The following entries are from the court index microfilm at the Manitowoc Library, The records pertaining to these are at the Area Research Center in Green Bay. You may be able to order the record here: Cofrin Library request forms

[ S ]

S?HER, MORRIS SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

SACHS, LUDWIG COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of Ludwig Sachs, deceased: claims filed; letters of administration issued John Schuette; Order as to claims and notice to creditors issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

SACKETT, C.J. FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County, Circuit Court. ss. Peter Weber as administrator of the estate of John R. Weber deceased, Plaintiff. vs. John P. Heinrichs, C.J. Sackett, Chas Trost, Chas W. White as administrator of the estate of John A. Horn and Otto Troemel Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 1st day of July A.D. 1875, at a general term of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County and estate on the 22d day of June A.D. 1875 I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the City of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following mortgaged premises or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, together with the interests, costs and expenses to wit: The East one-half (1/2), of the North one-half (1/2), of the West one-half (1/2), of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number thwenty-four (sic) (24), in Township number nineteen (19), Range number twenty-three (23), in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc this 10th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. White & Forrest, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2

SACKETT, LEVI C. Baker, Thomas W. Plaintiff - Sackett, Levi C Defendant Plntf seeking to collect 23.74 for goods sold to dfndt on credit. Judgement against dfndt sheriff ordered to seize dfndt's property. reported nothing to seize. yr. 1851; #2194; Box CF 16 FLB

SADOWSKI, FR. Andrashi, Martin; Sadowski, Fr.; Budnik, Joe; Kaminski, George State of Wis by Arndt, John A fight yr. 1896; no. 286; Box C F 71

SADOWSKY, FRANK State of Wis. vs Charles Kaufman (Kaufmann)& Frank Sadowsky 30 Sept 1894 theft from Joseph Kowjawsky Chas. Kaufman resides Wash + 23rd sts. yr. 1894; #263; CF 70

SAGER, JOHN Becker, Joseph F. Defendant - State of Wisconsin Plaintiff Defendant is accused of fraud in that he sold a house and lot in Batavia Township Sheboygan to John Sager of Cooperstown for $450.00 a house and lot which defendant didn't own. yr. 1860; #2001; Box CF 15 FLB

SAGIER, WM. Aug. Baensch vs Wm. Sagier/Lozier? yr. 1854; X151; CF 1

ST. GEORGE, HENRY Falvey, Thomas et al. (St. George, Henry)vs. Packard, Edwin W. yr. 1857; X619; CF5

SAISSELIN, CHRISTINA Dassler, Ernst &, Hoffman, Peter (Saisselin, Christina vs) land dispute yr. Nov. 1901; #3849; CF60

SALISBURY, SAMANTHA Baker, Albert H. etal Defendant - Salisbury, Samantha Plaintiff Suit to collect mortgage secured by notes to Jos. Symes dated Mar 10 1869. amt 375.00 Interest 7%. Notes purchased by plaintiff. Et al defendants are Aaron Roberts; Argolus W Stark; Geo. W. Hale; Geo. Towsley; who are involved because of claims against defendants property. Baker has moved to South Bend Ind. and has not answered the summonses. Decision for Plaintiff yr.1864; #1837; Box CF 14 FLB

SALOMAN, FREDERICH Christiansen, Christian vs Frederich Saloman, Charles Hottelman, Lina Hottelman, Peter Jordens, Richard Klingholz, Frederick Carus, G.C.P. Malmrose, & William Logier yr. 1852; X128; CFI

SALSMAN, ELIAS Brasch, Casper vs Salsman, Elias & Salsman, Eliza 2 cases yr. 1872; #165; CF 23 Also have Casper Braasch

SALSMAN, ELIAS Brasch, Casper vs Eliza Salsman etal & Elias Salsman her husband 20 Sept 1878 Defendant Elias S. states he lives in Chicago now w/unmarried son, Arthur, who will be 26 on 27 Dec 1878. He has been there since last May. His wife is there too. Lived in Sheboygan for 2 yrs prior to that & Manitowoc before Sheboygan. Has son-in-law in Brown Co., also plaintiff lives there. yr. 1878; X1693; CF 13

SALSMAN, ELIAS Emerson, Lyman vs Salsman, Elias et al; Eliza, his wife yr. 1875; #564; CF28

SALSMAN, ELIZA Emerson, Lyman vs Salsman, Elias et al; Eliza, his wife yr. 1875; #564; CF28

SALSMAN, ELIZA Brasch, Casper vs Salsman, Elias & Salsman, Eliza 2 cases yr. 1872; #165; CF 23 Also have Casper Braasch

SALSMAN, ELIZA Brasch, Casper vs Eliza Salsman etal & Elias Salsman her husband 20 Sept 1878 Defendant Elias S. states he lives in Chicago now w/unmarried son, Arthur, who will be 26 on 27 Dec 1878. He has been there since last May. His wife is there too. Lived in Sheboygan for 2 yrs prior to that & Manitowoc before Sheboygan. Has son-in-law in Brown Co., also plaintiff lives there. yr. 1878; X1693; CF 13

SALZMANN, ELIAS Braasch, Hattie vs Salzmann, Elias etal Salzmann, Eliza see also #165 2 cases yr. 1872; #165; CF 23

SALZMANN, ELIZA Braasch, Hattie vs Salzmann, Elias etal Salzmann, Eliza see also #165 2 cases yr. 1872; #165; CF 23

SAMMONS, JOHN Burtt, Milo (complainant) (State of Wis. vs John Sammons) yr. 1887; Cr 315 #100; HCF 69

SAMUELSON, CHARLES Crawley, William G. vs Nielsen, Niels et al; Olsen, Ole; Samuelson, Charles; Nielsen, Martha yr. 1857; X623; CF5

SANBORN, ALBERT J. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Samuel F. Pratt, Pascal P. Pratt, and Edwin Beals, Plaintiffs, vs Obadiah H. Platt, Geo. Rice, Samuel Hale, John V. Ayer, Joseph J. Whiting, Obarics W. Galloupe, James W. Bless, Albert T. Whiting, Otis H. Price, J??nes McKenna, Albert J. Sanborn, August L. Sanborn, Gideon B. Collins, and Jacob Halverson, Defendants. BY virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April, A.D. 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county on Saturday the 21st day of June, A.D. 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described property or so much thereof as will raise the amount of said Judgment and costs, to-wit: Lot number fourteen (14), in block number one hundred and seventeen (117), in the village and county of Manitowoc; also all defendants (Obediah H. Platt,) interest in the north west quarter of section number twenty-eight (28) in township number twenty (20), north of range number twenty-two (22), east; containing one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. J.D. MARKHAM, Att'y, for Pltff's. Dated Sheriff's Office, May 8th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

SANBORN, AUGUST L. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Samuel F. Pratt, Pascal P. Pratt, and Edwin Beals, Plaintiffs, vs Obadiah H. Platt, Geo. Rice, Samuel Hale, John V. Ayer, Joseph J. Whiting, Obarics W. Galloupe, James W. Bless, Albert T. Whiting, Otis H. Price, J??nes McKenna, Albert J. Sanborn, August L. Sanborn, Gideon B. Collins, and Jacob Halverson, Defendants. BY virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April, A.D. 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county on Saturday the 21st day of June, A.D. 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described property or so much thereof as will raise the amount of said Judgment and costs, to-wit: Lot number fourteen (14), in block number one hundred and seventeen (117), in the village and county of Manitowoc; also all defendants (Obediah H. Platt,) interest in the north west quarter of section number twenty-eight (28) in township number twenty (20), north of range number twenty-two (22), east; containing one hundred and sixty acres of land more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. J.D. MARKHAM, Att'y, for Pltff's. Dated Sheriff's Office, May 8th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

SAND, JOHN The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: Thomas Ludlow & Rodgers vs John Sand: continued without costs. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

SANDFORD, H. CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3

SANDT, FREDERICK Donovan, Richard et al; Hoenig, Frederick; Sandt, Frederick; Hoenig, John vs. Frederick Hoenig-highway overseer Removal of fence blocking highway right-of-way. case dismissed yr. 1874-76; #384; CF26

SANFORD, BENJAMINE E. Benson, William B. (Sandford, Benjamin E. & Van Dorsten, Henry) Foreclosure yr. 1860; X2212; CF 17

SANFORD, BENJAMIN E. Converse, Wm. P. (Sandford, Benjamin E. & Van Dorsten, Henry) Foreclosure yr. 1860; X2212; CF17

SANFORD, J.L. COUNTY OF MANITOWOC TOWN OF MEMEE. ss. To J.L. Sandford, In Justice Court YOU are hereby notified that writ of attachment has been issued against you and your property attached to satisfy the demand of Wheeler & Tripp, amounting to thirty two dollars and seventy cents. Now unless you shall appear before Hilton Hasford a Justice of the peace in and for said county at his office in said Town on the tenth day of July in the year of our Lord 1858 at one o'clock P.M. Judgement will be entered against you and your property to pay the debt. Dated the Eleventh day of June A.D. 1858. WHEELER & TRIPP Plff's. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, June 18, 1858 P. 2

SANTRY, JOHN Kelly, Patrick Greene, L. vs Santry, John Money settlement. Manitowoc, co, Wis. yr. 1876; No. 681; Box CF 30

SANVILLE, EPHRAIM Bebeau, Moses Defendant - Sanville, Ephraim Plaintiff an injunction preventing defendant from interferings with or disposing of assets of the firm of Sanville and Bebeau and to pay Sanville damages not to exceed two hundred dollars. yr. 1877; #1847; Box CF 14 FLB

SAROCHAN, ROBERT Apel, Charles August Plaintiff Pierpont Co: Pierpont, Henry S.; Babcock, Timothy; Canfield, Edward; Canfield, John partners Defendants issued a note in amt $300 for 9 months w interest in 1858 to Robert Sarochan. Plaintiff bought note from Sarochan. Judge ordered def's to pay $490.25 yr. 1866; #1778; Box CF 14 FLB

SAUBERT CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3

SAUBERT, FRED. Drier, John (Saubert, Fred. vs) slander yr. 1874; X1352; CF11

SAUBERT, FRIEDRICH Ahrndt, Christ vs Saubert, Friedrich (State of Wis) Selling liquor w/o license year 1886; #72;CF 68

SAUNDERS, EDWARD Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SAVAGE, HUGH Comer, John (Savage, Hugh vs State of Wis.) Financial dispute & perjury yr. 1867; CX2260; CF17

SAVAGE, THOMAS (First publication June 30, 1887.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Franz Schnorr, Plaintiff, vs. Patrick H. Lyons, Mary A. Lyons his wife, John Bibinger, Michael Quirk, John O'Loughlin, Peter Comer and Thomas Savage, Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in the above entitled action on the 23rd day of June, 1886. The subscriber, a referee, for that purpose duly appointed, will sell at the north door of the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on Saturday the 13th day of August, A.D., 1887, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day the real estate directed to be sold by said judgment and therein described as follows: The south-east quarter of the north-west quarter and north-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section number twenty-two (22) township number nineteen (19), north of range number twenty-two (22) east, containing eighty acres of land more or less according to public survey, and lying and being in the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. Dated June 28th, 1887. H.L. Markham, Referee. J.D. Markham, Attorney for Plaintiff, Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, June 30, 1887 P. 2

SAWYER, CHARLES B. SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC CO. John W. Perigo, Wedward B. Bulkley (sic), George L. Bulkley and John G. Plimpton against Obadiah H. Platt. Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, and Simon B. Carey against Obadiah H. Platt. Henry A. Huntington, Philip Wadsworth and Calvin C. Parks Jr., against Obediah H. Platt. Samuel C. Davis, Charles B. Sawyer and Nathan W. Perkins, against Obadiah H. Platt. Bethuel B. Vincent, John II. Vincent, William Himrod, David Himrod and David Shirk, against Obadiah H. Platt. BY VIRTUE of executions issued from said Court in the several above entitled actions, to me directed and delivered against the real property of the above named defendant, I shall on the executions issued in the two first above named actions, as therein directed, sell all the right, Title and interest which the said defendants had on the 21st day of October 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Ne qr of ne qr Sec 31, and se qr of the ne qr of Sec 25, and the nw qr of the nw qr of Sec 22, in T. 20, R. 22. Ne qr of the nw qr Sec 25, and the s1/2 of the n1/2 of Sec 28, and the ne qr of the nw qr Sec 30 all in T. 19, R. 22. Ne qr of ne qr Sec 11, and the w1/2 nw qr Sec 30, and the ne qr sec 31, all in T. 19, R.21. N1/2 of nw qr of sw qr sec 4, and the s1/2 of ne qr sec 4, and the w1/2 of se qr Sec 4, and the se qr of the ne qr of sec 18, T.19, R. 23. Nw qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23; ne qr of swe qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23: ne qr of sw gr sec 13, T. 20, R. 21; sw qr of ne qr of sec 25, T. 20, R. 22; e1/2 of sw qr and se qr of nw qr sec 19, T. 20, R. 24; swe qr sec 33, T. 18, R. 21; e1/2 of se qr and nw qr of se qr of sec. 33, T. 17, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr sec 7, T. 20, R. 24; ne qr of nw qr sec 10, T. 18, R. 23; also, undivided in a fractional qr of sec 1, T. 17, R 23, containing 19 85-100 acres; also, the undivided seven-eights and the undivided half of ne qr sec 11, T. 17, R. 23; se qr of ne qr sec 18, T. 19, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr and nw gr of ne gr and se qr of se qr of se 10, T. 20, R. 22. Lots 5 and 6 in Bl D, of Reed's Addition to the village of Manitowoc. Lots 12 e1/2 lot 3, all of 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 e1/2 of lot 18 bl 107; w 21 ft lot 2 e 37 ft bl 118, in village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 and 6 bl 181; lot 5 b 175; lot 1 b 176; lot 10, b 155; lot 11 b 115; lot 7 b 177, in the village and county of Manitowoc. And also on the two said executions sell all the right, title and interest the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Lots 6 7 10 B 40, lots 8 11 B 42, lots 9 10 11 B 63, lots 1 4 5 B 105. lot 2 B 140, lots 1 2 3 B 64, lots 3 4 B 214, lots 3 4 B 215, lots 16 18 B 242, lots 9 10 11 B 241, lots 12 1 7 B 243, lot 2 B 268, lots 1 2 7 8 B 152, lot 1 B 170, lots 4 5 B 171, lots 4 5 6 B 173, in the village and county of Manitowoc. Lot 9 subdivision s1/2 ne q sec 10, T. 19, R. 24, five acres in village of Manitowoc. Lot 7 B 138, lot 7 b 193, lot 22 B 199, lots 7 10 B1?, lot 16 B 202, lot 4 B 258, lots 10 11 B 295, lots 6 7 B 344, in the village of Manitowoc. Swq nwq sec 20, s1/2 seq of neq sec 19, T. 10, R 21, 60 ne., in Manitowoc county. Lot 14 B 117, village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 B 158, lot 3 B 161, e1/2 lot 4 B 230, s1/2 lot 2 B 270, lot 6 B 271, lot 10 B 56, lot 8 B 58, lot 8 B 110, lot 11 B 154, lot 2 B 160, lot 6 B 155, lot 2 B 114, lots 1 2 10 11 12 B 173, n1/2 lot 6 B 156, all in Manitowoc village. Lot 5 B 180, lots 7 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 B 265, lots 7 10 11 14 15 20 21 22 B 264, lots 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 B 266, lots 7 10 11 24 26 25 B 292, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 293, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 310, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 311, lots 5 14 6 15 18 19 24 B 312, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 330, lost 1 2 3 8 9 12 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 331, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 332, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 B 340, lots 4 5 6 7 9 14 15 16 B 350, lots 1 2 3 8 9 14 15 16 B 351, all in village Manitowoc. Lots 1 B 18, in village Manitowoc Rapids. Lots 1 2 B 10, in village of Two Rivers. Nwq sec 28, neq sec 27, e 1/2 of the e1/2 and the e1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 and the e 1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 of swq sec. 23, all in T. 20, R. 22, and in county of Manitowoc, 380 acres. And also on the three other executions issued in the three last above named actions, as therein direceted, shall sell all the right, title and interest which the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the whole of the above and forgoing described real property. That said real property, and the right title and interest the above named defendant had in and to the same on the days herein before stated, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction or Vendue, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on the 31st day of July A.D. 1862, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at that. Dated the 29th day of May A.D. 1862 WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. GEO. REED, Plt'ffs' Att'y. The above sale is hereby postponed until the 28th day of August, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. GEO. REED, Pl'tff' Att'y. Dated July 31, 1862. The above sale is further postponed until Wednesday, the 24th day of September, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, the 11th day of October, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, November 1st, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4

SAWYER, CHARLES R. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

SAYNESKA, JOHN Donoly, Dennis vs John Sayneska et al yr. 1857; X1624; CF13

SAZNA, ROSINE Juranek, Thomas Defendant Sazna Rosine Plaintiff Paternity Case Defendant jauled when he couldn't make bale of 400.00 yr. 1859; #1834; CF 14

SAZWOSKI, JOHN Donally, Dennis vs Sazwoski, John et al yr. 1864; X1729; CF13

SCHAD, ANTON COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of David Able deceased; L.C. Senglaub and Anton Schad appointed appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

SCHAD, FRANZ First publication December 26th 1895. Order to hear Petition for Final Settlement. STATE OF WISCONSIN, IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of John O,Rourk (sic), deceased. On reading an (sic) filing the petition of Franz Schad, executor of the estate of said deceased for the adjustment and allowance of his administration account (and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same): It is ordered, that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a cpecial(sic) term of said court to be held at the office of the county judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 21st day of January, A.D., 1896. It is further ordered, that upon the adjustment and allowance of such account by this court as aforesaid, the residue of said estate be, the further order and judgment of this court, assigned to such persons as are by law entitled to the same. It is further ordered, that notice of the time and place of the examination and allowance of such account, and of the assignment of the residue of said estate, be given to all persons interested, by publication of this order for three successive weeks, before said day, in the Nordwesten a weekly newspaper printed and published at the city of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Dated December 20th, A.D., 1895. By the Court: J.S. Anderson, County Judge. Baensch & Chloupek, Attorneys. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, January 9, 1896 P. 7

SCHAEFER, CARL In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Carl Schaefer, alleged insane. Hearing had on December 9, 1918, and said Carl Schaefer adjudged insane and committed to Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. Costs Physicians, George Patchen, $4.20; J.F. Pritchard, $4.20.

