City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

[ TI ]




TIENWORTHY: A.S. Tienworthy/died 1902, next to: T.T./Father died 1883, next to: T.M.T./mother/died 1883

TIGERSON: [E2-61-6]-[Jens Tigerson/bur. 10-30-1864/buried on Jens Thygeson lot/burial register has buried the child of Yents Tigerson, L6 B61] [E2-61-6]-[?? Tigerson/bur. 08-24-1866/burial register has buried the child of Mr Jans Taggerson, $1.50] [E2-61-6]-[Jens Tigerson/bur. 09-01-1874/burial register has buried the child of Jans Taygerson, $1] [E2-61-6]-[Hans Tigerson/bur. 04-15-1879/burial register has buried the child of Jans Tigerson, $1] [Note: Jens Thygeson purchased E2-61-6 on 11/1/1864. Thygeson/Tigerson are the same person]

TIKALSKY: [E2-59-3]-Paul Michael Tikalsky, Sr./Jun 2, 1922/Dec 23, 2015 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-59-3]-Betty Lois Tikalsky/Apr 12, 1925/Feb 6, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [E2-59-6]-[Lynn Marie Tikalsky/Baby/bur 06-27-1947/died 06-27-1947] Tombstone [F-15-2]-Charles W. Tikalsky/Sept. 20, 1891/Sept. 23, 1973 (Am.Leg.flg) Tombstone

TILLS: [C-21-2]-Raymond/Baby/Son of Ch. & E. Tills/Dec. 15/Dec. 16, 1913 Tombstone [G-5-1]-John W. Tills/May 15-16-1956 [John Wm. Tills/d. 05-16-1957 at Fargo, ND/infant/ reinterment 7-9-1957/bur. on George Tills lot] Tombstone, ossw: [G-5-1]-David John/Dec. 30, 1964/Mar 22 2003 Tombstone [G-5-1]-Charles Tills/Father/Mar. 21, 1861/Dec. 21, 1939 Tombstone, next to: [G-5-1]-Augusta Tills/Mother/Sept. 5, 1867/Mar. 20, 1928 Tombstone [G-5-1]-Donald C. Tills/Oct. 23, 1930/Nov. 12, 1983 Tombstone [G-5-2]-Wilbur J. Tills/Dec. 4, 1926/Nov. 23, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [G-5-2]-Donna J./1929-____ [G-5-2]-Lydia RIEMAMN Tills/1894-1923 Tombstone, next to: [G-5-2]-Baby RIEMANN/Born & Died/1920, next to: [G-5-2]-William J./1887-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [G-5-2]-Adelaide S. Tills/Sept. 14, 1891/Aug. 14, 1985 Tombstone [G-5-2]-George A. Tills/Mar. 15, 1892/Apr. 29, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [G-5-2]-Amanda C. Tills/Dec. 5, 1891/July 16, 1977 Tombstone [G-7-8]-Rose Tills THOKE/Sept. 24, 1895/June 10, 1975 (See THOKE/have obit), ossw: [G-7-8]-Charles H./1887-1947 Tombstone [H-6-3]-Bertha Tills/28 Jan. 1881/9 Jan. 1912 Tombstone [H-6-3]-[Wilhelmina Tills/bur. 09-14-1883] Tombstone [H-6-3]-Tills family stone [H-6-3]-Minnie Tills/Geb. 18 Apr. 1863/Gest. 1 Dec. 1931 Tombstone [H-6-3]-John Tills/Geb. 21 Marz 1857/Gest. 10 Jan. 1921 Tombstone [I-12-2]-Raymond/Sohn von Wm. & Clara Tills/5 Marz 1917 [Raymond Tills/bur. 03-07-1917/ age: 2 hours/cause: asphyxis/bur. on Herman Sengbusch lot] Tombstone [P-14-5]-Dorothea Tills/Mother/1866-1934 Tombstone, next to: [P-14-5]-August Tills/Father/1865-1945 Tombstone [P-17-2]-Elmer W. Tills/Mar. 16, 1917/Jan. 3, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-2]-Emma M./1916-1970 Tombstone, next to: [P-17-2]-Charles A. Tills/Apr. 4, 1887/Apr. 14, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-2]-Elsie A./1889-1968 Tombstone [U-2-9]-Herman C. Tills/Sept. 13, 1884/Aug. 15, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [U-2-9]-Olive L./1896-1967 Tombstone [V-30-5]-Marcille E. Tills/Dec. 31, 1919/Apr. 3, 1999 Tombstone See MATHESON

