ABBET, EDWARD November 4, 1918 - January 4, 1983
ABBOTT, JESSIE nee Bartelle September 12, 1862 - July 14, 1924
ABBOTT, NEWMAN C. Newman C. Abbott, son of E.L. Abbott died in Missouri. Manitowoc Herald, 23 Jan 1862
ABRAHAMS, JOSEPHINE (From Kiel 04 Feb.) Death a few days ago of 21-year old Mrs. Josephine Abrahams. She is the daughter of Mr. Theodor Goerres, former resident of Kiel, now living in Wausau. Der Nord Westen, 05 Feb. 1885
ABRAHAMS, WIBKE nee Harder April 20, 1845 - March 1925
ADAM,JOHN March 7, 1869 - 1943
AHEARN, JOHN DEATH OF FORMER TWO RIVERS MAN The infirmities of old age caused the death of John Ahearn, aged 87 years, at Chicago Sunday last. Deceased was an uncle of William Ahearn of this city. He was a resident of Two Rivers in pioneer days. He later resided at Oconto and twenty years ago he chose Chicago for his place of residence. He had lived there uninterruptedly for the past score of years. The funeral took place from St. Ann's Church and the remains were interred at Mount Olivet Cemetery. William Sr., Rev. Joseph, Raymond and Wm Ahearn were present at the funeral. The Reporter, Fri., Sept. 29, 1922
AHRENS, MRS. F.A. Death in Lyndon, Juneau County, Wisc., on Sun. of the wife of F. A. Ahrens. The family was domiciled here for a long time, but a few years ago they moved to Juneau County. Mrs. Ahrens was about 70. She leaves a husband and 6 grown children - 3 sons and 3 daughters. Der Nord Westen, 24 June 1897
AHRENS, FRITZ September 17, 1861 - December 13, 1896
ALAN, JAMES A. October 11, 1846 - July 28, 1921
ALBERS, CAPT. W.T. May 22, 1840 - January 21, 1904
ALDENBURG, JENNIE (nee GIELOW) On Wed. of last week, Mr. Chr. Gielow received the sad news that his sister, Mrs. Jennie Aldenburg, had died at her Chicago residence. She was 29 yrs. old. Mr. Gielow traveled directly to Chicago to make the funeral arrangements. Der Nord Westen, 23 May 1889
ALLEN, BETSEY October 2, 1793 - February 8, 1873
ALTENBERGER, JOHN August 30, 1866 - October 15, 1932 John Altenberger, for 32 years a resident of Ada, died at his home at 123 South Walnut street, Appleton, Friday evening of last week. Death was due to a paralytic stroke. The deceased was born in Ada August 30, 1866, where he grew to manhood. He was married July 19, 1913, to Miss Catherine Jaeckels of Chilton. He is survived by his wife, one brother Fred of Sheboygan, and two sisters, Mrs. Anton (Mary) Lang of Menasha and Mrs. Frank (Minnie) Anhalt of this city, Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the St. Joseph Catholic church at Appleton. The deceased was a member of the Holy Name society and the Fraternal order of Eagles. The following were present: Mrs. Casper Wesling of Chicago; Mrs. Norman Jaekels and Mrs. Mich. Jaeckels of Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Altenberger and Mrs. Joseph Silbernagel and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silbernagel of Sheboygan; Miss Laura Altenberger of Shebeygan Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eckardt, and Mrs. Roland Schreiber of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anhalt and daughter Marie of Kiel; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bolz of Fredonia; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lang of Menasha; Mrs. Martha Rahn, Miss Pauline Altenberger of Colby; Mr. and Mrs. John Tuscher of Green Bay; Dr. and Mrs. Higgins of Chilton and Mrs. Johanna Voigt of Appleton. 10-17-1932
ALTHEN, CASPER January 6, 1840 - April 19, 1896
ALTHEN, JOHN Death of John Althen on Sun., 19 Oct. in Sycamore, Ill. He was a brother-in-law of Anton Vogt and formerly a resident of Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 30 Oct. 1879
ALTMANN, CARL FRIEDRICH On Fri., 08 Feb., Mr. Carl Friedrich Altmann died in Chehalis, Washington Territory. The deceased was one of the first settlers of Mishicott and lived here for about 33 years owning and operating a distillery. About 13 years ago he took his cane in hand and headed west. Der Nord Westen, 21 Feb. 1889
ALTMANN, DOROTHY - CHILD OF ALFRED January 24, 1909 - February 22, 1909
AMMANN, JOSEPH Receive News Of Death Mrs. H. P. Ammann received the sad news Monday afternoon of the death of her brother-in-law, Joseph Ammann, who passed away at Los Angeles, Calif., on Aug. 29, 1946. Mr. Ammann was born in Crefeld, Germany on Oct. 15, 1861, and came to America, directly to Kiel in 1864. For many years Mr. Ammann conducted a jewelry shop ?n the building which now houses the Lewis Cleaners. From Kiel he went to Marion, and then to California, where his wife died several years ago. Survivors include a sister, Miss Katherine Ammann, 86, residing in Los Angeles, Calif., and five nieces, Mrs. Vera Toepel and Mrs. Carmen Goltry of this city, Mrs. Walter Nissen of Chicago, Mrs. Edna Plattner of Cranfort, N. J., and Mrs. Gertrade Cussack of Boy River, Minn., besides Mrs. H. J. Ammann, his sister-in-law. Services for Mr. Ammann were conducted on Sept. 3, at 4:30 p. m. Last rites at the Peace Chapel; with Rev. Wayne Walker officiating. His body was cremated at the Grand View crematory. (no newspaper named, 1946)
AMMANN, MRS. JOSEPH Death Summons Mrs. J. Ammann Mrs. Joseph Ammann died at her home in Los Angeles, Calif., on Sunday, February 4, according to word received here Monday of this week by the H.J. Ammann family. The Ammann family lived here some years ago, when the husband of the deceased owned the present A.J. Brill jewelry store. When the couple left Kiel they made their home in various parts of the state for a number of years. Two years ago they lived in Kiel for a few weeks, after which they left for their present home. Mrs. Ammann, who is a sister-in-law of H.J. Ammann, had been ill for several weeks. She was born Marie Stenson, near Manitowoc. Relatives here were not certain as to her age. Unknown Paper February 15, 1934
