The history and growth of the fire departments in the county


CHURCH STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.—During the severe thunderstorm on Sunday afternoon, the Episcopal Church in this town was struck by lighning. The fluid passed down the front and rear of the bellgable, tearing the boards and shingles and doing considerable injury. The building was unoccupied at the time of the accident. Manitowoc County Herald, Saturday, July 2, 1853 P.2

St. James The Rev. Mr. Thompson, formerly of Cincinnatti, Ohio, has accepted a call to the rectorship of St. James Church, Manitowoc, and has assumed the duties of his office. Mr. Thompson has had several years experience in the Ministry and comes among ??? ??? the most gratifying testimonials of th?se ???? which ???? a Clergyman. Manitowoc County Herald, July 30, 1853


Methodist A barn attached to the premises of the parsonage of the Methodist denomination, was destroyed by fire, on Wednesday night. The exertions of Sheriff Van Valkenburgh, saved the horse and buggy, but the rest of the contents of the barn, were consumed. The horse was scorched, but was not seriously injured. The fire caught from an ash house in the immediate vicinity of the stable.

Manitowoc Tribune, Nov. 18, 1854


Methodist The Methodist Church is nearly completed and will be dedicated in about two weeks.-Rev. J.J. Alpin is the present pastor. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 19, 1855

Episcopal There is regular service at St. James (Episcopal) Church on the Sabbath Rev. M. Hoyt, Pastor. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 19, 1855

St. James Bishop Kemper administered the rite of confirmation to eight persons at St. James Church on Tuesday last. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 19, 1855

Presbyterian The new Presbyterian Church is rapidly approaching a state of completion. Mr. S. Hill has the contract, and will push the work with vigor. Manitowoc will now have four churches, all of which will be open for services previous to the first of November. The village shows a proportionate more use. Manitowoc Tribune, Sept. 6, 1855

St. James The rite of Confirmation was administered by Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper at St. James Church in this village, on Sunday last. Manitowoc Tribune, Sept. 20, 1855

Presbyterian The Order of Odd Fellows in Manitowoc, will please accept the thanks of the Presbyterian Church, &c., (etc) for their kindness in opening their Hall for a Concert, recently given for the benefit of said Church, &c. Mead Holms, Pastor. Manitowoc Tribune, Oct. 18, 1855

Presbyterian Dedication.—The dedication of the house of worship, known as the Tabernacle, recently erected by the Presbyterian Society, will take place on Sunday, the 18th inst. An apppo???? ?????? may be expected from the Pastor. Services to commence at 10 1-2 o'clock A.M. The evangelical Churches of Manitowoc, Two Rivers, and Maple Grove, with their Pastors, are fraternally invited to join in the exercises of the occasion. The presence of the Contributors to the Tabernacle enterprise, is especially desired. In the evening, at 7 o'clock, an address may be expected to the Young People of Manitowoc. On Monday, at 10 A.M., the Tabernacle will be opened for the purpose of renting slips. All wishing regular seats, are requested to meet the Trustee there, at that time. Manitowoc Tribune, Nov. 8, 1855


Presbyterian Messrs, W.W. Deming, J.W. Thombs, Geo. Deming, A. Wittmand, Mrs. A.N. Baker, and Miss M.E. Oliver, will please accept the thanks of the Presbyterian Church, for an elegant set of heavy silver plated communion furniture. As they have thus aided in furnishing the table of the Lord, may they be abundant partakers of its benefits-may they be speedily prepared with melting hearts and bursting prayers to receive the symbols of the Savior's body broken and blood shed. The Editor of the Tribune will also accept thanks for gratuituous printing in connection with the Concert. Mead Holmes, Pastor. Manitowoc, Wis., Jan. 1, 1856 Manitowoc Tribune, Jan. 3, 1856


Presbyterian The resignation of Rev. M. Holmes, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church was to take effect last Sunday but owing to some misunderstanding the Minister appointed for the purpose, refused to declare the pulpit vacant. Mr. H. we learn intends to make an early application for an unqualified dismissal. The Daily Tribune, July 8, 1858

