SACHSE, CHAS. - buyer August F. Gerpheide to Chas. Sachse lot 14 and S 20 feet lot 11 block 314. $900. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899SACHSE, F.J. - buyer Gustav Sachse to F.J. Sachse S 40 feet lot 14 block 814. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
SACHSE, F.J. - seller F.J. Sachse to Gustav Sachse S. 40 ft. Lot 14, Block 314, city of Manitowoc, $1 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 2, 1901, p. 4
SACHSE, GUSTAV - seller Gustav Sachse to F.J. Sachse S 40 feet lot 14 block 814. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
SACHSE, GUSTAV - buyer F.J. Sachse to Gustav Sachse S. 40 ft. Lot 14, Block 314, city of Manitowoc, $1 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 2, 1901, p. 4
SACHSE, LOUIS - seller Louis Sachse to Robert Barthel Jr. 80 acres sec 7 Centerville $5200 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
SAINT FIDELIS CONGREGATION - buyer Lawrence Kutz to St. Fidelis congregation, a lot in section 23, town of Meeme, $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SAINT MARY'S CONGREGATION - buyer Right Rev. Fred X. Kutzer to the St. Mary's Congregation of the City of Manitowoc, W 1/2 of lot 68, subdv. sec 31, 19, 24, containing 2-1-000 acres, 1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1899 P.2
SAINT MICHAEL'S CONGREGATION - buyer George Wittmenn to St. Michael's Congregation. A lot in Sec. 2, town of Cato, $175.00. Rev. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916 P.4
SALAK, CHARLES - seller Salma Klingholz and Charles Salak, as executors of the last will and testament of Charles Klingholz, deceased, to Reinard Bauer, lots 8, 9 and 10 block 7, Manitowoc Rapids. $60. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
SALAK, CHARLES - seller Selma Klingholz and Charles Salak as executors to Alfred Lindholm lots 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 18, block 31 and lot 7 block 30 Village of Manitowoc Rapids. $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
SAUBERT, CARL JR. - buyer William Zahn to Carl Saubert, Jr. Lot 7 in block 3, lot 8 in block 1, and lot 6 in block 5, city of Two Rivers. $1.00 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 15, 1916 P.3
SAUBERT, CARL SR. - buyer William Zahn to Carl Saubert, Sr. lot 6 in block 2 and lot 8, block 4, city of Two Rivers. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 15, 1916 P.3
SAUD, JACOB - seller Mishicott news: Jacob Saud sold his farm to John Luckow for $1,250. We have failed to learn what Mr. Soud (sic) intends to do in the future. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 18, 1882 P. 4
SCARIVODA, ADOLPH - buyer Joseph Suchmel to Adolph Scarivoda 40 acres sec 4, Kossuth.$2750. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SCHAD, ANTON, SR. - seller Anton Schad, Sr. to Anton Sched (sic) Jr. west 1/2 lot 15 block 5 St. Nazianz. $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHAD, FRANK W. - buyer O. Torrison Co. to Frank W. Schad, 80 acres in town Eaton. $8000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 4, 1899
SCHAD, FRANK W. - buyer O. Torrison & Co. sold to Frank W. Schad 80 acres in Town Eaton $3000 Manitowoc Citizen, Jan. 5, 1899
SCHAEFER, HENRY - seller Henry Schaefer to E. Stowater, 27 acres in Schleswig, consideration $1,800. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
SCHAEFER, WILLIAM A. - seller William A. Schaefer to Frank Krizek N 1/2 lot block 49 Two Rivers. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
SCHAMBERGER, FRANK JR - buyer John Lukow to Frank Schamberger Jr., 20 acres sec 23, 40 acres sec 88, Mishicott, $3000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
SCHAMBERGER, FRANK JR. - buyer Franz Schamberger to Frank Schamberger Jr. 120 acres sec. 26 Two Creeks. $3400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHAMBERGER, FRANZ - seller Franz Schamberger to Frank Schamberger Jr. 120 acres sec. 26 Two Creeks. $3400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHAPER, H. - buyer Dec. 5th.-Frank E. Fischer to Katherine Koebel and H. Schaper, the W. ten feet of lot 16, lot 17 and the E. 1/2 of lot no. 18 of block 11 of Hilberts & Smith's addition to the village of Kiel. $1950. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 15, 1898
SCHARCHEL, RUDOLPH - buyer Silas Koeser to Rudolph Scharchel, lot 4, block 86, city of Two Rivers, $1,675. Rev. stamps $2.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.3
SCHARENBROCK, HENRY - buyer Joseph Halback to Henry Scharenbrock, 100 acres in section 29, town of Schleswig, $13,500. Rev. stamps $6.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SCHARWARK, JULIUS - buyer Two Rivers M'f'g. (sic) Co., to Julius Scharwark lot 6 section 1 Two Rivers $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 1899 P.2
SCHED (sic), ANTON, JR. - buyer Anton Schad, Sr. to Anton Sched (sic) Jr. west 1/2 lot 15 block 5 St. Nazianz. $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHENIAN, ADOLPH P. - buyer Edward Suffrand sold to Adolph P. Schenian lot 3S 1/2 lot 2 block 1 Dumke's subdivision $1400 Manitowoc Citizen, Jan. 5, 1899
SCHENIAN, ADOLPH P. - buyer Edward Suffau to Adolph P. Schenian, lot 3 and S. 1/2 lot 2 block 1 of Dumke's subdivision. $1400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 4, 1899
SCHEUER, NICHOLAS H. - seller Dec. 12th-Nicholas H. Scheuer to Peter Scheuer, the undivided 1/2 of lot 3 in block B, of village of Mishicot. $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 21, 1898
SCHEUER, NICK H. - seller Nick H. Scheuer to Herman Doetcher lots 5 and 8 block 4, Mishicott, 215. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
SCHEUER, NICK. H. - buyer George Mott to Nick. H. Scheuer, 60 acres in sections 22 and 27, town of Gibson, $2,000. Rev. stamps, $2. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SCHEUER, PETER - buyer Dec. 12th-Nicholas H. Scheuer to Peter Scheuer, the undivided 1/2 of lot 3 in block B, of village of Mishicot. $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 21, 1898
SCHILING, HENRY, JR. - buyer John Frady to Henry Schiling Jr., 40 acres sec 7 and 60 acres sec 8, Schleswig. $5750. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
SCHLEY, CHAS. - buyer Chas. Schley, formerly an employe at the C. & N.W. freight house, has resigned his position and will go into the draying business. He has purchased the complete outfit which recently belonged to Chas. Krumm. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 23, 1899
SCHLEY, GUSTAV - buyer Fredrick Kasten to Gustav Schley, 80 acres in section 16, town of Gibson, $8,500. Rev. stamps $2. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 29, 1916 P.5
SCHMALFELDT, LOUIS - seller Louis Schmalfeldt to Hugo Chakoski lot 6 block 249 Manitowoc $1.00 etc. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
SCHMALFELDT, LOUIS - buyer Hugo Chakoski to Louis Schmalfeldt M 1/8 lots 16 and 17 block 247 Manitowoc $1.00 etc. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
SCHMATZ, JOSEPH - buyer Anton Brey to Joseph Schmatz, Lot 16, Blk. 196, City, $1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
SCHMEICHEL, CARL ERDMAN - seller Carl Erdman Schmeichel to Friedrick Jurgens lot 2 and E 32 ft. of lot 3 block 94 Two Rivers. $1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHMEICHEL, ERDMAN - buyer Fredrick Jurgens to Erdman Schmeichel N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 less 1 1/2 acres and NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 all in sec. 18 Mishicott. $1500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHMEISSER, OTTO - buyer Thomas Schneider to Otto Schmeisser, 95 acres, Meeme, $4,000. Manitowoc Pilot October 11, 1894
SCHMELTER, KASNER - buyer Peter Neiletz to Kasner Schmelter 40 acres sec 32, Newton. $2000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
