also yr. 1865; X1105; CF 9
KENT, WILLIAM Kent, William see Lizette Nollan case #1028
KENYON, MRS. E. 7-In re guardianship of minor heirs of Robt. Carr, deceased:-Receipts of Mrs. R. Bergmann, Mrs. E. Kenyon and Mrs. A. Hanson filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KEOHLER, CHARLES Keohler, Charles (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1859; CX 2756; CF 20
KEOHLER, ROBERT Keohler, Robert (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1859; CX 2756; CF 20
KEOPKE, FRED Keopke, Fred Proof of claim yr. 1893; #167; CF 65
KEPPLER, CATH. Keppler, Cath vs T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 79; Box CF 27
KEPPLER, KATHERINE Keppler, Katherine vs C & N.W.R.R. Co. Plus bill of exception yr. 1902; #3601; CF 65
KEPPLER, WM. Keppler, Wm.(Haerthel, Sebastian vs) yr. 1875; #606; CF 28
KERCH, NICHOLAS Kerch, Nicholas et al (John Decker vs.) Money owed yr. 1881; #1167; CF 36
KERCH, NICOLAS Dreher, John vs Kerch, Nicolas et al (Mesch, Adolph Mueller, Mathias; Fischer, Frank) Money owed yr. 1881; #1167; CF36
KERN, E. Kern, E. mentioned in Elliot, Steven (St. of Wisc. vs) yr. 1871; CX 2701; CF 20
KERN, E. Elliot, Steven et al (St. of Wis. vs.) Elliot, Steven (Jr) (St. of Wis. vs.) Elliot, James (St. of Wis. vs.) Short, Patrick; Kittell, A.D.; Koehler, J.A.; Miles, Guy; Kern, E.; Emerson, L.; Rand, E.W.; Gilbert, N.J. yr. 1871; CX2701; CF20
KERN, M.J. Kern, M.J. see Sherman, Eugene S. yr. 1890-1891; #2030; CF 47
KERR, HENRY Alberts W.T.; Alberts, Mathilda A. P. wife; Kohn, Martin; Kerr, Henry vs Sedgwick George G. Promissory note & mortgage March 1901; no. 3796; Box H C.F. 60
KERSCHER, FRANK Kerscher, Frank vs Groelle, Albert & Groelle, Alvina his wife et al yr. 1891; #1978; CF 46
KERSCHLER, (NO NAME) Kerschler (Bellinger vs) yr. 1875; #606; CF 28
KERSCHLER, (NO NAME) Bellinger vs Kerschler yr. 1861; X1030; CF 8
KERSTEN, GERHARD Kersten, Gerhard vs Zech, Henry Theo & Henry Kersten partners at Chilton in German Exchange Bank of Chilton 17 Jly 1901 Bank closed by Bank Examiners per Atty Genl. Hieronymous Zech, father of Henry, before 1901 owed Germ. Exch. Bank over $365,000. Henry & Hieronymous Zech in lbr. etc. business in Crivitz, Marinette Co., Wis. yr. 1901; #3947; CF 63
KERSTEN, GERHARD N. Kersten, Gerhard N. vs Zech, Hieronymous et al Anna Zech; Henry Zech(son); Henry T. Scudder;Anna Wassmer; John C. Kliest (trustee) Money and Property dispute yr. 1902; CF 66
KERSTEN, HENRY Kersten, Henry see Matthew Grogan #1610
KERSTEN, HENRY Kersten, Henry (see Kersten vs Zech) German Exchange Bank, Chilton closed 1901 by Bank Examiners yr. 1901; #3947; CF 63
KERSTEN, HENRY Kersten, Henry vs Reseberg W.C.; Schmitz A.J.; Stoll Henry; Kerwin M. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1888; Case No. 1672; Box CF 43
KERSTEN, HENRY Kerwin M; Schmitz A.J.; Stoll Henry Kersten, Henry vs Reseberg W.C. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1888; Case No. 1672; Box CF 43
KERSTEN, NORBERT Cannon, James (Cannon, Mary Wife of James Died 7 May, 1880) 4 minor children James age 8, John age 6, Rose Ellen age 4, Cornelus age 2. (guardian Kersten Norbert) Sale of Real Estate S. of W. yr. 1883; #1699; CF 43
KERSTEN, THEO. Kersten, Theo. (see Kersten vs Zech) German Exchange Bank, Chilton closed 1901 by Bank Examiners. yr. 1901; #3947; CF 63
KERSTEN, THEODORE Kersten, Theodore vs Jehnke (Yehnke) John & Krueger, Christian asked for a new trial Manitowoc Co. yr. 1876; Case No. 640; Box CF 29
KERWIN, M. Kersten, Henry vs Reseberg W.C.; Schmitz A.J.; Stoll Henry; Kerwin M. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1888; Case No. 1672; Box CF 43
KERWIN, M. Kerwin M; Schmitz A.J.; Stoll Henry Kersten, Henry vs Reseberg W.C. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1888; Case No. 1672; Box CF 43
KERWIN, MICHAEL Kerwin, Michael See Matthew Grogan #1610
KESSMANN, G.W. Kessmann, G.W. assignee Schwab, Joseph assignor Assignmet of Property yr. 1886; #1521A; CF 42
KESSNER, JOSEPH Kessner, Joseph vs Schorremann, August money owed yr. 1881; #1193; CF 36
KESSON, (NO NAME) Kesson (Greve vs) yr. 1863; X 1048; CF 8
KESTEN, JOHN Kesten John (Complainant) (State of Wis vs Charles Rudolph) yr. 1887; Cr 298#91; HCF 69
KETTELL, ARNASA D. Kettell, Arnasa D (Will, Friedrich (St Wis) vs) wife Louise Will Assault and beat Louise Will yr. 1870; CX 2687; CF 19
KETTENHOFEN, NICK Kettenhofen, Nick see Lange, Charles yr. 1902-1904; #3911; HCF 67
KETTNER, ANTON DFT - Anton Kettner PTF - Rose Oikzel yr. 1903; #3924; Box CF 63
KEUMM, AUGUSTA Kiel, Charles vs Keumm, Chas. & Keumm, Augusta Money owed yr. 1879; #937; CF 33
KEUMM, CHAS. Kiel, Charles vs Keumm, Chas. & Keumm, Augusta Money owed yr. 1879; #937; CF 33
KEUNE, CHARLES Keune, Charles (Scheele, Henry vs) yr. 1888-1890; #1990; CF 47
KEUNE, CHARLES Keune, Charles vs Martin Vollendorf Promissary Note yr. 1879; #1014; CF 34
KEUHN, CHARLES Keuhn, Charles vs Henry Nienstedt et al yr. 1862; X 776; CF 7
KEUNE, FREDERICKA Keune, Fredericka see Albert Sachse #1977
KEUNE, FREDERICKA Keune, Fredericka vs Keune, Fritz md 22 April 1867 County of Manitowoc 7 ch; oldest 17, youngest 6 all li w/pltf custody of ch awarded to plaintiff yr. 1886-7; #1583; CF 42
KEUNE, FRITZ Keune, Fredericka vs Keune, Fritz md 22 April 1867 County of Manitowoc 7 ch; oldest 17, youngest 6 all li w/pltf custody of ch awarded to plaintiff yr. 1886-7; #1583; CF 42
KEVENAGH, MATH. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
KEYES, ALBERT Keyes, Albert (McCourt, Henry) Stole money, sent to Waupon yr. 1902; Case No. 344; Box CF 72
KICH, CHARLES Kich et al, Charles (Sedgwich G.G.) Mortgage yr. 1889; No. 1855; Box CF 44
KIDDER, ESTHER Kidder, Esther vs Lenox, Geo W. Lenox, Amanda; Goodenow, Elija yr. 1859; X 1308; CF 11
KIDDER, G. G. Kidder (Isaac W. Harmon & Co. vs) yr. 1852; X 21; CF 1
KIDINGER, MATTHIAS Kidinger, Matthias (Petitioner for writ of habeas corpus) yr. 1878; CX 2731; CF 20
KIEFER, JOHN 6-In re estate of John Kiefer deceased:-Appraisers appointed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KIEHN, AUGUST (Kiehn, August) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 67; Box CF 31
KIEL, CHARLES Kiel, Charles vs Keumm, Chas. & Keumm, Augusta Money owed yr. 1879; #937; CF 33
KIEL, EDWARD Alston John vs Duhake, P.A.; Horton, Calvin J.; Kiel, Edward; & Alston, David. Cooper, George vs K?lnay, Heary; Dunke, August F.; Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas W.; Jones, Benjamin,; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendlik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; case no. 675; case no. 660; case no. 661; Box no. CF 29
KIEL, EDWARD Calvin Horton J.; Kiel, Edward; Alston, David; Duhmke P.A., Deft. Alston, John Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Barnes, John W.; Muehalland, Henry; Mendlik, Henry. Collect money from building materials. yr. 1872; #660, #661; Box C.F. 29
KIEL, EDWARD Duhmke, F.A; Calvin, Horton J.; Kiel, Edward; Alton, David Deft. Alton, John Pltf. Jones, George W.; Jones, Thomas M.; Jones, Benjamin; Laughlin, Henry; Laughlin, James Jr.; Laughlin, James Sr.; Laughlin, George; Muehalland, Henry; Barnes, John W.; Mendkik, Henry Collect money from building material yr. 1877; #675, #660, #661; CF29
KIEL, HENRY Bohn Manufacturing Company, a foreign corporation vs Reif, Anton E.; Reif, Lewis C.; Kiel, Henry; Stamback, Mathas(sic) & Nikolai, Peter; Hamacheck, Julius To recover balance of payment on promissory note (went to Supreme Court) re lumber & purchase of a mill - Mellen, Wis. Plummer, Wis. - inventory p. 107 (117?)-n4(n9?) Bills of sale #932a & 1051 are included in the documents & various spellings (other side of card) Cross references made Reif Lumber & Mfg Co; Rogan, John R.; Seeger, John A.; Krainik, John; Munch, Emil C.; Bohn, Gebhardt; Bohn, George W. (Jury) Daleiden, Peter; Cummings, Wm.; Connell, James; Martens, Henry; Sullivan, James; Stephani, Charles; Schreihart, J.P.; Duecker, C.A.; Judge, John; Gustaveson, Herman; Bagignich(?), Fred
KIEL, HENRY Kiel, Henry see Bohn Manufacturing Company yr. 1901-1903; #3770; HCF 67
KIEL, HENRY Kiel, Henry Proof of Claim yr. 1893; #687; CF 65
KIEL, HENRY Kiel, Henry Proof of Claim yr. 1893; #729 & #609; CF 65
KIEL MANUFACTURING CO. Kiel Manufacturing Co. vs G.H. Simon discontinued yr. 1893; #2267; CF 50
KIEL, MORITZ CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1
KIEL, ROBERT Kiel, Robert Proof of claim yr. 1893; #730; CF 65
KIEL, VILLAGE OF Resolve of part of village Plat (Kiel) yr. 1870; No. 1855; Box CF 44
KIEL, WILHELM Kiel, Wilhelm (St Wis) VS Mosher, Seth Assault and Battery yr. 1871; CX 2563; CF 19
KIEL SR., WM. Kiel, Sr. Wm. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #252; CF 65
KIEL, WM. SR. Kiel, Wm. Sr. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #692; CF 61
KIEL, WM. SR. Kiel, Wm. Sr. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #211; CF 65
KIELDER, ESTHER Esther Kielder (G. Lenox vs) yr. 1856; X 1154; CF 9
KIELSMEIER, F.A. NOTE: Court-Probate. (First publication December 28, 1899.) State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Court In Probate. In the matter of the estate of John Bonk, deceased. An instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of John Bonk of Centerville, in said county, having been delivered into said court: And F.A. Kielsmeier of Centerville, in said county, having presented to said court his petition in writing duly verified, representing among other things, that said John Bonk died testate at Centerville, in said county, on the 10th day of December 1899; that said instrument is the last will of said deceased and that said petitioner is named therein as executor, and praying that said instrument be proven and admitted to Probate and that letters testamentary be thereon issued to said petitioner. It is ordered, that said petition and the matters therein be heard, and proofs of said last will and testament be taken at a special term of said County Court, to be held at the Probate Office in the city of Manitowoc, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of January, 1900, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice of the time and place of said hearing be given by publication hereof for three successive weeks, once each week, previous to the time of said hearing in the Manitowoc Post a newspaper published in said Manitowoc county. Dated December 27, 1899. By the Court, J.S. Anderson, County Judge. Baensch & Chloupek, Attys. Manitowoc Post, Thursday, January 18, 1900 P. 8