AMUNDS, SON OF BOYER From the Files of the Pilot - Fifty Years Ago - 1880 Boyer Amonds(sic) of Cato, received a telegram on Saturday last from Nebraska informing him of the death of his son. Young Amonds was about 20 years of age and was managing a farm in that state purchased for him by his father. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 30, 1930
ARENDT, MICHAEL December 22, 1885 - September 26, 1913
ARMBRUSTER, JACOB March 9, 1876 - March 27, 1964
ARMSBY, FAYETTE 1825 - August 8, 1904
ARNEMANN, ERNST The "National Demokrat" wrote the following about a former Two Rivers resident who lived the past several years in Sheboygan: (We quote and paraphrase) Mr. Ernst Arnemann, 63, whose wife lives in Two Rivers, was found dead on Wednesday in the house where he lived alone at 1010 South 10th Street. He took his meals at the boarding house of Mrs. M. Bulkow but had been feeling ill and had been eating very little. When he didn't show up for his meals on Wednesday and no one had seen him, Mrs. Bulkow went to his residence and found his dead body and coroner Feagan was notified. A note was found in which Arnemann declared that he was sick and the end was near. In another paper he had written his will. His heirs receive a life insurance policy of $1200.00. Examination by a physician established that he had died a natural death and was not a suicide. His body was sent to Hanchett's Funeral Home and buried yesterday afternoon under the direction of Pastor Hartl. Der Nord Westen, 11 Feb. 1909 ***** FORMER RESIDENT DIES Ernst Arnemann, a former resident of this city was buried at Sheboygan last Friday. He was 63 years of age and made his home in Sheboygan and was employed for several years in a shoe factory in that city. Mr. Arnemann was at one time a prosperous shoe maker in this city and was an expert workman. The Chronicle - Tues., Feb. 9, 1909
ARNOLD, ANNA nee Wendling July 13, 1884 - May 1922
ARNOLD, WALDO ROBERT "SCOOP" May 8, 1896 - November 7, 1946
ARPIN, AGNES Mrs. Agnes Arpin, 83, of Kewaunee died Thursday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Hamachek, with whom she had been making her home. She had been ill the past three years. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Holy Rosary Catholic Church. The Rev. Michael Jacowski will officiate and burial will be in the church cemtery. She was born Jan. 16, 1876, at Kewaunee and lived theere all her life. She was married to Charles W. Arpin at Kewaunee Aug. 24, 1897. He died 20 years ago. She was a member of the Rosary Society of the church. Surviving are the daughter, Mrs. Wenzel Hamachek of Kewaunee; two sons, Adrian of Manitowoc and Emmet of Madison; two sisters, Mrs. Curtis Allan of Kewaunee and Mrs. Charlotte Rich of Gendale, Wis; six grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. A son, Earl, died in June, 1959. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday at Buchanan Funeral Home, Kewaunee, where the Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Saturday and again at the same hour Sunday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 8, 1960
ARTMAN, RUDOLPH 1861 - July 1922
ASMUS, JOHN April 24, 1862 - August 4, 1944
ATWOOD, LUCIA KATHERINE nee Hayek July 27, 1874 - March 28, 1907
AUERMUELLER, MRS. Joseph Auermueller of Manitowoc received a telegram Sat. that his mother had died in Sturgeon Bay at age 83. Mr. Auermueller promptly traveled to Sturgeon Bay to attend the funeral. Der Nord Westen, 01 Jan. 1903
AUSTIN, REED SR. October 23, 1895 - January 31, 1962
AXEL, ISRAEL 1891 - May 24, 1962BACHUS, CARL Carl Bachus, a former resident of Two Rivers, but for many years a resident of Wetmore, Kansas, died there on 17 October. The deceased was born 05 November 1825 in Neu Riemitz, Brandenburg Province, came to America in 1881 and lived in Two Rivers until moving to Kansas in 1902. He is survived by his sorrowing widow and 4 children. Der Nord Westen, 31 Oct. 1907
BACKUS, CATHARINE Death in Yankton, South Dakota of Mrs. Catharine Backus, widow of the late Carl Backus who was a resident of our city for 60 years and is well-known by many of our readers. She reached the age of 68. Der Nord Westen, 19 Mar. 1908
BACKUS, JOSEPH September 29, 1804 - March 6, 1861 Joseph Backus died in Norwich, Conn., uncle of William Backus. Manitowoc Herald, 21 Mar. 1861
BACKUS, WILLIAM June 3, 1948 - June 28, 2006
BACON, THOMAS Thomas Bacon was killed at Ahnapee, Kewaunee co. Manitowoc Herald, 07 May 1861
BAIVIER, CHRISTINA nee Ehlenbeck January 17, 1869 - October 1, 1941
BALZAN, ALEXANDER J. March 20, 1927 - March 1, 2001 Alexander J. Balzan, age 73, of North Port, Fla., died March 1, 2001. Burial with full military honors was held at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. He was born March 20, 1927, in Quarry, Wis., and moved to North Port, 1993 from Green Bay. He was an Army Veteran of World War II, having served in Africa and Germany. He as employed by Rockwell Lime from 1946 until 1983 when he retired. He was a lifetime member of Veterans of Foreign War in Manitowoc. Survivors include a daughter, Mary Krase, North Port, Fla.; a son, Herbert Krase, Somerset, Ky.; a brother, Evo Balzan,Manitowoc; a special friend, JoAnn Hartle, North Port, Fla.; and three grandchildren; two sisters-in-law, Marcella Balzan, Manitowoc, Norma Balzan, Plymouth. He was preceded in death by his wife, Helen; one sister, Mary Zucchi; two brothers, Tony Balzan and Orlando Balzan; one brother-in-law, Tony Zucchi; one sister-in-law, June Balzan. Herald Times Reporter, March 14, 2001
