
Office of the Clerk of board of county Supervisors of Manitowoc County, June, 11th 1853 At a special meeting held by the Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County on the 9th day of May A.D. 1853 it was unanimonsly resolved: "That Section 15, 16, and 17 in Town 20 Range 24 be and hereby are set off from the Town of Two Rivers and annexed to the Town of Mishcott (sic)." And it was also resolved: "That the name of the Town of Eaton in this County be and is hereby altered into the name of Walders." Chas. A. Reuter, Clerk of Board of County Supervisors. Manitowoc County Herald, Saturday, July 2, 1853 P.3 ***** SPECIAL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held in the Village of Manitowoc on Tuesday the 12th day of July inst. at the School House in the several Wards in said Village, commencing at 10 O'clock A.M. of said day, for the purpose of electing a Marshal, in place of August Schmidt, late Marshal of said Village, deceased, and that the following persons have been appointed Judges and Clerks of said election in the respective wards of said village, to wit: Chas. Esslinger, Oscar Koch, Richard Steele; Judges in 1st Ward. Gerard Kremers, August Baensch; Clerks in 1st Ward. Norris ross, Alonzo Shove, Michael Fellows; Judges in 2nd Ward. Henry Shove, Nath'nl Fenton; Clerks in 2nd Ward Manitowoc County Herald, Saturday, July 2, 1853 P.2

AN ORDINANCE To regulate the burial of the dead in Evergreen Cemetery, and to promote regularity ????????? therein. Be it ordered by the President and Trustees of the Village of Manitowoc: Sec. 1st. In each and every case when any dead shall be buried in that part of Evergreen Cemetery grounds known as the "Potter's Field," previous to so doing it shall be the duty of the friends of the deceased, or person, or persons having charge of the same, to notify the sexton or person having charge of said grounds; and it shall be the duty of the sexton, or person having charge thereof, with all reasonable despatch to locate and stake out the spot whereon the grave shall be dug, and for each and every case of neglect or refusal to comply with the foregoing requirements, or digging a grave or graves otherwise than as aforesaid, the party or parties so offending shall be subject to a fine of not less than five nor exeeding twenty-five Dollars, to be enforced by the Village charter and ordinances, for the collection of fines and ???nrdties. Sec. 2d. The person having charge of said Cemetery grounds, shall be entitled to the sum of twenty-five cents for each and every service so rendered, to be paid by the party so requiring his services, and it shall further be his duty to see that all the ??????? of this ordinance are strictly enforced and complied with. Approved, September 19th A.D. 1853. James Bennett, President. S.A. Wood, Clerk. Manitwooc, Sept 24th, 1853 Manitowoc County Herald, September 24, 1853

STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County-SS.OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Manitowoc, November 24, 1853. At the last annual Meeting, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Manitowoc, ordered as follows, to wit: "To change the name of the town of Saxonburg to its former name of 'Mischicott'" CHAS. A REUTER, Clerk of board of Co. Supervisors. Manitowoc County Herald, December 3, 1853


SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR.—The Board of Supervisors have elected Messrs. R.H. Hoes, of this town, Jason Pellett, of Gibson, and Louis Faulhaber, of Rockland, as Superintendents of the County Poor. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 25, 1859 P.3


The Manitowoc Tribune urges the Board of Alderman to establish fire limits in that city, and to take ever possible precaution to prevent the occurrence of any such sweeping fire as that which recently left Oshkosh in ashes. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875


COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SMART, J. Feb. 14-In re estate of Lois D. Amsden, deceased; R.S. O'Connell, J.E. Harris and Dan F. Robinson appointed executors; their bonds filed and approved. Letters testamentary issued to above named executors. In re estate of Gertrude Gjeraldson, deceased; inventory filed. In re estate of Chas. Wilson, deceased; order entered to hear petition to sell lands of minors. In re estate of Fred Willert, deceased; order entered for the sale of real estate by the administrator, John Pitz, for the payment of debts; contract of widow as to dower approved. Feb. 16-In re guardianship of minor heirs of Friederich Vogel, deceased; letters of guardianship issued to Wm. Vogel guardian filed and his bond as such guardian filed. Feb. 18-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; inventory and claims filed. In re guardianship of heirs of John Hage, deceased; bond of guardian, Wm. C. Maertz, examined and approved and letters of guardianship issued to him. Fe. 20.-In re estate of George Loose, deceased; bond of guardian, P. Heinz, approved. 21-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; Elizabeth Klein appointed guardian. Warrant to appraisers issued. In re estate of Carl Gogloin, deceased; John Franz appoited (sic) executor. In re guardianship of Anna Arnold; an insane person; bond of Louis Zander approved, and letters of guardianship issued to him. In re estate of Luther Pellet, deceased; account of administrator, Joseph Eatough, allowed. In re estae of Fred Willert, deceased; bond of administrator, John Pitz, examined and approved. In re estate of Bernhard Goeres, deceased; order entered for proof of will. In re estate of Anton Braasch, deceased; final account of administrator allowed. In res estate of Geo. Amhold, deceased; order entered for sale of real estate for payment of debts. 23-In re estate of Joseph Benda, deceased; final account of administratior, Frank Sixta, allowed and approved. Estate assigned to legatee. In re estate of John Stelzer, deceased; letters of administration issued to Julius Lindstedt. In re estate of George Veith, deceased; Fred Breunig and Valentine Goetzler appointed appraisers and inventory filed. Order entered to sell personal estate. In re estate of George Loose, Jr., deceased; letters of guardianship issued to Peter Heinz. In re estate of Carl Gogohn, deceased; letters testamentary issued to John Franz. In re estate of John Schmidt, deceased; order entered for proof of will. 24-In re estate of Louis Klein, deceased; bond of Elizabeth Klein, as guardian, examined and approved; letters of administration issued to her. In re estate of Francis Kapar, deceased; order entered to hear petition for administration. 25-In re estate of Albert Walski, deceased; letters of guardianship issued to Eva Walski. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

Resolution No. 5. by Ald. Johnston: Resolved, That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to settle the two suits against the city instituted by S. Randolph, and now pending, for the total sum of $138.00, and that the said Randolph execute a stipulation releasing the city from any further claims or liability in said suits, Resolved, That the Mayor and Clerk be hereby authorized to draw an order on the City Treasurer for $138.00 to pay for the settlement of the two suits against the city, in favor of S. Randolph as settled by the City Attorney. Unanimously adopted. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1882 P. 1


Now that it is definitely determined to remove the chronic insane who have heretofore been confined in our jail, to a more suitable place; it is only justice to Sheriff Bibinger to say that his care of these unfortunates during his term of office has merited the highest praise. They have been well fed (sic), comfortably clad and kept neat and clean as possible under the circumstances. Every day during suitable weather they have been allowed the freedom of the Court House grounds under the care of the keeper. The State Board of Charities and Reforms when here complimented his management highly and said that with the limited accomodations provided by the County they could suggest no improvement whatever, that everything seemed to be done for the health and comfort of these unfortunates that could be done with the means supplied. Mr. Bibinger will leave his office at the close of the present month, with the gratitude of the relatives and friends of the helpless men and women confided to his care and the thanks of the public generally. Lake Shore Times, Dec. 2, 1884