SCHMIDT, AUGUST - buyer John Broecker to August Schmidt, 2 acres lot 20 in Hinckley's Subdv. of sec 31, Manitowoc $950. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
SCHMIDT, AUGUST - seller August Schmidt to John Broecker, 2 acres lot 20 in Hinckley's Subdv. of sec. 31, Manitowoc, $650. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
SCHMIDT, AUGUST - seller August Schmidt to J.G. Lehmkuhl, lot 2 in block 1, city of Manitowoc. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SCHMIDT, CHAS W. - seller Chas W. Schmidt to J L Kahlenberg lot 8 blk Nottage add Two Rivers, $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 P.2
SCHMIDT, EDWARD - seller Edward Schmidt to John Frisch, 120 acres, Two Rivers, $5000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 4, 1899 P.1
SCHMIDT, FRIEDERICH - seller Friederich Schmidt to John Krueger, 120 acres in section 5, town of Rockland, $20,000. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SCHMIDT, GEO. - seller Geo. Schmidt to Wm. Snoock W 1/2 of NW 1/4 sec. 26 Mishicott $4175. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHMIDT, GEO. - buyer Christian Stehn to Geo. Schmidt SW of SE sec. 38 and S 1/2 of NW of SW sec. 34 Mishicott. $2800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHMIDT, GEO. - seller Geo. Schmidt to Wm. Schramm SW of SW sec. 22 Mishicott. $1190. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHMIDT, GEORGE - buyer Laura Tisch et al to George Schmidt 150 3/4 acres more or less sec 36, Gibson, $5000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
SCHMIDT, HENRY - seller Henry Schmidt to H.J. Daeke part lots 8,9 block 313 Manitowoc $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
SCHMIDT, MATT - buyer Herbert L. Markham and others to Matt Schmidt lot 9 block 1 factory hights (sic). $325. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 21, 1899
SCHMIDT, MICHAEL - buyer Matt Larson to Michael Schmidt, 80 acres, Gibson, $4,900. Manitowoc Pilot October 11, 1894
SCHMIDT, MINNIE - seller Minnie Schmidt to Albert Franz 20 acres, sect 32, Two Rivers, $1600. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
SCHMIDT, WILLIAM - buyer Sophia ??in to William Schmidt 40 1/2 acres, sect. 31, Mishicott. (no $ amt.) Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 4, 1899 P.1
SCHMIDT, WM. - buyer Julius Lindstedt to Wm. Schmidt, lot 1, blk 3, village of Collins, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
SCHMIDTMANN, THEODORE - buyer Fred A. Kielsmeyer to Theodore Schmidtmann E 40 1/2 feet lot 16 and 17 block 247, Manitowoc City. $750. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
SCHMITZ, ADOLPH J. - seller Adolph J. Schmitz to Edward R. Herman, lot 18 in block 312, city of Manitowoc, $325. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3
SCHMITZ, E.S. - seller E.S. Schmitz to Ernst Eberhardt Sr., lots 6 and 7 block 296 City $390. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
SCHMITZ, HY - seller Hy Schmitz and wife to Peter Fischer, S 1/2, lot 10, E 1/2, sec. 10, T. 18, R. 24. $750. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
SCHMITZ, JOHNANNA L. - seller Johnanna L Schmitz to August Lienkaemper parcel of land sec 33 Newton $5800 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
SCHMITZ, L.A. - buyer County of Manitowoc to L.A. Schmitz and W.C. Kadow, lot 18, block 300, city of Manitowoc, $13.80. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SCHMITZ, RALIEGH - seller Raliegh Schmitz to Adolph Turzcynski, lot 20, block 308, city of Manitowoc, $1.00. Rev. stamps 50c. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1916 P.4
SCHMOOCK, CHARLES - buyer Feb. 9, '99-John Schmoock to Charles Schmoock, S.E. of S.E. of section 8, and W. 1 1/2 of S.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/2 of section 4 all in town of Two Creeks. $2,450. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 21, 1899
SCHMOOCK, JOHN - seller Feb. 9, '99-John Schmoock to Charles Schmoock, S.E. of S.E. of section 8, and W. 1 1/2 of S.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/2 of section 4 all in town of Two Creeks. $2,450. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 21, 1899
SCHNEID, HENRY - buyer Theodore Schneid to Henry Schneid, sh of seq of section 9, town 18, range 23, for $2000. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 12, 1868 pg. 4
SCHNEID, THEODORE - seller Theodore Schneid to Henry Schneid, sh of seq of section 9, town 18, range 23, for $2000. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 12, 1868 pg. 4
SCHNEIDER, BALTHASAR - seller Balthasar Schneider to Rudolph Busse, 60 acres sec. 11, Cooperstown, $3600. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
SCHNEIDER, CHAS. F. - seller Chas. F. Schneider to Chas. F. Matznick, 80 acres in section 3, town of Eaton, $10,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SCHNEIDER, FRED. - seller Fred. Schneider to Geo. Haub the sh of swq, section 5, town 17, range 23 for $2400. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, April 9, 1868 pg. 4
SCHNEIDER, FRED W. - seller Fred W. Schneider to Robert Glasow 20 acres section 32 Rockland $1100. The Manitowoc Citizen, Feb. 23, 1905
SCHNEIDER, HERMAN N. - seller Herman N. Schneider to He??? Brost, lot 6 in block 2, village of School Hill, one fourth acre in section 8, town of Meeme. $1,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 26, 1916 P.4
SCHNEIDER, JULIUS - buyer Elizabet Walterbach to Julius Schneider 80 acres, Meeme, $4500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
SCHNEIDER, LOUIS - seller Louis Schneider to Michael Brey. Lot 8, blk, 3 and part of lot 7, said blk, and part of lot 9, blk 2, Village of St. Nazianz, $3800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
SCHNEIDER, LOUIS AND AUGUSTA - seller Louis and Augusta Schneider to John B. Kurtz Lot 7, Blk 2, less 14 ft. in village of St. Nazianz, $400 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 26, 1901, p. 2
SCHNEIDER, THOMAS - seller Thomas Schneider to Otto Schmeisser, 95 acres, Meeme, $4,000. Manitowoc Pilot October 11, 1894
SCHNEIDER, WM. - buyer Herman Olm to Wm. Schneider 3/4 of an acre in 33-19-2 Rockland. $55. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 1899 P.2
SCHNEIDER, WM. - buyer F.S. Luhman and others to Wm. Schneider 80 acres section 8, 40 acres section 7 Eaton. $225. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 1899 P.2
SCHNELL, MARY - buyer William Cummings to Mary Schnell, 2 acres sec. 23, Liberty, $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
SCHOEN, JOHN G. - seller Jan. 5, '98-John G. Schoen to Mathias Orth, Lot 6, Block 302 City. Consideration $380. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1899 P. 1
SCHOLTON, H. - buyer John Scholton to H. Scholton, the nwq of section 2, town 19, range 23, for $3000. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, April 9, 1868 pg. 4
SCHOLTON, JOHN - seller John Scholton to H. Scholton, the nwq of section 2, town 19, range 23, for $3000. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, April 9, 1868 pg. 4
SCHOLTEN, WILLIAM - seller William Scholten to Gustav Boeder, lot 16, block 243, city of Manitowoc, $1.00. Rev. stamps $8.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SCHOOL DIST. NO. 4 - buyer Wm. Reinhold to School Dist. No. 4 of town Schleswig, 3 rods by 10 rods in N.E. 1/2 of N.W. 1/2 section 7 town of Schleswig. $25. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 1, 1899
SCHORN, LOUIS - buyer Charles Meissner to Louis Schorn parcel of land in Town Two Rivers, $400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, August 30, 1899 P.2
SCHRAM, HERMAN - seller Herman Schram to William Schram 80 acres sec 22 Two Creeks $3000 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
