GABRIEL, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Gabriel to Mary Dworak 40 acres sec 16 and 20 acres sec 21 Two Creeks. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899GACA, PETER - buyer Hathaways to Peter Gaca lots 3-6-7 blk 3 Hathaway sub Two Rivers, $300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 P.2
GAEDKE, JOHN F. - buyer William Skarda to John F. Gaedke, lot 11, block 143, city of Manitowoc, $1,100. Rev. stamps $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 9, 1916 P.4
GAGNON, EUGENIE - seller Eugenie Gagnon to Charles A. Tegge, lot 7, ass'r plat 3, city of Two Rivers, $3,000. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 9, 1916 P.4
GAGNON, PETER - seller Peter Gagnon to the City of Two Rivers part of lot ?0, block ?6, city of Two Rivers, $2,800. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
GAGNOW, JOHN S. - seller John S. Gagnow to John Borsul, lot 4 in block 14, city of Manitowoc. $850. Rev. stamps $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
GAGNON, SARA - buyer Godfrey Lafond to Sara Gagnon lot 4 blk 41 city of Two Rivers $750 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
GAGNON, WILLIAM - seller William Gagnon to Anton Kaufmann, lot 4, block 12, city of Two Rivers, $600. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
GALLAGHER, JOHN H. - seller John H. Gallagher to William Vogelsang 1/8 acre sect 30, Newton, 1 1/4 acres ect 23 Newton $825. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
GALLAGHER, JULIA - seller Julia Gallagher to Thomas J. Fenlen, 95 acres in section 6, town of Franklin. $1. Rev. stamps $2. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
GALLAGHER, MICHAEL - buyer Nov. 16th-Michael Hogan and wife to Michael Gallagher the W. 5 acres of middle 1/3 of N.E. 1/4 of section No. 30 in Town of Newton. Consideration $240. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 26, 1898
GANS, AUGUST, JR. - buyer Conrad Meyer to August Gans Jr., parcel of land in lot 5 subdv of SE 1/4 sec 18, Manitowoc, $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GANS, AUGUST, JR. - buyer Amelia Shimek to August Gans Jr. part of lot 5 sec 18, Manitowoc, $975. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GAPA, FRANK - buyer John Matzynski and wife to Frank Gapa, consideration $200, Oct. 26th, 1898, Lot No. 9, Block 805, Manitowoc city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 28, 1898
GARDNER, KATHERINE Philip Gardner Katherine Gardner 60 acres sec 31 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
GARDNER, PHILIP Philip Gardner Katherine Gardner 60 acres sec 31 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
GARNEY, MARY - buyer Ferdinand Heyroth to Mary Garney lot 4, blk 1, in Heyroth's subdv. sec 19, Manitowoc, $850. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 26, 1901, p. 2
GASPER, MAGDALENA - buyer Peter Netzer et. al. to Magdalena Gasper 9 acres Sec. 12, Cooperstown, $1300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, P.4
GASPODAREK MICH - buyer Murdock Morrison to Mich Gaspodarek lot 1 block 308 Manitowoc $500 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
GATERMANN possibly as Catermann
GAUTHIER, ANTHONY - seller Anthony Gauthier to the Legal Representatives and heirs at law of Florian Monka, dec'd, lot 2, blk 4, Two Rivers, $300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
GAUTHIER, ANTONY - seller Antony Gauthier to Arthur Leaperance, part of lots 5 and 6, in block 21, town of Two Rivers, $1,525. Rev. stamps $2. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
GAUTHLER, HENRY - buyer Bridget Walsh et. al. to Henry Gauthler Lot 2. Blk. 13, in city of Two Rivers, $55. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, P.4
GEHBE, FRANK H. - seller Frank H. Gehbe to Charles Gruhle. Lot 5, blk 284, City, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
GEHRKE, FRITZ - seller Fritz Gehrke to Stephen Zich lot 13 block 256, Manitowoc city. $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