St. John/St. James Communicated. Fourth Of July At Maple Grove.-S.S. Pic Nic. The S.S. children in this flourishing town had a gala day on the Anniversary of our National independence. At an early hour a beautiful bower was constructed, above which floated the Stars and Eagle of the Union. At 11 o'clock the children marched in procession, into the church, singing, "From the field victorious." The congregation were then addressed by Rev. Messrs. J.C. Holms, North, Ropper, and M. Holmes' singing by the juveniles interspersed. After the Benediction, the children marched out, singing "Crambambuli" a temperance song, and being the first invited gathered around tables richly spread under the Bower. In the Church and at the tables they observed the utmost decorum, a good example in the day of rudeness and Border Ruffianism. After the children, the heroes of the occasion were served, a luxuriant repast was prepared for the adults and they enjoyed it at their leisure. No sign of hard times appeared in the entertainment, rich and superabundant. The Congregation Church is a pleasant House of Worship, an ornament to the town, a monument of zeal resolution and liberality. May it ever be a centre of healthful, moral and religious influence. May the spirit of the 4th or rather the 5th always prevails in that locality. Intelligent, enterprising and united the people can but prosper, more and more. The Daily Tribune, July 14, 1858


CATHOLIC CHURCH.- We understand that our Catholic fellow citizens have made arrangements for regular service in their Church every Sunday after and including October 2nd. Rev. Max DeBere is Pastor, who will also perform divine service at Manitowoc Rapids every Sabbath. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, September 23, 1859 P.3


The Norwegian Lutheran Church in the town of Liberty was dedicated last Saturday. The building is 90 feet long, 48 feet wide and 25 feet high and cost about $4000. It is the largest completed church in Manitowoc county, and its building, shows a commendable spirit of enterprise, and liberality on the part of those who built it. The pastor is the Rev. L.M. Blorm. Manitowoc Pilot, December 30, 1869 P. 1


MANITOWOC does not furnish large audiences for its churches. After having erected one of the handsomest church edifices in the state, (the Presbyterian), it has been discovered that there are as many empty pews as full ones at public service. It has therefore been decided to beautify the surrounding, and see if that will not entice the young people to attend church more generally, and we understand that Monsier Windiate, in whose honor a handsome hotel was some time ago named in consideration of his becoming a day boarder therein, being wholly disengaged in business, (except the carryon on of a livery establishment, 'bus line, hearse, tug, theater, tavern, wrecked schooner and four farms, and building a school house, harbor and trotting course, Dr. Barnes having relieved him from the bull pup and other blooded stock business), has taken a contract to set out posts in front of all the Manitowoc churches against which the young men can lean and wait for their sisters and cousins to come along and go to church with them. if the project is a success, an Appleton newspaper publisher will beach it in other localities.—Appleton Crescent, 19th. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 18, 1872 pg. 3

New Church in Kossuth. We learn from a special correspondent at the town of Kossuth that they have commenced building a new Catholic Church in that town. The structure is to be built of brick, with a stone foundation, 70 feet in length, by 40 feet in width, and on a beautiful and elevated building site on the east side of the Green Bay road, near Casper Hessel's hotel. The brick and stone are already on the ground, and they will commence next week with a large force of mechanics and laborers in order to complete it by the 1st day of October, 1872. When completed the edifice will cost six thousand dollars, and will be a much needed convenience to the residents of that locality, besides being a great ornament to the town. The contract for the masonry has been let to Messrs. Goetzler, Meyer & Co., for $2,7000. Manitowoc Pilot, June 20, 1872 P. 3

GO TO CHURCH.—Each recurring Sabbath finds the Catholic, German Methodist and Lutheran churches well filled, while the little church around the corner, where the Rev. M. Wilson has service every Sunday morning, at 11 a.m., and which it is expected will be attended by at least the Yankee portion of our population, has not some times enough to claim the promise "where two or three are gathered." etc. Although, perhaps, we have not been sufficiently regular ourself to make us the best qualified to say it, "this ought not so to be." It is sometimes assumed by the "natives" of other places, if not here, that descending from the Pilgrims we enjoy a sort of superiority as well in morals as in some other respects over the other nations of the earth. Such a claim would be absurd in Two Rivers. Of the forty or fifty American families residing here, there are very few that could not profitably follow the example of the foreign born population in regard to attending church. Lets us Yankees spunk up and see if we cannot organize a choir, put on our go-to-meeting clothes and attend church at least once on the Sabbath. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3


Catholic The Catholic congregation of this village are putting up a building on Walnut street which they intend for a parish school when complete. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875

Rev. Father Seubert, formerly of Maple Grove, is now located in Menasha. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875

M.E. church Rev. H. Yarwood will deliver a temperance lecture at the M.E. Church, in Gibson, on tomorrow evening. Subject, "The Devil's Meal all Bran." Lecture to begin at 7 1-2 o'clock. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875

