City of Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

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[ A ][ C ] [ E ] [ H ] [ L ] [ MI ] [ R ] [ T ]

Maps of the cemetery

[B-13-8]-Edward, Sr./1907-Mar 1972 Tombstone, ossw:
[B-13-8]-Julia/1906-1966 Tombstone
[F-6-4]-Luci Kloss Raab/1920-2008 Tombstone

RABITZ: Richard W. Rabitz/May 13, 1943/Jan 29, 2011 Tombstone + Photo

RABUDOW: [Unk-1-5}-[Gilbert (Baby)/bur. 07-07-1927]

RACHLEWICZ: [A-40-3]-Helen/1907-1925 Tombstone, ossw: [A-40-3]-Genevieve/1921-1928 Tombstone, next to: [A-40-3]-Clement/1875-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [A-40-3]-Ella/1883-1971 Tombstone

RADEJ: [A-5-9]-John/1872-Nov 1936 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-9]-Mary/1873-Mar 25, 1965 Tombstone

RADIZINSKI: [A-45-4]-Andrew/Father/1861-Jul 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [A-45-4]-Constance/Mother/1864-Feb 1934 Tombstone

RADTKE: [B-15-10]-Emil [L.]/1890-Nov 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-10]-Mabel/1895-Mar 1963 Tombstone

RADUENZ: [B-B-5]-Lester E. Raduenz/1913-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [B-B-5]-Lorraine Raduenz-Zimmerman/1929-2006 Tombstone, ossw: [B-B-5]-Ervin N. Zimmerman/1920-2003 Tombstone see ZIMMERMAN

RADY: [B-23-5]-James C./1903-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-5]-Agnes T./1908-Jun 1979 Tombstone [F-15-7]-Elizabeth J. Rady/1902-1981 Tombstone, next to: [F-15-7]-Francis Joseph Rady/Wisconsin/Amm2 US Navy/WWII/Feb 11 1924/Mar 5 1956 Tombstone, next to: [F-15-7]-Frank J. Rady/1901-1980 Tombstone

RADZINSKI: [A-45-3]-Charles J. Radzinski/Sep 25, 1901/Apr 6,1945 Tombstone

RAECK: [F-35-5]-Margaret Raeck/1875-1948 Tombstone

RAETHER: [B-27-7]-[Violet E./bur. 06-23-1976/age 66 yrs.] Tombstone see GRETZ

RAMSEY: [F-15-6]-Emma Ramsey/Aug 5, 1895/Jan 13, 1987 Tombstone

RANK: [C-18-2]-Edwin A./1912-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [C-18-2]-Margaret/1910-2003 Tombstone

RATH: [B-26-10]-Hilary J./1911-1996 Tombstone + Photo [B-26-10]-D. Ardis/1915-1999 Tombstone

RATHSACK: [A-4-2]-Kathleen Rathsack [Catherine]/1945-1946 Tombstone [A-11-4]-[George A./bur. 03-17-1941/age 34 yrs.] Tombstone [A-39-2]-[Mary/bur. 12-17-1928] [A-16-6]-Paul P. Rathsack/Father/1913-Oct 1942 Tombstone [B-4-10]-Peter P./1904-Jun 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-10]-Isabel/1908-2003 Tombstone [B-1-2]-Gerald Rathsack/1933-2000 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-2]-LaVerne E. Rathsack/Mar 3, 1934/Apr 29, 2018 Tombstone [B-3-10]-Andrew Rathsack II/1916-1995/SF1 US Navy WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-10]-Andrew II/1916-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-10]-Mildred Rathsack/1919-2005 Tombstone + Photo [F-16-7]-Andrew Rathsack Sr./1875-Aug 1958 Tombstone, next to: [F-16-7]-Martha Rathsack/1878-Mar 1953 Tombstone

RAU: [B-20-4]-Dr. Gerald A./1904-Mar 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-4]-Madeline L./1900-Apr 1977 Tombstone

RAYMAKERS: [B]-William Peter Raymakers/no b. date/Dec 21, 2008 Tombstone

RAYOME: Joan A. Rayome/Apr 21, 1949/May 7, 2019

RAZASH: [C-22-12]-[Roger J./bur. 10-30-1986/age 64 yrs.]

REBARCEK: [A-39-2]-[Augusta/bur.03-11-1965/age 87 yrs.] Tombstone [A-39-2]-Walter Rebarcek/[REBARCHEK]/1877-Sep 1947 Tombstone, next to: [A-39-2]-George REBARCHEK/1906-Sep 1969 Tombstone

REBARCHEK: [A-6-8]-George Rebarchek/Father/1874-Oct 1952 Tombstone, next to: [A-6-8]-Kevin Lee KATTNER/-Apr 8, 1960- [age 8 hr.] Tombstone, next to: [A-6-8]-Rose Rebarchek/Mother/1874-Dec 1933 Tombstone [B-4-9]-Joseph/1898-Oct 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-9]-Elsie/1903-Jul 1986 Tombstone [B-8-5]-Raymond/1911-Jun 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-5]-Alma/1913-1991 Tombstone [B-8-5]-Abigail Judith "Bubba" Rebarchek/Feb 18, 1993/Mar 2, 1993 Tombstone [B-26-5]-Leo B. Rebarchek/1904-Aug 1974 Tombstone [B-25-2]-Edward C. Rebarchek/1908-Nov 1970 Tombstone [B-31-1]-Frank D. Rebarchek, Sr./"Dad"/1906-Jan 1975 Tombstone [B-31-1]-Daniel Rebarchek/Feb 23, 1983/Jul 17, 2005 Tombstone [C-19-6]-Joseph Rebarchek/Feb 22, 1910/May 18, 1999 Tombstone [C-19-6]-Agnes A. Rebarchek/Dec 28, 1921/Nov 15, 2011 Tombstone + Photo Gary R. Rebarchek/Mar 14, 1936/Oct 7, 2018 Tombstone see MAHNKE see REBARCEK

REBEDEW: [A-43-1]-Tillie Rebedew/Mother/1877-Nov 1937 Tombstone, next to: [A-43-1]-James Rebedew Sr./Father/1884-May 1932 Tombstone, next to: [A-43-1]-James Rebedew Jr./1910-Jun 1926 Tombstone

REBITZ: [F-17-3]-Joseph J./1895-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-3]-Lillian/1905-1989 Tombstone

REBMAN: [A1-40-2]-John L. Rebman/Cpl US Army/Sep 26 1927/Oct 8 1974 Tombstone, next to: [A1-40-2]-John J./1899-Nov 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-40-2]-Ella/1905-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-40-2]-John L./1927-1974 Tombstone Joseph Rene Rebman/Feb 28, 1942/Feb 11, 2018/"I Told You I Was Sick" Tombstone + Photo [A-4-8]-[Roy (Baby)/bur. 07-07-1932]

REED: [C-8-2]-Ann L. Reed/1953-1999 Tombstone see MOREAU

REHBEIN: [A1-35-1]-Henry/1884-May 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-35-1]-Anna/1887-May 1945 Tombstone

REHRAUER: [A-39-4]-Agnes Rehrauer/nee Korinek/1914-Jun 1937 Tombstone [B-13-8]-William G./1894-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-8]-Olive E./1901-Jun 1985 Tombstone [B-17-6]-Victor M./1903-Jan 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-6]-Augusta/1903-Aug 1988 Tombstone [C-22-9]-Jack/1926-2000 Tombstone [C-22-9]-LaVerne J. Rehrauer/Jul 7, 1926/Apr 25, 2012 Photo [C-29-4]-William P./Aug 11, 1933/Jun 5, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [C-29-4]-Lisa M./Jan 29, 1973/Jul 7, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [C-29-4]-Dolores M./Aug 11, 1932/Mar 5, 2009 Tombstone + Photo [F-35-4]-Aloysius J./1885-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [F-35-4]-Emma M. [Emily]/1885-Apr 1961 Tombstone [F-27-2]-Joseph A. Rehrauer/1887-Jun 1952 Tombstone [F-27-2]-Helen A. Rehrauer/1893-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [F-27-2]-Carina H. Rehrauer/1914-1994 Tombstone [Unk]-[Theresa/bur. 06-21-1926] Robert P./Oct 21, 1923/May 11, 2005 Tombstone Robert W. Rehrauer/Dec 29, 1925/Jun 21, 2014/MM3 US Navy/WWII Photo, ossw: Jeannine M. Rehrauer/Mar 4, 1929/Jul 23, 2012 Tombstone + Photo George P. Rehrauer/Apr 9, 1939/Oct 7, 2021 Photo See KORINEK

REICH: [C]-John G. Reich/Jan 29, 1958/Apr 6, 2008 Tombstone + Photo [F-21-10]-Clarence/1905-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [F-21-10]-Marcella/1908-1984 Tombstone [F-23-1]-Joseph/1882-Oct 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-23-1]-Klotilda/1884-1967 Tombstone [F-24-1]-Raymond/1909-1998 Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-1]-Leona/1909-Jun 1961 Tombstone Gerald/Jul 19, 1936/Jul 1, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: Jo Anne/Feb 16, 1936/May 23, 2007 Tombstone

REIMER: [C]-Richard M. Reimer/Aug 16, 1951/Apr 11, 2012 Photo

REINERT: William R. Reinert/Dec 18, 1937/Aug 24, 2021 Photo

REIS: [B-6-4]-Lester/May 17, 1910/Oct 8, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-4]-Helen V./Nov 15, 1909/Sep 30, 1999 Tombstone

REPENN: [F]-Gene Repenn/1946-2005 Tombstone Mark J. Repenn/Mar 26, 1971/Feb 28, 2010 Tombstone + Photo

REPINSKI: [F-9-5]-Tammy Lynn Repinski/Sep 14, 1969/Oct 28, 1969 Tombstone Jeffrey T. Repinski/Jun 18, 1960/Aug 15, 2021 Photo

RESCH: [F-9-5]-Lisa Ann (Baby)/1977-Dec 1977 (Klein & Stangel Funeral Home marker.)

