GREEN BAY, TWO RIVERS, AND MANITOWOC ROUTE.—Next Saturday, as will be seen by refering to an advertisment in another column, Mr. Paul Fox will commence running a semi-weekly line of stages between this place and Manitowoc, passing through the village of Two Rivers. This will be a very convenient arrangement for our citizens, and we hope it will pay well. - Green Bay Advocate. Manitowoc County Herald, February 4, 1854
GROWTH OF TWO RIVERS Two Rivers, Wis., May 30, '56. A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune thus speaks of the neighboring village of Two Rivers, which will be found interesting to our readers: This town lies on the western shore of Lake Michigan, and is one hundred and eighty miles north of Chicago. It is the only port of any importance between Manitowoc and 'Death's Door,'-the entrance to Green Bay. The place derives its name from the fact that two parallel streams of considerable size form a junction in the shape of a half circle, directly in front of the town,-having but one outlet to the lake. One of these rivers is named the Neshoto and the other is known as the 'Mishecotte.' Both run about north and west from the town, through a heavily timbered country, and a small propeller tug is kept constanly employed at this time of the year towing immense rafts of logs down the stream to the mills, near the confluence of the two rivers. Large rafts of lumber etc., are also brought down the 'Neshoto' from three mills located on its banks, some four miles from the town, and owned by N. Pendletor, of Racine. Most of the lumber, laths and shingles manufactured at these mills is loaded on to vessels, and forwarded to Racine, where the owners of the mills have an extensive yard, and sell all they can obtain to the country surrounding that beautiful city. On the "Michecotte,' are extensive lumbering mills, belonging to Daniel and Alfred Smith and to Sprague and Owen. The shipments from these mills go directly to Milwaukee and Chicago. On one of the streams about three miles from the town, is the extensive tannery of the Wisconsin Hide and Lether (sic) Company-the largest establishment of the kind in the State. I am not able to give the figures of the business of this concern during the past year, but learn that they are being compiled, together with other staticties (sic) of the place by the Post Master, and will soon be made public through some of the Lake journals. Scarely a steam vessel the?ches either of the piers without having a large consignment of hides for the tannery; and as soon as manufactured, the leather is shipped to Milwaukee, where the Company have a large store occupied by their trade. Near the mouth of the rivers are the lumber mills of Harvey & Smoke, Pierpont, Hall & Co., F.& C. L. Linstedt, and Aldrich, Smith & Co. The lumber manufactured by the first firm goes principally to Milwaukee, Mr. Harvey having the superintendence of the yard and business of the concern in that city. The second firm have a large new mill and will ship to Milwaukee, Chicago, and all along shore. Mr. Pierpont, the senior partner is recently from LaSalle in your State, having lived there a number of years. Aldrich, Smith & Co. have a resident partner in Chicago--Jas. F. Aldrich, Esq., corner of Market and VanBuren streets. This firm does the heaviest lumber business at Two Rivers, and is the pioneer house here in that trade. They own two mills, and are running fourteen single saws. The exports for last year are as follows; Six and a half million feet of lumber, five million of shingles, four and a half million of laths, 800 cords of wood, and 150 cords of bark. This does not include nearly one million feet of lumber sold here. Most of it was shipped to Chicago by vessels owned by the firm. This shows that there business enterprise and energy 'up along shore,' and that the aggregate amount of exports from Two Rivers has never been fully understood as appreciated, excepting by those directly interested. This town was first settled about eight years since. At that time, there were but a few huts here, and their occupants were a few adventurers and fishermen. The growth has been steady and healthy, and the inhabitants are chiefly lumbermen, shipwrights and those engaged in the fisheries. They are principally Americans, with a thick sprinkling of German and French. There is now a population of about 1,200, and nearly every steamer and propeller brings new settlers. The only harbor accommodations at present afforded here consists of two strong and substantial piers, running due east from the town into the Lake Superior and Collingwood Lines almost invariably stop here, on their trips to and from Chicago, and the uncertainty of their arrival is often a source of great annoyance to the traveler, who is compelled to rely in seasons of navigation wholly on their moments-there being nor railroad or turnpike by which one can travel hence in any direction. It is to the lumber interests and the value of its fisheries which will ever constitute Two Rivers a point of attraction to the enterprising settler, or to the capitalist. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, June 19, 1856 P. 3
The enterprising propietor of Bakers Mills has recently put up a sash machine, which not only does its work well, but turns out a large amount of sash. A shingle machine has also been put in operation, and we are informed that improvements will be made during the present summer in the mills of Messrs. Pierce, Murphy, and B. Jones & Co. We have had occasion to speak of all the others except that of Messrs. Van Valkenburgh & Co., and Clark's Mill at Maple Grove, which keep up with the times. Manitowoc Tribune, June 26, 1856
PLANNING MILL NOTICE. The undersigned will be ready at all times, upon the shortest possible notice, to plane lumber at the following low prices. Common wide boards, - $2.50 per M. Common slding, (sic) - 3.00 per M. Common Flooring (tongued and grooved) 5.00 per M. For manufacturing beveled siding, - 5.00 per M. We would also remind those in want of planing, that as we do the work at half the cost by hand, we expect all to pay for their work when finished, and that hereafter, no lumber can be delivered until all charges are paid. Remember the place, at the old mill, near the bridge. ADAMS & CO. Manitowoc, June 19, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, June 26, 1856
Improvements about Town. To chronicle all of them would be a hopeless task but there are some which strike the eye at a glance and indicate an increase of business which augers well for our future. A fine brick building is going up on York st. and in a short time Pontiac will lose one of her best citizens and Manitowoc will be the gainer therby.(sic) Messrs. W.H. McDonald & Co. have completed an addition to their extensive Establishment which increases their facilities and improves the appearance of the Store. Mr. I.H. Parrish is finishing a new building on Commercial street near the Store of Platt & Bro. The Tribune office will be found there after the 15th proximo and the upper part of the building will be occupied by Mr. P. himself as a Law and Land office. Hosts of new houses are going up and we notice a number of old ones are also getting ambitious, and with the aid of our good natured friend Nic Baker are on the rise who when the case requires is always on hand to lower others to the level of the street grade. Change is the order of the day, and it is from every where except in the pocket of the poor printer. Manitowoc Tribune, July 24, 1856
A NEEDED IMPROVEMENT.—Tom Windiate has made a much needed improvement in front of his new building, by laying down a fine wide side-walk, and arranging other matters thereto appertaining. Now if Tom will only complete his new Hotel in time for next Springs travel, Manitowoc ought to be under every obligation to him. We want a large Hotel here, and the one now under way will answer every purpose, when completed. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HEAVY STOCK OF GOODS.- Piles and piles of new goods have been landed at our Pier during the past week, for the new firm of Platt, Vilas & Co. The goods will shortly be ready for sale at their new store on York street. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 16, 1859 P.3
HANDSOM CUTTERS—Mr. E.K. Rand exhibited to us a day or two since, two of the prettiest cutters ever brought into the State. They were manufactured at Three Mile Bay, N.Y., and cannot be beat anywhere. We wish some friend would purchase one, and invite us to ride when sleighing comes. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.3
LUMBER AND SHINGLE TRADE.- Notwithstanding the present depressed state of this trade, shingles and lumber are constantly coming in, and our docks are now well covered with these articles of trade. We see to-day three vessels in our River, ready to load for market. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 21, 1859 P.3
GRAIN.- We see large amounts of grain coming into market, and are informed that this is the first season Manitowoc county has raised sufficient for home consumption. Manitowoc county is now out of the woods-all right. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, October 21, 1859 P.3
DISSOLUTION.—It will be seen by reference to another column, that the Law firm of Crissey & Esslinger has dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Crissy has opened an office over Shove's Banking office. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 18, 1859 P.3
NEW MODE OF TRAVEL.—Immediately on the close of navigation, the Wisconsin Stage Company will place a line of comfortable coaches on the line between here and Milwaukee, making the trip each way in one day and a half. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 25, 1859 P.3
FLOUR AND FEED STORE.—Henry Berner has opened a Flour and Feed Store on the South side of the river, and is doing a thriving business. Berner is an honorable dealer, and customers will find him ready at all times to do the "fair thing." Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P.3
The Two Rivers Manufacturing Co. are about to add sixty-five feet to their immense pail and tub factory, and we are informed that this company have engaged 100,000 brick—the first to be made by our friend Hod—to be used in other improvements. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
COOPER & JONES' LUMBERING ESTABLISHMENT.—We have been on several "schnueffel" committees of late, and in virtue of the honor connected therewith, or the experience acquired thereby, or both, we took the liberty of smelling—the English for the German schnueffel as used above—over the lumber on Cooper & Jones' dock. The general reader of The Chronicle may know or may not know that there is at Neshoto, in the town of Two Rivers, about seven miles up the west river, a lumbering establishment that has been in operation for the last eighteen years; one that has and is still kept up to the spirit of progress that forms the distinctive feature of the present age, until now they have a mill that can and does saw out but little short of ten millions of feet per year. A tug owned and operated by the company transports this lumber on scows to Tow Rivers, from whence it is shipped in vessels to southern ports, or on scows to their large lumber yard in the neighboring city of Manitowoc. As we said before, we now "rise to remark" that we have examined the lumber manufactured by this enterprising firm, and verily believe that no better is produced in any market. the quality of pine is excellent, and we never saw any sawyer saw lumber that was sawed smoother or more uniform than this was sawed. We measured the strips, most of which are designed for and will make good flooring, and found them plump and uniform, one and an eighth inch in thickness, and ought to—as Alf. Smith used to say—"make the lumber dealers of Chicago laugh" with delight when they see it. No lumber from this direction commands a higher price or is more sought after in the Chicago or other markets than the lumber from the Neshoto mills; and we are glad to note the fact, for there are no better or more enterprising and progressive fellows engaged in the business of making and selling it. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
The next thing that attracted our attention was the 20x36 room added to our old friend, Capt. Becker's saloon, in close proximity to the county buildings, and visited frequently by us while permitted for a short time to hold a county office not a great while since. It will not be necessary hereafter for our county servants, or their friendly visitors, in search of healthy recreation, to go any great distance therefor. They can step over to the captain's and after exercise in a game of nine pins and washing down this enjoyment in a glass of pop, or lager, or something more pungent, if they choose, they can return, refreshed, and invigorated, to their arduous duties. We just passed through Schuette & Bro.'s store on the south side, and Platt, Gray & Foster's, and Vilas & Barnes, on the north side, where we saw the stores crowded with customers, and came to the conclusion that they were all doing a thriving business. We propose, before long, in company with our family , to pay these thriving houses in Manitowoc a visit, after which we shall be able to tell the readers of The Chronicle which house is the most liberal in prices and—advertising. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
