Some of the names have been taken from their tombstones. For the
rest, a thank you to the Manitowoc County Veterans Service Office for providing me with
their list of servicemen.
A * by the name means the soldier, Sailor, Marines or Nurse died during the World War
thus earning Wisconsin's Gold Star.
MACCOLLUM: Curtis L. 1st Lt. - Med. Corps - ManitowocMACHON: * Raymond O. Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers age 31, killed in action, Aug. 5, 1918.
MACK: Otto Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 12 - Reedsville Photo Otto Mack, Private who entered service from Manitowoc in May, 1918, and entered Germany after serving in France. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MADSON: Emil M. Pvt. - Bat. B. 327 FA - Manitowoc
MADSON: Joseph Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Kiel
MADSON: Norman A. 3rd. Regt. FARD - Manitowoc
MAERTZ: Otto H. Pvt. Bat. E. 104 FA - Reedsville
MAHLOCH: Martin N. Pvt. - 53 Dep. Brig. - Kiel
MAHLOCK: Edmund Pvt. - Co. D. 1 Bat. US Gds. - Collins
MAHNKE: Alice G. Army Nurse Corps-World War I ***** Mrs. Alice G. Mahnke, 90, of 1201 S. 10th St., Manitowoc, died Monday evening, March 3, at Holy Family Hospital. Funeral services will be 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Theodore Hendricks will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Mahnke, nee Alice G. Gleason, was born Oct. 9, 1890, at Richmond, Mich., daughter of the late Patrick and Katherine Quinlan Gleason. She was married to Fred K. Mahnke June, 1916, at Des Moines, Iowa. The couple established residence at Manitowoc after marriage. He preceded her in death Nov. 26, 1948. Mrs. Mahnke attended Nursing School at Grand Rapids, Mich., and was a veteran of World War I, serving as an army nurse. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Herman, Mrs. Mary Wu and Mrs. Helen Engelbrecht of Manitowoc, eight grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, where a prayer service will be at 7:45 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, March 4, 1980 P.3 ********* [d. 3 Mar 1980/age 90 yrs/widow of Fred Mahnke] (09 Oct 1888/Mar 1980/SSDI)
MAHNKE: Arthur A. Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 145 MG Bn. - Manitowoc
MAHNKE: Herbert Pvt. - Hq. Co. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
MAHNKE: Leo H. Pvt. - 155 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
MAHNKE: Walter L. Pvt. - 156 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
MALBY: E. Seargent Photo Sgt. E. Malby, Served in the Aviation Corps. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MALBY: William Photo William Malby, Served aboard one of Uncle Sam's destroyers. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MALLMANN: Frank Pvt. - Co. B. 78 Inf. - Kiel
MALLY: Emil Sgt. - 14 Co. 2 Regt. AS - Manitowoc
MANDEL: Arthur E. Cpl. - 27 Spruce Co. - Two Rivers
MANDEL: David R. Pvt. - 2 Co. Sweeney Auto - Two Rivers
MANDEL: Edwin Pvt. - Co. A. 32 Mg. Bn. - Two Rivers
MANDEL: Frank Pvt. - 38 Co. 4 Prov. MT Dep. - Two Rivers
MANEY: Raymond J. Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 8 - Reedsville
MARCINKEWICZ: Stanislaw Pvt. - Mch ARD Co. B. 312 Engr. - Two Rivers
MAREK: Emil Pvt. - Co. A. 136 MG Bn. - Two Rivers
MARKHAM: Burt J. 2nd Lt. - San. Arm. F. Sch. - Manitowoc
MARKHAM: Robert H. Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
MARKOSKI: Anton Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
MARQUARDT: William Pvt. - 104 FA - Reedsville
MARTIN: Arthur A. Pvt. - Co. G. 111 Inf. - Two Rivers
MARTIN: John F. Cpl. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
MATCZYNSKI: Frank A. Pvt. - Engrs. Res. C. - Manitowoc
MATCZYNSKI: John M. Sgt. - But. Co. 324 QMC - Manitowoc
MATCZYNSKI: Joseph Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 14 Bn. US Gds. - Manitowoc
MATHIES: George E. Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Maribel
MATHIESON: Ira Pvt. - Co. A. 40 Mg. Bn. - Two Creeks
MATTHIES: Arthur Photo Pvt. Arthur Matthies, Two Rivers Yank, who served at the Edgewood Arsenal. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MATTHIES: Earl J. Mus. 3c - Hq. Co. 10 Inf. - Two Rivers
MAXFELDT: George O. Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
MAYER: Allis Pvt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Valders
MCCARTHY: * James G. Pvt. - Co. B. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc age 29, killed in action, May 23, 1918. James George McCarthy of Manitowoc has been reported killed in action in France during the last days of the fighting. McCarthy was employed at Manitowoc but nothing is known of his family and the government has so far been unable to locate relatives. The Reporter, Thurs., Feb. 20, 1919
MCCARTHY: Leo Michael Pvt. 1cl - QMC Util. - Manitowoc
MCCLELLAN: Allen W. Wag. - Sup. Tr. 14 Cav. - Manitowoc Photo Allan McClellan, Fourteenth Supply company, Houston, Texas, 414 North Tenth street, Manitowoc. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MCCLELLAN: Henry Photo Henry McClellan, died in France, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. McClellan, 414 North Tenth street, Manitowoc. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MCDERMAND: Charles C. Pvt. 1cl - 48 Serv. Co. Sig. C. - Manitowoc
MCGOVERN: Frank (no rank given) - Co. E. 125 Inf. - Manitowoc
MEINEKE: Erwin H. Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 8 - Two Rivers
MEINEKE: Raymond P. Pvt. - MG Tr. Cp. Hancock - Two Rivers
MEISSNER: Edwin A. Pvt. - 43 FA - Manitowoc
MELVILLE: David Pvt. - Co. A. 36 MG Bn. - Manitowoc
MENNE: Raymond J. Sgt. - Bat. D. 14 FA - Kiel
MERMUYS: Arthur J. Pvt. 1cl - Co. B. 3rd Inf. - Two Rivers HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM SHARKS Two Rivers Man in Merchant Marine Service Writes About Adventure TWO COMRADES LOST Edward Mermuys in a letter to his parents here, Mr. and Mfrs. C.E. Mermuys tells among other things of a narrow escape from sharks recently in Cuban waters. He is in the merchant Marine and writes from New York. "Arrived here safe and sound after a voyage to Cuba. Nothing exciting except that I came near not coming back. Four of us left the ship, when at anchor at Cabirean, in a sail boat which capsized when we struck a coral reef. Two of the fellows were victims of sharks while the other fellows and myself climbed aboard the boat which was overturned. "We hit the rock or coral, as one would call it, sideways which threw us into the deep water where we capsized. We swam but were started by a couple of sharks coming among us. They grabbed these lads and soon they were lost. We could do nothing so we swam for the boat with all our might for fear other sharks would get us. Thank God, we escaped. The night before, two fellows went out in a boat, with only one oar and as neither one could scull they were carried by the tide towards sea. Their shouts brought our attention to their plight and we started getting a boat ready for the rescue. One fellow in the boat, thinking no assistance was coming, took off h is clothes and swam to the ship. He made the ship and as every one familiar with those waters considered it a miracle he wasn't attacked by sharks, he owes his life to the fact that sharks are not very active after sundown." The following extract from this letter indicates that Cubans are worse off the Americans ever were during the war. "People in the states don't know when they are well off. People in Cuba have been without bread for several weeks and the Cuban Government issued a statement that if no flour is forth coming from the states, no sugar will be shipped out of the country to the States" Mr. Mermuys will now attend the Navigational School to become an officer in the Merchant Marine service. The Reporter - Thurs., Dec. 12, 1918
MERTENS: Arthur J. Pvt. - 322 Aero Sqdn. - Two Rivers
MERTENS: Fred J. Corp. - Co. L. 339 Inf. - Two Rivers
MERTENS: William B. Corp. - QMC - Two Rivers
MEYER: Alfred W. Pvt. - Co. D. 310 Engrs. - Two Rivers FROM THE BOYS OVER THERE Letters Tell of Boys Wounded; Two Rivers Boys Meet in Hospital Under date of October 14, Alfred Meyer writes as follows: "Got hit by a piece of shrapnel on October 11. We were all sleeping when all of a sudden shrapnels started coming over our tents. We all ran for safety. Just as I left my tent, a shrapnel fell about 50 feet from me and bursted. A piece flew from same and hit me on the head. Am now at the base hospital about 100 miles from the front sitting in the Red Cross Building. Get all the choclate, cocos, coffee and tobacco we can eat." The Reporter, Thurs, Nov. 7, 1918
MEYER: August J. Sgt. - Trk. Co. 310 Sup. Tn. - St. Nazianz
MEYER: Elmer M. 1st Lt. - 36 Inf. - Kiel
MEYER: George J. Cpl. - Co. D. 345 Inf. - Cato
MEYER: Herman J. Pvt. 1cl - Co. I. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc
MEYER: Jerome A. Pvt. 1cl - Nat.? C. 138 FA - Manitowoc
MEYER: John Pvt. - Co. K. 16 Inf. - Valders
MEYER: Joseph Emanuel Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Cato
MEYER: Reuben Sgt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc FROM THE BOYS OVER THERE Letters Tell of Being Wounded; Two Rivers Boys Meet in Hospital LOCAL MEN PROMOTED Many Letters From Home Arrive in One Consignment Sergeant Rueben Meyer writes to his parents of Two Rivers of Two Rivers and Himself. "You can now address my mail Serg't R. Meyer instead of Corp. Meyer. Yes, I was promoted. Walters, Koch, Lintereur and Burns also, so all the boys from Two Rivers who were Corporals are now Sergeants. Walters and I just got back from the hospital a couple of days ago after spending a month there. We are both feeling good now and in the best of health. Got a little dose of gas. When I got back from the hospital, I received 49 letters from you folks. Believe me I jumped a foot high when I was handed that stock. Thanks a million times. I've been over the top quite a few times and can lay claim to having done away with a few of the Kaiser's tools and slaves. The Reporter, Thurs., Nov. 7, 1918
MEYER: Roland C. Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
MEYER: Theodore J. Pvt. - Mo. Hosp. Unit 108 - Manitowoc
MEYERS: Albert V. Cook - Co. B. 147 Inf. - Manitowoc
MEZERA: John M. Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
MIGAWA: Frank Sgt. - QMC - Two Rivers
MILBAUER: Geo. Pvt. 1cl - Co. D. 10 Bn. US Gd. - Kelnersville
MILBAUER: Joseph Pvt. 1cl - Co. B. 48 TC - Whitelaw
MILECKI: Michael J. Pvt. 1cl - Co. B. 49 Inf. - Two Rivers
MILLER: Alfred J. Pvt. - Bat. D. 104 FA - Kiel
MILLER: Guy - Pvt. 4th Trn Rep. Grp. - (no town given)
MILLER: Henry W. Pvt. - Co. E. 345 Inf. - Cleveland Sept. 20, 1886-Jan. 30, 1947 Cemetery: St. James, Meeme, Manitowoc, WI ***** Funeral services for Henry Miller, 60, Osman farmer, who died suddenly yesterday at the farm home in Meeme, will be held at 1:15 p.m. Sunday at the Nenning funeral Home, St. Wendel, and at 2 o'clock at the Evangelical Reformed church, Spring valley. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Miller was stricken while working in the yard during the storm and died a short time later of a heart attack. He was born in Meeme in 1886 and spent his life on the farm. He served in World War I from November, 1917, to January, 1919. He was a member of the Reformed church. Survivors are three sisters, Cora and Burnette at home and Mrs. Henry Lubahn of Sheboygan; three brothers, Walter of Meeme, Arthur of Streator, Ill., and Frank of Newburg, Wis. The body may be viewed at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Saturday. The casket will not be opened in church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, January 31, 1947 P.2
MILLER: John C. Pvt. - Engr. Enl. R.C. - Manitowoc
MILLER: Norbert H. Pvt. - 63 Dep. Brig. - Kiel
MILLER: Theodore Pvt. - Co. I. 103 Inf. - Manitowoc
MILLINOW??CH: Joseph J. Pvt. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
MINKOFF: Samuel Sad. - Co. F. 311 Engrs. - Sheboygan
MIRYOVSKY: Joseph Pvt. - 11 Spru. Sqdn. - Whitelaw
MISSOZENSKI: Frank Pvt. Co. I 16 Inf. - Manitowoc
MITTNACHT: John Pvt. 1cl - 4 Bn. - 1st Gas Reg. - Cato
MLESIVA: Anton A. Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Maribel June 10, 1893 - Mar. 14, 1970
MOHR: Ava H. Cpl. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
MONK: Ervin A. Pvt. - Bat. C. FA 35 - Two Rivers
MONK: * Martin J. Cpl. - Co. A. 353 Inf. - Manitowoc age 27, killed in action, Oct. 23, 1918.
