The following entries are from the court index microfilm at the Manitowoc Library, The records pertaining to these are at the Area Research Center in Green Bay. You may be able to order the record here: Cofrin Library request forms

[ T ]

T?INGEN, MATH Plaintiff Beers, Charles - Defendant Mtwc. Northern Traction Co. Jury list - Joseph Menne; George Grimm; Joseph Miller; Herman Heinz; August Schulz; Ferd Heyroth; M. O'Connor; Math T?ingen; Frank Link; John Pinger; Math Tischler; Chas Voelker yr. 1903; 3952; CF 63

TAGGER, MARY BASTARDY.-Mary Tagger, of this city, wants the law to declare Peter Peterson the daddy of her baby, which was born out of wedlock about two months ago. Justice Glover after due investigation has concluded that if Peter is not the pater (sic) of said baby he don't know who is, and has held him to bail in the sum of $200 to answer to the charge of bastardy at the next session of the Circuit Court. Manitowoc Pilot, February 4, 1875 P. 3

TALBOTT, SAMUEL D. United States Marshal's Sale. John W. Perego, Edward B. Bulkley, John G. Plimpton, & George L. Bulkley vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Holverson, Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Welles Coverly, J.N. Frye & Hiram Knapp. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. John L. Emmons, James H. Danfort & Pretiss W. Scudder. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Daniel B. Stedman, George Stedman & S.P. Rider. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Henry W. Wellington, John A.D. Gross, Cornelius Wellington & Nathan H. Daniels. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Joel E. Holbrook & Joseph A. Arnold. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Samuel D. Talbott. vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. Frederic Sweetser, Samuel H. Gookin, James Swan & Isaac D. Blodgett, vs Gideon B. Collins, Jacob Halverson & Benjamin Wellington. By virtue of nine writs of Fi. Fa. issued by the District court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, on the 2d day of December, 1861, in the above entitled causes, I have seized and taken, and shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 30th day of December, 1861, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., at the Store lately occupied by the above named defendants, in the Village of Manitowoc, and state of Wisconsin, the following described personal property to-wit: The stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware Boots and Shoe, Previsions, &c., now in the store lately occupied by the above named defendents. Also 1 lot of lumber now lying on the south side of the North Pier, supposed to contain 20,000 feet, be the same more or less. One lot of culled lumber on the dock owned by said defendants and suppose to contain ten thousand feet be the same more or less. One lot of lumber laying at Brown's Mill in the village of Manitowoc, suppose to contain ten thousand fee be the same more or less. One lot of logs lying in the Manitowoc River containing 1,000,000 feet be the same more or less marked as follows, to wit: (VV.K, TC,-LMJ.) 34 M. shingles lying on the lot lately occupied by said defendants, 300 Cedar Posts in the same place. 1 new double wagon; 1 lot of Rye containing 1200 bushels more or less. 1 lot of Barley containing 80 bushels more or less; 4 large safe; 2 show cases; 2 stoves with pipe attached; 1 lot Coupter Scales, fixtures &c., belonging to said defendants. 1 lot of Grind Stones; 10 Kettles; 2 Fanning Mills; 1 Truck; 3 sets Platform scales; 1 large lot of Sash; 5 Cultivators; 5 Straw Cutters; 1 lot of Clover Seed; 1 lot of Timothy seed; 1 Corn Sheller; 1 lot Fish barrels; 1 small lot Oak Timber. And other articles too numerous to mention. Said sale will continue from day to day until the whole property is disposed of. Darius C. Jackson, Marshal. By S.S. St. John, Deputy, Dated at Manitowoc, December, 6th 1861 Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1861 P. 6

TART, JOSEPH Bolley, Josette vs Peltier, George E1/2 of NE1/4-NW1/4 & S1/4 of W1/2 of NE/4 & NE/4 S 7, T20, R24 Land dispute pltff claims to have been married to Joseph Tart (which see) def says she was never legally md to Tart yr. 1890; #1959; CF 46

TAUER, GEORGE Berkner, Charles Plaintiff - Haberty, John Defendant Dfndt is charges(sic) with trespass in that he drove over pltf's land when road was blocked by snow. Plntf had a contract with George Tauer allowing Tauer to pass over plntf's land when private road was blocked by snow. Dfndt was an employee of Tauer and argued that rights to Tauer passed to employee. Case settled with plaintiff paying court costs. yr. 1873; #2130; Box CF 16 FLB

TAUGHER, (NO NAME) Donahoo (Taugher vs) yr. 1855; #256; CF2

TAYLOR, (NO NAME) Bruce (Taylor vs) yr. 1856; #190; CF 2

TAYLOR, ISSAC STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. In Equity, Foreclosure of Mortgage. Isaac Taylor, Complainant, vs. Pliney Pierce, Oliva Bruce, Administratix of Estate of Wm. H. Bruce, deceased, and Oliva Bruce as widow of said Wm. H. Bruce, deceased, Erastus Corning, G.D. Dousman, William Puenix, and Alfred Edwards, Defendants. It appearing to me that on the 13th day of June, A.D. 1854, a subpoena in the above entitled cause was issued out of and under the seal of this Court, and that said Subpoena, has been returned by the Sheriff of Manitowoc County, with his endorsement thereon written that the above named defendants, Erastus Corning and Alfred Edwards cannot be found in this County, and it further appearing to my satisfaction that the said defendants are not residents of the State of Wisconsin, therefore a motion of S.A. Wood, Solicitor for the Complainant, it is ordered that the said defendants, Erasaus Corning and Alfred Edwards appear in our said court and plead, answer or demur to the bill of complaintion file in this cause, by the 8th day of January, 1855, and that in default thereof, the said bill be taken as confessed by the said defendants; and it is further ordered that within twenty days from the date of this Order, a copy thereof be personally served upon the said defendants Erastus Corning and Alfred Edwards, or that within said time of copy of the same be published in the Manitowoc Tribune, a newspaper printed and published in said county, and that said publication be continued in said paper for six weeks successively. Dated Manitowoc, October 5, 1854. GEO. REED, (County Judge,) as Court Commissioner, S.A. WOOD, solicitor for comp't. A true copy of the original. Attest. Chas. A. Reutea, Clerk of Circuit Court. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, October 14, 1854 P. 3

TAYLOR, DAVID Defendants: Adams, William N; Adams, Mary his wife; Langenfeldt, Frederick; Uhlig, Johanne L; Taylor, David Plaintiff: Adams & wife; mortgage 2 lots on Village of Centerville to Taylor of Sheboygan. Langenfeldt and Uhlig are creditors of Adams. Adams and wife have left the state for California so land was sold thru foreclosure. yr 1853; #2109; Box CF 16 FLB

TAYLOR, DAVID Anna Catharina Brust (David Taylor vs) yr. 1852; X139; CF 1

TAYLOR, DAVID Peter Brust (David Taylor vs) yr. 1852; X139; CF 1

TAYLOR, SETH Albee, James Plaintiff Taylor, Seth Defendant Plaintiff claims that def owes him 46.88 after trade of supplies and labor. Jury awarded plaintiff $30.00 yr 1869; #1785; Box CF 14 FLB

TEBBITS, BENJ. Cadwell, Henry vs Benj. Tebbits etal yr. 1858; X1656; CF 13

TECHECY, JOHN In Probate Court. In Probate-Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Techecy, dec'd. ON reading and filing the petition of Mary Pecka, of Kossuth representing, among that John Techecy, late of Kossuth on the 21st day of June A.D. 1865, at Milwaukee died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Wenzil Kostomlatsky granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 27th day of August A.D. 1866, at 10 A.M., at Manitowoc in said County. Ordered further that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot, a Weekly Newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc in said County. By the Court, Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Manitowoc, August 4th. 1866. Manitowoc Pilot, August 24, 1866 P. 4

TIETGEN, EMIL SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, upon a judgment rendered in the Municipal Court on the 7th day of November 1910, a transcript of which judgment was docketed in the Circuit Court in and for said county on the 14th day of November 1910, in an action wherein Emil Teitgen is plaintiff and August Welke is defendant, in favor of the said Plaintiff and against the said defendant for the sum of Thirty-nine and ten on hundredth Dollars, which execution was directed and delivered to me as sheriff in and for said county of Manitowoc, I have levied upon all the right, title and interset (sic) of the said defendant August Welke in and to the following described real property, to-wit: Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 135 of the City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin; NOTICE is hereby given that I, the undersigned as sheriff as aforesaid, will sell the above described real property to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction at the East Front Entrance of the Manitowoc County Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, on Saturday, the 4th day of February 1911, at 10 o'clock A.M. of that day, to satisfy the said execution together with the interests and costs thereon. Dated December 15, 1910. C.E. Cary, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. Manitowoc Pilot, December 22, 1910 P. 4

