BLANCHE SEDLACEK Last Sunday evening death came to the home of Louis Sedlachek(sic) and took away Mrs. Louis Sedlachek. She was a victim of smallpox, which developed into a very severe case until death came to relieve her. Mrs. Sedlachek was Blanche Chaloupka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chaloupka of Kingsbridge. She was married but four months ago. She was 22 years old and well known. The news of her death came as a terrible shock to her friends and relatives. She is survived by her husband, father and mother and brothers Edward and William who will sadly miss her. Her remains had to be taken away in the evening which made the sorrow harder to bear. She was laid to rest in the Mishicott cemetery. Mr. Sedlachek was unable to attend for he is also suffering with the smallpox and mumps. The stricken family have the deepest sympathy of their friends. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, March 24, 1916 P.4 ********** Mishicot: The marriage of Mr. Louis Sedlacek of Gibson and Miss Blanche Chaloupka of Mishicot took place at Manitowoc last Thursday Judge Chloupek performed the ceremony. The Reporter, Fri., Nov. 2, 1915
ALBERT SEHLOFF Albert Sehloff, age 92, formerly of Mishicot, died Monday morning, August 2, 1993, at Hamilton Memorial Home. Funeral Services will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday, August 5, 1993, at St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. David Waege will officiate with burial in Mishicot Public Cemetery. He was born April 22, 1901, at Mishicot, son of the late Albert and Wilhelmina Piepelow Sehloff. Married to Leona Marquardt August 25, 1923, at St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. She preceded him in death on June 20, 1972. He then married Mabel Demsien Kraynik on September 4, 1975. She preceded him in death on April 30, 1984. He farmed in the Town of Gibson and was also employed at Manitowoc Shipbuilding as a carpenter from 1940 until retiring in 1966. He served as clerk of the former Jambo Creek School for 26 years. He was a member of St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church his entire life, also served as a member of the church council. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Allen and Doris Sehloff, Fond du Lac, June and Robert Weyenberg, Lakeland, Fla.; eight grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons, one grandson, two brothers and four sisters. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, from 4-8 p.m. on Wednesday evening and Thursday at the church from noon until the time of service. Memorials may be made to St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church or Manitowoc Lutheran High School. Herald Times Reporter, August 3, 1993 P. A2
CARL SEHLOFF Carl Sehloff, 73, of Rt. Two, Two Rivers, died Monday morning at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, where he was a patient three days. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot, the Rev. David Worgull officiating. Burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Sehloff was born June 12, 1889, in the Town of Mishicot, son of the late Albert and Wilhelmina Peipelo Sehloff. He married the former Rose Kunz in June, 1914, at Mishicot and the couple resided at Manitowoc for almost ____1-1/2 years, then moved to a farm in the Town of Mishicot, operating it for 13 years. Mr. Sehloff then took over his father’s farm in the township. He retired from farming in 1954. Mr. Sehloff was a carpenter most of his life and was last employed by Manitowoc Shipbuilding, Inc. He served as a supervisor on Mishicot Town Board for a number of years and was a director of Jefferson School District No. 2 in the town of Mishicot for several years. Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Julius Grenier of Milwaukee; a son Lester on the home farm; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Nickels and Mrs. Lois Kappelmann of Manitowoc; two brothers, Albert of Mishicot and Paul of Rt. Two, Two Rivers, four grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Four sisters, a daughter and a brother preceded him in death. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Tuesday at Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, until 11 a.m. Wednesday, when the casket will be moved to the church where the body will lie in state until the hour of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, July 9, 1962
ELLSWORTH, JUDITH, RONALD SEHLOFF Germantown Family Buried at Mishicot. MISHICOT - Graveside funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at Mishicot for three members of a Germantown family who died Friday. Burial was in Mishicot Public Cemetery. A former Mishicot resident, his wife and 11-year-old son, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Sehloff and Ronald, were found dead Friday afternoon at their home. Mrs. Sehloff took her own life with carbon monoxide poisoning and the fumes also claimed the lives of her husband and son. Coroner Robert Boltz of Washington County said Mrs. Sehloff, 46, formerly of Oconto, died while seated in one of two family cars parked in a closed garage with their engines running. Her husband, also 44, and son were found dead in bedrooms of the adjoining fume-filled home. Boltz said investigators found three notes written by Mrs. Sehloff which indicated she had no intention of harming members of her family. Mr. Sehloff was born April 1, 1924, in Manitowoc County, a son of Albert and Leona Marquardt Sehloff. He graduated from Mishicot High School. He was employed as a representative of Aid Association for Lutheran at Sheboygan Falls from 1956 to July, 1966, when the family moved to Germantown and he became general agent for Wisconsin Life Insurance Co. with offices at Milwaukee. Mrs. Sehloff, the former Judith Leigh, was born Oct. 8, 1924, at Oconto and taught school at Immanuel Lutheran School, Sheboygan, for a number of years, and was presently teaching at Milwaukee Lutheran School. Ronald was born Dec. 15, 1957. The Sehloff’s daughter, (private), is a freshman at Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point. Survivors of Mr. Sehloff (omitted for privacy). Mrs. Sehloff is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Edna Leigh, of Oconto, three sisters and two brothers. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Milwaukee. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, March 31, 1969
LEONA SEHLOFF Mrs. Albert Sehloff, 67, of Mishicot, died Tuesday at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital after a short illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Herbert Kesting will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Sehloff, nee Leona Marquardt, was born Jan. 20, 1905, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late Charles and Alvina Mahnke Marquardt. She was married to Albert Sehloff in 1923 at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church by the Rev. Edward Zell of Mishicot. She was a member of the St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ladies Bible Hour, Lutheran High School Guild, Homemakers Club and Senior Citizens of Mishicot. Survivors include her husband, a son, a daughter, a sister, Mrs. Emil (Sylvia) Wilsmann, of Two Rivers; eight grandchildren and a great grandaughter. Two sons and a grandson preceded her in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, after 3 p.m. Thursday until noon Friday and then at the church until the time of service. Memorials may be made to the St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church building fund. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, June 21, 1972
ROSE SEHLOFF Mrs. Rose Sehloff, 90, died Friday evening, Janaury 25, at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Helen and Julius Grenier, of the Village of Mishicot. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Monday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. Herbert Kesting will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Sehloff was born December 16, 1894 (unreadable sentence) daughter of the late Frank and Katherine Hronek Kunz. She married Carl Sehloff on June 23, 1914, at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Mishicot. The couple farmed in the Town of Mishicot until his death in 1962. Mrs. Sehloff was a lifetime member of St. Peter Lutheran Church and the Ladies Bible Hour. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Helen and Julius Grenier of the Village of Mishicot; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Gauthier of Manitowoc; a daughter-in- law, Mrs. Edith Sehloff of Two Rivers; four grandchildren, Mrs. Robert (Diane) Hansen of Two Rivers, Mrs. Floyd (Judy) Skubal Jr. of Mishicot, Duane Grenier of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Terrance (Doreen) Collins of Burlington, 12 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death a (sic) son, Lester, an infant daughter, three brothers and two sisters. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 3 o'clock to 8 o'clock this Sunday afternoon and Monday at the church from 10 a.m. to the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, January 27, 1985 P. 3
ADOLPH SEIDL Adolph Seidl, 61, Saxonburg farmer, died Saturday afternoon at the Municipal Hospital at Two Rivers, after a series of three operations. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9:30e; o'clock from Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot with the Rev. Alfred Pritzl officiating. Interment will be in the Mishicot Cemetery. Mr. Seidl was born in the Town of Kossuth March 27, 1876. In 1900 he operated a cheese factory in Larrabee. He continued operation of the factory until 1911. In 1916 he bought a farm in the Town of Gibson and five years later moved to Saxonburg. On Feb. 21, 1900 he married Anna Urban who with four children survive. The surviving children are Mrs. Edwin Meissner and Mrs. Harry Weinfurther of Mishicot and Alvin and Richard Seidl at home; five sisters, all of Manitowoc; two brothers and four grandchildren also survive. The sisters are Mrs. Stephen Krainek, Mrs. Louis Vraney, Mrs. Frank Urban, Mrs. Joseph Kronforst and Mrs. Charles Stransky; brothers are Frank Seidl of Francis Creek and Ludwig Seidl of Manitowoc. The body was taken to the farm home this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mon., Jan. 10, 1938 page 14 ********* Adolph Seidl, 61, Saxonburg farmer, died at the municipal hospital at Two Rivers Saturday following a series of three operations. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Mishicot. The widow, two daughters, two sons, five sisters and two brothers survive. Manitowoc Sun Messenger, Friday, January 14, 1938
ALVIN SEIDL Alvin Seidl, 69, of Green Bay, died late Friday evening at St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Lambert Funeral Home and at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate with burial in the parish cemetery. Mr. Seidl was born Feb. 16, 1908, in Manitowoc County, son of the late Adolph and Anna Urban Seidl. He married Annette Mauer. She preceded him in death in 1945. He married Laura Thieren who preceded him in death in 1951. In 1974, he married Barbara Blejeske. Mr. Seidl farmed on Rt. 1, Two Rivers, until moving to Green Bay in 1974. Survivors include his wife, a son, a brother, Richard, of Rt. 1, Mishicot, and two daughters (some names omitted for privacy). Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 4 p.m. Monday where a memorial service will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc, Saturday, March 5, 1977 P. 8 ******** Funeral services for Alvin Seidl, 69, of Green Bay, who died Friday, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Lambert Funeral Home and at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. Among survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Lawrence (Adeline) Von Eran, of Green Bay, and Mrs. Gladys Meissner of Two Rivers. Friends may call at the funeral home where a memorial service will be conducted at 7:30 o’clock this Monday evening. Herald Times Reporter, Sunday, March 6, 1977 ******** The following obit is for his wife Laura: Mrs. Alvin Seidl, 36, of route 1, Mishicot, died at a hospital in Philadelphia Friday. Funeral services will be held in that city Monday morning. The former Lora Therrian was born in Quebec in 1915 and was married to Mr. Seidl in Mishicot in 1948. They located on a farm near Mishicot. Illness forced Mrs. Seidl to go to her mother's home in Philadelphia. Surviving are her husband and a son, Lyle, 15 months, mother, brother, George, and sister, Alva, in Philadelphia. (No newspaper or date cited)
ANNA SEIDL Mrs. Anna Seidl, 81, of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, Town of Mishicot, who had been residing with a son, Alvin, for many years, died early Monday morning at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital, where she had been a patient the past two weeks. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Mrs. Seidl, nee Anna Urban, was born in the Town of Kossuth March 3, 1875, a daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Urban. She was married to Adolph Seidl at St. Ann Catholic Church, Francis Creek, in 1899. After their marriage the couple moved to Larrabee where her husband took over the operation of a cheese factory. Several years later for a number of years the couple conducted a farm in the Town of Gibson and later acquired the present farm in the Town of Mishicot. Following the death of her husband in 1938, the son took over the farm. Mrs. Seidl was a member of the Altar Society of Holy Cross Church. Besides the son, she leaves another son, Richard, of the Town of Mishicot; two daughters, Mrs. Edwin Meissner, of Two Rivers and Mrs. Adeline Weinfurther, of Mishicot; nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, September 21, 1959 P. 13 ********* Funeral services of Mrs. Seidl of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, Town of Mishicot, who died Monday at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital, were at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. (Pallbearers omitted for privacy) Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, September 25, 1959
CECELIA SEIDL Cecelia J. Seidl, age 85, of 15732 Jambo Creek Road, town of Gibson, died Monday evening Oct. 21, 2002 at her residence. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot, with the Rev. John Neuser officiating. Burial will take place in the church cemetery. Cecelia was born June 4, 1917 in the town of Gibson to the late Anton and Ann Roigth Hrdina and has been a lifelong area resident. She married Richard A. Seidl on Aug. 10, 1940 at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Tisch Mills. He preceded her in death on Jan. 22, 1998. She worked for several years at the Mirro Corporation and later she and her husband operated the family homestead farm for many years. She was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church of Mishicot, and the Altar Society of the church. She was also a member of the town of Gibson Homemaker’s Club. Cecelia enjoyed bowling and gardening and loved spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She is survived by one daughter: Judy A. Seidl, of the town of Gibson; two sons and one daughter-in-law: Ronald R. Seidl, of the town of Gibson; Allen C. and Carol Seidl, of the town of Gibson; four grandchildren: John Seidl, Lorie (Jerry) Gillis, Lynn (Shane) Kochorosky, Jennifer (Brian) Wolfe; nine great-grandchildren: Cassey, Dalton, Billy Jo, Trevor, Hunter, Samantha, Dylan, Carter and Jordan. She is further survived by one sister: Eleanor Bonfigt of Two Rivers; and by nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by one sister: Lillian Peterik. Relatives and friends may call after 9 a.m. on Friday at the Lambert Funeral Home in Mishicot, until the time of services at 11 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church. There will be no Thursday evening visitation. A memorial fund has been established in her name. The Seidl family wishes to express a very special thank you to Christian Services of Holy Cross Catholic Church, the VNA and Hospice of Manitowoc County, for their love, special care and concerns shown to our family during our mother’s illness. Manitowoc Herald Times Wednesday, October 23, 2002 pg. A3
RICHARD SEIDL Richard A. Seidl, age 82, of 15732 Jambo Creek Road, town of Gibson, passed away Thursday, Janaury 22, 1998, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, January 24, 1998, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, with Rev. John Neuser officiating. Burial will be in the Holy Cross Catholic Church Cemetery, Mishicot. He was born February 4, 1915, in the town of Gibson, to the late Adolph and Anna (Urban) Seidl. He owned and operated a dairy farm in the town of Gibson for many years. He was a milk hauler for the Mishicot Modern Dairy for more than 30 years. He married the former Cecelia Hrdina on August 10, 1940, at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Tisch Mills. Mr. Seidl was an avid bowler, enjoyed playing cards, and traveled extensively in the United States with his wife and daughter, Judy in their motor home. He is survived by his wife, Cecelia; one daughter, Judy A. Seidl, town of Gibson; two sons and one daughter-in-law, Ronald R. Seidl, town of Gibson, and Allen C. and Carol Seidl, town of Gibson; four grandchildren, John (Carrie) Seidl, Lorie (Jerry) Gillis, Lynn (Shane) Kochorosky, and Jennifer (Brian) Wolfe; five great-grandchildren, Cassey, Dalton, Hunter, Dylan and Billy Jo; nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by one brother, Alvin Seidl; and two sisters, Gladys Meissner and Adeline Weinfurter. Friends may call after 9 a.m. on Saturday at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, until the time of services at 11 a.m. There will be no Friday evening visitation. A memorial fund has been established in his name. Herald Times Reporter, January 23, 1998 P. 2 ******** (04 Feb 1915/15 Jan 1998/SSDI)
WINNETTE SEIDL Taken ill on Saturday and rushed to the Two Rivers Municipal hospital, Mrs. Alvin Seidl, 38, town of Mishicot resident, died there Monday afternoon. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 o’clock Thursday morning at the Specht funeral home and at 10 o’clock at the Holy Cross Catholic church at Mishicot. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Mrs. Seidl, the former Winette Mauer, was employed in Two Rivers several years before her marriage Oct. 14, 1939. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mauer and was born at Algoma on Feb. 13, 1907. Besides her husband, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Armin Rausch of Kewaunee and Mrs. Arthur Radlin of Algoma, and four brothers, Milton and Frederick Mauer at Wood hospital in Milwaukee, and Harlan and Sidney of Algoma. The rosary will be recited at the Specht funeral home at 8 o’clock this evening. She was a member of the Sanctuary society of Holy Cross church. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, December 26, 1945 P. 2
ALEXANDER E. SELK Death by suicide of A.G. Selk, age 65, in Mishicott last Sun. evening by self inflicted gunshot. He had been ill for a long while. He was the father of local merchant Christian Selk. Burial was on Tues. with the funeral sermon delivered by Mr. Hubert Falge of Manitowoc. Der Nord Westen, 24 Apr. 1879 ******* SUICIDE AT MISHICOT. On Monday morning the people of Mishicott were shocked to learn that a prominent citizen of that village had committed suicide the previous night. E. A. Selk, a merchant in comfortable circumstances, and about 60 years of age, was the person who put a violent end to his own life. Mr. Selk has for a long time been subject to epileptic fits, and these occurred so frequently, about once a day, that his mind became impaired. Still nobody suspected that this infirmity made life a burden which he would willingly cast off, and he had the sympathy of friends solely on account of the waning of his mental powers and not because it was feared any tragic result would ensue. On Sunday afternoon he asked a friend of his, Mr. Koehnke, for a revolver, stating that he wished to kill himself, but his manner at the time did not lead to the belief that he contemplated suicide, and but for the result that followed the circumstance would not be recalled. He reached home that night at a pretty late hour, and unheard by his family went to his room, got a double barreled shot gun, loaded it with buck shot and went into the store, which adjoins his dwelling. No report was heard, and his friends were not made aware of the desperate deed until the following morning when, on entering the store, his son found the old man with brains literally blown out. No one can tell at what hour nor precisely how the deed was committed. From the appearance of the wound it is certain that he placed the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and discharged both barrels. The charge passed through his head, scattering his brains and blowing off one of his ears and then passed through the ceiling. The wound was a terrible one and death must have ensued instantly. An inquest was held on Monday before Justice Braasch. In his testimony Dr. Dawley stated that Mr. Selk was not of sound mind since he (Dr. Dawley) knew him. The verdict of the jury was given in accordance with the facts above given. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Selk had been engaged in the mercantile business at Mishicott for a long time. Of late years he conducted the business in company with his son. He was a man of more than ordinary business capacity and was generally respected for his upright conduct. Manitowoc Pilot, April 24, 1879 P. 3
ALLIE SELK Death notice: The 9 year old Esa Selk(sic), son of Mr. Chr. Selk died last Sun. in Mishicott. He was buried Tues. Der Nord Westen, 8 June 1882
CHRISTIAN SELK Der Nord Westen, Jan. 18, 1883: Christian Selk of Mishicott died last Sat. in Two Rivers. He recently became ill with edema and went to Two Rivers for medical help. ******** Christian Selk of Mishicott, died at the Lake House in Two Rivers on Saturday morning of dropsy. Mr. Selk at one time owned a store in Mishicott and did a thriving business. Lately he disposed of his stock and retired from business. He was a man of very high character and his death causes sadness wherever he was known. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 18, 1883 ******** No. 6 (First publication Jan., 30, 1883.) STATE OF WISCONSIN,-County of Manitowoc, ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, Wis., Janaury 29, A.D. 1882.(sic) In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last will and Testament of Christian L.F. Selk, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Christian L.F. Selk, deceased late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and, whereas application has been made by Mary Selk, who is named and appointed in and by said Will, as the executrix thereof and praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State. Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before this court at the Probate Office in Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 29th day of February A.D., 1882 (sic), at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will of the time and place of said hearing, by publication in the Lake Shore Times, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the Court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 30, 1883 P. 4
MARY SHAMBEAU Mary Shambeau of 807 N. 10th St., Manitowoc, died Monday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Shambeau, 78, was affectionately known to her friends as “Aunt Mary.” Funeral services will be at 8 a.m. Thursday at Mittnacht Funeral Home and at 9 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. The Rev. D. L. Krembs will officiate and burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot, where the Rev. George Beth will conduct graveside service. Mrs. Shambeau, the former Mary Kronforst, was born Dec. 25, 1878, on a farm in the Town of Gibson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wencel Kronforst. She was married to Edward Shambeau who preceded her in death. Since 1926, she had made her home with the Frank Dushek family at Manitowoc where the past 12 years, she had been employed as a seamstress at Berks Apparel Shop, Zimmerman’s Ready To Wear, and the Boston Store. (Ilegible) ….of Mishicot and several nieces and nephew. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Wednesday where the rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. ____________ Heart Rosary Society of which she was a member. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, September 3, 1957
ELMYRA A. SHEDAL Elmyra Ann Shedal, 53, of 11125 Ridge Road, Mishicot, died Thursday morning, July 28, 1988 at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 11 am Monday at St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. David Waege will officiate with burial to follow at Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Shedal was born April 3, 1935 in the Village of Luxemburg, daughter of Irene Garbright and the late Oscar Stueck. She was a 1953 graduate of Mishicot High School and married LaVern L. Shedal on June 14, 1958 at St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Survivors include her husband, LaVern, her mother of Mishicot; a daughter and son, Holly and Kevin, both at home and two sisters and brothers-in-law, Karen and William Schroeder of Francis Creek and Carma and Kenneth Kornely of Mishicot. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 3 pm to 8 pm Sunday and Monday at the church from 10 am until the hour of service. Memorials may be made to St. Peter Christian Day School or American Cancer Society. Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri., July 29, 1988 page 17
ANNA M. SHEDIVY Funeral services for Mrs. Anton Shedivy, 79, of 2400 Wilson St., Two Rivers, who died unexpectedly of a heart attack at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital Monday night, after being stricken earlier, attending a meeting of the St. Luke Altar Society, will be at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, and at 10 a.m. St. Luke Catholic Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. H.J. Schmitz officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Besides her husband she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Hilary Allie of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, and Mrs. Frank Fencl of Two Rivers; two sons, Joseph of Two Rivers and Anton of Wausau; a brother, Joseph Defnet, of Albuquerque, N.M., seven grand- children and 13 great grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral chapels where the Rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock this Wednesday evening. The Auxiliary of the Robert E. Burns Post 165, American Legion, will meet in a body at the funeral chapels at 7 o'clock this Wednesday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. February 5, 1964 P. 15
