City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin

Location: The cemetery is bounded by 18th Street on the East, Revere Drive on the Southeast, Prospect Ave. and Michigan Ave. on the North, and by the Chicago & Northwestern R.R. on the West and Southwest. Burials go back to about 1847, and the cemetery is maintained in excellent condition. It contains over 20,000 burials, and because of the size, the transcription was being done one section at a time, with the oldest section being done first. This section was transcribed on five different days in June and July 1976 by Dick and Carol Cote of the Wisconsin State Old Cemetery Society. The balance of the cemetery was copied in the summers of 1980 through 1983 by members of the Manitowoc Old Cemetery Society. A special thanks to Marcie Baer for lending me her copy for these pages. I have the cemetery computer records. They will be enclosed in brackets [ ] Other sources will be enclosed in parenthesis ( ).
Updated by the Manitowoc Genealogy Society, 2006, added to this site Nov. 2010.

A brief history of Evergreen Cemetery

Maps of Evergreen

(NOTE: The maps are pdf. files so wait for them to load..much better than what I had, you can click on a section and enlarge with the magnifier at the top of the page.)

Evergreen Cemetery Burial Search

[ B ] [ BE ] [ BI ] [ BR ] [ BU ] [ C ] [ CI ] [ D ] [ DI ][ E ] [ F ] [ FO ] [ G ] [ GO ] [ H ] [ HAN ] [ HE ] [ HI ] [ HR ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ KH ] [ KO ] [ KR ] [ L ] [ LI ] [ M ] [ ME ] [ MI ] [ MO ] [ N ] [ NO ] [ O ] [ P ] [ PF ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ RI ] [ S ] [ SCHI ] [ SCHO ] [ SCHW ] [ SI ] [ SM ] [ SQ ] [ STO ] [ T ] [ TI ] [ TR ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ WE ] [ WI ] [ X-Y ] [ Z ]

There is a list of miscellaneous stones at the end of "Z"

Today's definitions of diseases of the 1800's

Another site for definitions of diseases


[E2-73-2]-Iver Olsen Aaberg/dod 11 Febr 1870/64 Aar Tombstone    

AARHUS: [E-34-2]-[Marie Helen Aarhus/5 Mar 1914/23 Sep 1997 Photo [I-11-6]-Astrid Aarhus/1913-1936 Tombstone

AASTAD: [G-3-2]-Inga G. Aastad/1875-1937 Tombstone [G-3-2]-Isaac Aastad/1865-1937 Tombstone [K-18-2]-Emma AASTAD Meisnest/1872-1958 (see Meisnest/have obit) Tombstone [K-18-2]-Amund Aastad/1871-1918 Tombstone [K-18-2]-[Ralph H. Aastad/born 3/22/1910/died 5/9/1962] [W2-129-1]-Martha K. Aastad/Mother/Oct 16, 1830/Mar 30, 1905 Tombstone, next to: [W2-129-1]-Hannah C. Aastad/Sister/Feb 27, 1876/Apr 3, 1890 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Karen A.[Carrie] Aastad/Sister/Oct 7, 1866/May 20, 1887 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Christen Aastad/Father/Mar 20, 1820/Feb 29, 1884 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Ingeborg M. Aastad/Sister/Nov 6, 1863/Dec 13, 1872 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Amund Aastad/Brother/Aug 11, 1861/Aug 12, 1871 Tombstone [Amund Astat/bur. 04-21-1872/age 10 yrs.] see MEISNEST

ABBOTT: [E2-28-2]-Morris E. Abbott/son of EL & LM Abbott/died Jul 28, 1852/AE 8 yrs 11ms Tombstone

ABEGGLEN: [L-26-1]-Baby Abegglen/5-17-2004/5-17-2004 [W2-112-4]-Steffani Marie Abegglen/Jun 11, 1976/Dec 3, 2006 Tombstone + Photo

ABEL: [Unk]-[August Abel/bur. 06-28-1877] [G-7-16]-Clara Abel/1880-1942 Tombstone [G-7-16]-Ida Abel/1878-1968 Tombstone [H-5-3]-Carl Abel/Geboren/29 Marz 1822/gestorben 14 Juni 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [H-5-3]-Wilhelmina Abel/geb 29 Jan 1828/gest 9 Dec 1908 [H-5-3]-Caroline Abel/1854-1928 Tombstone [H-5-3]-August Abel/1851-1927 Tombstone [L-1-8]-[Arlene Abel/bur. 04-11-1922/age 9 yrs/cause: convulsions] [S-52-2]-Albert G. Abel/1893-1925 Tombstone [S-52-2]-William Abel/Captain 2 Wis Inf/Dec 14, 1942 Tombstone [S-52-2]-Ida Abel/1860-1939 Tombstone [S-52-2]-Walter C. Abel/Wis/Major 127 Infantry Div/WWI/Aug 28, 1882/Aug 18, 1959 Tombstone [S-52-2]-Alice B. Abel/1889-1955 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone [U-12-6]-Clarence Abel/Mar 23, 1905/Dec 19, 1990 Tombstone">Tombstone, ossw: [U-12-6]-Elizabeth Abel/1902-1957 Tombstone [U-28-10]-Agnes R. GLAESER Abel/Jul 27, 1904/Apr 8, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [U-28-10]-Bernard GLAESER/1908-1965 Tombstone

ABENDSCHEIN: [B-22-2]-Olga P. Abendschein/nee FEHRING/1892-1975 Tombstone [B-22-2]-Arthur L. Abendschein/1887-1956 Tombstone [I-27-3]-Edwin H. Abendschein/1894-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [I-27-3]-Winifred H. Abendschein/Dec 26, 1899/Mar 9, 1976 (War vet flag) Tombstone + Photo

ABI: (Mabel O. Abi/d 6 Aug 1879/age 9 mo/cause cholera infantum/from St James Episc church record)

ABITZ: [A-5-4]-[William Abitz/bur. 02-28-1903/age 71 yrs.] [A-5-4]-Albertine Abitz/Gattin von W. Abitz/Gebne TEGGE zu Mudach/ bei Amlam Pommern/15 Mai 1840/Gest. 27 Dez 1896 Tombstone

ABRAMOVICH: [S-43-41]-Dorothy E. Abramovich/Jan 26, 1934/May 17, 1986 Tombstone [S-43-41]-David Abramovich/Mar 27, 1926/Mar 18, 2010 Tombstone

ABRAHAMSON: [Unk]-[?? Abrahamson/bur. 01-09-1871] [Unk]-[?? Abrahamson/bur. 04-02-1874] [Unk]-[?? Abrahamson/bur. 02-23-1875/child]

ACEVEDO: Kathryn M. Acevedo/Jan 18, 1986/Nov 24, 2021 Photo

ACHENBACH: [E2-46-2]-Elisabeth Achenbach/geb. den 31, Aug/1856/gest. den 24, April [1860]/(rest of the date underground) Tombstone [E2-46-2]-J. Achenbach/Sohn von/Tod geb'n/am 20 Marz 1861 Tombstone [W2-176-2]-Adam Achenbach/1811-1882 Tombstone [W2-176-2]-[Mrs.]Elisabeth Achenbach/1815-[01-20-1881] Tombstone [W2-176-2]-Heinrich Achenbach [Henry]/1810-[bur. 07-11-1880] Tombstone [W2-176-2]-Henry Achenbach/1869-1927 Tombstone [W2-181-1]-Charles Achenbach/1884-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Edith Monroe Achenbach Hoover/Apr 1, 1890/Sep 19, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Jacob Achenbach/1838-1917 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Elizabeth Achenbach/1849-1934 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Jacob Achenbach/Geb 5 Mai 1838/Gest 13 Mar 1917 Tombstone [W2-181-1]-[Mina Achenbach/bur. 06-10-1880] Tombstone


ACKER: [I-18-3]-Flora E. Acker/Mother/1896-1949 Tombstone [I-18-3]-[Charles A. Acker/Dec 18, 1887/24 May 1980/age 92 yrs] Tombstone [I-18-3]-Emma E. Acker/Mother/1853-1942 Tombstone see BERRES

ACKERMANN: [P-33-3]-Max H. Ackermann/1906-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-3]-Lulu Ackermann/nee GRANT/1900/Sept. 25, 1990/BASSMAN [d. 09-25-1990 at Sheboygan WI/ age 90 yrs./cremains/widow of Adolph Bassman/widow of Max Ackermann] Tombstone

ACKLEY: [L-30-1]-Brian Ackley/Nov 3, 1961/Mar 18, 1965 [space #361] Tombstone [L-30-2]-Steven Ackley/Jun 3, 1954/Nov 15, 1954 [space #301] Tombstone