TEMKE, JOHN Balz, Katharine 13 yrs on 6 Aug 1890; Balz, Mary 11 yrs 3 Jan 1890; Balz, William 9 yrs 12 Feb 1890; Balz, Louisa 7 yrs 2 July 1890 Infant children of Nicholas Balz & Baltz deceased 22 Sept. 1886 In re estate of John Temke, special guardian Mother & Stepfather are Bernard & Louisa Bunge or Eliza - 35 yrs on 29 Aug 1892 Live Town of Schleswig (other side of the card) Nicholas Baltz had a sister Mrs. Catharine Lehnard of Sheboygan S1/2 of NW1/4 of Sect 4 in T 17N R21E Mtwc Co. deeded to Nicholas by his parents In 1900 Mary Balz was Mary Grabs In 1904 Louisa Balz was Louise W??eel [Winkel] yr. 1873; #2043; CF 47

TEMPKE, JOHN Jones, Milton State of Wisconsin (by Tempke, John) vs. Neglected horses yr. 1898; #306; CF 71

TENDLER, ELIZABETH Doyle, James (Tendler, Elizabeth vs) bonds/financial yr. 1874; #255; CF24

TERENS, AUGUST C. MORTGAGE SALE. BY virtue of a mortgage bearing date, April 26th, A.D. 1873, Madison M. Wescott and Mary Wescott, his wife, of Manitowoc County and State of Wisconsin conveyed to August C. Terens of said county of Manitowoc, certain premises described in said indenture as follows, to-wit: All the following described pieces, parcels or lots of land lying and being situated in said county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit:-The south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section number twenty-seven (27), of township number twenty-one (21), of range number twenty-three (23) east, containing forty acres of land, more or less, according to public survey, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, which said mortgage contained a power of sale together with an obligation to pay the sum of twenty-five dollars as solicitors fees in case of foreclosure of said mortgage by reason of the non-performance of any of the conditions therein contained. Said mortgage was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, on the first day of May, A.D. 1873, at 10 a.m., and recorded in Vol. "Y" of mortgages on page 182, the amount due on said mortgage at the time of the date and first publication of the notice is as follows: For principal...$270.00 For interist (sic),...53.00 Total amount due on note,...$323.00 No action or proceeding has been instituted at law to secure the debt remaining, secured by such mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of said mortgaged premises and said premises will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 17th day of April, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff's office in the Court house building in the City of Manitowoc, in said county of Manitowoc. Geo. N. Woodin, Att'y. Albert Wittenburg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Dated March 1st, 1875. Manitowoc Pilot, March 18, 1875 P. 2 ***** MORTGAGE SALE. BY virtue of a Mortgage bearing date, April 26th, A.D. 1873, Madison M. Wescott and Mary Wescott, his wife, of Manitowoc County and State of Wisconsin conveyed to August C. Terens of said county of Manitowoc, certain premises described in said indenture as follows, to-wit: All the following described pieces, parcels or lots of land lying and being situated in said county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, to-wit:-The south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section number twenty-seven (27), of township number twenty-one (21), of range number twenty-three (23), east, containing forty acres of land, more or less, according to public survey, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, which said mortgage contained a power of sale together with an obligation to pay the sum of twenty-five dollars as solicitors fees in case of foreclosure of said mortgage by reason of the non-performance of any of the conditions therein contained. Said mortgage was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of of (sic) Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, on the first day of May, A.D. 1873, at 10 A.M., and recorded in Vol. "Y" of mortgages on page 182, the amount due on said mortgage at the time of the date and first publication of this notice is as follows: For principal...$270.00 For interest...53.00 Total amount due on note...$323.00 No action or proceeding has been instituted at law to secure the debt remaining, secured by such mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of said mortgage premises and said premises will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 29th day of May, A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff's office in the Court-house building in the City of Manitowoc, in said county of Manitowoc. Albert Wittenburg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Geo. N. Woodin, Att'y. Dated April 15th, 1875. Manitowoc Pilot, April 29, 1875 P. 2

TERENS, JOHN COUNTY COURT PRECEEDIGNS. Smart, J. March 2. In re estate of John Stelzer, deceased; Louis Heyroth, John Terens, and Philip Reda appointed appraisers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P.4

TESARIK, ANNA Cerny, Adam; Cerny, Anna, his wife vs Tesarik, Anna Promissory note dispute yr. 1879; #1006A; CF 34

THAYER, CHANCEY R. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Hezekiah H. Smith and William Aldrich, against Chancey R. Thayer and Sarah A Thayer. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said court in the above entitled action dated November 2d 1860, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, on Thursday the 31st day of July, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale to-wit: The north east quarter of the north west quarter of section number twenty three (23), in Township No. twenty one (21), north of range no. twenty-four (24) east, containing forty acres of land, more or less in the Menasha Land District, and County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. Dated Sheriff Office, Manitowoc, March 31st 1862. WM. M. NICHOLS, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

THAYER, JOHN O. Cook, C. Fox; Thomas, Timothy; Thomas, Madison; Thomas, James Defendants Thayer, John O. Plaintiff Thayer purchased a note signed by the Thomases in amt 75.00 from Cook. Note is now past due. yr. 1860; #2113; CF6

THAYER, SARAH A SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Hezekiah H. Smith and William Aldrich, against Chancey R. Thayer and Sarah A Thayer. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY virtue of and pursuant to a judgment rendered in said court in the above entitled action dated November 2d 1860, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, on Thursday the 31st day of July, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale to-wit: The north east quarter of the north west quarter of section number twenty three (23), in Township No. twenty one (21), north of range no. twenty-four (24) east, containing forty acres of land, more or less in the Menasha Land District, and County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wis. Dated Sheriff Office, Manitowoc, March 31st 1862. WM. M. NICHOLS, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

THAYER, THOMAS Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN.-Benjamin Gallender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Shecheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. Troe, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to coinc(?) in under this decree in this case, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horacio Truman, David H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George Le Fevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTURE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell in public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complaint of this action or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense and cost of sale, to wits-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145,) Lot No. seven (7) to Block No. one hundred forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the heredi?arments and appertenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 19th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff Isaac H. Famrish, Pt'iffs Att'y The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

THAYER, THOMAS Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jodah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiffs; AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Freeman, David H. VanValkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action; or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit; -All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145), Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the here editaments and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3

THAYER, THOMAS Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Be?hiac. B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent. Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E.Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiff's, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Trueman, Daive H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall, expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit:-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145) Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereonto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4

THEGEN, CHRISTIAN Bischop, John G. - (Thegen, Christian vs) Suit to collect payment for building materials delivered yr. 1885; #1551; CF 42

THILMANY, OSCAR City of Kaukauna (Thilmany, Oscar vs) Thilmany pulp & paper mills yr. 1896; #3337; CF 55

THOMAS, DAMESE L. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Argalus W. Starks against Albert N. Baker, Sarah Baker, his wife, Ernst Wagner, Catharine Wagner, his wife, Damese L. Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Charles Gaylord, Thomas A.H. Edwards, and Goteleib Shalor. IN PURSUANCE of a judgment rendered in this action on the 26th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February, A.D. 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit:-Lot 4 in block 129; lot 13 in block 112; lots 1 and 19 in block 195; lots 14, 15, and 18 in block 198; lots 3 and 4 in block 200; lots 19 and 20 in block 202; lots 9 and 12 in block 203; lots 21 and 22 in block 251; lots 13 and 16 in block 259; lots 6 and 7 in block 295; lots 19 and 20 in block 298; lots 10 and 11 in block 300; lots 15 and 18 in block 303; lots 11 and 14 in block 308; lots 7 and 10 in block 330; lots 21 and 22 in block 339; lots 12 and 13 in block 313; lots 11 and 14 in block D; lots 6 and 7 in block J; and lots 10 and 11 in block ?; all of said lots and blocks being situated in the west half of section thirty, in township number 19, range number twenty four, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. -Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, October 26, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Palmer & Stark, Attornies. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 11, 1859 P.3

THOMAS, JAMES Cook, C. Fox; Thomas, Timothy; Thomas, Madison; Thomas, James Defendants Thayer, John O. Plaintiff Thayer purchased a note signed by the Thomases in amt 75.00 from Cook. Note is now past due. yr. 1860; #2113; CF6