THE NEW ASYLUM. It was hoped the county board would crown the work of building the new Hospital for the insane, by taking such measures for the management as would insure complete success and meet public approval. The rules adopted are somewhat crude, but they are in the right direction, and with the amendments which experience will suggest will be all right. The trustees chosen, John Carey, Wm. Rahr, Henry Vits, Henry Goedgen and Christian Haacker are all good men and will do their part well. With regard to the superintendent chosen the board have the satisfation of knowing that their actions universally condemned by the people. The incumbent is Mr. Gus. Miller of Reedsville. It is claimed that his selection was the result of political complications, arising out of the abundant promises which have been made by members of the Court House Ring and that it was necessary he should be got out of the way before another convention was held. On the score of economy the choice was certainly a beautiful one. From the nature of the case the family of the superintendent must reside in the building and be supported from the stores provided for the institution. The size of the family ought therefore to be considered. The other candidates had families of four and five persons. This wise board passed them over and installed a family of ten in the building, enough to fill up a good sized asylum. This would be a secondary consideration however, if a superintendent thoroughly fitted for the place had been secured. There were men recommended by the State Board of Charities who had proved their fitness by years of experience, these were passed over for a man of no experience whatever. Let us hope for the sake of the unfortunate beings who will be committed to his charge that the new superintendent will disappoint public expectations and prove himself a just humane and efficient officer. Lake Shore Times, Dec. 2, 1884


A petition has been circulated and received a number of signatures to divide the third ward and create an additional ward in the city. We see nothing to be accomplished by such a proceeding except adding to the already large expense of the city goverment (sic). Lake Shore Times, Jan. 13, 1885

The Board of Trustees for the new Insane Asylum, organized by appointing Hon. John Carey chairman and Henry Vits, Secretary, Wm. Lueps Esq. was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Wm. Rahr. ******* It is expected the new asylum will be ready for the reception of patients see (sic) soon. Superintendent Miller is already on the ground, Mr. Chas. Melby has been appointed assistant in the men's department and Miss Minnie Belan of Dodge County will be matron of the women's ward. Lake Shore Times, Jan. 13, 1885

Kiel wants to become a city. A mass meeting of citizens was held the other evening and a committee appointed to take the necessary steps to procure an act of incorporation. Lake Shore Times, Feb. 3, 1885

Kiel- The legislature will soon be petitioned to grant a city charter to Kiel. Lake Shore Times, Feb. 3, 1885

NOTE: From the minutes of the County Board. The salary of the superintendent of the County Insane Asylum was raised from $800 to $900. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3


CIRCUIT COURT. Circuit Court met this morning, Judge Gilson presiding. On the calendaer there ar 17 cases of fact for jury, 9 of fact for court, 3 of law for the court and 16 criminal cases. Of the cases of fact for Jury, 3 are against the city of Manitowoc involving questions of streets or taxes, of case of fact for court, 4 are divorce suits, two of the law cases are the somewhat celebrated cases of the Towns of Manitowoc and Manitowoc Rapids against the county of Manitowoc the former involving the tax apportionment and the later the question of building bridges. The criminal calender is the largest for years, but the offenses are generally petty misdemeanors, with the exception of the Morris murder case. The calender is neither a large nor important one and unless the Morris case tried is likely to be short. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 P.2

From the Council Proceedings of Jan. 11th. 1886. Resignation of Chas. Symes as constable of the First Ward was read and accepted, all aldermen present voting aye. On motion Board proceeded to ballot for constable of the First Ward. Henry Thompson, receiving all the votes cast was declared duly elected to said office. The reports of the secretaries of the several fire companies were read announcing that the following officers were elected at the last annual meeting. Steamer No. 1. Foreman-August Dueno: Asst. Foreman-Frank Sorge Jr.; Treasurer-John F. Dumke; Secretary-Frank J. Zeman. Steamer Co. No. 2. Foreman-Gustav Streich; Asst. Foreman-Jos. Pfeffer; Secretary-Wm. Menge; Treasurer-F. Forster. Hook and Ladder Co. Foreman-John Kessen; Asst. Foreman-Aug. Schmidt; Secretary-Jos. Rok?in; Teasurer-And. Rank. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 12, 1886 P.2

Judge Gilson is presiding in Court with his usual dignity and impartiality and is disposing of the business on the Calender with great rapidity. Few judges in the State can dispose of as much business in a given time as Judge Gilson. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3

Gibson news: Owing to the scarcity of money the tax collector is obliged to go his rounds the second time. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2