ADAMS: [D-35-2]-Rose PILGER Adams/1864-1929 Tombstone [D-39-1]-Beatrice Adams [bur. 04-20-1901/age 2 mo.] Footstone [D-39-1]-Margaret T. Adams/Jul 27, 1856/Oct 13, 1910/Mother Tombstone [D-39-1]-Thomas Adams/1861-1940 Tombstone [D-39-1]-Mary SPENCER Adams/1864-1942 Tombstone [D-39-1]-Thomas J. Adams/1896-1954 (U.S. War Vet marker) Tombstone [D-39-1]-Grace A. Adams/1904-2005 Tombstone [E-9-7]-Samuel J. Adams/3-18-1897/3-4-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [E-9-7]-Tillie C. Adams/Oct 21, 1907/Feb 23, 1999 Tombstone [E-10-3]-Richard S. Adams/May 31, 1939/Dec 18, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [E2-27-2]-F.W. Adams/Born Charleston, N.H./Sep 9, 1819/died Mar 4, 1860 Tombstone [F-4-2]-Edward J. Adams/1893-1965 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-2]-Julia E. Adams/1894-1958 Tombstone [I-1-10]-Donald H. Adams/1900-1950 [I-1-10]-Hallie M. Adams/1899-1979 [L-32-9]-John E. Adams/-Oct. 28, 1937- Tombstone [P-2-4]-Emma Adams/1884-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [P-2-4]-Alexander Adams/1884-1946 Tombstone [R-20-4]-Frank R. Adams/Aug 27, 1968/Aug 15, 1995 Tombstone [T-19-7]-Louis Adams/1900-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [T-19-7]-Emma Adams/May 15, 1902/Feb. 28, 1984 Tombstone [T-19-7]-Paul L. Adams/Son/PFC/28th Marian 5th Div. WWII/Nov 2, 1923/Mar 2, 1945 Tombstone + Photo [W2-147-3]-Irma WITTMAN Adams/1886-1975 Tombstone

ADAMSKI: [Y-5-35]-Clara Louise Adamski/Aug 9, 1916/Jan 23, 2006 Tombstone [Y-5-35]-Peter Henry Adamski/Dec 29, 1924/Apr 7, 2005 Tombstone see BLOOM

ADAMSON: [L-20-2]-[Nels Adamson/bur. 11-24-1914/cause: heart failure]

ADE: [T-38-6]-Ralph Ade/1899-1972 Marker

ADELMANN: / ADELMAN: [R-38-6]-Daughter Adelmann/Nov 28-30, 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-6]-Hilary L. Adelmann/11-28-1925/11-7-1989 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-6]-Blanche M. Adelmann/2-10-1900/1-1-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-6]-Leo G. Adelmann/Jan 21, 1899/Aug 16, 1989 Tombstone [Y-5-37]-John Theodore Adelmann/Feb 14, 1942/Jan 29, 1987 Tombstone

ADKINS: [W]-William R. Adkins/Oct 21, 1940/Feb 26, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

ADLER: [O-8-3]-Harland A. Adler/1912-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [O-8-3]-Linda S. Adler/1897-1917 Tombstone [O-23-6]-George C. Adler/1898-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [O-23-6]-Arline Adler/1898-1966 Tombstone [P-26-6]-Adolph Adler/Father/1860-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [P-26-6]-Augusta Adler/Mother/1865-1942 Tombstone [V-15-9]-Robert C. Adler/Dec 23, 1927/Jan 5, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-9]-Mary A./1928-2010 Tombstone Carol M. Adler/Jul 9, 1928/Mar 11, 2023 Tombstone + Photo

ADOCHIO: [S-43-90]-Deborah A. Adochio/1954/May 2, 2016

ADRAKTIS: [U-33-3]-[Anest A. Adraktis/d. 03-15-1956/removed to Wildwood cemetery Sheboygan WI 5/9/1978] Tombstone [V-16-3]-Nickolas [A.] Adraktis/1899-1972 Tombstone

AFFELD: [D-10-2]-Emilie Affeld/6 Apr 1863/22 Sep 1901 Tombstone, ossw: [D-10-2]-August Affeld/5 Mar 1852/25 Apr 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [D-10-2]-Emma Affeld/1872-1957 Tombstone

AHLGREEN: [L-13-6]-[Baby Ahlgreen/bur. 03-08-1906/stillborn]

AHLMANN: [V-15-5]-Hugo A. Ahlmann/Jun 20, 1893/Sep 15, 1985 Tombstone, ossw [V-15-5]-Molly Ahlmann/1-3-1897/4-25-1987 Tombstone

AHLSWEDE: [P-27-10]-Rose Ahlswede/Mother/1886-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-10]-Benjamin Ahlswede/Father/1884-1941 Tombstone [P-32-6]-Charles Ahlswede/1880-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-6]-Minnie Ahlswede/1882-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-6]-Elmer C. Ahlswede/1913-1957 (war vet flag) Tombstone [R-18-2]-Arthur Ahlswede/1903-1932 Tombstone [R-18-2]-Estelle H. Ahlswede EULERT/1909-1992 Tombstone [T-3-11]-Lester C. Ahlswede/Dec 4, 1920/Feb 19, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [T-3-11]-Lois Ahlswede HORINE/nee NAIDL/Dec 15, 1924/Jul 28, 2022 Tombstone [U-31-2]-August Ahlswede/1885-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [U-31-2]-Emma Ahlswede/1891-1953 Tombstone see EULERT


AHRENS: [E-14-2]-Walter M. "Wally" Ahrens/Nov 10, 1932/Nov 30, 2014 Photo [E-21-6]-Clifford R. Ahrens Sr./Aug 27, 1910/Nov 6, 1989 Tombstone [E-21-6]-Laverne Emma Ahrens/Dec 19, 1913/Feb 9, 2003 Tombstone + Photo [E-41-4]-Walter A. Ahrens/Sep 6, 1904/Jun 11, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [E-41-4]-Anne M. Ahrens/Jun 16, 1908/Jun 17, 1997 Tombstone [I-24-4]-Wesley W. Ahrens/1903-1913 Tombstone + Photo [I-24-4]-Harry H. Ahrens/1888-1918 (war vet flag holder) Tombstone + Photo [I-24-4]-Gladys L. Ahrens/1912-1974 Tombstone [I-24-4]-Richard W. Ahrens/Apr 23, 1892/Feb 2, 1983 Tombstone [I-24-4]-Ottilie Ahrens/Mother/1859-1931 Tombstone [I-24-4]-August F. Ahrens/Father/1859-1941 Tombstone [L-1-10]-Twin daughters/W. & J. Ahrens/-Mar 27, 1926- Tombstone [P-19-6]-William J. Ahrens Sr./1866-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [P-19-6]-Anna Ahrens/1861-1957 Tombstone [T-9-4]-Edward A. Ahrens/1885-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [T-9-4]-Ida Ahrens/1894-1963 Tombstone [T-17-1]-Mae Ahrens/1912-1964 Marker [Y-4-1]-Barbara A. Ahrens/Jun 1, 1937/Jan 15, 2022 Photo see CHADEK

AKGULIAN: Anthony Akgulian/May 11, 1939/Feb 1, 2023 Photo


ALBA: [Unk]-[?? Alba/bur. 03-22-1875]

ALBEE: [T-16-9]-Lena B. Albee/2-19-1902/1-9-1978 Tombstone [W2-158-3]-Jane S. Albee/1862-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-3]-George H. Albee/1853-1908 Tombstone [W2-158-4]-Elizabeth Mary Albee/wife of J Albee/died Jan 9, 1872/AE 61 yrs 10 ms Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-4]-Frederick J. Albee/son of J & EM Albee/died Dec 22, 1862/AE 18 yrs 11 ms Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-4]-Ann Cordelia/___/Ed RAND/died Febr 22 1870/AE 30 yrs. 6 mos Tombstone [W2-158-4]-James Albee/1818-Sep 1889 (no apparent inscription) Tombstone

ALBERSKI: [E-44-2]-Joseph J. Alberski, Sr./Jan 9, 1919/May 12, 1987 Tombstone

ALBERT: [Unk]-[John Albert/bur. 06-23-1881/child] [L]-William Albert/d. 1887 [O-25-5]-Elmer Albert/Feb 24 1919/Jul 31, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [O-25-5]-Eleanor Albert/Apr 9, 1919/Apr 27, 1991 Tombstone

ALBERTS: [R-7-13]-Irwin N. Alberts/Mar 22, 1899/Nov 8, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [R-7-13]-Dorothy L. Alberts/Nov 6, 1898/Nov 7, 1971 Tombstone