THOMAS, JOSEPH Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Argalus W. Starks against Albert N. Baker, Sarah Baker, his wife, Ernst Wagner, Catharine Wagner, his wife, Damese L. Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Charles Gaylord, Thomas A.H. Edwards, and Goteleib Shalor. IN PURSUANCE of a judgment rendered in this action on the 26th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February, A.D. 1860, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of said judgment and costs, and expenses of sale, to wit:-Lot 4 in block 129; lot 13 in block 112; lots 1 and 19 in block 195; lots 14, 15, and 18 in block 198; lots 3 and 4 in block 200; lots 19 and 20 in block 202; lots 9 and 12 in block 203; lots 21 and 22 in block 251; lots 13 and 16 in block 259; lots 6 and 7 in block 295; lots 19 and 20 in block 298; lots 10 and 11 in block 300; lots 15 and 18 in block 303; lots 11 and 14 in block 308; lots 7 and 10 in block 330; lots 21 and 22 in block 339; lots 12 and 13 in block 313; lots 11 and 14 in block D; lots 6 and 7 in block J; and lots 10 and 11 in block ?; all of said lots and blocks being situated in the west half of section thirty, in township number 19, range number twenty four, in the county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin. -Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, October 26, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Palmer & Stark, Attornies. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 11, 1859 P.3

THOMAS, JOSEPH W. Bulkley, Charles E. Plaintiff Murphy, Wyman Defendant Murphy seeks a continuance until his attorney can get affidavits from Obadiah Platt and Joseph W. Thomas who are believed to be in the Nevada Territory. yr. 1864; #1745; Box CF 14 FLB

THOMAS, JOSEPH W. Easton, D. (dft.) (St. of Wis vs.) Sewall W. Smith; wife Mary A. Smith. - adultery with dft. Mrs. Barnes; Barnes, C.C.; Edwards, Miss Jane; Thomas, Joseph W.; Chamberlin, Wm. H.; Collins. G.B.; Emery, G.W.; Lyon, Walter; Lynch, Wm.; Shove, T.C.; yr. 1861; CS2704; CF20

THOMAS, MADISON Cook, C. Fox; Thomas, Timothy; Thomas, Madison; Thomas, James Defendants Thayer, John O. Plaintiff Thayer purchased a note signed by the Thomases in amt 75.00 from Cook. Note is now past due. yr. 1860; #2113; CF6

THOMAS, NICHOLAS Ballard, Charles P. vs Gullison G. etal; Thomas, Nicholas; Wilson, Patrick; Wilson, Thomas non-payment of note yr. 1881; 1181; CF 36

THOMAS, TIMOTHY Cook, C. Fox; Thomas, Timothy; Thomas, Madison; Thomas, James Defendants Thayer, John O. Plaintiff Thayer purchased a note signed by the Thomases in amt 75.00 from Cook. Note is now past due. yr. 1860; #2113; CF6

THOMPSON, CHRISTIAN Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18

THOMPSON, HALVER From the Clerk's Minutes we glean the following: J. Donahue vs. Halver Thompson; Court directed jury to find for the plaintiff and to find his damages at the sum of six cents. Stay of proceedings for 90 days ordered. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 30, 1883 P. 1

THOMSON, HALVER The following cases were disposed of in the Circuit Court during the past week: Jere Donehue vs Halver Thomson: continued. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1882 P. 4

THOMPSON, HALVOR Donahue, Jere (Jerre) vs Thompson, Halvor Property dispute yr. 1882; #1255; CF37

THOMPSON, NEIL Belitz, Henry - (Thompson, Neil vs) yr. 1876; #616; CF 28

THOMPSON, NIELS E. Cretan, John (Carl Schmidtman vs) crossed out (Niels E. Thompson vs) yr. 1870; #15; CF22

THOMPSON, NIELS E. Crettan, Jean Maurice (Niels E. Thompson vs) yr. 1870; #15; CF22

THOMPSON, OLE H. Dellebeck, Andrew Oleson (State of Wis) vs Hougen, Ole K. et al; Anderson, Kund; Anderson, Martin T. Anderson, Thomas; Christianson, T.E. Gulikson, Nils; Gutman, John; Gutman, Joseph; Hougen, Knud; Isaacson, Ole; Jurgenson, Gulik; Knudson, Carl; Knudson, K.L.; Knudson, K.O.; Larson, John; Larson, Ole; Nelson, Nels; Olson, Benedict; Pefferle, Stephen; Thompson, Christian; Thompson, Ole H. Charged with shooting & killing of Gudman Olson Dellebeck yr. 1879; CX2445; CF18

THOMPSON, T.M. (First publication March 5, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN:-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Thomas E. Torrison and Oscar M. Torrison, as executors of the last will and testament of Oeuld (sic) Torrison, deceased, plaintiffs, vs. Marget Stenson (alias Mary Stenson), individually and as administratrix of the estate of Aanen Stenson (alias Onend Stensin), deceased; Anna Stenson, Christena Hanson, Mary Stenson, Cornelius Stenson, Mollie Stenson, Gina Stenson, Martin Stenson, Olga Stenson, Amanda M.O. Stenson and T.M. Thompson, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 13th day of February, 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc County Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the County Jail Building at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Thursday the twenty-third (23rd) day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiffs for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and described in said judgment as follows, to wit: The south-west quarter of the north-west quarter (S. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4) of section sixteen (16), containing forty acres more or less; and government lot No. seven (7), in section seventeen (17) containing forty-six and 90-100 (46 90-100) acres more or less, all situated in township No. nineteen (19) north of range No. twenty-three (23), east. Dated March 4, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiffs' Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2

THORNE, JONATHAN Knapp, David B. (Jonathan Thorne vs) yr. 1852; X94; CF1

THORNE, JONATHAN James Austin - (Jonathan Thorne vs) yr. 1852; CF 1

THORNTON, (NO NAME) Eaton - Thornton yr. 1877; #731; CF30

THORNTON, J.H. Circuit Court. The following is a full report of the cases tried and disposed of during the present term of the Circuit Court; Jan. 23d. J.H. Thornton vs. R.P. Eaton. Referred to F.E. Manseau.... *** Jan. 24th. J.H. Thornton vs. R.P. Eaton. Judgment for defendant.... *** Jan. 28th. J.H. Thornton vs R.P. Eaton. Judgment for defendant.... Manitowoc Tribune, January 31, 1878 P. 3 *Note: Article contained long list which was taken apart for each individual.

THORNTON, J.H. Eaton, R.P. (Thornton, J.H. vs) appeal from Justice Court yr. 1880 #802; CF31

THORNTON, JOHN Kirling, Joseph vs Raymond, Marie A., her husband, Raymond, Charles; Thornton, John; Platt, Jarves E. Promissary Note yr. 1877; No. 720; Box CF30

THORNTON, JOHN Brooks, Horrace J.(sic); Fiel, Walker K.; Dewing, Edgar S.; Willme, James H.; Windiate, Thomas & wife Cordelia; Sho?t, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Ross, Christian; Freeman, Geodfrey vs Thornton, John Signing of a mortgage yr. 1876; Case No. 653; Box No. CF 29

THORNTON, JOHN Daggett, Henry L.; Daggett, Henry L. Jr. Plaintiffs Thornton, John Defendant Plaintiffs, doing business and H.L. Daggett & Co of Boston, seek to collect on two note totaling $489.15 with interest at 10% per annum after maturity. yr. 1875; #1734; CF14

THORNTON, JOHN Dewing, Edgar S.; Wilme, James H.; Windate, Thomas & wife Corneila; Ross, Christian; Shott, Augustas H.; Ross, Joseph; Shove, T.C.; Brooks, Horrace J.; Field, Walker K.; Freeman, Godfrey vs Thornton, John Mortgage signing yr. 1876; #653; CF29

THORNTON, JOHN H. Brooks, Horace J. etal vs Thornton, John H. yr. 1875; #559; CF 28

THORNTON, JOHN H. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN. In the matter of John H. Thornton, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. This is to give Notice: that on the 15th day of November A.D. 1875, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of John H. Thornton of Manitowoc in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition; that the payment of any Debts and Delivery of any Property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the Transfer of any Property by him are forbidden by Law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignee of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at Milwaukee Wisconsin before M. Francis Bloodgood, Register, on the first day of November A.D. 1875, at two o'clock P.M. Arthur P. Hamilton Deputy U.S. Marshal as Messenger. Manitowoc Pilot, October 21, 1875 P. 2

THORNTON, JOHN N. Eaton, Rufus B. (Thornton, John N. vs) Tax on land dispute yr. 1878; #787; CF31

THORNTON, MATTHIAS Albee, James (Matthias Thornton vs) Promissory note yr 1886; #1508; CF 42

THORNTON, MATTHIAS Albee, Zilpha (Matthias Thornton vs) Promissory note yr 1886; #1508; CF 42

THORNTON, MATTHIAS Kiland, G.H. (Matthias Thornton vs) Promissary note yr. 1886; #1508; CF 42

THORP, ADELIA M. SHERIFF'S SALE-The State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court Brown County. Isaac F. Win? plaintiff, against Edward M. Thorp, Adelia M. Thorp and David R. Parker, defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. In virtue of and pursuant in a judgement rendered in said court in the above entitled action, dated October 4th, 1859, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the court house in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, on Saturday the 7th day of April, 1860 at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the village and county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, and described as follows: Lot number one (1) in block number two hundred and twenty-four (224) as the same is laid down on the recorded plat of said village. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, Wis., December 26th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff, J.D. MARKHAM Att'y for Plff. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 3, 1860 P. 3

