WHO WILL DO IT.—Out of the seven newspapers published in Sheboygan City and County, not one of them has had the courtesy to notice the fact that the lower lake boats are stopping regularly at this port and Two Rivers-that the Fashion is running between Green Bay and Chicago-and that this arrangement, with only an occasional intermission, gives a daily boat north and south. We are induced to call the attention to our neighbors to these facts, because travellers (sic) are almost daily coming through from Sheboygan overland, by Stage or livery conveyance, and are often quite astonished to find a boat just arrived from the South at our Pier. The result may be to add a few dollars to the revenue of Sheboygan, but it must be apparent that this kind of gain is got at the expense of a reputation that money cannot buy. The first part of the above paragraph will apply to the southern towns "all along the shore." It is only just that newspapers should keep the travelling (sic) public posted as to all the routes, and it is but generous to show this much courtesy to a neighboring town; but if our southern friends cannot afford to be both just and generous, we do not ask it. Manitowoc County Herald, Saturday, July 2, 1853 P.2
BOUNTY LANDS. The act of Congress, passed March 3, 1855. Gives 160 acres. To every officer, soldier or musician in the army, or seaman, Marine clerk or Landsman in the navy, who served 14 days, or was in battle in any war since 1790, or to their widows or minor children. Also to Revolutionary soldiers or to their widows, in case 160 acres has been received under former acts of Congress, no more can be drawn, but those who have had but a 40 or an 80 acre warrant are now entitled to enough more to make up 160 acres. The undersigned being connected with a trusty and experienced agent at Washington now offers his services to all those who wish to obtain the bounty land granted them by the act aforesaid. N. WOLLMER. Manitowoc, March 30, 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 12, 1855
The River is clear of ice; and swollen by the melting snows is bearing large quantities of "Manitowoc County legal tender" in the shape of sawlogs towards a Market. Notwithstanding the deep snow we learn that many of our lumbermen have done a good winters work. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 19, 1855
We learn that fears are entertained for the safety of the Neshoto dam. The water is said to be very high but at last accounts the ice had not all left the Twin Rivers and the lumbering business had been delayed in consequence. The Andromeda was delayed some time on her last trip on this account. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 19, 1855
Fire, Fire, Fire. A fire has been raging for several days in the Woods west of the Village and has destroyed a great deal of property. On Friday the wind commenced blowing from the west and the air was filled with smoke and cinders, covering the Village like a funeral pall. The flames were driven before the wind, and quantities of cordwood, bark; Shingle Bolts &c (etc.) were consumed, together with five of Six Shanties in the outskirts of the town. The ?????mive Tannery of Lewis Sherman was saved from destruction, by the ?????? exertions of the citizens and the Fire department.The weather has been very dry for ????? ???? past and the fire spread with ????????? rapidity. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855
A little child belonging to an emigrant family was run over in front of the National Hotel on Saturday last. The child was on a wagon which was heavily loaded, and fell off; the wheel passing over its leg. Strange as it may appear, it was not seriously injured. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855
Abate that Nuisance. We call the attention of those interested to the road between this place and Two Rivers. It is a duty which devolves upon some person to see that it is repaired, and the honor of our Town if not the County is at stake. It is a task of danger as well as difficulty, to pass from one town to the other, even on horseback, and it is almost impossible to do so with a vehicle. We earnestly hope that some steps will be taken immediately to remedy this evil which increases every day, and would suggest that the matter is one which might with propriety claim the attention of the Board of County Supervisors, and it has been hinted that the Grand Jury would take the matter in hand at the next term of the Circuit Court. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855
Considerable excitement was caused on Tuesday last by the appearance of a runaway team which was dashing through the streets at a furious rate. A German who tried to stop them was knocked down and run over, the flying team kept on down the street, passing round several blocks, and were brought up after a circuit round the old Warehouse and a narrow escape from a plunge in the turbid waters of the Manitowoc River. The injured man was taken to the Drug Store of Doctors Preston & Deming and on examination it appeared that his injuries were confined to a few severe bruises about the head and face, and we learn that he is doing well. His escape was but little short of a miracle. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855
The Bankers of Milwaukee have decided to refuse Georgia and Tennessee money. (My Note: Rumbles of the coming Civil War?) Manitowoc Tribune, Sept. 20, 1855
All the time since we have been a resident of Manitowoc County, has there been as much building, as at the present time. New buildings are going up on both sides of the River, in every part of the village, and we learn that at Two Rivers, Mishicott and Neshoto, new buildings are almost as plenty as old ones. The rapid increase of population ??ders the erection of new dwelling houses, a matter of actual necessity, and the rapid increase of business, calls for more stores and Ware Houses. Vacant lots are becoming rare, and Real Estate is becoming valuable more on account of its immediate practical utility, than for its prespective increase of price. The amount of grading which has been done, gives our village an appearance of neatness seldom witnessed in Embryo Cities, and is an improvement worth more than double its cost. Manitowoc Tribune, Sept. 27, 1855
The young men of this village are requested to meet at the office of Messrs. Lee & Walker, on Saturday evening for the purpose of forming a Literary Association. Manitowoc Tribune, Oct. 4, 1855
A ?????? occurred on the evening of the election, in the town of Newton, in this County, between two Germans-both Republicans--which resulted in one of them being stabbed in the side, while eating his supper. The wounded man is still alive, but his recovery is not expected. On the evening of the 7th, a man, named Falmer, created a disturbance in the Franklin Hall, kept by Fred. Langenfelt, and was forcibly ejected by the proprietor. In the scuffle, Falmer presented a pistol at the head of Langenfelt and was about to fire, when Joseph Biegle grasped the pistol, turning it from its aim, and received the ball thro' his hand, which fortunately caused no serious injury. After a short chase, the offender was arrested by officer Gilbert, and almost immediately afterwards forcibly rescued by his brother and another German, who drove up to the officer and prisoner with a wagon, seized the later by the coat collar, and whipping on to their horse, compelled Mr. Gilbert to release his hold, in order to save himself from injury from the wagon wheels. Warrants were promptly issued for all of the parties, and they are probably are this in custody. The man who used the pistol, we are happy to say, is not a resident of Manitowoc County. Manitowoc Tribune, Nov. 8, 1855
Last Saturday night we were favored with a considerable fall of snow and we have several times heard the merry chimes of the sleigh-bells passing by our sanctum. Bye the by, perhaps lest few are aware of the charms, those musical songsters have for an editor's heart; and time forbids us to tell what an influence a few pleasant sleigh-rides would have upon his spirits. Manitowoc Tribune, Nov. 22, 1855
FAIR AND FESTIVAL.—The Ladies Enterprise Association will give a Fair and Festival at the National Hotel, on Tuesday, the 25 inst., for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church. Manitowoc Tribune, Dec. 13, 1855
LAST TRIP OF THE SEASON.—As we go to press, we notice the arrival of the Steamer Huron on her last trip. She had on board upwards of 100 Bohemian emigrants, besides a quanity of freight for this place and Two Rivers. Manitowoc Tribune, Dec. 13, 1855
A fine large Bear was killed on Thursday last by John Reynolds & John Smith of the town of Kossuth. The meat when dressed weighted 166 lbs and the skin was brought to town sold to a gentleman for $5. Quite a number have been killed during the past season, and hunters have had rare sport. Manitowoc Tribune, Dec. 20, 1855
STRAY PIG ORDINANCE To restrain hogs from running at large: Be it Ordained by the President and trustees of the village of Manitowoc- 1. That good and suitable pounds in one or more divisions of this village be contracted to be placed under the care and direction of a pound keeper, for each division, to be appointed by the trustees: Provided, the pound-keeper now appointed shall hold his office during the time he was appointed, and be entitled to the compensation thereinafter provided: 2. No swine shall be permited to run at large in the village at any time, and if found running, each and every one may be impounded in the common pounds, from whence it shall not be released until the owner or owners, or some other person, shall pay to the pound keeper thereof the sum of two shillings, for each swine, other than sucking pigs, and sixpence for each pig so impounded besides the pound keeper's fees, and expenses, for the use of the village; and such owner shall be subject to a penalty of three dollars for every such animal so found running at large. 3. It shall be the duty of the pound keepers to provide necessay sustenance for all animals so impounded; and the reasonable cost for providing such sustenance for each animal shall be paid to the pound keeper before such animal shall be released from the pouund: and it shall be lawful for pound keepers to sell at public vendue any animal or animals impounded as aforesaid at any time after the expiration of three days from the time they shall be so impounded, the said pound keeper giving at least forty-eight hours previous public notice of the time and place of sale, by four advertisements; one of which shall be put up at the door of court house (when completed,) and another at the post-office, and the other two in two of the most public places in the village; but if said animals or any of them are redeemed, or an offer is made to redeem by paying the pound keeper's fees, and the penalty prescribed in the proceding section, together with the expenses of sustenance as aforesaid, before they are actually sold, the same shall be released by the pound keeper. 4. The pound keeper shall render to the trustees quarterly a true statement of all fees and moneys received for penalties or for animals sold by him; and shall pay all moneys received, to the village trusurer, after deducting therefrom the fees and charges for sustaenance. 5. If any person or persons shall break open, or in any manner, directly or indirectly did or assit in breaking open any pound, said person or persons shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars besides the damage done to the pound by breaking it open. 6. Each and every person who shall hinder, delay or obstruct any person or persons engaged in driving to the village pound any animal or animals, shall for each and every hinderance, delay or obstruction, forfeit and pay a fine not less than five nor more then ten dollars. Passed January 21, 1856. CHAS. ESSLINGER, Pres't. CHAS. ROESER, Cl'k Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, January 31, 1856 P. 2