ANTON J. SHEDIVY Anton J. Shedivy, 88, of 2400 Wilson St., To Rivers, a retired former Mishicot harness maker and shoe repairman as well as an early musician, died unexpectedly at Manitowoc County Hospital Friday night where he had been a patient more than a year. Funeral services will be at 8:30 a.m. Monday at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, and at 9 a.m. at St. Luke Catholic Church, the Rev. Earl Brouchoud officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Mr. Shedivy was born March 1, 1887, at Tisch Mills, son of the late Anton and Mary Chalupka Shedivy. A founder of the Mishicot National Band, Mr. Shedivy operated a harness making and shoe repair shop at Mishicot until 1947 when he retired to make his home at Rhinelander. Four years later he moved to Two Rivers. Mr. Shedivy married the former Anna Defnet Sept. 14, 1908 at Casco. She preceded him in death Feb. 3, 1964. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Viola Fencl of Two Rivers; two sons, Joseph of Two Rivers and Tony of Wausau; seven grandchildren and 13 great grand- children. A daughter, Mrs. Hilary Allie, died Jan. 11, 1965. Friends may call at the funeral chapels after 3 p.m. Sunday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, August 7, 1965 P. 14
ANDREW SHEDLOSKY Andrew Shedlosky, 83, of Route 1, Mishicot, died Monday evening, July 20, at the home of a daughter and son-in-law, Caroline and Wilbert Borchardt of Route 2, Greenleaf. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Lambert Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mr. Shedlosky was born Dec. 8, 1897, in Kewaunee County. He married Catherine Gaca Feb. 6, 1918, at Newton. He farmed in the Town of Gibson most of his life until retiring and moving to Village of Mishicot. Survivors include his wife, two sons, Chester of Branch and Robert of Colona, Ill.; two daughters, Mrs. Wilbert (Caroline) Brochardt of Route 2, Greenleaf, and Mrs. Johnny (Geraldine) Davis of Chula Vista, Calif.; a brother, Joe Shedel of Kewaunee; four sisters, Mrs. Stella Perrissan of Sunland, Calif., Mrs. Helen Brown and Mrs. Florence Beylerian of Hollywood, Calif., and Mrs. Marie Gumbiner of Asusa, Calif.; a stepsiter, Mrs. Kitty Whiswant of Hollywood, 17 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. A son, Giles, an infant son, four brothers, a sister and a stepsister preceded him in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 4 p.m. Wednesday. A memorial service will be at 7:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, July 21, 1981 P. 3 ******** Funeral services for Andrew Shedlosky, 83, of Route 1, Mishicot, will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Lambert Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Visitation will be at the funeral home after 4 o'clock this Wednesday afternoon. Chester Shedlosky, a surviving son of Mr. Shedlosky, resides at Route 1, Whitelaw, and not at Branch as stated in the original obituary. Herald Times Reporter, July 22, 1981 P. 3
CATHERINE B. SHEDLOSKY Mrs. Andrew (Catherine) Shedlosky, 84, formerly of Mishicot, died Tuesday morning, Aug. 2, at St. Mary Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Richard Allen will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mrs. Shedlosky was born Feb. 4, 1899, at Two Rivers, daughter of the late John and Susan Pearchek Gaca. She was married to Andrew Shedlosky, Feb. 6, 1918, at Newton. The couple lived most of their lives in the Town of Gibson and Tisch Mills before retiring and moving to the Village of Mishicot. Mr. Shedlosky preceded her in death July 20, 1981. Survivors include two sons, Chester of Whitelaw, and Robert of Colona, Ill.; two daughters, Mrs. Johnny (Gerry) Davis of Chula Vista, Calif., and Mrs. Wilbert (Caroline) Borchardt of Greenleaf; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mida Shedlosky of Route 2, Two Rivers; a brother, Julius Gaca of Manitowoc; a sister, Florence Gaca of Manitowoc, 17 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons, a brother and two great grandchildren. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday where a memorial service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, August 3, 1983 P. 3
BARTHOLOMEW "BERT" SHEFCHEK Bert F. Shefchek, age 78, of 16914 Hwy. 42, Two Rivers, entered into eternal life Monday evening, May 18, 2009, at the Aurora BayCare Medical Center in Green Bay. He was born May 23, 1930, in McHenry, Ill., to the late Bert and Eleanor (Hanek) Shefchek and has been a lifelong area resident since coming here as a child. He was a graduate of the Mishicot High School, graduating with the class of 1948. On Aug. 26, 1950, he married the former Lorraine Zimmer at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot. He and Lorraine owned and operated the Two Creeks Garage for many years. Bert was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church, the Mishicot-Tisch Mills Knights of Columbus Council 4807 and the FFA Alumni Association. He and Lorraine received the National Dealership Award from International Harvester. In his youth he enjoyed playing softball. He enoyed playing cards and was an avid Green Bay Packers fan. He also enjoyed farming, the outdoors and visiting with his many customers for many years. Bert loved spending time with his family, especially following his grandchildren's activities. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by a great-grandaughter: Danica Wiltman; one sister and two brothers-in-law: JoAnn (Donald) Anderle, and LeRoy Zimmer. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, May 22, 2009, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot, with the Reverend Paul Paider officiating, with burial to follow in the parish cemetery. Relatives and friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Lambert-Eckert Funeral Home, 344 S. State St., in Mishicot. There will be a 7 p.m. parish wake service held at the funeral home Thursday night. Visitation will continue after 9 a.m. Friday at the church, until the time of service at 10 a.m. A memorial fund has been established in his name. Herald Times Reporter, May 20, 2009
EVERETT SHEFFER (d. 1989) Everett William Sheffer Jr., 20, Maribel, died unexpectedly July 26, 1989 of an accidental drowning. He was born November 17, 1968 in the Town of Gibson to Everett and Carol Born Sheffer. A graduate of Mishicot High School, he was employed at the Donald and Andy Rehbein Farm. Survivors include his parents; two brothers, Jeffrey of Maribel, Joshua at home; five sisters and two brothers-in-law, Mrs. Cynthia (Michael) Meyer, Kellnersville, Mrs. Sandra (Lee) Gonion, Green Bay, Pamela, Abigail and Cara Ann, all at home; his maternal grandfather, Earl Born, Old Highway CC, Maribel; aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by an infant sister, Sarah. Private family funeral services were held Friday. Burial was at Mishicot Public Cemetery. Denmark Press - Thursday, Aug. 3, 1989
EVERETT WILLIAM SHEFFER SR. Everett William Sheffer Sr., age 67, of 15410 Lakeview Road, Maribel, died peacefully with his family by his side on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2005, at St. Mary's Home in Manitowoc, after a long battle with many health issues. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2005, at the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Everett was born on March 1, 1938, in Rice Lake, to the late William (Bill) and Lena May (Weisenburger) Sheffer. He attended rural schools in the Denmark School system. On March 14, 1962, he married the former Carol Ann Born. Everett owned and operated Everett's Garage in Maribel for most of his working years. He loved to listen to blue grass and polka music. He was an amazing man and was always interested in collection antiques and restoring them to their original shape. He was good at whatever his hard-working hands ever touched. Everett was a loving, kind, and gentle husband to his wife, Carol, father to his children, grandfather to both his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He will always be in our hearts and minds and will be deeply missed. I love you Everett - you are my rising and setting sun. We love you Dad. We love you grandpa. We love you great-grandpa. Go now and rest in peace. Survivors include his loving wife of 43 years: Carol Ann; his children: Cynthia Sheffer of Whitelaw; Sandra (Lee) Gonion of Wrightstown; Jeff Sheffer of Maribel; Pamela (Dean) Mraz of Brillion; Abigail (Bob) Jones of Whitelaw; Joshua Sheffer of Maribel; and Cara Sheffer of Maribel; his grandchildren: Tanya, Hadassah, Michaelia, and William Meyer, PFC Kristopher, who is currently stationed in Germany, Sara, Zachary and Chelsea Rose Gonion; Kendra Mraz, and Alan Dale Armstrong; his great-grandchildren: Cole and Darren Lambrecht; Samantha and Brayden McKenna. He is also survived by his brothers: Curt Sheffer, and Richard (Kay) Sheffer; and by his sisters: Helen Peerenboom, and Dorothy (Randy) Hellenbrand; and by his brothers- in-law and sisters-in-law: Ervin Tzczkowski; Robert (Mary) Born; Allen Born; Earl (Jaria) Born; Nancy Sheffer-Van; and Rona Sheffer; along with many special nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by one son: Everett William Sheffer Jr.; and by an infant daughter: Sarah Christina Sheffer. He was also preceded in death by his father-in-law and mother-in-law: Earl and Iola (Karl) Born; his sisters: Lenora (Howard) Craig; Margaret Tyczkowski; and Grace Slavan, and by his brothers: Lloyd and James Sheffer. The family will receive relatives and friends from 3 to 7 p.m. on Monday at the Lambert-Eckert Funeral Home, 344 S. State St., in Mishicot. A memorial fund has been established in his name. A special "Thank You" to all the staff members (you know who you are) of St. Mary's Home, for your kindness and compassion you showed to our "Leader of the Band" and our entire family. You will never know the impact each and every one of you made in our lives and how much it is truly appreciated. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts." Herald Times Reporter, Oct, 16, 2005 P. A3
LLOYD R. SHEFFER Lloyd Sheffer, 35, of Route 1, Denmark, died Saturday morning as the result of a car accident. Funeral services will be 1:30 pm Tuesday in Knutson Funeral Home, Denmark. The Rev. Bernard Setterlund will officiate and burial will be in the Mishicot Cemetery. Mr. Sheffer was born Oct. 4, 1943 in Manitowoc County, son of the late William and Lena Wisenberger Sheffer. Survivors include his former wife, Nancy Just Sheffer; a son, Paul and a daughter, Deborah of Green Bay; three brothers, Curtin of Tisch Mills, Everett of Maribel and Richard of Manitowoc; and five sisters, Mrs. Lenora Schumacher of Lovell, Wyo., Mrs. Ervin (Margaret) Tyczkowski, Mrs. Helen Peerenboom and Mrs. Dorothy Gandt of Green Bay and Grayce Sheffer of California. Two brothers preceded him in death. Friends may call in Knutson Funeral Home, after 6 o'clock this Monday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, Dec. 18, 1978 page 3
EVELYN M. SHIMANEK Evelyn M. Shimanek, age 83, of the Hannah Home, Manitowoc, died Wednesday morning, March 7, 2007, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. She was born Oct. 21, 1923, in the town of Franklin, Kewaunee County, daughter of the late Wenzel and Mary (Kalcik) Kunesh. On June 20, 1942, she married Frank Shimanek in Norman. He preceded her in death Jan. 24, 1980. Evelyn was employed in housekeeping for the Mishicot School System and various homes followed by 12 years at Mirro Foley Co., retiring at the age of 56. Survivors include a son: Paul Shimanek, St. Petersburg, Fla.; three grandsons: Thomas Shimanek, Two Rivers; Cass (Lisa) Shimanek, Two Rivers; Gavin Shimanek, Appleton; two great-grandchildren: Hannah and Harper Shimanek; six stepbrothers; and a daughter-in-law: Connie Shimanek, Two Rivers; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends also survive. She was preceded in death by three sons: Gordon, Michael, Francis, and other family members. Funeral services will be held at noon Saturday, March 10, 2007, at The Pfeffer Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be Deacon Alan Boeldt with burial at Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. The family will greet relatives and friends at The Pfeffer Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Manitowoc, from 10 a.m. Saturday, March 10, 2007, until the time of service at noon. The family would like to extend a special thank you to Annette and all staff members, of the Hannah Home, for their care and compassion shown towards Evelyn and her family. Herald Times Reporter, March 9, 2007
FRANCIS SHIMANEK There is a picture of the crash and pictures of both victims. TWO FROM COUNTY KILLED IN COLLISION Crash Occurs at Two Rivers City Limits Clara Beeman, Francis Shimanek Accident Victims MANITOWOC- Two young Manitowoc county persons were killed and two other injured in a two-car collision at 10 p.m. Tuesday on County Trunk D at the west city limits of Two Rivers. Killed were Clara p. Beeman, 18, of Menasha Av., Manitowoc, and Francis J. Shimanek, 25, of Valders. Miss Beeman was a passenger in the car which collided with one being driven by Shimanek. Injured were Barbara L. Grosbeier, 19, of 1102 Sheridan Rd., Two Rivers, driver of the other car and Shimanek's wife, Constance, 23. They were removed to Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Miss Grosbeier is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Grosbeier, Rt. 6, Sturgeon Bay. Shimanek and Miss Beeman were the 19th and 20th traffic fatalities in Manitowoc County this year. He was the third brother in the Shimanek family to be killed in traffic accidents in the last 16 months. Crushed Chest Shimanek sustained a crushed chest and compound fracture of the skull and Miss Beeman sustained head injuries including a skull fracture. Miss Grosbeier received head injuries, a lacerated left shoulder and left leg and Mrs. Shimanek received a fracture of the right leg and lacerated right elbow and contusions. Miss Grosbeier's car, which entered a curve from the west, went off the left shoulder out of control, skidded across the highway and collided with the Shimanek vehicle which was prceeding in the opposite direction according to investigating Manitowoc County Traffic Police. Both vehicles, demolished by the crash, ended up on the west ditch, officers said. Authorities were still investigating as to whether or not City of Two Rivers or Manitowoc county had jurisdiction in regard to the accident which occurred at the junction of Columbus Street and County Trunk D. Brothers Killed Shimanek's brother, Gordon, 22, was fatally injured May 30, 1968 when struck by and autombile while walking on Highway 147 at the western edge of the Village of Mishicot. Another brother, Michael J. Shimanek, 21, was the driver of a car which went off a curve 2 1/2 miles north of Two Rivers on Highway 147 Sept. 4, of this year. (Note: omitting the information for Miss Beeman's funeral.) (Turn to Page 2-M, Co. 6) Attended Mishicot School Shimanek was born Dec. 17, 1943, in the Town of Montpelier, Kewaunee County, a son of Frank and Evelyn Kunesh Shimanek. He attended the Kewaunee public grade school and Holy Cross Parochial School at Mishicot, where he was brought by his family as a child. He was a graduate of Mishicot Community High School. A resident of Valders for several months, he was employed by the Midwest Breeders' Assn. He was a member of St. Mary Holy Name Society of Clark Mills. Surviving are his wife, the former Constance Christoffel of Two Rivers, who he married at St. Mark Catholic Church, Two Rivers, Oct. 19, 1968; his parents of Mishicot, and a brother Paul, of Mishicot. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at St. Mark Catholic Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. R. Thomas Peeters officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, October 8, 1969 P. 1 and 2M ******* (17 Dec 1943/Oct 1969/SSDI)
FRANK J. SHIMANEK Frank Shimanek, 77, of the Village of Mishicot, died Thursday evening, Jan. 24, at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Monday at Lambert Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mr. Shimanek was born April 18, 1902, in the Town of Montpelier, Kewaunee County, son of the late Peter and Katherine Shimanek. He was a veteran of World War II. He married Evelyn Kunesh June 20, 1942, at St. Joseph Catholic Chruch, Norman. Mr. Shimanek was employed by Casper, Hoffmann and Ace Construction Companies. Since 1965 he was employed at Fox Hills, Mishicot. Survivors include his wife, Evelyn; a son and daughter-in-law, Paul and Pam Shimanek of Mishicot; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Connie Shimanek of Two Rivers, and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three sons, three sisters and two brothers. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 4 p.m. Sunday where a memorial service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, January 25, 1980 P.3 ********* (18 Apr 1902/Jan 1980/SSDI)
GORDON P. SHIMANEK MISHICOT SOLDIER DIES IN HIGHWAY ACCIDENT. Manitowoc - Sp-4 Shimanek, Home on Leave From Vietnam, Struck by Car While Walking Along Hgy. 147. A Mishicot man on leave from the Army after serving two tours of duty in Vietnam was the ninth person to die on Wisconsin highways during this Memorial Day weekend. Sp-4 Gordon Shimanek, 22, of Mishicot, was struck by an automobile driven by Bethel Bohm of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, on Hy. 147 shortly before 10 p.m. Thursday at the western edge of the Village of Mishicot. Shimanek was on a 30-day leave from the Army and was to report in the middle of June to Ft. Bragg, N.C. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shimanek of Mishicot. With Traffic According to Manitowoc County police, Shimanek was walking east on the roadway, proceeding east with the traffic, when he was struck from behind by the right front fender of the Bohm car, hurled over the roof and landed on the right rear fender before dropping off the auto onto the roadway. He was taken to Holy Family Hospital by the Manitowoc Ambulance where police records show he was to be treated for a skull fracture and abrasions. He died shortly before this 7 o’clock this Friday morning. Police are continuing the investigation of the accident. Shimanek was the sixth highway fatality in the county this year compared to five on this date last year… Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced Saturday by Lambert Funeral Home of Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, May 31, 1968. ********** Investigation Continues in Soldier’s Death. MANITOWOC – County traffic police are continuing an investigation into an accident Thursday night in which an Army veteran from Vietnam was fatally injured. The victim, Sp-4 Gordon Shimanek, 22, Mishicot, died shortly before 7 a.m. of head injuries received in the accident. Investigating officers said Shimanek was struck by a car while walking on Hgy. 147 at the western edge of Mishicot. The driver was Mrs. Irene Bohm, 35, of Two Rivers, and not her husband Bethel, as was previously reported in this newspaper. There were five children riding with Mrs. Bohm at the time. Both Drinking According to police, Shimanek and Mrs. Bohm had been in the Mishicot Vets Club shortly before the accident. He apparently was walking to his home in the village. Police said both had been drinking. Mrs. Bohm became hysterical after the accident and was hospitalized at Two Rivers under sedation, officers said. Police have not been able to question Mrs. Bohm because of her condition. Funeral services for Shimanek will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church. The Rev. Anthony Betley will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Military services will be conducted by Kempen-Staudinger Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Overseas Duty Shimanek was born Nov. 3, 1946, in Kewaunee County, a son of Frank and Evelyn Kunesh Shimanek. He graduated from Holy Cross Catholic School and attended Mishicot Catholic High School. He entered service on Dec. 14, 1965, received his basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., and left for overseas duty in Vietnam Oct. 19, 1966. Shimanek was spending a 30-day leave at home prior to reporting to Ft. Bragg, N.C. He was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church. Survivors include his parents and three brothers, (private), all at home. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday where the parish Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, June 1, 1968
MICHAEL J. SHIMANEK Mishicot Man in Flaming Car Crash. Shimanek, 24, Victim, Body Badly Burned. Auto Hits Tree, Then Burns; Rate of Speed High. TWO RIVERS - A flaming single car crash 2-1/2 miles south of this community on Highway 135 early Thursday morning claimed the life of a 24-year-old construction worker. County authorities identified the victim as Michael J. Shimanek, who had been rooming at 435 N. Fifth Street, Manitowoc. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shimanek of Mishicot. Dr. Theodore Teitgen, County Coroner, said Shimanek died instantly from multiple injuries. It took county police and ambulance attendants about an hour to remove his charred body from the wreckage with the aid of power tools. Sgt. Tony Kubis, one of the investigating officers, reported that Shimanek was southbound alone at a high rate of speed when his 1969 high-powered model Plymouth Road Runner car failed to negotiate a curve. Car Hits Trees, Burns The vehicle went down into the right ditch, sideswiped three trees and then careened into a fourth tree where it apparently burst into flames. After that the car spun around and continued backward into a hay field owned by Clarence Goedjen of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, according to Kubis. It hit about seven trees in all. The rear end assembly broke away from the main body of the car and was found about 30 feet south of the wreckage. Parts of the vehicle were strewn from 70 to 150 feet in all directions. Authorities said the fire apparently started in the rear of the car, The Town of Two Rivers Fire Department was called to extinguish the blaze and flush gasoline off the highway. A passing motorist, Carl Haese, 18, of Two Rivers, discovered the accident at about 2:40 a.m. and ran to a nearby home to summon help. Toll 17 So Far Shimanek’s death raised the 1969 Manitowoc County traffic fatality to 17 compared with 15 this time a year ago. Shimanek was the second member of his family to die in a traffic accident. His brother Gordon, 22, was fatally injured May 30, 1968, when struck by an automobile while walking on Highway 147 on the western edge of the Village of Mishicot. Shimanek was born Feb. 3, 1945, in Kewaunee County, son of Frank and Evelyn Kunesh Shimanek. He was graduated from Holy Cross Parochial School, Mishicot, and attended Mishicot Community High School. A graduate of technical schools in Milwaukee and Chicago, he was employed by Hamann Construction Co. of Manitowoc and was a member of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO. Funeral Saturday (Survivors omitted for privacy) Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. Claude LeClair will officiate and burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Friday at the funeral home where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, September 4, 1969
ALAN DALE SIEBERT Alan Dale Siebert, age 40, of 622 Two Creeks Road, town of Mishicot, died early Saturday morning, Nov. 10, 2001 at his residence surrounded by his loving family after a courageous battle with cancer. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001 at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot, with the Rev. John Neuser officiating. Burial will take place in the Holy Cross Catholic Church Cemetery. Alan was born Dec. 11, 1960 in Manitowoc to Wilmer and Janet Herrmann Siebert and has been a lifelong resident. He was a graduate of the Mishicot High School with the class of 1979, and he attended two years of college at the Lakeshore Technical Institute. Alan married the former Sara Sauermilch on Nov. 9, 2001. He was employed as a manufacturing engineer at Federal Mogul Co. and recently received his Twenty Year Service Award. He enjoyed spending time working on cars as an auto mechanic. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. Al loved riding his Harley. He enjoyed cooking and family gatherings around the table. He was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church, the North American Hunting Club and the National Rifle Association. Alan is survived by his loving wife, Sara; he was a devoted and dedicated father to his three children: Kayla, Kristin and Kyle; his parents: Wilmer and Janet Siebert, Two Rivers; seven brothers and three sisters-in-law: Jim and Cindy Siebert, Manitowoc, Dan Siebert and his fiancée, Sue Kitzerow, Maribel, Greg Siebert, Francis Creek, Randy and Kim Siebert, Manitowoc, Mark Siebert, Reedsville, Steve and Becky Siebert, Maribel, Todd Siebert, Reedsville, and his special friend Angie Bigelow, Green Bay; one sister: Vicki Siebert, Manitowoc, and her special friend, Dave Phillip, Whitelaw. He is also survived by his mother-in-law: Lorraine Sauermilch, Manitowoc; brothers- in-law and sisters-in-law: Jody and John Nienow, Denmark; Sandra and Joe Sipple, Kiel, Douglas and Diane Sauermilch, Two Rivers. His niece and nephews: Douglas, Jonathan, Ashley, Cassie, Zachariah, Devan, Logan and Santanna, Amy and Glenn Johanek; aunts and uncles: Harlan Herrmann, Two Rivers; Victor and Helen Herrmann, Manitowoc; Miron Herrmann, Manitowoc; Eugene and Verna Herrmann, Fond du Lac; Aaron and Jeanne Arveson, Denmark; Harold and Macella Bergelin, Denmark; Leroy Siebert, Greenleaf, Dorothy Wendland, Greenleaf, Roland Siebert, Green Bay, Darrell and Jackie Siebert, Two Rivers; cousins and many special friends also survive. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents: Victor and Tillie Herrmann and his paternal grandparents: Edmund and Tillie Siebert; three aunts, one uncle and two cousins. Relatives and friends may call from 3 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Lambert Funeral Home in Mishicot There will be a 7 p.m. parish wake service at the funeral home. Visitation will continue after 9 a.m. on Thursday at the funeral home until the time of service at 11 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church. A memorial fund has been established in his name. Herald Times Reporter, Nov. 13, 2001 P. A3