TILLSON: [W2-148-4]-Frankie/son of P.S. & C.L. Tillson/born March 29, 1877 1 yr. 2 days

TILSMAN: [Unk]-[?? Tilsman/bur. 09-05-1866]


TIMM: [G-4-5]-ZEMAN family stone [G-4-5]-Antonia Zeman Timm/June 21, 1883/Mar. 12, 1977/Mother [G-7-1]-John H. Timm/Father/1870-1947 [G-7-1]-Emma/Mother/1867-1939 [G-7-1]-Elmer Timm/1896-1961 [O-9-3]-SCHNEIDER-Timm family stone [O-9-3]-Minnie Timm/1871-1934 [O-9-3]-William H. Timm/Father/1872-1937 [R-16-10]-Clarence C. Timm/1896-1935 (war vet flg) [R-19-6]-Emma Timm/Mother/1877-1928, next to: [R-19-6]-Herman Timm/Father/1874-1959 [T-7-1]-Emil C. Timm/Sept. 3, 1882/Oct. 19, 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [T-7-1]-Elsie Timm/Nov. 27, 1887/Sept. 15, 1984 Tombstone [T-24-3]-Lillian M./1897-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [T-24-3]-Raymond Louis Timm/May 8, 1899/June 21, 1987 Tombstone [T-24-3]-Helen R. Timm/Oct. 21, 1917/Aug. 27, 1976 Tombstone [T-24-4]-Susan/-1945- [T-24-4]-Leone J./1920-____, ossw: [T-24-4]-Paul W. [Sr.]/1921-1969 [W2-221-3]-Frida L. Timm [Freda L.]/Geb. 14 Sept. 1878/Gest. 8 Juni 1880 [W2-221-3]-Footstone: F.L.T. [W2-222-3]-Ludwig Timm/Father/Born Sept. 29, 1844/Died Feb. 13, 1929 [W2-222-3]-[Mabel Timm/bur. 09-15-1892/age 4 mo.] [W2-222-3]-[Walter Timm/bur. 10-07-1895/age 11 mo.] [W2-222-3]-[Charles Timm/bur. 4-3-1934/age 53] [W2-222-3]-August K. Timm/Geb./1 Feb. 1876/Gest. 26 Sept. 1896, next to: [W2-222-3]-Fredaricka Timm/Mother/Born July 17, 1840/Died/Sept. 12, 1922

TIMMONS: [L-31-12]-[Baby Timmons/bur. 02-20-1952/stillborn/space #282]

TIMPERT: [B-37-2]-[Theodore Timpert/bur. 09-16-1909/cause: internal disorder] [B-37-2]-Theodore Timpert/1848-1923, ossw: [B-37-2]-Ida Timpert/1847-1927 Tombstone Tombstone Theodore/Ida, next to: [B-37-2]-Footstones: Mutter/Vater/Baby, next to:BEHM [S-52-6]-[Mary Timpert/bur. 06-13-1924] [S-52-6]-[William Timpert/d. 06-26-1942/age 70 yrs.]

TINCKNELL: [T-39-3]-[T-39-3]-Olga M. Tincknell/Oct. 22, 1908/May 17, 1990 [d. at Norwalk CA/cremains/bur. on Ferdinand Ewald lot]

TINDER: [E2-6-11]-Grover Tinder/1884-1959 Tombstone, next to: [E2-6-11]-Anna Tinder/1878-1956 Tombstone

TIPLER: [U-14-6]-Lillian S. Tipler/1879-1958

TIPPLER: [U-35-1]-Roy I./1884-1957, ossw: [U-35-1]-Margaret Tippler/Dec. 19, 1893/Oct. 9, 1975

TISCH: [Unk]-[Emilie Tisch/d. 06-03-1862] See WIRTH

TISDALE: (Infant Tisdale/d. 1 Oct. 1855/from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc)

TISLER: [P-27-12]-Matt F./1879-1942, ossw: [P-27-12]-Katherine/1880-1960 [T-16-4]-Mary/1905-19__, ossw: [T-16-4]-Edward C./1907-1953