Oshkosh is boring another artesian well. Every city in the state seems to have faith in this means of obtaining a water supply. We still cling to the old fashioned and expensive system of cisterns. Verily, Manitowoc is like a dogs tail, always behind. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2

Forty four licenses to sell liquors were granted by the new city council last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4

The bond of the City Treasurer for the present year was fixed by the council at fifty thousand dollars. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4


The trustees of the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum have decided to make the breeding and raising of fancy live stock a feature of the County farming in the future. They already have a number of high grade animals and excellent buildings for the handling and shelter of stock of all kinds. The move should prove a wise one. Some of the very best and most economically administered county farms in Wisconsin owe their success to their well directed scientific farming. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 22, 1898


Circuit court will meet again Monday afternoon. Judge Kirwan has sufficiently improved to enable him to preside over the court at that time. The first case on Monday will be that of Theideman versus Muth. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, January 21, 1899 P. 4

The city council will meet to-night. The meeting is compulsory owing to the fact that the warrant of the city treasurer has expired and must be renewed before the tax collections can be continued. It will be the first meeting of the "city dads" for some time and it is to be hoped that other important matters, already too long delayed, maybe accorded some consideration. That certain measures which will benefit the city have not been given a hearing is a source of general dissatisfaction and the fault is laid at the door of the council. "Wake up gentlemen." Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1899

MUST "MOVE ON." Important Legislation For the Next Meeting of the City Council. Two important ordinance are to be introduced at the next meeting of the Board of Aldermen, both of which should receive the careful attention of the city fathers. One of the ordinances provides for the macadamsing of Eight (sic) street during the coming summer. Whether a macadmized pavement will be the best thing or not is a question upon which few are definitely decided, but everybody will be glad to know that something is to be done toward improving that busy thoroughfare. The other measure that it is to be proposed is an ordinance prohibiting loafers from occupying the street corners. The nefarious practice has grown to such an extent that it is difficult for a lady to walk down the street unaccompanied on a pleasant evening or on Sunday afternoon. She is compelled to push her way through a crowd of idlers at almost every crossing and is subject to not infrequent insults. It is to be hoped that the alderman will succeed in passing an ordinance that will enable the police to compell all loafers to "move on." At the last meeting of the Board of Alderman resolutions were passed instructing the City Attorney to have both ordinances drawn up and presented at the next meeting. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 1, 1899

Petition for street cars Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 1899

Ald. Hanson says he is going to open a menagerie at the city hall and charge ten cents admission at the door. He has made a fair start already as the offices of the clerk and treasurer have been enclosed with a wire netting. It is a great improvement and is useful as well as ornamental. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 17, 1899


WILL ASK COUNTY TO PAY. City Will Object to use of Potters Feild (sic) at Cemetary (sic) Manitowoc county may be called upon to liquidate a claim for lots in the city's burying grounds, if the matter which has been taken up by aldermen is pushed by the Council. It develops that the county has been interring its pauper dead in the city's grounds at Evergreen cemetery without cost and the practice is objected to. Paupers and county charges who die at the asylum are taken to Evergreen cemetery for burial, without the city giving permission and the subject is now being investigated. A measure will come before the Council at its next session calling on the county to liquidate a claim for the lots used and it is probable that in the future the county will be asked to provide its own Potters field. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, February 24, 1904 P.1

Increase of salary will probably be granted to the clerk and register in Probate court, a communication from Judge Chloupek along this line having been presented to the board. It is cited that in comparison the work of the clerk in Probate is heavier than in the Municipal court and yet the salary of the latter office is more than twice that paid the Probate clerk. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 26, 1904 P. 1

Slight controversy arose in the session on several questions, first being the opposition to an increase to $50 in the salary of the registrar in Probate court, the committee recommending that $40 per month be paid on the contention that "a woman is not entitled to the compensation that a male could be secured for-". Probate Judge Chloupek made a personal appeal for the $50 rate and it was finally carried after considerable discussion in which Rob. Uek supported the contention of the committee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 28, 1904 P. 1

