Development of the county road and city street systems


THE SOUTH SIDE RAPIDS ROAD.- This road is now nearly completed, in accordance with the amended charter. From the corporate limits to the River Bridge it is thrown up from 2 to 2 1/2 feet high, with side ditches 2 feet wide, and culverts are place at short intervals the entire distance, with drains of sufficient length to carry the water away from the road. The hill east of the first ravine bridge has been cut down so as to form a gentle grade, and that between the second ravine and river bridges has been graded so as to give a wide passage and an easy ascent. The work has been done in the very best manner, under the direction of Chester Buel, and has been pursued with great expedition, evincing more skill than is usually seen in improvements of this character. The road will be finished in two or three days, to its junction with Franklin street, where it will doubtless be met with the enterprise characteristic of the south siders. Manitowoc County Herald, Aug. 6, 1853

Improvement of Sixth Street.- Commissioner Fellows is doing a good job on 6th Street. An appropriation of three hundred dollars is being expended to advantage in raising the lower portion, grading the school house hill, and brdging (sic) the ravine. The work will be completed this week from the river to the corporate limits, where it intersects the recently located Two Rivers road. Manitowoc County Herald, Aug. 13, 1853


The owners of Lots and real Estate bounding both sides of Eighth Street in the first ward of the Village of Manitowoc, viz; Samuel L. Hinckley, E. Durgin & Co., E. Ricker, Samuel Williams, August Richter, S.A. Wood, _____, F. Riedrich, Clark & Camp, G. Kremer, John Shutte, Wm. Bach, Chas. Esslinger, and all other persons interested, are hereby severally notified that the sum of One hundred and Twenty five Dollars has been levied on such lots and real estate for the purpose of improving said street, from the river to Washington street. And that they are required to pay in labor materials or money, the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and descriptions of real estate for the raising of the sum aforesaid, within twenty days after the 29th day of July inst. Manitowoc, July 5th 1854. Chester Buel St. Com. 1st Ward. Manitowoc Tribune, July 29, 1854


Notice-The owners of Lots and Real Estate bounding both Sides of Jay Street between Eighth and Fifth streets are hereby notified that the sum of three hundred dollars has been levied on such lots and Real Estate for the purpose of improving said Street, and that they are required to pay in labor materials or money the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and description of Real Estate, within twenty days after the 18th day of May inst. Fred. Poser, Street Com. 1st Ward. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855

Notice-The owners of Lots and Real Estate, bounding both sides of Franklin Street between the Corporation line and the Lake are herby (sic) notified that the sum of Three Hundred Dollars has been levied on such lots and Real Estate for the purpose of improving said street; and that they are required to pay in materials, labor or money the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and description of Real Estate, within twenty days after the 18th day of May inst. Fred. Poser, Street Com. 1st Ward. Manitowoc Tribune, May 17, 1855

The office of the Street Commissioner of the first Ward will be found in the Store of J.F. Zinns, South Side of the River. Manitowoc, May 10, 1855 Fred. Poser Manitowoc Tribune, May 24, 1855

The owners of lots and real estate bounding both sides of Seventh Street in the Second Ward, and between Commercial Street and the North corporate limits of the Village, are hereby notified that the sum of eight hundred dollars has been levied on said lots and real estate for the purpose of improving said Seventh Street, and they are hereby requested to pay the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and real estate, in labor, material, or money within twenty days after the day of June inst. Manitowoc June 7th 1855. J. Bennett, Street Commissioner, Second Ward. Manitowoc Tribune, June 7, 1855

Notice-The owners of lots and real estate bounding both sides of Quay street, in the first Ward, and between Eighth and Main streets, are hereby notified that the sum of two hundred dollars has been levied on said lots and real estate for the purpose of improving said Quay street, and they are hereby requested to pay the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and real estate, in labor, materials or money within twenty days after the 16th day of July inst. George Dusold, Street Com. of 1st, Ward. Manitowoc, July 16, 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, July 26, 1855