Lutheran The town of Cato to have a new Lutheran church. The corner-stone was laid last Saturday. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 8, 1875

Lutheran The following officers were elected to the Two Rivers Bible Society: President F.W. REISLAND; Vice President Harry KAHRS; Secretary Rev. C.W. WILSON; Treas. Rev. Conrad YAGER ***** The local agents appointed were: For the Lutheran Church, Fred HARTUNG; Evangelical Association: Wm. WAGNER; American: E.H. YOUNG Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 15, 1875


Last Friday while four men were engaged in lathing the new church at Northeim the scaffolding suddenly gave way, the men falling a distance of thirty feet to the floor below. Three of them escaped with slight bruises, but the fourth had an arm broken and received other injuries. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1

Two Rivers news: P.H. Hewitt, one of Manitowoc county's most enterprising and successful teachers, and for the last few years at the head of the Edwards "seminary," spent last Sabbath with your correspondent. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 4


Gibson news: Rev. C. Jaeger, pastor of the German Lutheran church, preached his farewell sermon on New Year's day. Mr. Jaeger is a man of superior education and a minister of uncommon ability. His family will hereafter reside in Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4

Liberty news: The people of Gjerpen and Valders congregations have invested in church bells, but which of the bells gives the best satisfaction it is difficult to determine. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 4

The convent near the Silver Lake, which was destroyed by lightning last summer, will be rebuilt on the old site. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1882 P.1

Newton news: Material is being transported to Silver Lake for the erection of a new Convent upon the beautiful site formerly occupied by the one which was destroyed by lightning some time ago. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4

Kellnersville news: The Catholic congregation of Kellnersville has at last obtained a pastor. The pastor is the Rev. Father Mallay. Father M. was once the pastor of this congregation for eighteen years, he is estimated very highly by the Catholics in this and neighboring vicinities. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 18, 1882 P. 4

Branch news: Mrs. Peter Hermann presented the Dutch Reform churh (sic), not long since with a lot and old building which is to be repaired and used for a church. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 4


Rev. J.I. Foote recently appointed pastor of the M.E. Church in this city, arrived on Saturday and preached a delighted congregation twice on Sunday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 3

Presbyterian The repairs on the Presbyterian church are about completed. A front entrance has been built which can hardly be considered as improving the appearance of the church however useful or convenient it may prove to be, a new furnace has been put in and the old ones repaired and there can be no doubt but the church will be comfortable now in the most severe weather. We are informed that there is a small debt still remaining on account ofthe (sic) repairs. Lake Shore Times, Nov. 4, 1884


Kellnersville news: Rev. Father Stern left his parrish at Francis Creek on Wednesday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 3, 1885 P.6

Catholic THE CORNER STONE LAID. The laying of the corner stone of the new St. Bonifacius church brought large crowds of people to the city yesterday. The day was beautiful. A little too warm perhaps, but on the whole most that could be desired. The procession was formed promptly on times and marched through the principal streets with Weinschenk's and the city bands discoursing music. Upon their return to the church the Rev. Father Wilmee delivered an excellent discourse in German which seemed to be highly appreciated by those understanding that language. Upon the conclusion of the discourse the corner stone was laid with the impressive ceremonies peculiar to the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rt. Rev. Monseigneur L. Batz of Milwaukee, assisted by the clergy in attendance. The circuit of the wall was then made and the walls blessed, after which the Rev. J.L. Cleary of Kenosha preached a powerful sermon from the gospel of St. John Chap. 13 V. 26. Father Cleary has the name of being a powerful pulpit orator and he certainly did justice to his reputation on this occasion. Within the Corner Stone was placed a scaled copper casket, containing the following documents. Copies of each of the city newspapers. Copies of the Columbia and Catholic Citizen of Milwaukee. Constitution of the United States. Constitution of the Catholic Knights of America. Constitution of the Catholic Knights of Wis., Constitution of the St. Bonifacius Society. Offices of the church. Consulters of the church. Building Committee. Name of the Architect. City Charter of Manitowoc and list of city officers. A parchment containing the names of the reigning Pope, the Archbishop of this diocese, of Monsigneur Batz officiating prelate, of the parish priest, Father Piel. The Pres. of the United States and the Governor of the State of Wisconsin. A portion of brick from one of the sacred edifices of the city of Treves. The following clergy from abroad were present and assisted in the services: Rt. Rev. Mong. L. Batz of Milwaukee. Rev. J.L. Cleary of Kenosha, Rev. H. Wilmes, Port Washington. Rev. J.J. Fox, of Marinette, Rev. M. Welbes of Two Rivers, Rev. P. Schweiger of Sheboygan, Rev. A. J. Gerhardt of Silver Lake, Rev. J.J. Smith of Meeme, Rev. Father Dudkaewitz of St. Mary's church in this city was also present. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, May 26, 1885