OPENING OF NAVIGATION.—The fine weather which we have had for the past few days induces us to suppose that we shall witness the opening of navigation, and the arrival of steamers within the coming week-a "consummation devoutly to be wished for," as we are nearly out of provision, and the merchants stocks are running low. The vessels in our habor are putting on their summer suits, and are looking better than usual. As soon as the ice in the river has melted sufficiently, they will spead their white wings and bear away cargoes of "legal tender" for the use of the Hoosiers and Suckers, and the "good time coming" will "come right along!" Manitowoc Tribune, March 20, 1856
Arrival of Emigrants. The steamer Huron brought to this port on Thursday last nearly one hundred emigrants a pretty satisfactory proof that the bugbear of Know Nothingism has not yet produced the disastrous results which have been predicted by old fogy politicans who are always seeing "a nigger in the fence" when it is only a reflection of their own ugly countenance reflected in the puddles by the wayside. Let the Emigrants come, there is room enough & to spare. Strong hands & willing hearts are needed to hew down the forest trees and "and make the wilderness blossom as the rose." Let them come if they will and we will guarantee that they have no more cause to dread the insiduous wiles of the Know Nothings than of any other time serving political demagogues, whatever may be their creed. The Huron is on the Green Bay route, and the Superior has commenced her regular trips to Lake Superior. Manitowoc Tribune, May 1, 1856
WANTED, By the Subscriber, a Young Lady, who can cook, wash and iron, and attend to household matters. Good wages and a permanent situation offered. P. PIERCE Manitowoc Rapids, May 10, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, May 15, 1856
CAME into the enclosure of the undersigned, a light bay Colt, about three years old-has a white star on the forehead. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. GEO. W. SHARP. Maple Grove, June 10, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, June 12, 1856
Another Lot of Emigrants. The Steamer Huron brought to this port on Tuesday last, upwards of One Hundred Belgian Emigrants. The Huron will hereafter run as a daily boat between Two Rivers and Milwaukee, touching at this port, and will give us the advantage of a daily mail. Post Master Wittman wishes us to give notice that in future, the mail will close at 6 o'clock, P.M., to be in readiness for the morning boat. The Collingwood boats are crowded as usual, and the traveling community seem to be well posted in the advantages of this route. Large quanities of freight are landed from all of the boats, and the necessity for a daily ??? is already apparent. Manitowoc Tribune, June 12, 1856
NOTICE. WE have issued Due Bills for goods of the denomination of 5,10, and 25cts. and 1,3, and 5 dollars, for the convenience of ourselves and customers, thereby saving the necessity of making so many small charges for Goods; and drawing off the items of merchandise at settlement. Our regular customers will oblige us by procuring at our office an amount of due-bills, which will be charged them in account with which to pay for all merchandise at the time of purchase. On settlement, we will credit back all due bills which customers have not had occasion to use. PLATT & BROTHER. Manitowoc. June 10, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, June 26, 1856
There are but two prisoners in our county jail at this time, one of whom, was sent here from Kewaunee County. There may be other persons who ought to go there but considering the temptation to steal which the hard times place before our citizens we think that this is doing pretty well for Manitowoc. We have all kinds of people here, representing the different national characteristics, and these elements necessarily become discordant, but a straightforward administration of our village affairs is restoring order out of chaos, and establishing a system of mutual forbearance. The Daily Tribune, June 2, 1858
Editors note: There is a growing disregard of the ordinance, forbidding shooting within the corporation limits, and narrow escapes from accidents are reported as by no means few. We allude to it for the purpose of saying that if in the future, a penalty is imposed for its violation, there will be no chance for saying that it was done without warning. The sentiment of the community calls for the strict enforcement of the ordinance. There is manifest injustice in compelling one man to comply with the requrements of an ordinance, and permitting another to violate its provisions, and the attention of those who are engaged in selling spirituous liquors without a license is invited to a notice in another column. There is a power in well regulated public opinion, which will sustain an officer in the discharge of the duties which are prescribed by his official oath, and those duties must, and will be performed. The Daily Tribune, June 9, 1858
MAD DOG KILLED.—The unwise and dangerous policy which permits so many worthless, mischievous and, so often vicious, curs to roam about unmuzzled, and uncared for, is likely to cause some trouble as well as terror. A mad dog was killed on Saturday last by Doct. Bacon, after it had attacked a child which was rescued by the Doctor, and entered a house where there were number of ladies. This is the third instance of the kind, and it behooves our citizens to be on their guard, for the increase of the canine species was never greater than at present, and the weather is just the right temperature for transforming them into agents for that most incurible disease hydriphobia. There may be a few valuable dogs among the scores of worthless trash which make night hideous; but the whole race would not compensate for a single case of human suffering from this terrible disease. The Daily Tribune, July 5, 1858
RUNAWAY ALMOST—Last evening as a young man driving a Livery horse, harnessed in a buggy was crossing the bridge, an Irishman with a whip struck the horse which started to run. The bridge is narrow and at the north end forms an inclined plain, making it impossible for the driver to stop the horse, or direct him so as to avoid all who where crossing at the time. A lady and gentleman were on horseback, and before they could get out of the way, the wheel came in contact with the lady's horse breaking the wheel and injuring the horse. The shafts were also broken, and but for the interposition of a bystander who caught the runaway horse by the bit, the accident might have been attended with serious, if not fatal results. The author of the mischief was arrested by officer Beardsly, and his trial is progressing at the time of writing. Several of the bystanders asserted that he had struck their horses under similar circumstances and it is hoped that he will receive a punishment which shall accord with his deserts. A wonton act of that character should be severely punished. LATER.—Since the above was in type we learn that a judgement for damages with costs was awarded by a jury before whom the case was tried, in Justice Waldo's Court. The Daily Tribune, July 7, 1858
TAKE NOTICE.—There are many persons who need to be reminded that there is an ordinance against swimming in the Manitowoc River, between the hours of sunrise and sunset. Several complaints have been made to the Marshal who will make his appearance among the ordinance breakers, when least expected. Let none plead ignorance of the existence of the ordinance. The Daily Tribune, July 7, 1858
A gentleman of this City, who returned from Manitowoc one day this week, informs us that the people of Manitowoc Rapids raised a hickory pole for the Fourth of July, and then applied to a respectable German citizen of Manitowoc village, who owns a mill at the Rapids, for a flag to raise upon it. He replied to their request that he had no flag suitable for such-none except a Prussian one, which he had brought over with him wrapped around some goods. But they insisted upon having this, and got it, and up went Mr. King of Prussia's flag in all its glory-floating upon a democrat pole and in the free breeze of a free Republic all day. This, we understand, is the second year this same thing has been done. If it is done a few more years, Frederick William Fourth, King of Prussia, will have a just claim upon the territory of the town of Manitowoc Rapids by virture of maintaining his flag.-Sheboygan Journal. The Daily Tribune, July 14, 1858
Chance For Sport—We conversed yesterday with Mr. Armsby, County Surveyor, who has been on a professional trip through this and the adjoining Counties. He informs us that there is trouble bruin among the Bears, those interesting animals having gone into the butchering business. A number of cows and other cattle have been carried off by those pests and here are indications which lead to the supposition that they are unusually plenty this year. Mr. A. heard of twelve well authenticated cases of cattle being killed in this manner, between here and Kewaunee. There is a good chance for sport here now for those who have a relish for it and the power of endurance to carry them through. The Daily Tribune, July 24, 1858
Flags.—The "Flag of our Country," floats from most of the public buildings and places of business in our village as an indication of the strong Vision sentiment prevailing here. The little banner that floats over the Herald office, was raised on Tuesday afternoon, to the tune of the "Star Spangled Banner," from uncle Jim Bennett's violin, over the way, with three cheers from the band, Nat. Fenton and the Herald man. Fenton made the speech, and Sulivan's rooster signified his approval of the entire performance by a crow for the Union. The Manitowoc Herald, Apr. 25, 1861
We hear frequent complaints of boys and young men bathing within the city limits in broad day light, in violation of city ordinances. It is disgraceful to permit it, and if our city officers desire to suppress this nuisance, a walk along the river banks any day will give them an opportunity to make examples. Manitowoc Tribune, Aug. 24, 1871
A Fight.— On Saturday evening last quite a sensation was created on Commercial street, by the fighting of two dogs; after the dogs being parted, two men thought they would have a 'hand at it." Considerable many blows were wasted and all to no effect. The result was the one of the dogs parted the men and then— Manitowoc Tribune, Aug. 24, 1871
Jones Library — The additional catalogue containing the list of One hundred and ninety new volumes lately received, is now finished and ready for distribution at the library; the selection of the books is most excellent and a lasting honor to its compilers, Messrs. O.H. Martin and Henry Mulholland. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 11, 1872
There has been much inquiry this spring for tenement houses. Every nook and corner of every house in town is occupied, and still the demand is not supplied. A week ago we counted up twenty families who wanted to get houses to live in, and quite a number have been driven to the necessity of building. the old mill—probably the oldest mill in this county or section—has been running for two weeks or more on custom logs, and in every direction in which the "gazer may gaze,: can be seen piles of lumber and timber and other preparations for building. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
It is also hinted that, before long, there will be erected a fine residence creditable to the builder's taste, and an ornament to the village; material to be used Hamilton brick, or marble from the quarry lately discovered in the town of Gibson. If this should be the case, and others follow, we may expect ere many years to see Two Rivers as celebrated for its elegance as it is now for its health and thrift. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