AGATHA SIEHR Gibson news: The Angel of Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Siehr on Sunday afternoon and took from them their infant daughter, aged three weeks. The funeral will be held Tuesday at St. James at Cooperstown. The family has the sympathy of the community for their sad bereavement. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 25, 1916 p.4 ******* Larrabee news: Mrs. J. Finnel and Mrs. Anton Graycarek attended the funeral of the infant child of Mr.and Mrs. Pete Seihr which was held at Mishicot Tuesday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 1, 1916 P.2 ******* (Note: The services were in Cooperstown, but the burial was in Mishicot)
ELEANOR SIEHR Mrs. Philip Siehr, 56, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, Town of Mishicot, died early Monday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. She had been in ill health for several months. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Mrs. Siehr, nee Eleanor Hoyer, was born March 13, 1904, at Brillion, daughter of the late Joseph and Ida Haese Hoyer. She was married Oct. 13, 1926, at Chicago to Philip Siehr. After their marriage the couple moved to Mishicot where her husband was engaged as a barber until 17 years ago when the family moved to a farm in the Town of Mishicot. Mrs. Siehr was a member of the Altar Society of Holy Cross church. Besides her husband she leaves a daughter, (private); two sons, (private); a sister, Mrs. Walter Bauer of Riverside, Calif.; two brothers, John A. and Walter Hoyer of Brillion and 11 grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Tuesday here the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, October 8, 1962 P. 13
PETER SIEHR Peter Siehr, 90, of Rt. 1, Mishicot, died Saturday morning at Morningside Nursing Home, Sheboygan, after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, the Rev. Anthony Bentley officiating, and burial will be in the church cemetery. Friends may call at Wochos Funeral Home, Denmark, where the Rosary will be recited at 8 o’clock this Tuesday evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, August 16, 1960 ******** Peter Siehr, Route 1, Mishicot, passed away Saturday, August 13. He was born on December 2, 1869, in the Town of Gibson and resided there all his life. He was a farmer. He married Rosalie Rilaardy(sic) on April, 29, 1897 in Mishicot. She passed away in 1943. Surviving him are three sons, Ivon of Manitowoc, Phillip and Vincent of Mishicot; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Westphal of Manitowoc; 12 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot with Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Denmark Press, Thursday, Aug. 18, 1960 page 5
PHILIP SIEHR Philip H. Siehr, 66, of Mishicot, longtime operator of a barbershop in the village, died early Wednesday night at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, as the result of injuries received in an automobile accident in Manitowoc County, Sept. 28. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mr. Siehr was born in the Town of Gibson, Dec. 10, 1903, a son of the late Peter and Rose Ribordy Siehr. He married the former Eleanora Hoyer Oct. 13, 1927, who died in 1962. He then married the former Martha Bieberitz, Nov. 16, 1963. (Survivors omitted for privacy) Two brothers and a son preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday where memorial services will be held________ Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, October 15, 1970
ROSALIE SIEHR Mrs. Peter Siehr, 72, nee Rosalie Ribordy, died Tuesday noon at the home in Mishicot of a heart attack. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday from the Specht Funeral Home in Mishicot and at 9:30 from the Holy Cross Catholic Church, the Rev. Joseph Van Bogart officiating. Burial will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mrs. Siehr, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ribordy, was born in Gibson in 1870 and was married to Mr. Siehr in 1896. They located on the homestead farm in Gibson which they operated 43 years. Three and a half years ago, they moved to Mishicot. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors. Survivors are the widower; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Westphal, of this city; four sons, Ivan and Leo, of this city, Philip, of Mishicot, Vincent, of route 1, Mishicot; a sister, Miss May Ribordy, of Whitelaw; 12 grand- children and one great-grandchild. The rosary will be recited Thursday evening at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, March 3, 1943
CLARENCE SIEVERT Clarence Sievert, age 90, a former town of Gibson resident, died Monday, June 29, 1992, at a Green Bay nursing home. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Thursday at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Town of Gibson. The Rev. Maurice Hoppe will be officiating, with burial in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. He was born April 16, 1902, to the late John and Julia (Knutson) Sievert. He resided with his daughter Ruth Ann Borremans for six years prior to going to the nursing home. He married the former Edna Schmidt, on June 23, 1934. She preceded him in death in April of 1980. He farmed on the family farm until until (sic) going to live with his daughter. Survivors include, two daughters and sons-in-law, Diane and Martin Johnson of Novi, Mich., Ruth Ann and Gary Borremans of Green Bay; four grandsons, Kjell and Daren Johnson, Chad and Branden Borremans. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Roy and Lyman. Friends may call at the Knutson-Boettcher-Cotter Funeral Home, 536 Cty. Hwy. R, Denmark, from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, and Thursday at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of services. The family would like to give special thank (sic) to the staff at the Western Village Nursing Home. Herald Times Reporter, June 30, 1992 P. A2
EDNA SIEVERT Mrs. Clarence (Edna) Sievert, 69, of Route 1, Denmark, Town of Gibson, died unexpectedly Friday evening, April 25, at Memorial Hosptial, Manitowoc, after a brief illness. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Monday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Town of Gibson. The Rev. Percy Damrow will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Sievert was born May 30, 1910, in the Town of Gibson, daughter of the late Bernard and Louise Bergelin Schmidt. She attended Mapleview Elementary School, Mishicot and West Green Bay High Schools and also Manitowoc County Normal School. Mrs. Sievert taught in rural schools prior to her marriage. She was married to Clarence Sievert, June 23, 1934, at St. John Lutheran Church, Gibson. Following their marriage they farmed the Sievert homestead farm. Mrs. Sievert was a lifelong member of St. John Church and a member of the Ladies Bible Class. Survivors include her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Martin (Diane) Johnson of Novi, Mich., Mrs. Gary (Ruth Ann) Borremans of Green Bay; two sister, Mrs. Theodore (Violet) Buza of Manitowoc, Mrs. David (Florence) Trousil of Route 2, DePere; a sister-in-law, Verona Stueber of Manitowoc, four grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. Friends may call at Knutson Funeral Home, Denmark, after 4 o'clock this Sunday afternoon and at the church from noon till the time of services, Monday. Memorials may be made to St. John Lutheran Chruch, Gibson, mailing address, Route 1, Mishicot. Herald Times Reporter, April 27, 1980 P.3
JOHN SIEVERT John Sievert, 80, retired Gibson farmer, died this morning at the homestead farm, now operated by his son, Clarence, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Knutson funeral home, Denmark, the Rev. R. B. Walden of this city officiating. Burial will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mr. Sievert was born in Gibson in 1868 and in 1894 married Miss Julia Knutson. They located on the farm in Gibson. Survivors are his wife; two sons, Clarence on the home farm, and Lyman of this city; and four grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the Denmark funeral home after 7 p.m. Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Friday, July 29, 1949 P. 2
JULIA SIEVERT Mrs. Julia Sievert, 82, of Gibson, died early today at the home of her son, Clarence, following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Knutson funeral home in Denmark, the Rev. N. A. Bernsten of Valders officiating. Burial will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mrs. Sievert, nee Julia Knutson, was born in the town of Franklin, Kewaunee county, and following her marriage to John Sievert in 1894, the couple moved to Gibson where they operated a farm. Mr. Sievert died in 1949. Survivors are two sons, Clarence on the home farm and Lyman of Manitowoc; four grandchildren. Friends may call at the Knutson funeral home from 2 p.m. Wednesday until time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1950 P. 2
ROY C. SIEVERT FORMER LOCAL WAR VET DIES AT MILWAUKEE. Roy Sievert, Ex Postal Clerk Here, Stricken Suddenly. Roy C. Sievert, world war veteran and former employee at the local post office, died suddenly at the Soldiers Home Hospital at Milwaukee at 4:45 yesterday afternoon after a brief illness due to pneumonia. According to word here, Mr. Sievert was taken ill Monday and grew steadily worse. He was removed to the hospital yesterday morning and died in the afternoon. His mother, Mrs. John Sievert, and his son Kenneth, left for Milwaukee yesterday noon and are believed to have reached his bedside before the end came. The body will be brought here and the funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sievert, Town of Gibson, with burial at Mishicot. Born in the town of Gibson, Sievert, who was 30 years old, received his early education in the rural school. He answered the call of his country when the war broke and served throughout and after his return and discharge, was employed at the local post office for five years until a year ago. He was married here but the couple were divorced last year. Besides the parents, a son Kenneth and two brothers survive him. Military honors will be accorded the body. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, January 23, 1926
WILHELM SIEVERT No 7 (First Publication Feb. 6, 1883.) IN PROBATE.-MANITOWO COUNTY COURT. In matter of the estate of Anna Sievert, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Anna Sievert, of the Town of Gibson, representing among other things that William Sievert, late of Town of Gibson, on the 9th day of September, A.D., 1876, at Gibson, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this State of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to her granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this Court, on Tuesday, the 27th day of February, A.D. 1883, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice there of be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing, in the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc, in said County. Dated at the city and county of Manitowoc, the 30th day of Janaury, A.D., 1883. R. D. Smart, County Judge. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 6, 1883 P. 4 ********* (From 1870 Gibson census: William Severt age 42; wife Anna age 42; Fred age 12; Mary age 10; Anna age 8; Louisa age 4; John age 1) ********* (From 1880 Gibson census: Anna Siebert age 52; Fritz age 22; Maria age 18; Louise age 14; John age 11) ********* William d. Sept. 9, 1876 per probate notice ********* Name: Siebert, Wilhelm (sic) D.: 9/9/1876 B.: 7/21/1829 Reg. D.: 12/29/1876 Sex: M/W Age at Death: B.P.: Mecklenburg D.P.: Tn. Gibson Cem.: Ch.: Inf. & Address: Rev. C. Jaeger Spouse: F.: M.: Cause of Death: Pg. #: v.1 p.217 ******** Wilhelm Siebert Wisconsin, Death Records Name Wilhelm Siebert Event Type Death Event Date 1876 Event Place Gibson, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Gender Male Marital Status Unknown Race White Birth Date 21 Jul 1829 Birthplace Meaklenburg "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907" ******** Wm. Sievert Wisconsin, Death Records Name Wm. Sievert Event Type Death Event Date 1876 Event Place Gibson, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Gender Male Age 47 Marital Status Married Race white Occupation farmer & laborer Birth Date 21 Jul 1829 Birth Year (Estimated) 1829 Birthplace Germany Burial Place Mishicott, Man. Co. Father's Name Wm. Sievert Mother's Name Anna Sievert Spouse's Name Anna Sievert "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907"
ANNA SILBERSACK Miss Anna Silbersack, 89, of Milwaukee, died suddenly. Funeral services will be at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday at St. Mary Convent Chapel at Milwaukee, with burial in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot at 11:30 a.m. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Flora Westerman of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Emily Wacker of California. Friends may call at Weiand Funeral Home, 3410 West Center Street, Milwaukee. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, July 1, 1968
EMILLIE SILBERSACK Mrs. Amelia Silbersack, 88, pioneer resident of Manitowoc county who for the past two years has made her home with a daughter in Milwaukee, died Saturday in Milwaukee after a short illness. Funeral services will be held at Mishicot Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. from the Specht funeral home and at 9 o’clock from Holy Cross Catholic church. The body will be taken to Mishicot from Milwaukee tomorrow morning. The Rev. Joseph Van Bogart will officiate and interment will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mrs. Silbersack, nee Amelia Samz, was born in Germany in 1850 and came to the United States with her parents as a young girl. The family lived on a farm in the Town of Two Rivers for many years and later resided in Mishicot for many years. For the past two years she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. William Wacker in Milwaukee. Her husband, Michael Silbersack, died three years ago. Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Wacker, Mrs. Westerman and Anna Silbersack in Milwaukee and Mrs. Stone in New Mexico; one son in California, and several nephews and nieces in the vicinity of Mishicot. The rosary will be said at the funeral home Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, October 10, 1938 P. 2
MICHAEL SILBERSACK (d. 1891) Mites from Mishicot April 27th of la grippe and old age, Michael Silbersack Sr., aged 80 years. Mr. Silbersack came to this country from Thundorf by Schweinforth, Bavaria in 1860, settling in the town of Two Rivers a few miles from the village of Mishicott. His wife died fourteen years ago. He has since then lived with his son, Michael, upon the old estate. He has four other children, all of whom are girls. Two of them, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Roeschinger live at Green Bay; the other two live here, one is the wife of Mr. Joseph Reiss; the other the wife of Mr. Andrew Rehrauer. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Apr. 28, 1891 ***** (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 28 Apr.) Death in Two Rivers of old age debility of Michael Silbersack, about 81 yrs. of age. In 1861 he left his home in Schweinfurth, Bavaria, with his family and settled here. He leaves 4 daughters and 1 son, all married. The son lives on the old homestead; the two daughters live in Mishicott and are the wives of Joseph Reis and And. Rehraner. 2 other daughters live in Green Bay. His wife died 14 yrs. ago. Der Nord Westen, 30 Apr. 1891
MICHAEL SILBERSACK (d. 1935) M. SILBERSACK, MISHICOT, DIES Resident of County For Over 75 Years, Rites Tuesday Michael Silbersack, 86, a resident of the county for 75 years, died Saturday afternoon at the home in the village of Mishicot of disease incident to old age. He was the last member of the original Silbersack family which came to Manitowoc from Germany in 1860. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 9 a.m. from the Holy Cross Catholic church in Mishicot, with burial in the village cemetery. The deceased was born in Germany in 1849 and when a boy of 11 accompanied by his parents to America. They located on a farm in the town of Mishicot. Mr. Silbersack was married in 1874 to Emelia Samz and they took up their home on a farm in the town. Ten children were born to the couple and five survive. In late years Mr. and Mrs. Silbersack have been living a retired life in the village of Mishicot. Survivors are the widow; a son John, Orland, Calif,; four daughters, Anna and Mrs. Flora Westerman, Milwaukee; Mrs. Emily Wacker, Mishicot, Mrs. Julia Stone, Albuquerque, New Mexico; and 16 grandchildren. The body was removed to the home from the Specht funeral home Mishicot, this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, May 27, 1935 P. 5
ROSE SILBERSACK Miss Rosa (sic) Silversack (sic), former resident of Mishicot, died at Milwaukee Tuesday. The body was taken to Mishicot where the funeral was held this morning with services at the Holy Cross Catholic church. She is survived by her parents, five sisters and two brothers. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, March 1, 1923 P. 3
ADELINE SKUBAL Adeline (Addie) M. Skubal, age 83, of Manitowoc, died on Sunday, May 2, 2010, surrounded by family at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Addie was born on Feb. 26, 1927, on the family farm in Stangelville, Wis., the daughter of the late John Sr., and Mary (Ourada) Chervenka. Following WWII, she met Alan W. Skubal whom she married in 1947. They enjoyed 59 years together until his passing in 2007. Since then she has lived at Southbrook Manor where she has renewed old friendships and made many new ones, especially enjoying the daily coffee klatches. Addie was very dedicated to her Roman Catholic upbringing, serving many years as a choir member at Holy Cross Parish, Mishicot, and then in Newton at St. Thomas The Apostle, where she and Alan moved thirty years ago. Her commitment continued until the very end of her life, as she sang for a funeral the day before her passing. Along with the responsibility of raising a family, she also supported her community with long-time commitments to organizations as diverse as Homemakers, Project Head Start, the VFW Auxiliary, and Girl Scouts. To the pride of Alan and their children, she even went back to school at age 50 and was awarded her GED. She was a skilled crafter, gardener, and baker—for which she won numerous blue ribbons at the Manitowoc County Fair. She and Alan were well known participants at dancing venues throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Their children knew that Sunday afternoon was Mom and Dad’s special time as they were off somewhere tapping their feet to the refrains of polkas and waltzes. (Survivors omitted for privacy) Funeral services will be held at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Newton, at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, May 5, 2010. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be the Rev. Gerald Foley with burial to follow at Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. The family will greet relatives and friends from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 4, 2010 (TODAY) at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, with a prayer service held at 7:30 p.m. led by Sister Marlita Henseler. Visitation will continue on Wednesday, May 6, 2010 at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Newton, from 9:30 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. Herald Times Reporter, May 4, 2010
ALAN V. SKUBAL Alan V. Skubal, age 82 of Newton, died Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007, surrounded by family at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Alan was born on Sept. 5, 1924, in Manitowoc, and was the son of the late Julius and Anna (Cisler) Skubal. He was a 1942 graduate of Kewaunee High School and also earned a bachelor's degree from St. Norbert College, De Pere. Alan served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in the Pacific Theater from 1943-1946. Following his discharge from the service as a lieutenant, he met the former Adeline Chervenka at a church kermis in Stangelville. They married on Nov. 26, 1947 at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Stangelville. They moved to Mishicot where Al embarked on a career as an industrial engineer for both Hamilton Manufacturing and Manitowoc Engineering. He retired in 1985. A dedicated member of the community, Al served the needs of his church as a council member, usher and religious instructor. He was a longtime treasurer for Catholic Knights and a post commander for the VFW. Al was a man who endeavored to challenge himself every day. For years he utilized some of his leisure time running a mink ranch he built in rural Mishicot. Moving to Newton in 1978, he and Addie employed local youth at an ice cream parlor, Boy Blue, they developed in Manitowoc. The joy in Al's life, however, was his family. He and Addie traveled extensively, often taking along family members to share their joy of exploration. Alan was a skilled practitioner of dancing to polkas and waltzes. Alan and Adeline looked forward to meeting friends at dances every Sunday. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Funeral services will be held at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Newton, at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be the Rev. David Beaudry with burial to follow at Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. The family will greet relatives and friends from 4-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 at The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, where a prayer service led by Brenda Korinek will be held at 7:30 p.m. The visitation will continue on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007 at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Newton, from 10 a.m. until the time of service at 11:30 a.m. The Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, Feb. 19, 2007
CHARLES EDWARD SKWOR Charles Skwor, 79, who at one time operated the Skwor Meat Market at Mishicot with his brother, Hugo, died Friday morning at St. Ann Nursing Home, Milwaukee. Funeral Services are tentatively scheduled for Monday morning at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Lambert Funeral Home of Mishicot is in charge of arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, February 26 1971 ********** Funeral services for Charles E. Skwor, 79, former operator of a Mishicot meat market who died Friday morning at St. Ann Nursing Home, Milwaukee, will be at 10 a.m., Monday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and 10:30 at Holy Cross Catholic Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. He was born Oct. 23, 1891, at Bessemer, Mich., son of the late Joseph and Rose Kriwank Skwor. In his early childhood, his parents brought him to Mishicot, where they operated the Skwor Meat Market. With his brother, Hugo, Mr. Skwor, later operated the market until he moved to Milwaukee in 1941. He married the former Mary Stangel at St. mary Catholic Church, Tisch Mills. She preceded him in death in 1955. He is survived by one daughter, two sons, two sisters, Mrs. John (Eva) TePoorten of Manitowoc and Mrs. Raymond (Clara) Kaufman of Mishicot, and nine grandchildren. One daughter and one brother preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday where memorial services will be at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, February 27 1971 (edited for living persons) ******** Marriage of Charles/Mary Skwor Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's Church, Tisch Mills, Miss Mary Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel M. Stangel became the bride of Charles Skwor of Mishicot. The Rev. E. Shimek tied the nuptial knot and solemn high mass which followed the ceremony was celebrated by Rev. J.G. Rous, former pastor of the Tisch Mills parish, Revs. Shimek and Belle assisting. The couple was attended by Dorothy Stangel, sister of the bride and Hugo Skwor, brother of the groom. Little Miss Marie Stangel was flower girl and carried a bouquet of sweet peas while Master Paul Jansky, her partner, was ring bearer. For the ceremony the bride wore a gown of rich satin with beaded silk georgette and veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The church was prettily decorated with flowers and ferns. Special music for the occasion was rendered by the organist, Joseph Stangel. After the ceremony the bridal pair and invited guests numbering over one hundred, repaired to the home of the bride where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Skwor will make their home at Milwaukee. The Reporter, Thurs., June 3, 1920
CHARLES J. SKWOR, M.D. Dr. C.J. Skwor, 77, a widely known Mishicot practicing physician for the past 31 years and past president of the medical staff of the Two Rivers Municipal Hospital, died shortly before 10 a.m. at his home in the village of Mishicot after an illness of nearly a year. Retiring three years ago, he maintained a limited practice at his office until a few months ago. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, but services will be held at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, the Rev. George Beth officiating. Dr. Skwor was born at Greenstreet, Manitowoc County, Sept. 14, 1879, son of the late Frank and Ann Tuma Skwor. He was graduated from Mishicot High School and Oshkosh State Teachers College after which he taught school at Melnik for a few years. He then enrolled in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, from which he was graduated in 1908. He took his internship at the West Side Hospital in Chicago and from 1907 to 1909 he did internship and postgraduate work at the Illinois Post Graduate Medical School in Chicago. His first practice in medicine was at Milladore, Wis., and a short time later he established practice at Neosho, Dodge County from where he came 31 years ago to Mishicot. Nearly 40 years ago he married the former Rose Hennen of Fond du Lac. She died in 1941 at Mishicot. In 1943 he married Mrs. Marie Butz of Manitowoc, who survives him. Dr. Skwor is a past president of the medical staff of the Two Rivers Municipal Hospital and up to his passing was an honorary member of the staff. He also was affiliated with the Manitowoc County Medical Society, the Wisconsin State Medical Society and the American Medical Assn. Fraternally, he was a member of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin and the Manitowoc Aerie of Eagles. For many years he had been a director of the Two Rivers Savings Bank. Besides his wife, Dr. Skwor leaves a daughter, Mrs. Marie Moyles of Forest Park, Ill.; a sister, Mrs. Emma Leibal of Green Bay, a brother, John of Maribel, two granddaughters, and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral will be in charge of the Spechs Funeral Home, Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald Times, June 20, 1957 ********* Good for you Charlie!! On June 9th, Chas. J. Skwor of Cooperstown graduated with a class of one hundred fifty from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Chicago. He is a bright, industrious young man who is destined to succeed in his chosen profession. He was born and reared on a farm in Cooperstown where he attended the district school. After completing the course of study in his home school, he attended the Mishicot graded school for five years, completing the course under Otto Zander, now publisher of the Brillion News. He then entered the Oshkosh Normal School and after spending a year, he engaged in teaching and taught the Melnik School for two years, during which time, through private study he secured a second grade certificate. At the close of his second year at Melnik, he was offered and accepted a principalship at the school at Bessemer, Mich., which position he held for two years. He then abandoned the work of teaching to take up the study of medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the fall of 1904. In his junior year he was elected assistant sergeant-at-arms by the class and was again elected to the same position by the senior class. he was appointed as assistant House Surgeon of the college by Dr. A.K. Steele, Actuary of the college and was named by the Dean as a member of the quiz class for the Cook county Hospital Internship and was later appointed Intern for West Side Hospital. It is thus seen that Dr. Chas. Skwor had honors conferred upon him by his fellow students and the faculty during his collegiate days. he ranked as one of the best in a class of 150 graduates and that was doing well for a Cooperstown boy. Dr. Skwor is a young man of push and energy and has a promising future before him. - Manitowoc Pilot Brillion News, Fri., June 26, 1908