MUST PROVIDE BEDS. Hammocks Can no Longer Be Used at County Jail. Beds must be provided in the furnishing of the county jail in place of hammocks which are now in use. This which is an order of the State Board of Control, was brought to the attention of the County Board at the closing session in a communication from Gustave Kusterman, a member of the state board who was here on Friday for an inspection of the county jail and other buildings. A circular was issued by the Board of Control a year ago directing provisions that should be made for lighting, heating and sanitary at institutions was also presented, the intimation being that some changes are needed at the local jail. The communication cited that the order had previously been brought to the attention of county officers and urged that no delay be permitted in making connection especially in the matter of providing beds to replace hammocks which have been used since the jail was established. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 28, 1904 P. 1


Signature by the mayor and publication Monday made the anti-spit ordinance passed a week ago, a law and its requirements are now in force. The penalty for violation is a fine of $1 to $5 or a jail term of five days. The ordiance may be rigidly enforced. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 P.2


Bills for care of poor for the month of January, reported to the council for allowance last night totaled $704.74. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 1916

City clerk Kelley reported last night that he had received one bid of $40 for the horse of the fire chief which was advertised for sale. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 1916

C.C. Ertz, agent for the Grossteuck estate lodged a vigorous protest with the council last night on a $9 special assessment for snow shoveling about property at Twenty-third street on which the assessed valuation is $400. The special tax covered six cases of shoveling of walks and Mr. Ertz submitted data from the weather bureau offices to show that shoveling was unnecessary every time. The matter was referred. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 1916

Two or three of the coast guards at the Two Rivers station will receive increased pay this year. The officers receive an increase of 10 per cent and the men receive $1 more for every three years of service. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 15, 1916 P.2

TWO RIVERS FIXES SALARY LIST FOR YEAR City Engineer To Be Best Paid Official of City Two Rivers has fixed salaries of city officials for the coming year, the city engineer with a salary of $1300 being the best paid official. The city clerk is to receive $1000 and $600 will be paid an assistant clerk. Other salaries are: treasurer $900, police chief $780, patrolman $725, street commissioner $750, sexton $350, city attorney $500, city physician $100, fire chief $200. The mayor's contingent fund is $350 and each alderman will receive $100 for committee work. The council fixed $1540 as appropriation for the fire department, the money to be divided equally among the members. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 16, 1916

The proposed ordinance under which the city council is authorized to grant the use of half the street for storage of materials when building operations are under way, was passed by the council last night after an amendment had been adopted providing that petitioners for such privileges must hold the city blameless in case of accident or damages. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 24, 1916

The city is going to dispose of that jag of logs which has been laying at the cemetery for a year and which the council twice declined to dispose of. A resolution was introduced by Alderman Bigel last night entering into contract with August Wettenkamp for sawing the logs into lumber at the rate of $8.50 per M, Wettenkamp to make delivery of the lumber to any point the street commissioner may direct in the city. The resolution was adopted under suspension of rules. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 24, 1916

Pensions of not less than $20 a month for all union civil war veterans 70 years or more, eligible for the pension roll, are proposed in a bill favorably reported to the house on Tuesday. The measure also would increase from $12 to $20 the pension of every widow who was the lawful wife of a soldier during his service in the civil war. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, March 2, 1916 P.3

The following resolution was, upon motion, unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the price at which lot number 3, block 14, of section "K" of Evergreen cemetery, will be sold be, and the same hereby is fixed at Five Dollars ($5.00.) April 3, 1916 (signed) Arthur Schuetze. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 10, 1916 P.3

Towns boards of Eaton and Rockland have been ordered by Judge Kirwan to show cause why they failed to lay out a road ordered by commissioners named by probate court. The order was secured by Attorney C.E. Brady for petitioners for the highway which was ordered some time ago. It is said that the two boards will take action to comply with the original order. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, April 21, 1916 P.8

The council last night made formal transfer of $1,164.21 to the police pension fund, this being one per cent of license fees of the city, together with soem (sic) $900 in dog license money which the police fund gets under the law. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1916

