Was organized in the year 1848. The first officiating clergyman was
the Rev. G. Unonius. The Rev. George P. Schetky was pastor when the
present church building was erected, but left the place about the
time it was completed. Mr. M. Fellows had the contract for the erect-
ion of the church, which was completed on time, which was in June,
1852. It stands on the corner of North and Chicago streets, and, with
chancel, is about 30x70 feet. The church has also put up a parsonage
within the past year of good dimensions, and appears to be in
prosperous condition under the care of Rev. T.B. Dooley. Connected
with the church is a parochial school, which has a large attendance,
and is in a flourishing condition.
From "A History of Manitowoc County" by Ralph G. Plumb
As the oldest in point of continuous existence as an organized society the
history of St. James Episcopal Church first demands attention. The
Episcopals were early in the missionary field in Wisconsin and the efforts
of Bishop Kemper will live in remembrance as long as that of the record of
the state itself. One of his ablest coadjutors was Richard F. Cadle, who
came to Wisconsin as missionary on the Oneida Reservation in 1834. In the
latter thirties, probably in 1839, he visited the Rapids settlement and
held what was the first Protestant service in the county. In his report
submitted in February 1842 he speaks of a second visit as follows: “On the
evening of Tuesday, December 7th (1841) I preached to a congregation of
about sixty persons in a private house at Manitowoc Rapids, the county seat
of Manitowoc county and situated on a river of the same name, three miles
from its mouth. At the settlement where I officiated the population amounts
to about sixty persons and at the mouth of the river the population is
represented to be about three fourths of that number. Previous to this
visit there had been no religious services at Manitowoc Rapids for the
period of about a year and a half.”
Eight years passed with an occasional visit by a missionary, among them two
or three by Rev. Melancthon Hoyt in 1844. In February 1848 Bishop Kemper
was making a tour of the Wisconsin parishes under his charge, being
accompanied by a young Swede, Reverend Gustavus Unonius, then a recent
graduate and the first of Nashotah Seminary. Upon reaching Sheboygan two
members of the church, residing in Manitowoc arrived with the request that
the bishop visit Manitowoc. This was impossible for him to do, so Reverend
Unonius was despatched and held divine services. On the next day, February
28th, the resident members of the church met and organized a parish, naming
it St. James Mission. The meeting took place at the home of Lemuel House,
Colonel T. A. H. Edwards, the lighthouse keeper and Alden Clark, a
merchant, being chosen wardens. It was decided to call Reverend Unonius to
the parish and he accepted, assuming his duties on April 20th. At that time
there were six families in the parish or twenty-seven communicants in all,
including Lemuel House, E. H. Ellis, Richard Steele, Alden Clark, S. H.
Sherwood and Colonel Edwards and the average congregation numbered about
forty or fifty souls. The meetings were held in the upper rooms of a house,
the lower part of which was occupied by the pastor and his family. Reverend
Unonius remained in charge of the parish for a year, until April 1849, when
he resigned and left for Chicago, where he organized a Swedish church. Born
in Finland August 10, 1810 he came to America in 1845, going direct to
Wisconsin and settling at Pine Lake. After several years of service at
Chicago he returned to his native land in 1858 and was rewarded by a gift
of 3000 kroner from the Swedish government in recognition of services
rendered his countrymen in America. He also held office in the customs
service until 1888 when he retired on a pension and is now (1902) living on
a farm near Stockholm, beloved by all. In 1862 he published in the Swedish
language a book entitled “Reminiscenses, Seventy Years in the Northwest of
America,” which contains many interesting references to Manitowoc. It was
a noticeable fact that the Scandinavians who came to the county and settled
near the Rapids in 1848 and 1849 at first united with the Episcopal church
since the pastor was of their race, eight of the original parish being
Norwegians. As soon, however, as there were sufficient of them they
separated and established a church of their own, the Lutheran,
denomination. During Reverend Unonius’ term four members were gained by
immigration and six lost by death. By his resignation the church was left
for some time without a rector as was also the Sheboygan mission, which he
had attended. Said Bishop Kemper in his report in 1850: “Reverend Unonius
was in this county about a year ago and is remembered with much respect.
When invited to a larger sphere of action and particularly among his own
countrymen I readily consented to his departure from Wisconsin,
notwithstanding that this diocese had peculiar claims upon his services.
