Veterans of the Spanish-American War

The Spanish-American War lasted briefly from April to August of 1898 over Cuba. The outcome of the war was that the United States got Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippine Islands.

All of these men are not necessarily from Manitowoc county, but
this is where they enlisted. This information was kindly provided
by the Manitowoc County Veterans Service Office, from the Roster of
Wisconsin Troops in the Spanish American War.
According to word received here the Selia bill, which provides pensions for 
disabled Spanish War Veterans from $12 to $30 per month, has passed the house 
at Washington by a vote of 294 to 18. This is the first pension measure passed 
providing relief for disabled veterans of the war with Spain except those 
disabled in line of duty. There are many veterans in Manitowoc county eligible 
to pension.
Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. March 8, 1920 P. 3
Bands playing, flags flying, the entire city of Manitowoc in holiday attire, 
with the streets along the line of march crowded with thousands of the home 
folks-this was the scene, when Company H, of the old Wisconsin National Guard 
returned from service in the Spanish-American war back in 1898. The date was 
September 18, and the above picture was taken from the corner of South Eighth 
and Jay streets, looking north.
The soldier boys came back in command of First Lieutenant Norman A. Knudson, who 
was acting captain, having charge of the company when Captain William Abel was 
taken seriously ill just as the company was about to embark on transport at 
Charleston, S.C. When the boys arrived at the depot here on that bright September 
afternoon they were met by bands and the parade moved to the Turner Hall, where a 
big reception and dinner awaited them. Marching at the head of the soldier boys 
was a familiar figure in Manitowoc in those days, Henry Ladwig, now deceased, a 
tall youth who impersonated "Uncle San," because of his tall, erect stature.
The Company H that saw service in the Spanish-American war was organized in the 
late eighties. In 1893 William Abel succeeded to the command of the company and 
when war was declared against Spain in April, 1898, company H was summoned to 
service with the rest of the units of the guard in Wiscons (sic) and mobilized at 
Camp Harvey, Milwuakee. The company was recruited in to 84 men and on May 12, 1898, 
they were mustered into the service of the United States for a term of two years.
Off For War
The company then proceeded to Camp Thomas at Chickamauga where they remained for 
two months and on July 5 proceeded to Charleston, S.C. July 14 Captain Abel was 
taken ill and when the unit sailed July 20 for Porto Rico Lieut. Knudson was in 
command of the company with Lieut. August F. Stahl next in command. The sergeants 
were Henry Kliner, Emil Stahl, James Chadek, Frank Rosinsky, Frank Mulvaney and 
Charles Richards and the Corporals-Charles M. Krumm, Jos. Hruby, Theo. Mahnke, 
Albert C. Stahl, Gustave Torrison, Charles Fiedl, John M. Taylor, K.E. Ellingboe, 
Joe Nyhan, Benj. Krause, Fred Althen and Henry R. O'Donnell.
On July 27 the boys disembarded at Ponce, Porto Rico. They did duty there for 
several weeks, and although within sound of firing, never were in actual combat. 
In September the company, with other units, embarked for the United States and 
landed at Jersey City on September 15. They were transported by rail and arrived 
in Manitowoc three days later. Two months furlough was granted the members of the 
command and on November 16, 1898 Company H was mustered out of the service of the 
United States. 
Steps were at once taken to reorganize the company in the Wisconsin National guard, 
the company retained the title of Company H, Second Regiment Wisconsin National guard 
and Norman A. Knudson, who had led the old company through the Porto Rican campign 
became its first captain. He was succeeded by Charles M. Krumm and later by Richard 
Buerstatte, and still later by Walter Abel, son of Captain Wm. Abl.
Four members of the war company died in the period that the company was in the 
service of the government. They were Herbert Colville and Fred Engel, who died in 
a Charleston hospital; Wm. Hayne, who died at sea, and Fred C. Schwalbe, who died 
in a Chickamougua hospital.
To many old time citizens of Manitowoc, the picture shown above will recall memories 
of 32 years ago, and the thrill of the day when "the boys" came back.
Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, January 31, 1930 P. 3



Captain - William Abel

First Lieutenant - Alfred N. Knudson

First Sergeant - Henry Kliner
Sergeant - James Chadek

Althen, Fred M.
Ellingboe, Knudt E.
Friedl, Charles G.
Hruby, Joseph 
Krause, Benjamin
Krumm, Charles M.

Musician - Frederick W. Block

Allen, Irvin
Allen, Theodore
Allen, William
Amann, George B.
Anderson, Nils J.

Ball, William C.
Beck, Edward
Berndt, Albert C.
Bonn, William E.
Bonnin, Frank D.
Buenger, Charles
Byram, Charles C.

Cegelski, Stephen/Wisconsin/Private Co. K 1/Reg. Wis. Inf./Spanish American War/
      Sept. 2, 1880/March 27, 1961
Christensen, Andrew
Churney, Logic

Danielson, Ole
Discher, Herman F.
Dickey, Jay A. - 1876-1951 - buried in Evergreen
Douglas, John H. - 1882 - 1954 - buried in Evergreen
Dueno, George

End, Joseph W.

Fleischer, Henry C.
Fox, George - 1878-1964 - buried in Evergreen
Friedl, John 
Frisch, Henry
Funck, Henry J.

Georgenson, Martin
Golembiewski, William
Grall, William C.
Grosstueck, Walter
Grunn, John
Guhin, Patrick H.

Hackett, Albert
Harris, William C.
Haseloff, Fred
Hayn, William (G.A.R. hand written card: Mustered in as William 
   Hayn, mustered out William Heyn, Co. H. 2nd rgt., born Manitowoc.)
Haynes, Wesley
Heingarten, Charles L.B.
Hempton, James A.
Herzog, Daniel W.

Jackett, Anton

Kadletz, Frank
Kawalle, Emil
Kennedy, Thomas J.
Klein, Henry A.
Klenke, William H.
Klotz, Charles
Knop, Gustav L.
Koeppe, Frank E.
Kohler, Carl J. Tombstone
    Made Fatal Mistake
    Sheboygan Youth, Known Here, Drinks Carbolic Acid and is Dead
    Carbolic acid, a quantity of which he drank in the mistaken belief that 
    it was a medicine that he had been using, caused the death Saturday of 
    Carl Kohler, a well known young man of Sheboygan who has a wide circle 
    of friends in this city. Kohler was found in the death throes by his brother 
    who was summoned to the room by his sufferings and died in a short time. 
    He was 24 years of age and was associated with the firm of M. Kohler and 
    Sons of the Riverside Mfg. Co. at Sheboygan. At the time of the Spanish 
    American War, young Kohler served a short time with Co. H of this city 
    being enrolled with the local company after the Sheboygan command 
    had been filled. The announcement of this tragic and untimely death 
    was received with sorrow here.
    Manitowoc Daily Herald - Aug. 8, 1904 

Ladenberger, Wileg
Levenhagen, Walter
Liebert, Fred J.

Priv. Herbert C. Coville of Oconomowoc, aged 20 years, died at
Charleston, S.C., July 19, 1898, of typhoid fever.  Buried at

Priv. Fred Engel of Manitowoc, aged 23 years, died at Charleston,
S.C., Aug. 1, 1898, of typhoid fever. Buried at Manitowoc.

Priv. William Heyn of Manitowoc, aged 29 years, died on board
hospital ship Lampasas, July 28, 1898, of typhoid fever. Buried
at sea.