TITERA: [G-11-9]-Millie F. Titera/Apr. 2, 1895/June 8, 1973, ossw: [G-11-9]-Frank B. Titera/Apr. 13, 1892/Oct. 30, 1972 Tombstone Frank/Millie [T-7-3]-Alvin James Titera/Sept. 25, 1918/Apr. 9, 2004, ossw: [T-7-3]-Ethel/1922-2012 Tombstone Alvin/Ethel [U-7-5]-Anna/1888-1956, ossw: [U-7-5]-Henry/1886-1953 Tombstone Anna/Henry

TITTL: [E-20-6]-Frederick K. Tittl/Jan. 14, 1929/Nov. 15, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: [E-20-6]-Rita M. Tittl/Sept 28, 1930/Mar. 30, 2013 Tombstone/Obituary [T-20-7]-Martha M. Schack/June 27, 1898/Jan. 27, 1983 [widow of Ludwig Tittl-husband #1/ widow of William Schack-husband #2] Tombstone, ossw: [T-20-7]-Ludwig/1887-1947 (War vet flg) Tombstone [U-4-2]-Otto/1895-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [U-4-2]-Dora/1894-1972 Tombstone [U-4-2]-Karl A. Tittl/d. May 16, 2004 Tombstone [U-4-2]-Lorna Ruth Tittl/July 3, 1937/Jan. 17, 2005 Tombstone

TITZ: [P-28-12]-Joseph/Father/1890-1941 [d. 06-27-1941 at Preble, WI/bur. on Mrs. Barbara Titz lot], ossw: [P-28-12]-Barbara/Mother/1884-1973

TODD: [W-17-3]-Raymond C. Todd/June 19, 1923/Oct. 19, 1995

TODEL: (Todl on death certificate) [H-17-3]-Friedericka Todel [Mrs. Fred Todl]/geb./8 Nov. 1848/ gest. 25 Apr. 1893 Tombstone Tombstone, ossw:JENS

TODL: (name spelled Todl, Todle, Todel, info from family researcher) [I-2-8]-Emil Todl/d. 05-09-1903] [I-2-8]-Bruno Todl/d. 1903 [I-2-8]-A.C. Todl/d. 1912 [bur. 05-06-1912/cause: drowning] (family researcher-cem. lot book 2, 0107) [I-2-8]-Julius Todl/d. 1918 (family researcher-cem. lot book 2, 0107) [I-2-8]-Richard Todl/d. 1948 [I-2-8]-Alvina Todl/Born Jan. 14, 1878/Died May 27, 1903 Tombstone [L-4-5]-[Mrs. Annie Todl/bur. 06-14-1893/age 76 yrs.] [L-4-5]-[John Todl/bur. 12-19-1893/age 75 yrs.] Tombstone [L-32-12]-Dianne [Anna] Todl/1936-1938 [also buried Baby Todl (premature) in this grave 11-22-1949] [U-29-5]-Walter J./1885-1954, ossw: [U-29-5]-Hattie L./1890-1965 [U-31-4]-Robert W. Todl/1917-1957 (war vet flg) [V-17-2]-Kenneth J. Todl/1912-1968 Tombstone [V-17-2]-Edith Todl/Mar. 18, 1917/Apr. 19, 1988 Tombstone [V-18-1]-Kenneth W. Todl/Mar 25, 1946/Dec 31, 2016 [W2-180-3]-[Baby Todl/bur. 12-20-1916] [W2-227-6]-[Sharon May Todl/d. 05-03-1939]

TOEBE: [U-9-8]-Anita J./1905-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [U-9-8]-Martha [M.]/1882-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [U-9-8]-Julius/1879-1955 Tombstone [V-14-5]-Arthur A. Toebe/Aug. 11, 1909/July 22, 1994 Tombstone [V-14-5]-Lucille R./1914-2014 Tombstone

TOEDTER: [T-17-5]-Viola/1911-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [T-17-5]-William C.H. Toedter/June 21, 1903/Dec. 6, 1986 Tombstone

TOEPEL: [G-1-7]-Robert E. Toepel/1888-1920 Tombstone, next to: [G-1-7]-Henrietta Toepel/1888-1966 Tombstone

TOLLEFSEN: [W2-133-3]-Berit Tollefsen/Fodt/26 Juni 1815/dode/4 Mai 1897 [cause: old age], ossw: [W2-133-3]-Kristi O. BJORGO/Fodt/20 Marts 1825/dode/1 Jan. 1874, next to: [W2-133-3]-Knut O. BJORGO/Fodt/11 Sept. 1854/Dode/22 Oct. 1876

