Newton Township, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin

Location: Take Highway 141 to junction with County Trunk C, then 1.2 miles west to Center Road, Newtonburg. Church is located on North east corner; cemetery is on the northwest corner of the junction of Center Road and County C. Well kept condition. The oldest stone is 1851. Copied Sunday, September 4, 1977, by Marcie Baer, member of the Manitowoc County Old Cemetery Society. Updated by the Manitowoc Genealogy Society, June 2006, added to this site Jan. 2011.



Fred/Father/1858-1936 Tombstone, ossw:
Pauline/Mother/1863-1929 Tombstone
Anna Awe/6 Sept. 1868/14 Feb. 1869 (Anna Carolina Louise Ave/dau. of
   Heinrich and Maria Ave/d. 14 Feb. 1869/age 5 mo. 8 da.) Tombstone
(John Awe/d. Nov. 1912/age 77 years/no stone)
Ernst Awe/6 Feb. 1862/8 Feb. 1942 Tombstone, ossw:
Sophia Awe/Gebne ROSSO/26 Aug. 1860/1 Aug. 1923 Tombstone
Emil Awe/Father/1897-1931 Tombstone, ossw:
Ellen/-1926- Tombstone
William/1890-1962 Tombstone, ossw:
Hulda/1891-1937 Tombstone, ossw:
Lilly/1915-1915 Tombstone, ossw:
Norma/1915-1924 Tombstone
Heinrich Awe/28 Okt. 1835/27 Nov. 1912 Tombstone, ossw:
Maria Awe/Gebne Moller/9 Feb 1835/11 Dec. 1907 Tombstone
Ludwig Awe/1803-1880 Tombstone

BAUER: Emma V. Bauer/Nov. 1, 1878/Aug. 31, 1966 Tombstone, next to: Rev. J.M. Bauer/1873-1954 Tombstone

BEGEMANN: Simon Begemann/Vater/Geb. 29 Sept. 1867/Gest. 7 Dez. 1902 Tombstone

BERTH: Fred/1886-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Lena/June 23, 1895/Apr. 21, 1975 Tombstone

BIERHAUS: Kathrina Bierhaus/Mutter/Geb. 28 Dec. 1809/Gest. 9 Marz 1891 Tombstone, next to: H. Wilhelm Bierhaus/Vater/Geb. 19 Jan. 1799/Gest. 16 Mai 1884 Tombstone, next to: Karl H. Bierhaus/Geb. 22 Jan. 1892/Gest. 25 Feb. 1902, ossw: Minna Bierhaus/Geb. 25 Apr. 1876/Gest. 4 Nov. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Bierhaus/Geb. 16 Mai 1879/Gest. 13 Apr. 1882 Tombstone, ossw: Kinder von H. & M. Bierhaus Margaret/Mother/Nov. 28, 1848/May 5, 1928 Tombstone, next to: Herman/Father/Mar. 6, 1848/Apr. 18, 1927 Tombstone Maria VITS Bierhaus/1839-1865 (Maria Albertine Bierhause born Vits/b. 26 May 1839/d. 22 Sept. 1865/ from records of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church) Tombstone Henriette/Gattin von F. Bierhaus/Gebne UPHOF/12 Mai 1843/Gest. 23 Apr. 1907 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich C./Bierhaus/Geb. 22 Mai 1870/Gest. 25 Aug. 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich W. Bierhaus/Geb. 18 Feb. 1843/Gest. 2 Mai 1881 Tombstone

BLACKLOCK: Florence B./1914-1942 Tombstone

BOLDT: Julius Boldt/Geb. d. 26 Juli 1878/Gest d. 25 Oct 1899 Tombstone, next to: Agnes Caroline Boldt/Geboren 3 Jan. 1876/gest 12 Aug 1896 Joachim Boldt/Geb 10 Juni 1803/Gest 20 Feb 1889 Pauline Boldt/geboren 20 Ockt 1868/gestorben 28 Nov 1891 Tombstone, next to: Christine Boldt/Geborne OGLER/Geb 8 Juni 1845/(d. 23 Feb 1883) (balance of stone broken off), ossw: August Boldt/Geb 6 Marz 1831/Gest (1 Dec 1882) (balance of stone broken off, flat inground.) Dorothea C. Boldt/Geb SCHOFFLER/Gest Apr 4, 1874/Alter 66 Jahre Tombstone (Emma Wilhelmina Boldt/d. 22 Mar 1869/age 2 yrs 5 mo/no stone)

BORGWARDT: Elroy R. Borgwardt/1926-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Lucinda L. Borgwardt/nee Dill/1922-2001 Tombstone William Otto Borgwardt/May 27, 1950/May 1, 2018 Memorial

