AABERG: [E2-73-2]-Iver Olsen Aaberg/dod 11 Febr 1870/64 Aar TombstoneAARHUS: [E-34-2]-[Marie Helen Aarhus/5 Mar 1914/23 Sep 1997 Photo [I-11-6]-Astrid Aarhus/1913-1936 Tombstone
AASTAD: [G-3-2]-Inga G. Aastad/1875-1937 Tombstone [G-3-2]-Isaac Aastad/1865-1937 Tombstone [K-18-2]-Emma AASTAD Meisnest/1872-1958 (see Meisnest/have obit) Tombstone [K-18-2]-Amund Aastad/1871-1918 Tombstone [K-18-2]-[Ralph H. Aastad/born 3/22/1910/died 5/9/1962] [W2-129-1]-Martha K. Aastad/Mother/Oct 16, 1830/Mar 30, 1905 Tombstone, next to: [W2-129-1]-Hannah C. Aastad/Sister/Feb 27, 1876/Apr 3, 1890 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Karen A.[Carrie] Aastad/Sister/Oct 7, 1866/May 20, 1887 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Christen Aastad/Father/Mar 20, 1820/Feb 29, 1884 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Ingeborg M. Aastad/Sister/Nov 6, 1863/Dec 13, 1872 Tombstone [W2-129-1]-Amund Aastad/Brother/Aug 11, 1861/Aug 12, 1871 Tombstone [Amund Astat/bur. 04-21-1872/age 10 yrs.] see MEISNEST
ABBOTT: [E2-28-2]-Morris E. Abbott/son of EL & LM Abbott/died Jul 28, 1852/AE 8 yrs 11ms Tombstone
ABEGGLEN: [L-26-1]-Baby Abegglen/5-17-2004/5-17-2004 [W2-112-4]-Steffani Marie Abegglen/Jun 11, 1976/Dec 3, 2006 Tombstone + Photo
ABEL: [Unk]-[August Abel/bur. 06-28-1877] [G-7-16]-Clara Abel/1880-1942 Tombstone [G-7-16]-Ida Abel/1878-1968 Tombstone [H-5-3]-Carl Abel/Geboren/29 Marz 1822/gestorben 14 Juni 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [H-5-3]-Wilhelmina Abel/geb 29 Jan 1828/gest 9 Dec 1908 [H-5-3]-Caroline Abel/1854-1928 Tombstone [H-5-3]-August Abel/1851-1927 Tombstone [L-1-8]-[Arlene Abel/bur. 04-11-1922/age 9 yrs/cause: convulsions] [S-52-2]-Albert G. Abel/1893-1925 Tombstone [S-52-2]-William Abel/Captain 2 Wis Inf/Dec 14, 1942 Tombstone [S-52-2]-Ida Abel/1860-1939 Tombstone [S-52-2]-Walter C. Abel/Wis/Major 127 Infantry Div/WWI/Aug 28, 1882/Aug 18, 1959 Tombstone [S-52-2]-Alice B. Abel/1889-1955 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone [U-12-6]-Clarence Abel/Mar 23, 1905/Dec 19, 1990 Tombstone">Tombstone, ossw: [U-12-6]-Elizabeth Abel/1902-1957 Tombstone [U-28-10]-Agnes R. GLAESER Abel/Jul 27, 1904/Apr 8, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [U-28-10]-Bernard GLAESER/1908-1965 Tombstone
ABENDSCHEIN: [B-22-2]-Olga P. Abendschein/nee FEHRING/1892-1975 Tombstone [B-22-2]-Arthur L. Abendschein/1887-1956 Tombstone [I-27-3]-Edwin H. Abendschein/1894-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [I-27-3]-Winifred H. Abendschein/Dec 26, 1899/Mar 9, 1976 (War vet flag) Tombstone + Photo
ABI: (Mabel O. Abi/d 6 Aug 1879/age 9 mo/cause cholera infantum/from St James Episc church record)
ABITZ: [A-5-4]-[William Abitz/bur. 02-28-1903/age 71 yrs.] [A-5-4]-Albertine Abitz/Gattin von W. Abitz/Gebne TEGGE zu Mudach/ bei Amlam Pommern/15 Mai 1840/Gest. 27 Dez 1896 Tombstone
ABRAMOVICH: [S-43-41]-Dorothy E. Abramovich/Jan 26, 1934/May 17, 1986 Tombstone [S-43-41]-David Abramovich/Mar 27, 1926/Mar 18, 2010 Tombstone
ABRAHAMSON: [Unk]-[?? Abrahamson/bur. 01-09-1871] [Unk]-[?? Abrahamson/bur. 04-02-1874] [Unk]-[?? Abrahamson/bur. 02-23-1875/child]
ACEVEDO: Kathryn M. Acevedo/Jan 18, 1986/Nov 24, 2021 PhotoACHENBACH: [E2-46-2]-Elisabeth Achenbach/geb. den 31, Aug/1856/gest. den 24, April [1860]/(rest of the date underground) Tombstone [E2-46-2]-J. Achenbach/Sohn von/Tod geb'n/am 20 Marz 1861 Tombstone [W2-176-2]-Adam Achenbach/1811-1882 Tombstone [W2-176-2]-[Mrs.]Elisabeth Achenbach/1815-[01-20-1881] Tombstone [W2-176-2]-Heinrich Achenbach [Henry]/1810-[bur. 07-11-1880] Tombstone [W2-176-2]-Henry Achenbach/1869-1927 Tombstone [W2-181-1]-Charles Achenbach/1884-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Edith Monroe Achenbach Hoover/Apr 1, 1890/Sep 19, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Jacob Achenbach/1838-1917 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Elizabeth Achenbach/1849-1934 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-1]-Jacob Achenbach/Geb 5 Mai 1838/Gest 13 Mar 1917 Tombstone [W2-181-1]-[Mina Achenbach/bur. 06-10-1880] Tombstone
ACKER: [I-18-3]-Flora E. Acker/Mother/1896-1949 Tombstone [I-18-3]-[Charles A. Acker/Dec 18, 1887/24 May 1980/age 92 yrs] Tombstone [I-18-3]-Emma E. Acker/Mother/1853-1942 Tombstone see BERRES
ACKERMANN: [P-33-3]-Max H. Ackermann/1906-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-3]-Lulu Ackermann/nee GRANT/1900/Sept. 25, 1990/BASSMAN [d. 09-25-1990 at Sheboygan WI/ age 90 yrs./cremains/widow of Adolph Bassman/widow of Max Ackermann] Tombstone
ACKLEY: [L-30-1]-Brian Ackley/Nov 3, 1961/Mar 18, 1965 [space #361] Tombstone [L-30-2]-Steven Ackley/Jun 3, 1954/Nov 15, 1954 [space #301] Tombstone
ADAMS: [D-35-2]-Rose PILGER Adams/1864-1929 Tombstone [D-39-1]-Beatrice Adams [bur. 04-20-1901/age 2 mo.] Footstone [D-39-1]-Margaret T. Adams/Jul 27, 1856/Oct 13, 1910/Mother Tombstone [D-39-1]-Thomas Adams/1861-1940 Tombstone [D-39-1]-Mary SPENCER Adams/1864-1942 Tombstone [D-39-1]-Thomas J. Adams/1896-1954 (U.S. War Vet marker) Tombstone [D-39-1]-Grace A. Adams/1904-2005 Tombstone [E-9-7]-Samuel J. Adams/3-18-1897/3-4-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [E-9-7]-Tillie C. Adams/Oct 21, 1907/Feb 23, 1999 Tombstone [E-10-3]-Richard S. Adams/May 31, 1939/Dec 18, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [E2-27-2]-F.W. Adams/Born Charleston, N.H./Sep 9, 1819/died Mar 4, 1860 Tombstone [F-4-2]-Edward J. Adams/1893-1965 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-2]-Julia E. Adams/1894-1958 Tombstone [I-1-10]-Donald H. Adams/1900-1950 [I-1-10]-Hallie M. Adams/1899-1979 [L-32-9]-John E. Adams/-Oct. 28, 1937- Tombstone [P-2-4]-Emma Adams/1884-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [P-2-4]-Alexander Adams/1884-1946 Tombstone [R-20-4]-Frank R. Adams/Aug 27, 1968/Aug 15, 1995 Tombstone [T-19-7]-Louis Adams/1900-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [T-19-7]-Emma Adams/May 15, 1902/Feb. 28, 1984 Tombstone [T-19-7]-Paul L. Adams/Son/PFC/28th Marian 5th Div. WWII/Nov 2, 1923/Mar 2, 1945 Tombstone + Photo [W2-147-3]-Irma WITTMAN Adams/1886-1975 Tombstone
ADAMSKI: [Y-5-35]-Clara Louise Adamski/Aug 9, 1916/Jan 23, 2006 Tombstone [Y-5-35]-Peter Henry Adamski/Dec 29, 1924/Apr 7, 2005 Tombstone see BLOOM
ADAMSON: [L-20-2]-[Nels Adamson/bur. 11-24-1914/cause: heart failure]
ADE: [T-38-6]-Ralph Ade/1899-1972 Marker
ADELMANN: / ADELMAN: [R-38-6]-Daughter Adelmann/Nov 28-30, 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-6]-Hilary L. Adelmann/11-28-1925/11-7-1989 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-6]-Blanche M. Adelmann/2-10-1900/1-1-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-6]-Leo G. Adelmann/Jan 21, 1899/Aug 16, 1989 Tombstone [Y-5-37]-John Theodore Adelmann/Feb 14, 1942/Jan 29, 1987 Tombstone
ADKINS: [W]-William R. Adkins/Oct 21, 1940/Feb 26, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