TOLLEFSON: [E-38-9]-Earl C./Jan. 7, 1912/Feb. 14, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [E-38-9]-Filomena/March 1, 1924-____ Tombstone [E2-5-10]-Christine/1902-1961, ossw: [E2-5-10]-Floyd E./1907-1971 Tombstone Christine/Floyd [G-1-4]-Stone reads: HANSEN-Tollefson [G-1-4]-Even Tollefson/1860-1921 Tombstone [G-1-4]-Henrietta Tollefson/1873-1963 Tombstone, next to:See HANSEN [G-7-9]-Tollef Tollefson/Father/1868-1958 [L-26-1]-[Matthew D. Tollefson (fetus)/bur. 12-11-2001] [R-17-1]-Dorothy M. Tollefson/Oct. 7, 1921/Sept. 2, 1992 Tombstone [R-17-1]-Delore L./Sept. 28, 1917/March 18, 2008 Tombstone [R-18-4]-Orin O. Tollefson/Aug. 15, 1914/Feb. 14, 1982 Tombstone [R-18-4]-Olef/Father/1877-1929, ossw: [R-18-4]-Amanda/Mother/1880-1949 Tombstone Olef/Amands [S-43-30]-Dorothy G. Tollefson/Apr. 30, 1923/Jan. 10, 1983, ossw: [S-43-30]-Roland W. "Tollie" Tollefson/Feb. 27, 1919/Nov. 2, 2004 Tombstone Dorothy/Roland [S-44-4]-Alfred O. Tollefson/Apr. 17, 1913/June 15, 2002 Tombstone [S-44-4]-Florence Helen Tollefson/Feb. 1, 1909/July 6, 2004 Tombstone/Obituary [T-23-6]-Ruth Ann Tollefson/Jan. 12, 1912/Aug. 5, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [T-23-6]-Earl O./1908-1977 (War vet flg) Tombstone [W2-167-3]-Matena Tollefson/Sister/1871-1924, next to: [W2-167-3]-Marie/wife of/H. TRONSEN/1868-1903 (See TRONSON-have obit) Tombstone, next to: [W2-167-3]-Marit Tollefson/Mother/1837-1913, next to: [W2-167-3]-Iver Tollefson/Father/1831-1907 Tombstone, next to: [W2-167-3]-Wallie R. Tollefson/Brother/1873-1932, next to: [W2-167-3]-Edward Tollefson/Brother/1878-1962 [Edward Theodor/d. 02-26-1962/age 83 yrs./ bur. on Iver Tollefson lot/burial permit has Edward Thedor Tollefson, died 02/21/1962 in New London, Wi, white, age 83, male] [W2-167-3]-I. Tollefson/Co. D./45 Wis. Inf. Tombstone [W2-167-3]-[Iver Tollefson/bur. 08-16-1880/age 1 mo.] [Y-1-5]-Allen R. Tollefson/June 20, 1920/Sept. 29, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-1-5]-Angeline B. Tollefson/Apr. 27, 1916/Apr. 17, 1989 Tombstone

TOLLSTADIUS: [P-33-7]-Mamie E. Tollstadius/Feb. 3, 1884/Dec. 30, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-7]-Gertrude SMITH/1878-1946 (See SMITH-have obit)


TOLTZMAN: [S-50-3]-Nettie/1898-1964, ossw: [S-50-3]-William H. Toltzman III/Dec. 27, 1902/Feb. 9, 1985 Tombstone Nettie/William [T-7-9]-Elmyra Toltzman/Dec. 5, 1906/Jan. 30, 1994 Tombstone [W2-105-4]-Fredrick "Snowball" Toltzman/Feb 8, 1915/Mar 10, 1992 Tombstone [W2-105-4]-Jean M. Toltzman/Jan 11, 1921/Sep 21, 2015 Tombstone