City Sexton Pasewalk has an early start on the spring clean-up at Evergreen cemetery and the city of the dead is taking on Memorial day appearance. Labor bills aggregating $496 for the work at Evergreen were allowed by the council last night. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1916

Bills for care of poor of the city, during the month of April totaled $642.12, according to report filed with the council by Chairman Fanta of that committee last night. The amount was allowed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1916

Under authority of a resolution of the street committee in the council last night the city clerk was directed to close contracts for three tank-cars of oil with the Clark Oil company at 6 cents per gallon. The oil is for use for street oiling. Work will be started as soon as the oil is received. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1916

The council last night adopted a resolution giving Street Commissioner Vollendorf authority, in his descretion, to employ a man at a salary of not to exceed $25 per month to take charge of the dump on Franklin street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second. The commissioner may employ the man between May 1 and Oct 1 if he deems it necessary. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1916

COMPANY H'S TRAIN ORDERS ARE RECIEVED Capt. Abel Gets Orders for Movement of Troops Case of Call Train orders for Company H in event of a call to service on the Mexican border, were received by Capt. Walter Abel, commanding, Saturday, the orders being part of the general order for movement of Wisconsin troops for mobilization should a call come. Company H, in event of a call, would leave here at 6:30 in the morning on a special train of eleven coaches, picking up the Sheboygan and Fond du Lac companies en route and would reach Camp Douglas, the state reservation for mobilization, at 3:15 the same day. All details for the movement of troops in the state guard is called out, have been completed and it is said the troops could be mobilized in 12 hours time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 15, 1916 P.8

COUNTY PROBATE OFFICE GETS EXTRA CLERK AT SALARY OF $25 A MONTH, CO. BOARD SO VOTES Pleas of Attorney Lawrence Ledvina who appeared before the county board yesterday and the evident justice of the claim, won a victory for the clerk hire in the office of the probate judge, the board adopting unanimously a reprot of the committee on salaries recommending the expenditures of $25 a month for a clerk. Attoney Ledvina told of the increasing work of the office and the delays resulting because the registrar (sic) was unable to keep up with her work and the appropriation put to a vote carried. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, May 20, 1916 P.1

Two Rivers is planning to establish a playground adjacent to the city park and is negotiating to secure land for the purpose. Tennis courts, etc., will be installed. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1916 P.2

COUNCIL VOTES $1000 TO IMPROVE 2 CITY BATHING BEACHES Will Grade North Side Beach, Erect New Buildings at Both Beaches and Provide Playgound Equipment for Summer One thousand dollars was appropriated by the city council last night for improvement and equipment at the two city bathing beaches this summer. The board of health and sanitary committee will direct the expenditures, which will provide: New buildings at both beaches, including additional dressing rooms. Grading of the North Side beach and beautifying of both beaches. Installation of playground equipment, including swings and giant strides at both beaches. The beach program raised much discussion. Alderman Schuetze's resolution for purchase of swings and strides started the fuss. Ald. Schroeder protesting that the beaches were in need of new buildings and improvements before playground equipment, while Bigel questioned the wisdom of inviting children to the lake to play. Schuetze made a determined fight and finally secured passage of the measure with a limit of $300 as to cost. At the same time Ald. Schroeder, with McKeough of the sanitary committee, got through a resolution appropriating $1,000 for the beaches, this amount including cost of playground equipment. Work will be started at once on grading the north side beach and erecting the two additional buildings which will be needed. The playgound apparatus will be installed as soon as practicable. The resolution also provides for employment of an attendant at each beach at a salary not exceeding $50 per month during the season. It is expected the beaches will open July 1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 6, 1916


Quarterly report of City Sexton Pasewalk showed interment of 35 males and 39 females in Evergreen cemetery for the three months ending December 1, 1934. Manitowoc Herald Times, January 22, 1935 p.2