Changes in the Village Plot. At a special meeting of the Village Board held Feb. 16th 1856, it was unaumously (sic) Resolved, that the new map of the Village of Manitowoc as completed by F. Solomon by order of the Board, with the vacation of Block 186 and parts of Blocks 183, 184, 185 for the purpose of enlarging the basin in the Manitowoc River at that point; the straightening of Chicago St., through Blocks 148, 149, 151 together with the enlargement of the corporate limits of the Village, as per specifications be cordially and universally approved and that after its legislation it be properly recorded in the Registers office. The above change in the Town plot will we think give universal satisfaction, and the future will prove the wisdom and foresightedness of the present Board in making it. The time is rapidly approaching when we shall want all of the space which has been vacated and much more besides. The enlargement of the corporate limits takes in the vacant space between Main and 17th St. Manitowoc Tribune, Feb. 28, 1856

At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the town of Eaton, Manitowoc County, held at the house of S.D. Clark, it was unanimously RESOLVED, That the people of this town feel a deep interest in the early completion of the Manitowoc and Calumet Village Plank Road; and to that end we pledge a large stock subscription from the individual citizens of this town and also, if necessary, the credit of the town, to the amount of $10,000. Resolved, That the Hon. C.H. Walker, member of Assembly from this County, be requested to procure the passage of a law by the legislature at its session in September next, authorizing a vote of the people of this town upon the question of loaning its credit to aid in the construction of said road- Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Manitowoc papers. S.D. CLARK Ch'm, A. PETERSON, FRED. GERSTER, Supervisors. Attest, Ole Olesen, Town Clerk Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 17, 1856

M.T.R. & M. Plank Road It is gratifying to be able to inform our readers that the energy of some of the leading citizens of our County has set on foot a project for an abatement of the nuisance commonly known as the Manitowoc and Two Rivers Road. Convinced of the importance of a communication between the different parts of the County, vigorous efforts have been made for the formation of a Plank Road Co., the Charter has been procured, the preliminary steps taken for organizing the Company, and the notices of the opening of the Subscription Books will be found in another column. The project is in the hands of energetic and capable men, and it is one which appeals to the enterprise of all public spirited citizens in this County. Let every one do his share, and the work is accomplished. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 24, 1856

Manitowoc, Two Rivers and Mishicott Plank Road. The books of subscription to the capital stock of the Manitowoc, Two Rivers and Mishicott Plank Route Co. will be opened on the 7th day of May inst, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day at the Store of P. Glover, Manitowoc, at the Store of Aldrich, Smith & Co, Two Rivers, and at the Store of Smith & Van Valkenburgh, Mishicott. P. Glover, Wm. Bach, C. Gilbert, Dan'l Smith, Alfred Smith, L.S. House, H.H. Smith, H.C. Hamilton, Commissioners. At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Manitowoc, Two Rivers and Mishicott Plank Road Co., held in Manitowoc, on the 17th inst., Col P. Glover was called to the chair, and H.C. Hamilton appointed Secretary-when, on motion, it was resolved that notice be given in the papers printed at Manitowoc, that the Books of Subscription to the Capital Stock of the Manitowoc, Two Rivers and Mishicot Plank Road Co. will be opened on the 7th day of May next, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the store of P. Glover, in Manitowoc; at the store of Aldrich, Smith and Co., in Two Rivers; and at the store of Smith and Van Valkenburgh, in Mishicott. P. Glover, Ch'm. H.C. Hamilton, Sec'y. Manitowoc, April 17, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, Apr. 24, 1856

Notice. The owners of lots and real estate bounding both sides of Main street, between the river and the village line, are hereby notified that the sum of five hundred dollars has been levied on said lots and real estate, for the purpose of improving said street, and that they are required to pay in materials, labor or money, the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and real estate, within twenty days after the 7th of May, 1856. George Dusold, Street Commissioner 1st ward. Manitowoc, May 6th, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, May 8, 1856

Update on Money for Plank Rd. Mr. S.D. Clark informs us that over $20,000 have been subscribed to the capital stock of the Manitowoc and Calumet P.R. Co. Manitowoc Tribune, May 8, 1856