FLORENCE SKWOR Mrs. Florence Skwor, 81, of Route 1, Mishicot, died Friday morning, June 13, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Monday at Lambert Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mrs. Skwor, nee Florence Nachtwey, was born Apirl 14, 1899, at Cooperstown, daughter of the late Joseph and Anna Siehr Nachtwey. She was married to Hugo Skwor June 9, 1925, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Misicot. He preceded her in death Dec. 26, 1966. She was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church and Altar Society, a 50 year member of Catholic Knights and the Mishicot Senior Citizens. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Paul and LaVerne, and Peter and Marlis of Mishicot; two daughters and sons-in-law, Lois and John Bawter of Elkhart, Ind., and Victoria and John Kellner of Two Rivers; 14 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Two sisters and a brother preceded her in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 4 p.m. Sunday where memoiral services will be at 7:30 p.m. the Altar Society will recite a rosary at 8 p.m. Sunday. Herald Times Reporter, June 13, 1980 P.3 ******** (14 Apr 1899/Jun 1980/SSDI)
HUGO S. SKWOR Hugo S. Skwor, 70, Mishicot, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital, Monday morning. Skwor was born at Mishicot on Nov. 14, 1896, son of the late Joseph and Rose Kriwanek Skwor. He was associated with his father in the meat business for a number of years prior to taking it over. He retired from the business in 1961 when his two sons, Peter and Paul, took over the family operation. Surviving are his wife, the former, Florence Nachtwey, whom he married in June, 1925; two sons, Paul and Peter; two daughters, Mrs. Lois Greer, Goshen, Indiana, Mrs. John (Victoria) Kellner, Two Rivers; two sisters, Mrs. John E. (Eva) TePoorten of Manitowoc, Mrs. Ray (Clara) Kaufman, Mishicot; a brother, Charles, Milwaukee; 13 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, with burial in the church cemetery. The Rev. Anthony Betley officiated at the rite. Pallbearers were Roland Kumbalek, Arthur Skwor, Edmund Garceau, Al Nachtwey, Robert Princil and William Rey. Denmark Press, Thursday, Jan. 5, 1967 page 5 ******** (14 Nov 1896/Dec 1966/SSDI)
JOSEPH SKWOR Funeral services for Joseph Skwor, 82, veteran Mishicot meat market operator, who died Monday, will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Holy Cross church in Mishicot, the Rev. George Beth officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross cemetery. Born in Cooperstown in 1866, he married Miss Rose Kriwanek in 1891. He started a meat market in the village 55 years ago and later was joined by his son, Hugo. His wife died 12 years ago. He was a member of the Holy Name society. Survivors are two sons, Hugo of Mishicot and Charles of Milwaukee; two daughters, Mrs. Raymond Kaufmann and Mrs. Eva Holst of Mishicot; three brothers, Dr. C. J. Skwor of Mishicot, John of this city, and Adolph of Bessemer, Mich.; sister, Mrs. J. W. Libal of Green Bay; 14 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The body is at the Specht Funeral Home in Mishicot where the Rosary will be recited at 8 o’clock this evening. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, June 14, 1949, Page 2
MARY C. SKWOR Mrs. Charles Skwor, 57, former Town of Mishicot resident, died Friday at Milwaukee. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at the Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, with her son, Rev. Earl D. Skwor, S.D.S. will be the celebrant at the solemn requiem high Mass. Deacon will be Rev. Harvey Brahm of Milwaukee with Rev. Vianney Leannah of the Salvatorian Seminary of St. Nazianz as subdeacon. Burial will be in the church cemetery. She was born Mary Stangel in Tisch Mills, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Stangel, and in 1920? was married to Charles Skwor. They located in Milwaukee in 1942. She was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis and the Legion of Mary. Surviving are her husband; two sons, the Rev. Earl D. Skwor of Blackwood, N.J., and Arthur of Milwaukee; two daughters, Mrs. Martin Hastings of Lewiston, Maine, and Mrs. Edward Garceau of Two Rivers; three brothers, Ben and Richard of Tisch Mills and Louis of Manitowoc; three sisters, Mrs. William Leahy of Sauk City, Wis., Mrs. Jack Berg of Milwaukee and Sister Mary Wenzela of Zanesville, Ohio, who was formerly stationed in Manitowoc. Friends may call at the Klein & Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers, Saturday. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 26, 1955 P.13 ********** Marriage of Charles/Mary Skwor Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's Church, Tisch Mills, Miss Mary Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel M. Stangel became the bride of Charles Skwor of Mishicot. The Rev. E. Shimek tied the nuptial knot and solemn high mass which followed the ceremony was celebrated by Rev. J.G. Rous, former pastor of the Tisch Mills parish, Revs. Shimek and Belle assisting. The couple was attended by Dorothy Stangel, sister of the bride and Hugo Skwor, brother of the groom. Little Miss Marie Stangel was flower girl and carried a bouquet of sweet peas while Master Paul Jansky, her partner, was ring bearer. For the ceremony the bride wore a gown of rich satin with beaded silk georgette and veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The church was prettily decorated with flowers and ferns. Special music for the occasion was rendered by the organist, Joseph Stangel. After the ceremony the bridal pair and invited guests numbering over one hundred, repaired to the home of the bride where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Skwor will make their home at Milwaukee. The Reporter, Thurs., June 3, 1920
PAUL SKWOR Paul Skwor, 55, of the Village of Mishicot, died Friday evening, November 23, at the Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Monday at Lambert Funeral Home and 11 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Rev. Richard Allen will officiate and burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. Mr. Skwor was born July 10, 1929, in the Town of Mishicot, son of the late Hugo and Florence Nachtwey Skwor. He attended Holy Cross Grade School and graduated from Mishicot High School. He married LaVerne Braun on June 6, 1953, at St. Luke Catholic Church, Two Rivers. Mr. Skwor worked with his father at Skwor Meat Market from 1944 unti (sic) he became owner and operator in 1961. He was a member of Mishicot Volunteer Fire Department and had been treasurer since 1955. Mr. Skwor was a member of Knights of Columbus Council 4807 and a member of the Mishicot Booster club. Survivors include his wife, LaVerne; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Edward and Karen Skwor of Savage, Minnesota, and David Skwor of Mishicot; two daughters and a son-in-law, Allan and Sherri Schmidt of Shoto and Sandi at home; a brother, Peter Skwor of Mishicot; two sisters, Mrs. John (Vicky) Kellner of Two Rivers, and Mrs. John (Lois) Vawter of Elkert, Indiana, and four grandchildren, Adam Schmidt, Nathan, Nikki, and Ashle Skwor. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, after 3 o'clock this Sunday afternoon where a memorial service will be by the parish and Knights of Columbus at 7:30 o'clock. Herald Times Reporter, November 25, 1984 P. 3 ******* (Paul Skwor 10 Jul 1929 Nov 1984/SSDI)
ROSE SKWOR (d. 1937) Mrs. Joseph Skwor, 74, a resident of Mishicot for 44 years, died early today at Holy Family hospital. She recently underwent an operation for gallstones. Mrs. Skwor, whose maiden name was Rose Kriwanek, was born in the Town of Gibson March 27, 1863. She was married Jan. 7, 1891. Besides the widower, survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Holst, Mishicot, and Mrs. Ray Kaufman, Mishicot, Route 1; two sons, Charles and Hugo, both of Mishicot; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Cerny, Wilber, Neb., and Mrs. Charles Rahm, Sr., Green Bay; and 12 grandchildren. Mrs. Skwor was a member of the Altar society of the Holy Cross church. The body will be removed from the Specht funeral home at Mishicot to the residence Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will be held Thursday at 9:30 a.m. from the Holy Cross church. The Rev. Alfred Pritzl will officiate. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 14, 1937
ROSE SKWOR (d. 1941) FORMER COUNTY RESIDENT DIES AT MANITOWOC. Mrs. Skwor of Mishicot, Formerly Rose Hennen of City, Expires. Mrs. Charles Skwor of Mishicot, the former Miss Rose Hennen of Fond du Lac, died at 8 a.m. today at a Manitowoc hospital. A native of the Town of Forest she had resided in that community and Fond du Lac until her marriage several years ago to Dr. Charles Skwor. The couple established their home in Mishicot. Surviving Mrs. Skwor are her widower; a daughter, Marie, at home and eight brothers and sisters, J.E. Hennen, John and Frank Hennen and Mrs. Henry Kraemer of this city, Matt of Milwaukee, Mrs. Katherine Schmidlekofer of Mt. Calvary, Mrs. Andrew Huolihan of Appleton and Mrs. Henry Loehr of Los Angeles. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday at the Catholic church in Mishicot. Futher particulars will be announced later. Fond du Lac Commonwealth Reporter. Wed. Nov. 19, 1941, p. 20:1.
AARON CHARLES SMITH Aaron Charles Smith, 2 1/2 months, of 1909 Melody Lane, Route 2, Two Rivers, died Saturday morning, Dec. 1, at the residence. Funeral services will be held 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home, Two Rivers. The Rev. Gerald Brees will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Aaron was born Sept. 15, 1979, son of Michael and Sharon Slankard Smith. Survivors include his parents; a brother, Matthew; a sister, Suzanne; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Hinckley, Minn., and maternal grandparents, Mr. Harry Slankard of Harrisburg, Ill., and Mrs. Doris Slankard of Tuscon, Ariz. Friends may call at Klein and Stangel Inc., Funeral Home from 9 a.m. Tuesday until the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, December 2, 1979 P. 3
ELIZABETH SMITH Elizabeth Smith Mrs. Smith of Mishicott, mother of Ira P. Smith died at her home lately. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 26, 1883 ******** Mrs. Daniel Smith, relict of Daniel Smith, died at Mishicott on Monday the 23rd inst. Mrs. Smith was one of the first settlers of the county and acquired a just celebrity for her large charities and great energy. She raised quite a large family but always took it upon herself to relieve distress that came within her notice so far as her ability allowed. She was 80 years of age at the time of her death. Her funeral take place today at 1 O'clock P.M. Manitowoc Pilot, April 26, 1883 P. 3 ******** (Note: Death year on Stone may have been mis-read) ******** IN MEMORIAM Lines Dedicated To Mrs. Daniel Smith: Our Mother's journey is ended; God has called her home; She has gone to meet her loved one, where parting never comes Her days of strength were over, her kind brown eyes were dim Her youthful strength had left her, yet her soul was bright within The path of daily duty was ever her delight She walked by faith and patience, and trusted God for sight. Her hands with careful labor each day their mission told Her deeds like heavenly roses still bloom though she's resting in the tomb O, fond mother, once so faithful Thou truest earthly friend We pray in peace to meet you Where reunions never end. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 17, 1883 *****
(First publication May 3, 1883.) No. 34 IN PROBATE,-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Smith, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Jannette S. Eames and Elizabeth R. Goodwin, the former of Spring Prairie, Walworth county, Wis., and the latter of Winnebago City, Minnesota, representing among other things that Elizabeth Smith, late of Mishicott, Manitowoc county, Wis., on the 23rd day of April, A.D., 1883, at Mishicott, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioners are daughters of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Julius Lindstedt granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before this court, on Tuesday, the 29th day of May, A.D., 1883, at ten o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at the city of Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 27th day of April, A.D., 1883. R.D. Smart,County Judge. Estabrook & Walker, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, May 31, 1883 P. 2
IRA P. SMITH The death of Ira P. Smith, a resident of this city, occurred at Milwaukee Thursday while he was there for a visit to his son, heart failure being the cause of the demise, which took place at the hospital in that city. The body was brought here for burial. Mr. Smith was 70 years of age and had been a resident of the county for a long term of years. The family located at Mishicot where Mr. Smith was engaged in conducting a mill and removed to this city a few years ago. Decedent is survived by a wife; two daughters, Mrs. J. Kahler, of California and Miss Mae of this city; and one son, Ira, Jr., of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, July 29, 1904 ******** Buried at Mishicot The remains of Ira P. Smith were buried at Mishicot last Friday, his body being brought here from Milwaukee where his death took place a few days previous, by his son, Ira Smith Jr. He was on a visit to his son from his home in the West and was taken sick while in Milwaukee. He expressed a wish to be buried by the side of his parents in the cemetery at Mishicot, the home of his boyhood. He was a son of Daniel Smith who built a mill at Mishicot in 1844 and who was among the first settlers of the county, as well as the founders of the present village of Mishicot. In 1862 and 3, Ira Smith was sheriff of this county. He built the stone building in Mishicot now occupied by Vogl Bros., though it has since been remodeled and he conducted a store therein for several years and then sold out to L. Heyroth. He was among the first from this county to enlist in the war for the Union in 1861 going out in the First Wisconsin Regiment. for the past twenty-five years or more he lived in the West, somewhere near Omaha, we believe. He was 70 years of age and leaves a wife and a daughter who lives at Manitowoc, a daughter whose home is in California and a son who resides in Milwaukee. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., Aug. 2, 1904 ******** Death in Milwaukee on Thurs. last week from a heart attack of Ira P. Smith while on a visit there to his son. The deceased, who reached the age of 70, was an old settler in our town. He lived in Mishicott for several years but moved to Manitowoc about a year ago. He interested himself in politics and served as sheriff of Manitowoc County for several terms. The body was taken to Mishicott for burial. He is survived by his widow, 2 daughters and a son. Der Nord Westen, 04 Aug. 1904 ******** (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 02 Aug.) The burial of Mr. Ira Smith was held last Fri. here in the Smith Family plot. He had died at his son’s residence in Milwaukee. Many old friends of the family followed the casket to its last rest. Der Nord Westen, 04 Aug. 1904
LAFAYETTE SMITH (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 25 Sep.) Mr. L. Smith died here last week of a stroke in C. Levenhagen's Hotel where he had resided for several months. Mr. Smith, a son of Mr. D. Smith, one of the first settlers of our village, grew up here and lived here for many years. He was a veteran of the Civil War and over the last year resided in the soldiers home in Waupaca, Wisconsin. The large funeral was held Friday afternoon at the local cemetery. Mrs. Eamms, Mr. Smith's sister and a daughter of Mrs. Frey, both from Spring Prairie, Wisconsin, attended the funeral. Also a few relatives from Manitowoc were in attendance. Der Nord Westen, 27 Sep. 1906
ALBERT SNEBERK GIBSON MAN ILL FOUR DAYS PASSES AWAY Albert Snebeck Victim of Spanish Influenza, Dies Aged 45 Spanish influenza, which is sweeping cantonments of the nation and causing many deaths, has invaded Manitowoc county and is claiming its toll of life. Following a death at Kiel on Saturday and the death of Edgar Miller in this city on Sunday, Albert Snebeck, a well known resident of Gibson, passed away yesterday after an illness of but four days. Pneumonia developing from influenza caused death. Mr. Snebeck was 45 years of age and had been engaged in conducting a cheese factory, having just disposed of his factory to the Gibson Co-operative company. He was married. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, October 01, 1918, Page 1 ******* Marriage of Albert Sneberk Mr. Fred Wilsmann and family drove out to Gibson last Saturday to attend the wedding of his niece, Miss Annie Wilsmann and Mr. Albert Sneberk. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. E.P. Dornfeldt of the Mishicott Lutheran Church. There was a large number of guests present and the occasion was a very enjoyable one. All present united in wishing the happy couple a pleasant and prosperous journey through life. The Chronicle, Tues., June 9, 1908 ******** (Note: Do not know where Anna is buried. She probably remarried)
CECILIA SNEBERK Mrs. Cecilia Sneberk, age 81, of Edler Dr., Manitowoc, died Friday morning, April 30, 1993, at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Gerald and Cheryl Sneberk after a short courageous battle with cancer. Mass of Christian Burial will be Monday, May 3, 1993, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. John Neuser will officiate with burial in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. She was born November 8, 1911, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late Andrew and Agnes Norkowski Wergin. She married Raymond Sneberk July 8, 1933, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. They farmed in the Town of Gibson until retiring and moving to Manitowoc in 1980. Her husband preceded her in death on August 31, 1985. She was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Daughters of Isabella, Manitowoc Chapter of Citizens of AARP, and the Mishicot Senior Citizens. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Carol and Louis Paplham, rural Two Rivers; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Robert Sneberk, Bourg, La., Gerald and Cheryl Sneberk, Mishicot; three grandchildren, David Paplham, Judy Engeldinger and Joseph Sneberk; four great grandchildren; one brother, Leo (Alice) Wergin, Stevens Point; five sisters, Mrs. Marie Pleuss, Florida, Mrs. Agnes Barbier, Manitowoc, Mrs. Emily Gardiner, California, Mrs. Dorothy (Peter) Roovers, Kimberly, Mrs. Josephine O'Malley, Manitowoc; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Jane Wergin and Mrs. Mildred Virnoche, both of Two Rivers; special friends, Larry, Lynn, Carrie, and Cory Cudahy, Mrs. Rosella Haag; many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a brother Daniel Wergin. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, from 3-8 p.m. on Sunday, and Monday until leaving for the church at 10:30. A prayer service will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday. Herald Times Reporter, May 1, 1993 P. A2
JERRY SNEBERK Gerald R. Sneberk, age 49, of 1818 Highway 147 West, Mishicot, died unexpectedly Monday afternoon, April 11, 1994, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 14, 1994, at St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. David Waege officiating with burial in Mishicot Public Cemetery. He was born in the town of Gibson, Ausut 9, 1944, son of the late Raymond and Cecilia Wergin Sneberk. He graduated from Mishicot Community High School with the class of 1962 and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the Agricultural Short Course. He was married to Cheryl Nikolia on March 5, 1988, at Mishicot. He was a life long farmer in the town of Gibson. He is survived by his wife, Cheryl; a sister and brother-in-law, Carol and Louis Paplham, rural Two Rivers; a brother, Robert Sneberk, Bourg, La.; a nephew, David Paplham; a niece, Judy Engeldinger; special family, Bob, Marilyn, Chris and Wendy Krummel. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, Michicot, from 4-9 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of service. Jerry loved his family, his friends, his farm and through this he still lives. Herald Times Reporter, April 12, 1994 P. A2
RAYMOND SNEBERK Raymond Sneberk, 76, of 1515 Elder Drive, Manitowoc, died Saturday evening, August 31, at North Ridge Care Center, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. David Waege will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Sneberk was born December 16, 1908, in the Town of Gibson, son of the late Albert Sneberk and Anna Wilsman Krueger. He married Cecilia Wergin on July 8, 1933, at Holy Cross Church, Mishicot. He farmed in the Town of Gibson until retiring in 1980. Mr. Sneberk was past chairman of the Town of Gibson, member of Manitowoc County Board, past director of Twin Rivers Co-op, treasurer of Kettle Range School, member of Mishicot Alumni Association and member of Mishicot Senior Citizens and the Manitowoc AARP No.. 812. Survivors include his wife; two sons, Robert Sneberk of Bourg, Louisiana, and Gerald Sneberk of Rt. 1, Mishicot; a daughter, Mrs. Louis (Carol) Paplham of rural Two Rivers; a sister, Mrs. Mildred Virnoche of Two Rivers; and three grandchildren, David Paplham, Judy Engeldinger and Joseph Sneberk and a great granddaughter. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday at the church from noon to the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, September 3, 1985 P. 3
BOY SOENKSEN MISHICOT PIONEER DEAD Boyd(sic) Soeksen, Dies at Odd Fellows Home at Green Bay, Aged 84 Boyd Soeksen, one of the early pioneers of Mishicot, having located there in 1852 when he came here from Germany, died at the Odd Fellows Home at Green Bay, Friday from the infirmities of age, Mr. Soeksen having attained to the advanced age of 84 years. Coming to Manitowoc County nearly 60 years ago, Mr. Soeksen established a grist and saw mill at Mishicott, which he continued to operate for many years. He retired some time ago and with his aged wife entered the Odd Fellows Home at Green Bay to spend his declining years. The widow, with two sons, Richard, this city and Otto of Chicago survive him. The body will be brought here for burial and the funeral will be held at Mishicott Sunday afternoon at 2, in charge of the Two Rivers lodge of Odd Fellows. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Sat., Apr. 15, 1911
HUGO SOENKSEN Death of 24-year old Hugo Soengsen (sic) last Thurs. in Mishicott. He was the son of Mr. Boy Soengsen (sic), owner of the mill on Mishicott River and father- inlaw(sic) of M. Christiansen, locally. Mr. Fritz Heinemann delivered the burial sermon. Der Nord Westen, Mar. 6, 1884 ********* Hugo Soensken(sic) a young man of Mishicott, died last week and was buried on Sunday. Quite a number from this city attended his funeral. Manitowoc Pilot, Mar. 6, 1884 p.3 ********* (1880 Mishicot census: Boey Soenksen age 53; wife Allice 49; Richard 24; Hugo 21; Albert 15)
FRED SOLBERG Fred Solberg, 82, of Rt. 2, Mishicot, died early Monday evening at the Anthony Bohman residence where he resided the past nine years. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot. The Rev. Charles Freuden will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Solberg was born Jan. 11, 1888, in Norway and was a veteran of World War I. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. May 5, 1970
AUG. SPECHT (d. 1908) From Der Nord Westen, 10 Sep. 1908: (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 08 Sep.) Mr. A. Specht, about whose illness we had earlier reported, closed his eyes in the final sleep on Friday afternoon and was buried Monday in a very large funeral with military honors. He is survived by his sorrowing widow, 3 sons and 3 daughters. The sons are - Theodor in Manitowoc, Robert, here, and August in Fond du Lac. The daughters are Mrs. Wm. Mueller, and Mrs. Robert Steltzer here, and Mrs. John P. Schmidt in Milwaukee. He is also survived by several grand and great-grandchildren. Mr. Specht and his family lived here for many years and made a host of friends. He was a good husband and loving father who enjoyed the admiration of everyone. He was a veteran of the Civil War and belonged to the G.A.R., whose members gave him the last salute. ************ From Der Nord Westen, 10 Sept. 1908: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 07 Sep.) While your correspondent was in Mishicott (Monday) there was a large funeral there. A. Specht, an old settler, was buried with a funeral oration by Mr. F. Bohte, who is a very fine speaker.