Kellnersville news: A new wire fence is to be built in front of St. Joseph's church. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 4, 1885 P.1

The Catholic church is making good progress. The roof being nearly all on. The workmen say the slate for the roof is the finest quality of slate they ever used. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.3

Rev. Mr. Wills the new pastor of the Methodist church preached to his congregation, Sunday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 20, 1885 P.3

Two Rivers news: The new bell for the Lutheran church was put in place on Saturday. It is a fine sounding bell and the congregation will appreciate it as they long felt the need of it. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 10, 1885 P. 2

The Reformed Lutherans (German) have a private school in their new church his (sic) winter. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3

Gibson news: The Lutheran Society have a German school in connection with their church taught by the pastor in charge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3


The donation at the Methodist parsonage last Friday evening was a very pleasant affair, socially. A large number of friends congregated to show their appreciation of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Wills who has won the esteem of his entire congregation. The receipts-about $105-are considered satisfactory in these "hard times." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

Gibson news: Rev. H. DeFord pastor of the M.E. church of Gibson, has removed to Gravesville to take charge of the work there and to attend school at Appleton. His place is filled every two weeks by Rev. Wills of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

St. Nazianz news: St. Isador's parish in Meeme is minus a pastor and in consequence thereof a number of people from that part attend service here on Sunday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P. 1

Clarks Mills news: Children will receive their first communion Thursday June 24, at the Catholic church at Meeme. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P. 1

Artists are now frescoing the new Catholic church. The work is very elaborate and although a number of artists are employed, will not be completed before the middle of October. One of the gentlemen who has the decoration in hand is Mr. Liebig formerley a druggist here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 14, 1886 P.1

CHURCH DEDICATION. The dedication services of the new St. Boniface church will take place on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day). Large delegations from Catholic congregations and societies in the adjoining counties have responded to an invitation to be present and the occasion (sic) will be a notable one. The consecration will be performed by His Grace Most Rev. M. Heiss, Archbishop of Milwaukee, assisted by a large number of clergy from abroad. Services in the church will begin about 10 o'clock A.M. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 23, 1886 P. 3


Rev. Mr. Pieper secured his relaease on Sunday last although his congregation was quite reluctant to part with him. He will probably leave for his new field the last of this month. He will be succeeded by the Rev. Machmuller of Lowell, a graduate of the university of Watertown. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, February 12, 1891 P. 3


NOTES FROM CENTERVILLE. The bells for the Catholic church which is to be erected at St. Wendel, during the summer are ponderous affairs. They were donated by Mathias Schmidt and Mr. Nic Orth. Manitowoc Pilot, April 11, 1895 P. 1


Immaculate Conception The parishowners of the Immaculate Conception congregation are again pushing the work on their new church edifice. The foundations were l aid two or three years ago but the work dragged, owing to various difficulties, financial and otherwise. Some time ago the matter was taken in hand by Archbishop Katzer, of Milwaukee and the prospects now are that the church will be finished next season. Contractor Bartke is at work and is making good progress. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 26, 1898

Presbyterian A Union Thanksgiving service will be held at the Presbyterian Church on Thanksgiving Day. In place of the usual sermon, the (sic) will be addresses by Judge Baensch, Judge Kirwan, Lyman Mash and Mr. John Schuette, on questions pertaining to municipal and national government. Special music by the choirs and an interesting meeting is promised. Service will begin at 10:30 and a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 17, 1898

Lutheran The Lutheran Band will give a concert in the school hall of the Lutheran church on Thursday evening Dec. 15. They will be assisted by the choir of the church and an exceptionally interesting program will be rendered. The Band is one of our best musical organization and no doubt will be accorded a hearty endorsement. Full particulars will be published later. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 17, 1898


The second annual ball, by the congregation of the Polish church, will be given at Ig. Neidy's hall on the evening of Sunday, Jan. 22. The Marine orchestra will furnish the music and the public is cordially invited. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 17, 1899 P. 4

The building committee of the Norwegian Lutheran church, corner Eighth and State streets, purchased the stained glass windows for the edifice last evening. Five representatives from as many firms were here to effect a sale. The committee consists of Thos. Torrison, H. Halverson, A. Aslakson, H. Meyer and A. Hanson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, Nov. 17, 1899 P. 2