THORP, EDWARD M. SHERIFF'S SALE-The State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court Brown County. Isaac F. Win? plaintiff, against Edward M. Thorp, Adelia M. Thorp and David R. Parker, defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. In virtue of and pursuant in a judgement rendered in said court in the above entitled action, dated October 4th, 1859, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the court house in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, on Saturday the 7th day of April, 1860 at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. of that day, the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with expenses of sale, to wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the village and county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, and described as follows: Lot number one (1) in block number two hundred and twenty-four (224) as the same is laid down on the recorded plat of said village. Dated Sheriff's Office, Manitowoc, Wis., December 26th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff, J.D. MARKHAM Att'y for Plff. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, January 3, 1860 P. 3

THROYS, CHARLES Sarah A. Andrews etal; Leonard Andrews; Joanna F. Throys; Charles Throys; Susan Bosworth; Anna A. Bosworth vs John A. Eastman etal J. Clity(?); Perry; James B. Perry; Frederick Perry yr. 1852; X 125; CF 1

THROYS, JOANNA F. Sarah A. Andrews etal; Leonard Andrews; Joanna F. Throys; Charles Throys; Susan Bosworth; Anna A. Bosworth vs John A. Eastman etal J. Clity(?); Perry; James B. Perry; Frederick Perry yr. 1852; X 125; CF 1

THURBER, S. Jones, Kiler K. (Thurber, S. vs.) yr. 1861; #796; Cf 7

THURBER, S.H. Conroe, Jacob W. Plaintiff Klingholz, Richard Defendant Mahler, Jacob; Wendt, Charles; S.H. Thurber; James Mead, co-defeddants (sic) Conroe sold 160 acres in what is now the western part of the city of Manitowoc. Klingholz, the purchaser gave seller 4 note of $1,000 each. Klingholz paid off the first one but defaulted on the rest. this is an action of foreclosure. yr. 1862; #2164; CF16

THURBER, SAMUEL Klingholz, Richard Defendant Thurber, Samuel Plaintiff Plaintiff holds a personal note in the amount of $125.00 signed by defendant and now seeks to coolect. yr. 1858; #2141; CF16

THURBER, SAMUEL W. Beach, Samuel E.; Thurber, Samuel W. Plaintiffs Smalley, Edmund J.; Perry, Joseph L.; Perry, Isaac Defendants Plntfs DBA Thurber & Beach seek to recover $182 on a note signed by dfndts DBA as Perry, Smalley & Co. yr. 1859; #2105; Box CF 16 FLB

THUROW, CHARLES Allen, Sarah O. Estate of Richard L. Allen (deceased) vs Fricke, Charles etal; Philippine Fricke (wife); Charles Thurow; Carl Griess; Charles Bruchert Bond & mortgage yr. 1868; #463; CF 27

STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. SS.
Sarah O. Allen, as administratrix of the estate of Richard L. Allen, deceased. Plaintiff.
Against Charles Fricke, Philippine Fricke his wife, Charles Thurow, Carl Griep and Chas. Bruchert, Defendant.
BY virtue of, and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 1st day of July, A.D., 1875, at a regular term of the Circuit Court, for Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in the city and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. I shall expose for sale, and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's office in the City and county of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, on the 21st day of August, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all of the following described mortgaged premises, or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to be due to the plaintiff, together with the interest and costs, and expenses of sale, to-wit: All of those certain lots or parcels of land, situated in the City of Manitowoc, in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, known and described as Lots sixteen (16), and seventeen (17), in Block two hundred and forty-one (241), in said City of Manitowoc, as the same are laid down on the plat thereof recorded in the Register of Deeds of said Manitowoc County.
S.A. Wood, Plaintiff's Attorney.
Dated Sheriff's Office, at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, this 8th day of July, A.D. 1875.
A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co.
By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff.
Manitowoc Pilot, July 8, 1875 P. 2

THURSTON, ISAAC Cayo, Anton vs Thurston, Isaac & Louisa yr. 1875; #551; CF 28

THURSTON, LOUISA Cayo, Anton vs Thurston, Isaac & Louisa yr. 1875; #551; CF 28

TIBBEITS, JAMES R. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

TIBBEITS, WILLIAM C. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

TIERMAN, FREDERICH/JOHANNA CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Johanna Brasch, plaintiff, against Frederich Tierman (sic) and Johanna Tierman, defendants. Notice of sale on judgment in foreclosure. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale rendered by said court in the above entitled action on the 23d day of December, 1868, I shall, on the 5th day of April, 1869, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court house, in t he village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, expose for sale and sell at public vendue the mortgaged premises described in said judgment, or as much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgment, amounting to the sum of five hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety-nine cents ($528 99) with interest from the 23d day of December, 1868, and the costs and expenses of the sale. The said premises mention in said judgment are described as follows, to wit: Lot No. seven (7) in block No. two hundred and seventy (270) in the village of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Peter Mulholland, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Manitowoc, January 4, 1869. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1869 P. 4

TILLSON, P.S. Breu, George (Tillson, P.S. & Schmidt, W.) 11 Nov. 1885 Promissory note by Breu. yr. 1885; #1499; CF 42

TISCH, CHARLES Grand and Petit Jurors. We are indebted to W.F. Eldridge, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn on Saturday last for the October term of the Circuit Court. GRAND JURORS. Martin Brothers, Albert Barry, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, Joseph Waller, Edmund Sullivan, Casper Fleischer, Bartley McGuire, Wm. Lendt, Ira Clark, James Kirby, Charles Tisch, N. Sorrenson, W. H. Metcalf, Michael Fellows, Thomas Watts, Plinny Price, Joseph Vilas, Jr., Adam Roberts, John F. Guyles, Thomas Burns, Wm. H. Glover, C.P. Northrop. PETIT JURORS. James H. Hudges, John O'Laughlin, John O'Hern, A.C. Pool, Dan Shanahan, Sam. H. Phillips, August Riebler, August Apel, J. Draper, D. Neagel, L.H. Knapp, John Kenn, H.F. Hubbard, Richard Ownes, A.W. Bowman, Jas. Bennett, W. Clothier, John Birdsell, Jospeh Symes, Win. Smith, Conrad Bates, George Sharp, Ava Smith, H. Schlichting, Geo. S. Lawrence, H.F. Belitz, C.H. Jennison, M. Oleson, F. Kulhman, J. Wenner, C.F. Rendiger, Henry Riesland, Briston Rowley, Peter Schneider, Henry Heap, Edward Saunders. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3

TISCH, CHAS. Bohn, John & Mary Defendants Cochem, Anna Maria Plaintiff Dfndts mortgaged 80 acre in sect 1 town of Gibson to Chas Tisch who assigned mtg to plntf who forclosed it. Amt of Mortgage $100.. Int 12% yr. 1869; #2186; Box CF 16 FLB

TISCH, WILLIAM Altmann, Carl F. etal; Theodore C. Shove; William Tisch; Boy Soenkson - (Colzhausen, F.W. vs) Foreclosure yr.1876; #490 #527; CF27

TISCH, WILLIAM STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT, ss. F.W. Cotzhausen, Plaintiff. vs. Carl F. Altmann, Theodore C. Shove, William Tisch and Boy Soenkson, Defendants. BY virtue of, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action on the 4th day of February, A.D. 1876, at a general term of said Circuit Court of Manitowoc County, held at the Court House in said County. I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder at the Sheriff's office in the City of Manitowoc in said County, on the 1st day of April, A.D. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff in this action, together with the interest costs and expenses, to wit: All of the N.E. quarter of Section No. nine (9) (sentence unreadable), No. twenty-four (24) east, lying and being in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin; excepting therefrom that part of the east half of said quarter Sec. which lies on the east side of east Twin River, (commonly called Mishicott River) running through said quarter section in a northerly and southerly direction, and also excepting therefrom about sixteen acres of land, being that part of the S.W. quarter of said quarter section which lies westerly of the highway that leads from Two Rivers to Mishicott, said lands containing in all 98 90-100 acres, more or less. Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc Wis. this 16th day of February A.D. 1876. A. Wittenberg. Sheriff Manitowoc County. Cotzhause, Sylvester & Scheiber, Plff's Atty's. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 6, 1879 P. 2

TISCHLER, MATH Plaintiff Beers, Charles - Defendant Mtwc. Northern Traction Co. Jury list - Joseph Menne; George Grimm; Joseph Miller; Herman Heinz; August Schulz; Ferd Heyroth; M. O'Connor; Math T?ingen; Frank Link; John Pinger; Math Tischler; Chas Voelker yr. 1903; 3952; CF 63