No one as yet succeeds him and yet Manitowoc and its neighborhood present
a scene of much usefulness to a self-sacrificing and laborious minister of
the Gospel.”
During the interim the Rapids communicants managed to keep up occasional
services and a regular Sunday school but it was not until June 23, 1851,
the date of the appointment of Reverend G. P. Shetky that much interest was
manifested. This clergyman was a very devout young man, fresh from his
theological studies, being ordained at Manitowoc. He was however full of
ambition and his first aim was the building of a church. In the summer of
1851 he visited the east to secure contributions and in a year $1074 had
been raised with pledges of $295 in addition. Plans were made by Architect
R. A. Gilpin of Philadelphia for an edifice that would seat two hundred and
fifty persons to cost about $1,500 and a hundred foot lot at the corner of
North Ninth and Chicago streets was donated by Benjamin Jones. The
cornerstone was laid, all being in readiness, on November 24, 1851, Rt.
Rev. Jackson Kemper, the missionary bishop officiating. Several presents
were made to the church by eastern friends, the communion service being
donated by acquaintances of Rev. Shetky residing in Germantown, Pa., the
copies of liturgy coming from Philadelphia and the font from a gentleman in
Albany, N. Y. In the meanwhile meetings were held by the congregation in
the schoolhouse, the average attendance being about eighty and the
communicants amounting to forty-three, while fifty children were in the
Sunday school. Once in two weeks Reverend Shetky made trips to Two Rivers
and held services at that village, the first taking place on October 19,
1851, attended by fifteen persons. The village of Rapids was visited at
similar intervals, there being six communicants while Branch was the scene
of monthly services. At a point fourteen miles west from Manitowoc there
were seven Irish coniniunicants who met occasionally to receive spiritual
instruction from the minister, ten others usually attending, and there was
a similar gathering occasionally in Meeme. In speaking of these visits
later Reverend Shetky remarks in his report: “The impossible condition of
the roads at this season obliged me to discontinte these monthly visits. I
have no horse,—am too poor to keep one and am therefore obliged to perform
all these journeys afoot.” The strenuous life led by the young clergyman
soon told upon his strength and, after a vacation, he returned only to
resign April 1, 1853. When he left a month or so later there were fifty-two
communicants in his charge, twenty-eight of whom resided at Manitowoc. The
church in the meantime had been completed, M. Fellows being the contractor,
and it was consecrated July 25, 1852 on the occasion of the festival of St.
James. Rev. Shetky at first moved to Memphis, Tenn., and later attained
prominence as a pastor in South Bend, Ind., Bay City, Mich. and in
Another short interim followed his resignation lasting until the arrival of
Rev. George W. Thompson, in August 1853, he coming from Cincinnati to take
up the work. At this time a mission was maintained at Robinson’s settlement
and the local church included thirty-three communicants. His ministry,
however, was short for in 1854, while nursing cholera patients he fell ill
of the dread disease and died on October 14th, his body being interred at
Evergreen. After two months he was succeeded by Rev. Melancthon Hoyt, who
had heen in Wisconsin as a missionary since the early forties. A man of
great energy he soon had the church in a very satisfactory condition and in
the next year Bishop Kemper confirmed a class of eleven at Manitowoc and
four at Two Rivers. At the latter place there had been organized St. Paul’s
Congregation and the cornerstone of a church was laid on September 3, 1856.
The first officers of the church were William Aldrich, senior warden; J. N.
Fisher, junior warden; L. S. House, J. Teele and M. McDonald, vestrymen and
services were held every Sunday afternoon. At Manitowoc the worshippers at
St. James soon paid off the $500 debts still outstanding and additions were
made to their structure at a considerable cost. During Rev. Hoyt’s ministry
the communicants increased to forty-three and the Sunday school remained
prosperous. In the latter part of 1858 he resigned, continuing his labors
in other fields for many years, finally removing to Dakota Territory. In
April 1859 Rev. W. H. Cooper was sent to Manitowoc and remained until the
following March, when he renioved to Waukegan, Ill. He, also, officiated at
Two Rivers, where the church had been completed, so as to seat three
hundred persons, the last of the debt incurred in its construction being
paid off some four years later.
