[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
FRANK MACH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.498-499. In September, 1911, Frank Mach became associated with the business interests of Cooperstown, here opening a hotel and saloon. He is yet a young man, being only twenty-nine years of age, and the energy and determination which he has previously displayed in business connections indicates that the future has in store for him substantial success. He was born in Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, October 14, 1883, and, like the great majority of residents in this part of the state, is of German lineage. His father, George Mach, was born in Bohemia and when a youth of about fourteen years came with a brother to America. They made their way to Chicago, where George Mach began working at the mason’s trade. He afterward removed to Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, and later his parents, John and Margarett Mach, crossed the Atlantic and joined him in that district. The grandfather died in the year 1887. The father of our subject passed away in 1903, when fifty-three years of age. After his marriage he took up the occupation of farming, which he continued to follow, in Kewaunee county until his life’s labors were ended in death. His widow who bore the maiden name of Rosa Dworak and is a daughter of Jacob and Barbara Dworak, is still living in Kewaunee county, at the age of fifty-two years. In their family were seven children who yet survive: Josie, who is now the wife of John Flichek, of Milwaukee; Joseph, a resident of Kewaunee county; John living in Milwaukee; Frank; Edward, who makes his home in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin; Anna, living in Milwaukee; and Agnes, who resides with her mother in Kewaunee county. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for Frank Mach in his boyhood and youth. After his school days were over he learned the stone-mason’s trade, which he followed for four years, but later he returned to the home farm and assisted in the cultivation and development of the fields until he reached the age of twenty-three. He then married and began farming on his own account in Casco, Wisconsin, where he remained for one year. He then sold out and removed to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where he managed a farm for H. P. Hamilton and later was in his employ in a factory. In September, 1911, he came to Cooperstown, where he established his present business, opening a hotel and saloon. He has made both establishments popular with the public and his interests, conducted along strictly business lines are bringing to him a gratifying financial return. Neatness characterizes both branches of his business and he caters to the best trade. He is now well established in business and his energy and enterprise are the basis of his success. On the 14th of January, 1889, there arrived in the home of Wenzel and Johanna (Nuhlicek) Walesh a little daughter to whom was given the name Anna and in 1907 she became the wife of Frank Mach. Her parents were farming people of Kewaunee county, where the father is still living at the age of forty-nine years, but the mother has now passed away. She was a daughter of John Nuhlicek, a native of Bohemia, but her birth occurred in Kewaunee county, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Mach have become the parents of two sons, Edward and Frankie, aged respectively four and three years. Mr. and Mrs. Mach hold membership in the Catholic church and are well known in Cooperstown. The characteristic thrift of the German race is theirs and energy and resolute purpose are enabling Mr. Mach to overcome difficulties and obstacles and advance steadily along business lines.
E. W. MACKEY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.121-122. E.W. Mackey, the editor of the Manitowoc Daily Herald, was born in Green county, Wisconsin, on the 12th of February, 1876, and obtained his education in the public schools, being a member of the class of 1892 in the Monroe high school. After putting aside his text-books he was employed by a wholesale drug concern for a short time and then engaged in newspaper work on the Monroe (Wis.) Times and in Iowa. One month after the establishment of the Herald he came to Manitowoc and has since remained here as its editor. In 1905 Mr. Mackey was united in marriage to Miss Lynda Gerpheide, of Manitowoc. Politically he is an independent democrat. He is interested in all matters of progressive citizenship, in the various questions of vital import to society and the individual and throws the weight of his influence on the side of progress, reform and improvement.
Gunder Madsen Compliments of Gary Omernick
ANDREW J. MADS0N This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.468-469. The late Andrew J. Madson for many years owned and operated a farm on section 36, in Cato township. He was born in Norway on the 26th of March, 1844, and was a son of Jacob and Marie Madson, who were born, reared and married in the Norse Land. In 1846 they emigrated to the United States, first locating in Milwaukee, where they resided for two years. At the expiration of that time they came to Manitowoc county and purchased eighty acres of wild woodland in Cato township. There they settled, the father devoting the remainder of his life to the further improvement and cultivation of his farm. They were the parents of eight children, all of whom with the exception of the two eldest were born in this country. Andrew J. Madson, who was the second child born to his parents, was reared and educated in this township, remaining at home with his parents until he was married at the age of twenty—seven years. Immediately following this event he purchased forty acres of land on section 36, Cato township, to the further improvement of which he applied his energies until his death, on the 13th of August, 1907. He always engaged in general farming and stock-raising and met with very good success in both. In 1871, Mr. Madson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Hoverson, who was likewise a native of Norway, and a daughter of Christian and Bertha Hoverson, who emigrated to the United States with their family in 1866. Upon their arrival in this country they came directly to Manitowoc county, purchasing forty acres of land in Cato township, upon which they resided until 1876. In the latter year they sold their property here and removed to the Dakotas and there they both died. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Hoverson numbered eight, of whom Mrs. Madson, who was born on February 18, 1850, was the eldest. Fourteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Madson, as follows: Jacob, who died on April 14, 1903, leaving a widow and four children, all of whom are living in North Dakota; Belle, the wife of Nels Nelson and the mother of two children; Melvin, whose wife died in 1901, and who lives in Cato township; Alfred, who is still at home; Emma, who married Andrew Thompson of this township, by whom she has had three children; Hannah, the wife of Gust Knutson of Valders: Orbin, who married Gilbert Anderson, of this township and has one child; Hoover, who died at the age of thirteen years; Laura, who is teaching school; Alma and Jennie, both of whom are at home; Norman, who died in childhood; Esther, whose death occurred in infancy; and Norman, who is teaching in the college at Decorah, Iowa. The death of Mrs. Madson occurred on January 13, 1912, passing away in the faith of her church of which she had been a lifelong and devout member. In matters of faith Mr. Madson was a Lutheran, as was his wife. His political allegiance he always gave to the republican party and for many years he served on the school board. Although nearly five years have elapsed since he was laid to rest in the Norwegian cemetery, he is well remembered in the community where he resided for more than thirty years, and is often mentioned by his many old friends, whose esteem he won and retained through his fine, sterling qualities.
