AWE: / AVE: Fred/Father/1858-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/Mother/1863-1929 Tombstone Anna Awe/6 Sept. 1868/14 Feb. 1869 (Anna Carolina Louise Ave/dau. of Heinrich and Maria Ave/d. 14 Feb. 1869/age 5 mo. 8 da.) Tombstone (John Awe/d. Nov. 1912/age 77 years/no stone) Ernst Awe/6 Feb. 1862/8 Feb. 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Sophia Awe/Gebne ROSSO/26 Aug. 1860/1 Aug. 1923 Tombstone Emil Awe/Father/1897-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Ellen/-1926- Tombstone William/1890-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Hulda/1891-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Lilly/1915-1915 Tombstone, ossw: Norma/1915-1924 Tombstone Heinrich Awe/28 Okt. 1835/27 Nov. 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Awe/Gebne Moller/9 Feb 1835/11 Dec. 1907 Tombstone Ludwig Awe/1803-1880 TombstoneBAUER: Emma V. Bauer/Nov. 1, 1878/Aug. 31, 1966 Tombstone, next to: Rev. J.M. Bauer/1873-1954 Tombstone
BEGEMANN: Simon Begemann/Vater/Geb. 29 Sept. 1867/Gest. 7 Dez. 1902 Tombstone
BERTH: Fred/1886-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Lena/June 23, 1895/Apr. 21, 1975 Tombstone
BIERHAUS: Kathrina Bierhaus/Mutter/Geb. 28 Dec. 1809/Gest. 9 Marz 1891 Tombstone, next to: H. Wilhelm Bierhaus/Vater/Geb. 19 Jan. 1799/Gest. 16 Mai 1884 Tombstone, next to: Karl H. Bierhaus/Geb. 22 Jan. 1892/Gest. 25 Feb. 1902, ossw: Minna Bierhaus/Geb. 25 Apr. 1876/Gest. 4 Nov. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Bierhaus/Geb. 16 Mai 1879/Gest. 13 Apr. 1882 Tombstone, ossw: Kinder von H. & M. Bierhaus Margaret/Mother/Nov. 28, 1848/May 5, 1928 Tombstone, next to: Herman/Father/Mar. 6, 1848/Apr. 18, 1927 Tombstone Maria VITS Bierhaus/1839-1865 (Maria Albertine Bierhause born Vits/b. 26 May 1839/d. 22 Sept. 1865/ from records of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church) Tombstone Henriette/Gattin von F. Bierhaus/Gebne UPHOF/12 Mai 1843/Gest. 23 Apr. 1907 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich C./Bierhaus/Geb. 22 Mai 1870/Gest. 25 Aug. 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich W. Bierhaus/Geb. 18 Feb. 1843/Gest. 2 Mai 1881 Tombstone
BLACKLOCK: Florence B./1914-1942 Tombstone
BOLDT: Julius Boldt/Geb. d. 26 Juli 1878/Gest d. 25 Oct 1899 Tombstone, next to: Agnes Caroline Boldt/Geboren 3 Jan. 1876/gest 12 Aug 1896 Joachim Boldt/Geb 10 Juni 1803/Gest 20 Feb 1889 Pauline Boldt/geboren 20 Ockt 1868/gestorben 28 Nov 1891 Tombstone, next to: Christine Boldt/Geborne OGLER/Geb 8 Juni 1845/(d. 23 Feb 1883) (balance of stone broken off), ossw: August Boldt/Geb 6 Marz 1831/Gest (1 Dec 1882) (balance of stone broken off, flat inground.) Dorothea C. Boldt/Geb SCHOFFLER/Gest Apr 4, 1874/Alter 66 Jahre Tombstone (Emma Wilhelmina Boldt/d. 22 Mar 1869/age 2 yrs 5 mo/no stone)
BORGWARDT: Elroy R. Borgwardt/1926-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Lucinda L. Borgwardt/nee Dill/1922-2001 Tombstone William Otto Borgwardt/May 27, 1950/May 1, 2018 Memorial