SCHAEFER, PHILLIP Bolde, Mary vs Schaefer, Phillip (St. Wis.) (Marie) Bastardy yr. 1878; CX2581; CF 19

SCHAFFLAND, FRIEDRICH ORDER FOR PROOF OF WILL. First Publication February 11th 1886. STATE OF WISCONSIN Manitowoc County. ss In Probate-Manitwooc County Court. Manitowoc, Wisconsin, February 8th, A.D.,1886. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of Friedrich Schaffland, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Friedrich Schaffland, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Henriette Schaffland, who is named in said Will as the Executrix thereof, praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon as provided by law: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 9th day of March, A.D., 1886, at 10 o'clock, A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the "Nord-Westen", a newspaper printed in said County, for thre successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Der Nord Westen, Thursday, February 18, 1886 P. 5

SCHALL, J. Jones, Benjamin et al (Schall, J. vs.) land/tax dispute yr. 1876; #427; CF 26

SCHALLER, KARL Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

SCHALLER, KATHARINA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

SCHALLOWITZ, THERESA Aultman, C., Co., a foreign corporation vs Hanson, Hans C.; Hanson, Emilia, wife of Hans C.; Breier, William; Fliegler, Jacob; Westphal, H.C.; Hartwig, Charles; Ohio Rake Company; Pitts Agricultural Works; Wallich, Charlotte Mortgage Foreclosure cross reference Schallowitz, Theresa; Radtke, August; Ganger, Carl Jr. contains mortgage # 17993 yr. 1890-1891; #2000; CF 47

SCHARDING, JOSEPH Kantrowitz, Gustav A. vs see Joseph Scharding #1533

SCHARM, PETER FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Peter Scharm, Plaintiff. vs. Louise Harter, Defendant. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 27th day of July, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County Wisconsin, held at the court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the said city of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action together with the interest, costs and expenses, to-wit: The South East quarter (1/4) of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number twelve (12) in Township number seventeen (17), north of Range number twenty-one (21), east in said Manitowoc County in the State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 6th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg (sic), Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, August 19, 1875 P. 2 ***** FORECLOSURE SALE. CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Peter Scharm, Plaintiff. vs. Louise Harter, Defendant. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 27th day of July, A.D. 1875, at a regular term of Circuit Court for Manitowoc County Wisconsin, held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the said city of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action together with the interest, costs and expenses, to wit: The South East quarter (1/4), of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number twelve (12), in Township number seventeen (17), north of Range number twenty-one (21), east in said Manitowoc County in the State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 6th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. L.J. Nash, Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2

SCHAUER, (NO NAME) Boehmer vs Schauer yr. 1858; X1028; CF 8

SCHEBAUER, JOHN Kock, Oscar vs. Schebauer, John etal yr. 1856; CF 3

SCHECK, DAVID Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jodah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiffs; AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Freeman, David H. VanValkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action; or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit; -All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145), Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the here editaments and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3

SCHECK, DAVID Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Be?hiac. B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent. Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E.Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiff's, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Trueman, Daive H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall, expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit:-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145) Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereonto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4

SCHECKLER, (NO NAME) Berger, Gottfried Defendant - State of Wis. Plaintiff Scheckler complainant Complainant and defendant are neighbors living between Manitowoc and Two Rivers. Plaintiff helped dfndt's wife during childbirth doing housework and laundry. When plaintiff asked for $4 for pay dfndt threw her out of his house and beat her with laths. he is accused of criminal assault and battery. Dfndt found guilty. yr. 1856; #2036; Box CF 15 FLB

SCHEELE, HENRY Karnik, Joseph (juror) see Scheele, Henry yr. 1889-1890; #1990; CF 47

SCHEELE, HENRY Kaston, Fred see Scheele, Henry yr. 1889-1890; #1990; CF 47

SCHEELE, HENRY Keune, Charles (Scheele, Henry vs) yr. 1888-1890; #1990; CF 47

SCHEETE, JACOB B.R. Anderson vs Jacob Scheete; Schette yr. 1867; CF 7

SCHEFLELS, BENJAMIN Baumback Charles V, Baumback Ernst V, Rosenthal Charles V, Scheflels Benjamin, Sherman Louis, Sherman Eugene, Bruss Rosalie vs Engelbricht J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box CF 45

SCHEIBE, CHRISTIAN (First publication July 17, 1890.) CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. George Baumann, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick Reinke, John Reinke, Christian Scheibe and Carl Engel, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of and pursuant to the judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered in the above entitled action at the general term of said court for the county aforesaid, held at the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, commencing on the 4th day of June, 1889, and which said judgment is dated June 14, 1889, I, the undersigned sheriff of said county, shall, as sheriff aforesaid, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, at the sheriff's office, at the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, on the 30th day of August, 1890, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described real estate directed by said judgment to be sold to satisfy the amount therein adjudged to said plaintiff for principal, inserest (sic) and costs, together with costs of sale, to-wit: all that certain piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, and known and described as lots Nos. one (1), thirteen (13), fourteen; (14), and fifteen, (15), in block No. eight, (8), in the so-called village of Centerville, according to the recorded plat of said village. Dated July 12, 1890. Frank Zeman, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, August 21, 1890 P. 2

SCHEIBE, GUSTAVE First publication Feb. 27, 1896. STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. A.D. Barndt, plaintiff vs August Knoll and Maria Knoll, his wife, George Baumann and Theresa Baumann, his wife, Christ Ehrhardt and Henrietta Ehrhardt, his wife, Alois Kraus and Sophia Kraus, his wife, Gustave Scheibe, the Centerville brewing Company a domestic corporation, Gottlieb Mill, Peter Hoffmann, Frank Boermke, The State Bank of Manitowoc, Froedert Brothers Grain and Malt Company, William Rahr, Reinhardt Rahr, Max Rahr, Charles L. Kiewert, Charles Koss, J.R. Button and August F. Backhaus, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, made and entered in the above entitled action on the 12th day of February, A.D., 1895, the undersigned as sheriff of the county of Manitowoc, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the sheriff's office in the sheriff's residence and jail building in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on Saturday, the 11th day of April, A.D., 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to pay the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in said action for principal, interest, taxes, and costs, the premises described in said judgment, as follows, to-wit: Lots number six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block one (1), in the village of Centerville, in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat of said village, together with all the buildings and brewery plant thereon, and the boiler, engine and all machinery and apparatus in said buildings used in the brewing of beer and manufacturing of malt. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, February 26, A.D., 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff, of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, plaintiff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2

SCHEIER, ELIZABETH Klein, Balzar see Elizabeth Scheier #2291

SCHENFIELD, WENZEL Chloupeck, Wencel, (St. Wis) & John Chloupeck vs Schenfield, Wenzel et al & W. Gachenstal; Emanuel Fierst; George Kreinik; W. Gachenstal, Jr; stole oats and barley from the property yr. 1863; CX2525; CF18

SCHENOHA, JOSEPH SCHENOHA CONVICTED, HE IS SENTENCED TO PRISON FOR FOUR YEARS. In the case of the state against Joseph Schenoha, charged with incest, the jury, last Saturday, after having been out but fifteen minutes, returned a verdict of guilty. Monday morning Schenoha was sentenced to a term of four years in the state's prison, at hard labor. He is to spend one day each year in solitary confinement on a diet of bread and water. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, June 14, 1906 P. 1

SCHEOBE, CHRISTIAN Bauman George, Knoll August, Kraus Allis, Ehrhardt Christian Schube Gustave & Scheobe Christian Building a Brewery (Centerville Brewery) yr. 1889; No. 1874; Box C.F. 45

SCHERER, FREDERIKA Atkins, A.N. & Steel, Chester & White, George C. vs Scherer, Henry; Scherer, Frederika his wife; Suittgen, Margaretta Promissory note yr. 1874; #294; CF 25

SCHERER, HENRY Atkins, A.N. & Steel, Chester & White, George C. vs Scherer, Henry; Scherer, Frederika his wife; Suittgen, Margaretta Promissory note yr. 1874; #294; CF 25

SCHERER, HENRY Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 25th. Henry Scherer vs. F.A. Huebner. Returned to Justice of the Peace for further evidence.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.

SCHERMACK, JOSEPH FORECLOSURE SALE In Circuit Court Manitowoc County, William Burmeister, against John Kregy, Antonie Kregy, his wife, Thomas Koselka and Joseph Schermack. By virtue of a judgement of forclosure and sale in the above entitled action dated, December 21st A.D. 1869, I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village and County of Manitowoc on the 12th day of February A.D. 1870, at ten o'clock A.M. of said day the following described real estate situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin to wit: The east half of the north east quarter of secton eight(8) in township twenty-one(21) north of range twenty-four(24) east, situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. P. Mulholland, Sheriff Geo. N. Woodin, Attorney for Plaintiff Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc Wis., this 27th day of December 1869

SCHERMETZER, STEPHEN Andres, Jacob and Schermetzer, Stephen & Catherine etal son of Joseph in Town of Franklin deceased 8 July 1870 regarding estate of Joseph Andres yr. 1877; #806A; CF 31

SCHETTE, (NO NAME) B.R. Anderson vs Jacob Scheete; Schette yr. 1867; CF 7

SCHETTELS, BENJAMIN Breslaver, Abraham; Ready, James; Baumback, Charles V.; Baumback, Ernst V.; Rosenthal, Ferdinand; Schettels, Benjamin; Sherman, Louis; Sherman, Eugene; Bruss Rosoli v.s. Engelbright J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box C.F. 45

SCHEUER, JOSEPH Beals, E. Frank vs Joseph Scheuer yr. 1891; 2099; CF 48

SCHILLER, PETER Junk John & Wife Catherine & Rothschild Henry Deft. Schiller, Peter Pltf. yr. 1889; #1651; CF 43

SHIMEK, JOSEPH BARBER BOARD AFTER HIM. Cooperstown Man May Have to Abandon One Source of Revenue. Joseph Shimek, of Cooperstown, is the first Manitowoc county artist of the razor and shears to fall under the displeasure of the State Board of Barber Examiners, having been summoned to appear for examination at Marinette last week. Shimek conducts a shoe repair shop and on Saturdays adds to his wealth by manipulating the razor and shears for the Cooperstown resident. In some manner the state board became informed that Shimek was without a license and he was served with the notice to appear and explain. Having little knowledge of the tonsorial art, Shimek was loath to respond but recognizing that unless he did he would be liable to arrest, he made the trip to Marinette and now awaits the report of the board as to whether he is to be permitted to continue practice. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, February 29, 1904 P. 2

SCHIMMEL, (NO NAME) Entringer - Schimmel yr. 1876; #680; CF30

SCHIMMEL, FRED Klug, Augusta Mother; Klug, John Deceased Father Children: Johanna 14 yrs.; Caroline age 12; William age 10; Augusta age 8; Albert age 6; Henry age 4; Bertha age 1 Sale of Land Guardian Schimmel, Fred yr. 1881; #1707; CF43

SCHIMMEL, NICHOLAS Entringer, John vs Schimmel, Nicholas Money owed for erection, work & labor of building. Town of Two Rivers yr. 1876; #680; CF30

SCHINDLER, (NO NAME) Duenow (vs) Schindler; Schloeter; Schmidt yr. 1878; #716; CF30

SCHINDLER, CHRISTINA Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

SCHINDLER, EDWARD Deunow ? Deno, Fredric vs Schindler, Edward; Schmidt, Henry & Schloeter?, Anton Money settelment.(sic) yr. 1878; #716; CF30

SCHINDLER, HENRY Derler, John Adam & Derler, Katharina vs Derler, Magdalena (widow of Conrad Derler) & John Derler, sole child of Conrad Derler Dispute over maintenace land Conrad Derler was a son of ? plaintiffs He d 8 June 1884 leaving a 2 yr old son Other ch of pl: Katharina Schaller, wife of Karl; Mary Daendinger, wife of Frank; Magdalena Derler [2]; Christina Schindler, wife of Henry; John Derler (2); Rosa Derler; Karolina Happle, wife of John B.; Gregor Derler; Agatha Derler yr. 1885; #1470; CF40

SCHIVARTZ, ALIRAM Klockner, Henry vs Aliram Sohivartz & David Baelcarski Plaintiff, 71, lives in TR has a son living in Mtwc and a son-in-law named Mr. Ratz Plntf left money in office of Defnt and is suing for return yr. 1901; #3764; CF59

SCHLEI, GUSTAVE In county Court, Manitowoc County. in the Matter of the Estate of Henry Rathke, Insane. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to license to him duly granted, the undersigned as general guardian of the estate of the above named Henry Rathke, insane, will, on the 18th day of August, 1919, at nine o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the county judge, at the court house, in the city of Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell the following described real estate, to-wit: A parcel of land described as follows: Commencing Forty seven (47) rods, eleven (11) feet south of the North East corner of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of Section No. Twenty Two (22), Township No. Twenty-one (21) North of Range No. Twenty-two (22) East, thence running due West Two Hundred Fourteen (214) feet, Six (6) inches; thence due South One Hundred Twenty (120) feet; thence due East Two Hundred Fourteen (214) feet Six (6) inches; thence due North One Hundred Twenty (120) feet to point of beginning. Terms of sale, cash. (Signed) Gustave Schlei, Guardian of Henry Rathke, Insane. Manitowoc Post, Thursday, August 14, 1919 P. 16

SCHLICHTING, ELISA W. (First publication June 15, 1882.) SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Elisa W. Schlichting, plaintiff, versus Helena Belitz, widow of Henry F. Belitz, deceased, Helen Blitz, Eliza Hoyer, William Belitz, Alfred Belitz, Clara Belitz, Tomy Belitz and Arthur Belitz, heirs of Henry F. Belitz, deceased, Rudolph Weise, Henry Stoever, Adolph Masch, Emil Jensen, Charles Stein, Louis Stein, Allen Johnson, F. Helgin & Son, Thomas Carus, C. Bruss, Frank Gule, Joseph Keller, Anthony Dahlman, Charles Heins, Henry Gares, William Sievert, Charles Meyer and Henry Endiris, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day February, A.D., 1881, in the above named court, at a special term thereof, in the above named court, at a special term thereof, held at the court house in the city of Fond du Lac, in Fond du Lac, in Fond du Lac county, Wis., on the 14th day of February, A.D. 1881, and docketed in the clerk's office in the city of Manitowoc, Wis., on the 3d day of March, A.D., 1881, I shall, on the 29th day of July, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to-wit: the undivided one-half of the north-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section number thirty (30), township number seventeen (17) north, of range number twenty-one (21) east, containing forty (40) acres of land (according to government survey) in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Dated June 14th, 1882. M.H. Murphy. Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wis. J.E. McMullen, Plff's Atty. Manitowoc Pilot, June 29, 1882 P. 2 ***** (First publication June 15, 1882.) SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COUR:-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Elisa W. Schlichting, plaintiff, versus Helena Belitz, widow of Henry F. Belitz, deceased, Helen Belitz, Eliza Hoyer, William Belitz, Alfred Belitz, Clara Belitz, Tomy Belitz and Arthur Belitz, heirs of Henry F. Belitz, deceased, Rudolph Weise, Henry Stoever, Adolph Masch, Emil Jensen, Charles Stein, Louis Stein, Allen Johnson, F. Helgin & Son, Tomas Carus, C. Bruss, Frank Gule, Joseph Keller, Anthony Dahlman, Charles Heins, Henry Gares, William Sievert, Charles Meyer and Henry Endiris, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day of February, A.D., 1881, in the above named court, at a special term thereof, held at the court house in the city of Fond du Lac, in Fond du Lac county, Wis., on the 14th day of February, A.D. 1881, and docketed in the clerk's office in the city of Manitowoc, Wis., on the 3d day of March, A.D, 1881, I shall, on the 29th day of July, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to-wit: the undivided one-half of the north-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section number thirty (30), township number seventeen (17) north, of range number twenty-one (21) east, containing forty (40) acres of land (according to government survey) in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Dated June 14th, 1882. M.H. Murphy. Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wis. J.E. McMullen, Pllf's Atty. Manitowoc Pilot, July 20, 1882 P. 2

SCHLICHTING, ERNST W. (First publication June 26, 1884.) IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Ernst W. Schlichting, plaintiff, vs. Jacob Hartmann, Pauline Hartmann his wife, Barbara Gilbert (called Bertha Gilbert in the summons in this action), Charles Wolf, Anna Jantz, Christian Jantz her husband and George Ranck, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action by the above named court at the January, A.D., 1883, general term of said court for Manitowoc county, and dated on the 18th day of June, A.D., 1883, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on Saturday, the 9th day of August, A.D. 1884, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to raise the amount due to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, to-wit: The south-east quarter of the north-west quarter, and the east twenty and 34-100 acres of the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter, all in section No. thirty-one in township No. twenty, north of range No. twenty-two east, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin; also the south-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section No. thirty-one in township No. twenty, north, of range No. twenty-two east, in said county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Date, Manitowoc, Wis. June 23, 1884. John Bibinger, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. Schmitz & Kirwan and Nash & Nash, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, July 3, 1884 P. 2

SCHLICHTING, H. Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SCHLIES, MARY *Boor, Simon etal Boor, Dorothea vs Schlies, Thomas; Schlies etal Mary * also called John Boor Simon is 77, Dorothea is 75 Thomas Schlies is Simon Boor's grson dispute over failure to fulfill maintenance agreement yr. 1879; #991; CF 34

SCHLIES, THOMAS *Boor, Simon etal Boor, Dorothea vs Schlies, Thomas; Schlies etal Mary * also called John Boor Simon is 77, Dorothea is 75 Thomas Schlies is Simon Boor's grson dispute over failure to fulfill maintenance agreement yr. 1879; #991; CF 34

SCHLOETER, (NO NAME) Duenow (vs) Schindler; Schloeter; Schmidt yr. 1878; #716; CF30

SCHLOETER, ANTON Deunow ? Deno, Fredric vs Schindler, Edward; Schmidt, Henry & Schloeter?, Anton Money settelment.(sic) yr. 1878; #716; CF30

SCHMALFUSS, RUDOLPH Knapwurst, William (Rudolph Schmalfuss vs) (three case files) yr. 1876; #248; CF24

SCHMIDT, (NO NAME) Duenow (vs) Schindler; Schloeter; Schmidt yr. 1878; #716; CF30

SCHMIDT, ANNA Eberhardt, Henry vs Schmidt, Anna et al widow of John Promissory note and legality of selling promises yr. 1886; #1543; CF42

SCHMIDT, AUGUST (First publication May 7, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Martin Schmidt, plaintiff, vs. August Goethke and Mary Goethke, his wife, Christian H. Goethke, J.C. Lehmkuhl, W.F. Dicke, August Schmidt, Albert Michal and Henry Goethke, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 17th day of April, A.D. 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the county jail building, at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Wednesday the 24th day of June, 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiff for principal, interest and cost, together with the expenses of said judgment, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and describe in said judgment as follows to-wit: The east half (E. 1/2) of the south east quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section No. Thirteen (13) Township No. Eighteen (18), North of Range No. Twenty two (22) East, containing Eighty (80) acres of land more or less. Dated May 7, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff, of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Baensch & Chloupek, plaintiff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 18, 1896 P. 2

SCHMIDT, AUGUST Behnke, C.W. vs Schmidt, August Financial dispute yr. 1897; #3326; CF 55

SCHMIDT, AUGUST C & NW RR (Schmidt, August vs) yr. 1902; #3406; CF 65

SCHMIDT, CARL Deja, Anna; Deja, Anna; Deja, Andrew Defendants Schroeder, Carl Plaintiff Carl Schmidt desires to foreclose on a mortgage for land that he sold John Deja husband of Anna. John died after purchase. Court refused foreclosure when it was shown that Anna Deja was keepin (sic) up the terms of the agreement. I believe that the second Anna and the Andrew listed as defendants were children of John and Anna Deja. yr. 1878; #1848; CF14

SCHMIDT, CARL Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 25th. Carl Schmidt vs John Voelker, Referred to James Anderson.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.