KIELSMIEIR, CONRAD Kielsmieir, Conrad Mortgage yr. 1873; No. 1787; Box CF 44
KIESELHORST, HERMAN Jacob Behringer etal Defendant vs Herman Kieselhorst Plaintiff yr. 1899; 3640-D V67; CF 58
KIESOW, GUSTAVE Kiesow, Gustave VS Johnson, J.M. Dispute over easement to land yr. 1894; No. 3058; Box CF 31
KIEWERT, CHARLES L. Kiewert, Charles L. vs Webling, Charles Promissary Note yr. 1893; #2276; CF 50
KIEWERT, CHARLES Centerville Brewing Co. (Koss, Charles & Kiewert, Charles vs) yr. 1892; #3307; CF 49
KIEWERT, CHARLES Kiewert, Charles & Koss, Charles VS Centerville Brewing Co. yr. 1892; #2207; CF 49
KIEWERT, CHARLES L. First publication Feb. 27, 1896. STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. A.D. Barndt, plaintiff vs August Knoll and Maria Knoll, his wife, George Baumann and Theresa Baumann, his wife, Christ Ehrhardt and Henrietta Ehrhardt, his wife, Alois Kraus and Sophia Kraus, his wife, Gustave Scheibe, the Centerville brewing Company a domestic corporation, Gottlieb Mill, Peter Hoffmann, Frank Boermke, The State Bank of Manitowoc, Froedert Brothers Grain and Malt Company, William Rahr, Reinhardt Rahr, Max Rahr, Charles L. Kiewert, Charles Koss, J.R. Button and August F. Backhaus, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, made and entered in the above entitled action on the 12th day of February, A.D., 1895, the undersigned as sheriff of the county of Manitowoc, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the sheriff's office in the sheriff's residence and jail building in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on Saturday, the 11th day of April, A.D., 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to pay the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action for principal, interest, taxes, and costs, the premises described in said judgment, as follows, to-wit: Lots number six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block one (1), in the village of Centerville, in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat of said village, together with all the buildings and brewery plant thereon, and the boiler, engine and all machinery and apparatus in said buildings used in the brewing of beer and manufacturing of malt. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, February 26, A.D., 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff, of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, plaintiff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2
KILAND, G.H. Kiland, G.H. (Matthias Thornton vs) Promissary note yr. 1886; #1508; CF 42
KILEY, D.T. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE, IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. D.T. Kiley, Plaintiff, vs. The Manitowoc Glue Company, a Wisconsin Corporation, Frank Stupecky and Anna Stupecky, his wife, and E.A. Valentine, Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action, at a General Term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, said Judgment being dated the 21st day of February A.D., 1910; and which said Judgment was docketed with the Clerk of said Court on the 21st day of February, A.D., 1910, at ten minutes past ten o'clock A.M., I shall offer for sale, and sell to the highest and best bidder, at the Sheriff's office, in the County Jail building, in the city and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 28th day of April, 1910 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate and property situated in the city of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, directed by said Judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due to the plaintiff for principal and interest and costs: to-wit: Lots No. One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Block No. "A" or marked "A", also Block "L" as the same is laid down on the recorded plat of a part of the city of Manitowoc in Manitowoc County, Wis., known as Lueps Addition or "Island", the same being a part of the government Lot Six (6) in Section No. Nineteen (19) in Township No. Nineteen (19) north of Range No. Twenty-four (24) East. The boundaries of above lots are modified in a certain deed of agreement between the said Manitowoc Glue Company and the Milwaukee Lake Shore and Western Railway Company dated August 17, 1891 for the purpose of settling the boundaries of said lots, which deed is recorded in Volume 52 of Deeds on Page 469 to which reference is hereby had for a more accurate description. Also all the machinery in and upon the above described premises use in the manufacture of Glue or appertaining (sic) thereto. Dated March 4th, 1910. Charles E. Cary, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. Markham & Markham, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1910 P. 4
KILGORE, MORES Kilgore, Mores Defendant Cook, Lymna and others of Port Washington Wi. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs seek judgement against dfndt $305.86 plus interest on an unpaid note yr. 1862; #2171; Box CF 16
KILLEN, JOHN Killen, John Proof of claim yr. 1893; #80; CF 65
KILLEN, JOHN Killen, John; Dill, David; Dill, John; Dill, George; Dill, Nelson (Dill, Osenns State of Wis.) Land Settelment yr. 1889; #1870; CF 45
KILLEN, JOHN Dill, Osenns State of Wis vs Dill, Nelson; Dill, George; Dill, John; Dill, David; Killen, John Land Settlement yr. 1889; #1870; CF45
KILLEN, JOHN Killen, John vs Piper, Catherine Promissary note yr. 1887; #1621; CF 42
KILLEN, JOHN Killen, John (Elizabeth Lang vs) Promissary note yr. 1885; #1483; CF 40
KILLEN, JOHN Bolen, Patrick & Margaret - (John Killen vs) Foreclosure yr. 1884; 1420; CF 40
KILLEN, JOHN Killen, John Patrick H. Lyons & Mary A. Lyons, his wife Foreslosure yr. 1884; #1420; CF 40
KILLEN, W.H. COUNTY COURT PRECEEDIGNS. Smart, J. March 2. In re estate of Louis Amsden, deceased; W.H. Killen and Nelson Darling appointed appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P.4
KILLEN, W.N. Killen, W.N. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #84 #583 #584; CF 65
KILLEN, WM. H. Killen, Wm. H. VS Reddin, Matt & his wf Anna Reddin; P. Hauch; J.P. Watt; John Gliner; Wencel Kellson; Wm. Rahr Sons Co.; John J. Muhau yr. 1899; #634; CF 58
KIMBALL, AARON Kimball, Aaron see Robinson, John P. X 2288
KIMBALL, HENRY S. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. William S. Mudgett, William F. Dalton, and Henry S. Kimball agt William Aldrich, Hezekiah H. Smith, Martin B. Medbury, John W. Medbury, and James F. Aldrich. The State of Wisconsin to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was on the 12th day of January, 1860, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, at Manitowoc, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and one cent, with interest from the 19th day of April, 1859, besides the costs of this action. Witness, Hon. David Taylor, Judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit, at Manitowoc, this 12th day of January, 1860. Wm. M. Nichols, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, February 3, 1860 P. 4
KIMBALL, J.R. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
KIMBALL, JULIUS HENRY Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Julius Henry Kimball against Floyd Johnson, William Goff, Josiah Johnson, Henry B. Towslec, Daniel Knapp, Henry Howard, Alanson Hickok, Lindsey W. Dunham. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action, on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: The south half of the north-east quarter, and the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section number two, township number nineteen, north of range number twenty two east, containing 120 acres of land, more or less, together with the steam saw mill and its appurtenances created on or near said premises by the said Goff and Josiah Johnson.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. J.I. Pittit, Plaintiff's Attorney, of Kenosha city. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3
KIMBER, L.J.B. Kimber, L.J.B. see Elizabeth Richart #1006
KIME, DAVID Kime, David (Mullins, John (St Wis) vs) Murder of John Jahoveck (Poisening - arsenic) yr. 1879; CX 2686; CF 19
KIMMEL, JULIUS M.N. Kimmel, Julius M.N. see Luling, Chas yr. 1872; #153; CF 23
KIMMES, JULIUS M. Kempfh, Charles W. (see Julius M. Kimmes) X 1315
KIND, CHARLES Kind, Charles (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1888; Cri 333#121; HCF 69
KIND, CHARLES Eckart, Elizabeth - PTF Kind, Charles - DFT Mortgage yr. 1884; #1294; CF38l
KIND, CHARLES Kind, Charles Witness on homestead dispute see Meyer, Chas. vs Guse, Adolph) yr. 1878; #827; CF 31
KIND, LEOPOLD Kind, Leopold Proof of claim yr. 1893; #286; CF 65
KIND, LEOPOLD Kind, Leopold Proof of claim yr. 1893; #328; CF 65
KIND, LEOPOLD Kind, Leopold Proof of claim yr. 1893; #566; CF 65
KINDLER, CHARLES Kindler, Charles & Markham, Fred plaintiffs Steele, George defendant A dispute about payment for cutting wood shingle. Plntf contending they were to be paid $1.25.Dfndt claiming shingle were to be cut on halves. Decision for plntf for $56.00 Dfndt to appeal. yr. 1871; #2099; Box CF 16
KINE, GEORGE George Kine vs J Roeffs yr. 1862; X1063; CF 9
KING, ALFRED King, Leopold; King, Margaret; King, Alfred Discharge of band & mortgage yr. 1901; No. 3810; CF 60
KING, CLIFFORD King, Clifford see Ryan, Charles J. X2330
KING, CLIFFORD King, Clifford (Ryan, Charles J. et al vs) Promissary note yr. 1858; X2301; CF 17
KING, CLIFFORD King, Clifford (Cadwell, Henry vs) yr. 1858; X1656; CF 13
KING, F. F. King vs C. Klingholz et al yr. 1858; X1059; CF 9
KING, FREDERICK Frederick King vs Chas. Klingholz et al yr. 1858; X1157; CF 9
KING, HY. King, Hy et al vs Woodwork, P.M.W. yr. 1864; X1312; CF 11