REZACH: [A-30-6]-Frances Rezach/1876-1930 Tombstone, next to: [A-30-6]-Frank Rezach/1881-May 1969 Tombstone [B-18-2]-Victor [F.]/1903-Sep 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-2]-Hattie/1905-1994 Tombstone Leon E. Rezach/PFC US Army/May 5, 1939/Nov 15, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: Leon E./May 5, 1939/Nov 15, 2007 Tombstone

REZACHEK: [A-8-10]-Alois Rezachek/1910-Feb 1939 Tombstone [A-25-3]-Wenzel Rezachek/Father/1871-May 1925 Tombstone, next to: [A-25-3]-Antonette Rezachek/1873-1933 Tombstone [B-3-2]-Robert D. Rezachek/1963-1985 Tombstone, next to: [B-3-2]-Adolph J./1917-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-2]-Helen C. Rezachek/Oct 27, 1919/May 6, 2011 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [B-3-2]-John A./1942-Aug 1980 Tombstone [B-30-1]-Joseph/1907-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-1]-Clara A./1915-2000 Tombstone [B-30-1]-Robert J./Jun 26, 1943/Feb 8, 1994/YN2 US Navy-Vietnam Tombstone See BAJDAN

REZASH: [B-24-9]-Florence/1888-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-9]-Joseph/1885-1967 Tombstone, next to: [B-24-9]-Lorna/1907-2002 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-9]-Lawrence/1906-1967 Tombstone [C-22-12]-Roger J. Rezash/1922-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-12]-Murial Rezash/Nov 22, 1929/Jul 13, 2019 Photo

REZEK: [F-12-1]-Otto [A.]/1897-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [F-12-1]-Celia M./1902-1966 Tombstone

RHODE: [Unk-1-9]-[Earl R. (Baby)/bur. 1925]

RICE: [F-22-1]-[Baby Boy/bur. 05-08-1952 ]

RICHARD: [B-9-9]-Larry Sr./1930-2011 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-9-9]-Alice E./1933-2012 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-9-9]-Joseph/1957-Jun 1970 Tombstone [B-16-4]-Joseph J./1898-Sep 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [B-16-4]-Wilhelmina Richard Waier/1901-1992 Tombstone

RICHARDS: Fred Allen Richards/SSGT US Air Force-Korea/Feb 24, 1934/Mar 18, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: Fred A./Feb 24, 1934/Mar 18, 2006 Tombstone

RICHARDSON: [F-9-5]-Paul Edward Richardson/Sep 18-19, 1971 Tombstone [F-24-10]-Frances/Mother/1869-Nov 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-10]-Beatrice/Daughter/1895-Sep 1952 Tombstone

RICHMOND: [A-16-1]-George R./1902-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-1]-Leona L./1909-1998 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-1]-Baby [Boy]/Apr 20, 1942 Tombstone [F-30-4]-Erving A./1898-Apr 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-4]-Andrienne H./1902-1992 Tombstone, next to: [F-30-4]-James E. Richmond/1956-Dec 1956 Tombstone [F-30-4]-Winifred Richmond/1925-1995 Tombstone Judy Richmond/Jan 8, 1945/Jun 14, 2011 Tombstone + Photo Roy M. Richmond/Mar 10, 1957/Nov 29, 2015 Tombstone Rosemary Richmond/Jan 30, 1925/Feb 15, 2017 Photo Claude E. Richmond/Sep 9, 1927/Nov 6, 2020 Photo, ossw: Rosemary Richmond/Jan 30, 1925/Feb 15, 2017 Photo

RICKE: [Unk-1-13]-[Baby/bur. 1906]

RIHA: [B-8-9]-Raymond/Apr 30, 1907/Feb 23, 1998 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-9]-Libbie [M.]/1908-Jul 30, 1971 Tombstone [C-20-9]-Chuck/1968-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-9]-John/1933-2001 Tombstone [F-12-5]-Susan Marie Riha/-1956- Tombstone [F-12-6]-Adolph T. Riha/Sep 26, 1915/Jan 12, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [F-12-6]-Helen M./Apr 27, 1928/Jan 1, 2012 Tombstone [F-12-7]-Frank A. Riha/Wisconsin/Pfc Medical Department/WWI/Oct 27 1896/Nov 21 1963 Tombstone, next to: [F-12-7]-Eleanor M. Riha/Feb 22, 1899/Aug 7, 1968 Tombstone Eldon Riha/Feb 5, 1930/Jun 9, 2019 Photo, ossw: Brian Thomas/1957-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Alice Riha/Oct 24, 1928/Oct 4, 2016 Photo

RINGMEIER: [A1-35-3]-Edward/Father/1876-Mar 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-35-3]-Emma/Mother/1879-1943 Tombstone See MEYER

RISLER: [Unk-1-7]-[Baby/bur. 02-25-1924]

ROBERTS: Beatrice "Bea"/1937-2009 Tombstone, ossw: Paul Sr./1936-2008 Tombstone, ossw: Paul Roberts Sr./CW3 US Army-Vietnam/Dec 20, 1936/Jun 6, 2008 Tombstone

ROBINSON: [F-31-1]-Otto/Father/1896-Apr 1954 Tombstone, ossw: [F-31-1]-Cecelia/Mother/1897-Jan 1946 Tombstone Kathleen V./Jun 24, 1938/Feb 10, 2011 Tombstone

ROBSON: [A-32-5]-Evelyn J. Robson/1915-1993 Tombstone

ROCHELEAU: [B-12-1]-Richard E./1914-Apr 1976/Brother Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-1]-Yvonne M./1917-1999/Sister Tombstone, next to: [B-12-1]-Joseph/1883-Jan 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-1]-Florida/1890-Sep 1983 Tombstone, next to: [B-12-1]-Clayton H./1912-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-1]-Fern A./1913-2003 Tombstone [F-17-7]-Amy/Oct 7, 1891/Dec 11, 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-7]-Louis/Oct 7 1885/Jan 31, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-7]-Anna/May 14, 1882/May 27, 1951 Tombstone, next to: [F-17-7]-Francis/1908-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-7]-Rose/1908-Sep 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-7]-Allan/Oct 10, 1942/Jun 14, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [F-17-7]-[Emy (Amy)/bur. 07-21-1951] Memorial [F-17-4]-Leo O./Father/1908-Jul 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-4]-Helen/Mother/1907-1951 Tombstone [F-28-8]-[David L./bur. 08-11-1970/age 1 hr.] Memorial [F]-James Rocheleau/1931-2000 Tombstone, ossw: [F]-Ruth Rocheleau/Jul 17, 1940/Dec 16, 2019 Tombstone [Unk-1-5]-[Lucille/bur. 02-20-1928]

ROCHON: [A-2-10]-Joseph Rochon/Father/1880-Dec 1938 Tombstone

ROCKLEWITZ: [C-14-9]-Leo C./Aug. 12, 1923/June 12, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [C-14-9]-Mavis J./Jun 4, 1924/Nov 26, 2003 Tombstone

RODKIEWICZ: [B-7-4]-Joseph J./May 16, 1909/Jun 3, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-4]-Mabel A./1906-1999 Tombstone

ROEMER: [F-9-8]-Robert J. Roemer, Jr./1957-1957 Tombstone

ROGALA: [B-30-4]-Coletta/1927-Nov 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-4]-Harry/1922-2013 Tombstone

ROGALSKI: [B-8-10]-Richard A. Rogalski/1919-Nov 1973 Tombstone [B-15-6]-Andrew V./1897-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-6]-Madeleine/1900-Nov 1963 Tombstone

ROGN: [A1-36-3]-Halvor/1887-Dec 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-36-3]-Cecilia/1898-Feb 1955 Tombstone

ROHDE: [A-16-5]-Fred [C.]/1867-Mar 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-5]-Melinda/1870-Feb 1946 Tombstone

ROHL: [A-3-3]-Wm. Rohl, Sr./1881-Oct 1941 Tombstone [A-2-9]-Emma T. Rohl/1900-Jan 1980 Tombstone

ROHR: [B-5-1]-Lewellyn/1911-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-1]-Lorraine/1913-May 1979 Tombstone

ROHRER: Richard A. Rohrer/May 15, 1942/Dec 26, 2015 Photo

ROIDT: [C-13-3]-Leonard Sylvester/1926-1984 Tombstone

ROLLER: [B-6-1]-Esther Ida/1913-1985 Tombstone [B-6-10]-Edward L. Roller/1914-1978 Tombstone

ROMDENNE: Joseph J. Romdenne/Apr 1, 1932/May 3, 2013 Photo, ossw: Ardis A. Romdenne/Nov 6, 1933/Jun 26, 2020 Photo

RONSPIES: [A1-34-4]-Helen/1905-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-34-4]-Frank/1895-Oct 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-34-4]-Kenneth/1940-Sep 1945 Tombstone

ROOT: [A1-33-3]-Cecelia (Honey) Root/1909-May 1968 Tombstone

ROSIK: [C-4-10]-Duwane A. Rosik/Nov 8, 1941/Mar 12, 2004 Tombstone

ROSINSKY: [A-45-2]-[Eloise Rosinsky/bur. Apr 24, 1943] [F-29-1]-Ida Rosinsky/1902-Dec 1948 Tombstone see RADZINSKI Paul D. Rosinsky/Feb 3, 1940/Mar 31, 2021 Photo, ossw: Arlene M. Rosinsky/Jun 20, 1941/Aug 30, 2017 Photo see LA ROSE

ROSS: [A-39-3]-Irene Ross/nee Elliott/1905-1932 Tombstone [B-13-9]-Dale E. Ross/Nov 21, 1925/May 3, 1966 Tombstone see LAPINE

ROWRAY: [A-24-5]-Arnold Rowray/1912-1993 Tombstone

ROWTON: [B-20-6]-[Stella Helen/cremated 06-24-1985] Memorial

ROY: [F-3-2]-Winfred Roy/1907-Aug. 1957 Tombstone

ROYER: [B-8-8]-James L./Feb 13, 1953/Mar 12, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-8]-Vicky L./May 13, 1953/Mar 12, 1972/married/Nov 20, 1971 Tombstone

ROZMARYNOSKI: [A-2-10]-Jacob Rozmarynoski/Father/1858-Apr 1938 Tombstone [B-9-7]-Andrew/1901-Feb 1972/Rozy Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-7]-Susan/1904-Mar 1974/Sue Tombstone [B-13-10]-Edwin N. Rozmarynoski/1927-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-10]-Cele A./1926-2013 Tombstone [B-18-1]-John [C.]/1906-Nov 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-1]-Minnie Rozmarynoski/1911-1997 Tombstone [C-22-7]-Robert J./1922-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-7]-Phyllis M./1923-2000 Tombstone [F-26-1]-Stanley/1888-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-26-1]-Sophia/1896-Sep 1976 Tombstone [F-26-1]-[John/bur. 08-14-1961/age 1 da.]

ROZMARYNOWSKI: [A-2-9]-Frank J. Rozmarynowski/Wisconsin/Wagoner 14 SN Tn 14 Div/Sep 16 1937 Tombstone

RUDEBECK: [A-9-9]-Adolph/1879-Jan 1946 Memorial, ossw: [A-9-9]-Elmyra/1879-Jan 1974 Memorial, next to: [A-9-9]-Colbert Rudebeck/1904-June 1935 Memorial, ossw: [A-9-9]-Mary Rudebeck/nee Monka/1903-1989 Memorial, ossw: [A-9-9]-William C./1926-1981 Memorial [B-9-1]-Janet Rudebeck/1931-Dec 1971 Tombstone [F-22-2]-Aloysius/1903-Jul 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-22-2]-Leona Rudebeck/1905-1996 Tombstone

RUDEBEK: [F-22-2]-[Baby/bur. 12-18-1964] See RUDEBECK

RUDOLPH: [F-11-2]-Flora/1897-Feb 1974 Tombstone + Photo [F-11-2]-Walter C./1895-1981 Tombstone + Photo

