Fred. Borcherdt has been appointed Post Master at Manitowoc Rapids, a fact which we should have noticed before had we known it. Manitowoc County Herald, July 9, 1853
POST OFFICE REMOVAL.-Post Master Wood has just completed his new building on Franklin Street, which he has planned and constructed expressly for a Post Office. A large addition has been made to the number of boxes, corresponding with the increased demand, and the plan for delivering letters is most convenient and accessible. The Post office will be removed on Monday and the public will only need to test the new arrangement, which is good in itself, and creditable ??? ?? the project and the ????. Manitowoc County Herald Manitowoc, Aug. 6, 1853
Post Office. Manitowoc, Wis., March 29th 1855. By virtue of an Act passed at the last session of Congress postage on all letters between places in the United States must be pre-paid from and after the 1st day of April next. S.A. Wood, P.M. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 5, 1855
B.J. Van Valkenburgh has been appointed Post Master at Two Rivers vice C.B. Dagget removed. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 12, 1855
C.? Daggert has been reappointed Postmaster at Two Rivers, vice B.J. Van Valkenburgh removed. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855
A new Post Office has been established in the town of Newton in this County and Henry Meyer appointed Post Master. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855
We learn that Mr. Adam Bleser has been appointed Postmaster at Manitowoc Rapids, vice F. Borcherdt, resigned. Manitowoc Tribune, Nov. 22, 1855
A new post office has been established at Clark's Mills, and Thos. Cunningham appointed Postmaster. Manitowoc Tribune, Nov. 22, 1855
Post Office Removal. The undersigned, always a democrat, and as such, appointed Postmaster under the present Democratic Administration, has been removed by the same authority, without the petition or concurring wishes of the people, simply for the faithful discharge of official duty, and non-in-ter-meddling with politics. The Post Office will be removed to the William's House, opposite, where his successor, Mr. Wittman, will serve its patrons on and after the 4th., of February next. S.A. WOOD, Ex-Postmaster. Manitowoc, January 29th, 1856 Manitowoc Tribune, Jan. 31, 1856
A new Post Office has been Established (sic) at Francis Creek and G.W. Burnett appointed Postmaster. Manitowoc Tribune, Feb. 14, 1856
Post Route Re-Established.-Post Master P?r???t at Francis Creek informs us that he has succeeded in making a contract for carrying the mail under authority of the special instructions of the Department, & the carrier will commence his weekly service on Saturday next. The route will be a great accommodation to our Kossuth friends. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 10, 1856
A new Post Office has been established at Neshota and A. Raymond Esq. has been appointed Postmaster. Mail service from Two Rivers three times per week, to commence immediately. Manitowoc Tribune, May 29, 1856
Post Office Notice. Winter Arangements. The Post Office will be open every day from 8 until 12 o'clock A.M. and from 1 until 8 o'clock P.M. Sundays from 8 until 9 o'clock A.M. The Southern mail will be closed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 o'clock A.M. The Northern mail will be closed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays, at 2 o'clock P.M. The Chilton and Fond du Lac mail will be closed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 o'clock A.M. The Menasha and Waupaca mail will be closed on Monday at 6 o'clock, A.M. The Francis Creek mail will be closed on Saturday at 2 o'clock P.M. Adolph Witman, P.M. Manitowoc, Wis. December 1, 1857. The Daily Tribune, May 31, 1858
SLOW MAILS. The mails to Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Manitowoc and upper lake ports, now go by horse conveyance. If they could be sent by the boat, the cities up the lake would get their mail from here the same day, instead of from one to three days later as by the present arrangement.-Milwaukee News. We are glad that the fact stated by the News is being made public, and are satisfied that if our people should stir in the matter, our mail arrangement would be innediately improved. Manitowoc Pilot, Aug. 19, 1859
NEW MAIL SERVICE.—The mail service between Two Rivers and Kewaunee has been increased from semi-weekly to tri-weekly, to take effect form the 15th of this month. Good news for our friends on this route, and for the very obliging mail carrier, Geo. Kessler. When the Lake Shore road is built to this point, we will undoubtedly have a daily mail to and from Kewaunee. Mr. Keeler requests us to say, what we all know, that he has excellent and comfortable conveniences for the increasing travel on this route, and as the roads are becoming better every day and his charges very reasonable, we don't know why the public should not continue and increase their patronage. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3
DAILY MAIL FROM MANITOWOC TO NEW LONDON.—Orders were received today by the Secretary of the A. & N.L. Co. to arrange for the transmission of a daily mail to and from Manitowoc and New London via Appleton. The arrangement will probably go into effect in July. Another of the advantages accruing from the building of the Manitowoc railroad. —Appleton Times, 13th. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 18, 1872 pg. 3