MORANCY: Joseph Buglr. - Co. C. 58 Inf. - Two Rivers
MORFORD: Clifford Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
MORRIS: Francis Lieutenant Photo Lieut. Francis Morris, Sgt. Harry Morris, Ed Leshke & Walter Luebke before leaving for France. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MORRIS: Harry Seargent Photo Lieut. Francis Morris, Sgt. Harry Morris, Ed Leshke & Walter Luebke before leaving for France. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MORTICK: Paul P. Corp. - Co. 4 Moc? Regt. - Timothy
MOSS: John Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Manitowoc
MOTT: Sam Pvt. - Co. I. 312 Inf. - Mishicot
MOTT: Walter Pvt. 1cl - Med Corps - Mishicot
MROTEK: Albert J. Pvt. - NARD Shelby - Manitowoc
MROTEK: Alex Pvt. - Sch. Fr. Cooks & Bks. - Timothy
MROTEK: Alex E. Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Photo Alex E. Mrotek, First company, Ordnance, 2410 Liberty place, Manitowoc. (spelled Mrotch in book) Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MROTEK: Ben Mech. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
MROTEK: Edward A. Pvt. - 144 Spruce Sqdn. - Manitowoc
MROTEK: Frank P. Pvt. - 53 Dep. Brig. - Timothy
MROTEK: Frank W. Pvt. 1cl - 55th Co. T.C. - Manitowoc
MROTEK: George Pvt. - Co. B. 123 MG Bn. - Manitowoc Photo George Mrotek, Served with the 123rd Machine Gun battalion. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MROTEK: Leo A. Pvt. - Co. M. 19 Inf. - Manitowoc
MROTEK: Mikel Wag. - Co. H. 127th Inf. 32nd Div.- Manitowoc Born: May 8, 1889 Enlistment Date: March 24, 1916 Mustered In: June 30, 1916 Service No: 2 305 261 Pension No: C-16 654 682 Mustered Out: Feb. 28, 1917 Reenlisted: July 15, 17 Highest Rank Held: Sergeant Honorable Discharge: May 18, 1919 Died: Sept. 28, 1954 Cemetery: Evergreen, Manitowoc, WI ******** Jacob C. (sic) Mrotek, 65, of 1415 Madison St., Manitowoc, a veteran of World War I, died Tuesday afternoon at the Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, following a cerebral hemorrhage. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. Edward Nowakowski will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. He was born in Manitowoc in 1889 and served in the first World War overseas as a member of the 127th Infantry, 32nd Division. He retired from active work two years ago. In 1929 he married Miss Alice Mrozinski. She died in 1946. Surviving are five daughters (Survivors omitted for privacy.); a sister Mrs. Constance ????, of Manitowoc; and 11 grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Thrusday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, September 29, 1954 P.23 ********* Funeral services for Jacob M. Mrotek, 65, of 1415 Madison St., Manitowoc, who died Tuesday will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Surviving are five daughters, including Mrs. Arnold Yanda of Two Rivers, a sister and 11 grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home until the hour of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. September 30, 1954 P. 31 ****** [Jacob M. Mrotek/d. 09-28-1954/age 65 yrs./G.A.R. lot]
MRSKOSH: Edward A. Pvt. - 147 MG Bn. - Two Rivers
MUEHLMEIER: Amandus H. Sgt. - Hq. Det. 14 Div. - Kiel
MUELLER: Clarence H. Pvt. - Bat. D. 13 Regt. FA - Reedsville
MUELLER: Henry Pvt. - Co. K. 148 Inf. - Two Rivers Photo Henry Mueller, Company K, 148th Infantry, Thirty-seventh Division, ready to give the Hun a taste of what Yanks can do. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MUELLER: John A. Mus 2c. - Hq. Co. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers
MUELLER: Joseph. Cpl. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers Photo Joseph Mueller, Corporal who left for France with Company B, 340th Infantry, Sept. 1917, and who recently returned to the United States. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
MUELLER: William A. Pvt. - Ord. Det. Cp. Devens - Two Rivers
MUENCH: Charles Pvt. - F. Hosp. 310 Sn. Tn. - Manitowoc
MUETZELBURG: Hugo Pvt. - Bat. B. 104 FA - Cleveland
MULLANE: James E. Sgt. - Bat. A. 7th TM Bat. - Grimms
MULLIGAN: * Robert H. Pvt. - Co. M. 59 Inf. - Two Rivers age 31, killed in action, Sept. 27, 1918
MULLINS: James H. Sgt. - 520 Aux. Rmt. Dep. - Reedsville
MULTERER: Joseph Jacob Pvt. - 10 Co. Jackson Bks. - Manitowoc
MUNTH: William Pvt. - Co. H. 2 Inf. Mo. NG. - Manitowoc
MUSHALL: Edmund J. Pvt. - Hq. Co. 137 FA - Two Rivers
MUSHEL: Anton J. Pvt. - Co. C. 12 Am Tn. - Manitowoc
MUSHEL: Frank J. Pvt. - Co. D. Bev.? Bn. 1 - Manitowoc
MUSIAL: Joseph J. Pvt. 1cl - Med. Corps. - Manitowoc
MUSIL: Edward Cpl. - MTC Watervliet Ars. - Manitowoc
MYERS: Alvin H. Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
MYSZEWSKY: Edward Pvt. - 7 Co. NARD - Manitowoc
NAIDL: Albert R. Sgt. - Air Serv. - Two Rivers
NAIDL: Edward Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 1 - Whitelaw
NASH: Archie Lyman Maj. - 330 FA - Manitowoc
NASH: Newman Edward 1st Lt. - 118 Inf. - Two Rivers Regiment: N G Reserve Enlisted: Nov. 27, 1917 Honorable Discharge: April 17, 1919 Born: Sept. 11, 1888 Died: May 25, 1927 Cemetery: Pioneers Rest, Two Rivers, Manitowoc WI Tombstone ******** EXTRA! NEWMAN NASH IS A SUICIDE AT TWO RIVERS Shoots Himself at Tourist Park This Afternoon- Note Says He Feared Dementia Newman Nash, city police justice and for some months engaged in the insurance business, killed himself by firing a shot through his brain shortly before 2 o'clock this afternoon. Nash's act was committed at tourist park in Two Rivers, which he had visited alone and no direct cause for the suicide is known. Feared Loss of Mind. A note found at the side of the body, although unsigned, has been identified as being the handwriting of Mr. Nash and indicated that he was fearful of his health. The note said: "My mind is leaving me. Better death than to endure this." The body of the unfortunate man was found by a boy passing through the park and it is believed that the fatal shot had been fired but a short time previously. Mr. Nash had not been at his office at police headquarters this morning, but was seen about the city. Mr. Nash has been prominently identified with civic affairs and last fall was a candidate for county register of deeds on the Democratic ticket. For some time he had been engaged in the real estate business and at one time in the printing business with his brother, Noel. Decedent is survived by his widow and two children. He is about 40 years of age. He was in the U.S. navy at one time. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, May 26, 1927 P.1 ******* FUNERAL OF NEWMAN NASH HELD SUNDAY Rash Act Believed to Be Result of Effects of Service in War Funeral services for Newman Nash, whose tragic death, self inflicted yesterday, was a great shock to the community, will be held Sunday and will be conducted by the Robert Burns post of the Legion, and the local post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, both of which he was one of the organizers. Mr. Nash held office in the state organization of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at time of his death, being judge advocate. The body will be at the Beduhn & Goetz parlors until Saturday when it will be taken to the home for private funeral services on Sunday. Mr. Nash was one of the best known men of the city, a son of the late William F. Nash, founder and editor of the Chronicle here. He was born September 11, 1888, and at age of 18 joined the U.S. navy and made a cruise around the world, and served four years. Returning here he was associated with his father and brother in the newspaper business until eight years ago. Served in World War. Mr. Nash served overseas in the World war and friends believe that his rash act is the result of injuries and having been gassed in service. He gained the rank of lieutenant at Fort Sheridan and then served 17 months overseas. Mr. Nash eight years ago organized Troop C of the 105th Cavalry, Wisconsin National Guard, in this city, which organization functioned for three years and disbanded like other troops in the smaller cities. He gained the rank of captain of the troop and was considered one of the best national guard officers of the state. Deceased leaves his widow, formerly Tina Schultz, two sons, Kenneth and Jack, and one daughter, Nina. He also leaves his invalid mother, Mrs. William F. Nash, four brothers, William Nash of Waukesha, Garret of Dubuque, Iowa, and Noel and Lyman of this city. Two sisters also survive him, Katherine Nash and Mrs. Arthur Lohman. He was a member of the Cocobola camp, Modern Woodmen, B.P.O.E., Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Robert E. Burns post, American legion, the latter two organizations conducting the burial. Rev. T.A. Hawkes will officiate with interment at Pioneer's Rest. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, May 27, 1927 P.8 ******** TWO RIVERS MAN TELLS OF SERVICE WITH WAR Y, OVERSEAS Newman Nash, of Two Rivers, who has been serving with the Y.M.C.A. overseas and who has visited most of the big battlefronts, tells of his service, scenes he has visited and many interesting incidents in a letter just received by his brother Noel Nash, editor of the Two Rivers Chronicle and through courtesy of Mr. Nash the Herald-News is able to give the letter today. It follows: American Expeditionary Forces, LeMans, France. Wednesday, December 11, 1918. Dear brother: Now that the armistice has been signed and the censorship rules have been modified, we are allowed to write to the folks back home and tell them what happened and where we were the past year. I shall give a brief summary of the places and the different fronts that I have been on since my arrival in this country. We left New York City on January the 10th, sailing on the White Star Liner Olympic. We had no convoy across the pond, as this ship keels and can run away from any sub in the German Navy. This ship was converted into a merchant cruiser and carried four six inch naval guns forward and four aft. All lights were extinguished at night from sun down to sun rise. During the day ship drills were held at irregular hours. The reason for this irregularity of drills was that in case of the real thing we would not be taken by surprise. We were very fortunate on the trip over and did not sight a sub. One the morning of the 17th we sighted the coast of Ireland and believe me, it was a welcome sight to see land, as the strain of the trip on one’s nerves was very hard. That day we steamed thru the Irish Sea and the following day we docked in the wonderful sea port of Liverpool, England. That same day in the afternoon we entrained on an English train and made the trip to South Hampton. We passed thru a very pretty country, and one would not have known that the war was on from the appearance of the country. At South Hampton we again embarked on a small channel boat by the name of Madras Queen. This little tub I shall never forget, as she is certainly the champion high diver on the channel. After six hours of sea sickness, we arrived in LaMarve, France. We remained at LaMarve that day and the following morning we went to the historical city of Blois. At this place I visited the beautiful chateau which played a very important part in the early history of France. We were billeted in a large French barrack which was built of stone and dates back to Napoleon the first. After a few days we again boarded a train and left Blois for the city of Langres, France. This trip was very interesting as we passed thru the much beautiful part of France. Of course all French railway trains are the slowest things in the world. It took us two days and two nights to arrive at our destination. At Langres the Army School for the American Expeditionary Forces was to be opened. Here we remained for one month and a half. About February the 15th I was sent to the front for the first time. The front that I went to was the Arras and we had the pleasure of being in the line with the Australians. While doing my trip in the line, I had my first experience of going over with a raiding party. This is the way the party is picked out. Word came down in the afternoon that a raid would be pulled off and that our company was to do the trick. Of course no officer cares to volunteer for this job so the captain has them draw lots. The lucky or as I call it the unlucky one, then goes out along the trench and picks the men he wants to go with him on the job. About 11:30 we started out of the trench, thru our gap in the wire, this wire is the barb wire entanglement that is in front of the trenches and helps to protect the line. We walked about 50 yards and then crawled for 75 until we got up to ‘Fritz’s’ wire. Here we laid quiet for several minutes, which seemed ages to me. Lieut. Farrel, who was in charge of the party, after making sure the enemy was quiet, gave the pre-arranged signal and we went thru the gap of Fritz’s wire. We left a man remain at this gap, so that we could find it in a hurry in case things got too hot for us. Crawling forward until within a few yards from Fritz’s trenches we made for them on the jump and landed inside. Two men went down the trench to the left and two to the right. Their job was to hold up anything that would come down and try and spoil our little fun. The rest of us made for the communication trench. Here we ran across a dug out and of course we did the usual thing and called down to Mr. Fritz to come out. We managed to get six of the tribe and as things were getting warm we could not wait for the rest, so we did the next best thing and threw a hand grenade into the dug out with the best of luck. Believe me we did not lose any time in getting out of his trench and back to our lines with our prisoners. We no sooner left this trench than a machine gun down the trench to our left opened up and we could hear the crack of the bullets over our heads. I think that I made the first 75 yards to an old sunken trench in less time than it takes to tell it and I noticed that I was not alone as they were all there. We got into our gap. This gap was not the one that we started out from as it is foolish to return by the same way, as Fritz has his own ideas about this gang alone. When we were safely inside our trenches the men were told that they could lie down for a bit and each was issued out a portion of rum. Believe me they earned that little drink. The prisoners were turned over to the intelligence department. This department is the best in the land to pump information. These prisoners were a rather good looking bunch of men and they talked very freely. That morning at “stand to” rum was again served out to all the men. February is a bad month over here. I remained in the line this time until the 25th of the month and then went out for a few weeks rest. This trench warfare is hell on one’s nerves. I could feel my nerves tighten up like the strings on a string instrument and relax when I was out a few days. The worse part of this warfare is the shelling at night and in the morning. Fritz is very prompt in his morning calls with his artillery barrage, and he tries his best to get your goat. The only thing you can do is to call him names and rely on your own artillery to do their best in returning his call. If you have never had the privilege of hearing a 9 point 2 go whistling over your head, or a trench mortar shell singing “home, sweet home,” you have missed something worthwhile. At “stand to” in the morning all rifles of the men are inspected and each man stands on the firing steps looking over at Fritz. This takes only a few minutes and then “stand down” is given. The men then have breakfast and lie down to sleep. There is very little sleeping at night, as much work has to be done then. Such as rebuilding the wire that Fritz has blown to hell the night before and building new stuff. This is no daylight job as he could make things very unpleasant for you and the rest of the party. The meals are all brought up into line for the men in large cans and buckets. The liquids such as soup and coffee are in large thermal cans, (illegible) tea about as well as the British and drink large quantities of it. The night that we were relieved from the line, Fritz certainly tried his best to make things as uncomfortable as possible for us. I guess he succeeded in doing it, as I was mighty glad when we were out. When out of the line the men are drilled daily in such things as close order and open order drills. This goes on until they go back into the line for another trick. When I left the Australians, I was