SOCIAL HOP.—OLD ODD FELLOWS HALL was the scene of a pleasant and fashionable gathering last Friday evening, notwithstanding the very inclement weather, who had assembled for the purpose of indulging in a little social hop. Some twenty couple were present, and a very enjoyable time was had. Everybody seemed to be in their happiest vein, and when the company broke up all went home abundantly satisfied with the evening's enjoyment. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
The rains that descended for three days, last week, was beginning to be much needed, particularly by the lumbermen. Its effects on the streams, which have been nearly dried up, will settle the before doubtful question of the "logs coming down," while some farmers affirm that they can now see the grass and grain grown not only, but also that they can hear it. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3
Crops were never more promising in the vicinity of Two Rivers, and generally throughout this county. In Mishicott we hear of a few pieces of wheat that has been plowed up, owing to the ravage of worms. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 4, 1872 pg. 3
We notice that the sidewalk on the east side of Washington Street, between Smith avenue and Main street, has been undergoing repairs. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
The waters of lake Michigan, as tested by the United States gauge, are steadily rising. They have reached the level of May, 1861. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
The citizens of Two Rivers met at Berger's hall, last Saturday evening, to consider what shall be done on the fourth of July next. There being but a few of the tax-payers present, the meeting was adjourned till tomorrow evening, to meet at the same place, at half-past 7. The question will be whether to apply the loose change of the community for an old fashioned celebration, or reserve it for investment in the railroad bonds to be issued in aid of the Lake s=Shore road. We vote for both. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
NOTICE.—It has been reported that boys have been in the habit of taking stones out of the harbor piers and throwing them into the cannel. We believe it is only necessary to remind the parents of these boys that this is a very serious offense, one that will probably mullet them in heavy costs to the government, to effectually put a stop to this very questionable sport for the youngsters. "A word to the wise" parents of these boys ought to be enough. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
Yesterday was the warmest day of the season thus far. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
THE DOEBLIN TROUPE.—The Doeblin theatrical troupe gave their first entertainment at Turner hall, in this village, last Saturday evening, and the fine audience present was a well deserved tribute to the many excellencies of Mr. Doeblin. Two pleasing light comedies were rendered in a bright vivacious manner. Mr. Doeblin certainly is a fine comedian, every action, gesture and expression being brim full of fun. After the performance the hall was cleared and all who desired indulges in dancing until about 12 o'clock, excellent music being furnished by Prof. Beiling's band, of Manitowoc. Last Sunday night this troupe played at Mishicott, and in two or three weeks they promise another entertainment here. Mr. Doeblin's popularity and merits as an actor should draw a crowded house. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 18, 1872 pg. 3
There will be a ball at old Odd Fellows hall next Friday evening. A general invitation is extended to all, and it is hoped that an enjoyable time will be had. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 18, 1872 pg. 3
THE GLORIOUS FOURTH.—At a meeting held at Berger's hall, last Wednesday evening, it was unanimously recommended to raise, by tax, $150 for the celebration of the fourth. The village board, at a meeting last night, levied the above amount, and made the final arrangements for expending the same in a good old-fashioned celebration. A poster giving the programme will be issued from this office, this week, and all the arrangements will appear in our next issue. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 18, 1872 pg. 3
Glimpses At Manitowoc. Sam Ryan, of the Appleton Crescent, one of the ablest and most wide-awake editors in the state, thus discourseth in regard to our neighboring city—Manitowoc—in the last number of his paper: -At Manitowoc over a million dollars is annually expended in ship building. -Dry goods and fancy dress goods are sold at lower prices at Manitowoc than in Fond du Lac or Oshkosh. -Manitowoc is building better school houses than most cities of twice its population. -Last year Manitowoc expended over $20,000 in graveling, paving, or excavating street. -Manitowoc has the largest harbor and most easy of access of any on the west shore of lake Michigan, and the city annually pays over $10,000 to keep its entrance dredged of sand. -South of Manitowoc, on the Sheboygan road, can be found many of the most valuable and productive farms to be found in the state. -In the spring, vegetation in Manitowoc is two to three weeks later than at Appleton. In the fall, severe frosts are not felt in three to four weeks after they kill vines at Appleton. -Manitowoc will become popular summer resort when it secures first-class hotels. the summer afternoons are almost invariably cool and breezy. -Between Manitowoc and Appleton are large tracts of trees suitable for ship-timber, besides any quantity of the various kinds of valuable hard wood timer, and the soil is rich and productive, as any one can see, by a glance at the occasional fields of winter wheat. -More hay is exported from Manitowoc than from any port on lake Michigan. It will pay handsomely next fall to bale hay and send it by rail from Appleton to Manitowoc for shipment to Michigan lumber regions. -Immense quantities of staves are shipped from Manitowoc to Cleveland, &c., and thee demand always exceeds the supply. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3 ***** Manitowoc expended $50,000, instead of $20,000 as stated by the Appleton Crescent, in graveling and improving her streets last year. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3
A double team attached to a heavy wagon, containing a man and two ladies, came dashing down Main street, last Thursday evening, at a furious rate of speed. They turned the corner at Washington street, nearly upsetting the wagon, and frightening its inmates almost to death. They were checked, however, before any one was hurt or any damage was done. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3
A dense fog has hung over the lake for the past few days, rendering navigation rather dangerous. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 2, 1872 pg. 3
We hear of one or two houses being struck by lightning at Manitowoc during the storm last Saturday night. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 2, 1872 pg. 3
AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE BATHING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF TWO RIVERS. SECTION 1. Every person who shall bathe or swim in the river or lake, or other public place within the corporate limits of the village of Two Rivers, at any time between the hours of six (6) in the morning and eight (8) in the evening, their person being exposed to public gaze, shall be deemed guilty of an offence, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five dollars, and the costs of prosecution. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Adopted July 1, 1872. B. RICHTER, Village President. Attest, FELIX WALSH, Clerk. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 2
During the display of fireworks on the evening of the fourth, a boy whose name we have not been able to learn, was slightly wounded in the hand. This trivial accident was the only one that occurred during the whole day to our knowledge. Although the celebration was enthusiastic and heartily enjoyed by all of our citizens, it was notably free from all reckless excess which sometimes accompanies the patriotic observance of this anniversary. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 3
The postage on a single copy of the Chronicle is now only one cent. By a recent act of congress the postage on newspapers and circulars weighing less than two ounces is one cent. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 3
THE CIRCUS.—The circus, museum and menagerie at Manitowoc, last Saturday, attracted a very large concourse of people from all parts of the county. the crowd who witnessed the "show" at both the afternoon and evening performance is variously estimated at from two to three thousand, and generally admitted that they had "seen the elephant" in a sense not unfavorable to the enterprise of the proprietor of the exhibition. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 16, 1872 pg. 3
Manitowoc is more and more appreciated as a summer resort by southern visitors The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 23, 1872 pg. 2
A good, liberal fall of rain, last Saturday, cooled the atmosphere, laid the dust, or rather made it come up in chunks, refreshed the earth and fave a new impetus to the already rapid growth of vegetation. Those farmers who had not yet secured all their hay though it unnecessary, while thrifty housewives, whose cisterns were running low, seemed to be of a very different opinion. Why can't we have such a weather administration as to suit everybody. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 23, 1872 pg. 3
A severe hail and thunder storm passed over here last Tuesday evening. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 13, 1872 pg. 3
BACH's celebrated band, of Milwaukee, give a grand concert at Manitowoc tonight. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 13, 1872 pg. 3
Washington street, in this village [Two Rivers], is a very fine street, but if a few more shade trees were planted along each side, its appearance would be improved very much. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
Count your children and have your figures ready as a man will be round soon taking the census. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875
A jam of logs in the Neshoto river prevented the passage of the tug and lumber scows belonging to Cooper & Jones, of Neshoto, and no lumber arrived here from that place for a portion of last week. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875
Many of the people living on Main street have been troubled of late with water in their cellars, and on examining the sewer that drains them, last week, it was found to be clogged with ice at a distance of four feet below the surface of the ground. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875
There are not a half dozen idle, unemployed men in this village, and during the working hours of the day the quiet aspect of some of our streets, especially those away from the business portion of the town, might lead a stranger to think that the inhabitants had all gone on a hunting excursion were it not for the busy hum from the factories that greets his ears. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 18, 1875
There are no vacant dwelling houses in this village with the placard To Rent tacked on in front of them. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 1, 1875
Depression of the Lumber Market Owing to the recent fall in the price of lumber in the Milwaukee and Chicago markets, Messrs. Cooper & Jones, of Neshoto, have decided to shut down their mills until there is a sufficient advance in the price of lumber to warrant them in resuming operation. We learn that several mill owners in Michigan and in northern and western part of this State have also come to the same conclusion, and the prospects now are that unless there is a change for the better soon, there will be but little lumber sawed or shipped during summer. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29, 1875