TIZLER, D. Kirtland, Frederick S. vs Tizler, D. & L. yr. 1857; X1318; CF11

TIZLER, L. Kirtland, Frederick S. vs Tizler, D. & L. yr. 1857; X1318; CF11

TODLE, JOHN A. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate of Joseph Svacina, deceased: Resignation of John A. Todle, administrator, allowed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4

TOEPEL, CHARLES Stockholders, Bauman George, Erhardt Christian, Mill Hugo, Schumacher Charles, Gutsch H.F.A., Kohn Albert, Toepel Charles, President Kraus Alois, Secretary, Mill Hugo. Collect pay for work performed (Jacob Stegman) Centerville Brewing Co. yr. 1894; Case No 3017; Box No. C.F. 51

TOLSTADT, OLE K. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. In re estate Ole K. Tolstadt, deceased: Final account of administrator. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 18, 1882 P. 4

TOMASCHEFSKY, GUSTAV IN CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN. Joseph Hostak, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Mlada, widow of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Erwin Mlada, heir-at-law of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Olga Mlada Colyar, minor heir of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Belle Mlada, minor heir of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Manitowoc Building and Loan Association, a Wisconsin Corporation, John Boldt, Lizzie Stephany, Michael Sobel, as administrator de bonis non of the estate of Adolph Cizek, deceased, A.J. Shimek, Wencel Cizek, William M. Willinger, as administrator of the estate of Joseph Mlada, deceased, Gustav Tomaschefsky, and Ida Tomaschefsky his wife, John F. Dumke and Edward Colyar, Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered in the above entitled action on the 5th day of April, A.D. 1913, the undersigned referee, appointed by said judgment for that purpose, will sell, at the east entrance of the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, in said county and state, on Saturday, the 23rd day of May, A.D. 1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: Lot Eighteen (18) in Block One hundred and sixteen (116), Lot Eighteen (18) in Block One hundred and seventeen (117) and Lots three (3) and four (4) in Block One hundred and fifty-sixty (sic) (156), in the city of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin. Terms of sale, cash. Dated April 8th, A.D. 1914. William W. Willinger, Referee. A.P. Schenian, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, May 7, 1914 P. 4

TONSLEE, H. Fred Borcherdt (H. Tonslee vs) yr. 1858; X1470; CF 12

TORRESON, THOMAS T. Berge Ole O. Administrator 7 Berge Mary A. Wife (Torreson Thomas T. Administrator) Jorstad, John; Jorstad, Gustave; Jorstad, Letti; Jorstad, Ole K.; Jorstad, Ingebor; Jorstad, Nils. Sale of Real Estate yr. 1894; Case No. #065; Box No. C.F. 51

TORRESON, THOMAS T. Jorstad, John; Jorstad, Gustave; Jorstad, Lettie; Jorstad, Ole K. deceased & Jorstad, Ingebor; Jorstad, Nils; (Torreson Thomas T. Guardian) (Berge, Ole O. Administrator, & Wife Mary A. Berge) Other children Mary, Rena & Knut Sale of Real Estate yr. 1894; #3065; CF 51

TORRISON, (NO NAME) Elleman - Ellerman - Torrison yr. 1876; #625l CF29

TORRISON, NO NAME Koch Torrison yr. 1876; #679; CF30

TORRISON, GUNDER Evans, E.W. (Ellesworth) vs Markham, Byron (George Cooper; John V. Jones; A.S. Bertie; Wm. Leich; Gunder Torrison; Oswald Torrison) Promissory note. yr. 1877; #763; CF31

TORRISON, HAROLD REFEREE'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC County, Circuit Court. Ole G. Knudson, against Nills Nielson, Harold Torrison, H.W. Chamberlain, Abner S. Wise, Singamund Wise, James W. Vail, T. Little, C.R. Baker, Nicholas Wollmer, Russell E. Glover, William Buch, Knud Torrison and Jule Torrison. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April A.D., 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday the 22d day of August A.D. 1862 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, of as much thereof as will reflect the amount of said judgment and costs, to-wit: One square acre of land out of the south-east corner of the east half of section numbered six (6), in township numbered eighteen (18), north of range no. 22 east, all in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. S.A. WOOD, Referee. J.D. MARKHAN, Atty. for Pltff. Date, Manitowoc May 6th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

TORRISON, JOHN Butterfield, Mary A. (John Torrison vs) He is trying to collect a debt from her in Valders yr. 1900; #3741-E31; CF 59

TORRISON, JULE REFEREE'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC County, Circuit Court. Ole G. Knudson, against Nills Nielson, Harold Torrison, H.W. Chamberlain, Abner S. Wise, Singamund Wise, James W. Vail, T. Little, C.R. Baker, Nicholas Wollmer, Russell E. Glover, William Buch, Knud Torrison and Jule Torrison. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April A.D., 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday the 22d day of August A.D. 1862 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, of as much thereof as will reflect the amount of said judgment and costs, to-wit: One square acre of land out of the south-east corner of the east half of section numbered six (6), in township numbered eighteen (18), north of range no. 22 east, all in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. S.A. WOOD, Referee. J.D. MARKHAN, Atty. for Pltff. Date, Manitowoc May 6th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

TORRISON, K. Clark, Isaiah (K. Torrison vs) yr. 1859; #1468; CF12

TORRISON, KNUD REFEREE'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC County, Circuit Court. Ole G. Knudson, against Nills Nielson, Harold Torrison, H.W. Chamberlain, Abner S. Wise, Singamund Wise, James W. Vail, T. Little, C.R. Baker, Nicholas Wollmer, Russell E. Glover, William Buch, Knud Torrison and Jule Torrison. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure rendered by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, in the above entitled action on the 30th day of April A.D., 1862, I will sell at Public Venue to the highest bidder at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday the 22d day of August A.D. 1862 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, of as much thereof as will reflect the amount of said judgment and costs, to-wit: One square acre of land out of the south-east corner of the east half of section numbered six (6), in township numbered eighteen (18), north of range no. 22 east, all in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. S.A. WOOD, Referee. J.D. MARKHAN, Atty. for Pltff. Date, Manitowoc May 6th 1862. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

TORRISON, O. Koch, Fred Deft. Torrison, O. Pltf. collecting money owed him yr. 1876; #678; CF30

TORRISON, O. Bird, James S. vs Torrison, O. Regain possession of property damages yr. 1873/74; Case 367; CF 26

TORRISON, O. Jones, Benjamin (Torrison, O. vs.) yr. 1858; #1471; CF 12

TORRISON, O. Corlieu, Lewis (O. Torrison vs) yr. 1859; #X1467; CF12

TORRISON, OSCAR M. (First publication March 5, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN:-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Thomas E. Torrison and Oscar M. Torrison, as executors of the last will and testament of Oeuld (sic) Torrison, deceased, plaintiffs, vs. Marget Stenson (alias Mary Stenson), individually and as administratrix of the estate of Aanen Stenson (alias Onend Stensin), deceased; Anna Stenson, Christena Hanson, Mary Stenson, Cornelius Stenson, Mollie Stenson, Gina Stenson, Martin Stenson, Olga Stenson, Amanda M.O. Stenson and T.M. Thompson, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 13th day of February, 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc County Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the County Jail Building at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Thursday the twenty-third (23rd) day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiffs for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and described in said judgment as follows, to wit: The south-west quarter of the north-west quarter (S. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4) of section sixteen (16), containing forty acres more or less; and government lot No. seven (7), in section seventeen (17) containing forty-six and 90-100 (46 90-100) acres more or less, all situated in township No. nineteen (19) north of range No. twenty-three (23), east. Dated March 4, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiffs' Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2

TORRISON, OSULD Barnes, John W. vs Finkelson, Anna etal; Knud Finkelson; John Finkelson; Mary Finkelson foreclosure from John Barnes to Osuld Torrison yr. 1886; #1429; CF 40

TORRISON, OSULD Campbell, William - Torrison, Osuld Mortgage yr. 1856; #1781; CF 44

TORRISON, OSULD Drucks or Druecks, Frank (Osuld Torrison vs) suit over sale of timber and condition of same yr. 1873; #271; CF25

TORRISON, OSULD SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, MANITOWOC COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT. Osuld Torrison Plaintiff. vs. Martin Hewitt, Johanna Hewitt his wife, Knud G. Johnson and Michael Fitzmorris. Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgement order of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above entitled action dated February 4th. A.D. 1876, directed to me. I shall expose for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the Court House in the city of Manitowoc in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, on Saturday the 1th (sic) day of April, A.D. 1876, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all the following described mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment, interest and costs, together with the costs of sale, said mortgaged premises are known and described as follows to wit: The south thirty-five feet of Lot No. thirteen (13) in block No. one hundred and nineteen (119) accordind (sic) to the recorded plat of the City of Manitowoc, Wis. on record in the office of the Register of Deeds, of said Manitowoc County. Dated Sheriffs Office, Manitowoc Wis., this 15th day of February, A.D. 1876. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County. By P. Mulholland, Under Sheriff. J.D. Markham Plaintiffs Attorney. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 24, 1876 P. 2

