Development of law enforcement.


Sheriff Sale. T.W. Baker & E.D. Beardsley, doing business under the name and style of Baker and Beardsley, VS. Christoph Weidner. By virtue of one execution issuing out of the Circuit Court for Manitowoc county against the goods and chattels lands and tenaments of Christoph Weidner in my bailwick I have seized and taken the following described real Estate the property of said Christoph Weidner, to wit: The North East one fourth of the North East one fourth of Sec. thirty five (35) Town nineteen (19) Range twenty-three (23) East containing Forty acres of Land, be the same more or less, situated in the Town of Manitowoc Rapids County of Manitowoc, which, I shall sell at public vendue to the highest bidder at the Store of K.K. Jones in the village of Manitowoc on Tuesday the 5th day of July, A.D. 1853. D.H. Van Valkenburgh, Sheriff. Manitowoc, May, 21st 1853 Manitowoc County Herald, Saturday, August 13, 1853 P.4


MARSHAL'S OFFICE Village of Manitowoc, July 1 '58 (1858) Persons engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors are notified that they must procure their licenses immediately, as it is my intention to enforce the law regulating the sale without partiality. A receipt for the payment of the license money is not sufficient unless a bond is filed after being approved by the Board of Trustees. Those interested please notice. S.W. SMITH, Village Marshal. The Daily Tribune, July 3, 1858


Sheriff Murphy appointed Frank Zeman of this city undersheriff, as deputies he appointed Fred. Quinstorff of Mishicott, John McCulley of Clark's Mills, Dennis Sheahan of Maple Grove, Henry Smith will be jailor. Lake Shore Times, Jan. 13, 1885


Why don't our Marshal and city police put on some style and show up in uniform like those of other large cities. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 27, 1886 P.4


With one exception the members of the City police force are now provided with handsome new uniform overcoats. The force will make a great showing in the parade to be held in May in connection with the convention of German Catholic societies of the state. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 26, 1904 P. 4


SCHOOL DAYS FOR DRIVERS OF AUTOS END, POLICE TO PROSECUTE ALL VIOLATORS; TWO IN ONE DAY Police officers are getting busy in enforcement of the rules of the road ordinance and following a week's instruction to drivers by police officers stationed at busy corners, arrests are being made. Two offendors were in municipal court yesterday and each paid $5.01 as a penalty. L.E. Wedertz, who has just returned from a trip to Chicago and says he drove 200 miles in that city without seeing a cop, was charged with driving on the wrong side of the highway on Tenth street and settled. Dr. Louis Falge paid up when told that he had violated the law in turning a corner short. Alex Reinhold who was charged with disturbing the peace Sunday night was fined $5 and costs. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.1


The new Harley Davidson motorcycle and side car for the police department was delivered today. The new cycle is equipped with balloon tires, a siren and a police sign in addition to a special speedometer and lights. Manitowoc Herald News, May 8, 1925


Somebody wants to know do we see what they do - a number of 1926 license plates? Sure, even the police admit they are here and their eyesight is notoriously bad. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, June 23, 1927 p.3 ***** The police received a report yesterday that boys were swimming in the river at the high bridge and were not properly attired in bathing suits. The boys had completed their baths before the police could arrive on the scene. The high bridge is now within city limits. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, June 23, 1927