sent to a school to study gas warfare. This was a two weeks course and I enjoyed every minute of the time that I was there. From this school I was sent to join the 77th Division of New York and worked with them until May 29th when I was again sent to the 28th Division as an instructor in Minor Tactics, the new open warfare formations. Here I remained until June 15th when I was assigned to the present 30th Division. This division is composed of men from South and North Carolina and Tennessee. The men are the finest bunch of soldiers that one could lay eyes on and they have certainly made a name for themselves over here. On July first we started on a hike into Belgium. This took us four days and the morning of July 4th we entered into Belgium. Gee, that was some hot day. We marched to within a few miles of the city of Ypres and here we camped in a large British camp. The following week we started for the line in front of the city of Ypres. I had my first view of the stuff called “kultur.” This beautiful city is nothing but a bunch of holes and bricks. The Hun shelled this place continuously from the beginning of the war, up to the time that he was driven back, a few months ago. Nothing remains of the beautiful Cloth Hall, that one read so much about. This place has not a wall standing and the old cathedral is to the ground. The streets are not passable, as shell hole after shell hole has been made in them. Nevertheless, the Hun could never got into this place if he had carried on the war for a thousand years. While in the trenches at this place, we had some very exciting times, as the shelling was something fierce both day and night. But we were about this time sending over ten shells to the enemy’s one, so you can see that his position was not pleasant. About a week after we were in the line. This outfit did the trick and took Kamel Hill, of course we lost a few men, but it was worth the sacrifice. From Belgium we traveled again by rail back to France and stayed in a little village by the name of Pressy, for about two weeks. One morning we got a notice to be ready to move within a few hours by “lorries” in American language that is ? trucks. We got aboard these “lorries” the whole regiment and I think there must have been several hundred and rode for 18 hours, when we arrived in the city of Preron?, France. Here we rested for two days and then we went into the line in front of the village of Villert. This place is between Saint Queatin and Cambrai. The first night in we certainly caught hell, for enemy shelled us with everything they had, from gas to high explosives. The first officer to go “west” that night was a captain in D company to my right. A large piece of shrapnel hit him on the head and tore a hole thru his steel helmet and blew away part of his head. He died on a stretcher before they could get him back. During the morning many more of the lads were killed. On the evening of September the 24th we went over the top and straightened out our line. We pushed ahead about 800 yards that night in the rain. Gee didn’t Fritz get sore at us. He counter attacked but we were on the job waiting for him and made it too warm for him. On the morning of September 29th which was the date of the real big show and I am telling you it was some show. At 5:55 we went over the top with tanks and all the extra machines of death known to man. A heavy fog had settled and this made things rather bad for us, but the men were in fine spirits and wanted to get after Fritz. The artillery barrage that cleared the way for us that morning was something great. It was said that that barrage was the largest that had ever been laid down on any front and I am ready to believe it. Well, we started at 6:10 and followed our tanks keeping to the rear of them about 40 yards. They did fine work for the infantry, putting out of commission machine gun nests and the likes. At about 11 o’clock that morning we consolidated on the other side of the Hindenburg line and it was with a sad heart that I heard that many of my men had gave their all for their country. Lieut. Erale, who was in charge of the company that morning, was killed just after we started. I guess he went only about 50 yards before he was hit. He certainly was a dandy fellow and I felt sorry to see him go. I was then the only officer left and from that date on and I had charge of the company. While at this place I had the chance of visiting the wonderful tunnel that the Hun had built. The things that I saw I will not tell you in this letter but shall wait until I return home as it would not look good in writing. You remember what the newspapers said about the Hun, cooking his dead to extract the grease, well I saw the outfit. It was in the tunnel. Fritz certainly intended to remain in this place for the winter as he had the place fixed up in great shape. The following morning we went over the top again and captured the village of Monthrane. When we entered the village we found it was still occupied by the French. That is, there were only the old people left. Three days before the main body of women murderers left. They took the young women with them for what purpose, you can best think. These people were so glad to be delivered that they ran out into the streets from their cellars and threw their arms around our necks and kissed us like long lost brothers. They then showed my men where some of the Huns were still hiding in cellars and believe me, we made short work of them with hand grenades. One old lady about 60 years of age was lying dead in the street, her breast crushed by a truck that had passed over her. The Hun in his mad rush to get away had not made any effort to dispose of her body. Well what can one expect from such machine made soldiers. Here is the place that I found the true Hun officer and soldier that you have heard so much about. You can take it from me, all that has been said is true and a thousand times more. They will never have the right again to mingle in the society of other people as this war has brought out their color. We again went over the top the following evening about 11 pm and consolidated near a railroad cut. From this place on things went so fast that I have not even had time to think as we had the Hun on the run and he certainly did run after we broke the Hindenburg line. At the time of the breaking of the line we were the only American troops in this sector and we are a proud lot to have that honor as we were the first Allies to cross this line. Two days before we came out of the line before the armistice was signed my men and myself were all in. we simply could not go any farther. I came out with 54 men out of 256. Of course, not all were killed, this includes the ones that were wounded and sent to the hospital. The night that we received the word that the armistice was signed we were billeted in a small village by the name of Warley, near the ?. The French people had returned to their homes, what was left of them. The band from the regimental headquarters came down and paraded the one main street. This was about (illegible, article gets too dark to read) When they were told that the armistice was signed and that the war was over they stood there and stared and then it dawned on them that after four years of suffering and war the thing had come to an end. They cried and they ? and it would have made any man feel good to see the sight. That night we talked until very near dawn about all the people back home and wondered if they were having the same celebration only on a larger scale, but it I am sure was not as impressive as the one we witnessed here. You people back in the states don’t know a thing about this war and its sufferings. Why one old lady told me she has lost all five of her sons and that she would give five more if she had them for her beloved France. I shall have to come to a close as it is getting rather late and tomorrow we are going to have a bath and get rid of the “cooties.” By the way that is another thing that you probably never have had. Well they are the quietest little things you ever had, like ?. Send me the Chronicle as I am interested in everything that is going on at home. NEWMAN Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, January 23, 1919 Page 3
NAUTH: Louis M. Sgt. - Co. C. Hq. Bn. G.HQ - Kiel
NEFSKY: Frank - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
NEHRING: Bernard Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers
NEHRING: John F. Pvt. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
NEILSON: Hilbert Cpl. - Co. F. 162 Inf. - Manitowoc
NEINER: George A. - Pvt. - 329 Inf. Two Rivers Leander J. - Pvt. - 158 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
NELESEN: Albert J. Seargent Photo Sgt. Albert J. Nelesen/Manitowoc, fought at the Marne, St. Mihiel, and the Argonne. He is at present with the Army of Occupation. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
NELSON: Albert J. - Sgt. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
NELSON: Alfred W. - Cpl. - QMC Raritan Ars. - Manitowoc ***** Corporal Allfred (sic) W. Nelson is home on a ten day furlough from Aritan Arsenal, N.J. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, December 26, 1918 P. 5
NELSON: Ed Jule - 2 Lt. - 157 DB - Manitowoc
NELSON: Harry G. - Pvt. - QMC. Hosp. Co. 345 - Manitowoc
NELSON: Oscar F. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
NEMETZ: Edwin - Pvt. - Mg. TRN. Op. Hancock - Manitowoc
NEMITZ: Arthur H. - Cpl. - 19 Co. 4 Mech. Regt. - Two Rivers
NEUMAN: Hugo A. - Pvt. - Ord. Co. Raritan Ars - Kiel
NEUSER: Arthur J. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
NEY: Emil F. - Pvt. - 314 Aux. RMT Dep. QMC (from tombstone) Jan. 6, 1889 - Mar. 14, 1956 ******** Funeral Services for Emil F. Ney, 67, of R. 2, Manitowoc, a former resident of the town of Herman, who died at his home early Wednesday morning following a lingering illness, were held at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Chapel in Manitowoc. The Rev. A. C. Fischer officiated and burial was in Kossuth National Cemetery. Pallbearers were William Kappelmann, Reinert Zipperer, Louis Reimiker, Harvey Kimmes, Charles Lawrentz, and Adolph Witak. Mr. Ney was born Jan. 6, 1889, at Hillsdale, Ill, coming to the town of Herman as a youth. On Sept. 20, 1921, he married the former Waleska Stecker. Following their marriage, they made their home in the town of Herman until 1937 when they moved to their present home at R. 2, Manitowoc. He was a World War I veteran. Survivors include his wife; three daughters, (private); five sons, (private); four brothers, William of Elmhurst, Ill., Henry of Erma, Wis., Gustave of Merrill, Wis., and John of Cleveland; three sisters, Mrs. William Wilde of Elmhurst, Ill., Mrs. Martin Weege of Merrill, and Mrs. Herman Marquardt of Wausau; and eight grandchildren. Sheboygan Press, Tuesday, March 20, 1956 P. 12
NIELSEN: Niels Earl - Pvt. - SATC. - Manitowoc
NIKOLAI: Anton - Pvt. - QMC. - Branch
NILLES: John F. - Pvt - Killed In Action Died: Oct. 1918 Cemetery: Calvary, Two Rivers, WI Gravesite: 8 - 2 Tombstone ***** BELATED REPORT OF DEATH OF TWO RIVERS MAN ACROSS Belated casualty reports among soldier boys over there continue to bring sorrow to Manitowoc county homes. Two Rivers has just learned of the death of another of its sons who gave his life for democracy and was perhaps one of the last of the Manitowoc county boys killed over seas. Private John Nilles, of that city, was killed in action in October, according to a message from the war department received at Two Rivers this week. The message followed inquiries made by relatives after letters addressed to Nilles had been returned here. Nilles left for service from Algoma last May and was sent over seas in July. He was formerly employed with the Farrel Lumber Co. at Algoma. He is survived by a widow, who was former Regina Fenske, by two sisters and two brothers at Two Rivers and a brother, the Rev. Nilles of Charlesburg. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, January 11, 1919 P.1 ******** MILITARY RITES FOR HERO DEAD AT TWO RIVERS The City of Two Rivers has paid final tribute to three of its hero soldier dead whose bodies have been returned from overseas in three days, the funeral of Sergeant Harry Bartz occuring on Sunday, that of Private Isadore Lesperance on Monday morning and of Private John Nilles this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Luke's Catholic church. Military rites were accorded to each and the funerals were under the auspices of the Robert Burns, American Legion most which furnished pall bearers and firing squads. Private John Nilles received his death wound in the Argonne drive sometime between October 1 and 12. He left Two Rivers on May 28, 1918, and was a member of the same company with Sergeant Bartz. The funeral was held this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Luke's church. Private Nilles is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Regina Fenske. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, September 13, 1921 P.9
NIMZ: Edward - Cpl. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
NOBLE: James W. - Pvt. 1cl - 56 Co. TC - Manitowoc
NOTZ: John - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 11 - Manitowoc Walter F. - Pvt. - 20 Prov. Co. - Manitowoc William - Cook - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
NOVACHEK: Joseph C. - Pvt. - Co. D. 107 Inf. - Gibson
NOVAK: John J. - Bglr. - Co. C. 340 Inf. - Maribel Joseph E. - Pvt. - 1st Co. NARD - Reedsville Louis - Cpl. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Reedsville
NOVY: James - Bglr. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Mishicot ***** Bugler James Novy, Camp custer, is home on a furlough visit to his parents at Melnik. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, December 26, 1918 P. 5
NYHAGEN: Aaron W. Sgt. - Hq. Co. 120 FA - Manitowoc Photo Sgt. Aaron W. Nyhagen, Served with Uncle Sam's artillery in France. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
NYHAGEN: Lewis H. Pvt. 1cl - Chem. War. Serv. - Manitowoc Photo Louis Nyhagen, Served in the perilous position of chemist in a mustard oil factory. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
NYHAGEN: R.A. Corporal Photo Corp. R.A. Nyhagen, Served in the Tank corps. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
O'CONNOR: Francis J. - Pvt. - Amb. Co. 108 - Manitowoc O'HEARN: Edward - Sgt. - Trk. Co. Co. C. AA Pk. - Grimms O'MALLEY: James J. - Cpl. - Co. C. 12 Am. Tn. - Manitowoc O'NEIL: William J. - Pvt. 1cl - Cp. B. 39 Inf. - Reedsville Sept. 28, 1894 - April 16, 1977 Cemetery: St. Gregory Cemetery, St. Nazianz, Manitowoc, WI Lot #: 4-7-26 ***** WOUNDED MAPLE GROVE SOLDIER BOY RETURNS; HAD BULLET THROUGH HIS ANKLE Another Manitowoc county boy has returned from the battle front of Europe, bearing the scars of war. William O’Neil, a Maple Grove boy, recently returned from overseas arriving today on a brief furlough. O’Neil is under orders to report back to Fort Sheridan for his discharge. Priv. O’Neil, who is a son of Martin O’Neil was shot through the ankle by (illegible) and has been in the hospital for several weeks and was among the first wounded to be returned. He received his wound after having been in the front line trenches for twenty seven days at a stretch. Although still walking with a limp, Priv. O’Neil will recover the use of his foot. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, January 03, 1919 Page 8 ********** William J. O'Neil, Sr., 82, of Rt. 2, Reedsville, died Saturday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Christianson-Deja Funeral Home and at 11:15 a.m. at St. Gregory Church, St. Nazianz. The Rev. Cyril Dickrell will officiate and burial in the church cemetery. Mr. O'Neil was born Sept. 28, 1894, at Mapel Grove, son of the late Martin and Mary Delaney O'Neil. He was educated in Maple Grove and Reedsville schools. He attended the University of Wisconsin Cheesemaking School. He was postmaster at Quarry from 1929 to 1937 and was employed at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc. from 1937 until his retirement in 1959. He married Mary Gill Oct. 3, 1922, at Clarks Mills. She preceded him in death. Mr. O'Neil was a member of Valders and St. Nazianz Senior Citizens, the Valders American Legion Post and was a veteran of World War I. Survivors include two sons (private); two daughters (private); a sister, Mrs. Ellen Guhin, of Manitowoc and two grandchildren. Friends may call at Christianson-Deja Funeral Home from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday where a Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, Saturday, April 16, 1977 p.23 O'ROURK: Joseph Glenn - Sgt. - QMC. - Reedsville