TORRISON, OSULD (First publication March 5, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN:-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Thomas E. Torrison and Oscar M. Torrison, as executors of the last will and testament of Oeuld (sic) Torrison, deceased, plaintiffs, vs. Marget Stenson (alias Mary Stenson), individually and as administratrix of the estate of Aanen Stenson (alias Onend Stensin), deceased; Anna Stenson, Christena Hanson, Mary Stenson, Cornelius Stenson, Mollie Stenson, Gina Stenson, Martin Stenson, Olga Stenson, Amanda M.O. Stenson and T.M. Thompson, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 13th day of February, 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc County Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the County Jail Building at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Thursday the twenty-third (23rd) day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiffs for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and described in said judgment as follows, to wit: The south-west quarter of the north-west quarter (S. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4) of section sixteen (16), containing forty acres more or less; and government lot No. seven (7), in section seventeen (17) containing forty-six and 90-100 (46 90-100) acres more or less, all situated in township No. nineteen (19) north of range No. twenty-three (23), east. Dated March 4, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiffs' Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2

TORRISON, OSWALD Evans, E.W. (Ellesworth) vs Markham, Byron (George Cooper; John V. Jones; A.S. Bertie; Wm. Leich; Gunder Torrison; Oswald Torrison) Promissory note. yr. 1877; #763; CF31

TORRISON, OSWALD First publication Dec. 19, 1882. FORECLOSURE SALE. IN CIRCUIT COURT.-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Antonia Kummer, plaintiff, versus John Fischer, Christian Lintelman, Elizabeth Kunz and Oswald Torrison, defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale, rendered in the above entitled action, on the 5th day of October, A.D., 1881, in the above named court at a special term thereof held at the court house, in the city of Sheboygan, Sheboygan county, Wis., and recorded in the clerk's office in the city of Manitowoc, Wis., on the 8th day of October A.D., 1882, I shall expose for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder at the Sheriff's office in the Court House in the city and county of Manitowoc, Wis., on the 20th day of January, A.D. 1883, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all of the following described real estate, two-wit: The West one-half of the Northeast one-quarter of section number twenty (20), town number nineteen (19), North of range number twenty-three (23), east, in Manitowoc county, Wis., excepting therefrom one (1) acre used as a school house site. Dated December 18th, A.D., 1882. H.M. Murphy, Sheriff of Manitowoc Co. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 26, 1882 P. 4

TORRISON, THOMAS E. (First publication March 5, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN:-CIRCUIT COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. Thomas E. Torrison and Oscar M. Torrison, as executors of the last will and testament of Oeuld (sic) Torrison, deceased, plaintiffs, vs. Marget Stenson (alias Mary Stenson), individually and as administratrix of the estate of Aanen Stenson (alias Onend Stensin), deceased; Anna Stenson, Christena Hanson, Mary Stenson, Cornelius Stenson, Mollie Stenson, Gina Stenson, Martin Stenson, Olga Stenson, Amanda M.O. Stenson and T.M. Thompson, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered by said court, in the above entitled action, and dated on the 13th day of February, 1895, I, the undersigned, sheriff of Manitowoc County Wisconsin, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the office of said sheriff in the County Jail Building at the corner of Eighth and Hancock streets in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Thursday the twenty-third (23rd) day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in order to pay the amount adjudged to said plaintiffs for principal, interest and costs, together with the expenses of sale, the following real estate situated in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and described in said judgment as follows, to wit: The south-west quarter of the north-west quarter (S. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4) of section sixteen (16), containing forty acres more or less; and government lot No. seven (7), in section seventeen (17) containing forty-six and 90-100 (46 90-100) acres more or less, all situated in township No. nineteen (19) north of range No. twenty-three (23), east. Dated March 4, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plaintiffs' Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 5, 1896 P. 2

TOSTENSEN, OLE Branigan, Chester Defendant State of Wisconsin Plaintiff dfndt is accused of striking Ole Tostensen on the side of the head with a thrown rock. Eight days later the victim died. dfndt accused of murder. yr. 1857; #2039; Box CF 15 FLB

TOUHEY, JOHN STATE OF WISCONSIN, IN CIRCUIT COURT MANITOWOC COUNTY. John Touhey, Plaintiff, vs. Michael J. Reed and Thomas Burke, M.D., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and docketed in the above entitled action on the 11th day of October, A.D. 1913, the undersigned sheriff of Manitowoc County State of Wisconsin, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the East door of the Court House, at the city of Manitowoc, in the County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin on the 26th day of January A.D. 1915, at two (2) o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, therein described as follows: The West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W 1/2 NE 1/4) of Section Nineteen (19) in Township Twenty-one (21), North of Range Twenty-two (22) East, in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Dated December 5th, A.D. 1914. Herman C. Schuette, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Timothy Burke, Attorney, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot, December 17, 1914 P. 4

TOWNE, J. Fred Borcherdt (J. Towne vs) yr. 1858; X1474; CF 12

TOWSLEC, HENRY B. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of Wisconsin-Manitowoc County Circuit Court. Julius Henry Kimball against Floyd Johnson, William Goff, Josiah Johnson, Henry B. Towslec, Daniel Knapp, Henry Howard, Alanson Hickok, Lindsey W. Dunham. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment rendered in this action, on the 25th day of October, 1859, I shall sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House in the village of Manitowoc, on the ninth day of February A.D. 1860, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said judgment and costs and expenses of sale, to wit: The south half of the north-east quarter, and the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section number two, township number nineteen, north of range number twenty two east, containing 120 acres of land, more or less, together with the steam saw mill and its appurtenances created on or near said premises by the said Goff and Josiah Johnson.-Sheriff's office, Manitowoc, October 25, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. J.I. Pittit, Plaintiff's Attorney, of Kenosha city. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 28, 1859 P.3

TOWSLEE, GEO. N. SUMMONS. Circuit Court, Manitowoc County. Lewis Sherman, against Albert N. Baker, Aaron Roberts, Argalus W. Starks, Geo. W. Hale, and Geo. N. Towslee, defendants. The State of Wisconsin to the above named defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, county of Manitowoc, at his office in the Village and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in the Village and County of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, within ninety days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, March 1893. J.D. Markham. The said complaint was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the said county of Manitowoc, March 19th, 1863. J.D. Markham, Plff's Atty. Manitowoc Semi Weekly Tribune, Tuesday, April 7, 1863 P. 3

TOWSLEY, GEO. Baker, Albert H. etal Defendant - Salisbury, Samantha Plaintiff Suit to collect mortgage secured by notes to Jos. Symes dated Mar 10 1869. amt 375.00 Interest 7%. Notes purchased by plaintiff. Et al defendants are Aaron Roberts; Argolus W Stark; Geo. W. Hale; Geo. Towsley; who are involved because of claims against defendants property. Baker has moved to South Bend Ind. and has not answered the summonses. Decision for Plaintiff yr.1864; #1837; Box CF 14 FLB

TRAGERSEN, KATHARINE Eisert, Jos. (State of Wisc. vs.) Also mentioned: Eisert, Conrad; Tragersen, Katharine; Traggersen, John; Nisemann, Dr.; Hahn, Dr.; Brown, Dr.; Scinout, Dr.; Batcone, Dr.; Eisert, Margaret; Eisert, Regina; Ziebert, Ferdinand; Groh, Peter; Herr, Margaret; Adolphs, Regina yr. 1865; CX2702; CF20

TRAGGERSEN, JOHN Eisert, Jos. (State of Wisc. vs.) Also mentioned: Eisert, Conrad; Tragersen, Katharine; Traggersen, John; Nisemann, Dr.; Hahn, Dr.; Brown, Dr.; Scinout, Dr.; Batcone, Dr.; Eisert, Margaret; Eisert, Regina; Ziebert, Ferdinand; Groh, Peter; Herr, Margaret; Adolphs, Regina yr. 1865; CX2702; CF20

TRAINOR, M. Kaleck, Barbara see Trainor, M. (St Wis)(Dep Sheriff) CX2485

TRAINOR, M. Kaleck, George see Trainor, M. (St Wis)(Dep Sheriff) CX2485

TREAT, E.B. Eaton, R.P., Rand, Elija, Paine, R.K; Voigt, Edward M. & Lubing, Chas. as administrator of the estate of Treat, E.B., deceased & Johnson, J.C. (W.F. White) yr. 1883; #1355; CF39