NEW BRICK YARD.—That prince of good fellows, Hod Hamilton, is preparing the ground between the west river and the lake, at the south end of the old Jefferson street bridge, for manufacturing brick. The site for the yard is the one formerly occupied by Pierpont & Co's saw mill. Clay is to be scowed down the eat river from Deer Point, a little above the Wisconsin Leather Co.'s large tannery. An inexhaustible quantity and of excellent quality for making brick can be obtained at this point, which is about three miles from town. Mr. Hamilton has leased the clay bank for a term of years, has had the clay tested in Milwaukee, where it was pronounced good, and has purchased an engine and one of Burnham's machines for mixing and also for pressing the brick. He expects to get to making brick before the end of the month, and if he succeeds—as every one hopes and believes he will—there is no one in Two rivers who will not pronounce him a public benefactor. And we believe there is no one of his acquaintance in the whole county who does not wish him personally, as The Chronicle does, unbounded prosperity in a financial point of view. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3 ***** We Perceive that Mr. Hamilton has completed his preparations for making brick, in the way of leveling and covering the yard, making dock, &c. he is expecting the machinery by every boat, and he will commence making the first brick ever manufactured in this village some time during this week. We hope that Hod will make good brick, and that the citizens of Two Rivers will encourage the enterprise by substituting this material foe the cedar which has heretofore been used for cellar walls and foundations. Sills placed on cedar foundations, and banked up with saw dust every winter, will rot out and require repairs every eight or ten years, while brick will be found no more expensive on the start, will not require banking, and will last a life time. Mr. Hamilton has shown us a specimen of fine gravel, which can be obtained in any quantity at his clay bank. The stones are from the size of a pin head to that of a small hickory nut, and the mass is singularly free from every thing but gravel. Here is a chance for some one of a speculating tendency to "wade in." The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 28, 1872 pg. 3 ***** The last of Mr. Hamilton's machinery for making brick arrived on Saturday's boat. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 4, 1872 pg. 3 ***** We see that Mr. Hamilton is about ready to test his brick making machinery, and we hope, in a few days, to chronicle the perfect success of the institution. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3 ***** We see that Mr. Hamilton has commenced a kiln, preparatory to burning brick. He expects to commence burning a couple hundred thousand this week, and some time next week our people will know whether brick making in this town is a success or not. We have watched the experiment thus far with a great deal of sanguine solicitude, and if it shall prove successful, which we never doubted, our readers will please consider one Greeley hat as high up as we can throw it. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3 ***** HAMILTON has opened his experimental kiln of brick, and though not all "his fancy painted them," they are no failure. Indeed, we have heard some pretty good judges claim that as a whole the kiln of nearly 200,000 is the best that has ever been made in the county. However this may be, we feel sure that with more care in mixing the clay, and a more level bed on which to dry them before going into the kiln; with perhaps a little better burning, there is no doubt that he can turn out an article that for color and quality will be second to none in the state—not excepting even Milwaukee. Mr. Hamilton has experienced many drawbacks to making this first kiln a perfect financial success, but the result will encourage him in future efforts, and our citizens may congratulate themselves upon this accession to their manufacturing interests already so well started and flourishing, and the prospect now is that Hod will reap his reward. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 23, 1872 pg. 3 ***** HAMILTON'S last kiln of brick, though a great improvement on the first, is not just the perfection he seeks. He has purchased a crusher, which will be in operation in a few days, when he expects to see Milwaukee brick and go considerably better. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 6, 1872 pg. 3
MANITOWOC.—The Tribune says that a large woolen mill is to be erected for Messrs. Kraemer, Kuhl and Dobbert, on the premises of the last named gentleman. Mr. John Meyer is the builder. A grist mill for four run of stone is also to be erected by Mr. Wahl, the former partner in the Oriental mills, who has bought the stones and machinery in Neenah, and had them transported to Manitowoc by wagon. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 21, 1872 pg. 3
The frame work for the sixty-five foot addition to the Two Rivers Manufacturing Co.'s pail and tub factory, was raised on Tuesday last. This makes the factory building 325 feet long by 50 wide. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 28, 1872 pg. 3
PERSONAL MENTION.—Mr. Joseph Mann, of the Milwaukee firm of Mann Brothers, also one of the principal owners and managers in the manufacturing companies at Peshtigo and Two Rivers, has been spending a few days at Two Rivers, where he formerly resided for a number of years. He takes a lively interest in the prospects of this place; is well pleased with the progress already made, and speaks hopefully and confidently of the future. The citizens of Two rivers well know that the present prosperous condition of our village is due, in a very great measure, to the enterprise and liberal public spirit of Mr. Mann and his partners. If the completion of the harbor and lake shore railroad shall be a fact accomplished in a few years, to none more than to the Two Rivers manufacturing company shall we be indebted for the magnificent results to this part of the county. Mr. Mann left on Saturday's boat. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 28, 1872 pg. 3
PERSONAL.—Mr. Anton Vogt, furniture dealer, south side, Manitowoc, was in town, Friday, and purchased a large bill of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company. Anton used to live here in Two Rivers, where he acquired all those habits of honesty, industry and enterprise which he is practicing with such happy results in our neighboring city. We are glad to note that he receives, as we can assure our friends throughout the county he is entitled to, a very liberal share of patronage. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 4, 1872 pg. 3
The manufacturing company, the same day, filled a large order for Jacob Lenz, north side, Manitowoc, who also is doing a thriving business in the furniture line. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 4, 1872 pg. 3
We are informed that the furniture made by the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, at the present time, is taking precedence of eastern made, both in respect to substantial make and elegant finish. Many of the workmen in what is known as the chair factory, have been employed in the same department ever since the factory has been running, and those that have been added late, have been selected from the most skillful operatives in the whole country. The machinery with which it started—we believe in 1856—has been almost entirely unpreceded by modern inventions. No style of furniture appears in the Chicago market that is not immediately reproduced "revised and improved" at the Two Rivers manufactory. This we are glad to observe is becoming generally known, and hope that now the profits to the proprietors will more nearly correspond to the expenditures than heretofore. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 4, 1872 pg. 3
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.—We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a box of delicious strawberries from H. Wilcox, the proprietor of the Star Ice Cream, Fruit and Confectionery Saloon and Restaurant, Manitowoc city. Mr. Wilcox keeps up with the age in every thing, except in the manufacture of Dr. Cronk's celebrated spruce beer, the quality of which is so superior that he cannot begin to supply the demand. Increased facilities will soon remedy this, and with Chas. Beeck, our former fellow-townsman, for an assistant, his patrons will be served with politeness and alacrity at this popular place of resort. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 4, 1872 pg. 3
The extension of the pail factory building is about completed, and it is expected to get to work in the new part this week. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
We bought and paid for a sack of flour, last week, from the Gibson Mill, which has been leased recently by a couple of practical millers form one of the best Milwaukee flouring mills. Our folks say—without knowing where it was manufactured—that it is by all odds the best flour they have had yet. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
We perceive that Andrew Baetz and Franz Kaufman have both raised the frames to their new wagon and carriage shops. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
Magnitude of the Wisconsin Leather Co.'s Operations. The use of the skins of animals as clothing is almost as old as the race. The Mosaic account relates that just after that dire event which entailed so much misery upon mankind, man made coats of skin to clothe himself with, having become ashamed of his nakedness. since then, although the rude garments of those primitive times have been replace by fabrics of silk, wool and cotton, skins have been applied to a multitude of uses. Leather is the skin of animals so modified by chemical means, as to become unalterable by the external agents which tend to decompose it in its natural state. There are three layers in the skin; the out layer or epidermis, a reticulated tissue, and in contact with the flesh, the dermis or true skin, which is the only part capable of tanning. The process of preserving skins must depend upon the use designed. Soft leather is not tanned at all, but prepared by filling the pores of the skins with oil shamoying, or with alum and salt tawing. Tough sole leather is tanned. The pores of the skin, which is nothing but glue, or gelatin, into which it is readily converted by boiling, must be filled with tannic acid, so that the glue and acid combine to form a tanno-gelatine. This process is very tedious and involves an immense outlay of capital. Preparation of the Hides. The hides, immersed three or four days in pits of lime-water, are taken from this menstruum and depleted of hair and fatty impurities by the fleshing-knife, upon a wooden horse. then carefully freed from the lime by thorough washing, they are daily transferred through successive pits of ooze, or liquid, of tan-bark. Having progressed to the strongest solutions, at the end of a month or six weeks, they are placed in large vats of ground bark and ooze, through a series of which they progress again for two or three months. Next they are removed to layers, in which they are stratified with more tan-bark. After six weeks, taken out and subjected to a renewal of materials for two months. Then, while slowly drying, they are oiled and dressed. Formerly the process continued three or four years, before they action of the tannin produced leather. About the end of the 18th century, Sequin invented a process of pumping water over the bark laid in spenders, or latches. By this method, the water, carrying off the iron and astringent qualities in the bark, nearly pure tannin remained, and the process was shortened to one half the time. Since then, by subjecting the back to acid and other, the tannin has been extracted, so that the process has been shortened in the case of heavy hides to six and eight months. A number of patens, having in view short process by forcing tannic acid through the pores of the skins, have been tried, and utterly failed. Nineteenth century invention has revolutionized almost every trade, even to baking bread and making sausage, but the art of tanning resists the march of improvement. Steam, indeed, has been set to the drudgery of grinding bark, rolling drums for milling skins, and pumping water, but, beyond this, that toiling spirit has not been able to assist. The skins are still thrown from vat to vat, amid slush and stench, by men in great boots, and trimmed and curried by slow manual dexterity. The people of Milwaukee may pride themselves upon having the largest tannery of neat hides in the world, certainly in America. The business of the Wisconsin Leather Company is now sixty-three years old. Begun in New York in the year 1809. It was transferred to Wisconsin in 1846. Since then it has grown to enormous proportions. some idea of its capacity may be had from a brief statement of the number of hides which it will turn out for the year 1872. The company owns two tanneries; 78,000 full grown hides will be turned out in the larger, which has a capacity of producing 84,000 hides, or 168,000 sides, per year. The smaller will turn out 43, 000 hides, or 84,000 sides, with a capacity of 96,000 sides. The whole number produced in the two tanneries amounts to 120,000 hides, or 240,000 sides of leather, larger than that of any tannery in America. One eastern firm is magnified in the Shoe and Leather Reporter, because, with seven tanneries, 200,000 sides were produced. They should visit the mammoth concern of the Wisconsin company, which beats them, with their two tanneries 240,000 sides. The Wisconsin company employ some 300 men but the number of men employed in the tannery furnishes no clue to the magnitude of the business. Time is the busy worker who toils in a tannery. The chemical action of the bark solvents slowly builds up the gelatin with tannin, and men are only required to facilitate the progress of the skins through the successions of ooze. A thousand men would be required in any other trade to do the business done here. Industries like this will elevate Milwaukee to the importance which her many facilities, her aspiring and skillful labor, and the wants of almost an empire of territory, urge her. We cut the above from the Milwaukee Sentinel of the 31st. ult., and will only add—what is a fact—that the manufacturing of the Wisconsin leather company in this state has all been done at Two Rivers, until last year. Their business has been and still is immense, as carried on at Two Rivers. At the present time—though in a less degree than when all their leather was manufactured here—their operations forms one of the most striking features of this section, affording well remunerated employment for a great number of workman and teams, and contributing largely to the growth and prosperity of the whole community. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 18, 1872 pg. 3
Building has never been so brisk in Two Rivers as now. Indeed, from present indications, there will be more houses erected in the village this season than for any five years previous. But while "the harvest is ripe, the laborers are few." Almost any number of good mechanics would find employment here at the present time. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3
NEW 'BUS.—Mr. Pem. Tillson, the enterprising livery man of Manitowoc, has just purchased a new bus, which is a little ahead of anything in that city. It was manufactured by Mr. Chas. Weber, of Milwaukee, is handsomely painted and finished, very room, has all the new improvements and rides very easy. This bus will run to all hotels in the city from all boats and trains, and for the accommodation of the public generally. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 3
The Pilot says the new flour and grist mill for Messrs. Wahl & Kaupt, on the south side, is rapidly going up. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 23, 1872 pg. 2
J.E. Platt is breaking ground for a hotel building, on the corner of Main and Buffalo street, and Mr. Jonah Richards is pushing his two brick stores on Ninth street toward completion quite rapidly.. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 23, 1872 pg. 2
The value of exports and imports at Two Rivers, for the year ending June 30, 1872, amounted to $2,185,318.70. The whole number of arrivals and departures of vessels for the same time was—steam vessels, 474; sail vessels, 141. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 23, 1872 pg. 3
TURNER hall is undergoing a thorough renovation, and when finished the Turners propose to give a grand ball. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 30, 1872 pg. 3
Upwards of fifty arrivals by boat last Saturday, taxed our hotel accommodations to their utmost. Besides those who depended during their stay upon "mine hosts" of the several well kept public houses, were a number who came from New York city, Chicago, Milwaukee and other places to visit their friends and enjoy themselves generally in this well regulated burgh. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 30, 1872 pg. 3
The Tribune says that the new woolen mill is now in full operation. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 30, 1872 pg. 3