OAS: Herbert 1st Sgt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Photo Herb L. Oas, Sergt. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
*OAS: Otto Gerhard 2nd Lt. - 127 Inf. - Manitowoc age 25, died of wounds, Jan. 3, 1919. Photo Photo Lt. Otto Oas, died after being wounded in battle. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
OATMAN: John B. - Pvt. - 163 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
OEMICHEN: Edwin A. - Cook - Co. G. 4th Inf. - Manitowoc
OESAN: (tombstone has Oesau) Alfred J. - Pvt. 1cl - 3 Co. Ord. Dept. - Kiel - died Sept. 7, 1933
OESTREICH: Benjamin - Sgt 1cl - 3 Aero. Serv. Mech. - Two Rivers Harry W. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
OLIEN: Clarence R. - Pvt. - QMC - Two Rivers
OLIVE: Robert W. - Pvt. - 57 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
OLLMANN: Albert F. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. B. 1 Amm Tn. - Cato
OLM: Elmer F. - Cpl. - 4th Regt. M. Mec. S.C. - Reedsville
OLP: John - Pvt. 1cl - Vet. Hosp. 18 - Reedsville Walter C. - Pvt. - QMC - Manitowoc William - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 13 - Reedsville
OLSON: Bennet - Pvt. - Bat. B. 13 Reg. FA - Valders Carl - Cpl. - Co. C. 504 Engrs. - Manitowoc Carl - Pvt. - Co. C. 341 Inf. - Reedsville Charles F. - Sgt. - Co. G. 69 Inf. - Manitowoc Voida P. - Pvt. - Inf. Unassigned - Cato
OPICHKA: Charles - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 9 - Cato Frank - Pvt. 1cl - MG Co. 39 Inf. - Manitowoc
OPPEN: Louis - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 58 Inf. - St. Nazianz Photo Louis Oppen, Private, who wears one wound stripe after 18 months of overseas service. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
OPPEN: Norman - Pvt. - Mg Trn. Cp. Hancock - Manitowoc
OPPEN: Walter F. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. E. 162 Inf. - Two Rivers
OSESEK: Harry - Pvt. - Co. C. 70 Engr. - Manitowoc Thomas A. - Pvt. - Co. K. 318 Inf. - Manitowoc
OSEICZANEK: John B. - Sgt. - Co. C. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc
OSULSON: Louis A. - Pvt. - Co. B. 326 Bn. TC - Manitowoc
OSWALD: Anton - Pvt. - Vet. C. Hosp. 7 - Cato
OTTELIEN: Arthur L. - Pvt. 1cl - 589 USA Amb. Serv. - Reedsville
OTTO: Arwin L. - Bglr. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Reedsville
PABIAN: Reinhart J. - Pvt. - Co. G. 310 Inf. - Manitowoc PACKENHAM: Howard - Pvt. 1cl - Co. E. 162 Inf. - Manitowoc PAGEL: Albert N. - Pvt. - PEW. Co. 239 - Manitowoc PALZER: Arthur J. - Pvt. 1cl - 5 Cons Co. A.S. - Two Rivers PANKRATZ: Bernard C. - Sgt. - MG Trn. Cp. Hancock - Valders Lewis L. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Max R. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 311 F.S. Bn. - Valders PAPROCKI: Anton J. - Pvt. - none given - Two Rivers PARMA: Wenzel J. - Cpl. - Hq. Co. 59 Inf. - Two Rivers PARMAN: Melvin - Pvt. - Co. M. 77 Inf. - Sheboygan PATTERSON: William E. - Pvt. - Co. E. 107 Engrs. - Manitowoc PAULSON: Arthur J. - Corp. - Co. C. 127 Inf. - Kiel Edgar A. - Pvt. - Hq. Co. 34 Inf. - Kiel PECH: Reuben J. - Sgt. 1cl - QMC - Manitowoc ***** Reuben Pech, who has been with the colors at Camp Grant, has received his discharge and returned home. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, December 26, 1918 P. 5 PEDERSON: Geo. C. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc PEKARSKE: John - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc PELISEK: Frank J. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc PELTIER: Archie - Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Manitowoc Earl E. - Pvt. - NARD - Manitowoc PEPPARD: Frank J. - Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Cato John W. - Pvt. 1cl - Vet. Hosp. 12 - Cato PERONTO: Fred - Cook - Hq. Co. 43 Inf. - Two Rivers Fred - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Joseph Jr. - Co. G. 4 Prov. Regt. - Two Rivers Melvin - Bglr. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers PEROUTKA: * Anton - Pvt. - Co. B. 109 Inf. - Kossuth age 30, killed in action, Nov. 11, 1918 BURIED AT ARLINGTON TODAY It is reported from Washington D.C. that the body of Anton Peroutka of this city who died in the service overseas during the World War has arrived from France and was buried at Arlington Cemetery today. Mr. Peroutka was a private in Company B, 109th Infantry. The burial of this young hero's remains was with full military honors. The Reporter, Thurs., Apr. 20, 1922 PETERICK: Charles - Pvt. 1cl - Cas. Co. 1019 - Manitowoc
PETERS: Charles Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Photo Photo John, Roy & Charles Peters, three brothers who served their country. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
PETERS: John Sgt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc April 22, 1891 - Dec. 29, 1959 Photo Photo John, Roy & Charles Peters, three brothers who served their country. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
PETERS: Reinhold H. Pvt. - Hq. Tr. 14 Div. - Valders
PETERS: Roy Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 2 Wis. Inf. - Manitowoc Photo Photo John, Roy & Charles Peters, three brothers who served their country. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
PETERSON: Harold R. - Cpl. - Co. E. 107 Engrs. - Manitowoc Joseph H. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Victor J. - Pvt. - Med. Corps. - Manitowoc PETSKA: Albert J. - Cpl. - Co. G. 59 Inf. - Maribel Edward P. - Rct. - 27 Rct. Co. Jeff. Bk - Maribel James - Pvt. - Hq. Co. 343 Inf. - Maribel John A. - Pvt. 1cl - Med. Corps. - Stangelville
PFEFFER: Joseph T. Pvt. - Co. A. 47 Engrs. - Manitowoc Photo Joseph Pfeffer, served with the 47th Engineers. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
PFEFFER: Leonard T. Cpl. - Co. F. 59 Inf. - Manitowoc PFEFFERKORN: Arnold A. - Sgt. - Co. F. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc * Norman A. - Cpl. - Co. B. 343 Inf. - Manitowoc age 24, died of pneumonia, Oct. 3, 1918. PHALEN Rodney P. - Pvt - Q.M. Corps March 17, 1896-June 28, 1943 Cemetery: Calvary, Two Rivers, WI Tombstone ***** Rodney Patrick Phalen, 47, a veteran of World War I, died at his home, 810 20th street, Two Rivers shortly before six o'clock this morning. Although ailing for several years he was confined to his bed only the past three days. Funeral services will be held in Two Rivers Thursday under the auspices of the Robert E. Burns post 165 of the American Legion. Services will be held from the Klein and Stangel Inc., funeral home at 8:30 and at 9 o'clock from St. Luke's Catholic church where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated by the Very Rev. Dean C.V. Hugo, Rev. Alfred Loehr and Rev. Linus Steckbauer. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Rodney Phalen was born March 17, 1896 in Hermansville, Michigan the son of Richard and Clara Frappe Phalen. He came to Two Rivers 23 years ago and took employment with the American Seating company here where he worked until the company discontinued operations in 1928. He then took employment at plant No. 1 of the Aluminum Goods manufacturing company in Two Rivers. Besides the widow he is survived by his mother; a son (Private); three sisters, Mrs. Fred McKeough of Manitowoc, Mrs. Lou Samms, Crandon, and Mrs. Leo Rochleau of Two Rivers; eight brothers, Richard of Buffalo, N.Y., David, Nahma, Michigan; Lloyd, Iron Mountain, Michigan; Patrick of Detroit Michigan; Charles and Orville of Two Rivers and Corp. Miles Phalen of Spence Field, Ga. Mr. Phalen was a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Holy Name Society of St. Luke's church and the American Legion. The body may be viewed at the funeral home from this evening to the time of the services. The rosary will be recited at 7:45 Wednesday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 28, 1943 P.2 PIETEROSKE: Frank - Pvt. - Cp. Grant Det. 143 Inf. - Two Rivers PILGER: Charles W. - Cpl. - Butchery Co. 309 - Manitowoc Michael - Pvt. - Hq. Co. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc PITSCH: Frank - Pvt. - Co. G. 111 Inf. - Manitowoc PITZ: Herbert - Cpl. - Bat. D. 9th TM. - Manitowoc Otto G. - Capt. - Rct. Duty Omaha, Nebr. - Manitowoc Walter - Pvt. 1cl - 158 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc PIVONKA: * Frank E. - Pvt. - Bat. E. 331 FA - Tisch Mills age 25, died in England of pneumonia, Oct. 2, 1918. Michael W. - Pvt. - QMC - Tisch Mills
PLACE: Earl J. Pvt. 1cl - Co. D. 53 Tel Bn. - Manitowoc
* PLACE: John K. Pvt. 1cl - Co. F. 56 Inf. - Manitowoc age 22, killed in action, Nov. 1, 1918. Photo Pvt. John Place, killed in Battle of Argonnes. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
PLATT: Geo. - Pvt. - F. Dev. Bn. 2 Cp. Custer - Manitowoc PLINSKE: Alfred - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc William S. - Pvt. - 451 Aero Cons. Co. - Manitowoc PLOECKELMANN: Edward E. - Cpl. - But. Co. 333 - Manitowoc POKLINKOWSKY: Frank R. - Pvt. - 743 Co. MTC - Manitowoc POKORSKI: Ladislaus - Pvt. 1cl - M. Trk. Co. 486 - Timothy POKORSKY: Joseph - Pvt. - Co. E. 542 Inf. - Manitowoc POLCAR: * Anton - Mech. - Hq. Co. 64 Art. - Two Rivers age 28 (b. Germany), died of pneumonia, Oct. 11, 1918. POLCYNSKI: Stephan - Pvt. 1cl - Wag. Co. 107 Amm. Tn. - Newton POLIVKA: Adolph - Pvt. - Co. C. 28 Engrs. - Whitelaw Louis J. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. D. 109 Inf. - Whitelaw POLUBECKSA: Boleslaw - no rank given - QMC - Two Rivers POPOFF: John H. - Pvt. - Co. C. 315 Sig. Bn. - Manitowoc
POPP: Charles - Pvt. - Co. L. 47 Inf. - Cato
PORTEN: William J. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
PORTER: Verie G. Pvt. - Co. A. 48 MG Bn. - Eaton ***** Verie G.(sic) Porter, 78, of 2241 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc, died Tuesday morning. Funeral services will be at 9 a.m. Thursday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home and at 9:30 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Leo Schmitt will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Graveside services will be by Drews-Bleser American Legion Post No. 88. Mr. Porter was born March 23, 1893, in the Town of Eaton, Manitowoc County, son of the late Aldsworth and Jeanine Acorn Porter. He married Irene Fritsch June 25, 1922, at Maple Grove. He resided at Manitowoc. He was a machinist at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc., until his retirement 13 years ago. He was a member of the Machinists Local 516, Christian Men's Society of Holy Innocents Catholic Church. He was a veteran of World War I serving with Company A 8MG Battalion from July 15, 1918 to Jan. 24, 1919. Survivors include his wife, a son, William, of Manitowoc and two grandchildren. A sister and a grandaughter preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday where memorial service will be at 7:30 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. December 7, 1971 ******** [Verie G./husband of Irene Porter]
PRATT: Roy J. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 310 Engrs. - Manitowoc
PRELES: Frank - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers
PRIBIL: Edward - Pvt. - Co. H. 341 Inf. - Manitowoc
PRIEGNITZ: Elmer G. - Cpl. - Co. 615 MTC - Two Rivers Jerome J. - Wag. - Co. ? 58 Inf. - Two Rivers
PRIKOP: Joseph - Pvt. - Vet. Corps - Reedsville
PRIMM: Clarence J. - 1st Lt. - 339 Inf. - Manitowoc
PRINCEN: August - Pvt. - MTC 620? - Manitowoc
PROVOST: Leonard - from tombstone - PFC 10 Balloon Co. Air Svc.
PRUCHA: Louis T. - Sgt. - 63 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
PRUETER: Arthur P. - Cpl. - Amb. Sec. 508 - Kiel
PUPORE: William E. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. B. 1st Army Hq. - Manitowoc
QUANTE: Edwin F. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 14 Bn. US Gd - Kiel
RABENHORST: Arthur - Pvt. - Med. Corps - Maribel Louis H. - Pvt. 1cl - Base Hosp 100 - Marshall
RADLINGER: Joseph - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
RAETHER: Arnold C. - Sgt. - Hq. Det. 85 Div. - Manitowoc
RAETHER: Edwin F. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp 11 - Manitowoc
RAETHER: Julius J. - Cpl. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc ***** Julius Raether was home for the Xmas holiday and returned to Camp Sherman, Ohio, today where he is stationed. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, December 26, 1918 P. 5
RAHMLOW: Paul H. - Pvt. - 58 Spr. Sqdn. - Two Rivers
RAHR: Frederick W. - Capt. - 14 Co. 4th Bn. - Manitowoc
RAMEKER: Louis W. - Pvt. 1cl - Bat. C. 35 FA - Cato
RANDOLPH: Chas. A. - Pvt. - 40 Engr. Trng. - Manitowoc
RANK: George A. - Pvt. - FA COTS - Manitowoc George J. - Pvt. - Co. A. 14 Bn. US Gd - Manitowoc Joseph Jr. - Pvt. - Co. D. 120 Engrs. - Cato Richard Lawrence - Pvt. - Bat. D. 9th TM. - Manitowoc
RAQUET: Arthur A. - Cpl. - Co. D. 310 Engrs. - Kiel
RATH: Valentine E. - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
RATHSACK: Ben - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Leo - Cpl. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Walter C. - Cook - Bat. C. 35 FA - Grimms
RAUCH: Peter A. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Chilton
RAUTMANN: * August H. - Pvt. - MD - Kiel age 20, died of pneumonia, Oct. 7, 1918.
REDEKER: Edward - Pvt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers
REED: Hugh P. - Pvt. - 154 Dep. Brig. - Maribel James C. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. E. 4 Inf. - Maribel
REEDY: Martin L. - Pvt. 1cl - Chem. War. Serv. - Maribel
REGEL: Charles E. - Sgt. - Co. G. 59 Inf. - Manitowoc
REHBEIN: Albert J. - Pvt. 1cl - Med. Corps - Two Rivers Clarence H. - Pvt. - Mg. Trn. Cp. Hancock - Manitowoc William B. - Rct. - 23 Rct. Co. Jeff. Bks. - Manitowoc
REHRAUER: Emil - Wag. - Hq. Co. 3 MG Bn. - Two Rivers Frank - Sgt. - VC Hosp. 13 - Two Rivers Peter A. - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Taylor - Mishicot Randolph A. - Cpl. - Co. G. 144 Inf. - Two Rivers
REICH: Daniel A. - Sgt. - QMC - Manitowoc
REILLY: John P. - Pvt. - Co. B. 47 Engrs. - Custer ***** JOHN RILEY, FORMER EMPLOYEE OF NORRIS SHOP HERE, DIES IN BASE HOSPITAL IN FRANCE News has been received by Alvin Norris of the death overseas of John Riley, a young man who was employed at the Norris shop, N. Ninth street, here, for more than a year previous to his induction into the service. The message says that Riley died of disease in the base hospital in France and was buried there. Riley, who was 23 years of age, made many friends while here. He was reared at Custer, Wis. He was well liked by all who knew him. The boy had no known relatives and news of his death was sent to Mr. Norris whose name Riley gave for notification in event of his death. Manitowoc Herald News, December 16, 1918 p.4
REIMER: Arthur - Pvt. - 2 Co. Serv. Bn. - Mishicot Louis - Pvt. - Co. A. 541 Inf. - Whitelaw
REINDL: Edward Joseph - Pvt. - Co. C. 330 (?) Bn. - Whitelaw Hugo W. - Sgt. - Ord. Ops. Aberdeen Grd. - Manitowoc
REINKE: Edward - Pvt. - Co. D. 35 MG Bn. - Reedsville Walter G. - Sgt. - MTC Rep. Unit 327 - Cleveland
REITER: Norman H. - Cpl. - 58 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
REYNOLDS: Albert H. - Pvt. - 455 Engrs. ASSC - Manitowoc John R. - Pvt. - 67 Spruce Sqdn. - Manitowoc
REZEK: Louis - Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Maribel
RIBACEK: Edmund J. - Pvt. - Bat. E. 36 FA - Two Rivers
RICE: Lawrence H. - Pvt. - Co. G. 316 Inf. - Manitowoc
RICHARD: Francis R. - Pvt. - Co. E. 345 Inf. - Manitowoc
RICHTER: Herman Jr. - Pvt. 1cl - Gen. Hosp. 2 - Kohler
RIEBE: Erwin J. Pvt. - Co. C. 66 Engrs. - Manitowoc Photo E.J. Riebe, still with the Army of Occupation. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
RIEDERER: Paul J. - Pvt. - Med. Corps. - Manitowoc
RIEMER: * Rudolph - Pvt. - Co. B. 148 Inf. - Manitowoc age 29, killed in action, Nov. 1, 1918.
RIHA: Charles - Pvt. - Co. G. 162 Inf. - Kossuth Frank A. - Pvt. 1cl - Md. Evac. Amb Co. - Mishicot
RIMLING:? Leonard H. - Wag. - Co. D. 163 Inf. - Manitowoc
RODEWALD: Paul G. - Pvt. - SATC - Timothy
ROEH: Hugo H. - Pvt. - Med. Corps - Kiel
ROETHEL: Arthur F. - Pvt. - Co. B. 139 Inf. - Cleveland
ROHDE: Frank - Pvt. - Bat. B. 325 FA - Manitowoc John F. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
ROSEK: * Nick - Pvt. - Co. A. 311 Engrs. - Mishicot age 29, died of pneumonia, Oct. 7, 1918.