KING, J. J. King (William, Lillie vs) yr. 1849; X9; CF1
KING, JACOB King, Jacob (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1866; CX2718; CF 20
KING, JACOB King, Jacob defendant Smith, Edward plaintiff Litigants were partners in a business. Action of about a note for $100 paid by the plaintiff for the defendant yr. 1866; #1987; Box CF 15
KING, JACOB King, Jacob et al (Wolfe, Daniel vs) Wages Earned yr. 1859; X2339; CF 17
KING, L. L. King (Wm. M. Nichols vs) yr. 1866; X855; CF 7
KING, LEOPOLD King, Leopold; King, Margaret; King, Alfred Discharge of band & mortgage yr. 1901; No. 3810; CF 60
KING, MARGARET King, Leopold; King, Margaret; King, Alfred Discharge of band & mortgage yr. 1901; No. 3810; CF 60
KING, MARY King, Mrs. Mary Proof of debt yr. 1893; #538; CF65
KING, ROBERT King, Robert (W. Glover vs) yr. 1862; X780; CF7
KING, WM. W. Wm. W. King vs W. Wollmer et al yr. 1861; X1087; CF9
KINNEY, ELIZABETH Martin Kinney (G. Glover vs) yr. 1861; X1109; CF9 Sheriff's Sale. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court of Manitowoc County. George S. Glover against Martin Kinney, Elizabeth Kinney, and Quartus R. Lee. Judgment of Foreclosure and sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated October 27, 1860, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court house in the village of Manitowoc, on Saturday, the 14th day of September, A.D. 1861, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, to wit: The east half of the north-east quarter of section No. thirty-two, (32) in township No. twenty-one, (21) north of range No. twenty-two-22-east, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin-Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, June 20, 1861. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. W. M. Nichols, Plaintiff's Attorney. The above sale is hereby postponed, until Monday the 28th day of October, 1861, at the same time and place.-Sheriff's Office Manitowoc, September 14, 1861. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 13, 1861 P. 3
KINNEY, MARTIN Kinney, Martin (Lawrence, Charles vs) yr. 1873; #109; CF22
KINNEY, MARTIN Martin Kinney (G. Glover vs) yr. 1861; X1109; CF9 Sheriff's Sale. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court of Manitowoc County. George S. Glover against Martin Kinney, Elizabeth Kinney, and Quartus R. Lee. Judgment of Foreclosure and sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated October 27, 1860, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court house in the village of Manitowoc, on Saturday, the 14th day of September, A.D. 1861, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, to wit: The east half of the north-east quarter of section No. thirty-two, (32) in township No. twenty-one, (21) north of range No. twenty-two-22-east, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin-Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, June 20, 1861. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. W. M. Nichols, Plaintiff's Attorney. The above sale is hereby postponed, until Monday the 28th day of October, 1861, at the same time and place.-Sheriff's Office Manitowoc, September 14, 1861. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 13, 1861 P. 3
KINNEY, PATRICK Kinney, Patrick (Bercheid, Theodore (St Wis) vs) Manslaughter in First Degree of Patrick Smith yr. 1870; CX2688; CF19
KINNEY, PATRICK Bercheid, Theodore (St Wis) vs Kinney, Patrick (widower has 6 children 5 under age of 14 yrs.) sister Adelair Bran in Green Bay Manslaughter in the First Degree Patrick Smith yr. 1870; CX 2688; CF 19
KINSMAN, J.F. J.F. Kinsman et al vs H. Wilcox yr. 1872; X1055; CF9
KIRBY, JAMES Kirby, James (Henry C. Horn vs) yr. 1892; #2139; CF48
KIRBY, JAMES Kirby, James (State of Wis. vs) yr. 1868; CX2796; CF20
KIRBY, JAMES Kirby, James vs Dunlea, James et al* *Parrish, Isaac M. yr. 1859; X1313; CF11
KIRBY, JAMES Dunka, James et al (Kirby, James vs) yr. 1859; X1313: CF11
KIRBY, JAMES Dunlea, James (Kirby, James St. Wis. vs) Assault with stones yr. 1860; CX2669; CF19
KIRBY, JAMES Dunlea, James vs Kirby, James yr. 1859; X1620; CF13
KIRBY, JAMES Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
KIRCH, FRANZ JR. Kirch, Franz Jr.(son) Kirch, Franz Sr.(father) Discharge of mortgage. (mother - Maria Kirch) yr. 1897; #3375; CF55
KIRCH, FRANZ JR. Kirch, Franz Sr. father died 20 Apr 1882 wife Maria Kirch Kirch, Franz Jr. son Discharge of Mortgage yr. 1897; #3375; CF55
KIRCH, FRANZ SR. Kirch, Franz Jr.(son) Kirch, Franz Sr.(father) Discharge of mortgage. (mother - Maria Kirch) yr. 1897; #3375; CF55
KIRCH, FRANZ SR. Kirch, Franz Sr. father died 20 Apr 1882 wife Maria Kirch Kirch, Franz Jr. son Discharge of Mortgage yr. 1897; #3375; CF55
KIRCH, JOSEPH Kirch, Joseph see Anna Waysbar #33707
KIRCH, MARIA Kirch, Maria died 5 May 1890 see Kirch, Franz Jr. Mother of Franz Kirch Jr. Wife of Franz Kirch Sr. #3375
KIRCHHOFF, HERMAN Kirchhoff, Herman T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 848; Box CF21
KIRCHLER, CHAS. Echtenacher, William vs Chas. Kirchler et al yr. 1862; X789; CF7
KIRCHNER, FREDERIK Kirchner, Frederik (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1857; CX2775; CF20
KIRK, GEORGE CIRCUIT COURT OF MANITOWOC COUNTY. Oliver Lane vs. John F. Guyles, George Kirk and John A. Mills. Summons on Money Demand. The State of Wisconsin to the above named Defendants: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, of which a copy is hereto annexed and served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto on me, at my office in the village of Manitowoc and county of Manitowoc, within twenty days after the service hereof upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer as aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars and costs of suit. B.R. ANDERSON, Plti'ff's Att'y. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4
KIRL, MORITZ Ebert, John (Kirl, Moritz vs) suit over debt yr. 1878; #228; CF24
KIRLING, J. J. Kirling vs C. Raymond yr. 1862; X778; CF7
KIRLING, JOSEPH Kirling, Joseph vs Raymond, Marie A., her husband, Raymond, Charles; Thornton, John; Platt, Jarves E. Promissary Note yr. 1877; No. 720; Box CF30
KIRSCH, ANNA Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCH, EDWARD JR. Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCH, EDWARD SR. Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCH, ELIZABETH Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCH, JOSEPH Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCH, LOUIS Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCH, MAGDALINA Kirsch (Elizabeth) (Joseph) (Magdalina) (Edward) (Father Edward) (Louis, son) (Guardian Mother Anna) Estate settelment yr. 1886; No. 1829; Box CF44
KIRSCHER, ANNA Emerson, Lyman vs. Pease, Erastus et al. et al = J. Neuman; Ruth Pease, wife of E.D. Pease; Cole, R.W.; Harriet S. Cole wife of R.W. Cole; August Neuman; Sarah & Edith Pellett infants (guard. Geo. Cooper) [Mtg. assigned from Mary Arnold to Niles J. Gilbert]; Louisa, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Joseph & Edward Kirscher - infants-reside with Anna Kirscher, their mother & guardian. Anna Kirscher, Chas. Steinbrecker & Mary M.; Julius Neuman & wf Margaret Neuman; Valentin Neuman yr. 1885; #1466; CF40
KIRSCHER, EDWARD Emerson, Lyman vs. Pease, Erastus et al. et al = J. Neuman; Ruth Pease, wife of E.D. Pease; Cole, R.W.; Harriet S. Cole wife of R.W. Cole; August Neuman; Sarah & Edith Pellett infants (guard. Geo. Cooper) [Mtg. assigned from Mary Arnold to Niles J. Gilbert]; Louisa, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Joseph & Edward Kirscher - infants-reside with Anna Kirscher, their mother & guardian. Anna Kirscher, Chas. Steinbrecker & Mary M.; Julius Neuman & wf Margaret Neuman; Valentin Neuman yr. 1885; #1466; CF40
KIRSCHER, EDWARD COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of Edward Kirscher, deceased: Order to hear petition for administration. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4
KIRSCHER, ELIZABETH Emerson, Lyman vs. Pease, Erastus et al. et al = J. Neuman; Ruth Pease, wife of E.D. Pease; Cole, R.W.; Harriet S. Cole wife of R.W. Cole; August Neuman; Sarah & Edith Pellett infants (guard. Geo. Cooper) [Mtg. assigned from Mary Arnold to Niles J. Gilbert]; Louisa, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Joseph & Edward Kirscher - infants-reside with Anna Kirscher, their mother & guardian. Anna Kirscher, Chas. Steinbrecker & Mary M.; Julius Neuman & wf Margaret Neuman; Valentin Neuman yr. 1885; #1466; CF40
KIRSCHER, FRANK Kirscher, Frank (State of Wis. vs) Selling inferior milk to cheese factory yr. 1881; #27; CF68
KIRSCHER, JOSEPH Emerson, Lyman vs. Pease, Erastus et al. et al = J. Neuman; Ruth Pease, wife of E.D. Pease; Cole, R.W.; Harriet S. Cole wife of R.W. Cole; August Neuman; Sarah & Edith Pellett infants (guard. Geo. Cooper) [Mtg. assigned from Mary Arnold to Niles J. Gilbert]; Louisa, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Joseph & Edward Kirscher - infants-reside with Anna Kirscher, their mother & guardian. Anna Kirscher, Chas. Steinbrecker & Mary M.; Julius Neuman & wf Margaret Neuman; Valentin Neuman yr. 1885; #1466; CF40
KIRSCHER, LOUISA Emerson, Lyman vs. Pease, Erastus et al. et al = J. Neuman; Ruth Pease, wife of E.D. Pease; Cole, R.W.; Harriet S. Cole wife of R.W. Cole; August Neuman; Sarah & Edith Pellett infants (guard. Geo. Cooper) [Mtg. assigned from Mary Arnold to Niles J. Gilbert]; Louisa, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Joseph & Edward Kirscher - infants-reside with Anna Kirscher, their mother & guardian. Anna Kirscher, Chas. Steinbrecker & Mary M.; Julius Neuman & wf Margaret Neuman; Valentin Neuman yr. 1885; #1466; CF40
KIRSCHER, MAGDALENA Emerson, Lyman vs. Pease, Erastus et al. et al = J. Neuman; Ruth Pease, wife of E.D. Pease; Cole, R.W.; Harriet S. Cole wife of R.W. Cole; August Neuman; Sarah & Edith Pellett infants (guard. Geo. Cooper) [Mtg. assigned from Mary Arnold to Niles J. Gilbert]; Louisa, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Joseph & Edward Kirscher - infants-reside with Anna Kirscher, their mother & guardian. Anna Kirscher, Chas. Steinbrecker & Mary M.; Julius Neuman & wf Margaret Neuman; Valentin Neuman yr. 1885; #1466; CF40