Two Rivers and Kewaunee stage leaves Two Rivers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at about 9 o'clock; returning next day. Geo Kessler, the proprietor, drives an excellent double team, and can take half a dozen passengers at a time comfortably and quickly. Fare from Two Rivers to Kewaunee, $2.00. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 6, 1872 pg. 3
The Pilot says that Platt, Gray & Foster are erecting a large warehouse at the foot of Ninth street, to be used for the storage of hat, etc. The building will be 20x70 feet. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 6, 1872 pg. 3
The Pilot says that "there is now in process of erection on Eighth street, between York and commercial street, by Messrs. Zander Bros. for J. H. Thorton, a two-story frame building, 20x50 feet, designed to be used as a store. It will be occupied, as soon as finished, by Messrs, Mendlick, Olsen & Thompson, as a hardware, dry goods and paint and oil store." The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 6, 1872 pg. 3
The Tribune says that "Mr. O. Torrison is getting ready to erect a large warehouse—30x70—on his lot heretofore occupied by Mr. Filhoem's building. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 6, 1872 pg. 3
Mr. Charles Abele, of Port Washington, has permanently located in Two Rivers, where he will engage in the business of barbering. He has already opened his shop on Main street, where he will be pleased to meet all who desire a good shave or hair cut. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 13, 1872 pg. 3
Our former fellow-townsman, Chas. Beeck, wishes to inform his friends in Two Rivers, and the public generally, that he is now manufacturing a temperance drink, at Manitowoc, that is a delightful summer beverage, and which he is ready to furnish to all saloon keepers and families wishing to favor him with their patronage. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 13, 1872 pg. 3
Moved. Messrs. Ohlson, Mendlick & Thompson have moved into their new store on corner of 8th and Buffalo Sts., and will have one of the finest establishments it that line in our city. We heartily wish them the continued success and patronage, they have enjoyed heretofore, increasing with the rapid progress of our city. Manitowoc Tribune, Aug. 25, 1874
Mr. A. Keland who has been for many years with Mr. Torrison, has rented the store heretofore occupied by Messrs. Ohlson, Mendlick & Thompson, and will go East after a large stock of goods as soon as Mr. Torrison returns from New York. Manitowoc Tribune, Aug. 25, 1874
Messrs Klingholtz & Co - the new livery firm - offer to carry passengers to and from the Rail Road depot in their hack, at the usual fare of 25 cts. Manitowoc Tribune, Aug. 25, 1874
The Badger State Manufacturing Co. placed in their store, last week, a fine large fire-proof safe, from the Hall Safe and Lock Co. of Cincinatti, Ohio. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
Mssrs. Sullivan and Bolan, two enterprising young men of Manitowoc, have purchased the store of Mr. John Thornton, formerly occupied by Ohlson, Mendlick and Thompson, and have started a general merchandise business. They are well known throughout the county, and are energetic businessmen, and we can safely predict for them an eminent degree of success. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
The new warehouse of the North Side Branch of Wagner, Rand & Co. is rapidly nearing completion and will greatly improve the appearance of York Street. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1
Two Rivers news: The chair factory at this place is at present rushed with work, and considerable difficulty is experienced in securing cars enough to enable the Co. to promptly fill orders. Grain buyers also have to contend with the same difficulty and as a result the large warehouse at the depot is pretty thoroughly stocked with grain, waiting shipment. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
Truman & Cooper have taken the contract to dredge the river near Guyles Dock. The work will probably be finished this week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
Rahr Bros. now control a majority of the shares in the elevator. They have rented the building for two hundred dollars a year. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
Amber Sugar and Syrup. This branch of industry is developing to a considerabe extent in our county. Mr. Dalwig near the Branch, raised three tons of amber cane from one-eight of an acre. Some of his neighbors have had similar success. Mr. John Dueckes, near Kiel, raised fifty acres of the cane. He received about 175 gallons of syrup from the acre. It is reported a great success and gives no more trouble than the raising of corn. We shall endeavor to present to our readers a description of his factory at Kiel as soon as possible. The Madison Democrat says: "Seeing is believing. We know that amber cane taken from the University farm is yielding a most extraordinary amount of sugar. Let the farmers come in an see for themselves. They will find it better than raising wheat." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 4
The little boy in the central telephone office is giving his lungs a rest on account of the breaking of the cable across the river. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 18, 1881 P. 1
Two Rivers news: The large dam that was built at Neshoto last spring to supply water power to run a new grist mill, was swept away lately by the heavy flood whch has of late prevailed in the rivers. The loss will be quite a severe one to the owner, who had, but a few weeks previously, gotten the mill in running order. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 4
The Two Rivers Manufacturing company lost 400,000 feet of logs last Saturday, during the heavy sea. The logs drifted to the shore near Sturgeon Bay, and many of them will perhaps be saved. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 1
We could not fail to notice while at Manitowoc a few days ago that the leading men in most branches of business are comparitively young in years. The old stagers have most of them given place to young and energetic men. Under their lead Manitowoc is making rapid strides toward wealth and commercial importance. Among the leading attorneys are L.J. Nash, W.J. Turner, E.G. Nash, Estabrook & Walker and Michael Kirwan, all young talented and energetic. The same may be said of the physicians, among whom is Dr. F.S. Luhmann, formerly of Schleisingerville. The Schuette Bros. lead in the dry goods trade. A new grocery firm composed of two young men, Thompson & Teigen are making things lively for the old established houses. Bros. Nagel of the Pilot and Baensch of the TIMES make journals that are a credit to any community. The principals of the three schools are all young and successful teachers and Manitowoc schools are second to none in the state. The county has been fortunate in securing the services of excellent men for superintendents for schools and as a consequence, the common shcools of the county stand higher than those of any other county in the state. For the past ten years there has been a marked and steady progress in the educational line. Young and energetic blood will tell every where, but nowhere else have we seen such marked results from it.-West Bend Times. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 4
Ad for Boss Brano of Laflin & Co., at Commercial Dining Hall. Meals for 25 cents At any hour of the day. Dinners and Suppers for entertainments furnished on short notice and at low rates. A. ROBERTSON, Manager Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1
The Oriental mills have put in a new patent meal sifter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1
Kellnersville news: Kellnersville is quite a lively place. The enterprising firm of Kellner & Sons does an immense business. The people of this vicinity are under many obligations to the above named firm. Their store, except one or two in the city of Manitowoc, is as good as there is in the county. They are very obliging. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 15, 1881 P. 4
Loughren & Herzog painters, a firm of two months standing, do considerable work in painting buggies, cutters, carriages and other fine work generally. They have just finished the painting of several sleighs for a Two Rivers firm. Both are young men of considerable business ability, and their work commends itself. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1
Will Move. To-morrow (sic), weather permitting, the Lake Shore TIMES office will be moved into its new quarters, in Chas. Beers' building first house on eight (sic) street, near the bridge. Chas. has gone to considerable expense in putting in an elegant glass front, easy stairways, iron railings, and fixing things in first class style generally. This location will be very convenient for every one wishing to see us. Merchants and business men who have advertising or job work for us will find it handy to drop in while on their way to and from the post office. Our business is increasing rapidly and we are compelled to seek new quarters and better accomodation, and we have been fortunate in securing the best place in the city. We respectfully invite our friends (and enemies if we have any) to come and see. The latch string is always out, and a cordial welcome extended to all. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1
Edwards news: Cheese manufacturing, so remunerative a business to farmers, has been suspended for the season, the milk being too scarce in quantity and too poor in quality, to longer warrant the continuance of this business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4
Two Rivers news: The ownership of the sash factory at this place has recently passed into new hands, and the work of manufacturing, which has not been prosecuted very vigorously of late, will be resumed on a large scale after the holidays and an immense addition will be made to the crew of men now employed in the factory. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4
Two Rivers news: Hamilton & Katz raised a frame of a new building which they intend to manufacture their wood type on Saturday. The new building will be a fair sized one and will be located in the vacant lot adjoining Baetz wagon shop. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 20, 1881 P. 4
Two Rivers news: Work in the chair factory was suspended during last week. In the meantime the building underwent some needed repairs, and the employes took much needed rest. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4
Two Rivers news: A considerable amount of the goods which remained in the store of the extinct Badger State Mfg. Co., were exposed for sale at public auction during the forepart of last week. Guy Miles, of Manitowoc, wielded the hammer of the auctioneer in a highly creditable manner. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4
Two Rivers news: The Lake House in this city, which has been managed so long and efficiently by Mrs. Bohn, was sold to Peter Rau, of Mishicott, the other day. Six thousand dollars is, we understand, the consideration which will make Mr. Rau the lanndlord (sic) of the best hotel in town. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4
Rietz & Plantico, the young men who started a saddler shop in the old Nordwesten office some time ago, are building up a nice business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
NESHOTO. ITS MILL AND ITS QUARRY. Last week we took a pleasant trip to Neshoto. We had not been in the town for several years, and found things greatly changed, and also, not for the better. There was a time when the gently sloping hill alongside the river was covered with little houses, and and (sic) everything was buzzing with business. That was when Cooper & Jones run their saw mill, when they employed numerous hands. But when the saw mill was closed, the men were thrown out of employment and they left for other fields of labor. Now, Neshoto consists of two saloons and flouring mill. That is all there is left of the town. One saloon is kept by Charles Brandt, who is well known in this city, having been in the employ of Matt Kettenhoffen, and also of Capt. Hemschemeyer, at the time the latter managed the Williams House. The owner of the other enjoys the cuphonious name of Silversack. The Neshoto flouring mills, are ownd by R. Behringer & Co., the Co. being Carl Hacker, a young farmer from Newton, Mr. Rudolph Behringer is head miller, and a good one too. He has held the same position in several of the mills in our city,and always gave satisfaction. The mill is three stories high, about sixty feet, its frame top resting on a strong foundation wall fourteen feet high. It was built last fall and started manufacturing on September 28, 1881. It has four run of stone and turns out excellent flour. It is run by water power. The dam, which has been recently re-built, is one of the best in the county. It is about 200 feet long, made of square timers, piers being filled in with stone, with heavy planks on top. In height it is about eleven feet. The firm is capable of grinding about 300 bushels of grain per day. Of course their business is limited almost exclusively to custom grinding, but is (sic) has often been so rushing as to keep them busy night and day. Messrs. Behringer & Co. have experienced considerable trouble in replacing the old dam which was swept away last fall. But with praiseworthy energy they have overcome all difficulties, and now have the pleasure of owning and running as neat a flouring mill as there is in the county. After we had looked around the mill we determined to investigate the stone Quarry. We have made mention of this quarry in a previous issue, but gave no description of it. The quarry covers a space of about forty acres. The stone is said to be the best lime stone in the county; such is the testimony of all who have ever burned it, while for building stone it is also very desirable. It is found in layers ranging in thickness all the way from four to fourteen inches in thickness, some of them even being still thicker. Very little stone is wasted, nearly all the stone being fit for cutting. The quarry was formerly owned by Messrs. Cooper & Jones, who sold much of the stone to be used in harbor work. The present owner is Mr. Louis Mueller, who recently purchased the large and splendid farm owned by Mr. George Cooper. Mr. Mueller is a gentleman of energy and enterprise, and if there is anything of value in the quarry, he is the man to make something out of it. Although Neshoto at present is neither a large town nor a small village, still its future is getting brighter. The flouring mill is making things boom, and the stone quarry is flourishing and there are good prospects for the establishment of a cheese factory. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 1
Edwards Gleanings news: Morris Rosberg, of Centerville, who contemplated visiting Germany during the summer, has abandoned his purpose and will go into the hotel business again, for he lately purchased the St. Charles hotel, kept by F. Eslein, a former Edwards man. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P. 4