GEIGLE, MATHIAS - seller Mathias Geigle to A.H. Rusch 40 acres sec 24, Rockland, $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GEIMER, JACOB A. - seller Jacob A. Geimer to John Geimer south 50 feet of lot 5 block 70, City of Two Rivers, $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
GEIMER, JOHN - buyer Jacob A. Geimer to John Geimer south 50 feet of lot 5 block 70, City of Two Rivers, $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
GENTZ, CHRISTIANA - seller Christiana Gentz to Herman Rietz lot 20 block 291. $675. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
GENZ, CARL - seller Carl Genz to Jacob Koenig 1 1/2 acres sec 31, Manitowoc Rapids, $1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
GENZ, CHARLES - buyer Anna Burns to Charles Genz 100 acres sec 27, 25 acres sec 26, Newton. $4000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
GERBINSKY, WALTER - buyer Adolph Wolff to Walter Gerbinsky part of lots 19 and 20, block 243, city of Manitowoc, $2,500. Rev. stamps $2.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
GEREND, MRS. - buyer Mrs. Gerend of Centerville has bought a farm of 20 acres near Ledyard for $1,700 cash. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P. 2
GERKE, FRITZ - seller Fritz Gerke to Stephen Zich lot 18 block 258, City. $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
GERMAK, ANTON - seller Anton Germak to Wencil Pollvka 5 sq acres Sec. 7, Kossuth $1900. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 26, 1901, p. 2
GERPHEIDE, AUGUST F. - seller August F. Gerpheide to Chas. Sachse lot 14 and S 20 feet lot 11 block 314. $900. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
GERPHEIDE, AUGUSTA - seller Augusta Gerpheide and others to George Dallwig lot 18 block 187 City, $400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 7, 1899
GERPHEIDE, FRED - buyer Nov. 11th-Kattie Pellett et al. to Fred Gerpheide. Lots 16 and 17 of block "D" of Manitowoc city. Consideration $450. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 18, 1898
GERPHEIDE, FRED - buyer Henry Boettcher sold to Fred Gerpheide lots 3&4 block E Manitowoc city $450 Manitowoc Citizen, Jan. 5, 1899
GERPHEIDE, FRED - buyer Henry Boettcher to Fred Gerpheide, lots 3 and 4 block "E" Manitowoc city. $440. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 4, 1899
GESELL, JOHN - buyer Maria Gesell to John Gesell Lot 4, in Blk. 35, city of Two Rivers, $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 2, 1901, p. 4
GESELL, MARIA - seller Maria Gesell to John Gesell Lot 4, in Blk. 35, city of Two Rivers, $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 2, 1901, p. 4
GESELL, MINNIE - seller Minnie Gesell to Alvin M. Krause Tract E Lot 1 City of Two Rivers, $200.00. Rev. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916 P.4
GIBLET, BARTLETT S. - buyer July 23, 1836 Alfred Cook and his wife Thiodotia of Green Bay sell the A. NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, Town of Centreville (40 acres) B. Lot 1 of Section 14, Town of Centerville (43.90 acres) C. Plus other lands To Isaac Atwood and Bartlett S. Giblet of Milwaukee for $300.00 (2-46) County Register of Deeds, July 23, 1836
GIEFER, JACOB - seller Jacob Giefer to Peter Giefer part of NW of NE 1/4 and NW. of NW east of Mishicott river sec. 22 Mishicott. $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
GIEFER, JACOB - seller Jacob Giefer to Karl Neubauer 48 1/2 acres section 22 Two Rivers. $3,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 21, 1899
GIEFER, PETER - buyer Jacob Giefer to Peter Giefer part of NW of NE 1/4 and NW. of NW east of Mishicott river sec. 22 Mishicott. $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
GIELOW, C.A. - buyer Dec. 2nd-Sophie Gielow to C.A. Gielow. S. 1/2 of lot No. 5 Block 816 of city Manitowoc. $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898
GIELOW, SOPHIE - seller Dec. 2nd-Sophie Gielow to C.A. Gielow. S. 1/2 of lot No. 5 Block 816 of city Manitowoc. $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898
GIEVER, JACOB - buyer David Nottage to Jacob Giever, E. 140 ft of lot 8, block 4, in David Nottages Add. To city of Two Rivers, $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