ADLER: [O-8-3]-Harland A. Adler/1912-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [O-8-3]-Linda S. Adler/1897-1917 Tombstone [O-23-6]-George C. Adler/1898-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [O-23-6]-Arline Adler/1898-1966 Tombstone [P-26-6]-Adolph Adler/Father/1860-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [P-26-6]-Augusta Adler/Mother/1865-1942 Tombstone [V-15-9]-Robert C. Adler/Dec 23, 1927/Jan 5, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-9]-Mary A./1928-2010 Tombstone Carol M. Adler/Jul 9, 1928/Mar 11, 2023 Tombstone + Photo
ADOCHIO: [S-43-90]-Deborah A. Adochio/1954/May 2, 2016ADRAKTIS: [U-33-3]-[Anest A. Adraktis/d. 03-15-1956/removed to Wildwood cemetery Sheboygan WI 5/9/1978] Tombstone [V-16-3]-Nickolas [A.] Adraktis/1899-1972 Tombstone
AFFELD: [D-10-2]-Emilie Affeld/6 Apr 1863/22 Sep 1901 Tombstone, ossw: [D-10-2]-August Affeld/5 Mar 1852/25 Apr 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [D-10-2]-Emma Affeld/1872-1957 Tombstone
AHLGREEN: [L-13-6]-[Baby Ahlgreen/bur. 03-08-1906/stillborn]
AHLMANN: [V-15-5]-Hugo A. Ahlmann/Jun 20, 1893/Sep 15, 1985 Tombstone, ossw [V-15-5]-Molly Ahlmann/1-3-1897/4-25-1987 Tombstone
AHLSWEDE: [P-27-10]-Rose Ahlswede/Mother/1886-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-10]-Benjamin Ahlswede/Father/1884-1941 Tombstone [P-32-6]-Charles Ahlswede/1880-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-6]-Minnie Ahlswede/1882-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-6]-Elmer C. Ahlswede/1913-1957 (war vet flag) Tombstone [R-18-2]-Arthur Ahlswede/1903-1932 Tombstone [R-18-2]-Estelle H. Ahlswede EULERT/1909-1992 Tombstone [T-3-11]-Lester C. Ahlswede/Dec 4, 1920/Feb 19, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [T-3-11]-Lois Ahlswede HORINE/nee NAIDL/Dec 15, 1924/Jul 28, 2022 Tombstone [U-31-2]-August Ahlswede/1885-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [U-31-2]-Emma Ahlswede/1891-1953 Tombstone see EULERT
AHRENS: [E-14-2]-Walter M. "Wally" Ahrens/Nov 10, 1932/Nov 30, 2014 Photo [E-21-6]-Clifford R. Ahrens Sr./Aug 27, 1910/Nov 6, 1989 Tombstone [E-21-6]-Laverne Emma Ahrens/Dec 19, 1913/Feb 9, 2003 Tombstone + Photo [E-41-4]-Walter A. Ahrens/Sep 6, 1904/Jun 11, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [E-41-4]-Anne M. Ahrens/Jun 16, 1908/Jun 17, 1997 Tombstone [I-24-4]-Wesley W. Ahrens/1903-1913 Tombstone + Photo [I-24-4]-Harry H. Ahrens/1888-1918 (war vet flag holder) Tombstone + Photo [I-24-4]-Gladys L. Ahrens/1912-1974 Tombstone [I-24-4]-Richard W. Ahrens/Apr 23, 1892/Feb 2, 1983 Tombstone [I-24-4]-Ottilie Ahrens/Mother/1859-1931 Tombstone [I-24-4]-August F. Ahrens/Father/1859-1941 Tombstone [L-1-10]-Twin daughters/W. & J. Ahrens/-Mar 27, 1926- Tombstone [P-19-6]-William J. Ahrens Sr./1866-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [P-19-6]-Anna Ahrens/1861-1957 Tombstone [T-9-4]-Edward A. Ahrens/1885-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [T-9-4]-Ida Ahrens/1894-1963 Tombstone [T-17-1]-Mae Ahrens/1912-1964 Marker [Y-4-1]-Barbara A. Ahrens/Jun 1, 1937/Jan 15, 2022 Photo see CHADEK
AKGULIAN: Anthony Akgulian/May 11, 1939/Feb 1, 2023 PhotoALAN: see ALLEN
ALBA: [Unk]-[?? Alba/bur. 03-22-1875]
ALBEE: [T-16-9]-Lena B. Albee/2-19-1902/1-9-1978 Tombstone [W2-158-3]-Jane S. Albee/1862-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-3]-George H. Albee/1853-1908 Tombstone [W2-158-4]-Elizabeth Mary Albee/wife of J Albee/died Jan 9, 1872/AE 61 yrs 10 ms Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-4]-Frederick J. Albee/son of J & EM Albee/died Dec 22, 1862/AE 18 yrs 11 ms Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-4]-Ann Cordelia/___/Ed RAND/died Febr 22 1870/AE 30 yrs. 6 mos Tombstone [W2-158-4]-James Albee/1818-Sep 1889 (no apparent inscription) Tombstone
ALBERSKI: [E-44-2]-Joseph J. Alberski, Sr./Jan 9, 1919/May 12, 1987 Tombstone
ALBERT: [Unk]-[John Albert/bur. 06-23-1881/child] [L]-William Albert/d. 1887 [O-25-5]-Elmer Albert/Feb 24 1919/Jul 31, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [O-25-5]-Eleanor Albert/Apr 9, 1919/Apr 27, 1991 Tombstone
ALBERTS: [R-7-13]-Irwin N. Alberts/Mar 22, 1899/Nov 8, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [R-7-13]-Dorothy L. Alberts/Nov 6, 1898/Nov 7, 1971 Tombstone
ALBRECHT: [E2-9-5]-[George Albrecht, Jr./bur. 01-16-1894/age 36 yrs] Tombstone [E2-9-5]-[Catherine Albrecht/bur. 01-23-1903/age 83 yrs] Tombstone [E2-9-5]-[Hans C. Albrecht/bur. 04-02-1906/age 81 yrs] Tombstone [E2-9-6]-George W. Albrecht/died Sep 26, 1855/Aged __ Tombstone [L-13-6]-[Cerial Albrecht/bur 09-10-1906/age 7 mo] No Tombstone [P-10-5]-Arthur W. Albrecht/Dec 29, 1921/Feb 1, 2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [P-10-5]-Ruth M. Albrecht/Nov 18, 1921/Apr 27, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [P-10-5]-Kurt Arthur Albrecht/Mar 7, 1953/Apr 4, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [R-35-9]-Robert M. Albrecht/Apr 6, 1926/Dec 17, 1926 Tombstone, next to: [R-35-9]-Arthur F. Albrecht/Sep 30, 1888/Feb 28, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [R-35-9]-Mathilda R. Albrecht/7-27-1888/12-17-1976 Tombstone [R-35-9]-Clarence E. Albrecht/Jul 29, 1919/May 30, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [R-35-9]-Virginia A. Albrecht/Mar 14, 1922/Dec 4, 1992 Tombstone [R-35-9]-Vernon R. Albrecht/Oct 20, 1927/Jan 25, 2006 Tombstone [R-35-10]-Ernestine Albrecht/Mother/Nov. 10, 1861/May 25, 1944 Tombstone [R-35-10]-Conrad Albrecht/Father/Jul 23, 1843/Jan 14, 1928 Tombstone [U-22-4]-Victor M. Albrecht/Oct 31, 1901/Oct 10, 1995 at Milwaukee WI Tombstone [V-30-4]-Arnold H. Albrecht/1914-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [V-30-4]-Elizabeth [M.]"Betty" Albrecht/9-11-1915/7-1-2001 Tombstone + Photo [V-30-4]-Robert D. Albrecht/Jul 30, 1937/Apr 9, 2017 Photo [W2-208-1]-Caroline Albrecht/Geb. BURWITZ/geboren 21 Juni 1797/starb/14 Nov 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Emilie Albrecht/geboren 7 Feb 1843/starb 6 Dec 1923 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Albert WITTENBERG/geboren 25 Aug 1825/starb 3 Jan 1893/Aus Ueckmnd Preussen Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Johanna WITTENBERG/Geb'ne Albrecht/16 Dec 1822/Gest 13 Jan 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Adolph BRAXMEIER/1875-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-208-1]-Ella BRAXMEIER/1877-1945 Tombstone see BRAXMEIER see WITTENBERG
ALBRIGHT: [A-24-5]-[Otto Albright/bur. 10-19-1891/age 4 yrs./cause: peritonitis] [A-24-5]-John Albright/1850-1901/Father Tombstone [A-24-5]-Sophia Albright/1859-1928/Mother Tombstone [A-24-5]-Louis Joseph Albright/1885-1906 Tombstone see EBERHARDT
ALBRITS: [Unk]-[Tosset Albrits/child/bur. 08-28-1877] No Tombstone [The burial register appears to say "buried the child of Mrs. Fosset, Albritz lot $1"; otherwise, it could be child of Mrs. Fosset Albritz but then the word lot still follows the name and wouldn't make sense (child of Mrs. Fosset Albritz lot). I definitely think it is Fosset instead of Tosset though based on his other capital F's and T's. Unfortunately, I don't show an Albritz/Albrits being a lot owner or burial here. The Albright lot I have was purchased later than 1877. The Albritz/Albrits lot may have either been quit claimed to someone else or repossessed in 1951 due to non-payment of annual care.