BRUCKSCHEN: Johannes Bruckschen/geb. in Repeln/Rhein Provinz D/14 Oct. 1818/Gest. 30 Juni 1898 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Katharina Bruckschen/geb. 21 Sept. 1832/gest 16 Okt. 1910 Tombstone (Friedrich Bruckschen/d. 12 Sept. 1868/age 9 yrs. 5 mo. 4 da./no stone) (Johann Hermann Bruckschen/d. 14 Nov. 1868/age 2 yrs. 8 mo. 9 da./no stone) Ernest/Father/1856-1902 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/Mother/1866-1957 Tombstone Otto J./1887-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Mathilda S./1886-1970 Tombstone Erwin/1903-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/1909-2003 Tombstone + Photo Max/1896-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Hattie/1897-1964 Tombstone, next to: Mildred Bruckschen/Apr. 2, 1923/Feb. 9, 1930 Tombstone (Sophie Bruckschen/b. Jan. 22, 1860/d. June 2, 1943/from obit/no stone) (Henry Bruckschen/d. Dec. 31, 1917/from obit/no stone) Elroy H. Bruckschen/1929-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Doris R. Bruckschen/nee GROSSHUESCH/Jun 28, 1931/Jan 3, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
BRUECHERT: Zachary J. Bruechert/Oct. 9, 1965/Aug. 24, 1992/from obituary
BUSSE: Edward/1899-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Viola/1902-2002 Tombstone
BYRD: Lillian A. Byrd/1904-1990 Tombstone, ossw: Rev. Gilbert WERNECKE/1897-1938 Tombstone See WERNECKE
CAIN: Corp. Justin J. Cain/Sep. 5, 1988/Oct. 13, 2010-Afghanistan Tombstone + Photo
DIEDERICHS: Anna M. Diederichs/Gebne HERMINGHAUS/11 Dec. 1800/gest. 15 Juli 1866 Tombstone, next to remains of base. (Carl Diederichs/b. March 26th, 1835/d. March 1921/from obit) (Mary (nee Carstens) Diederichs/b. June 3, 1854/d. March, 1937/from obit) (Note: They might possibly belong with the Diedrichs stone with the war vet flag)
DIEDRICHS: Large stone, family name only. (war vet flag holder in front) Smaller stones read: Emilie M./Mother/1882-1963 Tombstone, next to: Edwin C./Father/1881-1949 Tombstone
DILL: John Dill/1854-1939 Tombstone, next to: Christian Dill/Father/1860-1940 Tombstone, next to: Anna Dill/Mother/1867-1925 Tombstone Albert G./Jan. 18, 1888/July 5, 1963 Tombstone, ossw: Erwin O./-1934- Tombstone, ossw: Esther/1902-1996 Tombstone, ossw: Otto/1904-1943 Tombstone Sophia GLAFF/Gebne SPINKA/geb. 1 Mai 1804/gest 25 Feb. 1867 Tombstone, ossw: Ernest/sohn von/W. & M. Dill/geb. 22 Juni 1866/gest. 2 Sept. 1866 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Dill/geb. 31 Dez. 1827/gest. 27 Sept. 1900 Tombstone, ossw: Maria/Gattin von W. Dill/gebne GLAFF/25 Juli 1831/Gest. 28 Juni 1866 Tombstone Jacob Elmo Dill/Oct. 16, 1996/Oct. 16, 1996 Tombstone Wilbert R. Dill/1926-2005 Tombstone + Photo See Borgwardt
DRESSLER: Johann Dressler/Geb. 8 Aug. 1797/Gest. 20 Nov. 1864, ossw: Catharina Dressler/Geb. Grammel(?)/Geb. 21 Dez 1825/Gest. 10 Dez. 1883
DRUMM: Harold E. Drumm/1910-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Louise M. Drumm/1913-1996 Tombstone
DUEBNER: Christian Duebner/geb. 3 Mar. 1833/Gest. 27 Nov. 1910 Tombstone + Photo (Sophie Duebner/1835-1927) Tombstone + Photo Ernst W. Duebner/Geb. 31 Dec. 1860/Gest. 23 Feb. 1918 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma Duebner/Geb. 15 Oct. 1868/Gest. 11 Sept. 1925 Tombstone, next to: Baby, next to: Christ/1869-1949 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Minnie/1876-1952 Tombstone, next to: Duebner, (base only still standing)
EICKMEIER: Simon P./Sohn von/Gund A. Eickmeier/Geboren 27 April 1882/gestorben/21 October 1884 Tombstone
FRANZ: Edwin Franz, on large stone. Smaller stone reads: (Edward)/Father/Born Oct. 18, 1866/Died Aug. 21, 1904 Tombstone
FRANZMEIER: Carl/Father/1866-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Charlotte/Mother/1879-1926 Tombstone Meta Franzmeier/Oct. 18, 1907/Apr. 16, 1976 Tombstone, next to: Emil Franzmeier/1901-1950 Tombstone, next to: Baby Franzmeier/Geb. u Gest. 17 Marz 1911 Tombstone August Franzmeier/30 Juni 1862/15 Mai 1915 Tombstone See GROTEGUT