The next clergyman to officiate was Reverend G. B. Engle, who came from
Michigan in 1860. In his ministry services were held at Clark’s Mills for
some time. The great civil strife then broke out and Rev. Engle gave up his
pastoral duties for a time to become chaplain in the Fourteenth Wisconsin,
he being an ardent patriot. The war had a detrimental effect on the church
life and St. Paul’s congregation at Two Rivers became so depleted that the
church was sold on May 14, 1864 to the German Lutherans. In that year also
Manitowoc was taken off the mission list, it thereafter being obliged to
be totally self-supporting. In order to economize Rev. Engle, as he said in
his report, sold his horse and discontinued his visits to Clark’s Mills and
soon after he resigned, moving to Indiana where he long resided. His
successor, who took charge in January 1865, Rev. Lyman N. Freeman, came
from Illinois and was most energetic. There were in that year nine baptisms
and the Sunday school was comprised of twenty-two teachers and one hundred
and thirty-seven scholars while there were three hundred persons in church
connection. His ministry was injured, however, by certain charges made
against his conduct, which were brought up before the standing committee at
its meeting at Janesville in November. Investigations by Revs. Eastmann and
Davis followed, as a result of which Rev. Freeman was cited to appear
before the court of the diocese in June. This ecclesiastical trial, unique
in character took place in the courthouse, Rev. Ashley of Milwaukee acting
as president, there being besides four other judges. The accused was ably
defended but was found guilty and withdrew from the ministry. He was
followed by Rev. F. B. Dooley, formerly of the Michigan diocese, whose
efforts were of a high order. During his incumbency a rectory was built, a
parish school established with over fifty scholars, which was maintained
for some years and the attendance at church largely increased. Rev. Dooley
returned to Michigan in January 1870 and after a month or so, in which Rev.
Ward supplied the pulpit, Rev. E. Peake assumed charge, he however removing
to Missouri within a year. Several months passed without a pastor, when
Rev. F. R. Haff of the Missouri diocese was appointed to Manitowoc. It was
about this time that the charch was called to mourn the loss of the
venerable Bishop Kemper, whose relations with St. James had always been
most amicable. Reverend Haff removed to Green Bay in the spring of 1873 and
has since held a leading place among the Wisconsin clergy, officiating
later at Trinity Church, Oshkosh. His successor was Rev. De Forest, who had
that year been ordained and for three years he continued his ministry at
In 1874 St. James, which had hitherto been in the Milwaukee diocese was
transferred to the new Fond du Lac diocese. After Rev. De Forest’s removal
to Missouri the parish was placed under the guidance of Rev. M. E. Averill
of Green Bay, who remained until 1881. The church and Sunday school
membership had somewhat decreased during the latter seventies but the
church was fairly prosperous and a mission was maintained at Branch. After
Rev. Averill’s service at St. James was completed, Rev. H.C.E. Costelle,
who came from Albany, N. Y. took up the work. He revived the Two Rivers
mission and did much for the advancement of the church at Manitowoc as
well. During his ministry the Lydia E. Conroe bequest, comprising several
acres of land in Manitowoc Rapids, was sold. Rev. Costelle left for Arkansas
in March 1883 and died several years later in Quincy, Ill. Rev. H.T. Bray
next assumed charge and remained until April 1886, being a man of fine
scholarly attainments and an ardent worker. His successor was Rev. David
Laseron, during whose pastorate of three years missions were sustained
at Branch and Two Rivers.
In December 1887 Rev. B. Talbot Rogers was appointed to St. James. By this
time the parish numbered 250 souls and over 100 scholars were in the Sunday
school. During the years of his ministry the number was vastly increased
and the Two Rivers Mission was reorganized in 1901 with thirty members
together with a Sunday school of about the same number. Recognized,
however, as a man of great ability and attainments he was offered and
accepted in 1894, the position of warden of Grafton Hall at Fond du Lac,
where he has since maintained a high reputation as an educator. His
successor was Rev. S.R.S. Gray, who came to St. James from the Milwaukee
diocese on April 21, 1895 and has since officiated. It was his aim to see
the congregation have a new church edifice and funds sufficient for the
starting of the enterprise were forthcoming in 1901. A site was chosen on
the corner of North Eighth and State streets and the cornerstone of the
new structure was laid on August 14th, the services being conducted by Rt.