Two Creeks will have a cheese factory. Neuman and Winkemiller, the well known proprietors of the Mishicott cheese factory have already made arrangements with Franz A. Inunler for the erection of a building for that purpose near his hotel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4
Meeme news: Chas. Lutzke and Michael Dunbar are erecting a splendid cheese factory which they expect to have in running order by the 15th of April. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4
G. Gehlings, of St. Nazians (sic) is establishing quite a reputation as manufacturer of Holland Cheese. He brings from 150 to 200 pounds to the city every week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
Hans Christianson will soon open his saloon in the Franz's building. When all the arrangements are completed his place will compare favorably with any out side of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
Aug. Grostueck (sic) opened his saloon in Klingholtz Hall Saturday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
Mr. Rosberg formally opened the St. Charles Hotel last Saturday evening. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
Mishicott news: Chris. Selk, one of our popular merchants, disposed of his store and residence at this place a few days ago. The purchaser is Mr. Chas. Lavenhagen, of Montpelier, Kewaunee Co., so well and favorably known to our citizens. The transfer of the property will not be until the Jan. 1, 1883, and Mr. Selk retains all the personal property including the entire stock of goods contained in the store. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4
Hans Christenson is ready for business. He has expended nearly fifteen hundred dollars to fit out his saloon in elegant manner. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
Jac. Mueller who made Hans Christenson's counter and mirrow frame, is a workman, of whom Manitowoc may be proud. All the work he turns out is splendid finish and elegant make. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
Al. Raymond dropped in for a few moments last Saturday. He is now in the butter business on quite a large scale, having opened the "River Side Creamery." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
Messrs. Tillson & Schmidt have been entirely refitting their livery stable, and have now made it the most commodious and comfortable in the city. Lakeshore Times, Mar. 4, 1884
OPENING. A week from next Saturday evening (Nov. 1.) the new Opera Hall of the Bohemian society will be formally opened to the public. The Hall is nearly completed and the final arrangements will be made by the beginning of next week. The Hall is a handsome one and would be a credit to any city in the whole country. Next issue we expect to publish the programme of exercises at that opening. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
Reedsville news: It is estimated that about seventy two tons of butter are shipped yearly from Reedsville. There is but one cheese factory there which has received only 1500 lbs. of milk daily. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
THE NEW ROLLER RINK. Tillson & Cone will have a grand formal opening of their new roller on Saturday evening next. The rink is a good one with a skating floor surface 42x90 feet. It will be fitted up in an attractive manner and will have agreeable and gentlemanly attendants under its present management. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.4
The Cash Carrier in the store of Schuette Bros is now completed the "final nail" having been driven on Thursday evening. It was used Saturday the first time and works like a charm, doing credit to its inventor. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 17, 1885 P.2
There have been sixty three applications for licenses made and granted for the sale of liquors during the ensuing year. This brings to the city treasury the snug little sum of twelve thousand six hundred dollars and ought to lighten the burden of our taxpayers somewhat. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885 P.4
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The undersigned are prepared to receive sealed proposals for the building of a Brick Foundry and Machine Shop in accordance with plans and specifications now in their possession. Contract to be awarded the lowest responsible bidder, the right to reject any and all bids being reserved. Proposals to be sent in not later than Saturday, June 20th. Manitowoc, June 5th, 1885. Smalley M'f'g. Co. C.F. Smalley, Sec'y. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 9, 1885 P.3
The walls of Plumb & Nelson's new store building are progressing rapidly and it is suggested now that they intend to eclipse the Opera House. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.3
Two Rivers has a population of 2,500 a gain of 450 in five years. In proportion to the population this is over twice the gain of Manitowoc. And yet some of our complacent business men consider Two Rivers a dead city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2
The firm of Estabrook Walker & Baensch has been dissolved by mutual consent. For the present at least the respective parties composing the firm will keep their offices in their former chambers in Wood's block. The firm has been on the whole a strong one among the legal fraternity and has done a good share of the law business in this county. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2
Emil Fischel has sold his drug stock to Messrs Hinrichs and Alter. The store heretofore occupied by him will probably be used as a book store by W.F. Fechter in the near future. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3
Two Rivers news: The frame of Mr. Eggers basket factory was raised last Saturday. the main building will be a frame one but the engine room will be of brick. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3
The New Hotel building of Wilda Bros. is enclosed and rapidly approaching completion. It presents a neat appearance and is a decided improvement over the old buldings which formerly occupied that corner. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3
St. Nazianz news: Leidle Bros. has built a large portico on the front side of their store. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1885 P.3
The flue building which the Smalley Manufacturing Company are erecting on the corner of 6th and York street is progressing rapidly to completion. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3
Two Rivers news: F. Eggers' basket factory is rapidly nearing completion. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1
Two Rivers news: Simono & LeClair had their pile driver towed to Kewaunee by the Com. Nutt on Sunday last where they will again engage in dock building. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1
Two Rivers news: Krull & Folger's grain warehouse at this place will soon be ready for occupancy. Otto Busch has been engaged as grain buyer for the firm. Farmers are beginning to market their grain and business will soon be booming. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 13, 1885 P.2
Established in 1856-Haukohl's Shoe Store just recived a large assortment of Ladies, Missrs and Childrens shoes, fall and winter styles. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.3
Two Rivers news: H. Voshardt's roller rink when completed will be one of the best rinks in the state. The building is large and substantial. The floor is constructed expressly for the use of roller skating and is an exceedingly fine piece of workmanship by A. Grimm of this city. The rink will be formally opened to the public to-morrow. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.3
Brey & Recheygl have just opened their new store with a new and fresh look of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 3, 1885 P.4
The Emerson building, corner 8th and Buffalo streets is being remodeled and painted. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 10, 1885 P. 3
During the season just closing Messrs. Zemand & Krainik have sold thirty two vessel loads of lumber and shingles. Messrs. Schuette Bros. report their sales during the fall fully up to those of the same period last year. With them there is no falling off of business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 17, 1885 P.4
Two Rivers news: The proceeds of the Literary entertainment were nearly $40. This amount will be expended in reading matter, etc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P.5
Gibson news: Julius Rehbein has just completed a cheese factory on Kind's Corners. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P. 4
OUR MANUFACTORIES. The Smally Manufacturing company are now snugly settled in their new quarters. The building is a great convenience to the company which needed it for their growing business, and it is a source of staisfation and pride to every citizen who sees it. We noted last week that Andrew Hanson had bought Platt's building on York street to afford himself increased accomodations. The factory of Messrs. Greve & Falge looms up finely in its site on the river bank. The glue factory of Messrs. Chladek & Stupecky is one our most promising enterprises. These gentlemen are constantly increasing their plant. They now employe eighteen or twenty men, and have yearly added several hundred dollars worth of improvements to their machinery and buildings. It is one of the most solid and substantial manufacturing industries in our city and the firm deserve a large measure of credit for the manner in which they have built up their large and still increasing trade. We have also reason to believe that the opening of spring will witness the addition of several other industries fo (sic) those already in existence. In spite of hard times and general disposition to take a despouding view of the business future we believe a brighter future is in store for Manitowoc than most people hope for. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 P.2
The Two Rivers Manufacturing Co. have buyers on the Door Co. peninsula buying about 3,000,000 feet of hardwood logs. They also buy all the pine offered. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 26, 1886 P.3
The new factory of Messrs Greve & Falge had steam up and machinery running last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 2, 1886 P.3
The enterprising people of Reedsville and vicinity do not propose to be outdone in business matters and have organized a Dairy Board of Trade with officers as follows: Pres. Hon. Jos. Miller, Vice Pres. H.J. Rienhold, Sec. F. Stelling, Treas. John Maertz. From the character of the officers selected we believe this movement means business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 2, 1886 P.3
Reedsville news: The new mill of Stelling Bros. makes a market for a large amount of cord wood which the farmers in this vicinity are furnishing. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 2, 1886 P.3
BLACKSMITH SHOP John Mason, Prop. John Mason has opened a new blacksmith shop on 9th St., north of the Episcopal church. All work done with neatness and dispatch. Horse shoeing a specialty. John Mason Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2
Cooperstown news: Mr. Godredson & Sons intend doing quite an extensive business. They have received three loads of machinery, and have a car load awaiting them in Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 9, 1886 P.3
NOTICE OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have to day entered into Co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on the general Merchandise, sewing Machine and musical Intrument business at the old stand yet occupied by J.G. Lehmkuhl, former Lehmkuhl & Dicke, corner Washington and Main Street. Manitowoc, March 8th 1886 J.G. Lehmkuhl, Wm. F. Dicke. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 16, 1886 P.3
THE HUBBARD & NOBLE FACTORY. The site for this new addition to the manufacturing industries of our city has been determined upon and unless some unforseen hitch occurs in the negotiations, the new factory will be located on the tri-angular block between the railway depot and Fliegler's flouring mill. The plans adopted for the factory proper contemplate a building 56 feet wide, 112 long, three stories high, giving a floor surface of 18,816 square feet. This is exclusive of a boiler and engine room adjacent to the main building. In addition to this there will be a large ware house, drying sheds, paint shops and other neccessary buildings. The heavy timber for building has been contracted for and the work of construction will begin as soon as it arrives. The spiling for the foundation has already been procured and before the close of summer we may expect to hear the hum of the machinery. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2
Gibson news: The cheese factory on Kind's Corners is in operation and doing good business. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 29, 1886 P. 3
Work is being rapidly pushed on the Hubbard & Nobel factory, much more so than is apparent. The pieces are being prepared and fitted on the ground before raising and when the building is once started it will go up with promptness and dispatch. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P. 3
Another vessel load of lumber to be used in building Hubbard & Noble's factory arrived yesterday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P. 3
Fred. Miller's cheese factory, situated in the town of Eaton was burned lately. The cheese and machinery in the building were also consumed. There was an insurance of $1,300. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
The tug R.S. Piper has been purchased by Charley Beers, Jos. Edwards and John Toomley who will station it here. With the good prospect ahead for vessels these gentlemen have made a profitable investment. They are said to have paid $2,000 for the tug. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
NEW FACTORIES. Our business men's association have got on the track of two manufacturing enterprises which are looking for a location and are making efforts to get them to locate in this city. One is a furniture factory and the other a chair factory. No definite propositions have yet been made on either side but will be wsthin (sic) a few days. In the mean time we are glad to know our leading business men are alive to the situation. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1
The telephone line was extended, to Mishicott last week. Hello Michicott (sic)! Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 28, 1886 P.4
The employees at the Wisconsin coal docks have been laid off for an indefinite period. Slack business is given as the cause of the stay in proceedings. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 4
The Eighth street merchants are living strictly up to their agremnnt (sic) to close at six o'clock every evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays. On Washington street, however, considerable laxity is apparent. Several merchants in that part of the city are inclined to keep open when ever they feel so disposed. A few such incidents will completely ruin the whole scheme, and those who keep open now are liable to lose in the long run. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 18, 1899 P. 4