FRIEDRICHSMEIER: Selma Friedrichsmeier/1899-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Nola Friedrichsmeier/1905-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Gustave Friedrichsmeier/Mar 31, 1904/Sep 6, 1969 Tombstone Anna Friedrichsmeier/1904-1936 Tombstone Paul D. Friedrichsmeier/Aug 21, 1950/Aug 22, 2022 Photo
GATERMANN: Peter Gatermann/geb. 23 Aug. 1814/gest. 20 Jan. 1879 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/sohn von/P. & G. Gatermann/geb. 24 Apr. 1861/gest. 2 Nov. 1884 Tombstone, ossw: Frederick Gatermann/geb. 10 Juni 1853/gest 20 Apr. 1928, ossw: Gertrude Gatermann/geb. 20 Sept. 1821/gest. 27 Apr. 1905 Tombstone
GEORGE: Robert D. George/Aug 3, 1933/Nov 28, 2021 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Ethel A. George/Aug 25, 1934/Nov 9, 2019 Photo
GLAFF: See DILL, Sophia and Maria
GRAUMANN: Louise Graumann/Geb. 2 Jan. 1832/Gest. 22 Sept.____ (top and bottom of stone broken off and laying against the base.) In pre 1907 death index we found Louise Catherine Graumann/d. 22 Sept. 1872 at Newton/) Tombstone
GROELLE: Gottfried A. Groelle/1869-1875 Tombstone
GROSSHUESCH: Heidi Ann Grosshuesch/Dec. 13, 1974/June 24, 1975 Tombstone Elmer/1902-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Elsie/1905-1992 Tombstone Heinrich/1815-1875 Tombstone, ossw: Sybilla/1822-1858 Tombstone Tillmann Grosshuesch/9 Dez. 1818/30 Marz 1887 Tombstone, next to: Agnes S. Grosshuesch/15 Okt 1813/11 Marz 1851 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm J. Grosshuesch/16 Mai 1855/3 Juli 1855 Tombstone, next to: Johanna M. Grosshuesch/27 Juli 1828/19 Okt. 1909 Tombstone Tillmann Grosshuesch/Geboren 9 Dez. 1818/Gestorben 30 Marz 1887 Tombstone">Tombstone, ossw: WJG, ossw: JMG (Tillmann Grosshuesch/1849/Sep. 9, 1894/from death record/no stone) Memorial Emil/1875-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/1877-1964 Tombstone Elsie Grosshuesch/Born Mar. 4, 1900/Died Sept. 14, 1900 Tombstone Anna Grosshuesch/Jan. 4, 1883/Nov. 22, 1967 Tombstone, next to: John/1855-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Sophie/1854-1927 Tombstone Paul Grosshuesch/July 31, 1915/Apr. 6, 2005 Tombstone, ossw: Kathryn/1919-1972 Tombstone William Grosshuesch/1881-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Ella Grosshuesch/1889-1985 Tombstone
GROSSHUSCHENS: Base only with name. In front of Rodewald lot, next to Hochkammer and Kreie.
GROSZHUSCH: Wilhelm Groszhusch/Geb. 13 Mar. 1845/Gest. 9 Juli 1911 Tombstone, ossw: Margaretha/Gattin von/Wm. Groszhusch/Gebne NEUHAUS/6 Mar. 1846/gest. 24 Aug. 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich W./Geb. 8 Mar. 1870/Gest. 5 Apr. 1882 Tombstone, ossw: Maria L./Geb. 10 Jan. 1883/Gest. 20 Mar. 1884 Tombstone
GROTEGUT: Friedrich Grotegut/geb. 28 Nov. 1841/Gest. 11 Jan. 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Louise Grotegut/Verwitwete/Frau FRANZMEIER/Gebne SIWOLD/27 Feb. 1836/Gest 1 Dec. 1889 Tombstone
HACKMANN: Alfred J. Hackmann/1913-1996 Tombstone Elda L. Hackmann/Sep 14, 1916/Feb 17, 2015 Tombstone DuWayne A. Hackmann/Jan 5, 1946/Sep 12, 2022 Photo
HARDRATH: Alfred C. Hardrath/Sep 13, 1915/Nov 12, 2012 Tombstone Ruth Hardrath/May 31, 1915/Feb 8, 2010HECKER: (Abraham Hecker/d. 02 Feb. 1890) (Carl A. Hecker/d. 11 Mar. 1893/age 70 yrs/from obit-no stone) Photo