Notes from Meeme: A temperance ball will be held on the Fourth of July, at Mr. Nagle's. Already they are importing "pop" and ice cream freezers. A good time is anticipated. Judging from the receipts and character of the last temperance ball, and noticing the change that temperance has made and is making in this locality, one need not wonder at our "great expectations" for the future. Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers), June 29 1875
Two Rivers news: Quite an interesting law suit concerning the killing of sheep by dogs was tried before Justice Welsh on Saturday last, the litigants being parties from the town of Two Rivers. The Justice has taken time to consider the case and a decision will not be rendered for a few days. Farmers are as a rule opposed to a law taxing dogs, and yet every now and then we hear of one of them receiving a loss through the ravages of some worthless cur. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1
Our fishermen did not reap a very good harvest this season. For some cause or other the fish left our shore, and were rather scarce. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
Wood is very scarce,and dealers will have a corner on it for a while. The condition of the roads will forbid farmers bringing it in a present. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
Two Rivers news: Quite a number of our young men now drill weekly in Voshardt's Hall preparatory to organizing a Military Co. Would be strikers at Eau Claire, and elsewhere will do well to make a note of this fact. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
Two Rivers news: An old English copper penny, bearing the date of 1781, and the impress of the head of George the III, was picked up on the sand hill between the city and the lake, by parties living here, a week ago. The old coin is in a remarkably good state of preservation, notwithstanding its century of existence. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 4
Meeme news: Most of our young men are emigrating northward to spend the winter in the pine woods of Wisconsin and Michigan. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 25, 1881 P. 4
The first sled of the season was seen on our street on Thursday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1
The telephone cable has been re-laid, this time safely embedded in a trench. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1
A Petty Thief. For several weeks it was noticed at Smalley's factory that money was missing from the office safe. A young lad, about 14 years of age, was suspected of the theft, and investigation showed the truth of these suspicions. It was ascertained that he had bought a saddle, which he had rented out to Mr. Hertzog; also that he had bought a watch. It was further discovered that he had taken a twenty dollar gold piece and some silver coin which he had carefully buried in the lot at the rear of Glover's brick building. The thefts will amount to about $66.00. A warrant was issued and Marshal Morrison arrested the young scamp Thursday evening. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1
Two Creeks news: Houses are sold at $7.00 apiece at the village of Two Creeks at present, and probably cheaper at wholesale. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 4
Two Rivers news: The average Two Riverite has, safely laid by for a feast on Thursday next, a seventy-five cent turkey that has been fattened on ten dollars worth of corn. But in compliance with a good old custom the inevitable fowl will be eaten by those fortunate enough to be the possessor of one, in defiance of the cost. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4
Two Creeks news: A gang of young men from Manitowoc, while footing their way North to the woods of the Peninsula, where they intend to find winter's employment in cutting ties and cord-wood, made halt at one of the hotels of this place, where they took a ten hours' rest and then again took the road, light at heart but heavy on "soles." Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 4
The storm signal shown last Thursday from the pole, a white flag with a black center above a red flag with a black center, is what is called a "cautionaary (sic) signal," and indicates that the wind will be dangerous. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 1
Burglary. Last Saturday night three men entered the St. Charles hotel, but the noise awaking Mrs. Eslin, they were frightened away without carrying off anything. This is the fourth burglary attempted within the past week, the first being Mr. Marten's store on Main street, where the window was smashed out and several scarf stolen. That same night parties entered the millinery store of the Misses George-next, Mr. Bennett's watch stolen. It looks as though there was an organized band of thieves in our city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 22, 1881 P. 1
Two men got into a quarrel over a load of wood last Saturday when one struck the other with a stone and blackened one of his eyes. Result—a law-suit. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 29, 1881 P. 1
Do not throw ashes on the street. Many of our ciitzens are in the habit of doing this, which is indirect violation of a city ordinance. The fine for this offense is five dollars and the marshal is determined to execute the law. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 1
Gibson news: Diphtheria has made its appearance here. Persons can not, at this season, be too careful about exposing themselves while such a contagion is in their neighborhood. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 13, 1881 P. 4
A Mystery. Three years ago last Christmas eve, a farmer, living near Silver Creek, came to town to make some purchses. Having completed his errands, he started homeward. A furious snow storm was raging at the time, but like the lad in Longellow's Excelsior, he braved the storm and started on. He never reached home. A diligent search was instituted. Every nook and corner of the city and surrounding country was examined, but no trace to the man could be found. His widow mourned him for lost and the community in general settle down to the same belief. It was a mystery apparantly insolvable, like the disappearance of Deputy Sheriff John Dillon. The widow gradually regained her former cheerfulness, which so charmed one of her male acquaintances that he sang to her the old song "here is my heart, and here's my hand." Of course she accepted, and once more had a better half,-a husband. "Truth is stranger that fiction." Sometime ago her other better half, that is to say, her first husband, comes marching in on the couple and of course creates "confusion worse confounded." We have been unable to interview the gentleman, whose unexplained absence created all this trouble, and hence we can not give our readers more definite information at present. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 3, 1882 P. 1
Cato news: Vaccination seems to be all the style here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
Where Is It? THE GIANT TREE NEAR MANITOWOC. Last week's Herold, a German paper, in Milwaukee, contains an article on "Cedar trees in Wisconsin," by one who signs himself "J.B.," in which the following occurs: The largest and oldest tree-a white cedar-measuring twenty-two feet in circumference, stands in the vicinity of Manitowoc, Wis. The white cedar grows very slowly, (123 years for one foot diameter.) The diameter of this giant tree is seven feet; multiply this number by 123 and we have 860 years as the age of the tree. How often, perhaps, did our forefathers, the mound builders,-use their stone axes in vain on this giant? How often did our other forefathers-the Indians-camp under its protecting crown? We give it up. But we think we can answer these two question, as soon as the Herold tells us where this tree is to be found. We have made inquiries of many who are thoroughly posted in such matters, but no one could give us the desired information. If such a curosity exists in our county we would like to know where it is to be found. Will the Herold please inform us? Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
Gibson news: The temperance meeting on Sylvester evening turned out to be rather slimmer than expected. Although some of our young folks are desirous of forming societies, they are but weak pillars for their support. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
From the report of the Secretary of the Board of Charities and Reform we clip the following: Manitowoc county has 181 places where liquor is sold, 68 of which are in the city of Manitowoc; every town in the county, except the town of Manitowoc, having several saloons. The amount of license fees was $4,718 of which about $4,000 were turned over to the poor fund. There is no poor house in this county, and all poor relief is out door relief. The number of persons wholly supported was 22, and 75 were partly supported. There were 16 persons furnished transportation to other places. The total expense of poor relief was $5,713.25, from which $200 is to be deducted as having been received from other counties. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 10, 1882 P. 1
Liberty news: The farmers have been busily engaged in drawing logs to the mill the past week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4
Mr. D. Boehmer has secured the contract for building a new picket fence around the court house square. When the fence is finished, boys can no longer find a seat on it and watch the girls go by. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1
Next Saturday there will be a grand ball at Frank Gehbe's who is now located at Cato. C.E. Feiker recently sold him a fine organ and this together with VanCamp's band, will "discourse sweet music," on the occasion above referred to. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
The sprinkler was out yesterday and poured water on the troubled or troublesome dust, as it were. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
Sexton John Leykom has removed with his family to the residence built by the city on Evergreen Cemetery. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
Three hundred popular trees arrived by rail yesterday, designed to be planted on the cemetery grounds, along the sides of the beautiful drive. Alderman Reinhardt Rahr deserves considerable praise for the manner in which he performs his duties as chairman of the committee on Public Improvements. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1
A procession of six nice new carriages down Eighth street, created quite a sensation last Wednesday. They were bound for Tillson & Schmidt's stable. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 9, 1882 P. 1