KIRSCHLEN, (NO NAME) Billinger vs Kirschlen yr. 1861; X1038; CF 8
KIRCHMARIK, MATHIAS ORDER (On Filing Petition for License to Sell Land) TO SHOW CAUSE, &c. First Publication January 21st 1886. IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Mathias Kirchmarik, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Joseph Cherny, setting forth the amount of personal estate that has come to his hands, and the disposition thereof,-the amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, and a description of all the real estate of which said deceased died seized, ond (sic) the condition and value of the respective portions thereof; and praying that license be to him granted to sell the w 1/2 of the w 1/2 of se 1/4, and the w 1/2 of the w 1/2 of the e 1/2 of the w 1/2 se 1/4, of Sec. No. 6, Township No. 20, Range No. 22, and all in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and it appearing by said petition, that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said Joseph Cherny, Administrator to pay said debts, and that it is necessary in order to pay the same, to sell all of the aforesaid to pay said debts, and Mortgage on said premises of real estate; it is therefor ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before this Court, on Tuesday, the 16th day of February, A.D., 1886, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted to said Joseph Cherny to sell said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the "Nord-Westen", a weekly newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc, in said County, and personally served on all persons interested in said estate, residing in said County, at least twenty days before said day of hearing. Dated at Manitowoc, the 18th day of January, A.D., 1886 By the Court. Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. W.A. Walker, Attorney. Der Nord Westen, Thursday, January 28, 1886 P. 5
KIRSVAN, NORA Kirsvan, Nora Proof of claim yr. 1893; #126; CF65
KIRTLAND, FREDERICK S. Frederick S. Kirtland vs James Glover yr. 1858; X1085; CF9
KIRTLAND, FREDERICK S. Kirtland, Frederick S. vs Tizler, D. & L. yr. 1857; X1318; CF11
KIRTLAND, FREDERICK S. Beardsley, Geo. W. - (Kirtland, Frederick S. vs) yr. 1857; X1307; CF 1
KIRWAN, MICHAEL (First publication July 3, 1890) CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Catharina Lueps, Plaintiff, vs. P. Jerome Pierce and Mary Pierce, his wife, John J. Lyons, Aaron B. Gibson and Michael Kirwan, Defendants. By virture of, and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action, at a general term of the circuit court for Manitowoc county, held at the court house in the city of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and dated the 14th day of June, A.D., 1889. I shall offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, at the sheriff's office in the court house, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 16th day of August, A.D., 1890, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate, situate in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs to-wit: All that portion of Lot Eight (8) in block No. Forty-four (44), in the city of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, describes as follows: Commencing twenty-four feet north of the south-west corner of said lot eight (8), running thence due north on the western boundary line of said lot, to the northern boundary line thereof; thence east on the northern boundary line of said lot, to the north east corner of said lot; thence due south on the eastern boundary line of said lot, fifty feet and nine inches; thence West 119 feet; thence north fourteen feet and 9 inches; thence west thirty-one feet to the place of beginning. Dated July 2nd, 1890. Frank Zeman, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Wis. Markham & Markham, Atty's for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, July 3, 1890 P. 2
KISELHORST, HERMAN Herman Kiselhorst (P) vs Jacob Bahvinger (D). yr. 1899; 3640-0 567; CF58
KISSINGER, JOHN Kissinger, John see Gunning, Otto CX2504
KITCHEN, WHEELER Wheeler Kitchen vs Daniel Wempster yr. 1855; X267; CF3
KITCHEN, WHEELER CIRCUIT COURT for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin., The State of Wisconsin, To James M. Sprague and Hiram S. Goswell partners under the firm and style of J.M. Sprague & Co., defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of Wheeler Kitchen plaintiff, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Ciruit Court for Manitowoc County as his office in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, and to serve a copy of your answer, on me at my office in said Village of Manitowoc, in the State of Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you, for eight hundred and eighteen and 28.100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent since the 11h day of March A.D. 1859. L.T. WARREN, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Village, Wisconsin The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, April 30, 1859 P. 4
KITTELL, A.D. Elliot, Steven et al (St. of Wis. vs.) Elliot, Steven (Jr) (St. of Wis. vs.) Elliot, James (St. of Wis. vs.) Short, Patrick; Kittell, A.D.; Koehler, J.A.; Miles, Guy; Kern, E.; Emerson, L.; Rand, E.W.; Gilbert, N.J. yr. 1871; CX2701; CF20
KITTELL, A.W. A.W. Kittell (J. Ries vs) yr. 1869; X1494; CF12
KITTER, C. Michael Bart - (C. Kitter vs) yr. 1860; X1079; CF 9
KITTER, CATHERINE Catherine Kitter vs Michael Bart yr. 1860; X1079; CF9
KLABATSCH, F. Ebbert, Carl F. (F. Klabatsch vs) yr. 1861; X1081; CF9
KLASKA, ANNIE Klaska, Annie (Klaska, Jaroslav vs) (Divorce) Md 10 Jan 1894, New York City, NY one child. Dft. desserted Ptf. 7 yrs. 4 mo. ago Dft. P.O. address New York, New York. yr. 1903; #3960; CF63
KLASKA, JAROSLAV Klaska, Annie (Klaska, Jaroslav vs)(Divorce) Md 10 Jan 1894, New York City, NY one child. Dft. desserted Ptf. 7 yrs. 4 mo. ago Dft. P.O. address New York, New York. yr. 1903; #3960; CF63
KLASSEN, A.R. Klassen, A.R. (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1889; Cri 314#98; HFC69
KLAUS, ANTON Klaus, Christina vs Klaus, Anton Md 28 Oct 1873, city of Green Bay one child - Alois between 4 & 5 yrs of age yr. 1879; #1022; CF34
KLAUS, CHRISTINA Klaus, Christina vs Klaus, Anton Md 28 Oct 1873, city of Green Bay one child - Alois between 4 & 5 yrs of age yr. 1879; #1022; CF34
KLEIBER, ANDREW Andrew Kleiber vs Joseph Kleiber yr. 1866; X848; CF7
KLEIBER, JOSEPH Andrew Kleiber vs Joseph Kleiber yr. 1866; X848; CF7
KLEIN, (NO NAME) Klein Wilson yr. 1888; #1689; CF43
KLEIN, (NO NAME) Klein (Huebner vs) yr. 1854; #176; CF2
KLEIN, ANNA Klein, Anna see William Dietrich #1632
KLEIN, ANNA Dietrich, William In the matter of sale of real estate died in 1878. Left surviving him his widow, Katherine Dietrich & 3 minor children. Anna Klein, 19 as of May, 1887; Katie Dietrich, 17 yrs as of May, 1887; William Dietrich, 12 yrs as of May, 1887 Henry Klein is their guardian yr. 1887; #1632; CF42
KLEIN, BALZAR Klein, Balzar see Elizabeth Scheier #2291
KLEIN, BALZER Cayuga Chief Manf. Co. vs Klein, Balzer seizure of property for money owed. yr. 1874; #370; CF 26
KLEIN, ELISABETH Drishaus, Richard et al Franz H. Arens, ptf. vs Leonard, Fred. et al Wihelmine Lenhard(sic) his wife & Elisabeth Klein as adm. of est. of Matheus Klein dec., deft. Promissory note. yr. 1877; #1015; CF34
KLEIN, ELIZA 26-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased:-Letters of special administration granted to Eliza Klein. John Roemer and Peter Gagnonn appointed as appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, ELIZABETH Klein, Elizabeth vs Lynch, Thomas & Lynch, Mary his wife & First National Bank of Manitowoc Promissary Note yr. 1891; #2054; CF47
KLEIN, ELIZABETH Klein, Elizabeth vs Wilson, Charles & wife Annie Mortgage yr. 1888; #1889; CF43
KLEIN, ELIZABETH Klein, Elizabeth vs Lenhardt, Fred re estate of Mathias Klein, deceased yr. 1879; #985A; CF34
KLEIN, ELIZABETH COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 21-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; Elizabeth Klein appointed guardian. Warrant to appraisers issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, ELIZABETH COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 24-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; bond of Elizabeth Klein, as guardian, examined and approved; letters of administration issued to her. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, HENRY Klein, Henry see William Deitrich #1632
KLEIN, HENRY Dietrich, William In the matter of sale of real estate died in 1878. Left surviving him his widow, Katherine Dietrich & 3 minor children. Anna Klein, 19 as of May, 1887; Katie Dietrich, 17 yrs as of May, 1887; William Dietrich, 12 yrs as of May, 1887 Henry Klein is their guardian yr. 1887; #1632; CF42
KLEIN, LOUIS 20-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased:-Order issued on petition for a special administrator. Order entered to hear petition for administration. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, LOUIS 26-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased:-Letters of special administration granted to Eliza Klein. John Roemer and Peter Gagnonn appointed as appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, LOUIS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 21-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; Elizabeth Klein appointed guardian. Warrant to appraisers issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, LOUIS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 24-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; bond of Elizabeth Klein, as guardian, examined and approved; letters of administration issued to her. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, LOUIS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. Fe. 18-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; inventory and claims filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, LOUIS COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased, claim of H.S. Benjamin, $171.91. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1