ALBRECHT: [E2-9-5]-[George Albrecht, Jr./bur. 01-16-1894/age 36 yrs] Tombstone [E2-9-5]-[Catherine Albrecht/bur. 01-23-1903/age 83 yrs] Tombstone [E2-9-5]-[Hans C. Albrecht/bur. 04-02-1906/age 81 yrs] Tombstone [E2-9-6]-George W. Albrecht/died Sep 26, 1855/Aged __ Tombstone [L-13-6]-[Cerial Albrecht/bur 09-10-1906/age 7 mo] No Tombstone [P-10-5]-Arthur W. Albrecht/Dec 29, 1921/Feb 1, 2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [P-10-5]-Ruth M. Albrecht/Nov 18, 1921/Apr 27, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [P-10-5]-Kurt Arthur Albrecht/Mar 7, 1953/Apr 4, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [R-35-9]-Robert M. Albrecht/Apr 6, 1926/Dec 17, 1926 Tombstone, next to: [R-35-9]-Arthur F. Albrecht/Sep 30, 1888/Feb 28, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [R-35-9]-Mathilda R. Albrecht/7-27-1888/12-17-1976 Tombstone [R-35-9]-Clarence E. Albrecht/Jul 29, 1919/May 30, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [R-35-9]-Virginia A. Albrecht/Mar 14, 1922/Dec 4, 1992 Tombstone [R-35-9]-Vernon R. Albrecht/Oct 20, 1927/Jan 25, 2006 Tombstone [R-35-10]-Ernestine Albrecht/Mother/Nov. 10, 1861/May 25, 1944 Tombstone [R-35-10]-Conrad Albrecht/Father/Jul 23, 1843/Jan 14, 1928 Tombstone [U-22-4]-Victor M. Albrecht/Oct 31, 1901/Oct 10, 1995 at Milwaukee WI Tombstone [V-30-4]-Arnold H. Albrecht/1914-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [V-30-4]-Elizabeth [M.]"Betty" Albrecht/9-11-1915/7-1-2001 Tombstone + Photo [V-30-4]-Robert D. Albrecht/Jul 30, 1937/Apr 9, 2017 Photo [W2-208-1]-Caroline Albrecht/Geb. BURWITZ/geboren 21 Juni 1797/starb/14 Nov 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Emilie Albrecht/geboren 7 Feb 1843/starb 6 Dec 1923 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Albert WITTENBERG/geboren 25 Aug 1825/starb 3 Jan 1893/Aus Ueckmnd Preussen Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Johanna WITTENBERG/Geb'ne Albrecht/16 Dec 1822/Gest 13 Jan 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Adolph BRAXMEIER/1875-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Ella BRAXMEIER/1877-1945 Tombstone see BRAXMEIER see WITTENBERG

ALBRIGHT: [A-24-5]-[Otto Albright/bur. 10-19-1891/age 4 yrs./cause: peritonitis] [A-24-5]-John Albright/1850-1901/Father Tombstone [A-24-5]-Sophia Albright/1859-1928/Mother Tombstone [A-24-5]-Louis Joseph Albright/1885-1906 Tombstone see EBERHARDT

ALBRITS: [Unk]-[Tosset Albrits/child/bur. 08-28-1877] No Tombstone [The burial register appears to say "buried the child of Mrs. Fosset, Albritz lot $1"; otherwise, it could be child of Mrs. Fosset Albritz but then the word lot still follows the name and wouldn't make sense (child of Mrs. Fosset Albritz lot). I definitely think it is Fosset instead of Tosset though based on his other capital F's and T's. Unfortunately, I don't show an Albritz/Albrits being a lot owner or burial here. The Albright lot I have was purchased later than 1877. The Albritz/Albrits lot may have either been quit claimed to someone else or repossessed in 1951 due to non-payment of annual care.

ALDER: [B-40-4]-James W. Alder/1873-1958 Tombstone [B-40-4]-Linda KUNZ Alder/1883-1961 Tombstone

ALDRICH: [D-32-1]-Henry A. Aldrich/Jun 25, 1835/Apr 10, 1902 (Civil War vet) Tombstone, ossw: [D-32-1]-Mary L. Aldrich/Apr 12, 1844/Nov 18, 1900 Tombstone [D-32-1]-H.A. Aldrich/Co D 27th Wis Inf Tombstone

ALECKSEN: [E2-12-3]-Richard Alecksen/Nov 25, 1932/Apr 29, 2022 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-12-3]-Betty K. Alecksen/Jul 16, 1934/Nov 6, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [E2-12-3]-Lars T. Alecksen/Jan 1, 1961/Aug 28, 2012 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-12-3]-Doria Alecksen/nee HUGGINS/Mar 15, 1962/Apr 23, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-12-3]-Erica Paige Alecksen/Jan 30, 1991/Jul 8, 2012 Cenotaph + Photo [R-20-8]-Talmadge [G.] Alecksen/Aug 19, 1907/Aug 27, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-8]-Millie Alecksen/Feb 6, 1908/May 19, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-8]-Donna Jean Alecksen/1929-1930 Tombstone [R-20-8]-Georgina Alecksen/1879-1942 Tombstone [R-20-8]-Lars Alecksen/1869-1928 Tombstone [R-20-8]-David Alecksen/Feb 16, 1943/Aug 11, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-8]-Vernon R. Alecksen/Oct 14, 1915/Jul 20, 1991 Tombstone + Photo, ossw [R-20-8]-Ruth Caroline Alecksen/Apr 15, 1910/Jan 25, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [R-20-8]-Karen Glee Alecksen/Nov 1, 1944/Nov 26, 1999 Tombstone [R-20-8]-James Henry Alecksen/Sep 19, 1953/Feb 13, 2018 Photo


ALFREDSON: [E-2-12]-Shirley Alfredson/1925-1962 Tombstone [U-11-7]-Ruben Alfredson/1910-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [U-11-7]-Irene I. Alfredson/Feb 14, 1912/Oct 14, 1997 Tombstone

ALLEE: [V-22-1]-John C. Allee/1883-1968 ["Family said that name was Allee, but when the family came to U.S., they changed to Allen"] Tombstone John Allen

ALLEN: [B-3-4]-[Electa Smith ALAN/bur. 10-05-1892] Tombstone [D-20-4]-Lloyd [A.]Allen/1908-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [D-20-4]-Lillian M. Allen/Jun 6, 1899/Jan 1, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [D-20-4]-Lloyd A. Allen/Wisconsin/Cpl. U.S. Army/Feb 8, 1908/Feb 26, 1973 Tombstone [E2-5-5]-[Abraham Allen/bur. 11-05-1893/age 80 yrs./cause: old age] [E2-11-1]-Neal Allen/1848-1849 [This burial was moved here from another (unknown) location. The city bought the land for the cemetery in 1852 & our first burial was Judge Jeremiah Colby in May 1853] Tombstone [E2-11-1]-Emerson [Lyman] Allen/1856-1902 Tombstone [E2-11-1]-Margaret Allen/1819-1903 Tombstone [E2-11-1]-James Allen/1813-[bur. 05-01-1859]Tombstone [L-?-?]-[J. Allen/bur. 08-21-1876/burial register has buried Mr J Allen-juge-frie ground, $2.50] [L-31-10]-Baby [girl] Allen/-May 10, 1943- [stillborn/daughter of Adrian Allen] Tombstone [O-10-3]-George W. Allen/Father/1867-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [O-10-3]-Louise Allen/Mother/1874-1917 Tombstone [O-10-3]-Esther M. Allen/1901-1964 Tombstone [O-10-3]-Archie R. Allen/Wisc/PFC-Med Dept./WWI/Feb 24, 1896/Jan 28, 1969 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Mary Allen/Mother/1849-1918 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Albert Allen/Father/1850-1927 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Lillie Allen/Daughter/1875-1927 Tombstone [O-15-2]-[Howard Albert Allen/bur. 04-17-1914/cause: diarrha/bur. on Albert Allen lot] [O-15-2]-[Baby Allen/bur. 12-07-1914/cause: premature birth/bur. on Albert Allen lot] [O-15-2]-[Edward E Allen/bur. 01-11-1917] No Tombstone [O-15-2]-[James A. Allen/bur. 8-30-1927/cause: general debility/place of death: Neenah, WI/bur. on Albert Allen lot] [O-15-2]-[Baby Allen/bur. 12-08-1928/cause: premature birth/bur. on Edward S. Allen lot] [O-15-2]-Gertrude Allen/1889-1953 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Edward Allen/1884-1936 Tombstone [O-29-4]-[Glenn Roy Allen/bur. 1-4-1936/age 6 hrs./cause: premature/bur. on Charles A. Allen lot] [O-29-4]-Jane M. Allen/1913-1923 Tombstone [O-29-4]-Mabel F. Allen/1881-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [O-29-4]-Charles A. Allen/1874-1940 Tombstone Mabel/Charles [R-6-11]-Paul George Allen/Br 3 US Navy/WWII/Feb 18, 1920/Dec 14, 1978 Tombstone (note: he was disinterred from Knollwood #33 and moved here on 6/13/1995) [R-6-11]-Marjorie E. Franke Allen/Apr 23, 1923/Apr 25, 2009 Tombstone [S-46-9]-John [Edward] Allen/Brother/Jun 28, 1929/Apr 29, 1937 Tombstone [S-51-5]-Evelyn E. Allen/Jan 18, 1908/Jul 30, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [S-51-5]-Franklin T. Allen/Feb 24, 1912/Jun 24, 1976 Tombstone [U-16-8]-George I. Allen/Sep 21, 1910/Apr 29, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [U-16-8]-Alice Allen/July 9, 1917/16 Feb 16, 1985Tombstone Tombstone [U-27-4]-George C. Allen/1910-1956 Tombstone [U-27-4]-Clarence E. Allen/Feb 28, 1912/Jan 23, 1986 Tombstone [U-27-4]-Helen M. Allen/1912/Feb 7, 1996 Tombstone [U-27-7]-[Mary Helen Allen/d. 04-11-1955/stillborn] [W2-168-2]-[John] S. Allen/Co. K/27th Wis. Inf. Tombstone [John Allen/buried October 20, 1878/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tribune article 1897 [W2-168-2]-[Abraham Allen/bur. 12-08-1893/age 86 yrs./cause: old age] [W2-168-2]-[Martha Allen/bur. 07-20-1901/age 80 yrs.] [W2-231-1]-Frank B. Allen/Husband/May 13, 1891/Apr 14, 1954 Tombstone [W2-235-7]-Luhman Allen/1839-1920 Tombstone [W2-235-7]-Frederica [L.] Allen/1862-1939 Tombstone see ALLEE see GILES see PEASHEK