ROSICK: Joseph - Pvt. - Co. 9th MG Bn. - Manitowoc
ROSINSKY: Gordon A. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 32 Engrs. - Manitowoc Feb. 21, 1894-Nov. 30, 1973 Cemetery: St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Kellnersville, Mantiowoc, Wisconsin ***** Gordon Rosinsky Sr., 79, of Rt. 2, Cato, died Friday at home. Funeral services will be at 10:15 a.m. Monday at Saur Funeral Home and at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Kellnersville. The Very Rev. Msgr. Alfred Schneider will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. Military graveside services will be conducted by the V.F.W. Post No. 6179 of Cato. Mr. Rosinsky was born Feb. 21, 1894, at Monico, Wis., son of the late Fred and Janie singer Rosinsky. He married Anna Massman in June of 1918 at St. Boniface Church, Manitowoc. The couple resided in Manitowoc for 25 years, at Long Lake for 20 years and at Rt. 2, Cato, for the past five years. Mr. Rosinsky had been employed at Wisconsin Malting Co. for several years. Mr. Rosinsky was a veteran of World War I, serving in Europe for three years. He was a member of the V.F.W. Post No. 6179 of Cato. Survivors include his wife, a son, Gordon Jr., of Rt. 2, Cato, two daughters, Mrs. Raymond (Marie) Cherry of Springfield, Mo., and Mrs. Rex (Rose Marie) Byle of Milwaukee, three brothers, Fred of Racine, Edward of Palmer of Manitowoc, 14 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Two brothers and a sister preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday where a Wake service will be held at 8 p.m. and a V.F.W. Memorial service will be held at 8:30 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times Saturday, December 1, 1973 pg. 3
ROSINSKY: Walter A. Pvt. 1cl - 254 Co. MPC - Manitowoc Photo Walter A. Rosinsky, 254th Co. Military Police Corps, left for France, Sept. 1917; was with Machine Co., 331st Infantry. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
ROSLAND: A. Photo A. Rosland, Left to right: inseparable trio before the war, who acted as one in joining the military forces. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
ROTH: Ephrem - Pvt. - Co. 5 Rct. Dep. - Two Rivers
ROUBAL: James - Pvt. - Co. A. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
ROUILLER: John J. - Pvt. - MG Co. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers
ROZMARYNOWSKI: Frank J. - Pvt. - Amb. Co. 256 - Two Rivers
RUCHHOFT: Millard - Pvt. - A5. Moc. Kelley Fld - Manitowoc
RUDIE: Arthur K. - Pvt. - Mg Trn. Cp. Hancock - Manitowoc
RUDOLPH: Walter O. - Pvt. 1cl - Gd. Co. 1 AEF - Manitowoc
RUGOUSKI: Henry F. - Pvt. 1cl - Tr. G. 6th Cav. - Manitowoc
RUH: Harry J. M. - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Kiel
RUMPFF: William F. - Pvt. - Engrs. ERC - Manitowoc
RUSCH: Walter - Mec. - 53 Dep. Brig. - Reedsville
RUSHBOLDT: Walter J. - Cfr. - 505 Aero Sqdn. - Manitowoc
RUTHMANSDORFER: Roman - Pvt. - Sup. Co. 104 FA - Two Rivers
RUZEK: Adolph Pvt. - Co. B. 313 Inf. - Two Rivers Photo Adolph Ruzek, still serving overseas. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
RUZEK: Charles G. Pvt. 1cl - MD. 40 FA - Kellnersville
RUZEK: Wenzel Private Photo Wenzel Ruzek, Private, Manitowoc, entered service on Sept. 6, 1917, and sailed for France in May 1918. He took part in the battles of Amiens, Soissons, Metz, Verdun and the Argonne. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
RYBARCHYK: Julius J. - Pvt. - Co. I. 17 Inf. - Manitowoc
RYEN: Ira O. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 12 - Manitowoc Jan. 30, 1887 - Feb. 18, 1962
SALM: John - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 11 Mg. Bn. - Meeme SALTA: * William (Willie) - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 8 - Cato age 26, died of pneumonia, Sept. 20, 1918. SAMMONS: Harry D. - Pvt. 1cl - MG Tr. 14 Cav. - Manitowoc SAND: Oscar - Pvt. - Co. A. 26 Inf. - Two Rivers SANVILLE: Philip G. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 77 Inf. - Manitowoc SATTLER: Victor G. - Pvt. - MG Co. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc SAVAGE: John T. - 1st Lt. - 313 Tn. & Mp. - Manitowoc SCHAD: Joseph A. - Hs. - Amb. Co. 248 - Kiel SCHADE: William B. - Pvt. 1cl - 151 Dep. (?) - Manitowoc SCHAEFER: Geo. F. - Pvt. - Amb. Co. MD - Manitowoc William H. - Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Two Rivers SCHAETZER: Albert - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Hika SCHAETZKE: Chas. A. - Cpl. - Co. A. 14 Bn. US Gd - Manitowoc SCHAFF: Henry J. - Pvt. - Co. A. 145 MG - Manitowoc William - Pvt. - Co. A. 9 MG Bn. - Manitowoc
SCHALLER: John - Pvt. - Bat. D. 328 FA - Liberty Aug. 7, 1890 - July 10, 1943 Cemetery: St. George, St. Nazianz, Manitowoc, WI ******* John Schaller, 52, member of the guard force at the Manitowoc Ship Building Company for the past year, died at his home in St. Nazianz Saturday evening. Funeral services will be held from St. Gregory's Catholic church in St. Nazianz at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Fintan Holzknecht officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. Mr. Schaller was born Aug. 7, 1890, in the town of Schleswig. He married Miss Louisa Heinzen on May 15, 1923. He was a veteran of World War I and served overseas with the 32nd division. He was a member of the Thompson-Burkard post, No. 28, of the American Legion at Valders and belonged to the Holy Name society of St. Gregory's parish. Survivors are the widow; three daughters, three sons (Private), all at home; two brothers, Math Schaller of Detroit, Mich.; and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Chorbagian and Mrs. Floyd Gardner, both of Milwaukee. The body will lie in state at the Kellenbenz funeral home at St. Nazianz from this evening at 6 o'clockt to the time of the funeral. Members of the Holy Name society will recite the rosary Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, July 12, 1943 P. 2
SCHALLER: Peter - Bug. - Co. C. 40 Inf. - St. Nazianz
SCHARBACH: John O. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Rockfield
SCHARENBROCH: John C. - Pvt. - Vet. C. No. 9 - Kiel
SCHARENBROCK: Aloysius - Pvt. - HB 54 FA - Meeme
SCHAUER: Louis Bglr. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers Photo Louis Schauer, Company L, 127th Infantry, Thirty-second Division. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHEFDORE: Edward - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHEPPER: George - Pvt. - Gen. Hosp. 28 - Two Rivers
SCHERER: Edward - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Harold - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers William F. - Cpl. - G31 Jeff. Bks. - Manitowoc
SCHERMETZLER: John H. - Pvt. 1cl - Sup Co. 26 FA - Manitowoc
SCHETTL: Louis J. - Pvt. - QMC - Manitowoc / Aug. 26, 1888 - Sept. 22, 1968
SCHEUER: Harvey P. - Pvt. - Co. A. 9 MG Bn. - Two Rivers Leo G. - Pvt. - Co. M. 326 Inf. - Mishicot Raymond J. - Sgt. - Med Corps. - Mishicot
SCHEURELL: John J. - Pvt. 1cl - Avia. Sect. Sig. C. - Manitowoc William A. - Pvt. 1cl - 5 Bln Cons Co. - Manitowoc SCHIMULUNAS: Anton - Pvt. - 9th Tn. Bat. - Two Rivers SCHIPPER: Walter J. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. B. 16 Inf. - Manitowoc SCHIRRER: Theo. - Pvt. - 63 D.B. - Abrams SCHLAGER: Emil - Pvt. - 72 Bat. 10 (??) Sec. - Manitowoc SCHLEGELMILCH: Edward - Pvt. - Co. G. 4 Inf. - Manitowoc SCHLEGER: Anton - Pvt. - 7 Hp. Co. - Two Rivers SCHLEI: Arthur C. - no rank given - Hq. 304 TC - Manitowoc SCHMALZ: John - Pvt. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc SCHMATZ: Joseph B. - Sgt. - Co. A. 14 US Gds. - Branch SCHMEICHEL: Henry - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers Walter E. - Pvt. - Bat. E. 36 CAC - Two Rivers
SCHMIDT: Arno - Pvt 1cl - Co. G. 59 Inf. - Reedsville
SCHMIDT: Arthur J. - Pvt. - MG Co. 325 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHMIDT: Carl A. - Pvt. - Engrs. ERC. - Manitowoc
SCHMIDT: Edward J. Capt. - 120 Inf. - Manitowoc Photo Photo Capt. Edw. J. Schmidt commanded Manitowoc's company and who was twice gassed in battle. Capt Schmidt is still serving in Germany. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHMIDT: Edward J. Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Photo Edward Schmidt, Private, was one of those whose task the government placed in America. He served at Camp Shelby, Miss. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHMIDT: Erwin E. Pvt. - Co. D. 52 Inf. - Two Rivers Photo Pvt. Erwin Schmidt, Two Rivers, as a member of Company D, 353 Infantry, went into Germany with the Army of Occupation. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHMIDT: Geo. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
SCHMIDT: Harvey H. - Pvt. - Sup. Co. 26 FA - Manitowoc
SCHMIDT: Henry C. - Pvt. - Bat. B. 104 FA - Two Rivers
SCHMIDT: Joseph H. - Pvt. - Aux. Bmt. Dep. 320 - Reedsville Nov. 29, 1892-Oct. 19, 1980 Cemetery: St. Mary Cemetery, Cato, Manitowoc, Wisconsin ***** Joseph H. Schmidt, 87, of Route 1, Cato, died Sunday morning, Oct. 19, at Family Heritage Nursing Home, Neenah, after a stroke. Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Mary Catholic Church, Clarks Mills. The Rev. John Conrad will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mr. Schmdit was born Nov. 29, 1892, at Clarks Mills, son of the late John and Margaret Pankratz Schmidt. He married Elizabeth Bessie Robinson Sept. 5, 1923, at Antigo. The couple resided at Clarks Mills. Mr. Schmidt was a veteran of World War I. He was engaged in farming. He was also employed at Maniotwoc Shipyards and was a WPA worker. He was a member of Veterans Post No. 40. Survivors include six sons, Arhtur J. Schmidt, John L. Schmidt, Loyle J. Schmidt and Paul R. Schmidt of Manitowoc, Eugene A. Schmidt of Brillion and Donald W. Schmidt of Plymouth; three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Norma) Ollendorf of Manitowoc, Everilda Schmidt of Milwaukee and Mrs. Ronald (Mary Ann) Kusisto, Sr. of Menasha; 42 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by four sisters, seven brothers and seven grandchildren. Friends may call at Westgor Funeral Home, Neenah, from 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Monday afternoon where a prayer service will be at 8 o'clock. Herald Times Reporter, October 20, 1980 P.3
SCHMIDT: Walter F. - Pvt. - 16 Prov. Co. Johnston - Manitowoc
SCHMIDT: Walter P. - Cpl. - QMC - Manitowoc SCHMIDTMAN: Emil J. - Pvt. - 159 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc Harvey - Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 145 Mg Bn. - Manitowoc * Walter - Pvt. - 3 Repl. Unit Vet. Sch - Manitowoc age 23, died of pneumonia, Oct. 9, 1918. SCHMIED: Albert H. - Pvt. - Co. A. 21 MG Bn. - Clarks Mills
SCHMITT: Edward H. - Pvt. 1cl - QMC - Two Rivers
SCHMITT: John E. Sgt. - HOTC or MOTC - Two Rivers Photo John F. Schmitt, Sergeant, served in the Medical Corps at Ft. Reilly, Kas. (Named as John F. in book) Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHMITZ: Maximilian - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Manitowoc
SCHMITZ: Raymond Bn. Sgt. (?) - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Photo Raymond F. Schmitz, Sergt. Major who served on five fronts; was promoted from private to Sergt.-Major. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHMOLINSKE: Arthur - Cpl. - Co. ? 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHNEIDER: Carl T. - Pvt. - Co. C. 302 Engrs. - Two Rivers Elmer G. - Pvt. - Co. A. 16 US Gds - Maribel Harry G. - Pvt. - MD 255 F. Hosp. - Maribel John E. - Pvt. - Co. F. 29 Inf. - Cleveland Raymond S. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 9 MG Bn. - Two Rivers William A. - Pvt. - Co. F. 34 Engrs. - Cleveland
SCHNORR: Geo. - Cpl. - Aux. Rmt. Dep. 327 - Two Rivers
SCHOEN: S.M. Chaplain Photo S. M. Schoen, Chaplain, Two Rivers, who volunteered to give spiritual aid to our Yanks. He served overseas as a member of the Fifth Division. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SCHORN: Louis M. - 1st Lt. - 60 Inf. - Two Rivers SCHRAMM: Walter - Pvt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers SCHREIBER: Edwin F. - Pvt. 1cl - Fld. Bmt. Sq. 315 - Kiel SCHREIHART: Adolph - Pvt. - MD Base Hosp. - Manitowoc SCHRIMPF: Frank - Hs. - Sup. Co. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc SCHROEDER: Herbert - Sgt. - Co. E. G8 Inf. - Manitowoc Hubert A. - Pvt. - 84 Spr. Sqdn. - Two Rivers Irvin L. - Pvt. - 5 TM Bn. - Two Rivers John J. - Pvt. - Bat. C. 9 TM. - Two Rivers Ottmar H. - 2nd Lt. - 157 DB - Manitowoc SCHROER: Richard - Pvt. - Co. C. 39 US Gd. - Kiel SCHROETER: William A. Wag. - Hq. Det. 54 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHUBERT: Norman J. Pvt. - Trg. Det. Ind, Cham. Commerce - Manitowoc
SCHUBERT: Raymond O. Cpl. - Co. C. 107 T. Sig. Bn. - Kiel
SCHUBERT: Rowald W. Sgt. - Bat. E. 76 FA - Kiel ****** KIEL SOLDIER BOY IS CITED FOR BRAVERY ON BATTLE FIELD, CARRIED WOUNDED FROM FIELD "For conspicuous service in battle in volunteering to accompany his Battery Commander into a dangerous position and for carrying a wounded man 500 meters to a dressing station, both under heavy shell fire on July 14th and 15th 1918 at Les Norvins Fermes, Marne Region, France." Corp. Rowald Schubert, a Kiel boy who is attached to Battery E., Seventh army corps with the army of occupation in Germany, has been cited for bravery by orders of Gen. Pershing, upon recommendation of Col. Gilberg commander of the 76th division. Corp. Schubert participated in much of the heavy fighting with his division and is cited for unusual bravery. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, April 10, 1919 Page 1
SCHUELER: Otto - Pvt. - Evac. Hosp 27 - Cleveland
SCHUETTE: John A. - no rank given - Hq. Post Fld. - Manitowoc
SCHUETTE: Russell O. - Pvt. - MT Co. 342 MTC - Manitowoc
SCHUH: Geo. J. - Pvt. - Co. D. 104 Mngrs. - Cato
SCHUH: Henry P. - Pvt. - Co. A. 150 Mg. Bn. - Cato
SCHUH: Joseph P. - Sgt. - 150 DM
SCHULTZ: Christ - Pvt. - Co. G. 111 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHULTZ: Emil - Pvt. - 15 Cas CO Det. - Manitowoc May 12, 1893 - April 19, 1964
SCHULTZ: Ferdinand L. - Cpl. - Co. G. 1st Amm Tn. - Manitowoc
SCHULTZ: Henry - Pvt. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHULTZ: John A. - Pvt. - Co. D. 53 Inf. - Two Rivers
SCHULTZ: Louis - Pvt. / Oct. 28, 1892 - Sep. 8 1976 (from tombstone)
SCHULTZ: Ralph - Pvt. - Co. B. 47 Inf. - Two Rivers
SCHULTZ: William C. - WAGR 332 Fld Arty / Mar. 25, 1890 - Dec. 18, 1972 (tombstone)
SCHWAB: Leo F. - Pvt. - 63 D.B. - Valders
SCHWAHERT: Reuben J. - Pvt. - NARD Shelby - Two Rivers
SCHWAHN: Erwin A. - Pvt. - 10 HO. CAC - Reedsville
SCHWANKE: Otto - Sgt. / April 16, 1894 - Jan. 16, 1974 (tombstone)
SCHWANTZ: Arthur E. - Pvt. - Bat. D. 328 FA - Manitowoc
*SCHWANTZ: Berthold C. - Pvt. 1 cl. - Co. C. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc age 29, died of wounds, July 29, 1918. Memorial ***** The first Manitowoc County soldier to die from wounds received in battle was Berthold C. Schwantz, repost of whose death came in an official communication yesterday. He died July 29 and no report of his injury appeared in casualty lists. Schwantz's parents live on the Lindstedt farm on the lake shore road. This is the fourth death of Manitowoc soldiers. Guy Drews died at a cantonment, Edward Gerl was drowned when the Mondovi was torpedoes and private John Singer died on a Transport going over. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Aug. 22, 1918
SCHWARTZ: Edward A. - Sgt. - Co. K. 341 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCHWARTZ: * John Felix - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc age 26, killed in action, Aug. 6, 1918.