KLEIN, LOUIS COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased, claims filed, Wm. Stein & Co., $14.51; F.F. Riddel Mfg Co., $109.85. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1
KLEIN, LOUIS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased: Claim of Jacob Moravetz for $72.60 filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4
KLEIN, MATHEUS Drishaus, Richard et al Franz H. Arens, ptf. vs Leonard, Fred. et al Wihelmine Lenhard(sic) his wife & Elisabeth Klein as adm. of est. of Matheus Klein dec., deft. Promissory note. yr. 1877; #1015; CF34
KLEINHANS, THEODORE Kleinhans, William & Theodore(David Stewart vs) no complaint included yr. 1890; #1964; CF46
KLEINHANS, WILLIAM Kleinhans, William & Theodore (David Stewart vs) no complaint included yr. 1890; #1964; CF46
KLEMM, A.L. (Klemm A.L. Cheese Factory) State of Wis. vs Gruber, Jos. sold poor milk yr. 1898; #315; CF71
KLEMM, CHRIS Klemm, Chris Proof of claim yr. 1893; #512 #392 #437 #164; CF65
KLEMM, JOHANNA Klemm, Johanna (Meyer, Anton, George & Christian vs) Payment for merchandise yr. 1856; X2351; CF17
KLEMME, (NO NAME) Klemme Staerk yr. 1887; #1671; CF43
KLEMME, ANTON Klemme, Anton VS Staerk, William suing for medical and doctor expenses yr. 1887; #1675; CF45
KLEMME, ANTON Klemme, Anton (Lueloff, Ludwig (St Wis)vs) Assault with a weapon yr. 1885; #65; CF68
KLEMME, JOHANNA C. Circuit Court--County of Manitowoc. Johanna C. Klemm vs. Justus Klinge. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 27th day of April, 1860, I, True M. Bailey, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Monday, the 6th day of August, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cots, together with the expense of sale:-all the certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the village of Two Rivers, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, known and described as Lot number four (4), in Block number fifty-five (55), according to the recorded plat of said village. Dated Manitowoc, May 1st, 1860. T.M. Bailey, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plaff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, May 11, 1860 P. 4
KLIEST, JOHN C. Kliest, John C. (Trustee for H. Zech & son) see Kersten, Gerhard N. CF66
KLIEST, JOHN C. Kersten, Gerhard N. vs Zech, Hieronymous et al Anna Zech; Henry Zech(son); Henry T. Scudder;Anna Wassmer; John C. Kliest (trustee) Money and Property dispute yr. 1902; CF 66
KLINDT, CHRISTINA Klindt, Christina(P) vs Krieser, John(D) JURY: Heinz, Herman; Barta, Edward; Miller, Joseph; Frohlic, Matt; Panges, John; Hodey, Joseph; Grimm, George; Fink, Frank; Busham, Herman; Sculley, Fred; O'Conner, M.; Hugathy, Fred; yr. 1903; #3950; CF63
KLINDT, CHRISTINA Klindt, Christina vs Krieser, John both unmarried 11 Feb 1901 Krieser proposed marriage in the fall of 1901 Ptf. accepted. wife. Jan 1903 Kreiser refused to marry her. Ptf. awarded $1500 in damages for breach of promise. yr. 1901; #3950; CF63
KLINE, ELIZABETH Kline, Elizabeth et al* (Kline, Henry vs) *Statesman, Gottfried yr. 1863; X1311; CF11
KLINE, HENRY Kline, Elizabeth et al* (Kline, Henry vs) *Statesman, Gottfried yr. 1863; X1311; CF11
KLINGE, JUSTUS Circuit Court--County of Manitowoc. Johanna C. Klemm vs. Justus Klinge. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, dated the 27th day of April, 1860, I, True M. Bailey, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Monday, the 6th day of August, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cots, together with the expense of sale:-all the certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the village of Two Rivers, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, known and described as Lot number four (4), in Block number fifty-five (55), according to the recorded plat of said village. Dated Manitowoc, May 1st, 1860. T.M. Bailey, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plaff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, May 11, 1860 P. 4
KLINGHOLS, RICHARD Bates, Henry vs Klinghols, Richard Promisary(sic) note Manitowoc co. yr. 1877; No. 736; Box CF 30
KLINGHOLTZ, CHARLES Durgin, George W. (Charles Klingholtz vs) yr. 1852; X100; CF1
KLINGHOLTZ, CHARLES Eaton, Chauncey H. (Charles Klingholtz vs) yr. 1852; X100; CF1
KLINGHOLTZ, CHARLES Klingholtz, Charles (Jacob Lueps et al)vs Bach, William et al yr. 1853; X149; CF1
KLINGHOLTZ, JOHANNA Klingholtz, Johanna Petition yr. 1892; #2166; CF49
KLINGHOLTZ, RICHARD Klingholtz, Richard (Vanderkrank, Edward vs) Demand on note yr. 1860; X2361; CF17
KLINGHOLTZ, RICHARD Klingholtz, Richard et al (Wood, Sylvester A. vs) Assault yr. 1859; X2338; CF17
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz Rogers yr. 1890; #1685; CF43
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz Mallich yr. 1887; #1667; CF43
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz Rogers yr. 1887; #1669; CF43
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz Baetz yr. 1877; #736; CF30
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz vs Wells yr. 1869; X1005; CF8
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz vs Gelman yr. 1868; X930; CF8
KLINGHOLZ, (NO NAME) Klingholz (Hubbard vs) yr. 1855; #177; CF2
KLINGHOLZ, C. C. Klingholz vs the Town of Manitowoc Rapids yr. 1866; X84L; CF7
KLINGHOLZ, C. F. King vs C. Klingholz et al yr. 1858; X1059; CF 9
KLINGHOLZ, CARL Application to sell their real estate Klingholz, Jacoba; Melitta; Carl, Johanna Jacoba b. Nov 30, 1878 Mellitta b. Aug 8, 1880 Carl b. June 13, 1884 Johanna b. Oct 22, 1886 Infants Also Johanna Lueps & Anna Lueps Petitioners are sisters of Sophia Klingholz (nee Lueps) deceased. She is mother of 4 infants above. d. May 8, 1891 Their father, Hugo J. Klingholz d. June 21,1891 [Back side of card] Property is subject to dower rights of Katherine Lueps, widow of Jacob Lueps Katherine Lueps was 71 yrs old on 8 April, 1893. yr. 1893; #2286; CF50
KLINGHOLZ, CARL Klingholz, Jacoba, Melitta, Carl, Johanna to sell real estate yr. 1892; #2122; CF48
KLINGHOLZ, CARL Klingholz, Carl Petition yr. 1892; #2166; CF49
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles see Reed, George X2271
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles VS Lydia Rogers Foresloser and sale of lots yr. 1888; #1669; CF43
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles VS Lydia Rogers Foresloser sale. yr. 1888; #1685; CF43
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles VS Jance, John Withholds possession of property from plntf. yr. 1874; #326; CF25
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles vs McCollum, John J. et al yr. 1866; X1088; CF9
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Judes, Friedrich vs. Klingholz, Charles et al. Payment for work done yr. 1858; #2386; CF 17
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles; Herman, John; Stobacky, John Defendants Wagner, Robert Plaintiff Wagner seeks $1,700.00 due him for the construction of a building for defendants. Defendants claim $500.00 for goods merchandise and wares charged to plaintiff. yr. 1858; #1807; CF14
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles; Herman, John Defendants McAllister, Hiram Plaintiff Plaintiff seeks to collect on promissory note for $500.00 plus interest at 10% until paid. Judgement of $586.60 against defendants. yr. 1857; #1895; CF14
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles (Martens, Herman vs) Promissary note yr. 1857; X2421; CF18
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles (Reed, George vs) yr. 1856; X844; CF3
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles (Lyman, Erastus) yr. 1852; X135; CF1
KLINGHOLZ, CHARLES Klingholz, Charles (Smith, H. vs) yr. 1851; X78; CF1
KLINGHOLZ, CHAS. Crawley, Wm P. vs Chas. Klingholz yr. 1858; X1643; CF13
KLINGHOLZ, CHAS. Klingholz, Chas. (Sylvester Goodenow et al vs) yr. 1858; X1643; CF13
KLINGHOLZ, CHAS. Frederick King vs Chas. Klingholz et al yr. 1858; X1157; CF 9
KLINGHOLZ, CHAS. Decker, Chas. S. et al vs Klingholz, Chas. et al yr. 1858; X1724; CF13
KLINGHOLZ, FAMILY Klingholz Family see Jacoba Klingholz #2286
KLINGHOLZ, H.C. Klingholz, H.C. (Hubbard, Harvey F. vs) yr. 1863; X1380; CF11
KLINGHOLZ, HUGO J. Application to sell their real estate Klingholz, Jacoba; Melitta; Carl, Johanna Jacoba b. Nov 30, 1878 Mellitta b. Aug 8, 1880 Carl b. June 13, 1884 Johanna b. Oct 22, 1886 Infants Also Johanna Lueps & Anna Lueps Petitioners are sisters of Sophia Klingholz (nee Lueps) deceased. She is mother of 4 infants above. d. May 8, 1891 Their father, Hugo J. Klingholz d. June 21,1891 [Back side of card] Property is subject to dower rights of Katherine Lueps, widow of Jacob Lueps Katherine Lueps was 71 yrs old on 8 April, 1893. yr. 1893; #2286; CF50
KLINGHOLZ, JACOBA Application to sell their real estate Klingholz, Jacoba; Melitta; Carl, Johanna Jacoba b. Nov 30, 1878 Mellitta b. Aug 8, 1880 Carl b. June 13, 1884 Johanna b. Oct 22, 1886 Infants Also Johanna Lueps & Anna Lueps Petitioners are sisters of Sophia Klingholz (nee Lueps) deceased. She is mother of 4 infants above. d. May 8, 1891 Their father, Hugo J. Klingholz d. June 21,1891 [Back side of card] Property is subject to dower rights of Katherine Lueps, widow of Jacob Lueps Katherine Lueps was 71 yrs old on 8 April, 1893. yr. 1893; #2286; CF50
KLINGHOLZ, JACOBA Klingholtz, Jacoba Petition yr. 1892; #2166; CF49
KLINGHOLZ, JACOBA Klingholz, Jacoba, Melitta, Carl, Johanna to sell real estate yr. 1892; #2122; CF48
KLINGHOLZ, JOHANNA Application to sell their real estate Klingholz, Jacoba; Melitta; Carl, Johanna Jacoba b. Nov 30, 1878 Mellitta b. Aug 8, 1880 Carl b. June 13, 1884 Johanna b. Oct 22, 1886 Infants Also Johanna Lueps & Anna Lueps Petitioners are sisters of Sophia Klingholz (nee Lueps) deceased. She is mother of 4 infants above. d. May 8, 1891 Their father, Hugo J. Klingholz d. June 21,1891 [Back side of card] Property is subject to dower rights of Katherine Lueps, widow of Jacob Lueps Katherine Lueps was 71 yrs old on 8 April, 1893. yr. 1893; #2286; CF50