ALDER: [B-40-4]-James W. Alder/1873-1958 Tombstone [B-40-4]-Linda KUNZ Alder/1883-1961 Tombstone
ALDRICH: [D-32-1]-Henry A. Aldrich/Jun 25, 1835/Apr 10, 1902 (Civil War vet) Tombstone, ossw: [D-32-1]-Mary L. Aldrich/Apr 12, 1844/Nov 18, 1900 Tombstone [D-32-1]-H.A. Aldrich/Co D 27th Wis Inf Tombstone
ALECKSEN: [E2-12-3]-Richard Alecksen/Nov 25, 1932/Apr 29, 2022 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-12-3]-Betty K. Alecksen/Jul 16, 1934/Nov 6, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [E2-12-3]-Lars T. Alecksen/Jan 1, 1961/Aug 28, 2012 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-12-3]-Doria Alecksen/nee HUGGINS/Mar 15, 1962/Apr 23, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-12-3]-Erica Paige Alecksen/Jan 30, 1991/Jul 8, 2012 Cenotaph + Photo [R-20-8]-Talmadge [G.] Alecksen/Aug 19, 1907/Aug 27, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-8]-Millie Alecksen/Feb 6, 1908/May 19, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-8]-Donna Jean Alecksen/1929-1930 Tombstone [R-20-8]-Georgina Alecksen/1879-1942 Tombstone [R-20-8]-Lars Alecksen/1869-1928 Tombstone [R-20-8]-David Alecksen/Feb 16, 1943/Aug 11, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-8]-Vernon R. Alecksen/Oct 14, 1915/Jul 20, 1991 Tombstone + Photo, ossw [R-20-8]-Ruth Caroline Alecksen/Apr 15, 1910/Jan 25, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [R-20-8]-Karen Glee Alecksen/Nov 1, 1944/Nov 26, 1999 Tombstone [R-20-8]-James Henry Alecksen/Sep 19, 1953/Feb 13, 2018 Photo
ALFREDSON: [E-2-12]-Shirley Alfredson/1925-1962 Tombstone [U-11-7]-Ruben Alfredson/1910-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [U-11-7]-Irene I. Alfredson/Feb 14, 1912/Oct 14, 1997 Tombstone
ALLEE: [V-22-1]-John C. Allee/1883-1968 ["Family said that name was Allee, but when the family came to U.S., they changed to Allen"] Tombstone John Allen
ALLEN: [B-3-4]-[Electa Smith ALAN/bur. 10-05-1892] Tombstone [D-20-4]-Lloyd [A.]Allen/1908-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [D-20-4]-Lillian M. Allen/Jun 6, 1899/Jan 1, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [D-20-4]-Lloyd A. Allen/Wisconsin/Cpl. U.S. Army/Feb 8, 1908/Feb 26, 1973 Tombstone [E2-5-5]-[Abraham Allen/bur. 11-05-1893/age 80 yrs./cause: old age] [E2-11-1]-Neal Allen/1848-1849 [This burial was moved here from another (unknown) location. The city bought the land for the cemetery in 1852 & our first burial was Judge Jeremiah Colby in May 1853] Tombstone [E2-11-1]-Emerson [Lyman] Allen/1856-1902 Tombstone [E2-11-1]-Margaret Allen/1819-1903 Tombstone [E2-11-1]-James Allen/1813-[bur. 05-01-1859]Tombstone [L-?-?]-[J. Allen/bur. 08-21-1876/burial register has buried Mr J Allen-juge-frie ground, $2.50] [L-31-10]-Baby [girl] Allen/-May 10, 1943- [stillborn/daughter of Adrian Allen] Tombstone [O-10-3]-George W. Allen/Father/1867-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [O-10-3]-Louise Allen/Mother/1874-1917 Tombstone [O-10-3]-Esther M. Allen/1901-1964 Tombstone [O-10-3]-Archie R. Allen/Wisc/PFC-Med Dept./WWI/Feb 24, 1896/Jan 28, 1969 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Mary Allen/Mother/1849-1918 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Albert Allen/Father/1850-1927 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Lillie Allen/Daughter/1875-1927 Tombstone [O-15-2]-[Howard Albert Allen/bur. 04-17-1914/cause: diarrha/bur. on Albert Allen lot] [O-15-2]-[Baby Allen/bur. 12-07-1914/cause: premature birth/bur. on Albert Allen lot] [O-15-2]-[Edward E Allen/bur. 01-11-1917] No Tombstone [O-15-2]-[James A. Allen/bur. 8-30-1927/cause: general debility/place of death: Neenah, WI/bur. on Albert Allen lot] [O-15-2]-[Baby Allen/bur. 12-08-1928/cause: premature birth/bur. on Edward S. Allen lot] [O-15-2]-Gertrude Allen/1889-1953 Tombstone [O-15-2]-Edward Allen/1884-1936 Tombstone [O-29-4]-[Glenn Roy Allen/bur. 1-4-1936/age 6 hrs./cause: premature/bur. on Charles A. Allen lot] [O-29-4]-Jane M. Allen/1913-1923 Tombstone [O-29-4]-Mabel F. Allen/1881-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [O-29-4]-Charles A. Allen/1874-1940 Tombstone Mabel/Charles [R-6-11]-Paul George Allen/Br 3 US Navy/WWII/Feb 18, 1920/Dec 14, 1978 Tombstone (note: he was disinterred from Knollwood #33 and moved here on 6/13/1995) [R-6-11]-Marjorie E. Franke Allen/Apr 23, 1923/Apr 25, 2009 Tombstone [S-46-9]-John [Edward] Allen/Brother/Jun 28, 1929/Apr 29, 1937 Tombstone [S-51-5]-Evelyn E. Allen/Jan 18, 1908/Jul 30, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [S-51-5]-Franklin T. Allen/Feb 24, 1912/Jun 24, 1976 Tombstone [U-16-8]-George I. Allen/Sep 21, 1910/Apr 29, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [U-16-8]-Alice Allen/July 9, 1917/16 Feb 16, 1985Tombstone Tombstone [U-27-4]-George C. Allen/1910-1956 Tombstone [U-27-4]-Clarence E. Allen/Feb 28, 1912/Jan 23, 1986 Tombstone [U-27-4]-Helen M. Allen/1912/Feb 7, 1996 Tombstone [U-27-7]-[Mary Helen Allen/d. 04-11-1955/stillborn] [W2-168-2]-[John] S. Allen/Co. K/27th Wis. Inf. Tombstone [John Allen/buried October 20, 1878/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tribune article 1897 [W2-168-2]-[Abraham Allen/bur. 12-08-1893/age 86 yrs./cause: old age] [W2-168-2]-[Martha Allen/bur. 07-20-1901/age 80 yrs.] [W2-231-1]-Frank B. Allen/Husband/May 13, 1891/Apr 14, 1954 Tombstone [W2-235-7]-Luhman Allen/1839-1920 Tombstone [W2-235-7]-Frederica [L.] Allen/1862-1939 Tombstone see ALLEE see GILES see PEASHEK
ALLERTON: [L-15-2]-[O.H. Allerton/bur.01-01-1899/age 50 yrs./cause: general debility]
ALLGER: [D-29-4]-Mary Allger/1863-1938 Tombstone [R-46-8]-James W. Allger/9 Jan 1913/6 Jul 1999 Tombstone [R-46-8]-Jane B. Allger/Jan 6, 1922/Mar 12, 2005 Tombstone
ALLIE: [E-12-6]-Claude Peter Allie/May 25, 1906/Nov 1, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [E-12-6]-Bernice Virginia Allie/Mar 24, 1910/Apr 12, 2003 Tombstone + Photo
ALLINSON: [L-6-2]-[John Allinson/bur. 08-05-1905] No Tombstone
ALLWARDT: [Unk]-[Baby (William) Allwardt, Jr./bur. 12-24-1882/child] [E-28-10]-Lester C. Allwardt/1901-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [E-28-10]-Virginia C. Allwardt/1902-1971 Tombstone [W2-207-3]-John Allwardt/1879-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-3]-Emma Allwardt/1880-1928 Tombstone [W2-207-4]-[Charles ALWART/bur. 09-10-1877/cause of death: miscarriage] [W2-207-4]-[Baby AHLWARDT/bur. 03-06-1907/age 2 mo./cause: congesture defects] Tombstone [W2-207-4]-Caroline Allwardt/Geb 4 Nov 1845/Gest 6 Aug 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Charles Allwardt/1873-1932, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Carl Allwardt/Geb.12 Aug 1838/Gest 18 Apr 1930 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Wilhelm Alvin Heinrich Allwardt/Geb 3 Mai 1881/gest 28 Jan 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Friederike Ida Johanna Allwardt/geb 11 Mar 1877/gest 11 Nov 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-207-4]-Louisa Sophia Johanna/tochter von/C. & C. ALLVERDT/geboren 5 Sep 1869/gestorben 30 Sep 1890 Tombstone