TO DEDICATE CUSTERDALE Program Will Be Held At Housing Sit on Oct. 18 Custerdale, government defense housing project, will be dedicated Saturday afternoon, Oct. 18, it was announced today by Ernest Suhr, housing manager. Sherwood L. Reeder, assistant director of the division of defense housing, federal works agency, will come here from Washington to take part in the ceremony. An invitation has been extended to Gov. Julius P. Heil to appear on the program. Program Not complete While the program has not yet been completed, Mr. Suhr said that speakers, in addition to Mr. Reeder and Gov. Heil, if the latter accepts the invitation, will include Mayor Martin Georgenson, a representative of the Manitowoc Ship Building company and one of the new tenants. Mayor Georgenson's suggestion of a name for the housing project was chosen by officials in Washington and the site was so designated. The program will include the raising of a flag which at one time flew over the capital building in Washington. The flag was donated to Custerdale by Congress- man Joshua L. Johns. Several tenants are expected to move into the housing site the latter part of this week, Mr. Suhr said. First to sign a lease was Bernard M. Egan, who moved his family to Manitowoc from Fond du Lac about six months ago. The family has been occupying a flat since that time. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, October 6, 1941


MANY ASSIST IN REMOVING RAIL TRACKS Legionnaires, Others Work Along Franklin Street This Afternoon Veterans of World War I, and other volunteers early this afternoon began the task of removing railroad tracks on Franklin street from 10th to 13th streets to be contributed in the Scrap Salvage campaign. Equipment needed in the operation was lent by the ship yards, North Western railroad and the city. Street department crews were on hand to repair the street as the rails are removed. Another major contribution to the scrap drive to be turned over next week are the two old World War cannons in the soldier-sailor memorial at the entrance to Evergreen cemetery. The cannons will be turned over by the city and purchased by the Manitowoc Iron and Metal company, the highest bidder. The transaction is expected to take place early next week. Top Pledge Tonnage County Chairman John Z. Means announced today that the Kingsbury Breweries company yesterday turned in 45,000 pound of miscellaneous steel scrap over and above it original pledge of 3,000 pounds on the industrial scrap campaign. The Smalley machinery company turned in an additional 12,170 pounds. Revised figures on the scrap collection put Manitowoc's total on the house-to-house pickup to 465,000 pounds, Mr. Means said. The county total collected and pledged to date is 1,304,000 pounds. A national scrap drive conducted by the nation's newspapers went into its last seven days encouraged by incomplete and unofficial reports which showed a total of 705,461 tons collected in the leading 24 states. This represented 32.5 pounds per person. Will Be Moved Richard W. Slocum, general chairman of the Newspapers' United Scrap MCetal (sic) drive, reiterated the pledge of Donald M. Nelson, War Production board chairman that all scrap metal collected would be moved, processed and made available to steel mills. Nelson said that if the usual channels were not able to handle the flood of scrap quickly, the government would, if necessary, itself buy the scrap and start processing. Figures on shipments of dormant scrap from Wisconsin industrial plants during September, announced by Harvey T. Hill, Chicago regional director of salvage for the WPB, showed 31,081 tons of all types of salvage material collected during the month. Of this 21,375 tons were of iron and steel. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, October 10, 1942 P. 4

Resolution introduced by Aldermen Hansen, Zagrodnik, and Randolph that the two old style French cannons located on North 18th Street opposite the Evergreen Cemetery be turned over to the salvage committee for scrap metal, was referred to the Committee on Cemetery and Parks. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, October 9, 1942 P. 11 ***** Old Cannon Turned In, Used For Scrap The two World War I cannons that stood along the boulevards at the entrance to Evergreen cemetery have been turned in for scrap. The cannons were taken to the yards of the Manitowoc Iron and Metal Company behind street department trucks where each weighed in at 4,000 pounds. A check for $48 has been given the city and disposition of this sum will be decided upon by the council at its next meeting. The council followed the recommendation of its Cemetery and Parks Committee on Oct. 5 and voted to turn the cannon in for scrap. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, October 17, 1942 P. 4