TOLTZMANN: [L-30-3]-Baby Toltzmann/-Jan 9, 1957- [space #319] Tombstone [S-50-3]-Evelyn Toltzmann/Mother/1906-1926 Tombstone/Photos [V-25-4]-Earl O. "Smoky" Toltzmann/Nov. 16, 1913/Jan. 9, 1984 Tombstone [V-25-4]-Anna E. Toltzmann/May 13, 1913/July 20, 1984 Tombstone [V-25-4]-Roy E. Toltzmann/1940-1966 Tombstone [W2-105-3]-Marie Toltzmann [Marie TOLZMAN]/Daughter/1858-[bur. 12-14-1876] Tombstone [W2-105-3]-William Toltzmann/Father/1820-1904 Tombstone [W2-105-3]-Maria Toltzmann/Mother/1826-1908 Tombstone [W2-105-3]-William Toltzmann/Father/1868-1943 Tombstone [W2-105-3]-Alvina Toltzmann/Mother/1873-1949 Tombstone [W2-105-3]-Lyman Ervin TOLSMAN/-Mar. 19, 1895-, ossw: [W2-105-3]-Lester Edwin/-Mar. 14, 1901- Tombstone Lyman/Lester [Y-2-32]-Mark A. Toltzmann/Aug. 14, 1959/Oct. 1, 1993 Tombstone

TOMACHEK: [F-10-1]-Joseph/1873-1923 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-1]-Anna/1882-1952 Tombstone [P-4-4]-Dorothy Tomachek/July 31, 1909/Apr. 14, 1998 Tombstone

TOMANDLE: [L-30-9]-[George Tomandle/bur. 2-17-1936]

TOMASCHEFSKY: [L-32-10]-June Tomaschefsky/June 28, 1930/Aug. 1, 1930 Tombstone [P-18-2]-Ernest A./1898-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [P-18-2]-Mary M. Burgard/1901-1971 (See BURGARD-have obit) Tombstone [U-23-5]-Allen W. Tomaschefsky/Nov. 27, 1925/July 28, 1990 Tombstone [U-26-6]-Oscar C. Tomaschefsky/Apr. 2, 1901/Jan. 3, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [U-26-6]-Lydia A. Tomaschefsky/Aug. 28, 1905/Mar. 19, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [U-26-6]-Elmer J./1937-1955 Tombstone

TOMASCIK: [L-31-8]-Russell C./Tomascik/1947-1947 [d. 03-03-1947/age 1 month/son of Mary Tomascik]

TOMAZCIK: [L-29-21-]-[Casper Tomazcik/d. 03-16-1953/age 73 yrs./space #209]

TOMCHEK: [P-31-3]-Clarence J. Tomchek/1907-1944 Tombstone

TOMES: [L-26-1]-Baby Tomes (fetus)/bur Aug 13, 2015 Tombstone

TOMLIN: [W2-130-4]-[Leo Elmer Tomlin/bur. 10-20-1889/age 3 mo./cause: pneumonia]

TOMLINSON: [E2-92-2]-George M. Tomlinson/July 13, 1900/Feb. 10, 1974 Tombstone [E2-92-2]-Mary Tomlinson/1877-1952 Tombstone

TOMPKINS: [A-14-6]-[Dr. Thos. B. Tompkins/d. 09-10-1944/age 77 yrs.] [L-31-5]-Jillian Jay (baby) Tompkins-Krueger/June 30, 1997 [T-35-8]-Harold Melvin Tompkins/Dec. 17, 1908/Oct. 25, 1983 [T-37-10]-Henry L./Father/1871-1958, ossw: [T-37-10]-Matena H./Mother/1878-1951

TOMPSON: [Unk]-[Baby Tompson/bur. 02-13-1873] No Tombstone [Unk]-[Mrs. Tompson/bur. 04-07-1873] [Unk]-[?? Tompson/bur. 06-25-1873] [Unk]-[?? Tompson/bur. 02-05-1878] No Tombstone [Unk]-[Christian Tompson/bur. 08-17-1879] No Tombstone [Unk]-[?? Tompson/bur. 01-09-1880/age 2 yrs.] [Unk]-[Mr. Tompson/bur.04-19-1880] [E-20-4]-Harry R. Tompson/Mar. 7, 1918/Jan. 20, 1991 Tombstone [E-20-4]-Leah D. Tompson/Jan. 21, 1921/Feb. 24, 2008 Tombstone [W2-132-2]-[Christ Tompson/bur. 04-09-1873] No Tombstone

TOMSON: [Unk]-[?? Tomson/bur. 11-05-1886/age 6 mo.] [Unk]-[Mrs. Tomson/bur. 12-25-1886]