WILL SOON BE READY. First Norwegian Lutheran Church Fast Nearing Completion. CORNER STONE LAID SUNDAY. Impressive Ceremony Mark An Event in History of Local Church—A Memorable Day To The congregation-Services. Sunday was a memorable day in the history of the congregation of the first Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church of this city. In Oct. of the present year it was decided to rebuild the church at the corner of State and Eighth streets and work was commenced at once. The laying of the corner stone of the building was an event marked by impressive ceremonies, conducted in the presence of fully 400 members of the congregation and friends of the church. Rev. O.P. Vangsnes, of Stony City, Ia., who was to have been present, did not arrive and the services were in charge of the pastor Rev. P.E. Thorson, assisted by Rev. A.C. Alfson, of Valders, and Rev. K. Machmueller, of the German Lutheran church. The services were conducted in the basement of the church, which is almost completed, and opened with an address by Rev. Alfson, who spoke in Norwegian. His remarks were chiefly along the line of duty, the Christian faith, and the effort that should be exerted to avoid all that tended toward hypocrisy. Rev. Machmueller was the next speaker and delivered an address in English. He spoke at some length upon the necessity of building upon the firm foundation-Christ Jesus, -and counseled his listeners to a stronger and more perfect faith in the Christian religion. Rev. P.E. Thorson, the pastor, then read a history of the local church from the time of its founding and made a few remarks pertaining to the growth of the society. The corner stone was then placed and an anthem was rendered by the choir. The services closed with the "Doxology" in which the congregation joined. The laying of the corner stone marks an event in the history of the church that is of great moment to the society. It is the beginning of a new life and renewed activity. The new church when completed will be one of the finest temples of worship in the city and the society can well feel proud of its home. The cost is estimated at $6,500. The young ladies of the society have donated a pipe organ and it will be placed in the church as soon as the interior work has been finished. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1

Norwegian Lutheran ALMOST COMPLETED. The New Norwegian Lutheran Church Will Soon Be Ready. The new church buiding for the St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran congregation is rapidly nearing completion, and will probably be ready for use in about two more weeks. The stained glass windows are all in but one. There is a large window besides several smaller ones on each of the sides, facing north, south and east. The glass for the windows was funished by the Tabitha society a woman's organization connected with the church. The decorations in the stained glas windows are very handsome and are real works of art. In the north window is a full figure picture of Christ with the word "Tabitha" under it. The south window has a picture of the Bible character Tabitha who is represented as being a beautiful young woman. In the east window is a bust picture of Martin Luther. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 3, 1899

Catholic The Sisters of St. Francis are preparing to give a fair on May 1 for the benefit of the new hospital. They have already rented Turner Hall for the occasion. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 3, 1899

Norwegian Lutheran Rev. Royne and family arrived in the city yesterday from Austin, Minn., and will take up their abode here. Mr. Royne is the pastor of the new norwegian (sic) Lutheran church. The edifice is almost completed and will soon be ready for dedication. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 18, 1899

Catholic The members of the Polish-Catholic congregation at Two Rivers have decided to build a new brick-veneer church. The church will be 45 feet wide and 85 feet long with a tower of solid brick. It will cost from $5,000 to $10,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 11, 1899

Episcopal Several plans for the new Episcopal church are on exhibition in G.W. Fechter's window on N. Eighth street and others are expected this week. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 21, 1899

Lutheran Rev. Hoyme, who came here to attend the dedication exercises of St. Paul's New (sic) Lutheran church, returned to his home at Eau Claire to-day. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 22, 1899

Norwegian Lutheran Rev. Michelson returned to Neenah this afternoon. He was here to assist in dedicating the new Norwegian church. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 22, 1899

Catholic The interior of the St. Mary's Polish church is being artistically decorated. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 25, 1899

Catholic The second and last edition of the Fest Blatt, being issued by the St. Boniface Benevolant society, was given to the public to-day. It is a 40 page book and is profusely illustrated. The cover is unque (sic) and attractive. The back page is devoted to an advertisement of Schuette Bros., and is worked in bronze to carry out the golden anniversary idea. The first page of the cover is worked in silver, emblematic of the silver anniversary of the organization of the St. Boniface Benevolent society. The book was issued from this office. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 27, 1899

The corner stone of the new Polish church at Two Rivers will be laid next Sunday, May 14. The work on the basement has already been completed. Appropriate exercises will be held Sunday and many from this city will attend. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 8, 1899

