Research from "Story of A Century", page 28 The elementary schools in Manitowoc are: Adams school Cleveland school Custerdale school Garfield school Jefferson school Madison school McKinley school Roosevelt school is no longer being used. Two junior high schools were established in Manitowoc. One of them was in the old Northside High School, the other one in the Old Third Ward School. In the 1930's these junior high schools were replaced with the current Wilson and Washington junior high schools. Manitowoc school superintendents over the years were: P. J. Zimmers in 1910 Mr. Elmer Waite, who served from 1920-1927 Mr. Hugh S. Bonar, 1927-1943 Manitowoc Lincoln High School Principals over the years were: L. W. Brooks, the first high school principal, 1910-1911 C. G. Stangel, who served 37 years Photo of Lincoln High School 19111910 Luling School, Manitowoc - Now named McKinley
BOARD APPROVES PLANS FOR HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING Architects Told to Prepare Drawings for the City at Once Plans for Manitowoc's proposed new high school building, which will eventually grace the site of Roeff's Hill, were approved by the Board of Education, at its meeting last night and Perkins, Fallows & Hamilton, Chicago architects who submitted the sketches were directed to go ahead at once on detailed plans. It is expected that thirty to fifty days will be necessary to complete the plans. In submitting the sketches, Mr. Perkins representing the architects, said that, nothwithstanding the conditions which made building at this time of excessive cost, probably two and one half to three times what it had been before the war, his advise to the board and city was to go ahead with the new school at once and complete it, there being no assurance of a decline in materials for some time. He said the City was in duty bound to insure the future of its coming citizens by education, protection of health and proper buildings. CALLS THE SITE IDEAL. That the site selected for the new high school is ideal and that the Board would have been justified in going out a half mile further from the city center to secure it, was a statement of Mr. Perkins in opening his remarks. Plans submitted provide for one of the most modern school structures in Wisconsin, to accommodate 1272 students, and embracing in its make up high school and grade quarters, an auditorium sufficiently large to accommodate the city, a cafeteria, an natatorium, gymnasium, building for vocational training work in connection with the high school course, machine shop, etc. A large athletic field is provided for, with base ball field, tennis court and a girls field. ROOM FOR EXTENSIONS. In the arrangements of the building provision is made for extensions for the vocational training and for agricultural department, including growing field barns and every feature essential to the modern high school. The new school will face to the west with a spacious drive way leading to the entry. The auditorium will be at the north approach from eighth steet while the boys' gymnasium and the dormitory will be at the extreme south of the buildings. The plans cover landscape gardening and are complete in every detail. The members of the Board and city officials were much pleased with the plans. One serious obstacle to the immediate carrying out of plans for the new high school has been encountered by the Board of Education and the City, and that is the cost of the proposed building. It may be necessary for the City to erect the buildings in individual units, starting with the academic unit, which is most necessary and later, from year to year, adding to it to complete the project as planned. On the completed plans it was estimated the cost would total $1,400,000. This figure eliminates some of the features orginally planned. BOND LIMIT A CHECK. The City's bond limit at the present valuation is $1,500,000 and at this time about $600,000 in bonded debt is carried, so that there would be no chance of getting funds for the complete building, even if a bond issue of a million or more could be carried, which is doubtful. The Board considered a suggestion for a contract at cost, plus, with a percentage to the contractor, a plan adopted by many private corporations, but some doubt was expressed that this could be done. The plan that met with most favor was for piecemeal contruction of the building. It was estimated that the academic unit, first to be built will cost about $678,000 and even this sum will exceed the city's limitations at this time. CONSIDER NEW LAW. One solution of the problem confronting Mantiowoc was pointed out-that of securing legislation at Madison increasing the bond limit from 5 to 10 per cent for cities and it was said that many cities, facing the same conditions that prevail here in being handicapped in carrying out needed imporvements, would join in the movement. Another possibility of meeting the situation is seen in the possible drop in prices but little faith is had in this possibility. The Board decided that the City must be prepared to go ahead with the new school just the moment conditions favored and to this end voted to have the architects complete detailed plans for the new building and as soon as these are prepared, the Board will take up the matter further. MAY BUILD BARRACKS. The sketches submitted show a magnificent building that would be a credit to the city and meet its needs for years to come. The State Board of Education has insisted that the City provide additional quarters for vocational training and desires that the present high school building be utilized. If the City is unable to go ahead with the new high school now it will mean that additonal barracks will have to be provided to meet the increasing attendance. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. March 2, 1920 P. 1