The Fourth of July. The Nation's birthday was observed in our city in most becoming manner. Early in the morning the booming of cannon and the salutes of the Rankin Guards proclaimed the dawn of day. At eight o'clock the Manitowoc Volunteers, under command of Captain Becker, marched through the principal streets of the city, headed by the city Band. A little later the Lutheran school headed by the well-known church band marched to their usual picnic grounds North of the city limits, where the day was passed in a jovial and pleasant manner. At nine o'clock the regular procession started from the Court House square, in the order announced in the programme. The Pulaski Guards were not present, having had no time to prepare. The Volunteers did not take part in this parade. After marching over the route laid down by the committee, the procession halted at Washington Square, where the regular exercises were held, Mayor Schuette acting as President of the day. The Declaration of Independence was read C.H. Schmidt in English. The oration in English, was delivered by Rev. J.M. Craig, and was fully up to the usual excellence of that gentleman's productions. He took strong ground against the bill prohibiting Chinese emigration, and impressed his hearers with the idea that the perpetuity of republican institutions depends on the people adhering to and ever upholding the great fundamental principles that underlie our governmental structure. The oration in German was delivered by Mr. Chas. Kunz. It portrayed the dangers of monopolies and warned the people to guard jealously their individual and public rights. Mr. Kunz is an earnest speaker, and his speech showed deep and close thinking. After music by the band, the procession marched to to (sic) the Court House and there disbanded. At one o'clock, the Manitowoc Volunteers under command of Lieutenant Schweitzer, marched out to Gerpheide's garden where a public picnic was held. They presented a very creditable appearance and went through with some difficult evolutions. At two o'clock the Rankin Guards turned out and marched to the North Side Park, where a large crowd of people were present and enjoyed a social picnic during the afternoon. The exhibition drill pleased the audience and won the favorable criticism of the old veterans present, and the boys may well be satisfied. One of the pleasing features at the picnic was the music of the veteran's band. Cone brothers wielding the drum sticks, and Mr. Ira Clark playing the fife. Mr. J.D. Markham also took a hand in the game, to the pleasure of the by-standers. In the evening a dance at Gerpheide's attracted a crowd, while a goodly number filled up the Turner Hall, where the Rankin Guard had charge of affairs. The latter was one of the finest social events of the season, and voted by all who attended, a splendid success. The thanks of all are due to the managing committee for their untiring efforts to properly celebrate the Fourth of July 1882. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1
Our Jail—1881 & 1882 Number in Jail Jan. 2d, 1881, 2; number in Jail Jan. 2d, 1883, 11; Jan. 3d, 1881 to Jan. 2d, 1883, Males, 238; Females 18; Total 258. Nationality—German 99; Irish 50; Polish 18; English 9; Bohemian 12; American 24; Norwegian 24; Scotch 6; African 5; French 10; Hebrew 2; Danish 5. Cause of Commitment—Murder 3; Bigamy 1; Fornication 1; Forgery 2; Mutilation of Animals 1; Abusive language 2; Willful destruction of property 8; Assault and battery 28; Assault with intent to kill 2; Bastardy 5; Tramps 80; Drunk or drunk and disorderly 84; Insanity 29; Contempt of Court 1; Burglary 1; Petty Larceny 10; Execution against body 2; Firing on street 1; Escaped from Industrial School 2. During the years '81 and 1882 I have Conveyed to Northern Hospital for Insane 34; removed from said Hospital incurable 7; removed from Milwaukee County Insane Hospital 4; taken to State Prison at Waupun 3; taken to Waukesha Industrial school for boys 2. M.H. Murphy, Late Sheriff of Manitowoc County. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times Tuesday, January 9, 1883 pg. 1
The dead beat directory is out. It contains the names of some well known citizens as well as that of a notoriety seeking mud slinger, who runs a patent medicine poster. It is quite an interesting little volume. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, September 11, 1883 p.1
Kellnersville news. A "mob" attacked the "New Hall House" on Sunday night. They used stones and clubs breaking the windows and doors to atoms. A few persons were more or less injured. The entire party will be arrested and made pay for the damage they did. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 23, 1884 P. 1
Reedsville news: Reedsville is perhaps the most important local cattle market in our county. As high as twenty car loads have been shipped in a single week and fair day is like a 4th of July there. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
We regret that our esteeemed (sic) contemporary of the Nord Westen is suffering from a serious attack of liver complaint, an overflow of gall is the prominent symptom. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
There will be no lack of amusement for our people on Thanksgiving night. The St. Bonifacius (sic) church society entertain the people with the splendid play of Mary Stuart and with music and other exercises calculated to instruct as well as amuse. Those desiring lighter and more exciting amusements will no doubt go to the Ball and supper at the New Opera House. Lake Shore Times, Nov. 25, 1884
At the Roller Skating Rink there will be an exhibition given of fancy skating on the 26th to the 29th inst inclusive by A.F. Smith one of the best if not the best, professionals in the United States. The exhibitions will be in the evening with a matinee on the afternoons of Thanksgiving and Saturday. Other attractions still are prepared by the gentlemanly and enterprising managers. Lake Shore Times, Nov. 25, 1884
Steinthal news: Hen-coops are frequently visited by minks and pole cats. Lake Shore Times, Dec. 9, 1884
Reedsville news: The heavy rains of the last five days gave us a gentle reminder of the original name of this place "Mud Creek." Lake Shore Times, Dec. 9, 1884
Messrs. Hubbard & Noble have received a patent for an improvement on their harrows. The patent was issued last Tuesday and now they are ready to sell to all the world. It is for an improvement on a harrow previously patented and obviates defects made manifest by experience. The Harrow manufactured by them is the only one that is flexible in every direction and with the new improvement is the most perfect harrow made. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.4
Reedsville news: Ice made last night nearly half inch thick. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885 P.4
Kellnersville news: A number of the wealthiest farmers of Cooperstown are offering their farms for sale. They have the Dakota fever. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 26, 1885 P.2
Our $2.00 Ladies Button Shoes is a bargain. E. Krummheuer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 9, 1885 P.3
The grand double stage and revolving scenic effects will be presented for the first time to a Manitowoc audience with Silver King Co. at the Opera House, Wednesday, July 22nd. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 21, 1885 P.3
HOW THE NEWS WAS RECEIVED. When the news was first received of the death of Gen. Grant, it was scarcely credited and our citizens waited for confirmation of the news. The Schuette Bros. threw out their flag at half mast being the first public recognition of the fact. This was soon followed by the G.A.R. flag and later by a flag on the New Opera Hall. Druggist Oscar A. Alter displayed a large protrait of Gen. Grant heavily draped with black. The Post Rooms of the Grand Army Society are festooned in black and white and a flag wreathed with crepe displayed. The windows in the store of M. W. Gale and O. Torrison are beautifully draped with black and white surrounding a picture of Grant. Pictures with drapery are also displayed in other parts of the city. No official notice has been taken by any city officer, nor flags displayed from any public building, or from any home shipping while outside vessels all displayed their flags at half mast. We hope that before the day of the funeral the general apathy will give way to general interest. Lake Shore Times, July 28, 1885
A SUCCESSOR TO "OLD ABE." The rebel cannon captured by the 14th. Wis. Regt. has from some time been in custody of the G.A.R. Post of this city. Since its stay here it has been kept in a shed located on the premises of the editor of the Times. There nothing distinguished has happened until last Thursday when a large eagle in pursuit of some crows lighted upon the ground in the vicinity and was fiercely pursued by some little boys playing in the neighborhood when it flew to the cannon and perching there defied its assailants. They were reinforced at this juncture by Messrs. A. Recheygl and C. Cone who succeeded in driving the bird into a corner made him a captive after a severe struggle. He is a splendid specimen of his species but is evidently a run-away as a short leather strap is attached to his leg. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 30, 1885 P.3
Boys are selling white water lilies on street. They get them at the Little Manitowoc. Lake Shore Times, Aug. 4, 1885
Messres. E.K. Rand, T.C. Shove and and (sic) John Schuette are the committee on arrangements for the Grant Memorial Demonstration and are doing good work. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 4, 1885 P.1
THE MEMORIAL DEMONSTRATION The elaborate programme of exercises prepared for the day of Grant's funeral on Saturday last was completely spoiled by the incessant rain. It was deemed best to postpone the whole matter until Sunday and then carry out the programme with such modifications as the necessities of the case required. During Saturday minute guns were fired and bells tolled. Sunday morning was cloudy but clear and as the day wore on the sun came out gloriously and dried the streets. The procession was quickly formed, the 1st Division headed by Bieling's band followed by the Grand Army Post surrounding the funeral car. This was a fine piece of work gotten up under the supervision of Hon. Chas. Esslinger. Around the base of the platform were placed the names of the various victories of Grant, Shilho, Donelson, &c. On a raised dais, was a representation of a casket coverd by a flag on which was placed a military hat and sword. At each end was placed a large likeness of Gen. Grant and beneath it the word "Appomattox" in large letters, the whole being heavily draped in black and white. All the military associationsin the city and the carriages containing the committee and speakers were in this division which was commanded by Marshal J.S. Anderson with John Tufts and John Bibinger as aids. The second division comprised the Fire Department of the city and the city and county officers in carriages and the civil societies. The firemen had their apparatus very handsomely decorated with evergreens and mourning emblems. This division was command of Assistant Marshal Chas. Paulus with Chas. Beers as aid, and was headed by Weinschenk's Band. The third divisionw as headed by the Lutheran church band which was followed by the Lutheran church society the singing societies and a large concours of citizens. This was commanded by assistant marshal Harry Hanson with J.G. Lemkuhl as aid. When the procession arrived at the cemetery the column marched to the platform on the South side of the grounds, T.C. Shove Esq. acted as president of the day. After prayer and music he introduced Hon. Chas. Esslinger who delivered the oration in German. It was short, pithy and was one of Mr. Esslinger's finest efforts. There was a pecnliar fitness in the selection of Mr. Esslinger for this office. Twenty years ago he delivered the funeral oration on the death of Lincoln, later he delivered the oration on a similar occasion for President Garfield. He has thus delivered funeral eulogies upon the three greatest men of his period. After music the Rev. J.M. Graig was introduced and delivered an eloquent and polished oration. It was one of the best of the many this gentlemen has delivered in this city, our space forbids giving even a synopsis of it, let it suffice that he did full justice to the memory of the illustrious dead. The procession refomed upon the conclusion of the ceremonies and marched back to the Court House where it dissbanded. Thus ended a demonstration worthy of the great man in whose memory it was held and of the city at large. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3 ***** The places of business along the line of march last Sunday were very generally decorated with mourning emblems. Albert Landreth had the finest portrait of Gen. Grant seen anywhere. Many private houses were finely draped. Among them were noticed the residencies of Dr. Pritchard, M. Fellows, E.K. Rand, J. Toombs, C. Luling, Dr. Paine, G.G. Sedgwick, G.A. Forrest, C.C. Barnes, O. Torrison. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3