BRUCKSCHEN: Johannes Bruckschen/geb. in Repeln/Rhein Provinz D/14 Oct. 1818/Gest. 30 Juni 1898 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Katharina Bruckschen/geb. 21 Sept. 1832/gest 16 Okt. 1910 Tombstone (Friedrich Bruckschen/d. 12 Sept. 1868/age 9 yrs. 5 mo. 4 da./no stone) (Johann Hermann Bruckschen/d. 14 Nov. 1868/age 2 yrs. 8 mo. 9 da./no stone) Ernest/Father/1856-1902 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/Mother/1866-1957 Tombstone Otto J./1887-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Mathilda S./1886-1970 Tombstone Erwin/1903-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/1909-2003 Tombstone + Photo Max/1896-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Hattie/1897-1964 Tombstone, next to: Mildred Bruckschen/Apr. 2, 1923/Feb. 9, 1930 Tombstone (Sophie Bruckschen/b. Jan. 22, 1860/d. June 2, 1943/from obit/no stone) (Henry Bruckschen/d. Dec. 31, 1917/from obit/no stone) Elroy H. Bruckschen/1929-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Doris R. Bruckschen/nee GROSSHUESCH/Jun 28, 1931/Jan 3, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

BRUECHERT: Zachary J. Bruechert/Oct. 9, 1965/Aug. 24, 1992/from obituary

BUSSE: Edward/1899-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Viola/1902-2002 Tombstone

BYRD: Lillian A. Byrd/1904-1990 Tombstone, ossw: Rev. Gilbert WERNECKE/1897-1938 Tombstone See WERNECKE

CAIN: Corp. Justin J. Cain/Sep. 5, 1988/Oct. 13, 2010-Afghanistan Tombstone + Photo


DIEDERICHS: Anna M. Diederichs/Gebne HERMINGHAUS/11 Dec. 1800/gest. 15 Juli 1866 Tombstone, next to remains of base. (Carl Diederichs/b. March 26th, 1835/d. March 1921/from obit) (Mary (nee Carstens) Diederichs/b. June 3, 1854/d. March, 1937/from obit) (Note: They might possibly belong with the Diedrichs stone with the war vet flag)

DIEDRICHS: Large stone, family name only. (war vet flag holder in front) Smaller stones read: Emilie M./Mother/1882-1963 Tombstone, next to: Edwin C./Father/1881-1949 Tombstone

DILL: John Dill/1854-1939 Tombstone, next to: Christian Dill/Father/1860-1940 Tombstone, next to: Anna Dill/Mother/1867-1925 Tombstone Albert G./Jan. 18, 1888/July 5, 1963 Tombstone, ossw: Erwin O./-1934- Tombstone, ossw: Esther/1902-1996 Tombstone, ossw: Otto/1904-1943 Tombstone Sophia GLAFF/Gebne SPINKA/geb. 1 Mai 1804/gest 25 Feb. 1867 Tombstone, ossw: Ernest/sohn von/W. & M. Dill/geb. 22 Juni 1866/gest. 2 Sept. 1866 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Dill/geb. 31 Dez. 1827/gest. 27 Sept. 1900 Tombstone, ossw: Maria/Gattin von W. Dill/gebne GLAFF/25 Juli 1831/Gest. 28 Juni 1866 Tombstone Jacob Elmo Dill/Oct. 16, 1996/Oct. 16, 1996 Tombstone Wilbert R. Dill/1926-2005 Tombstone + Photo See Borgwardt

DRESSLER: Johann Dressler/Geb. 8 Aug. 1797/Gest. 20 Nov. 1864, ossw: Catharina Dressler/Geb. Grammel(?)/Geb. 21 Dez 1825/Gest. 10 Dez. 1883

DRUMM: Harold E. Drumm/1910-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Louise M. Drumm/1913-1996 Tombstone

DUEBNER: Christian Duebner/geb. 3 Mar. 1833/Gest. 27 Nov. 1910 Tombstone + Photo (Sophie Duebner/1835-1927) Tombstone + Photo Ernst W. Duebner/Geb. 31 Dec. 1860/Gest. 23 Feb. 1918 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma Duebner/Geb. 15 Oct. 1868/Gest. 11 Sept. 1925 Tombstone, next to: Baby, next to: Christ/1869-1949 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Minnie/1876-1952 Tombstone, next to: Duebner, (base only still standing)

EICKMEIER: Simon P./Sohn von/Gund A. Eickmeier/Geboren 27 April 1882/gestorben/21 October 1884 Tombstone


FRANZ: Edwin Franz, on large stone. Smaller stone reads: (Edward)/Father/Born Oct. 18, 1866/Died Aug. 21, 1904 Tombstone

FRANZMEIER: Carl/Father/1866-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Charlotte/Mother/1879-1926 Tombstone Meta Franzmeier/Oct. 18, 1907/Apr. 16, 1976 Tombstone, next to: Emil Franzmeier/1901-1950 Tombstone, next to: Baby Franzmeier/Geb. u Gest. 17 Marz 1911 Tombstone August Franzmeier/30 Juni 1862/15 Mai 1915 Tombstone See GROTEGUT