SCHRAM, WILLIAM - buyer Herman Schram to William Schram 80 acres sec 22 Two Creeks $3000 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
SCHRAMM, AUGUST C. - buyer Minnie Schramm to August C. Schramm. Lots 2-5 & 6 in Block 257 City of Manitowoc. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916 P.4
SCHRAMM, JOHN - buyer The sale of 80 acres of land in the town of Newton by Henry Wettenkamp to John Schramm, consideration $3,300. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
SCHRAMM, MINNIE - seller Minnie Schramm to August C. Schramm. Lots 2-5 & 6 in Block 257 City of Manitowoc. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916 P.4
SCHRAMM, WM. - buyer Geo. Schmidt to Wm. Schramm SW of SW sec. 22 Mishicott. $1190. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHRANK, JULIUS - seller Julius Schrank to Geo. Herrick n 1/2 lots 6 and 6 block 2 Suffrans addition Manitowoc $1550 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
SCHRANK, MAGGIE - buyer Western Town Lot Co. to Mrs. Maggie Schrank lot 1 block 312 Manitowoc City. $300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
SCHREIBER, REKA - buyer F F Stelling to Reka Schreiber 20 a sec 6 Eaton, $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 P.2
SCHROEDER, ANNA - buyer Frank Schroeder to Anna Schroeder S. 50 ft. of lots 5 and 6, block 66, Two Rivers city, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 4, 1899 P.1
SCHROEDER BROS. CO. - seller Schroeder Bros. Co. to William Stein, Lot 20 in block 5 in City of Two Rivers, $300.00. Rev. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916 P.4
SCHROEDER, CARL - seller Carl Schroeder to Alb. G. Krueger N 2/3 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 sec. 21 and N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW sec. 22 and SW of NE sec. 22 all in Rockland. $3000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHROEDER, CHARLES - seller Charles Schroeder to James D. Kelley, lot 7, block 1, city of Manitowoc, $1. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.3
SCHROEDER, CHAS. G. - buyer Heinrich J. Karst to Chas. G. Schroeder lot 1 block 6 Collins. $275. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHROEDER, CHRIST - seller Oct. 4.-Christ Schroeder to Fred Krohn, lot in section 32, town 19. $125. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
SCHROEDER, CHRISTOPH - seller Christoph Schroeder and wife to Albert Burkhardt, consideration $250, Aug. 20th, 1898, Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Schroeder's subdivision to Manitowoc city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 28, 1898
SCHROEDER, CHRISTOPH - seller Christoph Schroeder and wife to August Huhl, consideration $250, Oct. 21st, 1898, Lots 7 and 8, Block 4, in Schroeder's subdivision of Manitowoc city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 28, 1898
SCHROEDER, CHRISTOPH - seller Christoph Schroeder to George Kapitz lot 1 block 4 Schroeder's subdv of lots 2, 3 and 4 subdv Gov. lot 2, and part of lot 1 of subdv of G. lot 3 Manitowoc, $135. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, August 30, 1899 P.2
SCHROEDER, CHRISTOPHER - seller Christopher Schroeder to Anton Stueber, lot 8 block 5 Schroeder's subdivision. $125. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 4, 1899
SCHROEDER, EMIL - buyer Wm. Schroeder to Emil Schroeder, lot 19, lbk 193, consideration $300. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
SCHROEDER, FRANK - seller Frank Schroeder to Anna Schroeder S. 50 ft. of lots 5 and 6, block 66, Two Rivers city, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 4, 1899 P.1
SCHROEDER, HENRY - buyer John Meyer to Henry Schroeder E 2-3 of lots 16 and 17 block 191 Manitowoc City. $2200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
SCHROEDER, HERMAN - buyer Louis Wollenberg to Herman Schroeder 60 acres sects. 8 and 4, 20 acres sect 8, Two Rivers, 40 acres sec 4, Manitowoc. $4500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 4, 1899 P.1
SCHROEDER, JOACHIM - seller Joachim Schroeder to Charles Gruhle, W 1/2 of E 1/3 of lot 2, Hinckley's Sub-div., sec. 31, Manitowoc, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
SCHROEDER, JOHN - buyer Fred Heyroth to John Schroeder, Lot 1, Block 6, Woodlawn addition, city, $200. Manitowoc Pilot October 15, 1896
SCHROEDER, JOHN - seller John Schroeder to Louis C. Kahrs 120 acres sec 31, Mishicott. 4000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 8, 1899 P.2
SCHROEDER, JOHN Louis Schroeder to John Schroeder, 160 acres in section 23 and 28, town of Rockland, $13,500. Rev. stmaps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 29, 1916 P.5
SCHROEDER, JOHN J. - seller John J. Schroeder to Louis Frosch 80 acres sec 36, Mishicott. $3100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
SCHROEDER, JOS. S. - buyer Concordia Lodge No. 5 Sons of Herman City of Two Rivers to Jos. S. Schroeder lots 9 and 10 block 50, Two Rivers. $1659. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
SCHROEDER, LOUIS - seller Louis Schroeder to John Schroeder, 160 acres in section 23 and 28, town of Rockland, $13,500. Rev. stmaps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 29, 1916 P.5
SCHROEDER, MICHAEL - buyer Frank Koeppe to Michael Schroeder, lot 6, block 4, village of Collins, $1200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
SCHROEDER, MICHAEL - buyer Gustav Vallofske to Michael Schroeder lot 7, in blk 1, Village of Collins, $60 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
SCHROEDER, PAUL - buyer United States to Paul Schroeder 80 acres sec 26, Rockland. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
SCHROEDER, WM. - seller Wm. Schroeder to Emil Schroeder, lot 19, lbk 193, consideration $300. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
SCHROEDER, WILLIAM - buyer Charles W. Leiteritz to William Schroeder lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 4 Leiteritz's re-subdv of lot 8, subdv sec 31, Manitowoc, 1900. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
SCHROEDER, WIM. - seller Feb. 16, '99-Wim. Schroeder to Gustav Kluczinski, 57 A. in E. 1/2 of S.E. section 29 town Manitowoc also lots 3 to 11 incl. and N. 1/2 lot 182 block 5 also all of block 8 also lots 18 and 19 block 6 also lots 16 and 17 block 7 also lots 15, 16, and 17 and E 1/2 of block 8 also fractional lots 6 block 2 lots 6 and 15 and fractional lot 17, 11, 14 and 16 block 9 also lots 1 to 5 incl., block 4 in the village of Neshoto. Except all such lots heretofore sold. Also conveys Part of E 1/2 of S.E. of section 29 of town of Two Rivers. $4,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 21, 1899
SCHROM, PETER - buyer Michael Deehr to Peter Schrom 80 acres section 11 Meeme. $8,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 21, 1899
SCHUDDEKOOF, HENRY - seller Henry Schuddekoof to Henry I.M. Krueger $4200 W 1/2 of SW 1/4 sec. 11 Eaton. 80 acres. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHUDDAKOPF, HENRY - seller Henry Schuddakopf to Frank Karstaed 20 acres sec 28 Eaton $40 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
SCHUELTER, JOHN - seller John Schuelter to Albert J. Natzke 1/2 acre of land sec 29, Maple Grove. $25. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
SCHUETTE, ALBERT B. - buyer August Schuette to Albert B. Schuette lot 8 block 61 City, $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1899 P.2
SCHUETTE, AUGUST - seller August Schuette of Kossuth disposed of 80 acres of land to his son for $4,500. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 8, 1894
SCHUETTE, AUGUST - seller August Schuette to Albert B. Schuette lot 8 block 61 City, $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1899 P.2
SCHUETTE CEMENT CONSTRUCTION CO. - buyer Manitowoc Land & Salt Co. To Schuette Cement Construction Co. lots 15-18-N 1/2-19-20 block 207 Manitowoc $1200. The Manitowoc Citizen, Feb. 23, 1905