Christian Scientist The Christian Scientists in Manitowoc, as elsewhere, are growing rapidly in numbers. Their doctrine which was introduced here not very long ago has attracted much attention and many followers have been secured. Of late they have increased so rapidly that their old quarters have proven too small to accommodate those who desire to attend the meetings. New rooms have been leased in the Beers block and the Scientists will meet there hereafter every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 8, 1899


Catholic A class of 160 were confirmed at St. Boniface Sunday. Archbishop Katzer of Milwaukee was present to administer the sacrament, being assisted by Fathers Fessler, Kzwonos, Mueller and Peil. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 2, 1901


St. Mary's Catholic church at Tisch Mills has purchased land for a new cemetery which has been laid out. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 24, 1903 P. 3

St. John's Lutheran church at Two Rivers will build a handsome new school building next year. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, October 30, 1903 P. 2


NOTICE. FOR SALE.—The old Polish church building located on the corner of Twenty second and Marshall Sts. This building is a frame structure the material in which is still good. It occupies a site upon which the new Polish school house is to be built and for that reason the sale is made. Any one can call and investigate the building. Sealed bids will be received at the parsonage of Rev. Joseph Chylewski until and including Monday March 7, when they will be opened. Committee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 26, 1904 P. 1

Rev. Bastel who has had charge of the church at Cato, preached his last sermon at that place on Sunday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 21, 1904 P. 2

A new bell has been purchased for the Evangelical Lutheran church, Ninth and Hamilton streets and the dedication will be made an important event. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 21, 1904 P. 2

Carl Nagel, of St. John's Evang church of Manitowoc, has been making an effort to establish a Filial congregation here, and to all appearances he will meet with success. The first services will be held next Sunday in Schroeder's hall at 2:30 P.M. Sunday School services will be at 1:30 P.M. All services will be conducted in German and the public is cordially invited to attend. As soon as possible the new congregation expects to organize.-Two Rivers Chronicle. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 22, 1904 P. 2

The Hebrew Congregation, Palitzedack, of this city, have now completed their church on South Thirteenth street, and return thanks to the public who assisted with funds in the building. They now wish to state that no further aid is needed, as the congregation is able to support the church. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 25, 1904 P. 5

Bids for the erection of the new combination church and school for Sacred Heart Catholic congregation were opened Saturday, but the contract has not been awarded owing to some misunderstanding as a result of which the bids were made to cover only partial erection of the building in some case. The bids seven to eight in number, were chiefly from local contractors and ranged about the $17000-$18000 mark. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, July 25, 1904, P. 4


Silver Lake's Church Burned Convent and Congregation Sustain Loss of $10,000; Two Tramps Suspected FIRE CONFINED TO CHURCH Fire, resultiing from causes unknown but thought to have started from an over-heated stove or a defective flue, completely destroyed the St. Joseph's Catholic church at the Silver Lake Franciscan Sister's Convent at day break this morning, occasioning a loss of from $800 to $10,000 covered only by partial insurance of $2500. The blaze was first seen by one of the men attendants at the institution who instantly gave the alarm but the fire had gained such headway that nothing could be done to save he church, the blaze being so hot that not even an entrance could be attempted to save any of the valuable church vestments and altar appurtenances. One theory advanced by the pastor, Rev. E. Goerlich, was that the fire might have been caused by tramps, two of them being seen in the vicinity last evening. The men are believed by Rev. Goerlich to have forced an entrance to the school which was located in the basement and replenished the fuel in the stove, which he declares was not sufficient to start the fire to the building in the condition it was left in the evening. It was even suggested that the tramps who were said to have been intoxicated, have been cremated in the blaze. St. Joseph's church was the oldest Catholic Church I the county save one, the old building at Rapids, and was built in 1874 by Rev. George Fessler. It was a frame structure and the loss is augmented in that $1500 improvements were made during the past summer. A new steeple and roof had been placed on the building and just at this time it was being repainted and redecorated inside, the painters having just started the work. Many vestments of intrinsic value were lost in the flames but luckily, the chalices and other church service and plate had been removed to the pastor's house during the time the paining was being done. That there was no wind is deemed a fortunate circumstance for the congregation because with this to fight the fire might have spread to the priest's house and the convent which are located on the east side of the church and immediately adjacent to it. Fire fighting facilities of the place are adequate to fight a small fire but would be insufficient to cope with a blaze of much magnitude. A call was sent into the city department for an engine but Chief Kratz, when he ascertained what a start had been made, refused to allow the engine to be sent out knowing the uselessness of the attempt. He advised the pastor and his assistants to confine the blaze to the church which was done. One small line of hose was attached to the pumping station in the boiler room of the convent but it was used only to keep the fire from spreading. The church will be rebuilt and a large structure will be erected in place of the burned building which was too small to accommodate the congregation and sisters. This is the second fire on the premises, the convent being burned when struck by lightning several years ago. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Sat., Mar. 9, 1907