BARAHNIK, MARGARET (LEITERMAN) Mrs. Edward Barahnik, 56, of Green Bay, died early Sunday morning of a heart attack. Funeral services will be at 9 a.m. Thursday at St. Willebrord Catholic Church, Green Bay. The Rev. David E. Rondu will officiate and burial will be in Allouez Cemetery, Green Bay. Mrs. Barahnik was the former Margaret Leiterman. (Survivors omitted for privacy.) Friends may call after 7 p.m. Tuesday at Wochos Funeral Home, Denmark, where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 25, 1960 P. 7
BARBIER, ALBERT Town of Emery resident Albert Barbier died at his home on Tuesday, January 4, 1994 at the age of 79. Born in Manitowoc November 17, 1914 to Otto and Imelda Barbier, he married Marian Schwinnin Waukegan, Illinois on November 8, 1953. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Mr. Barbier is survived by five children (Survivors omitted for privacy.); 16 grand- children; and by a brother, Gene (Dorothy), Manitowoc. He was predeceased by his wife, Marian, on August 2, 1987; two daughters, Rosemary and Shirley; and by three sisters and a brother. The Heindl Funeral Home in Phillips assisted the family with arrangements. Unknown Paper Unknown Date (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
BARBIER, MARIAN (wife of Albert above) In Memory of MARIAN BARBIER Date of Birth June 21, 1924 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Date of Death August 2, 1987 Park Falls, Wisconsin Services At The Barbier Home Phillips, Wisconsin Saturday, August 7, 3:00 p.m. Services By Fr. Clement Sobr St. Mary's Catholic Church Phillips, Wisconsin Heindl Funeral Service Phillips, Wisconsin (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
BARNES, JULIA nee Keltzer May 9, 1867 - January 28, 1960
BARRETT, PATRICK 1849 - January 24, 1884
BARRETT, THOMAS 1850 - 1889
BARRIE, JOHN C. John C. Barrie, a former resident of our city, has died of consumption at age 21 in Seattle where he had gone to improve his health. Der Nord Westen, 11 Feb. 1904
BARRY, CORNELIUS Death Sun. in Chicago of 62-yr. old Cornelius Barry, a former resident of our city. His funeral was held Tues. in Chicago. Der Nord Westen, 08 Jan. 1903
BARRY, MARTIN Martin Barry, a former resident of our city, died in Chicago last week at the advanced age of 89. Der Nord Westen, 23 Mar. 1905
BARTEL, FRANK G. June 30, 1916 - May 13, 2007
BARTEL, LAURETTA E. nee McCarthy February 12, 1916 - October 20, 2007
BARTELS, ANTON Accident or Suicide? Last Saturday word was received here that Anton Bartels, of Chicago, well known in this county, had been drowned. He had been on a visit to his relatives in this city, and left again last Thursday, on the boat bound for Chicago being accompanied by his father. While off Port Washington, one of ths (sic) Misses Kostomlatzky of this city who was also on board, looking into the lake, noticed a hand protruding from the water. She quickly gave the alarm, the boats were instantly lowered and diligent search was made, but it was of no avail. The body has not yet been recoverd. Mr. Bartels was born and bred in this county, and many of his old schoolmates and friends are still living in the city. Many years ago he removed to Chicago, where his industry and intelligence secured him a good position. His parents followed him a few years afterwords, and lived with him. About two years ago his invalid mother died, which loss proved a severe blow to him, the more so, since his nature was of a melancholy character. Some time ago, it was noticed he was rather low spirited, and it was suggested that he take a vacation and visit his old home. This he did and remained here about three weeks, and left on Thursday as stated above. While starting from here, he remarked, in a queer manner,"I will go to a good place before long." This suggestive remark, together with his melancholy manner, and the fact that no noise or out cry was heard, lead many to the conclusion that it was a case of suicide, while others think it an accident. Mr. Bartels was thirty years of age, and unmarried. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 P. 1
BARTH, CAESAR Caesar Barth, a former resident of Kiel, passed away at his home in Thorp, Clark county, on Tuesday of last week, after one year's illness. The following obituary was handed to the Record for publication: Caesar Barth was born April 20th, 1860, a son of John and Katherine Barth, who were then pioneers in the town of Schleswig. Here he spent his boyhood and youth, assisting his parents in clearing away the forest and producing a farm and beautiful home. In the year 1884, then a young man full of hope and vigor, he again migrated to the Town of Reseburg, Clark county, which was then all virgin forest, and began to make for himself a home. In 1889 he went back to Kiel and there on April 4th was married to Amelia Ohlemoetz, and together they made their home on the farm he had started, where they lived. To them were born five children, Elizabeth, John, Conrad, Caesar, and Amelia, who together with his faithful wife survive him. In 1919 he sold his farm to his eldest son, John and moved to their present home, where he expected to spend his reclining years, but still being full of ambition, he, together with two youngest sons, acquired some more forest land, and immediately begun to help them start a very promising home for them. Nearly a year ago his health began to fail, and his ailment continued and got worse so that in October of this year he was taken to a hospital at Marshfield for treatment, but not seeing much improvement, and craving for home and the home surroundings, he