SCHWARTZ: Myron E. - AFC - AGD. Cp. Shelby - Two Rivers
SCHWARTZ: Simon - Bglr. - 161 D.B. - Two Rivers
SCHWARZENBART: Fred L. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
SCHWEIGEL: Chas. - Cpl. - Co. E. 345 Inf. - Manitowoc
SCOTT: Eugene H. - Pvt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - New Holstein
SEAMAN: William - Pvt. - Co. F. 59 Inf. - Reedsville
SECOR: Henry M. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
SEEFELDT: Herman C. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. X. or K. 114 Inf. - Reedsville Walter J. - Pvt. - Base Hosp. 428 - Coleman
SEIBERT: Herman J. Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 13 - Manitowoc Photo Herman Seibert, still in France. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SEILER: Harold C. - Pvt. - Co. C. 148 MG Bn. - Manitowoc
SENGBUSCH; Hugo - Pvt. - Co. D. 120 Engrs. - Reedsville
SHAFFER: Benjamin - Pvt. - Bat. D. 9 TM Bat. - Branch
SHAFFER: Charles J. - Pvt. - 102 Sn. Tn. - Branch
SHANO: William B. - Pvt. R1. - NO. CAC - Reedsville
* SHAVLIK: John Pvt. - Cas. Det. Cp. Stuart - Franklin age 26, killed in action, Nov. 1, 1918. Photo John Shavlik, 1410 Wentker court, Manitowoc. John was killed in France Nov. 11, 1918. Wencel was wounded. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee. ***** Two brothers, Wenzel and John Shavlik left here with one of the early contingents, James being employed at the Aluminum Goods plant, John was killed in action, November 1. Wenzel was badly wounded in October. They are brothers-in-law of John Christoffel of this city. Wenzel wrote home and the government telegraphed the parents at Cato of John's death. For a long time the brothers were together until the wounding of one and death of the other separated them. The Reporter - Thurs., Dec. 19, 1918
SHAVLIK: Wensel Pvt. - Co. B. 305 Mg Bn. - Cato Photo Wencel Shavlik, 1410 Wentker court, Manitowoc. John was killed in France Nov. 11, 1918. Wencel was wounded. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee. ***** Two brothers, Wenzel and John Shavlik left here with one of the early contingents, James being employed at the Aluminum Goods plant, John was killed in action, November 1. Wenzel was badly wounded in October. They are brothers-in-law of John Christoffel of this city. Wenzel wrote home and the government telegraphed the parents at Cato of John's death. For a long time the brothers were together until the wounding of one and death of the other separated them. The Reporter - Thurs., Dec. 19, 1918
SHEAHAN: James L. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 8. - Grimms
William Dennis - Pvt. - 107th Amb Co. 27th Div MD Enlistment Date: March 28, 1918 Service No: 2 035 117 Honorable Discharge Date: April 1, 1919 Cemetery: St. Patrick's, Maple Grove, Wisconsin December 3, 1894 - July 15, 1957 ******** W.D. Sheahan Dies in Madison William D. Sheahan, 62, Grimms businessman, school bus line operator and former postmaster, died Monday evening at Wisconsin General Hospital Madison, after an illness of several months. Funeral services will be at 9 a.m. Thursday at the Reedsville Funeral Home and at 9:30 a.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Maple Grove. The Rev. Alois Pimeskern will officiate with burial in the church cemetery. Mr. Sheahan had operated the IGA Store in Grimms since he purchased the business in 1924. He also served as Grimms postmaster for 10 years. The office has been discontinued and mail is now serviced out of Reedsville. Mr. Sheahan pioneered in county school bus transportation for children attending Valders schools and in 1954 added several more buses to his line and served schools in Maple Grove, Reedsville, Valders, Clarks Mills, Whitelaw and Grimms. A veteran of World War I, Mr. Sheahan served in France with the 27th Division, 107th Ambulance Company. His company was under severe fire in the war, and only 13 of the original 250 men in the company returned to the United States and marched in the victory parade down Fifth Avenue in New York City. Mr. Sheahan was born Dec. 3, 1894, in the Town of Franklin, son of the late James and Bridget Sheahan. He was graduated from Reedsville High School and attended Manitowoc Business College. For several years he was a machinist with the J. I. Case CO. in Racine and in 1924 came to Grimms. May 11, 1937, he married Helen Lemberger of Clarks Mills. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick Catholic Church, Maple Grove, and of American Legion Post 199, Reedsville. Survivors are his wife, son, Dennis and daughter, Rita, at home; four brothers, James of Grimms, Edward of Maple Grove, Thomas of Milwaukee and Charles of Oconomowoc; sister, Mrs. Mary Wall of Askeaton. A brother, Henry, died in 1940. Friends may call at the Reedsville Funeral Home after 7 o’clock this Tuesday evening. The Rosary will be recited at 8 o’clock by the Knights of Columbus and again at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 16, 1957 P. 13
SHEEHAN: Allen - Mech. - Co. F. 127 Inf. - Reedsville
Daniel J. - Wag. - Co. A 9th Amm Tn - Reedsville
SHEKOWSKI: Frank P. - Pvt. - Bat. A. 9 TM Bat. - Two Rivers
SHELBROCK: Peter - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
SHEMSHAK: John J. - Pvt. - Co. I 354 Inf. - Manitowoc
SHESTAK: Benj. E. - Pvt. - SATC - Maribel
SHESTAK: James E. - Pvt. - Co. I. 2 Inf. - Maribel / June 25, 1891 - Sep. 13, 1965
SHIMEK: Adolph J. - Capt. - San Tr. 3 CO? - Manitowoc Albert J. - Pvt. - Med C. Post. Hosp. - Reedsville Leopold L. - Pvt. 1cl - 84 Aero Sqdn. - Manitowoc
SHIMON: Frank E. - Pvt. - 53 D.B. - Maribel John - Pvt. - 159 D.B. - Whitelaw Matt - Pvt. 1cl - Vet. Hosp. 12 - Maribel / Feb. 12, 1895 - Jan. 22, 1981
SIEHR: Edmond P. - Pvt. - Ord. Dept. - Gibson Ivon J. - Pvt. - Mg Trn. Cp. Hancock - Gibson
SIELING: Fred - Sgt. 1cl - 2 Spr. Sqdn - street given, no town
SIEVART: Edward J. - Pvt. - 161 D.B. - Manitowoc
SIEVERT: John J. - Pvt. - 63 D.B. - Two Rivers Max. - Pvt. - Co. C. 56 Inf. - Two Rivers Roy C. - Pvt. 1cl - G.?. F. Co. 333 - Denmark
SIEWERT: Frank Geo. - Pvt. - SATC - Cleveland Walarian C. - Cpl. - 606 Aero Sqdn. - Cleveland
SIMONIS: * Geo. M. - Pvt. - Ord. Trng. Hancock - Two Rivers age 25, died of influenza, Oct. 6, 1918.
SIMONO: Frank A. - Pvt. - QMC - Two Rivers
SIMPSON: Roy - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers
SINGER: Anton - Cook - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
* SINGER: John Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc age 24, died of empyema, March 27, 1918. Photo John Singer, who was the first Manitowoc boy to give his "All" for his country. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SINGER: Tim Photo Tim Singer, still with the army of occupation. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SIRES: Frank - Pvt. - Co. L. 148 Inf. - Manitowoc
SISEL: Frank - Pvt. - Provost Gd. Co. / Jan. 29, 1898 - Mar. 10, 1968 (tombstone)
SIVERT: Thurman C. - Sgt. - Mg. Trn. Hancock - Manitowoc
SKARDA: Anton - Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
SKARWECKI: Joseph F. - Pvt. - Mg. Trn. Hancock - Manitowoc
SKATRUD: Bennett P. - Pvt. 1cl - 6 Mp. Co. - Liberty
SKATRUDE: Selmar - Pvt. - SATC - Valders
SKATTEBO: Olvin H. - Pvt. - NARD Shelby - Valders
SKORZEWSKI: Anton B. - Pvt. - 27 Div. Cp. Stuart - Two Rivers
SKRZYPINSKI: Geo. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 162 Inf. - Manitowoc Walter - Pvt. - Co. G. 162 Inf. - Manitowoc
SLADSKEY: Jerome J. Lieutenant Photo Lt. Jerome J. Sladskey, Reserve Military Aviator, enlisted December, 1917 Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SLAGER: (Sleger on tombstone) John Ed. - Pvt. - Bat. B. 9 TM. - Cato / Aug. 21, 1894 - Dec. 16, 1966
SLUPINSKI: John F. - Sgt. 1cl - Co. C. 310 F.S. Bn. - Manitowoc
SMALLY: O.F. Photo O.F. Smally, served with Uncle Sam's "Devil Dogs." Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SMITH: Albert F. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Frank M. - Pvt. - Sandy Hook C. Def. - Two Rivers
SMONGESKI: John T. - Pvt. - Co. D. 4 Engrs. Trn. - Two Rivers Paul Peter - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
SMUDA: Walter - Cpl. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers
SOBIECH: Mike - Wag. - Sup Co. 104 FA - Manitowoc Theo. - Pvt. - 20 Co. 161 BD - Manitowoc
SOBIECK: Julius J. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 2 - Two Rivers
SOLBERG: Fred Pvt. 1cl - Co. D. 148 MG Bn. - Two Rivers Photo Fred Solberg, Left to right: inseparable trio before the war, who acted as one in joining the military forces. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SOMMER: Adolph F. - Pvt. 1cl - Bat. A. 109 FA - Cleveland
SOMMERS: Aaron - Pvt. - Co. D. 108 Inf. - no town given
SONNABAD: Arthur - Pvt. - Co. F. 13 Engrs. - Collins
SONNTAG: Milton - Pvt. 1cl - Hq. Co. 59 Inf. - Two Rivers ***** Corp. Milton Sontag who has fought in the front lines in France, returned to his home in Two Rivers. He was in the thickest of the fray, but not even received a scratch. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, April 10, 1919 Page 3
SONNTAG: Walter G. - Pvt. - GHQ. 2 - Two Rivers
SOPER: Elmer E. - 1st Sgt. - Bat. C. 78 FA - Cato
SORENSEN: Peter - Cpl. - Co. I. 128 Inf. - Manitowoc
SOSNOSKY: Edward - Cpl. - 161 D.B. - Two Rivers
SOWERS: Edward Guy - Pvt. - 161 D.B. - Manitowoc
SPAETH: Charlie - Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Timothy Joseph - Pvt. 1cl - Bat. C. 111 FA - Two Rivers
SPECHT: Edwin A. - Pvt. - MG Co. 39 Inf. - Manitowoc George - Pvt. - Med. Corps - Manitowoc Richard - Pvt. - Ord. Corps - Manitowoc
SPERL: Adolph - Cook - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Kossuth
SPETTEL: Harry J. - Sgt. - Hq. 121 FA - Kiel
SPETTOR: James - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Grimms
SPEVACEK: Emil - Cook - Co. D. 15 Engrs. - Manitowoc
SPILLER: Josef - Pvt. - Co. F. 310 Am. Tn. - Maribel
SPINKER: John H. - Pvt. - 63 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
STAALSON: Joseph E. - Pvt. 1cl - Bat. C. 111 FA - Manitowoc * Oscar R. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. F. 4th Inf. - Manitowoc age 30, killed in action, Oct. 12, 1918.
STADLER: Edward H. - Pvt. - SATC Voe. - Two Rivers
STAEHLE: Earl A. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Max - Capt. - Med. Corps - Manitowoc Ralph F. - 103 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
STAIDL: Joseph - Pvt. 1cl - Co. E. 162 Inf. - Manitowoc
STANGEL: Adolph C. - Bn Lt. - Co. E. 128 Inf. - Mishicot Arthur Geo. - Cpl. - Trg. Det. Bradley Polyt. - Manitowoc Edward W. - Pvt. - SATC - Mishicot
STANGLE: Otto Anton - 2nd Lt. - San Francisco CAC - Tisch Mills
STASICK: Walter - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
STAUDINGER: Joseph - Pvt. - 144 Engrs. Cp. Shelby - Cato
STAUDT: Elmer W. - Pvt. 1cl - Air Serv. Selfridge Sch. - Manitowoc
STEDL: William - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Grimms
STEEBER: Martin J. - Pvt. 1cl - Base Hosp. 112 - Whitelaw Michael - Sgt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Kellnersville
STEFANIAK: Alois - Cpl. - Co. F. 59 Inf. - Two Rivers Joseph - Pvt. - Med. Corps. - Two Rivers
STEFFEN: Fran X. - Pvt. - Mg. Trn. Co. B. 31 MG - Kiel
STEGEMANN: Edward - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
STEHN: Randolph F. - Pvt. - SATC - Mishicot
STEIN: Alexander J. - Pvt. - 6 Co. 161st. Dep. Brig. - Cleveland Wisconsin/Pvt. 139 Infantry World War I March 29, 1896/April 5, 1955 Cemetery: St. Fidelis, Meeme, Manitowoc, WI ***** Alex Stein, 59, of 1638-A N. 11th St., died suddenly early today at St. Nicholas Hospital. A native of Manitowoc County, he was born March 29, 1896, in the town of Meeme, a son of the late Adam and Mary Stein. He lived there until 1928 when he came to Sheboygan. A World War I veteran, he was employed at the Kingsbury Breweries Co. since 1945. Mr. Stein was unmarried. He is survived by two brothers, Theodore, of Sheboygan, and Joseph, of Milwaukee, and three sisters, Mrs. Paul Leider, Pigeon Lake, Mrs. Matt Kleckner, Hika, and Mrs. Norbert Miller, Manitowoc. Two brothers preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday with a brief service at Gerend’s Funeral home followed by rites at St. Fidelis Catholic Church in Spring Valley. Burial will be made in the parish cemetery. Due to Holy Week, a requiem high mass for the deceased will be celebrated next week at the parish church. The body will lie in state at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Wednesday. Sheboygan Press, April 5, 1955 P. 14
STELZER: Oscar H. - Cook - MD Bat. F. 109 FA - Mishicot
STENGL: Paul S. - Bnd Sgt. - Hq. Co. 340 Inf. - Kellnersville
STEPHANI: Geo. Wick - Cook - Hq. Bn. AS Sig. C. - Manitowoc
STEPHANIAK: Ladislaw L. - Cpl. - Co. C. 8 F. Sig. Bn. - Timothy
STERLING: George Ed. - 1 Lt. - 343 Inf. - Manitowoc
STERN: George L. - Pvt. - NARD - Manitowoc
STIPEK: Anton - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Branch Edward J. - Pvt. - QMC - Two Rivers
STOCKMEIER: * Paul E. - Pvt. - 34 Co. 163 D.B. - Manitowoc age 24, died of pneumonia, Oct. 18, 1918.
STOLL: August - Pvt. - Co. F. 107 Engrs. - Kiel
STOLLBERG: Louis - Sgt. - Hq. 326 Aero Sq. - Two Rivers
STOLTENBERG: Hugo A. - Pvt. - 4 Co. Sweeney Auto - Manitowoc
STONEMAN: Nicholas J. - Pvt. - SATC - Mishicot
STRADAL: Louis - Pvt. 1cl - US AAS Sect. 564 - Manitowoc
STRADE: Herman H. - Pvt. - Co. B. 318 Inf. - Kiel
STRASICK: Joseph Photo Joseph Strasick, served with the 162nd division in England. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
STRATTMAN: Louis G. - Cook - Sup Co. 26 FA - Hika
STRAUS: Philip - Pvt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Kiel
STREICH: Harry E. - Sgt. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
STRUPP: * Alvin - Pvt. - SARD Hancock - Manitowoc age 24, died of pneumonia, Oct. 7, 1918.
STRYZOWSKI: Michael B. - Pvt. - Ord. Corps - Manitowoc
STRZYZEWSKI: Joseph W. - Sgt. - Co. D. 324 Lab. Bn. - Manitowoc
STUEBER: Edwin P. - Pvt. 1cl - Med. Corps. - Manitowoc
STUECK: Arthur F. - 1st Lt. - 59 F.A. Med. C. - Mishicot Arthur C. - Pvt. - Bat. F. 332 FA - Two Rivers
STUIBER: Earl C. - Pvt. - NARD 22 Bat. Jackson - Manitowoc Joseph J. - Pvt. - Cp. Shelby NARD - Whitelaw
STURM: Herbert J. - Pvt. - Bat. F. 83 FA - Manitowoc
SUETTINGER: Walter E. - CFR - 299 Aero Sqdn. - Two Rivers
SUKOWATY: * Edward - Pvt. 1cl - Co. I 4th Inf. - Eaton age 29, killed in action, Oct. 16, 1918.