SCHMIDT, CARL H. Berner, Emilie vs Schmidt, Carl H. yr. 1870; #14; CF 22

SCHMIDT, CHARLES Feldsien, Henry vs Schmidt, Charles Slander yr. 1874; #332; CF25

SCHMIDT, ELIZABETH IN PROBATE-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Schmidt deceased. On reading and filing the Petition of Henry Oberbilly, of Centerville Manitowoc county representing among other things that Elizabeth Schmidt late of Eaton, in said County on the 10th day of September A.D., 1875 at Eaton in said County, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is the Brother-in-law of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Dominicus Schnider (sic) granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 18th day of October, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock A.M. at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at the City of Manitowoc in said County. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Dated Manitowoc, Wis., the 13th day of September A.D.,1875. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2

SCHMIDT, HENRY Deunow ? Deno, Fredric vs Schindler, Edward; Schmidt, Henry & Schloeter?, Anton Money settelment.(sic) yr. 1878; #716; CF30

SCHMIDT, JOACHIM (First publication March 29, 1883.) No. 24 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY OF MANITOWOC.-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, March 26, A.D., 1883 In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Joachim Schmidt, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Joachim Schmidt, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office: and whereas application has been made by August Goldenstedt, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state, and that letters of administration with the will of said deceased annexed be issued thereon as provided by law to Ferdinand Goldensted: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 24th day of April, A.D., 1883, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. G A Forrest, Attorney, Manitowoc Pilot, April 12, 1883 P. 2


SCHMIDT, JOHN Eberhardt, Henry vs Schmidt, Anna et al widow of John Promissory note and legality of selling promises yr. 1886; #1543; CF42

SCHMIDT, JOHN COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. 23-In re estate of John Schmidt, deceased; order entered for proof of will. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

SCHMIDT, JOHN JR. Blackmann, Fred Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff dfndt accused of assault upon John Schmidt Jr, during a horserace which Schmidt was winning. Race was run on a town road in town of Michicott yr. 1867; #2004; Box CF 15 FLB

SCHMIDT, MARTIN Behrringer, John vs Schmidt, Martin Wages due yr. 1877; #498; CF 27

SCHMIDT, MARTIN (First publication May 7, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Martin Schmidt, plaintiff, vs. August Goethke and Mary Goethke, his wife, Christian H. Goethke, J.C. Lehmkuhl, W.F. Dicke, August Schmidt, Albert Michal and Henry Goethke, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 17th day of April, A.D. 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the county jail building, at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Wednesday the 24th day of June, 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiff for principal, interest and cost, together with the expenses of said judgment, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and describe in said judgment as follows to-wit: The east half (E. 1/2) of the south east quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section No. Thirteen (13) Township No. Eighteen (18), North of Range No. Twenty two (22) East, containing Eighty (80) acres of land more or less. Dated May 7, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff, of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Baensch & Chloupek, plaintiff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 18, 1896 P. 2

SCHMIDT, MATHIAS Crosby W. Ellis vs Mathias Schmidt et al yr. 1859; X1582; CF12

SCHMIDT, W. Breu, George (Tillson, P.S. & Schmidt, W.) 11 Nov. 1885 Promissory note by Breu. yr. 1885; #1499; CF 42

SCHMIDT, WM. Dahlmann, Anthony vs Schmidt, Wm. et al yr. 1880; #1125; CF36

(First publication Feb. 2, 1882.)
Anthony Dahlman, plaintiff, against William Schmidt, and Mina Schmidt, his wife, defendants.
By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action, on the 17th day of January, A.D., 1881, in the above named court, at a general term thereof, begun and held at the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 10th day of January, A.D., 1881; I shall on the 18th day of March, A.D., 1882, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Sheriff's Office in the court house,in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, to-wit: Lots number four (4) and five (5), of block number seven (7), in the village of Neshoto, of the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat of said village.
Dated January 27th, A.D., 1882.
M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis.
Johnson, Reitbrock & Halsey, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Manitowoc Pilot, February 23, 1882 P. 2

SCHMITT, ANNA (First publication March 17, 1887.) STATE OF WISCONSIN,-IN CIRCUIT COURT MANITOWOC COUNTY. Henry Eberhardt, plaintiff, vs. Anna Schmitt, widow of John Schmitt, late of Manitowoc county deceased, and John Schmitt, Kaharina Schmitt, Joseph Schmitt, Nicolaus Schmitt, Mathias Schmitt, children and heirs at law of said deceased and Anna Josephine Roeder, grand child of said deceased, defendants. By virtue of a judgment of a foreclosure and sale in the above entitled action dated the 25th day of June, A.D., 1886, and docketed July 23rd A.D., 1886, I shall at public auction sell the mortgaged premises in said judgment and hereinafter described, at the sheriff's office in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, on the 29th day of April, A.D., 1887, at 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, to satisfy said judgment with interest and costs of sale. The premises to be sold are describe in said judgment as follows, to-wit: The North-east quarter of the South-east quarter and also the North half of the South-east quarter of the South-east quarter in Section No. Twenty-Seven, Township No. Nineteen north, of Range No. Twenty-three east, in Manitowoc county, State of Wisconsin, containing sixty acres of land more or less. Dated March 16, 1887. John Bolen, Sheriff Manitowoc county, Wis. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, April 7, 1887 P. 2

SCHMITZ, (NO NAME) CF30 719 Feldsein Aleff 1877 CF29 624 Ficke 1876

SCHMITZ, A.J. Kersten, Henry vs Reseberg W.C.; Schmitz A.J.; Stoll Henry; Kerwin M. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1888; Case No. 1672; Box CF 43

SCHMITZ, A.J. Kerwin M; Schmitz A.J.; Stoll Henry Kersten, Henry vs Reseberg W.C. Premises sold at public auction yr. 1888; Case No. 1672; Box CF 43

SCHMITZ, CARL THE STATE OF WISCONSIN,-CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Carl Schmitz, plaintiff, versus Albert Pukropp and Catharina Pukropp his wife, Heinrich Schmitz, Adam Weber and Sabina D. Weber his wife, Ludwig Groelle, Hans Lavesson and Catharine Weber, defendants. The State of Wisconsin to the said defendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is here with served upon you. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Attys. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. To the above named defendants, Albert Pukropp and Catharine Pukropp his wife and Hans Lavesson: Take notice, that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the clerk of said circuit court at the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin on the 11th day of December, 1884. Dated December 11th, 1884. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Attys. Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, December 11, 1884 P. 2

SCHMITZ, HEINRICH THE STATE OF WISCONSIN,-CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Carl Schmitz, plaintiff, versus Albert Pukropp and Catharina Pukropp his wife, Heinrich Schmitz, Adam Weber and Sabina D. Weber his wife, Ludwig Groelle, Hans Lavesson and Catharine Weber, defendants. The State of Wisconsin to the said defendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is here with served upon you. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Attys. P.O. Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. To the above named defendants, Albert Pukropp and Catharine Pukropp his wife and Hans Lavesson: Take notice, that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the clerk of said circuit court at the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin on the 11th day of December, 1884. Dated December 11th, 1884. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiff's Attys. Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, December 11, 1884 P. 2

SCHNEIDER, ADAM STATE OF WISCONSIN Manitowoc County Probate office, February 1st, A.D. 1870. In the matter of the proof of Probate of the last will and testimony of Adam Schneider deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc-- Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Adam Schneider, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office and whereas application has been made by Elizabeth Schneider, praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State. Therefore it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the Village of Manitowoc, in said County, on the 28th day of February, A.D. 1870 at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said Will of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said County, for three consecutive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court. W.W. Waldo, County Judge.

SCHNEIDER, ANNA (First publication Sept. 16, 1897.) State of Wisconsin-County Court for Manitowoc County. In the matter of the estate of Anna Schneider, incompetent. On reading and filing the petition of J.D. Schneider, guardian of Anna Scheider (sic), incompetent, representing among other things, that his said ward is seized of certain real estate therein described, and that it is necessary that the same be sold for the purpose of providing for the care and maintenance of the said ward, and praying for license to sell the same. It is ordered: That said petition be heard at a special term of said county court, to be held in and for said county, at the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, on Tuesday the 12th day of October, 1897, at ten o'clock A.M. It is further ordered: That notice be given to the next of kin and heirs apparent or presumptive of the said ward, by publication of this order, at least three successive weeks before the day of such hearing, in the Manitowoc Post, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Dated September 11, 1897. By the Court, J.S. Anderson, County Judge. Baensch & Chloupek, Attorneys Manitowoc Post, Thursday, September 23, 1897 P. 16

SCHNEIDER, ANNA In County Court-Manitowoc County-In Probate. GUARDIAN'S SALE. In the matter of the estate of Anna Schneider, incompetent. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 12th day of October, A.D. 1897, by the County Court of said county, the undersigned, as guardian of Anna Schneider, incompetent, will, on Friday, the 26th day of November, A.D. 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of Hon. W.W. Albers, in the town of Centerville, in said County, offer for sale at public venue the following described lands, to wit: The sw 1/4 of the se 1/4 and the nw 1/4 of the se 1/4, all in Section 21, Township 17, Range 23, in Manitowoc County. The terms are 5 per cent. down and balance on delivery of deed. Dated Centerville, the 27th day of October, A.D. 1897. J.D. Schneider, Guardian. Baensch & Chloupek, Attys. Manitowoc Post, Monday, November 4, 1897 P. 8

SCHNEIDER, FREDERICK Emerson, Lyman vs Schneider, Frederick Foreclosure yr. 1881; #1177; CF36

SCHNEIDER, GOTTLEIB SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT MANITOWOC COUNTY. Gottleib Schneider, Plaintiff Against, Martin Wollenburg and Amelia Wollenberg his wife Defendants. By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin upon a judgment rendered in said court and county on the 24th day of April A.D. 1874. In favor of Gottlieb Schneider Plaintiff and against Martin Wollenberger (sic) and Amelia Wollenberg, his wife, Defendants. I have levied upon all the right title and interest which said Defendants had of in and to the following described property which they had prior to the conveyance of said land made by said Defendants on the 4th day of March, A.D. 1874 to one William Wollenberg to-wit: The west half of the Northwest quarter of Section No. twelve (12) Township No. nineteen (19) North of Range No. twenty-two (22) East, situated and being in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Which said property I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at my office in the Court House in the city of Manitowoc Wisconsin on the 12th day of December A.D. 1874 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated Sheriffs office this 29th day of October 1874. H.D. Smart, Sheriff; Manitowoc County. Green & Nash Plaintiffs Attorney. The above sale is hereby postponed until the 26 day of December, A.D. 1874 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Sheriff's office in the Court House in the city of Manitowoc. R.D. Smart, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, December 17, 1874 P. 2

SCHNEIDER, J.D. (First publication Sept. 16, 1897.) State of Wisconsin-County Court for Manitowoc County. In the matter of the estate of Anna Schneider, incompetent. On reading and filing the petition of J.D. Schneider, guardian of Anna Scheider (sic), incompetent, representing among other things, that his said ward is seized of certain real estate therein described, and that it is necessary that the same be sold for the purpose of providing for the care and maintenance of the said ward, and praying for license to sell the same. It is ordered: That said petition be heard at a special term of said county court, to be held in and for said county, at the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, on Tuesday the 12th day of October, 1897, at ten o'clock A.M. It is further ordered: That notice be given to the next of kin and heirs apparent or presumptive of the said ward, by publication of this order, at least three successive weeks before the day of such hearing, in the Manitowoc Post, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Dated September 11, 1897. By the Court, J.S. Anderson, County Judge. Baensch & Chloupek, Attorneys Manitowoc Post, Thursday, September 23, 1897 P. 16

SCHNEIDER, J.D. In County Court-Manitowoc County-In Probate. GUARDIAN'S SALE. In the matter of the estate of Anna Schneider, incompetent. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license, made in said matter, on the 12th day of October, A.D. 1897, by the County Court of said county, the undersigned, as guardian of Anna Schneider, incompetent, will, on Friday, the 26th day of November, A.D. 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of Hon. W.W. Albers, in the town of Centerville, in said County, offer for sale at public venue the following described lands, to wit: The sw 1/4 of the se 1/4 and the nw 1/4 of the se 1/4, all in Section 21, Township 17, Range 23, in Manitowoc County. The terms are 5 per cent. down and balance on delivery of deed. Dated Centerville, the 27th day of October, A.D. 1897. J.D. Schneider, Guardian. Baensch & Chloupek, Attys. Manitowoc Post, Monday, November 4, 1897 P. 8

SCHNEIDER, LOUIS Birkle, Katie vs Schneider, Louis etal Trespass ruined her garden, tore her fence down, tore her door & windows out, tore her roof off li in St. Nazianz She got $10.00 plus costs yr. 1893; #2251; CF 50

SCHNEIDER, PETER Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SCHNEIDER, WM. Eggers, Frank (Schneider, Wm. assignment to) yr. 1893; #2203; CF49

SCHNITZER, JULIANA NOTICE TO CREDITORS. First Publication July 29th 1886. IN PROBATE-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Juliana Shnitzer, deceased. To All Whom It May Concern: Letters of administration on said estate of Juliana Shnitzer having been issued to Joseph Thalhammer on the 26th day of May, A.D., 1886, and six months from and after the 22nd day of July 1886 being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examinations and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the first Tuesdays of October and December 1886 and on the 25th day of January 1887 at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc in said County, receive, examine, and adjust all claims, and Demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated July 22nd, 1886. Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attorneys. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, August 5, 1886 P. 5

SCHNORR, FRANZ (First publication June 30, 1887.) IN CIRCUIT COURT,-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Franz Schnorr, Plaintiff, vs. Patrick H. Lyons, Mary A. Lyons his wife, John Bibinger, Michael Quirk, John O'Loughlin, Peter Comer and Thomas Savage, Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in the above entitled action on the 23rd day of June, 1886. The subscriber, a referee, for that purpose duly appointed, will sell at the north door of the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on Saturday the 13th day of August, A.D., 1887, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day the real estate directed to be sold by said judgment and therein described as follows: The south-east quarter of the north-west quarter and north-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section number twenty-two (22) township number nineteen (19), north of range number twenty-two (22) east, containing eighty acres of land more or less according to public survey, and lying and being in the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. Dated June 28th, 1887. H.L. Markham, Referee. J.D. Markham, Attorney for Plaintiff, Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, June 30, 1887 P. 2

SCHOCH, CHRISTIAN Burgardt, Sebastian (Pankratz, George etal & Christian Schoch vs) Payment for lumber furnished. yr. 1875; #502; CF 27

SCHOCK, (NO NAME) Bonn vs Schock yr. 1864; X1037; CF 8

SCHOLLERN, BRUNO Jones, Frank vs. Schollern, Bruno drug business dispute yr. 1880; #1043; CF 34

SCHORREMANN, AUGUST Kessner, Joseph vs Schorremann, August money owed yr. 1881; #1193; CF 36

SCHOWE, MARIA Fait, Stephan (Schowe, Maria (St. Wis) vs) Assault & Battery yr. 1874; CX2612; CF19

SCHRAGE, PHILIP (First publication March 27, 1890.) STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Charles E. Spindler, Plaintiff, vs. Dietrich Roepke, Anna Roepke his wife, Carl Friederichs, A.J. Endries, Wenzel Smazel, The Rand & Roemer Hardware Company a domestic corporation, William Meyer, Philip Schrage, C.A. Gielow, and William Hemschemeyer, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered in the above entitled action at a general term of said court for said county held in the court house in the city of Manitowoc in said county commencing on the 4th day of June 1890, the undersigned as sheriff of said county, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the sheriff's office in the court house, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on Saturday the 10th day of May A.D., 1890 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to pay the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest taxes and costs, all the premises described in said judgment, as follows to-wit: all that part of the west half of the south-east quarter, of section thirty-four in township nineteen north of range twenty-three east, in the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin bounded as follows: Beginning at the south east corner of said tract and running thence north on the 1-16 line to a certain point or stake in the center line of the so called Green Bay Road on a true variation 4 degrees 15 minutes east, a distance of 9 85-100 chains, thence running on a true variation south 50 degrees west on the center line of said road to a certain stake therein, a distance of 4 50-100 chains, thence running on a true variation of north 77 degrees west to the bank of the millpond, a distance of 6 30-100 chains, thence across said mill pond on same variation a distance of two 70-100 chains, thence running on same variation a distance of 50-100 chains to a certain stake, thence running on a true variation of south 4 degrees 30 minutes west to bank of the mill pond, a distance of one 20-100 chains, thence running same variation across the mill pond a distance of 55-100 chains, thence running on same variation a distance of 50-100 chains to an iron post, thence running on a true variation of south 77 degrees west to a post a distance of one 75-100 chains thence running on a true variation of south .05 degrees east to a certain stake on the town line 4 50-100 chains east of the south quarter post of said section No. thirty-four a distance of one 55-100 chains, thence running on a true variation of 4 degrees 15 minutes east on said town line to the place of beginning a distance of fifteen 50-100 chains containing eleven 50-100 acres of land, and another tract of land beginning at a certain point or stake in the town line 5 98-100 chains east of the north quarter post of Section No. three (3) in township No. eighteen (18) north of Range No. twenty-three (23) east in said county and state, and running thence on a true variation of south 5 degrees east to a certain point or stake a distance of two 50-100 chains thence running east parallel to said town line to a certain stake a distance of 14 2-100 chains, thence running north on a true variation 4 degrees 15 minutes east to a certain stake one 48-100 chains east of the place of the beginning of the land first herein before described a distance of 2 50-100 chains and west on said town line to the place of beginning, a distance of 14 2-100 chains containing three 50-100 acres of land, in all fifteen acres of land, on which said described tracts of land the so called Roepke's Flour mill, Saw mill, a small Dwelling and a Granary are situated, with all the tools and machinery belonging to said mills. And all that part of the south-west quarter and that part of the east half of the south-east quarter of said section thirty-four (34) which is covered by the water of the so called Silver Lake and Silver Creek from shore to shore at high water mark, including the whole of said Silver Lake with the island therein and said Silver Creek with the right to keep and maintain a mill dam across Silver Creek at its present highth of 12 feet head, together with all other water privileges and franchises thereunto belonging, including the right and privilege of fishing on said lake, and boating thereon, subject only to the privileges granted on said Silver Lake and Creek to the owner, occupant or mortgagee of the west half of the north half of the north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of said section. Dated at Manitowoc, Wis., March 19, 1890. Frank Zeman, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wis. Schmitz & Kirwan, Pltiff's Atty. Manitowoc Pilot, April 17, 1890 P. 1

