COUNTRY BRIDE. Her Marriage is Occasion of Great Jollification. Few readers of the Herald who have not been privileged to attend a country wedding, can appreciate the importance of a function of this nature in the rural districts. A few days ago marriage took place at Clover in this county. The bride was the second daughter of a well-to-do farmer and the wedding was planned on an elaborate scale. The following facts relative to the celebration of the event have been furnished by one of the guests. Friends and acquaintances for miles around were invited. Over 600 people came besides many children. The wedding festivities lasted over two days. Three cows, seven calves, seven pigs, thirty-six spring chickens, twenty-four turkeys and fifteen geese were slaughtered and of course eaten. The guests also partook of 600 pies and a proportionate amount of other pastry washing this down with 112 kegs of beer, thirty five gallons of stronger liquors and a few barrels of tea and coffee, using up over 2000 cigars. Besides dancing appropriate plays were indulged in. It was one of the old fashioned truly country weddings. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, October 18, 1900 P. 1
Several boys who created a disturbance in serenading a newly married couple early in the week, were before Judge Craite Wednesday and assessed a fine of 49 cents and costs each, the amount being paid by the parents and their youngsters were discharged. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, December 1, 1900 P. 1
Starvation is the newest cure for apendicitis (sic). It is being tried on Miss Peabody, at Appleton. The doctors hold that the moment one stops eating it shuts off the fuel that feeds the disease. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 9, 1901, p. 2
GAS LIGHT IN TWO WEEKS Construction of Plant About Completed and Operation Awaited Gaslight Illumination in Manitowoc homes is promised for the immediate future in the announcement that the plant of the Manitowoc Gas Co., will be in operation within the next two weeks. Work upon the construction of the plant has progressed satisfactorily and with a rapidity that has fulfilled the plans of the promoters. Believing that the best economy is to build well, the Company has accomplished a degree of success that should insured the greatest immunity from accident or disorder, by applying only the best material in construction. The Works are equipped with all modern improved machinery and a holder that has a capacity equal to double the probable demand. A feature of the equippment (sic) is the process for purifying the gas before it passes into the mains and the adjustment of the machinery so that if any one part of the plant fails, the service will not be interrupted. Manitowoc is to be congratulated upon the possession of the plant which is a monument to the enterprise of local capital. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 23, 1901
Try the new drink, coca cola at Kretches. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 29, 1901
KEEP US DODGING Automobiles, Street Cars and Fast Horses on City Streets Between dodging automobiles, keeping out of the way of street cars and fast driving horses the Manitowoc citizen will be kept on the move in the future. The automobile promises to be numerous within the course of a short time, the purchase of several being contemplated, and two machines having already come into the possession of Manitowoc people. Daniel B. Bleser, head of the Kunz & Bleser Brewing Co., will be among the first to drive an auto, a machine purchased now being enroute from New York for his use. The automobile of Alderman Plumb was received today and is now being tested. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 21, 1902
The new name of the Klingholz property at Rapids is Ravine Park and the name of the club which owns it is the Ravine Park Association. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, December 10, 1903 P. 5.