GILBERT, C.J. - buyer Otto Olson to C. J. Gilbert lot D subdivision section 32 Cato $300 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
GILL JAMES - buyer Frank Glemsky et al to James Gill 3/4 acres Sec 4, Newton, $85. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GINTHER, ALEX - buyer March 30, '97-Joseph Pankratz to Alex Ginther, lot No. 5 of village of Clarks Mills section 28 of Town Cato, $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 21, 1898
GLACK, HENRY - buyer Sept. 12.-William Knoll to Henry Glack, lot 12, block 16, village of Kiel. $975. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
GLANDT, WILLIAM - buyer Matt Watal to William Glandt part of lot 3 subd of Gov. lot 5 sec 1, 19, 24. 425 (sic). Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
GLASER, WM. - buyer Peter Singelman to Wm. Glaser lot 8 block 204 City, $650. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1899 P.2
GLASOW, ROBERT - buyer Fred W. Schneider to Robert Glasow 20 acres section 32 Rockland $1100. The Manitowoc Citizen, Feb. 23, 1905
GLEESER, AUGUST - buyer Carl Gleeser to August Gleeser 80 acres sec 35, Cato, $108. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GLEESER, CARL - seller Carl Gleeser to August Gleeser 80 acres sec 35, Cato, $108. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GLEMSKY, FRANK - seller Frank Glemsky et al to James Gill 3/4 acres Sec 4, Newton, $85. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
THE GLENN INVESTMENT COMPANY - seller The Glenn Investment company to John Lettenberger, lots 9 and 10, in block 175, city of Manitowoc, $12,000. Rev. stamps $12. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
GLISH, FRANK - buyer Amelia Lindemannn to Frank Glish et ax., S. one-half of lot 3 in block 248, city of Manitowoc, $1,400. Rev. stamps $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.3
GLOCK, FREDRICH - seller Fredrich Glock to Peter Umsonst 80 acres sect 33, Schleswig, $2000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 4, 1899 P.1
GLOCKNER, JOHN - seller John Glockner to John Glockner, 80 acres in section 27, town of Two Rivers. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
GLOCKNER, JOHN - buyer John Glockner to John Glockner, 80 acres in section 27, town of Two Rivers. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
GLOE, AUGUST - seller August Gloe to Charles Rose and Steven Panoch part of lot 3 block 77 Two Rivers $1800. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
GNADT, MARY - buyer John T. Johnsrud to Mary Gnadt, lot 11 in block 249, city of Manitowoc $1. Rev. stamps $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3
GOETERS, GUSTAVE - seller Gustave Goeters to Henry Goeters 40 acres sec 7, Newtown. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
GOETERS, HENRY - buyer Gustave Goeters to Henry Goeters 40 acres sec 7, Newtown. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
GOGGIN, THOMAS - seller Thomas Goggin to Margaretha Levern 104 acres sec. 16 Franklin. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
GOOD, WM. - seller Wm. Good to Peter Mennig 10 acres section 19 town Eaton. $125. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
GOODENOW, SYLVESTER - seller Sylvester Goodenow to Wm. H. Horn, lot No. 3, block 183, in the village of Manitowoc for $1468. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4
GRABO, H. - buyer Henry Berner to H. Grabo the undivided 1/2 of lots 9, 11, and 12, block 323 in village of Manitowoc for $1800. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4
GRAF, ARTHUR - seller Arthur Graf to Otto Hening, 1 acre in section 2, town of Schleswig, $3,300. Rev. Stamps $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 15, 1916 P.3
GRASNER, ANTON - buyer Joseph Klement to Anton Grasner 40 acres sec. 3 Kossuth. $3525. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
GRAYCHAREK, ANNA - buyer Anton Graycharek to Anna Graycharek und 1/2 same as proceding. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
