MARCEK: Albert m: 11 July 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.118) to: Marie Ciprin
MARCH: Friedrich (also listed as Fritz) b. 24 Jan. 1844 in Pommern Germany res: Franklin p: Karl and Karoline March m: 31 Oct. 1866 to: Christiane Krueger (also Christine) b: 25 or 28 March 1845 in Brandenburg Germany p: Johann and Friederike Krueger children: Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine (b. 16 Sept. 1867/bapt. 16 Dec. 1867) Karl Wilhelm Friedrich (b. 9 Feb. 1869/bapt. 20 Feb. 1869) Wilhelmine Albertine Johanne (b. 27 Sept. 1869/bapt. 23 Oct. 1869) Auguste Wilhelmine Anna (b. 29 Apr. 1872/bapt. 12 July 1872) Herrmann August Otto (b. 14 Jan. 1874/bapt. 19 Apr. 1874) Emilie Johane Auguste (b. 4 June 1876/bapt. 2 July 1876) Wilhelm Theodor Heinrich (b. 11 Mar. 1878/bapt. 7 Apr. 1878) Ida Ulrike Charlotte (b. 21 Feb. 1880/bapt. 18 Apr. 1880) (child. info from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville) NOTICE To All Whom it May concern: WHEREAS, my wife, Christiani (sic) March, has left my bed and board without cause or provotion (sic), therefor for all persons, are hereby forbidden and cautioned against trusting her on my account, from the date of this notice. Fred Marsch. (sic) Manitowoc, May 12th, 1873 Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, June 5, 1873 P. 4
MARCH: J.E. Ed. m: 30 Apr. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.192) to: O.A.D. Oestreich
MARCH: Johann E.E. m: 23 Dec. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.336) to: Augusta A. Hintze
MARCH: John J m: 14 Oct 1908 to: Rose C. Schmidt ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …John Marek and Rose Schmidt, both of Two Rivers; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 15, 1908 pg. 1
MARDA: Joseph m: 11 May 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.72) to: Mary Schemeckevida
MARECH: Jacob m: 22 Jan 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.337) to: Annie Pabian
MAREK: Frank b: Wisconsin p: Frank and Anne Marek m: 9 Feb. 1886, Cooperstown (co. mar. index v.5 p.284) to: Helena Znamenacek p: Frank and Mary Znamenacek children: Joseph Frank/b: 20 Oct 1886 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.11)
MAREK: Frank m: 13 Nov 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.179) to: Rosie Piskac
MAREK: John m: 17 Apr 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.117) to: Mary Turna
MAREK: John m: Rose Schmitt children Twins Helen and Hortense Helen b. 10 Sep 1911/m. Hugo Hoffman in 1940 Hortense b. 10 Sep 1911/m. Clarence Dufek in 1933
MAREK: Joseph m: Maria Behor ? children: Emilia (b. 21 Nov. 1863/bapt. 21 Nov. 1863/from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.1)
MAREK: Joseph m: Maria children: Anna (b: 14 Jul 1859/co. bir. index v.1 p. 353)
MAREK: Joseph children: Amelia (b: 21 Nov 1862/co. bir. index v.1 p. 150/no mother given)
MAREK: Joseph children: Anna (b: 14 Jul 1859/co. bir. index v.1 p. 148/no mother given)
MAREK: Joseph children: Eugene (b: 19 Oct 1864/co. bir. index v.1 p. 151/no mother given)
MAREK: Joseph children: Johannah (b: 25 Feb 1866/co. bir. index v.1 p. 152/no mother given)
MAREK: Joseph children: John (b: 09 Mar 1861/co. bir. index v.1 p. 149/no mother given)
MAREK: Joseph m: 11 Jul 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.42) to: Anna Tresek
MARES: Henry m: 16 Jan 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.289) to: Emma Stastny
MARESCH: Nicolaus m: 23 Apr 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.297) to: Mary Hucek
MARESCH: Wenzel m: 30 Jan. 1859 (co. mar. index v.2 p.49) to: Anna Mach
MARESCH: Wenzel m: 20 June 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.79) to: Katharina Broskowetz
MARESH: Adolph m: 26 Nov 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.192) to: Emma Wilda Marriage License: Adolph Maresh and Emma Wilda both of Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, 21 Nov. 1901 ***** Miss Emma Wilda and Adolph Maresh were married on Tuesday. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, November 28, 1901 P. 5
MARESH: Henry b. WI 1871 Farmer, S. 10 Kossuth, Whitelaw m. Emma Stastny Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MARESH: John m: 23 Jan. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.89) to: Margaretta Luther children: Leon Frederick Maresch/b: 15 Feb 1902/from his obit in cem. #43 The engagement of John Maresh and Miss Maggie Lutow (sic) has been announced. Mr. Maresh is an employe of the Rahr Sons' Co. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, November 23, 1899 P.2 ******* Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Maresch will observe the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day tomorrow. The cermony took place at the St. Boniface church, the Monsigner Peil officiating at the Mass. Mrs. Maresch was Miss Margaret Luther. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, January 22, 1925 P.2
MARESH: Joseph m: 29 Dec. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.314) to: Rosa Zahner
MARESH: Rosabelle b: 15 Nov. 1918, Manitowoc/d. 29 June 1949, Manitowoc)
MARESH: Wanzel (sic) m: 28 Nov. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.323) to: Maria Krumel
MARESH: Wenzel m: 14 Nov. 1869 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.33) to: Betrolena Korinek
MARESH: Wenzel m: Katharine Broskovitz children: Vincent/b: 3 Jul 1881 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.41)
MARESH: See FRYE See Joseph Malley bio.
MARGUART: Herm G.E. m: 22 Nov. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.87)
MARGUARDT: (also have Marquardt) See PETERMANN See WELK
MARGWARD: Fritz John Chr. m: 1 Dec. 1871 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.58) to: Maria J.D. Luepke
MARISSI: D. Hermann m: 3 Jan. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.57) to: W. Louise Greve
MARIT: Jacob m: 23 May 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.137) to: Josephine Husa
MARKEE: Frank m: 18 April 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.71) to: Jane N. McCabe Niles notes: Mr. Frank Markee, and Mary J. McCabe, have gone and done it. They were married last week. A long and happy life is the wish of their many friends. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 2, 1882 P. 4
MARKEE: Frank Anton b: 18 Mar. 1822, France/d. 22 Mar. 1891 m: Susanna Rauber b: 16 May 1829, Prussia/d. 23 May 1903 children: Sylvester Marky b: 31 Dec 1860/p: Franz Arthur Marky and Susana Rauber (co. bir. index v.1 p.412) Elisabetha Marky b: 01 May 1863/p: Francis Anton Marky and Susan Rober (co. bir. index v.1 p.567) Gailhelm Marky b: 15 May 1866/p: Franz Anton Marky and Susana Rober (co. bir. index v.1 p. 720) Theresia Marky b: 02 May 1869/p: Franz Anton Marky and Susanna Rauber (co. bir. index v.1 p. 873)
MARKEE: James m: 22 Apr 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.401) to: Clara Oustad
MARKEE: John b: 2 Dec. 1848, New York/d. 28 Feb. 1929 p: Frank Markee & Susan Markee m: 13 Jan. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.79) to: Agatha Raush (co. mar. index v.1 p. 176) b: 1852/d. 14 Nov 1874 Eaton, Manitowoc, WI p: Mathew Rauch & Rosa Benzinger child: Agatha Helena Markee Wisconsin, Births and Christenings Name Agatha Helena Markee Gender Female Birth Date 14 Nov 1874 Birthplace Eaton, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Father's Name John Markee "Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926," database, FamilySearch
MARKEE: John b: 2 Dec. 1848, New York/d. 28 Feb. 1929 m: 26 Sept. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.112) to: Anna Breu
MARKEN: O.A. b. WI 1871 Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Guernsey Cattle S. 20 Liberty, Valders m. Emma Hougen Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MARKEN: Ole From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Marken Homestead Farm. Born in Norway in 1843. Came to America 1853. Wife born in America 1849. Post Office, Saint Nazianz; Section 20, Liberty Township.
MARKEN: Otis Albert m: 2 July 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.222) to: Emma Marie Houghen ******* Two more marriage licenses have been added to the June list, those of Otis A. Marken and Emma Hougen, of Liberty and Charles Bahr and Lydia Krumrie, of Centerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 26, 1902 P. 2
MARKEN: See Albert L. Hougen bio.