ALLERTON: [L-15-2]-[O.H. Allerton/bur.01-01-1899/age 50 yrs./cause: general debility]

ALLGER: [D-29-4]-Mary Allger/1863-1938 Tombstone [R-46-8]-James W. Allger/9 Jan 1913/6 Jul 1999 Tombstone [R-46-8]-Jane B. Allger/Jan 6, 1922/Mar 12, 2005 Tombstone

ALLIE: [E-12-6]-Claude Peter Allie/May 25, 1906/Nov 1, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [E-12-6]-Bernice Virginia Allie/Mar 24, 1910/Apr 12, 2003 Tombstone + Photo

ALLINSON: [L-6-2]-[John Allinson/bur. 08-05-1905] No Tombstone


ALLWARDT: [Unk]-[Baby (William) Allwardt, Jr./bur. 12-24-1882/child] [E-28-10]-Lester C. Allwardt/1901-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [E-28-10]-Virginia C. Allwardt/1902-1971 Tombstone [W2-207-3]-John Allwardt/1879-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-3]-Emma Allwardt/1880-1928 Tombstone [W2-207-4]-[Charles ALWART/bur. 09-10-1877/cause of death: miscarriage] [W2-207-4]-[Baby AHLWARDT/bur. 03-06-1907/age 2 mo./cause: congesture defects] Tombstone [W2-207-4]-Caroline Allwardt/Geb 4 Nov 1845/Gest 6 Aug 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Charles Allwardt/1873-1932, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Carl Allwardt/Geb.12 Aug 1838/Gest 18 Apr 1930 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Wilhelm Alvin Heinrich Allwardt/Geb 3 Mai 1881/gest 28 Jan 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Friederike Ida Johanna Allwardt/geb 11 Mar 1877/gest 11 Nov 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Louisa Sophia Johanna/tochter von/C. & C. ALLVERDT/geboren 5 Sep 1869/gestorben 30 Sep 1890 Tombstone

ALMSTAT: [Unk]-[?? Almstat/bur. 02-27-1878]

ALQUIST: [W-16-3]-Marjorie B. Alquist/May 17, 1914/Sep 8, 1996 Tombstone

ALSWEDE: [E2-3-7]-Richard Alswede/1893-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-7]-May Alswede/1888-1975 Tombstone

ALT: [B-39-2]-Stephen K. Alt/1950-1971 Tombstone [B-39-2]-[Baby Alt/bur. 2-19-1931] [B-39-4]-Harold C. Alt/Jan 5, 1908/Sep 25, 1997 Tombstone + Photo [B-39-4]-Josephine V. Alt/Dec 22, 1909/Dec 4, 1989 Tombstone [B-39-4]-Rosemary Alt/1928-2010 Tombstone [T-8-10]-Carl W. Alt/May 1, 1880/Mar 18, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-10]-Anna S. Alt/1885-1965 Tombstone

ALTER: [Unk]-[E. Alter/bur. 03-13-1873]-(infant) [A-29-3]-Minnie J. Alter/1869-1958 Tombstone [A-29-3]-Otto W. Alter/1859-1935 Tombstone [E2-13-1]-Caroline F.W.H. V. Alter/Gebne V KUTZLEMEN/Geb 19 Nov 1798/ Gest 21 Apr 1870/Groszmama Tombstone [E2-13-2]-[Carl Alter/d. unk] Tombstone [E2-13-2]-[Bruno Alter/d. unk] Tombstone [E2-13-2]-[Eugenia Alter/d. unk] [E. Alter/bur. 04-10-1873] [E2-13-2]-Eugen O.G. Alter/Born Apr 9, 1832/Died Jul 15, 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-13-2]-Margaret Alter/wife of Eugene Alter/Born Feb 3, 1840/Died Mar 26, 1920 Tombstone Margaret [E2-13-4]-Eugene G. Alter/1887-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-13-4]-Natalie V. Alter/Apr 19, 1887/Jan 30, 1989 Tombstone [E2-13-4]-Oscar A. Alter/1861-1945 Tombstone + Photo [E2-13-4]-Dora BEER Alter/1860-1919 Tombstone [F-11-4]-George H. Alter/Oct 24, 1896/Apr 14, 1993/WWI Vet. Tombstone, ossw: [F-11-4]-Elsie [P.] Alter/Mar 21, 1898/Aug 31, 1986 Tombstone [R-11-11]-Hattie Alter/nee GUTTMANN/1868-1958 Tombstone [R-11-11]-Gustav E. Alter/1863-1936 Tombstone [R-11-11]-Irma Alter/Mar. 4, 1899/Feb 12, 1976 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone [R-11-11]-Clarence Alter/1894-1972 (war vet flag) Tombstone [R-11-11]-Margaret Alter/Sep 8, 1932/Sep 17, 2024 Tombstone [R-11-12]-Mary MacKenzie Alter/1897-1934 Tombstone [R-11-12]-Fred L. Alter/1892-1972 (war vet flag) Tombstone + Photo see BACH

ALTERGOTT: [L-1-9]-Maria F. Altergott/8 Oct 1918/26 Feb 1922 Tombstone [L-1-12]-Leo G. Altergott/26 Juli 1920/17 Dec 1922 Tombstone [L-16-3]-Herbert Altergott/(no dates on stone) [bur. 04-26-1916] Tombstone [O-28-6]-Dorothy Altergott/Mother/1851-1926 Tombstone [O-28-6]-[Alexander Altergott/bur. 04-28-1918/age 8 mo] [O-28-6]-[Baby Altergott/d. 11-15-1946/bur. on Alex Altergott lot] Marker

ALTHEN: [G-8-3]-George F. Althen/1880-1951 Tombstone [G-8-3]-Martha MILLER Althen/1878-1947 Tombstone [R-14-11]-Bernice M. PETERSON Althen/Sep 10, 1908/Aug 8, 1977 Tombstone see PETERSON

ALTMAN: [R-41-3]-Alfred P. Altman/1882-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [R-41-3]-Rickie T. Altman/Jul 31, 1886/Aug 15, 1977 Tombstone [R-41-3]-Lamar C. Altman/Jul 1, 1913/May 5, 1983 Tombstone [S-47-12]-Lois E. Altman/Mar 17, 1927/Jan 27, 2001 Tombstone [W2-117-2]-Carl Altman/1848-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-117-2]-Augusta C. Altman/1850-1949 Tombstone

ALVORD: [T-9-1]-Guy E. Alvord/1889-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [T-9-1]-Addie L. Alvord/1886-1962 Tombstone


AMATANGELO: [E2-4-9]-Karen Amatangelo/1947-2011 Tombstone

AMBLER: [U-13-9]-Edgar Ambler/1906-1958 (War vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-9]-Leone E. Ambler/May 10, 1910/Sep 22, 1986 Tombstone [U-24-3]-Annie Ambler/1886-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [U-24-3]-Fred Ambler/1884-1960 Tombstone

AMBROGIO: [W2-235-3]-Dominic N. Ambrogio/1907-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-235-3]-Grace M. Ambrogio/Oct 9, 1914/Feb 10, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

AMES: [E2-21-5]-(Julia Catherine Cunningham Ames/d 20 April 1881] [U-34-4]-Carlton C. Ames/Jun 25, 1897/Jun 12, 1976 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-4]-Lillian T. Ames/Jul 29, 1897/Sep 30, 1985 Tombstone [U-34-4]-Michael Ames/1954-1955 Tombstone [U-34-4]-Donald C. Ames/Dec 29, 1925/May 5, 2003 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-34-4]-Dorothy Ann Ames/Jul 11, 1928/Jul 13, 2023 Tombstone + Photo

ANDERLE: [E2-7-7]-Lillian Anderle/1904-1926 Tombstone [E2-7-7]-Anna Anderle/1873-1919 Tombstone [E2-7-7]-James Anderle/1868-1945 Tombstone [L-29-8]-[Barbara Anderle/bur. 02-06-1918] No Tombstone [W2-103-4]-Johanna Anderle/Geb 18 Mar 1849/Gest 3 Nov 1879 Tombstone, ossw: ROCKHOFF see ROCKHOFF

ANDERSEN: [C-1-6]-Viola Andersen/Aug 14, 1890/Dec 6, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-6]-Alfred Andersen/1890-1951 (War vet flag) Tombstone [T-6-8]-Rose Marie K. Andersen/Jun 27, 1923/Jan 13, 1989 Tombstone [T-6-8]-LeRoy K. Andersen/Jan 5, 1922/Jul 22, 2007 Tombstone [W2-173-2]-Andrew Andersen/Fod 10 Apr 1826/Dod 18 Jan 1889 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-173-2]-Anne Andersen/Fod 30 Nov 1804/Dod 24 Sep 1878 Tombstone