Report was made to the police yesterday that a horse and carriage which had been left near the north side Park school was missing. The animal was later located in the custody of boys who had taken a ride. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 21, 1904 P. 6
Fishing for crawfish has become quite an industry among the boys of the city who live in the vicinity of the Little Manitowoc. Bushels of the crabs of soft shelled variety, the kind good for eating, are caught off the bridge there and sold to down town cafes or taken home. The crabs are of the large size and are caught in a unique way. Cords which contain no hooks are baited with large pieces of liver and thrown in so as to rest upon the bottom. Along comes Mr. Crab who considers this meat a delicacy and fastens his pinchers into the food. All that is necessary for the fisher to do is to pull the tenacious fellow up to the surface where he inevitably lets go and drops into a net placed underneath. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, August 17, 1904 P. 1
Thirty-five bodies, 17 male and 18 female were interred at Evergreen cemetery during the quarter from April 15 to June 15 according to report of City Sexton Pasewalk filed with the council. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, July 2, 1912 P.2
TWO PATIENTS NOW AT PEST HOUSE WITH SMALLPOX "PIFF" METZGER, WHO ROAMED STREETS AFTER BEING TOLD HE HAD DISEASE, PICKED UP. TRANSIENT FOUND WITH DISEASE IS COMMITTED Two patients, suffering from smallpox, are now being cared for at the isolation hospital south of the city and a strong protest is going up from the public because of the inadequacy of the city's facility for caring for the epidemic which is prevalent. It is pointed out that if additional cases, subject to isolation hospital care, are found that the city will be unable to provide for them. Of the patients at the isolation hospital, "Piff" Metzger, who was committed Thursday is said to have roamed about the streets for several hours after having been advised by a physician that he had smallpox and told to go to his home at once. Metzger failed to obey the order and orders were issued to the police to corral him. He was later taken to the pest house. The second patient was taken to the pest house today. The man is a transient and had been boarding on the north side. He suffered from a severe cold and had been at the hospital to take the baths and smallpox developed. Chairman Schroeder of the board of health arranged to have the man sent to the isolation hospital. Though new cases of smallpox are developing daily the public does not appear to appreciate the situation and is not giving the cooperation to the authorities which they should to curb the spread of the disease. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 24, 1915 p. 8
HOUSE BEING MOVED OVER ICE GOES THROUGH AT TWO RIVERS YESTERDAY Two more houses were moved over the ice on the West Twin River this week. They are houses that were sold to make room for new buildings. Moving them across the ice makes the job a comparatively simple matter. Although three or four were moved across the ice this winter. Moving them over the bridge would be impossble (sic). One was being moved yesterday afternoon and sank through the ice into the channel. The men and teams were a distance away and no one was injured or got wet. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 19, 1916
Maribel news: All our hotel keepers and butchers have their ice house filled to capacity. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 23, 1916
Maribel news: The farmers will be busy this week hauling their logs to Rabenhorst's mill at Rosecrans for fear that the good sleighing will be spoiled if warm weather sets in. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 23, 1916
Polifka's Corners news: The dance at J.A. Polifka's last Friday was well attended. All enjoyed a swell time and fine music was furnished by the local White Star orchestra. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P. 4
Kossuth news: A number of our local young people made up a sleigh ride party and journeyed to Mishicot last Sunday to attend the Masquerade dance there. The party consisted of Messrs. Olaf Berkadal, Henry Krumdick, Norman Berkadal, Erwin Delsman, Ed. Specht, Ed Bleser and Ed. Berkodal and the Misses Fanny Kolichek, Mamie Delsman, Genevieve Fricke, Margaret Greenwood, Ellen Rice, Alma Rolzenthal and Etta Krause. They all reported a good time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P. 5
Claims filed with the council against the water and light departments Wednesday night made a big hole in any surplus, the total amounting to over $12,000. The mayor said that part was for taxes to the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, February 25, 1916 P. 3
The second woman to apply for naturalization papers in the records of the circuit court here is Mary Hruby(?) whose application for first papers was filed with Court Clerk J.P. Ledvina this week. There is one other record, some years ago, of a woman securing her first papers but no petitions have been filed by women in a number of years. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 26, 1916