SULLIVAN: William M. Residence: Maple Grove Enlistment Date: April 1, 1918 Serial No: 2036707 SGT. 1st Co. 4th Mech Reg. Air Service Honorable Discharge Date: July 12, 1919 Died: September 12, 1936 Cemetery: St. Patrick's, Maple Grove, Wisconsin ******** WAR VETERAN PASSES AWAY Sullivan Services to be Held at Maple Grove Funeral services for William Sullivan, World war veteran, who died in Milwaukee Saturday afternoon, will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the St. Patrick’s church, Maple Grove. The body will reach this city Tuesday afternoon and be taken to the home of a brother, John, Reedsville. Mr. Sullivan was born at Wayside, Brown county, and served as a mechanic in the World war, being on overseas duty for over a year. He married Cora King 16 years ago and they located at Hammond, Ind. She died two years later and he moved to Milwaukee with an infant daughter. Survivors are the daughter, Mary Belle, Milwaukee; three brothers, Francis, John and Albert; three sisters, Mrs. M. H. O’Neil, Maple Grove, and Mrs. Fred Dempsey and Stella Sullivan, Hammond, Ind. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 14, 1936 P. 5
SVACINA: Ella Photo Ella Svacina, served in the contract department of the U.S. Shipping board at Philadelphia. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SVACINA: Frank Pvt. - 31 Co. 15 Bn. C. Greenleaf - Manitowoc Photo Frank Svacina, gave his "ALL" to his country. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
SVOBODA: John J. - Pvt. - Base Hosp. Ft. S. Houston - Kellnersville
SWEET: Roy - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
SWEIKAR: Edward A. - Pvt. - 3 Co. Ord. Rep. Shop - Manitowoc
SWEJKAR: Frank - Cpl. - Co. D. 58 Inf. - Two Rivers
SWENSON: Emil P. - Mus 2c - 3 Co. 161 DB - Collins
SWETLIK; Henry O. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. A. 9th MG Bn. - Maribel
SYGMAN: Iman - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers Samuel - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
SYKORA: Charley - Cook - Co. A. 3 Engrs. - Whitelaw Edwin A. - Sad. - Bat. C. 111 FA - Tisch Mills Louis - Corp - Co. E. 339 Inf. - Whitelaw
TADDY: William - Wag. - Hq. Co. 32 MG Bn. - Two Rivers
TADYCH: Alex - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Anthony S. - Cpl. - Co. M. 53 Inf. - Manitowoc Carl - Pvt. - Sec. 564 USA Amb. - Manitowoc Frank J. - Pvt. - 159 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers John Wilbert - Pvt. - 6 Co. Jackson Bks. - Two Rivers Wladislaw - Pvt. - 19 Engrs. - Manitowoc
TAICHER: Adolph - Pvt. - Medical Corps - 1890-1962 (from tombstone)
TALLMADGE: Howard - Pvt. - 60 CAC Bat. F. - Manitowoc
TANGAN: H. Photo H. Tangan, Left to right: inseparable trio before the war, who acted as one in joining the military forces. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
TAYLOR: Oscar C. - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
TEGGE: Charles W. - 1st Lt. - 350 Inf. - Two Rivers Lieutenant Carl Tegge is back from France with honors which he bears modestly. He was cited for distinguished service by the French General Petain and awarded a Croix de Guarre medal. The Reporter, Thurs., June 12, 1919
TEGGE: Harry - Pvt. 1cl - Co. F. 148 Inf. - Manitowoc
TEGGE: Raymond J. - Sgt. - 22 Co. Ser. Sig. C. - Two Rivers
TEPOORTEN: Geo. - Pvt. - Sup Co. 379 Inf. - Manitowoc
TESTOLIN: Nicola - Pvt. - Co. F. 112 Inf. - Quarry
TETEAK: Albert - Cpl. - Co. C. 346 Bn. TC - Manitowoc
TETEAK: Fred A. - Cpl. May 16, 1890 - April 11, 1942 ******** Fred A. Teteak, 84, of Cedar Lane, Rt. 4, Manitowoc, died Friday at Park Lawn Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 11:30 a.m. Monday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. The Rev. John Hephner will officiate with burial in Calvary Cemetery, Manitowoc. Military graveside services will be accorded Mr. Teteak by the VFW post No. 659 of Manitowoc. Mr. Teteak was born May 16, 1890, at Lena, Wis., son of the late Frank and Josephine Housner Teteak. He married Mae Prausa April 20, 1920, at Oconto. Prior to his retirement in 1958 he was employed at Kasper Construction Co. He was a veteran of World War I, serving in the U.S. Army and a member of VFW Post No. 659. He was also a member of Union Local No. 1067 and ZCBJ Lodge of Manitowoc. Survivors include his wife, two sons, Charles, of Rt. 4, Manitowoc, and Gerald, of Manitowoc, a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Marion) Simmet, of Manitowoc; a sister, Mrs. Ruby Keune, of Reedsville; nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. A son, Carlton, three brothers and four sisters preceded him in death. Friends may call at Pfeffer Funeral Home from 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and Monday until the time of service. Herald-Times Reporter, Manitowoc-Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Friday, April 11, 1975, page 3. Source:
THOKE: Gustave H. - Pvt. - Engr. Enl Res. C. - Manitowoc
THOMAS: Arthur C. Seargent Photo Arthur C. Thomas, Sergeant, saw service in France after serving with the regulars for six years. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
THOMAS: Frank J. Photo Frank J. Thomas, left this country in June, 1918, his war travels carrying him as far as Germany. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
THOMPSON: Burt Martin - Pvt. - Sec. 621 US AA Co. - Two Rivers Charles F. - Wag. - Sup Tr. 12 Cav. - Two Rivers Oscar C. - Pvt. 1cl - 10 Co. 3 Bn. 160 DB - Valders Reul E. - Sgt. - MT Co. 371 MTC - Valders
TILLS: Earnest - Wag. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc George - Pvt. - Co. K. 103 Inf. - Manitowoc
TIMM: Clarence - Cpl. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Cemetery: Evergreen, Manitowoc, WI Plot No: R-16-10 ***** C.C. TIMM, VET OF WAR, DIES AT HOSPITAL Body To Be Brought Here From Milwaukee For Burial With Legion Honors Clarence C. Timm, 38, a member of Company H during the Mexican border trouble and also a World War veteran, died Sunday morning at the Veterans hospital, Milwaukee. The body is to be brought to Manitowoc for burial with services Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. from the Wattawa, Urbanek and Schlei funeral home and at 2 p.m. from St. John's Evangelical church. Interment will be at Evergreen cemetery. The deceased was a member of the Drews post of the American Legion which will provide honorary pallbearers and a firing squad. Mr. Timm was born in this city in 1896 and always made his home here. He early had a yearning for military life and joined Company H of the Wisconsin National Guard. He went to the Mexican border with the local command and returned from that service with the rank of sergeant, in 1915. Was Diemaker At the outbreak of the World War he again entered the service and was stationed at Waco, Texas, and later at Camp Meritt, N.J., as a member of the 32nd Division. On moving overseas he was transferred to a motor transport division at Southampton, England. On his return from service Mr. Timm became a diemaker in the plant of the Aluminum Goods company here which he filled for 17 years, until illness forced him to retire. The deceased was married in this city in 1922 to Miss Olga Wlenke. They resided at 1841 New York avenue. Survivors are the widow; father William Timm, city; and a brother, Ray Timm, city. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until the hour of the funeral. The casket will not be opened at the church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, March 4, 1935 P.2 ******* [bur. 03-06-1935/d. at Gen. Hos. Vet. Adm. Milwaukee, WI/age 38 yrs./ cause: carcinoma of sigmoid colon with generalized abdominal metastases]
TIMM: John A. - Pvt. - Bat. C. 35 FA - Two Rivers
TIMM: Melvin C. - Sgt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Kiel
TITTLE: Ludwig - Pvt. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
TOFTING: (from tombstone) Anton E. - Sfc. - Co. B. 130 Engr. Bn. / Sept. 12, 1892 - June 22, 1966
TOMCZUK: Thomas: - Co. A. 640th Inf. 1895 - December 2, 1946 ******** Thomas Tomczuk, 51, of 1325 South 19th street, died this morning at the Veterans hospital in Milwaukee following a brief illness. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at the Pfeffer funeral home and at 9 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic church, the Rev. John Landowski officiating. Burial will be in St. Mary's cemetery. Military rites will be under the auspices of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Tomczuk was born in 1895 in Poland and at the age of 18 came to this country. He served in the army in World War I with Company A. 640th infantry. In 1920 he married Anna Skripinski. Survivors are the wife, a son, Richard and a daughter, Dorothy, both at home, and two sisters and one brother in Poland. The body will lie in state at the Pfeffer funeral home from Tuesday noon until time of services on Thursday. The rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Mr. Tomczuk was a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, December 2, 1946 P.2
TOMCZYK: Frank Walter - Cpl. - Co. A. 211 Engrs. - Timothy Ludwig - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
TOMEK: Arthur - Corp - Engrs. COTS - Two Rivers Victor W. - Pvt. - MT Co. 676 - Two Rivers
TOMSUK: Tony - Pvt. 1cl - Co. K. 4 Inf. - Manitowoc
TORRISON: Mandt? - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
TOSH: Frank - Pvt. - Vet. Corps - Two Rivers
TOSTENSON: Albert H. - Cpl. - Co. (?). Sup Tn. - Manitowoc
TREICHEL: Walter - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers
TROCHLELL: Anthony P. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc Edward J. - Pvt. - Det. 26 FA COTS - Manitowoc
TROMBLA: William G. - Pvt. - Med Corps. - Manitowoc
TSOPELS: Nick - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc Peter K. - Pvt. - 53 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
TUISL: Adolph - Sgt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
TUMA: Louis - Pvt. - 159 Dep. Brig. - Mishicot
TURENSKY: Louis - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Reedsville
TUSCHEL: Anton J. - Pvt. - Co. F. 310 Am. Tn. - Cato
TYLER: Leo M. - Pvt. 1cl - Hq. Co. 340 Inf. - Valders
ULLMANN: Julius - Pvt. - Co. D. 345 Inf. - Manitowoc
ULNESS: Norman - Pvt. - Ord. Dept. - Manitowoc
UMHOOFER: Raymond P. - Pvt. - Cp. MacArthur Tex. - Manitowoc
UMNUS: Hugo F. - Sgt. - 160 BD - Manitowoc
UTKE: William J. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 8 - Reedsville
VALCHAR: John - Cpl. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
VANDERBLOEMEN: Joseph J. - Sgt. - Co. B. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers Walter - Pvt. 1cl - Serv. Pk. Unit 410 - Two Rivers
VAN DRESSE: John J. - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
VANDREUIL: Leo E. - Pvt. 1cl - Flying Cadets Call Fld - Two Rivers
VANSERKE: Donald L. - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
VANSLEET: James - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
VANCATO: Louis Photo Louis Vancato, Fifty-eighth infantry, C. Company, 1112 Sixteenth street, Two Rivers. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
VARNICK: James - Pvt. - 161 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
VECHART: John - Pvt. - Co. C. 36 MG Bn. - Reedsville
VELCHAK: Frank - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc
VERBRIGGHE: Rene Photo Rene Verbrigghe, Company K, 148th Infantry, Thirty-seventh Division, ready to give the Hun a taste of what Yanks can do. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
VESELY: Charles J. - Pvt. - Co. A. 305 MG Bn. - Reedsville
VETTER: William H. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 128 - Cato
VETTING: Bruno - Pvt. 1cl - Rmt. Sq. 321 - Manitowoc Eugene L. - Cpl. - 163 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
VIEL: Elmer V. Pvt. - AS Rockwell Fld. - Two Rivers Photo Elmer Viel, Brothers who served, at an aviation camp in California. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee. ***** Elmer Viel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Viel for the past year and a half, connected with the aviation service of Uncle Sam, first at Kelley field and during the past months at San Diego, Cal., has received his honorable discharge and arrived home Friday. The Reporter, Thurs., June 12, 1919
VIEL: Rueben M. Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers Photo Ruben Viel, Brothers who served, in the S.A.T.C. unit at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
VIEWEGER: Florian F. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
VITS: Albert L. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
VOGEL: Alvin - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 13 - Kiel
VOGELSANG: Arnold H. - Pvt. - NARD Shelby - Manitowoc Erwin E. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
VOLLENDER: Harvey H. - 1st Lt. - 40 Inf. - Manitowoc
VOLLENDORF: Marvin H. - Pvt. - SATC Voc. - Manitowoc Roy J. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. C. 311 F. Sig. Bn. - Manitowoc William F. - Sgt. - Co. C. 50 Inf. - Manitowoc
VONDRACK Daniel J. - Wag. - Amb. Co. 59 - Reedsville
VOSBURG: William E. - Pvt. - Engrs. - Manitowoc
WAACK: Carl F. - Pvt. 1cl - M.D. Base Vet. Hosp. - Manitowoc Edwin J. - Pvt. 1cl - Vet. Hosp 2 - Manitowoc
WAAK: Henry C. - Pvt. - U.S. Disc. Gd. Co. - Manitowoc
WAARUM: Oscar G. - Cpl. - Co. A. 343 Inf. - Manitowoc
WACH: Robert - Pvt. - 17 Engrs. - Manitowoc March 18, 1892/July 24, 1920 Cemetery: Evergreen, Manitowoc, WI Gravesite: K-4-5 Tombstone
WACHOWSKI: Joseph - Pvt. - Co. 2 7th Inf. - Manitowoc The following information was sent in by a researcher, see contributors page: Joseph Wachowski b. 5 June 1893 in Manitowoc County, WI. d. 3 Oct 1964 at the VA hospital in Marion Williamson County, IL. burial was in St. Michael Cemetery, Radom, Washington County, IL.