******** HOW THE CARP GOT HERE A.Specht, who was buried at Mishicot last week, was a former resident of the Town of Gibson where he owned a farm. About thirty years ago, Mr. Specht had a fish pond on his farm which was located near the Mishicot river. It is said that he sent East for some German carp, which he undertook to raise in his pond, thinking that this specie of fish would be rapidly propagated there. It was believed, at that time, that carp were a desirable fish for food but it was discovered later that the meat was course and undesirable. The carp were left in the pond and no attention was paid to them until one spring the pond was destroyed by a flood and became connected with the river and the fish disappeared from the original pond. Not long after many carp were noticed in the river where they had found an abundance of food. They are a menace to small fish and of late years it has been noticed that the rice beds along the shores of our rivers, which have been the favorite feeding grounds of game birds, were rapidly disappearing. Upon examination it was found that these beds were being destroyed by the carp, which live upon its roots that they dig up from the bottom. The carp has a voracious nature, similar to a hog and it is slow and lazy and cannot be caught with hook and line. They are found in both our rivers and it would be a benefit to the angler and the hunter if they could be removed. In Europe carp are bred in ponds in many places for food and they are said to be very appetizing if properly prepared but the secret of preparing them for the table has not yet been discovered in this country or possibly, the fish propagated here are deteriorated in American waters. The Chronicle - Tues., Sept. 15, 1908
AUGUST SPECHT (d. 1951) August Specht of Mishicot is Dead. Mishicot – In ill health for the past year, August H. Specht, 78, widely known Mishicot furniture store operator and embalmer, died at his home in the village early Saturday morning. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Specht Funeral Home, the Rev. Edward Zell, pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot in the Mishicot public cemetery. August Henry Specht was born in Gibson, Manitowoc County, in 1873. Assisting his father on the farm until young manhood, he married the former Ida Kunz of Branch in 1903. After their marriage, Mr. Specht learned the casket-making trade at Reifs Mills and then took a position with the Northern Casket Company at Fond Du Lac. A few years later, the family moved to Los Angeles where he worked for the Los Angeles Casket Company for several years. Leaving his trade, Mr. Specht moved his family to Morense, Ariz., where he was employed at a copper smelting company for four years. He returned to the county in 1921 and became a painter and decorator at Mishicot. In 1927, after graduating from a Chicago embalming school, he took over the furniture and undertaking establishment of the late William Mueller at Mishicot, now operated by his son Paul, and retired from active business in 1945. Mr. Specht was affiliated with the Wisconsin Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association for many years and served as secretary-treasurer of the Mishicot Public Cemetery Association 15 years. Besides his wife, Mr. Specht leaves a daughter, Mrs. Elliot Zander, of Brillion; and two sons, Wilton of Racine and Paul Specht of Mishicot; a brother, Theodore Specht, of Tacoma, Wash.; and eight grandchildren. Friends may call at the Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, from 7 p.m. Sunday to the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, August 4, 1951
CHRISTINE SPECHT Death Claims Pioneer at Mishicot. Mrs. August Specht, a pioneer resident of Mishicot, died at the family home in the village Friday morning. Four years ago, she suffered a stroke which robbed her of her speech, which she never regained, and a few days ago, a second stroke rendered her unconscious, death coming Friday morning. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock with burial at the Mishicot cemetery. Mrs. Specht passed her 93rd birthday on March 24. She was born in Meddel, Holstein, Germany in 1832 and was married to August Specht in 1857, the couple coming to America and settling at Mishicot a short time later. Her husband served through the civil war and preceded her in death 15 years ago. Six children survive her, Theodore Specht, Tacoma, Wash., Robert Specht and Mrs. William Mueller, Mrs. Robert Stelzer and August Specht, all of Mishicot, and Mrs. John P. Schmidt of Milwaukee. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, April 25, 1925
IDA A. SPECHT Mrs. Ida A. Specht, 82, widow of the late A.H. Specht, founder of the Specht Funeral Home and furniture establishment at Mishicot, died late Sunday afternoon at Two Rivers Municipal Hosptial, where she had been a patient two weeks. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot, the Rev. Edward Zell officiating. Interment will be in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Specht, nee Ida Amelia Kunz, was born at Branch, Manitowoc County, on Feb. 17, 1873, a daughter of the late Godfrey and Elizabeth Foltz Kunz. She attended the Branch district school, and on June 10, 1906, was married to August Specht at Manitowoc. After their marriage they resided for a short time at Fond du Lac and lived in California later for several years. In 1921 the family came to Mishicot, where Mr. Specht took over the business, now conducted by his son, Paul Specht. Mr. Specht died at Mishicot in 1951. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Elliot Zander of Brillion; two sons, Wilton of Racine and Paul of Mishicot; and nine grandchildren. Friends may call at the Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, after 7 p.m. Monday. At 10 a.m. Wednesday the casket will be removed to the church, where the body will lie in state until the time of services. The Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, are in charge of the arrangements. (No newspaper cited/Sept. 18th-55 (hand written)
LADONIA SPECHT Thank you We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness and sympathy in the unexpected death of our mother, mother- in-law, grandmother, sister and aunt, Ladonia Specht. Special thanks to Rev. Harmon, the organist, pallbearers, Ladies of Our Savior Lutheran Church for serving lunch, all those who sent cards, floral bouquets, gave memorials, donated food, drivers, babysitters. A special thank you to Deja and Martin for their wonderful handling of all arrangements. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Family of Mrs. Ladonia Specht Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri. Sept. 24, 1976 page 29 ******** (02 Oct 1913/Sep 1976/SSDI)
PAUL E. SPECHT Paul E. Specht, 52, of 309 Main Street, Mishicot, former operator of a Mishicot furniture store and undertaking establishment, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at the home early Tuesday morning. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot, the Rev. A.L. Schmelling officiating. Burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Specht was born Dec. 2, 1913, at Los Angeles, Calif. Son of the late August and Ida Kunz Specht. When he was nine years old, the family brought him to Mishicot where he attended Mishicot public schools and graduated from Mishicot High School with the class of 1932. After graduating from an embalming school at Milwaukee, he became associated with his father in the operation of the establishment. With the death of his father in 1951, he took over the operation, and two years ago sold the business to Erwin Lambert. For the past year, he had been employed at Manitowoc Shipbuilding, Inc., Manitowoc. He was a past director of the Mishicot Public Cemetery, and a former member of the Mishicot Lions Club. Surviving are his wife, Ladonia Plautz, whom he married Sept. 16, 1939; a daughter, (private); three sons, (private); a sister, Mrs. Elliott Zander, of Brillion; a brother, Wilton, of Racine, and four grandchildren. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, after 3 p.m. Wednesday until 10 a.m. Thursday, when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, June 14, 1966
ROBERT SPECHT Robert Specht of Mishicot died early Saturday evening at the Holy Family Hospital where he had been a patient for several months. Mr. Specht was the owner of Specht’s park, popular recreation spot along the banks of the Mishicot River at the northern outskirts of the village. Funeral services will be held from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock with the Rev. F. E. Schlueter of Emanuel Evangelical Church of Two Rivers. Interment in the Mishicot public cemetery. Mr. Specht was the son of the late August and Christine Woulff Specht who were among the first settlers in this vicinity, immigrating to Mishicot from Germany. He was born Sept. 28, 1862, in Mishicot. For several years after attaining manhood, he operated a farm in Gibson and 43 years ago, moved to Mishicot where he engaged in mason contracting. Mr. Specht never married, is survived by two brothers, August of Mishicot and Theodore of Tacoma, Washington; and one sister, Mrs. William Mueller, Mishicot. The body was removed to the home from the Specht Funeral Home this afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, March 21, 1938
CLARENCE SPEVACEK Clarence J. Spevacek, 72, of Route 2, Two Rivers, died early Thursday morning, Sept. 6, at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mr. Spevacek was born Oct. 12, 1906, in the Town of Mishicot, son of the late Vit and Anna Dufeck Spevacek. He was graduated from Mishicot High School in 1924, attended University of Wisconsin-Madison and in 1927 attended Crane College in Chicago. He married Margaret Eller June 25, 1930, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, and settled on the Eller Homestead. He was employed in the floor covering department in several stores in the area until 1938, when he established his own business on 23rd and Adams Street in Two Rivers. In 1951 he established the Spevacek Floor Covering Shop in Manitowoc. Mr. Spevacek's primary interests were educational and civic affairs. In 1949 he was elected to serve as school board member of the newly consolidated Pine Grove and Jefferson School Districts, and he was instrumental in helping to consolidate schools into forming the Mishicot Community School System in 1956. He was elected as a member Board of Education and a year later was elected treasurer, serving in this capacity until the present time. In 1958, Mr. Spevacek was appointed chairman of a class reunion for all graduates of the old Mishicot High School, this reunion gave birth to the Mishicot Alumni Association. In 1961, as president of this association, he helped establish a perpetual scholarship fund. in (sic) 1947 he was appointed to the newly established Park and Planning Commission of Manitowoc County, serving in several official capacities until the present time. He was a member and past trustee of Holy Cross Catholic Church and Holy Name Society and charter member of Knights of Columbus Council 4807 of Mishicot and Tisch Mills and a member of of (sic) ZCBJ Western Fraternal Life Association of Two Rivers; Elks Lodge 1280 of Two Rivers; Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 3706; Isaac Walton League of America, Manitowoc Lodge and Manitowoc Historical Society. Survivors include his wife, Margaret, a son, John of Route 2, Two Rivers, a daughter, Mrs. Jane Kaufman of Glendale Heights, Ill., a brother, Adolph Spevacek of California and five grandchildren. An infant son, Robert, and a brother, Ben, preceded him in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 4 p.m. Friday, where a memorial service will be at 7:30 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, September 6, 1979 P. 3 ********** MISS ELLER IS BRIDE OF CLARENCE SPEVACHEK TODAY Miss Margaret Eller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eller was united in marriage to Clarence Spevacek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Veit Spevacek at the Holy Cross Church at Mishicot at 8:00 o'clock this morning. Father Gonnering read the ceremony which was a pretty scene. Miss Stella Peltier was maid of honor and Misses Anna Reich and Evelyn Spevacek as bridesmaids. Little Carol Wilke and Grace Bausch were the flower girls. Henry Eller Jr. attended as best man and Adolph Spevacek as the other attendant. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Both Mr. and Mrs. Spevacek are well known in the city, the groom being employed in the carpet department of the Henderson Hoyt Co. Following a two week's honeymoon in the West, the couple will make their home in the city. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride where a dinner and supper were served to forty guests. Manitowoc Herald News, June 25, 1930 page 7
MARGARET SPEVACEK Margaret Spevacek, age 86, of 36 Barthels Road, Two Rivers, died Friday evening, July 31, 1992, at The Kewaunee Health Care Center, Kewaunee. Mass of Chrisitan Burial will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, August 4, 1992, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Msgr. James Feely officiating, with burial at the parish cemetery. She was born on March 31, 1906, in the Town of Mishicot. Daughter of the late Henry and Theresa Trossen Eller. She married Clarence Spevacek on June 25, 1930, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. He preceded her in death on September 6, 1979. She is a member of the Holy Cross Catholic Church, the Ladies Altar Society, and the Mishicot Alumni Association. Survivors include one daughter, Jane Kaufmann, Warrenville, Ill.; a son and daughter- in-law, John and Donna Spevacek, Rural Two Rivers; five grandchildren, Kira Gould, Craig Kaufmann, Jan Guehlstorf, Christine Tuma, and Mike Spevacek; one great grand child, Dillian Gould; two step great grandchildren, Lisa and Nick Marek. She was preceded in death by a son Robert, and a brother Henry Jr. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot from 5-8 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday until we leave for the church at 10 a.m. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday. Herald Times Reporter, August 2, 1992 P. A2 ********** MISS ELLER IS BRIDE OF CLARENCE SPEVACHEK TODAY Miss Margaret Eller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eller was united in marriage to Clarence Spevacek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Veit Spevacek at the Holy Cross Church at Mishicot at 8:00 o'clock this morning. Father Gonnering read the ceremony which was a pretty scene. Miss Stella Peltier was maid of honor and Misses Anna Reich and Evelyn Spevacek as bridesmaids. Little Carol Wilke and Grace Bausch were the flower girls. Henry Eller Jr. attended as best man and Adolph Spevacek as the other attendant. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Both Mr. and Mrs. Spevacek are well known in the city, the groom being employed in the carpet department of the Henderson Hoyt Co. Following a two week's honeymoon in the West, the couple will make their home in the city. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride where a dinner and supper were served to forty guests. Manitowoc Herald News, June 25, 1930 page 7
HAROLD J. STAHL Harold J. Stahl, age 82, formerly of 4132 Twin Bridge Road, Mishicot, entered into eternal life on Monday, May 26, 2008, at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay after a very brief illness. He was born on Sept. 13, 1925, in Sheboygan to the late William and Pauline (Witterholt) Stahl. Harold was a graduate of the Oostburg High School, graduating with the class of 1943. He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1944 and was honorably discharged in 1946. Harold married the former Kathleen "Kathy" Feiereisen on April 29, 1950, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Fond du Lac. She preceded him in death on Feb. 10, 2007. From 1954 to 1957, he operated a Standard Oil Company service station in Elkhart Lake and then worked for two independent telephone companies. In 1962, he landed his dream job as an installation-service repairman for the General Telephone Company and retired in 1986 due to illness. He enjoyed being in the outdoors and working on his hobby farm, where he would get up early in the morning before going to work, bailing hay and feeding his animals. In recent years, he enjoyed watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on TV and receiving his Friday night fish fries from the Eagles Club. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) In addition to his parents and his wife Kathy, he was also preceded in death by one brother: LeRoy Stahl; and three brothers-in-law: Jack, Michael, and Gary Feiereisen. A memorial service will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 30, 2008, at the Lambert- Eckert Funeral Home 344 S. State St., Mishicot. The Reverend Kim Henning will officiate. Relatives and friends may call after 4 p.m. on Friday at the funeral home until the time of service at 6 p.m. Burial of his cremated remains will be in Holy Cross Parish Cemetery in Mishicot. A memorial fund has been established in his name. Herald Times Reporter, May 28, 2008
KATHLEEN T. STAHL Kathleen "Kathy" Stahl, age 77, of 4132 Twin Bridge Road, Mishicot, died unexpectedly Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007, as the result of an automobile accident. Kathy was born Nov. 15, 1929, in Fond du Lac, to the late Michael and Eleanor Spellacy Feiereisen, and has been an area resident for the past 45 years. She graduated from St. Mary's Springs Acadamy with honors. She married Harold Stahl on April 29, 1950, at Elkhart Lake. Kathy was employed for the Manitowoc County Aging Resource Center, where she managed several nutritional sites in Manitowoc County for 27 years. She was a very giving person. When she was a member of the former Holy Redeemer Parish in Two Rivers, she taught the mentally challenged students. Kathy was very dedicated to taking care of her husband, Harold, for many years, as well as the many senior citizens in Manitowoc County for over 30 years. She will be greatly missed by the senior citizens of Manitowoc County for her dedication to their care and well- being. Survivors include her husband: Harold; one daughter and son- in-law: Michelle and Mark Pekarek, of Two Rivers; two sons: Douglas and Joseph Stahl, both of Manitowoc; three grandchildren: Shawna Pekarek; Eric Stahl, and his special friend: Kelly Welnicke; and Janna Stahl. She is further survived by five sisters: Joyce Brayton, of Fond du Lac; Marilyn (Denis) Schmitz, of Fond du Lac; Sheila (Ronald) Cwikla, of Germantown; Mary Swingen, of Fond du Lac, Gail Laughrey, of Georgia; three brothers: David (Delores) Feiereisen, Patrick (Sue) Feiereisen, Jim (Diane) Feiereisen, all of Fond du Lac; nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was also preceded in death by three brothers: Jack, Michael and Gary. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot, with the Rev. Paul Paider officiating. Burial will follow in the Holy Cross Parish cemetery. Relatives and friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday at the Lambert-Eckert Funeral Home, 344 S. State St., Mishicot. There will be a 5:45 p.m. parish wake service held Wednesday evening at the funeral home. Visitation will continue after 10 a.m. on Thursday at Holy Cross Catholic Church until the time of service at 11 a.m. A memorial fund has been established in her name. The following poem was composed by Kathy's granddaughter: Shawna Pekarek. I'll Remember You I'll remember you when I get home from school As I'm walking through the door You always sat outside my window But you won't be there anymore. I'll remember you when I'm at a drive through And I'm handed all my food I'll remember the time you told the lady to smile Because it would put everyone else in a better mood. I'll remember you when I am driving And when I beep my horn I'll remember the times when people pulled out in front of you And how they felt your scorn. I'll remember you when I am working All those times you came to visit me And I'll remember your red lipstick And how you always managed to get it on your teeth. I'll remember you when I am at the fair And on the tilt-o-whirl I'll remember when you rode with me Those screams of yours to stop the ride could make anyone's hair curl. I'll remember you when my birds chirp You always loved to hear them sing I'll remember you when I see Canadian geese For they were one of your favorite things. I'll think of you when my phone rings Wishing I could hear your voice I'll remember all the times I agreed to go to church with you And how you would rejoice. I'll remember you when I am driving Stuck behind someone slow You never managed to do the speed limit always 5 or 10 below. But the truth is I will always remember you Because you were so dear to me Everything I look at Takes me back to another memory. I hope you know I miss you And that you will always live inside my heart I hope you know that not even death, Can keep us far apart. I hope you know you weren't just my grandma But one of my best friends too I hope you know that when I grow up I want to be just like you. Herald Times Reporter, Feb. 13, 2007
LOLA C. STAHL Lola C. Stahl, age 86, a resident of St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc, died Tuesday morning, September 10, 1996, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 14, 1996, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home and 10 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Concelebrating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. Roman Zbieranski O.F.M. and Rev. Earl Brouchoud with burial at Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. The former Lola Cherney was born February 26, 1910, in Mishicot, daughter of the late Gustave and Margaret Brouchoud Cherney. On November 3, 1931, she married Nicholas J. Stahl in Isaar, Wis. The couple worked the family farm in the town of Franklin until their retirement in 1972. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 1991. He preceded her in death July 7, 1992. Survivors include eight daughters and seven sons-in-law, Margaret and John Nething, Manitowoc, Susan and Francis Metz, Cooperstown, Sharon Holda, Green Bay, Janice and Francis Post, Manitowoc, Jean and Paul Loderbauer, Hernando, Fla., Sheryl and Roger O'Connor, Whitelaw, Cathey and David Cherney, Manitowoc, Sandi and Fred Seitzer, Green Bay; four sons and two daughters-in-law, Gregor Stahl, St. Nazianz, Sylvan Stahl, Hernando, Fla., Lloyd and Barbara Stahl, St Nazianz, LeRoy and Judy Stahl, Reedsville; two sister, Mabel Tuschl, Green Bay, Lorraine Brunner, Manitowoc; a brother and sister-in-law, Lloyd and Marion Cherney, Branch. Also surviving are 54 grandchildren; 68 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. She was also preceded in death by two daughters, Marilyn and LouAnn, one son, Gary, two brothers, one sister and five grandchildren. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home from 5-9 p.m. Friday where a prayer service will be held at 8:30 p.. by Father Roman. The family would like to thank the staff of St. Mary's Home and Holy Family Memorial Medical Center including Dr. Mark Herring for all their care and support. Herald Times Reporter, September 12, 1996 P. A2 ******** (26 Feb 1910/10 Sep 1996/SSDI)
LOU ANN M. STAHL Miss Lou Ann Stahl, 18, of Rt. 1, Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon as the result of accidental drowning in the Manitowoc River at Cato Falls Park. Funeral services will be a 9:45 a.m. Wednesday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, and at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Kellnersville. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Miss Stahl was born Sept. 23, 1955, at Manitowoc, daughter of Nicholas and Lola Cherney Stahl. She was graduated from Reedsville High School in 1973. She has been employed at Park Lawn Home of Manitowoc and Ariens Company of Brillion. (Survivors omitted for privacy) Friends may call from Pfeffer Funeral Home from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday where a wake service will be held at 8 p.m. Herald Times Reporter, Monday, July 15, 1974
NICHOLAS J. STAHL Nicholas John Stahl, age 96, who resided with his daughter and son-in-law, Susan and Francis Metz of 17626 Nachtney Road, Cooperstown, died Tuesday, July 7, 1992, at the residence. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday, July 10, 1992, at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown. Presiding the Mass of Christian Burial will be the Rev. Thomas R. Stocker, with burial at Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. He was born November 23, 1895 in the town of Eaton, Manitowoc County, son of the late Gregory and Josephine Zech Stahl. He married the former Lola C. Cherney on November 3, 1931 at Isaar, Wis. The couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 1991. The couple owned and operated a farm in the town of Franklin, Manitowoc County, retiring in 1973. Survivors include his wife, Lola; four sons and daughters-in-law, Gregor Stahl and Lloyd and Barbara Stahl, St. Nazianz, Sylvan Stahl of Herando, Fla., LeRoy and Judy Stahl, Reedsville; eight daughters and sons-in-law, Margaret and John Nething, Janice and Francis Post, Cathy and Dave Cherney, Sandy and Fred Cherney, all of Manitowoc, Susan and Francis Metz, Cooperstown, Sharon Holda, Sandy and Fred Seitzer, all of Green Bay, Jean and Paul Loderbauer, Hilbert, Sheryl and Roger O'Connor, Whitelaw; 54 grandchildren, and 70 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son Gary, two daughters, Marilyn and LuAnne Stahl, six sisters and four brothers. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home from 4-9 p.m. Thursday, and Friday at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown, from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service. A prayer service will be held Thursday evening at 8 p.m. at the funeral home, by the Rev. Thomas R. Stocker. Herald Times Reporter, July 8, 1992 P. A2 ********* (23 Nov. 1895/7 July 1992/SSDI)