CHARLES F. MAERTZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.318. Charles F. Maertz, one of the enterprising young merchants of Reedsville, was born in this county, January 9, 1885, and belongs to one of the leading families of this locality. He is a son of Fred C. and Eva (Birdholtz) Maertz, natives of Germany and Wisconsin, respectively. They married in this county, and located at Reedsville, where he was successively a lumber dealer and merchant. Within recent years, the father moved to North Milwaukee where he is now conducting a hotel. Charles F. Maertz was the fifth of the eight children in the family of his parents. After finishing a public-school course in the Reedsville schools, he learned the trade of a barber, and worked as such for about six years. At the expiration of that period he established his present business, and in November, 1906, he erected a commercial block. The building he now occupies was erected by him in 1909. He carries a stock worth about six thousand dollars, and his real estate is valued at nine thousand dollars. It is his aim to meet the demands of his customers both as to quality and price, and as his sales are large, his stock is being constantly changed. In 1904, Mr. Maertz married Lavina Schwalbe, a daughter of Fred and Amelia Schwalbe. She was the second of four children born to her parents, and her birth occurred April 25, 1883, in Manitowoc county. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Maertz: Claremont; and Mildred and Marion, twins. Charles F. Maertz is a member of the National Fraternal League and the Modern Woodmen of America. He holds a three thousand dollar life insurance policy in the New York Life Insurance Company. In politics, he is independent, and is serving his second year as treasurer of the village of Reedsville. He and his family are members of the German Reformed church of Reedsville, in which he is as active as he is in business circles.
EDWARD F. MAERTZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.566-567. Edward F. Maertz, publisher of the Reedsville Reporter, a weekly journal, and proprietor of a job printing establishment, is one of the leading men of Reedsville. He was born March 6, 1883, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, a son of F. C. and Eva (Birdholz) Maertz, natives of Germany and Wisconsin, respectively. They married in Manitowoc county, and settled in the village of Reedsville, where the father engaged in the lumber business. Later he became a merchant, and thus continued until 1903, when he sold his interests and moved to Milwaukee. He is now operating a hotel in North Milwaukee. Edward F. Maertz was the fourth of the eight children in his father’s family, and was educated with them in the Reedsville public school, and the Manitowoc business college. Having thus received a good practical training, he entered his father’s store as clerk. In 1909 he established his present business, and in March of that same year, founded the Reporter, which has a circulation of six hundred. It is popular among its subscribers, and Mr. Maertz is gaining new constituents with each issue because of his forceful writing and sound arguments. In 1906, Mr. Maertz was married to Ellen Cronin, a daughter of Daniel Cronin, of this county. Mrs. Maertz, who was the youngest of nine children, was born July 27, 1883. One daughter, Helen, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Maertz, May 22, 1911. Mr. Maertz is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the National Fraternal League of Green Bay. In political faith he is a democrat and is now serving as village clerk. In religious matters he is a Lutheran, while his wife is a Catholic. A live, energetic, talented young man, Mr. Maertz has already accomplished much, and has a bright future before him.
J. F. MAGEE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.81-82. J. F. Magee, secretary and treasurer of the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing Company, one of the largest industries of its kind in the country, is a well known business man of Two Rivers, where he has been indentified with the aluminum business for the past fifteen years. He was born at Salem, Marion county, Illinois, February 23, 1867, a son of John and Sophia (Perrottet) Magee, who came to Manitowoc county in 1872 and purchased land in Two Rivers township, where Mr. Magee died in 1893. His widow still survives and makes her home in Two Rivers. Eight of their children grew to maturity. John Magee was a prominent member of the Odd Fellows and was active in democratic political matters. J. F. Magee first attended the public schools and then went to the Valparaiso (Indiana) Normal School, after which he taught school in the city and township of Two Rivers for eleven years. In 1896 he became connected with the Aluminum Manufacturing Company of Two Rivers, which company was combined with the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing Company in 1909. On January 1, 1911, Mr. Magee was made secretary and treasurer. In 1894 Mr. Magee was married to Joan L. Eggers, of Two Rivers, and she died in 1903, leaving a son, Kenneth, who died at the age of five years. Mr. Magee was married to Ella M. Perkins, of Portage, Wisconsin, a daughter of 0. R. and Mary Perkins, and one son has been born to this union, Allan Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Magee are members of the Congregational church. He is a member of the lodge and chapter of the Masonic order, and also belongs to the Modern Woodmen. The family residence is in Two Rivers, and Mr. Magee has for fourteen years been a member of the Two Rivers board of education and for seven years a director of Joseph Mann Library Association.