MANITOWOC TO HAVE FIRST AUTO SHOW MARCH 16-18 Manitowoc is not to take a rear seat in the procession. Chicago and Milwaukee have nothing on this city when it comes to metropolitan ideas. This fact is proved by announcement made today of plans for Manitowoc's first automobile show, arrangement for which have been perfected and dates selected. F.C. Borcherdt, Jr., whose work as secretary of the County Fair association has demonstrated his organization and executive ability, is the promoter of the show which will be held at the Orpheum theatre three days, opening March 16 and closing March 18. Dealers of this city and Two Rivers have co-operated with Mr. Borcherdt in assuring the success of the show and every make of car will be represented. The main floor of the hall and stage will be utilized for the automobile exhibit while the gallery will be turned over for motorcycle display. Mr. Borcherdt plans elaborate decorations for the show and an orchestra will be in attendance throughout the show. An admission fee will be charged. With the increasing number of cars in the county the automobile show should prove a decidedly interesting event to the public. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, February 26, 1916 P. 8
FOR SALE GERMAN METHODIST parsonage, cor. 9th and Hamilton. $200. Must be removed from premises. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 3, 1916 P. 5
Three new cases of measles have been reported on the North side and the disease threatens to become an epidemic. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 3, 1916
Dances The season just before Lent is a time when in large towns and many small ones, big public dances are held. Firemen, police, hospitals and lodges have annual glorifications. The philosophical observer finds these functions not lacking in human interest, since they assemble such various types of people. People who attend many such affairs in various cities say they have never seen more freak dancing than this year. When the dance craze was at its height, the dancers were at least attending classes, usually under teachers possessing some sense. Many eccentricities were toned down. Now all the younger sets have learned a repertoire of new steps, with orginally improvised variations. They have become convinced that for style it is necessary to hop, skip, jump, wiggle and twist. Sedate persons watch with amazement and deplore the new dancing. The old steps though have regained much of former vogue. Old timers who occupied the wall while the kids were tangoing, are again cutting jocund pigeon wings in quadrilles and contras. The festive voice of the promptet again resounds, though one sometimes needs a practiced ear to tell what he says. The diversion would be far more healthful if it did not cover such unearthly hours. It was one of the merits of the recent dance craze that it was mostly done in classes taking a two hour session and sending people home early. But after you have paid for hall, orchestra and refreshments, it seems necessary to run it to the limit thereby acquiring a headache for next day. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 8, 1916 P.2
Two Rivers is to have a community concert in furtherance of the community plan which has been tried out there the past few weeks. The concert is to be given March 12. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 8, 1916 P.3
TWO RIVERS HEALTH OFFICER ADVISES PUBLIC TO BOIL WATER FROM CITY WELL BEFORE USE Two Rivers is taking no chances of an epidemic of typhoid and the situation which prevails at Milwaukee and with the knowledge that water from the city water system is unsatisfactory, Health Officer Gates has issued a notice to the public advising that water be boiled before use. The state analysis of the water recently made did not O.K. it. Dr. Gates says that the trouble may be due to contamination from the new filtering gallery at the city well and also to the fact that for a considerable time owing to the ice in the standpipe it was necessary to pump directly into the mains with force enough to detach a crust or deposit always found on the inner side of water pipes and composed of iron oxide and a vegetable growth of the algae species. In addition to this the large amount of chlorine with which the water has been treated has rendered it distasteful to users. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 8, 1916 P.8
Uncle Sam, fearing a shortage of paper is going to issue an appeal to the public looking to conservation. France's embargo of the export of rags has caused many American manufacturers to fear they may have to curtail production of their mills. The department has begun sending out 1,000,000 circulars to be posted in postoffices and elsewhere throughout the country urging that papers and rags be saved. The commerce department promises to put those who save papers and rags in touch with manufactures. Chambers of commerce have been asked to co-operate. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 14, 1916
LARGEST SHIPMENT OF FLOUR UNDER ONE BILL OF LADING GOES THROUGH HERE TODAY, 153 CARS. 3 TRAINS The largest shipment of flour ever consigned under one bill of lading is enroute from the Minneapolis mills of the Pillsbury company to New York, through this city via the Soo and Pere Marquette carferry lines. The total shipment, for transportion of which three special trains were provided from Minneapolis, was made up of 101,200 sacks, totaling 14,220,000 pounds of flour. The bill of lading covered 14,220,000 pounds, requiring 153 freight cars for the shipment. John A. Hewitt of Minneapolis, ????western representative of the ???? company and Eugene Warner, traffic manager of the Pillsbury mills, accompany the shipment and said today that the route through Manitowos (sic) had been selected as the fastest for the shipment, which is under rush orders. It is said that the larger portion of the shipment is for domestic use though some may be for shipment abroad. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 15, 1916