Sheboygan and Milwaukee are now connected by telephone. Manitowoc will probably be connected the present week and Two Rivers and Kewaunee later. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.2
Two Rivers news: Some cases of illicit liquor distilling have been detected in this vicinity. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 6, 1885 P.1
Two Rivers news: The work of putting up the electric light apparatus has already begun in the factories at this place. The company's store will also be illumined by the bright light. It is rumored that our principal business houses will be illumed in the same way shortly. It will be a great improvement to the city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 13, 1885 P.2
Two Rivers news: Telephone men have been in town during the past week working at the telephone line which is to connect adjacent towns to Milwaukee. It is said that private lines will also soon be instituted in this city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 13, 1885 P.2
Two Rivers news: The electric light wires in the factories are mostly all put up and the wire conducitng to the company's store will soon be placed in position. The proprietors of the type factory contemplate linking their shop with the wire also. They, like other business men in this city, have been admonished that should they refuse to contract with the parties erecting the wires now they will be obliged to pay more later should they wish to make use of that great illuminating source. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.3
While other towns are organizing street improvments (sic) societies and planting shade trees to ornament their principal avenues, Manitowoc people are cutting down the few native trees which have been allowed to linger until now. One of the large elms in front of Mr. Fellows' building was a victim yesterday of the woodman's axe. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1885 P.3
The Mishicott people have subscribed enough to the telephone fund to ensure their being able to say "hello" to the people of Manitowoc, Milwaukee and other large cities along the lake shore. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, November 3, 1885 P.4
A gentleman of leisure made a short call at the Franklin Hall one day last week and while there "borrowed" a farmer's overcoat while the farmer was at dinner. Someone had the audacity to notice the addition to the gentleman's wardrobe and since that time he has busied himself with investigating the inner workings of the county jail. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3
And still the trouble on Polock Hill progresses, neither side will give up, and volcanic eruptions from one party or the other are a frequent occurrence. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P. 5
A feud between parties in Mishicott is furnishing the Justices of the Peace with some work. Too much belligerency at the country dances is one reason of the lawsuits. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P. 5
Next Saturday afternoon a Children's White Dress Carnival takes place at the Park Rink. The little girls are requested to wear white dresses or aprons and the boys white waists. The windows will be darkened and the Rink brilliantly lighted. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 1, 1885 P. 5
The subscribers of the Franklin Square Library had their membership cards issued to them last week and began to draw their books yesterday. There are about one hundred subscribers to the library. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P. 4
Sixteen degrees below zero was the tag mark on the weather just at daylight yesterday morning. That will do for an opening of the winter season. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 8, 1885 P. 4
A novel race took place at the Palace Rink on Saturday evening last. The contest was to saw a stick of wood, eat a piece of pie, drink a glass of ice water and skate a mile. The first to accomplish the feat to be the winner. There were four contestants and the race was won by Henry Meinburg. A large crowd witnessed the perfomance. To-morrow night there will be a green race between two parties who never had skates on before for a prize of $5.00. On Saturday Eve there will be a garden party. Don't fail to attend. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 2, 1886 P.3
MANITOWOC COUNTY. GIBSON: E. Wilsmann, Health Officer. Population 1,972. Board of Health organized. Water supply from springs or wells. There is no hospital building belonging to the town, but any stranger suffering under contagious disease would be removed to the county hospital. No sanitary ordinances have been adopted, but the residents have been advised to see that privies are as remote from wells as possible. There has been no systematic work done, and it has not seemed that any has been needed as "every farmer for himself is anxious to keep his family well and healthy." There have been no cases of Diarrhoea, etc., and there are now no cases of contagious disease. Such cases are reported when they occur. MANITOWOC CITY: Drs. F. S. Luhman and A. C. Fraser, Health Officers. Population 6,879. Board of Health organized. Water for drinking purposes obtained from wells entirely. No hospital or building to which contagious cases could be admitted. No sanitary ordinances adopted. When the local board of health was organized in May last four inspectors were appointed, each having a certain district assigned to him. Streets, alleys and public thoroughfares are thought to be in fair sanitary condition. A number of places have been cleaned under the direction of the board of health; and at present, to my knowledge, there are no accumulations of filth on private premises. There have been no cases of Diarrhoea cr Dysentery in the city, and only a few scattered cases of Typhoid. There are no contagious cases in the city. The law regarding contagious cases is not complied with in this locality. MANITOWOC RAPIDS: R. Klingholtz, Health Officer. Population about 2,300. Board of Health organized. Water obtained from wells and springs. No hospital building. No sanitary ordinances adopted, no sanitary work done, and nothing known of existing sanitary conditions, public or private. There has been no Diarrhoea or Dysentery, nor has there been any contagious disease that I am aware of. Our town lies close to the city of Manitowoc, and the physicians who practice here all reside there. I have had no reports made to me since I have held office, but I have known of no contagious disease. MAPLE GROVE: A. Kiekhaefer, Clerk. Population 1,621. Board of Health organized. No public water supply; water for domestic purposes obtained from wells. No hospital building. No sanitary ordinances adopted. The board has given some time to examining into causes of sickness in the town, and to the removal of all such causes when it was deemed necessary. Every place where it was thought probable that any danger to the public health might exist was examined, the whole board taking part in the work. We have no streets, alleys or public buildings other than school-houses, and those are in good condition without exception, together with their surroundings. On private premises there is nothing that can cause danger except it may be a few manure heaps, and none of these are thought to be badly located. There have been no cases of Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Typhoid Fever in the town, and there are none of any contagious disease. There is no resident physician, but the one who practices here would be prompt to report any cases should they occur. ROCKLAND: C. Etzler, Clerk. Population 1,290. Board of Health organized, (but no report made to the State Board for this year.) No public water supply; water for drinking purposes is obtained from wells. No hospital building. No sanitary ordinances adopted, and no systematic work done. Streets, alleys and public thoroughfares are well kept. Little if anything is known of sanitary conditions. There has been no sickness of any kind, and there is none at present. Contagious cases are reported. TWO RIVERS (city) : Dr. C. O. Barnes, Health Officer. Population 2,500. Board of Health organized. No public water supply; water for domestic uses is obtained from wells. No hospital building but one could be secured if necessary. The local board has adopted orders requiring all decaying matters to be removed and buried or destroyed, their place to be covered with lime or fresh earth, all outhouses to be cleaned, cellars to be drained and ventilated as also all barns and outbuildings. Notices to this effect have been widely distributed and posted in all public places. All dwellings and their surroundings have been inspected, two inspectors having been engaged in the work, one for three months, the other for a year and a half. All streets and thoroughfares are in good condition, but there are to a limited extent some nuisances on private premises. It is very difficult to make butchers keep their yards in decent condition. There has been no Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Typhoid Fever in the city during the summer, nor is there at present any contagions disease, except a few cases of Mumps. The law relating to such diseases is complied with as a rule "Report" by Wisconsin State Board of Health, Brookline (Mass.), Hospital, Wisconsin Hygienic Laboratory, Madison, Board of Health Published 1886 Pages 186-188
Owing to the scarcity of money the tax collector is obliged to go his rounds the second time.—news from Gibson Lakeshore Times, Feb. 23, 1886
The affair of the lock up of the McCormick Manufacturing company is still attracting attention. Mr. McCormick met a committee of the workmen and acceded to all their demands in respect to wages even agreeing to pay common laborers $1.50 per day which he says is more than is paid to such men by any other manufacturing establishment in the world. The workmen then demanded the discharge of some iron union men in the moulding room. This Mr. McCormick flatly refused and as the request was coupled with a threat to strike, immediately closed the works. It cannot be told how long the works will be closed, but on inquiry we learn that Mr. Hersch Smalley their agent here fortunately procured an invoice of McCormick machintes quite lately and will have enough to supply a present demand, yet for fear of a scarcity those needing should not delay buying. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2
Daily weather indications will hereafter be furnished free to the public by the Wisconsin Telephone Co. and the same will be posted each morning in the bulletin frame, in the windows of the Telegraph Office. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 9, 1886 P.3
Pedestrians will soon have oto (sic) resort to boats in crossing Franklin St. where it crosses Eighth. The snow and water has been so deep for some days past that weary travelers have been oblige to wade, use rubber boots etc. Now why would'nt (sic) it be a good idea for someone to start a ferry from the Williams House across to Wagner's? Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 16, 1886 P.3
Steinthal news: A girl in Meeme "weak and wanton" is now in search of her betrayer who is missing. Let us hope she will succeed in finding the libertine coward. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2
75 cans of young white fish each containing about four gallons were emptied into the lake last week. They were from the Michigan State fish hatchery. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4