The postage on a single copy of the Chronicle is now only one cent. By a recent act of congress the postage on newspapers and circulars weighing less than two ounces is one cent. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 3
KEWAUNEE.—The Enterprise says that the lake shore road, from John Borgman's in Kewaunee, to Taylor and Beech's in Carlton, is to be put in passable condition, which will shorten the mail route to Two Rivers nearly two miles. Work on the Carlton end will commence in a week or so. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 3
The American Express Govt office at Two Rivers has been removed from the depot to the Lake House, where all express matter will hereafter be received and delivered during usual office hours. Goods to be forwarded by morning express train should be delivered at the office by 6 o'clock p.m. the day before. H.S. PIERPONT, Agt. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), May 11, 1875
The P.O. is receiving a new coat of paint. Some more patent boxes are also being put in. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 1, 1881 P. 1
Kellnersville news: We are in a very backward condition in regard to mail matters. Mails come here once a week, on Friday, at 11 A.M. By this arrangement, we receive our mail (Co. mails excepted) one week behind time. Probably the Post Office Department thinks that Franklin has not a reading class within her borders. But this is not the case; we read "Grattan's Famous Reply to Corry" and others too numerous to mention. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 14, 1882 P. 4
Riley Olsen is the new postmaster at Clarks Mills. He is genial and competent and will make a popular officer. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 23, 1884 P. 2
Clarks Mills/Cato Clarks Mills news: Mr. John Schuls will be our next mail carrier between Cato Corners and Clark's Mill. Lake Shore Times, Feb. 3, 1885
Niles news: On account of hard times two post office setters in this city have been discharged and, we are informed six more will have to go the first of next month. Lake Shore Times, Feb. 3, 1885
St. Nazianz news: The post office at this place has undergone considerable improvement, and is now fitted out in first class style. Mr. Baumgartner who has been P.M. from time out of mind is a faithful and accomodating official. Lake Shore Times, May 12, 1885
Adolph Piening Esq. has at last received notice of his appointment as Postmaster and will soon receive his commission and enter upon his duties. So far as the Republicans are concerned the appointment of Mr. Piening is satisfactory. Of course there are some of our Democratic brethren who think some one else might, could, would or should have been appointed had the claims of the staunch workers in that party been properly considered. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 14, 1885 P.2
Oswald Puespe has been appointed postmaster at Kiel, and John Junk will be postmaster at School Hill. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3
The Two Rivers Postoffice (sic) squabble has been settled by the appointment of N. Niquette vice W. Conine deaceased. The appointment was made on Wednesday last. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 19, 1886 P.3
Two Rivers news: Mr. Niquette took charge of the post office at this place last week. Miss Ella Conine will act as asistant until April 1st. when Mr. Niquette's daughter Lucy, who is teaching the Grammar Department of our public shool will take her place. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 23, 1886 P.2
A civil service examination will be held in the Third ward high school at 9 o'clock to-morrow (sic) morning. The position for which applicants are to be examined are post office clerk and carrier. The examining board consists of Miss Ida Engels, Fred Rockhoff and Richard Rudolph. There are six applicants to be examined. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
A new postoffice has been established at Riefs Mills. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
Ben. O'Connor and Wm. Dusold are acting as substitute mail carriers to day in the place of Richard Rudolph and Fred Rockhoff who are serving on the board of civil service examiners to-day. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 22, 1898
Chief Clerk Dickermann of the United States postal service, was in town today to examine Jefferson Wright, the Wisconsin Central route agent. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 10, 1898
GET NEEDED INCREASE. Rural Mail Carriers Pay Raised to $720 Per Annum. Increase of rural mail carriers wages which was made the substance of a bill before the legislature, has been granted and after July 1 next all carriers will receive a salary of $720 a year, or $60 per month. A previse attached, however is that after that date they shall not solicit business or receive orders of any kind, from any person, firm or corporation, and shall not during their hours of employment carry any merchandise for hire. Carries may carry merchandise for hire for and upon the request of patrons residing upon their respective routes, whenever the same shall not interfere with the proper discharge of their official duties. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, March 28, 1904 P. 1