SCHUETTE, FREDRICK - buyer Gesine Bloquelle to Fredrick Schuette et al S 67 feet of lots 11 and 12 block 290, Manitowoc city. 4000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
SCHUETTE, FRED - seller Fred Schuette to John Schuette, 38 acres in section 24, in town of Manitowoc Rapids, $1. Rev. stamps $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SCHUETTE, H. GEORGE - buyer Nov. 28th,-Victoria Klingholz a widow of this city to H. George Schuette of same place lot No. 3, Blk. No. 238 of this city. $2450. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 2, 1898
SCHUETTE, JOHN - buyer J.W. Marten to John Schuette, lot 5 and part of 4 in block 114, city of Manitowoc, $326. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SCHUETTE, JOHN - buyer Fred Schuette to John Schuette, 38 acres in section 24, in town of Manitowoc Rapids, $1. Rev. stamps $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SCHUETTE, PAUL A. - buyer Nellie Sweeney to Paul A Schuette Part of Lots 16 & 17 in Block 45 city of Manitowoc, $1.00. Rev. St. $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SCHUETTLER, JOHN - seller John Schuettler to Jos. Schuettler 80 acres sec. 30 and 80 acres sec. 29 Eaton. $2500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHUETTLER, JOS. - buyer John Schuettler to Jos. Schuettler 80 acres sec. 30 and 80 acres sec. 29 Eaton. $2500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SCHULTZ, ALBERT - buyer W.V. McMullen to Albert Schultz 20 acres sect 3, Cato, $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 7, 1900 P.1
SCHULTZ, ALBERT - buyer Peter Platten to Albert Schultz 151 acres sec 29 and 30 Liberty, $3800 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
SCHULTZ, ALBERT - seller Albert Schultz to Orrin Piper 6 acres section 34 Franklin $550 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
SCHULTZ, AUGUSTA - seller Augusta Schultz to Otto Fischer 50 a sec 25 Meeme, $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, January 5, 1904 pg. 1
SCHULTZ, CHARLES - buyer Ralph Schultz to Charles Schultz, lot ? in city of Two Rivers, $210. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SCHULTZ, EDWARD L. - buyer Edward Sinkula to Edward L. Schultz, part of lots 4 and 5 in block 41, city of Two Rivers, $1,2?0. Rev. stamps $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SCHULTZ, JOS. - buyer Feb. 16, '99-Jos. Maranda to Jos. Schultz N. 1/2 lot 11 block 297 Manitowoc. $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 21, 1899
SCHULTZ, JOSEPH R. - buyer Thomas J. Morris to Joseph R. Schultz, 60 acres in section 31, town of Newton, $1. Rev. stamps $4. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 24, 1916 P.3
SCHULTZ, RALPH - buyer Buchholz Schilling Realty Corp. to Ralph Schultz, lot 4, city of Two Rivers, $210. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SCHULTZ, RALPH - seller Ralph Schultz to Charles Schultz, lot ? in city of Two Rivers, $210. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SCHULTZ, WM. - seller Wm. Schultz to Nic Klauck 1 acres section 30 Schleswig $2100 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
SCHULTZ, WM. - buyer J.B. Laun, et. al. to Wm. Schultz, Lot 7, Block 4, in Laun's add. to Kiel $110. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
SCHULZ, HEINRICH - buyer John Rath to Heinrich Schulz the swq of neq section 4, town 19, range 24, for $2100. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 12, 1868 pg. 4
SCHULZ, HERMAN - seller Herman Schulz to August Rabe lot 8 block 1 Launs addition Keil(sic) $1355 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
SCHULZ, HERMAN - buyer William Zillmann Sr. to Herman Schulz and Henry Vietmeyer lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 blotk (sic) 2, village of Rockville, $2450. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 11, 1899 P.1
SCHULZ, J.E. - seller J.E. Schulz to Rosina Schulz lots village Reedsville $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
SCHULZ, J.E. - seller J.E. Schulz to William Link lot 22 block 58, village of Reedsville, $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 11, 1899 P.1
SCHULZ, LOUISA - buyer Manitowoc Land and Salt Co., to Louisa Schulz lot 10 blk 268 city, $600 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
SCHULZ, ROSINA - buyer J.E. Schulz to Rosina Schulz lots village Reedsville $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
SCHUMITZ, L. A. AND KADOW, W. C. - seller L.A. Schumitz and W.C. Kadow to Charles Krycak, lot 16, block 237, and lots 13, 16, 17, block L, City of Manitowoc, $1. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 9, 1916 P.4
SCHWAKE, HENRY R. - buyer John J. Tadych to Henry R. Schwake, N. ½ of lots 5 and 7, blk. 88, city of Two Rivers, $1800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
SCHWALBE, CHARLES - seller Charles Schwalbe to Friedrich Schwalbe und 1/2 of 20 acres sec 31, Rockland. $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SCHWALBE, FRIEDRICH - buyer Charles Schwalbe to Friedrich Schwalbe und 1/2 of 20 acres sec 31, Rockland. $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SCHWANKE, WILLIAM - seller William Schwanke to Henry J. Freys lot 4 block 2 C.F. Springer & John Wilken's Add to Two Rivers, City, 400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
SCHWANZ, AUGUST - seller August Schwanz to Edmund Holschbach, a lot in section 34, town of Mishicot, $1. Rev. stamps $5.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 24, 1916 P.3
SCHWARTZ, ADAM - buyer Tillie Kress et al. to Adam Schwartz E 1/2 NW 1/4 sec. 34 Centerville 79 acres. $2700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SCHWARTZ, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Schwartz to Peter Schwartz 80 acres in section 22 town of Meeme. $4,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 7, 1899
SCHWARTZ, PETER - buyer Joseph Schwartz to Peter Schwartz 80 acres in section 22 town of Meeme. $4,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 7, 1899
SCHWARZENBART, PETER - seller Peter Schwarzenbart to Henry Hoepner lot 11 and W 1/2 of lot 10 block 120, Manitowoc City, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 11, 1899 P.1
SCHWEDER, CHRISTOPHER - seller Christopher Schweder sold to Anton Stueber lot 3 block 5 Schweder's subdivision $125 Manitowoc Citizen, Jan. 5, 1899
SCHWEITZER, GEO. - buyer Mr. Geo. Schweitzer, who sold his farm in town Newton a few weeks ago, has purchased the home of Aug. Singbusch on the corner of Washington and Seventeenth streets and will soon be a permanent resident of the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 13, 1899
SCHWEITZER, GEORGE - buyer Herman Sengbush to George Schweitzer lot 5 block 268 Manitowoc City. $1550. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
SEBESTA, JOSEF - seller Josef Sebesta and wife to Josef Wilda, consideration $40, Oct. 17th, part of lot 4, Block 120, Manitowoc city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 28, 1898
SEBESTA, MATHIAS - buyer Martin Moos to Mathias Sebesta parcel of land sec 17 Michicot $900 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
SECHREST, JOHN - seller John Sechrest to Joseph Erdmann 110 acres in sections 25 and 26, town of Two Rivers, $1. Rev. stamps $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 26, 1916 P.4
SEDGWICK, GEORGE G. - seller George G. Sedgwick to Edward Sieracki lots 13 and 16 block H, City, $42.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
SEDGWICK, GEORGE G. - seller George G. Sedgwick et. al. to Henry Gries, 40 acres sec . 1, Meeme, $1275. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