TREAT, E.B. COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of E.B. Treat, deceased; proof of posting notices of the sale of real estate in the cities of Two Rivers and Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

TREAT, E.B. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Smart, J. June, 1882.-In re estate of E.B. Treat, deceased: A.J. Schmitz appointed guardian of minor; account of administrator allowed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 4

TREAT, ELLERY B. MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas default has been made in the payment of money secured by a certain mortgage bearing date the 16th day of March, 1874, made and executed by Elery B. Treat and wife to John H. Thornton, and recorded in the office of the Register of deeds in the county of Manitowoc, on the 13th day of July, 1874, at 11 o'clock a.m., in volume 1, of Mortgages, on page 476 and which said mortgage was on the 25th day of July, 1874, duly sold and assigned to R.P. Eaton. And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notice is the sum of $162 and $20 as solicitors fees; now therefore notice is hereby given according to the statute that by virtue of a power of sale contained therein said mortgage, will be foreclosed by the sale at public auction of said premises described in said mortgage as lot six (6) in block 163 in the city of Manitowoc, on the 14th day of July, 1877 at 10 o'clock A.M. at the front door of the Court house in said city. Dated May 31, 1877. B.P. Eaton, Assignee (sic). Manitowoc Pilot, July 5, 1877 P. 2

TREAT, ELLERY B. 4-In re estate of Ellery B. Treat, deceased:-Bond of administrator examined and approved. Contract made with widow for release of dower. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4

TREAT, ELLERY B. COUNTY COURT PRECEEDIGNS. Smart, J. Feb.28. In re estate of Ellery B. Treat, deceased; sale of real estate by administrators, confirmed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P.4

TRENT, E. Dodge, Lydia E. (E. Trent vs) yr. 1866; X1459; CF12

TROE, T. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN.-Benjamin Gallender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Shecheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. Troe, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to coinc(?) in under this decree in this case, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horacio Truman, David H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George Le Fevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTURE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell in public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complaint of this action or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense and cost of sale, to wits-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145,) Lot No. seven (7) to Block No. one hundred forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the heredi?arments and appertenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 19th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff Isaac H. Famrish, Pt'iffs Att'y The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

TRONDSON, NIELS IN PROBATE-Manitowoc Co. Court. In the matter of the estate of Niels Trondson, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Trond Nielson of Liberty in said County, representing among other things, that Niels Trondson, late of said County, on the 30th day of May, A.D. 1864, at Black River Falls, Wis., died intestate, leaving goods, chattels an estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is the father of said deceased, and praying that administeration (sic) of said estate be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court on Monday, the 30th day of December, A.D. 1867, at 10 o'clock A.M. at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc, the 5th day of December 1867. Manitowoc Tribune, December 19, 1867 P. 1

TROST, CHAS. FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County, Circuit Court. ss. Peter Weber as administrator of the estate of John R. Weber deceased, Plaintiff. vs. John P. Heinrichs, C.J. Sackett, Chas Trost, Chas W. White as administrator of the estate of John A. Horn and Otto Troemel Defendants. By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 1st day of July A.D. 1875, at a general term of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County held at the Court House in the City of Manitowoc in said County and estate on the 22d day of June A.D. 1875 I shall expose for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the Sheriffs office in the City of Manitowoc on the 25th day of September A.D. 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following mortgaged premises or so much of the same as may be necessary to satisfy the amount adjudged to the plaintiff, together with the interests, costs and expenses to wit: The East one-half (1/2), of the North one-half (1/2), of the West one-half (1/2), of the North West quarter (1/4), of Section number thwenty-four (sic) (24), in Township number nineteen (19), Range number twenty-three (23), in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. Dated Sheriff's office Manitowoc this 10th day of August A.D. 1875. A. Whittenburg, Sheriff Manitowoc County. White & Forrest, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Pilot, September 16, 1875 P. 2

TROST, NIC John Maas of Newton paid $11.70 on conviction on a charge of assault brought by Nic Trost. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 9, 1904 P. 4 ******** (Note: This is not from court index, but from newspaper)

TRUE, T. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jodah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiffs; AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Freeman, David H. VanValkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action; or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit; -All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145), Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the here editaments and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 5, 1859 P.3

TRUE, T. Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Be?hiac. B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent. Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E.Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiff's, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Trueman, Daive H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall, expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit:-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145) Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereonto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4

TRUEMAN, HORATIO Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN-Benjamin Callender, John P. Rogers, Be?hiac. B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Scheck, John M. Vincent. Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. True, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E.Durgin & Co., who elect to come in under this decree in this cause, Plaintiff's, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horatio Trueman, Daive H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George LeFevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTUE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall, expose for sale, and sell at public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises, mentioned in the complaint of this action, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest and costs, together with the expense and costs of sale, to wit:-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145) Lot No. seven (7) in Block No. one hundred and forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10) eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereonto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 18th, 1859. Louis Kemper, Sheriff. Isaac H. Parrish, Pl'ffs Att'y Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.4

TRUMAN, (NO NAME) Albrecht vs Durgen & Truman No record cited.

TRUMAN, (NO NAME) Durgin & Truman vs See Lee? yr. 1855; #218; CF2

TRUMAN, HORATIO Cooper, George; Truman, Horatio; Hinton, Francis (Piening, Adolf as assignee T.C. Shove Banking Company vs) yr. 1892; #2149; CF48

TRUMAN, HORATIO Cunningham, Thomas Defendant deceased Durgin, Ezra; Truman, Horatio DBA Durgin & Co plaintiffs acting for David Vanvalkenburg, Edgar Beardsley; William Waldo; Robert L Bell DBA Vanvalkenburg & Co. yr. 1859; #2157; CF16

TRUMAN, HORACIO Circuit Court-Manitowoc County. STATE OF WISCONSIN.-Benjamin Gallender, John P. Rogers, Bethuel B. Vincent, Wm. Himrod, David Himrod, David Shecheck, John M. Vincent, Joseph T. Ryerson, James A. Smith, T. Troe, Thomas Thayer, Jonah Richards and B. Carpenter, and all other creditors of E. Durgin & Co., who elect to coinc(?) in under this decree in this case, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Ezra Durgin, Horacio Truman, David H. Van Valkenburg, Edgar D. Beardsley, Robert L. Bell, Wm. W. Waldo, George Le Fevre, John A. Dutcher, Defendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale. BY VIRTURE OF, and pursuant to a judgement of foreclosure and sale, issued out of said Court in the above entitled action, on the 28th day of April, A.D., 1859, I shall expose for sale, and sell in public Auction at the Court House, of said County, on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1859 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, the following described mortgaged premises mentioned in the complaint of this action or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the amount of said Judgement, interest and costs, together with the expense and cost of sale, to wits-All of Block No. one hundred and forty-five (145,) Lot No. seven (7) to Block No. one hundred forty seven (147), Lots No. ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) of Block No. one hundred and forty three (143), in the village and county of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, together with all and singular the heredi?arments and appertenances thereunto appertaining. Dated, Sheriff's Office, July 19th, 1859. LOUIS KEMPER, Sheriff Isaac H. Famrish, Pt'iffs Att'y The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, October 14, 1859 P. 4

TUFTS, EDWIN O. SHERIFF'S SALE. Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Dean K. Fenner, John B. Arthur, Froeman P. Woodbury and Henry E. Brown against Obadiah H. Platt, George Rice, David B. Jewett, James R. Tibbeits, Stephen W. Murstons, Jr., John A. Ordway, William C. Tibbeits, Samuel C. Davis, Charles R. Sawyer, N.W. Perkins, A. Sumner, J.R. Kimball, Edwin O. Tufts, Samuel M. Cornell, Sidney Cornell, Simcon Cary, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, C.C. Parks, Jr., H.B. Vincent, J. H. Vincent, William Himrod, D. Himrod, D. Shirk, John W. Perego, Edward W. Bulkley, G.D. Bulkley, J.G. Plimpton, Theron R. Butler, John R. Cecil, Salas Rawson, A.W. Green, Charles T. Draper, D.P. Clark, Parker P. Clark, G.H. Clark, Elijah F. Clark, William H. Lyon, Warren W. Lyon, Robert Shaw, Morris S?her, Samuel Halo and John V. Ayer. In??tersuance and by virtue of a decree made by the Circuit Court of the County of Milwaukee on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1862, in the above entitled cause, I shall sell at public auction at the Court House in the Village of Manitowoc on the 26th day of July 1862, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree, to wit: The S.W. quarter of the N.W. quarter sec. no. twenty (20), and the north half of the South east quarter of the north east quarter of section number nineteen, (19), all in Township number nineteen North of range number twenty-one (21) East, containing sixty acres more or less, all in the County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin, Also Lot No. seven (7), in Block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), lot number seven (7) in block number one hundred and ninety-three (193), lot number twenty-two (22), in Block number one hundred and ninety-nine (199), lots number seven and ten (7 & 10), in block number D, lots no. sixteen (16) in block no. two hundred and two (202), lot number four (4) in block number two hundred and fifty eight (258); lots number ten (10) and eleven (11) in block number two hundred and ninety-five (295), and lots number (6) and seven (7) in block number three hundred an forty-four (344). All of said lots being in the Village of Manitowoc, County of Manitowoc, State of Wisconsin. WYMAN MURPHY, Sheriff. Manitowoc County Wis. Dated Sheriff's office, Manitowoc June 3d 1862 BL?LER & MARTIN, Atty's, for Plaintiff. Manitowoc Weekly Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 22, 1862 P. 4