SCHREIBER, EDWARD/HEINRICH/MARIA STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In County Court. In the matter of the application of Josephine Aleff, to determine the descent of certain real estate and lands of which it is said Edward Schreiber, Heinrich Christian Schreiber and Maria Schreiber died seized of, or may have died seized of. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court upon reading and filing the verified petition of Josephine Aleff born Schreiber, made under the provisions of chapter 166a Wis. State. 1898, as amended, that she is a sister and the now only surviving heir at law of Edward Schreiber, who was in the month of July, 1889, a resident of said county and state, and who left his home at that time, and has never been heard of or from, although diligent inquiry and effort in that direction has been made and exercised by his parents, Heinrich Christian Schreiber and Maria Schreiber, who are now dead; That Edward Schreiber, a presumption of whose death arose as a matter of law from his long continued absence, that is, for more than seven years, without having been heard of or from, although diligent effort and inquiry to ascertain his whereabouts have been made, was seized of the certain lands situated in said county, describes as the north half of the north half of the west half of the northwest quarter of section 25, township 20 North, range 24 East; That if said Edward Schreiber died at any time prior to Janury (sic) 1, 1908, the date at which his father, Heinrich Christian Schreiber died, or in the lifetime of his mother, who died on March 20, 1902, then that he left him surviving no child or children or child or children of a deceased child, or widow, or other heir at law, other than his father and mother, or the survivor of them, as the case might be; That the father and mother of said Edward Schreiber, Heinrich Christian Schreiber and Maria Schreiber, parents of petitioner, both died intestate, leaving no personal property in this state, which would be proper assets in the hands of an administrator for the payment of debts; That at the time of the arising of the legal presumption of the death of Edward Schreiber, he left no personal property in this state known to petitioner, which would be proper assets in the hands of an administrator for the payment of debts, after six months from and after the time at which such presumption of death arose, and that a presumption of his death intestate is also given rise to by the same circumstances, and that by reason of the premises stated in the verified petition of said Josephine Aleff, she is now the owner of said lands in fee simple entitled to judgment of descent and heirship, provided for in and by chapter 166a Wis. Stat. 1898. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the aforesaid petition of Josephine Aleff, be heard at a regular term of this, the county court of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, at the county court rooms in the court house in the city of Manitowoc, in said county and state, on the first Tuesday, being the 7th day of December, 1909, at 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, and that petitioner cause notice of such hearing to be given by publication of a copy of this order in the Manitowoc Pilot, once in each week for at least three successive weeks, as provided in section 4045 Wis. Stat. 1898, and by personal service of a copy of this order and the aforesaid verified petition upon said Josephine Aleff born Schreiber, the now only heir at law of said Edward Schreiber, Heinrich Christian Schreiber and Maria Schreiber, all as provided for in and by section 3878C Wis. Stat. 1898. Dated this 23rd day of September, 1909. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, October 14, 1909 P. 4

SCHREIHART, J.P. Bohn Manufacturing Company, a foreign corporation vs Reif, Anton E.; Reif, Lewis C.; Kiel, Henry; Stamback, Mathas(sic) & Nikolai, Peter; Hamacheck, Julius To recover balance of payment on promissory note (went to Supreme Court) re lumber & purchase of a mill - Mellen, Wis. Plummer, Wis. - inventory p. 107 (117?)-n4(n9?) Bills of sale #932a & 1051 are included in the documents & various spellings (other side of card) Cross references made Reif Lumber & Mfg Co; Rogan, John R.; Seeger, John A.; Krainik, John; Munch, Emil C.; Bohn, Gebhardt; Bohn, George W. (Jury) Daleiden, Peter; Cummings, Wm.; Connell, James; Martens, Henry; Sullivan, James; Stephani, Charles; Schreihart, J.P.; Duecker, C.A.; Judge, John; Gustaveson, Herman; Bagignich(?), Fred; Schroeder Albert Allen, Rufus; Allen, George W.; Allen, William; Whitcomb, Cyrus; (Schroeder, Albert vs) Estate settelment(sic) yr. Aug. 1901; no 3809; Box H CF 60

SCHREYDER, ALBERT (First publication June 8, 1882.) SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT:-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Henry Weidenkamp, plaintiff, versus Albert Schreyder, Joseph Schreyder, Catherine Schreyder, Henry Schmidt, August Koeser and Carl Schwab, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 19th day of May, 1881, in the above named court, at a special term thereof held at the court house in the city and county of Sheboygan on the 18th day of April, 1881, and docketed on the 26th day of May, 1881, in the clerk's office in the county of Manitowoc, I shall on the 22d day of July, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the sheriff's office in the court house, in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal,interest and cost, to-wit: The west one-half (1/2) of the north-east quarter (1/4) of section thirty-four (34), town No. twenty-one (21), range twenty four (24) in said Manitowoc county and state of Wisconsin. Dated June 7th, A.D., 1882. M.H. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. H.G. & W.J. Turner, Plaff's Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, June 29, 1882 P. 2

SCHROEDER, BERTHA Cashman, John vs Schroeder, Bertha yr. 1891; #2992; CF 48 or CF 49

SCHROEDER, CARL Deja, Anna; Deja, Anna; Deja, Andrew Defendants Schroeder, Carl Plaintiff Carl Schmidt desires to foreclose on a mortgage for land that he sold John Deja husband of Anna. John died after purchase. Court refused foreclosure when it was shown that Anna Deja was keepin (sic) up the terms of the agreement. I believe that the second Anna and the Andrew listed as defendants were children of John and Anna Deja. yr. 1878; #1848; CF14

SCHROEDER, CARL COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In re estate of Carl Schroeder, deceased; petition for administration; order for appointment and bond of Mary Schroeder as special administratrix; inventory filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1

SCHROEDER, CHRISTOF Boehm, August Christof and Dorothea Schroeder seek to have a mortgage recorded by August Boehm removed from the record. The mortgage has been paid but Boehm as(sic) left the Village of Manitowoc and the State of Wisconsin. yr. 1864; #1828; Box CF 14 FLB

SCHROEDER, DOROTHEA Boehm, August Christof and Dorothea Schroeder seek to have a mortgage recorded by August Boehm removed from the record. The mortgage has been paid but Boehm as(sic) left the Village of Manitowoc and the State of Wisconsin. yr. 1864; #1828; Box CF 14 FLB

SCHROEDER, ERNST Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Ernst Schroeder against Lorenz Herkert. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgement rendered in this action on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit: All that part of the west half of Lot number eight in block number two hundred and thirty seven, in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin.- Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3

SCHROEDER, ERNST Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc county Circuit Court, Ernst Schroeder against Lorenz Herkert IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as maybe necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit: All that part of the west half of Lot number eight in block number two hundred and thirty seven, in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 4, 1859 P.4

SCHROEDER, EVELINA Karnofsky, Benedeck (Rankin, Amelia S. vs.) husb. of Evelina, now Schroeder d. 10 Sep. 1896 intest; left widow, Evelina Schroeder & children: Anton, Antoinette, August, Albert, John, Hannah, Bernhard, Lena, Otto, Max 2 Oct 1895 land WD to Benedeck Karnofsky yr. 1903; #3961; CF 63

SCHROEDER, FRED Fehler, George vs Schroeder, Fred Owes money yr. 1875; #426; CF26

SCHROEDER, FREDERICK Barnard, John R. vs Schroeder, Frederick Payment for services rendered yr. 1874; #508; CF 27

SCHROEDER, HENRY Birdsall Col W. & wife Augusta; Lantry, John; Rathsack, William Sr.; & William Jr.; Rathsack, Louis; Olp, Albert; Kraynek, John; Gouder, Carl; and Schroeder, Henry. Schroeder, John; (Nelson, Niles) Collect money owed from lumber. yr. 1894; Case No. 3023; Box No. C.F. 51

SCHROEDER, JOHN Birdsall Col W. & wife Augusta; Lantry, John; Rathsack, William Sr.; & William Jr.; Rathsack, Louis; Olp, Albert; Kraynek, John; Gouder, Carl; and Schroeder, Henry. Schroeder, John; (Nelson, Niles) Collect money owed from lumber. yr. 1894; Case No. 3023; Box No. C.F. 51

SCHROEDER, JOHN P. Bartl, Friederike - (Schroeder, John P. vs) (Estate of Carl Dreker)(deceased) Personal items dispute (unlawful keeping) yr. 1882; #1219; CF 37

SCHROEDER, JOHN P. Dreker, Carl (estate)(Deceased) see Schroeder, John P. Personal items dispute (Unlawful keeping) yr. 1882; #1219; CF37

SCHROEDER, JOHN P. Kast, Wilhelmina (Complainant) (State of Wis. vs. John P. Schroeder) yr. 1891; Cri.376#163; HCF 69

SCHROEDER, MARY COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In re estate of Carl Schroeder, deceased; petition for administration; order for appointment and bond of Mary Schroeder as special administratrix; inventory filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1

SCHRORR, FRANZ Kaufman, Peter vs Schrorr, Franz Seizure or bricks for debt yr. 1879; Case 970; CF 33

SCHROTIR, ROSALIA 6-In re estate of Rosalia Schrotir, deceased:-Last will and testament filed and petition of executrix for probate of will presented. Order entered to hear proof of will on Feb. 7. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4

SCHROTIR, ROSALIA COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Rosalia Schrotir, deceased; Proof of will and certifies of such proof filed; Jos. Sebesta appointed executor. Bond of executor approved. Letter of administration entered. Order entered to hear claims. Notice to creditors filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

SCHUARTZ, ABRAHM State of Wisconsin vs Behm John Burned down a building leased by Schuartz, Abrahm & Balkansky, David Complaintant(sic) Dueno, August yr. 1901; No 338; Box CF 71

SCHUBE, GUSTAVE Bauman George, Knoll August, Kraus Allis, Ehrhardt Christian Schube Gustave & Scheobe Christian Building a Brewery (Centerville Brewery) yr. 1889; No. 1874; Box C.F. 45

SCHUBER, JOHN (First publication March 23, 1882.) No. 29 IN PROBATE,-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of John Schuber, deceased. To all whom it may concern: Letters of administration on said estate having been issued to J.C. McCarty, on the 14th day of March, A.D., 1882, and six months from and after this day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the said court will, on the first Tuesday of each of said six months, and on Tuesday, September 26, 1882, at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated March 20, 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 23, 1882 P. 2

SCHUCHARDT, GEORGE Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

SCHUETTE, JOHN (First publication July 11, 1882.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of F.X. Stauss, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Schuette, administrator, of the estate of said deceased, representing among other things that he has fully administered said estate, and praying that a time and place be fixed for examining and allowing his account of administration filed in this Court and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled thereto. It is ordered that said account be examined and said petition heard by this Court on Tuesday, the 8th day of August, A.D. 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said County. Dated at the city and county of Manitowoc, the 5th day of July, A.D. 1882. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge Estabrook & Walker, Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

SCHUETTE, JOHN COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of Ludwig Sachs, deceased: claims filed; letters of administration issued John Schuette; Order as to claims and notice to creditors issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

SCHUETTE, WILLIAM Chgo & NW RR Co.(Schuette, William vs) Property yr. 1904; CF 64

SCHUETTE, WILLIAM Chgo & Northwestern Railway Co. (Schuette, William vs) Dispute over tracks, building, etc. placement yr. 1903; #3979; CF64

SCHUETTE, WM. C & NW RR (Schuette, Wm. vs) yr. 1902; #3449; CF 65

SCHUETZE, CHARLES F. Bouril, Charles vs Schuetze, Charles F. etal DBA Mtwc cgele(?) Works yr. 1900; #3751; CF 59

SCHULTE, AGNES (First Publication October 17th, 1882.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Agnes Schulte, deceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:-Letters of Administration with will annexed on said estate of Agnes Schulte deceased having been issued to Julius Lindstedt on the 4th day of Oct. A.D., 1882, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the last Tuesday of Feb., and the second Tuesday of April, 1883, at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, receive, examine and adjust all claims, and demands of all persons against said deceased. Dated October, 4th, 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Estabrook & Walker, Attys. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 7, 1882 P.5

SCHULTE, LAMBERT (First publication July 18, 1882.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Lorenz Schulte, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Lambert Schulte, of the Town of Mishicott, representing among other things that Lorenz Schulte, late of town of Mishicott, on the 30th day of May, A.D., 1882, at said town died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is a son of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Julius Lindstedt granted it is ordered that said petition be heard before this Court, on Tuesday, the 15th day of August A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc the 15th day of July, A.D., 1882. R.D.Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4

SCHULTE, LORENZ (First publication July 18, 1882.) IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Lorenz Schulte, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Lambert Schulte, of the Town of Mishicott, representing among other things that Lorenz Schulte, late of town of Mishicott, on the 30th day of May, A.D., 1882, at said town died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is a son of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Julius Lindstedt granted it is ordered that said petition be heard before this Court, on Tuesday, the 15th day of August A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc the 15th day of July, A.D., 1882. R.D.Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4

SCHULTZ, (NO NAME) Denks - Schultz yr. 1876; #748; CF30

SCHULTZ, AUGUST Plaintiff Beers, Charles - Defendant Mtwc. Northern Traction Co. Jury list - Joseph Menne; George Grimm; Joseph Miller; Herman Heinz; August Schulz; Ferd Heyroth; M. O'Connor; Math T?ingen; Frank Link; John Pinger; Math Tischler; Chas Voelker yr. 1903; 3952; CF 63

SCHULTZ, FREDERICK Bear, Frank A. - Schultz, Frederick vs Money owed yr. 1881; 1157A; CF 36

SCHULTZ, GEO. P.J. Blesch vs Geo. Schultz yr. 1873; X1025; CF 7

SCHULTZ, JOHN Denk, Dorothea Husband Henry Denk vs Schultz, John Injury to reputationManitowoc, Co yr. 1877; #748; CF30

SCHULTZ, JOHN W. State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc County, ss. In Probate. County Cours (sic) January 2? A.D. 1857. In the matter of the estate of John W. Schultz, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Catharine Schultz, of the town of Eaton, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, representing, among other things, that said deceased lately died intestate having personal estate within said county to be administered, and praying that she may be appointed administratrix upon said order. It is ordered that said application be heard before me at my office, in the village of Manitowoc on the 22 day of February, A.D. 1857, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice of said application and hearing be given by publishing a copy of this order for three succesive weeks, once in each week, in the Manitowoc Tribune a newspaper printed in said County, prior to said hearing. By the Court, I.H. Parrish County Judge. Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, February 5, 1857 P. 2

SCHULTZ, THEODORE Adams, Phoebe Plaintiff Defendants Schwamkamp, Heinrich; Schultz, Theodore; Jachnig, Ch Plaintiff seeks to recover on a note in amount $200 issued to H.W. Thompson by defendants yr 1859; #1799; Box CF 14 FLB

SCHULZ, JOHN SR. Order for Proof of Will. STATE OF WISCONSIN, County Court for Manitowoc County. In the matter of the estate of John Schulz, Sr., Deceased. In Probate. An Instrument in writing, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of John Schulz, Sr., of town of Cooperstown, in said County, having been delivered into said Court: And David Gordon, of town of Cooperstown in said County, having presented to said Court his petition in writing duly verified, representing, among other things, that said John Schulz, Sr., died testate, at Green Bay, Wis., on the 28th day of September 1910; that said Instrument is the Last Will of said deceased and that said David Gordon is named therein as executor and praying that said Instrument be proven and admitted to Probate and that letters testamentary be thereon issued to David Gordon. It Is Ordered: That said petition and the matters therein be heard, and proofs of said Last Will and Testament be taken, at a Special term of said County Court, to be held at the Probate Office in the city of Manitowoc, on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1910, at 10 o'clock A.M. And It Is Further Ordered: That notice of the time and place of said hearing be given by publication hereof for three successive weeks, once each week, previous to the time of said hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper published in said Manitowoc County. Dated October, 15, 1910. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Nash & Nash Attorneys Manitowoc Pilot, October 20, 1910 P. 4

SCHUMACHER, CHARLES Stockholders, Bauman George, Erhardt Christian, Mill Hugo, Schumacher Charles, Gutsch H.F.A., Kohn Albert, Toepel Charles, President Kraus Alois, Secretary, Mill Hugo. Collect pay for work performed (Jacob Stegman) Centerville Brewing Co. yr. 1894; Case No 3017; Box No. C.F. 51

SCHUPP, JOHN Fehrenbacher, Jos. et al vs Schupp, John et al Financial dispute yr. 1882; #1235; CF37

SCHUPP, JOHN CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1

SCHURCHARDT, GEORGE Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SCHUSTER, THOMAS ORDER FOR PROOF OF WILL. First publication Jan. 6th 1887. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County. ss Probate Office, Manitowoc, December 31st, A.D., 1886. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Schuster, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Thomas Schuster, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Anton Skariwodu, who is named in said Will as the Executor thereof, praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon as provided by law: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 1st day of February, A.D., 1887, at 10 o'clock, A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication of a copy of this order in the Nord-Westen, a newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, Carl H. Schmidt, County Judge. W.A. Walker, Attorney. Der Nord Westen, Thursday, January 13, 1887 P. 5

SCHUTTE, ROBERT 20-In re estate of Robert Schutte, deceased:-Inventory filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4