TOOMBS: [Unk]-[?? Toombs/bur. 09-09-1877] No Tombstone [Child might not have surname of Toombs/Burial register has "buried the child of Mr. Towms s in la $1.25/I'm assuming it's the child of the son in law of Mr. Toombs.] [B-20-1]-Joseph W. Toombs/Oct. 17, 1826/Febr. 5, 1891 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-1]-Sarah M. Toombs/Nov. 10, 1819/Oct. 22/1891 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-1]-Alice S. Toombs/June 23, 1849/Feb. 12, 1862 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-1]-Malcolm T. Willis/Oct. 4, 1886/March 12, 1891 Tombstone [B-20-1]-Footstones: Malcolm/Mother/Father/Alice [J.W. Toombs owned 2 back-to-back lots (B-20-1 and B-20-2). The large tree monument is in the middle. On B-20-1 are the 4 burials listed above and a footstone for Malcolm Willis. The other 3 footstones are on lot 2 and are Mother (Georgiana Willis), Father (Frank Willis), and Alice (Mary Alice Findlater). None of the footstones are for the Toombs.]

TOOMS: [L-32-3]-[Henry Tooms/bur. 12-31-1892/age 33 yrs./cause: epileptic convulsions]

TOPIC: [Unk]-[Anton Topic/bur. 04-09-1869] [Unk]-[A. (Dobitz) Topic/bur. 06-07-1872] [Unk]-[A. (Dobitz) Topic/bur. 06-12-1872] [Unk]-[Anton Topic/bur. 06-28-1874] Photo (NOTE: This photo is also posted on findagrave for Anton Topic d. 1898. One is wrong) [D-22-3]-Josephine [Mrs. Anton] Topic/1839-1874 [bur. 07-05-1874] Tombstone/Photo [D-22-3]-Anton Topic/1833-1898 (NOTE: This photo is also posted on findagrave for Anton Topic d. 1874. One is wrong) Tombstone [D-22-3]-John F. Topic/1879-1954 Tombstone [G-2-16]-Joseph C. Topic/1881-1957 Tombstone [G-2-16]-Hattie [C.] VITS Topic/1883-1972 Tombstone [G-2-16]-Edith Mary Topic/1915-1924 Tombstone See MEYER See STIRN

TOPP: [V-34-8]-Elmer J. Topp/1908-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [V-34-8]-Florence A. Topp/Mar. 19, 1911/Jan. 20, 1987 Tombstone

TORRES-ORNELAS: [L-26-1]-Reymundo (fetus) Torres-Ornelas/d. Apr. 23, 2004 Tombstone