MARKENS: Friedrich (see Friedrich Martens) m: Friedricka Last children: Friedricka Elizabeth Johanna b: 24 Jun 1857 (co. bir. index v.2 p.91)
MARKENS: Ludwig (see Ludwig Martin) m: Sophia Schuershiem children: John Ernest Markens (b: 06 Jun 1860/co. bir. index v.2 p.167)
MARKHAM: Charlotte Hobbs b: 22 Jan. 1892, Manitowoc/conf. 31 Mar. 1910 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
MARKHAM: Henry H. m: 6 May 1868 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.12) to: Mary J. Lynch MARRIED: In this place, on the evening of May 6th at the residence of Walter Lyon Esq., by the Rev. Charles W. Wilson, Henry H. Markham Esq., of Milwaukee and Miss Mary J. Lyon of Manitowoc. A few friends assembled to witness the joining together of the parties mentioned above, in the holy bonds of matrimony. It is an impressive scene, the uniting of two lives, the welding of chains which binds two hearts in affection and love till death! And yet what more beautiful sight? Two, who have heretofore walked alone, meet, unite their fortunes and commence on a higher state of existence, where the roses of youth she their fragrance about them, and the fond smiles of hope lure them on to noble pursuits. Our friends have our warmest wishes for their success, for in the words of song, "We have known and loved them long We could not love them more," and we hope that the smiles of a kind Providence will illumine their journey and bestow on them all needful good. The Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, May 7, 1868 pg. 4
MARKHAM: Herbert L. b: Sept. 1860 in Manitowoc, WI. p: John D. and Mary (Burritt) Markham of Manitowoc, WI. m: 28 April 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.291) to: Ida Elizabeth Windiate p: Thomas and Cornelia E. (Wallace) Windiate of Manitowoc co. Children: Four daughters. Cards of invitation are out for the marriage of Herb L. Markham and Miss Ida Windiate. We have received one of the missives and will be there to witness the union of two of the best and most sensible young people of our city. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1886 P.2 ***** Items From The Pilot Files - Twenty-Five Years Ago (1886) MARRIED MARKHAM-WINDIATE J.L. Markham, Esq., and Miss Ida E. Windiate were married on Wednesday evening of this week. The ceremony was performed in the Episcopal church, Rev. Mr. Bray officiating. The little church was filled to its utmost capacity by the invited friends of the parties. After the consummation of the rites, a reception was given at the residence of the bride's parents, where the happy couple received the congratulations of numerous friends. The young couple who have agreed to travel life's journey in company, start out with the good wishes of all who know them, but the best guarantee of future happiness they have in the qualities each possesses. Mr. Markham is a young lawyer with growing practice, earnest, conscientious, and devoted to his profession. He has always been guided by high ideals and is justly popular among his associates. His bride is a young lady highly esteemed for those traits of character which mark the true lady and command respect. Among those from outside the city who were present, were Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Markham of California, Mr. and Mrs. G. Markham of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Green Bay, Mrs. Mann and daughter, Mrs. Currens, and Miss Evans of Two Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. Briggs of Wausau, Mr. W.H. and Mr. Walter Killen of Cato. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 27, 1911 pg. 1
MARKHAM: J.D. From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1888: The Markham family left this week on their annual hunt. The deer will be perfectly safe so far as J.D. is concerned. He blazes away at them but they keep on browsing just the same. see Presbyterian churches
MARKHAM: Mildred Marie b: 17 June 1895, Manitowoc/conf. 30 Mar. 1913 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
MARKHAM: N.B. m: Mary
MARKHAM: Nathan B. b: 26 April 1796, Pittsfield, Rutland co., VT/d. 22 Jan. 1882, Manitowoc
MARKHAM: Robert H m: 03 Oct 1889 (co. mar. index v.6 p.3/she is 08 Oct) to: Alice Johnston children: Louise/b: 13 Feb 1892/co. bir. index v.1-B p.35/her obit. is in cem. #44/m. Steen Marriage of Robert Markham with Miss Alice Johnston on 03 Oct. at the farm of Peter Johnston, the bride's father. Der Nord Westen, 10 Oct. 1889 ***** Robert H. Markham and Alice Johnston were married at the house of the bride's parents on Thursday Oct. 3. Mr. Markham is a young man of sterling character and with ambition and ability sufficient to win distinction in his chosen profession-the law. His bride has always been a favorite in social circles for her unfailing courtesy and generous disposition. There are few young people who start out in matrimonial life who have more hearty good wishes for a happy future. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 10, 1889 pg. 3 ***** Bert Johnson of Watersmeet was in the city last Thursday to be present at the marriage of his sister. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 10, 1889 pg. 3 ***** Local and Personal: A number of invited guests partook of a delicious supper on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Markham, north 5th street, the occasion being the eighteenth anniversary of their marriage. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 10, 1907 pg. 5
MARKHAM: See Hon. James S. Anderson bio. See KANELLOS See KAROW See KILLAN See KILLEN See Henry Sibree bio. See WINDIATE
MARKI: Franz Anton children: Franz A. (b: 08 Oct 1854/co. bir. index v.1/no mother given)
MARKI: Franz Arthur children: Aug. (b: 1856/co. bir. index v.1 p. 241/no mother given)
MARKLE: Norman Rufus m: 11 Aug 1908 to: Emma M. Brey
MARKLE: See Edward Brey, Sr. bio.
MARLAND: Frank m: 24 Apr 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.96) to: Mary Stauber
MARKOUSKI: Henry (also Markowski) m: 20 Feb. 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.368) to: Mary Nowak
MARKOWSKI: Jno. (Jno. = John) m: 14 Sep 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.366) to: Anne Nowak From Der Nord Westen, 17 Sept. 1896: Marriage Mon. of John Markoski with Miss Anna Novak.
MARKQUART: Fredrich m: Johanna Medaus children: Henry John James (b: 08 Sep 1860/co. bir. index v.2 p.148)
MARKS: Friedrich m: 9 Dec. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.227) to: Emilie F.W. Meinke
MARKS: Henry D. res: Manitowoc, farmer p: Alexander and Elizabeth Marks m: 22 Jan. 1858 at Franklin (co. mar. index v.1 p.227) to: Mathilda Tisdale p: George and Elizabeth Tisdale (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 30 Jan. 1858)
MARKS: John m: 26 Nov. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.88)
MARKS: Justine b: 21 Sept. 1854/conf. 1868 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARKS: Ludwig (see next entry..same people?) m: Christine children: Bertha Emilie (b. 4 Apr. 1860/bapt. 1 July 1860 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARKS: Ludwig (also Marx) res: Eden m: Justine Rautzke (also spelled Runtsky)(Gustine) children: Michael Ludwig (b. 29 Sept. 1861/bapt. 21 Oct. 1862/conf. 9 Apr. 1876) Anna Louise (b. 20 Mar. 1863/bapt. 19 Mar. 1865) Carl Ludwig (b. 29 Oct. 1865/confirmed 12 June 1881) Pauline Ernstine (b. 10 Nov. 1866/bapt. no date given) Louise Friederike (b. 16 Nov. 1869/bapt. 25 Dec. 1869) (record says kinder: 9 surname Stuck ) (child. info from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARKS: Michael m: 15 May 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.243) to: Mary Fritsch
MARKS: Wilhelm m: 12 July 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.94)
MARKUS: Louise (no husband listed) children: Johanna Auguste Albertine (b. 7 Dec. 1894/bapt. 31 Mar. 1895 from record of St. John's United Ch. of Christ, Manitowoc city)
MARKWADT: Friedrich b. 21 June 1857/confirmed 1871/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
MARKWARD: Friedrich (see Friedrich Markwardt) m: Johanne born Medans (probably Medaus) children: Friedrich (b. 20 June 1857/bapt. 13 Sept. 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)(co. bir. index v.2 p.89/mother Madau) Caroline Johanna Maria Sophia/b: 27 Oct 1866/p: Frederick Markwardt and Johanna Medaus/co. bir. index v.2 p.235
MARKWARD: Georg res: Manitowoc, farmer p: Friedrich & Louise (Tiedemann) Markward of Mecklenburg Schwerin m: 19 Oct. 1860, First Ger. Evang. Luth. Ch. to: Dorothea Medans p: Johann & Dorothea (Kruger) Medans of Mecklenburg Schwerin
MARKWARD: Joachim m: Dorothea Medaus children: Carolina Anna Maria/b: 28 Nov 1862/co. bir. index v.2 p.189 Charles Fred August/b: 05 Apr 1866/p: Joachim Markwardt same mother/co. bir. index v.2 p.226
MARKWARD: Vaclav m: 02 Sep 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.53) to: Emma Kratschvil
MARKWARDT: Carl m: Albertine Schwanz children: Augusta Emilie Wilhelmina (b: 16 Aug 1871/co. bir. index v.2 p.342)
MARKWARDT: Charles (Marquardt on mar. index/see Marquardt) b. WI 1866 Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Cattle, Ex-Township Supervisor S. 8 Manitowoc, Manitowoc m. Ida Habeck Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MARKWARDT: Friedrich (see Friedrich Markward/Markquart) m: Anna Medaus children: Fred August (b: 23 Aug 1861/co. bir. index v.2 p.167/father Marquart/mother same) Emma Maria Louise (b: 29 Jun 1869/co. bir. index v.1 p. 900/also v.2 p.272)
MARKWARDT: Friedrick m: Anna Mathaus children: August John Joachim Fredrick (b: 31 Jan 1871/co. bir. index v.2 p.331)
MARKWARDT: Frederick m: Johanna Medaus children: Caroline Johanna Maria Sophia (b: 27 Oct 1866/co. bir. index v.2 p.235)
MARKWARDT: Henry J. b: 8 Sept. 1860, in Manitowoc Co. p: Fritz Markwardt. m: Minnie Markwardt p: Joseph Markwardt. Children: Erna, Lilly, Selma, Melvin, and two who have passed away. From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, Dec. 28, 1912: Mr. Henry Markwardt and family of Kiel attended the funeral of Walter Markwardt Tuesday.
MARKWARDT: Joachim (see Marquardt) m: Dorothy Medaus children: Carolina Anna Maria MARKWARD (b: 28 Nov 1862/co. bir. index v.2 p.189/mother Dorothea) Charles Fred August (b: 05 Apr 1866/co. bir. index v.2 p.226)
MARKWARDT: Joachim From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, Dec. 28, 1912: Card of Thanks The undersigned herewith express their sincere thanks to kind neighbors and friends who assisted us so kindly during the illness and death of our son, Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Markwardt
MARLAND: Trank (sic) m: 24 Apr. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.96) to: Mary Stauber
MARLBOROUGH: (Divorce - 1885) Marlborough, Francis C., vs. Marlborough, Delia Married 6 October 1874 Manitowoc County. No children. Defendant is living in Chicago.