Notice is hereby given to the owners of real estate, bounding both sides of Franklin St., between Lake Michigan and Eleventh sts., in the first ward of the village of Manitowoc that sidewalks have been ordered in front of said lots, by special ordinance of the Board of Village Trustees of said Village, passed, May 5th, 1856, and that the owners of said lots are required to construct the same upon the established grade, within forty days from the date of the passage of said Ordinance. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance, the Street Commissioners are authorized to construct said sidewalk and collect the expense and cost of same by special tax upon the property of real estate owners who shall fail to complete the side walks within the time above specified. CHAS ROESER, Village Clerk. Manitowoc, May 10, 1856 Manitowoc Tribune, May 15, 1856

Street Commisioner (sic) Buell is grading and paving Eighth Street in a style which has no precedent in the improvement of Streets in Manitowoc. The work is done in the best manner and is ample proof of the practicability of the fixed grade. York Street has also been graded and its appearance has been greatly improved. The street Commissioners are not only men of energy but they are thoroughly practical.We also notice other improvements in the shape of sidewalks and hope that they will become common throughout the village. Manitowoc Tribune, June 26, 1856

The owners of lots and real estate, both sides of Jay street, between Eighth and Main streets, in the village of Manitowoc, are hereby notified that the sum of $600 has been levied on said lots and real estate, for the purpose of improving said street, and that they are requested to pay in materials, labor or money, the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and real estate within twenty days after the 10th day of July next. GEORGE DUSOLD, Street Commissioner. Manitowoc, June 25, 1856. Manitowoc Tribune, June 26, 1856

The owners of the lots and real estate, both sides of Ninth street, between the river and the corporation line, in the village of Manitowoc, are hereby notified that the sum of $1000 has been levied on said lots and real estate, for the purpose of improving said street, and that they are requested to pay in materials, labor or money, the amount of tax levied upon each of their lots and real estate within twenty days after the 16th day of July. GEORGE DUSOLD, Street Commissioner. Manitowoc, July 16. 1856.

Manitowoc Tribune, July 17, 1856


STREET COMMISSONERS NOTICE. THE OWNERS of Lots and Real estate bounding the south side of Franklin Street between Main and Fifth Street in the first ward of the Village of Manitowoc, Wm. Bach, S.A. Wood, N. Wollmer, J. Lueps, H. Berney, O. Koch, and all other interested, are hereby severally notifed that the sum of One Thousand Dollars has been levied on said Lots and Real Estate, for the purpose of grading and planking a side walk, to be graded fifteen feet wide, and to be planked not less than five feet wide and they are required to pay in labor, materials or money the amount levied upon each of their lots and description of Real Estate for the raising of the sum aforesaid, within twenty days after this date. R.H. HOES, Street Commissioner, 1st Ward. Manitowoc, May 28, 1858. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, June 1, 1858 P. 3

NOTICE. The owners of Lots and real estate lying on both sides of Twelfth Street and the Corporation line are hereby notified that the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars has been levied on said lots for improving said street, and that they are required to pay, in Labor Materials or Money the amount of tax levied within Twenty days after the date hereof. Manitowoc, May 21st 1858. CHARLES HUKOHL. Street Commissoner 3d Ward. The Daily Tribune, June 3, 1858


The owners of property on York street are still improving the looks of it. We notice now that the buildings on the south side of it are being raised up to the established grade, and preparations made for the construction of a good side-walk. Manitowoc Pilot, Aug. 19, 1859

GOOD STREETS.—We see that the street between Williams' Hotel and the Post Office, and further west, is being covered with the cement gravel that abounds in the vicinity-the free use of which in our village has given us better streets than can be found in any city or village in the west. We as "In town and out of it" of the Milwaukee News to pay us a visit, and take a drive through our town, and if he will not swear that Manitowoc has better streets than the city he inhabits, notwithstanding all its cost of paving, we will give him our hat-fur. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P. 2

SIDE WALKS.—We have some excellent side walks in our village, but not all that our own personal convenience requires.-We wish walks to be extended along 7th and 8th streets, from York to Park streets, and as we have no property on these streets, we are safe in urging the village authorities to levy a sufficient tax for the purpose. -Will J.E. Platt and Judge Reed object? Though they would have to pay the greatest amount of the expense, we hope they will not refuse, after knowing our wishes in the premises. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, December 2, 1859 P. 3