JOHN W. MAHNKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.411-412. John W. Mahnke, a progressive farmer of Rockland, was born on his present farm of one hundred and two acres, on section 12, June 26, 1883. His parents, John and Hulda (Snyder) Mahnke, were born in Germany, but married in Manitowoc. About a year later they bought the farm now owned by their son John W., and moved upon it when it was all wild land. The father put up the first house, and made other improvements, and lived on it until his retirement to Reedsville in 1907. He is now sixty-four years of age, and his wife is fifty-eight. They had eight children, of whom John W. was the fourth in order of birth. John W. Mahnke remained at home until sixteen years of age, and then commenced to earn his own livelihood and until he was twenty-three years old worked for others. The following year he married and then bought the homestead from his father, and has operated it ever since. Ninety acres are under cultivation, and the entire farm is fenced with barbed wire. He milks sixteen cows, selling his dairy products, raises Chester White hogs, carries graded stock, and breeds to Percheron horses. His principal products, aside from his stock, are grain and clover seed. The basement barn is ninety by forty feet and was built in 1879, and rebuilt about 1895, with cement floors and patent stanchions The two—story frame residence was built in 1875, and is very comfortable. In June, 1907, Mr. Mahnke married Clara Bartz, a daughter of August W. and Mary (John) Bartz, natives of Germany and Wisconsin, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Bartz were married in this state, and then settled on a farm in Manitowoc county, where they still reside, he being fifty years old and his wife about the same age. They had six children, of whom Mrs. Mahnke is the third. She was born on December 27, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Mahnke have had one child, Rolland, born on December 13. 1908. They belong to the Lutheran church of Reedsville. In politics, Mr. Mahnke is independent. Prosperous, devoted to his work, and carrying it on understandingly, Mr. Mahnke is one of the representative farmers of his town.
JOSEPH MALLEY This letter is written by Jospeh Malley 1881-1968. He wrote the letter March 15, 1965 as a family history. I have photo copies of the actual letter...4 short pages. I copied the letter as is with all spelling errors intact. ********************************************************************** March 15, 1965 I Joseph Malley am writing this history of the Malleys as I remember it was told to me by my father. My grandfather Vaclav Maly came to this country with his wife and a family of 3 boys and 2 girls from Bohemia now called CeckoSlavaka in the spring of 1850 by boat from Hamburg. It took the boat almost 3 months to cross the ocean. Very stormy but was lost. Captain did not know where he was, short of food and water. Stopped at some place took on food and water and then went on for some more weeks to New York. From New York they went to Chicago by train which carried only emigrants and took the train 2 weeks to get to Chicago. From Chicago to Milwaukee by boat there they hired wagons with horses to take them to Sheboygan from there to Manitowoc by Ox teams took them almost a week the roads were so poor. There were some of their friends from the old country along and they settled in the same neighborhood in the town of Kossuth. There my grandfather bot 60 acres of woods 1/2 mile past of Polifkas corners in the early summer of 1850 and started cutting down the trees to clear land and built a log house and started farming. My father Anton Mally was born in Bohemia in Europe 20 day of May 1844. In 1864 he enlisted in the army civil war and was discharged in 1865 disabled due to Malaria which bothered him for many years after + on the 18th day of November 1867 he married Mis Mary Menchal at Cooperstown by Justice of Peace Wenzel Maresh. There were 4 children in the family 3 boys and 1 girl. I Jospeh was the youngest born July 8-1881. On May 29-1907 I married Miss Josephine Wachal. Married by Joseph Zahorik Justice of Peace at Taus in Town of Franklin. We had 3 children born to us 1 boy and 2 girl. Silvia Born Aug 3 1902 Millie Born Oct 27 1904 Edwin Born June 22 1906
ANDREW MALLMANN (the following was sent in by a family researcher - see contributors page) Andrew Mallmann married Anna Hoffmann of St. Wendel. She was born 1840 and died in 1925. About 1860 they moved to Calumet, Mich where he worked for several years in the copper mines. About 1875 they made their home at St. Nazianz where he had a saloon and cheese factory for many years. They had 4 sons and 4 daughters. Joseph, born April 1, 1866; Peter, 1871 died 1916 at Chicago; John, born March 23, 1873; Nickolas, born 1875; Mary, Dec. 28, 1867; Elizabeth, born 1869; Katherine, born 1877; and Philomena, born 1878. Mary married Gerhard Frank of St. Nazianz. Elizabeth married Joseph Feldmann of Manning, Iowa. Katherine married John Bialk of Chicago, Philomena married George Conner of Evanston, but later they moved to Chicago. Peter and Nickolas served as volunteers in the Spanish-American War in 1898.
M. A. MALLOY Manitowoc Tribune Vol. 17 No. 48 Thursday March 16, 1871 Page 1 Column 2 Mr. M.A. Malloy called on us last night with the request, that we would in his name, bid good bye to his many friends, neighbors an [sic] acquaintances whom he should not be able to see personally before leaving his present home for Nebraska. Herewith complying with his request, we feel constrained to express our sorrow at the loss of a trusty friend, a good citizen, an honest man; and also our heart felt wish, that in his new home, he may find full contentment and as many sincere friends as he has left in the County and City of Manitowoc.