RUELLE: [A-4-4]-Kathleen Beatrice Ruelle/1931-Jul 1933 Tombstone [A-4-5]-Donald Arthur Ruelle/1926-1930 Tombstone [A-26-2]-Eli/1865-Oct 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [A-26-2]-Emily/1870-Dec 1951 Tombstone [A-29-1]-[Mary/bur. 04-24-1957/age 79 yrs.] Tombstone [A-32-6]-Alex/1869-Aug 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-6]-Jennie/1872-Dec 1946 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-6]-Georgina/1863-Apr 1931 Tombstone [B-14-1]-Elizabeth Michelle Ruelle/-May 12, 1998- Tombstone [B-25-7]-Richard L. Ruelle/Jun 23, 1926/Jun 3, 1979 [B-29-5]-Arthur [J.]/1896-Aug 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-5]-Sophia/1898-1986 Tombstone [B-30-8]-Albert Ruelle/1899-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-8]-Dorothy Ruelle/1913-1998 Tombstone [F-7-1]-Louis A./1886-Sep 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [F-7-1]-Doris/1885-Dec 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [F-7-1]-Marie/1916-Nov 1963 Tombstone [F-7-1]-Elmer S. Ruelle/TEC 5 US Army/WWII/May 17, 1919/Jul 28, 1997 Tombstone Charles Ruelle/Jul 28, 1929/Jan 11, 2010 Tombstone Joseph C. Ruelle/Nov 19,1955/Apr 11, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

RUETHER: [B-10-1]-John/1906-1998, ossw: [B-10-1]-Christine/1914-1980

RUMINSKI: [B-26-5]-Paul J./1910-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-5]-Beatrice T./1911-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-5]-Robert P./1946-1967 Tombstone, next to: [B-26-5]-Robert P. Ruminski/Wisconsin/L Cpl Co B5 Mar 1 Mar Div/ Vietnam PH & GS/Mar 11, 1946/Apr 1, 1967 Tombstone + Photo [F-11-6]-John Sr./1875-Oct 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [F-11-6]-Anna/1879-Apr 1970 Tombstone [F-11-7]-John B./1904-Dec 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [F-11-7]-Clara [C.]/1908-Jan 1962 Tombstone

RUMPF: [B-12-8]-Albert/1889-Jan 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-8]-Catherine/1888-1966 Tombstone

RUSBOLDT: Henry William Rusboldt/TSGT US Army Air Forces/WWII/ Distinguished Flying Cross/Jan 30, 1923/Aug 2, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: Henry W. Rusboldt/Jan 30, 1923/Aug 2, 2010 Tombstone

RUTHMANSDORFER: [A-33-3]-Alois Ruthmansdorfer/1874-Feb 1940 Tombstone [B-14-10]-Frank/1895-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-10]-Clara/1895-Jul 1981 Tombstone [B-18-2]-Roman/1893-Jun 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-2]-Anna/1897-1992 Tombstone

RYBARCZYK: [F-13-2]-Nance Bonk Rybarczyk/1935-2004 Tombstone [F-13-2]-Leonard Rybarczyk/Sep 29, 1933/Aug 24, 2015 Tombstone

[ S ]

SACHSE: [C-28-6]-Diane L. Sachse/1948-2003 Tombstone

SADRO: [C-14-3]-Barbara Koch-Sadro/Mar. 13, 1959/July 28, 1997 Tombstone

SADUSKE: [C-15-1]-Chester J./1914-1983 Tombstone

SAFRANEK: [C-23-6]-Richard/1919-2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C-23-6]-Genevieve/1921-1990 Tombstone

SALKOWSKI: [B-22-5]-Martin, Sr./1905-Jan 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-5]-Nora M./1910-Jul 1965/KASAL Tombstone see KASAL

SALVESON: [B-30-6]-Capt. Peter R./1936-Apr 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-5]-Arthur R./1905-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-5]-Eva B. Salveson/Dec 21, 1906/Sep 13, 2000 Tombstone

SAMZ: [B-16-1]-David Samz/Mar 8, 1963/Jan 19, 1964 Tombstone [B-16-1]-Leo E./Jan 24, 1902/Oct 30, 1987/married Jun 24, 1931 Tombstone, ossw: [B-16-1]-Marcella/Jul 30, 1926/Mar 4, 1987 Tombstone [C]-Michael J. Samz, Sr./Nov 24, 1927/Aug 23, 2013 (WWII Vet.) Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C]-Dorothy K. Samz/Twin/Jan 16, 1932/Jun 13, 2018 Tombstone + Photo

SANDERS: [C-19-9]-Brian J. Sanders/Jul 1, 1968/May 4, 1986 Tombstone Doris Sanders/Sep 29, 1925/Dec 25, 2009 Photo

SANFORD: [B-14-8]-John E. Sanford/Father/Jan 1, 1892/Sep 12, 1966 Tombstone [C-25-6]-Ernest D. Sanford Sr./Jul 22, 1928/Jul 26, 2000 Photo Sylvia P. Sanford/Dec 17, 1933/Sep 23, 2014 Photo

SANVILLE: [A-1-4]-John Sanville/1868-Oct 1924 Tombstone [Unk-1-4]-[Abel/bur. 07-02-1930] Memorial [Unk-1-4]-(Sophia/bur. May 19, 1916/wife of Abel) Memorial [A-14-8]-Adeline Sanville/Mother/1852-Oct 1933 Tombstone, next to: [A-14-8]-Edward Sanville/1885-Oct 1943 Tombstone [A-18-5]-Nelson Sanville/1874-Jan 1947 Tombstone, next to: [A-18-5]-Mathilda Sanville/1871-Sep 1946 Tombstone [F-16-6]-Ephraim/1879-Apr 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [F-16-6]-Lucy L./1881-June 1955 Tombstone see LA PEAN

SAUBERT: [C-21-5]-Mary J. Saubert/1944-1988 Tombstone

SAUER: [F-23-5]-Raymond E./1895-June 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [F-23-5]-Mary C./1896-Aug 12, 1960 Tombstone

SAUVE: [C-12-9]-Karen E./1939-1989 Tombstone [C-24-7]-Donald G. Sauve/May 30, 1919/Oct 14, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [C-24-7]-Ruth E. Sauve/1924-2000 Tombstone, ossw: [C-24-7]-Peter L. Sauve/1952-2009 Tombstone [F-19-3]-Claudine L. Sauve/Mother/1905-May 1951 Tombstone [F-27-2]-Wilfred G. Sauve/Wisconsin/Pvt 102 Med Training Bn/WWII/Mar 11 1902/Apr 9 1952 Tombstone [F-27-2]-[Mina/bur. 01-04-1964/age 88 yrs.] Memorial [F-34-8]-Gerald Edward Sauve/Wisconsin/Pfc 183 USA Scty Agency/Jul 24 1939/Dec 9 1964 Tombstone

SAVAGE: [B-23-3]-Steve/1894-Mar 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-3]-Marie/1905-May 1970 Tombstone [B-26-6]-Dawn Marie Savage/Feb 8, 1958/Jul 23, 1972 Tombstone

SAWICH: [A-11-10]-Stanley Sawich/1877-Jun 1953 Tombstone

SAWICKA: [A-35-3]-Ursula Sawicka/Mother/1870-Feb 1942 Tombstone

SAYESKI: [A-30-2]-Jacob Sayeski/Father/1859-Jan 1947 Tombstone, next to: [A-30-2]-Mathilda Sayeski/Mother/1861-Nov 1937 Tombstone [B-19-7]-Frank/1885-Dec 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-7]-Josephine/1885-1961 Tombstone, next to: [B-19-7]-John/1883-Dec 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-7]-Elizabeth/1881-Apr 1959 Tombstone [B-30-11]-Peter P./1909-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-11]-Helen /1921-1975 Tombstone [C-22-5]-Ursula/1930-1990 Tombstone

SCHACHERL: [B-9-9]-Edward J./1903-Mar 1976 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-9-9]-Irene A./1907-Apr 1970 Tombstone

SCHADEN: [A-9-8]-Nicholas J./1878-Mar 1934 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-8]-Cecelia A./1884-Feb 1976 Tombstone [A-9-8]-Francis J. Schaden/Jun 17, 1909/Jan 30, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-8]-Alice Schaden/Dec 15, 1914/Feb 4, 2008 Tombstone [B-8-10]-Orval/Dec 4, 1915/Apr 18, 1995/TEC4 US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-10]-Evelyn/1916-2006 Tombstone [C-16-1]-Horace J./1910-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-1]-Jennie G./1914-1998 Tombstone [C-16-2]-Sheldon L. Schaden/A2C US Air Force/Mar 8, 1937/Nov 25, 1999 Tombstone

SCHAEFER: [A-4-5]-[Darrell/bur. 05-28-1928] [A-13-9]-[August/bur. 08-04-1937] see BEBEAU

SCHAUER: [A-12-6]-Louis [A.]/1895-Oct 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-6]-Emma/1891-1985 Tombstone [B-11-4]-James [J.]/1900-Jan 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-4]-Agnes/1901-1996 Tombstone [F-17-3]-Joseph/Father/1868-Jul 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-3]-Rose/Mother/1873-Feb 1965 Tombstone

SCHECK: [A-4-7]-[Louis (Baby)/bur. 08-01-1928]

SCHEER: Vernon Scheer/Sep 10, 1934 Tombstone [A-4-4]-[Clarence/bur. 09-11-1933] [B-28-5]-Clarence W./1909-Nov 1971, ossw: [B-28-5]-LaVerne I./1910-1997 [F-5-1]-Leonard A./1917-1990 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-5-1]-Rachel Scheer/1921-2010 Tombstone [F-11-3]-Henry R./1886-Feb 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [F-11-3]-Lottie/1890-Feb 1982 Tombstone

SCHEPPER: [A-5-6]-Paul P./1902-May 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-6]-Julia E./1911-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-6]-Paul J./1930-1931 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-6]-Violet M. [Violet May]/1936-Nov 1937 Tombstone [A-5-6]-[Joseph Paul/bur. 02-17-1931] [A-39-1]-George Sr./1860-Sep 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [A-39-1]-Kathrine/1868-Oct 1924 Tombstone [B-6-10]-John/1899-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-10]-Sarah/1913-1998 Tombstone [B-11-1]-Anna Schepper/Dec 10, 1900/Mar 15, 1982 Tombstone, next to: [B-11-1]-George Schepper/Wisconsin/Pvt Cas Det 1605 Demob GP/WWI/Apr 12 1897/Jan 13 1969 Tombstone [B-23-6]-Frank/1895-Feb 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-6]-Margaret/1898-1991 Tombstone John Schepper Jr./Aug 10, 1937/Apr 29, 2018

SCHERER: [A-11-5]-Orpha R. Scherer/1907-1988 Tombstone [A1-37-1]-Dorothy Scherer/1923-2005 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-37-1]-Henry NILLES/1960 (no other date) Tombstone, ossw: [A1-37-1]-Nellie NILLES/1975 (no other date) Tombstone, ossw: [F-35-6]-William F./1891-Oct 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [F-35-6]-Agatha A./1898-Mar 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [F-35-6]-Neil J. Scherer/1932-2007 Tombstone [F-35-7]-Ione Scherer/Aug 26, 1896/Sep 17, 1981 Tombstone Robert Paul Scherer/Aug 11, 1947/Apr 26, 2015 Tombstone see Nilles

SCHESNIAK: [B-14-2]-Peter J./1897-Dec 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-2]-Bertha/1883-Apr 1966 Tombstone

SCHESTA: [F-15-1]-Steve A. Schesta/1908-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [F-15-1]-S.T. (Stan) Schesta/1922-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [F-15-1]-Frank J. Schesta/1879-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-15-1]-Anna Schesta/1886-1959 Tombstone [F]-John Paul Schesta/PFC US Army/WWII/Jun 3, 1918/Mar 5, 2002 Tombstone Sylvester P. Schesta/Nov 10, 1923/Nov 18, 2009 Tombstone