MEMORIAL DAY. Yesterday was observed as Memorial Day in this city. The weather was perfect, not too warm nor too cool, except for the clouds of dust, the conditions would have been all that could have been desired. The marching column was formed at the Court House about 1:40 p.m. and headed by Beiling's band marched to the Grand Army hall where they were joined by the column of children under the charge of Prof. E.R. Smith bearing flags and flowers. The militia companies were in fine form. About 180 of the veterans were in line and large numbers who felt unable to stand the march went up in carriages. On arriving at the cemetery grounds the column opened ranks and the veterans passed through headed by the band playing the dead march, to the platform in the grove. Mayor Rahr acted as president of the day and called the assembly to order in a neat opening address. He then introduced the Rev. Mr. Wills of the M.E. Church who opened the exercises with prayer. The President of the day next introduced Emil Baensch Esq. who delivered a sound and eloquent address which was highly appreciated by the large audience. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Fitzner who delivered a fine address in German. In the meantime the children and committee of the Grand Army had been busy decorating the graves of soldiers of whom there are now 52 buried in the cemetery, an increase of four over last year. The interest on this occasion was fully equal to that shown on any previous years. Abundance of floral decorations were provided by the liberality of our citizens, some of them very striking and beautiful. A very large crowd of people were in attendance on the exercises of the day. A committee of the Grand Army visited the Catholic cemetery south of the city in the forenoon and decorated the graves of the soldiers there. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 1, 1886 P. 1
Kossuth news: A band of gypsies are encamped in the southwestern part of this town on the Branch river. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1886 P. 1
Cooperstown news: Our little village has been quite livly (sic) for the past week. A band of gypsies has been encamped here, about fifty in number. They stayed over to attend the Fair which took place on Monday last and did considerable horse trading with the farmers around here. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 29, 1886 P. 3
A fire balloon sent up from near Rahr's building attracted a good deal of notice. It ascended to a great height and floated in the direction of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 6, 1886 P. 3
A man from Racine was in the city this week looking for brick-layers to work on a new factory to be built for J.I. Case. He offers, to good-brick layers, from $4 to $5 per day. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, October 27, 1887 P. 3
Five or six boys got in the river on Sunday but fortunately all got out with no injury except a rather cold bath. Boys do be a little careful. The ice is treacherous. Manitowoc Tribune, Dec. 24, 1891
Cooperstown news: One of the greatest experiments that ever took place here was with a dog last week, by giving the animal a dose of chloroform and then look at his brain and see its action, but the dose killed the dog in a minute. Try it over, we have some more spare dogs. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 24, 1892
Winter wheat, rye and local candidates for town offices have weathered well. A few more weeks of doubtful weather and they will all be green—or blue. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
From present appearances there will not be much cheese made in the southern part of the county next season. They are all going into the butter business. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
Notes from Mishicott-Sleighing has disappeared. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
Notes from Mishicott-The sale of farm machinery is already beginning. There is an unusally large demand for this season of the year. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
Notes from Mishicott-The river has been steadyily rising for some time and will soon be at its usual height. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
The Wm. Rahr Sons Co. are putting in an electric light plant for use in the various departments of their establishment. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 19, 1898
John Herzog, manager of the Manitowoc Base Ball team, has telegraphed the manager of the Sheboygan team, asking for a game on Sunday. If arrangements can be made with them it will give the local fans a chance to see Jim Volendorf pitch. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
Frank Gues is having a steam apparatus put into his residence. Beigel and Seitz are doing the work. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
E.M. Carstens establishment is soon to be illuminated by a private gas plant. The system used is one controlled by the Detroit Heating and Lighting Co. Otto Merke, of Green Bay, is agent for this district and the work will be done by Otto Junick, under the direction of the agent. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
August Schuette is putting water works and sewers into his house on 9th street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
A team owned by Joseph Meyer, of Neshoto, ran away yesterday afternoon and for a minute or two they made things lively. The team was standing near Jaeckel's saloon when they became frightened. They ran down Chicago street as far as sixth, where they collided with and broke an electric light pole. The shock of the collision brought them to a stand-still and they were easily captured. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 22, 1898
A horse from Herzog's barn dropped dead on Eighth street bridge yesterday evening. The animal was hiched to a hack at the time and the driver was just returning to the barn after making a trip to the 9:39 train. Heart failure was probably the cause of death. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 24, 1898
A pocket book containing $20 in money was picked up one day last week by a son of Tom Olson. The book contained a card indicating the owner and the honest little finder promptly set off to return the property. He found the owner, gave him back his lost pocket book and received as a reward the munificent sum of five cents. Another illustration of that fine old saying that "Virtue is its own reward." Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 24, 1898
The M.G. Madson Seed Co. has again started in its force of girls for picking over peas and beans, employing at present twenty-six, which number will be increased later on. This is one of our successful firms which is quietly working its way to the front. Besides enjoying a good local trade they do a large business throughout the state and also parts of Michigan and Minnesota. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 25, 1898
The dance given by the Freier Saengerbund at the Tuner Opera house Saturday evening was one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. The weather conditions were not altogether favorable, but the drawing powers of the dance itself were stronger than could be resented (sic) by the city's dancing population and fully seventy-five couples defied the elements to avail themselves of this opportunity to worship at the shrine of Terpsichere. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 7, 1898
Three Tramps Try Comedy and are Turned Down-Others. Residents on Twelfth street were treated to amusement last evening. Three "gents of the road," the real, genuine article, hiked into town yesterday and at once proceeded to make things lively, in their own imagination. They were satisfied that they could play a comedy "role" to perfection, and when they made the attempt the manner in which they were "turned down" was perhaps the greatest surprise of their lives. In the evening they stopped at the home of Chas. Christorf, on Twelfth street and asked for something to eat. Not being satisfied with the reception they were accorded they began to get gay and succeeded in frightening Mrs. Christorf, who was at home alone. The sport began when Officer Carle arrived and took them in tow. They didn't want to go with him, no, not a little, but he was presistent in his arguments and they were finally induced to see the advisability of accepting his invitation. They were taken to the bastile where they rested last night and were brought before Justice Craite this morning and ordered to leave town, which they did. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 17, 1898
A meeting for the re-organization of the Young People's Dancing Club will be held at George's hall to-night at 8:30 o'clock. All those interested are requested to be present. CHAS. BOURIL, FRANK VRANEY. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 17, 1898
A festive Manitowoc man recently beat his wife on the head with a tin dipper because she would not attend a certain wedding with him. She turned the tables on him and by threats of arrest, so frightened "hubby" that he decided to remain at home and win her back. He of course was only trying to multiply her earthly joys, but she didn't appreciate his motive. It is surprising what cranky notions some women take. In olden days they couldn't be invited to a wedding too often. "Things have changed since those days." Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, January 20, 1899 P. 4
One of the bills that has just been introduced into the state legislature is one providing that previous to marriages a license shall be obtained from the clerk of the Circuit court in which the female resides, such license to cost $1.50. Now hurry up ye batchelors, if you wish to save $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 4
Skating on the river was fine yesterday and a large crowd of the youngsters took advantage of it to enjoy themselves. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Monday, January 23, 1899 P. 4
Silver Lake continues to be a favorite resort for pleasure parties during the winter as it was during the summer. Until the recent snow the road was splendid for bicycles and buggies. Now vehicles with runners are all the go. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
The Schreihart Brewing Co. are putting up ice to-day. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
Wm. Rahr 'n Sons commenced hauling ice off the river this morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
Arc lights have been placed in front of Wagner's store, corner of Eight and Franklin streets. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
"ENJOY YOURSELF." The Motto Adopted by Merry Crowd at Silver Lake Last Night. Members of the Auton household and a small number of invited friends participated in a sleigh ride and dancing party at Silver Lake last evening. The affair was somewhat impromptu, and was so much of a surprise to one gentleman that he did not discover, until after the destination was reached, that he had forgotten his coat. "Enjoy yourself" was the motto of each member of the party and it was carried out to the full letter of the text. The start was made at 8 o'clock and immediately upon the arrival at Silver Lake, dancing was the order of the hour. They proceeded to make themselves perfectly at home and mirth and gayety held full sway. At 12 o'clock a sumptuous supper was served by Landlord Bruns. Mr. Bruns is certainly a hospitable host and an artist in the culinary line. The feast was much appreciated and after all had been served, dancing continued until 2 o'clock and the merry crowd returned to this city, well satisfied with the outing. It was an enjoyable affair throughout. Those present were: Messers. and Mesdames W.R. Patterson, George McLaughlin, Thos. Dorey, Mrs. Catherine Auton, Misses Ella Ziemer, Anna Auton, Nell Auton, Cecil Billnski, Kitty Snyder, Katherine Auton and the Messers. C.W. Roberts, R.E. Raleigh, F.P. Hieks, Howard McIntosh, Jno. Williams, Jas. Peck, Alfred Cozey, E.C. Digly, E.W. Mackey. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 26, 1899
Although a large number of cases of la grippe are reported in this city the records at the health office do not show a single death attributed to that cause during the months of December and January. Other cities throughout the state report many deaths, and Milwaukee figures up forty-six. This is evidence that the charactor of the prevailing ailment in Manitowoc is not of a severe character. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 26, 1899