MARLBOROUGH: Frank m: 21 Oct 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.216) to: Mary Day
MARLBOROUGH: George (Malbarrangher on index) b: 04 Sep 1865/d. 05 Oct 1944 p: George Marlborough/Margaret Meade m: 01 Jun 1898 to: Mary Doolan b: 04 Oct 1876/d. 31 Mar 1964 p: Bartholomew Doolan/Sarah Watt Notes From Maple Grove: The marriage of Mr. George Marlborough of Cato and Miss Mary Doolan of Maple Grove is announced. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 26, 1898 pg. 2
MARLBOROUGH: James m: 02 Jun 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.365) to: Anna Pankratz From the Files of the Pilot – Twenty-Five Years Ago – 1896 Married at Pine Grove on Tuesday, June 2, Mr. James Mulberry and Miss Annie Pankratz. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., June 9, 1921
MARLBOROUGH: Thomas b: 6 Jan. 1862, in Cato, Manitowoc Co. p: George and Margaret (Mead) Marlborough m: 18 April 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.97) to: Margaret Gary (b. 14 Aug. 1863) (Garey on co. mar. index) p: William and Bridget (Egan) Gary children: Marie/1903-1959/married Walter Behnke/from obit in Evergreen #44 Margaret (Mrs. Joseph Daley)
MARQUARD: George m: 19 Oct. 1860 (co. mar. index v.2 p.112) to: Dorothea Medaus
MARQUARD: Heinrich m: 22 May 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.295) to: Wilhelmine J.M. Marquard
MARQUARDT: Carl m: 14 Jun 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.307) to: Ida Habeck See Charles Markwardt)
MARQUARDT: Carl W. m: 05 Jul 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.44)
MARQUARDT: Charles (Chas. on index) m: 30 Nov 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.82) to: Alvine Manke children: Leona/b: 20 Jan 1905/from her obit in cem #63/m. Sehloff) From Der Nord Westen, 30 Nov. 1899: Marriage License issued for: Chas. Marquardt of Algoma and Alvina Mahnke of Two Rivers ******* The first minor to apply for a license in this county is Chas. Marquart, whose home is at Algoma, Kewaunee Co. The young man presented a sworn statement from his father to the effect that his consent to his son's marriage was given and a license to wed Miss Alvina Mahnke of Two Rivers, was granted. A license was also issued to Otto Herwig of Two Rivers and Miss Emma Krueger of Gibson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, November 27, 1899 P.2
MARQUARDT: Frederick p: Fredrich and Anna Marquardt m: 24 Feb. 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.9) to: Fredericke Anna M. Stuck p: Carl and Sophie Stuck
MARQUARDT: Friedrick m: Maria Luebke children: Maria Sophia Christine (b: 14 Oct 1872/co. bir. index v.2 p.440)
MARQUARDT: Hermann Gottlieb Eduard b: Notzinersdorf, Pommern (age 26 at marr.) res: Manitowoc p: Johann Marquardt and Charlotte born Kusten m: 22 Nov. 1874 from record of First German Luth. ch., Manitowoc to: Bertha Emilie Marie Knak b: Kostin, Pommern (age 29 at marr.) p: Karl Gotthelf Knak and Friederike Marie Wilhelmine born Kusten
MARQUARDT: Joachim (see Joachim Markwardt) m: Dorothea Medau children: Wilhelmine Johanna Maria (b: 13 May 1865/co. bir. index v.2 p.377/mother Dorothea Madaus) Wilhelm Fritz Heinrich (b: 08 May 1871/co. bir. index v.2 p.394/mother Dorothy Medaus) Louis Friedrick Heinrich (b: 11 Nov 1872/co. bir. index v.2 p.440)
MARQUARDT: Richard m: 29 Oct 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.172) to: Dora Liebert From Der Nord Westen, 03 Nov. 1892: Marriage of Richard Marquart of Milwaukee, with Dora Liebert, daughter of Fritz Liebert, by Justice of the Peace O'Hara. Festivities lasted until the following morning.
MARQUARDT: John Friedrich Wilhelm m: 05 Sep 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.114) to: Emilie Anna Hermine Dummer
MARQUARDT: (also have Marguardt/Marquedt) See DALLMANN See RYAN
MARQUART: Ferd. F. m: 10 Dec 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.180) to: Wilhelmine F. Ladwig From Der Nord Westen, 15 Dec. 1892: Marriage of Fritz Marquart with Miss Minna Ladwig, both from Manitowoc, last Sat., 10 Dec. by Pastor Machmueller. The ceremony was held in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ladwig on Main Street.
MARREN: Joseph Edward m: 25 Dec 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.68)
MARSCH: Frederick m: 08 Oct 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.54) to: Josepa Peterson From Der Nord Westen, 09 Oct. 1890: Marriage of Fr. Marsch with Miss Josephine Peterson, both of Manitowoc, yesterday, 08 Oct. in the home of the bride's sister in Branch by Justice of the Peace David Sheldon.
MARSCHALEK: Wenzel From Der Nord Westen, 01 June 1893: Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Marschalek will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 11 June in Tisch Mills.
MARSCHEL: Daniel m: Elisabeth Fulk (also Lisabetha Falk) children: Friedrich (b. 14 Jan. 1868/bapt. 26 Apr. 1868 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville) George Edward (b. 16 July 1870/bapt. 31 July 1870 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARSCHICEK: John m: 27 Dec. 1864 (co. mar. index v.3 p.4) to: Anna Kosinek
MARSH: Trueman m: Emma Gritt children: Heinrich Georg (b. 5 Dec. 1880 in Milwaukee, Wis./bapt. 18 July 1881 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARSHALEK: C. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Hotel and Saloonkeeper. Post Office, Tisch Mills; Section 5, Mishicot Township.
MARSHALL: Charles Morice m: Rose Costello children: Chester B./b: 18 Feb 1900 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.344)
MARSHALL: Frederick A. (came to Manitowoc from Kenosha, Wis. May, 1855) m: Mary B.
MARSHICEK: Jos. m: 10 Apr 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.399) to: Josephine Hynek
MARSKI: Anthony m: 23 Feb. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.265) to: Theresia Hally
MARTELLE: Napoleon p: Michael Martelle and Henrietta Martelle m: 3 Sept. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.168) to: Elizabeth Varaneau p: Lazare Varaneau and Henrietta Varaneau
MARTEN: See BRAUN See MARTENS See Otto Stoelting bio.
MARTENS: F. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Martens Stock and Dairy Farm. Born in Germany 1850. Wife born in America 1855. Married in 1880. Settled farm in 1880. Two children. Post Office, Branch; Section 31, Kossuth Township.
MARTENS: Fredrick m: 11 Oct 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.169 to: Mathilde A. Schmitz
MARTENS: Friedrich m: Caroline Baedecker children: Hermann Frederich Martens (b: 28 Apr 1860/co. bir. index v.2 p.144)
MARTENS: Friedrich m: 28 Jan. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.140) to: Barbara Karl
MARTENS: Friedrich (also Marten/Markens)(this family later moved to Kewaunee co. Wis.) m: Friederike born Last children: Friederike Elisabeth Johanne (b. 24 June 1857/bapt. 12 Oct. 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
MARTENS, H. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Farm , Produce, Flour, and Feed. Main and Marshall streets, South Side.
MARTENS: Heinrich m: 21 June 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.135) to: Wilhelmine Haupt ******* MARTENS—HAUPT – At Manitowoc, Wis. By Carl H. Paulus, justice of the peace, on Thursday, June 21, 1883, Mr. Henry Martens and Miss Minnie Haupt, both of Manitowoc.
MARTENS: Henry m: 20 Sept. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.178) to: Emma Lessing Marriage License obtained: Henry Marten and Emma Lessing both of Two Rivers Der Nord Westen, 12 Sep. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: County Clerk Schaffland has issued the following marriage licenses: …Henry Martin of Manitowoc, to Emma Lessing of Two Rivers… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 19, 1901 pg. 1 ***** Henry Martens and Miss Emma Lessing were married at Two Rivers last Friday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 26, 1901 pg. 5 ***** Henry Martens and Miss Emma Lessing were married at Two Rivers last Friday. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 26, 1901 P. 5
MARTENS: Henry m: 3 Nov. 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.18) to: Clara Ringer Marriage License obtained Henry Martens and Clara Ringer both of Two Rivers Der Nord Westen, 18 Oct. 1906 ******** Last Saturday afternoon, Mr. Henry Mertens(sic) and Miss Clara Renier of this city, were married by Justice Joseph Schroeder. The weddiing took place at the home of the groom and after the nuptial knot had been tied, the union was duly celebrated by the friends and relatives of the united couple. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Renier of the Eastside. Two Rivers Reporter, Sat., Nov. 10, 1906
MARTENS: Herman b: 11 Dec. 1823, in Holstein, Germany m: 1856 to: Sophia Kansier children: 2 sons, 3 dau.
MARTENS: Hermann b: County Holstein, Europe p: Henry and Margaretha Martens m: registered 14 July 1856 (co. mar. index v.1 p.122) to: Sophie Cansia p: Daniel and Carolina Cansia
MARTENS: Joachim m: 3 Sept. 1868 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.16)
MARTENS: Joachim (the sequence no. puts this marriage in 1868 Marriage Date: ?? Jul 18?? Vol:02 Page:0042 Vol:A Sequence:10067 to: Ernstine W Renzberg Marriage Date: ?? Jul 18?? Vol:02 Page:0042 Vol:A Sequence:10068
MARTENS: Joachim m: 17 July 1880 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.166) to: Catharine M. Reimers
MARTENS: Joseph m: 27 Feb 1897 to: Ida Kubel From Der Nord Westen, 04 Mar. 1897: Marriage in Two Rivers on Sat., of Joseph Martens with Miss Ida Kubel.