HEIMANN: Sophie/1897-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm/1861-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Selma/Nov. 20, 1902/June 9, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Dorothea/1866-1917 Tombstone Bernard Heimann/1859-1941 Tombstone, next to: Albertine Heimann/1867-1952 Tombstone Johannes Heimann/geb 16 Juni 1863/Gest. 5 Aug. 1899 Tombstone, ossw: Alma Heimann/Geb. 28 Juli 1899/gest 26 Mar. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: Henry KRUEGER/geb. 16 Apr. 1872/gest 4 Oct. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna KRUEGER/geb 1 Jan. 1870/gest. 29 Mai 1947 Tombstone Ella Heimann/10 Nov. 1902/8 Mar. 1903 Tombstone Sophia Heimann/gebne LEMKE/15 Sept. 1824/Gest. 28 Juni 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Heimann/Geb. 29 Oct. 1816/Gest. 27 Apr. 1892 Carl A. Heimann/May 20, 1894/Oct. 1974 Tombstone See KRUEGER
HOCHKAMMER: Johann Hochkammer/Geb. 25 Mar. 1813/Gest. 17 Apr. 1896, ossw: Elize Hochkammer/Geb. 18 Sept. 1821/Gest. 8 Feb. 1904, ossw: John/1852-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1864-1959 Tombstone Willie/Feb. 20, 1897/July 4, 1904 Tombstone, next to: Emma/Aug. 16, 1894/May 21, 1910 Tombstone, next to: Hilda Anna/Baby/Dec. 5-Dec. 7, 1927 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm/Vater/Apr. 22, 1857/Jan. 22, 1925 Tombstone, next to: Anna/Mutter/Apr. 17, 1861/Oct. 12, 1950 Tombstone Henry/1891-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Ella/Dec. 23, 1891/Sept. 7, 1974 Tombstone Otto J./Apr. 23, 1890/Nov. 6, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: Lydia C./1888-1961 Tombstone Jeanette M. Hochkammer/Mar. 25, 1925/Dec. 9, 2018 Tombstone + Photo William O. Hochkammer, Sr./May 19, 1923/Oct. 10, 2017 Tombstone + Photo See SAND
HOEFLINGER: Rev. Norman C. Hoeflinger/Dec 19, 1925/Oct 26, 1996/US Navy-WWII Tombstone, ossw: Virginia L. Hoeflinger/Dec 15, 1924/Mar 23, 2020
HORN: Robert W./Feb. 16, 1918/Feb. 21, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Esther J./June 8, 1914/May 4, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: Beth Ann Horn/1951-1954 Tombstone
HUTCHISON: Adriana C. Hutchison/Geb. HUBRECHTSE/1848-1921 Tombstone, next to: John M./Father/1869-1951 Tombstone, next to: Mollie/Mother/1875-1953 Tombstone, next to: Pvt. William C. Hutchison/Co. C. 47th Inf./June 4, 1894/Aug. 1, 1918/ Died in France from wounds received in the World War. (Amer. Leg. flag) Tombstone
JOST: Harold J. Jost/1927-2001 Tombstone + Photo
JUNK: Kenneth J. Junk/Jun 21, 1934/Sep 1, 2019/SP3 US Army-Korea/ Talented Sketch Artist/Defied Med Odds Full Life Tombstone + Photo
KARSTAEDT: Orville Karstaedt/1919-1987 Tombstone, ossw: LaVerne Karstaedt/Dec. 7, 1922/Jan. 7, 2012 Tombstone
KOESER: Charles/1888-1959 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma/1891-1966 Tombstone + Photo
KOHL: Ernst W. Kohl/Geboren 15 Nov. 1859/gestorben 11 Juli 1879 Tombstone Margaret Kohl/28 Dec. 1849/20 Mar. 1935 Tombstone, next to: Otto B. Kohl/14 Aug. 1850/25 Oct. 1921 Tombstone (the following stone reads Kohls but data reads Kohl) Bernhard Kohl/geb. zu Frielendorf/Kurhessen Deutschl. 6 Feb. 1811/Gest. 14 Sept. 1899, ossw: Louisa Kohl/gebne SIEBEN/geb. zu Elberfeld Deutschl./3 Sept. 1818/gest. 1 Mai 1897 Tombstone
KONIK: Dennis Konik/May 18, 1931/June 3, 2003/FT3 US Navy Korea Tombstone + Photo
KREIE: Hier Ruhen/Kinder von/Wilhelm und Magdelena Kreie Tombstone
KRUEGER: Henry Krueger/geb. 16 Apr. 1872/gest 4 Oct. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Krueger/geb 1 Jan. 1870/gest. 29 Mai 1947 Tombstone See HEIMANN
KUHL: (Wilhelm Kuhl/b. 06 Feb 1811/d. 14 Sept. 1899/possibly Bernhard Kohl?)