ALMSTAT: [Unk]-[?? Almstat/bur. 02-27-1878]
ALQUIST: [W-16-3]-Marjorie B. Alquist/May 17, 1914/Sep 8, 1996 Tombstone
ALSWEDE: [E2-3-7]-Richard Alswede/1893-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-7]-May Alswede/1888-1975 Tombstone
ALT: [B-39-2]-Stephen K. Alt/1950-1971 Tombstone [B-39-2]-[Baby Alt/bur. 2-19-1931] [B-39-4]-Harold C. Alt/Jan 5, 1908/Sep 25, 1997 Tombstone + Photo [B-39-4]-Josephine V. Alt/Dec 22, 1909/Dec 4, 1989 Tombstone [B-39-4]-Rosemary Alt/1928-2010 Tombstone [T-8-10]-Carl W. Alt/May 1, 1880/Mar 18, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-10]-Anna S. Alt/1885-1965 Tombstone
ALTER: [Unk]-[E. Alter/bur. 03-13-1873]-(infant) [A-29-3]-Minnie J. Alter/1869-1958 Tombstone [A-29-3]-Otto W. Alter/1859-1935 Tombstone [E2-13-1]-Caroline F.W.H. V. Alter/Gebne V KUTZLEMEN/Geb 19 Nov 1798/ Gest 21 Apr 1870/Groszmama Tombstone [E2-13-2]-[Carl Alter/d. unk] Tombstone [E2-13-2]-[Bruno Alter/d. unk] Tombstone [E2-13-2]-[Eugenia Alter/d. unk] [E. Alter/bur. 04-10-1873] [E2-13-2]-Eugen O.G. Alter/Born Apr 9, 1832/Died Jul 15, 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-13-2]-Margaret Alter/wife of Eugene Alter/Born Feb 3, 1840/Died Mar 26, 1920 Tombstone Margaret [E2-13-4]-Eugene G. Alter/1887-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-13-4]-Natalie V. Alter/Apr 19, 1887/Jan 30, 1989 Tombstone [E2-13-4]-Oscar A. Alter/1861-1945 Tombstone + Photo [E2-13-4]-Dora BEER Alter/1860-1919 Tombstone [F-11-4]-George H. Alter/Oct 24, 1896/Apr 14, 1993/WWI Vet. Tombstone, ossw: [F-11-4]-Elsie [P.] Alter/Mar 21, 1898/Aug 31, 1986 Tombstone [R-11-11]-Hattie Alter/nee GUTTMANN/1868-1958 Tombstone [R-11-11]-Gustav E. Alter/1863-1936 Tombstone [R-11-11]-Irma Alter/Mar. 4, 1899/Feb 12, 1976 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone [R-11-11]-Clarence Alter/1894-1972 (war vet flag) Tombstone [R-11-11]-Margaret Alter/Sep 8, 1932/Sep 17, 2024 Tombstone [R-11-12]-Mary MacKenzie Alter/1897-1934 Tombstone [R-11-12]-Fred L. Alter/1892-1972 (war vet flag) Tombstone + Photo see BACH
ALTERGOTT: [L-1-9]-Maria F. Altergott/8 Oct 1918/26 Feb 1922 Tombstone [L-1-12]-Leo G. Altergott/26 Juli 1920/17 Dec 1922 Tombstone [L-16-3]-Herbert Altergott/(no dates on stone) [bur. 04-26-1916] Tombstone [O-28-6]-Dorothy Altergott/Mother/1851-1926 Tombstone [O-28-6]-[Alexander Altergott/bur. 04-28-1918/age 8 mo] [O-28-6]-[Baby Altergott/d. 11-15-1946/bur. on Alex Altergott lot] Marker
ALTHEN: [G-8-3]-George F. Althen/1880-1951 Tombstone [G-8-3]-Martha MILLER Althen/1878-1947 Tombstone [R-14-11]-Bernice M. PETERSON Althen/Sep 10, 1908/Aug 8, 1977 Tombstone see PETERSON
ALTMAN: [R-41-3]-Alfred P. Altman/1882-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [R-41-3]-Rickie T. Altman/Jul 31, 1886/Aug 15, 1977 Tombstone [R-41-3]-Lamar C. Altman/Jul 1, 1913/May 5, 1983 Tombstone [S-47-12]-Lois E. Altman/Mar 17, 1927/Jan 27, 2001 Tombstone [W2-117-2]-Carl Altman/1848-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-117-2]-Augusta C. Altman/1850-1949 Tombstone
ALVORD: [T-9-1]-Guy E. Alvord/1889-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [T-9-1]-Addie L. Alvord/1886-1962 Tombstone
AMATANGELO: [E2-4-9]-Karen Amatangelo/1947-2011 Tombstone
AMBLER: [U-13-9]-Edgar Ambler/1906-1958 (War vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-9]-Leone E. Ambler/May 10, 1910/Sep 22, 1986 Tombstone [U-24-3]-Annie Ambler/1886-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [U-24-3]-Fred Ambler/1884-1960 Tombstone
AMBROGIO: [W2-235-3]-Dominic N. Ambrogio/1907-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-235-3]-Grace M. Ambrogio/Oct 9, 1914/Feb 10, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
AMES: [E2-21-5]-(Julia Catherine Cunningham Ames/d 20 April 1881] [U-34-4]-Carlton C. Ames/Jun 25, 1897/Jun 12, 1976 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-4]-Lillian T. Ames/Jul 29, 1897/Sep 30, 1985 Tombstone [U-34-4]-Michael Ames/1954-1955 Tombstone [U-34-4]-Donald C. Ames/Dec 29, 1925/May 5, 2003 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-34-4]-Dorothy Ann Ames/Jul 11, 1928/Jul 13, 2023 Tombstone + Photo
ANDERLE: [E2-7-7]-Lillian Anderle/1904-1926 Tombstone [E2-7-7]-Anna Anderle/1873-1919 Tombstone [E2-7-7]-James Anderle/1868-1945 Tombstone [L-29-8]-[Barbara Anderle/bur. 02-06-1918] No Tombstone [W2-103-4]-Johanna Anderle/Geb 18 Mar 1849/Gest 3 Nov 1879 Tombstone, ossw: ROCKHOFF see ROCKHOFF
ANDERSEN: [C-1-6]-Viola Andersen/Aug 14, 1890/Dec 6, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-6]-Alfred Andersen/1890-1951 (War vet flag) Tombstone [T-6-8]-Rose Marie K. Andersen/Jun 27, 1923/Jan 13, 1989 Tombstone [T-6-8]-LeRoy K. Andersen/Jan 5, 1922/Jul 22, 2007 Tombstone [W2-173-2]-Andrew Andersen/Fod 10 Apr 1826/Dod 18 Jan 1889 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-173-2]-Anne Andersen/Fod 30 Nov 1804/Dod 24 Sep 1878 Tombstone
ANDERSON: [Unk]-[(Child) Anderson/bur. 12-10-1864/burial register has buried the child of Mr. Anderson] No Tombstone [Unk]-[Anton Anderson/bur. 02-27-1875/burial register has buried the child of Andon Anderson, $1] No Tombstone [Unk]-[A. Anderson/bur. 03-05-1875/child/burial register has buried the child of Andon Anderson] [Unk]-[Christiena Anderson/bur. 10-06-1878/burial register has buried Miss Anderson Norwager [a Norwegian] $2] No Tombstone [A-18-1]-[Oscar Anderson/bur. 12-28-1906/age 26 yrs./cause: consumption] No Tombstone [A-18-1]-(Georgiania PETERSON Anderson/age 65/bur. 3 July 1913/from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) No Tombstone [B-9-3]-James Anderson/Father/1856-1925 Tombstone [B-9-3]-[Christina Anderson/d. 07-26-1942] No Tombstone [E2-23-5]-[Ch. Mrs. Anderson/bur. 08-09-1866] No Tombstone [E2-23-5]-[Christian Anderson/bur. 08-24-1897/age 71 yrs.] No Tombstone [E2-23-5]-[Sarah Anderson/bur. 09-08-1897] No Tombstone [E2-38-1]-Oscar Anderson/d. Feb. 2, 1860 Tombstone [E2-38-5]-[Emma Louise Anderson/d. 12-10-1941 at San Francisco, CA/bur. 03-18-1942/age 72 yrs/ cause: embolis of iliac artery/cremains/bur. on Henry Wetenkamp lot.] Tombstone [E2-46-5]-[Ole Anderson/bur. 06-12-1898/age 39 yrs./cause: typhoid fever] No Tombstone [E2-93-5]-[H.J. Anderson/bur. 06-02-1887] No Tombstone [E2-93-5]-[?? Anderson/bur. 10-31-1871/child/burial register has buried the child of H. J. Anderson, lot 5 block 93, $1.25] No Tombstone [E2-93-5]-[Henricka Anderson/bur. 03-24-1937] No Tombstone [G-3-8]-Barbara Anderson/1874-1952 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Nellie Anderson/1877-1929 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Marie Anderson/1849-1939 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Peter Anderson/1841-1935 Tombstone [G-3-8]-Peter M. Anderson/1879-1956 Tombstone [G-3-7]-Hannah Anderson/1876-1963 Tombstone [G-3-7]-Henrietta Anderson/1885-1963 Tombstone + Photo [I-9-10]-[Charles Anderson/bur. 01-14-1909] No Tombstone [I-9-10]-Alvina Anderson/1874-1938 Tombstone, ossw: [I-9-10]-Charles B. Anderson/1872-1941 Tombstone [I-20-3]-Libby K. Anderson/Aug 14, 1887/Oct 21, 1985 Tombstone [K-6-5]-Lloyd C. Anderson/1895-1918/son Tombstone [L-5-6]-[Margaret Anderson/bur 08-29-1899/age 2 mo/cause: indigestion] No Tombstone [L-6-1]-[Inga Anderson/bur. 08-09-1905/age 88 yrs./cause: old age] No Tombstone [L-15-4]-[Knud Anderson/bur. 12-26-1899] No Tombstone [L-32-11]-[Baby Anderson/bur. 01-23-1933] Tombstone [O-11-6]-[Christian Anderson/bur. 3-24-1916/age 63 yrs] No Tombstone [O-11-6]-Alice M. Anderson/d. unknown/bur. 11 Sept. 2002/Cremation/arranged by mother Pam Moh] NoTombstone [O-11-6]-Norman C. Anderson/1904-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [O-11-6]-Gladys T. Anderson/1903-1972 Tombstone [O-11-6]-Alice Anderson/Mother/(1874-1921) Tombstone [O-11-6]-Christopher Anderson/Father/(1854-1916) Tombstone [O-11-6]-Cora Anderson/d 1915 Tombstone [O-11-6]-Ambrose Anderson/d Oct 22, 1918 Tombstone [O-18-3]-[Charlotte Anderson/bur. 06-02-1913] No Tombstone [O-22-4]-Nils J. Anderson/1872-1940/Spanish War Vet/1898-1902 Tombstone [O-22-4]-Rosa Anderson/1874-1960 Tombstone [O-22-4]-Anna Anderson/Mother/Jul 6, 1888/Jan 7, 1919 Tombstone [P-18-7]-Lester N. Anderson/1897-1970 (Am. Leg. Flg) Tombstone, ossw: [P-18-7]-George A. Anderson/1903-1945 Tombstone [P-27-1]-Carl Anderson/Father/1879-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-1]-Edna Anderson/Mother/1892-1941 Tombstone [P-34-5]-Theodore C. Anderson/1870-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [P-34-5]-Enanda Anderson/1875-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [P-34-5]-Mildred Anderson/Sep 12/Sep 22/1900 Tombstone [P-34-5]-Margaret Anderson/1910-1955 Tombstone [R-22-9]-George T. Anderson/1862-1931 Tombstone [R-22-9]-Ida VETTING Anderson/1868-1943 Tombstone + Photo [R-22-9]-Ella J. Anderson/Dec 6, 1890/Sep 22, 1979 Tombstone [R-22-10]-Theodore O. Anderson/1859-1940 Tombstone [R-22-10]-Mayme MUTH Anderson/1876-1932 Tombstone [S-43-20]-John C. Anderson/Aug 20, 1907/Aug 4, 1979 No Tombstone [S-43-46]-John A. Anderson/1923-2013 Tombstone + Photo [S-43-46]-Carolyn E. Anderson/Dec 26, 1934/Sep 8, 2020 Photo [S-43-48]-Carl Nels Anderson/Mar 23, 1929/Mar 19, 2000 Tombstone [S-45-1]-Albert N. Anderson/1881-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [S-45-1]-Regina Anderson/1884-1967 Tombstone [S-45-1]-Doris Anderson/1926-1928 Tombstone [S-45-7]-Orbina Anderson/1881-1931 Tombstone [S-45-7]-Gilbert A. Anderson/1880-1924 Tombstone [T-2-6]-Esther [W.](Bargmann) Anderson/Sep 21, 1902/Feb 26, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-6]-Harold A. Anderson/1900-1965 Tombstone [T-4-20]-Marcella Anderson/Apr 23, 1911/Jun 20, 1976 Tombstone [T-11-6]-Gustave CEAGLSKE/1905-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [T-11-6]-Edith C. Anderson/1911-1972 [d. 06-20-1972/age 61 yrs.] Tombstone [T-15-6]-Edna N. Anderson/1888-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [T-15-6]-Anton O. Anderson/1880-1948 Tombstone [T-30-10]-Mary SHEEHAN Anderson/1881-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-10]-Helen Sheehan/1886-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-10]-Charlotte Sheehan REILLY/1892-1958 Tombstone [U-3-6]-Ethel E. Anderson/Sep 30, 1912/Apr 8, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [U-3-6]-Louie Anderson/Dec 23, 1913/Oct 27 1984 Tombstone [U-27-10]-Noble Ben Anderson/Aug 8, 1906/Dec 31, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [U-27-10]-Lonaverne Y. Anderson/1911-1973 Tombstone [U-39-2]-Oscar L. Anderson/Apr 6, 1896/Jan 4, 1972 (Am. Leg. Flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-39-2]-Hazel F. Anderson/Sep 20, 1899/6 Nov 6, 1983 Tombstone [V-5-1]-Scott H. Anderson/1973/09-15-1987 Tombstone [W-16-8]-Everett E. Anderson/SSGT US Army/WWII/ Feb 25, 1911/Apr 8, 1996 Tombstone [W-16-8]-Olive M. Anderson/Jul 22, 1905/Apr 2, 2003 Tombstone [W2-130-2]-[Jacob Anderson/bur. 08-02-1872] No Tombstone [W2-130-2]-[Anna C. Anderson/Mrs./bur. 05-17-1891/age 70 yrs./cause: injury from a fall] Tombstone [W2-147-1]-Andreas Anderson/Father/Born Jun 12, 1842/Died Jun 5, 1885 Tombstone [W2-147-1]-Andrea Anderson/Mother/Born Aug 9, 1844/Died Jul 16, 1875 Tombstone [W2-147-1]-Nels Peter and Marie Anderson/Babies Tombstone [W2-147-1]-[Nels Anderson/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-147-1]-[Peter Anderson/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-147-1]-[Marie Anderson/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-161-2]-Andrew M. Anderson/1884-1937 Tombstone [W2-162-4]-Niels Anderson DOXROD/Fodt/den 2 Dec 1811/Fod den 27 Jul, 1886 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-162-4]-Thurine Anderson DOXROD/fodt den 8 Jun 1811/dod den 9 Marts 1889 Tombstone [W2-162-4]-N. N. Anderson/Died Mar 17, 1896/aged 52 years Tombstone, ossw: [W2-162-4]-N.T. Anderson [Nils]/His son/Died Mar 30, 1878/Aged 9 years Tombstone [W2-170-3]-Chester M. Anderson/Dec 11, 1906/Dec 9, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-170-3]-Anita U.