SCHETTL: [B-26-6]-Donald L./1926-Oct 1969 Tombstone [B-26-6]-Donald L. Schettl/Wisconsin/MM3 USNR/World War II/Oct 3 1926/Oct 19 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-6]-Betty J. Schettl HUMPHREYS/Feb 10, 1928/Jun 6, 2021 Photo

SCHEUER: [A-16-2]-Jean K. Scheuer/Jul 19, 1927/May 8, 2011 Tombstone [B-25-6]-William J./1899-Jan 1966, ossw: [B-25-6]-Theresa S./1898-Oct 1969 [C-19-10]-Vincent W./Sep 29, 1927/May 21, 1985 Tombstone [F-9-8]-Baby Boy/Jul 12, 1960 [bur. 07-12-1960] Tombstone

SCHEURELL: [C-19-5]-Susan Patricia/1966-1985 Tombstone

SCHIMEL: [A-9-7]-Leona M. Schimel/1902-1995, next to: [A-9-7]-Frank R. Schimel/1892-Oct 1978, next to: [A-9-7]-Josephine Schimel/1861-1952, next to: [A-9-7]-Frank Schimel/1860-Jun 1933

SCHIMMEL: [A-13-4]-Michael/1865-Oct 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-4]-Anna/1867-Feb 1946 Tombstone

SCHLARB: [A-15-10]-Marion/1919-2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-15-10]-John/1909-1998 Tombstone, ossw, [A-15-10]-Shirley/1937-1939 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-10]-Clara/1906-May 1941 Tombstone

SCHLEGER: [A-29-6]-Anton Schleger/Father/1850-1926 Tombstone, next to: [A-29-6]-Theresa Schleger/Mother/1868-Jul 1941 Tombstone, next to: [A-29-6]-Mary T. JOHANNES/nee Schleger/1893-1965 Tombstone [F-17-1]-Anton [E.]/1896-Sep 1954, ossw: [F-17-1]-Anna/1903-Nov 1949, next to: [F-17-1]-Anton E. Schleger/Wisconsin/Pvt 7 M.L. Police Co./WWI/Apr 25 1896/Sep 13 1954 Tombstone

SCHLEY: [C-27-1]-James Schley/1947-2002 Tombstone + Photo

SCHLOFF: [Unk-1-2]-[Baby Boy/bur. 01-26-1940]

SCHMEICHEL: [A-16-2]-Edgar Schmeichel/Oct 24, 1897/Jan 19, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-2]-Helen R. Schmeichel/Nov 29, 1898/Jan 28, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-2]-Jean K. SCHEUER/Jul 19, 1927/May 8, 2011 Tombstone

SCHMIDT: [B-13-7]-Christine M./-1970- Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-7]-Karen Ann/1945-1989 Tombstone [C-14-7]-Clemens/1930-2003 Tombstone, ossw: [C-14-7]-Mary Elaine/1930-2007 Tombstone + Photo [C-30-2]-Alfred/Oct 25, 1929/May 24, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: [C-30-2]-Lorraine/Sep 18, 1931/Nov 13, 2003 Tombstone [F-9-5]-Dawn Marie Schmidt/-Feb 24, 1975- Tombstone [F-30-2]-Mike/1890-Aug 1961 Tombstone , ossw: [F-30-2]-Elizabeth/1892-Aug 1970 Tombstone [F-31-7]-Ruby C. Schmidt/nee Younk/1924-1997 Tombstone George H./Oct 22, 1932/Jun 27, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Sharon I./Jun 10, 1936/Oct 19, 2010 Tombstone + Photo Tyler T. Schmidt/Dec 2, 1986/Apr 26, 2007 Tombstone + Photo

SCHMIDTMAN: AnnaMae Schmidtman/Dec 23, 1936/Sep 9, 2017 Photo

SCHMIEDER: [B-28-8]-Charles/1899-Mar 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-8]-Adala L./1902-Dec 1974 Tombstone

SCHMILING: [F-17-6]-Otto H./Father/1873-Aug 1952 Tombstone, next to: [F-17-6]-Hattie E./Mother/1873-Jan 1952 Tombstone, next to: [F-17-6]-Selma M./Daughter/1897-1977 Tombstone, next to: [F-17-6]-Otto C. SCHMILLING/Bm2 US Coast Guard/WWII/Jul 22 1910/Apr 15 1978 Tombstone


SCHMITT: [A-22-5]-Gladys E./1903-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-5]-Winnifred L./Mother/1890-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-5]-Joseph J./Father/1887-Feb 1973 Tombstone [B-9-1]-Sylvester/1905-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-1]-Genevieve/1904-1988 Tombstone [B-11-9]-Alice M./1917-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-9]-Raymond S./1915-1991 Tombstone [B-11-9]-Terrence J./1956-1987 Tombstone [C-12-4]-Francis C./1916-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [C-12-4]-Cleo M./1915-2008 Tombstone [C-12-8]-Joseph P. Schmitt/SSGT US Army/WWII/Jul 17, 1926/Jan 23, 1985 Tombstone [C-20-1]-Raymond M./1908-2002 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C-20-1]-Eva C./1908-1999 Tombstone + Photo [C-22-10]-Paul/1928-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-10]-Audrey M./1928-2007 Tombstone + Photo James R. Schmitt/Jun 7, 1931/May 22, 2008 Tombstone [C]-Donald E. Schmitt/Apr 4, 1937/Mar 25, 2016 Tombstone + Photo see KOPETSKY

SCHMITZ: [B-18-8]-Anna Lonzo Schmitz/1900-1985 (buried with Lonzo) Tombstone

SCHMOKEL: [Unk-1-13]-[Child/bur. 1897]

SCHNEIDER: [A-5-4]-Joseph S. Schneider/Husband/1871-Sep 1932 Tombstone [B-3-6]-Marie Schneider/1910-May 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-6]-LaVerne Schneider/Daughter/1930-1932 Tombstone [C-12-10]-John C. "Jack" Schneider/CM2 US Navy/WWII/Mar 25, 1923/Sep 25, 1990 Tombstone [C-12-10]-(John) Jack Schneider/1923-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [C-12-10]-Betty Schneider/Aug 31, 1930/Mar 12, 2020 Photo


SCHNORR: [A-2-2]-Mabel A. Schnorr/1905-May 1934 Tombstone [A-4-5]-Lila M. [Lila May]/Schnorr [bur. 10-30-1929] Tombstone [A-12-1]-Ronald Schnorr/Our Ronnie/1936-June 1953 (Photo on stone.) Tombstone [B-31-8]-George/1893-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-8]-Margaret L. Schnorr-Backus/1948-2011 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-8]-Beulah/1907-1976 Tombstone John E. Schnorr/Nov 2, 1928/Aug 14, 2014 Tombstone + Photo Bette S. Schnorr/Mar 31, 1930/Dec 28, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

SCHOEFFEL: Debbie A. Schoeffel/Jun 20, 1958/Sep 28, 2017

SCHOKNECHT: [C-16-4]-[Baby/bur. 11-01-1963/age 4 hr.]

SCHORN: [A-27-1]-Theresa [M.] Schorn/[bur. 08-04-1926] Tombstone, next to: [A-27-1]-Louis Schorn/[bur. 02-13-1934] Tombstone, next to: [A-27-1]-Mary Schorn/[bur. 01-07-1956/age 88 yrs.] Tombstone

SCHRADE: [A-41-4]-Amelia GLANDT Schrade/1847-1927 Tombstone

SCHRAM: [F-21-9]-John/1883-Sep 1959 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-21-9]-Ida/1887-1971 Tombstone

SCHRAMM: [C-7-8]-Timothy/July 27, 1960/May 17, 2002 Tombstone LaVerne A. Schramm/May 27, 1932/Oct 5, 2019

SCHRIMPF: [A]-Marion Schrimpf/Oct 23, 1921/Jul 15, 2008 [A-4-2]-Karen Ann Schrimpf/Aug 2, 1943/Dec 31, 1943 Tombstone [B-19-3]-Bernice A. "Beonca"/1919-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-3]-Herbert/1917-1997 Tombstone [B-19-3]-Herbert Schrimpf/Feb 27, 1917/Sep 7, 1997/US Army WWII Tombstone [F-30-5]-Raymond J. Schrimpf/1910-May 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-5]-David R./1951-1990 Tombstone, next to: [F-30-5]-Veronica Schrimpf/Mother/1923-Mar 1946 Tombstone

SCHROEDER: [B-22-8]-Louise F./1909-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-8]-Claude F. Schroeder, M.D./1904-1963 Tombstone [B-25-5]-Shirley A. Schroeder/1927-2011 Tombstone, ossw: [B-25-5]-Hubert I. Schroeder/1924-Jun 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [B-25-5]-Edward J. MAREK/1897-Feb 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-25-5]-Esther E. MAREK/1897-1992 Tombstone [B-25-6]-Hugo R./1913-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-25-6]-Frances M./1915-1993 Tombstone, next to: [B-25-6]-Scott Alan PESHEK-[Oct.]1971 [B-31-9]-Melvin R./1904-Dec 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-9]-Helen/1905-1993 Tombstone [B-32-2]-Joseph P./1919-1996 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-2]-Leona E./1918-Jul 1980 Tombstone [C-22-5]-William E./1917-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-5]-Ruth Ann/1925-2009 Tombstone [C-23-11]-Gregory A. Schroeder/May 20, 1911/Jun 1, 2015 Tombstone [C-23-11]-Bernice Schroeder/1912-1998 Tombstone + Photo [C-25-8]-Robert J. Schroeder/CPL US Army-Korea/Apr 24, 1929/May 6, 1999 Tombstone [C-25-8]-Robert/1929-1999 Tombstone [F-11-2]-Leo H. Schroeder/1938-2011 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-11-2]-Lori Leigh Schroeder/Our baby/Dec 23, 1961/May 14, 1963 Tombstone [F-20-3]-Martha Schroeder/1887-Feb 1960 Tombstone [F-26-2]-Hubert A. Schroeder/Wisconsin/Pvt 84 Spruce Sq/WWI/Feb 21 1896/May 4 1965 Tombstone, next to: [F-26-2]-Sibylla A. Schroeder/Jul 29, 1896/Feb 14, 1989 Tombstone John C./Oct 3, 1948/Dec 22, 2008 Tombstone Neal J./1901-1985 Tombstone, ossw: Marge/1906-1977 [Moved from Calvary Mausoleum in Manitowoc Jan 2000] Tombstone See MAREK