LIPPERT: (Raymond E. Lippert/Nov. 14, 1911/Sept. 28, 1999/from obit.-no stone)
LOHMANN: Petr/Sohn von/D un K Lohmann/Geboren 18 Mai 1852/Gestorben 19 Dez 1876 Tombstone, ossw: August/Sohn von/D un K Lohmann/geboren 5 Aug. 1853/gestorben 11 Marz 1880, ossw: Kinder des D und K Lohmann, ossw: Katharina/geb. 2 April 1859/gest. 5 Sept. 1861 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich/geb. 19 April 1865/gest. 21 Juli 1866 Tombstone, ossw: Henriette/tochter von D und K Lohmann/geboren 23 Febr. 1855/gestorben 26 April 1882 Tombstone, next to: Emilie Luise/Tochter von D und K Lohmann/Geb. 17 Juni 1867/gest. 7 Nov. 1872, ossw: Sophia Catharina/Tochter von Diederich u Catharina Lohmann/geb. 7 Juli 1850/gest 1 Marz 1873 (Catharine Lohmann/d. 2/13/1871/age 47/spouse Diedrich Lohmann/from death record)
LUCAS: Laurence Lucas/-1942- Tombstone
LUCKOW: Johann Simon Luckow/geb. 9 Sept. 1839/gest 8 Mai 1926 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Maria Luckow/geb. 13 Oct. 1844/gest. 3 Sept. 1914 Tombstone Maria Luckow/Geb. 6 April 1820/Gest. 18 Dec. 1893 Henry Luckow/1875-1895 Tombstone, next to: Otto Luckow/1880-1901 Tombstone, next to: Johanne Luckow/G. 28 Sept. 1879/Gest. 14 Apr. 1905 Tombstone, next to: Ella F./1913-1925/Daughter Tombstone, ossw: Eugenie C./1880-1946/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Albert H./1875-1952/Father Tombstone Hugo/1884-1965 (07 May 1884/Jun 1965/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: Ella/1883-1960 Tombstone, next to: Milton/Sohn von/H. & E. Luckow/Geb. 29 Mai/Gest. 9 Juni 1911 Tombstone
LUEBKE: Arthur C. Luebke/Apr. 21, 1919/May 7, 2002 Tombstone Florence A./Mar. 24, 1928/Oct. 8, 2012 Tombstone
MAALA: John M./1905-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Irene M./1928-2010 Tombstone
MAURER: Frank/1871-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1876-1973(b.13 Nov. 1876/d. Oct. 1973/SSDI) Tombstone, next to: Baby/Son of E. & A. Maurer/Born & Died Apr. 22, 1928 Tombstone
MCCURDY: Charles/1894-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Norma McCurdy Wenndorf/1911-1997 Tombstone
MONTGOMERY: Ida H. Montgomery/nee Rodewald/May 20, 1888/July 26, 1974 Tombstone
NACK: Elizabeth Nack/16 May 1855/23 Feb. 1921 Tombstone, next to: August Nack/23 Oct. 1857/9 July 1922 Tombstone, next to: Edwin/Sept. 16, 1888/Aug. 2, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/July 3, 1896/Jan. 12, 1955 Tombstone Otto Nack/Feb. 6, 1886/Apr. 13, 1974 Tombstone, next to: Norman B. Nack/Wisconsin CPL US Army/World War II/Aug. 12, 1922/Oct. 16, 1972 Tombstone (War vet flag holder)
NELSON: Bruce Nelson/1938-1947 Tombstone Justin Paul Nelson/May 4, 1994/May 6, 1994 Tombstone
NEUHAUS: Louise K./Tochter von/Gerhart u Louise Neuhaus/Geb. 26 Apr. 1900/Gest. 12 Sept. 1900 Tombstone Wilhelm Neuhaus/geboren 3 Juli 1818/gestorben 16 June 1893 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Eliese/gattin von/W. Neuhaus/geb. WELLFONDER/geboren 30 Dez. 1818/gestorben 13 Sep. 1886 Tombstone, ossw: Eliese Neuhaus/geboren 28 Mai 1860/Gestorben 17 Aug. 1860 Tombstone See GROSZHUSCH
PETERSDORF: Ferdinand Petersdorf/Vater/Gest. 10 Nov. 1864/Alter 46 Jahre Tombstone
RAMBADT: Arnold/1911-1996 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda E. Rambadt/Sep 19, 1911/Dec 10, 2013 Tombstone + Photo Johann Carl Rambadt/geb. 29 Apr. 1841/gest. 31 Dez. 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Elisabeth Johanna Rambadt/seine Gattin/geb. 4 Nov. 1849/gest. 13 Oct. 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Ida Anna Rambadt/geb. 27 Apr. 1885/gest. 9 Nov. 1908 Tombstone
REHME: Alwin Rehme/Gest. 24 Oct. 1895/Alter 9 Monate Tombstone, next to: Heinrich Rehme/Gest. 19 Sept. 1895/Alter 26 Jahre Tombstone