again returned home after a stay of a little less than four weeks, since which time he seemed to fail gradually, until on Tuesday, Dec. 4, he passed into the great beyond. He led a life of usefulness and progress to himself, his wife, his family, his neighbors, his friends, and the whole community in which he lived, who all sadly mourn his departure. He served the Town in different offices and was always ready to contribute to the welfare of those in need. He took a special interest in the building and maintaining of highways or anything that was of use in common. May his good work survive him as a lasting monument to his ideals, which he so earnestly supported. There now survive him, two sisters, Elizabeth of Kiel, and Dorothea of Washington, his ever faithful wife and his five children. Mrs. Elizabeth Junk of Kiel was called to her brother's death-bed on Sunday before last, and remained for the funeral, returning last Sunday evening. December 13, 1923
BARTLEY, CAP'T. GEORGE July 25, 1935 - November 1908
BASHAW, DUANE J. May 15, 1943 - January 1, 2007
BATCHELDER, MARGARET nee Stevenson May 25, 1886 - June 28, 1970
BATES, STEPHEN From the Files of the Pilot - Fifty Years Ago - 1880 Stephen Bates, one of Manitowoc County's pioneers and the first man to begin ship building at this place, died at Vancouver, Wash Ty., on the 14th inst. He was 80 years of age at the time of his death. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Oct. 30, 1930
BAUERS, ROBERT March 23, 1923 - February 21, 2007
BAUERS, PEARLINE M. nee Lesperance September 6, 1922 - July 7, 2008
BAULICKE, MINNA Death Sat. in St. Paul of Mrs. Minna Baulicke, a sister of Mrs. Oscar A. Alter here. Mrs. Baulicke was born here in 1868 but has resided in St. Paul since 1890. In addition to her husband she leaves 2 children. The funeral was held Mon. in St. Paul. Der Nord Westen, 27 Feb. 1902
BAUMANN, HERBERT C. August 7, 1924 - February 7, 2007
BAUS, KENNETH G. February 22, 1934 - April 14, 2002
BEAMER, MARY A. nee Cornette June 23, 1944 - Jan 4, 2006
BEARBEY, WILLIAM WALLACE FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN WEST William Wallace Bearbey, once superintendent here of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company's pail factory, passed away last week at Creswell, Oregon, at the age of 84 years. Deceased was the superintendent of the pail factory for several yars leaving here about 1900. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Clyde Sedgwick of Creswell, Ore. The Reporter - Fri., May 16, 1924
BEARDSLEY, E. D. d. December 24, 1885 At his home in the town of Alto, Fond du Lac Co. Wis. Dec. 24, 1885 of consumption E.D. Beardsley aged sixty five years. Many of the pioneer settlers of this city and county will read the above with genuine sorrow. Mr. Beardsley was one of our earliest settlers, having come to Manitowoc Rapids as early as 1842. He taught school and also engaged in surveying, at which he was very competent for a few years, and later engaged in mercantile business in that village, then the county seat. Later he removed to this city where he kept a general store for some years. He was succeeded in his mercantile business by O. Torrison Esq. who purchased his interests and he then went into the lumbering business and for several years operated the mill which once stood near the dry dock know as the Dargin mill. As the pine became scarce Mr. Beardsley sold out his interests here and removed to Northern Michigan and continued the same business there, finally closing it out on account of ill health and removing to Fond du Lac Co. Mr. Beardsley built and for a number of years occupied the residence now owned by Samuel Hall Esq. The deceased was a man of sterling integrity and was from the force of his character one of the prominent and leading citizens during his stay among us. His wife and we believe three children survive him. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 29, 1885 P.3
BEATON, EDNA MAE Edna Mae Beaton, age 82, of Sheboygan, died at her home Wednesday morning, Feb. 27, 2002 after a two year struggle with cancer. Edna Mae was an accomplished watercolor artist. Her paintings have been shown in numerous exhibitions, both invitational group and one-woman shows, receiving frequent Best in Watercolor and Purchase Awards. In a state/national competition, sponsored by the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, her painting won, first, the Wisconsin State Grand Award and, subsequently, the International Grand Award. She studied abroad in Italy, Finland and Mexico. She is a graduate of Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, with a bachelor of arts degree. Edna Mae was born and grew up in Two Rivers. After her first marriage, she moved to Milwaukee and spent most of her adult life there. After the death of her first husband, she re-married in 1993 to Walter Haase, then of Southbury, Conn. He also grew up in Two Rivers and had been a high school classmate. The two met at their 55th high school class reunion, not having seen each other in all those years. Edna Mae is survived by her husband, Walter Haase; three children, six grandchildren, three stepchildren, four step-grandchildren, a brother and a sister. Also surviving are a brother and a sister. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 9 at the New Hope United Methodist Church in Greenbush. The Rev. Bill Beaton, pastor of the church and nephew, will officiate. Friends may call at the church from noon until the hour of service. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund will be established in Edna Mae's name for the American Cancer Society. The Wittkopp Funeral Service in Plymouth is serving the family. Herald Times Reporter, March 3, 2002