FRIEDRICK A. MANDEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.272-275. Friedrick A. Mandel, a successful agriculturist and public—spirited citizen of Two Rivers township, Manitowoc county, who has long been closely identified with the public and agricultural interests of this section, is a veteran of the Civil war, and was born in Brunswick, Germany, February 5, 1841, a son of David and Maria (Eichenroth) Mandel, natives of that country. David Mandel was a shepherd in his native country, and on May 28, 1854, he with his family landed at New York city, where they remained until April 19, 1855, when they came to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, and a few days later took up one hundred and sixty acres of wild land on section 13, in the township of Two Rivers. Building a small log cabin, Mr. Mandel started to clear the heavy timber from his property, and in 1868 he erected a new house, which was the family home for a number of years, and in which Mr. Mandel died in 1888, at the age of eighty—four years, his wife passing away in the same year, when less than a month older than her husband. They were lifelong members of the Evangelical church, and had five children: Johanna, who is deceased; Henry, a member of Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, who was killed in the battle of Jenkins Ferry, Arkansas, in April, 1864; Theodore, also a member of that company who served throughout the war, after which he settled in Dodge county, Nebraska, and there spent the rest of his life in farming; Friedrick A.; and Christian, a retired farmer of Dodge, Nebraska. Friedriek A. Mandel attended the German public schools until he was thirteen years of age but after coming to this country his services were needed on the home farm and he had no chance to attend the schools. On August 20, 1862, with his two brothers, he enlisted as a private in Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, at Two Rivers, from whence the regiment was sent to Milwaukee to drill, and in March, 1863, went to Columbus, Kentucky, and later to Cape Girardeau. The regiment was at Vicksburg, June 4, 1863, and on July 16 of that year was sent up the river to Helena, Arkansas, later marching to Little Rock, where they participated in an engagement. On the march from the latter point to Camden, Arkansas, the regiment encountered terrific rainstorms which delayed their progress and for several days they were out of rations. At Camden they helped to build pontoon bridges on the river, and then returned to Little Rock, where they guarded railroad bridges, and in February, 1865, were sent to Spanish Fort and Fort Blakesley, where Mr. Mandel was taken seriously ill. He was sent to the hospital at Mobile and in May, 1865, to the Barracks hospital, New Orleans, where on May 31 he was discharged on account of disability. He came north by boat to Cairo, Illinois, and thence to Milwaukee. On enlisting in the army Mr. Mandel had weighed one hundred and eighty pounds, but his sickness had so emaciated him that on his return to Milwaukee, his weight had diminished to one hundred and thirty pounds. Until his sickness disabled him for service, Mr. Mandel had always been a brave and faithful soldier, and his record is one of which any man could feel proud of. After reaching Milwaukee, Mr. Mandel made his way to the home farm, where he has since made his home. He is a democrat in politics, and has served as township treasurer ten years, clerk for twenty-four years and assessor for six years. He has an excellent memory, is well posted on agricultural and civic conditions, and can recall entertainingly many incidents of war times and early days in the settlement of Manitowoc county. He has a large number of personal friends who are pleased with the success he has attained in his business ventures and admire the abilities he displayed in positions of public trust. In August, 1865, Mr. Mandel was married to Maria Kampf, a native of Prussia and a daughter of Fred Kampf, who came to America in 1859 and settled in Two Rivers township, working first in a sawmill, later engaging in farming and eventually locating in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, where he died. There were four children in his family, namely: Fred, of Two Rivers; William, of Chippewa Falls; Maria, who became Mrs. Mandel; and Wilhelmina, of South Dakota. Mr. Mandel had two children by this marriage: Sophia, who married Albert Bernhard, of Two Rivers; and August, of Dodge, Nebraska. Mrs. Mandel died in 1873, and during September of that year Mr. Mandel was married to Johanna Wilsmann, a native of Mecklenburg, Germany and a daughter of Carl and Johanna Wilsmann, who came to the United States in 1855, settling in Dunkirk, New York. In the spring of 1865 the family came to Two Rivers, settling on a farm, where Mr. Wilsmann died, while his widow still survives and makes her home there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilsmann had seven children: Johanna, who is the wife of our subject; Mary; Eliza; William and Josephina, deceased; Harry; and Emma, residing on the old home place. By his second marriage, Mr. Mandel had nine children, namely: Ernst, a cheesemaker of Colby, Wisconsin, who married Celia Katheman; Emma, who married A. Lauber, of Two Rivers; Mary, who married John Bugler, of Two Rivers township; David, a cheesemaker of Owen, Wisconsin, who married Barbara Broecker; Fred, Jr., a farmer of Crofton, Nebraska, who married Bertha Kobold; Ida, residing at home; Albert, a farmer of Crofton, Nebraska; and Julius and Edwin, living at home. Mr. Mandel’s valuable farm includes one hundred and twenty acres, eighty acres of which are under cultivation.