Rev. Weller, bishop-coadjutor of the Fond du Lac diocese amidst appropriate
and elaborate ceremonies. The structure is of stone and cost in the
neighborhood of $35,000. St. James church is today as at the beginning the
only church of the denomination in the county and has an increasing
membership. Several guilds made up of the ladies of the church are doing
active work.

From Edwards' Manitowoc Directory For 1868-1869
If we mistake not, this is the oldest society in the place. In 1843,
as we learn from Mr. P.P. Smith, Rev. David Lewis was stationed at
Sheboygan and Manitowoc, preaching at those places alternate weeks
sometimes being obliged to swim his horse across the Manitowoc River
at the Rapids, two miles above here. Services were held in the
neighbor's houses until 1853, when Rev. Mr. Barnes came here. Seeing
the need of a church building, he went East and returned with some
funds. A church some 35x40 was commenced on Seventh street, between
State and Chicago streets, was soon completed, and from then till now
the church has known a steady growth. Rev. A.C. Huntley is pastor at
the present time. The society owns a parsonage on Park Street.
From Edwards' Manitowoc Directory For 1868-1869
Was organized in 1856, and church building, 28x36 feet, capable of
seating between two and three hundred, erected the same year. Under
neath the church is a school of the same size of the church above it,
where a day-school is held and German and English is taught. There
are now about fifty scholars in attendance. Connected with the church
is a parsonage 18x26 feet, all situated on Ninth street, between Mar-
shall and Hancock streets. The first minister called to preside over
this church was Rev. Fred. Kopp, and the last, Rev. Charles Stellner,
who, we understand, is building up his congregation.
From "A History of Manitowoc County" by Ralph G. Plumb
The early history of the Methodist Church in the west is one of struggle
and in that struggle Manitowoc has played its part. Owing to a rule long
prevailing in the denomination that a pastor should not remain in one
situation more than two years there was not the opportunity for any one
of the long list of resident ministers to identify himself with the
community in any very large degree yet there are many of them whose memory
will long be cherished. In 1837 Rev. Hiram W. Frink was appointed to a
mission at Sheboygan which took in Sheboygan and Manitowoc counties and the
villages of Brothertown and Stockbridge. There is, however, no record or
probability that he ever formed any classes in the county and the mission
was discontinued after the panic of 1837. In October 1843, however, Rev.
David Lewis was assigned to the Manitowoc and Sheboygan mission and held
services at the two places on alternate Sundays. He had two stations in
Manitowoc, four in Sheboygan and two in Washington county. To reach these
widely separated places Rev. Lewis was obliged to make long journeys on
foot through the forest and often forded the Manitowoc river at Rapids when
the feat was a dangerous one. A class of eleven members were formed at
Manitowoc, among whom were P. P. Smith. The meetings were held in the upper
story of B. Jones’ warehouse in the summer while in the winter the
congregation gathered at the home of Lighthouse Keeper Johnston, who was a
Baptist. In July 1844 Rev. Lewis was succeeded by Rev. Garret N. Hanson,
an earnest young man, just entering upon the profession. After six years in
Wisconsin he retired and died in 1856 at Fall River, Mass. In 1845 he was
followed at Manitowoc by Rev. Samuel W. Martin at the end of whose term the
village was dropped from the conference rolls.
In 1849 in Company with Rev. Allen McIntosh, Rev. Lewis was reappointed to
Manitowoc and Sheboygan Counties, services being held at the Rapids in the
Court house and at Manitowoc and Two Rivers in the schoolhouses. The next
year Rev. Lewis alone was assigned Manitowoc County and he preached
occasionally at Manitowoc Rapids, Two Rivers, Neshoto, Riley’s and
Mishicott, a small class being formed at Two Rivers.
The pastor boarded
with Henry Edwards and with his own hands during the fall and winter
erected a parsonage, working upon it when not engaged in pastoral duties.
Rev. Lewis was in later years the agent of the American Bible Society, then
pastor at Fond du Lac and finally in 1874 retired, since residing in
Sturgeon Bay. Born in New Jersey November 25, 1815 he forms one of the
striking examples of those hardy pioneer preachers whose heroism was only
excelled by their practical piety. His successor was Rev. R.W. Barnes, who
led a most successful ministry, the church membership increasing from 13 to
35, the Sunday school attendance from 24 to 50 and a library of 250 volumes
being accumulated.