The board of Aldermen have wisely ordered a ditch to be dug on 17th street, 3d Ward, to drain the swamp on the south of Washington street and to prevent the accumulation of water on 14th street in case of heavy rains. If these ditches, now ordered or already lately dug, had been done ten years ago, the inhabitants of that Ward would have saved thousands of dollars that have been squandered on 14th street, and leaving that street still in a worse condition than before any improvements were made on it. Manitowoc Tribune, July 27, 1871


We are informed that about one thousand dollars will be expended this season on the road leading to Mishicott. This highway to the town line will be made to resemble Washington street, in the village, as nearly as possible, and when completed, will make one of the best roads in this or any other county. We propose as soon as we get a little settled, (we have been moving) to make a trip up through Mishicott, Gibson, Cooperstown, and other towns in the county, and lay before the readers of The Chronicle the result of our observations in each town. We believe this has never been done, systematically, and we propose to get about it before our job work becomes so pressing as to prevent. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3

Good News For Manitowoc and Two Rivers.—We had the solemn promise of Robert McGavin, the other day, that, as soon as planting is over this spring, he will resume work on the Two Rivers and Manitowoc road, and soon have this end in the same capital condition as the Manitowoc end. It will then be seen whether our city fathers of both places will do their whole duty in regard to this important thoroughfare by making the road what it should be into and through their respective corporate limits. We can assure "Mac" that he can engage in no more promising speculation in a pecuniary point of view than to redeem the above promise. He will then receive a dozen tolls where he now does one, and he will be able to distinguish between a "cheerful giver" and those who now consider it the rankest injustice to be obliged to pay at all. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 14, 1872 pg. 3

THE MANITOWOC ROAD.—The work of graveling the road from Two Rivers to Manitowoc were commenced by Mr. McGavin, last week, as promised. When this needed improvement is finished it will make one of the pleasantest drives in the whole county, particularly during the summer months. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3

We notice that our town authorities have commenced graveling the road to Picnic hill, on the east side of the East river. This road received a coating of clay last year, almost to the cemetery, and when covered properly with gravel, will make a desirable improvement. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3

The town authorities met at Mr. Goedgen's hotel last Saturday, and we understand, perfected arrangements for claying and graveling the road past the cemetery to the Mishicott town line. Several hundred dollars have been voluntarily subscribed, which, added to the amount appropriated at the last town meeting, will, we believe, transform one of the poorest, most killing-to-horse-flesh roads in the county, into one of the very best. With this road, what it ought to be, and what it will be, and the lake shore road to Manitowoc improved as contemplated, our neighbors in Mishicott and other northern towns having occasion to visit Manitowoc will be sure to come by the way of Two Rivers. We shall be glad of an occasional glimpse of their friendly countenances even though it be only "in transit." The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 11, 1872 pg. 3

Manitowoc expended $50,000, instead of $20,000 as stated by the Appleton Crescent, in graveling and improving her streets last year. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3

The work of claying and graveling the road leading to Mishicott has been commenced, and goes bravely on. We perceive, also, that Robert McGavin is serving the Manitowoc road in the same way with such vigor as to five reasonable hope that before many days we can get from Two Rivers to Manitowoc—five miles—without a change of horses. We sometimes think that gravel wagon roads are almost as beneficial as railroads. We hope that Two Rivers will try the experiment of having both. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1872 pg. 3

KEWAUNEE.—The Enterprise says that the lake shore road, from John Borgman's in Kewaunee, to Taylor and Beech's in Carlton, is to be put in passable condition, which will shorten the mail route to Two Rivers nearly two miles. Work on the Carlton end will commence in a week or so. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1872 pg. 3


Street Commissioner Schimpf has had Eighth street cleaned, to the great satisfaction of farmers and others who ride on wheels. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 4, 1881 P.1

The roads being bottomless, farmers are unable to bring their wheat to market, and in consequence of the scarcity of wheat our mills are not running. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 8, 1881 P. 1