KLINGHOLZ, JOHANNA Klingholz, Jacoba, Melitta, Carl, Johanna to sell real estate yr. 1892; #2122; CF48
KLINGHOLZ, MELITTA Application to sell their real estate Klingholz, Jacoba; Melitta; Carl, Johanna Jacoba b. Nov 30, 1878 Mellitta b. Aug 8, 1880 Carl b. June 13, 1884 Johanna b. Oct 22, 1886 Infants Also Johanna Lueps & Anna Lueps Petitioners are sisters of Sophia Klingholz (nee Lueps) deceased. She is mother of 4 infants above. d. May 8, 1891 Their father, Hugo J. Klingholz d. June 21,1891 [Back side of card] Property is subject to dower rights of Katherine Lueps, widow of Jacob Lueps Katherine Lueps was 71 yrs old on 8 April, 1893. yr. 1893; #2286; CF50
KLINGHOLZ, MELITTA Klingholz, Jacoba, Melitta, Carl, Johanna to sell real estate yr. 1892; #2122; CF48
KLINGHOLZ, MELITTA Klingholtz, Melitta Petition yr. 1892; #2166; CF49
KLINGHOLZ, R. Klingholz, R. & Co. vs. Rosenfield, Morris et al Klingholz, J.M. Wilda, & Joseph Kostlevy vs. Morris, Isaac, & Louis Rosenfield & Wm. Levy Klingholz & Co. in wholesale liquor bus. in Mtwc. Rosenfield Bros. & Co. & Sunny Brook Distillery bus. address 17A Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. dispute re liquor warehouse receipt. yr. 1903; #3930; CF63
KLINGHOLZ, R. R. Klingholz (B. Mohrs vs) yr. 1866; X856; CF7
KLINGHOLZ, R. Bd. of Supervisors, Mtwc Cnty (R. Klingholz vs) yr. 1852; X105; CF 1
KLINGHOLZ, R. Cowles, John vs R. Klingholz yr. 1851; X1702; CF13
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard see Mead, James H. VS Zimms, John F. et al X2269
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard see Semfeld, Joseph X2440
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard (Mueller, William vs) promissory note dispute yr. 1885; #1489; CF40
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard (Clara M. Fechter vs) promissory note yr. 1880; #1040; CF34
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard Deft. Bates, Henry Pltf. Promissory note yr. 1877; #736; CF30
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard et al vs Lange, August et al Demand on note yr. 1876; #595; CF28
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard vs Milw. L.S. & W.R.R. Co. appeal on award of commissionerss yr. 1874; #364; CF25
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard et al (Manitowoc County vs) promissory note yr. 1873; #249; CF24
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard Defendant Marks, Benjamin Plaintiff Defendant states that he has paid said note to Mr. Mandell but is not now able to locate Mandell who lately lived in New York but is now bleieved to live in a Southern State. Defendant seeks extension of time to locate Mandell. Marks also lives out of state. yr. 1867; #1905; CF14
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Conroe, Jacob W. Plaintiff Klingholz, Richard Defendant Mahler, Jacob; Wendt, Charles; S.H. Thurber; James Mead, co-defeddants (sic) Conroe sold 160 acres in what is now the western part of the city of Manitowoc. Klingholz, the purchaser gave seller 4 notes of $1,000 each. Klingholz paid off the first one but defaulted on the rest. this is an action of foreclosure. yr. 1862; #2164; CF16
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard (Rankin, John vs) Financial note yr. 1860; X2284; CF17
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard (Rosenthal, Adolph vs) Promissory note yr. 1860; X2281; CF17
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard (Rankin, John vs) Promissory note yr. 1860; X2214; CF17
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Bach, William Defendant - Cooley, Farwell & co. Plaintiffs Dfndt signed a promissory note for 108.78, Richard Klingholz guaranteed payment by endorsement. yr. 1859; #2165; Box CF 16 FLB
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Cooley, Francis B.; Farwell, John V.; Wadsworth, Elisha S. Plaintifs DBA Cooley, Farwell & Co. Bach, William Defendant Dfndt signed a promissory note for 108.78 Richard Klingholz guarnteed payment by endorsement. yr. 1859; #2165; CF16
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard Hottleman, Charles Dfndts Mahler, Jacob Wendt, Charles E. Plaintiffs DBA Mahler & Wendt Suit to collect $252.92 Int 12% Term 90 days a note. yr. 1858; #2054; CF15
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard Defendant Thurber, Samuel Plaintiff Plaintiff holds a personal note in the amount of $125.00 signed by defendant and now seeks to coolect. yr. 1858; #2141; CF16
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard vs Herman, John yr. 1857; X1089; CF9
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard vs Montton, Norton S. et al yr. 1856; X407; CF3
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Christiansen, Christian vs Frederich Saloman, Charles Hottelman, Lina Hottelman, Peter Jordens, Richard Klingholz, Frederick Carus, G.C.P. Malmrose, & William Logier yr. 1852; X128; CFI
KLINGHOLZ, RICHARD Klingholz, Richard Wood, Sylvester A. Bond on assignment yr. 1839; CX2248; CF17
KLINGHOLZ, SOPHIA Application to sell their real estate Klingholz, Jacoba; Melitta; Carl, Johanna Jacoba b. Nov 30, 1878 Mellitta b. Aug 8, 1880 Carl b. June 13, 1884 Johanna b. Oct 22, 1886 Infants Also Johanna Lueps & Anna Lueps Petitioners are sisters of Sophia Klingholz (nee Lueps) deceased. She is mother of 4 infants above. d. May 8, 1891 Their father, Hugo J. Klingholz d. June 21,1891 [Back side of card] Property is subject to dower rights of Katherine Lueps, widow of Jacob Lueps Katherine Lueps was 71 yrs old on 8 April, 1893. yr. 1893; #2286; CF50
KLINGHOLZ, SOPHIA Klingholtz, Sophia yr. 1890; #1876; CF46
KLINGHOLZ, SOPHIA Klingholz, Sophia Wife of Hugo J. Klingholz Town of Manitowoc Rapids dtr of Jacob Lueps yr. 1890; #2038; CF47
KLINGHOLZ, VICTORIA Klingholz, Victoria see William Mueller #1487
KLISSIG, (NO NAME) Klissig (Wahrig vs) yr. 1855; #203; CF2
KLOCKNER, HENRY Balkanski, David - (Henry Klockner vs) yr. 1901; #3764; CF 59
KLOCKNER, HENRY Klockner, Henry vs Aliram Sohivartz & David Baelcarski Plaintiff, 71, lives in TR has a son living in Mtwc and a son-in-law named Mr. Ratz Plntf left money in office of Defnt and is suing for return yr. 1901; #3764; CF59
KLOIDA, JOHN John Kloida, Mary Baretzky, Jacob Sedlacek & Mathias Kakash (Def.) Wencel Cizek (Pl.) yr. 1892; #2213; CF49
KLOTSH, HARVEY Clausen, Flora A. vs Klotsh, Harvey and Wichold yr. 1883; #1383; CF39
KLOTZIEN, CHRISTIAN Klotzien, Christian Pieper, Martin Plaintiff of Sheboygan County Plaintiff seeks to collect on a personal note for $200.00. Interest 10% term 1 year. yr. 1859; #1874; CF14
KLOTZIN, BARBARA Klotzin, Barbara vs Holtzer, Alois et al Financial dispute yr. 1898; #3350; CF55
KLUG, (NO NAME) Klug (Real Estate) yr. 1881; #1707; CF43
KLUG, AUGUSTA Klug, Augusta Mother; Klug, John Deceased Father Children: Johanna 14 yrs.; Caroline age 12; William age 10; Augusta age 8; Albert age 6; Henry age 4; Bertha age 1 Sale of Land Guardian Schimmel, Fred yr. 1881; #1707; CF43
KLUG, JOHN Klug, Augusta Mother; Klug, John Deceased Father Children: Johanna 14 yrs.; Caroline age 12; William age 10; Augusta age 8; Albert age 6; Henry age 4; Bertha age 1 Sale of Land Guardian Schimmel, Fred yr. 1881; #1707; CF43
KNAPP, (NO NAME) Knapp (Mendlik vs) yr. 1870; #1001; CF8
KNAPP, (NO NAME) Knapp Rindskopf yr. 1877; #696; CF30
KNAPP, ARTHUR D. Barnes, John W. vs Knapp, Arthur D. etal; Daniel B. Knapp; Hannah Knapp (Daniel's wife); Anthony Dahlman Promissory note yr. 1876; #459; CF 27
KNAPP, ARTHUR D. Knapp, Arthur D. see Frederick Gauthier Promissory note #396
KNAPP, ARTHUR D. IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Arthur D. Knapp, Plaintiff, vs. Edward S. Aubol and Sarah Aubol, his wife, Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action, at a General Term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc Wisconsin, said Judgment being dated the, 26th day of February, A.D., 1909, and which said Judgment was docketed with the Clerk of said Court on said 28th day of February, A.D., 1909, at 12 o'clock M. (sic), I shall offer for sale, and sell to the highest and best bidder at the Sheriff's office, in the County Jail building, in the city and County of Mantowoc (sic), Wisconsin, on the 28th day of July, 1910, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate and property situated in the town of Cato, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, directed by said Judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount due to the plaintiff for principal and interest and costs, to-wit: A part of Section No. Thirty-two (32) township No. Nineteen (19) North of Range No. Twenty-two (22) East being known and described at Lot I of the Subdivision of that part of the South East quarter of the South East quarter section, town, range and county above named, lying between the so-called Calumet Road and the East line of said section No. Thirty-two, according to the recorded plat of said subdivision. Dated June 6th, 1910. Charles E. Cary, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. Markham & Markham, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 23, 1910 P. 4
KNAPP, D. Stephen Bates etal - (D. Knapp vs) yr. 1857; X1108; CF 9
KNAPP, D.B. D.B. Knapp (Simonds, Chauncey et al vs) seeking payment for goods yr. 1874; #325; CF25
KNAPP, DANIEL Knapp, Daniel & Radler, Robert Deft. Rendskopf, Sam Pltf. Partners in business yr. 1880; #696; CF30
KNAPP, DANIEL Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Julius Henry Kimball against Floyd Johnson, William Goff, Josiah Johnson, Henry B. Towslec, Daniel Knapp, Henry Howard, Alanson Hickok, Lindsey W. Dunham. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action, on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: The south half of the north-east quarter, and the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section number two, township number nineteen, north of range number twenty two east, containing 120 acres of land, more or less, together with the steam saw mill and its appurtenances created on or near said premises by the said Goff and Josiah Johnson.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. J.I. Pittit, Plaintiff's Attorney, of Kenosha city. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3