SCHULER: Karen M. Schuler/Feb 6, 1956/Dec 2, 2010 Photo

SCHULTZ: [A-4-10]-[Bruce Steve Schultz/bur. 08-12-1952/age 18 hr.] Memorial [B-6-1]-Clarence J. Schultz/1912-Apr 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-1]-Mary Ellen Schultz/1922-2000 Tombstone [B-7-6]-Edward A. Schultz/1900-1973 Tombstone [B-7-6]-Eleanor M. Schultz/1904-Mar 1980 Tombstone [B-13-1]-Harold P. Schultz/1900-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-1]-Mathilda Schultz/1907-1998 Tombstone [B-14-2]-Joseph G. Schultz/1899-Jun 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-2]-Marie M. Schultz/1900-1995 Tombstone [B-21-6]-John H. Schultz/1879-June 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-6]-Mary Schultz/1881-Dec 1966 Tombstone [B-21-10]-Zeno Schultz/1904-1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-10]-Zella Schultz/1905-1963 Tombstone [B-27-6]-Louis F. Schultz/1894-Nov 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-27-6]-Clara Schultz/1896-Jun 1969 Tombstone [B-29-3]-Christopher M. Schultz/Nov 3, 1984/Sep 2, 1985 Tombstone [B-30-2]-Joseph C. Schultz/1915-Jun 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-2]-Mary M. Schultz/1916-1997 Tombstone [B]-Leroy C. Schultz/1924-2013 Tombstone, ossw: [B]-Jean C. Schultz/1926-2006 Tombstone [B-27-7]-Lorraine Schultz/1930-1971 Tombstone [C-18-2]-Thelma R. Schultz/1921-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-18-2]-Daniel A. Schultz/1920-1999 Tombstone [C]-Gerald P. Schultz/1928-2013 Tombstone + Photo [C]-Shirley Ann Schultz/Feb 3, 1942/Jan 9, 2007 Tombstone [C]-Charles J. Schultz/Jul 13, 1938/Aug 29, 2014 Tombstone [F-25-1]-Eleanor Schultz/1931-2001 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-25-1]-Louie Schultz/Dec 1, 1928/May 18, 2013 Tombstone + Photo Nancy L. Schultz/Aug 3, 1960/Nov 20, 2011 Tombstone, ossw: Bernice A. Schultz/Feb 25, 1935/Mar 24, 2019 Tombstone

SCHUMACHER: [A-12-1]-Mildred PERRY Schumacher/Jul 5, 1903/Jul 20, 1940 Tombstone

SCHUMAKER: [B-9-2]-Reuben [J.]/1928-Nov 1970 Tombstone [B-9-2]-Janet Schumaker/Feb 10, 1929/Apr 14, 2012 Tombstone [B-9-4]-Lloyd F./1916-Mar 1980 (veteran) Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-4]-Lucille/1914-2008 Tombstone [B-12-10]-Dale C. Schumaker/1920-Aug 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-10]-Mary E./1919-2011 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-10]-Thomas J. Schumaker/Jan 21, 1958/Dec 30, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [F-27-4]-Ferdinand/1887-Oct 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [F-27-4]-Elnora/1889-Jan 1976 Tombstone

SCHUTZ: [B-29-7]-Anton Schutz/1899-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-7]-Grace C. Schutz/1907-Aug 1972 Tombstone


SCHWAKE: [F-36-3]-Henry R./1871-May 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-36-3]-Flora A./1873-May 1962 Tombstone

SCHWANTES: [F-24-9]-Paul W./1924-Dec 1954 Tombstone

SCHWERMA: [A-22-6]-Penney Lee Schwerma/Apr 28, 1943/Nov 1, 1943 Tombstone [B-23-10]-Frances Schwerma/1884-Dec 1970 Tombstone George Schwerma/Oct 16, 1917/Mar 12, 2012 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Patricia M. Schwerma/Aug 20, 1930/Jan 1, 2016 Tombstone + Photo Cynthia Schwerma/Apr 2, 1962/Jul 23, 2018 Photo see LE CLAIR

SCHWERS: [A-22-4]-Raymond [E.]/1903-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-4]-Veronica/1909-1929 Tombstone [A-24-5]-Lucy Schwers/1893-Feb 1970 Tombstone [A-45-1]-Arnold Schwers/Father/1855-Jun 1928 Tombstone, next to: [A-45-1]-Margaret Schwers/Mother/1865-Dec 1936 Tombstone

SCHWERZLER: [B-34-4]-Ray "Boots" Schwerzler/1904-2002 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-34-4]-Florian Schwerzler/nee Greenwood/1914-2004 Tombstone

SCIBAN: [B-29-12]-Jozef Sciban/Jul 22, 1916/Mar 5, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-12]-Wanda Sciban/Mar 2, 1923/Jun 15, 2009 Tombstone

SCOFIELD: [A-4-5]-[Betty L./bur. 07-29-1929]

SEARLE: [B-27-2]-Mary L./Oct 12, 1944/Nov 7, 1990/PFC US Army-Vietnam Tombstone (buried with her parents-Joseph/Lucy Prucha)

SEHLOFF: [B-19-7]-[Mabel Kraynik Sehloff/bur. 05-02-1984/age 77 yrs./bur. with Kraynik] Tombstone see Kraynik

SEIDL: [B-19-1]-Kathryn J. Seidl/Mar 5, 1913/Nov 3, 2001 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-19-1]-Elmer B./May 11, 1911/Dec 26, 2009 Tombstone + Photo [F-28-5]-Doloris Seidl/1916-1996/nee Lesperance Tombstone

SEIM: [C-12-9]-Gerald M. Seim/1929-2001 Tombstone, ossw: [C-12-9]-Mary L. Seim/1930-1989 Tombstone

SEKADLO: [B-21-2]-Bernard/1899-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-2]-Emma K./1901-May 1990 Tombstone

SEKORA: [B]-Ted Sekora/Dec 3, 1920/Oct 5, 2008/TSGT US Army WWII [B]-Ann Sekora/1924-2008

SELL: [C-20-1]-Joyce M. Sell/May 20, 1935/Jun 16, 1995 Tombstone

SELNER: [A-4-4]-Merlin M. Selner/1933-Jul 1933 Tombstone [A-4-3]-[Matt Selner (Baby)/bur. 07-17-1934] [F-16-2]-Raymond J. Selner/Sep 8, 1923/Sep 12, 1993 Tombstone [F-24-5]-Mathias/1901-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-5]-Emily/1903-1992 Tombstone + Photo [F]-Joyce L. Selner/Aug 12, 1921/Jul 7, 2008 Tombstone Harlan Selner/-1934- Tombstone

SENOVICH: [A-26-6]-Edwin Samuel Senovich/11-15-1968/3-23-1969 Tombstone see POKORSKY

SEUFERT: [B-18-2]-Frank/1891-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-2]-Elisabeth/1900-1985 Tombstone

SHAMRAK: [A-7-10]-Anna Shamrak/1853-Feb 1939 Tombstone, next to: [A-7-10]-Ignatz F. Shamrak/1882-Jan 1957 Tombstone

SHARPE: [B-7-9]-Millard F./1894-Mar 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-9]-Tillie/1896-Feb 1977 Tombstone, next to: [B-7-9]-Millard F. Sharpe/Wisconsin/S2 USNR/WWI/Oct 3 1894/Mar 12 1973 Tombstone

SHAVLIK: [B-14-10]-Wenzel Shavlik/Wisconsin/Pvt Co A 509 Infantry/WWI/Jul 6 1894/May 18 1967 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [B-14-10]-Anastasia/Jan 28, 1902/Aug 28, 1982 Tombstone [B-23-9]-Edward/1902-Mar 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-9]-Emma/1906-1995 Tombstone Donald W. Shavlik/Jan 21, 1930/Dec 24, 2018 Tombstone + Photo Margaret A. Shavlik/Apr 12, 1935/Dec 3, 2015 Tombstone + Photo

SHAW: [A-4-4]-Robert Shaw/1929-[June]1931 Tombstone [A-4-4]-[Baby/bur. 12-06-1935] [F-22-6]-Joseph G./1876-Apr 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-22-6]-Mary Ann/1882-1983 Tombstone [F-22-5]-Adelle M. Shaw/1916-Jul 1957 Tombstone [F-22-5]-Bernard L./1918-1984 Tombstone [F]-Donald W. Shaw/1915-2007 Tombstone James Shaw/Apr 8, 1948/Jul 30, 2012 Tombstone + Photo

SHEAHAN: Harold J. Sheahan/Jun 5, 1937/Oct 27, 2021 Photo

SHEBESTA: [F-16-7]-Joseph A./1892-Jul 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-16-7]-Antonette/1895-Feb 1973 Tombstone

SHEDIVY: [B-19-6]-Frank/1884-Dec 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-6]-Martha/1887-Mar 1984 Tombstone [B-26-1]-Joseph F./1903-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-1]-Agnes/1907-Sep 3, 1991 Tombstone [B-30-7]-Stephen/-1953- Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-7]-Gertrude/1919-1977 Tombstone [B-30-7]-[Stephen/bur. 08-29-1980] Memorial [F-10-1]-Adolph F. Shedivy/Sgt US Army/WWII/Mar 26 1917/May 15 1975 Tombstone

SHEKOSKE: [A-29-2]-Peter, Sr./Father/1844-Jan 1927 Tombstone, ossw: [A-29-2]-Anna/Mother/1850-Oct 1933 Tombstone [F-34-6]-Peter J./1883-Dec 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-6]-Amelia A./1887-Apr 1961 Tombstone

SHEKOSKI: [F-9-6]-Mary Ann Shekoski/Apr 1, 1966/Feb 9, 1967 Tombstone [F-30-1]-Joseph J./1881-May 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-1]-Anna/1888-July 1979 Tombstone [F-30-3]-Raphael Shekoski/1913-1995 Tombstone [Unk-1-5]-[George (Baby)/bur. 12-27-1927]

SHELP: [B-9-1]-[Jay (Baby)/cremated 03-30-1987]

SHERMAN: [A-3-10]-Edward P. Sherman/1897-1945 Tombstone

SHESTA: [F-15-1]-Anton S. Shesta/TEC 5 US Army/WWII/Nov 2, 1910/Aug 6, 1991 Tombstone [F-15-1]-Anton/1910-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [F-15-1]-Anna F./1919-2001 Tombstone

SHILLCOX: Susan Mary/May 17, 1945/Nov 10, 2010 Tombstone Barbara J. Shillcox/Jun 30, 1944/Sep 20, 2014 Photo

SHIMANEK: [B-9-2]-Wencel J./1900-Jan 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-2]-Viola/1910-2000 Tombstone

SHIMEK: [A-9-3]-Judith Ellen Shimek/Our baby/Oct 9, 1935/Jun 25, 1936 Tombstone [B]-Nancy M. Shimek/May 28, 1924/Apr 13, 2013 Tombstone + Photo

SHIPPER: [A-7-4]-Michael Shipper/Father/Sep 9, 1861/Mar 5, 1951/age 89 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [A-7-4]-Anna Shipper/Mother/Jul 26, 1862/Aug 9, 1934/age 72 yrs. Tombstone

SHORT: [B-10-3]-John J./1905-Oct 1972, ossw: [B-10-3]-Frances [J.]/-Betty-/1907-1970

SICKINGER: [B-20-6]-Raymond/1902-Jun 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-6]-Elizabeth/1906-2001 Tombstone + Photo [A-30-5]-Anna Sickinger/Mother/1880-Apr 1941 Tombstone, next to: [A-30-5]-George A. Sickinger/Father/1876-1929 Tombstone [A-30-5]-[Baby/bur. 07-01-1939] [A-30-5]-[Baby Girl/bur. 03-26-1953] [A-30-5]-[Gene/bur. 06-12-1941] [A-30-5]-[Gerald/bur. 09-07-1931] Tombstone [A-30-5]-[June/bur. 06-16-1941/age 7 da.] [A-30-5]-[Mary Kath./bur. 06-29-1953/age 5 da.]