SCHWAB, JOSEPH Kessmann, G.W. assignee Schwab, Joseph assignor Assignmet of Property yr. 1886; #1521A; CF 42

SCHWALBE, FREDERICH Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. August Fisher against Frederich Schwalbe and Louisa Schwalbe. IN VIRTURE of and pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale rendered in said Court in the above entitled action on the 29th day of October 1859, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in said Manitowoc County on Monday the 13th day of February, 1860, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complainant and in the said Judgment in this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment interest, and costs together with the expenses and costs of sale, to wit: The north east quarter of the north east quarter of section (8) eight, town number (18) eighteen north of range number (21) twenty one, east containing (40) forty acres more or less according to government survey and lying in the said County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. -Sheriff's Office, Nov 7, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. by F. Salomon, Under Sheriff. Crissey & Esslinger, Plaintiffs Attornies. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 11, 1859 P.3

SCHWALBE, LOUISA Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. August Fisher against Frederich Schwalbe and Louisa Schwalbe. IN VIRTURE of and pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale rendered in said Court in the above entitled action on the 29th day of October 1859, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in said Manitowoc County on Monday the 13th day of February, 1860, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complainant and in the said Judgment in this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment interest, and costs together with the expenses and costs of sale, to wit: The north east quarter of the north east quarter of section (8) eight, town number (18) eighteen north of range number (21) twenty one, east containing (40) forty acres more or less according to government survey and lying in the said County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. -Sheriff's Office, Nov 7, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. by F. Salomon, Under Sheriff. Crissey & Esslinger, Plaintiffs Attornies. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 11, 1859 P.3

SCHWAMKAMP, HEINRICH Adams, Phoebe Plaintiff Defendants Schwamkamp, Heinrich; Schultz, Theodore; Jachnig, Ch Plaintiff seeks to recover on a note in amount $200 issued to H.W. Thompson by defendants yr 1859; #1799; Box CF 14 FLB

SCHWARTS, CHR. CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1

SCHWARTZ, SAMUEL John Jentsch is under arrest and will have a trial February 5 on a charge of theft, it being alleged by Samuel Schwartz that Jentsch carried away furs and hides valued at $52.50 from the complainant. In court Jentsch pleaded not guilty and adjournment was had. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, January 28, 1904 P. 1 ******** (Note: This is not from court index, from newspaper)

SCHWARTZ, WILLIAM Eggers, F. Veneer Co. - PTF William Schwartz Co - DFT yr. 1903; #3922; CF63

SCHWEITZER, ANNIE Boll, Mary vs Baumann, Anton* *John Geo. Fantz; Lizette Fantz, his wife; Jacob Schweitzer; Annie Schweitzer his wife; Geo. Baumann yr. 1872; #621; CF 28

SCHWEITZER, JACOB Boll, Mary vs Baumann, Anton* *John Geo. Fantz; Lizette Fantz, his wife; Jacob Schweitzer; Annie Schweitzer his wife; Geo. Baumann yr. 1872; #621; CF 28

SCHWEITZER, JACOB Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 17th. Jacob Schweitzer vs. Wenzel Rappel, Change of venue on account of prejudice.-Sent to Outagamie county.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.

SCINOUT, DR. Eisert, Jos. (State of Wisc. vs.) Also mentioned: Eisert, Conrad; Tragersen, Katharine; Traggersen, John; Nisemann, Dr.; Hahn, Dr.; Brown, Dr.; Scinout, Dr.; Batcone, Dr.; Eisert, Margaret; Eisert, Regina; Ziebert, Ferdinand; Groh, Peter; Herr, Margaret; Adolphs, Regina yr. 1865; CX2702; CF20

SCOFIELD, FRANKLIN O. Campbell, S.M. vs Franklin O. Scofield etal & Mary his wife yr. 1864; X1605; CF 13

SCOFIELD, MARY Campbell, S.M. vs Franklin O. Scofield etal & Mary his wife yr. 1864; X1605; CF 13

SCUDDER, HENRY T. Kersten, Gerhard N. vs Zech, Hieronymous et al Anna Zech; Henry Zech(son); Henry T. Scudder; Anna Wassmer; John C. Kliest (trustee) Money and Property dispute yr. 1902; CF 66

SCUDDER, PRESTISS W. United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6

SEAMAN, S.H. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. Benjamin Jones against Robert Gray, William Aldrich, H.H. Smith, Martin B. Medbury, John W. Medbury, James F. Aldrich, and S.H. Seaman. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to Robert Gray, Wm. Aldrich, H.H. Smith, Martin B. Medbury, John W. Medbury, James F. Aldrich, and S.H. Seaman, defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, a copy of which was on the 19th day of July, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wis., at Manitowoc, and serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber, at Manitowoc, Wis., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer the complaint as aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Wm. M. Nichols, Pltf. Att'y. Manitowoc, Aug. 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3

SEAMAN, S.H. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. Benjamin Jones against Robert Gray, William Aldrich. H.H. Smith, Martin B. Medbury, John W. Medbury, James F. Aldrich, and S.H. Seaman. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to Robert Gray, Wm. Aldrich, H.H. Smith, Martin B. Medbury, John W. Medbury, James F. Aldrich, and S.H. Seaman, defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, a copy of which was on the 19th day of July, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wis, at Manitowoc, and serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber, at Manitowoc, Wis., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer the complaint as aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Wm. M. Nicholas, Pltf. Att'y. Manitowoc, Aug. 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SEAMAN, STEPHEN H. Feldsein, Henry (Seaman, Stephen H. vs) Receivers bond yr. 1863; X2432; CF18

SEBASTA, WENZEL (First publication March 21, 1882.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF MANitowoc (sic).-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, March 17th A.D., 1882. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of Wenzel Sebasta (sic) deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Wenzel Sebasta, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Mathias Sebasta praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the law of this State; and that he be appointed administrator with the will annexed of said estate. Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in Manitowoc, in said County, on Tuesday, the 18th day of April., A.D., 1882, at one o'clock, P.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Lake Shore Times, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 4, 1882 P. 4 ********* (First Publication April 25th, 1882.) STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT of Manitowoc County, In Probate-ss. In the matter of the estate of Wenzel Sebasta (sic) deceased, having been issued to John Sebasta, of the town of Mishicott, in said county, on the 18th day of April, A.D., 1882, and no application having been made for the appointment of Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust claims against said deceased: It is ordered, that six months from and after this date be, and are hereby allowed and limited for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Ordered further, that the claims and demands of all persons against said deceased be received, examined, and adjusted by this Court, at regular terms thereof, to be held at the office of the County Judge, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on the 1st Tuesdays of each month, and on the 24th day of October A.D., 1882, and that notice of the time and place at which said claims and demands may be presented, examined and adjusted as aforesaid, and of the time limited therefor, be given by publication of such notice for four weeks successively, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published in the city of Manitowoc, in said county; the first publication to be within ten days after the date of this order. Dated, April 20th, A.D., 1882. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 4

SEBASTA, WENZEL COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of Wenzel Sebasta, deceased: Inventory filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4

SEBESTA, JOS. COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Rosalia Schrotir, deceased; Proof of will and certifies of such proof filed; Jos. Sebesta appointed executor. Bond of executor approved. Letter of administration entered. Order entered to hear claims. Notice to creditors filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

SECHEIMER, CHRISTIAN COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Geor. Achwald, deceased: claim filed by Christian Secheimer $50.00. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

SECHRIST, ADAM Farwell, John V. et al; Chas. B. Farwell; Willis D. Farwell; John K. Hamm? & Benjamin F. Ray; vs Braasch, Fred et al; Anton Braasch; Adam Sechrist; Sophia C.M. Braasch wf of Frederick yr. 1870; #61; CF22

SECHRIST, JACOB Engel, Chas. & Wilhelmina Engel, his wife. (Sechrist, Jacob vs.) Promissory Note. yr. 1879; #1033; CF34

SEDLACEK, JACOB John Kloida, Mary Baretzky, Jacob Sedlacek & Mathias Kakash (Def.) Wencel Cizek (Pl.) yr. 1892; #2213; CF49

SEDLACEK, JACOB Cizek, Wencel (Pl) vs John Vlaida, Mary Boretzky, Jacob Sedlacek, and Mathias Kakash (Def) yr. 1892; #2213; CF49

SEDGWICH, G.G. Kich et al, Charles (Sedgwich G.G.) Mortgage yr. 1889; No. 1855; Box CF 44

SEDGWICK, G.G. DFT - Boor, John & Catherine; Cretton, John M.; Soucoup, Wenzel PTF - Sedgwick, G.G. yr. 1883; #1265; CF 38

SEDGWICK, GEORGE G. Alberts W.T.; Alberts, Mathilda A. P. wife; Kohn, Martin; Kerr, Henry vs Sedgwick George G. Promissory note & mortgage March 1901; no. 3796; Box H C.F. 60

SEDGWICK, GEORGE G. Barnes, John W. and Sedgwick, George G. vs Deliglise, F.A. and Hutchinson, W.W. Mortgages, non-payment ? of notes Costs disagreement went to Supreme Court yr. 1890-1895; #2003; CF 47

SEDGWICK, GEORGE G. Borsek, John (George G. Sedgwick vs) Land dispute yr. 1890; #1981; CF 46

SEDGWICK, GEORGE G. FORECLOSURE SALE. (First publication July 30, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN-IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. George G. Sedgwick, plaintiff, vs. Carl Wuensch, Sophia Wuensch, his wife, Gottlieb Mill and William Belitz, defendants. By virtue and pursuant to a judgment and order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action at a special term of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the city and county of Sheboygan and commenced on the 14th day of September, 1894 and Dated September 17, 1894, and docketed September 19, 1894, in the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County, in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendants, the said judgment having been amended by adding the last two defendants Gottlieb Mill and William Belitz, by an order of said court entered at the Fond du Lac special term therefor on July 20, 1896. I shall offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House in the city and county of Manitowoc, on the 18th day of September, 1896, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described premises, lying and being in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and known and designated as follows. Lots four (4) five (5) and six (6) in block one (1) in Turpee's Addition to the village of Cleveland, in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. This sale is made subject to a mortgage for Eight hundred Dollars ($800) dated August 28, 1891, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Manitowoc County in volume 33 of Mortgages page 81, on the 29th day of August 1891. And all of said premises or so much thereof as may sufficient to satisfy said judgment in said action and interest and cost of suit will be sold. Dated July 29, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, August 20, 1896 P. 2

SEEGER, JOHN A. Bohn Manufacturing Company, a foreign corporation vs Reif, Anton E.; Reif, Lewis C.; Kiel, Henry; Stamback, Mathas(sic) & Nikolai, Peter; Hamacheck, Julius To recover balance of payment on promissory note (went to Supreme Court) re lumber & purchase of a mill - Mellen, Wis. Plummer, Wis. - inventory p. 107 (117?)-n4(n9?) Bills of sale #932a & 1051 are included in the documents & various spellings (other side of card) Cross references made Reif Lumber & Mfg Co; Rogan, John R.; Seeger, John A.; Krainik, John; Munch, Emil C.; Bohn, Gebhardt; Bohn, George W. (Jury) Daleiden, Peter; Cummings, Wm.; Connell, James; Martens, Henry; Sullivan, James; Stephani, Charles; Schreihart, J.P.; Duecker, C.A.; Judge, John; Gustaveson, Herman; Bagignich(?), Fred; Seeger Louis, Sr. Bach, Charles vs Seeger, Louis Sr. yr. 1884; case #1970; Box # CF39

SEEHAWER, GUSTAVE STATE OF WISCONSIN-IN MUNICIPAL COURT MANITOWOC COUNTY. To Albert Krueger: You are hereby notified that a warrant of replevin has been issued to recover the possession of the following described goods and chattels, to-wit: A number of barn sills, posts, girts and plates, and a certain quantity of lumber being the timber and lumber which was prepared and ready to be erected into a barn of the dimensions of 28x60 feet, on the (S.W 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4) Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, of section 22 township No. 19 north, range 21 east in said county, and which was removed by you from said last described tract of land to the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (N.W. 1/4 of the N.W 1/4) of said section, town and range, of which I the plaintiff am entitled to the possession, and which you have unlawfully detained from me. Now, unless you shall appear before Hon. A.P. Schenian, Judge of the Municipal court, in and for said county, at his office in the city of Manitowoc, on the 1st day of August, 1901, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, judgment will be rendered against you for the delivery of said property to me, and for damages for the detention thereof, and for costs. Dated this 9th day of July, 1901. Gustave Seehawer, Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 25, 1901 P. 3

SEEKER, LUDWIG Administrators Sale. IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Ludwig Seeker, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virture and in pursuance of an Order of License made in said matter on the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1874, by the County Court of said County, the undersigned, Charles Trost, Administrator of the Estate of said deceased, will, on Monday the 27th day of April, A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for sale at public vendue, the following described lands, to-wit: The north half (1-2) of the north half (1-2) of the south-east quarter (1-4) of Section No. twenty-eight (28) east, being forty acres of land lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Carl Trost, Administrator. Dated at Manitowoc the 1st day of April, A.D. 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, April 2, 1874 P. 1

SEELY, JOHN Carmidy, John (Seely, John vs) State of Wisconsin Breaking & entering & attempted murder yr. 1859; #CX 2263; CF 17

SEIBREIGE, JOHN N. Brown, Peter; Brown, Mary Plaintiffs Seibreige, John N.; Seibreige, Sophonious Defendants Plantf seek to collect on a note however case dismissed because dfndt wasn't served with a summons. yr. 1859; #1738; Box CF 14 FLB

SEIBREIGE, SOPHONIOUS Brown, Peter; Brown, Mary Plaintiffs Seibreige, John N.; Seibreige, Sophonious Defendants Plantf seek to collect on a note however case dismissed because dfndt wasn't served with a summons. yr. 1859; #1738; Box CF 14 FLB

SEIDL, FRANK C & NW RR (Seidl, Frank vs) yr. 1902; #3600; CF 65

SEIDL, LORENZ Bartosh, Agnes vs Seidl, Lorenz Leopold Papper agrees to become security for costs yr. 1879; #797; CF 31

SEIDLE, FR. CIRCUIT COURT CULLINGS. The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: Fr. Seidle vs. County of Manitowoc: referred. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

SEIVERS, FREDERICK Kaehler, Charles Defendant; Seivers, Frederick Plaintiff Suing to forclose on lot 2 block 5 village of Centerville yr. 1860; #1982; CF 15 FLB

SENGLAUB, L.C. COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of David Able deceased; L.C. Senglaub and Anton Schad appointed appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

SETTENGER, ROBERT Sheriff's Sale. Circuit Court Manitowoc County.-William Blair, Claudius B. Nelson, Oliver W. Beldon, agt (sic) Joseph Kalb and Robert Settenger. BY virtue of an execution issued from said court, in the above entitled action, to me directed and delivered against the personal and real property of above named defendants, Joseph Kalb and Robert Settenger, I have seized and levied upon the following described real estate, and all the right, title and interest the said defendants or either of them had in and to the same on the 22d of October, A.D. 1860, or which they or either of them have since acquired thereto, to wit; Lot three-3- in block no. three-3; lots one, two, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve-1,2,5,6,7,8,10,11 and 12-in block no. thirty one-31; lots one, two five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve-, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in block no. thirty-three-33; lots seven and eight- 7 and 8-in block no. thirty-four-34; lots ten and eleven-10 and 11-in block no. forty five-45; lot three-3-in block no. forty-40; all of which are situated in the village of Two Rivers, county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Also the west half of the southwest quarter-W 1/2 sw 1/4-of section eleven-11-town twenty one,-21-range twenty three-23-situated in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Also the west half-w 1/2-of the south east quarter-se 1/4-of section no. thirtysix (sic)-36-township no. twenty-20-range, twenty four-24- ???, situated in the county of Manitowoc and State. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Wm. M. Nicholas, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, December 20, 1861 P. 3

SEUBKE, CHARLES Jones, Alonzo Def. Seubke, Charles Pltf Settlement of money. Also counter-claim for money for work, labor & service Manitowoc Co. yr. 1877; #634; Cf 29 Should be Leubke/Luebke?