KNAPP, DANIEL B. Barnes, John W. vs Knapp, Arthur D. etal; Daniel B. Knapp; Hannah Knapp (Daniel's wife); Anthony Dahlman Promissory note yr. 1876; #459; CF 27
KNAPP, DAVID Dallmann, Anthony vs Knapp, David Promissory note yr. 1874; #355; CF25
KNAPP, DAVID Knapp, David (Shove, T.C. vs) Knapp, Hannah wife; Knapp, A.D. son; Knapp, Ella daughter Foreclosure yr. 1874; #371; CF26
FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Theodore C. Shove, vs. David B. Knapp, Hanna Knapp his Wife, John W. Barnes, A.D. Knapp and Asha Holebrook. By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day of December, A.D., 1874. In the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin on the 26th day of June, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff together with the interest and cost: to-wit: The West half of the east half of section thirty-six (36) township nineteen (19) range twenty-one (21) east lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Manitowoc, Wisconsin, May 15th. 1875. J.D. Markham, Plaintiffs Atty. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, May 13, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Theodore C. Shove, vs. David B. Knapp, Hanna Knapp his Wife, John W. Barnes, A.D. Knapp and Asha Holbrook. By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day of December, A.D., 1874, in the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin on the 26th day of June, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or as much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff together with the interest and cost, to-wit: The West half of the east half of section thirty-six (36) township nineteen (19) range twenty-one (21) east lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Manitowoc, Wisconsin, May 13, 1875. J.D. Markham, Plaintiffs Atty. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, May 20, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Theodore C. Shove, vs. David B. Knapp, Hanna Knapp his Wife, John W. Barnes, A.D. Knapp and Asha Holbbrook (sic). By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day of December, A.D., 1874, in the Circuit Court of Manitowoc county and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City and county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin on the 26th day of June, A.D, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or as much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff together with the interest and cost, to-wit: The West half of the east half of section thirty-six (36) township nineteen (19) range twenty-one (21) east lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Manitowoc, Wisconsin, May 13th, 1875. J. D. Markham, Plaintiffs Atty. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, June 3, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Theodore C. Shove. vs. David B. Knapp, Hanna Knapp his Wife, John W. Barnes, A.D. Knapp and Asha Holebook (sic). By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day of December, A.D, 1874, in the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin on the 26th day of June, A.D, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or as much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff together with the interest and cost, to-wit: The West half of the east half of section thirty-six (36) township nineteen (19) range twenty one (21) east lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Manitowoc, Wisconsin, May 13th, 1875. J.D. Markham, Plaintiffs Atty. A. Wittenberg. Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. By P. Mulholland, Undersheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, June 17, 1875 P. 2
KNAPP, DAVID Ewing, John et al vs Knapp, David yr. 1873; #144; CF23
KNAPP, DAVID B. Knapp, David B. (Frederick Gauthier vs) Promissory note yr. 1874; #396; CF26
KNAPP, DAVID B. Knapp, David B. (Horn, William H vs) Owes a balancd of $10 on tree bought for $20.62 yr. 1870-71; #60; CF22
KNAPP, DAVID B. Knapp, David B. (S. Moukon vs) yr. 1864; X837; CF7
KNAPP, DAVID B. Knapp, David B. vs Glover, James P. yr. 1857; X1302; CF11
KNAPP, DAVID B. Knapp, David B. (Jonathan Thorne vs) yr. 1852; X94; CF1
KNAPP, DAVID B. Cross, Benjamin vs David B. Knapp yr. 1850; X31; CF1
KNAPP, E./A.D. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, DOOR COUNTY. SS. By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Wisconsin, in and for the County of Door in said state, against the goods, chattels, lands and real property of John McLaughlin, upon a judgment rendered by and before C.F. Overholt, a justice of the peace in and for said County of Door, on the 17th day of October, A.D. 1874, wherein E.Knapp and A.D. Knapp were plaintiff, and said John McLaughlin was defendaud (sic), a transcript of which said judgment was duly uled (sic) in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the County of Door, and a certified transcript whereof was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Manitowoc County, on the 26th day of May, 1875. I have levied upon and seized all the right title and interest which the said John McLaughlin had on the 26th day of May, 1875, or has since acquired, of in and to the n. e. 1/4 of the s. w. 1/4 of section number twenty-nine (29), in township number nineteen (19), north of range number twenty-two (22), east in said Manitowoc County, in the State of Wisconsin; which said premises I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs at public vendue to the highest bidder at the sheriff's office in the city and County of Manitowoc, in said State on the 27th day of November, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M. of that day. Dated October 14th, 1875. A. Whittenburg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. Manitowoc Pilot, November 11, 1875 P. 2
KNAPP, ESROM Knapp, Esrom see Frederick Gauthier Promissory note #396
KNAPP, ESROM Knapp, Esrom (John Miller vs) yr. 1888; #1566A; CF42
KNAPP, ESROM PTF - Kane, Thomas DFT - Neilan, Patrick; Neilan, Ellen Hoyer, Charles; Hoyer, Joseph; Knapp, Esrom yr. 1883; # 1330; CF 38
KNAPP, ESROM Knapp, Esrom Mentioned in yr. 1882; #1130; CF36
KNAPP, ESROM Knapp, Esrom vs Markle, Frank yr. 1872; #146; CF23
KNAPP, GILBERT Gilbert Knapp vs J.M. Sprague yr. 1859; X1086; CF9
KNAPP, HANNAH Barnes, John W. vs Knapp, Arthur D. etal; Daniel B. Knapp; Hannah Knapp (Daniel's wife); Anthony Dahlman Promissory note yr. 1876; #459; CF 27
KNAPP, HIRAM United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6
KNAPP, L.H. Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
KNAPWURST, C.F (FRED) Carey, John (C.F.(Fred) Knapwurst vs) yr. 1872; #121; CF 23 See Knopwurst
KNAPWURST, C.F. Knapwurst & Co., C.F. see Rudoph Schmalfuss (Three case files) #248
KNAPWURST, CATHERINE Knapwurst, Catherine see Hermann, Henry #464
KNAPWURST, CATHERINE Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, CATHERINE Knapwurst, William & Catherine (Washington, Benedict vs) suing for payment for goods delivered yr. 1874; #391; CF26
KNAPWURST, CATHERINE Knapwurst, Catherine et al (Fredericka N. Hamlin et al vs) Promissory note yr. 1873; #243; CF24
KNAPWURST, FREDERICK Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, FREDERICK Frederick Knapwurst vs Christopher Luedke yr. 1851; X11; CF1
KNAPWURST, FREDERICKA Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, HENRY Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, JOHANNA Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, JOHN Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, PETER Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, WILLIAM Knapwurst, William PL see Fredericka Hamlin #243
KNAPWURST, WILLIAM Knapwurst, William (Rudolph Schmalfuss vs) (three case files) yr. 1876; #248; CF24
KNAPWURST, WILLIAM Knapwurst, Frederick et al; Fredericka, Johanna, John, Catherine, Peter, Henry, Willaiam, Knapwurst N.B. Giddons T.G. Ames (Hermann, Henry vs) Mortgage Foreclosure yr. 1876; #464; CF27
KNAPWURST, WILLIAM Knapwurst, William & Catherine (Washington, Benedict vs) suing for payment for goods delivered yr. 1874; #391; CF26
KNAUF, NICHOLAS Knauf, Nicholas (Franz Steinfest et al vs) Petition to dissolve inheritance agreement yr. 1881; #1173; CF36
KNAUTIE, AURIELA Knautie, Auriela minor child mentioned in Knautie vs Knautie yr. 1881-82; #1188; CF36
KNAUTIE, CHARLES Knautie, Charles (Knautie, Theresa vs) desertion/divorce md. 7 June 1877 yr. 1881-82; #1188; CF36
KNAUTIE, THERESA Knautie, Charles (Knautie, Theresa vs) desertion/divorce md. 7 June 1877 yr. 1881-82; #1188; CF36
KNECHTEL, EVA Knechtel, Eva see Goeke, Frederick #389
KNECHTEL, EVA Knechtel, Eva Discharge of Mortgage Original Mortgage by Theo & Marie Knechtel yr. 1888; #3380; CF55
KNELL, HENRY Knell, Henry Proof of claim yr. 1893; #626; CF65
KNICKERBACKER, GEORGE B Knickerbacker, George B. vs yr. 1860; X1719; CF13
KNICKREHM, ERNESTINE Ernestine Knickrehm vs Jacob Knickrehm md. 25 September 1865 town of Mtwc maiden name Oestreich yr. 1867; X880; CF7
KNICKREHM, JACOB Ernestine Knickrehm vs Jacob Knickrehm md. 25 September 1865 town of Mtwc maiden name Oestreich yr. 1867; X880; CF7
KNIGHT, F.A. T.W. Baker & Edgar D. Beardsley vs G.W.F. Smith, Jefferson Knight, Isabella Knight garnishees of F.A. Knight yr. 1852; X115; CF 1
KNIGHT, ISABELLA T.W. Baker & Edgar D. Beardsley vs G.W.F. Smith, Jefferson Knight, Isabella Knight garnishees of F.A. Knight yr. 1852; X115; CF 1
KNIGHT, JEFFERSON T.W. Baker & Edgar D. Beardsley vs G.W.F. Smith, Jefferson Knight, Isabella Knight garnishees of F.A. Knight yr. 1852; X115; CF 1
KNIPFER, ELIZABETH Knipfer, George & Elizabeth see Rudolph Bischoff #3691
KNIPFER, ELIZABETH Bishoff Rudolph & Bischoff Andrew (Knipfer Elizabeth & Bischoff Frank vs) Transfer of land between said people. yr. 16 Jan. 1001(sic); No. 3975; Box H.C.F. 60(?)