CLIPPER NO MORE. A Judge Rules that the Word Is Owned by Baltimore Men. The following clipping from a Milwaukee paper shows that Manitowoc is not the Clipper City she has long supposed she was: "The Manitowoc Pea Packing company was restrained to-day from using the words "Clipper" or "Clipper Brand" on their packages of vegetables together with the image of a full rigged clipper ship which is supposed to be emblamatic of the name. A suit was established by the William Mumsen & Sons Packing company of Baltimore some time ago in which the plaintiff endeavored to have the Manitowoc company stop using the insignia or the brand showing that the plaintiff company had long been in business under the name, which had more recently been assumed by the Manitowoc company upon the claim that Manitowoc is known as the Clipper City. "Judge Jenkins, in his opinion this morning, said that it seemed a peculiar co-incidence that two companies should each select the name Clipper and have the same figure as emblematic on the lable (sic), and he thought that, owing to this remarkable likeness there was a tendency to mix up people who purchased at retail. He finds that though known somewhat as the Clipper City, Manitowoc is not generally known as such and even if it were equity would necessitate the granting of the injunction favoring the Baltimore firm." Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, January 19, 1899 P. 1
MANITOWOC AND THE DAIRY TRADE. Those who are in a position to know affirm that the business of cheese making in Manitowoc and adjacent counties is booming and that the outlook for continued prosperity in the manufacture of high grade dairy products is brighter than it has been for years. The demand for the Wisconsin product is constantly increasing and it is commading higher prices. Manitowoc county is one of the banner counties of the state in the quanity of first class cheese manufactured and Manitowoc is becoming a dairy center of no mean importance. New factories are constantly going up in this section and it is a business that is paying as never before. So great is the shipment of cheese from here that the Goodrich transportation has recognized the necessity of building a special store room where it can be kept during the summer months. Manitowoc has gained a distinct advantage in the dairy line and should exert every effort to maintain her prestige. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, January 19, 1899 P. 1
FOR CHEAPER PHONES. New Company Promises to Build as Soon as Franchise is Granted. P.J. Menard, of the Manitowoc Telephone Co., is in the city busily engaged in soliciting subscribers for the new line. He already has a large number on his list and says that as soon as the city council meets and grants a franchise, the work of constructing the line will begin. He now proposes to put his phones up for $1.50 per month in business houses and $1.00 in private residences, and asks no payment in advance. Should the new exchange be built, a warm telephone war may be expected from which the citizens will be decidedly the gainers. At Sheboygan a new company has proved a powerful and successful rival of the old line and has reduced the price to $2.50. It is claimed by many telephone men both here and at Sheboygan that a telephone system cannot be conducted without a loss at the price $1.50 per phone. What the council will do in regard to granting a franchise is impossible yet to say, but it is thought by some that if the old company will reduce their price to $2.50 per month no franchise will be granted to the new company. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, January 19, 1899 P. 1
Two Rivers.-The light fall of snow and the consequent poor sleighing have retarded logging operations to such an extent thoughout the country that only a limited amount of logs have been brought in, and as a result business has already suffered. Many of the mills have closed down. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, January 19, 1899 P. 1
Five line men are here at work for the Wisconsin Telephone Co., extending the lines and putting in new phones. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, January 19, 1899 P. 4
The Wisconsin Central Co., have adopted a new order of affairs at this port. Heretofore they have stowed freight here until it could be taken by the route indicated for the shipper. Now the first boat gets the freight, whether it belongs to the F. & P.M., Ann Arbor or Crosby line. Some energetic measure was needed to relieve the congested condition of the freight here. The order is proving very effective as each line is doing its utmost to catch the business and the boats seem to have a new impetus for making swift trips over the lake. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, January 20, 1899 P. 1
WHO WILL BUILD IT? Co. H. Wants an Armory and the City Needs an Opera House. To the man of means, who has the proper spirit of regard for the good opinion of his fellow man, and who desires to perpetuate his name and his memory, long after he himself shall have passed to the silent majority, and excellent opportunity is now presented. Co. H wants an armory. The city wants and needs a good opera house. Both can be secured by one good building. Who will erect it? Such an enterprise would secure lasting local fame to the man who promotes it. It would be a memorial building. The opera house would be known by his name throughout the length and breadth of the land. The building itself would take front rank among the public institutions of the city. We have a dozen men of wealth, who could esily confer this benefit upon the city, and upon our crack military company. Who will be the first to take the step? Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 1
The Manitowoc Music Co., are settled in their elegant new quarters in the Meyer building on Washington street. They now have a spacious and well lighted room where their instruments can be displayed to good advantage. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 4
The U.S. Mail boxes about the city are receiving a new and much needed coat of paint. The color has been changed to white and the improvement is very noticable. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, January 20, 1899 P. 4
MANY NEW BUILDINGS. Spring of 1899 Will Surpass Previous Years in the Amount of Improvements. SCHUETTE BROS. WILL BUILD. Architects Are Drawing Plans For Several New Business Blocks and Many New Residences. The present indications are that the spring of 1899 is to surpass any other spring in the history of Manitowoc in the amount of building to be done. Architects are already rushed with the work of preparing plans for residences and business blocks. The extraordinary mild weather that we have enjoyed during the month of January seems to have reminded people of the approach of spring, and there has been a general rush to get things in shape for active operations as soon as the winter is gone. Eighth street is to be graced with at least two new business blocks-Zabel's on the north side, which was mentioned in the Herald last week, and on the south side will be an imposing structure erected by Schuette Bros. The latter is a building that has long been expected but only very recently became an assured fact, Schuette Bros. are to replace their entire store building with a three story brick business block. But in order not to interrupt the trade of the store the work will be done only part at a time. The first part to be rebuilt will be that facing on Jay street. The buildings now occupied by Gelbke & Sohrweide's shoe store and Schuette Bros. grain and feed store will be torn away and in their places will go up the first part of a handome three story brick block which when completed will occupy the entire corner. When this part of the buiding is finished, the store will be moved into it and the business continued there while the frame structure on the corner will be demolished to make room for the completion of the palace which is to be the future home of the big store. Architect C.H. Tegen is at present employed in drawing up plans for the first part of the new building. It is to be a modern structure in every respect with plate glass front and up-to-date conveniences. Archietect Wm. J. Raeuber is drawing plans for a brick block to be built by Emanuel Oberland to take the place of his present frame building at the corner of Washington and Eleventh streets. The new building will be two stories high and 25 by 70 feet. The first story is to be occupied by his wholesale and retail liquor store and the second story will be used as a flat. Another down town building that is to receive attention is that of Mrs. Dumke, 805 Jay street, now occupied by a millinery store. Architect G.H. Raeuber is preparing plans for an addition 21 by 88 feet and two stories high to be built onto the rear of the building. The old structure is also to receive a new plate glass front. Mr. Tegen is also at work on the plans for the new Zabel block to be built on Eighth street between Commercial and York streets. Work will begin on the new building April 1. A Milwaukee firm is negotiating for a five year lease of the main floor to be used for a general store. It is announced also that a hardware and crockery department will be placed in the basement. A large number of new residences are also being planned for. Among those which are definitely decided upon, the following may be mentioned. Wm. Krueger is to erect a handsome new residence up to the standard of the stylish residences already located in that part of the city. C.H. Tegen is drawing the plans for the building which will cost in the neighborhood of $2,000. Emil J. Miller is preparing to build a home for himself on Cleveland avenue near Eighth street. He expects to put $1,600 into the house and has employed W.J. Raeuber to draw the plans. Richard Rudolph, the happy man with the mail pouch, is also among those who are taking the initiative steps toward building a house after his own heart. He has had Mr. Raeuber figure out a plan for a building 56 by 42 feet, which he expects to have built, as soon as the trees begin to leaf in the spring, on Marshalll street just west of Twelfth. Fred Koehn is another man with a house in his head which when it assumes material form will be 22 by 44 feet and will be located in the new Schroeder addition south of the city. Mr. W.J. Raeuber will draw the plans as soon as he can get around to it. L.J. Anderson, who handles agricultural implements, pianos and organs, will build new quarteers for his store next fall on the same site occupied by his present building at 718 Commercial street. The new building will cover all the space now occupied by his office, warehouse and the adjoining barber shop and will be the full length of the lot. It will be a two story brick buidling will be especially adapted to his line of business. The building cannot be started until fall when most of his stock of machinery will have been sold out and the busy season over. No plans have been drawn up yet. Chas. Glander has the plans ready for a residence 26 by 48 feet, and will build as soon as the weather permits provided he can find a lot that strikes his fancy to build it on. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, January 25, 1899 P.1
A GROWING INDUSTRY. The Manitowoc Aluminum Novelty Company a Growing Concern. ARE DOING A BIG BUSINESS. Manitowoc County Furnishes Over One Half Of the Aluminum Combs for the Country. Other Articles of White Metal. The Manitowoc Aluminum Novelty Co., although it has been engaged in active operations less than four months, has become one of the leading manufacturing establishments of our little city. Since the day that the wheels of their factory commenced to go around October 1st, 1898, up to the present, the business has grown with remarkable rapidity and it is now recognized as one of the leading establishments of its kind in the country. And, as might be supposed, the work is yet merely in its infancy. The field before it is unlimited and opportunities for expansion, along new lines of work are presenting themselves faster than they can be followed up. At the head of the business is expostmaster Henry Vits who is president and treasurer of the company. Associated with him are his son W.H. Vits, vice president, and his son-in-law, W.F. Pflueger, secretary. Mr. Pflueger has for years been a member of the firm of Jerman, Pflueger & Kuehmasted Co., wholesale druggists of Milwaukee and when he came to the Aluminum company brought with him the goodwill and patronage of numerous firms throughout the country that has been of much value to the new concern. HOME OF THE COMPANY. The Manitowoc Aluminum Novelty Co., has for its home the building formerly occupied by Mr. Vits' tannery at the corner of Franklin and Fourteenth streets. The structure is a large, substantial brick building that was entirely remodeled for the use of the Aluminum factory. It is said by traveling men to be the best arranged plant in the United States. A HERALD representative visited the factory the other evening and Mr. Pflueger obligingly showed him every work and course of the establishment and explained the complete modus operandi by which sheet aluminum is converted into artistic puff boxes and delicately carved pocket combs. There are at present forty-five persons employed by the company, a number of them being skilled workmen that draw large salaries. Girls are employed in the packing room, where every article is thoroughly inspected before it is sent out. ALUMINUM COMBS. Aluminum combs are one of the specialties of the company, forty-two different styles being manufactured at the present time. It is not generally known, but nevertheless a fact, that Manitowoc county is at present turning out more than half of all the aluminum combs manufactured in America. The factory here and the one at Two Rivers being the leading establishments of the kind in the world. The aluminum comb is rapidly coming into universal use. It is driving the rubber and bone combs out of the market as it is lighter, stronger, prettier and much cheaper. There are only four factories at present in this country where aluminum combs are manufactured. Besides the one at Two Rivers there is one at Cincinnati, Ohio, and other at Lamont, Ill. Combs of almost every conceivable design are made at the Manitowoc factory. There are plain little pocket combs that are made so cheap that they can be retailed at ten cents each and still leave a handsome profit for the manufacturer and the wholesale and the retail dealers. Then there are beautiful hand engraved combs with rounded teeth and of artistic shapes. One of the latest uses that has been made of the aluminum comb is that of an advertising novelty. The Novelty company has recently turned out thousands of combs for this purpose for large firms in different parts of the country. The Milford Manufacturing Co., of Minneapolis, is one that quite recently placed a large order. The combs for this firm are made in a fantastic shape, are handsomely engraved, have the name of the firm stamped on each comb, and are inclosed in a neat case. This case also bears the name of the firm. The combs are given away to their patrons and prospective patrons. The gift is apparently a very valuable one, and yet the cost of each comb, when purchased by the thousand direct from the factory, is trifling. Cheaper combs are also made for smaller concerns, and other aluminum articles are used in the same way. The process of manufacuring combs