TORRISON: NOTE: SOME OF THE TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS HERE HAVE THE DAY AND MONTH BACKWARD I.E. JAN. 24 (1-24) WOULD BE 24-1. [Unk]-[(Baby) Torrison/bur. 09-05-1865] [Unk]-[?? Torrison/bur. 10-01-1870] [Unk]-[Emily Torrison/bur. 02-26-1871] [Unk]-[Mrs. Torrison/bur. 09-11-1881] [Unk]-[Mr. Torrison/bur. 12-12-1883] [Unk]-[Gunder Torrison/bur. 11-14-1886] (Ole Torrison/d. 30 Jan. 1861/confirmed 30 Dec. 1860/Lutheran/from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) [A-40-1]-[(no name boy) Torrison/bur. 07-14-1885] [A-40-1]-[Margaret Torrison/bur. 01-24-1892] No Tombstone [A-40-1]-[Thomas E. Torrison/10.10.1855/30.8.1918 Photo Home Tombstone [A-40-1]-Anker O. Torrison/Jan. 28, 1886/July 28, 1975 Tombstone [A-40-1]-Jorgine Torrison/Nee TOSTENSON/Sept. 20, 1858/Jan. 10, 1947 Tombstone [A-40-1]-Thomas Esaias Torrison/10.10.1855-30.8.1928 [B-21-4]-Torrison family stone [B-21-4]-Osuld Torrison/Born in Heirefos Norway/March 6,1828 Died at Manitowoc, Wis./Nov. 3, 1892 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-4]-Martha FINDAL Torrison/Born Dec. 2, 1834/at Bamle, Norway/Died Mar. 3, 1925 Tombstone Osuld/Martha, ossw: [B-21-4]-Gustav Hagbart Torrison/11-10-1866 - 3-10-1922 Photo, ossw: [B-21-4]-Tillamandt Torrison/26-7-1870 - 11-2-1930, ossw: [B-21-3]-Aaron Julius Torrison/24-12-1871 - 21-4-1941 [B-21-3]-Agnes D. Torrison/July 31, 1885/July 15, 1974 Tombstone Gustav/Tilla/Aaron/Agnes, ossw: [B-21-3]-Agnes Torrison STEWART/4-5-1876/21-1-1935 (See STEWART-have obit), ossw: [B-21-3]-Charles Crawford STEWART/8-10-1869 - 22-11-1941 (See STEWART-have obit), ossw: [B-21-3]-William Loren Torrison/1 Dec. 1872/19 Mar. 1944, ossw: [B-21-3]-Norman Godfred Torrison/9-8-1868 - 24-3-1944 Tombstone Agnes/Charles/William/Norman [B-37-3]-Louise KOEHLER Torrison/Mar. 5, 1865/Dec. 14, 1934, ossw: [B-37-3]-Thorval Torrison/Mar. 24, 1866/Dec. 4, 1943, ossw: [B-37-3]-Arline Torrison/Sept. 29, 1892/Dec. 21, 1960 Tombstone Tombstone Louise/Thorval/Arline, ossw: [B-37-3]-John F.A. KOEHLER/Dec. 29, 1828/Dec. 5, 1903 (See KOEHLER-have obit), ossw: [B-37-3]-Friedericka KOEHLER/His wife/Jan. 13, 1840/Feb. 13, 1923 (See KOEHLER-have obit), next to: [B-37-3]-Footstones: Mother/Father/Arline/Father/Mother [D-37-3]-Gustie TREPTOW/Nee Torrison (See TREPTOW-have obit), ossw: [D-37-3]-Edward C. TREPTOW/1898-1969 (See TREPTOW-have obit) [D-37-3]-[Harmenia Torrison/bur. 05-02-1901/age 27 yrs./female] Minnie Neils TORRISON/1876-1903 Tombstone [E2-9-4]-[Baby Torrison/bur. 11-23-1892/stillborn] [E2-18-4]-Harry Torrison/1883-1911 Tombstone [E2-18-4]-Webster 0. Torrison/1886-1912 Tombstone [E2-18-4]-Marcus L. Torrison/1888-1909 Tombstone [E2-18-4]-Mary C. Torrison/1883-1911 [E2-18-4]-[Laura Torrison/bur. 01-17-1938] [E2-18-4]-[Theodore Torrison/d. 08-14-1945 at Pierce Hosp., Tacoma, WA] [E2-51-5]-[George Torrison/bur. 1861] [E2-51-5]-[Baby Torrison/bur. 11-30-1898] No Tombstone [E2-62-1]-Aase Torrison/wife of M.M. JORGENSON/Febr. 22, 1871/aged/29 yrs. 7 ms. 28 Ds. Tombstone [E2-62-1]-Footstone: A.J. George Andreas/Infant son of Osuld & Martha/Torrison/Born Aug. 17, 1863/died Aug. 10, 1864 [G-3-2]-Erikka L. Torrison/1848-1924 Tombstone [G-3-2]-Gunder Torrison/1837-1924 Tombstone [I-28-6]-Rev. Adolf BREDESEN/Oct. 25, 1850-Nov. 17, 1913, ossw: [I-28-6]-Inanda Torrison BREDESEN/Sept. 22, 1857-Jan. 20, 1914 (See BREDESEN-have obit) [R-23-9]-Minnie Torrison GLANDER, next to: See GLANDER/JONAS [T-32-2]-Jennie Torrison/1880-1949 Tombstone [T-32-2]-Milton S. Torrison/1876-1957 [d. 07-27-1957/age 81 yrs./cause: arteriosclerotic heart disease] Tombstone [U-3-3]-Walter Elmer/1883-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [U-3-3]-Sophia B./1887-1971 Tombstone [U-29-1]-Terry/1949-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-1]-Vera Jean/1921-2013 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-1]-Goodnow S. "Goody" Torrison/Oct. 29, 1918/July 28, 2005 Tombstone [W2-130-1]-[Nils Torrison/bur. 09-28-1890/age 3 yrs./cause: bronchitis] [W2-163-3]-[Sophia Minerva Torrison/bur. 07-16-1879] [W2-163-3]-[Stev. Torrison/bur. 08-14-1880/age 1 yr/cause: diptheria] [W2-163-3]-[Clara Amanda Torrison/bur. 12-09-1889] No Tombstone [W2-163-3]-[Stephen Torrison/bur. 07-22-1890/age 56 yrs.] Tombstone [W2-163-3]-[Mary E. Torrison/bur. 1-17-1916] [W2-199-1]-Mary Torrison/Sept. 16, 1915-Oct. 2, 1973 Tombstone [W2-199-1]-John W. Torrison/Apr. 13, 1903/Oct. 26, 1966 Tombstone [W2-217-2]-Mathilda Torrison/1876-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-217-2]-Arthur C./1880-1942 Tombstone See Thorison

