[ I - J ]

IGEL, JOS. - buyer

John Platten to Jos. Igel 10 acres sec. 19 Liberty. $600.
Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899

IHLINFELD, WILLIAM - seller William Ihlinfeld to August Frank, lot 2 in addition of city of Two Rivers, $225. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 24, 1916 P.3

IMMLER, FRANZ A. - buyer Mr. Erwin Hirshfelt sold his farm of forty acres inclusive of all personal property to Franz A. Immler the other day for $1800. Mr. Hirshfelt intends to go up the Wis. Cent. R.R. and buy up a section of land near that line. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, March 21, 1882 P. 4

INGRISH, KATHERINE - seller Katherine Ingrish to Charles Gruhle lots 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 10, 18, 17, 15, 14, all in blk 293 city $2 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 16, 1901, p. 2

[ J ]

JACKEL, JOHANN - buyer Henry Voight to Johann Jackel the eh of swq of section 20 town 20, range 23 for $3300. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 12, 1868 pg. 4

JACKEL, JOHN - seller John Jackel to August Plamann the wh of neq of section 13, town 18, north of range twenty-two, for $2350. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 12, 1868 pg. 4 JACOBS, BERNARD - seller Bernard Jacobs to Harold C. Seitz, lot 5 in block 208, city of Manitowoc, $860. Rev. stamps $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.

JAECKEL, FERDINAND - seller Ferdinand Jaeckel to John J. Tadych, part of lot 11 of block 34, city of Two Rivers, $4,500. Rev. stamps $5. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3

JAECKEL, FERDINAND - buyer John Tadych to Ferdinand Jaeckel, part of lots 1 and 2 in block 86, city of Two Rivers, $2,100. Rev. stamps, $2. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3

JAGODZENSKI, F. - buyer Frank Jagodzenski to F. Jagodzenski lot 17 block 296 Manitowoc $150 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JAGODZENSKI, F., JR. - seller F. Jagodzenski Jr. to Rose Jagodzinski lots 12-23-16 block 296 lots 94-05 Hinckley subdivision Manitowoc 7 acres section 36 Rapids $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JAGODZENSKI, FRANK - seller Frank Jagodzenski to F. Jagodzenski lot 17 block 296 Manitowoc $150 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JAGODZINSKI, ROSE - buyer F. Jagodzenski Jr. to Rose Jagodzinski lots 12-23-16 block 296 lots 94-05 Hinckley subdivision Manitowoc 7 acres section 36 Rapids $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JAGODZENSKI, ROSE - seller Rose Jagodzenski to Felix Moranda, lot 12 in block 296, city of Manitowoc, $445. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4

JAHNKE, AUGUSTA - buyer Anna Burr to Augusta Jahnke E 33 feet lot 4 block 65, Two Rivers, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899

JANKE, CARL - seller Carl Janke to William Stick 80 acres sec 1, Gibson. $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899

JANKE, JULIUS - seller Julius Janke to R.C. Behnke 100 acres section 16-31 Rockland $5600 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904

JANZ, ANNA - seller Anna Janz to William Boetcher the neq of nwq section 2, town 19, range 21, excepting 12 acres for $1300. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4

JARR, JOHN H. - buyer John H. Wilde to John H. Jarr Sr. N 45 feet lot 1, block 105, Manitowoc. 1428. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899

JELINSKI, MAGDELENA - buyer Martha Jelinski to Magdelena Jelinski 40 acres Sec 5, Rockland, 4, acres 32 Maple Grove, $1 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3

JELINSKI, MARTHA - seller Martha Jelinski to Magdelena Jelinski 40 acres Sec 5, Rockland, 4, acres 32 Maple Grove, $1 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3

JENKINS, DAVID G. - seller David G. Jenkins to Frank Kutz Jr., 80 acres, section 21, Meeme. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 7, 1899

JINDRA, GEO. - buyer August Brandt to Geo. Jindra, the wh of wh of neq section 28, town 20, range 23 for $1300. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1868 pg. 4

JOHNSON, CHAS. - buyer May 1, '98-Chas E. White to John Johnson and Chas. Johnson, lot 7 block 116 city of Manitowoc. $785. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1899 P. 1

JOHNSON, ELISABETH C. - seller Elisabeth C. Johnson to Even Borreson all her right title and interest in lot 5, blk 7, city $1650. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1