seems simple to the uninitiated and yet it requires intricate machinery and skilled laborers to do the work. The aluminum metal is purchased in Pennsylvania and shipped here in large plates. The plates are cut up by machinery into strips of metal the size of the comb which it is desired to make. They are then taken to the sawing machines where the teeth are cut out, or more accurately speaking, the space between the teeth. Seven of these sawing machines are kept busy and each machine saws three pieces of metal at a time, or in other words three combs are made at once by each machine. Thus they are turned out with lightning rapidity. After coming from the sawing machines they have the points of the teeth sharpened and then the best grade of combs are put through another machine which rounds the teeth and takes off all the sharp corners. After they are completed they are taken through an extensive process of polishing and cleaning. A unique device has been arranged for accomplishing the latter. Large wheels are made of layers of cloth which are placed on shafting and turned with great rapidity. When a comb is pressed against this wheel, the cloth runs between the teth and removes the grease and dirt. All articles turned out at the factory are finally washed in benzine and dried in sawdust, after which they are ready for the packing room. There the combs are gone over and girls are employed to test every comb to see that it contains no flaws and that the teeth are all uniform width. ALUMININ (sic) SCALE PANS. Mr. Pflueger, having been formerly connected with the drug business has turned his attention to articles especially needed in that line. He has devised several useful articles to be used in an apothecary shop. His latest success in this line is aluminum scale pans for prescription scales. Aluminum seems especially adapted for this use as they are light, durable and not easly tarnished. So delicate are the finishing touches to be put on these articles that it cannot be done at the factory because of the jar, and Mr. Vits takes them to his home to do that work. They must not vary in weight a fraction of a grain. The company has acquired great dexterity in this work and are now turning out the scale pans in large quantities. TRADE CHECKS. A recent law prohibits trade checks from being made round in that shape of money. As there is a great demand for these articles, the Novelty Co. has excerciated new shapes and designs for them. They make them oval, octogon and scalloped and have many beautiful designs. Special machinery is required to make these. A die must be cut out of steel for stamping them. An under die must also be made, and this is done by the use of a 400 pound hammer. OTHER ARTICLES MADE. One divice (sic) that the machanics of the company are still experimenting with but promise soon to perfect is an aluminum portable music stand. The present iron stand so extensively used weighs between four and five pounds and as soon as the enamel begins to wear off has a very unsightly appearance. The new aluminum stand of the same size and equally as strong will weigh less than a pound and will always retain its bright lustre. Puff boxes of much fantastic finish that they cannot but satisfy the most fastidious feminine taste are turned out by the gross. What is called a "satin finish" is placed on them which is done with a buck skin wheel. So delicate is this finish that the employes handle the boxes only with soft gloves on. Napkin rings, hand carved and hand painted, are made so cheep that the retailer can sell them for twenty-five cents. There are many other beautiful and handy articles made, only a few of which can be mentioned. There are shaving mugs, patent match boxes, key chains, tablet covers of five different kinds, dainty book marks, new fangled hair pins and countless other articles. The company sells only to jobbers or to large buyers and they are already receiving orders from all parts of the country. The Manitowoc Aluminum Co. has already been an enormous benefit to the city and as it grows, and grow it surely must, it will bring more money and draw more attention to the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, January 26, 1899 P.1
STORE TRANSPLANTED. The Sohrweide & Gelbke Building To Be Moved Soon. Contractor Geo. Kennedy signed the contract this afternoon to move the building on Jay street now occupied by Sohrweide & Gelbke's shoe store. The building has been bought by Mr. Bloquelle and will be moved onto the lot facing on Ninth street back of his store at the corner of Ninth and Jay. The building is to be moved to make room for the new Schuette block. As it is a frame structure it will be veneered with brick to comply with the law regarding the remodeling of buildings inside the fire limits. A brick basement will also be built under it. The second story will be used for ???iling rooms. The mason work is to begin as soon as the weather will permit. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 27, 1899
C.W. Schroeder has had the plans drawn for a brick barn to be built in the rear of his place of business on Jay street. C.H. Tegen is the architect. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1899
The plant of the Manitowoc Post is to be moved into the building now occupied by Sohrweide & Gelbke's shoe store as soon as that structure has been moved onto the Bloquel property on Ninth street, between Jay and Washington. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1899
WILL FIGHT TO THE FINISH. The Manitowoc Pea Packing Co. Have Appealed the "Clipper City" Case. The fight over the name "Clipper City" is still on. The Manitowoc Pea Packing Co. adopted the name for a choice brand of their peas. Their reason for doing so was the fact that Manitowoc has from time in memoriam been nicknamed the Clipper City, and on the label, which bore that name, they placed the picture of a full rigged ship. Last fall a firm by the name of William Mumsen & Sons Packing Company of Baltimore brought suit against the Manitowoc Co., claiming that they had a prior right to the name. They were turning out a brand of vegetables which they labeled the Clipper Brand and also used the picture of a ship. The labels however were totally different. The Baltimore company won their suit in the lower court and the Manitowoc co. was restrained from using the name. The pea packers were not satisfied with the decision and have now appealed the case. The final decision will be given in about ten days, which will determine whether Manitowoc can legally claim the nickname of "Clipper City". Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 1, 1899
W.A. Hempton opened his new grocery store in the Platt building, corner of York and Ninth streets, today and is now ready to serve the public. Mr. Hempton has a large and complete stock of new goods and is prepared to compete in quality and price with any merchant in the city. Orders will be called for and goods promptly delivered to any part of the city. Phone orders will receive prompt attention and he will make it his aim to merit a share of the public patronage. Watch the HERALD for advertisement of specialties. Phone No. 109. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 16, 1899
The old building on North Eighth street formerly occupied by Houghton's barber shop, was moved across the river to-day, to make place for the new Zabel building. Geo. W. Kennedy who had the contract for moving the building, loaded it onto sleighs before people were astir this morning and hauled it away. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
The work of excavating for the new Zable building has been commenced. George W. Kennedy has the contract and is pushing the work with a large force of men. Hermann Bros. have the contract for wood work on the building and the mason work has been let to John Bull. The work will be pushed rapidly with a view to the early completion of the building. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
John Phalen will remove his plumbing shop to the building corner Main and Washington streets. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 8, 1899
The Aluminum company's large plant at Two Rivers narrowly escaped destruction by fire early Sunday morning. The blaze started in the engraving room in the second story and was due to spontaneous combustion. No one was in the building at the time and the blaze was discovered by a passer-by, who immediately gave the alarm. The loss will be about $1,000, but is fully covered by insurance. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 10, 1899
The store located at the corner of Ninth and York streets and occupied by Wallace Hempton, will hereafter be known as "The City Grocery." Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
The work of excavating for the new Zabel building on Eighth street is being hurried to completion and it is expected that the work of laying the foundation will be commenced this week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 18, 1899
John Staudt is nothing if not progressive, and he has no intention of being classed with the "back numbers." He intends to make things hum in a lively manner and is going to improve his property on Jay street. The improvements contemplated are quite extensive and will add greatly to the value and attractiveness of his popular resort. Men are at work excavating for a cellar 40x66 and the regulation ten pin ally will be put in, not a dummy affair, but the same as is operated in large cities. A pool room will also be added, and upstairs, John intends to make a complete change. The present dining room will be remodeled and the parlor and sitting room will receive attention. A new front will be place in the bar room and when the work is completed, John figures that he will have a bill of from $1500 to $1800 to settle. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 28, 1899
Reif Bros. have started a factory of the manufacture of coffins at Reif's Mills. Vogelsang & Murphy, of this city, will act as shipping agents for the new concern and have established a warehouse and office near the C. & N.W. tracks on So. Ninth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 29, 1899
HAVE ADDED A SMELTER. Manitowoc Aluminum Novelty Co. Make An Addition to Their Plant. The Manitowoc Aluminum Novelty company have recently added a smelter to their institution. This is quite an extensive addition to the already very complete plant but it has become a necessity because of the scarcity of aluminum. All the scrap metal will now be made use of. Owing to an increasing demand for the various aluminum alloys which are taking the place of copper and brass, the manufacturers of aluminum are fully three months behind with orders. The Manitowoc company is already behind with orders and rather than be delayed three months longer, they have put in the smelter. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 11, 1899
Sailors' wages have advanced another 25 cents per day. The rate is now $3 per day for sailing vessels and $2.75 for barges. Last summer the rate was $1.50, in rapid succession it has been marked up to $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.75 and now $3. The advance is due to the extra peril and labor resulting from the heavy weather encountered in the fall months. The vessel-owners have met every advance in wages by an equal advance in freight rates. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Nov. 11, 1899 P.2
Engel & Ellelman, have secured the contract for the erection of a barn at the hospital and work has already commenced. The barn is to the south of the hospital building. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1899 P.2
The foundation has been laid for a new two story residence to be erected by Emil Mueller on Cleveland Ave. Levenhagen and Brachmann have the contract. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1899 P.2
John J. Haley has arrived in the city from Chicago and has formed a partnership with W.C. Joyce, in the practice of law. The firm occupies rooms in the Metropolitan block. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 24, 1899 P. 2
Olaf Hansen is now sole proprietor of the south Eighth street cafe known as the "Hub" which has recently been under control of Hansen & Stewart. Mr. Stewart has retired from business and Mr. Hansen will continue in possession. The change is already in effect. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 13, 1902 Page 2
Adolph Wolf and family have arrived from Milwaukee to take up their home here where Mr. Wolf will engage in the drug business, establishing a store on Washington street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, October 19, 1903 P. 2
The articles of incorporation for Manitowoc County Co-Operative Association have been filed here and license the company to conduct a store, telephone lines and printing business. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 20, 1904 P. 3
The Savoy is the home of the new café to be conducted by F.J. Rosenfelder and Emil Walker in the building now being renovated on North Eight street. The place will be elegantly furnished. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 25, 1906 P. 2