Friedrick Mandel Johanna Mandel Emma Lauber Johanna Wilsmann Esther Lauber
PAUL MANGIN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.307. Paul Mangin, one of the progressive and enterprising young agriculturists of Manitowoc county, has been engaged in agricultural pursuits for some years on the farm of one hundred and twenty acres on section 20, Franklin township, on which he was born July 13, 1881, a son of Paul and Mary (Madigan) Mangin, natives of Ireland. Mr. Mangin's parents were married in their native country and shortly thereafter came to the United States, settling on the one hundred and twenty acre farm now occupied by their son Paul, where Mrs. Mangin died April 22, 1898, aged fifty-eight years, and was buried in St. Patrick's cemetery. Mr. Mangin, who survives his wife, is now living on the home farm and is seventy-five years of age. Paul Mangin was the eighth of his parent's eleven children, and he has always remained on the home farm which is now all cleared with the exception of eight acres. He came into possession of the homestead in 1908 partly by purchase and partly by inheritance, and he has his land all fenced with barbed and woven wire. He does general farming, marketing dairy products, hay and grain, and raises graded Holstein cattle and breeds to Percheron horses. He has a basement barn, thirty-five by eighty-five feet, built in 1906 and a frame barn forty by sixty, built in 1908, and his two story frame residence was erected by his father. The water supply for all purposes is secured by drilled wells. Mr Mangin was married June 4, 1911 to Miss Margaret Long, who was born August 4, 1889, the eldest of the nine children of P.H. and Elizabeth (Sullivan) Long, natives of Manitowoc county, who still survive. In political matters Mr. Mangin is a democrat, and he and his wife are members of St. Patrick's church of Franklin township.
ALFRED MANHEIMER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 Manufacturer and dealer in cigars and smokers' articles, Manitowoc, was born in Earfurt, Province Saxony, Prussia, Dec. 25, 1853. He emigrated to America with his parents when he was a small child, and they settled in Milwaukee. When he arrived at a suitable age he visited twenty-nine States of the Union as journeyman in cigar making. He enlisted in the Navy of the United States in 1871, and served three years, afterward went to Minnesota, lived there one year, working at his trade. He went to Oshkosh, then came to Manitowoc, and was married to Miss Augusta Fisk, May 5, 1876. She was born in the latter city July 11, 1857.
Henry Mann taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
Joseph Mann taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
LEOPOLD MANN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 Manager Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, was born, March 18, 1834, in Bohemia. In July, 1846, he came to Washington County with his parents, where he assisted on his father's farm until 1850, and then moved to Milwaukee and was employed by his brothers in the grocery and provision business until 1857. He then returned to Washington County and opened a general store, which he carried on until 1862, when he moved to Two Rivers and was employed by the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, and in 1866 he was appointed manager of the company, which position he has since occupied. Married, in 1865, to Miss Clara Neustadt of Bohemia, who came to New York with her parents at the age of four years. They have three children, two sons and a daughter.
Leopold Mann taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
HERBERT L. MARKHAM This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.115-116. Herbert L. Markham, who has been a leading member of the Manitowoc county legal profession for the past thirty years, was born in September, 1860, in Manitowoc, a son or John D. and Mary (Burt) Markham, natives of Essex county, New York, and a grandson of Nathan B. and Susan (McCloud) Markham, natives of New Hampshire. Nathan B. Markham, who was the son of a soldier of the Revolutionary war, had a family of four daughters and six sons, among whom were George C. Markham, president of the Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company, and Henry H., ex—congressman and ex—governor of the state of California. John D. Markham, who was a lawyer by profession, came to Manitowoc in 1856, and in the following year went back to Essex county, New York, where he was married. Returning by the lakes to Manitowoc, he opened a law office, and during the remainder of his life practiced in various towns in northern Wisconson, although he always made his home in this city. He was district attorney of Manitowoc county for a few terms, but never sought office. During two years he was sent to Washington, where he acted in the interests of the Manitowoc harbor, and it was due to his efforts that the city secured its present harbor, and he was also instrumental in securing the building of the Lake Shore Railroad to this city. he being the attorney for that line for many years. He had three children: Etta, who married J.P. Briggs, deceased, and now resides in Warsaw; Herbert L.; and Robert H., who married Alice Johnson and has five children. He is associated with his brother in the practice of law. Herbert L. Markham received a common and high-school education and then read law with his father and was admitted to the bar in 1881, since which time he has been engaged in practice here, being an expert on marine and admiralty law. He served as justice of the peace for twenty-six years, is a court commissioner, and was also for a long period a member of the school board. On April 28, 1886, Mr. Markham was married to Miss Ida F. Windiate, a daughter of Thomas Windiate, an early settler of Manitowoc county, and four children, all daughters, have been born to this union. Mr. Markham and his brother are members of the Masonic order, being past masters of the blue lodge and members of the local chapter. Herbert L. Markham is also a member of the Elks and the Modern Woodmen. The family with the exception of Mr. Markham has always been connected with the Episcopal church.