SICKLER: [B-29-10]-Dorothy E. Sickler/1905-Jan 1984 Tombstone

SIDOTY: [F-5-3]-Joseph Sidoty/1885-Jan 1961 Tombstone

SIEVERT: [A-9-2]-John Sievert/Father/1865-Jun 1935 Tombstone, next to: [A-9-2]-Teckla Sievert/Mother/1867-1965 Tombstone [A-9-2]-John J. [John Joseph] Sievert/Son/1897-1959 Tombstone, next to: [A-9-2]-Adeline Sievert/1907-1991 Tombstone [A-9-2]-Edwin Sievert/1910-2000 Tombstone [A-26-4]-John S. Sievert/Wisconsin/Pvt US Army/WWI/Nov 5 1888/May 29 1973 Tombstone [C-13-9]-Kenneth/1918-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-13-9]-Helen/1922-2001 Tombstone [F-12-4]-Stanley/1885-Jul 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [F-12-4]-Anna/1891-Dec 1960 Tombstone

SIEWERT: [C-20-6]-Siegesmunt/Mar 5, 1919/Dec 26, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-6]-Agnes/Oct 12, 1920/Feb 23, 2002 Tombstone

SILBERSACK: [A-20-2]-George/1866-1933/Father Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-2]-Mary [L.]/1872-1940/Mother Tombstone, next to: [A-20-2]-Robert J. Silbersack/Wisconsin/Sgt US Marine Corp/Jun 29 1933/Nov 18 1962 Tombstone, next to: [A-20-2]-Blanche/1899-Mar 1932 Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-2]-Walter [N.]/1897-1958 Tombstone [A-20-2]-Donald R. Silbersack/Jul 9, 1930/Aug 12, 1930 Tombstone, next to: [A-20-2]-Small stone, name plate missing. Alice M. Silbersack/May 5, 1927/Dec 18, 2917

SILKA: [A-8-5]-Jan Silka/4 Sierp 1876/18 Sierp 1945 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-5]-Victoria Silka/4 Marca 1879/16 Lutego 1953 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-5]-Franciszek Silka/[Frank]/3 Grudnia 1910/13 Lipca 1933 (Photo on stone.) Tombstone

SILVERMAN: [C-14-2]-Carol Silverman/Nee Czerwonka/Jan 4, 1946/Apr 10, 1988 Tombstone

SIMINO: [F-10-6]-[Florence/bur. 11-29-1957/age 74 yrs.] Tombstone see Simono

SIMINSKI: [A-1-1]-Ignatz Siminski/1844-Jun 1928 Tombstone [B-20-3]-Joseph/1886-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-3]-Balbina/1897-Sep 1979 Tombstone [C-18-4]-Deborah M. Siminski/Nee Goodchild/1954-1985 Tombstone [C-21-7]-Frank L. Siminski/1918-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-21-7]-Donna M. Siminski/Oct 4, 1926/Jan 2, 2018 Tombstone [C-21-9]-Edward G. Siminski/1928-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [C-21-9]-Rita C. Siminski/Jan 25, 1928/Nov 27, 2019 Tombstone [C-21-9]-Mark Siminski/1951-1994 Tombstone

SIMON: [A-4-5]-[Carl A./bur. 01-27-1928]

SIMONIS: [A-8-7]-John N. Simonis/1842-Jan 1934 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [A-8-7]-Catherine Simonis/1852-Nov 1936 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-7]-George M. Simonis/1893-1918 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-7]-August J. Simonis/1875-1899 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-7]-Anna M. SCHNITZIUS Simonis/1844-1872 Tombstone

SIMONO: [A-6-8]-Lou Ann Simono/1935-1939 Tombstone [C-12-1]-Paul J./1924-1989 Tombstone, ossw: [C-12-1]-Leone E./1922-2006 Tombstone [F-10-3]-Ben Simono/Father/1881-Aug 1964 Tombstone, next to: [F-10-3]-Gerard M. Simono/1912-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-3]-Katherine G. Simono/1915-1998 Tombstone [F-10-3]-Claude Simono/Jun 28, 1923/May 29, 2016/CPL US Army-WWII Tombstone [F-10-3]-Elaine Simono/1924-1999 Tombstone [F-10-6]-Ethel R./1910-Aug 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-6]-Hubert/1907-1985 Tombstone, next to: [F-10-6]-Florence Simono/Mother/1883-1957 Tombstone, next to: [F-10-6]-Bernard "Sam"/1910-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-6]-Evelyn "Evie" Simono/Apr 30, 1908/Dec 10, 2009 Tombstone See GRUMANN

SINKULA: [A-19-1]-Frank A./Father/1872-Jun 1942 Tombstone, next to, [A-19-1]-Mary/Mother/1876-Mar 1931 Tombstone [F]-Bernard W. Sinkula/Apr 18, 1921/May 24, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [F]-Bernice M. Sinkula/Sep 29, 1924/Jul 12, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

SINKULAR: [A-6-4]-Edward B. Sinkular/Father/1873-1961 Tombstone, next to: [A-6-4]-Mary Sinkular/Mother/1880-1932 Tombstone

SIUDZINSKI: [A1-39-1]-Leon Siudzinski/1882-Aug 1944 (Funeral Home marker) [A1-39-1]-[Anna/bur. 06-06-1945/age 60 yrs.] [A-2-4]-[Genevieve/bur. 01-15-1930] Raymond J. Siudzinski/TEC5 US Army/WWII/Jan 9, 1922/Dec 20, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: Raymond J./Jan 9, 1922/Dec 20, 2009, ossw: Doris M./Apr 26, 1932/Jan 16, 2013 Tombstone Raymond/Doris

SKARVAN: Michael J. Skarvan/Apr 23, 1959/Oct 11, 2010 Tombstone Anita L. Skarvan/Oct 22, 1939/Oct 9, 2015 Tombstone + Photo

SKATTEBO: Audrey J. Skattebo/Nov 15, 1942/Nov 22, 2015

SKLADGE: [B-9-3]-Robert S./1910-Apr 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-3]-Lillian M./1910-1991 Tombstone [B-32-3]-Raymond/1905-Mar 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-3]-Veronica/1916-1993 Tombstone


SKLADZIEN: [city has all these listed as Skladzen] [A-21-7]-Wladyslaw Skladzien/Ojciel/1863-1939 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-7]-Maryanna Skladzien/Matka/1868-May 1944 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-7]-Anton P. SKLADZEN/To Spoczywa/Urod. 20, May 1903/Umari. 19, Sept. 1929 Tombstone

SKOR: [B-12-6]-Wayne Alan/Father/1947-1984 Tombstone

SKRIVANIE: [A-23-1]-Donald/1927/Skrivanie Babies/[bur. 08-08-1927] Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-1]-Daniel/d. Jul 28, 1927 [bur. 07-29-1927] Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-1]-Amelia/1895-1982 Tombstone [A-23-1]-Samuel S./1895-1981 Tombstone [B-27-2]-Lorraine Skrivanie/1921-1999 Tombstone [B-27-3]-James L./Jun 11, 1891/Mar 22, 1973 (aka Skruvaney/see Skruvaney) Tombstone, ossw: [B-27-3]-Clifford L./Mar 21, 1923/Dec 16, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [F-35-4]-Oliver J. Skrivanie/1918-1944/US Army WWII K.I.A. Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-35-4]-Blossom A./1917-2013 Tombstone

SKRUVANEY: [B-27-3]-Margaret Skruvaney/1901-1983 Tombstone, next to: [B-27-3]-James L. Skruvaney/Pvt US Army/WWI/Jun 11 1891/Mar 22 1973 (aka Skrivanie/Skruvaney on SSDI) Tombstone

SKRZYCKE: [A-8-9]-Martin Skrzycke/1872-Jan 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [A-8-9]-Pauline Skrzycke/1877-Mar 1935 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-9]-Sylvester J. Skrzycke/1901-Sep 1964 Tombstone, next to: [A-8-9]-Emily Skrzycke/1901-1987 Tombstone [B-19-9]-John S./Father/1898-Jan 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-9]-Agnes [H.]/Mother/1905-Sep 1970 Tombstone [B-19-9]-[Todd/bur. 08-02-1962/age 5 da.] (Jul 27, 1962/Aug 1, 1962) Edward Skrzycke/May 30, 1928/Jun 3, 2004


SKWOR: [B-8-4]-Harvey J./1927-Sep 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-4]-Rose M./1916-2003 Tombstone

SLABY: [F-36-4]-Frank/1903-Jul 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [F-36-4]-Anna [K.]/1904-Apr 1959 Tombstone

SLATTERY: Robert J./Feb 18, 1943/Nov 18, 2007 Tombstone

SLEGER: [F-30-6]-Martin/1904-Jan 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-6]-Clara/1909-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-6]-Martin Jr./1931-Jan 1946 Tombstone

SMITH: [B-7-1]-Ralph/1925-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-1]-Sueko O. Smith/1925-May 1973 Tombstone Wendell Donn Smith/PFC US Army-Korea/Purple Heart/CIB/Feb 6, 1933/Jan 5, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: Wendell D./Feb 6, 1933/Jan 5, 2010 Tombstone

SMITS: [B-30-10]-George J./1906-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-10]-Julia A./1905-1976 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-10]-Patricia E. Smits/1946-2002 Tombstone

SMOGOLESKI: [B-29-8]-Stanley/1912-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-8]-Mary/Dec 31, 1916/May 5, 2017 Tombstone [B-29-8]-John/1878-Mar 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-8]-Angeline/1881-1978 Tombstone [B-30-9]-Carl/1909-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-9]-Josephine/1910-1986 Tombstone [C-23-12]-Frank P. Smogoleski/SSGT US Army/WWII/Sep 3, 1919/Feb 27, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [C-23-12]-Frank P. Smogoleski/1919-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [C-23-12]-Carol J. Smogoleski/Dec 25, 1925/Feb 11, 2010 Tombstone [C]-Ervin P. Smogoleski/SSGT US Army Air Forces/WWII/Jan 17, 1925/Dec 24, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [C]-Ervin/Jan 17, 1925/Dec 24, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [C]-Doris/Apr 12, 1926/Jan 17, 2005 Tombstone


SMONGESKI: [A-15-3]-Frank/Father/1870-Apr 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-3]-Josephine/Mother/1879-Mar 1946 Tombstone, next to: [A-15-3]-Martha Smongeski/R.N./1907-Sep 1938 Tombstone [C-21-8]-John J. Smongeski/1913-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [C-21-8]-Rose M. Smongeski/1912-1998 Tombstone [F-2-3]-Leon D. Smongeski/1918-Feb 1970 Tombstone [F-2-3]-Bette A. Smongeski/1926-2001 Tombstone

SMONGESKIS: [These are listed as Smongeski on city record] [F-1-2]-Antone Lawrence/husband/1878-Sep 1968 (SMOGORZEWSKI) Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-2]-Allozia Isabelle/Louise SPALENKA/wife/1879-Apr 1953 Tombstone

SNYDER: Clarice A. Snyder/nee Posvic/Jun 22, 1956/Dec 2, 2021 Photo

SOBCZENSKA: [A-3-7]-Stanley Sobczenska/1877-1957 Tombstone, next to: [A-3-7]-Stanislawa Sobczenska/1880-1949 Tombstone