This is the coldest wave that has rolled over us for years. The lake is frozen over as far out as the eye can reach. How long the cold weather is going to last is a serious question to our fishermen who have nets in the lake. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Jan. 31, 1899
Old Chief Oshkosh, who has for some time past neglected every branch of his domain, is at last bestirring himself, after much goading. One of the chief's braves, by the name of Much-Talk-About-Him, which translated is Jay A. Hinman, is at present drawing more attention than the first electric cars running through the Indian Town did. Mr. Hinman is the possessor of a horseless carriage or moto-cycle. It is propelled by a gasoline engine of 2 1/2 horse power, and ignited by an electric spark. It has but one seat, accomodating three persons, and weight about 400 pounds. It resembles an open buggy except that it has no thills. Its wheels are like those of a bicycle with pneumatic tires, the front ones measuring 30 inches and the rear ones 44 inches in diameter. It is supplied with a friction gear, and the whole is controlled by one lever. It will doubtless be but a short time until Manitowoc will be in the procession with a horseless carriage of its own. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 2, 1899
The Goodrich Transportation Co., is putting up ice twenty-four inches in thickness. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 2, 1899
During the month of January there were 106 vessels entered the port of Manitowoc with a net tonnage of 115556. There were the same number of vessels cleared with a tonnage of 112768. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 2, 1899
There is some of the thickest ice in the river now that was ever seen here. Capt. Thayer says that the Artic turned over cakes yesterday six feet thick. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 2, 1899
The water pipe bursted at the corner of Main and Jay streets this morning and flooded the cellar of the Palace Steam Laundry. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 11, 1899
The "Order of Corks" is the latest in town. Each member is provided with a cork when the initiation ceremony is performed, and this is a pass word. Providing a member visits a place and is unable to produce the magic charm, then he must "buy." The organization is composed of well known South Sides and promises to be very popular. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 14, 1899
A large number of young people from this city attended a home talent production at Two Rivers last evening. The piece was "What Happened to Parker" and the performance was very creditable. A dance was given after the production and Manitowoc's representatives reported a most enjoyable time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 14, 1899
Flags in the city are displayed at half mast to-day. It is the anniversary of the blowing up of the Maine in Havana harbor and the loss of 269 lives. At Philadelphia the keel of the new Maine is being laid and in every schoolhouse, village and state in the Union exercises will be held. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 15, 1899
A slick swindler is said to be heading this way. He cleans sewing machines for fifty cents, and then finds broken wheels and appliances which need repair. Of course he is the one who causes the bad condition of the machine by exchanging the several parts. If anyone stands and watches him, he will send the person for oil and rags. He charges exorbitant prices for his work. In a neighboring county, he touched one patron for $5.00 and another for $12. Housekeepers should be on a lookout and give this fellow a hot reception. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 16, 1899
Nearly every pipe in town was frozen by the recent cold snap but the fire never went out in the pipe of the genial pressman at the HERALD office-Horal Nelson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 17, 1899
Several men in this city have for the past few days been enjoying considerable sport by springing what is known as the telephone "gag" on their friends. It is done in this way: John Smith rings up Jim Brown and the following conversation takes place: "Hello, has your telephone been tested lately?" "No, not that I know of." "Well this is Central, will you please stand about six inches to the right of the instrument and speak? Thank you, now stand the same distance to the left and speak to me. Thank you and now will you pleases stand on a chair and speak from about three feet above the instrument? Thank you, and now only one more test and all will be finished. Please do me the kindness to stand on your head and ring off with your feet." This request is the last straw and the answer the perpetrator gets shot over the wire at him, in nine cases out of ten is, "_ _ _." It is said that Sheriff Lehrman has been a victim of the "fiend" and although it is perhaps only josh, still the HERALD extends condolence. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 23, 1899
Various water pipes in the city were thawed out yesterday by making a circuit of electric wires, as has been suggested by Prof. Wood of the state university. The pipes in Wichert's livery stable were thawed in exactly four minutes time and other places about town were experimented on. The plan worked successfully and the result was a source of considerable comment. It is certainly astonishing and can be used anywhere that a circuit can be established. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 23, 1899
Farmers are blue in earnest now; some affirm that the ground is frozen five feet deep, and no amount of snow now will help anything. When it melts in the spring, it cannot soak into the ground until the frost is out, and the spring rains will all run off the surface, and when the May dry spell comes on, they will be nowhere. Wheat fields and meadows will have to be ploughed up and re-seeded, and hay will be a light crop as things look now. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 23, 1899
Sidewalks all over the city have been in an abominable condition since the snow after the warm spell. People do not seem to realize that there is a city ordinance to compel them to clean the ice and snow from the walks in front of their property. It seems that an ordinance that is not enforced might just as well be revoked. The worst cases should be made an example of and then perhaps decency would compel other offenders to clean up. It does not look well for a city of Manitowoc's reported enterprise to allow the sidewalks to be turned into skating rinks. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 7, 1899
A barrel of fresh fish which had been left on the platform at the C & W. Ry. freight depot, was struck by a passing freight car last night and scattered all over the track. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 11, 1899
Eighteen men employed at the Aluminum factory in Two Rivers, went on a strike Saturday morning, on account of a difference as to the scale of wages allowed on piece work. Inside of an hour their places had been filled with new men and the strikers find themselves without employment. The manager of the concern states that he received over fifty applications for the positions. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 21, 1899
Fast driving and racing on the public thoroughfares, especially on Eighth street is a dangerous practice that should be suppressed at once. Upon several occasions recently the city ordinance prohibiting fast driving has been broken and lives and property have been placed in jeopardy. Last night two young men raced down eighth street and across the bridge. Had the bridge been open they must (sic) certainly have plunged into the river as they were going too fast to have stopped. A few arrests for rapid driving would have a tendency to stop this practice. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 22, 1899
A select party of south side married people will enjoy a sleigh ride to Teitgen's place, about seven miles from the city, tomorrow evening. The party will start from Dr. Luhman's residence on south Eighth street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 23, 1899
WANTED:—To exchange a good organ in first class condition for a good driving horse. Inquire at J. Boecher, Huron street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 24, 1899
A telephone has been placed in Tendick's shoe store. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 14, 1899
It is reported that very little maple syrup and sugar will be made in this county this spring. The sap for some reason, does not flow. Probably because the frost is still deep in the ground. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 19, 1899
By order of "the powers that be," Chief of Police Pierce gives notice that any violation of the ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of cattle within the city limits, will be looked after and the culprit arrested. The ordinance has been a dead letter but officials are now ready to see that it is enforced. Beware! Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 29, 1899
LOST—On the road to Two Rivers yesterday, one doe skin robe, black checkered horse blanket and dash board. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 1, 1899
Wages for lake seamen are higher this spring than for a number of years. Deck hands on the freighters get $15 and $18 a month instead of $12. The freight handlers on the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior docks are still on a strike and the work is being done by other men at 20 cents an hour. The Goodrich line has raised wages to 25 cents an hour for longshoremen and a great deal of trouble is experienced in getting men to do the work at this price. The boats are handling all the freight possible at present. When the Georgia left here Saturday night she was heavily loaded and it was found necessary to telegraph ahead to have men assist in unloading as there was objection to the price paid the deck hands. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
Thirty emigrants passed through the city this morning, enroute for the Dakotas. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
Notice is hereby given to parties having garbage or rubbish to dispose of, such as old tin ware, stove pipes, ashes etc., excepting contents of closets, and carcases of dead animals, are granted to dump the same over the bank at the east end of Park street, for the north side of river, and not leave it in said street. By order of the Board of Aldermen. Manitowoc May 22nd, 1899. F.J. PIERCE. Chief of Police. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 27, 1899
Residents of the Fifth ward are divided on the question of making the streets of the ward a public pasture for cows, and trouble may result before the end is reached. People residing in the ward have been in the custom of raising their own garden truck and this season several residents have seen fit to allow their animals to run loose. It is said that considerable damage to gardens has resulted and an objection has been raised. There is an ordinance prohibiting the pasturing of cows on public thoroughfares, but gardeners claim that city officials have made no effort to enforce it. Why? Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 27, 1899
About thirty players were in attendance at the Skat tournament given at Coopers' Silver Lake hotel yesterday and despite the gloomy weather every one had an enjoyable time. E. Fricke captured first prize with a score of 526, Philip Roth came second with 444 and F.C. Schultz was third with 417. Refreshments were served players and the tournament was a success in every respect. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 29, 1899