N.B. MARKHAM Manitowoc Tribune Tuesday, August 25, 1874, Vol. 21 No. 38, Page 4 Column 3 Another Family Reunion Among the events we look forward to with the most pleasurable anxiety, is the re-union of the family circle when once by the inexorable fiat of time it has been broken, sending each forth by kimself [sic] to grapple with the affairs of life. When one has gone here, another there, to the East, to the West, to the North, to the South; each having a separate interest to attend to, few have a just conception of the difficulty of getting a large family together. One has a sick wife or husband; another, a sick child. One has important business that can't be neglected. Some can come now, but can't spare the time next month. Others can come in a week or so, but not now, and so on ad infinitum. Overcoming all these difficulties, the large family of our townsman, Mr. N.B. Markham met under his roof, on Thursday last, the 22d inst., for the first time since the first separation, 22 years ago, and all surrounded one table. At the first table were the aged patriarch and his honored wife, and their six sons, three daughters and three daughters-in-law; one daughter-in-law and two-sons-in-law were absent, and one daughter, and one daughter-in-law have joined the Heavenly throng above. All were children again during the repast; but near its close were reminded that time produces wondrous changes. They were not children, but fathers and mothers, and tall sons and daughters claimed their places, and so a second table was filled with ten grand children, all but one, who was engaged in business, he could not leave. Mr. Markham is now in his 79th year; is very strong and hearty, for one of his age, and what is very remarkable, has never used glasses, and can now read the finest print with ease. His estimable wife is 73 years old, a woman of rarest good sense, whose attainments far out-strip those of her time and one of whom it can truly be said, "none knew her but to love, none named her but to bless." Three years ago, as our readers will remember, they had a re-union, and all the children were present, except one. Of those who were then present, one has gone home; and such was the purity of her life, the angelic sweetness of her temper, that if any distinctions are made in heaven in favor of the purely good, Mary will occupy an exalted position. The present occupation of the members of this family are: four sons are lawyers, one is a jeweler, and one a nurseryman. One daughter married a merchant, another a physician, and the third is un-married. Two sons and two daughters reside in Manitowoc and vicinity; one son in Ayer, Mass.; two in Milwaukee, and one in Neenah. One daughter resides in Iowa. Most of them are prosperous in the accumulation of this worlds goods, and all are in comfortable circumstances. In disposition, a more jolly set never met. Dull care picks up his "duds" and "skedadles" wherever they are, and it is morally certain, he was not even in hearing distance on this happy occasion. We can only approximate a guess of what occurred after the dinner was over. We were assured, however, by some members of the party, that it was one of the most enjoyable evnts that could be imagined. They lived over their childhood days, recounted their mad pranks of fun and frolic, related to the old gentleman, the countless times they had allowed him to believe in their moral purity, and freedom from guile, while guilty of the most flagrant breach of paternal law; the jokes upon each other, and upon neighbors children; talked of the more serious affairs of life, after each had gone into the world for himself; recalled to memory old school mates, discussed their prospects and whereabouts; and then came the parting, and the sad thought that as this was the first time all had been together since arriving at mans estate, so in all human probability it would be the last. It is ever so joy, and sorrow, go hand in hand, and sorrow at parting destroyed much of the pleasure of the feast. If there is a family in our community that is more highly esteemed in every respect, than each one of the Markhams, we do not know it; they are honored and loved whereever known, and we only express the heartfelt wish of all that know them, that their days may be long and happy here, and their re-union beyond unbroken by a single link.
HENRY J. MARKWARDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.652-653. The spirit of enterprise which has made the man of German birth or lineage so valuable a factor in the colonization of the world and in the progress of the community in which he locates is manifest in Henry J. Markwardt, conducting a general store at Louis Corners in Schleswig township. He was born September 8, 1860, in Manitowoc county, a son of Fritz Markwardt, who was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, where he remained until after his marriage. He then came with his wife to the new world in the early '50s and for a time resided in Milwaukee but afterward removed to Kossuth township, Manitowoc county, where he carried on farming throughout his remaining days. For his second wife he chose Anna Maudaus, also of Mecklenburg, Germany. Of the family of eight children five are now living: Fritz, who makes his home on a farm in Minnesota; Henry J., of this review; William, living in Iowa; August, whose home is at Wausau, Wisconsin: and Emma, the wife of Thomas McCarty, of Clintonville, Wisconsin. After the death of his second wife the father married again, his third union being with Mary Luebke, who is now living in Chilton, Wisconsin. Henry J. Markwardt remained a resident of Manitowoc county and after leaving school aided in the work of the home farm until twenty-three years of age, when he went to Iowa, where he also carried on general agricultural pursuits. He also spent some time in the timber country of northern Wisconsin, working in a sawmill. He then returned to Manitowoc county and began the manufacture of cheese in Gibson township in 1885. Two years later he removed to Kossuth township, where he continued in the cheese-making business, and afterward he was employed for twelve years in the Mann Brothers Pail Factory in Two Rivers. He afterward engaged in farming in that vicinity for seven years and 1907 he came to his present place of residence, called Louis Corners, where he conducts a saloon and general merchandising store. He carries an attractive line of goods and enjoys a liberal patronage, making his business one of the profitable enterprises of this part of the county. Mr. Markwardt was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Markwardt, a daughter of Joseph Markwardt. They have become parents of six children: Erna, Lilly, Selma and Melvin, aged respectively eighteen, sixteen, fourteen and six years; and two who have passed away. Mr. Markwardt and his wife are members of the Lutheran church and they have a wide acquaintance in this locality, where the number of their friends is constantly increasing.