FRIEDRICHSMEIER: Selma Friedrichsmeier/1899-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Nola Friedrichsmeier/1905-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Gustave Friedrichsmeier/Mar 31, 1904/Sep 6, 1969 Tombstone Anna Friedrichsmeier/1904-1936 Tombstone Paul D. Friedrichsmeier/Aug 21, 1950/Aug 22, 2022 Photo

GATERMANN: Peter Gatermann/geb. 23 Aug. 1814/gest. 20 Jan. 1879 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/sohn von/P. & G. Gatermann/geb. 24 Apr. 1861/gest. 2 Nov. 1884 Tombstone, ossw: Frederick Gatermann/geb. 10 Juni 1853/gest 20 Apr. 1928, ossw: Gertrude Gatermann/geb. 20 Sept. 1821/gest. 27 Apr. 1905 Tombstone

GEORGE: Robert D. George/Aug 3, 1933/Nov 28, 2021 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ethel A. George/Aug 25, 1934/Nov 9, 2019 Photo

GLAFF: See DILL, Sophia and Maria



GRAUMANN: Louise Graumann/Geb. 2 Jan. 1832/Gest. 22 Sept.____ (top and bottom of stone broken off and laying against the base.) In pre 1907 death index we found Louise Catherine Graumann/d. 22 Sept. 1872 at Newton/) Tombstone

GROELLE: Gottfried A. Groelle/1869-1875 Tombstone

GROSSHUESCH: Heidi Ann Grosshuesch/Dec. 13, 1974/June 24, 1975 Tombstone Elmer/1902-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Elsie/1905-1992 Tombstone Heinrich/1815-1875 Tombstone, ossw: Sybilla/1822-1858 Tombstone Tillmann Grosshuesch/9 Dez. 1818/30 Marz 1887 Tombstone, next to: Agnes S. Grosshuesch/15 Okt 1813/11 Marz 1851 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm J. Grosshuesch/16 Mai 1855/3 Juli 1855 Tombstone, next to: Johanna M. Grosshuesch/27 Juli 1828/19 Okt. 1909 Tombstone Tillmann Grosshuesch/Geboren 9 Dez. 1818/Gestorben 30 Marz 1887 Tombstone">Tombstone, ossw: WJG, ossw: JMG (Tillmann Grosshuesch/1849/Sep. 9, 1894/from death record/no stone) Memorial Emil/1875-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/1877-1964 Tombstone Elsie Grosshuesch/Born Mar. 4, 1900/Died Sept. 14, 1900 Tombstone Anna Grosshuesch/Jan. 4, 1883/Nov. 22, 1967 Tombstone, next to: John/1855-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Sophie/1854-1927 Tombstone Paul Grosshuesch/July 31, 1915/Apr. 6, 2005 Tombstone, ossw: Kathryn/1919-1972 Tombstone William Grosshuesch/1881-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Ella Grosshuesch/1889-1985 Tombstone

GROSSHUSCHENS: Base only with name. In front of Rodewald lot, next to Hochkammer and Kreie.

GROSZHUSCH: Wilhelm Groszhusch/Geb. 13 Mar. 1845/Gest. 9 Juli 1911 Tombstone, ossw: Margaretha/Gattin von/Wm. Groszhusch/Gebne NEUHAUS/6 Mar. 1846/gest. 24 Aug. 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich W./Geb. 8 Mar. 1870/Gest. 5 Apr. 1882 Tombstone, ossw: Maria L./Geb. 10 Jan. 1883/Gest. 20 Mar. 1884 Tombstone

GROTEGUT: Friedrich Grotegut/geb. 28 Nov. 1841/Gest. 11 Jan. 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Louise Grotegut/Verwitwete/Frau FRANZMEIER/Gebne SIWOLD/27 Feb. 1836/Gest 1 Dec. 1889 Tombstone

HACKMANN: Alfred J. Hackmann/1913-1996 Tombstone Elda L. Hackmann/Sep 14, 1916/Feb 17, 2015 Tombstone DuWayne A. Hackmann/Jan 5, 1946/Sep 12, 2022 Photo

HARDRATH: Alfred C. Hardrath/Sep 13, 1915/Nov 12, 2012 Tombstone Ruth Hardrath/May 31, 1915/Feb 8, 2010

HECKER: (Abraham Hecker/d. 02 Feb. 1890) (Carl A. Hecker/d. 11 Mar. 1893/age 70 yrs/from obit-no stone) Photo