ANDERSON: [Unk]-[(Child) Anderson/bur. 12-10-1864/burial register has buried the child of Mr. Anderson] No Tombstone [Unk]-[Anton Anderson/bur. 02-27-1875/burial register has buried the child of Andon Anderson, $1] No Tombstone [Unk]-[A. Anderson/bur. 03-05-1875/child/burial register has buried the child of Andon Anderson] [Unk]-[Christiena Anderson/bur. 10-06-1878/burial register has buried Miss Anderson Norwager [a Norwegian] $2] No Tombstone [A-18-1]-[Oscar Anderson/bur. 12-28-1906/age 26 yrs./cause: consumption] No Tombstone [A-18-1]-(Georgiania PETERSON Anderson/age 65/bur. 3 July 1913/from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) No Tombstone [B-9-3]-James Anderson/Father/1856-1925 Tombstone [B-9-3]-[Christina Anderson/d. 07-26-1942] No Tombstone [E2-23-5]-[Ch. Mrs. Anderson/bur. 08-09-1866] No Tombstone [E2-23-5]-[Christian Anderson/bur. 08-24-1897/age 71 yrs.] No Tombstone [E2-23-5]-[Sarah Anderson/bur. 09-08-1897] No Tombstone [E2-38-1]-Oscar Anderson/d. Feb. 2, 1860 Tombstone [E2-38-5]-[Emma Louise Anderson/d. 12-10-1941 at San Francisco, CA/bur. 03-18-1942/age 72 yrs/ cause: embolis of iliac artery/cremains/bur. on Henry Wetenkamp lot.] Tombstone [E2-46-5]-[Ole Anderson/bur. 06-12-1898/age 39 yrs./cause: typhoid fever] No Tombstone [E2-93-5]-[H.J. Anderson/bur. 06-02-1887] No Tombstone [E2-93-5]-[?? Anderson/bur. 10-31-1871/child/burial register has buried the child of H. J. Anderson, lot 5 block 93, $1.25] No Tombstone [E2-93-5]-[Henricka Anderson/bur. 03-24-1937] No Tombstone [G-3-8]-Barbara Anderson/1874-1952 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Nellie Anderson/1877-1929 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Marie Anderson/1849-1939 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Peter Anderson/1841-1935 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Peter M. Anderson/1879-1956 Tombstone [G-3-7]-Hannah Anderson/1876-1963 Tombstone [G-3-7]-Henrietta Anderson/1885-1963 Tombstone + Photo [I-9-10]-[Charles Anderson/bur. 01-14-1909] No Tombstone [I-9-10]-Alvina Anderson/1874-1938 Tombstone, ossw: [I-9-10]-Charles B. Anderson/1872-1941 Tombstone [I-20-3]-Libby K. Anderson/Aug 14, 1887/Oct 21, 1985 Tombstone [K-6-5]-Lloyd C. Anderson/1895-1918/son Tombstone [L-5-6]-[Margaret Anderson/bur 08-29-1899/age 2 mo/cause: indigestion] No Tombstone [L-6-1]-[Inga Anderson/bur. 08-09-1905/age 88 yrs./cause: old age] No Tombstone [L-15-4]-[Knud Anderson/bur. 12-26-1899] No Tombstone [L-32-11]-[Baby Anderson/bur. 01-23-1933] Tombstone [O-11-6]-[Christian Anderson/bur. 3-24-1916/age 63 yrs] No Tombstone [O-11-6]-Alice M. Anderson/d. unknown/bur. 11 Sept. 2002/Cremation/arranged by mother Pam Moh] NoTombstone [O-11-6]-Norman C. Anderson/1904-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [O-11-6]-Gladys T. Anderson/1903-1972 Tombstone [O-11-6]-Alice Anderson/Mother/(1874-1921) Tombstone [O-11-6]-Christopher Anderson/Father/(1854-1916) Tombstone [O-11-6]-Cora Anderson/d 1915 Tombstone [O-11-6]-Ambrose Anderson/d Oct 22, 1918 Tombstone [O-18-3]-[Charlotte Anderson/bur. 06-02-1913] No Tombstone [O-22-4]-Nils J. Anderson/1872-1940/Spanish War Vet/1898-1902 Tombstone [O-22-4]-Rosa Anderson/1874-1960 Tombstone [O-22-4]-Anna Anderson/Mother/Jul 6, 1888/Jan 7, 1919 Tombstone [P-18-7]-Lester N. Anderson/1897-1970 (Am. Leg. Flg) Tombstone, ossw: [P-18-7]-George A. Anderson/1903-1945 Tombstone [P-27-1]-Carl Anderson/Father/1879-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-1]-Edna Anderson/Mother/1892-1941 Tombstone [P-34-5]-Theodore C. Anderson/1870-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [P-34-5]-Enanda Anderson/1875-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [P-34-5]-Mildred Anderson/Sep 12/Sep 22/1900 Tombstone [P-34-5]-Margaret Anderson/1910-1955 Tombstone [R-22-9]-George T. Anderson/1862-1931 Tombstone [R-22-9]-Ida VETTING Anderson/1868-1943 Tombstone + Photo [R-22-9]-Ella J. Anderson/Dec 6, 1890/Sep 22, 1979 Tombstone [R-22-10]-Theodore O. Anderson/1859-1940 Tombstone [R-22-10]-Mayme MUTH Anderson/1876-1932 Tombstone [S-43-20]-John C. Anderson/Aug 20, 1907/Aug 4, 1979 No Tombstone [S-43-46]-John A. Anderson/1923-2013 Tombstone + Photo [S-43-46]-Carolyn E. Anderson/Dec 26, 1934/Sep 8, 2020 Photo [S-43-48]-Carl Nels Anderson/Mar 23, 1929/Mar 19, 2000 Tombstone [S-45-1]-Albert N. Anderson/1881-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [S-45-1]-Regina Anderson/1884-1967 Tombstone [S-45-1]-Doris Anderson/1926-1928 Tombstone [S-45-7]-Orbina Anderson/1881-1931 Tombstone [S-45-7]-Gilbert A. Anderson/1880-1924 Tombstone [T-2-6]-Esther [W.](Bargmann) Anderson/Sep 21, 1902/Feb 26, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-6]-Harold A. Anderson/1900-1965 Tombstone [T-4-20]-Marcella Anderson/Apr 23, 1911/Jun 20, 1976 Tombstone [T-11-6]-Gustave CEAGLSKE/1905-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [T-11-6]-Edith C. Anderson/1911-1972 [d. 06-20-1972/age 61 yrs.] Tombstone [T-15-6]-Edna N. Anderson/1888-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [T-15-6]-Anton O. Anderson/1880-1948 Tombstone [T-30-10]-Mary SHEEHAN Anderson/1881-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-10]-Helen Sheehan/1886-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-10]-Charlotte Sheehan REILLY/1892-1958 Tombstone [U-3-6]-Ethel E. Anderson/Sep 30, 1912/Apr 8, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [U-3-6]-Louie Anderson/Dec 23, 1913/Oct 27 1984 Tombstone [U-27-10]-Noble Ben Anderson/Aug 8, 1906/Dec 31, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [U-27-10]-Lonaverne Y. Anderson/1911-1973 Tombstone [U-39-2]-Oscar L. Anderson/Apr 6, 1896/Jan 4, 1972 (Am. Leg. Flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-39-2]-Hazel F. Anderson/Sep 20, 1899/6 Nov 6, 1983 Tombstone [V-5-1]-Scott H. Anderson/1973/09-15-1987 Tombstone [W-16-8]-Everett E. Anderson/SSGT US Army/WWII/ Feb 25, 1911/Apr 8, 1996 Tombstone [W-16-8]-Olive M. Anderson/Jul 22, 1905/Apr 2, 2003 Tombstone [W2-130-2]-[Jacob Anderson/bur. 08-02-1872] No Tombstone [W2-130-2]-[Anna C. Anderson/Mrs./bur. 05-17-1891/age 70 yrs./cause: injury from a fall] Tombstone [W2-147-1]-Andreas Anderson/Father/Born Jun 12, 1842/Died Jun 5, 1885 Tombstone [W2-147-1]-Andrea Anderson/Mother/Born Aug 9, 1844/Died Jul 16, 1875 Tombstone [W2-147-1]-Nels Peter and Marie Anderson/Babies Tombstone [W2-147-1]-[Nels Anderson/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-147-1]-[Peter Anderson/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-147-1]-[Marie Anderson/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-161-2]-Andrew M. Anderson/1884-1937 Tombstone [W2-162-4]-Niels Anderson DOXROD/Fodt/den 2 Dec 1811/Fod den 27 Jul, 1886 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-162-4]-Thurine Anderson DOXROD/fodt den 8 Jun 1811/dod den 9 Marts 1889 Tombstone [W2-162-4]-N. N. Anderson/Died Mar 17, 1896/aged 52 years Tombstone, ossw: [W2-162-4]-N.T. Anderson [Nils]/His son/Died Mar 30, 1878/Aged 9 years Tombstone [W2-170-3]-Chester M. Anderson/Dec 11, 1906/Dec 9, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-170-3]-Anita U.(Uek) Anderson/Aug 13, 1907/May 2, 1995 Tombstone [W2-184-1]-Andrew Anderson/Father/Born Jul 25, 1835/Died Feb 4, 1912 Tombstone [W2-185-4]-[Jean Harriet Anderson/bur. 6-7-1927] Tombstone + Photo [W2-185-4]-[James Anderson/bur. 5-11-1927] Tombstone + Photo [W2-185-4]-[Evalina Anderson/bur. 10-18-1930/age 84 yrs] Tombstone + Photo [W2-185-4]-Family stone reads: Anderson-GAREY-McFARLANE-NOBLE [1,2,3, & 4 in block 185 of W2, so 1/4 of the monument is on each lot.], ossw: [W2-185-4]-John Anderson/Jan 16, 1806/Nov 2, 1872 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Harriet SIBREE Anderson/Born June 17, 1816/Died Aug 6, 1873 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Harriet Anderson GAREY/wife of J.E. GAREY/Born Jan 11, 1848/Died Dec 9, 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Sarah McFARLANE/wife of Rev. Walter McFARLANE/Died Dec 5, 1881/Aged 70 years Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Rev. Walter McFARLANE/(d. 1896) (bal. uncut) Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-2]-Jean Anderson NOBLE/wife of Wm. H. NOBLE/Born Nov 29, 1846/Died Aug 21, 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-2]-William H. NOBLE/Born Feb 6, 1837/Died Oct 21, 1894 Tombstone [W2-211-1]-Andrew C. Anderson/Father/1865-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-211-1]-Amelia Anderson/Mother/1875-1956 Tombstone [W2-211-1]-William C. Anderson/Sep 6, 1909/Jun 16, 1917 Tombstone [Y-1-9]-John P. Anderson/S A US Navy/Aug 29, 1942/Jul 4, 1977 Tombstone [Y-5-17]-Genevieve (Jean) Anderson/Aug 27, 1912/Jul 13, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-17]-Charles J./Feb 16, 1908/Dec 9, 1984 Tombstone [Y-5-19]-Alvin Ronald "Andy" Anderson/Mar 19, 1931/Aug 13, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-19]-Nancy C. Anderson/Nov 9, 1934/Sep 7, 2018 see WETERKAMP family plot