Two Rivers news: Bad roads do not appear to check the tide of travel from this place northward. The Kewaunee stage started out from here on Saturday morning with ten passengers on board. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 27, 1881 P. 4


Eaton news: Roads are in such poor condition, that it is almost impossible to travel. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 28, 1882 P. 4

NOTICE TO BUILD SIDEWALK Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen on the 10th day of April, 1882, notice is hereby given to the owners of the lots, or parcels of land fronting on the west side of Eleventh street, between Washington and Franklin streets, that a sidewalk must be built on the west side of said street, within ten days from the first publication of this notice, and at the proper cost and charge of such owners. Such sidewalk must be built in conformity to the ordinance regulating the building of sidewalks. If such work is not done within the time and in the manner described in this notice, the undersigned will cause the same to be done by letting the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and charge the expense thereof to the lot or lots properly chargeable therewith. Dated, Manitowoc April 25, 1882. Hans Hanson, St. Com. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 1


Twenty miles of the Lake Shore road has been graded east from Ashland, and five miles of track is about to be laid west from the Montreal river. The ends of the track will be joined early next season and then Manitowoc will be in direct connection with Lake Superior and the North Pacific. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, December 23, 1884 P.3


Mrs. D.S. Conley has taken charge of the toll gate on the plank road again and has resumed her residence there. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 11, 1885 P.3


Gibson news: Owing to the bad roads it is almost impossible for the stage to make its daily trips. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2


A street car line will probably be the next metropolitan convenience to be agitated for our city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899

THE TOWN BOOMING. Two New Additions To Be Made To the City. Mrs. Shipper has had her property northwest of the city on the south side of Michigan avenue platted and laid out in lots. It will hereafter be known as the Shipper addition. The land is high and will make a desirable location for residences as soon as the city grows a little farther out in that direction. Mr. Thomas Torrison is planning to have the land known as the old Markham property laid out in city lots to form a new addition to the city. The property lies just north of the city on the extension of North Eleventh street and is a very pretty site. At present Manitowoc is one of the most compact cities in the state, but with the constant addition of beautiful localities for buildings, it will soon spread out over more territory. This will have a tendency to lower the price of city lots. As soon as the city is large enough to afford street car lines the spreading out will progress more rapidly and yield some handsome returns to land speculators. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 26, 1899

JUST SEE THE FINISH. Wave of Progress Has Struck the Town and Eighth St. Will Be Paved. DISCOUNTS KANSAS CYCLONE Petition Circulated Is Being Signed and Business Are Enthusiastic— What Should Be Done First. A petition is now being circulated among the property owners on Eighth street asking for a pavement on that thoroughfare. This petition has received many signers on the South side and to-day was circulated on the north side where it was quite generally signed. The proposed pavement is to extend over a distance of about ten blocks. This is one of the most important of the several questions to come before the new council and will be very carefully considered by that body. It being the first pavement to be laid in Manitowoc everyone is naturally more or less interested. No one questions the need of such improvment. No city of its size in Wisconsin except Manitowoc is absolutely without any paved streets. Eighth street will be paved. The majority of the property owners demand it and the present council favors granting their request. The aldermen however take the most sensible view of the matter and will grant the petition only when the street is in proper shape for such improvement. To lay an expensive pavement only to tear it up a little later to make other iprovements would be a most foolish waste of money. Sewer mains and gas mains with laterals to each lot, and other underground improvements are bound to come in the near future. It is understood that the council also favors having all telegraph, telephone and electric light wires placed underground. Until this work is done no paving should be laid and this is the view which the council takes of the matter.This does not necessarily mean that the paving will be delayed for several years. The HERALD is able to state on very good authority that H.F. Witcomb, of Milwaukee, president of the Wisconsin Central road will ask the council for a gas franchise in the near future. Manitowoc people have great confidence in Mr. Witcomb and a suitable franchise granted to him would meet with general approval. Franchises for a street railway and a new telephone line are also awaiting the action of the new council. Until these improvements are made, until a suitable sewer has been laid, until gas, waters and sewer laterals are laid at least to the curb in front of every lot, not an inch of paving should be laid. Other cities have passed through this experience, thousands of dollars have been thrown away and Manitowoc should profit by their experiences. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899