SEEHAFER, GOTTLIEB - seller Oct. 19th-Gottlieb Seehafer to Frank Svatek, S.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 and N.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of section 1 and S.W. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of section 35 all in the Town of Rockland. Consideration $3550. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 18, 1898
SEEMAN, A.C. - buyer Nels Johnson to A.C. Seeman parcel of land sect 35, Cato, $30. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
SEIDL, MARY - seller Mrs. Mary Seidl to Michael Keehan, 20 acres sec 2 Franklin $1888 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 23, 1901, p. 1
SEIL?R, IRVING - buyer Hannah Caroline Knudson to Irving Seil?r, lot 6 in addition of city of Manitowoc, $325. Rev. stamps 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3
SEITZ, HAROLD C. - buyer Bernard Jacobs to Harold C. Seitz, lot 5 in block 208, city of Manitowoc, $860. Rev. stamps $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.3
SELL, CARL - buyer Fredrich Rausch to Carl Sell 20 acres sect 2, Two Rivers, $400.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 7, 1900 P.1
SENEBERGER, FRANZ - buyer Otto Krueger and wife to Franz Seneberger, consideration $1,900, Oct. 27th, 1898, sw 1/4, Sec. 8, Town of Cato. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 28, 1898
SENGBUSCH, HERMAN - buyer Joseph Krippner to Herman Sengbusch 40 acres sec 31, Mishicott, (no amount). Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
SENGBUSH, HERMAN - seller Herman Sengbush to George Schweitzer lot 5 block 268 Manitowoc City. $1550. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
SENGLAUB, L.C. - seller Nov. 26th,-Victoria Senglaub and L.C. Senglaub of this city to Wenzel Maresh of same place, lot No. 17 of Blk. No. 115 of Manitowoc city. $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 2, 1898
SENGLAUB, VICTORIA - seller Nov. 26th,-Victoria Senglaub and L.C. Senglaub of this city to Wenzel Maresh of same place, lot No. 17 of Blk. No. 115 of Manitowoc city. $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 2, 1898
SENIOR, CHARLES W. - buyer A.J. Svacina to Charles W. Senior 4 acres sec 34, Manitowoc Rapids. $325. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
SHAMBURECK, ANTON - seller Anton Shambureck to Louis Shamburek (sic) 1 1/4 A. in Sec. 2 Town of Cato $156. Re. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 4, 1916 p.3
SHAMBUREK, LOUIS - buyer Anton Shambureck to Louis Shamburek (sic) 1 1/4 A. in Sec. 2 Town of Cato $156. Re. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 4, 1916 p.3
SHEDIVY, WENZEL - seller Wenzel Shedivy to Joseph Stangel, parcel of Land Sec. 6, Mishicott, $3000 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
SHEDIVY, WENZEL - buyer August Cochenet to Wenzel Shedivy, 116 acres sec 13, Gibson, $5000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
SHERIFF OF MANITOWOC COUNTY - seller Sheriff of Manitowoc county to James Meany 20 acres sec 17, Cato. $1480. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 11, 1899
SHIMANEK, JOHN - seller John Shimanek to the Albert Landreth company Lot 9 of subdv. Lot 1, Sec. 20, Manitowoc, $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 2, 1901, p. 4
SHIMEK, AMELIA - seller Amelia Shimek to August Gans Jr. part of lot 5 sec 18, Manitowoc, $975. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 11, 1899 P.1
SHIMEK, ANNIE - buyer Edward M. Platt to Annie Shimek, part of lots 12 and 14 in block 41, city of Manitowoc, $1. Rev. stamps $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 6, 1916 P.3
SHIMEK, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Shimek to August Mueller, a tract of land in sections 10 and 15, town of Manitowoc Rapids, $8,400. Rev. stamps $5. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 4, 1916 p.3
SHIMPHEK, FREDRICK - seller Fredrick Shimphek to Joseph Suchan 20 acres more or less, Gibson $4950. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, August 30, 1899 P.2
SIERACKI, EDWARD - buyer George G. Sedgwick to Edward Sieracki lots 13 and 16 block H, City, $42.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
SIERACKI, EDWARD - seller Edward Sieracki to Andrew Skerzwkye lot 21 block H, City, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
SIEVERSON, SWEN - seller Swen Sieverson to Hal Knudson parcel of land sec 27, Rockland. $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SIEVERT, JOHN - buyer Wenzel Wyszynski to John Sievert E 60 feet lot 10 block 2 Nottage's add to the City of Two Rivers. $175. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
SIGGELKOW, CHRISTIAN - buyer August Rehme sells Lot 1 of Section 14 and the south 2 1/2 acres of Lot 3 of Section 11 (a total of 46 acres) to Christian Siggelkow for $2,800.00. Twp. Centerville. County Register of Deeds (v.46 p.21), July 19, 1886
SIGGELKOW, EMMA - seller Emma Siggelkow, an infant child (through her special guardian Louis Franzmeier) sells Lot 1 of Section 14 (43.90 acres) to Gustav Lutze for $471.43. Twp. Centreville. County Register of Deeds (v.65 p.492), June 9, 1898
SIMMER, JOHN - seller John Simmer to George Mikel and wife S 1/2 of lot 7 block 10 S 1/2 of lot 8 block 10, Manitowoc Rapids. $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 16, 1899
SIMON, HUBERT - buyer Willian (sic) Boldt to Hubert Simon a tract of land lying in sec 8, Meeme. $3500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 11, 1899 P.1
SIMON, SOPHIA - seller Sophia Simon to Wm. Houghton W 1/2 lot 4 block 17 City. $2,200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 1899 P.2
SIMON, SOPHIA - buyer Frederic S. Luhman et al to Sophia Simon S 60 feet of E 32 feet of lot 8 block 274, Manitowoc city, 500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, July 5, 1899 P.2
SIMONS, CHARLES - buyer March 15th-Mary L. Clair to Charles Simons. Lot No. 1 Block 68 city of Two Rivers. $1000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898
SINGBUSCH, AUG. - buyer Mr. Geo. Schweitzer, who sold his farm in town Newton a few weeks ago, has purchased the home of Aug. Singbusch on the corner of Washington and Seventeenth streets and will soon be a permanent resident of the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 13, 1899
SINGELMAN, PETER - seller Peter Singelman to Wm. Glaser lot 8 block 204 City, $650. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1899 P.2
SINGER, BLANCH - buyer Petronelle Mikalski to Blanch Singer lot 20 block 333. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 31, 1899
SINKULA, EDWARD - seller Edward Sinkula to Edward L. Schultz, part of lots 4 and 5 in block 41, city of Two Rivers, $1,2?0. Rev. stamps $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
SISKA, WENZEL - buyer Charlotte Wienke to Wenzel Siska, 10 acres Sec 21, Cato $225 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
SITMAN, ANTON - buyer Joseph Sitman to Anton Sitman 80 acres section 29 town Franklin $2,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
SITMAN, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Sitman to Anton Sitman 80 acres section 29 town Franklin $2,000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 25, 1899
SKARDA, WILLIAM - seller William Skarda to John F. Gaedke, lot 11, block 143, city of Manitowoc, $1,100. Rev. stamps $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 9, 1916 P.4
SKATEN, OLE b. - seller Ole B. Skaten to Edward Peterson 40 acres sec 7 Liberty $3400 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 16, 1901, p. 2
SKERZWKYE, ANDREW - buyer Edward Sieracki to Andrew Skerzwkye lot 21 block H, City, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
SKLADZEN, JOHN W. - buyer Wenzel C. Kadow to John W. Skladzen, lot 3, in block 91, city of Two Rivers, $1. Rev. stamps $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1916 P.3