(Uek) Anderson/Aug 13, 1907/May 2, 1995 Tombstone [W2-184-1]-Andrew Anderson/Father/Born Jul 25, 1835/Died Feb 4, 1912 Tombstone [W2-185-4]-[Jean Harriet Anderson/bur. 6-7-1927] Tombstone + Photo [W2-185-4]-[James Anderson/bur. 5-11-1927] Tombstone + Photo [W2-185-4]-[Evalina Anderson/bur. 10-18-1930/age 84 yrs] Tombstone + Photo [W2-185-4]-Family stone reads: Anderson-GAREY-McFARLANE-NOBLE [1,2,3, & 4 in block 185 of W2, so 1/4 of the monument is on each lot.], ossw: [W2-185-4]-John Anderson/Jan 16, 1806/Nov 2, 1872 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Harriet SIBREE Anderson/Born June 17, 1816/Died Aug 6, 1873 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Harriet Anderson GAREY/wife of J.E. GAREY/Born Jan 11, 1848/Died Dec 9, 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Sarah McFARLANE/wife of Rev. Walter McFARLANE/Died Dec 5, 1881/Aged 70 years Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-4]-Rev. Walter McFARLANE/(d. 1896) (bal. uncut) Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-2]-Jean Anderson NOBLE/wife of Wm. H. NOBLE/Born Nov 29, 1846/Died Aug 21, 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-185-2]-William H. NOBLE/Born Feb 6, 1837/Died Oct 21, 1894 Tombstone [W2-211-1]-Andrew C. Anderson/Father/1865-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-211-1]-Amelia Anderson/Mother/1875-1956 Tombstone [W2-211-1]-William C. Anderson/Sep 6, 1909/Jun 16, 1917 Tombstone [Y-1-9]-John P. Anderson/S A US Navy/Aug 29, 1942/Jul 4, 1977 Tombstone [Y-5-17]-Genevieve (Jean) Anderson/Aug 27, 1912/Jul 13, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-17]-Charles J./Feb 16, 1908/Dec 9, 1984 Tombstone [Y-5-19]-Alvin Ronald "Andy" Anderson/Mar 19, 1931/Aug 13, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-19]-Nancy C. Anderson/Nov 9, 1934/Sep 7, 2018 see WETERKAMP family plot
ANDES: [R-41-3]-Caroline [D.] SIMPSON Andes/1882-1964 Tombstone see SIMPSON
ANDRASTEK: [E-5-4]-Martin J. Andrastek/Nov 6, 1908/Jul 5, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-4]-Bernice M. Andrastek/1908-1973 Tombstone [E-5-5]-Edmund Andrastek/May 30, 1906/Sep 7, 1978 Tombstone [E-5-8]-Stanley S. Andrastek/May 1, 1911/Oct 27, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-8]-Viola B. Andrastek/Apr 3, 1914/Mar 30, 1998 Tombstone
ANDREASEN: [W2-130-1]-Jacob Andreasen/fod. Melsomvig Norge/11 Nov 1797/dod i Chicago, Ill. den 22 Febr 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-130-1]-Ingeborg Helene Andreasen/fod i Melsomvig, Norge den 25 Jan 1797/ dod in Manitowoc, Wis. den/22 Dec 1873 Tombstone
ANDREASON: [Unk]-[Niels Andreason/bur. 05-20-1872/burial register has buried the child of Mr. Nils Andreason, $1.25]
ANDREE: [W2-161-2]-Gottfried Andree/1842-1879 [bur. 09-25-1913/removed from 3-22-E2/bur. on I.O.O.F lot] Tombstone
ANDREW: [E-14-9]-Jacob Dylan Andrew/2007-Mar 11, 2012 Tombstone + Photo
ANDREWS: [Unk]-[?? Andrews/bur. 11-08-1861] No Tombstone [E2-55-3]-[James Andrews/bur. 01-11-1913] No Tombstone [E2-55-3]-[Anna Andrews/bur. 02-18-1907/age 78 yrs.] No Tombstone [E2-55-3]-Alice/dau. of J. & A. Andrews/Dec 29, 1864/Jan 8, 1888 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-55-3]-Willie (nothing else) Tombstone [L-29-22]-[Bessie Andrews/bur. 09-20-1955/age 54 yrs.] No Tombstone [T-13-7]-Malcom Andrews, Dr./1879-Jul 29, 1952/age 73 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-13-7]-Mable Andrews/d. 02-27-1955 Tombstone
ANDRUSAK: [R-19-1]-[Mary Andrusak/Miss/bur. 2-10-1936/age 19 yrs] Photo [S-43-70]-William G. Andrusak/Aug 28, 1944/Oct 12, 1996 Tombstone [T-16-9]-[Mary Andrusak/d. 10-04-1949/age 64 yrs.] No Tombstone
ANGELIS: [Unk]-[Max Angelis/bur. 01-05-1878]
ANGER: [L-1-9]-[Baby Anger/bur 01-25-1921/stillborn/space #24]
ANHALT: [E-7-9]-Joseph A. Anhalt/1915-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [E-7-9]-Kathryn L./1917-2011 Tombstone + Photo [E-21-12]-Lawrence Anhalt/Jun 6, 1937/Jun 18, 2018 Photo [E-21-12]-Barbara A. Anhalt/Aug 5, 1962/Dec 21, 2019 Photo [E-41-8]-John J. Anhalt/Jan 27, 1951/Sep 23, 2019 Photo [L-31-1]-Baby boy Anhalt/Mar 21, 1986/Mar 21, 1986/stillborn/space #431] Marker [V-17-4]-William F. Anhalt/Jan 13, 1929/May 28, 2017 Photo [V-17-4]-Kathleen Anhalt/Sep 28, 1931/Jun 30, 2020 Photo [V-18-3]-McKinzie Anhalt/Jan 27, 1979/Jan 27, 1979, Green Bay, WI/fetal death/ cremains/bur. on Mrs. William R. McConnell lot] No Tombstone [V-32-8]-Allan Michael Anhalt/Apr 2, 1948/Apr 26, 2014 Photo [V-33-7]-Michael E. Anhalt/Apr 4, 1912/Jan 4, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [V-33-7]-Esther Hilda Anhalt/Sep 26, 1920/Jun 13, 2006 Tombstone
ANIC: [W2-234-8]-John M. Anic/1889-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-8]-Minnie Anic/1889-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-8]-John Anic Jr./-1921- Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-8]-Joseph Anic/-1923- Tombstone
ANKLAM: [Y-5-9]-Glen Gordon Anklam/Mar 20, 1942/Dec 31, 1995 Tombstone
ANSCHULTZ: [S-43-70]-Sarah Anschultz/Jun 15, 1925/May 15, 2005 Tombstone
ANSORGE: [F-8-3]-Myrtle V. Ansorge/Nov 3, 1898/Apr 5, 1998 Tombstone [F-8-3]-Ruth E. Ansorge/Jan 18, 1926/Oct 19, 1928 Tombstone [F-8-3]-Anna L. Ansorge/Mar 16, 1930/Mar 21, 1930 Tombstone [G-1-1]-Alvin J. Ansorge/May 26, 1910/Aug 26, 1995 Tombstone [G-3-4]-Herman F. Ansorge/Jan 22, 1884/Mar 25, 1925 Tombstone [L-2-10]-Emelie/Mother/wife of Hy. Ansorge/1850-1920 Tombstone [L-15-3]-Heinrich Ansorge [Henry]/Geb 15 Juli 1816/Gest 4 Mai 1900 Tombstone [L-31-12]-Douglas E. Ansorge/1950-1952 [space #281] Tombstone [M-12-15]-Helen Kathryn/Mar 23, 1917/Feb 8 2011 Tombstone, ossw: [M-12-15]-Herbert Arno/Aug 19, 1918/Apr 18, 2008 Tombstone [O-24-2]-[Edwin Ansorge/bur. 7-5-1927/age 1 yr/cause: pneumonia/bur. on Ernst Ansorge lot/removed from Newton] [O-24-2]-Ernst Ansorge/Father/Feb 7, 1880/Nov 14, 1918 Tombstone next to: [O-24-2]-Metha Ansorge/Mother/Nov 27, 1877/Jan 10, 1946 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Edwin Ansorge/sohn von E & M Ansorge/Geb 7 Mar 1906/Gest 1 Dec 1907 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Ida A. Ansorge/May 10, 1911/Dec 28, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [O-24-2]-Frederick F. Ansorge/Nov 26, 1902/Feb 6, 1979 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Edwin Ansorge/1906-1907 Tombstone [O-24-2]-Baby Ansorge/1913-1913 Tombstone [P-25-11]-Harry E. /1907-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [P-25-11]-Violet O. Ansorge DIEDERICHS/May 29, 1908/Mar 12, 2000 Tombstone
ANTAL: [T-11-7]-Rhoda Mae PEPPLER Antal/1937-1972 Tombstone
ANTHOLD: [R-38-5]-George Anthold/1890-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-5]-Erma Anthold/Mar 16, 1901/Apr 1, 2000 Tombstone
ANTHOLZ: [R-24-8]-William G. Antholz/1895-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [R-24-8]-Viola Antholz/Mar 22, 1898/Jul 11, 1991 Tombstone [R-24-8]-Amelia Antholz/Mother/1865-1936 Tombstone [R-24-8]-Heinrich Antholz/Father/1859-1929 Tombstone [R-24-8]-William "Bud" Antholz/Sep 24, 1932/Dec 1, 2014
ANTONSEN: [T-12-2]-James B. Antonsen/1885-1971 Tombstone
ARCHAMBAULT: [E-34-13]-Louise V. Archambault/Mother/1888-1972 Tombstone [E-38-8]-Thomas G. Archambault/1958-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [E-38-8]-June [J.] Archambault/1925-1969 Tombstone
ARCHAMBEAU: [B-19-4]-Willlard Archambeau/Jan 24, 1912/Apr 12, 2000 Tombstone