THOMAS MARLBOROUGH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.361-362. Thomas Marlborough, who for the past eleven years has been engaged in agricultural pursuits on a farm of one hundred acres situated on section 32, is one of the successful farmers and progressive citizens of the town of Franklin. Mr. Marlborough was born in the town of Cato, Manitowoc county, January 6, 1862, and is a son of George and Margaret (Mead) Marlborough, natives of Ireland, who were married in this state. After their marriage, the parents of Thomas Marlborough settled on forty acres of land, in the town of Cato, which was then in an undeveloped state and covered with dense timber. After six years on this place, during which time he erected a log cabin and other log buildings. George Marlborough sold the property and bought eighty acres of wild woodland in the town of Franklin, where he first built a log shanty, and as the years went by erected more modern structures, and put his land in a state of cultivation. Here he continued to reside until his death in 1895, when he was seventy-four years of age, while his widow still survives and makes her residence on the old homestead, having reached the age of seventy years. Thomas Marlborough, who was the next to the oldest of his parents’ ten children, remained at home until his marriage, April 18, 1900, to Miss Margaret Gary, who was born August 14, 1863, the fourth of the five children born to William and Bridget (Egan) Gary, natives of Ireland. Mrs. Marlborough’s parents were married in Milwaukee, and shortly thereafter came to Manitowoc county and settled in the city of Manitowoc, where Mr. Gary was employed in the lumber mills until 1858. In that year he removed to the town of Franklin, and there he spent the remainder of his life in agricultural pursuits, clearing a good farm from the wilderness and dying in April, 1897, at the age of sixty-four years. His wife passed away June 24, 1878, aged forty-eight years, and both are buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery at Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Marlborough have two children: Marie and Margaret. After his marriage, Mr. Marlborough took up the one hundred-acre tract which he is now cultivating, and he now has sixty acres under the plow, on which he carries on general farming, raises hay, grain and sugar beets for the market, also marketing dairy products and hogs, and milks twelve cows, most of which are Holstein, while his hogs are of the Poland-China breed and his horses Percheron. His property is well fenced with barbed and woven wire, is equipped with ample water from drilled wells, and has been improved by the erection of a handsome brick residence, which replaced the original frame house. Mr. Marlborough is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Catholic Order of Foresters. His politics are those of the democratic party, and With Mrs. Marlborough he is a devout member of St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove.
NAPOLEON MARTELLE Marriage Record Vol. 5, Page 168, # 370. Husband Napoleon Martelle Father Michael Martelle Mother Henrietta Martelle Occupation Day Laborer Residence Two Rivers Birthplace America Wife Elizabeth Varaneau Father Lazare Varaneau Mother Henrietta Varaneau Birthplace America Date of Marriage September 3, 1883 Place of Marriage Two Rivers, Manitowoc County Color of Parties White Type of Ceremony Rom. Catholic Subscribing Witnesses Edward Lafleure And Agnis Archambeau Clery or Other M. Welbes - Rom. Priest - Two Rivers
HERMAN MARTENS From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 General merchandise, Manitowoc, was born Dec. 11, 1823, in Holstein, Germany. In 1850, he came to New York, remained there two months, he then came to Watertown, Wisconsin. In 1851 removed to New Holstein, Wisconsin, remained a short time, then went to Chicago; soon after returned to Watertown, engaged in buying grain and teaming; continued here till 1855, when he sold out his property and removed to New Holstein, he then engaged in buying and selling pork, flour and other produce. In the Spring of 1856, he removed to Manitowoc and opened a flour store; he gradually worked from one line of goods to another, and now carrying a general stock and doing a large and prosperous business. He now occupies a brick store 25x50, two stories and basement, which he built in 1875. Mr. Martens was the first shipper of grain from Manitowoc. Married in the Fall of 1856, to Sophia Kansier, of Mecklenberg, Germany. They have five children, two sons and three daughters.
LARS MATHISEN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Farmer, Sec. 32, Manitowoc Rapids Township, owns 122 acres and sixty-five improved. He was born in Norway Dec. 18, 1814. He came to America September, 1849, and settled on his farm in Manitowoc Rapids. He was married in that place Feb. 11, 1854, to Miss Rosine Hummel; she was born in Germany, 1838. They have eleven children living, seven daughters and four sons.
LEWIS MATHISEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.135-136. Lewis Mathisen is the owner of a well improved and highly cultivated farm of eighty acres in Manitowoc Rapids township, in the operation of which he is meeting with success. He is a native of this county, his birth having occurred on the place where he now resides on the 28th of November, 1866. His father, Lars Mathisen, was born in Norway in 1814, and there he was also reared and educated, continuing to make his home in his native land until 1849, when together with his brother Michael he emigrated to the United States. They came directly to this county, which at that time was very sparsely settled, the greater part of the land being covered with a heavy timber growth. They had but limited capital and this they invested in three hundred and twenty acres of land in Manitowoc Rapids township, upon which they erected a small log cabin. Here they lived together and industriously applied themselves to clearing their land and placing it under cultivation. As they were both hard-working, enterprising men of much determination they were meeting with very good success in their undertaking when two years after their arrival in this county Michael died. The entire tract then came into the possession of Lars Mathisen. For his wife and helpmate, Mr. Mathisen chose Miss Rosina Hummel, who was born in Germany in 1838 and died on the home place in 1873. They were the parents of thirteen children, eleven of whom are still living. The father continued to live on his farm until he retired from active work, after which he made his home with his daughters until his death in 1908, at the venerable age of ninety-four years. The youthful years of Lewis Mathisen were very similar in every respect to those of the average youth of that period and like circumstances, who was reared in the country. He attended the district school in the acquirement of an education until he was fourteen, but during the long summer vacations his energies were engaged in assisting with the operation of the farm. After laying aside his text-books he learned cheese-making, following this occupation until he was nineteen years of age. In common with the majority of youths he was anxious to see the world, never yet having been a day’s journey from the place of his birth, so in 1885 he went to Minnesota. There he worked as a farm hand for a year, during which time he acquired sufficient means to begin for himself as a renter and subsequently leased a farm, that he operated for a year. At the expiration of that period he returned to Manitowoc county and leased his fathers place for two years, then went to Manitowoc and obtained a clerkship in Carson's store. A few months convinced him that he preferred the life of an agriculturist, so he once more returned to the old home farm, and there he has ever since remained. The following vear he bought the place, and as he is a good business man of progressive and enterprising spirit, during the long period of his ownership he has wrought extensive improvements in the property. It is well kept up and fully equipped with all modern appliances and farming implements, while the fields are carefully fertilized and tilled and annually yield abundant harvests that fully compensate for the labor expended in their cultivation. Mr. Mathisen has never married but he has taken two bright boys to rear, Oscar and Edward Ulness. He is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran church, and in political matters he gives his support to the best man. Although he takes an active interest in all township affairs he has never been an aspirant to office. The cause of education has always found in him a stanch advocate, however, and for nine years he was school treasurer in his district and at the present time he is acting as a director. Mr. Mathisen is one of the substantial and prosperous citizens of Manitowoc Rapids township, where he has many friends, the majority of whom have held him in deep regard from boyhood.