KNIPFER, GEORGE Knipfer, George & Elizabeth see Rudolph Bischoff #3691
KNOEDLER, GOTTFRIED Gottfried Knoedler (C. Hottleman vs) yr. 1859; X1554; CF12
KNOLL, AUGUST Knoll, August (Gottlub Mill vs) Promissory note yr. 1893; #2254; CF50
KNOLL, AUGUST Bauman George, Knoll August, Kraus Allis, Ehrhardt Christian Schube Gustave & Scheobe Christian Building a Brewery (Centerville Brewery) yr. 1889; No. 1874; Box C.F. 45
KNOOR, ADOLPH Knoor, Adolph & Knoor Mary wife (Werner, Peter Plaintiff) Promissory note yr. 1888; #1844; CF45
KNOOR, MARY Knoor, Adolph & Knoor Mary wife (Werner, Peter Plaintiff) Promissory note yr. 1888; #1844; CF45
KNOP, FRED (Knop, Fred) State of Wisconsin City of Manitowoc, Wis Alternative writ of mundamus yr. 1905; CF21
KNOP, MIKE Decker, Mattes Jr.; Kocian, Mattes Jr.; Novacek, Frank; & Knop Mike (Stedl, Lawrence) State of Wis. Fight in Menchl Saloon Menchlville yr. 1902; #556; CF72
KNOSPE, WILHELM Knospe, Wilhelm Proof of claim yr. 1893; #238-9; CF65
KNOPWURST, C.F. Knopwurst, C.F. see C.W. White #254
KNOPWURST, C.F. Knopwurst, C.F. died 1 Oct 1872 in Centerville see J.F. Pitts #252
KNOPWURST, C.F. Arrus, W.G. vs Knopwurst, C.F. & Knopwurst, Frederick yr. 1872; #183; CF 23 See Knapwurst
KNOPWURST, CATHERINE Knopwurst, William G. & Catherine (Pitts, J.L. et al vs) notes signed for puchasing thrashing machine yr. 1875; #252; CF24
KNOPWURST, CATHARINE Barnes, John W. vs Knopwurst, Catharine & William indebtedness suit yr. 1873; #269; CF 25
KNOPWURST, CATHERINE Benedict, Washington vs Knopwurst, William & Knopwurst, Catherine Suing for payment for goods delivered yr. 1874; #391; CF 26
KNOPWURST, CATHERINE Dann, John vs Catherine Knopwurst et al yr. 1873; X1728; CF13
KNOPWURST, F. Knopwurst, F. et al (John Dann vs) yr. 1873; X1728; CF13
KNOPWURST, FREDERICK Knopwurst, Frederick (Richards, Crumbaugh & Shaw vs) yr. 1872; #187; CF23
KNOPWURST, FREDERICK Arrus, W.G. vs Knopwurst, C.F. & Knopwurst, Frederick yr. 1872; #183; CF 23
KNOPWURST, WILLIAM Barnes, John W. vs Knopwurst, Catharine & William indebtedness suit yr. 1873; #269; CF 25
KNOPWURST, WILLIAM Benedict, Washington vs Knopwurst, William & Knopwurst, Catherine Suing for payment for goods delivered yr. 1874; #391; CF 26
KNOPWURST, WILLIAM G. Knopwurst, William G. & Catherine (Pitts, J.L. et al vs) notes signed for puchasing thrashing machine yr. 1875; #252; CF24
KNOWLES, GEORGE P. Armsby, Fayette vs Kastorosky, Phillip & Kastorosky, Mary his wife & Knowles, George P., Trustee Promissory note yr. 1887; #1626; CF 42
KNOWLTON MFG. CO. Knowlton Mfg. Co. et al (Rothke, August vs) Sherrif's Sal to Testify Mty. yr. 1906; #1947; CF46
KNOWTHON, LEANDER W. Knowthon, Leander W. (State of Wisconsin vs) yr. 1856; CX2729; CF20
KNOX, JOHN Order to hear Petition for Administration. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Court-In Probate. In the matter of the estate of John Knox, deceased, intestate. On reading and filing the petition of Catharine Biev (sic), of City of Clarkston, State of Washington, representing among other things that John Knox an inhabitant of said Manitowoc county, on the 5th day of December, A.D., 1897, at town of Liberty died intestate, leaving estate to be administered, and that the said petitioner is a daughter of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Robert H. Markham granted. It is Ordered, that said petition be heard at a special term of said County Court to be held on Tuesday, the 18th day of June, 1912, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Ordered Further, that notice of the time and place so appointed, be given to all persons interested, by publication hereof for three weeks successively, prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said County. Dated at Manitowoc, the 27th day of May A.D., 1912. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Markham & Markham, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, May 30, 1912 P. 4
KNUDSEN, KNUD Bruemmer, Frederick & Knudsen, Knud vs Ewald, Charles Built a wagon for defendant and he hasn't paid for it. yr. 1873; #276; CF 25
KNUDSON, (NO NAME) Knudson (Guardianship) yr. 1880; #1722; CF43
KNUDSON, ARIE Knudson, Arie (Landaner & Co. vs) yr. 1876; #612; CF28
KNUDSON, BEN O. Knudson, Ben O. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #645; CF65
KNUDSON, C. Halver Alfson - (C. Knudson vs) yr. 1881; X1084; CF 9
KNUDSON, CARL Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18
KNUDSON, CHARLES A. (Knudson, Charles A.) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 252; Box CF21
KNUDSON, K.L. Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18
KNUDSON, K.O. Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18
KNUDSON, KELVAN (Knudson, Kelvan) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 239; Box CF21
KNUDSON, KNUD Bruemmer, Fred, defendant State of Wisconsin Dfndt accused of perjury when he testified in a civil trial between Knud Knudson (plaintiff) and George Ewold defendant. yr. 1875; #2029; Box CF 15 FLB
KNUDSON, OLE Knudson, Ole Proof of claim yr. 1893; #494; CF65
KNUDSON, OLE Knudson, Ole Proof of claim yr. 1893; #373; CF65
KNUDSON, OLE G. Knudson, Ole G. vs Nielson, Niles yr. 1862; X790; CF7
KNUDSON, OLE G. REFEREE'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC County, Circuit Court. Ole G. Knudson, against Nills Nielson, Harold Torrison, H.W. Chamberlain, Abner S. Wise, Singamund Wise, James W. Vail, T. Little, C.R. Baker, Nicholas Wollmer, Russell E. Glover, William Buch, Knud Torrison and Jule Torrison. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April A.D., 1862, I will sell at Public Vendue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday the 22d day of August A.D. 1862 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, of as much thereof as will reflect the amount of said judgment and costs, to-wit: One square acre of land out of the south-east corner of the east half of section numbered six (6), in township numbered eighteen (18), north of range no. 22 east, all in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. S.A. WOOD, Referee. J.D. MARKHAN, Atty. for Pltff. Date, Manitowoc May 6th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
KNUDSON, OLE G. REFEREE'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC County, Circuit Court. Ole G. Knudson, against Nills Nielson, Harold Torrison, H.W. Chamberlain, Abner S. Wise, Singamund Wise, James W. Vail, T. Little, C.R. Baker, Nicholas Wollmer, Russell E. Glover, William Buch, Knud Torrison and Jule Torrison. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April A.D., 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday the 22d day of August A.D. 1862 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, of as much thereof as will reflect the amount of said judgment and costs, to-wit: One square acre of land out of the south-east corner of the east half of section numbered six (6), in township numbered eighteen (18), north of range no. 22 east, all in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. S.A. WOOD, Referee. J.D. MARKHAN, Atty. for Pltff. Date, Manitowoc May 6th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4
KNUDSON, OLE H. Knudson, Ole H. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #194; CF65
KNUDSON, OTTO (Knudson, Otto) State of Wisconsin By Sperl, Anna Father of her Child yr. 1901; #330; CF71
KNUDSON, MRS. SEWERT Knudson, Sewert (Mrs.) Proof of claim yr. 1893; #112; CF65
KNUDSON, TORGER Knudson, Torger vs Hollenbeck, William yr. 1867; X873; CF7
KNUDSON, TORGER Knudson, Torger vs Glover et al yr. 1865; X1083; CF9
KNUELL, ELLA Knuell, Ella Proof of claim yr. 1893; #704; CF65
KNUEPFER, ELIZABETH Bischoff, Rudolph vs Knuepfer, George & Knuepfer, Elizabeth his wife li TR 51 years bro of Andrew Bischoff Sr dispute over who is lawful owner of premises in TR found for Pltff. yr. 1900; #3641; CF 59
KNUEPFER, GEORGE Bischoff, Rudolph vs Knuepfer, George & Knuepfer, Elizabeth his wife li TR 51 years bro of Andrew Bischoff Sr dispute over who is lawful owner of premises in TR found for Pltff. yr. 1900; #3641; CF 59
KNUTESON, ROSE Knuteson, Rose (Goodmanson, Betsey vs) Forclosure of Mortgage yr. 1871; #1133; CF22
Sheriff's Sale. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY.-Betsey Gordmanson, Almey Erickson, Robbey Knute Knuteson Yomer, Anna Hanson and Mary Knuteson Yomer, Plaintiffs, against Rose Knuteson, defendant. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale in the above entitled cause; dated June 28, 1871. I shall expose for sale, at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc, and county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, on the 18th day of May, 1872 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises, or as much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, and costs of such sale, as follows, to wit: All the following real estate lying and being in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, viz: The south west 1/4 of the south west 1/4 of section number twenty-seven (27, Town number nineteen, (19), Range number Twenty-two (22) east, containing forty acres of land according to the official survey. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., March 18th, 1872. Albert Wittenberg, Sheriff. J.D. Markham, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Manitowoc Pilot, April 11, 1872 P. 4
KNUTSON, CHRISTIAN Knutson, Christian Caze, Fred (insane), wife Caze, Connie Sale of property yr. 1880; #1703; CF43
KNUTSON, CHRISTIAN Knutson, Christian (Ole Hansen vs) hasn't fulfilled contract yr. 1874; #303; CF25
KNUTSON, JOHN No 9 First publication Feb. 6, 1883. STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF MANITOWOC, ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, January 31st, A.D. 1883. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of John Knutson deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of John Knutson deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Gulik Nilson, who is named in said will as executor thereof, praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 6th day of March A.D. 1883, at 10 o'clock, A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Lake Shore Times, a newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. G.G. Sedgwick, Atty. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 6, 1883 P. 4 ********* (From 1880 Cato census: John Knudson age 79; son Knud age 32) (From death index: John Knutson d. Jan. 18, 1883 (co. d. index v. 3 p.55)
KNUTZEN, K.O. Knutzen, K.O. Proof of claim yr. 1893; #741; CF65