MARTENS: Louis Bernhard m: 5 Aug. 1899 (co. index v.7 p.62) to: Augusta Rietzow ******** Marriage licenses have been issued to Louis Martens and Miss Augusta Rietzow, both of Two Rivers, and to Hugo Pantzgram (sic) and Miss Tillie Heidorf, of this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, August 1, 1899 P. 2
MARTENS: See BREY See BROWN See EGGERT See MARTIN See MILL See Mrs. Christina (Groelle) Schmitz bio. See WOERFEL See ZANDER
MARTIN: no first name (Lycurgus) m: 4 Oct. 1867 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.21) to: no first name (Flora) Knapp MARRIED: On the 7th of Oct., 1867, at the residence of the bride's father, D.B. Knapp, Esq., by Rev. T.B. Dooley, Mr. Lycurgus Martin, of Fond du Lac, and Miss Flora F. Knapp, of Clark's Mills. The Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, October 10, 1867 pg. 4
MARTIN: August m: 12 Sept. 1864 (co. mar. index v.2 p.231)
MARTIN: Augustin m: 12 Sept. 1864 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.161) to: Sophie Verboncolur
MARTIN: Francis E m: 07 Jul 1908 to: Maggy C. Strauss
MARTIN: Franz m: Philippina Wagner children: Henry (b: 23 May 1862/co. bir. index v.2 p.178)
MARTIN: George J. m: 29 Oct. 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.17) to: Emma Gagnon Marriage License obtained Geo. H. Martin and Emma Gagnon both of Two Rivers Der Nord Westen, 25 Oct. 1906 ******** At St. Luke's Church, Monday morning, 6:30 o'clock by Rev. Father Geissler, pastor, Mr. George Martin and Miss Emma Gagnon were united in marriage in the presence of a few friends and relatives. After the marriage ceremony was completed a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents and at 7:30 the happy young couple left on the train for Milwaukee for a wedding journey. The bride is a daughter of Honorable and Mrs. James Gagnon, well known and highly esteemed residents of this city. She is an amiable and popular young lady. The groom is one of the owners and the manager of the local telephone system. He is a steady and sturdy young man and is thought well of by all who know him. The Reporter extends hearty congratulations. The Reporter, Sat., Nov. 3, 1906
MARTIN: Johann b: 31 Mar. 1843 at Zober Pommern res: Morrison, Brown Co., WI p: David Felbaum and Charlotte Spiering m: 2 Oct. 1865 to: Susanna Natzke b: 19 Feb. 1847 at Wawatousa, Milwaukee Co. WI res: Morrison, Brown Co., WI p: Johann Georg Natzke and Henriette Wendt
MARTIN: Ludwig (also Martens/Markens)(this family later moved to Kewaunee co., Wis.) m: Johanne Schnurstein children: Auguste Dorothea Friederike (b. 6 July 1855/bapt. 25 Dec. 1855 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)(co. bir. index v.2 p.66/mother Schuerhein) Rose Caroline Fredericke (b. 23 Sept. 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.) (co. bir. index v.2 p.167/Martens on co. bir. index/mother Sophia Schuershiem) Johann Ernst August (b. 6 June 1860 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
MARTIN: Peter m: 1 June 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.83) to: Johanne Elis M Dehn
MARTIN: Samuel b: 1808, Canada/d. ca. 1858 m: Anna Bethune b: 1813, Canada or Scotland/d. 25 Dec. 1893
MARTINEK: John m: 15 Jan. 1865 (co. mar. index v.3 p.5) to: Francisca Halama
MARTINS: Christian m: 28 June 1878 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.145) to: Theresia Schultz
MARTINS: See CASH See HOOP See KRASE See MILL See Fred Wilke bio.
MARTTENSEN: Martin Joh. m: 28 Jun 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.105) to: Augusta Math. Schjold
MARTUK: Daniel m: 19 Nov. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.77) to: Ellen Cronin
MARTZ: Charles m: 6 Oct. 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.263) to: Amelia Byrestorff Items From The Pilot Files - Twenty-Five Years Ago (1885) MARRIED: Martz-Byrestorff - At the residence of the bride's parents, in the town of Maple Grove, by John Hickey, Justice of the Peace, Oct. 6th, 1885, Mr. Charles Martz of Brown county and Miss Amelia Byrestorff of Maple Grove. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 13, 1910 pg. 1
MARTZ: Ferd m: 25 Nov. 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.379) to: Ida Fredrich
MARTZ: Friedrich H.J. (looks like Morty on index) m: 27 Apr 1906 (co. mar. index v.7 p.436) to: Bertha J.L. Bubolz
MARX: Bertha b: 13 Apr. 1860/conf. 9 Apr. 1876 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARX: Emilie b: 1 Jan. 1858/conf. 9 Apr. 1876 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARX: Francisens m: Maria Dullen children: Franziska b: 26 May 1869 (co. bir. index v.1 p. 874)
MARX: Johann m: Johanna Grozinger children: Francis b: 23 Jul 1863/mother Grotzinger (co. bir. index v.1 p. 533) John b: 27 Sep 1864/mother Grotzinger (co. bir. index v.1 p. 611) Alois b: 25 Nov 1868 (co. bir. index v.1 p.841) Friedrich L. b: 02 Oct 1866/father John Gottfried Marx, mother Grotzinger (co. bir. index v.1 p. 724)
MARX: Karl Ludwig (may be Ludwig Marks) m: Justine Rutke children: Wilhelm August (b. 19 May 1871/bapt. 25 June 1871 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARX: Louis m: 28 Mar 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.292) to: Lucy Thilke
MARX: Ludwig m: Gustine nee Rautzke children: (9 Stuck/from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARX: Ludwig m: Justina children: Justina (b: 21 Dec 1854/co. bir. index v.1)
MARX: Peter m: 27 June 1880 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.165) to: Hanna Schneider
MARX: also have Marks See AHL See SCHNEIDER
MARZ: Hermann m: Mathilde Birkholz children: Albert Friedr. August (b. 1 Feb. 1881 in Maple Grove/bapt. 20 Feb. 1881 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MARZ: Joseph m: Dorothea Tandon children: Maria (b: 23 Jul 1871/co. bir. index v.2 p.317)
MASHEK: See August C. Voshardt bio.
MASHER: Charles L. m: 10 Feb 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.111) to: Anne E. Fulton
MASIL: Francis Marriage Date: 28 Feb 1889 Vol:01 Page:0078 Vol:A Sequence:09941 to: Rosania Siskowetz Marriage Date: 28 Feb 1889 Vol:01 Page:0078 Vol:A Sequence:09942
MASMAN: J P (sequence number puts this in 1867 Marriage Date: ?? --- 18?? Vol:02 Page:0004 Vol:A Sequence:10023 to: Margaretha Stueba Marriage Date: ?? --- 18?? Vol:02 Page:0004 Vol:A Sequence:10024 Have a John P. Masemann in v.4 p.1, 1867
MASMAN: John P. m: 8 May 1865 (co. mar. index v.2 p.280) to: Maggie Neuman
MASMANN: John m: 8 Nov. 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.375) to: Marg Mittnacht
MASON: Alphius p: Leonard & Christina Mason m: Mary Mason p: Jared & Catherine Mason children: Mary Winifred/b: 18 Jun 1881 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.386
MASON: Bryan m: 1 July 1865 (co. mar. index v.3 p.19) to: Abbie Sophia Watts children: Ida Miranda (b. 28 Jan. 1866/bapt. 13 Apr. 1879 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Sarah Isabelle (b. 5 Jan. 1868/bapt. 13 Apr. 1879 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Married: In Branch village, on the 1st inst., by Wm. Eatough, Esq., Mr. Bryan Mason to Miss Abby Watts. Manitowoc Pilot Friday, July 21, 1865 pg. 1 ***** MEETS DEATH AT GRADE CROSSING Mrs. Abbie Mason, Former Resident Here, Killed at Neenah Death came as the end to a day that had been made happy by joyous memories for Mrs. Abbie Mason, a former Manitowoc resident at Neenah Monday, Mrs. Mason having fallen victim to the railway grade crossing, being run down and instantly killed. The accident happened early Monday evening when Mrs. Mason was returning to her home after spending the day with her son in recalling the forty second anniversary of her marriage day. Mrs. Mason who was 65 and the widow of the late Byron Mason, a pioneer of this county and for years a blacksmith at Branch, was killed on the Forest Avenue crossing of the Northwestern at Neenah by a north bound train out of the city. She failed to hear the approach of the train and was killed instantly. A family of four sons and three daughters survive Mrs. Mason, whose body may be brought to this city for burial. The sons are: William and Fred, Neenah, Eugene, formerly of this city, now in the West, and Floyd and the daughters, Mrs. F.W. Meinest, Manitowoc, Mrs. Charles Mason and Miss Edith of Neenah. Manitowoc Daily Herald, July 2, 1907 page 1
MASON: Bryan b: Benthan, England res: Manitowoc Rapids, blacksmith p: Miles and Mary Mason m: 27 Sept. 1856 at Manitowoc Rapids (co. mar. index v.1 p.135) to: Nancy Guyon p: Thomas and Hanah White children: Mary Ellen (b. 6 Mar. 1861/bapt. 27 Apr. 1879 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Nancy Holmes (b. 17 July 1864/bapt. 27 Apr. 1879 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) DIED: In Branch Village, on the 21st of July, '64, Nancy, wife of Mr. Bryan Mason, aged 37 years. Manitowoc Pilot Friday, August 5, 1864 pg. 1
MASON: Bryon m: 24 Dec. 1864 (co. mar. index v.2 p.272) to: Elsie A. Lawerence
MASON: Charlie F. m: 14 Oct 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.113) to: Florenza Hommont