WAGNER: Ernest - Pvt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Manitowoc Ferd M. - Pvt. - Co. B. 168 Inf. - Eaton
WALANDER: William P. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 12 - Reedsville
WALLANDER: Edward J. - Pvt. - 15 Co. NO. CAC - Reedsville Joseph Jr. - Pvt. - Mg Trn. Hancock - Reedsville
WALLSCHLAEGER: Oscar J. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
WALTERS: Adolph P. - Pvt. - Bat. E. 13 Regt. FA - Two Rivers
WALTERS: John P. - Sgt. - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers FROM THE BOYS OVER THERE Letters Tell of Boys Wounded; Two Rivers Boys Meet in Hospital In a letter to friends, Serg't John Walters who seems to have been wounded again writes; "I met Alfred Meyer at one of the evacuation hospitals yesterday morning. Like myself, he had a slight shrapnel wound only in difference places, not serious at all. I am sorry but I forgot to tell you what a surprise it was for the both of us to meet over here in a hospital. Alfred could hardly recognize me after not seeing me for over a year." The Reporter, Thurs., Nov. 7, 1918
WANDRASH: Adolph P. - Pvt. - 53 Dep. Brig. - Two Rivers
WANEGER: William J. - Pvt. - Gd. Co. 104 ASC - Manitowoc
WANGBERG: Arthur - Pvt. - ERC - Manitowoc
WANIGER: Joseph Jr. - Pvt. - 63 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc / July 24, 1897 - Mar. 1963
WANISH: Charles M. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. G. 4 Inf. - Cooperstown Frank Wencle - Pvt. 1cl - Vet. Hosp. 13 - Cato
WASKOW: Charles - Cpl. - 124 Co. T.C. - Two Rivers
WATSON: John F. - Pvt. - Co. A. 112 MG Bn. - Manitowoc
WATTAWA: Joseph - Pvt. - Ord. Dept. - Reedsville
WATTS: Joseph H. - Cook - 1 Co. CAC Boston - Manitowoc
WATZL: Walter A. - Sgt. 1cl - Serv. Pk. Unit 403 - Two Rivers RETURNS WITH FRENCH BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Matt Watzl arrived here Friday. Mr. Watzl was in the army service and brought back with him what is of more practical value than any of the other soldiers hereabout, a pretty French bride, nee Marcella Omnes of Paris, whom he met while on a tour with motorcycles over there. He had charge of a garage and assembling plant for auto trucks and motorcycles at Nantes and learned to talk French fluently. Mr. Watzl has again opened his motorcycle shop on the Southside. The Reporter, Thurs., July 24, 1919
WEBER: Edward J. Pvt. 1cl - 320 Aux. Bmt. Dep. - Manitowoc Photo E. G. Weber, Private, sailed overseas with Company A, 314th Ammunition Train in July, 1918. (Named Edward G. in book) Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
WEBER: Joseph F. - Pvt. - SATC - Maribel
WEBER: Phillip W. - Pvt. - 25 Spru. Sqd. - Two Rivers
WEBER: Walter H. - Pvt. - Ord. Dept. - Manitowoc
WEHRWEIN: Carl F. - Sgt. - ASS? 32 Spr. Sqd. - Manitowoc
WEIER: * August J. - Rct. - Unassigned - Two Rivers age 21, died of pneumonia, Nov. 4, 1918.
WEIHEMULLER: Harry A. - Cpl. - Co. G. 164 Inf. - Mishicot
WEINA: Ben - Pvt. - Mg. Co. 129 Inf. - Manitowoc
WEINERT: Hans M. - Pvt. - 20 Co. 161 D.B. - Manitowoc
WEINFURTHER: Irving - Pvt. - 161 Dep. B. - Mishicot
WEISNER: Walter J. - Pvt. - 163 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
WEISSGERBER: Arthur W. - Pvt. - 53 Dep. Brig. - Kiel
WEITER; John - Pvt. - Co. A. 354 Inf. - Cleveland
WELKE: Frank Private Photo Pvt. Frank Welke, Manitowoc, distinguished himself in service. He is still in France. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
WELLHOEFER: Hugo C. - Pvt. - Amb. Co. 102 Sn. Tn. - Manitowoc
WELLNER: Harvey - Pvt. - MT Co. 479 - Manitowoc Louis - Pvt. - Vet. C. - Cato
WENDORF: William H. - Cpl. - Co. ?. 30 Inf. - Manitowoc
WENDT: * Harry Albert - Pvt. - Co. C. 77 Inf. - Maribel age 23, died of pneumonia, Oct. 10, 1918.
WENTORF: Hubert R. - Sgt. 1cl - Md. Gen. Hosp. 2 - Two Rivers
WESTERN: Charles R. - Sgt. - Co. F. 53 Inf. - Manitowoc
WESTGER: Orville D.H. - no rank given - NARD Cp. Shelby - Manitowoc
WESTPHAL: Henry J. Jr. - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Manitowoc
WETENKAMP: Elder A. - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Manitowoc / June 29, 1898-Aug. 31, 1963
WHITE: * Donald W. - 1st Lt. - 23 Inf. - Manitowoc age 23, killed in action, Nov. 1, 1918. ***** MANITOWOC WAR HERO IS HONORED AT U. Bronze Plate With Name of Donald White Sealed in Memorial Stone MADISON, WIS., May 31-The sacrifice of one Manitowoc man who gave his life in service during the World War was commemorated at the laying of the corner stone of the Memorial Union at the University of Wisconsin yesterday. His name was Donald White, son of Mrs. Emma White and was sealed in the corner stone along with those of 205 other World War and Civil War dead to whose memory the stately Union building is to stand as an enduring tribute. President Glenn Frank for the university, Lieutenant Governor Henry R. Huber for the state, Mayor A.G. Schmedemann for the city of Madison, Fred H. Clausen for the university alumni, and Lowel Frautschi of Madison, president of the Union Board, for the students spoke for their groups to the assemblage and to the Gold Star relatives who were honor guests at the ceremony tributes to the university men and women who have given their lives in service and to those who have survived their service. Seal Name Plate In Stone Then was sealed into the corner stone a metal box containing bronze plates bearing the names of the university's war dead, a roll of those who served, and of those whose gifts made possible the Memorial Union building. The stone was cemented into place in the structure, and the ceremony ended with the soldier's traditional salute to her hero dead-the blowing of Taps and the firing of the National Salute. The brief ceremony at the Union building was ?????? by the parade and the services a Lincoln terrace on the upper university campus which hold a significant place in the partriotic ritual of the university and Madison. U.W. Women Parade The parade, with 23 civic and academic organizations in its line, arrived at the campus at 11 o'clock. The ceremony which followed ended with a procession of 206 white-clad university women, each bearing a wreath and a metal plate with the name of one of the university's war dead, to the corner stone box. Each placed in the box the plate she bore, then deposited the wreath at the foot of the Lincoln statue. The lines reformed and the women led the procession to the Union building. The Manitowoc war hero whose memory was recalled at the ceremony today, and will be prepetuated in memorial plaques in the great hall of the completed Memorial Union building at the university is Donald William White, son of Mrs. Emma E. White, 602 Park street. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, May 31, 1927 P. 1 ***** Word came Tuesday to Miss Emma White that her son, Lieutenant Donald White of this city, was killed in action on November 1, ten days before the signing of the armistice. Lieutenant White left the Junior Class at the University of Wisconsin to enter the second training school at Fort Sheridan and was immediately commissioned second lieutenant. He was wounded in action on July 12 and was in a hospital until September 25 when he rejoined his command. This is the first death of Manitowoc County's commisioned officers. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Nov. 28, 1918 ***** The following official communication in regard to Lieut. Donald W. White appeared in War Department announcements last week. Second Lieutenant Donald W. White, deceased, Twenty-Third Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Landres-et-St. Georges, France, Nov. 1, 1918, when the advance of his battalion was hindered by a strong enemy machine gun nest, Lieut. White led his platoon forward in an attack on the hostile position and was killed at the head of his platoon just before the last machine gun was put out of action. Next of kin, Mrs. Emma E. White, mother, Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, Feb. 13, 1919
WIEGEL: Jay - Pvt. - Co. G. 131 Inf. - Manitowoc
WIERTZBACH: John Joseph - Pvt. - NARD Cp. Shelby - Two Rivers
WIETRYSKOWSKI: John - Pvt. - no unit given - no town given
WIGEN: Arthur M. - Cpl. - Co. B. 58 Inf. - Manitowoc
WIGHT: Casper L. - Sgt. - QMC - Two Rivers
WILBERSCHIED: Mathias - Sgt. - 160 Dep. Brig. - Valders
WILBERT: Paul G. - Wag. - Sup. Co. 327 Inf. - School Hill
WILDA: Odon Justin - 1st Lt. - 358 Inf. - Manitowoc
WILDE: Edwin H. - Cpl. - Co. H. 345 Inf. - Manitowoc
WILKER: Henry W. - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers
WILKER: Victor J. - Pvt. 1cl - 23 Engrs. - Two Rivers Private Victor J. Wilker of the Engineer Wagon Company number 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilker, writes the Reporter from near Verdun, France that he reads every week in the Reporter of the men who have returned home from service and envies them for their good fortune. His regiment has now been in France over a year. He was in the Argonne drive and also at the Verdun front. His company also worked with the 82nd regiment but never met any of the local boys. The Reporter, Thurs., May 15, 1919
WILKIE: Charles F. - Wag. - Sup. Co. 26 FA - Manitowoc
WILLIAMS: * Fred L. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. H. 127 Inf. - Two Rivers age 26, died of pneumonia, Oct. 8, 1918. Zenas Lloyd - 2nd Lt. - QMC - Cleveland
WILLIAMSON: Clyde H. - Pvt. - Hq. Co. 4th Prov. Tng. - Two Rivers
WILLIAMSON: Florence Photo Miss Florence Williamson, who at the outbreak of the war offered her service to the Manitowoc County Council of Defence, where she served until she became Assistant Superintendent of the U.S. Employment Service office at Manitowoc. She was later made the Superintendent of this service for the district covering manitowoc and Calumet counties. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
WILLIAMSON: Frank E. - Pvt. - Vet. Hosp. 8 - Two Rivers
WILLIAMSON: Vernon Photo Vernon Williamson, who enlisted in the Merchant Marine when he was 18 years old. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
WILLMAS: Nick - Pvt. 1cl - Co. F. 6 Amm. Tn. - Cleveland
WILSMANN: Arthur J. - Sgt. - 297 MP Co. - Two Rivers Edwin W. - Sgt. - AS Kelly Field - Two Rivers Emil J. - Pvt. 1cl - Bat. C. 111 FA - Mishicot John P. - Pvt. 1cl - 301 G&F. Co. QMC - Two Rivers
WILSON: Alford E. - Pvt. 1cl - Co. D. 58 Inf. - Mishicot James H. - Pvt. 1cl - A5 Cons. Co. 11. - Manitowoc
WIMMER: John Xavier - Pvt. - 30 Co. NARD Shelby - Two Rivers Michael - Pvt. - Engrs. Cont. Dept. - Manitowoc
WINKELMILLER: Richard - Sgt. - Co. A. HS Bn. Gen. Hq. - Two Rivers
WIT: Anton F. - Pvt. - Cp. Grant Rep Unit 308 - Manitowoc
WITT: Frank - Pvt. - Mg. Trn. Cp. Hancock - Maribel / Dec. 4, 1892-Jan. 14, 1964 Frederick - Mech. - Co. M. 72 Inf. - Maribel / Nov. 4, 1889-Feb. 26, 1974
WITTEY: George C. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
WITTROCK: Henry - Pvt. 1cl - Co. M. 148 Inf. - Kiel * Herman - Pvt. - Co. M. 343 Inf. - Kiel age 30, died of pneumonia, Sept. 27, 1918.
WOLF: Benedict F. Muc. 1cl - Hq. Co. 340 Inf. - Two Rivers Photo Ben Wolf, First Class Musician who played in the 340th Infantry band. He participated in the operations of "Les Terribles" between the Meuse and Moselle rivers. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
WOLFE: Archie H. - Pvt. 1cl - 56 Serv. Co. Sig. C. Manitowoc
WOLLERSHEIM: Louis Mathias - Pvt. - 63 Dep. Brig. - St. Nazianz
WOLTERS: Joseph T. - Mus. - Hq. 120 FA. - Two Rivers
WONDRASH: Frank J. - Pvt. - Co. B. 14 Div. MP - Two Rivers
WOREL: Chester G. - Pvt. - Hq. Co. 139 FA - Manitowoc
WOTRUBA: Frank B. - Pvt. - Co. D. 36 Bn. US Gd. - Maribel
WOZNICKY: Frank J. - Pvt. - Co. D. 165 Inf. - Manitowoc
WULLNER: Harry - Pvt. - Co. A. 9 MG Bn. - Manitowoc
WYSZYNSKI: George S. - Pvt. - NARD Shelby - Two Rivers
YELMENE: Wallace - Pvt. - Med. Det. 43 FA - Mishicot
YOHANEK: Edward J. - Pvt. - Bn. Det. 107 Inf. - Grimms Henry - Pvt. - 156 Dep. Brig. - Grimms
YORK: Bernard - Pvt. - Engr. Dept. Hq. - Manitowoc
YOUNG: William Lieutenant Photo William Young, Lieut., former officer of the Manitowoc National guard, who fought with the "regulars" in France, and was several times wounded in action. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
ZAHN: * Alfred R. - Pvt. - 27 Co. 2nd Off. Regt. - Manitowoc age 22, Died in France of pneumonia, Oct. 5, 1918 Arthur E. - Pvt. - Vet. C. Hosp. 8 - Reedsville William H. - Pvt. - 43 CO. TC - Manitowoc
ZAHORIK: Anton J. - Pvt. 1cl - Vet. Hosp. 8 - Cato
ZANDER: Fritz C. - Cpl. - Co. F. 213 Engrs. - Manitowoc Oct. 2, 1894-June 19, 1951 Cemetery: Evergreen, Manitowoc, WI ***** Fritz C. Zander, 57, of 822 Flambeau street, Manitowoc, died at his home Tuesday night following a heart attack. Mr. Zander was born in 1893 at Mishicot and served as a postal clerk 30 years at the Manitowoc post office. In 1931 he married the former Miss Elsie Glaubitz. He was a member of the Masonic lodge, American Legion, Izaak Walton league and Presbyterian Men's club. Masonic funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Frazier mortuary chapel, Manitowoc. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc. He is survived by his wife, mother, Mrs. Arthur Zander Sr., of Manitowoc, daughter and son (Private), both of Manitowoc; two brothers, Carl of El Cerreto, Calif., and Arthur Jr., of Waupun, Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Ernst Blanchard and Miss Alva, both of Manitwooc. Friends may call at the mortuary from 2 p.m. Thursday until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, June 20, 1951 P.2 ******* [bur. on Mrs. Arthur H. Zander lot]
ZANDER: Earl L. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
ZANON: Lewis - Pvt. - 6 Co. CAC Mo. - Quarry
ZARA: William A. - Pvt. - Co. E. 15 Engrs. - Two Rivers
ZARN: W. Photo W. Zarn, Co. E, Thirteenth Engineers, served in France throughout the war, 1708 Twelfth street, Two Rivers. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
ZAWATZKI: John - Cpl. - Co. A. 340 Inf. - Manitowoc
ZBORALSKI: Victor S. - Pvt. - 63 Dep. Brig. - Manitowoc
ZEMAN: Bernard J. - Pvt. - SATC - Two Rivers Joseph A. - Pvt. - QMC - Maribel Louis - Pvt. - Co. I. 102 Inf. - Kiel Rudolph - Pvt. - QMC - Two Rivers * Walter F. - Cpl. - Co. F. 111 Inf. - Manitowoc age 27, died of pneumonia, Oct. 28, 1918.
ZICH: John - Sgt. - Butch Co. 340 - Manitowoc
ZIMMER: Edwin - Pvt. 1cl - QMC - Mishicot William W. - Pvt. - 13 Engrs. - Manitowoc
ZIMMERMAN: Herman W. - Pvt. - Co. C. 302 Engrs. - Cleveland Oscar - Wag. - Trk. Co. 3 107 Am Tn. - Cleveland
ZIPPERS: Albert - Pvt. - SATC - Cato
ZIPPERER: Frank - Pvt. - Co. B. 304 Inf. - Cato Reinhardt - Pvt. - Med. Dept. - Whitelaw
ZOERB: Howard M. - Cpl. - ASSC. Z - Two Rivers
ZOGRODNIK: Alexander F. - Mech. - 46 Co. TC - Manitowoc
ZOLK: John Pvt. - Vet. Corps Vet. Hosp. - Valders Photo John Zolk, served in France with the Veterinary corps. Source of photo and information: "Manitowoc and Two Rivers Part in World War I" Compiled and published in 1919 by The Wisconsin News in Milwaukee.
ZUCCHI: Tony - Pvt. 1cl - 4th Co. N.O. CAC - Quarry
ZYCH: Edward J. - Pvt. - SATC - Manitowoc
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