Rev. Barnes was instrumental in securing funds for St.
Paul’s Church, a frame structure 35 by 40 feet which was erected on North
Seventh Street during the succeeding years. He removed to Sheboygan Falls
in 1853 and was succeeded by Rev. W. Sturgess, who remained a year and
later officiated as pastor at various Wisconsin villages, being succeeded
at Manitowoc by Rev. N. J. Alpin. In his ministry the church was dedicated,
Prof. Cook of Lawrence University delivering the address on that occasion,
May 3, 1856. Rev. Alpin was born in Batavia, N. Y. in 1821 and was ordained
while at Manitowoc. After forty years in the ministry he was superannuated,
spending his last years in Waukesha. Rev. William Rowbothamn took charge of
St. Paul’s in 1856, being followed by Rev. A. C. Squier a year later. Rev.
Rowbotham removed to Mellette, South Dakota when he retired while Rev.
Squier died at Sturgeon Bay.
In 1859 Rev. C. C. Symes was assigned to Manitowoc by the conference, which
met that year at St. Paul’s, he having charge of Two Rivers also. An
Englishman by birth he was twenty two years old at the time and had been in
America six years. After a year at Manitowoc he preached at Berlin, Lake
Mills and Columbus and died at Manitowoc November 13, 1870. For the
following two years Rev. Rositer C. Parsons was the pastor, coming from
Green Bay to assume his duties. He was born in Georgetown. N. Y. May 30,
1817 and with his parents early moved to Ohio, where he attended Allegheny
College and in 1854 came to Wisconsin, preaching at Port Washington,
Milwaukee and, after his Manitowoc pastorate, at Whitewater, Lake Geneva,
Spring Prairie, Menomonee Falls and East Troy, finally passing away at
Lyons, Wis., July 27, 1887.
He had under his charge two churches, one built
at Maple Grove some time during the later fifties and St. Paul’s. His
successor was Rev. L. N. Wheeler, who also remained two years and under his
able management the church grew rapidly. Rev. S. S. Smith followed and the
church, formerly in the Fond du Lac, was placed in the Appleton district.
Rev. Smith was in 1899 the pastor of the Zion Church near Oshkosh. In 1867
Rev. Alexander C. Huntley assumed charge which he retained two years. He
was another New York man, having been born December 27, 1819 and moving to
Ohio at the age of thirteen, entered the ministry in 1843. He preached in
New York until 1857 when he removed to Wisconsin and for twenty eight years
labored at various places, dying at Fond du Lac at the age of sixty six
years. During the two years following the pulpit was filled by Rev. Loren
L. Knox, a former Lawrence University professor, who had been in Wisconsin
for ten years. Rev. Knox later retired and has lived many years in
Evanston, Ill.
His successor at Manitowoc for two years was Rev. James
Lavelle, who in 1873 was transferred to Ripon and the next year withdrew
from the conference. The wishes of the Manitowoc congregation were then
gratified in the reappointment of Rev. L. N. Wheeler. He occupies a unique
place in the history of Methodism in Wisconsin. Born in Waukesha June 28,
1839 he entered the ministry at the age of nineteen, his first charge being
Two Rivers.
After his first Manitowoc ministry he was sent to China to take
charge of the Foo Chow Mission, where he arrived after a long journey via
Africa. He was instrumental in starting The Missionary Record and in a few
years returned to America, Manitowoc again seeking and securing his
valuable services. Later he preached at Lake Mills and Janesville, became
the presiding elder of the Fond du Lac district in 1879, returned to China
for three years and then preached at Beaver Dam, Bay View, Evansville and
Fort Atkinson. In 1890 he went to China a third time in the interests of
the American Bible Society and died at Shanghai April 9, 1893. He served
as chaplain of the Fifty First Wisconsin during the Civil War and was the
author of several works, among them “A Foreigner in China.”