TORSCH: [W-1-9]-Paul W. Torsch/May 21, 1986/Aug 30, 2018 Photo

TOSTEN: [P-26-4]-Chester/Father/1901-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [P-26-4]-Julia/Mother/1902-1949 Tombstone [Q-1A-1]-Joan J. Tosten/Nov. 1, 1929/Aug. 29, 2008 Tombstone/Obituary, ossw: [Q-1A-1]-Donald N. Tosten/Jan. 15, 1931 Tombstone Evelyn Tosten/Dec. 31, 1924/May 8, 2014 Tombstone/Obituary See STOCKMEIER

TOSTENSEN: (Note: These stones have the European format for the dates; day-month-year) [W-163-4]-Jesse Tostensen/19-5-1883/29-6-1900, next to: [W-163-4]-Amanda Tostensen/27-1-1881/2-6-1888, next to: [W-163-4]-Karl Tostensen/22-8-1873/7-8-1886 [Aug 22, 1873/Aug. 7, 1886] Tombstone, next to: [W-163-4]-Ragnild Tostensen/31-8-1837/10-3-1879 [Mrs. Tosten Tostenson/bur. 03-12-1879], next to: [W2-13-4]-Tosten Tostensen/20-9-1832/18-11-1921, next to: [W2-13-4]-Mary Tostensen/29-9-1848/27-4-1926

TOSTENSON: [E2-69-2]-Tosten Tostenson [Toston TOSTONSON]/July 14, 1829/May 20, 1898 [cause: paralysis], ossw: [E2-69-2]-Marit/wife of Tosten Tostenson/May 18, 1837/June 5, 1901 Tombstone Tosten/Marit Tombstone Tosten/Marit See TORRISON

TOSTON: [M-3-8]-Ronald E. Toston/Nov. 14, 1938/Oct. 8, 2015 Tombstone


TOUHEY: [E-26-3]-Leo J. Touhey, Sr./Jan. 23, 1899/July 12, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-3]-Sophie V. Touhey/Apr. 23, 1902/Aug. 23, 1993 Tombstone Leo/Sophie [F-22-1]-[Mary Jane Touhey/bur 12-31-1924] Tombstone [W2-233-5]-Leo J. Touhey, Jr./1922-2010 Tombstone [W2-233-5]-Loris M. Houghton Touhey/1924-2011 Tombstone

TOWELRY: [C-27-1]-[Baby Towelry/bur. 10-01-1892]

TOWN: [T-23-9]-Gertrude M./D. Oct. 31, 1963, ossw: [T-23-9]-Frank E./D. Dec. 2, 1947

TOWSLEY: [C-27-1]-Juliet Towsley/1898-1899 Tombstone, next to: [C-27-1]-Eben & Edna/Towsley/1896-1897 Tombstone [E2-40-6]-Infant dau of H & F Towsley [Baby Towsley is buried on the F.A. Bean lot] [S-46-3]-Richard L. Towsley/Father/Mar. 22, 1909/Jan. 5, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [S-46-3]-Elizabeth F. Towsley/Mother/Aug. 3, 1911/Dec. 12, 1979/Nee WHITAKER Tombstone, ossw: [S-46-3]-Diane W. HERMANN/Daughter/1932-1975/nee Towsley Tombstone, next to: [S-46-3]-Viola KANTER Towsley/1903-1945 Tombstone [S-48-2]-Robert B./Father/1868-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-2]-Mary K./Mother/1873-1933 Tombstone [U-38-6]-Geraldine MYERS Towsley/nee PFEFFER/Aug 10, 1911/Jun 27, 2003 Tombstone Back to Top