THE HAMILTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, TWO RIVERS,WISCONSIN. MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTERS’ FURNITURE OF WOOD AND PRESSED STEEL: WOOD TYPE; DENTAL OFFICE FURNITURE OF WOOD AND STEEL; RAILROAD TICKET AND THEATRE BOX OFFICE FURNITURE. This is one of the largest and most important manufacturing institutions located in Wisconsin. The product of its factories are shipped to every point of any importance in all of North America and to all foreign countries where the printing press has made material progress. The fact that some twenty government printing offices in foreign countries have been equipped with Hamilton Furniture is conclusive evidence of the wide distribution and appreciation of the product of this concern. The business was started in the year 1880 by Mr. J. E. Hamilton, who is still president of the company. Two Rivers was then a small city with one local printing office. The local printer, Mr. William F. Nash, having in hand the printing of a small poster and having no wood type in his office, required the words—”Grand Ball at Turner Hall” as a heading to his poster. At that time Mr. J. E. Hamilton was employed in a local chair factory and he undertook the work of cutting this block for the printer. The idea worked out so well that a font of type was undertaken. This was also found serviceable in poster printing, and the office was equipped with several fonts. Some of the printers in surrounding towns were then supplied with wood type of Mr. Hamilton’s manufacture and later a little circular was sent out to the printers in eastern Wisconsin soliciting orders for what was termed “Holly Wood Type,” the name originating through the fact that this type was made with a face of holly wood cemented to a maple base, in this particular differing from the ordinary wood type cut upon a solid block which has been manufactured and sold to printers since type was first cut in wood by Darius Wells in the year 1826. Orders for more type was the outcome of this advertising. The product was cheap and within the reach of the ordinary printer. Mr. J. E. Hamilton having an idea and ambition gave up his position in the chair factory and started the business in a room on the second floor of his residence. This was the nucleus of the present Hamilton Manufacturing Company, whose plant now covers fifteen acres of land, with a floor space of more than thirteen acres or approximately six hundred thousand square feet. For a time Mr. Hamilton worked alone, and in 1881 he joined interests with Mr. Max Katz of Milwaukee and the firm of Hamilton & Katz appeared. A little factory was erected and a few hands were added to the force, which at the beginning consisted, as stated, of Mr. Hamilton alone and later, as manager, and a young lad by the name of Paul Hendricks as the force. In November, 1885, Mr. Katz retired and the firm was changed to Hamilton & Baker. Mr. William B. Baker of Springfield, Illinois, purchasing the interest of Mr. Katz. At this time Mr. H. P. Hamilton entered the business with the technical knowledge of a practical printer. The business of manufacturing Holly wood type was continued at the little original plant until 1891. On October 1, 1887, the old Sash & Blind factory of Hintze & Baker was purchased by Hamilton & Baker, and the manufacture of printing office furniture was undertaken. Previous to this only Holly wood type and a few minor articles of printing office equipment had been made. Toward the close of the year 1889 Mr. William B. Baker disposed of his interest to Mr. J. E. Hamilton and on January 1, 1890, the Hamilton Manufacturing Company was incorporated by J. E. Hamilton, H. P. Hamilton, L. J. Nash and other associates. The two plants were maintained until 1891, at which time the old plant was deserted and the whole business concentrated at the present site, new buildings being added from time to time as the growth of the business demanded. The old plant lay idle for some years, and was finally taken over by a new corporation. The Aluminum Manufacturing Company, of which Mr. Joseph Koenig, J. E. Hamilton and H. P. Hamilton were the incorporators. On January 4, 1891, the business of the William H. Page Wood Type Company, of Norwich, Connecticut, was purchased. The Page Company was at the time the largest manufacturer of wood type in the world. Mr. William H. Page, the head of the concern, having succeeded most of the old—time wood type concerns which had been established in this country since the industry of manufacturing wood type had first been undertaken in America. The factory was operated at Norwich, Connecticut, for a few months and was then closed and the business brought to Two Rivers. In December, 1897, the business of the S. Simonds Company, of Chicago, manufacturers of printers’ furniture, was purchased. This factory was abandoned in February, 1898, and the business consolidated with the plant at Two Rivers. In December, 1897, the plant of the Morgans & Wilcox Manufacturing Company, located at Middletown, New York, manufacturers of printing office furniture, and wood type, was purchased. This at the time was the largest competitor of the Hamilton Company in the field. The factory was operated at Middletown by the Hamilton Company until August, 1899, when the factory plant was dismantled and the manufacturing end of the business consolidated with that of Two Rivers, the Company maintaining a distributing warehouse and office at Middletown for eastern customers. In 1904 a new eastern warehouse was built at Rahway, New Jersey. Shipments from this warehouse were first made on December 9, 1904, at which time the Middletown, New York, warehouse was discontinued. In August, 1899, a purchase was made of wood type patterns and factory equipment from Heber Wells of New York city. Mr. Wells had succeeded the old-time firm of Vanderberg & Wells, who in turn had succeeded Darius Wells, the father of Heber Wells, in the business of manufacturing wood type. This Darius Wells was born in the year 1800 and was the first man in the world to cut printing types of wood. The business and good-will of the American Cabinet Company, a local concern at Two Rivers without a manufacturing plant, was purchased January 1, 1903, and the manufacture of dental office furniture was commenced. This branch of the business later assumed important proportions. The product in dental goods has been handled under the name of The American Cabinet Company, with Mr. H. C. Gowran as manager of this department. The commodious new home office now occupied at Two Rivers was erected in 1904-5, and was first occupied for business on May 9, 1905, and enlarged during the summer of 1912. The new shipping warehouse comprising eighty-five thousand square feet of floor space was completed and ready for use November 1, 1906. New and modern drying kilns for the lumber stock were erected and put into operation during the year 1907. On March 12, 1908, the Company purchased the business and good-will of Ransom & Randolph. Toledo, Ohio, at the time the largest manufacturers of dental cabinets in the country. This new business was transferred to the Two Rivers plant and the manufacture of dental furniture assumed still larger proportions. Previous to the appearance of The Hamilton Manufacturing Company, the business of manufacturing printers' furniture and wood type had been carried on by several concerns of more or less importance, most of whom are mentioned in the preceding notes. After the purchase of these concerns and until the year 1904, the business was largely consolidated in the Hamilton Company. At this time The Tubbs Manufacturing Company was organized at Ludington, Michigan, by local capitalists and former employes of The Hamilton Manufacturing Company. A large plant was erected at Ludington, and a purchase made by the new Tubbs Company of the wood type business of Charles H. Tubbs located at South Windham, Connecticut. This concern continued in business for nearly five years. On June 9, 1909, the plant of the Tubbs Company was purchased by the Hamilton Company. The factory was continued in operation at Ludington until July 1, 1912, when it was sold and the manufacturing end of the business was again consolidated at Two Rivers. In 1911 steps were taken by the Hamilton Company to begin the manufacture of printing office furniture and dental cabinets of pressed steel construction, the firm foreseeing in advance the inevitable decadence of the wood furniture business due in large part to the continually increasing price and scarcity of suitable lumber stock. Men skilled in the manufacture of steel furniture were secured to develop this branch of the industry. Ground was broken for the new steel addition on November 23, 1911, and the press room was completed and put into operation during the following winter. The first shipment of steel cabinets was made March 13, 1912. The erection of the entire steel plant was resumed in the spring of 1912. This new departure in the business of The Hamilton Manufacturing Company will virtually add a new plant and new industry to the already diversified manufacturing interests of the city of Two Riyers. The present officers of the firm are: J. E. Hamilton, president and general manager; H. P. Hamilton, vice president; L. J. Nash, secretary; H. C. Gowran, treasurer. Continued growth and development in volume of business and quality of product have been the dominant characteristics of the business since its inception in the mind of Mr. J. E. Hamilton, who with nothing but an idea and an ambition to start with, having developed the one and satisfied the other, still continues at the head of the Company, directing the activities of the younger men who in late years have assumed much of the detail consequent to a business comprising such a diversified line of manufactures. The Company maintains its own machine shops and drafting department where the special machinery incident to a business somewhat exclusive is designed and built. The consequent high degree of efficiency in the volume of production and the high quality and accuracy of the product have obviously been vital factors in the success of the business. Millions of feet of the finest native hard and soft woods enter into the Company’s manufactures. This stock is purchased far in advance of the actual requirements and is put through a long season of drying and curing before it enters into the finished product, thus securing the stability and accuracy which have made the Hamilton line famous in its field throughout the civilized world. The present working force totals approximately seven hundred hands, many of whom have been with the concern since its infancy. It is a somewhat remarkable fact that during the thirty-two years since the business was first started by Mr. Hamilton, there has been no general reduction in wages in times of business depression. No instance can be cited where an employe's individual wage has been lowered while he remained with the concern. Each workman has been taught to do his work well, quality being the first consideration. This policy has developed to a high degree the greatest asset any manufacturing concern can possess—the good-will of its customers, has resulted in a close communion between the customers and the manufacturer. "The History of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin" by Dr. Louis Falge, 1912. pages 606-611
CITY HAS NEW INDUSTRY, FARM FOR RAISING OF GUINEA PIGS ESTABLISHED BY PLANTICO BROS Manitowoc has another new industry and one which is advertising the city to the outside world. It is the guinea pig farm and is conducted by Plantico Bros., who have made a number of shipments to Illinois and other points, one shipment of thirty pigs being forwarded to Springfield, Ill., yesterday by the company. The present stock of the Plantico Bros. numbers over 200 pigs which will be increased and the farm enlarged as the business develops. Herb Plantico is manager of the farm which is on the south side but the company will probably be forced to find bigger accommodations in the near future owing to increase of stock. The pigs command a good price. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 13, 1915
SPECIAL We are in need of all kinds of furs, especially skunks. Get our prices before selling. It will pay you to bring them to us. Manitowoc Iron & Metal Co., tel. 218, 1015 Buffalo St. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 3, 1916
Plans has been approved and contracts awarded by the Aluminum Specialty company for an addition to its plant at Seventeenth and Wollmer streets. The addition will be forty feet long. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 17, 1916 P.10
MANITOWOC'S FIRST APARTMENT BUILDING READY FOR OCCUPANCY Six Flat Building Erected by J.J. Healy on Fifteenth Street First of Kind in City, Nears Completion Manitowoc's first apartment house will be ready for occupancy about March 1. The new building, a three story structure, embracing six five-room flats, modern conveniences and with latest apartment features, is located on South 15th street, off Marshall, and was erected by John J. Healy at a cost estimated to be $10,000. Plans for the building were drawn by D.H. Tegen. The building is 34 by 56 feet and has three flats one each side, each flat having a large living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom, with a large alcove off the dining room containing what is known as a Murphyized bed, a brass bed which folds up and is swung on a pivot and can be hidden from view by drapery over the doors which enclose the alcove. The alcove is sufficiently large to permit a dresser being place in it and at the same time is large enough for use as a dressing room. The bed swings into the adjoining room on the pivot and does not touch the floor or rugs until ready for position. It can be placed at any angle and is a convenience that is a feature of apartment building in the larger cities. Large closets, wash rooms, with hot and cold water, toilets, and other modern features are a part of each apartment, while at the entrance there is a large community closet off the main hall which can be used for wraps, rubbers, baby carriages, etc., which visitors to occupants of the flat may use. There is a large basement divided into six cellars for use of each flat and two large laundry rooms for use of tenants. A dumb waiter has been installed from the basement to the third floor for use in transferring laundry or other supplies. Porches are provided for the first and second floor dwellers. The furnishings are up-to-date and attractive and the building is provided throughout with the latest electrical equipment, each flat having an individual meter with an additional meter for the halls and basement. The place is finished in attractive manner and the new building is attracting much attention. The apartment building is an experiment in Manitowoc but should solve the lack of housing facilities, providing a modern home for tenanats. The Healy building is within two blocks of the high school and adjacent to the factory center of the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 18, 1916
G.J. Dour of Beaver Dam is negotiating for purchase of the Vaudette theatre (sic), the pioneer movie theatre of the city, which for two years past has been conducted by Mrs. R.H. Healy, with C.G. Stebbins as manager. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P. 3
The old Congregational church at Two Rivers, used as a house of worship for half a century, is now occupied as a hardware store, the building having been remodeled and Thill & Leicht company having taken possession this week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P. 3
The Two Rivers Reporter is showing evidence of prosperity. The paper has just installed a new Babcock press. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P. 3
The Stelzer & Krieck Co. of Mishicot has been incorporated with a capital stock of $20,000. The company is engaged in the hardware business at Mishicot. The incorporators are Walter H. Krieck, Walter Stelzer Jr., M. Stelzer and John Halberg. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 26, 1916
The Beers store, formerly occupied by Schultz, the hatter, has been leased by the Zimmerman company, which will open a clothing store, it is said. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 6, 1916 P. 3
A nine-ton boiler arrived today from Milwaukee for the Smalley Manufacturing company and was unloaded and conveyed to the plant preparatory to being installed this week. The boiler was made by the Milwaukee Boiler company for the local plant. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 16, 1916
Editors note. Two Rivers, which in many ways has it on Manitowoc when it comes to city progress, harmony of action and real boosting, has again shown its spirit by accepting the proposition of the High Falls company for power service. The council voted unanimously on the proposition which this city rejected. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 18, 1916 P. 2
Fixtures where removed yesterday from the Beers store building recently occupied by Schultz, the Hatter, to make way for the stock to put in by the new company that is to occupy it. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 22, 1916 P. 1
On account of inability to secure aluminum the Aluminum Goods and Standard company plants at Two Rivers have been forced to establish an eight-hour schedule for work. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 29, 1916 P. 3 (NOTE: Because of the War.)