MASON: Eugene Herbert m: 17 Oct 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.129) to: Emma Cisler ******** CISLER-MASON. A quiet wedding was soleminized at the parsonage of the M.E. Church this morning, the contracting parties being Miss Emma Cisler and Eugene Mason, both residents of Francis Creek. Rev. Hooton officiated at the ceremony and only the witnessess were present. The groom is one of the successful school teachers of the county and is well known in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Mason departed for a wedding trip after which they will reside at Francis Creek. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, October 17, 1900 P. 1 ***** Eugene Herbert Mason/Emma Cisler Cupid's Busy Week At The Office Of County Clerk The past week was a busy one for cupid at the county clerk's office. Sixteen couples sought the needed papers to permit them to enter the marriage state. The names follow:… H.E. Mason, Emma Cisler, Francis Creek;… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 18, 1900 pg. 1 ***** Francis Creek: H.E. Mason and Miss Emma Cisler were married on Wednesday by the Rev. William Hooten. The groom has been a school teacher in the county for the last six years. The bride is a daughter of Joseph M. Cisler of Kossuth. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 18, 1900 pg. 8
MASON: George m: 30 Jul 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.287) to: Bertha Coney (*note: not on index) ******** There was a revival of business in the marriage license department Saturday, three permits being issued during the day. The happy couples were Frank Klingelsen, Rapids and Theresa Zipperra, Cato; George Mason and Bertha Coney, Rockland; Knud Erickson and Pauline Espen, city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, July 27, 1903 P. 2
MASON: Isaach m: 21 Oct. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.97) to: Evelyn A Flagg Married at Cato, on the 21st day of October, 1875, by the Rev. John Paterson, Mr. Isaiah Mason and Miss Evelyn A. Flagg, both of Cato. Manitowoc Tribune, Thurs., Oct. 28, 1875
MASON: Marcus m: 4 Apr. 1879 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.142)
MASON: Peter b. Walworth County, WI 1863 Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Guernsey Cattle and White Leghorn Chickens, S. 25 Cato, Manitowoc, 1898 m: 03 Jul 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.169) to: Nellie Maria Hanson (Nelia on mar. index) Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MASON: Rufus b: Jefferson Co., N.Y. res: Tn. Cato, farmer p: Jared and Margret Mason m: 16 May 1858 in Tn. Cato, Mtwc. Co. (co. mar. index v.1 p.231) to: Rody Armina Bernard p: S. and Ruth Bernard
MASON: Walter C. (age 36 at marr.) res: Joliet, Ill. p: J.H. and Ellan Mason m: 6 Oct. 1923 at Manitowoc, Wis., St. James Episc. ch. wit: Chastine Mason, Lucyle Harvey to: Myrtle E. Mullen (age 30 at marr.) res: Joliet Ill. p: Sylvester Ford
MASS: Frank m: 4 Mar. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.183) to: Augusta Winkelmann
MASS: Harold C. (age 24 at marr.) res: Manitowoc p: Wm. and Anna Mass of Hartford, Wis. m: 2 Aug. 1923 at Manitowoc, St. James Epis. ch. wit: Alice Schroeder, Marvin A. Mass to: Clarice Schroeder of Manitowoc (age 20 at marr.) p: John and Marie Schroeder of Manitowoc
MASS: (also have Masz) See FREISL See MEINKE
MASSIE: Jesse Fletcher m: 24 Aug 1908 to: Louise Suhase ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Jesse Massie of Oregon and Louise Seehase of this city. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 20, 1908 pg. 8
MASSIMANN: Gottlieb m: 24 Mar. 1868 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.11) to: Catherine Goetz
MASSMANN: John P. m: no dates given (co. mar. index. v.4 p.1)
MASSMANN: John P. m: 14 May 1865 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.6) to: Marg Neumann
MASSMANN: Peter m: 26 Jun 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.413) to: Rosalie M. Mecha
MASSMANN: Peter m: 29 Oct. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.189) to: Margaretha Meyer Marriage License obtained: Peter Massmann and Maggie Meyer both of Kossuth Der Nord Westen, 31 Oct. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: …Peter Massmann of Kossuth to Maggie Meyer of Kossuth… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 31, 1901 pg. 1
MASSON: B Marriage Date: 05 May 1867 Vol:02 Page:0004 Vol:A Sequence:10027 to: Johanna Ehlinger Marriage Date: 05 May 1867 Vol:02 Page:0004 Vol:A Sequence:10028
MASTALIR: Frank Joseph m: 16 Aug 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.5) to: Mary Rosa Tachetsky City and County: Mr. Joseph Mastalers (sic) and Miss Rosa Petska (sic), both of this city, were married on Tuesday of this week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 18, 1898 pg. 3 ******** (Note: In her obituary in Evergreen cemetery, her maiden name is Tachetsky)
MASTALIR: John m: 9 Aug. 1863 (co. mar. index v.2 p.252) to: Anna Langer
MASTERS: James A. res: Two Rivers m: 12 June 1862 (co. mar. index v.2 p.145) to: Mary A. Attwood res: Two Rivers (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 19 June 1862/Mastens in the newspaper) ***** MARRIED. At Two Rivers, Wis., June 12th by Rev. W. McFar??n?. Mr. Jas A. Masters and Miss Mary A. Attwood, both of Two Rivers. Manitowoc Tri Weekly Tribune, Saturday, June 14, 1862 P. 6
MATCZYNSKI: Francis m: 10 May 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.402) to: Mary Ziarnik
MATEJOVIC: John m: 23 May 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.95) to: Anna Neidel
MATEYSIK: Joseph m: 23 Apr 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.411) to: Julianna Glovnski
MATEK: Edwin From Der Nord Westen, 11 Feb. 1909: The engagement has been announced recently of Edwin Matek and Louise Dobbert.
MATEK: Jacob J. m: 14 Feb 1885 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.235) to: Bertha Kurth A wedding next Saturday evening at seven o'clock-that's what those pretty invitations mean that are out now in which Jacob Matek's name occurs as one of the main actors. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 P.6 ****** The wedding of Mr. Jacob Matik and Miss Bertha Kurth on Saturday last was a very pleasant affair. The ceremony was performed in the morning by Rev. Father Peil at the home of the bride's parents the reception occuring in the evening. The young couple received many nice and substatial (sic) presents and the warmest congratulations from the hosts of friends present. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 17, 1885 P.2
MATEK: Joseph m: 7 Jan. 1880 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.163) to: Mary Schulz
MATHAEUS: Friedrich From Der Nord Westen, 24 Sep. 1903: Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich Mathaeus observed their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sat. with relatives and many friends.
MATHAEUS: William b: Town of Rhine, Sheboygan County - Merchant and grain dealer in Kiel p: Jacob Mathaeus and Friederike Lindow m: 24 Mar 1892 in civil ceremony, Kiel (co. mar. index. v.6 p.144) to: Mary Meinert b: Born New Holstein, Calumet County p: Peter Meinert and Catharina Stoeves Photo Mary's family
MATHEAUS: Havlovec Marriage Date: 01 Nov 1891 Vol:04 Page:0208 Vol:A Sequence:10951 to: Elizabeth Cizek Marriage Date: 01 Nov 1891 Vol:04 Page:0208 Vol:A Sequence:10952
MATHES: Anton m: 6 Aug. 1871 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.53) to: Agnes Cermack
MATHES: Friedrich m: 17 Sept. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.102) to: Auguste Frenz
MATHES: George m: 27 Dec. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.139) to: Jessie Krieger
MATHES: Herman m: 10 Aug 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.8) to: Ida Messmann
MATHES: Willie b. WI 1870 Brookdale Dairy Farm, S. 4 Schleswig, Kiel m. Martha Scur Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MATHESON: Adolph m: 30 Oct 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.18) to: Annie Heiser Notes From Cooperstown: The marriage of Miss Heiser and Mr. Mateson (sic) took place Oct. 23 (sic). A wedding reception held at the home of the bride, was attended by a large circle of invited guests, who thoroughly enjoyed the festivities. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, November 1, 1906 P. 8
MATHESON: Anton m: 23 Jun 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.357) to: Maggie Rebachek children: Oliver Laurence/b: 6 Mar 1902 (co. bir. index v.1-C p.152) From the Files of the Pilot – Twenty-Five Years Ago – 1896 Mr. Anton Matheson and Miss Maggie Rebachek of Gibson were married on the 23rd of June, 1896 by John A. Smith, Justice of the Peace Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs. June 30, 1921
MATHESON: Otto m: 14 Feb 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.394) to: Martha J. Rick
MATHEWS: Friedrich m: Maria (nee) Eberhard children: Ernst Johann (b. 11/21/1884/bapt. 12/22/1884 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHEWS: Friedrich A. m: 19 Sept. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.133) to: Mary S. Eberhardt
MATHEWS: John From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Born in Germany 1819. Wife born in Germany 1822. Settled in Wisconsin 1852. Post Office, Newtonburgh; Section 20, Newton Township.
MATHEY: Benj. A. m: 26 Nov. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.162) to: Bertha Pries
MATHIAS: Carl m: 29 June 1870 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.38) to: Emilie Haeger
MATHIAS: Heinrich From Der Nord Westen, 21 May 1896: Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich Mathias celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on 10 May. They were formerly from Sheboygan, but for many years now they have resided in Town Liberty. Many friends and relatives from both counties joined the celebration. He is 50, she is 44.