BEBEAU, LIZZIE nee Soquet January 3, 1863 - July 20, 1937
BECK, ROBERT F. Robert F. Beck, 82, of 720 N. Cass St., Milwaukee, died Monday in that city. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Wendler Funeral Home, West Capitol Drive and North 21st Street. Cremation will be at Wisconsin Memorial Park. Survivors include a son, Howard G., and a daughter, Anita Glasser of Oceano, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. E.J. Peebles, Mrs. John Hale and Mrs. Clara Pollock, of Manitowoc; a granddaughter and other relatives. Friends may call at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 6, 1960
BECKER, ALFRED H. February 27, 1901 - November 18, 1955
BECKER, HERMAN May 15, 1885 - May 28, 1955
BEDUHN, HERBERT C. "BERT" A Memorial Service for Herbert (Bert) Beduhn, age 82, formerly of Manitowoc, who died April 13, 1996, in Mesa, Ariz., will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 8, 1996, at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Manitowoc. Bert was employed at Paragon Electric, Two Rivers. He was very active in Masquers, Boy Scout leadership, Barbershoppers Chorus, Redeemer Lutheran Church Choir, and also was a former president of the Rotary Club. Survivors include his wife, one son, one daughter, four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; one brother, one sister-in-law. He was preceded in death by his brother, Daniel. Herald Times Reporter, no date
BEHNKE, EDNA L. nee Bleichwehl February 1, 1913 - February 21, 2007
BEHNKE, OTTO 1889 - February 1908
BELROSE, BENJAMIN September 29, 1842 - May 19, 1922
BEMUS, JAMES A. A clipping from a Minnesota paper, the name of which we have been unable to learn, has been sent us in which is announced the death of James A. Bemus, one of the early residents of the city, but who left here about 22 years ago to take charge of a hotel at Lake Park, Minnesota for the Northern Pacific Railroad, which he successfully conducted for several years and afterwards engaged in a similar line of business at Crookston in the same state. From the clipping sent us we quote as follows: "Several years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Bemis went to Crookston and still later to Morris, in both of which places they engaged in hotel business with success. Still later, Mr. Bemis, having been in poor health for some time, they returned to their old home in Lake Park, where they resumed the management of the hotel in which they continued until about two years ago. Some time ago, Mr. Bemis suffered the totall paralysis of the lower part of his body and he was taken to Michigan for treatment but the desired relief was not found and he died Monday, as above stated, attended by the faithful wife who has labored unceasingly for his relief during his long and painful illness. Mr. Bemis was 79 years of age and in his death, there passes away a true type of the western pioneer and a man who had made many friends." Mr. Bemis had a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren living in this city. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., Dec. 12, 1899
BENSE, LIZZIE Death Sun. in Monroe, Wisconsin, of 33-yr. old Mrs. Lizzie Bense, sister of Mr. C.E. Hollenbeck here, of pneumonia. The deceased leaves her husband and 3 children. Der Nord Westen, 14 Jan. 1904
BERGER, ORVAL September 18, 1912 - July 13, 1994
BERKHOLZ, CHARLES CHAS. BERKHOLZ WAS WELL KNOWN HERE Charles Berkholz who committed suicide in Milwaukee, Wednesday was the son of the late Charles Berkholz, for years janitor of the First ward high school. He had been a resident of Manitowoc for years previous of his removal to Milwaukee. Many friends of this city mourn his untimely end. Manitowoc Pilot, December 25, 1902 P. 1
BERNER, HENRY Henry Berner, one of the first settlers of the northern portion of this county, coming here in 1853, died at Antigo last Sunday, to which place he moved about ten years ago. Mr. Berner married a sister of the six Zander brothers of this county. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., Dec. 25, 1894
BERNERS. HUBERT 1858 - February 1922
BERNHARDT, HARRY F. 1894 - 1960
BERRIS, GIDEON Gideon Berris, a former resident and fisherman of this city, recently died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Heald of Algoma at the age of 82 years. Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tues., Jan. 24, 1899
BERTH, FRANK December 10, 1856 - May 28, 1938
BERTLER, ALVIDA E. "BILLIE" nee O'Malley December 25, 1920 - May 27, 1985
BERTLER, RAYMOND J. April 18, 1919 - March 26, 2007
BIELING, F. F. Bieling from Two Rivers died, swept overboard on the Eleanor. Manitowoc Herald, 07 Jul 1859
BIGEL, CHARLES Death in Chicago on Wed. last week of Charles Bigel, a former resident of Manitowoc and brother of Joseph Bigel here, at the age of 49 leaving a widow. Der Nord Westen, 28 Apr. 1904
BIGNELL, PATRICIA C. Patricia C. Bignell, 49, of Eau Claire, Wis., died Wednesday, March 13, 1991, after a lengthly illness. She was born January 12, 1942, the daughter of Paul and Agnes (Mahioch) Garbo. She attended Kiel Schools, graduating from Kiel High School in 1961. On June 9, 1961, she married Lyn Bignell. They resided in Kiel, before moving to Eau ClaIre, where she worked as a waitress at Country Kitchen and Brothers Three. (Survivors omitted for privacy) She was preceded in death by one brother, Paul; her maternal grandparents, paternal grandparents and her father-in-law, Ed Hei. Private family services were held on Saturday, March 16, 1991, at St. Olaf's Catholic Church, in Eau Claire. Cremation was to follow.