HEIMANN: Sophie/1897-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm/1861-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Selma/Nov. 20, 1902/June 9, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Dorothea/1866-1917 Tombstone Bernard Heimann/1859-1941 Tombstone, next to: Albertine Heimann/1867-1952 Tombstone Johannes Heimann/geb 16 Juni 1863/Gest. 5 Aug. 1899 Tombstone, ossw: Alma Heimann/Geb. 28 Juli 1899/gest 26 Mar. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: Henry KRUEGER/geb. 16 Apr. 1872/gest 4 Oct. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna KRUEGER/geb 1 Jan. 1870/gest. 29 Mai 1947 Tombstone Ella Heimann/10 Nov. 1902/8 Mar. 1903 Tombstone Sophia Heimann/gebne LEMKE/15 Sept. 1824/Gest. 28 Juni 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Heimann/Geb. 29 Oct. 1816/Gest. 27 Apr. 1892 Carl A. Heimann/May 20, 1894/Oct. 1974 Tombstone See KRUEGER


HOCHKAMMER: Johann Hochkammer/Geb. 25 Mar. 1813/Gest. 17 Apr. 1896, ossw: Elize Hochkammer/Geb. 18 Sept. 1821/Gest. 8 Feb. 1904, ossw: John/1852-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1864-1959 Tombstone Willie/Feb. 20, 1897/July 4, 1904 Tombstone, next to: Emma/Aug. 16, 1894/May 21, 1910 Tombstone, next to: Hilda Anna/Baby/Dec. 5-Dec. 7, 1927 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm/Vater/Apr. 22, 1857/Jan. 22, 1925 Tombstone, next to: Anna/Mutter/Apr. 17, 1861/Oct. 12, 1950 Tombstone Henry/1891-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Ella/Dec. 23, 1891/Sept. 7, 1974 Tombstone Otto J./Apr. 23, 1890/Nov. 6, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: Lydia C./1888-1961 Tombstone Jeanette M. Hochkammer/Mar. 25, 1925/Dec. 9, 2018 Tombstone + Photo William O. Hochkammer, Sr./May 19, 1923/Oct. 10, 2017 Tombstone + Photo See SAND

HOEFLINGER: Rev. Norman C. Hoeflinger/Dec 19, 1925/Oct 26, 1996/US Navy-WWII Tombstone, ossw: Virginia L. Hoeflinger/Dec 15, 1924/Mar 23, 2020

HORN: Robert W./Feb. 16, 1918/Feb. 21, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Esther J./June 8, 1914/May 4, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: Beth Ann Horn/1951-1954 Tombstone


HUTCHISON: Adriana C. Hutchison/Geb. HUBRECHTSE/1848-1921 Tombstone, next to: John M./Father/1869-1951 Tombstone, next to: Mollie/Mother/1875-1953 Tombstone, next to: Pvt. William C. Hutchison/Co. C. 47th Inf./June 4, 1894/Aug. 1, 1918/ Died in France from wounds received in the World War. (Amer. Leg. flag) Tombstone


JOST: Harold J. Jost/1927-2001 Tombstone + Photo

JUNK: Kenneth J. Junk/Jun 21, 1934/Sep 1, 2019/SP3 US Army-Korea/ Talented Sketch Artist/Defied Med Odds Full Life Tombstone + Photo

KARSTAEDT: Orville Karstaedt/1919-1987 Tombstone, ossw: LaVerne Karstaedt/Dec. 7, 1922/Jan. 7, 2012 Tombstone

KOESER: Charles/1888-1959 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma/1891-1966 Tombstone + Photo

KOHL: Ernst W. Kohl/Geboren 15 Nov. 1859/gestorben 11 Juli 1879 Tombstone Margaret Kohl/28 Dec. 1849/20 Mar. 1935 Tombstone, next to: Otto B. Kohl/14 Aug. 1850/25 Oct. 1921 Tombstone (the following stone reads Kohls but data reads Kohl) Bernhard Kohl/geb. zu Frielendorf/Kurhessen Deutschl. 6 Feb. 1811/Gest. 14 Sept. 1899, ossw: Louisa Kohl/gebne SIEBEN/geb. zu Elberfeld Deutschl./3 Sept. 1818/gest. 1 Mai 1897 Tombstone

KONIK: Dennis Konik/May 18, 1931/June 3, 2003/FT3 US Navy Korea Tombstone + Photo

KREIE: Hier Ruhen/Kinder von/Wilhelm und Magdelena Kreie Tombstone

KRUEGER: Henry Krueger/geb. 16 Apr. 1872/gest 4 Oct. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Krueger/geb 1 Jan. 1870/gest. 29 Mai 1947 Tombstone See HEIMANN

KUHL: (Wilhelm Kuhl/b. 06 Feb 1811/d. 14 Sept. 1899/possibly Bernhard Kohl?)