SOBIECH: [A-46-1]-Harry Sobiech/Pvt US Army/Jan 21 1902/May 21 1968 Tombstone, next to: [A-46-1]-Anton/1903-Feb 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [A-46-1]-Anthony/1945 [bur. 02-19-1945/age 2 hr.] Tombstone, ossw: [A-46-1]-James/-1949- Tombstone, next to: [A-46-1]-Anna Sobiech/Mother/Jul 13, 1873/Sep 5, 1955 Tombstone, next to: [A-46-1]-Anton Sobiech/Ojciec/Ur 28 Maja 1859/Um 6 Czerwga 1935 Tombstone [A-46-1]-Leah/1904-1986 Tombstone [A-46-1]-[Paul R./(Baby)/bur 07-31-1930] Tombstone [A-46-1]-[Richard R./bur 07-16-1947/age 9 wks.] Memorial [B-4-1]-Julius J./1895-Sep 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-1]-Justine/1896-1981 Tombstone [B-15-8]-Edmund/1899-Jul 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-8]-Sophia/1901-1999 Tombstone [C]-Dolores/1941-2013 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C]-Joseph E. Sobiech/Feb 20, 1928/Mar 5, 2015 Tombstone + Photo

SOBOL: [C-22-4]-Walter/1913-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-4]-Sophie/1914-2006 Tombstone + Photo

SOETHE: [A-3-3]-Anna K. Soethe/Mother/1887-Dec 1941 Tombstone

SOHR: [A-12-9]-Margaret Sohr/1894-Aug 12, 1945 Tombstone

SOLENSKI: [B-26-8]-John [A.]/1891-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-8]-Helen/1893-1991 Tombstone [C-17-8]-Chester J./1916-1988 Tombstone [C-17-8]-Hattie/1914-1984 Tombstone

SONNTAG: [B-11-5]-Roy A./1900-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-5]-Margaret/1913-2008 Tombstone [B-29-7]-Alvin J./1906-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-7]-Marie R./1905-2002 Tombstone


SORENSON: [A-10-8]-Earl C. Sorenson/1909-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [A-10-8]-Lorraine J. Sorenson/1909-2001 Tombstone

SOSNOSKY: [A-11-10]-Frank Sosnosky/Father/1868-Jun 1940 Tombstone, next to: [A-11-10]-Anna Sosnosky/Mother/1867-Apr 1944 Tombstone [B-8-3]-Jerry J. Sosnosky/Wisconsin Sea US Coast Guard/WWI/Dec 18 1895/May 14 1973 Tombstone, next to: [B-8-3]-Marie Sosnosky/Apr 11, 1908/May 7, 1998 Tombstone [B-15-6]-Sigmund J./1892-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-6]-Genevieve/1893-Aug 1963 Tombstone [B-26-4]-Maxmillian/1900-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-4]-Mercedes/1904-1981 Tombstone [C-25-6]-Kenneth Sosnosky/1928-2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C-25-6]-Marjorie Sosnosky/1929-1996 Tombstone


SOUCOUP: [C-18-5]-Anthony J. Soucoup/Apr 2, 1917/Feb 16, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [C-18-5]-Helen M. Soucoup/1918-1997 Tombstone [C-21-1]-Richard P. Soucoup/1942-1997 Tombstone, ossw: [C-21-1]-Bonnie/1916-2007 Tombstone

SOUSEK: [A-2-5]-[George/bur. 12-07-1929] [A-13-10]-James R. Sousek/1936-1995 Tombstone [A-13-10]-James Sousek/Father/1909-1938 Tombstone [B-22-7]-Joseph A./1899-Oct 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-7]-Desire F./1904-Feb 1987 Tombstone [F-29-3]-Edward/1903-Feb 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [F-29-3]-Mary/1902-Mar 1990 Tombstone, next to: [F-29-3]-Donald [A.]/1930-Oct 1947 Tombstone

SPAETH: [A-1-3]-Francis Spaeth/1909-Jun 1925 Tombstone [A-3-6]-Anna Spaeth/Mother/1879-Jun 1943 Tombstone, next to: [A-3-6]-Aloes Spaeth/Father/1868-Apr 1949 Tombstone [A-12-9]-Theresa Spaeth/Mother/1868-Aug 1940 Tombstone [A-12-9]-Anna Spaeth/Sep 18, 1892/Aug 13, 1976 Tombstone, next to: [A-12-9]-Joseph A. Spaeth/Pvt US Army/WWI/Jan 21 1896/May 31 1977 Tombstone [B-11-6]-Aloysius J./Mar 23, 1907/Dec 31, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-6]-Ann/1908-Jan 1969 Tombstone [B-25-6]-Anton W./1907-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [B-25-6]-Joyce/1917-1995 Tombstone [B-31-10]-Florence A./1906-1988 Tombstone [B-31-10]-George A. Spaeth/1905-1996 Tombstone [Unk-1-12]-[Baby/bur. 1913] Kenneth A. Spaeth/Mar 8, 1944/Jun 1, 2016 Tombstone + Photo Margaret M. Spaeth/Apr 22, 1945/Oct 13, 2017 Tombstone + Photo


SPECHT: [C-19-5]-Leo J. Specht/CPL US Army-Korea/Aug 5, 1930/Apr 27, 1987 Tombstone

SPERRY: Willard Sperry/1927-2005 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Lorraine M. Sperry/Jul 31, 1927/May 29, 2016 Tombstone

SPEVACEK: [B-31-4]-Raymond/1915-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-4]-Ruth/1920-2008 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-4]-Gary/1951-Jan 1980 Tombstone

SPIERING: [C-14-8]-Lyle Spiering/1913-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [C-14-8]-Ione Spiering/1915-2012 Tombstone [F-14-7]-Norman H. Spiering/Dec 16, 1917/Sep 3, 1994 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-14-7]-Carmajean Spiering/Oct 20, 1923/Jan 6, 1995 Tombstone

SPRANG: [A-24-5]-[Charles/bur. 06-20-1925] Memorial [B-4-9]-Harvey Sprang/1919-2007 Tombstone [B-4-9]-Millie Sprang/1925-2005 Tombstone + Photo

SPYCHALSKI: [C-18-7]-Eugene E. Spychalski/GMSN US Navy-Korea/Apr 30, 1933/Jul 21, 1984 Tombstone

SROMOVSKY: [C-21-8]-John C./Dec 26, 1906/Jan 26, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [C-21-8]-Margaret C./Feb 18, 1911/Apr 6, 1995 Tombstone

ST. ANTOINE: [A-23-4]-Rosa Anna St. Antoine/1908-1925 Tombstone [A-23-4]-[Hilda/bur. 05-22-1943/age 67 yrs.] Tombstone [A-23-4]-[Richard/bur. 12-04-1944/age 78 yrs.] Tombstone

ST. GERMAINE: [A-1-3]-Delia St. Germaine/Mother/1874-Apr 1925 Tombstone

ST-PHARD: Barbara St-Phard/Oct 14, 1942/Mar 18, 2015/nee Czechanski

ST. PIERRE: [A-11-4]-Urban/1885-Nov 1937 Tombstone, ossw: [A-11-4]-Anna/1890-Dec 1966 Tombstone [B-27-3]-Claude A./1913-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-27-3]-Leona/1916- Dec 1972 Tombstone [B-30-3]-Dorrell [F.] "Whitey"/1920-1976 Tombstone [B-30-3]-LaVerne C. St. Pierre/Oct 3, 1919/Mar 4, 2014 Photo [C-25-5]-C. James St. Pierre/1928-1999 Tombstone [C-25-5]-Clifford James St. Pierre/US Army-Korea/720th Military Police/1928-1999 Tombstone

STAAB: [B]-Barbara A. Staab/Mar 24, 1953/Jun 19, 2008 Tombstone [F-9-1]-Darrell J. Staab/Jun 12, 1978/Sep 20, 1978 Tombstone [F-12-5]-Desiree Marie/Mar 13, 1986/Mar 13, 1986/Our Little Angel Tombstone

STADLER: [A-31-3]-Anton/1863-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-3]-Anna/1874-1973 Tombstone Wayne B. Stadler/Apr 9, 1937/Oct 8, 2020 Photo

STANGEL: [A-14-7]-Frank L./Father/May 30, 1887/Feb 23, 1944 Tombstone, next to: [A-14-7]-Laura F. Stangel Kocmich/Mother/Jun 10, 1891/Apr 4, 1961 Tombstone, next to: [A-14-7]-Helen/Daughter/Feb 5, 1916/Apr 27, 1934 Tombstone, next to: [A-14-7]-Harvey C./Jun 10, 1919/Feb 27, 1986 Tombstone [A-15-7]-George F./Father/Feb 2, 1889/Apr 27, 1942 Tombstone, next to: [A-15-7]-Anna/Mother/Jun 5, 1891/Jul 10, 1993 Tombstone [A-15-7]-[Baby/bur. 05-03-1949] [A-15-7]-Lou Ann (Baby)/Oct 30, 1943 [bur.11-01-1943] Tombstone [B-32-1]-Leonard A. Stangel/1919-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-1]-Mildred M. Stangel/1915-1996 Tombstone [A-32-5]-Theresa/wife of Frank Stangel/1910-Dec 1932 Tombstone [A-33-2]-Dorothy A. PRAUSA Stangel/wife of/Joseph W. Stangel/1883-Nov 1933 Tombstone, next to: [A-33-2]-Joseph W. Stangel/1884-May 1936 Tombstone [A-38-4]-Frank J. Stangel/1908-Oct 1956 Tombstone [B-8-9]-Celestine/1902-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-9]-Frances M./1901-1984 Tombstone [F-10-1]-Emil J./1891-May 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-1]-Emily J./1889-Jul 1979 Tombstone [A]-George W. Stangel/May 28, 1924/Mar 28, 2009 Tombstone [A]-George W. Stangel/May 28, 1924/Mar 28, 2009/S1 US Navy WWII Tombstone, ossw: [A]-Elizabeth M. Stangel/Aug 26, 1923/Feb 8, 2007/PHM2 US Navy WWII Tombstone Florence Stangel/Sep 26, 1918/Sep 17, 2016 Tombstone + Photo

STANISLAVEK: [A-7-10]-Charles Stanislavek/1915-Sep 1952 Tombstone [A-22-3]-Mary Stanislavek/Sep 24, 1911/Apr 22, 1977 Tombstone [A-43-1]-John M./1870-Feb 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [A-43-1]-Antoinette/1880-Jan 1947 Tombstone



STANISLAWSKI: [C-15-4]-Raymond/1911-2002 Tombstone, ossw: [C-15-4]-Hattie/1916-1991 Tombstone

STANUL: [A1-35-4]-Joseph/1873-Nov 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-35-4]-Louise/1886-May 1970 Tombstone [A-3-1]-Kazimier J. Stanul/Father/1880-Sep 1944 Tombstone [A-14-1]-George Stanul/1888-1956 Tombstone [B-4-1]-Anton J. Stanul/1919-Oct 1990 Tombstone [B-28-4]-John F./1910-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-4]-Hildegarde M./1916-2002 Tombstone [B-31-10]-Gerald A./Feb 26, 1942/Jun 26, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-10]-Bernice/1919-2012 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-10]-Stanley J./1917-Oct 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-10]-LuAnne "Louise" Stanul/1943-Aug 17, 1919 Photo [F-28-6]-George C./1876-Nov 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [F-28-6]-Anna/1883-Oct 1966 Tombstone