Reedsville News Items Gleanings from the Reedsville Reporter St. Mary's congregation here is today celebrating its Golden Jubilee. The first Bohemian settler to arrive at Reedsville was Joseph Kabat who came in 1856 when this section was a wilderness. During the next nine years he was followed by thirty-two more Bohemian families who settled around here. Realizing the need of a place to worship of their own, twenty of these families built a little log church on the site of the present cemetery. Of those who built the church but four are left to atttend the jubilee. They are Frank Burich, Frank Vondrachek, Frank Hlavachek and Wenzel Satori. After the organization of the congregation it was a mission of Francis Creek, Cooperstown and Kellnersville. Father Joseh Maly then at Francis Creek was the first priest here. He was succeeded by Rev. G. Mazanek when it became a mission of Cooperstown. When it became a mission of Kellnersville, Rev. Father Maly was again given charge of this congregation. It was not until 1876 when Rev. John Stroelke was given charge of the parish that we had our first resident priest. He was succeeded by Revs. Th. Spunar, John Widenda (who died and was buried here in 1885), Wm. Kraemer, Alb. Cipin, Alb. Mergl and Rev. Fr. Kolar who came here from Kellnersville Sept. 1st, 1905 and who built the present church. Three churches have been built here, the first in 1865 which was replaced by a larger one in 1881 and the present church built in 1907-08. The cost of the present church and running expenses for the past ten years has amounted to over $40,000 which speaks for the generosity of the parish. The congregation has the distinction of being out of debt and also the honor of having the oldest Bohemian church in the United States, Chicago has the second. Credit for all that has been accomplished, net to God, belongs to the generosity of the parishioners, the present pastor, Rev. Fr. Kolar ad the trustees, Jos. A. Vondrachek, F.J. Kubaale, Alb. Kubale, C.J. Nenahlo, Alb. Burich, Wenzel Kabat, Jos. Krizenesky, Chas. Kabat and John Nolan. For years, Brillion and Kasson were missions of Reedsville but since 1902 have had their own pastor. In 1883 the congregation consisted of 74 families, many of whom moved away until in 1905 only 56 families were left. There are now 89 families, 70 are Bohemian, 13 Irish, 5 German and 1 Polish. In 1886 the people desirous of giving the children the advantages of a sister's school built the first school which became inadequate and was replaced in 1895 by the present school. The first teachers were Sister Euphrasine, now Mother Superior of the Convent at Silver Lake, Sister Basitia and Sister Engelbarta. The first parsonage was built in 1876 and the present one in 1981. The Society of St. Anna was founded in 1862, St. Joseph's Society in 1884, the Catholic Knights and Knights of St. George in 1886. In 1905 the Young Ladies Sodality was organized. To Chas. Kabat, Alb. Burich, Frank Kocourek and Wenzel Kabat belongs the honor of having held office the longest. The present officers are John Vondrachek, Sec., Jos. Krizenesky, Treas., and Trustees, Chas. Kabat and W.J. Wojta. Today also marks another happy event in the church's history for it has been chosen as the day upon the newly consecrated Bishop of Green Bay diocese, Rev. Paul B. Rhode, paid his first visit to St. Mary's and administered Confirmation to a large class of congregation members. Brillion News - Fri., Nov. 12, 1915

FOUR OF ORIGINAL FOUNDERS OF ST. MARY'S CHURCH, REEDSVILLE, PRESENT AT GOLDEN JUBILEE Rt Rev. Bishop Rhode of Green Bay, Is Present For Jubilee of Church Founded in 1865, First Bohemian Church of County Four of the twenty men who founded St. Mary's congregation at Reedsville and who built the church, the first Bohemian Catholics in Manitowoc county, were present for the celebration of the golden jubilee of the church on Thursday when Rt Rev. Bishop Paul G. Rhode, of the Green Bay diocese, officiated in confirmation. The four survivors among founders of the church who were in attendance were Frank Burick, Frank Vondrachek, Frank Hlavachek and Wenzel Satora. The congregation was organized at Reedsville in 1864 and the following year the church was founded with ? of 32 Bohemian families of the village affiliated with the organization, the first church being a log structure on the site of the present cemetery. At first the congregation was a mission of the Francis Creek church, Father Joseph Maly of Francis Creek was the first priest and in 1876 the church was given a resident priest, Rev. John Stroetke?. The congregation has built three churches, the present structure having been erected in 1907, under administration of Father Kolar, now of Kellnersville. The church cost $40,000?. The congregation which was has the distinction of having the oldest consecrated Bohemian church in the United states, is out of debt. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, November 13, 1915 Page 4