SLADKY, GEORGE - seller Charles Hacker to George Sladky undivided 1/2 of Neshot mill Pr. $7000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SLADKY, GEORGE - seller Geo. Sladky to Wencel Popelars 20 acres sec 5, Kossuth, $1015 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
SLADKY, GEORGE - seller George Sladky to Mrs. Patrolina Sweadlik, 53 ½ acres sec ? Kossuth, $2015 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
SLIES, JOSEPH - buyer Peter Slies to Joseph Slies 15 acres sect 31 Gibson, $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 4, 1899 P.1
SLIES, PETER - seller Peter Slies to Joseph Slies 15 acres sect 31 Gibson, $700. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 4, 1899 P.1
SLOPPA, JOSEPH - buyer Ambrosius Ehrett to Joseph Sloppa, the neq of nwq of section 23, town 18, range 23 for $1500. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1868 pg. 4
SLOPPA, JOSEPH - seller Jan. 3, '99-Joseph Sloppa to Jos. Tadych and Anna Tadych, N. 1/2 lot 9 block 208 city of Manitowoc. $490. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1899 P. 1
SLUDA, JOSEPH - buyer Joseph Kru?a to Joseph Sluda, 4 acres in section 26, town of Newton, $1. Rev. stamps $1.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SMALLEY, CHARLES A. - seller Charles A. Smalley to Josephine L. Smalley lot 11 block 2 in Manitowoc Real Estate Co's sub. No. 1 city. $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SMALLEY, JOSEPHINE L. - buyer Charles A. Smalley to Josephine L. Smalley lot 11 block 2 in Manitowoc Real Estate Co's sub. No. 1 city. $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SMAZAL, WENZEL - seller Wenzel Smazal to Eugene Smith, lots 1 and 2 in block 197, city of Manitowoc. $1. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SMITH, ANNA T. - seller Anna T. Smith to Joseph Hoyer, 40 acres, sec. 16, Maple Grove, 200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
SMITH, EUGENE - buyer Wenzel Smazal to Eugene Smith, lots 1 and 2 in block 197, city of Manitowoc. $1. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 2, 1916 P.4
SMITH, H.H. - seller H.H. Smith sold 50 ft in lots 5 & 6 in block 66, village of Two Rivers, to Rev. D. Pinkerton for $950. Manitowoc Tribune, Oct. 4, 1855
SMITH, H.H. - seller H.H. Smith sold lot 12 in block 43 to F. Wright for $200. Manitowoc Tribune, Oct. 4, 1855
SMITH, JOSEPH - buyer August Elengroeen to Joseph Smith the e3/4 of neq of neq of section 6, town 17, range 21, for $1400. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4
SMITH, MARY A. - buyer Henry W. Brown to Mary A Smith 40 acres sect 7, Manitowoc. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
SMITH, P.P. - seller P.P. Smith to E. Chloupek, lot 11, block 154, in the Village of Manitowoc, for $600. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1868 pg. 4
SMITH, PERRY - seller Perry Smith to O. Aslakson, lot 10 blk, 102 city, consideration $200. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
SMITH, PERRY P. - seller Nov. 14th Perry P. Smith and wife to Mina Zahn, lot 75 in Buel and Nichols Sub. of lots 3, 4 and 5 of Ben. Jones sub. of S. 1/2 of N.E. 1/4 of section 19 in the city of Manitowoc. Consideration $350. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 18, 1898
SMITH, S.W. - seller S.W. Smith sold lot 17, block 119, in village of Manitowoc, with appurtenances, to Rev. M. Holmes for $1,000. Manitowoc Tribune, Oct. 4, 1855
SMITH, WM. - buyer B. Jones to Wm. Smith, lots 9, 12, 13, 16 and 17, block 211; $500. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Friday, April 10, 1868 pg. 1
SNOOCK, WM. - buyer Geo. Schmidt to Wm. Snoock W 1/2 of NW 1/4 sec. 26 Mishicott $4175. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
SNORTUM, ANDREW - buyer Oscar G. Berge to Andrew Snortum 5 acres sec 16 Libery $55 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
SOBIECH, ANTON - seller Anton Sobiech to the Wm. Rahr Sons Co., lots 21 and 22 block 80. $1,800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 7, 1899
SOEMMER, HELENA - seller Helena Soemmer to W.M. Witte lot 10 and 20, Milholm. $450. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
SOHN, JOHN - buyer Apr. 27, '98-C.R. Zorn, as administrator, to John Sohn, undiv. 1/2 of part of S.W. 1/4 of N.W. `/4 of section 6, of the town of Schleswig. $201. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 21, 1899
SOHN, JOHN - seller John Sohn to Theodore Sohn parcel of land sec 3, Schleswig $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SOHN, THEODORE - buyer John Sohn to Theodore Sohn parcel of land sec 3, Schleswig $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SOHRWEIDE, ALBERT - seller Albert Sohrweide to John G. Gross 120 acres sec 29 and 20 Maple Grove. $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SOHRWEIDE, JOHN - buyer John G. Gross to John Sohrweide 120 acres sec. 29 and 20 Maple Grove. $500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SOMMER, WALTER L. - buyer William Sommer to Walter L. Sommer, a lot in section 19, town of Centerville, $1. Rev. stamps $6. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 4, 1916 p.3
SOMMER, WILLIAM - seller William Sommer to Walter L. Sommer, a lot in section 19, town of Centerville, $1. Rev. stamps $6. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 4, 1916 p.3
SOMNITZ, CARL - seller Carl Somnitz to Maurice Cohen 80 acres section 8 Gibson. 3,500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 15, 1899
SONNEWALD, MIKE - seller Mike Sonnewald to William Engelland, 80 acres in ???? ???? of Two Rivers, $9,900. Rev. stamps $10. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
SORENSON, N. - seller N. Sorenson sold to N. Trossen 79 acres in section 36, town 2, range 23, for $2050. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, March 5, 1868 pg. 4
SORENSON, PETER J. - buyer Emma Erickson et. al. to Peter J. Sorenson. Parcels of land sec. 4, Liberty, $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
SOUKUP, STEPHAN - buyer Joseph Kliment Jr. to Stephan Soukup, 70 acres in sections 29 and 32, town of Gibson, $2,500. Rev. stamps $6. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 18, 1916 P.3
SPAETH, ANTON - buyer John Wegner to Anton Spaeth 53 acres section 36 Liberty $1.00. The Manitowoc Citizen, May 9, 1907
SPAETH, CARL - buyer Joseph Spaeth to Carl Spaeth 100 acres sec 18, Newton. $3000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
SPAETH, H. - buyer Henry Waack to H. Spaeth, 40 acres, Newton, consideration, $2,200. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
SPAETH, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Spaeth to Carl Spaeth 100 acres sec 18, Newton. $3000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
SPECHT, JACOB - buyer J.S. Stetson sold to Jacob Specht, 80 acres in section 31, town 18, range 22, for $700. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, March 5, 1868 pg. 4
SPEWACEK, ANTON - seller Jan. 81,(sic) '99-Anton Spewacek to James Holly, part of N. 1/2 S.E. 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 section 4, town of Gibson. $400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 21, 1899
SPIEGEL, WM. - seller Wm. Spiegel to Wm. A. Spiegel 112 acres section 21 Mishicott $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
SPIEGEL, WM. A. - buyer Wm. Spiegel to Wm. A. Spiegel 112 acres section 21 Mishicott $1 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
SPIEREL, CHRISTIAN - seller Christian Spierel to Cilla Bisley lot 17 block 324. $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 4, 1899
SPINDLER, CHARLES A. - seller Charles A. Spindler to Charles Gruhle lot 18, block 300, Manitowoc City. 800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 8, 1899 P.2