GRAYCHAREK, ANTON - buyer Anna Hauser to Anton Graycharek parcel of land sec 28, Gibson. $1800. Manitowoc Daily Herald May 31, 1899
GRAYCHAREK, ANTON - seller Anton Graycharek to Anna Graycharek und 1/2 same as proceding. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
GREEN, ALICE V. - seller Alice V. Green to Stanley Eckel, part of lots 16 and 17, in block 14, city of Manitowoc, $1. Rev. stamps $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
GREEN, THOMAS - seller Thomas Green to Joacbine Facklam, the wh of neq section 23, town 19, range 22, for $2500. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, May 7, 1868 pg. 4
GREENWALD, ALFRED - buyer Ludwig Timm to Alfred Greenwald Lot 20 in block 330 City of Manitowoc, $450, Rev. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
GREENWOOD, ELLA - buyer Wm. Greenwood to Ella Greenwood lot 16 block 1 Two Rivers $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
GREENWOOD, WM. - seller Wm. Greenwood to Ella Greenwood lot 16 block 1 Two Rivers $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
GREEVE, JOHN - buyer Northern Grain Co. to John Greeve lot 2 block 4, Collins. $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
GRIEB, HENRY L. - seller Henry L. Grieb to Emma Hauser 120 acres sec 21 and 28, Gibson. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald May 31, 1899
GRIES, HENRY - buyer Robert Bartel Jr. To Henry Gries 30 acres sec 1 Meeme $4400 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
GRIES, HENRY - buyer George G. Sedgwick et. al. to Henry Gries, 40 acres sec . 1, Meeme, $1275. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
GRIESHABER, GEORGE - seller George Grieshaber to Sabina Ott lot 8 block 5, Village of St. Nazinaz, $5.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
GRIMM, ROLAND - seller Roland Grimm to Lawrence Fuka part of lots 3 and 9 in block 44 city of Manitowoc. $1. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 24, 1916 P.3
GROELLE, GOTTFRIED - buyer Mr. Corlew has sold his village property to Gottfried Groelle, and with his brother in Cato, Wm. Maganity, and their families will start soon for Colorado, which state they intend to make their future house. The best wishes of hosts of friends will accompany them thither. They are old residents of this place and it is with deep regret their old friends and neighbors hear of their approaching departure. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 7, 1882 P. 4
GROELLE, LUDWIG G. - seller Ludwig G. Groelle to Martin Niespodzany, one-half acre in section 23, town of Newton, $75. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
GROLL, ANTON - buyer Peter Hartlaub to Anton Groll part of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 sec. 2 Cato. $175. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
GROLL, RUDOLPH - buyer Charles Gruhle to Rudolph Groll, W 1/2 of E 1/3 of Lot 2, Hincley's sub. Sec. 31, Manitowoc, $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
GROSS, CARL, MRS. - buyer J.B. Laun to Mrs. Carl Gross lot 6 block 4 in Laund's addition to Kiel $500. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
GROSS, CH. - buyer Jacob Boege to Ch. Gross, ĵ acre, Schleswig, consideration $200. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
GROSS JOHN G. - buyer Albert Sohrweide to John G. Gross 120 acres sec 29 and 20 Maple Grove. $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
GROSS JOHN G. - seller John G. Gross to John Sohrweide 120 acres sec. 29 and 20 Maple Grove. $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
GROTH, HENRY - buyer Math Meyer to Henry Groth and Henry Meisner W 1/2 W 1/2 E 1/8 lot 63 Hinckley's subdivision section 31 Manitowoc $1.00. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
GRUBLE, WILLIAM - seller William Gruble to Frank Stark, parcel of land sec. 28, Schleswig, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
GRUHBEL, MARY - seller Mary Gruhbel to Joseph Mleziva 40 acres section 3 Gibson $2000 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Katherine M. Higgins to Charles Gruhle lots 3, 4, 10, 13, 14 block 116 city. $8500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Charles A. Spindler to Charles Gruhle lot 18, block 300, Manitowoc City. 800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 8, 1899 P.2