LIPPERT: (Raymond E. Lippert/Nov. 14, 1911/Sept. 28, 1999/from obit.-no stone)

LOHMANN: Petr/Sohn von/D un K Lohmann/Geboren 18 Mai 1852/Gestorben 19 Dez 1876 Tombstone, ossw: August/Sohn von/D un K Lohmann/geboren 5 Aug. 1853/gestorben 11 Marz 1880, ossw: Kinder des D und K Lohmann, ossw: Katharina/geb. 2 April 1859/gest. 5 Sept. 1861 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich/geb. 19 April 1865/gest. 21 Juli 1866 Tombstone, ossw: Henriette/tochter von D und K Lohmann/geboren 23 Febr. 1855/gestorben 26 April 1882 Tombstone, next to: Emilie Luise/Tochter von D und K Lohmann/Geb. 17 Juni 1867/gest. 7 Nov. 1872, ossw: Sophia Catharina/Tochter von Diederich u Catharina Lohmann/geb. 7 Juli 1850/gest 1 Marz 1873 (Catharine Lohmann/d. 2/13/1871/age 47/spouse Diedrich Lohmann/from death record)

LUCAS: Laurence Lucas/-1942- Tombstone

LUCKOW: Johann Simon Luckow/geb. 9 Sept. 1839/gest 8 Mai 1926 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Maria Luckow/geb. 13 Oct. 1844/gest. 3 Sept. 1914 Tombstone Maria Luckow/Geb. 6 April 1820/Gest. 18 Dec. 1893 Henry Luckow/1875-1895 Tombstone, next to: Otto Luckow/1880-1901 Tombstone, next to: Johanne Luckow/G. 28 Sept. 1879/Gest. 14 Apr. 1905 Tombstone, next to: Ella F./1913-1925/Daughter Tombstone, ossw: Eugenie C./1880-1946/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Albert H./1875-1952/Father Tombstone Hugo/1884-1965 (07 May 1884/Jun 1965/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: Ella/1883-1960 Tombstone, next to: Milton/Sohn von/H. & E. Luckow/Geb. 29 Mai/Gest. 9 Juni 1911 Tombstone

LUEBKE: Arthur C. Luebke/Apr. 21, 1919/May 7, 2002 Tombstone Florence A./Mar. 24, 1928/Oct. 8, 2012 Tombstone

MAALA: John M./1905-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Irene M./1928-2010 Tombstone

MAURER: Frank/1871-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1876-1973(b.13 Nov. 1876/d. Oct. 1973/SSDI) Tombstone, next to: Baby/Son of E. & A. Maurer/Born & Died Apr. 22, 1928 Tombstone

MCCURDY: Charles/1894-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Norma McCurdy Wenndorf/1911-1997 Tombstone

MONTGOMERY: Ida H. Montgomery/nee Rodewald/May 20, 1888/July 26, 1974 Tombstone

NACK: Elizabeth Nack/16 May 1855/23 Feb. 1921 Tombstone, next to: August Nack/23 Oct. 1857/9 July 1922 Tombstone, next to: Edwin/Sept. 16, 1888/Aug. 2, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/July 3, 1896/Jan. 12, 1955 Tombstone Otto Nack/Feb. 6, 1886/Apr. 13, 1974 Tombstone, next to: Norman B. Nack/Wisconsin CPL US Army/World War II/Aug. 12, 1922/Oct. 16, 1972 Tombstone (War vet flag holder)

NELSON: Bruce Nelson/1938-1947 Tombstone Justin Paul Nelson/May 4, 1994/May 6, 1994 Tombstone

NEUHAUS: Louise K./Tochter von/Gerhart u Louise Neuhaus/Geb. 26 Apr. 1900/Gest. 12 Sept. 1900 Tombstone Wilhelm Neuhaus/geboren 3 Juli 1818/gestorben 16 June 1893 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Eliese/gattin von/W. Neuhaus/geb. WELLFONDER/geboren 30 Dez. 1818/gestorben 13 Sep. 1886 Tombstone, ossw: Eliese Neuhaus/geboren 28 Mai 1860/Gestorben 17 Aug. 1860 Tombstone See GROSZHUSCH


PETERSDORF: Ferdinand Petersdorf/Vater/Gest. 10 Nov. 1864/Alter 46 Jahre Tombstone

RAMBADT: Arnold/1911-1996 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda E. Rambadt/Sep 19, 1911/Dec 10, 2013 Tombstone + Photo Johann Carl Rambadt/geb. 29 Apr. 1841/gest. 31 Dez. 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Elisabeth Johanna Rambadt/seine Gattin/geb. 4 Nov. 1849/gest. 13 Oct. 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Ida Anna Rambadt/geb. 27 Apr. 1885/gest. 9 Nov. 1908 Tombstone

REHME: Alwin Rehme/Gest. 24 Oct. 1895/Alter 9 Monate Tombstone, next to: Heinrich Rehme/Gest. 19 Sept. 1895/Alter 26 Jahre Tombstone