REICHWALDT: Arthur/1889-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1887-1972 Tombstone Clarence Reichwaldt/1919-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Edna A. Reichwaldt/Jul 24, 1916/Apr 16, 2010 Tombstone Kenneth C. Reichwaldt/Jul 16, 1949/Jul 5, 2015 Tombstone + Photo Nancy A. Reichwaldt/Feb 10, 1950/Oct 22, 2008 Tombstone + Photo
REINEKING: Georg Reineking/Geboren d. 24 Juni 1864/Gest. d. 26 Jan. 1891 Tombstone
RODEWALD: Hugo Rodewald/Father/May 1, 1886/Sept. 18, 1946 Tombstone, next to: Elma Rodewald/Mother/Dec. 7, 1891/Apr. 14, 1937 Tombstone Ernst Rodewald/Geb. 2 Sept. 1855/Gest. 20 Mai 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Rodewald/Geb. 27 Oct. 1859/Gest. 15 Oct. 1930 Tombstone, next to: Amanda Rodewald/Geb. 1 Sept. 1887/Gest. 9 Mar. 1904, next to: Anna Rodewald/Geb. 18 Apr. 1889/Gest. 4 Juni 1901, ossw: ein Kind von Ernst & Caroline Rodewald/Geb. u Gest. 26 Oct. 1895, next to: Henrietta/Gattin von E. Rodewald/Geb. Meuce in Vossheide Amt Brake/Lippe Detmold/18 Sept. 1818/Gest. 6 Nov. 1888 Tombstone, ossw: Ernst Rodewald/geb in _____hich Amt Brake Lippe Detmold/21 Marz 1816/Gest. 3 Oct. 1891 Tombstone Arnold/1906-1906 Tombstone, next to: Henry/1878-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1878-1948 Tombstone William/Vater/1860-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Emilie/Mutter/1866-1919 Tombstone A. Rodewald, ossw: Elise/Oct. 22, 1862/May 15, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Adolph/Sept. 25, 1858/Aug. 25, 1937, on same lot with: Hattie Louise/May 24 1897/Dec. 28, 1964 Tombstone, next to: Maria Alvina/March 13, 1893/Nov. 2, 1905 Tombstone, next to: Emma Sophia/Aug. 24, 1886/April 25, 1905 Tombstone, next to: August Ernst/Dec. 23, 1894/June 2, 1896 Infant son of Roland & Anita Rodewald Tombstone Theo Rodewald/Geb. 9 Aug. 1853/Gest. 24 Feb. 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Rodewald/Geb. 17 Jan. 1855/Gest. 25 Jan. 1916 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelmina Rodewald/Feb. 17, 1886/Sept. 1, 1886 Tombstone Meta Rodewald/19 Jan. 1899/25 Mar. 1899 Tombstone, next to: Herman Rodewald/Geb. 12 Mar./Gest. 13 Mar. 1908, next to: Edwin Rodewald/Geb. 12 Mar./Gest. 15 Mar. 1908 Emil/1889-1973, ossw: Anna/1887-1957 Amanda/Gattin von Oscar Rodewald/Gebne KURTZ/Geb. 3 Nov. 1874/Gest. 20 Sept. 1909 Tombstone Maria SCHNELL Rodewald/1887-1928 Tombstone, next to: Oscar W. Rodewald/1880-1930 Tombstone (Death Sat. of the little son of Wilhelm Rodewaldt in Newton. The funeral was Tues./From Der Nord Westen, 30 Mar. 1899) Walter H. Rodewald/1903-1978 Tombstone See MONTGOMERY
ROSENBAUER: Children of Werner J. & Martha Rosenbauer Charles/-Sept. 29, 1941- Tombstone, ossw: Diane/-July 19, 1943- Tombstone, ossw: Paul/-Aug. 1945- Tombstone
ROSSO: Dorothea/1834-1886 Tombstone, ossw: Johann/1824-1907 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich, ossw: Hermann, ossw: Augusta, ossw: Anna (Anna Rosso/dau. of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 3 Nov. 1870) Tombstone (Auguste Rosso/dau. of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 8 Mar. 1871) Tombstone (Friedrich Rosso/son of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 13 Mar. 1871) Tombstone (Hermann Rosso/son of Johann Rosso and Dorothea Glaf/d. 25 Feb. 1871) Tombstone Wilhelm Rosso/geb. 26 Mai 1858/gest. 22 Juli 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline Rosso/geb. 15 Oct. 1882/gest. 4 Feb. 1883 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Rosso/geb. 7 Mai 1860/gest. 24 Mai 1910 Infant Dau. of E. & S. Rosso/Feb. 25, 1911 Tombstone John/Father/1874-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Maria/1876-1947 Tombstone Roger J. Rosso/Sept. 12, 1946/July 23, 1992 Tombstone see AWE see STOCK