BILLINGS, AMOS CUTLER July 24, 1811 - October 13, 1888
BIRKHOLZ, CHARLES Charles Birkholz, a former resident of our city who has recently lived in Milwaukee, killed himself Wed. night with carbolic acid. The 52-yr. old man left a widow and 4 children. He had been ill for some time. Der Nord Westen, 25 Dec. 1902
BISHOP, EDWIN Messages received here by Mrs. Josephine Bishop, 1010 Nineteenth Street, from authorities at Fort Bragg, Calif., brot to light the fact that her thirty year old son, Edwin, a resident of that city, was a victim of a brutal murder. Mr. Bishop, well known here, besides his mother is survived by one sister, Mrs. Percy Brandt of Manitowoc. Mr. Bishop had made his home at Fort Bragg, Calif., for the past five years. His mysterious disappearance was reported on Nov. 8th. No intimation concerning his whereabouts was learned until a few days ago when the body was picked up at Fort Bragg by officers in a mangled state. The news of the man's unfortunate end was received with a considerable shock here by relatives and friends of the victim. Interment was at Fort Bragg. The Reporter, Thurs., Dec. 8, 1921
BIWER, HELEN nee Pankratz 1900 - March 22, 1964
BLAESSER, HELEN ANN nee Geimer January 29, 1914 - February 26, 2015
BLAKE, ARTHUR WILLIAM August 30, 1945 - January 27, 2007
BODENSTAB, ELMER H. 1906 - 1970
BODWIN, FRED Killed in a Railroad Accident Fred Bodwin, a young man who left his city about ten years ago to sail on the lakes as cook, was accidentally killed in a railroad accident at Plainfield, Ohio, last week. His relatives here were notified of the accident but were not informed of the details of the same. His mother, Mrs. R. Bodwin and brother, Elijah, now reside in Rochelle, Ill. The Chronicle - Tues., Aug. 18, 1908 ******** Fred Bodwin, who moved away from Manitowoc about 10 years ago, was killed in a railroad accident in Ohio last week. Der Nord Westen, 20 Aug. 1908
BOEDECKER, WILLIAM January 7, 1836 - February 11, 1894 Death in Ahnapee of W. Boedecker of cancer. He leaves a widow and 3 sons. He was born in Westphalia on 07 Jan. 1836, and came to Two Rivers in 1855. He worked as a woodworker until 1866, then went to Kewaunee until 1871 after which he went Ahnapee to establish a hotel. In 1874 he built the elegant brick structure known as "Wisconsin House". Der Nord Westen, 22 Feb. 1894
BOEDER, HERMAN August 23, 1892 - December 1, 1927
BOETTCHER, EDUARD Death in Antigo last week of former local resident Eduard Boettcher, a brother of Heinrich Boettcher here. Der Nord Westen, 21 Aug. 1902
BOETTGER, CHILD OF HERMANN JR. (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 04 Jan.) Death of a 5-week old little child of Hermann Boettger, Jr. The child's mother died two weeks ago, at which time the mother's parents took the child to Kenau where they operate a farm. The little body was brought here for burial. Der Nord Westen, 07 Jan. 1904
BOHNE, ELIZABETH nee Wagner January 23, 1877 - January 26, 1960
BOLZ, HELENA nee Schuette May 3, 1859 - December 26, 1930
BORCHERDT, MRS. ANDREAS Death Wed. last week in Chicago, from inflammation of the lower abdomen, of Mrs. Andreas Borcherdt, a sister of Messrs. Christian, Wilhelm, and Charles Siekers of Manitowoc. Der Nord Westen, 10 Dec. 1896
BORN, ANTON 1831 - 1919
BRADLEY, JESSE June 22, 1866 - January 23, 1925
BRANDES, CHARLES SR. December 19, 1831 - May 16, 1893
BRANDIES, HUGO TITANIC LOSS AND DEATH OF BROTHER KILL Hugo Brandeis, Omaha, Born Here, Dies From Grief WAS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN Grief over the death of his brother who was a victim of the Titanic disaster while returning from a trip to Europe is believed to have caused the death of Hugo Brandeis, of Omaha, a former Manitowoc man whose demise at Omaha is reported in papers received by friends of the family here. Mr. Brandeis died at the Wise Memorial hospital at Omaha Sunday following an operation which his weakened condition could not withstand. Mr. Brandeis, who had not been in robust health, failed rapidly following the death of his brother, Emil Brandeis, who was a passenger on the Titanic when the big steamer was sunk in collision with an iceberg in April and physicians say that his death was hastened by the shock and grief over the loss of his brother to whom he was much attached. A week ago his condition became critical and an operation was advised as a last hope of saving his life and he was removed to the hospital where death followed a few hours after the operation. Youngest son of Jonas Brandeis, founder of the Brandeis mercantile interests at Omaha, among the largest in the west, and one time merchant in this city, decedent was 48 years of age. He was born in this city in 1868 when his father conducted a mercantile establishment on the site of the present National Bank, and at the age of 14 accompanied his family to Omaha, which has since been his home. Mr. Brandeis was associated with his brothers in conduct of the business and was a factor in the building of the mammoth business of the Brandeis company in the west. At the time of his death he was planning the building of a new home. Mr. Brandeis is survived by his widow to whom he was married twelve years ago. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 24, 1912 P.1
BRANDIES, JONAS L. Death in Omaha, Nebraska of Jonas L. Brandies, a former resident of our city, at the age of 66. Many of our readers will well remember the deceased. Der Nord Westen, 29 Jan. 1903
BRANDT, JOHN AUGUST JR. May 1, 1948 - January 23, 2006
BRATZ, HERMAN August 25, 1886 - January 25, 1964 Herman Bratz, 77, of Rt. 4, Chilton, was found dead Saturday afternoon at his home. Calumet County Coroner Leroy A. Hughes said he died of a heart attack about 10 a.m. Saturday. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Schwartz Funeral Home, Morrison, the Rev. Henry Kurtz of St. John Lutheran Church, West DePere officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery, DePere. Mr. Bratz was born August 25, 1886, in the Town of Maple Grove, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Bratz. He married the former Wilhelmina Heimke 47 years ago. She died 11 years ago. He farmed in various places most of his life, then entered the tavern business for a few years, selling his tavern in Kasson three years ago and moving to his most recent residence. Surviving are a son, Alden Bratz of Kaukauna; a daughter, Mrs. Elmer Schuh of the Town of Maple Grove; two brothers, August Bratz of Brillion and Arthur Bratz of California; a sister, Mrs. John Schmieder of Brillion; and five grandchildren. Friends may call until the hour of service at the funeral home. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 27, 1964 P. 9