JAMES LOUIS STAUDINGER James Staudinger, 24, of Mishicot, died Thursday at home. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home and 11:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate with burial in the parish cemetery. Mr. Staudinger was born Dec. 22, 1952, at Mishicot, son of Melvin and Jean Lambert Staudinger. He attended Holy Cross Parochial School and was graduated from Mishicot Community High School. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Staudinger, of Mishicot, two brothers, Michael, of St. Paul, Minn., and Robert, at home, four sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Lori) Pribyl, of Two Rivers and Sally, Diane and Kari, at home and paternal grandmother, Mrs. Nora Nelson, of Mishicot. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 6 o’clock this Friday evening where a memorial service will be at 8 o’clock. Herald Times Reporter, Friday, January 14, 1977 p.3
KENNETH STAUDINGER Kenneth Staudinger, age 68, of 106 E. Assman Road, town of Mischicot, passed away on Saturday evening, August 31, 1996, at the University Hospital of Madison. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 4, 1996, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot. Rev. John Neuser will officiate with burial in Holy Cross Parish Cemetery, Mishicot. Graveside Military Service will be accorded by the Mishicot VFW Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post #7753. He was born January 16, 1928, son of Louis and "Mimi" Nora Braun Staudinger, in the town of Kossuth. He has been a lifelong area resident. He married the former Laverne Lambert on October 15, 1949, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot. She preceded him in death in 1963. Mr. Staudinger was a graduate of Mishicot High School in 1946, and served with the United State Army in Korea. He was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church. He enjoyed hunting and watching the Green Bay Packers. He owned an operated a dairy farm in the town of Mishicot for many years. Survivors include three daughters and two sons-in-law, Kathy and Gerald Haag, town of Mishicot, Susan and Allan Biely, town of Mishicot, Sandra Staudinger Madison; one son, Gary Staudinger, town of Mishicot; six grandchildren, Christopher, Jason, Lindsay, Jennifer, David and Rebecca; one great-granddaughter, Hailey; one brother, Melvin (Jean) Staudinger, Mishicot; two sisters, Violet (Floyd) Skubal, Mishicot, Joanie (Daniel) Lambert, Mishicot; one brother-in-law, Sonny Zeman, Two Rivers; one sister-in-law, Donna (George) Antonie, Madison; neices and nephews. He was also preceded in death by his father, Louis Staudinger, his mother, "Mimi" Nora Nelson; one brother, Louis Staudinger; two sisters, Adel Zeman, Jeanette Free; and his step- father, Ariel Nelson. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, from 4-8 p.m. on Tuesday (TONIGHT). There will be a parish Wake Service at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Herald Times Reporter, September 3, 1996 P. A2 ******** (16 Jan 1928/31 Aug 1996/SSDI)
LAVERNE STAUDINGER Mrs. Kenneth Staudinger, 34, of the Town of Mishicot died at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, at 8 a.m. Thursday. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Mrs. Staudinger, nee La Verne Lambert, was born Feb. 21, 1929, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late Jess and Mrs. Helen Strouf Lambert. She attended Holy Cross Parochial School and was graduated from Mishicot High School with the class of 1946. Also, she was a graduate of the Cosmetology School at Green Bay. She was married Oct. 15, 1949, to Kenneth Staudinger after which the couple resided at Mishicot for two years before becoming engaged in farming in the Town of Mishicot. She was a member of the Auxiliary of the Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post 7753, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Mishicot, and St. Luke Altar Society. Besides her husband and mother she leaves three daughters, Kathy Ann, Susan Lee and Sandra Kay, at home; a son, Gary John, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Melvin (Jean) Staudinger, of Mishicot and Mrs. George (Donna) Antonie, of Madison. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday where the Rosary will be recited at 8:45 p.m. Two Rivers Reporter, April 4, 1963 P. T-7 ******** (21 Feb 1929/Apr 1963/SSDI)
MELVIN T. STAUDINGER Melvin T. "Butch" Staudinger, age 85, of 12545 Hwy. 147 W., Mishicot, entered into eternal rest Saturday evening, April 11, 2009, at the Aurora Baycare Medical Center in Green Bay, surrounded by his loving family. Butch was born Oct. 15, 1923, in Rockwood to the late Louis and Nora "Mimi" Braun Staudinger and has been a lifelong area resident. After his father's death Mimi married Ariel Nelson. Butch married the former Jean Lambert, Oct. 13, 1951, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot. Butch owned and operated Staudinger's Barbershop in Mishicot for over 40 years. He served his country as a Corporal in the United States Army during WWII and was a member of the Mishicot VFW Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post 7753, and a member of the Catholic Knights. Butch enjoyed bowling, fishing, gardening, cooking and walking. He loved spending time with his entire family, especially his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by one son: James; two brothers: Louis and Kenneth, three sisters: Violet, Jeanette, and Adele; and by his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 16, 2009, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot, with the Reverend Paul Paider officiating, with burial to follow in the Holy Cross Parish Cemetery in Mishicot with graveside military rites accorded by the Mishicot VFW Kempen-Staudinger- Terens Post 7753. Relatives and friends may call after 9 a.m. on Thursday at Holy Cross Catholic Church, until the time of service at 11 a.m. There will be no Wednesday evening visitation. A memorial fund has been established in his name. The Staudinger family would like to express a very special thank you to the entire staff of the Aurora Baycare Medical Center in Green Bay, and to Dr. (private) for all of their love, care, and support shown to Butch and our entire family during Butch's illness. Your kindness will always be remembered. The Lambert-Eckert Funeral Home of Mishicot is assisting the Staudinger family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, April 14, 2009
AGNES STECHMESSER Mrs. E. Stechmesser Summoned. Mrs. E. Stechmesser died at the family home on a farm in the town of Two Rivers, death being due to a complication of diseases. The funeral was held from the home with services at 2 o’clock at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church at Mishicot, the Rev. Zell officiating. Burial was at the Mishicot Cemetery. Born at Saxonburg in the town of Mishicot, Dec. 15, 1883, Mrs. Stechmesser was 42 years of age. She was Agnes Bedbur before her marriage to Mrs. Stechmesser, June 21, 1904, and immediately after the marriage, the family took up its home in the town of Two Rivers. Surviving are the husband and one son Alfred, the father at Manitowoc and a half brother and sister, Charles Huss of the town of Mishicot and Mrs. Henry Funk of the town of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald News, Monday, January 25, 1926
ALFRED STECHMESSER Alfred A. Stechmesser, 84, of 3215 Mishicot Rd., Two Rivers, died early Saturday morning, February 2, 1991, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. David Waege will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Born September 20, 1906, town of Mishicot, son of the late Emil and Agnes Bedbur Stechmesser. He married on September 10, 1938, to Bertha Goertz. He was a lifetime farmer in the town of Two Rivers. They moved to Miller Manor in Two Rivers in 1986. He enjoyed repairing radios and T.V.'s. He was a lifetime member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and he was a past School Board member of Oakland School. Survivors include his wife; a son, Harold Stechmesser of town of Two Rivers; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Hazel and Harvey Guse of rural Greenleaf, Ruth and Gene Petri and Esther of Two Rivers; nine grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a grandson. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of services. Memorials can be given to St. Peter's Organ Fund. Herald Times Reporter, February 3, 1991 P. B12
BERTHA STECHMESSER Mrs. Bertha M. Stechmesser, 79, of 3215 Mishicot Road, Two Rivers, died unexpectedly Friday afternoon, June 28, 1991, at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Monday at St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. Herbert Kesting will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. She was born on August 8, 1911, in the town of Gibson daughter of the late Fredrick and Mollie Zoerb Goertz. She was married at St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church, Mishicot, September 10, 1938, to Alfred Stechmesser. He preceded her in death on February 2, 1991. She farmed with her husband in the town of Two Rivers until moving to Mueller Manor in 1986. Survivors include a son, Harold of the town of Two Rivers; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Hazel and Harvey Guse of rural Greenleaf, Ruth and Gene Petri and Esther Stechmesser of Two Rivers; two brothers, Hugo Goertz of Manitowoc and Fredrick Goertz of Two Rivers; one sister, Mrs. Frieda Rausch of the town of Two Rivers; nine grandchildren, Jeffery, Leroy, Randall, Allen and Isa Guse, Brenda, Aaron, Rhonda, Serena Petri. He was preceded in death by one grandson. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 3-8 p.m. Sunday and Monday at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of services. Memorials may be given to St. Peter's Organ Fund. Herald Times Reporter, June 30, 1991 P. B12
EMIL STECHMESSER Emil H. Stechmesser, 82, of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, a lifelong resident of the Town of Two Rivers, died Sunday night at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Mishicot, the Rev. David Worgull officiating. Burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Stechmesser was born Feb. 14, 1878, in the Town of Two Rivers, son of the late Carl and Julia Vogel Stechmesser. He attended Oakland district School. In 1904, he married the former Agnes Bedbur at Two Rivers. Besides his wife he leaves a son Alfred, on the home farm; a sister, Mrs. Ernest Duveneck, of Rt. 1 Mishicot, and four grandchildren. Friends may call at Deja & Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers after 4 p.m Tuesday until 11 a.m. when the casket will be moved to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 20, 1960 P. 13
ALYSSA FRANCES STEEBER Alyssa Frances Steeber, still-born daughter of Kevin and Marie Scheuer Steeber, will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, February 23, 1994, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. John Neuser will officiate with burial in the parish cemetery. Survivors are her parents of Two Rivers, paternal grandparents, Joseph and Doris Steeber, Mishicot; maternal grandparents, Frank and Mary Scheuer, Mishciot; paternal great grandmother, Mrs. Mary Siehr, Mishciot; maternal great grandmother, Mrs. Marcella Haen, Greenleaf. She was preceded in death by a infant brother, Nicholas Alexander. Herald Times Reporter, February 21, 1994 P. A2
MARION STEFANIAK Mrs. Marion Stefaniak, 47, of Rt. 1, Two Rivers, died Saturday at home. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Lambert Funeral Home and at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mrs. Stefaniak, nee Marion Koeppel, was born July 5,1926, daughter of Frank and Julia Palzer Koeppel. She was married to Donald Stefaniak Oct. 27, 1945, at Holy Cross Catholic Church. (Survivors omitted for privacy) Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home after 4 o'clock this Monday afternoon, where a parish memorial service will be held at 8 o'clock. Herald Times Reporter, Monday, May 20, 1974
JOSEPH A. STEFFENS Joseph A. Steffens, age 52, of 12919 County B, Town of Mishicot, died Friday, June 30, 2000 at the Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers. Funeral Services will be held 11 am Monday, July 3, 2000 at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, with the Rev. Gerald B. Kempen, O.Praem, officiating with burial in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Joe was born January 10, 1948 in Kaukauna to Francis and Nancy Vander Hyden Steffens. He attended the Washington High School in Two Rivers and has been a Mishicot resident since 1969. He was employed for the Manitowoc Grey Iron Co. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. Survivors include three daughters and two sons-in-law, Teresa and Dan Miller, Two Rivers, Tami and Todd Menza, Manitowoc, Joie Lyn Steffens and her fiancé, Steve Thielbar, both of Mishicot; one son, Donald Steffens at home; four grandchildren, Andrew and Taylor Miller, Emily and Erin Menza; his mother, Nancy Steffens-Shimek, Two Rivers; one brother and sister-in-law, James and Sue Steffens, Lacey, Washington; four sisters and three brothers-in-law, Pat and Craig Hruby, Newton, Peggy Steffens, Two Rivers, Ann and Steve Saveski, Two Rivers, Rose and Phil Reed, Two Rivers; aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and many special friends also survive. He was preceded in death by his father, Francis Steffens. Relatives and friends may call after 9 am on Monday at the Lambert Funeral Home in Mishicot until the time of services at 11 am. There will be no Sunday evening visitation. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 2, 2000
GLADYS STEFL Gladys C. Stefl, age 94, of Mishicot, entered her eternal home of rest on Monday, April 8, 2002. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2002 at St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mishicot, with the Rev. Robert Johannes officiating. Burial will take place in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Gladys was born Sept. 5, 1907, daughter of the late Robert and Amalie Hermann Glandt in Kewaunee County. She married Hilbert Stefl on Aug. 9, 1932 in Rockford, Ill., and he preceded her in death in 1978. She and her husband farmed in the town of Mishicot for many years. She was a member of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Ladies Bible Hour of the church. She did volunteer work at the Mishicot Senior Center for many years. Survivors include: one daughter and son-in-law: Janet and Bill Hauck of Mishicot; two granddaughters and their husbands: Vickie and (Dan) Neuser of Manitowoc; Cheri and (Brian) Reedy of Cleveland; seven great-grandchildren: Jacob and Jordon Neuser; Katie, Krista and Kelsey Stevens; and Weston and Nicholas Reedy. She was also preceded in death by one brother and sister-in-law: Gerhard and Gertrude Glandt. Relatives and friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Lambert Funeral Home in Mishicot. Visitation will continue after 2 p.m. Friday at St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mishicot, until the time of service at 3 p.m. A memorial fund has been established in her name. Herald Times Reporter, April 10, 2002 P. A3
HILBERT STEFL Hilbert Stefl, 69, of Rt. 1, Mishicot, died unexpectedly Saturday morning in Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be 2 pm Monday in Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot. The Rev. Herbert Kesting will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Stefl was born July 27, 1909 in the Town of Franklin, son of the late Joseph and Cathleen Saur Stefl. He married Gladys Glandt August 9, 1932 in Rockford, Ill. He farmed the home farm since 1945. Mr. Stefl was a member of Manitowoc and Mishicot Senior Citizens. Survivors include his wife, a daughter, Mrs. William (Janet) Hauck of Mishicot; a sister, Mrs. Charles (Agnes) Wojta of Manitowoc and two grandchildren, Vicky and Cheryl. Friends may call in Lambert Funeral Home after 4 pm Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Sunday, Aug. 6, 1978 page 7
ANNA STEHN The wife of Mr. August Stehn, of Mishicott, died from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, one week ago yesterday. On Sunday, the day previous, she was apparently as well as ever, but while out walking with her husband she suddenly fell to the ground and was picked up in an insensible condition, in which she remained until the time of her death. She was one of the oldest inhabitants of the village of Mishicott, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Manitowoc County Chronicle Two Rivers, June 15, 1875
AUGUST STEHN Mishicott News: Mr. Aug. Stehn who was taken seriously ill last Wednesday is now on the road to recovery. Mr. Stehn was taken down last Wednesday and Dr. Karnopp was summoned but he considered Mr. Stehn's case so serious that Dr. Currens of Two Rivers was called and a consultation held as a result of which Mr. Stehn had to undergo a delicate and difficult surgical operation. Dr. Currens assisted by Dr. Karnopp performed the operation last Saturday and we are glad to announce that it was successful and that Mr. Stehn is improving rapidly under the skillful care of Mrs. M. L. Dreyer, a graduate of the Wisconsin Training School for Nurses. ****** additional article under Mishicott News Dr. Currens of this city performed a very difficult and delicate surgical operation upon Mr. August Stehn, a well known resident of Mishicott last week removing from his bladder between 50 and 60 stones some nearly as large as robin's eggs, the majority however, ranging in size from a grain of wheat to that of an ordinary pea. Mr. Stehn is doing as well as can be expected at present. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Dec. 13, 1898 ******* (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 02 Jan.) A. Stehn, an old settler in Mishicott died last week. He’d been a widower for a long time and leaves several children in good circumstances. Our construction contractor, Ira Stehn, is one of his sons. The deceased was 72, had been born in Eutin in Oldenburg. He lived in America 43 years working as a farmer until his retirement to Mishicott. He was an upstanding man, widely known and highly respected. The funeral was Sat. under the sponsorship of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Pahlcoetter delivered the funeral oration. Der Nord Westen, 05 Jan. 1899 ********* Mishicott News: Mr. Aug. Stehn of whose serious illness we made mention in a previous letter, died last Thursday. Hopes for his recovery were entertained up to a few days before his death, when a change for the worse set in, culminating in death after prolonged suffering. Deceased was 71 years of age and was born in Germany in the year 1828. Came to this country with his wife in 1854 and like so many of his sturdy race, plunged into the wilderness and made his home in this portion of the county. His wife died 29 years ago and the old gentleman lived with his son, Herman, up to 4 years ago when he retired from active life and purchased the Shimmel residence on Randolph street in the village where he has since resided. He has five children who survive him. They are Herman, who has taken charge of the farm; Ira, a master carpenter living at Two Rivers; Mrs. L. Hoeltger, Mrs. C. Voelker and Mrs. Aug. Quistorf. Mr. Stehn was one of the leading citizens of the Town of Mishicott for many years. He has filled many public offices with ability and integrity. his life was that of a good and useful citizen of the land of his adoption. He possessed the honor and esteem of his fellow citizens and his dealings with others were always characterized by honesty and fairness. He has reared a family of law abiding and industrious men and women and by them his memory will forever be held sacred by the love and veneration to which a parents is entitled. The funeral took place last Saturday, the body being interred in the public cemetery in this village and accompanied thither by the Odd Fellow Lodge of Two Rivers and a great concourse of friends and former neighbors of the old days. Beautiful floral offerings were placed upon the coffin, one of the most conspicuous being a sheaf of wheat tastefully put together, designed to symbolize the long and useful life of the deceased. Mr. C. Pahlcotter of Two Rivers delivered the funeral oration. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Jan. 3, 1899 ********* August Stehn of Mishicott died on Thursday of last week after a long sickness necessitating a surgical operation. He was one of the early settlers of Mishicott, a gentel, large hearted man. He was a good farmer and had a pleasant home. Manitowoc Pilot, January 5, 1899 p.3
GUSTAV G.F. STEHN Notes From Mishicott: The only child of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stehn now residing in our village, died last Wednesday. Deceased was thirty-three years of age and died of consumption. Funeral took place Friday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May, 25, 1899 pg. 4 ******** Gustav Spehn birth: 2 September 1866 Germany death: 17 May 1899 Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Mishicot, Wis. residence: 1899 Mishicot, Wis. father: Christ. Stehn mother: Henrietta Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
HERMAN STEHN HERMAN STEHN, MISHICOT BANK HEAD, DIES HERE. Well Known Business Man of County Was 58 Years Old. Herman Stehn, well known banker and businessman of Mishicot, died at the Holy Family Hospital yesterday afternoon following an operation to which he submitted Tuesday morning as last effort in a search for relief from an ailment from which he had suffered for more than a year past. Mr. Stehn underwent an operation about a year and a half ago and last summer, was apparently on the road to complete recovery when complications set in which caused his death yesterday. The funeral will be held at Mishicot Saturday afternoon with services at the Lutheran church in the village at 2 o’clock, the Rev. Zell officiating. Burial will be at the Mishicot cemetery. Mr. Stehn was 58 years old, having been born at Mishicot in 1814. He always made his home at the village, receiving his education in its school, and 38 years ago, was married to Miss Annie Hoelger, the widow who survives him. No children were born to the couple and besides the widow, a brother, Ira Stehn, and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Voelker and Mrs. Elizabeth Christoff, all of Mishicot, and Mrs. Louis Hoeltger of Coleman, are the only survivors. First Assessment Supervisor Mr. Stehn, for many years, was active in politics and served his town as chairman and member of the county board for a number of years. He was elected as the first county supervisor of incomes and served in that capacity for a number of years. Later he became identified with the bank at Mishicot and has been its cashier during a most successful growth that has marked it as one of the outstanding banking institutions of the county. He was interested in a number of other business enterprises and during his life, made a wide circle of friends to whom news of the death came as a shock as only a few very intimate friends were aware of the seriousness of his condition. The funeral Saturday will be attended by many people from this city. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, May 3, 1923
IRA STEHN IRA STEHN DIES AT MISHICOT HOME TODAY. Former Two Rivers Contractor Passes Away Early This Morning. Ira Stehn, one of the pioneer residents of Manitowoc County, who was born in the town of Mishicot, lived at Two Rivers for a number of years where he was a carpenter contractor, and then returned to Mishicot in 1908, died there at his home at an early hour this morning. Burial will take place from the home at Mishicot on Saturday afternoon with interment there. Mr. Stehn was a son of Mr. and Mrs. August Stehn who came to this county before 1860, and after locating at Two Rivers, moved to Mishicot where they reared a family in a log cabin and cleared a section of land. Ira Stehn, after growing to manhood, located in Two Rivers and followed the carpenter trade and contracting business. He built a number of the larger buildings there including the Hamilton School building. Returns to Mishicot In 1908, he returned to the village where he opened a soft drink parlor which he continued to conduct up to the time of his death. He was married at Two Rivers to Miss Josephine Wilsman who survives him with two children, a daughter, Mrs. Hugo Holst, and a son, Randolph Stehn, both of Mishicot. Two sisters, Mrs. Lena Voelker of Mishicot, and Mrs. Louis Hoeltger of Coleman, Wis., also survive. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, December 20, 1928
JOSEPHINE STEHN Mrs. Josephine Stehn, 83, widow of Ira Stehn, early Manitowoc County general contractor, and a resident of Mishicot for many years, died at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Anthony Schultz, of 735 N. Fifth St., Manitowoc, with whom she had made her home for several years. She had been in failing health for several months. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church at Mishicot, the Rev. Edward Zell officiating. Interment will be in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Stehn, nee Josephine Wilsmann, was born on a farm in the Town of Mishicot in 1871, a daughter of the late Ernest and Sophia Wilsmann. She was married to Ira Stehn at Mishicot 60 years ago. After the marriage, the couple took up residence in Two Rivers where Mr. Stehn was engaged as a general contractor for 12 years before returning to Mishicot where he operated a tavern for many years. While at Two Rivers, he erected the H. P. Hamilton School, now the City Hall Vocational School, and Hotel Hamilton. Mr. Stehn died at Mishicot 20 years ago. Surviving Mrs. Stehn are a daughter, Mrs. Hugo Holst of Mishicot; a son, Randolph Stehn of Manitowoc; a granddaughter, Mrs. Anthony Schultz; and two great-grandchildren, (private). Friends may call at the Specht Funeral Home at Mishicot from 2 p.m. Friday until 11 a.m. Saturday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of services. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, December 30, 1954