MATHIAS: John W. m: 5 Nov. 1865 (co. mar. index v.3 p.15) to: Ida Freund
MATHIAS: Martin m: 21 May 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.116) to: Mathilda Koenig
MATHIASON: Mathias m: 12 July 1871 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.47)
MATHIASON: Peter m: 15 May 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.403) to: Caroline Johanna Eikaas
MATHIES: August A.W. m: 28 Nov. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.97) to: Anna M.W. Piper
MATHIESEN: Anton H. m: 23 Oct 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.57) to: Mina A. Knudson
MATHIESEN: Charles b: 22 Jun 1874/d. 30 Jun 1962 m: 11 Nov. 1901 at Kewaunee, Wis. to: Minnie Schroeder b: 1881/d. 09 Apr 1967 Two Rivers: Chas. Mathieson of Two Creeks and Miss Minnie Schroeder of Carlton have been granted a marriage license. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 14, 1901 pg. 8 ***** Nero: Charles Mathiesen of Two Creeks, and Miss Minnie Schroeder of Carlton were married Tuesday by the Rev. Berkholtz of Kewaunee. After the ceremony a most enjoyable time was had at the home of the bride. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 14, 1901 pg. 8
MATHIESEN: J D Marriage Date: 15 Apr 1866 Vol:01 Page:0157 Vol:A Sequence:10011 to: Katharine Scherer Marriage Date: 15 Apr 1866 Vol:01 Page:0157 Vol:A Sequence:10012
MATHIESEN: Johann confirmed: 22 Apr. 1883 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHIESEN: Lars (also Matthison) b: Norway res: Manitowoc Rapids, farmer p: Mathis Christensen and Asberg Michalsdtr. m: 10 Feb. 1854 at Maple Grove (co. mar. index v.1 p.32) to: Rosine Hommel b: Germany p: Georg Hommel and Barbra Meyer children: Magdalen Anderine (b: 19 Aug 1869/v.2 p.1/father Lars Matthison)
MATHIESEN: Lina confirmed: 22 Apr. 1883 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHIESEN: Mathias m: 11 Jan. 1858 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.38) to: Margaretha Erikson
MATHIESEN: Richard m: 11 Sep 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.266) to: Agnes Bantosch Married Richard Mathiesen and Miss Agnes Bartosh, both of this place were married on Tuesday, Sept. 11th, 1894 by Rev. Kabat of Tisch Mills. Mr. Mathiesen's exemplification of an honest, young and energetic man is worthy of imitation. His manly ways, his sterling character and undoubted worth have won for him a bright, young and attractive partner. They have the wishes for a happy and a prosperous life of their numerous friends. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., Sept. 18, 1894
MATHISAN: George D. m: 1 Dec. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.89) to: Martha Betts
MATHISEN: Barbara confirmed: 18 Apr. 1869 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISEN: Johan Daniel (co. mar. index, John Daniel) b: Denmark res: Manitowoc p: Conrad Mathisen and Margarethe Holzen m: 15 April 1866, First Ger. Evang. Luth. Ch. (co. mar. index, v.3 p.86) to: Katharine Scherer b: Hessen Darmstadt p: Jacob Scherer and Elisabeth Achenbach
MATHISEN: Lars b: 18 Dec. 1814 in Norway. m: 11 Feb. 1854 to: Rosine Hummel. (also Rosina) children: 7 dau., 4 sons. Maria Dorothea (b. 5/5/1865/bapt. 7/16/1865/mother Rosina/from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISEN: Lars m: Rosine (nee) Hommel children: Johan August (b. 11/2/1870/bapt. 11/4/1870 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISEN: Lewis b: 28 Nov. 1866 in Manitowoc Rapids Township, Manitowoc Co. Farmer and Breeder of High Grade Guernsey Cattle, S. 32 Manitowoc Rapids p: Lars, (b. 1814 in Norway) and Rosina (Hummel) Mathisen (b. 1838 in Germany) now from Manitowoc Rapids Township, Manitowoc Co. m: None listed. children: Reared two boys, Oscar and Edward Ulness. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Silver Creek Farm. Born 1866. Father born in Norway 1814. Mother born in Germany 1838. Married in 1854. Ten children, all born on same farm. Post Office, Alverno; Section 32, Manitowoc Rapids Township.
MATHISEN: Loui confirmed: 1 Apr. 1881 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISEN: Mathilde confirmed: 4 May 1873 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISEN: Also have Mathissen See BREMER
MATHISON: Lars m: Rosina (nee) Hummel children: Ludwig Johann Christian (b. 11/28/1866/bapt. 12/6/1866 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISON: Lars m: Rosine (nee) Hommel children: Magdeline Anderine (b. 8/19/1869/bapt. 11/15/1869 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISON: Lars m: Rosa children: John August (b: 02 Nov 1870/co. bir. index v.2 p.298)
MATHISSEN: Amalie confirmed: 11 Apr. 1878 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISSEN: Anton Marcus (From records of the Gibson Norwegian Evang. Luth. Ch.) b: Town of Gibson, Manitowoc co., age 25 1/4 at time of marriage p: Ole and Olivia Mathea Mathissen m: 23 Oct. 1890 at house of Ole Knudsen, Gibson, Manitowoc co. to: Miss Agnethe Knudsen b: 17 Mar. 1872 in Town Gibson, Manitowoc co. p: Ole and Anne Knudsen
MATHISSEN: Anton (From records of the Gibson Norwegian Evang. Luth. Ch.) m: Mina children: Arthur Owen/b. 30 July 1892/bp. 24 Aug. 1892
MATHISSEN: Anton (From records of the Gibson Norwegian Evang. Luth. Ch.) m: Magie/Magretha children: Lila Olivia/b. 18 Apr. 1897/bp. 5 June 1897/mother Magie Norman Oskar/b. 28 Aug. 1898/bp. 9 Oct. 1898/mother Magretha
MATHISSEN: Auguste confirmed: 21 Mar. 1875 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISSEN: Georg confirmed: 21 Mar. 1875 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISSEN: Maria confirmed: 11 Apr. 1878 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATHISSON: Mathias m: 12 Jul 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.47) to: Dorothea S.C. Stahl
MATICZEK: Adam m: 2 Jan. 1866 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.7) to: Mary Radow
MATIEJAWITZ: Anton m: 24 Feb. 1870 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.35) to: Barbara Ruska
MATIEJAWITZ: also have Matyowitz
MATIJOWITZ: John m: 27 Jan 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.140) to: Anna Ulada
MATOWIEJSKI: Alfonso John m: 03 Nov 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.279) to: Mary Fruzyna
MATSON: Andreas m: 23 Jul 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.308) to: Bertha Christel
MATT: George Will m: 12 Apr. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.92) to: Jenni L Clark
MATT: Weldon m: 18 Oct. 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.242) to: Annie Skarda
MATTE: Jsiclor m: 4 Feb. 1858 (co. mar. index v.2 p.207) to: Mary Kubsch
MATTECK: August m: 2 Jan 1880 (from newspaper) to: Catherine Schulz In the Two Creeks news section. Dated Jan. 14, 1880. The marriage season was opened on Wednesday last, by Mr. August Matteck of this town who took to himself for better or worse Miss Catharine (sic) daughter of J. Schulz of the town of Mishicott. The young couple have many well-wishers and they start on life's journey with pleasant prospects. They contemplate removing to Wood county soon. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 22, 1880 P. 3
MATTECK: Aug. m: 13 Oct. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.143) to: Minnie Last 1900 Two Creeks census: August Mattek b. June 1859 age 40, mar. 17 yr.; wife Minnie b.Aug. 1863 age 36 m. 17 yr.; Annie b. Oct.1885 age 14; John b.May 1887 age 13; Lilly b.Dec. 1892 age 8; Ella b.May 1897 age 3
MATTEK: John m: 23 Jun 1908 to: Celia Riha
MATTER: Louis b: Plymouth, Sheboygan County –workman p: Ludwig Matter and Maria Peider m: 30 Mar 1891 in Reformed Church, Kiel (co. mar. index v.6 p.84 also v.6 p.88) Witnesses Adam Reichert and Henrich Reichert to: Anna Haenel (Haensel/Hanel) b: Kiel p: Paul Haensel and Christine Reichert children: Clara Ann Matter b. 29 June 1892, who married Carl Pichler. Anna Hanel is in cemetery #84.
MATTER: Louis m: 21 Oct 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.171) to: Magdalena Stieven (family member says this is Louis Matter m. Magdalena Steuven(s)/Stueven(s))
MATTER: Louis m: Lena Stueven children: Louis/b: 24 Apr 1903 (co. bir. index v.1-B p.348)
MATTERS: Martin m: 30 Oct. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.97) to: Caroline Peteke
MATTES: George Ferd. m: 6 July 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.337) to: Maria P. Zorn Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses were issued by County Clerk Schaffland during the week: George Mattes of Schleswig and Mary Zorn of Schleswig. Manitowoc Pilot June 30, 1904 pg. 1 ***** Notes From Kiel: On Wednesday last Miss Mary Zorn and Mr. Geo. Mattes, both of the town of Schleswig, were joined in holy matrimony. Our hearty congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, July 14, 1904 pg. 8
MATTES: Herman A. (see following entry) b: 2 Nov. 1882, in Schleswig, Manitowoc Co. p: Philip Mattes m: 10 July 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.5) to: Minnie Duecker (Anna E. on co. mar. index) p: H.W. and Eliza (Stark)Duecker children: Lillie, Lester, and Philip and Henry (twins) Wedding photo From Der Nord Westen, 05 July 1906: Marriage License obtained Hermann Mattes of Collins and Minnie Duecker of Schleswig ******* Herman Mattes (1883-1914) and Minnie Duecker (1884-1942). Minnie was the only child of Henry J. Duecker (1858-1911) and Caroline Eliza Stark (1860-1911). (From Bob Domagalski)
MATTES: Herman A. (see above entry) m: 10 July 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.5) to: Anna E. Duecker
MATTES: John (Johann on co. mar. index) b: 24 April 1872, in Schleswig, Manitowoc Co. p: Philip and Julia (Reichart) Mattes. m: 16 Jan. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.87) to: Annie Lawrence (Annie on co. mar. index) p: Warren and Sophia (Ohloff) Lawrence. children: Roland, Evaline, Armie, Melitta, Ovalla. Evelyn K Mattes: (b. 08 Aug 1902/d. Aug. 1975/married Elmer Deffke/from obit that is with her marriage in marriages, this site.)
MATTES: Ph. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Rockville Stock and Grain Farm. Born in Germany 1839. Wife born in Germany 1849. Married in 1868. Settled farm in 1866. Post Office, Kiel; Section 21, Schleswig Township.
