Very few of our citizens are aware of the increase in population and prosperity of this locality and its immediate neighborhood. Two years ago, the person who proposed to open a stock of goods at this point would have been laughed at. There are now two good stores there, both well filled, and both doing good business, if we can believe the representations of the residents of that locality, and the prospect is that neither will have enough goods to last till spring. We made a flying visit up there a short time before election, and though we did not call at the establishment of our friends, L.C. Harrington & Co., we had time to stop a few minutes at the store of Thos. Cunningham. There is a Saw Mill and Grist Mill at this place, and farmers are rapidly settling in the neighborhood. We had an opportunity of testing the proverbial hospitality of D.B. Knapp, under whose supervision of a fine bridge is being built across the river, and spent the night at the house of our old acquaintance, Mr. A.C. Tufts, and after an indescriminate slaughter of ducks, partidges, etc., and enjoying the comfort and freedom of the bachelor home of Mr. A.O. Pool, and listening to a rehearsal of the 'wild scenes of a hunters life,' we returned with the full determination to take another just such tramp, whenever we can heave our paper to the tender mercies of compositor and devil; and a complete and radical improvement in our physical condition, which we attribute to the bracing effect of exercise in the open air, has no tendency to alter our determination. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, November 18, 1854 P. 3