SAND: Lydia Sand/nee HOCHKAMMER/1886-1931 Tombstone
SAUERMILCH: Ernst Sauermilch/-1929- Tombstone, next to: Elizabeth Sauermilch/-1932- Tombstone
SCHEFFLER: Dean Allen Scheffler/-Aug. 23, 1967-/our son Tombstone Meta/1889-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Robert/1879-1954 Tombstone Clarence/1909-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Elmira/1908-1996 Tombstone, ossw: Roger Allen/loving son of Clarence Scheffler/1933-1936 Tombstone Ronald R. Scheffler/Nov. 22, 1937/Dec. 23, 1990 Marker
SCHENK: Henry Schenk/Pastor/Dec. 7, 1844/July 6, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta Schenk/Nee DEBES/Sept. 30, 1850/Jan. 11, 1931 Tombstone
SCHMITZ: Otto/1890-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Viola/1892-1999 Tombstone Elaine Schmitz/Jun 5, 1926/Mar 22, 2021 Photo Heinrich Schmitz/21 Sept.1822/5 Feb. 1909 Tombstone, ossw: Friedericka Schmitz/Und seine Gattin/10 Mai 1823/16 Jan. 1905 Tombstone Jennifer Leigh Schmitz/Jul 25, 2989/Aug 10, 2012 Tombstone + Photo
SCHOENBORN: Adela M. Schoenborn/June 13, 1909/Feb. 27, 1991 Tombstone Clement B. Schoenborn Sr./Oct. 26, 1910/Nov. 2, 1978 Tombstone
SCHUETTE: Joachim Schuette/Jan. 25, 1832/May 17, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Schuette/Apr. 20, 1857/June 7, 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Margaretha Schuette/July 13, 1854/Mar. 1, 1903 Tombstone Johann Schuette/Vater/15 Juni 1848/22 Feb. 1936 Tombstone, next to: Katherine Schuette/Mutter/6 Oct. 1849/6 Juli 1933 Tombstone
SCHUETZE: Carl Schuetze/d. June 1903/aged 82 years Tombstone
SCHUTZE: Base only, Schutze name
SCHWANTZ: Eugene C. Schwantz/Mar 17, 1935/Nov 21, 2015 Tombstone + Photo
SEIDLER: James L. Seidler/Mar 24, 1949/Mar 9, 2019 Photo
SNITKER: Rev. Harold J./Jan. 12, 1901/Nov. 28, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha R./1904-2005 Tombstone Marian Snitker/Infant/1930 Tombstone Martha Snitker/1834-1890 Tombstone
SPECHT: Dolores Specht/1931-1990 Tombstone
STANGEL: John I. Stangel/May 3, 1900/March 15, 1939 Tombstone
STAUSS: Eliese Stauss/Mutter/1862-1914 Tombstone, next to: Adam Stauss/Vater/1859-1944 Tombstone
STOCK: Paul Andrew Stock/Dec. 31, 1967/Feb. 24, 1968 Mary/1876-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Christian/1866-1962 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Infant son Adolph/Sept. 16, 1888/Juni 28, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Amanda/Jan. 31, 1889/May 16, 1945 Tombstone, ossw: Lester A. Stock/May 29, 1918/Dec. 15, 2002/Son Tombstone + Photo Karen/Daughter of Lester & Maria Stock/1944-1960 Tombstone Walter/1898-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/June 28, 1902/Aug. 11, 1976 Tombstone Alvin R. Stock/1905-1992 Tombstone, ossw: Elda M. Stock/1906-2005 Tombstone Erwin O. Stock/1917-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Bernice M. Stock ROSSO/Oct 2, 1920/Jan 5, 2008 Tombstone Leroy H. Stock/1925-2000 Tombstone, ossw: Ilene J. Stock/1931-1999 Tombstone Norman H. Stock/1921-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Daniel E. Stock/Nov. 20, 1953/Apr. 2, 1969 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Marion A. Stock/June 22, 1926/June 13, 2016 Tombstone Delores M. Stock/Apr. 16, 1930/Nov. 16, 2014 Photo Gustav W. Stock/Sept. 19, 1928/June 23, 2014 Tombstone
STOCKMEIER: Etta/1894-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/1894-1918 (war vet flag) Tombstone (Laura Stockmeier/Jan. 20, 1892/Dec. 1, 1979/from obit)
STUCKMANN: Albert H./Apr. 1, 1914/Oct. 24, 1993/US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: Florence A./Feb. 17, 1919/Apr. 5, 1977 Tombstone