HERMAN MATTES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.346-349. Herman Mattes, manager, secretary and stockholder in the Metallic Screen Company of Collins, is one of the enterprising young business men of that town. He was born in Schleswig, Manitowoc county, November 2, 1882, being the sixth in a family of seven children born to Philip Mattes. The latter was born in Germany, but came to the United States in young manhood, and settling in Wisconsin, married here. He lived until September 17, 1910, and was then seventy-one years of age. After passing with credit through the public schools of his vicinity, Herman Mattes took a course in the Green Bay Business College, and when eighteen years began to earn his own livelihood. Owing to his business training he was able at that age to accept the position of bookkeeper for the J. B. Laun Lumber Company at Kiel, continuing as such three years. Having gained valuable experience, he, with his brother John, Carl Findelman and Otto Stoelting, established the Metallic Screen Company at Kiel. For a year the business was operated as a partnership, then a stock company was formed, and the plant was moved from Kiel to Collins, where it has since remained. Seventeen employees are kept busy in the plant, and the product is sold from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In 1906, Mr. Mattes was married to Minnie Duecker, daughter of H. W. and Eliza (Stark) Duecker, natives of Manitowoc county. The father died May 8, 1911, aged fifty—three years, and his wife died before him on April 6 of the same year. Both are buried in the cemetery at Collins. Mrs. Mattes was the only child of her parents, and was born January 10, 1885. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mattes: Lillie, Lester, Philip and Henry, the last two being twins. In politics, Mr. Mattes is a democrat, and is now serving his first term as justice of the peace, and in 1912 was elected town clerk. He and his family belong to the German Reformed church of Collins. The people of Collins welcomed the removal of the screen plant to their town, for they realized the advantages accruing from such a movement, and during the six years it has been here under the efficient management of Mr. Mattes, the output has increased, and its economic value has been enhanced.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mattes
JOHN MATTES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.385-386. John Mattes, postmaster of Collins, and proprietor of the hotel here, is one of the leading men of his community. He was born April 24, 1872, in the town of Schleswig, Manitowoc county, a son of Philip and Julia (Reichart) Mattes, natives of Germany. They married in Wisconsin, and three children were born to them, of whom our subject is the youngest. The mother died in 1872, but the father survived until September 17, 1910, when he passed away, aged seventy-one years. John Mattes attended public school, and assisted his father, gaining a practical knowledge of life. When he attained his majority, he began working at the carpenter trade, and continued in that vocation for about eleven years. He then embarked in the hardware business and thus continued for about eighteen months. He next was employed at filing saws in a cheese box factory, but after being so engaged for eighteen months, he left to become manager of the Metallic Screen Company of Collins. In July, 1908, he purchased his present hotel, which is conducted in a manner to win the approval and patronage of the traveling public. A strong republican, his services to the party were recognized three years ago by his appointment as postmaster. In 1900, Mr. Mattes married Annie Lawrence, a daughter of Warren and Sophia (Ohloff) Lawrence. The father was born in Wisconsin, and the mother in Germany, and they were married in this state. Both survive and are living at Kiel. Mrs. Mattes was the eldest of their three children, and was born December 5, 1879. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mattes, Roland, Evaline, Armie, Melitta and Ovalla. The family belong to the German Reformed church of Collins, and Mr. Mattes is treasurer of the church, having held that office for the past two years. A man of conscientious intent, has carried on his business affairs honorably, and stands high in general esteem.
CHARLES MATTHEWS From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 Proprietor Hotel De Matthews, Kiel, was born July 25, 1846 in Germany. Came to New York in 1867, and sailed on the ocean till 1868, when he came to Chicago and followed the lakes four seasons. In 1872 he came to Kiel, and built this hotel, which he has since managed. He was married March 17, 1870, to Anna Christiansen, of Germany. The have three children, all daughters.
BENEDICT MAYER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 General merchandise, Two Rivers, born Dec. 28, 1833, in Baden, Germany; came to New Orleans in 1854, thence to Cincinnati and Rochester, N. Y. In 1856, he came to Manitowoc County and followed farming for nine years. In 1865, he moved to Two Rivers and worked for the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company for six years; in 1871, he established his present business. Married, in 1857, Miss Doratha Snidlemann, of Prussia. She died in 1859, aged twenty-eight years. They had two children, one son and one daughter. He married, for the second time, in 1860, Frederica Meyer, a native of Prussia.