REICHWALDT: Arthur/1889-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1887-1972 Tombstone Clarence Reichwaldt/1919-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Edna A. Reichwaldt/Jul 24, 1916/Apr 16, 2010 Tombstone Kenneth C. Reichwaldt/Jul 16, 1949/Jul 5, 2015 Tombstone + Photo Nancy A. Reichwaldt/Feb 10, 1950/Oct 22, 2008 Tombstone + Photo

REINEKING: Georg Reineking/Geboren d. 24 Juni 1864/Gest. d. 26 Jan. 1891 Tombstone

RODEWALD: Hugo Rodewald/Father/May 1, 1886/Sept. 18, 1946 Tombstone, next to: Elma Rodewald/Mother/Dec. 7, 1891/Apr. 14, 1937 Tombstone Ernst Rodewald/Geb. 2 Sept. 1855/Gest. 20 Mai 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Rodewald/Geb. 27 Oct. 1859/Gest. 15 Oct. 1930 Tombstone, next to: Amanda Rodewald/Geb. 1 Sept. 1887/Gest. 9 Mar. 1904, next to: Anna Rodewald/Geb. 18 Apr. 1889/Gest. 4 Juni 1901, ossw: ein Kind von Ernst & Caroline Rodewald/Geb. u Gest. 26 Oct. 1895, next to: Henrietta/Gattin von E. Rodewald/Geb. Meuce in Vossheide Amt Brake/Lippe Detmold/18 Sept. 1818/Gest. 6 Nov. 1888 Tombstone, ossw: Ernst Rodewald/geb in _____hich Amt Brake Lippe Detmold/21 Marz 1816/Gest. 3 Oct. 1891 Tombstone Arnold/1906-1906 Tombstone, next to: Henry/1878-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1878-1948 Tombstone William/Vater/1860-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Emilie/Mutter/1866-1919 Tombstone A. Rodewald, ossw: Elise/Oct. 22, 1862/May 15, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Adolph/Sept. 25, 1858/Aug. 25, 1937, on same lot with: Hattie Louise/May 24 1897/Dec. 28, 1964 Tombstone, next to: Maria Alvina/March 13, 1893/Nov. 2, 1905 Tombstone, next to: Emma Sophia/Aug. 24, 1886/April 25, 1905 Tombstone, next to: August Ernst/Dec. 23, 1894/June 2, 1896 Infant son of Roland & Anita Rodewald Tombstone Theo Rodewald/Geb. 9 Aug. 1853/Gest. 24 Feb. 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Rodewald/Geb. 17 Jan. 1855/Gest. 25 Jan. 1916 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmina Rodewald/Feb. 17, 1886/Sept. 1, 1886 Tombstone Meta Rodewald/19 Jan. 1899/25 Mar. 1899 Tombstone, next to: Herman Rodewald/Geb. 12 Mar./Gest. 13 Mar. 1908, next to: Edwin Rodewald/Geb. 12 Mar./Gest. 15 Mar. 1908 Emil/1889-1973, ossw: Anna/1887-1957 Amanda/Gattin von Oscar Rodewald/Gebne KURTZ/Geb. 3 Nov. 1874/Gest. 20 Sept. 1909 Tombstone Maria SCHNELL Rodewald/1887-1928 Tombstone, next to: Oscar W. Rodewald/1880-1930 Tombstone (Death Sat. of the little son of Wilhelm Rodewaldt in Newton. The funeral was Tues./From Der Nord Westen, 30 Mar. 1899) Walter H. Rodewald/1903-1978 Tombstone See MONTGOMERY

ROSENBAUER: Children of Werner J. & Martha Rosenbauer Charles/-Sept. 29, 1941- Tombstone, ossw: Diane/-July 19, 1943- Tombstone, ossw: Paul/-Aug. 1945- Tombstone

ROSSO: Dorothea/1834-1886 Tombstone, ossw: Johann/1824-1907 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich, ossw: Hermann, ossw: Augusta, ossw: Anna (Anna Rosso/dau. of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 3 Nov. 1870) Tombstone (Auguste Rosso/dau. of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 8 Mar. 1871) Tombstone (Friedrich Rosso/son of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 13 Mar. 1871) Tombstone (Hermann Rosso/son of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 25 Feb. 1871) Tombstone Wilhelm Rosso/geb. 26 Mai 1858/gest. 22 Juli 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline Rosso/geb. 15 Oct. 1882/gest. 4 Feb. 1883 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Rosso/geb. 7 Mai 1860/gest. 24 Mai 1910 Infant Dau. of E. & S. Rosso/Feb. 25, 1911 Tombstone John/Father/1874-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Maria/1876-1947 Tombstone Roger J. Rosso/Sept. 12, 1946/July 23, 1992 Tombstone see AWE see STOCK