When Ceiling Becomes Smoked. Smoke from a lamp or gas often soils a ceiling in one particular spot, while the rest remains beautifully white. It is useful to know that soiled ceilings caused by lamps and gas will be rendered less conspicuous if rubbed over with dry whiting. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 18, 1916 P. 5
With Manitowoc county owners of automobiles gasping for breath at sight of the sky high prices of gasoline at present, the declaration from Milwaukee that a substantial reduction is in sight comes like a cooling breeze to a fever sufferer. E.A. Wadhams, president of the Wadhams Oil Co., is authority for the statement that within sixty days medium or low grade product will be selling at 15 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 20, 1916
The epidemic of measles which has had the city in its grip for some time past has somewhat abated though there are still a number of cases on the North side. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 22, 1916
CITY HAS NEW SMALLPOX CASE AFTER 10 DAYS Quarantine at Home of Jos. Burish on West Side Smallpox has invaded the city again, after 10 days freedom from the disease quarantine having been established by the health department at the home of Joseph Burish at Eighteenth and Wollmer streets. Mr. Burish is a victim of the disease. Reports from Newton say that several cases have developed there and smallpox is prevalent in the northern section of the county also. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1916
Playhouse managers of the city and others who have made a practice of placing large banners at the approaches of Eighth street bridge advertising movie attractions, are to be notified to discontinue the practice which a city ordinance prohibits. City officials say that numerous complaints have been made. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 13, 1916 P. 3
Sucker fishing at Rapids is the popular sport of the day and the banks are lined with fishermen. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 13, 1916 P. 3
"The House of Bondage" at the opera house tonight and tomorrow night is in six reels. The picture is for adults only, no one under 16 being admitted. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 13, 1916 P. 3
Two Rivers Chronicle: Otto Gass is inventor of a device that it attached to the trolley wires of the interurban. When the cars pass this office the trolley makes a contact and sounds a gong in front of the hotel. The arrangement will prove a convenience to guests at the hotel who are waiting for cars. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 19, 1916 P.3
Residents of the city will welcome the day when North Eighth and Franklin Sts. are paved, the two thoroughfares being regular seas of mud after the spring rains. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 20, 1916
NOTICE Lot owners at Evergreen cemetery who wish to have their lots cared for this season or repairs made to same will kindly let me know as soon as possible, of work is to be completed before Memorial day. Terms one-half down and balance at close of season. Lots that have not been paid for the past season will not be cut unless same is paid. Edw. Pasewalk, Sexton. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, April 22, 1916 P.4
Rural mail carriers report the county roads in the worst condition they have ever known them. In many places they are apparently bottomless. They say that unlike other years the bad places keep shifting. One day they find passage fairly good on one side, while the following day that side will be impassible. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 25, 1916
Sheboygan newspapers are excited by the appearance of the first straw hat in that city for the season. Manitowoc took the lead by a mile, Herman Wittmann having donned the headgear of straw here a month ago. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 11, 1916 P. 3
Contractors report the greatest building boom the city has known in years and say that they are unable to secure labor for the work. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 23, 1916 P.3
Coast guard crews on the lakes will wear army olive drab uniforms this summer. A regulation has just been announced to go into effect on June 30, which will dress the members of the Two Rivers Coast Guard crew on olive drab uniforms. The clothes will be cut on the order of those worn in the army, with the exception of long trousers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, June 2, 1916 P.2
Some local car owners who attended the Elks convention at Green Bay Wednesday, driving up Tuesday before the rain, have as yet been able to bring their machines home. The road out of Green Bay are heavy clay and hard driving when wet. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 10, 1916 P.3
COMPANY H. ROLLS LIST 92 MEN IN COMMAND Thirty Recruits From Two Rivers Join Local Militia Company Company H, Second regiment, W.N.G., of this city, is ready for a call, with a command that nearly meets requirements of war strength. Capt. Walter Abel, commanding the company, today stated that the enlistment rolls of Co. H now showed a total of 92 men, the largest enlistment the company has ever had. Two Rivers has contributed thirty names to the list of recruits of Company H the past few weeks. Drils are being held regularly in preparation for the annual encampment at Camp Douglas in August. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 12, 1916 P.5