TUFTS, JAMES Albee, James vs Tufts, James yr 1872; #150; CF 23

TUNK, (NO NAME) Crandall (Tunk vs) yr. 1854; #207; CP2

TURPIN, ALFRED Eaton, Rufus (P.) vs Turpin, Seha et al (D) Turpin, William; Turpin, Alfred; Turpin, Cyrus; Edgar D. Beardsley; Turpins believed not to live in State of Wis. at this time. yr. 1870; #25; CF22

TURPIN, CYRUS Eaton, Rufus (P.) vs Turpin, Seha et al (D) Turpin, William; Turpin, Alfred; Turpin, Cyrus; Edgar D. Beardsley; Turpins believed not to live in State of Wis. at this time. yr. 1870; #25; CF22

TURPIN, JOSEPH Bleser, Adam Plaintiff Turpin, Joseph; Glover, John N. Defendants Frederick Boucher of Manitowoc Rapids sold a mortgage by dfndts to plaintiff. Mortgage for 50.00 10% interest for 1 yr. covered purchase price of 40 acres in town Eaton. Mortgage forclosed and sold to Bleser for enough to cover mortgage and costs. yr. 1858; #1758; Boc(sic) CF 14 FLB

TURPIN, SEHA Eaton, Rufus (P.) vs Turpin, Seha et al (D) Turpin, William; Turpin, Alfred; Turpin, Cyrus; Edgar D. Beardsley; Turpins believed not to live in State of Wis. at this time. yr. 1870; #25; CF22

TURPIN, WILLIAM Eaton, Rufus (P.) vs Turpin, Seha et al (D) Turpin, William; Turpin, Alfred; Turpin, Cyrus; Edgar D. Beardsley; Turpins believed not to live in State of Wis. at this time. yr. 1870; #25; CF22

TURTON, T. John G. Barthel - (T. Turton vs) yr. 1858; X356; CF 3

TURTON, T. Jones, Benjamin (Turton, T. vs.) yr. 1858; #1454; CF 12

TURTON, THOMAS Fred Borchert (Thomas Turton etal vs) yr. 1854; X154; CF 1

TUTTLE, L.G. Beardsley, Edgar; Waldo, Williams; Beardsley, Sophia; Bell, Robert; Van Valkenburg, David Plaintiffs Tuttle L.G.; Green Mark; Green David defendants A dispute about the value of shingles and other lumber delivered by plntfs to dfndts. Plntfs doing business as VanValkenburg & Co. of Manitowoc dfndts dba Tuttle Green & Co Chicago. yr. 1861; #1761; Box CF 14 FLB

TUTTLE, S.G. Beardsley, Edgar etal S.G. Tuttle Green & Co Defendants being a report to the court of testimony from people living in Chicago on the suit of Van Valkenburgh & Co versus S.G. Tuttle Green & Co of Chicago pertaining to a contract for plaintiffs to supply shingle and lumber to defendants yr. 1858; #2163; Box CF 16 FLB

TVEET, THORI ELINGSON COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. In re estate of Thori Elingson Tveet, deceased; warrant to appraisers and inventory filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1

TVETT, THORI ELINGSON COUNTY COURT PRECEEDIGNS. Smart, J. March 2. In re estate of Thori Elingson Tvett, deceased; order to hear petition for administration. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P.4 ***** (First publication March 2, 1882.) No. 24. IN PROBATE,-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Thori Elingson Tveett (sic), deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Anna Ellingson Tveett of the city of Manitowoc, representing among other things that Thori Elingson Tveett, late of the city of Manitowoc, on the 21st day of February, A.D., 1882, at the city of Manitowoc, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Maret Nelson Fylken, granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court, on Tuesday, the 28th day of March, A.D., 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc, in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 2nd day of March, A.D., 1882. R.D. Smart, County Judge. Estabrook & Walker, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, March 2, 1882 P. 3

TWICK, GOERGE (First publication Jan. 10, 1895.) No. 2 STATE OF WISCONSIN.-COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of George Twick, deceased. An instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of George Twick of the town of Centerville in said county, having been delivered into said court: And Julius Unger of said town, in said county, having presented to said court his petition in writing duly verified, representing among other things that said George Twick died testate, at said town in said county on the 28th day of December, 1894; that said instrument is the last will of said deceased, and that Julius Unger is named therein as executor and praying that said instrument be proven and admitted to probate and that letters testamentary be thereon issued to Julius Unger. It is ordered: That said petition and the matters therein be heard, and proofs of said last will and testament be taken at a general term of said county court, to be held at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc on Tuesday, the 5th day of February 1895, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered: That notice of the time and place of said hearing be given by publication hereof for three successive weeks, once each week, previous to the time of said hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper published in said Manitowoc county. Dated January 8th, 1895. By the Court: F.E. Manseau, county Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, January 10, 1895 P.2 ******** (First publication Jan. 10, 1895.) No. 2 STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of George Twick, deceased. An instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of George Twick of the town of Centerville in said county, having been delivered into said court: And Julius Unger of said town, in said county having presented to said court his petition in writing duly verified, representing among other things that said George Twick died testate, at said town in said county on the 28th day of December, 1894; that said instrument is the last will of said deceased, and that Julius Unger is named therein as executor and praying that said instrument be proven and admitted to probate and that letters testamentary be thereon issued to Julius Unger. It is ordered: That said petition and the matters therein be heard, and proofs of said last will and testament be taken at a general term of said county court, to be held at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc on Tuesday, the 5th day of February 1895 at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered: That notice of the time and place of said hearing be given by publication hereof for three successive weeks, once each week, previous to the time of said hearing in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper published in said Manitowoc county. Dated January 8th, 1895. By the Court: F.E. Manseau, County Judge. Schmitz & Kirwan, Attys. Manitowoc Pilot, January 17, 1895 P. 1

TWICK, GOERGE FORECLOSURE SALE. (First publication Nov. 12, 1896.) STATE OF WISCONSIN-CIRCUIT COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. Julius Unger as administrator of the estate of George Twick, deceased vs. Hulda Loeerx and Anton Jerzewski defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and order of sale made and entered in the above entitled action on the 20th day of September, 1895, the undersigned sheriff of the county of Manitowoc, state of Wisconsin, will sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash at the sheriff's office in the building known as the sheriff's residence and jail building in the city of Manitowoc in said county on Saturday, the 26th day of December, 1896 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day to pay the amount adjudged to the plaintiff for principal, interest, taxes and costs, the premises described in said judgment, as follows to-wit: The south-west quarter of Section Six in township seventeen north of range twenty-three east in the county of Manitowoc, state of Wisconsin, excepting therefrom the East half of the east half and the east half of the west half of the east half of said South west quarter containing sixty acres of land heretofore conveyed to one Gustav Zill, also excepting the reform forty acres of land heretofore conveyed to one August Twick which forty acres are more particularly described in a certain deed recorded in the office of the register of deeds in and for said county in Vol. forty-one of deeds on page one hundred and one, said mortgaged premises containing sixty acres of land more or less according to government survey. Dated Manitowoc, Wisconsin November 12th, 1896. Henry Schmidt, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Schmitz & Kirwan, Plff's attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, November 26, 1896 P. 4

TYLER, DAVID 6-In re estate of David Tyler, deceased:-Last will and testament presented for probate and hearing for proof of will set for Feb. 7. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4

TYLER, DAVID COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of David Tyler, deceased. Proof of will filed: ordered entered for appointment of James M. Tyler, as administrator. Letters testamentary issued. Bond of administrator filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

TYLER, JAMES M. COUNTY COURT, SMART, J. In re estate of David Tyler, deceased. Proof of will filed: ordered entered for appointment of James M. Tyler, as administrator. Letters testamentary issued. Bond of administrator filed. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 1

TYRELL, JOHN Burley, Anthony; Tyrell, John Plaintiffs Jones, Benjamin; Smith, Perry Plntfs doing business and Burley & Tyrell of Chicago seek to collect on a note by dfndts doing business as B. Jones & Co. dfndts order to pay 252.33 plus costs of $21.73. yr. 1862; #1748; Box CF 14 FLB