SEXTON, EMMA Jones, Benjamin vs. Nollan William etal* *Wm. Nollan & Lisette his wife; Chas. Esslinger & Sophia his wife; Chas. Reuter; L??? Sexton; Geo Sexton & Emma A. his wife Lester Sexton dec.; Wm F. Sexton, Exec of est of Lester Sexton; Peter W. Mills; James S. Sexton; Wm. F. Sexton yr. 1869; # 325; CF 11

SEXTON, GEO. Jones, Benjamin vs. Nollan William etal* *Wm. Nollan & Lisette his wife; Chas. Esslinger & Sophia his wife; Chas. Reuter; L??? Sexton; Geo Sexton & Emma A. his wife Lester Sexton dec.; Wm F. Sexton, Exec of est of Lester Sexton; Peter W. Mills; James S. Sexton; Wm. F. Sexton yr. 1869; # 325; CF 11

SEXTON, JAMES S. Jones, Benjamin vs. Nollan William etal* *Wm. Nollan & Lisette his wife; Chas. Esslinger & Sophia his wife; Chas. Reuter; L??? Sexton; Geo Sexton & Emma A. his wife Lester Sexton dec.; Wm F. Sexton, Exec of est of Lester Sexton; Peter W. Mills; James S. Sexton; Wm. F. Sexton yr. 1869; # 325; CF 11

SEXTON, L??? Jones, Benjamin vs. Nollan William etal* *Wm. Nollan & Lisette his wife; Chas. Esslinger & Sophia his wife; Chas. Reuter; L??? Sexton; Geo Sexton & Emma A. his wife Lester Sexton dec.; Wm F. Sexton, Exec of est of Lester Sexton; Peter W. Mills; James S. Sexton; Wm. F. Sexton yr. 1869; # 325; CF 11

SEXTON, LESTER Blesch, Peter Defendant Sexton, Lorin; Sexton, Lester Plaintiffs Plaintiffs seek dissolution of defendants assets to cover his indebtedness to them. Case is interesting because it names many people who bought land from defendant. yr. 1861; #1850; Box CF 14 FLB

SEXTON, LESTER Blesch, Peter J. Defendant Sexton, Lorin; Sexton, Lester Plaintiffs Suit to recover on a not(sic) for 410.00 yr. 1861; #1933; Box CF 15 FLB

SEXTON, LESTER Jones, Benjamin vs. Nollan William etal* *Wm. Nollan & Lisette his wife; Chas. Esslinger & Sophia his wife; Chas. Reuter; L??? Sexton; Geo Sexton & Emma A. his wife Lester Sexton dec.; Wm F. Sexton, Exec of est of Lester Sexton; Peter W. Mills; James S. Sexton; Wm. F. Sexton yr. 1869; # 325; CF 11

SEXTON, LORIN Blesch, Peter J. Defendant Sexton, Lorin; Sexton, Lester Plaintiffs Suit to recover on a not(sic) for 410.00 yr. 1861; #1933; Box CF 15 FLB

SEXTON, LORIN Blesch, Peter Defendant Sexton, Lorin; Sexton, Lester Plaintiffs Plaintiffs seek dissolution of defendants assets to cover his indebtedness to them. Case is interesting because it names many people who bought land from defendant. yr. 1861; #1850; Box CF 14 FLB

SEXTON, WM. F. Jones, Benjamin vs. Nollan William etal* *Wm. Nollan & Lisette his wife; Chas. Esslinger & Sophia his wife; Chas. Reuter; L??? Sexton; Geo Sexton & Emma A. his wife Lester Sexton dec.; Wm F. Sexton, Exec of est of Lester Sexton; Peter W. Mills; James S. Sexton; Wm. F. Sexton yr. 1869; # 325; CF 11

SEYMOUR, ROBERT M. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Manitowoc County Circuit Court. In Equity. Bill for partition of Real Estate. Benj. Jones vs Levi Beardsley, Philo Gridley, Samuel Stocking, Eliha Phinney, Thomas H. Hubbard, Charles A. Mann, Peter Van Vechten, Charles D. Gould, Robert M. Seymour, Bradford R. Wood and Oliver O. Morse, are now residents of the State of Wisconsin, and that there are certain other persons whose names and places of residence are unknown, who have or claim to have some interest in the lands of which partition is sought by the Bill in this cause, and that no appearance has been entered in this cause by said defendants last above named, or any of them or by any other person or persons as defendants in this cause. On motion of Lee & Walker solicitors for the complainant it is ordered that said defendants Levi Beardsley, Philo Gridley, Samuel Stocking, Eliha Phinney, Thos. H. Hubbard, Charles A. Mann, Rob. M. Seymour, Bradford R. Wood, Oliver A. Morse and all other person, who have or claim to have any interest in the said premises do appear and plead answer or demur to the complainents Bill of Complaint on file in this cause, by the second day of July next, and that in default thereof said Bill will be taken as confessed by them and each and every of them. The said premises above mentioned, the partition of which is sought by the Bill in this cause are described as follows to wit: "The west half of Section No. thirty (30) in Township No. nineteen (19) north of Range No. twenty four (24) east in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, containing three hundred and twenty (320) acres of Land according to Government survey thereof. It is further ordered that the complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Manitowoc Tribune a newspaper published in said Manitowoc County, for six weeks successively prior to said second day of July A.D. 1855. Dated March 22nd. 1855 Lee & Walker Sols. for Complt. By the Court, W.R. Go?sline, Judge. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, April 5, 1855 P. 3

SEYMOUR, SYLVESTER IN PROBATE, Manitowoc Co., Court. State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc County. Probate office, June 13th, A.D. 1867. In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last will and testament of Sylvester Seymour deceased, late of the County of Allegheny, Pa. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be a certified copy of the last will and testament of Sylvester Seymour deceased, late of the county of Allegheny in the state of Pennsylvania, together with the probate thereof, duly authenticated by the Register of the Probate of Wills in and for said county of Allegheny, has been filed in this office; and whereas, application has been made by Peter Wermer (sic) praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the Village of Manitowoc in said County on the Fifteenth day of July, 1867, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, and that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Manitowoc Tribune, a weekly newspaper printed in said Village for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Manitowoc Tribune, June 27, 1867 P. 1

SHAFFLAND, FREDRICK Berkholtz, Daniel - (Shaffland, Fredrick vs) yr. 1872; #103; CF 22

SHAFTER, WILLIAM N. Koch, Oscar vs Koehler, Julius et al* Mtg. Foreclosure *Shafter, William N.; Newell, Alfred; Vodrath, Jacob; Wuensch, Theodore yr. 1859; #667; CF65

SHAFTER, WILLIAM N. Kaehler, Julius; Kaehler, Charles Defendants William N. Shafter & Co. of Sheboygan Plaintiffs Suit to collect $658.66 on a note yr. 1858; #1981; CF 15 FLB

SHALOR, GOTELEIB Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Argalus W. Starks against Albert N. Baker, Sarah Baker, his wife, Ernst Wagner, Catharine Wagner, his wife, Damese L. Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Charles Gaylord, Thomas A.H. Edwards, and Goteleib Shalor. IN PURSUANCE of a judgment rendered in this action on the 26th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February, A.D. 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit:-Lot 4 in block 129; lot 13 in block 112; lots 1 and 19 in block 195; lots 14, 15, and 18 in block 198; lots 3 and 4 in block 200; lots 19 and 20 in block 202; lots 9 and 12 in block 203; lots 21 and 22 in block 251; lots 13 and 16 in block 259; lots 6 and 7 in block 295; lots 19 and 20 in block 298; lots 10 and 11 in block 300; lots 15 and 18 in block 303; lots 11 and 14 in block 308; lots 7 and 10 in block 330; lots 21 and 22 in block 339; lots 12 and 13 in block 313; lots 11 and 14 in block D; lots 6 and 7 in block J; and lots 10 and 11 in block ?; all of said lots and blocks being situated in the west half of section thirty, in township number 19, range number twenty four, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. -Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, October 26, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Palmer & Stark, Attornies. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 11, 1859 P.3

SHANAHAN, DAN Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SHARON, DENNIS Abbott, Bela Plaintiff Defendants: Sharon, Dennis Sharon, Melissa Malloy, Michael Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage on defendant's property in town of Liberty to secure repayment of notes in amount $269.19 dated Oct. 1, 1859 interest 12% Settlement principle 269.19, 5 yrs. interest 169.23, costs 83.42 yr 1865; #1800; Box CF 14 FLB

SHARON, MELISSA Abbott, Bela Plaintiff Defendants: Sharon, Dennis Sharon, Melissa Malloy, Michael Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage on defendant's property in town of Liberty to secure repayment of notes in amount $269.19 dated Oct. 1, 1859 interest 12% Settlement principle 269.19, 5 yrs. interest 169.23, costs 83.42 yr 1865; #1800; Box CF 14 FLB

SHARP, ELIZA A. SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Abram D. Hull, Plaintiff, against Nicholas Sharp and Eliza A. Sharp, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclousre and Sale. In virtue of and pursuant to Judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, date April 29th 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction, at the Court House, in the Village of Manitowoc, on Monday, the 21st day of June, 1858, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of sale judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Manitowoc, and described as flollows, to wit: The East half of the south east quarter of Section number thirty-six (36) in township number twenty (20) of range number twenty-two (22) containing Eighty acres of land, according to public survey. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, 5th day of May, A.D. 1858. T.A.H. EDWARDS. Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Wis. By WM. F. ELDRIDGE, Deputy. J.D. MARKHAM, Pltff's Atty. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, May 31, 1858 P. 4

SHARP, GEORGE Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SHARP NICHOLAS SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Abram D. Hull, Plaintiff, against Nicholas Sharp and Eliza A. Sharp, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclousre and Sale. In virtue of and pursuant to Judgement rendered in said Court, in the above entitled action, date April 29th 1858, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction, at the Court House, in the Village of Manitowoc, on Monday, the 21st day of June, 1858, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of sale judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Manitowoc, and described as flollows, to wit: The East half of the south east quarter of Section number thirty-six (36) in township number twenty (20) of range number twenty-two (22) containing Eighty acres of land, according to public survey. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, 5th day of May, A.D. 1858. T.A.H. EDWARDS. Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Wis. By WM. F. ELDRIDGE, Deputy. J.D. MARKHAM, Pltff's Atty. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, May 31, 1858 P. 4

SHARREDON, BRIGET Bunk, Michel (Patnode, Alexander St. Wis vs) Assault & rape of Briget Sharredon yr. 1856; CX2671; CF 19

SHATTUCK, L. Conway, E. Def. - Popper, Seford Ptfl.(sic) Money settlement. L. Shattuck was in partnership with Seford Popper yr. 1876; #639; CF29

SHAVER, JOSEPH Bavens, Catherine 23 yrs old (St Wis) vs Shaver, Joseph Father Nicholas Shaver Father of child yr. 1858; CX2575; CF 19

SHAVER, NICHOLAS Bavens, Catherine 23 yrs old (St Wis) vs Shaver, Joseph Father Nicholas Shaver Father of child yr. 1858; CX2575; CF 19

SHAW, NO NAME Knopwurst, Frederick (Richards, Crumbaugh & Shaw vs) yr. 1872; #187; CF23

SHAW, JOHN IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY Court. In the matter of the estate of John Shaw, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Margaret Shaw of Kossuth, representing among other things that John Shaw, late of Kossuth, on the 14th day of August, A.D. 1864, at Stanton, Virginia, died intestate, leaving an estate within this State of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to said widow granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the ninth day of September, A.D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. W.W. Waldo, County Judge. H.D. & W.J. Turner, Petitioners Atty's Dated, Manitowoc, the 17th day of August, A.D. 1872. Manitowoc Pilot, September 5, 1872 P. 4 ******** ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the Estate of John Shaw, deceasd (sic). Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an Order of License made in said matter on the 13th day of April A.D. 1874, by the County Court of said County, the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of John Shaw, deceased, will on Monday the 11th day of May, A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for sale at public vendue, the following described lands, to-wit: forty-six and 80-100 acres of land, off of the south end of the west half of the north west quarter of section No. eighteen (18) in township No. twenty (20) north of range twenty-four (24) east, in the town of Kossuth, county of Manitowoc. The terms of sale will be made known at the time and place of sale. Hughen Riley, Administrator. Dated at Manitowoc, the 13th day of April A.D. 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, April 23, 1874 P. 1

SHAW, ROBERT SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

SHEA, DANIEL Carroll, William; Flin Michael; Mullins, John; Mullins, William; Shea, Dennis; Shea, Daniel; Roland, Michael Jr.; Dolan, John; Farby, Patrick; Cummings, Robert; DEFENDANTS State of Wisconsin on complaint of James Long PLAINTIFF Dfndts are accused of gang attacking James Long during a logging operation in the Town of Maple Grove. Cummings, Flin, John Mullis, Dennis Shea and Wm Carroll were found guilty and ordered to pay fines of $5.00 plus costs. yr. 1860; #2074; CF 15 FLB (second part)

SHEA, DENIS Carrol, William (State of Wis. vs) Burned stacks of straw belonging to Denis Shea yr. 1867; CX2244; CF 17

SHEA, DENNIS Carroll, William; Flin Michael; Mullins, John; Mullins, William; Shea, Dennis; Shea, Daniel; Roland, Michael Jr.; Dolan, John; Farby, Patrick; Cummings, Robert; DEFENDANTS State of Wisconsin on complaint of James Long PLAINTIFF Dfndts are accused of gang attacking James Long during a logging operation in the Town of Maple Grove. Cummings, Flin, John Mullis, Dennis Shea and Wm Carroll were found guilty and ordered to pay fines of $5.00 plus costs. yr. 1860; #2074; CF 15 FLB (second part)

SHEA, DENNIS IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Dennis Shea, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary Shea, of said County, representing among other things that Dennis Shea, late of Maple Grove, in Manitowoc County, on the 28th day of February A.D. 1874, at Maple Grove, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels, and estate within this State, and that said petitioner is the Widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Mary Shea granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 30th day of March, A.D. 1874, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc City in said County. T.G. Olmsted, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc, the 9th day of March, A.D., 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, March 26, 1874 P. 1

SHEA, MARY Conan, Mary et al (Shea, Mary vs)(State of Wis) Assault & beat yr. 1866; CX2240; CF17

SHEAHAN, JAMES STATE OF WISCONSIN.-IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. James Sheahan, Plaintiff vs. Benjamin W. Porter, Defendant. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the above named Defendant:- You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action, in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Healy & Joyce, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Post Office Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The verified complaint of the plaintiff is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the above named court. Manitowoc Pilot, July 3, 1913 P. 4 ******** STATE OF WISCONSIN,-IN CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY James Sheahan, Plaintiff vs. Benjamin W. Porter, Defendant THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the above named Defendant:- You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. Healy & Joyce, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Post Office Address, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The verified complaint of the plaintiff is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the above named court. Manitowoc Pilot, July 17, 1913 P. 4

SHECHECK, DAVID Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN.-Benjamin Gallender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Shecheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. Troe, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to coinc(?) in under this decree in this case, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horacio Truman, David H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George Le Fevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTURE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell in public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complaint of this action or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense and cost of sale, to wits-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145,) Lot No. seven (7) to Block No. one hundred forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the heredi?arments and appertenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 19th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff Isaac H. Famrish, Pt'iffs Att'y The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

SHEDIVI, ANTON Emerson, Lyman vs Krizanowsky, Albert et. al.; Yellinek, Mary (formerly Mary Krizanowsky & Mrs. Albert Krizanowsky); Shedivi, Anton; (Krizanowsky, Wenzel; Krizanowsky, Mary - infant heir of Albert.) Mortgage foreclosure Cross reference: Wondrosh, Jacob; Fistum, Stephen yr. 1890-1892; #2006; CF47

SHEPARD, CLARENCE Bonnell, James; Shepard, Clarence Danforth, Sias & Co. Plaintiffs Smith, Hezekiah Defendant Suit to collect $4,238. Danforth, Sias & Co is composed of Isaac Danforth, Benjamin Sias, James N. Danforth and Charens I. Davis yr. 1856; #1991; Box CF 15 FLB

SHEPARD, HENRY D. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. John Harst agt. Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt, and George Rice. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN:-To Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt and George Rice, Defendants.-You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of John Harst, Plaintiff, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and a copy of which was filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, at Manitowoc, this, July 8th, 1859, and serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber, at Manitowoc, Wis, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for One Hundred and Ninety Three Dollars and ten cents, and interest on two hundred and sixty eight dollars and ten cents, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, from the 21st day of December, 1857, to the 19th day of May, 1859, and interest on one hundred and ninety three dollars and ten cents, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, from the 19th day of May, 1850 (sic), besides the costs of this action. Wm. M. Nichols, Pl'ff. Att'y. Manitowoc, July 8th, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4

SHEPARD, HENRY D. Circuit Court-Manitowoc county John Harst agt. Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt, and George Rice. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN;-To Henry D. Shepard, Fredrick Borcherdt and George Rice, Defendants-You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of John Harst, Plaintiff, a copy of which is hereto annexed; and a copy of which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Manitowoc, this July 8th, 1859, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber, at Manitowoc, Wis., within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for One Hundred and Ninety Three Dollars and ten cents, and interest on two hundred and sixty eight dollars and ten cents, at the rate of ten percent per annum, from the 21st day of December, 1857, to the 19th day of May, 1859; and interest on one hundred and ninety three dollars and ten cents; at the rate of ten percent per annum, from the 19th day of May, 1858, besides the costs of this action. Wm. M. Nichols, Ptff. Att'y. Manitowoc, July 8th, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3

SHEPARD, SIDNEY Sidney Shepard ag. L.S. House et al. Forclosre. J.D. Markham Pltt's Atty. Judgement signed. CIRCUIT COURT for MANITOWOC COUNTY. JUDGE TAYLOR PRESIDING. April 28, 1859.

SHEPARD, THOMAS S. Blake, Robert F. Defendant Pierce, T. Jerome Plaintiff Blake as deputy sheriff, persuant to a court order in the case of William S. Jones and Thomas S. Shepard VS George S. Glover and William Glovers, Blake conficated(sic) about 30,000 feet of pine lumber on the pier at Manitowoc as stock in trade of the Glover firm. Jury didn't agree with Blake and awarded Pierce $220.00 damages. yr. 1862; #1866; Box CF 14 FLB

SHERBURN, OLIVER Clawson, Alandon R. (Sherburn, Oliver State of Wis vs) Damage to property yr. 1860; #X2353; CF17

SHERBURN, OLIVER Clawson, Alanden R. Defendant Sherburn, Oliver J. Plaintiff Plntf requests permissin to use land he has purchased but has been refuse entry by dfndt. Also seek damages for loss of use of same. See also entry 1860 & 1927 yr. 1858; #1928; Box CF14; FLB

SHERMAN, EUGENE Baumback Charles V, Baumback Ernst V, Rosenthal Charles V, Scheflels Benjamin, Sherman Louis, Sherman Eugene, Bruss Rosalie vs Engelbricht J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box CF 45

SHERMAN, EUGENE Breslaver, Abraham; Ready, James; Baumback, Charles V.; Baumback, Ernst V.; Rosenthal, Ferdinand; Schettels, Benjamin; Sherman, Louis; Sherman, Eugene; Bruss Rosoli v.s. Engelbright J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box C.F. 45

SHERMAN, EUGENE S. Kellner, M. & Son see Sherman, Eugene S. yr. 1890-1891; #2030; CF 47

SHERMAN, EUGENE S. Kemper, L. see Sherman, Eugene S. yr. 1890-1891; #2030; CF 49

SHERMAN, EUGENE S. Kern, M.J. see Sherman, Eugene S. yr. 1890-1891; #2030; CF 47

SHERMAN, LEWIS Baker, Albert A. etal - (Sherman, Lewis vs) Promissory note yr. 1863; X2443; CF 18

SHERMAN, LEWIS SUMMONS. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Lewis Sherman, against Albert N. Baker, Aaron Roberts, Argalus W. Starks, Geo. W. Hale, and Geo. N. Towslee, defendants. The State of Wisconsin to the above named defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, county of Manitowoc, at his office in the Village and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in the Village and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within ninety days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, March 1893. J.D. Markham. The said complaint was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the said county of Manitowoc, March 19th, 1863. J.D. Markham, Plff's Atty. Manitowoc Semi Weekly Tribune, Tuesday, April 7, 1863 P. 3

SHERMAN, LOUIS Baumback Charles V, Baumback Ernst V, Rosenthal Charles V, Scheflels Benjamin, Sherman Louis, Sherman Eugene, Bruss Rosalie vs Engelbricht J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box CF 45

SHERMAN, LOUIS Breslaver, Abraham; Ready, James; Baumback, Charles V.; Baumback, Ernst V.; Rosenthal, Ferdinand; Schettels, Benjamin; Sherman, Louis; Sherman, Eugene; Bruss Rosoli v.s. Engelbright J.F. & wife Bertha Sale of premises yr. 1889; No. 1873; Box C.F. 45