JOHNSON, HENRY P. - seller Henry P. Johnson to Oscar O. Freund NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 sec. 9 and NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 sec. 11 all in town of Eaton. $2500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899

JOHNSON, JAMES M. - buyer Louis Wagner to James M. Johnson 2 1/2 acres of land, sect 10 Eaton, $600.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1

JOHNSON, JOHN - buyer May 1, '98-Chas E. White to John Johnson and Chas. Johnson, lot 7 block 116 city of Manitowoc. $785. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1899 P. 1

JOHNSON, JUL. - seller Jul. Johnson to L. Forster lots 10-11 sub. NW 1/4 19-19-20. $1000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899

JOHNSON, K.B. - seller Nov. 29th-K.B. Johnson to Ole O. Oppen. S 1/2 S. 1/2 N.E. 1/4 S.W. 1/4 of section 16, town of Liberty. $110. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898

JOHNSON, NELS - seller Nels Johnson to A.C. Seeman parcel of land sect 35, Cato, $30. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1

JOHNSON, OLE - seller Ole Johnson to Turi Johnson, the sh of seq, section 8, town 18, range 22, for $3175. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, May 7, 1868 pg. 4

JOHNSON, PETER - seller Peter Johnson to N. Pitz the nwq of swq section 1, town 19, range 23, for $1200. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4

JOHNSON, PETER - seller Peter Johnson to Andreas Freschmuth to nwq of swq section 1, town 19, range 23, for $1500. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4

JOHNSON, TURI - buyer Ole Johnson to Turi Johnson, the sh of seq, section 8, town 18, range 22, for $3175. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, May 7, 1868 pg. 4

JOHNSRUD, JOHN T. - seller John T. Johnsrud to Mary Gnadt, lot 11 in block 249, city of Manitowoc $1. Rev. stamps $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3

JOHNSTON, PETER - seller Peter Johnston sold to M. Zimmer 80 acres in section 1, town 19, range 23, for $2300. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, March 5, 1868 pg. 4

JONAS, AUGUSTE - seller Auguste Jonas to August Kamptz 240 acres section 15-22 Schleswig $400. The Manitowoc Citizen, Feb. 23, 1905

JONAS, JOHN N. - buyer William Facklann et al to John N. Jonas 120 acres sec 23, Cato, $??00 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3

JONES, B. - seller B. Jones sold to Hon. A.W. Buel, to the amount of $20,000. Manitowoc Tribune, Aug. 23, 1855

JONES, B. - seller B. Jones to Wm. Smith, lots 9, 12, 13, 16 and 17, block 211; $500. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Friday, April 10, 1868 pg. 1

JONES, B. - seller B. Jones to V. Klement, east half of lot 9, block 166; $1500. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Friday, April 10, 1868 pg. 1

JONES, JOHN - seller John Jones to Wolfgang Brandl 40 acres Sec 23, Cato $2?50 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3

JONES, MRS. L.A.W. - buyer Mrs. A. Champlain to Mrs. L.A.W. Jones the und. h of lot 2, block 167 village of Manitowoc for $500. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1868 pg. 4

JOST, FRIEDRICH - seller Friedrich Jost to Otto Klessig A lot in Sec. 28 town of Centerville, $1. Rev. St. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 4, 1916 p.3

JOST, PAUL F. - seller Paul F. Jost to John Koenig, 70 acres in section 26 and 27 in town of Meeme, $11,000. Rev. Stamps $4.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 15, 1916 P.3

JOURA, ANTON - buyer John Chaloupka to Anton Joura 3/4 acre section 12 Kossuth $10 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JOURA, ANTON - seller Anton Joura to Henry Joura 70 acres section 12 Kossuth $2400 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JOURA, HENRY - buyer Anton Joura to Henry Joura 70 acres section 12 Kossuth $2400 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904

JUNK, FRANK J. - seller Frank J. Junk to Peter Birnbaum, ?0 acres in section 28, in town of Centerville, $3,700. Rev. stamps $4. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3

JURGENS, FREDRICK - seller Fredrick Jurgens to Erdman Schmeichel N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 less 1 1/2 acres and NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 all in sec. 18 Mishicott. $1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899

JURGENS, FRIEDRICK - buyer Carl Erdman Schmeichel to Friedrick Jurgens lot 2 and E 32 ft. of lot 3 block 94 Two Rivers. $1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899