MATTES: Wilhelm m: 11 Aug 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.6) to: Martha Seir
MATTHES: Philip, Jr. m: in Kiel to: Clara Best From Der Nord Westen, 07 Jan. 1897: (From the correspondent in Kiel, 05 Jan.) Marriage in Kiel of Philip Matthes Jr., with Miss Clara Best. The couple is off to Reseburg, Clark County, to make their home.
MATTHEUS: Franziska confirmed: 29 Apr. 1866 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATTHEUS: Friedrich August confirmed: 10 Apr. 1864 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATTHEUS: Luise confirmed: 5 Apr. 1868 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATTHEWS: Charles b: 25 July 1846, in Germany. m: 17 Mar. 1870 to: Anna Christiansen. children: Three dau.
MATTHIAS: Heinrich m: Maria nee Siebert children: Edwin Louis (b. 25 June 1892/bapt. 24 July 1892/sponsors: Ludwig Pleuss, Christian Bihn, Mrs. Joachim Schultz. Maria Ida Carolina (b. 30 July 1894 in Tn. Liberty/bapt 1 Aug 1894/year might be 1895/ sponsors: Karl Krueger, Ida Schultz) (from Trinity Lutheran ch. records, Liberty twp.)
MATTHIES: August A.W. m: 28 Nov 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.97) to: Anna M. W. Peper See MATTHIS
MATTHIES: Earl G. Photo Courtesy of the Two Rivers Historical Society
MATTHIES: Fred m: 30 Oct. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.215) to: Margaret Zinn children: Charles Frederick/b: 19 Mar 1888 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.416) Julia Lydia/b: 12 Aug 1894 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.421) Martin Frederick/b: 24 Jun 1896 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.426) Solomon Bernhardt/b: 13 Feb 1901 (co. bir. index v.1-A p.431) (From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Nov. 4, 1884): Married - Matthies-Zinn - Mr. Fred Matthies and Margaret Zinn, both of this city, on Oct. 30, at the German Evangelical Church of this city by the Rev. J.L. Runkel.
MATTHIES: Fred m: 17 Jan. 1903, St. Johns United Church, Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.7 p.258) to: Mary Mueller Marriage License obtained Fred Mathies of Sheboygan and Mary Mueller of Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, 08 Jan. 1903 ***** County Clerk Schaffland has issued the following marriage licenses: Fred Matthies of Sheboygan to Mary Mueller of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 8, 1903 pg. 1
MATTHIES: Fretz (sic) From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Born in Germany 1850. Wife born in Germany 1848. Married 1875. Four children. Post Office, Cooperstown; Section 3, Cooperstown Township
MATTHIES: Otto m: 09 Jan 1898 (co. mar. index v.6 p.439) to: Emilie B Schwanke
MATTHIS: (Divorce - 1885) Matthis, Anna, vs. Matthis, August Married 28 November 1882 Manitowoc County. One child, Wilhelm Matthis, born 25 January 1884. Property in Section 10 of Cooperstown Town. ******* (First publication Oct. 21, 1884.) CIRCUIT COURT-MANITOWOC COUNTY. Anna Matthis, Plff. vs. August Matthis, Deft. THE STATE OF WISCONSI, to the said defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is here with served upon you. G.G. SEDGWICK, Plffs. Atty. P.O. Addresss, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co. Wis. NOTICE the complaint in the above entitled action was on October 15th 1884 filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court in the city and County of Manitowoc. Dated October 15, 1884. G.G. Sedgwick, Plaintiff's Attorney. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, October 21, 1884 P.1 ******** See MATTHIES, AUGUST
MATTHISEN: Lars (also Mathiesen, Matthison) m: Rossina (nee) Hummel children: Georg Wilhelm (b. 6/25/1860/bapt. 12/7/1860 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Magdalen Anderine/b: 19 Aug 1869/p: Lars Matthison and Rosina Hommel/v.2 p.1
MATTHISEN: Luise Rosine confirmed: 23 Apr. 1871 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MATTHISEN: Matthis confirmed: 4 May 1873 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) MATTHISON: See MATHIESEN See MATTHISEN
MATTIES: Herman m: 16 Dec. 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.384) to: Maria Kappelman
MATTIESEN: Charles m: 1 Mar. 1869 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.21) to: Sophia Holland
MATTIESON: Otto m: 14 Feb. 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.394) to: Martha J. Rick Otto Mathieson and Martha Rick, both residents of the town of Gibson are to be married Tuesday Feb. 14. Invitations have been extended to their numerous family and friends. May the couple journey through life harmoniously, is the wish of their many friends. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle February 14, 1888
MATTIL: Berta res: Cooperstown children: Amanda Louise Rosalie (b. 3 Mar. 1898/bapt. 9 Mar. 1898 from record of St. John's United Ch. of Christ, Manitowoc city)
MATUSCHKA: Anton m: 30 June 1861 (co. mar. index v.2 p.235) to: Anna Danesch
MATYOWITZ: John m: 27 Jan. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.140)
MATYOWITZ: Also have Matiejawitz
MATZEK: Joseph Marriage Date: 05 Aug 1878 Vol:02 Page:0502 Vol:A Sequence:10421 to: Helena Ohlinger Marriage Date: 05 Aug 1878 Vol:02 Page:0502 Vol:A Sequence:10422
MATZNIK: Charles m: 16 Jun 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.279/he is not on index) to: Bertha Wegner
MAUDAUS: See Henry J. Markwardt bio.
MAUER: Phillip b. WI Lake Front Dairy Farm, S. 25 Schleswig, Kiel, 1888 m. Katie Kretsch Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MAUERER: Franz m: 31 Oct. 1857 to: Mary Arnold
MAUGEN: Thomas M. m: 09 Jul 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.171) to: Catharine Rank
MAUGHER: Thomas m: 18 Apr. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.82) to: Louise Batzhold
MAURAR: John m: 20 May 1888 (co. mar. index v.7 p.403) to: Maria Henke
MAURER: Ava b: 5 Dec. 1856, Schleswig/d. 18 Mar. 1912, Sheboygan, WI/m. Carl Schuricht
MAURER: Bernard m: 23 Oct 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.126) to: Margarethe Eisele
MAURER: Frank Robert m: 11 Aug. 1899 (co. index v.7 p.62) to: Mary Schuett The marriage fever is abating. Clerk Zander issued only two licenses for the week. They are Hugo Pautzrom and Tillie Hendorf both of the city, and were married on Tuesday. Frank R. Maurer of Ada, Sheboygan County and Mary Schuette of Newton. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 3, 1899 pg. 7 ***** County Clerk Zander has granted a marriage license to Frank Maurer, of Ada, Sheboygan Co., and Miss Mary Schuette, of Newton. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, August 4, 1899 P. 2
MAURER: Franz res: Meeme m: 31 Oct. 1857, in Meeme (co. mar. index v.1 p.208) to: Mary Arnold
MAURER: Franz m: 13 Oct. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.109) to: Anna Margereth Severin
MAURER: Wilhelm m: 22 June 1880 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.164) to: Johanne Neuhaus
MAURICE: Bartholoma m: Honora Dunigan children: Honoram (b. 22 Dec. 1861/bapt. 4 Jan. 1862, Cath. ch./Meeme)
MAUSENEST: George (see George Meisnest/Mausnest) m: Maria Krahl children: Karoline Elisabeth (b. Jan. 1871/bapt. 3 Mar. 1872 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
MAUSNEST: George m: Maria Grohl children: Emma Maria Margaretha (b: 26 Jun 1870/co. bir. index v.2 p.293)
MAUSNEST: George m: Mary Gerry children: Fred William (b: 28 Nov 1867/co. bir. index v.2 p.250)
MAX: John m: 07 Nov 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.22) to: Josephina Okonski
MAXFIELD: Chas. (Claus) m: Wilhelmina Baruth children: William Fred Daniel (b: 03 May 1869/co. mar. index v.1 p. 927/also v.2 p.273/ father Claus Maxfieldt in v.2) Carl Friedrich (b: 31 Mar 1870/co. mar. index v.2 p.330/father Carl)
MAXFELDT: Charles F. m: 22 May 1894 (co. mar. index v.7 p.247) to: Augusta Hulda Mueller From Der Nord Westen, 24 May 1894: Marriage Tues. of Carl Maxfeldt of Manitowoc, with Miss Augusta Mueller of Town Kossuth, at the home of the bride's parents by Pastor Sieker of Cooperstown.
MAXFELDT: See Otto Henry Mueller bio.
MAY: Herman m: 06 Mar 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.442) to: Sophia J.M. Stuempge
MAY: Karl Johann m: 11 Oct 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.14) to: Emilie Bertha Schmidt
MAY: See William A. Roehr bio.
MAYENBURG: Carl (see Carl Meyenburg) m: Sophia Christine Schmidt children: Louise Friederike Johanne (b. 15 May 1858/bapt. 27 June 1858 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)(co. bir. index v.2 p.107/mother Sophia Maria)
MAYENBURG: Carl m: Marie Niemann children: Theodore James Charles (b: 28 Jun 1868/co. bir. index v.2 p.260)
MAYER: Arthur Wilh. First Communion, St. Nazianz, 29 June 1909
MAYER: Arthur p: Mathias Mayer and Theresa Woelfinger m: 3 Oct. 1916 (from record of St. Fidelis Cath. ch. bk.1 p.14) to: Theresa Kutz p: Frank Kutz and Theresa Schnettler
MAYER: August b: 11 Sept. 1862, Pennsylvania/d. 21 July 1931 m: Mary Peter children: Gottfried H Mayer/b: 01 Apr 1898/from his obit in cem. #21)
MAYER: Benedict b: 28 Dec. 1833, in Baden, Germany m: 1857, to Doratha Snidlemann, (d. 1859) children: 1 son, 1 dau. 2nd Marriage: 1860, to Frederica Meyer
MAYER: Benedict b: Germany res: Mishicot, farmer p: Jacob and Theresa Mayer m: 30 Dec. 1856 at Mishicot (co. mar. index v.1 p.154) to: Theadore Lindelmann p: Carl and Anna Maria Lindelmann
MAYER: Conrad m: 03 July 1886 (not on co. mar. index) to: Bertha Frischmuth From Der Nord Westen, 08 July 1886: Marriage of Conrad Mayer with Miss Bertha Frischmuth on 03 July in the home of John Staudt in Manitowoc by County Judge Carl H. Schmidt.