NORMAN STEHN (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 25 Apr.) Death Sunday morning of a 2 year old child of builder Ira Stehn of here. The child had been ill for a long time. Der Nord Westen, April 28, 1898 ******* Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stehn are called upon to mourn the death of a little son whose death took place last Saturday. The boy was a little over two years of age and was blind. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Apr. 26, 1898 ******* Norman Stehn birth: 1896 Two Rivers, Wis. (sic) death: 23 April 1898 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, Wis.(sic) residence: 1898 Two Rivers, Wis. father: Ira Stehn mother: Josephine Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
CARL STEINKE Carl A. Steinke, 75, of Rt. 1, Mishicot, retired former Baileys Harbor businessman, died at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital early Friday afternoon. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot, the Rev. David Worgull officiating. Burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Steinke was born March 1, 1889, at Hamburg, Germany, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Julius Steinke. When he was a year old, the family brought him to this country, settling in the Winona, Minn., area. In 1917, he married the former Lulu Bartz who died in 1918. In 1920, he married the former Leslie Redeker Bartz. They lived at Clintonville for a number of years and for 27 years until last spring when they moved to the Town of Mishicot, they resided at Baileys Harbor where Mr. Steinke operated a bulk oil business. At Baileys Harbor he served for a number of years as assessor and was also an elder at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Besides his wife, he leaves a son Arvin of Kingsville, Texas, three daughters, Mrs. Ralph Peil of Appleton, Mrs. Emory Strete of Sheboygan, and Mrs. Robert Dworak of Rt. 1, Two Rivers; a brother, Anton of Winona, Minn; three sisters, Mrs. Erwin Boll and Mrs. John Wanek of Winona and Mrs. Rose Bugbee of LaCrosse; and 13 grandchildren. Friends may call at Deja and Martin Funeral Chapels, Two Rivers, after 3 p.m. Sunday until 10 a.m. Monday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of service. Manitowoc Herald Times, Saturday, August 29, 1964 ******* Miss Lulu Bartz and Carl Steinke well known Two Rivers people, wedded there yesterday, were here and departed for LaCrosse on their honeymoon. They will reside at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald June 19, 1917 P. 3 (Note: Lulu is in Pioneers Rest, Two Rivers)
ELSIE STEINKE Mrs. Carl (Elsie) Steinke, 97, formerly of Mishicot, died Monday afternoon, March 11, 1991, at Hamilton Memorial Home, Two Rivers. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Friday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Rev. David Waege will officiate with burial at Mishicot Public Cemetery. She was born in the town of Mishicot on November 27, 1893, daughter of the late Henry and Minnie Zeddies Redeker. She married Harry Bartz on July 19, 1917. He died in action in World War I on October 6, 1918. She married Carl Steinke on May 8, 1920. He preceded her in death August 28, 1964. Survivors include three daughters and sons-in-law, Irene and Ralph Peil of Appleton, Phyllis and Emery Strege of New Braunfels, Texas, Delores and Robert Dworak of Two creeks; two brothers and a sister-i-law, Kenneth Redeker of Englewood, Col., Arvin and Mildred Redeker of Two Rivers; two sisters and brothers- in-law, Mrs. Harriet Kirkwood of Barron, Wis., Mrs. Ann and Albert Johannes of Denver, Colo.; a brother-in-law, Walter Eis of Two Rivers; 16 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Arwin, two brothers and three sisters. Friends may call at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot, 10 a.m. Friday until the time of service. Memorials may be made to St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Fund. Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, is assisting the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, March 13, 1991 P. B5
ANNA STELTZER Mrs. Anna Stoelzer(sic), widow of the late William Stoelzer, one of the first settlers of Mishicot, died at her home in the Town of Mishocot last Wednesday and was buried on Saturday, C. Pahlkoetter of this place conducting the funeral services. She was 61 years of age and leaes nine children, most of whom are grown up. It is said that $1700 was found secreted in the bed of Mrs. Stoelzer who died at Mishicot last week. She died of cancer and was fully conscious of her approaching death but she kept the secret of the hiding place of her money to the last. Indeed, it was not thought that she had much money. The Chronicle, Tues., Jan. 9, 1900
BERNICE STELTZER Bernice L. Steltzer, age 91, of 1235 S. 24th St., Manitowoc, died Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002 at Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc. Memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 16, 2002 at Shady Lane Nursing Care Center Chapel, Manitowoc. The Rev. Alan Sunn will offiicate. Burial of her cremated remains will take place at Mishicot Public Cemetery. Bernice was born Aug. 11, 1910 in Milwaukee, daughter of the late Fred and Martha Truckenbrodt Elflein. On July 14, 1934 Bernice married Wilbert Steltzer in Milwaukee, he preceded her in death in 1983. Survivors include one daughter and son-in-law: Janet and Ralph Trede, Barrington, Ill.; three grandchildren: Cynthia Trede, Indianapolis, Ind.; Christopher (Whitney) Trede, Indianapolis, Ind.; Lori (Mike) Eschenbaum, Lake Zurich, Ill.; eight great- grandchildren; one niece, one nephew, other relatives and friends also survive. Besides her parents and husband, Wilbert, Bernice was preceded in death by one sister: Anita Ballhorn. The Jens Family Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family. In lieu of flowers, a memorial may be made to Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc. E-mail letter of condolence may be sent to the Steltzer family at Herald Times Reporter, Feb. 15, 2002 ********** (11 Aug. 1910/12 Feb. 2002/SSDI)
ERNESTENA STELTZER MRS. STELTZER DIES AT HOME Mishicot Woman Will Be Buried Monday Afternoon Mrs. Robert Steltzer, 65, died this morning at the home at Mishciot. She had been ill since last winter. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Schlueter officiating. The body will be taken from the A.H. Specht funeral home to the residence where it may be viewed after 11 a.m. Sunday. Mrs. Steltzer, who maiden name was Ernestina (sic) Specht, was born in the town of Gibson and spent her entire life in the neighborhood. She was born Nov. 13, 1869 and was married a few years before she came to her last place of residence in 1907. Survivors are the husband, veteran mail carrier out of Mishicot; a son Wilbert, Milwaukee; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Mueller, Mishicot; and three brothers, Robert and August Specht of Mishicot and Theodore Specht of Tacoma. Manitowoc Herald Times, September 22, 1934 p.4
FERDINAND STELTZER Death of Ferdinand Steltzer last Fri. morning in Gibson. He was 25 yrs. 7 mos. of age, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Steltzer. He leaves his elderly parents and 9 sisters. The funeral was held Sun. afternoon. Der Nord Westen, Aug. 14, 1884 ****** A week ago today the heart stricken relatives and sorrowing friends of Ferdinand Stoelzer (sic) slowly followed his remains to their last resting place. His death resulted from inflammation of the bowels. Mr. Stoelzer was in the early spring time of manhood, being but 25 years of age when called upon to join that innumerable army of the dead. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle Tuesday, August 19, 1884
ROBERT STELTZER Robert Steltzer, 90, one of the first three mail carriers in the Town of Mishicot, died Wednesday evening at Maple Crest Sanitorium, Whitelaw. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot. The Rev. Charles Freuden will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Steltzer was born Nov. 10, 1876, in the Town of Gibson. He served as rural mail carrier for 30 years, retiring in November of 1934. His wife, the former Ernestena Specht, died in September, 1934. Following retirement Mr. Steltzer resided with his son, Wilbert, at Milwaukee until 1965 when he moved to Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc. For the past year he had lived at Maple Crest Sanitorium. Survivors include his son, three grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. A son, Sidney, preceded him in death in 1932. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, May 25, 1967
WILBERT STELTZER Wilbert (Bill) Steltzer, 74, of 948 S. 35th St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday, July 13, at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot. The Rev. Ronald Helgerson will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Steltzer was born May 8, 1909, at Mishicot, son of the late Robert and Ernestena Specht Steltzer. He married Bernice Elflein July 14, 1934, at Milwaukee. He had been a bus driver and did clerical work for Milwaukee Transport Company, Milwaukee, until his retirement in 1971. He was a member of Manitowoc and Mishicot Senior Citizens and Mishicot Alumni Association. Survivors include his wife, Bernice, a daughter and son-in-law, Janet and Ralph Trede of Barrington, Ill.; 3 grandchildren Cindy, Chris and Lori; two sisters- in-law, Mrs. Ann Glaser of Manitowoc and Mrs. Anita Ballhorn of Pewaukee; a nephew, Robert Stelzer and a niece, Betty Rasmussen of Manitowoc. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. Herald Times Reporter July 14, 1983 p.3 ******** (8 May 1909/July 1983/SSDI)
WILLIAM STELTZER Mites From Mishicott: Mr. Wm. Stelzer, an aged and much respected citizen of this town, died Friday last. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle Tuesday, June 16, 1891 ****** (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 16 June) Death of Wilhelm Steltzer Thurs. morning after a long struggle with consumption. He was born Sept. 1824 near Beireuth, Bavaria, and so reached the age of 67. He came to America with his parents and sisters in 1852. He worked 2 years in Two Rivers as a tailor, afterwards acquiring various acreage and finally settling in the northwest area of our town. He was a fine man, a good citizen, and widely loved and respected. He leaves a widow and 9 children of whom the 2 eldest are married and the youngest is 9 yrs. old. The funeral took place last Sun. afternoon. Carl Pahlcoetter conducted the service and gave an outstanding funeral sermon. Der Nord Westen, 25 June 1891
ANNA S. STELZER Pioneer Resident of Town of Mishicot Dies This Morning After a several months illness, Mrs. John W. Stelzer, aged 64 years passed away this morning at the family home on Route 1, Mishicot. The maiden name of the deceased was Anna Scharf, and she was born in the town of Newton, March 13, 1865. Following her marriage to Mr. Stelzer they located on a farm near Mishicot, where they have since resided. Besides the husband, one daughter, Mrs. Anita McGregor of Chicago, three sons, Roland of West Virginia, Milton of Bloomer, Wis., and Hugo at home, and an aged brother Joachim Scharf of Two Rivers survive. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock from the family home, with burial at Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, November 15, 1929 P.10
JOHN W. STELZER John William Stelzer, 73, lifelong resident of the town of Mishicot, died at the Municipal hospital at Two Rivers Wednesday. He had been a patient at the hospital for 15 weeks. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, at 1:30 o’clock from the Specht funeral home at Mishicot and at 2 o’clock from the Zion Evangelical church, Mishicot, with the Rev. H. Bernhardt of Seymour, Wis., officiating. Interment will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mr. Stelzer was born in the town of Mishicot Jan. 1, 1867. For the past 35 years he operated a farm in Saxonburg. On April 16, 1895 he married Miss Anna Scharff, who died on Nov. 15, 1929. Survivors are three sons, Roland of College Park, Md., Milton of Bloomer, Wis., and Hugo of Mishicot; one daughter, Anita, at home; two brothers, Henry L. of Two Rivers, and Robert of Mishicot; four sisters, Mrs. Edward Wentker and Mrs. Otto Tetzlaff of Mishicot, Mrs. Joseph Schumacher of Beaver Dam, and Mrs. K. Singer of West Allis and eight grandchildren. The body may be viewed at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, June 20, 1940 P. 2 ******** John W. Stelzer, 73, Town of Mishicot died at the municipal hospital at Two Rivers last week Wednesday and funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at Mishicot. Survivors are three sons, a daughter, two brothers and four sisters. Manitowoc Sun Messenger, Friday, June 28, 1940
MINNIE M. STELZER Mrs. Walter Stelzer, 89, of the Village of Mishicot, died late Tuesday morning at Two Rivers Community Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Zion United Methodist Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Lee Downs will officiate with burial in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mrs. Stelzer, nee Minnie Halbert, was born June 15, 1886, in the Town of Mishicot, daughter of the late Jens and Augusta Schmidt Halberg. She was married to Walter Stelzer Oct. 6, 1909, at Zion United Methodist Church. He preceded her in death in 1971. She was the oldest living member of Zion United Methodist Church and a member of United Methodist Women. Survivors include two sons, Dan, of Huntington Park, Calif,., and Stanley, of Mishicot; two daughters, Mrs. Lois Makin, of Hungtington Park and Mrs. James (Gertrude) Harley, of Defiance, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Alma Langenkamp, of Manitowoc and Mrs. Amanda Zoerb, of Two Rivers, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren. A daughter and a sister preceded her in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, after 4 p.m. Thursday until noon Friday and then at the church until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, Wednesday, November 12, 1975 P. 23 ********* YOUNG MISHICOT PEOPLE MARRY Walter Steltzer(sic), son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Steltzer was married to Miss Minnie Halberg of the same place, daughter of Jens Halberg, Wednesday, October 6, 1909, at the home of the bride by Rev. M. Uebele. The groom was attended by Mr. Willert Mueller and Mr. Alvin Perlewitz; the bride by her sister, Amanda and Olga Steltzer, sister of the groom. It was a quiet but beautiful wedding, only nearest relatives and friends being present. In the evening the happy couple left for an extensive wedding trip. They will visit the bride's uncle in California and places of national fame. The groom is a highly respected man and one of Mishicot's promising farmers. The bride is highly esteemed and an accomplished young lady. After returning they will make their home on the homestead of the bride. They have the best wishes of all that know them. The Reporter, Tues., Oct. 12, 1909 ********** SAD END TO A WEDDING TRIP A sad termination to the wedding trip of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stelzer, a Mishicot couple came to Flagstaff, Arizona, when the latter was seriously and perhaps fatally injured in a train wreck. The accident happened on the Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe road and in it one man was killed while several people were injured including the bride of the Mishicot man who was reportedly hurt the worst of any of the passengers. The exact extent of the injuries have not been ascertained at this time. Mrs. Stelzer, who before her marriage was Miss Anna Halberg(sic), was returning with her husband from a wedding trip to California and were to locate at Mishicott. She is in the hospital in Arizona receiving the best medical attention. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 18, 1909
SYLVIA C. STELZER Miss Sylvia Stelzer, 62. of the village of Mishicot, died Friday evening at Manitowoc Health Care Center. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot. The Rev. Earl Brouchoud will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Miss Stelzer was born Mar. 4, 1911, in the Town of Mishicot, daughter of Walter and Minnie Halberg Stelzer. She worked in Chicago as a child nurse and housekeeper, returning to Mishicot in 1967. Survivors include her mother, of Mishicot, two brothers, Dan, of Los Angeles and Stanley, of Mishicot; two sisters, Mrs. Lois Makin, of Los Angeles and Mrs. James (Gertrude) Harley, of Defiance, Ohio. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Herald Times Reporter, Saturday, August 4, 1973
WALTER H. STELZER Walter Stelzer, 82, of Mishicot, owner and operator of the Stelzer Hardware Store, died Sunday evening at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, the Rev. Robert Boettcher officiating. Burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Stelzer was born Oct. 19, 1888, at Two Rivers, son of the late John and Lena Stelzer. He married Minnie Halberg Oct. 6, 1909, at Mishicot. A deputy sheriff for 25 years, Mr. Stelzer operated his hardware business for 56 years. He was on the village election board and was a past treasurer of the Mishicot School Board. Survivors include his wife; three daughters, Miss Sylvia Stelzer of Mishicot, Mrs. Lois Makin of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. James ( Gertrude) Harley of Defiance, Ohio, two sons, Dan of Los Angeles and Stanley of Mishicot; one brother, Oscar of Albauy, Ore., nine grandchildren, and two great grand- children. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Tuesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, June 28, 1971 ******** YOUNG MISHICOT PEOPLE MARRY Walter Steltzer(sic), son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Steltzer was married to Miss Minnie Halberg of the same place, daughter of Jens Halberg, Wednesday, October 6, 1909, at the home of the bride by Rev. M. Uebele. The groom was attended by Mr. Willert Mueller and Mr. Alvin Perlewitz; the bride by her sister, Amanda and Olga Steltzer, sister of the groom. It was a quiet but beautiful wedding, only nearest relatives and friends being present. In the evening the happy couple left for an extensive wedding trip. They will visit the bride's uncle in California and places of national fame. The groom is a highly respected man and one of Mishicot's promising farmers. The bride is highly esteemed and an accomplished young lady. After returning they will make their home on the homestead of the bride. They have the best wishes of all that know them. The Reporter, Tues., Oct. 12, 1909 ********** SAD END TO A WEDDING TRIP A sad termination to the wedding trip of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stelzer, a Mishicot couple came to Flagstaff, Arizona, when the latter was seriously and perhaps fatally injured in a train wreck. The accident happened on the Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe road and in it one man was killed while several people were injured including the bride of the Mishicot man who was reportedly hurt the worst of any of the passengers. The exact extent of the injuries have not been ascertained at this time. Mrs. Stelzer, who before her marriage was Miss Anna Halberg(sic), was returning with her husband from a wedding trip to California and were to locate at Mishicott. She is in the hospital in Arizona receiving the best medical attention. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Dec. 18, 1909
WILLIAM STELZER William Steltzer (sic), 78, retired county farmer, died early today in Appleton. He had been making his home there with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Buss, the past 19 years. Funeral services will be held Friday at 1 p.m. from the Bretschneider funeral home, Appleton, and at three o’clock from the Specht funeral home, Mishicot. Burial will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mr. Steltzer was born on a farm near Mishicot in 1860. At the age of 30 he married Miss Lena Welsing and they owned and operated a large farm in the town of Mishicot for over 30 years. In 1919 Mrs. Steltzer died and the same year Mr. Steltzer disposed of the farm and went to make his home with a daughter in Appleton. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Buss, Appleton, Mrs. Richard Buss, Menasha, Mrs. Thomas Williams, Milwaukee; three brothers, Robert and John, Mishicot, Henry, Two Rivers; four sisters, Mrs. Otto Tetzlaff and Mrs. Edward Wentker, both of Mishicot, Mrs. Katharine Singer, West Allis, Mrs. J. J. Schumacher, Beaver Dam, and five grandchildren. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, June 15, 1938 P. 2
LLEWELLYN STEVENS Llewellyn E. Stevens, age 84, a Mishicot resident, entered into eternal life Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at the Aurora Medical Center in Two Rivers. Lew was born March 29, 1932 in New London, WI to the late Llewellyn and Pearle Buttolph Stevens. He resided in Waupaca Co., form 1932 to 1942 and then moved to Two Rivers from 1842 to 1993 and then settled in Mishicot in 1993. He was a 1951 graduate of the Washington High School in Two Rivers. He married the former Patricia Crabb in 1952. He served his country in WI National Guard in the 32nd Infantry Division, 132 AAA BN from October of 1950 to January of 1955 and then served a second time in the US Army Reserve 84th Infantry Division 808th Tank BN from January of 1955 to October of 1960. Lew worked as an apprentice Tool & Die Machinist after High School and retired from Formrite Tube Co. in 1994. He then worked part-time at Manitowoc Motor Machine from 1994 to 2015. He enjoyed golfing, spending time with his family, especially with his grandchildren and great grandchildren. He also enjoyed snowmobiling, metal working, flying RC Model airplanes (Manitowoc Flyers) and spending time at his cottage in Lakewood on Weekends. Lew was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot. He is survived by his loving wife, Patricia, two sons: Pastor Scott (Valerie) Stevens, of Two Rivers, Marc Stevens and his former wife and friend, Becky, both of DePere; 5 grandchildren: Rick (Brandy) Stevens, Nick (Allison) Stevens, Travis (Samantha) Stevens, Madeline Stevens, Logan Stevens, 6 great grandchildren: Anthony, Andrew, Shyla, Sophia, Elsie, and Sydney. He is further survived by two sisters, Jean Krueger of Manitowoc, June Wagner of Kellnersville and by his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Bonnie Stevens of Adell, WI., Ronald Nancy) Crabb of Manitowoc, Nancy Crabb, of Sheboygan, Jon (Carolee) Crabb of Two Rivers Glenn Crabb of Manitowoc, Robert Kafka of Manitowoc, Darlene (Joe) Pluth of Iola, Laura (Jack) Sroka of Wausau, nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, He was also preceded in death by one brother, Donald Stevens and one sister, Janet Kaffka and by three brothers-in-law, Jerome Cragg, Eugene Krueger and Ronald Wagner. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at St. Anne's Catholic Church in Francis Creek, with the Reverend John Becker officiating. Burial will be in the Holy Cross Catholic church Cemetery. Relatives and friends may call after 9:00 am on Saturday at the church until the time of service at 11:00 am. There will be no Friday evening visitation. The Lambert Eckert Funeral Home of Mishicot is assisting the arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times, Mar. 31, 2016
CLARA STREESE Clara A. Streese, age 89, of E1354 Highway KB, Denmark, town of Franklin, passed away Friday, December 12, 1997, at the Kewaunee Health Care Center. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, December 15, 1997, 10:30 a.m. at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown. Rev. Ron Columbo will officiate with burial in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. She was born December 29, 1907, daughter of the late Peter and Katherine Steinberger Engeldinger. She married Raymond Streese on June 15, 1946, at St. James Catholic Church in Cooperstown. She and her husband farmed in the town of Mishicot for many years. Clara and Raymond enjoyed traveling to Canada and Alaska. Survivors include her husband, Raymond; three sisters, Lucy Konop, Kewaunee, Ethel Van Leishout, Denmark, and Mabel (Melvin) Kittel, Menchalville; along with many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by three sisters, Alice Engeldinger, Mayme Krueger, and Helen Kakes; three brothers, Arthur Engeldinger, Edward Engeldinger; and an infant brother, Michael. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, from 4-7 p.m. Sunday, and after 9 a.m. Monday at the funeral home before leaving for the church. There will be a 6:45 p.m. parish Wake Service on Sunday at the funeral home. The Streese family wishes to extend special thanks to the nurses and staff of the Kewaunee Health Care Center for their love, care and concerns given to Clara. Herald Times Reporter, December 13, 1997 P. A2
RAYMOND STREESE Raymond E. Streese, age 93, formerly of the Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County, died Friday evening, Dec. 19, 2003 at the Kewaunee Care Center, Kewaunee. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003 at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown. Officiating at the Mass of Christian Burial will be the Rev. Ronald Colombo, with burial to follow in the Mishicot Public Cemetery, Mishicot. Raymond was born May 17, 1910 in Two Rivers, son of the late Louis and Tillie (Begalke) Streese, and has been a lifelong area resident. On June 15, 1946, he was married to Clara Engeldinger at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown. She preceded him in death Dec. 12, 1997. Together, the couple owned and operated a dairy farm in the town of Two Rivers for many years. Raymond was a member of St. James Church, Cooperstown, and enjoyed traveling to Alaska and Washington D. C. with his wife and friends. Survivors include special friends, Gregory and Janice Rich of rural Denmark. Friends may call at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown after 9 a.m. on Tuesday until the time of Mass at 10 a.m. There will be no Monday evening visitation. The Lambert - Eckert Funeral Home of Mishicot is assisting with funeral arrangements. Special Thanks to the staff at Linden Manor in Kewaunee for all their compassionate care and concern shown to Raymond. Newspaper not cited.