Charles Tegge, Two Rivers, has sold his saloon and barber shop property to E.O. Culberson, of South Milwaukee and the new proprietor will take possession April 1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 29, 1916 P. 3
Mr. and Mrs. Doerr and children of Beaver Dam are here arranging to remove to the city to take up their home. Mr. Doerr is the new owner of the Vaudette theatre, and will take possession of the theatre, the first movie of the city, on April 1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 30, 1916 P. 3 ******** LIVE WIRE TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE VAUDETTE BEGINNING SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK; 5 REEL SHOWS Under the direction of a "live wire," the Vaudette theatre will open up to the public with new management on Saturday, April 1, J.G. Woerr (sic), the new owner, being in charge and having moved his family here from Beaver Dam to make his permanent home. Several changes will be put into effect, two machines being installed so that there will be continuous pictures; the theatre wil (sic) be re-decorated, suction fans will be placed therein and other improvements made. Mr. Doerr has brought his own piano player and operator to the city and many years of experience should continue the Vaudette as one of the most popular play houses in the city. He proposes to run five reels every day with three master pictures a week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 31, 1916 P. 8
TINSEL MFG. CO. TO RETURN TO CITY AND REOPEN PLANT ON MAY 1, IS REPORT WHICH REACHED HERE The Tinsel Manufacturing company, the former Stolze plant, which removed to Geneva, Ill. early in the year, is to be re-established in Manitowoc and is expected to be in operation here May 1. W.C. Protz, who came here from Detroit to manage the plant and who directed its removal to Geneva, Ill., will, it is expected, return here. The plant at Geneva is to be devoted to other lines of manufacture by the company. Arrangements for the relocation of the Tinsel company in this city are being perfected this week and it is presumed that the factory on Marshall street will be utilized by the company in its operation. The plant afforded employment to a large number of girls here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 6, 1916 P. 1
TWO RIVERS TO HAVE NEW FACTORY PLANT THIS SPRING Wisconsin Woodworking Co. to Build on Site of Old Pail Factory and Double Capacity of Business Two Rivers is to have a new, modern factory plant added to its industrial plants this spring, the Wisconsin Woodworking company having secured plans for a new plant to be built at once, work to start at an early date. The company plans to double its capacity by erection of the factory. The new plant will be erected on the site of the old pail factory plant, which was purchased by the company from Milwaukee interests this week. The power house of the saw mill of the old plant will be retained and utilized but the balance of the plant will be dismantled or moved away. The new factory will be built to have a fifty per cent larger capacity than what is now turned out with present facilities. This will mean approximately 375 carloase (sic) of pails a year. At the present time the company is not able to fill its orders having one contract which alone calls for 165 carloads perannum. The number of hands employed now is 125 and this will be, no doubt, largely increased. The new factroy will be run entirely by electric power supplied from the Wisconsin Public Service company which will have its power lines completed to Two Rivers by the time the new plant is ready. J.F. Conant is head of the Woodworking company. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 7, 1916
RYAN AGAIN IN CHARGE OF PARK ST. FERRY FOR YEAR Park street ferry, which affords transportation for employes of the island across the river at Park street, was placed in operation for the season yesterday with John Ryan again in charge of the lines. Mr. Ryan has operated the ferry for more than a year and his satisfactory service led the bridge committee, in charge of the harbor now, to appoint him to continue. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 13, 1916 P. 8
STOLZE TO SELL HOME TO NEW COMPANY WHICH WILL HAVE PRINCIPAL OFFICES IN THIS CITY The Manitowoc Experimental company, recently organized by Mayor Stolze, Mrs. Stolze, and Henry Stolze, Jr. and incorporated, will have its principal offices in this city. Whether the company will establish a plant here has not been decided yet, it is said. It is reported that Mayor Stolze will dispose of his residence on South 8th street to the new company and that the property will be remodeled and fitted up for office purposes this summer. The mayor said that his plan was under consideration and might be adopted to establish the company's offices and headquarters in this city. Mayor Stolze has been in the city during the week, presumably looking after interest of the organization in connection with city affairs. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, April 14, 1916 P.8
ALUMINUM GOODS CO. TO EXTEND ITS BUILDING PLANS AND ERECT SECOND 50 BY 150 STEEL ADDITION President George Vits Makes Public Plans of Company—Stetw Addition Has Been Started-Plant One of Largest in City when it is Completed With the completion of excavation for the new addition to the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing company's plant yesterday and the placing of derricks for handling the large steel beams to be used in the new structure, an announcement was made by President George Vits, of the company, of plans for extending the building operation of the year by erection of another large addition of 50 by 150 to the plans. Both additions will ????? this summer. Plans have been completed during the past three week for ??? ??? old wooden structure, which is located in the rear of the brick plant, with a modern steel and brick building at once. The building, which will take the place of what was originally the factory plant of the company, before the big brick structure was erected a few years ago, is 50 by 150 and will be built in addition to the 50 by 300 addition to be placed on the south end of the plant. The cost will be several thousands. In the tearing out of the frame building, which have been utilized for years, just as the main factory and later for packing and shipping, the company provides for a plant uniform in its structure and one of the largest in the city. More than 450 tons of steel have been received by the contractors on the work and yesterday the erection of derricks preparatory to actual construction on the steel work, were put in place. The main addition will extend from Sixteenth through to Seventeenth street, 300 feet in length, and will be fifty feet wide on the south of the present factory. The plant of the company will, when completed with the additions now under way, occupy more than a half block of ground. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 10, 1916 P. 1
VISIT OF CHICAGO MAN RECALLS INTERESTING INCIDENTS OF PIONEER DAYS Emil Wolf, of Chicago, was a business caller in the city for the weekend and incidentally visited with old time friends of his mother, whose maiden name was Miss Emma Nollau. Her father, William Nollau, conducted an old time tavern here for many years, known as the Franklin House, the building having been razed several years ago to make room for the old St. Charles hotel, now known as the Robinson House, on Franklin street, and at present the property of the Manitowoc Shipbuilding company. Pleasant recollections still remain with old residents who made the neatly conducted little tavern their rendezvous in their early days. Before Mr. Nollau conducted the place a Mr. Langenfeld held sway therein as host. This was in 1853 when refugees of the ’48 German revolution made their headquarters there. Among them were hot spurs, who would take up the least reflection on the integrity of their character as an insult to be wiped out only by blood. One such duel took place before the hotel one midnight on the sidewalk and the bartender, Kurzwaell by name, meeting death at the hands of his adversary, Rosstaeuscher, who came out free in the courts of those days on the grounds of having acted in self defense. Another incident that the name of Mr. Nollau recalls, occurred at the time he became proprietor of the Franklin House and was the engineer in the sawmill which stood on the site the Elks club House is about to occupy. His fireman, Jos. Lenox, a character old timers will readily remember, as a later day drayman, one night found that there was no water in the boiler and replenishing the supply without first putting out the fires, ended the usefulness of the mill, then and there. Part of the boiler explosion flew through the window of the bedroom occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reif, startling them in their sweet repose. The building owned by them is now the property of the Dickson Millinery company, being adjunct to their millinery store in the rear. John Reif, who conducts a shoe store on Washington street, can give further particulars, being a son of the couple in question, and now long since dead. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, September 11, 1917 pg. 8
CITY NEEDS MORE LAND AT EVERGREEN CEMETERY NOW The city is in need of additional land at Evergreen cemetery and a resolution fathered by Ald. Nienaber, chairman on cemetery and parks, last night, authorizes the committee to secure options on property, purchase not to be made, however, without council action. A limit of $10 is provided as payment on any option taken. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1918 p.2
NEW SHOE STORE TO OPEN IN CITY Manitowoc is to have a new shoe store. Ray Lonsdorf of this city and W.J. Houfek of Hortonville have formed a co-partnership to engage in the business and will open a store at Sixteenth and Washington streets. Both young men are well known, Mr. Houfek having formerly been employed in the city. The store will be a convenience to the west side. Manitowoc Herald News, Feb. 26, 1920
Manitowoc is again to take the lead among cities of the state. The Urbanek and Wattawa company has placed an order for an ambulance-limousine motor car for use in connection with its undertaking business and the car will be the first of its kind in Wisconsin, though in general use in the East. It will provide ambulance accommondation, medicine cabinet, dressing room, etc. and will have capacity for eight passengers at one time. The machine is manufactured at Cincinnatti and will be delivered in two months. Manitowoc Herald News, Mar. 29, 1920
TWO RIVERS IS SCENE OF COSTLY BENZINE BLAST (Special to Press/Telegram) Two Rivers - A benzine explosion in the No. 1 plant of the Aluminum Goods company at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening did serious damage in the plant and burned three employees. The injured: John Bornesky - burns about face and eyes. James Teche - face, hair and hands burned. William Gloe - slightly burned. Benzine is employed in cleaning aluminum. Fortunately the amount on hand on the floor was relatively small or the damage would have been serious, probably fatal to many of the 45 employes in the room. The force of the explosion can be seen by the fact that the steel window frames in the room were blown out and twisted. The room measures 60 x 120 feet and windows on all sides were affected. 14 Feb. 1923, Sheboygan Press-Telegram