SHERMAN, LOUIS Burns, John; Sherman, Louis Defendants McDonald, William C. Plaintiff Dfndts are accused of converting 75000 pine shingles worth $225.00 belonging to plntf to their own use. Dfndts are ordered to pay plntf $225.00 yr. 1869; #2079; Box CF 16 FLB

SHERWOOD, JESSE E. Bulkley, Charles E. Plaintiff Sherwood, Jesse E. Defendant Plntf seeks to foreclose on lands and personal property of defndt in town of Maple Grove. dfndt debt originally owed to Obediah Platt, transfered to J.S. Pierpont as reciever of Platt assets then transfered to Bulkley. Sherwood has left Wisconsin to take up residence in Nevada. (note entry as written) yr. 1854; #1751; Box CF 14 FLB

SHERWOOD, JESSE M. Cowles, John E. et al Clark Ross vs Jesse M. Sherwood 2 separate cases w/this yr. 1851; X89; CF1

SHERWOOD, MR. Adams, George W. Plaintiff Bank of Manitowoc Defendent Suit to collect on a check written by a Mr. Sherwood drawn on the Manitowoc Bank. Payment refused by the bank although the bank had collected money in Mr. Sherwoods name. yr 1851; #1791; Box CF 14 FLB

SHIMONEK, WENZEL Kafka, Margaret; Libal, Joseph; Shimonek, Wenzel & Herman, Peter,Hodlicka, Anna Sr.; Hodlicka, Anna Jr.; Hodlicka, Anton,; Hodlicka, Emma,;Hodlicka, Frank,; Hodlicka, Charles,; Hodlicka, James,; Hodlicka, Annie Kries, Charles as guardian of the minor heirs of Hodlicka, Wenzel, deceased. Walterbach, Peter, Steiner, Mrs. Rosa, the trustees of the Kossuth Mutual Fire company (Catherine Holdlicka) yr. 1883; #1339; CF 39

SHIMEK, JOSEPH (Eberling, Henry) State of Wis by Shimek, Joseph Assault yr. 1900; #327; CF71

SHIMONEK, WENZEL DFT - Kafka, Margaret; Pelisek, Frank; Mach, Frank; Hodlicka, Anna, Anton, Frank, Emma, Charles Shimonek, Wenzel; Libal, Joseph; Polack, John PTF-Walterbach, Peter yr. 1889; #1324; CF 38

SHIPPER, STANISLAUS Biskop, Stanislaus - (Shipper, Stanislaus vs) Damages for Defamatory Remarks yr. 1885; 1437; CF 40

SHIRK, D. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

SHIRK, DAVID SHERIFF'S SALE. CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC CO. John W. Perigo, Wedward B. Bulkley (sic), George L. Bulkley and John G. Plimpton against Obadiah H. Platt. Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, and Simon B. Carey against Obadiah H. Platt. Henry A. Huntington, Philip Wadsworth and Calvin C. Parks Jr., against Obediah H. Platt. Samuel C. Davis, Charles B. Sawyer and Nathan W. Perkins, against Obadiah H. Platt. Bethuel B. Vincent, John II. Vincent, William Himrod, David Himrod and David Shirk, against Obadiah H. Platt. BY VIRTUE of executions issued from said Court in the several above entitled actions, to me directed and delivered against the real property of the above named defendant, I shall on the executions issued in the two first above named actions, as therein directed, sell all the right, Title and interest which the said defendants had on the 21st day of October 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Ne qr of ne qr Sec 31, and se qr of the ne qr of Sec 25, and the nw qr of the nw qr of Sec 22, in T. 20, R. 22. Ne qr of the nw qr Sec 25, and the s1/2 of the n1/2 of Sec 28, and the ne qr of the nw qr Sec 30 all in T. 19, R. 22. Ne qr of ne qr Sec 11, and the w1/2 nw qr Sec 30, and the ne qr sec 31, all in T. 19, R.21. N1/2 of nw qr of sw qr sec 4, and the s1/2 of ne qr sec 4, and the w1/2 of se qr Sec 4, and the se qr of the ne qr of sec 18, T.19, R. 23. Nw qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23; ne qr of swe qr sec 21, T. 21, R. 23: ne qr of sw gr sec 13, T. 20, R. 21; sw qr of ne qr of sec 25, T. 20, R. 22; e1/2 of sw qr and se qr of nw qr sec 19, T. 20, R. 24; swe qr sec 33, T. 18, R. 21; e1/2 of se qr and nw qr of se qr of sec. 33, T. 17, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr sec 7, T. 20, R. 24; ne qr of nw qr sec 10, T. 18, R. 23; also, undivided in a fractional qr of sec 1, T. 17, R 23, containing 19 85-100 acres; also, the undivided seven-eights and the undivided half of ne qr sec 11, T. 17, R. 23; se qr of ne qr sec 18, T. 19, R. 23; ne qr of ne qr and nw gr of ne gr and se qr of se qr of se 10, T. 20, R. 22. Lots 5 and 6 in Bl D, of Reed's Addition to the village of Manitowoc. Lots 12 e1/2 lot 3, all of 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 e1/2 of lot 18 bl 107; w 21 ft lot 2 e 37 ft bl 118, in village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 and 6 bl 181; lot 5 b 175; lot 1 b 176; lot 10, b 155; lot 11 b 115; lot 7 b 177, in the village and county of Manitowoc. And also on the two said executions sell all the right, title and interest the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the following described property, to wit: Lots 6 7 10 B 40, lots 8 11 B 42, lots 9 10 11 B 63, lots 1 4 5 B 105. lot 2 B 140, lots 1 2 3 B 64, lots 3 4 B 214, lots 3 4 B 215, lots 16 18 B 242, lots 9 10 11 B 241, lots 12 1 7 B 243, lot 2 B 268, lots 1 2 7 8 B 152, lot 1 B 170, lots 4 5 B 171, lots 4 5 6 B 173, in the village and county of Manitowoc. Lot 9 subdivision s1/2 ne q sec 10, T. 19, R. 24, five acres in village of Manitowoc. Lot 7 B 138, lot 7 b 193, lot 22 B 199, lots 7 10 B1?, lot 16 B 202, lot 4 B 258, lots 10 11 B 295, lots 6 7 B 344, in the village of Manitowoc. Swq nwq sec 20, s1/2 seq of neq sec 19, T. 10, R 21, 60 ne., in Manitowoc county. Lot 14 B 117, village of Manitowoc. Lot 5 B 158, lot 3 B 161, e1/2 lot 4 B 230, s1/2 lot 2 B 270, lot 6 B 271, lot 10 B 56, lot 8 B 58, lot 8 B 110, lot 11 B 154, lot 2 B 160, lot 6 B 155, lot 2 B 114, lots 1 2 10 11 12 B 173, n1/2 lot 6 B 156, all in Manitowoc village. Lot 5 B 180, lots 7 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 B 265, lots 7 10 11 14 15 20 21 22 B 264, lots 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 B 266, lots 7 10 11 24 26 25 B 292, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 293, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 310, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 311, lots 5 14 6 15 18 19 24 B 312, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 330, lost 1 2 3 8 9 12 14 15 18 19 24 25 26 B 331, lots 1 2 3 8 9 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 B 332, lots 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 B 340, lots 4 5 6 7 9 14 15 16 B 350, lots 1 2 3 8 9 14 15 16 B 351, all in village Manitowoc. Lots 1 B 18, in village Manitowoc Rapids. Lots 1 2 B 10, in village of Two Rivers. Nwq sec 28, neq sec 27, e 1/2 of the e1/2 and the e1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 and the e 1/2 of the w1/2 of the e1/2 of swq sec. 23, all in T. 20, R. 22, and in county of Manitowoc, 380 acres. And also on the three other executions issued in the three last above named actions, as therein direceted, shall sell all the right, title and interest which the said defendant had on the 31st day of December 1861, in and to the whole of the above and forgoing described real property. That said real property, and the right title and interest the above named defendant had in and to the same on the days herein before stated, I shall expose for sale and sell at Public Auction or Vendue, at the Court House, in the village of Manitowoc, on the 31st day of July A.D. 1862, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at that. Dated the 29th day of May A.D. 1862 WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co., Wis. GEO. REED, Plt'ffs' Att'y. The above sale is hereby postponed until the 28th day of August, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. GEO. REED, Pl'tff' Att'y. Dated July 31, 1862. The above sale is further postponed until Wednesday, the 24th day of September, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, the 11th day of October, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, November 1st, 1862, at the same hour and place. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff, By R.T. BLAKE, Under Sheriff. The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 24, 1862 P. 4

SHOEMAKER, JOHN CIRCUIT COURT NTOES. The criminal calendar was set for yesterday. W.R. Kimball again occupies the reporter's desk. Promptness and punctuality do not seem to be characteristics of Manitowoc attorneys. W.J. Turner, now of Milwaukee, came down to attend to his numerous cases in court here. Court opened on Tuesday, June 6th, Judge N.S. Gilson, presiding. His honor keeps up his habit of promptness and hard work. Joshua Stark, one of Milwaukee's veteran lawyers, came down as attorney for the defense in the case of Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. J. Wahlaeger, Secretary of the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., of Milwaukee was in court, being interested in some of the cases. John Robinson, of Kossuth, made his appearance in the court room on Thursday and shook hands with his honor, the judge. The jurors have a fine time, when not on duty, lounging in the court house park, which Sheriff Murphy keeps in excellent condition. Henry Levenhagen and Dennis Shanahan are the accommodating attendants, and they make the jurors feel at home. It was found necessary to order a special venire of eight men, and the following names were retained as such jurors: Hm. Martins, John Comer, Mich. Ripplinger, Hugh Gillet, Wm. Bach, J.P. Wickert, Wm. Groll, John Bolen. The following cases have been disposed of up to date: The board of supervisors of Brown Co., vs. John Shoemaker and Chr. Schwarts. Leave granted to file supplementary answer. Christian Koch vs. Fred Carus et al. Judgment of foreclosure. Amund Oleson vs. Louis Mendlik et al. Jury, consisting of the following, drawn and sworn: A. Dittmar, Math. Kavenagh, C.W. Behuke, H. Horstman, James Ready, Chas. Jenkins, Pet. Wagner, Ferd. Ree, E.N. Haynes, Hy Gries, O. Fennigan, Wm. Luebke. After trial, they returned a verdict that "the plaintiff released the defendant Louis Mendlick from his obligation to pay the one thousand dollars note, described in the complaint." Weligt Clapp vs. Fred. Langenfeldt et al. Stipulation and order filed. George Bill vs. Anton Stoll: Motion for a non-suit granted. Jos. Fehrenbacher et al vs. John Schupp et al. Jury drawn, as follows: Chas. Jenkins, Fred, Below, R.W. Cole, Wm. Luebke, And. Kralick, Timothy Lavine, Jos. Vrany, Hm. Horstman, Eli. Cone, Peter Wagner, John Bull, Math. Kevenagh, Jury return special verdict; damage for plaintiff, one dollar. Julia E. Hartung vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. Jury drawn es (sic) follows: Jac. Grimm, John Jan, John Lucckow (sic), Hugh Gillet, Wm. Groll, H. Loeh, Msch. Ripplinger, Moritz Kiel, John Comer, H. Gries, Alb. Dittmar, Owen Pinegan. Special verdict returned, favorable to plaintiff. Motion made for a new trial. Stay of proceedings for a new trial. Math. Stauet vs. C.W. Birdsail et al. suit granted as to defendants. Hanson & Scove. Mary Pope et al vs. John Nenahlo, affidavit of death of defendant filed. Order revising and continuing suit against administrator. C.W. White vs. G.A. Forrest. Report of Receiver filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1882 P. 1

SHO?T, AUGUSTUS H. Brooks, Horrace J.(sic); Fiel, Walker K.; Dewing, Edgar S.; Willme, James H.; Windiate, Thomas & wife Cordelia; Sho?t, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Ross, Christian; Freeman, Geodfrey vs Thornton, John Signing of a mortgage yr. 1876; Case No. 653; Box No. CF 29

SHORT, PATRICK Jones, Robert vs. Short, Patrick yr. 1889; #4330; CF 4

SHORT, PATRICK Elliot, Steven et al (St. of Wis. vs.) Elliot, Steven (Jr) (St. of Wis. vs.) Elliot, James (St. of Wis. vs.) Short, Patrick; Kittell, A.D.; Koehler, J.A.; Miles, Guy; Kern, E.; Emerson, L.; Rand, E.W.; Gilbert, N.J. yr. 1871; CX2701; CF20

SHOTT, AUGUSTAS H. Dewing, Edgar S.; Wilme, James H.; Windate, Thomas & wife Corneila; Ross, Christian; Shott, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Brooks, Horrace J.; Field, Walker K.; Freeman, Godfrey vs Thornton, John Mortgage signing yr. 1876; #653; CF29

SHOVE, (NO NAME) Aultman - Shove yr. 1876; 689; CF30

SHOVE, (NO NAME) Doerfler - Shove yr. 1876; #676; CF29

SHOVE, BANKING CO. (Kellner, John) The Shove Banking Co., Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 72; Box CF 21

SHOVE, CHARLES J. Bibinger, John; Shove, Charles J.; Harris, John E.; (Piening Adolph) About a promissory note yr. 1894; Case No. 3031; Box No. C.F. 51

SHOVE, DON A. Cronin, David (Estate) see Shove, Don A. #506-Schweitzer #507-Kunzwiles

SHOVE, DON A. Doerferid, Peter Def. & Shove, Don A. Frank Sink Pltf. Land settelment (sic) Homesteded (sic) by family of Bartholum Hilburt Manitowoc Co. yr. 1875; #630; CF29

SHOVE, DON A. Doerfer, Peter - Shove, Don A. vs Promissory note yr. 1879; #984A; CF33

SHOVE, F.C. Doerfler, Frank Deft. Shove, F.C. Pltf. Sale of land. yr. 1876; #676; CF29

SHOVE, HENRY A. Bassett, Henry D. vs Henry A. Shove yr. 1861; X1727; CF 13

SHOVE, HENRY A. Doggett, William E. et al vs Henry A. Shove yr. 1861; X1727; CF13

SHOVE, T.C. Kirchhoff, Herman T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 848; Box CF21

SHOVE, T.C. (Kahlenberg, Emma) T. C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1872; #56; CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. Gilbert W. Bernett ag. N. Wollmer and T.C Shove. Motion. Lee Pltff's Atty. Markham Defts. Atty. Judgment for defendant on motion to dismiss. CIRCUIT COURT for MANITOWOC COUNTY. JUDGE TAYLOR PRESIDING. April 28, 1859.

SHOVE, T.C. (Kelly, Mary Ann) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1899; No. 161; Box CF 67

SHOVE, T.C. Kelly, Anthony vs T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 315; Box CF21

SHOVE, T.C. (Kelly, Elizabeth) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. Yr. 1892; No. 162; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. (Kelly, Patrick) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 90; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. (Kelly, William) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 156; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. (Kelly, William) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 160; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. (Kemb, Fred) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 149; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. Keppler, Cath vs T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; No. 79; Box CF 27

SHOVE, T.C. (Kiehn, August) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 67; Box CF 31

SHOVE, T.C. Knapp, David (Shove, T.C. vs) Knapp, Hannah wife; Knapp, A.D. son; Knapp, Ella daughter Foreclosure yr. 1874; #371; CF26

Theodore C. Shove, vs.
David B. Knapp, Hanna Knapp his Wife, John W. Barnes, A.D. Knapp and Asha Holebrook.
By virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 18th day of December, A.D., 1874. In the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin on the 26th day of June, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff together with the interest and cost: to-wit: The West half of the east half of section thirty-six (36) township nineteen (19) range twenty-one (21) east lying and being situated in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin.
Dated Manitowoc, Wisconsin, May 15th. 1875.
J.D. Markham, Plaintiffs Atty.
A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co.
By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff.
Manitowoc Pilot, May 13, 1875 P. 2
Also in -
Manitowoc Pilot, May 20, 1875 P. 2
Manitowoc Pilot, June 3, 1875 P. 2
Manitowoc Pilot, June 17, 1875 P. 2

SHOVE, T.C. (Knudson, Charles A.) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 252; Box CF21

SHOVE, T.C. (Knudson, Kelvan) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 239; Box CF21

SHOVE, T.C. (Koch, Fred) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 155; Box CF21

SHOVE, T.C. (Koch, Mary) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis yr. 1892; No. 83; Box CF21

SHOVE, T.C. Kappelman W. T.C. Shove Banking Co., Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1872; #127; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. Brooks, Horrace J.(sic); Fiel, Walker K.; Dewing, Edgar S.; Willme, James H.; Windiate, Thomas & wife Cordelia; Sho?t, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Ross, Christian; Freeman, Geodfrey vs Thornton, John Signing of a mortgage yr. 1876; Case No. 653; Box No. CF 29

SHOVE, T.C. Brou, F.A.; Shove, T.C. vs Money owed yr. 1881; 1156; CF 36

SHOVE, T.C. Jones, A.D. (Alonzo) (Shove, T.C. vs) Financial dispute yr. 1881; #1206; CF 37

SHOVE, T.C. Cooper, George (T.C. Shove vs) yr. 1893; #2150; CF48

SHOVE, T.C. (Karnopp, Helena) T.C. Shove Banking Co. Manitowoc, Wis. yr. 1892; #242; Box CF 21

SHOVE, T.C. Dewing, Edgar S.; Wilme, James H.; Windate, Thomas & wife Corneila; Ross, Christian; Shott, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Brooks, Horrace J.; Field, Walker K.; Freeman, Godfrey vs Thornton, John Mortgage signing yr. 1876; #653; CF29

SHOVE, T.C. Easton, D. (dft.) (St. of Wis vs.) Sewall W. Smith; wife Mary A. Smith. - adultery with dft. Mrs. Barnes; Barnes, C.C.; Edwards, Miss Jane; Thomas, Joseph W.; Chamberlin, Wm. H.; Collins. G.B.; Emery, G.W.; Lyon, Walter; Lynch, Wm.; Shove, T.C.; yr. 1861; CS2704; CF20