SAND: Lydia Sand/nee HOCHKAMMER/1886-1931 Tombstone

SAUERMILCH: Ernst Sauermilch/-1929- Tombstone, next to: Elizabeth Sauermilch/-1932- Tombstone

SCHEFFLER: Dean Allen Scheffler/-Aug. 23, 1967-/our son Tombstone Meta/1889-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Robert/1879-1954 Tombstone Clarence/1909-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Elmira/1908-1996 Tombstone, ossw: Roger Allen/loving son of Clarence Scheffler/1933-1936 Tombstone Ronald R. Scheffler/Nov. 22, 1937/Dec. 23, 1990 Marker

SCHENK: Henry Schenk/Pastor/Dec. 7, 1844/July 6, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta Schenk/Nee DEBES/Sept. 30, 1850/Jan. 11, 1931 Tombstone

SCHMITZ: Otto/1890-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Viola/1892-1999 Tombstone Elaine Schmitz/Jun 5, 1926/Mar 22, 2021 Photo Heinrich Schmitz/21 Sept.1822/5 Feb. 1909 Tombstone, ossw: Friedericka Schmitz/Und seine Gattin/10 Mai 1823/16 Jan. 1905 Tombstone Jennifer Leigh Schmitz/Jul 25, 2989/Aug 10, 2012 Tombstone + Photo


SCHOENBORN: Adela M. Schoenborn/June 13, 1909/Feb. 27, 1991 Tombstone Clement B. Schoenborn Sr./Oct. 26, 1910/Nov. 2, 1978 Tombstone


SCHUETTE: Joachim Schuette/Jan. 25, 1832/May 17, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Schuette/Apr. 20, 1857/June 7, 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Margaretha Schuette/July 13, 1854/Mar. 1, 1903 Tombstone Johann Schuette/Vater/15 Juni 1848/22 Feb. 1936 Tombstone, next to: Katherine Schuette/Mutter/6 Oct. 1849/6 Juli 1933 Tombstone

SCHUETZE: Carl Schuetze/d. June 1903/aged 82 years Tombstone

SCHUTZE: Base only, Schutze name

SCHWANTZ: Eugene C. Schwantz/Mar 17, 1935/Nov 21, 2015 Tombstone + Photo

SEIDLER: James L. Seidler/Mar 24, 1949/Mar 9, 2019 Photo



SNITKER: Rev. Harold J./Jan. 12, 1901/Nov. 28, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha R./1904-2005 Tombstone Marian Snitker/Infant/1930 Tombstone Martha Snitker/1834-1890 Tombstone

SPECHT: Dolores Specht/1931-1990 Tombstone


STANGEL: John I. Stangel/May 3, 1900/March 15, 1939 Tombstone

STAUSS: Eliese Stauss/Mutter/1862-1914 Tombstone, next to: Adam Stauss/Vater/1859-1944 Tombstone

STOCK: Paul Andrew Stock/Dec. 31, 1967/Feb. 24, 1968 Mary/1876-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Christian/1866-1962 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Infant son Adolph/Sept. 16, 1888/Juni 28, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Amanda/Jan. 31, 1889/May 16, 1945 Tombstone, ossw: Lester A. Stock/May 29, 1918/Dec. 15, 2002/Son Tombstone + Photo Karen/Daughter of Lester & Maria Stock/1944-1960 Tombstone Walter/1898-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/June 28, 1902/Aug. 11, 1976 Tombstone Alvin R. Stock/1905-1992 Tombstone, ossw: Elda M. Stock/1906-2005 Tombstone Erwin O. Stock/1917-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Bernice M. Stock ROSSO/Oct 2, 1920/Jan 5, 2008 Tombstone Leroy H. Stock/1925-2000 Tombstone, ossw: Ilene J. Stock/1931-1999 Tombstone Norman H. Stock/1921-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Daniel E. Stock/Nov. 20, 1953/Apr. 2, 1969 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Marion A. Stock/June 22, 1926/June 13, 2016 Tombstone Delores M. Stock/Apr. 16, 1930/Nov. 16, 2014 Photo Gustav W. Stock/Sept. 19, 1928/June 23, 2014 Tombstone

STOCKMEIER: Etta/1894-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/1894-1918 (war vet flag) Tombstone (Laura Stockmeier/Jan. 20, 1892/Dec. 1, 1979/from obit)

STUCKMANN: Albert H./Apr. 1, 1914/Oct. 24, 1993/US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: Florence A./Feb. 17, 1919/Apr. 5, 1977 Tombstone

STUEBBE: Rev. K.J./1888-1962 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma F./1891-1979 Tombstone Athniel B. Stuebbe/Nov. 17, 1923/Apr. 10, 1991/US Air Corp WWII Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Elenor G. Stuebbe/Aug 25, 1921/Jan 29, 2018 Tombstone + Photo