BRAULT, RUBY nee Collins 1905 - April 1970 Funeral services for Mrs. Arthur Brault, 64, of 614 S. Monroe Ave., Green Bay, a former resident of Two Rivers, and sister of Walter Collins of 2822-12th St., Two Rivers, will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Cathedral, Green Bay, the Rev. Orville Griese officiating. Burial will be in Allouez Cemetery. Mrs. Brault, nee Ruby Collins, was born at Iron River, Mich. in 1905. She was married to Arthur Brault at Manitowoc in 1924 and resided for a number of years at Two Rivers. Besides her husband and brother, she leaves a son, William and mother, Mrs. Emma Collins of Green Bay. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. April 29, 1970
BRAUN, ANNA nee Clusen May 12, 1891 - February 1928
BRETTHAUER, ROSE MARIE nee Laurent April 27, 1903 - February 15, 1964 Mrs. Dave Bretthauer, 60, of Menasha, daughter of Mrs. Cora Laurent, of Two Rivers died Saturday night at her home at Menasha. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Laernmich Funeral Home, Menasha, and at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Menasha. Mrs. Bretthauer was born in 1904, daughter of the late Max and Mrs. Cora Laurent. Surviving besides the mother are three daughters, a son, five sisters, Mrs. Oliver Pilon, Mrs. Al Kumbalek, Mrs. Frank Kopetsky, Mrs. Charles Maigatter and Mrs. Herbert Heili, of Two Rivers, and three brothers, Clarence, Mitchell and Robert, of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. February 17, 1964 P. 11
BRESSLER, FRANK Frank H. Bressler, well known Milwaukee art gallery owner and brother-in-law of County Judge John Chloupek and Mrs. Clara Bressler of this city, died at Milwaukee Sunday morning after an illness of several days. The former Manitowoc man who started his business in the bedroom of his home while clerking in a grocery store became one of the best known art critics of Wisconsin during the many years he was engaged in business in Milwaukee. With a Miss Dowling as a partner, Mr. Bressler started the making of enlargements and the coloring of photographs, using an air brush for the purpose. The deceased was born in Manitowoc August 31, 1866 and was 64 years of age at the time of his death. he attended the First Ward (Roosevelt) School and later secured employment as a clerk at the Schuette Bros. Store and some years later went to Milwaukee where he was employed at the Morgan Store. He then branched into business for himself and started his art gallery, a business which required his presence in Europe at least once a year for more than 30 years. Last February he donated an unusually fine picture of George Washington to the Roosevelt School in memory of his sister, Mrs. John Chloupek, a former teacher. Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Gertrude and Lillian Bressler at home; three sisters, Mrs. Clara Eberhardt, Chicago; Miss Sophie Bressler, Milwaukee and Mrs. Mary Wellman, Germany. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon under the direction of Lafayette Lodge 265 F. & A.M. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., May 21, 1931
BRICE, LOUIS M. October 11, 1923 - July 20, 2006
BRICE, RUTH MAE nee Erdmann May 27, 1927 - February 28, 2007
BRICKNER, DAVID J. May 2, 1958 - February 9, 2007
BRINK, C.W. Word was received here last Thurs. that C.W. Brink, a former resident of our city who had been visiting in Germany, died in a Berlin hospital. Der Nord Westen, 12 Apr. 1900
BROKER, GLENN R. June 26, 1927 - December 30, 2011
BRONK, NORMAN February 28, 1933 - February 20, 2000
BROWN, ETTA (nee VIEWEG) Death 30 Apr. in Seattle, Washington, of Mrs. Etta Brown, daughter of local resident Louis Vieweg. Mrs. Brown had been planning to visit her parents here this summer, but death intervened. The deceased, who was born 25 May 1872 in Manitowoc, is survived by her husband and 2 children in addition to her parents, who reside here. Der Nord Westen, 14 May 1903
BROWN, FLOYD A. August 25, 1853 - September 16, 1894
BROWN, PETER 1827 - June 15, 1907
BRUESEWITZ, EDWIN E. June 7, 1908 - January 19, 1968
BRUNMEIER, JOSEPH A. June 4, 1896 - March 22, 1964
BRUNNER, WILLIAM M. June 29, 1923 - January 27, 2000
BRUNS, HERMANN Death Fri. in Portland, Oregon, of 60-yr. old Hermann Bruns, a former resident of our city. The deceased has two brothers in this county - Frank A. Bruns at Silver Lake and Charles Bruns in Town Newton; and 2 sisters - Mrs. F. Schultz here and Mrs. Meyer in Newton. The deceased visited here last summer after an absence of many years. During the Civil War he served with the 9th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. In addition to the above named siblings, he is survived by a widow and 3 children. Der Nord Westen, 22 Dec 1904
BUB, ARTHUR April 27, 1882 - July 1926
BUBOLTZ, EVELYN nee Endres September 4, 1920 - June 4, 2006
BUCKHOLZ, MRS. CHARLES Mrs. Charles Buckholz of 1508 Nagel Avenue died Wednesday morning at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, where she had been a patent three weeks. Funeral services will be at the chapel at Wisconsin Memorial Park, Milwaukee, the Rev. Robin Butler of First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc, officiating and burial will be in a Milwaukee cemetery. She was born Aug. 17, 1888, at Reed City, Mich., daughter of the late Herman and Fredericka Donner. She was married to Charles Buckholz at Milwaukee Feb. 16, 1910, and the couple lived in that city until Mr. Buckholz' death in 1959, after which she moved to Manitowoc. She was a member of the Manitowoc Federation of Women's Clubs and the Jones Circle of the church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Edward (Edith) Zauner, of Manitowoc, a brother, William A. Otto, of Racine, and nieces and nephews. A brother and a sister preceded her in death. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Friday at Wisconsin Memorial Park Chapel, Milwaukee. Memorials may be sent to First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. Manitowoc Herald Times, July 14, 1965
BUEL, FRANK C. May 11, 1835 - September 15, 1900