ANDES: [R-41-3]-Caroline [D.] SIMPSON Andes/1882-1964 Tombstone see SIMPSON

ANDRASTEK: [E-5-4]-Martin J. Andrastek/Nov 6, 1908/Jul 5, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-4]-Bernice M. Andrastek/1908-1973 Tombstone [E-5-5]-Edmund Andrastek/May 30, 1906/Sep 7, 1978 Tombstone [E-5-8]-Stanley S. Andrastek/May 1, 1911/Oct 27, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-8]-Viola B. Andrastek/Apr 3, 1914/Mar 30, 1998 Tombstone

ANDREASEN: [W2-130-1]-Jacob Andreasen/fod. Melsomvig Norge/11 Nov 1797/dod i Chicago, Ill. den 22 Febr 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-130-1]-Ingeborg Helene Andreasen/fod i Melsomvig, Norge den 25 Jan 1797/ dod in Manitowoc, Wis. den/22 Dec 1873 Tombstone

ANDREASON: [Unk]-[Niels Andreason/bur. 05-20-1872/burial register has buried the child of Mr. Nils Andreason, $1.25]

ANDREE: [W2-161-2]-Gottfried Andree/1842-1879 [bur. 09-25-1913/removed from 3-22-E2/bur. on I.O.O.F lot] Tombstone

ANDREW: [E-14-9]-Jacob Dylan Andrew/2007-Mar 11, 2012 Tombstone + Photo

ANDREWS: [Unk]-[?? Andrews/bur. 11-08-1861] No Tombstone [E2-55-3]-[James Andrews/bur. 01-11-1913] No Tombstone [E2-55-3]-[Anna Andrews/bur. 02-18-1907/age 78 yrs.] No Tombstone [E2-55-3]-Alice/dau. of J. & A. Andrews/Dec 29, 1864/Jan 8, 1888 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-55-3]-Willie (nothing else) Tombstone [L-29-22]-[Bessie Andrews/bur. 09-20-1955/age 54 yrs.] No Tombstone [T-13-7]-Malcom Andrews, Dr./1879-Jul 29, 1952/age 73 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-13-7]-Mable Andrews/d. 02-27-1955 Tombstone

ANDRUSAK: [R-19-1]-[Mary Andrusak/Miss/bur. 2-10-1936/age 19 yrs] Photo [S-43-70]-William G. Andrusak/Aug 28, 1944/Oct 12, 1996 Tombstone [T-16-9]-[Mary Andrusak/d. 10-04-1949/age 64 yrs.] No Tombstone

ANGELIS: [Unk]-[Max Angelis/bur. 01-05-1878]

ANGER: [L-1-9]-[Baby Anger/bur 01-25-1921/stillborn/space #24]

ANHALT: [E-7-9]-Joseph A. Anhalt/1915-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [E-7-9]-Kathryn L./1917-2011 Tombstone + Photo [E-21-12]-Lawrence Anhalt/Jun 6, 1937/Jun 18, 2018 Photo [E-21-12]-Barbara A. Anhalt/Aug 5, 1962/Dec 21, 2019 Photo [E-41-8]-John J. Anhalt/Jan 27, 1951/Sep 23, 2019 Photo [L-31-1]-Baby boy Anhalt/Mar 21, 1986/Mar 21, 1986/stillborn/space #431] Marker [V-17-4]-William F. Anhalt/Jan 13, 1929/May 28, 2017 Photo [V-17-4]-Kathleen Anhalt/Sep 28, 1931/Jun 30, 2020 Photo [V-18-3]-McKinzie Anhalt/Jan 27, 1979/Jan 27, 1979, Green Bay, WI/fetal death/ cremains/bur. on Mrs. William R. McConnell lot] No Tombstone [V-32-8]-Allan Michael Anhalt/Apr 2, 1948/Apr 26, 2014 Photo [V-33-7]-Michael E. Anhalt/Apr 4, 1912/Jan 4, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [V-33-7]-Esther Hilda Anhalt/Sep 26, 1920/Jun 13, 2006 Tombstone

ANIC: [W2-234-8]-John M. Anic/1889-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-8]-Minnie Anic/1889-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-8]-John Anic Jr./-1921- Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-8]-Joseph Anic/-1923- Tombstone

ANKLAM: [Y-5-9]-Glen Gordon Anklam/Mar 20, 1942/Dec 31, 1995 Tombstone

ANSCHULTZ: [S-43-70]-Sarah Anschultz/Jun 15, 1925/May 15, 2005 Tombstone

ANSORGE: [F-8-3]-Myrtle V. Ansorge/Nov 3, 1898/Apr 5, 1998 Tombstone [F-8-3]-Ruth E. Ansorge/Jan 18, 1926/Oct 19, 1928 Tombstone [F-8-3]-Anna L. Ansorge/Mar 16, 1930/Mar 21, 1930 Tombstone [G-1-1]-Alvin J. Ansorge/May 26, 1910/Aug 26, 1995 Tombstone [G-3-4]-Herman F. Ansorge/Jan 22, 1884/Mar 25, 1925 Tombstone [L-2-10]-Emelie/Mother/wife of Hy. Ansorge/1850-1920 Tombstone [L-15-3]-Heinrich Ansorge [Henry]/Geb 15 Juli 1816/Gest 4 Mai 1900 Tombstone [L-31-12]-Douglas E. Ansorge/1950-1952 [space #281] Tombstone [M-12-15]-Helen Kathryn/Mar 23, 1917/Feb 8 2011 Tombstone, ossw: [M-12-15]-Herbert Arno/Aug 19, 1918/Apr 18, 2008 Tombstone [O-24-2]-[Edwin Ansorge/bur. 7-5-1927/age 1 yr/cause: pneumonia/bur. on Ernst Ansorge lot/removed from Newton] [O-24-2]-Ernst Ansorge/Father/Feb 7, 1880/Nov 14, 1918 Tombstone next to: [O-24-2]-Metha Ansorge/Mother/Nov 27, 1877/Jan 10, 1946 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Edwin Ansorge/sohn von E & M Ansorge/Geb 7 Mar 1906/Gest 1 Dec 1907 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Ida A. Ansorge/May 10, 1911/Dec 28, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [O-24-2]-Frederick F. Ansorge/Nov 26, 1902/Feb 6, 1979 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Edwin Ansorge/1906-1907 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Baby Ansorge/1913-1913 Tombstone [P-25-11]-Harry E. /1907-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [P-25-11]-Violet O. Ansorge DIEDERICHS/May 29, 1908/Mar 12, 2000 Tombstone

ANTAL: [T-11-7]-Rhoda Mae PEPPLER Antal/1937-1972 Tombstone

ANTHOLD: [R-38-5]-George Anthold/1890-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-5]-Erma Anthold/Mar 16, 1901/Apr 1, 2000 Tombstone