THONE: Jeffry Lee Thone/Apr. 30, 1960/Aug. 18, 1988 Tombstone Raymond R. Thone, Jr./Dec 15, 1933/Jun 8, 2019 Tombstone Lorraine E. Thone/May 7, 1938/Apr 7, 2020 Photo

TREICK: Baby Tombstone, next to: Otto Treick/Dec. 27, 1885/Apr. 22, 1886 Tombstone, next to: Lydia Treick/Apr. 12, 1875/Sept. 8, 1875 Tombstone, next to: Ella Treick/Mar. 23, 1888/Aug. 2, 1891 Tombstone, next to: Zilla Treick/Sept. 8, 1884/Feb. 28, 1892 Tombstone, next to: Heinrich/Vater/Feb. 18, 1820/Mai 30, 1860 Tombstone, ossw: Elisabeth/Mutter/Nov. 28, 1825/Apr. 13, 1904 Tombstone Adelheid Treick/Mother/Born Sept. 2, 1854/Died Jan. 25, 1938 Tombstone, next to: Peter Treick/Father/Born Nov. 23, 1851/Died Jan. 21, 1925 Tombstone Henry E./1878-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Hulda D./1883-1977 Tombstone, next to: Large stone, family name only, next to: Lydia Treick/1893-1965 Tombstone


VANCE: Rev. Donald R. Vance/Apr. 8, 1947/Sept. 24, 2001 Tombstone + Photo


VITZ: Katharina Vitz/geb. JORES/Aus Rheyitt Prussen/gest. den 4 Mai 1854 Tombstone

VOGT: Karl Ch. W. Vogt/geboren 7 Febr. 1857/gestorben 1 Juli 1886 Tombstone Johann Vogt/Geb. 22 Sept. 1817/Gest. 25 Dez. 1896, ossw: Maria Vogt/Geb. 24 Juli 1817/Gest. 24 Juni 1900 Johann Vogt/1830-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Vogt/1840-1908 Tombstone (Christ Vogt/d. Sept. 1912/from obit)

VOSS: Harvey Voss/1910-1997/married Dec. 22, 1934 Tombstone, ossw: Esther Voss/1910-1987 Tombstone + Photo

VRIESEN: Katharina Vriesen/Geb. d. 8 Sept. 1852/Gest. d. 15 Juni 1946 Tombstone, next to: Past. D.W. Vriesen/Prediger Dieser Gemeinde/1888-1927/Geb. d. 26 Feb. 1852/Gest. D. 1 Apr. 1927 Tombstone

WAACK: Robert E. Waack/Apr 28, 1932/Oct 7, 2021 Photo, ossw: Elaine A. Waack/Mar 20, 1931/Jan 28, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

WALENTA: Rosa M./Gattin von W. Walenta/Geborene ZIEGLER/geboren 4 Marz 1853/gestorben 2 Febr. 1881 Tombstone, ossw: Ernest W.F./Sohn von W. & R. Walenta/Geboren 8 Dez. 1880/gestorben 3 Sept. 1881 Tombstone



WERNECKE: Adrian Wernecke/1918-1935 Tombstone George H./1891-1951 Tombstone, ossw: Alma E./1894-1979 Tombstone Arloine L. Wernecke/1932-1966 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm Wernecke/Geb. 25 Sept. 1862/Gest. 12 Mai 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Wernecke/Seine Gattin/Geb. 10 Jan. 1862/Gest. 29 Juni 1931 Tombstone Reverend Gilbert O./1897-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian A. Wernecke BYRD/1904-1990 Tombstone Calvin C./1893-1991 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Leona A./1896-1993 Tombstone Richard Wernecke/Jan 30, 1952/Nov 6,2018 Tombstone + Photo

WIEGAND: Johannes/Vater/1869-1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Johanna/Mutter/1874-1941 Tombstone Martha/4 Feb. 1876/11 Aug. 1878

WIGAND: Heinrich Wigand/Geb. 12 Dec. 1900/Gest. 19 Sept. 1902 Carl/1904-2001 Tombstone, ossw: Florence/1912-1993 Tombstone

WILSON: Adam Thomas Wilson/Apr. 6, 1973/Sept. 13, 2002 Tombstone + Photo Joanne V. Feld Wilson/Dec. 28, 1947/Jan. 23, 2009 Tombstone

WOEPSE: James/1927-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Walter/Aug. 6, 1898/July 19, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda/1897-1989 Tombstone


????: Top of stone and base, balance missing. In front of Kreie and Lohmann. Footstones: R.W. E.W. Above next to Boldt and Hochkammer. Illegible..part of stone missing. U.S. War vet marker flag holder, between Luckow, Maria & J.L. Linda/29 Dec. 1886/10 Febr. 1890, between Paul Grosshuesch and Carl Franzmeier, in front of Charles Koeser and in back of Heinrich Schmitz.