Then came the ministry of Rev. Philo S. Bennett, also a leader in
Methodism. Of New York birth he entered the ministry in 1837, coming to
Milwaukee nine years later. After securing an advanced degree at Beloit he
was made presiding elder of the Appleton district, acted as financial agent
of Lawrence University and preached at Racine, Waukesha, Grand Rapids, New
London and other places. He was a writer of power, having been a bitter
opponent of slavery and in 1890 together with Rev. Lawson published the
“History of Methodism in Wisconsin.” He died in Appleton after several
years of retirement on April 5, 1895.
The church membership of St. Paul’s
during his incumbency numbered sixty-six, but it was increased to seventy-
two by his successor, Rev. J. W. Olmstead, who remained in Manitowoc two
years. In recent years Rev. Olmstead has acted as agent of the Children’s
Home Society. In 1878 Rev. C. N. Stowers commenced a two years’ pastorate,
coming from Dakota Territory. He was born in Maine in 1835 and came to
Wisconsin at the age of thirty-three years, acting for some years as
professor of Lawrence University. He died some years since in Minneapolis.
His successor, Rev. G. H. Moulton, who also remained but one year was a
Canadian by birth and after his transfer from Manitowoc became the
presiding elder of the Fond du Lac district, later removing to Nebraska.
He was followed by Rev. J.F. Tubbs for a year and then came Rev. H. Stone
Richardson, another commanding figure in Wisconsin Methodism. Born in New
York on June 27, 1827 he was early left upon his own resources and drifted
to Albany, where he made his way through the State Normal School. For some
years succeeding he traveled around the world, visiting Italy, Cuba, Texas
and at one time being one of the Texas Rangers. In 1849 he visited
California as a gold seeker and led a life of adventure for several years
on the Pacific coast, serving for a time in the legislature. When the war
broke out he enlisted as chaplain of a regiment and later became a major.
After the conflict was over he entered the ministry and held charges in
many Wisconsin cities, retiring after a successful ministry at Oshkosh. He
passed away after a short illness February 9, 1899.
The next Methodist pastor was Rev. J.D. Foote, a man of Connecticut birth
and a graduate of Lawrence University. He entered the field in 1858 and in
1860 was made a regent of the state university, later becoming the chaplain
of the Fifteenth Wisconsin. After some years spent in Kansas and Texas he
returned to Wisconsin in 1883 and came to Manitowoc from Fort Howard. Later
he visited California for his health and died at San Diego July 29,1899.
His successor at Manitowoc was Rev. J. Wills, who is still in the active
ministry and it was during his incumbency that the church was repaired and
rededicated September 5, 1886. The conference then sent Rev. William Clark
for a year, who later removed to Sharon, and was succeeded by Rev. A.L.
Whitcomb, who in 1888 was transferred to Oshkosh. During that year the
church was served by Revs. E.B. Service, J.N. Funston and J.D. Cole. By
this time the membership had reached eighty and there were over one hundred
children in the Sunday school. For two years following Rev. J.H. Tippet
officiated as pastor, then for two years Rev. T.D. Williams acted as such,
followed for a year by Rev. H. J. Duecker and then by Rev. 0.P. Christian
for two years, Rev. C.F. McGaha for one year and Rev. J.E. Garrett for a
All of the last named six are still in the ministry in Wisconsin,
except Rev. Duecker, transferred to the Southwest Kansas conference in
1896 and Rev. McGaha transferred to the East Ohio conference a year later.
In 1898 the present pastor, Rev. William Hooton, assumed his duties at
Manitowoc and has been very successful in his ministry. The church numbers
about eighty members and a thriving Sunday school with one hundred and
thirty pupils is an important adjunct as is also a ladies society. An
Epworth League was started in connection with the church and the convention
of the Appleton district of the society was held in Manitowoc in June 1898.
The Woman’s Missionary Society, in existence for seven years, is an active
association and the district convention of the society was held in the
city in May 1897.
As said before missions were early established at various points in the
county. In 1858 Rev. L.N. Wheeler was sent to Two Rivers and Gibson, being
succeeded by Rev. Walter McFarlane in 1860, who also remained two years.
By this time an $800 church had been erected at Gibson and two Sunday
schools were maintained by the minister. Reverend McFarlane was an ardent
worker born in 1819 in Glasgow, Scotland and entering the Wisconsin
ministry in 1856. After twenty years of pastoral service he retired and
passed away at Evansville, Feb. 9, 1896.