J???l & Sixta, architects, are preparing plans for a new church to be built by the Collins congregation. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, February 7, 1916 P.2

REV. KABAT OF CASCO, DEAD, WAS MANITOWOC MAN Former Reedsville Resident Had Served in Green Bay Diocese for 24 Years — Was Formerly at Clarks Mills The Rev. Emanuel Kabat, rector of Holy Trinity church at Casco, Kewaunee county, and a former resident of Manitowoc county, died at Green Bay following an operation which he underwent there. The body was taken to Casco for burial, Bishop Rhode officiating at the services held today. Father Kabat was a native of Reedsville, this county, and was 52 years of age. He early took up studies for the priesthood and was ordained 24 years ago and has served in the Green Bay diocese ever since, nearly a quarter of a century. Formerly in charge of the parish at Clarks Mills, this county, Father Kabat was well known here and through out the county. He was later transferred to Brown and Kewaunee counties and had been in charge of the Casco parish for nine years and was one of the most popular priests of the diocese. The death of Rev. Kabat followed a brief illness which necessitated an operation at the Green Bay hospital. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 4, 1916 P. 1

YEAR MARKS TWO ANNIVERSARIES FOR CLARKS MILLS CHURCH Silver Jubilee of Pastor, Rev. Gehling on April 12 to be followed by Golden Jubilee of Church on Jund (sic) 12 The year 1916 brings two important anniversaries to St. Mark's (sic) congregation at Clarks Mills, the silver jubilee of the pastor, the Rev. August Gehling, and the golden jubilee of the congregation. Rev. Gehling's silver jubilee was selebrated (sic) by the church on April 12 with special religious services in which a number of outside priests assisted. Solemn high mass was celebrated by Father Gehling, Father Garthaus of Brillion assisting. Revs. Kuhl, Whitelaw; Brown of Kellnersville and Geisler of Two Rivers gave addresses. Rev. Gehling has been in charge of St. Mary's parish for 12 years and is beloved by his parish. On June 12, which marks the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of St. Mary's congregation, a home coming of all members and former members of the parish is being planned in addition to special religious services. A bazaar will be held and it is expected that a large attendance will be present. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 15, 1916 P. 8

NEW CHURCH AT KIEL TO ORGANIZE, AXTELL OFFICIATES A new church organization, Presbyterian denomination, will be launched at Kiel, this county, this evening, when Rev. M.S. Axtell, of this city, in his official capacity as moderator of the Milwaukee Presbytery with which the church will be affiliated, will formally approve the organization. Assisting Rev. Axtell will be Rev. Cutler of Milwaukee and Rev. Hencamp of Sheboygan. A banquet will preceded the ceremonies of installation of the new church and Rev. Axtell will give an address on "The Duty of the Church to the Community." Following the banquet an organization meeting will be held with reception of members, election of officers and other features carried out to launch the new church on its mission. Arrangements will be made for supplying the pulpit, securing quarters, etc., by local committee. The church at Kiel was authorized at the recent meeting of the Presbytery held in this city and Revs. Axtell, Hencamp and Curtis were named a special committee to have charge of the organization. It is said that a membership of thirty or more has been enrolled for the new church. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 23, 1916 P.4

Rev. F. Weertz, who has been in charge of the Lutheran church at Liberty for many years, has been tendered a call by a church at Wauwatosa and will probably accept and remove to that city. Rev. Weertz is well known throughout the county and has been located here for a long period. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 24, 1916 P.2


Catholic The Rev. Fr. Rausch of Tisch Mills as been transferred by order of Bishop Rhode, head of the Green Bay diocese to be in charge of St. Joseph's church at Kellnersville to succeed the Rev. Fr. Reindl, recently deceased. The Rev. Rausch is the third new priest at Kellnersville with in little more than a year, two vacancies having been caused by death at St. Joseph's church in that short time. Manitowoc Herald News, Feb. 21, 1920