ARGALL: [L-26-1]-Baby Argall/Apr 20, 2002/Apr 20, 2002/bur. 7 Aug. 2002/fetus]
ARMSTRONG: [T-34-6]-John Armstrong/1883-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-6]-Josephine Armstrong/Jan 14, 1893/Aug 2, 1978 Tombstone [W-18-7]-William H. Armstrong/Jan 8, 1923/Nov 26, 1995 [WWII vet] Tombstone, ossw: [W-18-7]-Phyllis Armstrong/Apr 12, 1931/Apr 16, 2024 Tombstone
ARNDS: [L-8-6]-[Baby Arnds/bur. 10-28-1895/age 2 mo./cause: convulsions]
ARNDT: [G-4-8]-Richard Arndt/1894-1930 (U.S.Vet flag) [T-6-10]-Adam Arndt/1982-2013 (veteran) Tombstone + Photo [T-6-11]-John Arndt/1891-1971 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone, ossw: [T-6-11]-Lillian Arndt/Apr 9, 1901/Mar 16, 1978 Tombstone [T-8-8]-Paul J. Arndt/Aug 23, 1925/May 28, 2015 Photo, ossw: [T-8-8]-Ruth M. Arndt/Oct 4, 1926/Nov 7, 2018 Photo [T-30-5]-Amanda M. Arndt/1892-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-5]-Herbert T. Arndt/1893-1948 (Am.Leg.flag) Tombstone [T-30-5]-Ralph R. Arndt/Tec3 US Army/WWII/Aug 2, 1925/Nov 24, 2002 Tombstone [T-30-5]-Robert Charles Arndt/Oct 28, 1923/Jan 6, 2004 Tombstone [V-5-8]-Esther A. Arndt/Dec 2, 1912/Feb 5, 2000 Tombstone [V-5-8]-Emil A. Arndt/Dec 24, 1901/31 Mar 31, 1985 Tombstone see Augustin
ARNESON: [I-3-3]-Arne Arneson/Uncle/1852-1930 Tombstone
ARNETT: [U-22-5]-Englebert [O.] Arnett/1900-1957 (Am. Leg. flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Minnie Arnett/1906-1973 Tombstone
ARNOLD: [O-16-6]-Francis Arnold/1915-1916 Tombstone [S-45-11]-Leo May Arnold/1880-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [S-45-11]-Elmer E. Arnold/1878-1934 Tombstone [T-13-9]-Donald K. Arnold/May 22, 1938/Aug 25, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [T-13-9]-Mattie Jo Arnold/Aug 5, 1938/Sep 15, 1990 Tombstone [W2-117-3]-John Arnold/geb 20 Feb 1836/gest 27 Juni 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-117-3]-Bertha Arnold/Nee SPINDLER/Geb 30 Mai 1846/Gest 4 Juni 1932 Tombstone, ossw: HOLZKNECHT and BUGLER
ARNOLDE: [L-1-12]-[John Arnolde/bur 04-23-1923/premature birth/space #30]
ARNST: [T-1-4]-John Arnst/1906-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [T-1-4]-Mary Arnst/1909-1973 Tombstone
ARPIN: [E-38-10]-Adrian P. Arpin/Feb 5, 1904/Oct 19, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [E-38-10]-Adeline Anna Arpin/Dec 25, 1910/Aug 30, 2002 Tombstone [T-38-7]-Marion Platt Arpin/Sep 29, 1896/Mar 19, 1988 Tombstone
ARSIMUK: [I-1-5]-Alex Arsimuk/1893-1974 (Am.Leg.flag) Marker
ARSINEAU: [T-22-6]-Raymond C. Arsineau/1913-1965 (VFW flag) Tombstone, ossw: [T-22-6]-Verona A. Arsineau/Sep 20, 1913/Dec 31, 2003 Tombstone + Photo
ARTER: [W2-193-2]-[Anna Arter/bur. 10-03-1913/age 32 years] Photo
ARTIS: [V-26-2]-William G. Artis/Sep 25, 1903/Jul 4, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-2]-Lucile K. Artis/Apr 16, 1913/Mar 23, 1979 Tombstone
ARTS: [U-34-3]-Frank L. Arts/1895-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-3]-Minnie H. Arts/1897-1972 Tombstone
ARTZ: [E-32-6]-Liliane Y. Artz/1928-1967 Tombstone [K-12-2]-Carmen Artz/Oct 7, 1905/Mar 18, 2003 Tombstone [U-34-5]-Sarah E. Artz/Jan 19, 1899/Aug 15, 1978 Tombstone [Y-4-3]-Gloria A. Artz/Dec 15, 1934/Jul 4, 1998 Tombstone
ARULSON: [E2-62-4]-[C. Arulson (child)/bur. 08-29-1862/lot owner Sievert Arnolsen/ burial register has buried the child of Cever(?) Arulson (Arnlson?) L4, B62]
ASCHENBACH: [F-33-2]-[Baby Aschenbach/d. 01-25-1939/age 7 months/cause: premature/bur. on Herman Wilke lot]
ASCHENBRENNER: [E-2-10]-Henry R. Aschenbrenner/1910-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-10]-Angeline I. Aschenbrenner/1910-1962 Tombstone [E-5-1]-Godfrey Aschenbrenner/1908-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-1]-Emma Aschenbrenner/Sep 26, 1906/Jul 2, 1993 Tombstone [E2-4-9]-Henry Aschenbrenner Sr./1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-4-9]-Dorothy Aschenbrenner/Apr 19, 1886/Jan 19, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [E2-4-9]-Peter Aschenbrenner/1912-1919 [bur. 12-8-1919/cause: hemorrage of nose and stomach/bur. on Henry Aschenbrenner Sr. lot] Tombstone [E2-4-9]-James C. Aschenbrenner/1958/Apr 25, 1998 Tombstone [E2-4-9]-Arline L. Aschenbrenner/1922/Jan 14, 1988 Tombstone [E2-4-9]-Edward Aschenbrenner, Capt./Apr 8, 1918/Aug 24, 2004/US Navy WWII Tombstone + Photo
ASHBY: [F-27-2]-[Lulu Ashby/bur. 10-04-1910/cause: convulsions] Tombstone
ASHENBRENER: [R-14-9]-John J. Ashenbrener/Jul 23, 1916/May 7, 1993 [cremains] Tombstone, ossw: [R-14-9]-Geraldine M. Ashenbrener/Oct 25, 1931/Jun 5, 2018 Photo
ASHENBRENNER: [S-43-24]-Alois W. Ashenbrenner/Jun 12, 1911/Jan 14, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-24]-Evelyn V. Ashenbrenner/Sep 28, 1921/Jul 20, 1986 Tombstone
ASHFORD: [R-12-1]-Jermaine C. Ashford/Sep 18, 1923/Mar 11, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [T-2-3]-Nina J. Ashford/1929-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-3]-Mason L. Ashford/Feb 3, 1913/May 1, 2002 Tombstone [X-40-4]-Shannon Lee Ashford/Sep 16, 1952/Mar 22, 2015 Photo
ASLAKSON: [A-2-3]-[Miss Olava Aslakson/bur. 08-16-1890/age 30 yrs./cause: consumption] [A-2-3]-[Martha Aslakson/bur. 03-16-1892/age 61 yrs./cause: La Grippe] [A-2-3]-[Oliver Aslakson/bur. 08-18-1904/age 72 yrs.] [C-22-2]-[Baby Aslakson/bur. 04-12-1920/stillborn/bur. on H.G. Rudie lot]
ASMUS: [B-27-3]-Elaine R. Asmus/1911-2009 Tombstone
ASSACK; [Unk]-[?? Assack/bur. 02-13-1868] Tombstone
ASUMA: [C-19-4]-Francis J. Asuma/Apr 3, 1904/Oct 20, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [C-19-4]-Gertrude Asuma/Aug 24, 1897/Feb 19, 1988 Tombstone
ATGES: [Unk]-[?? Atges/bur. 02-01-1870]
ATKINSON: [T-9-4]-[Baby girl Atkinson/d. 12-26-1973/stillborn/dau. of Wanda Atkinson/bur. in same coffin as grandmother: Gloria Augustin]
ATTRIDGE: [I-3-3]-Raymond Attridge/born May 14, 1883/died Jan 5, 1907/Age 23yrs 7m 22d Tombstone, ossw: [I-3-3]-Charlotte COOK Attridge/born ____/died Oct 29, 1912 Tombstone
AUBERG: [Unk]-[Oskar Auberg/bur 02-28-1884/age 19 yrs] [D-18-1]-[Knut S. Auberg/bur. 11-09-1911] [D-18-1]-[Mary Auberg/bur. 01-07-1910/cause: hemorrhage] [E2-16-6-2]-[Thomas Auberg/1860-1876] [Note: Knut S. and Mary Auberg are on the lot with Emma O'Connell. In the 1868-69 EDWARDS DIRECTORY "Auberg K.S., carpenter, r. ws 8th cor. Marshall," so I think that Knut's & Mary's last name should be Auberg, since the obit for Emma O'Connell & the directory both have the same spelling./from cemetery office] (They are also on the 1860, 1870, 1880 census as Auberg) see Oberg
AUDE: [C-20-3]-Joachim Aude/Geb 6 Mar 1842/Gest 5 Nov 1896 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-3]-Caroline Aude/Geb 17 Dez 1842/Gest 1 Apr 1929 Tombstone