During the war services at Two
Rivers were discontinued and the Maple Grove charge, formerly dependent on
Manitowoc, was combined with that at Gibson. A.C. Elliot acted as supply
in 1864 but the congregation there grew smaller steadily and a few years
later both were dropped from the conference list. An effort was made in
1870 to revive the Two Rivers class by W. Rose, a local preacher but after
a year or so the attempt was given up. The Gibson church was again active
in 1883 occasional services being held by Rev. H. Stone Richardson. The
pulpit was later filled for several years by supplies, among them W.C.
Morris, J.N. Joslyn, Alfred de Ford, F. Robertson and George A. Cooke. In
1886 under the last named the congregation numbered thirty members and a
Sunday school of seventy-five scholars was maintained but soon after the
church was finally discontinued. Thus today St. Paul’s is the sole English
speaking Methodist church in the county.
The Methodist church has always been expansive in character and thus it was
not strange that an effort should early be made to establish its doctrines
among the German immigrants who came to Wisconsin in such large numbers in
the latter forties. Manitowoc and Sheboygan counties were made a working
unit in this effort and as early as 1849 these two counties were on the
Illinois Conference rolls although no regular pastor was sent to the region
until 1851, when Rev. John Bischoff came to Manitowoc county and gathered
together fourteen converts.
After his departure a year later Rev. H. Senn
assumed charge, succeeded in 1854 by Rev. Frederick Kluckholm, the German
Methodists in the two counties then being eighty-two in number. It was Rev.
Kluckholm who in reality was the founder of the church in the village of
Manitowoc, the small building which for many years was used by the
congregation being constructed in his pastorate. In 1856 he was succeeded
by Rev. H. Withorn.
By this time Sheboygan county had been taken from the
circuit and efforts were made at the establishment of other churches in the
county, notably in the town of Newton, a church being built there. In 1858
Rev. S. Schilfsgard assumed charge of the village work while Rev. C.
Schneider looked after the interests of the country congregations.
however the circuit was consolidated, Rev. John Salzer serving for two
years, Rev. John W. Roecker for two and Rev. F. Feistkorn and Rev. Richard
Fickenscher for one year apiece, followed by Rev. C. Leiprandt’s two year
pastorate, commencing in 1865. By this time the churches had been placed
in the Chicago Conference and there were three congregations outside of the
one in Manitowoc, having a large aggregate membership. This led to a
division of the county in 1867 into two charges, Manitowoc and the
Manitowoc circuit. In that year.Rev. C. Stellner was assigned to the former
and Rev. Henry Overbeck to the latter, Rev. Stellner remaining two years
while the latter was succeeded by Rev. Conrad Eberhardt. In 1869 Revs.
Theodore Strauble and C. Eberhardt shared the duties, the former remaining
two years but the latter being transferred elsewhere, leaving the circuit
vacant for some time.
In 1871 the work was assigned to Revs. J. J. Sandsmeier and Conrad Lampert,
the former taking the city charge. Rev. Lampert soon left, being succeeded
by Rev. Michael Enzminger while the city church was put under the ministry
of Rev. Carl F. Ahlert in 1873, he remaining three years. Rev. Charles
Rakow served two years (1874-1876) in the circuit after a year’s interim
being succeeded by Rev. E. Drescher, who also served two years. In the
meantime Rev. B. Becker had become pastor of the city church and remained
such until 1879 when Rev. J.J. Keller succeeded him for a year.
By this
time the circuit had diminished in size, only the Newton church being left
with fifty members, while the Manitowoc church numbered seventy-five. Rev.
Peter Schaeffer had charge of the Newton church in 1879 but in 1880 the two
were combined, Rev. Charles Irwert assuming charge. It was he, whose
efforts brought about the construction of a new brick church home at the
corner of South Ninth and Hamilton streets, the cornerstone of which was
laid in July 1882. His successors have been Revs. Anton Meixner(1883—1885),
Ernst Fitzuer (1885—1886), C. Roehl (1886—1891), A.F. Fuerstenau
(1891—1895), J. F. Romoser (1895-1902) and Rev. J.F. Mueller the present
pastor. The conference of the church met at Manitowoc in 1885 and again in