BIG LOSS FACED BY CANNING CO. OF MANITOWOC State Rules That Beans Cannot Be Taken Home Revenues aggregating all the way from $25,000 to $35,000 will be lost to the city of Manitowoc next summer and the bean canning industry may also be abandoned here if the ruling of the Industrial Commission at Madison stands. The ruling specifies that beans may not be taken home by families to be snipped for the Wisconsin Pea Canners company as in the past being a violation of the factory law, the commission contends. The practice of taking the work home by local people netted many families a neat revenue during the summer months and afforded the canning company an expeditious means of having the beans snipped and trimmed ready for the vats. This work will now have to be abandoned. Can't Get Machines A new machine has been put on the market for snipping beans but being merely in an experimental stage, the local concern did not see fit to secure any of them. They will not be sold outright by the company owning the patents, but a royalty on each case of beans is demanded. So strong has been the demand for these machines that the output is entirely exhausted and the Pea Canners company cannot secure any of them. With no machines to do the work and the ruling of the commission in effect, the canning company finds itself in a position where it may have to abandon packing of beans which for two or more years past has been found a profitable branch of the local canning industry. A Profitable Custom. During the summer months while the beans are being cut, it was the practice of many families to send their children to the factory to get a supply of beans, take the vegetables home, snip the ends and string them. Members of the family did the work at convenient hours and the children helped. Altogether it was a satisfactory arrangement. women who had afternoons off would gather at one another's homes, discuss the weather, their children, problems of the home and croup remedies, all the while snipping the beans. It furnished a means of social gathering, the canning company got its beans snipped and the problems of the universe were solved all at one and the same time. No Solution Apparent Now all this is at an end. The loss of thousands of dollars will be severely felt and the bean industry, which was flourishing, may have to be given up. It is impossible to get the children and women to come to the factories and the canning company is at its wits end to meet the exigency. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, January 17., 1920 p.1
100 FLU CASES REPORTED NOW AT TWO RIVERS Nearly 100 cases of influenza have been reported at Two Rivers, according to the Two Rivers Chronicle which sasy that scarlet fever is also prevalent there and that the health conditions of the city are causing much apprehension. Under the law flu cases must be reported by the health department and placarded and withing the past ten days there has been a marked increase in the disease at Two Rivers. A few cases of smallpox are also reported at Two Rivers. All of the contagious diseases are being placed under strict quarantine and the schools are being closely watched, although it has not been deemed necessary to close the schools. Manitowoc Herald News, January 22, 1920 p.8
FARMERS NORTH TO GET ELECTRIC CURRENT SERVICE Farmers residing between Francis Creek and Mishicot and between Mishicot and Two Rivers are to get electric power and light service as result of plans announced by Ira Beyer, of Mishicot, who has completed arrangements for extension of service to these districts, through the Mishicot light and power plant, with additional current which is to be secured from the High Falls Co. by tapping its lines at Francis Creek. Farmers will assume the cost of the pole lines but will not be charged for the privilege of connecting up, the cost being for the installation and for the current used. The equipment will be put in at pro rata cost to the patrons and where a farmer may not desire to hook up now, he will be able to do so later by meeting his assessment. Contracts for poles and wire have been placed and the work of installing the lines will be undertaken this spring and completed by seeding time, it is promised. The lines will run east from Francis Creek and east and south from Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald News, Feb. 23, 1920
GIRL MOTHER'S BABY IS MISSING; POLICE PUZZLED Local authorities are investigating sensational reports that a young girl who was removed from a north side hotel to the hospital Saturday had, previous to the time her condition became known, given birth to a child, the whereabouts of which are unknown. It was reported that the girl had been found ill in her room and was taken to the hospital in the belief that she was about to become a mother, but physicians say that the child was born before removal of the girl and the matter was reported to the authorities. A search at the hotel failed to reveal any clew as to what disposition might have been made of the baby and it is not known whether the child was born alive or dead. The girl is said to be too ill to be questioned. The girl is said to be about 18 and to be the daughter of a farmer of the county. Manitowoc Herald News, Apr. 5, 1920
U.S. AGENTS HERE TO SEEK OUT STILLS Uncle Sam's official snifters revenue agents, are in Manitowoc county this week under orders to seek out violators of the prohibition laws and make arrests. It is said that a quiet search is being made for illicit stills which the department says it suspects every section has for manufacture of moonshine. It is not believed that the "revenoo" men will get very far in uneathing any violation of the dry law here. Manitowoc Herald News, Apr. 8, 1920