AUGUSTIN: [E-40-11]-Clarence J. Augustin/May 19, 1913/Mar 13, 2001 Tombstone [T-9-4]-Gloria Augustin/1932-1973 Tombstone [T-9-4]-George Augustin/Wis/Sgt.TRP D.8 Calvary/WWII/Dec 27, 1928/Sep 27, 1965 Tombstone [Y-2-19-]-John C. Augustin/Dec 3, 1903/Oct 23, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-2-19-]-Laura E. Augustin/Dec 10, 1895/Mar 29, 1982 Tombstone
AUGUSTINE: [D-36-3]-Louise Augustine/1872-1936 Tombstone [D-36-3]-Anton J. Augustine/1869-1934 Tombstone [E2-74-5]-George J. Augustine/Nov 3, 1892/May 16, 1980 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-74-5]-Julia C. Augustine/1890-1981 Tombstone + Photo [L-30-4]-Shawn David Augustine/1971-1971 Marker [S-42-15]-Aimee L. Augustine/Jun 7, 1964/Jul 6, 2024 Tombstone + Photo [S-42-16]-Steven Roy Augustine/Dec 11, 1962/Aug 23, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [S-42-16]-Gerald C. Augustine/Aug 30, 1940/Dec 3, 2023 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [S-42-16]-Patricia H. Augustine/Jun 20, 1941/Sep 11, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [U-36-8]-Dale M./May 12, 1947/Mar 23, 2010 Tombstone [U-36-8]-Constance F. Augustine/Nov 26, 1946/Apr 5, 2020 Photo
AULIK: [E-4-3]-John W. Aulik/1894-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-3]-Julia C. Aulik/1896-1975 Tombstone [E-16-4]-Allen Charles Aulik/Jul 15, 1934/Jan 12, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [E-26-10]-Daniel V. Aulik/1906-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-10]-Alice B. Aulik/Dec 3, 1908/Mar 12, 1987 Tombstone [M-12-17]-Elizabeth A. Aulik/Mar 3, 1981/Jul 11, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [M-12-17]-Ricky E. Aulik/Feb 24, 1958/Nov 11, 1994 Tombstone [M-12-17]-Agnes Aulik/May 9, 1936/Oct 24, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: [M-12-17]-Woodrow Aulik/Feb 13, 1931/Jan 10, 2015 Tombstone + Photo [M-12-17]-Dale E. Aulik/Aug 6, 1959/Nov 23, 2014 Tombstone [T-28-8]-Joseph F. Aulik/Father/Nov 30, 1891/Feb 15, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-8]-Anna KAPINOS Aulik/Mother/1898-1947 Tombstone [T-28-8]-Robert F. Aulik/May 2, 1925/Dec 29, 1992 Tombstone [U-10-18]-Raymond Aulik/Mar 7, 1920/Jan 1, 1990 Tombstone [Y-5-31]-Nancy Lou Aulik/1945/Aug 12, 1997 Tombstone
AUMANN: [B-7-4]-Charles Aumann/1866-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-4]-Jennie Aumann/1867-1943 Tombstone [E-20-3]-Lloyd E. Aumann/Jan 1, 1927/May 12, 1992 Tombstone [E-20-3]-Shirley Elaine Aumann/Mar 28, 1927/Dec 4, 2005 Tombstone Vickie L. Aumann/Aug 14, 1950/Nov 16, 2015 Photo [T-9-10]-Paul F. Aumann/Mar 22, 1915/Aug 14, 1990 Tombstone [T-9-10]-Marjorie Mae Aumann/Dec 9, 1923/Aug 10, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [T-28-2]-Adelia Aumann/1898-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-2]-Clifford J. Aumann/1897-1963 Tombstone [T-28-10]-Catherine Aumann/1886-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-10]-Walter Aumann/1884-1960 Tombstone [U-23-7]-Elsie L. Aumann/1894-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-7]-Edward L. Aumann/1888-1968 Tombstone [U-25-7]-Edwin L. Aumann/Jun 1, 1907/Dec 18, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-Louis J. Aumann/1882-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-Polly Aumann/1885-1966 Tombstone [U-25-7]-Reuben F. Aumann/1892-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-Mathilda M. Aumann/1895-1968 Tombstone [U-25-7]-Vernette M./Mar 20, 1930/Dec 29, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-7]-John D./Jun 28, 1929/Aug 26, 2012 Tombstone see HAAG
AUSMAN: [E-26-9]-John G. Ausman/Oct 23, 1899/Jun 4, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-9]-Irene C. Ausman/Mar 28, 1902/Apr 21, 1994 Tombstone
AUSTIN: [L-30-4]-Tera Austin/1972-1972 [space #386] Marker [Y-4-23]-Victoria Austin/Jan 8, 1925/Feb 7, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-4-23]-Albert (Al.)/1925-2009 Tombstone [Y-4-23]-Patricia D. Austin/Jan 13, 1961/Apr 11, 2020
AUTON: [W2-141-2]-Lennie Auton [Leonh. Auton]/1873-1874 [bur. 08-31-1874] Tombstone [W2-141-2]-[Leonard Auton/1839-1886 Tribune article Tombstone [W2-141-2]-Catharine Auton/1850-1922 Tombstone [W2-141-2]-Anna Auton BURK/1875-1940 Tombstone [W2-141-2]-Katherine Auton/1871-1948 Tombstone [W2-182-3]-Arthur J. Auton/1881-1958 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [W2-182-3]-Emma R. Auton/1881-1970 Tombstone
AVERY: [U-21-4]-Loren Avery/1911-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [U-21-4]-Joyce C. Avery/1915-1973 Tombstone [U-22-3]-Donald Avery/1909-1956 Tombstone, ossw; [U-22-3]-Amanda Avery/1911-1999 Tombstone [U-22-5]-Linda Avery/Granddaughter/-1961- No Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Virgil D. Avery/1904-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Pauline B. Avery/May 1, 1908/Dec 24, 2000 Tombstone [W-14-6]-Dale W. Avery/Jul 21, 1934/Jan 27, 2013 Tombstone [Y-5-14]-Debra L. Avery/Oct 12, 1961/Jul 5, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-14]-Laverne L./Jun 17, 1941/May 22, 1999 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-5-14]-Neil L./Jan 26, 1938/May 19, 2007 Tombstone
AWE: [B-4-6]-Johann Awe/Geb 16 Jan 1823/Starb 28 Feb. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-6]-Marie Awe/Seine Gattin/Geb 13 Aug 1825/Gest 28 Nov 1914 (Henrietta in her obituary) Tombstone [B-4-6]-Jno. ARVE/Co E/27th Wis Inf Tombstone (John Awe/Jan 16, 1823/Feb 28, 1891/from the Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable) Tribune article [U-11-3]-Elsie Awe/Mother/1889-1957 Tombstone [U-13-1]-Pamela Susan Awe/Oct 15, 1957/Nov 8, 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-1]-Scott Awe/Dec 8, 1967 Tombstone [U-13-1]-Steven Howard Awe/Feb 6, 1961/Mar 26, 2022 Tombstone + Photo [U-13-1]-Howard Emil Awe/Jul 28, 1930/Oct 9, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-1]-Carole Awe/1936-2010 Tombstone
AXEN: [Unk]-[E. Axen/bur. 09-17-1870] No Tombstone [E2-91-3]-A. Sophie Axen [A. Sophia Mrs. Enoch Axen]/gattin von Iven Axen/ geboren 21 Juni 1819/gestorben 23 Aug 1870 Tombstone
AYOTTE: [S-43-77]-Todd Gerald Ayotte/Apr 18, 1968/May 4, 1997 Tombstone [S-43-89]-Kathryn Hazel Ayotte/Dec 20, 1952/Nov 7, 2003 Tombstone [S-43-91]-Arthur Joseph Ayotte/Nov 22, 1930/May 24, 2003 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [S-43-91]-Joyce A. Ayotte/Jul 25, 1934/Jan 7, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
AYRES: [H-16-3]-Charlotte Ayres/[bur. May 6, 1922/on Schuette lot] Tombstone [H-16-3]-Florence S. Ayres/Feb 20, 1890/Jul 7, 1985 Tombstone Back to Top