ANTHOLZ: [R-24-8]-William G. Antholz/1895-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [R-24-8]-Viola Antholz/Mar 22, 1898/Jul 11, 1991 Tombstone [R-24-8]-Amelia Antholz/Mother/1865-1936 Tombstone [R-24-8]-Heinrich Antholz/Father/1859-1929 Tombstone [R-24-8]-William "Bud" Antholz/Sep 24, 1932/Dec 1, 2014

ANTONSEN: [T-12-2]-James B. Antonsen/1885-1971 Tombstone

ARCHAMBAULT: [E-34-13]-Louise V. Archambault/Mother/1888-1972 Tombstone [E-38-8]-Thomas G. Archambault/1958-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [E-38-8]-June [J.] Archambault/1925-1969 Tombstone

ARCHAMBEAU: [B-19-4]-Willlard Archambeau/Jan 24, 1912/Apr 12, 2000 Tombstone

ARGALL: [L-26-1]-Baby Argall/Apr 20, 2002/Apr 20, 2002/bur. 7 Aug. 2002/fetus]

ARMSTRONG: [T-34-6]-John Armstrong/1883-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-6]-Josephine Armstrong/Jan 14, 1893/Aug 2, 1978 Tombstone [W-18-7]-William H. Armstrong/Jan 8, 1923/Nov 26, 1995 [WWII vet] Tombstone, ossw: [W-18-7]-Phyllis Armstrong/Apr 12, 1931/Apr 16, 2024 Tombstone

ARNDS: [L-8-6]-[Baby Arnds/bur. 10-28-1895/age 2 mo./cause: convulsions]

ARNDT: [G-4-8]-Richard Arndt/1894-1930 (U.S.Vet flag) [T-6-10]-Adam Arndt/1982-2013 (veteran) Tombstone + Photo [T-6-11]-John Arndt/1891-1971 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone, ossw: [T-6-11]-Lillian Arndt/Apr 9, 1901/Mar 16, 1978 Tombstone [T-8-8]-Paul J. Arndt/Aug 23, 1925/May 28, 2015 Photo, ossw: [T-8-8]-Ruth M. Arndt/Oct 4, 1926/Nov 7, 2018 Photo [T-30-5]-Amanda M. Arndt/1892-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-5]-Herbert T. Arndt/1893-1948 (Am.Leg.flag) Tombstone [T-30-5]-Ralph R. Arndt/Tec3 US Army/WWII/Aug 2, 1925/Nov 24, 2002 Tombstone [T-30-5]-Robert Charles Arndt/Oct 28, 1923/Jan 6, 2004 Tombstone [V-5-8]-Esther A. Arndt/Dec 2, 1912/Feb 5, 2000 Tombstone [V-5-8]-Emil A. Arndt/Dec 24, 1901/31 Mar 31, 1985 Tombstone see Augustin

ARNESON: [I-3-3]-Arne Arneson/Uncle/1852-1930 Tombstone

ARNETT: [U-22-5]-Englebert [O.] Arnett/1900-1957 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Minnie Arnett/1906-1973 Tombstone

ARNOLD: [O-16-6]-Francis Arnold/1915-1916 Tombstone [S-45-11]-Leo May Arnold/1880-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [S-45-11]-Elmer E. Arnold/1878-1934 Tombstone [T-13-9]-Donald K. Arnold/May 22, 1938/Aug 25, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [T-13-9]-Mattie Jo Arnold/Aug 5, 1938/Sep 15, 1990 Tombstone [W2-117-3]-John Arnold/geb 20 Feb 1836/gest 27 Juni 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-117-3]-Bertha Arnold/Nee SPINDLER/Geb 30 Mai 1846/Gest 4 Juni 1932 Tombstone, ossw: HOLZKNECHT and BUGLER

ARNOLDE: [L-1-12]-[John Arnolde/bur 04-23-1923/premature birth/space #30]

ARNST: [T-1-4]-John Arnst/1906-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [T-1-4]-Mary Arnst/1909-1973 Tombstone

ARPIN: [E-38-10]-Adrian P. Arpin/Feb 5, 1904/Oct 19, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [E-38-10]-Adeline Anna Arpin/Dec 25, 1910/Aug 30, 2002 Tombstone [T-38-7]-Marion Platt Arpin/Sep 29, 1896/Mar 19, 1988 Tombstone

ARSIMUK: [I-1-5]-Alex Arsimuk/1893-1974 (Am.Leg.flag) Marker

ARSINEAU: [T-22-6]-Raymond C. Arsineau/1913-1965 (VFW flag) Tombstone, ossw: [T-22-6]-Verona A. Arsineau/Sep 20, 1913/Dec 31, 2003 Tombstone + Photo

ARTER: [W2-193-2]-[Anna Arter/bur. 10-03-1913/age 32 years] Photo

ARTIS: [V-26-2]-William G. Artis/Sep 25, 1903/Jul 4, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-2]-Lucile K. Artis/Apr 16, 1913/Mar 23, 1979 Tombstone

ARTS: [U-34-3]-Frank L. Arts/1895-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-3]-Minnie H. Arts/1897-1972 Tombstone

ARTZ: [E-32-6]-Liliane Y. Artz/1928-1967 Tombstone [K-12-2]-Carmen Artz/Oct 7, 1905/Mar 18, 2003 Tombstone [U-34-5]-Sarah E. Artz/Jan 19, 1899/Aug 15, 1978 Tombstone [Y-4-3]-Gloria A. Artz/Dec 15, 1934/Jul 4, 1998 Tombstone

ARULSON: [E2-62-4]-[C. Arulson (child)/bur. 08-29-1862/lot owner Sievert Arnolsen/ burial register has buried the child of Cever(?) Arulson (Arnlson?) L4, B62]


ASCHENBACH: [F-33-2]-[Baby Aschenbach/d. 01-25-1939/age 7 months/cause: premature/bur. on Herman Wilke lot]

ASCHENBRENNER: [E-2-10]-Henry R. Aschenbrenner/1910-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-10]-Angeline I. Aschenbrenner/1910-1962 Tombstone [E-5-1]-Godfrey Aschenbrenner/1908-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-1]-Emma Aschenbrenner/Sep 26, 1906/Jul 2, 1993 Tombstone [E2-4-9]-Henry Aschenbrenner Sr./1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-4-9]-Dorothy Aschenbrenner/Apr 19, 1886/Jan 19, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [E2-4-9]-Peter Aschenbrenner/1912-1919 [bur. 12-8-1919/cause: hemorrage of nose and stomach/bur. on Henry Aschenbrenner Sr. lot] Tombstone [E2-4-9]-James C. Aschenbrenner/1958/Apr 25, 1998 Tombstone [E2-4-9]-Arline L. Aschenbrenner/1922/Jan 14, 1988 Tombstone [E2-4-9]-Edward Aschenbrenner, Capt./Apr 8, 1918/Aug 24, 2004/US Navy WWII Tombstone + Photo

ASHBY: [F-27-2]-[Lulu Ashby/bur. 10-04-1910/cause: convulsions] Tombstone

ASHENBRENER: [R-14-9]-John J. Ashenbrener/Jul 23, 1916/May 7, 1993 [cremains] Tombstone, ossw: [R-14-9]-Geraldine M. Ashenbrener/Oct 25, 1931/Jun 5, 2018 Photo

ASHENBRENNER: [S-43-24]-Alois W. Ashenbrenner/Jun 12, 1911/Jan 14, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-24]-Evelyn V. Ashenbrenner/Sep 28, 1921/Jul 20, 1986 Tombstone

ASHFORD: [R-12-1]-Jermaine C. Ashford/Sep 18, 1923/Mar 11, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [T-2-3]-Nina J. Ashford/1929-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-3]-Mason L. Ashford/Feb 3, 1913/May 1, 2002 Tombstone [X-40-4]-Shannon Lee Ashford/Sep 16, 1952/Mar 22, 2015 Photo


ASLAKSON: [A-2-3]-[Miss Olava Aslakson/bur. 08-16-1890/age 30 yrs./cause: consumption] [A-2-3]-[Martha Aslakson/bur. 03-16-1892/age 61 yrs./cause: La Grippe] [A-2-3]-[Oliver Aslakson/bur. 08-18-1904/age 72 yrs.] [C-22-2]-[Baby Aslakson/bur. 04-12-1920/stillborn/bur. on H.G. Rudie lot]

ASMUS: [B-27-3]-Elaine R. Asmus/1911-2009 Tombstone

ASSACK; [Unk]-[?? Assack/bur. 02-13-1868] Tombstone

ASUMA: [C-19-4]-Francis J. Asuma/Apr 3, 1904/Oct 20, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [C-19-4]-Gertrude Asuma/Aug 24, 1897/Feb 19, 1988 Tombstone

ATGES: [Unk]-[?? Atges/bur. 02-01-1870]

ATKINSON: [T-9-4]-[Baby girl Atkinson/d. 12-26-1973/stillborn/dau. of Wanda Atkinson/bur. in same coffin as grandmother: Gloria Augustin]

ATTRIDGE: [I-3-3]-Raymond Attridge/born May 14, 1883/died Jan 5, 1907/Age 23yrs 7m 22d Tombstone, ossw: [I-3-3]-Charlotte COOK Attridge/born ____/died Oct 29, 1912 Tombstone