GRUHLE, CHARLES - seller Charles Gruhle to Rudolph Groll, W 1/2 of E 1/3 of Lot 2, Hincley's sub. Sec. 31, Manitowoc, $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Joachim Schroeder to Charles Gruhle, W 1/2 of E 1/3 of lot 2, Hinckley's Sub-div., sec. 31, Manitowoc, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Eliza Moeskes to Charles Gruhle lot 1, Block 139, Manitowoc city $150. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
GRUHLE, CHARLES - seller Charles Gruhle to William Rahr lots 1 and 2, block 139, city $300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Gottlieb Hintze to Charles Gruhle lot 3 block 139, city, $140. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Katherine Ingrish to Charles Gruhle lots 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 10, 18, 17, 15, 14, all in blk 293 city $2 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 16, 1901, p. 2
GRUHLE, CHARLES - seller Charles Gruhle to Amelia Kugle lot 17, blk 295 City $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
GRUHLE, CHARLES - seller Charles Gruhle to August Rietz. All of Lot 10 and E. 13 ft. of Lot 9, blk. 570, City, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
GRUHLE, CHARLES - buyer Frank H. Gehbe to Charles Gruhle. Lot 5, blk 284, City, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
GRUHLE, CHARLES - seller Charles Gruhle to George Boll Lot 7, Blk. 314, 343, city, $2 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 2, 1901, p. 4
GRUHLE, LOUIS - buyer Jurgen Lanson to Louis Gruhle parcel of land sec 30 Schleswig $900 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
GRUMANN, JOHN - seller John Grumann to Wm. Zahn 40 acres section 26 Two Rivers $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
GRUMANN, JOHN JR. - seller? John Grumann Jr., lot 81 block 1 John Grumann's add to Two Rivers City, 1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
GUENTNER, JULIUS - buyer Manitowoc Trading Co. to Julius Guentner lots 27-28 block 8 in Manitowoc Beach addition Two Rivers $135. The Manitowoc Citizen, Feb. 23, 1905
GUHIN, STEPHEN - buyer John Duggan to Stephen Guhin 80 acres sec. 10 Maple Grove. $4000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
GUHR, GUSTAV - buyer Laura A. Wakefield to Gustav Guhr 80 acres in sec 45, Newton, 100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1899 P.2
GUIDINGER, JOHN J. - buyer Charles Eberhardt to John J. Guidinger, middle one-third of lots 1 and 4 of block 314, city of Manitowoc, $1. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3
GUIDINGER, JOHN J. - buyer Fred Rockhoff to John J. Guidinger lot 4 block 326. $1300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
GULICKSON, CHRISTINA - seller Christina Gulickson et. al. to Ferdinand Heyroth 12 acres of Lot 1 Sec 24, Manitowoc Rapids; also E. ½ of Lot 5, Sec. 24 Manitowoc Rapids $6300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, P.4
GUNDERSON, GUNDER - seller Gunder Gunderson to William Bilke 5 acres sec 27 Rockland. $61.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
GUTMAN, JOHN - seller John Gutman to Joseph Gutman, a strip of land, Sec. 13, Eaton, $35.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
GUTMAN, JOSEPH - buyer John Gutman to Joseph Gutman, a strip of land, Sec. 13, Eaton, $35.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
GUTTMANN, ALBERT - buyer William Guttmann to Albert Guttmann, lot 1 and part of lot 2 in block 108, city of Manitowoc, $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
GUTTMANN, C. - buyer Joacbine Facklam to C. Guttmann, the seq of seq, the sh of nh of nh of seq and sh of nwq of seq, all in section 13, town 18, range 21, for $2900. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, May 7, 1868 pg. 4
GUTTMANN, WILLIAM - seller William Guttmann to Albert Guttmann, lot 1 and part of lot 2 in block 108, city of Manitowoc, $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4