SHOVE, T.C. CIRCUIT COURT. The following proceedings have been had in Circuit Court: P.J. Haunch vs Thos. Hagerty-Judgment of foreclosure filed. Jos. Munhall vs. R.S. O'Connell-Continued. J.J. Lyons vs. P.J. Pierce-Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry Haupt vs T.C. Shove et al.-Continued. Flentje vs. Bretschneider-Ver. for plaintiff. Aurilla Heath vs. Ch. Heath-Divorce granted. Mary Ornestein vs. Charles Ornestein-Divorce granted. Chas. Krueger et. al. vs. H. Sandford and others-Judgment for Plff. $300 and costs. Catherine Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch-Case Dismissed. T.C. Shove vs. City of Manitowoc-Judgement for Plff. $201.20 and costs. State vs. Anton Symbol-Dismissed. State vs. Peter Jarnik-Dismissed. State vs. Saubert-Dismissed. State vs. Morris-Motion for charge of venue to another county made, and under consideration. Yesterday the Jury was discharged and Court adjourned until Tuesday next. If the Morris case should be tried a special venire (sic) for Jury will be issued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3

SHOVE, T.C. FORECLOSURE SALE. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Abram D. Hull, Pl'ff. Against Sarah Parkhurst, Sarah E. Phillips and Susan M. Phillips heirs of William Phillips deceased, by T.C. Shove, their Guardian Defenodnnts (sic). Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of and pursuant to a judgment rendered in the above entitled action, dated November 1st, 1862, I shall expose for Sale and sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, County and State aforesaid, on Monday the 16th day of February, A.D., 1863, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment interest and costs together with the expenses of sale to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land described as follows, viz: The East Half of the North West quarter, and the North East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Number Six (6) in Township Nineteen (19) North of Range Number Twenty-Two (22) East, containing one hundred and twenty acres of land in the County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. Dated at Sheriff's office, Nov. 10, 1862. Wyman Murphy, Sheriff. By R.T. Blaze, Under Sheriff. J.D. Markham, Att'y for Pl'ff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Wednesday, March 18, 1863 P. 4

SHOVE, T.C. Sheriff's Sale, Circuit Court - Manitowoc County T.C. Shove, pl'ff, against John E. Birdsall, Jos. Rankin and Thos. Windiate, def'ts. By virtue of an execution issued out of said circuit court for Manitowoc county and state of Wisconsin in the above entitled cause, to me directed and delivered against the personal property and real estate of said defendants above named, I have levied and seized(sic) upon the east half of southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter all in section number twenty-one (21); also the northwest quarter of northeast quarter of section twenty-eight (28), all in town number twenty-three (23) east, and all lying or being in the town of Gibson, in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, as the same is now of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county, all which said above described lands or so much thereof as shall be necessary to raise the amount of one hundred and sixty-four and 33-100 dollars ($164.83) interest and costs, together with costs of sale, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house, in the city of Manitowoc, in the county and state aforesaid on the 4th day of September, A.D. 1871, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of that day. Dated Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1871. Albert Wittenberg, Sheriff. By P.J. Pierce, Under Sheriff

SHOVE, T.C. The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: T.C. Shove vs Fr. Simon: continued on usual terms and if defendant shall not be able to appear at the January term 1883, than continued without costs. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

SHOVE, THEO. C. Aultmann, C.F. - (Shove Theo. C. vs) Financial dispute yr. 1883; #1225; CF 37

SHOVE, THEO. C. Brown, Georg L. (Theo C. Shove vs) Has not paid for land as per contract yr. 1874; #302; CF 25

SHOVE, THEO. C. Denway, John; Pautz, Carl & Pautz, Gottlieb (Theo C. Shove & Fred H. Harris) yr. 1883; #1358; CF39

SHOVE, THEODORE Brown, Timothy Plaintiff Wollmer, Nicholas; Shove, Theodore Defendants On June 8, 1858 dfndts doing business as N. Wollmer & Co. issued a bill of exchange on the Park Bank on New York N.Y. in the amt. of $1,064.13. When bill was presented to the Park Bank payment was refused. Plaintiff, who lived in Madison Wis is suing for recovery of 1,064.13 plus damages at 10% plus interest at 12% plus court costs. yr. 1859; #1752; Box CF 14 FLB

SHOVE, THEODORE Burnett, George Plaintiff Wollmer, Nicholas; Shove, Theodore Defendants Defndts are engaged in banking business in name of N. Wollmer & Co. Plntf states that during year previous to June 2 1858 he has deposited and withdrawn large sums of money with defndts bank. On June 2 1858 an accounting showed defndts owed plntf $399.00 Case dismissed when J.D. Markham dfndts atty showed that Geo. Lee, plntfs atty failed to pay state tax due when summons was issued. In addition plntf was required to pay $22.51 costs of action. yr. 1859; #1747; Box CF 14 FLB

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Referee's Sale. Circuit Court, County of Manitowoc.- George S. Glover against Willowby Liskum, Mary Liskum, Daniel D. Hammond, and Theodore C. Shove. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. IN virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said court, in the above entitled action, dated the 31st day of October, 1859, I, Edgar D. Beardsley, Referee appointed in said judgment, shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc, on Wednesday, the 7th day of March, 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and cost, together with the expense of sale.- All those certain pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, and known and describes as follows, to wit: The south west quarter of the north east quarter of section number twenty nine, (29) in town nineteen, (19) range twenty one (21) east, and the north west quarter of the north east quarter of section twenty nine, (29) in town nineteen, (19) range twenty one (21) east; also the east half of the north east quarter of section Number thirty one, (31) town nineteen, (19) range twenty two, (22) east. Dated Manitowoc, November 26, 1859. E.D. Beardsley, Referee. Wm. M. Nichols, Plff's Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, January 27, 1860 P. 4

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Altmann, C.F. etal; Carl Paul Altmann; Charles A Aigeltinger - (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Promissory note yr.1875; #519; CF27

SHOVE, THEODORE C. SUMMONS.- Circuit Court, Manitowoc County, the State of Wisconsin, to Benjamin Jones, George W. Baker, Richard H. Hoes, Otis W. Eaton, George Barker, Nicholas Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Peter Rowe, George D. Woodruff, Jacob Cartar, John A. Dutcher, Kellogg Sexton, John R. Goodrich, Theodore Strong, James B. Adreance, Stephen B. Strong, Samuel H. Thurber, William B. Hill, George M. Groves, William B. Northrop, Heram McAllister, Ole Torrison, Charles S. Erett, Thomas Turton, John Sercomb, Robert Haney, John DeBou, Joseph Larson, Benjamin W. Porter, George W. Hale, and George N. Towslee, defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Zeuas Wood, plaintiff, which has this day been filed to the office of the clerk, of the circuit court, of the Count of Manitowoc, and to serve a copy of your answer on me at my office in the village of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, within twenty days, after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, And if you fail to answer the complaint as herby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated February 22nd, 1859. J.D. MARKHAM, Pltff's Att'y. Manitowoc, Wis. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, April 30, 1859 P. 4

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Altmann, C.F. etal; H.A. Straubel; Carl Paul Altmann - (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Promissory note yr. 1875; #520; CF27

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Altmann, C.F. etal; Carl Paul Altmann; John H. Ebeling - (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Promissory note yr. 1875; #518A; CF27

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Altmann, Carl F. etal; Theodore C. Shove; William Tisch; Boy Soenkson - (Colzhausen, F.W. vs) Foreclosure yr.1876; #490 #527; CF27

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Altmann, Carl F. etal; Henry Mueller; Carl Paul Altmann - (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Promissory note yr. 1876; #521; CF27

SHOVE, THEODORE C. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT, ss. F.W. Cotzhausen, Plaintiff. vs. Carl F. Altmann, Theodore C. Shove, William Tisch and Boy Soenkson, Defendants. BY virtue of, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 4th day of February, A.D. 1876, at a general term of said Circuit Court of Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc in said County, on the 1st day of April, A.D. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in this action, together with the interest costs and expenses, to wit: All of the N.E. quarter of Section No. nine (9) (sentence unreadable), No. twenty-four (24) east, lying and being in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin; excepting therefrom that part of the east half of said quarter Sec. which lies on the east side of east Twin River, (commonly called Mishicott River) running through said quarter section in a northerly and southerly direction, and also excepting therefrom about sixteen acres of land, being that part of the S.W. quarter of said quarter section which lies westerly of the highway that leads from Two Rivers to Mishicott, said lands containing in all 98 90-100 acres, more or less. Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc Wis. this 16th day of February A.D. 1876. A. Wittenberg. Sheriff Manitowoc County. Cotzhause, Sylvester & Scheiber, Plff's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 6, 1879 P. 2

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Aullman, C.F. - (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Financial dispute yr. 1883; #1226; CF 37

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Aultmann, C.F. - (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Financial dispute yr. 1883; #1227; CF 37

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Bressler, Charles (Shove, Theodore C. vs) Financial dispute yr. 1882; #1232; CF 37

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Jone, Gustave (Theodore C. Shove vs) Promissory note yr. 1887; #1624; CF 42

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Denway, John; Pautz, Carl & Pautz, Gottlieb (Theodore C. Shove & Fred Harris) >yr. 1883; #1352; CF39; SJB

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwin Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A. Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schuchardt, George Graves, Fred Pootzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walker, Jirsh D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. GEO. N. WOODIN, Pl'iffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Circuit Court-County of Manitowoc. Luther Dana, against Nicholas Wollmer, Paulina Wollmer, Theodore C. Shove, Edwia Hunt, Stephen Hubbard, Isaac F. Winn, Harvey E. Case, Sylvester Goodenow, Lewis A Mann, Jas. Herman, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson, Jas. Bennett, George Schurchardt, George Graves, Fred Plotzman, Peter J. Blesch, Chas. H. Walkker, Tracy J. Brown, George C. Walke, Jirah D. Cole, and Richard Klingholz. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. To the above named Defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Luther Dana, plaintiff, which was on the 22nd day of August, 1859, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for the county of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Geo. H. Woodin, Pl'tiffs Atty. Manitowoc, September 5, 1859. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

SHOVE, THEODORE C. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. John Fitzgerald, guardian of Roselia Gugenheim against Nicholas Wollmar, Paulina Wollmer (sic), Theodore C. Shove, Oliver A. Morse. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgement rendered in this action, on the 31st of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the 11th day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: All the following described lots or parcels of lands situated in the village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to wit: Lot 3, block 135, lots 13 15 and 16, block 136, lots 21 and 22, block 198, lots 8 and 9, block 199, lot 17, block 200; lots 12 13 16 block 252; lots 3 4 5 block 256 lots 14 15 18 19 and 20 in block 296 according to the official plot of the said village of Manitowoc, together with the appurtenances.-Sheriff?s office, Manitowoc, November 10th 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Boock & Edmonds, Plaintiff's Attornies. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 11, 1859 P.3

SHOVE, THEODORE C. REFEREE'S SALE-THE State of Wisconsin. In Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Theodore C. Shove, Pltff, against John Sauer, Defendant. Notice of Sale on Judgment of Foreclosure. By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgement of foreclosure and sale, rendered by said Court in the above entitled action on the 22d day of December 1868, wherein and whereby the undersigned was appointed by said Court a Referee to sell the mortgaged premises described therein. I shall, on the 13th day February 1869 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the office of T.C. Shove in the Village of Manitowoc, in the County of Manitowoc, in the State of Wisconsin, expose for sale and sell at public vendue the mortgaged premises described in said judgement, or as much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgement, amounting to the sum of Five Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars and Seventy Seven cents ($577.77), with interest from December 22, 1868 and the costs and expenses of the sale and taxes which said premised mentioned in said judgement are described an (sic) follows to-wit: The west half of the south west quarter of section No. Five (5) in township No. Nineteen (19), north range No. Twenty Three (23) east, containing eighty (80) acres of land, more or less, all being in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Eugene F. Eldridge, Referee. Dated Manitowoc Wis., December 29th 1868. Manitowoc Tribune, February 25, 1869 P. 1

SHOVE, THEODORE C. IN CIRCUIT COURT-WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Harvey F. Hubbard, plaintiff vs. T.C. Shove defendant. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court for Winnebago county on the 13th day of November, 1895 subscribed by the attorney for the above named plaintiff upon a judgment rendered in said court on the 19th day of October, 1895 in favor of the above named defendant T.C. Shove, a certified transcript of which said judgment was filed and said judgment duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in and for Manitowoc county, Wisconsin on the 9th day of November, 1895 at 10 o'clock a.m. for the sum of eight thousand five hundred and seventy dollars and ninety cents ($8570.90) which said execution is to me directed and delivered: -I have levied upon and seized all of the right title and interest which the said defendant, T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 13th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit: The East ten and ninety one-hundreds (10-90-100) acres in the southwest quarter of the north-west quarter and Government Lots No. three (3) and five (5) in Section No. twenty-four (24) Town nineteen (19) north, Range No. twenty-three (23) east; and also the following lots in the village of Manitowoc Rapids: Lot five (5) Block four (4); Lots ten (10), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), Block eight (8); Lot twelve (12), Block eleven (11), Lots nine (9) and ten (10), Block nineteen (19); lots one (1), two (2) and six (6), Block twenty-three (23); Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block twenty-five (25); lot seven (7) in Block twenty-seven (27); Lot twelve (12) in Block thirty-seven (37); also the following lots in the city of Manitowoc, to-wit: Lot No. one (1) in Block two hundred and twenty-seven (227); also lots four (4) and five (5) in Block one hundred and ten (110) and lots seven (7) and eight (8) in block one hundred and fifteen (115). I have also levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest which the said defendant T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 18th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit. The south half of Lot No. five (5) and lots six (6) and seven (7) and the north three-fourths (3/4) of Lot eight (8) in Block No. three hundred and twenty-one (321) of the city of Manitowoc, all said lots and parcels of land being in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin,, which I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc in the state of Wisconsin on Friday the 17th day of January, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin this 27th day of November, 1895. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, January 9, 1896 P. 4 ***** (First publication Feb. 27th 1896.) IN CIRCUIT COURT-WINNEGAGO COUNTY. Harvey F. Hubbard, plaintiff vs. T.C. Shove defendant. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court for Winnebago county on the 13th day of November, 1895 subscribed by the attorney for the above named plaintiff upon a judgment rendered in said court on the 19th day of October, 1895 in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant, T.C. Shove, a certified transcript of which said judgment was filed and said judgment duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in and for Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, on the 9th day of November, 1895 at 10 o'clock a.m. for the sum of eight thousand five hundred and seventy dollars and ninety cents ($8570.90) which said execution is to me directed and delivered: I have levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest which the said defendant T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 13th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit: The East ten and ninety one hundreds (10-90-100) acres in the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and Government lots No. three (3) and five (5) in Section No. Twenty-four (24) Town nineteen (19) north, Range No. twenty-three (23) east; and also the following lots in the village of Manitowoc Rapids: Lot five (5), Block four (4); Lots ten (10), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) Block eight (8); Lot twelve (12), Block eleven (11); Lots nine (9), and ten (10), Block nineteen (19), Lots one (1), two (2) and six (6), Block twenty-three (23); Lots one (1), two (2) and six (6), Block Twenty-three (23); Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block twenty-five (25); Lot seven (7) in Block twenty-seven (27); Lot twelve (12) in Block thirty-seven (37); also the following lots in the city of Manitowoc, to-wit: Lot No. one (1) in Block two hundred and twenty-seven (227); also lots four (4) and five (5) in Block one hundred and ten (110) and Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in Block one hundred and fifteen (115). I have also levied upon and seized all of the right, title and interest which the said defendant T.C. Shove had in and to the following described lands on the 18th day of April, 1892 or at any time thereafter to-wit: The south half of Lot No. five (5) and Lots (6) and seven (7) and the north three-fourths (3/4) of Lot eight (8) in Block No three hundred and twenty-one (321) of the city of Manitowoc, all said lots and parcels of land being in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, which I shall expose for sale and sell as the law directs to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in the city and county of Manitowoc in the state of Wisconsin on Friday the 11th day of April, 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated at Manitowoc, Wisconsin; this 21st day of February, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. J.S. Anderson, Plaintiff's Attorney Manitowoc Pilot, March 12, 1896 P. 4

SHOYER, EMANUEL M. Baensch, August etal - (Shoyer, Emanuel M. vs) Promissory note yr. 1858; X2430; CF 18

SHOYER, EMANUEL M. Blesch, Peter J. - (Shoyer, Emanuel M. vs) Premussory(sic) note yr. 1858; X2435; CF 18

SHUBER, JOHN Cizek, John & wife Elizabeth; Shuber, John & wife Mary; Stupecky, Frank & wife Anna; Stupecky, Vincent & wife Mary. Deft. Nika, Ferdinant(sic) Pltf. Mortgage settelment (sic). yr. 1877; #662; Box No. CF29

SHUBER, JOHN COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. March 14-In re estate of John Shuber, deceased; appraisers appointed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4

SHUBER, JOHN COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of John Shuber, deceased; order entered to hear petition for administration. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

(First publication Feb. 16, 1882.) No. 13.
In the matter of the estate of John Shuber, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Margaret Shuber, of town Franklin, Manitowoc county, Wis., representing among other things that John Shuber, late of the town of Franklin, Manitowoc county, Wis., on the 22nd day of January, A.D., 1882, at said town of Franklin, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, to the amount of $500 and the the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate, be to James C. McCarty granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court, on Tuesday, the 14th day of March, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county.
Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said county.
Dated at Manitowoc, the 10th day of February, A.D., 1882.
R.D. Smart, County Judge.
Manitowoc Pilot, March 2, 1882 P. 2

SHUBER, JOSEPH Order to Hear Petition for Administration. First publication Jan. 6th 1887. IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. in the matter of Estate of Joseph Shuber, deceased. On reding and filing the petition of Mary Shuber, of the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County, representing among other things that Joseph Shuber, late of the town of Kossuth, in said County, on the 24th day of December, A.D., 1886, at said town of Kossuth, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Adolph Cizek, of the City of Manitowoc granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this Court, on Tuesday, the 1st day of February, A.D., 1887, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Nord-Westen, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 4th day of January, A.D., 1887. Carl H. Schmidt,County Judge. White & Blesch, Attorneys. Der Nord Westen, Thursday, January 13, 1887 P. 5

SHUBER, MARY Cizek, John & wife Elizabeth; Shuber, John & wife Mary; Stupecky, Frank & wife Anna; Stupecky, Vincent & wife Mary. Deft. Nika, Ferdinant(sic) Pltf. Mortgage settelment (sic). yr. 1877; #662; Box No. CF29

SHUFFELBOTHAM, JAMES Juneau, John & Mahala (James Shuffelbothan vs) yr. 1870; #19; CF 22

SHUFFLEBOTHAN, JAMES Carnety, Catherine vs James Shufflebothan yr. 1873; X1606; CF 13

SHUSTER, ROB'T COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of Rob't Shuster, deceased, claim of R.E. Mueller, $85.00. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1