SPINKER, JOHN C. - buyer Emil Teitgen et. al., to John C. Spinker lot 5, block 3 Teitgen & Meyer's Subdv. of lot 5, block 3 Teitgen & Meyer's Subdv. of lot 5, Hinckley's Subdy (sic). of sec 31, Manitowoc, $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 4, 1899 P.1
SPORER, JOSEPH - buyer Mary E. Reardon to Joseph Sporer, north one-half lots 1 and 2, block 45, city of Manitowoc, $2,070. Rev. stamps $2.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 29, 1916 P.5
SPRANG, ANTON - seller Anton Sprang to Adolph Lettenberger 40 acres sec 23 Eaton. $1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SPRANN, AUG. - seller Nov. 10th-Aug. Sprann, wife to Rudolph Thiedeman, W. 1/2 of N.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 section 11 in Town of Schleswig. Consideration $300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 18, 1898
SPROLL, JOHN - buyer County of Manitowoc to John Sproll 80 acres sec 81, Liberty. 96.45. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 8, 1899 P.2
STACHLE, MAX - buyer Rev. W. J. Peil to Dr. Max Stachle lot 11, Blk 245, City, $4?00 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
STAHL, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Stahl to Rev. Ambros Oschwald the neq of seq section 23, town 18, range 21, for $2000. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1868 pg. 4
STAHN, AUGUST - seller Nov. 28th-August Stahn to Peter Hoyer, the S.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of section 10 town of Maple Grove. $475. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 21, 1898
STANDARD ALUMINUM CO. - seller Standard Aluminum (sic) Co. to Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co., lots 1 to 6 inclusive in block 83; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 88; lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, block 87, and part of lots 1, 2, and 3, block 84, and of lots 3 and 10, block 87, city of Two Rivers, $1.00. Rev. stanmps, $100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1916 P.4
STANGEL, GEORGE W. - buyer Henry Pentzien to George W. Stangel, 40 acres, sec. 5, Mishicott, $650. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
STANGEL, JOE - seller Joe Stangel to Wenzel Rezachek 80 acres sec 34, Mishicott. $1300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
STANGEL, JOSEPH - buyer Wenzel Shedivy to Joseph Stangel, parcel of Land Sec. 6, Mishicott, $3000 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
STANGEL, WENZEL M. - buyer Henry Pentzien to Wenzel M. Stangel, 40 acres, Sec. 5, Mishicott, $1600. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
STANISH, CARL - buyer John Poppenhagen to Carl Stanish 92 acres sec 576, Meeme, 2500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1899 P.2
STARICH, ANTON - seller Anton Starich to Arthur Lusloff, 60 acres in section 32, town of Eaton. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 26, 1916 P.4
STARK, FRANK - buyer William Voigt to Frank Stark lot 4 block 18 Hilbert & Smith's add to Kiel. $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
STARK, FRANK - buyer William Gruble to Frank Stark, parcel of land sec. 28, Schleswig, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
STASEK, JOSEPH - buyer John Burk to Joseph Stasek, Lot 22, Block 300, City $210 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
STASTNY, FRANK - buyer Louis Hassemer et al to Frank Stastny part of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 15-20-23, Kussuth (sic), 482. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, July 5, 1899 P.2
STATE OF WISCONSIN - seller State of Wisconsin and Manitowoc Co. by Henry Lehrmann, sheriff to John Duggan 40 acres more or less sec 23, Maple Grove, $365. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
STATE OF WISCONSIN - seller State of Wisconsin and Manitowoc Co. by Henry Lehrmann, sheriff to Thomas Morrisey 80 acres more or less sec 11, Maple Grove, $2615. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
STAUBER, THOMAS - seller Thomas Stauber to John Bauer 40 acres section 16 Rapids $2200 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
STAUBER, THOMAS - seller Thomas Stauber to Wm. Ferring 80 acres section 22 Kossuth. $5,100. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 7, 1899
STECKER, LOUIS - seller Louis Stecker to Charles Perschke, 80 acres sec. 36, Schleswig, $4800 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 11, 1901, p. 4
STEDL, LAWRENCE - buyer Wm. Brandt to Lawrence Stedl 80 acres section 8 Franklin. $2,500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 21, 1899
STEFFEN, JOHN - buyer Anna Kolwey to John Steffen, 80 acres in Liberty, consideration $1,900. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
STEFFES, JOHN P. - buyer Oscar M. Lindholm to John P. Steffes 2 acres, sect 23, 1/2 acre sect 26 Manitowoc Rapids, $1475. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 13, 1900 P.1
STEHN, CHRISTIAN - seller Christian Stehn to Geo. Schmidt SW of SE sec. 38 and S 1/2 of NW of SW sec. 34 Mishicott. $2800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 28, 1899
STEHN, CHRISTIAN - buyer August Claire to Christian Stehn lot 8 block 17, Mishicott. $600. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
STEHN, HERMAN - buyer Lorenz Karkow to Herman Stehn, 50 acres, Sec. 30, Mishicot, $1850. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
STEIN, AUG - seller Aug. Stein to Wm. M. Rush, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 32, T. 20, R. 21. 40 A. $350. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 11, 1881 P. 1
STEIN, WILLIAM - buyer Schroeder Bros. Co. to William Stein, Lot 20 in block 5 in City of Two Rivers, $300.00. Rev. St. 50 cents. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916 P.4
STEINBERG, HERMAN - buyer Christian Fischer to Herman Steinberg 80 acres section 15 Schleswig. $2,500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 1899 P.2
STEINBRECKER, GEORGE - seller George Steinbrecker to William Steinbrecker und 1/2 of 60 acres sec 22 and 23, Cooperstown. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
STEINBRECHER, GEORGE - seller George Steinbrecher to John Steinbrecher et al und ½ interest in and to 40 acres sec 25 and in and to 80 acres sec 22 Kossuth $1 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
STEINBRECHER, JOHN - buyer George Steinbrecher to John Steinbrecher et al und ½ interest in and to 40 acres sec 25 and in and to 80 acres sec 22 Kossuth $1 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1901, p. 1
STEINBRECHER, M. K. - seller M K Steinbrecher to Maribel Mineral Springs Co 180 a sec 13 Cooperstown, $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 P.2
STEINBRECKER, WILLIAM - buyer George Steinbrecker to William Steinbrecker und 1/2 of 60 acres sec 22 and 23, Cooperstown. $1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
STEINER, ADOLPH - buyer Samuel Roullier to Adolph Steiner 1 acre, section 9 Mishicott $1. The Manitowoc Citizen, Feb. 23, 1905
STEINHART, JOSEPH A., REV. - buyer William D. Richards to Rev. Joseph A Steinhart north 45 feet of lot No. 10 block 290, City, $375. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
STELHOLA, THOMAS - buyer Christ Larson to Thomas Stelhola 80 acres section 19 Gibson $5400 The Manitowoc Citizen, Apr. 14, 1904
STELLING, F. F. - seller F F Stelling to Reka Schreiber 20 a sec 6 Eaton, $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 P.2
STELZER, ROBERT - buyer Rosa Zander to Robert Stelzer 13 acres section 36 1 Gibson $1.00. The Manitowoc Citizen,May 9, 1907
STENSLAND, ALICE THORSEN - seller Alice Thorsen Stensland to Albert Hearmann, 76 acres, sec 34, Cato, $3800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, April 25, 1901, p. 1
STEPHANI, W.P. - seller W.P. Stephani special guardian of infant heirs of Edward Courchene deceased to Eli Niquette und 1 1/2 of lot 2 block 11, Two Rivers, $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, October 18, 1899 P.2