STUEBBE: Rev. K.J./1888-1962 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Emma F./1891-1979 Tombstone Athniel B. Stuebbe/Nov. 17, 1923/Apr. 10, 1991/US Air Corp WWII Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Elenor G. Stuebbe/Aug 25, 1921/Jan 29, 2018 Tombstone + Photo
THONE: Jeffry Lee Thone/Apr. 30, 1960/Aug. 18, 1988 Tombstone Raymond R. Thone, Jr./Dec 15, 1933/Jun 8, 2019 Tombstone Lorraine E. Thone/May 7, 1938/Apr 7, 2020 Photo
TREICK: Baby Tombstone, next to: Otto Treick/Dec. 27, 1885/Apr. 22, 1886 Tombstone, next to: Lydia Treick/Apr. 12, 1875/Sept. 8, 1875 Tombstone, next to: Ella Treick/Mar. 23, 1888/Aug. 2, 1891 Tombstone, next to: Zilla Treick/Sept. 8, 1884/Feb. 28, 1892 Tombstone, next to: Heinrich/Vater/Feb. 18, 1820/Mai 30, 1860 Tombstone, ossw: Elisabeth/Mutter/Nov. 28, 1825/Apr. 13, 1904 Tombstone Adelheid Treick/Mother/Born Sept. 2, 1854/Died Jan. 25, 1938 Tombstone, next to: Peter Treick/Father/Born Nov. 23, 1851/Died Jan. 21, 1925 Tombstone Henry E./1878-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Hulda D./1883-1977 Tombstone, next to: Large stone, family name only, next to: Lydia Treick/1893-1965 Tombstone
VANCE: Rev. Donald R. Vance/Apr. 8, 1947/Sept. 24, 2001 Tombstone + Photo
VITZ: Katharina Vitz/geb. JORES/Aus Rheyitt Prussen/gest. den 4 Mai 1854 Tombstone
VOGT: Karl Ch. W. Vogt/geboren 7 Febr. 1857/gestorben 1 Juli 1886 Tombstone Johann Vogt/Geb. 22 Sept. 1817/Gest. 25 Dez. 1896, ossw: Maria Vogt/Geb. 24 Juli 1817/Gest. 24 Juni 1900 Johann Vogt/1830-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Vogt/1840-1908 Tombstone (Christ Vogt/d. Sept. 1912/from obit)
VOSS: Harvey Voss/1910-1997/married Dec. 22, 1934 Tombstone, ossw: Esther Voss/1910-1987 Tombstone + Photo
VRIESEN: Katharina Vriesen/Geb. d. 8 Sept. 1852/Gest. d. 15 Juni 1946 Tombstone, next to: Past. D.W. Vriesen/Prediger Dieser Gemeinde/1888-1927/Geb. d. 26 Feb. 1852/Gest. D. 1 Apr. 1927 Tombstone
WAACK: Robert E. Waack/Apr 28, 1932/Oct 7, 2021 Photo, ossw: Elaine A. Waack/Mar 20, 1931/Jan 28, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
WALENTA: Rosa M./Gattin von W. Walenta/Geborene ZIEGLER/geboren 4 Marz 1853/gestorben 2 Febr. 1881 Tombstone, ossw: Ernest W.F./Sohn von W. & R. Walenta/Geboren 8 Dez. 1880/gestorben 3 Sept. 1881 Tombstone
WERNECKE: Adrian Wernecke/1918-1935 Tombstone George H./1891-1951 Tombstone, ossw: Alma E./1894-1979 Tombstone Arloine L. Wernecke/1932-1966 Tombstone, next to: Wilhelm Wernecke/Geb. 25 Sept. 1862/Gest. 12 Mai 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Wernecke/Seine Gattin/Geb. 10 Jan. 1862/Gest. 29 Juni 1931 Tombstone Reverend Gilbert O./1897-1938 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian A. Wernecke BYRD/1904-1990 Tombstone Calvin C./1893-1991 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Leona A./1896-1993 Tombstone Richard Wernecke/Jan 30, 1952/Nov 6,2018 Tombstone + Photo
WIEGAND: Johannes/Vater/1869-1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Johanna/Mutter/1874-1941 Tombstone Martha/4 Feb. 1876/11 Aug. 1878
WIGAND: Heinrich Wigand/Geb. 12 Dec. 1900/Gest. 19 Sept. 1902 Carl/1904-2001 Tombstone, ossw: Florence/1912-1993 Tombstone
WILSON: Adam Thomas Wilson/Apr. 6, 1973/Sept. 13, 2002 Tombstone + Photo Joanne V. Feld Wilson/Dec. 28, 1947/Jan. 23, 2009 Tombstone
WOEPSE: James/1927-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Walter/Aug. 6, 1898/July 19, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda/1897-1989 Tombstone
????: Top of stone and base, balance missing. In front of Kreie and Lohmann. Footstones: R.W. E.W. Above next to Boldt and Hochkammer. Illegible..part of stone missing. U.S. War vet marker flag holder, between Luckow, Maria & J.L. Linda/29 Dec. 1886/10 Febr. 1890, between Paul Grosshuesch and Carl Franzmeier, in front of Charles Koeser and in back of Heinrich Schmitz.