Street commissioner Lange intends that Manitowoc shall keep up with the procession. He had a force of men at work yesterday cleaning the gutters of ice and dirt on Eighth street and the appearance of the thoroughfare is much improved in consequence. He should bear in mind that there are other places in the city that a little work in the same direction wouldn't injure in the least. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 14, 1899

A cement sidewalk is being put in on Franklin street in front of the Pea Packing Co's plant. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 5, 1899

The committee on parks and cemetery is having the cemetery cleaned and the drives and paths put in proper condition. In addition to this work, many individuals are beautifying their lots and a great deal is being accomplished. The grounds will present a very attractive and beautiful appearance on Memorial day. The speakers stand is also being repaired and the seating capacity increased. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 8, 1899

The work of replanking Eighth street bridge was commenced this afternoon. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 13, 1899


Cement sidewalks are being laid on the south side of Franklin street between Main and Eleventh streets. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 1, 1901, p. 2


THREATENS A SUIT. William Sieker to Bring Action Against City if Streets Are Not Fixed. Residents and business people living on Park street are up in arms on account of that thoroughfare between Ninth and Tenth street. Imperfect drainage causes the water to stand in the street for a depth of six or seven inches and it thus remains well nigh impassible until the moisture is evaporated. At times a positive stench arises on account of the existing conditions and the unsanitary result, is a menace to good health. Complaint is made by William Sieker who threatens suit against the city if the matter is not attended to at once. It is said that a lowering of the grade at the corner of Ninth street will remedy the evil. Merchants allege that their trade is much impaired on account of the poor condition of the streets. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 30, 1904 P. 1


Cooperstown news: Quite a number of people in this locality are dissatisfied with the road work that is being done on the Maribel road. The roads are all heavily graveled, and farmers who haul their grain to market are forced to take the ditch, and when passing cross corners, a few got stuck with their loads in the gravel, causing trouble and delay. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 25, 1916

Street Commissioner Vollendorf has a large force of men at work cleaning the downtown streets of the accumulation of winter ice and dirt and for the next two weeks the street crew will have a busy time of it. The starting of work on the streets brings real thoughts of spring. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 29, 1916 P. 3

MAYOR SIGNS CONTRACT FOR PAVING TODAY Franklin street will be paved with brick from curb to curb, including the space between the Northwestern tracks. Eighth street will have asphalt pavement and the Traction company will be assessed between its tracks. This was determined today when Mayor Stolze attached his signature to contracts for the paving on Eighth, Franklin and Thirteenth streets, the Eighth street contract to Rasmussen company of Oshkosh and the Franklin and Thirteenth street contracts to the Murphy company of this city. The signing of contracts closes the paving controversy with the Northwestern and Traction companies. The city may be forced to litigation on the paving between the tracks of the Traction company, which will be assessed for the cost. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 6, 1916 P. 1

PAVING WORK FRANKLIN ST. STARTS SOON Murphy Co. Unloading Brick For Contract on Two Streets Work on paving of Franklin street, from Eighth to Sixteenth, will be started next week by the Murphy Construction company, which was awarded the contract for Franklin and Thirteenth streets. Four carload of brick, which will be used on the streets, has been received and work of unloading was started by the Murphy company today. The company published an advertisement for laborers and will place a large crew of men on the job. It is expected that Rasmussen & Sons of Oshkosh, who have the contract for asphalt paving on North Eighth street, will start work in a short time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 12, 1916 P. 1

Ald. Schillen wants the city to build a garage for its gasoline machine, the street roller. He objected to having the roller left on Fifteenth street every night. The street committee said that the engineer took the machine home with him for protection and to watch it, as boys tampered with it. No action was taken. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1916

The Murphy Construction company is making rapid progress on the work of excavating for the Franklin street paving and will be ready to start the concrete work in a day or two on three blocks, from Eighth to Eleventh streets. The roller is at work between Eighth and Tenth to lay in preparation of the street. City officials are anxious to get North Eighth street under way also. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 26, 1916 P.3