STERBA, JOHN - buyer Fred Benishek to John Sterba, 1 1/2 acres in section 7, town of Kossuth. $3,426. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1916 P.3
STETSON, J.S. - seller J.S. Stetson sold to Jacob Specht, 80 acres in section 31, town 18, range 22, for $700. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, March 5, 1868 pg. 4
STEWART, CONSTENTY - seller Constenty Stewart to Theodore Kanit, a lot in section 34, town of Newton, $7,000. Rev. stamps $7. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 11, 1916 P.4
STICK, WILLIAM - buyer Carl Janke to William Stick 80 acres sec 1, Gibson. $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 24, 1899
STOCK, SIMON JR. - buyer Simon Stock Sr. to Simon Stock Jr. 20 acresmore or less sec 34, Newton, $1000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
STOCK, SIMON SR. - seller Simon Stock Sr. to Simon Stock Jr. 20 acresmore or less sec 34, Newton, $1000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 P.2
STOCK, SIMON SR. - seller Simon Stock Sr. to Peter Dehue, 60 acres in section 27, town of Newton, $8,850. Rev. Stamps $4. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, February 15, 1916 P.3
STOLTZMAN, G. - buyer Henry Albrecht to G. Stoltzman the neq of neq section 34, and nwq of nwq section 35, town 17 range 22, for $3300. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1868 pg. 4
STOWATER, E. - buyer Henry Schaefer to E. Stowater, 27 acres in Schleswig, consideration $1,800. Manitowoc Pilot October 19, 1893
STOWATER, EDDIE - seller Eddie Stowater to Henry H. Vietmeyer, 7-160 acres, lot 29, village of Milham, $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 30, 1900 P.1
STOZNIZKE, ANTON - buyer Oct. 5.-Theresa Meyer to Anton Stoznizke parcel of land in section 25, town 19. $500 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
STRADAL, GEORGE - buyer May 2nd-Peter Stradal to George Stradal. W. 1/2 S.E. 1/4 of section 5 of town Franklin. $2800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898
STRADAL, PETER - seller May 2nd-Peter Stradal to George Stradal. W. 1/2 S.E. 1/4 of section 5 of town Franklin. $2800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898
STRANSKY, JOSEPH - buyer Nov. 25th,-Henry Antholz Jr., and Emelia his wife of town Kossuth county of Manitowoc to Joseph Stransky of same place, the N.E. 1/4 of N.E. 1/4 section 21, town 20, range 28. $2500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 2, 1898
STROAF, FRANK - buyer E.J. Carman to Frank Stroaf, the swq of nwq of seq of nwq of section 7, town 20 range 24 for $1160. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 12, 1868 pg. 4
STRYZEWSKI, AUG. - seller Aug. Stryzewski to Jos. Kujawski, Lot 7, Block 255, $1.00 Manitowoc Pilot October 15, 1896
STRZYRAWSKI, AUGUST - seller August Strzyrawski to Wtadystaw (sic) Bartnicka lot 10 block 255, City, 1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1899 P.2
STUEBER, ANTON - buyer Christopher Schweder sold to Anton Stueber lot 3 block 5 Schweder's subdivision $125 Manitowoc Citizen, Jan. 5, 1899
STUEBER, ANTON - buyer Christopher Schroeder to Anton Stueber, lot 8 block 5 Schroeder's subdivision. $125. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 4, 1899
STUECK, ERNESTINE - buyer Gottlieb Luetke to Ernestine Stueck 30 acres sec 23, Gibson, 1.00. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
STUERMER, CARL - seller Sept. 7th-Carl Stuermer to Charlley Hein, lot No. 5 of block No. 18 in Hilbert & Smith addition to the village of Kiel. $800. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 21, 1898
STURGEON BAY AND LAKE MICHIGAN SHIP CANAL & HARBOR CO. - seller The Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal & Harbor Co., to Westley A. Rickaby, 3 acres section 3 town of Eaton. $50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Feb. 1, 1899
SUCHAN, JOSEPH - buyer Fredrick Shimphek to Joseph Suchan 20 acres more or less, Gibson $4950. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, August 30, 1899 P.2
SUCHAN, JOS., JR. - buyer Jos. Suchan, Sr., to Jos. Suchan, Jr., 40 acres section 20, 20 acres section 19 Mishicott. $1,300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 7, 1899
SUCHAN, JOS., SR. - seller Jos. Suchan, Sr., to Jos. Suchan, Jr., 40 acres section 20, 20 acres section 19 Mishicott. $1,300. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Mar. 7, 1899
SUCHAN, JOSEPH JR. - seller Joseph Suchan Jr. to Witt Patricny 40 acres sec 30, Gibson, 2455. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2
SUCHMEL, JOSEPH - seller Joseph Suchmel to Adolph Scarivoda 40 acres sec 4, Kossuth. $2750. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 10, 1899
SUELOFF, AUGUST GUSTAV - buyer Nov. 30th-Frederick Voss to August Gustav Sueloff. N.E. 1/4 S.E. 1/4 S.E. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 of section 15 of town Schleswig. $2500. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 7, 1898
SUFFAU, EDWARD - seller Edward Suffau to Adolph P. Schenian, lot 3 and S. 1/2 lot 2 block 1 of Dumke's subdivision. $1400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Jan. 4, 1899
SUFFRAN, EDWARD - seller Edward Suffran to Wilhelmina Pape lot 6 block 3 in Edw. Suffran's Add. Manitowoc $250. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 11, 1899 P.1
SUFFRAND, EDWARD - seller Edward Suffrand sold to Adolph P. Schenian lot 3S 1/2 lot 2 block 1 Dumke's subdivision $1400 Manitowoc Citizen, Jan. 5, 1899
SVACINA, A.J. - seller A.J. Svacina to Charles W. Senior 4 acres sec 34, Manitowoc Rapids. $325. Manitowoc Daily Herald, May 2, 1899
SVACINA, JOSEPH - buyer Sarah Kelley to Joseph Svacina, 80 acres, sec 15, Franklin, $3000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 1
SVATEK, FRANK - buyer Oct. 19th-Gottlieb Seehafer to Frank Svatek, S.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 and N.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of section 1 and S.W. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of section 35 all in the Town of Rockland. Consideration $3550. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Nov. 18, 1898
SWEADLIK, PATROLINA - buyer George Sladky to Mrs. Patrolina Sweadlik, 53 ½ acres sec ? Kossuth, $2015 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1901, p. 3
SWEENEY, NELLIE - seller Nellie Sweeney to Paul A Schuette Part of Lots 16 & 17 in Block 45 city of Manitowoc, $1.00. Rev. St. $3.50. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 28, 1916 P.4
SWEENEY, NELLIE - seller Nellie Sweeney to Amanda Edwards, part of lots 16 and 17, block 45, city of Manitowoc. $1. Rev. stamps $3. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 1, 1916 P.3
SWEIDA, WENZEL - seller Wenzel Sweida to Adolph Swelda 71 acres Sec. 12 Kossuth, $2400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, P.4
SWELDA, ADOLPH - buyer Wenzel Sweida to Adolph Swelda 71 acres Sec. 12 Kossuth, $2400. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, June 19, 1901, P.4
SWETLIK, ANDREW - buyer Mat Radey to Andrew Swetlik 10 acres section 2 Franklin $500 The Manitowoc Citizen, Oct. 6, 1904
SWOBODA, ANNA - seller Dec. 31-Anna Swoboda to Wm. Blank, N.W. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 of N.E. 1/4 N.W. 1/4 section 26 town Gibson 2 acres also small parcel in section 23 in town of Gibson in all 98 acres. $8200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1899 P. 1
SYNICZAH, MARTIN - seller Oct. 17.-Martin Syniczah to Paul Mrotch, lot 4, block 331, Manitowoc. $200. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1898
SZCZIPENSKI, STEPHEN - seller Stephen Szczipenski to Stanislaus Ratajczk 125 acres being in sec 26 and 27, Newton, 7000. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1899 P.2