STANULL: [C-15-3]-Lester W. Stanull/SSGT US Army/WWII/Sep 28, 1916/Jan 16, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [C-15-3]-Lester W./1916-1990/married Mar 11, 1944 Tombstone, ossw: [C-15-3]-Marjorie K./1920-2009 Tombstone

STAUDINGER: [B-3-5]-Lloyd/1926-Jun 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-5]-Dori/1928-2010 Tombstone [B-3-7]-Michael L./Mar 10, 1950/Aug 17, 1982 Tombstone

STAUDT: [C-16-1]-Peter J. Staudt/1930-2005 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-1]-Marion Staudt/May 25, 1930/Mar 18, 2017 Tombstone [F-3-2]-Helen Staudt/1907-Dec 1985 Tombstone, next to: [F-3-2]-Peter M. Staudt, Sr./1906-Oct 1954 Tombstone [F-20-7]-Mathias/1878-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [F-20-7]-Elnora/1883-Oct 1963 Tombstone, next to: [F-20-7]-Mary Staudt/1894-Nov 1985 Tombstone [Unk-1-6]-[Michael/bur. 05-06-1926]

STECKER: [B-13-9]-Sally (Baby)/-Aug 1980- Tombstone Marilyn R. Stecker/Oct 10, 1953/Apr 24, 2019 Photo

STEEBER: [F-18-8]-Louis/1891-Jul 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [F-18-8]-Catherine/1895-1986 Tombstone

STEFANIAK: [A-6-5]-Charles P./1894-Nov 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [A-6-5]-Teckla/1895-1932 Tombstone [A-12-7]-Joseph V./1896-Mar 1959, ossw: [A-12-7]-Stella/1897-Sep 1967 [A-12-10]-Walter/Father/1856-Feb 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-10]-Mary/Mother/1867-Feb 1941 Tombstone [F-24-1]-Alois Stefaniak/Wisconsin/Cpl Co F 59 Infantry/WWI/May 28 1896/Sep 9 1967 Tombstone

STEFFEL: [B-20-1]-Edward M./1907-1989 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-1]-Regina B./1905-1988 Tombstone

STEFFENS: [B-15-1]-Francis Steffens Jr./Wisconsin/CPL 12 TAC Recon SQ AAF/WWII/Mar 2, 1919/Jun 29, 1966 Tombstone + Photo see SHIMEK

STEFFES: [C-24-8]-Robert J./1929-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [C-24-8]-Carol M./1931-2011 Tombstone

STEFONEK: [F-9-8]-Anita Marie Stefonek/[Helen Anita]/Jun 22-23/1956 Tombstone

STEGEMANN: [A-29-6]-Barbara/1892-Mar 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [A-29-6]-William/1892-Nov 1970 Tombstone

STEGER: [F-27-5]-Anton/1897-Apr 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [F-27-5]-Josephine/1910-Feb 1958 Tombstone

STEHLIK: [F-21-2]-Albert/1866-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [F-21-2]-Mary/1873-Aug 1955 Tombstone

STEHULA: Barbara Stehula/Feb 26, 1943/Nov 10, 2014 Photo

STEINBERG: [C-17-6]-Robert A./1929-1983 Tombstone

STEINER: Aiden James Steiner/d. Jul 7, 2012/age 1 da. Tombstone Katelyn Grace Steiner/d. Jul 8, 2012/age 2 da. Tombstone

STEINHAUER: [B-14-1]-Philip J./son of/John & Charleen Steinhauer/Dec 14, 1963/Oct 13, 1964 Tombstone [F-30-6]-Joseph/1875-1945/Father Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-6]-Minnie [M.]/1881-Feb 1977/Mother Tombstone Richard Steinhauer/Jun 29, 1936/Dec 9, 2015 Tombstone + Photo

STELTZ: Thomas H. Steltz/Feb 24, 1937/Jan 27, 2020 Tombstone + Photo

STELZER: [B]-Charles J. Stelzer/Apr 28, 1931/Jun 7, 2007 Tombstone + Photo [B]-Doris Stelzer/May 2, 1933/Jun 7, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

STIPEK: [A-32-4]-Edward J./1897-Oct 1934 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-4]-Clara/1899-1988 Tombstone, next to: [A-32-4]-Anna Stipek/Mother/1868-Jun 1931 Tombstone, next to: [A-32-4]-Joseph Stipek/Father/1866-1936 Tombstone

STOEGER: [B-14-6]-Frederick V./1906-Apr 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-6]-Agnes C./1906-1997 Tombstone

STOER: [A1-34-3]-Henry [H.]/1882-Jan 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-34-3]-Elizabeth/1882-1963 Tombstone, next to: [A1-34-3]-Patrick N. PRESL/Twin son/Oct 6, 1963/Nov 6, 1963 Tombstone

STONE: [B-5-9]-William F. Stone/15 Jul 1912/20 Feb 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-9]-Louise K. Stone/Jan 24, 1911/May 1991 Tombstone, next to: [B-5-9]-Albert Stone/1919-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-9]-Randy Landon Stone/1960-2003 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-9]-Lucille Stone/1920-2012 Tombstone + Photo see STONIS

STONIS: [A-40-1]-Mary Stonis [Mary Stone]/Dec 18, 1885/Dec 30, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [A-40-1]-Frank Stonis STONE/Feb 16, 1888/Aug 28, 1969 Tombstone [A-40-1]-Lucy Stonis/May 9, 1925/Oct 5, 1925 Tombstone

STORM: [B-2-10]-Richard F./Nov 20, 1924/May 5, 1999/PFC US Army WWII Tombstone [B-2-10]-Lillian M./1913-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-10]-Richard F./1924-1999 Tombstone

STREAN: [A-2-2]-Martha Strean/Nov 6, 1908/Jan 31, 1933 Tombstone [A-4-4]-[Raymond/bur. 08-27-1932] [A-4-4]-[Richard/bur. 08-27-1932]

STROHM: [B-26-8]-Lyle Elhart Strohm/Dec 10, 1908/Aug 27, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-8]-Elizabeth HURLEY/1911-2000 Tombstone [F-7-2]-Ralph J. Strohm/1936-Aug 1962 Tombstone, next to: [F-7-2]-Ralph Joseph Strohm/Wisconsin/Sgt Signal Corps/May 23 1936/Aug 5 1962 Tombstone [F-7-5]-George F. Strohm/Wisconsin/Pvt Hq Co 30 Inf Div/WWII/Apr 23 1910/May 25 1957 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [F-7-5]-Marie Strohm KNOPE/Aug 4, 1910/Apr 27, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [F-18-4]-[Leah Marie Ammermann Strohm/bur. 08-24-1961/age 60 yr.] Tombstone

STRONG: [C-18-6]-Charlene Ann Strong/Apr 30, 1949/Dec 3, 1990 (on Krueger lot) Tombstone [F-14-7]-Hubert/1890-Nov 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [F-14-7]-Minnie/1882-Nov 1953 Tombstone [F-14-7]-Ira J. Strong/1913-2003 Tombstone, ossw: [F-14-7]-Shirley M. Strong/1921-1998 Tombstone

STUECK: [B-18-5]-Arthur C./1892-Oct 1975/WWI, 332 Fld. Arty./Btry F. 86 Div Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-5]-Barbara L./1895-Dec 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-5]-Arthur C./1892-1975 Tombstone [B-24-6]-Roger Stueck/1920-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-6]-Catherine/1925-1997 Tombstone Leonard N. Stueck/May 24, 1935/Jan 13, 2020 Photo

STURM: [F]-Deanna Sturm/Feb 6, 1938/Mar 9, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [F]-Karl Sturm/Aug 5, 1941/Aug 3, 2006 Tombstone

STYS: [F-27-3]-Joseph/1907-Oct 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-27-3]-Lavira/1907-1993 Tombstone, next to: [F-27-3]-No name/1875-1964, (Klein & Stangel Funeral Home marker.)

SUCHADOLSKI: [A-3-2]-Vincent Suchadolski/1882-Jan 1943 Tombstone

SUCHOCKI: [B-16-8]-Edward F./Sep 16, 1897/Aug 1, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-16-8]-Vera/Apr 19, 1900/Jan 2, 1972 Tombstone

SUCHODOLSKI: [A-3-10]-Albert Suchodolski/Tu spoczywa/1879-Feb 1945 Tombstone

SUETTINGER: [C]-James W./Apr 19, 1927/Oct 25, 2012 Tombstone + Photo

SURMA: [C-19-11]-Thomas A. Surma/Jun 17, 1962/Jul 5, 1987 Tombstone

SUTTON: [A-30-4]-Dorothy Gauthier Sutton/1910-2000 Tombstone See GAUTHIER

SVATEK: Faye/Jan 18, 1942/Aug 30, 2005 Tombstone

SVOBODA: [C]-Margaret Svoboda/Dec 31, 1921/Dec 12, 2009 Tombstone [C]-Ruben Frank Svoboda/Sep 7, 1915/Nov 13, 2004 Tombstone + Photo

SWADA: [A-40-2]-Cornelius Swada/1908-1924 Tombstone, next to: [A-40-2]-Frances Swada/1887-Oct 1943 Tombstone, next to: [A-40-2]-Thomas Swada/1884-Apr 1926 Tombstone

SWEJKAR: [A1-39-3]-Frank/Feb 3, 1887/Mar 28, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-39-3]-Adele/Jan 26, 1901/Feb 24, 1956 Tombstone, next to: [A1-39-3]-Emil Swejkar/Son/1884-Sep 1976 Tombstone, next to: [A1-39-3]-Mary Swejkar/Mother/1857-Aug 1943 Tombstone

SWETLIK: [C]-Jon K. Swetlik/Jan 17, 1960/Jun 5, 2012 Tombstone

SWIGGUM: [B-17-4]-Thomas C. Swiggum/Jun 25, 1952/Jul 5, 1959 Tombstone, next to: [B-17-4]-Conrad Swiggum/Oct 11, 1928/Jan 8, 2020 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-17-4]-Elaine Swiggum/1929-2002 Tombstone

SWOBODA: [A-4-7]-Daniel Swoboda/1925-Oct 1926 Tombstone [A-4-7]-Robert/Sep 1-9, 1926 Memorial, ossw: [A-9-10]-Edward Swoboda/1900-Nov 1939 Memorial, ossw: [A-9-10]-Helen/1905-1989 Memorial [A-43-4]-Anthony/May 9, 1928 Memorial [A-43-4]-[Baby/bur. 1926] Memorial [A-43-4]-Anton A./1892-Oct 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [A-43-4]-Teckla A./1892-Jun 1976 Tombstone, next to: [B-20-2]-John/1889-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-2]-Barbara/1889-May 1963 Tombstone [C-15-8]-Ernest J./1916-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [C-15-8]-Viola S. Swoboda/Oct 12, 1927/Sep 2, 2020 Photo Arthur A. Swoboda/SSGT US Army Air Forces/WWII/Dec 11, 1924/Mar 19, 2011 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Arthur A. Swoboda/Dec 11, 1924/Mar 19, 2011 Tombstone + Photo Sharon Darlene Swoboda/Oct 5, 1952/Jul 7, 2013 Tombstone + Photo See LA FAVE Back to Top