BURETTA, JOHN 1891 - October 21, 1962 John Buretta, 81, native of Manitowoc, died at home at Milwaukee Sunday. Funeral services will be at 8 a.m. Wednesday at Edmund Sennig Funeral Home, Milwaukee and at 9 a.m. at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church there. Burial will be in a Milwaukee Cemetery. Mr. Buretta was a son of the late John and Mary Grizask Buretta and as a young man went to Milwaukee where he became a cigar maker. Surviving are his wife, four daughters, a son, three brothers, Stanley, Joseph and Michael, of Manitowoc; a sister, Mrs. Mary Krysak, of Rt. 3 Manitowoc, and a number of grandchildren. A son and a brother preceded him in death. Manitowoc Herald Times, October 22, 1962
BURITZ, LOUIS Louis Buritz from here, a member of the Life Saving Station in Baltimore, died there from extreme exhaustion following a sea rescue. The deceased was the son of local resident John Buritz and was only 36 yrs. of age. Der Nord Westen, 12 June 1902 ******** Louis Buritz, a former Manitowoc young man, died last week in Baltimore. Manitowoc Pilot, June 12, 1902 P. 1
BURKARD, JANE L. nee Schmitz July 23, 1924 - February 24, 2007
BURKART, FRED February 28, 1876 - June 21, 1921
BURMAHLN, WALTER July 24, 1882 - May 13, 1956
BURNS, ANN nee Hogan October 9, 1858 - April 20, 1931
BURNS, PETER T. 1865 - May 10, 1932 FORMER RESIDENT DIES Dr. P.T. Burns died at his home in Chicago Tuesday afternoon, aged 69 years. He had been in poor health for some time. Dr. Burns was a native of the Town of Liberty this county, but the family removed to Meeme when he was a boy. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Burns. He attended the old Meeme school which in an earlier day had Michael Kirwan and the late John Nagle as pupils. He was a bright and studious boy and at an early age secured a teacher's certificate. After teaching a few years in this county he entered the Chicago Medical College from which he graduated with high honors. Dr. Burns located in Chicago where he has been a successful practitioner for forty-three years. He was an instructor at Chicago Medical College for 25 years retiring a few years ago on account of poor health. Dr. Burns was married to Miss Mary Davies of Meeme over 40 years ago who survives him. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Ellen Schneider of this city; four brothers, Attorney Luke Burns of Virginia City, Minn., Michael of Phoenix, Ariz., and John Anthony and William Burns of Racine, Wis. When Dr. P.T. Burns died a life went out that had been of value to the community in which it had been spent and life which had been loyal to high ideals of his profession, citizenship and fellowship. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Friday) morning from a Catholic Church in Chicago. Mrs. Schneider and son, Harold are at Chicago for the funeral. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., May 12, 1932 ******** A Tribute In the death of Doctor P.T. Burns, Chicago lost a truly good physician. He showed sometimes a brusque exterior, but that was a ask put on to conceal a heart filled with sympathy for those who were in distress, either mental or physical. In one way, Doctor Burns was a pioneer physician in Chicago. He was reared in the Town of Meeme, Manitowoc County. He lived to achieve fame in his chosen profession in one of our largest cities with its complex social life, with that pioneering spirit that was his, went the kindly traits and strong character of the pioneers. We gave him to good Mother Earth When carpeted in the green And our thoughts follow after To the long wished for - Land unseen He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, Mary Burns, a sister, Mrs. Ellen Schneider of Manitowoc and four brothers, Luke, city attorney of Virginia, Minn., Michael of Tucson, Ariz., and John and William of Racine, Wis. Besides his immediate relatives he leaves a large circle of friends, former patients who will miss him for his kindly ministrations, they were all walks of life and from all creeds and different nationalities for he practiced his profession for more than forty years in the same locality. His life was dominated by three strong loyalties - home, church and his profession, in the home, a devoted husband, in the church, an humble Christian and in his profession and faithful physician. For him to practice medicine was a sacred privilege. He was lay confessor to many a diseased body. Madison, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot - May 19, 1932 ******** Name: Peter T Burns Event Type: Burial Event Date: 13 May 1932 Event Place: Hillside, Cook, Illinois, United States Event Place (Original): Hillside, Cook, Illinois, United States Age: 67 Birth Year (Estimated): 1865 Death Date: 10 May 1932 Cemetery: Mount Carmel "Illinois, Archdiocese of Chicago, Cemetery Records, 1864-1989"
BURNS, WILLIAM Notes from Osman News was received here Monday that Wm Burns who was born and reared in Liberty, died at his home in Milwaukee Sunday. He was about 57 years of age and had been a resident of Milwaukee for many years. He is survived by his wife and the following children: George of Fall River, Wis., Howard of New York, Mrs. Meyrle Ehlenfeldt of Columbus, Wis., Elroy, Leonard, Dolores and Gladys. Further survived by five brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held Wednesday from St. Rose's church in Milwaukee. Interment was in Holy Cross Cemetery. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Dec. 31, 1931
BURROWS, STEPHEN A. 1859 - March 1906
BURTON, MRS. A. Death in Reedsville on Sun., from a stroke, of Mrs. A. Burton, mother-in-law of Dr. Louis Falge there. The deceased was 72. The body was taken to Plymouth for burial there on Tues. Der Nord Westen, 06 Oct. 1904
BUSCH, OTTO August 1861 - January 12, 1923 Otto Busch, former resident here passed away at Ojai, California recently. Mr. Busch was engaged in the farm produce business here thirty years ago and later conducted the Pfister store and grain and hay shipping business at Two Creeks, leaving there ten years ago. Deceased is survived by his widow who was formerly Miss Sue Bartel, daughter of the superintendent of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company's chair factory here. The Reporter, Fri., Jan. 26, 1923
BUTLER, SARAH E. March 30, 1837 - March 10, 1861
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