AUBERG: [Unk]-[Oskar Auberg/bur 02-28-1884/age 19 yrs] [D-18-1]-[Knut S. Auberg/bur. 11-09-1911] [D-18-1]-[Mary Auberg/bur. 01-07-1910/cause: hemorrhage] [E2-16-6-2]-[Thomas Auberg/1860-1876] [Note: Knut S. and Mary Auberg are on the lot with Emma O'Connell. In the 1868-69 EDWARDS DIRECTORY "Auberg K.S., carpenter, r. ws 8th cor. Marshall," so I think that Knut's & Mary's last name should be Auberg, since the obit for Emma O'Connell & the directory both have the same spelling./from cemetery office] (They are also on the 1860, 1870, 1880 census as Auberg) see Oberg

AUDE: [C-20-3]-Joachim Aude/Geb 6 Mar 1842/Gest 5 Nov 1896 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-3]-Caroline Aude/Geb 17 Dez 1842/Gest 1 Apr 1929 Tombstone

AUGUSTIN: [E-40-11]-Clarence J. Augustin/May 19, 1913/Mar 13, 2001 Tombstone [T-9-4]-Gloria Augustin/1932-1973 Tombstone [T-9-4]-George Augustin/Wis/Sgt.TRP D.8 Calvary/WWII/Dec 27, 1928/Sep 27, 1965 Tombstone [Y-2-19-]-John C. Augustin/Dec 3, 1903/Oct 23, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-2-19-]-Laura E. Augustin/Dec 10, 1895/Mar 29, 1982 Tombstone

AUGUSTINE: [D-36-3]-Louise Augustine/1872-1936 Tombstone [D-36-3]-Anton J. Augustine/1869-1934 Tombstone [E2-74-5]-George J. Augustine/Nov 3, 1892/May 16, 1980 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-74-5]-Julia C. Augustine/1890-1981 Tombstone + Photo [L-30-4]-Shawn David Augustine/1971-1971 Marker [S-42-15]-Aimee L. Augustine/Jun 7, 1964/Jul 6, 2024 Tombstone + Photo [S-42-16]-Steven Roy Augustine/Dec 11, 1962/Aug 23, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [S-42-16]-Gerald C. Augustine/Aug 30, 1940/Dec 3, 2023 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [S-42-16]-Patricia H. Augustine/Jun 20, 1941/Sep 11, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [U-36-8]-Dale M./May 12, 1947/Mar 23, 2010 Tombstone [U-36-8]-Constance F. Augustine/Nov 26, 1946/Apr 5, 2020 Photo

AULIK: [E-4-3]-John W. Aulik/1894-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-3]-Julia C. Aulik/1896-1975 Tombstone [E-16-4]-Allen Charles Aulik/Jul 15, 1934/Jan 12, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [E-26-10]-Daniel V. Aulik/1906-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-10]-Alice B. Aulik/Dec 3, 1908/Mar 12, 1987 Tombstone [M-12-17]-Elizabeth A. Aulik/Mar 3, 1981/Jul 11, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [M-12-17]-Ricky E. Aulik/Feb 24, 1958/Nov 11, 1994 Tombstone [M-12-17]-Agnes Aulik/May 9, 1936/Oct 24, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: [M-12-17]-Woodrow Aulik/Feb 13, 1931/Jan 10, 2015 Tombstone + Photo [M-12-17]-Dale E. Aulik/Aug 6, 1959/Nov 23, 2014 Tombstone [T-28-8]-Joseph F. Aulik/Father/Nov 30, 1891/Feb 15, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-8]-Anna KAPINOS Aulik/Mother/1898-1947 Tombstone [T-28-8]-Robert F. Aulik/May 2, 1925/Dec 29, 1992 Tombstone [U-10-18]-Raymond Aulik/Mar 7, 1920/Jan 1, 1990 Tombstone [Y-5-31]-Nancy Lou Aulik/1945/Aug 12, 1997 Tombstone

AUMANN: [B-7-4]-Charles Aumann/1866-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-4]-Jennie Aumann/1867-1943 Tombstone [E-20-3]-Lloyd E. Aumann/Jan 1, 1927/May 12, 1992 Tombstone [E-20-3]-Shirley Elaine Aumann/Mar 28, 1927/Dec 4, 2005 Tombstone Vickie L. Aumann/Aug 14, 1950/Nov 16, 2015 Photo [T-9-10]-Paul F. Aumann/Mar 22, 1915/Aug 14, 1990 Tombstone [T-9-10]-Marjorie Mae Aumann/Dec 9, 1923/Aug 10, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [T-28-2]-Adelia Aumann/1898-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-2]-Clifford J. Aumann/1897-1963 Tombstone [T-28-10]-Catherine Aumann/1886-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-10]-Walter Aumann/1884-1960 Tombstone [U-23-7]-Elsie L. Aumann/1894-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-7]-Edward L. Aumann/1888-1968 Tombstone [U-25-7]-Edwin L. Aumann/Jun 1, 1907/Dec 18, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-Louis J. Aumann/1882-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-Polly Aumann/1885-1966 Tombstone [U-25-7]-Reuben F. Aumann/1892-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-Mathilda M. Aumann/1895-1968 Tombstone [U-25-7]-Vernette M./Mar 20, 1930/Dec 29, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-John D./Jun 28, 1929/Aug 26, 2012 Tombstone see HAAG

AUSMAN: [E-26-9]-John G. Ausman/Oct 23, 1899/Jun 4, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-9]-Irene C. Ausman/Mar 28, 1902/Apr 21, 1994 Tombstone

AUSTIN: [L-30-4]-Tera Austin/1972-1972 [space #386] Marker [Y-4-23]-Victoria Austin/Jan 8, 1925/Feb 7, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-4-23]-Albert (Al.)/1925-2009 Tombstone [Y-4-23]-Patricia D. Austin/Jan 13, 1961/Apr 11, 2020

AUTON: [W2-141-2]-Lennie Auton [Leonh. Auton]/1873-1874 [bur. 08-31-1874] Tombstone [W2-141-2]-[Leonard Auton/1839-1886 Tribune article Tombstone [W2-141-2]-Catharine Auton/1850-1922 Tombstone [W2-141-2]-Anna Auton BURK/1875-1940 Tombstone [W2-141-2]-Katherine Auton/1871-1948 Tombstone [W2-182-3]-Arthur J. Auton/1881-1958 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [W2-182-3]-Emma R. Auton/1881-1970 Tombstone

AVERY: [U-21-4]-Loren Avery/1911-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [U-21-4]-Joyce C. Avery/1915-1973 Tombstone [U-22-3]-Donald Avery/1909-1956 Tombstone, ossw; [U-22-3]-Amanda Avery/1911-1999 Tombstone [U-22-5]-Linda Avery/Granddaughter/-1961- No Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Virgil D. Avery/1904-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Pauline B. Avery/May 1, 1908/Dec 24, 2000 Tombstone [W-14-6]-Dale W. Avery/Jul 21, 1934/Jan 27, 2013 Tombstone [Y-5-14]-Debra L. Avery/Oct 12, 1961/Jul 5, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-14]-Laverne L./Jun 17, 1941/May 22, 1999 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-5-14]-Neil L./Jan 26, 1938/May 19, 2007 Tombstone

AWE: [B-4-6]-Johann Awe/Geb 16 Jan 1823/Starb 28 Feb. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-6]-Marie Awe/Seine Gattin/Geb 13 Aug 1825/Gest 28 Nov 1914 (Henrietta in her obituary) Tombstone [B-4-6]-Jno. ARVE/Co E/27th Wis Inf Tombstone (John Awe/Jan 16, 1823/Feb 28, 1891/from the Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable) Tribune article [U-11-3]-Elsie Awe/Mother/1889-1957 Tombstone [U-13-1]-Pamela Susan Awe/Oct 15, 1957/Nov 8, 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-1]-Scott Awe/Dec 8, 1967 Tombstone [U-13-1]-Steven Howard Awe/Feb 6, 1961/Mar 26, 2022 Tombstone + Photo [U-13-1]-Howard Emil Awe/Jul 28, 1930/Oct 9, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-1]-Carole Awe/1936-2010 Tombstone

AXEN: [Unk]-[E. Axen/bur. 09-17-1870] No Tombstone [E2-91-3]-A. Sophie Axen [A. Sophia Mrs. Enoch Axen]/gattin von Iven Axen/ geboren 21 Juni 1819/gestorben 23 Aug 1870 Tombstone


AYOTTE: [S-43-77]-Todd Gerald Ayotte/Apr 18, 1968/May 4, 1997 Tombstone [S-43-89]-Kathryn Hazel Ayotte/Dec 20, 1952/Nov 7, 2003 Tombstone [S-43-91]-Arthur Joseph Ayotte/Nov 22, 1930/May 24, 2003 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [S-43-91]-Joyce A. Ayotte/Jul 25, 1934/Jan 7, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

AYRES: [H-16-3]-Charlotte Ayres/[bur. May 6, 1922/on Schuette lot] Tombstone [H-16-3]-Florence S. Ayres/Feb 20, 1890/Jul 7, 1985 Tombstone Back to Top