MAYER: Fredrich H. m: 07 Jul 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.254) to: Margaretha Borngesser
MAYER: George (see George Meyer) m: Louisa Hellermann children: Gerlheman b: 10 Oct 1864/mother Louis (sic) (co. bir. index v.1 p. 614) Mathias Mayer b: 20 Sep 1868 (co. bir. index v.1 p. 831)
MAYER: Heinrich m: Wilhelmine (nee) Harbeck children: Heinrich August Karl (b. 4/17/1875/bapt. 6/20/1875 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MAYER: Henry m: 28 Nov. 1872 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.67) to: Anna Zingl
MAYER: Henry m: 18 Feb 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.264) to: Wilhelmine Friedenberger From Der Nord Westen, 19 Feb. 1903 Marriage License obtained Henry Mayer of Manitowoc and Wilhelmine Freidenberger of Franklin
MAYER: Henry J. b. WI 1879 Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Cattle, Ex-School Director, S. 34 Franklin, Cato m. Alma Fridenberg Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
MAYER: Hugo First Communion, Holy Trinity church, School Hill, 21 June 1914
MAYER: Isador Ant. First Communion, St. Nazianz, 29 June 1909
MAYER: Johann m: 26 Mar. 1881 to: Wilhelmina (nee) Kolway
MAYER: Jonessins b: Germany res: French Creek, farmer p: Wenthng(?) and Juliana Mayer m: 25 June 1855 at Manitowoc Rapids (co. mar. index v.1 p.78) to: Anna Fest p: Peter and Anna Maria Fest
MAYER: John m: 23 June 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.264) to: Helena Fischer
MAYER: John m: Elisabeth Helfrich children: Maria (b. 26 Apr. 1856/d. at age 17/cause: dismenoria and nerv. fever/bur. in Mishicot) Henrich (d. 16 Aug. 1860/age 13 yrs. 1 mo. 4 da./cause: nerv. fever)
MAYER: John m: 26 Mar. 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.19) to: Wilhelmine Koliveg
MAYER: John Franklin m: 10 Oct 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.408) to: Ella M. Mayer
MAYER: Joseph m: 03 Sep 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.165) to: Anna Zibell
MAYER: Julius Valentin First Communion, St. Nazianz, 29 June 1909
MAYER: Martin m: Barb children: Theresia (b: 17 Jul 1872/co. bir. index v.2 p.467)
MAYER: Mathias m: Barbara Hausser children: Michael (b: 15 Sep 1864/co. bir. index v.1 p.765) Francis (b: 08 Jun 1870 (baptismal date)/co. bir. index v.2 p.43/mother Hauser) Theresa (b: 08 Jun 1870 (baptismal date)/co. bir. index v.2 p.43/mother Hauser)
MAYER: Mathias S. b: 1836, Germany m: Barbara Hauser b: 16 Nov. 1839, Pennsylvania/d. 25 Feb. 1907 From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock breeder. Born in Germany 1836. Wife born in Pennsylvania 1839. Married in 1859. Settled farm in 1866. Eight children. Post Office, Saint Nazianz; Section 14, Eaton Township.
MAYER: Peter (also Mayr) m: Katherine Kleinhans children: Margaritha (b. 6 June 1868/bapt. 12 July 1868 St. Joseph Cath. ch..father Mayr/same mother) Joanem (b. 22 Aug. 1869/bapt. 1 Nov. 1869 St. Joseph Cath. ch.. father Mayer/same mother)
MAYER: Rosa Maria First Communion, St. Nazianz, 29 June 1909
MAYER: Theodore m: Agatha Rill children: Edward Mayer b: 08 Jun 1866 (co. birth index v.1 p. 701)
MAYER: Wencel m: 16 June 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.219) to: Bertha Veronica Mosuch Matrimonial Meyer- Mosuch At St. Luke's church, June 16, 1902 by Rev. Father Mortell, pastor pro tem, Mr. Wenzel Meyer of Chicago and Miss Bertha Mosuch of this city. The union was properly celebrated at the home of the bride's mother after the completion of the marriage service at the church. The Chronicle extends congratulations. The Chronicle - Tues., June 17, 1902
MAYER: Wendelin (see Wendelin Meyer) m: Cecelia Schock children: Mathias b: 28 Jan 1864 (co. bir. index v.1 p.735) Elisabetha b: 26 Mar 1869 (co. bir. index v.1 p. 859)
MAYERL: Frank J. m: 8 Oct. 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.17) to: Emelia Weis children: (list from Emelia's obit in #7 (Emily) Mrs. William Delsmann Margaret Mayerl married Spanbauer Helen Mayerl married Scott John Joseph Rose (from her obit in cem. #7) Marriage License obtained Frank J. Mayerl and Emilie Weiss both of Cato Der Nord Westen, 04 Oct. 1906 ***** Miss Emelia Wise was married to Frank Mayral of Franklin here Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Tues., Oct. 9, 1906
MAYERL: Henry m: 25 Aug 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.372) to: Elma Lawrence MARRIED at Whitelaw, Aug. 25, 1896 by Rev. Hemmer, Mr. Henry Mayerl of Cato, to Miss Elma Lawrence of Branch. The bride was for some years a successful teacher in our public schools and is favorably known throughout the county. Words of commendation are unnecessary. The groom is a successful young businessman of Cato, where the young couple will make their future home. In the evening after being serenaded by the Marine band, all repaired to Shaffer's Hall, where a large number of friends had gathered to wish them joy and success in their new life. Dancing was kept up until early dawn. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 3, 1896 pg. 3 ***** From the Files of the Pilot - Twenty-Five Years Ago - (1896) Tuesday, August 25, 1896, Mr. Henry Mayerl of Cato and Miss Elma Lawrence were married at the Catholic parsonage at Whitelaw, Rv. Jos Hemmer performed the ceremony. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs. Sept. 8, 1921
MAYERL: Wenzel m: 13 Sep 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.50) to: Francis Reitmeyer
MAYERL: William G. m: 23 April 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.36) to: Clara Stelling Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: Wm. G. Mayerl of Cato and Clara Stelling of Reedsville… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 18, 1907 pg. 8 ***** Notes From Maple Grove: On Tuesday morning Wm. Mayerl of Cato and Miss Clara Stelling of Reedsville were united in marriage in the Catholic church at Whitelaw. Rev. Herb tied the nuptial knot. The groom is a prosperous young business man of Cato, where he operates a cheese factory and creamery. The bride is an accomplished young society lady and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Stelling of Reedsville. After partaking of a wedding dinner at the home of the bride, the young couple left on the afternoon train for an extended wedding trip to Milwaukee, Kenosha and Chicago. Their many friends here wish them much happiness in their journey through life. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 25, 1907 pg. 8
MAYEWSKI: John m: 22 Oct 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.221) to: Lena Levendowska
MAYR: Agatha Anna Confirmation, Holy Trinity church, School Hill, 22 May 1912
MAYR: Oskar First Communion, Holy Trinity church, School Hill, 5 June 1910
MAYS: Wilhelmine confirmed: 2 June 1867 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
MAYWORD: Silas Pierce m: 11 Jun 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.43/she is on groom's side of page) to: Anna Margarite Gisch PRETTY HOME WEDDING Davey House Scene of Marriage of Miss Anna Gisch and S. Maynard (sic) One of the prettiest home weddings that have taken place in this city for a long time occurred on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Gisch, when their daughter, Miss Anna was united in the bonds of matrimony to Silas Maynard of Neenah. The ceremony was celebrated in the parlor of the home where pretty decorations of ferns, apple blossoms, lilies of the valley and carnations made a handsome setting for the event. Rev. O.C. Johnson performed the marriage and the attendants to the pair were Miss Nellie Garrey and Willard Maynard. The bride was attired in white sapphe silk and carried bridal roses and her maid was attired in a white creation of embroidered Swiss. Among the out of town attendants at the wedding and reception which followed were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Maynard, Willard, Ernest and Miss Bessie Maynard of Oshkosh; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Porter, Mrs. Al Parlamant, John Reinhold, Milwaukee; Mrs. H. Walter, LaCrosse; William Reinholt and son, George and daughter, Lena of Kiel; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Link, Miss Catherine Doolan and Mrs Laura Schultz of Reedsville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 12, 1907
MAZANEC: Joseph m: 26 May 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.275) to: Margaretha Reminger From Der Nord Westen, 14 May 1903 Marriage License: Joseph Mazanec and Maggie Ramiker both of Franklin
MAZANEC: Simon m: 25 Jan. 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.315) to: Annie Livar KELLNERSVILLE: Mrs. Livar and Simon Mazanec were united in marriage on Monday last. Mr. Mazanec, formerly cheesemaker at Hemlock, but now of Oconto, is well known here. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 28, 1904 pg. 8 ***** TAUS: Levar (sic) - Mazanaz (sic) Wedding Mr. Simon Mazanas of Lena and Mrs. Anna Levar of this place were married at Manitowoc Monday. They will make their home at Lena where Mr. Mazanas has a cheese factory and farm. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, Januray 28, 1904 pg. 8
MAZNA: Frank m: 6 Jan. 1880 (co. mar. index. v.4 p.156) to: Elizabeth Jens
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