Dove Follows Ship Bearing 5,212 Yank Dead From Antwerp NEW YORK, May 20. A dove accompanied the army transport Wheaton from Antwerp, it was learned when the vessel reached quarantine here with 5,212, bodies of American war dead. The dove fell to the deck of the Wheaton soon after the vessel left the French port. The bird was fed and when it recovered it was cast into the air, but returned to the vessel. Throughout the voyage the dove fluttered over the half-masted flag, coming to the deck only to be fed. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, May 20, 1921 P. 1
SCARLET FEVER CASES RESULT IN CLOSING SCHOOL The school at South Two Creeks has been closed and will remain closed for at least another week as result of the discovery of seven cases of scarlet fever in the district. The action was taken early this week as a preventative measure. At School Hill in the town of Meeme two cases of diptheria have been reported and it is said that one small child died from an attack of the disease. Miss Viola Nohr, county public health nurse will go to School Hill on Monday to take throat cultures of all of the school children to determine whether there are any diptheria carriers among them. The Meeme death due to diptheria is the first to be reported in the county during the present epidemic. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, January 28, 1922
WOMAN AMONG NEW CITIZENS GIVEN PAPERS Judge Kirwan in circuit court added twelve full fledged citizens to Uncle Sam's roster yesterday after Examiner Riley had completed his questioning and two others were told they are to continue their studies and will have their petitions granted at the next term of court if they show sufficient progress. Included in the list is the name of one woman. The list of new citizens includes Battista Breu and Domenico Schiavone, both of Italy with Joseph Leggio, a third candidate from that country, told he will have to do a little more studying: Christian Kemie from Spain; Jarolin Pok and Arthur Frank Jarosh from Czecho-Slovak; George Titian Bauer from Hungary; Alexander Sinclair and Mrs. Freda Ellen Mackay from England; Rev. Joseph Raymond Meyer; Frank Seufert and Albert Henry Goemann, all from Germany, Erling Norman Gronwald from Norway and Alexander Wagner from Russia was also advised to do a bit more studying. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, June 06, 1928 Page 1
BURIALS LESS IN TWO RIVERS THE PAST YEAR Annual report of City Sexton John Weiss, filed at the city hall today, showed 96 persons buried in the local cemeteries during the past year a decrease from 1928, when 117 were buried here and from 112 in 1927. There were 41 burials last year in Pioneer's Rest, 26 in Calvary cemetery and four in Forest View cemetery. There were 24 burials in Holy Cross cemetery. Manitowoc Herald News, Two Rivers section, Friday, January 3, 1930 p.13
STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT PLANNED BY WHITELAW MEN Plans for the formation of a street lighting district at Whitelaw will be discussed at a public meeting to be held in Melnik's hall at Whitelaw on Monday night, Chairman Walter McCulley of the township of Cato said today. The meeting is being called in response to a petition bearing the signatures of many property holders in the district where it is proposed that the street lighting be placed. Creation of a lighting district is within the province of the town board and the public meeting is called to give all persons an opportunity to air their view. The current will be purchased from the utility now supplying light and power in the vicinity. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, May 15, 1931 P. 6
Ration Guide Sugar - Stamp No. 10, good for purchase of three pounds of sugar, expires at midnight, Jan. 31. Coffee - Stamp No. 28 i "sugar book," good for purchase of one pound of coffee, expires at midnight, Feb. 7. Fuel Oil - Coupons for oil received on coupon credit must be given dealers upon receipt of coupons. Second heating period coupons, good for 10 gallons, valid to Jan. 27. Coupons for third period, good for 11 gallons, expires Feb. 22. Coupon No. 4 becomes valid Feb. 9. Gasoline - Eight No. 4 stamps in basic A books good for purchase of 32 gallons through March 31. Each B and C book coupon good for purchase of four gallons. Tires - Holders of "A" books have until March 31 for first inspection and must have inspections every six months thereafter, at least 90 days apart. Motorists with "B" and "C" books or bulk coupons for fleets must have first inspections by Feb. 28. After that, inspections for "B" drivers will be every four months, at least 60 days apart, and for "C" drivers and fleet operators once every three months, 45 days apart. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, January 23, 1943 p.2
HORSE TICKETUse of a fire hydrant as a hitching post for a horse and wagon cost Charles Pohl $1.50 in police traffic court this morning. "Parking too close to a fire hydrant" - that was the charge. After some argument as to the legality of ticketing a horse for a vehicular violation, and pointing out that there was no place to tie a horse, Pohl paid the fine. Office Ben Muchowski, who placed the ticket on the horse, said his attention had been called to the horse tied to the hydrant by a motorist who had paid a similar fine some time ago. The horse was hitched to a wagon used for paper pickup work, and the fire hydrant used as a hitching post was located in the 700 block on Jay street. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mar. 25, 1944