ALBERTINE STUECK MISHICOTT WOMAN STRICKEN BY HEART FAILURE AS SHE GATHERS KINDLING—FOUND DEAD IN SHED John Stueck Returns Home from Absence to Find Wife Dead— Deceased Was 62 Yrs. of Age and Had not Been Ill Stricken by an attack of heart failure while she was in a shed at her home gathering kindling wood to start a fire, Mrs. John Stueck, a well known resident of Mishicot died alone, her dead body being found in the shed by her husband some time later. Funeral services were held at Mishicot today. Mr. Stueck had left home for a short time to attend to some business affairs and upon his return failed to find Mrs. Stueck in the house. It was presumed that she was at the home of a neighbor but as time passed and she did not return he made inquiries only to learn that Mrs. Stueck had not been seen by neighbors. Returning home alarmed, he instituted a search of the house and buildings upon entering the shed was horrified to find the body of his wife on the floor dead. Physicians who were hurriedly summoned said that Mrs. Stueck had been dead for some time. The tragedy is a great shock to family and friends as Mrs. Stueck had not been ill and when her husband left home was in her usual health. A number of relatives and friends from this city attended the funeral today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, June 26, 1915, Page 1 ********* Mishicot news: Last Wednesday morning Mrs. John Stueck Sr. who has made her home in this village for the past few years, passed away. Her death was very sudden and unexpected. She is survived by her husband and five children. The deceased was always known as a good neighbor and a kind and loving wife, mother and grandmother. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 29, 1915, Page 4 ******** Notes from Mishicot: Death claimed Mrs. John Stueck, Sr., Thursday morning. Her death came as a sudden shock to all the relatives. She had been fairly well and about when she was stricken by heart failure. Her daughter, Miss Nora, who had always been with her was at Milwaukee for a few weeks visit and was summoned home. The deceased was born the 26th of November, 1854 in Regenwaldt, Dora, Germany and came to this country when thirteen years of age and lived in Cooperstown, later moving to Gibson where she was married to John Stueck in 1874. Four years ago they moved to Mishicot. She is survived by her husband and eight children, Wm Stueck, Mrs. norman Wilson, Louis, John Jr., Carl, Mrs. Wm Rehbein, Mrs. John Just and Miss Nora, all of Mishicot. The large number of friends who paid their last respects at the funeral show how highly esteemed the deceased was. The funeral was held Saturday from the German Lutheran Church. Those from out of town who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Vertz, Julia Vertz, Mrs. Carrie Ellingboe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vertz, Two Rivers; Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Drews, Mrs. August Schmidt, Mrs. Julius Schweide, Mrs. John Harthoff, J. Scherer, Mr. Sam Feit, Mrs. Hy Kempfert, I. Craite of Manitowoc and Fred Stueck of Shoto. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., July 1, 1915
AUGUST STUECK AUG. STEUCK (sic) DIES SUDDENLY AT TWO RIVERS August Stueck, pioneer resident of the county and for years engaged in the hotel business at Mishicot, died suddenly at his home at Two Rivers Saturday evening after returning there from a visit to his son Dr. A. F. Stueck here. In apparent robust health when he left here at 4, he was dead an hour later, death resulting from apoplexy. Mr. Stueck was born at Gibson Feb. 15, 1864 and after disposing of his farm there, located at Mishicot where he engaged in the hardware business and also conducted a hotel. He retired a few years ago to locate at Two Rivers. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. A. Murdock of Columbus, Wis., and his son Dr. A. F. Stueck of this city. Mr. Stueck was for many years prominent as a leader of the Democratic party. The funeral of Mr. Stueck was held this afternoon, services being held at St. John’s church, Two Rivers and burial being at Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, May 31, 1921 P. 1 ******** August Stueck, who was one of the best known residents of the northern part of the county, died suddenly on Saturday. He had driven his auto to Manitowoc where he met his daughter, who is the wife of Dr. J. A. Mudroch of Columbus. Upon his return home he informed his wife that he was not feeling well and laid down for a rest. A few minutes after he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away before medical aid could reach his side. His death was a severe shock to his wife and members of his family as he had always been in apparently good health. Deceased was born in the Town of Gibson, February 15, 1864 where he resided until 1903 when he moved to the village of Mishicot where he conducted a hotel and later became owner of a hardware store. In 1919 his home at that place was destroyed by fire and shortly after he moved to this city where he has since resided. Mr. Stueck was a highly respected citizen. He was admired by all for his quiet and honest manner. No man could ever have been more fair than he in business dealings and he was kind and courteous to all and dearly loved his family. He was very popular and was elected to town offices a number of times. His policy was always to do the best he could and he leaves a clean record in his life's work. Besides his wife, deceased is survived by a son, Dr. Arthur Stueck of Manitowoc and a daughter, Mrs. Mudroch of Columbus, Wis. The funeral was held from St. John's Lutheran Church in this city and the remains were taken to the Mishicot Cemetery for interment - Two Rivers Chronicle Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., June 2, 1921 ******** (Note: Birth year is 1 off from tombstone) ******** Notes from Mishicot: The village folk of Mishicot were suddenly aroused from their slumbers about 2 o'clock Sunday morning of last week by the wild cries of fire! Fire!. Soon the entire village was astir with life and motion. There was no difficulty in finding the fire, for the residence of August Stueck was already wrapped in flames which could be seen from every quarter of the village. Mr. Stueck was the only occupant of the house at the time; his family had gone to Columbus, Wis., some time ago. The falling of plaster awakened him and he managed to escape without injury. A volunteer water bucket brigade of fire fighters (a few in nightly attire) was soon in action trying to prevent the flames from spreading to nearby buildings. The entire high school faculty was out and proved that good teachers also make good firemen. Mr. Messenger was considered by all as a hero. The value of the property was between $4500 and $5000. A large part of this was covered by insurance. The fire was of unknown origin. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 23, 1919
CAROLE J. STUECK Carole J. Stueck, age 65, of 1919 Hwy 147 West, town of Gibson, passed away Sunday evening January 31, 1999, at her residence. Mass of Christian Burial will be held 11 a.m. Wednesday, February 3, 1999, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, with the Rev. John Neuser officiating. Burial in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Carole was born October 25, 1933, in Two Rivers, daughter of the late Edwin and Cecelia (Pokorsky) Knope. She has been a life long area resident and was a graduate of Washington High School, Two Rivers and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education. Carole married Randy Stueck in February 4, 1961, at St. Mark's Catholic Church, Two Rivers. She was a teacher for many years at Washington High School in Two Rivers and served as a substitute teacher in Mishicot and Two Rivers. Mrs. Stueck served two years active duty in the United States Marine Corp. and was a first lieutenant. She was the first woman elected to the Mishicot School Board and was a founding member of the Mishicot EMTs. She was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Mrs. Stueck also worked for Lakeside Canning and Krause's Grocery Store. Survivors include her husband Randy; five daughters and three sons-in-law, Teri and Kevin Sturm, Sun Prairie, Wis., Elizabeth and Michael Mullan, Mukwonago, Wis., Victoria Stueck, Madison, Jessica Stueck and her special friend, Dan Stein, Green Bay, Jennifer and Robert Meyer, Manitowoc; three sons and one daughter-in-law, Boyd Stueck, Sheboygan, Adam and Shawna Stueck, Green Bay, Edwin Stueck, Mishicot; nine grandchildren (private); one brother, Richard and Lois Knope, Port Washington; two sisters, Elaine Senovich, town of Mishicot, Ginger and Jack Oren, Two Rivers; one sister-in-law, Elaine Oman, Milwaukee; one brother-in-law, Jesse Smith, Eutawville, S.C.; nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends. She was also preceded in death by one daughter-in-law, Margaret Stueck on December 18, 1998; one brother- in-law, George Senovich and one sister-in-law, Arlene Smith. Friends may call at the Lambert Funeral Home, in Mishicot from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday (TONIGHT) and after 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday at the funeral home until the time of the service at 11 a.m. There will be a 7:30 p.m. parish wake service Tuesday (TONIGHT) at the funeral home. A memorial fund has been established for the Holy Family Memorial Cancer Care Center, Manitowoc. Herald Times Reporter, February 2, 1999
EMMA STUECK Sister Of Local Woman Dies Mrs. Emma Stueck, 75, formerly of Route 1, Mishicot, who had been residing with a son, Gordon, route 2, Manaitowoc the past five months, died Saturday afternoon at Two Rivers Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Stueck, nee Emma Schultz, was born June 2, 1886 in the Town of Franklin, Kewaunee County, daughter of the late William and Augustine Heidman Schultz. She was married at St. John Lutheran Church at Zander, Town of Gibson, to John F. Schultz(sic) Oct. 16, 1907, who preceded her in death 32 years ago. After the marriage the couple was engaged in farming at Route 1, Mishicot. Upon the death of her husband she resided in Manitowoc and Two Rivers. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Frenz and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman, Two Rivers; another son, Oscar, Route 1, Mishicot; three sisters, Mrs. Emil Wilsner, Rice Lake; Mrs. Ervin Schlegelmilch, Denmark; Mrs. Fred Rossow, Manitowish Waters, Wis.; three brothers, William and Louis, route 1, Denmark, Edwin, Westfield, Wis.; 18 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot with the Rev. David Worgull officiating. Burial was in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Denmark Press, Thursday, April 19, 1962 page 12 ******** Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Stueck, 75, formerly of Rt. 1, Mishicot, who died Saturday afternoon at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital, were at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Mishicot, the Rev. David Worgull officiating. Burial was in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Pallbearers were Donald, Paul and Arthur Frenz, Jr., Charles Schroeder, Robert Decker, and LaVern Shadal. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, April 17, 1962
FRED STUECK (d. 1910) (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 01 Oct.) Mr. F. Stueck, a long time resident in Town Gibson, died Sun. morning. He was 86 and leaves 2 sons and 2 daughters, all married, in good circumstances. He will be buried at 2 p.m. today at the local Lutheran Church. Der Nord Westen, 03 Oct. 1901 ******* AN OLD SETTLER DEPARTED Mr. August Stuech(sic), one of the early settlers of the county, died at the home of his son, August Stueck Jr., of the town of Gibson, this morning at an early hour after an illness of only a few hours. He was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, May 5, 1815. In 1850 he came to America and settled at Shoto where he resided for ten years and then moved upon a farm in East Gibson, where he continued to live until the time of his death. He is survived by his aged wife and five children, Mrs. August Drews of Mishicot, Mrs. August Schmidt of Manitowoc, Fred Stueck and John Stueck of Minneapolis and August Stueck Jr. of Gibson. He was an intelligent and upright citizen and a loyal and loving husband and father. The Chronicle, Tues., Oct. 1, 1901 ********* (Note: This appears to be Fred and the newspaper had the wrong first name) ******* (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 01 Oct.) The local vocal club "Liedertafel" will go to Mishicott Tues. to participate in the funeral of Fr. Stueck. Der Nord Westen, 03 Oct. 1901 ******* Fred Stueck birth: 5 May 1815 death: 28 September 1901 East Gibson, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1901 Gibson father: Casper Stueck mother: Sofie spouse: Mary Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
FRED C. STUECK (d. 1988) Fred C. Stueck, 63, of 623 Randolph Street, Mishicot, died Tuesday morning, November 23, 1998, at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc. The Mass of Christian burial will be 11 a.m. Friday at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Msgr. James Feely will officiate and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Military rites will be accorded by the Mishicot V.F.W. Mr. Stueck was born December 20, 1924, in the Town of Gibson, son of the late Carl and Rose Kasten Stueck. He married Janet Zahorik on June 25, 1949, at St. Mary Catholic Church, Tisch Mills. Mr. Stueck was employed as a supervisor at Mirro Aluminum until retiring. Mr. Stueck was a veteran of World War II. He was a member of the Mishicot V.F.W. Post 7753; member and past president of the Mishicot Lions Club; and former trustee on the Mishicot Village Board. Survivors include his wife, Janet; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Carl and Julie Stueck of Manitooc and Martin Stueck of Mishicot; two daughters and sons- in-law, Rosanne and Thomas Armstrong of Whitelaw and Suzanne and Jack VandenAvond of Green Bay; a brother, August Stueck of Rt. 2, Two Rivers; a sister, Mrs. Louis (Carline) Shimek of Rt. 1, Mishicot; and four grandchildren, Amy, Andrew, Luke and Emily. He was preceded in death by a sister. Friends may call at Holy Cross Church from 9:30 a.m. Friday morning to the time of services. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Herald Times Reporter, November 23, 1988 P. 20 ******* (Fred C./20 Dec 1924/22 Nov 1988/SSDI)
HERBERT STUECK Death Mon. of a small son of August Stueck of Gibson. Cause of death we have not been able to determine yet. Der Nord Westen, 05 Aug. 1897 (Note: This appears to be the right child as he is on the same stone with August. The year and date also match.) ******** Herbert Stuick birth: 16 September 1893 Gibson, Wis. death: 2 August 1897 Gibson, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Mishicot, Wis. residence: 1897 Gibson, Wis. father: August Stuick mother: Josephine Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
IRENE A. STUECK Irene A. Stueck, age 89, of 1228 S. State St., Mishicot, died Thursday, February 8, 2001, at Rivers Bend Health & Rehabilitation Center, Manitowoc. Private Family Funeral Services were held at 1 p.m. on Sunday, February 11, 2001, at St. Peters Ev. Lutheran Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Robert Johannes officiated with burial in the Mishicot Public Cemetery. Irene was born April 8, 111, in Pound, Wis., to the late William and Annie Seefeldt Garbright. She married Oscar Stueck, September 1, 143, at St. Peters. Ev. Lutheran Church, Mishicot. He preceded her in death August 15, 1985. She and her husband farmed on the family homestead in Mishicot for 42 years until the time of his death. She was a member of St. Peters Ev. Lutheran Church, Mishicot. Irene enjoyed sewing, crocheting and embroidering but especially loved spending quality time with her family and friends. She is survived by two daughters and two sons-in-law, Karen and William Schroeder, Francis Creek, Carma and Kenneth Kornely, Manitowoc, and LaVern Shedal, Mishicot; eight grandchildren, Kevin (Tammy) Shedal, Tracy (Mark) Schaller, Holly (Pat) Herzog, Todd Schroeder, Travis (Tammy) Schroeder, Kim (Dan) Abts, Keith (Marina) Kornely and Kenneth Kornely; 15 great grandchildren; one niece, Norma Wunderlich, Beaver; a special friend, Annette. She was also preceded in death by one daughter, Elmyra (Toots) Shadl; a great grand-daughter, Katelyn; four sisters, Florence, Minnie, Alvina, and Dora; and a niece, Delores. A memorial fund has been established for St. Peters Ev. Lutheran Church. Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot is assisting the family with arrangements. Your bags are packed and waiting at the Lord’s door. If you really want to go Grandma it’s all right. Don’t worry about you family, we are all fine. We love you and will miss you day and night. Just leave this world behind you with pride and dignity and look down on us from heaven and watch us grow, look down on us from heaven and watch your family grow! Herald Times Reporter, February 12, 2001 P. A8
JANET E. STUECK Janet E. Stueck, age 82, of 623 Randolph St., Mishicot, entered into eternal rest on Monday, Nov. 30, 2009, at the Holy Family Memorial Medical Center in Manitowoc. She was born Sept. 26, 1927, in the town of Franklin, in Kewaunee County to the late William and Anna Konop Zahorik, and has been a lifelong area resident. She was a graduate of the Mishicot High School, graduating with the class of 1945. On June 25, 1949, she married Fred C. Stueck at St. Mary Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Tisch Mills, and he preceded her in death on Nov. 22, 1988. Janet worked for the former Whitehouse Milk Co. in Manitowoc, and for the Lese Dental Clinic, and last worked for Krause's Grocery Store in Mishicot. She was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot. Janet enjoyed working crossword puzzles and spending time with her family. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) In addition to her parents and her husband, she was also preceded in death by one brother: Gilbert Zahorik; and by one sister: Margie Zahorik. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mishicot, with the Reverend Paul Paider officiating, with burial to follow in the parish cemetery. Relatives and friends may call after noon at Holy Cross Catholic Church, until the time of service at 2 p.m. There will be no Wednesday evening visitation. The Lambert-Eckert Funeral Home, of Mishicot is assisting the Stueck family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, Dec. 2, 2009
JOHANN STUECK FIND PIONEER OF MISHICOT DEAD IN FIELD John Stueck, 73, Is Stricken While at His Work John Stueck, well known pioneer resident of Mishicot and uncle of Dr. A. F. Stueck of this city, was stricken by heart failure while at work in a field at his home late yesterday. The dead body of Mr. Stueck was found at 6 o’clock when members of the family instituted search when he failed to return to the house for the evening meal. Physicians summoned said that death was due to heart failure. News of the death of Mr. Stueck was a shock to the community where he was widely known. Although he was 74 years of age, Mr. Stueck was in apparently perfect health and had never suffered from heart trouble. Monday he had visited his daughter Mrs. John Just in the town of Kossuth and spoke of his health being the best. Yesterday afternoon he left the house to look after the potatoes in the field and was engaged in that work at the time he was stricken. Lived in U.S. 64 Years Mr. Stueck was a native of Germany and came to America when he was a boy of ten years of age, locating at Mishicot where he had made his home for upwards of a half century. He was successful and was held in esteem by a wide circle of friends. His wife died several years ago. Four sons and three daughters survive Mr. Stueck, being Louis and Carl of Gibson, William and John of Mishicott; Mrs. John Just, Kossuth, Mrs. Norman Wilson, and Miss Nora of Mishicot, the latter making her home with her father. Twenty-two grand children also survive and Mr. Stueck had two sisters living, Mrs. August Drews and Mrs. August Schmidt, both residents of this city. Funeral on Friday The funeral of Mr. Stueck will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Lutheran church at Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, September 20, 1922 P. 1
JOHN STUECK Funeral Services for the Late J.F. Stueck Monday Funeral services for the late John F. Stueck, 51, Mishicot, who passed away at the hospital here, will be held Monday afternoon from the home at Mishicot. He resided at Gibson in his early life and was married to Emma Schultz 23 years ago. She survives him besides four children, three brothers and two sisters. The children are Mrs. Arthur Frenz, Two Rivers, Miss Thelma Stueck at home, Oscar and Gordon at home. The three brothers who survive are William, Louis and Carl Stueck and the sisters, Mrs. Norman Wilson and Mrs. Grover Kadow. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, April 19, 1930
JOSEPHINE STUECK Funeral of Mrs. Stueck on Saturday The body of Mrs. Josephine Stueck, mother of Dr. A. F. Stueck, who died at Columbus, Ohio, was brought here for burial and the funeral will be held from the home of Dr. Stueck, 313 Cleveland avenue Saturday afternoon, the Revs. Zell of Mishicot and Karl Machmiller of this city officiating at the services. Mrs. Stueck was the widow of August Stueck of Mishicot and since the death of her husband five years ago had made her home at Columbus. Besides her son here, a daughter, Mrs. Anna Murdock of Columbus, five brothers, August and Otto Drews of this city, Richard Drews of Cooperstown and Henry and Rudolph Drews of Idaho and a sister, Mrs. Nic Eiler of Mishicot survive her. Dr. Stueck accompanied the remains here. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, September 17, 1926 P. 13
MARY STUECK Death Mon. of Mrs. Marie Stueck, after a long illness, in the residence of her soninlaw, Police Chief August Drews. Mrs. Stueck was born 06 May 1823 in Merkelberg, Germany, and came to America in 1852 with her husband and children. The family settled on a farm in Town Gibson and lived there until 4 yrs. ago when, following her husband’s death, she came to live with her daughter. The deceased leaves 2 daughters, Mrs. August Drews and Mrs. August Schmidt here, and 3 sons, John in Gibson, August in Mishicott, and Fred in Minnesota. The body will be taken to Mishicott this morning and buried there. Der Nord Westen, 30 Nov. 1905 ******* Mrs. Stueck, an old resident of Mishicot, died at Manitowoc on Tuesday of last week, and was buried in the cemetery of Mishicot Thursday morning. She formerly lived on a farm in Gibson, but since her husband’s death had lived with her son, Mr. August Stueck of Mishicot, until about three weeks before her death, when her daughter, Mrs. A. Drews, took her to live with her. Manitowoc Pilot, December 7, 1905. ******* Maria Lorenz Stieck (sic) birth: 6 May 1823 Germany death: 29 November 1905 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Mishicott, Wis. residence: 1905 Manitowoc father: John Lorenz Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
OSCAR STUECK Oscar Stueck, 76, of Route 1, Mishicot, died Thursday moring, August 15, at North Ridge Care Center, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. The Rev. David Waege will offoiate (sic) and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Stueck was born June 27, 1909, in The Town of Mishicot, son of the late John and Emma Schultz Stueck. He married Irene Garbright, Sept. 1, 1943, at St. Peter Church, Mishicot. Mr. Stueck was a lifetime farmer on the Home Farm and drove school bus for several years. He was Town Assessor and a School Board member for many years. Survivors include his wife, Irene; three daughters and sons-in-law, Mrs. Lavern (Elmyra) Shedal of Mishciot, Mrs. William (Karen) Schroeder of Francis Creek and Mrs. Kenneth (Carma) Kornely of Mishicot; a brother, Gordon Stueck of Francis Creek; a sister, Mrs. Ralph (Thelma) Hoffman of Two Rivers and eight grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, August 15, 1985 P. 3
ROSE (LAMBERT) STUECK Mrs. Rose Lambert Stueck, 58, of Mishicot village, died early Thursday morning at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mrs. Stueck, nee Rose Lambert, was born March 23, 1910, in the Town of Mishicot, a daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Cretton Lambert. She was an employe of the percolator department of Mirro Aluminum Co., Plant No. 1, at Two Rivers, for many years, retiring in 1965 because of ill health. She was a member of Holy Cross Altar Society. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Kenneth, (Julia) Gerlach of Rt. 1, Denmark; four brothers, Walter of Kingsbridge, Edward of Mishicot, Arnold of Rt. 1, Kewaunee, and George Lambert of Rt. 1, Mishicot. Included among nieces and nephews surviving is Mrs. Dale (LaVern) Ells, of Mishicot. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday where the Rosary for the Altar Society will be at 7:30 p.m. and for the parish at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, April 25, 1968 P. 30 ********* (23 Mar 1910/Apr 1968/SSDI)
JACOB SUPITA (Supita is the modern spelling) SHUPITA RITES TO BE TUESDAY Aged Man to Be Buried in Mishicot Funeral services for Jacob Shupita, 96, who died Saturday at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagenow, town of Gibson will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 0.clock at the Specht Funeral Home at Mishicot, with burial at the Mishicot public cemetery. the Rev. Yaroslav Vrany, pastor of the Melnik Presbyterian church will officiate. Born in Bohemia in 1848, Mr. Shupita came to this country and the county at the age of 23 in 1871 and four years later was married to Kathleen Lestina. The couple has always made their home in the county and the wife preceded him in death. For 32 years he has made his home with his daughter and son-in-law. Survivors are the one daughter, Mrs. Hagenow, and three sons, Frank Shupita, Manitowoc, Jacob Shupita, North Hurley [sic], and Joseph Francis Creek. There are also twelve grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren surviving. Two Rivers Reporter Nov. 13, 1944 ********* (Note: North Hurley should be North Prairie, WI) (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
KATERINA SUPITA Pioneer of Town Gibson Passes Away Death came Monday morning to claim Mrs. Jacob Supita, pioneer resident of the town of Gibson, who passed away at the age of 84 years. Her demise following a lingering illness, due to heart affection. Mrs. Supita was born at Bohemia June 15, 1845 and came to America in 1872, locating at Shoto where the family resided several years and then took up their home in Gibson where she has since made her residence. She is survived by her husband, three sons and one daughter, the children be- (line unreadable) North Prairie, Joseph of Francis Creek, and Mrs. C. Hagenow, of Gibson. Eleven grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held at Mishicot, Thursday, the Rev. Junk Officiating. (researcher note, undreadable line probably says Frank of Manitowoc County and Jacob of) Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, September 10, 1929 Page 2 ******** Fisherville News: Mrs. Katherine Shupita(sic), a pioneer resident of this community for the past 50 years passed away at the home Monday morning at 9:00 o'clock. She is survived by her aged husband and four children, Mrs. Charles Hagenow of this vicinity; Frank, a resident of Manitowoc; Joseph of Francis Creek; and Jacob of Waukesha. One daughter, Mrs. Chaloupka preceded her in death several years ago. Funeral services were held this afternoon from the home with burial at the Mishicot cemetery. She was 87 years of age at the time of her death. Manitowoc Herald News - Thursday, Sept. 12, 1929 - page 16